2nd Quarter Las In Pr1 Quarter 2

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Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research) 2nd Quarter, 2nd Semester




COPYRIGHT PAGE Practical Research 1 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 1- 2nd Semester First Edition 2021 Copyright Permission © 2021 Charisma Archibido Frace, Ph. D, Department of Education, Division of Tuguegarao City and Cagayan National High School- Senior High

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the writer and consultants.



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JONALYN D. CALLUENG Asst. Principal II- Academics GRACE T. MACABABBAD Secondary School Principal II



PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 (QUALITATIVE RESEARCH) Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: ___________________ Section: ____________________________________ Score: ________________________ LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET THE QUALITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGNS Background Information for Learners Research Design describes the specific research approach you will use in the study. It is also dependent on the purpose of the study and the set of specific research questions you have formulated. Types of Qualitative Research Design 1. Phenomenological Method  Describing how a participant experiences a specific event is the goal of the phenomenological method of research. This method utilizes interviews, observation and surveys to gather information from subjects. Phenomenology is highly concerned with how participants feel about things during an event or activity. Businesses use this method to develop processes to help sales representatives effectively close sales using styles that fit their personality. 2. Ethnographic Model  The ethnographic model is one of the most popular and widely recognized methods of qualitative research; it immerses subjects in a culture that is unfamiliar to them. The goal is to learn and describe the culture's characteristics much the same way anthropologists observe the cultural challenges and motivations that drive a group. This method often immerses the researcher as a subject for extended periods of time. In a business model, ethnography is central to understanding customers. Testing products personally or in beta groups before releasing them to the public is an example of ethnographic research. 3. Grounded Theory Method  The grounded theory method tries to explain why a course of action evolved the way it did. Grounded theory looks at large subject numbers. Theoretical models are developed based on existing data in existing modes of genetic, biological or psychological science. Businesses use grounded theory when conducting user or satisfaction surveys that target why consumers use company products or services. This data helps companies maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty. 4. Case Study Model  Unlike grounded theory, the case study model provides an in-depth look at one test subject. The subject can be a person or family, business or organization, or a town or city. Data is collected from various sources and compiled using the details to create a bigger conclusion. Businesses often use case studies when marketing to new clients to show how their business solutions solve a problem for the subject.



5. Historical Model  The historical method of qualitative research describes past events in order to understand present patterns and anticipate future choices. This model answers questions based on a hypothetical idea and then uses resources to test the idea for any potential deviations. Businesses can use historical data of previous ad campaigns and the targeted demographic and split-test it with new campaigns to determine the most effective campaign. 6. Narrative Model  The narrative model occurs over extended periods of time and compiles information as it happens. Like a story narrative, it takes subjects at a starting point and reviews situations as obstacles or opportunities occur, although the final narrative does not always remain in chronological order. Businesses use the narrative method to define buyer personas and use them to identify innovations that appeal to a target market. Example: This study will make use of the qualitative research design specifically the phenomenological research method. Lazarus’ Theory of Stress (1984) will be used as a basis to determine the sources, signs or symptoms of stress, stressors and the coping mechanisms applied by the students. To answer the questions, the qualitative part of the study is evident in the semistructured interview which will assess the participants’ reflections on their time as high school students and the things or circumstances that have personally caused them stressed. The semi-structured interview will also help the researchers determine the signs and symptoms they have experienced and the things they have found helpful to reduce or lower their stress level. Directions and Instructions Hello, learner! You are about to check your learning/s on the different types of qualitative research design. There are tasks that you need to do to deepen your understanding. Strictly follow the instructions in every activity and accomplish the activity within the given timeline. Before you start, sign the contract below. Good luck, learner! LEARNING CONTRACT AGREEMENT: By signing the contract, you are hereby accepting the responsibility to finish the activity package and submit it to your teacher (____________________) on (____________________).

Learning Competency MELC: The student chooses appropriate qualitative research design. K12 CG Code: CS_RS11-IVa-c-1



Activity 1: TRANSFORMING LEARNED CONCEPTS Directions: Answer the following questions intelligently and concisely. 1. In what way are the qualitative research designs also called qualitative research types? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Which aspect of your personality is significantly involved in designing a research study? Why? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. What comes into your mind when you think of the word “research design”? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4. Are you going to work on old and new data in grounded theory research design? Why? Why not? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. In choosing historical design, what could prevent you from finishing your study? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 6. Could an impatient researcher prosper under a phenomenological research design? Why? Why not? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 7. If one of your teachers requires you to do a research following the historical research design, would you fully agree with him/her on such kind of study? Explain your answer. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 8. Does choosing which qualitative research design to follow demand a lot of HOTS? Give reasons for your answer. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 9. Do you know someone who has done a research which was based on one of the qualitative research designs? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 10. If you were to conduct a study, which qualitative research design would you like to adapt? Justify your answer.



_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Activity 2: MATCH IT! Directions: Analyse the research titles below and study the dependent and independent variables. Determine which type of qualitative research is employed in the study. Put the letter of your choice before the number. a. Case Study Model b. Ethnographic Model c. Phenomenological Method d. Historical Analysis Model e. Grounded Theory Method f. Narrative Model _____1. Emerging trends in speech styles of Filipino students in chatting _____2. Critical Thinking in the language learning classroom: A critical consideration in 21st century education _____3. Travails of Senior Citizens at the LRT/MRT Stations _____4. The Lone Grade VI Speed Reader of UST High School _____5. Philippines’ Political Party System: Then and Now _____6. Student Activism since the Marcos Era _____7. The Economic Life of the Aetas of Northern Philippines _____8. Organizational Framework in Editorials of Two Philippine Local Newspapers _____9. The effectiveness of the K to 12 Curriculum _____10. “Survivors”: A study on Relatives of Typhoon Victims Activity 3: PRACTICE TIME! Directions: Choose the appropriate qualitative research design for your study. Use the example given below in developing your research design and present your output in the space provided. Research Title:_____________________________________________________________ Research Design: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________



Activity 4: ASSESSING THE EXTENT OF CONCEPT LEARNING! Directions: Recall the concepts about research that you learned through this current lesson. In the space provided, list them down based on the extent of your understanding of them; meaning, those well understood concepts should be the first ones in the list, slightly understood; the middle ones in the list; poorly understood, the last part of the list.

A LIST OF LEARNED CONCEPTS Top _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Middle _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Last _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

References: Baraceros, E.2016. RBS Practical Research 1 Practical Research 1 Teacher’s Guide. Department of Education https://bizfluent.com/info-8603054-qualitative-business-metrics.html PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES


Answer Key: Activity 1: TRANSFORMING LEARNED CONCEPTS! 1. Students’ answers vary Activity 2: MATCH IT! 2. Students’ answers vary 3. Students’ answers vary 4. Students’ answers vary Activity 3: PRACTICE TIME! 5. Students’ answers vary Students’ answers vary 6. Students’ answers vary 7. Students’ answers vary 8. Students’ answers vary 9. Students’ answers vary 10. Students’ answers vary

CHARISMA ARCHIBIDO FRACE, Ph. D. [email protected] Teacher III- Cagayan National High School- Senior High Writer



PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 (QUALITATIVE RESEARCH) Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: ___________________ Section: ____________________________________ Score: ________________________ LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET THE DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE Background Information for Learners Sampling is a word that refers to your method or process of selecting respondents or people to answer questions meant to yield data for a research study. Important Terms: 1. Sample- the chosen ones through which you will derive facts and evidence to support the claims or conclusions propounded by your research problem. 2. Population- the bigger group from where you choose the sample. 3. Sampling Frame- the term used to mean the list of the members of such population from where you will get the sample. PROBABLITY VS. NON- PROBABILITY Probability Sampling or Unbiased Sampling Non- Probability Sampling - Involves all members listed in the - Disregards random selection of sampling frame representing a certain subjects. Subjects are chosen based on population focused on by your study. their availability, in some cases on the discretion of the researcher.


2. 3.


TYPES OF PROBABILITY SAMPLING Simple Random Sampling  Best type of probability sampling through which you can choose sample from a population. (pure-chance selection)  Methods: have a list of all members, write each name, choose cards; have a list of all members, give a number to member, used randomized numbers in selecting names. Systematic Sampling  Chance and system are the ones to determine who should compose the sample. Stratified Sampling  The group is chosen in a way that such group is liable to subdivision during the data analysis stage.  A study needing group-by-group analysis finds this sampling the right one to use. Cluster Sampling  Makes you isolate a set of persons instead of individual members to serve as sample members.



TYPES OF NON-PROBABILITY SAMPLING (Commonly used in Qualitative Research 1. Quota Sampling  You resort to this when you think you know the characteristics of the target population very well.  Choose sample members possessing or indicating the characteristics of the target population. 2. Voluntary Sampling  Since the subjects you expect to participate in the sample selection are the ones volunteering, there is no need for you to do any selection process. 3. Purposive or Judgmental Sampling  You choose people whom you are sure could correspond to the objectives of your study, like selecting those with rich experience or interest in your study. 4. Availability Sampling  The willingness of a person as your subject to interact with you counts a lot. When you see people around then they are willing, then they will be your sample. 5. Snowball Sampling  It does not give a specific set of samples. It is true for a study involving unspecified group of people.  Free to obtain data from any group, you can increase the number of people you want to form the sample of your study. Example: The informants of this study will be the Senior High School students in one of the Public Schools in Northern Philippines. Seven classes from which 50 students comprise each class will be subjected for identifying the active users of Facebook. Out of 350 initial participants, 30 Facebook friends who are the researcher’s students will be selected wherein the profiles will be selected purposively out of which half will be male and half will be female or at least they presented themselves in this way. Moreover, the researcher will choose only the hardcore or active FB users. She will identify hardcore or active FB users by floating a questionnaire to the participants. The questionnaire will be patterned from the study of Korpijaakko (2015) and was also used by Angoluan (2016) in her study (See questionnaire on the appendices). To Korpojaakko (2015) and Angoluan (2016), active Facebook users are those who log onto Facebook 8 hours a day or more, spend 3 hours or more a day in Facebook and post status updates 8 times a day or more. Also, in a similar study conducted by Aljasir (2017), he defined heavy or light users of Facebook by determining their years of experience on using Facebook and time spent on Facebook. Thereafter, the researcher will gather the corpus of her study on the wallposts of the 30 participants where 15 of them are male and 15 of them are female. She will purposively select 3 Facebook status updates of the participants to elicit information on language use. PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 10

Since the methodology of this study is partly ethnomethodologic which means a method of sociological analysis that examines how individuals use everyday conversation, she will use her Facebook friends as potential participants. For ethical considerations, the researcher will remind the participants that they could ask her to delete data she collected any time and to hide their identity. Likewise, the names of the participants or any information that would identify them will be concealed. Directions and Instructions Hi, dear learner! We are now at the stage of deepening your knowledge on understanding data and ways to systematically collect data. So in this learning activity sheet, strictly follow the instructions in every activity and accomplish the activity within the given timeline. Before you start, sign the contract below. Good luck, learner!

LEARNING CONTRACT AGREEMENT: By signing the contract, you are hereby accepting the responsibility to finish the activity package and submit it to your teacher (____________________) on (____________________).

Learning Competency MELC: The student describes sampling procedure and sample. K12 CG Code: CS_RS11-IVa-c-2

Activity 1: EXPLAINING LEARNED CONCEPTS Directions: Write P if the sentence talks about probability sampling; otherwise, write NP. After which, analyze the type of P or NP being described. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Checking every 10th student in the list Interviewing some persons you meet on the campus Dividing 100 persons into groups Choosing subjects behaving like the majority members of NPC Town Choosing a group of subjects among several groups Choosing subjects capable of helping you meet the aim of your study Choosing samples by chance but through an organizational plan Letting all members in the population join the selection process Having people willing to be chosen as respondents Having samples recommended by other samples


Activity 2: DIGEST IT! Directions: Read carefully the given case study and answer the question that follows. Imagine that you have arrived in Tuguegarao City to conduct a case study on working street children. A local social worker introduces you to two former street working children and you learn that they still have lots of friends still working on the street. As a way to identify participants for your study, you ask the two former street working children if they can recommend and invite some of their friends on the street to participate in the study. You also ask them to spread word of the study in anticipation that their friends will also help you to identify potential participants. How would you classify this kind of sampling? Explain your answer. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

Activity 3: LET’S DO THIS! Directions: Remember the qualitative research design you want to realize in your study and decide on what sampling method to use. Choose one that you can concretize; meaning, one that can make you produce verbal descriptions and factual evidence of the selection process. Be guided with the given example.

Research Title: _____________________________________________________________ Participants and Sampling Procedure: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 12

Reflection: Write your answer for the following: 1. I learned that ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. I enjoyed the lesson most on ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. I want to learn more on ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

References: Baraceros, E.2016. RBS Practical Research 1 Practical Research 1 Teacher’s Guide. Department of Education


Activity 2: DIGEST IT! Students’ answers vary

Activity 3: LET’S DO THIS! Students’ answers vary

CHARISMA ARCHIBIDO FRACE, Ph. D. [email protected] Teacher III- Cagayan National High School- Senior High Writer


PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 (QUALITATIVE RESEARCH) Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: ___________________ Section: ____________________________________ Score: ________________________ DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Background Information for Learners RESEARCH INSTRUMENT outlines the instruments you will use in the study such as interview questions, interview protocols, observation guide, survey form, focus group discussion questions, and others. Ways to Systematically Collect Data OBSERVATION  a technique of gathering data whereby you personally watch, interact, or communicate with the subjects of your research  it lets you record what people exactly do and say in their everyday life on Earth  through this data gathering technique, proofs to support your claims or conclusions about your topic are obtained in a natural setting INTERVIEW  it is done to validate the information you have recorded in your observation  considered to be one of the most important data collection strategies QUESTIONNAIRE  a paper containing a list of questions including the specific place and space in the paper where you write the answers to the questions  this prepared set of questions elicits factual or opinionated answers from the respondent through his or her acts of checking one chosen answer from several options or of writing on a line provided for any opinionated answer. Example: In this study, the researcher will use a questionnaire adopted from Korpijaako (2015) and later used by Angoluan (2016) to elicit data on the participants’ profile variables such as year started in using Facebook, frequency of using Facebook, number of times in posting on Facebook and number of hours of exposure to Facebook. The participants’ Facebook status updates will be the corpus of the study. Thematic analysis by Braun and Clare, 2006 will be used as a basis to determine the language codes, topic preferences and gender- based identity construction. The General Features of Netlingo by Thurlow, Lengel and Tomic (2003) will be used as a basis to look into how the use gendered language differs in terms of word compounds and blends, abbreviations and acronyms, creative use of punctuation and stylized spelling.


Moreover, Searle’s (1969) Taxonomy of Speech Act according to their illocutionary functions will be utilized to determine the expressive, commisive, assertive, declarative and directive statements in a context that emerged from the analysis of the Facebook status updates. After analyzing the corpus of the study, the researcher will later use an informal interview based on the studies of Braun and Clare (2006), Thurlow, Lengel and Tomic (2003) and Searle (1969) to verify the participants’ answers should there be a need for further probing and clarifications. DATA ANALYSIS according to Yin (1994) consists of examining, categorizing, tabulating, or otherwise recombining the evidence to address the initial prepositions of a study. There are a variety of approaches to this process of analysis and interpretation. Some of the most commonly used approaches include:  Content Analysis - used to analyze and interpret verbal data, or behavioral data. Content can be analyzed descriptively or interpretatively.  Narrative Analysis - used to analyze text that may come from variety of sources including transcripts from interviews, diaries, field notes, surveys and other written forms. This often involves reformulating stories presented by people in different context and based on their different experiences.  Discourse Analysis - a method of analyzing naturally occurring spoken interactions and written text and is concerned with the social context in which the communication occurred. It focuses on how language is used in everyday life and looks at how people express themselves.  Grounded Theory - also called analytic induction. This is a method that attempts to develop causal explanations of a phenomenon from one or more cases being studied. Explanations are altered as additional cases are studied until the researcher arrives at a statement that fits all cases.  Conversation Analysis - examines the use of language by people as a type of action or skilled accomplishment. A key concept in this analysis is the principle of people taking turns in conversation. Meanings are usually shaped in the context of the exchange itself. Example: Facebook, number of times of posting on Facebook, and time spent on Facebook will be analysed using a questionnaire by Korpijaako (2015) to identify the active users of Facebook. From the questionnaire, the researcher will purposively choose 15 male and 15 female who are active Facebook users as her participants. After identifying the active users of Facebook, the researcher will collect samples from the Facebook status updates of the participants through purposive sampling and will start with the familiarization of the data to answer the social identity of the active Facebook users, use of language and communicative functions. Thematic Analysis (Braun and Clare, 2006) will be used as a basis in identifying the language codes, topic preferences and identity construction of the participants. After evaluating the Facebook statuses of the participants, the researcher will search for themes specifically in terms of emotions, referential, relationships, religion, and school-related matters. PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 15

To analyze the language used by the participants, some general features of ‘Netlingo’ as explained by Thurlow, Lengel and Tomic (2003) will be utilized by the researcher. The researcher will look into how gender language differ in terms of word compounds and blends, abbreviations and acronyms, creative use of punctuation and stylized spelling. Lastly, the Facebook status updates of the participants will also be categorized according to their communicative content. To analyse their communicative content, the taxonomy of speech acts according to their illocutionary functions presented by Searle (1969) which has five categories of namely assertive act, directive act, commisive act, declarative and expressive act will be used as a basis. After classifying their communicative content, frequency count will be utilized to determine the most evident speech act particularly the categorization of the illocutionary act. From the interview, data will be taken to support and concretize the classification of social identity, language use and communicative functions of language that emerged from their status updates.

Directions and Instructions Hello, learner! Perform the different activities in this learning material. Just follow the instructions given for every task. Before you start, sign the contract below. Good luck, learner! LEARNING CONTRACT AGREEMENT: By signing the contract, you are hereby accepting the responsibility to finish the activity package and submit it to your teacher (____________________) on (____________________).

Learning Competency MELC: The student plans data collection, data gathering instrument, and analysis procedures K12 CG Code: CS_RS11-IVa-c-3 Activity 1: EXPLAINING LEARNED CONCEPTS Directions: Study the following research topics and examine if these topics can lend themselves to observation technique. Explain your judgement in the space provided below. 1. K-12 Goals, Theories, and Methodologies _____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Historical Development of Cell Phones________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Philippine Bridges in Metro Manila __________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Shoe Styles of UST Freshmen Architectural Students____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Human Respiratory System_________________________________________________ PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 16

_________________________________________________________________________ 6. First Friday Mass with Quiapo Devotees_______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 7. Playground Bullying among Elementary Pupils _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 8. Molecular Contents of Water________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 9. Uniform Wearing by All Divisoria Vendors ___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 10. Dirty Ice Cream Selling at UST Campus _____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Activity 2: ELABORATING LEARNED CONCEPTS Directions: Recall your research topic or research problem including the specific questions related to your study. Formulate a set of interview questions to elicit answers to your specific questions. Use the space below. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Activity 3: APPLYING WHAT I LEARN! Directions: With the example given previously, develop and present the research instruments that will help you in your study.

Research Title: _____________________________________________________________

Research Instruments: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 17

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Activity 4: LET’S ANALYZE! Directions: Looking into your research topic or problem, present the data analysis that you will use in your study. Describe how you will analyze the data that you will gather. Research Title: _____________________________________________________________ Data Analysis: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ References: Baraceros, E.2016. RBS Practical Research 1 Practical Research 1 Teacher’s Guide. Department of Education PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 18

Answer Key: Activity 1: EXPLAINING LEARNED CONCEPTS Students’ answers vary

Activity 2: ELABORATING LEARNED CONCEPTS Students’ answers vary

Activity 3: APPLYING WHAT I LEARNED! Students’ answers vary

Activity 4: LET’S SUMMARIZE! Students’ answers vary

CHARISMA ARCHIBIDO FRACE, Ph. D. [email protected] Teacher III- Cagayan National High School- Senior High Writer


PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 (QUALITATIVE RESEARCH) Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: ___________________ Section: ____________________________________ Score: ________________________ THE APPLICATION OF CREATIVE DESIGN PRINCIPLES FOR EXECUTION Background Information for Learners COMPONENTS OF RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1. RESEARCH DESIGN- describes the specific research approach you will use in the study. The research design is dependent on the purpose of the study and the set of specific research questions you have formulated. Example: This study on Use of Gendered Language on Facebook will employ the qualitative method of research specifically the phenomenological and ethnomethodologic method. Thematic analysis by Braun and Clare (2006) will be used to determine the language codes, topic preferences and gender- based identity construction of the active users of Facebook. The language codes refer to the language used by the participants when they go online whereas topic preferences are determined by the most commonly discussed area of the participants in their Facebook status updates. The gender-based identity construction of the participants will be determined based on the language codes and topic preferences of the participants. In investigating the language differences between male and female, the General Features of Netlingo by Thurlow, Lengel and Tomic (2003) will be utilized as a basis to look into how the use gendered language differ in terms of word compounds and blends, abbreviations and acronyms, creative use of punctuations and stylized spelling. The qualitative and partly ethnomethodologic aspect of this study will also be used to determine the communicative function of language in a context that emerged from the analysis of the status updates using Searle’s (1969) Taxonomy of Speech acts according to their illocutionary purpose namely assertive, commisive, expressive, declarative and directive acts. Ethnomethodologic in that it points out the sociological analysis which examined how individuals use everyday conversation where she used her Facebook friends as potential participants. Lastly, descriptive analysis will be used in examining important points in the interview to elicit the language codes, topic preferences, use of language and communicative function of language that emerged in the participants’ Facebook status updates.

2. RESEARCH LOCALE- This section describes the setting or location of your study. The specific description of the setting is very important in a qualitative research since the setting or context may have an effect or impact on the behavior of the respondents. PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 20

Example: This study will be conducted in one of the secondary schools in region 2. Established in 1905, it is the oldest public secondary level school in Cagayan. This is the biggest secondary school in Cagayan Valley built by virtue of Presidential Decree 1050 on July 1, 1976. The school was formally opened in June 1905.

3. RESPONDENTS AND SAMPLING PROCEDURE- This section describes the respondents of the study. The description may include the demographic profile of the respondents such as age, educational background, occupation, and other information that may be relevant in understanding the (behavior of the) respondents. Example: The informants of this study will be the Senior High School students in one of the Public Schools in Northern Philippines. Seven classes from which 50 students comprise each class will be subjected for identifying the active users of Facebook. Out of 350 initial participants, 30 Facebook friends who are the researcher’s students will be selected wherein the profiles will be selected purposively out of which half will be male and half will be female or at least they presented themselves in this way. Moreover, the researcher will choose only the hardcore or active FB users. She will identify hardcore or active FB users by floating a questionnaire to the participants. The questionnaire will be patterned from the study of Korpijaakko (2015) and was also used by Angoluan (2016) in her study (See questionnaire on the appendices). To Korpojaakko (2015) and Angoluan (2016), active Facebook users are those who log onto Facebook 8 hours a day or more, spend 3 hours or more a day in Facebook and post status updates 8 times a day or more. Also, in a similar study conducted by Aljasir (2017), he defined heavy or light users of Facebook by determining their years of experience on using Facebook and time spent on Facebook. Thereafter, the researcher will gather the corpus of her study on the wall posts of the 30 participants where 15 of them are male and 15 of them are female. She will purposively select 3 Facebook status updates of the participants to elicit information on language use. Since the methodology of this study is partly ethnomethodologic which means a method of sociological analysis that examines how individuals use everyday conversation, she will use her Facebook friends as potential participants. For ethical considerations, the researcher will remind the participants that they could ask her to delete data she collected any time and to hide their identity. Likewise, the names of the participants or any information that would identify them will be concealed.

4. RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS- This section outlines the instruments you will use in the study such as interview questions, interview protocols, observation guide, survey form, focus group discussion questions, and others. PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 21

Example: In this study, the researcher will use a questionnaire adopted from Korpijaako (2015) and later used by Angoluan (2016) to elicit data on the participants’ profile variables such as year started in using Facebook, frequency of using Facebook, number of times in posting on Facebook and number of hours of exposure to Facebook. The participants’ Facebook status updates will be the corpus of the study. Thematic analysis by Braun and Clare, 2006 will be used as a basis to determine the language codes, topic preferences and gender- based identity construction. The General Features of Netlingo by Thurlow, Lengel and Tomic (2003) will be used as a basis to look into how the use gendered language differs in terms of word compounds and blends, abbreviations and acronyms, creative use of punctuations and stylized spelling. Moreover, Searle’s (1969) Taxonomy of Speech Act according to their illocutionary functions will be utilized to determine the expressive, commisive, assertive, declarative and directive statements in a context that emerged from the analysis of the Facebook status updates. After analyzing the corpus of the study, the researcher will later use an informal interview based on the studies of Braun and Clare (2006), Thurlow, Lengel and Tomic (2003) and Searle (1969) to verify the participants’ answers should there be a need for further probing and clarifications.

5. DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE- This section describes the specific steps you will undergo in order to collect the data for your study. In some types of research, particularly ethnographic and case studies, the specific date (and sometimes, exact time) of doing the steps (i.e., observing the participants) is important. The instruments used to record data (e.g., pen and paper, audio and/or video recorder) may also be mentioned. Example: Communicating the realization of this study will be fulfilled should there be call for protocols. First, the participants from the seven classes with 50 students of the researcher will sign informed consent forms before the conduct of the research. The participants will be informed that the researcher is conducting a study on Facebook; however, the specific area will not be mentioned to secure that the participants did not alter the content of their posts and delete some of their status updates. Thereafter, a questionnaire will be floated to elicit the profile variables of the participants. (Please see in appendix B). After identifying the active users of Facebook from the questionnaire floated, the researcher will choose 15 male and 15 female or at least they presented themselves in this way. There is no way out to check gender swapping (Ludlow, 1996) which means that the real identity cannot be determined based on physical features and the actions that they show. The researcher will gather 3 Facebook status updates from each of the active Facebook users through purposive sampling and will use the screenshots of the Facebook statuses as primary data. The Facebook status updates which the researcher purposively selected are the ones she is sure could correspond to the objectives of her study, like selecting those with the PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 22

use of the general features of Netlingo by Thurlow, Lengel and Tomic (2003). After analysing the screenshots of the students’ updated Facebook statuses, the researcher will seek the help of experts in the field to validate the classification of the data in this study. Lastly, the researcher will conduct an informal interview to the participants for verification and further probing based on the findings made by the researcher. The researcher will also observe the participants while answering the questions to establish the veracity and sincerity of their claims. The translation of the excerpts from the informal interview conducted will be checked, validated and signed by the validators from the same field of specialization.

6. DATA ANALYSIS - This section describes how you will analyze the data that you will gather. Example: Data from the profile variables namely year started in using Facebook, frequency of using Facebook, number of times of posting on Facebook, and time spent on Facebook will be analysed using a questionnaire by Korpijaako (2015) to identify the active users of Facebook. From the questionnaire, the researcher will purposively choose 15 male and 15 female who are active Facebook users as her participants. After identifying the active users of Facebook, the researcher will collect samples from the Facebook status updates of the participants through purposive sampling and start with the familiarization of the data to answer the social identity of the active Facebook users, use of language and communicative functions. Thematic Analysis (Braun and Clare, 2006) will be used as a basis in identifying the language codes, topic preferences and identity construction of the participants. After evaluating the Facebook statuses of the participants, the researcher will search for themes specifically in terms of emotions, referential, relationships, religion, and school-related matters. To analyze the language used by the participants, some general features of ‘Netlingo’ as explained by Thurlow, Lengel and Tomic (2003) will be utilized by the researcher. The researcher will look into how gender language differs in terms of word compounds and blends, abbreviations and acronyms, creative use of punctuation and stylized spelling. Lastly, the Facebook status updates of the participants will also be categorized according to their communicative content. To analyse their communicative content, the taxonomy of speech acts according to their illocutionary functions presented by Searle (1969) which has five categories namely assertive act, directive act, commisive act, declarative and expressive act will be used as a basis. After classifying their communicative content, frequency count will be utilized to determine the most evident speech act particularly the categorization of the illocutionary act. From the interview, data will be taken to support and concretize the classification of social identity, language use and communicative functions of language that emerged from their status updates. PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 23

Directions and Instructions Hello, learner! You are about to explore your learning/s on components of research methodology. Just follow the instructions given for every task and be guided with the given examples. Before you start, sign the contract below. Good luck, learner! LEARNING CONTRACT AGREEMENT: By signing the contract, you are hereby accepting the responsibility to finish the activity package and submit it to your teacher (____________________) on (____________________).

Learning Competency MELC: The student presents written research methodology. K12 CG Code: CS_RS11-IVa-c-4 Activity 1: CONSTRUCTING CHAPTER 3! Directions: Present the research methodology of your study. Use the space below and be guided with the given example previously.

Research Title: ____________________________________________________________ Research Design ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Research Locale ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 24

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Research Instruments ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Respondents and Sampling Procedure ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 25

Data Collection Procedure ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Data Analysis ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Reflection: Write your answer for the following: 1. I learned that ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 26

2. I enjoyed the lesson most on ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. I want to learn more on ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ References: Baraceros, E.2016. RBS Practical Research 1 Frace, C. (2019) Exploring the Use of Gendered Language on Social Media Practical Research 1 Teacher’s Guide. Department of Education Answer Key: Activity 1: CONSTRUCTING CHAPTER 3!

Answers may vary

CHARISMA ARCHIBIDO FRACE, Ph. D. [email protected] Teacher III- Cagayan National High School- Senior High Writer


PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 (QUALITATIVE RESEARCH) Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: ___________________ Section: ____________________________________ Score: ________________________ OBSERVATION AND INTERVIEW PROCEDURES AND SKILLS Background Information for Learners OBSERVATION  A technique of gathering data whereby you personally watch, interact, or communicate with the subjects of your research. It lets you record what people exactly do and say in their everyday life on Earth. Types of Observation 1. Participant Observation The observer, who is the researcher, takes part in the activities of the individual or group being observed. You obtain first-hand knowledge about the subjects’ behaviour and the way they interact with one another. Use diary method or logbook to record findings through this type of observation.  Descriptive Observation- first part of the diary. It describes the people, places, events, conversation, and other things involved in the activity or object focused on.  Narrative account- second part of the diary. It gives your interpretations or reflections about everything you observed. 2. Non-participant Observation It completely detaches you from the target of your observation. You just watch and listen to them do their own thing, without you participating in any of their activities. Use checklist or observation schedule in recording observation Models of Observation  Covert observation- observes the subject secretly.  Overt observation- permits you to divulge things about your research to the participants.  Direct Observation- it makes you see or listen to everything that happens in the area of observation.  Indirect Observation- it is also called behaviour archaeology because, here, you observe traces of past events to get information or a measure of behaviour, trait or quality of your subject. Central to this method are things you listen to through tape recordings and those you see in pictures, letter, notices, and the likes. INTERVIEW  Data gathering technique that makes you verbally ask the subjects or respondents questions to give answers to what your research study is trying to look for.  Aims at knowing what the respondents think and feel about the topic of your research.  It is a conversation with a purpose that gives direction to the question-answer activity between the interviewer and the interviewee.


Types of Interview 1. Structured Interview  This is an interview that requires the use of an interview schedule or a list of questions answerable with one and only one item from a set of alternative responses.  Choosing one answer from the given set of answers, the respondents are barred from giving answers that reflect their own thinking or emotions about the topic. 2. Unstructured Interview  The respondents answer the questions based on what they personally think and feel about it. There are no suggested answers. 3. Semi-structured Interview  The characteristics of the first two types are found in this type. Here, you prepare a schedule or a list of questions that is accompanied by a list of expressions from where the respondents can pick out the correct answers. However, after choosing, the respondents answer another set of questions to make them explain the reasons behind their choices.  It is flexible and organized type of interview. Approaches 1. Individual Interview  Only one respondent is interviewed here. The reason behind this is the lack of trust the interviewees have among themselves.  A time-consuming type of interview 2. Group Interview  You ask the question not to one person but to a group of people at the same time. The group members take turns. It is also called focus group interview Disadvantage: Chances of having some respondents getting influenced by the other group members. 3. Mediated Interview  No face-to-face interview is true for this interview approach because it takes place through electronic communication devices. Advantage: It is capable of reaching a big number of respondent. It is a synchronous mediated interview if you talk with the subjects through the telephone, mobile, or online chat and also find time to see each other. It is asynchronous if only two persons are interviewed at a different time through the internet, email, FB, and other social media sites.

Directions and Instructions Hello, learner! Just follow the instructions given for every task and be guided with the given examples. Before you start, sign the contract below. Good luck, learner! LEARNING CONTRACT AGREEMENT: By signing the contract, you are hereby accepting the responsibility to finish the activity package and submit it to your teacher (____________________) on (____________________).


Learning Competency MELC: The learner is able to collect data through observation and interviews K12 CG Code: CS_RS11-IVd-f-1

Activity 1: JUDGE IT! Directions: Express your agreement and disagreement in each sentence. Justify your answer. 1. You may observe a group openly or secretly. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Interview can be a replacement for observation. _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Observation can be enhanced by interviews. _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Hurting people is possible through observation. _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 5. You can both be objective and subjective in research. _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 6. There is only one observation method. _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 7. The basis of all research types is observation. _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 8. Secondary data is supremely important in observation. _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 9. You can use covert observation in both observation types. _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 10. You can go covert and overt in all observation types. _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Activity 2: A VISIONARY Directions: Visualize the observation you did with your research topic to expand your knowledge about it. Using the space below, make a semantic map or scene- by scene drawing of your observations.



Activity 3: WRITE IT DOWN Directions: On the space provided, write the set of interview questions you have developed in the previous activity to elicit answers to your specific questions. Use the space below. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Activity 4: DOING AN INTERVIEW Directions: With the research questions that you have developed in the previous activity, conduct mediated interview with the participants of your study. Please be guided with the research respondents, sampling procedure and data gathering procedure that you have written in the previous activity. Use the space provided below. Make sure to submit also your evidence that you conducted interview.


___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

References: Baraceros, E.2016. RBS Practical Research 1 Frace, C. (2019) Exploring the Use of Gendered Language on Social Media Practical Research 1 Teacher’s Guide. Department of Education Answer Key: Activity 1: JUDGE IT! Answers may vary Activity 2: A VISIONARY Answers may vary Activity 3: WRITE IT DOWN Students’ answers vary Activity 4: DOING AN INTERVIEW Students’ answers vary

CHARISMA ARCHIBIDO FRACE, Ph. D. [email protected] Teacher III- Cagayan National High School- Senior High Writer PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 32

PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 (QUALITATIVE RESEARCH) Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: ___________________ Section: ____________________________________ Score: ________________________ DRAWING OUT PATTERNS AND THEMES FROM DATA Background Information for Learners Data Analysis  Data analysis is a process of understanding data or known facts or assumptions that serve as the bases of any claims or conclusions you have about something.  Your primary aim in analyzing recorded data is to find out if they exist or operate to give answers to the research questions you raised prior to your acts of collecting them. Data Analysis Techniques  Coding is your act of using symbols like letters or words to represent arbitrary or subjective data (emotions, opinions, attitudes) to ensure secrecy or privacy of the data.  Collating is a way of bringing together the coded data. Giving the data an orderly appearance is putting them in graph, specifically a table of responses. Data Matrix  It is used to name this table of responses that consists of table of cases and their associated variables. Types of Data Matrix 1. Profile matrix shows measurements of variables or factors for a set of cases or respondents. 2. Proximity matrix indicates measurements of similarities and differences between items. 3. Similarity matrix shows how alike things are. 4. Dissimilarity matrix shows how different they are. Qualitative Data Analysis  In a qualitative research, you analyze or study data that reflect the respondents’ thoughts, feelings, attitudes, or views about something. Words serve as the unit of analysis in a qualitative type of research.  Qualitative data analysis is time consuming.  It is a rigorous act of a thematic or theoretical organization of ideas or information into a certain format that is capable of presenting groups of responses. TECHNIQUES TO ANALYZE DATA (Fraenkel and Wallen, 2010) 1. Patterns  This is actually the utmost concern of a qualitative research – to look for patterns, themes, or constructs. You can generate concepts or constructs by comparing and contrasting the data collected and sorting out until you can be able to find patterns and divide them into themes.


Patterns and themes can be obtained if a particular construct is being repeated in interview or being observed or in using metaphors and analogies. Recognizing patterns can help in drawing phenomena or in predicting trends. 2. Key events  There are specific and prominent events or phenomena that occurred in a certain group.  If your study is aiming to describe and analyze a culture of a group, key events that occur in a group you are studying can provide the necessary information.  It provides an understanding of the group and can help you to relate the culture of the group to others. 3. Visual representations  This is a very useful tool in presenting and understanding the results in a qualitative research. This better presents any system, patterns, interaction, or relationships that could be generated from the data. Visual representation can be done in the form of maps, organizers, organizational charts, matrices and flowcharts. 4. Statistics  The use of numbers in a qualitative research is not the primary data that you can get. However, there are some responses or data in which statistics is needed such as percentage and frequency. This is useful if you want a summary of the frequency of the responses. Inferential statistics is not expected to be used in qualitative research. TRIANGULATION OF DATA  Triangulation establishes the validity of the data. The data that you have collected usually come from at least three perspectives – observations, interviews, and document analysis. NOTE: Triangulation makes the qualitative data valid and accurate. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK  A conceptual framework is a network of themes or constructs which shows its interrelations among these themes.  Conceptual framework in a qualitative research can be written at the end of data analysis and interpretations. This provides the interrelationships among the constructs or themes that can be identified in the data analysis.

Directions and Instructions Hello, learner! Just follow the instructions given for every task and be guided with the given examples. Before you start, sign the contract below. Good luck, learner! LEARNING CONTRACT AGREEMENT: By signing the contract, you are hereby accepting the responsibility to finish the activity package and submit it to your teacher (____________________) on (____________________).


Learning Competency MELC: The learner is able to infer and explain patterns and themes from data and relates the findings with pertinent literature. K12 CG Code: CS_RS11-IVd-f-2-3

Activity 1: CHECK IT! Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Check the sentence that expresses what is true about qualitative data analysis. ____ 1. It is a time- saving analysis of data. ____ 2. Its unit of analysis is large language structures like paragraphs. ____ 3. It centers its analysis on opinionated knowledge. ____ 4. It is prone to examining numbers. ____ 5. It cannot use data matrices. ____ 6. It examines verbal language as well as non-verbal language. ____ 7. It puts into codes abstract qualities of people. ____ 8. It analyses data first before it collects them. ____ 9. Exempted from qualitative data analysis are prose and non- prose materials. ____ 10. Coding is not for numerical data.

Activity 2: EXPLAIN WHY Directions: On the lines provided, write the number of every unchecked sentence in Activity 1. Then, opposite this number, write your reason for not checking such sentence. Unchecked Sentences Reasons ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 35

Activity 3: I AM ALMOST THERE! Directions: Considering your research questions to guide you in the kind of data you want to collect, list down on the space provided the data you have gathered from your mediated interview and observation. Subject the collected data to analysis. Present the results of your data analysis through a composition, with the first part giving the descriptions of the data and the second part, the interpretations of data. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Activity 4: LET’S WEAVE IT! Directions: Looking into the related literature and studies you have gathered in the previous activity, select pertinent literature that would support or negate the findings you have made from your analysis of data. Present the results of your data analysis through a composition, with the first part giving the descriptions of the data, the second part which is the interpretation of data and the last part, relate the findings with pertinent literature. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 36

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ References: Baraceros, E.2016. RBS Practical Research 1 Practical Research 1 Teacher’s Guide. Department of Education Answer Key: Activity 1: CHECK IT!

Activity 2: EXPLAIN WHY Students’ answers vary

Activity 3: I AM ALMOST THERE! Students’ answers vary

Activity 4: LET’S WEAVE IT! Students’ answers vary

CHARISMA ARCHIBIDO FRACE, Ph. D. [email protected] Teacher III- Cagayan National High School- Senior High Writer


PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 (QUALITATIVE RESEARCH) Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: ___________________ Section: ____________________________________ Score: ________________________ GUIDELINES IN MAKING CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Background Information for Learners CONCLUSION It is a type of inferential or interpretative thinking that derives its validity, truthfulness, or reasonableness from your sensory experience. The results of your sensory experience are factual data to support the truthfulness of your conclusion. Drawing Conclusions • Any conclusions drawn or deuced by you from facts or statements resulting from logical thinking rather than from another assumption, prediction or generalization are the only ones included in the conclusion section (Decilo, 2014) • Any conclusion you give about what you found out through your analysis of data you collected is a “warranted conclusion” proven by factual and logical reasoning (correct reasoning) • Drawing conclusion is stating all your discoveries in your research. • Creating a link between your discoveries and your review of literature indicates the ability of your paper to expand or enhance any existing knowledge about your research study. Pointers in Writing Conclusions 1. Explain your point in simple and clear sentences. 2. Use expressions that center on the topic rather than on yourself, the researcher. 3. Include only necessary items; exclude any piece of information or picture not closely related to your report. 4. Have your conclusion contain only validly supported findings instead of falsified results. 5. Practice utmost honesty and objectivity in stating the results of your critical evaluation of outcomes that you expect to support your conclusions. Example: In light of the findings, this study concludes that male and female have differences as far as the use of language in Facebook is concerned. Both male and female who are active users of Facebook are multilingual whenever they go online. The discussion on the variety of topics speaks of the diversity of the interest of those involved in the communication platform. The interactivity that Facebook provides makes it a medium through which people define themselves by sharing what is going on in their lives or how they are feeling, so this makes this forum an extension of a person’s real life identity. Moreover, the use of language by male and female are influenced by their social network in Facebook. They are resourceful and artistic based on the words that they are using in their posts. PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 38

Furthermore, through Facebook status updates, male and female do not only express their emotions but also share details about their daily life activities as to what they were doing or what was going on in their lives at that moment. RECOMMENDATIONS  This part is written after conclusions have been drawn. To do this, you can start writing the recommendations from those variable you studied. Moreover, you can also suggest other methods and variables for those who want to do a similar study. The number of recommendations is usually aligned to the number of conclusions that you have drawn.  Writing recommendations provides ideas to other researchers in conducting their own researches. Pointers in Writing Recommendations • The number of recommendations usually depends on the number of drawn conclusions. • You may include in the recommendations other variables that you did not use in your study for future research. • Other methods or approaches that you did not employ in your study may also be included in the recommendations. Example: In view of the findings presented and conclusions made, the following are recommended: 1. Since most of the male and female students are active users of Facebook, teachers can use status updates of their students in several topics in English such as sentence mechanics, vocabulary and sentence structure as one of their strategies in teaching. In this sense, the maximum use of Facebook in classroom discussion would make the students engaged in learning. 2. Since the teachers may use these status updates as a tool for teaching and learning, they can likewise use this to comprehend the life situation of every student. Distinct social being as they are, these status updates may be utilized in classroom discussions in relation to honing and developing their values as they become mature in dealing with real-life situations. This is a way to bridge the gap between and among distinct entities belonging to different generations. 3. Since language is constantly changing as evident on the new words which are being used by both male and female, training sessions among students on upholding preservation of culture and language must be part of the curriculum to promote youth empowerment, gender fair language and to avoid cyber-bullying. 4. While the Department of Education adheres to Gender- responsive Basic Education Policy in line with its Gender and Development (GAD) mandate as stipulated in the 1987 Philippine Constitution and Republic Act (RA) No. 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women, seminars and trainings on gendered language must be considered to increase awareness especially that the perceived meanings of some words have changed in response to the changing roles of men and women in the society. 5. Topics on gendering and language identity must be inculcated in the guidance and counseling program of the Department of Education to let the students and teachers develop communicative competence leading to deeper understanding of one another.


6. Further studies may be conducted to explore wider demographic variables with the use of other forms of social media which are commonly used by the youth such as twitter, instagram and youtube channels and vlogs. 7. A parallel study may also be conducted to look also into the use of gendered language of other gender preferences including the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersexual, asexual, pansexual and demisexual (LGBTQIAPD), recognizing the diversity of different groups of women and men.

Directions and Instructions Hello, learner! Just follow the instructions given for every task and be guided with the given examples. Before you start, sign the contract below. Good luck, learner! LEARNING CONTRACT AGREEMENT: By signing the contract, you are hereby accepting the responsibility to finish the activity package and submit it to your teacher (____________________) on (____________________).

Learning Competency MELC: The learner is able to draw conclusions from patterns and themes and formulate recommendations based on conclusions. K12 CG Code: CS_RS11-IVg-j-1-2

Activity 1: PROVE IT! Direction: Check (/) the column with the heading that expresses your judgement about the following purported evidence to prove a conclusion.


Good Evidence

Poor Evidence

Reasons, Comments, Reactions

1. The workers seem willing to file a labour case. 2. They worked hard the way the characters in the movie, The Bible, did their jobs. 3. The company’s records show the number of absences the labourers incurred. 4. Apparently, the labourers failed to get their 13th- month pay last year. 5. For returning the lost and found wallet containing P15,000, the PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 40

labourer received a certificate of merit. 6. Words have been going around that the labourers may stage a sitdown strike. 7. Probably, some officers thought it’s reasonable for them to file a labour case. 8. The president’s printed decision on their demands is posted on the bulletin board. 9. The CCTV caught 38 labourers marching to the president’s office at 8:00 a.m. on May 2, 2015 10. Some are contemplating on staging a mass resignation.

Activity 2: I THEREFORE CONCLUDE Directions: After analysing and drawing out patterns and themes with intellectual honesty on your analysis of data, form conclusions from the results of your findings presented in the previous activity. Be guided with the given example and use the space provided below.

Conclusion ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________


Activity 3: WHAT WILL YOU RECOMMEND? Directions: In view of the findings and conclusions presented in the previous activity, formulate recommendations based on conclusions made. Use the space provided. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ References: Baraceros, E.2016. RBS Practical Research 1 Frace, C. (2019) Exploring the Use of Gendered Language on Social Media Practical Research 1 Teacher’s Guide. Department of Education Answer Key: Activity 1: PROVE IT! Students’ answers vary

Activity 2: I THEREFORE CONCLUDE Students’ answers vary

Activity 3: WHAT WILL YOU RECOMMEND? Students’ answers vary

CHARISMA ARCHIBIDO FRACE, Ph. D. [email protected] Teacher III- Cagayan National High School- Senior High Writer PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 42

PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 (QUALITATIVE RESEARCH) Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: ___________________ Section: ____________________________________ Score: ________________________ TECHNIQUES IN LISTING REFERENCES Background Information for Learners TWO BASIC METHODS OF REFERENCING 1. APA STYLE There are two parts to referencing: the citations within the text of your paper and the reference list at the end of your paper. The APA referencing style is an "author-date" style, so the citation in the text consists of the author(s) and the year of publication given wholly or partly in round brackets. Use only the surname of the author(s) followed by a comma and the year of publication. Include page, chapter or section numbers if you need to be specific, for example, if you are quoting, paraphrasing or summarising:

No distinction is made between books, journal articles, internet documents or other formats except for electronic documents that do not provide page numbers. In this case, use the paragraph number, if available, with the abbreviation para.

2. MLA STYLE MLA style is a referencing method developed by the Modern Language Association. It consists of two parts: a brief in-text citation in the body of your essay and a detailed list of the “Works Cited” at the end of the work. The following guidelines apply to any type of source, in any format.

In-text citations Use the first element from the Works Cited entry - usually the author’s surname - and page number/s in parenthesis, e.g. (Smith 173). PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 43

If the author’s name appears in the body of your essay itself, use just the relevant page number/s in the parenthesis, e.g. Smith claims that....applies. (173). There is no punctuation between the author's name and the page number/s. Works Cited Works Cited is a list of sources from which you have borrowed information or ideas. You need to acknowledge – or cite – all your sources. Arrange the works in alphabetical order by the first element, usually the author’s surname. The elements of each entry, including the formatting and punctuation, are as follows. Omit any element which is not relevant. Format the second and subsequent lines of each entry with a hanging indent.

Directions and Instructions Hello, learner! Just follow the instructions given for every task and be guided with the given examples. Before you start, sign the contract below. Good luck, learner! LEARNING CONTRACT AGREEMENT: By signing the contract, you are hereby accepting the responsibility to finish the activity package and submit it to your teacher (____________________) on (____________________). PRACTICE PERSONAL HYGIENE PROTOCOLS AT ALL TIMES 44

Learning Competency MELC: The learner is able to list references. K12 CG Code: CS_RS11-IVg-j-3

Activity 1: LIST IT! Directions: Keeping in mind the explanations and pointers given by this lesson, list down your references on the space provided. Observe practicing proper referencing through the APA style. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________


Activity 2: ASSESSING THE EXTENT OF CONCEPT LEARNING! Directions: Recall the concepts about techniques in listing references that you learned through this current lesson. In the space provided, list them down based on the extent of your understanding of them; meaning, those well understood concepts should be the first ones in the list, slightly understood; the middle ones in the list; poorly understood, the last part of the list.

A LIST OF LEARNED CONCEPTS Top _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Middle _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Last _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


References: Baraceros, E.2016. RBS Practical Research 1 Frace, C. (2019) Exploring the Use of Gendered Language on Social Media Practical Research 1 Teacher’s Guide. Department of Education https://libguides.murdoch.edu.au/APA#:~:text=The%20APA%20referencing%20style%20is, and%20the%20year%20of%20publication. https://utas.libguides.com/referencing/MLA#:~:text=MLA%20style%20is%20a%20referenci ng,the%20end%20of%20the%20work.

Answer Key: Activity 1: LIST IT! Students’ answers vary

Activity 2: ASSESSING THE EXTENT OF CONCEPT LEARNING! Students’ answers vary

CHARISMA ARCHIBIDO FRACE, Ph. D. [email protected] Teacher III- Cagayan National High School- Senior High Writer


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