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Make Him Desire You™ by Alex Carter


Ever seen a kid at the candy store? I bet you have. Now imagine the same kid staring all over the store from corner to corner, and salivating over every little to big piece of candy, in the store. At first, he just wants the red candy, but then he looks at the green one, and that appears to be more delicious, so he changes his mind, and now wants the green one. But, he doesn’t stop there. Suddenly, he sees the pink candy, and now he has changed his mind all over again, and wants the pink one. He finally gets the pink one, eagerly unwraps it and quickly puts it in his mouth. He absolutely loves how it tastes, but suddenly his mind wonders – If this one tastes this good, I wonder what the other ones taste like? Then he forces his dad to buy him the green one, and then also the red one. But even after tasting 3 candies one after another, he still wants more. Something similar goes on in a man’s mind, when it comes to women and attraction. There is no guarantee that if he likes or even loves you right now, this feeling is going to sustain in his mind, and he will continue to like, or love you forever. In fact, most men are absolutely unconscious to this reality, and are in a reactive mode. In other words, they are completely at prey to their emotions, and only act on how they feel around you.


If they feel good around you, they like you. If they feel attached to you, they love you. And if they feel sexual around you, they will try to have sex with you. You probably know how the drill runs right? But, does that mean that you can’t do anything to ensure that he remains attracted to you, over the long term? No. In fact, there are things you can do, which will make him completely ignore his natural urges, and will make him see you as a high quality woman. A woman he would never ever want to let go. But before I even explain the process to you, let me give you 3 big reasons why you absolutely must learn this... Big reason #1 – Most don’t know that they don’t know, but they think they know… At first, this looks like a fancy play of words, but try to read the above once again. You will realize that the point I’m trying to make is simple – Women assume that they understand men and how their mind works, but they really don’t. I don’t mean to sound rude or arrogant, but majority of women I coach, have very little, to no idea regarding how the male mind functions, and nor do they understand the primary drivers behind why men do what they do.


So, when you don’t clearly understand the true motivation behind why a man ignores, you or avoids you, then you will never be able to alter that reality. However, I'm also not blaming you for it. No one is taught this subject in school, therefore, it's not really your fault for not having enough information in this area. However, the issue I usually encounter is that some women assume, that they understand everything, and there is nothing new under the sun. That's the point when they often harm themselves, because they don't focus on where they could be going wrong. Big reason #2 – You might assume that it’s the man’s fault when It’s really not… I might get some heat for saying this, and some women might even absolutely hate me, but do you know that in certain situations - where you assumed that it was the man’s fault it really wasn’t? Have you ever found your man staring at other women, while he was out on a date with you? How did it make you feel, and the big question is – How did you react when you finally caught him casually glancing at that hot blonde, in the corner of the room? The standard reaction is to blame the man, and mark him as a good for nothing loser, who can’t control himself. But, I have a different view on this, and because of it I’m going to say something outrageous now – It’s not the man’s fault. I know, I know! Sounds ridiculous right?


Well, stay with me because, I’ll explain why I said this very soon but before that, let me get to the big reason number 3. Big reason# 3 – You will get total control of his mind when you understand how he works… Okay, now don’t take this the wrong way, but if you learn and apply everything you’re going to discover in this report, you will find yourself in a very strong position around your man, or any man for that matter. To prove this further, I'd like to give you an example. The example of a moving train. How do you stop a moving train? No really, think about it – How do you stop a moving train? Do you stand in front of it, and assume that just like superwoman, you will be able to bring it to a complete halt? No? Well, It’s obvious that you can’t stop a moving train by standing in front of it, in fact, that’s a perfect recipe to get yourself killed, but why do so many women do this with the man in their life? Trying to make a man do something by asking, forcing, begging, pleading or even arguing, indirectly means, that you are standing in front of the train, and hoping that it would stop. The truth is - It won’t.


So how do you really stop a moving train? Well, first, you wait for the time it’s gets slow, then you run along side it, then you get into the train, and make your way to the main engine and then control the engine from the inside. That’s the easiest way. With a man, you need to do something similar as well. By working on him from the inside, you will have his unconditional love, and devotion or as long as you want. So now, I would like to transition into the next part and tell you 2 really important truths about men, which simply can’t be ignored… Truth # 1 – Men are always fighting their inner urges… Life for a man is pretty complicated. Much more complicated than you can ever imagine. Do you know why? It’s because, majority of the men don’t understand their own psychology and emotions, and are in a reactive mode. Nature didn’t design us to be monogamous. It designed us to ensure the survival of the human race, therefore we naturally desire to spread our seed around, among as many women as possible. I know this sounds like a very nasty thought, but for some weird reason, we come from the factory that way. So just think about it – When you catch your man looking at other women and call him out on it, he won’t really have a good enough reason or answer for it. Becuase the truth is – It’s not an easy answer either way. 6

Deep down, he is really fighting his strong inner urges, which were given to him by good old mother nature. But then, he also has expectations from your end and the society as a whole, which just confuses him. In fact, some men can take this as a personal attack on their freedom, when they are judged for staring at other women. They assume – I am feeling these strong urges all the time, while she is asking me to completely neglect this, and do what she wants me to do. Now, the cold truth is this – Since nature designed men this way, it’s not something you can take out of them by standing in front of the train. Rather you will have to work with this weakness, and turn it in your favor. I’ll show you how to do that soon, but before that let me give you the second truth about men… Truth #2 – When you understand his weaknesses, you turn into his ultimate dream girl… This is completely counter-intuitive, and isn’t something most women even understand, let alone actually try. We have already established that guys are genetically wired to pursue many woman, but once you understand this weakness and work with it, you will turn into this special girl, he would never ever want to let go. You see – Men do want many women but the moment they find a high quality woman, the woman who finally gets their psychology the right way, they can’t help but get strong inner urges to trap her and be around her as much as possible. 7

You see, his mindset and actions around you, will be completely different to his actions around other women once you get this. In other words, he will find himself in a consistent state of desire for you, and will find it hard to think of anyone else but you. Okay, so now you understand the 3 big reasons why you need to understand this, and also 2 core truths about men. Now, the next question is – How do you actually do it? How do you make him feel a consistent level of desire for you? The formula is quite simple – In order to keep him consistently attracted to you, you need to make sure he remains in the bubble of desire. But, what is this bubble of desire? Well, it basically means a state of mind, where a man feels a strong need to capture you. In other words, it is a state of mind, where whenever he thinks of you – He experiences strong feelings of love and attraction for you. So, how does it actually work? Well in order to make him stay in the bubble of desire, you need to do 2 really important things… 1- You need to give him the illusion that he has captured you. 2- You break that illusion once in a while, and let him work a little harder, to capture you again. What do I mean when I say give him the illusion that he’s captured you? Well, since we have already established that a man is genetically wired to pursue as many women as possible. He naturally experiences strong inner desires and urges, to chase a woman, until the time he captures her. 8

This is why you will see that at first, a man works really hard, specially at the early stages of the relationship. He holds hands, and kisses you in public, puts others things on hold just to spend time with you, and even makes you feel really good, as often as possible. But, when a little bit of time passes by, and you find yourself falling for him more and more, you witness that he is withdrawing a little, and things between you two, aren’t as intense as they used to be. The reason why this happens, is because he has captured you, and now the chase has ended. As long as a woman is a big challenge, a man will find himself emotionally charged, and is ready to do anything to get her. But once he gets her, he finds himself a little bored, and wonders – Okay, I have her now. What’s next? So, when you give him the illusion that he has captured you, you are showing him that he does have a little access to you, but, he still doesn’t have complete access. This makes him feel a consistent level of emotional charge, and this is where, he will find himself in a constant state of desire for you. But you must be thinking – Wait a minute here, does this mean, I have to keep on making him chase me? What if I want to be in a relationship with him? This sounds like a game and I don’t like playing games. Well the truth is – You don’t have to keep on doing this, rather you will only do this when you feel, that your relationship is getting a little bit stale. 9

And, if you feel this is too much of a game, then you need to once again read my analogy on how to stop a moving train. Men are genetically wired this way, and you can’t get them to feel a consistent level of desire if you aren’t willing to work with their weakness. Okay, so now let’s get to our second point – Second point states that you break the illusion that he has captured you, once in a while, and make him work hard to capture you once again. This means, the moment he feels that he has completely captured you, you must do something which indirectly shows him that there is a lot more to do, and he might have to work a little harder. I have an interesting story which illustrates this point really well… I had a client who was in a long distance relationship. She met this man on a dating site, and this guy did all the chasing at first. He used to speak to her for 5 to 6 hours on Skype daily from his workplace, in fact, he was spending most of his time just speaking to her. The things were really hot for the first few weeks, and then they finally decided to meet. The meeting went way better for my client, than what she could have ever expected. They met quite a few times after that, and things seemed to be going really well up until the middle of the second month. This is when things started to change a little, as my client found that she was the one calling a lot more, and this man was starting 10

to get a little distant. Their conversations started getting a little dry, and there were times when they didn’t feel like they had much to talk about. Eventually, it got to the point where the man claimed that he was busy for most of his days, and had a lot of work, when in the past he would spend several hours talking to my client from work. So, he was clearly lying to her. Eventually, my client approached me for help, and couldn’t figure out why he was suddenly uninterested in her. After she told me everything, I just said one thing – He isn’t in the bubble of desire anymore. He has been pushed too far back, due to which, he is taking you for granted right now. Then I gave her a very easy solution, which is point number 2. I asked her to pull back a lot more, and wait for him to make the next move. So, for the next few days, she didn’t call him at all, nor did she email him. In other words, she broke the daily pattern she was following. After the first couple of days, the man emailed her and asked, if she would like to come talk to him on Skype. Once again, according to my instructions, she told him that she was a little busy, and will be busy for a while and, will talk to him whenever she gets some time. After the third day or so, this same man was sending her several emails per day, and was showing the same level of interest, he showed at the early phases. 11

So, the lesson was simple here – When the man knew that he had captured the girl, he suddenly felt – Okay, so what’s next now? In short – He felt a little bored because he was out of the pursuit mode. All I really did was ask my client to put him back into the pursuit mode, and make him work a little for her attention. This fixed everything, and he was back in the bubble of desire. So now, try to use this same formula in your own personal life, and look for areas where you might have given a little bit too much. Areas where you know, that maybe you pushed your man outside the bubble of desire. It could be something as simple as – Calling him too much, being too eager to meet him, showing too much love/affection when he isn’t reciprocating, or even things like putting your whole life on hold, to make time for him. I hope you get the point. To conclude, what do you think will happen when you put this advice into action? You will witness that men drool after you exactly like a puppy drools after a piece of bone. Yeah, the analogy sounds a little exaggerated, but is absolutely true. However, at this point you must be thinking - what if it doesn’t work for me? Well, here are two common situations where this advice might not work…


Situation #1 – When the things are beyond the point of return, in your relationship… What does point of return even mean? Well in simple terms, when your partner has seen you in your absolute worst form, and understands you from inside to outside to a point where things seem irreparable, that is where, this advice might not work. I have clients come to me, who have seen both verbal and emotional abuse, yet still want this to work in their relationship. The problem is that, when the issue is so deep that it’s goes beyond the point of return, you might only hurt yourself more by making it work. I can talk about this for hours, but this is another topic for another day, so let’s get to the second situation where it doesn’t work. Situation # 2- When you don’t believe it will work, and make mental judgments instead of trying it out… I can’t tell you how many women I know, who tell me that they’ve tried it all, but nothing works, when in reality, they haven’t really acted on the advice they were given. It is one thing to think of something in your mind and rationally analyze it, just in your mind. And it’s completely another thing to actually go out there, and put it into action. Most women never act because, in their own mind, they make an assumption that it’s not going to work for them, so why even bother trying? This is a massive mistake. The thing is – If you just take action and stop over-analyzing things, you will be surprised at how quickly your life actually changes. 13

Therefore I hope you put this advice into action as fast as possible and I'll love to hear some success stories from your end soon. All the best. Alex


Face Fitness Formula™ by John Socratous 1

Facial Exercises - A Mini Guide

Facial Exercises Guide


Disclaimer Information found in this book, "Facial Exercises - A Mini-Guide” should not be used for diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions, or as a substitute for professional medical care. If you have a health concern or believe you may have a health problem, please consult your healthcare professional. We assert that this is only for informational purposes and is not a substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing a health or fitness problem or disease. You should always consult your own physician and medical advisors. Reasonable care has been taken to provide you with correct and accurate information, but we take no responsibility, nor make any warranties as to its accuracy thereof. We assume no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of our book.

Facial Exercises Guide


Introduction In the current busy and misinformed world, it is not uncommon to find individuals who are very healthy by the looks with heavily built bodies, firm muscles, and sporty physiques because they work out and take good care of their bodies. However, these same people have a totally different look when it comes to the neck up, in their taking care of their bodies they totally ignore the neck up and you might notice that a great percentage of them have wrinkled faces, double chins, chubby cheeks, eye bags and indelible stress marks among other unwelcome facial features. The face is a very important part of the body that most people ignore to take care of, no matter how small it may seem, it is very important. Other than feeding it well, the face needs proper care just like any other part of the body. The good thing is that the face uses the same one main principle that any part of the body uses when it comes to taking care of it: The muscles are just like any other body muscles that should be exercised regularly and long enough. Failing to exercise any muscles in the body may cause them to either loosen or become weak and flabby. To work out the muscles, you will need to have them working “against” something or resistance. Unworked facial muscles will lose tone, become loose, gain fat and seem lifeless, causing dropping and sagging of the face. To give them back life, you will need to exercise them to make them fit, beautiful and healthy through stretching, lifting and contraction. Just like any other bodily muscles, the facial muscles can be given a new lease of life and greater oxygen and blood supply through physical training. While performing facial exercises, you will notice that it has much greater benefits than just getting fit and healthy. The first great advantage of facial exercises is that they slow down the signs of aging by up to fifty percent. We know that aging is often characterized by dark spots, wrinkling, eye bags, and saggy skin among other features and often set in as early as mid-thirties. Most people are always seeking ways to keep their faces young with the treasured youthful appearance and often resort to “magic creams” among other unconventional methods but do these methods of slowing aging signs really work? Are they even natural at all? Yoga is the answer to most people’s facial health problems, simply put. This is not a miracle because its results are astounding but more of a fusion of science and art, they are simple but effective exercises you can do to make the facial skin and muscles smoother, stronger, younger and firmer with better mood and energy and this will impact on your general facial appearance over time. Other than exercising, we will also address at the importance of other facial care procedures including detoxification, purification and distressing on the face, overall body, spirit and mind.

Facial Exercises Guide


Regaining Youthfulness through Facial Fitness Most people understand the benefits of exercising to the muscles, skin, heart and general health but these exercises should not be done only from the neck downwards. The facial muscles and skin deserve toning and firming through exercise too and although it may be a different kind of exercise compared with the rest of the body, they have to be effective. The major problem with facial exercises is that most people have no idea how to do them. The few exercises they know do not seem to be significant in getting the face toned and worked out. It is only through practice that the facial muscles can be toned, continuously and repetitively. Yoga exercises pay off fast, they lift the skin and firm up the sagged and wrinkled areas, they also do away with fine lines and the face will get greater supply of oxygen and blood to make it healthier and full of life. This happens because the toxins and wastes in the face will be washed away and dullness, bloats and stress marks will be done away with too to leave the face rosy, luminescent and full of life.


Cheek and Lip exercises 1. The Satchmo exercises Years of aging and different reactions and expression often take their toll on the cheeks. The satchmo exercises are good to keep the cheek muscles and skin firm and tight. You can do this exercise by puffing up both cheeks with air as hard as you can and then transfer the air from one cheek to another. Do this from left to right and back again to the left cheek four times a set before relaxing. Repeat the exercise up to five times.

2. The Marilyn exercise This exercise will concentrate on strengthening the mouth ring muscles to make the lips firm and the muscles around the mouth stronger. What you need to do is to isolate the facial muscles to blow kisses while keeping the eyebrows unruffled and smooth. You can add more resistance to the exercise by pressing two fingers on the lips then puckering the lips on the fingers. Do three to four repetitions per set, up to five sets a day.

3. The sphinx smile This exercise specifically targets the smile muscles around the mouth and lips. Smiling is a good thing but with time leaves undesirable lines at the end of the mouth and eyes. To get rid of these lines, try keeping the eyes and the eye muscles neutral while lifting the mouth corners across and up. Be relaxed and neutral as you smile and repeat this three to four times per set. This will help get rid of unnecessary smile lines on the face.

Facial Exercises Guide


4. The tongue tracing exercise This exercise will play a big role in keeping the cheeks firm and lips plump. The neck muscles and skin will be toned if this exercise is done right and long enough and the throat will benefit as well. With your mouth open to an O shape, use the tongue to trace the circumference of the lips slowly in one direction then do it again in the opposite direction. Try to keep the eyebrows and forehead relaxed as you do the exercise, three to five times a set.

5. The fish face exercise Toning the smile muscles is not that easy especially since these are the muscles that are relaxed most of the time. However, the fish face can do this if you learn to do it regularly. Purse your lips slightly like a fish, withdrawing your cheeks into shallow hollows to have enhanced cheekbones then try to smile and hold the position for about 15 seconds per rep. This is a good exercise done in front of the mirror and is very effective in toning the facial skin and muscles.

6. The puppet face If you notice that you have developed smooth marionette lines and lifts between the lips and the nose, you will need this exercise to restore a smooth lineless look. Since the exercise works the lips up, it will smooth the area just above the lips and outwards towards the cheeks. Press the fingertips on the creases that are formed on this area, then smile wide and hold the position for a few seconds. Lift the skin around this area up into a smiling position while still pressing hard and repeat twenty to thirty times per set.

7. Tongue and throat Stretching the tongue outside the mouth will work the muscles on the throat, both internal and external. Stick the tongue out as far as you can then hold the position for one minute while keeping the rest of the face relaxed. At times you will notice that your face will water but this is okay. This exercise is beneficial in increasing the blood flow to the different exercised areas; you can even see the effects almost immediately in the form of rosiness.

8. Kiss the ceiling exercise Firm your jawline, the throat and neck using the kiss the ceiling exercise. This exercise will also plump the lips and make them firm and full. Stand upright but with the face facing up then try to kiss the ceiling without leaning forward or backward. Hold the kiss position for a few seconds per repetition and do about five repetitions per set.

Facial Exercises Guide



Forehead and the eyes The eyes are the most noticeable facial features and are often used to judge a person’s character. However, it becomes a big problem if there are unhealthy features distracting the real beauty, like eye bags and wrinkles. These features can be gotten rid of through exercises that target these parts to restore liveliness to the skin and muscles around the eyes and make the skin look younger and smooth.

1. Dancer eyes exercise This exercise targets the eye rings and prevent and heal crow’s feet and the sagging skin problems around the eyes. With the head erect and facing forward, move the eyes far left then slowly to the center and to the right before moving to the center and left again. Do not hold a gaze at any time and repeat this ten times per set. When the eyes look watery, close them or look down for a few seconds.

2. Facial relaxation Also called the Buddha face, this exercise will release any subconscious tightening of the facial skin, furrowing and clenching that often lead to wrinkling and lines. In a seated posture, close the eyes and concentrate on soothing any wrinkles on the face in your mind. Breathe gently and be careful not to let your subconscious mind drift to other things that may affect the emotions, just concentrate on soothing the muscles.

3. Anti-drooping and sagging exercise As the name suggests, this is an exercise that combats facial drooping and skin sagging on the eyelids. The first thing you do is smile with your eyes then place your finger on the crease then use the lower eyelid to increase resistance on the crease. Since this is an isolated movement, try to keep all other facial muscles expressionless.

4. Brow lifting Use your fingers to raise the eyebrows high while keeping the other facial muscles as neutral as possible. You will notice crease lines on the upper eyelids. Apply fingertip pressure on the raised area and keep the pressure on for a few seconds. Counter the fingertip pressure by raising he frontalis muscles while keeping all other facial muscles as neutral as possible. Raise and lower the frontalis muscles quickly while applying fingertip pressure twenty repetitions a set. This exercise will firm the frontalis muscles – you should even notice circulation immediately you are done with the exercise.

Facial Exercises Guide


Yoga Poses Beneficial to the Face Yoga exercises can miraculously transform your face for the better. However, to keep these benefits it is important to keep the face healthy and try to keep proper facial appearance that do not encourage wrinkles, fine lines and other undesired features. This may not be very challenging but the aging factor often comes in and disrupts it all. Facial aging has many effects on the look of the face including the worst signs which are:

Wrinkles – When the skin loses its elasticity, it becomes flabby and causes wrinkles. This happens when one subconsciously over the years clenches and grimaces the facial muscles while expressing their feelings or emotions, in the process creating a mask of undesired features like eye bags, wrinkles and fine lines among others.

Loss of skin tone – Collagen and elastin levels drop with age, the result is that the proteins that are formed by a combination of these two elements will drop and since it is responsible for firming the skin and forming resilience, these two are more likely to fly out the window too. The result is the loss of skin tone, sagging and drooping.

Skin color – With time as a person ages, there will be accumulated dead skin cells on the body, poor blood circulation, accumulation of toxins and debris. The result is that the skin will lose its color to become grayish, ashy and dull. Sometimes this happens on different spots, forming the “aging spots”

Skin dryness – Caffeine, sugar, alcohol and salts dehydrate the skin over time, debris and toxins accumulate and the skin cells will be deprived of oxygen. The result is that the face will puff up and bloat as the skin becomes less defined and papery due to dehydration.

Facial Massage and Acupressure Massage and acupressure has been around for ages and have been proven to be effective in toning the facial muscles and keep it healthy and lively. Since there are nerve endings on the face, it is believed that these are the energy end points that when properly acupressured can release excess stored energy to relax the face and rejuvenate the skin and muscles as well as the nerves. Warm up to the massage or acupressure by rolling the head side to side in half circles. Next are the shoulders. Roll them up, back, down and front then reverse the direction of rolling. Do side-stretches on the neck two to three times to loosen the tissues and stimulate blood nerves. Facial massage is a perfect way to get back the supple, glowing and rosy complexion on the face. Pure regular oil or moisturizing cream can be used although essential oils containing floral extracts and herbs will still do. You can rub a small amount of oil in your palms at a time then start at the center of the face to work the skin and muscles using your fingertips. Work from the center outwards in circles making sure to work the chins, nose, cheeks, between the nose and the mouth as well as the forehead and

Facial Exercises Guide


temples. Feel the facial contours as you do this then complete the massage by tapping the oil on the face to be absorbed as treatment.

Vital Facial Rejuvenation and Massage Techniques 1. Get rid of the brow and the forehead wrinkles Rub your temples and forehead using your knuckles, starting at the center of the forehead and radiating it out to the temples. This process will get rid of wrinkles over time as well as relieving stress and headaches.

2. Prevent wrinkles and smooth out facial lines The area between the nose and the eyes is a great acupressure point that is helpful in relieving sinus conditions. You can smooth out the facial wrinkles and fine lines by pressing the index finger on this area and the thumb on the inner side of the eyebrows.

3. Fighting eye bags and eye area discoloration You will need to rub outer point of the nostrils to rid the facial toxins that often cause eye bags and eye discoloration. To detoxify the skin and oxygenate it, press the index finger on the apple of the cheeks.

4. Loosen up tension on the face Brushing off exercise will relax the facial muscles and release tension. Place the fingertips at the center of the forehead then sweep horizontally outwards, repeating this five times. Brush downwards from the eye sockets too, lightly running the fingers down the cheeks.

5. How to improve skin color Use your thumb and index finger to pull the middle earlobes to the side repetitively five times. Grab the lower ear lobes and pull them five times as well then do the same for the upper ear lobes. This is ancient Indian yoga techniques enhances circulation on the face to restore color.

Facial Exercises Guide


Feeding the Face One of the biggest problems people face when it comes to proper health care is what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat. As far as facial care is concerned, what you eat directly determines how healthy you will be. Proper diet is the key to proper health, it will determine how fast your skin will age, production of new cells to replace older cells, blood circulation on the skin, toxins removal and generally the look and feel of the skin. Here are a few tips to guide you to eat well and feed the face to make it healthier and young.

1. Give full attention to your meals Eating should be a gradual process that is not hurried, it should be an independent activity and not a by the way thing. Chew food properly in silence and be sure to notice all the texture, aroma, colors and aromas of the food. Concentrate on your meals and avoid any distractions that may make you swallow improperly chewed food or tempt you to go for fast foods next time.

2. Eat well to your full Be careful not to over eat but eat well. Your body knows what it needs and how much of it is required and you have to supply it. As long as you are eating healthy, you will know that eating and keeping healthy is a balancing act that you have to do it yourself.

3. Do not eat if you are not hungry Do not eat just because there is food, you will train the body to demand more and more. Eat a balanced diet and try to stay away from regular snacks that are rich in carbohydrates, fats and other unhealthy food preservatives and coloring. If you have to grab a bite once in a while, go for a fruit or something with fiber because they are healthier than processed foods.

4. Your food should be whole To minimize the chances of overeating and regular temptations to grab a snack, eat whole meals rich in fiber because they take longer to be processed, make you full faster and best of all contain only good ingredients for your skin and body in general.

5. Take lots of water throughout the day Water should not be reserved only for meal times, practice drinking water throughout the day to assist in digestion and to detoxify the body. A healthier skin should be properly hydrated at all times and the best way to do this is to ingest as much water as you can through drinking.

Facial Exercises Guide


Skin Maintenance and Improvement Other than feeding the skin, there are some basic steps you will find necessary to maintain a healthy and vibrant skin that when combined with proper feeding and exercise makes the skin healthier, more vibrant and lively. These are cleansing, sloughing, refining, moisturizing, purifying and protection.

Cleansing This is a very important facial procedure that removes bacteria, excess dirt and oils. Although there are many over the counter cleansing agents, not all are appropriate for all skin types; one has to be very careful when choosing the skin cleanser to use. The bottom line of skin cleansing is the removal of dead skin cells that form a layer on the skin. It is advisable to cleanse the face at least thrice every week using refined cleansing methods.

Sloughing This is the removal of the accumulated dead skin cells on the face. The dead skin cells often cause discoloration and damaging of the living cells but can be easily sloughed away using fruit ingredients. The citric acid in the fruits will exfoliate the skin to expose the healthy alive skins for a better look.

Refining Refining is done using toners. This is the removal of excessive oil in the skin to brighten the skin and make it rosy. Sometimes refining works well in combination with moisturizing but this largely depends on whether your skin type is dry or oily.

Moisturizing Moisturizing is dampening the skin. The most common moisturizing mistake that people make is to use excessive moisturizer. If you have an oily face, it may not be necessary to use excessive moisturizer because the skin will moisturize itself anyway.

Purifying Clay is one of the best cleansers because it leaches itself on impurities on the skin and those under the skin surface and dries the oils that may be present on the skin as well. This will leave the skin healthier and better looking.

Protection Skin protection is important, the facial skin is particularly very vulnerable to most hazards and dangers of the environment since it is always exposed. The sun’s rays are particularly very dangerous on the skin and you have to put measures in place to protect yourself from its harmful effects. Wear protective sunshield even when there is no direct sunlight to prolong the life of your skin.

Facial Exercises Guide


Conclusion When you meet someone at any time, the first place that will make an impression is not even in your handshake – it is the look on the face. It is therefore safe to say that the face represents your overall personality and since you only have one shot of making a first impression, why not wear a healthy, beautiful looking face that will leave a positive impression of the rest of your body? The double chins problem, chubby cheeks, crow leg lines, wrinkles and eye bags are facial features we need not put up with the rest of our lives, you can have a new you by following a simple but effective guide to restore the youthful and healthy you. Whether you are young or old, thin or fat, the Face Fitness Formula will do wonders in giving you the lean, beautiful and firm face that represents your real identity. This formula is guaranteed to work and is not that taxing. You need to set aside only 14 minutes of your day and get the perfect facial look without going for expensive and painful surgeries, no side effects, no healing time and there are 15,000 who have benefit from the Face Fitness Formula.

Face Fitness Formula Not only is it natural and safe, it also gives you results within a very short time of four weeks and has been described as the greatest no-fail facial fitness program anywhere. You now have no reason to hate your face every time you pass a mirror or dread the time you meet new people because you can shape your identity. Get rid of face fat, double chins, eye bags, rid aging signs and sculpt those cheek bones among other facial improvements, all in one face fitness formula.

Download The Face Fitness Formula Today! CLICK HERE

Facial Exercises Guide

Flawless Face Secrets To Looking Leaner, Younger And Happier


Disclaimer Information found in this book, “Flawless Face” should not be used for diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions, or as a substitute for professional medical care. If you have a health concern or believe you may have a health problem, please consult your healthcare professional. We assert that this is only for informational purposes and is not a substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing a health or fitness problem or disease. You should always consult your own physician and medical advisors. Reasonable care has been taken to provide you with correct and accurate information, but we take no responsibility, nor make any warranties as to its accuracy thereof. We assume no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of our book.

Facial Exercises Guide


Introduction In recent years, there has been a lot of discussion regarding beauty and appearance. You often hear people say “beauty is only skin deep.” However, those same people invest much time, energy, and money trying to look flawless. We want to believe that our looks do not matter and that focusing on appearance is vanity. The fact of the matter is that it is one of our most basic human instincts to place value on appearance. In prehistoric times, early humans used appearance to choose mates and leaders. In modern times, your appearance remains equally important. Your face is the focal point of your appearance and you are completely justified in wanting to have the best face possible. It is the part of your body other’s first see and it is the main body part used for communication. Therefore, it is easy to understand why the way your face looks can impact your successes or failures in life. Most of your body is relatively easy to perfect. It is not that achieving overall fitness is easy, but it is gained through basic steps. If you eat right, live healthily, and exercise regularly you will gain a lean, fit body which is the envy of all your peers. Unfortunately, achieving a face that others are envious of is a more complex task. It will take concentration and commitment. No matter how dedicated you have been to improving your looks, you will have to do more. A flawless face does require exercise, a healthy diet, and good lifestyle choices, but the requirements do not stop there. You need to nurture your skin. You must learn to control your facial muscles and expression. You must learn to release tension which ages and degrades your looks. These are only a few of the changes you must make to reach your goals. There are important changes you must make, but they are not impossible and you should not feel overwhelmed. In fact, you will find these changes make you happier and healthier. This will further increase your rejuvenated and vibrant appearance. With guidance, you will finally learn the secrets to sculpt your face into the youthful, sexy, and strong vision you want it to be.

Facial Exercises Guide


First, Skip the Injections It may seem like a simple idea. You want to have a younger looking face and you believe the easiest way to do that is to head to the doctor for a shot of Botox or whatever is the latest beauty medicine. It does seem easy, but in the long run you are only adding to your problem. Next time you head to the market, check out the cover of the social magazines and tabloids at the newsstand. You are bound to see dozens of people, men and women, who have the unmistakable look of an artificially enhanced face. According to society, these are the “beautiful people”, but what do you really see when you look at them? Do you see people who are obviously insecure? Are you reading headlines blatantly exposing their enhanced looks and essentially mocking them? Do you dismiss their looks because they are clearly not earned and not naturally occurring? If you answered yes to those questions, you are not alone. More and more, people are turning away from unnatural beauty. People who are clearly using injections to improve their looks are losing the respect of the public. If the growing social unacceptability of artificial enhancements is not enough to stop you, consider what you are doing to yourself physically. Injections leave you bruised for a day or more, which is surely not how you want to present yourself. They also artificially plump up your skin, leaving a hollow appearance once they wear off. Finally, these injections are filled with harmful chemicals. Every day we learn about one more chemical that causes deadly diseases like cancer or worse. Medicines that were once thought to be safe are now known to cause vast damage. Do you really want to chance your long term health and your most prominent feature, your face, just for a few weeks of artificial skin rejuvenation?

Control What Your Face Says About You Have you ever noticed someone who would otherwise be very attractive, but something about their face gives them the exact opposite appearance? This is not a reference to a scar or some other blemish that cannot be helped. It is someone who has a lean face with defined muscle, yet something subconsciously detracts from their attractiveness. No matter how fit their face is, they are projecting an image that is flawed. They might be a strong individual, but their face does not send that signal. Assuming that no one would purposely want to appear flawed, they probably not aware of the problem. Not being aware of the problem means they have no control over it. Facial Exercises Guide


Is your face betraying you in the same manner? Have you ever seen a picture of yourself when you did not know you were being photographed? Did the image seem like a stranger? Did you think you looked tired, depressed, mean, or was some other negative emotion clouding the beauty of your face? If the answer is yes, then you are not in control of what your face says about you to the world.

Training Involuntary Muscles A smile or a frown is one of the simplest ways to communicate. There are over 43 muscles in your face, all controlled by the cranial nerve. They are responsible for every facial expression or movement you have, but the most common and understood is the smile or frown. These two expressions are so simple and yet can change your appearance so much. A rather plain person can look young and vibrant with a big smile on their face. An otherwise stunning beauty can look horrid walking around with a frown.

What Do You Look Like When You Are Not Concentrating? Of the 43 muscles in your face, over half are “involuntary” muscles. This means they act without you having to consciously think about moving. Unfortunately, for most people the natural state of these involuntary muscles is to form a frown. As busy schedules and hectic lifestyles take a toll on our psyche, those frowns become more intense until they form lines on our face. How do you think that frown is perceived by the other people you meet? Here is a quick way to find out. Get a darker makeup pencil such as a blemish concealer or brow liner. Get close to the mirror and let your face form its natural, resting expression. If you see any obvious lines, color them in with the pencil. Next, try to exaggerate your frown as much as possible, changing your expression from sadness, to frustration, to anger. Each time you change your expression, make sure you color in any obvious lines. Once you are confident you have contorted your face for every negative emotion, resume your natural resting expression.

Facial Exercises Guide


Chances are, you are not happy with what you are seeing. However, what you are seeing is how your face projects itself to the world when you are affected by negative emotions. Even your resting facial expression probably projects a negative image. Granted, these colored in lines on your face are an extreme representation. This does not mean that the facial lines which exist naturally are not giving others the same impression. You should also know if you continue to age with negative emotions clouding your life, your face will begin to resemble these lines more and more.

Change Your Involuntary Expression The best way to correct this problem is to change the expression on your face even when you are not concentrating on it. Put simply, you need to smile more. However, it is more than simply smiling when you think about it. You have to retrain your brain to smile even in a natural resting state. You may try to convince yourself that you already smile a lot. This is a very common mistake. To prove it, set a timer for 5 minutes and then make sure you maintain a smile the entire time. At the end of the 5 minutes, your face will feel the same relief your arm would feel if you had just released a very heavy load. If you were regularly exercising your smiling muscle, you would not have felt any relief when you stopped smiling. In fact, not smiling would have been more work. It is time you started working out your smile muscles. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done, but it is not impossible. Any bad habit can be broken. You can break the habit of letting your negative emotions keep you from a flawless face. Although it can seem contradictory, smiling is the quickest and most effective way to relieve your negative emotions. A smile actually exercises certain facial muscles. When these muscles are flexed, it makes the skin more radiant, firm, and supple. The more you exercise your smile muscles, the more your involuntary muscles will be trained to naturally stay in a smile-like position. Furthermore, the use of your muscles in this way will signal your brain to release endorphins, the hormones used to reduce stress and increase joy. Of course, being stress free and happy is the best way to achieve a more flawless face that others are envious of.

Facial Exercises Guide


Smiling Exercises You must make an effort to smile every moment that you can. Even in the most stressful situations, you must make certain you are smiling. A good exercise is to set a timer at 10 minute intervals throughout the day. Each time it goes off, note if you were smiling. Then, make an effort to keep smiling as long as possible until the next interval is up. Bad habit breaking is a slow process and it may take more than a month to achieve the results you want. However, if you focus eventually you will find that you are smiling each time the timer sounds. You also need to retrain your brain so that smiles come more naturally. Instead of seeking out the negative, focus on the positive. If you are in a very stressful situation, take a look around. It may be a person across the street who is unconsciously whistling a happy tune or the child in the backseat of the car next to you who looks ready to burst with energy. Somewhere in sight there is always something to smile about. It is important that you form a habit of looking for the positive. You should incorporate this idea into the smiling exercise you learned earlier. Each time the timer goes off, make a note of something worth smiling about, no matter how large or insignificant it will be. This will train your brain to quickly and automatically seek out the happier aspects of life. There are also other diversions which will surely increase your smile frequency. Taking a walk outside is bound to produce a smile once you are surrounded by fresh air, sites, sounds, new faces, and the increased blood flow from the exercise. Taking up a new hobby or getting a new pet will also help relieve stress and increase your natural smiles.

Facial Exercises Guide


Use a Caring Touch Without knowing it, we touch our face hundreds of time a day. A touch may be to apply lotion in the morning, brush a stray hair away from our cheek, rub our weary eyes, or wash our face at the end of a long day. No matter the reason, you should always handle your face with care.

Don’t Let Delicate Skin Stand in Your Way There is a myth that if you touch your skin you will cause wrinkles and discoloring. Your skin is thinner on your face and more delicate, but not that delicate. In fact, it thrives from being touched. Touch is one of your most basic sensations. All of your skin is designed to feel and be touched, including your face. Has a touch ever caused goosebumps or some other emotional response? This is your skin’s way of telling you it enjoyed the sensation of touch. Your face enjoys touch just as much as the rest of your body. This is why facials and other forms of facial massage are so popular, because your delicate skin still wants to be touched. It is a subconscious desire that, when fulfilled, makes your skin thrive.

The Nurturing Touch of Acupressure Sometimes a caring touch does not necessarily mean a soft touch. There are times when a stronger hand is needed. This is when many people turn to massage, but acupuncture can be more productive. Many factors influence how healthy and flawless your face appears. As you have learned earlier, your negative emotions can disfigure you. Smiling is important to keep your face lightened and healthy. However, sometimes the muscles and skin of your face can actually trap and store negative energy, compounding the effects. When your face traps this negative energy, it has many consequences. Naturally, your expression is going to remain in a constant smile or frown, artificially aging you, detracting from your looks, and essentially turning people off. However, the tension you feel will also become very pronounced on your face. Facial Exercises Guide


The areas of your face which hold in your negative energy, such as your temples or between your eyes, are going to quickly get deep lines. The same pressure that forms these deep lines is also restricting blood flow to the area which will cause water retention and skin discoloring. In the end, your dissatisfaction with your appearance will cause even greater tension and start a cycle of negative energy. This is when an extreme, but nurturing, touch is needed. Westerners are very familiar with the alternative healing practice of acupuncture, but acupressure is a better alternative for the face. The act of simply applying pressure to certain locations of the face can help you release that stored energy and almost instantly rejuvenate your skin.

A Sample Exercise There are acupressure experts who can help you relieve the most severe cases of negative tension. However, there are plenty of techniques you can do at home to ensure it never gets that bad. For example, lay down on the floor with your head fully relaxed. Use your finger tips to massage the top of your head. Then, move them in a flowing motion from your crown to the base of your head at the spine. Apply as much pressure as you can tolerate. While the top of your head is not your face, applying pressure in this location can have a tremendous benefit and greatly improve your appearance. The ancient Chinese call this area of the head the “Pool of Wind” because energy stored here can travel throughout the body. Releasing this energy is known to cure headaches, improve vision, and repair stiffness at the neck. Headaches are caused by muscles that are too taut. Eye vision is impaired when muscles squeeze too tightly on the cornea and optic nerve. The neck becomes stiff when muscles pull on it too greatly. This one exercise can relieve this muscle based pain. Naturally, it also relaxes all of the muscles in your face, softening your appearance. The relief of this tension will naturally calm and relax you, further reducing your tension. Essentially, this one exercise can break the cycle of tension and start a cycle that will keep your face looking youthful and beautiful. If only one technique can be so powerful, imagine how you would benefit using intensive acupressure.

Facial Exercises Guide


Eliminate the Fat, Increase the Muscle Everything you have learned so far in this report will help give your face a more youthful and bright appearance. Of course, all of this work is useless if your flawless face is concealed by extra layers of fat and poor muscle quality. In this society, a face must also be lean and tone to be considered attractive. To finally achieve your flawless face, you must also lose the extra fat and weak muscles concealing your true potential. Fat makes your face appear puffy and distorts the way the skin should naturally lay. It stretches out the skin and causes irregular bagging and discoloring. It makes skin more prone to acne and other skin problems. Facial fat also increases water retention in your fat, making chubby cheeks appear more bloated and full. Essentially, extra fat in your face adds years to your appearance and masks the brightness it should have. It has been said that body fat can act like an additional entity in your body, affecting your overall health and changing the shape of your body. It can be very difficult to lose body fat. Unfortunately, even after losing body fat many people are still left with lingering facial fat because they gain fat in their face first but lose it there last. Think about how many people you have seen who have fantastically fit bodies, but they still have facial fat. It throws off their appearance. No matter how youthful their body looks and feels, they still seem haggard and unhealthy. Facial fat has to be eliminated and muscle tone increased to take their appearance to the next level.

A Nutrient Rich Diet You already know that you have to eat right to look good. To eliminate facial fat, you must increase your efforts to eat right. This does not mean you need to starve yourself, it just means you should optimize your food to include the most nourishment. Eating a nourishing diet is not complicated; it is based on making smart choices. If you are already focusing on fitness in your life, then you are probably already avoiding fast foods, sugary drinks, and starchy foods. This is a great step in the right direction. Some people go over board and often choose fat-free and sugar-free foods believing they are making the right choice. However, this common mistake can actually increase your Facial Exercises Guide


facial fat instead of decrease it. Sugar-free foods are often artificially sweetened. Did you know that artificial sweeteners are made from the same chemical compounds as household cleaners such as bleach? Obviously you would not want to consume bleach because of the dangerous side effects, but you should not expect any different result when you eat artificially sweetened food. Fat-free foods often have a disproportionate amount of sugar to make the product more appetizing. Additionally, they are filled with chemical fillers to keep the same consistency as the normal version. These chemicals slow down your metabolism, causing you to gain weight. Furthermore, fat-free fillers also strip your body of chromium which is an essential nutrient for building muscle and breaking down excess fat. Instead of these unhealthy alternatives, you should choose naturally healthy foods. Certain foods can specifically enhance the youthfulness and fitness of your face. For example, you already know that chromium is essential to weight loss and muscle gain, but did you know whole grains and broccoli are an excellent source of chromium? This is only the beginning; there are literally thousands of foods rich in the nutrients you need to have a stronger, leaner face and more vibrant skin.

More Exercise = More Tone and Less Fat If you are in good shape, but still have lingering facial fat then you are going to have to kick your exercise regiment up a notch. Unfortunately, the fact is that simply exercising your face will not guarantee you will lose facial fat. You cannot direct fat burning to a specific portion of your body. You must exercise enough to keep the fat off of your entire body. The more you exercise the less facial fat you will have. However, not being able to direct fat burning to your face does not mean you should stop your exercises at your shoulders. Exercising your facial muscles to increase tone gives you a lean look that matches your lean body. It makes the cheek bones and chin become more defined. Tone facial muscles accentuate your best features, without having to artificially achieve those qualities with chemicals of makeup. When you have more muscle definition in your face, it changes how you are perceived. It provides the appearance of strength and power. These attributes are socially associated with beauty and success. Facial Exercises Guide


Ask your grandmother, she will probably tell you about a “chin firming” secret that her grandmother taught her. They knew beauty did not only include healthy skin and a nice smile, it meant having a lean, muscular face. You have to exercise your face. If you are dubious about the effectiveness of facial exercises, try this simple test. Hold your breath and puff out your cheeks, as if you were a famous trumpet player squeezing out a high note. Hold the facial position for 60 seconds. When you release the position, were your facial muscles clearly fatigued and ready for rest? If you answered yes, this means those muscles were out of shape. Now, imagine how your face would look if those weak muscles were stronger. Performing facial exercises has three benefits. Of course, you build muscles in your face to achieve the tone you want. However, the increased activity in your face will proportionately increase the blood flow to your face. Fresh, oxygenated blood will give your skin a youthful blush and luminescent appearance. If you have any discoloring in your skin, exercise will help flush away those old skin cells. It will nourish skin as it grown healthy, new cells. Also, muscle uses fat as fuel. The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn. Although you cannot direct fat burning to your face, any body part that has greater muscle tone will help the overall body, including the face, stay fat free.

Getting Facially Fit Eliminating fat and improving muscle tone are the final steps to getting a flawless appearance of youth and vibrancy. However, normal dieting and the age-old “chin firming” secrets are not enough to get the best results. You need to become facially fit. The models, actors, and fitness stars you see with naturally strong, youthful faces did not achieve those results by chance. They used intensive techniques to eradicate facial fat and build up facial muscle. While they may have had professional coaching, this does not mean you cannot achieve the same fantastic results. You can get those same professional results using the Face Fitness Formula program. This 30-Day program can help you finally eradicate your chubby cheeks and build facial muscle. Essentially, the program can turn a mediocre face into a tone, sexy one.

Facial Exercises Guide


Face Fitness Formula There are basically four components to Face Fitness Formula. First, you will be taught how to detoxify and cleanse your body of unhealthy foods, chemicals, and other dangerous substances. These toxins are the primary cause of chubby cheeks and discolored skin. The next stage will teach you how to revitalize by teaching you skin care, diet, and facial exercise techniques which accelerate the production of healthy skin and muscles. In the third stage, your diet and exercises will intensify with the purpose of strengthening the facial muscles. Finally, you will learn the techniques to finely sculpt your muscles to achieve the definition you want. In addition to the 30-Day program, Face Fitness Formula, will show you how to maintain your results long term. You will learn more about stress, mental outlook, and sleep to help you further master a youthful, bright appearance. Although the diet to achieve a flawless face is very detailed, the program will give you plenty of help with suggested menus and grocery shopping lists. Face Fitness Formula is a one-stop source to completing your face transformation by losing fat and gaining muscle. You have retrained your face to voluntarily project happiness and vibrancy. You have retrained your mind to focus on calm and relaxing thoughts instead of the stress that ages your appearance. If you can retrain your body to build up facial muscles and stop storing fat, you will finally be able to put your best face forward.

Download The Face Fitness Formula Today! CLICK HERE

Facial Exercises Guide

The Easiest, Most Affordable Way To Add Definition To Your Jaw Line And Cheeks So You Too Can Now Look And Feel Sexier...


Dear Friend, Congratulations and thank you for your purchase! You’re all set to take advantage of this proven 30-Day program to lose face fat and sculpt higher cheekbones – without surgery. Setting out on a month-long regime which requires you to stick to a disciplined diet and exercise regime can seem like a very uphill and even overwhelming prospect especially if you are confused and unsure about where to begin. And hence, to simplify this transition from a relatively unhealthy lifestyle to a more holistic, well-balanced one, we recommend that you follow these six simple steps which take you from chipmunk cheeks to a perfectly sculpted face.

STEP #1: Take your time with the e-book, exploring "Part One" thoroughly so that you understand the basics of my 30-day program. Don’t try to jump the gun and simply skim through the chapters in a bid to save time and effort. In all probability, doing so may confuse and flummox you even further, and even lead to misguided efforts which lead you further away from your goal than when you first started out. Click Here To Expore Part 1

STEP #2: Read and understand the 30-Day Plan. Unlike all the other instant quick-fixes that you have tried, tested and discarded, my 30-day plan does recommend a well-balanced approach to your dietary and fitness regimes. And so, before you set out to implement the guidelines which the e-book recommends, spare a few minutes to customize the plan as per your daily schedule, to ensure the best possible results with a minimal investment of time and resources. Click Here to Read & Understand 30-Day Plan (Part 2)

STEP #3: Print the "Weekly Meal Planners" and put them up somewhere convenient so that you can refer

to them at a moment’s notice. The four Weekly Meal planners provide you with a comprehensive outline of the milestones – both in terms of diet and exercise – that you need to achieve everyday. Having this information close at hand works wonders in helping you organize your day better instead of spending unnecessary amounts of time hunching up in front of your computer. Click Here to Download

STEP #4: Download and Print the Grocery Lists and make sure you have everything you need for your weekly program. Although buying all the groceries at one go may seem like a much easier solution, we do recommend that you stock up on a weekly basis to ensure that the food you eat is as fresh as possible. Storing your food, especially vegetables for too long, can result in a large number of nutrients withering away, leaving you with a mere fraction of what your body needs. Click Here to Download

STEP #5: Setting Up an Appointment With Yourself to Start the Program. When you resolve to implement the 30-day diet, make sure that you have plenty of time to devote on yourself on the very first day. If possible, start on a Saturday, so that you can devote every Sunday during this 30-day period to relaxing and rejuvenating yourself. Take a picture before you begin to allow you to track the changes in your facial contours as you advance from one week to the next.

STEP #6: Follow the Program & I’ll Send You $100! Once you have completed the 30-day course, take a picture of yourself and compare it with the one you took right before you started out. Send us both these pictures, along with a little video clip of yourself telling us about your experiences with my program. If we are impressed with what we see – as we are very likely to be – I’ll personally send you $100!

And remember, I am here to help you. If you ever need help or just want to ask a question, contact us at [email protected] or by phone at +357-25-581-478. Once again, thank you for your purchase and keep reading! Talk soon,

John Socratous CEO of The Face Fitness Center

Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia

Bikini Bootcamp Exercise Guide 6 Weeks To A Stronger Healthier Body

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B E G I N N E R S : D oy o u r p u s h u p so ny o u r k n e e su n t i l y o u b u i l du pt h es t r e n g t ht od ot h e mo ny o u r t o e s . S t a r t l y i n gf a c ed o wnwi t hh a n d sr i g h t o u t s i d ey o u r c h e s t . S q u e e z ey o u r a b si na n dk e e py o u r b o d yi nas o l i d p l a n kp o s i t i o na sy o up r e s sa wa yf r o mt h ef l o o r . ( I t i s o k a yt op e e l u pa t f i r s t i f y o un e e dt ou n t i l y o uc a n b u i l du pt h es t r e n g t ht oh o l dy o u r b o d ys o l i di t ʼ s b e t t e r t og e t f u l l r a n g eo f mo t i o nt h a nt on o t p u s ha l l t h ewa yu p . )O n c ey o u ʼ r ea t t h et o po f y o u r p l a n k , s h o u l d e r ss h o u l db ed i r e c t l yo v e r y o u r wr i s t sa n d h a n d ss h o u l db ea b o u t s h o u l d e r wi d t ha p a r t , f i n g e r s s l i g h t l yp o i n t e di n wa r d . D ON O Ta r c hy o u r l o we r b a c k . A b ss t a yt i g h t t h ee n t i r et i mea n de y e ss t a yo nt h e f l o o r . S l o wl yl o we r d o wn . R e p e a t . A D V A N C E D : S t a r t i nap l a n kp o s i t i o no ny o u r t o e s , s q u e e z i n gy o u r a b si na n dk e e p i n gy o u r b o d ys o l i da sy o ul o we r d o wnt ot h e f l o o r . S h o u l d e r ss h o u l db ed i r e c t l yo v e r y o u r wr i s t sa n dh a n d ss h o u l db ea b o u t s h o u l d e r wi d t ha p a r t , p o s s i b l ywi d e r . E l b o wst r a v e l b a c ka t a b o u t a4 5d e g r e ea n g l ea n df i n g e r sma yp o i n t s l i g h t l yi n wa r d . A b ss h o u l ds t a yt i g h t t h ee n t i r et i me . D ON O Ta r c hy o u r l o we r b a c k . K e e py o u r e y e so nt h ef l o o r a sy o up r e s st h ef l o o r a wa ye n s u r i n gf u l l r a n g eo f mo t i o n( ” c h e s t t od e c k ” ) .

L a yf l a t o nt h eg r o u n do r b e n c hwi t ht h ewe i g h t si n e a c hh a n ds t r a i g h t o v e r y o u r c h e s t wi t hy o u r p a l ms f a c i n gi n wa r dt o wa r d so n ea n o t h e r . Wi t has l i g h t b e n d i ny o u r e l b o ws , l o we r t h ewe i g h t t o wa r dt h ef l o o r ma k i n ga“ T ”s h a p ewi t hy o u r u p p e r b o d y . E x h a l ea s y o ub r i n gt h ewe i g h t b a c ku pt ot h es t a r t i n gp o s i t i o n . S i t d o wno nt h eg r o u n d , p i c ku py o u r we i g h t sc a r e f u l l y a n dT H E Nl i eb a c k . L y i n gf l a t o nt h eg r o u n do r b e n c hwi t h a b si na n dwe i g h t si ne a c hh a n d , s t a r t wi t hy o u r e l b o ws a t 9 0d e g r e e s( p e r p e n d i c u l a r t ot h ef l o o r )a n da r msi n l i n ewi t hy o u r c h e s t . Y o u r p a l mss h o u l df a c ed o wnt o wa r d y o u r f e e t a n dy o u r a r mss h o u l dl o o kl i k eg o a l p o s t s . S l o wl yp r e s st h ewe i g h t su pu n t i l y o u r a r msa r es t r a i g h t a n dy o u r we i g h t sa r ea b o u t 2 3i n c h e sa p a r t . Y o u r we i g h t ss h o u l db er i g h t i nl i n ewi t hy o u r b r e a s t b o n e , N O T o v e r y o u r f a c eo r o v e r y o u r b e l l y b u t t o n . C a r e f u l l yl o we r t h e mb a c kd o wnt ot h es t a r t i n gp o s i t i o na n dr e p e a t . I n h a l ea sy o ul o we r , e x h a l ea sy o up r e s su p .

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S t a n d i n gu p r i g h t wi t hy o u r c o r e e n g a g e d , h o l dad u mb b e l l i ne a c hh a n d a n dr a i s ey o u r a r msu pt os h o u l d e r h e i g h t wi t hy o u r p a l msf a c i n gf o r wa r d . P r e t e n dy o u r a r msa r eaf i e l dg o a l l i k e i nf o o t b a l l . K e e py o u r e l b o wsa t s h o u l d e r h e i g h t t h r o u g h o u t t h ee x e r c i s e . E x h a l ea n dp r e s sy o u r d u mb b e l l s o v e r h e a d , t h e ns l o wl yl o we r u n t i l y o u r e a c ht h es t a r t i n gp o s i t i o n . S t a n d i n gu p r i g h t wi t hy o u r c o r ee n g a g e d , h o l dad u mb b e l l i ne a c hh a n d wi t hy o u r p a l msf a c i n gi nt o wa r d sy o u r b o d y . E x h a l ea n dr a i s ey o u r d u mb b e l l so u t t ot h es i d e su pt os h o u l d e r h e i g h t , t h e ns l o wl yl o we r u n t i l y o ur e t u r nt ot h es t a r t i n gp o s i t i o n . K e e py o u r s h o u l d e r b l a d e sh e l db a c k a n dd o wna smu c ha sp o s s i b l et h r o u g h o u t t h i smo v e me n t . I f d o i n gb o t h a r msi st o od i f f i c u l t , y o uma ya l t e r n a t el e f t a n dr i g h t a r ms , p e r f o r mi n g o n l yo n ea r mr a i s ea t at i me .

S t a n d i n gu p r i g h t wi t hy o u r c o r ee n g a g e d , h o l dad u mb b e l l i n e a c hh a n dwi t hy o u r p a l msf a c i n gb e h i n dy o u . E x h a l ea n dr a i s e y o u r d u mb b e l l su pt os h o u l d e r h e i g h t , t h e ns l o wl yl o we r u n t i l y o u r e t u r nt ot h es t a r t i n gp o s i t i o n . K e e py o u r s h o u l d e r b l a d e sh e l d b a c ka n dd o wna smu c ha sp o s s i b l et h r o u g h o u t t h i smo v e me n t . I f d o i n gb o t ha r msi st o od i f f i c u l t , y o uma ya l t e r n a t el e f t a n dr i g h t a r ms , p e r f o r mi n go n l yo n ea r mr a i s ea t at i me .

P l a c ef e e t a b o u t s h o u l d e r wi d t ha p a r t . Wi t has l i g h t b e n di ny o u r k n e e s , l e a nf o r wa r dt oa b o u t a4 5d e g r e ea n g l ewi t haf l a t b a c k a n dy o u r c o r ee n g a g e d . I t ʼ sS U P E Ri mp o r t a n t t ok e e py o u r a b s t i g h t a n yt i mey o ua r ei nab e n t o v e r p o s i t i o n . H o l dy o u r d u mb b e l l si nf r o n t o f y o u r c h e s t wi t has l i g h t b e n di ny o u r e l b o w . R a i s e a r mso u t t oy o u r s i d e s , l e a d i n gwi t hy o u r p i n k yf i n g e r , u n t i l y o u r e l b o wsa r es l i g h t l yh i g h e r t h a ny o u r s h o u l d e r s , t h e nr e t u r nt ot h e s t a r t i n gp o s i t i o n . E x h a l ea sy o ur a i s et h ewe i g h t s , i n h a l ea sy o u s l o wl yl o we r t h e md o wn .

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L y i n gf l a t o nt h eg r o u n do r ab e n c h , h o l d d u mb b e l l so v e r y o u r s h o u l d e r swi t hs t r a i g h t a r msa n dp a l msf a c i n ge a c ho t h e r . D ON O T h o l dt h e mo v e r y o u r f a c ea n db ev e r y c a r e f u l n o t t od r o py o u r we i g h t s . S a f ef o r m i sv e r yc r u c i a l h e r e( t h i se x e r c i s ei sa l s o k n o wna st h e“ s k u l l c r u s h e r ”a n dy o uc a ng u e s swh y ) . Wi t h o u t mo v i n gy o u r e l b o ws , i n h a l ea sy o uh i n g ea t t h ee l b o wl o we r i n gt h e we i g h t sd o wnt of r a met h eo u t s i d e so f y o u r f a c e . E x h a l ea n dp r e s st h ewe i g h t b a c kt ot h es t a r t i n gp o s i t i o nf o c u s i n go ns q u e e z i n gt h e b a c ko f y o u r a r ms .

S i t o nas t a b l ec h a i r o r b e n c ha n dp l a c ey o u r h a n d so nt h ec h a i r j u s t o u t s i d eo f y o u r h i p s wi t hy o u r p a l msd o wna n df i n g e r sf a c i n gy o u r t o e s . K e e py o u r k n e e si nl i n ewi t hy o u r h i p s a n ds t a c k e do v e r y o u r a n k l e sf o r L e v e l 1 , l e g s s t r a i g h t f o r L e v e l 2 , a n do n el e gl i f t e df o r L e v e l 3 . B r i n gy o u r h i p sf o r wa r do f f t h ec h a i r a n ds l o wl yl o we r y o u r b o d yt o wa r dt h eg r o u n d wi t hy o u r e l b o wss l i d i n gs t r a i g h t b e h i n dy o u ( a si f t h e ywe r eo np a r a l l e l r a i l r o a dt r a c k s ) u n t i l t h e yma k ea9 0d e g r e ea n g l e . D oN O Tl e t y o u r e l b o wswi n go u t t ot h es i d e . K e e py o u r h i p sa sc l o s et ot h ec h a i r o r b e n c ha sp o s s i b l e t h r o u g h o u t t h emo v e me n t . S q u e e z et h eb a c k o f y o u r a r msa n de x h a l et op u s hy o u r s e l f b a c k u pt ot h es t a r t i n gp o s i t i o n .

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H o o ky o u r d u mb b e l l so ny o u r s h o u l d e r s . S t a n dwi t hf e e t s l i g h t l ywi d e r t h a nh i p wi d t ha p a r t , t o e sp o i n t i n gs l i g h t l y o u t . K e e py o u r s h o u l d e r sb a c ka n dd o wnwi t hc h e s t u p . E n g a g ey o u r c o r ea n dk e e py o u r we i g h t i ny o u r h e e l s . Y o u s h o u l db ea b l et owi g g l ey o u r t o e st h r o u g h o u t t h i se n t i r e mo v e me n t . L o we r y o u r h i p sb a c ka n dd o wni n t oas q u a t ( l i k ey o uwo u l dt os i t i nac h a i r )u n t i l y o u r t h i g h sa r e p a r a l l e l wi t ht h eg r o u n d . Ma k es u r ey o u r h i p sa r ep u s h i n g b a c kb e h i n dy o u , y o u r k n e e sd on o t g op a s t y o u r t o e sa n d y o u r c h e s t a l wa y ss t a y si na nu p r i g h t p o s i t i o n( i t s h o u l d N E V E Rf a c et h ef l o o r ) . E x h a l ea n dp u s hu pt h r o u g hy o u r h e e l sa sy o us q u e e z ey o u r g l u t e st oc o meb a c kt os t a n d i n g . D on o t l e t t h ek n e e sc a v ei n wa r di ny o u r s q u a t .

U s i n gt h es a mes q u a t f o r m, l o we r y o u r h i p sb a c ki n t ot h es q u a t b u t d o n ʼ t g oq u i t ea sl o wf o r t h ej u mpv e r s i o n . I n h a l ea n db r i n g y o u r h a n d si nf r o n t o f y o u r c h e s t wh e ny o ul o we r d o wn , t h e n s wi n gy o u r a r mss wi f t l yb a c kb e h i n dy o ut oh e l pd r i v ey o u r s e l f s t r a i g h t i n t oav e r t i c a l j u mpa sy o ue x h a l e . J u mpa sh i g ha sy o u c a n , b u t A L WA Y Sl a n ds o f t l yg o i n gf r o m“ t o et oh e e l ”t os a f e l y a b s o r b i n gt h ei mp a c t . D on o t s l a my o u r f e e t d o wnwh e ny o u l a n d . D oa sma n ya sy o uc a ni nar o wwi t hg o o df o r ma n dt a k e b r e a k sa sn e e d e d .

H o l d i n gd u mb b e l l sa t y o u r s i d e swi t hs t r a i g h t a r ms , t a k eawi d es t e pf o r wa r di n t oal u n g ewi t h y o u r c h e s t u p , c o r ee n g a g e da n dk n e eb e h i n d y o u r t o e . T h ef r o n t k n e es h o u l ds t a c kd i r e c t l yo n t o po f y o u r f r o n t a n k l e . L o we r d o wna sl o wa s y o uc a nwh i l ema i n t a i n i n gy o u r b a l a n c ea n da t i g h t c o r e . P u s ht h r o u g hy o u r f o r wa r dh e e l t o s t a n db a c ku pa n db r i n gy o u r b a c kl e gf o r wa r dt o me e t t h ef r o n t l e g . S wi t c hl e g sa n dr e p e a t a sy o u wa l ka c r o s st h er o o m.

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( N o t e : Y o uma yd or e g u l a r l u n g e si f ma i n t a i n i n gy o u r b a l a n c ei nt h i sp o s i t i o ni st o o d i f f i c u l t . )H o l d i n gd u mb b e l l sa t y o u r s i d e s , p l a c eo n ef o o t o nt o po f as t u r d yb e n c ho r c h a i r a n ds t e pt h eo t h e r f o o t i nf r o n t o f y o ui na l u n g ep o s i t i o n . Ma k es u r ey o u r f r o n t k n e ei s s t a c k e dd i r e c t l yo v e r y o u r f r o n t a n k l e . Wi t h y o u r t o r s oi na nu p r i g h t p o s i t i o na n dy o u r we i g h t p r e s s i n gt h r o u g hy o u r f o r wa r dh e e l , “ t u r nt h eg l u t e so n ”a sy o us l o wl yd e s c e n di n t o al u n g e . I n h a l eo nt h ewa yd o wn , e x h a l ea s y o ud r i v eu p wa r dp r e s s i n gt h r o u g hy o u r h e e l a n dc o n t i n u i n gt os q u e e z et h el e g sa n dg l u t e s . R e p e a t , c o mp l e t i n ga l l r e p so no n el e gb e f o r e s wi t c h i n gt ot h eo t h e r s i d e .

C o mi n gi n t ot h es a mel u n g ep o s i t i o n , s t e po r h o pi n t oal u n g eo nt h eo t h e r s i d e . S wi t c hb a c k a n df o r t hf o r a sl o n ga sy o u ʼ r ea b l et oma i n t a i ng o o df o r mwi t ha b st i g h t . T a k eb r e a k sa s n e e d e d . Y o ud on o t n e e dt og oa sl o wi n t ot h e l u n g ea sy o ud oi nas t a n d i n gl u n g e . L e v e l 1k e e py o u r h a n d so ny o u r h i p s . L e v e l 2r a i s e y o u r h a n d sv e r t i c a l l yi nt h ea i r .

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P l a c ef e e t s h o u l d e r wi d t ha p a r t . Wi t has l i g h t b e n d i ny o u r k n e e s , l e a nf o r wa r dwi t haf l a t b a c ka n d y o u r c o r ee n g a g e du n t i l y o u r b o d yi sa t a b o u t a4 5 d e g r e ea n g l e . H o l dd u mb b e l l ss t r a i g h t d o wni n f r o n t o f y o u r c h e s t wi t hp a l msf a c i n gi n wa r d . P u l l t h e mu pt oy o u r c h e s t b ys l i d i n gy o u r e l b o wsb a c k a n ds q u e e z i n gy o u r s h o u l d e r b l a d e st o g e t h e r t o wa r d sy o u r s p i n e . Y o u r e l b o wss h o u l db r u s hy o u r s i d e sa n dr e ma i np a r a l l e l wi t ho n ea n o t h e r ( D O N O Tl e t t h e mwi n go u t t ot h es i d e s ) . S l o wl yl o we r t h ewe i g h t u n t i l y o u r a r msa r ef u l l ye x t e n d e da n d r e p e a t . E x h a l ea sy o ul i f t , i n h a l ea sy o ul o we r . C o mei n t oap l a n kp o s i t i o nwi t hs h o u l d e r ss t a c k e do v e r y o u r wr i s t s , a b si na n dh i p s / h e a di na l i g n me n t . N O T E : Y o uma y a l s od ot h i se x e r c i s eo nh a n d sa n dk n e e si f y o u ʼ r eu n a b l et o ma i n t a i ny o u r b a l a n c ei np l a n k . R e a c hy o u r r i g h t a r m f o r wa r da sy o u r l e f t l e gl i f t s , b u t d o n ʼ t l e t y o u r h i p st u r nt o t h es i d e s . L o we r a r ma n dl e gb a c kd o wnt op l a n k , t h e ns wi t c h

L y i n gf a c ed o wn , r e a c hy o u r a r mso u t o v e r h e a d( t oma k ei t e a s i e r , b e n dy o u r e l b o wst ok e e py o u r h a n d sc l o s e r t o y o u r h e a d ) . K e e py o u r e y e so nt h ef l o o r a sy o ul i f t y o u r s h o u l d e r sa n dl e g so f f t h eg r o u n db ys q u e e z i n gy o u r g l u t e sa n dmi d / l o we r b a c k . C a r e f u l l yr e t u r nt ot h ef l o o r a n dr e p e a t .

O nh a n d sa n dk n e e so nt h ef l o o r , ma k es u r ey o u r s h o u l d e r s a r ed i r e c t l yo v e r y o u r wr i s t sa n dy o u r k n e e sa r eh i p wi d t h a p a r t . S l i d ey o u r s h o u l d e r b l a d e sb a c ka n dd o wna n dh o l d t h e mt h e r e . H o l do n ed u mb b e l l wi t hy o u r p a l mf a c i n gi n . Wi t hy o u r c o r ee n g a g e d( b e l l y b u t t o ni n ) , p u l l d u mb b e l l u p t oy o u r c h e s t wi t hy o u r e l b o wl e a d i n gt o wa r dt h es k y . E x h a l e a sy o us q u e e z ey o u r u p p e r b a c kmu s c l e sa sy o us l i d ey o u r s h o u l d e r b l a d ei na n dd o wnt o wa r d sy o u r s p i n e . I n h a l ea sy o us l o wl yl o we r t h ewe i g h t u n t i l y o u r a r mr e a c h e st h eg r o u n d . F i n i s ha l l r e p so no n es i d eb e f o r es wi t c h i n gt ot h eo t h e r s i d e .

L y i n gf a c eu pwi t hf e e t p l a n t e d h i p wi d t ha p a r t , h o l dt h eh e a d so f o n e d u mb b e l l . K e e py o u r a r mss t r a i g h t a n d s t a r t wi t hi t o nt o po f y o u r t h i g h s . K e e py o u r b e l l y b u t t o ni na sy o ur a i s et h ewe i g h t u pa n do v e r y o u r h e a d , ma i n t a i n i n gs t r a i g h t a r mst h r o u g h o u t . K e e py o u r a b st i g h t a n d d on o t a r c ht h eb a c kt o omu c h . L o we r t h ewe i g h t d o wnt oa b o u t 2 3i n c h e sa wa yf r o mt h ef l o o r . K e e py o u r s h o u l d e r b l a d e sb a c ka n dd o wn a sy o us q u e e z ey o u r b a c kt op u l l t h ewe i g h t b a c ko v e r t ot h es t a r t i n gp o s i t i o n . I n h a l ea sy o ur a i s e , e x h a l ea sy o up u l l o v e r . R e p e a t .

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Wi t hy o u r s h o u l d e r sr o l l e db a c ka n d d o wn , y o u r c o r ee n g a g e da n dy o u r d u mb b e l l sb yy o u r s i d e swi t hy o u r p a l msf a c i n gy o u r b o d y , e x h a l ea sy o u s q u e e z ey o u r b i c e p sa n dr a i s et h e d u mb b e l l su pt o wa r dy o u r s h o u l d e r s . I n h a l ea sy o us l o wl yl o we r b a c kt ot h e s t a r t i n gp o s i t i o na n dr e p e a t . Ma k es u r e y o u r wr i s t sa r ef l a t h e r e( n o t b e n d i n g b a c k wa r d )a n dk e e py o u r e l b o wsg l u e d t oy o u r s i d e s( d o n ʼ t s wi n gy o u r a r ms ) .

Wi t hy o u r s h o u l d e r sr o l l e db a c ka n d d o wn , y o u r c o r ee n g a g e da n dy o u r d u mb b e l l sb yy o u r s i d e swi t hy o u r p a l msf a c i n gu p wa r d , s q u e e z ey o u r b i c e p sr a i s i n gt h ed u mb b e l l su pt o wa r d y o u r s h o u l d e r sv e r t i c a l l y . S l o wl yl o we r t ot h es t a r t i n gp o s i t i o n , r o t a t ey o u r p a l mso u t t ot h es i d ea n dc u r l we i g h t u pt o wa r d sy o u r s h o u l d e r sl a t e r a l l y . S l o wl yl o we r a n dr e p e a t s e q u e n c e k e e p i n gy o u r wr i s t sf l a t ( n o t b e n d i n g b a c k wa r d )a n de l b o wsg l u e dt oy o u r s i d e s( d o n ʼ t s wi n gy o u r a r ms ) .

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H o l dwe i g h t si ny o u r h a n d swi t h s t r a i g h t a r msb yy o u r s i d e s . K e e py o u r s h o u l d e r sb a c ka n dd o wna n dy o u r a b s i n . Y o u r f e e t s h o u l db eh i p wi d t ha p a r t . K e e py o u r l e g ss t r a i g h t a sy o ur i s eu p o n t oy o u r t o e s , t h e ns l o wl yl o we r b a c k d o wnt ot h ef l o o r a n dr e p e a t . E x h a l ea s y o u r r i s eu p , i n h a l ea sy o ul o we r . D o t a n do no n el e g , k e e p i n gt h a t l e gs t r a i g h t wi t has o f t k n e e( d on o t n o t l e t y o u r f e e t t u r no u t wa r do r c a v e S o c ko u t y o u r k n e e ) . K e e py o u r s h o u l d e r sb a c ka n da b si na sy o u i n wa r d ; k e e pt h e mp a r a l l e l wi t ho n e l r a i s et h eh e e l o f y o u r o t h e r s t r a i g h t l e gt ot i l t f o r wa r dl i k eat e e t e r a n o t h e r t h r o u g h o u t . t o t t e r . K e e py o u r e y e so nt h ef l o o r i nf r o n t o f y o u . Y o u r b o d ys h o u l d r e ma i ni np l a n kp o s i t i o nt h r o u g h o u t t h emo v e me n t ; t h eo n l yt h i n g t h a t c h a n g e si sy o u r h i ph i n g e . I n h a l ea sy o ul o we r , e x h a l ea sy o u l i f t b a c kt os t a n d i n g . Wh e ny o ul i f t u p , f o c u so ns q u e e z i n gt h eb a c k o f y o u r l e ga n dg l u t e , n o t p u t t i n ga n ys t r a i no ny o u r b a c k ! T h i sp a r t i ss u p e r i mp o r t a n t . C o mp l e t ea l l r e p so no n el e gb e f o r es wi t c h i n g . K E E PY O U RA B SE N G A G E Dt h r o u g h o u t t h i se x e r c i s e( i t i sV E R Yi mp o r t a n t ) . Wi t hy o u r s h o u l d e r sr o l l e db a c ka n d d o wn , y o u r c o r ee n g a g e d , a n dy o u r d u mb b e l l si nf r o n t o f y o uwi t hy o u r p a l msf a c i n gy o u r l e g s , s l o wl yl o we r t h e md o wna sy o up u s hy o u r h i p s b e h i n dy o u . K e e paf l a t b a c ka n da s l i g h t b e n di ny o u r k n e e sa n do n l y l o we r d o wna sl o wa sy o ua r ea b l et o ma i n t a i ng o o df o r m. I n h a l ea sy o u l o we r d o wn , e x h a l ea sy o us l o wl yr i s e u p . L i f t u s i n gt h eb a c ko f y o u r l e g s a n dg l u t e st os t a n d , N E V E Rs t r a i n i n g y o u r b a c k .

O ny o u r h a n d sa n dk n e e swi t hs h o u l d e r sd i r e c t l yo v e r y o u r wr i s t s , s e c u r eawe i g h t b e h i n do n ek n e eb ys q u e e z i n gy o u r l e gb a c kt oh o l di t t i g h t . H o l dt h ewe i g h t f i r ml ywi t hy o u r l e ga sy o up r e s sy o u r h e e l b a c ka n du pt o wa r d st h es k y . S l o wl yr e t u r nt os t a r t i n gp o s i t i o na n dr e p e a t a l l r e p so no n e s i d eb e f o r es wi t c h i n gt ot h eo t h e r s i d e . L y i n go nt h ef l o o r wi t hy o u r h e e l sn e a r y o u r g l u t e sa n d k n e e si nl i n ewi t hy o u r h i p s , r e s t we i g h t so nt o po f y o u r h i p s . K e e py o u r a b se n g a g e da sy o up r e s sy o u r h i p su p , s q u e e z i n gt h eb a c ko f t h el e g sa n dg l u t e sa sy o ue x h a l e . I n h a l ea sy o ul o we r d o wna n dr e p e a t .

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S t a r t i nal y i n gp o s i t i o nwi t ha r ms e x t e n d e do v e r h e a da n dl e g ss t r a i g h t . S q u e e z ey o u r l e g st o g e t h e r a n dl i f t t h e ma sy o ut u c ky o u r b e l l y b u t t o ni n a n dr e a c hf o r y o u r t o e s , c r e a t i n ga “ V ”s h a p ewi t hy o u r b o d y . C a r e f u l l y l o we r d o wna n dr e p e a t .

Mo d i f i e dV U p sa r ej u s t as t a n d a r d s i t u pwi t hy o u r f e e t f l a t o nt h ef l o o r a n da r msr e a c h i n go v e r h e a d . C o me a l l t h ewa yu pi n t oas e a t e dp o s i t i o n wi t ha b si n , t h e ns l o wl yl o we r b a c k d o wn . Y o uma ya l s of o l dy o u r a r ms a c r o s sy o u r c h e s t i f y o ua r en o t y e t a b l et od ot h ef u l l s i t u po ny o u r o wn .

S t a r t i n gi ns t a n d i n gp o s i t i o n , p l a c ey o u r h a n d so nt h ef l o o r s h o u l d e r wi d t ha p a r t . K e e p i n gy o u r a b se n g a g e d , s t e po r j u mpb a c ki n t oap l a n kp o s i t i o n( N o t e : T od oaf u l l c o mp e t i t i o nb u r p e e , q u i c k l ya n dc a r e f u l l yl o we r y o u r b o d ya l l t h e wa yd o wnt ot h ef l o o r a t t h i s p o i n t ) , t h e ns t e po r j u mp b a c kt os t a n d i n g . T r yn o t t o l e t y o u r k n e e sf l a r eo u t t o t h es i d e s . P l a n t y o u r h e e l s& d r o py o u r h i p sa sy o ul i f t i mme d i a t e l yi n t oav e r t i c a l j u mpf r o mh e r et h e nr e p e a t .

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S t a r t wi t hh a n d su n d e r y o u r h i p s . T u c k y o u r b e l l y b u t t o ni nt o wa r d sy o u r s p i n e , k e e py o u r l o wb a c ko nt h ef l o o r , a n dl i f t y o u r h e a du pa sy o ut i g h t e ny o u r a b s . S t a r t i n gwi t hb o t hl e g si nt h ea i r , f e e t f l e x e d , s l o wl ya l t e r n a t er i g h t a n dl e f t l e g s , l o we r i n ge a c hh e e l d o wno n l ya s l o wa sy o u ʼ r ea b l et oma i n t a i ny o u r l o w b a c kc o n t a c t wi t ht h ef l o o r a n da b si n . E a c hl e gc o u n t sa s1r e p .

S t a r t i n gi nas e a t e dp o s i t i o n( wi t ho r wi t h o u t al i g h t d u mb b e l l ) , s i t u pt a l l wi t hy o u r c h e s t u pa n da b si n . K e e py o u r s h o u l d e r sb a c k . Y o u r l e g sc a ne i t h e r b ei n“ t a b l e t o p ”p o s i t i o n ( s h o wnh e r e )o r d o wnwi t hf e e t p l a n t e do n t h eg r o u n d . K e e p i n gg o o dp o s t u r e , t a pt h e f l o o r o ne a c hs i d ewi t hy o u r we i g h t ( o r t a p c l a s p e dh a n d si f u s i n gn owe i g h t ) . E a c ht a p c o u n t sa s1r e p .

I nap l a n kp o s i t i o n( s h o u l d e r so v e r wr i s t s , a b si na n db a c kf l a t ) , a l t e r n a t e t a p p i n gy o u r r i g h t a n dl e f t f o o t a si f y o uwe r ec l i mb i n gamo u n t a i n . D o n ʼ t l e t y o u r h i p sr i s eu ph e r e . E a c ht a p c o u n t sa s1r e p .

S t a r t i nal y i n gp o s i t i o n , b e l l y b u t t o nt u c k e di nt o wa r d sy o u r s p i n e . Wi t hc h i ns l i g h t l yt u c k e da n df i n g e r sl i g h t l yh o l d i n g y o u r h e a dt oh e l ps u p p o r t y o u r n e c k , b r i n gy o u r l e f t e l b o wt o t a py o u r r i g h t k n e ea sy o u r l e f t l e ge x t e n d s . K e e py o u r s h o u l d e r sa n dh e a do f f t h ef l o o r a sy o ua l t e r n a t es i d e s( r i g h t e l b o wt ol e f t k n e e ) . E a c ht a pc o u n t sa s1r e p .

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