Cel 2103 - Scl Worksheet Week 5

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  • February 2021
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SCL WORKSHEET WEEK 5 This is an individual activity for you to carry out. The activities should be completed and submitted on EDMODO by the due date.


State the topic, controlling idea and the topic sentence in each of the following body paragraphs.

Text 1 1

Some scholar argue that to be successful at university, students need to have the right IQ level to be able to absorb huge amount of information from lectures and to be able to questions the information given. 2Though this may be true to a certain extent, without the right attitudes, these students might not even complete their studies. 3For instance, students who do not have effective time managements will not be able to handle the full course-load at the university. 4In addition, those who procrastinate may not be able to complete their assignments on time, causing them to lose marks that determine their CGPA. Topic

High IQ level university students

Controlling University students need to have high IQ level idea Topic sentence

Some scholar argue that to be successful at university, students need to have the right IQ level to be able to absorb huge amount of information from lectures and to be able to questions the information given.


Text 2 1

Many critics believe that it is immoral to use animals for research purposes. 2The suffering from pain death during the research is considered as violation of animals’ right. 3On the other hand, some believe that animal testing is considered as a noble act towards humanity as it enables researchers to develop new medicine. 4Studies have proven that vaccines for certain diseases cannot be developed without adopting animal testing. For example, the breast cancer drug tamoxifen, arguably one of the most important cancer drugs of all time, was developed with the aid of animal research. Topic

Animals for research purposes

Controlling Critics that believe animal research is immoral idea Topic sentence

Many critics believe that it is immoral to use animals for research purposes.

Text 3 Opponents would argue that human cloning procedures would cause unacceptable risks to the clone child even though it can be used to counter infertility. In fact a number of research have proven that individuals with infertility issues are able to have their own biological offspring though human cloning procedures. Nevertheless, there have been a number of cases that revealed that these cloning procedures expose unacceptable risks to the embryo. These cases prove that the cloning process is still imperfect and might have serious flaws. For example, Wilmut’s group encountered 276 failures before Dolly, was successfully cloned. Topic

Clone child

Controlling Human cloning procedures would cause unacceptable risks to the clone idea child Topic sentence

Opponents would argue that human cloning procedures would cause unacceptable risks to the clone child even though it can be used to counter infertility.


Text 4 Many would agree that e-books provide numerous reading flexibility advantages particularly when they can be read anywhere and anytime as long as the Internet service is available. Nevertheless, most would also agree that its flexibility also comes with limitations. Not every book has an e-book version, and in some cases, it might come with a higher cost. The price to subscribe or purchase these e-book might be more expensive than the amount we usually pay for printed books. In addition, a study done by a group of researchers from Cambridge University revealed that buyers often had to pay extra charges when purchasing e-books if they wanted to have technical supports service from e-book providers. Topic


Controlling e-books provide numerous reading flexibility advantages idea Topic sentence

Many would agree that e-books provide numerous reading flexibility advantages particularly when they can be read anywhere and anytime as long as the Internet service is available.



Language Review Topic sentence has to be written in a complete sentence with at least a subject and a verb, and it must deliver a complete thought. Look at the following samples. Tick the box if they are complete sentences. 1

Improving online social networks can help professionals communicate better.


Because the opponents have a different view.


Animal testing for medical purposes.


Mobile phones have changed the way we communicate.


Management of diabetic patients at government hospital.


Moving away from home can be a stressful experience for young people.


Leaning a new skill increases a young adult’s self-esteem.


Cyber security.


If young people are required to perform community service, they will develop social awareness.

1 0

Corporal punishment in disciplining school students.

1 1

Setting up apprenticeship programs with universities will ensure fresh graduates have good work ethics.

1 2

A study revealed that the major problem for many students is the high cost of tuition fees and books.

1 3

Ways to improve the performance of atheletes.

1 4

Despite the belief that mobile apps such as the WhatsApp has a negative effect on the learning of the English language, it is undeniable that these apps have indeed contributed in promoting the use of the English language outside the classroom.

1 5

However, these claims are questionable as recent research findings have shown that there is a direct link between aggression and violent television programmes.



Read the two excerpts given below. Find relevant information to support the following opposing view and rebuttal arguments. Text 1 During the first years of life, parents assume special importance in children maturity development. As parents guide their young children from complete childhood dependence into the beginning stages of autonomy, their styles of care giving can have both immediate and lasting effects on children’s cognitive functioning in areas from moral development to peer play to academic achievement. Ensuring the best possible outcome for children requires parents to face the challenge of balancing the maturity and disciplinary demands they make to integrate their children into the family and social system while maintaining an atmosphere of warmth, responsiveness and support. Research has generally linked authoritative parenting, where parents balance demandingness and responsiveness, with higher maturity competencies in children. Thus, children of authoritative parents possess greater competence in early peer relationships, engage in low levels of drug use as adolescents, and have more emotional well-being as young adults. Too much control and demandingness may limit children’s opportunities to make decisions for themselves or to make their needs known to their parents. This research has also uncovered significant associations between authoritative parenting styles across generations as good parenting appears to be “passed on” through the family. Text 2 There have been numerous studies which have focused on various development issues of children who live with single parents. For example, Weiss (2010) proposes that single parent families share management responsibilities between parent and children and as a result, the children tend to mature more quickly. Other studies have examined issues such as the response of children to various forms of parental separation (Amato & Kane, 2011). A study by Greif (1985), examined the topic of children and housework in the single parent family from a quantitative lens. A total of 1,136 single parents were given surveys regarding their experiences. Greif (1985) found that children in single parent families were more likely to participate in housework than children living in two parent families. Typically, single parents do not recruit help from outside of the home; they either complete the work by themselves or in conjunction with their children (Risman, 1986).



Children raised by both parents have better maturity level compared to the children raised by single parents. Supporting point (Opposing view): As both parents engage in their children life, it is most likely this parenting style have positive influences on the maturity level of the children. Supporting Details Ensuring the best possible outcome for children requires parents to face the challenge of balancing the maturity and disciplinary demands they make to integrate their children into the family and social system while maintaining an atmosphere of warmth, responsiveness and support. Research has generally linked authoritative parenting, where parents balance demandingness and responsiveness, with higher maturity competencies in children. Thus, children of authoritative parents possess greater competence in early peer relationships, engage in low levels of drug use as adolescents, and have more emotional well-being as young adults. Supporting point (Rebuttal argument): Despite the claims, the conventional wisdom may exaggerate the detrimental effect of parent’s absence as children raised by single parents may develop better maturity level due to the challenges faced. Supporting Details Greif (1985) found that children in single parent families were more likely to participate in housework than children living in two parent families. Typically, single parents do not recruit help from outside of the home; they either complete the work by themselves or in conjunction with their children (Risman, 1986).



Based on the thesis statements, identify the opposing views and rebuttal arguments in the following body paragraphs. Write the sentence number(s) of opposing view and rebuttal argument in the space provided. Text 1 Thesis Statement: Although automation will bring positive impacts in balancing social welfare for developed countries, there are different arguments stating that this emerging automation will bring negative consequences in respect of job demand and economic development. Body Paragraphs: 1

In the globalisation era, many opportunists take this advanced automation trend as a step to maximise productivity regardless of how this implementation affects employments in certain manufacturing companies. 2These companies are committed towards their stand that this productivity enhancement technology will not raise any unemployment issues as the technology is only implemented by giant companies. 3Majority of developed countries use this technology at the highest level with minimal physical labour. 4This argument however, does not take into account the impact that it has towards developing countries with high economic deficiencies. 5There is a high possibility that lower-skilled jobs in developing countries will be replaced with automation in order to achieve maximum productivity. 6

In addition, there are arguments claiming that the advanced usage of automation in the industrial sector will reduce economic gap between developed countries and developing countries. 7The impacts of automation technologies in boosting their economic development in the industrial sector have already been experienced by developed countries such as Australia. 8A study pointed out that the countries which utilise these technologies will gain a major increase in their economic value annually. 9While this notion might be true in developed countries, this implementation will also bring detrimental effects towards the developing countries as it will widen the economic gap between both countries. 10The technologies will deny these developing countries the opportunity for economic development as the implementation might be irrelevant due to poor consumer demand. Body Paragraph 1 Opposing view 1


Rebuttal argument 1


Body Paragraph 2 Opposing view 2


Rebuttal argument 2



Text 2 Thesis Statement: Although many believe that single sex schools are better than coeducational schools, such an educational system has its own flaws that would affect student development. Body Paragraphs: 1

One of the important factors for students to succeed academically is by having a good concentration in learning. 2Single sex schools with gender segregation classes will provide better learning environment where students will be able to focus attentively during the teaching as there is no distraction between the different genders. 3A study stated that students from single sex education strive better than those who attend coeducational schools. 4However, there are arguments stating that male and female students have good influences in education towards each other. 5This is because coeducational schools provide a competitive environment where students of different genders will have a healthy competition and thus leading to a better academic result. 6In fact, recent studies have provided many evidences to support this claim. 7

Next, apart from preparing students based on the education curriculum, schools are considered as a platform for students to gain experience and develop their soft skills. 8As there is no existence of gender stereotype in single sex schools, this will enable the students to improve their social skills. 9The students can participate in various events and nurture their soft skills without being intimidated or feeling shy towards the opposite gender. 10 Nevertheless, studying in single sex schools will not help the students to interact with different genders. 11Thus, educating students in single sex schools will only limit the opportunity for students to develop their social skills as the schools do not provide any coeducational learning environment. Body Paragraph 1 Opposing view 1


Rebuttal argument 1


Body Paragraph 2 Opposing view 2


Rebuttal argument 2


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