Ayuda 6.1. Future Tense With Will And Going To

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CICLO 2016-I Módulo: 1 Week: 6th


Teacher: Maritza Dávila Chumpitaz

FUTURE TENSE • El tema Future Tense lo encontrará en su libro All Star 1, páginas 132 al 143, y 193 al 196; en su Workbook, páginas 139, y 143 al 145; así como en los Enlaces Interesantes, Bibliográficos y Auto-evaluaciones del curso. • Recuerde que lo fundamental es la práctica constante de cada uno de los temas y la auto-evaluación de ellas. No olvide que también cuenta con una Biblioteca Virtual para el curso.

Success depends on you !


En el tiempo del FUTURO SIMPLE usamos el auxiliar WILL en las oraciones para hacer predicciones (para decir lo que crees o sabes que pasará en el futuro). EXAMPLES: AFFIRMATIVE: SUBJECT ( PRONOUN ) + WILL + INFINITIVE VERB + COMPLEMENT

• 1. I WILL be a doctor in three years . • (I’ll be a doctor in three years.) • Seré doctor en tres años. • 2. She WILL drink coffee in two hours. • (She’ll drink coffee in two hours.) • Ella tomará café en dos horas.

FUTURE TENSE with WILL • EXAMPLES: • NEGATIVE: SUBJECT ( PRONOUN ) + WILL + NOT + INFINITIVE + COMPLEMENT • 1.- You WILL NOT celebrate your birthday on Saturday. • (You WON’T celebrate your birthday on Saturday.) • 2.- He WILL NOT be an engineer next year. • (He WON’T be an engineer next year.)



• •

1.- A: WILL they help you wash the car ? B: Yes, they WILL. or No, they WON’T.

• •

2.- A: WILL you ride a bike ? B: Yes, I WILL. or

No, I WON’T.

FUTURE TENSE with WILL • INFORMATION QUESTIONS: • To make information questions you have to use INFORMATION WORDS: WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, HOW, WHAT TIME, etc. • Example: • A: What will you be in the future ? • B: I will be a psychologist.

FUTURE TENSE with GOING TO • Usamos GOING TO cuando queremos expresar un acontecimiento futuro más certero, es decir que es bastante claro que algo va a suceder. Compare : • EXAMPLES: • 1.- a.- Look ! It ’s going to rain. • b.- Perhaps it will snow tomorrow. • En la oración “a” tienes un indicador de que va a llover (podrían ser las nubes). Y, en la oración “b” no tienes ningún indicador certero, estás prediciendo algo que puede que suceda o no.

FUTURE TENSE with GOING TO • 2.- a.- She ’s going to have a baby. • b.- Do you think the baby will have blue eyes ? • En la oración “a” tienes un indicador de que ella va a tener un bebé (podría ser su vientre abultado o un análisis de embarazo). Y, en la oración “b” no tienes ningún indicador certero, estás prediciendo que el bebé tendrá ojos azules, pero a ciencia cierta no se sabe con que color de ojos nacerá una persona, puede que suceda o no.

FUTURE TENSE with GOING TO • EXAMPLES: • AFFIRMATIVE: SUBJECT (PRONOUN) + VERB TO BE + GOING TO + INFINITIVE VERB + COMPLEMENT • 1. I am going to be a doctor in three years. • (I’m going to be a doctor in three years.) • 2. She is going to help you tomorrow. • (She’s going to help you tomorrow.) • Remember: El verbo To Be (IS, AM, ARE) debe estar acorde con el nombre o pronombre.

FUTURE TENSE with GOING TO • NEGATIVE: SUBJECT ( PRONOUN ) + VERB TO BE + NOT + GOING TO + INFINITIVE VERB + COMPLEMENT • 1. I am not going to study tomorrow. • (I’m not going to study tomorrow.) • 2. They are not going to have a meeting in two hours. • (They aren’t going to have a meeting in two hours.)

FUTURE TENSE with GOING TO • INTERROGATIVE: TO BE + SUBJECT (PRONOUN) + GOING TO + INFINITIVE VERB + COMPLEMENT ? • 1. A: Are you going to travel to Iquitos next weekend ? B: No, we aren’t.

• 2. A: Is Roberta going to buy that building ? B: No, she isn’t. • Remember: En una oración interrogativa se debe colocar primero el verbo To Be, luego, vienen los demás elementos de la oración.

FUTURE TENSE with GOING TO • INFORMATION QUESTIONS: • 1. A: What are you going to do next week? B: I am going to prepare my work. • 2. A: When is Pablo going to sell his house? B: He is going to sell his house next Monday.


TWO WORD VERBS are made of





• The combination gives a special meaning.

TWO WORD VERBS • Two-word verbs are used with object pronouns:

(IT) (HE) (SHE) (I) (YOU) (THEY) (WE)


TWO WORD VERBS • We can use TWO WORD VERBS (Phrasal Verbs) with proper nouns (Esteban, Flavia) or common nouns (the table, the man). • With common nouns and proper nouns, you have a choice. You can separate the verb and preposition, or you can keep them together and put the common or proper noun after them:

1. I will WAKE Robert UP. I will WAKE UP Robert.

TWO WORD VERBS 2. He is going to THROW his old magazines OUT. He’s going to THROW OUT his old magazines. 3. PUT little Susie DOWN. PUT DOWN little Susie. 4. She's going to TRY the hat ON. She's going to TRY ON the hat.

SEPARABLE TWO WORD VERBS • Two-word verbs that use the prepositions ON, OFF, UP, DOWN, OVER, IN, OUT, AWAY, BACK are usually "separable". This means that the object pronouns must go between the verb and the preposition (they are "separated"): OBJECT PRONOUN • Examples: • I will WAKE him UP. • He will THROW them OUT. • PUT her DOWN. • He's going to TRY it ON. TRY ON

SOME COMMON SEPARABLE PHRASAL VERBS 1. add up = add 2. back up = cause to move backwards; support; blow up; cause to explode; destroy by explosives 3. break down = analyze; list the parts of separately 4. break into = go into a house or room forcibly; suddenly 5. bring off = accomplish 6. bring on = cause 7. bring out = publish; emphasize 8. bring to = revive 9. bring up = raise; care for from childhood 10.buy out = by the other person's share of a business

SOME COMMON SEPARABLE PHRASAL VERBS 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

buy up = buy the whole supply of call off = cancel; order away call up = telephone; summon for military service calm down = become calm carry on = continue carry out = fulfill; complete; accomplish; perform carry over = carry; continue at another time or place cheer up = cause to become cheerful chew up = chew thoroughly chop up = chop into small pieces clean off = clean the surface of


3) Pick it up. 4) Put it on. 5) 6) 7) 8)

Put it down. Put it away. Put it back. Take it out.

Use the phone to talk to her. Go to him with your car and give him a ride. (or lift him off the ground) Lift it off the floor or ground. Put a piece of clothing on your body to start wearing it. Lay it on the table or on the floor. Remove it to an appropriate place. Return it to its original position. Remove it from where it is and bring it outside.


Invite her for a date, to dinner, dancing, a movie. 10)Take it off. Remove clothing from the body, stop wearing it. 11)Throw it out. Put it in the garbage can. 12)Try it on. Test clothing to see if it fits well and looks good. 13)Turn it over. Turn it to the opposite side, as a hamburger on a grill. 14)Turn it on. Start using an electric light or appliance. 15)Turn it off. Stop using an electric light or appliance. 16)Wake him up. Make him stop sleeping.

PHRASAL VERBS • Phrasal Verbs (Two Word Verbs) are idiomatic expressions, combining verbs and prepositions or adverbs to make new verbs whose meaning is often not obvious from the dictionary definitions of the individual words. They are widely used in both written and spoken English.


Two-Part (Phrasal) Verbs (Idioms). Many verbs in English are followed by an adverb or a preposition (also called a particle), and these two - part verbs, also called phrasal verbs, are different from verbs with helpers. The particle that follows the verb changes the meaning of the phrasal verb in idiomatic ways: VERB


drop off

decline gradually

drop off (2)

fall asleep

drop off (3)

stop and give something to someone


The hill the river.




While doing his homework, he dropped off. Would you drop this off at the post office?


• • • • • •

En el futuro con WILL y GOING TO se utilizan los verbos simples, en su forma infinitiva. Lo mismo sucederá con las frases verbales, se utilizarán en la forma simple. Las frases verbales las puedes utilizar como cualquier verbo, con la salvedad de que todos los cambios a realizarse serán en la primera palabra. Example: turn on = turns on. Participa en el foro. Ingresa la Sala de Conferencias. Utiliza los Enlaces Interesantes y Bibliográficos, así como la Biblioteca Virtual del Curso. Si tienes dudas consulta constantemente. Puedes hacerlo vía Email o a través del Foro. Revisa siempre el significado y la pronunciación de las palabras nuevas en tu diccionario. Autoevalúa tus conocimientos empleando el material AUTOEVALUACIONES. Desarrolla los ejercicios del Book All Star 1 y el Workbook.


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