Abnormal Psychology Vocabulary

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abnormal psychology flashcards | Quizlet

abnormal psychology Ab o ut this se t Created by: wishiwasaunicorn on December 5, 2012

All 93 terms T e rms

De finitio ns

clinical disorders (axis)

axis I

personality disorders and mental retardation

axis II

(axis?) general medical conditions (axis?)

axis III

psychosocial and environmental problems

axis IV

(axis?) global assessment of functioning (axis?)

axis V


repeatedly experiencing traumatic event, withdrawal and emotional numbing, and hypervigilance

acute stress disorder

similar symptoms to PTSD, occurs within 1 month of stressor and lasts less than a month

panic disorder

frequent, spontaneous panic attacks, worry about having them, and change of lifestyle as a result

specific phobias

fears of certain objects or situations

generalized anxiety disorder

chronic anxiety in most situations


thoughts, images, impulses that are persistent, intrusive, and threatening


repetitive behaviors performed to dispel obsessions

somatoform disorders

group of disorders where person experiences or fears physical symptoms for which no organic cause can be found

conversion disorder

disorder where individual loses all functioning in a part of his or her body

somatization disorder

long history of multiple physical complaints for which there is no apparent organic cause

pain disorder

experience of chronic, unexplainable pain


disorder where individuals fear they have a disease despite medical proof to the contrary

body dysmorphic disorder

disorder where individuals have an obsessive preoccupation with a part of the body

dissociative disorders

individual's identity, memories, and conscious become dissociated from each other

major depression quizlet.com/17131391/abnormal-psychology-flash-cards/

severe, acute depression 1/5


abnormal psychology flashcards | Quizlet dysthymic disorder

less severe but more chronic depression

cyclothymic disorder

less severe but more chronic form of bipolar disorder

depression symptoms

sad mood, loss of interest, sleep and appetite disruption, motor issues, etc.

mania symptoms

elated or agitated mood, grandiosity, little need for sleep, racing thoughts and speech, increase in goals and dangerous behavior

positive schizophrenia symptoms

delusions, hallucinations, thought disturbances, and grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior

negative symptoms of schizophrenia

affective flattening, alogia, avolition

paranoid schizophrenia

delusions and hallucination with themes of persecution and grandiosity

disorganized schizophrenia

disorganized thoughts and behavior

catatonic schizophrenia

complete unresponsiveness to environment

schizoaffective disorder

meet criteria for schizophrenia for 1-6 months and also have mood symptoms

brief psychotic disorder

meet criteria for schizophrenia for less than 1 month

delusional disorder

characterized by presence of nonbizarre delusions

odd-eccentric personality disorders

paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal

paranoid personality disorder

extreme mistrust of others

schizoid personality disorder

extreme social withdrawal and detachment

schizotypal personality disorder

inappropriate social interactions and magical thinking

dramatic-emotional personality disorders

antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic

antisocial personality disorder

impulsive behavior that disregards the rights of others

borderline personality disorder

instability of mood, self-concept, and interpersonal relationships, and also impulsive behavior

histrionic personality disorder

rapidly shifting moods, unstable relationships, need for attention, and dramatic, seductive behavior

narcissistic personality disorder

grandiose and oblivious to others' needs

anxious-fearful personality disorders

dependent personality disorder, avoidant personality disorder, and OCPD

dependent personality disorder

extreme need to be cared for and fear of rejection

avoidant personality disorder

social anxiety and sense of inadequacy leading to social avoidance

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

rigidity in activities and interpersonal relationships

antipsychotic drugs

phenothiazines (older) and atypical antipsychotics (newer)

antidepressant drugs

SSRIs (most common), SSNRIs, tricyclic and MAO inhibitors (older)

mood stabilizers for bipolar

lithium, anticonvulsants (fewer side effects)

antianxiety drugs

barbiturates (old, highly addictive), benzodiazepines


ntm that plays a role in emotions and impulses

dopamine quizlet.com/17131391/abnormal-psychology-flash-cards/

ntm related to our experience of reinforcement or rewards, affected by


1/7/13 dopamine

ntm related to our experience of reinforcement or rewards, affected by substances, and plays role in disorders involving control over muscles


ntm with stimulating effect if uptake is prolonged by drugs like cocaine and amph, too little results in depressed mood


thought to play a role in anxiety, inhibits the action of other ntms

behavior disorders

ADHD, conduct disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder


inattentiveness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity

conduct disorder

extreme antisocial behavior and violation of peoples' rights and social norms


easily angered and tend to violate rules and requests, don't steal, destroy property, or act aggressively toward people/animals


permanent deterioration in cognitive functioning

alzheimer's disease

most common type of dementia, brain shows neurofibrillary tangles and beta-amyloid plaques


disorientation, recent memory loss and clouding of consciousness, typically a sign of a serious medical condition

anorexia nervosa

self-starvation, distorted body image, intense fears of becoming fat, and amenorrhea

bulimia nervosa

uncontrolled binging followed by behaviors designed to prevent weight gain

sexual response cycle

desire, arousal, plateau, orgasm, resolution

CNS depressants

alcohol, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and inhalants

CNS stimulants

cocaine, amphetamines, nicotine, caffeine

substance intoxication

indicated by behavioral and psychological changes that occur as a direct result of the substance's effect on the CNS

substance withdrawal

set of physiological and behavioral symptoms that result from cessation/reduction of heavy/prolonged use of a substance

substance abuse

indicated by failure to fulfill obligations at home, work or school, substance use in hazardous situations, substance-related legal problems, or continued use despite interpersonal problems

substance dependence

maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to significant life problems and tolerance to substance


low dose-relaxation and mild euphoria, high-classic signs of depression and cog/motor impairment

benzos and barbiturates

initial rush and loss of inhibitions followed by depressed mood, lethargy, and physical signs of CNS depression


euphoria, disinhibition, increased aggressiveness and sexual performance


sudden rush of euphoria, increased self-esteem, alertness, and energy


euphoria, self-confidence, invigoration, and restlessness, hypervigilance, and aggressiveness

opioids quizlet.com/17131391/abnormal-psychology-flash-cards/

euphoria followed by drowsiness, lethargy, and periods of light sleep 3/5

1/7/13 hallucinogens and phencyclidine

perceptual changes, sensory distortion and hallucination

what affects stress level in a situation

uncontrollability, unpredictability, and duration

psychological factors associated with poor

pessimism and avoidance coping

health coronary heart disease

best predicted by the hostility in a type A personality and depression


insomnia, hypersomnia, narcolepsy, breathing-related sleep disorder, and circadian rhythm sleep disorder


nightmare disorder, sleep terror disorder, sleepwalking disorder


difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep or sleep that does not restore energy/alertness


chronic excessive sleepiness-either prolonged sleep episodes or daytime sleep episodes that occur almost daily


irresistible attacks of sleep with cataplexy or recurring REM

breathing-related sleep disorder

numerous brief sleep disturbances due to breathing problems

civil commitment

procedure in which an individual is admitted to a mental institution against his or her will

civil commitment criteria

suffering from a grave disability that impairs their ability to provide for their own basic needs, if they are an imminent danger to themselves or others

incompetent to stand trial

a person who does not understand what is happening in the courtroom and who cannot participate in his or her own defense

M'Naghten rule

disease of the mind must affect a person at the time of the crime so that he or she does not know the nature of the act or does not know it is wrong

irresistible impulse rule

at the time of the crime, person was irresistibly driven to commit crime or was at diminished capacity to resist

Durham rule

crime was product of mental disease/defect

ALI rule

at the time of the crime, as a result of mental disease or defect, person lacked capacity to appreciate the wrongfulness of the act or to conform his or her conduct to the law

insanity defense reform act

at the time of the crime, as a result of a mental disease/retardation, person was unable to appreciate wrongfulness of conduct



abnormal psychology flashcards | Quizlet

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