02 Kunci Jawaban Pr Inggris 11b 2015 Ktsp

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Pada unit ini peserta didik akan mempelajari dan diharapkan menguasai: 1. tindak tutur menyatakan perasaan cinta, 2. tindak tutur menyatakan perasaan sedih, 3. berbagai teks narrative, lisan maupun tulis, 4. teks fungsional pendek lisan: warning, 5. teks fungsional pendek tulis: condolence message, 6. penggunaan verb of perception dan future perfect tense, dan 7. kosakata yang terkait dengan teks.


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Tindak tutur menyatakan perasaan cinta Tindak tutur menyatakan perasaan sedih

Teks narrative

Percakapan yang memuat ungkapan menyatakan perasaan cinta dan sedih yang diperdengarkan. Praktik bercakap-cakap menggunakan ungkapan menyatakan perasaan cinta dan sedih dalam konteks sehari-hari.

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Berbagai teks narrative Praktik menyampaikan teks narrative dengan topik yang dekat dengan peserta didik. Praktik menulis teks narrative dengan topik yang dekat dengan peserta didik.

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Spoken warning Condolence message

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Berbagai warning lisan. Praktik menyampaikan warning dengan topik yang dekat dengan peserta didik. Berbagai condolence message. Praktik membuat condolence message dengan topik yang dekat dengan peserta didik.

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Mampu bersikap sopan dan santun ketika berkomunikasi. Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan utama dan maksud ungkapan menyatakan perasaan cinta dan sedih dalam percakapan yang diperdengarkan. Mampu menyatakan perasaan cinta dan sedih dalam bahasa Inggris dalam konteks sehari-hari. Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan/topik utama teks narrative yang diperdengarkan. Mampu menyampaikan teks narrative dengan konteks sehari-hari. Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan utama, gagasan rinci, dan tujuan komunikatif teks narrative. Mampu menulis teks narrative dengan konteks sehari-hari. Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan/topik utama warning lisan yang diperdengarkan. Mampu menyampaikan warning lisan sesuai dengan konteks sehari-hari. Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan utama, gagasan rinci, dan tujuan komunikatif condolence message. Mampu menulis condolence message dengan konteks sehari-hari.

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Bobby :

1.1 Expressions

Alice : Bobby : Alice : Bobby : Alice : Bobby Alice


Jawaban: 1. He has received a scholarship to study abroad. 2. In Australia. 3. The boy is her only brother and he will live far away from her. 4. He tells her that communication is not a barrier. They will still be able to communicate although they are in different places. 5. She expresses sadness. B.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/ Ibu Guru: 1. What has Bobby brought? 2. What does Alice feel when Bobby comes? 3. Why does Alice feel sad? 4. How did Alice’s cat die? 5. Alice says, “I just buried it.” What does ‘it’ refer to?

Listen and answer the questions based on what you have heard.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Boy : You know what! I’ve received a scholarship to study abroad. Girl : Really? Congratulations, then. Um ... it means that you will stay in Australia, won’t you? Boy : Sure. Aren’t you happy hearing the news? Girl : I am excited hearing the news, but I am sad. Boy : How can that be? Girl : You are my only brother and you will live far away from me. I will have no one to share with. Boy : O, come on. Communication is not a barrier. We will still be able to communicate although we are in different places. Girl : You’re right. I’ll always support and pray for you. Boy : Thanks.

Read the following dialog. Then, listen to and answer the questions based on the dialog you have read.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: 1. Where does the dialog take place? 2. What does Romeo bring for Juliet? 3. Why does Juliet feel sad? 4. What will Romeo and Juliet do to solve their problem? 5. Juliet says, “I don’t doubt it.” What does the word ‘it’ refer to? Jawaban: 1. In a park. 2. A bunch of roses. 3. Their parents don’t agree with their love. 4. They will try to convince their parents about their love. 5. It refers to Romeo’s love for Juliet.

Yes. I think your cat needs a friend. By the way, where is your cat? I just buried it. Do you mean your cat died? Yes. A car hit it and it was seriously injured. Not long after, it died. What a pity! You must be very sad. No doubt. You know, it was my favorite cat and I loved it very much. I had kept it for several years. : Don’t worry. This cat will replace your old cat. It is as nice as your old one, I think. : Thanks, Babby.

Jawaban: 1. A new cat. 2. She is sad. 3. Because her favorite cat died. 4. A car hit it. 5. It refers to her (Alice’s) favorite cat. C.

Listen and complete the dialogs based on what you have heard.

Percakapan-percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/ Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Dialog 1 Rama


Hanuman : Rama : Hanuman : Rama : Hanuman : Rama : Hanuman : Dialog 2 Mrs. Tom : Rika


Mrs. Tom : Rika : Mrs. Tom : Rika


Mrs. Tom :

Rika Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut. Bobby : Alice :


Mrs. Tom :

Alice, look at what I have for you. A cat? Rika


Hanuman, I am (1) truly sad since I lost my beloved wife. So am I, Sir. Sita is always kind to me. I’ll (2) look for her right now. Do you know where she is? I’ll go with you, Sir. Ravana kidnapped and took her to (3) his palace. Ravana? Yup! He (4) loves Sita and wants to marry her. Now, let’s go to Ravana’s palace and (5) set Sita free. Let’s go. Rika, why don’t you eat your dinner? It’s your (1) favorite food, right? Yes, thanks. Anyway, may I ask you something, Mom? Sure. (2) What’s up, dear? I think father doesn’t care for me anymore. How can you say that? I believe he always loves you. He doesn’t have much time for us. I think he doesn’t love us. Don’t say that, dear. Your father is (3) very busy recently. His company is going to go bankrupt, so as a manager, he must work hard to prevent it. But now, I can’t share my problems with him anymore. He is always busy with his work, he doesn’t even have dinner with us. I know (4) you’re sad, but you have to understand the situation. We must support your father in this difficult situation. Please believe me. He will always (5) love us. You’re right, Mom.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI



Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Task C.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. Because he lost his wife. 2. Yes, he does, because Sita is always kind to him. 3. Ravana. 4. Because he loves Sita and wants to marry her. 5. He expresses sadness.


Salt is a very important ingredient. The princess thinks that her father is the most valuable person in her life and she loves him more than everything. She expresses love.



Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: This dialog is for questions 1 and 2. Man : What are you doing here, dear? Woman : I am just wondering why someone burned our barn. We never harmed others. Man : O, come on. Stop grumbling and don’t be so sad. We must be positive. Woman : It’s very hard. We have lost some crops in the barn due to the fire. Man : I know, but remember, the crops were not all burned. We are still able to sell some of them. Woman : You’re right. We must be positive facing this. Jawaban: 1. C 2.


a. b. c. d. e. f.

before twelve o’clock at midnight life is so hard for me How could I reach there on time Please be positive because the ball is over I don’t have a beautiful gown

Fairy : Cinderella :

Fairy : Cinderella :

Fairy : Cinderella : Fairy


Cinderella :


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: This dialog is for questions 3 to 5. Boy : Why are you weeping? Girl : My father passed away. Boy : Really? Girl : Yes. Mom just phoned me and told me about that. So, I have to leave the class now. Boy : Please accept my condolences. Girl : Thanks. Actually, it’s very hard for me. I do love my father. He is my everything. Boy : Don’t worry, you have us here. We all love and care about you. Girl : Thank you. Jawaban: 3. E 4.

Complete the following dialog with the correct expressions from the box. Then, practice the dialog with a friend.


Dialog 2 1. Mother and daughter. 2. In the evening. 3. He is a manager. 4. He has to prevent his company from bankruptcy. 5. To understand the situation and support her father in the difficult situation.



Cinderella : Fairy : B.

Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task A.

1. 2.

Why does Cinderella feel sad? Where are Cinderella’s stepmother and stepsisters going? Why doesn’t Cinderella go to the ball? What does the fairy do to help Cinderella go to the ball? When should Cinderella arrive home?

3. 4. 5.



Jawaban: Task A 1. b 2.


Complete the following dialog with the correct expressions from the box. Then, practice the dialog with a friend.

Jawaban: 1. c 2. B.








Answer the following questions based on the dialog in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. Father and daughter (king and princess). 2. It is like salt. 3. He thought that his love is not valuable at all for the princess.



Cinderella, why are you sad? Um ... (1) ________. My stepmother and stepsisters hate me. I think I have treated them very well, but they are always cruel to me. I have to do much work myself. (2) ________, dear. I am. I always try to do my work willingly. Now, they are going to a ball and I have to stay at home, as usual, doing housework. Why don’t you go there? Go to the ball? That’s impossible! They will never let me go. Besides, (3) ________. Don’t worry. I’ll give you the most beautiful one. Really? Thanks, but ... the palace is far away from here and the ball will begin in a few minutes. (4) ________? That’s not a big problem. I’ll give you a cart. Now, please go. Remember! You must arrive home (5) ________. Yes, Madam. Thanks a million. You’re welcome.








Task B 1. Because her stepmother and stepsisters are always cruel to her. She has to do much work herself. 2. To a ball. 3. Because her stepmother and stepsisters will not let her go. Besides, she doesn’t have a beautiful gown to wear and a wagon to travel. 4. She gives Cinderella a beautiful gown and a cart. 5. Before twelve o’clock at midnight.

Arrange the jumbled sentences to form a sequential dialog. Then, practice the dialog with a friend.


Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the jumbled sentences is 5–9–3–7– 1–10–4–8–2–6. Complete the following statements based on the dialog in Task C.


Jawaban: 1. a forest 2. her stepmother hates her and sent her to the forest 3. his hut 4. seven 5. cleaning the hut and cooking for them

Arrange the jumbled sentences to form a sequential dialog.

A. 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Beast : You have to return here as soon as your father recovers from his illness. You know, I can’t live without you. Beast : You’re in tears. What happened? Beast : O.K. I’ll let you go on one condition. Beast : Really? How do you know? Beast : So, would you like to return home to visit him? Beauty : Yes. A merchant passing by told me. Beauty : O.K., I promise. Thanks. Beauty : Yes. Please let me go. Beauty : I am in despair since I cannot visit my father. He is very ill. Beauty : What’s that?


Complete the following statements based on the dialog in Task A.

1. 2.

Beauty is sad because __________________________. Beauty expresses sadness by saying, “______________________________.” ______________________________ told Beauty about her father’s condition. Beauty told Beast that she would like to ______________________________. Beast will let Beauty go if she promises that ______________________________.

3. 4. 5.

Jawaban: Task A The correct arrangement of the jumbled sentences is 2–9– 4–6–5–8–3–10–1–7. Task B 1. she cannot visit her father who is very sick 2. I am in despair since I cannot visit my father. He is very ill 3. A merchant passing by 4. return home to visit her father 5. she will be back as soon as her father recovers from his illness E.

Create a dialog based on the following guideline. Then, practice the dialog with a friend.

Contoh jawaban: Lorenz : Hi, Isna. Isna : Hi, Lorenz. Lorenz : I see clouds on your face. What happened? Isna : I am very sad. My sister is in a coma due to an accident yesterday. Lorenz : I’m really sorry to hear that. I hope she will regain consciousness soon. Isna : I hope so. You know, I love her very much. Lorenz : I don’t doubt that. Let’s pray for her to recover soon. Isna : Yeah. Thanks. Lorenz : Where is your sister hospitalized? I am going to visit her. Isna : Um ... not this time, please. She is still in a coma and she needs intensive care. Lorenz : O.K. I understand the situation. Isna : Thank you.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut. Candra


Greets Dona.

Responds to the greeting and tells him that she is unlucky and sad today.

Asks Dona what happened.

Says that she lost her wallet.

Asks Dona where she lost it.

Says that she lost it on the bus.

Expresses sympathy and asks her what her wallet contains.

Tells Candra that it contains an ID card and money.

Tells Dona that she can borrow his money if she needs.

Tells Candra that she has no money to pay for the bus fare.

Asks Dona not to worry and tells her that he can lift her home.

Expresses gratitude.

Responds to Dona accordingly.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Contoh jawaban: Candra : Hi, Dona. Dona : Hi, Candra. Well, today is an unlucky and sad day for me. Candra : What happened? Dona : I lost my wallet. Candra : Where did you lose it? If you lost it in the classroom, you should tell the teacher about it. Dona : No. I lost it on the bus. Candra : Poor you! A pickpocket must have taken it from your bag. Anyway, what does it contain? Dona : An ID card and an amount of money. Now, I have no money. Candra : You can borrow my money if you need to. Dona : Thanks. I need money to pay for the bus fare. Candra : Don’t worry. I can give you a lift when you go home. Dona : Thank you so much. Candra : You’re welcome. That’s what friends are for. Create dialogs based on the following situations, then practice the dialogs with a friend.


Contoh jawaban: 1. You : Why do you look so sad? Your friend : I don’t know whether I can pay for the school tuition. You : What do you mean? Your friend : My father has been jobless for about one month. He was fired from his company, due to bankruptcy. You : Sorry to hear that. I hope he will find another job soon. Your friend : I hope so. 2.

Contoh jawaban: 1. You : Mom, please let me go now. Your mother : O.K., son. Be careful. You know, I am sad to let you go, but you have to do that. It’s for your better future. You : Thank you, Mom. Your mother : Be a successful man and make your dreams come true. You : I will, Mom. Please pray for me. Your mother : Sure. We will always pray for you. Although you will live far from us, we will always love and wait for you. You : Thanks. My love will also be yours too. 2.

Your mother : I’m sorry, dear. Due to my sickness, you have to replace me to do the housework. You : Never mind, Mom. I will be happy to do that. Your mother : Good girl! You : The most important is that you can recover soon. We all love you. Your mother : Thank you.


You : Hey, why are you in tears? Your sister : I am very sad, sister. You : What’s the problem? Your sister : I lost my favorite doll. You : Maybe you forgot where you placed it. Let’s find it. Your sister : I remember that I put it on the chair on the terrace, but it has disappeared. You : O.K. Please wipe your tears. I have money and I will buy you a new one. Your sister : Thank you, sister.


You Cinderella You

: : :







You : Your brother : You : Your brother : You


Your brother : You :

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut. 1.

2. 3.


You are going to go abroad to try your luck and make your dreams come true. You say goodbye to your mother. Your mother expresses her sadness and love for you. How would the conversation go? Suppose you are a prince. You express your love to Cinderella. How would the conversation go? You approach your youngest brother who looks sad. He tells you that he wants to buy ice cream, but he doesn’t have money. You smile and then buy him ice cream. How would the conversation go?


Cinderella, please listen to me. What’s that, your highness? We have only just known each other. However, I can’t help falling in love with you. I fell in love with you at the first sight. Thank you, your highness. Actually it’s an honor that you love me. It’s almost unbelievable. How about you? Do you have the same feeling? I love you too, your highness. Hi, Rio. Why are you looking so sad? Nothing. Don’t lie to me. Um ... I want to buy ice cream, but I have no money. O, gosh! I thought it was a big problem. Don’t worry, I’ll buy you one. Will you? Thank you, brother. You’re welcome.

1.2 Genre


What do the following words mean? You will read the words in the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. sungai kecil 3. sedikit 5. tali panah 7. cermat, teliti 9. melepaskan B.

2. 4. 6. 8. 10.

merundukkan badan menarik tegang desingan gedebuk

Read the text. Listen to and answer the questions based on the text you have read.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: 1. How many people were there in the Pandavas? 2. What was the relationship between Pandavas and Kauravas? 3. Who was Drona? 4. What was the purpose of Drona’s test? 5. What did Drona ask the children to do during the test? 6. Who had the first turn in shooting the wooden bird? 7. When Drona asked him to mention what he was seeing, what did he mention? 8. What did Drona tell him to do then? 9. Who could finally pass the test? 10. What was the key of his success in the test? Jawaban: 1. Five. 2. They were cousins. 3. Pandavas and Kaurava’s mentor when they were children. 4. To test the children’s concentration. 5. To shoot the eye of a wooden bird. 6. Yudhisthira. 7. He mentioned whatever he was seeing. 8. He told Yudhisthira to put down his bow, and take a seat. 9. Arjuna. 10. He focused his concentration on the wooden bird’s eye only. C.

Listen and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Parents are the ones who always care about our wish. Don’t you think so? Now, let me tell you a story. Once there lived a young man who came from a (1) rich family. One day, he graduated from university with excellent marks. He wanted his father to give him a new car for graduation day. Instead, his father gave him a box with a (2) diary in it. He was disappointed and decided to leave his house to find a job. He left the diary at home and thought that his father didn’t care about him.

Years passed by and the man was (3) successful in his business. He got married and had a son. His son was spoiled and all his desire should be satisfied. His son’s behavior reminded him of his father. One night, he dreamt of his old father and soon he decided to return home. However, it was too late. He only met his mother and found his father’s (4) graveyard. Being sad, the young man sat on his father’s old desk. His mother approached him and gave him a box. He recalled his (5) memory, his father gave him the box some years ago. He opened the box and took the diary. Surprisingly, a key fell from the diary. He took the key and (6) recognized that it was the key of the car he desired. “Your father had prepared it for you on your graduation day. He wanted you to be happy,” the young man’s mother said softly. The young man was very sad. Tears fell down from his eyes. He was so (7) sorry that he disappointed his father. His father had given something he desired, but he (8) ignored it. “Father, please forgive me,” said the young man sadly. Since then, he promised to care about his mother and never make her disappointed. Adapted from: http://www.indianchild.com/inspiring_stories.htm (September 29, 2015)


Find the words in the text in Task C which are opposite to the following words.

Jawaban: 1. rich 3. leave 5. old 7. sad E.

2. 4. 6. 8.

excellent successful late open

Answer the following questions based on the text in Task C.

Jawaban: 1. He desired a car, from his father. 2. Because he only received a diary from his father. 3. It contained the key of the car he desired. 4. His father’s graveyard. 5. Parents are the ones who understand us. They will do everything for our happiness. So, we must love and respect them.


Listen and complete the text based on what you have heard. Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: One day, a beautiful girl sat down on a (1) bench in a park. She was very sad for the world was intent on dragging her down. Suddenly, a little boy approached the girl. He stood right before her with his head tilted down and with great (2) excitement said, “Look what I found!” In his hand was a flower with its dried petals, not enough rain, or too little light. Wishing he would take his dead flower and go away, the girl faked a small smile and then (3) shifted aside. However, instead of retreating, the boy sat next to her. He placed the flower to his nose and declared with surprise, “It sure smells (4) pretty and it’s beautiful, too. That’s why I picked it; here, it’s for you.” The girl knew that she must take it. Otherwise, he might never leave. She (5) reached for the flower and replied, “Just what I need.”

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Instead of placing the flower in the girl’s hand, the boy held it in mid-air without reason or plan. It was then that the girl noticed for the very first time that the boy was (6) blind. The girl heard her voice quiver, tears fell from her eyes as she thanked him for picking the very best one. “You’re welcome,” he (7) smiled and then went away. He was unaware of the impact he’d had on the girl’s day. The girl sat there and wondered how the boy managed to see a self-pitying girl beneath an old willow tree. Perhaps from his heart, he’d been blessed with true (8) sight. Then, the girl put the flower to her nose and decided to end her sadness. Adopted from: http://www.rogerknapp.com/inspire/flower.htm (September 29, 2015)

Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik: One day, a beautiful girl sat down on a (1) ________ in a park. She was very sad for the world was intent on dragging her down. Suddenly, a little boy approached the girl. He stood right before her with his head tilted down and with great (2) ________ said, “Look what I found!” In his hand was a flower with its dried petals, not enough rain, or too little light. Wishing he would take his dead flower and go away, the girl faked a small smile and then (3) ________ aside. However, instead of retreating, the boy sat next to her. He placed the flower to his nose and declared with surprise, “It sure smells (4) ________ and it’s beautiful, too. That’s why I picked it; here, it’s for you.” The girl knew that she must take it. Otherwise, he might never leave. She (5) ________ for the flower and replied, “Just what I need.” Instead of placing the flower in the girl’s hand, the boy held it in mid-air without reason or plan. It was then that the girl noticed for the very first time that the boy was (6) ________. The girl heard her voice quiver, tears fell from her eyes as she thanked him for picking the very best one. “You’re welcome,” he (7) ________ and then went away. He was unaware of the impact he’d had on the girl’s day. The girl sat there and wondered how the boy managed to see a self-pitying girl beneath an old willow tree. Perhaps from his heart, he’d been blessed with true (8) ________. Then, the girl put the flower to her nose and decided to end her sadness. Adopted from: http://www.rogerknapp.com/inspire/flower.htm (September 29, 2015)


Answer the following questions based on the text in Task A.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Where did the story take place? What did the girl feel? What did the little boy give to the girl? What was the little boy like? What can you learn from the story?

Jawaban: Task A 1. bench 4. pretty 7. smiled

2. 5. 8.

excitement reached sight

3. 6.


Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Once upon a time, there lived a farmer who had a little land. His name was Tuan and he was a very kind person. He loved to help others. Whenever someone fell ill or needed something badly, Tuan was there to help. He appeared to be loved by everyone. However, there was someone who hated Tuan with all his heart. He was Juan, Tuan’s neighbor. When the harvest season arrived every year, he always felt jealous. Due to his laziness, he had very few crops to sell. On the other hand, Tuan earned a handsome profit through selling his products due to his diligence. One day, Juan could no longer contain his jealousy. Just days before Tuan was to reap his harvest, Juan set fire his crops at night. When the flames were doused, Tuan saw which direction the fire had started from. He recognized that Juan had set the fire, but he didn’t tell anyone about it. Some days later, Tuan was awakened by the sound of lamentations. It came from Juan’s house. His son was ill. Soon Tuan rushed to find the village doctor, but the doctor was unable to provide a cure to Juan’s son’s illness. So, he untied his horse and rode it. He rushed to the town to fetch an experienced doctor. This doctor was able to cure Juan’s son’s illness. A day later, Juan went to Tuan’s hut and began to weep bitterly. He confessed to his mistakes, but he was surprised when Tuan told him that he knew about it all. From that day, Juan changed himself into a good person. Adapted from: http://www.kidsgen.com/moral_stories/be_good_to_your_enemies.htm (September 29, 2015)

Jawaban: 1. C 2.








What do the following words mean? You will read the words in the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. ganjaran 3. berdebu 5. ketidakenakan 7. kurus 9. jatuh, pingsan B.


2. 4. 6. 8. 10.

dermawan memberikan menghitung menanyakan terdiam

Arrange the jumbled paragraphs to form a sequential text.

Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the jumbled paragraphs is 5–3–6–1– 4–2.

shifted blind

Task B 1. In a park. 2. She was sad. 3. A flower with its dried petals. 4. He was blind. 5. We must rise from our sadness. There is still a person who cares about us and gives us spirit to continue our lives.



Answer the following questions based on the text in Task B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What was the man like? Why did the man feel pity on the woman? What did the man finally do although he found the purse empty? Why was the woman shocked when she counted the money in the purse? Why was the woman speechless hearing the police officer’s statement?

Jawaban: 1. He was very helpful, kindhearted and generous. 2. He noticed that the woman was really sad. She needed the money to pay for her son’s school fee. 3. He handed all his money to the woman. 4. The sum of her money was doubled. 5. The man was not the thief. Taking pity on the woman, he gave her all his money. C.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

Suppose you are the woman in the story in Task B. Retell the story from your point of view.

Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami cerita pada kegiatan sebelumnya. Peserta didik memahami karakter wanita dalam cerita tersebut, kemudian menjelaskan kembali cerita dari sudut pandang wanita tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengevaluasi pelafalan peserta didik serta memberi penilaian. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik yang belum aktif untuk berani tunjuk jari dan menceritakan kembali cerita tersebut dari sudut pandang tokoh wanita dalam cerita tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan positif dan nilai. Sebagai pengembangan, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menceritakan kembali cerita tersebut dari sudut pandang karakter lain.

Contoh jawaban: One day I was walking along and I didn’t realize that a person had taken my purse. Of course I was very confused and sad. Suddenly, I saw a man carrying my purse. I reported to a police officer about it and asked him to arrest the man. When he handed me my purse, I saw the purse empty. I kept asking where he hid my money, but he replied that he found my purse empty. Of course I didn’t believe it. I begged him to give the money back because I needed to pay for my son’s school fee. The man looked at me. Taking pity on me, he handed all his money and said sorry for what had happened. Of course I was very happy receiving my money back, but guess what! When I counted the money I was shocked. The amount of my money was doubled. Few days later, I walked to my son’s school and noticed a skinny man walking behind me. I thought he was a robber so I reported to a police officer about that. You know, he was the same police officer who I took along to inquire about my purse. I told him about the man, but suddenly the man collapsed. O gosh! He was the same man whom the police officer arrested few days back for stealing my purse!

The police officer approached us and told me about the man. What a surprise! The man was actually a kindhearted man. He would help a person without seeking rewards. About the last incident, he didn’t steal my purse. He found my purse empty. However, hearing about my son’s school fees, he took pity and gave me all his money. How helpful and generous he was!

A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. B.

What do the following words mean? You will read the words in the text in Task B. to smash = ________________ to slam = ________________ to spin = ________________ to plead = ________________ to drip = ________________ to roll off = ________________ curb = ________________ to sob = ________________ to swallow = ________________ swelling = ________________ lump = ________________ dent = ________________ Arrange the jumbled paragraphs to form a sequential text.


“It’s my brother,” he said. “He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can’t lift him up. Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He’s too heavy for me.”


One day, a young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new car.


“Please, mister, please. I’m so sorry, I didn’t know what else to do,” pleaded the youngster. “I threw the brick because no person would help. I’ve tried to stop the cars passing by, but no one stopped.” Tears were dripping down the boy’s chin.


“Thank you and may God bless you,” the grateful child said to him. The man then watched the little boy push his brother down the sidewalk toward their home. It was a long walk back to his car, a slow walk. He never did repair the side door. He kept the dent to remind him not to go through life so fast that a person had to throw a brick at him to get his attention.


As his car passed, a brick smashed into the car’s side door! He slammed on the brakes and spun the car back to the spot from where the brick had been thrown. He jumped out of the car, grabbed a kid and pushed him up against a parked car shouting, “What was that all about and who do you think you are? Just what the heck are you doing? That’s a new car and the repairs are going to cost a lot of money! Why did you do it?”


Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and wiped the scrapes and cuts, checking to see that everything was going to be O.K.

Adopted from: http://www.emmitsburg.net/humor/archives/insperational/ moral_1.htm#Ice%20Cream%20for%20the%20Soul (September 29, 2015)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI



Answer the following questions based on the text in Task B.

1. 2. 3. 4.

How did a young and successful man drive his new car? What happened to his car’s side door? Why did the little boy do that? What did the young man do on hearing the boy’s explanation? Why did the young man not repair his car’s side door?


Suppose you are the boy in the text in Task B. Retell the text from your point of view.


5. D.

Jawaban: Task A 1. menabrakkan 3. memutar 5. menetes 7. pinggiran jalan 9. menelan 11. gumpalan

2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12.

membantingkan mengadakan pembelaan mengguling terisak-isak yang membengkak penyok

Task B The correct arrangement of the jumbled paragraphs is 2–5– 3–1–6–4. Task C 1. He drove very fast. 2. A little boy threw a brick at it. 3. His brother rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and the boy couldn’t lift him up. Meanwhile, nobody was willing to help. 4. He helped the boy’s brother and got him back to his wheelchair. 5. To remind him not to go through life so fast that a person had to throw a brick at his car to get his attention. TasK D (Contoh jawaban) One day I walked along the street with my brother. I pushed his wheelchair slowly. Suddenly, I slipped and my brother rolled off the curb. He fell out of his wheelchair and could not get up. You know, I tried to lift him, but I couldn’t. He was too heavy for me. I tried to ask for people’s help, but nobody cared. They drove very fast and didn’t care about my shouts. An idea appeared in my mind. I would throw away a brick at a passing car. I knew that it was a mistake. However, I thought that was the only thing I could do to save my brother. Well, a few minutes later, a car passed by. It seemed to be an expensive car. However, I didn’t care about it. I just thought about how to help my brother. I threw a brick at the car’s door. Soon the driver stopped his car. He was very angry and grumbled at me. In tears, I apologized him and told him about my brother. He then lifted my brother and got him back on to his wheelchair. He also cleaned my brother’s wounds using his handkerchief. I was so thankful and pushed my brother’s wheelchair home. Few years later, I saw a man driving a car slowly. I remembered that the driver was the one who had helped me. I still saw a dent on his car’s door. He never repaired it. Did he mean to let the dent remind him not to drive so fast that he could listen to a person who needed help?


Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati gambar berikut. Peserta didik diminta tunjuk jari dan menjelaskan isi gambar tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat meminta peser ta didik menyebutkan cerita naratif yang sesuai dengan gambar tersebut.

Jawaban: It’s about two men who are coming across on a bridge. B.

Read the text. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Jawaban: 1. They had a conflict. 2. He was looking for a job. 3. To build a fence. 4. He didn’t want to see his brother’s place anymore. 5. One day. 6. The carpenter made a bridge, not a fence. 7. He considered his elder brother quite a fellow after the mistake he had made. 8. They took each other’s hands and lived in peace. 9. When we have a conflict with other people, we should lead to openness (symbolized by a bridge) and not lead to isolation (symbolized by a fence). 10. It refers to the elder brother’s door. C.

Find the similar meanings of the following words in the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. adjoining 4. difference 7. pleases


2. 5. 8.

began exploded helped

3. 6.

major to spite

Look at the picture. What is it about?

Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer: Darajati P.


Read the text. Answer the questions that follow.

Once upon a time, there lived a couple named Rama and Sita. They lived happily until one day, the king asked them to leave the palace and stay in the forest. Rama was



supposed to be the next king, but King Ayodhya’s new wife was jealous. She convinced King Ayodhya to oust Rama from the palace. Sita loved Rama very much so she went with him into exile. One day, Rama and Sita went on a hunt in the forest. Sita saw a beautiful golden deer running near them. She asked Rama to catch it for her. While Rama was chasing the deer, a wicked King, called Ravana, appeared. Ravana thought Sita was very beautiful so he kidnapped her. Sita screamed, but she was not strong enough to fight him. Ravana took her to his kingdom and tried to convince Sita to marry him, but she refused. Hanuman, a white monkey, tried to save Sita. He insisted she return with him. However, Sita refused, because she wanted Rama to take her back to the palace. When Rama discovered that Ravana took his wife, he was very angry. Soon he and Hanuman went to Ravana’s palace to fight against Ravana. After a fierce battle, Rama and Hanuman defeated Ravana and they brought Sita back to the palace. Every person was very happy because Rama was back and they appointed him King. Sita thought their lives would be happy, but she was wrong. Rama was still suspicious about her purity. He believed stories that Sita had been unfaithful when Ravana held her captive. Sita pleaded with Rama and cried for his mercy, but he refused. There was only one thing she could do to convince Rama. She would burn herself on the fire to prove that she was still a virgin. If she was really pure, the fire will not burn her. The flames were hot and the fire roared, but Sita walked out without any burns. Finally, Rama and all of the people in the kingdom believed her.

Task B 1. It is the story of Rama and Sita (Ramayana). 2. Because King Ayodhya’s new wife didn’t want Rama to be the next king. 3. A beautiful golden deer. 4. Ravana. 5. He wanted Sita to be his wife. 6. Hanuman, a white monkey. 7. She placed herself on the fire. 8. The fire could not burn her. 9. She was a faithful wife. 10. It is ’good-natured’. Task C 1. couple 4. wicked 7. suspicious D.

2. 5. 8.

happily refused believed

3. 6.

palace defeated

Arrange the jumbled words to form sequential sentences. Begin each sentence with the underlined word.

Jawaban: 1. Hexa saw a cat chase a rat. 2. I heard a girl singing in the park. 3. The doctor observed his patient coughing. 4. Jury watched the athletes run along their lanes. 5. Mother smelt food burning in the kitchen. 6. Norman watched his teacher explain a lesson. 7. The students listen to their principal delivering a speech. 8. People looked at planes flying high above. 9. The robber felt a person spying on him from a car. 10. The hunter sensed a snake approaching him.

Adopted from: http://www.coedu.usf.edu/culture/Story/Story_India_Rama.htm (September 29, 2015)

Questions: 1. What is the text about? 2. Why did Rama and Sita stay in the forest? 3. While hunting in the forest, what animal did Sita want Rama to catch for her? 4. Who kidnapped Sita? 5. What did he want from Sita? 6. Who helped Rama fight with Ravana? 7. What did Sita do to convince Rama that she was still a virgin? 8. What finally happened to Sita? 9. What can you learn from Sita? 10. “..., a wicked King, called Ravana, appeared.” (Paragraph 2) What is the opposite meaning of ‘wicked’? C.

Find the words in the text in Task B which are similar to the following words.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

pair gladly castle cruel rejected beat distrustful trusted

= = = = = = = =

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Jawaban: Task A It is the performance of Ramayana at Prambanan Temple.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

the–a boy–in–Miko–swimming–river–saw mother–Diana–dress–sew–her–a–observed foot–felt–on–crawling–the boy–his–an animal chirping–tree–birds–we–on–heard–the veterinarian–Winda–cat–the–treat–watched–her

Jawaban: 1. Miko saw a boy swimming in the river. 2. Diana observed her mother sew a dress. 3. The boy felt an animal crawling on his foot. 4. We heard birds chirping on the tree. 5. Winda watched the veterinarian treat her cat. E.

Make sentences based on the pictures and cue words. Use verbs of perception in past forms.

Contoh jawaban: 1. Nadya noticed a man paint a horse. Nadya noticed a man painting a horse. 2. The students listened to their teacher make an announcement. The students listened to their teacher making an announcement. 3. The woman looked at her little son walk. The woman looked at her little son walking. 4. Luki observed a man mend a flat tire. Luki observed a man mending a flat tire. 5. Mr. Rico felt a stranger follow him. Mr. Rico felt a stranger following him.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


What do the following words mean? You will read the words in the text in Task G.


Jawaban: 1. menegakkan 3. jubah 5. menghanguskan 7. meremukkan 9. menyusut

2. 4. 6. 8. 10.

dengan meremehkan lembut yang memanggang menghancurkan bertambah besar

Complete the following text with the correct words from the box.


Jawaban: 1. d 2. k 6. e 7. a

3. h 8. g

4. b 9. l

5. j 10. c

Answer the following questions based on the text in Task G.


Jawaban: 1. Their uncle and aunt, the Thunder and the Lightning. 2. Their mother, the Star. 3. They were selfish and greedy. 4. She was not greedy, but generous and unselfish. 5. She hid it in her long, white fingers to share with her mother. 6. She went out for her pleasure and not to think of her mother. 7. Her rays shall be so hot and burning that they shall scorch what they touch. Men shall cover their heads when she appears. 8. Rewards for a generous and unselfish person (the Moon). 9. We should not be greedy and selfish. 10. The part of food the Moon received for supper. Complete the following text with the correct words from the box.



What do the following words mean? You will read the words in the text in Task B.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

lad to wander saintly platter attentively to descend tapestry parchment marvel to relate


Complete the following text with the correct words from the box. a. d. g. j.

= = = = = = = = = =

oil happy attentively desert

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

b. e. h. k.

embarrassed spill observe garden

and there was a table covered with platters of the most delicious food for that part of the world. The wise man conversed with every person, and the boy had to wait for two hours before it was his turn to be given the man’s attention. The wise man listened (3) ________ to the boy’s explanation of why he had come, but told him that he didn’t have the time just then to explain the secret of happiness. He suggested that the boy look around the palace and return in two hours. “Meanwhile, I want to ask you to do an activity,” said the wise man, handing the boy a teaspoon that held two drops of oil. “As you wander around, carry this spoon with you without allowing the oil to (4) ________. You will have found the secret of happiness by the time you arrive here again.” The boy began climbing and descending the many stairways of the palace, keeping his eyes fixed on the spoon. After two hours, he returned to the room where the wise man was. “Well,” asked the wise man, “Did you see the Persian tapestries that are hanging in my dining hall? Did you see the (5) ________ that took the master gardener ten years to create? Did you notice the beautiful parchments in my library?” The boy was (6) ________ and confessed that he had observed nothing. His only concern had been not to spill the oil that the wise man had entrusted to him. “Then go back and (7) ________ the marvels of my world,” said the wise man. “You cannot trust a man if you don’t know his house.” Relieved, the boy picked up the spoon and returned to his exploration of the palace, this time observing all of the works of art on the ceilings and the walls. He saw the gardens, the mountains all around him, the (8) ________ of the flowers, and the taste with which everything had been selected. Upon returning to the wise man, he related in detail what he had seen. “But where are the drops of (9) ________ I entrusted to you?” asked the wise man. Looking down at the spoon he held, the boy saw that the oil was gone. “Well, there is only one piece of advice I can give you,” said the wise man. “The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world and never to (10) ________ the drops of oil on the spoon.” Author: Paul Coelho in “The Alchemist” Adopted from: http://www.rogerdarlington.me.uk/stories.html (September 29, 2015)


c. f. i.

music beauty ignore

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The Secret of Happiness


A man sent his son to learn about the secret of happiness from the wisest man in the world. The lad wandered along the (1) ________ for 40 days, and finally came upon a beautiful castle, high atop a mountain. It was there that the wise man lived. Rather than finding a saintly man, the boy, on entering the main room of the castle, saw a hive of activity: tradesmen came and went, people were conversing in the corners, a small orchestra was playing soft (2) ________,

8. 9.




Answer the following questions based on the text in Task B. What did the boy want to learn from the wise man? How long did the boy wander? Where did the wise man live? What did the wise man do when the boy arrived at his castle? What did the wise man want the boy to do? Did the boy observe the marvels of the castle when he initially wandered around? Why/why not? What did the boy do when the wise man asked him to wander around his castle again? What can you learn from the story? “... but told him that he didn’t have ....” (Paragraph 3) Who does ‘he’ refer to? “Rather than finding a saintly man, ....” (Paragraph 2) What word is similar to ‘saintly’?

Jawaban: Task A 1. anak laki-laki 2. mengembara, berkelana 3. saleh, suci 4. piring besar 5. dengan penuh perhatian 6. menuruni 7. permadani hiasan dinding 8. kertas dari kulit 9. sesuatu yang mengagumkan 10. menceritakan Task B 1. j 6. b

2. c 7. h

3. g 8. f

4. e 9. a

5. Sandra ________________ [install] a computer program by the time we arrive. 6. ________________ [you – master] English by the time you arrive from England? 7. The manager ________________ [leave] his office by the time Mr. Robby calls him. 8. My parents ________________ [not – travel] abroad by three this afternoon. 9. The man ________________ [not – retire] by the time his first son graduates from university. 10. The police ________________ [report] the victims of the plane accident by tomorrow morning. 5. k 10. i

Task C 1. The secret of happiness. 2. 40 days. 3. In a beautiful castle high atop a mountain. 4. He conversed with every person. 5. To wander around his castle for about two hours carrying a spoon with him without allowing the oil on it to spill. 6. No, he didn’t. Because his only concern had been not to spill the oil that the wise man had entrusted to him. 7. He enjoyed the beauty of the castle and ignored the drops of oil on his spoon. 8. The secret of happiness is that we enjoy the marvels of the world, but we don’t ignore our duty. 9. It refers to ‘the wise man’. 10. It is ‘holy’.

Jawaban: 1. The fisherman will have gone to the sea by seven p.m. 2. We will not have finished the test by twelve. 3. Will the farmers have harvested their crops by next week? 4. Will Leo have joined our football club by the end of this month? 5. Sandra will have instaled a computer program by the time we arrive. 6. Will you have mastered English by the time you arrive from England? 7. The manager will have left his office by the time Mr. Robby calls him. 8. My parents will not have traveled abroad by three this afternoon. 9. The man will not have retired by the time his first son graduates from university. 10. The police will have reported the victims of the plane accident by tomorrow morning. J.


Complete the sentences the words in brackets. Change the words into future perfect forms.

Jawaban: 1. By Juli 2016, Irvan will have been seventeen years old. 2. By 10 a.m., the students will not have arrived at the museum. 3. Will Mr. David have moved to France by the end of the year? 4. My brother will not have graduated from university by 2017. 5. Please pick me up at five. By then, I will have finished my course. 6. By the next January the two celebrities will have married. 7. The football match will not have been over by midnight. 8. By the time your train arrives, we will have waited for you at the railway station. 9. Will Rocky have repaired your computer by the time you need it to type a proposal? 10. The mountain climbers will have reached the top of the mountain by this time tomorrow.

Contoh jawaban: 1. By the time I call Rara, she will have had her dinner. 2. By July 2016 my family will have lived here for six years. 3. By the time the students arrive at school, the bell will not have rung. 4. The children will have slept by the time Mr. and Mrs. Collin arrive home. 5. By ten o’clock Dewi will have finished doing gardening. K.

1. The fisherman ________________ [go] to the sea by seven p.m. 2. We ________________ [not – finish] the test by twelve. 3. ________________ [the farmers – harvest] their crops by next week? 4. ________________ [Leo – join] our football club by the end of this month?

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. A 2.


Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut.

Combine the following sentences using future perfect forms. See the example.








Write five sentences using verbs of perception.

Contoh jawaban: 1. I saw a bird perching on the tree. 2. Bella heard a girl call her name. 3. The boy noticed a fish swimming in the water. 4. The girls felt the wind blowing hard whilst camping. 5. Rani listened to her favorite band play at the concert.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI



Change the following sentences into positive, negative or interrogative.

Jawaban: 1. (–) The seminar will not have begun when we arrive. (?) Will the seminar have begun when we arrive? 2. (+) Sandra will have finished writing her novel by next month. (–) Sandra will not have finished writing her novel by next month. 3. (+) Tiara will have read the magazine by the time you want to borrow it. (?) Will Tiara have read the magazine by the time you want to borrow it? 4. (+) Your father will have been forty years old by 2016. (–) Your father will not have been forty years old by 2016. 5. (+) Arkan will have called you by 4 this afternoon. (?) Will Arkan have called you by 4 this afternoon? C.

1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

Continue the following paragraphs to form a good narrative story. You may use the words provided in the box.

Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami paragraf-paragraf berikut dan kata-kata dalam kotak. Peserta didik melanjutkan paragraf tersebut berdasarkan imajinasi masing-masing. Peser ta didik dapat menggunakan kata-kata dalam kotak. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membacakan cerita yang mereka buat. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengevaluasi pelafalan serta memberi penilaian. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik yang kurang aktif untuk berani tunjuk jari dan membacakan cerita yang mereka buat.

Contoh jawaban: Once upon a time, there lived an innkeeper with two daughters. His elder daughter, Rachel, was so beautiful that left every man enchanted. Unfortunately, the beauty made her arrogant and lazy. She didn’t help her mother do housework. Meanwhile, Dahlia, the younger daughter was plain, but she was kindhearted and humble. One day, a prince was on a journey. He arrived at Rachel’s village late at night and he needed an inn for shelter. Finally, he stayed at Rachel’s father’s inn and met Rachel and Dahlia. He was enchanted by Rachel’s beauty, but he thought Dahlia was also impressive in her simplicity. Knowing that the young boy was a prince, Rachel tried hard to catch his attention. She wore her best outfit and behaved well. She served food to the prince politely. The prince was happy, but he felt that Rachel didn’t do it willingly. She did it because he was a prince. The prince decided to reveal Rachel and Dahlia’s real beauty by giving them a magical mirror. A person who was standing before the mirror would tell the truth. At first, he passed the mirror to Rachel and asked her what the mirror meant to her. Rachel looked at her reflection in the mirror and proudly said, “A mirror is my close friend. I can’t live without it. Through a mirror I could admire my beauty. Yeah, I am the most beautiful girl in the world, so I have to be perfect. Performance is the most important.” Then, the prince passed the mirror to Dahlia. When he asked Dahlia about the importance of the mirror, she replied, “For me, a mirror is a means of introspection. Every time I see my reflection in the mirror, I think about what I had done that day, whether I had done good or bad deeds to others,



especially my parents. I don’t care about my bad appearance before the mirror due to helping my mother doing housework. For me, their happiness is the most important.” Hearing Dahlia’s statements, Rachel was speechless. She finally realized that her sister had the real beauty. The prince was also delighted. He finally found a girl with real beauty.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberikan soal berikut. ● ● ● ● ● ●

meet not for money beaten rice delicious food their school days go home grand palace

● ● ● ● ● ●

confused great welcome thank eat the beaten rice miracle the king’s kindness

Once upon a time, there lived a king who had an old friend named Suta. Suta was poor, but he was a good and loving man. When he had enough money or food, he often shared with other people who lived in poverty. One day, Suta and his family was lack of food. Suta himself had no fine clothes to wear, so he wore torn clothes. Knowing this, Suta’s wife asked him to meet the king in his palace to ask for help. Do you think that Sudhama would meet Krishna to ask for money? Please continue the story. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Adapted from: http://www.balagokulam.org/kids/stories/sudhama.php (September 29, 2015)

Contoh jawaban: Once upon a time, there lived a king who had an old friend named Suta. Suta was poor, but he was a good and loving man. When he had enough money or food, he often shared with other people who lived in poverty. One day, Suta and his family was lack of food. Suta himself had no fine clothes to wear, so he wore torn clothes. Knowing this, Suta’s wife asked him to meet the king in his palace to ask for help. Suta wanted to see his friend the king, not for money, but for the joy of meeting a beloved friend. However, he was confused. He didn’t have a gift to bring when he met the king. Then, he asked his wife to fetch a small package of beaten rice for the king. Suta walked all the way to the palace. When he reached the palace, he went in. The king saw him from a distance. Soon he rushed out and met Suta at the gate. He gave Suta a warm welcome and told his maids to serve delicious food and drinks. Suta had never seen such a beautiful palace. No person had ever treated him so nicely before, so he didn’t know how to thank the king for his hospitality. After Suta had taken a rest, they talked about their school days of the past. Then, the king asked Suta whether he was married and had children. Suta nodded his head shyly.

“I am sure you have brought a gift for me,” said the king suddenly. However, Suta was ashamed to take out his package of beaten rice from the bag. The king looked at the bag and took out the package. Then, he ate the beaten rice. Suta stayed at the king’s palace happily for several days. Finally, he decided to return to his village. He didn’t ask for an item from the king since he was happy that he could meet his old friend. On the way he was thinking how loyal and generous the king had been. When Suta reached home, a miracle occured. There was a grand palace where his old home had been. Many servants went about doing all kinds of work. His wife stood before him wearing beautiful clothes and jewelry. All his children wore gorgeous clothes. Suta could not believe it. “The king had helped us although we didn’t ask for his help,” Suta’s wife said. Adapted from: http://www.balagokulam.org/kids/stories/sudhama.php (September 29, 2015)

1.3 Short Functional Texts: Warnings and Condolence Messages

Dengan kegiatan pembelajaran yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberikan soal berikut. Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: The stove in front of you is made of high-quality materials. You do not need to use any (1) gas, like the usual gas stoves. Besides, it doesn’t produce a (2) flame, so it is safer for your home. However, please do not (3) touch the middle part of this stove, especially when it is (4) still on. This part is very (5) hot and may cause injury. Thank you. Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik: The stove in front of you is made of high-quality materials. You do not need to use any (1) ________, like the usual gas stoves. Besides, it doesn’t produce a (2) ________, so it is safer for your home. However, please do not (3) ________ the middle part of this stove, especially when it is (4) ________. This part is very (5) ________ and may cause injury. Thank you. Jawaban: 1. gas 4. still on B.

2. 5.

flame hot



Answer the following questions based on the texts in Task A.

Jawaban: Text 1 1. A presenter. 2. Five. 3. He will lie down on only three bottles. 4. Not to try the task at home. 5. It may cause injury. A.

Listen and complete the texts based on what you have heard.

Teks-teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Text 1 Now, we will see today’s fifth and (1) final attraction. Please applaud Mr. Dody, who will (2) lie down on only three bottles. The attraction seems easy, but actually it takes (3) a lot of practice. Mr. Doddy has learned to do it well (4) for years. So, please don’t try it at home. It may (5) hurt you. Thank you. Text 2 Thank you for watching the feeding of the (1) dugongs. You will watch the next feeding show at (2) 3 p.m. I would like to tell you that there are some touch pools in which you can touch the (3) sea animals. However, please do not (4) lift the animals from water. They are animals, not games. They may die if they leave (5) their habitats. Thank you.

Text 2 1. The feeding of dugongs. 2. At 3 p.m. 3. In the touch pool. 4. Visitors should not lift the animals from water. 5. The animals may die if they leave their habitats. C.

Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: This text is for questions 1 and 2. The cave you are going to enter has a low ceiling. Besides, it is dark. So, please watch your head and don’t forget to bring a flashlight or an oil lamp when you go inside. It is advisable to wear a helmet to protect your head. Thank you. Jawaban: 1. C 2.


Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: This text is for questions 3 to 5. Attention, all boy and girl scouts. Now, we have finished the trekking activity for today. Let’s return to the campground. Please do not use the path behind the ground, although it is nearer, as it is steep and slippery and you could fall. There is a safer road near the bridge. Thank you. Jawaban: 3. D 4.




Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI



Complete the following texts with the correct words from the boxes. Then, present each text to the class.


Jawaban: Text 1 1. f 2.








Text 2 1. e









Answer the following questions based on the texts in Task A.


Jawaban: Text 1 1. To warn people about the danger of smog. 2. Forest and land fire. 3. They should avoid leaving their houses. In case they have to do activities outside, they should wear masks. 4. Pollution Standard Index board revealed that the air condition in the town is ‘unhealthy’. 5. It is ‘stated’. Text 2 1. People living on the slope of a volcano. 2. Seismograph has shown that tremors occur more frequently. 3. They should evacuate to safe places. 4. There are security officers, assisted by armed forces, who will guard the assets. 5. It is ‘secure’.

Complete the texts with the correct words from the boxes. Then, present each text to the class.


Text 1 a. d.

the same enter

b. e.

accept careful

c. f.

robbed warn

Attention to all people in this neighborhood. Several people in this neighborhood have had bad experiences. They were (1) ________. The police are still investigating the case. I would like to (2) ________ you that the mode of robbery was (3) ________. Usually they come in two’s. They will pretend to be your guests. When you’re busy with one of them, the other will (4) ________ your house. So, please do not (5) ________ guests who you do not know, at your house.

travel approaching

b. e.

do not know meet

c. f.


Text 2 1. Who may the listeners be? 2. What do the listeners likely do on holidays, based on the text? 3. What should the listeners do when they travel by public transport? 4. What are the two pieces of advice for girls? 5. “Furthermore, especially for girls, it is better for you ....” Who does ‘you’ refer to? Jawaban: Task A Text 1 1. c 2. Text 2 1. d 2.















Task B Text 1 1. A warning about robbery. 2. Two. 3. They pretend to be guests of the house. 4. One of them meets the owner of the house and the other enters the house. 5. They should be alert when accepting guests who they do not know. Text 2 1. Students. 2. They may return to their hometowns. 3. They should not accept food or drink from people they don’t know. 4. They should not travel alone at night and wear expensive jewelry. 5. It refers to the girls. C.

Tell your friends a warning which you may hear at school.

Contoh jawaban: Please do not climb the school fence to buy food or drinks outside. It is impolite to shout at the sellers. Besides, the food might be unhealthy. So, it is better for you not to buy from them. Thank you. D.

Tell your friends a warning. You may choose your own topic.

alone crime

Now, the holiday is (1) ________. Maybe you would like to return to your hometowns. Remember, if you (2) ________ by public transport, please stay alert. Do not accept food or drink from people you (3) ________. Furthermore, especially for girls, it is better for you not to travel (4) ________ at night. Ask a person you know well to accompany. Also, do not wear expensive jewelry because it may invite (5) ________. May you have a safe journey and nice holiday.


Text 1 1. What is the text about? 2. How many people usually carry out the robbery? 3. What do they do when they want to rob a house? 4. How do the robbers distribute tasks? 5. What should the listeners do?

Contoh jawaban: Please do not stand under the roof in case it falls on you.

Text 2 a. d.

Answer the following questions based on the texts in Task A.


Complete the following text with the correct words from the box.

Jawaban: 1. f 2.









Answer the following questions based on the text in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. To express sympathy. 2. They had a very close relationship, were one spirit and inseparable. 3. A chronic disease. 4. She was lovely. 5. It is ‘sorrowful’.

Jawaban: Task A 1. c 2.






Task B 1. excruciating 4. shine

2. 5.

palm forever



Task C 1. f












Arrange the following sentences to form a sequential condolence message.

Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the sentences is 4–1–6–5–3–2. Match the words in column A with their correct meanings in column B. You will read the words in the text in Task B.


A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

embarrassed will always exist very surprising the inner surface of the hand to produce or reflect light last for a moment extremely painful

Complete the text with the correct words from Task A, in column A.


Dear Amanda, This is life experience you can never get used to. Losing a person you love is the most (1) ________ pain we can go through. You walk through life with an open (2) ________, helping those in need and offering your help where needed. You are an (3) ________ person and I know God’s light will (4) ________ on you soon, so you can enjoy the sunlight once again. Mr. Rhodda will be (5) ________ missed. My deepest sympathy,






Arrange the following sentences to form a sequential condolence message.


When you are ready, please come to my company. I know you are a skillful woman and I have a job which, I am sure, will suit you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and all your children.


However, please don’t worry. We have God who cares. About the hospital payment, let me settle it. You know, I’m indebted to your family, especially to Mr. Johnson.


Dear Alya,


He was the kindest man I had known in the world. God had changed me, through him. I, who used to be a street child, am now a successful man.


With love,


Please accept my heartfelt condolence on the passing of Mr. Johnson, your beloved husband, after being hospitalized for a long time. I know it is a difficult situation for you, with three children to look after.


Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer based on the text in Task A.


What is the purpose of the text? A. To give advice. B. To express sympathy. C. To apologize. D. To describe a person. E. To relate one’s experiences.


Who is Ms. Alya? A. She is the deceased. B. She is Mr. Johnson’s wife. C. She is Mr. Harwinton’s wife. D. She is Mr. Johnson’s daughter. E. She is the sender of the letter.

Complete the following text with the correct words from the box. fun role



Adapted from: http://www.sympathy-sayings-quotes-and-phrases.com/Sympathyverses-for-cards.html (September 29, 2015)

a. d.





Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer based on the text in Task C.

Jawaban: 1. E 2.


amazing excruciating forever shine palm


b. e.

memories precious

c. f.

hearts a shock

Dear Joanne, The tragic loss of your father, Steven, came as such (1) ________. He was such a good (2) ________ model to us all. I will never forget the time we went camping by the lake and the (3) ________ that we had. Those special (4) ________ will keep him alive in our (5) ________ forever. With love, Amiranda Adapted from: http://www.whattowriteinacard.com/Sympathy.htm (September 25, 2014)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI





What does Mr. Harwinton promise Ms. Alya to do? A. He will look after her children. B. He will attend the funeral ceremony. C. He will prepare everything she needs for the funeral. D. He will settle the hospital bill and give her a job. E. He will look for a place where Mr. Johnson should be buried. Which of the following is statements NOT TRUE? A. Ms. Alya has three children. B. Mr. Harwinton used to be a street child. C. Mr. Harwinton owns a company. D. Mr. Harwinton thinks that Ms. Alya is skillful. E. Mr. Harwinton was sick for a long time before he died.


Contoh jawaban: 1. Dear Kinta, Please accept my heartfelt sympathy on the passing of your grandpa. He was a good example of how people should live. He could keep up with the young generation. I always felt comfortable talking with him. He will surely be missed.

“... and I have a job which, I am sure, will suit you.” The synonym of ‘suit’ is ________. A. fit B. help C. comfort D. improve E. interest

Jawaban: Task A The correct arrangement of the sentences is 3–6–2–4–1–5.

Love, Ananda 2. Dear Desinta, I am sorry for the loss of your mother, Mrs. Tora. She was a diligent and generous person. She made many clothes for me and my family and refused payment. Seeing the clothes always reminds me of her kindness. I will always keep them well. I know her passing on has shocked you very much. However, please know that you are not alone. My friends and I will often visit you and make breakfast for you in turns, so you do not need to worry.

Task B 1.


Pilihan jawaban (B) benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat ”Please accept my heartfelt condolence on the passing of Mr. Johnson, ....”. Jadi, teks ini bertujuan untuk menyampaikan ucapan duka cita.



Pilihan jawaban (B) benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat ”Please accept my heartfelt condolence on the passing of Mr. Johnson, your beloved husband after being hospitalized for a long time.”. Jadi, Bu Alya istri orang yang meninggal dunia, yaitu Pak Johnson.








Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”About the hospital payment, let me settle it.” dan kalimat ”... and I have a job which, I am sure, will suit you.”. Jadi, Pak Harwinton berjanji akan membayar biaya rumah sakit dan memberi pekerjaan untuk Bu Alya, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (D). Pilihan jawaban (E) benar untuk soal tentang pernyataan salah karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat ”... the passing of Mr. Johnson, your beloved husband after being hospitalized for a long time.”. Jadi, orang yang meninggal Pak Johnson, bukan Pak Harwinton. Pak Harwinton orang yang mengirim ucapan tersebut. Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai dengan kalimat ”I know it is a difficult situation for you, with three children to look after.”, (B) sesuai dengan kalimat ”God had changed me, through him. I, who used to be a street child, am now a successful man.”, (C) sesuai dengan kalimat ”When you are ready, please come to my company.”, dan (D) sesuai dengan kalimat ”I know you are a skillful woman ....”. Kata ’suit’ artinya cocok. Kata ini sama artinya dengan ’fit’, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (A). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena maknanya berbeda; (B) artinya membantu, (C) artinya menghibur, (D) artinya memperbaiki, dan (E) artinya menarik.


Complete the condolence messages with your own words.

With love, Mrs. Anderson B.

Write a condolence message. You are free to choose your own topic.

Contoh jawaban: Dear Alfian, Please accept my condolences on the death of your sister, Aryanti. I remember her hospitality when I stayed at your house in 2014. She was like my own sister. Although she has gone, she remains in our hearts forever. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Sincerely, Ardian

Tape Script for Assessment This dialog is for question 1. Man : Why do you look different today? Any problem? Woman : Oh, just thinking about the job. The director didn’t accept my proposal. Man : Come on! It is not the end of the world, you know. Woman : Yes, but it has happened many times. Man : Never give up, dear. Let me help you if you like. Woman : Thank you. Question: 1. What happened to the woman? This dialog is for question 2. Boy : Mom, thank you for the book. You are a really thoughtful mother. I love you. Woman : I love you too, son. I hope the book is useful for you. Boy : Very much, Mom. It is an inspiring book. It motivated me to achieve my dreams without ever giving up. You know Mom, I finished it just in one night! Woman : Wow, great! Question: 2. What is the dialog about? This text is for questions 3 to 5. Once upon a time, there was a couple who had problems with their appearance. The man had a small nose, while the woman had a huge mouth. One day, their neighbor invited them to dinner. They really wanted to go and have a good time with neighbors, but they were not confident about their looks. They had a good idea. The man made a fake nose from a wax crayon and the woman made her mouth smaller. At the party, they talked near a stove. The man’s nose began to melt. His wife laughed at him and her mouth returned to its normal size. They felt embarrassed and put their heads down. The neighbor said, “Appearance is not important. We like you because you are so kind.” Since then they didn’t care too much about their faces and lived happily ever after. Adopted from: http://blog.dinolingo.com/2011/08/13/popular-koreanfolktales-short-stories-for-kids-in-korea-with-video/ (September 29, 2015)

Questions: 3. What was the couple’s problem? 4. How did the man change his appearance? 5. Why did the woman’s mouth return to what it is?


Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. C 2. E 6. C 7. E 11. E 12. D 16. C 17. C II.

3. 8. 13. 18.


4. 9. 14. 19.


5. 10. 15. 20.


Write a story. Share your work with the class.

A. Practice the following dialogs with a friend. Contoh jawaban: Once upon a time, there lived a boy, who was an orphan. He was so poor that he didn’t have a room to live in, or bed to sleep in and nothing else, but the clothes he was wearing and a little bit of bread in his hand which a kind neighbor had given him. However, he was good and pious. He wanted to go to another village to find a better life, trusting God that his life would change. Then, a poor man met him and said, “Ah, give me food to eat, I have not eaten for three days.” The boy handed him the whole of his piece of bread, and said, “May God bless you.” and went onwards. When he had walked a little farther, he met another child who had no jacket and was frozen with cold. Then, he gave the child his jacket, and a little farther on one begged for trousers, so he gave them away too. Not long after, he met a well-dressed man who offered the boy a place at his house. Besides him was the poor man the boy had met. The boy accepted the offer and was very grateful. Later, he knew that the boy he met was the man’s son who had got lost, and the poor man was the one who delivered the lost child to the rich man. It was the poor man who told the rich man about the boy. Now, the boy’s life had changed. He received good education and didn’t lack anything. Adapted from: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~spok/grimmtmp/118.txt (September 29, 2015)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Tape Script for Review Unit I Version A This Boy Girl Boy Girl

dialog is for question 1. : Hey, why are you crying? : My cat disappeared yesterday. : Be cheerful. It is not good to cry like that all the time. : Yes, ... but I love my cat very much. It always meowed around me, accompanied me when I was studying. Boy : I know it is hard for you. Why don’t you place a lost advertisement? Girl : Hmm ... you’re right. Why didn’t I think about that? Thanks for your suggestion. Question: 1. What happened to the girl? This dialog is for question 2. Boy : Hmm ... you are wearing that skirt again. Girl : Yes, I like it very much. I like the blue dots. Moreover, it was a gift from my grandma before she passed away. Oh, I remember her again now. Boy : I see. Question: 2. Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the dialog?



This text is for questions 3 to 5. A great warrior did not return from the hunt. His family gave him up for dead, all except his youngest child who each day would ask, “Where is my father?” The child’s older brothers, who were magicians, finally went forth to find him. They came upon his broken spear and a pile of bones. The first son assembled the bones into a skeleton; the second son put flesh upon the bones; the third son breathed life into the flesh. The warrior arose and walked into the village where there was great celebration. He said, “I will give a fine gift to the one who has brought me back to life.” Each one of his sons cried out, “Give it to me, for I have done the most.” “I will give the gift to my youngest child,” said the warrior. “For it is this child who saved my life. A man is never truly dead until he is forgotten!” Adopted from: http://www.storyarts.org/library/nutshell/stories/gift.html (September 29, 2015)

Questions: 3. Who put flesh upon the bones? 4. Why did the warrior give a gift to the youngest son? 5. How many people revived the man?

Review Unit I Version A Mata Pelajaran Kelas

Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. Listening Section

1. A. B. C. D. E.

Her cat died. Her cat disappeared. Her cat was sick. She forgot to feed her cat. She was not allowed to buy a cat.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

The skirt has blue dots. The girl likes the blue skirt very much. The skirt was a gift from the girl’s grandpa. The person giving the girl the skirt has passed away. The boy has seen the girl wearing the skirt more than once.

3. A. C. E.

The first son. The third son. The youngest son.

4. A. B. C. D. E.

He He He He He

5. A. C. E.

Two. Four. Six.

B. D.

The second son. The fourth son.

didn’t forget his father. breathed life into the warrior’s flesh. had found the best medicine for the warrior. tried to find the warrior in the battle camp. sacrificed himself to allow the warrior to live. B. D.

Three. Five.

This is the end of the listening section. B.

Semester Tanggal


I. A.

: Bahasa Inggris : XI

Reading Section

This text is for questions 6 to 8. Dear Tiara I am sorry to hear about Mr. Thompson’s death. We are still in shock, especially as we just had the hiking trip last weekend. I remember that we were already planning for the next hiking trip, and he already had more people in mind to take on the trip. I cannot imagine the pain of losing a brother, much more at the peak of his career. We will definitely miss him. Our colleagues also extend their deepest sympathies to you and your family. I have inserted our weekend hiking photos with Mr. Thompson. I hope his smiles will somehow bring back good memories. You and your family will always be in my prayer. Charlotte Adapted from: http://condolencewords.com/ (September 10, 2014)


: 2 (dua) : ....

6. What is Tiara and Thompson’s relationship? A. Friends. B. Mother and son. C. Husband and wife. D. Brother and sister. E. Father and daughter. 7. What can we conclude about Mr. Thompson? A. He and Charlotte had not met for a very long time. B. He had been sick for a long time. C. He and Charlotte had not known each other. D. He still had a plan before he died. E. He was fired from his company before he died. 8. What is the purpose of the text? A. To encourage. B. To express sympathy. C. To apologize. D. To describe a person. E. To ask for information. This text is for questions 9 and 10. This clock is battery-powered. Besides showing time, it can function as a lamp when the electricity is off. Just click the red button on the rear part of the clock. However, when you use it as a lamp, please do not touch the light. Besides, please stay at least 30 cm away, as its ray can make your skin dry. Thank you. 9. What warning does the speaker give? A. Not to see its ray. B. Not to dry the clock. C. Not to touch the clock. D. Not to click the red button. E. Not to be close to the clock when it functions as a lamp. 10. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the clock? A. It can function as a lamp. B. It is battery-powered. C. There is a red button at its bottom. D. Its ray can make our skin dry. E. Its function can change when we click the red button. This text is for questions 11 to 14. Once upon a time, in a village called Hannanga, a boy was born to a couple named Amtalao and Dumulao. He was called Aliguyon. He was an intelligent, eager young man who wanted to learn many things and indeed, he learned many useful knowledge, from the stories and teachings of his father. Even as a child, he was a leader of the other children of his village, who looked up to him with awe. On reaching adulthood, Aliguyon betook himself to gather forces to fight against his father’s enemy, who was Pangaiwan of the village of Daligdigan. However, his challenge was not answered personally by Pangaiwan. Instead, he faced

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Pangaiwan’s fierce son, Pumbakhayon. Pumbakhayon was just as skilled in the arts of war as Aliguyon. The two of them battled each other for three years, and neither of them showed signs of defeat. Their battle was a tedious one, and it has been said that they both used only one spear! Aliguyon had thrown a spear at his opponent at the start of their match, but the fair Pumbakhayon had caught it deftly with one hand. Then Pumbakhayon threw the spear back to Aliguyon, who picked it just as neatly from the air. At length Aliguyon and Pumbakhayon learned to respect each other and then eventually they came to admire each other’s talents. Their fighting stopped suddenly. Between the two of them, they drafted a peace treaty between Hannanga and Daligdigan, which their people readily agreed to. It was fine to behold two majestic warriors finally side by side. Aliguyon and Pumbakhayon became good friends, as peace between their villages flourished. When the time came for Aliguyon to choose a mate, he chose Pumbakhayon’s younger sister, Bugan, to be his wife. Aliguyon and Pumbakhayon’s relationship became closer, and their family lived a happy life ever after. Adapted from: http://www.philsites.net/folklore/stories/heroism1.html (September 29, 2015)

11. Why did Aliguyon and Pumbakhayon become good friends? A. They felt sick of fighting. B. They admired each others’ talents. C. Aliguyon was interested in Pumbakhayon’s sister. D. Aliguyon’s sister fell in love with Pumbakhayon. E. Pumbakhayon was reminded by his father to stop fighting. 12. Who was Bugan? A. Aliguyon’s sister. B. Aliguyon’s mother. C. Pumbakhayon’s wife. D. Pumbakhayon’s sister. E. Pumbakhayon’s mother. 13. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A. Pumbakhayon was Pangaiwan’s son. B. Aliguyon and Pumbakhayon only used one spear. C. Aliguyon and Pumbakhayon became brothers-in-law. D. Pumbakhayon was as skillful as Aliguyon in the arts of war. E. The battle between Aliguyon and Pumbakhayon lasted for four years. 14. “Their battle was a tedious one ....” (Paragraph 3) The synonym of ‘tedious’ is ________. A. rigid B. tricky C. tiring D. lively E. confusing 15. John : Are you sure that the money is here? Anne : Yes. I saw Mr. Miller ________ the money here. John : So, you saw him arrive here, dig the soil, hide the money and cover it with soil again? Anne : Exactly. A. hide B. hides C. to hide D. have hidden E. is hiding 16. Nia

: I will pick Lea up from the course. Would you please prepare the dinner? Sandy : All right. By the time you arrive, I ________ preparing the dinner. Nia : O.K. Thanks. A. will finish B. will be finishing C. will be finished D. will have finished E. have been finishing



This text is for questions 17 to 20. A tailor and a goldsmith were traveling together. One evening, they reached a hill. They saw a group of little men and women. The people had taken each other’s hands and whirled round in the dance with the greatest pleasure and delight. In the midst of them sat an old man who was rather taller than the rest. He wore a parti-colored coat, and his iron-grey beard hung down over his breast. The two remained standing full of astonishment and watched the dancing. The old man made a sign that they should enter and the little folks willingly opened their circle. The goldsmith was brave enough, stepped in; the tailor felt a little afraid at first and held back, but when he saw how merry all was, he plucked up his courage and followed. The circle closed again directly and the little folks went on singing and dancing with the wildest leaps. After he had finished his work, the old man tapped them both on the shoulder in a friendly manner, as much as to say, they had behaved well to let all that had been done to them willingly and without any struggle. He pointed with his finger to a heap of coals which lay at one side and signified to the travelers by his gestures that they were to fill their pockets with them. Both of them obeyed, although they did not know of what use the coals would be to them and then they went on their way to seek a shelter for the night. When they had arrived in the valley, it was midnight already and the song ceased. In a moment all had vanished and the hill lay in solitude in the moonlight. The two travelers found an inn and covered themselves up on their straw-beds with their coats, but in their weariness forgot to take the coals out of them before doing so. A heavy weight on their limbs awakened them earlier than usual. They felt their pockets and could not believe their eyes when they saw that they were not filled with coals, but with pure gold. They had now become rich folks, but the goldsmith still wishes to have more, so the goldsmith suggested that they wait another day and go out again in the evening in order to bring back still greater treasures from the old man on the hill. The tailor refused and chose to go home instead. In the evening the goldsmith hung a couple of bags over his shoulders to stow away a great deal and took the road to the hill. He found, as on the night before, the little folks at their singing and dancing and the old man again signed to him to take coal away with him. He was not slow about sticking as much into his bags as he could, went back quite delighted and covered himself with his coat. “Even if the gold does weigh heavily,” said he, “I will gladly bear that.” At last he fell asleep with the sweet anticipation of waking in the morning an enormously rich man. When he opened his eyes, he got up in haste to examine his pockets, but how amazed he was when he drew nothing out of them but black coals and that howsoever often he put his hands in them. “The gold I got the night before is still there for me,” he thought, and went and brought it out, but how shocked he was when he saw that it likewise had again turned into coal. He then began to weep aloud. Adapted from: http://myweb.dal.ca/barkerb/fairies/grimm/182.html (September 29, 2015)

17. What did the tailor and the goldsmith do on the hill? A. They ate and drank lustily. B. They tried to steal the little man’s gold. C. They tried to escape from the little folks. D. They joined the little folks in singing and dancing. E. They hid and watched the little folks singing and dancing. 18. What did the old man ask the tailor and goldsmith to do? A. To sit on the coals. B. To help the man lift the coals. C. To bring the coals to the hill top. D. To fill their pockets with the coals. E. To bring the coals to the foot of the hill.

19. What can we learn from the story? A. We should be honest. B. We should be humble. C. We should not be greedy. D. We should help each other. E. We should take care of each other.


Write a condolence message. You are free to choose your own topic.

20. “He was not slow about sticking as much into his bags as he could, ....” (Paragraph 8) Who does ‘he’ refer to? A. The old man. B. The goldsmith. C. The tailor. D. The innkeeper. E. One of the little folks.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Kunci Review Unit I Version A I.

Pilihan Ganda

1. B

11. B

2. C

12. D

3. B

13. E

4. A

14. C

5. B

15. A

6. D

16. D

7. D

17. D

8. B

18. D

9. E

19. C

10. C

20. B



Contoh jawaban: Dear Arkha, I am so sorry to hear that your father passed away in an accident. He was a kind-hearted man who was willing to help other people. I remember when he tried to find a job for me, his friend’s daughter. I really owed much to him. My thoughts and prayers are with you. With love, Arni

Tape Script for Review Unit I Version B This dialog is for question 1. Boy : Why do you look sad? Girl : Mirna kept silent all the time. I think she was angry with me. Boy : Why do you have such an opinion? Girl : Well, she had never done this to me before. She always talked with me about anything. Maybe I have made a mistake without realizing it. Boy : Well, I think it is better for you to ask her directly, and ask for forgiveness if you have made a mistake. Question: 1. What makes the girl sad? This dialog is for question 2. Man : Is it the fruity cake Nita has ordered for our company’s anniversary? Woman : Yes. Man : I love seeing it. Very beautiful. I want to order one for my sister’s birthday party next month. Woman : Thank you. O.K. I’ll be waiting for your order. Question: 2. What does the man want to order the cake for? This text is for questions 3 to 5. Once upon a time, there was a hill called “3-Year Hill” in a small village. According to traditions, if someone fell down on this hill, he could only live for 3 years more. That’s why, the hill was called 3-year hill. One day, an old man went up the hill. Suddenly a rabbit passed by him. He was so surprised that he fell down. Then, he got sick because he worried too much about it. While he was sick, a little boy came to him and told him, “Please don’t worry too much, because if you fall down on the hill, you can live for only three years more, but if you fall down two times, you can live for six years more.” Hearing this, the old man went to the hill and tried to fall down all day. Since then, he got cured and lived happily after. Adopted from: http://blog.dinolingo.com/2011/08/13/popular-koreanfolktales-short-stories-for-kids-in-korea-with-video/ (September 29, 2015)

Questions: 3. Why was the hill called “3-Year Hill”? 4. What made the man surprised? 5. What should the man do to live for six years?



Review Unit I Version B Mata Pelajaran Kelas

: Bahasa Inggris : XI

Semester Tanggal


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan


Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.



: 2 (dua) : ....

Reading Section

This text is for questions 6 to 8. A.

Listening Section

1. A. B. C. D. E.

She failed her test. Her friend was sick. She has made a mistake to her friend. Her friend kept silent all the time. Her friend didn’t do as she had promised.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

His His His His His

3. A. B.

It changed its form every three years. If a person fell down on the hill, he/she would live for only three years more. If a person climbed the hill, he/she would get rich for three years. If a person fell down on the hill, he/she would get rich for three years. If a person someone fell down on the hill, not more than three years later he would get rich.

C. D. E. 4. A. B. C. D. E.


5. A. B. C. D. E.

He He He He He

birthday party. sister’s birthday party. friend’s birthday party. school’s anniversary. company’s anniversary.

dead rabbit. colorful rabbit. rabbit passed by. rabbit which could talk. rabbit which suddenly disappeared. should should should should should

fast for six years. fast for three years. let himself fall six times. let himself fall twice. live on the hill for three years.

This is the end of the listening section

Dear Arnetta, Please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of your dear father, Mr. Harrison. I am so sorry about your loss. Although I never met your father, I know how much he meant to you. Through your stories of his frugality, his love of nature and his loving support for you, I feel as though I knew him. I know he was a fine man and that his absence will be felt by many people. When my father died, it gave me a good feeling to talk with people about him. I would enjoy hearing more about your father and his life if you would like to share memories when we get together. In the meantime, I will be thinking of you and your family. With deep sympathy, Rossy Adapted from: http://www.businesswritingblog.com/business_writing/ writing_condolences/ (September 29, 2015)

6. What is paragraph two about? A. Rossy’s experience with Arnetta’s father. B. Rossy’s expressions of condolence. C. Rossy’s opinion of Arnetta’s father. D. Rossy’s advice to Arnetta. E. Rossy’s offer of help. 7. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A. Mr. Harrison loved nature. B. Rossy’s father had died already. C. Rossy never talked about his father. D. Rossy never met Arnetta’s father. E. Rossy knew Mr. Harrison from Arnetta’s story. 8. What does Rossy offer Arnetta to do? A. Help Arnetta forget her father. B. Talk with Rossy about her father. C. Help Arnetta talk to people about her father. D. Accompany Arnetta during her difficult times. E. Talk with Rossy about their sweet memories. This text is for questions 9 and 10. Thank you for buying the medicine. You can see the proof of its healing effect. However, I’d like to remind you of what Mr. Joy has said, that you should keep this medicine out of children’s reach. It is not suitable for them. It may make their skin burn.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


9. What has the speaker just done before telling the text? A. He/she has sold the medicine. B. He/she has taken the medicine. C. He/she has given the sample of the medicine. D. He/she has explained how the medicine works. E. He/she has explained the bad effect of medicine. 10. What should people NOT do based on the text? A. Rub the medicine to skin. B. Give the medicine to children. C. Keep the medicine in a dry place. D. Keep the medicine in the refrigerator. E. Take the medicine before having meals. This text is for questions 11 to 14. Able Fable was a miserable old man, who was always worried that a person would break into his house and steal all his money. Each night before he would go to sleep, he would lock his wallet in a safe located near his bed so that if people to try to rob him, they would have to wake him up to do it. Unfortunately, on the night that Able died he had only placed the wallet on the table near the safe without locking it up. Before his death, Able said to his family and friends that none of them were to touch his home or his money and he said that a person who came near his safe and wallet would be greeted by his ghost and be scared away. Following Able’s death the family decided that the money in the Fable house was not doing any good if not used, so they went into the home to get it. Able’s oldest son decided to make the first attempt. He opened the door and went in, he saw Able’s wallet on the table and reached for it. Immediately he heard a voice say, “I am the ghost of Able Fable, put the money back on the table!” The voice scared the son so much that he ran from the room and out the door, screaming, “I heard the voice of a ghost!” The oldest daughter in disbelief decided she would make her way into Able’s room. She entered and reached for the wallet. She then heard the voice say, “I am the ghost of Able Fable, put the money back on the table!” The daughter was so scared that she dropped the wallet and ran from the room screaming, “I heard the voice of a ghost!” The youngest son decided to make his attempt at getting the money. When he entered the room and reached for the wallet, he also heard the voice say, “I am the ghost of Able Fable, put the money back on the table!” The youngest son decided that he was not easily scared and replied, “Well, I am the ghost of the most famous thief in this town and the money is going to stay in my pocket!” The youngest son took all the money and the ghost of Able Fable was never heard from again! Adapted from: http://www.boyscouttrail.com/content/story ghost_of_able_ fable-1068.asp (September 29, 2015)

11. What is the purpose of the text? A. To tell the readers the news of the day. B. To describe how to do an activity step by step. C. To describe an object in general. D. To entertain the readers. E. To persuade the readers that a certain topic is the case. 12. Where did Able Fable usually put his money? A. In a safe near his bed. B. In an iron cupboard in his room. C. In a hidden cupboard in his room. D. In a safe hidden on his room wall. E. In a wallet he brought everywhere. 13. How did the youngest son succeed? A. He used a stick to take it. B. He entered his father’s room silently. C. He pretended to be the ghost of a thief. D. He pretended to be the ghost of a police. E. He pretended as if his father had been alive.



14. What can we learn from the story? A. We should not be greedy. B. We should be brave. C. We should not be stingy. D. We should be humble. E. We should be willing to sacrifice ourselves. 15. I heard him ________ the door very carefully. A. closed B. closing C. to close D. have closed E. were closing 16. Ina : When ________ with the project? Titin : By this time next year. A. will we finish B. will we be finishing C. will we be finished D. will we have finished E. have we been finishing For questions 17 to 20, complete the text with the correct words. Mr. Miacca Tommy Grimes was a good boy, occasionally a bad boy. When he was a bad boy, he was a very bad boy. His mother used to say to him, ”Tommy, Tommy, be a good boy, and don’t go out onto the street, or else Mr. Miacca, the giant, will catch you.”, but still he would go out onto the street. One day, sure enough, he had scarcely got round the corner, when Mr. Miacca did (17) ________ him and popped him into a bag upside down, and took him off to his house. When Mr. Miacca got Tommy inside, he pulled him out of the bag and set him down and felt his arms and legs. “You’re rather tough,” he said, “but you’re all I’ve got for supper and you’ll not taste bad boiled, but oh what a pity! I’ve forgotten the herbs, and you’ll taste bitter without herbs. “Sally! Here, I say, Sally!” and he called Mrs. Miacca. So Mrs. Miacca came out of another room and said, “What do you want, my dear?” “Oh, here’s a little boy for supper,” said Mr. Miacca “and I’ve forgotten the herbs. Mind him, will you, while I go for (18) ________.” “All right, my love,” said Mrs. Miacca, and off he went. Tommy was very afraid. He prayed to God silently. Then, he got an idea. He said to Mrs. Miacca, “Does Mr. Miacca always have little boys for supper?” “Mostly, my dear,” said Mrs. Miacca, “if little boys are bad enough and get in his way.” “Don’t you have anything else but boy-meat? No (19) ________?” asked Tommy. “Ah, I love pudding,” says Mrs. Miacca. “It’s not often I get pudding.” “Let me tell you. My mother is making a pudding this very day,” said Tommy Grimes, “and I am sure she’d give you, if I ask her. Shall I run and (20) ________ the pudding?” “Now, that’s a thoughtful boy,” said Mrs. Miacca, “only don’t be long and be sure to be back for supper.” So off Tommy went and became as good as he could be, and never went round the corner of the street. Adapted from: Joseph Jacobs, English Fairy Tales, the Pennsylvania State University, 2005 inmce.ucoz.ru/_ld/0/94_English-Fairy-T.pdf (September 29, 2015)

17. A. C. E.

catch chase invite

B. D.

greet eat

18. A. C. E.

it her them

B. D.

him me

19. A. C. E.

herbs pudding breakfast

B. D.

chocolate supper

20. A. C. E.

find buy make

B. D.

get put


Write a story. Share your work with the class.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Kunci Review Unit I Version B I.

Pilihan Ganda

1. D

11. D

2. B

12. A

3. B

13. C

4. C

14. B

5. D

15. B

6. C

16. D

7. C

17. A

8. B

18. E

9. A

19. C

10. B

20. B



Contoh jawaban: The story is about a young man who wished to marry a farmer’s beautiful daughter. One day he went to the farmer to ask for his permission. The farmer looked at him and responded, “Son, go stand out in that field and I’m going to release three bulls, one at a time. If you can catch the tail of any one of the three bulls, you can marry my daughter.” The young man stood in the pasture and waited for the first bull. The barn door opened and out ran the biggest, meanestlooking bull he had ever seen. He decided that one of the next bulls should be a better choice than this one. Hence, he ran over to the side and let the bull pass through the pasture out the back gate. The barn door opened again. It was unbelievable. He had never seen an animal so big and fierce in his life. It stood—pawing the ground, grunting, slinging slobber—as it eyed him. Whatever the next bull was like, it would be a better choice than this one. He ran to the fence and let the bull pass through the pasture out the back gate. The door opened a third time. A smile came across his face. This was the weakest, scrawniest little bull he had ever seen. This one was his bull. As the bull came running by, he positioned himself just right and jumped at just the exact moment. He grabbed ..., but the bull had no tail! Life is full of opportunities. Several will be easy to take advantage of, others will be difficult. However, once we let them pass, often in the hope of better future, those opportunities may never be available again. Adopted from: http://www.lovefatedestiny.com/shortstoriestoread.htm (September 22, 2015)



Pada unit ini peserta didik akan mempelajari dan diharapkan menguasai: 1. tindak tutur menyatakan sikap terhadap sesuatu, 2. tindak tutur menyatakan perasaan marah, 3. berbagai teks hortatory exposition, baik lisan maupun tulisan, 4. teks lisan fungsional pendek: appeal, 5. teks tulis fungsional pendek: iklan lowongan pekerjaan dan surat lamaran pekerjaan, serta 6. penggunaan subjunctive dan adverb clause.

Hortatory Expositions

• •

• • • • • • • • • • •

Tindak tutur menyatakan sikap terhadap sesuatu Tindak tutur menyatakan perasaan marah

Teks hortatory exposition

Percakapan yang memuat ungkapan menyatakan sikap terhadap sesuatu dan menyatakan perasaan marah yang diperdengarkan. Praktik bercakap-cakap menggunakan ungkapan menyatakan sikap terhadap sesuatu dan menyatakan perasaan marah dalam konteks sehari-hari.

• • •

Monolog teks hortatory exposition yang diperdengarkan. Penyampaian teks hor tatory exposition secara lisan. Pemahaman terhadap tujuan komunikatif, informasi rinci, dan informasi tertentu teks hortatory exposition. Praktik menulis teks hortatory exposition.

• •

Teks lisan berbentuk appeal Teks iklan lowongan pekerjaan dan surat lamaran pekerjaan

Berbagai teks lisan berbentuk appeal. Penyampaian teks appeal secara lisan. Praktik menulis iklan lowongan pekerjaan dan surat lamaran pekerjaan.

• •

Mampu bersikap sopan dan santun ketika berkomunikasi. Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan utama dan maksud ungkapan menyatakan sikap terhadap sesuatu dan menyatakan perasaan marah dalam percakapan yang diperdengarkan. Mampu bercaka-cakap untuk menyatakan sikap terhadap sesuatu dan menyatakan perasaan marah dalam konteks seharihari. Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan utama, serta informasi rinci dan tertentu dari monolog hortatory exposition yang diperdengarkan. Mampu menyampaikan teks hortatory exposition dengan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima. Mampu menulis teks hortatory exposition dengan memperhatikan langka-langkah retorika dan struktur teks yang benar. Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan/topik utama berbagai teks appeal lisan yang diperdengarkan. Mampu menyampaikan berbagai teks appeal lisan sesuai dengan konteks sehari-hari. Mampu mengungkapkan tujuan komunikatif teks berbentuk iklan lowongan pekerjaan dan surat lamaran pekerjaan. Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan utama dan gagasan rinci teks berbentuk iklan lowongan pekerjaan dan surat lamaran pekerjaan. Mampu menulis iklan lowongan pekerjaan dan surat lamaran pekerjaan sesuai dengan konteks sehari-hari.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


2.1 Expressions

David Sheila David Sheila

: : : :

Are you kidding? No, I am not. I’m serious. What’s the matter? Um ... I didn’t think you like pencak silat. Don’t get me wrong. I like martial arts, especially pencak silat. I’ve joined it for almost three years. What? You must be a master now. No, I don’t think so. Well, girls are supposed to have a fighting skill in self-defense, right? Yes, you’re right.

David : Sheila : David : Dialog 2 Mrs. Ovi : Sandra : Mrs. Ovi : B.

Listen to and answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A.

Dialog 1 Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: 1. Who are talking in the dialog? 2. What are they talking about? 3. What does Teddi say to respond to Rona’s request to check his answer? 4. Why does Rona ask Teddi to check his answer? 5. Teddi says, “Well, let me check it then.” What does the word ‘it’ refer to? Jawaban: 1. A girl and a boy who are classmates. 2. About Teddi’s wrong answer for number six. 3. He says, “Sorry, I’ll do it later when I have finished doing the homework.” 4. Because they have different answers. 5. It refers to the answer for number six. Dialog 2 Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: 1. Who are talking in the dialog? 2. What does Mrs. Wena feel that time? 3. What must Budi do? 4. Why did Budi not hear when his mother called him? 5. Mrs. Wena says, “I’m extremely unhappy with this.” What does she express? Jawaban: 1. Mother and son. 2. She is angry. 3. He must pick his mother up. 4. He was sleeping. 5. She expresses anger.


Practice the following dialogs with a friend. Do it in turns.

Dialog 1 David : Our school will have two extra-curricular clubs dealing with sports. Sheila : What are they? David : They are pencak silat and badminton. Are you interested in joining one of them? Sheila : Yeah! It seems nice. David : What will you join? Sheila : I think I will join pencak silat. It is challenging, you know.


Hortatory Exposition

Sandra : Mrs. Ovi : Sandra : Mrs. Ovi : Sandra


Mrs. Ovi : Sandra : B.

Sandra, look! There is a stain on this dress. O, gosh! What did you do? Did you mix this dress with the other ones when you did the washing? Um ... yes, I did. I’ve told you many times not to mix colored clothes with plain ones. Now look what you’ve done. Sorry, Mom. Oh, dear .... It seems you never listen to me. I’m not happy with this! It’s not like that, Mom. I’m really sorry that I made you angry. What can I do now? You can do nothing. It’s too late. Sorry, Mom.

Listen to and answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A.

Dialog 1 Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/ Ibu Guru: 1. What is the dialog about? 2. Who are probably talking in the dialog? 3. Which sport will Sheila join? 4. What did David think about Sheila’s choice? 5. David says, “What? You must be a master now.” What does he express? Dialog 2 Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/ Ibu Guru: 1. Where does the dialog take place? 2. What is wrong with Mrs. Ovi’s dress? 3. Why did it happen? 4. Mrs. Ovi says, “Oh, dear .... It seems you never listen to me. I’m not happy with this!” What does she express? 5. What does Sandra say to respond to it? Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. It’s about the two school’s extra-curricular clubs dealing with sports. 2. Schoolmates. 3. Pencak silat. 4. He didn’t think Sheila likes pencak silat. 5. He responds to Sheila’s statement. Dialog 2 1. At the speakers’ home. 2. There’s a stain on it. 3. Because Sandra mixed the colored clothes with the plain ones when she did washing. 4. She expresses anger. 5. She says, “It’s not like that, Mom. I’m really sorry that I made you angry. What can I do now?”


Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions based on what you have heard.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Girl : Why didn’t you show up yesterday afternoon? Lina and I had waited for you for an hour. Boy : Wait ... wait! What are you talking about? Did we have a plan to meet? Girl : Yeah! We planned to see a girl band concert at the town square yesterday. Boy : You must be wrong. Girl : What do you mean I’m wrong? You make me mad. Boy : I’m Gading. It must be Gilang, my brother, who should have gone with you yesterday. Girl : Does Gilang have a twin brother? Boy : Yes. Gilang and I are twins. Girl : Oops! I got the wrong person then. Sorry. Jawaban: 1. It’s about talking with a wrong person. 2. Because the girl thinks that the boy broke his promise (didn’t show up) yesterday afternoon. 3. They saw a girl band concert at the town square. 4. She is talking to her friend’s twin brother. 5. Gading and Gilang.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut. Percakapan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Girl : Arga, please turn down the volume. Boy : Um ... sorry. I can’t hear you! What did you say? Girl : Please turn down the volume! Boy : No, I won’t. I feel more energetic when I listen to loud music. Girl : Don’t you know that it is too loud? It bothers everyone in the house. Boy : It can’t be! I’ve already closed the door. Girl : Just go out of your room and listen! You will hear your loud music. Boy : O.K., then. Sorry, I’ll turn it down. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Where does the dialog take place? Why is the girl angry with the boy? Why does the boy think that the music can’t be heard by the people in the house? The girl says, “It bothers everyone in the house.” What does ‘it’ refer to? The boy says, “O.K., then. Sorry, I’ll turn it down.” What does he express?

Jawaban: 1. At the speakers’ home. 2. Because the boy turns on the music too loud. 3. Because he turns on the music in his room and he has already closed the door. 4. It refers to the loud music. 5. He responds to the complaint.


Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: This dialog is for questions 1 to 5. Boy : You look unhappy. What is wrong? Girl : Um ... I feel that my parents ignore me. Boy : Why do you say that? Girl : You know, my parents are so busy with their work, so they never have time for me. Boy : Don’t be like that. I think your parents do that because they want you to get the best. Girl : Maybe you’re right, but I need to share and chat with them. Boy : Let me give you a suggestion. If I were you, I would talk to them. Tell them how you feel. I’m sure they will listen. Girl : Yeah, you’re right. Thank you for your suggestion. You’re really a good friend of mine. Jawaban: 1. E 2.








Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: This dialog is for questions 6 to 10. Boy : I don’t think Armin will come. He should call us if he can’t come. Girl : I think so. We have been waiting for him for almost two hours. I can’t stand it any longer. Boy : Neither can I. I think we should teach him a lesson. Girl : What do you mean? Boy : We should ask him to quit from our study club. He’s clever, but he cannot do everything with us, right? Girl : You’re right, but we should discuss it with the other members. Besides, we should ask him why he didn’t come. Jawaban: 6. D 7. E.






10. C

Listen and complete the dialog based on what you have heard.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Mrs. Bobby : Sandra, look! There is a black stain on this skirt. It was (1) burnt. Sandra : Was it? Mrs. Bobby : Yes. Did you (2) iron it? Sandra : Yes, Mom. Um ... I tried to iron myself. I think the iron was too hot. Mrs. Bobby : Absolutely! Haven’t I told you many times to do the ironing carefully? It seems you didn’t pay much (3) attention. Sandra : It’s not like that, Mom. I ... Mrs. Bobby : Don’t say anything. It really (4) annoys me. Sandra : I’m sorry, Mom. From now on, I won’t do any ironing. Mrs. Bobby : That’s not a good solution. What I want is that you should be more careful when doing something. You must (5) concentrate on what you’re doing. Sandra : Yes, Mom. I promise to be very careful next time.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI



Practice the following dialog with a friend. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Jawaban: 1. It’s about a motorcyclist who jumps a red light. 2. It occurs on the street/road. 3. He expresses anger. 4. He says, “You’re right. Luckily, he didn’t hit anything.” 5. We must be disciplined and obey the traffic rules.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut.

Ragil and Ayu are schoolmates. They were chatting on their way to school. Ragil : What do you think about the government funding to build new science laboratories, a school hall and a library at our school? Ayu : The government funds? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Ragil : Haven’t you heard that our school has received government funds to build new buildings? Ayu : No, I haven’t. How did you know? Ragil : The principal told us about it during his speech at the flag hoisting ceremony yesterday. Ayu : I was absent yesterday. Ragil : Oh, I’m sorry. Well, what do you think? Ayu : That’s really good news. We do need new buildings. I believe the new buildings can improve the quality of the students academically. Ragil : You’re right. Hesty : By the way, how long will the project run? Aditya : It will take six months as predicted. Hesty : I see. I hope the project won’t disturb our studies. Aditya : I hope not. Questions: 1. What is the dialog about? 2. Why didn’t Ayu know about the news? 3. How did Ragil know about the news? 4. How does Ayu respond to the news? 5. What buildings will the school build? Jawaban: 1. The speakers’ opinions about government funds for their school. 2. She was absent yesterday. 3. The principal told everyone about it during his speech at the flag hoisting ceremony yesterday. 4. She says, “That’s really good news. We do need new buildings. I believe the new buildings can improve the quality of the students academically.” 5. New science laboratories, a school hall and a library.


Complete the following dialog with the correct words from the box. Then, practice it with a friend.

Jawaban: 1. e 2.






Hortatory Exposition




Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut. Dialog 1 a. c. e.

warmest regards yell falling apart



Momon Salsa Momon Salsa Momon Salsa

: : : : : :

Momon Salsa Momon Salsa

: : : :

Momon :



b. d. f.

remember angry contact

Why did you (1) ________ at me? What is wrong? Look at your number plate. It is almost (2) ________. Thank you. By the way, are you Momon? Yes, I am. How do you know my name? Don’t you remember me? I’m Salsa. Salsa? I don’t have a friend named Salsa. You must have forgotten me. I was your sister’s friend at elementary school. You were at the kindergarten when we met. Sorry, I don’t (3) ________ anything about you. That’s O.K. Err ... how’s your sister Hilda? She’s fine, thanks. Well, please pass my (4) ________ to her. May I have her number, please? I’ll call her later. Yes, I’ll tell Hilda about you, but sorry I can’t give you her number. Why don’t you give me yours? Hilda will be glad to (5) ________ you. O.K. Here’s my number.

Dialog 2 a. d.

disturb text

Mr. Itok : Lelly : Mr. Itok : Lelly


Mr. Itok : Lelly


Mr. Itok : Lelly


Mr. Itok Lelly Mr. Itok Lelly Mr. Itok

: : : : :

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. c 2. Dialog 2 1. f 2.

b. e.

shook lesson

c. f.

collapsed nodded

Lelly, what are you doing? Um ... nothing, Sir. I noticed that you (1) ________ your head many times. I’m sorry, Sir. I read a (2) ________ from my mother. Oh, no. You must turn off your mobile phone during the lesson. I’m sorry, Sir. I have to turn it on and I have set it on silent mode. Don’t you understand that it will (3) ________ your concentration? I know that, Sir, but I need it because a mishap could happen to my father. He (4) ________ yesterday. He’s in hospital now. I’m sorry to hear that. I hope he’ll recover soon. Thank you. Now, can you focus on the (5) ________? I’ll do it my best, Sir. Good.
















Answer the following questions based on the dialog in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. In front of a train ticket box. 2. She says, “Look at yourself. Don’t you feel ashamed?” 3. She feels annoyed or offended. 4. Contoh jawaban: I will arrive at the railway station earlier so I can buy my ticket without queuing for long. 5. We must queue whatever it is. We should take risks for our carelessness. D.

1. 2. 3.




Arrange the following sentences to form a sequential dialog. Then, practice the dialog with a friend.

Peserta didik diminta bekerja secara berpasangan. Setiap pasangan diminta menyusun kembali kalimatkalimat berikut menjadi percakapan yang logis. Setiap pasangan diminta mencoba mempraktikkan percakapan tersebut sambil memeriksa apakah pekerjaan mereka sudah benar atau belum. Selanjutnya, beberapa pasangan diminta ke depan kelas dan mempraktikkan percakapan hasil pekerjaan mereka. Pasangan yang lain menyimak dan memberi masukan, misalnya tentang pengucapan, keras-lembut suara, mimik wajah, dan gesture saat melakukan percakapan. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai.

Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the sentences is 5–8–3–12–2–9–6– 7–1–10–4–11.


Complete the following statements based on the dialog in Task A.


Vika is confused because _________________________________. Vika prefers staying and living with _________________________________ because _________________________________. Vika’s parents insist that Vika go with them because _________________________________. According to Tiara, it shows that _________________________________. Vika is afraid of _________________________________ if she moves to Medan.


3. 4. 5.

Jawaban: Task A The correct arrangement of the sentences is 2–11–5–7–4– 10–1–8–6–9–3. Task B 1. her parents has asked her to move to Medan 2. her grandpa; she loves this city (her hometown) 3. they don’t want to live apart from her 4. Vika’s parents care for her 5. losing her good friends


Create dialogs based on the following situations, then practice them with a friend.

Contoh jawaban: 1. You Your brother You Your brother You

: : : : :

Your brother :


Arrange the following sentences to form a sequential dialog. Then, practice the dialog with a friend.

1. Tiara : 2. Tiara : 3. Tiara : 4. Tiara : 5. Tiara : 6. Tiara : 7. Vika : 8. Vika : 9. Vika : 10. Vika : 11. Vika :

Have you talked about it with your parents? Vika, you’re daydreaming. What’s the matter? Don’t worry. I believe that you will also have good friends there. If you don’t join them, where will you live here? Move to Medan? I think you had better join them. It shows that they care for you. Yeah. My father has been promoted as branch manager, in Medan. Yes, I have. However, they insist that I go with them. They don’t want to live apart from me. I know, but ... I will lose many good friends here. I will live with my grandpa. You know, he lives in this town too. Well, I am confused. My parents will move to Medan and they’ve asked me to join. However, I prefer living here. I really love this city.

You 2.


Your friend : You :

Your friend : You : Your friend : You : Your friend :



Hey, where have you been? To a bookstore. Why did you leave the door unlocked? Did I? I’m sorry. At that time I was in a hurry, so I forgot to lock it. You are careless! What if a thief entered the house? We would have lost everything. Sorry, I know that I have made a mistake. I’ll be more careful next time. I will always check the door before leaving. That’s good. You look confused. What happened? You know, I will have a birthday next week. Uncle Jim has offered me a free ticket to Bali or a mobile phone. Wow! That’s great! What will you choose then? That’s the problem. You know, I really want to go to Bali. However, we will have a test soon. Is the ticket for next week? Yeah. It’s a birthday present from him. I think you had better talk to Uncle Jim. Ask him whether he has reserved the ticket for you. If the ticket has not been reserved, you can ask him to buy you a ticket for your next holiday. Good idea. Thanks.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


As an institution that cares for students’ interest, schools have a role in keeping children happy and healthy. The smart solution is opening school facilities such as basketball courts, soccer fields and running tracks children after school, on weekends and during vacations.

2.2 Genre

Adapted from: http://www.jointuse.org/resources/make-joint-use-happen/ sample-letters-to-the-editor/ (September 30, 2015)


What is the purpose of the text? A. To convince listener that children need playing outside. B. To give listener newsworthy events. C. To amuse listener. D. To explain listener about the dangers of playing outside for children. E. To convince listener that children should have safe places to play outside.


According to the speaker, most of little children spend their time ________. A. playing B. studying C. sleeping D. eating E. making jokes


Which of the following statements is NOT the effect of having no safe place for children to play outside? A. Children will spend most of their time at home only. B. Children will lack social relationship. C. Children will lose weight fast. D. Children can’t communicate with others. E. Children can’t make friends.


What is the speaker’s recommendation to solve the problem? A. Schools should close their recreational facilities. B. Schools should open their recreational facilities on weekends and during vacations. C. Schools should ban their students from playing outside. D. Schools should provide their students large parks. E. Schools should realize the importance of playing outside.

Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.


Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Nowadays, motorcycles are no longer considered luxury items. Many people are able to buy a motorcycle on credit. It is due to the lax in lending regulations. As a result, roads, which are not developed, are overwhelmed by motorcycles. This situation increases the number of traffic accidents. Most traffic accidents are caused by human error. The main cause is people’s negligence to traffic signs. For example, bikers don’t signal before they turn left or right, or when they want to overtake other vehicles. The result is predictable. Other road users who do not know will hit them. The second cause is the less vigilant bikers. Drowsiness is often used as an excuse even though there are many other causes, such as making or receiving phone calls using a cell phone while riding, exceeding the specified speed limit and joking or chatting while riding. The next cause is overtaking on the left side. Riders should be aware that they are forbidden to overtake other riders from the left. The left side is mainly used to stop and load or unload. Last but not least, another cause is that riders don’t turn on their headlamps at noon. They say that turning on the headlamps during the day is a waste and causes light bulbs to break. They do not take into account how much the cost of replacing the light bulb is compared to the cost of treatment at the hospital, or even their lives. The solution for all road users’ safety and comfort, let’s enforce our discipline by obeying traffic regulations. Traffic regulations were made to ensure the road users’ safety and comfort on the highway. Jawaban: 1. D 2.








Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut. Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: We know that most of little children spend their time playing. Playing outside is more interesting than inside. However, children are even less likely to have safe places to play outside. Many communities have no public parks, playgrounds or swimming pools. As a result, children spend their spare time in their houses and it is boring. They will also gain weight twice as fast, during the year. They also have no time to communicate and make friends.


Hortatory Exposition


“... and gain weight twice ....” What is the closest meaning of ‘gain’? A. Lose. B. Find. C. Make. D. Obtain. E. Show. Jawaban: 1. E. Teks tersebut berbentuk hortatory exposition sehingga tujuan teks tersebut yaitu menjelaskan kepada pendengar bahwa anak-anak seharusnya memiliki tempat yang aman untuk bermain di luar rumah, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (E). 2. A. Menurut pembicara, sebagian besar anak kecil menghabiskan waktu mereka dengan bermain. Hal itu sesuai dengan kalimat awal monolog, ”... most of little children spend their time playing.”. 3. C. Tidak adanya tempat yang aman untuk bermain di luar rumah menyebabkan anak-anak lebih banyak menghabiskan waktunya di rumah. Akibatnya, berat badan mereka akan bertambah dua kali lipat dari biasanya (sehingga akan memicu kegemukan), bukan akan berkurang. Hal itu disimpulkan dari kalimat ”They will also gain weight twice as fast during the year.”. Jadi, yang bukan merupakan akibat tidak adanya tempat yang aman untuk bermain di luar yaitu pilihan jawaban (C) yang artinya berat badan mereka akan turun dengan cepat.



Pilihan jawaban (B) sesuai dengan kalimat terakhir monolog, ”The smart solution is opening school facilities such as basketball courts, soccer fields and running tracks for children after school, on the weekends and during vacations.”. Kata ’gain’ dan ’obtain’ memiliki makna yang sama, yaitu mendapatkan. Pilihan jawaban (D) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena maknanya berbeda; (A) artinya kehilangan, (B) artinya menemukan, (C) artinya membuat, dan (E) artinya menunjukkan.




Listen and answer the questions based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Do you like reading? I personally think that reading is a very important and beneficial hobby. Let me explain why. First, we will learn many things if we read books regularly. The information resources will develop our knowledge about science, technology and many other fields. It means we will not encounter any difficulties to do our school assignments if we have a lot of knowledge. You bet! Next, we will know about something happening in other parts of the world, from magazines or newspapers. It means we don’t need to go anywhere to know what has happened out there. So, we will not lack information. Last but not least, reading may bring pleasure. No wonder, we do see people reading on buses, trains, bus stops, airports, etc. to kill their time. Many people say that they feel relaxed after reading books, magazines or newspapers. As a conclusion, it’s obvious that reading gives us knowledge, information and entertainment. This will, of course, improve our quality of life. Jawaban: 1. The benefits of reading. 2. There are three arguments. First, we will learn many things if we read books regularly. Second, we will know about what are happening in other parts of the world without leaving our places. Third, reading may bring pleasure. 3. It will develop our knowledge about science, technology and many other fields. 4. Because reading may bring pleasure. 5. It is ’clear’ or ’unquestionable’. C.

Listen and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Please try to look at the way you study. Have you studied in a good and (1) efficient way? Do you think that studying means doing homework? Do you study if there will be a test the following day? Now, look at what you have (2) obtained so far. If you don’t get optimum results, it means you have not studied well. You still need to (3) improve by regularly study. You must (4) understand that studying actually builds your future. Learning or studying is the foundation of your success for the future. Let’s see why you need to study regularly. Here are many (5) reasons why you have to study regularly. First, you must (6) realize that your memory is very limited. By reading regularly your memory will be sharpened continuously. Thus, you will always remember the materials you have read. The next (7) advantage is your ability to choose an appropriate solution to the problem at hand. By studying regularly you will have a lot of knowledge. That means you have a lot of alternatives to (8) solve the problems you face every day. This will also avoid stress and depression.

Finally, studying regularly will (9) develop happiness that allows you to live longer and stay healthy. Do you know why? By learning regularly you will have a lot of knowledge that will help you do any school assignment. You must get good results which gives you satisfaction and happiness. So, let’s study regularly. You will achieve many positive (10) values if you study regularly.

Answer the following questions based on the text in Task C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is the most suitable title for the text? What is the issue of the text? What are the advantages of studying regularly? “Now, look at what you have obtained so far.” What is the synonym of ‘obtained’? According to the text, what is the speaker’s recommendation to gain success in the future?

Jawaban: 1. The Importance of Studying Regularly 2. Studying regularly actually builds our future because it is the foundation of our future success. 3. The memory will be sharpened continuously, we are able to choose an appropriate solution to the problem at hand, and it will develop happiness that allows us to live longer and stay healthy. 4. ’Got’ or ’acquired’. 5. To study regularly.


Listen to and write down the sentences.

Kalimat-kalimat yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan sekaligus jawaban: 1. I don’t know when we can submit our work. 2. Amalia teaches her friends because she is smarter than them. 3. Maya insists that we have to attend the OSIS meeting on time. 4. The boys will lose the match unless they have a different strategy. 5. My parents’ advice is that I join a math course to develop my knowledge. 6. Helas is always kind to his friends although he comes from a rich family. 7. I don’t think Danang requested that I should lend him my new comic book. 8. Does your English teacher ask you to buy an English-English dictionary? 9. The principal recommends that the students study harder before the semester test. 10. I love chatting with my pen pals from Australia and America so that I can improve my speaking skills.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut. Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan oleh Bapak Ibu Guru dan sekaligus jawaban: 1. It’s important that we have breakfast every day. 2. Father never suggests that we go to school by motorcycle. 3. It’s urgent that we have to finish our report this afternoon. 4. Mr. Reiner suggests that we do the mid-term test at home.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


5. We will not pass with excellent marks unless we prepare ourselves very well. 6. The students will join the extra-curricular club after they have had lunch this afternoon. 7. Yossi commands that his group members should meet at the garden after school. 8. Reisa left home early this morning so that she would not miss the early bus. 9. Tony is never absent from the boy scout activities although occasionally he feels tired. 10. Farah and her friends meet at the library because they have to collect materials for their paper work.


Present the text in turns. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Jawaban: 1. It’s about the benefits for children, playing music. 2. The fact that they are crammed with homework, assignments and quizzes which make them feel very tired, both physically and mentally, and they don’t have time to play for refreshment. 3. Because playing music can improve their memories which help them memorize everything they have learned very well. 4. The synonym is ‘needed’. 5. They can attend a course or learn from their friends or relatives.

A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. B.

Find the meanings of the following words. to realize to master properly requirement invention to acquire borderless to allow salary rare

= = = = = = = = = =

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

Present the texts in turns. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Text 1 Children receive many benefits by listening to stories, such as fables, legends, folklores and fairy tales. There are many reasons behind this opinion. First, children who love listening to stories record the events of the stories in their minds; hopefully they can take positive values from the characters of the stories. Thus, they will have a sense of morality and good behavior. Good moral attitudes and behavior will be reflected in their daily lives. As a result, they will have excellent personalities. Second, storytelling habits will draw close emotional relationships between children and parents. Of course, this will establish a harmonious relationship between them. Furthermore, children who are accustomed to listening to stories will be open and love to share information. Why? Unwittingly, they will be happy to relate events that happened around them. However, their colleagues should give positive responses to the stories; not to turn off such openness.


Hortatory Exposition

Next, children will grow into adults who love reading, become creative and have a lot of imagination. During adolescence and adulthood they will thirst for the story with a lot of reading. Hopefully, they will begin to write stories based on their own imagination. Of course, this practice will increase their oral and written proficiency. Cool, right? So, I suggest parents should start telling stories to their children as early as possible by choosing stories that contain a lot of positive moral values, not a story that accentuates hostility and tricks. In addition, parents need to motivate their children to take positive values of the stories, so they are ready to tell the stories to others. Let’s start storytelling! Questions: 1. What is the text about? 2. How many arguments are mentioned to support the thesis? Mention them. 3. What is the recommendation concerning the topic? 4. “During adolescence and adulthood they will thirst for the story with a lot of reading.” (Paragraph 5) Who does ‘they’ refer to? 5. “Children receive many benefits by listening to stories, ....” (Paragraph 1) What is the synonym of the underlined word? Text 2 There are people who are disappointed because they cannot speak and or write English. They realize it when they look for a job. You know, mastering English is a must because English speaking and writing skills have become the main requirement for new comers in most companies. It means anyone who cannot speak and write good English will automatically lose the chance of a good job. Well, let me give you a few reasons why you have to master spoken and written English. First, new inventions in science and the latest information about new concepts are written in English. It is like that because scientists and inventors want people in the world to read and understand their work. So, you could acquire new knowledge and concepts if you master English language. Second, today’s world is borderless, because of the advance of communication technology which is so rapid. This condition allows you to communicate very easily with people who stay in other parts of the world. Furthermore, you will not lose out when you travel around the world. Such communication will only run smoothly if both parties are able to speak English properly. Third, you will get a good job with a high salary if you are employed in an international company. This is a rare opportunity because only the best candidate will get the job. Of course, that is the one who has good English skills. Finally, you may have international business partners or clients if your English is excellent. So, I recommend you learn English seriously. Please create an English conversation club if you need to. Besides, you can create ‘English Days’ with your friends. Secure a better future with good English skills. Questions: 1. According to the text, why are people disappointed when they can’t speak and write English properly? 2. Why do scientists and inventors write their new inventions and latest information about new concepts in English? 3. “Second, today’s world is borderless ....” (Paragraph 4) What does this statement mean? 4. “... because of the advance of communication technology which is so rapid.” (Paragraph 4) What is the synonym of ‘rapid’?


According to the writer, what can we do to master our English skills?


Arrange the jumbled paragraphs to form a sequential text.


Illegal logging and deforestation practices are changing the ecosystem in which we all live. Life cycles of plants and animals are being forcibly changed. The animals that depend on forests for shelter and food have to move to other locations, just to survive. As we continue to clear forests to make room for strip malls, retail outlets and housing developments, we are clearing animals’ shelters. Where else are animals supposed to go? Furthermore, governments throughout the world should stand up and stop accepting illegally logged timbers. As long as countries continue to provide revenue to these companies, illegal logging will continue. Forests around the world are in serious crisis. The habitats that animals and indigenous tribes call home are being destroyed at an alarming rate, most of them illegally. So, what can we do about it? When it comes down to illegal logging, the problem must be addressed by the current administration. We can get involved with Greenpeace, or go to certain sites to make our voices heard.




Adopted from: http://globalwarming.solveyourproblem.com/illegal-logging.shtml (September 20, 2015)

Jawaban: Task A 1. menyadari 2. menguasai 4. syarat 5. penemuan 7. tanpa batas 8. memungkinkan 10. langka/jarang

3. dengan benar 6. memperoleh 9. gaji

Task B Text 1 1. It is about the benefits for children, listening to stories. 2. There are four arguments. First, children who love listening to stories record the events of the stories in their minds; hopefully they can take positive values from the characters of the stories. Thus, they will have a sense of morality and good behavior. Good moral attitudes and behavior will be reflected in their daily lives. As a result, they will have excellent personalities. Second, storytelling habits will draw close emotional relationships between children and parents. Of course, this will establish a harmonious relationship between them. Furthermore, children who are accustomed to listening to stories will be open and love to share information. Why? Unwittingly, they will be happy to relate events that happened around them. However, their colleagues should give positive responses to the stories; not to turn off such openness. Next, children will grow into adults who love reading, become creative and have a lot of imagination. During adolescence and adulthood they will thirst for the story with a lot of reading. Hopefully, they will begin to write stories based on their own imagination. Of course, this practice will increase their oral and written proficiency. 3. That parents should start telling stories to children as early as possible by choosing stories that contain a lot of positive moral values, not a story that accentuates hostility and tricks. In addition, parents need to motivate their children to take positive values of the stories, so they are ready to tell the stories to others. 4. It refers to children who love reading. 5. It is ‘advantages’ or ‘merits’.

Text 2 1. Because they will automatically lose their chances of getting a good job. 2. Because they want people in the world to read and understand their work. 3. It means we can communicate very easily with people who stay in other parts of the world without any bordery limit. 4. It is ’fast’ or ’quick’. 5. We should study English seriously, create an English conversation club and ‘English Days’ with friends. Task C The correct arrangement of the paragraphs is 3–1–4–2.


Present a hortatory exposition text. You are free to choose your own topic.

Contoh jawaban: We have a physical exercise class once a week. The lesson is aimed at keeping our bodies fit and healthy. However, doing physical exercise once a week is not enough. We have to do it regularly and in the right way. We know that exercises can make our bodies healthy and fit. Therefore, we need to take time to exercise. A very inexpensive sport is walking. To get good results, it is highly recommended that we walk for 30 minutes at a speed approximately 5km/hour. This can burn fat from our bodies and reduce the risks of heart attack, diabetes and depression. In addition, it can improve blood pressure, strengthen muscles and joints. In conclusion, let’s start living healthily by doing 30-minute walks. We can do this by walking around the compound, down the street at the suburb while enjoying the sunrise, or walking around a football field near the house. Remember! A healthy soul is a healthy body.


1. 2.


4. 5.


Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Peserta didik diminta membaca dalam hati dan menggarisbawahi kosakata baru. Peserta didik diberi kesempatan mencari arti kosakata baru tersebut menggunakan kamus. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengamati dan membantu mereka jika mereka menghadapi kesulitan. Bapak/Ibu Guru menunjuk tiga atau empat peserta didik dan meminta mereka membaca teks berikut secara bergiliran. Peserta didik yang lain diminta menyimak dan membetulkan pelafalan temannya yang kurang tepat. Bapak/Ibu Guru menyimak dan membuat catatan sebagai bahan untuk memberi balikan dan motivasi. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik agar berani tunjuk jari dan menjawab pertanyaanpertanyaan bacaan yang tersedia secara bergiliran. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak dan mengutarakan jawabannya jika jawabannya berbeda dengan jawaban temannya. Pada akhir kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi evaluasi dan balikan, serta penilaian. Bapak/Ibu Guru sebaiknya terus memotivasi peserta didik agar selalu berani dan aktif dalam setiap kegiatan.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Jawaban: 1. It is about the benefits of attending youth organizations for young people. 2. A the members of youth organizations, they always do activities together, face and solve all problems together. Therefore, they will have a spirit of togetherness, family tight, social solidarity and kinship as well. 3. It refers to the members of youth organizations. 4. First, participate in youth organizations. Second, for young people who attend youth organizations, involve yourselves in all activities. Third, develop your potential and achieve the benefits of being the members as much as possible. 5. Yes, I will because I will receive many benefits, especially improving my social relationship which can develop the spirit of togetherness, family tight, social solidarity and kinship.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut. I agree that animals should not be kept in zoos. They are wild creatures and should be allowed to live the way nature intends them to. Wild animals are supposed to live in the wild, not in tiny cages with cold, hard cement floors and iron grilles for walls. They should be allowed to run around freely in the forests and sleep on the soft comfortable earth. It may be true that several zoos are now providing a better and more suitable environment for these animals, but it is still not their natural habitats. They are not really free. Another reason is that a lot of zoo animals are not treated properly. Their diets are not suitable, their cages are dirty and they are constantly being poked and prodded by human beings. Many of these animals get sick and often the life span of these animals in captivity is much shorter than those living in the wild. Out of the hundreds of zoos in the world, there is only a handful care for their animals properly. Therefore, I feel it would be much better to allow wild animals to roam the earth freely, than to keep them caged in zoos. After all, how would we feel if we were caged up and other creatures came to gawk at us daily? Adopted from: Matilda Xavier, Khatija Tahir, Aznizah Abdul Rahman, Spot On Model Compositions & Summaries for PMR, Selangor, Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd., 2008.

Questions: 1. What is the text about? 2. According to the text, why do wild animals suffer when they are kept in zoos? 3. “They are not really free.” (Paragraph 2) What does ‘they’ refer to? 4. Why do wild animals in captivity have much shorter life span than those living in the wild? 5. “Wild animals are supposed to live in the wild, not in tiny cages with cold, ....” (Paragraph 2) What does ‘tiny’ mean? Jawaban: 1. It is about allowing wild animals to live freely in their natural habitats or in the wild. 2. Because they are not treated properly, their diets are not suitable, their cages are dirty and they are constantly being poked and prodded by human beings. 3. It refers to wild animals which are kept in zoos. 4. Because they may get sick easily, compared to those which live freely in the wild. 5. It means ‘very small’.

Jawaban: 1. A 2.

Hortatory Exposition








Complete the following text with the correct words from the box.


Jawaban: 1. g 2. l 6. k 7. c

3. e 8. j

4. a 9. b

5. d 10. i

Answer the following questions based on the text in Task C.


Jawaban: 1. To persuade readers to let children play with their friends outside their houses. 2. Children will run errands while playing or go cycling around the neighborhood and these avtivities will strengthen their muscles. 3. Because those children will try to handle a sense of disappointment when losing the game and will try hard not to mock their friends when they win. 4. They should let children play with their friends outside and provide them with a safe and friendly environment. 5. “It is ‘manage’ or ‘take care’.

Complete the following text with the correct words from the box.


a. d. g. j.

communicate important busy affordable

b. e. h. k.

spend advantage support neglect

c. f. i. l.

come from features rapidly operate

Every day we see people use mobile phones, on the street, in a vehicle, at a food stall, even at a market. They (1) ________ different social backgrounds and of different ages, from children to adults. Mobile phones are integral with our lives. Why is that? The first (2) ________ of a mobile phone is that it is a very practical communication tool. We carry it anywhere because of its small size, so we can (3) ________ wherever we are and whenever we want. Second, the price of a mobile phone is (4) ________. Today, we can buy a new mobile phone for only Rp200,000. Besides, we oly need to (5) ________ Rp5,000 or Rp10,000 to buy a SIM card. That is why, the number of mobile phone users grow (6) ________. Third, mobile phones have many interesting (7) ________ that attract users, such as cameras and Internet connection. We just need to carry our mobile phones without worry of losing (8) ________ moments happening around us. We can take pictures or surf the Internet. However, we should use mobile phones properly. It means, we’d better not (9) ________ people around us. We should not be (10) ________ with our phones; sending or replying texts, when we are with our family or friends. B.

Answer the following questions based on the text in Task A.

1. 2.

What is the purpose of the text? What is the evidence that the use of mobile phones is popular in the community? Why do people use mobile phones?



Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.


4. 5.

What does the writer recommend to readers? “We carry it anywhere because of its small size,....” (Paragraph 2) What does ‘it’ refer to?

Jawaban: Task A 1. c 2. e 6. i 7. f

3. a 8. d

4. j 9. k

he doesn’t have legs you will not drop it on the way they finished it we continue our studies after graduation we want to feel safe on the road he always says that he is not good at writing


Complete the following sentences with your own words.

5. b 10. g

Task B 1. To persuade readers that mobile phones should be used properly. 2. We see people use mobile phones on the street, in a vehicle, at a food stall, even at a market. 3. Because mobile phones are practical, the price and the SIM card are affordable, and mobile phones have many interesting features. 4. They should use mobile phones properly. 5. It refers to a mobile phone.


5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Complete the following sentences with the suitable adverb clauses from the box.

Jawaban: 1. I will go to bed after I finish my report. 2. I didn’t asnwer your call because I left my phone at home. 3. Darra will come as you invited her. 4. Although Wenda made a big mistake, we forgave her. 5. If people eat at night, they will become overweight. 6. Don’t stop doing the exercise until I tell you to stop. 7. Though a rhino is big and heavy, it can run fast. 8. We’d better submit our work before the due date. 9. Sania attended a computer course so that she could get a better job. 10. After the fruit is harvested, it is sold at the market.

Complete the following sentences with suitable adverbs clauses. 1. Fiska suffered seasickness when _________________________________________. 2. Evina looks worried because _________________________________________. 3. We have love fishing together since _________________________________________. 4. Please cover the garbage can in order that __________________________________________. 5. The man won a gold medal in the Paralympics Games although _________________________________. 6. Make sure you wear the helmet properly so that _________________________________________. 7. Rahardian and Nyoman did the assignment together until ____________________________________. 8. Wherever ________________________________, I hope we can still be friends. Please keep in touch. 9. We have to obey traffic regulations if _________________________________________. 10. Harry has finished his writing assignment though _________________________________________. Contoh jawaban: 1. she sailed to Karimunjawa 2. she forgets to bring her homework to school 3. we were at elementary school 4. the garbage will not scatter

Contoh jawaban: 1. The principal suggested that we invite all students to enter the badminton championship. 2. My parents always advice that I go to school early to avoid traffic jams. 3. Maya insists that we do the final rehearsal tomorrow after school. 4. It is recommended that you have dinner at Mahkota Resto. It is very spacious and its fried chicken is awesome. 5. It is a bad idea that parents allow their chidren to go out until late at night.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

It’s very important that ____________________________. It’s best that ____________________________. Mr. Juan, the English teacher, recommends that ____________________________. Dianti will hold a simple birthday party tomorrow. She requests that ____________________________. Mother advises me that ____________________________.

Contoh jawaban: 1. It’s very important that we respect other people and behave politely. 2. It’s best that we always study well every day. 3. Mr. Juan, the English teacher, recommends that the students have to practice their English very often. 4. Dianti will hold a simple birthday party tomorrow. She requests that all her classmates attend her party. 5. Mother advises me that I should live efficiently and save the remaining pocket money.




Write a hortatory exposition text. Mind the structure of a hortatory exposition text.

Bapak/Ibu Guru menjadikan kegiatan berikut sebagai pekerjaan rumah yang dikerjakan secara individu. Peserta didik diminta sudah mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan mereka maksimal sehari sebelum pertemuan berikutnya. Pada pertemuan berikutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta tiga atau empat peserta didik ke depan kelas dan membacakan hasil pekerjaan mereka. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak dan memberi masukan tentang topik monolog yang disampaikan temannya.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI




Bapak/Ibu Guru menyimak dan membuat catatan sebagai bahan untuk memberi balikan dan motivasi. Bapak/Ibu Guru sebaiknya terus memotivasi peserta didik agar selalu berani dan aktif dalam setiap kegiatan. Pada akhir kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi evaluasi dan balikan, serta penilaian. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi penilaian kepada peserta didik, termasuk peserta didik yang berani menyampaikan masukan/pendapatnya.

Contoh jawaban: “Those who don’t learn from history are condemned to repeat it” and “A great nation is one which fully appreciates its heroes.” say popular English aphorism and a national adage. Then, proposing a person who has taken an important role in our national history, I think Gesang should be a national hero. Who has never heard of the song ‘Bengawan Solo’? I doubt if anyone hasn’t. This keroncong song has been a part of the national voice. Gesang was a senior composer whose songs gained fame all the way to Japan. He had received a number of awards in art and everyone will admit that his art talent was dedicated to this nation. The government has acknowledged other great composers, W.R. Supratman and Ismail Marzuki, as national heroes. Gesang might not be compared to others, but in my opinion, Gesang was as great as them. All of them are maestros. Due to his keroncong music, maestro Gesang played a role in building our national identity. It is obvious that the government should name Gesang a national hero. We should not delay and wait for, in case, our neighboring countries or other international communities go ahead to recognize him and grant an award for his work. Adopted from: http://englishadmin.com/2014/05/example-of-hortatory-text-aboutproposing-gesang-as-national-hero.html (September 24, 2015)


Write five sentences using adverb clauses.

3. 4. 5.

It’s a good idea that we speak English at school every day. Father doesn’t advise me to go to school by bus. Roni suggests that we visit Mr. Usman at the hospital this afternoon.

2.3 Short Functional Texts: Appeals, Job Vacancies and Application Letters


Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Nowadays, many great television shows are (1) presented at a time when we have to learn and study. Of course, this condition influences our study hours. That’s why, we have to be smart to (2) address it. It’s important that we (3) determine the study hours at home. Let’s (4) turn off the TV set from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Let’s use the time to study and improve our (5) knowledge for the sake of our better future. B.



3. 4.

Peserta didik menulis lima kalimat menggunakan klausa adverbial pada selembar kertas, yang diberi nama, kelas, ser ta nomor urut. Mereka diberi waktu mengerjakan selama sepuluh hingga lima belas menit. Selanjutnya, tiga atau empat peserta didik diminta membacakan hasil pekerjaan mereka. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak. Kemudian, semua peserta didik diminta mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan mereka. Bapak/Ibu Guru memeriksa hasil pekerjaan peserta didik dan memberi catatan perbaikan, serta memberi nilai. Pada per temuan berikutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru mengembalikan hasil pekerjaan peserta didik dan menyampaikan evaluasi atas hasil kerja mereka. Bapak/ Ibu Guru terus memotivasi peserta didik agar selalu aktif dalam setiap kegiatan.

Contoh jawaban: 1. I am very happy because I finally met my old friend. 2. The girl looked gloomy when her parents’ plane took off. 3. Jihan, my cyber friend, has become my best friend although we have never met yet. 4. Mrs. Ronny squeezes the calamondin on the meat so that it can reduce the meat odor. 5. The man will give us a reward if we can help him find his motorcycle. C.

Write five sentences using subjunctives.

Contoh jawaban: 1. It’s essential that we master English skills. 2. The principal suggests that all students prepare for the midterm test next week.


Hortatory Exposition

Listen and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Find the words in Task A which are similar to the following words.

Jawaban: 1. important 4. great C.

2. 5.

to learn smart


to improve

Answer the following questions based on the text in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. To ask listeners to determine study hours at home. 2. At a time when children have to learn and study. 3. Because it is the best time for children to study. 4. For three hours. 5. It is ‘affect’.


Listen and complete the text based on what you have heard. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: My friends, recently I see many young people starting to lose their confidence. They don’t seem to have any (1) courage to take actions by themselves. Unfortunately, many of them start drinking and use (2) illegal drugs. They think that by drinking and using drugs, they will get their (3) strength and the drugs will improve their confidence. Those thoughts are absolutely wrong! Don’t believe this. It’s an evil trap.

My friends, remember that once you get stuck into such things, it will be very (4) difficult for you to get free. It really needs a strong will to be free. Therefore, my friends, I (5) urge you not to be tempted to approach alcohol and drugs, not even to try or taste them. Remember! Our future will be ruined. Just keep away from drugs. Say no to drugs and alcoholic drinks! Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik: My friends, recently I see many young people starting to lose their confidence. They don’t seem to have any (1) __________ to take actions by themselves. Unfortunately, many of them start drinking and use (2) __________ drugs. They think that by drinking and using drugs, they will get their (3) __________ and the drugs will improve their confidence. Those thoughts are absolutely wrong! Don’t believe this. It’s an evil trap. My friends, remember that once you get stuck into such things, it will be very (4) __________ for you to get free. It really needs a strong will to be free. Therefore, my friends, I (5) __________ you not to be tempted to approach alcohol and drugs, not even to try or taste them. Remember! Our future will be ruined. Just keep away from drugs. Say no to drugs and alcoholic drinks! B.

Answer the following questions based on the text in Task A.

1. 2. 3.

What is the purpose of the text? Why do many young people use illegal drugs? According to the speaker, what will happen if a person gets stuck into drugs? What is the speaker’s recommendation? “They don’t seem to have any courage ....” What is similar to ‘courage’?

4. 5.

Jawaban: Task A 1. courage 4. difficult

2. 5.

illegal urge



Task B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.




To suggest that listeners should keep away from drugs and alcoholic drinks. Because they don’t seem to have any courage to take actions by themselves. It will be difficult for him/her to be free. We should not be tempted to approach alcohol and drugs, not even try or taste them. It is ‘bravery’.

Present the following appeal in turns.

Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta tiga atau empat peserta didik untuk membaca teks berikut dengan pelafalan dan intonasi yang benar dan akurat, secara bergiliran. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak dan membetulkan pelafalan temannya yang kurang tepat. Bapak/Ibu Guru membuat catatan sebagai bahan untuk memberikan balikan dan motivasi. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi penilaian kepada peserta didik, termasuk peserta didik yang berani dan mampu membetulkan pelafalan temannya yang kurang tepat.


Pada akhir kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi evaluasi dan balikan.


Answer the following questions based on the appeal in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. To request listeners to live harmonious lives by being polite, kind, humble, respectful and tolerant. 2. Seeing children and teenagers passing in front of elder people without courtesy and hearing children or teenagers talking in a high tone as if they were quarelling. 3. That we are always humble, polite, respectful, tolerant and so on. 4. They should be courteous. 5. It is ‘accordingly’, ‘cooperatively’ or ‘mutually’.

Present the appeals and then answer the questions that follow. Text 1 Listen, everyone. Traffic accidents have increased significantly recently. The main reason is the carelessness of a few road users. On this occasion, I would like to ask all of you to be more cautious and careful when riding motorcycles on the road. We must respect other road users. We must not harm others and ourselves by acting recklessly. Let’s intensify our discipline. Questions: 1. What is the purpose of the text? 2. According to the speaker, what is the main cause of traffic accidents? 3. What should we do when riding motorcycles? 4. What will happen if we ride motorcycles carelessly? 5. “Let’s intensify our discipline.” (Last sentence) What is similar to ‘intensify’? Text 2 My friends, we learn here, in this classroom, all day. It would be nice if we have a clean, tidy and quiet environment. Thus, we can learn comfortably. Therefore, let’s keep our classroom clean, tidy and quiet. Please dispose of trash in the garbage can provided, clean the blackboard when a lesson is over and so on I need your cooperation to make this come true. . Thank you for your attention. Questions: 1. Who do you think presents the appeal? 2. Where do you think he/she presents it? 3. What classroom would the speaker like? 4. What should the speaker and listeners do to realize their goal? 5. Which word from the text that means “producing feelings of ease or free from stress”? Jawaban: Text 1 1. To suggest that listeners be more cautious and careful when riding motorcycles on the road. 2. The carelessness of a few road users. 3. We should be more cautious and careful. 4. We may harm other road users and ourselves. 5. It is ‘increase’.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Text 2 1. A class captain. 2. In a classroom. 3. A clean, tidy and quiet classroom. 4. They should dispose of trash in the garbage can provided, clean the blackboard when a lesson is over and so on. 5. It’s ‘comfortably’.

Present appeals based on the following situations.


Contoh jawaban: 1. My friends, I heard that the cost of electricity will rise. Therefore, I urge, let us save electricity. What can we do then? We should not turn lights on during the daytime, not turn on television for too long, not open a refrigerator door for too long, not use an air conditioning (AC) or a fan if you do not really need to and unplug a cable connection to an outlet that is not used. Moreover, let’s start using electricity-saving light bulbs. Let’s downsize from now. 2. Attention, please. We have a small area in front of our classroom which is treeless. It makes the area and its surrounding become arid and hot. That’s why, to turn the area into a green and shady one, let’s plant trees in front of our classroom. Further, it will make our school green and shady. Thank you.

Read the text and answer the questions that follow.


Jawaban: 1. Chief, cashier and driver. 2. It’s Nusantara Restaurant (100). 3. Contoh jawaban: Because they will be loyal to and never disappoint the company. 4. People whose ages are 30 years old or less. 5. No later than February 20, 2016.

Questions: 1. What is the job vacancy advertised? 2. What company places the advertisement? 3. How many employees are needed? 4. How long does the walk-in interview last? 5. According to the text, should you send your application letter? Why?/Why not? Jawaban: 1. Storehouse assistant. 2. It’s PT Agro Semesta Pribadi. 3. Four. 4. Four days. 5. No. Because it’s a walk-in interview which means we bring our application letters on the day of the interview.


Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. A 6. C C.

2. D 7. A

3. E 8. E

4. B 9. D

5. D 10. A

Complete the following texts with the correct words from the boxes.

Jawaban: Text 1 1. d 2.








Text 2 1. e









Answer the following questions based on the texts in Task C. Text 1 1. What positions are needed? 2. Who is the text for? 3. What days will the candidates work? 4. How long will they work in a day? 5. What should they do to apply for the jobs? Text 2 1. What are the vacant positions? 2. How old must candidates be? 3. What are the common requirements for the candidates? 4. What is the latest date for application letters received? 5. Where should applicants send their application letters?

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut. STOREHOUSE ASSISTANT NEEDED PT Agro Semesta Pribadi, a developing company in Jakarta, needs four new employees, with the following requirements. ● At least two years experience in stock and supply management. ● Good communication skills. ● Max. 28 years old. ● Willing to work overtime and in a team. Walk-in interview: Monday–Thursday (February 4–7, 2016) Between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.


Hortatory Exposition

Jawaban: 1. Waitresses/waiters and a cashier. 2. College students who have a lot of free time. 3. Every Saturday and Sunday. 4. Five hours. 5. They should come to YUMMY YO STEAK HOUSE, Jalan Monjali no. 10, Yogyakarta for an interview. Text 2 1. Finance staff and an illustrator. 2. They must be max. 25 years old. 3. They must be energetic and innovative, have good communication skills and motivation, and be eager to work overtime. 4. On March 5, 2016. 5. At Indah Nirwana Abadi Publisher, Jl. Garuda Sakti no. 67, Denpasar, Bali.

Tape Script for Assessment


Write a job vacancy based on the following situation. You may add any information needed.

Contoh jawaban: URGENTLY NEEDED A famous private senior high school in Bekasi is seeking for an English teacher. Qulifications: ● Graduate from a reputable university. ● Minimum three years experience in the same field. ● Good communication skills, both oral and written. ● Strong self motivation and leadership. Facilities: ● Good salary ● Bonus

Excellent housing facility

Please send your application letter, CV, resume and recent photographs no later than February 28, 2016 to: Anak Cerdas Senior High School Jl. Muara Biru, no. 100, Bekasi PO BOX 100 B.

Write an application letter based on the job vacancy you have made in Task A.

Contoh jawaban: Puri Gading Mas Jalan Melati no. 14 Depok February 22, 2016 Principal Anak Cerdas Senior High School Jl. Muara Biru, no. 100, Bekasi Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for the vacant position of English teacher at your school. I read about your advertisement in Jabar News, February 20, 2016. I am single, 26 years old and S2 graduate from University of Indonesia with a GPA of 3.5. I’m good at English, both oral and written. I enclose the relevant certificates when I joined seminars as an MC or a speaker. I believe that I would be a good teacher for your school. I’m ready for an interview at any time. Please contact me at 08199990000011. Thank you for your consideration.

This dialog is for question 1. Girl : You look so worried. Is there something wrong? Boy : Yes. You know, I forgot to bring my Indonesian assignment. Girl : Please calm down. We don’t have Indonesian today, do we? Boy : No, we don’t, but we have to submit the assignment today. Girl : I don’t think today is the due date. You can submit it tomorrow. Boy : What a relief! Thanks. Question: 1. Why does the boy look so worried? This dialog is for question 2. Girl : Why do you always follow me? Boy : I don’t follow you. We are just going in the same direction, I guess. Girl : You are doing this on purpose. You walked behind me after school yesterday. We were on the same bus this morning. You followed me when I went to the library this morning and you’re doing it again now. What a nuisance! Question: 2. How does the girl feel? This text is for questions 3 to 5. Fear of failure is a common reason for holding ourselves back. It is caused mostly by irrational belief that we will not recover from our mistakes. Constant fear of failure affects us by preventing us from having some of the fundamental experiences associated with life. Crucially, it stops us from learning and growing, emotionally and intellectually. In business, fear of failure can create a culture of perfection where failure is unacceptable, leading to finger pointing and blame shifting. So, what should we do to overcome fear of failure? The first thing to remember is that mistakes and failure are feedback. Break the mental set that failure is bad and success is good. Then, think of failure as a learning experience and accept that failure is a natural part of learning. Finally, consider the cost of missed opportunities. Without taking some risks, you can’t exploit any opportunities. Adapted from: http://www.recruitireland.com/careercentre/ story.aspx?id=2628&z=30&h=Overcome-your-Fear-of-Failure (September 21, 2015)

Questions: 3. What is the text about? 4. What is the good side of fear of failure in business? 5. What should we do to overcome the fear of failure?

Yours faithfully, Citra Perdana

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Tape Script for Review Unit II Version A


Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. C 2. B 6. C 7. D 11. E 12. E 16. B 17. E II.

3. 8. 13. 18.


4. 9. 14. 19.


5. 10. 15. 20.


Write a hortatory exposition text about a certain issue.

Contoh jawaban: Television has become one of the most important devices in most houses. It can unite all members of the family as well as separate them. However, is it important to know what your kids are watching? The answer is, of course, absolutely “Yes” and that should be done by all parents. Television can expose things you have tried to protect children from, especially violence, pornography, consumerism and so on. Recently, a study demonstrated that spending too much time on watching TV during the day or at bedtime often cause bed-time disruption, stress and short sleep duration. Another research found that there is a significant relationship between the amount of time spent for watching television during adolescence and early adulthood, and the possibility of being aggressive. Meanwhile, many studies have identified a relationship between kids who watch TV a lot and being inactive and overweight. Considering several facts mentioning before, protect your children with the following tips. ● Limit television viewing to one–two hours each day. ● Do not allow your children to have a TV set in their own bedrooms. ● Review the rating of TV shows which your children watch. ● Watch television with your children and discuss what is happening in the show. Adopted from: http://freeenglishcourse.info/example-of-hortatory-exposition-inwatching-tv/ (October 2, 2015)

This dialog Boy : Woman : Boy : Woman : Boy : Woman : Boy


is for question 1. Mom, can I have some money, please? I gave your allowance this morning, didn’t I? Yes, Mom. I used it to buy food and drink during the break. Now I only have one thousand rupiah. Well, what is the money for? I want to buy fruit for Karmila. She’s at the hospital now and I want to visit her this afternoon. Poor Karmila. I hope she’ll be alright soon. Here’s the money and pass my warm greeting to her. Thanks, Mom. Sure, I will.

Question: 1. Where will the boy go this afternoon? This dialog is for question 2. Man : You look upset. What’s wrong with you? Girl : Dad, Jelita promised to pick me up at four, but it’s ten to five already. I’m unhappy about this. Man : Yes, I know how you feel. Question: 2. How does the girl feel? This text is for questions 3 to 5. Almost all family has fridges at home and the average family usually opens the fridge about twenty-two times a day. Actually, opening a fridge frequently will spend much electricity. Do you know why? Well, every time the fridge is opened, cold air whooshes out and warm air takes its place. Of course, it makes the fridge uses extra electricity to cool back down. So, what should we do to save its energy? Well, don’t stand with the fridge door open while you are thinking what you want. Decide first, then open, grab and shut quickly. Reduce the cold air you let out and the warm air you let in to lower your use of electricity. Besides, make sure that the fridge is set at the proper temperature. Finally, increase your refrigerator’s efficiency by keeping its coils clean. Adapted from: Anonymous, National Geographic Kids Almanac 2010, Washington D.C., National Geographic Society, 2009.

Questions: 3. According to the text, what spends much electricity? 4. What happens when the fridge is opened? 5. Which of the following statements is NOT the effort to save energy while using a fridge?


Hortatory Exposition

Review Unit II Version A Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XI

Semester Tanggal


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

I. A.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. Listening Section

1. A. B. C. D. E.

To To To To To

2. A. C. E.

Tired. Very Sad. Angry.

3. A. B. C. D. E.

Having a big fridge. Opening a fridge frequently. Keeping many things in a fridge. Placing canned food in a fridge. Setting a fridge at high temperature.

4. A. B. C.

Cold air whooshes out and warm air takes its place. Warm air whooshes out and cold air takes its place. The temperature in a fridge adapts the temperature in a room. The temperature in a fridge is higher than the temperature in a room. Dirty air from a room will whoosh to a fridge.

D. E. 5. A. B. C. D. E.

Karmila’s house. see Karmila at the hospital. go to the hospital with Karmila. see his friend with Karmila. stay at home. B. D.

Happy. Worried.

Keep fridge coils clean. Make sure that a fridge is set at proper temperature. Stand with a fridge door open while we decide what we want. Decide first, then open, grab and shut quickly. Reduce the cool air we let out. This is the end of the listening section.


Reading Section

This text is for questions 6 to 9. Seeking appropriate accessories for our vehicles is adventurous. We have to ensure that the accessories perfectly match both our standard and auto’s. If we have a vehicle, we ought to seek an add-on which complements it. One of adds-on which is available aftermarket is push bars. Front side of a vehicle is the most attractive part. We have to be very selective in choosing accessories. Why do we have to install a push bar for the front section of our vehicles? That is because it has a guard and modish function. First, it is for safety. When we drive along the street, it seems that collisions often happen. Of course, we do not want the front side of our vehicles to become scratched or damaged. Preventing that further risk for collisions, a push bar is very helpful.


: 2 (dua) : ....

Installing accessories to a vehicle should increase the beauty sense. Modification is really an art. By installing an appropriate push bar, a vehicle will look stronger, tougher, more muscle, but keep elegant and soft. It will be clearly seen when it is compared to its original plain look. So why do we keep a plain look if we can change it with an easy step? However, we have to select the adds-on carefully to match well for our vehicles. Adopted from: http://understandingtext.blogspot.com/2010/07/accessory-for-vehiclefront-section.html (September 11, 2015)

6. Several people add push bars on their vehicles because ________. A. modification is really an art B. the accessories perfectly match both their standard and auto’s C. we can change it with an easy step D. it may scratch the side of a car E. the vehicles will look stronger, tougher, more muscle, but keep elegant and soft 7. Which side of a vehicle is the most attractive one? A. The back side. B. The front side. C. The middle side. D. The bottom side. E. The top side. 8. “That is because it has a guard and modish function.” (Paragraph 2) The word ‘it’ refers to ________. A. the front side of a vehicle B. the accessory C. the push bar D. a vehicle E. the modification 9. “If we have a vehicle, we ought to seek an add-on which complements it.” (Paragraph 1) The word ‘to seek’ means ________. A. to look for B. to look after C. to look up D. to look ahead E. to look back 10. Viko will join us ________ he has finished repairing his bicycle. A. because B. unless C. in order that D. after E. although 11. Ms. Monalisa requests that all students ________ their work next Wednesday. A. submitting B. will submit C. submitted D. submits E. submit

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


This text is for questions 12 to 16. Pets have accompanied mankind since the dawn of history. The domestication of animals began in the Neolithic Revolution, 10–12 thousand years ago. People love this companionship due to several reasons. One major advantage of having pets is that they can become one of people’s nearest and dearest companions. For instance, if a person lives alone, he/she will find a pet very enjoyable. Furthermore, the presence of an animal in a house may provide a greater feeling of security. In addition to this, pets often play a major role in disabled people’s lives. In conclusion, it is pleasurable of keeping pets at home. If we want to keep pets at home, we should pay attention to the following. We should prepare budget for pets’ food, equipment (cages, collars, aquariums, etc.) and veterinary care. Apart from this, if we decide to buy a pet, we should take into consideration our pet’s needs before going anywhere. Adapted from: http://www.english-test.net/forum/ftopic22908.html (September 11, 2015)

12. What is the major advantage of having pets? A. Pets can provide a feeling of security. B. Pets can become people’s dearest companions. C. Pets can help disabled people’s lives. D. We can go everywhere securely. E. We can get pleasure. 13. What is the main idea of paragraph four? A. The history of having pets. B. The advantages of having pets. C. The disadvantages of having pets. D. A few ways we should do when keeping pets. E. The presence of pets at home. 14. The writer suggests that a pet owner ________ before going anywhere. A. clean his/her pet’s pen B. bring his/her pet C. leave his/her pet D. lock his/her pet E. notice his/her pet’s needs 15. “... they can become one of people’s ....” (Paragraph 2) The word ‘they’ refers to ________. A. pets B. other people C. the reasons D. cages E. pet owners 16. “Pets have accompanied mankind since the dawn of history.” (Paragraph 1) What is the antonym of ‘dawn’? A. Beginning. B. Middle. C. End. D. Change. E. Period. This text is for questions 17 and 18. VACANCY Marketing Manager Requirements: Familiar with MS Office and E-mails. ● Good communication skills. ● Good leadership skills. ● At least S1 degree of any major. ● Work under pressure. ● Having work experience in the same field is an advantage. ●


Hortatory Exposition

Interested applicants, please send an application letter and CV to: PT Pakarnya Pustaka Jalan Imam Bonjol no. 101 Bandung E-mail: [email protected] No more than March 1, 2016. 17. The following are the requirements for the job applicants, EXCEPT ________. A. must be able to open and send e-mails B. have at least 3 years experience C. have good leadership skills D. hold at least S1 degree E. have good communication skills 18. What should an interested applicant do? A. Send an application letter and a letter of recommendation. B. Send an application letter and a photograph. C. Come to the office before March 1, 2016. D. Type the application letter using MS Office. E. Send an application letter and a CV. This text is for questions 19 and 20. Good evening, everybody. The season is unpredictable recently. We are not sure when the wet and dry seasons occur. So, on this occasion let me ask you all to maintain a clean and healthy environment. Please do not throw garbage into the drain. That would make it clog which causes floods. Of course, we do not want that to happen, right? So, let’s keep our surrounding clean. 19. The A. B. C. D. E.

text is about ________. an appeal not to litter information about the unpredictable seasons an appeal to keep alert during the wet season a request to add more garbage bins in the neighborhood an announcement about what will happen during the wet and dry seasons

20. “That would make it clog which causes floods.” The word ‘it’ refers to ________. A. a season B. garbage C. the drain D. flooding E. environment II.

Write an application letter based on the job vacancy below. Vacancy School teacher To teach a private elementary school in Palu.

Requirements: ● Single, max. 27 y.o. ● At least S1 graduate of Education Department from a reputable university ● GPA: min 3.0. ● Willing to work hard. ● Able to work in a team. ● Love and like dealing with children. ● A good personality and communication skill. Interested candidates, please send your application letter before March 2, 2016 to: Citra Nusantara Elementary School Jalan K.H. Wahid Hasyim 12 PO BOX 13 Palu

Kunci Review Unit II Version A

Tape Script for Review Unit II Version B


This dialog is for questions 1 and 2. Girl : There will be a song festival for students next month. What do you think? I mean ... should I join it? Boy : You had better join it. I think you have a good voice and look. Girl : But ... we will have a test a week after the festival. I’m afraid I can’t study well. Boy : O, come on. I believe you can manage your time to study while preparing yourself for the festival.

Pilihan Ganda

1. B

11. E

2. E

12. B

3. B

13. D

4. A

14. E

5. C

15. A

6. E

16. C

7. B

17. A

8. C

18. E

9. A

19. A

10. D

20. C



Contoh jawaban: Jalan Pahlawan 10A Surabaya Surabaya, March 5, 2016 Principal Citra Nusantara Elementary School Jalan K.H. Wahid Hasyim 12 Palu Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you to apply for the position of school teacher at your school. I read your advertisement on Surabaya News, February 26 edition. I am interested to apply for the position. I am single, 26 years old and S1 graduate from University of Indonesia with a GPA of 3.5. I like dealing with children and working in a team. I am willing to work hard.

Questions: 1. Why does the boy think that the girl should join the festival? 2. When will the speakers have a test? This text is for questions 3 to 5. Many people believe that killing animals for their fur should be banned. Do you know why? Yeah. It is considered unjustifiable. Although it provides new jobs, the jobs are based on unacceptable cruelty. For instance, wild animals may take days to die in cruel traps. Moreover, even though conditions on farms may be good, the traps prevent animals living as nature intended. So, what can we do to stop the use of fur for clothing? Well, we should learn to share with animals, not just exploit them. After all, we can use artificial fur which can give the look and feel of real fur without the cruelty. Adapted from: Jon Naunton, Think First Certificate, Essex, Longman Group UK Limited, 1993.

Questions: 3. Why should killing animals for fur be banned? 4. According to the text, what can we do to stop the use of animal fur for clothing? 5. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

I believe that I will be a good teacher for your school. If you need further information, please contact me at 08174400000. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Yours truly, Citra Perdana

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Review Unit II Version B Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XI

Semester Tanggal


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

I. A.

Listening Section

1. A. B. C. D. E.

She She She She She

likes singing. has a good voice and look. is beautiful and friendly. can manage her time well. will win.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

Next week. Next month. A week before the song festival. A day after the song festival. A week after the song festival.

3. A. B. C. D. E.

Most animals will die. It can’t provide new jobs. It is unacceptable cruelty. It shows that we can’t share with animals. Wearing fur clothes is not good for our health.

4. A. B. C. D. E.

We We We We We

5. A. B. C. D. E.

Killing animals for fur creates new jobs. People have to share with animals. Wild animals may take several days to die in traps. The use of animal fur for clothing is justifiable. Traps prevent animals from living naturally.

can use artificial fur. should not touch animals. should kill animals just for their meat. keep wild animals in a zoo. should not have furry pets.

This is the end of the listening section. B.

Reading Section

This text is for questions 6 and 7. Plastic bottles are everywhere. They not only make our environment dirty, but also are dangerous. You know, plastics need a long time to decompose. So, let’s recycle plastic bottles into other forms. They can be cut into all sorts of different shapes to perform all kinds of functions. 6. Why are plastic bottles dangerous for our environment? A. They have sharp edges. B. They are made of dangerous chemical substances. C. They are easily decomposed. D. They have a dangerous odor and color. E. They need a long time to decompose. 7. What is the writer’s suggestion? A. That readers keep the environment clean. B. That readers dispose of plastic bottles. C. That readers recycle plastic bottles into other forms.


Hortatory Exposition

D. E.


: 2 (dua) : ....

That readers use less plastic bottles in their lives. That readers use different shapes of plastic bottles.

This text is for questions 8 to 10. URGENTLY REQUIRED! English Editor At least hold S1 degree of English Education, with GPA min. 3.00. Work experience minimum 2 years. Not more than 25 years old. Like reading books. Computer and internet literate. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Send your application letter and CV by March 4, 2016 to: PT Global Bumi Persada Jalan Cut Nyak Dien no. 10 Tasikmalaya 8. “Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.” The word ‘shortlisted’ means ________. A. informed B. appreciated C. selected D. registered E. well-grounded 9. The following are the requirements for the job vacancy, EXCEPT ________. A. fond of reading books B. at least hold S1 degree C. not more than 25 years old D. computer and internet literate E. no work experience is welcomed 10. What is similar to ‘urgent’? A. Crucial. B. Smart. C. Harsh. D. Tough. E. Experienced. This text is for questions 11 to 14. Bacteria are almost found in almost every natural environment; from the depths of oceans to the tops of mountains, from polar ice to hot springs, from soil to plant and animal bodies. Several bacteria are beneficial for human. However, many of them are dangerous. Bacteria are unicellular micro-organisms, several are so small that five million of these micro-organisms could fit on a pin-head and trillions could fill our large intestine. These small organisms come in three basic cell shapes: spherical, rod-like and spiral.

Bacteria reproduce very rapidly and are a widespread form of life on earth. They are found everywhere in our environment: in the air we breathe, on the surfaces of plates and forks, on our skin, in our mouths, in lakes and rivers, in the oceans, on plants and in the soil. Bacteria are associated with diseases. Pneumonia, tuberculosis, blood poisoning and infection of surgical wounds are caused by bacteria and such diseases kill thousands of people yearly. Based on the above facts, the challenge to the medical and scientific communities is to find potent weapons to eliminate bacteria which are harmful to human beings. Adapted from: Anonymous, Challenging English Essays, Singapore, Redspot Publishing.

11. What is the main idea of paragraph four? A. The size of bacteria. B. The habitat of bacteria. C. The reproduction of bacteria. D. Diseases caused by bacteria. E. What the medical and scientific communities should do dealing with bacteria. 12. How do bacteria reproduce? A. Carefully. C. Variously. E. Very fast.

B. D.

Regularly. Very slowly.

13. Which statement is TRUE about bacteria? A. Bacteria are micro-organisms. B. Bacteria can’t fill people’s intestine. C. Bacteria can’t be found everywhere. D. All bacteria are dangerous for human. E. There are no bacteria in the air we breathe. 14. “... to find potent weapons to eliminate bacteria ....” (Paragraph 5) What is the antonym of ‘potent’? A. Main. B. Potential. C. Strong. D. Weak. E. Important. 15. Danar and Widi are my friends. We have known each other ________ we were at elementary school. A. since B. in order to C. wherever D. because E. although 16. It’s A. C. E.

very essential that we ________ the traffic regulations. obeying B. will obey obey D. have obeyed obeyed

This text is for questions 17 to 20. When we go shopping, we get a plastic bag to carry in the items we buy. When we go to a friend’s or relative’s house and we want to give him/her an item we use a plastic bag to carry the item. In fact, plastic bags are really needed. However, they are dangerous for our environment. First, plastic bags need a long time to decompose. Plastic bags take up to 1,000 years to decompose on land and 450 years in the water. Second, people use up natural resources to make plastic bags. The most common plastic bags you see today are made of polyethylene. This material is made of crude oil and natural gas. Moreover, plastic bags harm wildlife and marine life. Plastic bags are now ubiquitous in our environment, and animals both on land and in water are being strangled, choked and killed by them. Plastic bags are now the fifth most common debris item found on beaches.

Plastic bags are also dangerous for our health. Based on the results of the research by Drugs and Food Control, colored plastic bags are very dangerous for health if we use them to keep food. According to the Head of POM, Husniah Rubiana Thamrin Akib, this is because colored plastic bags are recycled products and their previous history is not known. They may have been used to carry in pesticide containers, hospital waste, heavy metals waste and so forth. Meanwhile, the long-term consequences of the use of these plastic bags can lead to various diseases such as cancer, kidney disorders and others. Based on the facts, plastic bags should not be used anymore. There are a few alternatives. 1. Use paper. Paper is an option that seems viable and easy to do. Most paper bags are made of recycled paper. The benefits are that paper bags can be reused and hold more than plastic bags. 2. Switch to carrying re-usable canvases/mesh bags. While I understand that it’s difficult to shop with kids and bring your own bags, I think that it’s a good start. Adapted from: – http://www.allfreeessays.com/essays/Plastic-Bags-Banned/6129.html (October 8, 2014) – http://medicalpit.blogspot.com/2009/07/kresek-berwarna-dangerous-tohealth.html (October 8, 2014) – http://www.sunrisewd.com/blog/why-using-plastic-bags-is-dangerous-to-theplanet/ (October 8, 2014)

17. How many land? A. About B. About C. About D. About E. About

years do plastic bags take to decompose on 100 years. 450 years. 500 years. 1000 years. 1500 years

18. Why are colored plastic bags very dangerous for health if we use them to keep food? Because ________. A. they are made of polyethylene B. they are smelly C. they are recycled products D. they can’t be recycled E. they are dirty 19. What is the benefit of using paper bags? A. They are strong. B. They are practical. C. They are cheap. D. They are easy to find. E. They can be reused. 20. “Plastic bags are now ubiquitous in our environment, ....” (Paragraph 4) The word ‘ubiquitous’ means ________. A. everywhere B. special C. strange D. obvious E. rare II.

Write an appeal based on your own topic.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Kunci Review Unit II Version B I.

Pilihan Ganda

1. B

11. D

2. E

12. E

3. C

13. A

4. A

14. D

5. D

15. A

6. E

16. C

7. C

17. D

8. C

18. C

9. E

19. E

10. A

20. A


Hortatory Exposition

II. Uraian Contoh jawaban: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? This place has been inundated for four days and the flood does not seem to be receding a few days ahead. This incident always happens every year. The government knows that you really suffer from it. Therefore, the government suggests that you are willing to move to a better place in which the government has provided. Please be informed, thank you.


5. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Boy : It’s my sister’s birthday next week. I’m confused of what to give her. Girl : You once told me that she loves writing stories, right? Why don’t you get her a writing pad? Boy : Sounds like a good idea. Thanks. Narrator : Where will the boy go to buy a present for his sister’s birthday?

Jawaban: E 2.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Girl : Kalya won a bronze medal in a Physics Olympiad and she also received a trophy and a sum of money. Boy : Wow! That’s great! I think she deserved it. She had studied and tried hard for it. Narrator : What good news are the speakers talking about? Jawaban: A


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : I really hate this! Boy : What’s the matter, Mom? Woman : Look! The garden is so messy and there are some petals and fresh green leaves scattered over the ground. Someone must have picked my flowers. Narrator : What does the woman likely feel? Jawaban: B



Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : Did you cry, dear? Your eyes look swollen. Girl : I can’t bear my feeling blue, Dad. Bella, my best friend, will leave for Manado this afternoon. She and her family will live there. It means that I’ll have no friend to share with and feel alone. Man : You can make use of technology to communicate with her. Besides, you still have many friends here. Narrator : Why does the girl feel sad?

Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Girl : Tim, I’m sorry. I dropped your calculator and broke it. Boy : What? How upsetting! You know, I rely on it for my exact science assignments. Girl : ________ Narrator : What will the girl say? A. It must be surprising. B. You can borrow father’s. C. Sorry. I’ll get it fixed. D. Your words really hurt me. Jawaban: C 6. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : Why do you look miserable? Boy : I didn’t pass the biology test, Mom. I had to do a remedial test next Tuesday. Woman : ________ Narrator : Which is the best response? A. You should study harder, then. B. You must think over it again. C. I have nothing to say. D. It’s not my business. Jawaban: A 7. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : The college plans to form a Cultural Understanding program. Woman : Cultural Understanding program? What is it? Man : It’s a kind of program to learn more about Indonesian cultures; the traditional languages, art, music and many others. What do you think about it? Woman : ________ Narrator : How would the girl respond? A. It makes me annoyed. B. That’s not the case. C. I agree with you. D. I think it’s a great idea. Jawaban: D

Jawaban: D

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI



Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : I like your boy’s performance. I think he is very adept at playing the drums. Woman : Thanks. He loves music and he is determined to make it. Narrator : What does the woman’s son like doing?

We can consider the benefits of herbal medicine when deciding to take herbs to cure illnesses. However, it’s important to know exactly what we are consuming. We should be knowledgeable and familiar with what and how to consume herbs to cure illnesses. Adapted from: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/benefits-of-herbalmedicine.html (October 10, 2015)

Narrator : What is the text about? Jawaban: D

Jawaban: D PART IV 9.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Girl : I think I am angry at Diana. Boy : What happened? Girl : We had agreed to go the photography exhibition together, yesterday afternoon, but she left me. She had been at the venue with Alice and Cindy when I arrived there. Narrator : Where did the girl go yesterday afternoon? Jawaban: B


Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then, it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it could go no further. The man intended to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily, but it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man continued to watch the butterfly. He expected that the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body. Neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly. Adopted from: http://www.motivationalwellbeing.com/motivationalstories.html (October 10, 2015)

Narrator : Which of these animals did the man expect to fly? Jawaban: C 11.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Herbal medicine, also known as alternative medicine, is used to prevent and treat various ailments. In nature, there are a huge variety of herbs like ginseng, ginger, garlic, ginkgo biloba, aloe vera, green tea, turmeric, chili, cloves, etc. There are a few benefits from herbal remedies. They can be used safely, without causing any side effects. They improve resistance against illnesses by enhancing the operation of the immune system. Herbs also help lower blood pressure and treat illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, various types of allergies and some digestive disorders. Besides, herbal remedies cost far less than doctor-prescribed medicine, because the herbs don’t have to be developed or manufactured, also, consumers do not need a prescription to acquire herbal remedies. Since many herbal remedies are very potent, they can also be more effective than other types of medicines.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: This text is for questions 12 and 13. Many social networking sites have bloomed in the last few years. Almost everyone has a public profile on some social networking sites recently. Social networking is a great concept. However, children may not be familiar with privacy settings on social networking sites. Therefore, any users who log on to such sites can access easily the profile which does not have adequate privacy setting. It is harmful as people with malicious intentions can identify the contact information on the profile. Besides, there is no verification procedure for people who wish to join the site. It enables children to have interactions with a number of people throughout the world, whom they may not know really well. Considering the drawbacks of social networking sites for children, it becomes parents’ responsibility to ensure that the children are safe on such site. Parents can keep an eye on the children’s activities by joining the site and add their children to their friends list. Parents should also regulate the amount of time their children spend online. Adapted from: http://www.indiaparenting.com/raising-children/132_3287/pros-andcons-of-social-networking-for-kids.html (October 10, 2015)

Narrator: 12. What is the text mainly about? 13. What can parents do to ensure that social networking sites are safe for their children based on the text? 12. Jawaban: A 13. Jawaban: C Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: This text is for questions 14 and 15. In ancient times, there was a king who placed a rock on a roadway. Then, he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge stone. Some of the king’s wealthiest merchants came by and simply walked around it. Many people loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the big stone out of the way. Then, a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. On approaching the rock, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. As the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the huge stone had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the king indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the rock from the roadway. The peasant learned what many others will never understand. Adopted from: http://www.indianchild.com/inspiring_stories.htm (October 10, 2015)

Narrator: 14. What did the peasant do with the rock on a roadway? 15. What can we learn from the story? 14. Jawaban: E 15. Jawaban: B This is the end of the listening section.


Mid-Term Test

READING SECTION 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.


31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.


46. 47. 48. 49. 50.


Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Pada unit ini peserta didik akan mempelajari dan diharapkan menguasai: 1. tindak tutur menyatakan perasaan malu, 2. tindak tutur menyatakan perasaan jengkel, 3. berbagai teks spoof, baik lisan maupun tulisan, 4. teks lisan fungsional pendek: lelucon (joke), 5. teks tulis fungsional pendek: iklan pertunjukan, serta 6. penggunaan: future conditional (tipe I dan II) dan infinitive vs. gerund.


• •

• •

Tindak tutur menyatakan perasaan malu. Tindak tutur menyatakan perasaan jengkel.

Percakapan yang memuat ungkapan menyatakan perasaan malu dan jengkel. Praktik bercakap-cakap menggunakan ungkapan menyatakan perasaan malu dan jengkel sesuai dengan konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Teks spoof

• •

• • • • • • • • • • •

Berbagai teks spoof lisan dan tulisan. Pemahaman tujuan komunikatif, informasi rinci, dan informasi tertentu teks spoof yang disimak maupun dibaca. Praktik menyampaikan teks spoof (monolog) dengan lafal, tekanan, dan intonasi yang benar dan akurat. Praktik menulis teks spoof dengan langkah retorika dan struktur teks yang benar.

• •

Lelucon (joke) pendek Iklan

Berbagai lelucon (joke) lisan pendek dan iklan. Praktik menyampaikan lelucon pendek lisan dalam konteks yang dekat peserta didik. Praktik menulis iklan dalam konteks sehari-hari.

• •

Mampu bersikap sopan dan santun ketika berkomunikasi. Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan utama dan maksud ungkapan menyatakan perasaan malu dan jengkel dalam percakapan yang diperdengarkan. Mampu menyatakan perasaan malu dan jengkel saat bercakap-cakap dalam konteks sehari-hari. Mampu mengungkapkan gambaran umum serta serta informasi rinci dan tertentu dari monolog spoof yang diperdengarkan. Mampu menyampaikan teks spoof secara lisan (bermonolog) dengan lafal, tekanan, dan intonasi yang benar dan akurat. Mampu mengungkapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks spoof. Mampu menulis teks spoof dengan langkah-langkah retorika dan struktur teks yang benar. Mampu mengungkapkan gambaran umum dan informasi rinci dari teks fungsional pendek berbentuk lelucon pendek yang diperdengarkan. Mampu menyampaikan teks fungsional pendek berbentuk lelucon pendek lisan yang dekat dengan konteks kehidupan seharihari. Mampu mengungkapkan gambaran umum, informasi rinci, fungsi sosial, dan tujuan komunikatif teks fungsional pendek berbentuk iklan. Mampu menulis teks fungsional pendek berbentuk berbentuk iklan sesuai dengan tujuan komunikatifnya.



3.1 Expressions Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut.







Listen and complete the dialog based on what you have heard.

Sebelumnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan percakapan yang lengkap dan peserta didik menyimak dengan saksama. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan kembali percakapan tersebut dan peserta didik menyimak sambil melengkapi percakapan rumpang di buku. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan kembali percakapan tersebut dan peser ta didik menyimak sambil mencocokkan jawabannya. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik untuk membacakan jawabannya, lalu bersama-sama membahas jawabannya. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memotivasi beberapa peserta didik untuk memeragakan percakapan yang sudah lengkap. Sebelumnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat mencontohkan pelafalan kata-kata sulit atau baru.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Seto : Rena, you’re blushing! What happened? Rena : Oh, I’ve just done (1) a stupid thing. It was really embarrassing. Seto : May I know what it was? Rena : You know that I (2) participated in a story-writing contest, don’t you? Seto : Yeah, I know that. If I’m not mistaken, the result will be (3) announced today. Rena : You’re right. Seto : So, what is the connection with your (4) embarrassed feeling? Rena : Well, Nina told me that I won the contest. Of course, I was so excited and I imagined receiving (5) a sum of money. So when Mr. Jono asked me to meet him in the teacher’s office, I thought he was going to give me the (6) good news. Seto : Then what? Rena : In fact, he told me that the winner was Rena from Class XI-Science 3. I felt (7) so embarrassed at that moment. Seto : Sorry to hear that. Well, (8) forget that matter and let’s go to the canteen. I’ll treat you drink. Rena : O.K. Thanks.

Percakapan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Jenny : Finally, you’re back. I was worried about you. You know, you’ve been (1) more than fifteen minutes in the toilet. Maura, … are you listening? Maura : Ehh … what is it, Jenny? Jenny : You didn’t listen to (2) what I said, did you? Maura : Sorry. Jenny : Tell me. What’s wrong with you? Maura : Well, I’ve just had (3) an embarrassing experience. Jenny : Really? What was it? Maura : You know, I went to the toilet and I didn’t notice the sign saying that the toilet is (4) for men only. Jenny : O my gosh! What happened then? Maura : I didn’t realize that I had entered (5) the wrong toilet, until a young man who had just come in, asked me, “Are you sure you are in (6) the right place, Miss?” I looked at the sign above (7) the entrance door. Ugh, it says “Men”. I felt so embarrassed. Jenny : I see, but don’t think too much about it. It is quite normal for us to (8) make mistakes, occasionally. Maura : Still I won’t forget it soon. Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik: Jenny : Finally, you’re back. I was worried about you. You know, you’ve been (1) _____________________ in the toilet. Maura, … are you listening? Maura : Ehh … what is it, Jenny? Jenny : You didn’t listen to (2) _____________________, did you? Maura : Sorry. Jenny : Tell me. What’s wrong with you? Maura : Well, I’ve just had (3) _____________________. Jenny : Really? What was it? Maura : You know, I went to the toilet and I didn’t notice the sign saying that the toilet is (4) _____________________. Jenny : O my gosh! What happened then? Maura : I didn’t realize that I had entered (5) _____________________, until a young man who had just come in, asked me, “Are you sure you are in (6) _____________________, Miss?” I looked at the sign above (7) _____________________. Ugh, it says “Men”. I felt so embarrassed. Jenny : I see, but don’t think too much about it. It is quite normal for us to (8) _____________________, occasionally. Maura : Still I won’t forget it soon. Jawaban: 1. more than fifteen minutes 3. an embarrassing experience 5. the wrong toilet 7. the entrance door

2. 4. 6. 8.

what I said for men only the right place make mistakes

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI



Answer the following questions based on the dialog in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. At school. 2. During the break. 3. She is feeling embarrassed. 4. She thought that she won a story-writing contest, but it was another person who won the contest. 5. Today. 6. She imagined receiving a sum of money. 7. Rena from Class XI-Science 3. 8. They will go to the canteen.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi pertanyaan-pertanyaan lain seperti berikut. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Who are talking in the dialog? What contest did Rena enter? What is Mr. Jono? Seto says, “Sorry to hear that.” What does he express? What will the speakers do after the conversation?

Jawaban: 1. Schoolmates. 2. A story-writing contest. 3. He is a teacher. 4. He expresses sympathy. 5. They will have drink in the canteen. C.

Listen and complete the following statements based on what you have heard.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Girl : Look! Your right knee is bleeding. What happened? Boy : I slipped on the floor a minute ago. Don’t worry, it’s not serious. Girl : How did you slip? Boy : Well, the floor was wet after Mr. Hasan mopped it. Moreover, I was in a hurry and I didn’t notice the sign saying that the floor was still wet. I felt a bit ashamed because some other students saw me slip. Girl : Poor you. Watch your step next time. Boy : I will. Girl : Anyway, I think it would be better if you go to the sickbay to have your bleeding knee treated. Boy : You’re right. O.K., I’m going there now. See you. Girl : See you. Jawaban: 1. right knee 2. slipped on the floor 3. wet; a hurry 4. watch his step 5. the sickbay; have his bleeding knee treated



Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut. Percakapan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Mr. Yudha : You look upset. Is there anything wrong, dear? Riris : Yes, Dad. I lost my valuable USB stick. Mr. Yudha : How did it happen? Riris : Well, at that time Viko, my classmate, needed a USB stick so I lent him mine for two days only. This morning I met him and asked for my USB stick, but his answer made me irritated. Mr. Yudha : What did he say? Riris : He said that he lost it. He couldn’t find it anywhere. Mr. Yudha : Really annoying! What will you do then? Riris : I don’t know. Actually, he wants to replace my USB stick with a new one, but I can’t accept it. Mr. Yudha : Why? Riris : There are many important documents in my USB stick, Dad. They are irreplaceable since I don’t have copies. Mr. Yudha : What a pity! I hope Viko will find it soon. Riris : I hope so, Dad. Mr. Yudha : For you, next time never keep important files in a USB stick before copying them onto a computer. Riris : O.K., Dad. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Who are talking in the dialog? How is Riris feeling at that moment? Why is she feeling that way? When did Viko borrow Riris’ USB stick? When did Riris discover that her USB stick was missing? What did Viko intend to do? In your opinion, what made Riris irritated hearing that her USB stick was missing? Riris says, “He couldn’t find it anywhere.” What does ‘it’ refer to?

Jawaban: 1. Father and daughter. 2. She is feeling upset. 3. Viko, her classmate, lost her USB stick. 4. Two days ago. 5. This morning. 6. He intended to replace Riris’ USB stick with a new one. 7. Because there are many important documents in her USB stick and she doesn’t have copies of them. 8. It refers to Riris’ USB stick.


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: This dialog is for question 5. Boy : Why are you gloomy? Has somebody upset you? Girl : Not really. Only what Ronald said about me is really annoying. He accused me of cheating during a test, as I got a perfect score. Boy : Don’t worry about that. He was just jealous, I guess.

Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: This dialog is for questions 1 and 2. Boy : Oh, how embarrassing! Girl : Hey, what’s wrong with you? Boy : Well, I greeted the wrong person. Girl : How did it happen? Boy : You know, there was a boy in front of me. From behind, he looked like Dion, so I hugged him. I was shocked when he turned to face me. He wasn’t Dion. Girl : That was really embarrassing! Jawaban: 1. B 2.

Jawaban: 5. C



Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: This dialog is for questions 3 and 4. Girl : Guess what has just happened to me! Boy : What? Girl : While I was walking along the road in front of our school, I was daydreaming. I did not notice a stone in front of me so I stumbled and fell in front of people. I was so ashamed. Boy : Sorry to hear that. Jawaban: 3. A 4.

Complete the following dialogs with the suitable expressions from the boxes.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. b 2.






Dialog 2 1. d 5. b

h c

3. 7.

g a

4. 8.

j f

2. 6.




Find the meanings of the following words and their synonyms in the dialogs in Task A. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Word wish shameful fortunately reason feeling accessible annoyed declined cordially consequence



___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________



Jawaban: No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Word wish shameful fortunately reason feeling accessible annoyed declined cordially consequence

berharap memalukan beruntungnya alasan kesan tersedia kesal menolak dengan ramah hasil

hope embarrassing luckily excuse impression available irritated refused politely result

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI



Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Task A.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. About Galih’s embarrassing experience. 2. To invite her to have a barbecue party together at his house, this evening. 3. Because he sent the first message to the wrong person. 4. Mrs. Anita, Resa’s mother. 5. That his message was supposed to be for Resa. Dialog 2 1. It is about Kesya and her pen pal Natasya’s uncomfortable experience. 2. They went to a beach. 3. Souvenir sellers. 4. They refused them politely. 5. She felt irritated. 6. She apologized to Natasya for the inconvenience. 7. They went to a restaurant serving traditional food. 8. She hopes that Natasya has a good impression about our country.


Complete the following dialogs with the suitable expressions from the boxes.

Dialog 1 a. c. e. Rania Rifky Rania Rifky

it’s really annoying me How embarrassing don’t make me angry : : : :

Rania :

Rifky : Rania : Rifky : Rania :

b. d. f.

Pardon I’ll turn it down now Sorry about that

Will you turn down the radio, Rifky? (1) ________? Please turn down the radio. (2) ________, but that’s my favorite music program. I know, but (3) ________. I will have a biology test tomorrow and I can’t concentrate on my studies because of that loud noise. Well, you can move to another room, can’t you? I can’t. Please (4) ________. Turn it down or I’ll turn it off! O.K., (5) ________. Good. Thank you.

Dialog 2 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

She asked about my shoes size What did you do after that You’re back I ran away Please take it easy a nice girl approached me What happened Oh, my face suddenly turned red I was upset I have no idea

Adnan : Sonya : Adnan : Sonya : Adnan :


Hi, Sonya. (1) ________. How was your holiday? Great! Overall, I really enjoyed my holiday, except one. What was it? I experienced an embarrassing moment. (2) ________?


Sonya :

Adnan : Sonya :

Adnan : Sonya :

Adnan : Sonya :

Adnan : Sonya :

It happened after I prayed in a mosque not far from a tourist spot. I was wearing my shoes when (3) ________. You know what she said? What did she say? She said that they were her shoes. (4) ________ since I was sure that the shoes were mine. They really looked like mine. Well, she insisted that those shoes were hers. And? (5) ________ and I said thirty-nine. Then, she showed me that the size of those shoes was thirtyeight. Oh, it was like lightning had struck me. Poor you. (6) ________. Especially, when my sister came to me and told me that my shoes were at another corner. I was so embarrassed! It was. (7) ________? I asked for her forgiveness and looked for my shoes. Then, (8) ________.


Find the meanings of the following words.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

loud to turn down to turn off angry overall except to approach to insist to strike to run away


= = = = = = = = = =

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Find the synonyms of the following words in the dialogs in Task A.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

irritating mad switch off ashamed certain searched particularly changed all at once escaped

= = = = = = = = = =

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________


Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Task A.

Dialog 1 1. What is Rifky doing? 2. What is Rania doing? 3. Why is Rania feeling annoyed? 4. What did Rania ask Rifky to do? 5. Where do you think the dialog takes place? Dialog 2 1. What is the dialog about? 2. Where did Sonya experience an embarrassing moment? 3. What happened to Sonya when she was wearing her shoes? 4. Whose shoes were they actually? 5. When did Sonya realize she was wrong? 6. Where were Sonya’s shoes? 7. Who found Sonya’s shoes? 8. What did Sonya do about her mistake? Jawaban: Task A Dialog 1 1. b 2.








Dialog 2 1. c 5. a

C. 2. 6.

g h

3. 7.

f b

4. 8.

i d

Task B 1. kencang, keras 2. mengurangi volume 3. mematikan (alat) 4. marah 5. secara keseluruhan 6. kecuali 7. mendekati 8. bersikeras 9. menabrak 10. melarikan diri Task C 1. annoying 3. turn off 5. sure 7. especially 9. suddenly

1. 2.


4. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10.

angry embarrassed looked for turned ran away

Task D Dialog 1 1. He is listening to his favorite music program from the radio. 2. She is studying. 3. Because Rifky had the radio too loud. 4. To turn down the radio’s volume 5. At the speakers’ house. Dialog 2 1. It’s about Sonya’s embarrasing experience. 2. In a mosque not far from a tourist spot. 3. A nice girl approached her and told her that the shoes were hers. 4. They were the girl’s shoes. 5. When the girl showed her the size of the shoes, thirtyeight. 6. They were at another corner of the mosque. 7. Her sister. 8. She apologized to the girl.



Create a dialog based on the following guideline. Then, practice the dialog with a friend.

Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peser ta didik bekerja berpasangan. Setiap pasangan menyusun percakapan berdasarkan panduan yang tersedia di buku menggunakan ungkapan yang sesuai. Selama kegiatan berlangsung, Bapak/Ibu Guru mengamati keaktifan peserta didik dan memotivasi peserta didik yang kurang aktif. Setelah waktu pengerjaan selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi setiap pasangan untuk memeragakan percakapan yang telah mereka buat. Saat ada peserta didik yang melakukan percakapan di depan kelas, peserta didik yang lain mengamati dan memberi masukan tentang lafal, intonasi, gesture, dan mimik wajah. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan positif dan nilai atas hasil kerja peserta didik.

Contoh jawaban: Aditya : Hey, Anneke. Your classes are over, but why are you still here? Anneke : Hi, Adit. I have a problem with my motorcycle. Aditya : What’s wrong with it? Anneke : It won’t start for the third time this week. It’s really annoying! Aditya : Well, you need to take it to a repairman. Anneke : I already did that yesterday. It worked well until this morning. Aditya : If that’s so, you should take it back to the repairman to get it rechecked. Anneke : You’re right. Now, could you help me start my motorcycle? Aditya : I’ll try my best. Anneke : Thank you. Aditya : You’re welcome. If it doesn’t work, let’s call a repairman to fetch your motorcycle. Anneke : Good idea!

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberikan soal berikut. Alisa


Greets Darwis.

Responds to the greeting and says that Alisa does not appear to be in a good mood.

Agrees with Darwis.

Asks what happened to Alisa.

Explains that Rani broke an appointment to go home together. Instead, Rani left without telling her and she had waited for her around half an hour.

Asks why Alisa didn’t call Rani or send her a text message.

Says that she had sent her a text message, but there was no reply.

Says that she couldn’t understand why Rani did that to her; she always treats her well, yet she repays with this very annoying action. Says that she doesn’t know about that.

Says that he knows Alisa’s feeling, but she should calm down.

Says that he understand’s that Rani has made a mistake, but he suggests that Alisa meet Rani tomorrow to ask for an explanation.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Contoh jawaban: Alisa : I’m home. Darwis : Hello, sis. Hey, you are not looking your usual self. Alisa : I am not. Darwis : What happened? Alisa : This morning Rani asked me to go home together and I agreed. However, she left without telling me. You know, I waited for her around half an hour. Darwis : Didn’t you call or text her? Alisa : I had sent her a message, but there was no reply. It was really irritating. Darwis : I know how you feel, but you should calm down. Alisa : I just couldn’t understand why she did that to me. You know, I always treat her well, yet she repays me with this very annoying action. Darwis : I understand, she has made a mistake, but I suggest that you meet her tomorrow. Ask for her explanation. Alisa : I don’t know. Let’s see tomorrow. Create a dialog using the expressions you have learned. You are free to choose a topic. Then, practice the dialog with a friend.


Contoh jawaban: Andi : Lesti, what’s wrong with you? Why are you covering your face with your hands? Lesti : You have no idea what just happened to me. It was really embarrassing. Andi : What happened? Tell me. Lesti : Guess what! I entered a wrong class! I didn’t know how it happened. Andi : Which class did you enter? Lesti : Class XII Science-2! I just walked inside the classroom and halted when I saw strange faces and everyone was staring at me and laughing. Andi : Then, what did you do? Lesti : I apologized and hurriedly walked outside. I feel so embarrassed. What if I meet them again? They will definitely laugh at me. Andi : Relax. It could happen to anyone.

3.2 Genre


Look at the picture and answer the questions that follow.

Jawaban: 1. Marking eggs. 2. To stamp her eggs to keep up with technology. 3. Stamping eggs using a hammer in fact will break the eggs. B.

Listen and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Here is a story of Nasreddin. One day Nasreddin had been invited to a (1) dinner party. He went to the party, wearing (2) old clothes.



When he arrived at the party, nobody looked at him and nobody offered him a (3) seat. He did not get any food at the party so he went home to change his clothes. He wore his best clothes. He wore his (4) new coat and returned to the party again. The host immediately got up and came to meet him. The host offered him the (5) best table and seat and served him the best food. Nasreddin sat and (6) took off his coat and said, “Eat the food, Coat!” The (7) hosts and guests were very surprised and asked Nasreddin, “What are you doing?” Nasreddin replied (8) calmly, “When I came here with my old clothes, nobody looked at me. So, I went home and put on my best clothes. I (9) came back in my new coat and you all gave me the best food and drink. So, you offered food to my coat, instead of me.” On hearing Nasreddin’s answer, they just (10) shook their heads. Adopted from: http://understandingtext.blogspot.com/2008/05/nasreddins-coat-spooftext.html (September 30, 2015)


Answer the following questions based on the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. At a dinner party. 2. Because he was wearing old clothes. 3. He went home and changed his clothes for the best clothes he had. 4. The host immediately got up to meet him, offered him the best table and seat and served him the best food. 5. Nasreddin offered the food to his coat. 6. He thought that the food was served to his new coat, as nobody looked at him, in his old clothes. 7. It is ‘patiently’. 8. It refers to the party hosts and guests.


Listen and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: One day Mrs. Baker wanted to go (1) ice fishing. She had read several books on the subject and finally, after getting all the (2) necessary equipment together, she made her way out onto the ice. After positioning her (3) comfy stool, she started to make a circular cut in the ice. Frighteningly, from up above, a voice boomed, “There are no fish (4) under the ice.” Startled, Mrs. Baker moved farther down the ice, poured herself (5) a large coffee and began to cut yet another hole.

Again, from the (6) heavens, the voice bellowed, “There are no fish under the ice.” Mrs. Baker, now became very (7) concerned so she moved way down to the opposite end of the ice, set up her stool and began again to cut her (8) ice-hole. The voice rang out once more, “There are no fish under the ice.” Mrs. Baker, stopped, (9) looked upwards and said, “Is that you, Lord?” The voice replied, “No, this is the Ice-Rink (10) Manager.” Adopted from: http://www.guy-sports.com/jokes/hilarious_jokes.htm (January 12, 2015)

Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik: One day Mrs. Baker wanted to go (1) ________________. She had read several books on the subject and finally, after getting all the (2) ________________ equipment together, she made her way out onto the ice. After positioning her (3) ________________, she started to make a circular cut in the ice. Frighteningly, from up above, a voice boomed, “There are no fish (4) ________________.” Startled, Mrs. Baker moved farther down the ice, poured herself (5) ________________ and began to cut yet another hole. Again, from the (6) ________________, the voice bellowed, “There are no fish under the ice.” Mrs. Baker, now became very (7) ________________ so she moved way down to the opposite end of the ice, set up her stool and began again to cut her (8) ________________. The voice rang out once more, “There are no fish under the ice.” Mrs. Baker, stopped, (9) ________________ and said, “Is that you, Lord?” The voice replied, “No, this is the Ice-Rink (10) ________________.” Adopted from: http://www.guy-sports.com/jokes/hilarious_jokes.htm (January 12, 2015)


Answer the following questions based on the text in Task A.

1. 2. 3. 4.

What is the story about? Where did the story take place? What did Mrs. Baker do in preparation for fishing? What did Mrs. Baker initially do to begin her fishing activity? How many times did Mrs. Baker make holes? What did Mrs. Baker enjoy while she was doing the activity? What did Mrs. Baker think of the sound “There are no fish under the ice.” come from? Who actually said, “There are no fish under the ice.”?

5. 6. 7. 8.

Jawaban: Task A 1. ice fishing 3. comfy stool 5. a large coffee 7. concerned 9. looked upwards

2. 4. 6. 8. 10.

necessary under the ice heavens ice-hole Manager

Task B 1. About a woman, Mrs. Baker, who wanted to go ice fishing. 2. At an ice area. 3. She read several books on ice fishing and got all the necessary equipment. 4. She positioned her comfy stool and started to make a circular cut in the ice. 5. Three times. 6. A large coffee. 7. From heaven. 8. The Ice Rink-Manager.


Listen and complete the statements based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Let me tell you a story of a boss and a trainee. There was a man who joined a big multi national company as a trainee. On his first day he dialed the pantry number and shouted into the phone, “Get me a cup of coffee, quickly!” From the other side someone responded, “You fool! You’ve dialed the wrong extension! Do you know who you’re talking to?” “No,” replied the trainee. “It’s the Managing Director of the company!” The trainee shouted back, “And do you know who you are talking to?” “No,” replied the Managing Director. “That’s good!” replied the trainee and put down the phone! Adopted from: http://understandingtext.blogspot.com/2012/02/spoof-text-boss-andtrainee.html (September 30, 2015)

Jawaban: 1. a boss (a managing director) and a trainee 2. the first day 3. the pantry; a cup of coffee 4. the Managing Director 5. asked him the same question to find out whether he knew who he was talking to E.

Find the meanings of the following words. You will hear the words in the text in Task F.

Jawaban: 1. mengebut 3. mengawasi 5. salah 7. tidak sah F.

2. 4. 6. 8.

sempurna batas kecepatan salah, cacat cacat, rusak, tidak sempurna

Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: This text is for questions 1 to 3. One day a police officer found a perfect hiding place to screen speeding drivers. However, that day everyone was below the speed limit. Then, the officer investigated and found a 9 year old boy standing on the side of the road with a huge handpainted sign which said, “SPEED CAMERA AHEAD!” A little more investigative work led the officer to the boy’s partner in crime, another boy about 200 meters beyond the speed camera with a sign reading “TIPS” and a bucket at his feet, full of coins. Adopted from: http://www.onlyfunnystories.com/CleverBusiness.asp (September 30, 2015)

Jawaban: 1. C 2.




Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: This text is for questions 4 and 5. One day, Susan called a technical support hotline and said, “Hello? Is this the technical support hotline?” From the other end, someone said, “Yes, this is Carl speaking. How may I help you today?” “I think my DVDs are faulty. I keep getting the error message bad or invalid disk operation. I hope you can help me,” Susan said. Carl, the technician, replied, “I can help you, but I will need a copy of your defective DVDs to help me diagnose the problem. Could you send a copy to our customer care center?” Guess what! A few days later, a package arrived for Carl from the customer. The package contained several photocopied pages, they were copies of the DVDs. Adopted from: http://www.onlyfunnystories.com/FaultyDiskCopy.asp (September 30, 2015)

Jawaban: 4. D 5.


Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI



Arrange the following sentences to form a sequential text.

Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the sentences is 5–9–1–6–4–2–8–3–7. B.





Retell the text in Task A using your own words. 5.

1. 2.

3. 4.


Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca dan memahami kembali isi teks pada kegiatan sebelumnya. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peser ta didik untuk menceritakan kembali cerita tersebut dengan kata-kata sendiri. Peserta didik dapat membuat draf cerita tersebut. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik untuk menyampaikan ceritanya di depan kelas. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak, lalu mereka diminta memberi masukan tentang isi cerita, lafal, intonasi, gesture, dan mimik wajah. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai kepada peserta didik yang melakukan monolog.

Contoh jawaban: Let me tell you a story. One day, a married couple decided to have a vacation. Unfortunately, on the D-day, the wife had to go on a one-day business trip. So, they decided that the man should go on vacation first and his wife would meet him the next day. When the man arrived at the hotel, he decided to send his wife an e-mail. However, he mistyped the address of his e-mail recipient. Guess who received the man’s e-mail? The receiver was an elderly lecturer’s wife whose husband had died only the day before. As the grieving woman was checking her e-mail, she screamed loudly and suddenly fell to the floor unconscious. On hearing the woman’s scream, her family rushed into her room and found her lying on the floor and saw this note on the monitor: Dearest wife, Just checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow. P.S. Sure is hot here. The woman thought that she would die the day after.



Arrange the following paragraphs to form a sequential text. Abu Ali Counted His Donkeys

Answer the following questions based on the sequential text in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. It’s about sending an e-mail to a wrong address. 2. Because the wife had to go on a business trip first. 3. An elderly lecturer’s wife whose husband had passed away only the day before. 4. She let out a piercing scream and fell to the floor unconscious. 5. She might have thought that the e-mail was sent by her dead husband, telling her that tomorrow she would die, based on the sentence “Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow.” C.



7. 8.

“I’ll count them again,” Abu Ali said. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Oh, he must have come back.” So, Abu Ali climbed back on to the donkey and trotted away. Just then Abu Ali saw his friend Salim walking along the road. “Salim,” he called. “Help me count my donkeys. I keep losing one. When I stop to count, I have only eight, but when I get down looking for the ninth, there it is again!” After a while he counted his donkeys again. He counted only eight! Once more he looked behind the rocks and behind the trees, but there was no donkey to be seen. One day Abu Ali went to a fair and bought nine donkeys. He rode home on one of them and the rest of the donkeys followed behind. After a while Abu Ali said to himself, “I must make sure all my donkeys are here.” Then, he turned round to count them. “Well, I can see ten donkeys, Abu Ali,” laughed Salim. “The tenth donkey’s name is Abu Ali!” He jumped down from his donkey. He looked behind the rocks and behind the trees. However, there was no donkey to be seen. “I will count again,” he said and this time there were nine. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Oh! Where’s number nine?” Abu Ali cried. Adopted from: http://understandingtext.blogspot.com/2012/02/spoof-text-abuali-counts-his-donkeys.html (September 30, 2015)


Answer the following questions based on the sequential text in Task A.

1. 2. 3. 4.

When did the story occur? How did Abu Ali go home? Why could Abu Ali only count eight donkeys? How did Abu Ali count his donkeys so there were nine donkeys again? In your opinion, why did Salim consider Abu Ali as the tenth donkey?



Retell the text in Task A from Salim’s point of view.

Jawaban: Task A The correct arrangement of the paragraphs is 4–8–6–1–3–7– 2–5. Task B 1. On Abu Ali’s way home from a fair. 2. By riding on one of the donkeys he bought. 3. Because he didn’t count the donkey he rode on. 4. He got down from the donkey he rode on. 5. Because he thought that Abu Ali was as foolish as the donkeys.

Task C Contoh jawaban: Let me tell you about my amusing experience. One day Abu Ali went to a fair and bought nine donkeys. He rode home on one of them and the rest of the donkeys followed behind. After a while Abu Ali said to himself, “I must make sure all my donkeys are here.” So, he turned round to count them. Abu Ali started counting. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Oh! Where’s number nine?” he shouted. Immediately, he jumped down from his donkey. He looked behind the rocks and trees, but there was no donkey to be seen. He looked worried. Then, he decided to count his donkeys again. He counted, “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.” He was relieved, there were nine donkeys again. He thought the missing donkey must have returned. So, he climbed back on to the donkey and trotted away. After a while he counted his donkeys again. He counted only eight! Once more he looked behind the rocks and trees, but there was no donkey to be seen. Abu Ali decided to get down from his donkey and count again. As before, there were nine donkeys. He looked puzzled. Later on I passed the road where Abu Ali was still looking for his ninth donkeys. He saw me and called out my name. I approached him, then he asked me to help him count his donkeys. He said that when he stopped to count, there were only eight donkeys, but when he got down looking for the ninth, there were nine again. Guess what I said! I said that I could see ten donkeys. You know, the tenth donkey’s name was Abu Ali!


What an amusing experience have you ever had? Share your story with the class.

Contoh jawaban: Let me tell you a story of four surgeons. One day, they were discussing who the best patients were, to operate on. The first surgeon said, “I like to see accountants on my operating table because when you open them up, everything inside is numbered.” The second responded, “Yeah, but you should try electricians! Everything inside them is color coded.” Then, the third surgeon said, “No, I really think librarians are the best; everything inside them is in alphabetical order.” You know what the fourth surgeon said? Well, he chimed in, “You know, I like construction workers. Those guys always understand when you have a few parts left over at the end and when the job takes longer than you said it would.” Adopted from: http://www.e-jokes.net/medical/022.htm (October 1, 2015)


Read the following texts. Which one is a spoof? Give your reason(s).

Jawaban: A spoof is Text 1 because it ends with a twist. The twist is Holmes wanted to tell Watson that their tent was already stolen, so they could see millions of stars on the sky. Holmes didn’t expect Watson’s scientific answer or explanation why they could see millions of stars on the sky. Meanwhile, Text 2 is a recount text because it only describes a series of events in chronological order.

Find the synonyms of the following words in Text 1 in Task A. Explain their meanings. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



Word loyal conclude journey relatively unimportant



__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Find the antonyms of the following words in Text 2 in Task A. Explain their meanings. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Word slowly sent lost obscure whole




__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Jawaban: Task A No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Word loyal conclude journey relatively unimportant

Synonym faithful deduce trip approximately insignificant

Meaning setia menarik kesimpulan perjalanan kira-kira tidak penting

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Task B No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



slowly sent lost obscure whole

dengan lambat mengirim menghilangkan tak jelas keseluruhan

Antonym quickly received found palpable detail

Complete the following statements based on the texts in Task A.


Jawaban: Text 1 1. a camp site, in the evening 2. had a good meal 3. tomorrow would be beautiful or sunny 4. retarded 5. their tent was stolen 6. to entertain and share a funny story 7. dotaged

Meaning dengan cepat menerima menemukan jelas rinci

Text 2 1. the writer’s experience when an earthquake hit the hotel he stayed at 2. a small hotel room and outside the hotel 3. move as if it were a paper construction 4. his passport and green card 5. 6:45 a.m. 6. check out the hotel, leave the place and return home as quickly as possible 7. to relate a person’s experience 8. the writer’s passport and green card

Read the following texts. Which one is a spoof? Give your reason.


Text 1 I had a close friend when I was in college. His name was Bobby. He lived with his wealthy aunt who was single. However, his aunt passed away a year before his graduation. Bobby completed his degree in accounting two years ago. Soon after his graduation, his aunt’s lawyer told him that his aunt had left him a lot of money. He was so excited to hear the news that he decided to set up his own real estate agency. Bobby started looking for an office and found a nice one. Then, he bought new furniture and moved in. On his first day, after he had only been there for three hours, he heard a person coming towards the door of his office. “It must be my first customer,” Bobby thought. So, he quickly picked up the telephone and pretended to be very busy answering an important call from a customer in Singapore who wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the country. A person knocked on the door while this was going on. He came in and waited calmly for Bobby to finish his conversation on the phone. When he finished, the man said to Bobby, “Good morning, Sir. I am from the telephone company and I was sent here to connect your telephone.” Text 2 Last month I visited my aunt who lives in Malang. I really enjoyed my visit, especially the visits to a few interesting places. One of them was visiting an agrotourism area. She took me there on Sunday morning. We went there by car and it took only half an hour. After buying the entrance tickets, we were ready to explore the places. We visited apple, guava and strawberry gardens. According to the ticket, we were allowed to pick two apples and three strawberries. The apples were sweet, while the strawberries were sweet and sour. Then, we dropped by the cafe. We bought several bottles of yogurt produced at the place and enjoyed strawberry ice cream. The cafe also sold food and drinks made from the fruits grown at the place. Before we left the place, my aunt took me to a souvenir shop. She bought me a strawberry pillow and mug. I was really happy that day. I am really grateful to my aunt for all the nice memories. B.

Do the following tasks.


Find the synonyms of the following words in Text 1 in Task A.

No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Word build die finished happy fast relaxily rich search




____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________



Find the antonyms of the following words in Text 2 in Task A. No.




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

arrived bitter exit forbidden generally consumed sad selling

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ _________ ___________ ___________

Meaning ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Complete the following statements based on the texts in Task A.

Text 1 1. The relationship between the writer and Bobby was ________________________. 2. Bobby’s aunt was ________________________. 3. Bobby completed his studies in college ________________________ after his aunt’s death. 4. Bobby intended to use the money that his aunt had left him to ________________________. 5. When a person knocked on his office door, Bobby thought that he was ________________________. 6. When the guest entered his office, Bobby pretended to ________________________. 7. The guest actually came to Bobby’s office to ________________________. Text 2 1. The text is about ________________________. 2. The writer went to an agrotourism area with ________________________ on ________________________. 3. There are ______________________ gardens in the tourism area; they grow ______________________. 4. The writer was allowed to pick ________________________. 5. The writer went to a cafe after ________________________. 6. In the cafe, the writer ________________________ and ________________________. 7. The last activity that the writer did in the place was ________________________. 8. The purpose of the text is ________________________. Jawaban: Task A The spoof is the text number 1. It ends with a twist, when the guest told Bobby that he was sent to his office to connect the telephone, instead that Bobby pretended to talk on the phone. Task B 1.

No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Word build die finished happy fast relaxily rich search



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

arrived bitter exit forbidden generally consumed sad selling

Task C Text 1 1. friends at college 3. a/one year 5. his first customer 7. connect his telephone

Synonym set up pass away completed excited quickly calmly wealthy look for

Meaning mendirikan, membangun meninggal selesai senang, gembira dengan cepat dengan santai/tenang kaya mencari

Meaning tiba, datang pahit keluar dilarang pada umumnya memakai, menggunakan sedih menjual

Antonym left sweet entrance allowed especially produced happy buying

2. 4. 6.

Meaning pergi manis masuk diperbolehkan pada khususnya membuat, menghasilkan senang membeli

wealthy and single set up his own real estate agency answer an important call from a customer in Singapore

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Text 2 1. the writer’s experience during a visit to an agrotourism area in Malang 2. his/her aunt; Sunday morning 3. three (3); apples, strawberries and guavas 4. two apples and three strawberries 5. exploring the gardens, picking and eating apples and strawberries 6. bought yogurt; enjoyed ice cream 7. buying souvenirs 8. to relate a person’s experience C.

Read the text. Answer the questions that follow.

Jawaban: 1. A millionaire who put his new Ferrari on collateral to get only $5,000 loan from bank. 2. In New York. 3. To Europe. 4. Two weeks. 5. They thought that he was a foolish person. 6. In the bank’s underground parking garage. 7. Only $2,00 per day. 8. He wanted to park his expensive car in a safe place, but at low cost.

8. Who and what came to Charlie’s house? 9. How fast did they come to Charlie’s house? 10. In your opinion, why did Charlie tell a lie to the cops? Jawaban: 1. Late at night. 2. That the light in their garden shed was on. 3. Several people who were busy stealing his properties. 4. The police. 5. Because all patrol cars were occupied. 6. Thirty (30) seconds. 7. He said that he had just shot every one of the burglars. 8. Three patrol cars, a SWAT team and an ambulance. 9. In five minutes after Charlie called them. 10. In order that the police, no matter what, would come to his house immediately. D.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut. The Smart Way to Catch Burglars It was late and Charlie was about to climb into bed when his wife informed him that the light in their garden shed was on. Charlie went outside to turn off the light, but noticed several people in the shed who were busy stealing his properties. He ran back inside right away and called the cops, who asked him, “Are there any intruders in your house?” to which Charlie replied no and explained his circumstances. The cops told Charlie that all patrol cars were otherwise occupied and that he should just lock his door and a uniformed cop would be at his house when one was free. Charlie answered, “Alright,” hung up, waited 30 seconds and then called the cops again. “Hello, I just called a short while ago because there were people stealing my properties from my garden shed. I want to let you know that they’re not a problem anymore because I’ve just shot every one of them.” Charlie then hung up the phone. In five minutes, three patrol cars, a SWAT team and an ambulance arrived and of course, the cops caught the burglars in the act. One of the cops snapped at Charlie, “I thought you said that you shot every one of them!” “I thought you said there were no patrol cars free!” Charlie answered. Adopted from: http://www.onlyfunnystories.com/TheSmartWay.asp (September 15, 2015)

Questions: 1. When did the story take place? 2. What did Charlie’s wife tell him about? 3. What did Charlie see in his garden shed? 4. Who did Charlie call? 5. Why did the cops only ask Charlie to lock his door? 6. How long did Charlie wait before making his second call? 7. What did Charlie tell the cops, for them to rush to his house soon after he called?



Arrange the following paragraphs to form a sequential text.

Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the paragraphs is 2–5–4–3–6–1. E.

Complete the following statements based on the text in Task D.

Jawaban: 1. a plane 2. a blonde woman who refused to move out of the first class cabin 3. she didn’t hold a first class ticket 4. a flight attendant, co-pilot and pilot 5. he was married to a blonde woman and knew how to handle such a problem 6. stubborn and foolish 7. that the woman believed the pilot when he said that the first class wasn’t going to New York 8. persuaded F.

Circle the gerunds and underline the infinitives in the text in Task D.

Jawaban: Flying First Class On a plane bound for New York, the flight attendant approached a woman sitting in the first class cabin. The attendant asked the woman to move since she held an economy class ticket. The woman replied, “I’m blonde, I’m beautiful, I’m going to New York and I’m not moving.” Not wanting to argue with a passenger, the flight attendant asked the co-pilot to speak with her. So, he went to talk with the woman asking her to move out of the first class cabin. Again, she replied, “I’m blonde, I’m beautiful, I’m going to New York and I’m not moving.” The co-pilot returned to the cockpit and asked the captain what he should do. The captain said, “I’m married to a blonde and I know how to handle this.”

The captain went to the first class cabin and whispered in the blonde’s ear. She immediately jumped up and ran to the economy cabin, mumbling to herself, “Why didn’t anyone just say so.”

Surprised, the flight attendant and the co-pilot asked what he said to the blonde woman that finally convinced her to move from her seat. The pilot replied, “I told her that first class wasn’t going to New York.” Adopted from: http://www.studyflight.ru/humour/funny-stories.shtml (October 3, 2015)


Arrange the following paragraphs to form a sequential text. RUN


One day I experienced this funny moment. After placing a short program on the board, I told the students to type “R”, “U”, “N” and press return to see the program execute.


Knowing full-well that all of us make mistakes when typing at the computer, I suggested she retype “R”, “U”, “N” and press return. A few seconds later, the lady’s hand went up again. “It still doesn’t work,” she said.


A young lady at the back row waved her hand to get my attention. I asked what the problem was and she said, “I did what you said, but it didn’t work.”


So I went to see what her problem was. I was speechless when I found that instead of typing RUN, she had typed: ARE YOU IN!


I was teaching a very basic class in BASIC computer programming to a group of adults. Adults who have never been around computers before are very nervous and much harder to teach than children. However, I am a patient person so I do enjoy their eventual success. Adapted from: www.superlaugh.com/funpages/run.php (September 15, 2015)


Match the following words with their correct meanings. No.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



adult basic execute to experience nervous patient to press row speechless to wave

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l.

to have familiarity of things a number of people or things in a tidy line having or showing tolerance unable to speak being childish to move one’s hand forming a base from which an object/item/phenomenon develops not confident mentally and emotionally mature courageous to do or perform what one is asked or told to do to push an object


Complete the following statements based on the text in Task A.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

From the text, it can be concluded that the writer’s profession is ____________________. The writer taught ____________________ to ____________________. The writer thinks that teaching adults is ____________________ than teaching children. No matter what, the writer really enjoys teaching them because he is ____________________. That day the writer asked his students to ____________________. There was a young woman sitting at ____________________ who had a problem. The woman raised her hand to get ____________________. The woman in fact typed ____________________.


Circle the gerunds and underline the infinitives in the text in Task A.

Jawaban: Task A The correct arrangement of the paragraphs is 5–1–3–2–4. Task B 1. i

2. g

3. k

4. a

5. h

6. c

7. l

8. b

9. d

10. f

Task C 1. a teacher 2. BASIC computer programming; a group of adults 3. harder 4. a patient person 5. type “R”, “U”, “N” and press return to see the program execute 6. the back row 7. the writer’s attention 8. ARE YOU IN

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Task D RUN I was teaching a very basic class in BASIC computer programming to a group of adults. Adults who have never been around computers before are very nervous and much harder to teach than children. However, I am a patient person so I do enjoy their eventual success. One day I experienced this funny moment. After placing a short program on the board, I told the students to type “R”, “U”, “N” and press return to see the program execute. A young lady at the back row waved her hand to get my attention. I asked what the problem was and she said, “I did what you said, but it didn’t work.” Knowing full-well that all of us make mistakes when typing at the computer, I suggested she retype “R”, “U”, “N” and press return. A few seconds later, the lady’s hand went up again. “It still doesn’t work,” she said. So I went to see what her problem was. I was speechless when I found that instead of typing RUN, she had typed: ARE YOU IN!


Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box. Use the correct forms of the words. Number one has been done for you.

Jawaban: 2. to tell 5. to go 8. recycling

3. opening 6. singing 9. to be

4. to share 7. to speak 10. returning

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

would buy a new car will visit a leather craft center the teacher will give her a low mark would prepare dinner it rained will slip on the rocks I knew him well Complete the following text with the correct words from the box.


Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut. a. d. g. j.

commit do let open

b. e. h.

travel get continue

c. f. i.

stay move talk

1. He finished ____________ his homework an hour ago. 2. He managed ____________ the door without the key. 3. The guard refused ____________ them enter the building. 4. My father considers ____________ to Kalimantan after his retirement. 5. The suspected denied ____________ the robbery at a jewelry shop. 6. Naomi arranged ____________ with her uncle’s family in Manado. 7. Because of a misunderstading, Arman avoided ____________ to Risma. 8. Rahmawati decided ____________ her studies in her grandparents’ town. 9. Mr. Alfian failed ____________ enough money to pay for the new project. 10. My brother is happy with his hew job because it involves ____________ to Bali once a month. Jawaban: 1. doing 4. moving 7. talking 10. traveling H.

2. to open 5. committing 8. to continue

Continue the following sentences to make suitable future conditional sentences. See the examples.

Contoh jawaban: 1. will fly to Lombok 2. I have a temperature 3. we pass the exams


3. to let 6. to stay 9. to get


Jawaban: 1. e 6. i

2. j 7. k

3. g 8. b

4. a 9. c

5. l 10. f

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut. a. d. g. j.

cheerful citizens crazy seriously

b. e. h. k.

volunteered make-up demonstrated genuine

c. f. i. l.

cry patrolled crowded siren

Crazy Children often have far more sense than their elders. This simple truth was (1) ________ rather dramatically during a civil defense exercise in a small town in Canada. Most of the (2) ________ were asked to take part in an exercise during which they had to pretend that their city had been bombed. Air-raid warnings sounded and thousands of people went into special air-raid shelters. Doctors and nurses remained above ground while police (3) ________ the streets in case anyone tried to leave the shelters too soon. The police did not have much to do because the citizens took the exercise (4) ________. They stayed underground for twenty minutes and waited for the (5) ________ to sound again. On leaving the air-raid shelters, they saw that the doctors and nurses were busy. Many people had (6) ________ to act as casualties. Theatrical make-up and artificial blood had been used to make the injuries look (7) ________. A lot of people were lying ‘dead’ on the streets. The living helped to carry the dead and wounded to special stations. A child of six was brought in by two adults. The child was supposed to be dead. With theatrical (8) ________ on his face, he looked as if he had died of shock. Several people were so moved by the sight that they began to (9) ________. However, the child suddenly sat up and a doctor asked him to comment on his death.

The child looked around for a moment and said, “I think they’re all (10) ________.” Adopted from: L.G. Alexander, Developing Skills, An Integrated Course for Intermediate Students (Edition for Indonesia), Yogyakarta, Penerbit Kanisius, 1970.

Jawaban: 1. h 6. b J.

2. d 7. k

3. f 8. e

4. j 9. c

5. l 10. g

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer based on the text in Task I.

Jawaban: 1. C 2.








a page. This life lasted for ten years, until they had enough money to buy and replace the necklace. That day came and Mathilda went to meet Madame Forestier. She said, “You remember the diamond necklace you lent me, Madame? Actually I lost it.” “How could you? Well, you’ve come here to return the necklace now?” Madame Forestier asked. “Yes, I’ve bought you another necklace just like it. You know, for the last ten years we have been working hard for it. You realize it wasn’t easy for us; we had no money. Well, it’s paid for at last and I’m very glad indeed.” Mathilda replied Madame Forestier smiled in proud and innocent happiness. She was deeply moved and said, “Oh, my poor Mathilda! However, let me tell you that my necklace was only an imitation. It was only worth five hundred francs!” Adopted from: http://understandingtext.blogspot.com/2011/01/contoh-spoof-textnecklace.html (September 15, 2015)


Why did Mathilda feel sad at receiving the invitation? A. She had to go to the party alone. B. She didn’t know anyone at the party. C. She had never been to a formal party. D. She didn’t have anything good to wear to the party. E. She thought that she couldn’t get along with the others at the party.


What is the main idea of paragraph nine? A. Mathilda lost the necklace she borrowed. B. Mathilda and her husband had a great time at the party. C. Mathilda told the truth about the necklace to Madame Forestier. D. Mathilda and her husband could buy a neklace similar to the missing one. E. Mathilda and her husband worked very hard to replace the missing necklace.


How long did it take Mathilda and her husband to replace the necklace? A. Eight years. B. Ten years. C. Twelve years. D. Fifteen years. E. Twenty years.


What did Madame Forestier say about her necklace? A. It had a real diamond. B. It cost more than a million franc. C. There was only one necklace in the country. D. It was difficult to find a similar necklace. E. It was cheap and only an imitation.


“Instead of being delighted, she flung the invitation petulantly across the table, murmuring.” (Paragraph 2) The underlined word is similar to ________. A. calmly B. carefully C. irritably D. carelessly E. harsly

Read the text and choose A, B, C D or E for the correct answer. Mathilde Loisel was one of those pretty and charming girls who allowed herself to be married off to a clerk in the Ministry of Education. One evening her husband came home with a large envelope in his hand, an invitation card: “The Minister of Education and Madame Ramponneau request the pleasure of the company of Monsieur and Madame Loisel at the Ministry on the evening of Monday, January the 18th.” Instead of being delighted, she flung the invitation petulantly across the table, murmuring. Her husband then said, “Why, darling, I thought you’d be happy. You never go out and this is a great occasion.” Mathilda looked at him furiously and said impatiently, “Then, what do you suppose I am to wear at such a party?” Her husband had not thought about it, but soon he had a bright idea and exclaimed, “Why don’t speak to Madame Forestier and ask her to lend you jewelry?” Mathilda uttered a cry of delight. “That’s true. I never thought of it.” Next day she visited her friend. Madame Forestier went to her dressing-table, took and opened a large box. Mathilda’s heart began to beat covetously. She noticed a superb diamond necklace. Her hands trembled as she lifted it. She fastened it around her neck, upon her high dress, and remained in excitement at the sight of herself. The day of the party arrived. She was the prettiest woman present, elegant, graceful, smiling and quite above herself with happiness. All the men stared at her, inquired her name and asked to be introduced to her. Mathilda and her husband left the party late at night. On arrival at home, she took off her clothes, but suddenly cried. The necklace was no longer around her neck! So her husband returned to the party to look for the necklace, but found nothing. His face lined and looked pale. “You must write to your friend,” he said, “and tell her that you’ve broken the clasp of her necklace and getting it repaired. That will give us time to work and get money to replace the necklace.” Mathilda did what her husband told her to do. She came to know the heavy work. She washed plates, dirty linen, shirts and dish-cloths and hung them out to dry on a wash line. Every morning she took the dustbin down to the street and carried water, stopping on each landing to regain her breath. She went to the fruitere, grocer, butcher with a basket on her arm, haggling, insulted, fighting for every wretched half penny of her money. Meanwhile, her husband worked in the evenings at putting straight a merchant’s accounts and often at night, he did copying at two pence-half penny

Jawaban: 1. D. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat di paragraf tiga, ”Mathilda ... said impatiently, ’Then, what do you suppose I am to wear at such a party?’” yang artinya ”Mathilda ... berkata dengan tidak sabar, ’Lalu, menurutmu apa yang harus saya kenakan ke acara pesta itu?”. Dengan kata lain, Mathilda merasa ia tidak punya sesuatu yang pantas untuk dipakainya ke acara pesta itu, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (D). 2. E. Paragraf sembilan menceritakan Mathilda dan suaminya bekerja keras untuk mengumpulkan uang demi mengganti kalung Madame Forestier yang dihilangkannya. Mathilda melakukan banyak

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI









pekerjaan, seperti mencuci piring dan pakaian, membuang sampah, serta berbelanja buah, sayur, dan daging. Sementara itu, suaminya bekerja sampai larut malam seperti mengerjakan pembukuan seorang pedagang dan melakukan pekerjaan fotokopi. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang benar yaitu pilihan jawaban (E) yang artinya Mathilda dan suaminya bekerja keras untuk mengganti kalung yang hilang itu. Pilihan jawaban (B) benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat akhir paragraf sembilan, yaitu ”This life lasted for ten years, until they had enough money to buy and replace the necklace.” yang artinya ”Kehidupan seperti ini berlangsung selama sepuluh tahun, hingga mereka memiliki uang cukup untuk membeli dan mengganti kalung itu.”. Pilihan jawaban (E) benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat di paragraf terakhir teks, yaitu ”Madame Forestier ... said, ’Oh, my poor Mathilda! However, let me tell you that my necklace was only an imitation. It was only worth at five hundred francs!” yang menjelaskan bahwa kalung itu hanya tiruan dan harganya hanya 500 franc. Kata ’petulantly’ artinya kesal sehingga kata yang memiliki makna sama dengan kata tersebut yaitu pilihan jawaban (C) irritably. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena maknanya berbeda; (A) artinya dengan tenang, (B) artinya dengan hati-hati, (D) artinya dengan ceroboh, dan (E) artinya dengan kasar.

With infinitives 1. Ika waited to buy a movie ticket. 2. We decided to go to Hawaii. 3. They expect to arrive early. 4. Nancy seemed to be disappointed. 5. He threatened to leave forever. Write five conditional sentences for each future real conditional and future unreal conditional.

Contoh jawaban: Future real conditionals 1. If it rains, I will stay at home. 2. If my father has two days off, he will take us to Bandung. 3. If the sun shines, we will walk to the town. 4. If you wait a minute, I will introduce you to my parents. 5. If you come with me, I will help you do the shopping. Future unreal conditionals 1. If Rudi studied harder, he would do better at school. 2. If my cousins came, I would be very happy.



If I was/were you, I would invite Jack to the party. If I had more pocket money, I would treat you lunch. If my father repaired my bicycle, I could go on a bicycle tour with you. Write a spoof text. Mind the structure of the text.

Contoh jawaban: One day a local newspaper telephone operator received a phone call. A woman at the other end asked, “How much do funeral notices cost?” “$5.00 per word, Ma’am,” replied the operator. “Good, do you have a paper and pencil handy?” “Yes, Ma’am.” “O.K., please write this: ‘Fred dead.’” “I’m sorry, Ma’am, I forgot to tell you there’s a five-word minimum.” “Hmm,” came the reply, “you certainly did forget to tell me that.” A moment of silence. “Got your pencil and paper?” “Yes, Ma’am.” “O.K., print this please: ‘Fred dead, Cadillac for sale.’” Adopted from: http://www.inspireme.net/funny_stories/very-funny-short-stories.htm (September 30, 2015)

3.3 Short Functional Texts: Short Jokes and Advertisements

Write five sentences using gerunds and five more using infinitives. Share your work with the class.

Contoh jawaban: With gerunds 1. The doctor advised my mother that drinking low-fat milk is better for her. 2. My uncle completed renovating the house last week. 3. I hate cleaning the bathroom. 4. We really enjoyed having a trip to Bromo. 5. I really miss living in the countryside.


3. 4. 5.



Listen and answer the questions based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Last week I went to the theater. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and woman who were sitting behind me were talking very loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned around. I looked at the couple angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned around again. “I can’t hear a word!” I said angrily. “It’s none of your business,” the young man said rudely. “This is a private conversation!” Adopted from: http://understandingtext.blogspot.com/2008/05/private-conversationspoof-text.html (September 15, 2015)

Jawaban: 1. In a theater. 2. He was watching a play. 3. A young man and woman. 4. The young man and woman sitting behind him were talking very loudly. 5. He felt angry. 6. That he couldn’t hear what the actors were saying. 7. He thought that the speaker could not hear what he and his companion (a young woman) were talking about. 8. He responded to it rudely.


Listen and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: One afternoon a man came home from work to find total mayhem. His children were playing in the front yard in their (1) pajamas. Inside the house the TV was blaring out a cartoon (2) channel and the family room was strewn with toys. In the kitchen (3) dishes filled the sink and breakfast food was (4) spilled on the counter. The man headed up the (5) stairs where he found his wife curled up in bed in her pajamas, reading a novel. He looked at her (6) bewildered. “What happened here today?” he asked. She smiled and answered, “You know every day when you (7) come home from work and ask me what in the world I did today?” “Yes,” he (8) replied. “Well, today I didn’t do it,” she answered.


Jawaban: 1. B 2.


Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Last week, I was performing a complete (1) physical exercise, including the visual acuity test. I placed the patient (2) twenty feet from the chart and said, “Cover your (3) right eye with your hand.” He read the 20/20 line perfectly. “Now your left.” Again, he did it well. “Now (4) both,” I requested. There was (5) silence. He couldn’t even read the large E on the top line. Then, I turned and discovered that he had done (6) exactly what I had asked; he was standing there with both his eyes (7) covered. I was (8) laughing uncontrollably to finish the exam. Adopted from: http://www.e-jokes.net/medical/004.htm (September 30, 2015)

Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik: Last week, I was performing a complete (1) ________ exercise, including the visual acuity test. I placed the patient (2) ________ from the chart and said, “Cover your (3) ________ with your hand.” He read the 20/20 line perfectly. “Now your left.” Again, he did it well. “Now (4) ________,” I requested. There was (5) ________. He couldn’t even read the large E on the top line. Then, I turned and discovered that he had done (6) ________ what I had asked; he was standing there with both his eyes (7) ________. I was (8) _________ uncontrollably to finish the exam. Adopted from: http://www.e-jokes.net/medical/004.htm (September 30, 2015)

Jawaban: 1. physical 3. right eye 5. silence 7. covered








Arrange the following sentences to form sequential texts.

Jawaban: The correct arrangements are: Text 1: 3–5–1–4–2, Text 2: 2–5–4–1–3. B.

Adopted from: http://www.justcleanjokes.com/ (September 30, 2015)

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberikan soal berikut.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer based on the texts in Task B.

Retell one of the texts in Task A using your own words.

Contoh jawaban: I have a very amusing story. One day a family visited an Indian reservation. On the way they came upon an old tribesman acting strangely. He was lying face down in the middle of the road with his ear pressed firmly against the tarmac. Being curious, they stopped and the father asked the old tribesman what he was doing. The tribesman only said, “Woman, late thirties, three kids, a cute cat, four door station wagon, traveling at 65 m.p.h.” The family was astonished to hear the tribesman’s words. They wondered and asked the man how he could tell of that by just listening to the tarmac. Guess what the man answered! Well, to be truthful, he figured out the woman and her companion by just listening to the tarmac, because they just ran over him five minutes ago! Poor tribesman!


Arrange the following sentences to form sequential texts.

Text 1 The Big Sale 1. 2. 3.


A man pushed his way to the front of the line, only to be pushed back, amid shouts. It was the day of the big sale. A long line had formed by opening time. As he got ready for a third try, he said to the person at the end of the line, “That does it! If they throw me out one more time, I won’t open the store!” On the man’s second attempt, he was knocked around and then thrown to the end of the line again. Adopted from: http://www.justcleanjokes.com/jokes/At_Work_In_the_Office/ The_Big_Sale.html (September 30, 2015)

Text 2 The Grad’s First Job

2. 4. 6. 8.

twenty feet both exactly laughing

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

He said, “Your first job will be to sweep the floor.” A young man hired by a supermarket reported for his first day of work. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that,” said the manager. The manager greeted him with a warm handshake and a smile, then gave him a broom. “Give me the broom and I’ll show you how.” “But I’m a college graduate!” the young man replied indignantly. Adopted from: http://www.justcleanjokes.com/jokes/School/The_Grads_ First_Job.html (September 30, 2015)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI




Retell one of the texts in Task A using your own words.

Jawaban: Task A Text 1 The correct arrangement of the sentences is 2–1–4–3. Text 2 The correct arrangement of the sentences is 2–4–1–6–3–5. Task B (Contoh jawaban) Let me tell you about a graduate’s first job. After sending a few application letters, a young man was finally offered a job in a supermarket. Later he met the supermarket’s manager, to report for his first day at work. The manager greeted him nicely and informed him that his first job would be to sweep the floor while handing a broom to him. On hearing the manager’s words, the young man felt offended and said indignantly that he was a college graduate. The manager apologized, but then he said, “Give me the broom and I’ll show you how to sweep the floor.”

Tell your friends a short joke that you know. Mind your pronunciation and intonation.

Contoh jawaban: One day a curious child asked his mother, “Mommy, why are a few of your hairs turning gray?” The mother tried to use this occasion to teach her child, “It is because of you, dear. Every bad action of yours will turn one of my hairs gray!” The child replied innocently, “Now I know why grandmother is completely gray.” Adopted from: http://academictips.org/blogs/funny-short-stories/ (October 3, 2015)


Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Questions: 1. To advertise or promote an event. 2. At the Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, on June 10–12, 2016. 3. Hundreds of show quality Koi and Goldfish. 4. Informative seminars. 5. They should log on to www.nks.org.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal berikut. Coming Soon!

The 3rd Saturday Night’s Comedy Festival Featuring: Local and national comedians Date : Time : Place :

● ●

Saturday, May 28, 2016 7 p.m. untill end Omah Ageng Cafe and Resto Ticket: Rp150,000 (Festival) Rp250,000 (VIP)

For ticket reservation, contact Dimas (0899332233998) For further information, please visit www.saturdaynight’s-comedy.com. Questions: 1. What is the text about? 2. When will the event be held? 3. Where will it be held? 4. How much do the tickets cost? 5. What should people do if they want to buy the tickets? Jawaban: 1. The 3rd Saturday Night’s Comedy Festival. 2. On Saturday, May 28, 2016. 3. At Omah Ageng Cafe and Resto. 4. Rp150,000 for festival and Rp250,000 for VIP. 5. They should contact Dimas on 0899332233998. B.

Complete the following text with the correct words from the box.

Jawaban: 1. c 2. 5. b 6.


j d


3. 7.

f h

4. 8.

i e

Tape Script for Assessment This dialog is for question 1. Woman : Your trousers are torn. What happened? Boy : I fell from the stairs, Mom. Woman : Did you hurt yourself? Boy : Thank God, I’m just fine, but I was very embarrassed. There were many girls laughing at me.


Find the meanings of the following words.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

prepared to jazz up committee to find out requirement


Make sentences using the words in Task A.

Jawaban: Task A 1. bersiap-siap 4. mengetahui

= = = = =

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

2. 5.

memeriahkan 3. persyaratan

Question: 1. What made the boy very embarrassed?


Task B (Contoh jawaban) 1. All participants need to be well prepared for the competition. 2. At my little cousin’s birthday party, my uncle also invited a clown to jazz up the atmosphere. 3. The committee of the school celebration will meet tomorrow for the first time. 4. I finally found out why Mita felt so gloomy yesterday. 5. Rina was accepted to work at a bank since she met all the requirements. C.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer based on the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. B 2.








This dialog is for question 2. Man : You make me annoyed. Why did you arrive late for the meeting? Woman : Sorry, but I had to accompany my mom to see the dentist. The queue was incredibly long and unfortunately, I forgot to bring my cell phone. Question: 2. Why did the woman arrive late for the meeting? This text is for questions 3 to 5. Three friends died in a car accident and they went on an orientation in heaven. They were all asked, “When you were in your caskets and friends and family were talking about you, what would you have liked them to say?” The first guy said, “I would have liked them to say that I was a great doctor during my time and a great family man.” The second guy said, “I would have liked to hear that I was a wonderful husband and school teacher which made a huge difference in our children of tomorrow.” The last guy replied, “I would have liked to hear them say ... ‘Look! He’s Moving!’” Adopted from: http://www.cleanjoke.com/humor/Remarks-at-Your-Funeral.html (September 30, 2015)

Suppose your school will hold a certain event and you are responsible to make an advertisement about it. Create the advertisement attractively.

Questions: 3. How did the three friends die? 4. What did the first man wish to hear from his friends and family about him? 5. What is the funny part of the story?

Contoh jawaban: Come and See the Biggest School’s Event of the Year The School’s Performing Arts Sunday, June 19, 2016 From 9 a.m. until you drop Presenting drama, dance and music performances by the students. Guest star: Donna Septia, a young talented singer It’s FREE! Don’t miss it!

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Tape Script for Review Unit III Version A


Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. C 2. D 6. D 7. D 11. C 12. A 16. A 17. C II.

3. 8. 13. 18.


4. 9. 14. 19.


5. 10. 15. 20.


Write a spoof text. Share your work with the class.

Contoh jawaban: There was a farmer who had a lot of livestock. He had cows, horses, chickens and bulls. One day there was a terrible twister and the man and his family were only saved by throwing themselves in the nearest ditch. After it was all over, he looked up to see his house gone. Saddened by the loss, he went out to see if any of the animals had survived. The horses, chickens and cows were laid out flat, but the bulls were standing! The farmer was amazed and asked them, “How is it that all the other animals are down and you are still standing?” The bulls replied, “We bulls wobble but we don’t fall down!” Adopted from: http://farmer-jokes.allthejokes.com/ (September 30, 2015)

This dialog is for question 1. Man : Ugh ... it’s been thirty minutes late, but Dina hasn’t shown up. How annoying! Woman : Please calm down. Dina sent me a text message. Man : What did she say? Woman : Well, she had a flat tire and now she’s waiting for her motorcycle being repaired. Question: 1. Why did the man feel annoyed? This dialog is for question 2. Woman : What a bad day! I missed a bus to the office. So, I was late for the meeting. Man : I know how you feel. Question: 2. What happened to the woman? This text is for questions 3 to 5. On a recent vacation at a resort with my big family, we planned to spend an afternoon at the pool with our kids. We wanted to bring our own drinks, but were unsure of the resort’s policy. My brother-in-law called the front desk, and assuming everyone was familiar with the brand of ice chest he had, asked if it was all right if he brought a playmate to the pool. After a pause the clerk asked, “Does she have her own towel?” Adopted from: A. Doddy, A. Sugeng, Effendi, Developing English Competencies for Senior High School (SMA/MA) Grade XI of Language Programme 2, Jakarta, Pusat Perbukuan Depdiknas, 2008.

Questions: 3. When did the story take place? 4. Where did the speaker and their children plan to spend an afternoon? 5. Who called the front desk?



Review Unit III Version A Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XI

Semester Tanggal


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

I. A.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. Listening Section

1. A. B. C. D. E.

He had a flat tire. His friend hasn’t arrived yet. His friend doesn’t give any news. His friend broke his motorcycle. He cannot contact his friend.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

She She She She She

3. A. B. C. D. E.

On a vacation. At the weekend. During office hours. On Saturday night. On Sunday morning.

4. A. B. C. D. E.

In a park. In a playground. At the restaurant. In their room. At the swimming pool.

5. A. B. C. D. E.

The The The The The

missed a bus. woke up late. lost her motorcycle. couldn’t attend the meeting. couldn’t start her motorcycle.

speaker. speaker’s speaker’s speaker’s speaker’s

7. What did the doctor say to parents whose babies were not good looking? A. You have a cute baby. B. Your baby looks very funny. C. The baby looks just like you. D. The baby is really amazing. E. There’s nothing to worry about your baby. 8. “‘He looks just like you,’ he said.” The word ‘he’ refers to ________. A. the baby B. the doctor C. the writer D. another baby E. another father

One afternoon the boss called one of his employees into the office. “Rob,” he said, “you’ve been with the company for a year. You started off in the post room, one week later you were promoted to a sales position and one month after that you were promoted to district manager of the sales department. Just four months later, you were promoted to vice-chairman.” “Yes, thank you,” the employee replied. “Now it’s time for me to retire and I want you to take over the company. What would you say to that?” asked the boss. “Thank you,” said the employee. “Thank you?” the boss replied. “Is that all you can say?” “I suppose not,” the employee said. “Thanks, Dad.”

brother. brother-in-law. father. friend.

Adopted from: http://www.justcleanjokes.com/jokes/At_Work_ In_the_Office/Fast_Promotions.html (September 30, 2015)

Reading Section

This text is for questions 6 to 8. We brought our newborn son, Adam, to a pediatrician for his first checkup. As he finished, the doctor told us, “You have a cute baby.” Smiling, I said, “I bet you say that to all new parents.” “No,” he replied, “Just to those whose babies are really good looking.” “So what do you say to the others?” I asked. “He looks just like you,” he said. Adopted from: Ahmad Doddy, A. Sugeng, Effendi, Developing English Competencies for Grade XI of Language Programme, Jakarta, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.

6. Where did the story take place? A. In a hospital. B. C. In a laboratory. D. E. In a pediatrician’s room.

: 2 (dua) : ....

This text is for questions 9 to 11.

This is the end of the listening section. B.


In a dentist. In an optician’s clinic.

9. What is the relationship between the boss and the employee? A. Siblings. B. Friends. C. Colleagues. D. Father and son. E. Grandfather and grandson. 10. How long had the employee been working in the company? A. Four months. B. Half a year. C. Ten months. D. A year. E. One and half year. 11. What was the employee’s latest position before his conversation with the boss? A. District manager. B. Vice chairman. C. Marketing staff. D. Salesperson. E. Chairman.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


This text is for questions 12 to 14. Brilliant Music Organizer proudly presents:

Saturday Evening’s Music Fever Featuring: The top five of rock bands of the country. Day and Date : Time : Place :

Saturday, June 26, 2016 7 p.m. until the end The City Square

Tickets: Rp75,000 for festival class Rp200,000 for VIP class For further information and ticket reservation, please contact: – Ricky (099922223333) – Jonet (099988833399) 12. What is the text about? A. A music show. B. A comedy show. C. A speech contest. D. A challenge show. E. A sport championship.

The young man wanted to test the “dumb blonde” thing and possibly make a sum of money out of it. “Hey, do you want to play a game?” he asked her. “No, thank you, I just want to have a nap.” “Please, it’s really easy, all you have to do is answer the questions that I ask you. If you don’t know the answer, then you give me five dollars and if I don’t know the answer to your question, I’ll give you five dollars.” “I really don’t want to play. I just want to have a nap.” “Oh but please pretty woman, please. O.K., how about if I don’t know the answer to your question, I’ll give you five hundred dollars.” The blonde woman became interested and decided to play the game. “O.K. How many moons does Jupiter have?” the young man asked. The woman reached into her purse and took out a five dollar bill. Then, the woman asked, “What goes up the mountain with three legs and comes back down with four?” The young man, determined not to lose, got out his laptop and searched all over the Internet for an answer. Flustered and confused, the young man handed the blonde five hundred dollars. After a few hours, the young man was itching to know the answer to the question. “What was the answer to the riddle?” The blonde woman reached into her purse and handed the young man a five dollar bill. Adopted from: Phoebe, http://www.only funnystories.com/SmartBlonde.asp (September 30, 2015)

13. When will the show be held? A. On June 26, at 7 a.m. B. Before June 26, 2016. C. On Saturday at the dusk. D. On Saturday afternoon. E. On Saturday evening.

17. What is the suitable title for the text? A. An Exhausted Flight B. A Pretty Blonde Woman C. A Smart Blonde D. A Naughty Man E. A Dumb Game

14. What is the purpose of the text? A. To inivite a person to watch a show. B. To persuade a person. C. To advertise a particular show. D. To warn a person. E. To describe a particular show.

18. When did the story happen? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. At night. D. At midnight. E. At dawn.

15. Wisnu :

19. Where did the story happen? A. In a train. B. In an airport. C. In a cruise ship. D. In a waiting room. E. In an airplane.

Brian, what the first thing will you and your family do if you move into a new house? Brian : If we move into a new house, ________. A. we hold a house-warming party B. we held a house-warming party C. we will hold a house-warming party D. we would have a house-warming party E. we will have held a house-warming party

16. for–very–our–is–drinking–important–water–health 1

The A. B. C. D. E.








correct arrangement of the words is ________. 5–7–2–6–3–4–1–8 5–7–3–4–2–6–1–8 5–7–4–2–3–6–1–8 5–7–4–2–6–1–3–8 5–7–6–4–2–1–3–8

This text is for questions 17 to 20. A blonde woman boarded an airplane. She was extremely exhausted and just wanted to have a nap. She finally found her seat and sat down next to a very curious young man.



20. “Flustered and confused, the young man handed the blonde five hundred dollars.” What is similar to ‘flustered’? A. Angry. B. Exhausted. C. Trembling. D. Worried. E. Puzzled. II.

Write a joke that you know. Share your answer with the class.

Kunci Review Unit III Version A

Tape Script for Review Unit III Version B


This dialog is for questions 1 and 2. Man : Hey! Watch your move! Woman : Please calm down, dear. You look very annoyed. Man : I do. It’s very irritating when someone doesn’t give any signs when he/she wants to cross the street or turn right or left.

Pilihan Ganda

1. B

11. B

2. A

12. A

3. A

13. E

4. E

14. C

5. C

15. C

6. E

16. D

7. C

17. C

8. A

18. B

9. D

19. E

10. D

20. E



Contoh jawaban: A state trooper pulled a car over on a lonely back road and approached the blonde lady driver. “Ma’am, is there a reason that you’re weaving all over the road?” he asked. The woman replied, “Oh officer, thank goodness you’re here. I almost had an accident! I looked up and there was a tree right in front of me. I swerved to the left and there was another tree in front of me. I swerved to the right and there was another tree in front of me!” Reaching through the side window to the rear view mirror, the officer replied, “Ma’am, that’s your air freshener.” Adopted from: http://www.unwind.com/jokes-funnies/collegejokes/ exchangestudent.shtml (September 30, 2015)

Questions: 1. Why does the man feel irritated? 2. Where do you think the dialog takes place? This text is for questions 3 to 5. An astronomer was on an expedition to Africa to observe a total eclipse of the sun, which would only be observable there when he was captured by cannibals. The eclipse was due the next day around noon. To gain his freedom, he planned to pose as a god and threaten to extinguish the sun if he was not released, but the timing had to be just right. So, in a few words of the cannibals’ tongue that he knew, he asked his guard at what time they planned to kill him. The guard answered, “Tradition has it that captives are to be killed when the sun reaches the highest point in the sky on the day after their capture so that they may be cooked and ready to be served for the evening meal.” “Great,” the astronomer replied. The guard continued, “But because everyone’s so excited about it, in your case we’re going to wait until the eclipse.” Adopted from: http://www.guy-sports.com (February 20, 2015)

Questions: 3. What did the astronomer do in Africa? 4. When would the natural phenomenon occur? 5. What did the astronomer do to release himself from his capturers?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Review Unit III Version B Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XI

Semester Tanggal


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

I. A.

Listening Section

1. A. B. C. D. E.

A person knocked him off. A person stepped on his toe. A person hit his motorcycle. His motorcycle broke down again. A person didn’t give any signs whether he/she wanted to cross the street or turn right or left.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

On the street. At the speaker’s home. In an office. In a classroom. In a playground.

3. A. B. C. D. E.

To To To To To

4. A. B. C. D. E.

In the morning. Around noon. In the afternoon. In the evening. Around the midnight.

5. A. B. C. D. E.

He He He He He

study the African’s wildlife. observe a lunar eclipse. explore the African territory. observe a solar eclipse. study the African’s primitive people.

pretended to be a god. bribed his guard. unlocked the cage using a pin. threatened to kill all the capturers. made a hole on the ground to escape.

This is the end of the listening section. B.

Reading Section

This text is for questions 6 to 8. An elderly man had serious hearing problems for many years. He went to a doctor and the doctor was able to have him fitted for a set of hearing aids that allowed him to hear 100%. The elderly man went back in a month to the doctor and the doctor diagnosed, “Your hearing is perfect! Your family must be very pleased.” To which the elderly man said, “Oh, I haven’t told them yet. I just sit and listen to their conversations. I’ve already changed my will three times!” Adopted from: http://www.cleanjoke.com/humor/Serious-Hearing.html (September 30, 2015)




: 2 (dua) : ....

6. What is the story about? A. An old man who had problems with his family. B. A close relationship between a doctor and his patient. C. An old man who changed his will for couples of times. D. An old man who had recovered from his hearing problems. E. A smart doctor who could cure a person from his serious illness. 7. How could the old man recover from his health problem? A. By taking medicine regularly. B. By undergoing an operation. C. By fitting a set of hearing aids. D. By undergoing a hearing therapy. E. By consulting an expert. 8. What did the old man do on hearing his family’s conversation? A. He ran away from his home. B. He changed his will three times. C. He handed in his belongings to his children. D. He never spoke to his family anymore. E. He told his family that he had recovered from his hearing problem. This text is for questions 9 to 12. Although he was a qualified meteorologist, Hopkins ran up a terrible record of forecasting for the TV news program. He became a topic of a local joke when a newspaper began keeping a record of his predictions and showed that he’d been wrong almost three hundred times in a single year. That kind of notoriety was enough to get him fired. He moved to another part of the country and applied for a similar job. One blank on the job application called for the reason for leaving his previous position. Hopkins wrote, “The climate didn’t agree with me.” 9. What is the text about? A. A journalist. B. A TV news presenter. C. A qualified meteorologist. D. A TV broadcaster. E. A manager. 10. What was the man’s task? A. Delivering news. B. Writing factual news. C. Announcing an event. D. Predicting one’s fortune. E. Reporting weather forecast.

11. Why did the man get fired from his job? A. He was not a qualified person. B. He became a topic of a local joke. C. He could not work on time and be disciplined. D. He’d given wrong predictions almost three hundred times in a single year. E. He moved to another part of the country and applied for a similar job. 12. What made the man become a local joke? A. His clumsy attitude. B. His funny expressions. C. His 300/year wrong predictions. D. His meaningless articles. E. His funny stories.

Adopted from: http://www.guy-sports.com/humor/jokes/jokes_cooks.htm (September 30, 2015)

For questions 13 to 15, choose the correct words to complete the text. A man was driving down a country road where he noticed a farmer (13) ________ in a large field. The man was not doing anything. He was just standing there. Being (14) ________, the man stopped his car and walked over to the farmer and asked him what he was doing. The farmer replied, “I’m trying to win a Nobel prize.” “How do you expect to do that?” the man asked. The farmer replied, “I heard they only give it to people who are (15) ________ in their fields.” Adopted from: http://www.hardeehar.com/jokepages/storyjokes.html (September 30, 2015)

13. A. C. E.

standing being stood be standing

B. D.

to stand would stand

14. A. C. E.

confident frightened selfish

B. D.

curious nervous

15. A. C. E.

lucky careful outstanding

B. D.

dreadful generous

16. you–will–if–one –bring–a pen–don’t–I–you–lend 1

The A. B. C. D. E.









Sarah politely asked her mom why she cut off the ends of the roast. Mom replied, after a few thought, that it was the way that her mother had done it. That night grandma came to dinner and Sarah and her mother asked why she had cut the end off the roast before cooking. After a few thought grandma replied, she cooked the meat the way her mother had done it. Now great-grandma was quite old and lived in a residential nursing home, so Sarah, her mom and grandma went to visit her and again asked the very same question. Great-grandma looked at them a bit surprised and said, “So it would fit in the roasting dish, of course.”


correct arrangement of the words is ________. 3–1–5–6–9–4–8–7–2–10 3–1–6–5–8–7–2–9–4–10 3–1–7–5–6–8–2–10–9–4 3–1–7–5–9–4–6–8–2–10 3–1–7–6–8–2–5–9–4–10

17. We know from the story that Sarah was a/an ________. A. lazy girl B. curious girl C. naughty girl D. annoying girl E. rebellious girl 18. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Sarah’s grandmother? A. She lived with her mother in a residential nursing home. B. She didn’t know the answer to Sarah’s question. C. She came to answer Sarah’s question. D. She taught Sarah how to cook. E. She was a creative woman. 19. Who could answer Sarah’s question? A. Her mother. B. Her grandmother. C. Her mother’s mother. D. Her mother’s grandmother. E. Her mother’s great grandmother. 20. We conclude that the act of cutting off the ends of the roast was ________. A. done to make the roast more delicious B. grandma’s secret technique C. done for a practical reason D. very difficult to do E. very surprising II.

Create a dialog using the expressions you have learned in this unit.

This text is for questions 17 to 20. One day, Sarah was watching her mother make a roast sirloin of beef. She cut off the ends, wrapped it in string, seasoned it and set it in a roasting dish.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


Kunci Review Unit III Version B I.

Pilihan Ganda

1. E

11. D

2. A

12. C

3. D

13. A

4. B

14. B

5. A

15. E

6. D

16. C

7. C

17. B

8. B

18. B

9. C

19. D

10. E

20. C





Contoh jawaban: Rama : Lisa, do you know Yongki? Lisa : Yes, I know him. What’s wrong with him? Rama : He just had an embarrassing experience. Lisa : What was it? Rama : You know, Yongki doesn’t have a driver’s license, but he often goes to school by motorcycle. Unfortunately, there was an inspection yesterday afternoon. He tried to escape, but he ran to the wrong way. It was a dead end! So, the police officer caught him easily. Then, the police said to Yongki, “Hey, boy. You didn’t need to escape. All the ways here are dead end.” Lisa : What a shame!


5. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Girl : What a nuisance! Boy : Something wrong? Girl : Look at this! My younger sister spilled some milk on my writing assignment. How careless she is! Boy : Calm down! You can reprint it, right? Narrator : What will the girl probably do?

Jawaban: A 2.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Boy : You look so gloomy. It seems that something has happened to you. Girl : I didn’t pass the selection test for the National Modeling Contest. It was because my height is one centimeter less than the requirement. Narrator : Why did the girl fail in the selection test of the modeling contest? Jawaban: C


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : Look at the brochure! There are some thrilling activities offered here, jet boating, white water rafting, bungee jumping, rock climbing and scuba diving. Which would you prefer to join? Man : I prefer white water rafting because I’m fond of this adventurous activity. I can go along the river and feel the excitement of the great water current. Narrator : Which activity will the man join? Jawaban: B



Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Boy : Did you know? I talked to the wrong person yesterday. I met a girl who looked like you. I was so confident to greet her. We had talked a lot before she said that she was Ines, your twin sister. Girl : She has told me about it. Boy : I was so embarrassed. I thought it was you. Narrator : What made the boy feel embarrassed?

Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : Why do you look so blue, dear? Boy : I’m very sad about my baseball team loss in the game. Thus, we cannot advance to the final round. Woman : ________ Narrator : What is the best response? A. I know how you feel. B. I’m sure you can do it. C. Sorry, I can’t help you. D. Let’s hope for the best. Jawaban: A 6. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Boy : Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. Here, I have something for you. Woman : Wow! What a nice scarf! I love it. Thanks, dear. Boy : My pleasure. I specially want to give it to you. I love you, Mom. Woman : ________ Narrator : What will the woman say? A. I have nothing to do. B. I don’t think so, dear. C. I can’t stand it anymore. D. I love you too, dear. Jawaban: D 7. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : Sorry for hurting you, but let me clarify the case. Woman : You don’t need to. What I saw has told me a lot. Man : Please, give me a chance to explain it. Woman : ________ Narrator : How would the woman probably respond? A. You would forgive me, wouldn’t you? B. I didn’t see something wrong with you. C. No. I don’t want to hear your voice anymore. D. Sorry, but I didn’t catch your explanation. Jawaban: C

Jawaban: E

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI



Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : Did you know? I think I had to cover my face to hide my blushes. Man : What’s wrong? Woman : I took the wrong suitcase at the airport this morning. It was exactly the same as mine that I could hardly recognize mine. Man : What a shame! Narrator : What thing did the woman mistake for? Jawaban: E


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Boy : International standard schools are popular recently. Girl : Yes, such schools aim at preparing students to compete in the global era. Boy : You’re right, but the tuition fees for international standard schools tend to be expensive. Narrator : What are the speakers talking about? Jawaban: D


Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Cell phone plays an important role in this modern world. It is very hard to see a person without a cell phone. However, there are a few disadvantages of using cell phones which involve children from age 8 until 13. Cell phones contain magnetic waves which are dangerous to humans’ especially young children whose immune system isn’t fully developed yet. They may suffer a severe disease such as brain cancer. Another issue related to cell phones is financial. Children can use cell phones without limitation, because they do not consider the amount of credit to pay. Moreover, they tend to follow the latest style of cell phones which costs a lot, for they do not want to be left out or considered to be old-fashioned. Realizing the bad effects of cell phones for kids, parents should be wise to decide when and how they expose their children to cell phones. Parents should also control their children’s use of cell phones, to lessen the cell phone bad effects for children. Adopted from: http://www.oppapers.com/essays/The-Disadvantages-OfMobile-Phones-For/832524 (September 10, 2015)

Narrator :

Which picture goes with the text?

Jawaban: B 11.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: A couple of young boys were fishing at their special pond off the beaten track. All of sudden, the guard jumped out of the bushes. Immediately, one of the boys threw his rod down and started running through the woods. The guard tried to catch him. After about a half mile, the young man stopped and stooped with his hands on his thighs to catch his breath and the guard finally caught up to him. “Let’s see your fishing license, boy,” the guard gasped. With that, the boy pulled out his wallet and gave the guard a valid fishing license. “Well, son,” said the guard, “you don’t have to run from me if you have a valid license.”

“Yes, Sir,” replied the young guy, “but my friend back there doesn’t have one.” Adopted from: Joko Priyana, Zayin Adib M., Eka Denis M., Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XI Language Study Programme, Jakarta, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.

Narrator :

What were the young men doing when a guard suddenly appeared from the bushes?

Jawaban: A PART IV Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: This text is for questions 12 and 13. For many, reading is important and has many benefits. It is a good habit to help us improve our lives. First, reading will encourage language learning. We can learn about vocabulary, spelling, grammar and word usage in various written forms by exposure. Second, by reading we can broaden our knowledge. We can also get news and information about many things in the world, which we can’t see directly. Third, reading can develop our imagination and creativity. It, then, can lead us to improve our writing skills. Considering the benefits of reading, let’s build our reading habit. Adapted from: – www.dcadultliteracy.org/BenefitsofReading.html (September 4, 2015) – http://www.belajarbahasainggris.us/2012/01/contoh-hortatory-expositionimportance.html (September 4, 2015)

Narrator: 12. What is the purpose of the text? 13. What is one of the advantages of reading stated by the speaker? 12. Jawaban: B 13. Jawaban: E Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: This text is for questions 14 and 15. There were a woman and her six-year-old son in a restaurant. As the menu had been placed on the table, the kid asked if he could say grace. As they bowed their heads, the kid said, “Thank you for the food, God. I would even thank You more, if I can enjoy ice cream for dessert. Amen.” Along with the laughter from the other customers nearby, there was a remark from a woman in her 40’s, “What a prayer! Asking God for ice-cream? Why, I never!” Hearing this, the kid asked his mom, “Did I do it wrong, Mom?” The mother held and assured him that he had done a terrific job. “A little ice cream is good for the soul sometimes,” the mother added. Sometimes, the mother bought her kid ice cream at the end of the meal and so did that time. As the mother gave him the ice cream, the son picked up his sundae and without a word, walked over and placed it in front of the woman, who never asked for ice cream. With a big smile he told her, “Here, this is for you. Ice cream is good for the soul sometimes; and my soul is good already.” Adapted from: http://www.rogerknapp.com/inspire/icecream.htm (September 14, 2015)

Narrator: 14. Who gave the woman in her 40’s the ice cream? 15. What made the customers of the restaurant laugh? 14. Jawaban: D 15. Jawaban: C This is the end of the listening section.


Final Test

READING SECTION 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.


23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.


30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.


37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.


44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.


Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI


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