Ben Settle On Bullet Points

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Bullet Point Secret #1: Curiosity This bullet is pretty straight forward. You simply say something that wrenches on your prospect’s natural sense of curiosity. It goes back to what master copywriter. Scott Haines told me he learned from the late (great) Sir Gary of Halbert: Curiosity is an even more powerful buying motive than desire: • 17 lies all intelligent women always tell men! • Cancelled check for fire insurance premium proves you’re covered. Right? Wrong. Bullet Point Secret #2: “Can’t Be Done” This kind of bullet is related to the curiosity bullet above. And I first heard of it in a lecture by copywriting legend Eugene Schwartz. These are bullets where the benefit or claim seems almost unbelievable (but still possible): • A secret, “back door” way of getting Google to reduce your pay-per-click fees... without even logging into your AdWords account. • How to vacuum, dust and clean your dresser drawer without removing its contents!

Bullet Point Secret #3: Proof & Credibility Whenever you add credibility (or “proof”) to a claim, you exponentially increase its believability. And since (as the “greatest living copywriter” Gary Bencivenga says): nobody buys without belief, adding credibility to your bullets will often increase your overall response, too: • A scientifically proven way (discovered by Isaac Newton) to hit another man with “sledge hammer” like force. (Regardless of your size or speed now.) • The one word Socrates (perhaps the greatest master of persuasion who ever lived) used to “sell” people on his ideas – even though they were dead set against him before! Bullet Point Secret #4: Contrast Contrasting ideas, words and concepts get big attention in advertising. That’s why you see headlines about one-legged golfers and other sensationalist ideas in high- pulling ads. They also make great bullets, too: • The incredible copywriting secret (used by both P.T. Barnum and Mother Theresa) that lets you sell to even your coldest, most “sales resistant” prospects. • A sneaky way to sell more products with a weak sales pitch Bullet Point Secret #5: Pain (Physical Or Psychological) Memory training experts will tell you to painfully “peg” things to your body (in your mind) to remember something. Example, if you want to remember a hot dog, you visualize someone nailing a hot dog into your leg. Ouch! But it works. Because the human brain finds pain (physical and psychological) hard to forget. And guess what? You can also use this concept to craft “unforgettable” bullets:

• A secret “bear hug” defense that’s so ruthless, there’s a good chance he’ll be pissing blood immediately afterwards. • What many people do in their wills that could disinherit their children. Bullet Point Secret #6: Straight Benefit This is another simple and straight forward one – just state the claim (or more than one claim): • How to hit the golf ball’s “sweet spot” every time you swing the club. (Hit the ball in this exact spot and you almost can’t help driving the ball farther and straighter down the fairway.) • How to get your affiliate web pages featured on CNN, Google, Yahoo and other high traffic sites – 100% free.

Bullet Point Secret #7: Tell Them What Not to Do This bullet is also related to curiosity. Except, you’re not telling them what to do... you’re telling them what not to do. This is especially powerful if it’s something you know they are already doing. I love these bullets because people have an extremely hard time not buying if you do enough of them: • The #1 worst mistake you can make with your wrist when swinging a golf club. (Even if you do everything else “right”, your game will fall apart if you make this common mistake nobody talks about.) • Four words that will destroy your chances of sponsoring new reps – even the ones who already want to sign up! (When I stopped saying these four words – that 99% of network marketers say during calls – my sponsoring rate shot through the roof.) Bullet Point Secret #8: The Give Away One thing you can do in your bullets is give away what the entire secret is. I don’t recommend doing a lot of these. But tossing a few in the mix can ratchet up the “believability factor” of your other claims and promises (since you’re demonstrating your knowledge): • Nausea – settle a queasy stomach with a bowl of milk toast. Amazing! Page 5 • How to use simple cartoons to explode your sales… no matter what you sell or who you sell to. (For example, you’d be amazed at how easily a picture of a phone operator with her headset on can jack up your response!) Bullet Point Secret #9: The 90% Solution This is a great technique I learned from “A-list” copywriter David Deutsch. This is where you “bait the hook” 90% of the way, and purposely leave out that extra 10% the reader would need to get the whole secret. Here are some examples: • Why you should never chew gum if you are trying to lose weight! • The real reason why Prozac and Zoloft are so popular in this country! (Almost no one... not even

doctors... understands the startling sexual implications.)

Bullet Point Secret #10: End with Dramatic Sub-headline This a great way to break up the “sameness” of an ad with lots of bullets. What you do is turn the last six or seven words of your bullet into a dramatic sub-headline: • How to “trick” copywriters who get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars per year… Into Doing All The “Dirty Work” For You! Bullet Point Secret #11: Compressed Bullets I first noticed this when reading a Gary Bencivenga ad. I tend to do these at the end of a long bullet list as a sort of “grand finale.” And what you do is take a bunch of your short and “punchy” bullets and compress them into their own paragraph: Why you do not want your press releases used word-for-word... How to use “sound bites” to make your press releases almost impossible for reporters to for- get or ignore... Why you should almost never email your press releases... How to make yourself an instant “expert”... And much more. Bullet Point Secret #12: Expansion Bullets Finally, we have what I call “expansion” bullets. This is where you take a bullet and tack on a detailed explanation of it (using lots of tease). This is another great way to break up the “sameness” of the page when writing a fat list of bullets. Here’s an example that also combines the compressed bullets, too: • How to stop a life-threatening disease in your dog… before it surfaces. Speaking of stopping diseases… chapter 32 of “Why You Should Never Give Your Dog A Bone” will show you… How to Pay Little or Nothing for Your Dog’s Vet Bills and Medications! This is no joke. In fact, if you want to kiss those sky-high vet bills and expensive pet medications goodbye forever… then turn immediately to page 92 and discover: Why some colleges will perform veterinary services for your dog (as education for their veterinarian students) at a reduced cost (and sometimes free!)… A special website where you can buy dog medications for as much as 50% off… A secret way to get high-quality veterinary services 100% free for the rest of your dog’s life… How to save a huge amount of money on your vet bills by asking your vet one (al- most laughably simple) question… And more. There are actually 12 money-saving secrets in this chapter. And each one can save you a pile of money the next time your dog gets sick, hurt or just needs a routine checkup. Here are a few more of the little-known secrets revealed in this hot new book for dog owners:

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