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QUIZ 1 1. In business, you can believe your audience’s giving full attention for important messages. (False) 2. A casual conversation between co-workers in an example of informal communication. 3. When people must choose between alternatives that aren’t completely wrong or right, they are facing an ethical dilemma. (True) 4. The goal of an open communication climate is to promote feedback. (True) 5. Because external communication is carefully orchestrated, almost none of it occurs informally. (False) 6. Communication is the process of transferring information and meaning. 7. Thinking about the appointments after the meeting, strange noises from computer equipments, and beeps from smart phones filled with test messages are all example of distractions. 8. In the first step of the communication process, the sender has an idea. 9. An example of informal external communication would be on the golf course, a restaurant owner listening to a friend describe the poor service she recently received during at the restaurant. 10. Taller organizational structures generally create less distortion when it comes to internal communication. (False) QUIZ 2 1. Most audiences are unable to process information as quickly as a speaker talks, so they get behind in comprehending what the speaker is saying. (False) 2. The first phase that a team typically goes through is orientation 3. The first step in the basic listening process is physically receiving the message. 4. Group members who are motivated mainly to fulfill personal needs play a self-oriented role. 5. If you are listening mainly to understand the speaker's message, you are engaging in content listening. 6. The primary goal of empathic listening is to solve the speaker's problem. (False) 7. In the phenomenon of groupthink, the team may make poor-quality decisions. (True) 8. Despite the advantages of teamwork, the costs can be high. (True) 9. The primary difference between constructive feedback and destructive feedback is destructive feedback delivers criticism with no guidance for improvement. 10. Unproductive meetings are rare in today's business environment. (False) QUIZ 3 1. Culture influences a person's understanding of nonverbal signals, use of time and space, and words. 2. Members of high-context cultures place more emphasis on nonverbal communication than on verbal communication. (True) 3. In many Asian societies, younger employees generally avoid disagreeing with senior executives in public. (True) 4. Generally, it is an effective strategy to treat people from other cultures as the way you would want to be treated. (False) 5. When writing to someone for whom English is a second language, you should avoid using slang and idioms. (True) 6. In low-context cultures, the rules of everyday life are highly explicit. 7. When you react ethnocentrically, you assume that your culture is superior to others. 8. Letters from Japanese businesspeople tend to be less direct than those written in the United States. 9. In general, attitudes toward work and success are consistent across the world. (False) 10. Diversity in the workplace can be based on differences in age or gender, ethnic heritage and religion. QUIZ 4 1. Which media would be best for keeping in touch with a sales team whose members live in several different states? Electronic 2. Audience analysis is relatively easy when you are communicating with co-workers 3. Face-to-face communication is the richest medium. (True) 4. Poorly organized messages are unlikely to be effective, regardless of their content. (True) 5. The indirect approach is best when your audience is likely to be skeptical. (True) 6. To inform co-workers that the project you've all worked on for months has been unexpectedly eliminated, you should use the indirect approach (True) 7. The three primary steps involved in preparing a business message are planning, writing, and completing. 8. As long as your message is clear and interesting, the medium you choose doesn't really matter. (False) 9. Leaner media are best used for messages that are routine. 10. A good way to test the thoroughness of your business message is to check it for who what when where why and how QUIZ 5 1. Good business letters use language that is as formal as possible and use proven terminology such as “please be advised that” and “we are in receipt of.” (False) 2. Which of the following is not an example of obsolete language? Please let us know 3. Identify the voice in the following sentence: “The report was changed by the marketing manager.” Passive
4. Bragging about your company’s accomplishments can be offensive to readers. (True) 5. Select the sentence with the best positive emphasis: We will complete the process audit by Friday 6. A euphemism is a word or phrase that is a milder term for one with negative connotations. 7. Select the sentence with the best “you” attitude: Once the project includes the necessary estimates, we can proceed with it. 8. Adopting a “you” attitude in business writing is simply a matter of using the pronoun “you” as much as possible. (False) 9. When delivering negative news, it is misleading to emphasize any positive aspects of the situation. (False) 10. A conversational tone is not appropriate for most business messages. (False) QUIZ6 1. When revising a document, you should first read through quickly to evaluate its overall effectiveness 2. When it comes to paragraph length use one-sentence paragraphs only occasionally, for emphasis. 3. Starting a sentence with "It is" or "There are" is usually a sign that the sentence could be shorter and more active. 4. A spell checker highlights words it doesn't recognize.. 5. Which of the following is an important principle to follow in designing business documents? 6. With practice, most writers can create first drafts that do not need to be revised. (False) 7. The best approach to completing your business message is to focus on the details first before addressing the document as a whole. (False) 8. The middle section of a message has the greatest impact on the audience. (False) 9. Skilled business writers keep all their sentences as short as possible. (False) 10. It is inappropriate to use lists in formal business writing. (False)
QUIZ 16-17 1. Text slides should contain no more than 6 lines and no more than 6 or 7 words per line.(False) 2. When you prepare a speech or presentation, your first step involves analyzing the situation. 3. It is preferable to work on the design of an electronic presentation before concentrating on the content. (False) 4. Four important design elements to consider when creating slides include all of the following except writing content. 5. You will communicate more successfully with an international audience if you speak slowly and distinctly and pause frequently. (True) 6. When organizing a speech, use the indirect order if your purpose is to persuade and resistant. 7. To make your text slides more readable limit content 25 words, use active voice, bulleted phrases. 8. Using electronic presentation software allows you to incorporate photos, sound, video, and animation in your presentations.. 9. The best way to clarify your main idea in a presentation is to develop a single sentence that links your subject and purpose to your audience’s frame of reference. 10. The more you interact with the audience during your presentation, the less control you have. (True) QUIZ 7 1. E-mail should never be used for external communication (False) 2. E-mail hygiene refers to all the efforts companies make to keep e-mail clean and safe. 3. When it comes to writing messages in today’s business environment, printed letters are still used often for external communication 4. The most formal type of written communication is letters. 5. It is safe to assume that the usual standards and expectations of business communication do not apply to e-mail. (False) 6. When you want your message to stand out amidst the flood of e-mail your audience receives, you should consider sending a printed message. 7. Compared to e-mail, instant messaging offers greater speed and is less susceptible to privacy problems. 8. Printed letters are the still the most common medium for formal internal business communication. (False) 9. In e-mail, “cc” stands for “confidential copy.” (False) 10. E-mail is now a primary communication medium for most companies. (True) QUIZ 8 1. When making a routine request, you begin with a clear statement of the main idea or request. 2. When making a request, you should assume the reader will comply with your request. 3. When asking questions in a request message begin with the most important question. 4. Before volunteering someone’s name as a reference, always ask that person's permission. 5. When writing a claim letter, the best way to begin is by providing a straightforward statement of the problem. 6. For routine messages, the planning stage tends to be very short. (True) 7. When making a direct request, you should state what you want in the first sentence or two and then follow with an explanation. (True) 8. In the final section of a request message, you should thank the reader in advance for cooperating. (False) 9. In preparing routine requests, you should not assume your audience will comply. (False) 10. When writing a claim letter, you should assume that a fair adjustment will be made. (True) QUIZ 9 1. Which of the following would be an inappropriate use of the word “you” in a negative letter? You shouldn’t have washed that wool shirt; it should be dry cleaned only. 2. When using the direct approach to deliver bad news, the closing should include a positive, but still honest and respectful, statement 3. The buffer of a negative message should be neutral and noncontroversial. 4. In the reasons section of a negative message, you should present enough detail for the audience to understand your reasons. 5. Using the indirect approach, the bad news comes immediately after the reasons 6. No matter the situation, you should always provide an extensive explanation of the bad news in negative messages. (False) 7. When writing negative messages, you begin with a buffer to make the reader think that good news will follow. (False) 8. It’s best to suggest that the bad news will actually benefit your audience—even if you don’t really think it will. (False) 9. You can de-emphasize bad news by minimizing the space or time devoted to it.(True) 10. The close of a negative message should end with a statement such as “We hope you will continue to do business with us.” (False) QUIZ 10
1. An analogy lets you reason from one specific piece of evidence to another specific piece of evidence. 2. When compared to routine positive messages, persuasive messages aim to influence audiences who are likely to resist at first. 3. When writing persuasive messages, one should be careful not to mix emotional and logical appeals. (False) 4. Since promotional messages are not legally binding contracts in most states, it is usually acceptable to imply offers or promises you cannot deliver. (False) 5. To overcome audience resistance to your message present all sides of the issue before making the case for your position. 6. Induction refers to reasoning from a generalization to a specific conclusion. (False) 7. One of the best ways to gain credibility for your message is to support it with objective evidence. (True) 8. Using simple language in persuasive messages usually decreases your credibility. (False) 9. The purpose of the interest section of a persuasive message is to explain the relevance of your message to your audience. 10. AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire, action QUIZ 18-19 1. The main purpose of a résumé is to list all your skills and abilities. (False) 2. All résumés should be organized chronologically. (False) 3. Your cover letter should do all of these. 4. When it comes to functional résumés, many employers are suspicious of them. 5. The opening paragraph of an application letter states the reason for writing and gives the recipient a reason to keep reading. (True) 6. Employers use preliminary screening interviews to narrow the field of applicants. 7. The purpose of a résumé is to get you an interview. 8. An interview in which a job candidate is criticized or provoked is a type of stress interview. 9. Which of the following is not a common problem that employers see in résumés? They are too straightforward 10. You can prepare for a job interview by anticipating the questions that will be asked and rehearsing answers to each one. (True)