1st Environmental Quiz

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1st Environmental Quiz University Student Council In cooperation with Department of Biology and SYMBIOSIS

Question 1 A “habitat” is a. The same as an ecosystem b. The role an organism plays in an ecosystem c. A particular area inhabited by plants and animals d. The number of different organisms living in a specific area

Question 1 A “habitat” is a. The same as an ecosystem b. The role an organism play in an ecosystem c. A particular area inhabited by plants and animals d. The number of different organisms living in a specific area



Question 2 “Biodiversity” is described as a. The range of different species in the environment b. The seasonal and daily changes in an environment c. The way species differ from one another d. The influence of physical factors in an environment

Question 2 “Biodiversity” is described as a. The range of different species in the environment b. The seasonal and daily changes in an environment c. The way species differ from one another d. The influence of physical factors in an environment

Question 3 Fertilizers can be washed into a river by the rain. This can be a cause of which of the following? a. Bioaccumulation b. Eutrophication c. Biodegradation d. Spontaneous combustion



Question 3 Fertilizers can be washed into a river by the rain. This can be a cause of which of the following? a. Bioaccumulation b. Eutrophication c. Biodegradation d. Spontaneous combustion

Question 4 The Rio declaration on the Environment and Development and Agenda 21 encourage people to a. Act local, think global b. Act global, think local c. Act as we are, think as we do d. Not worry, the Earth will go on forever

Question 4 The Rio declaration on the Environment and Development and Agenda 21 encourage people to a. Act local, think global b. Act global, think local c. Act as we are, think as we do d. Not worry, the Earth will go on forever



Question 5 Wind erosion is one of the key causes of desertification and occurs when soil is left bare of vegetation. State the major cause of wind erosion in arid and semi-arid lands where this problem is most severe. a. Cleaning of land for agriculture b. Deforestation c. Overgrazing by livestock d. Forest fires

Question 5 Wind erosion is one of the key causes of desertification and occurs when soil is left bare of vegetation. State the major cause of wind erosion in arid and semi-arid lands where this problem is most severe. a. Cleaning of land for agriculture b. Deforestation c. Overgrazing by livestock d. Forest fires

Question 6 A desire for environmental change led to the creation of various political parties around the world whose emphasis was largely on environmental protection. What are these organizations known as collectively? a. Blue parties b. Granolas c. Tree huggers d. Green parties



Question 6 A desire for environmental change led to the creation of various political parties around the world whose emphasis was largely on environmental protection. What are these organizations known as collectively? a. Blue parties b. Granolas c. Tree huggers d. Green parties

Question 7 Of the following indications of health of a water body, which is the most widely accepted means of measuring how polluting an effluent is? a. COD (chemical oxygen demand) b. BOD (biological oxygen demand) c. Chloroform content d. Eutrophication

Question 7 Of the following indications of health of a water body, which is the most widely accepted means of measuring how polluting an effluent is? a. COD (chemical oxygen demand) b. BOD (biological oxygen demand) c. Chloroform content d. Eutrophication



Question 8 The Giant Panda is the official symbol of the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). In which country is this animal found? a. China b. India c. Myanmar d. New Zealand

Question 8 The Giant Panda is the official symbol of the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). In which country is this animal found? a. China b. India c. Myanmar d. New Zealand

Question 9 An endangered animal, the Elephas maximus is now predominantly found in the protected wildlife sanctuaries and national parks of Kerala, Karnataka, and Orissa. Its common name is a. Black buck b. Asian elephant c. Eagle d. Wild buffalo



Question 9 An endangered animal, the Elephas maximus is now predominantly found in the protected wildlife sanctuaries and national parks of Kerala, Karnataka, and Orissa. Its common name is a. Black buck b. Asian elephant c. Eagle d. Wild buffalo

Question 10 Which of the following elements is required to run a nuclear power plant? a. Sodium b. Arsenic c. Carbon d. Uranium

Question 10 Which of the following element is required to run a nuclear power plant? a. Sodium b. Arsenic c. Carbon d. Uranium



Question 11 is a 1–point Immunity Question

Question 11 is a 1-point Immunity Question Which is not a green house gas? a. Methane b. Nitrous oxide c. Carbon dioxide d. Sulphur dioxide

Question 11 Which is not a green house gas? a. Methane b. Nitrous oxide c. Carbon dioxide d. Sulphur dioxide



Question 12 The ozone layer in the atmosphere acts as an efficient filter for a. X rays b. UV – A rays c. UV – B rays d. Infra Red rays

Question 12 The ozone layer in the atmosphere acts as an efficient filter for a. X rays b. UV – A rays c. UV – B rays d. Infra Red rays

Question 13 is a 3-point Immunity Question



Question 13 is a 3-point Immunity Question Which of the following is the most energy efficient? a. Incandescent bulb b. Fluorescent tube light c. Compact fluorescent lamp d. Flash light

Question 13 Which of the following is the most energy efficient? a. Incandescent bulb b. Fluorescent tube light c. Compact fluorescent lamp d. Flash light

Question 14 Solar cells are simple photovoltaic devices that convert solar energy directly into electricity and are manufactured from the second-most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. Name this element. a. Bauxite b. Silicon c. Calcium d. Granite



Question 14 Solar cells are simple photovoltaic devices that convert solar energy directly into electricity and are manufactured from the second-most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. Name this element. a. Bauxite b. Silicon c. Calcium d. Granite

Question 15 Which landmark global conference was the FIRST major step towards a global agreement on greenhouse gas emissions reduction and the first to recognize the atmosphere as a natural resource? a. The Vienna Convention b. The Montreal Protocol c. The “Earth Summit” in Rio d. The Kyoto Protocol

Question 15 Which landmark global conference was the FIRST major step towards a global agreement on greenhouse gas emissions reduction and the first to recognize the atmosphere as a natural resource? a. The Vienna Convention b. The Montreal Protocol c. The “Earth Summit” in Rio d. The Kyoto Protocol



Question 16 The massive hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctica was first discovered in a. 1976 b. 1985 c. 1960 d. 1978

Question 16 The massive hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctica was first discovered in a. 1976 b. 1985 c. 1960 d. 1978

Question 17 When was the first Earth Day celebrated? a. March 21, 1970 b. April 22, 1970 c. May 21, 1970 d. June 22, 1970



Question 17 When was the first Earth Day celebrated? a. March 21, 1970 b. April 22, 1970 c. May 21, 1970 d. June 22, 1970

Question 18 is a 2-point Immunity Question

Question 18 is a 2-point Immunity Question Wetlands are very rich and diverse ecosystems. Of the wetlands of international importance in the world, a large number are subject to moderate or high threat. Which convention signed in Iran protects this specific ecosystem on a global basis? a. The Vienna Convention b. The Ramsar Convention c. The Basel Convention d. The Bali Convention



Question 18 Wetlands are very rich and diverse ecosystems. Of the wetlands of international importance in the world, a large number are subject to moderate or high threat. Which convention signed in Iran protects this specific ecosystem on a global basis? a. The Vienna Convention b. The Ramsar Convention c. The Basel Convention d. The Bali Convention

Question 19 Which country hosted the World Environment Day in 2011 with the theme “Forests: Nature at Your Service”? a. India b. Philippines c. Romania d. Indonesia

Question 19 Which country hosted the World Environment Day in 2011 with the theme “Forests: Nature at Your Service”? a. India b. Philippines c. Romania d. Indonesia



Question 20 Lead is one of the most toxic chemicals used in petrol that cause brain damage and leukaemia. Which is the other? a. Sulphur b. Benzene c. Nitrogen oxide d. Suspended particulate matter

Question 20 Lead is one of the most toxic chemicals used in petrol that cause brain damage and leukaemia. Which is the other? a. Sulphur b. Benzene c. Nitrogen oxide d. Suspended particulate matter

Final Round Q1

Name the revolution that was responsible for the beginning of large scale use of coal.



Final Round Q1

Name the revolution that was responsible for the beginning of large scale use of coal. Industrial Revolution

Final Round Q2 CIRCA is an agency that focuses on researches and strategies on climate change adaptation and mitigation. What does CIRCA stand for?

Final Round Q2 CIRCA is an agency that focuses on researches and strategies on climate change adaptation and mitigation. What does CIRCA stand for? Center for Initiatives and Research on Climate Adaptation



Final Round Q3

What is the theme of this year’s Bantay Kalinigan Days?

Final Round Q3

What is the theme of this years Bantay Kalinigan Days? Juan, 2, Tree, 4 Life

Final Round Q4 is a Clincher Question • Before the question will be read, contestants are to signify whether they will answer or not answer the question • Those who opt not to answer will get zero for the particular item • Those who opt to answer will follow this point system: – Correct answer – 3 points – Wrong or No answer - -2 points



Final Round Q4

Since 1900, in what country did the strongest earthquake on Earth occur?

Final Round Q4

Since 1900, in what country did the strongest earthquake on Earth occur? Chile

Final Round Q5 In the world’s worst nuclear accident in 1986, 31 people died and 129 others suffered acute radiation and many thousands are expected to die prematurely as a result of exposure to radiation from the stricken plant. Name the site of this mishap.



Final Round Q5 In the world’s worst nuclear accident in 1986, 31 people died and 129 others suffered acute radiation and many thousands are expected to die prematurely as a result of exposure to radiation from the stricken plant. Name the site of this mishap. Chernobyl

Final Round Q6

Which country currently emits the most greenhouse gases?

Final Round Q6

Which country currently emits the most greenhouse gases? China



Final Round Q7 Who is the current Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) secretary? (complete name with middle initial)

Final Round Q7 Who is the current Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) secretary? (complete name with middle initial)

Sec. Ramon Jesus P. Paje

Final Round Q8 With the global temperature of 735 Kelvin (462 degrees C), the surface of this planet is hot enough to melt lead and is the hottest in the Solar System. The greenhouse effect of this planet shows what happens when the process of trapping sunlight goes out of control into a runaway process. Name this planet.



Final Round Q8 With the global temperature of 735 Kelvin (462 degrees C), the surface of this planet is hot enough to melt lead and is the hottest in the Solar System. The greenhouse effect of this planet shows what happens when the process of trapping sunlight goes out of control into a runaway process. Name this planet.


Final Round Q9 The book “Silent Spring” is widely credited with helping launch the environmental movement. The book documented detrimental effects of pesticides on the environment, particularly on birds. Name the author of this controversial book.

Final Round Q9 The book “Silent Spring” is widely credited with helping launch the environmental movement. The book documented detrimental effects of pesticides on the environment, particularly on birds. Name the author of this controversial book.

Rachel Carson



Final Round Q10 A highlight of the annual Earth Day ceremony at the United Nations is the ringing of the Peace Bell. It symbolizes the universality of the United Nations. The Peace Bell was a gift from which country?

Final Round Q10 A highlight of the annual Earth Day ceremony at the United Nations is the ringing of the Peace Bell. It symbolizes the universality of the United Nations. The Peace Bell was a gift from which country?


Final Round Q11

When was the year the Philippine Clean Air Act signed into law?



Final Round Q11

When was the year the Philippine Clean Air Act signed into law?


Final Round Q12 is a Clincher Question • Before the question will be read, contestants are to signify whether they will answer or not answer the question • Those who opt not to answer will get zero for the particular item • Those who opt to answer will follow this point system: – Correct answer – 3 points – Wrong or No answer - -2 points

Final Round Q12 In small amounts, this mineral helps prevent tooth decay. In higher concentrations, it is a health hazard, causing both skin and human bones to become soft and crumble and new bone formations to be deformed. Name this naturally occurring mineral.



Final Round Q12 In small amounts, this mineral helps prevent tooth decay. In higher concentrations, it is a health hazard, causing both skin and human bones to become soft and crumble and new bone formations to be deformed. Name this naturally occurring mineral.


Final Round Q13 The daughter of a botanist and a painter, this multi-awarded actress is founding chair and president of the ecological foundation Alaga LAHAT. She is likewise a member of the EcoWaste Coalition and Mother Earth Foundation. Name this famous environmentalist.

Final Round Q13 The daughter of a botanist and a painter, this multi-awarded actress is founding chair and president of the ecological foundation Alaga LAHAT. She is likewise a member of the EcoWaste Coalition and Mother Earth Foundation. Name this famous environmentalist.

Chin Chin Guitierrez



Final Round Q14 CFC is an organic compound that contains carbon, chlorine and fluorine, produced as a volatile derivative of methane and ethane. The manufacture of such compounds has been phased out because they contribute to ozone depletion. What does CFC stand for?

Final Round Q14 CFC is an organic compound that contains carbon, chlorine and fluorine, produced as a volatile derivative of methane and ethane. The manufacture of such compounds has been phased out because they contribute to ozone depletion. What does CFC stand for?


Final Round Q15 Released in August 17, 2007, this documentary film presents the grave problems facing the planet’s life systems, global warming, deforestation, mass species extinctions and others. The film proposes potential solutions to these problems by calling for restorative action by reshaping and rethinking of global human activity. Produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, what is the title of this film?



Final Round Q15 Released in August 17, 2007, this documentary film presents the grave problems facing the planet’s life systems, global warming, deforestation, mass species extinctions and others. The film proposes potential solutions to these problems by calling for restorative action by reshaping and rethinking of global human activity. Produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, what is the title of this film? 11th HOUR

Final Round Q16 Republic Act 9367, or the Biofuel Act of 2006, calls for the National Biofuel Board to determine if biofuel production is sufficient to recommend that bioethanol compose at least 10 percent of all gasoline in the Philippines by 2011. Name the senator who principally authored this law.

Final Round Q16 Republic Act 9367, or the Biofuel Act of 2006, calls for the National Biofuel Board to determine if biofuel production is sufficient to recommend that bioethanol compose at least 10 percent of all gasoline in the Philippines by 2011. Name the senator who principally authored this law. Sen. Juan Miguel Zubiri



Final Roun Q17 Name this type of agricultural practice characterized by cutting down trees and other vegetation in a patch of forest, leaving the cut vegetation on the ground to dry, and then burning them.

Final Roun Q17 Name this type of agricultural practice characterized by cutting down trees and other vegetation in a patch of forest, leaving the cut vegetation on the ground to dry, and then burning them.

Slash and Burn/ Kaingin

Final Round Q18 Name the gas released from landfills, decaying organic matter under shallow water in marshes and bogs, floody paddy fields, by ruminant animals and termites, and by the burning of biomass. A molecule of this gas has 21 times more global warming potential than a molecule of CO2



Final Round Q18 Name the gas released from landfills, decaying organic matter under shallow water in marshes and bogs, floody paddy fields, by ruminant animals and termites, and by the burning of biomass. A molecule of this gas has 21 times more global warming potential than a molecule of CO2 Methane

Final Round Q19

Cataract blinds at least 120 million people globally every year. What is its main cause?

Final Round Q19 Cataract blinds at least 120 million people globally every year. What is its main cause? Ultraviolet Radiation



Final Round Q20 is a Clincher Question • Before the question will be read, contestants are to signify whether they will answer or not answer the question • Those who opt not to answer will get zero for the particular item • Those who opt to answer will follow this point system: – Correct answer – 3 points – Wrong or No answer - -2 points

Final Round Q20 Composting is one of the oldest forms of disposal of waste. It is the natural process of decomposition of organic wastes that yields manure or compost. What is the most common animal added to the compost to get better results?

Final Round Q20 Composting is one of the oldest forms of disposal of waste. It is the natural process of decomposition of organic wastes that yields manure or compost. What is the most common animal added to the compost to get better results?



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