ABOUT TIMELINE A prominent theatre director of my country responded to TIMELINE saying – it felt like you brought a theatre on my table. This was originally published in my download MENDACIOUS under the title Mr. Miracle. Unlike Timeline, Mr. Miracle doesn’t need any table and can be done in the hands. But it doesn’t have a theatrical feel to it. By adding a theatrical premise to it – Mr. Miracle stops being a stunner and hence I gave it a different name. Like I said above, Timeline is not a stunner because it doesn’t feel like a trick. It is a really short & scripted act that establishes that you’re not a hobbyist; you care about what you perform and makes people take you seriously. English is not my mother tongue, so you may or may not find my script uncomfortable. In case you do, customize it to suit yourself while making sure that the essence does not get lost.
HERE IS THE SCRIPT OF TIMELINE (it’s workings can be found in the video) If there is one thing no-one can escape from – it is time. In fact even if you go to outer space or deep under water, you’re still dominated by time because your oxygen tank will run out at some point. From Time originated the concept of Timeline. And that has 3 parts – Past, Present and Future.
And that right there is the future and to best represent that future at present, we’ll use a playing card. (pick up the deck) Yeah! This one! (spread the deck hand to hand and place the intended card on the table)
From the second I placed it down the future is slowly approaching the present. But as it’s said, the future depends on what you do at present. So to reach that future we need to take certain actions.
As I move my thumb down the deck. You’ll call out stop anywhere you feel like. (Riffle force and place the card face down on the table) There, that’s the present. But now it has become the immediate past because at present I am speaking.
A moment ago this was present and as I told you earlier that the future is slowly approaching the present. There was a point when both these cards were at present. If you ask me - how do I know that?? This is how. (turn over both cards at once)
Let us do that again but a little differently. (place the two cards aside and pick up the deck) As I drop the cards, go ahead and call out stop. Right here!! Great!! Have a look!! (and then control the card to the bottom)
Now I want you to keep thinking of that card because as long as you’re thinking of it. It is at present.
There we have the past, and there we have the future. And the card you’re thinking of somewhere in the deck is the present. (do the glide move, place the cards in position, square up the pack and place it on the table)
The beauty of present is – no matter how hard you try, how you try or when you try; even if you use time machine, you can never snatch away the present from the timeline.
It’ll always find itself stuck in between the past and the future. (ribbon spread and reveal the card between the past and future cards)
CLOSING THOUGHTS The video along with this PDF is to give you a basic idea of the timing of the execution of the moves. The script is different than what I say in the video, which is normal for most of the live performers. Please don’t feel cheated about it. Personally when I perform this, I pause every time I feel that the audience is processing the information. I also include head-nods in my script to get an affirmation from the audience that they’re getting my point. Don’t recite the script. Speak dramatically, with appropriate pauses (it usually varies depending on your audience), at a moderate pace, loud and clear.
TO ERR IS HUMAN!! In case you find any major error or inconsistencies in this download. Please let me know, my contact is provided in the footer section of the next page.
OTHER PUBLISHED WORKS V – Video // P – PDF // P+V – PDF + Video ABhyaas Change
Behind My Back (included in Audacious)
Nucleus : Center Tear made easy
Ablest Change
Business Cards
P+V Pigment & Pixel (with AJ)
A Thought Left Unsaid (with AJ)
P+V S.S.A. : Simple Sleightless ACAAN **
A Thought Covertly Conveyed
P+V C.I.A (Challenging & Intensive ACAAN)
P+V sharpen
A Thought Stumbled Upon
P+V Crisis
P+V The Blind Faith Collection (with AJ)
Audacious 2
Audacious 3 : Bi-Fold Mentalism
P+V Mendacious (with AJ)
The Empirical ACAAN
P+V T.N.T. Hypnosis V
Whimsical Wallet
** There are 2 versions to S.S.A. If you purchase v2, you'll also find v1 in there & if you had purchased v1 you can find v2 in your digital shelf (or just re-download the existing file). In case you don't find it there, contact the website administrator.
AbhinavBothra facebook / twitter / instagram :: @iamabhinavb e-mail ::
[email protected]