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Anabelle eBook Version not for resale. If you purchased a printed copy of this document Please report it to: www.EyesandMinds.com
2004 by Forgotten Worlds
Pg. 3
Lapis Lazuli
Pg. 4
The Witch’s Tarot Cards
Pg. 6
50/50 Chance
Pg. 8
Tarotastic Reading
Pg. 10
Pg. 12
A Tarot Coincidence
Pg. 13
I Know A Secret
Pg. 15
Psychic Law Enforcement Technique
Pg. 17
Playing Card Prediction
Pg. 19
Pg. 21
Alexandre’s Numerological Fortune
Pg. 22
Final Note
Pg. 25
Mohana means to be bewitched … to seduce. I saw the word for the first time in the Kama Sutra, a book I find is very magical because it always has something new to offer every time I look at it. Bewitched and seduced is what happened to me when I was first introduced to Magic & Mentalism a few years ago. I hope you become bewitched and seduced as well! I want to thank Alexandre for his ongoing advice and the routine he gave me to include here, as well as the help he gave me in the physical construction of this eBook. I also want to thank the magic café and all the guys for awesome advice and help: David Eldridge, Liam Montier, Richard Osterlind, Pratik Kuffs, to name a few. In a city where I don’t happen to know many like-minded individuals the Magic Café (www.themagiccafe.com) is absolutely the best! And once again picture credit goes to Richard (The Sandman) Leal, one of the coolest guys I know! Thanks!
“We’re all comprised of physical, mental and spiritual energies, and often the outside world interferes in allowing us to connect with these energies. Through meditation and study, I’ve been able to connect better with the mystical and powerful gemstone Lapis Lazuli.”
- Show a handful of small Lapis stones “Lapis Lazuli has a great deal of raw power and the name comes from the Arabic Allazward meaning sky or blue … the stone has been used since before 3100 B.C. For centuries it was used for spiritual purposes including its powerful uses during the ancient civilization of Egypt where they used powdered lapis pigment for medicines and paintings. They also believed lapis to be sacred, and buried it with their dead to protect and guide them in the afterlife. Afghanistan remains a major source for this gemstone; it's also one of the oldest sources, as lapis has been mined there for more than 6000 years! And what’s interesting is that these stones include almost all the ingredients of the old Philosopher’s Stone …maybe they are the 21st century’s contribution. I’m going to need two people to help me …”
- Get two participants and hand them five Lapis stones each “I have a deep connection with these stones and I want to try a little experiment now. I’ll turn around and I want each of you to place however many stones you want ahead of you on the table. How many stones did both of you lay down in total? 7! Okay … I’m getting the feeling that … James placed two stones down and Kevin placed five!
- And I’m correct! -
“Cool, let’s try it again … how many in total have been placed down this time? 6 … this time … I feel … James placed five stones, and Kevin placed 1!
- Right again “One last time … The total is 3? OK … I’m sensing that James placed one, and Kevin placed two!
- I’m correct every time “It’s an amazing connection, I love these stones, and for participating, I want each of you to keep a stone for yourself as a reminder of the Lapis Lazuli’s great mystical power … carry it with you, they are great to the nervous system … and thanks!
DIRTY LITTLE SECRET: This is an old one, but it never ceases to amaze! Performance here is very important though! For this routine you need a partner. I understand, I don’t like using partners either, but this little routine has played so well for me that whenever the situation is right where I can count on someone, I perform it. James, in this case, was instructed by me before the performance. Here’s the idea: You tell your partner that when first asked to lay down any amount of stones, that they lay down two. From then on, they are to lay down the number of stones that the other person places down. This way, by knowing how many stones are on the table, and knowing how many my partner placed down, I know who has laid down what. Very simple! Three times is the most you should do this as the example above suggests. Doing it more times can cause the method to become invisible to those who pay very close attention. So no more than three times! Have fun!
“Red and Black rains, frogs falling from the sky, unidentified objects in space, these are the stuff of “Fortean Phenomena” named after the American Charles Fort who died in 1932 and his pioneering studies of Bizarre happenings in everyday life. The cards you hold there came from his private collection. They are very mysterious in that they communicate with whoever owns them at the time, in this case … me! The entire deck of Tarot cards, in which those four came from, were known to have belonged to a witch in the eighteen hundreds who used them daily for spells and divination. She was murdered by the way. It’s known that she had a huge connection to these cards and now that I am the owner of them, they connect equally with me. Take a look at those and tell me if any of them jump out at you.”
- Once a card is selected and shown around you say “That’s an interesting card you chose and I’ll have something to say about it when we’re done here … but first, go ahead and shuffle them, and lay them down next to each other face up in any order you like.”
- You turn around “You’ve arranged the cards, now let’s make things more interesting … I want you to switch your chosen card with the card on either side of it …of course if your card is in the end, you’ll have to switch it with the only card next to it … so let me know when you’ve done this….” “Even though I didn’t see your card in it’s original position, I want you to go ahead and again switch your card with the card on either side of it, and again, if your card is in the end, switch it with the card next to it, okay?” “Mmmm … go ahead and do one more switch like I described, please … and again I have no idea where you’re card might be, but in moving them around like that I’m getting a connection to it … and … do another switch please, one more, I almost have it….”
(Thinking … feeling….) “Okay … do me a favor now … I can feel the card on your far right is not the
card you chose so just get rid of it … now you’re left with three cards, right? I’m not sure which one is … make one more switch with your chosen card for me … ok … I see … remove the card on your left … and now the one on your right and I think you’re left with the card you chose! That card … (do a simple reading based on that card)
- And you’ll be dead on -
DIRTY LITTLE SECRET: Now here is why this works, if you’re not familiar with this already. Once the cards get set up in the initial position, you’ll need to casually peek at them before you turn around and notice in which position their chosen card is in by positioning the cards in your mind from the spectator’s point of view. “Spectator” 00X0 RLRL “You” In this scenario, you notice the chosen card is in a “right” position from their point of view, that’s all you need to remember, because after five switches, you’ll know that the card on their far right is not the chosen card, and after one more switch, their chosen card will be in the center, try it out and you’ll see. If their card happens to be in the left position, after five switches you have them remove the far left card, then do one more switch to place their chosen card in the middle. You have them do the switches slowly and with a lot of acting on your part, as this will conceal the method. Honestly, I’ve never had someone say “hey, I know how you did that!”. Not yet anyway. This is a classic trick that I adapted with Tarot cards. It took me a while to figure it out since it seems confusing at first, but once you do it, it’s super simple!
50/50 CHANCE
I know, 50/50 doesn’t seem that impressive but when you’re doing Mentalism it’s ok to not be incredibly amazing all the time, though in this case you’ll never miss, so that’s impressive! Let me explain. I don’t have a specific presentation for this, I usually wait for sports games where I’m invited to a party, or bar to watch with friends and I take my little pay envelope and I tape it or tack it to the wall saying I have a prediction in there as to who will win the game. In the end I take the envelope, dump the little folded piece of paper on a table for inspection, crumple the envelope throwing it away and I’m always right! Simply wait for an opportunity to predict who will win a sports event between two teams or any other event that might give you a result between two options, like a boxing fight or something. It’s cool that even after amazing upsets I’m right! I learned this while reading Mind Myth and Magick by T.A. Waters, there’s an idea in there for a two-out envelope that I think is awesome! Take a pay envelope. Now take a playing card you don’t need anymore and cut a piece of it so that it’ll fit snugly horizontally in the bottom of the envelope. Now you place your two predictions on either side of this card inside the envelope and when the time comes all you have to do is buckle the envelope in the appropriate direction and very fairly dump out the prediction you want while the other prediction stays stuck between the piece of playing card and the envelope wall! Don’t use both hands, you don’t need to, like I said, just buckle the envelope a little and the right prediction will just slip out. Remember that after you dump out your prediction, you should destroy the evidence by casually crumpling the envelope with the other prediction in it and throwing it away! Practice dumping out either prediction, the process takes a little getting used to. Once you got it though, you’ll never miss the final of any sports event!
You can also use your creativity here and have two items or pictures, or whatever you want presented to a person, and whichever one they choose you do a personality reading about it after revealing that you had predicted they would choose the correct one all along. If someone asks how you do it? You can say something like:
Shaman’s and Witch doctors have always practiced ESP. The Malays interpreted their dreams to find fish, the Zulus, to find game. Australian Aboriginal people used smoke signals to tell distant friends that telepathic messages were to be sent. This sort of thing has been around for a long time, it’s in all of us, anyone can do it, it’s just practice!
It’s a silly title I know, but this is very cool and plays really well! You say you’re working on a different method of reading tarot cards … “Can I try it with you? I have the Major Arcana cards here, these cards give us answers regarding the question or situation at hand as well as higher universal teachings based in cosmic law. They are extremely important in a Tarot deck, and for this reading I like to use them.” You show that the cards are mixed, you mix them some more, fan them out face-down and have the spectator pick one. Then close the fan and have the person memorize the card they chose, remembering every detail of it, this is important because people forget sometimes. Have then return the card to the deck. You mix some more, then spread the cards face up on the table. Moving your hand over them, you start doing a reading on the chosen card even before you locate it, eventually describing details about it and finally bringing it out to finish your reading!
DIRTY LITTLE SECRET: The dirty little secret here is that the Major Arcana cards are numbered, so you take them and orient them in the same way, then just turn over all the odd cards, or even, whatever you like, as long as one set is turned over. With this set-up they’ll look totally mixed, but you’ll be able to spot a card out of orientation very easily! So remove the Major Arcana cards from the rest of the deck and shuffle them while you explain things about the tarot. Remember that if you don’t change the orientation of the cards to shuffle you won’t change anything as far as orientation goes. This may be silly to mention, but it actually took me a while to realize this very obvious thing!
Tell the sitter that you’re working on a new method of reading tarot cards that, because of the method, seems to be much stronger and reliable. When you’re done shuffling, have the sitter cut the cards and complete, you then pick them up, spread them in a fan and ask them to pull one out. Once they do, you close the fan by reaching over to your right or left and reversing the order of the cards in your hand as you bring them together. In this way, when the sitter replaces the card, the card will be in a reversed position! Once the card is replaced, shuffle the cards again, have them cut once more and spread the cards face up and begin to get a feeling for the chosen card. Start describing the card before you reveal it. If done in a serious manner and not as a magic trick, you can even end up putting a curse on the person by interpreting the card negatively because you claim this method of divining Tarot cards is even stronger and more reliable than the usual method, so be nice! You tell them that in this case you read the cards by pure intuition and spiritual connection. So once you spot the card, you might want to close your eyes and start describing the card some, then come back and pull the card out to continue your reading. This really works and it’s a powerful and mysterious way to do a simple onecard reading!
MANIPULATAROT You may be wondering what is the purpose of manipulating a tarot reading? I usually do it to show how my favorite card in the Tarot came up in that person’s reading, and I can prove this by maybe pulling a similar card from my purse and saying I carry it because it’s my lucky Tarot card! Or I can do this to a guy I like making a card show up that has all kinds of suggestions attached to it maybe helping the evening along, or helping him open up to me more … be creative! Another way I’ve done it is when the reading is done I bring out my travel diary and in that morning’s entry I wrote about this dream I had with that exact card! It adds to the whole mystery of the tarot, which I find is awesome! So basically I’m using the Cross Force! You keep the card you want to show up on top of the deck, you can shuffle keeping it there which is super easy to do, just make sure that when you’re shuffling you make the top card fall last, keeping it controlled on top! You tell the sitter to cut a portion of the deck to the side. Make sure you keep talking during this so their attention is not totally on the cards. Learn a little Tarot history and talk about that, or how these cards came to be, do some research and study so you at least sound knowledgeable during this slight misdirection. You then take the part of the deck they left behind and casually place it “crossed” over the part they moved off. And leave it alone! Keep talking about the Tarot. Give it a few seconds, look them in the eye, then casually lift off the crossed section you placed and gesture to the original top card of the deck saying: “Go ahead and take a look at the card you cut to.” And that’s it! This super simple force presented in a legitimate tarot reading way is very powerful! So keep your readings positive and be very careful about what you might be suggesting to someone who seems to be vulnerable to the message of the Tarot. Please be kind, you can hurt someone doing this the wrong way. On a lighter note, I’m sure some of you guys could use this sort of thing to try to “pick up girls”. Just make sure you pick an appropriate card, don’t be a jerk! Good luck!
This is another manipulated Tarot reading, but with two cards. This is how I usually present it: “There are 78 cards in a tarot deck, we’re going to end up with only two of them for a reading, but first you need to go through the energy sorting I learned from a psychic.”
- shuffle and lay the deck on the table ahead of the participant “Now go ahead and deal as many cards as you want into a single pile while clearing your mind of any worries and stress … relax … it’s important that you clear your mind. Take your time … there are plenty of cards … stop when you feel the urge to do so.” “Okay. You’ve dealt a number of cards into a single pile. Did you feel the energy while you were doing it?”
- Doesn’t matter what they say – “Now from that pile of cards you dealt, deal two alternating piles like in a card game until there are no more cards left.” “Great, you’re left with these two piles. Out of 78 cards you came up with these two piles and I’m going to do a reading based on the random top two cards….” “Oh how totally weird! Let me show you something!”
- I grab my travel diary and show that I had written in there, along with some drawings, notes and pictures, that these two specific cards were going to show up in a reading that day! Follow this with a brief reading! -
DIRTY LITTLE SECRET: You can reveal however you like but I love bringing out my travel diary and show that I had just that morning written in there that these two specific cards were going to show up in a reading! You have to be very careful with this, because as I mentioned before, you can end up cursing someone if you give them a negative reading, so be positive! In case you don’t know how I did it, you keep the two cards you want to show up in the end, on top of the deck. Shuffle and keep these two there. When they deal as many cards as they want into a single pile (and it’s nice to let them deal plenty) the two original top cards will be on the bottom. When they take that pile and deal two piles from that one, your two cards (the ones you secretly had on top in the beginning) will come out on top of the two piles they just dealt. It’ll look totally legit! If you want to go sweet you can put The Lovers and the Two Of Cups, if you want to spark a sexual interest go with Lust and the Devil with it’s phallic symbol, or the six of cups (pleasure). I suggest you study the Tarot and come up with your own neat combinations! Make sure you learn to shuffle leaving the two top cards untouched, this is not hard at all, but very important that it be done casually! Have fun!
I read this in Banachek’s book “Psychological Subtleties” and I would recommend you get it for all the awesome ideas and routines in it! I love to do this with my own little spin, especially at clubs, bars and parties! For instance, I’ll look at a guy, concentrate in his eyes, then write something on a card or napkin, hand it to him and say: “Yes or no, did I write your favorite sexual position on there?” Because of the way I asked (yes or no), he’s being directed to say “yes” or “no”. And he’ll have to say “yes”! I’ll then take the paper from him and say “We’ll keep it just between us, ok?” Believe me, people watching will be VERY surprised! How is this done? Super easy! In this case I wrote on the paper: “YOUR FAVORITE SEXUAL POSITION” When I ask my question, he’ll read and have to say “yes”! But everyone will think I wrote his favorite sexual position on there, which will look pretty amazing considering I might not even know the guy! You ask with the “yes” or “no” because you don’t want him to talk, you want him to answer you with a “yes” or “no”, so be direct and confident when you ask this question and if they know how to read they will always have to say “yes”. Then take the paper back, say that you’ll keep it between just the two of you and rip it, burn it, destroy it, whatever! It has never happened that a guy snapped back saying it was stupid or fake what I just did, but don’t forget that it’s really important how you go about doing this and who you choose to do this with! If you know this is a loud,
obnoxious guy, don’t do it to him! Do it to a guy that is quiet and cool and you get the feeling won’t want to ruin the fun, because after all, this is all supposed to be fun! Also, try not to let people see you writing because they may notice you write a lot when the answer is supposed to be short, so be careful! Here are a couple more questions I’ve asked and you can use them if you like. What you’re supposed to write on the paper you hand them is in quotations: - Yes or No, did I write “the name of the last girl you had sex with” on there? - Yes or No, did I write “who you lost your virginity with” on there? - Yes or No, did I write “the correct number of women you’ve been with” on there? I like these types of questions because it always gets a wild reaction, especially in the environment that I do them in, like in bars or parties. But you can come up with tons of different ones, it’s easy, and believe me, totally FUN!
“I’ll show you how a psychic works with law enforcement agencies, like the local police, FBI and stuff. I have three business cards here, on one I’ll write, DRUGS, the other MONEY, and the third, GUNS. Usually all the psychic does is follow the movement of energy using intuition and the energies available that are only recognizable to a psychic. I need three people to help me here. Go ahead and mix those cards face-down and each of you take one. I’ll turn around now and I want two of you to switch cards … do it now. When you’re done, place the card face down on the palm of your right hand and hold it out for me.”
- I go to each person moving my hand above the cards -
I got it! The DRUGS were exchanged for the MONEY!
DIRTY LITTLE SECRET Super Easy! I notice who got the DRUGS card because that card was subtly marked and before I turn around I make sure I know who got the marked card. After the switch, if that person still has the marked card then the other two were switched. If that person no longer has the card, I find out who does and I know who switched with whom.
Just make sure that you casually notice who takes the marked mark before you turn around. Be careful when marking the card, it has to be done very subtly, because most likely they will look at the cards after the performance is done. I sometimes clip a tiny bit of the corner of one card, or I’ll place a smudge on the card, or a subtle, natural bend, really anything to help me spot it without it being too obvious. Perform this right and it’ll be a hit, I promise!
This is an old idea, but it has worked so well for me I wanted to included it here and share it with the ones who don’t know it! You tell someone to take a deck of cards, shuffle and place the cards on the table. You pick up the deck and ask them to give you a number from one to fifty two. After they give you the number, you deal that amount of cards down on the table in a casual way and stop at their number. Don’t deal neatly; drop the cards on top of each other casually on the table. Tell them that there is no way you could know what card they chose unless it was a marked deck of cards, which it isn’t! And they can check later all they want! So you pull out a sealed envelope from your purse or from a folder and casually drop the envelope on top of the cards on the table. Tell the person to open the envelope, then to look at the card on top of the stack, which is the card they told you to stop at. The prediction is amazingly correct!
DIRTY LITTLE SECRET: I don’t do much at all with regular playing cards so I happen to like this! You do everything pretty much as written. What they don’t know is that earlier you took a card from the deck that matched your prediction in the sealed envelope and you had this card hidden under the envelope when you pulled it out of your purse or out of a folder. Naturally you do this so no one sees that there is a card under there, and you do it very casually as if there really isn’t anything under there at all!
You then drop the envelope with the hidden card under it on top of the haphazard stack of cards and it won’t be noticed that you added a card to the pile. Again, when you count the cards for the participant, make sure you deal them out in a sloppy way so it won’t be noticed later when you add the predicted card, this is very important! With the prediction, I always try to make it look interesting. With all the interest in poker on TV and everything, you can usually find magazines with people holding up cards or advertisement pictures with them in it, so you cut one of these out and place it in the envelope, and when it’s opened during the routine you just say you had a vibe when you saw the picture of this card in the magazine and thought you would bring it along as a prediction of what was going to happen. Be creative, there’s a lot you can do to reveal this prediction! Try it out, it blows them away!
I’m not good at all with sleight of hand, but somehow this makes it seem like I am. The truth is that the odds are highly on your favor when you try this, you’ll see. I have someone shuffle a deck of cards, then I pick them up and look at them as if studying something. I ask the person to give me two card values, forget the suits, just the values. They say the “two” and the “ten”, for instance. I shuffle the cards a bit, cut them, then stop and spread them face up. A “two” and a “ten” are seen right next to each other!
DIRTY LITTLE SECRET: It’s automatic really and works almost every time! To do this just have someone concentrate on two cards, any two cards, forget the suits just the value of the cards … then shuffle the cards and look through them, you’ll see that most of the time the two mentioned cards will be right next to each other! Sometimes they are separated by only one card in which case I just say how close I was and try again! This is just a quick little fun thing I do sometimes and when it works, which is most of the time, it looks really cool. Try it!
The performer begins … “In this envelope I have something specially prepared for you. It’s a fortune based on a simple prediction I intuitively received earlier today … I’ll set it aside for now … I need you to now think of special month to you, I could ask for the month you were born in, but you might wish to believe I figured it out somehow … so please think of a special month to you, a month I couldn’t possibly know … now … I have no idea what month of the year you are thinking of, correct? Good … every month has a value connected to numerology … January is one, February is two and so on … the month you’re thinking of has a value … have that value in your mind now, as I’m going to name some months and each time I do, I want you to add one to your special month’s value … when I come to your special month, add one, and tell me to stop. The performer proceeds … “December, add one, November, add one, October, add one, September, add one …” (Spectator says, “Stop”) “September … very interesting … purple is the color associated with this month … and the element … fire! Now what special numerological value did you end up with?” (Spectator says the number 13!) “13 … very well!”
(hand them the envelope, have them open it and read its contents out loud) “During the next couple of months this number will open channels of high
energy and inspiration for you … take advantage of that … it will heighten your inspiration, sensitivity and joy! It is the number 13!”
METHOD: The method is quite simple. As long as you start at December and name the months backwards adding one each time, as well as on their month, the spectators number will always be thirteen. The reason is simple … there are twelve months in a year. By counting backwards all you are doing is having them add the rest of the months of the year, which is twelve, plus one more on their month to bring the total to thirteen. Use the information printed below, for the appropriate month, as soon as they tell you what their special month is. I have used this effect a few times before and it works great! Some memorization is required, but it’ll take you no time to do it and it’ll be well worth it! January – “Janus is the Roman god of gates and doorways, depicted with two faces looking in opposite directions. His festival month is January.” February – “This month is named after Februa, the Roman festival of purification, held on February fifteenth.” March – “The original beginning of the year, March … and the time for the resumption of war. This month is named after Mars, the Roman god of war.” April - “The month of Aphrodite the Greek goddess of love and beauty.” May – “May, named after Maia, meaning "the great one", is the Italic goddess of spring, the daughter of Faunus, and wife of Vulcan.” June – “June is the principle goddess of the Roman Pantheon. She is the goddess of marriage and the well-being of women.” July – “Julius Caesar reformed the Roman calendar in 46 BC. In the process, he renamed this month after himself.” August – “Augustus Caesar clarified and completed the calendar reform of Julius Caesar. In the process, he renamed this month after himself.” September – “Purple is the color associated with this month, and the element … Fire!”
October – “The astrological signs of Libra and Scorpio share this month. This is the month of the Hunters.” November – “The blood month … Ancient Saxons called it that because they believed the earth was undergoing its annual death during this time.” December – “The 12th month … in the early Roman calendar it was originally the 10th month.”
NOTE: If you follow the presentation as outlined the spectator will not be aware of the effect’s simple working because they will be entertained, first, by the special information you have for their special month, then, with the fortune and prediction they will ultimately read. Believe me, this verbiage guides their minds away from figuring out how the effect works. This is based on Banachek’s “Lucky Number” and this version is printed with permission. Enjoy!
I didn’t think I would write one book much less two! I got a lot of support from many of you who purchased my first eBook “Seven Past Midnight” and I hope that with this one too, you guys can learn and use as many of the routines as possible! Thank you so much everyone! See you guys soon!
- Anabelle -