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CALISTHENICS SKILLS GUIDE STATIC SKILLS STRENGTH DOMINANT STATICS Planche Front Lever Back Lever Human Flag Maltese Victorian One Arm Front Lever One Arm Back Lever
MOBILITY DOMINANT STATICS L-Sit V-Sit Manna Handstand One Arm Handstand
SUMMARY 1. Work on statics progressions that you hold for 5-10 seconds with proper form. 2. Add dynamic exercises from the desired skill (Pull ups, push ups, raises and negatives). 3. Train them 2-3 times per week with an approximate of 4-6 exercises per skill. (See examples below) PLANCHE WORKOUT EXAMPLE 1. Tuck Planche Hold (5-10 seconds) X4 2. Planche Lean (15 seconds) X4 3. Tuck L-Sit To Tuck Planche (5) X5 4. Hollow Body Push ups (5) X5 5. Handstand Push ups (6-10) X5
FRONT LEVER WORKOUT EXAMPLE 1. Tuck Front Lever Hold (5-10 seconds) X4 2. Tuck Front Lever Raises (2-4) X4 3. Straddle Front Lever Negatives (1) X7 4. Arch Back Pull Ups (5-8) X4 5. Hollow Body Hold (30sec) X4
SUMMARY 1. Keep a high frequency. 5-7 times per week. Moderate volume to have energy for every session. 2. Prioritize your mobility. The more open you are the easier this skills will be. 3. Include both statics (isometrics) and dynamics (concentric/eccentric) exercises. L-SIT WORKOUT EXAMPLE 1. L-Sit Attemps (MAX HOLD) X5 ACTIVE REST: Standing Forward Fold (1min) 2. Tuck L-Sit to L-Sit (10) X4 ACTIVE REST: Standing Forward Fold (1min) 3. Leg Raises (15) X4
HANDSTAND WORKOUT EXAMPLE 1. Handstand Attemps (10 min) ACTIVE REST: Wall Shoulder Opener (1min) 2. Handstand Kick Ups w/Wall (10 each side) X4 ACTIVE REST: Seated Forward Fold (1min) 3. Hollow Body Hold (30sec) X4 ACTIVE REST: Seated Forward Fold (1min) 4. Handstand Hold Chest Facing The Wall (MAX HOLD)
STRENGTH SKILLS SKILLS Handstand Push Ups Bent Arm L-Sit to Handsatnd Muscle Up Planche Push Ups Front Lever Pull Ups Back Lever Pull Ups Impossible Dips Hefesto One Arm Pull Up Tiger Bend
SUMMARY 1. Work on lower progressions from the desired skill (example: Pike push ups for HSPU). 2. Work on negatives. Make sure you are able to control the negatives foran aprox of 4-8 seconds. 3. Train them 2-3 times per week with an aproximate of 4-6 exercises per skill. Begin with hardest exercise. HANDSTAND PUSH UP WORKOUT EXAMPLE 1. HSPU Freestanding (MAX REPS) X4 2. HSPU With Wall (MAX REPS) X4 3. Negative HSPU (Singles) X8 4. Elevated Pike Push Ups (MAX REPS) X4 5. Pike Push Ups (MAX REPS) X4
MUSCLE UP WORKOUT EXAMPLE 1. Clean Muscle Up Attemps (MAX REPS) X4 2. Kicking Muscle Ups (MAX REPS) X4 3. Negative Muscle Ups (Singles) X8 4. Straiht Bar Dips (MAX REPS) X4 5. Explosive Pull Ups (2-4) X4
DYNAMIC SKILLS (Freestyle) SKILLS Jump On The Bar Jump Over The Bar 360 Muscle Up Swing 360 Shrimp Flip Around The World 540
SUMMARY 1. Practice as much as you can always being concious of your recovery. 2. Be safe and work with a landing mat to avoid any severe injury. 3. Have fun :)
MOBILITY SKILLS SKILLS Pike Press To Handstand Straddle Press To Handstand Stalder Press To Handstand Straight Arms L-Sit To Handstand Scorpion Handstand Hollow Back Handstand
SUMMARY 1. Focus on mobility! 2. Stretch prior to your training session to maximIze results. 3. Train them as frequently as you can. Start with 3-4 times/week and build your way up to 6-7 times/week. PRESS TO HANDSTAND WORKOUT EXAMPLE 1. Straddle Press Attemps (Singles) X8 ACTIVE REST: Standing Straddle Forward Fold (1min) 2. Handstand Pike Negatives With Wall (10) X4 ACTIVE REST: Seated Straddle Forward Fold (1min) 3. Pike Walks (15) X4
STRAIGHT ARMS L-SIT TO HS WORKOUT EXAMPLE 1. L-Sit To Handstand Attemps (Singles) X8 ACTIVE REST: Wall Shoulder Opener (1min) 2. Handstand To L-Sit (Singles) X8 ACTIVE REST: Seated Forward Fold (1min) 3. L-Sit Hold (MAX HOLD) X4 ·@GaboSaturno