Basic 3
Unit 1
Unit 1
Getting A Job
Voice Mail a. Answer the following questions about the computer lesson.
Who does Melissa Sanchez work for? In a department sales. ______________________________________________________________
What did Melissa speak to Robert about? especailly of work. ______________________________________________________________
Why does Melissa call Robert? If he is interested for a job. ______________________________________________________________
What will Robert probably do next? Call her for a new interview. ______________________________________________________________
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Basic 3 Unit 1
b. Imagine you are Robert. You can’t come to the interview. You need to call Melissa and leave her a voice mail message. Write the message you are going to leave her. Explain why you can’t come and suggest a different time and day.
Hi Melissa. It’s Robert. I’m very sorry but ___________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ I had problems with my son, he hit his knee, and i took him to the hospital.
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
c. Complete the voice mail message using the words below.
job • back • e-mail • last week • forward • schedule
last week Hi Sam. This is Alex Car calling from Range Services. We spoke _____________
job schedule about the graphic design ________ . I’d like to ________ an interview with you23062 back next Monday, October 14th, at 11:00 A.M. Please call me _________________ e-mail at 683-421-6789. Or, you can send me an ___________ at
[email protected]. forward Looking __________ to speaking to you soon.
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Basic 3
Unit 1
My Education Plans a. Did you understand the reading text, “My Education Plans”? Match the sentence parts about Jane, the writer, in column B to the opening phrases in column A. A
1. In a couple of years,...
a. Jane began taking a special training course.
2. Recently,...
b. Jane plans to study at a university.
3. When she was in high school,...
c. Jane will have her own company.
4. Maybe one day...
d. Jane will be able to choose the courses she wants.
5. When the course ends next month,...
e. Jane had to study many subjects she didn’t like.
6. When she goes to university,...
f. Jane is going to apply for a job at a department store.
b. What about your education plans? Write about what you did in the past, what you are doing now, and what your future plans are.
My Future Plan a kid i think in be a doctor. When I was ____________________________________________. engineer in marketing of bussines. Recently, I ____________________________________________. graduate. In a couple of years, I will ________________________________. a important engineer. Maybe one day I will _____________________________________.
c. Share your future plans with a partner.
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Basic 3 Unit 1
d. Read the ad and mark the sentences below which you can use in an application e-mail for the job it describes.
Wanted: “All-In-One Department Store” is looking for a young, energetic salesperson for our new ladies’ fashion department. Priority to people with experience in sales. Full-time basis. Must be flexible and willing to work overtime. Very good salary! Please call Marjorie Jones at 974-5388, or e-mail:
[email protected] ✔
1. I am willing to work as many hours as is necessary. 2. I am not interested in a full-time job. 3. I have no experience but I am a very fast learner. 4. I have never worked in sales before.
5. I love fashion and I believe I will be very good for your fashion department.
e. Use the sentences in activity d. to help you write an e-mail applying for the job.
Carlos Avila From: ________________ 09/28/2019 Date: ________________ To: Marjorie Jones Subject: Salesperson Wanted
Dear Ms. Jones,
Hi, Marjorie Jones _________________________________________________________________ I would like to know more about the job announcement in "All-In-One Department _________________________________________________________________ Store" i have about 2 year of experience in the same area of sale, i have time for work overtime if the salary is very good, _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ f. Exchange e-mails with a partner. Suggest how you can improve each other’s e-mails.
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Basic 3
Unit 1
Phone Call a. Do you remember the dialogue from the computer lesson? Mark who said what.
1. Certainly. She’ll be back next Monday.
2. Well, I’d really prefer to speak to Ms. Blake.
3. Good morning. Susan Blake’s office.
4. Can I help you?
5. Fine. I’ll call her then.
6. Hello, I’d like to speak to Ms. Blake, please.
b. Imagine you are the caller from the dialogue. Monday arrives, you call Ms. Blake again, but she’s still not in. Mark the sentences you can say.
1. Please tell Ms. Blake I’ll see her now. ✔
2. I’m very sorry but Ms. Blake is still in Washington. 3. When will Ms. Blake be back?
c. Write a dialogue between you and Ms. Blake’s secretary. Use the sentences from activities a. and b. to help you.
Hi, good morning. _________________________________________________________
Good morning sr. what can i help you. Secretary: _________________________________________________________
I need a interview with Ms. Blake. _________________________________________________________
ok, let me see if there some space with ms. blake. Secretary: _________________________________________________________
thank you. _________________________________________________________
here for help you, have a nice day Secretary: _________________________________________________________
d. Practice your dialogue with a partner.
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Basic 3 Unit 1
Models: Be Able To a. Read the following job ads and match them to the people described below. A
B Are you able to do at least three things at the same time? If you are, we need you! “Global Travels” is looking for an energetic secretary who is able to work at a very fast pace. Call: 955-3503 D
C “Mountain Hikes” is looking for a hiking guide for small groups of tourists at home and abroad. Must be fit and able to climb mountains with no problems. Call: 395-7156
“Toys for Kids” is looking for experienced salespeople who are able to sell ice to the Eskimos! Good salary for those suitable. E-mail:
[email protected]
Wanted: a chef for our new restaurant on Main Street – “The Bistro”. Must be able to cook basic but good dishes. Work includes evenings and weekends. Call: 472-9542
1. Jane is very popular. She can persuade you to do anything. She also loves children and likes working in stores.
2. Paul is married with three children. He likes spending time with his family. He is especially good in the kitchen.
3. Steven is single and loves to travel. He is very fit and he loves adventure. He also likes people.
4. Mary is a very dynamic person. She is very organized and has lots of energy. The only thing she’s not very good at is cooking.
b. Discuss your choices with a partner. Talk about what each of the people is able and not able to do.
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