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WHY DO MACHINES FAIL? • Wajar – – – – –
Aus (wear): scuffing, galling, fretting, abrasion Lelah (fatigue) Karat (corrosion) Erosi (erosion) Penuaan (aging)
• Prematur – Pelumasan tidak bagus (kualitas, kuantitas pelumas, periode penggantian pelumas tidak benar) – Kotor/kontaminasi – Overheated – Misalignment (pada kopling, bearing, belt, rantai) – Sifat material berubah??????
WHY DO MACHINES FAIL? Brinelling karena overloaded
WHY DO MACHINES FAIL? Fatigue damage
Failure Rate
• Dahulu orang percaya bahwa semua kegagalan komponen mengikuti “bathtub curve” • Ternyata bathtub curve tsb hanya mencakup 4% dari populasi komponen (mis: bearings, connector, switches, IC, PCB, etc) • Age related failure hanya 11% Start up cycle
Break down cycle Useful life period (wealth cycle) Critical wear point Time
FAILURE PATTERN Arti dari bathtub curve • Start up cycle: kerusakan terjadi karena ketidak sempurnaan material, pengerjaan, pemasangan, pelatihan operator. Pada saat awal komponen mesin akan saling menyesuaikan karena berbagai ketidak sempurnaan pembuatan (permukaan masih kasar yang saling menghaluskan) • Useful life: mesin berproduksi dengan baik karena komponen2nya sudah saling menyesuaikan • Break down cycle: komponen mengalami fatigue, keausan berlebih, erosi, abrasi dlsb. Bath tube curve cocok untuk komponen mekanik.
68% 5%
Age related failure (1, 2, 3)
Age unrelated failure (4, 5, 6)
Artinya: komponen akan rusak ketika sudah tua
Artinya: komponen bisa gagal secara random, pada saat masih muda maupun sesudah tua
1 2 3 4 5 6
Kategori Mesin/Peralatan Produksi • Ditinjau dari tingkat kerumitan, harga, peranan dan resiko dalam suatu mata rantai produksi, mesin digolongkan atas. – Critical – Essential (Potentially critical) – General Purpose (Non critical)
• Kategori ini untuk menentukan strategi perawatan yang cocok.
Mesin “Critical” • • • •
Kalau rusak dapat membahayakan Kalau rusak proses produksi terganggu Investasi mahal Biaya perbaikannya mahal (misal: high speed turbine) • Waktu untuk perbaikan lama
Mesin “General Purpose” • Kalau rusak tidak membahayakan • Kalau rusak tidak mengganggu proses produksi • Investasi tidak mahal • Biaya perbaikan tidak mahal • Mempunyai unit cadangan • Tidak mengakibatkan kerusakan sekunder
Mesin Essential (Potentially Critical) • Di antara mesin critical dan general purpose.
PERKEMBANGAN STRATEGI PERAWATAN • Sebelum PD II rancangan mesin sederhana, kokoh, berat, “robust” • Perawatan sederhana • Munculnya sistem produksi massal berarti kerusakan mesin produksi dapat menimbulkan kerugian besar • Bersamaan dgn itu, rancangan mesin bertambah rumit, ringan, ramping • Perlu strategi baru dalam perawatan
Generasi pertama -Perbaiki kalau rusak 1940
Generasi kedua -Availability lebih baik -Umur peralatan lebih panjang -Efektifitas biaya lebih baik
Generasi ketiga -Availability dan reliability lebih baik -Keselamatan lebih baik -Kualitas produk lebih baik -Tidak mencemari lingkungan -Umur peralatan lebih panjang -Efektifitas biaya lebih baik
Generasi pertama -Perbaiki kalau rusak 1940
Generasi kedua -Overhaul terjadwal -Sistem utk perencanaan dan pengendalian kerja -Komputer besar dan lambat
Generasi ketiga -Pemantauan kondisi mesin -Design for reliability and maintainability -Hazard studies -Komputer kecil, cepat -FMEA -Expert systems -Multi tasking and teamworks
PERKEMBANGAN FILOSOFI PERAWATAN • Break down (run to failure) maintenance : mesin dioperasikan tanpa perawatan sampai kerusakan terjadi. Kerusakan primer hampir selalu menimbulkan kerusakan sekunder. • Preventive maintenance (PM) atau time base maintenance: mesin di”maintain” secara terjadwal setelah beroperasi dalam jangka waktu tertentu. • Predictive (on condition based) maintenance (PdM): kondisi mesin dipantau secara menerus. Bila terdeteksi adanya ketidak normalan baru diambil tindakan. • Proactive (prevention) maintenance: kerusakan yang terjadi dicari penyebabnya untuk mencegah kerusakan yang sama berulang.
Reactive, Run To Failure
Preventive Maintenance
Predictive Maintenance
Proactive Maintenance
Fix it when it breaks, Run to Failure
Conduct maintenance at regular intervals
Maintain based upon known condition/standard
Redesign to eliminate root cause of failure
Advantages (when implemented correctly)
Can be planned for or scheduled
Can spot potential failure
Less maintenance required
Disadvantages (when implemented correctly)
High spare stock level. Emergency outages
Unnecessary replacement of parts. Poor utilization of labor.
Costly if implemented incorrectly
Could be expensive
Oil change
Automobile tires
2 year lease
Component you Head light would maintain
Run-to-Failure Maintenance • Run-to-failure maintenance is sometimes called "crisis maintenance" for good reason. This has been the dominant form of maintenance for a long time, and its costs are relatively high because of unplanned downtime, damaged machinery, and overtime expenditure.
• REACTIVE: – Trouble / Breakdown / RTF / M&R • “Fix it when it breaks” – “Run to failure”
• PREVENTIVE (PM): Functional Checks of Equipment – For Rotating Equipment: • • • • •
Lubrication Belts Filters Housekeeping Visual Observations
– Work Orders generated Facility Asset Management Information System
Periodic Preventive Maintenance • Periodic preventive maintenance, which is sometimes called "historical" maintenance. This is where the histories of each machine type are analyzed and periodic overhauls are scheduled to occur before the statistically expected problems occur. It has long been known that most groups of similar machines will exhibit failure rates that are somewhat predictable if averaged over a long time. This gives rise to the so-called "Bathtub Curve" which relates failure rate to operating time, as follows:
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE (TIME BASED) • Preventive maintenance adalah suatu tindakan untuk menjaga agar peralatan tetap dapat beroperasi dengan cara inspeksi, deteksi dan pencegahan kerusakan. • Semua kegiatan perawatan dijadwal berdasar waktu (mingguan, bulanan, triwulanan, 1000 jam, 3000 jam dlsb) • Pelaksanaan mudah, tinggal mengikuti jadwal: pembersihan, pengecatan, pelumasan, pemeriksaan, perbaikan.(Rencana dan jadwal tahunan harus disiapkan). • Penganggaran mudah: anggaran umumnya dibuat tahunan.
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE (TIME BASED) • Murphy Law: Kerusakan biasanya terjadi pada waktu peralatan sangat dibutuhkan. • Contoh: Pada saat banyak order, peralatan produksi rusak. Perbaikan dapat memakan waktu beberapa jam atau beberapa hari. • Hal yang tidak menguntungkan ini dapat dicegah dengan PM. • Alasan lain: keselamatan, penghematan biaya perbaikan karena kerusakan sekunder.
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE (TIME BASED) Peralatan apa yang cocok untuk di PM? • Peralatan yang menyebabkan : – – – –
“major shut down”, penurunan kualitas produk, kerusakan terhadap komponen terkait, bahaya kepada karyawan
• Penerangan, lantai, plafon yang dapat mengganggu kualitas produksi atau menimbulkan kondisi kerja yang buruk.
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE (TIME BASED) Peralatan apa yang tidak perlu di PM? (cukup dg RTF) • Peralatan yang mempunyai cadangan • Peralatan yang harganya lebih rendah dari biaya PM • Peralatan yang umur harapannya cukup panjang tanpa PM
Example •
3 pumps of exactly the same type and manufacturer, however, each requires different maintenance strategy. – Pump A: Preventive maintenance (PM) – Pump B: Break down maintenance (RTF) – Pump C: Periodic test to eliminate hidden failure or PM
Pump A (continuous running)
Production Train 1 100 l/min cooling water
Pump B (continuous running) Pump C (standby, hidden failure)
100 l/min cooling water
Loss USD 200,000./day when stop
Production Train 1 Loss USD 200,000./day when stop
Example • • • •
3 pumps of exactly the same type and manufacturer Pump A: Predictive maintenance ??? Pump B: Break down maintenance??? Pump C: Periodic test??? Pump A (continuous running)
Production Train 1 100 l/min nitric acid
Pump B (continuous running) Pump C (standby, hidden failure)
100 l/min nitric acid
Loss USD 200,000./day when stop
Production Train 1 Loss USD 200,000./day when stop
PM cost
Lebih banyak uang untuk PM, terjadi sedikit keterlambatan Lebih sedikit uang untuk PM, terjadi banyak keterlambatan
% maintenance delay
Production cost as affected by maintenance cost
Production cost due to delay #1 PM cost
#3 % maintenance delay
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE (TIME BASED) • #1: terlalu banyak PM, menghamburkan tenaga, suku cadang dan uang. • #2: sangat kurang, akan terjadi banyak kerusakan • #3: sangat optimum, tapi jarang tercapai. Indikasinya 20% peralatan mengalami kerusakan sebelum diperbaiki. • Bila tidak terjadi kerusakan sebelum diperbaiki berarti PM terlalu banyak.
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE (TIME BASED) • Rumus empirik untuk menentukan faktor PM (makin tinggi nilainya PM makin perlu) PM = D(A+B+C)/(EF) PM = inspection factor D = number of break down/year A = cost of break down repairs B = cost of lost production C = cost of repairing other equipment involved in the breakdown E = cost of PM activity (average) F = number of PM cycle per year
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE (TIME BASED) Do PM (Preventive Maintenance) if number of break down x Average cost per break down x 70% > cost of PM system
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE (TIME BASED) Optimum Frequency/Interval for PM ditentukan berdasar: • Failure history • CM history • Manufacturer recommendations • Industry history • Regulatory requirements • Design and operation considerations • Other tasks scheduled on the same component • Planned outages • Ability to gain access to the component • Operator capability • PdM monitoring activity • Environment
PM Tasks Type of Task
Look for leak in hydraulic system
Remove debris from machines
Tighten anchor bolts
Warming up machine/prepare for operation
Adjust tightening bolt
Take reading
Read temperature, pressure, vibration
Add oil
Scheduled replacement Remove and replace pump Analysis
History analysis of a type of machine
Interview operator
Ask operator how machine is operating
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE (TIME BASED) Inspection • Memastikan performansi peralatan sesuai perancangan • Mengevaluasi semua komponen terhadap masalah yang potensial menimbulkan kerusakan • Mengidentifikasi komponen yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan dan mengestimasi waktu sampai kerusakan terjadi. Contoh: dinding pressure vessel mengalami penipisan selama dioperasikan.
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE (TIME BASED) Inspeksi dilakukan • Karena tuntutan peraturan: Pressure vessel harus diinspeksi secara berkala sesuai dengan peraturan pemerintah tentang keselamatan kerja. • Karena mesin tidak dilengkapi dengan cadangan dan beresiko terhadap keberlangsungan proses produksi. • Pada peralatan yang sedang rusak
Equipment availability
Biaya perbaikan
Preventive Maintenance
Time Based Maintenance
Condition Based Maintenance
Predictive Maintenance • Predictive maintenance allows management to control the machinery and maintenance programs rather than vice versa. In a plant using predictive maintenance, the overall machinery condition at any time is known, and much more accurate planning is possible. • Benefits of Predictive Maintenance – The major benefit of predictive maintenance of mechanical equipment is increased readiness due to greater reliability of the equipment. The trending over time of developing faults in machines can be carefully done so as to plan maintenance operations to coincide with scheduled shutdowns.
SAAT PERAWATAN YANG TEPAT Predictive Maintenance (PdM). Perbaikan tepat pada waktunya
Perbaikan dilakukan terlalu awal
Mesin terlambat diperbaiki
Time based preventive maintenance (PM)
Predictive Maintenance Technologies • • • • • • • •
Lubrication analysis Vibration analysis Infrared thermography Partial discharge (for generators, transformers etc) MCSA (Motor Current Signature Analysis) for electric motors Operating parameters (temperature, pressure, flow rate etc) Ultrasonic Acoustic Smell, looking, feel, listen
PROACTIVE MAINTENANCE (PREVENTION MAINTENANCE) • Kerusakan premature (belum saatnya) dapat terjadi atas peralatan • Mencegah perbaikan berulang atas kerusakan premature • Kerusakan jenis tersebut harus dicari penyebabnya dengan Root Cause Analysis (RCA) • Improvement/redesign komponen dilakukan berdasar hasil RCA
Proactive Maintenance Technologies • • • • • • •
Dynamic Balancing Precision Shaft Alignment Ultrasonic Testing / Air & Steam Belt / Pulley Alignment Acceptance Testing Water / Air Flow balancing & Measuring Metering
Pro-active Maintenance • Pro-active maintenance, which uses a variety of technologies to extend the operating lives of machines and to virtually eliminate reactive maintenance. The major part of a pro-active program is root cause failure analysis (RCA), which is the determination of the mechanisms and causes of machine faults. The fundamental causes of machine failures can thus be corrected, and the failure mechanisms can be gradually engineered out of each machinery installation.
Maintenance Strategy Comparation Maintenance Strategy
Technique Needed
Human Health Parallel
Monitoring and Cholesterol and blood correction of “failing root pressure monitoring, causes” followed by diet control
Monitoring of vibration, temperature, alignment, pressure, wear debris
Detection of heart disease by ECG or ultrasonic
Periodic components replacement
By-pass or transplant surgery
Break down
Large maintenance budget
Heart attack or stroke
RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance)
RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance)
Reactive, RTF
PM, Time Based
PdM, Condition Based, Predictive
•Small items
•Subject to wear out
•Random failure patterns •Age exploration
•Non critical
•Consumable replacement
•Not subject to wear
•PM Induced failures
•Inconsequential •Unlikely to fail
•Failure pattern known
•Redundant RCFA = Root Cause Failure Analysis FMEA = Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
•Acceptance testing
RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance)
If equipment is redundant Low cost spares available Interruptible process, stock pile Safe failure modes Long MTTF/MTBF Low cost secondary damage Quick repair/replacement (low cost of interuption of production)
Statistical failure rate available Narrow failure distribution (predictable MTBF) Maintenance restore full integrity Single failure mode (known) Low cost of regular overhaul/replacement Unexpected interruption to production is expensive (scheduled interruption is not so bad) • Low cost spares available • Reduced number of breakdown is required • Costly secondary damage
RULES FOR PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE • Expensive/critical machinery • Long lead time for replacement (no spares) • Uninterruptible process (both regular and unexpected)costly • Large/complex machinery • Overhaul expensive (need highly trained people) • Reduced number of highly skilled maintenance people • Cost of monitoring program is acceptable • Safety is priority (failure dangerous) • Remote/mobile equipment • Failure is not indicated by operation degeneration • Costly secondary damage
ALIRAN INFORMASI Dari mana pekerjaan perawatan bermula? • Internal (dari dalam department of maintenance): tugas preventive maintenance dan corrective maintenance • Eksternal (dari luar departemen): permintaan dari manajer produksi, rehabilitasi
Komponen Penting dalam Perawatan
Gunung Es Perawatan
Organisasi Perawatan