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Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
CONTENTS .................................................................................. iii CALENDAR OF EVENTS ...............................................................5 CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT & INITIAL PLANING CONFERENCE (CDC/IPC) TABLE TOP EXERCISE (TTX) INTERNATIONAL 2013 .............................................................................................7 1.
Background ....................................................................... 7
Objectives ......................................................................... 8
Targets............................................................................... 8
GUIDELINES FOR DELEGATES ....................................................9 1.
General Information ....................................................... 9
Arrival and Departure Arrangements........................... 9
Site Survey ........................................................................ 9
Transportation ............................................................... 10
Accomodation ................................................................. 10
Access to Meeting Venues ............................................ 11
Dress Code ...................................................................... 11
Secretariat ...................................................................... 11
Other Information ......................................................... 12
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Agenda ............................................................................. 13
Day one : ................................................................................... 13 Day Two : .................................................................................. 14 FLOORPLANS .............................................................................15 1.
Conference Room Mercure Hotel ................................ 15
Conference Room For AAR Meeting ............................ 16
Evacuation Maps Mercure Hotel .................................. 17
Site Survey ...................................................................... 20
West Sumatra Tourism Map ......................................... 21
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Note: 2013: February 7th-8th
:Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference(CDC/IPC) Table Top Exercise(TTX)International
March 14th-15th
: FinalPlanning Conference(FPC) Table Top Exercise (TTX)
April 22th-25th
: Table Top Exercise(TTX) International
August 25th-30th
:Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning
Conference(CDC/IPC) Command Post Exercise & Field Training Exercise (CPX/FTX)
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
2014: January 14th -20th :Final Planning Conference (FPC) ofCommand Post Exercise (CPX),Field Training Exercise (FTX), & Humanitarian Civic Action(HCA) March 16th – 22th
: Execution of Command Post Exercise (CPX), Field Training Exercise (FTX), & Humanitarian Civic Action (HCA)
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
1. Background Recognizing the high level of vulnerability to earthquake and tsunami in Indonesian region, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has developed a Tsunami Disaster Risk Reduction Masterplan to enhance its protection for the people living in areas prone to earthquakes and tsunamis. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia attaches great importance of reducing the risks by organizing series of exercises to strengthen its disaster emergency management system both at the national and local levels. Being aware on the possible devastating impact that Mentawai Megathrust may bring, the Government of Indonesia would like to invite all ASEAN Member States and EAS Non-ASEAN Participating Countries to take part in series of Mentawai Megathrust humanitarian relief exercises. On this note, Indonesian National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB), together with relevant line ministries, will host an International Table Top Exercise 2013,with the theme “Strengthening Collaboration and Partnerships in Disaster Response To Build A Resilient Region". BNPB has developed the basic concept of the International Table Top Exercise, which tentatively will take place on 20th – 26th of April 2013. To enrich the basic concept of the exercise it is, therefore, necessary to obtain inputs from international partners who will be involved in the activities. Thus, the Government of Indonesia welcomes all ASEAN Member States and Non-ASEAN EAS Participating Members as well as related international organizations to participate in the Concept Development Conference (CDC)/Initial Planning Conference (IPC) for International Table Top Exercise in Padang, West Sumatra, on the 7th & 8th of February 2013.
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
2. Objectives a. To formulate a joint basic concept of the project which will be used in the implementation of International Table Top Exercise in April 2013. b. To identify the issues that will be subjects of discussion on the activities of the International Table Top Exercise 2013. c. To have a common understanding among international participants about the activitiesas the preparation for the International Table Top Exercise 2013. 3. Targets
The identification of the material for the International Table Top Exercise 2013.
The establishment of common perception on the purpose and objectives of the International Table Top Exercise 2013, that is to identify alternative solutions (debottle necking) for significant hindrance often faced during humanitarian operation caused by natural disasters
The formulation of the basic concept to be used as a reference in the International Table Top Exercise 2013.
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
GUIDELINES FOR DELEGATES 1. General Information The Concept Development Conference (CDC) and Initial Planning Conference (IPC) for the International Table Top Exercise 2013 will be held at the Hotel Mercure, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia on 7-8 February 2013. Participants are suggested to arrive at the meeting site on 6 February 2013 for registration. 2. Arrival and Departure Arrangements a. b. c.
Delegates will have to use normal entry and exit channels at the MinangkabauInternational Airport, Padang. Delegates are kindly requested to inform the organizing committee about their itinerary as soon as possible for transportation arrangement.
3. Site Survey a.
Participants in the CDC and IPC are invited to conduct site survey to explore the areas and its suitability with the scenarios and the size of participating teams.
All activities will take place in Pangeran Beach Hotel.
The transportation willleave from Mercure Hotel from 0800 hours on 8 February and return at 0900 hours on the same day. The trip from Hotel Mercure. to Pangeran Beach Hotel takes approximately 15 minutes.
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
4. Transportation The organizing committee will provide transportation for airport transfer only (from and to the hotel). 5. Accomodation a.
Participants are kindly requested to book their own reservations directly to the hotel listed below. Please inform your confirmed accommodation to the organizing committee.
Contact details of the hotels: MERCURE HOTEL PADANG Ballroom Jalan Purus IV No. 8 Padang 25115 West Sumatra Tel.: +62 751 891188 Fax: +62 751 891891 Email:
[email protected] Contact Person:Ms. Fivi Fitrianti Phone Number: +62 81277330691 PANGERAN BEACH HOTEL PADANG Jalan Ir. H. Juanda No. 79 Padang West Sumatra Phone. +62 751 7051333 Fax: +62 751 7054613 Contact Person: Ms. Rini Phone Number:0811669980
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
6. Access to Meeting Venues a.
Each Delegateis required to register at the reception desk of the organizing committee located at the hotel lobby upon arrival. The desks open from 09.00 to 20.00 hours on the 6th February. Meeting badges will be provided at the registration for all Delegates to access to all meeting areas
7. Dress Code During Concept Development Conference and Initial Planning Conference for the International Table Top Exercise 2013, the recommended attire of the Meeting will be daily uniform (for Military Officer) and business suit (for Civilian Officer). 8. Secretariat a. The organizing committee will provide 1 (one) common secretariat for all delegations at the meeting area. b. Any master copy of documents (hard copy and soft copy) from Participants to be circulated in the Meetings should be submitted to the organizing committee. c. Please contact the following persons for any inquiries or arrangements related to the Meetings: Mr. Hendrikus Adi Hernanto, SS Phone:+ 62 21 3503681 Mobile: +62 817899910 Email:
[email protected] cc to:
[email protected]
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
9. Other Information 9.1 Place of Interests For further information, please visit the following Indonesia’s Official Tourism Website: 9.2 Electricity The electric current is 220 Volt AC (50 cycles) throughout Indonesia. The electric plugs and sockets are designed for twopin plugs. It is recommended that delegates bring their own adaptors to comply with the electric current and plugs. 9.3 Banking Banks are opened on Monday through Friday from 08.30 – 16.30 hours. However, foreign currencies exchanges can be found in all major shopping areas and hotels. Many shops and restaurants also accept credit cards. Please note that 1 USD is approximately equivalent to IDR 9600 – IDR 9700 (as of January 2013). 9.4 Time Zone Please be advised that the time zone in Padang is GMT+7. 9.5 Weather Information Padang has a nice tropical climate with high humidity. In February, rainy days are most likely predicted and the average temperature is around 28o C.
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
10. Agenda Day one : Thursday, 7 February 2013 Ballroom, Mercure Hotel Padang, West Sumatra Time
Registration Evacuation Explaination by Dress Code: Business Mercure Hotel Attire; Uniform Opening Ceremony “Pasambahan” Dance Opening Remarks by West Sumatera Governor Opening Remarks by the Chief of BNPB Photo Session Coffee Break
09:00 – 09: 07 09:07 – 09:10 09:10 – 09:17 09:20-09:27 09:30 -09:40 10:10-10:15
Press conference: Chief of BNPB Presentationon the urgency of B. Wisnu Widjaja, Head the disaster relief exercise in of Training & Education anticipating the threat of Center– BNPB Mentawai Megathrust Rosmalawati Chalid, Presentation on the Added Director General for Value for regional ASEAN Cooperation implementation of the Ministry of Foreign exercise Affairs Jaya Murjaya, Head of Tsunami Early Warning System “Seismologi Teknik and Emergency Command Geofisika Potensial dan System in Indonesia Tanda Waktu” of BMKG
11:05-11:30 Tsunami Early Warning System Ade Edward, Head of and Emergency Command Emergency & Logistics, System in West Sumatera EOC - BPBD Province of West Sumatra
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Time 11:30 – 11:55 11:55-12:25 12:25-12:50
12:50- 13:15
15:30-16:00 16:00-18:00 19:00-21:30
Activity Regional (ASEAN) Mechanism Arnel Capili, Senior for Disaster Relief Assistance Emergency Preparedness (SASOPS) & Response Officer of AHA Centre Lunch Break Iwan Mindaraga, Lessons Learned: West Emergency Response Sumatra Earthquake in Officer of UNOCHA September 2009 Indonesia Lessons Learned: Aceh Irina Rafliana, COMPRESS Earthquake in April 2011 Coordinator, LIPI Presentationon the Mentawai B. Wisnu Widjaja, Head Megathrust Direx 2013 – 2014 of Education and Training Center – BNPB Presentation on the draft Concept of Table Top Exercise Kol. Czi Faizal, 2013 Coordinator of TTX Planners Discussion Coffee Break Discussion Cont. Welcoming Dinner by the Dress Code: Batik/Smart Mayor of Padang Casual
Day Two : Friday, 8 February 2013 Time
Site Survey Locations International TTX
09:00- 09:30
Wrap Up Session
Closing Ceremony at Ball Room of Mercure Hotel
10:00-13:00 13:00-16:30
Lunch Break Field Visit
Dress Code: Business Attire; Uniform Kol. Czi Faizal, Coordinator of TTX Planners Primary Secretaryof BNPB/ Deputy of BNPB
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
FLOORPLANS 1. Conference Room Mercure Hotel
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
2. Conference Room For AAR Meeting
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
3. Evacuation Maps Mercure Hotel
Lobby Map
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Upper Ground Map
Conference Room
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
1st Floor Map
Holding Room
AAR Meeting Room
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
4. Site Survey
Location A:
MERCURE HOTEL PADANG Jalan Purus IV No. 8 Padang 25,115 West Sumatra
Location B:
HOTEL PANGERAN BEACH Jalan Ir. H. Juanda No. 79 Padang West Sumatra
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
5. West Sumatra Tourism Map
Concept Development Conference& Initial Planning Conference 7 – 8 February 2013 Mercure Hotel,Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia