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TheGuru Bl ackBook
Brad J ackson
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“Common Questions...Uncommon Answers” Welcome to “The Guru Black Book's” Featured Guru Presentation. You are about to discover what one of the world's leading dating gurus has to say about 25 of the most frequently experienced situations that single men face every single day. The Guru Black Book was created by Brad Jackson and Bill Preston, who have unprecedented access to the world's dating masters and sat down with over two dozen of these experts to get them all answering the exact same 25 questions that you're about to see below. By tackling common questions with uncommon answers, we are able to bring you very unique perspectives on the fundamental questions that allow you to meet, attract...and yes, even seduce any woman you desire. But this is no ordinary interview series. In fact, in the original and complete “Guru Black Book” we broke down each question, followed by each of the Guru's answers, one by one, so that you can compare them side by side to get the answer that works best for you. Nothing like this has ever existed until now and it is available to you now simply by going to the following website: www.thegurublackbook.com/continue Here you will get to see inside the original Guru Black Book and discover the precedent-setting “Guru Matrix” where you can actually HEAR each of the gurus answer each question, clip by clip, giving you the ultimate control over what you learn and from whom you learn it. This will turn you into a razor sharp encyclopedia of dating and pick up skills and you will never be at a loss for answers again.
Enjoy! Brad Jackson & Bill Preston The Guru Black Book
About Brad Jackson Before I discovered how to fuse MAGIC with the art of seduction, I was a pretty shy introvert who had trouble just talking to girls, let a lone getting many dates. When I figured out a couple really cool Magic Tricks,
amazing amount of self confidence and the ability to interact with one person or groups. I can now approach any girl or have her approach me, excite her, incite mystery and entertain her. But it wasn‟t just about the magic. When I discovered the underground society of pick up artists (aka the Community) the same way many people did (after reading Neil Strauss‟s “The Game”) I began studying everything I could and practicing. I‟d been using magic for years and got good…but this made me even better. I studied under some of the top names in pick-up and have since become very good friends with a lot of them. It‟s a great feeling to hang with your mentors.
To this day though, no one else has been able to successfully teach guys how to use magic along with other gimmicks and routines effectively without looking like a dancing monkey. That is my mission and you‟re invited to join Fundamental Style/Philosophy I created P.U.M.A. Skills in 2008 to show guys like yourself exactly how to fuse magic with seduction….BUT THERE‟S A CATCH. I show you how to use magic to pick up girls without looking like you‟re using magic to pick up girls. That‟s right. I help you avoid the mistakes. I‟m here to help you understand how to use magic to build attraction with girls, become the life of the party and experience the “instant fame and social proof” that doing a couple cool effects for an unsuspecting girl or group of girls can bring you. Products The PUMA Skills Mastery Course Pick Up Magic Vol I and II
Table of Content Q1: How Do You Overcome The Fear Of Rejection? Q2: What Is The Easiest And Quickest Way To Develop Self Confidence? Q3: What Do You Tell A Student Who Feels That He Is Physically Unattractive To Girls? Q4: How Can "Nice Guys" Compete With "Bad Boys" Without Having To Act Like Jerks? Q5: What Do You Do To Get Into The Mindset To Go Out, Have Fun, And Meet Women? Q6: How Does A Guy Build His Social Life And Circle Of Friends Quickly? Q7: How Do You Bring More Hot Female "Friends" Into Your Social Circle?
Approaching Women Q8: Do You Still Get Approach Anxiety And How Do You Manage It? Q9: Do You Have An Opener Or Two That Works In Most Situations? Q10: How Would You Approach A Woman During The Day? Q11: When Approaching A Group Of Girls In A Club, What Do You Typically Say To Open The Conversation? Q12: What Do You Do If You Are Not Well Received By The Girl Or Group At First?
Conversation & Attraction Q13: Many Guys Don't Have Approach Anxiety As Much As They Have Conversation Anxiety. What Do You Do Or Say To Keep The Conversation Going Once You Get Past The Introduction? Q14: How Do You Keep The Conversation From Becoming Boring Small Talk? Q15: When There's A Lull Or Awkward Moment And You Can Tell Her Interest Is Drifting (The Oh Man I Am Losing Her Feeling), How Do You Get The Attraction "Back On Track"? Q16: How Do You Know When It's Just Not Going Anywhere And It's Time To Eject? Q17: How Do You Know When It's Working And Time To Take It To The Next Level?
Sexual Tension & Seductions Q18: How Do You Generate Sexual Tension Into Your Conversations Without Sounding Creepy?
5 Q19: How Do You Know Whether To Ask Her Back To Your Place Or To Just Get Her Phone Number? Q20: What Do You Do Or Say To Get A Woman Back To Your Place? Q21: Once You Are Back At Your Place, What Do You Do? Q22: How Do You Know When It's Time To Ask For A Girl's Phone Number? Q23: How Do You Increase The Probability That A Girl Will Not Flake On You? Q24: Where Do You Like To Take A Girl The First Time You Hang Out Together? Q25: What Do You Say To A Girl Who Asks If You Are Dating Other Women Or Calls You A Player?
Q1: How Do You Overcome The Fear Of Rejection? Face it and reframe it. Most guys aren‟t afraid of rejection once the girl gets to know them; they‟re really afraid of rejection BEFORE the girl gets a chance to know them. They‟re afraid that because they don‟t look like Brad Pitt or can‟t approach suavely like James Bond that the girl won‟t like them. Girls might reject you for any number of reasons that have nothing to do with you. It can be what‟s going on in their head or the timing – or it could be you. But it doesn‟t matter, because SOMEWHERE is a girl who is ready and unless you try, you‟ll never find her. Additionally, remember this, I forget who said it: “Everybody is fighting their own quiet battle of desperation.” Every girl out there – hell, every guy – is battling something, whether it‟s an external situation or something self conscious. Realize that and have empathy for them. Then act as if you‟re true intent is to connect with her as a person and not JUST a sexual conquest. I‟m not saying get all “sissy” but realize that she‟s a person with problems and you might be somebody who can make her life better. You‟re the gift. She might not realize that every day‟s her birthday.
Q2: What Is The Easiest And Quickest Way To Develop Self Confidence? There are so many paths to self confidence but it starts with the thoughts you tell yourself every day. Waking up and telling yourself that you‟re worth it and affirmations spoken aloud fool your mind into believing it even if you‟re having trouble at first. Then those thoughts drive action. Hold yourself with better posture, study body language. If you force a smile, your mind can‟t help move towards happy. If you stand up straight and walk proud, even if you‟re not, you‟ll develop that feeling. The body-mind connection is funny that way. Lastly, nothing builds confidence more that competence. Get good at something – anything. At PUMASkills.com I teach guys how to use magic tricks to create curiosity with women. I teach them how to impress women with a skill that most guys don‟t possess and it allows them to bring out their personality. But what‟s really happening is that I‟m helping them build “competence” in a skill. Then when they KNOW they‟re good at something, they‟re “confident” in their ability and that confidence starts to show in many other aspects of their life. It‟s like planting a confidence seed with competence.
Q3: What Do You Tell A Student Who Feels That He Is Physically Unattractive To Girls? Anyone who says “looks don‟t matter at all” is full of crap. A girl wants a physically attractive man – just like men want pretty women in their lives. The good news is in two parts. Part one: Girls are MUCH more able to overlook physical attractiveness when you connect with her on a personality level. When you have a connection and can make her FEEL something that she wants to feel, you can become the most attractive man on the planet to her. I know, it‟s weird, but women are wired differently than us. Taking the time to learn about attraction and what women respond to (notice I didn‟t say what women want) gives you that edge so that you can understand how to connect with her in ways which downplay the necessity to look like Brad Pitt. Part two of the good news about looks is that you may not be able to look like Brad Pitt, but you probably CAN make a dramatic change in your appearance by dressing better, grooming better, getting your ass in the gym and eating better. It isn‟t that hard. The dressing and the grooming can change you overnight. The gym and eating better take time but they‟re worth it and you should be doing that anyway.
Q4: How Can "Nice Guys" Compete With "Bad Boys" Without Having To Act Like Jerks? Ah yes, why do good girls like bad boys? It‟s the eternal question. Don‟t be a jerk ... but don‟t be a doormat. Girls want a challenge. A girl wants a guy who does not let her get away with anything and who knows his own value and isn‟t afraid to stand up for it. Being playful and funnily sarcastic can work wonders. Keeping a woman on her toes by letting her know that it‟s not all about her can make her like you. We all want what we can‟t have. Not being so physically or emotionally available – even when you‟re dying inside to see her – actually makes most women respond to you as if you are that jerk who she‟s used to dating. But remember, when you see a jerk, the jerk just sees himself as being above groveling to the girl. That doesn‟t mean don‟t treat her well when you‟re with her, but just remember not to act like it‟s “all about her.” Have a spine.
Q5: What Do You Do To Get Into The Mindset To Go Out, Have Fun, And Meet Women? This is pretty simple. Listen to some great music that pumps you up. Tell yourself that you‟re in the mood to meet new people and have an adventure tonight and that no matter what happens you‟re happy that you got out there and tried – do this before you go out. Also, focus NOT on meeting a girl or taking her home and nailing her, but instead focus on something you can directly control. Focus your outcome on saying “I will make somebody smile tonight if it‟s the last thing I do.” Have the outcome that you‟re going to meet at least one new person no matter what. That‟s something you can control and the good news is, good things usually come from outcomes like that … and adventure.
Social Circle Q6: How Does A Guy Build His Social Life And Circle Of Friends Quickly? Be a fun guy to be around and think about how you can help others have fun instead of just worrying about yourself all the time. That goes back to one of the advantages of using magic in your game. It‟s not about picking girls up with magic … it‟s about being able to introduce something into your social life that makes you a star and at the same time brings value to the people you‟re doing it for. When you meet a new guy, especially a guy who has a good social life, get curious about him. Befriend him and see what you can do for him … what does he need? Live your life like this – by leading with the giving hand and see what you can do for others. It comes back to you several times.
Q7: How Do You Bring More Hot Female "Friends" Into Your Social Circle? Befriend girls, hot girls, and don‟t try to bang them all. Get in with their friends and the upfront sacrifice of being cool and not seducing everyone you meet will allow you to seduce everyone she introduces you to. One way is to introduce girls to other girls or club promoters or people with influence – be the connector and your influence will grow as well.
Approaching Women Q8: Do You Still Get Approach Anxiety And How Do You Manage It? Yeah, absolutely. Just like most stage performers still get butterflies. Here‟s the thing, though: It‟s not about the approach that most guys get nervous with, it‟s the transition. Anyone can approach a girl. We do it all the time in non-pick up situations. But we wonder to ourselves, “What am I going to say next?” Every approach I go into with the thought that this girl has SOMETHING in her life that sucks – something that sucks way more than being approached by me. And the fact that I‟m approaching her affirms that she has something else going for her. So guess who‟s doing who the favor? Another thought I tell myself is that I‟m there to feed off her energy. If I go over and she‟s got nasty energy, I don‟t want any. But if she‟s cool and fun, I‟m there to soak it up because I‟m looking to have fun too. That mental imagery makes it somewhat of a game for me, so it takes the focus off of being accepted or rejected. There is a saying in NLP: “There is no such thing as failure – only feedback.” That‟s reframing it. Meaning, if you didn‟t succeed with the woman, look at what happened, what you could have done better and what you‟ll do next time. Then go try again and tweak it until something works.
The bottom line is that the more you do it the easier it gets and the less meaning you put onto it.
Q9: Do You Have An Opener Or Two That Works In Most Situations? It‟s funny, being the only guru who teaches guys how to use magic to pick up girls, you would think that I would be going over and saying “Hi, want to see a magic trick?” Which is SO lame and I never do. I never use magic as an opener. Instead I use it later to build surprise and curiosity. That being said, the openers that I use in most situations are just that – situational. This is not original but asking an opinion on a topic is a great way to open indirectly that usually DOES work. Usually it depends on the situation and if I can come up with an original opener for that situation I like to use that because it‟s more congruent. However, one of my tried and tested “lines” is, “Hi, y‟all got some friendly faces.” I say it with a big smile like I‟m really glad to see them and relieved almost. The world “friendly faces” interrupts their normal way of thinking and they don‟t know if I‟m saying they‟re “friendly” or that that have “pretty faces”... but I actually said neither, so it makes them stop and think for a moment. In that moment when they‟re thinking, I say very confidently, “You know it‟s a relief because most women sit around with scowls on their face making fun of other girls‟ clothes and what not... oh damn; y‟all were just doing that
weren‟t you? Who are we making fun of right now?” At that point I turn around like I‟m one of them and act like I‟m looking for someone to make fun of. This puts me on their side and makes the interaction fun. This works very well, especially with a bit of practice.
Q10: How Would You Approach A Woman During The Day? I‟ll be the first to admit that my day game isn‟t as tight as I would like. But when I have approached during the day, for instance in a coffee shop (where I have had good success), it‟s by simply find a girl who‟s working on something and seeing if there‟s a seat next to her. If there is I ask if I can borrow it. I‟ll open with something disarming and situational. One time at Starbucks I approached a woman around lunch time when it was really crowded. I said something like, “Excuse me, have you been to this place in the morning? Is it THIS crowded? This is nuts? Who drinks this much coffee at lunch?” And we just kind of went from there.
Q11: When Approaching A Group Of Girls In A Club, What Do You Typically Say To Open The Conversation? If I‟m approaching an individual girl, it‟s rare that she‟s completely alone. She‟s usually with a girlfriend or a mixed set of girls and guys. Let‟s assume it‟s just a couple of girls: I‟ll often do the “friendly faces” line that I mentioned before because I‟ve got such a great batting average. But another one – a
little more contrived but harmless, fun and oh so successful for me at least – has been something like this: “Hi. I heard a rumor that you‟re NOT the most boring person in the room/bar/club/whatever and I wanted to see if that was true.” She‟ll usually say, who said that? I‟ll say “Actually I was about to start the rumor, but I like my rumors based in fact. Just kidding, but you look like fun and someone who can take a joke. Let‟s be friends.” Girls can‟t help but laugh at that and it usually breaks the ice just enough to continue on. Now, for groups of women – I‟m kind of known for this one actually. I think approaching a larger group of women to open them or even one of them in the group can be one of the most nerve racking things a guy can do. So that‟s where my patented opener “The Hiroshima Opener” comes in. Some guys may have heard of this before because it‟s spreading like wild fire, and I‟ll provide you a copy of the entire routine. It is very gimmicky but I will guarantee that there is no more surefire way to open a group of girls successfully AND at the same time, destroy all approach anxiety. Basically I have a piece of typing paper in my back pocket with the words: “Bill, Wish You Were Here” or any male friend‟s name on it. I walk up to the group of girls and say, “Hey you girls have friendly faces, I was hoping you could help me out with something completely stupid but fun. My friend Bill was supposed to come visit me from Phoenix but he bailed at the last
minute for some girl he met online. Party foul right!? Since you girls represent Dallas (or whatever town you‟re in) really well, I was hoping you‟d hold this and let me snap a pic and show him what he‟s missing.” At that time I unfold the sign, they read it, they‟ve been complimented indirectly and feel honored to make this strange guy named Bill wish he were here. It‟s fun and it gets me into their group. There‟s a whole follow-up sequence but you‟ll have to watch the video I‟ll provide you to get more details on that. But yes – I dare anyone to come up with a better, more effective “group” opener than that!
Q12: What Do You Do If You Are Not Well Received By The Girl Or Group At First? It depends on HOW I‟m not received. I‟d rather be shot down hard than gently rejected because at least I can move on. Of course, if at first you can‟t impress, you must offend. Just kidding. That only happens when I‟ve had too much red bull and vodka. Actually, I don‟t mind getting silly if I get blown out or if the girls don‟t give me the time of day. At that point I have nothing to lose and I do whatever comes to mind. Sometimes I move on. Other times I switch the girl or girls to become my friends and I tell them that since I‟m not the man for the job that I‟ll find them
all the right man and start asking them what they‟re looking for tonight. I‟ll befriend them. I don‟t know why this works so well, but I‟ve taken many girls home or gotten numbers by doing exactly this.
Conversation & Attraction Q13: What Do You Do Or Say To Keep The Conversation Going Once You Get Past The Introduction? Ask open ended questions. It‟s pretty simple really: you get a girl talking about herself, but not about small stupid stuff like her job and where she‟s from. Get her to tell you a story. Or better yet, if she has a good sense of humor, start off with a story and tell her to finish it. Get it going and then half way through just say: “You know, I‟ve told this story a million times and I‟m bored with the way it turns out. Do you have a good imagination?” She‟ll say yes. So you say, “Great. Help me finish the story: So after I did xyz then you tell ME what happened.” Laugh and say “Come on, you can do it.” Boring girls won‟t like this and it won‟t go anywhere, fun creative girls will run with it and you‟ll have more fun than you know what to do with.
Q14: How Do You Keep The Conversation From Becoming Boring Small Talk? I introduce drama or stories or some sort of conversation that gets some passion into the mix. One of the things I learned a long time ago is to never ask a girl‟s name, but to let her ask YOU for your name because it‟s an indication of interest in you. And this is so true. If she never asks your
name, she was never that into you. If she DOES ask your name, at least you‟ve aroused her curiosity that much. So my whole outcome of the conversation is to be charismatic, charming or curiosity-inducing enough (by using magic) to get her to ask for my name. Then I move on from there. But it keeps me on my toes.
Q15: When There's A Lull Or Awkward Moment And You Can Tell Her Interest Is Drifting (The Oh Man I Am Losing Her Feeling), How Do You Get The Attraction "Back On Track"? I like to take her to another area of the bar or to another place altogether to mix it up. Maybe I‟ll just acknowledge that sometimes it‟s OK to just sit there and stare at each other, even though society says it‟s rude to stare. I say this in a funny manner that breaks the ice that‟s forming and see how it goes from there. It‟s always good to have a “Can you believe this...” story. Something you pull out just for those times. For instance, something shocking that happened – particularly in somebody else‟s relationship – because women love to talk about relationships.
Q16: How Do You Know When It's Just Not Going Anywhere And It's Time To Eject? I think you know. When the girl is not giving you the time of day or is looking at her friends way more than you and it just dies and there is nothing you do can get her back. Then just eject and say “Have fun, my friends are calling me back, seems like they miss me. I get held hostage like this a lot.” And leave. That‟s pretty easy.
Q17: How Do You Know When It's Working And Time To Take It To The Next Level? It‟s called calibration. Pay attention to the body language and signals she‟s giving you. This usually doesn‟t take an Einstein to figure out, but if she‟s touching her hair, touching you, giving you undivided attention, laughing at your jokes –you‟re in. Or you can just ask her to go somewhere else with you, ask for her number, or ask her to go home to your place. If you get her at the right moment, anything works.
Sexual Tension & Seductions Q18: How Do You Generate Sexual Tension Into Your Conversations Without Sounding Creepy? Do not think sexually when you say something sexual. Seriously. Tell a girl you want to go back to your house, skip all this “get to know each other” B.S. and just get naked like a couple of jungle kids. BUT here‟s the secret: When you say it, in your mind you have to be thinking of something like going for a walk in the park or something innocent, that way the vibe you give and the tonality will not come off as creepy. It‟s amazing how well that works. You also have to know how NOT to take it too far, but gauge the girl‟s sense of humor and ability to take a joke and then poke and prod until you find what her hot buttons are.
Q19: How Do You Know Whether To Ask Her Back To Your Place Or To Just Get Her Phone Number? This goes back to that other question: you watch for body language. If you‟re at a bar or a club, you‟ve both been drinking and there‟s a lot touching going on, ask her to go to your place. Always go for the big close when you can because you‟ll be surprised how often she says “Yes.”
This reminds me of a situation back when I was terrible at “closing the deal.” Well one night I walked into a bar and within 5 minutes I was already on the dance floor with this girl who was a little tipsy but really into me. I think we even started kissing. In that five minutes, my friend Joey walked up behind me and said: “Ask her to go home with you.” I shook my head and he said it once more. So I looked right at the girl and said, “Do you want to go back to my place?” and she just nodded her head and off we went. That was a very memorable night and it was an epiphany in my life. Sometimes girls want it just as bad as guys. On the other hand, if the girl is just lukewarm, go for the phone number and tell her you‟ll call her tomorrow – not in 3 days – to set something up.
Q20: What Do You Do Or Say To Get A Woman Back To Your Place? “Let‟s get out of here. Let‟s go back to my place, but under no circumstances are you to walk in the door and remove your clothes.” It‟s crazy that this works. Seriously, women often want it just as badly as men do and sometimes you just ask. An alternate method is if you‟re driving, on a date or after you‟ve met her and it‟s just the two of you in the car, just drive back to your place and have her ask you “Where are we going?”
Say “Back to my place, I have some
wine there. You‟ll like it. You might even be able to give me some decorating advice.”
Q21: Once You Are Back At Your Place, What Do You Do? This part is nerve racking for a lot of guys and it used to be for me, too. First of all, I like to have a nice clean place if there‟s a chance of bringing a girl back. It‟s not absolutely necessary but a dirty place is a turn off, especially the bathroom. I would usually bring her back to my place and have my guitar resting on the couch like I was playing it when I left (which I usually was). I know – cheesy – but it makes her ask me if I play. Since it is – like magic is – an attractive trait, I play my guitar and it sets the tone. While she sits down I get her a glass of wine. We talk and then I move in for a kiss. It doesn‟t take too long. You also shouldn‟t let her start over thinking the fact that she‟s at your house. If she‟s there, you‟re doing very well.
Q22: How Do You Know When It's Time To Ask For A Girl's Phone Number? I like to get the number sooner rather than later. I DO teach a magic trick that makes that super easy too. It‟s called the Jedi Ninja Text Message Magic Trick and though I can‟t explain the whole thing now, it is available in my PUMA Skills Mastery Course and it works wonders. But the real question is when. It depends on the situation. If I think there‟s a chance of going home with her I won‟t ask for it, I‟ll wait to see if we go
home. If I think that‟s not going to happen, I‟ll get the number earlier so I say, “In case I forget, give me your number because I want to call you and hear more about you.”
Q23: How Do You Increase The Probability That A Girl Will Not Flake On You? Once more, that Jedi Ninja magic trick I do pretty much guarantees no girl flakes on me, but in general it all depends on the level of her attraction at the time you left her. If you just met her and didn‟t really build much attraction or give her a memorable reason to want to hear from you, good luck getting her to call you back. That‟s one area in which magic is SO useful because it creates curiosity and a memorable moment and reminds her that I‟m FUN to be around.
Q24: Where Do You Like To Take A Girl The First Time You Hang Out Together? If it‟s a real first date, I love, love, love comedy clubs. You can see her sense of humor, you can laugh and you don‟t HAVE to just start talking. I‟ve never had a bad first date at a comedy club ever. I don‟t try to overly impress on the first date. The first date is fun or funny. The second date is food and drinks: NICE, but not real fancy. Maybe some place hip or happening and fun. The third date, if all went well, I either bring her to my house to cook for her, which usually leads to the bedroom or we
go out to grab a small bite to eat, have several drinks, let her get tipsy and see how she acts when she‟s had a few drinks. This also depends on the type of person you are, the type of person she is and what there is to do around you and what you LIKE to do. Those are things I like to do and they fit ME.
Q25: What Do You Say To A Girl Who Asks If You Are Dating Other Women Or Calls You A Player? One, never really deny the fact that you are smooth with women and have a lot of girls who want to date you. My response has always been one of two things: “I‟m not a player; I‟m just popular.” Then I just sit there and smile. Sometimes I follow it up with something like this: “Look a „player‟ is a guy who tells you anything you want to hear whether it‟s true or not JUST to get inside your little panties there. I don‟t do that. I won‟t tell you anything that‟s not true or say I feel one way when I don‟t just to see you naked. It‟s not that I don‟t want to see you naked, but I don‟t need to be an asshole to do it. I don‟t have a problem getting dates and I have a lot of friends, but I‟m always upfront. That‟s the difference between me and all the „players‟ you‟ve dated before.”
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See you soon! Brad Jackson and Bill Preston The Guru Black Book