64028192 Vince Gironda 10 8-6-15 Bodybuilding

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g@e@e@e8â ¬D %a Photography by GEI{E MOZEE Rrblished by Rue Snodgrass Rrblishe r Extrao rdina re

TABLE OF CONTENTS Vinc e Gironda, rf The funrnortal Instructorrl Developing Muscle 3 4 6 8 9 TT Instinctive Training ., Ternpo . Explanation of Sets and Reps Pecs Lats Delts Triceps .... '. ...,-i. t3 t5 t9 Zt 23 25 Biceps. Abdorninals Calves Thighs Weight Gaining Hints Bodybuilding is 85% Nutrition Maxirnurn Definition Diet z6 27 z8 ,'

Vtnce Gironda i/_ $l--ls*\' THE IMMORTAL INSTRUCTOR a list of great and important bodybuilding cham' pions w ere compiied, a fair percentage of them would share one common bond, an associat ion with the Gironda is perhaps the sport's most potent guiding influence using his business, "Vince's Gym" in California to mold and help the physical culture elite, peapie over the years like Larry Scott, Freddy Ortiz, Hollywood motion pi cture stars" Vince himself possesses the ideal esthetic propor' tionate developm ent. For approximately 25 years he has bucked the tide of bodybuildinE nonsense, training men along individually tailored lines with weights and scientific nutr ition. Today in his mid-5Os there is no letup in the pride and honesty which are the backbone and elements that earnecl him the nationwide reputation of body' b uilding's most knowledgeable instructor-bodybuilding's "lmmortal lnstructor." lf "lmmortal lnstructor," Vince Gironda. Fete Caputo, Arnold Schwarzenegger, plus various .a S.&%t k-R \\\k d \ r & *g ...-,$* .@ _t ed ..' ..* ; lf '""+., #.fl.;f" '1_ # "st**"* V**dfL\ rq \ \h q.*, 1"r' drr#P

o.f SrEt**X w.# yRs tTe#$ I [ 2S? Ventura Boulevard N*rth HoElywood, California 9rc44 ?-elephCIne 7 69 - 885 I t

DEVEI,OPING MUSCLE This consists of two parts - developing rnore capilLaries and. rnore nerve pathw ays or better and. stronger nerve irnpulses to the muscle. AIso, to acquire larg er muscles you must increase the intensity of work done within a given time, Thi s rneans rninirnurn rest between sets, (R;sh yourself. ) I feel workouts should be tirned, and constantly strive to shorten the tirne it takes to get through yo ur routine. (This is a form of Progressive Resistance, ) rt does not rnatter how rnuch work you do, what counts is how fast you do it. This is known as the rove rload principlet' This principle explains why sprinters have larger leg developr nent than long-distance runners, It is more work to run a mile than 100 yards, b ut the sprinter is d.oing more work per second.. I have found that the maxirnum amount of sets that can be performed to create a maxirnurn prrnp to a muscle is 12 sets. Clancy Ross and Bill Pearl both clairn t hat if you cantt get a workout in t5 sets, you are not c.oncentrating properly. Anything above or beyond this is overwork and causes the rnuscle to contract b,n d lose its blood supply. r have seen this happen to top physique stars as wefl a s rnyself, This is not theory, but fact!! ! (This is a rnajor faurt r find with most beginners. ) I world like to point out here that maxirnurn trrrnp at every workout does not build tissue, rt only keeps it purnped. up and bloated, br.rt y ou cannot grow on this rnuch work. Maxirnum trrrnp workogts should not be ernplo yed mo?e often than a week. Rernember, it takes TZ ]nours to rebuild tissue afte r this type of workout, r repeat, there is a fine dividing line between enough w ork and too rnuch work, lf yorr decide to employ this routine, it is best perfor med by working with a weight that is about 6o% ot, your rnaximurn. over-enthusia stic workouts produce bloated rnugcle tissue, lnrt no gains. 4

Top physique stars take rnaxirnurn workouts every workout. But they work each mu scle only twice a week. Even with their superior rnetabolisrn, they still need ? 2 hours recuperation. Take heed that workouts tear down tissue - rest builds it. Talk to any charnpion. Because of his wide horizon of instinctive knowledge, he cannot and will not give you pat answers. without consciously knowing the reaso n for his success, he is unable to guide you, champions, you rnust understand, a re not necessarily teachers. But they are observers, watch any charnpion train, and you will recognize the fact that they appear to be doing sornething extra, e ven though they are doing the sarne exercises as you. That sornething extra is c oncentration and an absolute singleness of Frrpose. I find personally that I can get in top condition by deciding to do so. \fhile rny workout partners never se ern to consider thernselves to be in shape, they also say r arn doing the sarne exercises as you and r arn using the sarne amount of weight; that r arn working out at the sarne speed, but I cannot seem to feel the exercise, The answer to. t hat staternent is, think about every part of the rnovement as you do it, Donrt h rrn your rnind off. In short, concentrate. b'/

INSTINCTIVE TRAINING This is a terrn invented by so-called Body Building Experts who do not have the answers and pass the buck to you to take the blarne for your body building failu res. Sorne have clairned that I have contradicted rnyself and I actually do beli eve in instinctive training. I state again that you cannot train instinctively! ! ! You rrrust have a working knowledge of anatorny, kinesiology and nutrition. With this knowledge you are only selecting variations of exe rcises and putting ther n to use, \trhen I trained Larry Scott he never deviated frorn any course that I laid out for hirn, Every six to nine rnonths he would ask for a variation on an exercise he was doing to add to his routine or substitute for one he was doing. He was extrernely methodical and had 100% confidence in what he was doing was t he best there was for particular portion of the rnuscle he wished to bring into prorninence, Hundreds of would-be physique stars with far greater potential than Larry Scott have trained in rny gyrn but none of thern took advantage of rny in struction the way Scott did, and as a result they never achieved rnuch in the ph ysique world, Rernernber that you would not need a teacher if you could devise a workout progr arn frorn instinct. I had rny teachers . . . t$iro rnen taught rne to observe, q uestion, anaLyze, experirnent and study, My teachers were rnen who devised a sou nd muscie building systern by trial and error, 'We were constantly doing exercis es, devising equiprnent and poking and prodding each other and asking, rtls that where you feel it? Is it sore here or here?rl I do not wish to belittle anyone with this article, but as you know I have the r epr.rtation for being forcefully frank and honest and I can do no less than spea k rny rnind. I have been rnisquoted by sorne who report to be experts and they a re only experts in not understanding what rny training rnethods are about in the first place. W'ords are worthless and often nebulous -- results are what count ! is acquired or innate (learned) - or a cornbination of both, Every topnotch bo dy builder who has ever corne to rne for a program of exercise has overtrained h irnself. And this is the basic reason he carne to rne , . , because he was at a standstill and could not rnake any further gains. I learned this principle 20 ye ars ago by observing a rnan who carne to rne to train hirn - who was a forrner-w eight-lifter hrrned body builder. He had gteat enthusiasm, arnbition and energy. But he could not handle any program I E t hirn on until I cut'hirn down to thre e sets of eight reps. On this prograrn he flourished and won every locaL contest he entered! This fellow prornpted rne to write rny first rnagazine article call ed, rrTrain - Donrt Strainrr. QUESTION: Science as yet has not proven conclusively whether instinct

Instinctive T raining (Contirrued) Sorne of you rnight rernember this fellow . . his name was Ralph Mascaro and he was one of the first really cut up physiques around at that tirne The lesson to be learned here is, if you are not rnaking gains on your present c ourse, simplify it by cutting"down to one exerclse per rnrscle,'cut back your se ts and reps and start using'better forrn; You notice that I did not say qrt down on weight. Just use slower rrovertrents and do every set as if it were the last set you could do ! Instinct is the anirnalts way of survival. If we stiLl had this nahrral faculty in all its rarnifications we wouldnrt be eating synthetics and contarninated spr ayed foods, etc,, etc. We haveover-ridden this'instinct of knowing inwardly what to do for rnaxirrrrrrr health and strength and let our egos cornmand us . , , t he more reps, the bigger rnuscle tissue, etc. Charles Attas dernonstrated this p ointediy - his early ads rnade you want to build a bigger body so the bully woul dnrt kick sand in your face and make dff with the girl. This is instinctive ego (rnating) not instinctive training!

TEMPO What is a workout ternpo? Workout ternpo is the evenly spaced sets (tirne-wise) without any distractions, and cornplete concentration on when to pick up the next weight and do the next.set. W'ithout even giving it a narne, charnpions instinctively use this tempo when working out; while 90Ta of.the other rnernbers walk around the gyrn between sets, gossip with their buddies, or Look at aTnagazine, or just sit down and rest. Distraction to a charnp is disastrous. He will tell you he loses his energy level if distracted. In fact, if this occursr fou rnight as well quit in the rniddle o f your workout and rest an hour or so, then try it again and and purnp take up where you left off. Co:mplete singleness of purpose is the key to concentration, and is engendered b y a burning desire to receive satisfaction frorn a workout. Doing a prescribed nurnber of sets and reps without ternpo produces no satisfaction, and without this feeling of accornplishrnent, I cannot see how pro gress is rnade. I have always felt that each workout Itake is progressively different than the l ast one, and this sirnply fireans that :more inter-rnuscle tension is used and tighter contractions are ernployed. This results in greater sat isfaction with each workout. By the w?y, when you reach this leveL of accornplishrnent in your workout, ),iou rnay confuse this elated state of feeling with the need to do 'rnore work. Beware! !! This is where you could ttik" your biggest ; rnistake, by taking on rnore work and over-working.

VINCE GIRONDAIS FAMOUS T0-8-6-15 ROUTINI' EXPLANATION OF SETS_AND. REPS The first set is perforrned l0 Reps with 50% of, your rnaxirnurn. The second set is perforrned 8 Reps wit]n 7s% of your maximurn, third set is perforrned 6 Reps with r00% of ycrr rnaximurn. The fourth set is pe rforrned l5 Reps with 3s% of. your rnaxirnurn, The 'W'hatever weight you can handle with effort, 6 Reps is considered. your rnaxirnurn, Rest between sets should be no longer than 60 seconds, Also, deep breathing through the mouth should be employed (HyperventiLation) bet ween sets. This program calls for workouts per week. 3 upper body workoute per week and 2 leg Do not add weight oftener than once a week. Raising weights too fast only produces bad form. rf abdominal work is performed, it should be done o n leg day", The success of this prograrn depends on doing the exercises outlined with no additions. This program calls for maximum form, so and ask arn if it seerns less than you have been doing andtoo easy, be honest with yourself I doing the exercises to the best of my abiLity, which rneans do your reps slowe r, In other word.s, rnake it hurt and dJntt start cheating when it does. Rernernber a workout that does not

hurt doesntt hrild. Constantly strive to shorten the rest period between sets. This is another forrn of progressive resistance, and is more irnportant than raising your weights.

PECS WIDE GRIP NECK PRESS t. 2. Place hands on Barbell bar directly over elbows when in supine position, Elbows and upper arm. should be d.irectly ,rnder or slightly in back of B ar be 11 bar. 3. Sta rting po s ition with ba r s hou ld be touching sternurn-clavicle junction, 4. 5. Press bar straight up over sternurn c1avicle. Knees together and drawn back over stornach, lower legs (rossed. This position insures perfect form and balance. 6. 7. I Inhale and exhale on the way up and repeat on the way down. Use a weight 50% of.your rnaxirnurn on the i first set of tO n!p". 8. o ,/t The second set, use a weight 75% of. your maximurn for 8 Reps. The third set, us e a weight LOO% IOO% of your rnaxirnrrrn, Consid

rnaxirrnrm the weight you can hand.le for 5 Reps only. 10, The fourth set, which is a prrnp or flushing set, is 15 Reps. This set can be done slightly faster, but keep srnooth purnping forrn. Maxirnum should be the weight you can press 5 Re ps onLy. 11 -t'

LATS 45o PuLLEY PuLL The prlley you erected for your first course is utilized again in this exercise. (45o t at Rrlley set up. ) l. Rernerrber, before you start, that the action of the Lat rnuscle is to draw the shoulder girdle down and backward, Now letts sta 2. rt, Grasp handle of Bar and step backuntil weight clears the floor. Now bend forward frorn hips until the stornach is resting on thighs, Knees bent about 35o, drop head between shoulders and extend arrns forward, 3. As you begin to prll weight back, raise head and pull shoulders down towards hips and draw should.ers back. 4. As weight starts back to starting position, scoop downward with handle, do not l et elbows straighten out cornpletely; also keep elbows turned slightly out to the side. This keeps the Lats constantly engaged and produces burns. When Lats begin to tire, donrt let your forrn change (shoulders forward and down, and. back rounded), fight to keep the back arched and shoulders back and Rep, down. Use double breathing, inhale and exhale on every k h, I * r h h ff' h 13 h &

DELTS BB UPRIGHT ROWING This is the best shoulder broadener r know. (Lateral portion of Deltoid. ) Grasp the Barbel.l about 15r'wide and stand upright with shoulders rounded forward,, bend the knees, and. rest the ri"'" on the thighs with elbows srightly bent. From this position, pr1l the Bar up.to the neck, tmt be sure not to tnrnch your shoulders back, keep thern d.own or you will work the trapezius, Lower the Bar until. it touches the thighs and pull up again, rernernber to keep your back rounded forward and keep the elb ows slightly forward, and use a srnooth piston-like rnovernent. The Reps are again 10-8-6-15. RrlI the Barbell straight I up ,t and close to the body. Do not heave back at the top of the rnovernent. I ,"1 l.i /ri t1 /ri ''1 I

TRICEPS Z DUMBBELL PULL OVERS Here is a favorite of rnine , . , . 4 sure-fire size tnrilder. Lay supine on a flat bench and place your feet onthe floor, Press two Durnbbells over chest with all four bells touching (knuckles facing). Frorn this position, bend elbows back and lower Dumbbells just past the shouLder point, so that you get the full stretch of the triceps rnugcles. Keep elbows pointed up towards the ceiling. Next step, curl Drmbbells up to arfirs extended position over chest. Rernernber to bring the Durnbbells to gether at the cornpletion of each Rep, Some favor bringing : \i ) i I i their knees and feetup and together off the floor. They feel this gives thern xl1ore concentrated effort to the rnuscle group being exercised, explaining that with the feet on the floor sorrle of the positive flow of resistance is lost. But that I will leave up to you to find out - try both ways. You will find that this exercise is increasingly diffiorlt as you tire, but it is an irnportant factor for outside head of triceps developrnent. T7

BICEPS THUMB UNDER DUMBBELL CURLS This curl is a favorite of rnine. Iusually stand in the middte of the Gym because we have rnirrors on both walls and I can loqk to the right and watch rny right arrn work, then I look to the left and watch rny l eft arm work. In this rnanner I can achieve great concentration, this exercise, you rnust keep the upper arm pressed firmly io the sides, extendi ng the Biceps IOO% at the bottorn of the curl by flexing the tricep. At the top or contraction, you rnust forcibly contraqt the Bicep. Rernernber to keep the palrn of the hand up throughout, with the thurnb under th e Drmbbell handle. L9

\ :'1 ]\x

A B DO MINA LS BAR BELL 1/4 ROLL UP Here is a size tnrilder for sure, because you can handle enorrnous poundages, As the abs, as few bodybuilders reaLize, is a very strong rnuscle. To start, clean a Barbell and hold at shoulders (in front), then sit on the end of a bench. Lay back, allowing the feet to remain on the floor. H old Barbell across the front Deltoide with elbows high, frorn this position, ro11 head. and shoulders forward until abdominals are flexed; and to insure t, li ii lr \ \ti \i full contraction, crafirp the muscle forcibly at the top of \ ]l it II it il lN I .: the movernent, .i Remember, rartrition reduces fat, exercise does not. so do the same nurnber of sets and reps on abdominals that you would on any other rnuscle. on this course, ycf,r perforrn l0-8-6-15 only. Do not deviate if you expect rnaxinlurn results,

CALVES ALTERNATE CALF HEEL RAISE This exercise calls for weight belt with a heavy drrnbbell hung between the legs, and a 3-l 12 Lnc}r. to 4 inch calf block. Assurne position on calf block with weight hung between legs, and the balls of t he feet spaced about 6 to 8 inches apart. Hold onto a tab1e, pole, or lean against the wall with the arrns outstretched. Raise the left heel until the calf is fully contracted, At the top of the rnotion, bend the knee and shift the weight to the right leg and lower on the right leg' Raise on the right leg, and at the top, or contracted, position, bend the knee and transfer the weight to the left leg and lower with this leg. This is a very conc entrated. peaking exercise, and I know of no other gym in the country that teaches it. -IMPORTANT on your off days (upper Bo{y days), stand agalnst a watl, or hotd on to a bar, table, etc., and perforrn three sets of 100 reps (Body Weight only) calf raises, feet held 4 inches apart, and as you raise heels, bring the heels together and raise on the big toe area of the ball of the foot. z3


$ T HIG HS -This exercise is the greatest size hrilder and shape developer I know of. g Hold a Bar BeIl on the front Deltoids, elbows high; or better yet, place the bar of a squat rnachine across the back and elevate the heels apart. Frorn this position, lower the body to a fulI squat (hips nlust be direct ly under the bar), Raise up 2 inches on a board - heels l1 inches to a position where the thighs are parallel to the floor, then lower the body back down to the deep squat position again. I I Now raise the body to a 314 squat position - never cornpletely I i j straighten the legs at the top (unlocked squat). This squat develops the thigh j ust below the rniddle of the thigh, and brings the stress to the heads of rmrscl e nrnning down to the knee on both sides of the thigh, It also deI ---:] l ,i l : velops the outer curve of the thigh frorn hip to knee, thus producing the o \ iLlusion of a longer leg and srnaller hips. { z5

l -'1 f ir $l i 1l [; t r WEIGHT GAINING HINTS The great majority of people who cofire to be our shrdents are those who have a need for greater body weight. Our irnproved systern of body culhrre has allowed us to increase bo_dyweights of solid fLesh on individuals w hohave such needs. Every case can gain. Sorne do take longer, but in the final a nalysis, results are assured. I repeat: Everyone can gain! Several hints, as fol lows, may be a good aid in helping to gain weight. Of course, the prograrn of ex ercise that is offered is of greatelt importance. t * fl l. 2, Drring your exercise period drink, Between each exercise you rnay (one pint afte r each muscle worked). Do not drink oui of the drinking fountain because you swa llow air, drink, Eating !hI"9-good generous rneals a day is a necessity. Even rnore beneficial, i f time permits, would be six small rneali per day, Include a great deal of good broiled rneats, baked potatbes, siewed fnrits, eggs, browh rice, thick soups, st ews, nutJ and the natural grains. Be sure to include vegetables of the green and yellow variety. You _may at 10 - 2 - 4 and bedtirne drink certified raw milk each day in additio n to your regular rneals 3. 4. 5, One thing to rernernber is to allow your rneals to digest thoroughly by lying or sitting w ith your feet propped up on a high iootstool afie{ each meal. rf you take your lunch to school or work, the best sandwiches for yeiglt-gaining are made of 100% whole wheat, pumpernickel or rye breads, avocado and bacon, pe anut'brrtter and blcon, or cream cheese, rt is my observation that 90% of. the p eople who srnoke are unabLe to gain weight. I feel that r cannot guaraniee subst antial weight gains to cigarette smokers. Do not rniss a workout unless absolutely irnperative, as your whole body-buildin g progranr is based on regular habits. 6. 7.

Suggested Menu Wheat Toast, Milk. 10 Liver tablets, I ounce Amino Acid, Wheat Gerrn oiI, Sterog yn, Vit. C. Lunch - One-half _pound Harnh.rrger, Green Salad, Protein and Milk d rink, l0 Liver tablets, I ounce Arnino Acid, Steroglm, Wheat Gerrn oil, vit, A, Dinner - One-half pound meat of any kind, Baked Potato, Salad, Milk. Ten Liver t ablets, Wheat Gerrn oil, Sterogyn, Vit. B, Iron tablet, Before retiring and betw een mears - protein and Milt Drink 26

BODYBUILDING IS 85% NUTRITION ! who In the p?st'25 years I have observed. a certain type of individual DIET' as" .urrres exercise is the'cure-allrrand. proceeds to train BUT ignores After a per plexing year or two of harder and hard'er workouts, he finally realizes for sorn ething is wrong - he is no-t getting results - so ultirnately he asks rne help, at which tirne I explain and PROVE the need for SUPPLEMENTS and a coNTRoLLED die t regirnen. Then results "rnagicallytr appear. EDUCATE YOURSELF TO BETTER NUTRIT ION THRU THE USE oF suppLEMENTS, Read the literature we rnake available to you a nd ask ,,re or one of the instructors to explain in detail the reasons for takin g the various supPlernents we offer. My recent r[rtritional experirnents have re vealed an interesting fact to rne. Iwish to test others to verify these findings , which are: Protein rernains in the bloodstrearn for only two hours after a rneal. I wondere d what would be the benefits frorn a continuous high-level of protein in the blo odstrearn. Using two 7 grain Liver Tablets every two hours during the daY, the r esults were rernarkable ! Without any change in rny workout program, I enlarged rny upper arrn (cold rneasurernent) one inch! Iwould like to further this researchwith other test subjects aLso interested in the unexplored field of nutrition in training and have you report your findings and gains to rne' z7 ,t ,/tr .,j

LOW CARBOHYDRATE DIET' U. S. Air Forcc Academy Thie ic a-diet derigned for_thoge peoplc who havc difficutty loring weight on th e ugual low_calorie diet. Itworks by restricting carbohydrate intake, thercby ca ueing ttre Uoaylo burn fat for en"rgf iastead. There ir only onc thing one must do while on thia diet and that is to restrict your carbohydratc intake lcgs than 40 grama a day. This caa bc done by calculating the gtam6 of carbohydrate in'ea ch food youto eat,^by using thc eirnPlc ligt of valuer attached, rnaking certaii ttrat you do not eocceed thc abcolute limit of 40 grame. You will notice that ro me. fo.9d_1 are high-in carbohydr"1"" therefore should b" but you will also noti ce that you mly G1l ell the mcatl pure-fat and moderate amounts of mogt vegetabl es, "na "*,oiJ.t, c!e-ce9, and cggs that youmay wiah. This meanE you Lan eat eat iefying meale ana neeaiotb" i1in;;t;-'-' whitc loe ing weight. on thie diet, if you.follow_it ex_actly, you should lose ?-14 poqads amonth. you may reetrict you r -carbohydrate to betw-een +9 |lra 50 gra.rne, if you wish. It;iU help as much as a 15-minute walk before breakfast each morning, although thcec thingi arc not eesential. Remember, the only way :uyone evcr logea weight on a diet is through WILL powER sTIcK To IT. Flying pereonnel placed on thie dict arc to report to t he.Flight Surgeonre office cvery week (same day _each-week and preferably in the aftcrnogn) to be weighed. .f consiEtent weight toss *ruei be'ehown. Weight sta. ndards must be met within e 90-day periol for retention of flying status. Food Hous ehold Meaeure Grame Food VeEet,*bl gg 4ous elol.d ,MgasuCrams z. a z, o ?3. 5 5.6 Milk Whole Milk Ice Cream C]reese Chees e (Freshl I ozg. I lZ pt" s erving ll.g 14. g Cottage Cheese T'ats Bacon t oz, s erving t ror:nded tableBPoon

0. 5 L.3 B ro c coli B rug s etr Sprouts Asparagus B eane, Green Bean,s, Lima Beet Greens Beets Cabbage 6 s talks L Z medium L lZ cup L l2 cup I lZ cup iZ cup Butter French D res sing Margarine Salad Oil s 3 strips I tablespoon ]_tabtespoon 0.0 0. 0 Carrote Cauliflower Celery Corn Cucumber Eggplant Kale Lettuc e Lettuc e Okra Onions Green Peae G reen Pepp er Potatoe s Spinach Squash Zl3 cup - cooked 4 tablespoons ? stalkg 6 9,7 5.6 6,2 5. 3 I larg e 1.9 0.0 0. 0 Mayonnai Egg e e I tabl espoon 0.2 0. 73 I

Egs Meat Bologna Hash s 5 leaves I /4 head 6 pods ?, I 3 small L /Z cup I /Z cup cooked L /7 cup - cooked L I ear ! lz 9.3 3.4 1.9 20.0 5.6 7.7 0. 9 L. g rl4 19. 0 Frankfurter Chicken, Turkey, Ham, Vealn Beef, Lamb, Pork ? slices t I I erring I I erving 1. 00 1,9 7.0 0. 0 Tornato es Turnips Catsup Tomato Juice I l2 cup cooked | /?, cup I rnedium I lZ cup I tables poon 1 cup I small .7 5.7 19. I 17 10. 3 3"2 7.L 0.4 ?. I 4.9 4.3 22. 4 12. g 5,1 23, A Nuts Mix ed Fruit r0/r5 4/6 516 3.0

Appl ea Apricots Avacado Banana z3 l large {i'h Oyster e Shrimp l.z 0" 5 Strawberries Other Berriee rlz I small 2lE cup 10 larg e 8.1 15. I

Food Houeebold L Mcaaurc Grlqqc 10. I 16.7 8. ? 11. z Food Hous ehold Measure Grams 18.0 13" 0 Grapcfruit Grepcs Lcmone Orrngc Parch CantalouPc \ l?, sm+ll ?z IZ malon 6.9 Orrngc Jnicc I mcdium I emell I lZ c.up L Parr I mcdium I mcdium 3 mcdlum t cup le. g CI 12" 15.8 13. ? LZ, g PlaaeP'Plc Plnmg Rhubar.b r*{'etcrmclonr lZ cup Csrcale I cup Coraflakes L fA cup @ cooked Oabncal 3f4 eup Puffed Ric e I bis cu it &reddcd Wheat Spaghetti, rxtacaroni I lA cup L 13, cup Noodles L fZ eup - coo

ked lthite Rice I tableapoon Tapioca Sgger s 8.6 24, fi 14. I 14. I 12" I5.8 g I I rlicc (6" x l-1l?"l 3, g 41" 4 Caaned Frult Honay Jarn Cherricg Craabcrry Saucc Pineepplc in Syrup l2 cup I ieblcspoon I rlicc 40,0 e!,.3 10. e J ellie g Brown Sugar Granulated Sugar $yrup s Tabic l I I I I fiabSespoon Blede leve1 tablec poon Sevc1 tablâ ¬sPoon tablesposn tablespscm 3 tebXâ ¬spcon 15, 0 L4. 2 13.0 I0. 34" 5 5. 0 & Dricd Fruit Apricots Pruncs

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0. 0 0" 5 4" g 0. lfine, 'bV'ine, R sd Port Sherry I wine gLas s I wine glae a 2"4

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