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Chapter 1 Problem I Requirement 1: Assuming that A and B agree that each partner is to receive a capital credit equal to the agreed values of the net assets each partner invested: To record adjustments: nothing to adjust since both of them have no set of books. To close the books: nothing to close since both of them have no set of books. To record investments: Partnership books: Cash………………………………………………………………………………. 120,000 Inventory…………………………………………………………………………. 120,000 Equipment……………………………………………………………………….. 240,000 A, capital………………………………………………………………... 480,000 Initial investment. Cash……………………………………………………………………………….. 120,000 Land……………………………………………………………………………….. 240,000 Building……………………………………………………………………………. 480,000 Mortgage payable……………………………………………………. B, capital……………………………………………………………….. Initial investment.
240,000 600,000
Requirement 2: Assuming that A and B agree that each partner is to receive an equal capital interest. To record adjustments: nothing to adjust since both of them have no set of books. To close the books: nothing to close since both of them have no set of books. To record investments: Partnership books: Bonus Approach: Cash…………………………………………………………………………… 120,000 Inventory……………………………………………………………………… 120,000 Equipment……………………………………………………………………. 240,000 A, capital…………………………………………………………….. 480,000 Cash…………………………………………………………………………… 120,000 Land……………………………………………………………………………. 240,000 Building………………………………………………………………………… 480,000 Mortgage payable………………………………………………… B, capital.……………………………………………………….……
240,000 600,000
B, capital……………………………………………………………………….. 60,000 A, capital………………………………………………………………
Total agreed capital (P480,000 + P600,000)….P 1,080,000 Multiplied by: Capital interest (equal)………... 1/2 Partner’s individual capital interest…………….P 540,000 Less: A’s capital interest………………………..…. 480,000 Bonus to A…….……………………………………..P 60,000
Revaluation (Goodwill) Approach: Cash…………………………………………………………………………… 120,000 Inventory……………………………………………………………………… 120,000 Equipment……………………………………………………………………. 240,000 A, capital……………………………………………………………..
Cash…………………………………………………………………………… 120,000 Land……………………………………………………………………………. 240,000 Building………………………………………………………………………... . 480,000 Mortgage payable………………………………………………… 240,000 B, capital.……………………………………………………….…… 600,000 Assets (or goodwill or intangible asset)…………………………………... 120,000 A, capital…………………..……………………………………….. 120,000 Total agreed capital (P600,000 / 1/2)………..….P1,200,000 Less: Total contributed capital (P480,000 + P 600,000)………………………………....… 1,080,000 Goodwill to A……………..………………………….P 120,000 Problem II
Invested by John P100,000
Agreed Fair Values Cash Equipment Total assets Note payable assumed by partnership Net assets invested
100,000 --P100,000
1. Bonus Method Cash Equipment Note Payable
Invested by Jeff --P 110,000 P 110,000 30,000 P 80,000
Invested by Jane ----0 --P 0
2. Goodwill Method (Revaluation of Asset) 100,000 110,000
John, Capital Jeff, Capital Jane, Capital
30,00 0 60,00 0 60,00 0 60,00 0
Cash Equipment Goodwill Note Payable
100,000 110,000 90,000 30,000
John, Capital
Jeff, Capital
Jane, Capital
2. The bonus method is used when John and Jeff recognize that Jane is bringing something of value to the firm other than a tangible asset, but they do not want to recognize an intangible asset. To equalize the capital accounts, P40,000 is transferred from John's capital account and P20,000 is transferred from Jeff's capital account. The goodwill method is used when the partners recognize the intangible nature of the skills Jane is bringing to the partnership. However, the capital accounts are equalized by recognizing an intangible asset and a corresponding increase in the capital accounts of the partners. Unless the intangible asset can be specifically identified, such as a patent being invested, it should not be recognized, because of a lack of justification for goodwill in a new business. Problem III 1. (a) Cash Accounts Receivable Office Supplies Office Equipment Accounts Payable Tom, Capital
13,000 8,000 2,000 30,000 2,000 51,000
Cash Accounts Receivable Office Supplies Land Accounts Payable Mortgage Payable Julie, Capital
12,000 6,000 800 30,000
Tom, Drawing Cash
Julie, Drawing Cash
Income Summary Tom, Capital P50,000 (P51,000/P76,000) Julie, Capital P50,000 (P25,000/P76,000)
Tom, Capital Julie, Capital Tom, Drawing Julie, Drawing
15,000 12,000
5,000 18,800 25,000 15,000 12,000 33,553 16,447
15,000 12,000 TOM AND JULIE PARTNERSHIP Statement of Changes in Partners' Capital For the Year Ended December 31, 20x4
Capital balances, Jan. 1 Add: Additional investments Net income allocation Totals Less: Withdrawals Capital balances, Dec. 31
Tom 0 51,000 33,553 P 84,553 15,000 P 69,553
Julie 0 25,000 16,447 P 41,447 12,000 P 29,447
Total 0 76,000 50,000 P126,000 27,000 P99,000
Problem IV Book of H is to be retained by the new partnership. The following procedures are to be followed: Individual versus Sole Proprietor Books of Individual N/A N/A
*Books of Sole Proprietor Yes No Yes** Yes
Adjusting entries Closing entries (real accounts) Investments Balance Sheet * Books of H; Partnership books ** Investments of individual; additional investments or withdrawals of sole proprietor. 1. Books of Sole Proprietor (H): a. To record adjustments: a. H, capital………………………………………………………………… 1,800 Allowance for doubtful accounts……………………………. Additional provision computed as follows: Required allowance: 10% x P48,000 = P 4,800 Less: Previous balance………………… 3,000 Additional provision…………………… P 1,800
b. Interest receivable or accrued interest income…………………. 3,600 H, capital…………………………………………………………… 3,600 Interest income for nine months computed as follows: P60,000 x 8% x 9/12 = P3,000. c. H, capital………………………………………………………………….. 6,000 Merchandise inventory………………………………………….. Decline in the value of merchandise. P27,000 – P21,000 = P6,000.
d. H, capital…………………………………………………………………. 4,800 Accumulated depreciation……………………………………. Under depreciation. e. Prepaid expenses………………………………………………………... H, capital…………………………………………………………… Expenses paid in advance.
2,400 2,400
H, capital…………………………………………………………………… 7,200 Accrued expenses…………………………………………………. Unrecorded expenses.
Note: All adjustment that reflects nominal accounts should be coursed through the capital account, since all nominal accounts are already closed at the time of formation. b. To close the books: nothing to close since the books of H will be retained. c. To record investment: Cash……………………………………………………………………………. 116,100 I, capital……………………………………………………………… 116,100 Initial investment computed as follows: Unadjusted capital of H………………………………P 246,000 Add (deduct): adjustments: a. Doubtful accounts...……………………...( 1,800) b. Interest income…………………………….. 3,600 c. Decline in the value of merchandise….( 6,000) d. Under-depreciation……………………….( 4,800) e. Prepaid expenses………………………….. 2,400 Accrued expenses………………………...( 7,200) Adjusted capital balance of H……………..……...P 232,200 Divided by: Capital interest of H…………………… 2/3 Total agreed capital…………………………….…….P 348,300 Multiplied by: Capital interest of I……………..…… 1/3 Investment of I…………………………………………P 116,100 Note: The initial investment of H is already recorded since his books are already retained. No further entry is required since there are no additional investments or withdrawals made by H. 2. The balance sheet for both cases presented above is as follows: HI Partnership Balance Sheet November 1, 20x4 Assets Cash Accounts receivables
P 236,100 P 48,000
Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts………........... Notes receivable…….................................................. . Interest receivable……………….................................. Merchandise Inventory................................................ Prepaid expenses………….......................................... Equipment (net) …………............................................. Less: Accumulated depreciation………………........ Total Assets........................................................... .........
43,200 60,000 3,600 21,000 2,400
P 72,000 10,800
Liabilities and Capital Liabilities Accrued expenses…….. ....................................... Accounts payable................................................... Notes payable…………........................................... Total Liabilities...................................................... .......... Capital.......................................................... ................. H, capital……………………….................................. I, capital…………………........................................... Total Capital.......................................................... ........ Total Liabilities and Capital..........................................
61,200 P 427,500
7,200 12,000 60,000
P 79,200
P 232,200 116,100 P 348,300 P 427,500
Problem V New set of books. The following procedures are to be followed: Sole Proprietor versus Sole Proprietor
Adjusting entries Closing entries (real accounts) Investments Balance Sheet
Books of Sole Proprietor (Baker) Yes Yes
Books of Sole Proprietor (Carter) Yes Yes
* Partnership books ** Additional investments or withdrawals of sole proprietors. 1. Books of Sole Proprietor a. To record adjustments:
*New Set of Books Yes** Yes
Books of J a. J, capital…………………………12,000 Merchandise Inventory…… Worthless inventory. b. J, capital………………………… 7,200 Allowance for doubtful Accounts………………….. Worthless accounts.
c. Rent receivable…………………12,000 J, capital……………………. 12,000 Income earned.
e. J, capital………………………… 8,400 Office supplies………………. Expired office supplies. f. J, capital………………………… 6,000 Accumulated depreciation - equipment……………… Under-depreciated.
Books of K a. Merchandise Inventory………… 6,000 K, capital……………………… 6,000 Upward revaluation. b. K, capital……….…………………. 3,000 Allowance for doubtful accounts……………………. 3,000 Additional provision. Required allowance: 5% x P180,000…….. P9,000 Less: Previous Balance……….. 6,000 Additional Provision....…………P3,000 c. K, capital……………………………. 9,600 Salaries payable………………. 9,600 Unpaid salaries. d. Interest receivable…………………1,200 K, capital………….................. 1,200 Interest income from August 17 to October 1. P60,000 x 16% x 45/360
6,000 g. K, capital……………………………12,000 Accumulated depreciationFurniture and fixtures……… Under-depreciated.
h. J, capital…………………………. 1,800 Interest payable……………. 1,800 Interest expense from July 1 to October 1. P60,000 x 12% x 3/12
Unadjusted capital of J…….……….P 372,000 Add(deduct): adjustments: a. Worthless merchandise……..( 12,000) b. Worthless accounts………….( 7,200) c. Rent income……………….…. 12,000 e. Office supplies expense…….( 8,400) f. Additional depreciation……( 6,000) h. Interest expense………………( 1,800) Adjusted capital of J…………………P348,600 b. To close the books: Books of J Allowance for doubtful accounts................................. 12,000
i. Patent………………………………. 48,000 K, capital…………………….. 48,000 Unrecorded patent. Unadjusted capital of K..……………...P432,000 Add(deduct): adjustments: a. Merchandise revaluation…….. 6,000 b. Worthless accounts…………….( 3,000) c. Salaries…………….…….………..( 9,600) d. Interest income………………….. 1,200 g. Additional depreciation………( 12,000) h. Patent………….……….…………. 48,000 Adjusted capital of K….………………..P462,600 Books of K Allowance for doubtful accounts.................................
Accumulated depreciation – equipment…………………… 60,000 Accounts payable……………159,600 Notes payable………………… 60,000 Interest payable………………. 1,800 J, capital…….…………………. 348,600 Cash………………………… 90,000 Accounts receivable……. 216,000 Merchandise inventory…. 180,000 Office supplies……………. 24,000 Equipment…………………. 120,000 Rent receivable…………... 12,000 Close the books of J.
Accumulated depreciation – furniture and fixtures ………. 36,000 Accounts payable……………. 120,000 Salaries payable………………. 9,600 K, capital…….…………………. 462,600 Cash…………………………. 54,000 Accounts receivable…….. 180,000 Notes receivable…………. 60,000 Interest receivable………... 1,200 Merchandise inventory….. 150,000 Furniture and fixtures.…….. 144,000 Patent………….……………. 48,000 Close the books of K..
2. New Set of Books To record investments: Cash………………………………………………………………. Accounts receivable………………………………………….. Merchandise inventory……………………………………….. Office supplies………………………………………………….. Equipment (net)………………………………………………... Rent Receivable……………………………………………….. Allowance for doubtful accounts……………………. Accounts payable……………………………………….. Notes payable……………………………………………. Interest payable………………………………………….. J, capital…………………………………………………… Cash………………………………………………………………. Accounts receivable………………………………………….. Notes receivable………………………………………………. Interest receivable…………………………………………….. Merchandise inventory……………………………………….. Furniture and fixtures (net)…..……………………………….. Patent…………..………………………………………………... Allowance for doubtful accounts……………………. Accounts payable……………………………………….. Salaries payable….………………………………………. K, capital……………………………………………………
90,000 216,000 180,000 24,000 60,000 12,000 12,000 39,600 60,000 1,800 468,600 54,000 180,000 60,000 1,200 150,000 108,000 48,000 9,000 120,000 9,600 462,600
3. H P372,000 348,600 (P 23,400)
Unadjusted capital (refer to 1a) Adjusted capital (refer to 1b) Net adjustments (debit)/credit
I P432,000 462,600 P 30,600
4. The balance sheet after formation is as follows: J and K Partnership Balance Sheet October 1, 20x4 Assets Cash............................................................. .................. Accounts
P 144,000 P396,000
receivables ................................................. Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts………......... Notes receivable…….................................................. . Interest receivable……………….................................. Rent receivable………………....................................... Merchandise Inventory................................................ Office supplies......................................................... ...... Equipment (net) …………............................................. Furniture and fixtures (net)…………………................. Patent…………………….......................................... ..... Total Assets........................................................... ......... Liabilities and Capital Liabilities Salaries payable……………................................... Accounts payable.................................................. Notes payable………….......................................... Interest payable…………….................................... Total Liabilities...................................................... ......... Capital J, capital……………………….................................. K, capital…………………......................................... Total Capital.......................................................... ........ Total Liabilities and Capital..........................................
375,000 60,000 1,200 12,000 330,000 24,000 60,000 108,000 48,000 P1,162,200
9,600 159,600 60,000 1,800
P 231,000
P 468,600 462,600 P 931,200 P1,162,200
Problem VI 1. Total assets – P1,094,000, at fair value 2. Total liabilities - P540,000, at fair value 3. Total capital - P554,000 (P1,094,000 – P540,000) Balance Sheet January 1, 2009 Assets Cash Account Receivable (net)
P 70,000 108,000
Liabilities and Capital Liabilities Accounts Payable
P 190,000
Merchandise Inventory Building (net) Furniture and Fixture (net) Accounts Payable Mortgage Payable Total Assets
208,000 600,000 108,000 _________ _ P1,094,000
Mortgage Payable Total Liabilities Capital: L, Capital M, Capital Total Capital
__350,000 P 540,000
Total Liabilities and Capital
P 1,094,000
P 260,000 ___294,000 P 554,000
Multiple Choice Problems 1. c – P45,000 2. d – the prevailing selling price which is also the fair market value. 3. b - (P400,000 - P190,000) + [P270,000 - (P400,000 - P190,000)]/3 = P230,000 4. c 5. b - P60,000 + P80,000 + P100,000 = P240,000 6. c - P30,000 + P50,000 + P25,000 = P105,000/3 = P35,000 - P30,000 = P5,000 7. a Total Agreed Capital (P50,000/40%)…………………………............... P125,000 Less: Total Contributed Capital (P65,000 + P50,000)…….................. 115,000 Goodwill (revaluation of assets upward)………………….................. P 10,000 Assets, fair value (P20,000 + P60,000 + P15,000)…………………………P 95,000 Less: Liabilities assumed…………………………………………………..… 30,000 Bill, capital..…………………………………………………………………… P 65,000 8 .
The capital balances of William (WW) and Martha (MM) at the date of partnership formation are determined as follows: William Martha Cash P20,000 P 30,000 Inventory 15,000 Building 40,000 Furniture and equipment 15,000 Total P35,000 P 85,000 Less mortgage assumed by partnership (10,000) Amounts credited to capital P35,000 P 75,000
9. c Unadjusted capital Add (deduct) adjustments: Allowance Depreciation Adjusted capital
Evan 59,625
Helen 33,500
( 555) ______ 59,070
( 405) ( 900) 32,195
10. c: Jones – P80,000 + P400,000 – P120,00 = P360,000 Smith – P40,000 + P280,000 – P60,000 = P260,000 11. c – P35,374 – refer to No. 12 12. c – P17,687 Unadjusted capital of CC………………………………………………………………….P 33,000 Add (deduct): adjustmentsAllowance for doubtful accounts (3% x P14,200)………………………………...( 426) Increase in merchandise inventory (P23,000 – P20,000)………………………… 3,000 Prepaid salary………………………………………………………………………….... 600 Accrued rent expense…………………………………………………………………( 800)
Adjusted capital balance of CC…………………………………………………………P 35,374 Divided by: Capital interest of CC…………………………………………………….... 2/3 Total capital of the partnership……………………………………………………………P 53,061 Less: Adjusted capital balance of CC………………………………………………….. 35,374 Capital balance of DD…………………………………………………………………….. P 17,687 13. a
Total assets: Cash Machinery Building Less Liabilities (Mortgage payable) Net assets (equal to FF’s capital account)
P 70,000 75,000 225,000
P 370,000 90,000 P 280,000
14. d FF, capital (see no.13) Divide by FF’s P & L share percentage Total partnership capital Required capital of CC (P400,000 x 30%) Less: Assets already contributed: Cash Machinery and equipment Furniture and fixtures Cash to be invested by CC 15. a
P 280,000 70% P 400,000 P 120,000 P 30,000 25,000 10,000
Agreed Fair Values
Invested by John 100,000
Cash Equipment Total assets Note payable assumed by partnership Net assets invested
Invested by Jeff --110,000 110,000 30,000 80,000
100,000 --100,000
Bonus Method
Equipment Note Payable
Jeff, Capital Jane, Capital
Invested by Jane ----0 --0
Goodwill Method Cash
John, Capital
65,000 P 55,000
Equipment 30,00 0 60,00 0 60,00 0 60,00 0
Goodwill Note Payable
100,00 0 110,00 0 90,000
John, Capital
Jeff, Capital
Jane, Capital
The bonus method is used when John and Jeff recognize that Jane is bringing something of value to the firm other than a tangible asset, but they do not want to recognize an intangible asset. To equalize the capital accounts, P40,000 is transferred from John's capital account and P20,000 is transferred from Jeff's capital account. The goodwill method is used when the partners recognize the intangible nature of the skills Jane is bringing to the partnership. However, the capital accounts are equalized by recognizing an intangible asset and a corresponding increase in the capital accounts of the partners. Unless the intangible asset can be specifically
identified, such as a patent being invested, it should not be recognized, because of a lack of justification for goodwill in a new business.
16. c – refer to No. 15 for computation. 17. a FF, capital: Unadjusted balance Adjustments: Accumulated depreciation Allowance for doubtful account Adjusted balance GG, capital: Unadjusted balance Adjustments: Accumulated depreciation Allowance for doubtful account Adjusted balance 18. c
19. d
P 57,000 ( 1,500) (12,000) P 43,500 P 49,500 ( 4,500) ( 4,500) P 40,500
GG’s adjusted capital (see no. 17) Divide by GG’s P & L share percentage Total partnership capital Multiply by FF’s P & L share percentage FF’s capital credit FF’s contributed capital (see no. 1) Additional cash to be invested by FF
P 40,500 40% P 101,250 60% 60,750 43,500 P 17,250
Total capital of the new partnership (see no. 20) Multiply by RR’s interest Cash to be invested by RR 20. (a) Unadjusted capital balances Adjustments: Allowance for bad debts Inventories Accrued expenses Adjusted capital balances
P 296,875 20% P 59,375
OO (60%) P133,000
PP (40%) P108,000
( 2,700) 3,000 ( 2,400) P130,900
( 1,800) 2,000 ( 1,600) P106,600
Total P241,000 ( 4,500) 5,000 ( 4,000) P237,500
Total capital before the formation of the new partnership (see above) P 237,500 Divide by the total percentage share of OO and PP (50% + 30%) 80% Total capital of the partnership after the admission of RR P 296,875
21. a OO PP
Agreed Capital Contributed Capital P148,437.50 (50% x P296,875) P 130,900 89,062.50 (30% x P296,875) 106,600
Therefore, OO will pay PP P17,537.50 22. c
Settlement P 17,537.50 (17,537.50)
Total partnership capital (P113,640/1/3) Less DD’s capital CC’s capital after adjustments Adjustments made: Allowance for doubtful account (2% x P96,000) Merchandise inventory Prepaid expenses Accrued expenses CC’s capital before adjustments 23. a Assets invested by CC: Cash: Capital Add Accounts payable Total assets (excluding cash) Less Noncash assets (96,000 + P144,000) Accounts receivable (96,000 – P1,920) Merchandise inventory Prepaid expenses Cash invested by DD Total assets of the partnership
P 340,920 113,640 P 227,280 1,920 ( 16,000) ( 5,200) 3,200 P 211,200
P211,200 49,600 260,800 240,000
P20,800 94,080 160,000 5,200
24. d Total partnership capital (P180,000/60%) GG’s Capital (P300,000 x 40%) Less Cash investment Merchandise to be invested by GG 25. a Adjusted capital of JJ: Total assets (at agreed valuations) Less Accounts payable Required capital of JJ Cash to be invested by JJ
P 280,080 113,640 P 393,720 P 300,000
P 120,000 30,000 P 90,000
P 180,000 48,000 P 132,000
Quiz-I 1. P276,000 = (P480,000 – P228,000) + [P324,000 - (P480,000 – P228,000)]/3 2. Philip, P100,000; Ray, P100,000 and Sarah, P90,000 (P300,000 – P210,000) 3. P330,000 P330,000 = P50,000 + (P310,000 - P30,000) 4 c The capital balances of each partner are determined as follows: . Apple Blue Crown Cash P50,000 Property P 80,000 Mortgage assumed (35,000) Equipment P 55,000 Amount credited to capital accounts P50,000 P 45,000 P 55,000
180,000 P 48,000
5. P15,000 (P190,000 – P160,000) x 1/2 = P15,000 6. P18,000 – the prevailing selling price which is also the fair market value. 7. 8. P15,000 P30,000 + P50,000 + P25,000 = P105,000/3 = P35,000 P50,000 - P35,000 = P15,000 9. P45,000 10. P225,000 11. P375,000 = P400,000 – P25,000 12. P50,000 13. P280,000 Cash........................................................................ Machinery and equipment.............................................. Building.................................................................... Subtotal................................................................. Less: Liability assumed by the partnership.......................... Capital balances, 7/1/06............................................... 14. d
15. a
Pane P 40,000 100,000 P140,000 P140,000
Adjusted capital of LL Contributed capital of MM Total capital FF, capital: Unadjusted balance Adjustments: Accumulated depreciation Allowance for doubtful account Adjusted balance GG, capital: Unadjusted balance Adjustments: Accumulated depreciation Allowance for doubtful account Adjusted balance
350,000 P380,000 (100,000) P280,000
P 165,900 82,950 P 248,850
P 57,000 ( 1,500) (12,000) P 43,500 P 49,500 ( 4,500) ( 4,500) P 40,500
THEORIES Completion statements: 1. accounting 2. GAAP 3. a.cash basis instead of accrual basis b.prior period adjustments c.use of fair (or current) values instead of historical cost d.recognition of goodwill in situations not involving business combinations 4. drawings 5. fair (or current) values 6. achieving equity among the partners 7. capital balances 8. professional corporation True or False
Sills P 30,000
10 . 11 . 12 . 13 .
True False
True False
14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 .
Note for the following numbers: 17. Individuals, partnerships, and corporations are allowed to be partners in a partnership. 19. All of the general partners are liable for all the partnership’s debts. 21. Most small partnerships maintain their financial information using the tax basis. 23., While the partnership does not pay income taxes, it is responsible for other taxes such as payroll taxes and franchise taxes. 24. The proprietary theory is based on the notion that the business entity is an aggregation of the owners 26. This is an example of the proprietary theory of equity. 28. Any basis (i.e., carrying value, tax basis, or market value) can be used to value noncash assets contributed to a partnership
MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 .
a B a e d
36 . 37 . 38 . 39 . 40 .
Chapter 2 Problem I 1. Beginning Capital. Income summary………… X, drawing……. Y, drawing…….
345,600 144,000 201,600
X, capital, January 1……….. X, capital, January 1……….. Total capitals
P 360,000 504,000 P 864,000
X’s share of net income: 360/864 of P345,600 Y’s share of net income 504/864of P345,600 Total capitals
P 144,000 201,600 P 345,600
2. Ending Capital. Income summary………… X, drawing……. Y, drawing…….
345,600 153,600 192,000
X, capital, December 31……….. X, capital, December 31……….. Total capitals
P 432,000 540,000 P 972,000
X’s share of net income: 432/972 of P345,600 Y’s share of net income 540/972 of P345,600 Total
P 153,600 192,000 P 345,600
3. Interest on Excess Average Capital Balance. Income summary………… Y, drawing…….
4,320 4,320
Interest allowed based on average capitals.
Y’s interest on excess average capital: 6% of (P486,000 – P414,000)…………………..
Capital balance P360,000
No. of Mos. Unchanged 3
P 4,320
1/1/x4: 9
P4,968,000 P 414,000
4/1/x4: Average
Capital balance P504,000
No. of Mos. Unchanged 2
P5,832,000 P 486,000 P 900,000
P 1,008,000
1/1/x4: 3/1/x4: 11/1/x4: Average Total
The net effect of the foregoing on capitals is:
X Interest on excess average capital…… Balance (1:2)……….. Total
P P 113,760 P 113,760
Y 4,320
227,520 P 231,840
Total 4,320
341,280 P345,600
The allocation of net income may be summarized in a single entry as follows: Income summary……………. X, drawing……. Y, drawing…….
345,600 113,760 231,840
Problem II 1. A bonus of 20% of net income before the bonus is deducted, the bonus would be computed as follows: Let B B B B
= Bonus = 20% of Net income = 20% of P504,000 = P100,800
2. A bonus of 20% of net income after deduction of the bonus, the bonus would be computed as follows: Let B
= Bonus = 20% of Net income after Bonus
B = 20% (P504,000 – B) B B 1.20 B B
= P100,800 - .20B = P100,800 = P84,000
Problem III 1. Bonus is based on net income before bonus, salaries and interest The schedule showing the allocation of net income is presented as follows: Bonus…. Salaries……… Interest…………. Balance (2;1)………. Total
A P 100,800 48,000 14,400 172,800 P336,000
B P 72,000 9,600 86,400 P168,000
Total P 100,800 120,000 24,000 259,200 P504,000
2. Bonus is based on net income after bonus but before salaries and interest The schedule showing the allocation of net income is presented as follows: Bonus…. Salaries……… Interest…………. Balance (2;1)………. Total
A P 84,000 48,000 14,400 184,000 P330,400
B P 72,000 9,600 92,000 P173,600
Total P 84,000 120,000 24,000 276,000 P504,000
3. Bonus is based on net income after bonus and salaries but before interest: Let B B B
= Bonus; S = Salaries; and I = Interest. = 20% of Net income after Bonus and Salaries before Interest = 20% (P504,000 – B – S)
B B B 1.20 B B
= 20% (P504,000 – B – P120,000) = 20% (P384,000 – B) = P76,800 - .20B = P76,800 = P64,000
Proof: Net income before bonus, salaries and interests…………… Less: Bonus……………… Salaries……………0 Net income after bonus, salaries before interests…………… Multiplied by: Bonus rate…………. Bonus…………
P504,000 64,000 120,000 P320,000 20% P 64,000
The schedule showing the allocation of net income is presented as follows: Bonus…. Salaries……… Interest…………. Balance (2;1)………. Total
A P 64,000 48,000 14,400 197,333 P323,733
B P 72,000 9,600 98,667 P180,267
Total P 64,000 120,000 24,000 296,000 P504,000
Bonus is based on net income after bonus, salaries and interest: Let B B B B B B 1.20 B B
= Bonus; S = Salaries; and I = Interest. = 20% of Net income after Bonus, Salaries and Interest = 20% (P504,000 – B – S - I) = 20% (P504,000 – B – P120,000 – P24,000) = 20% (P360,000 – B) = P72,000 - .20B = P72,000 = P60,000
Proof: Net income before bonus, salaries and interests…………… Less: Bonus……………… Salaries…………… Interest…………….. Net income after bonus, salaries before interests…………… Multiplied by: Bonus rate…………. Bonus…………
P504,000 60,000 120,000 24,000 P300,000 20% P 60,000
The schedule showing the allocation of net income is presented as follows: Bonus…. Salaries……… Interest…………. Balance (2;1)………. Total
A P 60,000 48,000 14,400 200,000 P322,400
B P 72,000 9,600 100,000 P181,600
Total P 60,000 120,000 24,000 300,000 P504,000
Bonus is based on net income after salaries but before bonus and interest: Let B
= Bonus; S = Salaries; and I = Interest. = 20% of Net income after Salaries before Bonus and Interest
B = 20% (P504,000 – S) B B B B
= 20% (P504,000 – P120,000) = 20% (P384,000) = P76,800
Refer to Note of No. 3.
Bonus is based on net income after interest but before bonus and salaries: Let B
= Bonus; S = Salaries; and I = Interest. = 20% of Net income after Interest before Bonus and Salaries
B = 20% (P504,000 – P24,000I B B B
= 20% (P480,000) = P96,000
Refer to Note of No. 3. 7.
Bonus is based on net income before bonus but after income tax (tax rate is 35%): Let B B B Let T T T
= Bonus; = 20% (P504,000 – T) = P100,800 - .20T = Income tax = 35% (P504,000) = P176,400
Substituting the equation for T in the equation for B: Let B B B
= P100,800 - .20 (P176,400) = P100,800 – P35,280 = P65,520
Proof: Net income before bonus and income tax…………… Less: Bonus……………… Net income before bonus after income tax…….. Less: Income tax…………… Net income after bonus and income tax………
P504,000 65,520 P438,480 _176,400 P262,080
Bonus as computed above: Net income before bonus and income tax…………… Less: Income tax (35% x P504,000) Net income after income tax before bonus…….. Multiplied by: Bonus rate……… Net income after bonus and income tax………
8. Bonus is based on net income, that is, after bonus and income tax: Let B B B Let T T T
= Bonus; T = Income tax = 20% (P504,000 – B - T) = P100,800 - .20B - .20T = Income tax = 35% (P504,000) = P176,400
Substituting the equation for T in the equation for B: Let B B 1.20B 1.20B B
= P100,800 - .20B - .20T = P100,800 - .2B - .20 (P176,400) = P100,800 – P35,280 = P65,520 = P54,600
P504,000 176,400 P327,600 ____ 20% P 65,520
Proof: Net income before bonus and income tax…………… Less: Bonus……………… Net income before income tax…….. Less: Income tax (35% x P504,000) Net income after bonus and income tax………
P504,000 54,600 P449,400 176,400 P273,000
Bonus as computed above: Net income after bonus and income tax……… Multiplied by: Bonus rate……… Bonus……………
P273,000 ____ 20% P 54,600
Problem IV
B = Bonus to Rodgers B = 0.20(Net Income - interest - salary - bonus) B = 0.20(P168,000 - [0.08(P150,000)] - P60,000 – B) B = 0.20(P96,000 - B) B = P19,200 - 0.20B 1.20B = P19,200 B = P16,000 Problem V Interest (8%) Salary
James P4,400 (below) 13,000
Remaining income (loss): P30,000 (17,200) (48,000) P(35,000) (7,040) Totals P10,360
Keller P5,600 15,000
Rivers P7,200 20,000
Totals P17,200 48,000
(10,560) P10,040
(17,600) P9,600
(36,200) P30,000
CALCULATION OF JAMES INTEREST ALLOCATION Balance, January 1 – June 1 (P48,000 x 5 months) Balance, June 1 – December 31 (60,000 x 7 months) Total Months Average monthly capital balance Interest rate
P240,000 420,000 P660,000 ÷ 12 P 55,000 x 8% _P 4,400
Interest allocation (above)
Beginning balances Additional contribution Income (above) Drawings (P1,000/month) Ending capital balances
STATEMENT OF PARTNERS’ CAPITAL James Keller P 48,000 P70,000 12,000 0 10,060 10,040 (12,000) (12,000) P58,360 P68,040
Rivers P90,000 0 9,600 (12,000) P87,600
Totals P208,000 12,000 30,000 (36,000) P214,000
Problem VI 1: Net income is P360,000 P
Salaries Bonus on net income Interest on average capital balances Remainder is P 88,600 (positive) Totals
P 80,000 21,600 9,800 ___53,160 P 164,560
P 100,000 43,200 16,800 __35,440 P195,440
P180,000 64,800 26,600 ___88,600 P 360,000
P P 80,000 14,400 9,800 _(4,900) P 99,300
Q P 100,000 28,800 16,800 __(4,900) P 140,700
Total P 180,000 43,200 26,600 __(9,800) P240,000
P P 80,000 0 9,800 (123,300) (P33,500)
Q P 100,000 0 16,800 (123,300) (P 6,500)
Total P 180,000 0 26,600 (246,600) (P 40,000)
2. Net income is P240,000 Salaries Bonus on net income Interest on average capital balances Remainder is P 9,800 (negative) Totals 3. Net loss is P40,000 Salaries Bonus (no distribution) Interest on average capital balances Remainder is P 246,600 (negative) Totals Problem VII:
1 and 2. Total to allocate: As Bonus (Note A below) As Salaries As Interest (Note B below) Subtotal: Residual Profit-sharing Final Allocations: Note A (Bonus): Bonus = .20(Net Income 1.2Bonus = .20(P150,000) 1.2Bonus = 30,000 Bonus = P25,000
Total P150,000 (25,000) (72,000) (10,720) P 42,280 (42,280) P 0
P25,000 36,000 6,560 P67,560 21,140 P88,700
P36,000 4,160 P40,160 21,140 P61,300
Fraction of Year 1/12
Interest Rate 0.08
= Subtotal P 667
2/12 1.0000
853 P6,560
Note B (Interest): Carey:
Capital Amount P100,000 (12,000) 88,000 (12,000) 76,000 (12,000) P 64,000 Capital
Amount P70,000 (12,000) 58,000 (12,000) 46,000 (12,000) P34,000
of Year 1/12
Rate 0.08
= Subtotal P 467
2/12 1.0000
453 P4,160
Problem VIII Jones would have to receive a bonus of P12,000 to be indifferent to the two profit-sharing options. Since Cable would receive the same bonus, the total bonus would have to be P24,000. Therefore, P24,000 = 10% (Net income - Salaries - Bonuses) P24,000 = 10% (Net income - [30,000 + 40,000] - 24,000) P24,000 = 10% (Net income - 94,000) P24,000 = 10% Net income - 9,400 P33,400 = 10% Net income Net income P334,000 Problem IX 1. It should be noted that the order of priority is of no significance when it comes to allocation of net income. Unless in cases, when there is a resulting residual loss, wherein the residual loss should be allocated based on their agreement. In this case, there is no such agreement, so the allocation would still be to satisfy completely all provisions of the profit and loss agreement and use the profit and loss ratios to absorb any deficiency or additional loss cause by such action. Olsen Katch Total Interest P 2,000 P 2,400 P 4,400 Bonus 10,000 10,000 Salaries 48,000 36,000 84,000 Remainder (6:4) __8,040 __5,360 _13,400 P58,040 P26,960 P85,000 Weighted Average Calculation: Olsen: 1/1 to 4/1 4/1 to 10/1 10/1 to 12/31 Total Average Katch: 1/1 to 3/1 3/1 to 9/1 9/1 to 11/1 11/1 to 12/31 Total Average
Capital Balance 20,000 25,000 30,000
Gross # of Months 3 6 3
Capital Balance 40,000 30,000 20,000 30,000
Gross # of Months 2 6 2 2
Capital 60,000 150,000 90,000 300,000 25,000
Capital 80,000 180,000 40,000 60,000 360,000 30,000
Olsen P48,000
Salaries Bonus Interest* Remainder Final Profit:
2,000 39,960 P89,960
*see part 'a' solution for weighted average capital calculation Problem X
Weighted Average Capital Calculation:
1/1 to 6/1 6/1 to 10/1 10/1 to 12/31
1/1 to 3/1 3/1 to 9/1 9/1 to 11/1 11/1 to 12/1 12/1 to 12/31
Matt Cap Bal # months 35,000 5 45,000 4 50,000 3
Gross Cap 175,000 180,000 150,000
Total Average
505,000 42,083
Jeff Cap Bal # months 25,000 2 35,000 6 25,000 2 20,000 1
Gross Cap 50,000 210,000 50,000 20,000
Total Average
358,000 29,833
Salary Bonus Interest Subtotal Remainder Total
Matt P N/A N/A 4,208 P 4,208 29,404 P33,612
Jeff N/A N/A 2,983 P 2,983 29,405 P32,388
Salary Bonus Interest Subtotal Remainder Total
Matt P 0 N/A 5,000 P 5,000 29,520 P34,520
Jeff P 9,000 N/A 2,800 P11,800 19,680 P31,480
Total P 9,000 0 7,800 P16,800 49,200 P66,000
Total 0 0 7,191 P 7,191 58,809 P66,000
Katch P36,000 10,000 2,400 26,640 P75,040
Total P 84,000 10,000 4,400 66,600 P165,000
3. Salary Bonus Interest Subtotal Remainder Total
Matt P10,000 N/A N/A P10,000 23,992 P33,992
Jeff P15,000 N/A N/A P15,000 17,008 P32,008
Total P25,000 0 0 P25,000 41,000 P66,000
Salary Bonus* Interest Subtotal Remainder Total
Matt P20,000 6,000 4,208 P30,208 (1,096) P29,112
Jeff P35,000 N/A 2,983 P37,983 (1,095) P36,888
Total P55,000 6,000 7,191 P68,191 (2,191) P66,000
AA 14,400 12,960 ( 1,200) 26,160
BB 12,000 17,280 ( 900) 28,380
CC 13,600 24,840 ( 900) 37,540
Total 40,000 55,080 ( 3,000) 92,080
AA 96,000
BB 144,000
CC 216,000
Total 456,000
24,000 26,160 ( 9,000) 137,160
28,380 ( 9,000) 163,380
(36,000) 37,540 ( 9,000) 208,540
(12,000) 92,080 (27,000) 509,080
AA BB CC Interest-12% of Ave. Cap. 12,960 17,280 24,840 Balance/Remainder (4:3:3) ( 1,200) ( 900) ( 900) Share in Net Income 11,760 16,380 23,940 *Net income before partners’ salaries and interests…………………P 92,080 Less: Operating expenses (including salaries)……………………….. 40,000 Net Income after partners’ salaries but before interests……………P 52,080
Total 55,080 ( 3,000) 52,080*
Problem XI 1. Allocation/Distribution of Net Income Salaries Interest-12% of Ave. Cap. Balance/Remainder (4:3:3) Share in Net Income 2. Statement of Partners’ Capital Capital, January 2, 2010 Additional Investments (Withdrawals) Net Income Personal Withdrawals Capital, December 31, 2010 3. Allocation/Distribution of Net Income
Incidentally, the entry to record the salaries would be: Operating expenses (for salaries)…………………. 40,000 AA, capital……………………………………………………….. BB, capital……………………………………………………….. CC, capital………………………………………………………..
14,400 12,000 13,600
3. Statement of Partners’ Capital Capital, January 2, 2010 Addit’l. Inv. (Withdrawals) Net Income Sal. (refer to entry above) Personal Withdrawals Capital. December 31, 2010
Problem XII
AA 96,000 24,000 11,760 14,400 ( 9,000) 137,160
BB 144,000 16,380 12,000 ( 9,000) 163,380
CC 216,000 ( 36,000) 23,940 13,600 ( 9,000) 208,540
Components of Allocation Profit/loss percentage........................... Gain on sale of equipment...................... Salaries............................................. Bonus (Note A).................................... Bonus (Note A).................................... Interest on capital (Note B)..................... Remaining profit (loss)........................... Profit (loss) allocation...........................
Partners Cumulative Durand Price Russell Total 35% 25% 40% ............ P 5,000 P 5,000 P 5,000 P 15,000 40,000 20,000 45,000 105,000 .......... 5,000 .......... 5,000 2,692 2,692 2,692 8,076 7,958 11,417 6,750 26,125 14,280 10,200 16,319 40,799 P 69,930 P 54,309 P75,761 P200,000
Note A:
Bonus to Price based on sales is 5% (P1,100,000 – P1,000,000) Bonus to all partners based on net income: Bonus = 30% [(net income – P150,000) – bonus] Bonus = 30% [(P185,000 – P150,000) – bonus] 130% Bonus = P10,500 Bonus = P8,076 The total bonus of P8,076 divided equally among the partners is P2,692 per partner.
Note B:
Calculation of weighted-average capital (capital is reduced by draws in excess of salaries): Durand Price P75,000 5/12 = P 85,000 4/12 = 64,167 80,000 3/12 =
31,250 10,417 28,333 20,000
P125,000 P40,000 1/12 120,000 2/12 = 115,000 3/12 = 110,000
55,000 P 79,583 10% P 7,958
28,750 P
Problem XIII 1. Distribution of income for 20x4: Interest Compensation Subtotals Allocation of remainder Totals
Norr P 12,000 __10,000 P 22,000 __14,640 P 36,640
Caylor P 9,600 __14,000 P 23,600 __9,760 P 33,360
Total P 21,600 __24,000 P 45,600 __24,400 P 70,000
Capital account balances at the end of 20x4: Beginning capital balances Share of income Withdrawals Ending capital balances
Norr P 100,000 36,640 _(12,000) P 124,640
Caylor P 80,000 33,360 _(12,000) P 101,360
3. Distribution of income for 20x5: Interest Compensation Subtotals Allocation of remainder Totals
Norr P 14,957 __8,000 P 22,957 __13,872 P 9,085
Caylor P 12,163 __12,000 P 24,163 __9,248 P 14,915
Capital account balances at the end of 20x5: Norr
= 20,000
Total P 27,120 __240,000 P 47,120 _(23,120) P 24,000
114,167 10% 11,417
Russell 1/12 P 3,333 70,000 11/12 6/12
= = = P 67,500 10% P 6,750
Beginning capital balances Share of income Withdrawals Ending capital balances
P 124,640 9,085 _(12,000) P 121,725
P 101,360 14,915 _(12,000) P 104,275
Problem XIV 1.
The interest factor was probably inserted to reward Page for contributing P50,000 more to the partnership than Childers. The salary allowance gives an additional P15,000 to Childers in recognition of the full-time (rather than part-time) employment. The 40:60 split of the remaining income was probably negotiated by the partners based on other factors such as business experience, reputation, etc.
The drawings show the assets removed by a partner during a period of time. A salary allowance is added to each partner's capital for the year (usually in recognition of work done) and is a component of net income allocation. The two numbers are often designed to be equal but agreement is not necessary. For example, a salary allowance might be high to recognize work contributed by one partner. The allowance increases the appropriate capital balance. The partner might, though, remove little or no money so that the partnership could maintain its liquidity.
3. Page, Drawings .................................................................. Repair Expense .............................................................. (To reclassify payment made to repair personal residence.)
Page, Capital ...................................................................... Childers, Capital .................................................................. Page, Drawings (adjusted) ................................................. Childers, Drawings .......................................................... (To close drawings accounts for 2008.)
13,000 11,000
13,000 11,000
Revenues ......................................................................90,000 Expenses (adjusted by first entry) ....................................... Income Summary ............................................................ (To close revenue and expense accounts for 2008.) Income Summary ................................................................. Page, Capital ................................................................ Childers, Capital ............................................................
59,000 31,000 31,000 11,000 20,000
(To close net income to partners' capital–see allocation plan shown below.) Allocation of Income Page Childers Interest (10% of beginning balance) P 8,000 P 3,000 Salary allowances 5,000 20,000 Remaining income (loss): P31,000 (11,000) (25,000) P (5,000) (2,000) (40%) (3,000) (60%) P11,000 P20,000 4.
Total capital (original balances of P110,000 plus 2008 net income less drawings) ................................................. P117,000 Investment by Smith ................................................................. 43,000 Total capital after investment ....................................................... P160,000 Ownership portion acquired by Smith .............................................. 20% Smith, capital P 32,000 Amount paid 43,000 Bonus paid by Smith—assigned to original partners......................... P 11,000 Bonus to Page (40%)
Bonus to Childers (60%) ............................................................... Cash
............................................................................43,000 Smith, Capital (20% of total capital) .......................................... Page, Capital .................................................................
P6,600 32,000 4,400
Childers, Capital .................................................................
Multiple Choice Problems 1. c Capital, Beg Additional Investment Withdrawal (800 x 12) Net income (?) Capital, Ending
45,000 50,000 (96,000) 31,000 P 30,000
2. b Salaries Bonus Interest (20% x average capital) Balance - equally 10M
A 2,000 8,000 8,000 8,500 44,500
B 25,000 0 10,000 8,500
10M 45,000 8,000 18,000 1,700 8,800
*Bonus= 10% (NI - B) B= .10 (8,800 - B) B= 8,800 - .10B 1.10B= 8,800 B= 8,000 3.
The net income of P80,000 is allocated to Blue and Green in the following manner: Blue Green Net Income P 80,000 Salary allowances P 55,000 P45,000 (100,000) Remainder P (20,000) Allocation of the negative remainder in the 60:40 ratio (12,000) (8,000) 20,000 Allocation of net income P 43,000 P37,000 P -0-
4. a Salaries Bonus* Interest: 10% x Ave. capital 1:3 Total
A 30,000 3,600 5,000 4,625 P 43,225
B P 45,000
A P 40,000
B P 45,000
6,000 (32,000) P 14,000
9,000 (16,000) P 38,000
Total P 75,000 3,600 11,500 18,500 P 108,600
*Bonus = 12% (NI – S – B) B = .12 (108,600 – 75,000 – B) B = .12 (33,600 – B) B = 4,032 - .12B 1.12B = 4,032 B = 3,600 5. a Salaries Bonus (refer to Note) Interest on average capital (15%) Balance (2:1) Total
Total P 85,000 0 15,000 (48,000) P 52,000
Note: 1. The basis of the bonus is negative, so there’s no bonus at all. 2. It should be noted that the order of priority is of no significance when it comes to allocation of net income. When there is a resulting residual loss, wherein the residual loss should be allocated based on their agreement. In this case, there is no such agreement, so the allocation would still be to satisfy completely all provisions of the profit and loss agreement and use the profit and loss ratios to absorb any deficiency or additional loss caused by such action. 6. d Salaries Bonus* 3:4:3 Total
A P 40,000
B P 40,000
__3,000 P 43,000
P 1,000 _3,000 P 4,000
A P 41,600
B P 38,400
2,000 (16,500) P 27,100
Total P 80,000 1,000 10,000 P 91,000
*Bonus = 10% (NI – S – B) B = .10 (91,000 – 80,000 – B) B = .10 (11,000 – B) B = 1,100 - .10B 1.10B = 1,100 B = 1,000 7. c Salaries Bonus (refer to Note) Interest on average capital (10%) Balance (1:2) Total
Total P 80,000 0 5,500 (49,500) P 52,000
Note: 1. The basis of the bonus is negative, so there’s no bonus at all. 2. It should be noted that the order of priority is of no significance when it comes to allocation of net income. When there is a resulting residual loss, wherein the residual loss should be allocated based on their agreement. In this case, there is no such agreement, so the allocation would still be to satisfy completely all provisions of the profit and loss agreement and use the profit and loss ratios to absorb any deficiency or additional loss caused by such action. 8. b 2/1/20x4: P20,000 x 4 = P 80,000 6/1/20x4: P40,000 x 3 = 120,000 9/1/20x4: P30,000 x 4 = 120,000 P 320,000 / 12 months = P26,667 Note: Annual is 12 months. 9. c Salaries 6:4 Total
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Mack P 90,000 _30,000 P120,000
Ruben P 60,000 __20,000 P 80,000
Total P 150,000 50,000 P 200,000
c – Robbie, P50,000 x 90/150 = P30,000; Ruben, P50,000 x 60/150 = P20,000 c - B = .05(P180,000 - P150,000) c - B = {[(P540,000 - P500,000)/P500,000] - .05} P120,000 d - (P60,000 - P50,000)(.60) + (P80,000 - P60,000)(.70) c - (P300,000 - P200,000)(.75) + (P380,000 - P300,000)(.60) c - (P300,000 - P100,000)(.35) + (P450,000 - P300,000)(.55) d - (P120,000 - P50,000)(.40) a - (P600,000 - P350,000)(.40 - .30)
18. b XX 60,000
Salary Interest: 10% x average capital Balance: equally X: P100,000 x 6 = P600,000 P160,000 x 6 = 960,000
YY 48,000
ZZ 36,000 7,500 5,000
Total 144,000 48,750 15,000 207,750
P1,560,000 / 12 = P 130,000
Y (same with beginning since no additional investments or withdrawals were made)
Z: P225,000 x 9 = P2,025,000 P155,000 x 3 = 465,000 P2,490,000/12 =
19. d - ASSIGNMENT OF INCOME Interest—10% of beginning capital ........................ Salary ........................................ Allocation of remaining income (P6,000 divided on a 3:3:4 basis) ...........1,800 Totals ................................
207,500 P 487,500 x 10% = P48,750
P 6,000 20,000
P 8,000
P10,000 20,000
1,800 P 7,800
2,400 P29,800
6,000 P12,400
STATEMENT OF CAPITAL Beginning capital ............................. Net income (above) .......................... Drawings (given) .............................. Ending capital .................................
20. a ASSIGNMENT OF INCOME—YEAR ONE Interest—10% of beginning capital ........................ Salary ........................................ Allocation of remaining loss (P80,000 divided on a 5:2:3 basis).......... Totals ................................
ARTHUR P60,000 7,800 (5,000) P62,800
BAXTER CARTWRIGHT TOTAL P80,000 P100,000 P240,000 29,800 12,400 50,000 (5,000) (5,000) (15,000) P104,800 P107,400 P275,000
P11,000 20,000
P 8,000 -0-
P11,000 10,000
P30,000 30,000
(40,000) P(9,000)
(16,000) P (8,000)
(24,000) P (3,000)
(80,000) P (20,000)
WINSTON P110,000 (9,000) (10,000) P 91,000
DURHAM P80,000 (8,000) (10,000) P62,000
SALEM P110,000 (3,000) (10,000) P 97,000
TOTAL P300,000 (20,000) (30,000) P250,000
STATEMENT OF CAPITAL—YEAR ONE Beginning capital ............................. Net loss (above) ............................... Drawings (given) .............................. Ending capital ............................ ASSIGNMENT OF INCOME—YEAR TWO
WINSTON Interest—10% of beginning capital ........................ P 9,100 Salary ........................................20,000 -0Allocation of remaining loss (P15,000 divided on a 5:2:3 basis) ......... (7,500) (3,000) Totals ................................ P21,600
P 6,200 10,000 (4,500) P3,200
P 9,700 30,000 (15,000) P15,200
STATEMENT OF CAPITAL—YEAR TWO Beginning capital (above) ................... Net income (above) ..........................
WINSTON P 91,000 21,600
DURHAM P62,000 3,200
SALEM P 97,000 15,200
TOTAL P250,000 40,000
Drawings (given) .............................. Ending capital ............................
21. a Capital, Beginning Additional investment Withdrawals Net income Net Decrease
(10,000) P102,600
(10,000) P55,200
(10,000) P102,200
(30,000) P260,000
25,000 (130,000) 45,000 / 30% = P 150,000 (60,000)
22. a
H 4,000 20,000 _________
Total 22,000 50,000 (105,000) (33,000)
D 25,000 13,000 28,200 66,200
E 20,000
F 25,000
14,100 34,100
_4,700 29,700
Total 70,000 13,000 47,000 130,000
C 100,000 29,000 (12,000) 117,000
W 150,000 63,000 (12,000) 20,100
N 200,000 58,000 (12,000) 24,600
Total 450,000 150,000 (36,000) 564,000
C 10,000 19,000 29,000
W 15,000 10,000 38,000 63,000
N 20,000 38,000 58,000
Total 45,000 10,000 95,000 150,000
Capital, 1/1/x5 Net income Withdrawals – personal Capital, 12/31/x5
117,000 34,420 (12,000) 139,420
201,000 75,540 (12,000) 264,540
246,000 70,040 (12,000) 304,040
564,000 180,000 (36,000) 708,000
Net income – 20x5 10% interest a beginning capital Salary 20% : 40% : 40%
117,000 34,420 (12,000) 139,420
201,000 75,540 (12,000) 264,540
246,000 70,040 (12,000) 304,040
564,000 180,000 (36,000) 708,000
10% interest a Average capital Salaries Equally
F 12,000 30,000 (35,000) 7,000
G 6,000
23. d, P66,200; E, P34,100; F, P29,700 Salaries Bonus on income (10% x P130,000) Remainder (6:3:1)
24. a Capital, 1/1/x4 Net Income – 20x4 Withdrawal – personal Capital, 12/31/x4 Net income – 20x4 10% interest on beginning capital Salary 20% : 40% : 40%
25. d - refer to No.24 26. b - refer to No.24 27. c - refer to No.24 28. b Capital, 1/1/YearI Net income (loss)
Y 143,000 (11,700)
E 104,000 (10,400)
I 143,000 (3,900)
Total 390,000 (26,000 )
Withdrawals – personal Capital, 12/31/ Year I
(13,000) 118,300
(13,000) 80,600
(13,000) 126,100
(39,000) 325,000
Year I Net loss Salary Interest – 10% x beginning capital 5:2:3 Total
26,000 14,300 (52,000) (11,700)
10,400 (20,800) (10,400)
13,000 14,300 (31,200) (3,900)
3,900 3,900 (10,400) (2,600)
Capital, 1/1/Year2 Net income (loss) Withdrawals – personal Capital, 12/31/ Year 2
118,300 28,080 (13,000) 133,380
80,600 76,700 (13,000) 144,300
126,100 19,760 (13,000) 132,860
325,000 52,000 (3,900) 338,000
Year 2 Net loss Salary Interest – 10% x beginning capital
26,000 11,830
8,060 (3,900)
13,000 12,610 (5,850)
3,900 32,500 (19,500 ) 52,000
(9,750) 28,080
29. d - refer to No.28 30. c - refer to No.28 31. a - refer to No.28 32. d Because both partners have equal capital balances, NN's capital has to be increased to equal that of MM's. Since MM's capital balance is P60,000 and NN's is P20,000, an additional P40,000 has to be credited to NN's capital to make it equal MM's capital. This additional amount credited to NN's capital is the goodwill that NN is bringing to the partnership. 33 .
a - MM's share of the net income of P25,000 is 60%, or P15,000.
34. b 2/1/20x4: P20,000 x 4 = P 80,000 6/1/20x4: P40,000 x 3 = 120,000 9/1/20x4: P30,000 x 4 = 120,000 P 320,000 / 12 months = P26,667 Note: Annual - 12 months. 35. b Interest: (P500,000 x 10%) = P50,000 Salary: (P10,000 + P20,000) = P30,000 Bonus: Condition not met = P0 Total allocations = P80,000 and over-allocations = P80,000 - P60,000 = P20,000 36. b Bloom: Interest allocation: P20,000 Salary allocation: P10,000 Carnes: Interest allocation: P30,000 Salary allocation: P20,000
There is a total of P80,000 for positive allocations. To bring them down to a P20,000 loss, a residual adjustment of (P100,000) is needed which is allocated (P40,000) to Bloom and (P60,000) to Carnes. After these amounts are assigned to the partners, each partner’s capital account will be reduced by a net P10,000. 37. c Salaries Bonus* Remainder (3:4:3) Total
J P 50,000 16,000 (6,000) P 60,000
P P 60,000 8,000 (8,000) P 60,000
B P 30,000 16,000 (6,000) P 40,000
Total P140,000 40,000 (20,000) P160,000
*since problem is silent it should be based on net income before any deductions.
38. c Salaries Bonus (10% of average capital) Remainder (4:4:2) Total
A P 30,000 5,000 _ 24,000 P 59,000
P P 10,000 3,000 __24,000 P 37,000
B P 40,000 2,000 _12,000 P 54,000
Total P 80,000 10,000 60,000 P150,000
Salaries Bonus (10% of average capital) Remainder (4:4:2) Total
A P 30,000 5,000 (16,000) P 19,000
P P 10,000 3,000 (16,000) (P3,000)
B P 40,000 2,000 ( 8,000) P 34,000
Total P 80,000 10,000 (40,000) P 50,000
39. c
40. b Total agreed capital = total contributed capital* (P200,000 + P100,000 + P100,000) Multiplied by: Capital interests of May
P 400,000 _____35% P 140,000
*No goodwill or asset adjustment
41 d
P60,000, salary = P25,000, salary + [.20 (NI – B)] P60,000 = P25,000 + P35,000, bonus Therefore, bonus would be P35,000 B = .20 (NI – B) P35,000 = . 20 (NI – P35,000) P35,000 = .20NI – P7,000 P35,000 + P7,000 = .20NI P42,000 = .20NI NI = P210,000
42. c - P30,000 + P40,000 = P70,000, annual salary to allocate net income. 43. b [P70,000 – (P40,000 + P10,000 +P2,000)] - Salary to partners is an allocation of net income (they are not expenses) - Partner’s withdrawals are deduction to capital accounts. 44. c Bonus = 20% (NI before deduction on salaries, interests and bonus) B = 20% (NI after deduction of salaries, interests and bonus + salaries + interests + bonus) B = 20% [P46,750 + (P1,000 x 12 months) + (.05 x P25,000) + B] B = .20 [P60,000 + B] B = P12,000 + .20B 1.20 B = P12,000
B = P15,000 45. a Allocation/Distribution of Net Income DD Salaries 18,000 Interest (10% of Ave. Cap.) 15,000 Balance/Remainder (60%:40%) 25,800 Share in Net Income 58,800 *P 500,000 – P100,000 (excluding salaries and int. – P100,000
EE 24,000 20,000 17,200 61,200
Total 42,000 35,000 __43,000 120,000*
58,800 (18,000) 190,800
EE 180,000 60,000 61,200 (24,000) 277,200
Total 330,000 60,000 1240,000 ( 42,000) 468,000
DD P 15,000 51,000 P 66,000
EE P20,000 34,000 P54,000
Total P 35,000 85,000 P 120,000
DD P 150,000
EE P 180,000 60,000 54,000 24,000 ( 24,000) P 294,000
Statement of Partners’ Capital DD 150,000
Capital, March 1, 2011 Additional Investments Net Income Personal Withdrawals Capital, March 1, 2012 Allocation/Distribution of Net Income Interest on Average Capital – 10% Balance/Remainder – 60%:40% Share in Net Income Statement of Partners’ Capital Capital balance, 2/28/20x4 Additional Investment Share in Net Income Salaries Salary withdrawals Capital balance, March 1, 20x5
66,000 18,000 ( 18,000) P 216,000
46. a – refer to No. 45 47. b – refer to No. 45 48. c – refer to No. 45 49. a NN OO Total Salary allowances P180,000 P P180,000 Balance/Remainder: Equally 15,000 15,000 30,000 Net Income for 20x5 P195,000 P 15,000 P 210,000 Adjustment of net income for 20x4 – 60% : 40% 24,000 16,000 40,000 Total P219,000 P31,000 P250,000 Note: Any adjustments related to a particular year, the profit and loss ratio existing on that year should be used as a basis for allocating the required adjustments. 50 – 53: No requirement 54. b Abe Bert Carl Dave Total
Old P & L 70% 20% 10% 100%
Interests Acquired 85% 15% 100%
New P & L 59.50% 17.00% 8.50% 15.00% 100%
55. b Unadjusted net income, 20x5 Add (deduct): adjustments Accrued expense – 20x5 Accrued income – 20x5 Prepaid expense – 20x4 Deferred or unearned income – 20x4 Adjusted net income, 20x5 Multiplied by: P& L of Dave Share in net income – 20x5
(1,050) 875 (1,400) __1,225 P 14,650 _____17% P2,490.50
Quiz – II 1. P47,500 = [(P0,000 x 4) + (P40,000 x 6) + (P65,000 x 2)]/12 2. P6,400 = [(P60,000 x 2) + (P90,000 x 5) + (P70,000 x 4) + P110,000] (.08) 3. P3,703 - B = .08(P250,000 - P200,000 - B) 4. P39,150 = (P130,000 - P10,000 - P15,000 - P18,000) .45 5. Nick, P44,075; Joe, P48,435; Mike, P57,490 Nick Joe Mike Total Interest on capital P200,000 x .09 P18,000 P350,000 x .09 P31,500 P180,000 x .09 P16,200 P65,700 Salary 25,000 15,000 35,000 75,000 Bonus .1(P150,000 - P100,000) 5,000 5,000 Residual P4,300 x .25 1,075 P4,300 x .45 1,935 P4,500 x .30 ______ _______ 1,290 4,300 Totals P44,075 P48,435 P57,490 P150,000 6. P185,000 = P35,000 + (P500,000 - P35,000 - P50,000 - P40,000) .4 7. P78,000 = (P250,000 x .08) + [P300,000 - (P200,000 + P250,000 + P400,000)(.08)] .25 8. P10,000 = (P60,000 - P50,000)(.40) + (P80,000 - P60,000)(.30) 9. P57,000 = (P300,000 - P200,000)(.25) + (P380,000 - P300,000)(.40) 10. P197,500 = (P300,000 - P100,000)(.65) + (P450,000 - P300,000)(.45) 11. P42,000 = (P120,000 - P50,000)(.60) 12. P36,000 = (P200,000 - P120,000)(.45) 13. P105,000 = (P520,000 - P370,000)(.70) 14. P78,000 = (P650,000 - P520,000)(.60) 15. P13,000 increase = (P250,000 - P120,000)(.70 - .60) 16. P25,000 decrease = (P600,000 - P350,000)(.70 - .60) 17. P68,800 Garlic Pepper Salt Total Salary 60,000 24,000 84,000 Interests – 10% on beginning 4,000 4,800 3,200 12,000 Equally 4,000 4,000 4,000 12,000 Total 8,000 68,800 108,000 18. P310,000 Using bonus formula to solve for income: Bonus = .20 (NI – Bonus – Salary) 35,000 = .20 NI – [.20 x P35,000] – [.20 x P100,000*] 62,000 = .2Income P310,000 = income *salaries 25,000 + 75,000
19. James, P58,360; Keller, P68,040; Rivers, P87,600 James Interest – 8% 4,400 Salary 13,000 2:3:5 (7,040) Total 10,360
Keller 5,600 15,000 (10,560) 10,040
Rivers 7,200 20,000 (17,600) 9,600
Total 17,200 48,000 (35,200) 30,000
Interest: James: P48,000 x 5 = P240,000 P60,000 x 7 = 420,000 P660,000/12 = P55,000 x 8% = P4,400 Capital, beginning Additional investments Net income (loss) Withdrawals – P1,000 per month Capital, ending 20. JJ, P27,000; KK, P24,000; LL, P39,000 Bonus (20%) ............................ Interest (15% of average capital) .. .15,000 Remaining loss ($18,000) ............ Income assignment ...................
48,000 12,000 10,360 (12,000) 58,360
10,040 (12,000) 68,040
9,600 (12,000) 87,600
JJ P18,000 P 30,000 (6,000) P27,000
21. PP, P64,600; SS, P49,000; TT, P2,000 Interest (10%) Salary Remaining income (loss) Totals
PP SS 6,600 (below) 4,000 18,000 25,000 (16,000) ( 8,000) 8,600 21,000
KK -0P 45,000 (6,000) P24,000
TT 2,000 8,000 (16,000) (6,000)
CALCULATION OF PURKERSON'S INTEREST ALLOCATION Balance, January 1—April 1 (P60,000 × 3) Balance, April 1—December 31 (P68,000 × 9) Total ....................................................................... Months..................................................................... Average monthly capital balance ..................................... Interest rate ............................................................. Interest allocation (above) ............................................ STATEMENT OF PARTNERS' CAPITAL PP SS Beginning balances ....................60,000 40,000 20,000 Additional contribution ................ 8,000 -0Income (above) .................... 8,600 21,000 Drawings (P1,000 per month) ......... (12,000) (12,000) Ending capital balances................ 64,600 49,000 22. Ending capital balances: 20x4 ............................... 20x5 ............................... 20x6 …………………………….
4,720 4,766 9,610
208,000 12,000 30,000 (36,000) 214,000 LL -090,000 (6,000) P39,000
Total P18,000 (18,000) P90,000
Totals 12,600 51,000 (40,000) 23,600 P180,000 612,000 P792,000 12 P 66,000 × 10% P 6,600 TT 120,000 -0(6,000) (12,000) 2,000
32,400 30,088 36,243
32,880 37,146 36,147
INCOME ALLOCATION—20x4 LL CC Interest (12% of beginning capital) 2,400 7,200 6,000
RR 15,600
Totals 8,000 23,600 (36,000) 115,600 70,000 72,000 82,000 Total
Salary Remaining income/loss Totals
12,000 (19,680) (5,280)
8,000 (32,800) (17,600)
-0(13,120) (7,120)
20,000 (65,600) (30,000)
STATEMENT OF PARTNERS' CAPITAL—DECEMBER 31, 20x4 LL CC RR Beginning balances .................. 20,000 60,000 50,000 Income allocation .................... (5,280) (17,600) (7,120) Drawings .............................. (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) Ending balances ................. 4,720 32,400 32,880
Total 130,000 (30,000) (30,000) 70,000
INCOME ALLOCATION—20x5 LL CC Interest(12% of beginning capital above) *566 3,888 Salary ................................ 12,000 8,000 Remaining income/loss: (2,520) (4,200) Totals................. 10,046 7,688 *Rounded
RR 3,946 -0(1,680) 2,266
Total 8,400 20,000 (8,400) 20,000
STATEMENT OF PARTNERS' CAPITAL—DECEMBER 31, 20x6 LL CC RR Beginning balances (above) 4,720 32,400 32,880 Additional investment ............... -0-012,000 Income allocation .................... 10,046 7,688 2,266 Drawings .............................. (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) Ending balances ................. 4,766 30,088 37,146
Total 70,000 12,000 20,000 (30,000) 72,000
Interest (12% of beginning capital above)* ........................... Salary ................................ Remaining income.................... Totals......................... *Rounded
INCOME ALLOCATION—20x6 LL CC 572 12,000 2,272 14,844
3,611 8,000 4,544 16,155
4,457 -04,544 9,001
8,640 20,000 11,360 40,000
STATEMENT OF PARTNERS' CAPITAL—DECEMBER 31, 20x6 LL CC RR Beginning balances (above) 4,766 30,088 37,146 Income allocation 14,844 16,155 9,001 Drawings (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) Ending balances 9,610 36,243 36,147 23. Julio, P2,820 decrease; Fong, P120 increase Short-term prepayments Julio, Capital Fong, Capital Salaries Payable The correction to partners' capital accounts is computed as follows: Inventories understated by P12,000, Dec. 31, 20x5 Inventories understated by P12,000, Jan. 1, 20x6 Accrued salaries of P5,400 not recorded, Dec. 31, 20x6
2,700 2,820
120 5,400
Fong P 6,000
Total 72,000 40,000 (30,000) 82,000
P 6,000
Short-term prepayments of P2,700 not recorded, Dec. 31, 20x6 Net corrections to partners' capital accounts THEORIES True of False 1 False . 2 True . 3 True . 4 False . 5 True .
1,620 P(2,820)
1,080 P
10 .
Note for the following numbers: 1. While the partnership law may have indicated that the partners cannot withdraw resources and make the partnership insolvent, withdrawals are typically controlled by the articles of partnership. 4. If the partnership agreement is silent with regard to profit and loss allocation, profits and losses are shared equally. 6. The interest component of partnership profit and loss allocation rewards partners for capital contributions. 8. The interest on capital balances component of partnership profit and loss allocation may be based on the beginning, ending, simple average capital balance, or weighted average capital balance. 10. The salary component of the partnership profit and loss allocation would be expected to be renegotiated periodically as the duties of the partners change. 13. Partnerships can offer bonuses to anyone. The choice is up to the partners. On the other hand, there is no requirement to ever offer a bonus. 15. While many bonuses are based on a measure of income, it is not required. Bonus can be based on other criteria such as market share, revenue, or average cost per unit. 17. Residual interests may be equal but they are not required to be equal. 18. While profit residual ratios and loss residual ratios are generally the same, they can differ. 21. Residual profit and loss percentages are the last component of the profit and loss allocation process applied because they are designed to allocate any remaining amount to the partners. 23. There are several ways that the difference between market and book value of assets can be addressed when the profit and loss ratios are changed. Revaluing the assets is one of the possibilities along with maintaining a record of assets with market and book value differences as well as directly adjusting capital accounts while leaving asset values unchanged.
Multiple Choice 29 c . 30 d . 31 c . 32 d . 33 a .
Chapter 3 Problem I 1. Ben, capital Pet, capital (50% x P700,000)
350,000 350,000
2. The total capital of BIG Entertainment Galley remains at P1,480,000. The total amount paid by Pet to Ben does not affect the partnership and Pet does not become a partner with the assignment of half of Ben’s interest. Problem II 1. a. D, capital…………………………………………………………… 24,000 F, capital………………………………………………….........
b.1. D, capital (P72,000 x ¼)………………………………………… 18,000 E, capital (P48,000 x ¼)………………………………………… 12,000 F, capital…………………………………………………. 30,000 The capital balances of the partners after the admission of F would be as follows: D E F (book value) Total_ Capital before admission…P 72,000 P 48,000 P120,000 x: Interest remained……….. ¾ ¾ ________ Capital after admission….. P54,000 P 36,000 P 30,000 P120,000 Therefore, the profit and loss ratio of the partners after the admission of F would be as follows: D, capital (70% x ¾)……………………………………………… 52.50% E, capital (30% x ¾)………………………………………………. 22.50% F, capital (equivalent to interest acquired)…………………. 25.00% Total………………………………………………………………….100.00% b.2
b.2.1 D, capital (P72,000 x ¼)………………………………………… 18,000 E, capital (P48,000 x ¼)………………………………………… 12,000 F, capital…………………………………………………. 30,000
The positive excess of P6,000 represents a personal gain of D and E, computed as follows: Amount paid (P21,600 + P14,400)…………………………………. P36,000 Less: BV of interest acquired – (P 120,000 x ¼)……………………………............................. 30,000
Excess (Gain of D and E – personal in nature)….……………….. P 6,000 The partnership does not record this gain because it was not benefited from it.
b.2.2 Assets (Goodwill)……………………………………………….. 24,000 D, capital (P24,000 x 70%).……………………………........ E, capital (P24,000 x 30%).…………………………….........
16,800 7,200 Or, Amount paid (P21,600 + P14,400)…………….. P36,000 / ¼ P144,000 (100%) Less: BV of interest acquired – (P 120,000 x ¼)……………………………... 30,000 120,000 (100%) Excess……………………………………………….. P 6,000 Divided by (capitalized at): Interest acquired ¼ Revaluation of Asset Upward………………….. P24,000 P 24,000 (100%) D, capital [(P72,000 + P16,800) x ¼]………………………… 22,200 E, capital [(P48,000 + P7,200) x ¼]…………………………… 13,800 F, capital…………………………………………………...... 36,000 The capital balances of the partners after the admission of F would be as follows: D E F (amount paid) Total_ Capital before admission… P 72,000 P 48,000 P120,000 Revaluation upward………. 16,0800 7,200 24,000 Capital balance after revaluation………………. P 88,800 P 55,200 P144,000 x: Interest remained……….. ¾ ¾ ________ Capital after admission….. P66,600 P 41,400 P 36,000 P144,000 Capital interest %.............. P & L %: D (3/4 x 70%)…… 52.50 E (3/4 x 30%)…… F (1/4)……………
25 22.50
It should be observed that the total capital balance after the admission increases equivalent to the revaluation of assets amounting to P24,000. The reason of such adjustments is to equalize the capital of the new partner to the amount paid. b.3 b.3.1 D, capital (P72,000 x ¼)………………………………………… 18,000 E, capital (P48,000 x ¼)………………………………………… 12,000
F, capital………………………………………………….
The negative excess of P3,600 represents a personal loss of D and E, computed as follows: Amount paid ……………………….…………………………………. P 26,400 Less: BV of interest acquired – (P 120,000 x ¼)……………………………............................. 30,000 Excess (Loss of D and E – personal in nature)….………………… P( 3,600)
b.3.2 The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: D, capital (P14,400 x 70%).…………………………………….. 10,080 E, capital (P14,400 x 30%).……………………………………... 4,320 Assets ……………………………………………………..... 14,400 Or, Amount paid ………………………….………….. P 26,400 / ¼ P 105,600 (100%) Less: BV of interest acquired – (P 120,000 x ¼)……………………………... 30,000 120,000 (100%) Excess……………………………………………….. P( 3,600) Divided by: Interest acquired………………….. ¼ Revaluation of Asset Downward..…………….. P(14,400) P(14,400) (100%) D, capital [(P72,000 – P10,080) x ¼]………………………. 15,480 E, capital [(P48,000 – P4,320) x ¼]………………………….. 10,920 F, capital………………………………………………….. 26,400 The capital balances of the partners after the admission of F would be as follows: D E F (amount paid) Total_ Capital before admission…P 72,000 P 48,000 P120,000 Revaluation downward…… 10,080 4,320 14,400 Capital balance after revaluation……………….. P 61,920 P 48,680 P 105,600 x: Interest remained………… ¾ ¾ ________ Capital after admission….. P46,440 P 32,760 P 26,400 P 105,600 Capital interest %.............. P & L %: D (3/4 x 70%)…… 52.50 E (3/4 x 30%)…… F (1/4)……………
25 22.50
Comparison between b.3.1 and b.3.2: Schedule of Account Balances Capital__________ F___ Book Value Approach Balances before admission Admission 30,000 Balances after admission of F 30,000
P 72,000 P 48,000 ( 18,000) (12,000) P
P 120,000
Revaluation Approach Balances before admission P120,000 Revaluation Admission 36,000 Balances after admission of F P120,000 36,000 Depreciation/impairment* ( 6,000) Totals P120,000 30,000
P 54,000
P 72,000 P 48,000 16,800 7,200 ( 22,200) (13,800) P
P 24,000
P 24,000
P 66,600
( 24,000) P
P 36,000 P
( 12,600)
P 54,000
P 41,400 P ( 5,400) P 36,000 P
*new profit and loss ratio (D, 52.50%; E, 22.50%, and F, 25.00%) The two methods will yield the same results computed as follows; Capital__________ D E F___ Balances after admission of F (BV approach) Balances after admission of F (Revaluation approach) Gain or (loss) through use of book value approach -0-
P 54,000 P 36,000 54,000 36,000 P -0- P -0-
Problem III a: No Bonus or No Revaluation. The total agreed capital is equal to total agreed capital: Total agreed capital (given)………………………………………….P 48,000 Less: Total agreed capital (P24,000 + P12,000 + P12,000)………. 48,000 Difference…………………………………………………………………P -0The entry to record the transaction in the books follows:
P 30,000 30,000 P
D, capital (P72,000 x ¼)………………………………………… 18,000 E, capital (P48,000 x ¼)………………………………………… 12,000 F, capital…………………………………………………. 30,000 b: Bonus to New Partner. The total contributed capital (TCC) is equal to total agreed capital (TAC), so no revaluation (goodwill) should be recognized as follows: Total agreed capital (given)…………………………………………P 48,000 Less: Total contributed capital (P24,000 + P12,000 + P12,000)…. 48,000 Difference………………………………………………………………..P -0The new partner’s contributed capital is less than the agreed capital, the difference is attributable to bonus to new partner: J’s contributed capital (given)……………………………………...P 12,000 J’s agreed capital: (P48,000 x 35%)…………………………………. 16,800 Difference (bonus to new partner)………………………………….P 4,800 The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: Cash……………………………………………………………….. 12,000 G, capital (P4,800 x 60%)………………………………………. 2,880 H, capital (P4,800 x 40%)………………………………………. 1,920 J, capital ……………..………………………………….
c: Revaluation (Goodwill) to New Partner The total contributed capital (TCC) is less than the total agreed capital (TAC), so revaluation (goodwill) should be recognized as follows: Total agreed capital: (P18,000 / 1/3)……………………………….P 54,000 Less: Total contributed capital (P24,000 + P12,000 + P12,000)… 48,000 Difference (revaluation/goodwill)………………………………….P 6,000 The new partner’s contributed capital is less than the agreed capital, the difference of P6,000 in (a) is attributable to revaluation/goodwill to new partner: J’s contributed capital (given)……………………………………...P 12,000 J’s agreed capital (given) ………..…………………………………. 18,000 Difference (revaluation/goodwill to new partner)………………P 6,000 The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: Cash………………………………………………………………..12,000 Assets (goodwill)………………………………………………… 6,000 J, capital ……………..………………………………….
d: Bonus to Old Partners. The total contributed capital (TCC) is equal to total agreed capital (TAC), so no revaluation (goodwill) should be recognized as follows: Total agreed capital (should equal to TCC since it is a bonus method)……………………………………P 60,000 Less: Total contributed capital [(P24,000 + P12,000 + (P30,000 – P6,000)]……………….…. 60,000
The new partner’s contributed capital is greater than his agreed capital, the difference is attributable to bonus to old partners: J’s contributed capital (P30,000 – P6,000)………………………..P 24,000 J’s agreed capital: (P60,000 x 30%)………………………………... 18,000 Difference (bonus to old partners)..………………………………..P( 6,000) The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: Tangible asset…………………………………………………….30,000 Mortgage payable……………………………………. J, capital ……………..…………………………………. G, capital (P6,000 x 60%)…………………………….. H, capital (P6,000 x 40%)……………………………..
6,000 18,000 3,600 2,400
e: Revaluation (Goodwill) to Old Partners. The total contributed capital (TCC) is less than the total agreed capital (TAC), so revaluation should be recognized as follows: Total agreed capital (given) ………………………………………... P 76,800 Less: Total contributed capital (P24,000 + P12,000 + P 8,400, revaluation + P28,800)…………………………. 73,200 Difference (revaluation/goodwill)………………..………………… P 3,600 The new partner’s contributed capital is equal to the agreed capital, the difference of P3,600 in (a) is attributable to revaluation (goodwill) to old partners: J’s contributed capital………………………………………………… P 28,800 J’s agreed capital: (P76,800 x 37.5%)….………………………….... 28,800 Difference …………………………..…………………………………… P -0The entries to record the transaction in the books follows: Equipment………………………………………………………… 8,400 G, capital (P8,400 x 60%)…………………………….. H, capital (P8,400 x 40%)………………………………
5,040 3,360
Cash………….…………………………………………………….28,800 Other assets………………………………………………………. 3,600 J, capital ……………..…………………………………. G, capital (P3,600 x 60%)…………………………….. H, capital (P3,600 x 40%)………………………………
28,800 2,160 1,440
f: Bonus and Revaluation (Goodwill) to New Partner. The total contributed capital (TCC) is less than the total agreed capital (TAC), so revaluation (goodwill) should be recognized as follows: Total agreed capital (given)…………………………………………P 60,000 Less: Total contributed capital (P24,000 + P12,000 + P12,000)… 48,000 Difference (revaluation/goodwill) …………………..……………..P 12,000
The new partner’s contributed capital is less than the agreed capital, the difference of P15,000 are composed of revaluation of P12,000 in (a) above and the balance is bonus to new partner: J’s contributed capital (given)……………………………………... P 12,000 J’s agreed capital: (P60,000 x 45%)…………………………………. 27,000 Difference (total bonus and revaluation)..………………………...P 15,000 Less: Revaluation / goodwill to new partner………………………. 12,000 Bonus to new partner…………………………………………………... P 3,000 The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: Cash……………………………………………………………….. 12,000 Assets (goodwill)………………………………………………… 12,000 G, capital (P3,000 x 60%)………………………………………. 1,800 H, capital (P3,000 x 40%)………………………………………. 1,200 J, capital ……………..…………………………………. To record the admission of J.
g: Bonus and Revaluation to Old Partners. The total contributed capital (TCC) is less than the total agreed capital (TAC), so revaluation (goodwill) should be recognized as follows: Total agreed capital (given)…………………………………………P 72,000 Less: Total contributed capital (P24,000 + P12,000 + P18,000)…. 54,000 Difference (revaluation/goodwill)…………………....…………….P 18,000 The new partner’s contributed capital is greater than the agreed capital, the difference of P3,600 is bonus to old partners since there is already a revaluation(goodwill) as indicated by (a) above. J’s contributed capital (given).…………………………………….. P 18,000 J’s agreed capital: (P72,000 x 20%)………………………………… 14,400 Difference (bonus to old partners)………………………………… P( 3,600) Less: Revaluation / goodwill to old partners……………………… 18,000 Total bonus and revaluation to old partners.……………………. P 21,600 The P3,600 difference is considered as a bonus since there was a transfer of capital (as indicated by the decrease in capital of the new partner) made by the new partner to the old partners. The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: Cash………………………………………………………………..18,000 Assets (goodwill)…………………………………………………18,000 J, capital ……………..………………………………… G, capital (P21,600 x 60%)…………………………….. H, capital (P21,600 x 40%)……………………………..
14,400 12,960 8,640
h: Revaluation (Goodwill) to New and Old Partners. The total contributed capital (TCC) is less than the total agreed capital (TAC), so revaluation (goodwill) should be recognized as follows: Total agreed capital (given)…………………………………………P 72,000
Less: Total contributed capital (P24,000 + P12,000 + P18,000)…. 54,000 Difference (revaluation/goodwill ) …………………..……………. P 18,000 The new partner’s contributed capital is less than the agreed capital, the difference of P18,000 in (a) is attributable to revaluation (goodwill) to new partner and old partners: J’s contributed capital (given)…………………………………….. P 18,000 J’s agreed capital: (P72,000 x 30%)………………………………... 21,600 Difference (revaluation/goodwill to new partner)..…………….P 3,600 Less: Revaluation / goodwill computed in (a)..…………………. 18,000 Revaluation/goodwill to old partners……….……………………..P 14,400 The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: Cash………………………………………………………………..18,000 Assets (goodwill)…………………………………………………18,000 J, capital ……………..…………………………………. G, capital (P14,400 x 60%)…………………………… H, capital (P14,400 x 40%)…………………………….
21,600 8,640 5,760
i: Bonus to Old Partners with Bonus Amount Given. The total contributed capital (TCC) is equal to total agreed capital (TAC), so no revaluation (goodwill) should be recognized as follows: Total agreed capital (should equal to TCC since it is a bonus method)……………………………………P 60,000 Less: Total contributed capital [(P24,000 + P12,000 + P24,000)……………...…………….…. 60,000 Difference………………………………………………………………..P -0The new partner’s contributed capital is greater than his agreed capital, the difference is attributable to bonus to old partners: J’s contributed capital…………………….. …………………………P 24,000 J’s agreed capital (P24,000 – P6,000).……………………………... 18,000 Difference (bonus to old partners)..……………………………….. P( 6,000) The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: Cash………………………………………………………………..24,000 J, capital ……………..…………………………………. G, capital (P6,000 x 60%)…………………………….. H, capital (P6,000 x 40%)……………………………..
18,000 3,600 2,400
j: Bonus to New Partner with an Indication of Bonus. There is an overstatement of asset amounting to P2,400 (P6,000 – P3,600) that is needed to be recorded to comply with the provisions of GAAP recognizing overvaluation of net assets. Therefore, the contributed capital of partner G and H are as follows: G, capital: P24,000 – (P2,400 x 60%)………………………….P 22,560 H, capital: P12,000 – (P2,400 x 40%)…………………………. 11,040 Total contributed capital before the admission………….. P 33,600 The total contributed capital (TCC) is equal to total agreed capital (TAC), so no
revaluation (goodwill) should be recognized as follows: Total agreed capital (should equal to TCC since it is a bonus method)…………………………………… P 40,800 Less: Total contributed capital [P33,600 (a) + P7,200].………… 40,800 Difference………………………………………………………………..P -0The new partner’s contributed capital is less than the agreed capital, the difference is attributable to bonus to new partner: J’s contributed capital (given)……………………………………...P 7,200 J’s agreed capital: (P40,800 x 30%)…………………………………. 12,240 Difference (bonus to new partner)………………………………….P 5,040 The entries to record the transaction in the books follows: G, capital (P2,400 x 60%)………………………………………. 1,440 H, capital (P2,400 x 40%)………………………………………. 960 Equipments……………………………………………… 2,400 Cash……………………………………………………………….. 7,200 G, capital (P5,040 x 60%)………………………………………. 3,024 H, capital (P5,040 x 40%)………………………………………. 2,016 J, capital ……………..………………………………….
k: Revaluation (Goodwill) to Old Partners with an Indication of a Revaluation (Goodwill). There is an understatement of asset amounting to P6,000 (P12,600 – P6,600) that is needed to be recorded (also even in cases of overstatement) as long as the revaluation (goodwill) approach is being used. Therefore, the contributed capital of partner G and H are as follows: G, capital: P24,000 + (P6,000 x 60%)………………………….P 27,600 H, capital: P12,000 + (P6,000 x 40%)………………………….. 14,400 Total contributed capital before the admission…………..P 42,000 The total contributed capital (TCC) is less than the total agreed capital (TAC), so revaluation (goodwill) should be recognized as follows: Total agreed capital (P18,000 / ¼ )*…..……….…………………...P 72,000 Less: Total contributed capital [P42,000 (a) + P18,000]………..… 60,000 Difference (revaluation/goodwill ) …………………..…………….P 12,000 *The old partner’s total contributed capital of P42,000 should not be used as a basis because it will result to a negative revaluation. In cases of revaluation and there is no specification as to upward or downward adjustments, the presumption should always be upward. The P18,000 was capitalized by ¼ to determine the value of the partnership as a whole. The new partner’s contributed capital is equal to the agreed capital, the difference of P12,000 in (a) is attributable to revaluation (goodwill) to old partners: J’s contributed capital (given)……………………………………...P 18,000 J’s agreed capital……………………………………………………… 18,000 Revaluation/goodwill to new partner……….……………………...P -0-
The entries to record the transaction in the books follows: Other assets…………………………………………………….... 6,000 G, capital (P6,000 x 60%)…………………………….. H, capital (P6,000 x 40%)…………………………….. Cash……………………………………………………………….. 18,000 Assets (goodwill)………………………………………………… 12,000 J, capital ……………..…………………………………. G, capital (P12,000 x 60%)…………………………… H, capital (P12,000 x 40%)…………………………….
3,600 2,400
18,000 7,200 4,800
l: Revaluation (Goodwill) to New Partner with Revaluation Amount Given. The total contributed capital (TCC) is less than the total agreed capital (TAC), so revaluation (goodwill) should be recognized as follows: Total agreed capital (TCC, P60,000 + P7,200, goodwill) ……….P 67,200 Less: Total contributed capital (P24,000 + P12,000 + P24,000)… 60,000 Difference (revaluation/goodwill ) …………………..……………..P 7,200 The new partner’s contributed capital is less than the agreed capital, the difference of P7,200 in (a) is attributable to revaluation (goodwill) to new partner: J’s contributed capital (given)……………………………………...P 24,000 J’s agreed capital: (P24,000 + P7,200)……………………………… 31,200 Revaluation/goodwill to new partner……….……………………..P 7,200 The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: Cash……………………………………………………………….. 24,000 Assets (goodwill)………………………………………………… 7,200 J, capital ……………..…………………………………. To record the admission of J.
m: Withdrawals Instead of Revaluation.
The total contributed capital (TCC) is greater than total agreed capital (TAC), so it should have been a negative revaluation. Since there was an indication that capital balances should equal to the profit and loss (old or new) ratio, then the difference should be considered as withdrawals (if it is a positive revaluation it should have been additional investment and if the TCC = TAC, it should have been settlement between partners) instead of negative revaluation. Total agreed capital (given)………………………………………...P 48,000 Less: Total contributed capital (P24,000 + P12,000 + P24,000).. 60,000 Difference (withdrawals)……………………………………………..P 12,000 The new partner’s contributed capital is less than the agreed capital, the difference is attributable to bonus to new partner: J’s contributed capital (given)……………………………………...P 24,000 J’s agreed capital: (P48,000 x 50%)…………………………………. 24,000
The withdrawals of P12,000 should be attributable to the old partners computed as follows: Total agreed capital (given)……………………………. P 48,000 Less: J’s agreed capital (P48,000 x 50%)……………… 24,000 Total agreed capital of the old partners……………… P 24,000 Less: G’s agreed capital (P24,000 x 60%)………………P 14,400 H’s agreed capital (P24,000 x 40%)……………… 9,600 24,000 G’s withdrawal: P24,000 – P14,400……………………… H’s withdrawal: P12,000 – P9,600……………………….. The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: Cash (P24,000 – P12,000)………………………………………. 12,000 G, capital…………………………………………………………. 9,600 H, capital………………………………………………………….. 2,400 J, capital ……………..………………………………….
P 9,600 P 2,400
n: Bonus and Revaluation (Goodwill) When Not Specifically Stated. n.1: Revaluation (Goodwill) or Bonus to New Partner. n.1.1: Bonus Approach. The total contributed capital (TCC) is equal to the total agreed capital (TAC), so no revaluation (goodwill) should be recognized as follows: Total agreed capital (should equal to TCC, since it is a bonus method)……………………………………P 54,000 Less: Total contributed capital (P24,000 + P12,000 + P18,000).. 54,000 Difference……………………………..…………………..…………….P -0The new partner’s contributed capital is less than the agreed capital, the difference is attributable to bonus to new partner: J’s contributed capital (given).……………………………………...P 18,000 J’s agreed capital: (P54,000 x 40%)………………………………… 21,600 Difference (bonus to new partner)..………………………………..P 3,600 The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: Cash………………………………………………………………..18,000 G, capital (P3,600 x 60%)……………………………………… 1,260 H, capital (P3,600 x 40%)………………………………………. 1,440 J, capital ……………..………………………………….
n.1.2: Revaluation (Goodwill) Approach. The total contributed capital (TCC) is less than the total agreed capital (TAC), so revaluation (goodwill) should be recognized as follows: Total agreed capital: (P24,000 + P12,000) / (100% - 40%)…………………………...P 60,000 Less: Total contributed capital (P24,000 + P12,000 + P18,000).. 54,000 Difference (revaluation/goodwill).…………………..…………….P 6,000
The new partner’s contributed capital is less than the agreed capital, the difference of P6,000 in (a) is attributable to revaluation (goodwill) to new partner: J’s contributed capital (given).…………………………………….P 18,000 J’s agreed capital: (P60,000 x 40%)……………………………….. 24,000 Difference (revaluation/goodwill to new partner)..…………...P 6,000 The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: Cash………………………………………………………………..18,000 Assets (goodwill)………………………………………………… 6,000 J, capital ……………..………………………………….
The following items should be observed: 1. The New Profit and Loss Ratio. The capital interest of J is 40%, while his profit and loss is 25%, so the new profit and loss interest of the new partnership is computed as follows: ____G Capital interest %.............. P & L %: G (60% x 75%)…… 45 H (40% x 75%)…… J ……..……………
30 25
2. The Capital Balances of the New Partners. After admission of partner J, the capital balances of the new partners are computed as follows: Bonus Approach (total agreed capital) - refer to Alternative 1 above: G, capital (P24,000 – P2,160)………………………………P 21,840 H, capital (P12,000 – P1,440)……………………………… 10,560 J, capital…………………………………………………....... 21,600 Total……………………………………………………………. P 54,000 Revaluation (goodwill) Approach (total agreed capital) - refer to Alternative 2 above: G, capital……………………………………………………...P 24,000 H, capital……………………………………………………… 12,000 J, capital (P60,000 x 40%)………………………………….. 24,000 Total…………………………………………………………….P 60,000 Schedule of Account Balances Net Capital__________ J___ Bonus Approach Balances after admission
Goodwill/Asset Assets
of J 21,600 Revaluation Approach Balances after admission of J 24,000 Depreciation/impairment* ( 1,500) Totals 22,500
P 54,000
P 54,000
P 6,000 ( 6,000)
P 54,000
P 21,840
P 10,560 P
P 24,000
P 12,000 P
( 2,700)
P 21,300
( 1,800) P 10,200 P
*new profit and loss ratio (G, 45%; H, 30%, and J, 25%) The two methods will yield the same results computed as follows; Capital__________ G H J__ Balances after admission of J (Bonus approach) Balances after admission of J (Revaluation approach) Gain or (loss) through use of bonus approach
P 21,840 P10,560 P 21,600 21,300 10,200 22,500 P 540 P 360 P( 900)
n.2: Revaluation (Goodwill) or Bonus to Old Partners. n.2.1: Bonus Approach. The total contributed capital (TCC) is equal to the total agreed capital (TAC), so no revaluation (goodwill) should be recognized as follows: Total agreed capital (should equal to TCC, since it is a bonus method)……………………………………P 54,000 Less: Total contributed capital (P24,000 + P12,000 + P18,000).. 54,000 Difference……………………………..…………………..…………….P -0The new partner’s contributed capital is greater than the agreed capital, the difference is attributable to bonus to old partners: J’s contributed capital (given).……………………………………...P 18,000 J’s agreed capital: (P54,000 x 30%)………………………………… 16,200 Difference (bonus to old partners)..…………………………………P 1,800 The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: Cash………………………………………………………………..18,000 J, capital ……………..…………………………………. G, capital (P1,800 x 60%)…………………………….. H, capital (P1,800 x 40%)………………………………
16,200 1,080 720
n.2.2: Revaluation (Goodwill) Approach. The total contributed capital (TCC) is greater than the total agreed capital (TAC), so revaluation (goodwill) should be recognized as follows: Total agreed capital: P18,000 / 30%...............…………………...P 60,000
Less: Total contributed capital (P24,000 + P12,000 + P18,000).. 54,000 Difference (revaluation/goodwill).…………………..…………….P 6,000 The new partner’s contributed capital is equal to the agreed capital, the difference of P6,000 in (a) is attributable to revaluation (goodwill) to old partners: J’s contributed capital (given).…………………………………….P 18,000 J’s agreed capital: (P60,000 x 30%)……………………………….. 18,000 Difference………………………………………………....……………P -0The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: Cash………………………………………………………………..18,000 Assets (goodwill)………………………………………………… 6,000 J, capital ……………..…………………………………. G, capital (P6,000 x 60%)…………………………….. H, capital (P6,000 x 40%)………………………………
18,000 3,600 2,400
The following items should be observed: 1. The New Profit and Loss Ratio. The capital interest of J is 30%, while his profit and loss is 40%, so the new profit and loss interest of the new partnership is computed as follows: ____G Capital interest %.............. P & L %: G (60% x 60%)…… 36 H (40% x 60%)…… J ……..……………
24 40
2. The Capital Balances of the New Partners. After admission of partner J, the capital balances of the new partners are computed as follows: Bonus Approach (total agreed capital) - refer to Alternative 1 above: G, capital (P24,000 + P1,080)…..……………………………P 25,080 H, capital (P12,000 + P720)………………………………… 12,600 J, capital…………………………………………………....... 16,200 Total……………………………………………………………. P 54,000 Revaluation (goodwill) Approach (total agreed capital) - refer to Alternative 2 above: G, capital (P24,000 + P3,600)……………………………...P 27,600 H, capital (P12,000 + P2,400)………………………………. 14,400 J, capital (P60,000 x 30%)………………………………….. 18,000 Total…………………………………………………………….P 60,000 Schedule of Account Balances Net
Goodwill/Asset Assets Revaluation
Capital__________ G H
J___ Bonus Approach Balances after admission of J 16,200 Revaluation Approach Balances after admission of J 18,000 Depreciation/impairment* ( 2,400) Totals 15,600
P 54,000
P 54,000
P 6,000 ( 6,000)
P 54,000
P 25,080
P 12,720 P
P 27,600
P 14,400 P
( 2,160) (
P 25,440
1,440) P 12,960 P
*new profit and loss ratio (G, 36%; H, 24%, and J, 40%) The two methods will yield the same results computed as follows; J__ Balances after admission of J (Bonus approach) Balances after admission of J (Revaluation approach) Gain or (loss) through use of bonus approach Problem IV 1. Phoenix, Capital Dallas, Capital
P 25,080 P 12,720 P 16,200 25,440 12,960 15,600 P( 360) P( 240) P 600 22,500 22,500
2. Phoenix, Capital Tucson, Capital Dallas, Capital
18,000 10,000
3. Cash
Phoenix, Capital (P60,000 - P40,000) × .50 Tucson, Capital Dallas, Capital
Capital__________ G H
28,000 10,000 10,000 40,000
(P90,000 + P50,000) + P60,000 = P200,000; Therefore, no goodwill is to be recognized. Dallas, capital = P200,000 0.20 = P40,000 4. Goodwill Phoenix, Capital Tucson, Capital
10,000 10,000
P40,000/0.20 = P200,000 Goodwill = P200,000 - (P90,000 + P50,000 + P40,000) = P$20,000
40,000 Dallas, Capital
Problem V 1. Book value of interest acquired = (P180,000 + P90,000) ´ 1/3 = $90,000 Bonus Method Cash
90,000 Moore, Capital
2. Book value of interest acquired = (P180,000 + P120,000) ´ 0.45 = P135,000 Book value of interest is greater than assets invested. Bonus Method Cash Brown, Capital (0.60 ´ P15,000) Coss, Capital (0.40 ´ P15,000) Moore, Capital
120,000 9,000 6,000 135,000
The goodwill method is not applicable because the partners agreed to total capital interest of P300,000.
1 3. Book value of interest acquired (P180,000 + P120,000) ´ 3 = P100,000 Bonus method cannot be used because Moore will not accept less than P120,000 capital interest. Goodwill Method Total capital implied from contract [P120,000/(1/3)] P360,000 Minus current capital balance + Moore's investment (P180,000 + P120,000)300,000 Goodwill P60,000 Goodwill Brown, Capital (0.60 ´ P60,000) Coss, Capital (0.40 ´ P60,000) Cash
60,000 36,000 24,000 120,000
Moore, Capital
4. Book value of interest acquired (P180,000 + P40,000) ´ ¼ = P55,000 Book value of interest acquired is greater than assets invested. Bonus Method Cash Brown, Capital (0.60 ´ P15,000)
40,000 9,000
Coss, Capital (0.40 ´ P15,000) Moore, Capital
6,000 55,000
5. Book value of interest acquired (P180,000 + P35,000) ´ 0.20 = P43,000 Book value of interest acquired is greater than the asset invested. Goodwill Method Total capital P225,000 Minus recorded value of net assets + Moore's investment (P180,000 + P35,000) 215,000 Goodwill P10,000 Cash Goodwill Moore, Capital
35,000 10,000 45,000
6. Book value of interest acquired (P180,000 + P150,000) ´ (1/3) = P110,000 Book value of interest acquired is less than asset invested. Bonus Method Land
150,000 Brown, Capital (0.60 ´ P40,000) Coss, Capital (0.40 ´ P40,000) Moore, Capital
24,000 16,000 110,000
Goodwill Method Net value of firm implied by contract [P150,000/(1/3)] Minus current capital + Moore's investment (P180,000 + P150,000) Goodwill Goodwill Brown, Capital (0.60 ´ P120,000) Coss, Capital (0.40 ´ P120,000)
Moore, Capital
P450,000 330,000 P120,000 72,000 48,000 150,000
7. Bonus Method Brown, Capital (0.30 ´ P92,000) Coss, Capital (0.30 ´ P88,000) Moore, Capital
27,600 26,400
Problems- VI 1. (a) Goodwill method: Cash………………………………………………………… 5,000 Goodwill…………………………………………………… 4,200 Mason, Capital………………………………………… Norris, Capital…………………………………………..
2,520 1,680
Oster, Capital…………………………………………..
Computation of goodwill: Total capital after adjustment for goodwill, P5,000 / .25…………………………………………….. P20,000 Total capital before adjustment for goodwill….. 15,800 Goodwill allowed old partners……………………..P 4,200 Distribution of goodwill: Mason: 3/5 of P4,200…………………………………P 2,250 Norris: 2/5 of P4,200…………………………………… 1,680 P 4,200 (b)Bonus method: Cash………………………………………………………… 5,000 Mason, Capital………………………………………… 630 Norris, Capital………………………………………….. 420 Oster, Capital………………………………………….. 3,950 Computation of bonus: Amount invested by Oster………………………….. P 5,000 Oster’s interest, 25% of P 15,800………………..….. 3,950 Bonus allowed old partners………………………… P 1,050 Distribution of bonus: Mason: 3/5 of P1,050…………………………………. P 630 Norris: 2/5 of P1,050…………………………………… 420 P 1,050 (c) The bonus method will be preferred by Oster, who will gain P350. Norris will gain P140, while Mason will lose P490. COMPARISON WHEN GOODWILL IS FOUND TO EXIST GoodOther Mason Norris Oster will__ Assets Capital Capital Capital P4,200 P15,800 P8,520 P6,480 P5,500 P15,800 P6,630 P5,220 P3,950
When goodwill method is used….. When bonus method is used……… Add recognition of goodwill (gain distributed in profit and loss ratio, equally)………………………. P4,200 P4,200 Gain (loss) through use of bonus method……………………….
1,400 1,400 1,400 P8,030 P6,620 P5,350
(P 490)
P 140
When bonus method is used……… When goodwill method is used….. goodwill (loss distributable equally)………… Gain (loss) through use of bonus method……………………….
GoodOther Mason Norris Oster will__ Assets Capital Capital Capital P15,800 P6,630 P5,220 P3,950 P4,200 P15,800 P8,520 P6,480 P5,500 Deduct write-off of P4,200 P15,800
2. (a) Goodwill method: Cash………………………………………………………… 5,000 Goodwill…………………………………………………… 2,200
1,400 1,400 P7,120 P5,080
(P 490)
P 140
1,400 P3,600
Oster, Capital………………………………………….. 7,200 Computation of goodwill: Total capital after adjustment for goodwill, P10,800 / .60…………………………………………….P18,000 Total capital before adjustment for goodwill….. 15,800 Goodwill allowed to Oster………………………….. P 2,200 (b)Bonus method: Cash………………………………………………………… 5,000 Mason, Capital…………………………………………… 792 Norris, Capital…………………………………………….. 528 Oster, Capital………………………………………….. 6,320 Computation of bonus: Oster’s interest, 40% of P 15,800………………..….. 6,320 Amount invested by Oster………………………….. P 5,000 Bonus allowed to Oster……………………………… P 1,320 Charge to partners for bonus allowed to Oster: Mason: 3/5 of P1,320…………………………………. P 792 Norris: 2/5 of P1,320…………………………………… 528 P 1,320 (c) The goodwill method will be preferred by Oster, who will gain P146.66. Norris’ loss is P205.33, and Mason’s gain is P58.67. COMPARISON WHEN GOODWILL IS FOUND TO EXIST GoodOther Mason Norris Oster will__ Assets Capital Capital Capital P2,200 P15,800 P6,000 P4,800 P7,200 P15,800 P5,208 P4,272 P6,320
When goodwill method is used….. When bonus method is used……… Add recognition of goodwill (gain distributed in profit and loss ratio, equally)………………………. P2,200 P2,200 Gain (loss) through use of bonus method……………………….
733.33 733.33 733.34 P15,800 P5,941.33 P5,005.33 P7,053.34 (P 58.67) P 205.33 (P146.66)
When bonus method is used……… When goodwill method is used….. goodwill (loss distributable equally)………… Gain (loss) through use of bonus method……………………….
GoodOther Mason Norris Oster will__ Assets Capital Capital Capital P15,800 P5,208 P4,272 P3,950 P2,200 P15,800 P6,000 P4800 P7,200 Deduct write-off of P2,200 P15,800
733.33 733.33 733.34 P5,266.67 P4,066.67 P6,466.66
P205.33 (P146.66)
Problem VII 1. The total interest of the retiring partner K amounted to: Capital interest………………………………………………….P 36,000 Add (deduct): Share in net income…………………………………….. 7,200 Loan receivable………………………………………….( 6,000)
Total Interest of K before his retirement............................P 37,200 2. a. Payment at Book Value (Settlement price is equal to the interest of retiring partner). The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: K, capital…………………………………………………………. 37,200 Cash………………………….………………………….. 37,200 b. Payment at More than Book Value ((Settlement price is greater than the interest of retiring partner). b.1. Bonus to Retiring Partner. The excess is considered bonus chargeable to L and M. The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: K, capital…………………………………………………………. 37,200 L, capital (P4,800 x 5/7)……………………………………….. 3,429 M, capital (P4,800 x 2/7)………………………………………. 1,371 Cash………………………….………………………….. 42,000 Amount paid………………………..………………………….. P 42,000 Less: BV of K’s total interest (30%).……..……..................... Bonus to Retiring Partner……………………………………… P 4,800
The following items should be observed: 1. It should be observed that under bonus approach, undervaluation of net assets should not be recorded for this will be in contradiction of current accounting standards. 2. The capital balances of the partners after the retirement of K are as follows: L, capital (P48,000 + P12,000, profit – P3,429, bonus)………………P56,571 M, capital (P18,000 + P4,800 profit – P1,371, bonus)……………….. 21,429 Assuming the same data, except that by mutual agreement the inventory is to be adjusted to their fair value. Then, the undervalued asset should be recorded first before the settlement. The entries to record the transaction in the books follows: Inventory………………………………………………………… 4,800 K, capital (P4,800 x 30%)……………………………. L, capital (P4,800 x 50%)…………………………….. M, capital (P4,800 x 20%)……………………………
1,440 2,400 960
K, capital………………………………………………………….38,640 L, capital (P3,360 x 5/7)……………………………………….. 2,400 M, capital (P3,360 x 2/7)……………………………………… 960 Cash………………………….…………………………. 42,000 Amount paid………………………..…………………………... P 42,000 Less: BV of K’s total interest (30%) - (P37,200 + P1,440).... Bonus to Retiring Partner……………………………………… P 3,360
b.2: Partial Revaluation (Goodwill) to Retiring Partner. The entries to record the transaction in the books follows: Inventory………………………………………………………… 4,800 K, capital (P4,800 x 30%)…………………………….. 1,440 L, capital (P4,800 x 50%)…………………………….. 2,400 M, capital (P4,800 x 20%)……………………………. 960 K, capital…………………………………………………………. 38,640 Assets (Goodwill)……………………………………………….. 3,360 Cash………………………….…………………………..
Amount paid………………………..………………………….. P 42,000 Less: BV of K’s total interest (30%) - P37,200 + P1,440........ 38,640 Partial revaluation (goodwill) to Retiring Partner………… P 3,360 The following items should be observed: 1. Some argue that, in accordance with the cost basis, only the revaluation (goodwill) of P3,360 that has been purchased should be recorded. 2. The situation at bar is the same situation in admission by investment Case 9, that recognition of understatement of assets is in compliance with GAAP under the revaluation (goodwill) approach. 3. The capital balances of the partners after the retirement of K are as follows: L, capital (P48,000 + P12,000, profit + P2,400, adjustment).………P62,400 M, capital (P18,000 + P4,800, profit + P960 adjustment)…….…… 23,760 A modified version of this partial revaluation (goodwill) approach happens assuming that when assets and liabilities are revalued only to the extent of the excess payment to K, the entry to record the transaction is as follows: K, capital…………………………………………………………. 37,200 Assets ……………)………………………………………………. 4,800 Cash………………………….…………………………..
Amount paid………………………..………………………….. P 42,000 Less: BV of K’s total interest (30%)……………………......... 37,200 Partial revaluation (goodwill) to Retiring Partner………… P 4,800 b.3: Total Revaluation (Goodwill) to Retiring Partner. The entries to record the transaction in the books follows: Inventory………………………………………………………… 4,800 K, capital (P4,800 x 30%)…………………………….. L, capital (P4,800 x 50%)…………………………….. M, capital (P4,800 x 20%)…………………………….
1,440 2,400 960
The excess is considered as revaluation (goodwill) to be recognized. Assets (Goodwill)……………………………………………….. 11,200
K, capital (P11,200 x 30%)…………………………….. L, capital (P11,200 x 50%)…………………………….. M, capital (P11,200 x 20%)…………………………….
3,360 5,600 2,240
Amount paid………………………..………………………….. P 42,000 Less: BV of K’s total interest (30%) - P31,000 + P1,200....... 36,640 Partial revaluation (goodwill) to Retiring Partner………… P 3,360* Divided by (capitalized at): Profit and loss % of K............. 30% Total Revaluation (goodwill)…………………………………. P 11,200 *The P3,360 represents K’s 30% interest in revaluation (goodwill) of P11,200. Notice that the P3,360 represents K’s interest in the gain, which would be realized if the revaluation (goodwill) were sold. Therefore, K’s percentage is used to suggest the total value of the revaluation (goodwill).
K, capital (P 38,640 + P3,360)…………………………………. 42,000 Cash………………………….…………………………..
The following items should be observed: 1. Whether part or all of the goodwill is recognized, opponents of this procedure contend that transactions between partners should not be viewed as arm’s length; therefore, the measure of revaluation (goodwill) may not be determined objectively. Also, inequitable results may be produced if the remaining partners subsequently changed their profit and loss ratio. 2. The capital balances of the partners after the retirement of K are as follows: L, capital (P48,000 + P12,000, profit + P2,400, adjustment + P5,600).P68,000 M, capital (P18,000 + P4,400, profit + P960 adjustment + P2,240)….. 26,000 For purposes of comparison, let us assume that there is no undervalued inventory amounting to P4,800 in Case 2 above. Refer to the following schedule for comparison. Schedule of Account Balances Goodwill/Asset Revaluation M_____ Bonus Approach Balances after retirement of K 21,429 Partial Revaluation (Goodwill) Approach Balances after retirement of K* 22,800 Depreciation/impairment*** ( 1,371) Totals 21,429
4,800) P
*excluding undervalued inventory of P2,400 and P960 for L and M, respectively.
Capital__________ L P
P (
3,429) P 58,971
** P42,000 – P37,200 = P4,800, partial revaluation *** old profit and loss ratio (L, 5/7 and M, 2/7)
Total Revaluation (Goodwill) Approach Balances after retirement of K* 26,000 Depreciation/impairment*** ( 4,571) Totals 21,429
P 16,000** (
16,000) P
( 11,429)
P 56,571
*excluding undervalued inventory of P2,400 and P960 for L and M, respectively. ** P42,000 – P37,200 = P4,800, partial revaluation / 30% = P16,000. L, capital: (P48,000 + P12,000) + (P16,000 x 50%) = P68,000 M, capital: (P18,000 + P4,800) + (P16,000 x 20%) = P 26,000 *** old profit and loss ratio (L, 5/7 and M, 2/7)
The three methods will yield the same results computed as follows; M__ Balances after retirement of K (Bonus approach) Balances after retirement of K (Partial Revaluation approach) Balances after retirement of K (Total Revaluation approach)
Total_______ L
P 56,571 P 56,571 P 56,571
P 21,249 P 21,249 P 21,249
c: Payment at Less than Book Value ((Settlement price is less than the interest of retiring partner). c.1. Bonus to Remaining Partners. The excess is considered bonus chargeable to L and M. The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: K, capital…………………………………………………………. 37,200 Cash………………………….………………………….. 31,200 L, capital (P6,000 x 5/7)………………………………. 4,286 M, capital (P6,000 x 2/7)……………………………… 1,714 Amount paid………………………..…………………………… P 31,200 Less: BV of K’s total interest (30%).……..……..................... Bonus to Remaining Partners…………………………………. P 6,000
The capital balances of the partners after the retirement of K are as follows: L, capital (P48,000 + P12,000, profit + P4,286, bonus)……………..P64,286 M, capital (P18,000 + P4,800 profit + P1,714, bonus)……………….. 24,514 c.2: Partial Revaluation/Write-down of Specific Assets (Share of Retiring Partner). The entry to record the transaction in the books follows: K, capital…………………………………………………………. 37,200 Specific Asset…..……………………………………… 6,000 Cash………………………….………………………….. 31,200 Amount paid………………………..…………………………… P 31,200
Less: BV of K’s total interest (30%)………………………....... 37,200 Partial revaluation/write-down of specific assets……..… P 6,000 The capital balances of the partners after the retirement of K are as follows: L, capital (P48,000 + P12,000, profit)………………………….………P60,000 M, capital (P18,000 + P4,800, profit)…………………………….…… 22,800 c.3: Total Revaluation/Write-down of Assets (Entire Entity). The entries to record the transaction in the books follows: K, capital (P20,000 x 30%)…………………………………...... 6,000 L, capital (P20,000 x 50%)………………………………………10,000 M, capital (P20,000 x 20%)……………………………………. 4,000 Assets……………………………………………………. 20,000 To record write-down of assets computed as follows: Amount paid………………………..…………………………….P 31,200 Less: BV of K’s total interest (30%)………………………........ 37,200 Partial revaluation/write-down of asset……………………..P 6,000* Divided by (capitalized at): Profit and loss % of K............ 30% Total Revaluation/Write-down of assets….………………….P 20,000 *The P6,000 represents K’s 30% interest in write-down of assets of P20,000. Notice that the P6,000 represents K’s interest in the loss.
K, capital (P 37,200 - P6,000)………………………………. 31,200 Cash………………………….………………………... 31,200 The capital balances of the partners after the retirement of K are as follows: L, capital (P48,000 + P12,000, profit – P10,000)…………………………...P50,000 M, capital (P18,000 + P4,800, profit - P4,000)……………………….….. 18,800 Assets (Goodwill)……………………………………………….. 11,200 K, capital (P11,200 x 30%)…………………………….. 3,360 L, capital (P11,200 x 50%)…………………………….. 5,600 M, capital (P11,200 x 20%)……………………………. 2,240 To record total revaluation (goodwill) computed as follows: Amount paid………………………..………………………….. P 42,000 Less: BV of K’s total interest (30%) - P31,000 + P1,200....... 38,640 Partial revaluation (goodwill) to Retiring Partner………… P 3,360* Divided by (capitalized at): Profit and loss % of K............. 30% Total Revaluation ……………………………………………….. 11,200 Problem VIII 1.
Grey, Capital P200,000 + (P30,000 × 2/6) Portney, Capital (P20,000 × 3/4) Ross, Capital (P20,000 × 1/4) Cash Goodwill (P20,000 ÷ 2/6) Portney, Capital Grey, Capital Ross, Capital
15,000 5,000
60,000 20,000
30,000 10,000
Grey, Capital Cash
Problem IX 1.
C, Capital A, Capital B, Capital Cash Goodwill C, Capital C, Capital Cash
105,000 21,000 14,000 140,000 35,000 35,000 140,000
0.5X =P35,000 X =P70,000 Goodwill A, Capital B, Capital C, Capital C, Capital Cash
21,000 14,000 35,000
140,000 140,000
The bonus method is more objective. That is, the bonus method does not require the allocation of a subjective value to goodwill. Since this is not an arm’s length transaction, there is no objective basis to revalue the firm as a whole.
Problem X
(1) Since a debit was made to Agler’s capital account, a bonus was paid to the retiring partner of P80,000 (5/8 goodwill = P50,000), resulting in a total payment to Colter of P230,000. The entry would be: Agler, Capital 50,000 Bates, Capital 30,000 Colter, Capital 150,000 Cash 230,000 (2) Under the partial goodwill approach, only the goodwill attributed to the retiring partner is recorded. Thus, the payment to Colter was P210,000 (P150,000 + P60,000). Under the total Goodwill, since P66,000 was credited, total goodwill of P220,000 (P66,000/0.3) is recorded. Colter is allocated P44,000 (P220,000 × 0.20). Thus, the payment to Colter was P194,000 (P150,000 + P44,000).
Problem XI 1. Partnership Books Retained Entries in the Books of the New Corporation using the Partnership Books: Inventories (P36,000 – P 30,600) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Equipment (P84,000 – P72,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goodwill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (P1,200 – P720) . . . . . . . . . . . . Accumulated Depreciation of Equipment (P36,600 – P31,200). . Accrued expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... AA, Capital (P22,200 x 0.80) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. BB, Capital (P22,200 x 0.20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... To adjust assets and liabilities to agreed amounts and to divide net gain of
5,400 12,000 12,000 480 5,400 1,320 17,760 4,440
P22,200 between partners in 4:1 ratio
AA, Capital (P57,588 + P17,760) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. BB, Capital (P19,212 + P4,440) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Common stock (P10 par x 9,000 shares) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paid-in capital in excess of par [(P11 – P10) x 9,000 shares] . . . .
75,348 23,652 90,000 9,000
To record distribution of common stock of J & K Corporation to partners; AA: (P57,588 + P17,760) / P11 per share = 6,850 shares BB: (P19,212 + P4,440) / P11per share = 2,150 shares Total shares................................................ 9,000 shares
2. New Books Opened for the Corporation Entries in the Books of the Partnership: Inventories (P36,000 – P 30,600) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Equipment (P84,000 – P72,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goodwill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (P1,200 – P720) . . . . . . . . . . . . Accumulated Depreciation of Equipment (P36,600 – P31,200). . Accrued expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... AA, Capital (P22,200 x 0.80) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. BB, Capital (P22,200 x 0.20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
5,400 12,000 12,000 480 5,400 1,320 17,760 4,440
To adjust assets and liabilities to agreed amounts and to divide net gain of P22,200 between partners in 4:1 ratio
Receivable from A&B Corporation (P76,800 + P22,200) . . . . . . . . . . Accounts Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accrued expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allowance for Doubtful Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accumulated Depreciation of Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
99,000 42,000 1,320 1,200 36,600 14,400
Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Accounts Receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Inventories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........
33,720 36,000 84,000
Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
Goodwill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... To record transfer of assets and liabilities to A&B Corporation.
Common Stock of A & B Corporation (9,000 shares x P11) . . . . . . . Receivable from A & B Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. To record receipt of 9,000 shares of P10 par common stock valued at P11 a share in payment for net assets transferred to A & B Corporation.
AA, Capital (P57,588 + P17,760) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. BB, Capital (P19,212 + P4,440) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Common Stock of J & K Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
75,348 23,652 99,000
To record distribution of common stock of J & K Corporation to partners; AA: (P57,588 + P17,760) / P11 per share = 6,850 shares BB: (P19,212 + P4,440) / P11per share = 2,150 shares Total shares................................................ 9,000 shares
In the Accounting Records of the Corporation: Entries in the Books of the New Corporation: Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ Accounts Receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inventories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... Equipment (P84,000 - P36,600). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Goodwill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ Allowance for Doubtful Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounts Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accrued Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Payable to A & B Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............
Payable to A & B Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Common stock, P10 par (9,000 x P10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... To record issuance of 9,000 shares of common stock valued at P11 a share in payment for net assets of A&B Partnership.
33,720 36,000 47,400 12,000 1,200 42,000 1,320 99,000
To record acquisition of assets and liabilities from A&B Partnership.
Problem XII Cash 8,700 Trade Accounts Receivable Inventories 28,000 Equipment 35,000 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Notes Payable Trade Accounts Payable Payable to Sade and Tipp To record acquisition of net assets from Sade & Tipp LLP. Payable to Sade and Tipp Common Stock, P1 par Paid-in Capital Excess of Par To record issuance of 10,000 shares of common stock to Sade and Tipp.
90,000 9,000
13,250 800 10,000 9,800 64,350 64,350
10,000 54,350
Problem XII 1. Cash Inventory Equipment Snow, Capital
20,000 15,000 67,000 102,000
Cash Land
50,000 120,000
Mortgage Payable Waite, Capital 2. Snow, Capital Waite, Capital Income Summary Net loss to be allocated Interest on capital investment P102,000 10% P130,000 10% Salaries to partners
40,000 130,000 7,680 16,320 24,000 Snow
P10,200 15,000
Allocation 40:60 Net loss allocated to partners 3. Cash Snow, Capital (P13,400 40%) Waite, Capital (P13,400 60%) Young, Capital Capital interest of Snow (P102,000 - P7,680) Capital interest of Waite (P130,000 - P16,320) Investment of Young Total capital interest in new partnership Percentage acquired by Young Capital interest of Young Investment by Young Bonus to Young
(32,880) P(7,680)
P13,000 20,000 (49,320) P(16,320) 70,000 5,360 8,040
P23,200 35,000 58,200 (82,200) P(24,000)
P94,320 113,680 70,000 278,000 30% 83,400 (70,000) P13,400
4. Income Summary Snow, Capital (P150,000 20%) Waite, Capital (P150,000 50%) Young, Capital (P150,000 30%)
5. Snow, Capital* Waite, Capital (P18,960 50/80) Young, Capital (P18,960 30/80) Cash
30,000 75,000 45,000 11,850 7,110 40,000
Note Payable
*P102,000 - P7,680 - P5,360 + P30,000 = P118,960 Problem XIV Multiple Choice Problems 1. c Note: A partnership is not dissolved when a partner assigns his or her interest in the partnership to a third party because such an assignment does not in itself change the relations among partners. Such assignment only entitles the assignee to receive the assigning interest partner’s interest in future partnership profits and in partnership assets in the event of liquidation. The assignee does not become a partner, however, and does not obtain the right to share in management of the partnership. If the assignee does not become a partner, the only change required on the partnership books is for transfer of the capital interest of the assignor partner to the assignee. The assignment by A to D of his 50% interest in the BIG Entertainment Company is recorded are follows: A, Capital (P168,000 x 1/4)................................................................. 42,000 D, Capital..............................................................................
The amount of the capital transfer is equal to the recorded amount of A’s capital at the time of the assignment, and it is independent of the consideration received by A for his 1/4 interest. If the recorded amount of A’s is P42,000, then the amount of the transfer entry is P42,000, regardless of whether D pay A P42,000 or some amount. Therefore, the capital of the partnership after the assignment of interest remains the same at P480,000.
2. c Amount paid……………………………………………………………………………….P 200,000 Less: Book value of interest acquired: (P100,000 + P200,000 + P300,000) x 25%.. 150,000 Excess – partial goodwill…………………………………………………………………P 50,000 Divided by: capitalization rate based on interest acquired…………………....... 25% Goodwill or revaluation of asset upward…………………………………………….P 200,000 Jethro: [P200,000 + (P200,000 x 30%)] x 75% = P195,000 3. b
Amount paid Less: Book value of interest acquired: (P140,000 x ¼) Excess Capitalized at: P&L of W Goodwill/revaluation
P40,000 35,000 P 5,000 1/4 P20,000
E: [P80,000 + (P20,000 x 60%)] x 3/4 = P69,000 G: [P40,000 + (P20,000 x 30%)] x 3/4 = P34,500 D: [P20,000 + (P20,000 x 10%)] x 3/4 = P16,500 4. a
Amount paid………………………………………………………………………………P 60,000 Less: Book value of interest acquired: P120,000 x 40%…………………................ 48,000 Difference…………..……………………………………………………………………...P 12,000
Divided by: Capital Interest…………………………………………………………....... 40% Goodwill…………………………………………………………………………………….P 30,000 LL: P50,000 + (P30,000 x ½) = P65,000 – (P60,000 x ½) = P35,000 QQ: P70,000 + (P30,000 x ½) = P85,000 – (P60,000 x ½) = P55,000 DD: Since there is an adjustment, the capital of the new partner will always be the same with the amount paid, P60,000. 5. d - The amount that Richard will pay Ray depends on many factors and cannot be determined from the information provided here. 6.
7. c
Amount paid Less: Book value of interest acquired (P444,000 x 1/5) Gain- personal (to N, S & J)
P132,000 88,800 P 43,200
Total agreed capital* (P74,000 + P130,000 + P96,000)/80% ............ P375,000 Less: Total contributed capital *...............…………………………..... 375,000 Difference .......................................………………..………………….. ..P 0 *since no goodwill or revaluation is allowed total agreed capital is the same with total contributed capital.
The contributed capital or investment of the new partner will be computed based on total agreed capital. Total contributed capital………………………………………….. . P375,000 Less: Total contributed capital of old partners............................ 300,000 Investment or contribution of new partner..................................P 75,000 or,
8. b
Total contributed capital………………………………………….. . P375,000 Multiplied by: Capital interest of Jones (new partner)………... 20% Investment or contribution of new partner..................................P 75,000
Total Agreed Capital P180,000 Multiplied by: Interest acquired by K 1/3 Agreed capital of K P 60,000 Cash investment by K 50,000 Bonus to K P 10,000 Therefore, E= P70,000 – (P10,000 x 70%) = P63,000 D= P60,000 – (P10,000 x 30%) = P57,000 J= P50,000
9. b - Total capital is P200,000 (P110,000 + P40,000 + P50,000) after the new investment. As Kansas's portion is to be 30 percent, the capital balance would be P60,000
(P200,000 × 30%). Since only P50,000 was paid, a bonus of P10,000 must be taken from the two original partners based on their profit and loss ratio: Bolcar –P7,000 (70%) and Neary – P3,000 (30%). The reduction drops Neary's capital balance from P40,000 to P37,000. 10. d Total of old partners' capital Investment by new partner Total of new partnership capital Capital amount credited to Johnson (P95,000 x .20)
P 80,000 15,000 P 95,000 P 19,000
11. b LL invests P40,000 and total capital specified as P150,000: Investment in partnership P 40,000 New partner's proportionate book value [(P110,000 + P40,000) x 1/3] (50,000) Difference (investment < book value) P (10,000) Method: Bonus or goodwill to new partner Specified total resulting capital Total net assets not including goodwill (P110,000 + P40,000) Estimated goodwill
P 150,000 (150,000) P -0-
Therefore, bonus of P10,000 to new partner Boris' capital = P54,000 = P60,000 - (P10,000 x 6/10) 12. a – “preferable accounting method” refers to bonus method Total agreed capital = Total contributed capital (under the bonus method) (P70,000 + P30,000 + P40,000).......................................................................... P 140,000 Multiplied by: interest acquired by new partner.............................................. 20% Capital of new partner Chapman...................................................................... P 28,000 Less: Investment by Chapman............................................................................. 40,000 Bonus to old partners to be allocated equally to old partners – Adams and Bye......................................................................................... P 12,000 13. c - [P120,000 - (P170,000 + P260,000 + P120,000)(.25)] 14. c Scott invests P36,000 for a 1/5 interest: Investment in partnership
P 36,000
New partner's proportionate book value [(P120,000 + P36,000) x .20] Difference (investment > book value)
Method: Goodwill to prior partners 1/5 estimated total resulting capital Estimated total resulting capital (P36,000 / .20)
(31,200) 4,800
P 36,000 P 180,000
Estimated total resulting capital Total net assets not including goodwill (P120,000 + P36,000) Estimated goodwill/adjustment to prior partners
P 180,000 (156,000) P 24,000
(Use the same procedure in Nos. 9 and 10)
b - Total capital is P270,000 (P120,000 + P90,000 + P60,000) after the new investment. However, the implied value of the business based on the new investment is P300,000 (P60,000/20%). Thus, goodwill of P30,000 must be recognized with the offsetting allocation to the original partners based on their profit and loss ratio: Bishop – P18,000 (60%) and Cotton P12,000 (40%). The increase raises Cotton's capital from P90,000 to P102,000. Total agreed capital* P120,000 /40% ............................................. P300,000 Multiplied by: Capital interest of Jones (new partner)………...... 60% Agreed capital of R.............................................................................P180,000 Note: The investment of D is used as the basis to determine total agreed capital, otherwise using the capital balance of D will lead to a “negative” goodwill or revaluation downward.
Total agreed capital* (P250,000/20%)....................................... P 1,250,000 Less: Total contributed capital of R and S: (P500,000 + P400,000 + P40,000) + P250,000................. 1,190,000 Goodwill or revaluation to old partners................................... P 60,000 Riley: P500,000 + (P40,000 x 60%) + (P60,000 x 60%) = P560,000 or,
Riley [P500,000 + (P40,000 x 60%)] Smith [P400,000 + (P40,000 x 40%)] Tyler Total
Contributed Agreed Capital Capital P 524,000 P 560,000 416,000 P 940,000 P1,000,000 250,000 250,000 / 20% P 1,190,000 P1,250,000 100%
Goodwill P 36,000 60% 24,000 40% P 60,000 -0P 60,000
c Total agreed
capital* ................................................................. P 260,000 Less: Total contributed capital of L, M, and N (P120,000 + P70,000 – P30,000 + P60,000) + P40,000.... 260,000 Difference..................................................................................... P 0 Total agreed capital Multiplied by: Interest acquired Capital credited to Ole
P 260,000 20% P 52,000
or, Contribute d Capital Old Partners: (P120,000+P70,00 - P30,000 + P60,000) New Partner: Ole
Agreed Capital
P 220,000
__40,000 P 52,000 20%* P 260,000 P 260,000 P -0* P52,000 is derived from multiplying P260,000 by 20%. Notes: 1. The partners agreed that assets should revalued using fair value. 2. Since problem is silent, bonus method is used. 19.
a - Admission by purchase. The implied value of the company is P900,000 (P270,000/30%). Since the money is going to the partners rather than into the business, the capital total is P490,000 before realigning the balances. Hence, goodwill of P410,000 must be recognized based on the implied value (P900,000 – P490,000). This goodwill is assumed to represent unrealized business gains and is attributed to the original partners according to their profit and loss ratio. They will then each convey 30 percent ownership of the P900,000 partnership to Darrow for a capital balance of P270,000. Formal presentation: Amount paid ………………………….………….. P 270,000 / 30% P900,000 (100%) Less: BV of interest acquired – (P220,000 + P160,000 + P110,000) x 30%….... 147,000 490,000 Excess……………………………………………….. P123,000 Divided by: Interest acquired………………….. 20% Goodwill or revaluation of Asset …………….. P410,000 The entry would be as follows; Goodwill/Asset Williams (40%) Jennings (40%) Bryan (20%)
P410,000 (100%) 410,000 164,000 164,000 82,000
Williams [P220,000 + (P410,000 x 40%)] x 30% Jennings [P160,000 + (P410,000 x 40%)] x 30% Bryan [P110,000 + (P410,000 x 20%)] x 30% Darrow 20.
115,200 97,200 57,600 270,000
d - Admission by investment. Since the money goes into the business, total capital becomes P740,000 (P490,000 + P250,000). Darrow is allotted 30 percent of this total or P222,000. Because Darrow invested P250,000, the extra P28,000 is assumed to be a bonus to the original partners. Jennings will be assigned 40 percent of this extra amount or P11,200. This bonus increases Jennings’ capital from P160,000 to P171,200. Formal presentation: Total agreed capital* (same with total contributed capital)…... P740,000 Less: Total contributed capital (P220,000 + P160,000 + P110,000 + P250,000)..............…………………………....... 740,000 Difference .......................................………………..………………… ..P 0
*since no goodwill or revaluation is allowed total agreed is the same with total contributed capital.
The new partner’s contributed capital is equal to the agreed capital, the difference of P3,600 in (a) is attributable to revaluation (goodwill) to old partners: Darrow’s contributed capital………………………………………… P250,000 Darrow’s agreed capital: (P740,000 x 30%)……………………....... 222,000 Bonus to old partners ........................………………………………… P 28,000 Jennings: [P160,000 + (P28,000 x 40%)] = P171,200 or, alternatively Contributed Capital (CC)
21 .
Agreed Capital (AC)
D Total
490,000 250,000 740,000
518,000 222,000 30% 740,000
d As specified no bonus or goodwill recognized. 5/6 estimated total resulting capital Estimated total resulting capital (P150,000 / 5/6) Required investment (P180,000 x 1/6)
P 150,000 180,000 P 30,000
d Direct purchase; reclassify CCs capital only (if silent – book
11,200 40% 11,200 40% 5,600 20% 28,000 28,000 0
23. d Total contributed capital* (P140,000 + P40,000) / 4/5 ............................................. P225,000 Less: Total contributed capital of Allen and David................ 180,000 Investment by David......................................................................P 45,000 *since no goodwill or revaluation is allowed total agreed capital is the same with total contributed capital.
24. c
Total agreed capital (140,000 + 40,000) / 3/4.............................P240,000 Less: Total contributed capital (P140,000 + P40,000 + P50,000)......................................... 230,000 Goodwill/revaluation...........................………………..…………..P 10,000 Note: since the problem indicates that there is goodwill/revaluation of asset downward, total agreed capital should be higher compared to total contributed capital (to achieve this objective the capital of old partners should be used as a basis)
Cash Goodwill/assets David, capital (1/4 x P240,000) 25. b
50,000 10,000 60,000
Total agreed capital (P40,000) / 1/5............................................P200,000 Less: Total contributed capital (P140,000 + P40,000 + P40,000)......................................... 220,000 Revaluation of asset / inventory decreased……..…………....P( 20,000) Note: since the problem indicates that there is revaluation of asset downward, total agreed capital should be lower compared to total contributed capital.
26. b – refer to No. 25 for computation Allen: P140,000 – (P20,000 x 3/4) = P125,000 Daniel: P40,000 – (P20,000 x 1/4) = P35,000 27. d
Amount paid (P34,000 + P10,000) P 44,000 Less: Book value of Allen and Daniel (1/5) x P180,000 ) 36,000 Partial goodwill/revaluation adjustment P 8,000 Capitalized at 1/5 Revaluation of land P 40,000
28. a. Allen: [P140,000 + (P40,000 x 3/4)] x 4/5 = P136,000 Daniel: [P40,000 + (P40,000 x 1/4)] x 4/5 = P40,000 29. b Total agreed capital (given)........................................................P220,000 Less: Total contributed capital
(P140,000 + P40,000 + P40,000)......................................... 220,000 Difference..............................................………………..…………..P 0 Note: Since total agreed and total contributed are the same, therefore is no goodwill or revaluation.
Total Agreed Capital Multiplied by: Interest acquired by David Agreed capital of David Cash investment by David Bonus to David Cash 40,000 Allen (P4,000 x 3/4) Daniel (P4,000 x 1/4) David
P220,000 1/5 P 44,000 40,000 P 4,000
3,000 1,000
30. d – refer to No. 29 Allen = P140,000 – (P10,000 x 3/4) = P137,000 Daniel = P40,000 – (P10,000 x 1/4) = P39,000 31. a
Total agreed capital (P50,000) / 1/5............................................P250,000 Less: Total contributed capital (P140,000 + P40,000 + P50,000)......................................... 230,000 Goodwill/revaluation...........................………………..…………..P 20,000 Note: since the problem indicates that there is goodwill/revaluation of asset downward, total agreed capital should be higher compared to total contributed capital (to achieve this objective the capital of the new partners should be used as a basis)
32. a - A P10,000 bonus is paid to Costello (P100,000 is paid rather than the P90,000 capital balance). This bonus is deducted from the two remaining partners according to their profit and loss ratio (2:3). A reduction of 60 percent (3/5) is assigned to Burns or a decrease of P6,000 which drops that partner’s capital balance from P30,000 to P24,000.
33. a - (P121,000 P100,000) x 35/60 = P12,250] 34. c - (P39,000 + P7,200 P750 = P45,450) 35. b Amount paid Less: Book value of Williams P70,000 + (P360,000 – P300,000) x 20% Partial goodwill/revaluation adjustment Capitalized at P&L of Dixon Goodwill/revaluation
P 102,000 82,000 P 20,000 20% P100,000
Brown: P65,000 + (P60,000 x 20%) + (P100,000 x 20%) P 97,000 Lowe: P150,000 + (P60,000 x 60%) + (P100,000 x 60%) P246,000 36. a
Amount paid P 74,000 Less: Book value of Dixon (20%): (P210,000 – P160,000) 50,000 Partial goodwill/revaluation adjustment P 24,000 Capitalized at P&L of Dixon 20% Goodwill/revaluation P120,000 37. b Amount paid……………………………………………………………………………P 80,000 Less: Book value of Interest of Bolger P60,000 + [(P170,000 + P210,000 + P100,000) – (P180,000 + P200,000 + P75,000)] x 35%........................................................................ 68,750 Partial Goodwill (to retiring partner)……………………………………………….P 11,250 Incidentally, the entry for the retirement (payment to Bolger) would be: Bolger, capital……………………………………………… 68,750 Goodwill……………………………………………………… 11,250 Cash……………………………………………….. 80,000 Therefore, the capital of Grossman after the retirement of Bolger would be, P66,250 [P55,000 + (45% x P25,000)]. 38. c – no goodwill or revaluation therefore, bonus. Tiffany Ron (P10,000 x3/5) Stella (P10,000 x 2/5) Cash 39. a – refer to No. 38 (P80,000 – P6,000 = P74,000) 40. d Amount paid Less: Book value of Tiffany (1/6) ) Partial goodwill/revaluation adjustment Capitalized at Goodwill/revaluation
50,000 6,000 4,000 60,000 P 56,000 50,000 P 6,000 1/6 P 36,000
41. c - Roberts receives an additional P60,000 above her capital balance. Amount paid P 160,000 Less: Book value of Robert (40%) 100,000 Partial goodwill/revaluation adjustment P 60,000 Capitalized at 40% Goodwill/revaluation P 150,000
Goodwill/assets Peter (20%) Robert (40%) Dana (40%) Robert (P100,000 + P60,000) Cash
150,000 30,000 60,000 60,000 160,000 160,000
Therefore: Peter: P80,000 + P30,000 = P110,000 42. d – refer to No. 41 Dana: P60,000 + P60,000 = P120,000 43.
e – refer to No. 41 Total Assets before retirement (P80,000 + P100,000 + P60,000) P240,000 Add: Goodwill/revaluation of asset 150,000 Less: Cash paid 160,000 Total assets after retirement P230,000
44. e – same with No. 43
45. c Total Capital of L (wherein goodwill should be generated) Total assets, fair value (P40,000 + P52,000 + P94,000 + P320,000 + P64,000) Less: Total liabilities ( P110,000 + P200,000) Less; Total Capital of M Total assets, fair value (P30,000 + P56,000 + P114,000 + P280,000 + P44,000) Less: Total liabilities ( P80,000 + P150,000) Goodwill
P 570,000 __310,000 P 524,000 230,000
P 260,000
294,000 P 34,000
46. c L, Capital and M, Capital are each $P94,000 if L's goodwill is recognized. Total capital is P588,000, and total liabilities and capital amount to P1,128,000. 47. d (1) Goodwill (revaluation) method:
Amount paid P 36,000 Less: Book value of interest acquired (P100,000 x 30%)) 30,000 Partial goodwill/revaluation adjustment P 6,000 Capitalized at 30% Goodwill/revaluation P 20,000 Therefore, the capital balances after the admission of OO: Adams: [P60,000 + (P20,000 x 60%)] x 70%………………………P 72,000 Brown: [P40,000 + (P20,000 x 40%)] x 70%...…………………….. 48,000 Call.............................................……………………………………. __36,000 Total capital after admission…………………………………….. .P156,000
(2) If Book (or bonus) method is used, the capital balances would be: Adams...............................................................……………………P 60,000 Brown..............................................................…………………….. 40,000 Call: (P60,000 + P40,000) x 30%…………………………………. ..__ 30,000 Total capital after admission…………………………………….. .P130,000 For purposes of comparing bonus and goodwill, there are two alternatives presented: Alternative 1: If goodwill is found to exist: Adams Brown Call Goodwill Method is used…………………. P72,000 P48,000 P36,000 BV/Bonus Method is used………………… P60,000 P40,000 P30,000 Add: Goodwill *……................................... 8,400 5,600 P68,400 P45,600 P36,000 (Gain) loss – BV/bonus method…………. P 3,600 P 2,400 P 0
Adams: 70% x 6/10 = 42% Brown: 70% x 4/10 = 28% Call 30% Alternative 2: If goodwill is not realized and written-off as a loss: Adams Brown Call Goodwill Method is used…………………. P 72,000 P48,000 P36,000 Less: Write-off of goodwill *………………. 8,400 5,600 6,000 P63,600 P42,400 P30,000 BV/Bonus Method is used………………… P60,000 P40,000 P30,000 (Gain) loss – bonus method………………. P 3,600 P 2,400 P 0 Note: The bonus method adheres to the historical cost concept and it is often used in accounting practice. It is objective that is establishes total capital of the new partnership at an amount based on actual consideration received from the new partner. The bonus method indirectly acknowledges the existence of goodwill by giving a bonus to either old or new partners. The goodwill method results in the recognition of an asset implied by a transaction rather than recognizing an asset actually purchased. Historically, goodwill has been recognized only when purchased so that a more objective measure of its value is established. Therefore, opponents of the goodwill method contend that goodwill is not determined objectively and other factors may have influenced the amount of investment required from the new partners. Although either method can be used in achieving the required interest for the new partner, the two methods offer the same ultimate results only: 1. When the incoming partner’s percentage share of profit and loss and percentage interest in assets upon admission are equal, and 2. When the former partners continue to share profits and losses between themselves in the original ratio. If these conditions are not fully met, however, results will be different.
48. d – refer to No. 47 for Note. (1) Goodwill method: Using the capital balance of new partner as a basis of computing total agreed capital,: Total agreed capital (P5,000/25%)……………………………………. P20,000 Less: Total contributed capital (P6,000/P4,800+P5,000)…………… 15,800 Goodwill to old partners…………………………………………………. P 4,200 Therefore, the capital balances after the admission of OO: MM: [P6,000+(P4,200x3/5)]…………………………………………………. P 8,520 NN: [P4,800+(P4,200x2/5)]………………………………………………….. 6,480 OO………………………………………………………………………………. 5,000 Total agreed capital………………………………………………………… P20,000
(2) If bonus method is used, the capital balances would be: Total agreed capital (P6,000+P4,800+P5,000)………………………….......... P 15,800 Multiplied by: OO’s capital interest…………………………………………..... 25% Agreed capital to be credited to OO………………………………………... P 3,950 Contributed/Invested capital of OO…………………………………….......... 5,000 Bonus to MM and NN (old partner)………………………………………......... P 1,050 The bonus would be added to MM and NN: MM: [P60,000+(1,050,000x3/5)]……………………………………………. P 6.630 NN: [P4,800+(P1,050x2/5)]………………………………………………….. 5,220 OO……………………………………………………………………………… 3,950 Total agreed capital……………………………………………………….. P 15,800 For purposes of comparing bonus and goodwill, there are two alternatives presented: Alternative 1: If goodwill is found to exist: Goodwill Method is used…………………. P8,520 Bonus Method is used……………………... P6,630 Add: Goodwill (allocated equally)…….. (Gain) loss – bonus method………………. P 490
MM 1,400 P8,030
P6,480 P5,220 P (140)
NN 1,400 P6,620
P5,000 P3,950
OO 1,400 P5,350 P 350 (d)
Alternative 2: If goodwill is not realized and written-off as a loss: Goodwill Method is used…………………. P8,520 Less: Write-off of goodwill (allocated equally)…………………. 1,400 Bonus Method is used……………………... P6,630 (Gain) loss – bonus method………………. P 490
P6,480 1,400 P5,220 P (140)
P3,600 P3,950 P 350 (d)
49. a – refer to No. 47 for Note. Goodwill method: Using the capital balance of new partner as a basis of computing total agreed capital. Total agreed capital (P500,000/25%)……………………………………. P2,000,000 Less: Total contributed capital (P600,000/P480,000+P500,000)…….. 1,580,000 Goodwill to old partners…………………………………………………... P 420,000 Therefore, the capital balances after the admission of CC: AA: [P600,000+(P420,000x3/5)]…………………………………………… P 852,000 (d) BB: [P480,000+(P420,000x2/5)]……………………………………………. 648,000 CC……………………………………………………………………………… 500,000 Total agreed capital………………………………………………………….. P 2,000,000 Bonus Method: Total agreed capital (P600,000+P480,000+P500,000)………………... P 1,580,000 Multiply by: CC’s capital interest………………………………………… 25% Agreed capital to be credited to CC………………………………….. P 395,000 Contributed/Invested capital of CC……………………………………. 500,000 Bonus to AA and BB (old partners)………………………………………. P 105,000 The bonus would be added to AA and BB: AA: [P600,000+(1,050,000x3/5)]……………………………………………. P 663,000 BB: [P480,000+(P105,000x2/5)]……………………………………………… 522,000
CC………………………………………………………………………………. 395,000 Total agreed capital………………………………………………………… P 1,580,000 For purposes of comparing bonus and goodwill, assume that goodwill is not realized and it should be writtenoff as a loss: AA BB CC Goodwill Method is used…………………. P852,000 P648,000 P500,000 Add: Goodwill (allocated equally)…….. 140,000 140,000 140,000 P712,000 P508,000 P360,000 Bonus Method is used……………………... P663,000 P522,000 P395,000 (Gain) loss – bonus method………………. P 49,000 P (14,000) P 35,000
50. b
Total Capital, before adjustment………………… P309,000 Less: Net adjustment*……………………….. 35,400 Capital, after adjustment………………….. P273,600 Less: Portion covered by common stock, par P10 (720 share to each partner).. 14,400 Portion to be covered by preferred stock, par P100…………………………………..... P259,200
Roy Gil P94,800 P214,200 11,800 23,600 P83,000 P190,600 7,200 P75,800
Shares to be issued: Preferred stock………………………. 2,592 758 1,834 Common stock……………………… 1,440 720 720 *FV, P40,000 + P68,000 + P180,600 – BV, P60,000 + 90,000 + P174,000. 51. d Fair value of the assets (P200,000 + P24,000)……………………………. P224,000 Less: Total liabilities……………………………………………………………. 40,000 Fair value of Net Assets……………………………………………………… P184,000 Less: Common stock at P1 par (10,000 shares x 2 x 1 par)…………… 20,000 Additional paid-in capital………………………………………………… P164,000 52. b
53. c
Unadjusted capital balances (P140,000 + P120,000)…………………… P260,000 Add (deduct): adjustments: Allowances for doubtful accounts……………………………… (10000) Revaluation of inventory (P160,000 - P140,000)………………... 20,000 Additional depreciation……………………………………………. (3,000) Adjusted capital balances equivalent to the total shares issued……P267,000 Unadjusted assets (P10,500 + P15,900 + P42,000 + P60,000)……………. P128,400 Add (deduct): adjustments: Allowances for doubtful accounts……………………………… ( 1,200) Short-term prepayments............................................................... Revaluation of inventory (P48,000 – P42,000)...………………... Revaluation of equipment (P72,000 – P60,000)………………...
6,000 12,000
Adjusted asset balance............................................................................. P146,000 54. c Adjusted asset balance............................................................................. P146,000 Less: Liabilities (P16,400 + P750).................................................................. 17,150 Adjusted net assets..................................................................................... P128,850 Less: Common stock, P5 par x 10,000 shares.....................……………... 50,000 Additional paid-in capital…………………………………………………… P 78,850 Quiz-III 1. a 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. d 7. c 8. a 9. d Problems
1. P19,000 2.
PP invests P17,000; no goodwill/revaluation recorded: Investment in partnership P 17,000 New partner's proportionate book value [(P60,000 + P17,000) x 1/5] (15,400) Difference (investment > book value) P 1,600 Method: Bonus to prior/old partners PP's capital credit = P77,000 x 1/5 = P15,400 3.
Messalina, P216,000; Romulus, P144,000 and Claudius, P90,000 Total capital is P450,000 (P210,000 + P140,000 + P100,000) after the new investment. As Claudius's portion is to be 20 percent, the new capital balance would be P90,000 (P450,000 × 20%). Since P100,000 was paid, a bonus of P10,000 is being given to the two original partners based on their profit and loss ratio: Messalina – P6,000 (60%) and Romulus – P4,000 (40%). The increase raises Messalina's capital balance from P210,000 to P216,000 and Romulus's capital balance from P140,000 to P144,000.
4. P107,500 = [(P70,000 + P120,000 + P90,000 + P150,000)/.80](.20) 5. P337,500 = P250,000 + (P125,000 x .70) 6. P121,250 = [P120,000 - (P170,000 + P260,000 + P120,000)(.25)](.70)
7. Abele, P300,000; Boule, P480,000; Dann, P420,000 8. Brown, P156,000; Green, P99,000; Red, P45,000
9. Shrek, P195,000; Fiona, P123,750; Muffin, P56,250
10. Total partnership net assets can logically be revalued to P1,080,000 on the basis of the price paid by Mary Ann.
11. P180,000 12. Net assets of the partnership will increase by P190,000, including Professor’s interest. 13. P120,000 14. b 15. c - (P150,000 + P200,000 + P120,000)(.20) = P94,000 16. P130,000 (P150,000 + P200,000 + P120,000)(.20) = P94,000, goodwill to existing partners P120,000 + P0 = .2(P150,000 + $200,000 + P120,000 + goodwill) P120,000 = P94,000 + .2 goodwill P26,000 = .2 goodwill Goodwill = P130,000 17. b (P250,000 + P300,000 + P225,000)(.25) = P193,750 18. P125,000 (P250,000 + P300,000 + P225,000)(.25) = P193,750, goodwill to existing partners P225,000 + P0 = .25 (P250,000 + P300,000 + P225,000 + goodwill) P225,000 = P193,750 + .25 goodwill P31,250 = .25 goodwill Goodwill = P125,000 19. P145,000 Craig receives an additional P10,000. Since Craig is assigned 20 percent of all profits and losses, this allocation indicates total goodwill of P50,000. 20% of Goodwill = P10,000 .20 G = P10,000 G = P10,000/.20 G = P50,000 Montana is assigned 30% of all profits and losses and would, therefore, record P15,000 of this goodwill, an entry that raises this partner's capital balance from P130,000 to P145,000.
20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
a – [(P80,000 P60,000) 3 + P6,667] Susan’s capital account balance cannot be determined from the information given P445,000 = P80,000 + P110,000 + P55,000 + P200,000 P24,000 = (P250,000 - P210,000)(45/75) P136,000 = P160,000 - (P250,000 - 210,000)(45/75) P172,500 = P150,000 + (P75,000 x .3) P257,250 = P135,000 + (P75,000 x .25) + [P150,000 + (P75,000 x .30)](.60)
27. Donald, P55,000; Todd, P60,000
Anne receives an additional P30,000 above her capital balance. Since she is assigned 40 percent of all profits and losses, this extra allocation indicates total goodwill of P75,000, which must be split among all partners. 40% of Goodwill = P30,000 Amount paid Less: Book value of Anne (40%) Partial goodwill/revaluation adjustment Capitalized at Goodwill/revaluation
P 80,000 50,000 P 30,000 40% P 75,000
Goodwill/assets Donald (20%) Anne (40%) Todd (40%)
75,000 15,000 30,000 30,000
Anne (P50,000 + P30,000) Cash
80,000 80,000
Donald: P40,000 + P15,000 = P55,000 Todd: PP30,000 + P30,000 = P60,000 28. Donald, P30,000; Todd, P10,000
The P30,000 bonus is deducted from the remaining partners according to their relative profit and loss ratio. Donald = 20% and Todd = 40% which is a 1/3, 2/3 split. Anne Donald (P30,000 x 2/6) Todd (P30,000 x 4/6) Cash
50,000 10,000 20,000 80,000
Therefore: Donald: P40,000 – P10,000 = P30,000; Todd: P30,000 – P20,000 = P10,000 29. P40,000 - refer to No. 28 (P30,000 + P10,000 = P40,000) 30. Prefer bonus method due to ZZ’s gain of P35,000 Goodwill method: Using the capital of new partner as a basis for computing total agreed capital. Total agreed capital (P500,000 ÷ 25%) P2,000,000 Less: Total contributed capital (P600,000 + P480,000 + 1,580,000 P500,000) Goodwill to old partners P 420,000 Therefore, the capital balances after admission of ZZ: XX: [P600,000 + (P420,000 x 3/5)] YY: [P480,000 + (P420,000 x 2/5)] ZZ: Total agreed capital Bonus Method: Total agreed capital (P600,000 + P480,000)( P500,000) Multiplied by; ZZ’s capital interest
P852,000 648,000 500,000 P2,000,000 P 1,580,000 25 %
Agreed capital to be credited to ZZ Contributed / invested capital of ZZ Bonus to XX and YY (old partners) The bonus would be added to XX and YY: XX: [P600,000 + (P105,000 x 3/5)] YY: [P480,000 + (P105,000 x 2/5)] ZZ Total agreed capital
P 395,000 500,000 P 105,000 P 663,000 522,000 395,000 P 1,580,000
For the purposes of comparing bonus and goodwill, there are two alternatives presented: Alternative 1: if goodwill is found to exist: XX YY ZZ Goodwill Method is used P 852,000 P 648,000 P 500,000 Bonus Method is used P 663,000 P 522,000 P 395,000 Add: Goodwill (allocated 140,000 140,000 140,000 equally) P803,000 P 662,000 P 535,000 (Gain) Loss – Bonus method P 49,000 P (140,000) P 35,000 Alternative 2: If goodwill is not realized and written-off as a loss: XX YY Goodwill Method is used P 852,000 P 648,000 Less: Write-off of goodwill 140,000 140,000 (equally) P 712,000 P 508,000 Bonus Method is used 663,000 522,000 (Gain) Loss – Bonus method P 49,000 P (140,000)
ZZ P 500,000 140,000 P 360,000 395,000 P 35,000
Note: The bonus method adheres to the historical cost concept and it is often used in accounting practice. It is objective that is establishes total capital of the new partnership at an amount based on actual consideration received from the new partner. The bonus method indirectly acknowledges the existence of goodwill by giving a bonus to either old or new partners. The goodwill method results in the recognition of an asset implied by a transaction rather than recognizing an asset actually purchased. Historically, goodwill has been recognized only when purchased so that a more objective measure of its value is established. Therefore, opponents of the goodwill method contend that goodwill is not determined objectively and other factors may have influenced the amount of investment required from the new partners. Although either method can be used in achieving the required interest for the new partner, the two methods offer the same ultimate results only: 1. When the incoming partner’s percentage share of profit and loss and percentage interest in assets upon admission are equal, and 2. When the former partners continue to share profits and losses between themselves in the original ratio. If these conditions are not fully met, however, results will be different.
31. Be indifferent for the goodwill (revaluation) or bonus methods are the same. Goodwill method: Using the capital of new partner as a basis for computing total agreed capital. Total agreed capital (P500,000 ÷ 25%) P2,000,000 Less: Total contributed capital (P600,000 + P480,000 + 1,580,000
P500,000) Goodwill to old partners
P 420,000
Therefore, the capital balances after admission of ZZ: XX: [P600,000 + (P420,000 x 3/5)] YY: [P480,000 + (P420,000 x 2/5)] ZZ: Total agreed capital
P852,000 648,000 500,000 P2,000,000
Bonus Method: Total agreed capital (P600,000 + P480,000)( P500,000) Multiplied by; ZZ’s capital interest
P 1,580,000 25 % P 395,000 500,000 P 105,000
Agreed capital to be credited to ZZ Contributed / invested capital of ZZ Bonus to XX and YY (old partners) The bonus would be added to XX and YY: XX: [P600,000 + (P105,000 x 3/5)] YY: [P480,000 + (P105,000 x 2/5)] ZZ Total agreed capital
P 663,000 522,000 395,000 P 1,580,000
For the purposes of comparing bonus and goodwill, there are two alternatives presented: Alternative 1: if goodwill is found to exist: XX YY ZZ Goodwill Method is used P 852,000 P 648,000 P 500,000 Bonus Method is used P 663,000 P 522,000 P 395,000 Add: Goodwill* (45%: 30%:25%) 189,000 126,000 105,000 P852,000 P 648,000 P 500,000 (Gain) Loss – Bonus method P 0 P 0 P 0 *XX: 75% x 3/5 = 45%; YY: 75% x 2/5 = 30% Alternative 2: If goodwill is not realized and written-off as a loss: XX YY Goodwill Method is used P 852,000 P 648,000 Less: Write-off of goodwill* 189,000 126,000 P 633,000 P 522,000 Bonus Method is used 663,000 522,000 (Gain) Loss – Bonus method P 0 P 0
ZZ P 500,000 105,000 P 395,000 395,000 P 0
32. Be indifferent for the goodwill (revaluation) or bonus methods are the same. *Goodwill (revaluation) method:
Amount paid Less: Book value of interest – Neal (40%)) Partial goodwill/revaluation adjustment
P300,000 250,000 P 50,000
Capitalized at Goodwill/revaluation
40% P125,000
Palmer Ruppe 250,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 37,500 37,500 300,000 187,500 137,500 Withdrawal of Neal (300,000) _______ _______ 187,500 137,500 Write-off Impaired Goodwill (125,000 0.50)_______ (62,500) (62,500) 0 125,000 75,000 Capital balances using the bonus method** 125,000 75,000 Capital balances before withdrawal Allocate goodwill*
33. Prefer bonus method due to Palmer’s gain of P12,500 Neal Palmer Ruppe Capital balances before withdrawal 250,000 150,000 100,000 Allocation of goodwill* 50,000 37,500 37,500 300,000 187,500 137,500 Withdrawal of Neal (300,000) _______ _______ -0187,500 137,500 Write-off Impaired Goodwill 125,000 0.60 (75,000) 125,000 0.40 ________ _______ (50,000) -0112,500 87,500 Capital balances using the bonus method** 125,000 75,000 (Gain) Loss – Bonus method 0 12,500 12,500 **The excess paid to Neal of P50,000 would have been divided equally between Palmer and Ruppe as follows:
Palmer Capital balance before withdraw Allocation of excess paid to Neal Capital balance using bonus method
150,000 (25,000) 125,000
Ruppe 100,000 (25,000) 75,000
34. P82,000 Carrying value of net assets (P100,000 – P20,000)………………………P 80,000 Add: Adjustments to reflect fair value…………………………………… 12,000 Fair value of net assets………………………………………………………. P 92,000 Less: Common stock, P1 par (5,000 shares x 2 x P1……………………... 10,000 Additional paid-in capital…………………………………………………… P82,000 35. P54,350 Carrying value of net assets (P25,110 + P20,000))……………………… P 45,110 Add: Adjustments to reflect fair value (P28,000 – P21,760) – P800 + [(P35,000 – (P32,400 – P11,200)]… 19,240 Fair value of net assets………………………………………………………. P 64,350 Less: Common stock, P1 par (10,000 shares x P1)……………………... 10,000
Additional paid-in capital…………………………………………………… P 54,350
Note: Refer to Problem XII for journal entries for further analysis
True or False 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 .
Note for the following numbers:
1. A dissolution occurs every time there is a change in relationship among the partners. This can occur when a new partner enters the partnership or an existing partner leaves the partnership. A dissolution occurs when the partnership is going out of business but the termination of business is not a requirement for a dissolution. 3. A new partner's liability for actions that occurred before joining the partnership is limited to the amount invested in the partnership. 5. Regardless how a new partner enters a partnership, the other partners have to approve the admission because they must accept unlimited liability due to actions of the new partner taken on behalf of the partnership. 6. There is no necessary relationship between the percentage of equity acquired and the amount of profit or loss received. These are separate contractual issues. 7. There are three methods that may be used when a new partner is paying an amount more than book value for the investment: revaluation of existing assets, bonus method, and goodwill method. The partners do not have to choose one method. It would not be inconsistent to revalue the assets and apply either the bonus or the goodwill method to record the investment. 9. Existing partners share the difference between market value and book value equally if that is the manner in which profits and losses are shared. If profits and losses are shared in some other manner, then the difference between market and book values are shared in that manner. 10. While it is possible that an error has been made, it is more likely that the existing partners recognized an increase in their capital accounts via a bonus. The difference between the amount credited to the new partner’s capital account and the amount invested is shared by the existing partners. 14. New partners may receive a bonus if they bring value to the partnership in excess of the tangible assets invested. This additional amount may be from such things as expertise, experience, or business contacts. The bonus allocated to the new partner is payment for these types of unidentifiable assets contributed to the partnership. 18. Goodwill may be recognized with regard to the existing partners but it may also be recognized with regard to the new partner. 19. When goodwill is recognized with regard to the new partner, the new partner’s capital account will be greater than the amount invested by the recognized goodwill. 21. The articles of partnership may include an agreement on the length of advanced notice a partner must give before withdrawing from a partnership. Failure to provide the agreed notice may result in the withdrawing partner being liable for damages suffered by the partnership. 23. If existing partners acquire a withdrawing partner’s equity, they can divide the purchase of that equity among themselves in any manner they choose. 25. Partnership assets may be revalued but they may also remain at their carrying value. 26. The revaluation of the partnership’s assets is unrelated to the purchase of the withdrawing partners ownership interest in the partnership. 28. The revaluation of partnership assets at the time of a partner’s withdrawal has no impact on the recognition of a bonus or goodwill. 30. While the partners can recognize either the withdrawing partner’s goodwill or the entire partnership’s goodwill, there is no requirement to recognize any goodwill when a partner withdraws from a partnership.
Multiple Choice 33 . 34
35 . 36 . 37 .
Chapter 4 Problem I 1: Gain on Realization Fully Allocated to Partner’s Capital Balances. QRS Partnership Statement of Realization and Liquidation November 1 – 30, 20x4
Balances before liquidation Realization and distribution of gain Balances after realization Payment of liabilities Balances after payment of liabilities Payment to partners loan Balances after payment of partners’ loans Payment to partners capital
NonCash Assets
Liabilitie s
Q, Loan
Q, Capital 30%)
R, Capital (50%)
S, Capital (20%)
_____ 12,000 (12,000 )
______ 2,400
3,600 13,200
6,000 54,000
2,400 38,400
96,000 120,000
(84,000 )
105,600 (105,600 )
13,200 (13,200 )
54,000 (54,000 )
38,400 (38,40 0)
2: Loss on Realization Creates a Deficit Balance in Partner’s Capital Account Requiring Transfer from Partner’s Loan Account (Right of Offset Exercised). QRS Partnership Statement of Realization and Liquidation November 1 – 30, 20x4 Cash Balances before liquidation Realization and distribution of loss Balances after realization
24,000 48,000 72,000
Payment of liabilities Balances after payment of liabilities Offset deficit versus loans
Balances after offsetting Payment to partners – loan Balances after payment of partners’ loans Payment to partners capital
NonCash Assets
Liabilitie s
(84,000 )
____ _ 12,000 (12,000 )
60,000 _______
Q, Loan
R, Capital (50%)
S, Capital (20%)
______ 2,400
(10,800 ) (1,200)
(18,000 ) 30,000
(7,200) 28,800
(1,200) 1,200
30,000 _______
28,800 _______
30,000 (30,000 )
28,800 (28,80 0)
2,400 (1,200) 1,20 0 (1,20 0)
Q, capital (30%)
58,800 (58,800)
3: Loss on Realization Creates a Deficit Balance in Partner’s Capital Account Requiring Transfer from Partner’s Loan Account (Right of Offset Exercised and Additional Capital Investment is Required and Made). QRS Partnership Statement of Realization and Liquidation November 1 – 30, 20x4 Cas h
NonCash Assets
Liabilitie s
Q, Loan
Q, capital (30%)
R, Capital (50%)
S, Capital (20%)
Balances before liquidation Realization and distribution of loss
(84,000 )
______ __
(24,000 )
(14,400 ) ( 4,800 )
( 4,800) 2,40 0
24,000 (24,000 )
26,40 0 (26,40 0)
Balances after realization
Payment of liabilities Balances after payment of liabilities
(12,000) 48,000
Offset loan versus deficit – Balances after offsetting partner’s loan Additional investment by Q
Balances after additional Investment Payment to partners capital
12,000 (12,000 )
50,400 (50,400)
4: Loss on Realization Creates a Deficit Balance in One Partner’s Capital Account Requiring Transfer Partner’s Loan Account (Right of Offset Is Exercised) and Additional Investment is Required but not Made (Personally Insolvent). QRS Partnership Statement of Realization and Liquidation November 1 – 30, 20x4
Balances before liquidation Realization and distribution of gain
NonCash Assets
(84,000 )
12,000 (12,000 )
Balances after realization
Payment of liabilities Balances after payment of liabilities Offset loan versus deficit Balances after offsetting Additional loss due to insolvency of Q Balances after additional , Loss Payment to partners capital
Liabilitie s
54,000 _______ 54,000
Q, Loan
Q, capital (30%)
R, Capital (50%)
S, Capital (20%)
(21,000 )
(12,600 ) ( 3,000 )
2,400 (2,400)
(3,000) 2,400 ( 600)
27,000 ______ 27,000
27,600 ______ 27,600
( 429)
( 171)
26,571 (26,571 )
27,429 (27,42 9)
_______ 54,000 (54,000)
5: Loss on Realization Creates a Deficit Balance in One Partner’s Capital Account Requiring Transfer Partner’s Loan Account (Right of Offset Is Exercised) and Additional Investment is Required but not Made (Personally Insolvent). QRS Partnership Statement of Realization and Liquidation November 1 – 30, 20x4
Balances before liquidation Realization and distribution of gain
NonCash Assets
(84,000 )
Liabilitie s
Q, Loan
Q, capital (30%)
R, Capital (50%)
S, Capital (20%)
(18,000 )
(30,00 0)
(12,00 0)
Balances after realization
Payment of liabilities Balances after payment of liabilities
12,000 (12,000 )
Offset loan versus deficit
Balances after offsetting Additional investment by Q Balances after additional investment Additional loss due to insolvency of Q Balances after additional Loss Payment to partners capital
( 8,400 )
2,400 (2,400 )
( 8,400)
2,400 (6,000) ,
_ 3,600 (2,400 )
( 686)
16,286 (16,286 )
23,314 (23,31 4)
39,600 (39,600)
6: Loss on Realization Creates a Deficit Balance in Partner’s Capital Account Requiring Transfer Partner’s Loan Account (Right of Offset Is Exercised) and All Partners are Personally Solvent. QRS Partnership Statement of Realization and Liquidation November 1 – 30, 20x4
Balances before liquidation Payment of liquidation expenses Balances after payment of liquidation expenses Write-off goodwill and prepaid expenses Balances after write-offs Realization and distribution of loss
NonCash Assets
84,000 (72,000 )
40,800 (36,000 ) 4,80 0
33,120 (14,40 0)
5,280 (21,600 ) (16,320 ) ( 3,240 ) ( 19,560 )
( 5,400 ) ( 600 )
( 2,160 )
_______ (19,560 ) 2,400 (17,160 )
9,60 0 _______ 9,60 0 1,200
(12,000 )
Liabilitie s
Q, Loan
Q, capital (30%)
________ 2,400 ________ 2,400 (2,400)
Payment of liabilities Balances after payment of Liabilities Offset loan versus deficit
12,000 (10,800 )
1,200 _______
Payment of liabilities Balances after payment of Liabilities Payment to partners Capital
-017,76 0 17,76 0 (1,200) 16,56 0 (16,560)
Balances after realization
Balances after offsetting Additional investment by Q and R Balances after additional Investment
1,200 _______
R, Capital (50%)
S, Capital (20%)
600) _______
16,560 _______
( 600)
_______ 16,560 (16,56 0)
7: Loss on Realization Creates a Deficit Balance in Partner’s Capital Account Requiring Transfer Partner’s Loan Account (Right of Offset Is Exercised) with Revaluation of Assets.
QRS Partnership Statement of Realization and Liquidation November 1 – 30, 20x4
Balances before liquidation Increase in equipment Decrease in furniture Balances after revaluation Refund of prepaid expenses Balances after refunds
Cash 24,000 ______ 24,000 _6,960 30,960
NonCash Assets
Liabilitie s
Q, Loan
84,000 1,200 (600) 84,600
_______ 12,000
Received noncash assets
(8,400) 76,200 (10,200 )
Balances after receipt of noncash assets Realization and distribution of loss
30,96 0
(66,000 )
Balances after realization
Payment of liabilities Balances after payment of liabilities Offset loan versus deficit Balances after offsetting
Q, capital (30%)
R, Capital (50%)
S, Capital (20%)
______ 2,400
9,600 360 _(180) 9,780
48,000 600 (300) 48,300
36,000 240 (120) 36,120
_______ 12,000
______ 2,400
_(432) 9,348
(720) 47,580
(288) 35,832
9,34 8
( 10,08 0) ( 732 )
( 16,800 )
( 8,064 )
_______ ( 732 ) 732
12,000 (12,000 )
51,360 _______ 51,360
_______ 2,400 ( 732) 1,668
23,580 ______ 23,580
26,112 ______ 26,112
Payment to partners loan
Balances after payment of loans
(23,580 )
(26,11 2)
Payment to partnerscapitals
Problem II
Explanation Balances before realization
Sales of noncash assets Balances Payment of liabilities Balances Allocation of Hardin's debit balance Balances
DISCOUNT PARTNERSHIP Schedule of Partnership Liquidation January 14, 20x4 Cash P25,000
Other Liabilities Assets P120,000 P(40,000 )
Capital Balances Dawso Feeney Hardin n P(31,000 P(9,000) ) P(65,000 )
18,000 (13,000)
__________ 0
40,000 0
________ (13,000)
________ (41,000)
________ 9,000
(120,000) 0
(40,000) 45,000 ______ 45,000
5,143 (9,000) (35,857) 0
0 Distribution of cash to partners
Problem III 1.
CDG Partnership Statement of Realization and Liquidation Lump-sum Liquidation on December 10, 20X6
Preliquidation balances Sale of assets and distribution of P215,000 loss
Noncash Assets
260,000 285,000
Cash contributed by Gail to extent of positive net worth
(475,000 ) -0-
Liabilitie s (270,00 0)
(270,00 0)
43,000 (77,000)
26,000 (25,000)
(270,00 0)
Distribution of deficit of insolvent partner: 20/60(P1,000) 40/60(P1,000)
1,000 (1,000)
333 667 310,000
Contribution by Dan to remedy deficit
(270,00 0)
(270,000 ) 76,667
Payment to partner
(270,00 0) 270,000 -0-
(76,667 )
Post-liquidation balances
(120,00 0)
Capital Balances Dan Gail 40% 40%
25,000 310,000
Payment to creditors
Carlos 20%
76,667 -0-
02. CDG Partnership Net Worth of Partners December 10, 20X6 Personal assets, excluding partnership capital interests Personal liabilities Personal net worth, excluding partnership capital interests, Dec. 1, 20X6 Contribution to partnership
250,000 (230,000)
300,000 (240,000)
350,000 (325,000)
60,000 (36,667)
25,000 (25,000)
Liquidating distribution from partnership Net worth, December 10, 20X6
76,667 96,667
This computation assumes that no other events occurred in the 10-day period that changed any of the partners’ personal assets and personal liabilities. In practice, the accountant must be sure that a computation of net worth is current and timely. The table shows the effects of the transactions between the partnership and each partner. A presumption of this table is that the personal creditors of Dan or Gail would not seek court action to block the settlement transactions with the partnership. Upon winding up and liquidation, the partnership does not have any priority to the partner’s personal assets. Thus, the personal creditors may seek to block the transactions with the partnership in order to provide more resources from which they can be paid. A partner who fails to remedy his or her deficit can be sued by the other partners who had to make additional contributions or even by a partnership creditor if the failed partner is liable to the partnership creditor. But those claims are not superior to the other claims to the partner’s individual assets. When accountants provide professional services to partnerships and to its partners, the accountant should expect, at some time, legal suits involving the partnership and/or individual partners. A strong and thorough understanding of the legal and accounting foundations of partnerships will be very important to that accountant. Problem IV Cash Beginning balances Liquidation expense Sale of non-cash assets Payment of liabilities Contribution by Flowers Allocation of Flower's deficit Distribution to partners Ending balances Problem V Beginning: Payment of liabilities Cramer/Bower pay in from personal worth to cover deficit balances: Payment of liabilities Allocation of deficit balances: Able paid: Problem VI Answer: Cash 70,000 Arthur, Capital
P 25,000 (20,000) 160,000 (165,00 0) 10,00 0 (10,000) 0
Noncash Assets Liabilitie P200,00 0 (200,00 0)
P165,00 0 (165,00 0)
Capital and Loan Balances Merz Dechter Flowers P P30,000 40,000 (8,000) (8,000) (16,000 (16,000 ) ) (6,000) (10,000 0)
P(10,00 0) (4,000) (8,000) 10,000 12,000 0 0
(6,000) 0 0
Cash P20,000 (20,000) P 0
Liabilities P(30,000) 20,000 P(10,000)
Able P(10,000)
Bower P5,000
Cramer P15,000
12,000 P12,000 (10,000) P 2,000
________ P(10,000) 10,000 P 0
________ P(10,000)
(2,000) P3,000
(10,000) P 5,000
P 5,000
________ 0
8,000 P (2,000) 2,000 P 0
(3,000) P 0
______ P 2,000 (2,000) P 0
(5,000) 0 0
Baker, Capital Casey, Capital Other Assets To record realization of assets at a loss of $30,000, divided among Arthur, Baker, and Casey in 2:5:3 ratio, respectively.
15,000 9,000
Trade Accounts Payable Cash To record payment of liabilities.
Arthur, Capital Loan Receivable from Arthur To offset Arthur's loan account against Arthur's capital account.
Arthur, Capital Loan Payable to Baker Casey, Capital Cash To record payments to partners, computed as follows:
14,000 20,000 1,000
Capital account balances Add: Loan payable to Baker Less: Loan receivable from Arthur Loss on realization of assets, P30,000 (6,000) Balances Maximum potential additional loss of P150,000 (P250,000 – P100,000 = P150,000) divided in 2:5:3 ratio Cash payments
Baker P70,000 (20,000)
Casey P80,000 30,000
(15,000) P44,000
(9,000) P95,000 P46,000
(30,000) P14,000
(75,000) (45,000) P20,000 P 1,000
Multiple Choice Problems 1. b - (P40,000 + P10,000 – P2,000 – P4,000 = P44,000) 2. d – P80,000 – (P150,000 – P50,00) x 50% = P30,000 3. c 4. a - Phil (P35,000 + P10,000); Harry P28,000; Bill (P27,000 - P5,000) 5. c - Rick P46,000; Mary (P39,000 - P15,000); Fran (P29,000 + P10,000) 6. d - P50,000 - (P15,000 - P9,500)(.25) 7. b - P45,000 - (P15,000 - P9,500)(.30) 8. a - P108,000 + [P10,000 - (P25,000 - P18,000)](.55) 9. c - P62,000 + [P10,000 - (P25,000 - P18,000)](.20) 10. b 11. c 12. d 13. c Vulnerability ranks: Lang equity (P70,000 - P40,000)/.25 = P120,000 = 1 Maas equity (P80,000 + P50,0000/.25 = P520,000 = 3 Neal equity (P150,000/.5) = P300,000 = 2 Assumed loss absorption: Equities
25% Lang 30,000
25% Maas P 130,000
50% Neal 150,000
Total 310,000
Loss to eliminate Lang
( 30,000 0
) ( 30,000 P 100,000
) ( P
60,000 90,000
) ( P
120,000 190,000
( 45,000 P 55,000
) ( P
90,000 0
) ( P
135,000 55,000
Loss to eliminate Neal
Profit ratio
Prior capital Loss on sale of inventory
24,000 (136,000)
30,000 (15,000)
6,000 (49,000)
60,000 (200,000)
Prior capital Loss on sale of inventory Allocate Charles' capital deficit: JJ = .40/.50 TT = .10/.50
72,000 (88,000)
90,000 45,000
18,000 (37,000)
180,000 (80,000)
(45,000) 36,000 (52,000)
9,000 (28,000)
16. c – (P234,000 – P434,000) x 20% = P40,000 17. b T Capital before realization 40,000
Additional loss (5:2)
a Capital before realization
(15,600) ( 5,600)
T 40,000
Additional loss (5:2) Additional loss
D 10,000
Loss on sale (85,000 – 21,100)
15,000 (10,400)
(26,000) 14,000 (4,000) 10,000
(31,950) (19,170) ( 9,170) 8,050 (6,550) 1,500 ( 400) 1,100
( 1,600) 3,000
H 15,000 (12,780) 2,220 9,170 (2,620) ( 400) 400
19. b Capital before realization Liquidation expenses
K 60,000
10,000 Loss on sale (85,000 – 33,000)
L 40,000
M 80,000
(2,000) (24,000)
Loss on sale (300 - 180)
( 4,000)
( 4,000)
(48,000) (12,000)
( 48,000) 28,000
( 8,000) 20,000
34,000 ( 4,000) 30,000
Additional loss (2:4) 20. d
H 80,000 (61,000)
Capital before realization Loss on sale (2:4:4)
I 110,000
J 140,000
(122,000 ) 18,000
(12,000) 19,000 ( 4,000) 15,000
Additional loss (2:4)
Total 330,000 (305,00 0) 25,000
( 8,000) 10,000
21. d – [(P240,000 – P96,000) /30% = P480,000] 22.
a Capital before realization – C Liquidation expenses (12,000 x 50%)
130,000 (6,000) (132,000 ) ( 8,000 )
Share on loss on realization Capital balance after realization Total loss on realization: P132,000/50% Non-cash assets Proceeds 23. b
(264,000) 434,000 170,000
Total Capital before realization
Laurel 67,000
Ezzard 17,000
60,000 Loss on sale (4:2:2:2)
(26,400) (52,800) 7,200
Possible insolvency loss (4:2:2) Safe payments
( 26,400) 40,600
240,000 (132,00 0)
( 4,700) ( 2,350) 2,500 38,250
( 9,400) ( 9,400) 0
108,000 ( 2,350) -067,250 108,000
24. e – refer to No. 23 25. b Gonda Capital before realization
Herron 70,000
Morse 40,000
60,000 Loss on sale (30:45:25); [200 – 150]
(12,500) (15,000) 45,000
( 22,500) 47,500
Total 170,000 (50,000)
27,500 120,000
26. c S
Total Capital
D 15,000
40,000 ________ 40,000
Loan Total interests
5,000 10,000
5,000 65,000
15,000 Loss on sale (5:3:2) - [90,000 – 26,000]
(64,000) (32,000) 8,000
( 19,200) ( 4,200)
Possible insolvency (5:3)
(12,800) 1,000 ( 2,800) 2,800
( 1,050) (1,750) 6,250 _______ 6,250
Additional investment
0 ( 5,250) 5,250
1,000 5,250 6,250
27. b 28. a – Since the partnership currently has total capital of P350,000, the P150,000 that is available would indicate maximum potential losses of P200,000 that is hypothetically split among the partners. White Sands Luke Total Capital before realization 100,000 200,000 50,000 350,000 Loss on sale (30:20:50); [350 – 150] (200,00 (60,000) ( 40,000) (100,000 0) ) (10,000) 60,000 100,000 150,000 Possible insolvency (2:5) 10,000 (2,857) (7,143) 0 Safe payments 57,143 92,857 150,000 29. b - (P13,000 – P1,000 share of gain = P12,000, refer to entries below) Revaluation entry: Accumulated depreciation Gym, capital Hob, capital Ing, capital
3,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Withdrawal of equipment: Accumulated depreciation (8,000 – 3,000) Hob, capital Equipment
30. b –
5,000 18,000
Accumulated depreciation 70,000 K, capital (P150,000 + P10,000 + P10,000 – P70,000) 100,000 Machinery, at cost 150,000 Rice [P110,000 – (P150,000 – P70,000)] x 1/3 10,000 Long [P110,000 – (P150,000 – P70,000)] x 1/3 10,000
31. c Capital before realization Loss on sale (35%:35%:30%)
X 90,000 (42,000)
Y 60,000
Z 30,000
Total 180,000 *(120,00 0)
( 6,000) 48,000
*balancing figure – total reduction in capital
Quiz - IV 1. Zero/nil Capital before realization Loss on sale (3:2:1:4))
B 25,000 (45,000) (20,000)
Additional loss (2:1:4)
L 100,000
( 30,000) 80,000
(15,000) 85,000
S 65,000 (60,000) 5,000
(20,000) ( 5,714) ( 2,857) (11,429) 74,286 82,143 ( 6,429) ( 4,286) ( 2,143) 6,429 70,000 80,000
Additional loss (2:1) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
P 110,000
Zero/nil – refer to No. 1 Page, P70,000 and Larry, P80,000 – refer to No. 1 P39,525 = P42,000 - (P15,000 - P9,500)(.45) P56,750 = P56,000 + [P10,000 - (P25,000 - P18,000)](.25) P(1,000) = P20,000 - [P30,000 + (P50,000 - P90,000)](.30) P(1,500) = P30,000 - [P30,000 + (P50,000 - P90,000)](.45) P(2,500) = P15,000 - [P30,000 + (P50,000 - P90,000)](.25) P340,000 = (P147,000 + P28,000)/.35 P1,040,000 = (P260,000 / .25) Abrams and Creighton
A Capital before realization Liquidation expenses Loss on sale (134 - 434)
(3,600) (90,000)
(300,000) (60,000) 27,600
(176,000 )
12. Tom, P30,000; Dick, P4,000 and harry, P11,000 T D Capital before realization 40,000 10,000 Loss on sale (85,000 – (10,000) (6,000) 65,000) 30,000 4,000 13. P34,000 Capital before realization Liquidation expenses Loss on sale (300 - 180)
Additional investment
H 15,000 (4,000) 11,000
K 60,000
L 40,000
M 80,000
(2,000) (24,000)
( 4,000)
( 4,000)
(48,000) (12,000)
( 48,000) 28,000
34,000 34,000
14. P25,000 Cash, beginning
130,000 (6,000)
12,000 ______ 28,000 P90,000
Payment of liquidation expenses Payment of liabilities Payment to partners
( 5,000) ( 60,000) P25,000
15. P15,000 B Capital before realization
P 110,000
L 100,000
( 30,000) 80,000
(15,000) 85,000
S 65,000
25,000 (60,000)
Loss on sale (4:2:1:3)
(45,000) 20,000
(35,000) Additional loss (2:1:3)
(35,000) (11,667) ( 5,833) (17,500) 15,000 68,333 79,167 2,500
16. P2,500 - refer to No. 15 17. Page, P68,3333 and Larry, P79,167 – refer to No.15 18. Bond: P225,000; Hamm: P115,000; Zell: P –0– Bond’s capital balance................................................... Less: Bond’s share of P140,000 loss in liquidation (P140,000 × 50%) .......................................................... _____ P230,000 Less: Bond’s share of Zell’s capital deficiency of P8,000 (5/8 of P8,000).................................................... 19.
P300,000 (70,000)
5,000) P225,000
Alexa: P25,000; Bell: P75,000; Graham: P–0–
20. Jody, P5,200; Kane, P64,800; Lark, P10,000 Balance, May 1 Plant sold Inventory sold Balances before distribution Offset loans Pay creditors Partner equity Possible loss: Plant assets Distribution
Assets 250,000 10,000 6,000)
254,000 26,000) 88,000) ( 140,000
( (
30% Jody 32,000 3,000 1,800 )
33,200 10,000 )
Debts 88,000
45% Kane 90,000 4,500 2,700 )
25% Lark 40,000 2,500 1,500 )
41,000 16,000 )
88,000 ) 23,200
60,000) 80,000
18,000 ) 5,200
91,800 (
27,000 ) 64,800
25,000 (
15,000 ) 10,000
(Cash Distribution: P54,000 + P54,000 + P60,000 - P88,000 = P80,000) May 1 Inventory Plant Creditors May 30
21. Oak, P0; Nebe, P0; and Pang, P11,000 NonCash Cash Assets Jan 1 Balance 3,000 33,000 Sale of assets
( 15,000 )
Safe Payments Schedule
First Rank Debt 9,00 0
30% Oak Equity 2,000 600
9,00 0
Oak Equity
20% Nebe Equity 4,000
Nebe Equity
50% Pang Equity 21,000
Pang Equity
Partners’ pre-distribution balances Possible losses on non-cash assets
( (
Write off Oak 2/7 and 5/7 Cash distribution to partners
2,600 5,400 2,800 2,800 0
) ( ) (
4,400 3,600 800 800 0
22,000 9,000 13,000 ) ( 2,000 11,000 )(
) )
Cash distribution plan on October 31: First P9,000 goes to priority creditors, and then Pang receives P11,000. 22. Ide, P0; Hanly, P0; Jen, P92,000 Balance, Aug. 1 Ide’s personal contribution
Cash 50,000
Ide Capital ( 60,000
40,000 90,000
Write-off Ide
40,000 ( 20,000 ) 20,000 ( 0 (
Hanly’s personal contribution
2,000 (
92,000 ( 92,000 0
4,000 7,500 3,500
Jen Capital 106,000
Total 50,000
106,000 ) ( 12,500 ) ) 93,500
Write-off Hanly Distribute cash
Hanly Capital 4,000
1,500 1,500 0
( (
93,500 1,500 92,000
False False True
18 . 19 . 20 . 21 .
False True True False
23 . 24 . 25 . 26 .
92,000 0
) ( 92,000 ) 0
33 . 34 . 35 .
92,000 92,000
Completion Statements 1. a.partnership creditors other than partners b.partners’ loans—if subordinated c.partners’ capital 2. statement of realization and liquidation 3. schedule of safe payments 4. marshalling of assets 5. rule of setoff 6. legal recourse against 7. bringing the capital balances into the profit and loss ratio
90,000 2,000
True or False 8. True 13 . 9. False 14 . 10 False 15 . . 11 False 16 . .
40,000 90,000
True True False
12 .
17 .
22 .
27 .
Note for the following numbers: 9. The accountant is liable if he/she fails to meet the fiduciary responsibility of protecting the creditors’ interest during the liquidation process. 10. The amount of cash distributed to each partner is a function of the capital balances and the profit and loss ratios. It is unlikely that partners will receive the same amount of cash. 11. Partnership creditors have priority claims against partnership assets and partner creditors have priority claims against partner assets. 14. Partner creditors have claims first against partner assets. They can also have a claim against partnership assets to the extent of the partner’s equity in the partnership. 15. The accountant has a fiduciary responsibility to the partnership’s creditors to ensure that sufficient assets exist to pay the creditors. It does not mean that creditors must be fully paid before any partner distributions occur. 18. Gains and losses realized during the liquidation process are generally allocated using the residual profit and loss ratio. Other profit and loss allocation components are not considered because these items are generally relevant to the partnership’s operation and the current issue is the partnership’s liquidation. 21. This is called an installment liquidation 23. This document is called a Statement of Realization and Liquidation. 25. The Statement of Realization and Liquidation does not include income statement accounts. All income statement amounts are allocated directly to partnership equity.
Multiple Choice Theories 36. A 41 b 46 . . 37. A 42 d 47 . . 38. C 43 b 48 . . 39. D 44 d 49 . . 40. C 45 b 50 . .
c a c d b
51 . 52 .
b a
Chapter 5 Problem I 1.
A, B, C and D Partnership Statement of Liquidation January 1, 20x4 to May 31, 20x4 Cash
Balances before Liquidation January - Realization - Payment of expenses - Payment of liabilities Balances after Jan February - Realization - Payment of expenses - Payment of liabilities Balances before payment to partners Payment to Partners (Sch. 1) Balances after February March - Realization - Payment of expenses Balances before payment to partners Payment to Partners (Sch. 2) Balances after March
72,000 (1,200) (66,00 0) 4,800 21,600 (1,320)
- Realization - Payment of expenses Balances before Offsetting Offset deficit vs. Loan
A, loan
D, loan 3,000
(90,00 0)
______ 91,800
(66,000) 18,000
_____ 6,000
_____ 3,000
(30,00 0)
(18,00 0)
A, capital (40%)
B, capital (20%)
( 480)
( 240)
______ 18,720
______ 21,960
( 528)
( 264)
( 5,280 )
(24,00 0)
( 960)
( 1,440 )
( 576)
( 288)
(18,36 0)
(5,688) 12,336
(19,80 0)
(2, 760)
( 960)
( 720)
(18,00 0)
April - Realization - Payment of expenses Balances before payment to partners Payment to Partners (Note 1) Balances after April
NonCash Assets 181,80 0
C, capital (20%)
D, capital (20%)
( 240)
( 240)
( 264) ______
( 264) ______
( 960)
( 960)
( 288)
( 288)
( 960)
( 960)
( 360)
( 360)
( 192)
( 192)
( 360) 4,896
( 960)
( 384)
( 192)
1,440 ______
2,554 (1,728)
( 1,728) 1,728
408 _____
Balances before payment Payment to Partners (Note 2)
2. A, B, C and D Partnership Schedule of Safe Payments Schedule 1 – February 28, 20x4 Computation of Distribution of Cash on February 28, 20x4
Balances before payment to partners: Loans Capital Total Interest Restricted interest for possible losses: Unrealized non-cash assets 61,800 Cash withheld 1,800
A, capital (40%)
B, capital (20%)
C, capital (20%)
D, capital (20%)
6,000 14,832 20,832
20,016 20,016
14,616 14,616
3,000 10,416 13,416
(12,72 0)
(12,72 0) 1,896
(12,72 0) 696
(1,536) 360 ( 420) ( 60) 60
(1,536) ( 840) 840
P 63,600 Restricted for possible insolvency of A (2:2:2)
(25,44 0) ( 4,60 8) 4,608
Restricted for possible insolvency of D (2:2) Restricted for possible insolvency of C Payment to partner (s) Applied to: Loans Capital
7,296 (1,536) 5,760 ( 420) 5,340 ( 60) 5,280
-05,280 5,280
Schedule 2 – March 31, 20x4 Computation of Distribution of Cash on March 31, 20x4 A, capital (40%) Balances before payment to partners: Loans Capital Total Interest Restricted interest for possible losses: Unrealized non-cash assets Cash withheld
B, capital (20%)
C, capital (20%)
D, capital (20%)
6,000 12,336 18,336
13,488 13,488
13,488 13,488
3,000 9,168 12,168
(15,600) 2,736
( 7,800) 5,688
( 7,800 ) 5,568
( 7,800 ) 4,368
2,736 ___-02,736
-05,688 5,688
-05,568 5,568
3,000 1,368 4,368
P 37,800 1,200 P 39,000
Applied to: Loans Capital
3. T, U, V and W Partnership Cash Payment Priority Program* January 31, 20x4 Interests Payments T,
capital (40%) Balances before liquidation: Loans Capital Total Interests Divided by: P & L % Loss Absorption Abilities
capital (20%)
capital (20%)
capital (20%)
6,000 26,400 32,400
25,800 25,800
20,400 20,400
3,000 16,200 19,200
capital (40%)
capital (20%)
129,000 102,000 96,000 (27,000 Priority I ______ ) _______ _______ 81,000 102,000 102,000 96,000 Priority II ______ ( 6,000) ( 6,000) _______ 81,000 96,000 96,000 96,000 (15,000 (15,000 Priority III ______ ) ) (15,000) _______ 81,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 ____-0*also known as Schedule of Cash Distribution Plan / Pre-distribution Plan.
capital (20%)
capital (20%)
5,400 5,400 1,200
3,000 9,600
3,000 4,200
2,400 3,000
4. Total Interests Divided by: P & L % Loss Absorption Abilities Order of Cash Distribution Vulnerability Rankings (1 Is most vulnerable)
T, capital (40%) P 32,400 ____40%
U, capital (20%) P 25,800 ____20%
W, capital (20%) P 19,200 ____20%
V, capital (20%) P 20,400 ____20% P 102,000
P 81,000 (4)
P 96,000
The vulnerability ranks indicate that partner T is most vulnerable to losses because his equity were reduced to zero with a partnership liquidation loss of P81,000. Partner U is least vulnerable because his equity is sufficient to absorb his share of liquidation losses up to P129,000. This interpretation helps explain why partner U received all the cash distributed to partner on the first installment distribution (August 20x4). Incidentally, the cash priority program developed will yield the same cash payment as the process of computing safe payments each time cash is available. The cash distribution under the cash priority program is as follows: Order of Cash Distribution 1. First P70,000 2. Next P 4,500 3. Next P2,000 4. Next P7,500 5. Remainder
Creditor s 100%
100% 50% 33 1/3% 20%
V 50% 33 1/3% 20%
33 1/3% 20%
The first P84,000 available is, of course paid to the creditors. Cash may be held back from distribution if it is anticipated that additional expenses will be incurred and unrecorded liabilities will be discovered. The distribution of cash in excess of the reserve amount proceeds as determined. Partner U will receive all of an additional ash up to P5,400. Additional cash in excess of P5,400 and up to P7,800 is distributed 50:50 to partners U and V. Any amount in excess of P7,800up to P16,800 is distributed 1: 1: 1 to partners U, V, and W, respectively. After P16,800 (P5,400 + P2,400 + P9,000) has been distributed to the partners, the capital accounts are in the desired profit and loss ratio of 4:2:2:2. Any further distributions to the partners are made in accordance with the profit and loss ratio.
Even though both methods produce the same results, the cash payment priority program is more informative to both personal and partnership creditors, and to the partners. Interested parties now know the order in which the individual partners will receive cash and the amounts that each may receive at each period of the distribution process. One requirement that must be satisfied in the development of the advance plan is that the partners must share income in the same ratio that they share losses. If this were not the case the potential amount of a new loss would need to be computed after every allocation to the partners’ capital accounts. This occurs because the allocation of liquidation gain alters the order of cash distribution computed in the priority program. Problem II
ABC Partnership Statement of Partnership Realization and Liquidation For the period from January 1, 20x4, through March 31, 20x4
Cash Balances before Liquidation, 18,000 January 1,20x4 January transactions: 1. Collection of accounts receivable at a loss of P15,000 51,000 2. Sale of inventory at a 38,000 loss of P14,000 3. Liquidation expenses (2,000) paid 4. Share of credit memorandum 5. Payments to creditors (50,000 ) 55,000 Safe payments to partners (Schedule 1) February transactions: 6. Liquidation expenses paid Safe payments to partners (Schedule 2) March transactions: 8. Sale of M&Eq. at a loss of P43,000 9. Liquidation expenses paid 10. Payments to partners Balances at end of liquidation, March 31, 20x4
Other Assets
Accounts Payable
CC 20% (74,000)
7,500 7,000
4,500 4,200
3,000 2,800
3,000 50,000
(101,600 )
(45,000) 10,000
__ -0-
26,600 (75,000)
18,400 (50,000)
(4,000) 6,000
__ 189,000
2,000 (72,000)
1,200 (73,800)
800 (49,200)
___ -0(72,000)
146,000 (5,000 ) 147,000 (147,000 ) -0-
(66,000) (52,000)
Capital Balances AA BB 30% 50% (88,000) (110,000 )
(189,000 )
2,500 (48,000)
(59,400) 59,400
(39,600) 39,600
48,000 -0-
ABC Partnership Schedules of Safe Payments to Partners
Schedule 1: January 31, 20x4 Capital balances Possible loss: Other assets (P189,000) and possible liquidation costs (P10,000) Absorption of AA’s potential deficit balance BB: (P25,500 x 3/5 = P15,300) CC: (P25,500 x 2/5 = P10,200) Safe payment, January 31, 20x4
AA 50% (74,000)
BB 30% (101,600)
CC 20% (68,400)
99,500 25,500 (25,500)
59,700 (41,900)
39,800 (28,600)
15,300 -0-
Schedule 2: February 27, 20x4 Capital balances Possible loss: Other assets (P189,000) and possible liquidation costs (P6,000) Absorption of AA’s potential deficit balance: BB: (P25,500 x 3/5 = P15,300) CC: (P25,500 x 2/5 = P10,200) Safe payment, February 27, 20x4
10,200 (18,400)
97,500 25,500 (25,500)
58,500 (15,300)
39,000 (10,200)
15,300 -0-
10,200 -0-
Note that the computation of safe payments on February 27, 20x4, resulted in no payments to partners. This is due to the large book value of Other Assets still unrealized and the reservation of the $6,000 cash on hand for possible future liquidation expenses.
Problem III: Cash Distribution Plan PET Partnership Cash Distribution Plan June 30, 20x4 Loss Absorption Power PP
Capital Accounts TT
Profit and loss percentages
Preliquidation capital balances
9,000 (36,000)
Loss absorption Power (Capital balances / Loss percent)
30,000 (120,000)
Decrease highest LAP to next highest: EE (P30,000 x .30)
Decrease LAPs to next highest: EE (P10,000 x .30) TT (P10,000 x .20)
10,000 (110,000)
2,000 (22,000)
Summary of Cash Distribution (If Offer of P100,000 is Accepted) Accounts Payable Cash available First Next Next Additional paid in P&L ratio
P106,000 (17,000) (9,000) (5,000)
PP 50%
EE 30%
TT 20%
P 9,000 3,000
P 2,000
22,500 P34,500
15,000 P17,000
(75,000) P -0-
______ P17,000
P37,500 P37,500
Problem IV PET Partnership Statement of Partnership Liquidation and Realization From July 1, 20x4, through September 30, 20x4 Capital
Preliquidation balances July: Assets Realized Paid liquidation costs Paid creditors
Noncash Assets
Accounts Payable
26,500 (1,000) (17,000 ) 14,500
TT 20%
50% (55,00 0)
30% (45,000)
4,750 500
2,850 300
1,900 200
(49,75 0)
17,000 99,000
Safe Payments (Sch. 1)
6,500 (6,500) 8,000
August: Equipment withdrawn (allocate P6,000 gain) Paid liquidation costs
(49,75 0)
750 (52,00 0)
450 (1,500) 6,500
Safe Payments (Sch. 2)
300 (12,800)
4,000 (4,000) 2,500
(52,00 0)
September: Assets Realized Paid liquidation costs
Payments to partners Postliquidation balances
(1,000) 76,500
(76,500 ) -0-
10,000 500 (41,50 0) 41,500
6,000 300
4,000 200
PET Partnership Schedules of Safe Payments to Partners Schedule 1: July 31, 20x4 Capital balances Possible loss on noncash assets (P99,000) Cash retained (P8,000) Absorption of Pen's potential deficit EE: P3,750 x .30/.50 TT: P3,750 x .20/.50
PP 50% (49,750) 49,500 4,000 3,750 (3,750)
EE 30% (41,850) 29,700 2,400 (9,750)
TT 20% (21,900) 19,800 1,600 (500)
2,250 -0-
Absorption of TT’s potential deficit EE P1,000 x .30/.30 Safe payment
Schedule 2: August 31, 20x4 Capital balances Possible loss on noncash assets (P95,000) Cash retained (P2,500) Absorption of TTs’ potential deficit PP: P6,700 x .50/.80 EE: P6,700 x .30/.80
1,500 1,000 (1,000)
(52,000) 47,500 1,250 (3,250)
1,000 (6,500)
(36,700) 28,500 750 (7,450)
(12,800) 19,000 500 6,700 (6,700)
4,188 938 (938)
Absorption of PPs potential deficit EE: P938 x .30/.30 Safe payment
2,512 (4,938)
938 (4,000)
Problem V DSV Partnership Statement of Partnership Realization and Liquidation — Installment Liquidation From July 1, 20x4, through September 30, 20x4 Capital
Preliquidation balances, 6/30 July, 20x4: Sale of assets and distribution of P120,000 loss
Noncash Assets
390,000 440,000
(510,000 ) 160,000
Liabilitie s (405,000 )
(405,000 )
Balances D 50%
S 30%
(100,00 0)
(140,00 0)
(104,00 0)
60,000 (40,000)
Liquidation expenses
Payment to creditors
Payments to partners (Sch. 1)
750 (2,500) 437,500
(405,00 0) 32,500
(405,000 ) 405,000
(22,500) 10,000
22,000 32,000
August, 20x4: Sale of assets & distribution of P13,000 loss
1,250 (38,750)
(103,25 0)
(103,25 0) 22,500
(35,000 ) 125,000
6,500 (32,250)
(76,850) 750
(47,900) 500
1,250 (31,000)
(76,100) 13,700
(47,400) 5,800
(41,400) 2,400
(27,600) 1,600
(26,000) 1,000
Liquidation expenses Payments to partners (Sch. 2)
(2,500) 29,500 (19,500 ) 10,000
September, 20x4: Sale of assets distribution of P70,000 loss
55,000 65,000
(125,000 ) -0-
35,000 4,000
(4,000) -0-
(2,500) 62,500
Allocate D's deficit to S and V Liquidation expenses Payments to partners
1,500 (37,500) 37,500
Postliquidation balances
(25,000) 25,000
DSV Partnership Schedule of Safe Payments to Partners Schedule 1, July 31, 20x4: Capital balances, July 31, Before cash distribution Assume full loss of P160,000 on remaining noncash assets and P10,000 in possible future liquidation expenses Assume D's potential deficit must be absorbed by S and V: 30/50 x P46,250 20/50 x P46,250
D 50%
S 30%
85,000 46,250
51,000 (52,250)
34,000 (16,500)
(46,250) 27,750 -0-
Assume V's potential deficit must be absorbed by S completely Safe payments to partners on July 31, 20x4 Schedule 2, August 31, 20x4:
18,500 2,000
Capital balances, August 31, before cash distribution Assume full loss of P125,000 on remaining noncash assets and P10,000 in possible liquidation Expenses Assume D's potential deficit must be absorbed by S and V: 30/50 x P36,500 20/50 x P36,500 Safe payments to partners
67,500 36,500
40,500 (35,600)
27,000 (20,400)
(36,500) 21,900 -0-
14,600 (5,800)
Problem VI: Cash Distribution Plan (or better use the format presented in the discussion)
DSV Partnership Cash Distribution Plan June 30, 20x4
Loss Absorption Power D
Capital Accounts V
Profit and loss sharing ratio Preliquidation capital balances Loss absorption power (LAP) capital accounts / loss sharing percentage
50% (100,000)
(200,00 0)
Decrease highest LAP to next highest LAP: Decrease S by P91,667 (Cash distribution: P91,667 x . 30)
20% (75,000 )
(375,00 0)
(375,00 0)
(375,00 0)
(75,000 )
175,000 52,500 175,000 35,000
(200,00 0)
(200,00 0)
(200,00 0)
Summary of Cash Distribution Plan (Estimated on June 30, 20x4) Liquidatio n Creditors
D Expenses
First P405,000
30% (140,000)
Decrease LAP to next highest level: Decrease S by P175,000 Cash distribution: P175,000 x . 30) Decrease V by P175,000 Cash distribution: P175,000 x . 20)
91,667 (200,00 0)
Decrease LAPs by distributing cash in the P/L sharing ratio
(466,66 7)
(40,000 )
2. 3. 4. 5.
Next P10,000 Next P27,500 Next P87,500 Any additional distributions in the partners' profit and loss ratio
100% 60%
b. Confirmation of cash distribution plan DSV Partnership Capital Account Balances June 30, 20x4, through September 30, 20x4 Profit and loss ratio Preliquidation balances, June 30 July loss of P120,000 on disposal of assets and P2,500 paid in liquidation costs
50% (100,000)
30% (140,000)
20% (75,000)
61,250 (38,750)
36,750 (103,250)
24,500 (50,500)
22,500 (80,750)
7,750 (31,000)
4,650 (76,100)
3,100 (47,400)
July 31 distribution of P22,500 of available cash to partners (Sch. 1) First P22,500 of P27,500 layer: 100% to S August loss of P13,000 on disposal of assets and P2,500 paid in liquidation costs August 31 distribution of P19,500 of available cash to partners (Sch. 2) Remaining P5,000 of P27,500 layer of which P22,500 paid on July 31: 100% to S Next $14,500 of P87,500 layer: 60% to S 40% to V September loss of P70,000 on disposal of assets and P2,500 paid in liquidation Costs Distribution of D's deficit September 30 distribution of P62,500 of available cash to partners (Sch. 3) Next P62,500 of P87,500 layer of which P14,500 paid on August 31: 60% to S 40% to V Postliquidation balances
5,000 8,700 (31,000)
5,800 (41,600)
36,250 5,250 (5,250) -0-
21,750 (40,650) 3,150 (37,500)
14,500 (27,100) 2,100 (25,000)
37,500 -0-
25,000 -0-
Schedule 1, July 31, 20x4: Computation of P22,500 of cash available to be distributed to partners on July 31, 20x4: Cash balance, July 1, 20x4 P 50,000 Cash from sale of noncash assets 390,000 Less: Payment of actual liquidation expenses (2,500) Less: Payments to creditors (405,000) Less: Amount held for possible future liquidation expenses (10,000) Cash available to partners, July 31, 20x4 P 22,500
Schedule 2, August 31, 20x4: Computation of P19,500 of cash available to be distributed to partners on August 31, 20x4: Cash balance, August 1, 20x4 Cash from sale of noncash assets Less: Payment of actual liquidation expenses Less: Amount held for possible future liquidation expenses Cash available to partners, August 31, 20x4
P10,000 22,000 (2,500) (10,000) P 19,500
Schedule 3, September 30, 20x4: Computation of P62,500 of cash available to be distributed to partners on September 30, 20x4: Cash balance, September 1, 20x4 Cash received from sale of noncash assets Less: Payment of actual liquidation expenses Cash available to partners, September 30, 20x4
P10,000 55,000 (2,500) P62,500
Problem VII
Cash distribution program: First Next Next All over
Creditors Ames Beard Craig P 50,000 100% 34,000 100% 48,000 33 1/3% 66 2/3% P132,000 40% 20% 40%
Working paper for cash distributions to partners during liquidation (not required): Ames Beard Craig Capital balances before liquidation P60,000 P80,000 P92,000 Income-sharing ratio 4 4 2 Capital per unit of income sharing P15,000 P40,000 P23,000 Reduce Beard's capital to next highest capital for Craig______ (17,000)______ Capital per unit of income sharing P15,000 P23,000 P23,000 Reduce Beard's and Craig's capital to Ames's capital______ (8,000) (8,000) Capital per unit of income sharing P15,000 P15,000 P15,000 Problem VIII Cash Quanto, Capital Rollo, Capital Simms, Capital Assets To record realization of assets at a loss of $10,000, divided amount Quanto, Rollo, and Simms in 5:3:2 ratio, respectively.
60,000 5,000 3,000 2,000 70,000
Loan Payable to Quanto Rollo, Capital Simms, Capital Cash To record payment to partners, computed as follows:
9,500 10,500 5,000
Cash To record payment to creditors.
Capital (including Quanto's loan of P10,000) before liquidation Loss on realization of assets Balances Maximum potential additional loss (P5,000 + P50,000 = P55,000) divided in 5:3:2 ratio Cash payments
P42,000 (5,000) P37,000
P30,000 (3,000) P27,000
P18,000 (2,000) P16,000
(27,500) P 9,500
(16,500) P10,500
(11,000) P 5,000
Multiple Choice Problems 1. c JJ
Profit ratio
Prior capital Loss on sale of inventory
24,000 (136,000)
30,000 (15,000)
6,000 (49,000)
60,000 (200,000)
2. a Capital balances Loss on sale of assets (475,000 – 600,000) – 4:4:2
Possible loss for unrealized assets P1,000,000 – P600,000 = 400,000
Peter 300,000
Mary 400,000
Total 1,050,000
( 50,000 ) 250,000
(90,000 3.
Paul 350,000
d d Capital balances
AA 37,000
CC 65,000 48,000
Divided by: Profit and loss ratio
40% 20%
Loss absorption power
162,500 240,000
Loss to reduce CC to BB: (77,500 x .20 = 15,500) Balances
77,500 92,500
162,500 162,500
Loss to reduce BB & CC to AA: (B:70,000 x .40 = 28,000) (C:70,000 x .20 = 14,000) Balances
70,000 70,000 92,500
92,500 92,500
Cash of P20,000 after settlement of liabilities: CC receives first P15,500; remaining P4,500 split 2/3 to BB and 1/3 to CC 5.
d Cash of P17,000: CC receives first P15,500; remaining P1,500 split 2/3 to BB and 1/3 to CC.
a If all partners received cash after the second sale, then the remaining 12,000 is distributed in the loss ratio.
Total Capital before realization
B 65,000
37,000 Loss on sale (2:2:1); [90 – 50] (16,000) 21,000 Possible loss P90,000, unrealized NCA
( 16,000) 49,000
150,000 (40,000)
40,000 (18,000)
110,000 90,000 22,000
(10,000) 3,000
( 5,000)
b A
Total Capital before realization
Loss on sale (2:2:1); [90 – 50] (16,000) 21,000 Possible loss P90,000, unrealized NCA plus P3,000 = P93,000 17,000 Possible insolvency loss (2:1)
( 16,000) 49,000
48,000 ( 8,000)
150,000 (40,000)
(18,600) 93,000 (37,200) (16,200) 11,800 21,400 16,200
(10,800) 1,000
a Profit and loss ratio Capital balances Loss of P100,000 Remaining equities
AE 40% (40,000) 40,000 -0-
BT 30% (180,000) 30,000 (150,000)
AE will receive nothing; the entire P150,000 will be paid to BT. 10. 11. 12. 13.
c d d c
65,000 37,000
48,000 ( 8,000)
(36,000) (36,000) (15,000) 13,000
20,000 Possible insolvency loss (2:1)
( 5,400)
16,000 KT 30% (30,000) 30,000 -0-
Profit and loss ratio Beginning capital
CC 5/10 80,000
Actual loss on assets (5:3:2)
65,000 ( 50,000 ) 15,000
81,000 (30,000)
64,000 (20,000)
Possible loss – unrealized NCA Safe payments
DD 3/10 90,000
EE 2/10 70,000 (6,000)
Total 10/10 240,000 ( 30,000 ) 210,000 ( 20,000 ) 190,000
c X Capital before realization Divided by: Loss absorption abilities
Y 100,000 20%
50% 260,000
130,000 30% 260,000
16. a The loan payable to AA has the same legal status as the partnership’s other liabilities. After payment of the loan, then any available cash can be distributed to the partners using the safe payments computations. 17. a D
32,000 20%
Capital balances 72,000 Divided by: Profit and loss ratio Loss absorption power
40% 180,000
Loss to reduce N to D: (80,000 x .20 = 16,000)
18. d – Harding, P6,107; Jones, P12,275 H
Capital balances 20,000 Potential loss from Sandy deficit
22,000 (4,118)
32,000 0
(5,882) 17,882 14,118
Loss to reduce H and J: (50:35) Balances
(10,000) 10,000
0 32,000
(5,607) 12,275
(13,618) 13,382
1. Regardless there is a forthcoming contribution to be made by Sandy, it is assumed that the P10,000 deficit may not be recovered for purposes of distribution of cash. 2. The P13,382 cannot be distributed in accordance with profit and loss ratio for reason that the capital balances of Harding and Jones is not the same with the P&L ratio (H: 20/42 =48%; J: 22/42 = 52%)
or, alternatively: Using Cash Payment Priority Program
22,000 0
Capital balances Additional contribution
(10,000) 10,000
0 Capital balances
22,000 20,000 50/85
Divided by: Profit and loss ratio Loss absorption power
35/85 53,429
34,000 Loss to reduce JJ to HH: (19,428 x 35/85 = 8,000) Balances
19,428 34,000 34,000
Cash available P18,382 Less: Priority I to Jones (P19,428 x 35/85) 8,000 P10,382 Less: P& L (50:35) (10,382) P6,107
P 8,000 P 6,107
4,275 P 12,275
19. c 20. b 21. c A
Total Capital before realization Loan Total interests
30,000 70,000 20,000
50,000 ______
20,000 170,000
30,000 Loss on sale (240,000 – 195,000) (15,000) 75,000
( 15,000) 15,000
22. b –liabilities should be paid first, then the balance of P30,000 should be given to Able since he is the one entitled to the first priority. INTERESTS PAYMENTS______ A B C A B C Total Balances before realization Loans………………….. P 20,000 Capital………………... 70,000 P 30,000 P 50,000 Total interests………... P 90,000 P 30,000 P 50,000 Divided by: P&L ratio………… 1/3 1/3 1/3 Loss absorption ability……….. P270,000 P 90,000 P150,000 Priority I…………………………. 120,000 _______ P40,000 P40,000 P150,000 P90,000 P150,000 Priority II………………………… 60,000 0 60,000 20,000 0 P20,000 40,000 P 90,000 P90,000 P 90,000 P60,000 P 0 P20,000 P80,000 23. d Total Capital before realization
B 30,000
70,000 20,000
Loan Total interests
50,000 ______
150,000 20,000 170,000
50,000 30,000
Loss on sale (240,000 – 195,000) (15,000) 75,000 Payment of loans to partner (20,000) 55,000 Asset received ______ Payment to partners after payment of loan 55,000
(15,000) (45,000) ( 15,000) 15,000 35,000 125,000 ______ _____ (20,000) 15,000 35,000 105,000 ______ (30,000) (30,000) 15,000 5,000 75,000
Note: The requirement is payment to partners after outside creditors and loans to partners had been paid, therefore, the payment to partners is in so far as capital is concerned.
24. a D Capital balances Less: Machine, at fair value Capital balances
90,000 (35,000)
30,000 ______
55,000 1/3
40,000 ______ 40,000
Divided by: Profit and loss ratio Loss absorption power
1/3 120,000
Loss to reduce E to D: (45,000 x 1/3 = 15,000) Balances 120,000
25. c K
39,000 30%
Capital balances Divided by: Profit and loss ratio Loss absorption power
40% 147,500
Loss to reduce CC to BB: (170,000 x .10 = 17,000)
Balances 147,500
27,000 30%
26. c H
Capital balances Divided by: Profit and loss ratio Loss absorption power
90,000 150,000
Loss to reduce CC to BB: (15,000 x .20 = 3,000) Balances
27. c - the P16,000 available cash can be distributed but should be done under the assumption that all deficit balances will be total losses. After offsetting JJ loan, the two deficits total P4,000. FF and RR, the two partners with positive capital balances, share profits in a 30:20 relationship (the equivalent of a 60%:40% ratio). FF would absorb P2,400 of the potential loss with RR being allocated P1,600. The remaining capital balances (P10,600 and P5,400) are safe capital balances and those amounts can be immediately distributed. or, alternatively: W
Capital balances
7,000 (2,000) ______ (2,000) 2,000
Loan Total interests Potential insolvency loss (3:2)
(5,000) 3,000 (2,000) 2,000
13,000 _______ 13,000 ( 2,400) 10,600
__ 7,000 (1,600) 5,400
28. b A
Capital balances
Potential loss from A deficit (5:3)
(5,000) 5,000
0 (1,875) 4,125
19,000 Loss to reduce H and J: (5:3)
(8,750) 6,125
Possible insolvency loss
(5,250) (1,125) (1,125)
5,000 1,125
5,000 29. a – installment liquidation (refer for more problems in Chapter 5) P
PAYMENTS ___ R Total
Balances before realization Totall interests………... P 70,000 P 50,000 P100,000 Divided by: P&L ratio………… 20% 40% 40% Loss absorption abilities……….. P350,000 P125,000 P250,000 Priority I…………………………. (100,000) 0 P20,000 P250,000 P125,000 P250,000 Priority II………………………… (125,000) (125,000) 25,000 P125,000 P125,000 P125,000 P75,000
P20,000 P 4,500
Cash, beginning Add (deduct): Liquidation expenses paid Payment of liabilities Proceeds from sale of assets (?) Payment to partner before payment to Renquist (priority I only)
P50,000 75,000 P50,000 P95,000
P 90,000 ( 8,000) (170,000) P 20,000
30. d – Justice P15,533 J Capital balances
23,000 Potential loss from Douglass (40:35)
22,000 (6,533)
(14,000) 14,000
31,000 0
(7,467) 0 15,533
1. Regardless there is a forthcoming contribution to be made by Douglass, it is assumed that the P14,000 deficit may not be recovered for purposes of distribution of cash. 2. The P31,000 cannot be distributed in accordance with profit and loss ratio for reason that the capital balances of Justice and Zobart is not the same with the P&L ratio (H: 20/42 =48%; J: 22/42 = 52%)
or, alternatively: Using Cash Payment Priority Program (refer to Chapter 5) J Z Capital balances 23,000 22,000 Additional contribution 0 0 Capital balances 22,000 23,000 Divided by: Profit and loss ratio 40/75 35/75 Loss absorption power 47,143 43,125 Loss to reduce Z to D: (4,018 x 35/55 = 1,875) 4,018 Balances 43,125 43,125
D (14,000) 14,000
Cash available P31,000 Less: Priority I to Douglass (P4,018 x 35/75) 1,875 P 1,875 P29,125 Less: P& L (40:35) (29,125) P15,533 13,592 P15,533 P15,467 31. d D
Balances before realization Loans………………….. P 0 P 10,000 P(20,000) Capital………………... 170,000 170,000 100,000 Total interests………... P170,000 P180,000 P 80,000 Divided by: P&L ratio………… 50% 30% 20% Loss absorption abilities……….. P340,000 P600,000 P400,000 Priority I…………………………. (200,000) 0 P340,000 P400,000 P400,000 Priority II………………………… (60,000) (60,000) P340,000 P340,000 P340,000
___ Total
18,000 P – P 78,000
Cash received by the partner Kemp Add (deduct): Liabilities paid Expenses paid Contingency Cash, beginning Proceedsfrom sale of other assets 32. b
18,000 36,000 P18,000 P 96,000
P 60,000 250,000 5,000 10,000 (120,000) P205,000
___ Total
Balances before realization Loans………………….. P 0 P 0 P 0 Capital………………... 22,000 15,500 14,000 Total interests………... P 22,000 P15,500 P 14,000 Divided by: P&L ratio………… 2/4 1/4 1/4 Loss absorption abilities……….. P 44,000 P62,000 P 56,000 Priority I…………………………. ( 6,000) 0 P 44,000 P56,000 P56,000 Priority II………………………… (12,000) (12,000) __ P 44,000 P44,000 P44,000 P –
P 1,500 3,000 P 4,500
Cash received by Tree Divided by: P & L ratio Amount in excess of P7,500 Total cash payments – refer to program Payment to partners
P 3,000 6,000 P 3,000 P 7,500
6,250 2/4 P 12,500
P 20,000
33. d Cash, beginning Add (deduct): Proceeds from sale of certain assets Liquidation expenses paid Payment of liabilities Payment to partners (refer to No. 30) Cash withheld
P 12,000 32,000 1,000) 5,400) ( 20,000) P 17,600 ( (
34. d Priority Creditors First P300,000………. P300,000 Next P80,000 (7:3)… Next P70,000 (3:4)… Remainder*……….. P300,000
P56,000 P24,000 30,000 22,000 34,000 P108,000 P58,000
Total P300,000 P40,000 44,000 P84,000
80,000 70,000 100,000 P550,000 (d)
*P550,000 – P300,000 – P80,000 – P70,000 = P100,000 P
PAYMENTS______ Q R Total
Balances before realization Loans………………….. Capital………………... Total interests………... Divided by: P&L ratio………… Loss absorption abilities…….. Priority I………………………….
P 6,000 P(10,000) 24,000 P36,000 60,000 P30,000 P36,000 P50,000 3/10 3/10 4/10 P100,000 P120,000 P125,000 (5,000) P 2,000 P 2,000 P100,000 P120,000 P120,000 Priority II………………………… (20,000) (20,000) P6,000 8,000 14,000 (d) P100,000 P100,000 P100,000 P – P6,000 P10,000 P16,000 35. d Priority Creditors First P300,000………. P300,000 Next P80,000 (7:3)… Next P70,000 (3:4)… Remainder*………..
P56,000 P24,000 30,000 22,000 34,000
Total P300,000 P40,000 44,000
80,000 70,000 100,000
P550,000 (d)
*P550,000 – P300,000 – P80,000 – P70,000 = P100,000
Quiz - V 1. M= 0, K= 25,000, C= 0 - this problem is more on installment liquidation M K C Capital before realization 100,000 175,000 75,000 Loss on sale (162,500) (50%:30%:20%) (97,500) (65,000) 10,000 ( 62,500) 77,500 Additional loss (3:2) 62,500 (37,500) (25,000) 40,000 (15,000) Additional loss 15,000 (15,000) 25,000
principles. Total 350,000 *(325,00 0) **25,000 ______25,000 -0-
*balancing figure – total reduction in capital
Payment to partners: P200,000 – P25,000 – P150,000 = P25,000** 2. Homer, P54,000; Marge, P84,000; Bart, P177,000. 3. P150,000 4. Stan, P0; Kenney, P10,000; Cartman, P0 5. P500,000 = (P147,000 + P28,000)/.35 6. P1,040,000 = (P260,000 / .25) 7. P675,000 = (P285,000 - P15,000)/.40 8. a 9. Perry: P15,000; Quincy: P51,000; Eddy: P44,000 10. 11. b 12. P33,000 First allocation (H) (P400,000 - P380,000) (.30) Second allocation (H) (P380,000 - P300,000) (.30) (F) (P380,000 - P300,000) (.25) 44,000 Third allocation, share based on profit and loss ratios
P 6,000 P24,000 20,000 10,000
Harold: P6,000 + P24,000 + (P10,000 x .30) 13. P2,500 First allocation (H) (P400,000 - P380,000) (.30) Second allocation (H) (P380,000 - P300,000) (.30) (F) (P380,000 - P300,000) (.25) 44,000 Third allocation, share based on profit and loss ratios
P 6,000 P24,000 20,000 10,000
Sheldon: (P10,000 x .25) 14. P24,500 First allocation (H) (P400,000 - P380,000) (.30) Second allocation (H) (P380,000 - P300,000) (.30)
P 6,000 P24,000
(F) (P380,000 - P300,000) (.25) 44,000
Third allocation, share based on profit and loss ratios
Fred: P20,000 + (P10,000 x .45) 15. P147,000 Losses Equities Possible loss on remaining assets Contingencies Subtotals
200,000 10,000
Eliminate Jack’s debit balance Safe payments
40% Hara 135,000
30% Ives 216,000
( (
80,000 ) 4,000 ) 51,000
( (
60,000 ) 3,000 ) 153,000
8,000 )
6,000 )
30% Jack 49,000 ( ( (
60,000 ) 3,000 ) 14,000 ) 14,000
16. P495,000 = (P162,000 + P36,000) / .40 17. c Capital before realization Liquidation expenses
P 70,000 (1,600)
Divided by:
Q 100,000
( 3,200) 46,800
( 3,200) 96,800
68,400 20%
40% 40%
Loss absorption abilities
242,000 342,000
Selling Price Book value Loss
117,000 183,000 300,000 (117,000)
or, Quincy capital before liquidation………………………………………………..P 50,000 Less: Share in liquidation expenses (P8,000 x 40%)………………………….… 3,200 Quincy capital before realization of non-cash assets……………………….P 46,800 Less: Cash received by Quincy (minimum)……………………………………. 0 Share in the loss on realization……………………………………………………P 46,800 Divided by: Profit and loss ratio………………………………………………….. 40% Loss on realization…………………………………………………………………..P117,000 Less; Non-cash assets………………………………………………...................... 300,000 Proceeds from sale…………………………………………………………………P183,000 18. P29,000 (P14,000 Warle capital + P10,000 Xin capital + P6,000 Yates capital + P5,000 Loan from Xin P6,000 Loan to Warle) 19. P2,000 (P4,000 beginning balance + P3,000 cash collected + P4,000 for inventory sold - P7,000 of accounts payable - P2,000 for expenses)
20. P2,000
Warle 8,000 2,000 ) 400 ) 5,600
Xin 15,000 3,000 ) 600 ) 11,400
Yates 6,000 5,000 ) 1,000 ) 0
Total 29,000 10,000 ) 2,000 ) 17,000
Equities,Jun 30 Inventory loss Contingency fund Subtotals
( (
Possible losses on remaining assets Subtotals
3,000 ) 2,600
4,500 ) 6,900
( (
3,000 ) 400 )
4,500 ) 2,400
7,500 0
400 0
400 ) 2,000
Eliminate Yates’s Deficit Subtotals Eliminate Warle’s Deficit Cash distribution
True or 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 .
( (
( (
( (
7,500 ) 7,500 )
( (
15,000 ) 2,000
False False
10 .
11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 ,
False True
16 . 17 .
False True
False True True
Note for the following numbers: 1. An installment liquidation occurs over an extended period of time and partners generally receive interim (installment) distributions. 3. The accountant must ensure that the partnership will have sufficient cash to pay current and prospective creditors before distributions are made to partners. 4. It may not be prudent for the accountant to pay creditors as quickly as possible. However, funds should be set aside so that creditors can be paid in a timely manner. 8. The size of the capital account must be evaluated in conjunction with the residual profit and loss ratio to determine which partner is least likely to have a deficit occur during the partnership liquidation. 11. The cash distribution plan indicates how a distribution will be allocated among the partners but it does not guarantee that a distribution will be made. 13. The loss absorption power indicates the amount of loss the partnership would have to occur before that partner’s capital account balance is reduced to zero. 16. The schedule of safe payments can be used for any partnership liquidation but it provides the same distribution as the cash distribution plan under most circumstances.
Multiple Choice 18 b 23 . . 19 b 24
a d
28 . 29
b e
33 . 34
b d
38 . 39
. 20 . 21 . 22 .
a a d
. 25 . 26 . 27 .
d a d
. 30 . 31 . 32 .
a a c
. 35 . 36 . 37 .
b a b
. 40 . 41 . 42 .
Chapter 6 Problem I 1. Statement of Affairs - Formal MINER COMPANY Statement of Affairs May 31, 2012 Book Value P 50,000 1,200
6,000 61,000 60,000 1,100 8,500
Assets Assets Pledged with Fully Secured Creditors: Notes Receivable P39,800 Accrued Interest Rec. 1,000 P 40,800 Notes Payable Accrued Interest Pay.
40,000 800
Building Note Payable Accrued Interest Pay.
20,000 800
40,800 75,000 20,800
Free Assets Cash Accounts Receivable Inventory Prepaid Insurance Goodwill Total Net Realizable Value Liabilities having Priority – Wages 6,000 Taxes Net Free Assets
6,000 50,000 30,000 400 0 140,600 2,400
P 320,000
P 6,000 2,400
P 6,000 2,400
P 8,400
60,000 1,600
Fully Secured Creditors: Notes Payable Accrued Interest Payable
60,000 1,600
170,000 10,000
Partially Secured Creditors: Note Payable Equipment Unsecured Creditors: Accounts Payable Notes Payable
8,400 132,200 53,600 P 185,800 Unsecure d
Equities Liabilities Having Priority: Accrued Wages Taxes Payable
P 54,200
Assets Pledged with Partially Secured Creditors: Equipment 4,200 Note Payable 10,000
Estimated Deficiency to Unsecured Creditors
Book Value
Realizable Value
10,000 4,200
P 5,800 170,000 10,000
110,000 ( 50,000)
Stockholders’ Equity Common Stock Retained Earnings (Deficit)
P 320,000
P 185,800
2. Deficiency Statement to determine estimated deficiency to unsecured creditors:
Estimated Losses: Accounts Receivable Notes Receivable Inventory Buildings
Deficiency Account May 31, 2012 Estimated Gains: P 11,000 Common Stock 10,400 30,000 44,000
P 110,000 (50,000)
Retained Earnings Estimated Deficiency to Unsecured Creditors
53,60 0
Equipment Prepaid Insurance Goodwill
9,000 700 8,500 P113,600 P 113,600 Estimated final dividend rate to unsecured creditors is: P132,200/P185,800 = 71.15%
Problem II 1. Formal
Down Dog Corporation Statement of Affairs June 30, 2014
Book Value
Assets Pledged with partially secured creditors P165,000 Equipment-net P87,000 Less: Note payable and accrued interest Unsecured amount (See below)
Free Assets 3,000 Cash 3,000 72,000 Accounts receivable-net 60,000 Inventories 72,000 Total net realizable value Less: Priority liabilities – wages payable Total available for unsecured creditors ______ Estimated deficiency to unsecured creditors P300,000 P108,000
Realizable Value (78,000) (96,000) (9,000)
Deficiency Account (Loss/Gain)
(24,000) 12,000
123,000 (45,000) 78,000 30,000
______ (90,000)
Unsecured Equities
Book Value
Priority liabilities P Wages payable (assumed under P4,650 per employee) Partially secured creditors 96,000 Note payable and accrued interest Less: Equipment pledged as security Unsecured creditors 72,000 Accounts payable 27,000 Rent payable
Liabilities 45,000
P 45,000
P 96,000 (87,000)
P 9,000
72,000 27,000
Stockholders’ equity 180,000 Capital stock
Retained earnings (deficit)
(120,000) (120,000) P300,000
______ P108,000
P 60,000
Estimated Deficiency
2. Estimated payments per dollar for unsecured creditors Cash available Distribution to partially secured and unsecured priority creditors: Note payable and interest P87,000 Administrative expenses 24,000 Wages payable 45,000 Available to unsecured nonpriority creditors
(156,000) P 54,000
Note payable and interest (unsecured portion) Accounts payable Rent payable Unsecured nonpriority claims
P 9,000 72,000 27,000 P108,000
(P54,000 / P108,000 = P0.50 per peso) Expected recovery for each class of claims Partially secured Note payable and interest Secured portion Unsecured portion (P9,000 × 0.50)
P87,000 4,500
Unsecured priority Administrative expenses Wages payable
P24,000 45,000
Unsecured nonpriority Accounts payable (P72,000 × 0.50 Rent payable (P27,000 × 0.50) Total payments
P36,000 13,500
Problem III Realizable value of all assets (P635,000 + P300,000 + P340,000)
49,500 P210,000
Allocated to: Fully secured creditors Partially secured creditors Unsecured creditors with priority Remainder available to general unsecured creditors
(316,000) (300,000) (100,000) P559,000
Payment rate to general unsecured creditors (Including balance due to partially secured creditors) P559,000 / (P1,165,000 + (P400,000 - P300,000)) Realizable value of assets: Assets pledged to fully secured creditors Assets pledged to partially secured creditors Free assets Total realizable value
44.2% P635,000 300,000 340,000 P1,275,000
Amounts to be paid to: Fully secured creditors P316,000 Partially secured creditors [P300,000 + (0.442 × P100,000)] 344,200 Unsecured creditors with priority 100,000 General unsecured creditors (0.442 × P1,165,000) 514,800* Total P1,275,000 *Rounded P130 Problem IV
Free Assets: Current Assets ................................................... Buildings and Equipment ................................... Total .............................................................
P 35,000 110,000 P145,000
Liabilities with Priority: Administrative Expenses ................................... Salaries Payable (only P3,000 per employee)..... Income Taxes ..................................................... Total .............................................................
P 20,000 6,000 8,000 P 34,000
Free Assets After Payment of Liabilities with Priority (P145,000 – P34,000) .......................................
Unsecured Liabilities Notes Payable (in excess of value of security) . . Accounts Payable ............................................... Bonds Payable ................................................... Total .............................................................
P 30,000 85,000 70,000 P185,000
Percentage of Unsecured Liabilities To Be Paid: P111,000/P185,000 = 60 % Payment On Notes Payable: Value of Security (land) .................................................... 60% of Remaining P30,000 .............................................. Total Collected by holders ................................................ Problem V
P 90,000 18,000 P108,000
Free Assets: Cash .........................................................................P30,000 Receivables (30 percent collectible)....................................... 15,000 Inventory 39,000 Land (value in excess of secured note: P120,000 – P110,000)....................................................... 10,000 Total .........................................................................P94,000 Less: Liabilities with priority Salary payable (below maximum)..................................... Free assets available......................................................... Unsecured Liabilities: Accounts payable................................................................... Bonds payable (less secured interest in building: P300,000 – P180,000)......................................... Unsecured liabilities..........................................................
(10,000) P84,000 P90,000 120,000 P210,000
Percentage of unsecured liabilities to be paid: P84,000/P210,000 = 40% Amounts to be paid for: Salary payable (liability with priority to be paid in full) P10,000 Accounts payable (unsecured—will collect 40% of debts of P90,000).......................................................... Note payable (fully secured by land—will collect entire balance)................................................................. Bonds payable (partially secured—will collect P180,000 from building and 40 percent of the remaining P120,000)......................................................... Problem VI
Class of Creditors Fully secured liabilities Partially secured liabilities Unsecured liabilities with priority Unsecured liabilities without priority
Total Creditor’s Claims 183,600 54,600 30,810 182,500
Problem VII 1. Total estimated proceeds Less asset proceeds claimed by secured creditors: Notes payable and interest (from proceeds of receivables and inventory) Mortgage payable and interest (from proceeds of land and building) Total available to unsecured claimants. Less distributions to unsecured claims with priority: Wages payable Taxes payable Amount available for unsecured claims 2.
Unsecured portion of notes payable and
Total Amounts Expected to be Recovered 183,600 51,720 30,810 116,800
P36,000 P110,000 P228,000 % of Total Claims Expected to be Recovered 100.0 94.7 100.0 64.0 P910,000
P150,000 320,000
P 10,000 20,000
470,000 P440,000
30,000 P410,000
interest (P500,000 + P30,000 – P150,000) Accounts payable Total claims ofunsecured creditors Dividend to Unsecured Creditors P410,000 ÷ P640,000 = 64.1% 3.
P380,000 260,000 P640,000
Unsecured portion of notes payable and Interest Dividend on unsecured amount Amount received on unsecured portion Proceeds from receivables and inventory Total Received
P380,000 64.1% P243,580 150,000 P393,580
Dividend to note holders: P393,580 ÷ P530,000 = 74.3% Problem VIII 1. WILBUR CORPORATION STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS DECEMBER 31, 20x4 Assets Estimated Current Values
Book Value
P 40,000
50,000 110,000
(1) Assets pledged with fully secured creditors: Accounts receivable (net) Less: 10% note payable and interest Land Plant and equipment (net) Less: Mortgages payable and interest
4,000 35,000 55,000 6,000 140,000 48,000
(2) Assets pledged with partially secured creditors: Marketable securities Less: 10% note payable and interest Inventory Less: Accounts payable (3) Free assets: Cash Accounts receivable (net) Inventory Prepaid insurance Plant and equipment (net) Franchises Estimated amount available
Estimated Amount Available to Unsecured Claims
Estimated Gain (Loss) on Realizatio n
P 40,000 38,500
P 1,500
P 65,000 100,000 P165,000 (157,500)
P 15,000 (10,000) 7,500
P 16,000
(20,800) P 32,000 (60,000) P 4,000 35,000 50,000 1,000 60,000 15,000
4,000 35,000 50,000 1,000 60,000 15,000 P 174,000
(5,000) (5,000) (80,000) (33,000)
Less: Creditors with priority Net available to unsecured creditors Estimated deficiency
(43,000) P 131,000 45,000
P 543,000
(P 125,000) Total unsecured debt
P 176,000
2. Percentage to unsecured creditors: P131,000/P176,000 = 74.43% Problem IX
Assets to be realized Old Receivebles, net 50,000 Marketable Securities 20,000 Old Inventory 72,000 Depreciable Assets, net 120,000
Smith Company Statement of Realization and Liquidation Assets Assets Realized P
Old Receivbles 28,000 New Receivbles 65,000 Marketable Securities 15,000 Sales of Inventory 100,000
Assets Acquired
Assets Not Realized
New Receivables 100,000
Old Receivables, net 22,000 New Receivables, net 35,000 Depreciable Assets 96,000
Supplementary Charges Old Current Payables 31,000
Supplementary Items Supplementary Credits P
Net Loss 7,000
Liabilities Not Liquidated Old Current Payables 34,000
Liabilities Liabilities to be Liquidated
Liabilities Liquidated Old Current Payables 31,000
Old Current Payables
P 65,000
Liabilities Incurred P P43 3,000
Problem X Mallory Corporation Statement of Realization and Liquidation For the Three Months Ended July 31, 20x5
_____ ___
P 433,000
Assets Cash Non-Cash P 4,000 P720,000
Assets Beginning balances assigned 5/1/x5 Cash Receipts: Collection of Accounts Receivable Sale of inventory Sale of land and building Sale of machinery Cash Disbursements: Payment of salaries payable Partial payment of accounts pay. Partial payment of bank loan Ending balance
Assets Beginning balances assigned 5/1/X5Receipts: Cash Collection of Accounts Receivable Sale of inventory Sale of land and building Sale of machinery Cash Disbursements: Payment of salaries payable Partial payment of accounts payPartial payment of bank loan Ending balance
Fully Secured P240,00 0
(240,00 0)
________ P 0 P
60,000 170,000 20,000 70,000
(70,000) (200,000) (340,000) (100,000)
(60,000) (170,000) (70,000) P24,000
Liabilities Unsecured Partially With Without Owner's Secured Priority Priority Equity P270,00 P94,000 P 0 P120,000 0 (10,000) (30,000) (80,000) (30,000) (60,000 ) (180,00 10,000 0) ________ (90,000) 20,000 P P34,000 P30,000 0
________ P (30,000)
Multiple Choice Problems 1. d – since there is parent and subsidiary relationship, any intercompany accounts are eliminated from consolidated point of view. 2. a - [P90,000 + P36,000 + P10,000 – P45,000 = P91,000 total estimated amount available; P91,000 – (P4,500 + P10,000) = P76,500 estimated amount available for unsecured, nonpriority creditors; P76,500 P90,000 = 0.85] 3. c – it is a partially secured liability 4. d – [(P1,110,000 – P780,000) + P960,000] – P210,000 = P1,080,000 5. b – P25,000 + [.30 x (P75,000 – P25,000)] = P40,000 6. d – (P555,000 – P390,000) + P480,000 = P645,000 – P105,000 = P540,000 7. b – P30,000 + [.30 x (P90,000 – P30,000)] = P48,000 8. c – [ P110,000 + (P150,000 – P110,000) x 40%] = P128,000 9. d 10. c – P60,000 + [(P120,000 + P6,000) – (P30,000 + P35,000) = P121,000 11. b - P20,000 + P80,000 + [P170,000 – (P150,000 + P7,000)] = P113,000 – (P10,000 + P10,000)
= P93,000 12. c – P93,000/P121,000 = 77% rounded. 13. a Net Free Assets: (P700,000 – P300,000) + P70,000 + P230,000 = P700,000 – P140,000 = P560,000 Total Unsecured Creditors without priority: (P400,000 – P300,000) + P600,000 = P700,000 14. c - Pension P10,000 + Salaries P35,000 (= P10,600 + P10,950 + P10,950 + P2,500) + Taxes P80,000 + Liq. expenses P40,000 = P165,000. 15. c
Statement of Realization and Liquidation
Assets to be Realized…………. Assets Acquired……………….. Liabilities Liquidated…………. Liabilities Not Liquidated……. Supplementary charges/ debits………………………
P 1,375,000 750,000 1,875,000 1,700,000
Assets Realized…………………..P 1,200,000 Assets Not Realized…………… 1,375,000 Liabilities to be Liquidated…. 2,250,000 Liabilities Assumed………….. 1,625,000 Supplementary credits……… 2,800,000
3,125,000 P 8,825,000
P 9,250,000
Net Gain……………………….. P 425,000
16. No requirement 17. c Total Liabilities (refer to Liabilities not liquidated–No. 14)…………………… P1,700,000 +: Stockholders’ Equity (P1,500,000 – P500,000)………………………………… 1,000,000 Total LSHE = Total Assets…………………………………………………………… P 2,700,000 -: Noncash assets (refer to Assets not realized-No. 14)……….……………… 1,375,000 Cash balance, ending………………………………………………………………P1,325,000 18. P440,000 Total Free Assets: Fully secured: Land and building: P650,000 – (P300,000 + P20,000) = P 330,000 Free assets: Cash 10,000 Equipment 100,000 P440,000 Or, Total estimated proceeds P910,000 Less asset proceeds claimed by secured creditors: Notes payable and interest (from proceeds of receivables and inventory) P150,000 Mortgage payable and interest (from proceeds of land and building) 320,000 470,000 Total available to unsecured claimants/total free P440,000 19. P410,000 Total available to unsecured claimants/total free Less distributions to unsecured claims with priority: Wages payable Taxes payable
P440,000 P 10,000 20,000
Amount available for unsecured claims/net free assets
20. P640,000 = P260,000 + [(P50,000 + P100,000) – (P500,000 + 30,000), or Unsecured portion of notes payable and interest (P500,000 + P30,000 – P150,000) P380,000 Accounts payable 260,000 Total claims of unsecured creditors P640,000
21. 64.1% Dividend to unsecured creditors P410,000 ÷ P640,000 = 64.1% 22. P320,000 = P300,000 + P20,000 23. P393,580 Unsecured portion of notes payable and interest Dividend on unsecured amount Amount received on unsecured portion Proceeds from receivables and inventory Total Received
P380,000 x 64.1% P243,580 150,000 P393,580
Dividend to note holders: P393,580 ÷ P530,000 = 74.3% 24. P30,000 25. P166,666 = P260,000 x 64.1 26. P910,247 = P320,000 + P393,580 + P30,000 + P166,666 (discrepancy of P247 due to rounding-off) 27. P230,000 Net free assets (No. 19) P410,000 Less: Unsecured creditors without priority (No. 20) 640,000 P230,000 28. P340,000 = P910,000 – P1,250,000 29. P340,000, same with No. 28, since there are no unrecorded expenses liabilities) 30. P60,675 – you may the same procedure in Nos. 18 to 29 to solve this problem, the following is the formal presentation of statement of affairs Estimated Net Realizable Value
Book Value Assets Assets pledged with fully secured creditors: 98,500 Land and Bldg 92,800 5,800 Investment in Calandir 15,000 Total 107,800 Assets pledged with partially secured creditors: 41,000 Inventory 20,000 43,000 Equipment 8,000 Free Assets: 1,850 Cash 1,850 21,200 Accounts Rec 17,000 15,000 Note Rec 15,000 Estimated Amount Avail for unsecured creditors with and without priority
Estimated Amt Avail for Unsecured Creditors 22,200 4,625
Estimated Gain or (Loss)on Liquidation (5,700) 9,200
(21,000) (35,000) 1,850 17,000 15,000 60,675
0 (4,200) 0
Less unsecured creditors with priority Estimated amounts for unsecured creditors without priority (Net Free Assets): Net Realizable Amount Avail _______ Deficiency _______ 226,350 169,650 Book Liabilities Value and Owners Equity Fully Secured Creditors: 600 Accrued Mtg Interest 70,000 Mortgage Payable 375 Accrued N/P Interest 10,000 Note Payable Total Partially Secured Creditors: 50,000 Accounts Payable Unsecured Creditors with Priority: 3,775 Accrued Payroll Unsecured creditors without Priority: 40,625 Accounts Payable 10,00 Other Accrued Liabilities 0 185,375 Totals 40,975 Owner Equity 226,350
Estimated Secured Amount
(3,775) 56,900 15,725 72,625
_______ (56,700)
Estimated Unsecured Amount With Without Priority Priority
600 70,000 375 10,000 80,975 28,000
22,000 3,775 40,625 10,000
_______ 108,975
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.
P56,900 – refer to No. 30 for computation P72,625 – refer to No. for computation Dividend - P56,900/P72,625 = P.78 – refer to No. 30 for further computation P80,975 – refer to No. 30 for computation P45,160 = P28,000 + (P22,000 x 78%) P3,775 P39,487.50 = 78% x (P40,625 + P10,000) P169,397.50 No. 34……………..P 80.975 No. 35…………….. 45,160 No. 36…………….. 3,775 No. 37…………….. 39,487.50 P169,397.50 (discrepancy around P250 plus due to rounding-off)
39. 40. 41. 42.
P15,725 – refer to No. 30 or P56,700, estimated net loss – P40,975, owners’ equity P56,700 – refer to No. 30 or P169,650 – P226,350 P56,700 (same with No. 40 since there are no unrecorded expenses liabilities) P22,475 Liabilities Unsecured Assets Fully Partial With Without Owners' Cash Noncash Secured Secured Priority Priority Equity 6/1/x5 Balances: 1,850 224,500 80,975 50,000 3,775 50,625 40,975 Cash Receipts: Securities Sale N/R Collected
Equipment 7,000 (43,000) Sale Inventory 22,000 (41,000) Sale Cash Disbursements: Bank Loan (10,375 ) Part Pyt-A/P (29,000 ---------) 6/30 Balance 22,475 119,700 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.
(36,000 ) (19,000 ) (10,375 ) --------70,600
(50,000 ) 0
P119,700 – refer to No. 42 P70,600 – refer to No. 42 None – refer to No. 42 P3,775 – refer to No. 42 P71,625 – refer to No. 42 (P3,825) deficit – refer to No. 42
49. P150,900
Estimated Net Book Realizable Value Assets Value Assets pledged with fully secured creditors: 57,000 Accounts receivable (net) 45,000 174,000 Land, plant and equipment (net) 150,000 Total 195,000 Free assets: 6,000 Notes receivable 6,000 900 Accrued interest receivable 900 90,000 Inventories (90,000 x 60%) 54,000 Estimated amount available for unsecured creditors with and without priority Less unsecured creditors with priority Estimated amounts for unsecured creditors without priority: Net realizable amount available Deficiency 327,900
255,900 Estimated Secured Amount
Book Value Liabilities and Owners' Equity Fully secured creditors: 3,600 Accrued interest 69,000 Note payable 2,400 Accrued interest 30,000 Note payable Total Unsecured creditors with priority: 24,900 Wages payable Administration fees – 0 accountant’s fee Unsecured creditors without priority: 0 Accrued interest 18,000 Cash overdraft 6,000 Notes payable
Estimated Amount Available for Unsecured Creditor
Estimated Gain or (Loss) on Liquidation
12,600 77,400
(12,000) (24,000)
6,000 900 54,000
0 0 (36,000)
150,900 (26,900) 124,000 26,000 150,000
Estimated Unsecured Amount With Priority
Without Priority
3,600 69,000 2,400 30,000 105,000 24,900 2,000 0 18,000 6,000
126,000 Accounts payable -------279,900 Totals 105,000 48,000 Owners' equity--see Note A 327,900 Note A: Includes the effect of the P2,000 professional fee.
50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
126,000 150,000
P124,000 – refer to No. 49 P150,000– 82.67% = P124,000/P150,000 P105,000 None P26,900 P124,005 = P150,000 x 82.67% P255,900 = P72,000 + P26,900 + P124,005 (discrepancy of P5) P26,000 = (P72,000 + P2,000 unrecorded ) – P48,000 or P150,000 – P124,000 P72,000 – refer to No. 49 P74,000 = P72,000, loss of realization of assets + P2,000 unrecorded expenses
Quiz - VI 1. P96,000 Claims of partially secured creditors.................................................. Current value of assets pledged with these creditors............................ Deficiency that is unsecured.................................................................. Claims of other unsecured creditors.................................................... Total unsecured creditors claims........................................................
P 120,000 (80,000) P 40,000 360,000 P 400,000
Amount available to unsecured creditors: Excess left over after paying fully secured creditors (P195,000 – P150,000)........................................................................ Current value of free assets (net of P45,000 to creditors with priority)................................................................... Amount available to unsecured creditors.......................................... Settlement to unsecured claims per dollar (P160,000/P400,000).......... Total distribution to partially secured creditors: Current value of assets pledged.......................................................... Deficiency of P40,000 × P.40...............................................................
P 45,000 115,000 P160,000 P
P 80,000 16,000 P 96,000
2. P144,000 = P360,000 x 40% 3. P56,000 Claims of partially secured creditors.................................................. Current value of assets pledged with these creditors............................ Deficiency that is unsecured.................................................................. Claims of other unsecured creditors.................................................... Total unsecured creditors claims........................................................ Amount available to unsecured creditors: Excess left over after paying fully secured creditors (P300,000 – P250,000)........................................................................ Current value of free assets (net of P60,000 to creditors with priority)................................................................... Amount available to unsecured creditors..........................................
P 90,000 (50,000) P 40,000 200,000 P 240,000
P 50,000 (14,000) P 36,000
Settlement to unsecured claims per peso (P36,000/P240,000)..............
Total distribution to partially secured creditors: Current value of assets pledged.......................................................... Deficiency of P40,000 × P.15...............................................................
P 50,000 6,000 P 56,000
4. P30,000 = P200,000 x 15% 5. P35,000 = P20,000 + (P70,000 – P20,000) x 30% 6. P96,000 = Free assets P220,000 - priority claims P100,000 = P120,000 P120,000/P300,000 unsecured = payment of 40% on unsecured peso 40% x P240,000 A/P = P96,000 7. P474,000 = Land and building sold for P450,000 leaves P60,000 unsecured still owing. 40% x P60,000 = P24,000 8. P295,000 = P200,000 + P95,000 9. P42,950 - (P10,950 + P2,000 + P20,000 + P10,000) 10. P76,050 - Excess of salaries, P1,050 + notes pay in excess of security P25,000 + accounts pay P50,000 11. P163,800 Free assets: Other assets P104,000 Excess from assets pledged with secured (P150,800 – P91,000) 59,800 P163,800 12. P109,200 Total free assets P163,800 Less: Liabilities with priority 54,600 P109,200 13. P364,000 Unsecured creditors: Excess of partially secured liabilities over Pledged assets (P169,000 – P65,000) P104,000 Unsecured creditors 260,000 P364,000 14. P96,200 Payment of partially secured debt: Value of pledged assets P 65,000 30%* of remaining P104,000 31,200 P 96,200 *P109,200/P364,000 = 30%
15. P78,000 Cash Excess of pledged with secured liabilities (P117,000 – P104,000) 16. P52,000 Free assets after of liabilities with priority: Total free assets Less: Liabilities with priority
P 65,000 P 78,000
P 78,000 26,000 P 52,000
17. P260,000 Unsecured creditors: Excess of partially secured liabilities over pledged assets (P195,000 – P169,000) P
Accounts payable 18. P174,200 Payment on bond: Value of pledged assets 20%* of remaining P26,000
234,000 P 260,000
P 169,000 5,200 P 174,200 Free after priority: P52,000/P260,000 = 20%
19. P247,000 Free assets Excess from assets pledged with fully secured (P260,000 – P195,000) Amount available Unsecured liabilities with priority Net free assets / available for unsecured
P390,000 65,000 P455,000 ( 208,000) P247,000
20. P32,000 Cash Mortgage payable, paid in full
Note payable to bank, secured portion
Priority claims (P16,000 of administrative costs + P2,000 of customer deposits + P4,000 property tax) Available for unsecured nonpriority claims
120,000 60,000 ) 60,000 30,000 ) 30,000 22,000 ) 8,000
Unsecured, nonpriority claims: Unsecured portion of note payable to bank Accounts payable Total unsecured, nonpriority claims
10,000 30,000 40,000
P8,000 cash/P40,000 claims = P.20 on the dollar Amount paid to bank: P30,000 for secured portion + (P10,000 x .20) for unsecured portion =
21. P15,400 Mortgage note receivable Less: Portion secured by equipment Unsecured portion
Estimated recovery on secured portion Estimated recovery on unsecured portion (P28,000 x P.30) = Recovery on mortgage note receivable
35,000 7,000 28,000
7,000 8,400 15,400
22. Mortgage note receivable Less: Portion secured by marketable securities Unsecured portion Estimated recovery on secured portion Estimated recovery on unsecured portion (20,000 x P.25) = Recovery on mortgage note receivable 23. P30,000
80,000 60,000 20,000 60,000 5,000 65,000
Book value of assets Net realizable of assets
P700,000 370,000 P330,000
Less stockholders' equity (P700,000 – P400,000) Deficiency 24 . 25 . 26 .
27 .
300,000 P 30,000
P.75 Dividend = P370,000 – P250,000 – P30,000 / P400,000 – P250,000 – P30,000 P8,500 = P7,000 + [(P9,000 – P7,000) x .75] P410,000 Total estimated proceeds Less asset proceeds claimed by secured creditors: Notes payable and interest (from proceeds of receivables and inventory) Mortgage payable and interest (from proceeds of land and building) Total available to unsecured claimants. Less distributions to unsecured claims with priority: Wages payable Taxes payable Amount available for unsecured creditors
P150,000 320,000
P 10,000 20,000
64.10% Unsecured portion of notes payable and interest (P500,000 + P30,000 – P150,000) Accounts payable Total claims of unsecured creditors
470,000 P440,000
30,000 P410,000
P380,000 260,000 P640,000
Dividend to unsecured creditors: P410,000 ÷ P640,000 = 64.1% 28 .
Unsecured portion of notes payable and Interest Dividend on unsecured amount Amount received on unsecured portion Proceeds from receivables and inventory Total Received Dividend to note holders: P393,580 ÷ P530,000 = 74.3%
THEORIES 1. debtor 2. P5,000 3. inability to pay debts as they mature 4. a.administrative costs b.certain postfiling “gap” claims in involuntary filings c.wages, salaries, and commissions d.employee benefit plans e.deposits by individuals f.taxes 5. infrequent 6. two-thirds, more than one-half 7. fraudulent, preferential
P380,000 x 64.1% P243,580 150,000 P393,580
realization and liquidation
14 .
19 .
24 .
29 .
39 .
1 0. 1 1. 1 2. 1 3.
1 5. 1 6. 1 7. 1 8.
20 . 21 . 22 . 23 .
25 . 26 . 27 . 28 .
3 0. 3 1. 3 2. 3 3.
35 . 36 . 37 . 38 .
4 0. 4 1. 4 2. 4 3.
45 . 46 . 47 . 48 .
50 . 51 . 52 . 53 .
55 . 56 . 57 . 58 .
False True False
c a b
True True True
d b
c a a
b a
d c
59 a . 60 c .
b a
b c
b a
Chapter 7 Problem I 1. Entries in 20x4: Cash…………………………………………………………………….……….. Mortgage Notes Receivable ……………………………………………….. Real Estate ……………………………………………………………. Gain on Sale of Real Estate ……………………………………….. Cash ……………………………………………………………………………… Mortgage Notes Receivable ……………………………………….
3,500 20,500 9,000 15,000 500 500
Entry in 20x5: Real Estate ………………………………………………………………………. 16,500 Loss on Repossession of Real Estate ……………………………………….. 3,500 Mortgage Notes Receivable ……………………………………… 20,000 2. Entries in 20x4 Cash ……………………………………………………………………………… 3, 500 Mortgage Notes Receivable ……………………………………………….. 20,500 Real Estate …………………………………………………………….. Deferred Gross Profit on Installment Sales ………………............ Cash ………………………………………………………………………………. 500 Mortgage Notes Receivable …………………………………..….. 500 Receipt P500 cash in 20x4 applicable to principal of note Deferred Gross Profit on Installment Sales ………………………………... Realized Gross Profit on Installment Sales………………………... Gross Profit Percentages 15,000/24,000, or 62.5% 6.25% of P4,000 (collections in contract in 20x4) Or P2,500
9,000 15,000
2,500 2,500
Entry in 20x5 Real Estate………………………………………………………………………... 16,500 Deferred Gross Profit on Installment Sales ………………………………….. 12,500 Mortgage Notes Receivable ……………………………………….. 20,000 Gain in Repossession of Real Estate ……………………………….. 9,000 Problem II 1. 20x4: No Profit is recognized. P4,000 down payment is treated as a return of investment. 20x5 P750 is profit. P250 is treated as a return of investment. Following years: Each annual installment f P1,000 is profit. 2. 20x4: P4,000 is profit. 20x5: P1,000 is profit. 20x6: P750 is profit, and P250 is treated as return of investment. Following years: Each annual installment is P1,000 is treated as a return of investment. 3. Profit Percentage is 5,750 / P10,000, or 5.75% of sales 20x4: P4,000 x 57.5%, or P2,300, is profit; P1,700 is treated as a return of investment. Following years: P1,000 x 57.5%, or P575 per year, is regarded as profit. P425 per year is treated as return of investment. Problem III 1. a. Installment Contracts Receivable 19X8………………………………… 250,000 Installment Sales …………………………………………………… b. Cash …………………………………………………………………………..
Installment Contracts Receivable 19X8 ………………………
c. Cost of Installment Sales ………………………………………………….. Merchandise Inventory …………………………………………..
200,000 200,000
d. Merchandise Repossessions ……………………………………………… 14,500 Deferred Gross Profit on Installment Sales 19X8 …………….. Loss on Repossession ……………………………………………... Installment Contracts Receivable, 19X8 ……………. Gross Profit Percentages: 50,000/250,000, or 20% Deferred Gross Profit on Repossession: 20% of P20,000 or P4,000 Fair value of repossessed merchandise.. Less: Unrecovered cost: Unpaid balance…………………………P 20,000 Less: Deferred Gross Profit 20% x P20,000…………………… 4,000 Loss on repossession…………………….
P 14,500
16,000 P 1,500
e. Expenses ……………………………………………………………………… Cash …………………………………………………………………. 2. Adjustment to Recognize Gross Profit on Installments Sales: a.
To set-up Cost of Installment Sales: No entry (since perpetual inventory method is used)
To set-up Deferred Gross Profit on Installment Sales: Installment Sales ……………………………………………………… Cost of Installment Sales …………………………………. Deferred Gross Profit on Installment Sales-20x4.. ………
4,000 1,500 20,000
250,000 200,000 50,000
Adjustment to Recognize Gross Profit on Installment Sales: Deferred Gross Profit on Installment Sales – 20x4…………..……. 24,000 Realized Gross Profit on Installment Sales – 20x4 ………. Realized Gross Profit: 20% of P120,000 (collections), or P24,000
Closing of nominal accounts. Realized Gross Profit on Installment Sales – 20x4………………… 24,000 Expenses ………………………………………………………. Loss on Repossessions ………………………………………. Income Summary ……………………………………………. To close the accounts for 20x4.
16,000 1,500 6,500
Problem IV 1. January to December 31
(1) To record regular sales: Accounts receivable Sales (2) To record installment sale: Cash Installment accounts receivable Installment Sales
1,080,000 600,00
60,000 300,000
144,000 336,000 360,000
(3) To record cost of sales: Periodic Method: No entry Perpetual Method: Regular Sales: Cost of Sales Merchandise inventory Installment Sales: Cost of installment sales Merchandise inventory (4) To record collections: Regular Sales: Cash Accounts receivable Installment Sales: Cash Installment Accounts receivable – 20x2 Installment Accounts receivable – 20x3 Interest income (5) to record payment of operating expenses: Operating expenses Cash
864,000 480,000
312,000 252,000
360,000 144,000
204,000 72,000
60,000 72,000
102,000 90,000
2. Adjusting entries (end of the year): (6) To recognize accrued interest receivable Interest receivable
Interest income
2,880 1,440
(7) To set-up Cost of Sales: Periodic Method: Cost of installment sales
Merchandise inventory
864,000 480,000
Perpetual Method: No entry (7) To set-up Cost of Installment Sales: Periodic Method: Cost of installment sales
Shipment s on installment sales
312,000 252,000
Perpetual Method: No entry (8) To set-up Deferred Gross Profit Installment sales
Cost of installment sales
Deferred gross profit – 20x4
Deferred gross profit – 20x5 Gross profit rate – 20x4: P 108,000 / P360,000 = 30%.
312,000 168,000
Gross profit
rate – 20x5: P168,000 / P480,000 = 35%.
(9) To record realized gross profit on installment sales: Deferred gross profit – 20x4
Deferred gross profit – 20x5
Realized gross profit
20x4: Realized gross profit on installment sales: Collections applying as to principal..……………………………P 72,000 Multiplied by: Gross profit rate……………………………………. 30% Realized gross profit…………………………………………………P 21,600
20x5: Realized gross profit on installment sales; 20x4
Collections – principal……………
P 72,000
P 60,000
Multiplies by: Gross profit %..........
Realized gross profit………………
P 21,600
P 21,000
P 42,600
Closing entries: (10) To close realized gross profit account: Realized gross profit
Income summary
42,600 21,600
(11) To close other nominal accounts Sales Interest income
Cost of sales
Operating expenses
Income summary
(12) To close results of operations: Income summary
Retained earnings
231,480 89,040
Problem V 1. Type of Sale Regular Sales: Cash sales Credit sales Total regular sales Installment Sales Total Sales
Ratio to Total Sales
P 225,000 ___450,000 P 675,000 _ 1,125,000 P 1,800,000
675/1,800 1,125/1,800
Allocated Cost P *146,250 **292,500 P 438,750 __731,250 P 1,170,000
*P225,000/P1,800,000 x P1,170,000 = P146,250 **P450,000/P1,800,000 x P1,170,000 = P292,500
The allocation above was based on the assumptions that the markup for each type of sale is the same. Normally, the selling prices of the merchandise are not the same for each type of sales. 2. Type of Sale Cash sales Credit sales Installment Sales Total Sales *P450,000 / 120% = P375,000
Amount P 225,000 450,000 1,125,000 P 1,500,000
Amount based on Cash Sales (100%) P 225,000 375,000* 900,000** P 1,250,000
Ratio to Total Sales 225/1,500 375/1,500 900/1,500
Allocated Cost P 175,500 292,500 __ 702,000 P 1,170,000
**P1,125,000 / 125% = P900,000
3. Type of Sale Cash sales Credit sales Installment Sales Total Sales
Amount P 225,000 450,000 1,125,000 P 1,800,000
Gross profit rate 30% 36% 40%
Cost ratio 70% 64% 60%
Allocated Cost* P 157,500 288,000 _ _675,000 P 1,170,000
* Amount of sale x cost ratio.
Problem VI
The entries are required under the periodic method: Repossessed merchandise……………………………………...... Deferred gross profit – 20x4………………………………............ Loss on repossession………………………………………………... Installment accounts receivable – 20x4…………………….
68,400 48,000 3,600 120,000
To record repossessed merchandise.
Repossessed merchandise……………………………………...... Cash, etc (or various credits)……………………................
12,000 12,000
To record reconditioning costs
The loss on repossession is computed as follows: Estimated selling price after reconditioning costs.............. Less: Reconditioning costs……………………………………… Costs to sell and dispose…………………………………. Normal profit (20% x 108,000)……………………………. Market value before reconditioning costs………………….. Less: Unrecovered cost Installment accounts receivable – 20x4, unpaid balance……………………………………... Less: Deferred gross profit – 20x4 (P120,000 x 40%)..... Loss on repossession…………………………….
P 108,000 P 12,000 6,000 __21,600
P120,000 __48,000
__39,600 P 68,400
__72,000 P( 3,600)
Problem VII The entry to record the sale of the new vehicle under the periodic method: Trade-in Merchandise…………………………………............... Over-allowance on trade-in merchandise…………………. Cash………………………………………………………………….. Installment accounts receivable – 20x4……………............ Installment sales……………………………………….......
840,000 360,000 2,400,000 3,360,000 6,960,000
To record installment sales with trade-in.
Alternatively, the over-allowance on trade-in merchandise may also be treated as net of installment sales, the entry would be as follows: Trade-in Merchandise…………………………………............... Cash………………………………………………………………….. Installment accounts receivable – 20x4……………............ Installment sales (net of over-allowance)……..............
840,000 2,400,000 3,360,000 6,600,000
To record installment sales with trade-in.
The over-allowance is computed as follows: Trade-in allowance………………………………….................. Less: Market value before reconditioning costs: Estimated resale price after reconditioning costs. Less: Reconditioning costs……………………………….. Costs to sell (5% x P1,680,000)…………………… Normal profit (20% x P1,680,000)……………....... Over-allowance……………………………………………………
P1,200,000 P1,680,000 420,000 84,000 __336,000
__840,000 P 360,000
The gross profit rate on installment sales is computed as follows: Installment sales……………………………………………………………...... Less: Over-allowance………………………………………………………… Adjusted Installment Sales…………………………………………………… Less: Cost of installment sales………………………………………………. Gross profit………………………………………………………………………. Gross profit rate (P2,680,000/P6,600,000)………………………………..
P6,960,000 ___360,000 P6,600,000 __3,920,000 P2,680,000 40.60%
Further, the entry to record the reconditioning costs is as follows: Trade-in Merchandise…………………………………............... Cash, etc (or various credits)……………………..............
420,000 420,000
To record reconditioning costs.
Incidentally, the realized gross profit on installment sales of the new merchandise for the year 20x4 is computed as follows: Trade-in merchandise (market value before reconditioning costs)……… Down payment…………………………………………………………………… Installment collection (March 31 – December 31: P80,000 x 10 months) Total collections………………………………………………………………….. Multiplied by: Gross profit rate in 20x4……………………………………….. Realized gross profit on installment sales of new merchandise…………
P 840,000 2,000,000 ___800,000 P3,640,000 ___40.60% P1,477,840
Problem VIII 1. Entries assuming that monthly payments consist of P600 plus interest on the unpaid balance: Oct. 31 Cash ……………………………………………………………………… 20,000 Mortgage Notes Receivable …………………………………………. 55,000 Real Estate ………………………………………………………. Deferred Gross Profit on Installment Sales …………………. Nov. 30 Cash ………………………………………………………………………. Mortgage Notes Receivable ………………………………… Interest Income …………………………………………………. Interest Received: P55,00 at 12% for 1 month, or P550
60,000 15,000
Dec. 31 Cash ………………………………………………………………………… 1,144 Mortgage Notes Receivable ………………………………….. Interest Income …………………………………………………… Interest received: P54,400 (P55,000-P600) at 12% 1 month, or P544
600 550
600 544
31 Deferred Gross Profit on Installment Sales …………………………….. 4,240 Realized Gross Profit on Installment Sales …………………… 4,240 Gross Profit Percentage: 15,000/75,000, or 20% Realized Gross Profit: 20% of P21,200 (collections applicable to principal in 19X3) or P4,240 2. Entries assuming monthly payments of P600 that include interest on the unpaid balance of the contract: Dec. 31 Cash ……………………………………………………………………… 20,000.00 Mortgage Notes Receivable ………………………………………… 55,000.00 Real Estate ……………………………………………………… 60,000.00 Deferred Gross Profit on Installment Sales ……………….. 15,000.00 Nov. 30 Cash ……………………………………………………………………… Mortgage Notes Receivable ……………………………….. Interest Income …………………………………………………
50.00 550.00
Interest Received: P55,000 at 12% for 1 month or P550. Balance Payment, P600-P550, or
P50, is reduction in principal) Dec. 31 Cash ………………………………………………………………………. Mortgage Notes Receivable ………………………………… Interest Received ………………………………………………
600.00 50.50 549.50
Interest Received: P54,950. Balance Payment, P600.00-549.50, o P50.50, is reduction in principal. 31 Deferred Gross Profit on Installment Sales ………………………… 4,020.10 Realized Gross Profit on Installment Sales ………………… 4,020.10 Gross Profit Percentage: 15,000/75,000, or 20% Realized Gross Profit: 20% of P20,100.50 (collections applicable to principal in 19X3), or P4,020.10 Problem IX 1. 6/30x4: Cash……………………………………………………………………………. 25,000 Notes Receivable …………………………………………………………… 125,000 Accumulated Depreciation (3.1/2[2% of P90,000]) …………………… 6,300 Depreciation Expense (1/2[2% of P90,000]) …………………………… 900 Land …………………………………………………………………… 10,000 Building ……………………………………………………………….. 90,000 Deferred Gross Profit on Sale of Property ……………………… 57,200 Deferred Gross Profit on Sale of Property ………………………………… 9,553 Realized Gross Profit on Sale of Property ………………………... Amount realized: (P25,000/150,000) x 57,200 2. 6/30x5: Cash …………………………………………………………………………… 30,000 Notes Receivable …………………………………………………….. Deferred Gross Profit on Sale of Property ………………………………. 11,440 Realized Gross Profit on Sale of Property ………………………… Amount realized (P30,000/P150,000) x 57,200 6/30/x6 Cash …………………………………………………………………………. Notes Receivable ……………………………………………………
6/30/x7 Cash ………………………………………………………………………….. Notes Receivable …………………………………………………… Deferred Gross Profit on Sale of Property ………………………………. Realized Gross Profit on Sale of Property ………………………… Amount Realized: (P15,000/P150,000) X 57,200
Deferred Gross Profit on Sale of Property ……………………………… 19,067 Realized Gross Profit on Sale of Property ………………………… Amount Realized: (P50,000/P150,000) X 57,200
15,000 15,000 5,720 5,720
Problem X Installment Contracts Receivable …………………………………………. 200,000 Installment Sales ………………………………………………………
Cost of Installment Sales …………………………………………………….. 120,000 Merchandise Inventory ……………………………………………… 120,000 Cost of Sales: 60% of P200,000 Installment Sales ……………………………………………………………….. Cost of Installment Sales ……………………………………………
200,000 120,000
Deferred Gross Profit on Installment Sales ………………………
Cash ………………………………………………………………………………. 124,000 Installment on Contracts Receivable – 20x4……………………... 30,000 Installment on Contracts Receivable – 20x5……………………... 34,000 Installment on Contracts Receivable – 20x6……………………... 60,000 Deferred Gross Profit on Installment Sales -20x4 …………………………… 13,800 Deferred Gross Profit on Installment Sales-20x5 …………………………... 14,280 Deferred Gross Profit on Installment Sales -20x6 …………………………... 24,000 Realized Gross Profit on Installment Sales ……………………….………….. Realized Gross Profit 20x4: 46% of P30,000 or P13,800 20x5: 42% of P34,000 or P14,280 20x6: 40% of P60,000 or P24,000
Problem XI 1. Calculation of gross profit percentage on installment sales 20x6: P88,000 gross profit on installment sales, 20x6, /P320,000 installment sales 20x6 …………………………………………………………………………………. 20x5: P45,000 deferred gross profit, 20x5, /P150,000 installment accounts receivable 20x5 ………………………………………………………………………….. 20x4: P9,600 deferred gross profit, 20x4 , /30,000 installment accounts receivable 20x4 …………………………………………………………………………..
27.5% 30% 32%
2. WW EQUIPMENT, Inc. Balance Sheet December 31, 20x6 Assets Cash ………………………………………………………………………………….................... P27,500 Installment Accounts Receivable 20x6 ………………………….. P 55,000 20x5 ………………………….. 12,000 20x4 ………………………….. 3,000 70,000 Accounts receivable …………………………………………………………………………. 17,000 Inventory ……………………………………………………………………………………….... 60,000 Other Assets ……………………………………………………………………………………... 40,000 Total Assets ……………………………………………………………………………………… P 214,500 Liabilities Accounts payable ……………………………………………………………… P 40,000 Deferred Gross Profit 20x6 …………………………… P 15,125 20x5 …………………………… 3,600 20x4 …………………………… 960 Total Liabilities 59,685
19,685 P
Stockholders’ Equity Capital Stock …………………………………………………………………….. P 100,000 Retained Earnings ……………………………………………….. P 68,400 Balance, Jan. 1, 20x6 ………………………………………. 13,585 Balance, Dec. 31, 20x6 ……………………………………………………. 54,185 Total Stockholder’s Equity ……………………………………………………… P154,815 Total Liabilities and Stockholder’s Equity ……………………………………. P 214,500 WW EQUIPMENT, Inc.
Income Statement For Year Ended December 31, 20x6
Sales ………………………………………………………............ Cost of goods sold: Merchandise Inventory, Jan. 1 ………………P 52,000 Purchases ………………………….................. 350,000 Merchandise Available for sale ................. 402,000 Less: Merchandise Inv. Dec. 31 ………… 60,000 Gross Profit ……………………………………………………….. Less: Deferred Gross Profit on 19X34 ………………………… Realized Gross Profit on current year’s sales ………………. Add: realized gross profit on prior years’ sales on Installment basis (see gross profit schedule) ………………. Total Realized Gross Profit …………………………………….
Installment Sales P320,000
Regular Sales P125,000
P103,00 0 15,125
15,125 P78,875
Total P445,00 0
50,040 P137,91 5 151,50 0 P 13,585
Operating Expenses …………………………………………... Net Loss …………………………………………………………..
WW EQUIPMENT, Inc. Analysis of Gross Profit on Installment Sales Schedule to Accompany Income Statement For Year Ended December 31, 20x6 Deferred Gross profit on installment sales, 20x6 Installment contracts receivable, P320,000 less collections P265,000 Or P55,000; P55,000 x 27.5% ………………………………………………………… P 15,125 Realized Gross Profit: 20x6 Collections on Installment Contracts Receivable ………... P265,000 Installment sales gross profit percentage ………………….. 27.5% Realized Gross Profit …………………………………………….. P 72,875 Installment Sales …………………………………………………… 320,000 Cost of Installment Sales …………………………………………. 232,000 Deferred Gross profit -20x6……………………………………………… Deferred Gross Profit, 20x6 ……………………………............... Deferred Gross Profit, 20x5 ……………………………............... Deferred Gross Profit, 20x4 ……………………………............... Realized Gross Profit on Installment sales…………… Income Summary ………………………………………………… Shipment on Installment of Sales ……………………………… Merchandise Inventory, Jan. 1, 20x6 ………………. Purchases ……………………………………………… Merchandise Inventory, Dec. 31, 20x6 …………………….. Income Summary …………………………………… Sales ……………………………………………………………….
20x4 P138,000 P27,000 30% 32% P 41,400 P 8,640
72,875 41,400 8,640 122,915 170,000 232,000 52,000 350,000 60,000 60,000 125,000
Income Summary ……………………………………. Realized Gross Profit on Installment Sales………..………... Income Summary …………………………………….
125,000 122,915 122,915
Income Summary ……………………………………………… Operating Expenses ………………………………...
Retained Earnings …………………………………………….. Income Summary …………………………………...
151,500 13,585
Problem XII 1. Calculation of gross profit percentage on installment sales 20x6: P190,000 gross profit on installment sales, 20x6, /P500,000 installment sales 20x6 …………………………………………………………………………………… 38% 20x5: P96,000 deferred gross profit, 20x5, /P240,000 installment accounts receivable 20x5 ………………………………………………………………. 40% 20x4: P22,500 deferred gross profit, 20x4 , /50,000 installment accounts receivable 20x4 ………………………………………………………………. 45% 2.
Deferred Gross Profit, 20x6……………………………… Deferred Gross profit, 20x5……………………………… Deferred Gross Profit, 20x4……………………………… Loss on Repossessions………………………….. Cancellation of deferred gross profit, balances upon repossessions: 20x6: 38% of P5,000, or P1,900 20x5: 40% of P10,000, or P4,000 20x4: 45% of P8,000, or P3,600
1,900 4,000 3,600 9,500
GG SALES CORPORATION Income Statement For Year Ended December 31, 20x6
Sales ………………………………………………………............ Cost of goods sold: Merchandise Inventory, Jan. 1 …………… P 30,000 Purchases ………………………….................. 445,000 Repossessed Merchandise ……………….. 10,000 Merchandise Available for sale ................. 495,000 Less: Merchandise Inv. Dec. 31 ………… 35,000 Gross Profit ……………………………………………………….. Less: Deferred Gross Profit on 20x6 sales (see schedule) Realized Gross Profit on current year’s sales ………………. Add: realized gross profit on prior years’ sales on Installment basis (see gross profit schedule) ………………. Deduct loss on repossession …………………………………. Total Realized Gross Profit ……………………………………. Operating Expenses ……………………………………………
Installment Sales P500,000
Regular Sales P192,000
Total P692,000
P190,000 32,300
P103,000 32,300
P199,700 100,650 P300,350 3,500 P296,850 300,000
Net Loss …………………………………………………………..
Analysis of Gross Profit on Installment Sales Schedule to Accompany Income Statement For Year Ended December 31, 20x6
Deferred gross profit on Installment sales – before defaults, 19X8: Installment contracts receivable, P500,00, less collections, P415,000, or P85,000; P85,000 x 38% ……………………………………………………….
P 32,300
Realized Gross Profit: 20x6 Collections of Installment contracts receivable.. P415,000 Installment sales gross profit percentage ……….. 38% Realized gross profit …………………………………..P157,700
20x5 20x4 P210,000 P 37,000 40% 45% P 84,000 P 16,650
GG SALES CORPORATION Balance Sheet December 31, 20x6 Assets Cash …………………………………………………………………………………... P 25,000 Installment Accounts Receivable 20x6 …………………P 80,000 20x5 ………………… 20,000 20x4 ………………… 5,000 105,000 Accounts receivable ………………………………………………………………….. 40,000 Inventory …………………………………………………………………………………. 35,000 Other Assets ……………………………………………………………………………… 52,000 Total Assets ……………………………………………………………………………….P 257,000 Liabilities Accounts payable ……………………………………………………. P 75,000 Deferred Gross Profit 20x6 ………………………………. P 30,400 20x5 ………………………………. 8,000 20x4 ………………………………. 2,250 40,650 Total Liabilities P
Stockholders’ Equity Capital Stock …………………………………………………………. P100,000 Retained Earnings ………………………………………. P 44,500 Balance, Jan. 1, 20x6 ……………………………… 3,150 Balance, Dec. 31, 20x6 …………………………… 41,350 Total Stockholder’s Equity …………………………………………. 141,350 Total Liabilities and Stockholder’s Equity ……………………….. P 257,000 4. Installment Sales ……………………………………………………………….. 500,000 Cost of Installment Sales ……………………………………………….. 310,000 Deferred Gross Profit, 20x6 …………………………………………….. 190,000 Deferred Gross Profit, 20x6 …………………………………………………… Deferred Gross Profit, 20x5 …………………………………………………… Deferred Gross Profit, 20x4 …………………………………………………… Realized Gross Profit on Installment Sales… …………………………
157,500 84,000 16,650 258,350
Income Summary ……………………………………………………………… 185,000 Shipment on Installment Sales ……………………………………………… 310,000 Merchandise Inv, January 1, 20x6 ……………………………………. 30,000 Purchases …………………………………………………………………. 455,000 Repossessed Merchandise …………………………………………….. 10,000
Merchandise Inv, December 31, 20x6……..………………………………. 35,000 Income Summary ……………………………………………………….. Sales …………………………………………………………………………….... Income Summary …………………………………………………………
35,000 192,000 192,000
Realized Gross Profit on Installment Sales………………………………….. 258,350 Income Summary ………………………………………………………..
Income Summary ……………………………………………………………… Loss on Repossession …………………………………………………….
Income Summary ……………………………………………………………… Operating Expenses ……………………………………………………..
Retained Earnings ……………………………………………………………… Income Summary ………………………………………………………….
Problem XIII 1. Deferred gross profit – 20x4……….……………………………………. Deferred gross profit – 20x5……….……………………………………. Deferred gross profit – 20x6……….……………………………………. Realized Gross Profit on Installment Sales (20x4 – 20x6)…..
3,500 300,000 3,150
8,407.00 93,438.80 71,006.70 172,852.50
Computation of GP rates: 20x4: P247,000/P380,000 = 65%, cost rate; GP rate = 100% - 65% = 35% 20x5: P285,120/P432,000 = 66%, cost rate; GP rate = 100% - 66% = 34% 20x6: P379,260/P602,000 = 63%, cost rate; GP rate = 100% - 63% = 37% Calculation of collections in 20x6: 20x4: Beginning balance P 24,020 20x5: P344,460 (beginning balance) – P67,440 (ending balance) – P2,200 (write-offs on default) 274,820 20x6: P602,000 (sales) – P410,090 (ending balance) 191,910 Calculation of realized gross profit: 20x4: 35% x P24,020 20x5: 34% x P274,820 20x6; 37% x P191,910 Total 2. Deferred gross profit 20x5……………………………………………………… Inventory of Repossessed Merchandise……………………………….
To reduce by 20x5 deferred gross profit related to defaulted contract and requiring cancellation, 34% of P2,200 (P5,400 sales price- P3,200 collections to date); inventory now reported at P2,200 (balance of installment contract), less P748 or P1,452.
Loss on repossession…………………………………………………………….. Inventory of repossessed merchandise………………………………..
To reduce inventory to “market” as follows: to realize a gross profit of 37% on a resale estimated at P1,700, the repossessed merchandise should be reported at a value of 63% of P1,700, or P1,071; the inventory then requires a further writedown of P381 (P1,452 – P1,071)
8,407.00 93,438.80 71,006.70 P172,852.50 748.00 748.00
Repossessed merchandise could be recorded at its resale value less the usual gross profit margin on sales. Recording the merchandise at P1,452 will result in the realization of less than
the normal profit margin on the resale of the goods in the subsequent period. if expenses of the resale exceed P248 (P1,700 – P1,452), the later period would actually have to absorb a loss as a result of such valuation. Recording the goods at resale value reduced by the company’s usual profit margin on sales is recommended, for such practice will charge the next period with no more than the utility of the goods carried forward. Problem XIV – HH Instruments 1. Installment Contracts Receivable ……………………………………. 1,600.00 Merchandise Inventory (Piano) ……………………………… Deferred Gross Profit on Installment Sales …………………
Cash ……………………………………………………….......................... Installment Contracts Receivable ……………………………
Cash …………………………………………………………........................ Interest Income …………………………………………………… Installment Contracts Receivable …………………………….
Cash ……………………………………………………………...................... Interest Income ……………………………………………………. Installment Contracts Receivable ………………………………
Deferred Gross Profit on Installment of Sales ………………………….. Realized Gross Profit on Installment of Sales ………………… Gross Profit Percentage: 37.5% (P600/P1,600) Realized Gross Profit for 20x4: 37.5% of 601.19 (sum of payments on installment contract)
20x5: Cash
160.00 14.40 145.60 11.47 148.53
225.45 225.45
Merchandise Inventory (piano) …………………………………………... 560.00 Deferred Gross Profit on Installment of Sales ……………………........... 374.55 Loss on Repossessions ………………………………………………………. 64.36 Installment Contracts Receivable ……………………………… 998.81 Deferred Gross profit cancelled upon repossession: 37.5% of P998.81 (balance in installment contracts receivable account) or P 374.55
Problem XV – Big Bear 20x4: Installment receivables Inventory Deferred gross profit Cash
1,000.00 600.00
Installment receivables
Installment receivables
Deferred gross profit Realized gross profit 20x6: Cash
150,000 100,000 80,000
50,000 50,000 50,000
Installment receivables Installment receivables Inventory
50,000 300,000
Deferred gross profit Cash
90,000 135,000
Installment receivables Deferred gross profit Realized gross profit
135,000 40,500
Gross profit deferred at sale = 30% x P300,000 = P90,000. Gross profit earned at collection = (P135,000/P300,000) x P90,000 = P40,500 (Or cash collected x GP% =P135,000 x 30% = P40,500) Problem XVI – Tappan Industrial (1) Reasonably assured - accrual basis should be used: full gross profit recognized in the year of the sale. Determination of selling price: PVn = R(PVAFn/i) Table IV PVn = P187,500 x 4.3553 n = 6, i = 10% PVn = P816,619 (rounded) Gross profit on sale: Sales
P816,61 9 637,500 P179,119 _ 27,221 P206,340
Cost of sales Gross profit Interest revenue--4 months: P816,619 x 10% x 4/12 = Total income for 20x5 = P179,119 + P27,221 = (2) No reasonable assurance – assume the use of installment sales method Installment sale: Gross profit (P179,119/P816,619) = Gross profit earned in 20x5 (P0 x 22%) Interest revenue Total income for 20x5
22% rounded P 0 27,221 P 27,221
Multiple Choice Problems 1. b – 20x4: P500,000 x 30% = P 150,000 20x5: P600,000 x 40% = 240,000 P390,000 2. d Realized Gross Profit on Installment Sales in 20x6: 20x4 sales: P10,000 x 22%P 20x5 sales: P50,000 x 25% 20x6 sales: P45,000 x P28,200 / (P28,200+P91,800) Realized Gross Profit on Sales in 20x5 Less: Realized Gross Profit in 20x5 for 20x5 sales: (P20,000 x 25%) Realized Gross Profit in 20x5 for 20x4 sales Divided by: Collections in 20x5 for 20x4 sales Gross Profit % for 20x4 sales
3. a Installment Sales Method: 20x3 Sales: P240,000 x 25/125P 48,000 20x4 Sales: P180,000 x 28/128 39,375 Realized Gross Profit on Installment SalesP 87,375 Cost Recovery Method:
2,200 12,500 10,575 P 25,275 P 10,500 5,000 P 5,500 P 25,000 22%
20x3 Cost: P480,000 / 1.25 Less: Collections in 20x3 Collections in 20x4 Unrecovered Cost, 12/31/20x4
P384,000 140,000 240,000 P 4,000
Under the cost recovery method, no income is recognized on a sale until the cost of the item sold is recovered through cash receipts. All cash receipts, both interest and principal portions, are applied first to the cost of the items sold. Then, all subsequent receipts are reported as revenue. Because all costs have been recovered, the recognized revenue after the cost recovery represents income (interest and realized gross profit). This method is used only when the circumstances surrounding a sale are so uncertain that earlier recognition is impossible. 4. a
5. c 6. e, 20x6 – 0; 20x7 - 0 Unrecovered costs,1/1/20x4 Less: Collections 1/1//20x4 Add: Sales on account Total Less: 1/1/20x5 Collections in 20x4 Unrecovered costs,1/1/20x5 1/1//20x5 Add: Sales on account Total Less: 1/1/20x6 Collections in 20x5 Unrecovered costs,1/1/20x6 1/1//20x6 Add: Sales on account Total Less: 1/1/20x7 Collections in 20x6 Unrecovered costs,1/1/20x7 1/1//20x7 Add: Sales on account Total Less: 1/1/20x8 Collections in 20x7 Unrecovered costs,1/1/20x8
110,000 0 15,000 15,000 10,500 __4,500 105,500 10,500 30,000 40,500 25,500 15,000 90,500 25,500 60,000 85,500 40,500 45,000 45,500 40,500 24,000 64,500 70,000 ____-045,500
7. b 20x4: P150,000 – (P568,620 x 10%) = P93,138. 20x5: (P568,620 – P93,138) x 10% = P47,548. 8. a – refer to No. 3 for discussion. Cost, January 1, 20x4 Less: Collections including interest – 20x4 Unrecovered Cost, December 31, 20x4 9. c
P 60,000 32,170 P 27,830
(P3,600,000 – P2,400,000) ÷ P3,600,000 = 33 1/3% (P3,600,000 .20) + [(3,600,000 .80) 4/12)] = P1,680,000 P1,680,000 33 1/3% = P560,000.
10. b [(P3,600,000 .20) + (P3,600,000 .80 x 8/12] – P2,400,000 = P240,000.
11. b – refer to No. 3 discussion. Cost, January 1, 20x4…………………………………………………………….P 500,000 Less: Collections including interest – 20x4……………………….P241,269 Collections including interest – 20x5……………………… 241,269 482,538 Unrecovered Cost, December 31, 20x5……………………………………….P 17,462 12. b [(P1,400,000 – P980,000) ÷ P1,400,000] x P840,000 = P252,000. 13. c
P300,000 + P50,000 = P350,000 P350,000 – P245,000 = P105,000 gross profit (30% gross profit rate) (P300,000 – P100,000) x 30% = P60,000.
14. c
P1,200,000 – P720,000 = P480,000 gross profit (40% gross profit rate) P480,000 – (P288,000 ×.4) = P364,800.
15. d – [P225,000 + (P120,000/40%)]
16. b(P36,000 ÷ 24%) + (P198,000 ÷ 30%) = P810,000.
17. d Installment Accounts Receivable, December 31, 20x5: DGP, 12/31/20x5 / GP% 20x4 Sales: P120,000/ 30% 20x5 Sales: P440,000/ 40%
P 400,000 1,100,000
P 1,500,000 18. c Sale: Installment receivables Inventory 3,600,000 Deferred gross profit 900,000 Payment: Cash Installment receivables 500,000 Deferred gross profit Realized gross profit 100,000 Balance Sheet: Installment receivables (4,500,000 – 500,000) 4,000,000 Deferred gross profit (900,000 – 100,000) 800,000 Installment receivables (net)
500,000 100,000
P 3,200,000
19. b 12/15/x5 Cash [(P4,500,000 – P500,000)/2 = P2,000,000] 2,000,000 Installment receivables 2,000,000 Deferred gross profit [P2,000,000 x (900/4,500)] 400,000 Realized gross profit 400,000 Balance sheet: Deferred gross profit: P800,000 400,000 = P400,000 Realized gross profit of P400,000 would be reported in the income statement.
20. No requirement 21. c - P300,000 (20x4 sales) + P500,000 (20x5 sales) = P800,000 22. a Gross profit % = (P900,000 P450,000)/P900,000 = 50% 20x4: 50% x P300,000 = P150,000 23. c 20x4 sales: Gross profit % = (P900,000 P450,000)/P900,000 = 50% 50% x P300,000 received in 2010 = P150,000 20x5 sales: Gross profit % = (P1,500,000 P900,000)/P1,500,000 = 40% 40% x P400,000 received in 2010 = P160,000 Total: P150,000 + P160,000 = P310,000 24. c 20x4 Sales: Installment receivables = P900,000 – P300,000 (x4 collections) - P300,000 (x5 collections) = Deferred gross profit = P450,000 – P150,000 (x4 collections) - P150,000 (x5 collections) = Net installment receivable for 20x4 sales = 20x5 Sales: Installment receivables = P1,500,000 – P500,000 (x5 collections)= Deferred gross profit = P600,000 – P200,000 (x5 collections) = Net installment receivable for 20x5 = Total 25. a - Costs not yet recovered. 26. c Cost, 20x4 20x4 cost recovery Remaining cost, 12/31/x4 20x5 collection Gross profit – 20x5
P 300,000 150,000 P 150,000 P1,000,000 400,000 P 600,000 = P 750,000
P 30,000 (20,000) P 10,000 15,000 P 5,000
27. d Cost 20x4 cost recovery 20x5 cost recovery Remaining cost
P 30,000 ( 20,000) ( 10,000) 0
The entire P20,000 payment received in 20x6 is recognized as gross profit. 28. d Sale:
Installment receivables Inventory Deferred gross profit
Payment: Cash
30,000 25,000 20,000
Installment receivables Balance Sheet: Installment receivables P55,000 – 20,000 Deferred gross profit Installment receivables (net) 29. a
20,000 P 35,000 ( 25,000) P 10,000
Installment receivables Inventory Deferred gross profit
55,000 30,000 25,000
20,000 20,000 15,000 15,000 5,000 5,000
Installment receivables Cash 2009:
Installment receivables Deferred gross profit Realized gross profit
Balance Sheet: Installment receivables Deferred gross profit Installment receivables (net)
P 20,000 ( 20,000) P 0
30. c Note: Since the collectibility of the note is reasonably assured, the accrual basis should be applied. Therefore, full gross profit is recognized in the year of sale. Gross profit on sale: Sales (P187,500 x 4.3553) P816,619 Cost of sales 637,500 Gross profit (realized) P179,119 31.
c Total Income for 20x4: Gross profit (realized) – No. 51 Interest revenue—4 months: P816,619 x 10% x 4/12.. Total income for 20x4
32. b Total Income for 20x5: Gross profit (realized) – already recognized in 20x4 Interest revenue – 8 months in Year 1 (P81,662* x 8/12) 4 months in Year 2 (P71,078* x 4/12) Total Income for 20x5
P179,119 _ 27,221 P206,340
P P 54,441 23,693
0 78,134 P 78,134
*Schedule of Discount Amortization/Interest Income computation: (1) Face Amount Year of Note1 1P1,125,000 P308,3813 2937,500 226,7194
(2) Unamortized Discount P 816,6192 710,781
(3) Net Amount (1) – (2)
(4) Discount Amortization 10% (3) 81,6625 71,078
P187,500 x 6 years = P1,125,000; every year P187,500 should be deducted on the previous balance. The present value of sales/receivables: P187,500 x 4.3553 = P816,619 3 P1,125,000 – P816,619 4 (2) – (4) 5 Discount amortization give rise to recognition of interest revenue/income. 2
33. a Note: Since the collectibility of the note cannot be reasonably assured, the installment sales method should be applied. Also, if the there is high degree of uncertainty as to collectibility, the cost recovery method may be used. Installment sale: Gross profit (P179,119/P816,619) 22% (rounded) Gross profit earned in 20x4 (P0* x 22%)
* no collections in 20x4. 34.
a Total Income for 20x4: Gross profit earned in 20x4 (P0* x 22%) Interest revenue (refer to No. 52 Total income for 20x4.
0 27,221 P 27,221
35. d Collections in 20x5 (August 31, 20x5) Less: Interest revenue/income from September 1, 20x4 to August 31, 20x5 (refer to schedule of amortization in No. 53) Collection as to principal x: Gross Profit % (refer to No. 54) Gross profit realized in 20x5 Add: Interest revenue/income for 20x5 (refer to No. 53) Total Income for 20x5
P 187,500 81,662 P 105,838 22% P 23,284 78,134 P 101,418
36. d (P2,000,000 – P1,500,000) ÷ P2,000,000 = 25% 37. a (P800,000 x .25) – P90,000 = P110,000, 38. d
P700,000 x .25 = P175,000; P500,000 x .25 = P125,000.
39. a
(P3,000,000 – P2,100,000) ÷ P3,000,000 = 30%.
40. d
(P1,200,000 .30) – P120,000 = P240,000.
41. a
P1,050,000 .30 = P315,000 P900,000 – [(P1,200,000 + P1,050,000) .30] = P225,000.
42. b
P24,000 – P7,200 = P16,800 P16,800 – P13,500 = P3,300 loss.
43. d [P5,600 x (1 – .40)] – (P2,100 – P140) = P1,400. 44. d P8,400 – P5,880 = P2,520 (P3,000 – P300) – P2,520 = P180 gain. 45. d
20x4: P24,000 – P0 = P24,000 collections x 39%P 9,360 20x5: P300,000 – P60,000 – P10,000 defaults = P230,000 x 42% 96,600 20x6: P480,000 – P320,000 – P5,000 defaults = P155,000 x 40% 62,000 Realized gross profit on installment sales in 20x6
46. b Market Values Less: Unrecovered Cost: IAR, unpaid balances x: Cost Ratio
20x5 Sales P 4,500 P10,000 50%
P 5,000 60% 3,000
20x6 Sales P 3,500
Gain (loss)
P (1,300)
P 500
P( 800)
47. a (1)Gain or Loss on repossession: Estimated selling price
P 1,700
Less: Normal profit (37% x P1,700)
Market value of repossessed merchandise 1,071
Less: Unrecovered Cost: Unpaid balance – 20x3
P 2,200
Less: DGP – x3 (P2,200 x34%)
1,452 Loss on repossession
P( 381)
(2) Realized gross profit on installment sales: 20x2 Sales: (P24,020 – P 0) x 35%
20x3 Sales: (P344,460 – P67,440 – P2,200) x 34%
20x4 Sales: (P602,000 – P410,090) x 37%
Realized gross profit on installment sales
P 172,852.5
48. c Deferred Gross Profit, end (12/312/20x4: IAR, end of 2004 x GP %) 20x2 Sales: P 0 20x3 Sales: (P67,440 x 34%. 22,929.6 20x4 Sales: (P410,090 x 37%) 151,733.3 P174,662.9 49. d* Resale Value Less: Normal profit for 20x6 - year of repossession [(P3,010,000 – P1,896,300)/P3,010,000] x 8,500 Market Value of Repossessed Merchandise Less: Unrecovered Costs – 20x5 Defaulted balance* (P27,000 – P16,000)
P 8,500 3,145 P 5,355 P 11,000
Less: DGP [(P2,160,000 - P1,425,600)/P2,160,000] x P11,000 Loss on repossession
__7,260 P( 1,905)
Entry made: Inventory of RM* IAR-20x5
11,000 11,000
Correct Entry (Should be): Inventory of RM (at MV) DGP-20x5 Loss on repossession IAR-20x5
5,355 3,740 1,905 11,000
Correcting Entry: DGP-20x5 Loss on repossession Inventory of RM 50. c Installment Sales Less: Over-allowance: Trade-in allowance Less: MV of Trade-in Merchandise: Estimated Resale Price Less: Normal profit (25% x P1,400,000) Reconditioning costs Adjusted Installment Sales Less: Cost of I/S Gross Profit Gross profit rate: P500,000/ P3,000,000 x: Collections –Trade-in merchandise (at MV) RGP on I/S in 20x4
3,740 1,905 5,645** P 3,600,000 P1,500,000 P 1,400,000 350,000 150,000 900,000
600,000 P 3,000,000 2,500,000 P 500,000 16 2/3% P 900,000 P 150,000
51. c Trade-in allowance Less: MV of trade-in allowance: Estimated resale price after reconditioning costs Less: Reconditioning costs Normal profit (15% x P36,000) Over-allowance Installment sales Less: Over-allowance Adjusted Installment Sales Less: Cost of Installment Sales Gross profit Gross profit rate: P21,600/P108,000
P43,200 P36,000 5,400
1,800 28,800 P 14,400 P122,400 14,400 P108,000 86,400 P 21,600 20%
Realized gross profit: Down payment P 7,200 Trade-in (at market value) 28,800 Installment collections: (P108,000 – P28,800 – P7,200) / 10 mos. X 3 mos. 21,600 Total collections in 2008 P 57,600 x: Gross profit rate 20% Realized gross profit P 11,520
52. d (Note: For financial accounting purposes, the installment-sales method is not used, and the full gross profit is recognized in the year of sale, because collection of the receivable is reasonably assured.) Finley Company Computation of Income Before Income Taxes On Installment Sale Contract For the Year Ended December 31, 20x3 Sales Cost of Sales Gross Profit Interest Revenue (Schedule I) Income before Income Taxes
P4,584,000 3,825,000 759,000 328,320 P1,087,320
Schedule I Computation of Interest Revenue on Installment Sale Contract Cash selling price (sales) Payment made on January 1, 20x3 Balance outstanding at 12/31/x3 Interest rate Interest Revenue
P4,584,000 936,000 3,648,000 9% P 328,320
Quiz - VII 1. P920,000 20x4: P1,200,000 x 30% = P 360,000 20x5: P1,400,000 x 40% = 560,000 P920,000 2. P190,000 (P300,000 ÷ P750,000) x P250,000 = P100,000 [(P270,000 ÷ P900,000) x P300,000] + P100,000 = P190,000 3.
P1,600– assume the use of installment sales method. It should be noted that if the collectability is highly uncertain or extremely uncertain, the use of cost recovery method is preferable.
4. Zero/Nil
When the cost recovery method is used, gross profit is recognized only after all costs have been recovered. 20x5 P45,000 x 63% = P28,350 P28,350 - P24,000 = P4,350 5. P19,250 20x6 Relating to 20x5 sales: P19,000 - P4,350 = Relating to 20x6 sales: P60,000 x 59% = P35,400 P40,000 - P35,400 = 6. P21,000 20x7 Relating to 20x5 sales: Since all costs have been recovered, all cash collected is recognized as gross profit ...... Relating to 20x6 sales:
Cost of sale No gross profit is recognized in 20x5. Costs still to be recovered.
Gross profit recognized
4,600 P19,250
Cost of sale Gross profit recognized Recognized in 20x6
P 2,000
Since all costs have been recovered, all cash collected is recognized as gross profit ...... Relating to 20x7 sales: P85,000 x 60% = P51,000 P53,000 - P51,000 = .......... 7. 8. 9.
17,000 2,000
P21,000 P320,000 [(P1,000,000 – P200,000) x (P1,000,000 – P600,000)/P1,000,000 = P320,000
Cost of sale Gross profit recognized Recognized in 20x7
P390,000 P1,800,000 – P1,080,000 = P720,000 (40% gross profit rate) P720,000 – (P825,000 x 40%) = P390,000. P 128,000 Installment Accounts Receivable, end of 20x4 x: Gross profit rate (66 2/3 / 166 2/3) Deferred Gross Profit, end of 20x4
P 320,000 _____40% P 128,000
10. P25,168, determined as follows: Gross profit percentages: 20x3: P136,000/P160,000 = 85%; 100% x 85% = 15% 20x4: P158,240/P184,000 = 86%; 100% x 86% = 14% To deferred gross profit: 20x3: P160,000 x P136,000 = 20x4: P184,000 x P158,240 = Gross profit realized: 0.15 x P40,000 = 0.15 x P89,600 = 0.14 x P36,800 =
P24,000 25,760 P49,760 P 6,000 13,440 5,152 P24,592
Balance of Gross Profit Deferred: P49,760 - P24,592 = P25,168 11. P 0 – all profit recognized in 20x5 12. P240 – (P1,200/P2,000) x P400 13. P100 - (100% of costs were fully recovered prior to 20x7 14. P10 million, the amount of sale 15 . P450 – [P1,000 – P250 = P750 – (P750 x 400/1,000)] = P450 16. P50 gain Repossessed merchandise……………………………………… 500 Deferred gross profit……………………………………………… 300 Installment Accounts receivable…………………….. Gain on repossession…………………………………… 17.
750 50
0 Unrecovered costs,1/1/20x4 Less: Collections Unrecovered costs,1/1/20x5 Less: Collections Profit – 20x5 Profit – 20x5
18. P10 – refer to No. 17 19. P30 –refer to No. 17
100 70 30 40 10 30
20. Zero Unrecovered costs – 20x4 Less: Collections – 20x4 Unrecovered costs, 12/31/20x4 Additional costs – 20x5 Total costs Less: Collections – 20x5 Unrecovered costs, 12/31/20x5 Additional costs – 20x6 Total costs Less: Collections – 20x6 Unrecovered costs, 12/31/20x6 Additional costs – 20x7 Total costs Less: Collections – 20x7 Profit – 20x7
120,000 ______0 120,000 _20,000 140,000 80,000 60,000 20,000 80,000 40,000 40,000 10,000 50,000 100,000 50,000
21. P50,000 profit – refer to No. 20 22. P105,000 = P68,250 / (100% - 35%) 23. P31,000 = P50,000 x (100% - 38%) 24. P43,700 Unrecovered costs – Cost of installment sales for 20x5 installment sales Less: Collections in 20x5 for 20x5 installment sales Unrecovered costs, 12/31/20x5 Less: Collections in 20x6 for 20x5 installment sales (balancing figure) Realized GP on I/S in 20x6 for 20x5 sales
56,050 _22,800 33,250 _43,700 *10,450
Realized GP on I/S in 20x6 Less: Realized GP on I/S in 20x6 for 20x5 I/S since cost of P31,000 (No. 23) is already recovered in 20x5 equivalent to collection Realized GP on I/S in 20x6 for 20x5 installment sales
16,050 __5,600 *10,450
25. Zero – costs is not yet fully recovered, the profit should be recognized Unrecovered costs – Cost of installment sales for 20x4 (No. 23) Less: Collections in 20x4 for 20x4 installment sales Unrecovered costs, 12/31/20x4
31,000 _22,800 8,200
26. P41,000 Unrecovered costs – Cost of installment sales for 20x4 installment sales Less: Collections in 20x4 for 20x4 installment sales Unrecovered costs, 12/31/20x4 Less: Collections in 20x5 for 20x4 installment sales Realized GP on I/S in 20x5 for 20x4 installment sales Realized GP on I/S in 20x5 for 20x5 installment sales: Unrecovered costs – Cost of installment sales for 20x5 installment Sales Less: Collections in 20x5 for 20x5 installment sales Unrecovered costs, 12/31/20x4 Realized GP on I/S in 20x5
31,000 _25,600 5,400 46,400 41,000 56,050 22,800 33,250
27. P 45,000 Installment receivable = P200,000 Deferred gross profit = P80,000 (P200,000 x 40%) Fair value = P75,000 Repossessed inventoryP 75,000 Deferred gross profit P 80,000 Loss on repossession (plug) P 45,000 Installment receivable 28. Zero P450,000 cost
P 200,000
P300,000 collections = P150,000 unrecovered costs
29. P300,000 20x4 sales: Cost = P450,000; P300,000 collected in each year 20x4-20x6. P300,000 of cost recovered in 20x4, the other P150,000 of cost recovered in 20x5, so P150,000 of gross profit recognized in 20x5, leaving P300,000 recognized in 20x6. 20x5 sales: Cost = P900,000; P500,000 collected in 20x5, P400,000 collected in 20x6. P500,000 of cost recovered in 20x5, the other P400,000 of cost recovered in 20x5, so P0 of gross profit recognized in 20x6. Total: P300,000 + P0 = P300,000
30. d 20x4 Sales: Installment receivables = P900,000 – P300,000 (x4 collections) - P300,000 (x5 collections) = Deferred gross profit = P450,000 – P0 (all x4 collections to cost recovery - P150,000 (P150,000 of x5 collections to cost recovery) = Net installment receivable for 20x4 sales =
P 300,000
300,000 0
20x5 Sales: Installment receivables = P1,500,000 – P500,000 (x5 collections)= P1,000,000 Deferred gross profit = P600,000 – P0 (all x5 collections to cost recovery) = P 600,000 Net installment receivable for 20x5 = P 400,000 Total = P 400,000 31. 24%. Determined from the repossession entry: Deferred gross profit Installment accounts receivable
P2,400 ———— = 24% P10,000
32. 35% Installment sales Cost of sales Gross profit Gross profit Installment sales
P120,000 78,000 P 42,000 P42,000 ————- = 35% gross profit rate P120,000
33. a. 20x4 Deferred gross profit balance Gross profit rate Beginning accounts receivable Beginning accounts receivable Ending accounts receivable
P 12,000 ÷ 25% P 48,000 P 48,000 (20,000)
Cash collected
P 28,000
b. 20x5 Deferred gross profit balance Gross profit rate Beginning accounts receivable* Beginning accounts receivable* Ending accounts receivable* Cash collected
P 26,400 ÷ 24% P110,000 P110,000 (50,000) P 60,000
c. 20x6 Installment sales—20x6 Accounts receivable—20x6 Cash collected
P120,000 (90,000) P 30,000
34. P31,900 Total realized gross profit in 20x6 From 20x4 P28,000 × 25% = 20x5 P60,000 × 24% = 20x6 P30,000 × 35% =
P 7,000 14,400 10,500 P31,900 *Excluding accounts receivable for repossessed merchandise.
35. 20x4 (2010), P33,750; 20x5 (2011), P95,250 Gross profit realized in 20x4 (2010): Installment sales = [(P300,000 P165,000)/P300,000] x P75,000 =
Gross profit realized in 20x5 (2011): From 20x4 sales = [(P300,000 P165,000)/P300,000] x P105,000 = From 20x5 sales =
[(P450,000 P270,000)/P450,000] x P120,000 = 48,000
36. 20x4 (2010), P148,750; 20x5 (2011), P275,250
Sales Cost of sales Gross profit Gross profit realized on installment sales Total gross profit 37. 20x4 (2010), P148,750; 20x5 (2011), .
7. False
20x5 (2011 P450,000 270,000 P180,000 95,250
20x4 (2010) P225,000 101,250 P123,750
20x5 (2011 P450,000 186,000 P264,000
Installment accounts receivable Less: Deferred gross profit Net of deferred gross profit Theories 1. False True 2.
20x4 (2010) P450,000 335,000 P115,000 33,750
12. False
17. True
22. True
26. 27.
True True
3. 4. 5.
False True True
8. True 9. False 10. True
13. False 14. True 15. True
18. False 19. False 20. True
23. True 24. True 25. True
28. 29.
False True
c b b b c
36. 37. 38. 39.
41. 42. 43. 44. d
55. 56. 57. 58. 59.
d b d
31. 32. 33. 34. 60.
61. 62. 63. 64.
C B b c
d e c
b 66. b 67. d 68. d 69. c
a e b b
46. 47. 48. 49.
b c c c
d 51. c 52. b 53. a 54. b
Chapter 8 Problem I 1. Input Measure - Percentage of Completion Method (Cost to Cost Method) 2008: Contract price P 1,800,000 Actual costs to date P 450,000 Estimated costs to 1,200,000 complete Total estimated project 1,650,000 costs Estimated total gross profit 150,000 Percentage of completion: P450,000 / P,1650,000 27.27% Gross profit recognized P 40,905 2009:
P 1,800,000
Contract price Costs incurred: 2008 2009
P 450,00 1,100,000
Total cost Total gross profit Recognized in 2008 Recognized in 2009 2. Input Measure - Cost Recovery Method 2008: (all costs not yet recovered) 2009: Contract price Costs incurred: 2008 2009 Total cost Total gross profit
1,550,000 250,000 40,905 P 209,095 P -01,800,00 P 450,000 1,100,000 1,550,000 P 250,000
Problem II 1. Input Measure - Percentage of Completion Method (Cost to cost Method) Years Gross Profit (or Loss) Supporting computations recognized 2008 P 2 million (P108 – 90) x (P30/P90) = P6 million 2009 ( P18 million) Total loss is (P108 –120) = (P12 million) To date, P6 million was recorded: therefore, (P12 million) – P6 million = (P18 million) in 2009 2010 P 10 million Total loss is P 108 – 110) = (P2 million) To date, (P 12 million was recorded: therefore, ( P2 million) – (P12 million) = P10 million in 2010
2. Input Measure - Cost Recovery Method Years Gross Profit (or Loss) Supporting computations 2008 P -0( P108 – 90) = P18 anticipated gross profit, so no need to recognized a gross loss 2009 (P 12 million) Total loss is ( P108 – 120) = (12 million) 2010 P 10 million Total loss is (P108- 110) – ( P2 million) To date, ( P12 million was recorded: therefore, ( P2 million) – ( P12 million) = P10 million in 2010 Problem III 1. Journal Entries a. Input Measure – Percentage of completion – (cost-to-cost method)
The following analysis is to determine the percentage of completion: 20x3 Contract price: Initial amount of contract…………... Variation……………………………….. Total contract price…………………….. Costs incurred each year……………… Add: Costs incurred in prior years……. Actual costs incurred to date (1)…..… Add: Estimated costs to complete….. Total estimated costs (3)……..………… Estimated gross profit…………………… Percentage of completion (1) / (3)
P528,000 _______P528,000 P 126,048 _______P126,048 _358,752 P484,800 P 43,200 26%
20x4 P528,000 __12,000 P540,000 *P244,032 _126,048 *P370,080 _121,920 P492,000 P 48,000 **74%
20x5 P528,000 __12,000 P540,000 P121,920 _370,080 P492,000 _______P492,000 P 48,000 100%
* including the P7,200 additional costs in 20x4. ** it should be noted that the percentage of completion for 20x4 is calculated by deducting the P6,000 of materials held for the following period from the costs incurred up to that year end, i. e., P370,080 – P6,000 = P364,080, P364,080 / P492,000 = 74%.
The revenue, expenses (costs) and profit will be recognized in profit or loss as follows: 20x3 Revenue (P528,000 x 26%) Costs/Expenses (P484,800 x 26%) Gross Profit (P43,200 x 26%)
To date P 137,280 126,048 P 11,232
Recognized in prior years -
Recognized in current year P 137,280 126,048 P 11,232
20x4 Revenue (P540,000 x 74%) Costs/Expenses (P492,000 x 74%) Gross Profit (P48,000 x 74%)
To date P 399,600 _364,080 P 35,520
Recognized in prior years P 137,280 _126,048 P 11,232
Recognized in current year P 262,320 238,032 P 24,288
20x5 Revenue (P540,000 x 100%) Costs/Expenses (P492,000 x 100%) Gross Profit (P48,000 x 100%)
To date P 540,000 _492,000 P 48,000
Recognized in prior years P 399,600 _364,080 P 35,520
Recognized in current year P 140,400 _127,920 P 12,480
Alternatively, the gross profit recognized each year may also be computed as follows: Contract price: Initial amount of contract…………....... Variation…………………………………… Total contract price………………………… Costs incurred each year…………………. Add: Costs incurred in prior years……….. Actual costs incurred to date (1)…..……. Add: Estimated costs to complete……… Total estimated costs (3)……..……………. Estimated gross profit……………………… Percentage of completion (1) / (3)……... Gross profit to date…………………………. Less: Gross profit in prior years……………. Gross profit in current year -% of completion Gross profit in current year –cost recovery method
P528,000 _______P528,000 P126,048 _______P126,048 _358,752 P484,800 P 43,200 ____26% P 11,232 _______P 11,232
P528,000 __12,000 P540,000 P240,032 _126,048 P370,080 _121,920 P492,000 P 48,000 ____74% P 35,520 ___11,232 P 24,288
P528,000 12,000 P540,000 P121,920 _370,080 P492,000 _______P492,000 P 48,000 ___100% P 48,000 __35,520 P 12,480
P 48,000
Following are the entries for the years 20x3 to 20x5:
Percentage of Completion Method 20x3 1. To record costs incurred: Construction In Progress*………...... Materials Inventory………………….. Cash, payables, etc……………..
126,04 8
20x4 232,03 2
20x5 127,92 0
6,000 126,04 8
6,000 121,92 0
244,03 2
2. To record progress billings: Accounts receivable……………….. Progress billings*. ………………….
144,00 0
240,00 0 144,00 0
156,00 0 240,00 0
156,00 0
3. To record collections: Cash…………………………………..... Accounts receivable…………… 4. To recognize Revenue, Costs and Gross Profit: Construction Expenses……………… Construction in Progress*.. ……….... Revenue from Construction......
120,00 0
228,00 0 120,00 0
126,04 8
192,00 0 228,00 0
238,03 2
127,92 0
24,288 137,28 0
5. To close Construction In Progress** and Progress Billings account: Progress billings……………………… Construction In Progress………. * The term “Contract account” may alternatively be used. ** If “Contract account” is used then no entry is required for No. 5.
192,00 0
12,480 262,32 0
140,40 0
540,00 0 540,00 0
b. Input Measure – Cost Recovery Method
The following table shows the data needed for further analysis: 20x3 Contract price: Initial amount of contract…………... Variation……………………………….. Total contract price…………………….. Costs incurred each year……………… Add: Costs incurred in prior years……. Actual costs incurred to date……....… Add: Estimated costs to complete….. Total estimated costs ….……..…………
P528,000 _______P528,000 P126,048 _______P126,048 ____ _? P ?
P528,000 __12,000 P540,000 P244,032 _126,048 P370,080 ____ _? P ?
P528,000 __12,000 P540,000 P121,920 _370,080 P492,000 _______P492,000
The revenue, expenses (costs) and profit will be recognized in profit or loss as follows: 20x3 Revenue* Costs/Expenses Gross Profit * equivalent to costs incurred
To date P 126,048 126,048 P 0
Recognized in prior years -
Recognized in current year P 126,048 126,048 P 0
20x4 Revenue* Costs/Expenses Gross Profit * equivalent to costs incurred
To date P 364,080 _364,080 P 0
Recognized in prior years P 126,048 126,048 P 0
Recognized in current year P 238,032 238,032 P 0
To date
Recognized in prior years
Recognized in current year
Revenue (P540,000 x 100%)
P 540,000
Costs/Expenses (P492,000 x 100%)
P 364,080
Gross Profit (P48,000 x 100%)
P 48,000
P 175,200
P 48,000
Alternatively, the gross profit recognized each year may also be computed as follows: Contract price: Initial amount of contract…………....... Variation…………………………………… Total contract price………………………… Costs incurred each year…………………. Add: Costs incurred in prior years……….. Actual costs incurred to date ……...……. Add: Estimated costs to complete……… Total estimated costs …….…..……………. Estimated gross profit………………………. Percentage of completion……………….. Gross profit to date…………………………. Less: Gross profit in prior years……………. Gross profit in current year………………...
P528,000 _______P528,000 P 126,048 _______P 126,048 ____ _? P ? P 0 _ -___ P 0 _______P 0
P528,000 __12,000 P540,000 P244,032 _126,048 P370,080 ____ _? P ? P 0 _ -___ P 0 _______P 0
20x5 P528,000 12,000 P540,000 P 121,920 _370,080 P492,000 _______P492,000 P 48,000 ___100% P 48,000 __ 0 P 48,000
Following are the entries for the years 20x3 to 20x5: 20x3 1. To record costs incurred: Construction In Progress*………...... Materials Inventory…………………..
126,04 8
20x4 238,03 2 6,000
20x5 127,92 0 6,000
Cash, payables,
126,04 8
244,03 2
121,92 0
2. To record progress billings: Accounts receivable……………….. Progress billings*. ………………….
144,00 0
240,00 0 144,00 0
156,00 0 240,00 0
156,00 0
3. To record collections: Cash…………………………………..... Accounts receivable…………… 4. To recognize Revenue, Costs and Gross Profit: Construction Expenses……………… Construction in Progress*.. ……….... Revenue from Construction......
120,00 0
228,00 0 120,00 0
126,48 0
192,00 0 228,00 0
238,03 2
192,00 0
127,92 0 48,000
126,48 0
238,03 2
5. To close Construction In Progress** and Progress Billings account: Progress billings……………………… Construction In Progress………. * The term “Contract account” may alternatively be used. ** If “Contract account” is used then no entry is required for No. 5.
175,92 0
540,00 0 540,00 0
2. Due from/Due to Customers a. Input Measure - Percentage of Completion Method
Current Asset: Accounts receivable………………………. Other receivables: Construction In Progress………………… Less: Progress billings……………………. Gross amount due from customers…... Raw materials Inventory……………………
Current Liability: Payables (“Payments on Account”)
Progress billings……………………………… Less: Construction In Progress……………. Gross amount due to customers…………
Construction In Progress 20x3 CI 126,048 Pr 11,232 end of x3 137,280 20x4 CI 238,032 Pr 11,232
20x3 P 24,000
20x4 P 36,000
20x5 P
P399,600 _384,000 P 15,600 P 6,000
P144,000 _137,280 P
Progress Billings 144,000 20x3 144,000 end of x3 240,000 20x4
end of x4 399,600 20x5 CI 127,920 Pr 12,480 540,000
384,000 end of x4 156,000 20x5 540,000
where: CI - cost incurred each year Pr - profit
b. Input Measure – Cost Recovery Method
Current Asset: Accounts receivable………………………. Raw materials Inventory……………………
Current Liability: Payables (“Payments on Account”)
Progress billings……………………………… Less: Construction In Progress……………. Gross amount due to customers…………
20x3 P 24,000
20x4 P 36,000 P 6,000
P 137,280 _144,000
P384,000 _364,080
20x5 P
P 19,920
Construction In Progress
Progress Billings
20x3 CI 126,048 Pr 0
144,000 20x3
end of x3 126,048 20x4 CI 238,032 Pr 0
144,000 end of x3 240,000 20x4
end of x4 364,080 20x5 CI 127,920 Pr 48,000
384,000 end of x4 156,000 20x5
where: CI - cost incurred each year Pr - profit
3. Gross Profit a. Input Measure -
Percentage of Completion Method (refer to requirement 1 for detailed
computation) Revenue……………………………………… Less: Costs / Expenses……………………... Gross Profit…………………………………….
20x3 P 137,280 _126,048 P 11,232
b. Input Measure – Cost Recovery Method Revenue……………………………………… Less: Costs / Expenses……………………... Gross Profit…………………………………….
20x4 P 262,320 _238,032
20x5 P 140,400 _127,920
P 24,288
P 12,480
(refer to requirement 1 for detailed computation)
20x3 P 126,048 _126,048 P 0
20x4 P 238,032 _238,032 P 0
20x5 P 175,920 _127,920 P 48,000
Problem IV 1. Anticipated/Gross Loss a. Input Measure – Percentage of Completion (Cost-to-Cost Method)
2008: Contract price Actual cost to date
P2,500,000 P1,500,00 0 1,200,000
Estimated costs to complete Total estimated project costs Estimated loss, recognized in 2008
2,700,000 P (200,000)
2009: Contract price Costs incurred:
P 2,500,000 In 2008 In 2008
P1,500,00 0 1,300,000
Total cost Total loss P
2,800,000 P (300,000) (200,000) P (100,000)
Recognized in 2008 Recognized in 2009
a. Input Measure – Percentage of Completion (Cost-to-Cost Method) 2008: Construction in progress Various credits
a. Input Measure – Cost Recovery Method Loss in 20x4
Accounts receivable Billings on construction contract
Cash Accounts receivable
Cost of construction Construction in progress (loss) Revenue from long-term contracts* 2009: Construction in progress Various credits
Accounts receivable Billings on construction contract
1,500,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 200,000 1,388,889
1,300,000 1,300,000
Accounts receivable
1,300,000 1,500,000
Cost of construction Construction in progress (loss) Revenue from long-term contracts**
Billings on construction contract Construction in progress
100,000 1,111,111
P( 200,000) Loss in 20x5
(100,000) Journal Entries
*P2,500,000 ** P2,500,000
(P1,500,000/P2,700,000) 1,388,889
Problem V Item to compute Total revenue recognized during 2009 (w): CIP contains cost + gross profit = revenue, so w = P50 Gross profit recognized during 2009 (x): P50 – P35 = P15 Billings on construction (y) : P14 + P 46 = P60 Net billings in excess of construction in progress (z): Billings of P60 – CIP of P50 Calculate the percentage of PAC that was completed during 2009: 50/150 = 33.33%
Answer P50 million P 15 million P60million P10 million 333.33%
Problem VI Item to compute Cash collected by KP on Cincy One during 2009. (P75 billings – P10 A/R) Actual costs incurred by KP on Cincy One during 2009 (P66 CIP – P22 gross pofit) At 12/31/2009, the estimated remaining costs to complete Cincy One (44/{44 + x})(300 – {44 + x}) = 22; x = 156 The percentage of Cincy One that wa completed during 2009 100 x (44/ {44 + 156}) Problem VII
Answer P65 million P44 million P156 million 22%
1. Progress billings on construction contract Less accounts receivable Cash collected in 20x4
P562,000 150,500 P411,500
2. Gross profit from construction contract + Construction in progress = Revenue for 20x4 P301,000 + P602,000 = P903,000 P903,000/P7,525,000 = 12% Percentage completed in 20x4 P301,000/.12 = P2,508,333 Estimated income on construction contract Problem VIII 1. Percentage of Completion Method (Cost-to-cost Approach) 20x4 20x5 Contract price ................... P250,000 P250,000 Current year costs ............... 110,000 120,000 Costs to date .................... 110,000 230,000 Estimated cost to complete ....... 100,000 20,000 Estimated total cost ............. 210,000 245,000 Estimated total gross profit ..... 40,000 5,000 Percent complete ................. 52% 94% Revenue to date .................. P130,000 P230,000
20x6 P250,000 15,000 245,000 0 240,000 5,000 100% P250,000
Revenue Costs (110/210 x 210) Gross profit
To Date at Dec. 31 P130,000 110,000 P 20,000
Revenue Costs (230/245 x 245) Gross profit (loss)
P235,000 230,000 P 5,000
P130,000 110,000 P 20,000
P105,000 120,000 P(15,000)
Revenue Costs Gross profit
P250,000 245,000 P 5,000
P235,000 230,000 P 5,000
P 15,000 15,000 P 0
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Revenue recognized during the year Gross profit recognized during the year Balance in the construction in progress account at Dec. 31 . Balance in the progress billings account at Dec. 31 . Net (3-4) or (4-3) – due from (due to)
20x4 P130,000 20,000
Previous Years
Current Year P130,000 110,000 P 20,000
125,000 5,000
250,000 (15,000)
0 0
2. Cost Recovery Method 20x4 1. 2. 3.
Revenue recognized during the year Gross profit recognized during the year Balance in the construction in progress account at Dec. 31 .
P110,000 0 110,000
P120,000 0 230,000
P20,000 5,000 0
4. 5.
Balance in the progress billings account at Dec. 31 . Net (3-4) or (4-3) – due from (due to)
125,000 (15,000)
250,000 (20,000)
0 0
Problem IX 1. Percentage of Completion Method (Cost-to-cost Approach) Contract price Current year costs Costs to date Estimated cost to complete Estimated total cost Estimated total gross profit Percent complete
2005 P250,000 150,000 150,000 90,000 240,000 10,000 63%
2006 P250,000 100,000 250,000 20,000 270,000 (20,000) 93%
2007 P250,000 15,000 265,000 0 265,000 (15,000) 100%
Revenue to date
Revenue ............ Costs (150/240 x 240) Gross profit ............
To Date at Dec. 31 P157,500 150,000 P 7,500
Revenue ............ Costs ............ Gross profit (loss) ............
P232,500 252,500 P(20,000)
P157,500 150,000 P 7,500
P 75,000 102,500 P(27,500)
Revenue ............ Costs ............ Gross profit (loss) ............
P250,000 265,000 P(15,000)
P232,500 252,500 $(20,000)
P 17,500 12,500 P 5,000
1. Construction costs (expense) recognized during the year 2. Gross profit recognized during the year 3. Balance in the construction in progress account at Dec. 31 (after closing entries) 4. Balance in the progress billings account at Dec. 31 . 5. NNet (3-4) or (4-3) – due from (due to) Balance in accounts receivable at Dec. 31 (after closing entries)
P150,000 7,500 157,500
Previous Years
Current Year P157,500 150,000 P 7,500
P102,500 (27,500)
P12,500 5,000
110,00 0 47,50 0
230,00 0 0
0 0 0
*P150,000 + 7,500 + 157,500 + 100,000 costs incurred during the year – 27,500 loss
2. Cost Recovery Method 20x4 1. Construction costs (expense) recognized during the year 2. Gross profit recognized during the year 3. Balance in the construction in
P150,000 0
P 80,000*
progress account at Dec. 31 (after closing entries) Balance in the progress billings account at Dec. 31 .
5. NNet (3-4) or (4-3) – due from (due to)
110,00 0 40,00 0
230,00 0 0
0 0
Balance in accounts receivable at Dec. 31 (after closing entries) 10,000 10,000 0 *P100,000 costs incurred – P20,000 estimated loss = P80,000, revenue – 20x5 ** P250,000 – P150,000, revenue – 20x4 – P80,000, revenue – 20x5 ***P150,000 + P100,000 – P20,000 Multiple Choice Problems 1. a Costs incurred each year (2.5 M + 2.0 M + 1 M* + .5 M) P 6M Add: Cost incurred in prior years 0 Costs incurred to date P 6M Add: Estimated cost to complete Total estimated costs P 18 M Percentage of completion 6 M / 18M Administrative cost as long as reimbursable is included in the construction costs. Marketing costs are considered as expenses. Depreciation of idle equipment is charged to expenses. 2. b P7,200,000 ——————————— x (P15,000,000 – P12,000,000) = P1,800,000. P7,200,000 + $4,800,000 3. c
P1,170,000 —————- x (P3,300,000 – P1,950,000) = P810,000 P1,950,000 (P3,300,000 – P2,010,000) – P810,000 = P480,000.
4. d Under the percentage of completion method, the Construction-In-Progress account is used for cost incurred during the year and any realized gross profit (loss). The following T-account is prepared: Construction-In-Progress CI in 2004 210,000 RGP in 20x4 (?) 34,000 End of 20x4 244,000 CI in 20x5 384,000 RGP in 20x5 (?) 100,000 End of 20x5 5. b
P1,200,000 ————— x (P7,200,000 – P4,800,000) = P600,000. P4,800,000
P7,200,000 – P4,875,000 =P2,325,000.
a 20x4 Contract Price
x: Percentage-of-completion
Recognized Revenue to date
P3,600,00 0
Less: Costs incurred to date
Gross Profit to date
P 200,000
Less: GP in prior year
Gross profit in current year 8.
P 200,000
P3,600,000 ————— x (P8,400,000 – P6,000,000) = P1,440,000. P6,000,000 P8,400,000 – P5,600,000 = P2,800,000.
Items 10 and 11 No number requirement identified, if percentage-of-completion then the answer would (a) a [P1,950,000 ÷ (P1,950,000 + P1,300,000)] × P2,250,000 = P1,350,000 (P5,500,000 – P3,350,000) – P1,350,000 = P800,000. 10. Cost Recovery Method - c - P5,500,000 – P3,350,000 = P2,150,000.
11. a - Gross profit is recognized in the year of sale, 20x4; therefore, in 20x6 no gross profit should be realized. 12. c
P600,000 —————————— x (P1,500,000 – P1,000,000) = P300,000 P600,000 + P400,000 (P1,500,000 – P1,050,000) – P300,000 = P150,000.
13. a Contract Price
Less: Total Estimated Costs Costs Incurred-1/10/x4 to 12/31/x5
Add: Estimated costs to complete
Less: Costs incurred to date Multiplied by: % of completion Gross Profit to date
4,800,000 P1,200,000 ___3.6/4.8 P 900,000
14. b
Less: GP in prior year (given)
Gross profit in current year
P 300,000
20x4: Cost to date – P7,500,000 x 20% 20x5: Cost to date – P8,000,000 x 60% Cost incurred during 20x5
15. b =
P1,500,000 4,800,000 P3,300,000
(P25,000,000 × .60) – (P22,500,000 × .25) = P9,375,000.
16. b Costs Incurred Contract price………………………………………. Cost incurred each year………………………….. Add: Cost incurred in prior year…………………. Costs incurred to date…………………………….. Add: Estimated costs to complete……………… Total estimated costs………………………………. Estimated gross profit (loss)………….……………. Multiplied by: percentage of completion……….. Construction In Progress account Less: Progress billings Construction In Progress account (net) or Due from customers
50,000 P260,000 P 50,000 -0P 50,000 150,000 P200,000 P60,000) __50/200
15,000 65,000 30,000 35,000
d - P2,040,000 – P980,000 = P1,060,000 (revenue limited to costs incurred since costrecovery method must be used). 18. a - P2,040,000 – (P1,000,000 + P1,000,000) = P40,000. 19. c - (P1,000,000 + P1,000,000) – (P648,000 + P1,280,000) = P72,000. 20. d 21.
d Recognized gross profit (loss) to date………….. Less: Recognized gross profit in prior years……. Recognized gross profit each year……………..
P( 100,000) ____20,000 P (120,000)
22. b = P5,600,000 – (P2,560,000 + P3,280,000) = –P240,000. 23. c Contract price………………………………………. Cost incurred each year………………………….. Add: Cost incurred in prior year…………………. Costs incurred to date…………………………….. Add: Estimated costs to complete……………… Total estimated costs………………………………. Estimated gross profit (loss)…………. ……………. Multiplied by: percentage of completion……….. Recognized gross profit (loss) to date………….. Less: Recognized gross profit in prior years……. Recognized gross profit each year……………..
Prior year P7,000,00 0
Current year P7,000,000
P5,000,000 2,800,000 P7,800,000 (P 800,000) P600,000
_____100% (P 800,000) ___600,000 (P1,400,000)
24. c
P7,440,000 .30 = P2,232,000.
25. d
(P7,200,000 .75) – (P7,100,000 .30) = P3,270,000.
26. b
(P7,440,000 .75) – (P620,000 8) = P620,000 debit.
P7,440,000 .25 = P1,860,000 P7,500,000 – (P7,200,000 .75) = P2,100,000.
28. b
(P9,000,000 – P8,250,000) (P3,795,000 ÷ P8,250,000) = P345,000.
29. c
P3,795,000 + P345,000 = P4,140,000.
30. d
P3,500,000 –P1,350,000 – P1,525,000 = P625,000.
P240,000 – P100,000 = P140,000.
P300,000 – P60,000 = P240,000 P240,000 ————————— x (P2,400,000 – Total estimated cost) = P60,000 Total estimated cost Total estimated cost = P1,920,000 P2,400,000 – P1,920,000 =P480,000.
33. c
(P6,325,000 ÷ P13,750,000) × P1,250,000 = P575,000.
34. a
(P6,325,000 ÷P13,750,000) × P1,250,000 = P575,000. P6,325,000 + P575,000 = P6,900.000.
35. d - P85M costs incurred in 2011 = revenue recognized in 2011. Under the costs recovery (zeroprofit approach) of construction accounting, revenue is recognized up to the extent of costs incurred as long as it is probable will be recoverable. 36. b -
20x5: P12,000,000 > P11,870,000, No loss; 20x6: P12,000,000 – P12,400,000 = P400,000 loss.
37. a - Revenue recognized to the extent of costs incurred 38.
P3,200,000 – P2,150,000 = P1,050,000.
P1,500,000 – P820,000 = P680,000.
40. a
Under PFRS, the excess of Construction In Progress amounting to P2,100,000 (P2,250,000 – P150,000, loss) – P1,900,000, billings = P200,000 is classified as due from customers.
Under the US FASB, the excess of P200,00 is considered as an inventory account. 41. c Costs of construction Construction in progress Revenue for long-term contracts
1,200,000 800,000 2,000,000
Percentage complete = P1,200,000 / (P1,200,000 +P600,000) = 2/3 Revenue recognized = 2/3 P3,000,000 = P2,000,000 Cost recognized = P1,200,000 Gross profit recognized = P2,000,000 P1,200,000 = P800,000 42. a
Costs of construction Profit Construction In Progress Less: Progress billings Excess (Due from customers)
P1,200,000 800,000 P2,000,000 1,500,000 P 500,000
43. b Costs of construction Construction in progress Revenue for long-term contracts
600,000 400,000 1,000,000
Total revenue P3,000,000 revenue previously recognized P2,000,000 = Revenue to recognize this year P1,000,000. Cost recognized = P600,000 Gross profit recognized = P1,000,000 P600,000 = P400,000 44. d Costs of construction
1,200,000 1,2000,00 0
Revenue for long-term contracts
Under cost recovery method, revenue should be recognized up to the extent of costs incurred. 45. b
Costs of construction Profit Construction In Progress Less: Progress billings Excess (Due to customers)
P1,200,000 0 P1,200,000 1,500,000 P( 300,000)
46. d Costs of construction Construction in progress Revenue for long-term contracts
600,000 1,200,000 1,800,000
Under the cost recovery method, record equal amounts of revenue and cost until cost recovered, and then record gross profit. In 20x4, recorded revenue and cost of P1,200,000, so record remaining cost of P600,000 and all gross profit of P1,200,000 in 20x5. 47.
a Contract price
20x4 P 9,600,000
20x5 P10,080,00
Costs incurred to date
P 4,920,000
Add: Estimated cost to complete Total estimated costs
4,920,000 P 9,840,000
P 8,640,000 2,160,000 P 10,800,000 P (720,000) 100% P (720,000)
Estimated Gross Profit (loss) Multiply by: % of completion Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) to date
P(240,000 ) 100% P (240,000)
Less: Gross Profit (Loss) in prior year Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) in current year % of Completion / Cost Recovery Method: Construction in Progress
4,920,000 4,680,000 3,720,000
_________ P (240,000)
(240,000) P (480,000)
Progress Billings
240,000 loss
5,280,000 5,280,000 3,420,000
480,000 loss
8,700,000 due to customers P780,000
Note: If there is an anticipated loss, the Construction-in-Progress for both methods will exactly be the same in the year the loss was incurred. 48.
d Percentage of Completion: Contract price………………………….. Cost incurred each year………………. Add: Cost incurred in prior year……… Costs incurred to date………………… Add: Estimated costs to compute……. Total estimated costs…………………. Estimated gross profit………………… Multiply by: percentage of completion. Recognized gross profit to date……… Less: Recognized gross profit in prior years Recognized gross profit each year…. Cost
Project 6 P500,000 P375,000 _________ P375,000 ________ P375,000 P125,000 100 % P125,000 _________
Project 7 P700,000 P100,000 ________ P100,000 400,000 P500,000 P200,000 20 % P 40,000 _________
Project 8 P250,000 P100,000 ________ P100,000 100,000 P200,000 P 50,000 50%
P 40,000
P 25,000
Project 7 P100,000
Project 8 P100,000
P 25,000 _________
Recovery Method of Construction Accounting:
Recognized Revenue………..………..
Project 6 P500,000 *
Less: Costs of long-term construction contract…………………………….. Recognized gross profit each year….
375,000 P125,000
* Since the contract is completed then the full amount of P500,000 contract price should be recognized as revenue.
Percentage of Completion Construction in Progress
Pr. 6 - Cl. 375,000 Pr. 125,000 Pr. 7 – Cl. 100,000
500,000 Pr. 6
Cost Recovery Method of Construction in Progress
Pr. 6 - Cl. 375,000 Pr. 125,000 Pr. 7 – CI 100,000
500,000 Pr. 6
Pr. Pr. 8. Cl Pr. 12/31 265,000
40,000 100,000 100,000 765,000
Pr. 8 – CI 12/31
100,000 700,000 200,000
500,000 (d)
49. a
Input Measures: Efforts-Expended Method - using timbers laid Timers laid Each Year Add: Timbers laid in Prior Years Timbers laid to date Add: Additional support timbers to be laid Total Estimated Timbers Percentage-of-Completion x: CONTRACT PRICE Recognized Revenue to Date Recognized Revenue in Prior Years Recognized Revenue in Current Yr.
Year 2 300 150 450 520 970 45/97 P 800,000 P 371,134
Year 3 500 450 950 -0950 100% P 800,000 P 800,000 371,134 P 428,866
Year 2 7,500 3,000 10,500 8,200 18,700 105/187 P 800,000 P 449,198
Year 3 8,000 10,500 18,500 ___-018,500 100% P 800,000 P 800,000 449,198 P 350,802
2007 P5,000,00 0
2008 P5,000,000
Output Measures – Number of trail feet Trail feet Each Year Add: Trail fees in Prior Years Trail feet to date Add: Additional trail feet to be constructed Total Estimated Trail feet Percentage-of-Completion x: CONTRACT PRICE Recognized Revenue to Date Recognized Revenue in Prior Years Recognized Revenue in Current Yr. 50.
b Contract price…………………………..
2006 P5,000,00 0
Cost incurred each year………………. Add: Cost incurred in prior year……… Costs incurred to date…………………
P 900,000
Add: Estimated costs to complete Total estimated costs…………………. Estimated gross profit………………… Multiply by: percentage of completion. Recognized gross profit to date………
P 100,000
900,000 P2,550,00 0 1,700,00 0 P4,250,00 0 P 750,000 60 % P 450,000
P2,050,00 0 2,550,000 P4,600,000 -0P4,600,000 P 400,000 100 % P 400,000
Less: Recognized gross profit in prior years Recognized gross profit each year….
P 100,000
P 350,000
P( 50,000)
51. d – refer to No. 50 52. c Contract Price……………………………………………… P60,000,000 Less: Total Estimated Costs Cost Incurred to Date……………………………… P26,000,000 Add: Estimated Costs to Complete……………… 25,000,000 51,000,000 Estimated Gross Profit……………………………………. P 9,000,000 Multiplied by: % of completion…………………………. 30% Recognized gross profit to date……………………….. P 2,700,000 Less: RGP in prior years…………………………………… _________0 Recognized gross profit in current year……………… P 2,700,000 Construction-in-progress Account: Costs incurred to date………………………………….. GP in the current year…………………………………… Less: Progress billings…………………………………….. Due from customer (net)……………………………….
P 26,000,000 2,700,000 P 28,700,000 5,000,000 P 23,700,000
53. c Contract Price Multiplied by: Gross Profit Rate Estimated Gross Profit of the entire contract Multiplied by: Percentage of Completion for first year Gross Profit realized for current year
P100,000,000 _________25% P 25,000,000 _________50% P 12,500,000
54. c Contract Price x: Mobilization Fee Collection in 20x4 Note: Billings for 20x4 will be collected in January 20x5.
P120,000,000 10% P 12,000,000
55. a Mobilization Fee: 5% x P10M P 5.0 M Collection on Billings: Contract price P 100 M x: Progress billings, net of 10% and 8% (50% - 10% - 8%) 32% Progress billings P 32 M x: Collections net of contract retention of 10% 90% 28.8 M Collections in 20x4 P 33.8 M 56. b – cost recovery method is used. At the end of 20x4 the contractor must recognized only to the extent of recoverable contract costs incurred (i.e., P5,000 contract revenue and P5,000 construction costs/expenses). Quiz- VIII 1. P100,000 = [P900,000 ÷ (P900,000 + P1,800,000)] × P3,000,000 = P1,000,000 P1,000,000 – P900,000 = P100,000.
2. P150,000 Contract price
Costs incurred to date Add: Estimated cost to complete Total estimated costs Estimated Gross Profit (loss) Multiply by: % of completion Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) to date Less: Gross Profit (Loss) in prior year Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) in current year
1,350,000 _2,700,000 4,050,000 450,000 1,350/4,050 150,000 ____-0150,000
3. P150,000 Contract price Costs incurred to date Add: Estimated cost to complete Total estimated costs Estimated Gross Profit (loss) Multiplied by: % of completion Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) to date Less: Gross Profit (Loss) in prior year Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) in current year
20x5 3,000,000 2,250,000 750,000 300,000
20x6 3,000,000 1,800,000 _600,000 2,400,000 600,000 1,800/2,400 450,000 _300,000 150,000
4. P80,000 20x5 1,600,000 240,000 _960,000 1,200,000 400,000 240/1,200 80,000 ______0 80,000
Contract price Costs incurred to date Add: Estimated cost to complete Total estimated costs Estimated Gross Profit (loss) Multiplied by: % of completion Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) to date Less: Gross Profit (Loss) in prior year Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) in current year 5. P20,000 Contract price Costs incurred each year Add: Cost incurred in prior years Costs incurred to date Add: Estimated cost to complete Total estimated costs Estimated Gross Profit (loss) Multiplied by: % of completion Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) to date Less: Gross Profit (Loss) in prior year Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) in current year
20x5 1,400,000 400,000 _____-0400,000 _400,000 800,000 600,000 400/800 300,000 ______0 300,000
20x6 1,400,000 400,000 400,000 800,000 200,000 1,000,000 400,000 800/1,000 320,000 300.000 20,000
6. P-0- , Under the cost recovery method, record equal amounts of revenue and cost until cost recovered, and then record gross profit
7.P240,000 Profit Contract price Costs incurred each year Add: Cost incurred in prior years
20x5 4,000,000 960,000 _______0
Costs incurred to date Add: Estimated cost to complete Total estimated costs Estimated Gross Profit (loss) Multiplied by: % of completion Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) to date Less: Gross Profit (Loss) in prior year Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) in current year
960,000 3,200,000 800,000 960/3,200 240,000 _______0 240,000
8. P102,000 20x5 850,000 238,000 _______0 238,000 357,000 595,000 255,000 238/595 102,000 _______0 102,000
Contract price Costs incurred each year Add: Cost incurred in prior years Costs incurred to date Add: Estimated cost to complete Total estimated costs Estimated Gross Profit (loss) Multiplied by: % of completion Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) to date Less: Gross Profit (Loss) in prior year Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) in current year
9. P990,000 Contract price Costs incurred each year Add: Cost incurred in prior years Costs incurred to date* Add: Estimated cost to complete Total estimated costs Estimated Gross Profit (loss) Multiplied by: % of completion Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) to date Less: Gross Profit (Loss) in prior year Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) in current year
20x5 3,000,000 450,000
20x6 3,000,000 990,000 450,000 1,440,000
2,250,000 750,000 ____20% 150,000 ______0 150,000
2,400,000 600,000 _____60% 360,000 150.000 210,000
* total estimated costs x % of completion
10. P50,000 Contract price Costs incurred each year Add: Cost incurred in prior years Costs incurred to date Add: Estimated cost to complete Total estimated costs Estimated Gross Profit (loss) Multiplied by: % of completion Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) to date Less: Gross Profit (Loss) in prior year
20x5 1,500,000 465,000 _______0 465,000 1,085,000 1,550,000 ( 50,000) 100% ( 50,000) _______0
Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) in current year
( 50,000)
11. P625,000 Contract price Costs incurred each year Add: Cost incurred in prior years Costs incurred to date Add: Estimated cost to complete Total estimated costs Estimated Gross Profit (loss) Multiplied by: % of completion Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) to date Less: Gross Profit (Loss) in prior year Recognized Gross Profit (Loss) in current year
20x5 3,500,000 1,350,000 -01,350,000 1,350,000 2,700,000 800,000 -0-0-
20x6 3,500,000 1,525,000 1,350,000 2,875,000 _______0 2,875,000 625,000 ___100% 625,000 _______0 625,000
12. P550 Costs Incurred………………………………………………………………………. Contract price………………………………………. Cost incurred each year………………………….. Add: Cost incurred in prior year…………………. Costs incurred to date…………………………….. Add: Estimated costs to complete……………… Total estimated costs………………………………. Estimated gross profit (loss)………….……………. Multiplied by: percentage of completion……….. Construction In Progress account – inventory account……………………
400 P2,750 P 400 ___-0P 400 _1,600 P2,000 P 750 400/2,000
150 550
13. P1,200,000
The term “completed” should be “cost recovery” Costs Incurred Contract price………………………………………. Cost incurred each year………………………….. Add: Cost incurred in prior year…………………. Costs incurred to date…………………………….. Add: Estimated costs to complete……………… Total estimated costs………………………………. Estimated gross profit (loss)………….……………. Multiplied by: percentage of completion……….. Construction In Progress account – inventory account
700,000 P2,000,000 P 700,000 ______-0P 700,000 __800,000 P1,500,000 P 500,000 ________0
_______0 700,000
20x5 Costs incurred Contract price………………………………………. Cost incurred each year………………………….. Add: Cost incurred in prior year…………………. Costs incurred to date…………………………….. Add: Estimated costs to complete……………… Total estimated costs……………………………….
600,000 P2,000,000 P 600,000 _700,000 P1,300,000 ) __800,000 P(2,100,00
Estimated gross profit (loss)………….……………. Multiplied by: percentage of completion………..
0) P (100,000) ________0
Construction In Progress account – inventory account
_(100,00 0) 1,200,00 0
14. P32,000 = P47,000 – P15,000
15. P782,000 20x5 Costs Incurred Contract price………………………………………. Cost incurred each year………………………….. Add: Cost incurred in prior year…………………. Costs incurred to date…………………………….. Add: Estimated costs to complete……………… Total estimated costs………………………………. Estimated gross profit (loss)………….……………. Multiplied by: percentage of completion……….. Construction In Progress account – inventory account
238,000 P850,000 P238,000 ______-0P238,000 _357,000 P595,000 P255,000 _238/595
102,000 340,000
20x6 Costs incurred Contract price………………………………………. Cost incurred each year………………………….. Add: Cost incurred in prior year…………………. Costs incurred to date…………………………….. Add: Estimated costs to complete……………… Total estimated costs………………………………. Estimated gross profit (loss)………….……………. Multiplied by: percentage of completion……….. Construction In Progress account – inventory account Less: Progress billings (P260,000 + P210,000) Construction In Progress account (net) – Due from customers
319,600 P850,000 P319,600 _238,000 P557,600 _139,400 P697,000 P153,000 _557.6/697
16. P312,000 17. same with no.16 – P312,000 18. (P9,000,000 – P8,250,000) (P3,795,000 ÷ P8,250,000) = P345,000. 19.P3,795,000 + P345,000 = P4,140,000. 20. P2,750,000
_122,400 782,000 470,000 312,000
P1,650,000 ————— × P5,000,000 = P2,750,000 P3,000,000 21. 22.
Accounts Receivable................................................................. 1,650,000 Billings on Construction in Process ................................
Construction Expenses.............................................................. 1,650,000 Construction in Process............................................................. 1,100,000 Revenue from Long-Term Contracts................................
23. P875,000 Revenue Costs Total gross profit Recognized in 20x5 Recognized in 20x6 Or Total revenue Recognized in 20x5 Recognized in 20x6 Costs in 20x6 Gross profit in 20x6
24. 25. 26.
20x5 20x6 20x7
P5,000,000 3,025,000 1,975,000 (1,100,000) P 875,000 P5,000,000 (2,750,000) 2,250,000 (1,375,000) P 875,000
Percentage-of-Completion Gross Profit P750,000a P210,000b P440,000c
20x5 20x6 20x7
Completed-Contract Gross Profit — — P1,400,000d
P1,500,000 ————— × P2,000,000 = P750,000 P4,000,000
P2,640,000 ————— × P1,600,000 = P960,000 P4,400,000 Less 20x5 gross profit 20x6 gross profit
Total revenue Total costs Total gross profit Recognized to date 20x7 gross profit
Total revenue Total costs Total gross profit
27. P312,500 Revenue
(750,000) P210,000 P6,000,000 4,600,000 1,400,000 (960,000) P 440,000 P6,000,000 4,600,000 P1,400,000
= [P250,000/(P250,000 + P750,000)] P1,250,000 = P312,500 Gross profit = P312,500 P250,000 = P62,500 Construction in progress = P250,000 + P62,500 = P312,500
28. P125,000 (2)
Current Assets Inventories Construction in progress*
P1,000,000 Less: Partial billings** (875,000) Costs and recognized profit not P 125,000 yet billed *Revenue to date = (P250,000 + P600,000)/ (P250,000 + P600,000 +
P212,500) 1,250,000 = P1,000,000 Construction in progress = P250,000 + P600,000 + P150,000 = P1,000,000 **Partial billings = P375,000 + P500,000 = P875,000
29. P60,00 Revenue to date Revenue from previous periods Revenue for 20x7 Costs incurred in 20x7 Gross profit for 20x7
P1,250,000 _1,000,000 P 250,000 _ 190,000 P 60,000
THEORIES 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 36.
10 ,
21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 .
31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 .
False True
37 . 38 True . 39 False . 40 False . 41.
42 c . 43 b
62. b
67. b
63. a
68. a
False False True False True
. 44 c . 45 b .
64. c
69. d
65. d
70. C
Chapter 9 Problem I 1. Jollibee has substantially performed all material services, the refund period has expired, and the collectibility of the note is reasonably assured. Jollibee recognizes revenue as follows: Cash……….. Notes receivable……………. Franchise revenue……………………..
240,000 600,000 840,000
2. The refund period has expired and the collectibility of the note is reasonably assured, but Jollibee has not substantially performed all material services. Jollibee does not recognize revenue, but instead recognizes a liability as follows: Cash……….. Notes receivable……………. Unearned franchise revenue……………………..
240,000 600,000 840,000
Franchisor will recognize the unearned franchise fees as revenue when it has performed all material services, the adjusting entry to record the revenue then would be: Unearned franchise revenue……………………... Franchise revenue….……. 3.
840,000 840,000
Jollibee has substantially performed all services and the collectibility of the note is reasonably assured, but the refund period has not expired. Jollibee does not recognize revenue, but instead recognizes a liability as follows: Cash……….. Notes receivable……………. Unearned franchise revenue……………………..
240,000 600,000 840,000
The franchisor will recognize the unearned franchise fees as revenue when the refund period expires, the adjusting entry to record the revenue then would be: Unearned franchise revenue……………………... Franchise revenue….……………………………….. 4.
840,000 840,000
Jollibee has substantially performed all services and the refund period has expired, but the collectibility of the note is not reasonably assured. Jollibee recognizes revenue by the installment or cost recovery method. If we assume that Jollibee uses the installment method, it recognizes revenue of P240,000 as follows: Cash……….. Notes receivable……………. Franchise revenue…………………….. Unearned franchise revenue……………
240,000 600,000 240,000 600,000
The franchisor is using the installment method, it recognizes the unearned franchise fees as revenue in the amount of P120,000 each year as it receives cash assuming there is no cost of franchise, the entry would be as follows: Unearned franchise revenue…………… Franchise revenue……………………..
120,000 120,000
This revenue recognition may be true only in the event there is no cost of franchise at all. On the other hand, it may be somewhat misleading since under the installment sales
method; gross profit is earned or realized thru collections. 5. The refund period has expired, but Jollibee has not substantially performed all services and there is no basis for estimating the collectibility of the note. Jollibee does not recognize the note as an asset. Instead, it uses a form ·of the deposit method. For example, suppose Jollibee has developed an entirely new product whose success is uncertain and the franchisee will pay the note from the cash flows from the sale of the product, if any. Jollibee records the initial transaction as follows: Cash……….. 240,000 Unearned franchise revenue…………………….. 240,000 The franchisor may recognize the unearned franchise fees as revenue under the accrual method in the normal manner at the completion of the services to be performed (if collectibility is reasonably assured), the adjusting entry to record the revenue then would be: Unearned franchise revenue……………………... Franchise revenue….………………………………..
240,000 240,000
Alternatively, it may recognize revenue under the installment method if it has no basis for estimating the collectibility of the note. 6.
Now assume that Jollibee has earned only P360,000 from providing initial services, with the balance being a down payment for continuing services. If the refund period has expired and the collectibility of the note is reasonably assured, Jollibee recognizes revenue of P360,000 as follows: Cash……….. 240,000 Notes receivable……………. 600,000 Franchise revenue…………………….. 360,000 Unearned franchise revenue………….. 480,000 The franchisor recognizes the unearned franchise revenue of P480,000 as revenue when it performs the continuing services, the adjusting entry to record the revenue then would be: Unearned franchise revenue……………………... Franchise revenue….………………………………..
480,000 480,000
In all these cases except the fifth, the franchisor accounts for the collection of interest and principal on the note receivable in the usual manner. In the fifth situation, it does not recognize the note and revenue until a future event occurs. In addition, the franchisor accounts for its costs in the same way as its revenue recognition. That is, if it defers revenue, then it defers the related cost of goods sold. Then, when it recognizes revenue, it matches the cost of goods sold against the revenues. The franchisee accounts for its payments as an intangible asset. Sometimes the franchisor collects the initial franchise fee far in advance of performing its services. At other times collection of part of the initial franchise fee is deferred until the franchise is operating successfully. Problem II
1. Cash ......................................... Unearned Franchise Fee .....................
75,000 75,000
2. Cash ......................................... Note Receivable ..............................
75,000 120,000
Unearned I.I. or Discount on Note Receivable Revenue from Franchise Fee ................. [P{75,000 + (P30,000 x 3.0373)] = P116,119 (Table IV n = 4, i = 12%)
28,881 166,119
3. Cash ......................................... Note Receivable .............................. Unearned I.I. or Discount on Note Receivable Revenue from Franchise Fee ................. Unearned Franchise Fee .....................
75,000 120,000
28,881 75,000 91,119
Problem III 1. If there is a reasonable expectation that the down payment may be refunded and substantial future services remain to be performed by Pizza, Inc., the entry should be:
Cash……….. Notes receivable…………….
120,000.0 0 480,000.0 0
Unearned interest income (or Discount on notes receivable) Unearned franchise revenue……………………..
80,583.20 419,416,8 0
2. If the probability of refunding the initial franchise fee is extremely low, the amount of future services to be provided to the franchisee is minimal, collectibility of the note is reasonably assured, and substantial performance has occurred, the entry should be:
Cash……….. Notes receivable…………….
120,000.0 0 480,000.0 0
Unearned interest income (or Discount on notes receivable) Franchise revenue……………………..
96,699.84 503,300.1 6
If the initial down payment is not refundable, represents a fair measure of the services already provided, with a significant amount of services still to be performed by the franchisor in future periods, and collectibility of the note is reasonably assured, the entry should be:
Cash……….. Notes receivable…………….
120,000.0 0 480,000.0 0
Unearned interest income (or Discount on notes receivable) Franchise revenue……………………..
96,699.84 120,000.0 0 383,300.1 6
Unearned franchise revenue
If the initial down payment is not refundable and no future services are required by the franchisor, but collection of the note is so uncertain that recognition of the note as an asset is unwarranted, the entry should be: Cash……….. Franchise revenue……………………..
120,000. 00 120,000.0 0
Where the collection of the note is extremely uncertain, revenue thru gross profit is recognized by means of cash collection using the cost recovery method. 5.
If the initial down payment is refundable or substantial services are yet to be performed, but collection of the note is so uncertain that recognition of the note as an asset is unwarranted, the entry should be:
Cash……….. Unearned franchise revenue……………………..
120,000 120,000
Where the collection of the note is extremely uncertain, revenue thru gross profit is recognized by means of cash collection using the cost recovery method. Problem IV 1. If the down payment is refundable, and no services have been rendered at the time the arrangement is made, and collection on the note is reasonably certain, the entry should be: Cash………..
120,000. 00 180,000. 00
Notes receivable……………. Unearned interest income (or Discount on notes receivable) Unearned franchise revenue……………………..
37,354.50 262,645.5 0
2. Initial services are determined to be substantially performed, the refund period has expired and the collection of the note is reasonably assured, the full accrual method would be used. Assume that substantial performance of the initial services costs P52,529.1 the entry should be: Cash………..
120,000. 00 180,000. 00
Notes receivable……………. Unearned interest income (or Discount on notes receivable) Franchise revenue……………………..
Cost of franchise revenue
37,354.50 262,645.5 0 52,529.1 0
Cash, etc……………
Few months after, the collectibility of the note becomes doubtful or no reasonable assurance, the installment sales method could be used as a general rule. In addition to the entries above, following entries would be required: a. To set-up cost of franchise: No entry required, already set-up previously. b. To defer gross profit on franchise: Franchise revenue
262,645. 50
Cost of franchise revenue Deferred gross profit on franchise
52,529.10 210,116.4 0
c. Adjustments to recognize gross profit on franchise: Deferred gross profit on franchise Realized gross profit on franchise
96,000.0 0 96,000.00
Franchise revenue……….. Less: Cost of franchise revenue Gross profit……….. Gross profit rate (210,116.4/262,645.5)
262,645.5 52,529.1 210,116.4 80%
Collections as to principal…….
P120,000. 00
Multiplied by: Gross profit rate……. Realized gross profit on franchise…..
80 % P 96,000.00
Problem V If we assume that ECHI, whose fiscal year ends on December 31, secures the lease and the permits on February 1, 20x5, and operations commence at that time, the following journal entries would be appropriate: July 1, 20x3: Cash……….. Notes receivable……………. Unearned franchise revenue……………………..
120,000 480,000 600,000
Deferral of revenue recognition is required when “substantial performance" of franchisor services has not been completed. It would call for deferral of revenue recognition until evidence of service performance was available. The best evidence, of course, would be the commencement of operations of the franchise outlet and at this point in time, revenue is recognized. During 20x3: Deferred cost of franchise revenue…. Cash…………..………..
360,000 360,000
December 31, 20x3: Interest receivable (P480,000 x 14% x 6/12)………….. Cash…………..………..
33,600 33,600
February 1, 20x4: Unearned franchise revenue…………………….. Franchise revenue……………………..
600,000 600,000
Cost of franchise revenue…………………….. Deferred cost of franchise revenue……………………..
360,000 360,000
Problem VI Reasonably Assured January 1, 20x4 Cash………….. Notes receivable……. Unearned franchise revenue…….
1,500,000 4,500,000
No reasonable assurance 1,500,000 4,500,000
Receipt of initial franchise fee.
Conditions to be met: Services Period of refund Collectibility 1/1/20x4 Balance Status December 31, 20x4 Cash………….. Notes receivable……. Interest income (P3,750,000 x 10%) Annual collection.
Cash No Yes
1,500,000 Liability
Notes No Yes Reasonably assured 4,500,000 Liability
Cash No Yes
1,500,000 Liability
Notes No Yes No reasonable assurance 4,500,000 Liability
1,575,000 1,125,000 450,000
1,125,500 450,000
Deferred cost of franchise Cash…………………
1,800,000 1,800,000
To defer cost of franchise since substantial services had not been performed.
Operating expenses Cash…………………
120,000 120,000
To record expenses.
Adjustments: Cost of franchise Deferred cost of franchise
1,800,000 1,800,000
To recognize cost of franchise.
Unearned franchise revenue……. Franchise revenue
6,000,000 6,000,000
To recognize franchise revenue based on the following analysis:
Conditions to be met:
Period of refund
Yes Reasonably assured
1/1/20x4 Balance………………….. 12/31/20x4: Collection as to principal
1,500,000 1,125,0 00
4,500,000 (1,125,000 )
12/31/20x4 Balance
Status Adjustments (Installment sales method) a. To set-up cost of franchise: No entry* b. To set-up deferred gross profit Unearned franchise revenue Deferred cost of franchise revenue Deferred gross profit
6,000,000 1,800,000 4,200,000
*There are different options on this matter, an entry may be made to set-up cost of franchise and eventually it will be closed to set-up deferred gross profit. Regardless of the option, the objective is to set-up deferred gross profit. Refer to Illustration 9-6 for alternative treatment to set-up cost of franchise. Conditions to be met: Services Period of refund Collectibility 1/1/20x4 Balance………………….. 12/31/20x4: Collection as to principal 12/31/20x4 Balance Status c. To recognize realized gross profit on franchise:
Cash Yes Yes
1,500,000 1,125,00 0 2,625,000 Revenue – I/S Method
Notes Yes Yes No reasonabe assurance 4,500,000 (1,125,000 ) 2,625,000 Liability
Deferred gross profit Realized gross profit on franchise
1,837,500 1,837,500
Collections – principal x gross profit rate P2,625,000 x (6,000 – 1,800)/6,000 = P1,837,500
2. Reasonably Assured Income Statement, 12/31/20x4: Franchise revenue (accrual method)* Less: Cost of franchise (accrual method)* Gross profit on regular franchise (accrual)* Add: Gross profit on franchise (installment sales method) Gross profit on franchise Less: Operating expenses Add: Interest income…………….. Net income…………….
No reasonable assurance
P6,000,000 1,800,00 0
-0 P4,200,000 120,000 P4,080,000 450,000 P4,530,000
*1,837,500 P1,837,500 120,000 P1,717,500 450,000 P2,167,500
0 0
Problem VII
1. Reasonably Assured January 1, 20x4 Cash………….. Notes receivable……. Unearned interest income* Unearned franchise revenue…….
1,440,000 3,840,000
No reasonable assurance 1,440,000 3,840,000
796,896 4,483,104
796,896 4,483,104
Receipt of initial franchise fee.
Conditions to be met: Services** Period of refund – until date of Opening
Cash No
Notes (PV) No
Cash No
Notes (PV) No
No Reasonably assured
No No reasonable assurance 3,043,104* ** Liability
Collectibility 1/1/20x4 Balance Status
1,440,000 Liability
3,043,104* ** Liability
1,440,000 Liability
*Unearned interest income or discount on notes receivable: P3,840,000 – P3,043,104 = P796,896. * *Services had been substantially performed only on the date of opening which is December 8. Revenue is deferred and subsequent direct cost of franchise should also be deferred. ***P960,000 x 3.1699 = P2,535,920
February 2, 20x4: Deferred cost of franchise Cash…………………
144,931.2 0
144,931.2 0 144,931.20
To defer cost of franchise since substantial services had not been performed.
June 13, 20x4: General expenses Cash………………… To record expenses.
August 8, 20x4:
60,000 60,000
Deferred cost of franchise Cash…………………
360,000 360,000
To defer cost of franchise since substantial services had not been performed.
November 2, 20x4: Deferred cost of franchise Cash…………………
840,000 840,000
To defer cost of franchise since substantial services had not been performed.
November 2, 20x4: Substantial completion of services. December 31, 20x4: Cash………….. Notes receivable…………………
960,000 960,000
Annual collections.
Adjustments: Unearned interest income Interest income To recognize interest income thru amortization as follows: 10% x P3,043,104 = P304,310.4. Cost of franchise
304,310. 40
304,310.40 304,310.40
1,344,931. 20 1,344,931.2 0
Deferred cost of franchise To recognize cost of franchise.
Unearned franchise revenue……. Franchise revenue
4,438,1040 4,438,1040
To recognize franchise revenue based on the following analysis:
Conditions to be met: Services** Period of refund – outlet already opened.
Notes (PV)
Yes Reasonably assured 4,438,104
Collectibility 1/1/20x4 Balance
12/31/20x4: Collection……………..... . P960,000 Less: Interest collection… 304,310.40
Collection –
Status Adjustments (Installment sales method) a. To set-up cost of franchise:
655,689.6 0
( 655,689.60 )
2,095,689. 60
2,387,414.4 0
304,310.4 0
1,344,931. 20
Cost of franchise revenue….. Deferred cost of franchise revenue
1,344,931. 20
b. To set-up deferred gross profit: Unearned franchise revenue
3,483,104 1,344,931. 20 2,138,172. 80
Cost of franchise revenue Deferred gross profit
*There are different options on this matter, an entry may be made to set-up cost of franchise and eventually it will be closed to set-up deferred gross profit. Regardless of the option, the objective is to set-up deferred gross profit. Refer to Illustration 9-5 for alternative treatment to set-up cost of franchise. Conditions to be met: Services** Period of refund – outlet already opened. Collectibility 1/1/20x4 Balance 12/31/20x4:
Cash Yes
Notes (PV) Yes
Yes No reasonable assurance 304,104
Collection……………..... . P960,000 Less: Interest collection… 304,310.40 Collection – Principal…….P655,689.60
655,689.6 0 2,095,689.6 0 Revenue – I/S Method
c. To recognize realized gross profit on franchise: Deferred gross profit
( 655,689.60 ) 2,387,414.4 Liability
1,466,983.20 1,466,983. 20
Realized gross profit on franchise
Collections – principal x gross profit rate P2,095,689.60 x (4,483,104 – 1,344,931.20)/4,483,104 = P1,466,983.20
Reasonably Assured
No reasonable assurance
Income Statement, 12/31/20x4: Franchise revenue (accrual method)* Less: Cost of franchise (accrual method)* Gross profit on regular franchise (accrual)* Add: Gross profit on franchise (installment sales method) Gross profit on franchise Less: Operating expenses
P 4,471,1040
P3,138,172.8 -0P3,138,172.8 60,000 P3,078,172.8
Add: Interest income…………….. Net income…………….
1,344,931.2 0
304,310.40 P3,382,483.2
0 0
*1,466,983.2 0 P1,466,983.2 0 60,000 P1,406,983.2 0 304,310.4 0 P1,771,293.
*Note: This item represents regular franchise sales-type transaction. If the collectibility of the fee (note receivable) is reasonably assured, the permissible method to be applied should be the accrual method. It should be observed that in the event, there is cost of franchise and the installment sales method is used, the concept of revenue recognition does literally apply to franchise revenue but to the recognition of realized gross profit on franchise thru collections as to principal multiplied by gross profit rate.
Alternatively, computation of interest and principal collections are as follows: Date
1/03/20x4 1/03/20x4 12/31/20x4 Total
1,440,000 960,000 2,400,000
Interest (10% of Unpaid Balance) -0304,310.40 304,310.40
Unpaid Balance 4,483,104 3,043,104 2,387,414.40
1,440,000 655,689.60 2,095,689.60
Problem VIII
1. The fee is earned for providing continuing services: Cash or Accounts receivable………… Franchise revenue – continuing franchise fee
108,000 108,000
2. If P10,000 of the fee is for national advertising: Cash or Accounts receivable………… Franchise revenue – continuing franchise fee Unearned franchise revenue – continuing franchise fee……
108,000 96,000 12,000
The franchisor recognizes the unearned franchise fees as revenue when it performs the advertising services and also records the costs as expenses, the entries should be: Advertising expenses………… Cash, etc……………….. Unearned franchise revenue – continuing franchise fee…… Franchise revenue – continuing franchise fee
xxx xxx 12,000 12,000
Problem IX
March 20: Cash Notes receivable Unearned franchise fee
5,000 20,000 25,000
June 15: Unearned franchise revenue Franchise revenue
25,000 25,000
July 15: Cash Service revenue
500 500
Problem X Cash or Accounts receivable… Franchise revenue – supplies sales…………….. Cost of franchise – supplies sales……… Supplies inventory……….
117,600 117,600 90,000 90,000
Problem XI Cash……………. Notes receivable (P108,000 – P21,600) Unearned interest income (P86,400 – P69,978) Franchise revenue (P21,600 + 69,978 – P4,800*) Unearned franchise revenue – equipment sale*
21,600 86,400 16,422 86,778 4,800
All the criteria to recognize initial franchise fee as revenue was met, except that an amount of P4,800 equivalent to indicated profit (P24,000, selling price less P19,200 option price) will be deferred.
When the franchisee subsequently purchases the equipment, the entries are as follows: Cash or Accounts receivable… Unearned franchise revenue – equipment sale Franchise revenue – equipment sale……………..
19,200 4,800
Cost of franchise - equipment sale………. Equipment inventory……….
Problem XII April 1, 20x4: Cash……………. Notes receivable………… Franchise revenue (P21,600 + P86,400 – P4,800*) December 31, 20x4: Franchise revenue – initial franchise fee Interest income (P192,000 x 8% x 9/12) Cash (P153,600 – P11,520)…………. Notes receivable…………… Gain or revenue from repossessed franchise……………
288,000 192,000 480,000
480,000 11,520 142,080 192,000 134,400
Problem XIII Cash Notes receivable………… Deferred franchise purchase option liability…….
72,000 360,000
Deferred cost of franchise revenue…………… Cash, etc………
Investment………………………….. Deferred franchise purchase option liability……. Deferred cost of franchise revenue…………… Cash, etc………
120,000 432,000
288,000 264,000
Multiple Choice Problems 1. a – following conditions should be observed to recognize revenue: Services – none Period of Refund – expired Collectibility of the note – reasonably assured There was failure on one condition; therefore, no revenue should be recognized. 2. d – following conditions should be observed to recognize revenue: Services Performed – yes Period of Refund – not expired / still refundable Collectibility of the note – reasonably assured
There was failure on one condition; therefore, no revenue should be recognized. 3. a - following conditions should be observed to recognize revenue: Services Performed – none Period of Refund – expired Collectibility of the note – very uncertain or extremely uncertain. There was failure on one condition; therefore, no revenue should be recognized. Since, the collectibility of the note is extremely uncertain recognition of the note as an asset in unwarranted (or should not be recorded). 4. d – the problem already indicated that P300,000 is earned, therefore the remaining balance of P400,000 (P700,000 – P300,000 is considered as unearned revenue.
5. a Cash Notes receivable Unearned franchise fee
6,000 30,000
Unearned franchise fee Franchise fee revenue
Cash Notes receivable Franchise fee revenue
6,000 30,000
6. b 36,000
7. a
8. 9. 10. 11.
b b d d – the franchise fee revenue should be zero, since no substantial performance of services had been performed (and the down payment is still refundable).
12. b In this problem, since there is doubtful of collection, it is safely assumed to used installment method. Therefore, the realized gross profit would be: Collections in 20x4……………………………………………………………..P 200,000 x: Gross profit rate [100% - (P150,000/P500,000)]…………………………. 70% Realized gross profit in 20x4…………………………………………………. P 140,000 Revenue Analysis: Cash N/R Services Yes Yes Period of Refund Yes Yes Collectibility No Reas. Assured 200,000 300,000 Status Rev – I/S Method Liability 13. d In this problem, full accrual method is used to recognized the initial franchise fee of Initial Franchise Fee: Services Period of Refund Collectibility
Cash Yes Yes
Notes Receivable Yes Yes Reasonably Assured
P20,000 Revenue
P80,000 Revenue
Substantial performance of services has been rendered because commencement of operations by the franchisee shall be presumed to be the earliest point of which substantial performance has occurred, unless it can be demonstrated that substantial performance of all obligations, including services rendered voluntarily, has occurred before that time. Period of refunding the initial franchise fee and collectibility of the notes is not anymore a problem (they depend on the profitability of its first year of operations) because the result of operations in the first year is profitable. Therefore, the initial franchise fee of P100,000 (P20,000 + P P80,000) is considered as revenue, and a continuing franchise fee of P5,000 (1% x P500,000) should be also be recognized as revenue – continuing fanchise. Therefore, the earned franchise fee amounted to P105,000 (P100,000 initial plus P5,000 continuing). 14. a Initial franchisee revenue (since all services had been performed and assumed that period of refunding already expired)………………………….. P100,000 Add: Continuing franchise revenue (5% x P800,000)…………………………………… 40,000 Total Revenue from franchise………………………………………………………………. P140,000 15. d
There is already substantial performance of services rendered since, the franchise outlet started operations and it is assumed that period of refund has expired. The continuing franchise fee is recognized also as revenue since it is earned at the time it was received. The net income would be: Franchise Revenue: Initial Franchise Fee: Down payment…………………………………………… P 30,000 PV of installment (P10,000 x 1.7355)……………………. 17,355 P47,355 Continuing Franchise Fee (5% x P500,000) 25,000 Total Franchise Revenue………………………………………………………………… P72,355 Add: Interest Income (10% x P17,355)………………………………………………… 1,735 Total Revenue/Net Income……………………………………………………………… P74,090
16. a All conditions that initial franchise fee be recognized as revenue had been met as follows:
Revenue Analysis for IFF Services Period of Refund (note) Collectibility
Cash Yes Yes
N/R Yes Yes
Reas. Assured 200,000 300,000 Status Revenue Revenue The Net Income then would be as follows: Franchise Revenue………………………………………………………………..P 500,000 Less: Cost of Franchise…………………………………………………………… 150,000 Net Income…………………………………………………………………………P 350,000 17. d
In this problem, full accrual method is used to recognized the initial franchise fee of P100,000 analyze as follows:
Revenue Analysis for IFF Services Period of Refund (note) Collectibility
Cash Yes Yes
N/R Yes Yes
Reas. Assured 20,000 80,000 Status Revenue Revenue Note: Period of refunding the initial franchise fee was presumed to have been expired since the business operates profitably in its first year of operation.
Continuing Franchise Fee: Considered revenue the moment continuing services had been rendered amounted to P5,000 (1% x P500,000). Initial Franchise Fee…………………………………………………………P 100,000 Continuing franchise fee…………………………………………………. 5,000 Total…………………………………………………………………………… P 105,000 Less: Indirect cost of franchise…………………………………………… 15,000 Net income……………………………………………………………………P 90,000 18. d Revenue = P400,000 Interest income = P160,000 ×8% ×9/12 = P9,600 Cash = P128,000 – P9,600 = P118,400 Repossession revenue: P240,000 – P128,000 = P112,000. 19. c Cash = P560,000 + P48,000 = P608,000 Franchise Fee Revenue = P560,000 Unearned Franchise Fees = P48,000 ×20% = P9,600 Revenue from Continuing Franchise Fees = P48,000 – P9,600 = P38,400. 20. b - P200,000 + P545,872 – P24,000 = P721,872.
21. b
Franchisee frequently purchases all of the equipment, products, and supplies from the franchisor. The franchisor would account for these sales as if, it would be a product sales. Sometimes, however, the franchise agreement grants the franchisee the right to make bargain purchases of equipment or supplies after the initial franchise fee is paid. If the bargain price is lower that the normal selling price of the same product or it does not provide the franchisor the reasonable profit, then, a portion of the initial franchise fee should be deferred. The deferred portion would be accounted for as adjustment of the selling price when the franchisee subsequently purchases the equipment or supplies. Therefore, the amount of revenue would be P90,234 computed as follows: Services Period of Refund Collectibility Status
Cash Yes Yes P25,000 Revenue
Notes Receivable Yes Yes Reasonably Assured P68,234 Revenue except P3,000 reasonable profit on sale of equipment
The revenue from franchise would be: Cash……………………………………………………………………………………………… P 25,000 PV of Note…………………………………………………………………………..P68,234
Less: Reasonable profit on sale of Equipment P15,000 – P12,000)………………………………………….… 3,000 65,234 P 90,234 Incidentally, the entries would be: Upon receipt of IFF: Cash………………………………………………………………………… 25,000 Notes Receivable………………………………………………………… 90,000 Unearned Interest Income (P90,000 – P68,234)…………. 21,766 Franchise Revenue……………………………………………. 90,234 Unearned Franchise Revenue………………………………. 3,000 If equipment was sold: Cash or Accounts Receivable………………………………………… 12,000 Unearned Franchise Revenue………………………………………… 3,000 Franchise Revenue – Equipment…………………………… 15,000 Cost of Sales – equipment……………………………………………… 12,000 Equipment Inventory………………………………………….. 12,000
22. b Cash No No
Services Period of Refund Collectibility
P25,000 Liability
Theories 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 .
10 ,
Notes Receivable No No Reasonably Assured PV - P39,623 FV – P50,000 UII/Disct. P10,377 Liability
Chapter 10 Problem I 1. The journal entries shown below would be made on the consignor’s and consignee’s books (assume the use of perpetual inventory): Transactions Shipment of goods on consignment.
2. Payment of expenses by consignor. 3. Payment of expenses by consignee. Advances by Consignor
Entries on Consignor’s Books (Herbalife Supplier) Inventory on Consigment…… 60,00 Finished 0 Goods 60,00 Inventory*.... 0
Entries on Consignee’s Books (Conrado Enterprises)
Inventory on Consignment….. Cash……..
No entry
Inventory on Consignment…… Consignee Payable……… Cash……… Advances from Consignee…..
Sale of merchandise
No entry.
6. Notification of sale to consignor and payment of cash due. Commission: 10% x P48,000 = P4,800
Commission expense Advances from Consignee…… Cash……. Consignee Payable Consignment Sales Revenue..
No entry (memorandum entry only)
600 600 Consignor Receivable 2,400
2,400 Cash…………….
3,360 3,360
4,800 3,360 37,44 0 2,400 48,00 0
Advances to Consignor Cash Cash Consignor payable Consignor Payable.. Commission Revenue…….. Consignor Receivable ….. Cash……… Advances from Consignee……
7. To record cost of goods sold and related costs. ** (P60,000 + P600 + P2,400) x ½ = P31,500
Cost of goods sold** Inventory on Consignment
2,400 3,360 3,360 48,00 0
48,00 0
48,00 0 4,800 2,400 37,44 0 3,360
31,50 0 31,50 0
*if periodic method is used, the credit should be “consignment shipments” account treated as reduction in the Costs of goods available for sale to arrive at Cost of Goods Sold Available for Regular Sale. 2. The remittance amounting to P37,440 can be determined by preparing the Account Sales as follows: Sold for the Account of: Jingka Juice Sales (60 sachets of herbal goods) Charges:
Finishing costs…………………….. Commission (P48,000 x 10%)……………….. Due to Consignor……………………………. Less: Advances………………. Balance………………………… Remittance Enclosed……………… Balance Due…………… Items on Hand (50 sachets of herbal goods): P60,000 x 50%
P 2,400 4,800
Problem II 1. The account sales: Sold for the Account of: AA Company Sales (8 sets @ P24,000)……………… Charges: Freight-in…………… Advertising expense………… Deliveries and installation expenses Repairs expense – on units sold.. Commissions, 25% of sales Due to Consignor……………………………. Less: Advances………………. Balance………………………… Remittance Enclosed……………… Balance Due…………… Items on Hand………… Items Returned (defective)….…….
7200 P40,800 3,360 P37,440 37,440 P 0
P 192,000 P 6,000 2,400 9,600 4,800 48,000
70,80 0 P121,200 0 P121,200 30,000 P 91,200 15 sets 2 sets
2. The inventory on consignment amounted to P189,000 computed as: Charge Analysis Sales Inventor Total (8 sets) y (25 sets) (15 sets) Charges by consignor: Cost of consigned goods (@P12,000/set) P 96,000 P180,000 P 300,000 Freight-out (P9,000/25 sets = P360 per 3,600* 5,400 9,000 set) Charges by consignee: Freight-in (P6,000/25 sets =P240 per 2,400* 3,600 6,000 set) Advertising expense………….. 2,400 0 2,400 Delivery and installation 9,600 0 9,600 Repairs expense…………… 4,800 0 4,800 Commissions [25% of sales (8 sets x P24,000 per set] 48,000 0 ___48,000 Total P166,800 P189,000 P379,800 * Freight on sets returned is charged against sales of the period. ** Normally, the term “freight-out” is synonymous to “delivery expense” which is classified as selling expenses if we are dealing with a third party. But, for consignment accounting where the transfer of merchandise if from consignor to consignee, the usage of the term “freight-out” does not construed to be a selling expense but still an inventoriable cost (which is part of freight-in).
The consignment net income amounted to P25,200 computed as: Consignment Sales (8 sets x P24,000 per set) Less: Costs and expenses: Charges by Consignor: Cost of consigned goods @P12,000/set) P 96,000 Freight-out (P9,000/25 sets = P360 per set) 3,600* Charges by consignee: Freight-in (P6,000/25 sets =P240 per set) P 2,400* Advertising expense………….. 2,400 Delivery and installation 9,600 Repairs expense…………… 4,800 Commissions [25% of sales (8 sets x P24,000 per set] 48,000 Net Income Problem III Summit Electronics Company Inventory on Consignment (800 @ P570) Finished Goods Inventory
P 192,000
67,200 P 25,200
456,000 456,000
Consignment Expense (P368,000 x 30%) Accounts Receivable--Consignee Sales Sales Revenue—Consignment (P920 x 400)
110,400 257,600
Cost of Consigned Goods Sold (P570 x 400) Inventory on Consignment
Cash [(P920 x 70%) x 380] Accounts Receivable--Consignee Sales
368,000 228,000 244,720
Farley Hardware No entry upon receipt of consigned merchandise. Cash (P920 x 400) Consignor Payable Commission Revenue
Consignor Payable Cash
49. Seahawks, Inc. had the following consignment transactions during December: Inventory shipped on consignment to Ashe Company Freight paid by Seahawks Inventory received on consignment from Fenn Company Freight paid by Fenn Multiple Choice Problem 1. c – P1,200 Commission = 25% x Sales price P400 = 25% x Sales price Sales price = P400 ÷ 25% = P1,600
257,600 110,400 244,720
P18,000 900 12,000 500
Number of units sold = Selling price = __P1,600__ Price per tape P200 per tape
= 8 tapes
Sales ……………………………………………………………….. P1,600 Less Commission of consignee………………………………... 400 Amount remitted by Beta View Store………………………...P1,200 2. a – P 370 Total Charges (25) Consignor’s charges: Cost Freight-out Consignee’s charge - Commission Total Sales price Consignment profit
P2,500 75 __400__ P2,975
Charges Related to Consignment Inventory on Sales Consignment (8) (15) P800 30 __400__ 1,230 _1,600_ _P370_
P1,500 45 _______ _P1,545_
3. a – P1,545 (refer to No. 2 for computation) 4. b Sales (P2,250 / 15%) Divided by: Selling price per unit Number of units sold
P15,000 P 1,000 15 units
Sales Less Charges: Commission Advertising Delivery expense Due to Consignor Less: Advances Value of note – sight draft: (100 beds x P600 per bed) x 60% Multiplied by: Proportional number of beds sold Amount remitted
5. c P 2,250 1,500 ___750 P36,000 15/100
6. d – P1,500 Sales Less Charges: Consignor’s charge: Cost of beds (P600 per bed x 15 beds) Consignee’s charges: Commission Advertising Delivery expense Consignment net income 7. a – no items were sold in November; Sales (unknown) Less Charges: Commission
__4,500 P10,500
__5,400 P 5,100 P15,000 9,000
P2,250 1,500 ___750
x 15% x
__4,500 P1,500
P 27,200 x – 15%x = P27,200 85%x = P27,200 x = P32,000
8. c – P16,800 Sales (unknown) Less Charges: Advertising Delivery and installation charges Commission (unknown) Remittance
x P500 100 20%x
_______ P 12,840
x – (P500 + P100 + 20%x) = P 12,840 x – 20%x = P12,840 + P600 80%x = P13,440 x = P16,800 9. b- P6,080 Cost (P150 per unit x 40 units) Freight on shipment (P200 x 40/100) Cost of inventory on consignment
P6,000 80 P6,080
10. c - 6 Sales (unknown) Less Charges: Commission (unknown) Advertising Delivery and installation Cartage on consigned goods Remittance
x 20%x P1,000 600 500 P21,900
x – (20%x + P1,000 + P600 + P500) = P21,900 x – 20%x = P21,900 + P2,100 80%x = P24,000 x = P30,000 Number of units sold = _P30,000_ =6 P5,000 per set 11. b – P2,300 Total Charges (10) Consignor’s charges: Cost Freight-out Consignee’s charges: Commission (20% x P30,000) Advertising Delivery and installation Cartage Total
Charges Related to Consignment Inventory on Sales Consignment (6) (3)
P30,000 2,500
P18,000 1,750
P9,000 750
6,000 1,000 600 __500__ P40,600
6,000 1,000 600 __350__ 27,700
__150__ _P9,900_
Sales price Profit on Consignment
_30,000_ __P2,300__
12. d – None of the above (P9,900) – refer to No. 11 for computation. 13. No answer available - P17,625 Sales – (Sales x 20%) – P600 – P390 – P210 = P12,900 .8 Sales = P14,100 Sales = P17,625. 14. a (P270 x 50) + [(P600 ÷ 80) x 50] = P13,875. AA Sales - Nos. 15 to 17: 15. a Gross collection (P15,000 x 70% x 80%)
P 8,400 __168 P 8,232
Less: Cash discount taken by customer (P8,400 x 2%) Net collection Less Charges: Expenses Commission (P8,400 x 15%) Due to Consignor Less: Advances Amount remitted
P 800 _1,260
__2,060 P 6,172 _6,000 P 172
16. b Total Charges (100%) Consignor’s charges: Cost Freight Consignee’s charges: Expenses Commission (15% x P10,500) Cash discount (P10,500 x 80% x 2%) Total Sales price (70% x P15,000) Profit on Consignment
Charges Related to Consignment Inventory on Sales Consignment (70%) (30%)
P10,000 120
P 7,000 84
800 1,575 168
800 1,575 168
P 3,000 36
P 9,627 _10,500_ P 873
17. b – refer to No. 16 for computation RR Products Company – Nos. 16 to 18 16. c Collection made pertaining to: May sale Down payment (3 x P50) Monthly payment thereafter (3 x P10) June sale Down payment (1 x P50) Total Less: Commission (P230 x 20%) Amount remitted
P 150 30
P 180 ___50 P 230 ___46 P 184
17. d – P140 Total Charges (5) Consignor’s charges: Cost Freight Consignee’s charges: Commission Total Sales price (4 units x P250/unit) Profit on Consignment
Charges Related to Consignment Inventory on Sales Consignment (4) (1
P 775 50
P 620 40
P 155 10
200 P1,025
200 P 860 _ 1,000 P 140
____ P165
18. b – refer to No. 17 for computation 19. b Collection made: Cash sale (P1,500 x 2) Credit sale (P1,800 x 25%) Total Less: Charges Freight Commission [(P3,000 + P1,800) x 15%] Amount remitted
P 3,000 ___450 P3,450 P 320 __720
__1,040 P 2,410
20. a Total Charges (5) Consignor’s charges: Cost Freight Consignee’s charges: Freight Commission Total Sales price Profit on Consignment
P4,000 200
Charges Related to Consignment Inventory on Sales Consignment (3) (2) P 2,400 120
320 720 P5,240
P 1,600 80
192 720 P 3,432 4,800 P 1,368
128 ______ P1,808
21. b – P1,808 – refer to No. 20 for computation 22. d – 244,600 Sales on credit (14,000 per unit x 12 units) + (13,000 x 10) Less: Sales allowance granted Bad debts Commission [2% x (P298,000 – P2,000)] Amount still due from BB, Inc
P298,000 P 2,000 7,000 _44,400
__53,400 P 244,600
23. d – P67,280 Total Charges
Charges Related to Consignment Inventory on Sales Consignment
Consignor’s charges: Cost Freight-out Consignee’s charges: Sales allowance Bad debts Commission [15% x (P298,000 – P2,000)] Total Sales price [P14,000 per unit x 12 units) + (P13,000 per unit x 10 units)] Consignment profit
P240,000 1,800
P176,000 1,320
P64,000 480
2,000 7,000
2,000 7,000
44,400 P295,200
44,400 P230,720
298,000 P 67,280
24. d – refer to No. 23 for computation 25. b – 395 Sales (unknown) Less Charges: Commission (unknown)
__x__ P10 P100 __P45__
Delivery expense Remittance x-
[( _x__ ) P10 + P45 ]
) ________ P35,505
= P35,505
100 x – _P10x_ = P35,550 P100 P100x – P10x = P3,555,000 P90x = P3,555,000 x = P39,500 Number of ballpens sold = _P39,500_ = P395 P100 per unit 26. b Sales Cost of sales Gross profit Operating expenses: Commission (P30,000 x 5%) Freight-in (P260 x P19,500*/P26,000) Others Regular (P15,150 x P19,500/P26,000) Consignment (P15,150 x P30,000/P150,000) Total Net profit
Regular Sales P120,000 84,000 P 36,000
Consignmen t Sales P30,000 19,500* P10,500
Total P150,000 103,500 P 46,500
P 1,500 1,950
P 1,500 1,950
3,030 P 4,725 P 5,775
3,030 _P16,845_ P29,655
12,120 _______ P 12,120 P 23,880
*P26,000 – P6,500 = P19,500
27. d – P5,775 (refer to No. 26 for computation) 28. a – (P18,000 + P900) = P18,900
Theories 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 .
d d a c
Chapter 11 Problem I 1. • Contributions of cash by the operators Cash KK Company Cerise Company Contribution by joint operators.
360,000 180,000 180,000
• Use of cash and loan to buy machinery & equipment and raw materials Machinery and equipment 96,000 Cash 60,000 Loans payable – machinery and equipment 36,000 Contribution by joint operators. Materials Accounts payable Acquisition of materials. • Labor incurrence Payroll Cash Accrued payroll Annual labor. • Loans from the bank Cash Bank loans payable Amount borrowed.
78,000 78,000
86,400 84,000 2,400
72,000 72,000
• Repayment of loan – machinery and equipment and other factory expenses Loan payable – machinery and equipment 12,000 Cash 12,000 Partial payment of loan. Accounts payable Cash Payment of trade creditors. Factory overhead control – heat, light and power Cash Payment of manufacturing expenses such as heat, light and power. • Depreciation of machinery and equipment Factory overhead control – depreciation Accumulated depreciation Depreciation of equipment.
50,400 50,400 156,000 156,000
9,600 9,600
• Transfer of materials, labor and overhead to Work-in-Process Work-in-process Payroll Materials Factory overhead control – heat, light and power Factory overhead control – depreciation
309,600 86,400 57,600 156,000 9,600
Allocation of costs to work-in-process • Transfer of Work-in-Process to Finished Goods Inventory. Finished goods Work-in-process Allocation to finished goods
216,000 216,000
• Transfer of Finished Goods Inventory to Joint Operators throughout the year KK Company 96,000 DD Company 96,000 Finished goods 192,000 Delivery of output to joint operators. 2. Cash Contribution – Drei Work-in-Process 180,000 Labor Contribution – Cerise 86,400 180,000 Materials Bank loan 57,600 60,000 Factory Overhead – heat, etc. 156,000 Factory Overhead – depreciation Balance, 12/31/x4 9,600 57,600 Balance, 12/31/x4 93,600
Machinery and equipment
216,000Labor to Finished Goods 84,000 12,000
Machinery and equipment
50,400 Accounts payable 156,000 Factory overhead control
b. KK’s investment, P84,000 c. DD’s investment, P84,000 December 31, 20x4 Assets Current Assets Cash Finished goods inventory Work-in-Process inventory Materials inventory Total current assets Non-current Assets Equipment Less: Accumulated depreciation Total Assets Liabilities and Net Assets Current Liabilities Accrued payroll Accounts payable Non-current Liabilities Bank loan payable Loan payable – machinery and equipment Total Liabilities Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets Joint Operator’s Equity KK Company: Contributions – January 1, 20x4 Cost of inventory distributed
P 57,600 24,000 93,600 20,400 P 96,000 9,600
2,400 27,600
P 60,000 24,000
P 180,000 ( 96,000)
P 195,600 86,400 P282,000
P 30,000 __84,000 P 114,000 168,000 P282,000
P 84,000
3. a. Total
DD Company: Contributions – January 1, 20x4 Cost of inventory distributed Total Joint Operator’s Equity
P 180,000 ( 96,000)
P 84,000 P168,000
Problem II 1. Ayala Corp. shall account for its interest in the joint operation as follows: Current assets (50% x P720,000) Property, plant and equipment (60% x P1,200,000) Expenses (60% x 720,000) Liabilities (75% x P960,000) Revenue (55% x P1,200,000) Interests in Joint Operation To recognize the share of Entity A in the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses as follows:
360,000 720,000 432,000 720,000 660,000 132,000
2. The assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses are recognized and combined with those of Ayala’s own financial statements. The interest in joint operations at the end of the reporting period is reduced to P228,000, computed as follows: Interests in Joint Operation Less: Share in assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses Interest in operation, ending balance
P 360,000 132,000 P 228,000
Problem III 1. The joint operator, Entity A account for their interests in the joint operation as follows: Entity X—in 20x4 Profit or loss (construction costs) Cash/Accumulated depreciation/Trade payables To recognize the construction costs incurred in 20x4
Cash Profit or loss (construction revenue) To recognize the construction costs incurred in 20x4
Entity Y—in 20x4 Profit or loss (construction costs) Cash/Accumulated depreciation/Trade payables To recognize the construction costs incurred in 20x4
Cash Profit or loss (construction revenue) To recognize the construction costs incurred in 20x4
Problem IV The joint operator, Entity K account for their interests in the joint operation as follows: January 1, 20x4 (P12,000,000 / 5 = P2,400,000) Property, plant and equipment (interest in an aircraft) Cash To recognize the purchase of an ownership-interest in a jointly controlled aircraft. In 20x4 Cash
2,400,000 2,400,000
Profit or loss (rental income) To recognize income earned in renting to others the use of the aircraft in 20x4.
Profit or loss (aircraft operating expenses) Cash To recognize the costs of running an aircraft in 20x4.
Profit or loss (depreciation expense) Accumulated depreciation (interest in an aircraft To recognize depreciation of an ownership-interest in a jointly controlled aircraft in 20x4: P12,000,000/20 years = P600,000/5 operators = P120,000 share for each joint operator.
Problem V 1. The following are the summaries of the above transactions for a joint operation in the form of a partnership: Event a. b. c. d. e.
Investment in Joint Operation Dr. Cr. P 12,000 120,000
AA Dr.
BB Cr. P12,000 120,000
CC Cr.
Cr. P 6,000
6,000 180,000
120,000 P588,000
P204,000 3,600
P60,000 P312,000 3,600
P72,000 3,600 6,000 _______
f. *
6,000 ___3,000
P318,000 _297,000 P597,000
P597,000 ________ P597,000
P210,600 ________ P210,600
P252,000 __112,200 P364,200
P315,600 ________ P315,600
P 60,000 _147,000 P195,000
P81,600 _______ P81,600
_______ P 16,800 31,800 P48,600
_______ P597,000
________ P597,000
_153,600 P364,200
________ P364,200
________ P315,600
_120,600 P315,600
_______ P81,600
_33,000 P81,600
Cash** * Settlement Totals
* purchases, P300,000; cost of goods sold, P294,000; ending inventory P6,000 x 50% = P3,000. **NI – Net Income Allocation AA Allowance for cleaning-up operations Commission: Aljon: 40% of P204,000 Elerie: 40% of P312,000 Mac: 40% of P72,000
P124,80 0
P 3,000
81,600 28,800
10,20 30,600 0 _______ P112,2 P135,00 P31,80 Total 00 0 0 **Total credits of P597,000 – Total debits of P318,000 = P279,000, net income. Balance (75%: 25%)
P 3,000
124,800 28,800 40,80 0 P279,00 0
2. The cash settlement entry (refer to No. 1 for the computation of settlement) would be as follows: AA, capital 153,600 BB, capital 120,600 CC, capital 33,000 Therefore, BB will pay P120,600 and CC will pay, P33,000 to AA as final settlement for the joint operations. Problem VI Schedule of Determination and Allocation of Excess Date of Acquisition – January 1, 20x4 Cost of investment Consideration transferred Less: Book value of stockholders’ equity of Son: Common stock (P3,600,000 x 30%) Retained earnings (P1,080,000 x 30%) Allocated excess (excess of cost over book value) Less: Over/under valuation of assets and liabilities: Increase in inventory (P240,000 x 30%) Increase in land (P960,000 x 30%) Increase in building (P600,000 x 30%) Decrease in equipment (P840,000 x 30%) Increase in bonds payable (P120,000 x 30%)
P2,016,000 P 1,080,000 324,000 72,000 288,000 180,000 ( 252,000) ( 360,000)
1,404,000 612,000
Positive excess: Goodwill (excess of cost over fair value)
252,000 P 360,000
The over/under valuation of assets and liabilities are summarized as follows: Anton Co. Anton Co. (Over) Under Book value Fair value Valuation Inventories (sold in 20x4) P1,200,000 P1,440,000 P 240,000 Land 1,080,000 2,040,000 960,000 Buildings – net ( 10 year remaining life) 1,800,000 2,400,000 600,000 Equipment – net ( 7 year remaining life) 1,440,000 600,000 ( 840,000) (1,320,000 Bonds payable (due January 1, 20x9) ( 1,200,000) ) ( 120,000) Net P4,320,000 P5,160,000 P 840,000 A summary or depreciation and amortization adjustments is as follows: Over/ 30% Account Adjustments to be amortized Under thereof Life P Inventories (sold in 20x4) 240,000 P 72,000 1 Land 960,000 288,000 Buildings – net ( 10 year remaining life) 600,000 180,000 10 ( 840,000 ( 252,000 Equipment – net ( 7 year remaining life) ) ) 7 ( 120,00 ( 36,000 Bonds payable (due January 1, 20x9) 0) ) 5 P Net 840,000 P 252,000
Current Year(20x4) P 72,000 18,000 (36,000) ( 7,200) P 46,800
The following are entries recorded by the parent in 20x4 in relation to its investment in joint venture: January 1, 20x4: (1) Investment in DD Company 2,016,000 Cash 2,016,000
Acquired 30% joint control in DD Company. January 1, 20x4 – December 31, 20x4: (2) Cash Investment in DD Company (P720,000 x 30%) Record dividends from DD Company. December 31, 20x4: (3) Investment in DD Company Investment income (P1,440,000 x 30%) Record share in net income of DD Company.
432,000 432,000
December 31, 20x4: (4) Investment income Investment in DD Company……………………. Record amortization of allocated excess of inventory, equipment, buildings and bonds payable.
Thus, the investment balance and investment income in the books of TT Company is as follows: Investment in Joint Venture (DD Company) Cost, 1/1/x4 2,016,000 NI of Anton (1,440,000 x 30%) 432,000 Balance, 12/31/x4 2,185,200
216,000 80%) 46,800
Investment Income Amortization 46,800
Dividends – Son (720,000x Amortization
NI of Son 432,000 385,200
(P1,440,000 x 30%) Balance, 12/31/x4
To check the balance of Investment in Joint Venture (DD Company): DD Company’s Stockholders’ Equity, 12/31/20x4: Common stock Retained earnings Retained earnings,1/1/20x4 Net income – 20x4 Dividends – 20x4 Book value of stockholders’ equity of DD Company,12/31/20x4 Multiplied by: Interest in Joint Venture Book value of Interest in Joint Venture Add: Unamortized allocated excess – 30% thereof P252,000 – P46,800, amortization) Goodwill Investment in Joint Venture (DD Company) – equity method Multiple Choice Problems
P3,600,00 0 P 1,080,000 1,440,000 ( 720,000)
1,800,00 0 P5,400,00 0 30% P1,620,00 0 205,200 360,00 0 P2,185,20 0
1. a Inv. in JO
2,500 4,000
Books of X
Journal entry for settlement should be: Z , capital……………………….. 6,500 X , capital……………………
X, capital 2,500
Y , capital……………………
Books of Y Inv. in JO 2,500 4,000
Y. capital
Books of Z Inv. in JO
Z, capital
2,500 4,000
6,500 2.
Total credits - Investment in Joint Operations…………………………………P 25,810 Total debits - Investment in Joint Operations…………………………………. 19,750 Net income or total gain (credit balance)…………………………………….P 6,060
3. d Jose, capital 8,500 investment 1,212 share in net income (P6,060 x 2/10) 9,712 4. a – The 20,000 shares should be valued at market value, thus, P800,000 (20,000 shares x P40 per share) 5. b 20,000 shares at P40/share P800,000 Expenses 3,000
Jose, capital P 198,000 (4,500 x P44) – Sales 125,000 (5,000 x P25) 13,600* (13,600 x P1) - Cash dividend
Joint operation loss 37,100
P807,700 P
168,000 (6,000 x P28) - Sales 266,000 (7,600 x P35) P 770,600
* 9/30 Shares issued (6,000 + 10,000 + 4,000) 10/20 Sold 11/ 1 Stock dividend (20,000 – 4,500) x 20%
20,000 (4,500) 3,100
11/15 Sold Balance of shares outstanding before cash dividend
(5,000) 13,600
Therefore, Roxas share would be P11,130 (P37,100 x 6,000/20,000 shares) 6. c
Investment in Joint Operations P400,000 Investment (10,000 shares x P40)
Share in net loss P37,100 x (10,000/20,000) P18,550
P381,450 7. b
Unrealized loss due to decline in the value of shares at the time of investment (P62 – P40) x 4,000 shares Share in joint operation (P37,100 x 4/20) Reduction of loss by cash dividend (P13,600 x 4/20)
P68,000 __7,420 P98,140
8. a before net income or loss
Investment in Joint Operations 15,000 25,000 ending inventory 10,000 net income
9. a (A- P10,000 x 50% = P5,000; B – P10,000 x 30% = P3,000; C – P10,000 x 20%) 10. a Purchases Contr/Invest Profit(50%) Expenses
Joint Operations 20,000 77,000 Sales (?) 20,000
Anson, Capital Unsold merchandise 600 20,000 18,600
800 1,800 42,600
38,000 to
77,000 34,400 (P16,000+ P18,400) 2,800 (P600 + P2,200) Unsold merchandise
37,200 Net profit 11. c – refer to No. 10 computation. 12. a Purchases 10,000 Freight-in 240 Freight-out 260 500
Investment in Joint Operations 7,200 sales 5,120 unsold
1/2 12,320
Santo, capital 10,000 Contribution/Invest 910 Share in NI
(P10,000 + P240) x
13. a – refer to No. 12 for computation
14. c
Investment in Joint Operations 3,500 Sales
before sale 6,500 Net loss 3,000 N, capital 1, 14,500
O, capital 1, 6,500
100 13,400
5,400 M 300 (1,100) P ( 900)
Salary Balance, equally
(1,100) P(1,100)
(1,100) P(1,100)
Total P 300 (3,300) P(3,000)
15. a – refer to No. 14 for computation 16. a Investment in Joint Operations 48,700 Sales
Purchases 45,000
18,000 Interest expense 80
40 Dividend 100
50 6
2,510 Net income
17. a refer No for
McKee, capital 48,7 45,000 00
Nelson, capital 16, 18,000
80 1,225 share in NI
50 1,225 share in NI 2,405
2,40 5
Nelson, capital McKee
2,405 2,405
18. b
Investment in Joint Operations 800 sales
Purchases 950 Expenses 150
600 1,100
1,400 300 Net income
– to 16
entry the
Bar, capital 950
Car, capital 150
270 1,220
The for
30 180
600 420 due to
Bar, capital Car, capital
420 420
Distribution of net income Bar
Commission on net purchases: 20% x P950 Commission on sales: 25% x P800 25% x P600 Balance, equally
P190 200 (120) P270
P190 200 150
P150 (120) P 30
(240) P300)
19. b – refer to No. 18 for computations. 20. c Investment in Joint Operations 15,000 before P/L 10,500 unsold merchandise Salary 12,000
unsold 10,500
25,500 net income
Tan, capital 27,000 merch. 4,500 share in NI (1/3 x P13,500) 10, 31,500
500 13,500
21. b Revenues Total cash receipts (P78,920 + P65,245) Less: Cash investments (P30,000 + P20,000) Cash sales Add: Proceeds from sale of remaining assets Total Revenue Less: Expenses (P62,275 + P70,695) Net income
P144,345 50,000 P 94,345 60,000 P154,345 132,970 P 21,375
22. c 23. d
Receipts 78,920
Benin, capital 30,000 Contribution 62,275 Disbursement 12,825 Share in NI (3/5) 78,
Receipts 65,425
Sucat, capital 20,000 Contribution
O, capital Cash P, capital
70,695 Disbursement 8,550 Share in NI (2/5) 99,245
3,000 2,000 5,000
O’s books: it shows P5,000 receivable from P, and P2,000 payable to N; thus, O should receive net cash of P3,000:
N, capital Cash P, capital
2,000 3,000
P’s books: it shows P2,000 payable to N and P3,000 payable to O; thus, in final settlement, P should pay a total of P5,000; P2,000 and P3,000 to N and O, respectively: N, capital 2,000 O, capital 3,000 Cash 5,000 24. The Investment in Basket Co. as of December 31 is as follows: Acquisition cost, January 1, 2013 Add (deduct): Share in net income (P90,000 x 40%] Share in dividends (P30,000 x 40%) Amortization of allocated excess Investment balance on December 31
P 500,000 36,000 ( 12,000) ( 16,400) P 507,600
Cost of investment P 500,000 Less: Book value of interest acquired [40% x (P1,400,000 – P500,000)] 360,000 Allocated excess P 140,000 Less: Over/undervaluation of assets and liabilities: Increase in building (P140,000 x 40%) 56,000 Increase in trademark (P210,000 x 40) 84,000 Amortization of allocated excess: Building: P56,000 / 7 years Trademark: P84,000 / 10 years
25. b The joint arrangement is a joint venture because it needs unanimous consent to all parties involved. The parties recognize their rights to the net assets of Harrison Company as investments and account for them using the equity method. The Investment in Basket Co. as of December 31 is as follows: Acquisition cost, January 1, 2013 Add (deduct): Share in net income (P90,000 x 40%] Share in dividends (P30,000 x 40%) Amortization of allocated excess Investment balance on December 31
P 500,000 36,000 ( 12,000) ( 16,400) P 507,600
Cost of investment P 500,000 Less: Book value of interest acquired [40% x (P1,400,000 – P500,000)] 360,000 Allocated excess P 140,000 Less: Over/undervaluation of assets and liabilities: Increase in building (P140,000 x 40%) 56,000 Increase in trademark (P210,000 x 40) 84,000 Amortization of allocated excess: Building: P56,000 / 7 years Trademark: P84,000 / 10 years Total
P 16,400
26. b – refer to No. 25 for further discussion. The Income from Investment in Basket Co. on December 31 is as follows: Share in net income (P90,000 x 40%] P 36,000 Amortization of allocated excess ( 16,400) Income from Investment on December 31 P 19,600 27. d The joint arrangement is a joint venture because it needs unanimous consent to all parties involved. The parties recognize their rights to the net assets of Harrison Company as investments and account for them using the equity method. The Investment in Goldman Co. as of December 31, 2015 is as follows: Acquisition cost, January 1, 2013 Add (deduct): Share in net income [(P140,000 x 3 years) x 40%] Share in dividends [(P50,000 x 3 years) x 40%] Amortization of allocated excess Investment balance on December 31 Cost of investment Less: Book value of interest acquired (40% x P1,200,000) Allocated excessP 120,000 Less: Over/undervaluation of assets and liabilities Goodwill
P 600,000 168,000 (60,000) ( 0) P 708,000 P 600,000 480,000 P 120,000
There is no indication as to impairment of goodwill. 28. d To determine whether a contractual arrangement gives parties control of an arrangement collectively, it is necessary first to identify the relevant activities of that arrangement. That is, what are the activities that significantly affect the returns of the arrangement? When identifying the relevant activities, consideration should be given to the purpose and design of the arrangement. In particular, consideration should be given to the risks to which the joint arrangement was designed to be exposed, the risks the joint arrangement was designed to pass on to the parties involved with the joint arrangement, and whether the parties are exposed to some or all of those risks. In many cases, directing the strategic operating and financial policies of the arrangement will be the activity that most significantly affects returns. Often, the arrangement requires the parties to agree on both of these policies. However, in some cases, unanimous consent may be required to direct the operating policies, but not the financial policies (or vice versa). In such cases, since the activities are directed by different parties, the parties would need to assess which of those two activities (operating or financing) most significantly affects returns, and whether there is joint control over that activity. This would be the case whenever there is more than one activity that significantly affects returns of the arrangements, and those activities are directed by different parties. Based on the ownership structure, even though Wallace can block any decision, Wallace does not control the arrangement, because Wallace needs Zimmerman to agree — therefore joint control between Wallace and Zimmerman (since their votes and only their votes, together meet the requirement). Because they are the only combination of parties that collectively control the arrangement, it is clear that Wallace and Zimmerman must unanimously agree. The appropriate method for the joint venture is the equity method. Investment in Gold Co. on December 31, 2015 is as follows: Share in net income (P140,000 x 40%)
The Income from P 56,000
Amortization of allocated excess Income from Investment on December 31, 2015
( 0) P 56,000
29. d No joint control — multiple combinations of parties could be used to reach agreement and collectively control the arrangement (i.e., Wallace and Zimmerman or Wallace and American could vote together to meet the requirement). Since there are multiple combinations, and the contractual agreement does not specify which parties must agree, there is no unanimous consent. It should be noted that since there is no joint control as indicated per problem and the presence of 50% ownership holding is presumed to give significant influence of Wallace over Goldman, unless it can be clearly demonstrated that this is not the case. Therefore, Goldman Company is considered as an associate instead of a joint venture. The appropriate method for Investment in Associates is the equity method. The Income from Investment in Gold Co. on December 31, 2015 is as follows: Share in net income (P140,000 x 40%) P 56,000 Amortization of allocated excess ( 0) Income from Investment on December 31, 2015 P 56,000 30. d No joint control – multiple combinations could be used to reach agreement. It should be noted that since there is no joint control as indicated per problem and the presence of 35% ownership holding is presumed to give significant influence of Wallace over Goldman, unless it can be clearly demonstrated that this is not the case. Therefore, Goldman Company is considered as an associate instead of a joint venture. The appropriate method for Investment in Associates is the equity method. The Income from Investment in Gold Co. on December 31, 2015 is as follows: Share in net income (P140,000 x 40%) P 56,000 Amortization of allocated excess ( 0) Income from Investment on December 31, 2015 P 56,000 31. a – downstream transaction (refer also to consolidation for corollary analysis) Gross Profit Markup: P36,000/P90,000 = 40% Inventory Remaining at Year-End P20,000 x: Markup 40% Unrealized profit in ending inventory P 8,000 x: Ownership 30% Intercompany Unrealized profit in ending inventory P 2,400 Multiple Choice Problems – SME for Joint Ventures 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. a 8. a 9. c 10. a 11. a 12. c 13. a
14. a 15. b 16. c
17. d 18. a
Cost of investment in entity Z: Purchase price…………………………………………………………………….. P 28,000 Add: Transaction costs (1% x P28,000)……………………………………… 280 Costs…………………………………………………………………………………. P 28,280 Less: Fair value on December 31, 20x4……………………................................P 15,000 Less: Costs to sell (5% x P15,000)…………………………………………….. 750 14,250 Impairment loss……………………………………………………………………….. P 14,030 No entry required only the decrease or increase in fair value is recognized to profit and loss. Cost of investment in entity Z: Purchase price…………………………………………………………………….. P 28,000 Add: Transaction costs (1% x P28,000)……………………………………… 280 Initial costs………………………………………………………………………….. P 28,280 Less: SME A’s share of entity Z’s loss for the year (25% x P20,000)……...... Costs of investment, December 31, 20x4……………………………………. P23,280 Less: Fair value on December 31, 20x4…………………….................................P 15,000 Less: Costs to sell (5% x P15,000)…………………………………………….. 750 14,250 Impairment loss……………………………………………………………………….. P 9,030
19. b
Cost of investment in entity Z………………. ……………………………………………… ..P 28,000 Less: Fair value on December 31, 20x4…………………..................................................... 15,000 Decrease in fair value on December 31, 20x4……………………………………………P 13,000
20. a Entity X:
Cost of investment in entity X………………. …………………………………………… P 10,000 Less: Fair value on December 31, 20x4…………………............................................... 13,000 Increase in fair value on December 31, 20x4………………………………………… P 13,000
Entity Y:
Cost of investment in entity Y………………. …………………………………………… P 15,000 Less: Fair value on December 31, 20x4…………………............................................... 29,000 Increase in fair value on December 31, 20x4………………………………………… P 14,000
21. d – refer to paragraphs PFRSs for SMEs paragraphs 15.10 and 15.11
20x4: P101,000 because recoverable amount – fair value less costs to sell of P98,000 is less than the cost of P101,000. 20x5: P101,000 because it is less than recoverable amount. 20x6: P86,000 because recoverable amount of P86,000 is less than cost of P101,000.
22. e – PFRSs for SMEs paragraphs 15.12, 15.14 and 15.15