Ben Settle - Copywriting

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  • March 2021
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Copywriters Cheat Sheet Ground rules 1. Simply learn what your market fantasizes about and figure out how your product fits into that fantasy and how they fit in this fantasies. 2. Removing "writers block": a. Read from a junk publication and then from the Bible or two very radically diferent materials. b. Take long hot showers. c. Play video games. 3. Watch Lethal Weapon(3 times in a row if possible) to get the same amount of "rhythm" in your writing like in the movie. 4. Create a sense of urgency.(the 500 pounds woman example). Force the reader to make a decision and act right away or lose out forever. 5. Be a predator. Lure the client but don't lie to him. "It's right over here, c''re gonna love this!" and then, and then, and then... 6. Use before and after but with very extreme examples. HeavenHell 7. The WOW factor. The one and only comic book with old Batman. + ideally, the story should connect with your readers at any point of any page. 8. Concept of gradualization. Take them slowly. 9. The lawyer with the 5-6 binders on the table. Nothing at all, just binders full of testimonials from happy clients. Sell the thing before he sees it. 10. Praise your competition. Talk nicely about them.

11. Free advertising. Send 1000 press releases to newspapers and from that 1000, 50 that will call, 35 that you will talk to will make free advertising for you and your product. -in order to get that free advertising you have to give the media what it wants: ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS-> that's the thing all the newspapers are looking for. *When a person chooses a newspapers or a media chanel to watch, they do it because they instinctivly believe that those newspapers/televisions are telling him the truth.

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