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Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited

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The Origins of the 12 Animals

THE STORY OF THE 12 ANIMALS Once upon a time, the Jade Emperor, ruler of the Heavens, wanted to create a system in order to measure time. He invited all the animals of the land to participate and 12 of them showed up; the Rat, the Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon, the Snake, the Horse, the Goat, the Monkey, the Rooster, the Dog and the Boar. When the race began, the quick-witted Rat climbed on top of the Ox. Before the beast of burden reaches the finish line, the Rat jumped off and earned himself first place while the Ox second. They are soon followed by the quick Tiger and Rabbit. The Dragon and his son the Snake could’ve gotten there sooner but they were kind-hearted enough to stop by and help others along the way and therefore earning fifth and sixth place. They are soon followed by the hardworking Horse and Goat, the playful Monkey and Rooster and finally the lazy Dog and Boar. Thus, the Jade Emperor decreed that the order that these animals finished in the race shall be how time will be measured. All the years, months, days, hours as well as the directions of North, South, East, West and everything in between would be named after the participants of this race, or so the story goes.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



The Origins of the 12 Animals

MYTH VS HISTORY In truth, this is just one of the many versions of how the 12 Chinese animal signs came to be. Over the course of history, there were countless variations of this story. As the story spread across Asia, some cultures adapted them with their own. For example, in Vietnam, the Rabbit is replaced by a Cat. In Buddhist legend, these are the 12 animals who came to bid the Buddha farewell. Regardless of how the story goes, the historical fact behind these animals carries a much deeper meaning and its roots can be traced back to the stars. When the ancient Chinese astronomers studied the ancient night sky, they were able to observe patterns that kept repeating within their lifetime. One such pattern was the orbit of a celestial body, the planet Jupiter.

MOVEMENT OF JUPITER In certain years, Jupiter is found to be in one sector of the sky. In other years, it can be seen at a different point. The ancient scholars then divided the celestial circle of Jupiter into 12 sections. Thus, it became a reliable and predictable way to tell the time in an era where calendars have yet to be invented. However, there was one small problem with this system. Turns out, explaining the complex mathematical calculation of planetary orbit to the illiterate masses was no easy task. After all, the vast majority of the people in ancient China were uneducated peasants and farmers. Besides, what good would the knowledge of astronomy do for them? The pursuit of science and understanding the natural world is deemed irrelevant to their lives. However, being able to tell the time with great accuracy and precision does have its perks. Timekeeping would be beneficial for documentations in the early ages of Chinese bureaucracy. Besides that, the farmers would also be able to reliably predict the changing seasons and schedule their crop planting and harvesting accordingly.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



The Origins of the 12 Animals

PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE For the learned elites, this system has to make sense to the average ancient Chinese peasant in order for it to be of public use. As such, a simple memorising device, also known as mnemonics, were used. To remember the 12 units of time, they were devised based on the common animals found in ancient China (including the mythical Dragon); animals that the common folk were familiar with and can easily remember. Henceforth, the months of Tiger, Rabbit and Dragon came to represent springtime. Snake, Horse and Goat represents summer. Monkey, Rooster and Dog represents autumn. Boar, Rat and Ox represents winter. For all intent and purposes, these 12 months were simply namesakes and that way they were no different than being called the months February, March, April and so on.

TIES TO ASTROLOGY Once the concept of timekeeping has been firmly established for the ancient society, there were those who observed another peculiar pattern. Those born on a certain year, month, day and hour had similar characteristics. Scholars who rigorously studied the patterns of energy (or Qi as they called it) realised that at any given moment of time, there is a certain pattern of energy present. This dynamic form of energy is ever changing. When we were born, we receive an imprint of the energy that were present during our time of birth and this would become our static or natal energy. While the pattern remains unchanged throughout our lives, the universal energy that is constantly fluctuating would affect our natal pattern as the years go by.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



The Origins of the 12 Animals

THE FOUR PILLARS OF DESTINY While this concept was known, it wasn’t properly formalised until the time of the Tang Dynasty (618 AD – 907 AD) by a scholar named Li Xu Zhong. In his time, he established the “Three Pillars of Destiny” system that was able to predict a person’s fortune. It wasn’t until the Song Dynasty (960 AD – 1279 AD) that it was perfected by a Xu Zi Ping who added another pillar, making it the “Four Pillar of Destiny”, which gave way to forecasts that were much more accurate and useful. Within the Four Pillars of Destiny, there are eight characters in total making up the top and bottom half. The bottom part, the Earthly Branches, contains the 12 animal signs while the upper half is a designated element based on the Five Elements of Chinese Metaphysics. These 8 characters, now known as “Ba Zi”, would be able to foretell an individual’s personality and future.

PRACTICAL BAZI While BaZi have undergone a lot of changes, refinement and renaissances throughout the ages, it remains popular to this day. While the subject of BaZi is immeasurably deep with a lot of concepts to digest, its usage is relatively simple. Every animal sign is essentially a form of energy. The years that come and go would either affect these energies in positive, negative or neutral ways. As the location of each of these animal signs represent a certain aspect of our lives, how they are influenced would play a part on what we can reasonably expect of our future. Would you like to know what next year looks like for you?

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited

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How To Get Your BaZi Chart

WHAT’S YOUR SIGN? As Chinese civilization and culture have spread throughout the world, the knowledge of the 12 Chinese animal signs have considered to be common knowledge. Virtually everyone knows their sign; you probably know if you’re born in the year of the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog or Boar. However, did you know that you have 3 other animal signs as well? Besides your year of birth, your month, day and even hour of birth also contains an animal sign! In total, everyone has 4 animal signs and each of them govern different aspects of our lives. Altogether, they form a snapshot of how your life will play out past, present and future. Before we continue further, it’s best you get acquainted with the rest of your animal signs first.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



How To Get Your BaZi Chart

LET’S SEE WHAT YOU GOT To know the 4 animals that affect your life, we’re going to need your BaZi chart. What’s a BaZi chart, you might ask? Essentially, it is a snapshot of energy; your internal flow that defines you as an individual and how you react to your environment and circumstances. For now, let’s skip the technical details and just find out which 4 animals you have by using these 4 simple steps:


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Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited




How To Get Your BaZi Chart

Fill in your details and select “Plot BaZi Chart”.

Fill up your details here

Click “Plot BaZi Chart“ to generate your chart


You are done! This is how your BaZi chart looks like.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



How To Get Your BaZi Chart

WHAT AM I LOOKING AT When you have your BaZi chart, it’s a lot of things. For now, ignore everything except this part:

As you can see, this section of your BaZi chart reveals the animal sign of your year, month, day and hour of birth. In this particular example, it is a chart of a person who was born in the year of the Rabbit, the month of the Rooster, the day of the Dragon and the hour of the Horse. If you have done these steps correctly, now you know what your 4 animal signs are! See, it’s not that hard. You’re doing great. Let’s go a little deeper into this astrological journey, shall well?

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited

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BaZi Crash Course

BAZI CRASH COURSE A popular misconception that most people have is that their luck for the year hinges on the fate of a single animal sign, the one in their year. While it is true that the year is affected by the everchanging annual energy, it’s only one part of your life. At best, it’s just 25% of what’s going to happen. Wouldn’t you rather know the whole story instead ? So, how does these things work? Consider that people are like onions. Yes, onions. You see, onions have many layers to them. What is revealed in the outer layer may not necessarily be the same in the innermost layers. As such, starting from the year animal sign all the way to the hour animal sign, each of these signs reveal who you are from how you appear to everyone down to your private thoughts and desires.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



BaZi Crash Course

YEAR: FIRST IMPRESSIONS The year animal sign is the outermost layer of this onion. This is how you appear to most people; your acquaintances, strangers, even friends you’re not too intimate with. It’s the first impression that you give out to people and what others first notice about you. If anything affects this animal sign, the influence would relate to these aspects of your life.

MONTH: YOUR BEST TALENT When we dive deeper into your onion, we find the second layer; the month animal sign. This animal sign governs your career, business and abilities. Think of it this way, the more time we spend with someone, the better we’ll be able to know them. If you spend 8 hours every single day with a person at your office, surely, you’ll know them better than you would with a friend you see every now and then. For that, this is the middle point between who you appear to be and who you truly are.

DAY: THE TRUE SELF Now we find ourselves at the heart of this root vegetable metaphor, your day of birth’s animal sign. In Chinese Astrology, this is who you truly are. As a person, you are defined not as your year or month of birth, but by the day itself. You can be one thing to strangers and another thing to your colleagues, but your loved ones are those who knows you best. Thus, this animal sign influences your domestic life, love and romance.

HOUR: THE HIDDEN PERSONA If the day is your true self, then what of the hour? What more can this overused analogy reveal? Well, there are certain things you won’t even tell your significant other or anyone else for that matter. The animal sign in your hour is a face you don’t reveal to anyone. It is your thoughts, ambition, desire and innermost self. The hour also represents your assets and investments. If this animal sign is affected, you could say you’ll be having a change of mind.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



BaZi Crash Course

DISECTING YOUR ONION To recap, everyone has 4 animal signs. The animal sign in your year affects your friends and social life, the month affects your career and abilities, your day affects your love and relationship and your hour affects your thoughts, desire and investments. Once you are clear on that, let’s put what you’ve learned so far to practical use and let’s study your onion. Let’s pretend that in your BaZi chart, you find that you have the animal signs A, B, C and D in your year, month, day and hour respectively. For reference, it would look something like this:





Next, look up the forecast for each of these animal signs. The forecast can be anywhere between outstanding, moderate and challenging. For this exercise, the reading for the animal signs are as follows:


Excellent luck is in store for you! You can do anything!


Major changes can be expected, get ready for it.


It’s likely you have to overcome a lot of challenges in 2020.


It’s moderate.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



BaZi Crash Course

IS IT GOING TO BE A GREAT YEAR? Based on the previous example, if these were the readings for your animal signs, would the next year be great for you? If you find yourself asking that question, ask yourself two additional questions: “Great in terms of what?” and “What can I do to make it great?” For the first question, it can be a great year for you to meet new people. It can be a great year for your career if you’re willing to embrace change. It might not appear to be a great year for love and investments for you, but you can always ask yourself that second question. As long as you can focus on the positive aspects and minimise the negative, any year can be the best year ever.

A GUIDE TO THE FUTURE Whatever forecast you may receive for your 4 animal signs are merely guidelines for the upcoming year. The bad may not necessarily happen if you take proactive measures to prevent it while the good is not entirely guaranteed if you don’t take action when you’re supposed to. Having said that, learn what you have been given and make the most out of it!

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited

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Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited

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12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Rat

Rat子 Year of The Rat









OVERALL FORECAST FOR THE YEAR If success is your goal, observe the habits of successful people and simply replicate them. One thing is for sure, they constantly quench their thirst for knowledge, are not afraid to fail and make an effort to be more positive. Life is too short for anyone to be in a constant mode of negativity anyway, so why hold onto this unhealthy habit? Success can be obtained by anyone. This year, be open to the good energy that the Golden Lock Star (金匱) brings. Make way for more wealth to come into your life and position yourself in a way that not only benefits you, but also benefits others. There is high potential for you to be the recipient of money as a reward for something that you have done. With this in mind, taking on a new job or role with added responsibilities would benefit you immensely. The best way to keep the wealth flowing in your direction is by sharing it with others. For example, you might want to give a percentage of the extra income that you attain to a charity organisation. If you appreciate and value assistance from kind individuals with good intentions, the General Star (將星) ensures that you are lucky enough to receive streams of luck in the form of helpful people and even work with them under the same roof. Their kindness and sincerity will be very obvious to you and due to this star’s auspicious energy of leadership, authority and power, you will also have potential to take on the leading role of managing a team that consists of these amazing individuals.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Rat

Too much attention can work against you or to your benefit, depending on how you feel about it. As you will have the Duke’s Arrival Star (歲駕) this year, it plays a significant role to give you extra attention. The energy it emits is similar to the rank of an emperor who is arriving to an event – someone everyone wants to look at. Like it or not, all eyes are on you. Make the best out of it and let your talents shine. With all of the positivity in your life that is coming one after another, some might feel a little sceptical about it. There is a price for all these good tidings after all and it would be in the form of the Grand Duke Star (太歲). It is a star that denotes not only authority, but disruptions in your plans. Remember, everything happens for a reason. When life don’t go the way you want it to be, perhaps it is leading you to greener pastures. Go with the flow with a more positive mindset. When you are in the position of great authority, there is also a sense of responsibility that comes with it. You may also end up getting into unpleasant situations with family members as well as butting heads with loved ones over trivial issues. After all, it is up to you to solve these challenges. These issues are most likely to be linked to the Hidden Corpse Star (伏屍) which has its own way of highlighting the trials and tribulation you have to go through. If health is on your priority list, the Sword Edge Star (劍鋒) is the perfect star to remind you to take care of your overall well being by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Getting involved with meditation, aerobics and de-stressing types of activities should be able to produce positive results where health is concerned. Instead of rushing to do all of life’s duties or tasks at the same time, isn’t it better to take things one step at a time? Set a pace for yourself that’s manageable, consistent and most importantly, sustainable. This way, you’ll be able to reap the benefits of all the positive stars and at the same time nullify the influence of the negative stars.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Rat


Rat 子 WEALTH 2020 will have a favourable beginning coupled with good energy and vibrations where wealth is concerned. That said, although good tidings are in your vortex it will not bring in the type of energy that will manifest a good amount of financial wealth into your bank account. It is best to watch how you spend your money and where you place your investments and be cautious to not overspend the money you do make. If you have recently exceeded your budget, it is best to reel it in. No matter what your plans are this year, you will have the wind in your sails and great opportunities to reach your goals. Although good energy is on your side to help you reach your stated goals, do not rely on good energy alone to succeed. Work hard to make the most of your hours. The clouds will pass anyway.

CAREER 2019 has prepared the ground for you and 2020 is the year to yield your harvest. It is certainly in work that you will see the most doors open before you. And even if some opportunities seem unexpected, do not be hesitant to go for it. It is good to have ambitions when it comes to work, but try not to be over-ambitious as it will not lead to anything worthwhile or pleasant. Do not be bogged down by office rumours and hearsay. Wheels turn and things never stay the same for long. Progress is coming your way if you stand your ground and don’t let negativity fall on you like rain. Do not let anything pass. It’s best to display an earnest gesture of goodwill and maintain a down-to-earth attitude.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Rat

Rat 子 RELATIONSHIPS Where love is concerned Peach Blossom is taking a short vacation from your corner. Fret not and use this time instead to work on things that matter to you and aspects of your personal growth. You may witness some ups and downs in terms of relationships. Try to not let this get to you as relationships go through phases and that there will be good times and there will be challenges to rise from. Great relationships don’t happen by luck. Foster a closer bond with your significant other by perhaps planning a relaxing getaway or romantic date. Focus on the qualities you love and respect in your partner. Remember the moments and reasons why this person became special and important to you. If you have not met the person of your dreams yet, make an effort to expand your social circle.

HEALTH Life can only be enjoyed when one has the health. Having good health makes one appreciate the importance of life when considering those living in poverty in third world countries. Continue to improve one’s health and strive for the future, for the road ahead is still a long challenging journey filled with excitement and adventure. You may see the inconvenience of some small gynaecological issues cropping up. Eat healthy and start exercising. Look to perhaps changing your current lifestyle. Be wary when utilising sharp metal objects this year to avoid any injuries. Practice sensible caution and you will be unharmed throughout the year.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Ox

Ox 丑 Year of The Ox









OVERALL FORECAST FOR THE YEAR This year, instead of depending on auspicious stars to determine your fate, look within yourself and identify what you constantly dwell upon and realise the type of internal dialogues or inner patterns that you keep repeating to yourself on a daily basis. Is the rhythm more towards self-worth or the other way around? The three auspicious stars can allay all of your fears and replace them with optimism. Of course, there might be some challenges that comes your way as well but what’s life without a couple of ups and down? When you overcome them, it adds to your repertoire of experiences as well as boosting your own personal development and growth. With the Grand Duke Combination Star (歲合)’s arrival, meeting high quality people would be an effortless task due to this star’s presence. People of power and authority will automatically be drawn to you. If you happen to need approval for a licence or a permit, this is definitely a good year for you to make that happen. Expect to be of service to others due to the emergence of the Sun Star (太陽), which takes the spotlight this year as a Nobleman Star. Instead of you seeking for other people’s help, this year, other people would actually be seeking your help. Assisting others simply puts you in a position of activating this star’s positive qualities which highlights progression, social networking and financial gains. Be thankful when one door after another opens up for you in terms of career and business.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Ox

Another lucky star for you to focus on is the Heavenly Yi Star (天乙) as it gives you the edge to hire, befriend or partner with the right people. If starting a business has been on your mind lately, go ahead and do it. Inauspicious stars may seem like they are out to get you, but they can only present challenges to you that you should initially conquer from an internal level first. Although it is difficult to steer clear of the three inauspicious stars this year, they are unable to hold you back from success. The Bad Qi Star (晦氣) forces you to take part in healthy activities as it points out to a potential decline where health is concerned. Frequenting the gym would show a lot of positive results and if time does not permit for you to partake in this healthy activity, it is recommended that you squeeze in at least other forms of exercises. It’s also better if you can incorporate a complete nutritional meal into your daily diet and make an effort to adjust the way you perceive and approach life in general. Another inauspicious star that deliberately misaligns you with success is known as the Yin Sha Star (陰煞). With this star in its position, try to maintain a polite attitude when you are around people, especially women and apologise if you cross any lines. If you watch what you say with the intention to keep your interactions harmonious, everything will fall into place. In relations to this, the Sky Emptiness Star (天空) won’t make it easy for you to be happy this year regardless of what is going on in your life. If you have been feeling lonely lately, this star may fortify those emotions. Don’t let what you feel rule over your conscious decisions. You are always free to do better, free to be better. Become bigger than your problems.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Ox


Ox 丑 WEALTH Money, personal possessions, and self-worth continue to expand, increase, improve, and grow. Your desire for security and comfort is hearty now, and you’ll pursue these things with more confidence and verve. This is a strong time for buying long-term valuables. You are likely to make bigger decisions about your material resources this year. The year is also good for attracting more money from your professional endeavours and for expanding a business. It’s also wise to stay away from any form of speculative investments or gambling.

CAREER As a year with reasonably good fortune to tap into, your daily undertakings and work plans will come to fruition much easily. Fortify these possibilities through positive actions, efforts, thoughts and feelings that will carry essential creative energy into your work. If you have been putting effort towards something but have not seen it materialise yet, this month is most probably the right month for you to see it actually unfolding in a positive way. The year will also bode well in terms of your relationship with your superiors and colleagues. Maintaining workplace harmony is something that will be important to you this year.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Ox

Ox 丑 RELATIONSHIPS Romantic opportunities tend to be abound this year. You will find more chances to kick back and have fun, express yourself in unique ways, and pursue hobbies and entertainment. It’s a playful, light-hearted, and magnetic year for love, both for casual and serious love affairs. Your powers of attraction will run high this year with love coming to you rather than you having to pursue it. As for you single folks, the period might very well mark the beginning of a great passion, a passion that will transform itself into a durable love that could incite you to sacrifice your dear freedom. In other words, there’ll be marriage in the air!

HEALTH Recent improvement or recovery from illness is a good sign and one should continue to look forward to more positive things ahead in 2020. Having good health makes one appreciate the importance in life when considering those living in poverty in third world countries. Health allows you to enjoy life while striving to get to where you need and want to go. Eat well and commit to adding veggies to your lunch and dinner and fruit to your snack. Strive for the future, for the road ahead is still a long challenging journey full of excitement and adventure.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Tiger

Tiger 寅 Year of The Tiger 1926








OVERALL FORECAST FOR THE YEAR It’s easy to be thankful when favourable situations show up in your life, but how many people can keep up with an attitude of gratitude when luck starts to decline? While you are meant to be the lucky recipient of enormous luck this year, especially where travel and money-making opportunities are concerned, there are inauspicious stars that may halt your progress, especially if you miss out on any chances that are given to you. It’s important to seize opportunities at the right moment as these lucky chances may not come your way twice. This year’s inauspicious stars may affect you to the point of making you feel depressed and longing for companionship. Health problems that involve family members may also get in the way, but you can either view these issues as obstacles to push against or as blessings in disguise to embrace. The Sky Horse Star (驛馬) directs you towards a prosperous path where there is great expansion for growth. If you have been postponing your travel plans due to financial reasons, this year, you may be excited to find out that there is potential for you to travel extensively this year due to career or education. This star shows the need for you to cross borders and even gives you the opportunity to go to a different state. It enables you to meet new people, but you must make the first move by striking up a good conversation with a team member in your group or make an effort to form a long-term friendship with one of the locals.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Tiger

When it comes to money, your financial struggles are over as this year, you will have the chance to start online businesses that have the potential to succeed on an international level. Basically, with this star on your side, earning extra income is more than possible. You have high potential to accumulate wealth from abroad or at least, a different industry. When this comes to fruition, save some cash for a rainy day and do not forget to share a portion of it with the less fortunate. And when you feel that being aligned with financial success does not seem enough to keep you upbeat, learn to appreciate the more meaningful aspects in life. If you are in a depressive state of mind, the Solitary Star (孤辰) is the real culprit, and all it takes it a little bit of advice and a little bit of shift in focus and attitude to start the ball rolling in the right direction. Perhaps it is time to show more of your sweet self towards an elderly relative as the appearance of the Funeral Door Star (喪門) and the Earth Funeral Star (地喪) indicate that an elderly relative may need more health support from you this year. Spend more quality time with them and give your assistance in order to avoid injuries and further health problems. If you have been neglecting your own health, it is time for you to be wiser when it comes to dealing with a lowered immune system. The appearance of the Funeral Door Star (喪門) further emphasises the need for that. A better approach would be to focus on a healthier lifestyle for the sake of your overall well being. When you are healthy in mind, body, soul and spirit, it would be easier for you to help other people. Steer your way to success by focusing on becoming a better version of yourself!

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Tiger


Tiger 寅 WEALTH For those with the Tiger animal sign, 2020 will bring prosperity, luck and power. The year that begins is particularly promising, and you can succeed in all your undertakings. The best advice one could give you is to have confidence. If you have been wanting to splurge in 2020, watch for overspending or risky investments, as sudden changes and impulses tend to rule. It is best to put that thought on hold as monetary loss is highly likely this year. Although financial difficulties may come, luck is expected to be drawn to you in the most surprising ways if you are open and receptive to it. As long as one is able to improvise and be flexible enough to adapt to change, then one will not be facing financial hardship in the short term.

CAREER Tigers are known to be sensible and analytical in your approach towards most of the things in life, which allows you to overcome a lot of challenges and be successful at work and in things that instil your passion. In spite of having a weak and a less determined mind-set, you will usually make very precise decisions. This is an important time for keeping open to change and current developments regarding your work. Staying in touch with current developments in your field gives you a nice edge. Remember that there’s more to life than work. When you adopt a positive attitude, you will be surprised at how easy it is to meet your targets.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Tiger

Tiger 寅 RELATIONSHIPS Your romantic life should continue to provide you with some joys despite the lack of Peach Blossom star to give you a boost. This rings true if you are already settled into a relationship. You may see some constraints in your relationship as well as experience arguments and quarrels with your close ones, which you should avoid partaking in too much. When it comes to matters of the heart, it’s best to show people your true colours and allow them to love you for who you really are. Single natives, you’ll experience a great passion that will be as short as it will be intense. Profit well from the opportunity, but nevertheless think of stabilising yourself for, in spite of all, you need security on the love plane.

HEALTH There may be some small bumps in your health this year. Keep healthy food in easily accessible and visible places in your home and workplace. If you suffer from allergies or breathing related issues, you may going through a rough time during this period. Best to avoid dusty, hot and humid places for the time being. Remember to consume plenty of nourishing drinks and supplements that help to strengthen one’s lungs and nerve system, also avoid deep fried foods, fizzy drinks and chocolates, and try to get plenty of rest. Your health should be fine if you take good care of it.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Rabbit

Rabbit 卯 Year of The Rabbit 1927








OVERALL FORECAST FOR THE YEAR This year, achieving success may feel a wee bit too easy for you especially with the presence of two gleaming auspicious stars that are all set to back you up when anything negative arises! Expect walls or obstacles that existed in your past to be converted into doors of opportunities. With the Moon Star (太陰) around this year, it’s almost impossible for you to fail due to all of the helpful people that would keep showing up in your life. When you feel as if life is falling apart, your Knight in Shining Armour will come to rescue you or at least, someone will reach out their hands to help you. Apart from that, this auspicious star is linked to new portals that lead to pathways to expand your wealth. If you have considered making investments such as acquiring properties, now would be a good time to do so. Focusing on the Red Matchmaker Star’s capability to boost your likeability factor is also a good idea as it has the potential to draw in the right people into your sphere of influence. You may not realise it, but your success is not only dependant on your effort, but on your connections as well. It’s important to have harmonious relationships with people. In relations to this, you may end up in a committed relationship if you’re single and searching, and if you happen to own a business, you might be able to increase your overall earnings due to the appearance of new customers. With all of these blessings in your life, why let inauspicious stars’ potential negative effects scare you?

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Rabbit

The Piercing Rope Star (貫索), the Triple Punishment Star (三刑), the Hook Spirit Star (勾 神) and the Great Assembly Star (卒暴) have no power over you. It might be difficult for you to cope with the stress that comes with potential gossips thrown in by the Piercing Rope Star (貫索), but that’s about it. After all, stress is common in life and while it can overwhelm you to a certain extent, it is not an impossible task to de-stress on a daily basis. The only way out of this is by shifting your focus to a positive thought that’ll make you feel better. Although the Triple Punishment Star (三刑) foretells clashes and arguments between family members, it is not present to torture you, but rather encourage you to think outside of the box. With that in mind, try to be more sensitive to other people’s feelings. Think before you speak and act. If something feels like it is out of your comfort zone, it may still be worth trying especially if it helps make your family members feel more at ease. The list of inauspicious stars does not just end here, as the Hook Spirit Star (勾神) nudges you to roll up your sleeves and be prepared to allay people’s fears, fulfil past promises and defuse anger. Although uncertainty is part of life, being confused and uncertain at the same time is not a good combination. Look out for your well-being on a mental and physical level to avoid the negative effects of the Great Assembly (卒暴). Since it is an inauspicious star that is strongly linked with being involved in an accident, it’s best to stay away from dangerous activities. Be thankful for all of the lessons that you are about to learn this year while focusing on the exchange of conversations that are meant to enrich you in every aspect of your life. Rather than dreading the fact that you’ll be dealing with a long list of problems, relish on the fact that you’ll be getting a long list of solutions while taking part in a beautiful life changing journey. You’ll be more well-connected this year and overcoming a couple of small challenges will help you be better at problem-solving in the future. Basically, it’s easy for you to gravitate towards success by making wise choices this year. If the urge to give up starts to creep in, ask yourself this question – Am I really going to let inauspicious stars get in the way of my success?

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Rabbit


Rabbit 卯 WEALTH The Rabbit horoscope 2020 predicts that in generally, the outlook is positive. However, the year will be marked with some tense configurations. There is superb wealth fortune in store for you throughout 2020. You are likely to accumulate much fortune if you invest money on some well picked industries. There is also the potential of getting a raise. It is also highly advisable for you to refrain from participating in any high-risk investments. Instead, purchase real estate or assets with growing value to allow more financial growth. The year would also remind you on where you stand in life. Know when to step down and let others have the opportunity to take over.

CAREER Your career, professional projects, reputation, and public image continue to expand, stimulate, and open up. Work and career may be a little unpredictable this year but if you turn it around you may find that it can also be highly stimulating and innovative. Although the workload at your workplace may overwhelm you, you will be rewarded for your hard work. If you have been worrying unnecessarily over one’s career because of job security in the present employment. Rest assured, for one will be able to find another job within a short spell IF one is ever made redundant. As long as one continues to work diligently and stands up to any challenge encountered, then one’s future will be bright.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Rabbit

Rabbit 卯 RELATIONSHIPS Your love life should evolve in an atmosphere marked with sensuality this year with the arrival of the Red Matchmaker. Whether it’s an increase in passion for your mate or an attraction to a new lover, you will be stirred quite easily. Try to live in the present moment as intensely as possible without being too enthusiastic about the future. Coupled Rabbits will love learning together, and exploring new corners of the world as a pair. You might see a new and improved side to your partner and perhaps you may find new hidden passionate desires that can spark a renewed growth in your relationship.

HEALTH Some work may be needed in order to live in the vitality you experienced in 2019. Some focus needs to be taken inwards to watch for signs and symptoms of ill health. Be prudent when heading out to enjoy the great outdoors and partaking in extreme sporting activities. With care and due diligence, your experience will remain pleasant. On the other hand, for those who do not indulge enough in any exercise, one is advised to take up some basic forms of exercise. The brain works best when it gets pumped full of adrenalin and endorphins.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Dragon

Dragon 辰 Year of The Dragon 1928








OVERALL FORECAST FOR THE YEAR Dragons normally represent infinite strength, wealth and good fortune. Although you may not be able to experience these with absolute precision, at least, you will be able to flow in the direction of your dreams more easily when you shift your way of thinking. If you have your heart set on career success and work advancement this year, The Three Stages (三台) is a star worth welcoming with arms wide open as it helps you out in many possible ways especially if you put in extra effort. Those passionate about business will be pleased to know that an expansion is possible due to this star’s ability to give them the recognition that they need to move forward. You can forget about struggling because the success that will come to you this year will come rolling in very easily. Another auspicious star that would help propel you forward is the Elegant Seal Star ( 華蓋) as it will most likely lead you to a promotion if you are employed at a company. Those involved in sales and marketing have the opportunity to reap in rewarding results. Having it on your side this year highlights the positive aspects of confidence and independence. As an artistic star, it imbues you with the inspiration to reveal more of your creative side and find its ways of illuminating an important part of you that makes you unique to the public eye.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Dragon

If you have ever felt unlucky in your life, this year, that feeling will be replaced by an immense feeling of gratitude as the National Treasure Star (國印) comes into the limelight and elevates you to a higher status when it comes to good luck and fortune. Whenever it is around, it also increases your opportunity to gain power and authority at work, especially among male superiors. If you have always been sensitive to supernatural energies, it will be heightened due to the Five Ghost (五鬼), a star that has the ability to open you up to the possibility of experiencing mysterious and supernatural events. A less fanciful and more common interpretation would be a sense of paranoia. Be wise where you put your focus in. Instead of potential threats, see things as they are instead. Although Officer Charm Star (官符) is strongly linked to legal entanglements and documentation worries this year, pointing fingers at it or someone else instead of yourself is not the best way to solve it. It may be worth your while to look into this as the Flying Charm Star (飛符) and The Year Charm Star (年符) also represent potential legal entanglements. Quell your fears by reducing its severity by making an effort. If the Year Charm Star was a person, you’d definitely want to hide from him or her as it means potential bankruptcy and unwanted chaos, but the smart thing to do is to address the matter in detail and be extra careful where finance is concerned. Should any unfulfilled promises come to mind, it is best to sort them out as soon as possible. If you happen to be a health buff, the Yellow Flag Star (黃幡) on the other hand, has the potential to give you concerns in this area. Apart from that, due to its troublemaking nature, it also presents problems to you in the form of obstacles when you are keen on pursuing your goals or when making plans to tie the knot. Visible troublemakers may not be able to bother you as much as the gossip that is brought in by the Peeling Head Star (披頭). However, if you continue to focus on the important and meaningful aspects of life, you will come out as a winner. While this star is also associated with ill health and the death of a family member, your main focus should be on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and appreciating life on a daily basis.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Dragon


Dragon 辰 WEALTH The year 2020 brings fabulous energy for both work and money. While you can receive some seemingly very different messages this year where wealth accumulation is concerned, it’s a period with immense potential for advancement and enjoyment once you find a way to fit everything in. Refrain from making any high-risk investments this year and remember that being generous is a positive way to live a better life. A lot will depend on the individual’s effort to curb unnecessary expenses. For those in business, one is likely to secure or finalise some deals that have been in the pipeline for some time. Keep one’s head down and more prosperous opportunities will follow provided one plays one’s cards right.

CAREER Missteps can show up in people’s lives, knowing how this strengthens people can prepare you for greater success. Although you may encounter some speed bumps in your career, if you work hard enough, it is not impossible for you to power through. Miscommunication and backstabbing take the spotlight in your life this year. Be sure to sidestep these by remaining stoic in your dealings and show little to no weakness. Rumours and backstabbing reveal where your allies and friends are. Approaching these types of circumstances with tolerance is usually the best approach for anyone to take.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Dragon

Dragon 辰 RELATIONSHIPS This promises to be a happy year if you’re married or similarly committed. If you’re single, the year will offer some amazing chances and opportunities to meet people that may turn your life around for the better. You’re likely to derive much joy from your relationships, and more likely, a special one in particular. Challenging relationships, or challenges IN relationships, tend to be left behind in 2019. You may find that much of the year is spent discovering or redefining some of your ideas through another person or a partner and learning to let that relationship grow.

HEALTH Be aware of your health. You may be prone to falling sick a little more this year so wise precautions are necessary. Take up some light exercise, which will do you good but never over do things with strenuous exercises. Change is difficult but sometimes necessary. Science says that eating on a large plate tricks your brain into thinking that you haven’t eaten enough. Eat on a smaller plate to feel full quicker and avoid overeating. Also, perhaps take a small cut back on those fried deliciousness packed with oil and calories.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Snake

Snake 巳 Year of The Snake 1929








OVERALL FORECAST FOR THE YEAR What happens when you pour too much liquid inside a cup? The answer to that is simple - it overflows to the point of revealing the type of liquid that is inside of it. The same goes for a person that is full of negativity - he or she can’t help but show negativity through his or her actions and words. Unpleasant experiences could unfortunately cause you to lean more towards the negative side this year that will eventually echo back into every aspect of your life. However, you know a person is not worth your time if he or she constantly complains about everyone and everything. Always remember that birds of a feather flock together. If you allow these types of people to get too close to you, there is a high chance that you’ll be an exact carbon copy of them. Instead of putting your problems under a microscope which makes them look even bigger than they actually are, try focusing on the solutions. A problem can escalate into a bigger one when you put too much focus on it. Isn’t it better to navigate through life’s ups and downs by taking the time to contemplate on life’s many blessings while embracing uncomfortable experiences with an open heart and mind? When something negative happens, think of it as a blessing in disguise – a situation that can take you to an entirely different direction in life.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Snake

With this year’s auspicious Monthly Virtue Star (月德) on your side, a lot of problems have the potential of being resolved. It’s time to paddle downstream and stop fighting against the current to flow to your intended destiny with ease – a destiny that is full of life’s pleasures and beautiful surprises. Negative people may refer to this as a fairy tale life that is far from the truth, but it is not. The truth is, everyone is living their own reality, based on their thoughts, beliefs, feelings and karma. Just as many people out there are living the life of their dreams, so can you. When you expect negativity instead of positivity, and when you act harshly instead of lovingly, it means your brain is wired that way. You need to do something about it because as far as auspicious stars are concerned, the Monthly Virtue Star (月德) is more than enough to potentially rectify any problems that come your way. It is a star that is strongly linked to support and also has a strong ability to reduce the severity of this year’s negativity where relationships are concerned. Life can be filled with so much drama due to the presence of the inauspicious stars this year, but all it can do is potentially derail you from your dreams, if you let it. Your reputation may go down the drain due to the presence of the Robbery Sha Star (劫煞), but it doesn’t have to be that way. Instead of boldly speaking your mind without caring about how someone might feel, try putting the other person in your shoes for a change and see how that would affect you. Be kind and genuine at the same time. Although it may be a struggle for you to do that due to the presence of the Broken Star (破碎) that is strongly associated with a breakdown in communication, it won’t hurt to try. When inauspicious stars start to subjugate you, remember that you are the captain of your ship! The Death Charm Star (死符), may indicate a health problem, but that just means that you should pay more attention to your overall health. Theft or robbery may take place within your household due to the Solid Killing Star (的煞) and you may feel a strong urge to splurge due to the Lesser Consumer Star (小 耗), but you can still make wise choices in your life in order to get the results that you have been longing for.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Snake


Snake 巳 WEALTH This year, you’ll have more chance to accumulate, save and spend money in a more relaxed way compared to last year. A word of advice this year is to not take things for granted even though the waters seem calm. There is great possibility for you to get promoted at your job or obtain some good amount of profit through your business. This year, try not to sweat the small stuff as much as you normally do. See the broader perspective on life, so that the smaller inconveniences don’t stress you out quite as easily.

CAREER You may witness a lot of changes and may have to make a lot of important decisions this year which will affect your career drastically. Thus, be calm and wise while doing so, be it a business or a job. You will see greater cooperation between you and your superior(s) this year. This will certainly work to your benefit, as putting yourself front and centre in the bosses eyes will certainly put you in the limelight. You will start this year with a solid foundation where career is concerned and with unbelievably strong good fortune headed your way.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Snake

Snake巳 RELATIONSHIPS The year looks to be a rather average period for love and other relationships to flourish. You may have to put in constant attempts to make sure that the core of the relationship flourishes and that there is no hardship involved whatsoever. Certain negative aspects of your relationships may strike a deep chord within you. This may make you feel helpless, miserable or ill-tempered. This seems to be the best time to confess your love for someone, as the time will serve you the best and benefit you in making the right decisions, related to relationships.

HEALTH Pay extra heed to your health this year. Good health is what will likely take you where you want to go. A healthy and balanced diet will provide many benefits into 2020 and beyond. Drink plenty of water and make sure the food you indulge in does not have too much sugar and oil as there is the likelihood of contracting a urinary tract infection. What we eat and drink can affect our body’s ability to fight infections, as well as how likely we are to develop health problems later in life, including obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Horse

Horse 午 Year of The Horse 1930








OVERALL FORECAST FOR THE YEAR The Year of the Metal Rat may come across as challenging for the Horses due to the presence of some unsavoury stars, but as you tackle each problem this year you will find yourself becoming more resourceful, knowledgeable and stronger. Take this year as a preparation stage for you to become better before you could take on bigger things and achieve greater success in the future. While you may feel overwhelmed by the sudden changes you will experience this year, you could find some solace in the presence of the Monthly Emptiness Star (月空). This Star has the ability to dissolve negative situations, and also help you with fulfilling your wishes and goals. The only thing you have to be mindful is to remain realistic when it comes to goal setting. Be flexible; if you are too fixated on your own ways and perceptions, you may not even notice the star’s positive effects in your life. Being flexible will also be helpful in dealing with changes this year, signified by the presence of the inauspicious Year Breaker Star (歲破). This Star may make you uncomfortable as it comes in the form of unexpected changes. Therefore, it would be advisable for you to be prepared to go with the flow. By embracing change, this star would be no issue for you.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Horse

Besides, you should also avoid travelling overseas this year as much as possible, as there is a high possibility for you to encounter natural calamity due to the presence of the Calamity Sha Star (災煞). What this means is you may end up being at the wrong place at the wrong time. If you have to travel overseas, make sure you check the weather forecast prior to travelling. It would be wise to buy a travel insurance as well. In addition, the presence of the Obstacle Star (闌干) means you will have to work extra hard this year to achieve your goals. Keep in mind that all of the hard work actually leads to satisfaction when results are accomplished. No matter how many obstacles you have to overcome this year, remember that nothing is forever, and this too shall pass. As long as you focus on the destination, you will get there no matter how long it takes. This year, while you work towards your goal, be mindful of the effect of the Sky Cry Star (天哭). It is capable of influencing your emotions and make you extra sensitive. If tears suddenly roll down your cheeks due to trivial matters, or you suddenly cry for no reason at all, you know that the heightened sensitivity that you feel in response to your surroundings is due to this star’s existence this year. By acknowledging this, you may be able to have a greater mastery over your own emotions. If you feel like your hands are simply itching to spend some money the Greater Consumer Star (大耗) that’s coming into your life this year is the likely culprit. It represents huge expenses that have a long-term impact. Take note that spending money is not necessarily a bad thing. As they say, you have to spend money to make money. If you decide to invest in your own personal development, investments or marketing, the effect of this star could be a boon instead. For the Horses, this is a year of getting prepared for bigger things. Remember that there is more to life than making sure you get everything you want. Shift your focus onto helping others and making them happy, and see life unfolding with more meaningful moments that infuses you with joy.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Horse


Horse 午 WEALTH Your wealth luck depends on how much you are willing to work for it. The moment you go the extra mile in pursuing wealth, you will see it flourishing in the right direction. What this means is that your wealth luck this year can be achieved through action. Instead of waiting passively for wealth to come to you, take the initiative and you will likely get what you want in the end.

CAREER While you may have to deal with a lot of stress and negativity in your career, it is important to maintain a work-life balance this year. Focus on what you can do; let go of those that you can’t control. Even if you take the blame for things you are not responsible for, remember that this is temporary. Don’t let it affect how you perform your current and next tasks.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Horse

Horse 午 RELATIONSHIPS A weak Peach Blossom luck means your love life will not be the highlight of this year. However, regardless of your circumstances, your love life has higher chances of becoming better. Issues that you may be facing with your partner will see chances to be solved. Keep an open mind and try to understand things from the point of view of your partner.

HEALTH Your health luck is not looking strong in 2020. If there’s anything amiss, it is best to seek doctor’s consultation and treatments early. Go for medical check-ups regularly, maintain a balanced diet and ensure you have enough rest. It would do you well to start exercising regularly if you haven’t been doing much exercising. This will keep your body and mind alert to cope with all the changes in the coming year.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Goat

Goat 未 Year of The Goat 1931








OVERALL FORECAST FOR THE YEAR The transition into the Year of the Metal Rat will come as a pleasant experience especially for the Goats. The presence of highly auspicious stars not only will bless you with strong wealth luck this year, but also good luck in general when it comes to solving problems or overcoming challenges. There is almost nothing to worry about; the only thing that stands between you and success if yourself. The Goats would be thrilled to know that the Nobleman Star (貴人) is on their side this round. This is a star of noble assistance both at times of need and times of abundance. Expect promotions, extra income, strong relationships and basically, overall success this year due to this star’s strong, gleaming presence. Remember to be grateful for any help you receive. Your wealth luck also receives a boost during this new year due to the appearance of the Jade Hall Star (玉堂). Its presence favours asset acquisition and as it brings along with it a superior type of wealth luck, your overall value is likely to increase this year. Combined with the Nobleman Star, it is likely that you receive useful tips from others that help you profit greatly from investments. Furthermore, you have the Earth Relief Star (地解) as well to enhance your wealth luck. This star is associated with property, investment and land. Another positive effects this star brings is an extra edge on problem solving. Together with the presence of the Dragon Virtue Star(龍德), you will be able to rectify any problems that may occur as assistance will arrive swiftly.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Goat

With all these positive stars in line, it is no surprise that you would feel generally happy and upbeat this year, which is enhanced by the presence of the Emperor Star (紫微). Its presence also brings a lot of opportunities and benefits in all areas of your life. With all the good luck flowing into your life this year, it’s not exactly picture perfect. In fact, you may also have to heighten your sense of awareness in order to optimise your performance. Don’t be complacent as there are certain negative stars that comes along with the good – The Dark Sky Star, the Brutal Defeat Star and the Six Harm Star. Foreboding as their names are, it’s nothing you can’t handle. While the Dark Sky Star (天厄) can aggravate negative situations and may cause minor accidents for you, there is a high possibility for you to stay safe, as the Emperor Star is around to mitigate the negative impact. Practicing sensible personal safety also does help in preventing any unfavourable outcomes. The presence of the Brutal Defeat Star (暴敗) may derail whatever you have planned. You may end up going through unexpected twists and turns. The presence of the Six Harm Star (六害) may bring you down as it may cause you to suddenly feel lonely or isolated. If you are aware of this however, you can turn it around. Things may not go as planned, but you can always improvise. We all feel lonely sometimes, but our loved ones are just one phone call away. There is also the presence of the inauspicious Year Sha Star (歲煞), which brings jealous individuals into your life. With all the good things you have going on in your life this year, there will always be haters who want to bring you down. Bear in mind that this has nothing to do with you personally. In all likelihood, they are the ones who are insecure with their own failures. All in all, the Year of the Metal Rat is an excellent year for the Goat. Remain positive and focus on the bright side. This way, none of the effects of the inauspicious stars would be able to reach you and all the positive ones are yours to benefit from. If you make full use of everything that is given to you, both good and bad, you will find yourself improved and overall a better person by the end of this new year.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Goat


Goat 未 WEALTH Your wealth luck is looking strong this year as considerable amount of abundance surrounds you. While you are able to profit from investments, it is best to proceed with any money-related matters with caution, as there is a slight chance of suffering a minor financial loss. Though fret not, as with careful financial planning, you will be able to overcome any difficulties with ease.

CAREER If you have thought about changing career this year, it is best to stay put as your career luck is moderate during this time. It is crucial for you to build a strong foundation during the first half of the year through hard work and determination before thinking about embarking on new plans. Your hard work will likely bring you rewards during the later part of the year.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Goat

Goat 未 RELATIONSHIPS With improved Peach Blossom luck this year, those of you who are single may consider confessing or taking initiative to approach the person you are attracted to – there is a great chance that he or she will share mutual attraction with you. For those who are in a committed relationship can consider getting married this year as well, as the energies favour marriages and happy occasions.

HEALTH The younger Goats have nothing to be concern about in regards to health matters. However, the older generation may need to pay more attention to their health, especially the digestive system. Be mindful of where and what you decide to consume. Make sure food is clean prior to cooking. Maintain a balanced diet and you should be able to go through the year healthily.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Monkey

Monkey 申 Year of The Monkey 1932








OVERALL FORECAST FOR THE YEAR 2020 There may be times when you feel like the entire world is against you, but always keep in mind that nothing is forever and everything you experience now is but temporary. Take this coming year as a stepping stone towards greater things. This year, your skills will be honed; your talents will be polished; your tenacity will be enhanced, so that you will be ready to reap greater success in the future. This is a great year to learn and grow through the many challenges that may come your way. Although there are several inconvenient stars lining up in 2020, you should be able to handle all of them easily with your brilliance and perseverance. Two of these may bring some misunderstanding, malicious gossip and rumour, hence you need to be careful who you trust your personal information with this year. The first one being the Back Poking (指背) means you have to be cautious with sensitive information at your workplace and on social media. Avoid getting involved in gossips as your reputation will come out intact. The second one, the Sky Warrior Star (天雄), denotes miscommunication and some challenges in relaying your information across to another person. Bear in mind that communication comes in 4 parts; what you mean to say, what you actually say, what is heard and what is understood. When you understand this process, it would be easier for you to communicate with clarity to others and prevent misunderstandings.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Monkey

The presence of the Great Sha (大煞) increases the risk of your reputation being tarnished this year. With this star, you need to keep yourself in check and refrain from being reckless and impatient, especially when it comes to how you communicate with people at work. It is advisable to uphold integrity at all times – leave no room for anyone to accuse you of misconduct. Be respectful to anyone including your subordinates and your superiors; play your cards right and no harm will be in your way. Besides paying attention to what you talk about, be mindful of your physical wellbeing. The presence of the White Tiger (白虎) and the Flying Chaste (飛廉) this year poses risks of bodily harm and accidents. Stay alert of your surroundings and try not to intentionally go to high risk places. Do not drive when you are tired and definitely do not drink and drive. Risky activities such as bungee jumping, surfing, sky diving, and other extreme adventures should also be put on hold until another time. Life has its ups and downs. It’s perfectly normal. Trying to find the source of your unhappiness will only bring you even more unhappiness. There isn’t a single event in person’s life, good or bad, that isn’t placed there for a reason. Challenges and difficulties are there for us to confront and for us to grow. The year might see a little more upheaval, but remember Monkeys are patient and optimistically resilient. You might not be able to change the direction of the wind, but you can certainly adjust your sails to get to where you need to go.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Monkey


Monkey 申 WEALTH Although the flow of wealth luck you have the potential of receiving this year is on a medium scale, you could still accumulate more than that if you put in more effort. There are chances for you to meet helpful people who will assist with financial matters. With their assistance, your wealth luck could be enhanced. Remember to acknowledge and appreciate their help, and be more generous towards the less fortunate.

CAREER You will find plenty of opportunities for you to showcase your talents at work this year, which will open up a lot of doors towards success. However, this may also make you a victim to jealousy and backstabbing. If you experience this, you should be mindful who you trust and what information you share with others. Do your best to avoid miscommunication and no blame shall fall on you.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Monkey

Monkey 申 RELATIONSHIPS This is a good year to take your relationship to the next level. For those of you in a committed relationship, it’s a good time to get married as you will be able to enjoy a blissful marriage. On the other hand, those of you who are single should focus on improving themselves instead of trying to rush into any relationships too soon. Take the time to get to know each other better before you take the plunge into a relationship.

HEALTH Your health luck is weak this year, so there may be more visits to the doctor than usual. However, you should not be overly concerned as there is no major illnesses or anything out of the ordinary. Pay attention to what you consume as this may be the cause of your health issues this year. Other than that, make sure you get enough sleep and hydration besides exercising regularly.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Rooster

Rooster酉 Year of The Rooster 1933








OVERALL FORECAST FOR THE YEAR After an eventful 2019, the Roosters will be happy to find four auspicious stars welcoming them in 2020, aiding them to experience a smooth and fulfilling year. This year foresees that you will be activating good memories, building long term relationships, progressing professionally and basically, achieving overall happiness. As you find happiness and fulfilment, this is also the excellent year to help others grow and become better persons. The Sky Happiness Star (天喜) is in your court this time around, bringing you reasons to celebrate. The star is strongly associated with happy occasions and is also a positive Peach Blossom Star. Therefore, get ready to be invited to gatherings such as weddings and graduation ceremonies this year. You would also likely enjoy yourself greatly in these social activities. Those of you who are single should consider reaching out and connecting to others to improve your chances of finding someone special. This is a year where long-term relationships are forged. If you are considering tying the knot, this is the year to do so. Professionally, if you need important connections to get your projects done, this year may also be a good year for you to do that. Your career will also receive a boost from the Prosperity Star (福星). It will enhance your ability for professional progress which is connected to promotion and salary increment. If you work hard, people will recognise your effort and you will be rewarded

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Rooster

for your good work. What’s important is to keep up your good work – don’t slack off even when you are at the top. The good tidings this year is further amplified through the Fortune Virtue Star (福德), a star known for prosperity. Its presence denotes good food, fun gatherings and a chance to explore the world. Perhaps it would be a good idea to plan family activities for some quality time together. It would be good to travel this year as you will most likely benefit from the journey. If there have been some disagreements with your partner in the past, the presence of the Heavenly Virtue Star (天德) will help you patch things up. This star is able to remove obstacles in the form of assistance from friends, family members and colleagues. if you wish to be in full alignment with it, it is best to show your desire for improvement. Although there is presence of inauspicious stars, but their influences will not be anything major. The Salty Pool Star (咸池) may enhance your attractiveness this year and boost your chances in pursuing romance, but for those in a committed relationship, they have to be careful not to give in to temptations. Be grateful for your partner and focus on the reasons you are together in the first place. In addition, you may also need to beware of various types of disputes and slander brought in through the Annual Sha Star (年煞) and the Curled Tongue Star (卷舌). Watch your words and actions in the public. Keep your temper in check. Even though you may not do anything wrong, some people may still talk about you regardless so don’t give them too much attention. Remember, you have the power to change situations in your life. If the story of your life still does not make you feel happy, go ahead and rewrite it. After all, you are the master of your destiny. Stars won’t be able to get in your way if you have a strong desire to overcome obstacles.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Rooster


Rooster 酉 WEALTH Your wealth luck is average this year, but that does not mean you cannot earn more than just average. All you need is determination and consistent action to gain more wealth. Also, keep your goals realistic. Try shooting for the moon and you’ll most possibly end up getting disappointed. Seek advice from experts when it comes to investments; there is a chance for financial growth from long-term investments.

CAREER There will be opportunities for career development that comes with some wealth gain this year, as long as you have been consistently delivering quality work. As you achieve success, remember to share it with your team. It is important to maintain positive relationship with your co-workers at this time in order to retain your power and influence. Make sure you listen to what others have to say; you may find gems to improve yourself and your work.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Rooster

Rooster 酉 RELATIONSHIPS Singles will likely meet the right person this year, thanks to improved Peach Blossom luck. However, you won’t meet anyone if you stay at home and do nothing. It is important to get out there and start making new friends. Alternatively, you may try to make use of apps to expand your social circle. Either way, by getting to know more people, you could increase your chances of meeting the right one.

HEALTH This year is the best time for you to make health your top priority. Maintain a balanced diet and be mindful of your eating habits. Live a more active lifestyle such as start hiking during the weekends and jogging every evening. This will help to boost your immunity against diseases. When you are in your top form, you will be able to achieve your professional and relationship goals more effortlessly.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Dog

Dog 戌 Year of The Dog 1934








OVERALL FORECAST FOR THE YEAR While it is impossible to steer completely clear of troubles, you have just the right Star on your side to find solutions to challenges much more easily. The first step in moving beyond those tribulations is to remain positive. When you reverberate positivity – the quality of your thoughts and feelings improve. Blessed with two highly auspicious stars this coming new year, you would most likely find yourself taking the center stage as the stars’ strength propel your forward. Although there are minor setbacks due to the presence of inauspicious stars, you should focus on the good things and remain positive in order to maintain your good luck. One of the good things that you can expect this year is the opportunity to become famous, as the Eight Seats Star (八座) is present. This is a star of fame and also noble support. When it’s on your side, you will garner a lot of attention. Make the most out of this by showcasing your talents and skills whenever possible. Artists and performers may make use of the social media to promote themselves as there is a great chance of becoming famous overnight. On top of that, you have the aid of the auspicious Relief Star (解神) this year, ensuring you get through any hurdles and problems swiftly. In order to grow, you have to go through challenges, and the Relief Star is here to bless you with noble assistance when you need it. Whatever life throws at you this year; the right person will come to help you out of life’s predicaments.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Dog

Some of the challenges that you will likely find during this new year would be related to miscommunication. This is because of the presence of the Leopard Tail (豹尾), which may make others feel offended by what you say. Perhaps it’s not even your fault as they might interpret what you say. Regardless, be clear when you communicate and apologise if you caused unintentional offence. Another problem that you may have to take note this year is related to your own wellbeing. There’s a chance of physical injuries due to the presence of the Blood Knife Star (血刃) and the Instability Star (浮沉), you are also vulnerable to emotional turbulences as the Lonesome Star (寡宿) comes into play as well. With the presence of the Blood Knife Star and the Instability Star, you will be prone to injuries and accidents particularly during physical activities. What’s more, the Funeral Guest Star (吊客) is also here, which could bring negative impact to your health. Hence it is better for you to be extra careful with your own safety. Avoid driving when you are tired; make sure your car is in top form before driving long distance. It is always better to be safe than sorry. You may also want to take care of your emotional well-being as the Lonesome Star brings you the feeling of being lonely and unwanted, as the name denotes. You may feel like you are on your own at times, but remember that most of the time this does not reflect the reality. Focus on what have gone right instead of crying over spilled milk. If you feel overwhelmed, know that it’s okay to find someone to talk things through. Anytime you reach out, there will be someone to help you out. Whenever necessary, seek professional help. Taking care of your emotional well-being is as important as your physical health.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Dog


Dog 戌 WEALTH This year, your wealth outlook is not the most promising sector to look forward to. There is the likelihood of constant monetary losses, but if you have a solid financial backup plan, it won’t be anything damning. Avoid high-risk investments this year and stick to safe and proven methods. It’s best to save up your money for rainy days instead of splurging on unnecessary things.

CAREER While risks of backstabbing at your workplace are high, you would be glad to know that you also have the support of influential people in the company. Keep a low profile and steer clear of office politics as much as you can. But if you are inevitably involved, make sure you stand by those who genuinely vouch for you. Express gratitude to these people and continue to strive for quality at work. Sincerity plays a major role in shifting your luck into a more pleasant one.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Dog

Dog 戌 RELATIONSHIPS If you are single, this year you shouldn’t rush into a relationship and deliberate your situation beforehand. Weak Peach Blossom Luck this year means you are advised to focus more on improving yourself before establishing a relationship. Those of you in a committed relationship may also want to take some time to review your relationship before tying the knots.

HEALTH There shouldn’t be anything to worry about when it comes to health this year. Even if you fall sick, you will be lucky enough to find the right doctor and get the right treatment before the situation deteriorates. In addition, it’s best to avoid participating in extreme activities. Make sure you adhere to all safety measures if you are participating in one to prevent getting minor injury this year.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Boar

Boar 亥 Year of The Boar 1935








OVERALL FORECAST FOR THE YEAR 2020 will be a great year for you in terms of wealth and learning, thanks to the presence of a good star that would boost your monetary gain through carefully researched investments. This year can be a fantastic year depends on the actions you choose to take and your state of mind. Remain positive and focus on the good things that happen for you. This way, you will be immune towards negativity. Blessed with the Intelligence Star (文昌) on your side this year, your ability to understand complex information will be enhanced, giving you an edge over everyone else. This star can aid you to learn critical concepts and find solutions to garner more wealth. By enhancing your ability to learn relevant knowledge, this star helps you to achieve better business skill. This star will also serve you with the ability to solve problems and improve your leadership skill. On the other hand, there are a few inauspicious stars that you may want to take note of this year. One of these is the Death God Star (亡神), which could affect you to be more temperamental than usual. If you find yourself getting worked up over trivial matters, take a deep breath and reassess the situation. Focus on the solution and not the problem. With mastery over your emotions, this star’s effect would be mitigated. Apart from putting you at risk of causing offence, outbreaks of arguments, this star is also considered a forgetful star that has the ability to cause you to overlook details,

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Boar

dates and information. Refrain from trying to memorise every data that you come across and instead, make an effort to record them by using modern technology as an aid. In addition, the presence of the Surpassing Path Star (陌越) denotes the tendency to be anxious or agitated this year. Be mindful of your emotions and learn to look at things objectively. When you find yourself entangled in emotions, try meditating or talking with people who are able to help. The more you try to bury these emotions, the more you would be haunted by them. Find long term solutions to your mental and emotional anguish; your future self will thank you for it. Besides taking care of your emotional health, you may also want to pay more attention to your physical health this year, as the Sickness Charm Star (病符) denotes a strong possibility for you to fall ill. However, if you regularly go for health check-ups and follow a healthy lifestyle, your health results will surpass your expectations in a positive way. Another star that you want to take note of is the Swallow Trap Star (吞陷). It indicates a negative impact on your finances. If someone approaches you with a proposal to borrow your money or nudge you to make a major investment, it is advisable to make proper research before committing. This include renting your properties to others; make sure you do a background check whenever possible and it is recommended to meet the potential tenant in person beforehand. Minimise the risk of renting to people who are late with payment or worse – refuse to pay. This year, remember that life is sometimes enjoyed by taking baby steps. A common problem most people have is that their primary aim in life is to get to places fast, be it a physical location or mental goal. Sometimes looking at a situation through a big picture focus can get overwhelming. Remember to slow down just for a few minutes. It becomes easier to think things through clearly again and easier to find the optimistic and constructive perspective.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Boar


Boar 亥 WEALTH There is great potential for you to accumulate an abundance of wealth this year. Unexpected wealth opportunities will open doors for you to multiple streams of income. Although the monetary increase is moderate, it would be enough to propel you forward and offer more stability to your life. In addition, it’s best to refrain from gambling or getting involved in high risk investments to prevent financial losses.

CAREER On the career front, you will be happy to know that chances to be promoted is high this year. Although the increment that comes with this promotion is on a medium scale, you would receive a lot of needed assistance along the way. Your reputation at work will improve and people have great confidence in your capabilities. This gives you opportunities to be in charge of important projects.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited



12 Animals Forecast 2020 | Boar

Boar 亥 RELATIONSHIPS The Peach Blossom luck is in your favour this year, so if you are single, this is a good year to meet someone you like and fall in love with. However, make sure you get to know him or her better before you fall head over heels. For those in a committed relationship, this year is a good time to focus on your relationship and try to refrain from any temptations.

HEALTH This is an excellent year to start living more healthily. Start exercising regularly, watch what you eat, and make sure you get sufficient rest. Although there is high potential for you to get cardiovascular and ophthalmic diseases as well as experience problems with high blood pressure, you can reduce that possibility if you visit a doctor on a regular basis for check-ups and health advice.

Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited


Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited

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