Chess Publishing Eco B00-b99_2ed Vol.2.pdf

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Chess Publishing ECO : B00-B99 Volume 2 Second Edition


by Scorpionchess

Thanks to

Echai the master Uploader & his invaluable successor bandidobk

All friends who made the All in one Cbv

Dedicated to

Dearanna She inspired the idea

Introduction to the second Edition If the first edition had no introduction, the second need one ! The publication of the first edition of this series in 2013 represented an innovation in chess books shared at forums : It is part of a new trend that migrates from simple sharing to the creativity . This publication mainly benefited of the work made in the background by many forums members (Sharers, collectors, Cbv & pgn makers) and as I'm unable to name All, I just want to thank All of Them . Special thanks must go to the master sharer & Uploader Echai & his successor bandidobk : without their invaluable work & perseverance to update the chess publishing thread, this second edition would never have been released . This second edition has an updated material & also some improvements, especially to enhance readability ...and I will let you discover the rest . All your suggestions are welcome and will be as far as possible taken into account in the next editions. S.C 06/10/2014

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 1 1...b6 idea. N,N [Glenn Flear]


1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 e6 4.c3 b4 This natural-looking move may in fact be the source of Black's problems. [ After 4...f6 5.ge2 c5 Black avoids ceding his dark-squared bishop: 6.0-0 cxd4 7.xd4 d6 8.f4 a6 gives a complex position where Black is playing a slightly provocative Sicilian. ] 5.ge2 This rarer move is apparently quite dangerous. [ However I still like 5.f3 which isn't easy for Black. Critical is then f6 6.g5 h6 7.xf6 xc3+ 8.bxc3 xf6 9.0-0 d6 10.d2 e5 11.f4! when White gets great attacking chances. ] 5...c5 Probably not best. [ White has comfortable development after 5...f6 6.0-0 ] [ Possibly 5...d5!? is the move, but that's another story! ] 6.a3 xc3+ [ W h i t e wa s c le a r l y b e t t e r a f t e r 6...cxd4 7.axb4 dxc3 8.b5!? d5 9.xc3 dxe4 10.xe4 in Vovk, Y-Brethes, F Calvi 2005 ] 7.xc3 cxd4 8.b5 This isn't new (Mr. Mon tign ac th ou gh t it wa s). d6 9.g4! This however is! [ Black was doing well after the slower 9.xd4 d7 ( 9...a6! ) 10.e2 ( 10.b5! ) 10...a6 11.0-0 c5 12.f4 f6 13.e5 dxe5 14.xe5 xd3 15.cxd3 0-0 Schubert, SFr o e h li c h D il l , A W o m e n 's B u n d e s li g a 1995. ] 9...f6 [ Or 9...f8 10.xd4 f6 11.h4 bd7 12.f3 with a comfortable edge to White. ] 10.xd6+ xd6 11.xg7 g8 12.xf6 d7 13.h6 xg2 14.f4 f8 and White has a clea r advanta ge as poin ted o ut b y Roland Montignac.

2 Aagaard,Jacob De Weerd,Warner Essent Open Hoogeveen NED (1) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2389 2071 13.10.2000

1.e4 c6 2.b5 A contest of anti-theory begins. f6 3.d3 g6 A sensible decision rather than get something akin to a Spanish or some double e-pawn opening black elects for a Pirc/Modern where white has played d3 and Bb5, which cannot be terrifying. 4.f3 g7 5.c3 0-0 There is no hurry to play this black could well play ...a6 at once and not commit his king. 6.g5 a6 7.xc6 bxc6 8.d2 e8 9.h6 h8 10.0-0-0 d6 11.h4 g4 12.dg1 b8 13.g5 b4 14.a3 a5 15.f3 eb8!? 16.d1 xd2+ 17.xd2 d7 18.b3 c5 19.e3 c6 20.g4 e8 21.f4 d4 22.f3 f6 23.f5 d5 24.e5 xe3+ 25.xe3 d4 26.xd4 cxd4 27.exf6 exf6 28.xd4 c5 29.e2 e8 30.f4 e5 31.fxg6 fxg6 32.g5 fxg5 33.xg5 xg5 34.hxg5 f8 35.d5 f2+ 36.e3 xc2 37.f6+ 1-0

3 Acosta,Alejandro2 Jaramillo,Gonzalo Abel Open Cali COL (6) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2346 20.12.2000

1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 g4 4.e3 f6 5.c3 e6 6.e2 e7 7.d5 exd5 8.exd5 xf3 9.xf3 e5 10.e2 0-0 11.f4 g6 [ 11...ed7 12.f3 e8 13.d2 c5 14.0-0-0 a5 15.g4 a4 16.g5 fd7 17.h4 b6 18.d4 f8 19.he1 1/2-1/2 Rohl,JRogers,I New York 1998. Black's position looks precarious, and when the much higher rated player agrees a quick draw, and he is as enterprising a man as Ian Rogers, then you can safely conclude that equality and counterplay were in short supply. ] 12.d2 c5! [ 12...e8 13.0-0-0 d7 14.h3 f8 15.d3 a6 16.g4 b5 17.a3 c5 18.dxc6 xc6 19.g5 d5 20.e4 xe4 21.xe4 xe3 22.xe3 d5 23.c3 c5 24.f3 c8 25.xd5 c7 26.d7 xf4+ 27.b1 f8 1

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 28.h4 b4 29.axb4 xb4 30.e4 a5 31.f5 b5 32.h5 b8 33.b3 f8 34.h6 g6 35.e5 e6 36.f6+ f8 37.xh7+ 1-0 Bresciani,N-Oppici,G Bratto 1999. The game ref erences hint that white should castle long in this line as he is much better equipped to attack with a space advantage and the bishop pair. ] 13.g4 b5! Black takes his chance to get active. 14.xb5 e4 15.d3 h4+ 16.f1 e8 17.f3 [ 17.f5!? ] 17...c4! 18.xc4 [ 18.d4 c5 and black's counterplay with ...Bf6 and pressure on the b- and e-files is very much alive. ] 18...g5! 19.fxg5 xe3 [ 19...xe3 A bit early to give up, especially c o n s i d e r i n g t h e s i ze o f t h e u p s e t , b u t wh it e's p os it ion is a ru in , f or e xam p le : 20.e2 c8 21.d4 xe2 22.xe2 e8+ ] 0-1

4 Adams,Michael Vanderwaeren,Serge (ol) Moscow [Alexander Volzhin]

B00 2640 2275 1994

1.d4 e6 2.e4 b6 3.d3 b7 4.f3 c5 5.c3 cxd4?! [ The usual 5...f6 is better. ] 6.cxd4 b4+ 7.c3 f6 8.e2 d5 9.e5 e4 10.0-0! This pawn sacrifice gives White a lasting initiative. Such sacrifices are one of the mo st dif f icult p ro ble ms in ch ess. I t's absolutely impossible to calculate all the variations to the very end, you need just to feel it! xc3 [ 10...xc3 was the alternative. 11.bxc3 A) 11...xc3? Grabbing the pawn here is e xt re m e ly d a n ge ro u s : 12.b5+ c6 ( 12...f8 13.a3+ g8 14.ac1 a5 15.d6 a6 16.c7 with an overwhelming a d v a n t a g e .) 13.xc6+ xc6 14.c2 xd4 15.xd4 xa1 16.c6+ f8 17.a3+ g8 18.xa1 c8 19.b5 White is clearly better as Black's pieces a r e u n c o o r d i n a t e d . ( The spectacular

19.c1 is not so good: xc6 20.xc6 d7 21.e7+ f8 22.c8+ xc8 23.xc8+ e8 and in the endgame Black's chances are by no means worse. ); B) 11...e7 12.g3 0-0 13.h4 and White is ready to launch a strong K-side attack. ] 11.bxc3 xc3 12.e3!? c6 [ Unfortunately, Black cannot castle in view o f t h e t yp i c a l B i s h o p s a c r i f i c e : 12...0-0 13.xh7+! xh7 14.g5+ g8 15.h3 e2+ 16.h1 and Black has to give up his Queen. ] 13.b2 e4 14.a3 d7 [ 14...a6!? was worthy of consideration, aiming to close the dangerous a3-f8 diagonal by playing either Nc6-e7 or b5-b4. ] 15.fc1 e7?! This move doesn't follow on from the previous one. After this inaccuracy White's initiative progresses without obstacles. [ Although 15...0-0-0 looks very dangerous, it was Black's only chance. After 16.e1 f6 17.f3 g5 18.b5 b8 19.d3 White's position is very strong, but there is no direct win. ] 16.xe7 xe7 [ The other recapture loses on the spot: 16...xe7 17.b5 xb5 18.c7+ e8 19.a3 ] 17.b5+ f8 18.c2! c8 19.xc8+ xc8 20.c1 The difference in activity of the two Rooks makes Black's position untenable.. b7 21.e1 f6 22.f3 g5 23.d3! f7 [ 23...f7 24.h4 and White wins a piece. ] 24.exf6 gxf6 [ 24...xf6 is bad as it allows 25.c7 ] 25.f4 e5? Losing on the spot. [ 25...d8 was slightly more stubborn, but Black's position is bad anyway: 26.h5! ( t h re a t e n i n g Q h 6 ) h6 27.f4! e5 T h e o n l y wa y t o p r e ve n t R c 7 . 28.xf6+ xf6 29.xf6 e7 ( 29...exd4 30.c7+winning ) 30.dxe5 winning. ] 26.c7! The final blow. d6 27.xb7 1-0


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 wh e n t h e b i s h o p r e m a i n s o n t h e l o n g B00 diagonal. ] Aleksandrov,Danila 2254 Turikov,Viktor 2311 12...h5! 13.e3 c7 14.fe5 g6 [ Not 14...xe5 15.xh7+ xh7 16.xh5+ White Nights Open (7) 30.06.2000 g8 17.xe5 ] [Neil McDonald] 15.xd7 xd7 16.ad1 c7 17.f3 f4 Black gains the two bishops with balanced 1.d4 b6 2.e4 b7 3.d3 e6 [ If Black is planning to challenge White in ch a n ce s. A ga me o f ca t a n d m o u se n o w the centre with an early d7-d5 advance, then ensues lasting right up until the final move. he does best to adopt a move order that After simplification White presses for the win doesn't allow his opponent the chance to in the endgame, but he has misjudged the play Ng5. Unless of course White is made strength of Black's counterplay. 18.d2 xd3 of plastic and chips and you want to block 19.xd3 fd8 20.e2 ab8 21.b3 f6 the position at all costs! Thus, in DEEP 22.c1 a5 23.f2 a8 24.g3 a7 JUNIOR-Akopian, Dortmund 2000, play 25.a3 c6 26.f2 ac8 27.e3 a6 went 3...f6 4.e2 e6 5.f3 d5 28.f4 e7 29.c4 b5 30.fd1 xc4 ( 5...e7! ) 6.e5 fd7 7.g5! e7 31.xc4 xc4 32.bxc4 xd1+ 33.xd1 Too late! 8.g4 h5 ( Instead 8...g6 9.h4 b8 34.e3 b2 35.d2 b1+ 36.f2 f8 h5 10.h3 was good for White in Gleizerov- 37.e2 e8 38.d1 b7 39.d3 f5 Filipovic, Ljubljana 2000.) 9.g3 f8 40.c2 h5 41.f4 g5 42.e5 f7 43.h3 10.0-0 a6 Here a human player would be h4 44.h2 f6 45.d6 xd6 46.xd6 thinking about pawn breakthroughs, perhaps e5 47.c6 f4! 48.xe6 g3 49.g6 wi t h f 4 - f 4 , b u t m o r e l i k e l y w i t h c 2 - c 4 . g4! 50.fxg4 f4 51.f6 xg2 52.xf4 xh3 Instead the computer just messes around 53.f5 xg4 54.xc5 h3 55.c8 h7 and allows Black to block things up even 56.g8+ h4 57.g1 h2 58.h1 g3 further. 11.xa6 ( Already 11.c4 59.b3 g2 60.c1 h5 61.c5 xc5 was interesting, as if Black takes on c4 with 62.c4 h1 63.xh1 xh1 64.c3 g2 the pawn there is Qf3, attacking both a8 and 65.d4 c8 66.c5 f3 67.d5 e3 68.a4 f7. ) 11...xa6 12.c3?! c5 13.d1 c4 d3 69.c6 c3 70.c5 b3 71.b5 a8 14.e1 c8 15.h4 h7 16.f3 g8 72.c7 a3! a n d t h e ga m e e ve n t u a lly f in ish e d a s a 0-1 lifeless draw. ] 4.f3 c5 5.c3 f6 6.e2 e7 7.0-0 d5 B00 8.exd5 So far play has followed DD415, 6 Grosar-Filipovic. In that game White chose to Apicella,Manuel 2510 block the centre with Porrasmaa,Timo 2216 [ 8.e5 The game move tries to keep things ECC Halkidiki GRE (5) 26.09.2002 more fluid. ] [Jon Tisdall] 8...xd5 A difficult choice. [ 8...xd5!? may have been more accurate, 1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 as the aggressive 9.c4 h5 10.d5 exd5 5.e3 e6 6.h3 h5 7.d5 exd5 8.exd5 11.e1 c6 doesn't work for White. ] xf3?! This game does little to dispel the 9.dxc5 bxc5 This keeps over the important d o u b t s a r o u n d t h i s m o v e - t h e m o r e d4 square, but it leaves a hole on c4 and the complicated c5 pawn becomes slightly vulnerable. [ 8...e5 9.g4 g6 remains the best bet. ] [ D e s e r v i n g a t t e n t i o n w a s 9...xc5!? 9.xf3 e5 10.e2 e7 11.0-0-0 0-0 Assuming W hite cannot do anything fast 12.f4 ed7 13.g4 Typical procedure from Black must then have fully equalised. ] W hite - straightforward pawn storming has 10.a3 0-0 11.f4 bd7 12.c4? enjoyed great success. c5 14.d4 e8 This is too routine. I like the idea of 15.g5 f8 16.f3 fe4 [ 12.h3! to answer h5 with 13.h2 [ 16...fd7 17.h4 ]



Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 17.xe4 xe4 18.b5 [ 18.d3 c5 19.b5 e7 20.f5!? ] 18...e7 19.hg1! Preparing the road forward for the f- and g-pawns. a6 20.d3 e8 21.f5 c5 22.xc5 dxc5 23.g6 fxg6 [ 23...e5!? was possible, preventing Qh5. White's initiative continues, but Black is on the board 24.d6 ( 24.gxh7+ h8 ) 24...cxd6 25.c4 h8 ] 24.fxg6 h6 25.d6! cxd6?? [ 25...d7 is the only move, when Black looks lost , but no clean KO is obvious. 26.ge1 d8 27.dxc7 g5+! ( 27...xc7 28.c4+ h8 29.xd7 xd7 30.f7+- ) 28.b1 xc7 and Black's position is precarious but not yet lost. ] 26.c4+ h8 27.d5 1-0

7 Ardelean,George Catalin Barbu,Iulian Banc Post Int (11) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2426 2282 27.09.2000

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.c3 e6 4.f3 f6 5.d3 b4 6.e2 d5 7.g5 [ 7.exd5 xd5 8.0-0 xc3 9.bxc3 bd7 10.e1 0-0 11.a6?! xa6 12.xa6 c5 13.d3 cxd4 14.cxd4 ac8 15.d2 b5 16.b2 a6 17.a4 b4 18.a5 c6 19.f1 b5 20.e3 b8 21.d2 d5 22.h3 7f6 23.ab1 xa5 24.c4 bxc3 25.xc3 c7 26.a5 d6 27.d3 f4 28.f1 bc8 29.ed1 h6 30.b4 d7 31.c5 6d5 32.c4 c3 33.e5 d5 34.xc6 xc6 35.g3 fe2+ 36.h2 xd1 37.xd1 c3 38.c1 d5 39.a3 b7 40.b1 c6 41.c5 a5 42.e1 a8 43.b3 a4 44.a3 b5 45.g2 c4 46.d6 xd4 47.f3 e3+ 0-1 Ascic,P-Lovric,B/Pula 1999 ] [ 7.e5 e4 8.0-0 xc3 9.bxc3 xc3 10.e3 e4 11.e1 c5 12.c3 xc3 13.dxc5 e4 14.xe4 dxe4 15.g3 f8 16.a3 g8 17.c2 d7 18.fd1 c7 19.cxb6 axb6 20.d2 c5 21.ad1 h6 22.d4 d3 23.d6 c4 24.b3 h7 25.f3 xa2 26.xa2 xb3 27.ad2 e3 28.xd3 e2 29.e1 exd1 30.xd1

xd1+ 31.xd1 c8 32.a1 d5 33.a7 g6 34.f2 c2+ 35.g3 b5 36.a1 b2 37.a3 b3 38.d6 b2 39.a3 b3 40.d6 c4 41.f4 b2 42.g3 h5 43.h4 a2 44.a3 e2 45.d6 f6 46.c1 c4 47.exf6 gxf6 48.b1 a2 49.b4 f5 50.c3 c2 51.d4 e5 52.b2 exd4 53.xc2 d3 54.d2 e5 55.f2 d4 56.g4 b4 57.gxh5 b3 58.h6 g8 59.e1 c3 60.h5 h7 61.f4 b2 62.d1 b1 0-1 Simonet Pons,M-Gallego,R/Escaldes 1999 ] 7...h6 8.xf6 gxf6!? Not the most natural move in the world, but having an extra centre pawn and some chances on the g-file is an interesting way to inject some dynamics into the position. [ 8...xf6 9.0-0 xc3 10.bxc3 0-0 11.exd5 exd5 12.e5 d6 13.g4 c8 14.g3 d7 15.xd7 xg3 16.f6+ gxf6 17.fxg3 g7 18.ae1 d8 19.e7 c5 20.b5 a6 21.e2 e6 22.b1 db8 1/2-1/2 Brandenberg,K-Krafzik,J/Germany 1999 ] 9.a3 xc3+ 10.bxc3 c6 11.e5 f5 [ 11...e7!? Preparing to castle long and keeping options of chipping away in the centre was interesting Also ] [ 11...g8!? has its merits. Closing with ...f5 robs black's position of some of its flexibility. ] 12.d2 g5 13.g3 e7 14.f4 a5 15.g1 0-0-0 16.b3 xb3?! After this black does not have much to do. [ 16...c6 ] 17.cxb3 c5?! 18.b4 cxd4 [ 18...c4 19.c2 h5 will presumably not keep white out forever, as he has all day to prepare the break g3-g4 under eventually favourable circumstances. ] 19.cxd4 b8 Here too black faces a nearly infinite defensive chore. 20.f2 c8 21.gc1 c7 22.d2 hc8 23.xc7 xc7 24.b5 e7 25.b2 c7 26.b4 d8 [ 26...c3 27.xc3 xc3 28.e2 and the rook will be driven out. ] 27.e3 f8 28.xf8 xf8 29.c1 g8 30.f3 c8 31.g2 d7 32.h3 f6 33.exf6 f8 34.h4 xf6 35.e2 e8 Black has prevented a direct invasion, but now endures a hostile hard-handed massage 4

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 for the rest of the game. His plan is straightforward, and he can implement it with a h e lp i n g o f s lo w t o rt u re . First h 3 +g4 i s played to create a potential passed pawn. 36.c3 d7 37.c2 b7 38.d3 f8 39.h5 f6 40.c1 e8+ 41.h4 d7 42.h3 f8 43.f1 f6 44.c2 b8 45.c3 b7 46.e2 b8 47.f3 c7 48.g4 fxg4 49.hxg4 d6 50.a4 e8 51.g3 A new regrouping, where white will tie black to the h6 pawn before preparing the advance of the g-pawn. f7 52.c3 d7 53.d3 f8 54.c1 Preventing any activity on the c-file black cannot trade rooks as the white king would rush in on the h-file. f6 55.h1 e8 56.h2 d7 57.f3 e8 58.e3 d7 59.h1 e8 60.h7! Preparing escort service for the g-pawn. d7 61.g5 hxg5 62.fxg5 f7 63.g6 e7 64.g1 g7 65.f4 e8 66.g2 f7 67.g5 e8 68.h6 1-0

8 Aronian,Levon Pedersen,Erik It Morso DEN (3) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2584 2400 11.02.2002

1.e4 c6 2.d4 e5 3.dxe5 xe5 4.f4 c6 5.c4 b4+ [ 5...f6!? is annotate d elsewhere on the site, and is probably the critical line - if it works... 6.c3 b4 7.e5 d5 8.exf6 dxc4 9.e2+ f8 10.e3 xf6 11.0-0-0 e6 12.e4 e7 13.f3 c3 14.b3 a5 15.b1 a4 16.b5 axb3 17.axb3 xb3 18.cxb3 xe4+ 19.d3 a5 20.c4 xc4 21.bxc4 e7 22.d4 xd4 23.xd4 ha8 24.e3+ d7 25.he1 a1+ 26.c2 1a2+ 27.d3 d2+ 28.e4 f5+ 29.xf5 xd4 30.c5 xc5 31.xc3 f8+ 32.g5 e7+ 0-1 Orso,M-Bordas,G/Budapest HUN 2000 ] 6.c3 a5 7.f3 You know a line is not terribly well explored when moves like this appear to be novelties. [ 7.e3 prevents black from taking up annoying possession of the a7-g1 diagonal, but the Be3 is poorly placed. h4+ 8.g3 e7 9.f3 f6 10.0-0 0-0 11.e1 ( 11.e5

g4 ) 11...g4 was fine for black, though he could also have taken the pawn on e4. 1-0 Levi,E-Tu Hoang Thong/ASK It Canberra AUS 1995 (57). ] 7...b6 8.e2 e7 9.bd2 d6 10.d3 A strong, simple, sensible yet far from obvious move. White just wants to play Nc4 and annex the bishop pair. f6 [ 10...f5!? looks like an interesting way to try and take advantage of still having the knight on g8. ] 11.c4 d5 [ 11...e6!? was worth a look. While the reaction ...d5 reminds me of Milesian handling of this kind of position, here black just cannot find sensible squares for the Nf6. In fact, I begin to understand lines where this piece comes into play via h6... ] 12.xb6 axb6 13.e5 g4 14.h3 h6 15.g4 f6 16.exf6 xe2+ 17.xe2 gxf6 18.f2 Black's kingside is seriously s h a t t e r e d . 0-0 19.g1 h8 20.b4! I like this move a lot - white relies on the positive energy of his position, and doesn't mind making a real mess of his queenside in order to get his dark-squared bishop on the long diagonal and the show on the proverbial road on the other flank. f7 21.b5 a5 22.e3 d6 23.d4 g8 24.g5 And now its time for the can opener on this side. f5 25.g6 h6 26.g7 e8 27.g6 b3 28.axb3 xa1 29.xh6 A terrific by white - it seems to me that you can only convert advantages with this kind of awesome brute force when you are young... 1-0

9 Ascic,Pero Rogulj,Branko TCh-CRO Rabat CRO (1) [Glenn Flear]

B00 2347 2411 07.09.2003

1.e4 c6 2.d4 e5 3.d5 ce7 4.e3 f5 An idea of Miles that makes an interesting change from the better-known plan with 4... Ng6, followed by ...Nf6, and typically ...c6. That's not bad either but a timely h2-h4-h5 generally gives W hite space and pressure. 5.f3 f6 6.d3 Miles has had two 5

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 noteworthy games in this line: [ 6.h3 A) here 6...fxe4!? 7.fxe4 g6 ( 7...xe4? 8.h5+ g6 9.d3 is catastrophic for Black) 8.f2 b4+ 9.c3 a5 intending ...Bb6 is possible.; B) 6...d6 7.f2 c6 8.c4 c5 9.g3 g6 10.c3 g7 is like a Saemisch King's Indian (Beliavsky,A-Miles,A St.Vincent 2000) and ] [ 6.c3 d6 7.d2 g6 8.0-0-0 g7 9.h3 f4 10.f2 0-0 11.b1 is presumably some sort of Pirc, Campora,D-Miles,A Seville 1993. In both cases W hite's space advantage gives him the better options but this type of ga m e s u i t s t h o s e wh o p r e f e r a c l o s e d centre. ] 6...fxe4!? An interesting interpretation, leading to more open piece play than in the previous note. 7.fxe4 g6 8.c3?! [ 8.d2 is surely less complacent but then c6! 9.c4 b4 looks fine for Black. ] 8...b4 9.d2 a further imprecision. White hasn't noticed the storm clouds gathering... xc3! 10.xc3 xe4! stealing a pawn. White doesn't have any real compensation but is able to keep Black on his toes with vigorous play. 11.c4 d6 12.c3!? [ 12.xg6+?! hxg6 13.g4 h4+ is too easy for Black. ] 12...e4 13.e2 0-0 14.0-0-0 f5 [ 14...b6 with ...Bb7 comes into consideration. ] 15.d6! One might as well be hung for... xd6 16.g4 b6 17.h4! Keep going lads... xh4?! [ If 17...b7 then 18.g5 c8 19.h5 f4 20.h6 tries to trouble the waters but e6 steadies the ship. ] 18.h3 f3 19.xd6?! [ 19.b3+! h8 20.f4 is even more d a n g e r o u s . F r i t z t h e n s u g g e s t s xf4 21.xf4 b7 but chances are approximately equal. ] 19...cxd6 20.c4+ f7 21.xe4 b8 22.c4 Black has of course totally lost control, but with the benefit of hindsight, I think that he's still better. [ 22.xf3 is insufficient after b7 ] 22...b7 23.xf7+ xf7 24.xh7 e7 25.f4 c8 Black has retained only one ropey pawn from his pawn-grabbing spree. However

W h it e's at ta ck h as ru n ou t of ste am a n d Black's king proves to be pretty safe. White's however is another matter... 26.f5+ [ The ending after 26.c3 e6 27.f5+ xf5 28.gxf5 f6 clearly favours Black. ] 26...g8 27.g5 xg5 28.xg5 xc2+! A fine blow that finally tips the balance in Bla ck' s f a vo u r. 29.xc2 e2+ 30.c3 xh1 31.f4 [ 31.xd7? loses the bishop to e5+ ] 31...e1+ 32.d2 e5+ 33.c2 e4+ 34.c1 xg4 35.b3 d5 36.e3 g2 37.f2 f1+ 38.b2 e4 39.d4 0-1

10 Bakre,Tejas Popchev,Milko TSGM December (3) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2446 2452 17.12.2001

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 e6 4.f3 c5 5.c3 f6 6.e2 e7 7.0-0 c6 8.a3 d5 9.e5 d7 10.bd2 [ 10.b4 f8 11.e3 g6 12.d1 0-0 13.g3 e8 14.h4 cxd4 15.cxd4 f6 16.exf6 xf6 17.h5 e5 18.hxg6 e4 19.c2 exf3 20.d3 e6 21.f5 xf5 22.xf5 hxg6 23.xg6 e7 24.d3 g5 25.c3 g7 26.f1 ae8 27.ac1 a6 28.b5 a8 29.e1 c8 30.d2 d8 31.a4 axb5 32.xb6 xa3 33.xb5? f5 34.c3 a2+ 35.c1 b8 1-0 Grujic,L-Popchev,M Belgrade 1991. Presumably this result is reversed, unless some horrible clock accident occurred . ] 10...g5!? 11.e3 f8 12.d1 g4 13.e1 cxd4 14.cxd4 g5 15.e2 h5 16.b3 g6 17.a6 [ 17.xg6!? fxg6 18.xg5 xg5 19.ac1 was an interesting alternative â (+) black's bishop is potentially a strong piece, but d4 is more secure and white can occupy the cfile quickly. ] 17...xa6 18.xa6 0-0 19.b7 c8 20.xg5 xg5 21.ac1 e7 Black has a pleasant position and in the very long run he also has chances of laying siege to the pawn duo d4/e5. The d4 pawn is the softest spot on the board. The rest of the game is a good 6

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 illustration of black's possibilities in this type of st ruc tu re . 22.a6 c7 23.c3 b8 24.d3 fc8 25.dc1 g7 26.g3 c6 27.d2 f6 28.exf6+ xf6 29.e3 e7 30.d3 f5 31.f4 f7 32.e5 xe5 33.dxe5 h4 [ 33...xc3 34.xc3 xc3 35.bxc3 c6 ] 34.h3 hxg3 35.hxg4 d4 36.f3 d7 [ 36...xc3!? ] [ 36...h8!? were better ways of trying to squeeze a bit more out of the position. ] 37.xc6 xc6 38.xc6 xc6 39.g2 cxe5 40.xg3 c4 41.xc4 dxc4 42.g2 c5 43.e3 b5 44.f4 d3 45.d1 a5 46.f3 b4 47.axb4 axb4 48.e3 e5 49.fxe5 xe5 50.d4 c3 51.bxc3 bxc3 52.xc3 ½-½

11 Bareev,Evgeny Bauer,Christian It Enghien les Bains FRA (6) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2709 2612 17.04.2001

1.d4 b6 2.e4 b7 3.c3 e6 4.f3 b4 5.d3 f6 6.e2 d5 7.exd5 xd5 8.0-0 xc3 9.bxc3 0-0 [ 9...bd7 10.e1 ( 10.a4 0-0 11.a5 h5 12.g5 xe2 13.xe2 h6 14.f3 e4 15.a2 c5 16.d2 g6 17.f3 ac8 18.a3 fd8 19.axb6 axb6 20.b3 cxd4 21.xd4 e5 22.d1 d5 23.b5 c4 24.b4 d2 25.e1 b1 26.b2 bxc3 27.xc3 xc3 28.xc3 xc3 29.xb6 xc2 30.xc2 xc2 31.b3 dd2 32.f3 g5 33.g3 g7 34.h3 h5 35.e4 d1+ 36.g2 cc1 37.a3 f5 38.xe6 g4 39.a7+ f8 0-1 Vatnikov,J-Gurgenidze,B Bad Liebenzell 1995.) 10...h5!? 11.a4 xf3 12.gxf3 0-0 13.h1 fe8 (1/2-1/2, 23 ) S h erze r, A -O live ira , P Ph ilad e lp h ia 1993 ] 10.f4 c8 [ The thematic 10...h5 is still very playable: 11.xc7 xf3 12.xf3 ( 12.gxf3 d5 ) 12...xf3 13.gxf3 d5 ] 11.fe1 c5 [ 11...h5!? ] 12.dxc5 xc5 13.c4 bd7 14.a4

This position should be completely OK for b l a c k , b u t B a r e e v i s e xt r e m e l y g o o d a t exploiting the dynamics provided by doubled pawns and the bishop pair. e8 15.a5 e5 16.e3 c7 17.f5 bxa5 18.d2 e4 19.d4 b6 20.g5 xc4 [ 20...e5!? 21.c3 g6 22.f4 ] 21.xc4 xc4 22.eb1 It seems a bit unfair tha t black sh ou ld h ave such a ha rd t im e showing any clear advantage at all with two extra pawns, but the famous bishop pair and white's active pieces create a very complex situation. d5 23.b5 ad8 24.c5 h6 [ 24...e3!? 25.f3 a4!? ] 25.h4 e3 26.f3 g5 27.g3 h5 [ 27...e2!? 28.d3 d2 29.xe2 ( 29.f5!?; 29.xe2 xf3! ) 29...xf3 30.gxf3 xd3 31.cxd3 b3 32.f5 xa1 33.d4 h5 34.xa5 xg3 35.hxg3 d8= ] 28.c7 f4 29.xd8 xd8 30.c3 [ 30.c8!? ] 30...e6 31.xe6 A surprising decision [ 31.xe6 fxe6 32.d3 looks better. ] 31...fxe6 32.f1 b8 33.b5 d2+? [ 33...c8 ] 34.e1 c8 35.bxa5 xc3 36.xa7+f8 37.7a3 xa3 1-0


B00 Baumegger,Siegfried 2355 Freitag,Manfred 2389 TCh-2002-3 Fuerstenfeld AUT (10) 15.03.2003 [Jon Tisdall]

1.e4 e6 2.d4 b6 3.f3 b7 4.d3 c5 5.c3 f6 6.e2 e7 7.0-0 The most popular move at this point. W hite will react according to Black's reply. d5 Ah-ha! This move again! as we discussed in March's email bag, White hasn't been finding this idea easy to meet. In particular, Black feels fairly happy with the French-style closed centre seen in the game. [ The alternative 7...c6 is covered in the ebook. ] 8.e5 fd7 9.e3 c6 10.a3 c4 A couple of other moves have been played here, illustrating that there is no hard and fast rule 7

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 concerning the placement of Black's king! [ 10...g5 11.bd2 h5 12.b3 g4 13.e1 c7 14.f4 0-0-0 15.c2 b8 16.fc1 dg8 17.a4 h4 18.b5 f6 Hiermann,DAschenbrenner,R Austria tch. 2002 ] [ 10...a6 11.e1 0-0 12.g4 f5 13.exf6 xf6 14.g5 f7 15.xe7 xe7 16.f3 f6 17.h3 e5 Trabert, B-Epishin,V Lausanne 2001 ] 11.c2 a5 12.bd2 h6 With the centre firmly closed Black can calmly prepare long castling and action on the kingside. This is frustrating for White who cannot easily open the queenside. 13.e1 c7 14.h4 0-0-0 15.h5 dg8 16.g3 b8 17.g2 f8 18.f3 c6 19.h2 e8 Why hurry? 20.g4 b7 21.h3 h7 22.f4 c8 23.g4 d7 24.f2 e8 25.ae1 c8 26.e2 f8 27.h4 d8 28.h1 c6 29.f1 fg8 30.b1 f8 31.f1 g5 After a period of heavy manoeuvring, Black grasps his chance to open lines. 32.hxg6 h5 33.f6 [ If 33.f2 then xh4 34.xh4 xg6 is fine for Black ] 33...xf6 34.exf6 xf6 35.f2 xg6 36.xg6 fxg6 37.f3 h4 A pawn sacrifice to lever open W hite's king. 38.xh4 xh4 39.xh4 g5 40.fxg5 xg5 41.e3 h8 W hite is powerless to halt ...e5 f or long. 42.f3 h5 43.c1 e5! With his remaining pieces joining the fray White's insecure king becomes the decisive factor. 44.e3 h3+ 45.e1 g4 46.f5 h7 47.f3 e4+ 48.d2 xf5 49.xf5 g6 50.e3 a6 51.f2 a5 52.e7 b3+ 53.d1 h5+ 54.c2 h7 Note the relative safety of the two kings in this game! 0-1

13 Belamaric,Goran Mestrovic,Zvonimir chT Bled SLO (7) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2208 2434 20.10.2000

1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e3 e5 6.e2 e7 7.0-0 0-0 8.a3 [ 8.h3 h5 9.e1 e8 10.d5 b8 11.d3 The beginning of a pointless pilgrimage. g6

12.d2 bd7 13.c4 b6 14.b3 fd7 15.a4 g5 16.b5 xe3 17.xe3 f8 18.a5 c5 19.a2 c8 20.b4 d7 21.a4 b8 22.a6 bxa6 23.xa6 xa6 24.xa6 e7 25.c4 f5 26.f3 e8 27.a6 d7 28.e1 g6 29.exf5 f4 30.de4 xf5 31.f1 h4 32.h2 xg2 0-1 Mazi,L-Mestrovic,Z/Bled 1995. ] 8...e8 9.h3 h5 10.d5 b8 11.d2 g6 12.f3?! This allows black to gradually encroach on the kingside. Mestrovic is a steady practitioner of this variation as black, and seems to thrive on players going astray against the somewhat shapeless black position. h5 13.h2 h4 14.g4?! f4 15.c4 d7 16.e2 g5 17.xf4 exf4 18.b5 to prevent the N using the newly formed e5-outpost. a6 19.xd7 xd7 20.c4 h5 Black now has the power to slowly infiltrate on the dark-squares, and to open lines against the white king. 21.c3 f6 22.c1 e7 23.g2 e5 24.e1 d4 25.b3 f6 26.d2 e5 27.c2 [ 27.c5!? ] 27...g5 28.c1 xc3! 29.xc3 [ 29.xc3 hxg4 30.hxg4 xe4! 31.fxe4 f3+ ] 29...hxg4 30.hxg4 xe4! a promising piece sacrifice. 31.fxe4 xe4+ 32.f3 xg4+ [ 32...f5!? looks better, creating a nastily advanced pawn roller. ] 33.f2 h4+ 34.g1 xc2 35.xc2 e8 36.d3 The worst is over now, white is relatively safe once the knight comes to the defence. e4 37.h2 f6 38.b3 g5 39.f2 e2 40.h3 d4 41.g2 g7 42.h5 e5 43.g1 f8 44.g4 a1+ 45.g2 e1 46.c8+ g7 47.h3 g6 48.g8+ g7 49.c8 a1 50.h8 g1+ 51.h2 g3 52.g8+ g7 53.c8 e3 ½-½

14 Beliavsky,Alexander G Miles,Anthony J 1st ch-Europe (9) [Carsten Hansen]

B00 2640 2579 12.07.2000

1.d4 c6 2.e4 e5 3.d5 3 dxe5 Nxe5 4 Nf3 is the main line, but Beliavsky, like Miles, isn't 8

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 afraid of choosing his own path through the jungle. ce7 4.e3 f5 5.f3 f6 6.h3!? This move looks a bit bizarre, but the idea makes sense: transfer the knight to f2, from where it protects the e4-pawn and controls the g4 -s q u a re , wh i ch o t h e rwi se wo u ld b e i n Black's hands after an exchange on e4. [ Other possibilities are: 6.c3 d6 7.d2 g6 8.0-0-0 g7 9.h3 f4 10.f2 0-0 11.b1 a6 12.ge2 d7 13.c1 b5 14.a3 b8 15.b3 Campora-Miles, Seville 1993, and now b4 would have given Black at least the initiative. ] [ 6.d3 f4 7 6...fxe4!? fxe4 c6!? is also an interesting option 7.f2 g5 8.c4 g6 9.c3 b4 10.b3 e7 11.0-0-0 c5 12.xc5 xc5 13.b1 d6 14.ge2 b6 15.c2 d7 16.a1 e7 , and Black is do ing f in e , P a ra m os Dom ingu e z-I ze t a , Spain ch 1993. ] 6...d6 7.f2 c6 8.c4 c5 9.g3 g6 10.c3 g7 This looks a bit like a Saemisch Variation of the King's Indian, in which neither side are familiar with the moves. 11.g4 f4 [ 11...fxg4 is far more interesting, but also more challenging for Black 12.fxg4 h5 ( 12...0-0 is also playable) 13.e2 xg4 14.xg4 hxg4 15.xg4 0-0 16.g1 with an initiative for White. ] 12.d2 g5 13.b4 [ Or 13.h4 h6 14.hxg5 hxg5 15.xh8+ xh8 16.h3 g6 17.a4+ f8 18.0-0-0 h4 19.e2 with a long struggle ahead ] 13...b6 14.bxc5 bxc5 15.d3 h5 16.h3 f7 17.e2 g6 Now it looks like Black is slightly better, although the closed pawn structure limits the advantage considerably. 18.a4 f8 19.ab1 e7 20.c2 hxg4 21.hxg4 xh1 22.xh1 d7 23.a3 b8 24.b1 b6 with a fairly balanced game. 25.c3 h8 26.g1 c8 27.d2 a6 28.xa6 xa6 29.b1 d8 30.a4 c7 31.b5 c8 32.f1 e7 33.c6 h4 34.d2 g2 35.b7 d7 36.a6 b6 37.f1 h4 38.e1 g2 39.d2 h4 40.b5 c8 41.e1 g2 42.d2 h4 43.b3 d8 44.c6 ½-½

15 Blimke,Dalia Gaprindashvili,Nona 2nd ch-EUR Women (10) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2209 2376 02.05.2001

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.c3 e6 4.a3 g6 5.f3 g7 6.g5 e7 [ 6...c8!? as McShane tried in a similar position against Tukmakov, deserves attention. ] 7.h4!? h6 8.f4 d6 9.d2 An interesting deployment against the Miles/ McShane Hippo - white prevents expansion with ...g5 and keeps an eye on h6. d7 10.e2 a6 11.h2 b5 12.g1? b6 13.d1 d7 14.f3 White seems stumped, and only hoping to lure b l a c k i n t o c a s t l i n g k i n g s i d e . 0-0-0!? W hile white has been trundling around planlessly, black has made some sensible m o ve s, b u t t h is c o n ve rt s t h e q u e e n s i d e expansion into weaknesses, and is very risky indeed. [ 14...d8!? ] [ 14...f5!? ] [ 14...0-0? 15.f4 h7 16.h5 g5 17.xg5! hxg5 18.xg5+ g8 19.h6 f6 ( 19...h8 20.h7+ g7 21.xf7! ) 20.f4+- ] 15.0-0 f5 16.d3 fxe4 [ 16...g5!? beats a path to d4 and tries to open all lines on the kingside - this definitely deserves attention and is presumably a reason for castling the other way. ] 17.xe4 xe4 [ 17...g5!? is still a natural way to try and get going on the kingside. ] 18.xe4 f5 19.b3 c6 To justify castling opposite sides black should be aiming to hook onto the h4 pawn, but grows understandably uneasy about how peelable her own king cover is. It is probably already too late to try and race: [ 19...e7 20.a5 ( 20.g3 g5 21.hxg5 hxg5 22.xg5 f7 ) 20...b7 21.c4 xh4 22.xh4 xh4 23.fe1 and black's king cover is going, with c4-c5 the main threat. ] 20.fe1 he8 21.c1 d5 22.c4! bxc4 23.bxc4 c6 9

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ 23...xc4 24.b4+- ] 24.c5 c4 25.cxd6+- xd2 26.xc6 xf3+ 27.gxf3 d7 28.xa6 xd6 29.xd6 xd6 30.xd6+ cxd6 31.xd6 1-0

16 Bologan,Viktor Martin,Andrew D 4NCL Birmingham [Andrew Martin]



1.e4 b6 What to play against Bologan? An unorthodox opening reduces the chance of getting theoretically outplayed and sidesteps the opponents preparation. Not that Bologan would have prepared anything special for me other than a good night's sleep! 2.d4 b7 3.d3 g6 Maybe this is trampling on Glenn's ground, maybe not. The Owen move-order often allows Black to set up a favourable version of the Hippo. 4.f4 f5! A sharp and necessary move. White must not be allowed to mass his forces in the centre or Black will be squashed. 5.e2 fxe4 6.xe4 xe4 7.xe4 c6 8.f3 f6 9.e2N Bologan played this quickly but as he was suffering from a virus we should not read too much into that. It looked like he wanted to get the game over as quickly as possible. My own f eeling is that Black is f ine here. He ca n develop effectively and can look forward to a central pawn break in the near future. [ 9.d3 would have been a nice sight for me, leading to a game I knew well: g7 10.e5 0-0 11.xc6 dxc6 12.0-0 d7 13.c3 c5 14.c4+ d5 15.dxc5 e5 16.fxe5 xf1+ 17.xf1 f8 18.e2 e7 19.d2 xe5 20.c4 d4+ 0-1 Serpik, I-Blatny, P/Los Angeles 2003 ] 9...g7 10.0-0 0-0 11.d1 e6 12.c4 e7 13.c3 ae8= Thematic play. Now Black plans either ...d6 and ...e6-e5 or maybe ...d7d5 and ..Ne4 if allowed. 14.g3 [ I expected 14.e5 which I was planning to answer with the simple d8 with ...d6, ... Nf7 and ...e5 as the coming plan. ] 14...d6 15.g2 d8 16.e3 a8! Still no problems for Black in fact it is White who has to play very well just to stay on the

board. 17.f1 e5 The aforementioned break 18.fxe5 dxe5 19.d5 d4 20.d2 g4 21.g1 xf3 22.xf3 xf3 23.xf3 e4+ So, far, so forced. I was still happy and felt Black to be a little better. But great players do not cave in. 24.g2 [ 24.xg4 c8+ 25.h4 ( 25.g5 f5+ 26.h4 h5# ) 25...f6+ 26.g5 xg5+ 27.xg5 f5+ 28.h6 h5# ] 24...c8 [ W i t h h i n d s i g h t m a y b e 24...e5! was better: 25.e2 ( 25.b3 c8 26.xe4 xc4-+ ) 25...f3 26.e3 xc3 27.bxc3 d8 ] 25.e1 f5 I had designs on his King. 26.f1 d7 27.e2 xc3! An unconventional decision but a good one. Black gets to preserve his passed pawn and poses questions to White about his pawn structure. I didn't see myself getting mated. 28.bxc3 h6 29.f4 e7 30.c5! I saw this move but it came as a surprise! Is that a contradiction? Well, that's how it was. e3 31.cxb6 axb6 32.c4 f7 33.d6! cxd6 34.xe3 b7+ Still OK, but by now I was getting into mild time-trouble and starting to get worried by the nature of White's counterplay. Here the game changes course. [ 34...xe3! l e a d s t o a d r a w : 35.xf7+ ( 35.xf7 b5 36.b3 e4+ 37.f3+ d5 38.xb5 f8 39.d3 xf3 40.xf3 c2+= ) 35...h8 36.f6+ g8 37.xd6 xc3 38.xb6 d2+ 39.f2 d5+ 40.h3 h5+ 41.g2 d5+= It's hard to say why I didn't play this line. A combination of over-optimism and underestimation of the opponent has to be the answer, although I'm having problems admitting it! ] 35.f2 b5 36.b3 e4?! [ Just 36...e7!= holds easily and crucially, protects the Queen! ] 37.a4! On to the mistake in a flash. g5 [ 37...xf4+! 38.gxf4 ( I missed 38.xf4 a7+ ) 38...h1 39.axb5 xh2+ 40.f3 d5 was a much, much better try. I just didn't play this part of the game very well. ] 38.xe4 xe4 39.axb5 d5 40.d4 g4 41.d1 g5 42.e2! Now wriggle as he might, Black cannot escape defeat. h3+ 43.e1 b1+ 44.d1 e4+ 45.d2 g5 46.c1 f3 47.b6 e8 48.b2 b5+ 10

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 49.a3 h5 50.a4 xd4 51.xd4 h7 52.b4 a6+ 53.b3 e2 54.b7 d1+ 55.b2 e2+ 56.a3 e1 57.b8 1-0

17 Brancaleoni,Maurizio Tomescu,Vlad Open Cesenatico ITA (2) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2196 2417 10.09.2001

1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e2 e6 6.d5 exd5 7.exd5 xf3 8.xf3 [ 8.gxf3!? Sharper, but not terrifying. e5 9.e3 e7 10.d2 0-0 11.0-0-0 c5 12.dg1 e8 13.f4 d7 14.e4 a6 15.f5 df6 16.g5 d7 17.d3 b5 18.c4 a4 19.b1 b5 20.b3 xb3 21.axb3 c7 Black has seized the initiative with active play on the queenside and the better pawn structure. 22.c2 fb8 23.d2 f8 24.a1 h6 25.h3 d7 26.f4 f6 27.a2 b7 28.h5 d4 29.c3 xc3 30.xc3 e8 31.d3 e5 32.e1 eb8 33.e3 bxc4 34.bxc4 b3+ 35.c2 8b4 36.xe5 dxe5 37.d6 a8 38.f6 gxf6 39.xf6 b6 40.xa6 xb2+ 41.c1 xf2 42.xb6 xf6 43.d7 bxb6 44.d8+ g7 45.c7 bd6 46.e2 c6 47.xe5 ce6 48.g3+ g6 49.c3+ g8 50.f3 a6 51.e3 a1+ 52.b2 a5 53.e8+ g7 54.e5+ g8 55.c6 a6 56.d5 gb6+ 57.c1 f8 58.e4 a5 59.h4 e6 60.b8+ g7 61.g3+ f8 62.b8+ g7 63.f4 a1+ 64.b2 aa6 65.g4+ f8 66.d5 eb6+ 67.c2 a2+ 68.d3 g6 69.f4 g3+ 70.e4 e2+ 71.f5 g6 72.xf7 gg2 73.d5 gf2 74.f3 e1 75.g6+ e7 76.f6+ 1-0 Timoshenko,G-Miles,A Moscow 1990. ] 8...e5 9.e2 e7 10.0-0 [ 10.e3 A) 10...0-0 11.f4 ed7 12.d2 A1) 12...e8 13.f3 b6 14.b3 d7 15.0-0 c5 16.h3 c8 17.d3 d8 18.ae1 a5 19.d2 b6 20.e4 xd2 21.xf6+ gxf6 22.xd2 xe1 23.xe1 e8 24.xe8+ xe8 25.f2 c8 26.a4 e7 27.d3 f8 28.g4 h6 29.e4 f8 30.b4? f5 31.xf5

cxb4 32.g4 ( 32.xh7 h5 ) 32...a5 33.g3 g7 34.c4 b2 35.d3 f5 36.d1 a1 37.g4 xa4 38.gxf5 a1 39.h5 c3 40.f6 xf6 41.xh7 xf4+ 42.f3 f5 43.xb7 e3+ 44.g2 0-1 Frendzas, P-Ibragimov,I Peristeri 1993.; A2) 12...c5 13.f3 d7 14.0-0-0 ae8 15.d4 d8 16.he1 xe1 17.xe1 e8 18.g4 xe1+ 19.xe1 h6 20.h3 a6 21.e3 e7 22.xe7 xe7 23.b4 cd7 24.d2 h7 25.e4 f6 26.f2 g6 27.e2 b6 28.d3 a4 29.c4 b2+ 30.b3 d1 31.e1 g7 32.c4 f6 33.f3 d7 34.c1 e3 35.f2 d4 36.e2 b6 37.e1 g5 38.c3 1/2-1/2 Dlugy, M-Miles,A USA-ch 1989.; B) 10...c5!? 11.dxc6 bxc6 12.f4 g6 13.0-0 0-0 14.e1 d5 15.f2 b8 16.ab1 e8 17.b4 c7 18.d4 ab8 19.b5 cxb5 20.xb5 xb5 21.xb5 d8 22.e2 b4 23.b5 xc2 24.f5 e4 25.e3 f8 26.a3 d2 27.h3 a6 28.g4 h6 29.d1 d2 30.xg7 xg7 31.f6 xf6 32.xf6 axb5 33.f1 d4+ 0-1 Koelle,A-Storm,R Germany 1991 GERchT2. ] 10...0-0 11.e1 [ 11.e3 fd7 12.d2 g6 13.b5 f6 14.d4 e8 15.c3 e7 16.c4 xd4 17.xd4 f5 18.c3 c5 19.d3 xd3 20.xd3 g5 1/2-1/2 Gruenfeld,Y-Miles,A Biel 1995. ] 11...a6 12.a4 e8 13.f1 h6 14.a5 f8 15.e4 g6 16.a3 ed7 17.xf6+ xf6 18.f3 h4 19.c4 h5 20.g3 g7 21.g5 d4 22.xe8+ xe8 23.a4 e1 24.e3 b1 25.b4 e5 26.c2 b2 27.c3 f3+ 0-1

18 Brendel,Oliver Hille,Ingo Bundesliga 2000-1 (7) [Glenn Flear]

B00 2394 2244 28.01.2001

1.e4 c6 2.f3 f6 3.c3 d5 4.e5 d7 [ 4...e4 is more in keeping with the spirit of the opening, and black has had very 11

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 reasonable results - here are a sampling of some that are both encouraging and fairly representative of the ideas employed. 5.d4 ( 5.b5 g4 6.h3 xf3 7.xf3 xc3 8.dxc3 e6 9.f4 d7 10.0-0-0 a6 11.d3 b5 12.he1 b8 13.b1 e7 14.h4 c5 15.h5 c4 16.f1 c6 17.g4 c7 18.xd5 exd5 19.e6 d6 20.xd6 xd6 21.xf7+ d8 22.xg7 e8 23.g5 b4 24.g6 hxg6 25.h6 e7 26.xg6 bxc3 27.h7 xb2+ 0-1 Vogelmann,P-Renette,H NED 1998.) 5...g4 6.e3 ( 6.e2 e6 7.0-0 e7 8.e3 xc3 9.bxc3 0-0 10.h3 h5 11.d3 a5 12.fe1 c4 13.ab1 b6 14.d1 g6 15.e2 h6 16.d2 xe3 17.xe3 c5 18.f4 c8 19.b2 c7 20.f1 cxd4 21.cxd4 c3 22.xc3 xc3 23.f3 fc8 24.xc3 xc3 25.b3 c7 26.c3 h4 27.f3 g3 28.f1 d3+ 29.e2 c2 30.a3 xf4 31.f2 c1 32.a6 b2 33.e1 e4 34.f3 g6 35.e2 xc3 36.f3 a5 0-1 Dansker,GIppoliti,H Buenos Aires 1993.) 6...e6 7.d3 b4 8.0-0 xc3 9.bxc3 xc3 10.b1 xd4 11.xb7 xe3 12.b5 0-0 13.xc6 b6 14.a4 a5 15.h3 h5 16.d3 e7 17.xb6 cxb6 18.xa8 xa8 19.d4 b4 20.f4 g6 21.f5 exf5 22.xf5 c5+ 23.h1 e8 24.f3 xe5 25.xg7 f8 26.f6 xg7 27.xb6 h6 28.xa5 e2 29.b5 e5 30.a5 xc2 31.a6 e4 32.g1 g3 0-1 Cioara,A-Pizzuto,S/ Castellaneta 1999 ] 5.d4 b6 To get the light-squared bishop out before playing ...e6. [ 5...e6 is a posit ion more often seen via the French, though even there it is rare, and even there Black prefers to put his N on e4. ] 6.a3 f5 [ 6...g4!? ] 7.h4 d7 8.f4 e6 9.f3 Now this looks like a clumsy French from black. a6 10.e2 a7 11.0-0 c5 12.e3 c7 13.h1 0-0-0?! 14.a4 c4 15.xc4 dxc4 16.e2 cxd4 17.xd4 b8 18.g1 White has a clear edge as the c4 pawn is weak and black's king exposed. e7 19.e4 f5 20.d6! xd6 21.exd6 xd6 22.e5 e7 23.xc4 c6?? [ 23...c6 24.b6 dg8 25.ad1 ] [ 23...c8 24.e5+ a8 25.c7 +- ]

24.e5+ c7 25.xa7+ 1-0

19 Campora,Daniel Hugo Salgado Gonzalez,Julio XXVII Open Sevilla ESP (2) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2542 2063 12.01.2002

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.c3 f6 4.e5 d7 [ 4...g8!? is an interesting option - it takes two moves for this piece to reach a decent square in any event, and the traditional route to b6 is hardly a dream outpost. On the other hand, one has to wonder if the option of getting the Bc8 out is worth playing a French with a lot of silly preliminary horseplay. ] 5.f3 b6 6.b5N g4 [ 6...d7!? ] 7.h3 xf3 8.xf3 Now white has an easy advantage, either thanks to the bishop pair, or a better pawn structure after a capture on c6. e6 9.0-0 g6 10.d1 g7 11.a4 a5 12.b3 0-0 13.xc6 bxc6 14.a3 e8 15.e2 f6 [ 15...d7!? ] 16.c3 fxe5 17.dxe5 d7 18.f4 g5 Tempting, but white is quite well placed to use the open lines on the kingside. [ 18...a6!? ] 19.g3 gxf4 20.gxf4 h4 21.d3 h5 [ 21...a6 22.g3 h8 23.g4 h5 24.h2 ] 22.e1 h8? [ 22...a6 23.g3 h8 24.d4 ] 23.xc6 xe5 24.fxe5 xe5 25.g3 [ 25.g3 g8 26.xe6+( 26.xa8 is possible as well. )] 1-0

20 Campora,Daniel Hugo Salgado Gonzalez,Julio XXVI Open Sevilla ESP (2) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2513 2079 13.01.2001

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 We get a thorough look at t h i s l i n e t h i s m o n t h . 3.c3 e5!? Nic e t o co n f u se p e o p le s o e a r ly. . . 4.b5 12

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 A look at some of the alternatives, in encouraging form - I like to give the potential daring defender something to look forward to it is always best to get to know what one can look forward to, while keeping in mind that daily life in these lines is likely to be far more pedestrian. [ 4.exd5 xd4 5.f3 ( 5.e3 f5 6.b5+ d7 7.d3 xe3 8.xd7+ xd7 9.xe3 f6 10.ge2 d6 11.0-0 e7 12.ad1 0-0 13.e4 b6 14.c4 h6 15.c5 bxc5 16.xc5 g4 17.d2 f5 18.e4 xe4 19.xe4 ab8 20.c1 b4 21.dd1 a5 22.b3 b6 1/2-1/2 Szabo,Z-Furhoff,J Budapest 1994. ) 5...g4 6.xd4!? xd1 7.b5+ e7 8.d6+ xd6 9.f4 g4 10.f3 c5 11.0-0-0 cxd4 12.xd4+ e7 13.d5+ e6 14.e1 d6 15.fxg4 f6 16.g3 a5 17.f4+ e7 18.d5+ f8 19.ed1 xb5 20.c3 a5 21.xd6 e7 22.d7 c8 23.e1 b6 24.xe7 xe7 25.d5+ e6 26.xb6 axb6 27.f2 hd8 28.e1 b5 29.h3 c4 30.b3 c6 31.e2 a8 32.b2 ca6 33.a4 bxa4 34.b4 a3+ 35.a2 c6 36.e1 b5 37.f2 d6 38.c5 d1 39.b6 g6 40.a5 c8 41.xa3 c6 42.b3 f5 43.gxf5+ gxf5 44.g3 h5 45.h4 b1+ 46.a2 g1 47.e3 xc2+ 48.b3 cg2 0-1 Lind,J-Laveryd,P Ro n n e b y 1 9 9 8 . B l a c k s e e m e d t o h a ve control all the time, but it is easier on the nerves to know this in advance? ] [ 4.xd5 xd4 5.e3 c6 6.c3 b4 7.c4 f6 8.a3 a5 9.b4 b6 10.f3 xf3+ 11.gxf3 e7 12.g1 g6 13.d2 e6 14.xe6 xe6 15.xb6 axb6 16.f4 exf4 17.xf4 0-0 18.f5 e7 19.e5 fe8 20.f4 d5 21.xd5 cxd5 22.d3 f6 23.f3 xe5+ 24.d2 e4 25.af1 d4+ 26.c1 c4 27.g3 ac8 28.b1 xc2 29.b3 xh2 0-1 Licardo,R-Bozinovic,B Zadar 1998. ] 4...dxe4 5.d5 A brief theoretical summary, and I mean brief - there are not a lot of tests in these lines. [ 5.dxe5 xd1+ 6.xd1 d7 ] [ 5.e3 exd4 6.xd4 d7 ] [ 5.ge2 d7 6.d5 ( 6.dxe5 xe5; 6.xe4 exd4 ) 6...ce7 7.c4 ( 7.xd7+ xd7 ) 7...f5!? ( 7...f6!? ) 8.0-0 f6 ] [ 5.xe4 exd4 6.f3 b4+ 7.d2 ( 7.c3

dxc3 ) 7...xd2+ 8.xd2 ge7 9.xd4 0-0 ] 5...a6 6.a4 b5 7.xb5 [ 7.b3!? d4 8.xe4 f5 9.g3 g6 10.f3! xb3 11.axb3 d6 12.0-0 ] 7...axb5 8.xb5 ge7 9.g5 [ 9.dxc6 xd1+ 10.xd1 f5 11.c3 c5 12.f3 d6! 13.e2 e6 14.a3 b3+ 15.e1 0-0 16.fxe4 f5! 17.f3 fxe4 18.xe5 f2+ 19.d2 e3+ 20.d3 f5 0-1 Tomson,H-Panus,V USSR 1994. ( 20...f5 21.f3 d5+ 22.d4 c4+ 23.c2 xd4 24.cxd4 xe2-+ )] 9...f6 10.e3 f7?! Probably a disimprovement on theory, though things remain reasonably messy. [ 10...b8 11.a4 xb5 12.axb5 d4 ( 12...b4!? ) 13.xd4 exd4 14.xd4 xd5 15.e2 xb5 16.c3 c6 17.0-0-0 g6 18.he1 h6+ 19.b1 f7 20.xe4 f5 21.c4+ xc4 22.xc4 c6 23.e4 xe4 24.xe4 f5 25.b4 g7 26.b7 e5 27.g3 g5 28.a2 h5 29.dd7 e8 30.b4 e6 31.c4 g4 32.b3 f4 33.d1 fxg3 34.fxg3 f5 35.b5 d4+ 36.b4 cxb5 37.cxb5 c8 38.b6+ d5 39.h6 c2 40.xh5 b2+ 41.a4 a2+ 1/2-1/2 Ulibin, M-Mohr,G Voskresensk 1990. ] [ 10...d7 11.dxc6 xc6 12.xc6+ xc6 13.g4 ] [ 10...a5!? seems less reliable than Mohr's choice as it seems better to target the b2 p a w n i n a p o t e n t i a l e n d i n g . 11.xc6+ ( 11.a4 xb5 12.axb5 b4 ) 11...xc6 12.dxc6 xd1+ 13.xd1 a6!? ] 11.dxc6 xd1+ 12.xd1 e6 13.a4 d5 14.e2 e7 [ 14...xe3 15.fxe3 c5 16.c3 ] 15.d2 b4 16.xb4 xb4+ 17.c3 e7 18.b4 hd8 19.0-0 b3 20.xd8 xd8 21.a5 c2 22.g3 g6 23.c4+ f8 24.a1 f5 25.a6 d3 26.a7 a8 27.e6 b5 28.d7 g5 29.a5 d3 30.c8 xc8 31.a8 xa8 32.xa8+ e7 33.h8 h6 34.h4 c1 35.h7+ d6 36.h5 f4 37.xe4+ xe4 38.hxg6 f3 39.d7+ xc6 40.g7 h7 41.d8 b2 42.h8 1-0


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 21 Cebalo,Miso Buric,Danijel 8th Metalis Open (7) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 22 2473 Cebalo,Miso 2241 Mestrovic,Zvonimir 25.02.2001 Croatian Cup (2) [Glenn Flear]

1.d4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.e4 g4 4.e3 e6!? Strangely, this move is either very rare, or new. It d o es n 't lo ok it , b ut mo st ga m es e ith e r continue ...e5, or feature ...e6 after ...Nf6. Black's flexible order is unusual. 5.h3 h5 6.c3 [ 6.d5!? ] 6...d5 7.exd5 exd5 8.b5 b4 9.g4 g6 10.e5 ge7 A handy difference - now white must justify his pawn pushing, and black is nicely solid. 11.h4 h6 12.xg6 xg6 13.h5 h4!? Black could try [ 13...xc3+!? first. ] 14.d3 xc3+ Risky - black could try just [ 14...f3+!? ] 15.xc3 f3+ 16.e2 f6 17.c5 planning Rh3 followed by transferring this to the e-file. 0-0-0! 18.xc6 bxc6 19.h3 [ 19.xa7 he8 20.ad1 g5!? ( 20...e4 gives black similar counterplay to the game but it must be better for white not to have traded minor pieces - his king has better cover.) 21.d2 d7! since there is a threat of Ra8 and Ne4. ] 19...g5 20.xg5 xg5 21.g3 he8+ 22.f1 d6! 23.xa7 e4 24.a4 de6 25.a6+ d7 and rather alarmingly for white, who seems to have been playing sensibly and strongly, black's king is saf est, and grim defence is now the order of the day. 26.d3 xg4 27.e1 xe1+?! [ 27...xg3! 28.xg3 xe1+ 29.xe1 c1+ 30.e2 xc2+ and black should win the queen ending. ] 28.xe1 e4+ 29.f1 c1+ 30.g2 h4 31.h3 g5+ 32.f1 g4 33.e2 e4+ 34.f1 c1+ 35.g2 xb2 36.f3 e7 37.e3 e6 38.a5 d8 39.g3 b5 40.a3 c5 41.dxc5 e1 42.d3 xd3 43.cxd3 a1 44.xg7 e7 45.d4 xa5 46.h7 a4 47.xh6 xd4 48.c6 d7 49.f6 e7 ½-½

B00 2515 2402 08.05.2002

1.d4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.e4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e3 e5 6.b5 d7 7.d5 cb8 8.h3 h5 9.g4 g6 10.h4 h5 Mestrovic rejects [ 10...h6 which he used with a bit more success, though arguably not because of the positions he got. 11.h5 h7 12.g5 a6 ( 12...hxg5 13.xg5 a6 14.g4 g8 15.e6 fxe6 16.dxe6 xe6 17.xe6+ e7 18.g6+ f7 19.xf7+ xf7 20.c4+ e8 21.d5 1/2-1/2 Jonkman,HMestrovic,Z Wijk aan Zee 1999.) 13.f1 b5 14.a3 0-1 Medvegy, N-Mestrovic,Z Budapest 1999. ] 11.g5 e7 Mestrovic's improvement over [ 11...a6 12.f1 b5 13.d2 e7 14.g1 c8 15.a4 b4 16.a2 b7 17.c3 a5 18.cxb4 axb4 19.b5 1-0 Piket,JMestrovic,Z Sremic Krsko 1998. ] 12.d2! This looks like a strong new move. White takes a bead on the h5 pawn and the Nd2 is very well placed to react to changes in the centre or on the queenside. [ 12.g1!? c6 13.dxc6 ( 13.f1!? ) 13...bxc6 14.e2 c7 15.d2 c5! 16.xc5 dxc5 17.c4 d7 18.d3 b6 0-1 Soylu,S-Mestrovic,Z/Nova Gorica SLO 2001 (46). ] 12...c6 13.e2 b6 14.a4 cxd5 W it h o u t t h is m o ve it is h a rd f o r b la c k t o complete development on the queenside as the pressure on c6 and the possible battering by the advance of the a4 pawn leave this flank under strong pressure. But black could try to wait: [ 14...a5!? 15.f1 a6 16.g3 b4 17.c1 Taking on c6 will only give black a centre and an immediate threat with ...d5 as compensation for the h-pawn. cxd5 18.exd5 c8 is a critical and logical plan, where black has mounted pressure on the queenside as compensation for the doomed h-pawn. ] 15.exd5 a6 16.a5 d7 17.de4 Not just an obvious post, but a stop on the way to eating h5. ac5 [ 17...dc5!? 18.xc5 14

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 A) 18...xc5 19.xc5 ( 19.g3!? still wins a pawn.) 19...dxc5 20.b5+ f8 21.d3 with a safe advantage.; B) 18...xe4 19.xe4 xc5 20.xc5 dxc5 21.xh5 where black has practical chances for the pawn due to the general lack of king safety. ] 18.g3 Black has lost the opening battle, though he does his best to dispute this. f5 19.xh5 [ 19.xh5!? xh5 20.xh5 0-0 21.g3 ] 19...0-0 20.f4 e8 21.g3 e4 22.cxe4 exf4 23.xf4 fxe4 24.0-0 e5 25.xe5 dxe5 26.h5 [ 26.d6!? ] 26...c8 27.xf8+ xf8 28.g2 f5 29.d2 d6 30.c4 c5 31.xf5 xf5 32.f1 e3 [ 32...d7!? 33.c2 d8 34.f5 ] 33.xf5 exd2 34.f3 f8 35.e4 d6 36.xf8+ xf8 37.f5+- f7 38.b3 a6 39.d1 e4 40.xe4 g6 41.h6 b4 42.e5 xa5 43.c5 c7+ 44.e4 a5 45.c6 b5 46.c2 d6 47.f3 e7 48.e2 e5 49.xg6 d6 50.d3 a4 51.bxa4 bxa4 52.g6 Black must find an improvement, by move 14 at the latest. 1-0

23 Christiansen,Larry Mark Benjamin,Joel ch Seattle USA (3) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2563 2577 27.09.2000

1.e4 c6 2.d4 e5 3.d5 ce7 4.f3 g6 5.h4 h5 6.g5 [ 6.g3 c5 7.g5 f6 8.d2 d6 9.c3 d7 10.e2 6e7 11.h2 g6 12.c1 c6 13.e3 xe3 14.xe3 b6 15.xb6 axb6 16.dxc6 bxc6 17.0-0 b5 18.a3 c8 19.fd1 h6 20.f1 e7 21.e3 b6 22.ac1 g4 23.xg4 xg4 24.d3 c4 25.xc4 bxc4 26.e3 hb8 27.b1 b7 28.f3 e6 29.d1 d5 30.a1 d6 31.e2 d4 32.f2 c5 33.c3 d7 34.d2 e6 35.e2 ab8 36.e1 a4 37.a2 b3 38.a1 xd1 39.xd1 xb2 40.xb2 xb2 41.a4 g2 42.a3 d6 43.a5 c7 44.a6 b8 45.a7+ a8 46.a6 xg3

47.xf6 xa7 0-1 Meissner,H-Miles,A/ Slough 1997/CBM 62 (47) ] 6...f6 7.c3 b4 [ 7...c5 also looks tempting, but Benjamin had a painful experience in this line: 8.a4 b4+ 9.c3 e7 10.xf6 xf6 11.d6 cxd6 12.g3 d5 13.xd5 d6 14.b5+ f8 15.0-0-0 g4 16.e2 e7 17.c4 c8 18.b1 c6 19.d2 f6 20.e1 e6 21.c2 g8 22.e3 f8 23.c5 c8 24.d5 d8 25.cxd6 f7 26.c1 d7 27.c5 xc5 28.xc5 xd6 29.c2 d7 30.c4 a6 31.e3 xd2 32.xd2 c5 33.f3 a5 34.xe6+ xe6 35.d7+ g6 36.f5 1-0 Ivanov,A-Benjamin,J Parsippany 1996. ] 8.a3 There seems little point in asking that b la c k d o t h i s, b u t wh it e d o e s b o ls t e r d 5 quickly this way. An earlier game was more direct: [ 8.d2 c6 9.e2 xc3 10.bxc3 cxd5 ( 10...f4!? loo ks saf er.) 11.xh5 f4 12.f3 e6 13.xf6 xf6 14.exd5 c5 15.g3 d6 and white's splintered queenside offers black reasonable compensation for the pawn. 16.e4 xe4 17.xe4 d7 18.b1 b6 19.e2 c8 20.c4 g5 21.hxg5 xh1+ 22.xh1 xg5 23.e4 f5 24.f3 e7 25.a4 f4 26.g4 h8 27.c5 dxc5 28.d6+ f6 29.d1 d8 30.a5 bxa5 31.a6 e4 32.xe4 e8 33.f3 h4+ 34.e2 xe4+ 35.fxe4 xg4+ 36.d2 f2+ 37.c1 e3+ 38.b2 xd1 39.d7+ e7 40.d8+ xd8 41.d6+ c8 42.c6+ b8 43.d6+ b7 44.d7+ b6 45.d6+ b5 46.d7+ 1/2-1/2 Mortensen,E-Hoi,C/ Ostrava 1992/ CBM 33 (46) ] 8...xc3+ 9.bxc3 c6 10.c4 d6 11.d2 a5 12.d3?! [ 12.xf6 gxf6 13.f3 is very primitive, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth a serious look. cxd5 ( 13...f4? 14.g3 g4 15.b3 ) 14.cxd5 f5 15.exf5 e7 and now 16.d3 give white some chances to seize the initiative. ( or 16.b1!? )] 12...g4 Not only sidestepping the possibility of doubled pawns, but preparing ...f6. 13.e2 f6 14.e3 f4 15.xf4 exf4 Now black clearly has the be tter prospe cts - the e 5 square is a fine outpost and white's pawn 15

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 structure is shattered without recompense. The Bd3 is nothing to write home about either. 16.0-0 c5 17.f3 e5 18.fb1 c3 19.xe5 xe5 20.a4 g5 21.hxg5 fxg5 22.a3 g4 23.d2 h7! keeping b7 under watch and preparing to monitor the key e5 square as well. 24.c3 xc3 25.xc3 e7 26.g3 f3 27.a5 f7 28.f1 b8 29.e1? White should sit and wait, though black could advance his king to g5 and prepare ...h4. f5! 30.d2 xe4 31.xe4 xe4 32.e3 xe3 33.xe3 f6 34.f4 g6 35.a6 b6 36.c3 f8+ Black's rook invades. 0-1

interesting struggle where Black's king was the most vulnerable. ] 7.h3 xf3 8.xf3 g6 So White has two bishops and a lead in development, whereas Black has possibilities to hit back at White's centre with ...c6 as well as possible access to e5 and c5. Now Cicak decides that his position is sufficiently promising to warrant an ambitious choice. 9.0-0-0!? I prefer [ 9.e2 g7 10.0-0 with a pleasant edge. ] 9...g7 10.g4 bd7 11.g3?! [ 11.g2! is a better square to reinforce control of e4 and d5. ] 11...c6 12.e2 a5 Sometimes this type of pawn expansion on the kingside lacks bite when Black hasn't committed his king. In any 24 B00 case White is committed now and he naturally Cicak,Slavko 2500 c o n t i n u e s i n t h e s a m e v e i n . . . 13.f4?! Gonzales,Jayson 2464 Boldly advancing and hoping to create threats IX Malaga Open (6) 01.03.2006 before Black's counterplay gets dangerous. Safest however is [Glenn Flear] [ 13.a3 avoiding anything nasty. Note how the alternative ] 1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 [ 13.b1 can be met by the sensational 5.e3 a6 There's no real consensus here but xc3! 14.bxc3 xe4 with great play for the this move is clearly intended to stop any queen! ] annoying B-b5 ideas. Also fairly popular are 13...c8? [ 5...e5 ] [ Fritz is quite fond of 13...xe4! 14.xe4 [ 5...e6 ] xa2 as Black will obtain a third pawn for [ and 5...g6 ] the piece and White's king will be insecure e. 6.d5 g. 15.c3 ( 15.d4?? xd4 16.xd4 [ White generally delays this advance until he a1+ ) 15...a1+ 16.d2 xb2 ] has advanced his development, for instance 6.e2 e6 ( Maybe 6...e5 is better as Black 14.d4 cxd5 15.e5?! [ With hindsight, it seems that this tempting obtains a stake in the centre.) 7.0-0 e7 move isn't as good as 15.exd5! when White 8.h3 h5 9.d5 exd5 10.exd5 b8 s e e m s t o b e a s h a d e b e t t e r e . g . b5 11.d4 and White had a pleasant space ( 15...0-0 16.he1 ) 16.g5 ] advantage in Binham, T-Horn, P Bonnevoie 1998. The f 5-square is a problem as is 15...e4? This doesn't impress. Instead Black Black's lack of play. The game didn't last had an interesting idea [ 15...dxe5! 16.fxe5 c7! using the pin very long and finished rather elegantly... g6 along the b8-h2 diagonal and another one 12.f4 e4 13.xe4 xe4 14.f3 f6 down the c-file to get reasonable chances e. 15.f5 0-0 16.d4 e8 17.e1 bd7 g. 17.e3 e4 18.e6 e5 with double18.g3 g6 19.h6+ f8 20.f5 e5 edged play. ] 21.ae1 h5 22.xh5 h4 23.fxg6 xg3 24.xf7+ and Black resigned due to mate 16.xe4 dxe4 17.e6 f6 [ After 17...xd4 18.exd7+ xd7 19.xd4 with xf7 25.g7# ] xa2 White has the simple 20.c3 as a1+ 6...b8!? 21.c2 xh1 22.d1 costs Black his [ Alternatively Black has 6...e5 7.e2 xf3 queen. ] 8.gxf3 c6 9.f4 ed7 10.d4 c5 11.d2 b5 12.e5! Stripunsky, A-Bonin, J Nassau 18.exf7+ f8 [ Unfortunately for Black 18...xf7 is met by 2000 and the line rapid opening led to an 16

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 19.b3+ e6 20.b6 and suddenly Black's c5 9.b4 b6 10.f4 0-0 11.c4 g6 queen is trapped. ] 12.g3 d6 13.exd6 e8+ 14.e2 f6 19.b3 c7 20.g5 d7 21.g4 15.0-0 cxd6 16.b5 d8 17.d2 g4 The turning of the screw. The problem isn't so 18.d4 ac8 19.ac1 e5 20.fe1 c7 much that Black is a pawn down, it's more that 21.f1 a6 22.e4 g6 23.ce1 f6 he can't do much while W hite threatens to 24.h1 dc8 25.4e3 d7 26.a4 h5 simplify and pick up the e4-pawn. xd4 27.f4 g4 28.e7 h4 29.xh4 h5 [ If 21...h6 then White can simply play 30.g3 xc3 31.xd7 xg3 32.h3 d5 22.xg7+ xg7 23.he1 hxg5 24.fxg5 33.f3 xf3 34.c4+ xc4 35.gxf3 xh3+ retaining a clear advantage. ] 36.g2 h2+ 37.g3 xd2 38.ee7 h6 22.xd4 c5 Giving the exchange for a 39.xg7+ f8 40.h7 cc2 41.h8+ g8 breath of fresh air, but it's not enough to save 42.g4 g2+ 43.f5 g7 44.xd6 c6 the game. 23.c3 xf7 24.xc8 xc8 0-1 Kudrin, S-Miles,A USA-ch 1989. ] 25.b1 d7 26.h4 d5 27.h5! Rooks need [ 5.bd2 xf3+ 6.xf3 e7 7.a3 a5 open lines. e6 28.hxg6+ hxg6 29.h7+ 8.b4 b6 9.b2 0-0 10.c4?! c6 [ Or 29.h3 ] 11.b3 h4! 12.g3 h6 13.d1 d6 29...g7 30.c4 A neat way of imposing his 14.d5? e6 15.h5 g6 16.e2 f5 will. 17.exf5 xf5 18.0-0 ae8 (0-1, 41) [ 30.xg7+ xg7 31.c4+ d4! Garcia, G-Miles,A Matanzas 1995 White's is less clear. ] pieces are posted terribly artificially and 30...g8 31.c7 f5 32.b4 his position is a disaster. ] [ 32.c8! xc8 33.xg7+ is the crispest 5...xf3+ 6.xf3 xd2+ 7.xd2 f6!? way to win but the text is good enough. ] 8.0-0-0 d6 9.c4 32...e6 33.xb7 e3 34.c6 g4 35.f6+ [ 9.e3!? retaining the queens looks worth a e8 36.a8+ d7 37.xd5+ c7 test. Black is very solid in the game 38.c6+ b7 39.c3+ b6 40.b3+ c7 continuation, even if the position is rather 41.b7+ dour. ] 1-0 9...xf3 10.xf3 g4 11.e5 xf3 12.gxf3 dxe5 13.he1 e7 [ 13...f6 14.f4 ] 25 B00 14.xe5 d8 Black's position should be good Comas Fabrego,Luis 2520 for a draw thanks to his better pawn structure, Teran Alvarez,Ismael 2392 but he gets into some trouble by being a bit III Open Dos Hermanas ESP (5) 09.04.2002 careless. 15.de1 [ 15.xd8+ xd8 16.b5 b6 17.g5 g6 [Jon Tisdall] 18.xf7 f8 19.d5 h6 20.e5 c6= - white's pieces are very poorly placed. ] 1.d4 c6 2.e4 e5 3.dxe5 xe5 4.f3 b4+ After Plaskett made life uncomfortable 15...d7 16.1e3 f8 [ 16...c6!? ] for black in one of the main lines (see [ 16...f6!? ] Plaskett,HJ-Sherwin,J/ 4NCL Birmingham 2002) it is worth taking a look at this old Miles 17.b4 a6?! [ 17...d8 ] favourite, and a very solid alternative for black. 18.b5 axb5 19.xb5 b6 5.d2 [ 19...c6 20.b6 d8 21.eb3 c8 [ 5.c3 d6 ( 5...xf3+ 6.xf3 c5 7.d3 22.xb7! ] d6 8.d2 e7 9.b4 b6 10.c4 0-0 11.0-0 e6= (0-1, 32) Martin,B-Miles,A 20.h5 Double threat of Bb5 and Rxh7 - black Auckland 1992. (32)) 6.bd2 xf3+ has managed to lose control. d8 21.a3 [ 21.xh7 f5 22.d3 ] 7.xf3 e7 This ultra-provocative approach i s w e l l s u i t e d a g a i n s t a n a g g r e s s i v e 21...d4 22.a8+ c8 23.a6 d7 24.c3? opponent like Mr. Kudrin - this game is Overdoing the finesse. Simply [ 24.xh7 p o s e d m o r e p r o b l e m s f4 entertaining enough to be quoted in full: 8.e5 17

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 25.xg7 xf3 26.g3! and the win is getting nearer. ] 24...d6 25.xh7 g6 26.h4 c5 27.g4 f6 28.g3 d8 29.xg7 xf3 30.xc8+? [ 30.g3! Allows white to maintain a healthy extra pawn and initiative: f6 ( 30...xf2?? 31.d3+ ) 31.d3+ d6 32.a7+ ] 30...xc8 31.xc8 xc8 32.b2 xf2+= 33.b3 b7 34.h4 a6 35.h5 h2 36.g5 h4 37.f5 b5 38.xf7 xh5 39.a4+ a6 40.g7 h4 41.f7 ½-½

26 Dammer,Christian Juegel,Marcel SVM-chT1998/99 (8) [Glenn Flear]


27 Darnstaedt,Frank Hille,Ingo Bundesliga 2000-1 (2) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2330 2244 15.10.2000

1.e4 c6 2.f3 f5 3.exf5 d5 4.d4 xf5 5.b5 e6 6.xc6+ bxc6 7.e5 c5 8.h5+ g6 9.e2 g7 10.f4 [ 10.g4 e4 11.f3 cxd4 ] [ 10.b5+!? ] 10...cxd4 11.g4 e4 12.0-0 g5 13.g3 e7 14.d2 xc2 15.df3 d3 16.e3 0-0 17.xg5 f6 18.xd3 xd3 19.xd3 g6 20.e3 d7 21.h3 c6 22.f3 f8 23.e5 xe5 ½-½

22.02.1999 28

I was sent this pleasant game from a reader. The featured queen sacrifice is unclear but Black has all the fun! 1.e4 a6 2.d4 b5 3.c4!? [ 3.d3 is probably best, see the e-book. ] 3...e6 4.cxb5 axb5 5.xb5 b7 6.c3 b4 7.d3 f5 8.e2 f6 9.g5 fxe4 10.xe4 xe4!? Queen-sac!! A nice move but this position isn't new! 11.xd8 xc3 12.h5+ [ 12.bxc3!? xc3+ 13.d1 xa1 Borrellas Comellas- Gardenas Santiago, B a r c e l o n a 1 9 9 6 a n d n o w 14.xc7 is unclear. ] 12...xd8 13.f3?! After this tame move Black has the initiative, instead [ 13.g5+ c8 14.xg7 is critical. ] 13...a5 14.h4+ g5 15.h6 e4+ 16.f1 a6+ 17.e2 f5 18.a3 d2 19.g7 hf8 20.xh7 g4 21.h4+ g5 22.h6 gg8 Black now has a winning attack. 23.h5 f5 24.h7 f6 25.f7 gxf3 26.g3 xe2+ 27.f2 g4+ 28.g1 e3# 0-1

Dautov,Rustem Bauer,Christian 15th ETC Gothenburg SWE (4) [Glenn Flear]

B00 2595 2641 02.08.2005

1.d4 b6 2.e4 b7 3.d3 f6 4.e2 e6 [ Blatny has shown a preference for 4...c6!? 5.c3 e5 ] 5.f3 d5 6.e5 White obtain some space advantage and at first sight a good looking French as his advanced centre is secure, but things are actually far from clear... fd7 7.c3 c5 8.0-0 e7 9.e3 c6 10.a3 Otherwise Black can aim to capture on d4 and continue w i t h . . . N b 4 . c4 Closing the wing now that White has committed himself to a2-a3, in a similar way to a well-known line of the French Defence Advance variation (1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 c5 4 c3 Nc6 5 Nf3 Qb6 6 a3 c4). A practical choice by Christian Bauer as his opponent is known to f avour long-forcing theoretical lines. [ For those seeking a more dynamic game, 10...g5!? 11.bd2 h5 was successful in Hiermann,D-Aschenbrenner,R Austrian Ch. 2002. A closed centre at times allows flank action to take precedence over development. ] 11.c2 b5 [ After the alternative method of stabilizing the queenside with 11...a5 12.bd2 h6 18

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 13.e1 c7 14.h4 0-0-0 15.h5 dg8 Baumegger,S-Freitag,M Austrian tch. 2003 Black was ready for anything. ] 12.bd2 a5 13.e1 h5 Bauer doesn't want White to overrun him with a general advance on the kingside and competes for space and influence even here. 14.f4 g6 15.ef3 If Black now did nothing much, it wouldn't be e a s y f o r W h i t e t o f in d a co n vi n ci n g wa y through. However staying totally passive is generally unwise as this gives plenty of time (and space!) for the opponent to come up with an testing idea. So Black now decides to test the water on the queenside.. . b4! 16.g5 [ After 16.axb4 axb4 17.xa8 xa8 Black is better placed to exploit any action on th e f la nk. I nst ea d ope ning th e f -f ile gives Black something to think about (the f7-square!) ] 16...xg5 17.fxg5 b3! With the queenside totally closed and Black has thus a safe haven for his king. If f7 is well-secured it's hard to see how White will achieve anythingpositive. 18.d1 b6 19.f2 e7 20.g4 hxg4 21.xg4 a4 22.ab1 h7 23.f6 d7 24.f2 ah8 25.f1 It's come down to the ffile versus the h-file! Both sides have possibilities to improve but with such a small a r e a o f t h e b o a rd a va i l a b l e f o r c o n t a c t , manoeuvring is required to create problems for the opponent. a7 26.f3 b5 27.c1 c7 28.g3 b8 29.a1 Dautov is wary of a potential piece sacrifice to get the b-pawn through. c6 30.h3 a8 31.h2 b8 32.e2 d7 33.b1 b6 34.d2 a4 35.c1 b6 36.g3 c8 37.e3 e7 38.f3 c7 39.g2 f5! This move (blocking the f-file) suggests that Black is thinking of going for the whole point. 40.e2 bh8 41.f4 h4 42.h1 e8 43.f1 f5 A canny retreat showing Black's intention to put his rook on h4. 44.g1 eg7 45.h2 h4 46.g4 h5 47.d2 d8 With potential threats against the g5-pawn, hence W hite's next. 48.f6 b7 49.h2 c6 50.f1 xf6 51.exf6 d6 Heading for e4. W hite needs to keep his dark-squared (and so-called bad bishop) in order to defend g5. 52.g2 e4 53.xe4 dxe4 54.e3 White must blockade the e-pawn at all costs, but this turns out to be possible. d5 55.e5

b7 56.fg2 d8 57.g3 d5 58.f2 a6 59.h2 8h7 60.g1 h8 61.h2 b7 62.g4 xg4+ 63.hxg4 xh2 64.xh2 a6 65.g3 a4 66.f2 b7 67.g3 c6 68.g2 b7 69.f2 c6 S o t h e re wa s n o b r e a k t h ro u g h a f t e r a l l . However it shows that the under-rated Owen's defence can be played with confidence in 2600+ encounters. ½-½

29 David,Alberto Rogers,Ian Olympiad Bled SLO (13) [Glenn Flear]

B00 2511 2557 08.11.2002

1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e3 [ Unimpressive was 5.h3?! xf3 6.gxf3 d5 7.g5 e6 8.d2 ( 8.e5 h6 9.h4 g5 ) 8...e7 9.0-0-0 d7 10.h4 h6 11.xf6 xf6 12.exd5 exd5 13.h3 d8 14.hg1 e7! Best. ( 14...xd4? 15.e3+; 14...xd4? 15.g4! ) 15.de1 c6 16.a4 b6 and there was no way for White to hit at Black's solid set-up, Vallejo Pons-Rogers, Bled ol 2002 ] [ Also less accurate than the game was 5.b5 d7 6.e3 e6 7.h3 xf3 8.xf3 a6 9.a4 b5 here it's possible as the sac o n b 5 i s u n s o u n d 10.b3 a5= Sedina-Lazic, Turin 2002 ] 5...e6 6.h3 h5 7.b5! This was played in a later round than the above game and clearly Alberto David had prepared a tricky line for his opponent. a6 [ 7...d7 8.d5 xf3 9.xf3 ce5 10.g3 c6 11.dxe6 fxe6 12.e2 b5 13.0-0 f6 14.f4 c4 15.xc4 bxc4 16.e5 was unpleasant to meet in Rogluj-Buric, Bizovac 2001 ] 8.a4 xf3 [ 8...b5? is bad after 9.xb5 axb5 10.xb5 d7 11.d5 ] [ 8...d7 is probably the best chance to revive the line for Black. ] 9.xf3 d5 10.exd5 xd5 11.0-0 e7 12.fe1 0-0 13.xd5 xd5 [ If 13...exd5 then 14.b3 ] 19

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 14.xd5 exd5 15.f4 f6 16.c3 ac8 17.d1! So simple yet so strong. Black loses a pawn and ultimately the game. d8 18.g4 e6 19.xe6 fxe6 20.xe6+ h8 21.xc8 xc8 22.e1 c6 23.e5 d8 24.e3 g8 25.g3 g6 26.f4 f7 27.f5 e7 28.f3 gxf5 29.xf5+ g6 30.f3 g5 31.f1 b5 32.e2 e8 33.d3 c5 34.f4 c4+ 35.d2 f8 36.e3 [ 36.xg5 xf3 37.gxf3 xg5 38.e3 would also probably win ] 36...h4 37.e2 f7 38.g3 f6 39.e3 d8 40.f4 f6 41.e3 e7 42.e5 g5 43.f3 f7 44.xf7 xf7 45.f4 e7 46.a3 g6 47.f3 f5 48.g4+ g6 49.g3 a5 50.h4 h5 51.c7 The remaining moves of the actual game were clearly not those given by "This W eek in Chess". b4 Ignore the following nonsense and just look at the variations below! [ The following plausible variations show that White is winning 51...a4 then 52.f4! xh4 ( 52...xa3? 53.bxa3 b4 54.gxh5+ xh5 55.cxb4 ) 53.gxh5+ xh5 and d5 falls after 54.f5 or ] [ 51...b4 52.xa5 bxa3 53.bxa3 xa3 54.gxh5+ f5 55.h6 d6+ 56.f3 g6 57.g4 xh6 58.f5 and White wins as Black loses both remaining pawns. ] 52.xa5 bxa3 53.c7 b4 54.f4 e7 55.g3 f8 56.e5 1-0

30 De Toledo,James Mann Limp,Eduardo Thelio 1st Mario Covas (8) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2384 2462 05.02.2001

c4 25.c2 a8 26.xa8+ xa8 27.f1 a7 28.e2 f6 29.exf6 gxf6 30.c3 a2 31.fe1 f8 32.d1 b1+ 33.e2 a2 34.d1 a7 35.h3 f7 36.d3 e7 37.c5 g8 38.h4 g6 39.h3 xd4 40.xd4 b1+ 41.e2 b2+ 42.f3 c3+ 43.e2 d2+ 44.f3 e5+ 0-1 Lindsay,F-Nogueiras,J North Bay 1997/ 98. ] 10.d5!? xd3 [ 10...exd5 is obviously very scary, but not reacting to d5 means suf f ering as well. 11.exd5 ( 11.e5!? ) 11...xd5 12.e1 xd3 ( 12...0-0?? 13.e4 xd3 14.xd5!; 12...f8!? ) 13.xd3 All of these lines are frightening for black, but a materialist preparing with a computer might pull them off. ] 11.xd3 a6 12.c4 0-0 13.g5 exd5 14.exd5 d6 [ 14...b5!? 15.a3 xa3 16.bxa3 b4 17.xa6 xa6 18.xf6 gxf6 was worth trying as this position is quite defensible, if ugly. ] 15.fe1 d8 16.ad1 b5 17.a3 bd7 18.xb5 xb5 19.xb5 b8 20.a4 a6 21.xd6 xb2 22.e4 b4 23.xf6+ xf6 24.d6 xa4 25.d7 c4 [ 25...e4 ] 26.xf6 gxf6 27.d4 xd4 28.xd4 f5 29.c6 c7 30.f1 a5 31.e7+ h8 32.c1 b6 33.c6 d8 34.c8 a4 35.c6 a3 36.a8 g7 37.xa3 f6 38.g3+ h6 39.e3 a8 40.e8 a1+ 41.e2 a2+ 42.f3 a3+ 43.e3 a8 44.g3 1-0

31 1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d2 e6 4.gf3 f6 5.d3 c5 6.c3 e7 7.0-0 cxd4 8.cxd4 a6 9.e2 c8 A risky novelty. [ 9...xd3 10.xd3 d5 11.e5 fd7 12.a3 c6 ( 12...a5 13.b3 c8 14.b2 a6 15.e3 c6 16.e1 c8 17.d3 1/2-1/2 Johansen,D-Miles,A Melbourne 1991. ) 13.b4 a6 14.b5 axb5 15.xb5 c7 16.b2 a5 17.b3 0-0 18.fc1 b7 19.c3 a7 20.b4 xb4 21.axb4 xa1 22.xa1 b5 23.b1 b6 24.a3

Deep Junior Akopian,Vladimir SuperGM Dortmund GER (6) [Carsten Hansen]

B00 2660 13.07.2000

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 f6 4.e2 e6 We looked at 4...Nc6 in Nevednichy-Blatny. 5.f3 d5 6.e5 fd7 This position is by definition really a French Defense, but since p e o p l e o n l y a r r i ve a t t h i s p o s i t i o n f r o m Owen's Defense and never via a French move 20

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 order, I deem it to be an Owen's Defense. 7.g5 e7 8.g4 h5! [ After 8...g6 9.h4 h5 10.h3 f8 11.f3 xg5 12.xg5 d7 13.f6 g8 Black appears to have a slight problem on the dark squares... 14.g4 hxg4 15.xg4 h7 16.h3 xf6 17.exf6 c6 18.b5 The dark-squared bishop is gone, but Black is left with a bad 'French' bishop, and White has all the squares he could want for his knight. 0-0-0 19.d2 d6 20.xc6 xc6 21.0-0-0 d7 22.e2 b8 23.a3 a5 24.e3 h8 25.f3 with a huge advantage for W hite, Gleizerov-Filipovic, Ljubljana 2000. ] 9.g3 f8 10.0-0 a6 Black wisely decides to get rid of the light-squared bishops. 11.xa6 White could at this point also consider the sharper 11 c4!?, intending 11... Bxc4 12 Bxc4 dxc4 13 Qf3 with a dual threat on a8 and f7. xa6 12.c3 c5 13.d1 c4 It's in Black's interest to keep the position closed. Black has considerable problems getting his pieces coordinated, and only by closing the position will he find time to regroup his pieces, which at present are anything but coordinated. 14.e1 I'm not sure the computer knows what it's doing. Th e correct plan is to proceed to attempt opening the queenside with 14 b3 or even play 14 b4 to gain a space advantage on the queenside as well, after which Black is left at W hite's mercy. c8 15.h4 h7 16.f3 g8 17.g5 xg5 18.xg5 b8 19.d2 Finally White gets on the right track. c6 20.b3 a5 21.e3 xg5 22.hxg5 g6 If not White would play g6 with devastating effect. 23.f3 c7 24.f6 c8 25.f4 f8 26.b4 c6 27.f3 e7 28.h4 g8 For the remainder of the game Black just hangs on, while White tries to break through. This doesn't happen thanks to Black's excellent defensive play. 29.a4 g7 30.c1 c7 31.a5 b5 32.e3 d7 33.h1 a6 34.d1 e8 35.h2 e7 36.h1 g8 37.f3 e7 38.h3 f5! 39.xf5 exf5 40.e1 c6 41.f3 e6 and the last hole ge t s s e a le d . 42.h1 c8 43.e3 e7 44.f4 e6 45.e1 ½-½

32 Delchev,Aleksander Mestrovic,Zvonimir Christmas Open (3) [Glenn Flear]

B00 2560 2387 16.12.2002

1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e3 e5 The Mestrovic variation. 6.b5 exd4!? [ 6...d7 7.dxe5 ( 7.d5 is critical as has been well covered by my predecessor Jon Tisdall. ) 7...dxe5 8.d5 e6 9.d2 f6! This may be even more solid than ( 9...h6 10.0-0-0 d6 11.e2 0-0 12.c4 a6 13.hg1 b5 14.xe6 fxe6 15.g4 f6 16.g3 d4!? A practical decision otherwise White's looming attack would be too da nge rou s 17.xd4 exd4 18.xd4 f4+ 19.b1 e5 20.g2 ad8 21.f3 d7 22.xe5 xd1+ 23.xd1 xe5 with enough Black square control as compensation 24.f2 d8 25.f1 f4 26.f2 d2 27.e1 d4 28.d3 e3 29.c1 f2 30.c3 e3 31.xe3 xe3 32.e1 f4 33.e2 g5 34.a4 f7 35.h3 c5 36.axb5 axb5 37.a2 d3 38.xf4 gxf4 39.f1 f6 40.h4 d2 41.b3 h2 42.c4 bxc4+ 43.xc4 xb2 44.xc5 h2 45.h5 d2 46.c4 1/2-1/2 Brkic,AMestrovic,Z/Zadar CRO 2002) 10.0-0-0 b4 11.d3 a6 12.c4 xc4 13.xc4 xc3 14.xc3 e7 15.a3 0-0-0 White has the nominal advantage of bishop over knight but there is nothing for him to hit at. 16.d2 f8 17.b3 e6 18.d5 f7 19.c4 g6 20.g3 ed4! 21.xd4 ( 21.c5 xd5 22.exd5 a5 23.d3 xd3 24.xd3 f3 is certainly not better for White) 21...xe4 22.xd8+ xd8 23.e6+ b8 24.d1 xd4 25.xd4 xd4 26.g8+ a7 27.xg7 e2 28.xd4 exd4 29.b4 e1+ 30.b2 c3+ 31.b1 d3 ( 31...xa3 playing for more doesn't look bad) 32.cxd3 xd3+ 33.b2 d2+ 34.b3 d3+ 1/2-1/2 Stevic,H-Mestrovic,Z/Zadar CRO 2002 ] 7.xd4 e7 [ 7...d7 8.xc6 xc6 9.0-0-0 e7 10.e5 dxe5 11.xe5 c8 12.he1 d7 13.c5 was a complete disaster for black in N e ve r o v- U m a n s k a y a , C ze c h R e p u b l i c 21

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 2002 ] 8.h3 The looks tame but [ 8.xc6+ bxc6 9.e5 xf3 10.gxf3 ( 10.exf6? xf6 ) 10...dxe5 11.xe5 d6 12.a5 0-0= doesn't impress. ] 8...d7 9.xc6 xc6 10.0-0-0 0-0 This reminds me of Qxd4 against the Philidor. Black generally has less counterplay in these type of positions than in analogous oppositeside castling struggles in Sicilians (there is no semi-open c-file for Black to press against White's king). 11.g4 e8 12.g5 d7 13.h4 f8 14.h5 e7 By using the e-file, Mestrovic tries to keep his pieces relevant and to hold back the white attack. However one's im p re s s io n is t h a t W h i t e m u st b e b e t t e r a r o u n d h e r e . 15.h4 e5 16.d2 b5 17.dh1 ab8 Finally threatening to destabilize W hite's hold on the centre. Capturing on a7 is foolhardy as Black can counter with a quick ...b4 and ...Ra8 with an inevitable recapture on a2. 18.d5 [ 18.g6 h6 19.f4 is tempting but after d7 Delchev presumably couldn't find anything concrete. ] 18...xd5 19.exd5 c5! Striking back quickly 20.dxc6 e6 21.h6 xc6 22.c3 bc8 23.e4 e5 [ A l s o c o n c e i v a b l e w a s 23...xa2 for instance 24.hxg7 xg7 25.a3 xa3 26.bxa3 e6 with a playable game. ] 24.b3 g6 25.xe6 xe6 26.g4 c4 27.hxg7 xg7 28.f6+ xf6 29.xc4 bxc4 30.gxf6 a6 31.d4 The ending is not without interest but the chances are about equal. e4 32.e3 e6 33.h5!? Trying for more than a repetition e5 34.h6 f5 35.d2 xf6 36.c3 d5 37.d4 f5 38.b4 Having the more ac tive k ing co mpe nsa tes th e small material deficit. g7 39.h1 h5 40.a4 f8 41.b5 axb5 42.axb5 e6+ 43.c3 d4+ [ Allowing the advanced passed pawn to live on with 43...f6 44.b6 d8 45.e1! may prove too dangerous. ] 44.xd4+ xd4 45.xd4 xb5 46.xc4 f5 ½-½

33 Dervishi,Erald Salmensuu,Olli EuTCh Leon ESP (2) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2501 2436 07.11.2001

1.e4 c6 2.f3 f5 This continues to get a steady workout, largely thanks to a fleet of determined Finns. Nevertheless, it seems to fall short of equality in the sensible, safe lines, though as our selection this month shows, the wilder lines can be great fun. 3.exf5 d5 4.d4 xf5 5.d3 [ 5.b5 d6 6.e5 f6 7.0-0 d7 8.xc6 ( 8.f4 looks more worrying but there is Finnish experience in this variation as well. dxe5 9.xe5 g6 10.xc7 xc2 11.d2 c8 12.g3 e6 13.c1 e4 14.xc6+ bxc6 15.a5 d6 16.d2 xg3 17.hxg3 0-0 18.e1 f5 19.xe4 dxe4 20.c3 e8 21.f1 h6 22.e3 xe3 23.fxe3 f7 24.ac1 c8 25.c5 xf1+ 26.xf1 e7 27.e5 d6 28.xe4 c5 29.g4 g6 30.dxc5+ xc5 31.d4+ e5 32.d7 c2 33.xh7 xb2 34.xa7 e4 35.a3 e5 36.g1 g5 37.f1 g4 38.g1 c2 39.f1 b2 40.g1 e2 41.a4+ xe3 42.xg4 xa2 43.h2 a8 44.h4 e4 45.g4 d2 46.h7 d8 47.e7 e3 48.g3 e2 49.f4 e1 50.xe1 xe1 51.g5 f2 52.g6 xg2 53.f5 f3 54.g7 a8 55.g6 g4 56.h7 f5 57.g8 xg8 58.xg8 1/2-1/2 Tuovinen,J-Paakkonen,T Helsinki 1999. ) 8...bxc6 9.f3 xe5 10.xf5 f7 11.f4 d7 12.xd7+ xd7 13.d2 e6 14.b3 d6 15.g3 a5 16.a4 hb8 17.fe1 b4 18.e2 ab8 19.f3 with a clear, simple advantage for white. c4 20.e1 c5 21.dxc5 xc5+ 22.xc5+ xc5 23.b3 d4 24.d1 d5 25.e4 d3 26.xd3 xd3 27.cxd3 xb3 28.d4+ c6 29.xa5 e5 30.h4 xd3 31.e4 d5 32.c3 d6 33.a5 c6 34.a6 g6 35.f4 e7 36.f6+ e8 37.a4 a7 38.d4 c5 39.f2 d7 40.f4 e7 41.g4 h6 42.e3 g5 43.c4 d6 44.h5 e5 45.c2 c6 46.f2 b5 47.d2 d4 48.a2 d8 49.a7 a8 50.a6+ d5 51.xh6 xa7 52.xg5 a2+ 53.g3 a3 54.f6 e4 55.h6 xf3 56.f5+ e6 57.f4 22

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 xg5 58.xg5 h3 59.xc5 f7 60.c7+ g8 61.g5 e3 62.e7 h1 63.xe3 f7 1-0 Shaw,J-Salmensuu,O EuroTeam Leon ESP 2001. ] 5...g4 [ 5...e6!? is an interesting alternative that has had good results. 6.0-0 f6 7.e1 e7 8.xf5 exf5 9.g5 d7 10.e6 f7 11.f3 ( 11.g5+ must be better, though black unravels reasonably quickly here as well. g8 12.f4 e8 13.c3 h6 14.f3 e4 15.e5 xe5 16.dxe5 d8 17.xe4 fxe4 18.f3 f5 19.g3 h7 20.h1 hf8 21.f1 g6 22.e2 exf3 23.xf3 xf3 24.gxf3 h8 25.d3 xd3 26.cxd3 g8 27.g2 f7 28.f4 e6 29.f3 f8 30.g4 g6 31.f1 c5 32.b3 h5+ 33.h3 g5 34.g2 h4 35.e1 xf4 36.xf4 gxf4 37.f3 xe5 38.c3+ f5 39.h3 b5 40.b2 c4 41.dxc4 bxc4 42.bxc4 dxc4 43.c3 f6 44.xf6 xf6 45.xf4 c3 46.e3 f5 47.a4 c2 48.d2 f4 49.xc2 g3 0-1 Von Buelow,G-Sell,A Germany 1993.) 11...he8 12.c3 d6 13.g5+ g8 14.f1 e7 15.d3 h6 16.f3 g6 17.g3 e4 18.c4 f4 19.c5 fxg3 20.cxd6 gxf2+ 21.xf2 xf2 22.xf2 xd6 23.e3 f8 24.bd2 xh2+ 25.e1 g3+ 26.f2 ae8+ 27.d1 xf2 28.xg6 e2+ 29.c1 e6 30.xe6+ xe6 31.e5 c5 32.df3 xf3 33.xf3 e3+ 0-1 Vasiliev,M (2405)-Demuth,M (2030) W erfen 1994. A brutal upset, and one of those games that makes riskin g weird defences so satisfying. ] 6.h3 xf3 [ 6...h5!? ] 7.xf3 f6 [ 7...xd4 8.h5+ g6 9.e5 ] 8.c3 [ 8.b5!? keeping a grip on e5 is more thematic, and seems to me to be the only way to try and maintain an advantage. ] 8...e5 Black should not have serious trouble now - in fact this position must be roughly equal. 9.dxe5 xe5 10.e2 e7 11.c2 0-0-0 12.0-0 e8 13.f4 c4= 14.xe7 xe7 15.b3 d6 [ 15...d6!? ] 16.g5 b6 17.d2 h5 18.ae1 f4?! [ 18...f4!? ]

19.f3 g6 20.g3 xg5 21.xg5 f6 22.f4 bd7 23.g2 c5 24.f5 fe4 25.xe4 dxe4 26.fxg6 hxg6 27.h4 a5 28.e3 d8 29.b4 axb4 30.cxb4 a6 31.xe4 [ 31.a3+- ] 31...xb4 32.xg6 xa2 33.b3 d4 34.a3 d2+ 35.f2 xf2+ 36.xf2 f8+ 37.g2 f6 38.h5 b4 39.f3 d6 40.f8+ d7 41.f7+ d8 42.g7 d2+ 43.h3 d1 44.g4 d5 45.h6 h1 46.g5 1-0

34 Dorfman,Josif D Miles,Anthony J Tilburg [Alexander Volzhin]

B00 2610 2595 1992

1.d4 e6 2.e4 b6 3.f3 b7 4.d3 c5 5.c3 f6 6.e2 This set-up is White's most popular choice, and this position has been tested many times. e7 7.0-0 c6 8.a3 The idea behind this move is to prevent 8... cxd4 9. cxd4 Nb4 a5 9.bd2 [ The seemingly strong 9.e5 d5 10.c4 is just a blunder in view of b3! as in Zelcic - Filipovic, Ljubljana 1999 where Black ob t a in e d a m a t eria l a d va n t a ge : 11.cxd5 xd5! 12.e4 The only chance to c o m p l i c a t e . ( 12.a2 xc1 13.xc1 xa2 ) 12...xa1 13.xd5 exd5 14.c3 b3 15.e3 cxd4 16.xd4 0-0?! Black begins to play superficially and allows W hite to get some counterchances and finally to escape. Black had many better p o s s i b i l i t i e s . ( I n m y o p i n i o n , 16...c5 exchanging Black's only bad piece, was the correct decision: 17.xc5 xc5 18.xd5 0-0 and Black should win without difficulty.) 17.xd5 xd4 18.xd4 Now White's Knights are very active. g6 19.g4 h8 20.d1 c8 21.h4 xh4 22.f3 e7 23.f4 f5 24.exf6 xf6 25.e5 d6 26.d5! f5 27.xf5 gxf5 28.f7+ g7 29.xd8 xd8 30.e3 and White managed to draw. ] 9...c4 10.c2 c7 11.e5 Probably not the best move. This position seems to be critical 23

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 f o r t h is lin e . I t h a s o ccu re d ma n y t im e s, primarily in Anthony Miles' games. Some examples: [ 11.d5 was played in Blees - Miles, Komotini, 1992. Black gained the upper hand very quickly: e5 12.g3 g6 13.e1 0-0-0! A brave and correct decision! The Q-side is blocked and it's very difficult for W hite to open files there, while Black's pawn chain on the K-side is much more flexible. 14.g2 b8 15.b1 d6 16.e3 c8 17.f3 hf8 18.d1 d7 19.e2 f5! Black has succesfully executed his plan and outplayed his opponent very nicely. 20.g2 f6 21.exf5 gxf5 22.b4 Desperation, but White's position is bad anyway. The rest is just agony. cxb3 23.c4 f4 24.f5 xd5 25.cxd5 xf5 26.g4 ff8 27.e4 c5 28.e6 a6 29.xc8 xf1 30.f5 a6 31.gxf4 g8+ 32.h1 xf2 33.b2 d3 and W hite res igned. A very instructive game for the understanding of positions with pawn chains. ] [ 11.e1 Probably this move is the most p r o m i s i n g f o r W h i t e . 0-0 12.b1! ( The immediate 12.f1 allows b3! ) 12...ae8 13.f1 d6 14.g3 and White is ready to launch a kingside attack ( with e4e5, Ng5, Nh5, etc). The game Sermek Filipovic, Bled 1999 continued: e5 15.f5 h8 16.g5 g8 17.h4 Black has managed to avoid a direct attack, however h i s p o s i t i o n r e m a i n s c r a m p e d . xg5 18.hxg5 g6 19.e3 f6 20.bd1 b5 21.d2 fxg5 22.dxe5 dxe5 23.xg5 h6 24.f3 c6 25.d5 Now White's advantage is clear. f7 26.e3 e6 27.b4 g5 28.ed1 f6 29.d6 e8 30.xe6 xe6 31.xa7 b3 32.c7 h5 33.d6 e8 34.xe6 xc7 35.xh6+ , and Black resigned. ] 11...b5 12.f4 0-0 13.g4 xg4 14.xg4 This position also looks good for W hite but Black has a very importantresource: b3! 15.xb3?! An ambitious but quite dubious plan. White intends a direct attack on the Kside, but his resources are rather limited as his Q-side pieces are still undeveloped. [ T h e m o d e s t 15.b1 is more accurate, although here Black can also achieve good play after xd2 16.xd2 xe4! 17.xe4

f5 The game K. Georgiev - Miles, Biel 1992 co n t in u e d : 18.f3 fxe4 19.xe4 ae8 20.be1 a6 21.g3 f6 with a balanced position. ] 15...cxb3 16.f5 exf5! Black must play precisely to parry W hite's kingside attack. 17.exf5? [ 17.xf5 would be met by d5! with the idea of Bc8 ] [ correct was 17.xf5 and after d5!? 18.e5 ( 18.exd5 ad8 ) 18...f6!? the position is unclear. W hite still does not have time to comfortably take the b3 pawn as he lags behind in development. ] 17...d6! Now Black is taking the initiative. 18.e4!? By sacrificing a pawn White neutralises the very strong light-squared Bishop. [ 18.f6 g6 19.h3 fe8 with the idea of Re2 was dangerous for White. ] 18...xe4 19.xe4 xh2+ 20.h1 ae8 21.f3 g3! The key idea of the Queen swap is to obtain the e2 square for the Rook. 22.a4 White hopes for counterplay on the Qside in the forthcoming endgame. [ Unfortunately White cannot keep the Q u e e n s o n : 22.h5 is met by e4 with the idea of Rh4. ] 22...xf3 23.xf3 d6 24.e3 It would seem that W hite is completely OK at the moment, but Black came up with an unexpected and excellent resource. g5!! [ T h e t e m p t i n g 24...e4? doesn't work: 25.axb5 fe8 26.xa7! and White wins: xe3 27.xe3 xe3 28.a8+ f8 29.b6 ] 25.g4 [ Of course, both 25.fxg6? fxg6! ] [ and 25.axb5? g4 were losing for White ] [ 25.xg5 does not solve White's problems: bxa4! ( exploiting the weakness of the back rank) 26.h6 a3 27.bxa3 b2 28.b1 e2 29.xf8 xf8 and White is in trouble as the b2-pawn is worth a Rook. 30.c4 ( 30.a4 c2 31.g1 a3 ) 30...c2 31.g1 xa3! ] 25...e4 26.axb5 fe8 27.xg5 e2 White is in trouble not only because the pawn o n b 3 wi l l b e v e r y s t r o n g s o o n b u t a l s o because his King is badly placed. 28.g1 xb2 29.f2 ee2 30.b6? [ A blunder but the position was lost anyway, 24

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 for example: 30.xe2 xe2 31.b1 b2 with Ba3 to follow. ] 30...xf2! 31.bxa7 g2+ 32.f1 bf2+ 33.e1 g1+ White resigned. So let's draw some conclusions. Although Owen's Defence has a dubious reputation I can't claim that W hite has an easy way to get an opening advantage. In my opinion, the lines W hite chose in Kaidanov - Kengis and Sermek Filipovich are the most unpleasant for Black. 0-1

35 Dubiel,Jacek Przewoznik,Jan chT Zakopane chT (2) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2359 2414 03.09.2000

d6 32.e1 1-0 Golubev,M-Markowski,T/ Biel 1995. ] 12...0-0 13.xe5 dxe5 14.xe5 b4 Now black is free and active and the pawn is not likely to mean much with kings on opposite flanks and opposite coloured bishops. But black does not have much in the way of winning chances to look forward to. 15.e4 xe4 16.xe4 d6 17.d3 g6 18.f3 ae8 19.c3 c5 20.he1 xe1 21.xe1 d8 22.e4 b5 23.b1 e8 24.e2 e5 25.d3 b4 26.cxb4 xb4 27.f3 a5 28.a3 c5 29.a2 xe2 30.xe2 b6 31.e8+ g7 32.e5+ g8 33.e8+ g7 34.e5+ g8 35.e8+ ½-½

36 1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 I'll be honest up front - I am not terribly keen on this way of playing against 2.Nf3 - and while recommending 1... e5 would be neither daring nor anything to do with this section, it is a bit more respectable than these very stodgy lines. 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e3 e6 6.h3 h5 7.d5 exd5 8.exd5 xf3 9.xf3 e5 10.e2 a6 11.0-0-0 e7 12.d4 This isn't bad, but winning a pawn takes most of the dynamics out of the white position. Those who try to blow black's head off here with pawn-storming aggression ... tend to blow black's head off: [ 12.f4 g6 ( 12...ed7 13.g4 g6 14.h4 b5 15.d4 0-0 16.h5 b4 17.hxg6 bxc3 18.gxh7+ h8 19.g5 cxb2+ 20.b1 e8 21.h3 f8 22.g2 1-0 Hoffman,A-Fiorito, F/Villa Martelli 1996.) 13.g4 d7 14.g5 0-0 ( 14...h6 15.gxh6 gxh6 16.e4 f6 17.g3 h4 18.d4 f8 19.f2 g8 20.c3 d7 21.f5 g5 22.d2 xd5 23.xg5 xg5+ 24.b1 e3 25.e1 exf5 26.e4 e8 27.d3 g7 28.xg5 xe1+ 29.xe1 hxg5 30.f6 g2 31.g1 f4 32.xg5 ge6 33.h6+ e7 34.h4+ f8 35.h7 1-0 Servat,RBermejo,L/Buenos Aires 1997.) 15.h4 e8 16.h5 gf8 17.d2 c5 18.dxc6 bxc6 19.h6 g6 20.e4 d5 21.c3 f6 22.xc6 dxe4 23.c4+ h8 24.f7 e6 25.c4 d6 26.xd6 e7 27.xd7 xf7 28.xd8+ xd8 29.xf7 xf7 30.d4 g8 31.xf6

Ehlvest,Jaan Blatny,Pavel 88th NY Masters (4) [Glenn Flear]

B00 2602 2452 20.01.2004

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.c3 e6 4.a3 f6 5.d3 d5 6.e5 fd7 The central structure is reminiscent of a French Defence. White will want to meet ...c5 with c2-c3 to maintain the centre, so he must lose a tempo with his queen's knight. Nevertheless, Black's queenside pieces aren't particularly active and White has chances to retain a pull. 7.f3 e7 8.e2 c5 9.c3 a6! A typical aim for Black in these closed French type positions is the exchange of his bad bishop. 10.f4 c8! 11.0-0 xd3 12.xd3 a6 13.d1!? Keeping queens makes sense for White who has the safer king in any middlegame. c6 14.e3 a5?! [ I believe that most 'Frenchies' would be satisfied with their position after 14...0-0!= The text eyes up the light-squares in order to make White regret playing both a2-a3 and c2-c3 so early, but for tactical reasons this move is the source of Black's later woes. ] 15.d2 g6?! The problem with this move is an imperceptible weakening of the a1-h8 diagonal. However [ now 15...0-0?! is met by 16.g4 when fd8 can be met by the strong continuation 17.xe6 fxe6 18.h6 f8 19.xe6+ h8 25

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 20.g5 with both a material and positional advantage for White. ] [ Black had better options such as 15...c4!? and ] [ 15...cxd4 16.cxd4 c8 as the text leads to trouble. ] 16.b4! Seizing the initiative as we shall see... c4 17.e2 cxd4 [ If 17...cxb4 18.axb4 b5 then I quite like 19.xc4 dxc4 20.fd1 with d4-d5 in the air. ] 18.xd4 c8 Everything seems to be holding f i r m o n t h e q u e e n s i d e , b u t . . . 19.xd5! ...there are problems elsewhere. exd5 20.e6 f6 [ 20...fxe6 21.xh8 etc. ] 21.exf7+ f8 An unfortunate concession, but the natural [ 21...xf7 22.fe1 he8 is refuted by the calm 23.e6+ g7 24.xc4 xc4 25.e3 and Black is helpless in the face of Rae1 and or Rf3. ] 22.e6 Blatny is bus t ed! He is naturally an optimist and a fighter but all his tricky play c a n ' t c h a n g e t h e i n e v i t a b l e r e s u l t . h5 23.fe1 b7 24.xc4 dxc4 25.xh8 f4 26.g7+ [ or 26.g4 ] 26...xg7 27.e5+ f6 28.xf4 xc3 29.e8 xf7 30.xf7+ xf7 31.xc8 xa1 32.xc4 e5 33.b5 e6 34.f1 d5 35.c8 d6 36.a4 c5 37.c7 c4 38.xa7 b4 39.e2 h5 40.f4 d6 41.f3 c5 42.g3 The moral of this tale is that even with a closed centre leaving the king in the centre too long can be dangerous. 1-0

37 Fedorchuk,Sergey A Miles,Anthony J 2nd IECC Ohrid MKD (7) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2503 2562 07.06.2001

1.e4 c6 2.d4 e5 3.dxe5 xe5 This system had a very nice record in this instalmentâ []s games. 4.c3 [ 4.f4 g6 A) 5.f3 c5 6.c4 d6 7.c3 ( 7.e2 f6 8.f5 e7 9.c3 0-0 10.g5 c6

11.0-0-0 c7 12.hf1 b5 13.b3 a5 14.xf6 gxf6 15.d4 a4 16.f3 axb3 17.xc6 xc6 18.h3 xf5 19.exf5 xf5 20.d5 fe8 21.f3 bxa2 22.xf6+ f8 23.xc6 a1+ 24.d2 b4+ 25.c3 xb2 0-1 Boey,J-Keres,P/ Varna 1962.) 7...f6 ( 7...c6 8.g5 h6 9.h3 b5 10.b3 a5 11.a3 a7 12.e2 0-0 13.e3 b6 14.xc5 xc5 15.g3 a4 16.a2 b4 17.axb4 xb4 18.e3 e7 19.0-0 h8 20.g4 f5 21.gxf5 xf5 22.d3 c5+ 23.h2 e3 24.f3 xf4 25.xe3 xg5 26.g1 e5 27.h1 d5 28.gf1 g5 29.xa4 xe4 30.xe4 dxe4 31.e3 f6 32.c5 h6 33.d1 xh3+ 34.xh3 xh3 35.c4 e3 36.h2 e2 37.e1 f1 38.d3 g2 39.a1 e3 40.b3 h5 41.e1 g4+ 42.g1 e3 43.a8+ h7 44.f8 g3+ 45.h1 g2+ 46.xg2 xg2 47.e8 f2 0-1 Winawer,S-Schlechter,C Monte C a r l o 1 9 0 1 .) 8.f5 e7 9.g5 c6 W e have already seen that Black is not afraid of trading his kingside pawn structure for some dark-squared domination. 10.xf6 gxf6 11.d2 b5 12.b3 h5 13.0-0-0 b6 14.he1 a5 15.a4 b4 16.e2?? 0-1 Rosenberg,JMarder,S Copenhagen DEN 2001.; B) 5.e3 d5!? A rare and - Black gets very quick development but this needs rather serious analysis as there are many, many ways that White could have tried to grab material quickly. 6.xd5 ( 6.exd5 f6 7.b5+ d7 8.e2 b4+ 9.c3 0-0 10.d4 xc3+ 11.bxc3 e8 12.0-0-0 e4 13.d2 e7 14.d4 a3+ 15.b1 xd5 16.c4 xd4 17.xd4 xc3+ 18.a1 xd1 19.xf7+ xf7 20.xd7+ e7 21.xd1 d8 22.e2 f6+ 23.b1 d4 24.f3 b4+ 25.c1 xf4 26.e5+ g8 27.e3 xg2 28.c5 f4+ 29.d1 b1+ 30.e2 e4+ 0-1 Reinhardt,E-Rossetto, H Mar del Plata 1961.) 6...d6 7.d2 ( 7.b5+!? is critical as White appears to prevent castling - unless Black wants to s t a r t s h e d d i n g p a wn s b e f o r e h e h a s developed.) 7...e7 8.c3 b4 9.0-0-0 f6 10.d3 ( 10.d3!? ) 10...e6 11.f5 e5 12.b5+ d7 13.xb7 0-0 26

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 14.ge2 a5 15.d5 xd5 16.exd5 fb8 17.xc7 c8 18.b7 xf5 19.xe7 xc2+ 20.b1 d2+ 0-1 Zapolskis,AS u l s k i s , S K a u n a s L T U 2 0 0 1 . A ve r y seductive game, but I wouldn't venture this as Black without some double checking. ] 4...c5 5.f4 c6 6.f3 [ 6.c4 d6 7.f3 e6 8.xe6 fxe6 9.a4 b6 10.xb6 axb6 11.0-0 f6 12.g5 e7 13.e5 dxe5 14.fxe5 xe5 15.e2 a5 16.b4 xb4 17.xe6 e7 18.xg7+ xg7 19.d2 d5 20.c4 xd2 21.xe5+ d8 22.xf6+ xf6 23.xf6 e8 24.a4 ee2 25.f8+ e7 26.g8 d6 27.g7 c6 28.h1 a2 29.g1 h5 30.g6+ c5 31.g5+ xc4 32.xh5 b5 33.axb5 cxb5 34.g4 b4 35.g5 b3 36.g6 b2 37.g7 g2 38.h7 c5 39.xg2 b1+ 40.h1 d3 41.h8 b6 42.h6+ a5 43.g8 e4+ 44.g2 xg2 45.xg2 b5 46.hg6 b4 47.6g3 a4 48.h4 d5 49.e3 b3 50.ee2 1/2-1/2 Akopian,V-Miles,A/Moscow 1990/TD (50) ] 6...d6 7.a4 b6 8.d3 d5 9.xb6 axb6 10.e5 ge7 Black has a sound and active position. W hite's main chore will be finding gainf ul employment f or his dark-squared bishop. 11.0-0 f5 12.h4 xd3 13.xd3 d7 14.d2 g4 15.e1 0-0 16.h3 d7 17.d2 a4 This move is so much fun to play on e as s u me s it is ve ry st ron g - t h e ro o k influences most of the board from this entry route. 18.c3 g6 19.xg6 fxg6! Continuing to bank on increasing the activity of his rooks, and creating a crowbar - Black wants to undermine W hite's kingside pawn wedge, and this recapture gains the space he needs on this flank to advance. Black can keep White's centre under control with piece play, but one should not underestimate the element of risk when playing so dynamically. 20.g3 e7 21.h2 h5 22.b3 e4 23.ae1 c6 24.d2 f5 25.c3 The tension of the position will not be dissipated by the trade of queens - Black must still prove that his activity is worth odd pawn structures. h4 26.gxh4 xh4 27.xc6 bxc6 28.g3 f5+ 29.g4 f7 Clearing the way to the h-file for the Rf8. 30.xe4 dxe4 31.e1 d8 [ 31...h8 must be roughly equal, but Miles decides to keep more life in the position. ]

32.e3 d1 33.e2 e6 34.f2 f1 35.a4 c5 36.a5 bxa5 37.g5 [ 37.xc5 f3 38.f2 c5 and White is rat he r sh ort of m oves, wh ile Blac k ca n create trouble with ...c4, trying to pass his a-pawn. ] 37...h1 38.xc5 xh3 39.xg6 g3+ 40.h7 e3 The time control is over, and White's position is in ruins - the Black e-pawn ha s m o re t h a n su rvive d a n d t h e re la t ive strength of the kings is decisive. 41.g8 g5 42.fxg5 xg5+ 43.h7 g7+ 44.h8 g3 45.h2 xe5 46.a3 g4 47.b2+ e4 48.c3 h4+ 49.xh4+ xh4 50.xa5 e2 51.g7 f3 52.f6 e3 0-1

38 Filipenko,Alexander V Filipovic,Branko 11th Open Ljubljana [Neil McDonald]

B00 2370 2435 2000

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 e6 4.f3 c5 5.c3 f6 6.e2 e7 7.0-0 c6 8.dxc5! This is a significant improvement on [ 8.a3 as played in Gomboc-Filipovic in the same tournament. ] 8...bxc5 9.e5 d5 10.c4! b6 11.c3 Now Black has no compensation for the weak square on d6 and backward d pawn. His next move makes things worse but I don't like his position in any case. c7? 12.b5 b8 13.g5! The exchange of dark square bishops leaves W hite with a huge positional advantage. c8 [ If 13...xg5 14.d6+ f8 15.xg5 wins. ] 14.xe7 6xe7 15.ad1 White's immediate plan is simple- tie down the black pieces to the defence of the d7 pawn. a6 16.c3 g6 17.e4 a7 18.d2 0-0 19.fd1 xe4 20.xe4 d8 21.b3 c7 22.h4! The next stage in W hite's strategy is to exploit the passive Black pieces by beginning a direct attack on his king. h6 23.h5 f8 24.h4 e8 25.f4 c6 26.e3 c7 27.e4 d8 28.g4 e7 29.d6 c8 30.g2 a5 31.f4 a8 32.f6+! h8 [ 32...gxf6 33.exf6 c8 34.xh6 mates. ] 27

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 33.xd7 xd7 34.xd7 c8 35.xe7 A very straightforward win for W hite which made 7...Nc6 look bad. So it seems 7...d5 should be preferred. 1-0

39 Gagunashvili,Merab Savchenko,Boris TCh-TUR 2011 (12) [Glenn Flear]

B00 2603 2630 08.07.2011

1.d4 e6 2.f3 A non-committal move that has become popular of late because, amongst other reasons, it avoids 2.c4 Bb4+. b6 [ After 2...f5 White has tried no less than 17 moves! One that takes Dutch players out of their normal scenario is 3.d5!? e.g. exd5 4.xd5 d6 5.g3 f6 6.b3 a6 7.e3 d5 (Vaisser likes playing the Stonewall) 8.g2 c6 9.c4 dxc4 ( maybe 9...c5 10.c2 ce4 11.0-0 d6= ) 10.xc4 b4+ 11.bd2 d5 12.0-0 xc4 13.xc4 c5 14.fd1 Vachier-Lagrave, M-Vaisser, M French league 2011, and W hite later converted his small pull. ] 3.e4 b7 4.d3 Play has led us into Owen's Defence. c5 5.c3 f6 6.e2 c6?! A rare try, and not one that I'd recommend. [ The most commonly played move is 6...e7 then 7.0-0 c6 (here d4-d5 is just bad) 8.a3 a5!? ( although 8...d5 may transpose to the line below emanating from 6...d5, White has an extra option with t h i s m o v e o r d e r : 9.e5 d7 10.b4!? but it's not clear if this offers W hite anything ) 9.g5 c4 10.c2 h6 11.xf6 xf6 12.bd2 c7 13.ab1 Black has no immediate problems, but has to be careful a b o u t w h e n a n d w h e r e t o c a s t l e . e7 14.e5 b5 15.b4 cxb3 16.xb3 xb3 17.xb3 a6 18.h5 g6 19.f3 h7= Czebe, A-Filipovic, B Basel 2009. ( Or perhaps 19...0-0 )] [ A solid line is introduced by 6...d5 e.g. 7.e5 fd7 8.0-0 e7! ( Black needs to be wary of leaving his g5-square undefended, for example 8...c6 9.a3 c4 10.c2 c7?! 11.g5! e7 12.h5 xg5 13.xg5 f8 14.d2 e7 15.ae1 g6 16.f3 h5

17.a4+ c6 18.f6 and White won material in Anisimov, P-Vlasov, E Warsaw rapid 2010) 9.e3 c6 10.a3 c4 11.c2 b5 12.bd2 a5 13.e1 h5 14.f4 g6 15.ef3 b4 and White never looked like breaking through in Dautov, R-Bauer, C Gothenburg 2005. ] [ I'm not so keen on 6...cxd4 7.cxd4 b4+ 8.d2 c6 9.c3 d6 10.0-0 xc3 11.xc3 0-0 12.ad1 e7 13.e5 Kulicov, O-Novotny, M Frydek Mistek 2011, when White had a pleasant edge. ] 7.d5! This looks to be spot on. Black cannot capture on d5, so it's understandable why 6... Be7 7.0-0 Nc6 is more popular (when d4-d5 w o u l d l o s e a p a w n ) . e7 8.c4 By consolidat ing his pawn wedge , W hit e ensures a space advantage. d6 9.c3 g6 [ Black could opt for closing the centre with 9...e5 (with a type of Czech Benoni) but then 10.c2! followed by Ba4+ would be better for White. The early ...b6 and ...Bb7 looking out of place here. ] 10.dxe6 [ H e r e a g a i n 10.c2 comes into consideration, but Gagunashvili opts to force the pace, angling for something more than a positional pull. ] 10...fxe6 11.g5 d7 12.e5! Breaking up Black's structure and leaving the e6-pawn ch ro n ica lly we a k. dxe5 13.xe5 g7 14.xe6 [ Although Black's position looks dodgy, he d o e s h a ve a n u m b e r o f r e so u r c e s , f o r e x a m p l e a f t e r 14.b5 xg2! 15.g1 ( 15.d6+ f8 isn't that clear either) 15...0-0-0 16.e2 c6 17.xe6 b4 with counter-chances. ] [ Otherwise 14.0-0 0-0-0 15.xe6 h6! 16.xd7+ xd7 17.e6 xd3 18.xg7 offers Black some play for his pawn. ] 14...f7 [ Taking the piece is not really a good idea: 14...xd3?? 15.xg7+ f7 16.e6+ xg7 17.xe7+ g8 18.xb7 e8+ 19.e3 g4 20.d5+ and Black can resign. ] 15.xg7 c6 16.e6+ Safest, as White retains his extra pawn and avoids middlegame complications. xe6+ 17.xe6 he8 18.0-0 xe6 19.f4 The bishop pair, 28

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 plus an extra pawn n atu rally o f f e r W hit e something to look forward to, although Black's activity complicates the task of exploiting his a d va n t a ge . e5 20.e2 e4 21.b5!? I'm surprised that Gagunashvili opted for such a complex move when a simple continuation presented itself. [ An alternative is 21.xe4 xe4 22.ad1 ae8 23.e3 when Black is running out of compensation. ] 21...g5! 22.e3 g8 23.ad1 [ Deciding not to chase a second pawn. In general with a material advantage it's best to avoid unnecessary complications, but it seems that White can indeed snatch the apawn: 23.xa7 d6 24.b3 g4 25.a4 f5 ( 25...f3+ 26.xf3 gxf3 27.g3 ) 26.b5 and Black's play isn't worth two pawns. ] 23...g4 24.h1 f6 25.c7 h5 26.f3!? Hoping to open lines for his rooks and bishops. gxf3 27.xf3 xf3 [ Plausible is 27...xf3 as 28.gxf3 f6 29.d5 xc4 30.xf6 xf6 wouldn't be as easy a technical ride as White would like. However the first player is still for preference. ] 28.d7+ g6 29.gxf3 xf3!? [ Or perhaps 29...g5 as 30.d5 xd5 31.cxd5 xf3 32.xf3 xf3 33.xa7 f5 would still be complicated. ] 30.xf3 g5 31.d6+! A precise move that enables White to ultimately emerge from the c o m p l i c a t i o n s w i t h a n e x t r a p a w n . h7 32.d5 xd5 [ 32...xf3?? 33.f6+ ] 33.xd5 xf3 34.f5 e1 35.xh5+ g7 36.g5+ h8 37.xg8+ xg8 White has some major trumps in the endgame: Bishop versus knight, a passed pawn on the edge an d B la c k h a s h is pa wn s st u ck o n d a rksquares. Despite all these points, White still has some work to do. 38.d2 d3 39.b3 f7 40.g2 g6 41.f3 f5 42.h4 a6 43.h5 b5 [ If Black temporizes with 43...e5+ 44.g3 d3 White prepares an invasion via e4 with 45.h6 g6 46.f3 ] 44.cxb5 axb5 45.h6 e5+ 46.e3 g4+ 47.d3 g6 [ If 47...c4+ simplest is 48.d4 when White retains a b-pawn. ]

48.e4 f6+ 49.e5 g4+ 50.e4 f6+ 51.d3 g4 52.c2 e5 53.a4! Pawns on both rims give the knight an impossible task. c6 54.a5 [ After 54.a5 b8 ( 54...xa5 55.xa5 xh6 56.b6 c4 57.b4 g5 58.c3 f5 59.d4 e6 60.c5 c3 61.xb5 c2 62.e3 ) 55.d3 a6 56.e4 h7 57.d5 g6 58.c6 Black's position is hopeless. ] 1-0

40 Gallagher,Joseph G McShane,Luke J Bundesliga 2000-1 (10) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2519 2460 10.03.2001

1.d4 b6 2.e4 b7 3.d3 e6 4.f3 d6 5.c4 d7 6.c3 e7 7.h4!? White takes advantage of black's lack of fianchetto on this flank, and stakes out a bit of space. h6 8.h5 c6 9.e2 e7 10.d5 ce5 11.d4 This looks like a clear safe advantage for white. f8 12.a4+ [ 12.0-0 followed by rumbling the f-pawn forward deserves a serious look. ] 12...d7 13.b3 c5 14.c2 d8 Creating a home for the Ne5. Black is now reasonably solid since it will take white some time to regroup his queen and Nc2. 15.e3 ed7 16.a4 exd5 17.cxd5 h7 18.0-0 0-0 19.f4 e8 20.a3 f6 21.f3 xc3 This weakens the e4 pawn to the extent that it is now black who takes over the driving seat. [ 21...d4!? ] 22.xc3 df6 23.d3 e7 24.ae1 xe4 25.xc5 xc5 26.xe7 xd3 27.xb7 xb2 28.b5 xa4 29.a1 [ 29.xd6!? c5 30.c7 ] 29...c5 30.bxa7 xa7 31.xa7 d8 32.c7 f6 33.c6 d3 [ 33...ce4 gave some chances for a microscopic edge. ] 34.g3 a8 35.xd6 a1+ 36.h2 a2+ 37.g1 e1 38.e4 xe4 39.xe4 f3+ 40.f1 f5 41.d6 ½-½


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 41 Geller,Efim P Chiburdanidze,Maia Aruba [Alexander Volzhin]

B00 2525 2505 1992

O we n 's D e f e n ce h a s a ch e ive d a ce rt a i n amount of popularity during the last decade. Strong players such as GMs Anthony Miles and Artashes Minasian to name but two, are among the adherents of this opening. 1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 e6 [ 3...f5? This move is just bad. But I was s u r p r is e d t o f i n d t h a t a c c o r d i n g t o m y database Black has scored more than 50% in this line! 4.exf5 xg2 5.h5+ g6 6.fxg6 g7 A) My database contains only games where 7.gxh7+ was played. This move is recommended in lots of theoretical manuals. However in my opinion it's much weaker: f8 8.hxg8+ xg8 9.g4 xh1 10.h4 ( 10.c3 f8 11.e3 f6 12.h3 h4 13.g6 c6 and Black was better in Lombardy - Regan, USA, 1974.) 10...d5! 11.h5 e6 12.g2 xh5 13.xa8 d5 14.xa7 c6 15.a4 h1! and Black has tremendous compensation for the sacrificed piece. The game Shmit - Vitolinsh, Riga, 1969 c o n t i n u e d : 16.f1 xd4 17.c4 e6 18.xd5 exd5 A1) 19.c3 was better, although after c6! ( 19...f3 20.ce2!; 19...h4 20.xd7! and White is winning in both cases. ) 20.f4 h4 21.g2 xg1+ 22.xg1 xf4 Black has excellent compensation for the exchange and can decide whether to take a draw by perpetual check (Qg5-c1), or to try to for more.; A2) 19.f4 h4?! This inaccuracy a llo ws W h it e t o e sca p e . ( The natural 19...f3! was simple and good. After the forced 20.g2 xg1+ 21.xf3 h4! 22.a8+ h7 Black has a winning attack. ) 20.a8+ h7 21.xd5 h3+ 22.g2 xg1+ 23.xg1 e2+ 24.f1 xg2+ 25.xg2 xf4+ 26.f3 xb2 27.xf4 xa1 28.c3 b2 29.e3 c1+ and a draw was agreed. A very

exciting game!; B) 7.f5! This is the refutation! f6 8.h6!! This is the idea behind White's p r e vi o u s m o ve ! xh6 9.gxh7 xh1 10.g6+ f8 11.xh6+ f7 12.h3! and Black is hopelessly lost, for example: f8 13.g6+ e6 14.c3 d6 15.0-0-0 d5 16.xd5 xd5 17.b5 c6 18.f5+ d6 19.f4+ e5 20.dxe5+ ] 4.f3 g6?! This move contradicts basic opening principles. [ Either 4...c5 ] [ or 4...f6 should be preferred. ] 5.g5! Immediately exploiting the drawbacks of Black's previous move. This sortie makes the normal development of Black's forces difficult. c8 [ 5...e7? is evidently bad in view of 6.f6 ] [ 5...f6 also cannot be recommended, as this move seriously weakens Black's position. 6.e3 g7 7.d2 e7 8.h6 with h4 to follow with a clear edge for White. ] [ and if 5...e7 then 6.e3! is very unpleasant, as the dark squares on the K-side are seriously weakened. ] 6.c3 g7 7.0-0 d6 8.e1 d7 9.e5! W hite has completed his development and begins action in the centre. d5 [ The pawn sacrifice cannot be accepted: 9...xf3? 10.xf3 dxe5 in view of 11.a6! b8 12.b7 winning the Rook ] [ In my opinion, 9...dxe5 10.xe5 gf6 was relatively better, although after 11.a4! B l a c k s t i l l h a s t o s o l ve m a n y d i f f i c u l t problems. ] 10.a4! a6 [ 10...a6 is strongly met by 11.b5! ] [ 10...a5 gives up the b5-square forever: 11.b5 intending Rc1 and c4 with strong pressure on the Q-side. ] 11.e2 e7 12.f4! [ 12.xe7? xe7 leads White nowhere, as he cannot exploit the bad position of Black's King, and after evacuating the King with Re8 and Kf8, Black will play c7-c5 obtaining good prospects. ] 12...c6 [ After 12...h6 13.xe7 xe7 the following sacrif ice loo ks ve ry p ro mising: 14.xg6! fxg6 15.xg6+ f7 16.xh8+ xh8 30

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 17.h4 intending to transfer the Rook to the K-side via the a3-square with Qh5 and f4-f5 with a growing attack. ] 13.c3 a5 [ 13...h6 14.f6! is similar to the game. ] 14.h4! h6 This move seriously weakens the g6-square and gives White a target, [ but 14...a6 15.c2 f8 16.h5 was hardly better. ] 15.f6! All White's pieces occupy active positions and are ready for the decisive attack. By sacrif icing a pawn (and a piece soon) White opens files near Black's King. xf6 [ Nxf6 is the alternative to the text, but White attacks in a similar way to the game: 15...xf6 16.exf6 xf6 17.xg6! fxg6 18.xe6+ f7 19.d3! with decisive t h r e a t s , f o r e xa m p l e : e7 ( 19...g8 20.h5+- winning e7 21.ae1 d6 22.hxg6+ g7 23.h5+ h8 24.g7+ ) 20.ae1 g8 ( 20...g8 21.e5+ xe5 22.1xe5 ) 21.e5+ xe5 22.1xe5 e8 23.f3 f5 24.xf5+! gxf5 25.h5+ ] [ Probably, 15...0-0 was relatively best, although Black's position is bad anyway: 16.xg7 xg7 17.d2! e7 18.h5! g5 19.xg5! hxg5 20.h3! with a decisive attack, is just one variation that illustrates W hite's resources: h8 21.xg5+ f8 22.h6 g8 23.h5 h8 24.e3 e8 25.g5 f5 26.xf5 exf5 27.h7 and Black is hopelessly lost. ] 16.exf6 xf6 [ The attempt to protect the weak e6- and g6s q u a r e s w i t h 16...f8 fails as 17.b5! leads to a tragicomic position where Black h a s t o p l a y d8 , as there is no other d e f e n c e a g a i n s t N e 5 . 18.c4 with an overwhelming advantage. ] [ 16...0-0 Here this move is even worse than a move previously: 17.h5 g5 18.xg5! xf6 ( 18...hxg5 19.g4+winning ) 19.d2! and Black has no compensation for the weak position of her king, and accepting the Knight sacrifice loses on the spot: hxg5? 20.xd5! h7 21.f6+! ] 17.xg6! fxg6 18.xe6+ f7 19.d3! g8 [ T h e i m m e d i a t e 19...e4 is the main alternative to the text, but it doesn't help Black: 20.e1! Preparing a new sacrifice (Rxe4), which works whatever Black replies!

h7 ( 20...g5 is no better: 21.1xe4! gxf4 22.xf4+ xe6 23.g6+ e7 24.f6+ d7 25.e5+! xe5 26.g7+ wit h a qu ick m a t e .) 21.1xe4! dxe4 22.xe4 g7 ( 22...g8 23.xg6+ h8 24.d5! e8 25.e6 e7 26.g6+ ) 23.d5! and Black is hopelessly lost. ] 20.ae1 Now White is threatening Rxc6 with N e 5 + t o f o l l o w . e4 Allowing a brilliant combination. [ 20...g7 preparing to evacuate the King to the g8-square, was more stubborn, although White has a huge advantage after 21.xc6 xc6 22.e5+ g8 23.xc6 d7 T h e o n ly m o ve . 24.e7+ ( The tempting 24.e6? fails to h5! ) 24...xe7 25.xg6+ g7 26.xf6 ] 21.1xe4! dxe4 22.c4!! Black resigned as her position is absolutely hopeless: [ 22.c4 A) 22...a6 23.xc6 exf3 ( 23...b7 24.e5+ f8 25.e8+! ) 24.f6+; B) 22...g7 23.xc6+ e8 24.e5; C) 22...g7 23.xg6+ h8 24.xh6+ g7 25.g6+ h8 26.g5 f8 27.f7+ h7 28.e6 We can only admire the youthful energy of 67 year old Efim Geller. ] 1-0

42 Gerber,Richard Miles,Anthony J Open Crans Montana SUI (5) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2432 2562 21.04.2001

1.e4 c6 2.d4 e5 3.dxe5 xe5 4.f3 b4+ 5.c3 xf3+ 6.xf3 c5 7.c4 f6 Here we get a little course in how Miles, the hero of most of the sections of Daring Defences, makes a living in what might appear to most to be tedious backwaters. Mainly, by not having anything against putting in very long days at the office when the job requires it. 8.e3 [ 8.g3 e7 9.0-0 0-0 10.b4 d6 11.f4 h6 12.e5 f5 13.g4 e7 14.d3 ( 14.xf5 d5 ) 14...b6+ 15.h1 h6 16.h5 f5 17.e2 h8 18.e3 g6 19.d2 b6 and black finally completed his 31

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 development, achieving a truly murky and daring position. 20.f3 b7 21.ad1 a5 22.a3 g4 23.g1 axb4 24.axb4 a3 25.b2 aa8 26.b5 d6 27.h3 dxe5 28.xe5 xe5 29.fxe5 ad8 30.f2 h5 31.xd8 xh3+ 32.h2 xd8 33.g3 xg3 34.xg3 d2 35.f2 xf2 36.xf2 d5 37.d7 g6 38.g3 g7 39.e6 c5 40.e5+ h6 41.c7 cxb4 42.cxb4 b5 43.xb5 xb4 44.d7 e7 45.h2 g5 46.e5 f4 47.g1 f5 48.d6 xe6 49.xe6+ xe6 50.xf4 c5+ 51.h1 f5 52.g3 d4 53.g2 e5 54.e3 g4 55.f2 c3 56.e3 g5 57.xg5 xg5 58.g4 f4 59.g5 g4 60.h1 h3 61.g1 d4+ 62.h1 g3 63.g6 hxg6 1/2-1/2 Salimaki,J-Jouhki,Y Helsinki 1998. ] [ 8.f4 d6 9.d2 e7 10.b5+?! ( 10.0-0-0 0-0 11.h4 c6 12.g3 e5 13.e2 g6 14.e3 xe3 15.xe3 f4 16.f1 e8 17.xf4 xf4 18.f3 e6 19.b3 a5 20.e3 a4 21.b2 axb3 22.axb3 a5 23.g3 h3!? 24.d2 ea8 25.c2 a2+ 26.c1 g5 27.g2 g4 28.c4 h5 29.f4 d7 30.e5 e6 31.exd6 cxd6 32.xb7? b8 33.c6 xb3 34.d4 c3+ 35.d1 a1+ 36.e2 xc4+ 0-1 Solomon,S-Miles,A Melbourne 1991.) 10...c6 11.e2 0-0 12.0-0 g6 13.g3 e7 14.b4 b6 15.h5 f5 and black has a very comfortable game. 16.c4+ h8 17.exf5 xf5 18.d1 d5 19.e2 ae8 20.h5 f6 21.b1 d8 22.d2 e5 23.a3 c4 24.xc4 dxc4 25.b2 d3 26.fe1 d5 27.f3 f5 28.a4 a6 29.a5 a7 30.d2 h6 31.a2 xf3 32.gxf3 xf3 33.d1 f6 34.c1 f5 35.ae2 g4 36.d2 f3 37.d6 f5 38.e7 d5 39.d2 f7 40.e8+ h7 41.dd8 f6 42.e5 g6 43.ee8 f8 44.e1 xf2+ 45.xf2 xe8 46.xe8 xe8 47.f5+ g8 48.f2 e6 49.e5 f7+ 50.e3 d5 51.d4 f1 52.c5 g1+ 53.d4 xd4+ 54.xd4 g5 55.c5 h5 56.d6 g4 57.g3 f7 58.b6 e6 59.e1 c5 60.xc5 e5 61.h4 e4 62.f6 f7 63.b6 e8 64.xb7 b5 65.b6 f3 66.c5 g2 67.e5 h4 68.d4 f3 69.b8 g3 70.hxg3 hxg3 71.xg3 xg3 72.e3 g2 0-1 Perdomo,C-Miles,A Ubeda 1997. ]

8...xf3 9.gxf3 e7 10.g1 g6 11.d4 f6 12.a3 a6 13.c2 d6 14.e3 0-0 15.0-0-0 e6 16.f5 d8 17.b3 e8 18.g3 d7 19.f4 f8 20.f5 xb3 21.axb3 g5+ 22.c2 e5 23.xe5 dxe5 24.d7 e7 25.d5 h4 26.b4 c6 27.d6 ee8 28.gd1 ed8 29.d7 ab8 30.f3 e8 31.xd8+ xd8 32.xd8+ xd8 33.f1 g5 34.d3 f4 35.h3 e7 36.e3 xe3 37.xe3 f6 38.fxg6 fxg6 39.f2 g5 40.g3 b6 41.c4 c5 42.b5 axb5 43.cxb5 c4 44.h4+ f6 45.f4 h6 46.g4 exf4 47.xf4 g5+ 48.hxg5+ hxg5+ 49.g4 e5 50.xg5 xe4 51.f6 d5 0-1

43 Gicev,Blagoja Blatny,Pavel 2nd IECC Ohrid MKD (11) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2336 2547 12.06.2001

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d2 [ 3.d3 e6 4.f4?! Not terribly logically directed aggression which doesn't do much to stifle the Bb7. c5 5.c3 cxd4 6.cxd4 b4+ 7.c3 f5 and Black could be satisfied with his unorthodox opening in this recent game. 8.e2 fxe4 9.xe4 xe4 10.xe4 c6 11.f3 f6 12.d3 0-0 13.0-0 e7 14.a3 xc3 15.bxc3 c7 16.d2 ac8 17.g3 f5 18.a4 d6 19.a5 b5 20.a6 fe4 21.ac1 c4 22.e3 d5 23.fe1 c6 24.e5 xa6 25.a1 xa1 26.xa1 a8 27.c1 a5 28.d3 c4 29.xc4 bxc4 30.c2 b8 31.b2 f6 32.e1 d6 33.c1 b3 34.d2 a4 35.h3 a3 36.g4 b2 37.d1 a2 0-1 Csapo, Z-Puschmann, L Budapest HUN 2001. ] 3...e6 4.gf3 c5 5.c3 f6 6.d3 c6 7.a3 d5 8.e5 d7 9.0-0 a5 [ 9...e7 10.e1 g5!? This leads to a very standard type of King's Indian reversed type of position, and the game well illustrates Black's ideas in this variation. 11.h3 h5 12.g4 hxg4 13.hxg4 c7 14.f1 0-0-0 15.g3 dg8 16.b4 c4 17.f1 a6 18.a4 d8 19.b5 a5 20.g2 f6 21.a3 xa3 22.xa3 h4 23.exf6 xg4 24.e5 xe5 25.dxe5 xg3 26.fxg3 c5+ 27.d4 xa3 32

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 28.xb6 g4 29.f1 f8 30.f4 h8 31.f7 e7 32.xa5 c5+ 33.d4 c6 34.bxc6 xa5 35.cxb7+ c7 0-1 Braig,F-Scherer,M Schwaebisch Gmuend 1997. ] 10.e1 c8?!N Black envisions combining ideas of Ba6 and using the c-file, but only achieves surrendering the bishop pair without sufficient compensation - as well as keeping the position a bit too open. [ 10...c4 11.c2 b5 led to very complex play where a French aficionado like Lputian felt right at home as Black. 12.f1 h6 13.h4 b4 14.d2 b6 15.f4 bxc3 16.bxc3 a4 17.g3 a5 18.b2 b3 19.ad1 c8 20.h5 e7 21.e3 a7 22.d2 c6 23.b1 b8 24.g3 g6 25.f6+ d8 26.h5 g5 27.e3 xd4 28.cxd4 xb2 29.c3 a2 30.xa4 c7 31.xc6 xc6 32.f3 e7 33.h3 g7 34.e4 f8 35.ec3 b2 36.a4 f6 37.b5 a5 38.a3 b4 39.exf6 xf6 40.xb4 xb4 41.1c3 c6 42.e3 d7 43.de1 b2 44.f3 d2 45.a5 xa5 46.xd5 exd5 47.e7+ c6 48.a7+ b6 49.xg7 c3 50.c8+ b5 51.c7 c2 52.c3 b4 53.c5 b3 54.e7 xc5 55.xd5+ b3 56.xf6 d1 0-1 Narciso Dublan,M-Lputian,S Linares 1996. ] 11.c2 cxd4 12.cxd4 a6 13.f1 xf1 Chess is not so simple that one can toss off a bishop and then just plonk one's pawn's on those colour squares and claim to be solid and quit a potentially bad piece. The lightsquared bishop protects a lot of potential pawn weaknesses, and has long-term career prospects outside the pawn chain. 14.xf1 b5 15.e3 a4 16.g5 [ 16.c1!? would have reduced Black's tactical possibilities. ] 16...e7 [ 16...h6 17.h5 ] 17.xh7 g6 18.g5 xg5 [ 18...xd4 19.xd4 xg5 20.f4 This kind of position demonstrates the dark side of Black's strategy - White has all sorts of way to crack open Black position, using p a wn b re a k s o n e it h e r f la n k, wh e n h i s unopposed light-squared bishop will steadily increase in strength. Black presumably entered this whole adventure intending the game continuation and

missing White's 22nd. ] 19.xg5 xd4 20.xd4 xc2 21.ac1 e4 22.a7!! Taking picturesque advantage of Black's weak last rank and dark-square ventilation - and it will get worse. d4 [ 22...b8 23.b7! ] 23.c7 [ 23.a6! ] 23...f6 24.xf6 h7 25.d6+xf6 26.xe6+ e7 27.xf6 d3 28.ce1 d5 29.e6 h5 30.e5 h7 31.d5 g5 32.d1 c8 33.5xd3 g7 34.f5 1-0

44 Glek,Igor V Polak,Tomas 10th Open Valls d'Aosta ITA (6) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2601 2482 14.02.2002

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.c3 e6 4.f3 b4 5.d3 f6 6.g5 h6 7.xf6 xc3+ 8.bxc3 xf6 9.0-0 d6 10.d2 e5 11.f4 e7 Kramnik's choice. The confrontational [ 11...exd4 is also very playable, but riskier 12.e5 dxe5 13.fxe5 g5 14.f3 e3+ 15.h1 0-0 16.cxd4 d7 17.h4 g5 18.e1 ae8 19.f2 d5 20.c4 b7 21.f5 c8 22.ae1 c5 23.xd7 1/2-1/2 Tkachiev, V-Minasian,A/Cannes 1995 (23) ] 12.fxe5 dxe5 13.c4 [ 13.b5+ c6 14.c4 0-0 15.f5 d7 16.h5 b5 17.b3 c5 18.dxc5 f6 19.f3 c8 20.xf6 xf6 21.xf6 gxf6 22.d5 b8 23.f1 g7 24.b3 e6 25.c6 bd8 26.d1 f5 1/2-1/2 Maljutin,EKramnik,V/Sochi 1990/TD (55) ] 13...0-0 14.h5 d7 15.ae1 ae8 16.e3 f6 The fact that this upset is scored so smoothly illustrates the most salient point of the position, and that is white, with nearly a full set of pawns to worry about, has a hard time not making things worse. White should be thinking of bailing out. 17.e2 h8 [ 17...d6 18.ef3 exd4 19.xf6 should again hold for white. ] 18.f5?! [ 18.ef3!? looks better - defending the centre is a thankless task, but aiming to 33

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 crea te b a la nce by co un te r p un ch in g a t black's soft spots is more attractive. A) 18...exd4 19.xf6 ( 19.cxd4 doesn't help black as the pressure on f6 a n d f 7 g i v e w h i t e a t l e a s t e q u a l i t y .) 19...gxf6 20.h5 is again at least equal for white.; B) 18...d6 19.xf6 gxf6 20.h5 is at least a draw f or white, since th e only winning try, .. .f5, just gives up all shelter around the black king. ] 18...d6 19.b5? exd4 20.cxd4 c6 21.c4 xd4 winning material without compensation. 22.c3 d8 23.e5 d5 24.ef3 f6 25.e4 c8 26.d3 xc3 27.g4 xe5 28.g3 g8 0-1

45 Gomboc,Miha Filipovic,Branko 11th Open Ljubljana [Neil McDonald]

B00 2160 2435 2000

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 e6 4.f3 c5 5.c3 f6 6.e2 e7 7.0-0 c6 This leads to a different type of centre to [ 7...d5 8.e5 fd7 as played in GrosarFilipovic. Here Black looks for active piece play rather than a gritty blocked structure. In particular, he keeps his queen's bishop active. The drawback is that Black isn't staking much of a claim in the centre, so White has direct attacking chances. ] 8.a3?! Much stronger is 8 dxc5! as played in DD416, Filipenko-Filipovic also in the Ljubljana tournament. With 8 a3 White plans to restrict Black further with 9 b4. Filipovic neutralises this idea with his next two moves, but this leaves him with less influence on the centre. a5 9.bd2 c4 10.c2 c7 11.e5 Attacking c4. b5 12.f4 0-0 13.ef3? This retreat is totally inconsistent. [ White should continue 13.f5! for example d6 14.g4 with definite attacking chances. ] 13...h5 14.g3 g6 15.e5? This just weakens his light squares. He had to play [ 15.f5 with unclear play. ] 15...f5! 16.exf6 xf6 17.e4 g7 18.xb7 xb7 White's next move doesn't help but he

already had an unpleasant position. 19.e4 b3 20.b1 d5 21.ed2 f6 22.xb3 cxb3 23.d2 a5 24.a4 bxa4 25.a1 a3! 26.xa3 a4 27.c4 fe8 28.b4? [ Necessary was 28.e2 though after eb8 Black would be ready for a breakthrough on the queenside with Bf8 and a4- a3. ] 28...f8 0-1


B00 Grischuk,Alexander 2606 Lima,Darcy 2525 FIDE WCh KO New Delhi IND (1.2) 28.11.2000 [Jon Tisdall] 1.e4 b6 Been a while since a (coming) world championship semi-finalist faced this. 2.d4 b7 3.d3 e6 4.f3 c5 5.c3 f6 6.e2 e7 7.a3 [ 7.bd2 A quick look at how to react to n a t u r a l d e v e l o p m e n t : cxd4 ( 7...c6 8.dxc5?! bxc5 9.e5 d5 10.e4 c7 11.g3 f6 12.exf6 gxf6 13.h5 0-0-0 14.h6 hg8 15.g3 f5 16.0-0-0 g6 17.d2 g4 18.f4 f6 19.h3 g7 20.he1 e4 21.xe4 fxe4 22.xe4 a5 23.b1 c4 24.e4 e5 25.xc4 exf4 26.xf4 a6 27.e4 f6 28.d6 g6 29.c2 g5 30.xg6 xf4+ 31.xf4 hxg6 32.xg6 xa2 33.h4 c7 34.b1 d5 35.e4 b5 36.d4 xd4 37.xd4 e8 38.c4 e1+ 39.d2 a5+ 40.c3 a1 41.c2 b1 42.e3 xb2 43.d3 b7 0-1 Rausis,I-Kveinys,A Riga 1986.) 8.cxd4 d5 9.e5 fd7 10.a3 a5 11.b1 a6 12.c3 xd3 13.xd3 c6 14.h4 a7 15.g5 c8 16.h3 f8 17.b5 xb5 18.xb5+ d7 19.f3 0-0 20.d3 xg5 21.hxg5 c7 22.d2 c4 23.e3 c2 24.c3 c7 25.c1 g6 26.h3 fc8 27.a4 c4 28.b3 4c7 29.f4 b8 30.f2 a6 31.g4 b4 32.d2 c6 33.f3 h6 34.gxh6 xh6 35.g3 g6 36.g5 h5 37.g2 g7 38.h1 xf3+ 39.xf3 xc3+ 40.g4 c2 41.g1 e3+ 42.f3 f5+ 43.g4 g3+ 44.xg3 xg3 45.xg3 c3+ 46.f2 xb3 47.e2 b4 48.d3 xa4 49.b1 b4 50.xb4 axb4 51.c2 f8 52.b3 e7 53.a4 d7 34

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 54.b3 c7 55.xb4 b8 56.a4 a7 57.b5 b7 58.a4 a6 59.b4 b5 60.c5 a5 61.d6 b4 62.f5 gxf5 63.e7 b3 64.xf7 b2 65.g6 b1 66.xe6 f4 0-1 Solomon,S-Miles,A/ Melbourne 1992. ] 7...c4 8.c2 b5 9.bd2 c6 10.f1 [ 10.a4 led to adventure: a6 11.e5 d5 12.e4 c7 13.axb5 axb5 14.xa8+ xa8 15.fg5 h6 16.xf7!? That's what he's here for. xf7 17.h5+ f8 18.h4 The threat of lifting a rook to h3 seems hard t o m e e t . . . db4! Feels right, though computers like Qa5 to play Nc7 and Nd8 to protect black's king. Maybe they can get away with this, but a good counterattack is more likely to work. 19.cxb4 ( 19.b1 d3+ 20.xd3 cxd3 21.h3 xd4 ) 19...xd4 20.b1 xb4+ 21.f1 f5 22.g5 e7 23.f7+ d8 A) 24.xe6! xg2+ ( 24...b7!? ) 25.xg2 b7+ 26.e4 xe4+ 27.xe4 dxe6; B) 24.xf5? xe5! 25.g1 hxg5 26.xg5+ c8 27.f4 A typo clearly, though white is clearly going down here. f8 0-1 Crouch,C-Burnett,R/ Coulsden 1999. ] 10...a5 [ 10...c7!? looks more flexible. ] 11.g3 c7 12.0-0 a6 13.d5 0-0 14.e1 exd5 15.e5 e4 16.xe4 dxe4 17.xe4 b3 18.b1 xe4 19.xe4 c5 20.g4 Presumably e young, ambitious and powerful Mr. Grischuk was not pleased with the holes beckoning to black's knight. Black's kingside can be defended by ...Qc6-g6. ½-½

47 Grosar,Kiti Filipovic,Branko 11th Open Ljubljana [Neil McDonald]

B00 2210 2435 2000

was very strong f or W hite in GleizerovFilipovich from the same tournament. ] 5.c3 f6 6.e2 e7 7.0-0 d5!? After White's reply the black queen's bishop is shut in. On the other hand Black's position becomes secure against any sudden assault in the centre. A French type pawn centre is reached. 8.e5 fd7 9.bd2 c6 10.a3 White intends to encroach on the queenside with 11 b4, which persuades Black to close the position further. c4 11.c2 b5 12.e1? This is too routine. Following 10...c4 there is no real pressure on W hite's centre, so it is possible for him to build up an attack on the kingside. The obvious strategical plan is to prepare the advance of the f pawn, and for this task the rook is best placed on f1. Therefore [ 12.e1!? g6 13.f4 h5 14.df3 followed by g3, Ng2, Ne3 and an eventual g4 seems to be the correct continuation. Mean while Black could ad vance on his queenside, with an interesting battle in prospect. ] 12...a5 13.f1 b4 14.3d2 h5! Black prepares to blockade the kingside. 15.f4 White achieves the desired advance, but it has no punch as his pieces aren't on the best squares. g6 16.g4? This is horrible as White's kingside pawns are crippled. He had to play more patiently for example with [ 16.g3 ] 16...hxg4 17.xg4 b3 18.b1? [ Not 18.xg6? g8 but rather than burying the bishop on b1 he should have played it to d1. ] 18...b6 19.f3 0-0-0 20.e3 dg8 21.e2 d8 22.1d2 h5 23.g2 gh8 24.g5 This is a tactical blunder, but White was already strategically lost. After all, how can he ever bring his rook on a1 into the game? xg5 25.fxg5 xe5! 0-1

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 e6 4.f3 c5 Black has to be careful with his move order. For example [ 4...f6 5.e2 d5?! ( 5...e7! ) 6.e5 fd7 7.g5! e7 8.g4 g6 9.h4 h5 10.h3 35

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 48 Grosar,Kiti Mashinskaya,Iulia V ECC Women Halle GER (2) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2223 2335 25.09.2000

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 f6 4.d2 A very sensible continuation, akin in philosophy to the Tarrasch French - no structural damage today, thanks - a pin with ... Bb4 is ruled out. e6 5.gf3 c5 6.c3 d5 I am not a big fan of this move, but I suppose that might not be relevant to admirers of French-type positions. Nevertheless, I can't help feeling the lines where Black tries to keep the position open are more in keeping with the spirit of the opening. [ 6...cxd4 7.cxd4 e7 8.0-0 A) 8...0-0 9.e1 d6 10.a3 bd7 11.e5? ( 11.b4 should keep white with a safe spatial advantage, and explains why this lovely game has not replaced the standard plan of trading bishops on a6 - but it is still nice to know.) 11...dxe5 12.dxe5 g4 13.c2 c8 14.b1 c5 15.e2 xf2+ 16.xf2 xf2 17.xf2 xe5 18.e2 g4+ 19.g1 b5 20.d3 c7 21.h3 fd8 22.xb5 e3 23.g5 c2 24.b1 b6+ 25.h2 f2 26.d1 e3 27.b3 d7 28.g3 xg3+ 29.xg3 dc7 30.f2 f5 31.c4 xc4 32.xc4 xc4 33.d2 c2 34.g4 d4 35.b4 e5 36.b5 h6 37.a4 e4 38.e3 g6 39.a1 c3+ 40.f2 xh3 41.g2 c3 0-1 Zuckerman,B-Adorjan,A/New York 1984.; B) 8...a6 9.xa6 xa6 10.e5 ( 10.d5 exd5 11.e5 e4 12.xe4 dxe4 13.d4 c5 14.g4 g6 15.h6 d5 16.exd6 xd6 17.ad1 f5 18.e2 d3 19.c2 0-0-0 20.e1 f6 21.xd3 exd3 22.xd3 xd3 23.e6+ b7 24.xf6 he8 25.g3 e2 26.f7+ e7 27.b3 ed7 28.e3 d1 29.xd1 xd1+ 30.xd1 xd1+ 31.g2 c6 32.f3 d5 33.f4 b1 34.b3 b2 35.g5 xa2 36.h6 e6 37.xh7 f7 38.h6 b2 0-1 Archangelsky, M-Kveinys, A/Cappelle la Grande 1994.) 10...d5 This kind of position is very similar to lines in the c3 Sicilian, and may even transpose.

It is quite a popular system for black there. 11.e4 0-0 12.a3 ac7 13.e1 f5 14.exf6 xf6 15.g3 fd5 16.d3 c8 17.d2 e8 18.h3 d6 19.ac1 xc1 20.xc1 a8 21.e4 xe4 22.xe4 c8 23.xc8+ xc8 24.d3 a6 25.f1 b5 26.e2 b6 27.d1 b7 28.c2 c4 29.c1 d5 30.d1 a5 31.e2 a4 32.g3 f6 33.g4 g6 34.b3 axb3 35.xb3 e4+ 36.e3 c6 37.h4 g7 38.a4 bxa4 39.b8+ f8 40.g5 d6 41.e8 e7 0-1 Peralta,E-Nogueiras,J/ San Copiapo 1992. ] 7.e5 fd7 [ 7...e4 They tell you to exchange pieces to relieve cramp, but this seems to also rob black of a lot of the long-range potential for manoeuvering - white's N on d2 is also somewhat of a problem piece. 8.0-0 e7 9.e1 xd2 10.xd2 c6 11.c1 a5 Black begins the process of liberating or exchanging the Bb7. 12.e2 White could consider ceding the a6-f1 diagonal in order to keep the bishops on the board. ( 12.g3!? ) 12...a4 13.g3 h6 14.h4 c8 15.c4 dxc4 16.xc4 0-0 17.d3 a6 18.dxc5 xc5 19.e3 xd3 20.xd3 b4 21.e4 a3! 22.bxa3 xa3 23.c4 d5 24.xc5 bxc5 25.ec1 xa2 26.xc5 a6 27.5c2 a3 28.g2 a8 29.g1 d8 30.e1 a6 31.g2 c3 32.e1 d5 33.e4 a4 34.e2 xe2 35.xe2 b8 36.ec2 e4 37.c8+ xc8 38.xc8+ h7 39.f4 g5 40.hxg5 hxg5 41.f2 gxf4 42.gxf4 a4 1/2-1/2 Hellers,F-Ehlvest,J/New York 1993. ] 8.a3 Intending to stake some space on this flank, but it seems to me that fooling around on this side of the board only helps black find something to do. On the other hand, this plan makes it harder for black to rid himself of the Bb7. [ 8.e2 c6 9.0-0 e7 10.d1 cxd4 11.cxd4 b4 12.b1 c8 13.f1 a6 14.d2 xf1 15.xf1 c7 16.a3 c6 17.b4 b5 18.d3 a6 19.f4 b6 20.g4 g6 21.h6 c4 22.f4 f5 23.g4 d8 24.g5 f7 25.xe7 xe7 26.gxf5 gxf5 27.h1 g8 28.g1 d7 29.ac1 b2 30.xg8 xg8 31.xf5 f8 32.xe6+ xe6 33.g5 xg5 34.xf8 c4 35.g1 h6 36.f4 g6 37.f5 h5 38.e6+ c7 36

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 39.c5+ b8 40.xd5 b6 41.c6 c8 42.c1 1-0 Sermek,D-Minasian,A/Cannes 1996. ] [ 8.0-0 c6 9.e1 is a very logical plan that led to complex play: e7 10.f1 c7 11.g3 0-0-0 12.g5 xg5 13.xg5 f6 14.exf6 gxf6 15.e3 h5 16.xh5 dg8 17.c1 b8 18.b4 c4 19.e2 a8 20.f3 f8 21.f4 f7 22.g3 e7 23.f4 f5 24.g4 xg3 25.hxg3 h6 26.h3 b8 27.e2 c8 28.f3 g5 29.e3 g7 30.ce1 h8 31.xe6 xe6 32.xe6 gh5 33.e3 b7 34.e8 xh3 35.gxh3 1-0 Tiviakov,S-Reinderman,D/ Singapore 1990. ] 8...c4 9.c2 b5 10.0-0 c6 11.b4 cxb3 [ 11...a5!? ] 12.xb3 e7 13.e1!? A nice move that opens the way for the white queen and also sends the N on a nice orbit - c5 and more likely f4 are attractive squares. a5 14.xa5 xa5 15.d2 c7 16.d3 b6 17.f4 c4 18.c1 Black's problem is that there is no secure place for the king. g6 19.f3 a5 20.h3 h6 21.f4 0-0-0 22.d3 df8 23.a4 b4 24.cxb4 axb4 25.b1 b6 [ 25...a5 26.xb4! xb4 27.b3 ] 26.a5 [ 26.e3!? to gradually cut off b4 by using the c5 square was a serious option. ] 26...xa5 27.xb4 xb4 28.b3 c6 29.xb4 xb4 30.xb4 c7 31.f4 [ 31.d3 b8 32.xb8 xb8 is reasonably solid. ] 31...h5 32.fb1 a3 33.1b2 xc2 This piece wasn't doing much - black should just keep the Nc4 as white gets an initiative in the sterile looking ending that arises. [ 33...c4!? ] 34.xc2 b8 35.d2 xb4 36.xb4 a8 37.h4 d7 38.h2 b5 39.d6 c6 40.b2 a4 41.c5 a5 42.f3 b5 43.a2 b7 44.g3 b1 45.f4 h1 46.g5 h2 47.d6 c6 48.c2+ b6 49.c7+ a7 50.a5 a6 51.d8 b5 52.h6 a6 53.g7 b4 54.d2 c3 55.a5+ c4 56.xf7 xh4 57.xe6 xd4 58.xd4+ xd4 59.f6 e3 60.xg6 f2 61.xh5 xg2 62.f4 f3 63.f5 c8 64.e6 e4 65.g6 d4 66.f6 d3 67.d2 a6 68.c3 c8 69.g6 f4 70.d2+ e4 71.c3

f4 72.f6 e4 73.e7 d7 74.d2 b5 75.b4 d7 76.c3 b5 77.e6 c4+ 78.f6 b5 79.g5 e8 80.d2 b5 81.f6 e8 82.h6 f5 83.g7 e6 84.c3 h5 85.f8 d2 ½-½

49 Gulko,Boris F Lima,Darcy I American Continental (7) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2602 2543 16.08.2001

1.d4 b6 2.e4 e6 [ 2...b7 3.c3 e6 4.f3 b4 5.d3 f6 6.e2 d5 7.e5 e4 8.d2 A) 8...xd2 9.xd2 ( 9.xd2 0-0 10.f4 e7 11.h4 f6 12.exf6 xf6 13.g4 c8 14.e5 f8 15.h3 c5 16.h5 h6 17.g4 f6 18.h5 h6 1/2-1/2 Dinescu,A-Tomescu,V/ROM 1993 (18) ) 9...e7 10.g4 g6 11.e2 c5 12.c3 a6 13.xa6 xa6 14.0-0 d7 15.f3 0-0 16.e3 fc8 17.fd1 cxd4 18.xd4 b8 19.f1 c6 20.f3 e8 21.d3 f8 22.h4 g7 23.1h2 f8 24.g4 e7 25.d4 c6 26.e2 c5 27.g5 e7 28.f6+ h8 29.f3 h6 30.f4 c7 31.e3 e7 32.f3 c7 33.e3 e7 34.f3 1/2-1/2 Zetocha,CTomescu,V/ROM 1993 (34); B) 8...xc3 9.bxc3 e7 10.0-0 c5 11.dxc5 bxc5 ( 11...xc5!? ) 12.ab1 c7 13.c4 Now white straightens out his pawn structure while maintaining the more act ive po sitio n . dxc4 14.xc4 d7 15.a5 c8 ( 15...b6 16.b5+ c6 ) 16.fd1 a6 ( 16...0-0? 17.xb7 xb7 18.a6+- ) 17.d3 ( 17.b3!? ) 17...b8 ( 17...xf3!? ) 18.d2 Once the N gets to c4 black faces a grim defensive task trying to ever get active. 0-0 19.f4 g6 20.b3 a8 21.c4 d5 22.e4 xe4 23.xe4 b8 24.db1 xb3 25.xb3 b8 26.d6 xd6 27.exd6 c4 28.e3 c5 29.e5 d7 30.xc5 xc5 31.c7 c8 32.a3 f8 33.a5 b7 34.xa6 e8 35.a7 c5 36.a5 e4 37.e5 f6 38.c5 e4 39.e5 f6 40.a5 d5 41.a4 c3 42.f2 h5 43.f3 d7 37

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 44.c4 a8 45.a4 a7 46.a5 b7 47.a6 recommend the gambit course of the game. a7 48.a4 xc7 49.dxc7 xc7 xd5 8.d2 ( 8.0-0 xc3 9.bxc3 bd7 50.e4 b6 51.e5 b5 52.a3 b4 10.a4 0-0 11.a5 h5 12.g5 xe2 53.a1 c5 54.g3 c4 55.a4+ b5 13.xe2 h6 14.f3 e4 15.a2 c5 56.a3 b4 57.a1 c4 58.h3 c5 16.d2 g6 17.f3 ac8 18.a3 fd8 59.g4 hxg4 60.hxg4 c4 61.g5 c5 19.axb6 axb6 20.b3 cxd4 21.xd4 e5 62.e4 c4 63.a2 b4 64.d4 d7+ 22.d1 d5 23.b5 c4 24.b4 d2 65.e5 a7 66.d6 b5 67.a1 b6 25.e1 b1 26.b2 bxc3 27.xc3 68.b1+ a5 69.c6 1-0 Rasik,V-Blatny, xc3 28.xc3 xc3 29.xb6 xc2 P/CZE 2001/The W eek in Chess 357/[J 30.xc2 xc2 31.b3 dd2 32.f3 g5 Tisdall] (69) ] 33.g3 g7 34.h3 h5 35.e4 d1+ 3.f3 b7 4.d3 c5 5.c3 f6 6.e2 e7 36.g2 cc1 37.a3 f5 38.xe6 g4 7.0-0 c6 8.e5 d5 9.dxc5! This move 39.a7+ f8 0-1 Vatnikov,J-Gurgenidze,B gives black some problems. bxc5 10.a3!? Bad Liebenzell 1995.) 8...xc3 9.xc3 c7 bd7 10.0-0 e4 11.xe4 xe4 12.xe4 [ 10...0-0 11.c4 f5 12.d1 g5 13.d6 xe4 13.e1 f6 14.f3 g6 15.b3 0-0-0 xd6 14.exd6 f4 15.xf4 gxf4 16.b5 16.f2 d7 17.b2 hd8 18.e2 b7 b6 17.a4 f7 18.c4 g7 19.xf4 19.f2 a5 20.a4 d5 21.g3 b4 22.c3 g4 20.h6 d4 21.xd4 cxd4 22.g5 c6 23.g4 f6 24.f4 h5 25.h3 hxg4 xg2+ 23.f1 a6+ 24.e1 g1+ 26.hxg4 f7 27.f3 h8 28.c4 b4 25.d2 dxc3+ 26.bxc3 xd6+ 27.c2 29.g3 c5 30.d1 g6 31.xe6 c2 xg5 28.xg5+ f8 29.g1 e4+ 30.b2 32.d2 xb3 33.dxc5 hd8 34.xb6+ b8+ 31.b3 e8 32.g8+ e7 33.g7+ c7 35.xd7+ xd7 36.d4 xa4 37.c3 f6 34.f7+ e5 35.f4+ 1-0 Jelen,Ic6 38.b5+ xb5 39.cxb5 d3+ Filipovic,B Bled 1999. ] 40.h4 e7 41.xf6 gxf6 42.xf6 d5 11.b5 b8 12.c4 db4 13.e4 a6 43.b6+ b7 44.f5 a4 45.f7 d7 46.g5 14.d6+ xd6 15.exd6 d8 16.d1 xe4 c8 47.f8+ b7 48.f7 c8 49.f6 c6 17.xe4 f6 18.d2 b7 19.b3 a5 20.a3 50.g7 d8 51.g8 b7 52.e8 c6 a6 21.f4 0-0 22.d3 a4 23.d2 d8 53.f5 a3 54.e3 a2 55.a3 d2 56.g5 24.b1 b7 25.b4 axb3 26.bxb3 xe4 f2+ 57.g4 xc5 58.b7 27.xe4 e5 28.e3 f5 29.xc5 xc5 1 / 2 -1 / 2 Mi kh a lc h is h i n , A -G u rg e n id z e , B 30.xc5 f7 Volgodonsk 1981. ] 1-0 7...e4 8.0-0 [ 8.d2 xd2 ( 8...xc3 9.bxc3 d7 10.0-0 f5 11.exf6 xf6 12.ae1 0-0-0 50 B00 13.xe4 dxe4 14.g5 e5 15.xe4 g6 16.f3 he8 17.d5 xd5 18.c4 b7 Gunnarsson,Jon Viktor 2368 19.c3 h6 20.d1 c6 21.fe1 a6 Degraeve,Jean Marc 2540 22.d2 g5 23.e4 e6 24.b3 xc4 34th Olympiad (10) 07.11.2000 25.xc6 xc6 26.xe5 xe5 27.xd8+ [Neil McDonald] xd8 28.xe5 e6 29.xe6 xe6 30.f2 d7 31.e3 c5 32.e4 d6 33.c1 1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.c3 e6 4.f3 b4 g8 34.f5 h7+ 35.f6 xc2 36.g7 5.d3 f6 6.e2 d5 About time for a quick h5 37.f6 g4 38.f4 h4 39.g5 g3 40.h3 survey of this rather popular position in the 1. e4 41.xh4 xg2 42.xg3 e4 e4 b6 system. W e can see some serious 43.g4 b5 44.g5 b4 45.f6 c4 46.h4 names in this section, though we are still a5 47.f5 a4 48.h5 b3 49.axb3 cxb3 obviously in theoretical backwaters. 7.e5 50.e2 b2 0-1 Usachyi,M-Gurgenidze,B [ 7.exd5 Has not posed black problems, but Biel 1994.) 9.xd2 c5 ( 9...xc3 10.bxc3 it is not clear that the sharper path of the c5 11.g4 0-0 12.h5 h6 13.h4 a6 game is any better. In fact, looking at the 14.g4 xd3 15.cxd3 f6 16.f4 cxd4 games and stats, one can hardly 38

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 17.cxd4 c6 18.f3 fxe5 19.xe5 xd4 20.g6 c2+ 21.e2 xa1 22.g5 f5 23.c1 h7 24.e5 e8 25.g4 h5 26.g6+ g8 27.g1 a4 28.xa1 xf4 29.d4 c8 30.e3 c2+ 31.d3 c3+ 0-1 Seidel, A-Wornath,K Wiesbaden 1998.) 10.g4 0-0 11.h3 h6 12.a3 xc3 13.bxc3 a6 14.xa6 xa6 15.0-0 cxd4 16.cxd4 c8 17.d3 b8 18.fc1 c6 19.b3 e7 20.a4 a5 21.d2 c6 22.c3 c7 23.c2 c8 24.ac1 h5 25.g3 f5 26.h3 e7 27.c4 dxc4 28.xc4 xc4 29.xc4 d8 30.f3 b7 31.h2 g6 32.g4 hxg4 33.hxg4 e7 34.g3 g7 35.g5 d5 36.f3 e7 37.e4 g5 38.d6 f4 39.c8 h8 0-1 Shaw,TFuller,M Sydney 1995. ] 8...xc3 [ 8...xc3 9.bxc3 xc3 10.b1 c6 11.e3 b4 12.c3 ( 12.f4 d7 13.g5 f8 14.d2 e7 15.a4 a5 16.b5 c6 17.fc1 xb5 18.axb5 f5 19.g4 h6 20.h5 e7 21.h3 g6 22.e1 e7 23.f4 h5 24.g5 d8 25.g2 c6 26.bxc6 xc6 27.f5 e7 28.fxe6 fxe6 29.f4 f5 30.xh5 e7 31.g6 d7 32.c3 c7 33.g4 c4 34.f4 c6 1/2-1/2 Gronn, AOstenstad,B NOR 1992.) 12...e7 13.d2 a5 14.f4 c5 15.f5 c6 16.fxe6 fxe6 17.h3 c8 18.g6+ d8 19.f7 cxd4 20.xe6 c7 21.cxd4 xd4 22.f3 xe6 23.xe6 d7 24.g5 c5+ 25.h1 xe6 26.xe6+ c8 27.f7 e8 28.xc5 bxc5 29.fxb7 xe5 30.d2 1-0 Boege,WGutmann,M Badenweiler 1994. ] 9.bxc3 xc3 10.e3 [ 10.d2 e4 11.f4 h6 12.g4 g5 13.h5 d7 14.a3 g8 15.xe4 dxe4 16.d2 h7 17.c4 a6 18.fe1 g4 19.d5 f5 20.h4 exd5 21.e7+ c8 22.cxd5 xd5 23.ac1 b7 24.e3 ae8 25.h4 xe5 26.ce1 f5 27.g3 xa2 28.xe4 fxe4 0-1 Braennstroem,S-Wolf,S Germany 1992. ] 10...c6 [ 10...h6!? 11.a4 c6 12.a3 e4 13.e1 g5 14.f4 f5 15.d2 a5 16.f3 e7 17.e1 h7 18.g4 h5 19.g5 f5 20.e2 h4 21.g2 e3 22.g6 xg2 23.gxh7 xe1 24.xe1 xh7 25.xe4 dxe4 26.g5 h6 27.f2 e7 28.c3

c8 29.e3 g6 30.b1 f6 31.xe4 g2 32.c5 d5 33.d3 d7 34.exf6 gxf6 35.f5 xh2 36.fxe6+ xe6 37.f4 g8 38.e4 g4 39.e1 d6 40.ee3 f2 41.f3 d5+ 42.f5 xf3 0-1 Dahlhaus,FMueller,H Germany 1995. ] [ 10...e4 11.e1 c5 12.c3 xc3 13.dxc5 e4 14.xe4 dxe4 15.g3 f8 16.a3 g8 17.c2 d7 18.fd1 c7 19.cxb6 axb6 20.d2 c5 21.ad1 h6 22.d4 d3 23.d6 c4 24.b3 h7 25.f3 xa2 26.xa2 xb3 27.ad2 e3 28.xd3 e2 29.e1 exd1 30.xd1 xd1+ 31.xd1 c8 32.a1 d5 33.a7 g6 34.f2 c2+ 35.g3 b5 36.a1 b2 37.a3 b3 38.d6 b2 39.a3 b3 40.d6 c4 41.f4 b2 42.g3 h5 43.h4 a2 44.a3 e2 45.d6 f6 46.c1 c4 47.exf6 gxf6 48.b1 a2 49.b4 f5 50.c3 c2 51.d4 e5 52.b2 exd4 53.xc2 d3 54.d2 e5 55.f2 d4 56.g4 b4 57.gxh5 b3 58.h6 g8 59.e1 c3 60.h5 h7 61.f4 b2 62.d1 b1 0-1 Simonet Pons,M-Gallego,R Escaldes 1999. ] 11.g5 d7 12.f3 h6 13.h3 e7 14.f4 h5 15.a3 a4 16.xe7 xe7 17.g4 hxg4 18.fxg4 af8 19.h5 d7 20.f4 g6 21.af1 gxh5 22.xf7+ xf7 23.xf7+ c8 24.g5 c6 25.g6 e8 26.g7 g8 27.e7 b4 28.g5 b7 29.f6 e4 30.xe6 e1+ 31.g2 f2+ 32.h1 f3+ 33.g1 e3+ 34.g2 g5+ 35.f1 c1+ 36.g2 d2+ 37.g1 e3+ 38.g2 f2+ 39.h1 f3+ 40.g1 c6 41.xg8 g4+ 42.f1 h3+ 43.g1 e3+ 44.g2 g5+ 45.f1 f4+ ½-½

51 Handke,Florian Poley,Vladimir 34th Rilton Cup (4) [Glenn Flear]

B00 2467 2402 30.12.2004

1.d4 b5 2.e4 a6 3.f3 b7 4.d3 f6 [ If White's primitive attack in this game is to be f e a re d t h e n Bla ck sh o u ld p la y 4...e6 5.e2 f6 to get back to the standard position. ] 39

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 5.e5 More aggressive than the usual 5 Qe2. d5 6.g5! A strong move that is awkward to meet. e6 [ After 6...b4 7.e4! ( 7.xh7? can be met by xh7! 8.xh7 e4! 9.xf8 xc2+ 10.f1 xf8 11.c3 g6 ) 7...xe4 8.xe4 d5 9.0-0 I prefer White. ] 7.f3 e7 8.xh7 c6 9.c3 0-0-0 10.g5 f6 11.exf6 xf6 [ Alternatively 11...gxf6 12.xf6 xd4 13.cxd4 b4+ 14.d2 xd4 15.e4 b4 16.0-0-0 didn't give Black enough for his piece in Wallner,K-Humer,W corr 1989 ] 12.xf6 xd4 13.xb7+?! Spectacular stuff! White gets plenty of wood for the queen by eliminating Black's active pieces. [ M o v i n g t h e q u e e n w i t h 13.f4 seems strong e.g. e5 ( 13...xg2 14.xd4 c5 15.f4 xh1 16.e4 ) 14.d5 d6 15.g4! e6 16.xd8 xd5 17.e2 xd8 18.0-0 ] 13...xb7 14.e4 f7?! [ I prefer 14...f3+ 15.gxf3 f7 which messes up W hite's kingside pawns and threatens 16... Qxf3. ] 15.cxd4 e8 16.c5+ b6!? [ After 16...xc5 17.dxc5 Black's major pieces can't generate enough immediate t h r e a t s t o s t o p W h it e f r o m c o m p l e t in g development. The three pieces are probably favourite to outplay the queen longterm, but things remain fairly unclear. ] 17.b4 e5! Black must get his rooks into action. 18.d5!? Rather daring to say the least! I'm surprised that he didn't opt for [ 18.0-0 exd4 19.a4 when things are double-edged but Black's king is in some danger. Black's defence would then hinge on d6 ] 18...xd5?! [ 18...e4! comes into consideration, then (if you d on't min d) I'd like to de scrib e th e position as 'unclear'! ] 19.e4! d4 20.0-0 xc5? [ 20...xa1! is really going into the lion's den but after 21.e3 a7! Black might be able to survive e.g. 22.b3+ ( or 22.xd7+! nobly continuing with the attack c5 23.bxc5 a5! 24.c6+ a6 ) 22...d4 23.xd4+ exd4 ]

21.bxc5+ a7 22.d2 b8 23.a4 xc5 24.e3 e7 25.axb5 xh2 It's either this or r e s i g n i n g . 26.xh2 h8+ 27.g1 h4 28.f3 h2+ 29.f2 h4+ 30.e2 1-0


B00 Handoko,Edhi 2407 Torre,Eugenio 2535 2nd Dato' Arthur Tan Malaysian Open (3) [Glenn Flear]

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.c3 e6 4.f3 b4 5.d3 f6 6.e2 d5 7.exd5 [ A reasonable try as 7.e5 e4 8.d2 xd2 gives Black no particular problems. ] 7...xc3+ [ A number of strong players have opted for recapturing with the queen. This is most commonly done immediately e.g. 7...xd5!? 8.0-0 xc3 9.bxc3 0-0 10.f4 c8 11.fe1 c5 Bareev,E-Bauer,C Enghien-lesBains 2001 with a good position for Black. ] [ Also possible is 7...xd5 although 8.d2 xc3 9.bxc3 e7 10.0-0 d7 11.a4 gives White a small initiative. ] 8.bxc3 xd5 9.f4 bd7 Now it's 'Blunder o f t h e w e e k ' t i m e . . . 10.xc7?? c6 The threats to the bishop and the queen's rook (via c3) cost W hite a piece. An astonishing oversight for a 2400-player. 0-1

53 Hector,Jonny Gausel,Einar ch-Nordic Aarhus DEN (3) [Neil McDonald]

B00 2538 2533 08.09.2003

1.e4 c6 2.d4 e5 3.dxe5 xe5 4.f3 Simple Chess. Johnny Hector has a great respect f or slightly of f beat openings and d o e s n 't s e e k a n o u t - a n d - o u t r e f u t a t i o n . Instead he relies on natural development to yield a space edge. f6?! [ M i l e s u s e d t o l i k e t o f l i c k i n 4...b4+! here, as to give White a choice. After A) If 5.bd2 then White's development is slightly gummed up. A recent game 40

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 continued xf3+ 6.xf3 f6!? ( 6...e7 was Miles's preference in Garcia,G-Miles, A Capablanca Memorial 1995) 7.g3 d6 8.d3 g6 9.c3 c5 10.b4 xg3 11.hxg3 b6 12.c4 f6 13.a4 g4 14.0-0 xf2+ 15.xf2 xf2 16.xf2 d7 Escofet,J-Kliman,D Montevideo 2003 and Black's superior pawn structure means he's fine, despite having had to give up two pieces for a rook.; B) 5.c3 xf3+ 6.xf3 c5 7.c4 f6 8.f4 d6 9.0-0 e7 10.g3 g6 11.e3 b6 12.d2 0-0 13.f4 d7 gives Black a respectable-looking Classical Scotch type position, Tiller,BHouska,M British League 2002 ] 5.xe5 xe5 6.d3 b4+ 7.d2 e7 8.0-0 d5 This move is not new, but hasn't be en te s te d a t such a high le vel be f ore . 9.exd5 d6 10.g3 xd5 The centre is liquidated, but Black has fallen slightly behind in development. This is enough for Hector to obtain an edge. 11.e4 c5 12.b1! a5 [ After 12...0-0 the time and space gaining 13.b4 is a nuisance ] 13.b3 0-0 14.c4 The bishop is trapped by the knight. In such an open position this is s i g n i f i c a n t . d8 15.a3 Now the bishop leaps to life and Black's position starts to creak. g5 16.h4 b5 17.xd6 cxd6 18.c4 [ 18.xd6? is bad after f5 and it's White who finds himself tangled up. Hector instead f i x e s t h e we a k n e s s , h e ' l l g e t r o u n d t o pressurizing it later when his pieces are all in play. ] 18...b6 19.c2 h6 20.bd1 g4 21.d2 a4 22.b1 c7 23.d3 c8 Giving up the d-pawn as a bad job. Instead [ 23...c8 24.bxa4 a7 25.c5 is grim. ] 24.xd6 axb3 25.xb3 c6 26.c5 f5 27.xf5 xf5 28.e1 d7 29.c4 There's no particular hurry for White, he will improve his position and avoid any Black counterplay. dd8 30.b2 d7 31.e4 f3 32.be2 a3 33.4e3 xe3 34.xe3 f5 35.e8+ h7 36.g4! Playing for more than a basic pawn-up ending with [ 36.e4 Hector recognizes that as Black's rook and knight are tied down, White's king is relatively safe whereas Black's is

gradually exposed. ] 36...f3 37.e3 d1+ 38.h2 b1 [ 38...d4 may oblige White to take the winning ending with 39.d3+ ] 39.h5 g8 40.g2 d1 [ 40...h7 resists longer ] 41.e8+ h7 42.e4+ g6 43.hxg6+ fxg6 44.h8+! xh8 45.e8+ h7 46.xd7+ g8 47.c8+ 1-0

54 Hoekstra,Matthew D'Onofrio,Lee C 29th World Open (4) [Neil McDonald]

B00 2221 06.07.2001

This game contains a survey of recent games in line with ...a6. The line in the game is very unusual and interesting and not as bad for Black as the results. Black's flashiest game in t h e s u r ve y c o m e s i n p r o b a b l y h i s wo r s t variation - Resika-Galaras. Black made the most of his trumps, but the line is not one I can recommend, though it is not without its dangers for W hite. Maybe I am just getting timid in my old age? 1.e4 a6 2.d4 e6 [ 2...b5 A) 3.f3 f6 4.e5 d5 5.c4 bxc4 6.xc4 e6 7.0-0 e7 ( 7...b7 ) 8.xd5 exd5 9.c3 c6 10.b3 a5 11.e1 a6 12.f4 c7 13.e2 a6 14.g3 e6 15.d2 g6 16.h6 b8 17.c2 b4 18.a3 c4 19.d2 a4 20.ad1 b3 21.h4 c4 22.h2 d8 23.c1 b5 24.d2 xh4 25.ge4 e7 26.d6+ xd6 27.exd6 e2 28.b1 xd1 29.g5 1-0 Arias Santana,M-Vaglio,J San Jose CRC 2001.; B) 3.a3 b7 4.c3 e6 5.f3 f6 6.d3 c5 7.dxc5 xc5 8.g5 c7 9.0-0 c6 Black has reached a sensible position a kin t o t h e T a i m a n o v S icilia n . 10.d2 d4 11.xd4 xd4 12.d1 g4 13.f4 xf4 14.xf4 e7 15.c3 e5 16.xe5 xe5 17.c2 c4 18.b3 b6 19.d3 hc8 20.c1 d5 21.f3 c5 22.f2 d8 23.e2 dxe4 24.xe4 xe4 25.fxe4 d3 26.f2 d7 27.e3 e5 28.e2 d7 29.f2 c8 30.d1 dc7 41

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 31.c1 c6 32.d2 d4 33.b1 c6 34.c1 a5 35.e5 a4 36.b4 d4 37.d1 f5 38.h3 h5 39.e4 c4 40.c5 d8+ 41.d3 d5 42.e1 g4 43.e2 h4 44.xd5 exd5 45.g3 f3+ 46.d3 g5 47.e3 g6 48.h4 e6 49.b7 d4 50.cxd4 xd4 51.d6 f5 52.xf5+ gxf5 53.f3 e6 54.e3 d5 55.e2 e4 56.f3 d4 0-1 Thiruchelvam,MSinkevich,P Witley ENG 2001.; C) 3.d3 b7 4.f3 f6 5.bd2 c5 6.c3 e6 7.0-0 e7 Black should wait with this - either take on d4, play ...Nc6 first, or swit ch pos ition type s with .. .d5 . 8.e1 c6 9.e5 d5 10.dxc5 xc5 11.e4 This variation gives W hite a very dangerous initiative as he gains a lot of time against Black s dark-squared bishop which he can use to make usef ul an d direct threats. e7 12.g5 f6 ( 12...0-0 13.xe7 cxe7 14.d6 b8 15.xh7+ xh7 16.g5+ g6 17.g4 f5 18.g3 h5 19.gf7 1-0 Rosten,O-Roe,S Glorney Cup U20 1995. ) 13.exf6 gxf6 C1) 14.h4 fxg5 15.h5+ f8 16.g6+ g7 ( 16...hxg6 17.xh8+ f7 18.h7+= ) 17.xh8 e8!; C2) 14.h6 Black has no safe home for his king. b6 15.a4 0-0-0 A bold decision. 16.axb5 axb5 17.e2 White seems destined to start landing punches first, since the movement of the Pb 5 in vit es m ost o f h is a rmy in . . . f5 18.ed2 ( 18.g3!? ) 18...hg8! ( 18...b4 19.a6 ) 19.xb5 g6 20.c4?! The drawback with this is that it makes Ba6 problematic, and that move would draw the teeth of Black's attacking chances. ( 20.c4!? ) 20...db4 21.e3 c7 22.b3?! dg8 23.g3 f4 Now Black is in charge - everything converges on the W hite king. 24.d4 fxg3 25.fxg3 xg3+! C2a) 26.hxg3 xg3+ 27.h1 ( 27.f1 h3+ 28.f2 g2+ mates. ) 27...h3+ 28.h2 xd4+; C2b) 26.h1 xd4 27.bxd4 3g4 28.c5 xc5 29.xd7+ xd7 30.xe6 c6 0-1 Resika, N-Galaras,A Ikaros GRE 2001. ] 3.f3 b5 4.d3 b7 5.0-0 c5 6.c3 f6

7.e2 [ 7.bd2 ] 7...c6 A very provocative variation which got a workout in recent practice. 8.d5 e7 9.d6 g6 10.e5 xf3 11.gxf3 d5 12.h1 A very extreme position. Black has surrendered the bishop pair to do some very nasty things to W hite's pawn structure. On the other hand, White has also wedged his centre in Black's face. This is one of those positions that just seems unlikely to be equal due to the concessions both players have made. df4 [ 12...f5 is even more committal - it will take so long to get his kingside developed, and it will be hard to keep a lid on the position in the meantime. Also, e5 is far more secure after this advance. 13.a4 b4? 14.cxb4 cxb4 15.xa6 h4 16.b7 a5 17.xd5 xd5 18.f4 d4 19.a5 e4 20.f3 d8 21.a6 h4 22.h5+ g6 23.xh4 xh4 24.a7 e7 25.a8+ d8 26.e3 0-0 27.b7 h3 28.d2 h4 29.g1 g5 30.xe4 f3+ 31.g2 fxe4 32.xd7 h8 33.e7 b8 34.d7 1-0 Kulesza,MChetverik,M Karvina CZE 2001. ] 13.xf4 xf4 14.e4 xd3 15.xd3 g5?! Again Black makes a risky line riskier with extremism. All of [ 15...f6!? ] [ 15...g6!? ] [ 15...g5!? give Black counterplay against W hite's jagged pawns and kingside. The ga m e m o ve d o e s h a ve a lo gica l b a s is , isolating the e5 pawn and undermining e5 it is just obviously much riskier. The bottom line is whether White can crank open some lines of attack before Black can complete development and mount pressure on White's hyperextended pawns. If this line is to be playable for Black, then he must be able to coordinate and consolidate a bit first intuitively I would suggest that 15... g6 is the most likely candidate. ] 16.d2 c4? [ 16...g7 first must be better, making it harder for White to put his N on e4. ] 17.d4 g7 18.e4 g8 19.g1 h8 20.xg5 xe5 21.xe5 f6 22.xe6 xg1+ 23.xg1 fxe5 24.g8+ f7 25.xd8 xd8 26.xd8+ e8 27.b7 f7 28.c5 e8 42

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 29.xa6 1-0

55 Holzhaeuer,Mathias Barmbold,Jens 72nd ch Seebad Heringsdorf GER (3) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2362 2270

1.e4 c6 2.f3 f5 3.exf5 d5 4.b5 Let's get quickly acquainted with some of the main ideas of this offbeat defence. My old impression of this one has always been that it is not bad for a surprise and not nearly as bad as it looks - quite tricky really - though statistically black tends to get spanked for his boldness. A closer look indicates that it is tricky but nearly as bad as it looks, with white ha vin g a varie t y of wa ys to ge t a lastin g advantage. [ 4.d4 xf5 5.b5 e6 6.xc6+ bxc6 7.e5 c5 8.h5+ g6 9.e2 g7 10.f4 cxd4 11.g4 e4 12.0-0 g5 13.g3 e7 14.d2 xc2 15.df3 d3 16.e3 0-0 17.xg5 f6 18.xd3 xd3 19.xd3 g6 20.e3 d7 21.h3 c6 22.f3 f8 23.e5 xe5 1/2-1/2 Darnstaedt,F-Hille,I/ Germany 2000 ] [ 4.h4 e5 5.h5+ g6 6.fxg6 f6 7.g7+ ( 7.g5 c5 8.d3 e7 9.e2 d7 10.0-0 0-0-0 11.f5 e6 12.g7 he8 13.h6 e7 14.c3 d4 15.h5 xh5 16.xh5 c6 17.e3 xc2 18.ac1 b4 19.xa7 xd3 20.b6 f4 21.f7 xh6 22.xd5 e2+ 23.h1 e6 24.xe7+ xe7 25.f8 ee8 26.f3 xc1 27.a3 xa2 28.d6 e6 "0-1" Jurkovic,A-Tribuiani,R Nereto 1998. Presumably white actually did deliver mate before his flag fell or some other oddity.) 7...xh5 8.gxh8 xh4 9.xh7 d4 10.g6+ d8 11.g3 g4 12.xg4 xg4 13.g2 xc2+ 14.f1 xa1 15.xd5 c6 16.g2 f5 17.c3 d3+ 18.g1 c2 19.e4 e1 20.xd3 xd3 21.g2 f6 22.f3 c5 23.h4 e7 24.g4 g8 25.h5 xh5 26.xh5 f4+ 27.h2 xh5 28.gxh5 h8 29.d3 xh5+ 30.g2 d4 31.e2 e6 32.f4 h8 33.fxe5 xe5 34.f3 d5 35.f4+ xf4 36.xf4 a5 37.e2 b5 38.a3 h3 39.e3

h2+ 40.f2 c5 41.e3 a4 42.f3 c4 43.dxc4+ xc4 0-1 Sorsa,N-Kiik,K/Pori 1997 (43) ] 4...xf5 5.e5 a6 [ 5...d7 6.xc6 ( 6.h5+ g6 7.xg6 f6 8.h4 presumably allows some cool sacrificial continuation?) 6...bxc6 7.a4 e5 8.h5+ g6 9.xe5+ f7 10.xh8 h4 11.c3 e4+ 12.f1 e8 13.e3 xa4 14.f3+ f6 15.b3 d4 16.c3 e5 17.e3 f5 18.xe8+ xe8 19.d4 c2 0-1 Lahti,J-Porrasmaa,T/Kuopio 1998 (19) ] [ 5...d6 looks the most sensible, but it has a deplorable record. 6.d4 f6 7.0-0 d7 8.c3!? cxe5 9.dxe5 xe5 10.e1 d6 11.f3 g6 12.f4 c5 13.b4 1-0 Tissir,MClery,D Cappelle la Grande 1997. ] 6.xc6+ [ 6.xc6 d7 7.xe7 axb5 8.xf5 xf5 9.d4 ( 9.e2+ f7 10.d4 f6 11.e3 b4+ 12.c3 xa2 13.xa2 xb1+ 14.d1 xa2 15.cxb4 c4 16.f3 xb4+ 17.f2 xb2+ 18.g3 e8 19.d3 e6 20.h4 c6 21.g5 e4+ 22.h2 c3 23.f1 xg5 24.hxg5 c2 25.g3 xd4 26.h4 e5+ 27.f4+ g6 28.d3+ xg5 29.xc2 xf4+ 30.f2 h5 31.g3 d4+ 32.g2 c4 33.d2+ f6 34.e3 b4 35.e8 b3 36.f8+ e6 37.c8+ d6 38.xb7 e2+ 39.h3 xf3 40.b4+ e6 41.h2 e2+ 42.g1 b2 0-1 Seyffer,B-Poethig,H Germany 1984.) 9...f6 10.d3 g4 11.0-0 d6 12.c3 c6 13.e2+ d7 14.xg4+ xg4 15.h3 f6 16.e3 h6 17.a4 b4 18.e2 ae8 Braun-Poethig, Germany 1984 (1/2-1/2, 48 ) though black's compensation for the pawn is ... abstract. ] 6...bxc6 7.f3 [ 7.d4 e6 8.xc6 h4 9.c3 d6 10.e3 f6 11.d2 e4 12.xe4 xe4 13.0-0-0 xg2 14.hg1 f3 15.xg7 xd1 16.xd1 f8 17.g1 f7 18.g8+ f8 19.g7 c8 20.e5 1-0 Dudek,R-Gross,G/ Germany 1997/GER-chT (20) ] 7...e6 8.d3 c5 9.h5+ g6 10.e2 h5 11.d2 This is one of the best positions I have seen for black in this little survey, but he still has plenty of weaknesses to guard. h6?! Black should not trade this piece - it is his better bishop, and the pawn weaknesses are 43

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 easier to tolerate with more material on the board and greater chances to create complications. 12.df3 xc1 13.xc1 g5 14.h3 f6 15.g3 xh3 16.xh3 g4 17.h2 [ 17.xg4!? hxg4 18.xh8 gxf3 19.xg8+ f7 20.g4! fxe2 21.f4 ] 17...gxf3 18.xf3 e7 19.e5 f8 [ 19...xe5+ 20.xe5 ] 20.xf6 [ 20.xh5+!? ] 20...xf6 21.g5?! [ 21.e2 ] 21...d7!? [ 21...h6 ] 22.xh5 f5 23.e2 [ 23.g4 ] 23...g8 24.f4 e5 25.f1 exf4 26.gxf4 g6 27.h7+ c6 28.h3 gf8 29.h6 8f6 30.d2 d4 31.c3 b5 32.b3 c6 33.cxd4 cxd4 34.c1+ d6?? [ 34...b6 leaves white with progress problems - he has managed to pacify his extra pawn and repair black's structure on the queenside. ] 35.g5+- d5 36.e4 xf4 37.c5+ e6 38.c6+ e5 39.h5+ 6f5 40.xf5+ xf5 41.f6+ e5 42.xg6 1-0

[ 12.d5 leads W hite nowhere: after 0-0 13.c4 d7 Black controls the important c5square and has excellent prospects. ] 12...f7 Black has to waste a tempo because 13. exf5 was threatened, for example: [ 12...0-0 13.exf5 xf3 14.fxg6 with a clear extra pawn. ] 13.d5! This unexpected and well calculated breakthrough in the centre of the board is the only way to fight for an opening advantage. fxe4 14.xe4 exd5 [ Black has to accept the sacrifice, as quiet continuations like 14...0-0 15.dxe6 xe6 16.f5 intending f6 give White a strong attack for nothing. ] [ 14...xd5 was the alternative to the text, but it's no better: 15.c4 c6 16.h3! ( threatening Ng5) xe4 ( forced) 17.xe4 c6 18.d3! e7 19.ad1 with tremendous compensation for a pawn. ] 15.ae1! T h e p o i n t . d8 The only way to avoid immediate loss. Such a move cannot be good, however it's best! [ The alternatives are hopeless: 15...dxe4 16.xe4 xe4 17.xe4+ d7 18.xa8 ] [ 15...f8 16.g5! hxg5 17.fxg5 xf3 18.xf3+ g8 19.e8# ] [ 15...0-0 16.g5! hxg5 17.h3 g6 18.fxg5 g7 ( 18...c8 19.h6 f5 20.xf5 gxf5 21.e6 ) 19.xf8+ xf8 56 B00 ( 19...xf8 20.xg6+- winning ) 20.e6 f7 21.f1 and White wins. ] Ilincic,Zlatko 2545 Now it's clear that Black's idea has Filipovic,Branimir 2410 16.g3 Jugoslavija 1997 failed: for the cost of only one pawn White has a l a r g e a d va n t a g e i n d e ve l o p m e n t , a n d [Alexander Volzhin] Black's King feels very unsafe in the centre of 1.d4 b6 2.e4 b7 3.c3 e6 4.f3 b4 the board. c6 [ Black can't prevent Nf5 as 16...c8 fails to 5.d3 f6 6.g5 h6 7.xf6 xf6 8.0-0 17.c4 ] xc3 9.bxc3 d6 10.d2! White should play actively and try to exploit his development 17.f5 a6 [ 17...g6 18.h4 g8 19.e3 with a large advantage, otherwise he will have no advantage ] compensation for his weak Q-side pawns. [ Quiet continuations like 10.a4 lead White 18.g4 g8 19.e3! White simply doubles nowhere: 0-0 11.a5 e5 12.e2 c6 Rooks on the e-file and prepares the decisive 13.a6 c8 14.d5 e7 15.d2 g6 penetration. f6 [ 19...c8 is no real improvement in view of and Black was already slightly better in 20.h4+ d7 21.fe1 ] Liberzon - Larsen, Geneva, 1977. ] 20.fe1 c8 21.f3! Black has failed to 10...g6?! A novelty of rather doubtful value. coordinate his forces and now material loss is [ 10...e5 is the usual move here. ] 11.f4 f5 This is the idea behind Black's unavoidable. f7 [ 21...xf5 22.xd5 f8 23.xc6+previous move. 12.f3! 44

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 winning ] b8 18.xd7 xd7 19.b5 ee7 20.c4 22.c4! dxc4 exd4 21.xa5 d5 Allowing the queen to [ 22...xf5 23.xd5 f6 24.xc6+co m e t o t h e d e f e n c e . 22.xb7 xb7 winning ] 23.exd5 xe1+ 24.xe1 d6 25.a5 xc2 23.xc6 xf5 Forced. 26.cxd4 c3 27.a6+ a7 28.d1 f5 [ The attempt to hold onto his material 29.h3 g4 30.hxg4 fxg4 31.e8 xd5 advantage would lead to disastrous 32.c8 c6 33.xg4 1/2-1/2 Nikolaidis,Kc o n s e q u e n c e s : 23...a7 24.e7 f8 Minasian,A Panormo 1998. (59) ] 25.d4 b5 ( 25...xe7 is no better: 11.f4 e7 A rare move, and one that has the 26.xe7 xe7 27.xc4 f8 28.c6 a8 Kramnik stamp of approval, though it looks 29.e4 f7 30.d8+ xd8 31.xa8 very passive. with a decisive material advantage.) 26.e4! [ 11...exd4 12.e5 dxe5 and Black can resign: d7 27.xd7+ xd7 A) 13.fxe5 g5 14.f3 e3+ ( 14...xf3 28.e6+ d8 29.c6# ] 15.xf3 xe5 16.e1 f6 17.cxd4 24.xa8+ c8 25.e4 White has a decisive xe1+ 18.xe1+ d8 19.fe3 d7 advant age, an d converts it to a win very 20.g6 c8 21.e8+ b7 22.e4+ c6 convincingly. 23.e7 1/2-1/2 Sepp,O-Vetemaa,J Brugge [ 25.e7 was not bad either: xe7 26.xe7 1995 - though white must be better here?) xe7 27.c6 and although there is still a lot 15.h1 0-0 16.cxd4 d7 17.h4 g5 of play left, W hite should easily win the 18.e1 ae8 19.f2 d5 20.c4 b7 game. ] 21.f5 c8 22.ae1 c5 23.xd7 25...f8 26.h3 h5 27.h2 g6 28.1e3 b5 1/2-1/2 Tkachiev,V-Minasian,A Cannes 29.a3 f5 30.c6 d7 31.d5 f5 1995.; 32.a8 d7 33.g3 f7 34.c6 f5 B) 13.h5!? A very scary idea that has 35.d4 c8 36.g5 g8 37.a4! bxa4 not won supporters despite it leading to a 38.xa4 e8 39.e5 f8 40.c6 d7 very nice win over an ex-world champion. 41.xc4 The rest is easy and needs no g6 14.e2 c6 15.fxe5 e7 16.e6 commentary. b7 42.g5 f6 43.b3 c6 B1) 16...xe6 44.c4! g7 45.c5 d7 46.d3 f7 B1a) 17.xe6+ fxe6 18.xg6+ d8 47.cxd6 xd6 48.xg6! b5 19.ad1 and white should be able to [ 48...xg6 49.xg6 xd4 50.g7++net back a pawn while black is winning ] c o o r d i n a t i n g h i s f o r c e s . ( 19.cxd4 49.dxd6+ cxd6 50.xd6+ xd4 20.ad1 ); 1-0 B1b) 17.f2 0-0-0 ( 17...0-0 18.cxd4 ); B2) 16...f5 17.b3 0-0-0 ( 17...dxc3!? 57 B00 was perhaps rejected due to the po ssib ilit y o f 18.xf5 but this doesn't Jakic,Ivan 2255 s e e m s o u n d : gxf5 19.h5+ d8 Filipovic,Branko 2462 20.ad1+ c8 21.xf5 g8 22.g3 Christmas Open (2) 16.12.2001 d8 ) 18.cxd4 xd4 19.xd4 xd4 [Jon Tisdall] 20.e5 hd8 21.ae1 a4 Very risky, inviting the white bishop in, though black 1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 e6 4.c3 f6 seems to be beating a path to the white 5.f3 b4 6.g5 h6 7.xf6 xf6 8.0-0 king. 22.b5 xa2 23.d1 xc2 xc3 9.bxc3 d6 10.d2 e5 24.xd8+ xd8 25.d7+ b8 26.d1 [ 10...g5!? This looks a much safer g8 27.b5 ( 27.e7 xg2+ 28.f1 alternative to the main line. 11.e2 e5 c4+ 29.e1 h4+ ) 27...a6 28.e7 12.e3 d7 ( 12...c6!? ) 13.b5 0-0-0 xg2+ 29.f1 b3 30.e8+ a7 14.a4 a5 15.ab1 White has the better of 31.e2 h3 32.e1 h4+ 33.d2 it as black must exercise great care over his g5+ 34.c3 1-0 Ionescu, C-Smyslov, king position. he8 16.fe1 g6 17.d3 45

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 V Sochi 1986. A very entertaining game, but practice seems to be correct that the line is not objectively good for white. ] 12.g4 [ 12.fxe5 dxe5 13.b5+ ( 13.g4!? 0-0 ) 13...c6 14.c4 0-0 15.f5 d7 16.h5 b5 17.b3 c5 18.dxc5 f6! 19.f3 ( 19.xe5 c7 20.f5 c8 21.f4 h5 ) 19...c8 20.xf6 xf6 21.xf6 gxf6 22.d5 b8 23.f1 g7 24.b3 e6 25.c6 bd8 26.d1 f5 1/2-1/2 Maljutin,EKramnik,V Sochi 1990. (55) ] 12...g6? [ 12...0-0 ] 13.f5 g5 14.f6 f8 A very ugly move, but black is understandably concerned about the state of his kingside after. [ 14...d7 15.h5 ] 15.a4 a5 16.b5+ c6 17.d3 d7 18.ab1 d8 19.c4 c7 20.g3 Black's position is ugly, passive and precarious. a6 21.e3 xd3?! [ 21...b7 is probably tougher, the bishop is worth having to harass white's knight. ] 22.cxd3 e8 23.c4 e6 24.d5 cxd5 [ 24...e8 25.dxc6 xc6 26.b5+black's queenside is going. ] 25.e3 [ 25.exd5 was simple and strong: A) 25...e8 26.f2 b8 27.xa5 c5 ( 27...bxa5 28.a7+ c8 29.xb8+ xb8 30.b1+- ) 28.c6 a8 29.d4+-; B) 25...xf6 26.xf6 xf6 27.xb6 xd5 28.xd6+- ] 25...b7 [ 25...dxe4 26.d5+ b7 27.xb6+ xb6 28.b1 c8 29.xb6+ a8 30.b5 and white's attack should be decisive as the black rooks are unlikely to play a role in the rest of the game. ] 26.xd5 c8 27.b5 c6 28.e3 a6 29.fb1 b8 30.h4 As black is thoroughly bound, white probes to win a pawn on the o t h e r f l a n k . xf6 This prolongs the game considerably. 31.xf6 xf6 32.f3 d7 33.xf7 gxh4 34.d5 xd5 35.xd5 c5 36.a1 [ 36.xd6 xa4 37.c4 ] 36...d8 37.h2 b7 38.h3 c6 39.xh4 e6 40.b5 f4 41.d4 xg2+ 42.g3 e3 43.f3 c4 44.e2 c8

45.d3 b7 46.a2 c7 47.h2 a3 48.b3 c4 49.xh6 d5 50.b5 dxe4+ 51.xe4 exd4 52.cxd4 g7 53.d3 c7 54.e6 c8 55.d5 d7 56.d4 c8 57.c6 d6 58.bxb6 1-0

58 Jamrich,Gyorgy Bordas,Gyula FSIM November (2) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2225 2186 05.11.2000

1.e4 c6 2.d4 e5 3.d5 ce7 4.g3 [ 4.f3 g6 5.e3 f6 6.bd2 W hite's lackadaisical development is far from most accurate. g4 7.g5 e7 8.xe7 xe7 9.c4 d6 10.d2 0-0 Black has a very comfortable position ideas of breaking up the centre with ...c6 or . . . f 5 a n d kn i g h t s r e a d y t o wo r k o n t h e kingside - white is not at all up to the task of trying to keep a lid on all of this. 11.h3 f6 12.d3 c6 Now that White has released pre ssu re on d 6 b la ck can p ry op en th e centre while white stumbles back in panic. 13.dxc6 bxc6 14.h2 d5 15.exd5 cxd5 16.e3 b8 17.b3 d4 18.c4 e4 19.e2 e3 20.xd4 exf2+ 21.xf2 e8 22.f3 a6 23.d4 xc4 24.bxc4 b4+ 25.f1 c3 26.d1 e4 27.e1 g3+ 28.g1 e3+ 0-1 Segura,J-Ong Chong Ghee Istanbul OL 2000. ] 4...g6 5.g2 f6 6.c3 c5 7.a4 b4+ 8.c3 e7 9.b3 c6 10.d6 f8 11.a3 b6 12.d2 c5 13.h4 h5 14.h3 b7 15.g5 c8 16.b4 cxb4 17.xb4 a5 18.a3 c6 19.b2 b5 20.0-0 b6 21.d1 g4 22.h1 f6 23.h3 b7 24.f3 h6 25.e3 g8 26.ab1 h8 27.fd1 8f7 28.e2 g5 29.hxg5 xg5 30.xg5 xg5 31.h2 g8 32.d5 f7 33.c1 xd5 34.xd5 xc3 35.bxb5 c6 36.d2 c2 37.xa5 h4 38.g4 h8 39.d1 g8 40.f1 h6 41.h1 xd2 42.xd2 c1 43.e2 h3 44.h2 c3 45.ad5 h6 46.d1 g7 47.5d3 c5 48.xh3 f7 49.g3 g5 50.g2 e6 51.xc1 xc1 52.e3 c4 53.d2 f4 54.b3 c5 55.d1 e3 56.a4 e6 57.d3 g5 46

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 58.f2 f4 59.d2 h2 60.f1 h4 61.a5 xg2 62.xg2 h1+ 63.g1 h3+ 64.f2 h2+ 0-1

59 Jansa,Vlastimil Hlavnicka,J Czech Extra League 2000-1 (2) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2467 2305 19.11.2000

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 f5 4.c3 f6 5.f4 d7 6.f3 h6!? [ 6...fxe5 This move seems to give white a freer hand, and seems inferior to me than keeping the tension - I see no reason to liberate the Bc1 somewhat, nor lose control over g5. 7.fxe5 0-0-0 8.b4 e6 9.e2 e7 10.0-0 h5 11.bd2 g5 12.b3 g4 13.e1 e8 14.c5 g6 15.ed3 b6 16.f4 f7 17.a6+ b8 18.a4 xe5 19.dxe5 xc5+ 20.bxc5 e7 21.e3 h4 22.e2 h3 23.g3 g6 24.cxb6 axb6 25.f4 d3 26.b4 d4 27.f4 e4 28.f2 xa6 29.xa6 c6 30.a4 xe5 31.a7+ c8 32.a8+ xa8 33.xa8+ d7 34.xd8+ xd8 35.cxd4 f3+ 36.f1 xh2+ 37.e2 f3 38.xh3 e7 39.f4 xd4+ 40.xd4 xd4 41.c1 c5 42.b1 a4 43.xb6 xa2+ 44.f1 a1+ 45.f2 a2+ 46.e2 f6 47.c6 a5 48.f4 a2+ 49.e3 a3+ 50.d3 f5 51.xc5+ f6 52.c4 f5 53.f4+ g5 54.e2 c3 55.e4 f5 56.e5+ f6 57.e3 c2+ 58.f1 f5 59.e5+ f6 60.e4 c3 61.e2 f5 62.a4 b3 63.e3 c3 64.a5+ f6 65.d4 b3 66.c4 b1 67.f2 c1+ 68.d3 g1 69.e4+ e7 70.g5 a1 71.g7+ 1-0 Stucl,B-Vombek,D AUT 1993. ] [ 6...0-0-0 7.b5 e6 8.e3 ge7 9.bd2 e4 10.b3 f5 11.f2 a6 12.e2 h5 13.bd2 g5 14.fxg5 fxe5 15.dxe5 g7 16.b3 xe5 17.c5 c6 18.a4 g4 19.b5 d6 20.d2 xf2 21.xf2 xf3 22.gxf3 e5+ 23.e2 e3 24.f4 xc3+ 0-1 Starcevic,A-Eklund,L Lidkoeping 1994. ] 7.e2 e4 This manoeuvre leads to fascinating early complications. 8.bd2 f5 9.xe4

[ 9.b3!? leads to great complications and seems to me to favour white. A) 9...e3 10.xe4 ( 10.e6!? ) 10...xg2+ 11.f2 dxe4 12.e6 d6 13.e5!+-; B) 9...a5 10.e6!? xe6 11.b5+ B1) 11...c6 12.xe4 dxe4 ( 12...xe4 13.xb7 ) 13.d5; B2) 11...c6 12.xa5 d3 13.g1 e3 14.f2; C) 9...xf3 10.xf3; D) 9...0-0-0 10.xe4 dxe4 11.d2 D1) 11...cxd4 12.cxd4 xd4 13.c4! ( 13.d1? c6! ); D2) 11...e3 12.e6! ( 12.xe4? a5! ) 12...e8 D2a) 13.c4 xg2+ 14.f2 h4 15.d5 b8 ( 15...xd5 16.b6+ axb6 17.xd5 ) 16.e3; D2b) 13.f2!? a5? 14.a3 c2 15.xa5 e3+ 16.g1 exd2 17.xa7 c6 18.xd2 xa1 19.c4+- ] 9...dxe4 10.d5 exf3 11.dxc6 xd1+ 12.xd1 fxg2 13.g1 bxc6 14.a4 0-0-0 [ 14...f7!? 15.xc6 d8 16.xg2 g6!? ( 16...e6 )] 15.xc6 e6 16.xg2 c5 17.b4 b6 18.d2 e7! 19.g2 d5 [ 19...fxe5! ] 20.f5! xc3 21.fxe6 fxe5 22.xd8+ xd8 23.g5 e8 24.d2!+- d4 25.c1 xa2 26.c2 e4 27.xa2 e3 28.c1 d8 29.h3 f8 30.g2 f3 31.g4 f4 32.e2 e7 33.b5 c5 34.f3 g6 35.g5 b6 36.e5 a4 37.d5 This game is also found in databases as Votava-Mikhaletz from the same event... 1-0

60 Jobava,Ba Oleksienko,M Al-Ain Classic Open A 2013 (6.1) [Glenn Flear]

B00 2705 2622 24.12.2013

1.d4 d5 2.c3 c6 3.e4 dxe4 [ 3...f6 4.e5 d7 5.a4!? New and slightly strange. ( after 5.xd5 Black has db8 6.c3 xd4 to regain the pawn. Then 7.e3!? is critical e.g. xe5 8.f3 d6 47

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 9.c4 e6 10.b5 e7 11.e2 a6 Sergeev, A-Vlassov, N Novokuznetsk 2012. W hite has superior development for the pawn, but Black is cramped though not in immediate danger.) 5...b4 6.f4 b8 7.e3 f5 8.c1 e6 9.f3 e7 10.e2 a6 11.0-0 h6 12.d2 8c6 13.d1 a5 14.b3 h5!? 15.e2 h4= Zeller, F-Bauer, C Switzerland 2013. ] 4.d5 e5 5.d4 g6 6.e3 [ After 6.xe4 f6 7.a4+ d7 8.b5 a6 9.xd7+ I don't think that White has anything special e.g. xd7 10.xd7+ xd7 11.f3 e8 12.e3 e5 13.dxe6+ xe6! 14.g5 e7 15.0-0-0+ c8= Strikovic, ANava Pereda, C San Sebastian 1994. ] 6...e5 7.dxe6 xe6 8.ge2! This is new and could well be an improvement in a position where White hasn't done that well. [ An early game continued 8.xe4 c6 9.d1 a5 10.d4?! f6 11.xf6 gxf6 12.c4 f5 13.e3 c5 14.e2 0-0 15.xe6 ae8 Ostojic, P-Knaak, R Budapest 1977, and Black was better. ] 8...f6 9.0-0-0 xd4 10.xd4 g4 11.b5+ c6 12.xc6! [ 12.e2 0-0-0 gets White nowhere. ] 12...a6 13.a4 xd1 Taking the exchange and then accepting that he will be in for a rough ride. [ Instead 13...d7 14.d5 d6 looks precarious, but I can't (nor can the computer!) see any way to exploit White's lead in development. ] 14.xd1 e7 15.xe7+ xe7 16.c5+ e6 17.e2 [ Or 17.f3!? ad8 18.b3+ e5 19.e1 with scary-looking pieces, but again it may not give any advantage. ] 17...hd8 18.d4+ e5 19.b6 Now Bc7+ is threatened, hence Black's next move. dc8 20.e2 f8 21.d4+ f5 22.g3+ g6 23.f4 exf3 Opening lines for White's bishops is fraught with danger. [ Instead giving himself some wriggle-room with 23...h5 makes sense. After 24.f5+ h6 25.h4 b5 26.b3 c7 the struggle remains unclear. W hite has practical compensation (great bishops!), but nothing concrete. ] 24.c3 fxg2 25.c2+ g5?

[ Necessary is 25...h6! but after 26.f5+ g5 27.e3+ g4 28.d4+ Black has to play the unfortunate e4 . Nevertheless 29.xe4 e6 30.b4 a5! is highly complicated, though probably better for White. ] 26.e3+ g4 27.d4+ h3 28.f5+ xh2 29.h4+ [ 29.h4+ xg3 30.h3# is quite an original mate. ] 1-0

61 Jones,Gawain C Smirnov,V Australian Championships (2) [Gawain Jones]

B00 2561 2392 01.2010

Longue 90m 1.e4 c6 2.f3 f6 3.e5 I noticed when preparing for the game that this hadn't yet been discussed on ChessPublishing but it must be critical. g4 [ 3...d5 would be more in the Alekhine spirit and I think should be recommended. 4.d4 d6 5.c4 b6 would transpose directly in t o a f a irly co m m on A le khin e p o s it io n examined in the archives. ] 4.d4 When preparing I was somewhat surprised to see how many games had been played in this line recently. The Icelandic IM Stefan Kristjansson used it against many strong players in the Beijing Mind games tournament in 2008. That tournament was only rapid but still this line has to be taken seriously. Black, rather than trying to equalise out of the opening, is trying for a double edged position without much theory where W hite has to play on his own. Objectively W h ite sho u ld b e b e t te r b u t h e ha s to b e careful not to advance his pawns too far or he might find himself with some problems to d e f e n d t h e m . d6 5.h3 h6 6.c3 My computer was broken for this game and so was using my fiancée's, which didn't have a computer engine, but I saw the following Areshchenko game which looked promising for White. [ 6.b5 has also been played but I'm doubtful whether W hite wants to trade off his light-squared bishop here. a6 48

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 After the game my opponent informed A) 7.a4 b5 8.b3 e6 ( 8...dxe5 9.d5 6...a6 a5 10.0-0 b7 is extremely unclear.) me this was the main move. [ The Areshchenko game ran 6...g6 7.f4 9.exd6 xd6 ( 9...xd6 looks rather more g7 logic al. P erh ap s B la ck wa s sca red o f A) 8.d2 f5 9.0-0-0 Immediately would 10.d5 but after a5 Black is still definitely be a scarier way of playing, 10.g4 is a big i n t h e g a m e 11.dxe6 xb3 12.exf7+ threat. ( 9.g4 does not yet win the piece xf7 13.axb3 0-0 14.0-0 b7 due to dxe5 10.dxe5 xd2+ 11.xd2 gives Black extremely good typical when Black has the d4 square f or his Marshall compensation for the pawn, in knight ); the shape of the two bishops and semiB) 8.b5 Again I'd be reluctant to play this open f file for the rook to attack down.) move. W hite wants to decrease the 10.c3 f5 11.e4 d7 12.c3 pressure on his centre but he then always gave White a fairly comfortable advantage has to watch out f or t he c5 break . 0-0 which the strong GM converted quickly in 9.xc6 bxc6 10.d2 f5 Korneev-Guerreiro, Malaga 2009 1-0 (25); B1) 11.g4 is th e mo st f o rcin g dxe5 B) 7.xa6 is given as played by Ni Hua 12.dxe5 xd2+ 13.xd2 b7!! b u t s e e m s u n l ik e l y! I g u e s s t h is wa s ( 13...h6 14.0-0-0 would leave White imp ut inc orrectly an d he also t ried 7 . with an extremely comfortable Bxc6; advantage with the better pawn structure C) 7.xc6+ bxc6 and the offside knight on h6) 14.gxf5 c5 C1) 8.0-0 f5 My guess is the Ni Hua15.e2 a6+ 16.e3 ( 16.e1 b7= Kristjansson game ran 9.c3 ( 9.e1 is Black's idea ) 16...h6+ was also played against Kristjansson by B1a) 17.e4 just favours Black b7+ Martin del Campo in the Beijing Rapid 18.d5 ( 18.d3 fd8+ ) 18...xd2 tournament and after e6 10.g5 d7 19.xd2 xd5+ 20.xd5 ad8+ 11.exd6 cxd6 12.d3 e7 13.c3 h6 21.xc5 xd2 when I prefer Black 14.xe7 xe7 15.e4 0-0 16.c4 with the active rook on the 2nd rank.; White was slightly for preference but the B1b) 17.g5 xg5+ 18.f4 h6 game ended in a draw.) 9...e6 10.g5 19.e4 when White can claim a small d7 11.h4 h6 12.xf5 hxg5 13.e3 advantage; b8 14.c4 e7 15.e1 d5 16.d2 B2) 11.0-0-0 b7 12.g4 c5 13.d5 c5 when the following moves are too B2a) 13...dxe5 14.xe5 xe5 garbled to decipher and although Ni Hua 15.xe5 d4 is the computer's top went on to win Black is doing very well at suggestion but understandable not to this point, a sort of super-French.; tra d e o f f t h e d a rk squ a re d b is h o p C2) 8.xh6 was a previous game of my which is a good defender but Black opponent's when after gxh6 a strange seems to be doing ok as the direct p o s i t i o n a r o se wh e r e B l a ck ' s p a wn 16.h4? xd5 17.h5 xh1 18.xh1 structure has been compromised hugely fails to ( 18.hxg6 b7 seems to be but in return he has the bishop pair, winning for Black too 19.g5 fxg6 some open lines f or his rooks and a 20.xg6 e5!-+ ) 18...d6; potential break with c6-c5. Rybka slightly B2b) 13...d4 14.xd4 cxd4 prefers White which is probably correct 15.xd4 c6?! ( 15...c5 had to be but he has to be very care f ul or th e tried ) 16.b4! b6 17.xb6 axb6 bishops will come to live with decisive 18.dxc6 xc6 19.he1 left White a effect. 1/2-1/2 Roy Chowdhury-Smirnov, pawn up in Areshchenko-Kristjansson, Parramatta 2009 (34) ] Reykjavik 2009 although seems [ 6.xh6 It's tempting to worsen Black's premature to resign so I guess we're structure but gives Black good counterplay just missing the rest of the score. ] gxh6 7.c3 g7 8.b5 when the lines will [ 6...e6 7.d3 b4 8.xh6 gxh6 9.e4 be similar to 6.Bb5 ] 49

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 g7 10.exd6 cxd6 11.b5+ e7 12.a3 d5 13.d2 b6 was HaznedarogluKristjansson, Beijing 2008 0-1 (32) when 14.c4! looks strong for White as c7 15.c5! dxc5 16.dxc5 xb5 17.d6+ e8 18.xc7 gives White a decisive attack ] 7.g5 [ 7.exd6!? is the computer's top suggestion but a human doesn't want to give away his centre so easily although after cxd6 8.d5 e5 9.xe5 dxe5 10.xh6 gxh6 11.f3 W hite's structural advantage is obvious. Nevertheless I prefer the game continuation but it's probably only a matter of style. ] 7...f5 8.h4 d7?! We decided afterwards that this was probably the losing move! [ 8...c8 is a definite concession but not so easy to exploit 9.f4 Not forced of course A) 9...f5 10.xf5 xf5 11.g4 d7 12.g2 Must favour White with his huge centre but he has to play accurately or Black will dismantle it with a well timed g5 o r h 5 b re a k . ( 12.d5 h6 13.h4 g5 shows it's not all one way traffic ); B) 9...dxe5 10.dxe5 ( 10.d5!? ) 10...e6 11.g4 xd1+ ( 11...f6? 12.xh6 gxh6 13.f5 g8 14.e6 Black's pieces are a sorry sight) 12.xd1 g8 13.f5 d7 14.g2 0-0-0 and Black has survived. White might regret his over-expansion. ] [ I r e m e m b e r h o p i n g f o r 8...d7? w h i c h a l l o w s t h e p r e t t y 9.e6! fxe6 ( 9...xe6 10.d5 also picks up a piece) 10.xh6 when Black cannot retake the piece due to the mate on h5 gxh6? 11.h5# ] [ 8...g6 takes a defender away from the vital e6 square. 9.e6! fxe6 10.xh6 gxh6 11.xg6 hxg6 12.g4 g5 13.xe6 xd4 14.g6+ d7 15.0-0-0 gives White great play for the pawn ] 9.g4 [ 9.exd6 was played in a previous game which also resulted in a quick win for White. cxd6 ( 9...b4!? is an interesting try 10.c1 exd6 ) 10.g4 ( 10.d5 b4 11.c1 looks very strong for White as the knight is trapped on b4 and so Black will have to play with rook and pawn against two pieces, a definite concession here.) 10...g6 11.d2 d5 12.0-0-0 g8 13.a4 a7 14.e1 e6 15.b6 d6 16.c8 b4 17.xa7 xa7

18.g2 a4 19.xd5 b5 20.xg6 1-0 Caspi-Spence, Gibraltar 2008 ] 9...g6 I thought at the time that Black's best was to try sacrificing a piece [ 9...dxe5!? 10.xh6! exd4 11.xf5 gxh6 12.e4 shouldn't be too difficult to convert though ] 10.d5 d8 [ 10...xe5 11.f4 traps the knight in the centre of the board. ] [ 10...b4 11.xg6 hxg6 12.a3+- ] 11.f4 e6 again the only move to prevent dropping a piece 12.dxe6 fxe6 [ 12...xe6 13.xh6 gxh6 14.f5 also picks up a piece but sets White more practical problems than the game c o n t i n u a t i o n . e7 15.f3 0-0-0 This position should be an easy win for W hite as long as he can get his king to safety but Black has a surprising number of t ricks, f o r e xa m p le 16.fxe6 ( 16.d5!? delaying the capture until the king is castled looks like the strongest move here.) 16...fxe6 ( 16...xe6 17.d5+- ) 17.c4 d5 ( 17...b8 18.e2 ) 18.b3? ( 18.d3 d4 19.e2 b4+ 20.f2 should be good enough for W hite too) 18...c5! isn't at all clear ] 13.xg6 hxg6 14.d3 df7?! [ 14...f7 had to be tried although 15.e2 d5 Otherwise Qe4xg6 was coming 16.0-0-0 gives White a huge position. Not only does h e h a ve t h e t wo b ish o p s a n d a le a d in d e ve lo p m e n t b u t h e e ve n h a s a b e t t e r pawn structure. Black will have to watch out for an f5 break or h4-h4 opening up the king. ] 15.xg6 c6 16.f1 d5 17.f5 Immediately go in g f o r t h e kil l b4 18.d4 xc3+ 19.bxc3 [ I had a pleasant choice between the game or 19.xc3 xc3+ 20.bxc3 which should be a fairly easy ending for White ] 19...d7 [ 19...0-0 was necessary but 20.xh6 xh6 21.0-0-0 followed by f6 and g5 and Black won't survive long. ] 20.fxe6+ xe6 21.xf7+! xf7 22.f5 xg5 23.0-0-0 I don't have to take the queen immediately:) e7 24.c5+ f7 25.xe6+ xe6 26.f1+ This line has been seen more 50

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 frequently recently but Black has to play 63 a c c u r a t e l y o r a ll t h e wa s t e d t i m e i n t h e Kaidanov,Gregory S opening with his g8 knight will cost him dearly. Kengis,Edvins 1-0 Gausdal [Alexander Volzhin]

B00 2555 2575 1991

1.d4 b6 2.e4 b7 3.d3 e6 4.f3 c5 5.c3 f6 6.e5!? A relatively rare continuation. Juan Mas,Santiago However it deserves serious attention. d5 Fraga,Jose Carlos Open Mallorca ESP (3) 04.12.2000 7.dxc5!? [ 7.0-0 e7 ( I would prefer 7...cxd4! 8.cxd4 [Jon Tisdall] e7 ) 8.a3 ( White could exploit Black's inaccuracy on the previous move by playing 1.e4 a6 2.d4 b5 3.c4 b7 4.f3 8.dxc5! The recapture with the Bishop leads This doesn't appear to be a terribly critical line, to Kaidanov - Kengis with an extra tempo for but white has had good results with it - though White. bxc5 9.a3 0-0 10.c4 there is very little evidence yet 'theoretically'. w i t h a c l e a r e d g e f o r W h i t e . A f t e r f6 bxc4 5.d5 11.c2! is very unpleasant and Black has [ 5.xc4 e6 6.e3 d6 7.e2 f6 8.bc3 problems with his King.) 8...cxd4 9.cxd4 bd7 9.0-0 b6 10.b3 d5 11.e5 fd7 The game has transposed to the Alapin 12.a4 xa4 13.xa4 e7 14.f4 0-0 Sicilian (1. e4 c5 2. c3 Nf6 3. e5 Nd5 4. d4 15.f5 exf5 16.xf5 c5 17.h1 cxd4 cd 5. Nf3 e6 6. cd b6 7.a3 Bb7 8. Bd3 Be7 9. 18.xd4 c8 19.g4 h8 20.h5 g6 0-0). a6! 10.xa6 xa6 11.d3 ac7 21.h3 f5 22.xg6 1-0 Kruck,M-Schaaf,R 12.bd2 0-0 13.e4 f6! 14.exf6 gxf6 Baunatal 1998. ] The strong centralized Knight and open g5...d6 6.xc4 d7 file promise Black good chances. 15.d2 [ 6...c5!? ] h8 16.ac1 c8 17.c2 b7 18.fc1 7.c3 g6 8.f4 g7 9.f3 b6 g8 19.g3 g4 White has run out of [ 9...gf6!? 10.e5 dxe5 11.fxe5 g4 ideas while Black has many ways to 12.e6 fxe6 13.g5 ( 13.dxe6 de5 ) increase the pressure (Ra8-g8, Bd6, f5). 13...xc3+ 14.bxc3 exd5 15.e6 c8 20.e5?? A gross blunder. fxe5 21.f3 16.xd5 ( 16.xg4 f6! 17.h3 dxc4 xg3! The refutation is not difficult to find. 18.f4 xg2! ) 22.hxg3 b5 23.h6 xd4 24.f7 f5 A) 16...xd5 17.xd5 c6 18.0-0 and W hite resigned in Maiwald - Miles, ( 18.g7+ f8 19.0-0+ df6 20.e6+ Oostende, 1991. ] g8-+ ) 18...cxd5 19.g7+ d8 7...xc5 8.0-0 e7 9.e2 c6 10.c4 20.e6+=; [ 10.e4 This move was recommended by B) 16...gf6 ] Kaidanov in his notes in Informant and his 10.b3 c5 evaluation of the position is that W hite is [ 10...f6 ] clearly better. However Lautier - Miles, Biel 11.dxc6 xc6 12.e3 f6? 199 2 p roved tha t t his evalu ation is to o [ 12...b8!? ] optimistic: c7 11.d1 b5 12.bd2 a6 13.xf7+! xf7 14.b3+ e8 15.xb6 13.b3 c8 14.g5!? xg5 15.xg5 h6 d7 16.g5 d5 17.d1 h6 16.h5 xe5 17.c5! g6 18.e2 d5! [ 17...e6 ] ( 18...xe4?? 19.gxe4+winning ) 18.exd5 hxg5 19.dxc6 xc6 20.fxg5 19.xd5 xd5 ( 19...xd5? 20.xe5 0-0 xg2 21.g1 xh2 22.gxf6 xf6 23.d2 21.ge4 , intending Rxd5!) 20.xe5 0-0 h5 24.d5 h4+ 25.f2 21.ge4 e8 22.b4 c6 23.d3 f6 1-0 24.d4 g7 25.f4 c7 26.a3 ae8 27.e1 e5! 28.fxe5 xe5 29.de3 e6 30.xe6+ xe6 31.c5 xe3 32.xe3 62

B00 2083


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 f7 33.d4 h7! with a balanced position. ] 10...db4 11.e4 f5 12.exf6 xf6 13.c3 e7 [ 13...0-0 is premature: 14.a3 a6 15.c2 intending b2-b4 with a clear edge. ] 14.a3 a6 15.b5 d5 [ 15...0-0 16.f4 ] 16.c2 [ 16.xd5? doesn't work in view of exd5 17.d6+ d7 18.xe7+ xe7 19.xb7 c6 and White loses a piece. ] 16...d8! [ 16...0-0 17.cxd5 exd5 18.d3 with a clear advantage ] 17.cxd5 [ 17.e1 dxc4 18.g5 c5! ] 17...exd5 18.e1 xe2 19.xe2+ f8 20.g5 It may seems that Black's position is critical. However he has something in mind! c5!! 21.xh7+ xh7 22.xh7 [ 22.xh7 a6 ( 22...a6 23.a4 xa4?! 24.c7!! is bad for Black.) 23.c7 f7! Now Black is threatening g7-g6 or Rd7, winning one of White's pieces. Here a draw was agreed as both players were already in time-trouble. Generally, this line seems to be rather unpleasant f or Black. In both Lautier - Miles and Kaidanov - Kengis White held the initiative throughout the game and Black had difficult problems to solve. So undoubtedly we can expect new encounters in this line. ] ½-½

64 Karjakin,Sergey Heberla,Bartlomiej Artek ol U16 (4) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2250 2330 14.09.2000

1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e3 e6 6.h3 [ 6.e2 e7 7.0-0 0-0 8.d2 d5 9.exd5 exd5 10.e5 xe2 11.xe2 e8 12.xc6 bxc6 13.d3 b8 14.a4 d6 15.f3 h5 16.g3 e6 17.ae1 xg3 18.hxg3 xg3 19.e2 g6 20.g2 h4 21.ff2 xf2+ 22.xf2 xg2+ 23.xg2 g5+ 24.f1 h5 25.b3 e8 26.c3 h4 27.e2 h3 28.g3

xe2 29.xe2 xg3 30.e8+ h7 31.xf7 g2+ 32.e1 g3+ 0-1 Kercher, P-Jaracz,P Bad Wiessee GER 2000. ] 6...h5 7.d2 [ 7.g4 g6 8.d3 d5 9.e5 e4 10.e2 h5 11.g5 h4 12.f4 f5 13.g2 e7 14.gxh4 h7 15.g1 d7 16.c3 0-0-0 17.c2 df8 18.0-0-0 a5 19.g4 c6 20.dg1 c4 21.xc4 xc4 22.b3 d3 23.e1 e2 24.4g2 c5 25.d1 c4 26.b3 e2 27.d1 a6 28.f3 xc3 29.bxc3 a3+ 30.d2 xa2+ 31.c2 xc2 32.xc2 xc2+ 33.xc2 xh4 34.h1 fh8 35.gh2 cxd4 36.cxd4 b5 37.d3 b7 38.e2 a5 39.f2 4h5 40.f4 c8 41.d3 b4 42.e1 b6 43.h4 a4 44.b2 b3 45.d2 b5 46.c3 b4 47.xb4 xb4 48.d2 a3 49.bb1 b2 50.h3 c4 0-1 Mamombe,K-Medina Colindres,J Istanbul OL 2000. ] 7...e7 8.0-0-0 0-0 9.g4 g6 10.d3 d5 11.e5 e4 12.xe4 xe4 13.e2 f5 14.exf6 xf3 [ 14...xf6 15.xe4 dxe4 16.e5 d6 ] 15.xf3 xf6 16.e2 a5!? [ 16...e7 is safe and sound. ] 17.f4 e8 18.h4 c5 19.b5 b6 [ 19...c4 20.c7 xd4 ] 20.c7 cxd4 21.xa8 xa8 22.d3 c4 23.b3 a6 24.a3 e5 25.g5 exf4 26.gxf6 xf6 27.xb7 c8 28.g1 g6 29.h5 e5 30.xh7+ f8 31.h6+ g8 32.h5 d3 33.hxg6 d2+ 34.d1 h8 35.xh8+ xh8 36.h1+ g8 37.g7 f7 38.xa7 xg7 39.xd2 f6 40.a4 d6 41.xf4+ e5 42.g4 e4+ 43.c1 xf2 44.h5+ d6 45.d4 c5 46.b4 b5 47.c4 1-0

65 Karpov,Anatoly Miles,Anthony J Skara [Alexander Volzhin]

B00 2725 2545 1980

A sensational loss by the World Champion in such an "exotic" opening. 1.e4 a6 2.d4 b5 3.f3 b7 4.d3 f6 5.e2 This seems to be the most natural White set-up. e6 6.a4 c5! 7.dxc5 52

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ 7.e5 c4! ] [ 7.c3 doesn't looks very promising either: the position after c4 8.c2 is similar to Dorfman - Miles, but obviously Black has an extra tempo. ] 7...xc5 8.bd2 b4 9.e5 d5 10.e4 e7 11.0-0?! [ 11.g5!? looks more ing as was played in Volovik - Kozlov.V, USSR 1987. The game c o n t in u e d : 0-0 ( 11...f6?! 12.exf6 gxf6 13.e5! ) 12.d6 c6 13.h4 f6 14.exf6 gxf6?! This move allows a beautiful c o m b i n a t i o n . ( 14...xf6 w a s b e t t e r .) 15.e5! Picturesque! Now Black has to decide which of the three pieces to take! fxg5 ( 15...fxe5 16.h5 f5 17.xf5 exf5 18.f7+ h8 19.e8+- winning; 15...xd6 is probably best, although White's attack is very strong after 16.xh7+! ) 16.h5 f5 ( 16...f6 17.xg5+ with Nf7+ to follow.) 17.xf5 exf5 18.f7+ h8 19.g6+! and Black resigned. ] 11...c6 12.d2 c7 13.c4 bxc3 14.xc3 xc3 15.xc3 b4 16.xb4 xb4 17.ac1 b6 18.e4 0-0 Now it's cle ar that W h it e h a s n 't m a n a g e d t o re f u t e B la ck ' s opening experiment. Moreover he hasn't even got a minimal advantage. However Karpov doesn't want to admit this and therefore he starts overreacting. 19.g5 [ 19.xh7+ This tempting sacrifice doesn't work here: xh7 20.g5+ g6! 21.g4 f5 22.g3 d4! Intending Qg4 and if 23.h3 then h5! with the idea of Qh4 parrying the attack. ] 19...h6 20.h7+?! Continuing the venture. [ 20.xb7 xb7 21.e4 with equality was better. ] 20...h8 21.b1 e7 Now I definitely prefer B l a c k . H e h a s a p a i r o f s t r o n g B i sh o p s , W hite's Q-side is seriously weakened and W h it e 's t h re a t s o n t h e K -sid e a re e a sily parried. 22.e4 ac8 23.d3 xc1 24.xc1 xb2 Black has won a pawn for nothing. It's difficult to say what Karpov was h o p in g f o r a n d wh e re h e m i sca lcu la t e d . 25.e1 xe5 26.xd7 b4 27.e3 d5! 28.xd5 xd5 The rest is easy and needs no commentary. A clear extra pawn and a pair of strong Bishops give Black a decisive advantage. 29.c3 c8 30.e2 g5 31.h4

g7 32.hxg5 hxg5 33.d3 a5 34.g3 f6 35.g4 d6 36.f1 e5 37.e1 h8 38.f4 gxf4 39.xf4 c6 40.e2 h1+ 41.d2 h2 42.g3 f3 43.g8 g2 44.e1 xe2 45.xe2 xg3 46.a8 c7 0-1

66 Karpov,Anatoly Zhu Chen FIDE GP Dubai UAE (2.2) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2693 2505 04.04.2002

1.d4 b6 2.e4 b7 3.d2 e6 4.c3 g6 5.d3 g7 6.gf3 e7 7.e2 d6 8.0-0 a6 9.e5 d7 10.e1 d5 [ 10...dxe5 would give black some squares and a potential target on e5. The game choice leads to a poor and slow French which Karpov handles very instructively. ] 11.f1 c5 12.h3! Creating a route to g4 for the Nf1. c6 13.1h2 h6 14.h4 White create s an amazing amount of lasting pressure just by keeping the h6 pawn in his sights. b5 15.f4 b6 16.e3 c4 17.c2 e7 18.b4 cxb3 19.axb3 b4 20.cxb4 c6 21.ec1 xb4 22.d1 a5 23.e2 b8 24.g4 h5 25.f6+ xf6 26.exf6 4c6 [ 26...8c6 27.c5 a6 28.xa6 A) 28...xa6 29.c7 ( 29.e5 ); B) 28...xa6 29.e5 ] 27.c5 d7 28.xd5 xf6 29.b5 a7 30.d6 a6 31.f4 g4 [ 31...d5 32.xd5 exd5 33.xa6 xa6 34.e1++- ] 32.c1 d7 [ 32...c8 33.bc5 xe2 34.xc6 xc6 35.xc6+- ] 33.b6 xe2 34.cxc6 An unusual and drastic invasion. xf3 35.gxf3 e5 36.xe5 f6 37.e6+ 1-0


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 67 Keskinen,Sauli Porrasmaa,Timo 2nd HCC Helsinki FIN (8) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 68 2292 Keskinen,Sauli 2220 Salmensuu,Olli 05.03.2002 2nd HCC Helsinki FIN (5) [Jon Tisdall]

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.c3 f6 4.e5 d7 [ 4...e4!? ] 5.e6 fxe6 6.f3 [ 6.d3!? ] 6...g6!? A sensible novelty. [ 6...e5 is more common, despite its lack of success. 7.xd5 exd4 8.c4 e6 9.g5 f6 10.e2 f7 11.f4 d6 12.0-0 d5 13.ae1 h6 14.xd5 hxg5 15.xg5+ g8 16.g3 b5 17.f3 h6 18.f7 1-0 Golubev, M-Sergeev,V/Kiev 1995 (18). ] 7.h4 g7 8.h5 e5!? 9.g5?! [ 9.h6 f6 10.dxe5 dxe5 11.xd5 g4 and black's activity should give him comfortable play. ] 9...xd4 10.hxg6 hxg6 11.xh8+ xh8 12.xd5 f8 13.c4!? [ 13.e3 ] 13...f5 [ 13...b5!? 14.xc7+ xc7 15.f7+ d8 16.c3 ] 14.b4? [ 14.e3 ] 14...de6 15.d5 [ 15.b5+? was probably the idea behind white's odd 14th move, but it doesn't work: c6 16.xc6 xd1+ 17.xd1 a6 18.a4 c5-+ so now white is stuck with a terribly misplaced piece on b4. ] [ 15.f3 ] 15...d6! 16.c3 c6 17.b3 a5 18.xe6 xe6 19.c2 xd1+ 20.xd1 f4 21.e3 d3 22.e2 a4 23.c4 f4+ 24.f3 b5 25.xf5 gxf5 26.f1 [ 26.xf4 bxc4 ] 26...e6 27.g4 f4 28.e4? The beginning of a suicide run. f6 29.f5 f7 30.g2 g5 31.xc6 e6# 0-1

B00 2292 2428 01.03.2002

1.e4 c6 2.f3 f5 3.exf5 d5 4.h4 This line doesn't get played very often, for reasons that will become obvious - almost no one can be expected to be prepared as white in this variation. On the other hand, one might argue that since it seems to win huge mounds of material, it would get more off-the-cuff tests. e5 Yee-hah! Please fasten your seat belts. 5.h5+ g6 6.fxg6 f6 7.g7+ xh5 8.gxh8 xh4 9.xh7 d4 10.c3 [ 10.g6+ d8 ( 10...e7 11.d3 f4 12.xf4 xf4 13.c3 xc2+ 14.d1 b4 15.g3 d4 16.e3+- 1-0 Lalic, SToll,A/open, St Heliers JER 1997 (71)) 11.d3 f4 12.f7 ( 12.g8 e8 13.xf4 xf4 14.a3 e6 15.g3 xa3 16.xf4 exf4 17.bxa3 xc2+ 18.d2 xa1 19.e2 d4 20.f3 d7 21.xa1 h8 22.e1 c5 23.e4 f8 24.e5 d6 25.g5 b5 26.g6 e5 27.g7 f7 28.g8 c4 29.b8 a6 30.a8 c7 31.xa6 c3+ 32.c2 xa2 33.h6 b3+ 34.c1 a7 35.d1 xa3 36.h5+ d6 37.xb3 xb3 38.f5 b2 39.xf4 e5 40.f8 b4 41.b8 xf2 42.xb4 xg2 43.b5+ f4 44.h5 f2 0-1 Pavasovic,D-Gross,G/It open, III-IV 1995 (44)) 12...b4+ 13.c3 g4 14.g8+ d7 15.g7+ c6 16.g3 f3+ 17.d1 d4+ 18.d2 f3+ 19.d1 d4+ 1/2-1/2 Naiditsch,A-Doettling,F/ Dortmund GER 2000 (19). ] 10...f5 11.xc7 g7 [ 11...c8 12.b5+ xb5 13.xe5+ e7 14.xe7+ xe7 15.xb5 xc2 16.d4 b4+ 17.d2 e7 18.c1 f6 19.c3 d3 20.f3 d7 21.f2 d6 22.g3 b5 23.he1 b4 24.a4 h8 25.g2 a5 26.c5+ xc5 27.xc5 1-0 Sylbing,GOudejans, M/Haarlem NED 2001 (27). ] 12.b5+ f8 13.c5+ g8 14.xd5+ h8 OK, now the main meal is over, and white is the exchange and fully four pawns ahead. Now the question is, can he just develop and get his king to safety, or is he too gorged to run? In this day and age we tend to believe 54

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 that we have the defensive technology to 17.h4 xf3 18.xf3 xf3 19.gxf3 xh4 avoid the kind of embarrassing defeats that 20.d2 f6 21.c4 h5 22.a4 a5 23.a3 our greedy chess forefathers suffered in the f4 24.e1 f8 25.e4 e7 26.f1 h5 golden age of sacrifices. But some people 27.b1 h4 28.b4 axb4 29.xb4 a8 clea rly re m em b er th e p o te n tia l p owe r o f 30.b5 f7 31.a5 bxa5 32.axa5 c8 ram pa nt d evelop me nt . 15.g3 gets a few 33.b7 e8 34.ba7 d7 35.a8 xa8 things out of his face and prevents ...Nf4, but 36.xa8 d8 37.g1 e2+ 38.g2 f4+ it does perforate the kingside. 39.h2 e7 40.c3 d7 41.e4 e7 [ 15.a4!? ] 42.g5 d7 43.e6 xe6 44.dxe6+ e7 15...e7 The threat of ...Nf4 looms again. 45.h3 c6 46.xh4 b6 47.g3 xe6 16.0-0 e4 17.d3 This gives me the creeps as 48.a6 c5 49.xc6 f5 50.c8 f6 it gives black a free hand on the kingside. 51.f8+ e7 52.h8 f6 53.h4 d4 [ 17.e2!? ] 54.f4 f5 55.fxe5 xe5+ 56.f3 g5 17...d8 18.c4 f3+ 19.h1 d4! 57.h8 f5 58.e3 f6 59.a8 e5 Bringing the last piece into the attack, and 60.f8+ f6 61.f4 g6 62.f3 e6 preparing the romantic finish. 20.b3 exd3 63.e4 e7 64.f5+ gxf5+ 65.xf5 f6 21.xd3 h4! 22.g2 g4 An interesting 66.h5 g7 67.g5 e5 68.g6+ f7 picture of initiative vs. material. 23.h1 d4! 69.h6 f6 70.d5 e7 71.h7+ f6 Black's attack is so dominant that even 72.h6+ f7 73.xd6 e8 74.e6 d7 [ 23...e1!? is an option. ] 75.xe7+ 1-0 Sarkar,J-Glinert,S New York 24.f3?! USA 2001. ] [ 24.gxh4 to try and extend the game by 8.g3 c6 making black take the queen was probably [ 8...e7 9.0-0 ( 9.h4!? ) 9...0-0 10.c4 c8 the only move. xh4! continues to improve 11.c3 d6 12.e1?! d7 13.b4 a5 the position via attack, and the queen isn't 14.bxa5 xa5 15.a4 Black has again going anywhere. ] achieved a kind of old-fashioned Spanish 24...xf3+ winning everything. 25.f2 xh1 with traces of a King's Indian. I am not sure 26.c4 xh2+ 27.f1 xg3+ An awesome how to assess this, but it looks playable and display of the Daring spirit. obscure. White has lost a tempo with his c0-1 pawn, Black has fooled around with his light square bishop. c5 16.b2 f5 ( 16...h3!? 17.g2 xd3 18.xd3 f5 ) 17.exf5 xf5 69 B00 18.a3 d7 19.b4 aa8 20.xf5 xf5 21.xc5 dxc5 22.g2 e4 23.xe4 xa4 Koch,Jean Rene 2507 24.xa4 xa4 25.e3 f7 26.f4 d7 Degraeve,Jean Marc 2589 27.a1 f6 28.a8+ f8 29.xf6+ gxf6 vs Select GMs (3) 24.06.2001 30.g4 g7 31.xf8 xf8 32.h4 f7 [Jon Tisdall] 33.f5 d7 34.e6 h5 35.h6 f8 36.xd7+ xh6 37.xc7 e8 38.f4+ The stem game is a rapid duel - this whole line g7 39.g2 a4 40.c7+ h6 41.f4+ is in a grey zone - it bears resemblances to g7 42.e4 d1 43.e7+ g8 44.e8+ 1...Nc6 lines, old Spanishes, Old Indians. In g7 45.g6+ f8 46.xf6+ g8 short, the kind of obscure, slightly 47.e6+ f8 48.f6 d2+ 49.g1 d1+ disreputable openings we house here, which 50.g2 c2+ 51.h3 g6 52.d6 aim to take the battle out of the books as 1-0 Kurniawan, B-Glinert,S New York USA quickly as possible. 1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 2001. ] 3.d3 f6 4.e2 c6 5.c3 e5 6.d5 e7 9.c4 b4+ 10.f1 0-0 It is probably more 7.f3 g6 [ 7...d6 8.g5 d7 9.a6 xa6 10.xa6 flexible to postpone castling a little bit. [ 10...cxd5!? ] h6 11.xe7 xe7 12.bd2 0-0 13.0-0 g5 14.b3 f5 15.exf5 xf5 and Black 11.h4 cxd5 12.cxd5 h6 [ 12...c8!? ] has a reasonable position. 16.d3 f6 55

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 13.a3 d6 14.c3 e8 15.h5 f8 16.h4 Now White has annexed a bit too much space. c5 17.f5 d6 18.b5 a5 [ 18...8d7 19.f3! ] 19.g2 h7 20.h4 c8 21.xe8 xe8 22.f3 xf5 23.xf5+ h8 24.xh6 6h7 25.e3 xe3 26.fxe3 a4 27.hh1 g8 28.ac1 c8 29.hf1 c7 30.e2 c5 31.xc5 bxc5 32.g4 f6 33.c3 b8 34.f2 d7 35.c2 g5 36.f2 c8 37.f5 b7 38.xa4 f7 39.c3 c4 40.f2 e7 41.g3 c5 42.c2 b6 43.h4 d3 44.e2 c5 45.xg5 fxg5+ 46.xg5 d7 47.h4 f7 48.g5 g8 49.f2 f8 50.a4 d7 51.b5 f8 52.g6 d8+ 53.h3 d7+ 54.f5 d8 55.h6 1-0

70 Kogan,Artur Spassky,Boris V Corsico [Andrew Martin]



We are about to see a masterpiece by Boris Spassky. Black very instructively tinkers with his opening move-order, trying to find the optimal way to reach a Hippo position. 1.e4 b6 Yes, I know this isn't strictly part of my brief but this is a very grey area and we soon transpose to a Hippo. 2.d4 b7 3.d3 e6 4.e2 d6 Spassky is very fond of this move order. By encouraging White's Bishop to go to d3 he figures that he cuts out some tricky lines. The overall idea is to go into a Hippopotamus system but he plays ....d6, ... Nd7 before ...g7g6. Note how effective this refinement is in this game. Black never need to play ....Bf8-g7 and uses the g-file later for attack! [ Developing the queenside first isn't the only way, as the following example shows, again with Spassky at the helm. 4...g6 5.0-0 g7 6.c3 d6 7.d2 d7 8.g3 Perhaps White s h o u l d h a v e p l a y e d f 2 - f 4 h e r e . h5!? ( 8...e7 9.f4 0-0 10.e2 a6 11.f3 c5! demonstrates how Black counterplay might co m e a b o u t .) 9.h3 gf6 10.e1 0-0 11.f3 h7 Before Bg5 ties him down. 12.e3 e5 13.d2 e7 14.g5 xg5 15.xg5 e8 16.c2 f6 17.ad1 h7

18.h6 e7 19.dxe5 Xie Jun-Spassky, B/ Tallinn 1998 White's a little better with the pawn on h5 looking out of place. ] 5.0-0 d7 6.f4 Kogan is in a belligerent mood. Spassky reacts coolly. [ 6.c3 gf6 7.d2 c5 8.e1 e7 9.a3 c7 10.b4 0-0 11.b2 fd8 12.g3 f8 13.c1 ac8 14.e2 a5 15.h3 g6 16.e3 g7 17.f3 b8 18.b1 a8 19.c1 a6 20.b5 b7 Shabanov, YGaprindashvili, N/Satka 2004 ] 6...g6 7.f5?! He really wants to punish Spassky for messing around , but it's here that the advantage of delaying ...Bg7 comes to the fore and 7 f5 is revealed as premature aggression. gxf5! 8.exf5 e5! 9.g3 gf6 Black suddenly has an extra central pawn which con ven ien tly co vers t he e f ile an d threatens to move f orward at the earliest o p p o r t u n i t y . 10.c3 Kogan doesn't really know what to do and lurches on with his ' attack' exd4 11.ce4 e7 12.a4 Further indication that White is at a loss. The advance of the rook's pawn is easily parried. a6! 13.e1 g8! 14.h5 [ Black defends comfortably after 14.g5 for instance: e5 15.xf6 xf6 A) 16.xf6+ xf6 17.e4 0-0-0 18.e2 de8 19.xb7+ xb7 20.a5 b5; B) 16.h5 d7! 17.ad1 ( 17.h6 g5 18.xg5 xg5 19.xg5 xg5 ) 17...c8 18.xf6 xf6; C) 16.h5 g5 17.h1 c5 ] [ Maybe flicking in 14.a5 b5 was called for and then 15.e2 with a difficult game to assess. It must never be forgotten that Black is a pawn up! ] 14...e5 15.h6 d7! Connecting the Rooks and Queen as well as getting the King to saf ety. Such original play is typical o f S p a s s k y a t h i s b e s t . 16.hxf6+ xf6 17.h5 g4 With the simple plan of ... Qe7 and ...Rag8 and a massive attack to follow. 18.ad1 Kogan is running out of time and moves. If he retreats his Bishop the Black attack builds rapidly: [ 18.d2 e7 19.a5 ag8 20.g3 f3! ] 18...h4 Now White is lost. 19.xf6+ xf6 20.g5 xh5 21.xf6 g8 22.xe5 xg2+ 23.f1 dxe5 24.xe5 hxh2 25.b5+ d6 56

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ He was hoping for 25...axb5 26.xd4+ [ 29...g6 30.b3 d2+ 31.c2= ] d5 ( 26...c8?? 27.e8# ) 27.exd5+ 30.b2 b5 31.xg7 d2+ 32.b3 xg2 and at least the game continues. ] 33.e5 f2 34.e3 f6 35.b2 e5 36.a4 0-1 d4+ 37.xd4 exd4 38.d3 f4 39.c4 h4 40.f3 d3+ 41.xd3 xb4 42.xf6 b3+ An interesting idea for white in the 71 B00 opening, and a very thematic handling of Kosintseva,Tatiana 2373 black's chances in the later stages of the Grabuzova,Tatiana 2388 game. 52nd ch-w Elista RUS (4) 13.05.2002 ½-½ [Jon Tisdall] 1.e4 c6 2.c3 f6 3.d4 d5 4.e5 g8 5.f4 h5 6.e3 [ 6.e2 f5 7.e3 e6 8.a3 g4 9.f3 h6 10.f2 e7 11.d2 f5 12.0-0-0 d7 13.d3 a5 14.d2 xe2 15.xe2 c6= 1-0 Aronian,L-Mudelsee,M Pardubice 1996. (49) ] [ 6.f3 g4 7.e2 e6 8.e3 h6 9.f2 f5 10.g3 h4 11.xh4 xe2 12.xe2 xh4 13.gxh4 g6 14.b5 a6 15.d3 e7 16.0-0-0 xh4 17.xh4 xh4 18.e2 0-0-0 19.f3 h3 20.f2 h7 21.d3 f5 22.a3 dh8 0-1 Hausmann,IGrabuzova,T Nova Gorica 1999. (32) ] 6...g4 7.f3 h6 8.b5!? An original approach, rather than cope with the pressure from the Bg4 white banks on a counterpin. d7 It is not completely clear that white wants to take on c6 - black will get some counterplay on the b-file in that case - but it is clearly risky to allow his queenside to be fractured so early. 9.h3 f5 10.f2 xf3 11.xf3 0-0-0 12.0-0-0 h4 13.a4 e6 14.c5 [ 14.c3!? looks more likely to keep black under pressure. ] 14...xc5 15.dxc5 a6 16.a4 d4 17.c3 d5 18.xd5 xd5 19.xc6 bxc6 20.cxd4 hd8 White's fragile pawn structure provides black with at least enough compensation for th e p a wn, b u t th e we a kne ss o f h 4 h e lp s balance the frailty of white's central pawn constellation. 21.b1 8d7 22.b4 xd4 23.xh4 e2 24.xd5 xd5 25.c2 xf4 26.g5 d3 27.d2 xe5 28.c3 c4 This is a bit adventurous. [ 28...f6!? 29.e1 but basically white's bishop has become strong enough to balance the extra pawn. ] 29.e1 a3+

72 Kramnik,Vladimir Ehlvest,Jaan (ol) Moscow [Alexander Volzhin]

B00 2725 2600 1994

A spectacular game at the very highest level. 1.f3 b6 2.e4 b7 3.c3 e6 4.d4 b4 5.d3 f6 6.g5 h6 7.xf6 xf6 8.0-0 xc3 9.bxc3 d5 A rare move. In my opinion it's inferior to the usual [ 9...d6 ] 10.exd5! xd5 11.e5 0-0 12.h5! [ The straighforward 12.f4 g6!? is unclear. After the text f4-f5 is the real threat. ] 12...d8 This retreat is forced. Black has to lose a tempo, otherwise it's not clear how to develop his Knight. [ 12...c6?? is just a blunder in view of 13.c4 xe5 14.dxe5 ] [ 12...e7 13.ae1 d7 14.g6! fxg6 15.xd5 exd5 16.xe7 and White has an obvious endgame advantage. ] 13.c4 b7 14.d5! White exploits Black's lag in development and breaks open the centre. d6 The only move. [ 14...exd5? just loses on the spot: 15.f5 g6 16.xg6 ] [ 14...d7 is also bad in view of 15.xf7! xf7 16.dxe6 and beside s his extra pawn, White can exploit the weakness of the light squares near Black's King with Qg6. ] 15.ae1 exd5 [ 15...d7 here is as bad as it was a move previously: 16.xf7! xf7 17.dxe6 ] 16.f5 g6 17.h3 g7 18.xf7! This sacrifice destroys the seemingly safe position of Black's King and gives W hite a very strong attack. 57

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ Th e t em p t in g 18.xg6?! fails to c8! ( O f c o u r s e , 18...fxg6 is bad in view of 19.e6 ) 19.h4 fxg6 20.e7+ g8 21.fe1 c6! parrying White's attack. ] 18...xf7 Black had two ways to capture the Knight, but both of them have drawbacks. [ 18...xf7 Now Black doesn't control the e6square. 19.e6! f4 ( 19...c8 20.xd6 xh3 21.xg6+ f8 22.gxh3 with an obvious advantage in the endgame. ) 20.g3! d2 21.xg6! f8 ( 21...f6 i s n o b e t t e r : 22.xf6 xf6 23.f5+ e7 24.e5+ d7 25.f5+ c6 26.cxd5+ ) 22.d3! ( intending 23. Rg6+ or 2 3 . Q g 4 + Q g 5 2 4 . R g 6 ) f7 23.f4! with unavoidable mate. ] 19.xh6 g8 The only move. [ 19...g8 20.e3 ] 20.f4? This move ruins an otherwise excellent combination. [ T h e n a t u r a l 20.e3! gives White an unstoppable attack: A) 20...d4 is the alternative, but it is even worse in view of 21.c5! and White wins: xc5 ( 21...bxc5 22.c4+ f6 23.h4+ g5 24.h6+ g6 25.e6+ xe6 26.f8+ ) 22.c4+! xc4 23.f4+ g7 24.e7+; B) 20...d7 21.h7+ f8 22.f3+ f6 23.xg6 and Black' position is hopeless. ] 20...d7! [ 20...dxc4? is met by 21.f5 with a quick mate. ] 21.f5 h8! White certainly underestimated this move and instead hoped for [ 21...g5 22.f6! with a decisive advantage: xf6 23.h7+ f8 24.g6 with unavoidable mate. ] 22.fxg6+ [ In his calculations White had missed that after 22.xg6+?! Black has the very strong f8! 23.xd6+ cxd6 with a clear advantage. ] 22...g8 23.f4 xf4 Playing this move, Black offered a draw which was accepted. [ After 23...xf4 24.xf4 c5 Black is considerably better, but he was in time trouble and was satisfied with a draw against such a strong opponent. ] ½-½

73 Kritz,Leonid Yu Shaoteng Anibal Open Linares ESP (10) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2453 2522 10.03.2002

1.d4 b6 2.e4 e6 3.f3 b7 4.d3 c5 5.c4 Quite rare - letting black get a kind of Sicilian/Hedgehog position is not considered a way of extracting the maximum against the Owen's. cxd4 6.xd4 c6 7.xc6 xc6 8.0-0 h4!? [ 8...c7 9.c3 a6 10.e2 e7 11.f4 g6 12.e3 c5 13.xc5 bxc5 14.e5 d6 15.d5 1-0 Hoepfl,T-Steppuhn,T/ Regensburg 1998. (52) ] 9.e2 c5 10.d2 f6 11.f3 h5 12.a3 a5 13.e5?! A very ugly move. [ 13.b3!? ] 13...xf3 14.gxf3 [ 14.xf3 xf3 15.gxf3 h5 ] 14...g8 15.f4 a4 16.e4 a7 17.h1 f5 18.e2 e7 19.e3 g5! 20.g1 [ 20.f4 xe2 21.xe2 gxf4 and ...Bd4 will be unpleasant. ] 20...h6 21.ae1 c6 22.f4 h4 23.f3 [ 23.fxg5 hxg5 24.g2 g4 ] 23...gxf4 24.xc5 bxc5 25.xf5 White understandably wants to swing his fists a few times before the end of this game, and this looks the only practical chance. exf5 26.e6 f6 27.d5 d8 28.xc5 c7 [ 28...c7!? ] 29.d6 e7 30.xf4 [ 30.d5 ] 30...dxe6 31.g6 e8 32.xh6 d7 33.f3 d4-+ 34.a8+ c8 35.g2 b7 36.d1 xg2+ 37.xg2 g8+ 38.f1 d7 39.c5 c7 40.h4 e5 0-1

74 Lanzani,Mario Kos,Toni Mitropa Team Cup (6) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2419 2400 30.11.2000

1.e4 c6 2.c3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.f4 e5 A move that has served black well - all of the references here are worth examining. 5.d5 58

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ 5.dxe5 g4 6.f3 ( 6.d3 dxe5 7.xd8+ xd8 8.f5 b4 9.b5+ c6 10.a4 xe4 11.xe4 d1+ 12.f2 xf5 13.c3 d3+ 14.e3 e1+ 15.xd3 xe4+ 16.d2 f1 0-1 Afek,Y-Markowski, T Paris 1995.; 6.d2 dxe5 7.f5 b4 8.xd8+ xd8 9.d3 d4 10.ge2 xe4 11.xe4 xe4 12.0-0 c5+ 1/2-1/2 Klinge r,J-Mestro vic,Z S ara jevo 1988. ) 6...dxe5 7.xd8+ xd8 8.fxe5 d7 9.d5 c8 10.f4 d8 11.h3 h5 12.0-0-0 e6 13.e3 c5 14.xc5 dxc5 15.d3 g6 16.he1 c6 17.e3 0-0 18.f5 c7 19.g4 e8 20.f1 h6 21.d6 d8 22.f5 xd1+ 23.xd1 f8 24.d2 d7 25.c4 g5 26.xg5 xe5 27.c3 hxg5 28.d1 c8 29.d6 d8 30.e2 b6 31.d4 b5 32.b4 d7 33.b7 e8 34.xd7 xe4+ 35.a5 a4# 0-1 Buljovcic, I-Nikolic,S Titograd 1965. ] 5...e7 [ 5...d4!? 6.e3 c5 7.fxe5 dxe5 8.f3 d6 9.g5 0-0 10.e2 h6 11.h4 b6! 12.b1 g4 13.d2 e3 14.d1 xd1 15.xd1 f5 16.c3 fxe4 17.cxd4 cxd4 18.0-0 exf3 19.gxf3 h3 20.f2 b4 21.e2 g6+ 0-1 Krivec,J-Zelcic,R Pula 1996. ] 6.f3 exf4 7.xf4 g6 8.g3 e7 9.d3 g4! 10.e2 f6 Black's control of e5 guarantees him comfortable play. 11.0-0 0-0 12.h1 e7 13.ae1 a6 14.d1 d7 15.c3 ae8 16.e3 xe3 17.xe3 d8 18.a7 c8 19.f2 e5 20.xe5 xe5 21.xe5 xe5 22.a4 c5 23.dxc6 xc6 24.b3 e6 25.d1 g5 26.b1 g6 27.g1 e8 28.d2 ee5 29.f2 h5 30.f3 h4 31.gf1 e7 32.xd6 h6 33.d8+ h7 34.e5+ f5 35.exf6+ g6 36.h8+ xh8 37.fxe7 1-0

to be originally the idea of the swashbuckling Englishman Milner Barry. exf3 [ 5...e6!? looks safer and sounder. ] 6.xf3 xf3+ 7.xf3 We have a position with a kind of Blackmar Diemer Gambit feel to it . Th e wea kn ess o n c7 is a n in t eres tin g a s p e c t o f w h i t e ' s c o m p e n s a t i o n . g6!? This gives black some additional options. The stem game was brutal and interesting. [ 7...f6 8.f4 a6 9.h3 g6 10.g4 g7 11.0-0-0 d7 12.g3 c8 13.e2 0-0 14.h4 c6 15.h5 xd5 16.hxg6 xc3 17.h4 f6 18.g5 a5 19.gxf6 h5 20.gxf7+ xf7 21.xh5+ 1-0 Milner Barry,PMieses,J Margate 1935. ] 8.f4 a6 9.g3 [ 9.0-0-0!? to set up a la Milner Barry definitely deserves attention as the pressure against c7 costs black time to defend, but costs white more time to pursue. The difference is the option h6 10.g4 xf4+ 11.xf4 d6 when white's spatial grip and lead in development def initely offer compensation. ] 9...h6 10.xc7 d7 11.e2 f6 12.e5 [ 12.d6!? looks very primitive, but there are advantages from softening black's kingside pawn structure. ] 12...f5 Black has returned the pawn in order to stop white castling and slow the pace of the opening, and the result is a very messy position. 13.d6?! [ 13.d3!? gives good chances of a small, safe advantage, but white wants more. ] 13...exd6 14.d4 0-0 [ 14...f4! 15.h4 g5= would show that black has nothing to fear. ] 15.f1 h5 16.xd6 g5? It is hard to understand what prevented black from playing [ 16...xc2 which was presumably one of the attractions behind posting the queen on f 5 i n t h e f i r s t p l a c e . 17.d1 e8 leaves white's king in more trouble than 75 B00 black's. ] Levi,Eddy 2247 17.f2?? g7?? [ 17...d8 and the bishop on d4 falls as Rigo,Bernard black has ...Qd2+ up his sleeve. ] ch Melbourne AUS (9) 07.01.2002 18.xg7 xg7 19.e4 d8?? [Jon Tisdall] [ 19...e3 leaves black very much in the game. ] 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.c3 dxe4 4.d5 e5 5.f3!? A rare blast from the past, which seems 20.xf7+ 59

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ 20.xf7+ g8 ( 20...xf7 21.xg5+ ) 21.f8+ both relieve black of his queen. A sadly typical game of this month's crop, where some interesting opening ideas fail to get a proper test due to some hair-raising blunders. ] 1-0

Partly due to the position being non-typical, and partly because the queenside structure allows white to play a4 quickly, when he is well placed to use the lines that open since there is no Nc3 being displaced by black's bpawn. c7 10.e2 c5 11.b3 b6 ( 11...e7 ) 12.a4 b4 13.d2 ( 13.g5!? ) 13...bxc3 14.xc3 b4 15.ac1 xd3 16.xd3 e5 17.e2 h5 18.c3 g5 19.d6 e3 20.d2 xd2 21.xd2 c6 76 B00 22.c4 e7 23.e5 f6 24.d6+ f8 Liasota,Evgueni 25.b3 e8 26.fd1 f6 27.c5 xd6 Chetverik,Maxim 2315 28.xd6 c8 29.cd1 f7 30.h5+ Tenkes Kupa Harkany HUN (4) 19.11.2000 Jonathan,R-Dewachter,M Szeged 1994 (0-1, [Jon Tisdall] 60) ] 1.e4 a6 2.d4 b5 3.d3 b7 4.e2 f6 8...cxd4 9.cxd4 b4 10.bc3 xd3 5.f3 e6 6.0-0 c5 7.c3 c6 A line that has 11.xd3 b4 12.d1 e7 13.d5 b8 [ 13...exd5 14.e5 gives white good produced reasonable positions f or black: compensation. ] 8.e3 [ 8.c2 c8 9.a3 b6 10.h1 cxd4 14.dxe6? [ 14.f4= White is about to go to pieces in 11.cxd4 a5 12.b3 b4 13.a4 e7 14.d3 spectacular fashion. ] d6 15.b2 d7 16.d2 f6 17.f4 g6 18.f2 h4 19.f3 0-0 20.h3 d8 14...fxe6 15.d4 d6 16.h3 [ 16.g3 h5!? ] 21.f1 f5 22.b1 f6 23.g3 g7 24.f3 e8 25.h4 h5 ( 25...h6 ) 26.g5 f6 16...0-0 17.g4?? h2+ 18.h1 xe4! 27.d5 exd5 28.e5 dxe5 29.fxe5 e4 0-1 30.f4 d2 31.d1 xb1 32.xb1 d4 33.xd4 xe5 B00 A) 34.xe5! xe5 35.xg6 b2 77 36.e7+ g7 37.e6+ f7 38.xh5+! Licina,Anita 2195 xe7 39.h4+! and the more knights Sucher,Johannes 2234 white loses the closer is victory: 10th Open Aschach AUT (6) 30.12.2001 A1) 39...f6 40.xf8 xh4 ( 40...xf8 [Jon Tisdall] 41.xb4+ ) 41.g6++-; A2) 39...xe6 40.e3++- guards the 1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.c3 e6 4.a3 e7 last rank and wins the queen.; 5.f3 f6 6.e5 e4 A3) 39...f7 40.g5++-; [ 6...d5!? 7.xd5 exd5 8.b4?! B) 34.fe6? xd4? ( 34...c2 35.g1 This only creates targets. d6 9.d3 d7 a8 ) 35.xd4 e7 36.g3 f6 10.0-0 f8 11.exd6 xd6 12.e5 e6 37.xb4 e5 38.xf8 xf8 39.e1 d5 13.c3 0-0 14.c2 g6 15.h6 g7 16.f4 40.f3 f6 41.e7 f7 42.xg6+ h7 f5 17.ae1 c5 18.e2 f6 19.bxc5 bxc5 43.g5 1-0 Szabo, Z-Chetverik,M/ 20.b1 ab8 21.e3 cxd4 22.cxd4 c6 Gyongyos 1998. ] 23.fe1 a4 24.f1 c2 25.xb8 xb8 [ 8.a3 cxd4 9.cxd4 b6 10.e3 e5 26.c3 e4 27.a5 b6 28.xb6 axb6 11.f2 exd4 12.bc3 d6 13.d5 xd5 29.c1 e6 30.c6 xe5 31.dxe5 f7 14.exd5 e7 15.xd4 c7 16.h3 xd5 32.a4 e7 33.b5 d4 34.c4 xc6 (1/2-1/2, 41) Praznik,N-Hechl,G Finkenstein 35.b3 a8 36.h3 xa4 37.d5 c8 1994. ] 38.g4 c2 39.f2 b5 40.e1 b4 41.d2 [ 8.h1 cxd4 9.xd4 This kind of position b3 0-1 Holzmann, H-Portisch,F Sicilian-ish but with a pawn on c3 instead of Balatonbereny 1996. ] a N - often poses black some problems. 7.xe4 xe4 8.d2 b7 9.g4 0-0 60

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 10.d3 f5 11.exf6 xf6 12.0-0 c6 13.f3 White should have a slight advantage here as black must be very wary about his more exposed king - though black does have active pieces as well. e7 14.c3 d8 15.g5 g6 16.h4 g7 17.e4 [ 17.f4 ] 17...e7 18.h5 gxh5 19.xh5 f5 20.h3 Black has problems coordinating his pieces properly - the Rf5 has no stable home. f7 21.g3 g5 22.g4 f3!? A nice confusionary tactic, but it doesn't quite seem to solve his problems. 23.e2? [ 23.c2 is harder to meet - white threatens on g5, and Nh5 also packs more punch with the light-squared bishop keeping an eye on the kingside - black would still have troubles coordinating here. ] 23...f7 24.f4 h8?? [ 24...f3+! and black secures a plus by getting the bishop pair and simplifying the position. ] 25.e5+- f6 26.h5 f3 27.xf3 xe5 28.xg7 xf3+ 29.h1 h2 30.e4 xf1 1-0

16...cxd4 17.cxd5 e5 18.e4 b8 19.c6 d6 Black wants to deny the rook a c c e s s t o f 6 . 20.fc1 hc8 21.b3 This still looks more comfortable for white, but th e p o te n t ia l we a kne ss o f d 5 m ak e s t h e position a bit trickier. b6 22.f1 cb8 23.6c2 c8 24.c6 cb8 25.6c4 8b7 26.e2 a6 27.1c2 a5 28.d3 e7 29.c5+ xc5 30.xc5 xc5 31.xc5 d6 32.a5 a6 33.e4 b6 34.a4 c5 35.dxc6 xc6 36.xd4+ e6 37.a4 d6+ 38.d3 f5 39.a5 d6+ 40.e2 xg3+ 41.hxg3 f5 42.e3 c6 43.d3 d6+ 44.e3 c6 ½-½

79 Maljutin,Evgeni Kramnik,Vladimir Sochi [Alexander Volzhin]

B00 2340 2490 1990

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.c3 e6 4.f3 b4 5.d3 f6 6.g5 h6 7.xf6 xf6 8.0-0 xc3 9.bxc3 d6 10.d2 e5 11.f4 e7!? In a well-known position Kramnik finds an 78 B00 int ere st ing way to de via te f rom "o f f icial" Maki,Veijo 2376 theory. Salmensuu,Olli 2428 [ Black has another way to deviate from the TCh-2001-02 FIN (2) 20.10.2001 main line: 11...exf4!? This move was tried in [Jon Tisdall] Sp a ssky - Mile s, 1 9 8 3 b u t h a sn 't b e e n played since, although White failed to prove 1.e4 c6 2.f3 f5 3.exf5 d5 4.d4 xf5 a n a d v a n t a g e : 12.g3 ( 12.f3 e7 5.b5 d6 6.e5 f6 7.0-0 d7 8.xc6 13.xf4 0-0 seems OK for Black.) 12...g5 bxc6 9.f3 xe5 10.xf5 f7 11.f4 13.a4 c6 14.e2 0-0-0 15.a5!? xa5 d7 12.xd7+ xd7 13.d2 c5!? 16.a6 White's attacking plan looks similar Varying from to the Rauser attack in the Sicilian Dragon [ 13...e6 14.b3 d6 15.g3 a5 16.a4 (of course Black's King is on the K-side in hb8 17.fe1 b4 18.e2 ab8 19.f3 that case). xa6 17.xa6+ d7 18.c4 1-0 Shaw,J-Salmensuu,O/Leon ESP 2001 xc4 19.b5+ e7! ( Not 19...c8 (63) where black never quite equalized and 20.xa7! with a decisive attack: a5 21.d5 went down after a long massage. The new b8 22.a6 and mate is unavoidable.) move is trickier, but does not look better. ] 20.xc4 e6 21.xc7+ d7 and Black is 14.c4 slightly better.Undoubtedly this line [ 14.b3 screams out to be played, but requires further practical tests. ] access to e6 is not necessarily worth so 12.fxe5 dxe5 13.b5+ c6 14.c4 0-0 much: cxd4 15.c5+ c8 16.e6 b8 ] 15.f5 White embarks upon a very ambitious 14...g5 15.g3 e6 16.ac1 b u t d u b i o u s p la n wh i c h le a d s h i m t o a n [ 16.cxd5 exd5 17.ac1 must be a safe and inferior position in just a couple of moves. d7 lasting edge for white. ] 16.h5 b5 17.b3 It may seem that White 61

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 has strong pressure on the f-file (f7 is the main target), but Black's next two moves prove that this conclusion is far from accurate. c5! 18.dxc5 f6! Black is seizing the initiative by exploiting the unstable position of White's pieces. 19.f3 [ 19.xe5 is the main alternative to the text. c7 20.f5 g4! Black wins the exchange, but very precise play is required: 21.f3 xe5 22.xe5 ae8! It's necessary to drive away the strong Knight immediately, otherwise W hite would obtain strong counterplay: ( 22...xc5+ 23.h1 xc3 24.f1 ) 23.d7 xe4 24.g4 e7 25.xf8 xc5+ 26.h1 xc3 with a clear advantage for Black, for example: 27.f1 c6! 28.d1 xf8 29.d8+ e8 30.h5 g6 31.xe8+ xe8 32.c5+ g8 33.xa7 e1+ 34.g1 e2 and White can't mantain the material balance. ] 19...c8! [ 19...xc5+ is not so good , as it allows W hite to escape: 20.h1 ad8 21.xf6 gxf6 22.g4+ h8 23.h3 h7 24.f5+ g7 25.g4+ and Black cannot avoid repetition. ] 20.xf6 xf6 21.xf6 gxf6 In this endgame Black is the exchange up and has excellent winning chances, although good technique is required. 22.d5 b8 23.f1 g7 24.b3 e6 25.c6 bd8 26.d1 f5! 27.d3 fxe4 28.g3+ f6 [ In my opinion, 28...h7 was much more to the point, leaving White little to hope for, for example: 29.xe4+ f5 30.d3 e4 31.xb5 f4 ] 29.xe4 d5 30.c7 xe4 31.cxd8+ xd8 32.h3 xc2 After this inaccuracy the win becomes problematic. [ 32...g5 w a s b e t t e r : 33.g3+ f4 and W hite can't mantain the material balance. The "active" 34.g7 fails to g6 winning the exchange after a King march to f6. ] 33.xh6+ g6 34.h3 d6 35.e3 b1 36.e2 c6 37.b2 g6 38.a5 xc3 39.xb5 c1+ 40.f2 c2+ 41.f3 xa2 Black has managed to win a pawn, but the small number of pieces on the board promise White good drawing chances. 42.c6 e4+ 43.g3 a3+ 44.f4 e3 45.b2 d3

46.e5! Liquidation to the Rook ending is the simplest way to draw here. f5 47.g4+ xg4 48.xg4 Now the outcome of this exciting encounter is clear. Black's extra pawn means nothing here. e5 49.f3 d4 50.b7 f5 51.g3 a5 52.d7+ c5 53.e7 d4 54.d7+ e5 55.e7+ d4 It's premature to draw final conclusions about the strength of Kramnik's 11... Qe7 because of the lack of practical material. However I feel this move is definitely playable, and sooner or later it will become popular, especially if White manages to find something tangible in the sharp main line 11...exd4. ½-½

80 Mamedov,Nid Ipatov,Alexander IsBank TCh-TUR 2013 (5.1) [Glenn Flear]

B00 2602 2590 03.07.2013

1.e4 b6 2.c3 b7 3.f4 This anti-Owen's Defence set-up is surprisingly popular and not really covered in the books. e6 4.f3 d5!? A strange-looking move, but Black has to do something about White's centre. [ The Nimzo-style 4...b4 looks more logical: 5.d3 ( 5.e2 e7 6.d3 d5 (a pertinent moment as ...d4 is threatened) 7.d2 d4 8.d1 xd2+ 9.xd2 0-0 10.e2 f5 11.0-0 c5 12.e5 bc6 Gasik, P-Nguyen, P Warsaw 2012, with easy equality) 5...d5 6.d2 dxe4 ( 6...d4 is less clear in this case, due to 7.b5! xd2+ 8.xd2 c5 9.e5! and d6 is weak) 7.dxe4 f6 8.b5+ bd7 9.e5 xc3 10.xc3 d5 Perez Pietro, CGarcia Palermo, C Buenos Aires 2013, with near equality. ] 5.b5+!? A strange move and a new one. [ Instead 5.exd5 exd5 6.d4 f6 7.b5+ c6 8.d3 e7 9.g4!? c5 10.e2 xg4 (White has enough practical compensation with Black's king so vulnerable) 11.g1 c4 12.f5 h6 Jakubiec, A-Schandorff, L Danish league 2012, with a complicated struggle in prospect. ] [ Alternatively 5.e2 has been tried: dxe4 6.xe4 e7 7.d3 h6 8.d2 c5 9.0-0-0 c6 10.g4 (again this ambitious thrust) c7 62

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 11.f5 (maybe a bit over-enthusiastic) exf5 12.gxf5 xf5 13.g1 Czakon, J-Jaracz, P Chorzow 2013, and White didn't really have enough compensation this time. ] 5...c6 6.e2 d4 Pushing back White's pieces. 7.b1 c5 8.d3 f6 It seems to me that Black has achieved a fine opening. He has a lion's share of the centre, and is not behind in development. However, I think this type of position is easier for him if the darksquared bishops were already exchanged, see 4. . .B b 4 a bo ve . 9.0-0 e7 10.a4 c6 11.a3 c7 12.e1 Now the question is: What will Black do with his king? Neither flank looks that safe, but Black needs to make a decision sometime. h6 [ T h e c o u r a g e o u s 12...0-0! looks fine: 13.e5 a6 14.g3 e8 and I don't see anything concrete for White. ] 13.e5!? a6 [ I t ' s r i s k y t o c a p t u r e o n e 5 : 13...xe5 14.fxe5 d7 ( 14...xe5?? 15.f4 ) 15.b5 b8 16.g3 with a strong initiative for White. ] 14.g3 g8 A committal move, but Ipatov obviously didn't fancy castling short. [ After 14...0-0 15.d2 h7 16.ae1 I can't see a clear plan for Black, but there a g a i n , W h i t e d o e s n ' t h a ve a n o b vi o u s breakthrough. So maybe this was the way forward. ] 15.ac4 b5 16.xc6 xc6 17.e5 b7 Now White trades on the a-file, so that Black can't run away with ...0-0-0. 18.axb5 axb5 19.xa8+ xa8 20.f5!? [ Opening shop on the other front is plausible, for example 20.d2 b7 21.c3 as if lines start to open, then Black's king and king's rook could well prove to be the wrong way round. ] 20...d6? [ Less dangerous would be 20...exf5 21.xf5 b7 ] 21.f4 Now matters are tricky because of potentially dangerous discovered checks along the diagonal. exf5 22.g4! A strong blow. xe4 [ Black's king is about to be cut down after 22...xg4 23.xd6 d7 24.xc5 ] 23.dxe4 xf4 24.f6+ f8 25.h7+ e7 26.xf4 White has an extra piece, but the

knight on h7 is somewhat out of play! e5 27.exf5!? Giving up the bishop, but forcing a line which involves freeing the knight. [ Otherwise 27.xb5 b8 28.d3 would be reasonable. ] 27...xe2 28.f6+ e6 29.h3+ d6 30.fxg7 xg2+? Caving-in. [ Instead 30...xg7! is necessary: 31.xh6+ g6 32.f8+ e5 33.e7+ e6 34.g5+ d6 and Black wriggles out. ] 31.xg2 xg2 32.g4! Threatening both of Black's pieces. f3 33.f6! [ Af ter the slack 33.g3?? Black has the s t r o n g m o v e e7! and the knight doesn't escape. Black even has the better chances here! ] 33...xg4 34.xg8 The bishop has to be given up for the g-pawn. f6 35.xf6 e6 36.g8 xg8 37.xg8 c4 38.xh6 d5 39.f2 b4 40.f5 c3 41.bxc3 It's all over. 1-0

81 Martinovic,Sa Stevic,H ch-CRO 2014 Porec CRO (1.5) [Glenn Flear]

B00 2537 2620 03.02.2014

1.d4 c6 2.e4 d5 3.e5 f5 4.f3 e6 5.e2 f6 [ The following is quite innovative: 5...ge7 6.0-0 h6 7.e1 g5! I like this plan. With a closed centre advancing the g-pawn like this can be annoying for W hite. 8.c3 g6 9.a3!? A cont roversia l choice . xa3 10.bxa3 a5 11.a4 e7 12.g3 g4 13.d2 h5 14.f1 0-0-0 Getz, A-Gelashvili, T Dallas 2013, with dynamic play. ] [ T h e d i r e c t 5...b4 forces White's next move 6.a3 whereupon Black can attack the centre in thematic style: c5 7.c3 c6 (this looks similar to certain lines of the Advance Caro-Kann) 8.dxc5 xc5 9.b4 b6 ( after 9...e7 10.0-0 c8 11.b5 a6 12.bd4 xd4 13.xd4 g6 14.d2 h6 chances are balanced. Capturing on h6 would allow Black to become 'ruler of the d a rk s qu a r e s ' .) 10.b5 Abravanel, CForthoffer, P French league 2006, and now 63

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 Black should probably accept the need to d e f e n d d 6 w i t h c7 with an acceptable position. ] [ The idea of 5...e7!? is also to get the gpawn advancing: 6.0-0 g5!? 7.e1 d7 8.c3 0-0-0 9.b4 f6 10.a4 a6 ( w i t h d o u b l e - e d g e d p l a y ) 11.b5?! Over-optimistic. a7 12.exf6 xf6 13.a3 McShane, L-Speelman, J Blitz 2000, and now Houdini suggests f8! with an edge for Black, as White's attacking pretensions are stymied. ] 6.e3 [ Feller angles to hold onto his e5-pawn wedge by supporting it with his bishop: 6.f4 ge7 7.g3 fxe5 8.dxe5 g6 9.bd2 c5 10.0-0 0-0 11.c3 b6 12.e1 ce7 13.b4 Stopping Black expanding on the queenside. c6 14.d4 d7 15.2b3 e4 16.f3 f5 17.f1 h5 18.d2 Feller, SBricard, E Caen 2011, and W hite's grip earns him a pull. ] 6...fxe5 This is already a novelty! [ Black tried 6...g4 without capturing on e5 in the following: 7.bd2 ge7 8.exf6?! Giving away the centre like this doesn't yield a n y a d v a n t a g e . ( keeping the tension (and space edge) with 8.0-0 looks better) 8...gxf6 9.h4 xe2 10.xe2 h5! 11.b3 d6 12.c5 b6 13.d3 e5= Scheeff, V-Taeger, W German league 1999. ] 7.dxe5 g4 8.bd2 ge7 9.g5!? [ A better try for an opening pull is 9.h3 h5 10.0-0 when a later ...Nf5 could be met with B-f 4, when g2-g4 is a threat. Of course Black can capture on f3, but I prefer White if he obtains the bishop pair. ] 9...f5!? A surprise. [ Also possible is 9...xe2 10.xe2 d7= when White has more space, but Black is not particularly inconvenienced as his pieces will all find good squares (N on f5, B on e7, f-file for the rooks). ] 10.xe6 [ B l a c k is b e t t e r a f t e r 10.xg4 xe3 11.fxe3?! xg5 ] 10...xe3 11.xd8 xd1 12.xc6 [ Or 12.xg4 xf2!? 13.xf2 ( 13.xc6? xg4 ) 13...xd8= ] 12...xf2!? [ Another way to a satisfactory game is with

12...xe2 13.xe2 xb2 14.ab1 bxc6 15.xb2= ] 13.xf2 c5+ 14.e1 xe2 15.xe2 bxc6 Phew! After all that, we can calm down and notice that material is about equal. It's not clear who has the better minor piece, and White's passed, but isolated, e-pawn could turn out to be either a strength or a weakness. 16.d3 f8 17.hf1 d7 18.b3?! The knight isn't great over here, but it isn't yet a problem. [ Better is 18.f3!?= with the idea of bringing over the other rook to help protect both the f-file and the e-pawn. ] 18...f2! To thwart ideas of R-e1, supporting the e-pawn. 19.c4?! [ 19.ad1 e6 20.d2 is a better way when Black isn't able to achieve anything concrete, as c5 can be met by 21.c4!= ] 19...ae8 20.d2 xe5 21.f3 dxc4+ [ Although 21...e3+?! looks like a blunder, (with 22.d2 in mind) Black rescues himself with exf3 23.gxf3 d4 with reasonable compensation. However, the game continuation is clearly a better try for an advantage. ] 22.xc4 c5+ 23.d3 d5+ 24.c2 c5 25.ae1 Black has an extra pawn, but naturally his queenside structure could be better! f4 26.b3 d6 27.d2 df5 28.xf4 xf4 29.f3 g5 30.h3 h5 31.e4 Martinovic builds a light-squared fortress which will be tough to overcome, as there is n o e v i d e n t w e a k n e s s i n h i s c a m p . c5+ 32.d3 d5+ 33.d4 The trade of rooks isn't a problem unless White is forced to capture on d5 straightening out Black's structure. d6 34.e4 e6 [ After 34...xd4+= White could recapture either way. It's hard to imagine that he is worse. ] 35.a4 a5 36.d4+ d7 37.c4 e5+ 38.f3 e3+ 39.f2 d3 40.f3 [ 40.xc6?! would unnecessarily give Black some winning chances with d2+ 41.f3 xa2 ] 40...d6 41.e2 [ Again 41.xg5 is plausible, but again there is d2+ ] 41...d5 42.e4 c5 43.d3 f5 44.e2 g3 45.d3 c8 Trying his luck on the 64

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 q u e e n s i d e . 46.e8+ b7 47.e4 b6 48.c4 d5+ 49.e2 d6 50.d4 c5 51.f3 b4 52.d4 c5 When all else fails, this pawn advance has to be tried. 53.f3 a4 The point is to leave White with a weak pawn on the queenside. Then there would be a real target. 54.bxa4 a5 55.g4! h4 56.e4 xa4 57.e5 A fine defensive plan: the trade of rooks enables White's king to help blockade the c4-square. xe5+ 58.xe5 c3 59.c4 b4 60.d3 d4 61.d2 e5 62.a3+ No t a l t o g e t h e r n e c e s s a ry, b u t p e r f e c t l y adequate. a4 63.e4 xa3 64.c4! [ 64.xg5?! would allow Black to get the cpawn moving with b3 ] 64...f4 65.xc5 c6 66.e6 c1 67.d4 b2 ½-½

28.bxc5 g6 29.c6 bxc6 30.dxc6 c7 31.d4 c8 32.h4 g7 33.h2 h5 34.c7 g5 35.hxg5 g6 36.b5 xg5 37.xf8 1-0 Fedorov,A-Ivanov,V Moscow 1995. ] 6.e5 f6!? [ 6...ge7 7.d3 f5 8.f3 a5 9.g5 c5 10.h5 g6 11.h3 h6 12.f3 c7 13.0-0 c6 14.g5 ce7 15.f6 g8 16.g4 c4 17.e2 g5 18.h5 g6 19.gxf5 f4 20.xh6 xe2+ 21.h1 exf5 22.h7 f8 23.xg5 xc3 24.g7 e4 25.h7 xf6 1-0 Berg,E-Marder,S Copenhagen 1996. ] 7.b5 The start of an unimpressive plan, I think. I would be tempted to try f4 and Bd3, since the stability of a B on d3 is one of the advantages of not having to worry about ...c5 based counterplay - and ...f6 means slight ventilation for black on the kingside. But then, I am hardly a connoisseur of the white side of 82 B00 the W inawer French. d7 8.xc6 xc6 Maslak,Konstantin 2306 9.h5+ d7 10.h3 b5 11.f4 e8 Zajarnyi,Anatolyi 2380 12.xe8+ xe8 13.h5 e7 14.h4 f7 Chigorin Mem (7) 08.11.2000 15.h3 fxe5 16.dxe5 e7 17.f4 g6 18.g3 c5 19.b1 c6 20.h1 d8 21.b2 [Jon Tisdall] dd7 22.d1 f5 23.g4 f8 24.c1 df7 1.e4 c6 2.c3 e6 3.d4 b4 4.a3 xc3+ 25.e3 xf4 26.xf4 xf4 27.xf4 xf4 5.bxc3 d5 A surprisingly rare continuation, 28.d2 d4 29.g5 d5 30.b1 a6 giving the game more of the feel of a French 31.be1 f2+ 32.c1 d3 33.cxd3 xd3 Defence - where the N is rather oddly placed 34.h3 c4 35.h5 b5 36.g6 h6 37.h4 on c6. The cons of this are obvious - the c2+ 38.d1 xc3 39.f4 xa3 40.d2 counterplay based on ... c5 is absent. On the a2+ 41.e3 h2 42.f7 xh5 43.g1 other hand, black can try to justify this by xe5+ 44.d2 e2+ 45.d1 a2 46.g3 d4 47.e1 b4 48.d7+ e5 49.xg7 b3 hitting out at e5 at once. [ 5...d6 6.d3 ge7 ( 6...e5 7.e2 ge7 50.b7 b2 51.xd3 cxd3 52.g7 b1+ 8.0-0 0-0 9.f4 f6 10.e1 d7 11.h4 53.xb1 g2 54.b7 f6 55.xa7 xg7 g6 12.g3 h8 13.f5 ge7 14.h4 56.a3 d7 57.d2 h5 58.a5 d5 e8 15.f3 g8 16.g4 g5 17.f2 d5 59.a8 g5 60.g8+ h4 61.g6 e5 18.exd5 xd5 19.c4 d6 20.d5 e4 62.g7 h3 63.g5 h4 64.g1 h2 21.xe4 e5 22.c3 d4 23.d3 c5 65.g4 h3 66.g5 h1 67.g3 h2 68.g5 24.e3 b5 25.xd4 cxd4 26.xd4 d6 a5 69.e3 a1 70.xd3 g1 71.xe5 27.c5 e5 28.d4 d6 29.c5 d8 g2 72.g5+ f3 30.c6 e7 31.c5 f7 32.d1 a6 33.c7 0-1 d7 34.xe7 1-0 Sumaneev,D-Yemelin,V Elista 1995.) 7.e2 0-0 8.0-0 f5 9.c4 e5 10.d5 a5 11.f4 fxe4 12.xe4 f5 13.d3 d7 14.d2 a4 15.b4 xc4 16.xc4 xe4 17.xe4 a5 18.fxe5 g6 19.xf8+ xf8 20.exd6 cxd6 21.f1 axb4 22.axb4 e8 23.xe8 xe8 24.d4 e5 25.c4 e7 26.f5 d7 27.c5 dxc5 65

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 83 Mikac,Matjaz Mestrovic,Zvonimir chT Bled SLO (5) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2420 2434 18.10.2000

1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e3 e5 6.dxe5 dxe5 7.xd8+ Unusual to a s k b l a c k t o d e ve l o p t h i s r o o k , b u t o n e difference becomes clear in the game. [ 7.b5 xd1+ 8.xd1 d7 ( 8...d6 9.xc6+ bxc6 10.d3 0-0 11.d2 c8 12.a4 a6 13.b3 fd8 14.g5 e7 15.xf6 gxf6 16.d1 d4 17.g3+ h8 18.c3 ad8 19.cb1 xe4 20.e1 ed4 21.c1 f8 22.c3 a4 23.f3 e7 24.a3 d3 25.f1 h4 26.h3 e4 27.f5 xf1 28.xf1 d5 29.g4 xf5 30.gxf5 xh3 31.e1 c5 32.xe4 xf2 33.c2 h5 34.e7 g7 35.xc7 h4 36.d2 e3 37.xc6 h3 38.f1 e1 39.h2 g3 40.d2 b1 41.g4 xb2+ 42.d3 h4 43.c4 g5 44.a4 g2 0-1 Mooser,SBiro,S/Rieden 1996 (44)) 9.xc6 xc6 10.xe5 xe4 11.xe4 xe4 12.0-0 f6 13.c4 d6 14.a5 0-0-0 15.d3 e8 16.b3 e5 17.d2 e4 18.c4 e8 19.e3 c5 20.fd1 d8 21.f3 xe3+ 22.xe3 xd3 23.xd3 d6 24.f2 e8 25.d5 f7 26.f4 e5 27.e3 g6 28.d3 c6 29.e2 c7 30.g3 d6 31.d4 c5 32.d2 e5 33.d4 c5 34.d2 e5 1/2-1/2 Lehmann,K-Seul,G/ Germany 1989/GER-chT (34) ] 7...xd8 8.b5 d6? [ 8...d7 ] [ 8...xf3 9.gxf3 a6!? ] 9.xa7 This is it - quite an easy move to forget about, really. 0-0 10.xc6 bxc6 11.e3 b8 12.b1 b4 13.0-0 xc3 14.bxc3 xe4 15.xe5 e2?! [ 15...e6 followed by Ra8 gave better chances to save the game. ] 16.xc6 xf1 17.xb8 xb8 18.xb8 b5 19.c4 a4 20.a6 c6 21.b4 d6 22.c5 c4 23.f1 b5 24.e1 f6 25.d3 f7 26.f4 a4 27.e2 xc2 28.d4 a4 29.e2 e5 30.d2 e8 31.f4 f7 32.c3 d7 33.b4 d1 34.a4 g5 35.g3 f5 36.xf5 e2 37.a5 h5 38.h4 gxh4 39.xh4 g5 40.b6 e4 41.g6

c3 42.a5 f1 43.f4 e4 44.b4 f6 45.h4 g4 46.xh5 xg2 47.g3 f3 48.g7 f6 49.f5 d5+ 50.c4 e2+ 51.d4 e6 52.d6 e7 53.e4 d5 54.e5 c7 55.f4 d1 56.f5+ d7 57.a5 c2+ 58.f4 d3 59.g5 d5 60.f6 c7 61.f7 e7 62.c8+ 1-0

84 Mohr,Georg Cander,Mitja chT Bled SLO (2) [Glenn Flear]

B00 2492 2255 15.10.2000

1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e3 e6 6.h3 h5 7.d5 exd5 8.exd5 e5 9.g4 xf3+? If statistics are anything to go by, this is a serious mistake. Black aids white's development - he now castles quickly, and also finds it easier to mobilize his kingside pawn mass. the immediate retreat of the Bh5, on the other hand, has had reasonable success, so this would appear to be an error. [ 9...g6 10.d2!? clearing the way for the fpawn is definitely the way to frighten black in th is va ria tion - wha t results is sh ee r chaos and the whole line can be assessed with the cliche 'deserves further testing'. But black should take special note, as despite some very unusual handling by white, the lower rated player manages to work up a formidable attack. ( 10.b5+ ed7 11.e2 e7 12.0-0-0 a6 13.d3 xd3 14.xd3 0-0 15.d4 c5 16.dd1 e8 17.f5 fe4 18.xe4 xe4 19.h4 d7 20.f3 f6 21.g5 e5 22.d4 c5 23.h5 xd4 24.xd4 e5 25.xg7 xg5 26.h6 e7 27.h5 f5 28.dd1 f8 29.de1 e4 30.f4 f7 31.xe4 g4 32.f3 xe4 33.c3 g6 34.f3 e7 35.c4 xh6+ 36.f4 f7 37.g3 g6 38.d3 e8 39.h5 d8 40.xf5 g8 0-1 Ivanov,VNesterov,J/Moscow 1995.) 10...e7 11.g2 h5 12.g5 h7 ( 12...fd7!? ) 13.0-0 f5 14.h2 d7 15.f4 g6 16.f3 e7 17.g3 c5 18.dxc6 bxc6 19.d4 h4+ 20.h2 d5 21.xc6 xc6 22.xd5 c8 23.xe7 xe7 24.xa8 xa8 25.c5 f8 66

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 26.xe7 xe7 27.e1+ e6 28.b4+ d8 29.ad1+ d7 30.f5 d5 31.d6 c6 32.fe1 c8 33.e3 f6 34.e7 b7 35.b4 b6 36.d2 e5 37.xe5 fxe5 38.xe5 e8 39.d6 e1 40.f8+ b7 41.f7+ a6 42.c4+ b5 0-1 De la Riva Aguado,O-Spraggett,K/Santiago 1995. ] 10.xf3 g6 11.0-0-0 e7 12.g2 d7 13.f4 h6 [ 13...f5 14.g5 0-0 15.f3 c8 16.h4 a6 17.h5 e8 18.c4 b5 19.b3 b6 20.e2 b4 21.h6 g6 22.d4 bxc3 23.xc3 xg5 24.fxg5 xg5+ 25.b1 f4 26.f3 d7 27.dg1 f5 28.h5 f7 29.d3 f3 30.hg5 f5 31.d4 f6 32.xf6 xf6 33.xf6 f7 34.d4 d7 35.xf5+ gxf5 36.g7+ f8 1-0 Kovacevic, P-Kostic,N/Bela Crkva 1990 (36) ] 14.d4 0-0 15.h4! Giving black the choice of opening lines against his own king or having a pawn mass stuffed in his face. A glance at the other flank is enough to confirm that this game is likely to feature one-way traffic as black does not have a glimmer of counterplay. xh4 16.h2 f6 17.g5 xg5? Black banks on three pawns and a relatively safer king for a piece, but with a long term attack still on the cards, he will find that a piece is a piece. [ 17...xd4 18.xd4 e8 ( 18...h5 19.e2 ) 19.e2 ( 19.gxh6 allows ...Re1+ and/or Qf6, which hinders the attack a bit. )] 18.fxg5 xg5+ 19.b1 e5 20.d3 f3 21.f2 xd4 22.xd4 xd3 23.xd3 f5?! This creates weaknesses, but sitting still does not hinder white from training all of his guns on the kingside either still, something more solid was called for: [ 23...ae8 24.dg1 f4 prevents immediate catastrophe. ( 24...f6 25.e4 e5 26.d2 h7 27.g5+ g8 28.xh6! )] 24.e2 f4 25.d4 f7 26.dg1 xd5 27.xh6+- f3 28.h7+ f8 29.h8+ e7 30.e1+ e5 31.xe5+ dxe5 32.e6+ d7 33.xa8 1-0

85 Mohr,Georg Mestrovic,Zvonimir chT Pula (2) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2492 2434 12.09.2000

1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e3 e5 6.b5 [ 6.dxe5 dxe5 7.xd8+ xd8 8.b5 xf3 9.gxf3 a6 10.xc6+ bxc6 11.e2 h5 12.ad1 d6 13.d3 0-0 14.b1 f5 15.c3 fxe4 16.fxe4 f4+ 17.xf4 xf4 18.f3 df8 19.f1 h4 20.f2 f6 21.f1 fh6 22.g1 b4 23.c4 a5 24.h1 e1 25.g2 h3 26.d2 d6 27.f1 xf3 28.g3 f2 0-1 Vrana,F-Kos,T Charleville FRA 2000. ] 6...d7 [ 6...exd4 a la a Steinitz Spanish/Ruy Lopez is probably better. ] 7.d5 cb8 [ 7...xf3 8.xf3 e7 9.0-0-0 a6 10.xd7+ I don't see the point of giving back the bishop pair. ( 10.f1!? and then h4!? perhaps? ) 10...xd7 11.h4 ( 11.b1 b5 12.c1 b4 13.e2 c5 14.dxc6 xc6 15.g3 a5 16.hd1 b8 17.d3 a4 18.c4 c8 19.d1 e7 20.c5 a6 21.cxd6 xd6 22.c5 d8 23.xd6 g6 24.c2 xd6 25.cd2 e7 26.f1 d7 27.e3 c8 28.d5+ f8 29.f6 dc7 30.xd6 c1+ 31.xc1 xc1+ 32.xc1 f1+ 33.d1 xf2 34.g4 b3 35.axb3 axb3 36.c6 g7 37.h3 e3+ 38.b1 a7 39.g5 a2+ 40.c1 a1+ 41.d2 xb2+ 42.e1 g2 43.e8+ h8 44.d6 g7 45.e8+ h8 46.d6 xh3 47.c7 g8 48.xf7 e3+ 49.f1 xg5 50.f2 h5 51.e1 h3 52.d2 h5 53.c1 e3+ 54.fd2 c3+ 55.b1 h4 56.b5 f3 57.d6 h3 58.b2 h2 59.c4 h1 60.d8+ g7 0-1 Hendriks, W-Mestrovic,Z Wijk aan Zee 1999.) 11...h5 12.g3 g8 13.e2 g6 14.f4 g7 15.d2 0-0-0 16.hf1 exf4 17.xf4 h6 18.f3 g4 19.f4 de8 20.d2 hf8 21.e1 e7 22.g5 ee8 23.ff1 b8 24.a3 e5 25.f4 e7 26.e2 fe8 27.fe1 f5 28.exf5 xc3 29.bxc3 xe2 30.xe2 gxf5 31.e1 xe2 32.xe2 a4 33.e7 1/2-1/2 Medunova,V-Zielinska,M W arsaw 67

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 1999. ] 8.h3 xf3!? A change from the man who plays this the most. But it doesn't seem to improve his chances much - this piece will be sorely missed later. [ 8...h5 9.g4 g6 10.h4 h6 ( 10...h5 11.g5 a6 12.f1 b5 13.d2 e7 14.g1 c8 15.a4 b4 16.a2 b7 17.c3 a5 18.cxb4 axb4 19.b5 0-0 20.xb4 c5 21.f3 h7 22.b3 f5 23.e2 g8 24.0-0-0 f4 25.xc5 dxc5 26.c6 d6 27.c4 d7 28.g2 f7 29.h3 e8 30.g2 a8 31.a2 b8 32.6xe5 xe5 33.xe5 f5 34.exf5 xe5 35.f6 d7 36.xd7 a5 37.c2 b4 38.e6 c3 39.xf7+ 1-0 Piket,J-Mestrovic,Z Sremic K r s k o 1 9 9 8 .) 11.h5 h7 12.g5 a6 ( 12...hxg5 13.xg5 a6 14.g4 g8 15.e6 fxe6 16.dxe6 xe6 17.xe6+ e7 18.g6+ f7 19.xf7+ xf7 20.c4+ e8 21.d5 d8 22.g5+ c8 23.0-0-0 c5 24.f3 b5 25.f1 c6 26.h3+ b7 27.c3 d8 28.c2 de6 29.xe6 xe6 30.dg1 h7 31.d2 c6 32.e3 f4 33.f5 e8 34.xf4 exf4 35.h4 d5 36.xf4 dxe4 37.fxe4 xh5 38.xg7+ xg7 39.d6+ b6 40.xe8 h2+ 41.b1 h6 42.f1 e2 43.d6 a5 44.f5 g5 45.g1 e3 46.g6 c5 47.e6 c7 48.e5 e4 49.c2 d7 50.d3 e1 51.d4 d1+ 52.e4 e1+ 53.f5 f1+ 54.e4 e1+ 55.f5 f1+ 56.g6 e1 57.f6 f1+ 58.g6 e1 59.a3 b4 60.axb4 axb4 61.f7 e4 62.b3 b6 63.cxb4 xb4 64.f6 e4 65.e6+ c7 66.f3 e3 67.d2 xd2 68.e7 c5 69.e8 xe8 70.xe8 c6 71.d3 b4 72.d8 c4 73.f7 c5 74.e6 c3 75.b3 a5 76.a8 c7 77.a4 b5 78.c4 d8 79.d5 g5 80.e4 c2 81.xc2 b4 82.b2 c3 83.b1 e7 84.d5 a3 85.c6 c2 86.b4 1/2-1/2 Jonkman,H-Mestrovic,Z Wijk aan Zee 1999.) 13.f1 b5 14.a3 c5 15.g6 fxg6 16.hxg6 xg6 17.xc5 dxc5 18.xe5 g5 19.xg6 xg6 20.h3 e7 21.f5 g5 22.h5+ xh5 23.xh5 d7 24.g6+ d8 25.e5 g5 26.e4 f4 27.f5 xe5 28.0-0-0 f8 29.xc5 xf5 30.e6+ e7 31.xf5 f6 32.h3 b6 33.f4 d6 34.f5 g8 35.c3 h5 36.c2

c4 37.g1 e3+ 38.d3 xd5 39.g6+ e5 40.g2 e7 41.xg7 xg7 42.xg7 h4 43.h3 d5 44.e6 b6 45.g5 e7 46.e6 d6 47.b3 d7 48.c4 e5+ 49.c3 bxc4 50.bxc4 c5 51.f4 f3 52.d3 g5 53.g6 a5 54.a4 g1 55.g2 h3 56.d5 h2 57.g2 h3 58.e2 f6 59.f3 g1+ 60.g3 e2+ 61.xh2 c3 62.g3 xa4 63.e4 c3 64.c2 a4 65.f3 a3 66.b3 a2 67.xa2 xa2 68.f8 b4 69.e4 c6 70.e6 e5 71.f4 xc4 72.xc5 xc5 73.e4 e5 74.e3 d5 75.f4 d4 76.g3 e3 77.g2 d3 78.g3 f2 79.g2 e4 80.f1 d2 81.g2 e2 82.g1 f3 83.f1 h4 84.f6 f2 0-1 Medvegy,NMestrovic,Z Budapest 1999. ] 9.gxf3 e7 10.d2 0-0 11.0-0-0 f5 12.exf5 xf5 13.dg1 a6 [ 13...xf3 invites a vicious attack: 14.e2 ( 14.h6 f7 ) 14...f8 15.h6 f6 16.e4 f7 17.h5 e7 18.h2 h8 19.hg2! gxh6 ( 19...g6 20.xg6 hxg6 21.xg6+- ) 20.xh6+- ] 14.g3 f7 15.h4 f6 16.h5 h8 17.a3 c5 18.b1 a6 19.f1 b5 20.b4 cd7 21.d3 f8 22.g6 e7 23.e4 xe4 24.fxe4 h6 25.f5 f6 26.g6 f7 27.hg1 a5 28.e6 e7 29.d3 axb4 30.axb4 c5 31.xf7 c4 32.e2 xe4 33.f3 f6 34.xf6 xf6 35.xf6 gxf6 36.g8+ h7 37.e6 f5 38.f3 d8 39.b6 1-0

86 Moreda,Lucas Polak,Tomas 9th Valley Saint Vincent ITA (6) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2309 2505 08.02.2001

1.e4 b6 2.c3 b7 3.d4 e6 4.a3 d5 5.exd5 exd5 6.f3!?N An interesting idea, but white f in ds tha t th e p rice o f c rea tin g concessions is that his position becomes rather artificial [ 6.f3 f6 7.d3 e7 8.0-0 e4 9.e2 0-0 10.c3 d7 11.e1 e8= Walta,P-Blanco,M Moscow 1994. (1/2-1/2, 88) ] 6...e7 68

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ 6...f6 7.g5 e7 ( 7...bd7 avoids white's tricky concept.) 8.b5+ c6 9.xf6 xf6 10.xd5 ] 7.g3 f8 8.b5 [ 8.f4!? ] 8...a6! 9.xc7 a7 10.f4 c6 11.0-0-0 [ 11.f3 f6 ] 11...g5 12.e5 xe5 13.xe5 f6 14.g3 c8 Black crowns his original opening play by winning material. 15.xa6 xa6 16.xa6 xa6 17.d3 a7 18.e2 h5 19.he1 e7 20.b5 h6 21.b4 h4 22.b1 g7 23.f4 g4 24.c1 xe1 25.xe1 e7 26.d2 f5 27.c3 d7 28.d3 d6 29.e5 f5+ 30.a2 e4 31.e3 xe5 32.dxe5 c6 33.d4 c5 34.e6+ f6 35.e7 xd4 36.cxd4 c8 37.c1 e8 38.c6 xe7 39.xb6 d2 40.a4 e2 41.a5 c4 42.b5 xa5 43.xa5 xg2 44.xd5 f6 45.h5 xh2 46.d5 g3 47.d6 f7 48.h7+ e8 0-1

[ Now that Black has safely castled the move 16...xb4! is a more serious proposition e.g. 17.c5 bxc5 18.dxc5 f4! as after ( not 18...xc5? 19.dc1 d6 20.xf6 xf6 21.xb4 ) 19.xf6 gxf6 20.d7 xd7 21.xd7 c4 Black seems to be OK. ] 17.a3 b8 18.e1 fe8 19.bd1 c6 Preparing ...b5 in order not to stay too passive. 20.c2 b5 The idea is to fix White's pawns on dark squares (rendering W hite's bishop impotent) and gaining control of d5. 21.c5 c7 Preparing ...Rd5 which would give him a satisfactory position. Instead after [ 21...d5 22.e5 d7 Black will have problems to capture on e5 without exposing his queen. ] 22.d5! One way of avoiding the blockade! White's better harmonized pieces now come to the fore despite the loss of a pawn. xd5 [ 22...exd5 23.xf6 gxf6 24.xf5 leaves Black under pressure with broken kingside pawns and White's intended Nd4 will further strengthen the bind. ] [ The immediate 22...cxd5 23.xf6 gxf6 87 B00 24.d4 c8 gets into hot water as 25.c6 threatens a decisive fork. ] Morozevich,Alexander 2717 Chernyshov,Konstantin 2531 23.xd5 cxd5 24.xf6 gxf6 25.d4 c8 TCh Sochi RUS (7) 25.04.2005 26.c6 The extra pawn is a minor detail, Black's position is a shambles. Just look at the knight! [Glenn Flear] e5? [ 26...c7 27.c5 f7 would be a better 1.e4 e6 2.d4 b6 3.f3 b7 4.d3 f6 chance. ] 5.e5 e4 6.0-0 f5 [ Another idea is to wait one tempo with 27.c7 f4 [ Saving the piece with 27...d7 is hopeless 6...e7 before deciding between ...f5 or ...d5 after 28.xf5 e6 29.d1 ] e.g. 7.c4 d5 8.cxd5 exd5 9.e1 d7 10.c3 xc3 11.bxc3 f8 12.d2 e6 28.cxb8 xb8 29.c6 d8 30.e6 c8 13.f1 g6 14.f4 h5 15.f5! gxf5 16.g3 31.c7 d8 32.c1 f7 33.f3 d4 34.xa6 with an edge to White in Wells,P-Blatny,P d3 35.xb5 d2 36.c4+ g6 37.d1 d7 38.e4+ h6 Puvermuehle 2000 ] [ For the record, 38...f5 regains the piece but 7.xe4 xe4 8.c4 c6 9.g5 after 39.xe5 xc7 40.xd2 the result [ 9.c3 is well met by xf3 when White remains the same. ] wo u ld h a ve t o m ake t he co nce ssio n o f 39.f5 xc7 40.xf6+ h5 41.g4+ capturing with the pawn. ] 9...xb1 10.xb1 e7 11.f3 d5 12.exd6 Black is in a mating net. 1-0 xd6 13.b4 d8 [ It would be foolhardy to play 13...xb4? 14.a4+ f8 ( 14...c6 15.xb4 ) 15.c5 bxc5 16.dxc5 xc5 17.a3 b8 18.fc1 b5 19.xb5 xb5 20.xc7 and Black is in serious trouble. ] 14.b2 f6 15.a4 0-0 16.fd1 a6!? 69

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 88 Mrdja,Milan Lovric,Branko It Montecatini Terme ITA (6) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2435 2357 17.02.2001

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.c3 e6 4.a3 f6 5.e5 [ 5.d3 c5 6.dxc5 bxc5 7.f3 c4 8.xc4 xe4 9.xe4 xe4 10.0-0 e7 11.e1 b7 12.e5 0-0 13.h5 c6 14.f4 xe5 15.xe5 d6 16.xg7 xg7 17.e3 g8 18.g3+ h8 19.xf7 xg3 20.hxg3 e8 21.xe6 c6 22.f1 f8 23.d1 xc2 24.d4 g6 25.b3 e4 26.c4 c8 27.e3 e8 28.b3 f6 29.d1 g6 30.b4 e5 31.f1 c2 32.g4 g7 33.c1 c3 34.e2 xe2 35.xg7 e1+ 0-1 Szabolcsi,J-Henley,R Budapest 1981. ] [ 5.g5!? appeals to the develop and threaten school. Black had to take great care in A) 5...h6!? 6.xf6 xf6 7.f3 c6 ( 7...a6!? ) 8.e5 f5 ( 8...d8 ) 9.d3 f4 10.d5?? ( 10.g3+- xd4 11.gxf4 xf3 12.e2 ) 10...d4 11.xd4 xd4 12.e2 exd5 13.0-0-0? xa3-+ (0-1, 37) Drapal,V-Leko,G Hrabyne 1996.; B) 5...e7 6.d3 c5 7.dxc5 bxc5 8.f3 c4 9.xc4 xe4 10.xe4 xe4 11.xe7 xe7 12.0-0 c6 13.e1 g6 14.d2 e8 15.d5 c8 16.ad1 a5 17.b4+ d6 18.f4 f8 19.xe6 xe6 20.xe6 xc2 21.g5 e7 22.d5 f6 23.e3 e7 24.f4 f6 25.g3 e5 26.f4 e2 27.e1 d2 28.h4 h6 29.e6+ fxe6 30.d8+ e8 31.xd6+ g8 32.xe6+ h7 33.e4+ 1-0 Conquest,SJadoul,M FRA 1991. ] 5...e4 [ 5...d5 6.xd5 xd5 7.g4 A) 7...f5 8.g3 b7 9.e2 e7 10.h3 c6 11.e3 f7 12.g5 g8 13.d5? (1/2-1/2, 63) Starck, I-Wolf,S Stralsund 1988. ( 13.h5+! ); B) 7...d6 8.g5 d7 9.e2 b7 10.f3 c6 11.0-0-0 h6 12.h4 g5 13.d5 exd5 14.xd7+ xd7 15.g3 e8 16.xd5 g7 17.e1 xe5 18.xe5 xd5 19.xg7 hg8 20.c3 g4 21.h4 c6 22.d2 h5 23.g3 e6 24.d3 d5

25.g2 f5 26.f4 f7 27.xf5+ d6 28.xe8 xe8 29.b3 c5 30.d3 d4 31.d2 b5 32.g6 xg6+ 33.xg6 e6 34.b4 f5 35.h4+ e5 36.bxc5 d5 37.f4 xc5 38.f5 d8 39.b4+ b6 40.xd4 a5 41.e7 e8 42.d6 d8 43.e5 d5 44.e4 c5 45.f5 c3 46.f6 1-0 Ciganikova,A-Dubinskaya,M Tallinn 1997. ] 6.xe4 If this really is a new move, then all I can say is that this line must be extremely untested. [ 6.f3 doesn't look that impressive. xc3 7.bxc3 e7 8.d3 0-0 9.0-0 d6 10.e1 d7 11.exd6 cxd6 12.a4 f6 13.e4 xe4 14.xe4 e8 15.h4 c7 16.d2 e5 17.g4 e4 18.g5 d5 19.g3 f8 20.h5 e3 21.xe3 xg5 22.xe8 xe8 23.xg5 xc3 24.e3 h6 25.b1 c4 26.c3 h7 27.f3 e4 28.c1 e6 29.f4 f6 30.g3 e6 31.e5 f6 32.f4 xa4 33.xh6 e7 34.e3 f8 35.f3 d7 36.h6 b5 37.a1 h7 38.hxg7 xg7 39.a6 h8 40.h5 g8 41.h6 e7 42.g3 h8 43.g2 g8 44.g6+ h8 45.h2 c7 46.h5 d7 47.f8 e6 48.h3 f5 49.a2 g8 50.c5 a6 51.g2 f7 52.h4 g7 53.f3 e8 54.f2 h6 55.e7+ xe7 56.xe7 e6 57.b4 f6 58.a2 h5 59.a5 g6 60.c7 xg3 61.f2 f4 62.xf4 f5 63.e5+ f7 64.a1 e7 65.e2 d7 66.d3 h4 67.e3 c6 68.h1 f5+ 69.d3 h6 70.g1 e7 71.c2 a5 72.f4 h2+ 73.b1 f2 74.g7 e6 75.h7 g2 76.h6+ g6 77.h8 c6 78.f8 e7 79.c8 b4 80.cxb4 xb4 81.f5 g1+ 82.b2 f1 83.f6+ 1/2-1/2 Cetkovic, M-Filipovic,B Becici 1994. ] 6...xe4 7.e2 b7 8.f4 d6 9.exd6 xd6!? This indicates nervousness about castling kingside. [ 9...xd6 10.g4 0-0 11.d3!? may have made black feel uncomfortable, though white has nothing clear here - at any rate there is nothing wrong with the more original course chosen in the game. ( 11.h5 g6 doesn't accomplish anything, and white must beware of being kicked back in disarray by ...f5. )] 10.e3 c6 70

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ 10...d7!? ] 11.g4 0-0-0 12.0-0-0 h5 13.h3 [ 13.xh5? d5 14.f4 a2 is nothing to a l l o w f o r a p a wn t h a t a l s o a c t i va t e s a piece. ] 13...g5 14.e2 d5 15.b1 g4 16.h4 e7 17.g3 d6 18.h4 e7 This "feels" justified, but in fact repeating moves was better. W hite is now forced into the weaknesses in black's camp. 19.c3 a5 20.b5 f5 21.f6 xe3 22.fxe3 hf8 23.h3! g3 [ 23...g3 24.h4 rounds up a kingside pawn. ] 24.hxg4 a6 [ 24...hxg4 25.h7 threatens f7 as well as going behind the g-pawn - nevertheless this looks preferable to the game. ] 25.c3 h4? 26.e2 e5 27.e7 g7 This seems an abrupt end to the game, so I suspect the game score is incomplete, but black has insufficient compensation for the pawn(s). 1-0

89 Nevednichy,Vladislav Blatny,Pavel zt 1.4 Budapest HUN (2) [Carsten Hansen]

B00 2589 2512 18.06.2000

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 f6 4.e2 c6 From my records, the earliest game with this move stems from 1975. But it has mainly been the German correspondance player Caprano who has made use of it. It aims to challenge White in the centre immediately, rather than build-up on the queenside as is customary in Owen's Defense. 5.c3 e5 6.f3 [ It makes less sense to close the centre. After 6.d5 e7 7.c4 g6 8.g3 b4+ (since W hite has weakened his dark squa res dram a tically by pla cing all h is central pawns on light squares, it makes s e n s e f o r B la ck t o e xch a n ge t h e d a rk squared bishop to take advantage of this. However, also 8...h5, intending ...h4 to provoke further weaknesses or 8...c6 can also be considered) 9.d2 xd2+ 10.xd2 e7 11.c3 c5?! I'm not a great fan of this

move that locks the centre. Both 11...c6 and 11...0-0 are in my opinion better moves 12.h4 h5 13.ge2 d6 14.f3 f8 15.d1 8d7 16.ec3 g6 17.f1 h7 18.h3 df6 19.a3 c8 20.xc8 xc8 21.0-0 0-0 22.f2 , and White holds the better prospects because he controls the possible breaks on both queenside and kingside, Mortensen-Jakobsen, Denmark ch 1989. ] 6...exd4 This is the critical line. [ Also 6...d6 has been tried out. Now 7 d5 makes more sense than in the above example, because Black's dark-squared is now caged in by his own pawns. However, even better is 7.0-0 e7 8.dxe5 xe5 9.xe5 dxe5 10.d2 0-0 11.c4 d7 12.d1 g5 13.e3 xe3 14.xe3 e7 15.f3 c5 16.c4 e6 , and Black has just about equalised, Berg-E.Pedersen, Denmark chT 1998. ] 7.0-0?! Although White receives some compensation for the pawn, I don't trust this approach by White. [ 7.e5!? is probably more like it. In the present example, Black's position soon looks like Swiss cheese. d5 8.e4 d3 ( 8...de7 9.cxd4 d5 10.d3 ) 9.xd3 de7 10.f4 h6?! this isn't a good idea, and I don't understand how Black could convince himself that this was playable. Much better was 10...Ng6 followed by ...Be7, with about equal chances. 11.0-0 g5?! 12.g3 g7 13.bd2 0-0 14.h4 f5 15.exf6 xf6 16.hxg5 hxg5 17.h7+ g7 18.e4 , and it is pretty obvious that things haven't exactly gone according to Black's plan, Stefansson-Balinas, New York 1989. ] 7...dxc3 8.xc3 d6 [ 8...c5 is probably Black's best move, although 8... Be7 9 e5 Ng8 followed by ...h5 also can be tried out. ] 9.b5 a6 Now White & Black together take the game to more complicated hunting grounds. The main problem for Black is that the solid-looking 9...Nd7 can be met with 10 Ng5, and if Black answers 10...Be7, then 11 Nxf7 Kxf7 12 Bxc6 Bxc6 13 Qc4+, and White e n d s u p w i t h a n e x t r a p a w n . 10.xc6+ In my opinion a suprising decision. [ A more natural way for White to follow up is the more direct approach 10.e5!? axb5 71

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 11.exf6+ d7 12.fxg7 xg7 13.e4 with a better game for White. ] 10...xc6 11.e5 xf3 12.xf3 dxe5 13.g5 e7 14.fd1 c8 15.xf6 xf6 16.c6+ Obviously, White has plenty of compensation for his two pawns. None of the Black pieces work together, perhaps with the exception of the bishop on f6 and the pawn on g7! That Black manages to escape this is an astonishing accomplishment. f8 17.d7 e8 18.ad1 18 Nd5!? is probably even stronger. c8 [ 18...d8 19.xc7 xd7 20.xd7 is obviously not very interesting for Black. ] 19.d5 e6 20.xe6 fxe6 21.xc7 h5 22.xe6+ White picks the wrong pawn to win back. W ith Black as tied up as he is, White can always return to pick up the e6-pawn. Instead White should have opted for 22 Nxa6 after which 22...Rc2 can be answered with 23 Rb7, threatening the b-pawn as well as Rb8+. g8 23.c7 h7 24.g3 [ 24.xa6 c2 is far from ideal for White, since 25.b1 hc8 leaves Black with sufficient compensation for the pawn due to his active pieces. Notice the consequences of White wasting time with Nxe6. ] 24...h4 [ 24...a5!? is possibly better, although White still holds an edge after 25 R1d6. ] 25.1d6 hd8 26.xd8 xd8 27.d5 Having seen most of his advantage vanish, White adopts a safety-first policy and throws even more of it away. Correct is [ 27.xa6 h3 28.f1 c1+ 29.e2 with a clearly bad ending for Black. ] 27...h3 28.f1 g5?! [ 28...b5!? ] 29.c3 c1 30.xb6 xb2 31.e4 c1 32.xa6 c4 33.f3? And here White lets go of his remaining advantage. Correct is 33 Nd6 followed by Nf5 and Rg7. c2? Black returns the favour. Given the complications earlier on, the players may be in time trouble at this time. Correct is 33...Bh6! followed by ...Rc2. 34.f4! g6 35.g5+?? White throws the win away. [ Here 35.fxe5 is simplest. The e-pawn decides. ] 35...h6 36.xh3 exf4 37.xf4 xf4 38.gxf4 h5 Black steers safely towards a theoretically drawn position. 39.a4 xh2

40.a5+ g4 41.g1 a2 ½-½

90 Ni Hua Gonzales,Jayson 7th Open Dubai UAE (5) [Glenn Flear]

B00 2638 2474 08.04.2005

1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.b5 a6 6.xc6+ bxc6 7.h3 h5 Although this variation has been played a few times over the years this is the first time at such a high level. 8.g5 [ Another way of introducing this pin is after a couple of preliminary moves: 8.e2 e6 9.g4 g6 10.g5 e7 but it's not clear who has benefited from this early pawn advance. ] 8...b8!? With a threat that White doesn't take seriously... 9.0-0!? Ni Hua decides that if Black spends time capturing on b2 then the open b-file will favour the better developed player i.e . W hite. B lack now h as severa l opportunities to venture the risky b-pawn grab but clearly decides that getting developed is more important [ Instead Geller,E-Makropoulos,G Athens 1988 continued with 9.d3 e6 10.0-0 d7 11.ae1 f6?! ( 11...h6! 12.c1 g5 ) 12.c1 b7 13.e5 g6 14.e2 f7 when White's position was the easier to play. ] 9...d7 10.d3 e6 11.fe1 h6 12.h4 g5! A more dynamic way to catch up in development and keep W hite on his toes. W ith Black's light-squared bishop on the kingside there is little risk of ...g5 leading to excessive self-weakening. 13.g3 g7 14.d2 b6 15.b3 c5! Gaining influence o n t h e d a r k s q u a r e s . 16.d5 e5!? Black takes the opportunity to obtain the bishop pair, but there's no hurry to occupy this square and maybe [ 16...0-0 17.ab1 g6 just waiting and seeing could have been envisaged. ] 17.xe5 xe5 18.ab1 0-0 19.d2 Two knights against two bishops is often difficult to judge when the pawn structure has yet to be decided. White at least can count on access to the c4-square as Black's light72

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 squared bishop is out of touch on h5. g7 20.c4 b7 21.a5 c8 22.b4! Creating some action where he is strongest before Black can get any counterplay up and running. cxb4 23.xb4 e8 24.eb1?! [ More precise is 24.c6 d7 25.c4 but in any case it will be hard for White to maintain his central bind for long when the bishops start to flex their muscles. ] 24...g6 25.c6 d7 White has won the battle for the b-file but meantime Black hasn't panicked. He has reorganized his pieces to exert latent pressure against the centre . 26.b8 c8 27.f3 exd5 28.xd5 [ 28.xd5 c6! 29.e3 d5 is no improvement. ] 28...c6! 29.c4 [ 29.xc6 falls short after xc3 30.c4 f6 31.e7+ xe7 32.xc8 axc8 as Black has too much wood for the queen. ] 29...d5! The centre blasts open and Black's bishops start to come into their own. 30.exd5 xc2 [ The alternative is an endgame edge with 30...cxd5 31.xc8 xc8 32.xd5 f8! ] 31.d6?! [ A better practical chance is 31.xc6 xb1 32.xb1 with a pawn plus a strong knight outpost on c6 for the exchange. Instead the text is trappy but not very convincing, but it's easy for me to write that as I'm not in time trouble! ] 31...xb1 32.d7 xb8! White doesn't have e n o u g h f o r t h e q u e e n . 33.xb8 exb8 34.xc6 xc3 35.xc3 xa2 36.f6 e6 37.h4! With the d-pawn about to go White tries one last desperate shot... gxh4 38.xh6 a5? I suppose the a-pawn was the nearest thing to his clock! That's the only explanation I have for such a move. W ith a minute or so more in hand I'm sure Gonzales would have found [ 38...b5! when the d-pawn soon falls and there aren't any useful checks. W hite could already resign. ] [ 38...xd7 would also give winning chances but after 39.g5+ f8 40.h6+ e8 41.h8+ e7 42.xh4+ Black will have to give up his f-pawn to hide his king which would give White some practical chances. ] 39.g5+ f8 40.c5+ Black can't escape

from perpetual check. ½-½

91 Novak,Danijel Mestrovic,Zvonimir TCh Medulin CRO (7) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2359 2387 15.09.2002

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d6 3.f3 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e3 e5 6.b5 d7 7.d5 cb8 8.h3 h5 9.g4 g6 10.h4 h5 11.g5 e7 [ 11...a6 12.f1 b5 13.d2 e7 14.g1 c8 15.a4 and White had the advantage in Piket,J-Mestrovic,Z Sremic Krsko 1998. ] 12.g1 [ 12.d2 Cebalo,M-Mestrovic,Z/Pula CRO 2002 was a very interesting idea, intending to mount pressure on h5. This is annotated in the database, and I believe Black had some interesting methods to achieve counterplay. ] 12...c6 13.e2 A new move in the continuing adventures of Mestrovic. It is very logical for W hite to keep the pawn on d5 and the continuation [ 13.dxc6?! was unimpressive: bxc6 14.e2 c7 15.d2 c5 16.xc5 dxc5 17.c4 d7 18.d3 b6 19.g3 xc4 20.xc4 d8 Soylu,S-Mestrovic, Z/Nova Gorica SLO 2001. ] 13...b6 14.a4 cxd5 This game is worth comparing with the Cebalo - Mestrovic encounter. I would again be tempted to keep the tension between c6 and d5. [ 14...a5 to stabilize the queenside and develop with ...Na6-b4, bringing pressure to bear on c2 and d5, and to use the rook on the c-file, is a more harmonious plan. ] 15.exd5 c8!? Black has some tricky ideas in mind - he argues that his active piece play means he does not need to take the kind of stabilizing precautions mentioned in earlier notes. 16.d2 a6 17.xb6!? I would not feel terribly comfortable with surrendering this bishop, even if it does have some obvious st r u ct u r a l a t t ra ct i o n s. B u t W h it e ' s m o r e tempting alternative is not so convincing, and the capture on b6 does give Black long range problems to solve. 73

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ 17.a5 is the critical move. A) 17...d7 gives White a number of easy wa y s t o m a i n t a i n a p l e a s a n t s p a t i a l advantage, as well as eventual access to the weakness on h5 18.a4!? ( 18.de4; 18.ce4 ); B) 17...b4!? probably justifies Black's setup: 18.b5+ ( 18.axb6 xc2+ 19.f1 h3+= ) 18...d7 now this is less of a concession W hite has wasted time with the bishop, and the pressure on h5 is relaxed, and there is no completely satisfactory way to guard c2 and keep all of his pieces active. Rc1 is passive and leaves a5 unattended, and Ba4 is even clumsier. ( 18...f8 19.axb6 xc2+ 20.e2 xa1 21.xa1 axb6 22.f1 is messy but must favour White.) 19.a4 0-0 ] 17...axb6 18.c4 b4 [ 18...c5 was a temperate option. 19.a3!? b4 20.e3 d4 also creates some pressure on h4, without losing control. ] 19.xb6 [ 19.e3 h3 would again justify Black's plan. ] 19...h3? Incomprehensible - the chaos caused by this is highly temporary. Probably Black missed White's next move. [ 19...xc2+ 20.xc2 ( 20.d2? f5 ) 20...xc2 21.xc8 xc8 22.d2 f5 was more sensible, though the passive Be7 gives White some chances for advantage. If the bishop manages to emerge, however, it will be a monster. ] 20.b5+! The cleanest way to win material as the king is much better placed on e2. f8 21.xa8 xc2+ 22.e2 xh4 23.d3 xa1 [ 23...xd3+ 24.xd3 xa1 25.xa1 g4+!? looks like a much better try - Black will at least own the kingside. ] 24.xg6! fxg6 25.xa1 g8 Black's king will be safe on h7 but his potential for counterplay can never be anywhere near compensation. Compared to the previous note, n o w win n i n g k i n g si d e p a wn s wi ll m o s t l y expose his own king. Still, there are some practical chances until White can return the Na8 into play. 26.b6 h7 27.b1 [ 27.a5!? deserved attention, to stabilize the

knight. ] 27...d4 28.d7 f4 [ 28...d8 29.e4 ] 29.e4+- White now regains coordination and the result is never in doubt. f7 30.b6 f8 31.f3 e8 32.d3 f4 33.e4 f8 34.c4 f5 35.cxd6 h3 36.f1 xd6 37.xd6 d4 38.b5 g2+ 39.f2 xg5 40.e4 c1 41.b3 g5 42.f1 f4 43.e3 h2+ 44.f2 b4 45.d2 h4 46.h1 c4+ 47.d3+ e4 48.xe4 xb2+ 49.d2+ xd3+ 50.xd3 g6 51.d6 b6 52.c4 b3+ 53.d4 f6 54.e1 1-0

92 Odeev,Handszar Merrit,Mario 34th Olympiad (4) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2442 2159 31.10.2000

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 f5 4.b5 [ 4.g4 e4 5.f3 g6 6.h4 h5 A) 7.d3 xd3 8.xd3 e6 ( 8...hxg4 9.fxg4 d7 10.g5 g4 11.e3 xh4 12.xh4 xh4+ 13.f2 xg5 14.d2 h6 15.0-0-0 g4 16.g3 e6 17.g2 f5 18.df3 b4 19.d2 xa2+ 20.b1 b4 21.e2 a5 22.h4 h5 23.h3 xf2 24.xf2 e7 25.f4 xh4 26.xh4 xh4 27.h2 g5 0-1 Mateu,X-Narciso Dublan,M St Cugat 1993. ) 9.g5 d7 10.a3 ge7 11.e3 f5 12.f2 ce7 13.d2 g6 14.e2 c5 15.f4 cxd4 16.b3 c8 17.bxd4 xd4 18.xd4 c5 19.g3 b5 20.xc5 xc5 21.b4 c4 22.c3 e4 23.a2 xf4 24.h2 0-0 25.a4 c4 26.d2 c8 27.g6 fxg6 28.d1 b3+ 29.e1 xc3 30.g5 c1+ 0-1 Agostino, J-Ippoliti,H Buenos Aires 1992.; B) 7.g5 e6 8.e2 b4 9.a3 c5 10.f4 e7 11.c3 bc6 12.xg6 xg6 13.c2 cxd4 14.cxd4 b6 15.d3 c8 16.a3 a6 17.f4 ge7 18.h3 g6 19.b4 a7 20.d2 c4 21.e2 ec6 22.xe6 xc2 23.xd5 xd4+ 24.d1 g7 25.e3 b5 26.xb5+ axb5 27.a4 c3+ 0-1 Krynicki,H-Markunas,G Polanczyk POL 2000. ] 74

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 4...d7 [ 4...e6 is perhaps the most solid option. 5.f3 ge7 6.0-0 a6 7.a4 b5 8.b3 a5 9.d2 c5 10.dxc5 ec6 11.c3 xc5 12.e2 c4 13.xc4 dxc4 14.g3 g4 15.e4 d5 16.xc5 xc5 17.h3 xf3 18.xf3 d8 19.e3 d5 20.xd5 xd5 21.fd1 e7 22.xd5 exd5 23.c5+ e6 24.f4 d4 25.d1 d8 26.f2 d5 27.d6 f6 28.f8 fxe5 29.fxe5 g6 30.d6 xe5 31.xe5 xe5 32.e1+ d6 33.e8 f5+ 34.g3 d5 35.d8+ e4 36.e8+ e5 37.d8 e3 38.f8 d3 39.cxd3 cxd3 0-1 Tietzen,S-Babula,M Passau 1999. ] 5.c3 e6 6.f3 f6 [ 6...a6 7.d3 ge7 8.0-0 g4 9.bd2 g6 10.h3 h5 11.b3 h4 12.e2 xf3+ 13.xf3 g6 14.e1 1/2-1/2 Robson,P-Thurlow,K ENG 1997. ] 7.0-0 ge7 8.e1 0-0-0 Castling long is risky, castling long early is very risky. It will prove difficult to break the pin on the Nc6 without paying a high price. 9.b4 g4 10.bd2 g6 11.h3 xf3 12.xf3 h6 13.a4 f7 14.xc6 bxc6 15.a4 b7 16.b5 c5 17.a3 c4 18.a6+ b8 19.c5 xc5 20.dxc5 Black's king is now seriously out numbered, and the rest is rather sad. d7 21.d4 e7 22.c6+ xc6 23.bxc6 c8 24.ab1+ a8 25.b7 b8 26.eb1 1-0

93 Orso,Miklos Bordas,Gyula FSIMB October (6) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2346 2186 12.10.2000

1.e4 c6 2.d4 e5 3.dxe5 xe5 4.f4 c6 5.c4 f6!? [ 5...b4+ is the main line: A) 6.d2 e7 ( 6...h4+ 7.g3 e7 8.e2 xd2+ 9.xd2 d6 10.0-0-0 f6 11.gf3 0-0 12.h3 d5 13.exd5 xe2 14.xe2 xd5 15.c4 b6 16.g4 xc4 17.xc4 e6 18.b5 fd8 19.xc6 bxc6 20.d4 d5 21.he1 e8 22.b3 f8 23.b2 ad8 24.c3 g6 25.a4 h6 26.f5 g5 27.xe8+ xe8 28.d3 e1

29.b4 h5 30.gxh5 g7 31.c5 e4 32.c3 h6 33.xc6 xf5 34.xa7 e4 35.b5 f5 36.xc7 xh5 37.e6 f4 38.d4 f1 39.b4 f3 40.e3 f2 41.e2 a8 42.f5 g6 43.d6 d1 44.xf2 d5+ 45.b6 xd6+ 46.a7 e4 47.b5 d7+ 48.b6 1/2-1/2 Milov,VMiles,A Isle of Man 1995.) 7.c3 f6 8.e2 xc3 9.xc3 xe4 10.xg7 g8 11.d5 xg7 12.xe4 d4 13.d3 xc2+ 14.xc2 d5 15.e2 xe4 16.xe4+ dxe4 17.0-0 d7 18.c3 f5 19.d5 0-0-0 20.e3 e6 21.f2 d3 22.e1 f7 23.a3 c5 24.c2 c7 25.f2 b5 26.h3 h5 27.g3 c4 28.h4 g7 29.ee2 b7 30.cd2 a5 31.xh5 b4 32.axb4 axb4 33.g4 c3 34.bxc3 bxc3 35.c2 fxg4 36.f5 b3 37.f6 c7 38.c1 gxh3 39.b1 a6 40.xb3 c2 41.xc2 0-1 Lazarev,E-Lutikov,A USSR teams 1968.; B) 6.c3 a5 B1) 7.f3 b6 ( 7...e7 8.e2 b6 9.bd2 d6 10.d3 f6 11.c4 0-0 12.xb6 axb6 13.0-0 e8 14.e1 h6 15.d2 d7 16.f2 c5 17.c2 f8 18.d4 d7 19.e3 h8 20.b4 xd4 21.cxd4 e6 22.c3 c5 23.d5 d4 24.xd4 cxd4 25.ee1 ec8 26.d3 e8 27.xd4 b5 28.e5 dxe5 29.xe5 d7 30.f5 d6 31.xc8 xc8 32.a4 d7 33.e3 c2 34.g3 f6 35.e1 f5 36.h3 a2 37.e3 1-0 Knaak,R-Przewoznik, J/Dortmund 1992/TD (37)) 8.e2 d6 9.e3 xe3 10.xe3 f6 11.bd2 e7 12.0-0 0-0 13.ae1 d7 14.h3 ae8 15.f2 h8 16.e5 g8 17.exd6 xd6 18.g5 xe1 19.xe1 d8 20.de4 c6 21.c5 e8 22.d1 h6 23.d4 e7 24.c5 f5 25.f2 h6 26.d5 g6 27.ge4 b6 28.xd7 xd7 29.b3 1/2-1/2 Rytshagov, M-Valkesalmi, K/Jyvaskyla 1998; B2) 7.h5 e7 8.e3 f6 9.g5 xe4 10.xg7 xe3+ 11.e2 f8 12.xf6 d6 13.d2 e6 14.b5 a6 15.c4 xc4 16.xc4 b6 17.f1 d4 18.d1 xe2 19.e1 d7 20.f5+ d8 21.xe2 c5 22.f6+ c8 23.g4+ b8 24.d2 d5+ 75

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 25.c1 xg2 26.h6 a7 27.d7 f2 28.d1 e3+ 29.b1 e2 30.a4 g8 31.xh7 g2 32.c2 f3 33.d3 xf4 34.a3 h8 35.a2 hxh2 36.ab1 b6 37.b3 f2 38.d5 c6 39.h1 d5 40.b3 f5 41.a4 a5 42.f1 g4 43.f3 f4 44.xf2 xf2 45.f1 xf1 46.xf1 d4 47.d3 dxc3 48.bxc3 e5 49.d7 f6 50.h7 f4 51.d7 g6 52.b2 a6 53.c8 a7 54.d7 f6 55.h7 d6 56.e4 d2+ 57.c2 xc2+ 58.xc2 e3 59.d3 b6 60.c4 c7 61.d3 b5 62.axb5 cxb5 63.c2 d6 64.b3 c5 65.e2 a4+ 66.b2 b4 67.cxb4+ xb4 68.f3 a3+ 69.b1 c3 70.d5 d2 71.a2 c5 72.f3 e3 73.d5 f3 74.xf3 xf3 75.b3 e3 76.a2 d2 77.b3 d3 78.a2 c3 79.a1 b3 80.b1 a2+ 0-1 Nossein,F-Elkaim,O/ Paris 1993 (80) ] 6.c3? [ 6.e5 Screams out to be played, and is surely the reason no one dared this move order before. d5 ( 6...e7!? ) 7.b3 g4 8.e2 xe2 9.xe2!? ] 6...b4 Now black has swift development and central pressure. 7.e5 d5 8.exf6 dxc4 9.e2+ f8 10.e3 [ 10.fxg7+ gives black a frightening lead in d e v e l o p m e n t . xg7 11.xc4 d4!? ( 11...e8+!?; 11...e6!?; 11...d4!? )] 10...xf6 11.0-0-0 e6 12.e4 e7 13.f3 c3 14.b3 a5 15.b1 a4 16.b5 axb3 17.axb3 xb3 18.cxb3 xe4+ 19.d3 a5 20.c4 xc4 21.bxc4 e7 22.d4 xd4 23.xd4 ha8 24.e3+ d7 25.he1 a1+ 26.c2 1a2+ 27.d3 d2+ 28.e4 f5+ 29.xf5 xd4 30.c5 xc5 31.xc3 f8+ 32.g5 e7+ 0-1

94 Owczarzak,Jerzy Przewoznik,Jan chT Zakopane chT (4) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2249 2414 05.09.2000

1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e2 e6 6.d5 exd5 7.exd5 xf3 8.xf3 e5 9.e2 e7 10.e3 c5 This is a little sprightlier than just developing - besides annexing a bit of the centre, it prepares a vista on the d8-a5 diagonal for the Be7. [ 10...0-0 leads to solid and fairly stodgy play - the two daring defenders in the examples here show the toughness and resilience of black's position, but it still isn't too lively. 11.f4 ed7 12.d2 c5 ( 12...e8 13.f3 b6 14.b3 d7 15.0-0 c5 16.h3 c8 17.d3 d8 18.ae1 a5 19.d2 b6 20.e4 xd2 21.xf6+ gxf6 22.xd2 xe1 23.xe1 e8 24.xe8+ xe8 Black's argument is that he is solid and white's bishop isn't great, but it takes some determination and a bit of assistance to make a living from this type of position. 25.f2 c8 26.a4 e7 27.d3 f8 28.g4 h6 29.e4 f8 30.b4 f5 31.xf5 cxb4 32.g4 a5 33.g3 g7 34.c4 b2 35.d3 f5 I don't understand this move at all so will chalk it up to a time scramble - this pawn otherwise would seem to be hanging. 36.d1 a1 37.g4 xa4 38.gxf5 a1 39.h5 c3 40.f6 xf6 41.xh7 xf4+ 42.f3 f5 43.xb7 e3+ 44.g2 0-1 Frendzas,P-Ibragimov,I/ Peristeri 1993) 13.f3 d7 14.0-0-0 ae8 15.d4 d8 16.he1 xe1 17.xe1 e8 18.g4 xe1+ 19.xe1 h6 20.h3 a6 21.e3 e7 22.xe7 xe7 23.b4 cd7 24.d2 h7 25.e4 f6 26.f2 g6 27.e2 b6 28.d3 a4 29.c4 b2+ 30.b3 d1 31.e1 g7 32.c4 f6 33.f3 d7 34.c1 e3 35.f2 d4 36.e2 b6 37.e1 g5 38.c3 1/2-1/2 Dlugy,M-Miles, A/USA-ch 1989/CBM 19/[King] (38) ] 11.f4 Taking on c6 might seem logical, opening the position with the bishop pair, but black's main problem is lack of space and manoeuvring room, and capturing en passant would solve most of these difficulties. 76

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ 11.dxc6 bxc6 12.f4 g6 13.0-0 0-0 14.e1 d5 Black has a sensible and fully playable position - solid, central presence and the b- and e-files for active counterplay. 15.f2 b8 16.ab1 e8 17.b4 c7 18.d4 ab8 19.b5 cxb5 20.xb5 xb5 21.xb5 d8 22.e2 b4 23.b5 xc2 24.f5 e4 25.e3 f8 26.a3 d2 27.h3 a6 28.g4 h6 29.d1 d2 30.xg7 xg7 31.f6 xf6 32.xf6 axb5 33.f1 d4+ 0-1 Koelle,A-Storm,R/ Germany 1991/GER-chT2 (33) ] 11...g6 12.d2 a6 13.a4 0-0 14.0-0 d7 15.h3 ae8 16.g4 d8 17.f5 Something is wrong with a position when trouble is caused b y t h e b lu n t e s t m e a n s a t a n o p p o n e n t ' s disposal. e7 18.f2 e4 This loses material. [ 18...e5 19.a5!? ( 19.g5 fd7 20.h4!? )] 19.xe4 xe4 20.fxg6 xe2 21.gxf7+ xf7 22.ae1! A nasty tactic. xf2 [ 22...xd2 23.xe8+ f8 24.xf8+ xf8 25.e3++- ] 23.xe2 fxe2 24.f4 Threatening mate and the d-pawn. If white had taken the d-pawn, I do not see what would have prevented him from winning. f6 25.g5 [ 25.xd6 xc2 26.g5 d4+ ( 26...xg5 27.d7+- ) 27.h1 ce2 28.f4 ] 25...2e4 26.f3 [ 26.xd6 xg5 27.g2!? ] 26...d4+ 27.h1 4e7 Now black can make fortress faces. He survives, but narrow escapes against lower rated opposition is not the best PR for this subvariation. 28.c3 e5 29.h4 g6 30.h5 g7 31.hxg6 hxg6 32.d3 e4 33.f3 4e7 34.d3 e4 35.f3 4e7 36.d3 ½-½

below may help. After reviewing the possibilities following W hite's 4th move my recommendation is that Black should immediately decide what to do with his king's bishop. Either continue with 4...g6 as Spassky did with a hippopotamus-style development in mind or more directly with 4...Bb4 5 Ne2 Nc6 or even 5...Ne7. 1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 [ White can also consider the cautious 3.c3 e6 4.a3 but an extra tempo for Black in a French with .. .Nf6 and ...d5 or a Modern/ Hippo with ...g6 can't be bad. ] 3...e6 4.c3 g6 [ I don't like 4...f6?! 5.ge2 A) 5...c5 6.d5 a6 7.a4 exd5 8.exd5 xd5 9.xd5 xd5 10.f4 e6 ( 10...e7+ ) 11.e4 a7 12.0-0 e7 13.a3 was indeed dangerous for Black, Speelman,J-Basman,M British ch. 1984; B) 5...d5 6.e5 fd7 7.f4 e7 Peters,J-Sahovic,D Lone Pine 1977 as 8.g4 looks unpleasant. ] [ I personally prefer 4...b4 which the reader a s s o c i a t e s wit h S o lt i s b u t a f t e r 5.ge2 to play A) 5...d5?! 6.0-0 is a safe edge for White; B) Othe rwise Black could try 5...e7!? 6.a3 xc3+ 7.xc3 d5 8.e5 a6!? in French-style as in Vigliraki,MKhetsuriani,B Agios Kyrikos 2000; C) 5...c5?! 6.a3 xc3+ but ( 6...a5 looks less natural, Black can double the cpawns and hope the bishops don't get too lively ) 7.xc3! favours White ( 7.bxc3 d6 doesn't look bad. ); D) 5...c6!? 6.e3 e5! I prefer this to ( 6...f6?! 7.a3 or; 6...ge7 ) 7.d5 ce7 with chances for counterplay based on either . ..f5, or ...c6 or even just simply piece-play e.g. 8.a3 ( 8.0-0 f5!? ) 8...c5 9.d2 g6 10.b4 e7 11.c1 h6 95 B00 intending ...Bg5 and then if 12.g3 simply f6 followed by ...c6. This dynamic Owen's with Nge2 handling reminds me of 1 e4 Nc6 2 d4 e5 N,N 3 d5 Nce7 etc. ] [Glenn Flear] 5.ge2 [ A couple of more recent encounters may I n a n s we r t o Mich a e l A yt o n 's qu e ry wh o give food for thought: 5.f3 g7 6.g5 wanted to know how Black should develop e7 7.d2 h6 8.h4 d6 9.g4 d7 against W hite's Bd3, Nc3 and Nge2 set-up 10.0-0-0 a6 11.b1 b5 Toth,Ch-Lima,D against the Owen's Defence, I hope the lines 77

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 Brazilian ch. 1996 ] 16.e3 ab8 17.c3 h5 18.e1 xb2 [ 5.e3 g7 6.d2 d5 ( 6...d6 in hippo19.d2 xe3 20.xe3 xd2 21.g3 c5 style is less committal, with ...a6, ...Nd7 0 - 1 S a vi c , M - F u r h o f f , J B e l g r a d e Y U G and either . ..b5 or ...c5 to follow on the 2001. ] queenside and ...h6 before developing the 4...xf5 5.b5 d6 6.e5 f6 7.0-0 d7 king's knight on the kingside) 7.f3 d7 8.xc6! 8.h4 gf6 9.e5 e4 10.xe4 dxe4 [ 8.f4 cxe5 9.fxe5 g6 10.a4 c6 11.g5 h6 12.gxe4 f5 13.exf6 xf6 11.c3 e6 12.e2 h5 13.e3 e7 14.f3 e7 15.0-0-0 0-0-0 16.e2 14.d2 a5 15.c3 b6 16.f4 h7 didn't give quite enough compensation for 17.d1 c4 18.c1 g5 19.e2 g6 the pawn, Ionica,I-Gaprindashvili,N Varna 20.a4 h4 21.b3 xe3 22.xe3 h3 23.g3 2002 ] 0-0-0 24.c1 hf8 25.c4 e4 26.c3 5...g7 6.h4 c6 7.g5 ge7 8.h5 xd4 xf1+ 27.xf1 d3+ 28.e2 f8+ 29.g1 9.hxg6 hxg6 10.xh8+ xh8 11.xd4 xe2 30.xe2 f5 31.c5 b6 32.cxb6 b4 xd4 12.f3 g7 13.0-0-0 f8 14.h1 33.g4 xg4+ 34.g3 f3 35.xc6+ b7 e8 15.f6 g8 and White has 36.c7+ xb6 0-1 Upton,T-Jouhki,Y compensation but Black is OK, Rogers,IPanormo GRE 2001. ] Spassky,B/Reggio Emilia 1983/4 8...bxc6 9.f3!? [ 9.f4 xe5 10.xe5 g6 11.c3 c2 12.f3 e4 13.g3 xg3 14.xg3 d8 96 B00 ( 14...xb1 15.axb1 d7 16.fe1 e6 ) 15.d2 d3 16.fe1 g6 17.f3 g7 Paehtz,Thomas Sr 2451 18.g5+- (1-0, 61) Wadsack,W-Hainzinger, Salmensuu,Olli 2431 J Austria 1996. ] ECC Panormo GRE (6) 28.09.2001 9...e6 [Jon Tisdall] [ 9...e4!? 10.f7+ d8 may be better, strangely enough. Black would like to keep 1.e4 c6 2.f3 f5 This variation enjoyed his light-squared bishop as a justification enormous popularity in recent weeks, but the for the ugliness of his structure it seems to question remains if it has more than surprise me. But then again, the game is not quite as value. Since the Finnish team seemed to play clear as it appears to be at first glance. ] it fairly regularly at the European club championship one might argues that it does, 10.g4 g6 11.xg6 hxg6 12.f4 b4 on the other hand, when this happens to 13.d3 [ 13.e2!? ] black... 3.exf5 d5 4.d4 13...0-0-0 [ 4.b3 xf5 5.b2 a6 6.h4 e6 7.d3 [ 13...f7!? ] f7 8.f3 d6 9.0-0 Having lost control of the centre, white has forfeited the assets 14.d2 d6 15.c3 b8 Very bizarre, but black of f ered him. h5 10.e2 xf3 the move g4 by white means he has his own 11.xf3 0-0-0 12.d4 e5 13.dxe5 xe5 ugly spots to worry about. 16.xd6 [ 16.g3!? ] 14.e1 xf3+ 15.xf3 g6 16.h3+ b8 17.d3 xd3 18.cxd3 f6 19.e2 b4 16...cxd6 17.g3 f6 [ 17...e5!? looks completely unclear to me. I 20.c3 c5 21.d2 d4 22.b2 d5 don't know how black has managed it. ] 23.e4 f4 24.c2 b6 25.d1 he8 26.f3 d5 27.c1 h6 28.d2 e3 18.b4 g5 19.g2 b7 [ 19...h6!? ] 29.xe3 dxe3 30.f1 xe4!! 0-1 Dutreeuw, [ 19...e5!? ] M-Salmensuu,O Panormo GRE 2001. 20.fe1 he8 Black seems to be on the ( 30...xe4 31.fxe4 f8+ 32.e1 a5+! )] [ 4.b5 xf5 5.0-0 e6 6.e5 ge7 7.d4 w r o n g t r a c k - h a v i n g p l a y e d b i z a r r e l y , a6 8.xc6+ xc6 9.xc6 bxc6 10.h5+ provoked a gash on the kingside and then g6 11.e2 d7 12.e1 d6 13.xe6+ somehow repaired much of his own structure, xe6 14.xe6+ d7 15.e2 he8 it looks far more logical to try and use the h78

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 file or the possibilities to play ...e5 earlier. By suddenly centralizing, black in f act is p l a y i n g r a t h e r p a s s i ve l y . 21.a4 b8 A sign that things have gone wrong. 22.b5 c5 23.b3 e4 24.e3 Now f3 comes with considerable force. f8 25.f3 f4 26.fxe4 xg4+ 27.h1 h8 28.a2 dxe4 29.g2 f4 30.dxc5 d5 31.d2 1-0

97 Pein,Malcolm McShane,Luke J Norkom European Masters (6) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2424 2480 26.11.2000

1.d4 b6 2.e4 b7 3.d2 e6 4.gf3 d6 5.d3 g6 6.b3 [ 6.0-0 g7 7.e1 e7 8.f1 h6 9.c3 This quiet system with Re1 and c3 was Geller's standard treatment of Modern/Pirc positions, and he just outplays his opponent without making any real theoretical statement. d7 10.g3 It is probably worth noting that Geller's unassuming setup does rule out the trendy plan of ...g5 by sending a N round to hop into h5 if needed. a6 11.f4 e5 12.e3 0-0 13.d2 h7 14.ad1 e8 15.h4 g8 16.h5 gf6 17.hxg6+ fxg6 18.h2 f7 19.b3 ae8 20.d5 e7 21.b4 f7 22.c1 a8 23.c4 a5 24.a3 ff8 25.b1 axb4 26.axb4 a7 27.a1 fa8 28.b2 f8 29.e2 h5 30.c3 f4 31.f1 xa1 32.xa1 f6 33.g3 4h5 34.c5 bxc5 35.bxc5 xa1 36.xa1 dxc5 37.a7 c8 38.xc5 e8 39.a3 hf6 40.f3 d7 41.h3 c6 42.e7 cxd5 43.xd5 c6 44.b2 a8 45.a2 b7 46.b1 a8 47.g2 e6 48.a3 df6 49.h4 a6 50.e7 e6 51.a3 a6 52.b2 d7 53.c2 a2 54.c8 xd5 55.exd5 xb2 56.e4 f8 57.xe8 a1+ 58.g2 a6 59.e7 f6 60.d6 g5 61.f7 f6 62.c7 e6 63.xg6+ h8 64.e7 g8 65.f5 d4 66.e8+ f8 67.d7 f6 68.g6 1-0 Geller, EVasiljevic,D/Pancevo 1987/TD (68) ] 6...g7 7.b2 e7 8.0-0 d7 9.e1 h6 10.b1 g5 11.f1 [ 11.f1!? ]

11...g6 12.c4 White adopts a nonconfrontational war of nerves approach. Again, this makes the game of interest for how the position is played, rather than any critical test of black's setup. g4 13.fd2 g5 14.a4 h5 15.e3 To prevent ...h4-g3. 0-0-0 16.a5 f5 17.axb6 axb6 18.d5 xb2 19.xb2 [ 19.dxe6 c3 20.exd7+ xd7 and white will obviously be under attack if he takes the f5 pawn. ] 19...exd5 20.xd5 c5 [ 20...fxe4 21.c4 xd5 22.cxd5 xd5 to grab a pawn deserved serious attention t h e l a c k o f a wh i t e s q u a r e d b i s h o p i n defence means risks of course, but black looks quite solid here to me, and white's pieces are not terribly well coordinated. The game does not seem particularly safer at all. ] 21.c4 e5 22.a2 de8 23.a1 hg8 24.b4 [ 24.exf5!? xf5 25.a8+ xa8 ( 25...d7!? 26.xe8 xe8 27.b4 ) 26.xa8+ d7 27.a7 e6 28.c5! ] 24...xe4 25.xe4 Natural once one notices the possibilities based on ...Nf3+, but maybe that was worth allowing anyway: [ 25.xe4!? fxe4 26.xe4 xd5 and black wins material by avoiding though the position remains messier than expected after ( 26...f3+ 27.h1 xe4 28.f6 b8 29.d7+ c8 30.f6= ) 27.f4!? gxf3 28.cxd5 ] 25...fxe4 26.xe4 d8 27.ef6 [ 27.a8+ xa8 28.xa8+ d7 29.ef6+ e6 ] 27...b8 28.b5 h4 Now it is distinctly white's king that is the less secure. 29.xe8 xe8 30.a3 g5 31.e3 f8 32.e1 Bolstering the kingside - white's main problem is his position is rather passive. The Nd5 is pretty but it is really mostly serving a blocking role, and it is far unsteadier than the Ne5. W hite must also be on guard against the softening thrusts g3 or h3. [ 32.b4 g3 ] 32...f5 [ 32...xc4 33.e8+ xe8 34.xe8+ a7 35.xc7= ] 33.e4 h3 Quite cool - there is a reflex tendency to assume that allowing Rf4 should 79

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 be avoid ed , b ut a trad e o f roo ks do esn't bother black. 34.f4 c8 35.e4? [ 35.xf8 xf8 36.e4 hxg2 ] 35...e6 36.e3 g8 [ 36...hxg2 ] [ 36...xd5 37.cxd5 xd5 is playable but black still prefers to keep his king snug rather than cash in. ] 37.f4 g6? Time pressure? 38.e7 b1 Time? [ 38...b1 39.xg8 xg2 ( 39...hxg2 40.f8+ a7 41.a3+ ) 40.f8+ b7 41.e2 f3 42.d2 ( 42.xf3?? gxf3 43.d2 g6+ ) 42...g2= ] 0-1

98 Philippe,Christophe Bordas,Gyula FSIMB December (5) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2306 2186 07.12.2000

A game that only demonstrates that this line is rather unpleasant for black at the moment Black does a bit better than an earlier game but is never close to holding his own. 1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.d5 b8 6.h3 xf3 7.xf3 g6 [ 7...a6?! 8.g5 bd7 9.0-0-0 g6 10.b1 g7 11.d3 c5 12.he1 b5 13.e5 dxe5 14.d6 e6 15.e4 a7 16.c6 h6 17.xf6 xf6 18.e4 g7 19.xc5 0-0 20.xd7 xd7 21.xd7 xd7 22.a3 a8 23.a5 a7 24.e3 f6 25.b6 d8 26.c5 f6 27.c3 g7 28.c8 d8 29.xd7 xd7 30.c6 a5 31.c4 bxc4 32.xc4 e7 33.dxe7 1-0 Philippe,C-Bordas,G Budapest 2000. ] 8.g5 g7 9.0-0-0 bd7 10.e2 c6 11.f4 c7 12.g4 h5 [ 12...h6 13.h4 h7 14.e5 g5 ( 14...dxe5 15.xe7! ) 15.dxc6 xc6 16.g2 c8 17.exd6 e6 18.f5 gxh4 19.fxe6 0-0 20.exd7 xd7 21.e7 ad8 22.xb7 xc3 23.xd7 xd7 24.c6 xb2+ 25.xb2 b8+ 26.a1 dd8 27.he1 g5 28.d7 xh3 29.b1 1-0 Sutovski,EJaracz,P Koszalin 1999. ] 13.g2 c8 14.he1 hxg4 15.e5 dxe5 16.fxe5 xe5 17.xe5 xe5 18.xe5

xd5 19.e2 xc3 20.xd5 b4 21.a3 h5 22.h4 cxd5 23.axb4 c7 24.g1 f8 25.xg4 f6 26.e3 b6 27.xg6 xh4 28.h6+ f7 29.g7+ e8 30.g8+ d7 31.f8 e5 32.g7+ c6 33.b5+ b7 34.xc7+ xc7 35.f2 f4 36.xf4 exf4 37.g7 f3 38.d2 d6 39.xf6 c5 40.e3 xb5 41.xf3 a5 42.e3 c4 43.d8 b5 44.d4 c6 1-0

99 Pierrot,Juan Facundo Garcia Palermo,Carlos H 32nd Open Mar del Plata ARG (4) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2414 2470 10.04.2001

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 g6 4.f3 g7 5.0-0 e6 6.c4 e7 7.c3 0-0 McShane and Miles prefer to wait, filling out the Hippo contours with d6,Nd7 and a6/h6. There is no reason why black should not be a b l e t o p l a y t h i s s ys t e m a b i t m o r e 8.e5 Intending to press with Ne4, Bg5. xf3 [ 8...f6!? ] 9.xf3 bc6 10.e2 d6 11.e4 d7 [ 11...d5 looks better at once since keeping the dark-squared bishops gives black more chances to play against d4, which is consistent with a plan involving ...Bxf3. After 12.cxd5 exd5 13.c2 f6 14.exf6 xf6 15.c3 black should be closer to equality after d7!? ( or 15...a5!? The game continuation is not so bad for black either, but it seems more limited. )] 12.g5 d5 13.cxd5 exd5 14.c2 f6 15.exf6 xf6 16.xf6 e6 17.c3 xf6 18.fe1 d6 19.ac1 af8 20.f3 d8 21.b3 The long-term vulnerability of c7 and d5, plus white's ability to pile up on the c- or efiles gives black rather passive prospects. B id s f o r a c t ive p la y a re lik e ly t o l e a d t o increased career options for white's bishop, so black is best advised to sit tight, but this is rat her un ple asa nt as it is dif f icult to se e anything to look forward to. e6 22.g3 g7 23.e5 8f7 24.ce1 f4 25.e2 xe2+ [ 25...e6!? ] 26.1xe2 c6 27.c2 d7 28.h4 80

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ 28.b4!? ] 28...c8? A very hard move to understand [ 28...f5 is both far more natural, trying to exploit the drawbacks of white's last move, it is a rare chance to do something a bit active, and black's prospects must be improved if he can trade a few more pieces. 29.xf5 xf5 30.e3 might keep white very marginally better. ] 29.h5 Now white achieves some welcome softening of blackâ []s position. d6 30.b3 gxh5 31.xh5 h8 32.ee5 g7 33.e3 Now white's position is far too active and b l a c k c a n h a r d l y k e e p h i m a t b a y . f7 34.eg5+- h6 35.e5 g8 36.f2 f4 37.xh6 fg4 38.h2 f4 39.eh5 f6 40.h6 1-0

probably would give more attention to [ 13.c1 which has the same goals with less risk. It seems to me that black has difficult problems to solve, and that white's plan of gxf3 deserves more tests. ] 13...xe2 14.xe2 xb2 15.b3 d4 16.hg1 First he gives one in front of his own king, now white makes the more conventional offer of just about any pawn black wants on the kingside. White has a huge advantage in development and a lasting target in black's king. h6 [ 16...xh4 17.c4 was probably worrying one tends to avoid further greed once a bit has led to trouble - but it is not clear that this version is more dangerous than the game. ] 17.c1 to sacrifice on d4 and play Bb2 if black castles. d6 18.c4 f8 19.f4 b5 [ 19...xf2!? ] 100 B00 [ 19...a6!? ] Plaskett,Jim 2474 20.xb5 cxb5 [ 20...d7!? looks better - the b-file might Sherwin,James T 2339 come in handy, and there are plenty of white 4NCL Birmingham ENG (9) 04.05.2002 pawns still up for grabs. ] [Jon Tisdall] [ 20...b7 21.d5!+- ] 1.e4 c6 2.d4 e5 3.dxe5 xe5 4.f3 f6 21.d5 b8 22.e5 This looks insolent to me recapturing on d4 at once would give white a [ 4...b4+!? ] 5.c3!? Extremely rare - almost all white clear advantage, but Plaskett wants all lines players react to the pressure on f3. W hite, open. dxe5 23.fxe5 b6 [ 23...a6 would create counterplay against being Plaskett, prefers an original and w h i t e ' s k i n g . 24.xd4 e6 25.b2 energetic approach that quickly puts the fate but here white still has the advantage since of both players in the balance. b4 6.d2 his rooks are so superior to their xf3+ 7.gxf3 e7 8.e2 g6 9.0-0-0 c6 counterparts. ] So far both players proceed logically and s t a k e o u t t h e i r t e r r i t o r y . T h e o b v i o u s 24.xd4 e6 25.e4 c8 26.xg7 c5 battleground will be control over f4 and e5. In 27.d6 c4 28.xc4 xc4 29.xh6 xh4 order to maximize his grip on these squares 30.g5 b4+ 31.c1 d7 black has had to soften his position on the d- 1-0 file a bit, so that white has clear opportunities on his two open files. 10.b1 d6 11.h4 B00 [ 11.g5?! xg5 12.xd6 e5 13.d1 101 Ponomariov,Ruslan 2743 e7 and black gets a grip on the dark Vlassov,Nikolai 2462 squares. ] 11...f4 12.e3 e5 Black now appears to FIDE GP Moscow RUS (1.2) 01.06.2002 have set up the desired grip on the central [Jon Tisdall] holes, but it is both not as firm as it looks, and it has also taken a very long time to set up. 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.c3 e5 A move best 13.e2!? The beginning of a characteristically kept for faster time controls, as in this game. e n e r g e t i c P l a s k e t t p e r f o r m a n c e . M o r e 4.dxe5 d4 5.d5 f5 The most popular move, pedestrian players (like myself) could and despite a truly dreadful track record. 81

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ 5...ge7!? intending first to gain control of d5, then castle queenside and press down the e-file, is a rare bird, but has led to more interesting play than the catalog of disasters after ...f5: 6.g5 ( 6.xe7 xe7 7.f3 g4 8.e2 xf3 9.xf3 0-0-0 10.0-0 h5 11.xh5 xe5 12.g4+ b8 13.h3 xe4 14.e2 g6 15.f4 d3 16.cxd3 f5 17.f3 d4 18.d1 xh3 19.g3 d6 20.g2 hh8 21.e3 h7 22.e1 c5 23.b4 f4 24.gxf4 g5 25.bxc5 xc5 26.b1 d7 27.fxg5 f5 28.a4 g4 29.xd4 xd4 30.e4 xf2+ 31.xf2 f7+ 32.g1 c8 33.eb4 c5+ 34.d4 d6 35.xb7+ xb7 36.xb7+ c8 37.c6+ xc6 38.xc6 g8 39.xa7 xg5+ 40.f2 b8 41.a3 1-0 Mach,HJaeckle, M GER 1998.) 6...e6 7.f4 d7 8.b5 ( 8.f3!? ) 8...a6 9.a4 ( 9.xe7!? ) 9...b5 10.xe6 xe6 11.b3 xe5 12.g4 f5 13.h5+ g6 14.h4 g7 (0 - 1 , 3 2 ) K r e u zh o lz, M -J a e ckl e , M G E R 1999. ] 6.exf6 [ 6.h3!? is an odd but dangerous move aiming at speedy development: A) 6...ge7? 7.h5+ g6 ( 7...g6 8.f6+ f7 9.c4++- ) 8.g5! e7 9.xe7 cxe7 10.exf5 xf5 11.xe7+(1 - 0 , 2 6 ) T o d o r o vic , G - B u d i m ir , D N i s 1995.; B) 6...fxe4 7.c4 xh3? ( 7...f5!? ) 8.h5+ g6 9.xh3 ce7? ( 9...c8 ) 10.g5 c6 11.e6!+- b5 12.c7+ xc7 13.f7+ 1-0 Crawley,G-Kemp,P Swansea 1987. ] 6...xf6 7.g5 e6 8.xf6 gxf6 9.c4 b4+!? An interesting idea - black at least gets a good bishop or unsettles the white king but it still seems insufficient long-term value for a pawn. [ 9...f7 10.e2 c5 11.0-0 d6 ( 11...e5 12.b3 f5 13.g3! ) 12.g3 0-0-0 13.a3 e5 14.a2 (1-0, 34) Bryson, D-Mohr,G Moscow 1994. ] 10.xb4 xc4 11.xc6 bxc6 12.h5+ [ 12.e2!? c5 13.0-0 ] 12...f7 13.c5 d6 14.xd6 cxd6 15.e2 c5 Black has some compensation for the pawn now - two open files for his rooks, and active pieces and pawn levers to create

counterplay - but it is still very nebulous. 16.f3 e7 [ 16...d7!? ] 17.f4 hb8 18.b3 a5 19.d2 [ 19.a4!? ] 19...a4 20.d5+ [ 20.g4!? ] 20...xd5 21.exd5 g8 22.ae1+ f7 23.g4 g5 24.e6 xd5 25.he1 axb3 26.axb3 d3 27.cxd3 a2+ 28.c3 xh2 29.e7+ g6 30.d7 f2? [ 30...h3! 31.ee7 h5= ] 31.ee7 g5 32.xh7 f4 33.hf7?! Presumably white eliminates black with a draw, or time was pressing. The FIDE champion could capitalize on black's inaccuracy with: [ 33.h6! ] 33...g5 34.h7 f4 ½-½

102 Prie,Eric Flear,Glenn C Perpignan [Glenn Flear]

B00 2429 2489 12.04.2004

1.d4 b6 2.e4 b7 3.d3 f6 4.e2 c6 5.c3 e5 6.g5!? White develops his 'bishops before knights'. The idea of B-g5 is known in 'Blatny's variation' albeit only at a later stage. h6 7.h4 e7 [ 7...g5 8.g3 exd4 hopes to win a pawn but after 9.e5 Black will have a ragged looking position. ] 8.d5 b8 9.g3 d6 10.c4 White confirms his space advantage, but in return Black obtains an outpost on c5. 0-0 11.c3 bd7 12.h4 Angling for further control, but in the meantime Black counters on the other wing an d cen tre . c5 13.c2 a5 14.h5 c6 15.dxc6 [ If 15.f3 cxd5 16.cxd5 then a6 would be annoying. ] 15...xc6 16.0-0-0 c8 17.f3 b7 18.d5?! [ Afterwards Prie claimed a small edge to W h it e wit h 18.h4! fd8 19.xf6 xf6 20.d5 which may be so but Black then doesn't have to exchange on d5. Best could be the solid alternative e7 and Black 82

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 doesn't have that much to worry about. ( on the other hand 20...b5 looks risky. )] [ 18.de1!? holds the e-pawn and prepares Nh4-f5 when Black would continue with ... Rfc8, or ...Rab8 with ...b5 to come. ] 18...xd5 19.cxd5 d7 Now Black has the s a f e r k i n g a n d t h e m o r e d yn a m i c m i n o r pieces. 20.h4? [ 20.d2 coming to the defence of his king looks better. ] 20...b5 21.b1 b4 22.d3 xd3 23.xd3 fc8 24.f5 Finally getting to f5, but s i m p l i f i c a t i o n d o e s n ' t d e t e r B l a c k . xf5 25.exf5 c3! [ 25...c5 is also unpleasant but the text wins a tempo. ] 26.e4 ac8! 27.bxc3 [ 27.c1 is met by g5 when White has no t h in g b e t t er t h a n a m ise ra b le qu e e n ending following 28.f4 xc1+ 29.xc1 xc1+ 30.xc1 exf4 31.xf4 xf4+ 32.xf4 xd5 ] 27...bxc3+ 28.c2 b2+ 29.d3 c2 30.c1 b5+! The clearest way to victory. 31.d2 c4 32.d3 d4 33.xd4 exd4 34.xc2 xd5 On paper material is equal, but the white king is open to the wind whilst Black's still has intact defences. The result is therefore hardly in doubt. 35.e1 g5+ 36.d1 xf5 37.f4 g4+ 38.c1 xg3 39.e8+ h7 40.cc8 Setting a final boobyt r a p b e f o r e t h r o wi n g i n t h e t o we l . xf4+ 41.b2 xg2+ 42.a3 h3+ 43.a4 xh5 0-1

103 Puljek Salai,Zorica Solaja,Branka chT (Women) Pula (7) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2271 17.09.2000

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 e6 4.f3 f6 5.bd2 c5 6.c3 c6 7.0-0 cxd4 8.cxd4 b4 9.b1 a6 10.e1 d3 11.xd3 xd3 12.b3 a6 13.d5 A rare move but perhaps the critical variation. [ 13.e5 d5 14.e4 c7 15.d2 c4 16.d1 d3 17.a3 e7 18.g5 xd1 19.axd1 f6 20.d2 f7 21.c3 c4

22.h1 hc8 23.g1 c6 24.h3 ac8 25.f4 xf4 26.xf4 b3 27.a1 a6 28.e3 g5 29.g3 f5 30.f4 g4 31.g1 h5 32.h4 d5 33.e1 b5 34.g3 b8 35.xd5 exd5 36.c3 bc8 37.ac1 c4 38.f2 8c6 39.e3 e8 40.d2 d8 41.e1 c7 42.d2 b6 43.e1 xc3+ 44.xc3 xc3+ 45.xc3 b4 46.axb4 b5 47.d2 xb4 48.d3 a5 49.d2 c4 50.c2 xc3 51.bxc3 a4 52.b2 a3+ 53.xa3 xc3 54.a2 xd4 55.b2 d3 0-1 Villegas,J-Bolivar,J Barranquilla 1999. ] 13...b7 [ 13...c5 14.a4 c8 15.b4 b5 16.b3 b6 17.b2 g4 18.d4 xd4 19.xd4 c7 20.2f3 e5 21.ac1 xf3+ 22.xf3 b6 23.b3 0-0 24.c5 ad8 25.d6 b7 26.f4 a8 27.c3 f6 28.d1 a5 29.a3 c6 30.dc1 de8 31.h4 a7 32.xd7 xd7 33.c7 d4 34.xd7 d8 35.cc7 xd7 36.xd7 axb4 37.axb4 f5 38.g3 fxe4 39.e7 f6 40.b7 d8 41.xb5 d4 42.b7 g6 43.d7 f7 44.f4+ e7 45.g5+ f6 46.xf6+ xf6 47.f1 e5 48.e2 d5 49.b5 h6 50.c7 d6 51.b6 xd7 52.xd7+ xd7 53.e3 c6 54.xe4 xb6 55.e5 c5 56.xe6 1-0 Torre,E-Cardoso,R/Bauang 1973 ] 14.d6 The main idea, and the reason Cardoso tried so hard to keep the Bf8 out fast. It seems a bit surprising that this pawn is so hard to play around. h6!? [ 14...c8!? ] 15.e5 d5 16.e4 f5 17.g3 [ 17.c5 bxc5 ( 17...c6 18.d3 ) 18.xb7 c8 ] 17...g5?! [ 17...g6 is much more solid. Now disaster could (and should) strike on f5. ] 18.d4 f7 19.d2 h5 20.c3 g7 21.ad1 [ 21.gxf5!? exf5 22.xf5 g6 23.xg7 f8 ( 23...xg7 24.e6+ xc3 25.xc3+ g6 26.exd7 ) 24.e6 xc3 25.bxc3 xg7 26.exd7 ] 21...xc3 22.bxc3 d5 23.c4 b7 24.b5? [ 24.gxf5 exf5 25.c5+ g6 26.c6 and with everything attacking and even 83

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 another sacrifice on f5 looming, black will 8.0-0 b5 9.c2 g4!? Ambitious 10.exf6 be hard pressed to survive. ] gxf6 11.h3 h5 12.e1 0-0-0 Very dodgy 24...h4 25.f1 g4 26.h3 g5 27.d4 ag8 13.a4 b4 14.e2 xf3 15.xf3 [ 27...gxh3 To ensure the g-file opens was ( 15.xa6+! b8 16.gxf3 ) 15...b7 worth considering. 28.xh3 ag8 29.f3 16.d3 e5 17.f1 e4 18.e2 a8 h6 ( 29...a6!? )] 19.d2 a5 Dhar,S-Hutchinson,N/ 28.hxg4 fxg4 29.e3 xe3 30.xe3 h6 Torquay ENG 2002 ] [ 30...h3! 31.c7 ( 31.f4+ e8 32.xg4 5.d2 hxg2 33.h2 xh2!-+ ) 31...hxg2 32.f4+ [ 5.e2!? f6 6.f4 ge7 7.g3 g6 8.e2 g6 33.xg4+ f5-+ ] d7 9.0-0 0-0-0 10.b4 f5 11.xf5 xf5 31.a3 a6 32.c7 h3 33.g3 hxg2 12.a4 f7 13.a5 g6 14.a3 e4 15.f2 34.h2 g5? h5 16.a4 e7 17.b5 e8 18.b3 b6 [ 34...c1! 35.dxg4 xg4 36.xg4 h5-+ ] 19.c4 Van Haastert,E-Van Wissen,M/ 35.dxg4 xh2 36.xh2 h8+ 37.h3 Hengelo NED 2002 ] xh3+ 38.xh3 g6 39.f4 f5 40.xg5+ [ 5.d3 T h i s i s h a r d l y c r i t i c a l ge7 xf4 41.h4 f3 42.xe6 f2 43.f4 ( 5...xd3 6.xd3 f6 7.f4 d7 8.f3 1-0 0-0-0 9.0-0 ce7 10.b3 h5 11.a4 f5 12.a3 gh6 13.xf8 dxf8= Godard,MLa zic, M/S t A f f rique 2 00 2 /I XM21 2 (3 1 )) 104 B00 6.e2 d7 7.0-0 xd3 8.xd3 f5 9.g4 h4 10.g3 0-0-0 11.g5 e7 12.xh4 Question Nimzovich xh4 13.d2 f6 14.f4 fxe5 15.fxe5 xg3 N,N 16.xg3 h5! 17.g5 e7 Arutunian,D[Glenn Flear] Gelashvili,T/Batumi GEO 2002 ] [ 5.f3 f6 6.b5 ge7 7.exf6 gxf6 8.h4 Here's a summary of relevant games from g6 9.0-0 d7 10.d2 a6 11.a4 e5 2002 compared to ECO's main line. White has 12.e1 g7 13.f4 b5 14.xg6 hxg6 good chances to retain an advantage if 1. He 15.c2 e4 16.a4 b4 17.a5 d6 18.b3 aims to meet ...f6 with f4 maintaining the f7 19.c5 h5 Djurhuus, R-Furhoff,J/ centre 2. He avoids a premature Bd3. 1.d4 Stockholm 2003/IXM213 (35) ] c6 2.e4 d5 3.e5 f5 [ 3...f6 4.d3 g6 5.f4 g7 6.b5! d7 5...f6 6.f4 fxe5 7.fxe5 h6 8.df3 f7 7.xc6 xc6 8.f3 h6 9.c3 f7 9.e2 [ 9.d3 g6 10.e2 d7 11.0-0 e7 10.exf6 exf6 11.e2+ d7 12.0-0-0 e8 12.b4 h5 13.a4 h4 14.g5 xd3 15.xd3 13.d3 c8 14.h4 White retains an f5 16.xf7 xf7 17.g5 h5 18.f6 g5 initiative due to superior development. d6 19.g4 hxg3 20.xg3 h3 21.xf5! 15.xd6 xd6 16.h5 f5 17.hxg6 hxg6 good compensation as Black's king is stuck 18.h7 Milos,G-Loureiro,L/Sao Paulo BRA in the centre, so the queen's rook never gets 2002 with advantage ] into play. exf5 22.xf5 g4 23.xg4 h6 4.c3 24.f1 g6 25.f5 g8 26.h1 h6 [ 4.f3 e6 5.e2 f6 6.f4 ge7 7.g3 27.h5 f7 28.f4 c6 29.e6 d7 8.c3 fxe5 9.dxe5 g4! freeing the f5and White won in Golikov,A-Juegel,M/FIDE. square for the knight 10.bd2 f5 11.a4 com 2002/IXM213 (50) ] xf3 12.xf3 c5 13.b5 0-0 1/2-1/2 Makarov,M-Abrashkin,B/Samara 9...e7 10.g3 g4 [ 10...g6!? ] RUS 2002 ] [ 4.b5 e6 5.f3 f6 6.0-0 ge7 7.e3 11.d3 g5 12.xg5 xd1 13.xe6 b8 a6 8.d3 d7 9.bd2 xd3 10.cxd3 14.xg7+ d8 15.xd1 Smagin-Sahovic, g6 11.exf6 gxf6 12.b3 b6 13.c1 Biel 1990 d6 Erdos,B-Gross,G/Savaria HUN 2002 ] 4...e6 [ 4...d7 5.f3 f6 6.b5 a6 7.a4 e6 84

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 105 Reichstein,Boris Blatny,Pavel Millennium II Open (4) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 106 2223 Rosandic,Denis 2541 Filipovic,Branko 04.03.2001 Christmas Open (4) [Jon Tisdall]

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d2 e6 4.gf3 c5 5.c3 f6 6.d3 c6 7.0-0 c7 8.e5 [ 8.a3 d5 9.e5 d7 10.b4 e7 11.e1 0-0-0 12.f1 h6 13.e2 b8 14.b1 c4 15.c2 g5 16.d2 df8 17.c1 f6 18.b5 cxe5 19.dxe5 fxe5 20.a4 g4 21.e1 h5 22.g5 xg5 23.xg5 e4 24.e7 c5 25.xc7+ xc7 26.d1 a6 27.bxa6 c6 28.e3 hg8 29.h3 xa6 30.g3 c5 31.hxg4 hxg4 32.e3 xa4 33.xa4 xa4 34.xc4 dxc4 35.d4 c5 36.xc4 a8 37.e3 a1 38.exe4 b7 39.e3 d8 40.h2 dd1 41.c2 a2 42.d4 xf2 43.xe6 dd2 44.xc5+ bxc5 45.xg4 b6 46.e5 c2 47.c4 f6 48.e3 a5 1/2-1/2 Novak,I-Cvetkovic,S Strbske Pleso 1978. ] 8...d5 9.e4? A naive approach by white in this type of position white almost always keeps a close eye on the possibility of black using the b4 square. [ 9.dxc5!? ] [ 9.a3!? ] 9...cxd4 10.cxd4 cb4 11.b1 [ 11.e2 c2 ] 11...c8 Now ...Nc2 and ...Ba6 if needed, will oblige white to surrender the bishop pair. 12.a3 c2 13.xc2 xc2 14.c3 xd1 15.xd1 e7 16.e3 f4 17.h1 f6! Much stronger than trading in the Bb7 to fracture white's kingside pawns. This game is worth filing under how to execute a misguided opponent in this opening. 18.d2 [ 18.f5 xg2 19.xg7+ f7 ] 18...fxe5 19.dxe5 xg2! 20.xg2 0-0 21.fc1 xf3+ 22.g1 c5-+ 23.b4 xb4 24.axb4 xc1+ 25.xc1 f4 26.c4 xc4 27.xc4 f7 28.h3 g6 29.h2 f5 30.g3 d5 31.d6+ xe5 32.c8 b7 33.xa7 a6 0-1

B00 2248 2462 18.12.2001

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 e6 4.f3 c5 5.c3 f6 6.e2 e7 7.0-0 c6 8.e5 d5 9.dxc5 xc5 10.b4 e7 11.a3 f5 12.c4 c7 13.b2 0-0 14.bd2 g5!? An improved version of [ 14...e8 15.fd1 g5 16.b3 h8 17.b5 g4 18.e1 d8 19.c2 g5 20.a4 f7 21.a5 bxa5 22.xa5 c8 23.d3 e7 24.f4 with a firm grip on the position (1-0, 83) Gligoric,S-Filipovic,B Podgorica 1996. ] 15.fd1 g4 16.e1 g5 17.b5 [ 17.b3 is probably more accurate since black does not mind his knight being chased around to the kingside. ] 17...e7 18.b3 g6 This is obviously superior to the previous game where black used much more time putting his pieces on inferior squares. 19.g3 A big commitment, and one which gives black a clear plan of action. [ 19.c2!? f4 20.f1 may not look like the most active procedure, but it keeps things out of harm's way while preparing to just double on the d-file, which must be white's primary plan. Still, d7 is easily defended and it remains white's job to find a long-term plan. ] 19...h5 20.a4 h4 21.a5 b8 22.c2 f7 23.axb6 axb6 A very interesting position - a black rook on h7 will defend his main weakness and prepare action on the h-file. W hite has some annoying obstacles to overcome, since pushing c5 to break through on the queenside will cede the d5 square for a happy black piece. 24.d6?! Looks a waste of time. e8 25.d4 hxg3 26.fxg3 c7 27.dd1 h7 28.d4 f4! 29.gxf4 xf4 30.d2 g3 Black could have played the brutally straightforward [ 30...xh2 31.xh2 xh2+ 32.xh2 d6 when the black queen enters the game with decisive effect. ] 31.df3 gxh2+ 32.h1 g7 White is helpless against the methodical advance of t h i s k n i g h t . 33.g2 h5 34.f2 g7 85

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 35.xf4 Getting rid of one bishop does not o f f e r r e l i e f , a n d wh i t e c a n n o t a vo i d ye t another painful tactical blow. xf4 36.e3 xe5! 37.a3 [ 37.xe5 xf3+ 38.xh2 g2+ 39.h1 xf2+ 40.g1 h3# ] 37...xe3 38.xe3 h3 39.h4 g1 This must have been an extremely satisfying move to play - I know it would have been for me. 40.f1 xf3 41.fxf3 g4 42.f6 f7 43.e5 d6 44.b2 bg8 A ferocious demonstration of the trumps of the black position, and a game worth studying for 1...b6ers. 0-1

107 Roschina,Tatiana Filipovic,Branko 3rd Hilton Open (4) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2293 2444 04.01.2001

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 e6 4.f3 c5 5.c3 f6 6.e5 d5 7.0-0 e7 I am a little reluctant to go into heavy examination of these type of positions as I think they are probably well covered under the c3 Sicilian, which often transposes - lines with b6 are some of the more interesting attempts to liven up the position for black, though not without risk. 8.e1 [ 8.e2!? c6 9.dxc5!? bxc5 10.c4 b6 11.c3 f5 12.exf6 gxf6 13.h4 0-0 14.g4+ h8 15.g6+ hxg6 16.xg6 1-0 Thorhallsson,T-Poettinger,H Liechtenstein 1996. ] 8...c6 [ 8...cxd4 9.cxd4 0-0 10.c3 f5 11.exf6 xf6 12.g5 e8 13.e5 c6 14.c1 c8 15.b1 b4 16.e3 d6 17.g4 c6 18.g3 e8 19.e2 d8 20.e1 h5 21.h3 xg5 22.xh5 h6 23.h3 f4 24.a3 c6 25.d3 xg4 26.h7+ f8 27.g6 d7 28.d5 e7 29.f3+ f4 30.xf4+ xf4 31.xf4 e5 32.h8+ g8 33.h7 f7 34.h5 g4 0-1 Oral,TAntoniewski,R Pardubice 1996. ] 9.bd2 cxd4 10.cxd4 0-0 11.e4 f5 12.exf6 gxf6 This type of position is rather typical of Sicilian players trying to sharpen

things as much as possible against lowerrated 2.c3 types. And this game is a happy tale for the favourite , who is rewarded for risktaking. 13.h6 f7 14.c1 h8 15.c3 xc3 16.bxc3 g8 17.d5!? e5 18.xe5? [ 18.e4! should give white an edge. ] 18...fxe5 19.e4 c5 20.c2? [ 20.e3 was more prudent. ] 20...exd5 21.xd5 W a t ch f o r it . xf2!!-+ 22.e3 [ 22.xg8 xg8 ( 22...xc2+ ) A) 23.xf2 xg2+ 24.f1 ( 24.h1 xf2! 25.h3 g3! ) 24...xf2+ 25.g1 d2+; B) 23.g3 d2+-+ ] [ 22.xf2 xf2+ 23.xf2 xd5 with a pawn less and continuing king troubles was the proverbial lesser evil. ] 22...xc2 23.xb7 xe3+ 24.xe3 g5! 25.e1 f8 26.h4 h6 27.d5 d6 28.c4 f4 29.a3 d4 30.h2 f4 31.h3 c1 0-1

108 Roselli Mailhe,Bernardo Cristobal,Ruben zt 2.5 Mar del Plata ARG (7) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2428 2342 25.08.2001

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 f5 4.e2 [ 4.c3 d7 5.d2 f6 6.f4 g5!? This move seems to be a recurring theme across the website, featuring in Budapests, Albins ... ( 6...e6 7.df3 h6 8.e2 e7 9.g3 e4 10.e2 0-0 11.exf6 gxf6 12.0-0 h8 13.xe4 dxe4 14.d2 f5 15.c4 g8 16.e3 ad8 The opening here has been interesting and double-edged and black is eventually outplayed, rather than suffering because of his choice of defence. 17.h1 f6 18.e1 e7 19.h3 g6 20.f2 g7 21.g1 dg8 22.d2 c6 23.af1 d8 24.g4 h4 25.h2 c5 26.c4 e8 27.dxc5 c7 28.b4 d8 29.e2 d7 30.b5 xd2 31.xd2 f8 32.gxf5 xf5 33.xf5 exf5 34.d7 xd7 35.xd7 c7 36.g5 xf4 37.xf5 xf5 38.xf5 e3 39.f3 e2 40.e3 h5 41.g4 g3+ 42.g2 1-0 Wedberg, T-Bodin,S Stockholm 86

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 1996.; 6...h6 7.e2 fxe5 8.fxe5 0-0-0 9.gf3 e6 10.0-0 e7 11.b4 df8 12.b3 f7 13.a4 g5 14.a3 g4 15.fd2 h5 16.b5 cd8 17.c5 e8 18.a5 g5 19.b6 cxb6 20.axb6 axb6 21.a4 c6 22.b3 g6 23.xe7 xe7 24.b4 d8 25.b5 c8 26.xb6 f3+ 27.xf3 gxf3 28.xf3 xb6 29.d6+ c8 30.xb6 1-0 Shaked,T-Carlin,A Las Vegas 1994.) 7.df3 gxf4 8.xf4 h6 9.d2 xf4 10.xf4 fxe5 11.dxe5 e6 12.b5 ge7 13.e2 a6 14.xc6 xc6= Black has absolutely no problems now. 15.fd4 0-0-0 16.0-0 e4 17.g3 g6 18.e3 dg8 19.f6 d8 20.h6 c5 21.f3 g7 22.b4 b6 23.a4 hg8 24.a5 b5 25.bxc5 c6 26.d4 xc5 27.h1 e7 28.e3 ge8 29.ge2 c7 30.d2 e4 31.af1 g8 32.1f2 b7 33.h3 h5 34.h6 h4 35.xh4 e7 36.hf4 g5 37.g1 h7 38.df3 g3 39.e3 a8 40.d2 hg7 41.e3 c7 42.e2 g7 43.g4 h8 44.xg8 xg8 45.g5 b1 46.f6 e8 47.d4 b4 48.cxb4 a4 49.f8 1 - 0 N e u b a u e r , M - W a c h , M M u re c k A U T 2001. ] [ 4.f4 e6 5.f3 ( 5.c3 e4 6.f3 f5 7.exf6 gxf6 8.d3 d7 9.0-0 0-0-0 10.b4 d6 11.a4 ge7 12.a5 g6 13.xe4 dxe4 14.fd2 f5 15.b5 ce7 16.b6 a6 17.c4 d5 18.bxc7 xc7 19.b6+ xb6 20.axb6 xb6 21.b3 c6 22.a4 b8 23.a3 a7 24.e3 d7 25.b1 a8 26.h1 e7 27.c4 d5 28.b2 c6 29.a4 g8 30.c4 d6 31.b5 e7 32.a2 g7 33.d5 xe3 34.dxc6 d2 35.cxb7+ b8 0-1 Zolnierowicz,KGross,G Trier 1997.) 5...e7 6.d3 ( 6.e3 h5 7.d3 h6 8.0-0 xd3 9.xd3 f5 10.f2 g5!? 11.fxg5 xg5 12.b5 b8 13.c4 a6 14.a4 dxc4 15.c3 b5 16.xa6 b6 17.a3 e7 18.b4 xb4 19.b2 d5 20.e4 g8 21.c1 g4 22.g3 xg3 23.hxg3 h4 24.gxh4 f4 25.h1 xh4 26.h2 d5 27.f3 xf2 28.xf2 d3 29.e3 xf2+ 30.xf2 c6 31.f1 b7 32.d2 e4 33.h6 g6 34.h8+ g8 35.h3 g7 36.g1 h7 37.h4 g5 38.g3 e3+ 39.g2 xd4 40.e1 a7 41.e2 d3 42.g4 c3 43.g8+ d7 44.f2 c7 45.f8 a4

46.f3 c2 47.e7+ b6 48.g5 xa2 49.c1 d1 50.f1 xc1 51.xc1 c5 52.e1 d4 53.f3 c3 0-1 Stangl, AHoloubkova,M Germany 1994.) 6...h6 7.0-0 0-0 8.a3 a5 Very sensible, clearing the way for pawn-based counterplay on the queenside. Black has a pleasant position with easy play. 9.b4 c4 10.e2 b5 11.d2 a5 A bit hyperactive - after something a bit more patient like ( 11...d7!? white must find a way to develop without allowing black to play . ..a5 with more force later.) 12.bxa5 xd3?! ( 12...c6 ) 13.xd3 c6 14.b4! c5 15.dxc5 c7 16.h1 ( 16.c6!? ) 16...xc5 17.c3 c6 18.d4 ( 18.fb1!?; 18.e2!?; 18.g5!? ) 18...xd4 19.xd4 fc8 20.e2 xa5 21.xa5 xa5 22.b4 a4 23.b3 f5 24.fb1 h5 25.c3 e4 26.a2 h4 27.xb5 xb5 28.xb5 xc3 29.g1 ce3 30.f2 xe2+ 0-1 Wang LiCai Lu Suzhou, Jiangsu CHN 2001. ] 4...e6 5.g3 g6 6.b5 Very rare if not new. [ 6.h4 f6 7.h5 f7 8.f4 d7 9.c3 is a more popular setup, and this is one of the higher profile matches from this position. g6 10.d3 ce7 11.d2 fxe5 12.fxe5 0-0-0 13.f3 f5 14.xf5 gxf5 15.g5 e7 16.e3 e8 17.g5 h6 18.xf7 xf7 19.d2 g7 20.0-0-0 f8 21.df1 g5 22.g4 e7 23.gxf5 xf5 24.xg5 hxg5 25.xf5 exf5 26.g2 g4 27.xd5 g5+ 28.c2 f4 29.e6+ d8 30.hg1 g3 31.g6 xg6+ 32.hxg6 hg8 33.d3 xg6 34.e4 g4 35.f3 a5 36.a4 e7 37.d5 h4 38.c4 b6 39.b3 d7 40.ff1 e7 41.f3 h2 42.g2 fh8 43.fg1 2h4 44.e1 f8 45.d2 f7 46.g2 1 / 2 -1 / 2 He b d e n , M- Ro ge rs , I E d i n b u rg h 1985. ] 6...ge7 7.c3 d7 8.d2 a6 9.e2 White is content to have created something to get his teeth into on the queenside if black decides to try and live there. f5 10.xf5 xf5 11.0-0 e7 12.f4 h6 13.f3 0-0-0 Black chooses the sharpest option and both sides mount gradual attacks on their respective flanks. It seems that white must be a bit better as it is easier for him to strip away enemy king cover, but the position is 87

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 extremely complex, and getting at black's king proves surprisingly difficult. 14.b4 dg8 15.b5 b8 16.bxa6 xa6 17.a4 g5 18.a2 gxf4 19.b3 c5 20.c4? It is tempting to open every conceivable line in the direction of the white king, but this looks a bit optimistic. Recapturing on f4 was more solid. e4 [ 20...cxd4! looks better since 21.xd4 e4 gains time for black and 21.cxd5 allows 21... d3. ] 21.xf4 cxd4 22.cxd5 xd5 23.c2+ b8 24.b2 b4 25.b5 d8 26.cc1 b6 Black should be at least equal here. 27.d2 g6 [ 27...a2!? ] 28.b1 hg8 29.g3 h5 30.xb4 xb4 31.xb4 xf3 32.xf3 h4 33.f2 xg2+ 34.f1 xh2 35.xf7 h1+ 36.e2 h2 37.a5 d8 38.c6 xf2+ 39.xf2 b6 40.xb6+ 1-0

109 Rosito,Jorge Larsen,Bent Najdorf Mem Great Final (1.3) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2424 2486 02.10.2002

1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e3 e6 6.h3 h5 7.d5 exd5 8.exd5 b8!? A very rare alternative. It seems to be safer than the more popular options. 9.g4 [ 9.e2 e7 10.d4 xe2 11.xe2 0-0 12.f5 e8 13.b5 c8 14.xe7+ xe7 15.0-0 a6 16.b3 bd7 with a solid position for Black, Golubovic,B-Muse,M Tucepi 1996. ] 9...g6 10.d3 [ 10.e2!? is the acid test for Black's idea how to meet the threat to the queenside pawns? e7 ( 10...a6!? is the logical and probably necessary novelty - the discovered check is in fact the least of White's threats when Black should be OK.) 11.b5+ bd7 12.xb7 b8 13.xa7 xb2 14.d4 0-0 15.0-0-0 and Black did not have compensation in Palac,M-Muse,M Tucepi 1996. ] 10...bd7

[ 10...e7 11.d4 c6 ( 11...c5!? ) 12.xg6 hxg6 13.f3 c5 14.de2 bd7 15.f4 Wallner,W-Mohr,G Lienz 1988. ] 11.d4 [ 11.xg6!? hxg6 12.d4 to prevent Black from fianchettoing his bishop deserved attention, but Black can try for active play against White's various light squared targets with e5 ] 11...xd3 12.xd3 g6 This looks like a much more harmonious way of developing for Black. 13.0-0-0 g7 14.f4 c5 15.e2 0-0 16.f3 e8 17.g5 [ 17.f5!? looks more promising in terms of creating activity against Black's king, but possession of e4 guarantees Black comfortable counterplay. ] 17...fe4 18.xe4 xe4 19.he1?! [ 19.b4? e8 ] [ 19.f2 ] 19...e7 20.f2? [ 20.c3 xd4 21.cxd4 d7 22.d2 ] 20...xd4 21.xe4 xb2+ 22.xb2 xe4 23.xe4 xe4 24.d4 f5 25.h4?! [ 25.gxf6 f7 26.f5!? was a very tempting alternative, when W hite will at least have some activity. Allowing Larsen to have a full technical grip is just booking a seat for a nostalgic look at one of the game's great endgame players. ] 25...c5 26.dxc6 bxc6 27.c1 c5 28.b2 f7 29.d3 b8 30.a3 b7 Protecting everything. Stage two will be activating the king and centre pawns. 31.a6 e6 32.a3 d5 33.h5 c4 34.h3 d5 35.hxg6 hxg6 36.h8 [ 36.e5 d4 and the bishop is missed in defence. ] 36...d4 37.g8 b6 38.d8 a5 39.a8 b5 40.d8 d6 41.b8+ a4 42.c8 b6 43.c7 b4 44.c8 a4 45.a3+ c4 46.a8 c3 47.xc3 xc3 48.xa4 c4 Zugzwang - White must relieve the pressure on c4 and so allow ...Rb2. 49.a8 b2 50.a6 xc2+ 51.d1 d2+ 52.e1 g2 53.xg6 d3 54.d6 c2 55.g6 c3 56.d5 d2+ 57.f1 xg6 0-1


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 110


A) 8...c6!? is the most critical, making it hard for white to keep up the inconvenient Roza,Peter bind on the light squares. 9.c4 b5 Yadao,Israel 10.dxc6 bxc4 11.cxd7+ xd7 12.e2 Australian Open (5) 02.01.2001 e5 13.0-0 c6 14.f4 c5+ [Jon Tisdall] ( 14...exf4!? ) 15.h1 d4 16.fxe5 8e7 17.ad1 xe5 18.xe5 xe5 19.f4 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.c3 dxe4 4.d5 e5 0-0 20.cd5 xd5 21.xd5 ae8 5.f4 g6 6.g3 e5?! 7.dxe6 xe6 8.b5 22.fd1 b6 23.d6 xb2 24.e6 f6 d6 9.xd6 cxd6 10.xd6+ This game is 25.h5 f7 26.g5 xd6 27.xh7+ really a theoretical footnote - the safe and f8 28.h8+ e7 29.xg7+ f7 simple 30.xf7 d6 31.e5+ d8 32.xd6+ [ 10.xd6! should discourage black from c8 33.d7+ b8 34.c6+ 1-0 Eberle, tryin g this line ve ry of ten - it is ha rd t o J-Koenig, F/Nuremberg 1987 (34); believe that his temporary activity can be B) 8...a6 9.c4 b5 10.b3 f6 11.0-0 worth a pawn, even though black survived c5 12.dxc6 xc6 13.g5 e5 14.e2 after xd6 11.xd6+ e7 12.xe4 c8 c5 ( 14...a7 would prevent the Rh8 13.c3 f6 14.0-0-0 hd8 15.xd8 xd8 going, but black's real problem is that his 16.e2 h5 17.g3 h4 18.gxh4 h8 19.f3 king is caught in the center and subject to g4 20.g5 xh4 21.xe6 fxe6 22.xg4 attack - still, this looks a better try.) 15.f7 xg4 23.d2 e5 24.e2 g6 25.d1 e7 16.xh8 xh8 17.ad1 d4 a4 26.a3 h4 27.e3 f6 28.b3 h3 18.d5 xd5 19.c3 f4 20.cxd4 fxg3 29.f1 h5 30.f4 f7 31.f2 h3 21.xe4 gxh2+ 22.h1 d8 23.dxe5 32.d1 e7 33.g4 c3 34.e3 d6 e6 24.xh7 h6 25.xh6 gxh6 35.e2 f5 36.d3 c8 37.xf5+ exf5 26.d4 g6 27.fd1 ge7 28.f4 c8 38.e3+ f6 39.d2 h8 40.h3 h4 29.xd5 xd5 30.xd5 xd5 31.xd5 41.f3 g5 42.fxg5+ xg5 43.c4 f6 c2 32.d6 a5 33.f5 xb2 34.f6 xa2 44.d3 a6 45.b4 e5 46.e3+ d6 35.e6 f2 36.e7 f7 37.d8 e2 47.c3 f4 48.c5+ d5 49.d3+ e4 38.f8+ 1-0 Gallagher,J-Baker,C/ 50.d7 xh3+ 51.c4 xa3 52.xb7 f3 Barnsdale 1989/TD (38) ] 53.e7+ f4 54.c6 f2 55.f7+ g3 56.c7 f3 1/2-1/2 in Seret,J-Castro Rojas,O Nice 8...a6 9.xd7+ xd7 10.h3 f6 11.e2 [ 11.d1 0-0-0 12.d4 xd5 13.a7 c6 1974. ] 14.0-0-0 e6-+ ] 10...e7 11.xe4 b6 12.h5 f5 13.g5+ f7 14.d2 xb2 15.b1 xc2 16.gf3 11...xd5 12.xd5 xd5 13.d1 b5 14.c4 b4+ 15.f1 e5 16.g5 d6 17.h4 e8 17.xb7+ d7+ 0-0-0-+ 18.f7 e7 19.xh8 xh8 20.a3 0-1 a4 21.c5 xc5 22.xe5 g6 23.h2 e8 24.h5 e5 25.xe5 xe5 26.h3 e3 111 B00 27.c1 f4 28.c4 xf2+ 29.xf2 exf2 Rudd,Jack 2193 30.c1 e3 31.d1 f4 32.b3 c5 33.g3 Briggs,Philip J 2200 fxg3 34.xg3 xh5 35.e2 g5 36.f3 Smith & Williamson ch (5) 03.08.2001 f6 37.xf2 h2+ 38.g1 c2 39.b4 b6 40.d5 b7 41.a4 a2 42.a5 b5 43.f4 [Jon Tisdall] c2 44.f1 h6 45.e4 c6 46.d3 h5 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.c3 dxe4 4.d5 e5 47.e6+ b7 48.d7 c6 49.e8 h4 50.g2 c4 51.f7 xb4 52.e6 c4 5.f4 g6 6.g3 f5 7.b5+ 53.b6+ a7 54.h2 c3 [ 7.h3!? ] 7...d7 8.h5? This is just a primitive threat 0-1 and more likely to just lose time than break through. [ 8.h3 89

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 continuation stretches black hard to shake B00 off white's bind. ] Sax,Gyula 2563 Hummel,Markus 2173 23...e4 24.c3 e5 25.e1 a6 26.d6 [ 26.e7!? to take on e5 and keep pressure Open Pula CRO (1) 18.05.2001 on the seventh looks better. ] [Jon Tisdall] 26...g6 27.xd7 [ 27.xe5!? ] 1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.c3 e6 4.a3 f6 5.d3 c5 6.f3 c4 7.xc4 xe4 8.xe4 27...f8 28.d2?! [ 28.xe5 f2 29.g3!? looks unnecessarily xe4 9.d5 risky, but since the black rook cannot take [ 9.e2 led to a game of minimal theoretical on c2 due to the reply Bxg7, black will be interest as black replied with a series of pushed back. ] errors: xf3?! 10.xf3 d5? 11.b5+ d7 29.g1 c7 30.e5 e6 12.c4 d6 13.cxd5 exd5 14.xd5 e7+ 28...e4 15.e3 0-0 16.0-0 f6 17.f3 ac8 W ith his pieces all in play again, black is 18.ac1 e6 19.h3 h6 20.d3 xc1 fighting. 31.e3 g5 [ 31...f5!? 32.g3 d4 33.xe4 xc2!= ] 21.xc1 d8 22.c4 e7 23.g3 b8 24.g2 h7 25.h4 f8 26.d3 d7 32.g3 h5?! 33.h1 f5 34.h4 e6 27.c6 d6 28.f5 e7 29.e4 xe4+ 35.xe4 d4 36.c3 xe4 37.xe4 f1+ 30.xe4 e6 31.c2 f8 32.b7 c7 38.h2 f5 39.f4 xg3 40.xg3 b1 33.f3 e7 34.e4 f6 35.d3 e6 41.f2 g6 42.f4 f6 43.e4+ e6 36.e2 d7 37.d5 f8 38.d4 f6 39.h5 44.d3 h1 45.c4 xh4+ 46.xc5 g5 f7 40.c4 e7 41.xe7+ xe7 42.f4 47.c4 e4 48.f8 h4 49.b4 f4 50.e8+ d8 43.a4 e8 44.b5 b8 45.c6 d7 51.e5 g4 52.e2 f4 53.b5 g4 d6 46.a6 c7 47.d3 b8 48.b4 c7 54.e5 g3 55.h5 e6 56.h7 f7 49.a5 bxa5 50.bxa5 c8 51.c3 e7+ 57.xh4 f2 58.h7 xg2 59.xa7 a2 52.c5 b8 53.b4 d7 54.b5+ c8 60.g7 xa3 61.b4 f6 62.g8 d3 55.d6 f5 56.d5 a6 57.xa6+ d8 63.b6 58.c5 1-0 Rodriguez,R-Aaron,M Bangalore 1-0 1981. ] 9...f6 10.dxe6?! B00 [ 10.0-0!? deserved serious attention, 113 making black pay to get rid of the d5 point. Sermek,Drazen 2590 xf3 11.xf3 xf3 12.gxf3 exd5 13.e1+ Kozul,Zdenko 2565 e7 14.xd5 c6 15.g5 f6 16.f4 ] Rapid 1hr Solin-Spilt CRO rapid (18) 20.12.02 10...fxe6 11.e2 c5 12.0-0 0-0 13.g5!? [Glenn Flear] This leads to some amusing tactics. xf2+! No fear. 14.h1 b7 15.d3 h6!? An exciting untheoretical game in the St. [ 15...g6!? 16.xh7 h4! ( 16...xh7 George 1.e4 a6 2.d4 b5 3.d3 b7 17.h5+ g8 18.xg6 h4 19.h7+ ) 4.d2!? White usually plays 4 Nf3 and Qe2 17.g5 g7!? ] maintaining a solid centre which lays the 16.h7+! foundation for action on either wing. Sermek [ 16.h7 f3!! ( 16...h4 17.xf8 g3 has an ambitious idea in mind. d6 5.f4 18.h7+ ) 17.xf3 ( 17.gxf3 xf3-+ ) T h e b i g p a wn f r o n t r e q u i r e s a vi g o r o u s 17...xf3 18.g6 and while white is counter. e5! 6.dxe5 dxe5 7.fxe5 e7 t e m p o r a r i l y a f l o a t , t h e N h 7 d o e s n o t 8.e6!? inspire confidence. ] [ 8.gf3 g6 9.a4 softening up the black 16...h8 17.e4 xe4 18.xe4 h4 queenside is another idea ] 19.e2 c5 20.xc5 xf1+ 21.xf1 bxc5 8...fxe6 9.h5+ g6 10.gf3 e7 11.e5 22.f8+ h7 23.d2! 0-0 12.e4 [ 23.xc5 e1+ 24.g1 e2 reverses [ 12.xg6 hxg6 13.xg6 d5 would offer roles for minimal cost. The game Black a useful bishop pair and good 112


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 e6 21.eg5? xc4! 22.e4 ac8 23.b1 h5 24.b3 b5 25.g4 fxg3 26.hxg3 c6 27.d3 c5 28.g4 h8 29.xc6 xc6 30.f5 g6 31.f4 a3 32.e5 c7 33.gf3 fc8 34.c4 xc4 0-1 Shabalov,A-Klinger,J/Werfen 1990. ] 7.e5 e4 [ 7...g4 leaves the knight misplaced in the long run: 8.f3 c5 9.bd2 0-0 10.0-0 e8 11.e1 b6 12.c4 c6 13.h3 h6 14.c2 e7 15.ac1 d7 16.c5 c7 17.d4 g5?? 18.e6!+- xg3 19.exd7 xf2+ 20.xf2 h4+ 21.f1 ed8 22.2f3 f6 23.e3 xd7 24.ce1 f8 25.e8 d8 26.xf8+ xf8 27.xg6 hxg6 28.e2 f5 29.e5 xe5 30.xe5 g3+ 31.e1 e4 32.b4 a5 33.a3 axb4 34.axb4 a8 35.e7 a1+ 36.e2 a2+ 37.f1 a1+ 38.e1 f8 39.xb7 g3+ 40.f2 e4+ 41.e2 1-0 Nippgen,GReichenbach,W/Oberursel 1972. ] 8.xe4 dxe4 9.xd8+ xd8 10.c3 f5 11.0-0-0+ c8 12.ge2 h5 13.h4 c5 14.d4 g4 15.d2 e8?! At high tempo agressivity tends to come out first, but by putting a premium on activity rather than threats to the e-pawn Black could likely have solved his problems: [ 15...d8!? 16.de2 e3!? ( 16...xd2 17.xd2 b4!? )] 114 B00 16.e6 Tempting, but the simple [ 16.xe4 xd4 17.xd4 xe5 18.e1 Shabalov,Alexander 2601 should favour white who has full Benjamin,Joel 2577 mobilization. ] ch-Playoff Seattle USA (2) 07.10.2000 16...xe6 17.xe6 xe6 18.hd1 b6 [Jon Tisdall] 19.b5 e7 20.xc7 White is banking on 1.e4 c6 2.d4 e5 This game was played at this tactic to shatter the black position, but it a fast tempo, but Benjamin is not joking with turns out to be much trickier than it would putting his knight on c6. A quick data check appear. xc7 21.d8+ b7 22.xc7?! shows that "Shabba" has had some unhappy No w t h e a b se n ce o f p ro t e ct io n o f t h e f 4 experiences facing this move in the past. square turns out to be a vital dif f erence. 3.dxe5 xe5 4.f4 g6 5.g3 f6 6.d3 White should play [ 22.xa8 xa8 23.xc7 xf2 24.d7 ] d5 23.xd8 xf2 The e-pawn is [ 6...b4+ 7.c3 c5 8.e5 e7 9.e2 d5 22...xd8 10.xg6 hxg6 11.d2 g5 12.e4 b6 suddenly a real terror. 24.d7+ c8 25.xf7 13.0-0-0 f4 14.xf4 gxf4 15.f3 e3 26.g5? [ 26.e7! e2 ( 26...a5?? 27.d1 ) 27.b4 and it seems that white's grip on the centre f4!? allows black to fight on ( 27...e1+ should be worth something, but mutual 28.xe1 xe1 29.xa7 xh4 30.xg7 )] insecure kings and those bishops ... make life hard to predict. e6 16.c4 0-0 17.d5 26...e2 27.d2 e3! d6 18.hd1 h6 19.exd6 cxd6 20.xd6 0-1 development for the pawn ] 12...xf3!? An interesting exchange sacrifice that takes the sting out of white's attack. K o z u l r e l i e s o n h i s ( n o w) s a f e r k i n g f o r compensation. 13.gxf3 c6 14.g5 [ I t h i n k t h a t W h i t e s h o u ld p l a y 14.g5! when a continuation such as xg5 15.xg5 d5 16.e4 xe5 17.0-0-0 gives Black insufficient compensation ] 14...cxe5 15.0-0-0 d5 16.hg1! [ 16.b1 is too slow as after xd3 17.cxd3 ( or 17.xd3 f5 ) 17...f5 the pin on the fifth rank costs White material. ] 16...xd3+ 17.xd3 xa2 18.xe7! [ 18.c3 a1+ 19.b1 d6 is better for Black ] 18...a1+ 19.d2 xg1 20.g5 [ If 20.g5 then e5 is strong. ] 20...xe7 21.xh7+ f8 22.h8+? This loses instead [ 22.h5! w a s n e c e s s a r y w h e n g6 23.xg6 xh2+ 24.c1 g8 25.xe6+ h8 offers White at least a draw but perhaps no more. ] 22...g8 23.xe6+ e7 24.e3 f6 25.xg7+ xg7 26.xg7+ f7 27.f5 d8+ 28.e2 d5 0-1


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 115 Shabalov,Alexander Blatny,Pavel 86th NY Masters (2) [Glenn Flear]

B00 2623 2452 06.01.2004

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 f6!? Braver then the more obvious 3.. .e6 . 4.e2 c6!? Dynamic stuff. A combination of the Owen's and the Knights Tan go! Bla tny has bee n playing this recently against strong opposition so must have faith in this eccentric development. 5.c3 e5 Black gains a stake in the centre and enables his knights to have stable squares from which to operate. 6.f3 d6 According to my database Blatny has had this position five times in the last year! Usually White will play d4-d5 at some point, but there is no consensus as to when it's most a p p r o p r i a t e . 7.0-0 It's worth comparing the game continuation with other tries as the 'main line' has yet to crystallize. [ 7.g5 e7 8.d5 b8 9.xf6 xf6 10.bd2 a6 11.c4 d7 12.e3 g6 was fine for Black in Kanovsky,D-Polak,T Brno 2003 ] [ 7.d5 e7 8.a4 a6 9.a5 c8 10.a3 d7 11.e3 g6 12.g3 e7 13.h4 h6 14.h5 led to White pressure in Al Modiakhi, M-Blatny,P Bermuda 2003. This may explain why Blatny now likes to meet d4-d5 with ... Nb8, and a4-a5 with bxa5, see the main game for instance. ] 7...d7 [ Otherwise 7...e7 8.d5 b8 9.a4 c6 10.c4 a6 11.c3 0-0 12.b3 c5 13.c2 a5 Kritz,L-Kunin,V Griesheim 2003 was solid. ] 8.a4 Played in order to obtain a concession from Black on the queenside. [ Against 8.a3 Blatny has tried a couple of ideas... e7 ( I prefer this to 8...h6 9.d1 a6 10.c4 e7 11.c2 g6 12.d5 g7 13.b4 db8 14.dxe5 dxe5 15.b3 0-0 16.a3 Mitkov,N-Blatny,P Lindberg 2003 which favoured White) 9.e3 f6 10.fd1 0-0 11.ac1 h8 12.b1 g8 13.b4 g5!? with interesting counterplay, Epishin,VBlatny,P Bastia 2003 ] [ 8.a6 c8 9.xb7 xb7 10.a4 g6 11.d5 e7 12.a5 g7 13.c4 0-0 14.c3

h6 15.e1 c5 16.e3 f5 and again Black had interesting play in Baklan,V-Blatny, P Bastia 2003 ] 8...e7 [ 8...a6!? was possible to meet a timely a4a5 with ...b5. ] 9.d5 cb8 10.a5 bxa5 White can't be allowed a major bind with a5-a6. 11.e3 [ Later on, recapturing the pawn proves to be h a r d e r t h a n yo u ' d e xp e c t , s o p o s s i b l y Shabalov should have stuck with 11.xa5 c6 12.dxc6 xc6 13.a1 where White has arguably the better structure, but Black isn't under any immediate pressure. ] 11...c6 12.c4 a6 13.bd2 ac5 14.a3 f5! An excellent counterstrike that disturbs W hite's hold on the centre. 15.exf5 0-0 16.e4?! [ If 16.dxc6 xc6 17.c2 then b8 with promising counterplay. Even so that would have been better than losing the d5pawn. ] 16...xe4 17.xe4 cxd5 18.cxd5 f6 19.b1 xd5 20.d1 h8 Black has the better chances in this complex middlegame. He has nominally an extra pawn but his main trump is a grip on the central area which White's pieces find hard to challenge. 21.d2 f6 22.b3?! [ 22.xa5 balances material, but after f4 23.e3 e7 Black is very comfortable. ] 22...c6 23.c1 c8 24.h4 Seeking to mix things on the kingside. It's dangerous to open the h-file in front of his king so Black prefers to concentrate his efforts where he is s t r o n g e s t . a4! White will again regret not having taken the a-pawn when it was hanging. 25.a3 b6 26.g5 Desperately putting all his eggs in the attacking basket. [ If 26.a2 then f4 takes the initiative. ] 26...xb2 27.a2 f4 28.g4 d4 29.e3 h5!? Exchanges help Black, but this move also deflects the White queen from his king. [ 29...b4 30.d2 d5!? was also possible ] 30.g3 d5 31.ac2 b7 Keeping it simple. The battle is won if he doesn't fall for any tricks. 32.xc8 xc8 33.xc8+ xc8 34.h2 e2 35.h3 d1 36.f7+ h7 37.f4 xb1 38.g5+ g8 39.f3 xg5 40.fxg5 f4 Giving back the piece to steer 92

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 the game towards a winning ending. Also possible was [ 40...b5 41.g6 e4 42.xe4 e5+ ] 41.xf4 xf5 42.d5+ f7 43.xf7+ xf7 44.c1 g4 45.g3 g6 46.f2 e6 47.e3 d5 White never did get his a-pawn back! 0-1

116 Shabanov,Yuri Minasian,Artashes Aeroflot Open (1) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2463 2576 05.02.2002

1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e2 e6 6.0-0 e7 7.e3 0-0 8.h3 h5 9.d2 xe2 10.xe2 [ 10.xe2 d5 11.e5 d7 12.f4 b6 13.g3 f5 14.exf6 xf6 15.c3 g6 16.g4 d7 17.ae1 ae8 18.f5 exf5 19.xf5 h8 20.h6 g7 21.xf8+ xf8 22.f4 d8 23.f2 xe1+ 24.xe1 e6 and black had no problems, 0-1 Szegi,VSafranska,A/Sala 1994 (42). ] 10...d5 11.e5 d7 12.f4 b4 [ 12...f5!? is probably the most reliable option, and had the Miles stamp of approval: 13.b3 ( 13.exf6 xf6 14.f3 b6 15.ad1 c4 16.c1 e7 17.b3 b6 18.b5 d7 19.a3 e7 20.xe7 xe7 21.e5 xe5 22.xe5 f7= 1-0 Leski,MMiles,A/San Francisco 1987 (37).) 13...a5 14.a4 f7 15.ad1 f8 16.c4 b4 17.a3 dxc4 18.axb4 cxb3 19.b5 b4 0-1 Checa,C-Miles,A/ Sevilla 1994 (48). ] 13.f3 c5 14.d1 [ 14.f5!? is the most energetic and critical response that could have brought white success the one time I have seen it tried: exf5 15.a3 cxd4 16.xd4 c6 17.xd5?! ( 17.xf5 ) 17...xd4? ( 17...dxe5= ) 18.xd4 g6 19.ad1 e8 20.e6 0-1 Klinova, M-Rooda,K/Hoogeveen 1999 (34). This possibility is another argument for adopting Miles' 12...f5. ] 14...cxd4 15.xd4 c5 16.f2 b6 17.c3 c6 This must be a relatively successful Fr e n c h -t y p e s t r u c t u r e f o r b l a c k . 18.ad1 ae8 19.a3 f6 20.b4 xd4 21.cxd4 e7

22.d3 fxe5 23.dxe5 d4 24.f2 [ 24.xd4 xd4+ 25.f2 xf4 26.xd7 f5 27.d3 g5 ] 24...d5 25.d2 c8 26.de1 c3 27.e4 a6 28.xd4 xa3 29.c1 a1 30.h2 xc1 31.xc1 a2 32.c4 xc4 33.xc4 a6 34.g3 g5 35.g2 gxf4 36.gxf4 b8 37.g3 f7 38.f3 c6 39.e4 e8 40.c1 f7 An odd place to stop - for example. [ 40...f7 41.e1 and the game continues. The score is probably not the whole story a n d t h e r e i s s o m e t yp e o f e r r o r i n t h e record. ] 0-1

117 Shavtvaladze,Nikoloz Remizov,Juri White Tower Open (5) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2314 2266 07.10.2000

1.e4 a6 This may not have quite the stamp of audacity it had before people like Miles did things like beat Karpov with it, but it still has that touch of daring, in the sense of daring your opponent to come and get you. 2.d4 b5 3.d3 b7 4.f3 f6 5.e2 e6 6.g5 c5 7.c3 cxd4 8.cxd4 [ 8.xd4 is an interesting alternative - this kind of pseudo-Sicilian structure poses black some different problems to solve as the standard methods of using the c-file as a springboard to counterplay do not apply with a white pawn on c3 instead of a N. This game rapidly loses its theoretical interest as black gets generous without reason. e7 9.d2 d6 10.0-0 bd7 11.f4 h6 12.h4 0-0 13.ae1 c5 14.b1 c8 15.a3 a5 16.xb5 a6 17.c4 a4 18.e5 dxe5 19.fxe5 e8 20.f2 b8 21.f3 b6 22.c2 g6 23.fd4 c7 24.c1 fc8 25.e3 g5 26.xg5 hxg5 27.xf7 xf7 28.xg6+ e7 29.xg5+ d7 30.g7+ d8 31.f6+ d7 32.g7+ d8 33.d1 b3 34.g5+ d7 35.g7+ d8 36.h1 xd4 37.xd4+ d5 38.f8+ d7 39.g7+ d8 40.g5+ d7 41.cxd5 xb5 42.dxe6+ c6 43.d6+ b7 44.xb6+ xb6 45.e3+ a6 46.d3 93

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 d8 47.xb5+ xb5 48.h3 xb2 49.e7 e8 50.d3+ b5 51.d7 1-0 Sanchez Almeyra,J-Stranjakovitch,J/Cannes 1990 (51) ] 8...h6 9.h4 e7 [ 9...c6!? is more entertaining - the threat to gain the bishop pair with Nb4 is coupled with an idea of charging the g-pawn forward to undermine d4. 10.a3 ( 10.e5 a5+ ) 10...e7 ( 10...g5!? ) 11.bd2 g5! 12.g3 g4 13.h4 ( 13.e5 xd4 ) 13...xd4 14.d1 g8 15.e5 c6 16.c3 h5 17.g3 xh4 18.gxh4 xh4 19.e2 f4 20.f1 h3 21.c2 xf1+ 22.xf1 d6 23.e3 e5 24.d1 e7 25.f1 f3 26.g2 xg2 27.xg2 g5 0-1 Lazaridis, S-Moulin,P/ Groningen 1982. A thoughtprovoking little rout, and something to file away for future reference for ...a6 devotees. ] 10.a4 c6!? I can't help feeling I have seen this idea before, but I cannot produce any evidence to back this up. For the sacrificed pawn black gets a very nice pair of bishops and constant pressure against both white's central pawns, and on the b-file. [ 10...bxa4 11.xa4 allows white to claim a small plus - the rook supports the white c e n t r e , a n d t h e a - p a wn i s a l o n g t e r m target. ] 11.axb5 b4 12.xf6 to relieve the pressure against e4. [ 12.c3 axb5! ] 12...xf6 13.bxa6 xd3+ 14.xd3 b6 15.0-0 xa6 16.d2 0-0 17.c1 fb8 A long tactical sequence exploiting various p i n s a l o n g t h e a - f i l e i s o ve r . B l a c k h a s excellent compensation as it is very difficult to ward off the threats to white's pawns and keep the bishops from raking in and causing damage. 18.c2 b7 19.xa8 xa8 20.e5 [ 20.c3 a1+ 21.c1 xc1+ 22.xc1 xd4 23.xd4 xd4 24.c2 and black is better - strong bishop, nice compact and active position. But white's choice in the g a m e d o e s n ' t d o m u c h e xc e p t f u r t h e r expose his position. ] 20...e7 21.h3 e4 22.c1 a1 23.c3 xc1+ 24.xc1 xf3 25.gxf3 xd4 26.e1 c5 27.g2 b6 28.e3 xe3 29.fxe3 xe3 This should be a matter of

technique but black makes a very big meal of it indeed, and after prolonging white's agony to an amazing degree, he eventually lets him off the hook. 30.e2 g5 31.b4 f8 32.g3 e7 33.h4 f5 34.exf6+ xf6 35.hxg5+ hxg5 36.b5 e5 37.c3 d5 38.g4 d6 39.a4 d4 40.b6 c6 41.h5 d3 42.b2 d2 43.g6 f4 44.f6 e5 [ 44...xb6 45.xe6 c5 46.f5 d4 wins easily as white's king does not return in time. ] 45.f5 xb6 46.e4 c5 47.d3 d5 48.d1 e6 49.c3 f5 50.e2 g6 51.e4 f5 52.c5 e3 53.e4 f4 54.c3 c5 55.e4 b4 56.f2 a5 57.d3+ f5 58.f2 b6 59.e4 e3 60.c3 f4 61.d1 g6 62.e2 h5 63.e4 h4 64.xd2 xd2 65.xd2 h3 66.d3 h2 67.d2 h1 68.d1 ½-½

118 Shaw,John K Matin,Adam 4NCL [Andrew Martin]

B00 2433 2433 21.11.2004

1.e4 b6!? Why not? In actual fact the moveorder Black adopts is rather cunning. He's aiming for a Hippopotamus system but by playing ...b6 and ...Bb7 first he is trying to talk White out of aggressive systems involving f2-f4 and/ or Be3, Qd2. 2.d4 b7 3.c3 e6 4.f3 d6 5.d3 d7 6.0-0 g6 7.a4! John Shaw is a methodical, logical, classical player and he usually goes for a nagging edge with W hite rather than the quick attack. I underestimated 7 a4 and immediately made a bad move. g7? [ Of course 7...a6 is forced, I know that now. ] 8.a5 bxa5 Horrible. The more I looked at [ 8...e7 9.a6 c8 the less I liked it: 10.g5 ( 10.f4 0-0 11.d2 e5 12.h6! exd4 13.xg7 xg7 14.xd4 e5 15.f4 xd3 16.xd3 ) 10...h6 11.e3 0-0 12.d2 h7 13.fe1 The problem is that B la ck h a s n o go o d p a wn b re a ks in t h e centre, let alone the usual Modern idea of attacking and dismantling the centre as and 94

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 when necessary. I looked but I did not see. ] 9.e3 gf6 10.d2! I'm not sure how big W hite's advantage is here. It's in between substantial and life-threatening I think, and so I had to find some way to play on at the same time keeping some chances. I soon reconciled myself to the ultimate loss of the a7 pawn after that it was easier.. 0-0 11.b3 c6 [ The alternatives leave Black with nothing to do. At least in the game White has choices to make, it's still murky and he could go wrong. 11...b8 12.xa5 ] [ 11...b8 12.xa5 ] 12.xa5 c7 13.f4! These positions are so difficult to play because one is making original jud gem ent s on virtu ally e very move. Fo r instance should White take on b7 or not and then just play against the a pawn? For Shaw maybe that was the best approach although 13 f 4 cannot be wrong indeed it looks as though Black may be mated e.g. Qe1-h4 etc. Where is his counterplay coming from? [ 13.a2 fb8 14.f3 c8 15.fa1 ] 13...ab8 14.e2 a8 The first glimmer of light appears at the end of the tunnel. 15.b3 c5 16.dxc5 dxc5 17.a2 White is still playing very well and very logically too. He seems to have a total grip. I knew that playing passively would be useless and cast my eye over the position for an unusual idea. b4 18.d2 b8 The first stage is to get the big p i e c e s o u t o f e xp o s e d p o s i t i o n s . 19.c4 d5! For better or worse. At least Black is going down in flames. This came as a surprise to John Shaw. Chugging along without c o m p l i c a t i o n s wa s n o l o n ge r a n o p t i o n . 20.exd5 exd5 21.xd5 [ 21.e5 xe5 22.fxe5 d4 23.d2 dxc3 24.xc3 d5! is, I would say, unclear. Black is fighting. ] [ 21.fa1 dxc4 22.xc4 b6! ] 21...xd5 22.b3 e8 Now I was very happy. The game seemed to have utterly changed. S u d d e n ly W h i t e h a d t o m a ke a m a ss ive mental readjustment from attack to defence. Furthermore, in this inspired frame of mind, I had spotted an excellent combination. 23.d2 xc4 24.xc4 xc4!! Based on White's a wk wa r d p ie c e s. I t h i n k t h e id e a wo r ks : 25.xd7

[ 25.bxc4 xe3 transposes. ] 25...xe3! 26.bxc4 d4 27.h1 xf4! Shaw was visibly upset and who wouldn't be? The point is that he can't play 28 Rg1 due to 2 8 . . . B e 5 . T h e Q u e e n a n d Ra 2 a re ve r y remote indeed. 28.aa1 xa1 29.xa1 xc4 30.xa7 xc2-+ Some care is required in the endgame but it must be an easy win. 31.f1 c4 32.a8+ g7 33.a1+ d4 34.a7 f6 35.g1 e7 36.a1+ f6 37.h3 e2 38.h1 e5 39.a7+ h6 40.f7 e1 41.xe1 xe1+ 42.h2 e5+ 43.g3 e2+ 44.g1 d1+ 45.f2 d4+ 46.f3 c4 47.g4 [ For one horrible moment I thought I had been mated e.g. 47.f8+ g5! I'd seen this move some time ago of course but panic sets in when you are winning cleanly and the opponent gets even the slightest chance. ( 47...h5?? is the blunder of the year: 48.g4+ g5 49.h4+ xh4 50.h6# )] 47...d3+ 48.g2 g5 49.f8 e2+ 50.g3 e3+ 51.g2 c3 52.c8 h4 53.c7 xh3+ 54.f2 xg4 I will play 1... b6 again and this time with an early ...a6. What price 1 e4 b6 2 d4 Bb7 3 Nc3 ( 3 Bd3) a6!? . It's bound to gain time on the clock and the idea is the same e.g. ...d6,...Nd7 and only then ...g6,...Bg7,... Ne7 etc. 0-1

119 Shirov,Alexei Martinsen,Stig K Simul Bergen NOR (1) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2718 10.02.2001

It's not every day you get to see an offbeat defence against a very top player, and this kind of game is why - one should at least pick as reputable a line as possible. The game is not terribly interesting, but has a kind of historic appeal. 1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e3 e6 6.d5 exd5 7.exd5 xf3 [ 7...e5 8.e2 xf3+ 9.xf3 xf3 10.xf3 e7 11.0-0-0 0-0 12.he1 e8 13.d4 d7 14.e2 c5 15.dxc6 bxc6 16.de1 d5 17.g4 ab8 18.h4 h6 19.f5 95

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 xf5 20.gxf5 b4 21.xe8+ xe8 22.g1 e7 23.xa7 a8 24.e3 xh4 25.xh6 xf2 26.g2 d4 27.e2 e5 28.a3 a4 29.c3 e4 30.d4 xd4 31.cxd4 f6 32.a4 f7 33.d2 d6 34.f2 xd4 35.b3 c5 36.c3 d3 37.c2 c4 38.bxc4 dxc4 39.f4 d5 40.a5 xf5 41.b2 d6 42.a6 b5+ 43.c2 b6 44.a7 a6 45.b4 e6 46.c5 b5 0-1 Rotman,DDavid,A Geneve 1996. ] 8.gxf3!?N e5 9.f4 ed7 10.f3 e7?! 11.0-0-0 a6 12.e1 d8 13.g1 g8 14.d3 e7 15.h3 c5 16.xh7 xh7 17.xh7 f8 18.f5 f6 19.h4 xh4 20.h6 f6 21.xg7 xg7 22.xg7+ xg7 23.h8+ g8 24.h6+ g7 25.f6 1-0

120 Soylu,Suat Mestrovic,Zvonimir 6th HIT Open (7) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2376 2417 31.01.2001

A heavyweight theoretical duel from a full-time, die-hard Nc6-er. 1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e3 e5 6.b5 d7 7.d5 cb8 8.h3 h5 9.g4 g6 10.h4 h5 Mestrovic follower should note that his choices here are based on long experience: [ 10...h6 11.h5 h7 12.g5 a6 ( 12...hxg5 13.xg5 a6 14.g4 g8 15.e6 fxe6 16.dxe6 xe6 17.xe6+ e7 18.g6+ f7 19.xf7+ xf7 20.c4+ e8 21.d5 d8 22.g5+ c8 23.0-0-0 c5 24.f3 b5 25.f1 c6 26.h3+ b7 27.c3 d8 28.c2 de6 29.xe6 xe6 30.dg1 h7 31.d2 c6 32.e3 f4 33.f5 e8 34.xf4 exf4 35.h4 d5 36.xf4 dxe4 37.fxe4 xh5 38.xg7+ xg7 39.d6+ b6 40.xe8 h2+ 41.b1 h6 42.f1 e2 43.d6 a5 44.f5 g5 45.g1 e3 46.g6 c5 47.e6 c7 48.e5 e4 49.c2 d7 50.d3 e1 51.d4 d1+ 52.e4 e1+ 53.f5 f1+ 54.e4 e1+ 55.f5 f1+ 56.g6 e1 57.f6 f1+ 58.g6 e1 59.a3 b4 60.axb4 axb4 61.f7 e4 62.b3 b6 63.cxb4 xb4 64.f6 e4 65.e6+ c7 66.f3 e3 67.d2 xd2

68.e7 c5 69.e8 xe8 70.xe8 c6 71.d3 b4 72.d8 c4 73.f7 c5 74.e6 c3 75.b3 a5 76.a8 c7 77.a4 b5 78.c4 d8 79.d5 g5 80.e4 c2 81.xc2 b4 82.b2 c3 83.b1 e7 84.d5 a3 85.c6 c2 86.b4 1/2-1/2 Jonkman,H-Mestrovic,Z Wijk aan Zee 1999.) 13.f1 b5 14.a3 c5 15.g6 fxg6 16.hxg6 xg6 17.xc5 dxc5 18.xe5 g5 19.xg6 xg6 20.h3 e7 21.f5 g5 22.h5+ xh5 23.xh5 d7 24.g6+ d8 25.e5 g5 26.e4 f4 27.f5 xe5 28.0-0-0 f8 29.xc5 xf5 30.e6+ e7 31.xf5 f6 32.h3 b6 33.f4 d6 34.f5 g8 35.c3 h5 36.c2 c4 37.g1 e3+ 38.d3 xd5 39.g6+ e5 40.g2 e7 41.xg7 xg7 42.xg7 h4 43.h3 d5 44.e6 b6 45.g5 e7 46.e6 d6 47.b3 d7 48.c4 e5+ 49.c3 bxc4 50.bxc4 c5 51.f4 f3 52.d3 g5 53.g6 a5 54.a4 g1 55.g2 h3 56.d5 h2 57.g2 h3 58.e2 f6 59.f3 g1+ 60.g3 e2+ 61.xh2 c3 62.g3 xa4 63.e4 c3 64.c2 a4 65.f3 a3 66.b3 a2 67.xa2 xa2 68.f8 b4 69.e4 c6 70.e6 e5 71.f4 xc4 72.xc5 xc5 73.e4 e5 74.e3 d5 75.f4 d4 76.g3 e3 77.g2 d3 78.g3 f2 79.g2 e4 80.f1 d2 81.g2 e2 82.g1 f3 83.f1 h4 84.f6 f2 0-1 Medvegy,NMestrovic,Z Budapest 1999. ] 11.g5 e7 And here is the sensible new move. Black reserves the option of kicking the Bb5 with ...c6. [ 11...a6 12.f1 b5 13.d2 e7 14.g1 c8 15.a4 b4 16.a2 b7 17.c3 a5 18.cxb4 axb4 19.b5 0-0 20.xb4 c5 21.f3 h7 22.b3 f5 23.e2 g8 24.0-0-0 f4 25.xc5 dxc5 26.c6 d6 27.c4 d7 28.g2 f7 29.h3 e8 30.g2 a8 31.a2 b8 32.6xe5 xe5 33.xe5 f5 34.exf5 xe5 35.f6 d7 36.xd7 a5 37.c2 b4 38.e6 c3 39.xf7+ 1-0 Piket,J-Mestrovic,Z Sremic Krsko 1998. ] 12.g1 c6 13.dxc6 [ 13.f1!? must be more testing - taking on c6 seems illogical. cxd5 14.xd5 c6 15.h3 ] 13...bxc6 14.e2 c7 15.d2 c5! 96

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 16.xc5 dxc5 17.c4 d7 18.d3 b6 T h e d 4 s qu a r e give s b la c k co u n t e r p l a y. 19.g3 xc4 20.xc4 d8 21.d3 0-0 22.d1?! c4 23.xc4 d4 24.e3 a5+ 25.c3 xe4 26.e2?! [ 26.d1 ] 26...b8 27.b3 a6+ 28.f3 c5 29.ge1 e8 30.ad1 xe3 31.fxe3 g4 32.h2 e4+ 33.f2 c5!? Preferring to attack to winning the queen, when white can hit f 7 a n d ge t s a b it o f p e a ce a n d qu ie t . 34.d5 xd5 35.xd5 e6 36.e4 c4 37.d2 f5 38.e3 fxe4-+ 39.e2 f4 40.d1 a6 41.e2 xa2 42.e1 ef8 43.d1 xh4 44.g2 g4 45.g3 xg3 46.xg3 xb2 0-1

121 Sprenger,Jan Michael Ristic,Alexandre Open Metz FRA (3) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2326 2155 09.04.2001

1.e4 a6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 xd5 4.c3 [ 4.c4 d8 5.f3 f6 6.e2 e6 7.0-0 c5 8.e3 cxd4 9.xd4 e7 10.c3 0-0 11.c2 bd7 12.fd1 c7 13.h3 b6 14.ac1 b7 15.a3 ac8 16.b4 b8 17.a2 a8 18.f1 e5 19.a4 d8 20.f4 g6 21.g5 b8 22.xf6 gxf6 23.c5 b5 24.c3 h8 25.ce2 d5 26.d2 e5 27.c3 c7 28.g3 cd8 29.e1 f4 30.xf4 xf4 31.de2 g6 32.d1 f5 33.h5 c4 34.cc1 e5 35.xd8 xd8 36.c3 xc3 37.xc4 d2 38.c2 bxc4 39.xc4 e5 40.c2 c6 41.f1 h6 42.f4 g7 43.g4 fxg4 44.hxg4 g8 45.g2 f8 46.g3 d3+ 47.h4 h6 48.f5 c3 49.e2 d4 50.f4 d1 51.e3 d2 52.e4 xf4 53.xf4 h1+ 54.g3 e2+ 55.g2 xf4+ 56.xh1 e5 57.g1 d5 0-1 Martin, AGorbatow,A Schwarzach 1999. ] 4...d6 Most games reach this position via the Scandinavian/Centre Counter move order (1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3. Nc3 Qd6 4. d4 a6) so one could argue that we are straying out of our territory a bit. It is worth doing a quick mention nonetheless, and I know that as

esteemed a personage as David Bronstein has toyed with the black side of this system, though I could not locate games of his that I am sure I saw with my own eyes... [ 4...d8 5.f3 f6 6.g5 e6 7.d3 e7 8.e2 c6 9.d1 b4 10.0-0 xd3 11.xd3 0-0 12.fd1 c6 13.e5 d5 14.xe7 xe7 15.g3 xc3 16.bxc3 f6 17.d3 d6 18.e3 b6 19.f3 a5 20.f2 a6 21.e1 fe8 22.b1 ab8 23.e4 c7 24.d2 d6 25.e4 c7 26.d2 d6 27.e4 1/2-1/2 Timoshchenko,GGorbatow,A Arco 1999. ] 5.ge2 [ 5.c4 f6 6.ge2 b5 7.b3 b7 8.f4 d7 9.0-0 e6 10.d3 c5 11.dxc5 xc5 12.g3 0-0 13.ad1 c6 14.e5 h8 15.f4 bd7 16.d3 xe5 17.xe5 e8 18.e2 e4 19.h3 d8 20.c3 xd1 21.xd1 f6 22.d3 a7 23.b3 e5 24.b4 a5 25.d5 xf2 26.xf2 c8 27.h4 g5 28.h6 axb4 29.cxb4 e7 30.a3 d8 31.c3 e6 32.f1 xf2 33.xe6 xe6 34.xf2 g8 35.g1 b6+ 36.f1 d4 37.h3 f4+ 38.e1 f2+ 39.d1 f1+ 0-1 Wegener,D-Mozes, E Budapest 1993. ] 5...b5!? [ 5...g4 6.h3 f5 7.f4 d8 8.g3 g6 9.f3 c6 10.0-0-0 f6 11.d5 This does not look worth repeating for black. b8 12.d3 bd7 13.he1 xd3 14.xd3 c5 15.d2 d7 16.d6 cxd6 17.xd6 c8 18.xf6 gxf6 19.d5 e6 20.xe6 fxe6 21.h5+ d8 22.b6 c6 23.xa8 xg2 24.c7 g1+ 25.d2 xf2+ 26.e2 e5 27.e6+ d7 28.e3 g2 29.c5+ c7 30.f7 g8 31.e6+ d6 32.c5+ d7 33.xf8+ xf8 34.d5+ c7 35.e6 d8+ 36.e3 d7 37.xe7 xe7 38.xe7 e8 39.xf6 e6 40.g7 e7 41.f6 e6 42.g7 1/2-1/2 Drasko,M-Gorbatow,A Arco 1999. ] [ 5...f6 6.f4 d8 7.g3 e6 8.g2 d6 9.d2 bd7 10.0-0-0 b6 11.e4 xe4 12.xe4 d5 13.e5 f6 14.g2 xe5 15.dxe5 xd2+ 16.xd2 g4 17.f4 b8 18.f3 h5 19.h3 e3 20.d3 f5 21.hd1 e7 22.c3 c6 23.cd3 f6 24.h4 a5 25.a4 a8 26.e4 h6 27.f3 f7 28.e3 d7 29.d4 fxe5 30.fxe5 97

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 af8 31.e2 g5 32.hxg5 fg8 33.f4 xg5 34.e2 h4 35.gxh4 xh4 36.f1 h6 37.d3 b6 38.b3 c5 39.f4 c6 40.d2 h2 41.e1 h6 42.f2 g1+ 43.d2 gg2 44.xg2 xg2 45.d1 f5 46.e1 f3+ 47.c1 d4 48.xf3 xf3 49.d1 e2 50.b2 d4 51.c1 d7 52.b1 c6 53.b2 b5 54.axb5+ xb5 55.c3 h2 56.b2 c4 57.bxc4+ xc4 58.e1 e2 59.a1 c6 60.d3 b4 61.xb4 xb4 62.h1 xe5 63.h4+ c5 64.c3 d5 65.b3 e5 66.c3 d6 67.c4+ d5 68.a4 a6 69.c2 c5 70.b3 a8 71.c4+ d5 72.a4 e4 73.c2 e5 74.d2 f4 75.e2 c8 76.xa5 xc3 77.a6 c2+ 78.d1 b2 79.a3 f2 80.e1 f3 81.a8 b3 82.h8 a3 83.e2 a2+ 84.e1 a3 85.e2 1/2-1/2 Ghinda,M-Sygulski,A Potsdam 1985. ] 6.f4 d7 7.a4 b4 8.e4 f6 9.2g3 xe4 10.xe4 d5 11.f3 c6 12.xc7 xd4 13.b6 [ 13.c3 bxc3 14.bxc3 c6 ] 13...e5 14.c3 bxc3 15.bxc3 f5 16.d2 e6 17.a5 f4 [ 17...c5 18.c4! ] 18.c4 c6 [ 18...d3+ 19.f1 d6 20.b3 ] 19.0-0 c5+ 20.xc5 xc5+ 21.h1 e6 22.b3 e7 23.g3 [ 23.b6!? ] 23...ab8 24.a3 xa3 25.xa3 b2 26.xe6 xe6 27.c4 ½-½

W ith a dynamic posting thanks to the p re m a t u r e d 4 -d 5 . 10.c3 0-0 11.a4 Pushing the bishop away but at the cost of a misplaced knight. d6 12.e3 At this point, White may well have had plans of a queenside pawn expansion, but he isn't given time to consolidate... cxd5 Ivanov has a combination in mind but I wonder if [ 12...e7 is b e t t e r e . g . 13.ac1 cxd5 14.cxd5 xd5! 15.exd5 e4 with a good game. ] 13.cxd5 xd5!? Aiming to simplify and damage White's centre. The piece is regained, but does this lose a pawn? 14.exd5 e4 15.c3?! Unambitious. The attempt at refutation involves [ 15.xe4 xe4 16.xb6! when Black has some play for the pawn but nothing concrete e.g. axb6 ( or 16...e7 17.fe1 fe8 18.e3 b4 19.ed1 ) 17.xe4 e8 18.d4 f4 19.c3 ] 15...exf3 16.xf3 e5 17.e2 eg4! [ After 17...xd3 18.xd3 g4 19.h3 xe3 20.xe3 I would also prefer Black slightly, but the text leaves an extra pair of minor pieces on the board and thus enables Black to gain more pressure. ] 18.h3 xe3 19.xe3 e8 20.f3 e5 21.ac1 c8 Opposite bishops are often misunderstood. The standard obsession with drawish endgames masks the fact that with oth er p ie ces o n th e b oa rd t hey can b e a powerful force for the player with the initiative. Here dark-square play is more relevant as W hite's isolated d-pawn (stuck on a light square) is more of a liability than an asset. Indeed the simple plan of ...Rc5 and ...Qc7 122 B00 p u t s i t ' s l i f e i n i m m i n e n t d a n g e r . 22.a6 Stein,Alex 2362 Not an ideal square, but at least in this way Ivanov,Alexander 2590 White holds onto the d-pawn. c5 23.fd1 Cutting the bishop off from the rest of 7th Foxwoods Open (5) 25.03.2005 b5! W hite's forces. 24.d6 Enabling the queen to [Glenn Flear] come to the rescue. [ 24.xb5?? xc3 ] 1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 f6 4.e2 c6 [ 24.xb5 is possible but Black then obtains 5.c3 e5 6.d5 An imprecision which already a strong initiative with xc1 25.xc1 a5 suggests that W hite was not prepared for 26.a3 d2! ] Black's opening. [ After 6.f3 d6 W h a t e l s e ? 7.d5 24...a5 25.b7? Right square, wrong piece. Black's dark-squared bishop cannot be Better is [ 25.b7 e.g. b4 26.e4 xc1 27.xc1 developed outside of the pawn chain. ] when although Black has good chances to 6...e7 7.f3 g6 8.0-0 c6! 9.c4 c5 98

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 pick off a pawn in the complications, there would then be opposite bishops.. .. Naturally one shouldn't get 'obsessed' with the idea, but you never know, they could offer drawing chances to White! ] 25...c6! 26.xb5 b6 27.c7 xb5! Two pieces for the rook is adequate for the win. [ N o t h o w e v e r 27...xc3? 28.xd7! and W hite's d-pawn would be converted from a burden into a decisive passed pawn. ] 28.xb5 xb5 29.xa7 xb2 30.a4 b4! [ Instead 30...xd6 is also not bad, but the t e x t l e a d s t o a d e c i s i ve w e a k e n i n g o f White's kingside. ] 31.a5 f4 32.g3 f3 33.e3 a8! A great square combining attack with the slowing down of the a-pawn. 34.a3 e4 35.a6 g5! Now it becomes clear why provoking g2-g3 was so important. The lightsquares around white's king are indefensible. 36.f4 d4+ 37.xd4 f3+ 38.f2 xd4 The threat of ...Re2+ is too strong. 39.e1? Resigning before playing this move is less humiliating. 0-1

36.e3 a5 37.a3 g6 38.f2 h5 39.f4 g4 40.h4 f5 ½-½

124 Ter Sahakyan,S Petrosian,TL 74th ch-ARM 2014 (9.4) [Glenn Flear]

B00 2574 2654 21.01.2014

1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.c3 f6 4.d4 e5!? A ve ry un u su al ch oice, a t t his p oin t, b u t certainly a reasonable option. Black transposes to a sideline of the Scotch Four Knights (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.d4 and now 4...d6!?). However the move order from the Nimzovich, as here, looks more logical! [ By opting for 4...g6 Black seeks a type of Pirc Defence. The knight on c6 (so early) is slightly unusual, but White's 'classical' setup isn't particularly aggressive. 5.e3 g7 6.d2 g4 7.e2 0-0 8.0-0 d5!? 9.exd5 xd5 10.xd5 xd5 11.h3 f5 12.c4 a5 Bjornsson, Si-Kristjansson, St Icelandic league 2013, lef t W hite with only a tiny space advantage. ] [ The main line here is 4...g4 5.e3 e6 123 B00 6.h3 when White is able to keep a pull e.g. h5 7.d5 exd5 8.exd5 e5 9.g4 xf3+ Teixeira,Ricardo da Silva 2341 10.xf3 g6 11.0-0-0 e7 12.d4 Lima,Darcy 2525 ( White has also scored well with the plan of 67th ch Teresina BRA (8) 14.12.2000 12.g2 followed by f2-f4) 12...h6 13.h4 [Jon Tisdall] Kapnisis, S-Papadatos, I Paleochora 2013. ] Avoiding ...Bg4 and thus maintaining a A solid and uninspired Hippopotamus - worth 5.h3 c o m p a r i n g wi t h t h e e f f o rt s o f M i l e s a n d space edge. e7 [ Here 5...exd4 makes sense (after White McShane. A good illustration of how even the h a s s p e n t a t e m p o o n t h e s lo w h 2 - h 3 ) oddest of openings can look distinctly 6.xd4 and then g6 gives a dynamic game respectable if enough care is exercised by that could have transposed from a Scotch, both sides. 1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.c3 e6 a Philidor, or Three Knights opening! The 4.ge2 d6 5.g3 g6 6.g2 g7 7.e3 d7 8.d2 h6 9.h4 h5 10.0-0-0 e7 11.f3 b8 following involves both sides playing principled moves: 7.g4! g7 8.de2 h5! 12.f4 a6 13.g4 f6 14.gxh5 xh5 9.g5 h7 10.f4 f6 11.h4 fxg5 12.hxg5 15.xh5 xh5 16.e2 h7 17.f4 d7 g4 Vajda, L-Lu Shanglei, Golden Sands 18.h5 gxh5 19.xh5 h8 20.xg7 xh1 2012, with chances for both sides. ] 21.xh1 xg7 22.f1 h8 23.xh8 xh8 24.c4 h1 25.g2 xg2 26.xg2 d5 6.d5 [ 6.b5!? looks more like it originated from a 27.cxd5 exd5 28.h3+ d8 29.e5 c8 Spanish, Old Steinitz Variation, e.g. 1.e4 e5 30.f1 f5 31.g5+ d7 32.h3 c6 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 d6 etc). d7 7.d5 b8 33.xf5 xf5 34.d2 b5 35.c3 c5 99

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 8.xd7+ ( if W hite retreats with 8.d3 B l a c k c a n h i t b a c k a n y w a y w i t h c6 ) 8...bxd7 9.e3 c6 10.d3 a5 11.0-0 cxd5 12.exd5 0-0 13.d2 a6 14.a4 fc8= Sredojevic, I-Todorovic, GN Serbian league 2011. ] 6...b8 7.g3!? White breaks new ground already! [ Other moves have been tried here, but it certainly isn't clear where the light-squared bishop is best placed. Here is an example: 7.e3 c5 8.dxc6!? (I might have been tempted to leave the structure intact and play a sort of Old Benoni with a space edge) bxc6 9.c4 0-0 10.0-0 a6 11.xa6 xa6 12.e2 c8 13.ad1 c7= Nanu, C-Rasinaru, G Deva 1998. ] 7...0-0 8.g2 c6 9.dxc6 bxc6 10.0-0 bd7 11.b3 A second fianchetto by White in an erstwhile classical opening is a rare o c c u rre n c e . c5 12.e1 e8= 13.b2 I'm not a great fan of placing a bishop on b2 against the d6-e5 wall, especially as f2-f4 looks a long way off. Nevertheless, it essentially stops Black seeking any pawn breaks, so the players both go into m a n o e u vrin g m o d e . b8 14.e2 f8 15.ad1 c7 16.e3 a5 17.a3 b7 18.h2 bd8 19.g4 Not really worrying. xg4 20.hxg4 c8 21.g5 g4 22.f3 h3 23.g2 h5 24.c1 [ More enterprising than offering a repetition with 24.f3 but also suggesting that b2 wasn't such a great square after all. ] 24...e7 25.f4!? The tension mounts as W h i t e go e s f o r ki n g sid e e xp a n si o n . e6 26.f2?! [ A f t e r t h e m o r e s o l i d 26.e2 xe2 27.xe2 chances would have been balanced, but as W hite isn't then going anywhere on the kingside this wouldn't have been a very coherent follow-up to his previous move. ] 26...f6!? It's a wise idea to nibble away at White's pawns before he gets settled. [ However it might have been better to have gone about this task in a diff erent way: 26...exf4 27.gxf4 h6! as 28.gxh6 dro ps m ate rial t o h4 29.e2 c5+ 30.e3 xe1 ] 27.gxf6 xf6 28.f5 g5?!

[ More natural is occupying the outpost with 28...d4! ] 29.e2 f7 30.a4 White has the 'threat' of playing c2-c4 with a bind, so Black is 'honour bound' to pre-empt this with his next move. d5! 31.c5 c8 32.e3 h6 33.c4! Forcing Black's hand. d4!? A committal move, b u t o n e t h a t sh o u ld b e go o d e n o u gh f o r equality. 34.c1 a7 35.d3 c5 36.a4!? A safe positional choice. White stabilizes the queenside and now prepares to lay siege to c5, noting that e5 and a5 will also require attention from his opponent. On the other hand, b3 and e4 will remain W hite's weak spots. [ 36.b4 axb4 37.axb4 cxb4 38.xb4 is more double-edged. ] 36...b6 37.c2 b7 38.e2 b8 39.a3 c6!? Sharpening the struggle. [ After 39...ec8 40.b1 I can't see how either player would be able to make progress. ] 40.b1 xa4 41.xc5 b7 42.d6!? [ Possibly 42.b4 xb3 43.xb3 axb4 44.c5!? when I think that White's pieces are slightly better than his opponent's, although m y co m p u t e r o n ly c o n sid e rs t h is t o b e equal. ] 42...xb3 43.c1 c6? Sacrificing the exchange, but not in the best manner. [ Promising is 43...bc8!? 44.a3 ( after 44.c5 xc5 45.xc5 a4 White may miss his knight) 44...a4 45.c5 ( 45.xa4 xa4 46.xb7 xc4 leaves Black a clear pawn ahead ) 45...xc5 46.xc5 c8 and Black has excellent compensation for the exch a n ge , e sp e cia lly a s t h e d -p a wn is mobile. ] 44.xb8 xb8 45.c5 a4 46.eb2 b5 47.f1 The presence of the knight on d3 (rather than a bishop, see the previous note) limits Black's options. So it seems that White is the one seeking a way to make progress. c8 48.d1!? b8 49.c1! xd1? Not good. [ However 49...xc5 50.xb3 axb3 51.xb3 looks prospectless for Black. ] 50.xb5 xb5 51.xb5 f8 52.b7 The c-pawn is going to be more dangerous than the a-pawn, although having the only rook helps! e8 53.d3 c2 54.c6 xd3 100

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 55.b8+ e7 56.c7 a6 57.c8 xc8 58.xc8 Ter Sahakyan has noticed that the apawn is going to drop. d6 59.f2 a3 60.a8 c5 61.xa3 b4 62.a7 c5 63.e2 b6 64.a1 There is no immediate breakthrough, so W hite will have to think something up on the light squares. This will involve improving all his pieces one after another. f7 65.d3 d6 66.b1+ c5 67.f3 b5 68.h5 c3 69.b2 a4 70.b1 d6 71.f3 c6 72.c1+ b5 73.b1+ c6 74.b4 c5+ 75.c4 d7 76.h5 b6+ 77.d3 c5 78.b1 a4 79.e8 Finally the bishop is ready to take on a more active role, thus limiting Black's knight to a certain extent. c3 80.a1 b4 81.c6 c5 82.d5!? b4 [ 82...xd5? makes life easy for White after 83.a5+ ] 83.a8 d1 84.b8+ c5 85.c8+ b4 86.c4+ b5 There is no apparent Zugzwang and no pawn breaks available, so White will need all three pieces to squeeze away at Black's king. This takes time, indeed, lo t s o f t i m e ! 87.c2 g5 88.c7 f6 89.b7+ c5 90.b1 f2+ 91.e2 g4 92.b3 g5 93.c2 c4 94.b7 f6 95.c7+ b5 96.d3+ b6 97.d7 e3 98.d2 c6 99.a7 g4 100.c2 f2 101.a1 g5 102.a6+ b7 103.e6 f6 104.e2 h1 [ 104...xe4?? 105.f3 ] 105.g4 It was 44 moves since the last pawn mo ve , s o it wa s a bo ut tim e! No w h e h a s another 50 moves to try and make further inroads. f2 106.f3 c7 107.a6 e7 [ More natural is 107...b7 ] 108.a7+ d6 109.b3 f6 110.c4 The king is advancing up the board. This finally feels like progress. c6 111.a6+ b7 112.a2 h3 113.g2 f4 114.f1 b6 115.a1 e7 116.a8 b7 117.a5 f6 118.b5 e7 119.a2 f6 120.a1 c7 121.c1+ d6 122.b6 d8+ 123.b7 e7?! [ Better is 123...f6! 124.c6+ ( 124.c8!? ) 124...e7 125.c4 d7 126.b5 e7 127.c7 and White probes away, but hasn't found a chink in the armour...yet! ] 124.c8 Black is now too tangled and soon

drops the e-pawn. e8 125.b5+ e7 126.c5 b6 [ After 126...d6 127.c6+ e7 128.a6 Black is in Zugzwang. ] 127.xe5+ For the record, it was 66 moves s i n c e W h i t e l a s t c a p t u r e d a p a w n ! d6 128.e8 d3 129.e5+ d5 130.f6 gxf6 131.exf6 d2 A race, but one that Black will not win. 132.a4 c5 133.d7! [ Less clear is 133.f7 g6 134.b3+ d4 135.d7 f8+ as White's king doesn't have an easy route to the kingside. ] 133...g6 The f8-square is covered, but Black's knight is not comfortable here. 134.b3+ d4 135.e6 f4+ 136.f7 Now Kf7-g7xh6 is a threat. g2 137.d1 e3 138.f3 d3 [ 138...d1 goes down to 139.xd1 xd1 140.d8+ ] 139.g6 d1 140.d8+ d4 141.xd1 c4 [ 141...xd1 142.f7 ] 142.e2+ Time to call it a day! 1-0

125 Therkildsen,Thomas Philippe,Christophe IM Le Touquet FRA (7) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2108 2357 31.10.2001

1.e4 c6 2.f3 f5 3.exf5 d5 4.h4 The attempt at outright refutation option. This generally leads to massive chaos and black's outnumbered forces very active. Despite this, I have a feeling a cool head should be able to t a ke t h e m o n e y a n d ru n , b u t p ro vid e a n overview of games in the line to help arm potential players of either side of this line. e5 5.h5+ g6 6.fxg6 f6 7.g5 [ 7.g7+ xh5 8.gxh8 xh4 A) 9.c3 f5 10.g3 d4 11.e2 0-0-0 12.b5 e4 13.f3 xc2 14.g8 a6 15.d1 c5 16.f7 d7 17.xh5 axb5 18.a3 d4 19.g5 e4 20.e3 g7 21.fxe4 e8 22.d3 dxe4 23.dxe4 h3 24.d2 xb2 25.c3 xe4 26.xb2 xe3+ 27.e2 e7 28.d1 b4 29.axb4 xb4 30.a8+ d7 31.h8 f5 32.f1 g6 33.f3 e7 34.d3 f7 35.f5+ 101

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 59.e8+ d7 60.e3 g2+ 61.f7 d6 36.xh7 d5 37.d3 e1+ 38.c2 g1 62.d3+ c7 63.f8 f1 64.f7 e2+ 39.c1 e1+ 40.d1 e2 g1 65.d5 c6 66.d4 c7 67.e7 41.d7+ 1-0 Lambert, A-Mueller,H GER e1+ 68.f6 f1+ 69.e6 c6 1996.; 70.c4+ b7 71.c5 1-0 Lalic,S-Toll,A B) 9.b5 e4+ 10.f1 f4 ( 10...h3 St Heliers 1997.; 11.g1 0-0-0!? ) 11.f3 f5 12.d4 g6 C2) 10...d8 11.g3 ( 11.d3 f4 13.xh7 xc2 14.c3 f5 15.xd5 12.g8 e8 13.xf4 xf4 14.a3 d1+ 16.f2 xd4+ 17.e3 0-0-0 e6 15.g3 xa3 16.xf4 exf4 18.d1 c5 19.xd8+ xd8 20.c4 17.bxa3 xc2+ 18.d2 xa1 19.e2 d4 21.h5 e7 22.e1 d7 23.h7 d4 20.f3 d7 21.xa1 h8 22.e1 ec6 24.e4 b4+ 25.e2 d6 26.a3 c5 23.e4 f8 24.e5 d6 25.g5 d4+ 27.f2 c5 28.b4 b6 29.b2 b5 26.g6 e5 27.g7 f7 28.g8 1-0 Samoilov,I-Ferencz,I Budapest 1998.; c4 29.b8 a6 30.a8 c7 31.xa6 C) 9.xh7 d4 10.g6+ ( 10.c3!? c3+ 32.c2 xa2 33.h6 b3+ g4? 11.xd5 f5 12.xh5+ xh5 34.c1 a7 35.d1 xa3 36.h5+ 13.f6+ e7 14.xh5 xc2+ 15.d1 d6 37.xb3 xb3 38.f5 b2 xa1 16.d3 a5 17.g5+ f7 18.e2 39.xf4 e5 40.f8 b4 41.b8 xf2 e6 19.a3 b3 20.g3 c5 21.e3 42.xb4 xg2 43.b5+ f4 44.h5 d4 22.c2 a6 23.e4 c6+ 24.b1 f2 0-1 Pavasovic,D-Gross,G Bled d5 25.f3 xe4 26.xe4 b6 1995. ) 11...g4 12.xg4 xg4 13.d3 27.d5+ e7 28.xb3 xb3 29.xd4 ( 13.g2 xc2+ 14.f1 xa1 exd4 30.c2 b5 31.e1+ f7 32.e4 15.xd5 c6-+ 16.g2 f5 17.c3 d5 33.h4 c5 34.a4 f5 35.f3 f8 d3+ 18.g1 c2 19.e4 e1 36.b3 f7 37.c4 1-0 Salmensuu,O20.xd3 xd3 21.g2 f6 22.f3 c5 Porrasmaa,T Helsinki 1997.; 10.d3?! e4 23.h4 e7 24.g4 g8 25.h5 xh5 11.g6+ d8 12.g8 e7 13.b3 e6 26.xh5 f4+ 27.h2 xh5 28.gxh5 14.a3+ d7 15.h7+ g7 16.c3 f5 h8 29.d3 xh5+ 30.g2 d4 17.g3 g4 18.h3 f3 19.xh5 xh5 31.e2 e6 32.f4 h8 33.fxe5 xe5 20.g4 xg4 0-1 Berg,E-Johansson,R 34.f3 d5 35.f4+ xf4 36.xf4 a5 Stockholm 1994. ) 37.e2 b5 38.a3 h3 39.e3 h2+ C1) 10...e7 11.d3 f4 12.xf4 40.f2 c5 41.e3 a4 42.f3 c4 ( 12.g3 f6 13.d1 f5 14.f3 43.dxc4+ xc4 0-1 Sorsa,N-Kiik,K Pori h4 15.g3 f5 16.f3 h4 17.g3 1997. ) 13...e4 14.c3 f3+ 15.f1 1/2-1/2 McAleer,J-Toll,A Viborg 1996.) h3+ 16.e2 g2 17.d1 exd3+ 12...xf4 13.c3 xc2+ 14.d1 b4 18.xd3 d7 19.c2 e8 20.d3 15.g3 d4 16.e3 g4+ 17.e2 e1+ h6 18.xd4 xe2+ 19.xe2 exd4 C2a) 21.d2 h6+ 22.f4 20.xd4 f8 21.e2 g7 22.f3 d6 C2a1) 22...xf4 23.xe1 xe1 23.hd1 c5 24.a3 c6 25.ac1 xb2 ( 23...h3+ 24.c2 ) 24.gxf4!; 26.b1 xa3 27.xb7 b4 28.h4 a5 C2a2) 22...f3+ 23.c2 xh2; 29.a1 e8+ 30.f1 c3 31.a2 d4 C2b) 21.b3 f3 22.d2 h6 23.d4 32.b6+ c7 33.g6 xf3 34.gxf3 xd2 24.xd2 d1+ 0-1 Jahr,Uh8 35.e2 d7 36.ee6 xh4 Poethig,H Germany 1982. ] 37.a6 h1+ 38.g2 h8 39.a7+ [ 7.d1 c5 8.g7 g8 9.e2 xg7 c8 40.f4 b8 41.f7 d8 42.f5 b4 10.h5+ f8 11.d4 xd4 12.h6 43.b6+ a8 44.f6 c4 45.dxc4 d4 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 R o d r i g u e z L o p e z, R - F e r e n c z , I 46.a6+ b8 47.c5 xc5 48.xa5 Budapest 1998. An odd result since xb2-+ d5 49.f3 d3 50.xc5 xc5 51.e3 seems to win. ] f5 52.xd3 xf2 53.e4 c8 54.e5 d8 55.f8+ d7 56.a8 7...c5 [ 7...e7? 8.b5 d6 9.b3 b4 10.xc6+ e2+ 57.f5 f2+ 58.g6 e6 102

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 bxc6 11.0-0 h6 12.g7 g8 13.g6+ d8 14.f3 a6 15.xe5 1-0 Vidarsson,J-Ulvin, D Gausdal 1988. ] 8.d3 [ 8.d4!? xd4 Black loses some of his initiative by not having the threat/option of playing the N to d4 later, so perhaps the m o r e d r a s t i c ( 8...xd4!? should be considered, when 9.xe5+ d7 10.d1 e8 is interesting.) 9.d3 e4 10.e2 e6 ( 10...g8!? ) 11.c3 hxg6 12.b5 e5 13.xg6 g8 14.h6 xg6 15.xg6+ f7 16.f5 a6 17.c3 d6 18.f4 exf3 19.xf3 ( 19.xf3 ) 19...d4 20.d3 e6 21.e3 f5 22.xd4 xd4 23.xd4 c5 24.xf6 xf6 25.0-0-0 d4 26.d5 g5+ 27.b1 0-0-0 28.h4 xc2+ 29.xc2 f5+ 30.c1 xd5 31.xd5 xd5 32.h5 xa2 33.h6 d3 34.h7 c4+ 35.d2 c2+ 36.e3 e2+ 37.f4 f2+ 38.e4 e2+ 39.d5 xg2+ 40.xc5 c2+ 41.d4 xb2+ 42.xd3 1/2-1/2 Brendel,O-Gross,G Germany 1996. ] 8...d4 [ 8...e7!? 9.e2 d7 ( 9...g8!? ) 10.0-0 ( 10.f5?? xf5 11.xf5 d4 ) 10...0-0-0 11.f5 e6 12.g7 he8 13.h6 e7 14.c3 d4 15.h5 xh5 16.xh5 c6 17.e3 xc2 18.ac1 b4 19.xa7 xd3 20.b6 f4 21.f7 xh6 22.xd5 e2+ 23.h1 e6 24.xe7+ xe7 25.f8 ee8 26.f3 xc1 27.a3 xa2 28.d6 e6 0-1 Jurkovic, A-Tribuiani,R Nereto 1998. Presumably black lost rather than white losing on time in this position. ] 9.d1 [ 9.xe5+!? d7 ( 9...e7 10.xe7+ xe7 11.d1 g4 12.e3 xe3+ 13.fxe3 g4+ 14.d2 ) 10.d1 e8 11.f4 and black has yet to justify his sacrifices. By comparison to the note above in Brendel-Gross, black has a pawn less and no access to e4. ] 9...d6 10.c3 c6 11.e2 e6 12.g7 g8 13.h6 e7 14.g5 d7 15.h5+ d8 16.h3?! xh5 17.xe7+ xe7 18.xh5 xg7 Black's lead in development is uncomfortable for white. 19.g4 f6 20.d2 f8 21.f1?? [ 21.hf3 ] 21...g5 22.xh7+ f7-+ 23.g6+ xg6

24.h5 h6 0-1

126 Tian Tian Bordas,Gyula FSIMB December (1) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2224 2186 02.12.2000

1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e2 e6 6.0-0 e7 7.h3 h5 8.d5 exd5 9.exd5 xf3 10.xf3 e5 This kind of position is quite solid for black if white has committed his king to castling short. 11.e2 0-0 12.e3 a6 [ 12...c5 13.a4 a6 14.b1 d7 15.c4 ae8 16.c3 d8 17.a5 g6 18.b1 c8 19.e1 d7 20.d3 f6 21.c2 e5 22.f3 g3 23.xg6 hxg6 24.e2 e5 25.f2 f6 26.g4 h5 27.gxh5 xh3 28.e4 h2+ 29.h1 g3+ 30.g1 f5 31.e6 h2+ 32.h1 gxh5 33.ae1 e5+ 34.g1 xe6 35.dxe6 h2+ 36.h1 f4+ 37.g1 f6 38.g3 g6 0-1 Spisak,CPrzewoznik,J Lubniewice 1995. ] 13.d4 fd7 14.f4 c5 15.dxc6 xc6 16.f2 f6 17.a3 d5 18.f3 c7 19.xd5 xd5 20.xd5 xf4 21.b6 e5 22.e1 xb2 23.b1 xa3 24.xc6 bxc6 25.b3 d6 26.d3 b4 27.b3 c5+ 28.h1 c4 29.a5 ae8 30.xe8 xe8 31.d3 h6 32.d2 b8 33.h2 e7 34.c3 g5 35.e2 e6 36.f1 b5 37.f3 e7 38.d3 d6+ 39.xd6 xd6+ 40.g1 b1+ 41.f2 c1 42.d3 xc2+ 43.f3 c5 44.g4 f2+ 45.e4 e2+ 46.f3 e8 47.h4 e6 48.g5 hxg5 49.hxg5 d6 50.e4 xd3 51.xd3 h7 0-1

127 Tkachiev,Vladislav Minasian,Artashes op Cannes [Alexander Volzhin]

B00 2575 2540 1995

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 f6 4.c3 e6 5.f3 b4 6.g5 h6 7.xf6 xf6 8.0-0 xc3 9.bxc3 d6 10.d2 e5! The main line. 103

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 As we have seen in previous games Black's attempts to deviate from it are hardly s u f f i c i e n t . 11.f4 exd4 The most popular continuation. 12.e5 dxe5 13.fxe5 [ 13.h5 the main alterna tive, was played in Ionescu - Smyslov, Sochi 1986. However, in my opinion this move is inferior to the text: g6! ( Grabbing the second pawn is too d a n g e r o u s : 13...exf4 14.ae1+ f8 15.e4 , and White's attack is very strong.) 14.e2 ( The endgame af ter 14.xe5+ xe5 15.fxe5 dxc3 16.e4 d7 is clearly better for Black.) 14...c6 15.fxe5 e7 16.e6 f5! ( 16...xe6 17.xe6+ fxe6 18.xg6+ and White has some compensation.) 17.b3 0-0-0 Black has successfully completed his development and k e p t t h e e x t r a p a w n . 18.cxd4 xd4 19.xd4 xd4 20.e5 A) The easiest route to the win was by l i q u i d a t i n g t o t h e e n d g a m e : 20...c5! 21.xc5 Forced. ( 21.xh8+? d8+ ) 21...bxc5 and soon Black will win the weak e6-pawn.; B) 20...hd8?! 21.ae1 a4? A m is t a k e a ga in . ( 21...4d6 ) 22.b5 xa2 23.d1! Now Black is in trouble. xc2 24.xd8+ xd8 25.d7+ b8 26.d1! It becomes clear that Black has overestimated the strength of his Rook on the seventh rank. He cannot create real threats for White's King, while White's epawn is unstoppable. g8 27.b5 a6 28.e7 xg2+ 29.f1 b3 30.e8+ a7 31.e2 h3 32.e1 h4+ 33.d2 g5+ 34.c3 , and Black resigned. ] 13...g5 14.f3 e3+ The only move. [ 14...xf3? 15.xf3 xe5 16.e1! Probably Black underestimated this move. White's attack is very strong even after the Qu e en swa p . f6 ( 16...xe1+ 17.xe1+ f8 18.g6 and W hite wins.) 17.cxd4 xe1+ 18.xe1+ d8 19.fe3 Now White's Rook is ready to penetrate to the seventh rank, while Black's forces are u n d e v e l o p e d a n d u n c o o r d i n a t e d . d7 20.g6 c8 21.e8+ b7 22.e4+ c6 23.e7 and Black couldn't avoid huge material losses in Sepp-Vetemaa, Brugge 1995. ] 15.h1 0-0 Black should play very carefully

to avoid a quick loss. [ For example, both 15...dxc3? 16.e6! 0-0 ( 16...fxe6 17.e5! xe5 18.g6+ e7 19.f7+ ) 17.exf7+ xf7 18.c4 ] [ and 15...xf3 16.xf3 xe5 17.cxd4 e7 18.e1! ( borrowing Sepp's idea) xe1+ 19.xe1+ d8 ( 19...f8 20.g6 ) 20.xf7 are clearly insufficient for Black. ] [ However, 15...c6 is worthy of consideration, after 16.cxd4 0-0-0 17.c3 e7!? a position with mutual chances arises. Of course, this line needs practical tests. ] 16.cxd4 d7! Black has successfully completed his development and has sufficient co u n t e rc h a n c e s d u e t o h i s s t r o n g l ig h t squa re d Bisho p. His on ly p ro b le m is t h e vulnerable position of his Queen. The position af ter Black's 16th move is critical for the evaluation of the whole line. [ In one of the first games in this line (Dautov - Kengis, Daugavpils, 1989) Black played the inaccurate 16...c5? which was refuted by force: 17.e1! xf3 ( The alternatives a re n o b e t t e r : 17...f2 18.e4! xe4 19.xe4 and Black's Queen is trapped as he can't stop Re2; 17...f4 18.d5! xd5 19.h7+ xh7 20.xd5 a6 21.d3+ winning a piece.) 18.gxf3 xd4 19.e4 a6 20.xd4 cxd4 21.xa8 xa8 22.ad1 and White won this endgame. ] 17.h4 Probably not the best move. It's obvious drawback is that Black's Queen is le s s re st ri ct e d a n d ca n o c cu p y t h e v e r y comfortable g5-square. [ However,the natural 17.c3 is also not so clear: ad8 ( 17...e4?! 18.c4 intending e6, and White is better.) 18.c2 d5 19.ae1 f4 and I can't see how W hite can exploit the unsafe position of Black's Queen. ] 17...g5 Now Black has little to worry about. At the right moment he can play c7-c5 undermining W hite's pawn centre. 18.e1 ae8 19.f2 d5! Provoking c2-c4 which makes White's centre more vulnerable. 20.c4 b7 21.f5 c8 22.ae1 c5! 23.xd7 [ 23.e6 is the alternative, but it doesn't give White anything: fxe6 24.xe6 f6 25.xe8 xe8 and Black has everything in order ] [ The position after 23.xd7 xd7 24.f3 ( 24.d5?! g4! is dangerous for White as 104

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 it's not clear how he should protect the c4pawn. ) 24...f4 25.dxc5 xc4 26.cxb6 axb6 27.xb6 xa2 is equal, so a draw wa s a g r e e d . A s h o r t b u t t h e o r e t i c a l l y important game. ] ½-½

128 Tukmakov,Vladimir B McShane,Luke J 22nd Open Arbo ITA (7) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2582 2480 27.10.2000

1.d4 b6 2.e4 b7 3.d3 e6 4.f3 g6 [ 4...d6 5.0-0 d7 6.c4 g6 7.c3 g7 8.e3 e7 looks inspired by the heroic efforts of Miles against Baburin seen in the p r e v i o u s r e p o r t . 9.c1 Compare with Baburin-Miles and Ehlvest-Baburin - here white has not had to play either a3 or h3, and black has also left out these little moves. Mc S h a n e , li k e M il e s, h a s t h e n o s e f o r danger in these positions, and is quick to pre-empt expansion with d4-d5, avoiding the horrible squeeze that befell Baburin. c5! 10.d2 0-0 11.fd1 b8 12.b1 d8 13.dxc5 dxc5 14.g5 f6 15.f4 e5 16.xe5 xd2 17.xb8 xd1+ 18.xd1 xb8 19.d7 f8 Black would have a pleasant position if he could evict the rook, but this beast has arrived to stay, so it is wh i t e w h o e n j o y s t h e b e t t e r c h a n c e s . McShane can never quite get the piece out of his hair. 20.c2 a6 21.a4 f7 22.f1 h6 23.d1 g5 24.h3 f8 25.d7 h6 26.e2 a8 27.g3 g7 28.g4 b7 29.h4 f8 30.e3 h5 31.hxg5 hxg4 32.gxf6 h6+ 33.d3 xf6 34.e5+ f7 35.h2 f4 36.xg4 f3 37.f6 xe5 38.fe4 xe4+ 39.xe4 xc3 40.bxc3 b5 41.cxb5 axb5 42.b3 f6 43.d6 c4 44.d1 d5 45.d4 e7 46.e5 xc3 47.xe6+ f8 48.c2 xa2 49.f6+ e7 50.a6 b4 51.a7+ f8 52.e4 d8 53.f6 d6+ 54.e5 h6 55.b7 c3 56.c7 c2 57.xc2 c6 1/2-1/2 Bagaturov,G-McShane, L Arco ITA 2000. ] 5.g5 [ 5.0-0 g7 6.g5 f6 7.e3 h6 8.d2 f7 An interesting twist on the trendy Hippo.

9.c4 0-0 10.c3 d6 11.ad1 d7 12.e2 e7 13.b4 f5 14.c2 f6 15.b5 f4 16.d2 c6? ( 16...a6! ) 17.xd6! xd6 18.e5 e7 19.exd6 xd6 20.c5 e7 21.fe1 b5 22.e2 f7 23.de1 f8 24.e4 g5 25.h4 h6 26.hxg5 hxg5 27.e5 e8 28.c3 c8 29.xc6 1-0 Karaklajic,N-Puschmann,L Budapest 2000. ] 5...c8!? This looks like an improvement over [ 5...e7 6.h4 d6 7.bd2 c6 8.c3 f6 9.e2 d7 10.h6 f8 11.g5 e7 12.c4! h6 13.f4 f6 14.h5 g5 15.g3 e7 16.e3 g7 After much toing and froing Black has again achieved the h6+g5 double f ianchetto f ormation. It is worth noting that despite white's rather indirect a p p ro a c h , h e s e e m s t o h a ve g a i n e d a definite advantage - in particular the Ne3 is wonderfully posted, and it is really this piece which black must neutralize - it renders virtually all central pawn breaks by black impossible by having access to f5 and d5, a n d d 6 via c4 . 17.0-0-0 0-0-0 18.d2 f8?! A p l a n l e s s i n t e r l u d e . 19.dc4 ( 19.a6!? ) 19...b8 20.c2 e7 21.f3 c8 22.h2 hd8 23.g4 a6 24.e2 b5?! This seems -advised, but this is not a strain of the English Defence for nothing. It seems that if you carry the proper passport all manner o f really outra geous goings-o n merely lead to complete pandemonium, whereas if some f oreigner were to give these things a try, total disaster would be likely to result. But black's problem is still finding something to do, and this is very d i f f i c u l t i n d e e d wi t h t h e wh i t e k n i g h t s constantly in his face. 25.d5 ce5 26.a5 c5 27.a4?! ( 27.dxc6 xc6 28.a4!? or; 27.xb7 xb7 28.b3 would scare the hell out of me if I were black, particularly the former.) 27...c4 28.axb5 axb5 29.d2 c5 30.e1 c7 31.a1 b6 32.g1 c7 33.b4 cxb3 34.xb3 d7 35.b1 e8 36.d4 a6 37.f1 a5 38.g2 cd3 39.dxe6 ( 39.xd3!? xc3 40.xb5+ xb5 41.d2 d3!? ) 39...xc3 40.exf7+ xf7 41.d2 f4+ 42.g3 b4! 43.xa6 xa6 44.ef5 ( 44.xb4 d3 45.b2 xd4 46.xd4 e2+ 47.h3 with at least a draw for black.) 44...c4 45.d1 e5 105

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 46.a1 a3 47.f2 a8 48.xa3 bxa3 49.b3 d5 50.exd5 b8 51.d1 b2 52.c6 xh5+ 53.g2 f4+ 54.g1 a2 55.xe5+ xe5 56.xh6+ e8 57.f5 a1 0-1 Gofshtein,L-McShane,L Arco ITA 2000. Very impressive tenacity from McShane, but a unjust end to some sophisticated strategical handling f rom Gofshtein. ] [ 5...f6!? ] 6.bd2 d6 7.0-0 g7 8.c3 d7 9.e1 Another solid, Russian kind of deployment white is well placed to move in if black tries to take a stake in the centre, and in the meantime, white plans to inch forward. This position is a bit easier to play for black than the rather grim version McShane got against Gofshtein - for one thing he knows where White's king lives very early, and the Bg5 is floating a bit. h6 10.h4 e7 11.d5 e5 12.b4 g5 13.g3 f5 Black appears to have achieved very reasonable chances - the Bg5 has been walled in and the Bb7 is liberated but black's position is a bit loose and the e4 square will be useful for white. 14.exf5 xd5 [ 14...xd5 15.d4!? ] 15.c4 f6 16.e3 f7! [ 16...b7 17.c4 is rather unpleasant as it is not easy to shake off the pressure on the light squares without loosening his position further. xf5? 18.xf5 xf5 19.xe5+- ] 17.h4!? e4 [ 17...gxh4 seems to give white the better of it after either recapture. ] 18.b5+ c6 19.f1 A very neat idea. d5! [ 19...exf3 looks a bit too risky: A) 20.c4 xc4 21.xe7+ xe7 22.xd6+ ( 22.xd6+ e8 23.xc4 xf5 ) 22...e8 23.xc4 d7 and black defends.; B) 20.xd6 e4 ( 20...fg8 might be possible - it also might be forced - but just looks too passive. I can understand someone not wishing to contemplate a position where this has to be played.) 21.c4 xf5 22.gxf3 xc4 23.xc4 B1) 23...xc3 24.xe4 f6 ( 24...h7 25.d3!+- ) 25.xe7 xe7 26.xe7+! xe7 27.d4!+-; B2) 23...xd6 24.xd6+Nice variations - Black does the sensible

thing and consolidates his chunky centre and gets his king to safety. ] 20.d4 0-0 21.hxg5 hxg5 22.c4!? c5 23.bxc5 bxc5 24.b5! [ 24.e6 A) 24...xf5!? A1) 25.xf8 xg3 26.fxg3 xf8 ( 26...d4!? 27.d5 xd5 ) 27.cxd5 xd5 28.xd5 d8; A2) 25.xf5; B) 24...d4!?; C) 24...xe6 25.fxe6 xe6 26.cxd5 fxd5 27.c4 ad8 28.xd5 xd5 29.b1 ] 24...d4 25.d6 d7 26.g4 xf5?! I t a p p e a rs t h a t b la ck f in a ll y slip s in t h i s incredibly complex battle. [ 26...e3!? should keep black in with full chances: A) 27.fxe3 xf5 28.xf6+ xf6 29.g4!? ( 29.xf5 xf5 30.d3 d7 ) 29...e6 30.e4! e7 31.xf6+ xf6 32.exd4 e3!? ( 32...xd4 33.h5 ); B) 27.xf7 xg4 28.xg4 xf7 ] 27.xf6+ xf6 28.xe4 g6 29.g4 c6 30.xg5 g7 31.e4 f5 32.f4 [ 32.xf6+ ] 32...d3 33.ad1 [ 33.xf6+ ] 33...d4 34.xd3 ae8 Now black gets some practical chances thanks to white's exposed queen and the sof t spot on f 2. I assume time pressure was a major factor after all this. 35.h4 e6! 36.e2 h6 Black's counterplay has now reached serious proportions. [ 36...fe8 37.de1 ] 37.f4 g6! With a vicious threat to double on the h-file, as well as ... Bxe4 followed by ... Qxg3. 38.h4 g4?? [ 38...xe4! 39.xe4 xe4 40.xe4 xh4! would have completed black's fight back. ] 39.f6+! xf6 40.xf6 h5 41.b8+ f7 42.c7+ 1-0


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 129

B00 Valet,Richard 2148 Barmbold,Jens 2270 72nd ch Seebad Heringsdorf GER (7) 23.11.00 [Jon Tisdall]

33.xb6 axb6 34.e3 d2+ 35.g3 g8 36.e7 xb2 37.xc7 xa2 38.xc4 c2 39.g4 ½-½

1.e4 c6 2.d4 e5 3.dxe5 xe5 4.f3 f6 5.e2 c5 [ 5...b4+!? is an interesting way to prevent a knight coming to c3-d5. 6.bd2 xf3+ 7.xf3 e7 8.0-0 0-0 9.c4 d6 10.c3 c5 11.e3 xe3 12.xe3 e6 13.g3 e5 14.d2 ad8 15.fe1 c6 16.g2 c5 17.ad1 b6 18.b3 d5 19.exd5 xd5 20.xd5 xd5 21.xd5 xd5 22.e2 xd1 23.xd1 c7 24.d2 e8 25.d7 b8 26.d4 c5 27.f4 f8 28.h4 b6 29.d5 c7 30.a4 1/2-1/2 Kudrin,SBenjamin,J/Reykjavik 1986 ] 6.0-0 e7 [ 6...xf3+ looks much better, as seen in the next note - it hampers white from expanding so quickly on the kingside. ] 7.xe5 [ 7.c3 xf3+ 8.xf3 d6 9.e2 0-0 10.a4 b6 11.xb6 axb6 12.a3 d7 13.e3 c6 14.d4 h4 15.f3 g6 16.d2 f4 17.c4 a5 18.e3 g6 19.f2 f6 20.b4 h5 21.a4 f4 22.e3 g5 23.b5 d7 24.g4 h4 25.h1 h3 26.d4 g6 27.c3 h5 28.d4 h7 29.e5 f4 30.exd6 hxg4 31.fxg4 xg4 32.d3 xd3 33.f6 f3+ 34.g1 xd4 0-1 Al Hadarani,H-Cobb,J Elista 1998. ] 7...xe5 8.c3 0-0 9.h1 d6 10.f4 d4 11.xd4? This relieves black of his main worry, the wandering queen. [ 11.d3 poses black more problems. b6 12.a4 a6 13.e2 c5 14.b3 h5 15.b2 g4 16.f5 f6 17.e1 xe2 18.xe2 e8 19.c4+ h8 20.f3 c6 21.e6 g8 22.h4 d8 23.d1 e7 24.h3 h6 25.g4 1-0 Jakovlev, D-Zubkov,K Moscow 1996. ] 11...xd4 12.b5 b6 13.c3 c6 14.a3 f5 15.exf5 xf5 16.c4+ h8 17.d2 ae8 18.ae1 e4 19.e2 d5 20.h3 e7 21.h2 f5 22.f3 xf3 23.xe8 xe8 24.xf3 e2 25.d3 h4 26.c4 xg2+ 27.h1 g1+ 28.h2 g2+ 29.h1 g1+ 30.h2 f3+ 31.xf3 dxc4 32.e3 d1

130 Van Wely,Loek McShane,Luke J Dutch Open Blitzchess blitz (4) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2700 2460 24.02.2001

Included for the sake of occasion and completeness - it is always interesting to see such a daring defence roll up such a big name, even if just in a ratty blitz game. More evid en ce to su gge st t ha t t his o pe n in g is McShane's calling. 1.d4 b6 2.e4 b7 3.d3 e6 4.f3 d6 5.0-0 d7 6.e2 e7 7.h4 h6 8.e1 g6 9.bd2 g7 10.f1 0-0 11.1h2 c5 12.c3 cxd4 13.cxd4 c6 14.a3 c8 15.e3 f6 16.ad1 h5 17.g5 e7 18.b1 a5 19.hf3 g4 20.f4 c4 21.e5 dxe5 22.dxe5 b5 23.e4 xe4 24.xe4 cxe5 25.xe5 xe5 26.g5 f6 27.d2 c7 28.g3 d4 29.f4 xf2+ 30.g2 e5 31.g5 xe1 32.xe1 c5 33.f1 fd8 34.f3 d7 35.b1 cd8 36.a2 f8 37.h1 d6 38.g2 e4 39.e2 c6 40.h3 e3 41.f4 f2+ 42.xf2 exf2 43.h2 c5 44.f3 f1 45.xf1 c2+ 0-1

131 Van den Doel,Erik Kogan,Artur VI Open Lisboa POR (9) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2547 2504 26.11.2000

1.e4 c6 2.b5 This is seen more often than I would have thought. Black's play in this game leads to a very interesting position. f6 3.d3 d4 4.a4 b5 This is a kind of weird mirrored and reversed Trompovsky ... 5.c3 bxa4 6.cxd4 a6 7.c3 a3 8.b3 c5 9.dxc5 a5 10.ge2 e6 11.d2 xc5 12.a4 b4 13.xb4 xb4+ 14.d2 b5 B l a c k s e e m s t o h a ve a r e l a t i ve l y a c t i v e position, but the a-pawn will be a serious 107

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 weakness sooner or later, and black has no real targets. [ 14...xd2+!? 15.xd2 d6 16.hc1 d7 17.e5!? ] 15.d1 0-0 16.ec3 h5 17.0-0 g4 18.h3 e5 19.e3 fc8 20.f4 c6 21.f2 b4 22.d4 c7 23.d5 exd5 24.d4 b8 25.xd5 xd5 26.xd5 h4 27.c5 b5 28.e5 e7 29.f5 f6 30.e4 h8 31.d4 c1+ 32.h2 c6 33.exf6 gxf6 34.xf6 1-0

counterplay on the kingside. xg6 26.f3 h4 27.f4 hxg3 28.fxg3 xf4 29.xf4 c6 30.a2 and now control of the a-file proves to be the pivotal aspect of the position. f8 [ 30...gh6 31.b4 h5 32.g4 threatening to break through on e6. ] 31.ea1 g8 32.a7 e8 33.h4+- g7 34.xg7+ xg7 35.g4+ g6 36.xe6 e8 37.d7+ g8 38.xc6 e3 39.a8+ g7 40.d7+ h6 1-0



Van der Wiel,John TH Hoogendoorn,Joost sf ch Leeuwarden NED (3.2) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2495 2388 10.03.2002

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 f5 4.f3 d7 5.c3 [ 5.e2 f6 6.0-0 e6 7.c3 ge7 8.b4 g6 9.b5 a5 10.a4 b6 11.e3 a6 12.bd2 h5 13.fe1 f7 14.f1 e7 15.3d2 h4 16.g4 hxg3 17.fxg3 h3 18.ab1 fxe5 19.dxe5 f5 20.bc1 axb5 21.d1 xe5 22.d4 ec4 23.h5+ g8 24.g4 xh5 25.gxh5 c5 26.f2 b2 0-1 Shabalov,AArdaman,M/Philadelphia USA 1999 (26) ] 5...f6!? 6.b5 a6 7.a4 [ 7.e2 g5 8.0-0 0-0-0 9.b4 b8 10.bd2 h5 11.b3 b6 12.a4 h4 13.a5 b5 14.c5 e8 15.d3 g6 16.xb5 g4 17.e1 fxe5 18.e2 exd4 19.cxd4 e5 20.ed3 xc5 21.xe5 g7 22.bxc5 f6 23.b3 e8 24.xg4 1-0 Wohl,A-Yadao, I/ Surfers Paradise AUS 2000 ] 7...e6 8.exf6!? gxf6 9.h4 g6 10.0-0 d6 11.e1 ge7 12.d2 f7 [ 12...0-0-0!? 13.b4 ] 13.a3 b5 14.b3 f5 15.xf5! xf5 16.f1 h5 17.a4 ag8 18.axb5 axb5 19.e3 e7 20.xf5 xf5 21.c2 After some very patient and very instructive manoeuvring, white has finally annexed the bishop pair and increased the scope of his f o rc e s . H e h a s p a id f o r t h is b y a l lo wi n g counterplay on the g-file, rather than ever taking on g6 which would have made black's position more solid. h4 22.g3 g6 23.f3 h4 24.d1 g6 25.xg6+ To dull black's

Vitic,Ivan Mestrovic,Zvonimir TCh Medulin CRO (5) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2332 2387 13.09.2002

1.e4 c6 2.f3 d6 3.d4 f6 4.c3 g4 5.e3 e5 6.b5 d7 7.d5 xf3 A very unusual move, and a sign that Mestrovic's various experiments in the Ncb8 line have not satisfied him. 8.gxf3!? [ 8.xf3 e7 9.0-0-0 a6 10.xd7+ ( 10.f1!? ) 10...xd7 11.b1 and Black has some difficulties completing development, Hendriks,W-Mestrovic,Z Wijk aan Zee 1999. ] 8...e7 9.f4 exf4 10.xf4 a6 11.e2 g6 12.e3 e7 [ 12...h4 cries out to be played, hindering the advance of the f-pawn and trying to c o n t r o l f 4 . 13.d2 e7 14.0-0-0 f6 gives Black interesting counterplay. ] 13.d2 c5!? [ 13...f6 14.0-0-0 e7 seems far more natural, and a solid version of the previous note. ] 14.dxc6 bxc6 Now Black has lines to use against all potential homes for the White king, but with care White's bishop pair and slightly better pawn structure should be more relevant. 15.c4? [ 15.0-0-0!? must be better. I find it very hard to understand White's manoeuvrings which begin now - they simply seem to wast e time. ] 15...de5 16.e2 xc4 [ 16...g5! gives Black very active play on the dark squares. ] 108

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 17.xc4 e5 18.e2 a5 [ 18...g5!? ] 19.0-0-0 b8 20.d4 b4? [ 20...b6!? to try and dislodge the Nc3 so that Black can use ...Qb5 to consolidate the qu e e n s i d e lo o k s l o g ic a l . 21.b3 a5 22.a4 is just an interesting position. ( 22.b2 f6 23.xd6 e7! )] 21.xb4 xb4 22.xa6 0-0 23.a4 b7 24.a7 xa7 25.xa7 c5 White's bishop looks very silly but not silly enough to compensate for the pawn. 26.d5 h4 27.f4 d7 28.c7 f2 29.d2 [ 29.f1 ] 29...f5! 30.e2 h4 31.d1 Black does a good job of wriggling, but White should be well on his way to scoring the full point here. f6! 32.e5?! [ 32.exf5 ] 32...dxe5 33.xc5? The beginning of a s e r ie s o f t im e - wa s t i n g m o ve s a n d o t h e r methods of allowing counterplay. [ 33.fxe5 was simple and superior. ] 33...c8 34.d6 exf4 35.xf4 g5 36.e5 g4 37.d6 f4 now Black has been allowed to create total chaos. 38.g1 [ 38.a4 ] 38...h5 39.c3? White should be pushing pawns with m ore au thorit y than this . d8 40.h3? [ 40.b5 ] 40...xd6 41.hxg4 hxg4 42.xg4 d7!-+ Suddenly Black is much better as his pieces are more active and his pawns in motion. White's pieces are virtually useless and Black threatens to check and usher the f-pawn in by force. 43.g1 [ 43.b5 e7+ 44.f3 ( 44.f1 f3; 44.d3 f3 45.g1 f2 ) 44...e3+ 45.g2 f3+ ] 43...xc7 44.f3 d7 45.g4 d3 46.f1 f7 47.f5 d5+ 48.e4 e6 49.a4 e5+ 50.d4 f5 51.b4 g4 52.a5 g3 53.c4 g2 54.a1 e1 0-1

134 Wells,Peter K Minasian,Artashes European Club Cup [Alexander Volzhin]

B00 2545 2565 1995

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.d3 f6 Now White has two different ways to develop his b1-Knight - to c3 or d2, and currently it's difficult to say which is more promising. Let's deal with 4.Nc3 first. 4.c3 e6 5.f3 b4 6.g5 h6 7.xf6 xf6 8.0-0 T h e k e y p o s i t i o n o f t h i s l i n e . f8?! Extremely risky. Black keeps the Bishop pair and transfers the Bishop to the g7-square ( after g7-g5 ) . However such a retreat cannot be recommended as W hite's development advantage is now very big. The position is similar to a Trompovsky (1.d4 Nf6 2. Bg5 e6 3. e4 h6 4. Bxf6 Qxf6), but obviously Black has lost some tempi. [ The usual 8...xc3 9.bxc3 d6 will be considered in subsequent games. ] 9.d2 e7 [ 9...g5 i s p r e m a t u r e , a s 10.e5 e7 11.e4! leads to a clear edge for White. ] 10.fe1 d6 11.b5+?! Beginning a very interesting but quite dubious attack. [ In my opinion White could obtain a clear edge by simple means. The natural 11.d5! wa s ve ry st ro n g e5 This move is forced. ( 11...g5?! leads to terrible consequences after 12.e5! and Black is in trouble, for example: g7 13.exd6 cxd6 14.dxe6 fxe6 15.c4 e5 16.d4 with an overwhelming a d v a n t a g e .) 12.b5+ d7 13.a4! and White has a strong initiative on the Qside, and after the unavoidable exchange of light-squared Bishops it will be difficult for Black to protect the weak light squares on the Q-side. ] 11...d7 12.d5 d8 13.b4 Now White wants to occupy the important c6-square, so Black's reply is forced. c5 14.dxc5 bxc5 15.e5!? This spectacular move is the point of White's combination. Unfortunately, Black has many defensive resources here. dxe5 [ 15...cxb4 16.xd7+ e7 17.xb4 b6 18.xb6 axb6 19.c6+- winning ] 16.ad1 c8 [ 16...cxb4 17.xd7+ e7 18.xb4+ f6 109

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 19.xb7+- winning ] 17.c6 b6 18.a4 f6 19.a5 [ 19.xe5 fxe5 20.xd7+ f7 21.xc8 xc8 22.d7+ e7 ] 19...c7 20.e3 e7 21.d3 b6 22.c6 b8 23.d8 g5?! The last ten moves for both side s we re f orce d, bu t no w Black ha s t o choose between the text and some alternatives and he probably makes the wrong choice. [ In my opinion, 23...f5 freeing the f6-square for the King was better, and I can't see any way for White to increase the pressure, for example: 24.e8 b7 25.xb8 xb8 26.c6 a6 ] 24.e8 b7 25.xb8 xb8 26.h5? After this mistake White has little hope. [ White could exploit Black's inaccurate 23rd move: 26.c6! A) 26...c8 27.d8+ f7 28.e8+ g7 29.c4! and Black cannot hold onto his extra piece: b7 ( 29...xc4?? 30.d7+ xd7 31.xd7+ , mating. ) 30.xb6 axb6 31.d7 d6 32.xc8 xd8 33.xb7 , and the endgame is equal.; B) 26...a6 27.d7+! xd7 28.xd7+ e8 29.b7+ d8 30.xb8+ c7 31.e8! b6 32.b8+! xa5?! ( It's better to take a draw by repetition with 32...c7 ) 33.c3! (threatening b2-b4) c4 34.b4+ cxb3 35.axb3 ( threatening b3b4 , m a tin g) d3 The only move. 36.c4 xc4! The only move again! ( 36...a6 37.b5+ a5 38.d7 with the idea of 39. Rb5+ Ka6 40.Bc8# xc4 39.b4+ xb4 40.xh8 with a large advantage) 37.bxc4 Despite being a pawn up Black's position i s c r i t i c a l : a6 ( w h a t e l s e ? ) 38.c5 and W hite's c-pawn is very dangerous: g7 39.e8 f8 40.f7 g7 41.g8! and the c-pawn is unstoppable. A picturesque position! ] 26...a8! 27.b4! [ 27.c4 c7 28.d6 g7 29.b5 b8 30.xa7 d8-+ winning ] 27...c4 28.b5 f5 29.xc4 f6 30.exf5? T h i s m o v e a ll o ws B la ck t o co m p le t e h i s development. [ Although objectively White's position was already bad, 30.xe5! was a good practical chance, as Black has to choose the only

correct continuation among many options: d6! Other moves are not so good: ( 30...xe5?? 31.d4+ f4 32.g3#; 30...xe5 31.d8+ g7 32.d7+ g8 33.f7+ h7 34.g6+ g8 35.f7+ and it's a draw by perpetual; 30...xe4 31.d4! xe5 32.d8+ g7 33.d7+ g8 34.f7+ is similar to the previous line) 31.f7 xh2+ 32.h1 c8! and Black wins as 33.g3 doesn't work in view of xg3 34.fxg3 xe4+ 35.h2 xc2 ] 30...e7! 31.xb6 [ 31.fxe6 d8 32.e2 xd1+ 33.xd1 xc4 34.d3 e4 35.xc4 e5-+ winning ] 31...xb6 32.fxe6 d8 Now the fight is over. W h i t e h a s n o t h i n g f o r t h e p i e c e . 33.e1 xd1 34.xd1 d4 35.e1 g4 0-1

135 Wojtaszek,Radoslaw Bezold,Michael Bundesliga 2009-10 (8) [Glenn Flear]

B00 2640 2517 06.02.2010

1.d4 e6 2.f3 b6 3.e4 b7 4.d3 You can try this yourself. If you enter the following moves: 1 e4 b6 2 d4 Bb7 3 Bd3 e6 4 Nf3 you reach the same position as the game, but with a B00 label. This won't change any assessments but complicates the task of seeking games in a particular section. g6!? A dynamic option where Black seeks a double-fianchetto. If he continues with ... Bg7, ...d6, ...e6 and knights to e7 and d7 then this development plan is often called a 'Hippopotamus', so W ojtaszek opts f or a destabilizing move. 5.g5!? f6?! I don't like this move: as a consequence, Black will have problems to organize his forces with any sort of harmony. [ Most stronger players have opted for the no n -co mm itt a l 5...c8 e.g. 6.c4 g7 7.c3 c6 8.d5 e5 9.xe5 xe5 10.d2 g7 11.0-0-0 and White had an aggressive set-up in Rublevsky, SChernyshov, K Ohrid 2001, but Black had no pawn weaknesses. ] 6.e3 h6 7.d2 f7 8.c4! 110

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 I am convinced that, even for players who begin with 1 e4, an early c2-c4 is the way to challenge the soundness of Black's set-up. If Black doesn't do anything dramatic White will obtain a clear advantage (space, harmonious development and control) in a type of English Defence. f5 9.c3 b4 Now the position looks more like a real 'A40' (English Defence) than a 'B00' (!) but the knight should really be on f6 rather than f7. 10.exf5 gxf5 11.d5 Aiming to pressurize Black's position whilst he has a lead in development. f6 12.d4! [ Instead after 12.0-0-0 xc3 13.bxc3 e5 Black would be able to keep everything together. ] 12...e5 13.xe5! Striking while the iron is hot! [ T h e s l o w e r 13.e3 would again allow Black the breathing space necessary to obtain a decent position: d6 14.a3 xc3+ 15.xc3 c6 16.dxc6 xc6 17.0-0-0 0-0-0 with only a small pull for White due to the potential of the bishop pair. ] 13...xe5 14.e2 d6 15.f4 h4+ [ After 15...bd7 16.0-0 White will be able to capture on e5 and then f5 with a clear advantage. ] 16.g3 g4 17.fxe5 xd4 Taking the piece, but probably without enthusiasm. [ After 17...xe2+ 18.xe2 c5 19.b5 cxd4 20.a3 the complications favour White e.g. dxe5 ( 20...c5 21.b4 ) 21.axb4 e4 22.c7+ e7 23.xa8 exd3+ 24.xd3 a6 25.c7! xc7 26.xa7 b8 27.xd4 etc. ] 18.exd6+ f7 19.0-0-0 Strong, but not the most incisive. [ The direct 19.e7+! g8 20.xf5 xc3+ 21.bxc3 xc3+ 22.f2 b2+ 23.f3 c3+ 24.g2 leaves Black in a hopeless state. ] 19...f6 [ After 19...xc3 then 20.e7+ g8 21.xf5 wins. ] 20.hf1 g5+ 21.b1 c8 The fact that Black has an extra piece doesn't compensate for his suffering. It must have been evident to the players that Black's king will be dethroned long before he can get all his pieces out. 22.h4! f6 [ After 22...g6 23.e7+ g8 White probably has several ways to win, one

being 24.xc7 a6 25.c6 b8 26.d7 ] 23.e4 e8 24.c2 [ Playing for the attack is perhaps the most fun in such positions, but simplifying and winning material was possible: 24.dxc7 a6 25.xf6 xe2 26.xe2 xf6 27.d6 d7 28.a3 ] 24...g6 25.g5+ g8 26.xf5! Tempting and, of course, impossible to meet satisfactorily. xf5 27.xf5 h6 28.a4 f8 29.xh7+ g7 30.dxc7 e5 31.xb4 a6 Bezold wanted to move his knight at least once before resigning! 32.c3 f6 33.d6 1-0

136 Yudasin,Leonid Blatny,Pavel 92nd NY Masters (2) [Glenn Flear]

B00 2568 2452 02.03.2004

1.e4 b6 2.d4 b7 3.c3 e6 4.d3 Not bothering with a2-a3, see Game 2. f6 5.ge2 c5 6.0-0 c8! Blatny likes these tricky moves that take his opponent out of the comfort zone. 7.dxc5 bxc5 Still threatening ... c4 winning a piece. Note that Black now has a central pawn majority which makes it harder for White to find any pawn breaks in that zone. 8.g3 h5!? Very manly and obviously not flinching at the prospect of having his king stuck in the centre again! [ 8...c4 9.e2 d5 seems wrong as opening the central arena must favour W hite e.g. 10.exd5 xd5 11.xd5 xd5 12.f3 xf3 13.xf3 d7 14.d1 when Black has problems to complete development. ] 9.h4?! I'm not sure about this. Why not [ 9.e5 h4 10.ge4 xe4 11.xe4 c6 12.f4 with extra space and everything under control? ] 9...c6 10.e1 d6 11.f1 b8 Out of harm's way but still pointing in the right d i r e c t i o n . 12.b3 e7 13.g5 g6 B rin gin g t h e h 4 - p a wn in t o t h e e qu a t io n . 14.d2 h7! 15.a4 e5 Coming to the central area to influence the dark squares where W hite has some problems. 16.ad1 xg5 17.xg5 d6 18.b5+ I don't think that Blatny cared that his king had to move! f8 111

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 19.g3 h6 Another tricky move from the wily Czech player. Yudasin doesn't sense the danger... 20.h2? Normal enough but a fatal mistake! instead [ 20.c3 covering d4 was required when the continuation f4? 21.gxf4 f6 22.g2 g6 fails as White has 23.g3 ] 20...f4!! Surrounding the White queen. 21.gxf4 f6 The cool intermezzo that makes Blatny's combination so special. 22.g3 g6 23.xg6 fxg6 24.xd6 c7 White has enough wood for the queen but his position is a collection of tactical weaknesses! 25.e5 [ 25.d7? is bad after a5 hitting b5 and e1. ] 25...e7 26.dd1 d8 27.c4 Trying to bring his pieces onto effective squares but his kingside is so shaky. .. xh4 28.c3 a5 29.xd8+ xd8 30.d1 [ If 30.e4 then xe4 31.xe4 d1+ 32.g2 xc2 33.e2 f5 etc. ] 30...xf2+! Piling further humiliation onto his opponent. 31.xf2 h4+ Now everything goes with check. 32.e3 g3+ 33.d2 xf4+ 34.d3 d4+ 35.e2 xe5+ 36.d3 xh2 37.f1+ e7 38.e1 d6+ 39.e2 d4 40.b5 g4+ 41.d2 h4 42.xe6+ xe6 43.xe6 xe6 It's fitting that Black's h-pawn is the decisive factor as 8...h5 was a courageous move. A truly great game from Black. 0-1

137 Zawadzki,Stanislaw Heberla,Bartlomiej ch-Pol u20 Brzeg Dolny POL (9) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2335 2364 15.02.2001

33.axb5 cxb5 34.g4 b4 35.g5 b3 36.g6 b2 37.g7 g2 38.h7 c5 39.xg2 b1+ 40.h1 d3 41.h8 b6 42.h6+ a5 43.g8 e4+ 44.g2 xg2 45.xg2 b5 46.hg6 b4 47.6g3 a4 48.h4 d5 49.e3 b3 50.ee2 1/2-1/2 Akopian,VMiles,A Moscow 1990. ] 6...f6!? There is nothing wrong with ... d6 a la Miles. 7.e5 g4 8.c4 [ 8.e4 b6 ] 8...d6 9.e4 [ 9.g5!? is similar, but it seems more logical to bring more firepower to bear first. ] 9...b6 10.fg5 h6 [ 10...dxe5!? leads to interesting complications, and looks safer to me - after all white's king is not exactly safe yet either, and the move accelerates black's development. Though after a closer examination of the game, maybe white is simply 'bluffing'. 11.xf7+ e7 12.f3!? ( 12.d5 b4 ) 12...d4 13.a3+ c5 14.b3 ] 11.h5 [ 11.exd6 0-0 and white must solve the problem of his king. ] 11...0-0 12.xf7 [ 12.e6 fxe6 ( 12...d5 13.xf7 ) 13.xe6 xe6 14.xe6+ h8 ] 12...xf7 13.g5 d5 14.d3 f5 15.d2? [ 15.xf5 xf5 ] 15...xg5! 16.fxg5?! g4 17.h4 xe5 As they say, black has compensation for his material advantage. A thought provoking game, as white's 'natural' threats were made to look terribly primitive. 0-1

138 1.e4 c6 2.d4 e5 3.dxe5 xe5 4.c3 c5 5.f4 c6 6.f3 [ 6.c4!? d6 7.f3 e6 8.xe6 fxe6 9.a4 b6 10.xb6 axb6 11.0-0 f6 12.g5 e7 13.e5 dxe5 14.fxe5 xe5 15.e2 a5 16.b4 xb4 17.xe6 e7 18.xg7+ xg7 19.d2 d5 20.c4 xd2 21.xe5+ d8 22.xf6+ xf6 23.xf6 e8 24.a4 ee2 25.f8+ e7 26.g8 d6 27.g7 c6 28.h1 a2 29.g1 h5 30.g6+ c5 31.g5+ xc4 32.xh5 b5

Zilberstein,Dmitry Blatny,Pavel National Open (3) [Jon Tisdall]

B00 2324 2433 09.03.2002

1.d4 b6 2.e4 b7 3.d3 f6 4.e2 c6 5.c3 e5 6.f3 exd4 7.e5 d5 8.cxd4 [ 8.e4!? has the best track record. Here is an example of an unrated player shoving GM Blatny around: a5 9.xd4 e7 10.b5 b8 11.0-0 a6 12.xb7 xb7 112

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 13.d4 c5 14.f3 d8 15.g5 g6 16.f4 e7 17.f3 1/2-1/2 Koo, O-Blatny,P/ Las Vegas USA 2001 (45). ] 8...b4+ 9.f1 [ 9.d2? xd4 ( 9...f4 ) 10.xd4 f4 11.g4 ( 11.xb4 xe2 12.xe2 h4 )] 9...c8 [ 9...e7 10.a3 c8 11.d2 d8 12.g3 e6 13.c3 c6 14.xd5 xd5 15.e4 b7 16.e1 0-0 17.g2 f5 18.exf6 xf6 19.xd5 xd5 20.e4 xe4 21.xe4 af8 22.e3 d5 23.e5 d6-+ 0-1 Hamberger,H-Lovric,B/Celle Ligure 1997 (35). ] 10.d2 xd2 11.xd2 d8 12.c3 e6 13.c4 ef4 14.g3 a6 15.xa6 xa6+ 16.g1 xc3 17.bxc3 d5 The control of c4 a n d d5 give bla ck a sm a ll b u t la st in g advantage. This is also one of those types of small disadvantages that are tough to play, with far more opportunities to worsen the position than improve it. 18.g2 0-0 19.ac1 c4 20.he1 b5 21.e2 xe2 22.xe2 a5 23.d2 [ 23.c4 bxc4 24.xc4 fb8 still gives black a nagging edge, with a better rip on the queenside and the massive knight on d5. ] 23...a6 24.e4 c6 25.b2 b8 [ 25...b4!? ] 26.c4 [ 26.c5!? led to interesting complications, but is very risky. d6 27.d7 b7 ( 27...d8 28.xb5 ) 28.c4 b4 29.exd6 cxd6 ( 29...d3? 30.e5 ) 30.e1 f6 31.cxb5 cc7 32.e8+ f7 33.f8+ e6 34.b8 and white's poorly coordinated pieces are not worth the pawn. ( 34.e2+? d5 )] 26...b4 27.c5 d6 28.d7?? [ 28.cxb5 xb5 29.exd6 cxd6 30.e1 ( or 30.d3 would more or less equalize. )] 28...d8 29.d5 xc4 30.xc4 bxc4 31.e6 0-1

139 Adams,Michael Pechenkin,V Canadian Open (3) [John Watson]

B01 2699 2346 13.07.2009

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.f3 xd5 4.d4 This is the equivalent of 3 d4 Nxd5 4 Nf3, which is a more common order. g6 [ 4...g4 is seen in this month's game Tzermiadanos-Shen Siyuan. ] [ 4...f5 5.d3 xd3 6.xd3 f avours W hite, a s you can verif y in th e recent Archive game Wan Yunguo-Laylo. ] 5.c4 A relatively slow line. [ 5.c4 b6 6.c3 g7 7.c5 is featured in Kovalev-Pluemer. ] 5...g7 6.0-0 [ Emms suggests 6.c3 , in order to avoid the next note. ] 6...0-0 [ 6...b6 7.b3 c5!? tries to break up White's centre immediately: 8.dxc5 xd1 9.xd1 6d7 A) Perhaps White gets something out of 10.g5 0-0 11.c4 h6 ( 11...xc5? 12.xf7 with the idea xf7 13.d8+ f8 14.xc8 ) 12.e4 h7 13.bc3 f5 14.d2 xc5 15.b3 , but this looks manageable following ba6 16.xc5 xc5 17.e1 e5 18.e3 b6; B) 10.c3 xc3?! ( 10...xc5 11.d5 ba6 ) 11.bxc3 xc5 12.e3 xb3 13.axb3 a6 14.c5 c6 15.d4 d7 16.e1 0-0 17.xc6 xc6 18.xe7 fe8 Rausis-Thorhallsson, Cappelle la Grande 1993. Rybka likes White, but this is one of those opposite-coloured bishops endings in which progress is extremely hard to make - what's his plan? ] 7.e1 g4 [ 7...c6 8.c3 b6 9.b3 g4 has been played a fair amount, for example, A) White can also choose to hit the bishop with 10.h3 xf3 11.xf3 and now: A1) 11...e5 12.dxe5 xe5 13.d2! ( 13.h6 g7 14.xg7 xg7 followed by ...Qf 6 is okay f or Black) 13...g7 14.e4 e5 15.g3 d3 Lagudin-Piskur, Slovenia 1996) and here I b e l i e v e t h a t 16.h4 keeps some 113

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 advantage (White had the bishop pair in an open position).; A2) 11...a5!? 12.a4 e5 13.dxe5 xe5!? 14.xb7 d3 15.d1 e7 16.f3 xc1 17.xc1 ad8 (Dautov) and Black has some compensation for the pawn, although I would still take White after 18.a3 d2 19.c2 fd8 20.f1!; A3) 11...--; B) 10.f4 e5!? 11.dxe5 xd1 12.xd1 c4 13.bd2! ( After the alternative 13.fd2?! 4xe5 14.xg4 d3 15.e3 xf4 (Cao Sang-Palkovi, Budapest 1995) it's W hite who is playing to equalise.) 13...xb2 14.c2 fd8! 15.ab1 d3 16.xd3 xd3 17.xb7 d8 18.xc7 e6 19.c4 xf4 20.xf4 e6 21.a4 xc3 The advantage of the bishop pair over the knights just about compensates for the pawn deficit. With accurate play the game should be drawn. 22.d4 d5 23.a5 d3?! ( 23...d8 24.xa7 xe5! (Dautov) is simpler. Now Black has to work hard for half-a-point.) 24.2f3 c4 25.h3 h6 26.a1 f4 27.a4 c3 28.b5 xb5 29.xf4 ac8 30.a4 c1+ 31.xc1 xc1+ 32.h2 c6 33.g5 d5 34.d4 c5 35.e4 xe4 36.xe4 f8 37.f4 a5 38.d4 e7 39.g4 c3 40.d5 c4 41.xa5 xf4 42.g3 b4 43.a8 e6 44.a5?! xe5 45.a6 b3+ 46.f2 a3 1/2-1/2 Klovans-Dautov/USSR (Game 46) 1986/The Scandinavian/ [John Emms]; C) 10.h3 xf3 11.xf3 a5 ( 11...e5 12.dxe5 xe5 13.d2! g7 14.e4 ) 12.a4 ( 12.f4! a4 13.c2 with the idea c4 14.e2 xb2 15.b5 e5 16.dxe5 a3 17.xb7 ) 12...e5 13.dxe5 xe5 14.xb7 d3 15.d1 - analysis by Da u t o v a n d n o w B l a c k m ig h t t r y c5! 16.xd8 axd8 17.xc7 xb3 , when the game is about equal following 18.d2! xa1 19.xb6 h6 20.f4! xf4 21.f2 g5 ] 8.c3 e6 [ 8...c6 9.h3 xf3 10.xf3 e6 transposes. ] 9.h3 [ 9.bd2 , probably better, has been played in several games, for example, d7 10.h3

xf3 11.xf3 (the point White has clamped down on e5 now Black has to play for ...c5 if possible) 5b6 12.b3 c5 13.g5! A) 13...c7! has the idea ...c4 and comes c l o s e t o e q u a l i s i n g , e . g . , 14.h4!? ( 14.d2 c4 15.c2 d5 16.h6 ) 14...c4 15.g3 c6 16.c2 d5 17.d2 h6 intending ... b5-b4.; B) 13...f6?! 14.h6 g7 15.d2 cxd4 16.xg7 xg7 17.xd4 c5 18.xe6! fxe6 ( 18...xe6 19.xe6 ) 19.b4 c4 20.e2 d5 21.ad1 ae8 22.bxc5 f6 23.b3 1-0 Zapata, A (2530)-Sariego, W (2435), Linares 1992. ] 9...xf3 10.xf3 c6 This standard structure is designed to restrict White's bishops. Here, as in most openings, it gives White a slight e d g e t h a t i s d i f f i c u l t t o c o n v e r t . 11.a4 Another safe move which looks for space on the queenside (perhaps contemplating a5 to stop ...Nb6 at some point), while preventing a n y s u r p ri se e xp a n s io n b y B l a ck o n t h e queenside. [ Bertona-Gomez Laosa, Aragon 2003 was also favourable for White following 11.d2 f6 12.d1 ( 12.g3!?; 12.xf6 with the better ending) 12...h6 13.e4 d8 14.f3 d7 15.b3 h7 16.d6 c7 17.g3 7f6 18.c4!? h5 19.h2 b4 20.d1 ad8 21.c5 d5 and Black is holding his own. ] 11...a5 12.a3 d7 13.d2!? [ 13.c2 prepares for 5b6 14.b3 e5 15.e3 , to capture with a piece on d4, but Black can play something slower like 13... Qc7. ] 13...5b6 Black prepares to break in the centre. [ 13...c7 14.c2 fe8 is a solid alternative. ] 14.b3 e5 This break is always doubleedged: On the one hand, it opens the position for the bishops (the one on b3 gains in range) but if Black can isolate and blockade a pawn on d4, that will in and of itself limit W hite's bishops and other pieces. 15.c2 exd4 16.cxd4 [ 16.xd4 c5 17.c2 would be desirable, but c4 is strong. ] 16...f6 17.g5 bd5! 18.e5 b6 A standard spot for the queen. Black should 114

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 be okay here. 19.ae1 h6 20.h4 h7!? [ 20...ad8 is natural and good. Black probably can't undertake anything positive, but he's in no danger. ] 21.5e2 g5 [ Or 21...hf6 ] 22.g3 [ 22.xg5 hxg5 23.xd5 cxd5 24.e3 ad8 25.xd5 xd4 ] 22...f4!? 23.e7 [ 23.xf4 xb3 ] 23...d5 24.xg5 hxg5 25.7e4 ad8 T h e g a m e i s s t i l l a b o u t e q u a l , a lt h o u g h Black's pieces are better-placed and he has what chances there are. 26.h1 f6 [ 26...f4! ] 27.4e3 d5 28.f3 xd4!? Daring. [ 28...f6!? 29.xd5 cxd5 30.b3 c6 keeps in touch with f6. ] 29.xg5?! [ 29.xd4 xd4 30.xg5 g7 ( 30...xb2 31.xf7! ) 31.xf7+ xf7 32.xd8 xf2 33.e8 f1+ 34.h2 f4+ draws. ] 29...xb2 30.h4 d6! Covering both g6 and f6. 31.h5 d8 32.g3 g7?! [ 32...g7! keeps everything defended and contemplates ...gxh5. Then Black is a solid pawn up. ] 33.g1 f6 [ 33...f6! ] 34.xd5! xd5 35.b3 d4 36.xd4 xd4 37.xb7 xa4!? 38.hxg6 xg6 [ 38...f4! ] 39.e5+ g8 40.g3 e6 41.g5+ g6 42.d2 a3 43.e4 c5 44.f4 g5 45.a7 xf4 46.xf4 Of course this is draw, but with a 350-point rating difference, Adams pla ys on . He m a ke s re a l pro gre ss, e ve n wining a pawn, but can't get through in the end. g7 47.xa5 d8 48.af5 d7 49.g2 gd6 50.c5 e6 51.g4 g6 52.fc4 dd6 53.g3 f6 54.c3 e1 55.f3 ee6 56.f4 h6 57.f3 g7 58.f5 e1 59.xc6 xc6 60.xc6 f1+ 61.g2 a1 62.e6 b1 63.f2 a1 64.d6 b1 65.f3 f1+ 66.e4 g1 67.d7+ h6 68.f3 f1+ 69.g2 a1 70.g3 g1+ 71.f4 f1+ 72.e3 e1+ 73.f3 f1+ 74.e4 g1 75.d5 xg4 76.e6 a4 77.xf6 a6+ 78.e5 a5+ 79.d5 a7 80.e6 g7 81.d6 f7 82.d1 f6+

83.e5 a6 84.d7+ f8 85.d6 xd6 86.xd6 f7 87.e5 e7 88.f6+ f7 89.f5 f8 ½-½

140 Ahn,Martin Sebastian 24th ECC Kallithea GRE (2) [John Watson]

B01 2321 18.10.2008

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.d4 g4 4.b5+ This is a very interesting approach, helping Black's development but hurting his piece coordination. Last month, in Goh Wei Ming's excellent update, he looked at 4 Nf3, [ 4.e2 and ] [ 4.f3 , the main line. There are 6 other games with 4 f3 in the Archives. ] [ I also showed a game with 4.d3 xd5 , when 5 h3! seems best but the move 4... Qxd5 is probably all right for Black after 5 Nc3 Qd7 and ...Nc6. ] 4...bd7 [ 4...d7 leaves Black cramped after 5.e2 xd5 6.c4 f6 7.c3 or 7 Nf3. ] 5.e2 xe2 6.xe2 [ 6.xe2 xd5 7.c4 5f6 8.bc3 e6 9.0-0 e7 is another line it seems solid enough f or Black, the more so because W hit e's knight is so passive on e2 an d therefore ...e5 becomes feasible. ( 9...d6 is a more ambitious way to proceed )] 6...xd5 7.f3 [ 7.c4 (before ...e6 and ...Bb4+ can interfere) 5f6 8.c3 ( 8.f3 e6 9.0-0 c6 transposes to the game.) 8...g6!? 9.f4 (9 Nf3 is simple and mildly better for White I wouldn't like to play Black in such a position, but he has a fairly standard setup) h5!? 10.g5 h6 11.h4 df6!? (artificial Black hunts down the bishop at the cost of time a n d s p a c e ) 12.0-0-0 g5 13.g3 xg3 14.hxg3 g7 15.f3 0-0 16.e5 with a substantial advantage, Rodriguez Vila, A (2467)-Cubas, J (2369)/ Serra Negra 2002. ] 7...e6 8.0-0 This type of position is discussed in the forum. I find it in White's favour, which is not surprising in view of his greater central 115

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 control. [ 8.c4 b4+ 9.f1!? 5f6 10.d5?! A Rodriguez, A (2498)-Fiori, N/Buenos Aires ARG 2003 now 0-0! 11.dxe6 e8 12.exf7+ xf7 yields an attack worth more than a p a wn . T h u s 9 B d 2 sh o u ld p r o b a b l y b e preferred. ] 8...c6 9.c4 5f6 10.f4 [ Another instructive recent game went 10.b3 e7 11.b2 0-0 12.c3 e8 13.ad1 b6 ( 13...a5! looks more accurate, when 14.e5 ad8 15.f4 might be tried, intending a slow advance on the kingside) 14.e5 a5 15.a3 bd7 16.d3 c7 17.f4 ad8 18.g4!? should probably allow for defence, although it can be dangerous for Black, e.g. , g6 19.h1 f8 20.f5?! ( 20.df3 ) 20...exf5 21.gxf5 8d7! 22.e4 xe4 23.xe4 xe5? 24.dxe5 xd3 25.xd3 d8 26.f3 f8 27.e6! and W hite's attack is too strong (Qc3 is one threat), Flores, D (2359)-Fiori, A (2136), Ezeiza 2001. ] 10...e7 11.c3 0-0 This could be considered a sort of main line. Black lacks positive prospects, but, again, his restraint centre (my term) makes it hard for W hite to do anything. 12.a3 e8 13.ad1 f8 [ White played too passively after 13...a5 14.c1 f5 15.d2 ad8 16.fe1 d6 17.d1?! e5! 18.e3 e4 in RiazueloSpitz, France 2001. ] 14.e5 g6 15.g3 a5 16.d3 c5? This runs into concrete problems based upon Nb5. [ The stereotyped 16...ad8 would have kept Black's disadvantage minimal. ] 17.xg6 hxg6 18.b5 ac8?! This fails tactically. [ But 18...cxd4 19.c7 ad8 20.xe8 xe8 21.e5 isn't attractive either. ] 19.dxc5 a6 20.c7! xc7 21.b4 a4 22.xc7 c8 23.xe6 fxe6 24.xe6+ f8 25.xc8+ 1-0

141 Al Modiahki,Mohamad Tiviakov,Sergei 3rd ACT Amsterdam NED (5) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2564 2668 19.07.2006

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 a6 6.g3 g4 7.g2 c6!? W hen you think about it, 7..c6 is logical, blockin g t h e act io n o f t h e Bisho p o n g2 . Perhaps the combination of ...a6 and ...c6 could be seen as a luxury. [ 7...c6 has been most common: A) 8.0-0 e6 9.f4 b4 10.xc7 A1) 10...c8! is my suggested imp roveme nt : 11.f4 xb2 12.a4 b4 ( 12...b5?! 13.c4 a5 14.h3 xf3 15.xf3 xd4 16.xd4 xa4 17.xb7 xc4 18.a7 ) 13.c3 a5 14.h3 xf3 15.xf3 b5 16.c5 xc5 17.dxc5 0-0 18.d6 fd8; A2) 10...e7?! 11.a3 xb2 12.d2 c8 13.fb1 xa3 14.xb2 xb2 15.b1 xc3 16.xc3 d5 17.c5 xf3 18.xb7 xc7 19.xf3 d5 20.xd5 exd5 21.d6 1-0 Senff, MPfleger, M/Bad Wiessee 2005; B) 8.h3 h5 9.0-0 0-0-0 10.f4 b4 11.a3 xb2 12.a4 xf3 13.xf3 xd4 14.b3 a5 15.b4 xb4 16.axb4 e5! 17.xe5 c4 18.xf6 gxf6 Delchev, ASulava, N/Hyeres 2001 ] 8.f4N [ 8.0-0 e6 9.a4 ( 9.e1 e7 10.h3 xf3 11.xf3 0-0 12.e4 xe4 13.xe4 f6 14.c3 c7 15.f4 b6 16.c2 g6 Dworakowska, J-Ogloblin, N/Moscow 2004; 9.f4 d8 10.d3 d6 11.e5 f5 12.e2 0-0 13.h3 h6 14.ad1 e7 15.a3 bd7 16.fe1 fd8 17.h2 ac8 18.xd7 xd7 19.xd6 xd6 20.e4 xe4 21.xe4 cd8 22.c3 xe4 23.xe4 c7= Cristian, S-Rentner, D/ 2004 ) 9...a5?! ( 9...bd7 10.f4 b4 ) 10.h3 xf3 11.xf3 e7 12.f4 Sh a b a lo v, A -G o n za le z, R/P h ila d e lp h ia 2004 ] 8...d8 He intends a solid build-up with ...e6, .. Bd6 etc. As usual, the Knight on c3 is slightly misplaced and the time W hite uses to redeploy the Knight Black uses to develop. 116

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 9.h3 [ 9.0-0 e6 10.e1 d6 11.xd6 xd6 12.e4 xe4 13.xe4 f5 14.e3 0-0 15.h4 g6 ends up solid, but passive from Black's side. ] 9...xf3 10.xf3 xd4 11.0-0 e6 12.ad1 Modiahki could be relied upon to play sharply p e r h a p s e ve n s a c rif ice a p a wn a s h e re . Tivia k o v wa nt s to win an d th in ks h e ca n d e f e n d t h e p o s i t i o n o u t . G a m e o n ! b6 13.a4 [ 13.e3 c7 ( 13...xb2 14.a4 xa2 15.b6+- ) 14.e4 bd7 15.xf6+ xf6 16.f4 a5 17.a3 e7 does not really garner much for White. ] 13...b5 14.b3 bd7 15.c4 a5 16.g4 The riddle for White is that he is trying to find a way through and is labouring under the illusion that he holds the advantage. Therefore he MUST play very actively. But the reality check is that Black is already a bit better, without really doing very much and picks W h i t e o f f a s h e c o m e s t o wa r d s h i m . h6! 17.g3 c8 [ One can understand the reluctance to play 17...0-0-0 but this was also playable: 18.e3 e5! 19.g3 b4 20.f4 e4 21.f5 he8 ] 18.e3 a8 19.g3 e7 No draw, thank you! 20.c7 b4 21.d4 [ 21.f4 c8 22.e5 xe5 23.fxe5 d7 retains the Black advantage although an a n a l y s i s o f 24.xd7 is necessary: xd7 25.xf7 cf8! 26.xg7 c8 27.e3 d8! 28.h1 hg8! ( 28...g5 29.g1 hf8 30.xc6! ) 29.h7 g5 30.f2 d1+ 31.f1 f8 32.f7 xf7 33.xf7 e1-+ 34.e8+ d8 35.f7 e4+ ] 21...0-0 22.fd1 c5 23.b6?! [ H e s h o u l d s e t t l e f o r 23.xc5 xc5 24.4d3 and hope that there is compensation enough. I doubt it after e7 ] 23...ae8 24.f4 ce4! Sharply seen. A fork will follow on c5. 25.xe4 [ 25.xe4 xe4 26.xe4 c5+ ] 25...c5 26.a3 xa3 27.c2 d8 28.xd8 xd8 29.g2 xd4 Against players with an active style, 3...Qd6 works very well. 0-1

142 Almasi,Zoltan Tologontegin,Semetery Chigorin Memorial 20th (8) [Danny Gormally]

B01 2707 2338 03.11.2012

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 6.e5 e6 7.f4 d8 [ 7...d5 has been played. 8.xd5 xd5 9.f3! with the idea of Bc4, should ensure some advantage for White. ( 9.d3!? d7 10.xd7 xd7 11.c4 f5 12.xf5 xf5 13.e2 0-0-0 14.0-0-0 1/2-1/2 Macak, S (2400) -Epishin, V (2562)/Odense 2011) 9...d8 10.d2 d7 11.0-0-0 xe5 12.xe5 where White enjoys a useful lead in development. ] 8.d2! [ 8.e2 g6 9.d2 bd7 10.f3 g7 11.h6 xh6 12.xh6 b6 13.0-0 d6 14.h3 0-0-0 15.ad1 bd5 16.xd5 xd5 17.c4 f6 18.xd5 cxd5 19.e3 he8 20.fe1 f7 21.h6 g8 22.d2 d7 23.e3 b8 24.de1 f7 25.a5 g5 26.a3 b6 27.b5 c8 28.e2 g6 29.c3 h5 30.d2 e8 31.e6 c7 32.f1 d6 33.e3 d7 34.d2 b7 35.b3 c8 36.a4 a8 37.a5 bxa5 38.a3 a4 39.ea1 c6 40.e3 e8 41.e2 b7 42.f3? ( The simple 42.xa4 is almost winning for W hite) 42...d6 43.3a2 h4 44.c2 e5 45.dxe5 fxe5 46.f5 d4 47.xe5 d5 48.f6 dxc3 49.bxc3 b5 50.b4 bc5 51.e2 d7 52.e7 xc3 53.xg5 a3 54.d1 3c7 55.d5 c5 56.d2 c2 57.e3 a2 58.d3 b2 59.b6+ xb6 0-1 Haslinger, S (2524)-Tiviakov, S (2674)/Roosendaal 2012 ] 8...g6 9.0-0-0 bd7 10.d5! This pawn sac has been seen before. Black's position is very solid, and if he can get mobilised any danger will pass for him, so it's important for White to act quickly. xd5 [ none of the other captures offer a save h a v e n e i t h e r , f o r e x a m p l e 10...cxd5 11.xd7 xd7 12.xd5 which is obviously not much fun for Black. ] [ 10...xd5 11.xd5 xd5? ( 11...cxd5 12.b5! also looks pretty horrible.) 12.xd7 xd7 13.c4! e6 14.c3 is immediately 117

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 catastrophic ] 11.xd5 xd5 12.c4 c7!? After this W hite can force a clearly better endgame, where Black can only fight desperately for a draw. The problem is that reasonable alternatives were thin on the ground. [ 12...5f6 13.c3 gives White very clear compensation. He already has a threat of ta k in g o n d 7 an d winn in g m at e ria l. g8 14.e2 and although Black remains solid, given his lead in development, and easy play, I'd much rather take White. ] 13.cxd5 xe5 14.xe5 xe5 15.dxc6 c7 16.d7+ [ a nice option and quite possibly better was 16.b1! xc6 ( 16...g7 17.d7+ xd7 18.cxd7+ d8 19.g3 a6 20.d3 is better for White as then the plan of ...Ra7 is not so effective, as W hite is in time to defend the d7 pawn) 17.c1 b6 18.c3 f6 19.c4 with very dangerous attacking chances for White. ] 16...xd7 17.cxd7+ d8 18.g3 c7? This ending looks very uncomfortable, which might explain why Black was not able to put up much resistance (perhaps he thought he was already lost.) [ But even in difficult positions we should look for a plan, and if he had found the clever idea of 18...a6! with the plan of ...Ra7 followed by b5, he would most likely been a b l e t o s a v e t h e g a m e . 19.g2 a7 20.b1 b6= ] 19.h3 e6 20.d3 d8 21.hd1 Now W hite has managed to preserve the annoying pawn on d7, which ties Black down completely. h5 22.c3+ b8 23.g2 h4 24.g4 h3 25.xh3 h6+ 26.b1 f4 27.b3 b6 [ 27...xh2 28.g2 b6 29.f3 h7 30.f1 heading for b5, and W hite maintains uncomfortable pressure. ] 28.f1 xh2 29.f3 g5 30.a6 h7 31.c3 c7 32.b5 f6 33.a3 e5 34.c2 a6 35.c6 h4 36.f3 h7 37.c6 h4 38.e4! c7? [ 38...xg4 39.dc1 xe4 40.c8+ b7 41.xd8 d4 would have enabled Black to show stern resistance. ] 39.f3! White has co-ordinated beautifully, and now is free to go on the rampage with his

rooks. h2 40.c6 f2 41.xe6 a7 42.c1 xd7 43.e8 b8 44.cc8 d1+ 45.a2 dd2 46.e7+ 1-0

143 Amin,Bassem Sengupta,Deep WCh-Junior Gaziantep TUR (11) [John Watson]

B01 2561 2454 13.08.2008

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 6.e2 Again White makes this modest move (compare Maze-Bauer), simply t r y i n g t o u s e h i s s p a c e a d v a n t a g e . f5 Black responds naturally, but he can also consider [ 6...g4 ] 7.e5 This seems to go well with Be2. bd7 8.f4!? White doesn't often set up with Ne5 and f4 versus the Scandinavian, but perhaps he sh o u ld . Ge n e rally t h e kn ight re tre a ts , is exchanged, or is supported by Bf4 or Qe2, for example. Now g4 is becoming a major theme, e6?! [ 8...h5 is more accurate. ] 9.0-0!? [ 9.g4! e4 ( 9...g6 10.0-0 with f5 next, or e4 11.c4! c7 12.f5 , etc. ) 10.xe4 ( 10.0-0 d5 11.xd5 exd5 may also f a v o u r W h i t e .) 10...xe4 11.d3 and White has bishops, space, etc. ] 9...h5 Either this or [ 9...h6 is necessary see the last note. ] 10.e3 b6 11.f2!? [ 11.d3 e7 12.xf5 exf5 13.d3 e6 and ...0-0-0 offers Black safety. ] [ 11.a4 is a useful interpolation. ] 11...c7 Black can't castle without protecting f7. Now White discourages 0-0-0: 12.a4! a5 13.f3 e7 14.e2!? e4 15.g3 xf3 16.xf3 g6 [ 16...h4 17.e2 h3 leaves the h-pawn a later target after 18.g4 ] 17.ae1 f8!? 18.b3 bd5 19.c4 b4 20.e4 xe4 21.xe4 g7 Now White has space, but at first it looks as though there's nothing else. However, the knight on b4 is out of play, so White has some ideas of attacking Black's weakened kingside . 22.e1 h4? 118

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 Soon we see how badly this move weakens 14.f3! would've left White with a pleasant the kingside, especially by allowing White to bind on the centre. ] use g4. 23.h3 d6 8.ge2 e6 9.b3 A new move from Anand [ 23...f6 24.g4 e7 25.e2 ( 25.d5!? ) and it's nothing spectacular but it does seem 25...ad8 26.c3! and d5 follows. ] to secure a slight advantage. 24.xg6! This should win. [ 9.0-0 doesn't seem to yield much edge e7 [ 24.c3 a2 defends. ] A) after 10.e1 0-0 11.a4 Black could've [ But 24.g4! with the idea f5 is quite equalised in Hamdouchi, H (2617)-Borgo, awkward for Black, threatening Nxg6, but G ( 2 3 9 7 ) L u g a n o 2 0 1 2 w i t h a5! also f5 with attack. ] ( inste ad af te r 11...a6?! 12.a5 c6 24...f5? 13.b3 b5 14.axb6 cxb6 15.d5! [ Black has to accept by 24...fxg6 25.xe6 White has much the better game and went ( 25.c3 a2 ) 25...d8 26.f5! f6 on to win. ); , w h e n W h i t e n e e d s t o f i n d 27.d5! B) 10.h1 0-0 11.a4 a5 12.e4 c6 , for example, cxd5 28.fxg6 f8 29.xh4 ] ( 12...c6! 13.xf6+ xf6 14.c3 d7 25.xe7! fxe4 and Black is very close to equalising.) [ 25...xe7 26.xf5 ] 13.c3 fd8 14.c2 was slightly better for 26.g4+ f7 27.g6+ xe7 28.g7+ W hite in Gharamian, T (2658)-Prie, E e8 29.xh8+ f8 30.xh4 With 2 extra (2526) Charleroi 2011 ] passed pawns and threats against Black's [ 9.e3 c6 ( possibly Black should accept exposed king, White wins easily. d3 31.h7 a slightly worse position with 9...e7 10.0-0 f5 32.g8+ f8 33.xe6+ e7 34.g8+ 0-0 ) 10.a3 e7 11.0-0 ed5 12.f2 f8 35.g6+ d7 36.xe4 xb2 37.d5 0-0-0 led to interesting play in Edouard, R xa4 38.g3 e8 39.dxc6+ bxc6 40.d1+ (2607) -Bauer, C (2679) Switzerland 2012 c7 41.f5+ b7 42.d7+ b6 43.c7+ but after 13.b4! h5 14.e4 xe4 15.fxe4 b7 44.d6+ f6 and here White should be somewhat 1-0 better after 16.h4! which holds up Black's play on the kingside ] 9...c6 10.e3 a5 It's logical to go straight 144 B01 after the bishop pair but it's not the only option [ 10...0-0-0 is surely a critical way to play this Anand,V 2772 position and in fact Black seems to have Van Wely,L 2679 re aso na b le ch an ces h e re , f or exa mp le 75th Tata Steel GpA (7.6) 19.01.2013 11.d2 e8 12.0-0 b8 ( 12...h5!? ) [Tom Rendle] 13.ad1 e7 and chances are very balanced. 14.d5?! is met by c5 ] 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.d2 g4 6.f3 d7 Probably the most 11.0-0 xb3 12.axb3 e7 13.f4 0-0 14.e1 fd8 It's hard to believe that Black is sensible retreat. [ 6...h5 7.g4 g6 8.f4 gives White good more than minimally worse but Anand keeps chances and was covered in two games by up the pressure with some accurate moves This prevents Van Wely from playing Eric Prié in the archives, Golubev-Kislinsky 15.d3 ...c5 and freeing his game. d6 and Koepke-Kislinsky ] [ 15...a5! is probably a slight improvement [ 6...f5 has also been tried but White keeps and now after 16.f2 b4 White has to s o m e a d v a n t a g e wi t h 7.c4 ( 7.g4!? ) decide how to make progress. One option is 7...b6 8.ge2 ] 17.d5 d6 18.dxe6 xe6 19.xb4 xb4 7.c4 b6 but Black should be holding a draw fairly [ 7...c6 was seen in Fedorov, A (2598)co m f o r t a b l y h e r e a l t h o u g h wi t h 20.e2 Mamedyarov, S (2542) Batumi 2002 but it and Ra4 White still has the easier position to just seems to give W hite an easy game: play. ] 8.e2 e6 9.e4 d8 10.0-0-0 b5 11.d3 a6 12.f4 b4 13.xb4 xb4 and now 16.f2 c6 17.e4! xe4 18.fxe4 f5?! 119

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 g7 10.h1 f5! 11.c4 ( After the game Kasparov recommended 11.e3! xd3 12.xd3 0-0 13.xd7 xd7 14.f5 although in my opinion, Black keeps a tiny advantage.) 11...e6 12.e2 ( threatening g2-g4 ) h5! 13.e3 d8 14.g1 0-0 15.f3 d5! 16.xd5 Forced, as ( 16.e2 fails to xf4! ) 16...exd5 with a clear edge. ] 6...f5 7.e5 e6 8.g4 g6 9.h4 bd7! The best line [ 9...b4 does not solve Black's problems as the game Campora - Cu. Hansen, Palma de Mallorca GMA 1989 proved: 10.d2 e4 11.f3! xc3 12.bxc3 xc3 13.b1 b5 14.b3 d7 15.xc6 xd2+ 16.xd2 c7 17.d5 with a clear advantage. ] 10.xd7 xd7 11.h5 e4 12.h3 [ 12.0-0 gives W hite nothing real: d5 13.xd5 cxd5 14.d3 d6 15.c3 g6 16.d2 d8 17.g2 gxh5 18.g5 e7 19.xh5 0-0-0= with equality, Westerinen Prie, Andorra 1994 ] 12...g2 The idea of this move is that if White plays Rg3, then Black will gain a tempo with a later Bd6. [ 12...d5 is the main Black reply and is probably best as the move played here was disastrous for Black. White then usually tries 13.d3 0-0-0 ( 13...d6 14.d2 c7 15.xd5 cxd5 16.e2 f4 17.0-0-0 gave White a small edge in the game Ochoa de Echaguen - Denker, New York 1989) 145 B01 14.d2 b6 15.xd5 exd5 with good counterplay in the game Rublevsky - Lastin, Anand,Viswanathan 2765 Russia (ch) Elista 1995. ] Lautier,Joel 2660 Biel 1997 13.e3! [ St ro n ge r t h a n 13.g3 d5 although [Alexander Volzhin] White's chances are still preferable. ] 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 13...b6 [ 13...b5 14.d3 b4 does not solve Black's f6 5.f3 c6 problems as he will soon be forced to part [ 5...g4 ] with a Bishop by taking on e4 after 15.e4 ] [ 5...f5 are the alternatives. ] 14.d3! 6.c4 [ 14.b3?! c5! would give Black good [ 6.e5 was tried in the World title match counterplay ] between Kasparov and Anand. White didn't 15.f3! The point. The bishop is obtain any advantage from the opening, 14...d5 mo re o ve r t h e W o rld Ch a m p ion , wh o is trapped on g2 and White's task now is not to famous for his great knowledge of opening give up too much material for it. [ P r e vio u s l y 15.g3 had been played, the theory, found himself in an inferior position game Bauer - Prie, France (ch) 1996 after 15 moves! The game continued: e6! continued with xc3 16.bxc3 d5 17.d2 7.d3 bd7 8.f4?! ( 8.xd7 ) 8...g6! 9.0-0

This is unnecessarily weakening and ultimately it costs Loek the game. [ 18...b6 was better although White is somewhat better after 19.c4 d7 20.e5 e8 21.g4 b7 however Black's still very solid so he definitely should have played this way. ] 19.exf5 exf5 20.c4! e4?! After this Black is just losing a pawn. [ 20...h4 was a better try but after 21.g3 e4! 22.d5 ( would be a big mistake due to 22.gxh4? g6+ 23.g3 xd4 and Black regains the piece with a good positio n) 22...xd3 23.xd3 f6 24.xf5 xb2 25.a2 f6 26.ae2 White is clearly better ] 21.c5 g6 22.xe4 fxe4 23.b1! f6 24.xe4 xe4 25.xe4 Anand is a pawn up and makes the rest of the game look very easy indeed c6 26.f1 d7 27.e2 a6 28.d3 ad8 29.ae1 f7 30.e3 h5 31.f1 g6 32.b4! d6 33.h3 6d7 Black is unable to do more than wait and now Vishy clamps down on the kingside as well. 34.g4! hxg4 35.hxg4 f8?? A blunder that brings the game to a swift conclusion 36.g5 xd4 37.e6+ [ 37.e6+ f6+ 38.c2 f7 39.e4 and the Bishop is still lost on f6! ] 1-0


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 a4 18.e2 b5 19.h6 0-0-0 with complicated and double-edged play. ] 15...b4 [ After 15...xc3 16.bxc3 xc3+ 17.d2 xd4 18.f2 xf3 19.xf3 White has a big advantage, according to Anand. ] [ 15...xe3!? was interesting: 16.xe3 a3 17.c1 ( 17.bxa3 xf3 18.d2 xg4 19.h6 Black is slightly better) 17...b4 18.f2 xc3 19.bxc3 xc3 20.d2 xd4+ 21.xg2 and White's chances looks preferable. ] 16.f2! xc3 [ 16...xc3 was not better: 17.bxc3 xc3 18.b1 xd4 19.xg2 xe3 20.xe3 with a clear advantage. ] 17.bxc3 xc3 18.b1 xd4 [ Both alternatives 18...xf3 19.xf3 xd4 20.xb7 ] [ and 18...xe3 19.xe3 xf3 20.xf3 fail to make Black's life easier. ] 19.xb7 d8 [ 19...h3 was another try which would be met by 20.xf7! c5 21.f5!! xe3 22.xe3 b2 23.xc5 0-0 24.g3! with a decisive advantage, as was pointed out by Joel Lautier. ] [ 19...f4 20.g3 d6 does not help either because of the beautiful 21.a3! xh5+ ( 21...xa3 22.e4! winning ) 22.xg2 g3+ 23.f1 winning ] 20.h6!! The idea behind this spectacular move is very beautiful and was not appreciated by Lautier. gxh6? [ B l a c k c o u l d s t i l l f i g h t w i t h 20...xe3 21.xe3 e5 22.hxg7 g8 23.g1 ( 23.h6 h2! ) 23...xf3 24.xf3 with a big advantage, according to Anand. ] 21.g6!! The point! It's not very often you see such a beautiful combination on the board, especially in a game between two top players. e7 [ Other moves were also losing: 21...xe3+ 22.xe3 fxg6 ( 22...hxg6 23.d4 ) 23.c5 ] [ 21...f6 22.xf7+ xf7 23.xf7 xe3 24.xd8+! xd8 25.xe3 h3 26.xa7 ] [ 21...xe3 22.xf7+ f8 23.xd4 xd4 24.xe3 ] [ and the main idea is to checkmate the B l a c k K i n g a f t e r 21...xd1 22.xe6+ with Bh6 and Bf7 to follow. ]

22.xd4 xd4 23.d3! The simplest. d8 24.xd8+ xd8 25.d3! [ 25.d3 h1 26.b2 e8 27.f6 It is remarkable that White still has not won the trapped Bishop, but he doesn't need it! Black resigned. A very beautiful game by Vishy Anand. ] 1-0

146 Ansell,S Martin,Andrew D 4NCL West Bromwich [Andrew Martin]



No w, a ra re p e rso n a l d isa s t e r u s in g t h e Scandinavian. I've been meaning to experiment with 3...Qd6 for some time what a beginning! 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6!? I think the punctuation is correct. Some things I like about this move particularly the dynamic aspect of the centralized Queen. But t h e Q u e e n is e xp o se d a n d b lo cks in t h e Bishop on f8 for the time being. Black's plan of ...a6, ...b5, ...Bb7, ...e6, ...Nbd7, ...Be7 and eventually ... c7-c5 is easy to understand though. 4.d4 f6 5.f3 a6 6.d3! This prevents 6.. b5 for the time being: g4 [ 6...b5 7.a4 b4 8.e4 and Black is already much worse. ] 7.h3 xf3? There is no excuse for this move. Ceding the Bishops at this stage is weak. I thought I might be able to make up for this concession by developing quickly but this is simply the wrong view of the position. [ Instead 7...h5 is correct and then Black should be able to equalize comfortably: 8.g4 ( 8.e4 xe4 9.xe4 c6 10.c3 g6!; 8.e3 c6 9.e2 b4 ) 8...g6 9.xg6 hxg6 10.g5 d5= Looking at it now I really cannot find any reason for playing 7...Bxf3. I must have been having a very bad day! ] 8.xf3 c6 9.e3 0-0-0 10.0-0-0 b4 This seemed absolutely necessary in view of White's idea of Ne4, which is his main trump. For instance [ 10...e6 11.e4! xe4 12.xe4 and already the White position is winning. ] 11.a3 xd3+ 12.xd3 e6 13.e1! A nice move. I'd analysed 121

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ 13.hd1 e7 14.d5 exd5 15.xd5 xd5 for 8.e2!? xg2 9.f3 h3 10.f4 16.xd5 g6 and saw that Black was e6+ 11.e5 which gave White some surviving. The point of 13 Re1 is to play d4compensation in Plaskett - Houska,J, d5! again, but this time with added power. ] Islington 1998?) 8...g4 9.f3 e6 10.d2 13...e7 14.g5 d7 0-0-0 11.e5 c4 12.d3 e6 and Black [ 14...b6 15.d5 seemed horrible. ] was fine in the game Ponomariov 15.d5! e8 After much thought and mental Hauchard, Belfort 1998 ] torture. Actually, I could have saved myself 7...f5? This leads to disaster. the mental recrimination by simply admitting [ T h e c r i t i c a l l i n e i s 7...xd4 8.c4 that Black is lost and resigning. Yes, it's that ( White can force a draw with 8.g6 e6+ bad! 9.e5 (threatening both the knight on d4 [ 15...exd5 16.xf6! ( 16.xd5 xd5 and 10.Bc4) b6 10.c4 e6+ 11.e5 17.xe7 he8 18.e5 c6 might just be d6 12.g6 e6+ 13.e5 1/2-1/2 as in s u r v i v a b l e) 16...xf6 17.xd5 Smith - Sermek, Auckland 2000. Can he do is disgusting. ] better?; I t h i n k t h a t 8.g3!? 16.xe7 xe7 17.e3! I must say that looks interesting.) 8...e6 9.xe6 ( And not Ansell finishes the game incisively . I was 9.g6 b6 10.xh8 xc4 when the already getting short of time and could find no knight on h8 is trapped.) 9...xe6 10.f3 answer to the direct attack on the King. d6 xf4 11.xf4 e6 12.0-0 e7 13.e4 To try and cover the possible need to play ... d5 14.fe1 d8 15.c4 d4 16.f3 d7 Kd7 18.a7 he8 17.e5 d4 18.f3 d7 19.e5 d4 [ 18...e5 19.a4! ] 1/2-1/2 Mortensen - Bronstein,D, Hastings 19.dxe6 g5+ 20.b1 xe6 21.xe6 fxe6 Challengers 1996 ] 22.e4! G a m e o v e r . e5 23.c5 c6 8.c4 xe5 9.dxe5 c6 24.b3 e8 25.xb7 One mistake in the 3... [ After 9...xd1+ there is 10.xd1 d7 Qd6 and you get gunned down. That was the 11.d5 but the text leads to even greater valuable lesson taught to me from this game. horrors. ] 1-0 10.e2 xg2 11.0-0-0 e4 12.d5 0-0-0 13.e3 xd1+ 14.xd1 g6 15.d3 b8 16.d8+ c8 17.e6 d6 18.d5 147 B01 A strong argument against moving your queen Arakhamia Grant,Ketevan 2425 too much in the opening. Mashinskaya,Iulia 2300 1-0 3rd EIWCh Varna BUL (4) 30.05.2002 [Nigel Davies] 148 B01 Baron,Ta 2455 I must admit that I am suspicious about the merits of 3...Qd6 and this game may point to Kurajica,Bojan 2529 20.11.2010 its potential vulnerability. 7.Bf4 offers a pawn 4th Mediterranean Open (9.7) for fast development and whilst Black has [Gawain Jones] d o n e O K s o f a r , t h e p o si t io n l o o k s ve r y dangerous to me. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.f3 g4 4.e2 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 a6 6.e5 c6 c6 5.d4 0-0-0 6.c4 f5 7.e3 xf3 [ 6...e6 7.f4 looks very unpleasant for 8.xf3 xd4 9.xd4 e6+ 10.e2 c5 Black. ] [ Last time I looked at this line I concentrated 7.f4!? White continues his development and on 10...e4 which didn't solve Black's problems - see Bruzon Batista, L (2641)offers his d-pawn. At the moment it looks as if he has nothing more than a draw by repetition, Kurajica, B (2525) La Laguna 2010. I've but in such a sharp position there may be ad d e d in a f e w mo re re ce n t e xa mp le s . improvements for White. 11.0-0 [ 7.xc6 xc6 8.f4 ( Are there any takers A) 11...xd4 12.a4 The first practical 122

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 line.' I still don't see how White can hope for encounter of the forum's suggestion. xe2 an advantage here. 13.xa7 A) 13.0-0!? xe2 14.a3 ( 14.a8+ A1) I e x a m i n e d 13...g4?! with the is probably a draw although allows Black threat of ...Rxg2 for a draw but 14.a8+ to try playing on with the dangerous c7 d7 15.h3! foils Black's plan and leaves 15.a5+ b6 16.a7+ c6 17.b4 e6 White with a great position.; but I feel this is rather foolhardy.) 14...e5 A2) and 13...xb2 la s t t im e : 14.a3 15.b5 ( 15.c5 g4 16.f4 is another d3 15.b5 f6 16.ad1 c2 17.c1 suggestion of AlanG, but I would be rather d2 18.a8+ ( 18.c5!? ) 18...d7 scared playing this as White as a knight on 19.a4 c6 20.cd1 cxb5 21.xb5+ e3 dominates the position rather.) 15...e6 c8 22.xd2 xd2 23.c5+- winning for 16.c5 g4 17.g3 b8 18.a4 e5 White.; 19.a7+ c7 20.b5+ d7 21.xd4+ A3) 13...d6 A new try but this doesn't e7 given by gewgaw, when Black's king s a v e B l a c k . 14.a8+ d7 15.c5!? has escaped the worst with good chances ( 15.xf8 xb2 16.a3 looks like the to convert the extra piece. In particular easiest when Black won't survive long.) watch out for ...Rxd4!; 15...d4 16.xf8 d1 17.d2 xd2 B) 13.a3 is the safest although allows 18.xg7 f6 19.xh8 xb2 20.c6+ Black to equalise with a6=; bxc6 21.a4 b4 22.fe1 g4 23.f8 C) 13.a8+ 'allows Black at least a draw d5 24.a5 1-0 Lyell, M (2202) -Ivanov, and he might even be able to play f or M (2438) Zdar nad Sazavou 2010 saw more with' c7 14.a5+ b6 15.e5+ the lower rated Englishman grateful to c8 ( This looks more reliable than ChessPublishing!; AlanG's 15...d6 16.a5+ b8 B) 11...xd4 12.a4 e6 13.c3 d6 which isn't so clear.) 16.d2 This was B1) Bruzon chose 14.f3! which looks actually tried in a correspondence game strong. My critical line from the previous w h i c h w o r k e d o u t w e l l f o r B l a c k . d3 annotation ran f4 15.fd1 xh2+ 17.f3 e6 18.0-0 d6 19.c3 b4 ( Looking at the game now I wonder 20.b3 d7 21.e4 c5 22.xc5 whether 15...a6!? might be an xc5 23.c3 d4 and I feel Black really in t e re s t i n g m o ve o rd e r ke e p in g t h e can't have any problems. Lopez, A (1670)queen active although 16.b4 xc4 De h a yb e , A (1 8 8 8 ) Ch e s sf r ie n d . c o m 17.e4 b5 18.c2 e5 19.ac1 2003. ] looks extremely dangerous.) 16.f1 a6 [ A practical game saw 12...d3 13.c3 dxe2 17.c5 xc5 18.xb7+ xb7 19.xd8 14.a8+ d7 ( 14...c7 simply loses to h1+ 20.e2 xg2 21.e4 15.b5+ ) 15.xb7+ e8 16.d5 c8 and White has a decisive advantage.; when Top Notch gives 17.a4 with good B2) 14.b5 e5 15.xd6+ cxd6 winning chances. The queenside pawns are 16.f3 b8 17.ad1 ( I looked at extremely fast! ] 17.fe1 previously.) 17...f6 18.d3 c5 19.fd1 d7 20.c3 hd8 21.b4 13.a3 This was gipc's line on the forum. [ 13.0-0!? looks critical to me. With another b6 22.dc1 e5 23.c5 dxc5 24.bxc5 look at this variation I believe that W hite c7 25.a3 a6 26.c6 d4 with very should try this but still White has a question strong compensation. Trygstad, K mark on how to react to 12... Nf 6. xe2 (2301)-Kasparov, S (2492) Leros 2010 ] 14.a3 11.a4 And I thought this the critical test. I've A) L a s t t i m e I s a i d 14...e5 15.c5! added in my annotations from last time. cxd4 gives W hite good chances but perhaps 'This is now forced as' B l a c k c a n h o l d . b8 16.a4 e5 [ 11...xd4 12.xa7 e5 13.c3 ( 16...h5!? looks like a promising idea is great for White. ] 17.c4 h6 18.fc1 c6 19.b6+ c7 12.xa7 'when' e5 20.a5 e6 looks very artificial but if White [ 12...f6 'has been discussed as the critical 123

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 has no killer blow then Black will be able to consolidate.) 17.b5 d7 18.ac1 d8 19.c6 bxc6 20.xc6 and the computer starts to like White...; B) 14...e6 15.a8+! d7 16.xb7+ e8 17.b5 ( 17.c6+ is the perpetual draw f o r W h it e .) 17...e7 ( 17...d6 18.c5 e5 19.ae1 also looks good for White. ) 18.c5 e5 ( 18...d3 simply loses to 19.c6 as the line given by Top Notch illu stra tes : d2 20.c7 d1 21.axd1 xd1 22.c6+ f8 23.a8+ d8 24.xd8+ xd8 25.cxd8# ) 19.c6 b8 20.a4! xb7 ( 20...c5 21.fc1 doesn't help.) 21.cxb7 f6 22.a5 d7 23.fc1 d5 24.a6 g5 25.c4+is an excellent line given by Top Notch when the passed pawns are far stronger than the piece. ] [ 13.f1!? linksspringer is another interesting possibility. It look rather artificial but it does keep the bishop. e6 14.d2 c5 ] 13...e6 We decided this wasn't so good and I think this is a case of our analysis outstripping both players. [ 13...d3 was my mainline. A) 14.0-0-0!? "look an interesting attempt to me which I don't think has been m e n t i o n e d b e f o r e " xe2 15.a8+ ( 15.b1!? ) 15...c7 16.b5+ c6 17.a4 gives Black extreme practical problems. While the computer informs me it's a draw, I'm not completely convinced.; B) 14.a8+ c7 ( 14...b8?! was tried in a Corr. game but 15.xb8+ xb8 16.0-0-0 e5 17.xd3 xd3 18.xd3 xa3 19.bxa3 f6 20.e1 an d W h it e co n ve rt ed h is e xt ra p a wn . Kovac, S-Nielsen, J (2048) ICCF email 2005. ) 15.b5+ c6 16.a7+ c7 17.b5+ is simply a draw. ] 14.a8+ [ 14.b5! was our choice when Black's position is tough. A) 14...c5 immediately is better but 15.f4! A1) 15...c7 16.a4! xf4 17.f1 xh2 18.xf7 e7 ( 18...b8 19.b4! ) 19.0-0-0 and White's attack must be simply too strong.;

A2) 15...xa7 16.xa7+ b8 17.fxe5 xa7 18.h5 and White has something with pressure on f7.; B) 14...b4+?! Actually this is probably the mistake. 15.f1 B1) 15...d3 16.f3 d7 17.a8+ b8 18.a4 c5 19.d1+And again Black's king is unlikely to survive. ( 19.b4 actually looks even easier. ); B2) 15...c5 16.a5 ( 16.a8+ b8 17.a4 looks very strong too.) 16...d3 17.f3 e7 18.e1 f4 B2a) 19.b4! is actually stronger (a better computer now :)). Black cannot k e e p t h e b i s h o p . d4 ( 19...d6 20.b6+- ) 20.g3 b8 21.xd4 xd4 22.c5+ c6 23.xc6 both win a piece.; B2b) 19.g3+- Continuing the line for a few more moves b8 20.b4 c6 21.xc6 bxc6 22.bxc5 cxb5 23.cxb5 d5 24.g2 and White is material up and with the safer king. ] 14...b8 15.a5 This controls the e5 square but allows Black to gain time with Ne7-c6. [ 15.xb8+ xb8 16.c2 e5 obviously favours Black with the central pawns. ] [ 15.a4 I initially thought was an improvement but Black has absolutely no problems here. d3 16.f3 d2+ 17.f1 xa3 18.xa3 f6 19.d1 with a very complex position. It's one of those positions in which both sides have ugly positions. Black's king is vulnerable and his d2 pawn is fairly likely to drop. On the other hand the pawn d oes a goo d job kee pin g W hit e's rooks out of the game. A possible continuation runs: d7 20.g3 hd8 21.a5 ( 21.g2 d4! 22.a5 c7 23.a8+ d7 ) 21...c7 22.a8+ b8 23.a5 d4!? 24.b3 e5 and I'd select Black. ] 15...d3?! It's hard to refrain from this move to try and stop White castling but the pawn now becomes vulnerable. [ 15...e7 would exploit the precarious nature of W hite's queen. 16.f3 ( 16.0-0 c6 17.a4 d3 18.f3 xa3 19.xa3 e5 20.h5 d6 21.c5 d4 and Black's queen and knight dominate the board. Black of course always has to be careful in this line as his king is still somewhat 124

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 vulnerable.) 16...c6 17.xc6 bxc6 18.0-0 d6 19.g3 b4 ( 19...xb2 looks very risky. ) 20.a8+ c7 21.a7+ b7 22.a5+ b6 23.d2 e5 with a very complex position. ] 16.f3 [ 16.d1 looks to pick up the pawn but Black can again exploit W hite's queen position with e7 17.xd3 ( 17.f3 c6 18.xc6 bxc6 19.0-0 is extremely complicated but subjectively I'd prefer to be Black.) 17...xd3 18.xd3 c6 19.g5 b4+ 20.e2 d4+ 21.f1 d8 and Black has taken over the initiative. ] 16...d2+ 17.e2 e7 18.hd1 f5 This allows White a clear advantage. [ 18...c6 was the alternative but here too W hite has an edge with 19.xc6 bxc6 20.a6+ c7 ( 20...b7 21.xb7+ xb7 22.b1 is a clear extra pawn.) 21.c2 and W hite aims to win the d2 pawn and slowly consolidate. It's important that xb2? loses to 22.ab1 xc2 23.b7+ d6 24.xd2+ xd2+ 25.xd2 ] 19.b5 d4+ Kurajica acknowledges the opening hasn't gone well and offers liquidation into a clearly worse middlegame. [ 19...c5 was the alternative but 20.f1! l e a v e s W h i t e c l e a r l y o n t o p a s xh2 21.a8+ b8 22.xb7+ d7 23.xd2+ e7 24.xb8 xb8 25.e4 should be a decisive advantage with the three passed queenside pawns. ] 20.f1? Baron presumably overestimated his position and thought he was mating swiftly but this lets Black off the hook. [ The straightforward 20.xd4 was much better when Black would have to grovel t e r r i b l y a f t e r xd4 21.xd2 xd2+ 22.xd2 ] 20...xf3 21.a7+?! And this is the wrong way. It looks logical to force the king forwards but it becomes surprisingly safe. [ Instead he should have settled for 21.gxf3 when c5 22.b4 xf2 23.xf2 xh2+ 24.f1 h1+ 25.f2 h2+= is drawn. ] 21...d7 22.gxf3 e7! Suddenly the knight looks really offside on a7 and the d2 pawn prevents W hite from launching a decisive attack. 23.c5?! And this is probably the decisive mistake. Baron cannot adjust to the

sudden swing in fortunes and is still trying to crash through on the queenside but ceding d5 is terrible. [ Instead he could have still bailed out with 23.xd2! xd2 24.b4+! f6 ( 24...e8 25.xd2 actually favours White as xa7? loses to 26.d1; 24...d6 25.c6+! is the cunning idea.) 25.xd2 xh2! and Black is still for preference but W hite stays in the game. ( 25...xa7 26.f4+ e7 27.c7+ f6 28.f4+= is a draw. )] 23...d5! The rook now dominates the board. 24.b5 [ 24.xd2 giving up the knight was White's best chance but with accurate defence Black is clearly bette r xd2 25.xd2 xa7 26.d1 b8! 27.b4 c7 28.c6+ f6 29.xb7 d6 and Black has successfully developed his kingside pieces. ] 24...xh2 25.d6 f6! Running the king to safer pastures 26.e4+ g6 27.e2 h6 A human move creating shelter for the king which has just run from c8 to g6 with all the major pieces still on the board. [ H o w e v e r t h e f e a r l e s s 27...f5! was the quickest route to victory as 28.g1+ f7 29.g5+ g8 leaves the Black monarch safe. ] 28.xd2 xd2+ Exchanging off pieces simplifies Black's task. [ 28...e5!? pinning and winning the knight was also possible, for instance 29.c3 h7 30.d1 xe4 31.d3 h1+ 32.c2 xa1 33.xe4+ g8 34.xb7 xc5 35.d8+ h7 36.xh8+ xh8 37.c8+ h7 38.xc5 xa2 with a clear advantage in the queen and pawn endgame but playing in such a fashion is very foolhardy. ] 29.xd2 f5! Black's king has found safety and now White can't prevent Black's kingside pieces finally coming into the game when W hite's position will be hopeless. 30.d7 White tries to complicate the issue. [ It's easy to see that 30.d6 e5+ 31.f1 xc5 offers White no respite. ] 30...e5 31.g1+ h7 32.xb7 fxe4 It's amusing that Black can have a completely wi n n i n g p o s it i o n wi t h o u t d e ve lo p in g h i s kingside pieces and the king march makes q u i t e a n i m p r e s s i o n . 33.b4 b2+ Nothing wrong with this check but missing an 125

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 immediate win. [ Instead 33...xc5! activating the rook wins as W hite's king is too vulnerable. 34.bxc5 exf3+ 35.xf3 f8+ 36.g2 e2 and Black will mate shortly. ] 34.f1 b1+ 35.g2 exf3+ 36.h2 xa2 37.xf3 d5 White's queenside pawns look a little scary but Black does have an extra piece. 38.xd5 exd5 39.e1 g6 40.e5 f6 41.xd5 e7 42.d4 b8 43.e4 d8 44.g3 c7+ 45.f3 h5 46.e3 g5 47.d3 h4 48.c4 h3 49.b5 f5 50.e1 f4 Not a perfectly played game but nevertheless very interesting and proof that even GMs find it hard to navigate correctly in this minefield. The theoretical onus is still on White. 0-1

149 Becquart,Julien Sacliez,Alain 6th Open, Elancourt (3) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2105 2003

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.b5+ d7 [ I believe that 3...bd7 may be underrated . It is certainly true to say that 3...Bd7 is played much more often. After 3.. .Nbd7 a pawn sacrifice is usually involved-something like 4.c4 a6 5.xd7+ ( 5.a4 b5 6.cxb5 b6 ) 5...xd7 6.c3 c6 7.dxc6 xc6 but you can see from both of these small lines that the game is very messy. ] 4.e2 xd5 5.d4 White plays for coordination. At some point he simply intends c 2 -c 4 , t a k in g t h e ce n t re in a f a vo u r a b l e manner. g6?! [ It looks as though 5...f5 is better. Black will not fianchetto his King's Bishop aiming for an ...e6 set-up, or, when White gets too frisky, maybe even . ..e7-e5! A) 6.c4!? b4 7.a3 e5 8.f3 e4 9.e5 f6 10.a4+ c6 11.c5 fxe5 12.xb4 xd4 13.xb7 xc5 14.0-0 d7 15.xa8 0-0 What an unholy mess! 16.c4 c7 17.a5 ( Fritz suggests 17.d2! a6 18.a5 xa8 19.xc7 xc7 20.xe5 ) 17...xa5 18.c4+ h8 19.b7 b6 20.xb6 axb6 21.e3

d4 It is tough to know who to prefer at this point-the Bishop[ on d4 acts as an effective 'stopper' . Eventually Black won! Le Thi Phuong Lien-Chau Thi Ngoc Giao/ ch-VIE w, Dong Thap VIE 2003; B) 6.f3 e6 7.0-0 e7 8.a3 0-0 9.c4 This would be more representative. It is difficult to cast off the notion that White is at least slightly better but, as the game goes, Black sustains his position. f6 10.h3 h6 11.e3 bd7 12.b3 c6 13.c3 c7 14.ac1 fd8 15.fd1 e4! Each exchange decreases White's edge. 16.a4 f6 17.d5 c5 18.d2 d6 19.c3 xc3 20.xc3 e5 Again Black went on to outplay his opponent. Bellaiche, A-Bergez,L/GM, Evry FRA 2003 ] 6.c4 b6 7.c3 g7 8.e3 0-0 9.d2 White will borrow a plan from Fischer: h4-h5, s a c , s a c , m a t e ! f5 If this is the best that Black has he really does have serious problems but [ 9...c6 doesn't look great either after 10.c5! c8 11.d5 e5 12.h6 ] 10.g4! c8 11.0-0-0 c6 12.h4 Direct and almost impossible to meet. e5 13.d5 d4 14.h5 There should be no hesitation. xe2+ 15.xe2 d7 [ B l o c k i n g w i t h t h e d i s g u s t i n g 15...g5 is legal but little else. Black's position is gh a st l y a f t e r 16.c5 d7 17.h6 h8 ( 17...f6 18.e4 ) 18.f3 f6 19.e4 ] 16.f3 [ I quite like 16.hxg6 too. Black's position is horrid: fxg6 ( 16...hxg6 17.f3 xg4 18.h4 f5 19.dh1 f6 20.g5!! ) 17.f3 b8 18.h3 h6 19.f2 f7 20.h3 ] 16...a4 17.e4 f5 18.g5! [ 18.c5 xc5 19.xc5 f7 ( 19...f6 20.hxg6 xg6 21.gxf5 xf5 and Black scrapes an existence.) 20.hxg6 hxg6 21.h2 ] 18...fxg4 [ 18...e4 19.d4 e7 was the only try. White is still much better after both 20 f4 and 20 Ne6 but it's still a game. ] 19.hxg6 hxg6 20.e6+- f7 21.h2 f6 22.fxg4 xe6 23.dxe6 3 Bb5+ can be overlooked in the rush to play 3 d4 or 3 c4 but it remains an interesting line where White is 126

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 trying to disturb the natural flow of Black's development form a very early stage. My experience is that Black players know this line much less well than the variations stemming from the other third moves. As a practical choice for W hite, recommended, although beware 3...Nbd7! 1-0

and it is for that reason that I have to give the n o d t o B l a ck h e r e . O ve r t h e b o a r d , t h i s position is just a lot of grief for White. 13.f2 c5 As White has so obligingly put his King o n f 2 , B la ck' s B ish o p f in d s a n e x c e lle n t square. 14.b1 a5 15.b3 f7 Here, rather than 0-0-0 which would allow Bh3+. 16.d3 ad8 17.d1 f5 Tactical threats abound. W hite has not solved his problems, 18.b2 d7 Just threatening to pile up on the pinned 150 B01 Knight with ...Re8 and ...Rde7. 19.c2 xd1 Belaska,Premysl 2295 20.xd1 d8 21.e2 e8 22.b4 axb4 [ 22...xe3+ 23.xe3 xe3 24.bxa5 Sikora Lerch,Jan 2345 exc4 25.xc4+ xc4 26.xb7 xa5 TCh Czech Republic 2002 27.a7 c6 28.xc7+ e7 is, of course, [Andrew Martin] completely lost for White. ] 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.d4 xd5 4.c4 23.b3 a4 24.d3 c3 25.d2 e7 Clearly playable, but allows Black a free hit at 26.xc3 bxc3 A very simple win for Black, the centre. b6 5.c3 e5! It turns out that underscoring the unpromising nature of 4 c4.4 White has rushed his central expansion and Nf3 is much, much better. White's problems in fallen into not exactly an opening trap, but t h i s l i n e a r e t w o f o l d : 1 ) H e c a n n o t consolidate his early central gains quickly certainly a line to avoid. 6.dxe5 [ 6.d5 c6 7.e3 b4 8.b3 a6 9.0-0-0 enough. The White centre is shaky. 2) Having e7 10.ge2 1/2-1/2 Krupkova, P-Sikora won the pawn, he find developing a clumsy Lerch, J TCh-CZE 2003 says nothing, apart experience. In particular, he cannot anchor that Black is very comfortable in the final a n y o f h i s m i n o r p i e c e s i n t h e c e n t r e . Me an while, Bla ck uses th e d 4 squa re t o position. ] strong effect. 6...xd1+ 7.xd1 c6 8.f4 f6! [ 8...e6 is different and I'm not sure I like it 0-1 as much as the game move. Yes, Black forces b2-b3, but it's a move White wants to B01 ma ke a nd t he B isho p blocks t he e f ile . 151 Benjamin,Joel 2552 9.e3 c5 10.b3 0-0-0 11.f3 f6 12.f5 Schroer,Jonathan 2359 xe3 13.xe3 xf5 14.exf6 gxf6 15.e2 26.09.2011 b4 16.f2 he8 The position on which US Chess League 2011 (5) 8...Be6 stands or falls. Black's active, White [Milos Pavlovic] has two Bishops. Take your pick. 17.d4 d3+ 18.xd3 xd3 19.ad1 e4= 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 This is the first Bluvshtein, M-Paschall, W New York 2003 ] time that a game in the Scandinavian 9.exf6 gxf6 10.f3 g4 11.e3 Defence featured in one of my updates. a5 4.c4 c6 5.e2 f5 6.d3 At first sight this The point being that [ 11.e2 b4+! is embarrassing for White is a modest approach but actually White has a dangerous attacking idea in mind. f6 who has to move the King. ] [ Relevant is: 6...e6 7.g4 g6 8.f4 e7 11...xf3 12.gxf3 d4 Let's take stock. 9.f3 h5 10.e5 h4+ 11.f1 W hite has an extra doubled pawn. He also Safer and probably stronger was: ( 11.d1 ) owns the Two Bishops. In return Black owns 11...e7 12.f5 exf5 13.g5 b5 14.b3 b4 the centre and has a particularly strong Knight 15.a4 f4 16.xf4 0-0 17.g2 d5 on d4. Black has easy development with Bb4+, 18.f3 d8 19.c5 f5 20.xd5 cxd5 0-0-0 and Rhe8 being the easiest moves in 21.xh5 c8 22.d4 xg5 23.xg5 f6 the world to play. I know I am always very And now with 24. Bxf6 Rxf6 25. Raf1 White happy when I see a clear plan of campaign 127

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 i s w i n n i n g , M u zy c h u k , A ) - R e p k o v a , E Dresden 2008 ] 7.d2 c7 8.h3 e6 [ 8...h5 I think this is more to the point even if it allows White the g5 square, its surely the safest option. 9.f3 bd7 10.0-0-0 A) 10...e6 11.d4 g6 ( 11...h7 12.xe6 fxe6 13.xe6 e5 14.c7+ f7 15.xa8 xe2 16.xe2 d6 17.f4 xf4+ 18.xf4 xa8 19.he1 ); B) 10...b5 11.d4 bxc4 ( 11...g6 12.xb5 cxb5 13.cxb5 b8 14.f3 With attack.) 12.xf5 g6 13.d4 cxd3 14.xd3 e5 15.a6 b6 16.xb6 axb6 17.he1 c4 18.g5 g7 19.xc6 White is clearly better, Muzychuk, A -Blazkova, P /Stockholm 2008 ] 9.g4 g6 10.f4 e7 11.f3 bd7 12.0-0-0 White has a very dangerous initiative here. b5N [ 12...b6 13.de1 f8 14.b3 Already we can consider Black's position bad. d6 15.e5 xe5 16.xe5 xe5 17.fxe5 fd7 18.e4 g8 19.d4 h5 20.g5 xe4 21.xe4 d5 22.f1 g6 23.xd5 cxd5 24.ef4 h7 25.b4 b8 26.d6 c6 27.1f3 Black has a difficult endgame. d8 28.b3 d7 29.d2 e7 30.xe7 xe7 31.c3 g7 32.c8 h8 33.xh8 xh8 34.f3 g8 35.c3 f8 36.a4 e8 37.c8+ d7 38.a8 a6 39.c3 c6 40.b4 c7 41.c4 dxc4 42.bxc4 White won in Short, N -Liu Dede / Mallorca 2004 ] 13.b3 a5 14.de1 c5 [ 14...a4 15.xe6 fxe6 16.f5 b4 17.b1 e5 18.fxg6 hxg6 19.xe5 ] 15.f5 exf5 16.d4 Alternatives were stronger it seems: [ 16.g5!? xb3+ 17.axb3 h5 18.e5 f8 19.xc6 ( 19.f3 c8 20.e2 d6 21.he1 g8 22.h4 With strong compensation. ) 19...xg5 ] [ 16.gxf5 h5 ( 16...xf5 17.d4 xb3+ 18.axb3 g6 19.xc6+- ) 17.hg1! a4 18.xf7+! xf7 ( 18...xf7 19.xg7 g8 20.xf7!! xf7 21.e5+ g7 22.xb5!! cxb5 23.g2+ f8 24.xa8++A fascinating line!) 19.e5+ f8 20.g2 With a winning attack for White. ] 16...0-0-0 17.gxf5 xd4 18.fxg6 xb3+

19.axb3 b4 20.f2 d7 21.gxf7 xf7 22.hf1 hf8 23.g2 After a more or less forced sequence of moves the position is about equal but Joel managed to outplay his opponent. xc3 24.xc3 d5 25.xf7 xf7 26.e8+ d7 27.e4 c8 28.e8+ d7 29.e4 c8 30.e5 d7 31.h2 f5 32.e1 b7 33.g1 g5 Suddenly it is Black who controls the game. 34.b1 h5 35.d2 b4 36.a2 f4 37.g2 a4 38.e4 c1 39.bxa4 f1? Black missed an opportunity to beat his famous opponent: [ 39...c3+! 40.bxc3 ( 40.b3 xe4 41.dxe4 f4 ) 40...a3+ 41.b1 bxc3-+ ] 40.d4! The only but good move. d1 41.f2 d2? The last and decisive mistake. Black was still ok with: [ 41...b1+ 42.b3 xd3+! 43.c4 xd4+! 44.xd4 xb2 And Black is not worse anymore. ] 42.f7+ c7 43.e5 xc2 44.xc7+ a6 45.c8+ a5 46.c7+ xa4 47.a6# 1-0

152 Bevilacqua,Andrea Drazic,Sinisa Open A Trieste ITA (1) [Neil McDonald]

B01 1978 2497 04.09.2005

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 xd5 Black isn't satisfied with symmetry after [ 3...exd5 ] 4.f3 [ I can't resist giving the following game by Nimzowitsch in view of its pretty f inish: 4.c3?! If White wants to refute the early black queen move, it has to be through utilising the c-pawn with c2-c4 at some point, rather than bringing out the knight immediately. b4 5.f3 f6 6.g5 xc3+ 7.bxc3 c6 8.xf6 gxf6 9.e2 g8 10.0-0 d7 11.c4 h5 12.d5 0-0-0 Black can be pleased with his active set up, but now he is out calculated by his great opponent: 13.d4!? ( not 13.dxc6? xc6 14.c1 xg2+! 15.xg2 g8+ 16.h1 xf3+ 17.xf3 xf3# ) 13...h3? ( Black is better after 13...g5 14.g3 exd5 ) 14.g3 g6? ( Here 14...e5 is unclear.) 128

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 15.dxc6! A) Or 15...h6 16.cxb7+ b8 17.f3 and wins. ( or 17.c6+!? ); B) 15...xc6 16.xc6! xd1 17.fxd1 bxc6 18.c5! Now Black is suddenly in a mating net based on Ba6+. g8 ( Or 18...b7 19.ab1+ a8 20.d8# ) 19.ab1! 1-0 Nimzowitsch, A-Fleuss/ Zurich 1906. ] 4...f6 5.c4 [ Perhaps the most irritating line for an ambitious player of Black is 5.e2 d8 The black queen gets out of the way of Ne5 and Bf3 before b7-b6 is played. 6.0-0 b6 7.e5 More or less forcing the simplification that follows. b7 8.f3 c8 9.g5 e7 10.d2 0-0 11.xb7 xb7 12.f3 xf3 13.dxf3 h6 14.h4 d8 15.h3 f8 16.c4 a6 17.fd1 c6 18.d3 and White has a very small but persistent positional advantage, and Black, one of the top Chinese GMs, was unable to gain more than a draw in a long struggle in Wei ChenpengZhang Zhong/Wuxi CHN 2005. ] 5...d8 6.c3 b6 It makes sense to clear the way for Bb7 as soon as possible. It is inadvisable to aim for a too quick c7-c5: [ 6...e7 7.d3 0-0 8.0-0 c5?! 9.d5! s t o p p i n g N c 6 a n d c r e a t i n g a p o we r f u l passed pawn in the centre. a6 10.f4 exd5 11.cxd5 e8?! ( 11...d6 ) 12.d6! f8 13.a3 e6 14.b5 d7 15.b3 c8 16.ad1 b6 17.c4 with considerable pressure for White in Kovalev, A-Zakhvatov, V/Cherepovets 1997. ] 7.e2 b7 8.h3 [ More vigorous was 8.g5 ] 8...bd7 9.e3 a6 A useful precaution against Nb5, especially in view of his next move. 10.0-0 d6 11.a3 White has played the opening solidly, but he can't find any plan apart from the advance of the queenside pawns. This will create an imbalance which will suit Black just fine. 0-0 12.b4 e8 13.c5 Obviously this loosens the light squares, but White was probably afraid of Black gaining counterplay after say [ 13.b3 e5 etc. ] 13...f8 14.c2 h6 15.fd1 d5 16.xd5 xd5 17.e5 xe5 18.dxe5 bxc5 19.bxc5 h4 20.d4 e7 21.a4 d7 22.xa6?

So Black has finally managed to entice a tactical blunder out of his much lower rated opponent. Still, after [ 22.g4 h8 Black can strengthen his position with moves like Qc6 and Rab8, etc. ] 22...xa6 23.xa6 xg2! 24.xg2 c6+ 25.h2 xa6 Drazic regains his pawn and can begin the process of wearing down his opponent by exploiting the holes in the white kingside. 26.g1 xa3 27.xh6 d8 28.c4 f3 29.h4 d3 30.e3 d5 31.g5 g6 32.b1 e4 33.g1 g7 34.f4 d5 35.a1 xe5! 36.a8+ [ Or 36.xe5 xe5+ 37.xe5 xe5+ 38.g2 xa1 ] 36...h7 37.xe5 xe5+ 38.g1 f6! Black decides to force the white queen onto a more passive square rather than simplifying immediately with [ 38...xa8 39.xe5 ] 39.g2 e1+ 40.f1 h2+ 41.g2 e4+ 42.xh2 xa8 43.e2 d5 44.e3 e5 45.a3 d4 46.g1 h6 47.c6 d1+ 48.h2 c2 49.f8+ g5 50.h4+ f5 51.c8+ f4 52.g1 xc6 0-1

153 Bielczyk,Jacek Sabek,Pascal Katowice [Alexander Volzhin]

B01 2380 1992

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.d4 xd5 4.c4 b6 5.c3 e5 6.d5!? A continuation which deserves serious attention. c6 [ 6...c5 was tried in the game Wagner Dinstuhl, GER 1991: 7.f3 0-0 8.e2 e8 9.0-0 with a small advantage for White followed. ] [ 6...b4 w o u l d b e m e t b y 7.b3 a l t h o u g h t h e p o s i t i o n a f t e r a6!? is far from clear. ] 7.f3 b4 8.e3!? An interesting idea. cxd5 9.c5! d4 [ A p r i n c i p l e d d e c i s i o n , a f t e r 9...6d7 10.xd5 White was slightly better. ] 10.xe5! [ 10.cxb6 xb6 was unclear. ] 129

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 10...dxc3 [ 10...xc5 also came into consideration: 11.b5+ 8d7 12.xd4 xd4 13.xd4 0-0 14.0-0 with a small advantage for White. ] 11.xd8+ xd8 12.0-0-0+ e7 13.cxb6 axb6 14.c4 cxb2+ 15.xb2 a3+ This loses control of the e1 square. [ 15...e6!? deserved attention: 16.xe6 xe6 17.c4 d7 ( 17...b5!? 18.b6 a6 ) 18.d2!? c5 19.he1+ d5 looks good for Black. ] 16.a1 f6?? Missing something interesting. [ 16...e6 was necessary and after 17.xe6 xe6 18.c4 the position looks dangerous for Black but things are not so clear after b4 19.xb6 c3+ 20.b1 a5 21.a4 with advantage to White ] 17.g6+! hxg6 18.c5+! Surely Black did not think his king could be mated so easily. It's curious that W hite could sacrif ice his pieces in either order to clear the e-file for his rook. xc5 19.he1+ e6 20.xe6+ Black resigned. 1-0

154 Blesic,Vaso Karaklajic,Nikola Belgrade Premier League (9) [John Watson]

B01 2301 2303 13.10.2008

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.b5+ d7 4.e2 [ The other game from this month saw 4.c4 g4!? 5.f3 c8 (the basic Portuguese idea to provoke f3 and then recover the pawn) 6.c3 bd7 7.d4 b6 8.b3 bxd5 9.e4!? ( 9.xd5 xd5 10.e2 g6!? ) 9...e6 10.e2 b5!? (compare the main game this stops c4 and prepares ...Bb7) ( 10...e7 11.0-0 0-0 12.c4 b6 13.e3 should give White a small advantage) 11.0-0 e7 12.a4 b4 13.c4 ( 13.a5! -compare what follows) 13...bxc3 14.bxc3 a5 15.c4!? b4 16.e3 0-0 d there's nothing particularly wrong with Black's game, Grekh, A (2391)-Muzychuk, M (2436), Lviv 2008. ] 4...xd5 5.d4 b5!? [ An original idea, to prevent c4. The main line goes 5...f5 (I have over 900 games

with this in my database!) 6.f3 e6 7.0-0 e7 , when a typical continuation is 8.a3 0-0 9.c4 b6 10.c3 c6 11.e3 f6 and Black might play for ...Qe7 and ...Rfd8. ] 6.f3 e6 [ The only other game I have with 5...b5 went 6...g6 7.0-0 g7 8.bd2 0-0 9.e4 a6 10.c3 f5 11.g3 c8?! ( 11...e6 ) 12.a4! bxa4!? ( 12...b4 13.c4 f6 14.f4 ) 13.xa4 with a definite advantage, Haznedaroglu-Ayaz, Istanbul 2004. ] 7.0-0 d6 8.e5!? 0-0 9.a4 This is the key idea, but Black seems to have enough queenside play to neutralise White attempts there. b4 10.d2 [ Black's activity compensates for the bishop pair following 10.c4 bxc3 11.bxc3 c6 12.xd7 xd7 ] 10...c6 11.df3 h6 12.d3 e8!? 13.d2 a5 14.c4 [ 14.fe1 would be more patient. ] 14...bxc3 15.bxc3 b6!? [ 15...ce7 ] 16.g4!? f5 17.e3 e7 18.c4 c6 19.fe5 e4 20.g3 f6 Versus Bxh6. 21.f3 xc4 22.xc4 d5 23.xd5 exd5 24.f4 xe5 25.xe5 g6 26.h4 [ Better seems 26.f2 c6 27.c2 ] 26...c6! Preparing ...Ng6. 27.fe1?! [ An active line suggested by Rybka is 27.ab1 xc3 28.g3 f8 29.b7 ] 27...g6 28.g3 h4?! Trying to complicate, although [ 28...b8 appears better. ] 29.xc7 xg3 30.xg3 xc3 31.d6? [ 31.e6! f7 32.d6 ] 31...c2 32.ac1 ac8 33.e8+ xe8 34.xc2 e1+ 35.f2 a1 36.c5 xa4 37.xd5 f4 38.g3 a2+ 39.g1 a4 40.xf4? The last move before time control, I imagine. White could draw after [ 40.a5 ] 40...xf4 41.gxf4 d2 42.d7?? [ 42.a5 xd4 43.f5 ] 42...a3 The pawn queens. 0-1


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 moment. ] B01 Sharp, too sharp. Perhaps the Bologan,Viktor 2665 8...c5?! Gofshtein,Leonid D 2522 alternatives will have to be considered : [ 8...b6 9.d5 exd5 10.xd5 xd5 ACP Blitz Prelim4 blitz (12) 15.04.2004 11.xd5 e7 12.g5 f6 13.e4 g6 [Andrew Martin] 14.h5 ( 14.f4 ) 14...c6! ] [ 8...e7 9.f4 b6 10.d2 0-0 11.a4 The increasing t endency in internationa l b4= I think I like this line best of all. Black chess towards faster and faster time limits is avoids any slaughter with his King stuck in leading to an obvious lowering of quality in the middle and concentrates on the basics the games. It seems to me the emphasis is of development. ] switching very much away from aesthetic considerations towards the outright brutality of 9.f4 c6 10.e1! [ 10.e5! also looks pretty strong. competition. Chess is becoming less an art Essentially W hite is getting on the case more a sport. This doesn't matter too much on before Black castles it's as simple as that. this site where opening information is xe5 ( 10...b6 11.c4 d8 12.dxc5 ) paramount. Quite often in these quick games 11.dxe5 d7 12.f3 b6 13.b1 e7 the opening is the only part of the game of 14.e2 ] interest. Take a look at this recent massacre! 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6!? 4.d4 10...b5? Horrible but blitz mode is full of such f6 5.f3 a6 6.e2 e6 Having played . .. aberrations. [ If we are talking damage limitation then a7-a6,Black probably feels that his Queen's 10...cxd4 11.xd4 b6 was probably best Bishop belongs on b7. However it will take but Black's failure to get castled is making quite some time to get it there! W orth me very unsettled. ] consideration is [ 6...g4!? which aims for harmonious 11.d5! POW! But Black was asking for it. b6 development: 7.0-0 e6 8.e1 e7 9.g5 12.dxe6 fxe6 13.g5 With attack! Bf3 is 0-0 ( Either 9...bd7; 9...c6 10.xf6 coming up and e6 hangs. Already Black is gxf6!? could have been preferred.) 10.xf6 dead. a7 14.h5+ e7 15.xe6 xe6 Light fare, easily digested. 8 g3 xf6 11.e4 d8 12.c3 d7 13.b3! 16.d6+ White begins to work up an edge. His Rooks could well be a dangerous move!. are influential whereas the Black Rooks 1-0 have yet to enter the fray. b8 14.ad1 e7 15.e5 f5?! ( 15...xe2 16.xe2 B01 d6 minimises White's edge. Black is very 156 nearly equal here.) 16.c5 b6 17.f3 Bologan,Viktor 2692 Fedorov, A-Gashimov,V/Dubai UAE 2004 ] Grafl,Florian 2428 7.0-0 bd7 8.g3!?N If the 3...Qd6 variation 9th Amplico Life Rapid rapid (9) 20.12.2009 is to be exposed as insufficient it will surely [Neil McDonald] hinge on the insecure position of the Black Queen. In time-honoured fashion with 8 g3!?, 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.f3 White plans a quick Bf4. [ Of course 3.c3 is the main move here. ] [ Instead 8.g5 does not seem as incisive: 3...g4 4.e2 c6 5.d4 0-0-0 e7 9.d2 b5 10.f4 b6 11.d5! Direct, vigorous attacking play by Black. It If Black were allowed to play ...Bb7 in peace intimidates lower rated opponents and doesn't his position would be fine. c5 12.dxe6 allow a higher rated player a calm positional xe6 13.e3 c5 14.xc5 xc5 15.ad1 advantage. 6.e3 b7= Dabo Peranic,R-Sermek,D/TCh-CRO, [ I n t h e a r ch ive s yo u ca n a ls o f i n d 6.c4 Rabac CRO 2003 What's wrong with Black's which incidentally is the move I recommend game. Castles comes next and all the entry for W hite in 'Starting Out with 1. e4'. One points on the d file are covered. Perhaps good point about delaying c2-c4 is that Black will even have kingside chances in a after Black's next move his queen can't go to 155


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 f5 or h5. However, as we shall see, the queen check on a5 contains a lot of energy. ] 6...e5 7.c4 a5+ 8.d2 b4 9.d5 xf3 10.xf3 d4 [ For 10...xd2+ see the relevant note to the game Morozevich- Rogers in the archives. ] 11.c3 a6 12.e2!? Bologan withdraws his bishop from a possible future attack by f7f5 and e5-e4. [ The natural move is 12.b3 in order to secure the c4 pawn. But then Ivanchuk achieved active play in the following high profile game: a5 ( Grafl himself has tried 12...g6!? here in Novkovic, J-Grafl, F/ Austria AUT 2009.) 13.c1 f5 14.0-0 f6 15.g3 b8 16.g2 he8 17.e1 h6 18.e3 a6 19.h3 d7 20.e1 c5 21.h1 g5 22.f4 exf4 23.xe8 xe8 24.xd4 xe1+ 25.xe1 xc3 26.e8+ a7 27.f2 fxg3 28.xg3 d4 29.d6 cxd6 30.xd6 c3 31.h2 a1 32.b8+ b6 33.d8+ a7 34.b8+ b6 35.d8+ a7 and draw agreed Leko, PIvanchuk, V/Mukachevo UKR 2009. ] 12...f6 13.a3 he8 14.axb4! This is the idea behind 12.Be2- Bologan sacrifices the exchange in order to trap the black knight on a1. [ I f i n s t e a d 14.0-0 t h e p a wn g r a b xc3 15.xc3 xe2+ 16.xe2 xd5 looks better for Black, notwithstanding the fact that W hite has certain attacking chances. ] 14...xa1 15.xa1 c2+ 16.f1 xa1 17.d1 The black knight is now shut in, and given time White will trap it with 18.Ba4 and 19.Ke2. Therefore Grafl has to break open lines in the centre as a matter of urgency. c6 18.g5 b5 [ The critical line is 18...cxd5 19.xf6 ( Not 19.xd5? b5! or; 19.cxd5? xd5 20.xd8 xd8 21.xd5 xd5 22.e2 b5 and White can't win the imprisoned knight and meanwhile b4 is a target: 23.e3 d4 24.h3 f5 and Black is winning.) 19...gxf6 20.cxd5 b5 to stop 21.Ba4 21.e2 a6 with a bizarre position- W hite is still the exchange down and can't easily capture the knight, but Black can't rescue the knight either. ( Thus if 21...a5? 22.xb5 xd5

23.a4 and White wins due to the double threat of 24.Rxa1 and 24.Na7+. )] 19.xf6 [ Not 19.dxc6 as after bxc4 the black knight has the b3 square. ] 19...gxf6 20.c5 a5 21.bxa5 b4 22.e4 xd5 23.a4 b3 24.e2 c2 25.xf6 ed8 26.xd5 xd5 27.h4 d4+ 28.e1?? [ After an exciting fight Bologan makes a horrible blunder. The game should be a draw af ter 28.d2! xc5 29.c1! d5!? ( Black would be worse af ter 29...xa5?! 30.xc6 )] 28...xc5 Now White is going to lose the vital b2 pawn as well. 29.h3 c1+ 30.d2 c2+ 31.d3 xb2 32.f4 a2 33.xb3 xb3 34.fxe5 c5+ 35.c4 d7 36.g3 a4+ 37.b3 xh4 38.g7 xe5 39.a6 b8 40.g3 g4 41.xh7 a7 42.h5 f6 43.f5 xg3+ 44.b4 f3 45.h5 xa6 0-1

157 Bologan,Viktor Tiviakov,Sergei TCh-CRO Gp1A (9) [Gawain Jones]

B01 2690 2637 12.09.2010

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 6.e5 This strikes me as the most critical option against 5....c6 . bd7 7.c4 And it was only a matter of time before we had a look at this move. Instead we have seen [ 7.f4 ] [ and 7.f4 in the archives. ] 7...c7 8.f3 This is a very direct plan and Black has to play accurately to prevent a quick loss. b6 9.f4 d7 Black hopes to exchange queens on g4. [ 9...d8 is the other option of course. 10.e5 This seems to be the most sensible o p t i o n h e r e . ( 10.h3 doesn't look so effective here as Black can ignore the pawn and play e6; 10.0-0-0? allows g4 ) A) 10...g4 11.g3 h5 12.h3 ( 12.f3 was Grischuk's attempt but never really troubled Tiviakov.) 12...h4 13.f4 e6 14.e3 bd5 15.exd5 xd5 16.d2 132

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 xc3 17.bxc3!? ( 17.xc3 d5 18.d2 e6 19.c4 e4 20.f3 f5 21.a3 h5 22.d1 d6 23.e3 f6 24.xd6 xd6= Hossain, E (2460)-Tiviakov, S (2669) Turin 2006. ) 17...a5 18.e2 d5 19.0-0 0-0-0 20.d3 f6 21.h2 f7 22.e3 e6 23.c4 f5 24.d5! saw Black encounter some serious problems. exd5 25.xa7 d6 26.xd6 xd6 27.ab1 d7 28.a8+ c7 29.xb7+ d6 30.a3+ 1-0 Womacka, M (2478)-Pizzuto, S (2168) Schwarzach 2010.; B) 10...e6 11.e3 fd7 12.g3 f6 13.0-0-0 a6 14.b1 bd5 15.cxd5 xd5 16.e2 ( 16.xd5 xd5 17.e3 looks slightly better for W hite thanks to the bishop pair.) 16...e6 17.f3 b5! 18.h4 e7 19.h5 was rather unclear, Saric, I (2580) -Drazic, S (2531) Pula 2010.; C) 10...bd5 was tried by Epishin against Gashimov in Ourense 2009 but didn't work out too well: 11.xd5 xd5 12.e2 e6 13.c3 e4 14.xe4 xe4 15.d3 0-0-0 16.e3 c5?! 17.c2?! ( 17.dxc5 xd3 18.d4 winning the exchange is the obvio us st ep .) 17...d7 18.g3 g6 19.b3! h6 20.xe6 fxe6 21.c4 hf8 22.0-0 f4 23.fe1 xg3 24.hxg3 f6 25.b4 and he successfully converted his structural advantage.; D) 10...-When Black has tried a few different moves: ] 10.h3!? Seeing as Black plans to use the g4 square this move makes sense. Therefore it is perhaps surprising that the move hasn't been played before. Black is obliged to take the pawn or else his last looks rather foolish. [ I looked at 10.xb6 in the notes to BulskiStopa which ended in a quick W hite victory. ] [ 10.e5 with a parallel to 9...Qd8 has been playe d a f ew tim es a lth o ugh a ga in g4 seems satisfactory for Black. A) Keeping the queens on with 11.e3 wa s a t t e m p t e d in S wie r cz, D (2 5 0 1 ) Tiviakov, S (2634) Wroclaw 2010 although fd5 12.xd5 xd5 13.d2 h5!? 14.e2!? xg2 15.0-0-0 f6 was quite p r o m i s i n g . 16.h4 ( White isn't actually losing the piece as 16.g3 h4 17.e3 xe3 18.fxe3 threatens a discovered

attack on the Black queen. d5 19.c4 f7 leaves a complicated position but one in which White doesn't have as much for t h e p a w n a s h e d o e s i n t h e g a m e .) 16...fxe5 17.xe5 g6 and White never got enough for the piece.; B) 11.xg4 xg4 was tried in a recent game. ( 11...xg4 has also been played by, amongst others, Tiviakov himself and Black doesn't seem to have any major problems. ) 12.g3 g6 13.0-0-0 h6+ 14.b1 0-0 15.a5 d8 16.e2 f6 17.he1 bd5 18.xd5 xd5 19.b3 f8 20.f3 d8 21.c5 and White had a temporary initiative although he couldn't convert it to anything more than that Lastin, A (2643) -Lenderman, A (2601)/ICC 2010. ] [ 10.0-0-0 has been the most common but g4 as Tiviakov has played previously seems ok for Black. 11.xg4 xg4 12.f3 e6 13.xb6 axb6 14.c7 b5 15.d5 xd5 16.xd5 xd5 17.xd5 c8 18.a5 cxd5 19.xb5+ c6 20.d1 e6 and Black was holding Vokarev, S (2521) Tiviakov, S (2697) Bhubaneswar 2009. ] 10...xc4 [ 10...xd4 11.d1 c5 12.e3 f5 13.g3 looks very risky with the Black king stuck in the centre. ] 11.xc4 xd4 12.b3 e6 13.d1 b6 14.0-0 so at the cost of a pawn White has a large lead in development. However Black's position looks solid and there's no way to break through. The real problem for Black is his c8 bishop which will struggle to get out of his own pawn chain. Meanwhile White can set Black some problems on the kingside and on the open lines. e7 15.e4! xe4 16.xe4 0-0 17.e5 The White bishops clearly outrank t h e i r c o u n t e r p a r t s a n d wi t h t h e k n i g h t s exchanged Black's kingside suddenly looks much more vulnerable. Black has to watch out for a rook swing and subsequent sacrifice on g7 while c3 , Bc2 is also on the cards . c5 I think the point of the move is to allow the queen to defend the e6 pawn laterally so that ...f6 will be playable and thus he won't have to weaken himself with ....g6. [ 17...a5 is another option but 18.d3 d8 19.g4 g6 20.xd8+ xd8 21.d1 b6 133

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 22.a4 leaves White with great compensation for the pawn as Black still really struggles to develop. ] 18.fe1 a5 19.e3 Simple play by Bologan who is preparing nasty business on the Black king. d8 20.xd8+ xd8 21.d3 f8 [ 21...b6 would be more actively placed but now 22.xg7! is very strong. I think the f o l l o w i n g l i n e i s f o r c e d : ( 22.f4!? ) 22...xg7 23.g3+ f8 ( 23...h8 24.g4+- ) 24.xh7 f6 25.h6+ e7 26.g8 d4 27.f8+ f6 28.g7 c7 29.h7 xf2+! 30.f1 ( 30.xf2 f4+= ) 30...c4 31.h8+ e7 32.xf7+! xf7 33.h7+ e8 34.xc7 cxb3 35.axb3 leaving White clearly better in the endgame as Black still has problems to develop his queenside while the g and h pawns will be able to swiftly advance down the board. ] 22.a4 f6 23.c7 f5 I don't like this move but it's really tough to offer Black any su gge st io n s . 24.c4 f6 25.b5 a6 26.xa5 This leaves White with a commanding position but he had an even stronger possibility. [ 26.d8! would have exploited the undefended c8 bishop. f8 ( 26...xd8 27.e8+ f8 28.xd8 xe8 29.xe8+ f7 30.xc8+- is simply a free bishop.) 27.xe7 xe7 28.e8+ xe8 29.xe8 and surprisingly Black has no way to hold onto the c8 bishop. f8 30.d8 b6 31.xc8 xb2 32.a4+ e7 33.b3 and White should convert. ] 26...e5? The position is already difficult but this just loses. [ 26...c6 was probably necessary but after 27.c3 f8 28.e5 White completely dominates the board. ] 27.d8+! Def lection! xd8 28.e8+ f8 29.b3+ e6 30.xe6+ xe6 31.xe6+ h8 32.c8 e7 33.xb7 At the end of the forced line W hite has f inished up with an extra pawn but more importantly there's no way to prevent the a pawn running home. e4 34.a4 f6 35.c7 c4 36.a5 An interesting idea employed by Bologan and Black players will have to take this positional pawn sacrifice into account. Maybe they'll revert to the older 9...Qd8. 1-0

158 Boros,Denes Motylev,Alexander 11th EICC Men (4) [Gawain Jones]

B01 2485 2705 09.03.2010

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 [ 4.g3 was also tried recently. f6 5.g2 c6 ( 5...c6 was played successfully by Nisipeanu against Topalov in the archives) 6.ge2 f5 7.0-0 e5 8.d3 0-0-0 9.b4!? from a non-threatening start suddenly White decides he wants to play an aggressive game. A) Taking the pawn must be critical although 9...xb4 10.b1 looks dangerous with play along on the b file but ( 10.a3 a5 seems ok for Black.) 10...d7 11.a3 c6 and it doesn't seem like White should have enough for the pawn with .. .Bh3 coming next to trade off one of the attackers.; B) 9...e4 10.e3 e6?! It turns out White has better attacking chances with that pawn on the board than without so taking the pawn was necessary. 11.b5 b4 12.d4 e5 B1) 13.xe4 is an extra pawn as xe4?! ( 13...xe4 14.xf5! c3 15.f3 ) 14.dxe4 xe4?! 15.g4+ is winning; B2) 13.f4!? c5?! ( 13...exf3 14.xf3 xd4 looks exceedingly dangerous but h a d t o b e t r i e d) 14.xe4 xe4 15.dxe4 and White had everything he could hope for in the recent game Sedlak, N-Caspi, I Rijeka 2010. ] 4...f6 5.f3 [ 5.c4 bd7!? 6.b3 ( The natural 6.f3 seems to favour White a little although b6 7.b3 g4 was evidently Black's idea) 6...c5 was an interesting idea 7.ge2 cxd4 8.xd4 a6 9.e3 e6 10.e2 e7 11.0-0-0 e5 12.g4 c5 13.f4 xb3+ 14.xb3 c7 15.g5 d7 16.f5 looked like a Sicilian which had really gone wrong for Black, Simeonov, S-Chatalbashev, B Plovdiv 2010 although the aggressive Bulgarian actually went on to win. ] 5...g6 [ 5...a6 used to be the mainline but is played 134

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 less these days 6.g3 g4 7.h3 h5 8.g2 c6 9.d5!? ( 9.0-0 has been examined in the archives a couple of times ) A) 9...e5 is the alternative place for the knight 10.f4 ( 10.g4!? g6 11.xe5 xe5+ 12.e3 seems better for White, the bishop on g6 is in danger of being trapped while Black's kingside is difficult to develop.) 10...xf3+ 11.xf3 xf3 12.xf3 b4?! ( 12...e5 13.dxe6 xe6+ 14.f1 0-0-0 15.g2 d6= ) 13.0-0-0 0-0-0 14.he1 h6 15.e5 b6 16.f4 c5 17.d4 xd5? This loses but the position is already very unpleasant 18.xf7 xc3 19.e6+ 1-0 Samhouri, AAbdulla, A Abu Dhabi 2006.; B) 9...b4 10.f4 c5 11.e3 a5 ( 11...d6 is also possible, it's not clear which square the queen stands better on.) 12.0-0 bxd5 B1) 13.xd5 xd5 14.d2 a4 ( 14...c5 15.b4! xb4 16.g4! g6 17.xb4 xb4 18.e5 d8 19.c6+! is a very pretty tactic bxc6 20.xd8+ xd8 21.xc6+ d7 22.xb4 leaves W hite with an extra exchange although Black has reasonable drawing c h a n c e s wit h t h e b ish o p p a ir a n d a pawn. ) 15.b3 d7 16.g4 g6 17.c4 f6 18.e5 c8 19.g5 d7 20.xd7 xd7!? ( 20...xd7 21.xb7 b8 22.g2 would also leave White with the more pleasant chances.) 21.f3 c6 22.ad1 and surely White's play is worth a pawn, look at the king on d7! Calistri, T-Chabanon, J Clichy 2006.; B2) 13.d2 0-0-0 14.e2 was Janev, E-Panbukchian, V Plovdiv 2010 which White won quickly but I'm sceptical that he has enough compensation after b6 15.c4 b4 16.g4 g6 ] 6.b5 The reason 5...a6 and 5. ..c6 have been more common in the past but maybe Black shouldn't be so worried. [ 6.g3 g7 7.g2 a6!? ( 7...c6 would be more normal and probably what Motylev had in mind.) 8.f4 c6 9.d2 0-0 10.h6 was played twice by Bodiroga in the recent European Individual Championships. A) 10...f5 was played in the first game 11.xg7 xg7 12.h4 e6 13.f4 bd7

14.f5 c4 ( 14...d5 would be more prudent ) 15.g4!? A1) Again the proof of the pudding is in the taking! 15...xg4 But this looks very dangerous. I examined a few lines which a re win n in g f o r W h it e : 16.g1 e6 ( 16...gf6 should be tested) 17.e4 exf5 18.xf5+ gxf5 19.g5+ h8 20.xg4 fxg4 21.f5 g7 Initially Rybka said this position was a draw but I didn't believe it and continued a few moves... 22.xg4+ h8 ( 22...f6 23.xd7 is very dangerous too but I guess is Black's best hope.) 23.f5 g7 24.0-0-0! fd8 defends the knight but n ot th e kin g ( 24...fe8 25.xd7 The exchange looks like a small price to pay for such a huge attack.) 25.xh7+ f8 26.d3! e8 ( 26...xd3 27.cxd3! and despite his extra rook Black is lost: c5 28.h8+ e7 29.e1+ d6 30.h6+ c7 31.d5+ c8 32.f4 e5 33.xe5 and Black isn't any significant material up anymore while the attack is still raging.) 27.h8+ e7 28.e1+ d6 29.xe8 xe8 30.xe8 xd3 31.cxd3 Is a forced line leaving W hite a pawn up as xd3? 32.e4+! c7 ( 32...d5 33.f6+! is another pretty tactic showing that Black still has to watch out for his king's safety. xf6 34.e5+ c4 35.c5# ) 33.xd7+! picks up the piece.; A2) 15...ae8 16.g5 d5 17.e4 c7 18.b3 d5 19.c4 xe4 20.xe4 W h it e h a d m o r e s p a c e a n d B l a c k ' s attempt at counterplay b5 21.c5 e5 22.0-0 g8 23.ae1 had rather backfired, The queen is stuck on a6, especially after White's subsequent b4. Although Black managed to hold on to the draw it's understandable he varied the next time he played this variation. Andriasian, Z-Bodiroga, P Rijeka 2010.; B) 10...e6 11.h4! Aggressive play and surprisingly effective a5 12.h5 xh5 13.xg7 xg7 14.e5 f6 15.g4 fxe5 16.gxh5 f4 17.hxg6 hxg6 18.0-0-0 d7 19.e3 h8?! Black's position was already teetering but here it collapses ( 19...af8 20.dxe5 g4 21.f3 e6 135

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 22.e2 xe5 23.xe5+ xe5 24.xf4 xf4 allows Black to get into an endgame but W hite should be able to co nvert .) 20.xh8 xh8 21.h3! Picking up a piece c5 22.dxe5 1-0 Azarov, S-Bodiroga, P Rijeka 2010. ] 6...b6 7.f4 [ Another recent game ran 7.c4 c6 8.c3 g7 9.e2 0-0 10.0-0 g4 11.a3 d8 12.e3 e8 was Diamant, A-Kurajica, B La Laguna 2010 when critical looks 13.c5 c7 14.h3 xf3 15.xf3 when xd4!? 16.xd4 e5 17.xe5 xd1 18.xc7 xa1 19.xa1 xc7 20.d1 would have left Black in an extremely unpleasant ending but he should be able to hold the draw. ] 7...d5 8.d2 an unconvincing novelty [ John Watson gives 8.e5 f6 9.g3 a6 10.c4 axb5 11.cxd5 a6 12.b3 a5+ 13.d2 d7= as a line from Karolyi's survey in NIC 90 ] 8...c6 9.a3 [ 9.c4!? looks more critical when Black can c h o o s e e i t h e r cxb5 ( or the safer choice 9...f6 10.c3 f5!? attacking b2 and giving Black reasonable chances.) 10.cxd5 is very messy but I feel should favour White as the doubled d pawns control more relevant squares than the doubled b. The g a m e m i g h t c o n t i n u e g4 11.a4!? One of the most difficult aspects of chess, converting one advantage (the doubled b pawns) to another (a strong initiative). xf3 ( 11...bxa4 12.xa4+ d7 13.c2 g7 14.a5 d6 15.b3 is awkward for Black. ) 12.xf3 bxa4 13.xa4 xb2 14.d3 g7 15.e2 0-0 16.0-0 b3 17.a5 b6 18.b1 xd4 19.b4 e5 20.xe5 xe5 21.xb7 and Black still has difficulties with his undeveloped queenside. ] 9...g7 [ Of course not 9...xb2? 10.c4 b5 11.d6++- ] 10.c4 c7 11.ce5 White has used a lot of time to put his knight on e5 which can be pushed back easily with ...Nd7 and so Black has e qu alis ed com f o rta bly. T he p osit io n reminds me of an Alekhine and if we compare this position with 1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4. Nf3 dxe5 5.Nxe5 c6 we see that while White has made another two 'useful moves' (whether

Bd2 is really useful is debatable), Black has played three he's fianchettoed his bishop and played the queen to c7. Hence Black should be very comfortable. 0-0 12.c4 b5!? Black starts to press for more than the half point [ B l a c k ' s a l t e r n a t i v e p l a n w a s 12...d7 13.xd7 ( 13.d3 e5! ) 13...xd7 14.0-0 g4 15.c3 b6 16.e2 xf3 17.xf3 e5 18.dxe5 c4 and Black has definitely equalised ] 13.b3 a5 14.a4 b4 I'm not totally happy about Motylev's plan. True he has gained space on the queenside but he has ceded control of c4 and c5. Chances remain balanced. 15.0-0 b7 16.c1 d7 [ I like 16...c5 trying to exploit White's previous 17.h6 cxd4 18.xg7 xg7 19.d2 d7 ( 19...f6?! 20.xd4! ) 20.xd7 xd7 21.xd4+ f6 and Black can continue to have fun with play along the c file. ] 17.h6 [ 17.xd7 xd7 18.h6= is safer ] 17...xe5 18.xd5?! This doesn't work but [ 18.xe5 c5 19.xg7 xg7 favours Black as d4 is loose and the bishop on b3 is also in danger of being trapped. 20.c3 ( 20.d2 f6! 21.f3 c4! 22.a2 c3 23.bxc3 xc3 is very unpleasant for W hite) 20...bxc3 21.bxc3 fc8 and Black's making progress, c3 and d4 are going to be a constant headache for White. ] [ 18.dxe5 c5 19.xg7 xg7 20.c3 c4 21.d1 ab8 and Black's play on the queenside is starting to worry White. ] 18...xh6 19.xh6 g4 20.h4 cxd5 21.xg4 c8?! [ T h e s i m p l e 21...xc2 22.d7 a6 23.fe1 xb2 is a safe extra pawn for Black ] 22.g5 f5 23.fc1 fc8 24.h6 f6 Black hasn't yet picked up the pawn but he's still definitely got the advantage with pressure o n t h e c f il e a n d M o t yl e v u se s h i s 2 7 0 0 technique to outplay his opponent rated 220 points lower. 25.e3?! [ 25.c3 was necessary to hold on to the pawn ] 25...a6! no w c2 is do om e d 26.c3 c6 27.h4 bxc3 28.b3 e6 29.f3 e4 136

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 30.h3 b6 31.e1 c2 32.ac1 f5 33.e3 bishops and a big lead in development. ] c3 34.g5 xd4 35.xe7 f6 36.xf6 8.g2 c6 9.h4 b4 10.a3 Not the best xf6 37.f3 g5 38.fxe4 fxe4 39.f3 exf3 m o v e h e r e b u t i t ' s g o o d e n o u g h f o r a 40.e5 d4 41.d5 f2+ 42.f1 e8 reasonable advantage. A success for Black and I wonder if 5...g6 will [ 10.0-0! looks rather strange but Black is see more high rated adherents? lacking a good move here - for example d5 0-1 ( 10...xc3 11.bxc3 a5 doesn't help W h i t e h a s t h e v e r y s t r o n g 12.b1 and Black's position is pretty much lost here as after 0-0 13.c4 h5 is again a very strong 159 B01 threat. ) 11.xd5 exd5 ( or 11...cxd5 12.c4! Brkic,A 2584 0-0 13.h5 e4 14.f3 ) 12.h5 f6 13.c3! Bogdanovski,V 2444 d6 14.hxg6 fxe5 15.dxe5 c7 16.c4! Karpos Open 2013 (6.20) 13.03.2013 and White is obviously doing very well. ] [Tom Rendle] 10...xc3+ 11.bxc3 d5? [ 11...a5 was completely necessary here 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d8 4.d4 b u t W h i t e i s s t i l l b e t t e r a f t e r 12.b1! f6 5.f3 f5 This normally would ( 12.d2 is safer and keeps a small edge transpose but it does give White the option to after a4 13.b1 ) 12...e4 13.xe4 play more aggressively, something that Brkic xc3+ 14.f1 xe4 15.xb7 but at least immediately does. here Black has some counterplay. ] [ Black normally chooses the more solid 5...c6 which can be found in several games 12.h5 f6 13.hxg6 fxe5 14.xh7 It's obvious the opening has been a disaster for Black g8 in the archives. ] [ 14...xh7? 15.gxh7 h4 16.d3 6.e5! is completely hopeless for Black ] [ 6.c4 is obviously reasonable as well but after e6 7.e2 e7 8.e3 bd7 9.0-0-0 15.dxe5 [ 15.c4! f4 16.xf4 exf4 17.e2 b6 10.b3 Black was absolutely fine in is even stronger ] Laznicka, V (2480)-Popchev, M (2460) Brno 16.f4?! After this Black escapes 2005 ( 10.d5!? looks more testing here, for 15...d7 example bxd5 11.h4! g6 12.xg6 s o m e w h a t a n d t h e g a m e i s a l l o w e d t o hxg6 13.xd5 exd5 14.b5+ c6 15.xb7 continue [ 16.c4 would've kept a complete bind and and White probably has the better chances after e7 17.b1! a5+ ( 17...xe5 although it remains complicated after c8! )] 18.xd8+ xd8 19.xb7 d7 20.b8+ 6...e6?! d8 21.xd8+ xd8 22.b2 5xg6 [ 6...c6 should probably be preferred here as 23.xg7 is a simple win for White.) 18.f1 it lessens the impact of both g4 and Qf3. Still, 0-0-0 19.d6 c5 20.g5 xc4+ 21.g1 W hite should be a little better after 7.f4 White should be easily winning ] ( 7.g4 isn't dangerous here as after e6 8.g5 d5 9.e4 d7 Black has no 16...a5 17.h3 0-0-0 18.d2?! [ 18.xd5 was more accurate here - possibly problems and White will probably come to Brkic was worried about c5 but after regret pushing the g-pawn so early.; 7.c4 19.d2 exd5 ( or 19...cxd5 20.c4! b6 is a better option for White is he still wants 21.e2 ) 20.e2 he has a much better to go in for g4 e6 8.g4 g6 9.h4 bd7 version of the game ] 10.xd7 xd7 11.h5 e4 12.xe4 xe4 19.xd5 cxd5 20.e3 e4 13.c3 0-0-0 was only a little better for White 18...a4 i n S v i d l e r , P ( 2 7 1 3 ) - A d a m s , M ( 2 7 1 6 ) Even though White is two pawns up he has to Frankfurt 1999) 7...bd7 8.d3 xd3 be careful here as his pawn structure is dodgy and Black's pieces are suddenly very well 9.xd3 e6 ] coordinated. 21.d3 g2 Obviously Black 7.g4! g6 [ 7...e4 is just bad here after 8.xe4 xe4 isn't interested in an exchange of queens at 9.f3 d6 10.e3 and White has the two t h is st a ge . 22.h5 xg4 23.g5 h4+ 137

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 24.d2 b6 [ 24...b8! is more flexible and it's no longer clear that White is better at all here. ] 25.xb6 The can't be allowed to land on c4 axb6 26.g3 h8 27.f1 xg3 28.xg3 df8 29.g5 [ 29.c4!? dxc4 30.c3 h2 31.gf3 wa s wo r t h c o n s i d e ri n g a l t h o u g h B la c k should be holding here with g2 ] 29...h2+ 30.d3 d7 31.f5 exf5 32.gxf5 and here I assume Black lost on time as it's rather a premature time to resign. [ After 32.gxf5 h3+ 33.d2 c8 Black's rooks are both very active and it won't be easy for White to win. All in all a very strange game - Brkic was basically winning from the opening before letting Black back into it. Black should definitely prefer the more solid lines with .. .c6! ] 1-0

160 Brkic,Ante Muzychuk,Anna 12th ch-EUR Aix les Bains FRA (9.67) [Gawain Jones]

B01 2592 2528 31.3.11

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.f3 xd5 4.d4 g6 Muzychuk keeps faith with her speciality. 5.c4 b6 6.c3 [ 6.c5 has been looked at a couple of times in the archives, most recently in Friedel, J (2551)-Pechenkin, V (2372) Edmonton 2009 by Neil. The lines are pretty similar to the mainline seen in this game. ] [ Last time I examined this variation I had a look at 6.a4!? in Ni Hua (2657)-Muzychuk, A (2523) Wijk aan Zee 2010. ] [ While the older 6.h3 was looked at in detail by Alexander Volzhin over ten years ago but has since fallen out of fashion. ] 6...g7 7.c5 d5 8.c4 c6 [ 8...xc3 is Black's other option which was looked at by John W atson in Kovalev, A (2533)-Pluemer, D (2172) Dresden 2009. Black continues to have grave problems in this line. ] 9.0-0 [ Should Black's line continue to be f a s h io n a b le t h e n t h e m o ve o rd e r 9.b3

wi l l b e p r e f e r r e d - a s I p l a ye d m y s e l f . However White is now forced to commit his queen to b3 and so Black can generate c o u n t e r p l a y wi t h a q u i c k . . . b 7 - b 5 . 0-0 10.0-0 xc3 11.bxc3 b5 This is Black's try to exploit the queen already being on b3. 12.cxb6 ( 12.d3 e6 13.c2 d7 14.a4 a6 15.g5 was seen in Sjugirov, S (2643)Smagin, S (2551) Olginka 2011 when e8 keeping e7 defended would have left Black with a fully respectable position.) 12...axb6 13.g5 ( I tried 13.e1 which I think I prefer: a6 14.xa6 xa6 15.g5 a7 16.a4 f6 17.h6 g7 18.xg7 xg7 19.e5 and White has a pleasant edge although failed to convert. Jones, G (2562)-Welling, G (2371) Gibraltar 2008.) 13...e6 14.e4 Polgar, J (2686)-Tazbir, M (2527) W arsaw 2010 when a6 15.xa6 xa6 16.g5 d5 17.f6+ xf6 18.xf6 b5 would have been completely fine for Black. ] 9...e6!? This speciality of Jacek Tomczak has recently caught a flurry of interest. [ 9...0-0 10.e1 continues to put Black under pressure, see Vuckovic, B (2525)Vukanovic, S (2358) Bar 2005 annotated by Andrew Martin in the archives. ] 10.g5 This move results in a long forcing variation. [ 10.b3 is the alternative which has scored much b etter f or W hite . xc3 ( 10...b5 11.cxb6 axb6 12.g5! Sacrificing the d4 pawn to wreck Black's structure and weaken his king. xd4 13.xe6 fxe6 14.h6 d7 15.ad1 c5 16.c2 f6 17.b4 d7 18.e4 c8 19.fe1 gave White great play for the pawn. Van der Velde, W (1 9 7 8 ) -A k o t c h i k , V ( 2 1 2 8 ) H o o g e v e e n 2008. ) 11.bxc3 xc4 12.xc4 d7 13.b1 b6 14.cxb6 axb6 15.xc6 A) 15...xa2 regains material equality but 16.e5 is unpleasant to deal with. a7 ( 16...xe5 17.dxe5 0-0 18.c4 a5 19.e6 e5 20.exf7+ xf7 21.e6 ) 17.f4 and Black is in a lot of difficulty.; B) 15...0-0 16.c4 c8 17.b3 a6 18.b2 fc8 and Black has some counterplay for the pawn with queenside pressure but can it really be enough? I'm sceptical and certainly Najer successfully 138

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 converted here: 19.d2 c4 20.e1 e6 21.h4!? c8 22.h5 a5 23.h6 f6 24.d1 ca4 25.c2 c4 26.b3 a8 27.g5 xg5 28.xg5 c8 29.e4 a5 30.d1 c7 31.d2 h5 32.g3 d5 33.b3 a8 34.e4 h5 35.g3 ha5 36.b2 d5 37.e3 a3 38.b3 xa2 39.c4 f5 40.d5 1-0 Najer, E (2608)Zurek, M (2421)/ Pardubice 20041 ext ] 10...xc3 11.xe6 xd1 12.xd8 xb2 13.xb2 xd8 14.xf7 So the forcing variation has resulted in an interesting queenless middlegame position. W hite has the bishop pair and superior development but if Black succeeds in developing peacefully then he will be doing well with a ready made outpost for the knight on d5 and pressure on the backward d4 pawn. The position reminds me of certain Alekhine positions, White has the initiative but should Black successfully coordinate he has good long term chances. a6 Developing the knight immediately looks right. [ The specialist tried 14...f8 against Shirov but after 15.c4 b5 16.e2 a6 17.a4! xc5 18.axb5 A) 18...cxb5 19.c3 b3 20.a3 b4 ( 20...xd4 21.d1 e5 22.xb5 ) 21.xb4 xd4 22.d1 e8 23.d3 and W hite has the better chances with strong pressure against Black's position. The open board favours W hite's bishop pair and gives him the advantage despite the pawn deficit.; B) 18...b3?! 19.a3 xd4 20.d1 e5 S h i r o v , A ( 2 7 2 0 ) - T o m c za k , J ( 2 4 2 0 ) Warsaw 2006 when 21.f3! f7 22.xc6 b8 23.xd4 exd4 24.e1 would leave White with a decisive advantage. ] 15.ad1 [ 15.ab1 has been seen in the earlier games to defend against the ...Nxc5 threat but the rook doesn't do much on the b file as Black is happy to play ...b7-b5 anyway. f8 16.c4 c7 A) 17.fe1 b5 ( 17...f6 also worked out we ll f o r B la ck f o llo win g 18.e3 b5 19.cxb6 axb6 20.c3 b5 21.b3 d7= Saric, I (2500)-Tomczak, J (2449) Szeged 200 8 but t he im med ia te .. .b5 is m ore forcing. ) 18.f1 d5 19.g3 f6 20.g2

d7 21.e2 a5 22.be1 b4 and Black started to take over. It's interesting to see how easily he managed to reroute the knight round to d5 followed by gaining space on the queenside. Yilmaz, M (2477)Onischuk, V (2505) Kharkov 2011.; B) 17.c3 b8 18.fe1 d7 19.e2 Dubinski, M (2082) -Tomczak, J (2448) S z k l a r s k a P o r e b a 2 0 0 7 w h e n d5 ( 19...b5 20.b3 e6 21.be1 be8 looks fine. ) 20.b2 fe8 21.be1 b6= ] 15...d7 16.fe1 c7 17.e2 hf8 18.b3 d5 19.de1 ae8 So again Black has fully coordinated and with his strong knight on d5 I doubt he can really be worse. The computer gives White a slight edge, presumably due to the bishop pair, W hite's spatial advantage and Black's isolated e pawn but I don't see ho w h e 's t o m a ke p ro gre ss. Ce rt a in ly in practice Black hasn't had any signif icant difficulties defending here. 20.g3 b6?! This gives Ante the chance to claim an edge. [ I w o n d e r i f 20...e6! might be a more accurate move order to prevent the following variation. Black can reroute the bishop round to c7 followed by ... b7-b5. ] 21.cxb6 [ 21.xd5! could have exploited Anna's move order. cxd5 22.c6+ d8 23.f4 h6 24.g2 f6 25.e6 would have left Black under unpleasant pressure. ] 21...axb6 22.g2 f6 [ I quite like the idea of 22...e6!? followed by ...Rf5, ...Bf8-d6 which looks very solid. ] 23.h4 a8 24.h1 a5 25.f4 b5 26.he1 a8 27.f3 b4 28.d1 b5 29.g4?! It was hard to suggest a good plan for White but this ambitious approach by Brkic shouldn't have worked. I'm going to hazard a guess at mutual time trouble as both sides start to err. xh4 [ 29...e6!? was also fully playable. ] 30.g5?! A logical continuation of the plan but this makes matters worse. [ 30.h1 g5 31.f5 would at least keep Black's bishop out of the position although h5!? 32.gxh5 f8 33.e5 e6 looks a little better for Black. ] 30...h6? But this plays into the Croatian's hands. [ Instead 30...xb3+! 31.axb3 f8 139

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 looks very good for Black. White cannot hold o n t o e i t h e r f 4 o r g 5 p a w n s a n d 32.h2 xf4+ 33.e2 xg5 34.xh7 e4+ 35.f2 h4+ 36.g1 f6 is looking very good for Black. ] [ 30...f8? immediately f ails to 31.xd5 xd5 32.g4 although still h5+ 33.gxh6 f6 is hardly clear. ] 31.gxh6 f8 32.xd5 xd5 33.g1?! [ 33.h1 re t a in e d t h e a dva n t a ge . f6 34.g2 h5 35.xh5 gxh5 36.f5 ] 33...h5?! [ 33...g5 was better when it is White who has to play energetically to keep the position level. 34.xg5! ( 34.h1 xf4+ 35.g3 f8 36.h7 h8 and with the d pawn successfully blockaded the advanced h pawn is nothing to fear.) 34...xg5 35.d5! The same idea as the following note. It's interesting that the exchange and a pawn down White is certainly not worse. A) 35...xd5 A1) 36.h2 e5 37.h7 exf4 38.e4! ( 38.h8 d3+! 39.e2 xh8 40.xh8 g3 and only Black can win) 38...d1 39.c3=; A2) 36.g7 a8 37.h2 e6 ( 37...a3+ is the initial suggestion of the com put er bu t 38.g4 h5 39.xh5 gxh5+ 40.g5! leaves Black in trouble as the h pawn cannot be stopped.) 38.h7 f5 39.h8 d3+ 40.e2 xh8 41.xh8 a3 should be a draw.; B) 35...h5 36.dxc6+ xc6 37.e6+ d7 38.xg6 e5 39.g4 h2 40.xe5 g2+ 41.h5 h2+ 42.g5 g2+= ] 34.xg6?! Missing a strong shot. [ Instead 34.d5! would have kept the h pawn and left Anna in trouble: cxd5 35.g7 f7 36.xg6 f6 37.g3 ] 34...f6 35.g4 xh6 36.g7 e6 37.xe6 xe6 38.f5+ d5 39.c1 h8 40.g5 xg5 41.xg5 Move 40 has been reached and a totally level endgame has resulted. d6 42.g6+ d7 43.d5 cxd5 44.xb6 a8 45.f4 xa2 46.e5 d2 47.b7+ e8 48.b5 f7 49.xd5 xd5+ 50.xd5 f6 51.e4 An interesting game, hardly devoid of errors but Black's try of 9...Be6 is important as Black was really suffering in the mainline. I think 10.Qb3 is a better try for an edge as I'm

not convinced there is anything Black should worry about after 10.Ng5. ½-½

161 Bronstein,David I Lutikov,Anatoly S USSR (ch) [Alexander Volzhin]



1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.b5+ d7 4.e2!? This move has achieved a certain degree of popularity in recent practice and it's considered to be the most dangerous f or Black in the 3. Bb5+ line. We begin with this brilliant game (one of the first where 4. Be2 was played). xd5 5.d4 g6?! Black plays in a similar fashion to the main line with 3.d4, but this is a different position! The difference will become clear after White's 8th move. [ 5...e6?! is also not good. Black voluntarily restricts his light-squared Bishop. 6.f3 e7 7.0-0 0-0 8.c4 b6 9.c3 c5 10.dxc5 xc5 11.a3 e7 12.e3 f6 13.c2 c6 14.fd1 c7 15.d4 with a clear edge in Zakharov - Remizov, Moscow 1992. ] 6.c4 b6 [ 6...f6?! was played in Yakovich - Hania, Leeuwarden 1995. This move def initely cannot be recommended as it blocks Black's main idea - creating pressure on the d4square. 7.c3 g7 8.f3 0-0 9.0-0 c6 10.f4 g4 11.h3 xf3 12.xf3 White is clearly better due to his control of the centre and his pair of strong Bishops. bd7 13.e1 b6 14.d3 d7 15.ad1 ad8 16.b4! Black has no counterplay and White starts a pawn attack on the Q-side. e8 17.e3 e5 This move leads by force to a hopeless position, but it's not easy to find a real improvement. 18.c5! c8 19.d5! cxd5 ( 19...f5 20.dxc6 xd3 21.xd3 xd3 22.cxb7 and the pawn queens.) 20.xd5 xd5 21.xd5 d7 22.f3! Now Black can't avoid material loss. xd1 23.xd1 c7 24.xb7 e6 25.b5 e7 26.xa7 c7 27.b5 f5 and Black resigned. ] 7.c3 g7 8.c5! White exploits the 140

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 drawbacks of Black's set-up very convincingly. Because of the position of the Bishop on d7 the Knight can't go to d5 and has to retreat to c8 where it has no prospects. c8 9.d5!? A very ambitious continuation. Now both Black's Knights look miserable. 10. Qb3 is also an unpleasant threat. Black's reply is forced. c6 10.b3 b6 The only move again. [ 10...cxd5 11.xb7 c6 12.b5! is bad for Black. ] 11.f3 0-0 12.e3 cxd5 13.xd5?! W hite has to choose between several possibilities, and the one he picks is not the best. [ 13.d1! is very strong, and although Black has plenty of plausible continuations here I can't see an acceptable defence: A) 13...c6 14.xd5 bxc5 15.f6+ exf6 ( 15...xf6 loses on the spot in view of 16.xd8 xd8 17.xc6 xc6 18.b7! ) 16.xd8 xd8 17.xc5 with a decisive advantage; B) 13...xc3+ 14.xc3 e6 15.h6 f6 16.xf8 xf8 17.e2 and Black has no compensation for the exchange; C) 13...e6 14.xd5! exd5 15.xd5 and Black can't avoid material loss: c6 16.xd7 xd7 17.xd7; D) 13...e8 14.xd5 a4 -this attempt fails to 15.c7! xb3 16.axb3! and White wins material: d7 17.xd7 xd7 18.xa8; E) 13...c6 is just bad in view of 14.xd5; F) 13...e6 Relatively the best. The alternatives are clearly insuff icient: 14.xd5 d7 ( 14...c6 is bad as it loses a piece: 15.f6+ xf6 16.xd8 xb3 17.xf8+ xf8 18.xc6 b8 19.axb3 ) 15.c6! ( 15.a3 is not so good in view of bxc5 16.f6+ xf6 17.xa8 d6 and Black has good compensation as a ll h is m i n o r p ie ce s a r e ve ry a ct ive .) 15...e5 16.c7 xf3+ 17.xf3 d6 18.0-0 with a huge edge as the c7-pawn is very strong ] [ White's other possibilities are not so good: 13.0-0-0 with the same ideas is strongly met by e6 14.xd5 exd5 15.xd5 f6! (th at 's t he d if f e re nce! ) 16.xa8 a4! which is very good for Black ]

[ and 13.xd5 allows c6! and Black has sufficient counterplay. ] 13...c6 14.d1 c7 15.b5 b7 16.d4 b8 17.gf3 e5?! This careless move allows a brilliant combination. [ 17...e6! forcing simplification was correct, and gives Black equal chances: A) 18.e4 xd4 19.xd4 ( 19.xb7?! xb3 20.xd7 xc5 21.xc5 bxc5 with a clear advantage for Black) 19...c6 20.xc6 xc6 is also OK for Black.; B) 18.xc6 xc6 19.xc6 xc6 20.0-0 e7! and after transferring the Knight to d5 Black has little to worry about. ] 18.xf7+!! B r o n s t e i n a t h i s b e s t ! xf7 19.xc6 xc6 [ 19...xc6 was no better: 20.g5 e8 21.d8! Now Black is completely tied up: f8 22.xf7 xf7 23.h6! and White wins: e4+ ( 23...d6 24.xb8 e8 25.h3 e4+ 26.e3 xg2 27.f1 c4 28.xe8 xf1+ 29.d2; 23...xc5 24.c3 ) 24.d2 d4+ 25.d3 xb2+ 26.e3 d4+ 27.xd4 exd4+ 28.d2 ] 20.d8+ f8 21.xe5 bxc5 22.h6!? [ Here White has a pleasant choice: besides t h e t e xt t h e r e a re a f e w o t h e r wi n n i n g continuations: 22.xf7 xb3 23.h6+ g7 24.axb3 ] [ or 22.xc6 ] 22...c4 [ 22...xb3 23.axb3 bb7 24.xf7 xf7 25.xc8 ] 23.xb7 bxb7 24.xf7 xf7 25.xc8 xg2 26.g1 b7 27.xf8+ xf8 28.xf8 xf8 29.g5 An excellent game! 1-0

162 Bruzon Batista,Lazaro Kurajica,Bojan IV Open La Laguna ESP (7) [Gawain Jones]

B01 2641 2525 10.04.2010

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.f3 g4 4.e2 c6 5.d4 0-0-0 6.c4 f5 7.e3 xf3 [ Instead 7...f6 resulted in a quick White in in DeFirmian, Waitzkin in the archives. ] 8.xf3 xd4 9.xd4 [ 9.g4 is White's other option but the recent 141

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 game Jovanovic, Z-Mrdja, M Sibenik 2009, g a v e B l a c k l i t t l e t o w o r r y a b o u t c2+ 10.xc2 xg4 11.0-0 f6 12.xa7 e6 13.h3 e4 and a draw was already agreed. ] 9...e6+ 10.e2 Kevin asks if we can examine this position. I have tried to copy in as much of the analysis from the forum as possible and attempted to credit it to the right p e o p le b u t I a p o l o gise if I ' ve m is qu o t e d someone. Black has two main tries to regain the piece when Black will have an extra pawn. In the meantime W hite tries to use his development advantage to fire up a quick initiative. On the surface I would prefer White, but perhaps with accurate play, Black s h o u l d n ' t h a v e a n y p r o b l e m s . e4 I doubt I can get to the truth of these positions but certainly to play this line Black has to be happy with certain scenarios: A) Black has to be content with a draw. W hite has various lines which end in repetition, especially with Qa4xa7-a8-a4+. B) Black has to memorise lots of forcing variations or else he will lose very quickly. Of course this point can also apply to W hite who needs to know how to keep compensation for the sacrificed material. C) Black has to be happy to soak up pressure before hoping to convert his extra material, Black doesn't get much play of his own in the following positions. [ 10...c5!? has been played very rarely but it's the main topic of discussion on the forum a n d I p re d ic t t h a t B la ck will swit c h h i s attention to this move if he's to continue playing the line. I've tried to add all the useful notes from the forum coupled with a few notes of my own but I doubt I can get down to the complete truth of the position as there are so many possibilities. A) 11.c3 cxd4 12.d5 d6! didn't get W hite anywhere 13.xd4 e6 14.xa7 exd5 15.c5 xc5!? 16.xc5+ xc5 17.c1 b6 18.b4 Jurkovic, ANevednichy, V Bizovac 2008 when b7 19.bxc5 c8 would result in an ending a pawn up.; B) 11.c2 cxd4 ( 11...xd4 12.c3 a6 should also be investigated) 12.0-0 f6 13.c5 Milov, L-Pitl, G Barcelona 2009 when I'd probably go for b8 with good

chances for an advantage.; C) 11.a4 feels like the most critical test o f B l a c k ' s o p e n i n g t o m e . cxd4 T h i s i s n o w f o r c e d a s ( 11...xd4 12.xa7 e5 13.c3 is great for White. ) 12.xa7 when C1) 12...e5 C1a) 13.a3 is given by gipc but his line finishes in a draw following C1a1) 13...e6 looks good for White: 14.b5! b4+ 15.f1 c5 ( 15...d3 16.f3 d7 17.a8+ b8 18.a4 c5 19.d1+- ) 16.a5 d3 17.f3 e7 18.e1 f4 19.g3+-; C1a2) 13...d3 C1a21) 14.0-0-0!? look an interesting attempt to me which I don't think has been mentioned before xe2 15.a8+ ( 15.b1!? ) 15...c7 16.b5+ c6 17.a4 gives Black extreme practical problems. W hile the computer informs me it's a draw, I'm not completely convinced.; C1a22) 14.a8+ c7 15.b5+ c6 16.a7+ c7 17.b5+ is simply a draw.; C1b) 13.f1!? linksspringer is another interesting possibility. It look rather artificial but it does keep the bishop. e6 14.d2 c5; C1c) 13.0-0!? xe2 14.a3 e6 ( 14...e5 15.c5! gives White good chances b8 16.a4 e5 17.b5 d7 18.ac1 d8 19.c6 bxc6 20.xc6 and the computer starts to l i k e W h i t e . . .) 15.a8+! d7 16.xb7+ e8 17.b5 ( 17.c6+ i s t h e p e r p e t u a l d r a w f o r W h i t e .) 17...e7 18.c5 e5 ( 18...d3 simply loses to 19.c6 as the line given by Top Notch illustrates: d2 20.c7 d1 21.axd1 xd1 22.c6+ f8 23.a8+ d8 24.xd8+ xd8 25.cxd8# ) 19.c6 b8 20.a4! xb7 ( 20...c5 21.fc1 d o e sn ' t h e l p .) 21.cxb7 f6 22.a5 d7 23.fc1 d5 24.a6 g5 25.c4+is an excellent line given by Top Notch when the passed pawns are far stronger than the piece.; 142

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 C2) A p r a c t i c a l g a m e s a w 12...d3 13.c3 dxe2 14.a8+ d7 ( 14...c7 s i m p ly l o s e s t o 15.b5+ ) 15.xb7+ e8 16.d5 c8 when Top Notch gives 17.a4 with good winning chances. The queenside pawns are extremely fast!; C3) 12...f6 has been discussed as the critical line. C3a) 13.a8+ allows Black at least a draw and he might even be able to play for more with c7 14.a5+ b6 15.e5+ c8 ( This looks more r e l i a b l e t h a n A l a n G ' s 15...d6 16.a5+ b8 which isn't so clear. ); C3b) 13.a3 is the safest although allows Black to equalise with a6=; C3c) 13.0-0!? xe2 14.a3 ( 14.a8+ is probably a draw although allows Black to try playing on with the dangerous c7 15.a5+ b6 16.a7+ c6 17.b4 e6 but I feel this is rather foolhardy.) 14...e5 15.b5 ( 15.c5 g4 16.f4 is another suggestion of AlanG, but I would be rather scared playing this as White as a knight on e3 dominates the position rather. ) 15...e6 16.c5 g4 17.g3 b8 18.a4 e5 19.a7+ c7 20.b5+ d7 21.xd4+ e7 given by gewgaw, when Black's king h a s e s c a p e d t h e wo r s t w i t h g o o d chances to convert the extra piece. In particular watch out for ...Rxd4!; D) 11.d2 xd4! apparently first suggested by Michael Ayton, this looks ve ry c o m f o r t a b le f o r B l a c k . ( 11...cxd4 12.0-0 d7 has been given as slight edge B l a c k o n t h e f o r u m b u t 13.c5! keeps enough compensation in my view.) 12.a4 b6! 13.f3 ( 13.b3 with the idea of 0-0, Bf3, Na5, a3, b4 has been suggested by linksspringer. His line continues d7 14.0-0 f6 15.f3 e5! when Black's successfully consolidated his position.; 13.0-0-0!? GJ f6 14.f3 xd1+ 15.xd1 e6 16.e5 d6 17.xf7 f4+ also f avours Black.) 13...d8 14.0-0 e6 15.a3 b8! 16.b4 f6 17.fb1 c7! 18.b2 g5!? 19.bxc5 xc5 20.ab1 b6 given as clear edge to

Black by linksspringer and I think it could be sim p ly win n in g f o r h im a s W h it e 's attack has disappeared.; E) 11.0-0 The most straightforward move b u t h e re W h i t e h a s a l o t o f d i f f e r e n t alternatives. E1) 11...cxd4 12.c5! is Stefan Buecker's suggestion. Personally I don't like recapturing on d4 with the pawn ever, as it allows W hite to open up Black's k i n g w i t h c 4 - c 5 - c 6 . ( 12.d2 is also possible ); E2) 11...f6!? was offered by gewgaw and look like a perfectly respectable m o ve t o m e . 12.e1 ( 12.a4 cxd4 13.f3 a6 diffuses White's attack.; 12.d2 xd4 merely transposes) 12...xd4 13.c2 is unclear but I have a feeling that Black should be doing well with the rook on d4 and fairly safe king.; E3) 11...h5!? is another interesting su gge st io n b y S t e f a n B b u t it lo o k s rather artificial to me E3a) 12.a4 cxd4 13.xa7 xe2 14.a8+ c7 15.a5+ d7 ( 15...b6 GJ is a very risky winning try. 16.a7+ c6 17.a3 e6 18.c2 d6 19.b4 is very dangerous for Black as he hasn't even started developing his kingside.) 16.a4+ e6?! ( 16...c7 17.a5+= a d ra w lo o ks l ike a f a i r o u t c o m e .) 17.c3 with an extremely strong initiative.; E3b) 12.f3 a6 13.d2 ( 13.c3 cxd4 14.b5 e5 15.e2 also gives W h i t e d e c e n t c o m p e n s a t i o n .) 13...xd4 ( 13...cxd4 GJ allows the typical break with 14.c5! ) 14.e2 e6 15.b3 d7 16.ad1 f6 looks ok for Black but White still has an a dva nt age a nd t h e mo ve .. . h 5 looks rather irrelevant.; E4) 11...h6 12.c2 cxd4 13.c5 is another thematic line given by Stefan B but I confess I'm rather confused as to why Black would put the knight on h6 ra t h e r t h a n t he m o re a ct ive f 6 f ro m where it can jump to d5 and hold the centre.; E5) 11...xd4 143

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 E5a) 12.e1!? doesn't seem in the spirit of the line at all, the queen looks s o p a s s i ve o n e 1 b u t a t l e a s t t h e que en m igh t ju mp ou t to a5 a nd it h e l p s s u p p o r t t h e b 4 b r e a k . f6 13.d2 d6 14.b1 is given by linksspringer when White still seems to have at least some compensation, for example following: g6 15.b4 h6 16.b3 cxb4 17.xb4; E5b) 12.c2 was another line of analysis given by TopNotch but can hardly be a winning attempt as this allows the trade of queens with e4 ( 12...f6 13.c3 b6 14.b4= ) 13.xe4 ( 13.a4!? would transpose t o 1 2 . Q a 4 .) 13...xe4 14.c3 w h e n i n s t e a d o f d4 ( A l a n G ' s s u g g e s t i o n o f 14...h4 would give Black a decent position and indeed following 15.g3 h6 16.g4+ e6 White is struggling to keep enough initiative going for the pawn.) 15.b5 d2 16.g4+ e6 17.xa7+ b8 18.b5 xb2 19.ab1 E5b1) 19...b4 20.a3 xb1 21.xb1 f6 22.f3 b6 23.a4 c8 24.a7+ c7 was another long line given on the forum but this gives W hite a chance for an advantage with 25.a5! GJ ( 25.b5+ c8= ); E5b2) 19...xb1 20.xb1 and despite the simplification of the position, White still has a dangerous initiative, i.e . f6 21.f3 e8 22.a4 e7 23.a5 d8 24.c3 d6 25.a6 b6 26.d1+winning material.; E5c) 12.a4 given an exclamation mark by TopNotch but I'm not so sure. I haven't managed to find any analysis on this move except the note that we shouldn't believe our computer's evaluation! Let's look a little further. xe2 13.c3 e5 was bizarrely agreed drawn already in Gaponenko, IKharitonov, A Rethymnon 2009. White has a few different ways to continue but perhaps the most logical would be E5c1) 14.ad1 f6 15.xa7 e6 16.b5 d6! successfully

consolidates the extra material.; E5c2) 14.fe1 b8 15.d5 f6 doesn't get anywhere either.; E5c3) 14.xa7 e6 ( 14...h4? 15.fd1! reminds me of the mainline when White has a decisive advantage.) 15.b5 b8 16.b6 e7 17.xd4 cxd4 18.xd4 c6 and Black successfully completes his development with the advantage.; E5c4) 14.b5 f6 ( It's far too greedy to try and keep the rook with 14...d7? 15.ad1 f6 16.xa7 e6 17.b6 is winning for White due to th e th reat of 1 8.Na7 + an d 19 . Nc6+; 14...b8 15.xd4 cxd4 16.e8+ c7 17.xf7 looks wrong f o r B l a c k .) 15.xa7 ( 15.xa7+ d8 16.b5 d7 ) 15...e6 ( 15...d7 also seems reasonable. 16.fe1 b8 17.a5 b6 18.c3 e5 19.f3 f6 20.c6+ d8 and Black's centre looks quite i m p r e s s i v e .) 16.b6 ( 16.a8+ b8 17.a7+ c7 18.b5+ is simply a draw) 16...b8 17.ad1 g4 18.f4 e3 19.a7+ d7 20.xd4+ cxd4 21.xd4+ d6 22.xe3 c5 23.d1+ e8 24.d4 b6! favours Black. ] 11.0-0 This looks more accurate than 11.Nc3. It's important to get the king to safety and develop the kingside rook, even if White has to sacrifice the e2 bishop too. [ 11.c3 xd4 12.c2 ( 12.xd4 gives Black a favourable endgame position after xd4 13.b5 d8 14.xa7+ b8 15.b5 e5 Lyell, M-Korpa, B Budapest 2010. ) 12...e6 13.0-0 d6 14.b5 e5 15.f4? ( 15.xd6+ still gives White ad e qu a t e co mp e n sa t io n f o r th e pa wn .) 15...c5+ 16.h1 e3 17.f3 Zakic, SSavic, M Subotica 2008 when the simplest f o r B l a c k l o o k s t o b e d2 forcing an exchange of queens with a decisive advantage. ] 11...xd4 [ The most common recapture although Black has also tried taking with the rook although this leaves Black's back rank very vulnerable. 11...xd4 144

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 A) 12.d2 has been White's practical choice A1) 12...f4 13.a4 xd2 14.ad1 f6 15.xa7 d7 16.f3 c6 17.xd2 xd2 18.d1 h6 19.b4! This looks slow but Black still has no time to develop his kingside and so is simply lost e6 20.b5 g6 Spraggett, K-Shaw, J Gibraltar 2006 when the most precise finish would have been 21.a8+ b8 ( 21...c7 22.b6+! ) 22.bxc6 bxc6 23.b1 d6 24.b7+ d8 25.d1+-; A2) 12...e6 13.a4 xd2 14.ad1 xd1 15.xd1 f6 16.xa7 a6 17.d4 d6 18.a7 a6 19.d4 d6 20.a7 and both players were forced to repeat 1/2-1/2 Boskovic, DSavic, M Vrnjacka Banja 2009.; B) 12.a4! was suggested on the forum and looks exceedingly dangerous for Black. One line where I managed to beat my computer ran: xe2 13.xa7 B1) 13...xb2 14.a3 d3 15.b5 f6 16.ad1 c2 17.c1 d2 18.a8+ ( 18.c5!? ) 18...d7 19.a4 c6 20.cd1 cxb5 21.xb5+ c8 22.xd2 xd2 23.c5+winning for White.; B2) 13...g4?! with the threat of ...Rxg2 for a draw but 14.a8+ d7 15.h3! foils Black's plan and leaves White with a great position. ] 12.a4 [ 12.b3 looks inaccurate e6 13.c3 d6 14.b5 c5 15.f3 c6 16.xd6+ xd6 17.a4 e7 and Black has succeeded in completing his development. Rodriguez Lapetra, P-Alvarado Diaz, A La Laguna 2010. ] 12...e6 [ 12...xb2 was far too greedy 13.xa7 e6 14.f3 Black never gets time to take the rook f6 ( 14...xa1 15.xb7+ d7 16.d1+ d6 17.c5 is hopeless.) 15.c3! xc3 16.xb7+ d7 17.c6+ e7 18.xc7+ d7 19.ad1 ( 19.fd1 l o o k s e v e n b e t t e r a s xc4 loses to 20.ac1! ) 19...g5?! ( 19...xc4 was necessary although White's still winning after 20.c1! a6 21.fd1! ) 20.xd7 g7 21.e8+ was a complete demolition in

Meijers, V-Antoniewski, R Martigny 2005. ] 13.c3 So White has completed his development while Black hasn't moved a single piece on the kingside. True, Black has gained a pawn, but he will have to suffer for a long time before he can hope to utilise it. d6 The most logical looking move, both developing one piece and looking at starting a counterattack. [ 13...b6 was tried by the Dutch expert on the Scandinavian but he had to suffer a little. 14.ad1 ( 14.a3 f6 15.b4 and the players wi m p e d o u t i n G r a b a r c zyk , B - M i l o v , L Frankfurt 2008. Of course White has good compensation for the pawn and it's disappointing not to be able to see how the game might have continued.) 14...xd1 15.xd1 f6 16.b4! Dynamic play by the young IM. A) 16...c5 looks like a potential improvement f or Black. 17.e4 a6 18.xa6 ( 18.c2!? is a better winning attempt. ) 18...bxa6 19.g5 cxb4 20.xf7 g8 seems roughly level.; B) 16...xb4 17.b1 a5 18.a3 xc3 19.xb6 cxb6 20.c5! bxc5 21.a6!? A f l a s h y w a y t o g e t a d r a w ( However 21.f3 would leave White with all the winning chances Black's exposed king will c o s t h i m a t l e a s t a c o u p l e p a w n s .) 21...bxa6 22.c6+ b8 23.b6+ 1/2-1/2 Brandenburg, D-Tiviakov, S Hilversum 2008. ] [ 13...f6 resulted in a quick White win but the game was hardly convincing 14.b5 ( 14.ad1 b6 15.xd8+ xd8 16.d1+ c8 17.b4 with similarities to 13...Qb6 would be my attempt as White.) 14...b6 15.b4!? The start of a piece sacrifice. I wonder wheth er this was intend ed or a blunder? I am highly doubtful whether this piece sacrifice is objectively sound but Black now has to play extremely accurately. c6 16.c5 cxb5 17.xb5 c7 18.xa7 d5 19.fc1 Slightly illogical, why not place the other rook on c1 so that we can play Rfd1? b8 20.a4 c7 21.e2 a8 22.b3 e7 23.a4 Around here Black's position collapses. Maybe d4 is the first mistake ( 23...d2 followed by ...Bf6 leaves Black with good chances of converting the extra 145

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 piece. ) 24.a5 a6? Leaving Black's king u n g u a rd e d . . 25.c6! And the attack breaks through hd8 26.f3 b8 27.xa6 1 -0 V u c k o vi c, B - Mi la n o vic , D B e o g ra d 2006. ] 14.f3! This novelty looks strong. Bruzon is not concerned about Black's plan of ...Qf4-h2 as once the rook moves from f1 there's no mate, and he makes sure his attack will come first. [ The rather f orcing line 14.b5 e5 15.xd6+ cxd6 16.f3 b8 17.fe1 c5 18.b4 has been played twice against fellow ChessPublishing writer, Eric Prie. Apparently Emms and Houska claim a slight edge to black here. I haven't seen the analysis but certainly following A) Eric played 18...xc4? the first time he reached this position, allowing the knockout 19.xb7! e7 was Brunello, SPrie, E Arvier 2007 when White has great compensation f or the pawn f ollowing: ( 19...xb7 20.ec1 d5 21.c7+! xc7 22.xa7+ wo u l d b e m a t i n g) 20.ac1 d4 21.a6; B) 18...c7 A n i m p r o v e m e n t 19.ac1 e7 20.e3 d7 21.d1 c8 22.c5 hd8 23.d3 c7 24.a4 dxc5 25.xd8 xd8 26.bxc5 c6 27.b1 d4 28.c2 h4 29.xc6 xc6 30.g3 h5 and Black had consolidated his extra pawn. D'Amore, C-Prie, E Arvier 2007. ] [ 14.fd1 has also been tried but it seems too automatic e5 15.g3 b8! 16.b5 a6 17.xd6 cxd6 18.f3 f6 19.d3 d7 20.b3 c5 21.b4 d7 and again our French contributor had completed his development successfully and could attempt to convert his extra pawn. Michna, C-Prie, E San Sebastian 2009. ] 14...f4 15.fd1 xh2+ 16.f1 So Black has gained another pawn and forced the king to f1 but Bruzon has accurately calculated that his king won't encounter any problems on e2. Black's king, on the other hand, has four pieces directed towa rds it and he swif tly regrets his retarded kingside development. e7 [ 16...a6 was offered as a possible improvement by MnB. His line runs 17.c5 xc5 18.xb7+! xb7 19.xd8 h1+

20.e2 xg2 but this looks extremely dangerous to me and indeed White must be c l o s e t o w i n n i n g w i t h 21.e4 b6 ( 21...g4+ 22.e1 g1+ 23.d2+- ) 22.c1 as Black does not have perpetual g4+ 23.f1 h3+ 24.e1 h1+ 25.d2 h6+ 26.c2 and the checks have run out when White has more material and better placed pieces. ] 17.xa7 c6 18.a4 c7 This doesn't save Black. [ 18...h1+ 19.e2 h2 20.c5 b8 21.b6+ c7 22.a5 looks lost to me, the extra pawn is looking extremely irrelevant. ] [ 18...g6 looks like Black's best to me. A c o u p l e s a m p l e l i n e s m i g h t r u n : 19.c5 ( 19.g3 xg3 20.fxg3 xg3 21.f2 is rather unclear) 19...b8 20.b6+ c7 21.a5 ( Of course White always has his draw with 21.a8+ c8 22.b6+= ) 21...e5! 22.c4+ c8 23.d6+ xd6! 24.cxd6 d8 seems ok for Black but I think White still has a small something following: 25.d7+ xd7 26.xd7 xd7 27.g3 ] 19.c5 e5 20.a5+ c8 21.b6+ b8 [ 21...c7 was the only way to survive although in my view W hite has the advantage. Of course, on the practical level, this isn't a good choice for Black as White always has at least a draw. 22.g3 ( 22.c4+ c8 23.d6+ b8 24.xf7 xd1+ 25.xd1 f8 26.xe5 xe5 seems to hold on for the second player.) 22...xg3 23.fxg3 xg3 24.c4+ c8 25.d6+ b8 26.c3 and the knight on d6 dominates the position and thus the bishop looks more relevant than the kingside pawns. ] 22.d7! Now Black's king's trapped. xd7 23.xd7+ c8 24.b6+ b8 25.d1! And the other rook swings into the game when there's no way to avoid dropping a large amount of material. A disaster for Black but the line certainly still has life, especially in the 10...c5 line when I think 11.Qa4 is critical but I can't find an advantage for White. 1-0


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 163 Brynell,Stellan Hodgson,Julian M Bundesliga 2001-2 (14) [Nigel Davies]

B01 164 2505 Bulski,Krzysztof 2598 Stopa,Jacek 27.04.2002 ch-POL Warsaw POL (6) [Gawain Jones]

Here we see the solid 10...Bxc3, forcing White to accept doubled pawns on his queenside. This weakness is not a serious problem if he plays accurately and mass exchanges lead to a draw. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 6.c4 f5 7.d2 e6 8.e2 b4 9.0-0-0 bd7 10.a3 xc3 11.xc3 c7 12.e5 [ 12.d2 b5 13.a2 e4 14.b1 0-0 15.g5 d5 left Black with a very solid game in Enders - Wahls, German Ch., Binz 1995 ] 12...b5! This may be Black's best, but it is not his only move. [ He can also play 12...xe5 13.dxe5 d5 14.d2 0-0-0 15.g4 g6 16.f4 h5 17.h3 hxg4 18.hxg4 xh1 19.xh1 b6 as in Morovic Fernandez - W ahls, Cienfuegos 1996 ] [ A further possibility is 12...d5 13.d2 b5 14.b3 h5 15.xd7 xd7 16.a5 g6 17.he1 0-0 as in Morovic Fernandez Rodriguez, Cienfuegos 1996, though this looks rather passive for Black because of the blockade of his queenside pawns. ] 13.d3 [ 13.b3 e4 intending ...Bd5 is super-solid as usual. ] 13...0-0 14.xf5 exf5 15.f3 d5 16.xf5 xc3 17.xd7 With his queenside so weak White has to exchange Black's knight. [ 17.bxc3 f6 would be very dangerous. ] 17...xd1 18.xf8 xf8 19.xd1 Gallagher - Prie, French Team Ch., Clichy 1997 was agreed drawn at this point. xh2 20.e4 h6+ 21.f4 g6 22.e1 g3 23.e3 f2 24.b3 h6 25.c3 f5 26.e6+ h7 27.g3 xd4 28.xc6 a5 29.c5 f6 30.b1 a4 31.b4 d8 32.d3 xd3 33.cxd3 e6 34.c1 e1+ 35.c2 e2+ 36.c3 e1+ ½-½

B01 2416 2494 14.01.2010

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 6.e5 bd7 This is a very topical position in the line 7.f4 [ 7.f4 is White's most aggressive setup b6 8.g4 g6 ( 8...e6 was seen in ShirovIvanchuk. Here Saric tries to do without this move but runs into difficulty.) 9.g2 g7 10.0-0 0-0 11.a4 a5 12.h1 fd5 13.e4 c7 14.c3 f6! 15.d3 f5! 16.gxf5 xf5 17.e2 was very messy and hardly a safe way to play for White although he went on to win Radulski, J-Saric, I Zagreb 2010 ] [ 7.c4 is yet to be seen in a featured game on ChessPublishing but resulted for a quick W hite win here. c7 8.f3 b6 9.f4 d7 10.xb6 An interesting swap so as to lessen the power of ... Qg4 axb6 11.0-0-0 g4 12.e3 f5 ( Maybe 12...e6 should be attempted although I prefer White after 13.d5! ) 13.d5!? xd5 14.xd5! cxd5 15.b5 e5 16.xe5 c5 ( The analyst that l i v e s i n m y c o m p u t e r s u g g e s t s 16...f6 17.xf6+ f7 18.d4 xa2 19.b1 a4 20.d3 e6 when it looks like Black has s u r vi ve d b u t W h i t e h a s t h e s u r p r i s i n g 21.c7!? xe3 22.fxe3 when despite being the exchange down W hite is doing very well as the rook is trapped on a4 and B la ck 's p a wn s a re d ro p p i n g l ike f lie s .) 17.d4+ d8 18.d3 d7 19.g5+ e7 20.xg7 xd4 21.xd4 f6 22.xb6+ d7 23.c7 was an impressive game by my namesake 1-0 Jones, R-Zeidler, S Cardiff 2010. ] 7...d5 8.xd5 xd5 9.e2 xe5 10.xe5 xg2 11.f3 g6 12.e2 and here Stopa deviates from Caruana, FMilanovic, D in the archives but it doesn't work out well. e6 [ 12...h5 was played in that game. ] 13.d5 White needs to play aggressively or he'll suffer with his pawn deficit. cxd5 14.0-0-0 f6 Critical, and obliging W hite to sacrifice the piece. Alternatively: [ 14...d7 15.xd5 h6+ 16.b1 c6 147

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 is possible but I don't see how Black is going to develop his kingside and so must be practically lost. ] 15.xd5! xe5 16.c4! White's barbaric play is effective. He's already threatening mate in one which obliges Black to sacrifice his queen. e6 Forced [ 16...h5 doesn't prevent the mate 17.f7+! xf7 18.b5+ ] 17.he1 exd5 [ 17...g5+ 18.f4 followed by a subsequent Bxe6 is curtains. ] 18.b5+ So far White has played perfectly but here he should have continued with [ 18.xe5+! when after the forced line fxe5 19.xd5 e7 20.xe5 f8 21.e4 f7 22.xh7 Black would be experiencing great problems. True he has rook and two bishops for the queen and two pawns but his king is still stuck in the centre and he continues to have difficulty in developing his queenside. ] 18...d7 [ 18...f7 is the suggestion of the fearless computer 19.xe5 fxe5 20.xd5+ ( 20.xd5 is no longer as efficient as g6 21.xe5 h6+ 22.b1 d8 and Black's pieces are starting to get out of their s t a r t i n g b l o c k s .) 20...e6! 21.f3+ ( 21.xb7+ e7 and once Black's pieces are de ve lo p ed , he 'll b e ab le to u se h is material advantage.) 21...g8 22.xb7 e8 23.xa7 is highly unclear but Black can continue with either h5!? ( or 23...e7 with a satisfactory position. )] 19.xb7 [ 19.xd5?! 0-0-0! 20.xe5 fxe5 21.xe5 h5! followed by ...Rh6-c6 and Black's taking the upper hand. ] 19...d8 20.f4 [ 20.xe5+ would keep the advantage with similar ideas to those which we have already seen: fxe5 21.xd5 e7 22.xe5 f7 23.f4+ f6 24.c7 e8 25.xa7 W hen W hite's picked up a lot of pawns which should give him the advantage but the position is still not so clear. It's important that W hite succeeds in keeping Black's pieces offside as they'll control a lot of squares if they work together. ] 20...e7! Perhaps White overlooked this [ 20...xe1 loses 21.xe1+ f7 ( 21...e7

22.b4+- ) 22.xd5+ g6 23.f5+ h6 24.a5! e8 25.d2+ h5 26.xe8 xe8 27.e2+ and the piece drops. ] 21.xd5 g6 22.c4 An interesting choice. White pushes his passed pawn! Black needs to develop his kingside quickly which isn't so easy h5! This looks like the best way to do it with ...Rh7-e7 themes and also threatening ... Be6. [ 22...e6 immediately doesn't work as 23.c6+ f7 24.xd8 xd8 25.xe6+ g7 26.d1 w i n s t h e q u e e n b6?! 27.d7+ h6 28.h3# ] 23.c5?! Again I wonder if White overlooked Black's reply. [ 23.xe7+ xe7 24.b7 would keep Black struggling to hold. ] 23...e6! 24.c6+ f7 25.xd8 xd8 26.xe6+ g7 27.d1 a5 The difference now is that the king doesn't get mated on h6. So White's regained one piece but is now a piece f or two pawns down, while his own king's vulnerability gives Black some counterplay. 28.c6 [ 28.d7+ h6 29.c6 ( 29.xf6 xc5+ 30.b1 g8 and White's attack gets no further. ) 29...c5+ 30.d2 f2+ and Black has taken the initiative. ] 28...c5+ [ 28...h6! running the king to safety would promise Black good winning chances. ] 29.b1 The game now proceeds logically and a draw is the result. A fair result in the end perhaps, but Black's risky opening shouldn't be repeated and he'll have to go back to alternative 12th moves. e7 30.d7 e8 31.a3 f8 32.a2 a5 33.c7 h4 34.h3 a4 35.a1 c1+ 36.a2 c5 37.a1 c1+ 38.a2 c5 39.a1 ½-½

165 Burovic,Ismet Monange,Serge op Torcy [Alexander Volzhin]

B01 2375 2070 1991

The following gambit was introduced in the early nineties. This game shows that Black's attacking potential should not be 148

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 underestimated. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.d4 g4 A very interesting but dubious line. Black sacrifices a pawn hoping to get active piece play, but W hite's defensive resources are huge and it's quite difficult to get full compensation. On the other hand White has to tread very carefully, otherwise Black's initiative may become extremely dangerous. 4.f3 f5 5.c4 Very natural but probably far from best. It may seem that now Black is in trouble as W hite has an extra pawn and a ve ry s t ro n g p a wn c e n t re . B u t B l a c k h a s s o m e t h in g in m in d ! e6! 6.dxe6 c6! The point. 7.e2 [ White couldn't solve his problems with 7.e3 b e c a u s e o f b4+ 8.c3 e7! For only a pawn Black has a huge advantage in development and great activity for all his pieces. It's extremely difficult to find a suf ficient def ence for W hite. 9.d5 0-0-0 10.a4 xd5!! A fantastic blow! 11.cxd5 h4+ 12.d1 ( 12.g3 loses the Queen: xc3+ 13.bxc3 xa4; 12.e2 is hardly an improvement: d4+ 13.xd4 xd4 14.d1 e5+ with a decisive attack) 12...xd5+! Another very nice blow! 13.xd5 e1# Wang Zili - Damaso,1996. ] [ Of course 7.exf7+ xf7 (now or later) should not be considered seriously as it gives Black an important tempo for developing his Rook (Rh8-e8). ] 7...b4! Aiming at the c2 and d3 squares. 8.g3 c2+ 9.f2 g6 10.e3 c5! A brave and correct decision! Black plays for a direct attack on White's king. [ The hasty 10...xa1 spoils the attack: 11.exf7+ xf7 12.d3 and after Nb1-c3 W hite wins the Knight back and has two pawns for the exchange, with a playable position. ] 11.a3 xe3 12.xe3 g4+! Excellent! After this unexpected sacrifice Black's attack becomes unstoppable. 13.fxg4 g5+ 14.f3 [ 14.f2 didn't help W hite either: f4+ 15.f3 xd4+ 16.e1 b4+ 17.e2 xb2+ and Black wins. ] 14...fxe6! After this simple move the game is over. Black opens the f-file for his Rook and the White king is in dead trouble now. 15.d3 0-0+ 16.f5 exf5 17.dxc5 fxg4+ 18.g3 h5!

[ Of course, 18...e3+ wins easily, but the text leads to forced mate. ] 19.h3 [ 19.xg6 h4# ] [ or 19.h4 e3+ 20.h2 g3+ 21.h3 xd3 and White has no defence against Bd3-f5. ] 19...h4+ 20.h2 g3+ 21.g1 e3# 0-1

166 Camps,Ronald D Tiviakov,Sergei IV Open Alajuela CRC (1) [John Watson]

B01 2098 2645 09.07.2008

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 [ The latest adventure with 5...a6 played last week was Van Oosterom-E Berg, Maastricht 2008: 6.g3 g4 ( an option is 6...f5 ) 7.g2!? ( 7.h3 h5 8.g2 c6 9.0-0 0-0-0 10.f4 b4 11.g4 g6 12.a3! xb2 13.e1 was the exciting game Caruana-Strikovic, Lorca 2005, featured in this column with Fabiano's notes. Check out the Archives.) 7...c6 8.e3 ( 8.h3 h5 9.0-0 would transpose to the Caruana game here 8...Bxf3 9 Qxf3 0-0-0 10 Be3 doesn't improve for Black) 8...0-0-0 9.h3 h5 ( 9...e6!? 10.g5 xd4 11.xd4 xd4 12.xd4 xd4 13.xe6 fxe6 14.0-0 g6 isn't entirely clear, especially since Black can counter the attack on e6 by 15.fe1 d2 ) 10.e2 e6 11.0-0 ( 11.0-0-0 is equally interesting, but makes it harder to assault Black's king d5 m i g h t f o l l o w) 11...d5 12.xd5 exd5 13.c4!? dxc4 14.xc4 b4! 15.fc1 ( 15.e2!? followed by attack on the king.) 15...xc4 16.xc4 f6 17.d5 f7 18.dxc6 xc4 19.cxb7+ b8 20.d4 d5 21.c6+ xc6 22.xc6 b4 23.a3 d2 24.c5 d3 25.f1?! ( 25.d1 hd8 26.f1 ) 25...b3! 26.d1?! ( but 26.b1 c3! isn't thrilling) 26...xb2 27.e4 a5 28.d7 g6 29.d4? d2 30.xf6 xd7 ( 30...e8 31.xd2 xd2 is the computer solution. ) 31.xh8 d1+ 32.g2 d2 0-1. ] 149

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 6.g5 An interesting move. [ In Gashimov-Tiviakov, Reggio Emilia 2008, Tiviakov lost on the Black side of 6.e5 bd7 7.f4 d5 , but he certainly had improvements. White decides to go another way. ] 6...g4 7.e2 bd7 8.d2 e6 9.f4 b4 10.a3! b6 [ White has a considerable advantage in all t h e l i n e s a f t e r 10...xb2 11.0-0 f5 ( 11...xf3 12.xf3 b6 13.fb1 a5 14.xb7; 11...b6 12.fb1 d8 13.xb7 ) 12.a2 b6 13.b1 d8 14.xb7 e7 15.c7 ] 11.0-0 e7 12.a4 d8 13.c4!? 0-0 14.fd1 [ The conventional and probably better course is 14.c3 b6 15.b3 with advantage. ] 14...b6 15.xb6 axb6 16.h3 [ As so often (and against the traditional idea), exchanges make it easier for the side with space: 16.e5 xe2 17.xe2 ] 16...f5 17.e3 e8?! [ We've seen the theme 17...b5! 18.cxb5 d5 before, in the Caro-Kann: 19.d2 cxb5 with total control of d5. If 20.xb5 , then b6 21.f1 xf4 22.xf4 xb2 wins White's a-pawn next. ] 18.b3 e4 [ 18...b5!? 19.cxb5 d5 20.g3 b6 21.c4! ] 19.e3 c7 20.d2 d6?! 21.ac1 [ 21.f4 ] 21...c5 22.f3 [ 22.f4 cxd4 23.e5 ] 22...f6 23.d5!? e5 [ A clever response is the easy-to-miss 23...exd5 24.xd5 d7! , when 25.c2 f5 repeats, and here 25...Nf5 is a try for advantage. ] 24.b1 xb1 25.xb1 e4 26.g4 g6 27.f4 e5 28.xe5 xe5 29.c3 [ Or 29.bc1 ae8 30.e3 ] 29...e7 . Here White would have a comfortable but limited edge after 30 Re1. The game continued in technical fashion for a long time, with White losing after inaccuracies. 0-1

167 Carlsen,M Djukic,Ni 41st Olympiad Open 2014 (3.3) [Neil McDonald]

B01 2877 2521 04.08.2014

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d8 Black sidesteps any critical theory by bringing the queen back home. White is given a freer hand but at least the lady will never become a target of Bf4 (after 3...Qd6) or Bd2 (after 3... Qa5). Incidentally, GM Nikola Djukic plays this opening system regularly so Carlsen must have played through a lot of 3...Qd8 games in preparing for the present encounter. It is a st ro n g en d orsem en t f or th e lin e t ha t t h e W orld Champion was persuaded to play it himself as Black three rounds later against Caruana, one of his biggest rivals. 4.d4 f6 5.f3 g4 6.h3 xf3 Not letting White build up an initiative in the centre with [ 6...h5 7.g4 g6 8.e5 ] 7.xf3 c6 In return for the bishop pair and a slight space disadvantage, Black will achieve a full development, get his king to safety and avoid any weaknesses in his pawn structure. For some players he has paid too high a price. But others will enjoy having a secure position with the chance to outmanoeuvre the opponent. It's no wonder that Carlsen was willing to play this line as both W hite and Black. He likes a game without theory, in which he can outplay his opponent from a position where he has either a small advantage or a small disadvantage- it is all the same to him! 8.d3 Consistent with his plan to make his opponent think for himself. Djukic has played many games with [ 8.e3 e6 Here are some examples. These segments- they are not the complete gamesend with more or less equality. As you can see Djukic replies to 0-0-0 by W hite with Bb4, whilst against 0-0 he tries to put his knight on d5 and cement it there with b7-b5. 9.d3 ( Or 9.0-0-0 b4! 10.e4 xe4 11.xe4 d5 the exchange of queens is a cold shower on W hite's attacking aims. 12.xd5 cxd5 13.c4 dxc4 14.xc4 d7 and Black was fine in Erdogdu, M (2467)Djukic, N (2503)/Novi Sad 2009. ) 9...bd7 A) 10.0-0 d6 150

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 A1) 11.ad1 0-0 12.fe1 ( 12.e4 xe4 13.xe4 g6 14.c4 keeping the black knight out of d5, so Djukic prepares c6-c5 to attack d4 instead. e8 15.f4 c7 16.f3 c5 Dastan, B (2371)Djukic, N (2545)/Skopje MKD 2013.) 12...e8 13.e4 xe4 14.xe4 f6 15.d3 d5 16.d2 b5 stopping White kicking back the horse with c2-c4. Ali Marandi, C (2383)-Djukic, N (2534)/ Sarajevo BIH 2014; A2) 11.fe1 0-0 12.e4 xe4 13.xe4 g6 14.c4 e8 15.ad1 a5 16.a4 b6 17.b3 d5 once again the black knight lands on d5 with balanced chances.; A3) 11.e4 xe4 12.xe4 f6 13.d3 d5 14.d2 f6 15.e4 ( 15.xf6 gxf6 16.e4 f5 17.f3 0-0-0 Klino va, M (2 302)-Djukic, N (2 551)/ Cappelle-la-Grande FRA 2014.) 15...f4 16.c4 0-0 17.fe1 fd8 18.ad1 b5 19.f1 d5 20.d3 g6 21.g3 ac8 Sp a s o v, V (25 7 3 )-Dju kic, N (2 5 5 1 )/ Kragujevac SRB 2013.; B) 10.0-0-0 b4! 11.e4 xe4 12.xe4 f6 13.c4 xe4 14.xe4 e7 Palac, M (2578)-Djukic, N (2528)/Neum BIH 2014. I hope these extracts give you some idea of how to play against 8.Be3. Ca rls e n go e s h i s o wn wa y a n d t a ke s Djukic out of his tried and trusted opening lines. ] 8...e6 9.g3 Carlsen fianchettos on g2 and hopes to eventually soften up Black along the h1-a8 diagonal with an advance of his queenside pawns. In a later game from the Tromso 2014 Olympiad Karjakin preferred [ 9.e2 against Iotov- see the archives. ] 9...bd7 10.g2 d6 The most active square for the bishop. In the only other game with 9.g3 Black preferred [ 10...e7 with a solid enough position after 11.0-0 0-0 12.b3 c7 13.b2 ad8 in Bojkovic, N (2434)-Voicu Jagodzinsky, C (2 2 9 0 ) / P lo vd iv 2 0 0 8 . T h e d ra wb a ck o f course is that on e7 the bishop doesn't support the freeing e6-e5 break. ] 11.0-0 0-0 12.a3 Preparing b3-b4 in the distant future. c7 Djukic is building up his game sensibly. He is angling for the e6-e5

advance to negate White's space advantage. However, he has to be sure that he is freeing his game rather than opening lines for his opponent's bishop pair. 13.d1 ad8 14.b3 fe8 15.b2 a6 16.e2 e5 At last Black has completed his preparations and carried out the pawn advance. Objectively speaking it is equal, but Carlsen is able to probe away with no worries. Perhaps it was better to try for the initiative with [ 16...h5!? 17.c4 ( After 17.h4?! e5 18.c4 e4 19.c3 e3! Black has dynamic play in view of the weakness on g3.) 17...h4 18.b4 ( If 18.g4?! f8 heading for g6 when White has to worry about the hole on f4.) 18...hxg3 19.fxg3 e5 only now. The position remains equal, but Black has more potential counterplay as the white king's defences are slightly eroded. ] 17.c4 exd4 Again this should be OK, but as the World Champion loves to play 'without an opponent' Djukic might have done better to keep the tension with [ 17...e4 for example 18.e3 ( If 18.c3?! e3! 19.f4 e4 gives Black counterplay as 20.xe3? fails to xg3 21.xg3 xe2 ) 18...c5 19.d5 b5 with a double edged game. ] 18.xd4 e5 19.c2 c5 20.f3 xb2 21.xb2 f8 The Magnus Magic starts to have its effect: a couple of imprecise moves by the opponent is all it takes for Carlsen's relentless technique to turn a 'dead equal' position into one where he is winning. [ It was better to keep the knight active with 21...e4 for example 22.e1 ( Or likewise 22.h4 df6 ) 22...df6 ] 22.h4 Unleashing the bishop and preparing a long journey with the knight to e3 where it eyes the hole in Black's centre on d5. g6 [ Black can bring his knight into contact with the hole in White's own structure on d4, but he is uncomfortable after 22...e6 23.f5 b6 24.ab1 as the white horse looms over his kingside. ] 23.f5 e7 24.e3 b6 25.b4 Finally White plays the pawn advance he prepared with 12. a3. c6 26.xd8 xd8 27.b1 cxb4? A serious mistake that concedes a potential passed pawn on the c-file and dissolves the base for his knight on d4. He had to stand his 151

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 ground on c5 with [ 27...b8! keeping the option of Nd4 to activate his game. ] 28.axb4 e5 29.c3 d3? Losing a pawn. He might have tried [ 29...h5 though White keeps his advantage with 30.h4! ( but not immediately 30.c5 as Black gets counterplay with h4 31.g4 g6 and 32...Nf4. )] 30.a1! I'm sure Carlsen enjoyed making this queen retreat into the corner. He excels like Karpov in manoeuvring his pieces on the first rank. Now Black has no good way to defend a6. h5 [ There could have been a pretty finish after 30...a5 31.bxa5 bxa5 32.b7 d6 the queen has to defend e5 33.c5 e6 ( i t ' s m a t e a f t e r 33...xc5 34.b8+ ) 34.b8+ e8 35.c6! xc6 36.xc6 xc6 37.f5! with the unstoppable double threat of 38.Ne7+ winning the queen and 38.Qxg7 mate. ] 31.xa6 h4 Finally Black switches to aggressive mode but it is too late. 32.g4 d2 33.c5! Creating a passed pawn along the bfile is more important than being a pawn up. bxc5 34.b5 ed7 35.b6 f4 36.a8+ h7 37.f3 A bit of housekeeping is needed on t he k ingside be f o re th e pa sse d pa wn decides the game. xf3 38.xf3 d4 39.b7 b4 40.d1 T h r e a t e n i n g 4 1 . g5 . e5 Black can't keep up a blockade of the pawn as attempts to stop 41.g5 fail to Nd5 ideas. For example [ 40...g6 41.g2 b6 ( Or 41...b2 42.f4 t h e n 4 3 . g 5 .) 42.d5 xd5 43.xd5 w h e n B l a c k l o s e s t h e r o o k a f t e r xb7 44.d6+ ] [ If instead 40...g5 41.d6 b2 42.d5 xd5 43.xd5 b8 44.d8 and wins. ] 41.g2 fd7 42.c2 f4 [ Or 42...b2 43.f4 xc2 giving white a pleasant choice between 44.fxe5 and ( 44.e4+ )] 43.d5 Threatening 44.Rxe5. f6 44.xc5 b8 45.c8 [ The blockade on b8 will crumble after say 45.c8 ed7 46.d5 a4 47.e6 ] 1-0

168 Carlsen,Magnus Short,Nigel D Corus A Wijk aan Zee NED (4) [Gawain Jones]

B01 2810 2696 19.01.2010

1.e4 d5 A surprising number of Scandinavians were seen in Corus. Tiviakov of course has 3...Qd6 as his main defence but Short and Ivanchuk also gave it a try despite knowing that their opponent, in their preparation for Tiviakov, would have looked at it. 2.exd5 f6 3.d4 [ B l a c k ' s b e e n s t r u g g l i n g a f t e r 3.f3 recently. I wonder whether Nigel was going to play xd5 4.d4 g4 transposing back into the game ] 3...g4 [ 3...xd5 4.f3 g6 is seen in the following game ] 4.f3 [ Magnus evidently didn't feel comfortable or ready for the supposed critical 4.f3 ] 4...xd5 5.h3 xf3 6.xf3 c6 A new move for the site. Instead John Watson examines alternatives in his notes to TzermiadianosShen Siyuan in the archives. 7.e2 [ 7.c3 has been tried by White in a few recent games but I prefer Carlsen's move as t h e n h e c a n p l a y c 4 i n o n e g o . d7 A more dynamic reply compared to ( 7...e6 8.c4 d6 9.0-0 0-0 10.d2 d7 11.e4 e7 12.b3 7f6 and White maintained his typical advantage but Black was very solid in So-Strasser, Bad Wiessee 2006 1-0 ((35)) 8.d2 e5 9.dxe5 ( 9.d3 might be a better attempt although exd4 10.cxd4 f6 shouldn't be anything for Black to fear, despite my computer's opinion!) 9...xe5 10.e4 e7 ( 10...d6 would be a more aggressive continuation 11.f3?! 0-0! and White cannot gain a piece due to the pin on the e file.) 11.c4 xc4 12.xe7+ xe7 13.xc4 d8 was completely fine for Black and he even went on to win in Szabo-Varga, Budapest 2009 (51) ] 7...g6 8.0-0 g7 9.d1 0-0 10.c4 c7 So Black has a reasonably solid position but I'd prefer W hite with more space and the bishop pair. 11.e4 152

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ 11.b3!? looks awkward to deal with xd4 is critical and wild complications ensue! ( 11...b5 12.a3 bxc4 13.xc4 d5 14.b7 c7 15.xc7 xc7 16.f3 gives W hite a pleasant advantage, Black will struggle to get his queenside pieces out.; 11...c8 would keep the queenside solid but is extremely passive.; 11...b6 A concession weakening the queenside 12.e3 ) 12.xb7 e6! 13.xa8 ( 13.e3 b6 14.xb6 xb6 15.f3 is probably s l i g h t l y b e t t e r f o r W h i t e .) 13...b6 Black threatens Nc7 trapping the queen so W hite has to act fast 14.h6 ( 14.c3!? migh t b e pla ya b le bu t d e f in it e ly n e e d s analysing.) 14...xf2+ 15.h1 ( 15.f1 g3-+ ) 15...c7 16.xf8 xa8 17.xe7 ( 17.h6 d4 ) 17...xb2 A) 18.d8+ g7 19.f8+ f6 20.d6+ g5 21.e7+ f4!? ( 21...h6 22.f8+= ) 22.f6+ A1) 22...e4 23.xf2 xa1 24.f3+ is winning for White as Black's king is in deep trouble e5 ( 24...f5 25.d5+ e5 26.f6++-; 24...d3 25.d2+ e3 26.g5# ) 25.e2+ f4 26.e4+ f5 27.g4#; A2) 22...e5 23.xf2 f5 24.b4! ( 24.g4!? xa1 25.d3 e6 is extremely unclear) 24...xb4 25.f1! is a truly bizarre line which looked pretty forced and which ends up in a roughly balanced position.; B) 18.c3 forces Black to be careful xc3 19.d8+ g7 20.f8+ f6 21.f1 e3 and the computer claims the position is a draw: 22.d1 a6 23.xa8 g5 24.d6 d3 25.e7+ h6 26.f8+ g5= Of course all of this is probably not forced but definitely some fun to analyse! ] 11...f5!? Nigel goes for some counterplay [ 11...d7 12.c3 f6 13.h4 ] [ 11...e6 is the other critical move targeting the d4 pawn. 12.e3 ( 12.d5 is the other op t io n b u t I 'd pre f e r n o t t o rele ase t h e tension in the centre cxd5 13.cxd5 c5 14.c2 bd7 looks acceptable for Black) 12...c8 13.c3 f5 14.d3 f4 ( 14...d7 would be somewhat similar to the game) 15.g4! ( 15.d2 xd4 ) 15...h5 ( 15...fxe3?! 16.xe3 gives Black problems

f5 17.xf5 gxf5 18.d5 f8 19.xe7 ) 16.xe6+ xe6 17.d5 ( 17.d2 f3 ) 17...cxd5 18.cxd5 a6 19.d4 xd3 20.xd3 a6 gives White a slight advantage as Black's pawn advances has rather weakened himself. ] 12.e3 h8 Nigel takes a time out to give his king a bit more safety [ However 12...d7 with the following sacrifice looks interesting 13.b3 h8 ( 13...b6 14.c3 ) 14.xb7 e6 gives Black some compensation for the pawn 15.d5 dc5 16.b4 ( 16.xc6?! c8 17.b5 d4 18.xd4 xd4 is good for Black.) 16...b8 17.a3 cxd5 18.cxd5 d4 ] 13.c3 d7 14.b3 e8 15.f4 This move is not necessary yet but it's understandable leaving Black with the chronic weakness on e7. [ 15.a3 f7 16.xe7 xe7 17.xe7 fe8 18.a3 e6 19.d5 cxd5 ( 19...ef8 20.dxc6 bxc6 21.ac1 xc3 22.f3! ) 20.ac1 ( 20.cxd5 ef8 when the pins are extremely annoying.) 20...d4 is perhaps slightly better for White but nothing special ] 15...f7 16.b2 ad8 17.f3 so White has a definite advantage here with the bishop pair and potential use of e5 while the e7 pawn will be a permanent weakness. Black on the other hand tries to get some counterplay going on the kingside and the d4 pawn isn't always so secure. f6 18.d2 g7 19.ad1 g5! Nigel doesn't want to be squashed by Magnus and so goes for broke on the kingside 20.e2 g8 21.f1 Just removing the king from the g file although [ 21.c3 looks like an interesting alternative with the idea of Ba5 to try and force Black to compromise his position. ] 21...h6 22.g3! Exploiting Black's previous to reroute the knight to a stronger square. g6 [ 22...gxf4? 23.xf4 xg3?? ( 23...g5 24.xc7 xd2 25.xf5 g5 26.xe7+is hopeless for Black ) 24.xh6# ] 23.d3?! This throws away some of White's well constructed advantage. Instead Carlsen should have played [ 23.h5 immediately when White retains a clear advantage ] 23...gxf4! 24.h5 153

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ 24.xf5 e5 25.dxe5! The queen sacrifice is the only way to continue for W hite here ( 25.e4 xf3 26.gxf3 e6-+ ) 25...xd3 26.xd3 xf5 27.exf6 exf6 Is messy. Black is material up with queen+pawn for the rook and bishop but Black's king is rather vulnerable while the two bishops are extremely strong here. It's about balanced ] 24...c5 [ 24...e5 is the other option but allows the strong sacrifice 25.dxe5! More active than ( 25.e2 ) 25...xd3 26.xd3 When I prefer White, he has total control over the position and Black now has no counterplay. ( 26.exf6 looks strong f or W hite if it were not f or xf3+!-+ )] 25.c2 [ 25.dxc5!? xd3 26.xf6+ exf6 27.xd3 leads to a curious position. W hite doesn't have the bishop pair in this variation but t h e b i s h o p a n d k n i g h t a r e ve r y s t r o n g pieces combining attack and defence, while W hite rules the d file. Black has queen + pawn for rook and bishop but one of the so called Irish pawns will drop on the f file. I'd actually prefer White here but I like playing material down but with the initiative. Chances look roughly balanced objectively. ] 25...e4 26.e2 [ Understandably White didn't want to allow 26.xe4 xh5 27.xf5 ( 27.f3!? ) 27...f3 which is very messy ] 26...g3+ 27.xg3 fxg3 Black's kingside play has netted him a pawn but now his attack has stalled while his pawns are rather more advanced than ideal. 28.d5! Time for White to seize the initiative cxd5 29.cxd5 [ 29.xe7! looks very strong for White g7 30.xg7 xg7 ( 30...xg7 31.cxd5 ) 31.c1 gives White a pleasant advantage. The two bishops are very strong and Black's king is vulnerable. A sample line could run dxc4 32.xd8+ xd8 33.xf5 c3 34.f4 c2 35.e2!+- ] 29...xb2 30.xb2+ [ Again 30.xe7! is favourable for White f6 ( 30...g7 31.xc7 ) 31.xc7 g7?! 32.d6! ] 30...g7 31.c1 Carlsen tries to exploit Black's weakened king and so keeps the

queens on. The other option would be [ 31.xg7+ xg7 32.e5 when despite b e in g a p a wn d o wn W h i t e h a s s li g h t l y better prospects due to his activity and Black's terrible pawn structure. ] 31...d7 32.de1 f8 33.e5 [ 33.f4 would retain some chances for an a d v a n t a g e a s b5 34.e6 wields unpleasant pressure ] 33...b5! once Black gets his knight to d6 he shouldn't really be worse. 34.c5 d6 35.xa7 Carlsen decides to regain material equality or else he might well be worse. e4 36.d4 e6! This manages to trade the position off into a level ending 37.d1 exd5 [ 37...f2! 38.d2 e4 would be an immediate draw ] 38.xd5 xd5 39.xg7+ [ 39.xd5? c3-+ ] 39...xg7 40.xd5 f6 White has a nominal advantage in the endgame but Black held comfortably. 41.xe4 fxe4 42.e2 e6 43.d4 f2+ 44.e3 xg2 45.xe4+ d5 46.d4+ e5 47.e4+ An interesting game. White got a comfortable advantage out of the opening but Black defended well and held the draw. However he failed to solve the opening problems Black has been facing in the 2...Nf6 line. ½-½

169 Caruana,F Carlsen,M 41st Olympiad Open 2014 (6.3) [Neil McDonald]

B01 2801 2877 08.08.2014

1.e4 d5! I believe this is the World Champion's first Scandinavian Defence in a serious game. Was he influenced by the fact that he was playing for Norway in his homeland? More likely he had studied the variation prior to his game with Djukic a few rounds earlier and realised it was a solid and reliable defence that avoided theory. It was theref ore a good choice against Fabiano Caruana, who is exceptionally well prepared in the open ing. 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d8 The safest retreat, albeit a little passive. On the other hand, W hite has a lead in 154

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 development, but he no longer has a pawn on e4 to spearhead his attack. 4.d4 f6 5.f3 g4 Carlsen continues to copy his game with Djukic. You may like to look up this game in the archives for a discussion of the early moves. 6.h3 xf3 7.xf3 c6 8.e2!? A rare move. Of course Caruana had no idea that Carlsen was going to play this variation as Black, so he is unlikely to have spent days studying it. e6 In the only other game with 8. Ne2 Black preferred to fianchetto on g7 and aim for a quick e7-e5: [ 8...bd7 This may be less accurate than 8.. e6, for reasons explained below. A) White has an aggressive plan available with 9.d2 g6 ( Or 9...e6 10.g4 ) 10.0-0-0 g7 11.g4 etc.; B) 9.g3 g6 10.g2 g7 11.0-0 0-0 12.d1 e5 13.b3 c7 14.dxe5 xe5 15.f4 fd7 16.a4 c5 17.b4 So far this is Fedorchuk, S (2647)Danielsen, H (2501)/Kolkata IND 2014. White has the proverbial advantage of the two bishops, but it isn't much. After b6!? 18.xb6 axb6 19.b3 fe8 Black would be very solid. ] 9.g4! This pawn thrust was suggested above in the variation after 8...Nbd7. But because he has preferred 8...e6, Carlsen can avoid the attack by offering the exchange of queens. On t h e o t h e r h a n d , W h i t e ' s ki n g s i d e s p a c e advantage is also of value in the endgame. d5! The black queen returns to d5. 10.g2 bd7 11.g3 c4 [ The bizarre computer variation 11...b4+?! leaves White with an edge after 12.c3 d6 13.xd5 xg3 14.xc6! xf2+ 15.xf2 bxc6 16.e1 etc. due to his long range bishop and better pawns. ] 12.b3 xb3 Evidently Carlsen wasn't bothered by the opening of the a-file as he planned to castle queenside. Nonetheless avoiding the strengthening of White's pawns with [ 12...b6 was very natural. ] 13.axb3 d6 14.c4 a6 15.e3 0-0-0 16.0-0-0 he8? Since the battle is going to be fought on the kingside, it seems strange to remove the rook from the h-file. Instead [ 16...f8 followed by Ng6 would immediately bring up reinforcements. For

example if 17.g5 It may be wrong for White to push his kingside pawns without more prep arat ion . g8 18.h4 e7 19.g3 fg6 and Black's knight gains access to the f4 square. ] 17.g3 f8 18.f3 Already White could get his kingside pawns rolling with [ 18.g5 g8 19.h4 ] 18...g6 19.h4 f4 20.h5 xe3+ 21.fxe3 e7 22.e4? It looks like a fine idea to conquer space in the centre and get the knight to d6, but this is the wrong plan. He should have played [ 22.h6! to undermine the black kingside pawns and leave Black with problems along the f-file. For example A) 22...g8!? 23.g5!? ( Also good for White is 23.hxg7 xg7 24.df1 with pressure as taking on g4 would cost Black the f7 pawn.) 23...e8 24.hxg7 xg7 25.e4 and the pawns on f7 and h7 are more of a liability than the pawn on g5.; B) 22...g6 23.df1 f8 Black's problems along the f-file haven't gone away and the white pawn on h6 will be very strong in the endgame. Of course Black is far from lost in these variations, but it would have taken all Carlsen's resourcefulness to defend successfully against a player like Caruana. ] 22...h6! This little move is a whole lesson in strategic play. W hite's last move gave the World Champion a vital breathing space to consolidate his kingside by preventing h5-h6. He also clears h7 for his knight and creates a fine post for it on g5. 23.e5 h7 24.e4 f8 25.d6+ c7 26.g2 g5 The situation on the kingside has turned around. The black knight blocks White's pawns from expanding with g4-g5, which means they become passive and potentially weak. The horse also helps guard the f7 pawn. Meanwhile, it may look pretty, but what exactly is the white knight d o i n g o n d 6 ? 27.hf1 f6! The pawn that would have been a feeble fellow requiring careful defence after 22.h6! is transformed into an attacking weapon. 28.c2 fxe5 29.dxe5 c8! In order to maintain the knight on d6 White must defend it again with 30.c5 but now the black knight can return to e7 155

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 when the d5 square is opened up to it. e7 31.b4? Since Caruana is planning 32.Bxd5 this pawn move is understandable. However, he could have kept a defensible position with moves like [ 31.a1 d5 32.d2 which deal with the threat of Ne3. Of course it isn't easy to play such extremely passive moves when you've been pressing for the advantage. ] 31...d5 32.xd5 It is unpleasant to give Black a passed pawn, but with the pawn on b4 hanging as well as the threat of 32...Ne3+ t h e k n i g h t w a s i n t o l e r a b l e o n d 5 . cxd5 The strength of the knight on d6 is purely visual. The Uzbekistani SuperGM Rustam Kasimdzhanov was watching this game live a n d r e m a rk e d t h a t t h e wh i t e kn igh t wa s terrible on d6- it should be on d4, blocking the passed pawn and putting pressure on e6. 33.b5 Perhaps the last realistic drawing chance was [ 33.b3 e.g. f3 34.a2 xe5 35.xf8 xf8 36.e1 when White will at least pick up the e6 pawn. ] 33...axb5 34.xb5+ c6 35.d6 f3 36.b4 a8 37.a1 xa1 38.xa1 xe5 39.a7 White has lost a key pawn as after [ 39.e1 f3 he would drop the rook upon 40.xe6 d4+ ] 39...b8 Now Carlsen's technique is more than good enough. 40.a3 b6 41.a7 bxc5 42.a6+ c7 43.bxc5 d7 44.a7+ c6 45.g5 xc5 46.f7 d4 47.e5+ d5 48.d7 d3+ 49.c1 xd7 50.xd7+ e4 White resigned as Black's passed pawns soon cost him a rook e.g. [ 50...e4 51.xg7 e3 52.d7 ( Or 52.e7 d2+ 53.c2 c8+ ) 52...e2 53.gxh6 c8+ 54.b2 d2 ] 0-1

with previous columns and Michael Melts' new book. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 6.e5 [ 6.g3 g4 7.g2 e6 8.h3 ( we saw 8.0-0 e7 9.h3 in our game Socko, B (2631)Tiviakov, S (2686)/Eppingen GER 2008, almost transposing after xf3 10.xf3 , but White has castled and this gives Black a tempo more to set up: 0-0 11.f4 d8 12.d3 bd7 13.e2!? e8 14.fd1 f8 with rough equality) 8...xf3 9.xf3 e7 10.e2 bd7 11.c3 c7 12.f4 d6 13.xd6 xd6 14.d2 0-0 ( 14...e5! ) 15.0-0 ad8 16.ad1 e5 17.g2 fe8 and Black had equalised in Lanin, A (2457)-Tiviakov, S (2697)/Dagomys RUS 2009 ] 6...bd7 7.f4 [ Here 7.c4 c7 8.f3 b6 9.f4 T h i s i s , a s Me l t s s a ys , a ve r y p o p u l a r position. Black sometimes plays 9...Qd8, but there's also a lot of experience with d7 10.0-0-0 , which looks to favour White, but the exchange g4 11.xg4 xg4 12.f3 e6 seems to achieve complete equality, Simacek, P (2493)-Sedlak, N (2592)/Budva MNE 2009 (and earlier games). ] 7...d5 [ 7...xe5 is legitimate, but I think not quite equal: A) 8.dxe5 b4 9.d2 ( 9.d2 d5 and 9...Ne4 are considered equal) 9...e4 10.e2 xd2 11.xd2 f5 is equal, according to Melts. Then 12.0-0-0 g6 13.a3 a5 14.f4 is worth a try.; B) 8.xe5 d8 ( 8...b4 9.a3 b6 10.e2 f5 is given by Melts, when 11.b4 a5 12.0-0 d7 13.f4 keeps some kind of edge ) 9.d2 ( 9.c4 f5 10.0-0 e6 ) 9...f5 10.0-0-0 may well be better for White, if only by a limited margin. ] 8.xd5 170 B01 [ Tiviakov doesn't lose many games with 3.. . Qd6, and in this one he doesn't go down Caruana,Fabiano 2646 easy: 8.g3 Milanovic,Danilo 2552 A) 8...xe5 9.xe5 xc3 ( 9...b4 10th EICC Budva MNE (5) 10.03.2009 10.a3! wit h t h e id e a xb2? 11.a4 ) [John Watson] 10.bxc3 a3 11.d2 transposes; B) 8...xc3 9.bxc3 xe5 10.xe5 a3 An interestin g back-and-f o rth game. I've ( 10...g6!? ) 11.d2 b2 12.d1 xa2 merged quite a few other games from this ( 12...e6 13.e2 - Melts ) 13.d3 f6 month, most by Tiviakov, and compared them 156

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 14.f4 e6+ 15.e2 f7 16.0-0 e6 17.c4 e5?! ( 17...e7 ) 18.dxe5 e7 19.exf6 xf6 20.c5! 0-0 21.c4+ ( 21.d6 ) 21...e6 22.xe6+ xe6 23.d6 f7 24.fe1 f6 25.e4!? ( 25.f3 d8 26.b4 ) 25...d8 26.g3 g6 27.e2 xd6?! 28.cxd6 xd6 29.e8+ f8 30.c4+ d5 ( 30...f7?? 31.xf8+ xf8 32.b4 ) 31.xf8+ xf8 32.xd5 cxd5 33.c5+ f7 34.xd5+ e8 35.xb7 xc2 36.b8+ f7 37.xa7+ Mastrovasilis, D (2580)-Tiviakov, S ( 2 6 8 4 ) / B u d va M N E 2 0 0 9 . A f t e r 9 4 moves, White managed to claim a victory, but that really shouldn't happen. ] 8...xd5 [ Tiviakov has also played 8...xe5 , but 9.dxe5 xd5 10.xd5 cxd5 11.c4 should yield some advantage. ] 9.e2 This pawn sacrifice is the way Anand played against Tiviakov in Wijk aan Zee 2006. Other moves include [ a) 9.f3 , as played this month in Pikula, D (2570)-Tiviakov, S (2684)/Budva MNE 2009 it l e d t o a q u i c k d r a w: b6 ( 9...f6 is also played) 10.e2 f5 11.c3 ( 11.0-0? e4! ) 11...e6 12.0-0 e7 13.e5 0-0 14.e1 d8 15.b3 d5 1/2-1/2 ] [ b) 9.d3 g5 10.g3 g7 ( 10...xe5 11.xe5?! f6 12.g3 f5 is suggested by Melts here 11 dxe5 improves, but 11...Qa5+ is a good equalizer) 11.e3 ( 11.h4! xe5 12.dxe5 a5+ 13.d2 xd2+ 14.xd2 g4! ) 11...xe5 12.dxe5 f5 13.c3 ( 13.d1 ) 13...h5 14.h4 g4 with some advantage for Black, Stojanovic, D (2469)Tiviakov, S (2684)/Budva MNE 2009. ] 9...xe5 10.xe5 xg2 11.f3 g6 [ 11...g5!? - Melts ] 12.e2 [ Th e A n an d ga me we n t 12.d5?! g4! (easy to miss) 13.dxc6 ( 13.xg4? e4+ 14.d2 xe5 ) 13...bxc6 14.e2 xf3 15.xf3 d8 and Black had some advantage. ] 12...h5!? Still in theory. Also previously played were [ 12...e6 ] [ 12...f5 ] [ 12...e6!? ] 13.0-0-0 Apparently a new move.

[ 13.h3 f6 was K Szabo-Khernazhitsky, Za la ka ro si 2 0 08 , wh e n Me lt s su gge s t s 14.f4 ] 13...g4 14.h3 [ The truly adventurous player might try 14.hg1 e6 15.b1 0-0-0 16.xg4!? hxg4 17.xg4 f5 18.f3 with the attacking ideas d5 and c4. ] 14...xf3 15.xf3 e6!? 16.b1 f6!? [ 16...d5!? 17.d3 0-0-0 might be better. Maybe W hite is a little short full compensation, but he certainly has free play. ] 17.h2 d5 [ Or 17...0-0-0 18.a3 a6 19.a5!? d7 20.de1! e5! 21.dxe5 fxe5 22.xe5 d6 ] 18.d3 e6?! I don't get this. 19.g6+ e7 20.he1 d8 [ 20...h6 21.g3 d8 22.c4! with the idea xc4?? 23.c7+ ] 21.a1? [ 21.f4! ] 21...h6 22.d3 f7 Now Black is okay again. 23.c4 f5 24.e3 d7 25.a3 e7?! Over the next few moves he gets careless. [ 25...g6! was a strong move. ] 26.d3 h8? [ 26...e5! ] 27.e2 hd8 [ 27...e5 28.e3 hd8 is unclear. ] 28.f3 h7?! [ 28...g6! 29.xe6+ f8 is about equal, since 30.fe3 allows f7 ] 29.xe6+ f8 30.fe3! g6 31.d5? Some kind of hallucination. W hite stands better after [ 31.b8! a6 32.a7! f7 33.f5 ] 31...cxd5 32.cxd5 f7 [ or 32...c5 with the idea 33.c3 e7 ] 33.e4 The d-pawn won't last. c5 34.3e2 xd5 35.c2 b6 36.f4 d3 37.d2 d5 38.ed1 xd2 39.xd2 d3 40.a4 a5 41.h4 g8 42.a2 xf2 0-1


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 171 Caruana,Fabiano Strikovic,Aleksa Narcisco Yepes Memorial (2) [Caruana]

B01 2381 2498 02.07.2005

GM Fabiano Caruana was on my ChessFM (ICC) radio show and had prepared a few games for the listeners/viewers. We didn't get to this one and he agreed that I could share the game with ChessPublishing readers. The verbal commentary is wonderful and, although the game itself is a few years old, I think it's still of theoretical value, and I've included a game or two. The original annotations are extensive, and I've excerpted few of his main comments, since I hope that he will publish the complete version else where. [All annotations are his except as noted by "jw:"] 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 a6 6.g3 g4 7.h3 h5 8.g2 c6 9.0-0 0-0-0 10.f4 b4 11.g4! This was a new move at the time and was found over the board. Previously White had played exclusively 11.a3. It is interesting that although my idea found few followers for a long time, in Wijk aan Zee 2007 Peter Svidler chose it against Sergei Tiviakov and won! For sure he had accurately checked all the consequences of it and concluded White had, if n ot a n ad va nt age, t he n go od p ra ct ica l c h a n c e s i n u n c l e a r p l a y . g6 12.a3 Th ere is n o t urn in g b a ck, a s I 'm alrea d y committed to sacrificing at least one pawn. For the material I receive a strong attack along the b- and c-files also notice all my pieces two bishops glaring down the board at b7 and c7, knights waiting to hop into any entry squares in the centre - in particular Ne5 rooks coming in on b1 and c1 and my queen will quickly swing around to the centre or queenside) are aiming at Black's undefended king. At f irst t he compu ter estimates th e position as hopeless for W hite, but after 5 minutes its evaluation drops to roughly -0.2, which is not bad for the machine considering a two pawn deficit! [ jw: The only other game I (jw) found with this line went 12.e2!? xb2 ( But after 12...e6! , Black is threatening the d-pawn and b-pawn. Then 13.ab1 xd4 14.xd4

xd4 15.e5 b6 doesn't look like sufficient compensation) 13.e3! e6 14.ab1 a3 15.b3 a5 16.e5! with an almost winning game, although W hite went astray: d5 17.xd5 exd5 18.xc6 bxc6 19.fb1 d7 20.b7 ( 20.xc7! ) 20...d6 21.xd6 xd6 22.f4+ ( 22.e5+ d7 23.xg7 ) 22...d7 23.h4 he8 24.h5 ( 24.1b2! and 25 h5 will win something) 24...xc2 25.1b2 g5?! 26.hxg6 xg6 27.g5 e7 A m e s z, J ( 2 1 8 5 ) - V a n B e e k , A ( 2 2 7 0 ) / Vlissingen 2000 and here 28.f6+ d7 ( 28...f8 29.h8+ e7 30.e2+ ) 29.h3+ wins material. ] 12...xb2 [ [ j w : ] T i v i a k o v c h o s e 12...c4!? against Svidler in Corus 2007, annotated by Jonathan Rowson ["JR"!] for ChessPublishing. The game (with selected notes) went 13.g5 d5 14.xd5 xd5 ( 14...xd5 15.e5 xd4 16.g4+! e6 17.xc6 looks winning. ) A) 15.e5 xe5 16.xd5 xd5 17.dxe5 e4 18.d2! , when xc2 ( jw: but 18...e6 19.fd1 c5 looks reasonable) 19.xc2 xc2 20.fc1 g6 21.e6 is good for White.; B) 15.c3!? d8 16.b3 d3 ( 16...xc3 17.c1 d3 18.e1 e4 19.e3 and it looks like White's initiative is about to grow" - JR) 17.c1 c2 18.e3 e6 19.b4 e4 20.d2 xe3 21.fxe3 e5 22.g3 exd4 23.cxd4 d6 24.xd6 cxd6 25.ac1 d7 26.c4 with some advantage for White. ] 13.e1! Black has an important choice now. Strikovic prefers to develop, which is probably t h e w a y t o g o . e6! An interesting move, preferring to finish develop rather than go pawn hunting. [jw: I'll just show a condensed version of FC's analysis and comments on 13...Bxc2, following his main line, although he also covers 13..Qxc2:] [ 13...xc2 14.a2 ( Actually, the slow 14.e3!? should be considered) 14...b3 15.c1 A) 15...d5 16.xc2 xf4 17.b2 xa3 18.e5 xg2 ( 18...a5!? 19.a1!! ) 19.xc6 f4 ( 19...bxc6? 20.b8+ ) 20.xb7 xh3+ 21.g2 xc1 22.xc1 158

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 f4+ 23.f3 e6 24.b8+ d7 25.xd8 xd8 is a decidedly odd line leading to an equally odd position! White has good play after 26.e4; B) 15...d3 16.b2 xa3 17.e5; C) 15...e5! 16.xc2 xa3 ( 16...exf4 17.b2 xa3 18.e5 is a formidable attack ) 17.b1 xb1 18.xb1 exf4 19.xa3 xd4 20.xd4 xd4 gives Black an amazing four pawns for the piece, but White is very well coordinated, and has an initiative after 21.b1!? e4 22.bc1 c6 23.c4 xc4 24.xc4 ] 14.b1 xc2 15.e5 [Fabiano:] n White's compensation is clearly visible. But Black has defensive resources. Now comes a large and unpleasant choice for Strikovic, who must separate between two main moves: 15...Nd5 or 15...Bd6 (other moves such as Bxa3 or Rxd4 are not very serious). Both are almost impossible to fully calculate, so the choice is partly intuitive." d6!? [ [Fabiano analyses various options here, including 15...Nd5!, which I've only take his m a i n l i n e o f ] 15...d5! , a natural move brin gin g t h e knigh t t o t h e d e f e n s e a n d opposing the bishop's demand of the long dia go n a l, wh ich le a d s t o a lo n g f o rce d variation after 16.c1 xf4 ( 16...b2? 17.xd5 exd5 18.xc6 ) 17.xc2 xg2 18.xg2 xe5 , when the position has undergone a remarkable transformation: Bla c k h a s s a crif ice d h is qu e e n f o r t wo bishops and two pawns, but at the same time has rebuffed W hite's attack and left W hite with many weaknesses, whilst receiving good control over both the light and dark-squares. In fact I feel Black is only very slightly worse at the maximum. 19.a2 c4 20.e2 xd4 21.d1 xd1 22.xd1 c5 looks like formidable compensation. ] 16.xb7!! [jw: Here Fabiano analyses the move 16 Bxc6! at great length, with absurd complications, ultimately good f or W hite] xb7! Tenacious defence! So what happens after 16... Bxe5? In conclusion, it is a tough nut to crack but leads to a f orced win for White. [ 16...xe5? 17.xc6 xf4 18.a7 d7 looks very dangerous for Black but it isn't easy to see a knockout for White. I spent a

long time (therefore later on I was in serious time trouble) trying to break Black's defenses and eventually I found it! 19.d5! ( 19.a8+? b8 leads nowhere) 19...d6! 20.b4! This somewhat illogical backwards move was t he mo st d if f icult p art o f th e combination. Surprisingly W hite has no o t h e r w a y t o m a k e p r o g r e s s . c4 ( 20...b3 21.b7+ b8 22.c6# ) 21.e2! The final point, after which Black can no longer defend. I should mention that the entire attack starting with Rxb7 doesn't w o r k w i t h o u t t h i s r e s o u r c e . xe2 The queen had no other square to cover the critical points a6 and c6 22.b7+ b8 23.c6# ] 17.xc6 c8 18.e5! xe5? My opponent cracks under the sustained tension. A possible alternative was 18. ..Bd3 with a probable draw. 19.dxe5 d5 20.xd5 exd5 21.e7+ Not blindly taking the material. After this strong move W hite gets a huge advantage. d7 22.xd5 Black is up a lot of material but is so uncoordinated and has a terribly weak king that White is near winning! [jw: There's much more, but since this finishes the opening stage, I'm going to show t h e m o ve s o n l y: ] d3?! 23.b4 c4 24.d2 e8 25.c1 b3 26.xc7 h6 27.c6+ f8 28.d5?? c4! 29.xf7+ e8 30.c6! xd5 31.e7+ f8 32.f4+ g8 33.xg7+ xg7 34.f6+ h7 35.f5+ g7 36.f6+ h7 37.f5+ g7 38.f6+ ½-½

172 Casper,Thomas Speelman,Jonathan S Bundesliga [Andrew Martin]

B01 2390 2580 2002

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 Having recently made a video recommending this system, I approve of Speelman's choice. If White chooses straightforward development i.e. d4,Nf3 Bc4 Bd2 etc it's difficult to work up any advantage at all. Furthermore, If White's play is too routine, Black can easily take over the game. In that video, I thought that Black 159

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 should aim to put his Bishop on f5 and follow up with ...e6, ...Nf6, ...Bb4, ...Nbd7 etc . Very solid stuff. Here we see an exception to that rule when W hite goes off the beaten track early. 4.g3 Glek favours this idea against almost any Kings Pawn opening. The plan is very interesting i.e. an eventual b4-b5, prising open the long diagonal. That takes some preparation but Black must be aware. f6 5.g2 c6! [ 5...g6! 6.f3 g7 7.0-0 0-0 8.e1 c6! Braga's method is noteworthy-piece play above all. But I like Speelman's move too and it is logical, shutting down the diagonal. 9.h3 e5 10.d3 e8 11.e3 b4 12.a3 d6 13.b4 a5 14.c5 d8 15.b5 d7 16.e3 d4 17.xd4 exd4 18.d5 ( 18.xe8+ xe8 19.d5 d8 20.e2 c5 21.e7+ f8 22.xc8 xc8= ) 18...f6 19.xe8+ xe8 20.e1 d7 21.b1 d6 22.a4 e6 23.f4 f6 24.xe6 fxe6 25.h4 h6 26.d2 f5 27.e1 f7 28.e2 e8 29.d2 b6 30.c4 xc4 31.dxc4 f6 32.e4 e7 33.d1 g8 34.d3 f7 35.a3 f8 36.d3 g8 37.a1 f7 38.e1 g7 39.e2 h5 40.g2 d6 41.d1 c5 42.d3 d6 43.e1 e7 44.e4 f7 45.e2 e7 46.g4 hxg4 47.xg4 h6 48.e4 f7 49.e2 g7 50.f1 f4 51.xe6 xh4 52.e4 h3+ 53.e1 g4 54.h1+ h5 55.a8 g4 56.h8+ g5 57.d8+ h6 58.h8+ g5 59.d8+ h6 60.d5 d6 61.h1+ h5 62.e4 h7 63.g2 b4+ 0-1 Ehlvest,J-Braga,F/ Olympiad, Bled SLO 2002 (63) ] 6.ge2 White keeps the diagonal open, hoping for the b4 idea mentioned earlier. If he tries 6 Nf3 then I think Black should go for the normal plan: [ 6.f3 f5 7.0-0 e6 8.d3 e7 9.h3 h6! 10.e2 bd7= A typical position where the battle lies in the difference between the two light-squared Bishops. It's up to Black to prove that the pawn c6 is a more effective blocker than the pawn d3. I think he can do this with active play: A) 11.a3 0-0 12.e4 h7 13.b4 c7 14.b2 ( 14.xf6+ xf6 15.b1 ae8= ) 14...a5; B) 11.d2 d5 12.c4 d8 13.e1

7b6 14.e5 0-0 15.d2 h7 16.ad1 xc3 17.xc3 d7=; C) 11.d2 b6 12.ab1 a5 13.h1 0-0 14.e4 xe4 15.dxe4 g6= ] 6...g6! 7.0-0 g7 I like this active method. g7 is a much better square than e7 or d6. 8.b1 0-0 9.b4 d8 10.a4 e8 11.b5 d6 Note how Speelman left his Queenside pieces at home to be able to cope with this 'threat' 12.d3 c5 And now counterplay is threatened with the help of ....c5-c4 13.e4 xe4 14.xe4 d7 15.d2 b8 16.c3 xc3 17.xc3 f6 18.g2 b6= 19.e4 xe4 20.xe4 d4 21.e1 e6 22.a1 a5! Sp ee lm a n is in h is elem en t - a ma s te r o f simple positions and endgame structures. Casper tries to break Black's hold on the game and should really draw but his position worsens as time trouble approaches. 23.bxa6 xa6 24.a3 fd8 25.a1 xa1 26.exa1 c4! 27.dxc4 xc4 28.b1 g7 29.c3 d5 30.xd5 xd5 31.cb3 c8 32.1b2 [ 32.xb6 xc2 33.6b2 must be a draw although Black could play on forever- not easy at 30" per move. ] 32...d4 33.b4 xc2! 34.xb6 c1+ 35.g2 xa4 36.b7 g5 37.7b4 c4 38.xa4 xa4 39.b5 f6 4 g3 has to be respected, but I think that Black can attain a position of equality as long as he pays due respect to the upcoming b4-b5. Here Speelman did just that. 0-1

173 Cheparinov,Ivan Lorenzini,Martin XI Anibal Open (5) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2572 2412 01.03.2005

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.f3 f5 6.c4 e6 7.d2 c6 8.e4 d8 Avoiding doubled pawns at the cost of a loss of time. 9.g3 [ 9.xf6+ xf6 10.c3 d6 holds no terrors. ] 9...g4 10.c3 bd7 11.h3 xf3 12.xf3 e7 [ 12...d6 is a more active deployment and sh o u ld b e p re f e rre d , a lt h o u gh t h e re i s 160

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 nothing really wrong with the game move. Nevertheless, against strong opposition, one should avoid overly quiet play. 13.e2 c7 14.g4 d5 15.a4 a5 16.g5 5b6 17.b3 c5 18.h4 c4 19.c2 d5 20.h5 1/2-1/2 Movsesian, S-Istratescu, A/Ohrid 2001 ] 13.0-0 0-0 14.fe1 White has a moderate edge with two Bishops and the possibility of probing the Black kingside. Black's problem is that he doesn't seem to have an active plan. Perhaps he should play ...a5, ...b5 and plant a Knight on d5. a5N [ 14...e8 15.ad1 a5 is sim ila r 16.d3 b6 17.c1 ad8 18.c2 f8 19.f1 g6 20.e3 c7 21.c4 d5 22.g3 b5 23.e3 dd8 24.h4 f8 25.h5 h6 26.g4 8h7 27.e5 Thipsay, P-Koeller, O/Biel 1999 Throughout Black has been hampered by his inability to trouble White with counterplay. ] 15.a4 c7?! An imprecision. [ I c a n s u gge st 15...d5 16.d3 e8 as a modest improvement. Black is solid-he must wait. ] 16.f5! fe8 17.f4 b6 18.xe7+ xe7 19.e2 Now the White position is starting to look very nice. ee8 20.d6 d8 21.d3 f8 22.g3 g6 [ 22...h5 23.e5 f6 24.ae1 g6 25.h2 hardly helps. ] 23.ae1 h5 24.h2 g5 25.e3 hf4 26.h4! One can play such moves when the opponent's pieces are tripping over each other's toes. h6 27.xg6 xg6 28.h5 e7 29.f4 f6 30.e5 f5 31.f3 c2 32.g3 Because 32...g6 33 Qh4 is too unpleasant to contemplate. I'll summarise by saying that I don't think 9 Ng3 holds too many terrors for Black as long as he plays 12...Bd6! a little later on in reply. Above all, he must avoid an over-passive reaction. 1-0

174 Chiburdanidze,Maia Klaric,Zlatko Banja Luka (3) [Nigel Davies]



4.Nf3 is another interesting alternative. It will of ten transp ose b ack in to th e main line s should White play a later d2-d4, but he can delay this move or even omit it altogether. Here we see Black pin the knight with 4...Bg4, but White uses this bishop move to develop here kingside in novel fashion. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.f3 This natural developing move can transpose into the lines with d2-d4, but also be a prelude to some other plans of development. [ The immediate 4.h3 invites Black to occupy the centre with e5 ] 4...g4 The move with independent significance. [ Both 4...f6 ] [ and 4...c6 can be met by 5.h3 , preventing the pin. ] 5.h3 h5 6.g4 g6 7.g2! c6 [ After 7...c6 White can consider 8.b4 ] [ 7...e5 would be bad because of 8.0-0 intending Re1 and d2-d4. ] 8.0-0 0-0-0 9.a3 e5 10.b1 [ Chiburdanidze also mentioned the weirdlooking 10.a2!? , once again with the intention of playing b2-b4. ] 10...c5 11.d3 [ The immediate 11.b4!? could conceivably be met by xc3!? 12.dxc3 xd1 13.xd1 xc2 though this seems to offer White excellent compensation after 14.b5 ( or 14.e3 xb1 15.xb1 )] 11...e4 12.h4 exd3 13.xg6 dxc2?! W inning a pawn but accelerating W hite's initiative. [ 13...hxg6 would have been more solid. ] 14.xc2 hxg6 15.e3 e5 16.fe1 c5 [ 16...d6 is answered by 17.f4 ] 17.b4 xe3 18.xe3 f6 19.a4 With a very strong attack. Black has an extra pawn, but no real counterplay. ge7 [ 19...b8 is met by 20.e4 intending Nc5. ] 20.e4 [ And not 20.b5 because of d4! ] 161

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 20...f4 21.b5 d4 22.c2 d5 [ Or 22...e5 23.c5 etc. ] 23.bxc6 xe3 24.cxb7+ b8 25.c5 d6 [ After 25...d6 there is 26.c6! ( xc6 27.d7# ) ] 26.fxe3 xh3 27.a6+ xa6 28.xc7+ xc7 29.b8+ d7 1-0

175 Chomet,Pascal Collas,Didier Championnat de Accession (2.5) [Eric Prié]

B01 2317 2425 08.2005

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.f3 e4?! 6.d3! xc3 7.bxc3 xc3+ This is suicidal. Although even without taking the pawn Black's survival only hangs by a thread... [ 7...g6 8.0-0 g7 A) 9.e1!? 0-0! 10.xe7 c6 11.e3 xc3 12.d2 b2 13.c3 Of course and not 13.Bxg6? as in the Reprintsev game commented by Andrew. h6 ( 13...g4 14.h3 xf3 15.xf3; 13...e6 14.b1 xa2 15.xb7 ) 14.e1 xd2 15.xd2 xd2 16.xd2 e6 17.e4 a5 18.c5 Thus, past the surprise effect, Black does not manage to equalize in this line either.; B) 9.d2!? My young opponent, who was having quite a good run in the league, although visibly surprised by the variation, only spent half an hour to retrieve all the best moves over the board! 0-0 10.e1 c6 B1) 11.c4 is c r it i c a l a3 ( 11...a4 12.c3 xd1 13.axd1 ) 12.c3 xd4 13.xd4 xd4 14.cxd4 xd3 15.xe7 f5! ( 15...xc4? 16.h6 d8 17.e1! c6 18.d5! a4 19.e5; 15...xd4? 16.h6 ) 16.h6 fd8 However, Black should be able to hold thanks to his activity and the presence of the opposite coloured bishops.; B2) 11.h3! On the other hand represents, I reckon, the refutation of Black's optimistic 5th move after which I c a n n o t s e e h o w h e wi ll d e ve lo p h i s

queen's bishop whilst continuing to have the move c3-c4, with or without Rb1, hanging over his head like a sword of Damocles. f5 12.c4 a4 ( 12...a6 13.xf5 gxf5 14.d5! xa1 15.xa1 a5 16.d4 Provides White with a winning attack.) 13.d5! The Qa4-Qd1 vis-Ã -vis gives W hite supplementary t a c t i c a l m o t i v e s . d4 ( 13...a5 14.b1 xd3 15.cxd3 xd1 16.bxd1 b6 17.xe7 ) 14.xd4 xd4 15.xe7 xa1 16.xa1 xd3 17.h6 f6 18.cxd3 f7 19.e1 And Black has to part with his queen to avoid mate.; B3) 11.e4?! As in the Lacasa-Sanchez g a m e o f t h i s s u m m e r . d8!? Possibly an improvement, with unclear play, as W hite should play here 12.h3 ( 12.c4 a4 13.d3 g4 14.c3 xd1 15.axd1 c5!= Dranischnikow, E-Prie, E Rheinland Pfalz ChT1 2005) 12...c5 13.e2 e6 With unclear play. Partly f rom my notes in ChessBase MEG A 2006. ] 8.d2 a3 [ 8...b2 9.0-0 White's lead in development is crushing. ] 9.0-0 [ 9.e5!? d7? ( 9...d6 10.f3 f6; 9...e6 10.h5 e7 ) 10.xf7! Gamback, BPaasikangas Tella, J Aaland-Stockholm 1997 W ith the idea xf7 11.f3+ e8 12.g6+ hxg6 13.xa3 ] 9...d7 10.e1 What impresses me in this game is the methodical quietness of the white moves on one side when related to the feeling of helplessness of Black on the other side, totally unable to check the opposing natural initiative after his 6th move 'over provocation' and forced to weaken his position one move after another. c6 11.f4 e6 12.d2 a4 13.c4 f6 14.f3 d7 [ 14...e7 15.d6 ] 15.ab1 b5 [ 15...0-0-0 16.g3 d5 Only move to parry the threat of Qf4. 17.xf7+- ] 16.e5 xd4 17.xd7 xd7 18.xb5 d5 19.a4 [ 19.c4 cxb5 ( 19...e7 20.a6 ) 20.cxd5 b7 ( 20...d8 21.dxe6 fxe6 22.bd1 ) 21.h5 a3 22.xe6+ f8 23.c6 162

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 Wins too. ] 19...c8 20.e5!? [ 20.bd1! Would have spared White a couple of moves e7 The black queen has no squares! ( 20...e7 21.xd5 ) 21.c4 0-0 22.cxd5 exd5 Black ends up in a miserable position with only 2 pawns for the piece. ] 20...f6 21.g3 I really like this game because White has missed several clearer opportunities by not calculating (or calculating too much and becoming muddled afterwards!) and the attack is still overwhelming! [ 21.c4 fxe5 22.cxd5 xd5 23.g4 c5 24.b3 ] 21...f7 22.ed1 e7 23.c4 b6 24.xc6 a3 25.b3 xa2 26.d7! xd7 27.xd7+ e7? [ 27...g8! was more stubborn. 28.h3 h5 A) 29.c5 xc5 ( 29...xc5 30.d8 ) 30.b7 f8 31.xg7+ xg7 32.xc8+ h7 33.xe6 c2 34.b7; B) 29.e4 xb3 30.xe6+ h7 31.f5+ g8 32.d5+ h7 33.xh5+ g8 34.f7+ h7 35.d5! The point, White has to provoke the occupation of the c5 square by a rook. ( 35.d4 xg3! 36.fxg3 c5 ) 35...c5 36.d4 And that is why 28.h3 was more precise than 28.h4. White must have various other ways of continuing the attack (for only one pawn!) but this is a nice one. ] 28.xe7+! Tragicomic, Black's king bishop eventually leaves the 8th rank on move 28 just to pointlessly attend the end of the game! xe7 29.b7+ e8 [ 29...d8 30.d3+ e8 31.d7+ f8 32.d6+ g8 33.xe6# ] 30.xc8+ f7 31.b7+ g6 32.e4+ h6 33.h4+ g6 34.g4+ h6 35.f4+ g5 36.xg5+! It is mate in 3. 1-0

DVD for ChessBase on the Scandinavian because it shows a good way for Black in one of the 3...Qd6 critical main lines. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.c4 a6 6.ge2 b5! [ If you wish to embark on an adventure, why not try 6...c6 The 3...Qd6 shoreline is littered with the corpses of adventurers who have gone bef ore you. To be serious, I believe that 6...b5 is simpler and thoroughly thematic. ] 7.b3 b7 8.f4 b6! It's surprising to me that 8...Qd8 has been played more often than this very logical sideways step. Presumably Black has felt in the past that the Queen would be hassled by a4-a5 and thus avoided 8...Qb6. To me, that isn't a dangerous idea. For the moment, g2 is en prise. [ So, what of 8...Qd8? 8...d8 9.0-0 e6 10.g3 ( 10.e1 e7 11.g3 0-0 12.d2 c5 13.dxc5 xd2 14.xd2 bd7 15.ce4 xe4 16.xe4 xe4 17.xe4 xc5 18.e2 fd8 1/2-1/2 Pavlov, M-Hasangatin, R/Alushta 2004) 10...d6! Black regains the tempo he lost after 8 Bf4. 11.g5 ( 11.xd6 cxd6 12.e1 0-0= ) 11...e7 ( 11...h6 12.xf6 xf6 13.d5 might be a bit awkward for Black.) 12.e1 0-0 13.d5 c5 14.dxc6 xc6= Parligras, M-Svetushkin, D/ Bucharest 2002 I think what we are seeing is that Black has more than one good way to meet 5Bc4 ] 9.f3 e6 10.d2 [ 10.a4 is the traditional way to give the Black Queen ' a bit of hassle' but I recommend not to panic: Solving any problems instantly. c5! 11.axb5 ( 11.a5 a7 ) 11...axb5 12.xa8 xa8 13.0-0 cxd4 14.xd4 c5 ] 10...c5! The Black Queen supports ...c7-c5 wonderfully well. Already Black has a good game. 11.dxc5 xc5 12.0-0-0 0-0 13.b1 c6 One can't ask for more from the opening. 176 B01 Black is fully developed and his queenside Chulivska,Vita 2262 attack seems to be further advance than any comparable White initiative on the Kingside. Stanislavskaya,Kristina ch sf (Women) (2) 16.05.2005 One can reach similar positions from the Sicilian or Caro-Kann, but not quite as good! [Andrew Martin] 14.g5 e7 15.h4 a5 16.a4 b4 17.b5 This is not the most interesting game in the ad8 [ 17...fd8 ] world, but I am featuring it on my forthcoming 163

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 18.f4 xd1+ 19.xd1 d8 20.xd8+ xd8 [ After 20...xd8! presumably White continues the hoovering procedure with 21.d2 (the best move) and then ( 21.c7 xc7 22.xc7 c5 ) 21...xd2 22.xd2 d7 is only slightly better for Black. Yet maybe this is the line Black should have chosen if she really wanted to win. Black can squeeze a bit here. ] 21.g4 h6 22.xf6 xf6 23.g5 hxg5 24.hxg5 e5 25.g4 e3 [ 25...e7 26.f4 b8 27.ed4 g6 is an improvement. ] 26.f4 d4 27.exd4 xd4 28.f5 g1+ 29.xg1 xg1 30.fxe6 fxe6 31.xe6+ f8 32.f5 e7 33.d3 e3 34.g6 c6 35.b3 xb5 36.axb5 d6 37.b2 d4+ The play towards the end was uninspiring best to leave alone. But the beginning of the game will be of great interest to 3.. .Qd6 fans where the fangs of 5 Bc4 appear to be completely drawn. ½-½

Bugojno 1980 ] 10.a3 [ Neither 10.e5 xe5 11.dxe5 d5 12.e4 xe4 13.xe4 xd2+ 14.xd2 0-0-0 (Sveshnikov - Sutovsky, Bled 1997) nor ] [ 10.h4 g4 11.f3 xc3! 12.bxc3 ( 12.xc3 g5+ ) 12...h5 13.g4 g6 (Barua - Speelman, Calcutta 1996) gives White anything. ] [ O n t h e o t h e r h a n d t h e q u i e t 10.b3!? deserves consideration as after 0-0 11.h4 White has an improved version of the 10. Nh4 line because Black has committed his king. ] 10...b6 [ For 10...xc3 see Brynell - Hodgson. ] 11.b3 xc3 12.xc3 b5 13.xb5 [ Or 13.e5 xe5 14.xe5 0-0 with equality as in O'Donovan - Brady, Irish Ch 1996 ] 13...cxb5 14.d5 bxd5 15.xd5 Setting in motion an ambitious plan which ultimately backfires. [ 15.xf6 xf6 16.d4 e4 17.xb5 e7 18.f3 d5 19.xd5 xd5 20.he1 hd8 177 B01 21.d2 a6 22.d4 ac8 was equal in Sebe - Vezdeutsan, Bucharest 2001 ] Chytilek,Roman 2390 Konopka,Michal 2468 15...xd5 16.xg7 g8 17.e5 xg2!? Czech Ch Ostrava CZE (11) 26.05.2002 18.d4 g6 19.g3 Incarcerating Black's rook, but actually trapping the beast is far [Nigel Davies] from easy. Meanwhile it acts as a thorn in 8.Qe2 is the most dangerous move with the White's flesh. a6 20.de1 c8 21.h4 b4 clear intention of castling queenside. Black 22.axb4 xb4 23.e2 h5 24.d1 d3+ plays the ambitious 10...Nb6 in this game and 25.b1 c5 26.de1 b5 27.a2 b4 28.b3 later on allows his rook to be caged. 1.e4 d5 a5 29.b5 f8 30.d6 c6 31.c4 a4 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 c6 5.f3 32.d2 c3+ 33.b2 e4! Eureka! The f6 6.c4 f5 7.d2 e6 8.e2 b4 elimination of the bishop on g3 will mean that the trapped rook can break free. And his extra 9.0-0-0 bd7 e7 35.e5 [ T h e wi l d l o o k i n g 9...b5 led Black into pawn will cou nt . 34.d8+ serious trouble after 10.b3 bd7 11.d5! xc2+ 36.xc2 xg3+ 37.xg6+ xd8 in the game Rowson - Shaw, Scotish Ch., 38.e5 xf2+ 39.d3 e7 40.c1 f6 41.d7+ e7 42.e5 f5 43.c6+ d6 Harwick 1995 ] [ A n o t h e r d u b i o u s m o v e i s 9...d5 44.d8 d5+ 45.e3 f5+ 46.f4 e7 after which 10.xd5 xd2+ 11.xd2 cxd5 47.c6+ f6 48.e1 xh4 49.h1 g6+ 12.b3 xa2 ( 12...d8 13.b5+ c6 50.e4 h4 51.d4 g5 52.f1+ g7 14.c5 c7 15.g4 gave White a powerful 53.f3 g4+ 54.e3 f5 i n i t i a t i v e i n K o l o s o w s k i - Z i e l i n s k a , 0-1 Polanica Zdroj 2001) 13.xd5 c6 14.g4 g6 15.xc6+ bxc6 16.f4 left Black in serious trouble in Ljubojevic - Kurajica, 164

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 178 Collins,Sam Mcphilips,Karl Masters Bunratty IRL (5) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2409 2210 19.02.2006

We now turn our attention once again to the fashionable 3...Qd6. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.f3 f6 5.d4 a6 6.g5 One of the sharper moves. Presumably White is angling to castle long as soon as he can. c6 This move I am not sure about and Collins tries to exploit the exposed Knight immediately. [ Instead, I believe 6...b5! to be consistent and I think Black is OK: 7.d3 ( 7.xf6 xf6! 8.d3 b7 9.e4 c6 10.0-0 0-0-0 ) 7...b7 8.e2 bd7 9.0-0-0 e6 Black is comfortable, planning ...Be7, ... 0-0 and ...c5 ] 7.d5N [ Alternatives: 7.e2 g4 ( 7...e5 8.dxe5 xe5 9.0-0 e7 10.e1 0-0 11.xe5 xe5 12.f3 xg5 13.xe7 e6 14.d4 e8 15.b4 a5 16.a3 d8 17.e4 e5 18.c3 xc3 19.xc3 d2 20.c1 f5 21.e4 d4 22.g3 Van den Dikkenberg, E-Ellenbroek, T/Dieren 2005 ) 8.0-0 0-0-0 9.xf6 xf6 10.d5 e6 11.h3 xf3 12.xf3 exd5 13.xd5 b4 14.a3 xd5 15.xd5 e6 16.c4 d6 17.e1 d7 1/2-1/2 Borsato, C-Rigo, C/ Bratto 2005 ] [ 7.d3 g4 8.xf6 xf6 9.e4 f4 10.d2 xd2+ 11.exd2 0-0-0 12.c3 e6 13.0-0 e7 14.e4 a7 15.e5 h5 16.g4 g6 17.xg6 hxg6 18.xf7 h3 19.xd8 xd8 20.g2 h4 21.h3 c6 22.fe1 d7 23.f3 h8 24.e5+ xe5 25.xe5 d6 1-0 Alford, P-Woosh, A/Dos Hermanas 2004 ] [ 7.d2 f5 8.0-0-0 0-0-0 9.c4 e6 10.he1 b4 11.e2 e7 12.d5 exd5 13.xd5 xd5 14.xd5 he8 15.c4?? xg5+ 0-1 was the comical end to DaurelleBratanov La Fere 2002 ] 7...e5 8.e2 xf3+ There was no need to rush with this capture. Black can consider [ 8...h6 ] 9.xf3 f5 10.0-0 h6 But the Black position is still reasonable. 11.h4 0-0-0

[ 11...b4 was certainly an interesting c o u n t e r a t t a c k i n g p o s s i b i l i t y : 12.xf6 ( 12.g3 0-0-0 13.e2 e6 14.a3 b6 15.ad1 d6= ) 12...gxf6 13.e1 0-0-0 14.e4 d7 ] 12.e2 [ I quite like 12.d4 with the idea of Qa7 and so b6 13.xb6 cxb6 14.g3 is then possible, with an edge to White. ] 12...d7 13.g3 g5 14.e3 b8 15.b4! The Black King seems to be in greater danger now. g7 16.b5 g4 17.bxa6! gxf3 18.b6 Given the opportunity, Collins puts his opponent away with style. c8 19.b5 Does this mean that 3...Qd6 is in trouble? I don't think so. 6..b5 is a logical choice, better than 6...Nc6 and has to be preferred on all counts. 1-0

179 Collutiis,Duilio Genocchio,Daniele ch-ITA Montecatini Terme (10) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2330 2345 2002

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.b5+ Fischer liked this destabilising idea-Black cannot find the ideal formation for his pieces although White struggles too if the real truth be known. I like 3...Nbd7 now but 3...Bd7 is far more common and quite satisfactory. d7 4.e2 [ 4.c4 ] 4...xd5 5.d4 f5 6.f3 e6 7.0-0 e7 8.a3 [ 8.c4 is more incisive. Perhaps White can hope for a edge based on his central control and easy development: A) 8...b6 is best. 9.c3 c6 10.d5 exd5 11.cxd5 b4 12.d4 c8 13.f3 A1) 13...4xd5 14.xd5 xd5 15.a4+ d7 ( 15...c6 16.xc6 ) 16.b3 b4 17.e1 0-0; A2) 13...0-0 Fritz thinks Black can take the pawn and live- to me it looks as though it might become ugly: 14.c2 f5 15.xb4 xb4 16.d4 e7 17.d2 c5 18.f4 MatanovicKaraklaic Belgrade 1956; B) 8...b4?! provokes some strange 165

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 analysis: 9.a3 0-0 10.b3 a5 11.d1 c6 12.f4 d7 13.e1 f6 14.b1 a4 15.e3 b6 16.c3 ad8 17.a3 c2 18.xc2 xc2 19.d2 b3 20.e5; C) 8...f6 9.c3 0-0 10.e3 bd7 ( 10...h6 11.b3 ) 11.h4 g6 12.xg6 hxg6 13.f3 c6 14.c2 c7 15.ad1 ad8 16.g3 a5 17.g2 e5 18.d5 c5 19.g5 d4 20.dxc6 bxc6 21.e4 b8 22.b3 a4 23.b1 axb3 24.axb3 xe4 25.xe4 c5 26.h4 b6 27.e2 fb8 28.d5 f6 29.xf6 gxf6 30.h5 g5 31.h6 f5 32.h5 e7 33.h1 f8 34.b4 h7 35.bxc5 xc5 36.xb6 xb6 37.b1 f6 38.g4 fxg4 39.e4+ h8 40.xb6 xb6 41.xg5 g8 42.xe5+ f6 43.f5 1-0 Kallio,H-Beloudah,S/ Olympiad, Bled SLO 2002 (43) ] 8...h6 [ Could he not just have castled?: 8...0-0 9.c4 b6 10.c3 c6 11.h3 ( 11.e3 g4! 12.b3 f6 13.e4 xf3 14.xf6+ xf6 15.xf3 fd8 16.xc6 bxc6 17.g4 h6 ) 11...f6 12.e3 g6 13.b4 e5 14.dxe5 xe5 15.xe5 xe5 16.b3 f6 17.ac1 c6 18.b5 fe8 19.c5 d7 20.fd1 f8 21.f3 c7 22.bxc6 bxc6 23.e2 ac8 24.a4 b8 25.f4 xe2 26.xb8 b2 27.g3 h6 28.e1 d2 29.e5 d8 30.xc6 e6 31.g3 c2 32.xc2 xc2 33.xc2 xc6 34.a4 xc5 35.xa7 d2 36.a8+ h7 37.e4+ g6 38.e2 a5 39.a1 c3 40.e1 d3 41.h2 h5 42.h4 f5 43.a4 a5 44.b4 c5 45.b7 g7 46.d7 f5 47.a3 d5 48.b7 c5 49.b2+ h7 50.f3 d7 51.a5 e4 52.a6 d2 53.b7 0-1 Hamdouchi,H-Adianto,U/Gp A, Cap d'Agde FRA 2002 (53) ] 9.c4 f6 10.b3 c8 11.c3 0-0 12.d5 Despite appearances, it really isn't easy to take Black's position by storm. And after more measured methods, Black gets counterplay too. It seems an important nuance to avoid moving the c pawn early-Black can then play ... c7-c5 in one go, prefaced by ... a7-a6 to secure the position of a Bishop on d6. [ 12.e3 would be considered traditional. Black can go through with his plan: bd7 13.ad1 d8 14.fe1 a6! 15.h3 c5 16.d5 exd5

A) 17.xd5 xd5 18.cxd5 ( 18.xd5 e4 19.d2 f6 20.ed1 c7 ) 18...d6; B) 17.cxd5 d6 ] 12...exd5 13.cxd5 c6 14.d4 g6 15.dxc6 xc6 16.xc6 bxc6 [ 16...xc6 17.f3 ] 17.c4 d5 18.e4 [ After 18.xd5 cxd5 19.xd5 f6 Black has excellent compensation based on strong pressure against White's Queenside and the exposed White Queen.. ] 18...e6 19.d3 ad8 20.c2 fe8 Somewhere along the line W hite lost the thread. 21.d2 b6 22.fe1 d5-+ 23.f4 [ 23.e3 xe4 24.xe4 ( 24.xe4 xd2 ) 24...xd3 ] 23...xd3 24.xd3 xd3 25.d6 a8 26.xe7 d5 0-1

180 Cornette,Matthieu Prie,Eric FRA-Cup 1/16 Bordeaux-MTP [Eric Prié]

B01 2392 2429 28.03.2004

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.c4 g4 6.ge2 bd7! Although it is difficult to name it this way, considering the paternity of the move or the number of games available on my Megabase, this is 'my variation'. After having deprived White's king's knight of its best square, Black combines aggressive development (more or less implying long castles) and the concern of his queen's restrictedspace 7.f3 f5 8.g4 [ 8.d2 b6 A) 9.a4?! c6 10.b3 e6 11.g3 g6 12.e2 b6 13.xb6 axb6 14.c4 0-0-0 15.e3 b4+ 16.f2 h5 17.hc1 h4 18.f1 h3 19.g3 g4+ 20.g1 xe3 21.d5 exd5 22.cxd5 d6 23.xe3 he8 24.f1 e7 25.a4 e5 0-1 Dupre, M (1820) -Prie, E (2470) Andorre open 1997; B) 9.b3 0-0-0 10.a4 d6 B1) 11.xf7 e5 ( 11...e6 12.g4 e7 13.gxf5 xf7 14.fxe6 xe6 15.0-0 ) 12.g4 g6 13.xg6 hxg6 14.g5 166

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 h5; B2) 11.f4 a6! 12.g3 e5 Popa, C (2199)-Prie, E (2429) St Vincent op 2004; C) 9.a4 a5! Generally the best response in this configuration, gaining the square on b4, even when Black intends long castling. 10.0-0 ( 10.f4 e6 11.b5 c8 12.0-0 e7 13.h1 0-0 Black is slightly better having successfully fulfilled his objective of disorganizing the opposing pieces. 14.e1? With such a lack of coordination, embarking on forced lines is just bound to fail. xc2-+ 1-0(40) Alas! Kaaber, J (2092) -Prie, E (2464) Figueres op 2005. It seems, however, that this electroshock did me so me go od be cause, su ddenly all awake, I eventually won thetournament!) 10...e6 11.h1 c6= With a pleasant equality for Black. Crouan, S (2221) -Prie, E (2467) Nantes 2005. ] 8...g6 9.h4 [ 9.f4 e5! ( 9...0-0-0? 10.xg6 fxg6 11.e6 ) 10.xg6 hxg6 11.g5 h5 12.d2 d6 ( 12...0-0-0! ) 13.e2 ( 13.e4 ) 13...g3 14.e4 xe2 15.xa5 xd4 Perdomo, C (2320) -Peredy, F (2235) FSIM Budapest 1995 ] 9...h6 10.f4 White wants to keep the d4pawn protected by his queen and does not wish to displace the black queen onto an arguably better square. [ 10.d2!? b6 ( 10...0-0-0!? 11.h5 h7 12.xf7 e5 ) 11.f4 A) 11...xd4 Is too risky. 12.xg6 fxg6 13.e2 e5 14.e3 g3+ 15.f2 e5 16.e6; B) 11...e5!? 12.dxe5 xe5 13.e2 0-0-0 14.xe5 xd2 15.xd2 ( 15.xg6 f2# ) 15...d6; C) 11...0-0-0! 12.h5 ( 12.xg6 fxg6 13.e2 e5 14.dxe5 xe5 15.0-0-0 xc4 16.xc4 b4= ) 12...h7! ( 12...xd4!? 13.e2 e5! 14.xg6 xd2+ 15.xd2 xf3+ 16.e2 xd2+ 17.xf3 fxg6 18.e6+ d8 19.ad1 d6 20.b5 gxh5 21.gxh5 c6 22.xd6 exd6 ) 13.e2 ( 13.xf7 e5 W ith suddenly a strong counter attack) 13...e6 14.0-0-0 c6 Black is OK. 15.g5 hxg5 16.g6 g8 17.xf8 xf8

18.xg5 xd4 ] 10...e5! 11.xg6 fxg6 12.d2 [ 12.dxe5 xe5 13.b5+ c6 14.f4 ( 14.e2 0-0-0 15.xe5 e8 ) 14...b4! 15.xe5 xb5 ] 12...0-0-0! 13.d5 [ 13.d5 a4 14.b3 a6 ( 14...c6 ) 15.e2 xe2+ 16.xe2 exd4 17.xf6 gxf6 ] 13...b6! The key improvement in this key variation! [ 13...b4 14.e2 e4 15.fxe4 e5 16.0-0-0 fxg4 17.a3 hf8 18.hf1 xf1 19.xf1 xc3 20.xc3 c5 21.d3 e7 22.e1 c6 23.e2! cxd5 24.exd5 e3? ( 24...f6 25.f3 e8 26.g2 ) 25.f4! c7 ( 25...xd5 26.xe5 xe5 27.g4+ ) 26.e4 5c4 27.g1 b8 28.b3? ( 28.d4 Simply wins a knight.) 28...xd5 29.xc4?? ( 29.d4 xa3 30.e5 ) 29...e7?? I have seen both these chess legends in a better day. Is it possible that they were already in a furious mutual time scramble? The fact that Black will continue the game a piece down until reaching the time control seems to add credence to this hypothesis. ( 29...xc3 ! ) 30.h2+ a8 31.b2 e8 32.d4 e3 33.d2 f5 34.b1 xh4 35.a2 g5 36.g4 a6 37.d7 e4 38.c7 f3 39.xf3 xf3 40.d8+ xd8 41.xd8+ 1-0 Kavalek, LLarsen, B Beverwijk 1967. ] 14.e2 xc4 15.xc4 xd5 Team strategy in (4 board) cup matches! With Black I had neutralized the most dangerous and by far the strongest player in the opposing team. The extra pawn is not so easy to exploit. It was a good moment to propose a draw that could hardly be declined. As a result, we qualified for the last 16 without sweat. ½-½

181 Cuartas,Jaime Alexander Mohota,Nisha XXX Open Barbera del Valles ESP (2) [John Watson]

B01 2504 2332 7.7.07

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 6.c4 One of the very main 167

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 lines of the Scandinavian. f5 7.e5 [ An interesting comparison is BrynellHo d g s o n , H a m b u r g 2 0 0 2 , a n a l ys e d i n ChessPub: 7.d2 e6 8.e2 b4 9.0-0-0 bd7 10.a3 xc3 11.xc3 c7 12.e5 In that game, if Black castled, the only difference between it and the game before us would be kingside versus queenside castling on W hite's part. Thus Hodgson played b5! with the idea . ..Be4-d5, which works because White's king is exposed in certain lines. ] 7...e6 8.e2 bd7 9.0-0 b4 10.d2 0-0 11.a3 xc3 12.xc3 c7 There it is. With 0-0 instead of 0-0-0, White doesn't have to worry about onslaughts and so can take his time and try to use the bishop pair. 13.xd7 xd7 14.fd1 c7 15.f3!? d5 16.e1 f4 17.c3 h5!? It's a little hard to find a plan. This probably isn't worth creating a weakness for. [ 17...e3+? 18.f2 xe2 19.xe2 is an ideal position for the bishops: Black's knight has no outpost to compensate for them. ] 18.d2 c7 19.f2 b5 20.f1 ad8 21.e1 b6 22.h4 g6 23.f4 White's grip on the board increases. He has won the opening. c8 24.g3 a4 25.f2 b6 26.h3 d5 27.b3 White is bluffing a bit with c4, but Black has to devote his forces to stopping it. fd8 28.e3 5d7 29.g5 f6 [ 29...e8 allows 30.c4 ] 30.c1 f7 31.f4! Clamping down on ...e5. White's dark-squared bishop will be restricted, but perform a useful function within lines. c7 32.f3 d5 33.d3?! [ 33.e3 would prevent ...c5. ] 33...c5! 34.e4 5d6 35.e3 c4! [ Probably 35...cxd4 36.xd4 d5 is playable, but the text creates an outpost and prevents queenside pawn breaks. ] 36.b4 d5 [ 36...f5!? 37.c2 d5 allows an eventual g4, although I suspect this is drawish. ] 37.d2 a5 38.f5 The one break, but is it enough? exf5 39.xf5 axb4?! Opening a new front for White. [ 39...a6 should come first. ] 40.axb4 b7 41.g3 f8 42.f4 xf4 43.xf4 a6 44.xa6 xa6 45.c7

[ T y p i c a l l y , t h e c o m p u t e r f i n d s 45.d7! , when b6 ( 45...b7 46.d6+ g8 47.e7; 45...xd7?? 46.b8+ ) 46.f5! wins the b5 pawn due to b8? 47.h7 ] 45...d6 46.c5 g6 47.e4 g7 48.f3 f4 Black has come out fine. 49.a7 h4 50.a1 e8 51.xe8 xe8 52.e1 f8 53.d5 d7 54.h1 e8 55.e6 g3 56.d2 e7 [ 56...g5! would activate Black's bishop, because 57.f5 d6 58.e2 c6 59.h5! d5 60.h8+ f7 61.h7+ is drawn. ] 57.d5!? Incredibly risky! d3?! [ 57...d7! 58.xd7 xd7 and White's dpawn will probably fall soon, e.g., 59.e2 ( 59.a2 e1+ 60.h2 e5+ 61.h1 xd5 ) 59...e5 60.d2 ( Maybe 60.f2! s a v e s W h i t e : xc3 61.a7+ d6 62.c5+ e5 63.d6+! e6 64.d7! xd7 65.xb5+ ) 60...d6 ] 58.f2! f5?? [ 58...g3 59.c5+ d8= ] 59.xh4+ d6 60.f4+ e7 61.e5 d1+ 62.h2 d2 63.xf5+ Fortune favours the brave? Or the fortunate. 1-0

182 David,Alberto Tkachiev,Vladislav (m/4) Cannes [Alexander Volzhin]

B01 2540 2645 1999

The Center counter wasn't so popular this month, but the theoretical battle which took place in the Tkachiev - David match was quite interesting. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.f3 f6 5.d4 c6 6.c4 f5 7.d2 e6 8.d5 [ Another possibility was tried in the 6th game o f t h e m a t c h : 8.e4 c7 ( 8...d8 i s n o t s o g o o d h e r e , i n v i e w o f 9.g3 and the position is similar to a main line Caro Kann,although W hite has won some extra tempi.) 9.xf6+ gxf6 10.e2 d7 ( The brave looking 10...xc2 is in fact a great mistake after 11.c1 g6 12.d5! Exploiting the position of White's Rook and B l a c k ' s Q u e e n o n t h e s a m e f i l e . cxd5 168

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 13.b5+ c6 14.d4 and Black is in trouble. ) 11.0-0-0 0-0-0 A) The position after Black's 11th move was seen previously in Nunn - Conquest, Hastings 1995/96. This game continued 12.h4 g6 13.b3! d6?! ( I w o u l d p r e f e r 13...b6 with a comfortable position for Black.) 14.g3 he8 15.he1 f5 16.g2 A1) With his previous move, Black probably intended to transfer his Knight to the central e4-square, but now he d i s c o v e r s i t d o e s n ' t w o r k 16...f6 17.g5! e7 ( Unfortunately, the natural 17...e7 loses on the spot to 18.xe6+! fxe6 19.xe6+ b8 20.xf6 d6 21.xe7 xe7 22.xe7 and White wins d8 o t h e r wi s e 2 3 . B e 5 23.xb7+ ) 18.f4 and it's not clear how Black is going to unpin.; A2) 16...b8 17.f4 White now secures a clear advantage, and Black`s attempts to complicate are easily refuted: f6 18.xe6! f8 19.c4 A2a) 19...xe6 20.xe6 xf4+ ( 20...f7 21.xd6+-; 20...f7 21.xd6 xd6 22.b4+- ) 21.xf4 f7 22.d5 xe6 23.xe6 d6 24.xd8 xd8 25.d3 xd5 26.xd5 cxd5 27.d4+-; A2b) 19...h5 20.d3! and in a few moves White won.; B) 12.b3 b6 13.g3 g6 14.f4 d6 15.xd6 xd6 16.h4 a5 17.a4 d5 18.f3 e7 19.he1 hd8 20.c3 a n d in t h is le ve l p o sit io n a d ra w wa s agreed. ] 8...d8 9.xf6+ xf6 10.e2 Up to this moment the players have been following the game Shirov - Salov. Now Black deviates with a clear improvement. d7! [ 10...g4?! was played in the aboveme nt ion ed ga m e an d W hit e seize d t h e initiative after 11.d5! ] 11.d5 cxd5 12.xd5 Black's position seems to be precarious, but the young French has something in mind! e7! [ It's extremely risky to grab pawns without a n y d e v e l o p m e n t : 12...xb2?! 13.0-0 and White obtains a strong initiative: A) The other capture loses by force

13...xc2 14.g5! Threatening both Be6 with a mating attack and Rac1 winning material a3 ( 14...h6 doesn't help Black either: 15.xe6! hxg5 16.xd7+ xd7 17.e5+ will set in motion a decisive attack. ) 15.xe6 fxe6 16.xe6+ f8 17.xd7 and Black should resign.; B) 13...xc2 14.fc1 d3 15.xd3 xd3 16.xb7 b8 17.c6 White holds a strong initiative even in the endgame. b5 ( 17...d6 18.c3 - White threatens both Rd1 and picking off the g7-pawn with a serious advantage.) 18.xb5 xb5 19.c8+ e7 and Black is completely tied up. ] 13.c3 b4! The point. This unexpected blow solves all Black's problems. 14.xb4 xb2 15.0-0 xb4 16.ab1 Now both sides can be satisfied. W hite regains his pawn wh i l e B l a c k s u c c e s s f u l l y c o m p l e t e s h i s development. After the short storm a quiet balanced position has arisen. a4 17.xb7 d8 18.e3 0-0 19.d4 b6 20.xf5 Here a draw was agreed. A short but interesting and important game. ½-½

183 De Firmian,Nick E Schroer,Jonathan Open New York (USA) (9) [Nigel Davies]



1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.d4 xd5 4.f3 g4 5.e2 c6 6.0-0 e6 7.e1 Here too this is a st ro n g m o ve , a im in g sim p ly t o su p p re s s Black's attempts to free himself, in the short term at least. e7 8.c3 0-0 9.bd2 d7 [ Another example was Belov - Shorin, Russian Ch., Serpukhov 1999, which went 9...f5 10.b5 b8 11.e4 a6 12.d3 d7 13.e2 g6 14.c4 b4 15.b1 b6 16.b3 a5 17.b2 c6 18.a3 with a clear advantage. Black's problems, as always, stem from a lack of space. ] 10.e4!? [ 10.c4 is an alternative, restraining ... e7e5. De Firmian reckons that the surrender of the two bishops involved with executing this advance is too high a price to pay, but 169

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 this assessment of the position is slightly to go all in, but on this occasion discretion controversial. ] might have been the better part of valour. 10...xf3 11.xf3 e5 The 'freeing' move Ziatdinov is also a highly dangerous which gives rise to a double-edged struggle. tactician ) 10.xf3 xd4 11.xd4 xd4 White now 'wins' a second minor exchange 12.xa7 e5+ 13.e2 xc4 14.xb7+ (bishop for knight) at the cost of giving Black d7 15.d1+ d6 16.xd6+!! (Pow!!) a be t te r p awn struct ure . 12.c5 xc5 xd6 17.b5+ c6 18.0-0! c5 19.d1+ 13.dxc5 ad8 14.b3 a5 15.c2 fe8 d5 20.xd5! xb5 21.xc6+ xc6 16.g5 f6 17.ad1 f7 18.c1 e7 19.b4 22.d4+ c5 23.xb5 xb5 24.d7 c6 ac6 20.e3 f5 21.b5 e4 22.e2 25.xf7 d8 26.g4 d2 27.xg7 xb2 [ I'll cop out of assessing 22.bxc6 exf3 28.xh7 d6 29.g5 c5 30.g6 b8 31.h3 23.cxb7 g6 24.g3 c6 - though this e7 32.f3 c4 33.f1 c8 34.f7+ looks as if it would give Black excellent 1-0, Ziatdinov R - Shabalov A, Toront o counterplay. ( and not 24...g4 25.xd8 1998 ] xd8 26.b3+ h8 27.b8 )] [ 8.0-0 e5 9.d5 e4 10.fd2 e5 11.c3 22...e5 23.d4 7g6 24.f1 h6 25.h3 h5? ( 11...xe2 ) 12.xg4+ exg4 13.h3 f4 This is starting to look dangerous for xe3 14.xh5 xh5 15.fxe3 f6 White, with storm clouds definitely gathering 16.dxe4 xe4 17.xe4 f6 18.f2 e8 round his king. The threat of a Black knight 19.f3 and White won the endgame in landing on d3 makes White give up one of his Dolmatov - Perez Candelario, Linares Open bishops and go hunting for pawns. 26.xe5 2000. ] xd1 27.xd1 xe5 28.a4 xc5 29.xa7 8...e5 9.d5 b4 10.c1 xa2 11.a1 b4 xc3 12.0-0 a6 13.h3 [ In the shoot-out that follows, de Firmian [ Waitzkin must have had an improvement shows that he's the stronger player. Black ready because he repeated all of this in a might have considered 29...b6 at this point, later game. But in Sax - Wiatzkin, Pula 1997, wit ho ut worryin g ab ou t 30.b8+ h7 the Hungarian got his new move in first with 31.d8 which can be answered by e6 ] 13.a4! and went on to win a dashing 30.xb7 h7 31.c8 a3 32.d8 xa2 a t t a ck in g ga m e : d3 14.xd3 xd3 33.f8 d5 34.h8+ g6 35.xc7 a1 15.a1 e8 16.b4 xf3 17.xf3 xc4 36.xf4 xb5? 18.c1 xd5 19.a5 d3 20.b5 b4 [ Looks like time trouble. Black could play 21.bxa6 xa5 22.xa5 d6 23.g5 hf8 36...xf1+ when W hit e mu st go 37.h2 24.a7 d7 25.c5 a6 26.d2+ c8 ( 37.xf1? d1# )] 27.d6 c6 28.xf8 xf8 29.d6 d8 37.d6+ g5 38.e7+ f4 39.c7+ 30.b8+ d7 31.xf7 e8 32.d1+ e6 1-0 33.d6 a4 34.f1 g8 35.c8 f4 36.d6+ f5 37.a8 g4 38.e7 g5 39.g3 1-0 ] 184 B01 13...xf3 14.xf3 d6 [ Waitzkin might have had the immediate De Firmian,Nick E 14...c5 in mind had Sax repeated de Waitzkin,Joshua Firmian's play. Now things get out of hand. ] New York (USA) (7) 1996 15.a4 c5 16.xb4! cxb4 17.c5 b8 18.d6 [Nigel Davies] a7 19.b3 e4 20.g5 b8 21.xf7 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.d4 c6 4.f3 xc5 22.g4 c8 23.c1 b6 24.xh8 xh8 g4 5.e2 0-0-0 6.c4 f5 7.e3 f6 25.a4 d7 26.xa6 xe3 27.c7 xf2+ 8.bd2 A subtle move which lends added 28.xf2 e3+ 29.g2 protecting to the d4 square by supporting the 1-0 knight on f3. Yet W hite has also done well with the more primitive alternatives: [ a) 8.c3 e6 9.a4 xf3 (Shabalov likes 170

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 185 Degraeve,Jean Marc De Wolf,Johan Ch (team) 1996/97 (5) [Nigel Davies]

B01 186


1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.d4 xd5 4.e2 f5 5.f3 e6 6.0-0 e7 [ The alternative is 6...d6 , though the bishop looks more exposed on this square and it blocks any pressure Black might hope for on the d-file. Nijboer - Hoodendoorn, Dutch Ch., Rotterdam 2000 went on 7.c4 f6 8.c3 c6 9.b3 c7 10.c5 e7 11.f4 c8 12.fe1 0-0 13.h4 g6 14.xg6 hxg6 15.c4 with a tremendous position and an immediate threat to 'sac' the rook on e6. ] 7.e1 0-0 8.a3 Preparing to play c2-c4 without having to worry about Black's knight coming in to b4. c6 [ Black can 'develop' his pieces, but there's not much to do about W hite's grip on the centre. He needs to free himself with either ...c7-c5 or ...e7-e5, but 8...c5 would be met by 9.c4 b6 10.c3 cxd4 ( 10...c6 11.d5 ) 11.xd4 with Bf3 coming and very strong pressure against Black's queenside. ] 9.b5! A nasty move which prompts a fullscale retreat. b8 10.f1 c6 11.bd2 f6 12.c3 Protecting the d-pawn leaves Black with nothing. W ith the knight on c6 Black's only useful pawn lever is ...e6-e5, but in this position it is out of the question. h6 13.a4 c8 14.a5 b8 15.b3 b6 16.axb6 axb6 17.e5 fd7 18.df3 c5 Fin a lly ge t t in g in t h e ke y le ve r, b u t n o w White's superior development starts to tell. 19.xd7 xd7 20.d5 f6 21.f4 c4 22.xc4 c5 23.d1 exd5 24.b5 e4 25.g3 a8 26.xa8 xa8 27.d4 a2 28.f3 g6 29.b4 xd4+ [ 29...b7 would have put the knight on a pretty miserable post, but now Black is losing a pawn. ] 30.xd4 e6 31.xb6 d2 32.e3 a2 33.d7 f5 34.b5 d8 35.xe6 xe6 36.b6 b3 37.c7 e8 38.d3 d4 39.b1 xc3 40.xc3 dxc3 41.b7 c2 42.c1 1-0

Degraeve,Jean Marc Kovarcik,Guillaume Open Saint-Affrique (France) (4) [Nigel Davies]



1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.f3 f6 4.d4 g4 5.e2 e6 6.0-0 e7 7.h3 h5 8.c4 d8 9.b3 [ This position is just nice for White because of his greater control of terrain. 9.c3 0-0 10.f4 d6 11.e5 xe2 12.xe2 c6 13.ad1 e8 14.fe1 wa s a lso ra t h e r m ise r a b le f o r B la c k i n Krauss - Forster, US Open 1982. ] 9...c8 10.c3 0-0 11.g4 With Black so p a s si ve ly p l a c e d , t h i s we a k e n i n g o f t h e kingside is of little significance. White wants to add the bishop pair to his collection of pluses. g6 12.e5 bd7 13.xg6 hxg6 14.f3 c6 15.f4 d8 16.fe1 f8 17.ac1 a5 18.a3 e8 19.c5 Played as soon as the knight moves away f rom d5 . Degraeve actually has a nice tactic in mind. ef6 20.a4 d5? Strictly speaking this is the losing move. But Black's position is pretty m i s e r a b l e i n a n y c a s e . 21.xd5 cxd5 22.b6! c6 [ White's last move was a killer - 22...xb6 23.cxb6 d7 24.c7 loses the b-pawn and the game ] 23.xa8 xa8 24.a4 1-0


B01 Del Rio Angelis,Salvador Gabriel 2472 Minasian,Artashes 2567 Open Ubeda ESP (10) 30.01.2001 [Neil McDonald] Much of the analysis to this opening is indebted to a ChessBase article by Matthias Wahls which gives a very deep examination of this variation. I have only quoted some key va ria t io n s . 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 I haven't seen this line in ages. Naively, I thought this was one of the main lines but white seems to avoid it like the plague in practice. We get some indications why in this game. xd5 4.f3 g4 5.e2 0-0-0 6.e3 171

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 f6 [ 6...e5!? may be black's most solid route to equality. A) 7.c4 a5+ 8.d2 b4 9.xe5? ( 9.d5 xf3 is better, but looks very nice f o r b l a c k .) 9...xe2 10.xc6 e8! 11.xa5 xc4+ 12.e2 xe2+ 13.d1 xa5 14.xa5 xf2-+ Hrivnak-Babula, Kecskemet 1987.; B) 7.c3 a5 8.xe5 xe2 9.xe2 xe5 10.dxe5 xe5= ] 7.0-0 [ 7.bd2 f5! 8.c4 e5 9.d5 b4 10.0-0 c2 11.h4 xe2 12.xf5 xd1 13.axd1 xe3 14.fxe3 g6!? 15.g3 g4 16.xf7 xe3 17.e1 c5 18.h1 df8 with black having some pressure due to his active pieces - Wahls. ] 7...h5 [ 7...xf3! 8.xf3 b5 is black's best according to Wahls - the queen gains a bit of peace and there is pressure against d4. A) 9.b3?! xd4 10.xd4 c5 ( 10...e5? 11.g4+ b8 12.xa7+ ) 11.a4 a6 12.c3 ( 12.e2 c6 ) 12...cxd4 13.cxd4 b8 14.c3 e5 15.d5 b4 is fine for black, according to Wahls.; B) 9.xc6 xc6 10.e2 d5 11.c4 xe3 12.fxe3 e5 13.dxe5 e6 14.c3 d7! ( 14...c5 15.e4 e7 16.h5! g6 17.h3 ) 15.ad1 xd1 16.xd1 ( 16.xd1 c5 ) 16...xe5 Wahls. ] 8.bd2 [ 8.h3? A) 8...e5? 9.hxg4? ( 9.bd2! ) 9...xg4 10.h4?! f5 11.xg4?! fxg4 12.g3 exd4 13.c1 g5 14.g2 c5 15.d3 hf8 16.e1 d6 17.a3 h6 18.h4 hf6! 19.xg5 xg5 20.e2 e5 21.d2 h5 22.e1 f5 23.c4 xc4 24.xf5 xf5 25.b3 e3 26.fxe3 dxe3 27.b4 b6 28.d1 e5 29.d3 f2 0-1, Hresc-Wahls, Velden Open 1996.; B) 8...xf3! 9.xf3 b5 Wahls. It is very interesting to know this theme. ] 8...e5 [ 8...d5 9.h3 xf3 10.xf3 xe3 11.fxe3 h6 Wahls. ] 9.dxe5 [ 9.h3! When Wahls des that black is worse because he cannot justify a piece sacrifice -

he gave: b4 10.hxg4 ( 10.c3?! exd4 ) 10...xg4 11.c3 exd4 12.cxd4 ( 12.g5? dxc3 13.xd8 xd8 ) 12...xd4 ( 12...he8 13.c4; 12...xd2 13.xd2; 12...d6 13.h4 ) 13.f4 e6 ( 13...xd2 14.xd4+-; 13...f5 14.c1 d6 15.e5 xe2+ 16.xe2 g5 17.g3+- ) 14.g3 h6 ( 14...f5 15.b3 ) 15.a4+- ] 9...xe5 10.e1 d6 11.xe5 [ 11.h3 ] 11...xe5 12.xg4+ xg4 13.c3 d7! 14.xg4?? [ 14.h3 xd1 15.axd1 hd8 when black might be able to claim a tiny advantage due to pre ssure on th e d-f ile - though eve n 16.a1!? seems to give white no real problems. ] 14...xh2+! A nasty trick. 15.xh2 xg4+ 16.g3 xe3 17.xe3 xd2 18.b4 h5 19.f3 f6 20.a4 e8 21.h4 d5 22.g3 0-1

188 Demetrios,Agnos Santos,Carlos P Pula [Alexander Volzhin]

B01 2495 2340 1997

In this game Black tried to improve the whole line by playing 6...e6. Although the arising positions are very interesting, W hite outplayed his opponent very convincingly. White's play in this game is very instructive if you wish to gain an understanding of White's resources. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.d4 g4 4.f3 f5 5.b5+ bd7 6.c4 e6!? 7.dxe6 xe6 8.d5 Other moves hardly pose any problems for Black, for example: [ 8.c3 b4 ( 8...c6?! 9.d5! is very good for White ) 9.c5?! ( 9.d5 with a transposition to the 8.d5 line should be preferred.) 9...c6 10.d3 d5 11.ge2 h4+ 12.g3 h3 13.f2 xc5! and the complications favour Black, Ribeiro - Damaso, Lisbon, 1995. ] 8...f5 9.c3 b4 [ 9...c5 is inf erior in view of 10.e2+! A very nasty check. e7 ( 10...f8 11.g4! g6 12.f4 is also bad for Black) 11.xe7+ xe7 12.f4 d6 13.xd6+ cxd6 wi t h a cl e a r e xt r a p a wn in t h e e n d in g , 172

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 Rogado-Lima,Spain,1993. ] [ 9...e7 10.g4!? ( In my opinion, the simple 10.ge2 0-0 11.xd7! xd7 12.0-0 is even better I doubt if Black has anything for the pawn.) 10...g6 11.f4 h6 12.f5 h7 13.h3 0-0 14.f4 c5 15.f3 a6 16.a4 xa4 17.xa4 and White is better, although the position remains very complicated, Polgar, J-Damaso,R, Oviedo, 1992. ] 10.ge2 0-0 11.xd7! A very instructive move, typical for such positions. The Bishop on b5 is offside, so it's necessary to exchange it. On the other hand, Black has also achieved something as he hasn't lost a tempo with a7-a6. xd7 12.0-0 c5?! [ 12...e5! is much more to the point, aiming at both the c4-pawn and the d3-square. 13.h1!? White gives up the extra pawn and plays for a small but lasting advantage. ( S i m p l y p r o t e c t i n g t h e p a w n b y 13.b3 allows c5+ 14.h1 d3 with great activity ) 13...h4?! Too active, and based on a miscalculation. ( Simply 13...xc4 was called for, and W hite's advantage is minimal: 14.d4 xc3 15.xc3 d6 16.f4 ) 14.g3 d3 15.ce4! Probably Black missed this. d8 ( 15...xf1? 16.g5 trapping the Queen) 16.f4! White converts his advantage into a full point very convincingly. Now Black has no choice. xf1 17.fxe5 xc4 18.f5 How strong White's Kn igh ts a re ! xd5 ( 18...xd5 allows a beautiful mate: 19.f6+! gxf6 20.g4+ ) 19.g4 g6 20.f6+ h8 21.h4 h5 22.g5 and Black resigned in Votava,JRibeiro,F, Erevan 1996 ] 13.f4!? Protecting the d3-square against the penetration of the Knight or Bishop. [ 13.a3!? is not bad either, and Black's a t t e m p t t o w i n a p a w n b a c k b y xc3 14.xc3 d3 15.e1 xc4 is strongly met by 16.d4! b3 17.xc4 xa1 18.f4 c2 19.e2 winning the Knight with a big advantage. ] 13...e8 14.ce2 f6 15.g3 d7 Admitting the mistake at move 12. 16.h1 [ 16.xf5!? xf5 17.d3 also deserved attention. ] 16...d6 17.gh5 e5 18.g4!? g6 19.g3 c5 20.xg6 hxg6 21.f4 e7

22.g2 Now it becomes clear that Black has little to show for the sacrificed pawn. Although the White King is slightly exposed, I can't see any way to exploit this. a5 23.d2 h4 24.f3 f5? Desperation. Black tries to complicate, but White parries all the threats very easily, moreover in few moves it is White who will begin an attack! Wait and see tactics don't help Black either as White plays Ra1-e1, liquidating to a completely won endgame. 25.gxf5 gxf5 26.xf5 h7 27.xd6 cxd6 28.f5! A very good move. White prevents the penetration of Black's Queen to an active position (c2) as well as preparing f5-f6 with an attack on Black's King. The rest is a matter of technique. e4 29.b3 d4 30.e3 d3 31.ae1 e8 32.f4 e4 33.g3 c3 34.f6! The surest way to victory although before playing this move W hite should calculate the variations very precisely. c2+ 35.h1 [ The trick is 35.g1?? g4! and it is Black who is winning! ] 35...xh2+ The last chance. 36.xh2 h4 37.f7+ f8 38.f4 e4 [ 38...xh2+ is more stubborn although with accurate play White should easily win this position. ] 39.e2 h3 40.f3! Black resigned in view of: [ 40.f3 xh2+ 41.xh2 and after the Queen retreat, Bd6 with Rh8 to follow wins immediately. ] 1-0

189 Diringer,Klaus Lin,Michael 1990 Wuerttemberg [Paul Motwani]



W 40: "Lady in trouble" 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.f3 g4 [ 5...c6 is the most common move here, because if necessary Black's queen can later retreat to d8, thereby avoiding the type of disaster which soon happens to that precious piece in the current game. ] 6.h3 h5 7.d2 e6 [ After the move that White has just played, 173

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 Black's queen should already have sensed promising continuation here although there some danger, and so 7...c6 would have are alternatives been a wise reaction. ] [ 7.c4 d8 8.e3 g6 9.h4!? 8.g4! g for "go for it!". g6 9.e5 c6?? looked dangerous but led to no problems for Black finally puts something on c6, but it's the Black af ter h6 10.h5 h7 11.d5 cxd5 wrong piece at the wrong time! 10.b5 b6 12.exd5 c6 13.b5 xd5 14.xd5 Puzzle Diagram W 40D1 for Reader's xd5 15.xd5 0-0-0 and Black was if Challenge W40P1: Can you now find a forced a n yt h in g slig h t ly b e t t e r i n S u t o vs k y, E win f o r W hit e? L o ok o ut . .. t h e an swe r is (2669)-Rogers, I (2594) Nottingham 2005 ] coming on the very next move of the game! [ 7.g4 is premature and Black quickly 11.c4! xb5 12.d6+ Black resigned equalised after e6 8.c4 wi t h o u t w a i t i n g t o s e e h i s q u e e n b e i n g A) 8...xg4 wins a pawn here although captured by the f1-bishop on W hite's next White has dangerous compensation after move. 9.xe6 xe5 10.b3 g6 11.f3 1-0 ( 11.d5!? ) 11...e6 12.d2 with a strong initiative in return for the pawn. White is going to castle long and then play h4-h5 190 B01 and Black will have to be very careful not to get over-run.; Dominguez Perez,L 2723 B) 8...bd7 9.xe6 xe5 10.e2 g6 Nakamura,Hi 2775 11.b3 e6 and White's early aggression Makedonia Palace GP (6.3) 28.05.2013 had come to nothing in Pikula, D (2476)[Tom Rendle] Zhukova, N (2471) Belgrade 2000 ] 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 c6 7...xd3 8.xd3 e6 9.0-0 bd7 10.g3! 5.f3 f5 6.e5!? A rare choice from This makes it just a little more difficult for Nakamura to develop his kingside although Dominguez and a new move for this site. f6 Black should still be just about OK here. [ 6...d7 [ 10.xd7 xd7 11.e4 e7 12.g3 g6 A) 7.c4 d8 8.d3 is a very logical 13.d6+ xd6 14.xd6 d5 15.a3 way of playing with some advantage to was a little better for W hite in Sokolov, A White after ( 8.d5!? ) 8...xd3 9.xd3; (2568)-Fischdick, G (2251) Crans Montana B) 7.f3 2001 ] B1) 7...g6 may be playable here although it does allow White the option 10...c7 11.e1 [ 11.f4?! is an obvious try but the tactics of 8.xf7!? ( 8.c4 d8 9.e3 after h5! are in Black's favour 12.xf7 is a safer route to a slight edge) 8...xf7 ( 12.h4 xf4 13.xf4 is equal ) 12...a5! 9.g4 although Black seems to be OK 13.c7 ( 13.f3 xf7 and White is missing here after gf6 10.gxf5 xf5 11.c4+ a kille r d isco ve re d ch e ck) 13...xg3 e6 12.e2 e8 with a roughly level 14.xa5 xf1 15.xh8 d2 and Black position.; can hardly be worse with White's knight on B2) 7...e6 8.f4 ( 8.xd7 xd7 h8. ] 9.d2 f5 10.g3 f6 11.0-0-0 is a very logical setup for W hite with 11...b6 12.f3?! [ 12.g5 was better, for example d6 ( or some edge because of White's lead in 12...h6 13.h4! g5 14.f3 g7 15.g3 ) development.) 8...gf6 9.h3?! d5?! 13.h4 is very awkward for Black ] ( 9...xe5 10.xe5 d7 11.f4 g6 equalises for Black) 10.c4! xc4 12...b4? [ 12...d6 13.f4 ( 13.h6 0-0 14.g3 11.xc4 e6 12.0-0 e7 13.ad1 e8 is fine for Black) 13...0-0 and Black and White had a typical advantage with has equalised. ] the two bishops in Klimov, S (2518)13.h6! After both sides swap mistakes Romanov, E (2594) St Petersburg 2010 ] 7.d3 This seems to be White's most Dominguez takes a clear advantage with a 174

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 simple tactic gxh6 [ 13...0-0? fails to 14.xg7! xg7 15.g3+ h8? 16.g6+ - the point, obviously this doesn't work with the bishop on d6. ] [ 13...f8 is a rather ugly move to have to play and White has a clear advantage after 14.g5 e7 15.e4! ] 14.xf6 f8 15.a3 xc3 16.bxc3 d5 17.xh6 xc3 18.h4 e7 19.xh7 W h i t e i s s i m p l y a p a w n u p h e r e . b5 20.ed1 [ 20.c3! is more precise with the nice point b e i n g t h a t a f t e r xc3 White wins an exchange with 21.h3 b5 22.g6! ] 20...d8 21.f3 f6 22.d3 g8 23.ab1 b6 24.g3 g4 25.c3 [ 25.h3 was better but perhaps Dominguez didn't want to weaken his kingside, however after g7 ( 25...gxd4 26.xd4 xd4 27.e4 is winning for White) 26.c4 d6 27.e5 White is in control ] 25...f5! 26.a4 xd3 27.xd3 a3 28.e1 c4 Nakamura has done a fantastic job staying in this game and now has pretty good drawing chances although White will always be hopeful with the passed h-pawn. 29.e5 xe5 30.xe5 d5 31.f4! e7 32.f2 g8 33.c4 d7 34.f5 g5 35.fxe6 xe5 36.exd7 a5 37.f3 xd7 38.xf7+ e6 39.f4 xa4 40.d5+! Now the ending feels like it should be winning for W hite - it's all about getting the kingside pawns moving quickly here. d7 [ o f c o u r s e n o t 40...cxd5?? 41.cxd5+ and Black drops the rook on a4 ] 41.dxc6+ xc6 42.g4 a2+ 43.g3 a1 44.g5 [ 44.h4 seems obvious and strong here, e.g. a5 45.g5 a4 46.f2! and White's pawns will get there first ] 44...g1+ 45.h4 a5 46.g4 xg4+ 47.xg4 d6 48.h5 a4 49.g6 a3 50.g7 a2 51.g8 a1 52.d8+ c6 53.c8+ d6 54.d8+ c6 I wouldn't like to say whether or not this endgame is winning or not for W hite. I suspect it isn't but it's tough to defend as well. 55.d5+ c7 56.f7+ d6 57.h4 e5+ 58.h6 b5?! 59.cxb5 xb5 This ending is winning - at least according to t h e t a b le b a s e s 60.h5 But after this natural move it's drawn - very mysterious

[ for those interested the winning line is as follows 60.g7! e2 61.h5 c5 62.f5+ b4 63.h6 b2+ 64.g6 g2+ 65.f6 c6+ 66.g5 b3 67.h7 c1+ 68.f4 c5+ 69.g4 c8+ 70.g3 Black has run out of checks h8 71.c7 a2 72.a7+ b3 73.g2 c2 74.c5+ d2 75.d6+ c1 76.h6+ d1 77.h1+ c2 78.h2 d3 79.g3+ e4 80.g4+ e3 81.g8 and White is queening. ] 60...e5 61.g7 c6 62.h6 g2+ 63.g6 b7+ 64.f7 g2+ 65.h8 a8+ 66.g8 f3 White is so close but unable to make progress 67.g6 f8+ 68.h7 f3 69.g7+ e6 70.g8 h5 71.h7 e8+ 72.f8 g6+ 73.h8 f7 74.c8+ e7 75.c7+ e8 76.e5+ d7 77.b5+ e7 78.g5+ e8 79.g8+ f8 80.xf8+ xf8 An incredible save from Nakamura who had to find several only moves in the queen ending. ½-½

191 Dominguez Perez,Leinier Caruana,Fabiano FIDE GP Tashkent (7.5) [Tom Rendle]

B01 2726 2786 29.11.2012

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 g6 6.c4 This is less critical than Nb5 which is analysed in Leko-Caruana g7 7.0-0 [ 7.e5 was tried in a blitz game between Polgar and Kramnik and after 0-0 8.0-0 c6 9.b5 d8 10.f4 h5 Black was absolutely fine so Judit tried 11.xf7!? xf7 12.xc7 f8 13.xf7+ xf7 and she went on to win - still I think Black is better here so this way of playing is hardly to be recommended at a slower time control. ] 7...0-0 8.h3 [ 8.b5 b6 9.f4 a6 10.b1 c6 11.c3 g4 12.e1 ae8 13.e5 b8 14.h3 xf3 15.xf3 bd7 16.ed1 a5 17.h2 b5 18.b3 b6 19.a4 b4 20.e2 1/2-1/2 (20) Lobzhanidze, D (2483)Chatalbashev, B (2596) Vaujany FRA 2011 ] 8...a6 [ 8...c6 9.b5 is potentially a little bit 175

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 awkward for Black ] 9.e1 White is developing very naturally but I don't really see where it is all going - this is the kind of position Qd6 Scandinavian players are after in this opening. [ 9.a4! has been White's most popular choice in this position but Black should be d o i n g f i n e a f t e r c6 10.b3 e8!? ( 10...b6?! runs into 11.a3 b4 12.a5! bxa5 13.a4 and Black is in some trouble) 11.a3 d8 12.e1 d6 13.d5 d7 14.d3 e6 15.xc6 xc6 as in Vovk, A (2549)-Tiviakov, S (2656) Altenkirche n 2012 ] 9...b5 10.b3 b7 11.g5 c5! After this Black has comfortably equalised and can think about playing for more [ 11...bd7 is also very sensible and Black c a n h a rd l y b e wo r s e h e re . D o m in gu e z Perez's opening play has certainly been less than inspiring. ] 12.dxc5 xc5 13.e2 e6 14.ad1 bd7 15.f4 fe8 [ 15...f5!? was an interesting way of u n b a l a n c i n g t h e p l a y . A f t e r 16.e3 ( 16.e3 c5 is just better for Black) 16...xf3 17.xf3 h5! 18.xd7 xf4 19.xf4 xf4 White is under a little bit of pressure, although a draw remains the most likely result. ] 16.d6 b6 17.e3?! Swapping the queens still leaves White under some pressure [ 17.f4 offering to repeat was probably a better idea. Black's advantage is very small after ac8 18.a3 ] 17...xe3 18.xe3 b6 19.e5 ac8 20.ed3 c4?! [ 20...e4! may have been stronger as after 21.xg7 xg7 22.xe4 xe4 23.d6 xf3 24.gxf3 b8 it feels to me like White's activity is going to be short-lived and the long term weaknesses on the kingside will make the endgame at least unpleasant to defend. ] 21.xc4 xc4 22.a3 h6 23.d2 cc8 24.xf6 xf6 25.de4 xc3 26.xc3 With a pair of bishops swapped off Caruana no longer has and advantage so it's impressive that he manages to squeeze out a win from here. c6 27.1d2 g5 28.d6 f8 29.d1 e7 30.e3 h5 31.c4?!

I'm not sure a pawn sacrifice was necessary here but I suppose W hite didn't want to sit passively and wait. [ 31.f3 f5 32.f2 and Black doesn't have serious chances here I believe. ] 31...bxc4 32.6d4 b5 33.h4 g8 34.h2 c3 35.c2 cxb2 36.xb2 c5 37.a4 c6 38.b6 a5 39.hxg5 gxg5 40.a6 e5 Black may be a pawn up here but W hite is active and must still have excellent chances t o h o l d w i t h a c c u r a t e p l a y 41.a7+?! This only forces the king to a better square [ 41.h4 f5 42.f4! exf4 43.xf4 e4 44.f2! and White should hold the draw ] 41...e6 42.d8 f5 43.h8 g6! 44.hh7 f4 45.ae7+ d6 46.f5+ d5 The King escapes and Black picks up the a4 pawn which gives him excellent chances to win. 47.xh5 xa4 48.a7?! After this it's probably just lost. c4 49.h8 c2 50.h4 b6 51.f3 a4 52.g5 b4 53.ha8 h6+ 54.h3 b3 55.f3 c2 56.g1 d6 57.e8 dd2 58.g7 a3 59.xe5 a2 60.e1 b2 61.h2 b1 62.e4+ c5 63.a7 a1 64.xa1 xa1 65.xf4 a4 66.e5+ d6 67.f5 White can put up some defence here but the extra rook is always going to win in the end. c2 68.f7 e5 69.g3 d8 70.h3 g8+ 71.h2 h4 72.c7 f5 73.c5+ e6 74.g4 gh8 75.xf5 xh3+ 76.g2 h2+ 77.g3 8h3+ 78.f4 f2 79.e5+ f6 80.e3 a2 81.g5+ f7 82.g4 h1 83.b3 g1+ the pawn on g5 now falls and with it the game. A nice grind from Caruana. 0-1

192 Dominguez Perez,Leinier Ivanchuk,Vassily Edición 2012 (7.1) [Gawain Jones & Tom Rendle]

B01 2725 2764 11.05.2012

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.d2 c6 Black's most popular (and perhaps most solid) way of meeting Bd2 [ 5...g4 is also possible and now 6.f3 A) 6...f5 is Bauer's own recommendation but it does look very dangerous for Black after 7.g4!? g6 8.f4 176

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 e6 9.f5 exf5 10.g5 fd7 11.e2+ d8 12.g2 ( 12.0-0-0 looks stronger to me with a very strong initiative for the pawn I wo u ld b e re lu ct a n t t o p la y a s B la c k here! ) 12...c6 13.xc6?! an o d d de c isio n bxc6 14.0-0-0 b8 a n d B l a c k w a s b e t t e r i n G o l u b e v, M (2499)-Kislinsky, A (2384) Kharkiv 2006 15.e1 b4 16.h3 c8 17.f4 d8 18.c4 c5 19.fd5 b6 20.e7+ b7 21.e2 xc3 22.xc3 xa2 23.f3+ d5 24.e5 c6 25.b3 f4 26.b2 xc2 27.xd5 b1+ 28.d2 xb2 29.e7+ a6 30.b4+ a5 31.xc6+ b6 32.e1 e8 33.xf4 xe7+ 34.xe7 c3+ 35.d2 a1+ 36.f2 xd4+ 37.xd4 cxd4; B) 6...d7 was Bauer's actual choice possibly to avoid preparation - and there followed 7.c4 b6 8.ge2 e6 9.e3?! ( 9.0-0 makes more sense as taking the pawn on b2 is not good xb2? 10.b1 a3 11.xb7 as Black can't really cover everything here, e.g. d6?! 12.b3 a5 13.b5 b6 14.xd6+ xd6 15.b4 and Black is in terrible trouble) 9...c6 10.a3 to prevent Nb4 e7 11.0-0 ed5 12.f2 and White had a slight edge in Edouard, R (2607)-Bauer, C (2679) SUI 2012 and in fact won very quickly. ] [ 5...b6 6.f3 g4 ( 6...xb2?? loses to 7.b1 a3 8.b5 ) 7.h3 h5 8.g4 g6 9.c4 with some edge for White ] 6.d3 [ 6.c4 is also a dangerous way of playing and now play is likely to transpose back into mainlines after f5 7.f3 e6 which has been covered heavily in the archives ] 6...g4 [ 6...b6 7.f3 and ] [ 6...c7 7.ge2 are possible and White seems to keep an edge in both cases ] 7.f3 [ 7.e4 was tried by Kasparov in a blitz game and it does seem to give W hite a sligh t e dge a f t e r xd1 8.xf6+ exf6 9.xa5 h5 10.f4 d6 ( 10...c5!? ) 11.f5 g6 and now 12.h3 gxf5 13.e2 would've given White a comfortable position in Kasparov, G (2812)-Van Wely, L (2636) Wijk aan Zee 1999 ]

[ 7.ge2 e6 8.f3 h5 A) 9.e4 was perhaps critical and now d8 ( 9...b6!? 10.xf6+ gxf6 ) 10.xf6+ xf6 although it's not clear how m u c h o f a n e d ge W h i t e h a s h e r e f o r example 11.0-0 g6 12.f4 d7 and Black is holding comfortably enough; B) 9.f4 c7 10.e2 g6 11.0-0-0 xd3 12.xd3 bd7 13.f4 d6 14.xd6 xd6 and Black was very solid in Lie, E (2457) -Houska, J (2392) Bergen 2009 ] 7...h5 8.ge2 bd7 [ 8...g6 has been tried here before and now 9.e4 b6 10.c3 bd7 11.c2 0-0-0? ( 11...xe4! 12.fxe4 e5 seems to give Black an acceptable game although t h e p o sit io n re m a in s t e n s e) 12.g5 Black is already in trouble but now it goes from bad to worse xd3 13.xd3 xb2?! 14.b1 xa2 15.c1 d5 16.c4 d6 17.e2 and there's no good way to defend against all the threats and Black went on to lose in Dominguez, L (2638)-Leon Hoyos, M (2428) Cuernavaca 2006 ] 9.f4 g6 10.xg6 [ 10.c4 b6 is another critical position, and here White tried the pawn sac 11.e2!? ( 11.d5 might be worth investigating but my feeling is Black is OK after d8 ) 11...xc2! 12.c1 f5 ( 12...xb2!? ) 13.d5 g5 14.e3 a5 15.dxc6 bxc6 16.d3 e6 17.0-0 xd3 18.xd3 c5 19.e4 xe3+ 20.xe3 b6 and at most White had a tiny edge in Aza rov, S (26 48)-S ergie nko, S (2415) St Petersburg 2011 ] 10...hxg6 11.e2 e6 12.e4 [ 12.0-0-0 would've been a more ambitious move but maybe Dominguez was just playing for a safe edge ] 12...b4 13.c3 e7 14.g3 xe4 15.fxe4 g5 Ivanchuk is playing very logically - he wants to swap dark squared Bishops and then target d4 16.0-0 xd2 17.xd2 c5 [ 17...e5 is very similar - and perhaps a touch more accurate. The position is about equal after 18.c4 f6 19.ad1 b6 ] 18.f2! 0-0 19.e5 ad8 20.e4 cxd4 21.cxd4 b8 Black begins his slow play to attack d4 22.ad1 [ 22.xb7! would've justified White's play 177

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 although the advantage is rather minimal [ 7...0-0 8.0-0 a6 And now White usually after b6 23.g2 xd4 24.ae1 goes 9. a4 preventing ...b5. For instance: but I still think that the only (small) winning 9.a4 c6 ( Or: 9...f5 10.b3 c6 11.a3 chan ces lie with W h ite he re due to th e d8 12.e1 e8 13.d5 d6 14.xc6 outside passed pawns. The smart money bxc6 15.e5 e8 16.e2 a5 17.ad1 would still be on a draw though! ] h8 18.d5 White's position looks much 22...c6 23.d3?! better. e4 19.xe4 xe5 20.g3 f6 [ 23.xc6 isn't a move White really wants to 21.xf5 gxf5 22.f3 cxd5 23.xd5 c6 play but then again it should be easy 24.dxe5 fxe5 25.xe5 f7 26.b2 g8 enough to hold a draw after bxc6 24.b3 ] 27.e6 d7 28.g3+ f8 29.c3 e8 23...b6 30.xc6 d8 31.h2 d2 32.g3 f4 [ 23...xa2! puts White under more pressure 33.g8+ f8 34.xh7 xf2 35.h5+ f7 as t he c ou n t erp lay d oe sn 't see m to b e 36.g6 1-0 Kosintseva, T -Foisor, C Rijeka e n o u g h , e . g . 24.f3 ( 24.xc6 bxc6 2010 ) 10.e3 f5 11.e2 b4 12.b3 25.a3 c4 ) 24...xd4 25.xf7 f5 bd5 13.xd5 xd5 14.g5 ae8 and Black is definitely better ] 15.fe1 h6 16.h4 f4 17.e3 g5 24.fd1 d7 25.b3 a6 26.a3 b5 18.g3 e6 19.h4 c6 20.hxg5 hxg5 27.xc6 Finally White tries to simplify bxc6 21.xf4 gxf4 22.xf4 Leko, P -Kramnik, V / 28.f1 f5! 29.b3? A strange move which cuts Moscow 2009, W hite has a pawn for no the rook on a3 out of the game - the mistake compensation ] is s wi f t l y p o u n c e d u p o n b y Ch u c ky wh o 8.0-0 c6N Again hesitating with the usual 8.. immediately goes for the kill in the centre 0-0 [ i n s t e a d a f t e r 29.c1 fd8 30.b3 [ Relevant is: 8...b5 9.b3 b7 10.e5! Black has some work still to do to create 0-0 11.f4 Due to the unusual move order real winning chances ] from Polgar White has managed to achieve 29...fd8 30.a4 c5! 31.dxc5?! his best setup here. d8 12.e1 bd7 [ 31.d1 was necessary but Black will be 13.e2 c5 14.dxc5 xc5 15.ad1 c8 going a pawn up after b6 which should be 16.xf7+ xf7 17.xf7 xf7 18.xe7+ enough to win here, especially as White's g8 19.c7 ( 19.e5! c6 20.d5! king is the more open ] White is winning.) 19...f8 20.xf6 xc7 31...d2 Now it's all over 32.f3 xc5+ 21.d5 f7 22.e7+ xe7 23.xe7 33.h1 c2 34.c4 xa2 35.h4 g5 xe7 24.xe7 This endgame is hopeless 36.h5 g4 37.c6 xb3 38.g5 d1 for Black. b8 25.b4 f8 26.xh7 g8 A wonderfully controlled game by Vassily who 27.e7 f8 28.e5 a4 29.d6 f7 shows that it's also possible to win at the 30.ee6 c8 31.xg6 xc2 32.h6 g7 highest level with the Scandinavian - although 33.hg6+ f7 34.h4 c1+ 35.h2 c4 some mistakes from your opponent do help! 36.h6 g7 37.h5 e4 38.he6 0-1 White won in Dominguez Perez, L -Polgar, J/ Khanty Mansiysk 2011 ] 9.a3 0-0 10.e1 d8 11.e3 Black is 193 B01 missing pawns in the center so we can say Dominguez Perez,Leinier 2719 that its not easy to equalize here despite the Polgar,Judit 2699 fact that W hite doesn't threaten anything 12.xe6 FIDE World Cup 2011 (4.6) 08.09.2011 significant for the moment. e6 xe6 13.e2 f5 14.ad1 d6 [Milos Pavlovic] [ 14...d5 15.xd5 xd5 16.c4 f5 17.d5 e5 18.d4 h5 19.xh5 gxh5 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 20.b3 White keeps the advantage. ] f6 5.f3 g6 6.h3 g7 7.c4 [ 14...e6 15.c1 d5 16.e4 f4 17.xf4 White decides to develop in a simple logical xf4 18.c3 b6 19.c2 Again White has wa y a n d a v o i d e a r l y s h a r p a t t e m p t s . a6 easier play. ] The usual move order is: 178

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 15.g4 e6 16.f1 dd8 17.f4 d7 18.d5 a7 19.e5 e8 20.a4 c8 21.b3 d6 22.g2 White is controlling all the central squares and the main problem of Black's po sition rem ains: no p awn brea ks in th e center. d7 23.d3 xe5 24.xe5 xe5 25.xe5 f8 26.de3 d7 27.f3 Simply improving the position move by move W hite actually gains an even bigger advantage. b5 28.f4 g7 29.e2 f6 30.b4 a5 31.d4 h6 32.c3 b8 33.g2 bxa4 34.xa4 dd8 35.xa5 h5 36.xc7 With two extra pawns the rest is just t e c h n i qu e . hxg4 37.hxg4 f4 38.xe7 xg4+ 39.g3 f4 40.e4 xe4 41.xe4 f5 42.e5 xe5 43.xe5 f6 44.e7 xd5 45.xg6+ f8 46.c7 b6 47.gg7 f5 48.cf7+ e8 49.h7 g5+ 50.f1 h5 51.xf6 1-0

to d8,enquiring how White will break in. 7.e1 [ 7.f4 e7 8.bd2 0-0 9.c4 d8 10.e3 g6 is a good indication of the sort o f p o s it i o n B l a ck i s h e a d in g i n t o , wi t h 11.e5 bd7 12.xg6 hxg6 giving White a minimal edge. ] 7...b4!? A little zwischenzug, encouraging the White c pawn forward. Of course, White takes the opportunity. 8.c3 e7 9.e5 d8 10.a3 bd7= Painless equalization. What could be better after a hard day at work or in a tournament when one needs to economize on e ne rgy. 11.b3 b6 12.ac4 xb3 13.axb3 xe5 14.xe5 d5 15.b4 0-0 16.f3 a6 [ 16...fd8 ] [ 16...d6 were both decent alternatives. ] 17.d7 fe8 For all the world it looks as thought the game will be drawn. Sometimes I don't understand what goes through a player's head? 18.xd5? Pointless. [ 18.c5= ] 194 B01 [ 18.d2= and a handshake was indicated. ] Drljevic,Ljilja 2175 18...exd5 19.b6 c5! Even here White can Milovanov,Olga 2038 just about play on with 20 Rxe8+ Rxe8 21 g4 TCh-SCG Women (10) 18.09.2004 but after 21..Re1+ 22 Kg2 Be4+ she is of course, much worse. Disgraced by her recent [Andrew Martin] play though, Drljevic decides to call it a day. The players in the coming game aren't that Re-running the opening, we find that Black's highly rated, bu t they d o provid e us wit h choice can be used against 3 Nf3 e.g. 3...Nf6 t y p i c a l ' c l u b p l a ye r s e n t e rt a i n m e n t ' F o r 4 d4 Bf5,with transposition. As such, it is a whatever reason, White tries to avoid theory development worth noting. by choosing 'natural methods' in the opening. 0-1 This can never work against the sophisticated Modern Scandinavian and Black equalizes B01 easily, going on to score a quick win. 1.e4 d5 195 Dutreeuw,Marc 2394 2.exd5 xd5 3.d4?! I don't rate this move at Rocha,Sergio 2427 a l l . F o r s t a r t e r s , B l a c k h a s a ve r y g o o d 1999 counter in 3...e5!, which takes the wind right Euro Team Ch out of W hite's sails. Here we see another [Alexander Volzhin] approach. f6 4.f3 f5!? Unusual, but A very instructive game for understanding viable. [ I have played 4...g4 5.e2 e6 6.0-0 e7 Black's attacking resources in the Center 7.c4 d8 many times now. Black gets a Counter gambit. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.d4 stout defensive position which reacts well to g4 4.f3 f5 5.c4 [ A s I ' v e o p i n e d b e f o r e , 5.b5+ being attacked. For instance, after 8.c3 is more promising for White. ] 0-0 9.b3 c8 10.e3 bd7 11.fd1 a6! 12.ac1 e8 13.h3 h5 Black is ready for 5...e6 6.dxe6 c6 7.e3 b4+ 8.c3 e7 ... c7-c5. He may or may not play ...h7-h6 9.a4 xe6 10.f2 0-0-0 Black has already completed his development while White lags. first, another useful move. ] 5.e2 c6 6.0-0 e6 After c2-c4,Black retreats 11.e1 179

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ The attempt to win a piece doesn't work: 11.d5 xd5!! 12.cxd5 xd5! 13.xd5 h4+ 14.g3 e1+! 15.xe1 xa4 and although W hite has 3 pieces for the Queen, his position is insufficient because o f p o o r c o o r d in a t io n o f h i s f o rc e s a n d exposed position of the King, for example: 16.h3+ b8 17.c3 b4 18.e2 d4 , with huge advantage for Black. ] 11...xd4!! This unexpected exchange s a c r if i c e g ive s B l a ck a st ro n g in it ia t ive . 12.xd4 xd4 A huge development advantage, dark-square domination and the exposed position of W hite's King is tremendous compensation for the exchange. 13.g4?! This ridiculous move loses by force. However it's not easy to find suitable defence for White. [ 13.xa7 This move is hardly an improvement: c5! 14.a8+ d7 A) 15.xh8 c2+ 16.e2 ( 16.g3 h5# ) 16...xc4+ 17.d2 xe1+ 18.xc2 xf1 with a decisive attack.; B) 15.a4+ b5! 16.d1 c8! and White is helpless, for example: 17.g4 e2+ 18.xe2 f5+ 19.e4 xe4 20.gxf5 f2+ 21.d2 g5+ ] [ 13.d3 This attempt to complete development looks most natural, however W h it e 's p o s i t io n re m a in s d if f icu lt : c5! 14.e3 ( If 14.f1 , then d8! threatening Nxf3, is very strong: 15.d1 (what else?) d7! 16.b5 xb5 17.cxb5 d5! with decisive threats.) 14...f5! 15.xf5 xf5 Now 16... Bc5 is a nasty threat and the bishop cannot be taken in view of 16.xb4 g4+ 17.e2 c2+ ] 13...xg4+! 14.fxg4 h4+ 15.g2 xg4+ 16.f2 h4+ 17.g2 xe1 The game is over: Black has 2 extra pawns and an unstoppable attack. The rest is easy. 18.xa7 [ White can't take the Bishop in view of 18.xb4 f5! and White can't parry the ... Nh4 threat, if 19.f3 then e3+ 20.g1 xf1# ] 18...xc3 19.bxc3 f5 20.e2 d8 21.a8+ d7 22.xb7 e3+ 23.f3 xf1 24.b5+ e7 25.g5+ e8 26.d4 d2+ 27.g2 e4+ 28.g1 xd4+ 0-1

196 Edouard,R Danielsen,Hen Politiken Cup 2013 (5.5) [Tom Rendle]

B01 2662 2510 30.07.2013

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 6.h3 [ 6.e5 is White's main move here but Edouard is normally very good on his theory so it's interesting to see him demonstrate that a slightly slower approach can also be very effective. ] 6...f5 This is Black's most popular response here but there are alternatives: [ 6...g6 7.e5 A) 7...bd7 as played by Tiviakov is p r o b a b l y s a f e r f o r B l a c k h e r e 8.f4 ( I prefer 8.c4! e6+ 9.e2 b6 10.e5 g7 11.0-0 0-0 and Black is solid enough although it's still W hite's position that is easier to play.) 8...d5 9.xd5 xd5 10.f3 xf3 11.xf3 b6 12.d3 e6 13.0-0 d5 14.d2 g7 15.c3 0-0-0 and Black had equalised and went on to grind out the win in Hrisanthopoulos, D (2076) -Tiviakov, S (2623) Vrachati 2011; B) 7...e6!? 8.f4 d8 9.d2 g7 10.0-0-0 Of course White can also play it safe by castling on the other side and keeping a slight edge, but this option is a l o t m o r e f u n ! 0-0 11.h6 ( 11.g4?! is premature as after d5! Black has enough play) 11...bd7 12.xg7 xg7 13.f4 a5 14.xd7 xd7 15.a3 f6 16.g4 and with f5 coming quickly White had a very dangerous attack in Bartel, M (2587)-Muse, M (2445) 2007 ] 7.e5 bd7 8.c4 This is now the only way to cause Black any problems [ 8.f4?! d5! 9.xd5 xd5 and Black has at least equalised - h3 is rather superfluous at this point. ] 8...c7 [ 8...e6+ doesn't really make sense here as after 9.e2 the bishop on f8 is rather trapped in, especially as ...g6 is rather risky in view of g4 ideas. ] 9.f3 e6 [ 9...e6 10.f4 d8 11.0-0-0 b6 12.g4 180

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 g6 13.h4 h5 14.g5 fd5 and now in Loeffler, S (2463)-Kreindl, H (2200) Vienna 2006 W hite could've obtained the better c h a n c e s wi t h 15.xb6! axb6 16.xd5 xd5 17.xd5 exd5 ( or 17...cxd5 18.b5+ d8 19.a3 ) 18.e1+ d8 19.a3 and White's two bishops and control of the open e-file give him a clear advantage. ] 10.f4 d8 11.0-0-0 b6 [ maybe Black should try 11...g6 12.e3 g7 when his position looks solid if not particularly well developed. White can start pre p a rin g a kin gside a ssau lt h ere wit h 13.b1 0-0 14.g4 ] 12.xb6 [ 12.a5!? d7 13.b1 was also quite a reasonable option, and again White is ready to play g4 and increase the pressure on Black's position. ] 12...xb6 [ 12...axb6 would be Black's ideal recapture i f i t w e r e n ' t f o r t h e s t r o n g r e p l y 13.d5! which basically wins on the spot, f or example xd5 ( 13...d7 is sadly the best Black can manage but his position is horrendous after 14.c4 c8 15.e5 ) 14.c4 d7 15.xd5 cxd5 16.xd5! xd5 17.xd5 a4 18.d1 and despite being an exchange ahead Black can safely resign. ] 13.e5 0-0-0 14.a3 a5 15.h2 Very simple play from Romain, keeping all of his options open and waiting to see what, if anything, Black will do. Obviously there are also ideas of Qg3 at some point so Danielsen at least puts a stop to that g5+ 16.b1 g6 17.g4! Suddenly the queen is rather short on squares h5 18.g3 [ 18.a6! is very flashy but it leads to a similar kind of thing to the game after d5 ( 18...bxa6?? 19.xc6# ) 19.g3 d6 20.f4 h6 21.g5 ] 18...d6 19.d5! cutting off the queens escape along the 5th rank xd5? [ 19...h4 was Black's best try here but it's still very bad after 20.f3 xd5 ( or 20...xd5 21.xd5 xd5 22.c4 xd1+ 23.xd1 and Black is defenceless against W hite's coming attack. ) 21.xd5 xd5 22.c4 ] 20.f4?! [ 20.h4 wins on the spot as xg4 ( 20...h6 21.g5 ) 21.h3 picks up the queen ]

20...h6 21.g5 h7 22.gxf6 xh1 Black is still on the board but with the queen out of the game on h7 it's not surprising the Edouard is able to find a crisp end to the game with 23.f5! h4 24.e5 exf6 [ or 24...xd1+ 25.xd1 d7 26.c7+ e8 27.c8# ] 25.e8+ c7 26.xd6 xd6 27.e7+ b8 28.xd6+ a8 29.a6 A pleasing and exact finish bxa6 30.c5 g8 31.xa7# 1-0

197 Erturan,Yakup Exizoglou,Dimitrios Acropolis Open (3) [John Watson]

B01 2389 2224 16.08.2007

W ith this game I look at various ideas involved when W hite plays Bc4 and Nge2 (instead of Nf3). These are not easy lines to meet, and if they discourage Black from ...Bf5, that's quite an achievement for W hite. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.c4 c6 [ The game Yudasin-Oll, Dos Hermanas 1992 illustrated 5...g4 : 6.f3! f5!? 7.ge2 A) Yudasin analyses 7...bd7 8.d2! ( 8.g4 g6 9.h4 h6 10.f4 e5! , as in Cornette, M-Prié, E/ Saint Vincent 2004 - given in an earlier column) 8...c6 9.g4! g6 10.h4 h6 11.f4 h7 12.e2!; B) 7...c6 8.g4! g6 9.f4 bd7 10.h4! e5 11.h5! f5 ( 11...xc2!? 12.xc2 exd4 13.e2+ is messy ) 12.gxf5 exf4 and now Yudasin gives 13.e2+! e7 ( 13...d8 14.d3! ) 14.xf4 xf5 ( 14...0-0 15.d3 15 or h6 ) 15.d6 and wins. ] 6.ge2 f5 This could also arise via 4...c6 5 Bc4 Bf5 6 Ne2 Nf6. [ 6...bd7 7.0-0 e5 is rather loose: 8.e1 e7 9.g3 ( 9.d2 c7 10.g3 ) 9...0-0 10.d2 c7 11.f5 b4 12.b3 with the idea exd4 13.b5! cxb5 14.xb4 c5 15.h6+! gxh6 16.xd4 xb3 17.xf6 c6! 18.xc6 bxc6 19.axb3 d8 20.a5! d6 21.e8+ g7 22.c3+ f6 181

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 23.ae1 ] 7.d2 [ Okhotnik-Keitlinghaus, France 2003 went 7.0-0 e6 8.g3 and Black tried the other main plan d6!? ( avoiding the dangerous 8...g6 9.f4 ) 9.xf5 ( 9.d2!? ) 9...xf5 10.d3 ( 10.e2 ) 10...a5 11.e4 xe4 12.xe4 d7 13.f3 f6 14.c4 0-0 15.d2 c7 16.g3 ad8 17.c2 with perhaps a small advantage, but nothing disastrous for Black after c5 ] 7...e6 8.g3 g6 9.h4 Or [ 9.e2 and 0-0-0. ] 9...h5?! [ Black can't solve his problems tactically by 9...b6? 10.h5 xd4 in view of 11.e2! xc2 12.c1 b5 13.xb5 cxb5 14.xb5+ bd7 15.xc2 with a bundle of threats, e.g., e7 16.c3 b4 17.0-0! ( also good is 17.f5 f4 18.xd7+ xd7 19.xg7+ f8 20.h6 ) 17...xc3 18.xc3 with the idea Rd1. ] [ 9...h6! is probably an improvement on the game, when A) 10.d5!? d8! 11.f4 h7 12.e2 d6 ( 12...d5 13.0-0-0 d6 14.e4 xe4 15.xe4 ) 13.xe6!? ( 13.0-0-0 ) 13...fxe6 14.xe6 is more interesting because White has h5 available in some lines but bd7 ( 14...d8?! 15.0-0-0 c7 , but 16.he1 intends Qf3.) 15.f5 xf5 16.xf5+ e7 17.g6+ d8 18.xe7+ xe7 19.0-0-0 looks too speculative, although Black is rather tied up.; B) 10.e2 m a y b e b e s t , e . g . , d8 ( 10...e7 11.d5! ) 11.0-0-0 e7 12.ge4 xe4 13.xe4 xd4!? B1) 14.d3 0-0? ( 14...xe4 15.xe4 d7 16.c3 a4 17.b1 f6 18.g6! ) 15.c3 a4 16.g4! - threatening Nf6+ - xa2 17.h5; B2) 14.c3 c5 15.e3 e5 16.f4 c7 17.g4! 0-0 18.h5 h7 19.g5 with attack. ] 10.d5! d8 11.f4 h7 12.e2! d5 [ 12...d6 13.0-0-0 bd7 14.fxh5 0-0-0 15.g5 ] 13.0-0-0 d6 14.gxh5 [ Or 14.fxh5 d7 15.f3 , tying Black to f7. ]

14...d7 15.xd5 cxd5 16.b3 c6 Maybe not best, but there's no real compensation for the pawn. 17.h3! b6 18.c3 d7 19.f4 c8 20.xc8+ xc8 21.e5! b5 [ 21...g8 22.f4 with the idea Qh5. ] [ 21...f6 22.xf6 ] 22.xg7+ xg7 23.xg7 g8 24.e5 a5 25.c3 xg2 26.g3 d6 27.xd5 Not a well-played game, but W hite's plan certainly deserves notice. 1-0

198 Fedorchuk,Sergey Bauer,Christian TCh-FRA Top 12 2012 (5.2) [Gawain Jones & Tom Rendle]

B01 2634 2672 04.06.2012

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.f3 g4 4.e2 c6 5.c3 a5 Quite an unusual choice of square in this line and judging by this game Black should stick to the more popular Qd7 as we shall see the Queen is a potential target on a5. [ 5...d7 A) 6.b4 is an interesting way to mix things up early on and now A1) 6...f6 is probably the simplest reply as in Chelushkina, I (2398) Zhukova, N (2471) Belgrade 2000 which continued 7.b5 d4 8.xd4 xd4 9.b2 ( 9.xg4 xg4 10.0-0 e6 can't be a problem for Black) 9...e6 10.f3 h3! 11.f1 and now ( 11.gxh3? h4+ 12.f1 c5 and there's no satisfactory way to meet the threat of Qf2 as after 13.e1 xh3# is mate ) 11...f5! would've left Black clearly on top; A2) 6...e6?! 7.b5 ce7 8.0-0 g6 9.h3 and White was better in Sumets, A (2 5 7 9 ) -A ra b a cio gl u , C (1 5 2 4 ) I zm i r 2011; B) 6.h3 xf3 7.xf3 0-0-0 8.d3 has all been seen in the archives before with d4 being analysed by Gawain in the game Vachier Lagrave, M-Tiviakov, S ( and 8...e5 examined by John Watson in Van den Doel, E-Tiviakov, S )] 182

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 6.h3 h5 [ 6...xf3 7.xf3 e6 8.0-0 leaves White with a stable advantage and in fact he may now choose to simply capture on c6 for a lasting structural edge if given the chance. ] 7.b1 [ 7.b4!? xb4 ( 7...xb4? 8.b1 d6 9.xb7 a6 otherwise Nb5 is strong 10.e4! d5 11.d3 is very uncomfortable for Black the lack of Kingside development causes real problems. ) A) 8.a3!? c6 9.b1 looks more d a n g e r o u s t h a n i t a c t u a l l y i s a6! ( 9...0-0-0? 10.b5 wins an exchange) 10.xb7 f6 11.0-0 e6 12.d4 A1) 12...xc3?! is a rather riskier way to p l a y a s a f t e r 13.xc7 d6 14.d2 Black should give up his Queen with xd2 ( 14...xa3 15.xc6 0-0 16.c4 leaves Black struggling) 15.xd2 xc7 despite Black's nominal material superiority White's initiative is ongoing an d in f a c t h e is on to p a f t e r 16.c3 ( 16.g4!? ) 16...d7 17.e5+ A1a) 17...xe5 18.xh5 g6 ( 18...xh5? 19.dxe5 and Black's position will quickly collapse ) 19.f3; A1b) 17...xe5 18.dxe5 xe2 19.b1 and it looks unlikely that Black will be able to survive the onslaught; A2) 12...d6 and Black has equalised fairly comfortably; B) 8.b1 was an interesting idea tried in Pokazanjev, N-Zolotukhin, V and now g6! 9.a3! ( 9.b2 0-0-0 and Black must be at least equal I think) 9...xc2+ 10.f1 0-0-0 11.b5 xc3! 12.dxc3 xd1+ 13.xd1 d3+ 14.e2 xb5 15.xb5 e6 and Black had come out of the opening with good chances, although the position remains tense as it's hard to retrieve the knight from c2 and in fact later Black erred and lost. ] [ 7.0-0 is a very flexible alternative ] 7...e6 [ 7...0-0-0 8.b4! seems to give White strong p l a y , f o r e x a m p l e xb4 9.a3 d5 ( 9...xf3?! 10.xf3 c6 11.xc6 bxc6 12.0-0 and Black's shattered Queenside will cost him in the long run) 10.xd5 ( 10.b5 isn't so clear after xc3! 11.xa5 xf3

12.xf3 xd1 13.xa7 c6 14.xd1 f6 ) 10...xd5 ( 10...xd5 11.c4 g6 12.b4 d6 13.b5 a6 14.d4 and Black is being pushed all over the place) 11.b5 c5 12.c4 c6 13.0-0 and White's attack and lead in d e ve l o p m e n t a r e m o r e t h a n s u f f i c i e n t compensation for the sacrificed pawn. ] 8.a3! [ 8.b4 doesn't really seem to work here as White doesn't have anything after the simple xb4 ] 8...xf3 Not a move that Bauer really wanted to play I suspect but his options were already limited [ 8...f6? 9.b4 f5 ( 9...b6? 10.a4 is rather embarrassing ) 10.g4 wins a piece ] [ 8...b6 9.b4 and Black has nothing better than to take on f3 here ] 9.xf3 ge7 [ 9...e5+ was perhaps a safer option but Black is left suffering after either 10.e2 ( or 10.e2 d6 11.d4 f5 12.0-0 ) 10...xe2+ 11.xe2 0-0-0 12.xc6 ] [ 9...f6 10.0-0 d6 11.d4 and White is simply threatening b4-b5 with a clear edge ] 10.b4 [ 10.0-0 delaying b4 looks at least as strong b6 11.b4 d4 12.b2 0-0-0 13.e4 and again W hite's Queenside potentia l seems the most impo rtant f actor in th e position ] 10...e5+ 11.e2 0-0-0 12.0-0 d6 Sid este pp in g Bb 2 13.g3! Getting ready to play b5 with the idea that after Ne5 or Nd4 the Bishop can simply drop back to g2 [ 13.d3 e5 14.g3 xf3+ 15.xf3 f6 16.e1 should also keep the advantage ] 13...h5! A good decision - Black is really in need of some counterplay 14.b5 d4 [ 14...e5 15.g2 h4 16.g4 f5 ( 16...xg4 17.hxg4 h3 18.f3 doesn't get Black anywhere ) 17.d4! and Black is being forced b a c k - f o r e xa m p l e f7 18.c4! e5 wh a t e l s e ? 19.a4 and Black has serious problems ] 15.g2 ef5 [ 15...xe2+ 16.xe2 h4 may look dangerous but in fact W hite is fine after 17.d3! ( 17.g4 d5 18.h1 is probably better for White as well although it's more unclear ) 17...f5 18.g4 d4 19.e3 c5 183

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 ( 19...xc2 20.xa7 b6 21.a8+ d7 22.a4 must be good for W hite) 20.c3 xc3 21.e4 with a very strong attack - the computer wants to try defending with the greedy xa3 but after 22.xb7+ d7 23.c6+ d6 it's hard to believe Black can re a l l y g e t a wa y wi t h t h i s , f o r i n s t a n c e 24.g2 planning Ra1! is strong ] 16.a4 [ 16.xd4 xd4 17.d3 was perhaps a simpler way to keep the initiative ] 16...b6 17.h1 xe2 18.xe2 d4?! Up until now Bauer has been doing an excellent job of staying in the game despite a very difficult position but this move really doesn't help his cause [ 18...g5! would've given Black real counterchances for example 19.c3 ( 19.b2 g7; 19.d3 g4 ) 19...g4 20.d4 gxh3 ( 20...h6!? ) 21.xh3 h6 22.b2 b8 with h4 coming the position is less clear than it could be alth ough W hite still has th e better chances after 23.f3 as Black is always going to be vulnerable on b7 ] [ 18...h4 fails to 19.g4! d4 20.e3 xc2 21.e4 b4 ( 21...d4 22.a5 wins ) 22.xb4 xb4 23.xb4 and the two Bishops should be enough for White to win here ] 19.a1 a5 [ 19...a5 doesn't help either after 20.f3 d6 21.d3 xa4 22.d2 xb5 23.c4! a6 24.xa4 xa4 25.c5 and the knight drops ] 20.c3 d7 21.d4 The rook has been forced back and Black has just lost time that he couldn't afford. Fedorchuk puts on a forceful display from here to generate a quick win e7 22.b2 b8 23.ad1 g6 Black is just sitting and waiting and hoping W hite can't find a breakthrough. 24.d3 hd8 25.fd1 f6?! Letting the Bishop come to a more active diagonal [ 25...d6 26.a3 a7 ( 26...c4? 27.c5 wins ) 27.c5 a8 28.b6 is rather unpleasant for Black ] [ 25...f8 simply waiting was probably Black's only hope but it doesn't look good after 26.c1 e7 27.h4 f8 28.g1! a k ey mo ve t o d ef e nd f 2 e7 29.f3 a n d B la c k is slo wly b e in g squ e e ze d e5

doesn't work here because of simply 30.dxe5 xd3 31.xd3 xd3 32.xd3 and f2 is defended ] 26.a3 e7?? A blunder but it was close to lost in any case [ 26...a7 27.c5 b6 28.a3 is a rather ridiculous position , the Black Que en is trap pe d o n a7 an d it sh ou ld be a f a irly simple matter for White to open the game up and win from here. ] [ 26...e5 leaves White with a choice of strong lines 27.dxe5 ( 27.f3 e8 28.e1 a7 29.dd1 and Black is almost in zugzwang! ) 27...xd3 28.xd3 xd3 29.xd3 xe5 ( 29...xf2 30.exf6 xg3+ 31.h2 e2 32.d1 and White is simply a piece up ) 30.d8+ a7 31.d5 with a crushing position ] 27.c5! xc5 28.dxc5 xd3 [ 28...xc5 29.xd7 ] 29.xd3 xd3 30.cxb6 A fine game from Fedorchuk, the plan of a3, b4 seems to be a simple way of dealing with a Qa5 setup in this line. 1-0

199 Fedorchuk,Sergey Cornette,M 28th Cappelle Open (4) [Tom Rendle]

B01 2634 2545 05.03.2012

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 [ 3.f3 was tried against Cornette by another strong Grandmaster this month but a ga in h e d r e w ve ry co m f o rt a b ly. . . . g4 4.e2 c6 5.c3 d7 6.d4 ( 6.h3 is perhaps a better try for W hite and then xf3 7.xf3 0-0-0 8.d3 has featured in both Vachier Lagrave-Tiviakov and Van Den Doel-Tiviakov, which can be found in the archives. ) 6...e6 7.0-0 f6 8.e5!? ( White gets nothing at all after 8.e3 d6 9.h3 h5 10.e1 when Black can play the simple 0-0 for equality or go for more by castling Queenside.) 8...xe2 9.xe2 ( 9.xd7 xd1 10.xf6+ gxf6 11.xd1 0-0-0 12.e3 e7 causes Black no problems at all. ) A) 9...xd4 also looks like a good option 184

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 for Black here, for example 10.d3 d6 11.f4 ( 11.c4 doesn't get anywhere c5 12.a4 d5 13.c3 c5 14.a4 d5 15.c3= ) 11...b6 12.c4 c5 13.ad1 d8 and Black is still a pawn up although W hite's lead in development gives him reasonable compensation; B) 9...xd4 10.xc6 bxc6 B1) 11.e3 was perhaps a better way to play f or an edge, and now af te r d7 12.ad1 d6 13.d4! e7 ( 13...0-0?! runs into difficulties after 14.xf6 gxf6 15.e4 e7 16.g4+ h8 17.h4 e5 18.c3! with f4 to come next move) 14.e4 White has a strong initiative in return for the pawn; B2) 11.d1 b4 12.d2 ( 12.f3! b7 13.g5 looks more testing although Black is solid enough af ter e7 ) 12...d6 13.d5 xh2+! 14.f1 ( not 14.xh2 h4+ 15.g1 xd5 ) 14...h4 15.xf6+ xf6 16.c3 f5 17.d3 xd3+ 18.xd3 d6 19.xg7 g8 1/2-1/2 Bruzon Batista, L (2691)Cornet te , M (2 54 5)/ Ca ta lun ya ES P 2012 ] 3...a5 4.d4 f6 5.f3 f5 6.d2 e6 7.c4 b4!? Cornette chooses an unusual move in this position but the choice seems very sensible to me [ 7...c6 is much more popular and now 8.d5 ( 8.e2 has been examined a n u m b e r o f t i m e s in t h e a r ch ive s, m o s t recently by Gawain in the game Vaibhav, S (2430)-Yu, R (2431)/Mashhad IRI 2011) 8...d8 9.xf6+ xf6 10.e2 was looked at by Pavlovic in the game HowellPapaioannou ] 8.0-0 [ 8.a3 is perhaps more testing and it features in another couple of Cornette games from the last month or so. xc3 9.xc3 b6 10.d5! this must be critical ( 10.0-0 0-0 11.e5 c6 12.xc6 xc6 13.d3 e4 14.xe4 xe4 was already a little better for Black and Cornette shows that he can grind out these positions against lower rated opposition by going on to beat Urbina Perez, J (2210) ) 10...bd7 11.0-0 ( 11.e2 led to another quick draw after 0-0 12.dxe6 xe6 13.xe6 ae8 1/2-1/2 Istratescu, A

(2650)-Bauer, C (2631)/ Rogaska Slatina SLO 2011; 11.d4!? should perhaps be investigated by White players 0-0-0 12.xf5 exf5 13.0-0 ) 11...0-0 12.dxe6 xe6 13.xe6 xe6 14.e1 f5 15.d4 d5 16.f3 xf3 17.xf3 fe8 18.ad1 xe1+ 19.xe1 e8 20.f3 c5 21.f1 e7 was another draw in Magem Badals, J (2545) -Cornette, M (2545)/ Catalunya ESP 2012 ] 8...c6 9.e1 [ 9.a3 this doesn't feel as critical as it was on the previous move xc3 10.xc3 b6 11.b4 ( 11.e1 has also been tried but after 0-0 12.b4 e4 13.g5 f5 14.f3 e4 W hite ended up regretting avoiding the r e p e t i t i o n o f m o v e s w i t h 15.d2?! as he didn't have enough compensation after xc2 16.e2 a6 17.c4 a7 18.c1 g6 and Black went on to win in the game Naiditsch, A (2685)-Papaioannou, I (2 6 2 8 )/ No vi S a d S RB 2 0 0 9) 11...0-0 ( 11...a6! 12.b2 0-0 is perhaps even more accurate, not allowing White any chance for an edge. ) 12.b5 e7 13.b4 fe8 14.e1 was about equal in Rombaldoni, A (2471)Dvirnyy, D (2492)/ Siena ITA 2010 ( 14.e5!? g6 15.a4! might give some small edge to White )] 9...0-0 10.a3 xc3 11.xc3 b6 12.a4 a5! Black is comfortably equal here, White's two Bishops have no open lines to work with and there are no obvious weaknesses in the Black camp. 13.d3 xd3 [ 13...g4!? keeps more life in the position but then again I'm sure Cornette is happy to swap off and get closer to the draw! 14.d5! xd5 ( 14...exd5 15.xf6 gxf6 16.d2 le a ve s B la c k' s K in g r a t h e r vu ln e ra b l e) 15.xh7+ h8 16.e4 ad8 17.c1 f6 and Black is probably doing fine, but there's no reason to allow any of this of course. ] 14.xd3 fd8 15.b3 b4 16.e2 c6! Once Federchuk is forced to take on b4 only Black can be better. 17.xb4 axb4 18.ad1 a6 19.d3 b5 20.axb5 xb5 If he wanted to Black could try and press for an edge with ... Nd5 - White has no pawn breaks and no plan. Still an impressive set of games from Cornette in the Scandinavian this month! [ 20...xb5 21.h3 d5 22.e4 a2 185

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 is a little better for Black ] ½-½

200 Fedorchuk,Sergey A Tiviakov,Sergei 25th ECC Ohrid MKD (5) [John Watson]

B01 2643 2670 08.10.2009

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 g6 This move has gained so me wh a t in p o pu la rit y, a lt h ou gh it isn 't m e n t io n i n H o u sk a 's S t a r t i n g O u t b o o k . Karolyi calls it the Czebe Variation based upon the many games that Czebe has played wit h it in t h e p a s t t h re e ye a rs . I h a ve n ' t covered the precise position, even in my answer to a question in the game 'Scandinavian 3.. Qd6 w ...g6 - READER QUESTION' from earlier this year. The reader had asked about combining ...g6 with ...a6, which is slightly different, and I included a host of lines without Nf3. Anyway, why 5...g6 instead of 5...a6 or 5...c6 ? One idea the Czebe has introduced is the move ...Qa6, for e x a m p l e , a f t e r 6 g 3 B g 7 7 B g 2 . 6.g3 A couple of alternatives played this month, and a comment on the main line. [ a) 6.h3 g7 7.b5 b6 8.c4 c6 ( 8...a6 is more flexible, for example, 9.c3 0-0 10.e2 c6 11.d5 d8 ) 9.c3 0-0 10.d3 c5 11.d5 ( 11.dxc5 xc5 12.0-0 d8 13.e3 a5 14.e2 is a touch better for White ) 11...e6 12.0-0 a6 13.dxe6 xe6 14.a3 ad8 15.c2 c6 16.g5 c7 17.e3 ( 17.f4 d7 18.fe1 ) 17...b6 18.ad1 c8 19.ge4 ( 19.e2! f5 20.c1 ) 19...fe8 20.xf6+ xf6 21.e4 h4 22.c6 f8 23.xd8 xd8 24.d1 d4 25.e4 ( 25.xd4 xd4 26.e2= ) 25...xe4 26.xe4 e6 27.d2 ( 27.xd4 xd4 28.d5 e6! 29.c3 is roughy equal) 27...g7 28.d5 xe3 29.fxe3 c7 30.c6 ( 30.c3 e6 31.e4 ) 30...xd2 31.xd2 e6 with the better pa wn s tru ct u re , Fo n ta n a S ot o ma yor, L (2373)-Magem Badals, J (2553), Montcada ESP 2009. ] [ b) Strikovic, A (2512)-Gashimov, V (2740), Ourense ESP 2009 saw the elite

grandmaster on the defensive in the opening: 6.g5 g7 7.d2 h6 8.f4 d8 9.0-0-0 c6 10.c4 bd7 11.he1 (pretty impressive pieces) b6 , and here White missed the chance for 12.xf7+ xf7 13.e5+ g8 14.xg6 , when Black's position is being torn apart. But it was only a Blitz game! ] [ c) 6.b5 is the subject of an article in New in Chess 90 by Tibor Karolyi (he also covers 6 Bc4 and 6 Ne5). The main line seems to be b6 7.f4 , and now Karolyi suggests d5 A) 8.e2 d7! ( 8...xf4 9.e5 ) 9.c1 a6 10.c3 7f6=; B) 8.e5 f6 9.g3 a6 10.c4 axb5 11.cxd5 a6 12.b3 a5+ 13.d2 d7= ] 6...g7 7.g2 c6 [ Here Czebe's 7...a6 prevents 0-0. In his article, Karolyi cites 5 games with this move, complete with notes on the critical lines. He thinks that Black stands satisfactorily. This takes some guts to play, however, since Black's queen is still exposed and White can develop his queenside. ] 8.0-0 g4 9.f4 [ 9.h3 xf3 10.xf3 xd4 looks risky. In anoth er O hrid game , Tiviako v survive d 11.d1 c5 12.e3 f5 13.xf5!? ( 13.e2 0-0 ) 13...gxf5 14.b5 1/2-1/2 Azarov, S (2625)-Tiviakov, S (2670)/ Ohrid MKD 2 00 9. T he n ( 14.b5 a6 15.c3 0-0 16.xa7 is obviously risky, since the knight is trapped on a7. On the other hand, it is hard to attack, and under some circumstances White might play Nxc6 and gain three passed pawns on the queenside. )] 9...d8 10.d2 [ 10.h3 xf3 11.xf3 is possibly better: 0-0 ( 11...xd4 12.b5 ) 12.ad1 e6 13.fe1 with a nice advantage. ] 10...xf3 11.xf3 e6 Tiviakov has faith in this rather passive standard structure, which also arises in the Slav and Caro-Kann. Of course, W hite has two bishops which are active enough, and even he might hesitate to try something like this against a Kasparov or Anand, however. 12.e2!? [ 12.a4!? 0-0 13.c4 is more aggressive. ] 186

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 12...0-0 13.c4 bd7 14.ad1 e8 15.g2 [ 15.b4 b6 16.c3 ad8 17.c1!? prepares Nd3 with a discernible edge. ] 15...b6 16.c3 e5! 17.dxe5 xe5 Now Black has active pieces and sufficient counterplay. ½-½

201 Fedorov,Alexei Hauchard,Arnaud Belfort FRA [Alexander Volzhin]

B01 2659 2518 1999

Within a month Alexey Fedorov, 14th in the world rankings, twice had to face the Center Counter, and he has scored only half a point in 2 games! Even more surprising, both times his opponents followed the game Anand Lautier which was disastrous for Black, and both times Fedorov deviates from Anand's method! 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 c6 5.f3 f6 6.c4 f5 7.e5 e6 8.g4 g6 9.h4 bd7 10.xd7 xd7 11.h5 e4 12.h3 [ In an earlier game vs Nisipeanu in the European Team Championships Fedorov prefered 12.0-0 but failed to obtain any a d v a n t a g e . T h e g a m e c o n t i n u e d : d5 13.xd5 cxd5 14.d3 d6 15.d2 d8! 16.g2 h4 17.h1 f6 18.c3 f4! After the exchange of dark-squared Bishops Black has little to worry about. 19.c1 xd2 20.xd2 0-0-0 21.f4 e7 22.ae1 d6 23.h3 b8 24.f2 g6 25.eh1 f6 26.hxg6 fxg6 27.g5 h5 28.h4 df8 29.f1 f7 30.e2 g7 31.g4 f5 32.xf5 xf5 33.e3 a6 34.e1 and in this level position a draw was agreed. ] 12...g2 13.g3 [ 13.e3 was Anand's choice. ] 13...d5 14.xd5 cxd5 15.d2 d8 16.e2 d6 Due to the position of White's Rook Black wins a very important tempo and successfully completes development. 17.f3 0-0 18.g5 b6 19.b3 a6 20.g6?! A hasty move. [ 20.0-0-0 first should be preferred. ] 20...h4! Probably White underestimated this

move. 21.0-0-0 [ After 21.gxf7+ xf7 White can't grab the p a w n i n v i e w o f 22.xe6?? h1+ and Black wins. ] 21...xh5! [ It's not good to take the other pawn: 21...xd4 22.gxf7+ xf7 ( 22...h8 23.h6 is even worse for Black.) 23.xe6 af8 24.g5 e5 25.xe5 xe5 26.xf7 xf7 27.xd5 with a clear extra pawn in the endgame and excellent winning chances for White. ] 22.e3?! Too optimistic. [ 22.xf7 is also bad: xe2 23.xf8+ xf8 24.gxh7+ xh7 25.xe2 xf2 and Black has a clear extra pawn ] [ 22.gxh7+ was obligatory, with mutual chances. h8 ] 22...xg6 White is 2 pawns down for no compensation. 23.h3 fc8 24.dh1 c7 25.h4 d7! 26.xh7 xh7 27.xh7 xh7 This position is hopeless for White. Bla ck co n ve rt s h is ad va n t a ge in t o a win wit h o u t a ny p ro b le ms. T h e rest n e e d n o comment. 28.e2 ac8 29.c3 g8 30.b2 b5 31.d3 c6 32.g1 f6 33.f3 e5! 34.dxe5 xe5 35.e2 b4 36.c2 xc3 37.d1 d4 38.g5 e8 White resigned . It's not clear to me what's wrong with Anand's 13 Re3, his win over Lautier seemingly very convincing. Nisipeanu and Hauchard definitely have something in mind. But what? We have to wait for new games in this line. Undoubtedly we'll see them very soon. If so, I'll tell you immediately. 0-1

202 Ferguson,Mark Matin,Adam 4NCL Telford [Andrew Martin]

B01 2380 2425 19.01.2003

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.f3 In some ways an awkward move for Black to meet. The standard white-squared pawn chain plans are no longer available and he has to change tack. I've played the f ollowing plan twice now, against GM Rowson and here and have never been entirely happy with my position although 187

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 the results are OK. In purely chess terms, White delays Nc3 giving priority to Be2 and 0-0 and then maybe d4 and c2-c4,gaining space and time in the centre. f6 There are two sharp alternatives: [ 3...g6 4.d4 h6!? Of course Black doesn't have to play this m ove, bu t t he ide a o f pressurising d4 is without doubt interesting. 5.c3 d8 6.f4 f5 ] [ 3...g4 4.e2 f6 5.0-0 c6!? 6.d4 0-0-0 is another dance on a volcano e.g. 7.c4 h5 8.h3 e5!? ] 4.d4 g4 5.e2 e6 6.0-0 e7 7.f4 Rowson put his Bishop on e3. Black sticks to the plan. d8 The Queen was going to get pushed back anyway. 8.c4 0-0 9.b3 c8 10.c3 bd7 11.ad1 a6 A key move, preventing Nb5 and planning ... Bd6. Black hopes to get ...c7-c5 in one move that is the p o i n t o f h i s p l a y. Fe r gu s o n co m f o r t a b l y maintains an edge. 12.fe1 e8 13.e5 xe2 14.xe2 xe5 15.dxe5 d7 Variations are inapplicable. Black works with a 'manageable disadvantage ' As long as he is modest in his ambitions I believe the Black position to be def ensible. 16.e4 f8 17.g3 g6 Covering g7 18.ed2 d8 O r W h i t e d o m i n a t e s . 19.xd8+ xd8 20.g4 e7 Creating room for ...Qe8 and ... Rd8. 21.g3 e8 22.h4 d8 23.h5 xd1+ 24.xd1 f8 25.g4 d8= I was happier no w. W it h rat io n al e xch an ge s B la ck h a s minimised any disadvantage and the next task was to get rid of the powerful Knight on e4.. 26.h2 [ 26.f4 d4? ( 26...d7! 27.h6 g6 28.d1 c6= ) 27.g5! idea ...Nf6+! ] 26...d7 27.h6 g6 28.f4 c5! Now a curious thing happened. W hite continued to believe that he was better. That cannot be so once Knights are exchanged. Back rank tricks and possible Queen ending squeezes are counterbalanced by the poor white bishop. 29.xc5 xc5 30.f3? [ 30.e3 xe3 31.fxe3 c5 32.b3 f8 is slightly better for Black but I think White should draw. ] 30...d4! Overlooked completely. The tables turn. 31.g3 xb2 32.f6 f8 33.d8 c1! 34.xc7 xh6+ 35.g1 c1+ 36.h2 b5-+ 37.c6 bxc4 38.xa6 c3

39.c4 g5 [ 39...c2! 40.f4 xf4+ 41.xf4 a3 would have been a nicer way. I didn't even see this cute line, concentrating on making the win as simple as could be. ] 40.f4 c2 41.fxg5 d1 42.f4 a3 43.g6 [ 43.c8+ g7 44.g6 hxg6 45.h6+ h7-+ ] 43...hxg6 44.c8+ g7 3 Nf3 is less common than 3 Nc3 but it does restrict Black's choice. I will learn the lines with .... 0-0-0 and go for that next time. 0-1

203 Fernandez Garcia,Jose Luis Karpov,Anatoly Country vs. World Advanced, Sant [Andrew Martin]

B01 2450 2685 2003

1.e4 d5 The ultimate seal of approval. Anatoly Karpov plays the Scheming Scandinavian! Same type of pawn structure as the Caro Kann and not half as much to learn. It's a very practical choice. 2.exd5 xd5 3.d4?! A move which is fine as long as you are content with an equal position which of course most W hite players are not. I think Fernandez Garcia has been genuinely surprised by Karpov's choice of opening and is in rather a hurry to get away from established main lines. e5! The best move, guaranteeing an excellent position for Black. 4.f3 [ 4.dxe5?! A horrible move which, if you are as skilled as Movsesian, you can just about get away with. Others should shun 4 dxe5 because it just allows Black to obtain a very active position. xd1+ 5.xd1 c6 6.f4 c5 7.f3 ge7 8.bd2 g4 9.g3 0-0-0 10.d3 f5 11.h3 Already White is scrambling f or equality. xg3 12.fxg3 xf3+ 13.xf3 he8 14.d2 xe5 15.xe5 xe5 1/2-1/2 Movsesian, SIstratescu, A/National I, Clermont-Ferrand FRA 2003 (15) ] [ 4.c3!? Perhaps the best try although objectively Black is comfortable. A) 4...xd4 5.xd4 exd4 6.b5 b4+ 7.d2 xd2+ 8.xd2 a6 ( 8...d8 9.xd4 f6 10.e1 e8= ) 9.e1+ e7 188

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 10.xd4; B) 4...b4 5.f3 g4 6.e2 exd4 ( I like 6...e4 7.e5 xe2 here. ) 7.0-0 xc3 8.bxc3 f6 9.h3 h5 10.a3 bd7 11.cxd4 a5 12.d3 0-0-0 13.ab1 Vasquez Ramirez, R-Ruiz Jimenez, F Havana 2003 ] 4...c6 5.c3 b4 6.d2 xc3 7.xc3 e4 8.e5 xe5 9.dxe5 e7 10.xd5 xd5= With effortless equality for Black, although winning this position against the Two Bishops i s q u i t e a n o t h e r m a t t e r . 11.d4 b4 Black's active play and ease of development combat the Bishops. 12.b5+ c6 13.a4 There was no better way to defend c2. e6 With the idea of ...b7-b5. 14.a3 d5 15.c3 [ I prefer 15.0-0-0 f4 16.g3 although W hite has nothing there too. The game move seems to voluntarily weaken the d3 square. ] 15...f4! 16.c2 xg2+ 17.d2 f5 18.hg1 f4 19.ae1 [ 19.xg7 g6 leaves the Rook embarrassed. ] 19...e6 20.xe4 xe4 21.xe4 0-0-0 22.c2 b6 23.e3 d7! If White could arrange to play f4-f5, he might be able to put Black under pressure, but the Knight on e6 is so strong and that advance can be easily parried by ...g7-g6. 24.h4 d5 25.f4 g6 26.h3 g7 Completing the picture. Black has a better pawn structure and a superior m in o r p ie c e . B u t if W h it e is vigila n t , it ' s difficult to see Karpov winning. 27.f2 hd8 Black is in a hurry to take the d file lest White exchanges a pair of Rooks to ease the defence. [ 27...h5 28.d3 hd8 29.xd5 xd5 30.c4= ] 28.xh7! d2+ 29.b3 e6 30.e3 e2 31.c1! Holding. d7 32.h4 f2 33.h5 gxh5 34.xh5 xf4 35.xf4= Not an especially memorable game but clear evidence that the line with 3 d4 is not to be feared. ½-½

204 Filipovic,Branko Furrer,Marc 8th Hilton Schachfestival (3) [Eric Prié]

B01 2412 2163 03.01.2006

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 Last year I wrote: "I took up t h e S c a n d i n a vi a n i n 1 9 9 1 . I m e a n T H E Scandinavian, the real one and only with 3... Qa5, not the feeble 'substitutes' of 2...Nf6 nor 2...Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qd8 or 3...Qd6 that I will talk about (if I am given the chance to comment Topalov-Kamsky Corus 2005 [1-0 in 20 moves] in the next update!) where White can either make immediate use of his c-pawn or hinder the successful development of Black's light-squared bishop outside his pawn chain. Unfortunately, I had to give up this aggressive system, with which I and Etienne Bacrot, who was my pupil at the time, had tremendous results, quite soon, when the ultimate refutation started to spread." Here it is: 6.d2! a6 Parrying the lethal threat of Nc3-b5, c2-c4c5 which once again highlights the delicate positioning of the black queen in connection with the move ... Nb8-c6. Still, such a move can only represent a makeshift, waiting for better days when White does not play 6.Bd2 (6.Bb5 Ne4! for instance in my dated Encyclopaedia B...) [ For 6...g4 10 See game ] 7.c4 Threatening Nd5, trapping the Black queen which is the main feature of the p r e v i o u s g a m e s o n t h e 5 . B d 2 l i n e . h5 For other queen's moves, 7...Qb4, 7... Qb6, 7...Qf5 and the Pseudo-sacrifice 7...Nxd4 8. N x d 4 Q c 5 s e e t h e n e x t g a m e . 8.e5! Alas, the white initiative will not abate in spite o f t h e e x c h a n g e o f q u e e n s . xe5? More tenacious is [ 8...xd1+ 9.xd1 e6 is relatively best as p o in t e d o u t b y G M C u rt Ha n se n i n h i s ChessBase CD on the Scandinavian. Unfortunately practice lacks relevant e x a m p l e s . P l a y m a y c o n t i n u e ( 9...d8 10.0-0 Then the Nd8 is as badly placed as on h5 but at least it is not threatened with b e i n g l o s t !) 10.xc6 bxc6 11.a4! The obligatory move before the optional one, like castling kingside. The knight is very well 189

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 placed on this square as Hansen mentions as well in his general comments about the position. It eyes c5 and b2 with the idea a5 12.d3! a6 13.c4 d5 14.b3 b6 ( 14...b4 15.b1 Threatening a2-a3.) 15.c5 xc5 16.dxc5 d7 17.e3! Black can play more subtly, however, with a timely ...Nd7, then White should be ready to meet ...Nb6 with Nc5 implying a previous b2b3 to keep the a4-square under control or Bc4-b3 protecting a4 with c6 as a target. It is also good when White prevents the black c-pawns from undoubling with Be3. In any c a s e t h e e n d i n g r e m a i n s d i s s u a s i ve l y superior for White as in Spassky-Prie ] 9.xh5 xh5 A new idea that should backfire like [ 9...d3+ 10.cxd3!? Safer is ( 10.xd3 xh5 11.d5 ) 10...xh5 11.d5 d8 12.c1 A) 12...e6! 13.xc7 b8! Now Black will be able to parry the a5 check with ... b7-b6. ( 13...xc7 14.xe6+ d8 15.a5+ e7 16.xc8 ); B) 12...g6? 13.b3 f5 ( 13...c6 14.a5+ d7 15.b6+ ) 14.xc7 1-0 Ernst, T-Einvik, G Gausdal 1995 ] 10.dxe5 c6 The threat of Nd5 has to be circumvented and since this is not possible with [ 10...e6 because of 11.g4 ] 11.0-0-0 g6 12.h3 The position was already ripe for a frontal assault leading to the win of a pawn at least: [ 12.a4! b5 ( 12...f5 13.c5 b5 14.e2 g7 15.f3 c8 16.xa6 ) 13.b6 b8 14.e2! e6 ( 14...xb6 15.a5 f4 16.f3 d5 17.xd5 ) 15.e3 g7 16.f3 ( 16.g4 f4 ) 16...xe5 17.xc6+ f8 18.d7+ xd7 19.xd7 f4 20.a7 xe3+ ( 20...b6 21.b7 a5 22.f3 a4 23.e1 ) 21.fxe3 b6 22.b7 a5 23.f3 a4 24.d1 f6 25.d8+ g7 26.xh8 xh8 27.xe7+- ] 12...h6? Black overdoes it a bit... [ 12...g7 13.a4 e6 ] 13.a4 g7 [ 13...b5 14.b6 b8 15.xc8 ( 15.e2! ) 15...xc8 16.b3 ( 16.e2 g7 ) 16...e6 ( 16...g7 17.e3 f5 18.e6! ) 17.g4 g7 18.e3 ]

14.b6 b8 15.e6!! xe6 [ 15...xe6 16.c3 f6 ( 16...g8 17.e5; 16...g7 17.xe6 xc3 18.xc8 a5 19.d7+ f8 20.c4 ) 17.xc8 xc8 18.xe6 ] 16.f4 d8 [ 16...xc4 17.xb8 e6 18.c7 f6 19.d8+ f7 20.b8+- ] 17.xd8+ xd8 18.d1+ e8 19.a8! d7 [ 19...f6 20.c7+ f7 21.xe6 xe6 22.e1 ] 20.c7+ d8 21.xf7 g5 22.e5 c8 23.a8! The postman always rings twice! 1-0

205 Fischer,Robert James Robatsch,Karl olm Varna [Alexander Volzhin]



This line was known not to be very good but it has received a certain amount of attention recently and from time to time it occurs even at the very highest level, mainly in Michael Adam s' games. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d8 4.d4 The initial position of the variation. Now Black has two different plans. One possibility is the fianchetto of his darksquared Bishop, and another is to play the light-squared Bishop to f5 and the arising position looks like a typical Caro Kann. g6 5.f4! Although this game was played almost 40 years ago Fischer's plan is considered as the best nowadays. The idea of this move (followed by 6 .Qd2) is to prevent Black's Knight manoeuvre to f5-square via h6. [ Another possible plan is 5.c4 g7 6.f3 aiming for a small but steady advantage, but recent practice proves Black has good cha nces o f equa lising: h6 7.xh6!? ( The alternatives are: 7.e4 f5 8.c3 0-0 9.0-0 d7 10.f4 d6 11.d3 Kaminski-Kiedrowicz, Bielsko-Biala 1991.; 7.g5 f5 8.0-0 0-0 9.e1 h6 10.f4 c6 11.e5 Arakhamia-Petrovic, Tuzla 1987, with a tiny edge in both cases.) 7...xh6 8.e5 0-0 9.0-0 d7 10.e2 b6 11.ad1 xc4 12.xc4 f5 13.b3 b8 190

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 and Black has little to worry about, Tiviakov-Galliamova, Elista 1998. ] 5...g7 [ the immediate 5...h6 is not good in view of 6.e5! f6 7.f4 , weakening Black's Kside. ] 6.d2! [ T e m p t i n g i s 6.b5 as was played in Bronstein-Kholmov, Tbilisi 1959 is harmless: a6 7.f3 f6 8.c4 c6 9.c3 g4 10.e2 0-0 11.0-0 d7 12.e3 e5 13.d5 c5 14.e1 xe2 15.xe2 f5 and in this complicated position Black's chances are by no means bad. ] 6...f6 [ It's not good for Black to take the d4-pawn: 6...xd4 7.xd4 xd4 8.b5 b6 9.xc7+ xc7 10.xc7 and the endgame clearly favors White ] [ 6...xd4? 7.0-0-0 c6 8.b5 d7 9.d5! e5 10.f3 and Black can't avoid gross material losses. ] 7.0-0-0 c6 8.h6 0-0? This natural looking move is indeed the decisive mistake! [ 8...xh6 9.xh6 f5 intending to castle Qs id e s h o u ld b e p la ye d , a lt h o u gh in m y opinion White is clearly better here. ] 9.h4! Exploiting Black's mistake White starts a K-side attack without delay. a5 10.h5! gxh5 The only move. [ Black can't allow the opening of the h-file: 10...d8 11.hxg6 fxg6 12.xg7 xg7 13.h6+ g8 14.f3 15 and Black can't parry the threat of Ng5 ] [ 10...xh5 is also insufficient: 11.e2 f6 12.xg7 xg7 13.h6+ g8 14.g4! and White wins by force: d8 15.g5 h5 16.xh5 gxh5 17.xh5 f5 ( or 17...f5 18.g6! ) 18.g6! xg6 19.g5 winning the Queen. ] 11.d3! bd7 [ It would be very good for Black to transfer his light-squared Bishop to the g6-square but White's last move made this manoeuvre impossible: 11...f5? 12.g5 ] 12.ge2 d8 13.g4! The decisive breakthrough. Now White's attack becomes unstoppable. f8 [ Black can't accept the sacrifice in view of 13...xg4 14.dg1! with decisive threats. ] 14.gxh5 Now Black is helpless against threats

on the g-file. e6 15.dg1 h8 [ Or 15...f8 16.xg7+ xg7 17.h6 g4 18.xh7 and White wins. ] 16.xg7+ xg7 17.h6 g8 [ 17...e6 18.f4! ] 18.g5 d8 [ 18...f5 i s a l s o b a d : 19.xg8+ xg8 20.f8 , Rg1 to follow. ] 19.hg1 f5? A blunder but Black's position is lost anyway. 20.xf5 Bobby Fischer at his best! 1-0

206 Fressinet,Laurent Bauer,Christian 83rd ch-FRA Pau FRA (2) [John Watson]

B01 2673 2583 12.08.2008

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 c6 A very unusual move order in conjunction with Black's next move. 5.f3 g4!? [ 5...f6 transposes to the main ...Qd6/...c6 line. ] 6.e3 [ After 6.h3 , perhaps Black was planning to grab the pawn following xf3 ( 6...h5 7.g4!? g6 8.e5 would be interesting, e.g. , d7 9.c4!? c7 10.f3 ) 7.xf3 xd4!? , following a game Andrew Martin cited: ( 7...f6 8.e3 e6 9.0-0-0 has appeared in a couple of games - see Vorobiov-Hasangatin 2006 in the Archives.) 8.e3 d8 9.d3!? ( probably 9.d1 is m o r e d a n g e r o u s f o r B la ck a f t e r a5 10.c4 f6 11.0-0 ) 9...d7 10.0-0-0 gf6 11.g4!? ( 11.b1 e6 12.g3 ) 11...e6 12.d4 a5 13.b1 c5! 14.xf6 xf6 15.g5 d7 16.xh7 e5 Grabaczyk - Cicak, Oberliga Ost 2001. ] 6...f6 7.h3 h5 [ 7...xf3 8.xf3 e6 is a standard structure that arises f rom m any openings. W hit e probably has the advantage because Black's pieces aren't developed or coordinating ideally. ] 8.g4 g6 9.e5 This is all normal-looking except for W hite's bishop on e3, which is a little passively-placed to have used up a tempo on. Still, W hite will try to make 191

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 something of his space. bd7 10.xg6 [ A very important idea in these positions is 10.f4!? . Then e6 ( 10...d5? 11.c4! and f5 follows) 11.g2 has ideas of Qe2 and h4 o r 0-0-0 . Compa re this month's Amin-Sengupta game. ( 11.h4 d5 )] 10...hxg6 11.f3 e6 12.0-0-0 c7 White has two bishops, but this pawn structure is theoretically suited for restraining W hite pawn moves that might activate them. For all that, I think that White's space gives him the a d v a n t a g e . 13.b1 b4 14.e4 xe4 15.xe4 f6 16.f3 d5 17.c1 b5! W e ' ve s e e n t h is i d e a in t h e C a r o - K a n n : prevention of c4 takes precedence. 18.h4! [ 18.c4?! bxc4 19.xc4 b8 ] 18...0-0-0!? Daring, because it risks attack down the c-file. Other ideas would be [ 18...e7 and ] [ 18...d6 ] 19.h5 [ More ambitious is 19.c4! bxc4 20.xc4 . Rd3-b3 and a transfer of the h1 rook to c1 would be more pointed. ] 19...gxh5 20.gxh5 e7!? 21.c4 f6! 22.g2 bxc4 23.xc4 e7 Versus Bg5, but also in order not to lose time on the queenside after, say, Rh3-b3. 24.h3 g5 25.f3!? [ 25.e4 g7 26.dd3 with the idea Rb3 is one setup. W hite's next few moves don't seem to do anything. ] 25...g7 26.f1?! b6 27.b3 b7! 28.a4 g4?! [ Black would be well on top after 28...xh5! with the idea 29.a5 g4! ] 29.h6! xh6?! Perhaps not objectively best, but Black wants to fight for the initiative in what is probably approaching time trouble. 30.xh6 xh6 31.g3 [ 31.xf7?? g6+ ] 31...f4 32.e2 xd4 33.xd4 xd4 34.xg4 White stands better, but he has some weaknesses to give Black hope. f6 35.a2 c5 36.f3 a5 37.d2 b4 38.f4?! [ 38.xb4! axb4 39.xb4 gives White a good attack: c7! 40.a5 d7 41.a6 g5 42.a7 d8 43.c2! a8 44.a4 and Black remains tied up. ] 38...e7! 39.e4!?

[ Only White can win a position like 39.xf6 xf6 40.f4 d7 41.c4 ] 39...d7 40.f4 g7 41.g4 f6 42.f4 A bit odd, since W hite risks nothing by continuing. ½-½

207 Fressinet,Laurent Feygin,Michail Bundesliga 2008-9 (7) [John Watson]

B01 2676 2569 28.11.2008

3...Qd6 has taken over from 3...Qa5 in practice at the top levels of play. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 6.e3 This apparently passive move is actually rather hard to contend with. 6 Ne5 and 6 g3 are more common. g4 7.h3 xf3?! In this position, because White has played Be3, it seems undesirable to bring White's queen to f3 while ceding the bishop pair, because 0-0-0 can come so quickly. It seems to me that [ 7...h5 is better, with a typical continuation along the lines of A) in an earlier update I showed FressinetBauer, Pau 2008: 8.g4 g6 9.e5 bd7 10.xg6 ( I think that 10.f4 deserves strong consideration, as explained there) 10...hxg6 11.f3 e6 12.0-0-0 c7 W hite has two bishops, but it's not as much as he gets in our game, primarily due to the open h-file.; B) 8.e2 e6 9.d2 c7 (so as to answer Bf4 by ...Bd6) 10.0-0-0 bd7 ( 10...b4!? ) 11.b1 d6 12.he1 0-0-0 and White's edge is nominal. ] 8.xf3 bd7 [ 8...e6 is a standard structure that arises from many openings. W hite probably has th e ad va nt a ge b e cau se B la ck's pie c e s aren't developed or coordinating ideally. 9.0-0-0 has appeared in a couple of games see Vorobiov-Hasangatin 2006 in the Archives. ] 9.0-0-0 e6 10.b1 [ 10.f4 b4 11.c7! cuts the queen off then c8 12.a3 e7 13.e5 d8 14.g3! must be in White's favour. ] 192

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 10...c7 11.g4! A major decision. White prevents 11...0-0-0 because of 12 g5 and Qxf7, while gaining space. On the whole, this seems to count for more than the fact that g4 is weakening. d5!? [ 11...h6 12.h4 0-0-0 13.d3! ] [ 11...e7 lo o ks b e st t h e n 12.d3 0-0 13.g5!? d5 14.xd5 ( 14.e4 c5 ) 14...cxd5 15.h4 b6 16.h5 g6 17.e2 c4 18.h5 with the idea of Rh4 and Rdh1 gives some attacking chances. ] 12.c1 [ 12.xd5! cxd5 13.c1! and 14 c4 would exploit Black's last move. ] 12...xc3+ 13.xc3 d6 14.f3 f6? [ 14...0-0 is relatively solid. White might r e s p o n d w i t h 15.h4 ( 15.d3 c5?! 16.xh7+ xh7 17.d3+ g8 18.dxc5 will win a pawn. 15...Rac8 is better) 15...e5 16.h5 exd4 17.h6 g6 18.xd4 ] 15.g5 g8?! Black wants to stay in touch with f7 so as to castle queenside, but he can't easily achieve that, so [ 15...d7 16.h4 f8 17.h5 0-0-0 might improve. Nevertheless, White has a clear advantage after 18.h6 g6 19.f6 g8 20.d3! b8 21.c4 ] 16.c4 d7 A very bad sign. [ After 16...0-0-0 17.c5 f8 18.c4 , Black can't develop. ] 17.d5! [ Or 17.h4 wit h t h e id e a e7 18.d3 and h5. ] 17...cxd5 [ 17...exd5 18.cxd5 e7 19.dxc6 bxc6 20.c4 0-0 21.d2 and White's bishops are asserting themselves. ] 18.cxd5 e5 19.h4! e7 20.h3 a4 21.h5 0-0? But Black had serious problems anyway, for example, [ 21...d8 22.he1 0-0 23.h6 gxh6 24.gxh6 f5 25.g5 ] 22.h6 Suddenly the position is resignable. gxh6 23.f5! g6 24.h3! fd8 25.xh6 f8 [ 25...f8 26.xh7+ xh7 27.xh7+ f8 28.f5! e7 29.g6! is the end. ] 1-0

208 Friedel,Joshua E Pechenkin,V 4th Int Edmonton CAN (8) [Neil McDonald]

B01 2551 2372 21.12.2009

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.f3 xd5 4.d4 g6 5.c4 b6 6.c5 d5 7.c4 c6 8.0-0 g7 9.e1 0-0 10.c3 As you can see in the archives, Black is really labouring to stay alive in this variation. His next move makes matters even worse. b6? This game demonstrates in startling fashion why Black usually chooses to prevent White's next move with [ 10...h6 ] 11.g5 e6 The natural way to defend d5 and meet the threat to e7, but rather surprisingly it allows a combination. 12.xd5 cxd5 13.xe7! xe7 14.xd5 c6 [ After 14...a6 15.xa8 xa8 16.d5 d8 17.e2 xd5 18.xa6 xc5 19.e2 Black's two bishops aren't enough for the exchange. ] 15.xc6 ac8? [ A better chance is 15...ad8 to attack the d4 pawn, when White still has a far amount o f wo r k t o d o t o c la im t h e win , t h o u g h 16.cxb6 axb6 17.a4 d6 18.ad1 etc. should do the trick. ] 16.d5 bxc5 17.b3 [ Even stronger was 17.a4 so that if c7 18.ad1 intending 19.dxe6 Qxc6 20.Qxc6 Rxc6 21.e7 Re8 22.Rd8 when the passed pawn gets through. f5 19.g4 and wins. ] 17...d6 [ Black could have muddled on with 17...b8 18.e3 d6 ] 18.dxe6 xc6 19.g5 fxe6 20.xe6 d7 21.c6+ h8 22.f7+ xf7 23.xf7 xc6 24.xa7 xb2 25.b1 d4 26.h1 xf2 27.e7 1-0


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 209 Frolov,Denis Vshivkov,Konstantin Perm [Alexander Volzhin]

B01 2330 1997

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.d4 xd5 4.c4 b6 5.c3 e5!? 6.f3 g4 7.e2 xf3 8.xf3 exd4 9.0-0!? Starting interesting complications. [ After 9.b5 b4+ 10.d2 xd2+ 11.xd2 c6 12.xd4 xc4 13.e2+ e7 14.0-0-0 xe2 15.xe2 White had achieved a small advantage in the endgame in Peptan - Casagrande, Biel 1996 ] 9...dxc3 [ 9...c6 trying to complete his development safely also comes into consideration, the game Bochinski - Klawa, Germany 1993 continued with 10.e1+ e7 11.g5 c8 12.b5 0-0 13.xe7 xe7 14.xd4 xd4 15.xd4 g6 16.f5 and Black's life is not so easy in this endgame. ] 10.e1+ e7 11.g5! [ Sacrificing the knight. White of course was n o t g o i n g t o p l a y 11.xd8+? xd8 12.xb7 after 8d7 13.xa8 xa8 14.bxc3 f6 15.d1 c8 with a big advantage for Black as in the game Kaps Calota, Rimavska Sobota 1996 ] 11...f6 12.h5+ g6 13.xf6 0-0 [ 13...f7? was losing by force: 14.xe7+! xf6 15.f3+ xe7 16.e1+ A) 16...d7 17.g4+ d6 18.e6+ d7 ( 18...c5 19.e3+ d4 20.e5+ ) 19.xb6+ e8 20.e6+ e7 21.f6 winning; B) 16...d6 17.d3+ ( 17.c5+ is good enough as well: xc5 18.xc3+ c4 19.e5+ d5 20.b4+ c6 21.xd5 xd5 22.f3+ etc. ) 17...c6 18.f3+ d5 19.xd5+ b6 20.c5+ a5 21.e4 winning ] 14.xe7 [ Of course not 14.xe7? xd1+ 15.xd1 xf6 winning ] 14...xd1 15.axd1 [ This position had already been played a c o u p l e o f t i m e s b e f o r e , 15.xd1 is also worth considering: cxb2 16.b1 e8 17.c5 c6 18.cxb6 xe7 19.xe7 xe7

20.bxc7 c8 21.xb2 xc7 22.g3 g7 23.g2 with a small advantage in the game Smirin - Preissmann, Geneva 1992 ] 15...c2 [ 15...gxh5 does not solve all Black's problems 16.xf8 xf8 17.c5 6d7 18.bxc3 a5 19.d5 a6 20.xh5 f6 21.f5 f7 22.b1 with an advantage in the game Frolov - Sivokho, St. Petersburg 1995. ] 16.c1 gxh5 17.xf8 xf8 18.xc2 c6 19.d2 [ 19.b3 was tried in the game Groszpeter W a d s a c k , O b e r w a r t 1 9 9 6 : d8 ( 19...e8!? ) 20.h3 d4 21.c3 d7?! ( 21...e8 ) 22.e5 f7 23.ce3 d7 24.xh5 with real winning chances. ] 19...e8 20.xe8+ xe8 21.b3 Two knights are not bad against a rook in such endgames but of course W hite has some winning chances. e7 22.f3 d7 23.f2 d8 24.d5 f6 25.e5+ d6 26.g5 e6 27.f5 e7 28.a5 a6 29.b4 c6 30.b5 axb5 31.cxb5 c5 32.a7 c4? Too risky. W as Black really hoping to promote his cpawn? Now the White passed pawns are very dangerous. [ 32...d8 was good enough to hold the balance: 33.a4 c4 34.a5 c3 35.e3 d5+ 36.d3 d6 and the position looks drawish. ] 33.xb7+ d6 34.b6+ d5 35.e3 [ 35.c6!? deserves attention: e8 36.c8 d6 37.b6! c5 38.c7 c3 ( 38...e6 39.b7 ) 39.e2 c4 40.b7 but Black is still fighting after c2!? ( 40...xb7 41.d3 ) 41.b8 c1 42.g8+ d4 43.d8+ c3 44.f6+ b4 a l t h o u g h a f t e r 45.d4 White has real winning chances. ] 35...e5 36.c6 d5+ 37.d2 c3+ 38.xc3 Forced. xc3 39.xc3 The position looks completely winning for White but Black has an important resource. h4 40.d2?! [ 40.c4 looks more logical: d6 ( 40...h3 41.gxh3 g5 42.f4+ xf4 43.d5 ) 41.a4 and now after h3 42.gxh3 g5 White is not losing the f-pawn as in the game. 43.f4 ] 40...h3 41.gxh3 d4 42.b6 xf3+ 43.d3 d6 44.e3 e5 45.f4 d7 46.b7 e6 47.g5 e5 194

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ And a draw was agreed as taking the hpawn is not enough to win the game: 47...e5 48.h6 f6 49.xh7 as the White king is locked up on the edge o f t h e b o a rd a n d t h e kn ig h t ca n e a sil y neutralise the passed pawns: f7 50.a4 b8 51.h4 a6 52.h6 f6= ] ½-½

210 Gabrielian,Artur Glek,Igor V Geller Mem Moscow RUS (7) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2520 2560 08.05.2006

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d8 4.f3 W ith this particular move-order, W hite is trying to blunt the variations with...Bc8-f5. If Black plays that move, White responds with Bc4 and d2-d3! and the light-squared Bishop 'bites on granite' I personally don't think this matters a great deal Black is solid anyway, but here we see that Glek is intimidated and enters a somewhat simplistic sideline which all the way along the line is a little better for White. [ 4.d4 f6 5.f3 g4 This is how he likes to play it . ( I prefer 5...c6! a more flexible try. ) 6.h3 xf3 7.xf3 c6 8.e3 e6 9.d3 bd7 10.0-0 d6 11.ad1 0-0 12.e4 xe4 13.xe4 g6 14.c4 e8 15.f3 h4 16.fe1 e5 17.g4 ( 17.c5 exd4 18.cxd6 dxe3 19.xe3 b4 ) 17...xg4 18.hxg4 exd4 19.xd4 e5 20.xe5 xe5 1/2-1/2 Khruschiov, A-Glek, I/Moscow RUS 2006/ ] 4...g4 [ 4...f6 5.c4 c6 is the flexible choice again. ] 5.h3 [ 5.c4 e6 6.0-0 f6 7.d4 c6 8.e3 e7 9.h3 xf3 10.xf3 0-0 11.g3 d6 12.f4 d5 13.xd5 cxd5 14.d3 d7 15.f3 g6 16.f5 h4 17.f2 f4 18.xf4 xf4 19.fxe6 fxe6 Ladron de Guevara Bravo, PMartinez Garret, J/Malaga 2005 20.ae1 ] 5...xf3 6.xf3 c6 This is clearly an option for Black, but not very exciting! After ceding the two Bishops, all that Black can hope for now is long-term equality and a struggle to

get even that! So why does Glek choose this line? I think he is confident about his technique and of course it is not THAT easy for White. The type of small edge that White is getting could easily dissipate. 7.b4!?N [ 7.c4 has been most common: f6 8.0-0 e6 9.d3 d5 ( 9...d6 10.e4 xe4 11.dxe4 d7 12.e2 c7 13.e3 h2+ 14.h1 f4 15.ad1 0-0-0= Karatorossian, D-Sulskis, S/Linares 2000; 9...e7 10.e1 bd7 11.g5 c8 12.a4 a5 13.ad1 0-0 14.d4 Jonasson, R-Kurucz, L/Balaton 1996 ) 10.e4 e7 11.e1 0-0 12.e3 d7 13.d4 5f6 14.c3 xe4 15.xe4 c7 16.g4 f6 17.d4 ae8 18.ae1 h8 19.1e3 c5 20.g3 g6 21.f4 h5 Vazquez Gonzalez, J-Borrajo, A/Orense 1997 22.f3 ] 7...a6 8.b1 f6 9.a4 Very interesting play! Quite often the pawn lever b4-b5 is accompanied by a fianchetto of White's King Bishop here White is using his Queen to add fuel to the fire. Gabriellan's plan is logical, attacking c6 and b7. Yet White's insistence on a ' different' type of game gives Black extra winning chances too and enables Glek to come to lif e from his currently rather dull position. e6 10.b5 c7 [ 10...axb5 11.axb5 e7 is OK for Black according to Deep Fritz, but the machine doesn't seem to understand that W hite is just massively better after 12.bxc6! ] 11.d3! bd7 12.e4 In my view, White's o p e n i n g p l a y i n t h i s g a m e i s e xt r e m e l y original. e5 [ 12...xe4 13.xe4 conforms to the main theme. ] [ but Glek could have considered capturing o n b 5 f i r s t : 12...axb5 13.axb5 e5 14.xf6+ gxf6 15.xf6 xd3+ 16.cxd3 g8 17.0-0 cxb5 18.b2 ( 18.a1 a4! ) 18...c6 19.g3 c5 20.e5 ] 13.xf6+ gxf6 14.xf6 [ 14.g3 xd3+ 15.xd3 e5+ 16.e3 d5! ] 14...xd3+ 15.cxd3 g8 16.bxa6 xa6 17.0-0 a5! [ A small edge could be gained by 17...xa4 18.d4 g6 19.h4 h6 ] 18.h1 ag5 Changing gears! 19.g1 d6 The worm has well and truly turned and with 195

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 the threat of ...Bh2, Black is on top! 20.f3 [ 20.g3 f5 is of course, lost for White. ] 20...h2! 21.e1 [ I don't hold any great hope out for Gabriellan after 21.xb7 but it would have been better than the game. xb7 22.xh2 f5 23.e3 b3! ] 21...xg2 22.xg2 xg2 23.xg2 d6 24.e4 e7 25.f1 f5 26.c4 f7 27.a5 c5 28.a3 The game comes to an abrupt end courtesy of the clock. We should discard the latter stages an d con centrate o n th e opening though. Solid, but passive is my overall impression of Black's system. 0-1

211 Gashimov,Vugar Hamdouchi,Hicham Galicia Festival Blitz blitz (4) [John Watson]

B01 2740 2590 26.09.2009

Gashimov is a leading grandmaster, and even his Blitz games can be instructive. Here's a short listing of recent ideas in a critical line. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.f3 f5 6.c4 c6 7.d2 e6 8.d5 Houska devotes 28 pages(!) of her new book to this move, in a chapter 'The Main Line: Shirov's 8 Nd5'. d8 9.xf6+ gxf6 10.0-0 Here are the main lines, with a couple of my previously Archived games as examples, and a few of Houska's notes: [ a) 10.b3 d7 11.e2 c7 12.h4 g6 , when the Archives give the f ollowing: 13.0-0-0 ( 13.f4 0-0-0 14.0-0-0 f5 15.g3 b8 16.c4 f6 17.xg6 hxg6 was about equal in Socko-D Schwarz, Warsaw 2008.) 13...0-0-0 14.g3 A) 14...d6 15.b1 ( 15.xg6 hxg6 16.h4 b8 17.c3 c8 18.b1 c5 19.dxc5 xc5 20.c2 looks to be slightly in White's favour (h5 can follow), GroverAlmond, Hastings ENG 2008) 15...he8 16.xg6 hxg6 17.h4 f5 18.g5!? ( 18.h5 ) 18...e7 19.f4 d6 20.g5 e7 21.f4 d6 1/2-1/2 BittencourtVescovi, Porto Alegre BRA 2008.; B) 14...b8 15.b1 a8 16.xg6 hxg6 17.h4 h6 18.c3 g7 19.h5 gxh5

20.xh5 f5 21.dh1 f6 22.xh8 xh8 23.xh8+ xh8 24.d2 d8 25.c3 g7 26.f4 d5 27.c1 h8 28.g4 h3 29.gxf5 xf5+ 30.c2 1/2-1/2 Kravtsiv, M (2527)-Tomczak, J (2447)/Lublin POL 2009. White could play on. ] [ b) 10.e2 xc2 is critical and apparently safe enough for Black if he knows what he's d o i n g , e . g . , 11.c1 g6 12.0-0 e7 13.fe1 0-0 14.h4 e8 15.xg6 hxg6 16.xe6 fxe6 ( 16...f8 17.d3 fxe6 18.xg6+ g7 19.h6 e7 20.xe6 ends in a draw in the main line) 17.xe6+ g7 18.c3 d7! with equal chances, Zhang-Nisipeanu, Cap d'Agde (rapid) 2000. ] [ c) 10.c3 d7 ( versus 10...c7 , we've looked at the interesting 11.h4 g6 12.f3 d7 13.h3! , threatening Nxg6, when White might get a small edge if b o t h s id e s p la y a c cu ra t e ly.) 11.0-0 ( Emms suggests 11.h4 g6 12.e2 c7 13.0-0-0 ) 11...c7 12.h4 g6 13.e1 ( 13.f3!? ) 13...0-0-0 14.e2 d6 15.g3 f5!? 16.g2 is the Archive game Zhigalko, S (2 592 )-T omczak, J (24 61), Warsaw POL 2008. ] 10...g8?! [ 10...d7! is Houska's recommendation. S h e wa n t s t o ca st le f irst a n d t h e n 'ge t some action' along the g-file. I still prefer White, however. ] 11.e1 g4 [ White also gets space and the bishops following 11...d7 12.h4 g6 13.xg6 hxg6 14.e2 ] 12.h1 d6 [ 12...xf3? 13.xf3 xd4 14.b3! hits b7 and e6. ] 13.b4!? Stopping ...c5 and preparing b5. [ 13.h3 h5 14.c3 is a solid alternative. ] 13...d7 [ 13...xf3 14.xf3 xd4 15.e2 e5 16.d3 h5 17.b3! threatens Bxe6. ] 14.b5 cxb5 15.xb5 0-0-0 [ 15...d5 16.e2 xf3 17.xf3 xd4 18.b1! b8 19.e2 b5 20.h5! threatens Qxe6+, and e5 21.xb5 c8 22.c3 doesn't help. ] 16.b1 d5 17.f4 xf3 18.gxf3 b6 19.c3 d6 20.g3 h5 21.f4 d5+ 196

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 22.g1 xf4 23.c4 xd4 White's attack [ 9.c4 cxd5 10.dxe5 b4+ 11.d2 e6 isn't good enough, and Black should 12.0-0-0 probably the former is the most consolidate, but tragedy strikes: 24.f3 xg3 promising. ] 25.hxg3 c5 9...d3+ 10.xd3 xf4 11.d5!? cxd5? [ 25...f5 ] [ (a) Black could have gone for the pawn 26.a4 d7 grab 11...b4+ 12.c3 xb2 , but White [ 26...h5 27.a5 h4! ] ha s co mp en sa tion , f o r exam ple , 13.d1 27.a6 b6?? 28.xb7# ( 13.b1?! xa2 14.dxc6?! bxc6 15.d1 1-0 a5 16.e2 c7 ) 13...d7 ( 13...b6 14.c4 c7 15.e4! e6 16.d6 b8 17.e2 and Black has no play.) 14.c4! 212 B01 xa2 15.e5 with a convincing attack. Then perhaps best is c5 16.xd7 xd7 Gashimov,Vugar 2664 17.b5+ c7 18.xc5+ d8 , but any Tiviakov,Sergei 2643 d e v e l o p i n g m u c h s u c h a s 19.d3 50th It Reggio Emilia ITA (7) 04.01.2008 yields the advantage. ] [John Watson] [ (b) 11...d7 12.0-0-0 e6 deserves attention. ] Tiviakov suffered two recent losses with 1...d5. Maybe he should go back to the Accelerated 12.xd5 e6? [ 12...a6 13.0-0-0 c7 is better, but slow, e. Dragon! 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 g., 14.e2 e6 15.d4! d7 16.h5! ] 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 The archives are flooded with games with 5...a6. Only recently has the 13.b5+ e7 14.d2 Threatening Nd5+ and ...c6 formation taken hold. However, I prefer thus winning yet another tempo d6 15.e2 to establish it on move 4 (3...Qd6 4 Nf3 c6). And now Nf5+! f6 16.f3+ [ 16.d1 c5 17.g4+ e7 18.0-0 6.e5 bd7 This natural move seems a bit keeps the king in the centre. ] shaky after White's reply. 16...e7 17.e2 f6 18.f3+ e7 19.0-0 [ 6...f5 is the main alternative. ] c5 20.a4 g6 21.fe1 g7 22.ad1! 7.f4 [ Even 22.b4! g5 23.ad1 makes it [ 7.c4 is also possible, for example, c7 impossible to get the h8 rook out and king 8.f3 b6 9.f4 d8 10.e5 to safety. ] Smeets-Feygin, Netherlands NED 2007. ] 22...xb2 23.c3! 7...d5 [ 23.d5+ f8 ] [ 7...b4 8.a3! ] [ 7...xe5 8.dxe5!? ( 8.xe5 b4 9.a3 23...f5 24.b1 It's over. a3 25.b5 c6 b6 10.c4 ) 8...b4 9.d2 is a problem: 26.g3 d7 27.xf5+! d8 28.b4! c7 e4 10.xe4 xe4+ 11.e2 , when of 29.h4+ c8 30.xd7+ xd7 31.e7+ 1-0 course xg2 12.0-0-0 is extremely risky. ] 8.xd5 xe5 [ After 8...xd5 , Ni Hua chose 9 Nf3 with a B01 small advantage. The most entertaining idea 213 Geller,J 2544 is 9.c4!? ( 9.f3 xe5 10.xd5 cxd5 Kovalenko,Igor 2572 11.dxe5 e6 12.e2 is formally better for 12.04.2012 W h it e ho wever, Bla ck sho uld n't be t o o 19th TCh-RUS 2012 (4) worried.; Finally, 9.c4!? e4+ 10.e3 [Gawain Jones & Tom Rendle] is worth a look.) 9...e4+ 10.e2 xf4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 11.xf7 ( 11.g3 f6 ) 11...g8 12.g3 f6 1.e4 13.0-0-0 b6 14.d6+ xd6 15.xg8 Kovalenko is something of an expert in this line, having played it on numerous occasions and it's not obvious what's happening. ] 9.e3 recently. 4.d4 f6 5.f3 g4 6.h3 h5 [ Slower ideas were 9.dxe5 xd5 10.xd5 7.g4 g6 8.e5 bd7 [ 8...c6 has also been played but 9.f4 cxd5 11.c4 and ] 197

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 t h e k n i g h t o n a 8 g ive s W h i t e s o m e has done well for White ] headaches, e.g. 9.xg6 The first new move for B1a) or 16.d1 xh1 17.xd2+ c8 ChessPublishing. when both 18.b5 ( or 18.e6 fxe6 [ 9.b5 has been played most often and 19.c4 d5 ) 18...c6 19.xc6 bxc6 looks quite critical. A recent game 20.f4 e6 look good for Black.; c o n t i n u e d : b6 10.c4 c6 B1b) 16.xd2 xh1 17.b5 c6 ( I n s t e a d G a w a i n l o o k e d a t 10...e6+ 18.xc6 bxc6 19.d1 e6 20.e2+ in Najer, E (2665) -Kovalenko, I (2486) c8 21.d3 e7 22.c4 d8 Mo s c o w 2 0 1 0 .) 11.d5 xd5 12.xd5 and the knight still cannot escape and xd5 13.xc7+ d8 14.xd5 e4 will soon be rounded up.; 15.h2 ( Previously Gawain wrote: 15.g1 B2) 12.g2 xd2 13.xd2 d8 xd5 16.f4 White has some advantage 14.e2 e6 15.0-0 c6 16.e4 xe4 as Black's exposed king on d8 gives him 17.xe4 xe4 18.xe4 c5 some problems along the d file.) 15...xd5 when due to the weakness on e5 Black 16.f4 c8 17.e3 f3 18.g2 xg2 had the more comfortable endgame and 19.xg2 e5= and Black was fine. Edouard, e ve n we n t o n t o wi n . K h a l i f m a n , A R (26 0 7 )-Mila n ovic, D (2 5 20 ) De izisa u (2632)-Kova lenko, I (2 587) Jurmala 2012. ] 2012. ] [ 9.f4 is seen in the archives and also looks 10.g2 And this looks like the d a n g e r o u s . A r e c e n t K o va l e n k o g a m e 9...hxg6 continued: xe5 The experienced Russian correct continuation. [ Instead 10.f3 has been tried a fair bit, GM continued ( Instead 9...d5 was seen including a recent game of Ivanchuk's: c6 in the archives but was very good for White, 11.e3 eve n if o ur b oss la ter e rred . Ko st en , A A) In those he tried 11...b6 which also (2507)-Govciyan, P (2411) Pau 2008. ) l o o k s r e a s o n a b l e f o r B l a c k : 12.0-0-0 A) Instead 10.xe5 lo o k s b e t t e r b6 bd5 13.e4 ( 13.xd5 xd5 14.xd5 Here John Watson gives cxd5 15.g2 e6 16.he1 d7 17.b1 A1) b u t w e t h i n k 11.f3! is actually d6 was around level but Black eventually stronger, for example converted against his lower rated A1a) 11...xc2 looks very risky opponent. Grekh, A (2369) -Kovalenko, I 12.c1 g6 13.b5 e4 ( 13...c8 (2581) Mukachevo 2011.) 13...xe4 14.xc7 xc7 15.xc7+ d8 14.xe4 b5!? 15.g2 e6 16.d2 e7 16.d3 doesn't look at all comfortable 17.f4 a5 18.hf1 d7 19.e5 f6 f o r B l a c k .) 14.xc7+ ( 14.a3!? ) 20.xd6+ xd6 21.c3 a4 and only Black 14...xc7 15.b5+ d7 16.xd7+ could be better in the endgame. xd7 17.xe4 and Black has Kononenko, D (2563)-Kovalenko, I (2465) problems completing his Poltava 2009.; development.; B) 11...e6 Kovalenko deviates from a A1b) 11...xb2? loses to 12.b5+!; couple of earlier games. 12.0-0-0 d5 A1c) 11...0-0-0 12.0-0-0 e6 13.d3 ( B e t t e r t h a n 12...c7 13.b1 b4 with a pleasant edge.; Fressinet, L (2673)-Bauer, C (2583) Pau A2) 11.g2 an exclamation mark but e6 2008 when 14.g5! d5 15.xd5 cxd5 l o o k s o k f o r B l a c k . ( Definitely not 16.h4 gives White good attacking 11...xb2? as 12.d2! as observed by chances. ) 13.e4 c7 14.c4 xe3 John, is very strong ); 15.fxe3 e7 16.b1 f5! 17.c3 0-0-0 B) 10.dxe5 b4 11.d2 e4 18.c5 hf8 19.g1 f4 20.d3 g5 B1) The computer wants to grab the wi t h a c o m p l e x g a m e i n wh i c h B l a c k exchange with 12.d5 but it seems only triumphed. Ivanchuk, V (2766)-Kovalenko, Black can be better: xd2+ 13.xd2 I (2587) Jurmala 2012. The game was xd2 14.xc7+ d8 15.xa8 e4! only rapid but perhaps this inspired And Black regains the exchange when 198

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 Ivanchuk to play the Scandinavian too seen elsewhere in this update. ] 10...c6 [ 10...0-0-0?! immediately is too risky 11.f3 ( Perhaps 11.g5 immediately was a better move order, forcing the knight to move h5 12.f3 b6 13.e3 xb2 14.c1! b6 15.b1 e6+ 16.e3 c6 17.d5 looks very good for White.) 11...a6 when 12.g5 e5! was a good practical try although W h i t e wa s o n t o p a f t e r 13.gxf6 exd4 14.e2 e5 15.b3 d3 16.f4 d6 17.fxg7 he8 18.g8 xg8 19.xe5 d2+ 20.xd2 ge8 21.xb7+ xb7 22.xb7+ xb7 23.c3 Lallemand, R (2285)-Verot, M (2125) Pau 2008. ] 11.g5!? Geller forces Kovalenko to make a decision with his knight. [ The logical 11.0-0 is also possible and was seen in another recent game. That continued: e6 12.e1 c7 13.e2 ( Here 13.g5 looks critical but Black does have some play for the pawn after d5 14.xd5 cxd5 15.xd5 c6 16.f4 0-0-0 ) 13...d6 14.c4 0-0-0 15.b1 h2+ 16.f1 e5 17.b4 exd4 18.xd4 b8 19.e3 b6 20.c3 he8 with a very sharp position. Yee, S (2285)-Barbosa, O (2461) Bandar Seri Begawan 2011. ] 11...h5?! After this Black is left suffering in an unpleasant queenless middlegame. [ 11...d5 is definitely critical when perhaps Geller's idea was 12.0-0! ( 12.e4 c7 13.f3 e5 14.dxe5 xe5 15.e2 0-0-0 should have been ok. Sakelsek, T (2454)Scharrer, P (2160) Lienz 2007.) 12...xc3 ( Neither 12...e6 13.e4; nor 12...f4 13.e4 are pleasant for Black as c7 14.xf4 xf4 15.d5 looks dangerous as Black is rather under-developed.) 13.bxc3 looks good for White with his initiative on the queenside and lead in development. He can also play for d5 supported by c3-c4. ] 12.d5! White breaks in the centre before Black has time to go ...e6. cxd5 13.xd5 xd5 14.xd5 b8 [ As the course of the game is so unpleasant for Black, there's a case to be made for 14...c5 although 15.e3 e6 16.g2 0-0-0 17.d1 e7 18.e2 is very unpleasant with the two bishops raking down on the a7

and b7 pawns. ] 15.0-0 e6 16.g2 d6 17.e2 Keeping the knight on h5 out of the game. Geller plays very well around here, not giving Kovalenko e n o u g h t i m e t o a c t iva t e h i s p i e c e s . e7 18.d1 hc8 19.c3 e5 20.a4 a5 21.b1 c4 Attempting to prevent the b4 break but as W hite manages this anyway the plan obviously fails. [ It was probably better to try and get some c o u n t e r p l a y w i t h 21...f6 but White is obviously much better. ] 22.b3 [ It was possible to prevent the rook staying on the fourth rank with 22.f4 d7 before 23.b3 but there was no need. ] 22...h4 [ 22...c7 23.e3 is very straightforward. W hite will continue to press on the queenside while keeping the h5 knight out of the game. ] 23.e3 c6 24.f1 c8 25.b4! Well calculated. [ Of course it was possible to continue r e g r o u p i n g w i t h 25.b2 when Black's position is really hideous but the game is more forcing. ] 25...axb4 26.cxb4 f4?! After this Black is simply lost. [ The best looks to be to bring the rook back into the game with 26...c4 but 27.dc1 xb4 28.xb7 xc1+ 29.xc1 b8 30.e4 is obviously much better for White wi t h h i s b i sh o p p a i r a n d p a s s e d p a wn although Black at least has better drawing chances with d5 ] [ While it doesn't matter which way to take on b4 - they all seem to fail: 26...xb4 27.xb4 xb4 ( or 27...xb4 28.b1 ) 28.xb7 ] [ 26...xb4? 27.f4! ] [ and 26...xb4 27.f4! both cut off the rook and leave White in a winning position. ] [ 26...f6 ] 27.c5+ e8 28.b5 d8 29.b6 xg5 30.a5 Black has succeeded in winning a pawn but he cannot stop the a pawn. The rest of the game requires no comment. a4 31.a1 xa1 32.xa1 f4 33.xf4 xf4 34.a6 bxa6 35.bxa6 b8 36.a7 xa7 37.xa7 c6 38.a8 e7 39.c6+ f8 40.xc8+ xc8 41.c5+ e7 42.d7 e5 43.e2 f6 199

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 44.e6 e8 45.d3 g5 46.e4 g6 47.c4 h4 48.d5 g6 49.e6 g2 50.d5 f4+ 51.d6 f8 52.e3 g2 53.d5 f4 54.xf4 exf4 55.e6 g7 56.f3 Kovalenko has played 5...Bg4 a lot but it seems White has a few different paths to an edge. Perhaps 9.Nb5 isn't much for White but 9.Bf4 is interesting while Kovalenko failed to find anything here against Geller's 9.Nxg6 followed by a quick g5. 1-0

18.f3 exf3 19.xf3 d3 20.d1 c8= ) 12.g5 e8 13.b5? ( 13.d1 e4 14.d4 with a slight edge) 13...e4 14.fd4 c5! with great complications in the game Womacka - Hennings, DDR 1986 ] 11.g4! Very typically for this kind of position. W hite prevents Ne7-f5 and prepares a kingside attack. f5 [ 11...e4 is interesting but not good enough: 12.xe4 ( 12.g5 f5 13.0-0-0 gave White a small edge in the game Hellers Kristiansen, Gausdal (zt) 1987) 12...f5 13.c5 fxg4 14.g5 f5 15.ce6 xe6 214 B01 16.xe6 f6 17.xf8 xe3 18.xh7! xb2 19.xb2 xb2 20.fxe3 with a big Gipslis,Aivars advantage, Braga-Maric, Bad Woerishofen Maric,Rudolf 1985 ] Erevan 1971 12.0-0-0! fxg4 [Alexander Volzhin] [ 12...d7 wa s n o t b e t t e r : 13.h6 a6 14.xg7 xg7 15.e3 with a clear The most popular White set up against 4...g6 advantage for White. ] is to play h3, Be3, Qd2 and castle queenside. In this classic game White showed the merits 13.g5 f5 [ The endgame after 13...h6 14.e6 xe6 of his position very convincingly. 1.e4 d5 15.dxe6 xd2+ 16.xd2 was not much fun 2.exd5 f6 3.d4 xd5 4.f3 g6 5.c4 for Black, for example: f5 17.c5 c8 b6 6.h3 g7 7.c3 0-0 8.e3 c6 18.hxg4 xe3 19.fxe3 e7 20.d7 9.d2 e5 winning ] [ 9...e8?! does not solve Black's problems as the game Smirin - Rechlis, Tel Aviv 1992 14.hxg4 xe3 15.xe3 xg4 It seems like proved: 10.0-0-0! e5 11.d5 a5 Black has achieved good counterplay, but ( 11...e7? is bad: 12.c5 e4 13.cxb6 exf3 White's next move shows what's really going 14.bxc7 winning ) 12.b3 e4 13.d4 on! 16.xh7!! [ Other moves leads to Black's advantage: with the better prospects. ] 16.e6 e7 ( 16...xe6 17.dxe6 e7 10.d5 e7 18.c5 )] [ The pawn sacrifice 10...d4? is dubious: [ or 16.h3 xh3 ( 16...xc4 17.xg4 11.xd4 exd4 12.xd4 e8+ 13.e3 xe3 18.e6+ f7 19.xf7+ f8 and it seems Black does not have enough 20.e6+ ) 17.xh3 xc4 18.g3 f5 compensation, for example: h4 14.g3 19.xh7 d6 and it is Black who has the e7 15.e2 b4 16.b5!? xb2 initiative now. ] 17.xb2 xb2 18.d1 e5 19.c5 a6 Although White's position looked ( 19...a4 20.d6 winning ) 20.xc7! xc7 16...f4? 21.d6! d5 22.xd5 a5+ 23.f1 d7 very promising, only after this mistake does 24.f3! c6 25.g2 xd5 26.xd5 ab8 his advantage become clear. Now White came 27.b1 ed8 ( 27...b5 28.c6 ) 28.xb7 up with a blow: [ Black has two reasonable alternatives: and W hite had achieved a decisive 16...f6 17.ce4 f4 18.e1 with a small advantage in the game Yilmaz-Brady,Manila advantage ] ol 1992. ] [ 16...xf2!? 17.d3 ( 17.xg7+?! xg7 [ 10...a5 seems to be interesting: 11.b3 18.xe5+ h6 ) 17...f6 18.g1 f5!? ( Black almost equalised in Bjerring with the initiative on the kingside but in I s k o v , K o b e n h a v n 1 9 8 8 a f t e r 11...e4 both lines Black's position was playable. ] 12.d4 c6 13.dxc6 xc6 14.xc6 bxc6 15.xd8 xd8 16.c1 f5 17.e2 e6 17.xg7+! xg7 18.xe5+ f6 200

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ Other moves did not save Black either: 18...f6 19.ce4 d7 20.d4 ] [ or 18...h6 19.e6!? ( of course 19.xf4 is also not bad: xg5 20.xg5+ xg5 21.e1 winning ) 19...f6 20.xf4+ xf4+ 21.xf4 xd1 22.xd1 with a technical win ] 19.xc7+ h6 [ 19...g8 20.ce4 winning ] 20.ce4 xe4 21.xe4 f5 22.d4! White converts his advantage into a win very convincingly. This solid move protects the Knight and prevents any counterplay. e8 [ The tricky 22...xd5 doesn't work because of 23.h2+! with an immediate win. ( of course not 23.cxd5?? c8 winning the Queen )] 23.d3 The rest is simple. f3 24.h2+ g7 25.c2 e2 26.c7+ d7 27.d1 e1 28.c3 f5 29.d2 e5 30.xe5+ xe5 31.e2 h8 32.b3 h2 33.d1 g5 34.b2 f6 35.c3 Black resigned. 1-0

Black does not have enough time to capture the d pawn successfully. c5 11.e3 d6 [ It looks like 11...a5! is even better. The d p a w n f a l l s : 12.h3 ( 12.e2 bxd5 13.xd5 xd5; 12.a3 bxd5 13.xd5 xd5 14.d4 e6 ) 12...bxd5! 13.xd5 xd5! 14.d2 xf3 Given the simplicity of these lines, it's surprising that 11...Qd6 has been preferred so many times. ] 12.c1?!N I think Glek is genuinely surprised by Black's potential in this position and can see no other way of proceeding. He feels he has to get the Queen off the d-file and make room for his Rook. This is an unconvincing idea. [ Instead 12.h3 h5 A) 13.e2 A1) 13...g6! is at least equal for Black: 14.f4 ( 14.fd1 xc2 15.ac1 xe3 ) 14...c5 15.e3 a5 16.e5 bxd5 17.xd5 xd5; A2) 13...e5!? 14.dxe6 xe6 15.g4 g6 16.d4 Fressinet, L-Wong Meng Kong/Mallorca 2004; B) 13.f4 c5 14.e3 d6 ( 14...a5 215 B01 15.g4 bxd5 16.xd5 xd5 17.d2 xd2 18.xd2 xd2 19.xd2 g6 Glek,Igor V 2597 20.c3 e6 21.fe1 ) 15.e2 bxd5 Muhammad,Stephen A 2334 ( 15...g6 ) 16.xd5 xd5 17.ad1 f6 HB Global CC (6) 21.05.2005 ( 17...b4! is a much better move: 18.d4 [Andrew Martin] e6 19.a3 a4! 20.c4 White certainly has attacking chances but no definite 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 advantage.) 18.d4 e6 19.xe6+ fxe6 f6 5.f3 a6 6.g3 g4!? 20.e5 Ibarra Jerez, J-Trent, L/Chalkidiki [ A recent New In Chess Yearbook article 2003 ] concluded that Black's chances after 6...b5 Why not? 13.xd5 xd5 7.g2 b7 8.0-0 e6 9.e5 were very poor. 12...bxd5 I shall return to this in future months. But 14.d1 f6! Reminding White that the Knight for the time being, fans of 3....Qd6 need not is still pinned clear evidence that white has to f e a r b e c a u s e 6 . . . B g 4 i s a p l a y a b l e play h2-h3 somewhere. 15.g5 [ 15.d4 f5! 16.h4 h5 17.e1 f6! alternative, as you are about to see. ] 18.h3 d7! and White is without 7.g2 c6 8.0-0 compensation. ] [ 8.d5 is only tempting for a second. After b4 9.f4 d8 White already runs out of 15...f5 16.h4 e6 17.d2 [ If 17.d4 h6 18.d2 c6 19.e1 d7 steam. ] 20.f4 e6 21.c4 b4! ] [ 8.f4 b4 9.xc7 xb2 10.a4 a3 18.xd1 h6 19.e3 g5 is not a favourable transaction for W hite, 17...xd1 whose pieces are misplaced and pawns are 20.d4?? [ 20.c4 gxh4 21.xd5 was the best way weak. ] forward perhaps White can equalize there: 8...0-0-0 This is the point of the variation Black d6 22.f4 e5 23.xe5 xe5 24.e6+ is arguing that White's d4 pawn is vulnerable. b8 25.xd8+ a7= ] 9.d5 b4 10.f4 And White proposes that 201

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 20...g7! 21.a7 Glek must have believed that this was a strong move, but his hopes are quickly dashed. [ 21.xg7 xe3 ] 21...c6 22.c5 gxh4 6...b5 is dead, long live 6... Bg4! 0-1

216 Glek,Igor V Nakamura,Hikaru HB Global CC (3) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2597 2657 19.05.2005

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.f3 f6 5.d4 c6 6.d2 As I think I have mentioned before, this is a move recommended by GM John Emms in a recent 1 e 4 re p e rt o ire b o o k. W e ca n n o t e xp e ct Na k am u ra to s ho w t o o m uch re spe ct f o r anything, as he is quite confident in his ability to overturn almost any theoretical verdict. f5 [ 6...b6 7.c4 xb2 is another, riskier way, which I concluded that Black can get away with in my 'Scheming Scandinavian' DVD. Emms likes white in the upcoming doubled pawns position whereas Nakamura seems delighted with Black's activity. Glek is caught in the middle but he's not a man short of one or two original ideas himself. ] 7.e4 c7 8.xf6+ gxf6 9.g3 e6 Other moves have been played, presumably with the intention of going ...e7-e5 in one go, should the need arise: [ 9...d7?! or ...Bh3 maybe? 10.g2 e6+ 11.e3 h6 Black's whole scheme is about t o b e e xp o s e d . 12.d5! e4 13.h4+Pikula, D-Savic, M/Herceg Novi 2001 ] [ 9...d7 10.g2 0-0-0 11.0-0 e5 There she blows! 12.c3 b6 13.e2 g7 14.a4 he8 15.a5 d7= Hunt,H-Repkova, E/Mallorca 2004 I must say that I have a liking for Black's straightforward solution in this game. ] 10.g2 d7 11.0-0 0-0-0 12.e1 All seen before and Glek's 12 Re1 adds little new to the argument. 12 c4 is also possible: [ 12.c4 g4 13.e3 b6 14.b3 c5 15.fd1 d6 16.a4 d7 17.a5 e5 18.dxc5 xc5 Niedermaier,H-Mueller,K/

G e r m a n y 2 0 0 2 a n d n o w 19.c2 would retain White's edge. This is the type of position that Emms was referring to in his book. Black has permanent defects in his pawn structure and a poor endgame looms unless he can create counterplay. But where are the weaknesses in White's position to aim at ? Note th e very saf e W h ite king, another key feature of this line. Returning now to 12 Re1, obviously a decent move, preparing c2-c4. After that, Black has to worry about d4-d5 or some sort of white advance on the queenside. ] 12...d6 13.c4 One move delayed but could the Rook be slightly misplaced on e1? e5 14.h4 [ 14.c5! looks very strong: f8 15.a4 b8 ( 15...b8 16.a5 e8 17.h4 with Bxc6! next.) 16.a5 encourages Black to weaken himself and looks much better. I can only find advantage for White after b6 17.cxb6 axb6 18.c3 ] 14...g6 15.c5 f8 16.b4 [ Point being that after 16.a4 trying to get into the previous variation, Black has xc5! for example: A) 17.xa7 b8! ( 17...xd4 18.c3 d3 19.f1 d8 20.a5 ) 18.a5 ( 18.xb8+ xb8 19.xg6 hxg6 20.dxc5 xd2= ) 18...xd4; B) 17.dxc5 xd2 18.xa7 d7 19.f3 d3 20.b4 e4 and Black is causing confusion, or ] 16...exd4 17.b3 b8 18.f4 e5 19.b5 [ 19.ad1 ] 19...xc5 20.bxc6 b6 21.ac1 So now we reach a position where Black obviously has to defend with care, but the d pawn is there to help out later if he does so. d6 22.ed1 d3 23.xg6 hxg6 24.c3 he8 25.a4 Glek is hammering away, but it's hard to break the Black blockade. [ 25.xe5 fxe5! 26.cxd3 ( 26.a4 f5 27.cxd3 f8 28.a6 f6! 29.a4 e4 ) 26...e4 27.3d2 f5= ] 25...g5 26.xe5 fxe5 27.cxd3 e4 28.d5! so far very well played by White. Just a pity that as he moves in for the kill he is so short of time. xc6 29.xg5 [ I like 29.a5! I really don't see what Black is doing against that. ] 202

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 29...c7 30.gd5 xd5 31.xd5 e6 32.a5 Flag down....... Black can bluster all he likes in this variation, but Emms' judgement is difficult to argue with. Perhaps 9...Nd7 is the way, with ... e7-e5 to follow. 0-1

217 Goh Wei Ming Laylo,Darwin 3rd PGMA Cup (6) [Goh Wei Ming, Kevin]

B01 2403 2504 10.09.2008

I received this game and all the notes from an International Master, who writes: "My name is Wei Ming and one of the contributors in the 1. e4 e 5 co lu m n . I n a re ce n t t o u rn am e n t , I played an interesting game against GM Laylo Darwin in the afore mentioned opening and I thought you might want to consider it for your next update." IM Goh Wei Ming Singapore [jw: Wow! It's not often that I get a contribution of this quality out of the blue Thank you!! Here's the game with Wei Ming's notes:] GM Laylo Darwin is the newest GM from the Phillipines where Chess is one of the most popular sports in the country. Laylo is a specialist in the Portuguese Gambit in the Scandinavian and plays it in almost every game with excellent results even against Grandmasters. So, is the Portuguese gambit playable or not? 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.d4 g4!? 4.f3 Surely, this move, with the intention of clinging to the extra pawn is the critical response. However, L a y l o h a s s h o we d t h a t B l a c k ge t s g o o d practical chances in the ensuing middlegame. [ 4.e2 Needless to say, this is too straight forward and Black equalizes easily. xe2 5.xe2 xd5 6.f3 e6 7.c4 h5 In general, this is the ideal square for the Black queen. It's influence on the d1-h5 diagonal and the kingside tends to be one of the characteristics in this variation. ( 7...b4+ 8.c3 xc3+ 9.bxc3 e4 was a safe option for Black but Laylo had no intentions of simplifying the position!) 8.c3 bd7 9.b5?! ( 9.0-0 0-0-0 10.f4 is safer. ) 9...c8 10.f4 b4+ 11.f1 a6? Laylo is well known in the region for his tactical prowess but here, he missed a trick.

( 11...0-0 was the safest move) 12.xc7+ d8 13.g5? ( 13.c5! a5 14.xa6 bxa6 15.xa6 c7 16.xc7+ xc7 17.b4 would have given Black real headaches.) 13...xc7?! ( 13...xe2+! 14.xe2 h5 15.xf7+ e7 16.xh8 xf4+ 17.f3 f8-+ ) 14.xh5 xh5 15.xf7+ e7 16.xc7 xf7 With 2 pawns and a rook for the 2 pieces, W hite stands reasonably ok and has a slight advantage though he went on to lose the game against his experienced opponent. 17.c5 c8 18.d6 hf6 19.e2 a5 20.ab1 c7 21.xc7 xc7 22.b4 b8 23.b5 axb5 24.xb5 c6 25.d1 d7 26.e3 d5+ 27.d3 e5 28.db1 f4+ 29.c3 exd4+ 30.d2 d8 31.a4 d5 32.1b3 c3 33.xc3 dxc3+ 34.xc3 e6 35.f4 d5 36.f5 c7 37.b4 c6+ 38.a3 d4 0-1 Ochoa, Karl (2268)-Laylo, Darwin (2504)/Duty Free Fiesta Mall, 3rd PGMA Cup 2008 ] [ 4.f3 is one of the most common responses, especially against the unprepared! xd5 5.e2 c6 A) White can try to win the 2 bishops with 6.c3 f5 7.h3 but after xf3 8.xf3 A1) 8...b4 is too greedy. 9.0-0 0-0-0 ( 9...c6 10.e2! xc2 11.e5! with dangerous compensation.) 10.e4! with a clear advantage for White.; A2) 8...0-0-0 9.xc6 e6+! 10.e4 xe4 11.0-0 f5 , there is nothing interesting left in the position.; B) 6.e3 B1) Again, there is an option to simplify if Black wishes to play for a draw, namely 6...e5 7.dxe5 ( 7.c3 a5 8.dxe5 d8 promises Black rich play.) 7...xf3 8.xf3 xd1+ 9.xd1 d5! 10.d2 xe5 11.c3 0-0-0 and I doubt the 2 bishops mean anything much.; B2) 6...0-0-0 7.bd2 f5 8.0-0 ( 8.h3 xf3 9.xf3 e5 again gives Black easy development and active play. 10.g4? This is just pure madness and Laylo finishes his opponent (incidentally a decent 2324 player) cleanly. e6 11.c3 exd4 12.cxd4 b4+ 13.f1 d5 0-1 Cordts, I (2324)-Laylo, D (2448)/Bad W iessee 2006) 8...e5 9.c3 ( 9.xe5 203

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 after 5...d7 6.c4 f6 7.c3 e6 ) xe2 10.xe2 xe5 11.dxe5 xe5 6.e4 c8 7.c4!? ( Slow. An alternative 12.f3 a5= ) 9...e4 A combative move is 7.b5+ c6 8.d3 ) 7...f5 8.f4 e6 t o s t ri ve f o r a co m p l ica t e d p o si t io n 9.c3 e7 10.f3 h6?! ( 10...0-0 though this move might return to haunt 11.e2 c6 ) 11.g3 g5 . And here him a few moves down the road. The 12.c5 d5 13.c4 would have kept a simple ( 9...exd4 10.cxd4 d6 solid advantage. 1-0 Dzhumaev-Laylo, was also possible but it is difficult to see Kuala Lumpur MAS 2008. ] how Black can make further progress on 4...f5 his Kingside attack. ) [ jw: 4...c8!? has also been played. ] B2a) T h e c o u n t e r i n t u i t i v e 10.h4! a p p e a r s t o b e st r o n g a s we l l xe2 5.b5+ Again, the most critical response. [ 5.g4!? g6 6.c4 ( 10...h5 11.xg4+ xg4 12.h3! A) In view of the difficulties that Black xh4 13.xg4+ xg4 14.hxg4 e8 faced, a safer alternative could be 6...c6 15.ae1 and White wins the pawn on t h o u g h a f t e r 7.b3 c7 8.c3 e4. ) 11.xf5 xd1 12.axd1 e8 W hite definitely has the better of it. jw: 13.g5 and as mentioned above, the cxd5 9.b5+ bd7 ( 9...c6 10.g5 e4 pawn seems to be more of a fd7 11.xd5 ) 10.g5; weakness then a strength.; B) 6...e6 7.c3 ( I suspect Laylo was B2b) 10.g5 d6 11.f3? planning after 7.dxe6 to play b4+ 8.c3 ( 11.dxe4! xh2+! 12.xh2 xe2 0-0 sacrificing a second pawn but getting 13.xe2 xe4 14.xf7! xf7 more pieces out. jw: 9.h4 fxe6 10.h5 f7 15.g4+ b8 16.xe4 and White is 11.h6 g6 12.g5 e7 13.ge2 ) a p awn up f or n ext t o no th in g an d 7...exd5 8.g5 h5 9.xd5 d6 would have been clearly in the driving 10.e2+ f8 11.h3 c6 12.e3 d7 seat. ) 11...exf3 12.xf3 xf3 13.d2 ( 13.f2 appears to be a safer 13.xf3 xf3 14.xf3 d7 option. ) 13...e8 14.f2 b6 15.hf4 with a m ore or less equal positio n xf4 16.xf4 xf4 17.xf4 h6 18.gxh6 though Black actually went on to win xh6 19.f6! White has played forcefully this position: 15.af1 e8 16.c4 h6 in the opening and wins an exchange 17.h3 d5 18.c1 f6 19.xd6+ despite both sides playing the most logical cxd6! It is instructive to see Black and natural moves. Where has Black gone placing his pawns on the same color of wrong? xd4+ 20.xd4 xd4 21.xe8 the enemy's dark square bishop, xe8 22.d1 c5 23.d3 f5 This must effectively blunting it and reducing it's be a winning position for White but Laylo scope of activity. 20.g4?! The highly somehow managed to win this position! ra t e d G ra n d m a st e r f ro m Ro m a n i a 24.de1+ f7 25.e5 h3 26.e2 f6 must have some idea which I fail to 27.d5 h5 28.g2 h4 29.d1 f7 notice but this does seem to be a tad 30.d7 xc4 31.e1 g6 32.xa7 g5 u n c a l l e d f o r . T h e s i m p l e ( 20.f4 33.b3 d5 34.e5?? The culprit. c6 s e e m s t o b e g o o d , a n d e q u a l .) 35.xd5 xa7 36.e2 c6 37.g3 20...de7 0-1 Nevednichy, V (2582)d4 38.d1 e6 39.d6 f4 40.a3 L a yl o , D ( 2 4 0 6 ) / S a n M a r in o 2 0 0 6 h3+ 41.f2 xh2+ 42.e3 b5 43.a4 (56) ] bxa4 44.bxa4 a2 45.c6 d5+ [ John Watson: A recent game went 4.d3 0-1 Kutuzov, D (2315)-Laylo, D (2448)/ xd5 Calvia 200607 ] A) 5.b5+ c6! ( or 5...c6 6.xb7 xd4 ) 6.xb7? b6 threatens ...Bc8, 5...bd7 6.c4 e6 [ Sensing a trap, Laylo deviated with 6...a6 and Black is winning after 7.f4 xd4; wh i c h a p p e a r s t o b e a we a k e r o p t i o n . B) 5.h3! is correct, with perhaps a small 7.xd7+ xd7 8.e2 e6 9.dxe6 xe6 advantage after e6 6.f3; 10.b3 0-0-0 11.0-0 c5 12.h1 he8 C) 5.a3 b6 ( Black stands well enough 204

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 ( 12...xd4? 13.xd4 d7 14.e3 c5 15.c3 cxd4 16.a4! was White's main idea in this set-up. b8 17.f4+ a7 18.d2 and the idea of Qd2-a5 is d e v a s t a t i n g .) 13.bc3 h6 14.b2? The first real mistake by White in this game and I get the impression that Black did not give him any chances after this slip. After ( 14.f4 c6 15.fd5 xd5 16.xd5 d6 17.e1 xe1+ 18.xe1 e8 19.a5! an idea spotted by my good friend Rybka 3. The threat is Ne7+ d7 20.d2 and White appears to be a safe pawn up.) 14...e3! 15.c1 b4 16.xe3? ( 16.g3 xc1 17.axc1 d3 18.fd1 seems good enough. ) 16...xe3 17.g1 d3 18.f2 de8 Now White is under enormous pressure. 19.g3 xc4! 20.bxc4 xc3 21.f1 d3 22.d5 d7 23.xc3 xc3 24.d2 b6 25.d6 f5 26.dxc7 xc7 27.d1 d8 28.e1 xc4 29.xc4 xc4 30.fe2 d7 31.f2 b5 32.g3 g6 33.h4 h5 34.e6 d6 35.e7+ b6 36.1e2 a5 37.7e6 cc6 38.6e5 d4 39.e6 dc4 40.e7 a4 41.a7 b4 0-1 Mallahi, A (2393)-Laylo, D (2504)/ 4th Prospero Pichay Jr Cup 2008 ] 7.dxe6 xe6 8.d5 f5 9.c3 c5 10.e2+ f8 11.g4 I have prepared this va ria t io n f o r o u r ga m e b u t d u e t o e it h e r carelessness or probably just being un pro f e s sio na l, I co mp let e ly ove rlo oke d B l a c k ' s n e x t m o v e . xg4! This was an unpleasant shock which caused me a lot of thinking time. After the game, Laylo told me he had already played this variation and this very move in blitz games with his friends! 12.fxg4 h4+ 13.d1? And almost immediately, I erred. [ The correct move is 13.d2! A) I was afraid of the continuation 13...e8 14.gxf5 ( 14.xe8+?? xe8 15.gxf5 g5+ and White can resign.) 14...xe2+ 15.gxe2 e5 which I assessed to be good for Black in my calculation. I forgot to count the pieces and after a normal move like 16.c2 a6 17.a4 xc4 18.b3 d6 19.f4 White has managed to finally complete development and along wit h a ma te ria l a dvant age , sho uld b e slightly better in this position.;

B) 13...xg4 14.f3 h5 15.xd7 xf3 16.f1 d8 ( 16...xh1 17.xh1 d8 18.a4 c6 19.d1 g5+ 20.c2 g6+ 21.e4 ) 17.a4 c6 18.d1! h6+ 19.c2 g6+ 20.b3 xh1 21.xh1 cxd5 22.cxd5 b6+ 23.c2 g6+ 24.e4 xe4+ 25.xe4 xd5 26.d2 This piece of analysis is by no means exhaustive but it does outline the difficulties that W hite must go through before he is able to get out of the opening unscathed. ] 13...xg4 14.xd7 More or less forced, but I was attracted to the position with 3 pieces against Queen and many pawns on move 17. xe2+ 15.gxe2 d8 16.f5 xc4 17.c2 xd5 White has 3 pieces for a Queen and 3 pawns, a complete mismatch in terms of quality wise. However, I had (misplaced) faith in my active pieces but ultimately fell vict im to m y o pp on e nt 's re so urce f ul a n d accurate defence. 18.f1 b4 19.e3 e5 20.f4 c6 21.e4 e8 22.d4 e6 My pieces are beautifully centralized and..... what next? 23.g1 f6 24.d3 d6 25.fg4 c5! 26.f2 [ 26.xg7 was a popular suggestion during the post mortem but was ultimately refuted easily by my opponent. cxd4 27.xd4 e7! 28.7g4 h5! 29.g6 f7 and White's attack is snuffed out. ] 26...g5! Black is slowly but surely unravelling his pieces and it is only a matter of tim e before he is able to consolidate his hefty material advantage. 27.h4?! Not the most testing option. [ 27.g3 h5 28.e4 with the possibilities of 29.Nf5 and doubling rooks on the e-f ile would be something for Black to worry about. Ho we ver, t he a ccu ra t e xe4 ( 28...h4 29.ge1 xe4 30.gxe4 ) 29.gxe4 c4! A deep move, diverting the bishop off the b1-h7 diagonal, the point of which is r e v e a l e d o n m o v e 3 2 . . . ( 29...xh2 30.xc5+ g7 31.g2 f4 32.d4 with good chances for W hite.) 30.xc4 xh2 31.e1 e5! 32.xf6 g6+ Black's ability to give this critical check is the point behind Black's 29th move. 33.fe4 g7 though the competition remains highly complicated with chances for Black to go 205

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 wrong. ] 27...h5 28.e4 [ 28.c4 was my initial intention but I o v e r l o o k e d t h a t a f t e r b5 29.xc5 , t h e d e v a s t a t i n g b4! wins almost immediately! ( 29...xc5 30.xc5+ g7 31.hxg5 was what I have previously calculated. )] [ 28.a4 g4! 29.xa7 c6 ] 28...g4 The rest of the game was a convincing technical demonstration. 29.g3 xg3 30.xc5+ g7 31.xg3 xe4 32.xe4 e5 33.f2 f4 34.g2 c8 35.xb7 c7 36.a8 a4+ 37.b1 e8! So, is the Portugese Gambit playable after all? It does seem to be an ef f ective practical weapon in the hands of my GM opponent but it could well be an even more dangerous we a p o n a t c l u b l e ve l . I ' l l l e a ve i t t o t h e subscribers to judge for themselves.:) 0-1

218 Goldin,Alexander Stripunsky,Alexander San Diego USA (9) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2620 2533 04.12.2004

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 Stripunsky seems absolutely convinced that 3. ..Qd6 is OK, and he continues to use the move with success against all comers. Let's take a look at one of his latest efforts from the recent US Championship. 4.d4 f6 5.f3 a6!? In many ways this reminds me of certain lines of the Sicilian, Caro-Kann or even the Queen's Gambit Accepted. Black just plays ... b5,...Bb7,....e6,...Nbd7 and he eventually gets ...c7-c5! in. White must act soon, because this is a pretty reliable and easy-to-play plan. 6.e3 [ 6.g3! is more testing I believe. ] 6...b5 Here are a couple of other, recent examples. In the first, Black shows another dimension to his scheme involving an early... Nc6. W ho is to say that this isn't very playable? In the second I think we see GM Nijboer putting Black's whole idea to the test with some very accurate piece placements. [ 6...c6!? 7.d2 g4 8.g5 f5 9.f3 e6

10.0-0-0 d7 11.ge4 d5 12.xd5 exd5 13.g3 g6 14.d3 1/2-1/2 Mastrovasilis,D-Nikolaidis,I/Athens GRE 2004 ] [ 6...e6 7.e2 bd7 8.0-0 b5 9.g5 b7 10.f3! I think that the diagonal h1-a8 is crucial to the understanding of this variation. As is typical for the Scandinavian, whoever wins the battle of the light squares rules the board. You'll note as you go on through this game that Nijboer gets control of f5 and that more or less decides the issue. d5 11.a4 b4 12.ge4! c6?! ( I think he has to try 12...b6 13.a5 xe3 14.fxe3 a7 but White's still better after 15.a4 e7 16.e1 ) 13.xd5 exd5 14.g3 e7 15.f5 f6 16.xe7 xe7 17.e1 0-0 18.d2 b6 19.f4 f6 20.e5 c6 21.xb4 a5 22.b5 c4 23.xc6 xc6 24.b3 xe5 25.xe5 ae8 26.ae1 xe5 27.xe5 b8 28.xd5 xa4 29.c4 1-0 Nijboer,F-Spoelman,W /Zwolle NED 2004 ] 7.d3?! So natural , but I don't think I like this square. It's ineffectual. What you often find is that the game boils down to whether the Bd3 or the Bb7 is the better piece. Black quite often wins that contest. b7 8.0-0 [ 8.e2 g6 9.a4 b4 10.b1 g7 11.bd2 0-0 12.0-0 c6 13.fd1 a5 14.c4 xc4 15.xc4 g4 16.h3 xe3 17.fxe3 c5!= Van Dijk,T-Hasangatin,R/Olomouc 2003 ] 8...bd7 9.e2 e6 10.g5 e7 11.a4 Otherwise ...c7-c5 comes and Black has no problems whatsoever. b4 12.e4 d5! Looks riskier than it actually is. If White can't drive the queen away without making concessions, then d5 is a very good outpost. 13.c4 bxc3 14.xc3 The concession of the b4 square has been made. a5 [ 14...d6 15.fd1 0-0 16.ac1 ab8 17.e5 fd8 18.c4 is perhaps a little congested for Black so Stripunsky makes the sensible decision, which the new time limits oblige one to do. Practicality and universality are the new canons of modern chess one had better get used to them ..... FAST! ] 15.ad1 d8 16.h4 c5= This is now very similar to the QGA. 17.b1 cxd4 18.xd4 206

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 b4 19.g3 0-0 Summarizing so far we can say that Black is very comfortable. Perhaps even slightly more than that. He has active pieces, no weaknesses and a strong queen. He must watch out for Nxe6 or some such move but that's about all. 20.a2 c5 21.b3 a7! The exclam is for the idea alonewhat an audacious exchange sacrifice! The brain just see Bd6 and switches off surely he cannot play . ..Ba7 etc. Stripunsky looks further. Chess is a practical game and he wants to find ways to eat at W hite's clock. 22.d6 Who could resist? [ Declining the offer was poor: 22.fe1 b6 23.a5 c4 ] 22...h4 23.xf8 xf8 24.d3 e5 25.g3 h5 26.d4 g6 I'm really not sure what to make of this sacrifice. My feeling is that White MUST be able to defend, but his Kingside is very bare and Black's bishops, knights and queen are frighteningly close. Over the board this must be seen as a speculative, but very noble try by Black. 27.h3 [ 27.c4 b8 28.f4 c5 29.b3 xf4! 30.xf4 h5 is a brief example of how things might go wrong quickly, if White is not right on the button. ] 27...b8 28.f4 e5! Obviously he has to be ve ry q u i c k . 29.fxe5 xe5 30.e3 g4 31.e2 [ The computer shows White surviving after 31.hxg4 h2+ 32.f2 xg2 33.e1 g3+ 34.f2 e5 35.f5 I am convinced that no human would go into this line voluntarily unless all else failed. Goldin is obviously still hoping to tough this one out, though with so many pieces around his King the practical difficulties at the board are enormous. ] 31...h2+ 32.h1 xh3 33.d5 h4 [ 33...xd5! 34.xd5 h5! 35.f5 h4! A) 36.g3 xg3+ 37.g1 f2+ 38.xf2 xf2 39.xf2 ( 39.f5 g5+ 40.xf2 xf5+ 41.e1 h3-+ ) 39...g4+-+; B) 36.f3 f2+ 37.xf2 xf2 38.xh2 ] 34.f5 h5 35.g3 [ 35.xf7+ h8 36.xg6 hxg6 37.xg7 xf1+ 38.xf1 h3!!-+ ] 35...xg3+ 36.g1 h2+ 37.g2 c8 38.xf7+ h8 39.xg6 hxg6 40.d6

xd6 41.xf8+ xf8 42.d8 At last clarifying the situation. 43.f3 44.e3 g3+ 0-1

219 Golubev,Mikhail Jirovsky,Milos Bundesliga [Andrew Martin]

h2+ e5+

B01 2525 2455 2002

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6!? An irregular move which has become popular in recent years. Eric Schiller would have you believe that the variation is named after him but many strong players have dabbled here, Bronstein and Dzindzichasvili among them. Previously W hite was thought to obtain an easy advantage after d4, Nge2 and Bf4 but a recent book by Michael Melts (Russell Enterprises 2002) shows otherwise. 4.d4 [ 4.f3 f6 5.g3 g4 6.g2 e6 7.0-0 e7 8.e1 c6 9.e3 0-0 10.d3 d5 11.xd5 exd5 12.d4 xd4 13.xd4 e6 14.f4 d7 15.fe1 c5 16.e3 fe8 17.e5 f6 18.d6 xd6 19.xd6 xb2 20.ab1 c3 21.e2 b6 22.b3 f6 23.f4 g6 24.e5 xe5 25.xe5 ad8 26.b5 f6 27.e3 d4 28.e4 xa2 29.xe8+ xe8 30.b2 f7 31.c6 e1+ 32.f2 a1 33.f3 a2 34.xa2 xa2 35.e4 f7 36.d5+ xd5+ 37.xd5 a5 38.c4 e6 39.b5 f5 40.h3 h5 41.a4 h4 42.gxh4 xf4 0-1 Tan Bin Keong-Wee Zhen Yang/ 20th Cairnhill Open, Singapore SIN 2002 (42) ] [ 4.c4 f6 5.ge2 a6 6.d3 b5 7.b3 b7 8.f4 e5 9.g3 bd7 10.0-0 c5 11.f3 e7 12.a4 b6 13.f2 0-0 14.g3 g6 15.e2 b4 16.ce4 d5 17.d2 f4 18.d1 ad8 19.e1 g7 20.c4 c7 21.a5 c6 22.b6 f5 23.c4 d6 24.xd7 xd7 25.xa6 a8 26.c4 xa5 27.xa5 xa5 28.a1 c7 29.a2 c6 30.b3 a8 31.e2 xe2+ 32.xe2 a1+ 33.e1 a4 34.xa1 xb3 35.xb3 e4 36.dxe4 xh2+ 37.f1 fxe4 38.fxe4 e5 39.d5 xb2 40.a6 d4 41.c6 f4 0-1 Arjol Etxeberria,D-Mellado Trivino,J/ Pamplona 2002/[amartin] (41) ] 207

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 4...f6 5.f3 [ 5.c4 a6 6.ge2 b5 7.f4 b6 8.b3 g6 9.0-0 g7 10.a4 b7 11.axb5 axb5 12.xa8 xa8 13.d3 b4 14.b5+ bd7 15.xb6 xb6 16.b5 fd5 17.xc7+ d7 18.xd5 xd5 19.xd5 xd5 20.d2 a8 21.b1 e5 22.dxe5 xe5 23.c4 bxc3 24.xc3 xc3 25.xc3 xc3 26.bxc3 a3 27.c1 d6 28.f1 a2 29.g4 h5 30.gxh5 gxh5 31.g2 a5 32.h4 f5 33.g3 c5 34.e1 c4 35.e4+ xc3 36.f4 a5 37.xf7 d4 38.f4 a2 39.d7+ c5 40.g5 xf2 41.xh5 g2 42.h6 c6 43.d4 c5 44.d3 g1 45.h5 h1 46.g6 g1+ 47.h7 c6 48.h6 c7 49.h8 c8 50.h7 c7 51.a3 d7 52.a8 e6 53.g8 h1 54.g7 g1+ 55.f8 f1+ 56.e8 b1 57.g6+ f5 58.f6+ g4 59.f8 1-0 Collins,S-Sprenger,W/41st WJun, Goa IND 2002 (59) ] [ 5.ge2 c6 6.f4 d8 7.f3 f5 8.g4 ( 8.g3 g6 9.h4 h5 10.d3 xd3 11.xd3 e6 12.0-0-0 bd7 ) 8...g6 9.h4 h5 10.g5 d5 ] 5...a6 In many Scandinavian lines, particularly after 2..Qxd5, you'll see Black playing ...c7-c6. Here his intentions are much sharper, planning Queenside expansion with ...b7-b5 and... c7-c5! as well as active development w i t h . . . B b 7 . 6.e3 I think Golubev was surprised, perhaps unpleasantly. The Bishop doesn't sit comfortably on e3 but there are ideas of Qd2 and Bf4 as well as the suppression of ...c7-c5 Other ideas: [ 6.e2 c6 7.0-0 f5 8.d3 xd3 9.xd3 g6 10.e4 xe4 11.xe4 g7 12.f4 d8 13.c3 0-0 14.d5 b8 15.fe1 e8 16.c4 c6 17.ad1 cxd5 18.xd5 b6 19.b4 c6 20.a4 ac8 21.a5 xa5 22.bxa5 xc4 23.axb6 xf4 24.d7 xc3 25.c1 a5 26.xb7 b4 27.h3 xb6 28.h2 a5 29.c2 g7 30.e5 d4 31.xb4 xe5+ 32.f4 axb4 33.fxe5 b3 34.b2 b8 35.g3 f8 36.f3 e8 37.e4 d7 38.d5 b5+ 39.c4 c6 40.d4 b4+ 41.c3 c5 42.d3 b8 43.e6 f6 44.c3 d5 45.d2+ xe6 46.b2 f5 47.e2+ f6 48.d2 g5 49.d4 h6 50.c4 e5 51.c7 d6 52.a7 b6 53.a5 e5 54.a8 d5

55.a5+ e4 56.a4+ e3 57.c4 f4 58.c5 e4 59.h4 g4 60.f5 f3 61.g3 f2 62.f4 h5 0-1 Lim Jean Nie-Yeo Min Yang, E/20th Cairnhill Open, Singapore SIN 2002 (62) ] [ 6.e5 c6 7.f4 xd4 8.c4 e6 9.f3 d7 10.xf7 xf4 11.xf4 xf4 12.0-0-0 b5 13.b3 g8 14.d5 e6 15.g5 xg5 16.xc7+ d8 17.xa8 h8 18.he1 h6 19.f4 h7 20.e6 hf6 21.b6 c7 22.xc8 xc8 23.e3 d8 24.ed3 g5 25.f5 g7 26.xd7 xd7 27.xd7+ e8 28.d8+ f7 29.xh8 xh8 30.e1 h5 31.e6 h4 32.xa6 e5 33.h3 d6 34.d1 f6 35.e2 xf5 36.a5 f4 37.xb5+ e5 38.a4 1-0 Vazquez,R-Ivanovitch Balsinde,N/Open, Pamplona ESP 2002 (38) ] [ 6.c4 e6 7.e2 b5 8.b3 b7 9.g5 bd7 10.0-0-0 d5 11.e4 b6 12.b1 h6 13.c1 e7 14.he1 0-0-0 15.c4 bxc4 16.xc4 7f6 17.xd5 xd5 18.a1 b4 19.a3 c6 20.e3 b5 21.c2 a5 22.f4 d7 23.e5 b3+ 24.b1 xd4 25.xd4 xd4 26.xf7 c4 27.c3 f8 28.g6 xc3 29.xe6+ b8 30.xe7 f5+ 31.a1 xf7 32.b4 b3 33.xc7+ a8 34.c5 b5 35.d4 xc7 0-1 Zelcic,R-Kurajica,B/Salona Rapid 1hr, Solin-Spilt CRO 2002 (35) ] 6...f5!?N I searched in Melts for this move and was very surprised when I didn't find it. 6...Bf5 looks solid and respectable to me, certainly when one considers that Jirovsky intends to follow up with ...Nc6, adding spice to the mix. Black is not limited: [ 6...e6 7.d2 e7 8.d3 0-0 9.0-0-0 b5 10.g5 b7 11.f4 d8 12.h4 bd7 13.e2 b4 14.ce4 xe4 15.xe4 f6 ] [ 6...g4 7.e2 bd7 8.d2 e6 9.0-0-0 d5 10.xd5 exd5 11.f4 b6 12.g5! ] [ 6...b5 7.d3 b7 8.0-0 bd7 ] 7.d2 e6 8.0-0-0 c6!= 9.h4 g6 10.f4 d7 11.xg6 hxg6 12.d5 exd5 13.xd5 0-0-0 14.c4 f5 15.g3 xd5 16.xd5 e7 17.he1 g5 18.f4 f6!= Black's opening has worked very well. 19.c4 e7 20.e4 c5 21.c2 f5 22.f2 d4 23.xd4 xd4 24.xd4 xd4 25.g3 c6 208

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 26.a3 c7 27.b1 d8 28.a2 c5 29.g2 b5 30.e4 a5 31.e2 b4 32.axb4 xb4 33.c5 d2 34.xb4 xe2 35.f3 f2 36.b3 a4 37.d3 xb2 38.h4 f5 39.d1 d4+ 40.a3 xc5+ 41.xa4 a2+ 42.b3 a3+ 43.c4 xd3 44.xd3 f2 45.b3 xg3 46.f7 g5 47.fxg5 xh4 48.g6 d6 49.e3 e5 50.e8 c5 51.f7 g5+ 52.d3 h4 53.e8 f4 54.b5 f2 55.e2 d4 56.f1 g5 57.e8 c4 58.e2 f4 59.d7 f6 60.b5 c3 61.d3 g4 I think that 3...Qd6 isn't a bad move at all and can certainly be employed as a surprise weapon. The Melts book is required reading. 0-1

220 Golubev,Mikhail Kislinsky,Alexey VIII Rector Cup (10) [Eric Prié]

B01 2499 2384 04.04.2006

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.d2 g4! Of course there are other black options against 5.Bd2:5...Qb6 immediately that Kasparov and Kramnik faced over the board, 6.Nf3 and then 6...Bg4 or even 6...c6 but anything other than the suicidal capture on b2. Be that as it may, it seems clear that, if Black can never take any of the white pawns on b2, c2 or d4, then 5...c6 is preferable and after 6.Bc4 the retreat 6...Qc7 intending 7.Nf3 Bf5 or 7...Bg4 if Black feels lucky and wishes to test the validity of the rule I have previously stated of never moving his queen 3 times unless forced in the Scandinavian... 5...c6 6.Bc4 Bf5 remains the main line in any case. Nevertheless, since I understand it would be an error of taste not to advertize one's products in this peculiar 1...e4 section, I can invite its subscribers to watch for the publication of the next 2 New In Chess yearbooks (81 and 82) if they want to know more about the W orld classical champions' m o v e 5 . B d 2 ! 6.f3 h5!? Protecting f7, although on principle I prefer [ 6...f5 to keep this bishop in play. Then, in case of the aggressive 7.g4 I would think about ...Bg6. Instead I have regularly played

d7 in this situation, but Kislinsky's games ma y m a ke m e ch an ge m y m in d . . . 8.c4 After this move, we rejoin my work on 5.Bc4 last year (instead of 5. Bd2) 5...Bg4! ( 8.g5 h5 9.ge2 e6 10.g2?! c6! 11.e4 b6 12.c3 0-0-0 Boudre, J-P-Prie, E Narbonne-Plage 1hKO op 2005; 8.h3 ) 8...b6 9.e2 ( 9.ge2?! c6 10.b3 xf3 11.f1 xg4 12.f4 Sanchez, J (2450) - Prie, E (2475) Villeneuve-Tolosane op 2006 ) 9...c6 10.d5 d4 11.d3 0-0-0 12.0-0-0 e5 ( 12...c5 13.ge2 e6 14.xd4 cxd4 15.dxe6 xe6 16.e2 ) 13.ge2 xe2+ ( 13...h5 14.h3 c5 15.xd4 xd4 16.g5 e8 17.b3 d6 18.e4 f5 19.c3 e3 ) 14.xe2 d6= I don't think White is better here, but I do not feel comfortable with this pawn structure, which is unusual for me, Mack, A (2262) Prié, E (2429) 4NCL2 Telford ENG 2004 ] 7.g4 White takes up the gauntlet. Otherwise, the exile of the bishop on h5 also throws up a couple of questions. [ 7.ge2 c6 8.f4 xd4 9.b5 b6 10.e3 c5 11.xh5 xh5 12.xd4 0-0-0 13.c3 xb2 14.c1 cxd4 15.cxd4+ b8= ] [ 7.h3!? c6 8.b5 ( 8.b5 0-0-0 ) 8...b6 9.f4 d5 10.c4 xf4 11.xf4 0-0-0 12.xh5 e6! ] [ 7.c4! b6 8.h3! c6 ( 8...xd4 9.e2 ) 9.d5 With the initiative, winning a piece in return for two pawns and some activity, for instance after d4 10.a4 d6 11.c3 e5+ 12.f1 xf3 13.gxf3 xd5 14.e2 f5 15.g2 0-0-0 ] 7...g6 8.f4! e6 9.f5 exf5 10.g5 fd7 11.e2+ d8 12.g2 The improvement. One can imagine that Golubev, like every fierce Dragon player, is usually keen on such complicated games with the opposite colour and had time to prepare something in this closed tournament, 8 rounds after the surprise caused by his young compatriot. c6 13.xc6 bxc6 14.0-0-0 This must have been his idea: get rid of the opposing queen's knight, which was ready to jump to b4, and which caused all W hite's sorrows in the previous game, prior to long castling. b8 15.e1 b4 16.h3 c8! [ 16...xc3 17.xc3 xa2 18.f4 b6 19.h4 c4 20.b3 ] 209

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 17.f4 [ 17.a3 xa3 Of course. ] 17...d8! 18.c4?! White eventually decides to defend a2 or maybe play for a win when he had to go all in to look for a saving perpetual check. [ 18.h4 xc3 19.xc3 xa2 20.h5 c5 21.g2 ( 21.hxg6? e4 ) 21...a4 ( 21...e4 22.xe4 fxe4 23.hxg6 e3 24.b3 ) 22.xc6 b6 ( 22...xb2 23.xb2 xb2+ 24.d2 xd4+ 25.e2 ) 23.a8+ b8 24.c6 ( 24.f3 xb2 25.d2 c4+ 26.e2 xc2+ 27.f1 b3 28.a8+ d7 29.d5+ d6 30.hxg6 hxg6! 31.a1 e8!-+ ) 24...b6 25.a8+ b8= ] 18...c5 The opening of the d-file is obviously wh a t B l a c k a i m s f o r w i t h a r o o k o n d 8 . 19.fd5? [ 19.a3! b6 ( 19...xa3? 20.bxa3 xa3+ 21.d1 b4 22.a2 xa2 23.xa2 b1+ 24.c1 cxd4 25.h4 f6 26.h5 f7 27.g6 c4 28.e7 ) 20.a2 ( 20.b3 xc3 21.xc3 a6 ) 20...xc3 21.xc3 a4 22.b3 c6 23.dxc5 d5 24.xd5 xd5 And Black retains some initiative which is the most important in complicated middle games with opposite-coloured bishops. 25.xg7 f4 26.b4 xg5 ] 19...b6! 20.e7+ b7 21.e2 xc3 22.xc3 [ 22.f3+ d5 23.xd5? xd2+ ] 22...xa2 23.f3+ d5! [ 23...a6 24.b3 cxd4 25.c6 dxc3? 26.b4+ ] 24.e5 c6 25.b3 f4! The black dragon is free! [ 25...h5 26.g2 ( 26.xh5 xc3 )] 26.b2 [ 26.xg6 hxg6 27.dxc5 f6 ] 26...xc2! 27.xd5 [ 27.xc2 b4+ 28.c1 ( 28.c3 cxd4+ 29.xb4 a8+ 30.c4 a6+ 31.b5 xb5# ) 28...xd4 29.d1 bd8 30.ee1 d3! 31.f2 ( 31.f1 c3+ 32.xc3 c2#; 31.e2 f3 ) 31...xb3 32.e2 a2+ 33.b1 c3+ 34.c1 xe2+ ] 27...b1+ 28.d2 xb2 29.e7+ a6 30.b4+ [ 30.f1+ d3+ 31.xd3 xd5 32.a1+ xa1 33.xa1+ b6 34.axa7 cxd4 35.xf7 c5 36.a3 b4 37.a6 c5

38.xg7 xb3-+ ] 30...a5 31.xc6+ b6 32.e1 [ 32.c3 xc3+ 33.xc3 xc6 34.xc2 xd4 35.xf7 b7+- ] 32...e8?? [ 32...xd4! 33.xd4 xd4 34.f1 ( 34.h4 d3 35.h3 d6 ) 34...d6! The point of it a l l , t h e e 7 - r o o k i s d o m i n a t e d ! 35.e2 ( 35.xf7 e8+; 35.e2 d3 ) 35...d1 36.xf4 xf4 37.xf4 xe2 38.xe2 b7-+ ] 33.xf4?? Mutual time trouble, probably. [ 33.dxc5+ xc5?! ( 33...b5 34.xa7+ a5 35.c6+ b5= ) 34.b4+ b6 ( 34...d6 35.xf4+ xc6 36.c4+ b6 37.c5+ a6 38.a5# ) 35.f2+ b5 ( 35...xc6? 36.c5# ) 36.e2+ a4 37.xe8 xe8 38.xe8 d3! 39.g1 c3+ 40.f2 b5 41.e4 d2+ ( 41...xc6 42.xf4 ) 42.f3 c3+ 43.xf4 xc6 44.e3 xb4+ 45.g3 d6+ 46.f4+ xf4+ 47.xf4 ] 33...xe7+ 34.xe7 c3+ 35.d2 a1+ 36.f2 xd4+ 37.xd4 cxd4 0-1

221 Gormally,Daniel Nakamura,Hikaru Gibraltar Masters (2) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2472 2613 26.01.2005

There now follows a long, rather dour clash between two very strong players. Nakmura seems to have embraced the Centre-Counter with enthusiasm perhaps he likes the ease with which one can get a playable position. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 c6 5.f3 f6 6.e5 The teeth have probably been drawn from 6 Ne5. However, if W hite wa n t s t o i n s u r e ' a g a i n s t t h e l o s s ' , t h e n perhaps this is the best way to go about it. f5!? Encouraging g2-g4, which has hitherto tho ught t o be risky. 6 .. .B e6 is O K, b ut if Nakamura can make 6...Bf5 work, then we will all be very ha ppy. 7.d3 OK, Gormally is angling for a draw that is the only explanation of this boring move. [ Clearly 7.g4 is critical and then I think that e6! is best, with 8.c4 ( 8.d2 bd7=; 210

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 8.c4 xg4! 9.xe6 xe5 10.c8 c7 11.xb7 xb7 12.dxe5 e6 ) 8...xc4 9.xc4 e6 10.e2 b4 11.d2 d5= If this analysis of John Emms, in his excellent recent book on the Scandinavian is correct, then Black is absolutely fine after 6...Bf5 ] 7...xd3 8.xd3 bd7 Challenging the Knight brings complete equality. Many players would shake hands here. 9.f4 [ 9.xd7 is not especially awe-inspiring, rather the prelude to deep and everlasting peace: xd7 10.0-0 f6 11.d2 c7 12.e4 xe4 13.xe4 e6 14.c4 e7 15.c3 0-0 16.d5 1/2-1/2 Nijboer, FHansen, C/Groningen 1992 ] 9...e6 [ 9...xe5 looks faintly inaccurate, although even here Black obtained a decent position in a r e c e n t g a m e f r o m T u r k e y: 10.xe5 ( 10.dxe5 d5 11.d2 e6= ) 10...d7 11.f4 e6 12.0-0 e7 13.a3 0-0 14.ad1 f6 15.fe1 d5 16.xd5 cxd5 17.d2 xd2 18.xd2 ac8 19.h3 c6 20.g4 fc8 Korniyuk, M-Warakomska, A/Urgup 2004 Completely equal. ] 10.0-0 b6 [ 10...d8 11.c4 h5 12.ad1 e7 13.c7 with the idea of Nd6+ gives White an edge. ] [ 10...xe5! seems reliable again. Somehow my head doesn't want me to play this move, but the positions reached are quite alright: 11.dxe5 ( 11.xe5 d7 12.g3 e7= ) 11...d5 12.xd5 xd5 ( 12...cxd5 13.c3 c8 14.e3 e7= ) 13.fd1 xd3 14.xd3 d8= ] 11.a3 bd5 12.xd5 cxd5 13.b4 a4 14.c4 This is about the best that White could have hoped for. He has the initiative and is ahead in development, although not massively so. W hat Nakamura has to do now is to go into defensive mode for a few moves and get castled. This he does. dxc4 15.xc4 d7 Preventing Nd6+ 16.e5 e7 17.f4 0-0 18.f5 Gormally tries to rustle up a kingside attack, but Black's position is very solid and the early simplification doesn't help White's cause either. g4 [ 18...b5!? gives counterplay at the expense of driving White's Knight to a better square.

19.e3 a5 ] 19.ad1 ac8 20.h3 xc4! Each exchange favours Black due to the isolated d-pawn. White must make sure that he keeps as active as possible in the upcoming ending to divert Black from realising that positional trump. 21.hxg4 [ 21.xc4 e3 22.fxe6 fxe6 23.xf8+ xf8 24.e2 xd1 25.xd1 b5!= ] 21...fc8 22.e3?! [ 22.d5! would have saved a lot of moves: exd5 23.xd5 xd5 24.xd5 g5 25.d7 e4 ] 22...c3 23.d3 xd3 24.xd3 exf5 25.gxf5 f6 26.f4 d8 27.e3 d5 Now, if a nyon e, B lack has a sm all edge . 28.c1 f8 29.f2 d6 30.h3 g8 31.e1 c8 32.g4 b6 33.h4 f8 34.f2 a5 35.bxa5 bxa5 36.h3 [ 36.a4 is desirable long-term but might well result in the pawn becoming more vulnerable: b4 37.e6 a2 ] 36...g8 37.a4 b4 38.d1 h8?! Prompted by time pressure perhaps? I find it difficult to understand why Nakamura didn't play [ 38...c2! o t h e r w i s e : 39.g4 a2 the point is to combine seventh-rank pressure with an attack on a4. 40.f3 xa4 41.a8+ f7 42.b7+ f8 43.d5 e8 44.d6 xd6! 45.xd6 c1+ 46.h2 h5+ 47.g3 c3+-+ ] 39.d3 h6 40.b5 d8 41.c1 [ 41.xd5 xd5 42.g4 h5 43.gxh5 xf5 44.d5 d6 45.b6 gives some counterplay. ] 41...e4 42.b6 d5 43.e6 xf5 44.c8+ h7 45.g8+ g6 46.e8+ h7 47.g8+ g6 48.e8+ g5 OK, he goes for it. At 30 secs a move it's a good punt. 49.e3+ [ 49.e3+ g4 50.c7 g5 leaves White with no obvious continuation although both Kings are shakily placed. Really, in the quickplay shootout, these positions become rather random. ] 49...h5 50.g8 b1+ 51.h2 d6+ 52.g3 g5 53.e2+ g6 54.e8+ f5 55.c8+ g6 56.e8+ f5 57.d7+ e4?! 58.c6+ [ Dee p Fritz is showin g 58.e8+ d3 211

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 59.g2! with xg3 ( 59...b6 60.e3+ fxg3 25.f4! ( 25.fxg3 ce8 26.h2 f7 d2 61.e6 d5 62.xg7 ) 60.e3+ 27.h3 f8 is very good for Black.) d2 61.xg3 e4+ 62.g1 b1+ 25...ce8 26.e3 f7 27.h3 f8 63.h2 h5+ 64.h3 But with no time, it 28.hg1 c7 29.ef1 b5! 30.xg3 take s a ge niu s ( or a comp ute r) to f in d ( 30.cxb5 c4 with a crushing attack.) quiet moves such as Kg2!!. ] 30...a5 and in this complicated position 58...f5 59.d7+ e4 60.e8+ f3 Bla ck's ch an ce s a re b y n o me ans b ad , 61.c6+ g4 62.g2 f5 63.e4+ g5 Malev-Malinin,1990. ] 64.e8 xf2+! 65.xf2 b2+ 66.f3 12.d4 f5 (threatening 13...f5-f4) 13.g5! c3+ 67.e3 xd4 68.e4 xe4+ [ 13.ce2 is not so convincing in view of 69.xe4 f5 70.g4+ 6 A royal struggle in the A) In Macieja-Terekhin, Sankt Peterburg end. As for the opening I recommend having 1 9 9 7 B l a c k t r i e d 13...axc4 14.bxc4 another look at ... Bf5! which seems a xc4 , but with a few precise moves White complete answer to 6 Ne5 r e f u t e d t h i s i d e a : 15.b4! xe3 ½-½ ( 15...xd5 16.f4 ) 16.fxe3 xd5 17.c1! a5 18.f4! axb4 19.xd5 c6 ( 19...xa2 20.c4 ) 20.b6! a3 222 B01 21.c4+ h8 22.b3 a6 23.xc8 xc8 24.h4! and in this position 3 pawns Grischuk,Alexander 2581 is not really enough for the piece.; Malakhov,Vladimir 2593 B) 13...c5! 14.xa5 f4! ( Of course, Lausanne 2000 14...cxd4 15.xd4 is insufficient for [Alexander Volzhin] Black. ) 15.xc5 ( 15.xf4 is bad in view of cxd4 and White is helpless.) 15...fxe3 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.f3 xd5 4.d4 g6 16.fxe3 g5! Obviously Black has 5.c4 b6 6.c3 g7 7.e3 0-0 8.h3 c6 tremendous compensation for sacrificed 9.d2 e5 10.d5 a5!? Nowadays this old material. move becomes more and more popular. The B1) 17.0-0-0 xe3+ 18.b1 g5 reason is Black suffers serious problems in ( 18...f5 is not bad either.) 19.g4 e5 10. .. Ne7 a s we have alrea dy se en . 11.b3 , in te nd ing B d7 , Ra8 -c8 wit h a ve ry The critical position of this line. Now Black strong attack.; has to choose between two lines: 11...f5 and B2) 17.d2 f2 18.h4 and now the 11...e4. e4 natural g3 ( in st ea d o f 18...h6?! [ 11...f5 is the alternative to the text. In 19.d6 f5 20.g4! c8 21.g5 h5 numerous games played in this line up to 22.d7! and Black is in trouble, Firmanthis moment White had failed to prove his Ne st e r, L viv 1 9 9 8 .) 19.e1 g4 advantage. Just a few examples: 12.c5 secured Black a very strong attack, for ( 12.0-0-0 e4 13.e1 f6 14.b2 c6 example: 20.e6 c8 21.b4 15.d6 e6 16.c2 axc4+! and Back ( 21.e7? c3+! 22.xc3 xd5+ ) wins, Markovic-Gostovic, Jugoslavija 1985.) 21...xe6 22.dxe6 e5 and White's 12...e8 13.0-0-0 ( 13.e2 d7 14.a3 position is barely defensible. ] c5 15.g5 h6 16.h4 b6 17.b2 f8 18.f4 exf4 19.xf4 b7 20.b5 e7 13...e8 14.0-0-0 c5 15.de2! [ The tempting 15.db5 is strongly met by 21.d2 a6 22.c3 d6 23.0-0-0 d7 a6! 16.c7 e5 17.xa8 xa8 18.b1 24.he1 e3 25.f3 b5! and Black is f4 with tremendous compensation for clearly better, S.Nikolic-Stefansson, sacrificed exchange. ] Komotini 1993.) 13...d7 14.b4 c5 15.xa5 xa5 16.b5 d8 17.d6 f8 15...axc4!? The Knight on a5 has no better xc4 18.g5 h6 19.h4 e4 20.xc8 xc8 role than to be sacrificed! 16.bxc4 21.c2 xg5!? 22.hxg5 ( 22.xg5 xg5 17.c2 The critical position for the whole line. 23.hxg5 e5 intending 24...Nf7 is very Black's position looks promising but White's good for Black.) 22...f4 23.e1 e7 24.g3 d e f e n s i v e r e s o u r c e s s h o u l d n o t b e 212

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 underestimated. e5 [ The tempting 17...b5 doesn't work in view of 18.d6! c6 19.d5 and White is better. ] 18.d6! d3+ 19.xd3! exd3 20.xd3 f4?! [ 20...e6 is worth considering, for example: 21.d5 c4 22.f3 a4 and Black obtains real counterchances. ] 21.e7! f7 22.c4! b5 Desperation but I can't see real improvement for Black. 23.xb5 b8 24.ec3 b7 25.d5 a6 26.bc7 White Knights dominate in the centre of the board. The fact W hite's King has no pawn shelter is of no importance here since all Black pieces are passive and can't create any real attack. The rest needs no comment. c6 27.d3 b2+ 28.d1 g7 29.e1 d4 30.e4 d7 31.xd4 cxd4 32.e6+ g8 33.f6+ h8 34.c5 1-0

223 Groszpeter,Attila Reprintsev,Alexander Pardubice Czech op (5) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2505 2440 1998

REPRINTSEV'S SURPRISE It's not at all easy to surprise a well-prepared opponent, especially in these days of the giant database. I believe the idea we are about to examine will come as a complete shock to most players and is much better than it looks. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.f3 e4!? Seen this before? Maybe the stronger players among you will have done, but you didn't bother to analyse it. I must admit 5... Ne 4 lo o k s lik e n o n s e n se . I t sh o u ld b e a simple matter to ref ute this time-wasting Knight move with simple development. Reprintsev and Sulskis don't think so, play 5... Ne4 whenever they can and get pretty good results with it. Besides, 5...Ne4 is unsettling. W ho likes to be threatened on move five! Perhaps when we have f inished with this article, 5 Bc4 will suddenly become more popular. So a bit of feelgood chess to start off with a quick Black win. 6.d3 xc3 7.bxc3 [ I thought 7.d2 might be a move, but then e5! is a further shock to the system. Black's

idea is ...Bb4. Then 8.bxc3 ( 8.xe5 b4 9.c4 d5! 10.bxc3 xg2 11.f1 e7 ) 8...exd4 9.xd4 e7 is nothing for White at all. ] 7...g6! Reprintsev seems to have decided that t h is m o ve is b e s t , a n gli n g f o r a n a lm o s t Grünfeld-like position. I suppose that if Black is left unmolested, he will simply play 0-0 and ...c7-c5! So White must be very concrete here and attack e7. 8.0-0 g7 9.e1 [ 9.b1 0-0 10.e1 ( 10.e1!? xa2 11.f4 c6 12.xc7 d5 13.b5 d7 14.f4 e6 ) 10...c6 11.h3 xa2 led nowhere in another Reprintsev game: 12.g5 e6 13.d2 d5 14.b5 d7 15.h6 xh6 16.xh6 f6 17.c4 g7 18.f4 ( 18.xe6+ xe6 19.xg7+ xg7 20.xe6 f7! 21.e1 b6 ) 18...d8 19.h4 a6 20.bb1 b5 21.a2 h8 22.c4 c6 23.c5 a7 Strukov, R-Reprintsev, A/ Moscow 1999 Black's game is a bit awkward, but he's a pawn up! What do you want? ] [ If 9.g5 xc3 10.e1 e6 11.d2 a3 12.f4 a5 is another pawn-down position for White, where he has some compensation, but nothing clear. ] 9...0-0!? 10.xe7 c6 11.e3 [ 11.e1 led to the decidedly unthrilling xc3 12.d2 a3 13.c1 c3 14.d2 a3 15.c1 c3 1/2-1/2 Genser, H-Plank, F/ Austria 1999 ] 11...xc3 12.d2 b2 This guy is a very tricky player as you are about to see. It still looks dubious. Material is level and Black's queen seems stranded in the W hite camp. Moreover White's pieces appear to be better developed. In a clearly optimistic frame of mind, Groszpeter goes straight ahead. He is a b o u t t o e xp e r i e n c e a r u d e a w a k e n i n g . 13.xg6 [ 13.c3 is certainly better, but not conclusive. Black is still fighting: a3 14.e4 ( 14.b3 xb3 15.axb3 d8 16.c4 f5 ) 14...d6 15.b3 b6 16.ae1 b7 17.b5 ae8 ] [ 13.b1 xa2 14.c3 d5 ] 13...xd4! 14.b1? In shock. [ 14.xd4 is surprisingly difficult to play against because W hite is so far ahead in development. I think I've found a good line f o r B l a c k t h o u g h : hxg6! ( 14...xd4 213

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 15.xh7+ xh7 16.h5+ g8 17.g3+ g7 18.f1!; 14...fxg6 15.c3 b6 16.b1 d6 17.b5 xd1+ 18.xd1 xc3 19.xc3 c6 20.d6 ) 15.c3 b6 16.b1 d6 17.b5 xd1+ 18.xd1 f5 19.xg7 xg7 20.xc7 ac8 21.e7 fd8!= ] 14...xf3+ 15.xf3 xa2 16.xh7+ xh7 17.b4 d8! 18.h3 a1 Of course, it's all over . 19.xa1 xa1 20.g3 d4 Black could never h ave expected such a speedy victory treading a familiar highway. 0-1


B01 Hagen,Andreas Skytte 2290 Bo,Morten 2343 49th TCh-DEN XtraCon 2010-11 (9.4) 13.03.11 [Gawain Jones]

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 6.c4 f5 7.d2 e6 8.d5 d8 9.xf6+ gxf6 [ 9...xf6 is the other main move. We ought to check a game of the French author's. 10.e2! g4 ( 10...d7 was played against me but doesn't have a good reputation. 11.0-0-0 b6 given a question mark by Bauer who considers that Black should transpose to the game with 11...Bg4. 12.g5 g6 13.d5! xc4 14.xc4 exd5 15.he1+ e6 16.xd5! e7 17.xe7 cxd5 18.b4 c8 19.c3 g4 20.d6 a4 21.xe6! fxe6 22.e5 b5 23.h4 1-0 Jones, G (2522)-Wang Puchen (2397) Limburg Open Maastricht 2008 was a game I wa s ra t h e r p le a se d wit h !) 11.0-0-0 Oddly Bauer believes this is inaccurate but in this game he opts to switch back to the mainline. ( Instead 11.d5 xf3 12.gxf3 cxd5 13.xd5 d7 14.0-0-0 would transpose to the game.) 11...d7 ( He considers 11...e7 to equalise but for some reason chooses not to play it here.) 12.d5 xf3 13.gxf3 cxd5 14.xd5 0-0-0 15.e4 e5 16.b1 ( 16.c3! was Shirov's choice in the archives and Bauer considers this the most challenging. c7 17.b1 f6 Shirov, A (2720)-Bauer, C (2 5 8 5 ) P a m p lo n a 2 0 0 6 is lo o ke d a t b y

Ro wso n in t h e a rch ive s. He re P la y t h e Scandinavian recommends 18.hg1 c5 19.xd8+ xd8 20.d4! c8 21.c4 a6 22.xc5 xc5 23.xe6+ b8 24.a3 g6 25.xf6 d8 when he writes "Black will likely recover a pawn on either f2 or h2. White can play for a win without any risk, but the presence of opposite-coloured bishops is a sign if ica nt dra win g f a cto r". Hard ly what Black was hoping for and it would be interesting to know if Bauer had found an improvement over his analysis or whether he was confident he could hold the draw here.) 16...c7 17.g5 f6 18.e3 c5 19.c3 g6 20.c2 b8 21.h6 e5 22.d2 c7 23.e2 e5 24.d2 c7 25.e2 saw Black holding pretty easily. 1/2-1/2 Hamdouchi, H (2593)-Bauer, C (2633) Calvi 2011. ] 10.b3 This is actually the main move but hasn't been featured on ChessPublishing before. W hite defends the c2 pawn in preparation for Qe2 and 0-0-0. [ Instead 10.c3 has been looked at a few times ] [ W h i l e J o h n W a t s o n l o o k e d a t 10.0-0 in Gashimov, V (2740)-Hamdouchi, H (2590) Ourense 2009. ] 10...a5!? This is a rare try which has recently seen a rise in popularity. [ 10...d7 is by far the main move and the only one considered in Play the Scandinavian but wasn't Bauer's choice in a recent game. I've added in some of John Watson's analysis from the archives: A) 11.h4 The point of this is apparently to bring the queen over to the kingside but lo o k s a b i t o d d t o m e . g6 12.f3 ( 12.xg6 was the choice in a high rated blitz game but following hxg6 13.e2 c7 14.h4 0-0-0 15.0-0-0 h6! Exploiting White's rather early exchange on g6. 16.xh6 xh6 17.g3 dh8 18.he1 g5! and Black had equalised. Nepomniachtchi, I (2720) -Nakamura, H (2741) Moscow 2010. ) A1) An ot h er re cen t gam e sa w 12...f5 13.h3 g7 14.f3 ( 14.c3 Bauer. ) 14...f6 15.h6 xh6 16.xh6 h5?! This leaves Black's pieces rather loose. ( 16...d6 looks fine to me.) 17.e5 214

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 e7 18.f3 g8 19.g3 0-0-0 20.0-0-0 b8 21.d2 a8 22.hd1 c8 23.b1 cd8 24.a3 c8 25.a1 cd8 26.c4 and White was starting to take ove r b ut st ill e4? was an ill-advised idea. Talla, V (2505)-Tripoteau, N (2425) Chur 2010.; A2) 12...a5 given an exclam by Bauer. 13.a4 f5 14.h3 g7 15.f3 0-0 16.0-0 f6 17.g5 b6 18.ad1 e4 19.h6 fd8 20.xg7 xg7 1/2-1/2 Venkatesh, M (2468)-Chatterjee, D (2312) Chennai 2011 saw Black hold comfortably.; B) 11.e2 The mainline and logical. W hite prepares to castle long and has interesting d4-d5 ideas. c7 12.h4 g6 B1) 13.f4 was seen in another high rated blitz game but giving away the e4 s q u a r e i s a r i s k y d e c i s i o n . 0-0-0 14.0-0-0 f5 15.h3 ( Watson gives 15.g3 b8 16.c4 f6 17.xg6 hxg6 as about equal in Socko-D Schwarz, Warsaw 2008. ) 15...f6 16.c3 h5 B1a) 17.g4! was necessary but still fxg4 18.xe6+ fxe6 19.xe6+ d7 ( 19...d7 20.hxg4 e8 21.f5 d6 i s i n t e r e s t i n g .) 20.xf6 g8 and Black hs good play for the pawn.; B1b) 17.f3? d6 18.g3 e4 19.hg1 hg8 and Black had taken over the initiative. Svidler, P (2734)Nielsen, P (2700) Copenhagen 2010.; B2) 13.0-0-0 0-0-0 14.g3 b8 Given Bauer's approval when his mainline continues ( 14...d6 15.xg6 hxg6 16.h4 gives W hite an edge.) 15.g2 ( 15.xg6 hxg6 16.h4 is no longer so good for White as Black can play h6! removing White's bishop pair. It's important to remember to wait for ...Bd6 before exchanging on g6.; 15.b1!? was tried in Kravtsiv, M (2527)Tomczak, J (2447) Lublin 2009 when Black doe s best to sit and wait wit h a8!? ) 15...e5!? ( He also devotes a lot of analysis to 15...d6 ) 16.c3 exd4! 17.xd4 c5 18.he1 xd4 19.xd4 c5 when White must have a small edge due to his better structure but the position is fully playable for Black. ]

11.a4 g8?! Considering White's next is a move he wants to play anyway I feel this is an error. [ Most of the other players have continued with the more logical 11...a6 12.e2 A) 12...b4 13.xb4 ( 13.0-0-0 is surely more critical but perhaps White w a s w o r r i e d a b o u t s o m e b5? plan? Nonetheless this would be highly p r e m a t u r e a s 14.d5! is ve ry s t ro n g.) 13...axb4 14.h4 g6 15.e3 g7 was an easy draw for Black in Balogh, C (2628)-Hamdouchi, H (2600) La Massana 2010.; B) 12...b6 13.h4! g6 14.e3?! This move is rather odd ( Again 14.0-0-0 was critical. This is a much better version of the game f o r Black who ca n castle safely but still I feel W hite may have a nibble. ) 14...b4+ Now White is forced to c e d e c a s t l i n g r i g h t s . 15.f1 d8 ( 15...0-0-0 w a s s a f e a s 16.d5 c5 17.dxe6 xe3 18.xe3 xe3 19.fxe3 c5 gives Black great play for the pawn.) 16.c3 e7 17.g3 c7 with a doublee d g e d b a t t l e in p ro sp e c t . F a r ge re , F (2520)-Bauer, C (2633) Nancy 2011. ] 12.e2! Tactically defending the g2 pawn and preparing to castle long. e7 13.0-0-0 a6 [ 13...b5!? was an interesting alternative but perhaps W hite can safely ignore it with 14.hg1 ] [ 13...xg2? still drops material to 14.h4! g4 15.e4 xd1 16.xg2 h5 17.g8+ f8 18.xh7+- ] 14.he1 b4 15.h3 A slightly odd move [ 15.h4! looks more logical. The computer offers the enterprising xc2 but I remain unconvinced that Black has anything like enough for a piece following ( Both 15...g4 16.f3 h5 17.g4 g6 18.f4; and 15...g6 16.xg6 xg6 17.c3 d5 18.g4 clearly favour W hite) 16.xc2 xc2 17.xc2 xd4 18.g3 xa4+ 19.b1 ] 15...d6 16.h4 g6 17.f4!? f5 18.f3 d5?! Boe wants to utilise the outpost on e4 as fast as possible but now he has difficulties castling. [ Instead 18...0-0-0 and Black would be close to equalising although W hite can retain a small edge with 19.xb4 axb4 215

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 20.e5 ] 19.e5 f6 20.g4! Energetic play e4 21.g5 h6 22.h4 hxg5 23.hxg5 So Black has managed to entrench his knight on the outpost but the rest of his pieces remain passive while the weakness of the a5 pawn prevents him from castling and therefore his pieces remain uncoordinated. f8 [ It seems a shame to give away the beautiful k n i g h t b u t 23...xd2 would at least allow B l a c k t o g e t c a s t l e d . 24.xd2 c7 ( 24...h5 wins the exchange but 25.b1 xd1 26.xd1 g7 27.h5 allows White a very dangerous attack. Black does best here to give back the exchange with 0-0-0 but W hite stands better following 28.xf7 xf4 29.xe6+ b8 30.xd8 xd8 31.g6 ) 25.h1 0-0-0 and Black is solidly placed but his pieces are rather passively located and so White can continue probing without any risk. ] [ 23...c7?! defends a5 and looks logical but fails to the common blow in the Scandinavian of 24.d5! exd5 25.xd5! cxd5 26.b5+ A) 26...d8 27.xd5+ d6 ( 27...d6 28.xg6 xg6 29.xe4! fxe4 30.f5 g7 31.f4 and White regains a piece with a vicious attack.; 27...c8 28.xg6+- ) 28.e3 with a very dangerous attack.; B) 26...f8 27.d7+ e8 ( 27...g7 28.xe4! fxe4 29.c3++- forces Black to give his queen to prevent a mating attack. ) 28.b6+ c6 29.xa8 h5 30.c7+ d7 31.xa5 xd1 32.xd1 xb5 33.axb5 and with d5 dropping White has an extra two pawns in the ending. ] 24.h2 This allows Black to finally castle and thus eases his position. [ 24.b1 should have also been considered c7 25.d5!? exd5 26.xd5 cxd5 27.b5+ d8 28.e3 is still a very dangerous attack. ] 24...g7?! [ With 24...c7 Black could castle next move and only be a little worse. It's important to recognise that the White queen can no longer come to b5 so the d4-d 5 break won't work. ] 25.xg6! fxg6 26.h7 Now Black doesn't h a v e t i m e t o c a s t l e . f7 27.xe4!

The Dane (who I notice will be 2454 next list!) plays the energetic exchange sacrifice ripping open Black's position. fxe4 28.f5 gxf5 29.xf5+ e7 30.xe4 White has a pawn for the exchange but much more relevant is the Black king which is running naked in the centre of the board with all of W hite's army behind it. d7 [ 30...gf8 31.e1 d8 32.c3 c7 33.h7 f7 34.xe6 picks up another pawn while Black's king isn't much safer. ] 31.f4 e7 32.d5! Stripping open the king. exd5 33.xd5+! The rook on g8 will drop so material is actually level while W hite's ferocious attack continues. cxd5 34.xd5+ e8 35.xg8+ d7 36.d5+ [ Definitely not 36.xa8?? e1# ] 36...e8 37.b1 But now that's a threat. d8 38.b5+ f8 39.f5+ e8 40.a2 d1 41.c3 The line employed in this game continues to be the critical test of the 3...Qa5 Scandinavian and Black doesn't have a surefire route to equality. 1-0

225 Hamdouchi,Hicham Bo,Morten 26th European Club Cup (1.18) [Gawain Jones]

B01 2592 2349 17.10.2010

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.d2 A slightly unusual move order, delaying the development of the king's knight. c6 The most logical giving the queen a line of retreat. [ 5...b6 is the most critical, forking d4 and b2 pawns. 6.f3 ( 6.c4!? is rare but also looks interesting xd4 7.e2 definitely gives White very good compensation for the pawn. He will castle long and Black will have to be very accurate.) 6...g4 7.c4 ( 7.d5!? c6 8.h3 xf3 9.xf3 cxd5 10.xd5 xd5 11.xd5 e6 12.b3 c5 13.xb6 xb6 14.a4 gave White a definite advantage thanks to his bishop pair. Meier, G (2641)Dubkov, A (2311) 2009.; while hitting the bishop immediately with 7.h3 also looks logical.) 7...e6 8.h3 xf3 ( 8...h5 9.g4 is a typical theme in the 216

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 Scandinavian. g6 10.e2 gave White a s t r o n g i n it i a t i ve . S i m e o n o v, S ( 2 3 5 4 ) Zheljazkov, V (2027) Borovets 2008.) 9.xf3 c6?! ( 9...c6 would be more of a challenge 10.b5 d6 11.0-0-0 0-0 12.e3 d5 13.xd5 xb5 14.c3 c4 looks to equalise. ) 10.0-0-0 c7 11.he1 gave Carlsen a huge advantage in development which he exploited rapidly: bd7 12.xe6!? ( 12.d5 is a safer method. ) 12...fxe6 13.xe6+ d8? ( 13...f7 was f orced although 14.e4! g8 15.e1 still looks very dangerous.) 14.f4 a5 15.d5! h6 16.d6 c8 17.de1 1-0 Carlsen, M (2765)-Boixeda, P Madrid 2008. ] [ Eric looked at a game with 5...g4 A) 6.f3 c6 ( 6...bd7!? has been Eric's choice in a couple of games. 7.h3 h5 8.c4 0-0-0 9.g4 g6 10.e2 e6 11.0-0-0 b4 12.a3 xc3 13.xc3 b6 Leo n Hoyo s, M (24 28)-Prie, E (24 67 ) Villeneuve Tolosane 2006 when Black went on to win but 14.d3 d5 15.d2 must be a little better for White.; 6...e6 wa s t he s t ron g G M Ch rist ia n Ba u e r's choice 7.h3 h5 8.g4 g6 9.e5 b6 Kosintseva, N (2551)-Bauer, C (2612) Biel 2 0 1 0 w h e n t h e d i r e c t 10.g5 fd7 11.xg6 hxg6 12.d5 would leave Black with some problems.; 6...f5 was Prie's most recent choice. 7.d3 d7 8.h3 h5 Terrieux, K (2437)-Prie, E (2529) Belfort 2010 in which Black won quickly but here 9.g4 g6 10.e3! c6 11.b5! leaves White with a clear edge.) 7.h3 h5 8.c4 e6 9.g4 g6 is a position more often reached from a 5 Nf3 move order. O n e g a m e c o n t i n u e d : 10.e2 b4 11.0-0-0 bd7 12.a3 xc3 13.xc3 c7 14.e5 d5 15.d2 0-0-0 16.xg6 hxg6 17.f3 7f6 18.b3 b5 19.b1 and White must have had an edge with his bishop pair but Black is f airly solidly placed and he held the draw in Kudrin, S (2550)-Rogers, I (2475) Valjevo 1984.; B) 6.f3 in the archives but I think I'd prefer ] [ H e a l s o p o i n t e d o u t t h a t 5...f5?! is a n e rro r d u e t o 6.f3! when Black is

f o r c e d t o p l a y c8 see Kvisla, J (2123)Jakobsen, M Prague 2006 for details. ] [ In the same game he notes that 5...c6?! is also a mistake as 6.b5! already leaves Black with severe problems: b4 7.d5 a6 8.a4 b5 9.xb5! and Black is in all kinds of trouble. ] [ 5...a6!? is a peculiar looking move but the idea is to prevent the pinning Bb5 6.c4 b6 7.f3 e6 8.e2 b4 9.0-0-0 0-0 10.h4!? ( 10.a3 xc3 11.xc3 must be an edge to W hite.) 10...c6 11.e4 d5 12.c3 e7 13.g4 d7 14.g5 h8 Mundaca Alvarez, J (2119)-Munoz Pantoja, M ( 2 4 9 4 ) / B a d a l o n a 2 0 1 0 w h e n 15.h5 starts an extremely promising attack. ] 6.c4 f5 Another logical looking move but it may be more prudent to drop the queen back, either now or the following move. 7.e2 e6 This is by far the more common but allows White a very strong attack. [ 7...xc2 is very greedy. 8.f3 d8 9.g5 g6 Rosen, B (2322) -Wyrwich, M (2196) G e r m a n y 2 0 0 7 10.0-0 and Black is still a long way from getting his king to safety while e6 can be met with 11.d5 cxd5 12.xd5 c6 13.ad1 with a powerful attack. ] [ P e r h a p s B l a c k s h o u l d c h o o s e 7...c7 8.f3 e6 9.0-0-0 with a typical Scandinavian position. Three games from t h i s y e a r c o n t i n u e d : bd7 ( 9...g4 loses a tempo on a normal position. 10.h3 xf3 11.xf3 bd7 12.he1 0-0-0 13.b3 d6 14.b1 and White was safely better. Siebenburger, V (2116)-Divis, J (1882) Zdar nad Sazavou 2010.) 10.h4 g6 11.xg6 hxg6 12.d5! cxd5 13.xd5 xd5 14.xd5 0-0-0 ( 14...e7 15.f3 0-0 was seen in Dickmann, T (2086)Hermsen, F (1897) Goch 2010 when I think White should exploit the doubled g pawns to kick-start his attack with 16.h4! ) 15.f3 f6 16.c3 d6 17.g3 b8 18.d3 White has a clear advantage thanks to his bishop pair on the open board and quickly converted the full point. d7 19.hd1 hd8 20.b1 c8? This is just a blunder and a rather strange looking move anyway. 21.xf6 gxf6 22.c3 c5 23.xd7 xd7 24.b5 b6 25.b4 1-0 Arat, U (2007)Mukhtarov, K (1802) Batumi 2010. ] 217

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 8.d5 [ 8.d5 has previously been investigated on this site by Andrew Martin. Have a look at Handke, F (2475)-Motwani, P (2525) 12th Monarch Assurance, Port Erin 2003 and also by Eric Prie in Solodovnichenko, Y (2514)-Pantioukhine, S (2260) Rochefort 2 0 0 5 . A r e c e n t g a m e c o n t i n u e d : cxd5 9.xd5 d8 10.xf6+ gxf6 ( 10...xf6 as anno tated by Martin lo oks essentia l here. ) 11.0-0-0 c7 12.g4 xc2? ( Eric's annotated game continued with 12...g6 but already White looks to be doing v e r y w e l l . 13.h3 d6 14.f4 xc2 15.xc2 b5 16.c3 bxc4 17.xf6 g8 18.xd6 xd6 19.d1 c7 20.d8+ xd8 21.xd8 xd8 1-0 Solodovnichenko, Y (2514)-Pantioukhine, S (2260) Rochefort 2005 [Prié, Eric]) 13.xc2 b5 14.c3! bxc4 15.xf6 g8 16.d8+ xd8 17.xd8 xd8 18.f3 and Black should already have resigned. Nedev, T (2506)-Galopoulos, P (2095) Porto Carras 2010. ] 8...d8 9.xf6+ xf6 This is probably Black's mistake as after this it becomes very hard to combat White's threats. [ 9...gxf6 is the alternative approach althou gh, if tru th be told , I a lread y like White's position. 10.0-0-0 g8 ( 10...d7 was played in a more recent game but this allows 11.g4! g6 12.f4 f5 13.d3 f6 14.d5! fxg4 15.dxe6 fxe6 16.c3 xf4+ 17.b1 e5 18.xg6+ hxg6 19.xd7 xd7 20.xe5 and Black was already in trouble. Gross, D (2462)-Jirovsky, M (2447) Czechia 2001. ) 11.f3 e7 ( 11...xg2 12.h3!? g7 13.h4 g6 14.xg6 hxg6 15.h4 leaves White with a good initiative for the pawn. ) 12.he1 ( The straightforward 12.h4 g6 13.xg6 hxg6 14.c3 also favours White.) 12...g6?! 13.xe6! fxe6 14.xe6 g7 15.xf6 f7 16.h8+ f8 17.g7 f7 18.g8+ d7 19.e5+ c8 20.xd8+ xd8 21.xf7+ xf7 and White's rook and three pawns should have been more than a match for the two pieces in Kupreichik, V (2485)-Votava, J (2540) Meisdorf 1996. ] 10.0-0-0 White has racked up a huge score from this position with just one draw and the rest wins . g6 Black drops the bishop out of

the way of a g4 advance. This move looks strange but it's not so easy to offer Black a good alternative. [ 10...d7 11.g4 g6 12.f3 d6 13.b1 ( The direct 13.h4 h5 14.g5 f4+ 15.b1 xg5 16.hxg5 f4 17.h4 xg5 18.f4! also looks extremely strong.) 13...e7 14.e5 xe5 15.dxe5 0-0-0 16.f4 h5 17.h3 b6 18.b3 hxg4 19.hxg4 and White had at least a slight edge. Guido, F (2300) -Ferretti, F (2255) Verona 1997. ] [ 10...g6 targets c2 but White can ignore it with 11.f3! xc2 This was seen in Sanchez, F (2251)-Frederico, G (2190) P a s s o s 2 0 0 7 w h e n t h e d y n a m i c 12.d5! looks extremely dangerous to deal with xd1 ( 12...a4 might be forced but 13.g5 l e a ve s W h i t e wi t h a v i r t u a l l y d e c i s i v e attack. ) 13.xd1 cxd5 ( 13...e7 14.dxe6 f5 15.e5! xg2 16.h5+ g6 17.h6+a n d B l a c k ' s k i n g w o n ' t s u r v i v e l o n g .) 14.xd5 c6 15.xc6+ bxc6 16.a6 e4 17.g5 d5 18.b7 and Black loses the rook. ] [ 10...e7 was seen in a recent game but 11.g4! g6 12.f3 h6 unfortunately forced to keep the queen. 13.h4 d6 14.b1 d7 15.g5 e7 16.h5 f5 17.h4 hxg5 18.xf5 exf5 19.xg5 xe2 20.xe2 and W hite was clearly better Nijboer, F (2582)-Font Purroy, V (2117) La Bordeta 2010. ] 11.f3 d7 12.g5 f5 Already Black's pieces look very tangled. 13.d5! The time is ripe f or this them atic b reakth rough . cxd5 14.d3 g4 15.b5 d6? The final error. [ 15...d8 would last longer but White's initiative should power through: 16.xd5 e7 17.b1!? xg5 18.xd7+ xd7 19.xd7 f6 20.xb7 0-0 21.h3 gives Black some compensation but not nearly enough for the exchange and pawn. ] 16.xd7+ and Black resigned as after 16... Kxd7 17 Ne5+ picks up the queen. A brutal display which seems to have refuted this way of playing the line for Black. 1-0


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 226 Handke,Florian Motwani,Paul 12th Monarch Assurance, Erin (7) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2475 2525 2003

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 Paul wrote a very nice review of my video/ DVD on the Scandinavian. It's good to see him playing this very solid line. 4.d4 f6 5.d2 c6 6.c4 f5 7.e2 e6 8.d5!? Could come as a total shock to the unprepared but never to the thorough Motwani. Black's position is far too stable to be shaken by such brazen means. cxd5 9.xd5 d8 10.xf6+ xf6 11.f3 [ I wonder what Motwani had in mind against immediate castling? 11.0-0-0 c6 12.g4 g6 13.f4 xc2?! ( 13...0-0-0 14.f3 a3!? is a possible improvement.) 14.xc2 d4+ 15.b1 0-0-0? ( Having reached this crazy position 15...xe2 is the only option. However 16.b5+! d8 17.c3+ c7 18.xf6 xg1 19.d7+ b6 20.d4+ xb5 21.xg1 will be a very rough ride for Black. ) 16.e4+- Rutkowski, I-Schoene, M/ Frankfurt 2002. ] 11...c6 12.b5 [ If 12.0-0-0 g4! is an accurate reply: 13.e3 e7= ( 13...c8; 13...xf3 14.gxf3 c8 15.b1 e7 )] 12...xb2!N Very brave, but on the other hand, why not? Black calls White's bluff and as long as he can get his King to safety rapidly, should stand well. [ The less precise 12...g4 is answered by 13.e4 xf3 14.xc6+ bxc6 15.gxf3 c8 16.0-0-0 a3 17.c3 d6 18.hg1 0-0 19.g5 e5 20.h6 xe4 21.fxe4 e5 22.f4 and White has a large advantage. To cede the initiative so easily is not Motwani's style. h8 23.fxe5 gxh6 24.d7 a5 25.f1 g7 26.c2 h5 27.f2 Nielsen, S-Petersen, F/Aarhus 1990. ] 13.0-0 d6 [ 13...d8 also seems perfectly viable: 14.fb1 xc2 15.c1 e4 16.xc6+ bxc6 17.a6 d5 18.a5 a8 19.b7 ( 19.xc6 e7 20.c8+ xc8 21.xc8+ d8 ) 19...c5 One can understand Motwani's desire to prepare castling. ]

14.fb1 xc2 15.c1 b2 Really playing with f ire although as long as he keeps attacking the Rook on a1 he should be surviving. W hite hacks on as he must-he's material down! 16.xc6 bxc6 17.xc6+ f8 18.e1 d8! Keeping the pieces protected is vital in a position like this. As long as Black can buy enough time to safety his King he will be winning. 19.e3 b6 20.c3 c5! With a double attack on f2 and c6. The fate of the position is clarifying. 21.e3 xe3 22.fxe3 d3 23.c1 e7! 24.e5 c8! Black chooses a risk-free way. He returns the exchange to enter a better ending. 25.xd3 xc6 26.a3+ [ 26.xc6 xc6 27.e4 g6-+ ] 26...d6 27.b4 f8 28.e4 c5+ 29.h1 Very calm. xe4 30.a6 d8 31.a3 f2 Verdict: 8 d5 is sharp but perfectly OK for Black as long as he is precise and courageous. Motwani's novelty, the capture on b2, seems exciting, playable and an excellent way of playing flat-out for the win. 0-1

227 Handke,Florian Zill,Christoph 7th BayEM Bad Wiessee (7) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2475 2295 2003

Poor old Handke. In our last update we saw h i m f o u n d e r i n g a g a i n s t M o t wa n i ' s s o l i d Scandinavian and now we see him again trying to blow Black away in the very same opening and again coming unstuck. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 c6! I quite like this move-order over 4..Nf6. It makes W hite think twice about Bd2. 5.c4 f5 6.d2 e6 7.g4!? Well, there he is at it again. It was 7 d5 against Motwani and now comes something even more violent. Can Black's position be assaulted by these means? I am very doubtful. What has Black done wrong? It even benefits him that the Knight remains on g8 so there's nothing to hit with g4-g5. g6 8.e2 [ 8.h4 h5 9.g5 e7! is absolutely OK for Black. ] 8...b4 219

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ A word or two about taking on c2 now, because Black can play this way in many lines. The usual response is 8...xc2 9.d5! and in this particular case the pawn grab looks too risky: cxd5 10.b5+! c6 11.c1 d4 12.e4! xa2 13.xc2 Only comp uters take these p awns - f o r humans the defence is just too difficult. ] 9.0-0-0 e7 10.h3 d5= Zill has a very comfortable game with no problems about his development and ample counterplay. Indeed, if anyone is better it is Black with his compact pawn structure. 11.xd5 cxd5 12.f4 c6 13.fxd5? Handke just doesn't enjoy playing against 1 ...d5, that is clear. Salvation possibly lies in the second of the two following variations: [ 13.xg6 hxg6 14.a3 e7 15.d3 c8 ] [ 13.a3 xd4 14.e5 xc3 15.xc3 a4 16.d2 f3 17.xg7 0-0-0 18.xg6 fxg6 19.d3 Tough to find. ] 13...xc2! 14.de1 0-0 [ 14...xc3 wa s st r o n ge r st i l l : 15.xc3 ( 15.xc3 xd5 16.xc2 xa2 ) 15...xd4 16.e5 xe5 17.xe5 g6 There's no way back for White here. ] 15.xb4 xb4 16.b5 a4 17.c3 a5 18.b5 xa2 19.xc2 The Bishop led a charmed life until now but Zill still has the game under control. a6 20.c3 [ 20.d5! was the only chance: xd5 21.c3 d4+ 22.b1 xh1 23.xh1 xe2 24.xe2 fd8 25.e3 ac8 Black has a large advantage but White has some hope .] 20...xd4+ 21.d1 b3+ 0-1

228 Hansen,Eric Spraggett,K TCh-ESP Div Honor 2014 (1.1) [Neil McDonald]

B01 2593 2564 04.09.2014

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 g6 Avoiding 4...Nf6. Black plans to put immediate pressure on the d4 pawn with Bg7. 5.b5 [ Another recent game went 5.f3 g7 6.b5 b6 7.a3 The knight retreats in

order to attack the black queen again from c4. This isn't just stubbornness, as on c4 the horse will be in touch with the strategically important e5 point. c6 8.c4 c7 9.g3 e6 10.f4 ( Or 10.e2 xc4 conceding the bishop pair allows Black to play e7-e6 and set up a solid light square centre. 11.xc4 d7 12.g2 gf6 13.0-0 0-0 14.e1 e6 15.a4 a5 16.c3 b6 17.e2 a6 18.c2 fe8 19.h4 ad8 20.g5 c8 and Black survived the slight pressure to hold a draw against his very strong opponent in Giri, A (2758)Rakhmanov, A (2626)/ Linares ESP 2014.) 10...c8 Black's queen has been pushed around, but it's not clear White has achieved that much. The white queen's knight has moved four times after all! 11.d2 d7 12.e2 h6 13.fe5 A) Here 13...gf6 looks OK for Black due to a tactical point a couple of moves in the future: 14.f3 g5 15.e3 c7 16.h4 g4 17.f4 A1) After 17...gxf3 18.xf7 the white knight isn't after the rook on h8- it wants the black queen which has no safe move as if c8 ( Instead 18...e4! c o m p l i c a t e s m a t t e r s b u t 19.e3 is st ill go o d f o r W h it e .) 19.fd6+ and after chasing the black queen all o ve r t h e b o a rd t h e wh it e h o r s e m e n finally capture her.; A2) 17...b6! 18.xb6 ( 18.xf7? xc4 ) 18...xb6 19.g2 h5 ( 19...xb2? 20.0-0 with an attackwhere can Black castle safely as h6 is hanging and the b-file plus white bishop on g2 look deadly after 0-0-0.) 20.0-0-0 0-0-0; B) 13...df6 14.h4 ( White should p r o b a b l y s e t t l e f o r t h e s o l i d 14.d3!? d5 15.d2 ) 14...d5 15.h5 ( 15.0-0-0 gf6 ) 15...g5 16.e3 gf6 17.f3 xe3 18.xe3 0-0 19.0-0-0 d8 20.b4 c7 21.c4 xc4 22.xc4 d5 23.xd5 xd5 24.f4 ad8 Black has gained pressure against d4 typical of that in the Caro-Kann where he often doubles rooks along the d-file. B1) 25.he1!? c5?! ( Better to play 25...e6!? keeping the tension.) 26.b4 220

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 xe5 27.dxe5 xd1+ 28.xd1 xd1+ 29.xd1 d7+ 30.c1 gxf4 31.gxf4 cxb4 32.xb4 is about equal.; B2) 25.c3? creating a weakness on c3 that Black exploits. b5! 26.e2 b4 27.c4 bxc3 28.bxc3 xe5! 29.dxe5? ( But 29.fxe5 c5 is still good for Black.) 29...b6 30.xd5 e3+ 31.b2 xd5 32.xc6 ( 32.fxg5 hxg5 is still terrible f o r W h it e .) 32...e2+ 33.a1 a5 34.a4 c2 0-1 Raetsky, A (2426) Rakhmanov, A (2626)/Abu Dhabi UAE 2014. ] 5...b6 6.f4 a6 7.e2 Beginning an ambitious scheme involving queenside castling. White is playing with fire as a black bishop on g7 often has the last laugh in such step ups. [ Black develops easily after 7.f3 f6 8.e2 f5 etc. ] 7...g7 8.0-0-0 f6 9.f3 f5 10.e5 0-0 11.g4 e6 12.c4 c6 13.c3 ad8 14.e3 a5 15.f4 c5! A pawn thrust typical of Black's half open defences versus 1.e4. 16.d5 [ Upon 16.h3 cxd4 17.xd4 b4 18.a3 c6 19.xc6 bxc6 20.e3 a6! defending the c4 pawn is a nuisance and after 21.c5 a5 22.g2 the exchange sacrifice xd4!? 23.xd4 xc5 24.d3 c4 25.hd1 d5 gives Black a nice initiative. ] 16...xg4! Not a shattering blow as White is a b l e t o k e e p a s o l i d c e n t r e . H o w e ve r i t activates the black pieces, whereas retreating the bishop to c8 would leave Black without much dynamism. 17.xg4 xg4 18.d2! [ White will be mated after 18.xg4 xc3 19.bxc3?! xc3+ 20.b1 d6 ] 18...h6 19.b1 f5 20.b5 b6 21.h3 d4 22.xd4 xd4? A strange mistake. Black would have a very pleasant game after [ 22...cxd4 -threat 23...d3- 23.d3 c5 etc. ] 23.c1 f6 24.hf1 b5 25.f5 g5 26.h5? [ White would be better again after 26.cxb5 b4 27.g2 xd5 ( Or 27...h8 28.c4 ) 28.h4! seeing that gxh4? loses material to 29.xd5 xd5 30.g2+ ] 26...h6 27.cxb5 b4 28.g2 xd5 29.d3? [ Now 29.h4 leaves the game unclear. ]

29...f4! 30.xf4 [ After 30.xf4 xf5 to defend d3 31.h3 g6! An insidious quiet move White has no good way to meet the twin threats of 32... gxf4 and 32...c4. ] 30...gxf4 31.xf4 e5 White is now losing 'on points' as there is no strong blow against the black king. 32.g4+ h7 33.xd8 xd8 34.c1 d4 35.f3 b4 36.e2 xf5+ 37.a1 g7 38.a3 h4 39.h3 f6 40.e3 e5 41.f2 c4 0-1

229 Haslinger,S Kjartansson,G 38th Seville Open (5.1) [Tom Rendle]

B01 2535 2408 15.01.2013

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 a6 This used to be the main move in this line but in the last couple of years it seems to have fallen strangely out of fashion. 6.g3 g4 7.h3 h5 8.g2 c6 9.0-0! So far we've followed the mainline of 5...a6 and the current consensus is that W hite is doing well but maybe it's not so clear... e6!? An unusual move in this position but Black is in definite need of something new [ 9...0-0-0 10.f4 b4 11.g4 g6 12.a3! is analysed in Svidler-Tiviakov by Rowson but in summary White is just doing well here as it's to o risky f o r Black to take on b 2 because of xb2 13.e1 e6 14.e5 ] 10.f4 [ 10.g4 is less convincing here, after g6 11.e3 and now in Korneev, O (2568)-Vinas G u e rre ro , C (2 0 9 7 ) Ma l a g a 2 0 0 2 0-0-0! would've given Black an excellent opening ] 10...b4 [ 10...d8 is too passive after 11.g4 g6 12.e5! xd4 13.xb7 xc2 14.c1 and Black was already in trouble in Marzahn, H (1984)-Kaspereit, H (2124) W iesbaden 2011 ] 11.a3 [ 11.xc7! may be the safest way to play the position as W hit e if yo u're not keen o n allowing a piece sac. c8 12.f4 xb2 13.a4 and now b4 14.c4! gives White a 221

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 good game. Black can temporarily win a pawn with xd4 15.xd4 xa4 but 16.e5 leaves White doing well and the pawn on b7 is dropping anyway. ] 11...b6 12.a4 [ 12.g4!? avoids the piece sacrifice as A) 12...g6 should be preferred and now 13.a4 a7! and now ( 13...b5?! 14.b3 leaves Black in real trouble) 14.xc7! leads to huge complications but af te r computer analysis I think White is doing well: b5 15.b6 A1) 15...d8 16.e5! ( 16.xd8 xd8 isn't so clear as the knight is trapped on b6 ) 16...xe5 17.xd8 exg4 18.c4 xd8 19.c5 h6 20.b4 and although Black has two pieces for the rook it's cle a r W h it e is d o in g we ll a s h e h a s complete control of the centre and queenside and Black's king is in real danger.; A2) 15...c8 16.xc8 xc7 17.e5 d8 18.c4! xc8 19.cxb5 axb5 20.a4 d6 21.axb5 0-0 22.a8 c7 23.b3 and White has much the better chances with a dangerous passed pawn on b5; B) 12...xg4? 13.hxg4 xg4 14.d5! and White is pretty much winning here. ] 12...b5?! [ 12...a7!? is probably best but after 13.g4 g6 14.xc7 we transpose to the mainline of 12.g4 which is better for White although at least not totally clear. ] 13.b3?! [ 13.c4! is a strong suggestion of Houdini's and it does seem as though White is doing well after xc4 14.c1 b5 15.g4 g6 16.e1 A) 16...0-0-0 17.f1! d5 18.c4 d7 and now 19.e5! leads to a clearly better ending for White after xd4 ( 19...xe5? loses to 20.b6+! cxb6 21.xe6+ ) 20.xc6 xd1 21.exd1 xd1+ 22.xd1 bxc6 23.xa6+ b8 24.d8+ a7 25.c8 and Black is completely tied up; B) 16...d3 17.xd3 xd3 18.xc7 ] 13...0-0-0 This commits Black to a piece sacrifice but I don't think he gets quite enough compensation. [ 13...xf3 was a better option as White is on ly sligh t b e t t e r a f t e r 14.xf3 0-0-0

15.e3 h5!? ] 14.g4! xg4 The only move that makes sense here [ 14...g6? 15.c4 a5 16.d2 would be rather embarrassing for Black ] [ 14...xg4?! 15.hxg4 xg4 16.c3 and Black doesn't have nearly enough for the piece ] 15.hxg4 xg4 Black has two pawns for the sacrificed knight and reasonable practical chances but I don't think it's quite enough against accurate play. 16.e1?! [ 16.c3! leaves Black struggling for enough compensation - f or examp le play could continue h5 17.c2 h4 18.g5! f5 19.d1 g6 20.e3 h5 21.h3 and Black's attack is going nowhere. ] 16...f5! 17.g3 h5 Suddenly White is under real pressure and he chooses to swap queens although this does allow Black to gain a third pawn. 18.d3 [ 18.e3!? is my computer's suggestion but even it agrees that Black has real chances after g5! ] 18...xd3 19.cxd3 xf3 20.xf3 xd4 21.e4 d6 Things have calmed down and we've reached a f airly level middlegame. Normally I'd slightly prefer the piece over the pawns but here White's pawn structure is still slightly compromised. 22.ac1 f5 23.xd6 xd6 24.h1 g5 25.c5 c6 26.c4 e8 27.e5 e7 28.b4 b8 29.a4 h4 Black is very solid and has the easier position to play with a plan of pushing the kingside pawns. The rest of the game has the feeling of mutual time-trouble. 30.h2 a7 31.a5 g4 32.g1 h7 33.f1 h6 34.g2?! g6?! [ 34...h3 35.h1 h2 and with Nf3 and e5 co m in g it 's c le a r t h a t B la ck i s t h e o n e pressing to win ] 35.h1 d8 [ 35...g3! and I still prefer Black here ] 36.d5 xd5 37.xd5 cxd5 38.xd4 h3 39.g1 b8 40.d7+?! [ 40.b5! was needed to activate the rook ] 40...c7 41.e5 d6?? This must be based on a terrible miscalculation because now White is simply winning [ 41...g7 may just be winning here after 42.f4 ( or 42.h2 d6 43.c4+ e7 222

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 44.e3 f6 45.b5 e5 46.b4 f4 ) advantage could be retained with simple 42...d6 43.d4 c7 and the rook is horribly moves: misplaced on f4 ] [ 12.xd6 xd6 13.0-0-0 bd7 14.e4 42.xg6 e5 43.e7! exd4 44.xf5+ e5 xe4 15.xe4 f6 16.g2 0-0 17.he1 ] 45.g3 White keeps an extra knight and [ 12.e5 xe5 13.dxe5 xd3 ( 13...d5 Black can no longer get his pawns rolling. The 14.0-0-0 d7 15.he1 ) 14.cxd3 fd7 rest of the game is simple d6 46.e2 b6 15.d4 ] 47.axb6 c6 48.xd4+ xb6 49.h2 12...c7 c7 50.f3 gxf3 51.xf3 c6 52.d4+ [ Commentating live at the time, I thought d6 53.xh3 e5 54.e2 f5 55.g3 Black's id ea m ight h ave be e n 12...xf4+ g5 56.f3 f5 57.e3 13.gxf4 g6 This is very risky because of the 1-0 immediate 14.f5! and the Black King gets st u ck in th e m id d le : ( 14.h4; 14.he1 ) 14...gxf5 15.he1! Already Qxf5 is an 230 B01 u n p l e a s a n t t h r e a t . ( 15.hg1 bd7 16.g7 ) 15...0-0 ( 15...d6 16.d5! xd5 Haslinger,Stewart 2423 17.xd5 cxd5 18.xd5+- ) 16.g1+ h8 Parker,Jonathan 2509 17.e3 bd7 Such a variation can't be 93rd ch-GBR Swansea WLS (7) 13.08.2006 seen through to the end one must trust [Andrew Martin] one's intuition. Parker makes the practical choice, rejecting a line where his King would 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 be in peril, whether he could have defended A complete surprise for Haslinger. 4.d4 f6 the position or not. ] 5.f3 a6 6.g3 g4 7.g2 c6 Another outing for Tiviakov's solid idea. White 13.xd6 xd6 14.e4 xe4 15.xe4 d7 may be able to gain a small advantage in T h e K n i g h t w i l l c o m e t o f 6 a n d t h e n many different ways, but the Black position everything will be in order. Haslinger makes a remains diff icult to crack. 7..c6 is a good bold move. 16.xh7!? [ 16.he1 f6 17.g2 leads to a position choice against opponents who are desperate where it's very tough for W hite to make to win. 7..Nc6 is more combative. 8.h3 progress. ] [ 8.0-0 e6 9.a4 ( 9.e1 e7 10.h3 xf3 11.xf3 0-0 12.e4 xe4 13.xe4 16...g6 17.xg6 fxg6 18.xg6+ d8 Dworakowska, J-Ogloblin, N/Moscow 2004 19.he1 e8?! [ 19...c7! is an improvement, with the idea (23) leads to a typical example of White's 20.xe6 ( 20.h4 might be better: af8 21.f4 minute advantage. Two Bishops and the hg8 22.d3 d5 23.b1 b5 ) 20...d5 long-term prospect of b4-b5.; 9.f4 d8 21.b1 hg8 22.f7 af8 Black marshals 10.d3 d6 11.e5 f5 12.e2 0-0 h i s f o r c e s ve r y q u i c k l y a n d c a n n o t b e 13.h3 h6 14.ad1 e7 15.a3 bd7 worse. ] 16.fe1 fd8 17.h2 ac8 18.xd7= Cristian, S-Rentner, D/ 2004) 20.c4? [ 20.f4! probably justifies the piece sacrifice. 9...a5 10.h3 xf3 11.xf3 e7?! I don't see how Black organises his pieces ( 11...xd4 12.d1 b6 had to be played, now: c7 ( 20...d5 21.b1 c7 22.g4 asking W hite to prove it!) 12.f4 d8 h8 23.d3 ) 21.d3 h8 22.h4 ag8 13.ad1 0-0 14.e4 xe4 15.xe4 d7 23.e3 f6 24.de1 e8 25.e5 16.c4 e8 17.c2 c8 18.h4 b6 Haslinger is intent on opening up the Black 19.d3 f6 20.fd1 Shabalov, AKing, but as the game goes, c2-c4 only Gonzalez, R/Philadelphia 2004 ] exposes his own monarch! ] 8...xf3 9.xf3 Not repeating Al-Modiahaki's 9 Qxf3, which we saw in the previous update. 20...c7 21.h4 b5! 22.c5 d5 23.b3 f5! e6 10.f4 d8 11.d3 d6 The time 24.h5 [ 24.xf5 exf5 25.d2 f6 sees the W hite gained with 10 Bf4 is regained! Black Kn ight h ea ding f or t wo e xc elle n t 12.0-0-0!? Very sharp! Once again a small 223

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 squares. ] l o o k i n g a t ( W h i t e a l s o h a s 16.f3 24...xg6 25.hxg6 f6 26.d3 , to prevent ...Bf4: c5 17.b1 b8 18.b3 [ 26.f4 was perhaps a superior try, but both f5 19.g4! ) 16...f4! 17.h5 xd2+ 18.xd2 p l a y e r s we r e i n t i m e - t r o u b l e a f t e r t h e c5 19.b1! Then e5?! 20.b3! xg4 earlier complications. As the game goes, 21.hxg6 is too ambitious. ] Black keeps light-squared control to the end 14.b3 c7 15.g3 and this is enough to take the point. ] [ White keeps space and two bishops after 26...e7 27.f3 d5 28.h1 g8 15.xg6! hxg6 16.f3! with the idea h4 29.h6 d7 30.g4 e8 31.g5 eg7 and g4. This time his advantage would be a 32.h7 e7 33.f7 xh7 34.xh7 xg6-+ serious one. ] 35.f4 d5 36.a7 xf4 37.xa6 e2+ 15...0-0-0 16.xg6 hxg6 17.h4 f5!? 38.d2 xd4 39.e3 e5 40.a4 bxa4 [ Definitely better although still not equal was 41.bxa4 xg5 42.a5 g1 43.a7 e1+ 17...c5 18.b1 b8 19.dxc5!? xc5 44.d2 a1 45.e3 b3 46.a6 xc5 20.g4 ] 47.a8+ d7 48.a7 c7 49.e8 xa7 18.b1 50.xe5 d6 My verdict on 7...c6 is that [ Or 18.g5! d7 ( 18...e7? 19.xe6+! Black should o nly play this move if he is fxe6 20.xe6+ d7 21.xe7 e8 happy with a draw. 22.xg6 dxe7 23.xf5+ ) 19.f6 g8 0-1 20.h5 ] 18...he8 19.h5 gxh5 20.xh5 h8 21.dh1 xh5 22.xh5 d5 23.h7 d7 231 B01 Black's pieces are very awkwardly placed, and Haznedaroglu,Kivanc 2440 the f-pawn is a real problem. From here on out Gogolis,Alexandros 2289 he can't hold. [ 23...f6?? 24.xe6+ ] Acropolis Open (3) 16.08.2007 24.g5 g8 25.h5! e8 26.c4 [John Watson] [ 26.xf7? xg5 ] 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 c6 26...c7 27.c5 e7 28.xe7 xe7 29.xf7 The ChessPublishing e-book gives this an '!' d8 30.h7 e8 [ 30...h8 31.xc7+ ] for 'sidestepping a number of attacking ideas.' 31.a4 a5 32.g7 b8 33.d7 c8 34.f7 5.f3 [ But the line given, 5.c4 f5 , has its own h8 35.xe6 h1+ 36.a2 f1 37.xf5 drawbacks, in that W hite can play 6.ge2 a7 38.d5 a6 39.d6 h8 40.c4 d4 a n d t r a n s p o s e t o s o m e o f t h e m o r e 41.xb7+ xb7 42.d7+ An instructive ga m e . B la ck wa sn 't t h a t b a d ly o f f in t h e attractive Ng3/f4/f5 lines. ] 5...f6 6.c4 f5 7.d2 e6 8.d5 opening, but it was hard to shake W hite's This is still a popular sequence after many modest pressure. y e a r s , a n d s t i l l n o t f u l l y r e s o l v e d . O n e 1-0 attraction is that White can safely play for a small advantage. d8 9.xf6+ gxf6 10.c3 B01 d7 11.e2 d6 12.h4 g6 13.0-0-0 232 In Hungaski-Di Diego, we see a plan with 0-0 Heinatz,Thomas 2332 Keitlinghaus,Ludger 2503 that shouldn't have achieved much. b6 13.02.2004 [ In the notes to that game I suggested that Bundesliga 2003-4 (7) 13...c7 14.xg6 hxg6 15 g3, and gave [Andrew Martin] W h ite o nly t h e m in or ad va nt a ge o f t h e bishop pair. Perhaps the plan with 15.h4 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 c6 0-0-0 ( 15...f4 16.xf4 xf4+ 17.b1 5.f3 f5 6.c4 d7!? A very interesting 0-0-0 18.g3 c7 19.g4!?; 15...f5? 16.xe6 approach, delaying ...Nf6 in order to develop fxe6 17.xe6+ d8 18.xg6 ) 16.g4 the other pieces first and thus taking away a and h5, to create a passed pawn, is worth lot of W hite's attacking options. As long as 224

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 Black can't be downed by an early d4-d5 then I think this is a pretty good idea. 7.d2 e6 8.e4N Other moves appear satisfactory for Black. White has a very hard time commencing the attack: [ 8.b3 c7 ( 8...gf6 9.e2 b6 10.0-0-0 d6 11.he1 0-0 12.h3 fe8 13.e3 c7 14.b1 b4 15.d2 c5 16.dxc5 xc5 17.e3 e7 18.g4 g6 19.g5 e4 20.xe4 xe4 21.d2 f5 22.c4 ed8= Handan, A-Nuesken, N/ Oberhof 1998) 9.e2 e7 10.h3 gf6 11.e5 xe5 12.dxe5 d7 13.f4 b4 14.0-0 xc3 15.bxc3 h6 16.c4 0-0 17.d3 xd3 18.cxd3 b5 19.fe1 b6 20.g4 h7 21.e3 c5 22.e4+ h8 23.c4 b4 24.ad1 a4 25.h4 h7 26.e4+ h8 27.h4 h7 28.e4+ 1/2-1/2 Stepovaia Dianchenko, T-Zhukova, N/Belgrade 2000 ] [ 8.0-0 c7 9.e2 e7 10.e4 gf6 11.xf6+ xf6 12.d3 xd3 13.xd3 0-0 14.g5 xg5 15.xg5 is level, Sutovsky, EDoettling, F/Tel Aviv 2001. ] [ 8.e2 b4 ( 8...c7?! 9.d5! e5 10.0-0-0 e7 11.he1 f6 12.h4 g6 13.g4 Fuellgrabe, T-Rickert, D/ Ruhrgebiet 1999 ) 9.a3 e7 10.0-0 xc3 11.xc3 c7 12.h4 b6 13.d5 f4! 14.xf5 xf5 15.d3 xd5 16.e5 g5 17.f4 g6 18.g4 de3 19.xf5 xf5 20.h1 h6 21.g1 0-0-0 22.b4 f6 Korneev, OKogan , A/Port Erin 2003 And of course, if White cannot attack Black directly then the Black position is very solid indeed. ] 8...c7 9.g3 g6 10.h4 h6 11.h5 h7 12.e2 [ 12.h4 gf6 13.f4 b6 is Caro-Kann like, but only W hite has problems in this position. ] [ Maybe either 12.0-0 ] [ or 12.e3 are the moves to play, just accepting that White has no advantage yet. ] 12...xc2! In other main lines where this capture is possible, White would usually have the advance d4-d5 ready. No such advance is possible here. The Knight on g3 seems a little o u t o f t h e ga m e so wh y n o t t a ke o n c2 ? 13.c1 h7 14.0-0 gf6 15.d5 This has to work or White is just a pawn down for nothing. cxd5 16.xd5 b6 17.e3 c5! 18.xb7

What else does White have? His position is dubious and therefore he has to try some tactics. xe3 19.xa8 xc1 20.xc1 0-0 21.c6 [ 21.e4 xe4 22.xe4 xe4 23.xe4 xb2 24.c7 f6 25.c2 xc2 26.xc2 b8 is simple enough well, White's a pawn down. Other than that there is no other retreat. ] 21...c8-+ A crushing pin! 22.c4 xb2 [ 22...b8! ] 23.a4 [ 23.d1 b6 24.d6 f8! Deep Fritz! 25.b5 xb5 26.xb5 c1+ 27.f1 e5-+ ] 23...b8 24.d4 d3! No way back from here. 25.c3 xc3 26.xc3 a6 27.c2 e5 28.df5 f8 I think it was Wahls in his excellen t 'Mode rnes Ska ndinavisch' wh o suggested this move order for Black and you will see a similar strategy ef fected in the Pat ze r Va ria tion where Black d elays th e development of his Kingside. I see no reason at all why this should not be a very successful method. Highly recommended! 0-1

233 Heinemann,Ernst Sieber,H 16th VR Bank Open (5) [John Watson]

B01 2211 2067 25.08.2007

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.d4 xd5 4.c3 a5 5.c4 c6 6.ge2 This poses a real ch a ll e n ge t o B la ck' s d e ve l o p m e n t . f5!? This is the consistent move, however risky. Black can also accede to blocking off his bishop by [ 6...e6 7.0-0 bd7 , accepting a Slav/CaroKann structure in which W hite's knight is not ideally place on e2. Of course, W hite still has the advantage by virtue of his space and free development. ] 7.g3 g6 [ 7...e6 8.xf5 ( 8.d2 ) 8...xf5 9.0-0 bd7 is playable, although I'd rather be White with the bishops. ] 8.0-0 [ 8.h4 h6 A) 9.0-0 bd7 ( 9...e6 10.f4 d6 11.f5 225

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 exf5 12.d3 0-0 13.xf5 with an attack, and the immediate threat of 14 Nxh6+.) 10.f4 h7!? is harder to crack than it looks. Perhaps 11.e2 c7 12.ce4 is as good as anything; B) 9.h5 h7 10.e2 e6 B1) Insipid. The natural course was 11.d2 c7 12.0-0-0 e7 ( 12...bd7 13.xe6 fxe6 14.xe6+ d8 15.he1 with attack) 13.ge4 bd7 ( 13...0-0 14.g4! ) 14.f3 with the idea of Bf4, although W hite should have only the slightest of advantages.; B2) 11.b3!? b4 12.d2 bd7 13.0-0 0-0 14.a3 xc3 This is now the standard Scandinavian motif, introduced (or at least brought to general attention) by Larsen. 15.xc3 g5 16.fe1 h4 17.f3 g4!? ( 17...fd8 ) 18.f4 df6 19.f3 xh5 1/2-1/2 Becerra Rivero, J -A Rodriguez, San Martin 1995. ] 8...bd7 [ 8...e6 9.f4 and f5 with a nice initiative. ] [ 8...h5!? has been played more than once: A) 9.e1 bd7 ( 9...h4 10.ge4 xe4 11.xe4 e6 ) 10.ge4 e6 11.g5!?; B) 9.e2 (safe bd7 10.f4 ( 10.ge4 t h is is r o u gh ly e q u a l, a lt h o u gh B la c k always has to deal with his small space deficit in this line.) 10...h4 11.ge4 0-0-0 12.g5 e6 13.f5 h5! 14.e1 e5! 15.xf7 exd4 16.e2 ( 16.ce4= ) 16...xe1 17.xe1 b4 ( better may be 17...c5 18.f4 d3+ 19.h1 dxc2 20.xh5 xh5 21.ge6 de8 ) 18.c3 dxc3 19.xc3 xf7 20.xf7 and White enjoyed some advantage in Van den BergSaptarshi, Dieren 2006. ] 9.f4 e6 10.f5 exf5 11.e2+ d8 12.d2 b6 13.h1 [ 13.xf5! is a more convincing move in view of xf5 14.xf5 xd4+ ( 14...d6 could lead to something like 15.d1 c7 16.g5 ae8 17.f1 e7 - else Bxf7 18.a4! b4 19.b3 b5 20.c3 a5 21.c4! he8 22.d2 ) 15.e3 g4 16.f1! ] 13...d6 [ 13...xd4 ] 14.xf5 xf5 15.xf5 f8? [ 15...xd4 16.d1 ]

16.e4! e8? 17.a5 and White won easily: xe4 18.xb6+ axb6 19.f3 xd4 20.d1 xd1+ 21.xd1 c7 22.f1 e5 23.g3 b5 24.d3 xa2 25.b3 eg4 26.e2 a8 27.h3 e8 28.xe8 xe8 29.xf7+ b6 30.hxg4 h6 31.g2 b4 32.g6 c5 33.c3 f6 34.xg7 d5 35.f3 xc3 36.f5 d5 37.h7 e3 38.c8 g5 39.xb7+ c5 40.e4 e7 41.e6 f6 42.d7 b4 43.b7 c5 44.f7 d6 45.a7 c3 46.a2 c5 47.c2 b4 48.d3 f6 49.f2 g5 50.e2 d5 51.e4+ xb3 52.d4 b4 53.c4 a4 54.xc6 e3 55.c4 a3 56.a6+ b2 57.a2+ b1 58.a4 b3 59.xb3 b2 60.e6 c1 61.a1+ b2 62.e1 xg4 63.xg4 d8 64.e6 c7 65.g4 d8 66.h1 g5 67.h2+ a3 68.e4 b4 69.f5 c3 70.g6 d4 71.xh6 c1 72.h5 f4 73.f5 c1 74.f7 e4 75.g5 xg5 76.xg5 f4 77.a5 e4 78.c8 d4 79.e6 c4 80.d6 b4 81.c5 a4 82.c1 b5 83.d5 b4 84.f5 b3 85.d4 b2 86.b1+ a3 87.c4 a2 1-0


B01 Hernandez Carmenates,Hold 2541 Almeida Quintana,O 2506 ch-CUB Men Final 2013 (6.3) 12.02.2013 [Tom Rendle] 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.c4 [ 5.f3 is more common and now it seems that c6 is somewhat dubious, for example 6.d2 g4 7.b5 ( 7.d5 is also dangerous) 7...b6 8.c4 xf3 9.xf3 xd4 10.xd4 xd4 11.xb7 e4+ 12.xe4 xe4 13.e3 and White had a very comfortable endgame and went on to win in Yu Yangyi (2585)-Wang Chen (2399) Hefei 2010. In fact this position has been reached a few times and it just seems this line is a good antidote to 5...Nc6 ] 5...c6!? This move is pretty rare and has never been examined on ChessPub before c6 and Bg4 have both been seen many times. 6.d5 The critical response but it might not be 226

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 B) 7...g4 8.f3 xf3 9.gxf3 c6 best. ( 9...0-0-0!? 10.a3 c5 11.axb4 xc4 [ 6.ge2 is safer and now the mainline 12.xa7 e6 may be playable for Black but continues g4 7.f3 it's certainly a bit risky.) 10.dxc6 e5+ A) 7...e6!? is worth investigating here 11.e3 xc6 12.f4 a5 13.f3 8.xe6 must be critical and I feel White and White had some advantage due to his should have slightly the better position two bishops and control over the centre after ( 8.d3 led to equality after f5 in Hernandez Leon, A (2227)-Hernando 9.0-0 xd3 10.xd3 e6 11.a3 0-0-0 Rodrigo, J (2375) La Laguna 2007 ] in Ortiz Suarez, I (2569)-Ruiz Sanchez, O A key move in this line - other options (2418) Badalona 2012) 8...fxe6 9.e3 7...c6! are not so good. 0-0-0 10.d3; [ 7...g4 8.b5+! B) 7...h5 8.d2 0-0-0 9.b5 b6 A) 8...xb5 doesn't equalise either after 10.a4 a5 11.a3!? led to a very sharp 9.xb5 xd1 10.xc7+ d7 11.axb4 game in Pavasovic, D (2561)-Bauer, C d8 12.e6 ( or 12.xd1 xc7 13.f4+ (2631) Rogaska Slatina although I would c8 14.c4 e6 15.c2 exd5 16.c5 a6 certainly rather be White in these positions 17.f3 wit h so m e e d g e f o r W h it e) a s i t a l wa y s f e e l s a s t h o u g h B l a c k ' s 12...fxe6 13.xd1 a6 14.dxe6+ xe6+ position is somewhat precarious. ] 15.e2; 6...b4 B) 8...c6 9.axb4 xa1 10.dxc6 a6! [ 6...e5 is another option but it seems ( 10...bxc6 11.xc6+ d7 12.ge2! White keeps a safe edge after 7.b3 e6 leaves Black in real trouble) 11.cxb7+ 8.e2 d6 9.d2 ( 9.f4 immediately may axb5 12.bxa8+ xa8 13.f3 be stronger, e.g. g6 10.f5 e7 11.dxe6 and Black does not have enough for the fxe6 12.fxe6 0-0 13.f3 and Black doesn't pawn as b5 is still very weak ] have enough for the pawn) 9...c5 10.f4 [ 7...f5?! is tricky but bad after g6 11.f5 and White had good chances in A) 8.axb4?! is not so convincing although Neuschmied, S (2308) -Schramm, C (2371) it worked well in the following game xa1 Jenbach 2012 although it went wrong after 9.ge2 g6? 10.d4 e4 11.xe4 f4 12.xf4 xf4 13.h3 e3 14.fxe6?! xe4 12.0-0 0-0-0 13.b3 ( 13.e2 ( 14.dxe6 should keep the advantage) is possibly stronger, e.g. xd5 14.f4 14...0-0 15.c4?! fxe6 16.xc5 xc5 a4 15.e5! d7 16.xd5 and White 17.dxe6 e8 and Black was suddenly should be winning) 13...b1?? ( 13...a4 better. ] was an only move but White is now only a 7.a3 At first this looks good but I can't actually little better after 14.d4 xc2 15.c3 see any edge for W hite at all after Black's e6! 16.xc2 exd5 ) 14.d4 xc2 strong reply. 15.xa7 xc4 16.c5 1-0 Warakomski, [ 7.d2 has scored well for White and it may T (2485)-Kleman, M (2238) W arsaw be the simplest way to play this line 2009; A) 7...c5 8.b5+ d7 ( 8...c6 B) 8.b5+! leaves W hite a little better after 9.e3 B1) or 8...c6?! 9.axb4 xa1 10.dxc6 d6 10.dxc6 xc6 11.xd6 exd6 b6 11.c7+ d7 12.xd7+ ( 12.f3!? 12.f3 ) 9.xd7+ xd7 10.e3 d6?! xc1+ 13.d1 also wins ) 12...xd7 ( 10...c4 offered much better chances 13.ge2 a6 14.d5 c8 15.0-0 although White is still better after 11.f3 and although Black can survive for a few e8 12.e5 a6 13.a3! bxd5 moves it's clear he's getting crushed.; 14.xd5 a5+ 15.c3 xe5 16.f3 c6 B2) 8...d7 9.a4 xa4 ( 9...a6 17.0-0-0 and Black's king is terribly placed. 10.f3 g6 11.e3 leaves Black in a Of course it would be different if he could horrendous tangle - the best move may still castle!) 11.e2 and White had a clear be ab8 and that helps to illustrate just advantage in Lazic, M (2459)-Hernando how bad Black's position is!) 10.xa4 Rodrigo, J (2393) Halkidiki 2002; 227

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 xc2+ 11.f1 xa1 12.c3 and with Black's pieces rather uncoordinated White's queen must be worth more than the rook, bishop and pawn. ] 8.axb4 Very aggressive but it seems to me that only Black can be better in this line [ 8.dxc6 xc6 9.f3 g4 and Black has a very com f ortable o pening a nd an e xtra centre pawn. ] 8...xa1 9.ge2 e6 [ 9...e5!? cuts out the line played in the g a m e a s n o w 10.d6?! ( 10.dxe6 i s b e s t a n d n o w xe6 11.xe6 fxe6 12.d4 a6 and White doesn't have enough for the exchange although he can keep it unclear with 13.0-0 d8 14.e3 c4 15.b3! xb4 16.f4 and White still has some practical chances) 10...e6 11.xe6 fxe6 followed by 0-0-0 looks much better for Black ] 10.d6 [ 10.dxe6 transposes to the variation above. ] 10...b5 11.a2 a5! This forces White to act quickly and although he is trapping the queen Black is always getting plenty of material for it. 12.d4 axb4 13.b3 xa2 [ 13...bxc3! is more accurate I think as it doesn't allow a draw but perhaps Black wasn't so worried about that. After 14.xa1 xa2 15.b3 cxb2 16.e3 e4 ( 16...d5!? is also strong) 17.d4 xd6 Black has the better chances and White has to be very careful. ] 14.xa1 [ 14.e2! seems to force a rather odd draw after b1 15.d2 a1 ( 15...xb2 would be taking a big risk playing on after 16.xb2 xb2 17.a1! xc2 18.a8 d7 19.d4 and Black has to be very careful in this incredibly complicated position. ) 16.b3 b1 17.d2= ] 14...xa1 [ 14...bxc3! transposes to the 13...bxc3 line and it's still Black's best option. ] 15.e2 d5 16.d4 f6 17.b3 a2 This position is very difficult to judge but I don't think Black can be worse here as the knight on d5 is very strong. 18.0-0 After this I like Black's position but it's hard to find an

improvement: [ 18.c5 d7 ] [ 18.g4 makes it a little harder for Black to develop and perhaps g6 19.h4 xd6 20.h5 g5 21.f4 is the way for White to continue. Still I prefer Black here after f5! 22.xg5 e7 ] 18...xd6 19.d3 After so much early excitement the players agreed to a draw here. [ I think it's Black who should play on at this point, one possible continuation is 19.d3 0-0 20.c4 bxc3 21.xc3 a1 22.xd5 exd5 and Black has most of the winning chances as the pawns could certainly get dangerous as the game goes on. ] ½-½

235 Hess,Robert L Tiviakov,Sergei 48th Groningen Open A (8.1) [Milos Pavlovic]

B01 2625 2650 29.12.2011

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 g6 In my survey on 3...Qd6 I focused mainly on 5...a6 and 5...c6, but here we will see a third idea. 6.b5 d8 [ 6...b6 A) 7.f4 d5 8.e5 f6 9.g3 This is another way of handling this line a6 10.c4 axb5 11.cxd5 e6 ( 11...c6 12.d3 cxd5 13.0-0 c6 14.b3 e6 15.xb5 a5 16.a3 f7 17.ac1 d7 18.fe1 e7 19.d3 a7 20.b1 hc8 21.e3 g7 22.h4 b6 23.b4 f8 24.h5 Menkinoski, R -Milanovic, D Obrenovac 2011, White managed to built up a better position ) 12.d3 a5+ 13.f1 c6 14.c2 f7 15.h4 a6 16.h5 b4 17.xg6+ e7 18.d6+ d7 19.e4 hxg6 20.e1 xa2 21.xg6 xd6 22.xd6 xd6 23.g3+ d5 24.e5+ d6 25.xb5+ e5 26.dxe5+ fxe5 27.xe5+ d7 28.xb4 c5 29.xc5 a6+ 30.g1 d6 31.e5+ e6 32.xd6+ xd6 33.f7+ c5 34.hh4 1 - 0 P e t r o s i a n , T (2 6 1 3 ) - K u r a j i c a , B (2535) Plovdiv BUL 2010; B) 7.c4 c6 8.c3 g7 9.e2 0-0 10.0-0 d8 11.h3 f5 228

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 B1) 12.c5!?N c7 13.c4 b5 ( 13...bd7 14.g4 e6 15.xe6 fxe6 16.e2 ) 14.b3 b4 15.e2 a6 ( 15...bd7 16.f4 b7 17.g5 e6 is very risky for Black as the f5-bishop is "in the air" ) 16.g5 d5 17.g3; B2) 12.e1!?N e4 13.f1 ( 13.c5 c7 14.b3 e6 15.c4 xc4 16.xc4 xc3 17.bxc3 e6 18.g5 ) 13...xd4 14.xe4 xf2+ 15.xf2 xd1 16.xd1 a6 17.g4 e6 18.b3; B3) 12.b3 a6 13.e3 xb3 14.axb3 b4 15.g4 d3 16.xd3 xd3 17.fd1 b4 18.d2 Anan d, V -Kram nik, V Moscow RUS 2009 ] 7.f4 a6 8.a3!? I like this move, it prepares Na3-c4 where it strongly controls the center. Also possible was: [ 8.c4 c6 9.c3 g7 10.h3 f5 11.e2 0-0 12.b3 b6 13.xb6 axb6 14.a3 Playing against the knight on a6 White has s o m e p r e s s u r e i n t h i s e n d g a m e . b4 15.0-0-0 c5 16.g4 c2 17.axb4 xd1 18.xd1 cxb4 19.b5 e4 20.e3 Polgar, J)-Tomczak, J Warsaw POL 2011 ] 8...c6 9.c3 c7 10.c4 g7 11.e5 0-0 12.a4 The position resembles many from the Alekhine or even Caro-Kann, we can say that it is += cd5 13.a5 h6 14.e2 h5 15.0-0 hf4 16.e1 xe2+ 17.xe2 e6 18.g3 c8 19.ce5 f5 20.d3 xd3 21.xd3 e6 22.c4 e7 23.b3 An unpleasant position for Black. b6 24.axb6 xb6 [ 24...axb6 25.h4 ] 25.c3 f5 26.e5 f6 27.c5! b7 28.g3 fe8 29.c4 d7 30.a4 xg3 31.hxg3 c7 32.a6 f7 33.a4 b8 34.b4 b5 35.d5! xd5 36.xa7 xa7 37.xa7+ g8 38.e7 xb4? [ 38...f8 39.xf6 xb4 40.xe6 b7 41.e5 d7 White is better but Black can still play on. ] 39.a1! f8 40.a8 b1+ 41.h2 h5+ 42.h4 h6 43.xe6+ h8 44.f7 1-0

236 Hinks Edwards,Thom Martin,Andrew D T/T England [Andrew Martin]



1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.f3 As good as 3 Nc3 and cuts out a lot of tricky lines. g6?! I approached this game in a rather experimental mood. My results with 3.. Nf6 have been good: draw vs Rowson, win vs M. Ferguson, but Black was undoubtedly slightly worse in both games out of the opening, and not the type of edge that is easily shaken off. So to 3... g6, offering W hite the chance to transpose to the 3 Nc3 Qd8 4 d4 g6 variation, another Scandinavian adventure bringing mixed results. Probably Black's most reliable move right now is 3... Bg4 - I just didn't feel like playing it! 4.c3! d8 5.c4 g7 6.d4 h6 The point of Black's idea is to attack White's d pawn with Nh6-f5. The Knight often drops back (out of necessity) to d6 which can be a very influential central post. Do you remember the game Fischer-Robatsch, which started 1 e4 d5 2 exd5 Qxd5 3 Nc3 Qd8 4 d4 g6 5 Bf4! and is traditionally thought to be good for W hite? Then Larry Evans recommended 5... Nh6! and if 6 Be5 Rg8!? in 'The Chess Opening for you'. This may look zany but Black is threatening to recuperate with ... Nc6 and W hite's game isn't quite as promising as it looks. 7.f4 f5 8.e5! Hinks-Edwards finds an excellent plan. If White dallies, Black's idea takes shape and he will have a fine game. W hite must play sharply, emphasizing the slowness of Black's knight manoeuvre and go for the throat. 0-0 I didn't like it at all by now but Black has nothing better. He's got to hope that he can survive the attack. 9.xg7 xg7 10.e2 d6 11.h4! g4 [ 11...h5 12.d3 g4 13.0-0-0 just seemed too disgusting for words. ] 12.h5 d7 [ 12...xh5 13.d3 c6 14.e3 xf3 15.gxf3 just seemed to be checkmate... soon. ] 13.d3 f6 14.e5! A very powerful move reminding me of a unpleasant experience in this line at the hands of Peter Wells back at 229

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 Oakham in 1995. White centralizes and it will be some time before Black shifts the Queen from this dominant position. Qe5-h2 lurks in the wings. I thought I was lost now not a nice feeling. Black has to take a risk. [ 14.hxg6 hxg6 15.0-0-0 e6 16.e3 h8 17.b1 xf3 18.xf3 d7 ] 14...xh5 15.xh5!? Executed instantly and with confidence, but I am far from convinced that this is best. Instead [ 15.d2! I believe to be better, threatening f 3 an d g4 . I do n't se e wh at B la ck d oe s against that: g8 ( 15...g4 16.f3 f5 17.de4 c6 18.0-0-0 ) 16.f3 ] [ By contrast 15.0-0-0? xf3 16.gxf3 h8 allows Black the chance to recuperate. ] 15...gxh5 16.e2 [ 16.0-0-0 with the idea of Nd5 might be better, although Black is surviving e.g. c6 A) 17.g5 h6 18.h7 g8 19.xf6 exf6 20.xh5 f5 21.b1 g5!; B) 17.h1 g8 18.xh5 f8 19.g5 ( 19.h2 g4 ) 19...xg5 20.xg5 e8 21.xh7 xh7 22.xh7 d7; C) 17.e2 g8 18.f4 f8 ] 16...g8 17.f4 f8 18.0-0-0 d7 19.e1 e8 20.xh5 xh5 21.xh5 g4! After several accurate moves Black is right back in the game. Hinks-Edwards sacrifice has been shown to be optimistic and if only Black can find time to take on g2 or to get his Rooks going he will surely be winning. 22.h6+ g7 23.e3 xg2! 24.xh7 g7 25.d3 h3! An excellent defensive move, tying the W hite Queen down and keeping communication open with d7. 26.c4 c6 27.c5 W hite is very disappointed at his failure to mate and doesn't put up any further resistance. [ Maybe 27.f4 but Black is winning by now. ] 27...f5 28.e4 e6 29.e5 d8 30.h1 [ 30.xf7 was the last chance to confuse matters but I think Black escapes : d5!! The key defence! 31.xe6 ( 31.d6 xd6 32.cxd6 xd6-+; 31.h1 g4 32.xe6 xf7 33.c8+ e7 34.xb7+ d7 35.e1+ f6 36.xc6+ g7-+ ) 31...xf7 32.c4 h6+ 33.xh6+ xh6 34.xd5 cxd5 35.e5 f5-+ ] 30...g2 31.h8+ e7 32.xd8 xd8

33.xf7+ e7 34.xg2 xg2 35.xf5 xf7 In all honest y, I cannot recommend 3... g6. The defensive task just seems too onerous. Hinks-Edwards found a very strong attacking idea and if White plays 15 Nd2!, I think Black is going down. 0-1

237 Howell,David Papaioannou,Ioannis 18th European Teams (2.5) [Milos Pavlovic]

B01 2633 2600 04.11.2011

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.f3 f5 6.c4 e6 7.d2 c6 8.d5 d8 9.xf6+ xf6 10.e2 d7 11.0-0-0 The mainline of the Scandinavian, or should I say one of the mainlines. In the last couple of years the Scandinavian has started to become a very popular defence with lots of tactical ideas ready to be discovered, just as in this game. e7!?N Allowing Bg5, on the other hand, exchanging one more pair of pieces might help Black to solve his opening problems. [ The usua l p la y f or Black was: 11...b6 12.b3 g4 13.d5 xf3 14.gxf3 cxd5 15.xd5 0-0-0 16.e4 d6 17.b1 ( 17.a4 f4 18.xf4 xf4+ 19.b1 b8 20.a5 c8 21.a6 b6 Black holds somehow. ) 17...e7 18.a4 a6 ( 18...b8 19.a5 d5 20.a6 b6 21.f4 g6 22.f3 ) 19.a5 d5 20.c4 ( 20.hg1 g6 21.f4 b8 22.g3 ) 20...f4 ( 20...b4 21.f4 b8 22.hg1 g6 23.g3 f5 24.g2 c7 ) 21.e3 f5 22.c5 xc5 23.c1 b8 24.xc5 xc5 25.xf4+ d6 26.xd6+ xd6 27.c2 d2 28.hf1 1-0 Fedorchuk, S-Reinderman, D /Warsaw 2005 ] 12.h3 [ 12.g5 g6 13.xe7 xe7 14.b1 ( 14.h4 g4 15.d5 cxd5 16.xd5 ac8 17.xb7 c7 18.e4 f6 ) 14...hd8 ( 14...f8 15.hg1 g4 16.d2 f6 17.b4+ e7 18.xb7 ) 15.h4 ( 15.h3 f8 16.g4 e4 17.d3 xf3 18.xf3 f6 19.g3 b6 ) 15...f6 16.xf5+ xf5 17.d3 f6 18.c3 f8 19.h4 h6 This is less clear. ] 230

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 W hite at all .) 11...xc3 12.bxc3 d7 13.ab1 Vila Gazquez, J-Alsina Leal, D/ B a r c e l o n a 2 0 0 2 w h e n I t h i n k t h a t b6! is the best way: A) 14.fe1 b7 15.e5 ( 15.g5 f6 16.f3 fd8= ) 15...xe5 16.xe5 fd8; B) 14.b5 d8 15.c6 b8 16.fe1 b7 17.xb7 xb7 18.c4 f6= All seems comfortable enough. ] [ 8.a3 almost wastes a tempo but White's development must be given full respect. b4 9.d3 0-0 10.0-0 xc3 11.bxc3 d7 12.fb1 c5 13.e3 c7 14.g5 h6= ] 8...b4 9.a3 [ E m m s s u g g e s t s 9.g2 after which I recommend d7 10.0-0 0-0 11.fe1 d8 12.a3 and now Black may simply take on c3, o r p l a y m o r e a m b i t i o u s l y w i t h e7 Either way, he is alright. ] 9...b6 10.g2 b7 11.0-0 xc3 12.xc3 [ 12.bxc3 0-0= ] 12...xc3 13.bxc3 c6 14.d2 a5 15.a4 0-0-0 [ 15...xg2 16.xg2 e7 wasn't bad either. W e have reaches another one of those p o s i t i o n s wh e r e W h i t e h a s s h o w n h i s opponent far too much respect and now faces an uphill struggle to make a draw. If Black could guarantee such a position from the opening he would play 5...Ne4 every game. ] 16.b3 c4 17.a5 xg2 18.xg2 b5 19.fe1 g5 20.a6 c6 21.c5 c7 22.e4 h5 23.e2? A nothing move. Given Black's plan of playing his King to b6 he has to try a diversion such as 238 B01 [ 23.ae1 b6 24.f4 g4 25.h3 ] Howell,David 2304 23...d5 24.d3 f5 25.h3 b6 26.e4 Sulskis,Sarunas 2582 d8 27.h4 d6 28.e5 gxh4 29.gxh4 Masters Catalan Bay ENG (10) 05.02.2004 g8+ 30.f1 g4! 31.xf5 xf5 32.e5 xh4 33.e2 h3! 34.f3 h2+ 35.d3 [Andrew Martin] d6 36.g1 xa6 37.xc6 c4 38.e4 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 b6 39.d8 h4+ 40.d3 f4 41.g7 f6 5.f3 e4 6.d2 I guess people will do d6 42.e3 f6 43.h7 c7 44.xf7 this. White relies on his development to see xf7 45.xh5 a5 46.c5+ b6 47.e5 a4 him through. xd2 7.xd2 e6! Time for a 48.xe6 c6 49.h6 a3 50.h1 e7+ quiet life and perhaps to contemplate ...Bb4, 51.f2 a2 52.a1 a7 53.e3 d5 saddling White with the same doubled pawns. 54.d3 a8 55.c4+ xc4 56.c3 b6 57.f4 a3 58.c2 a4 Instinct tells me that 8.g3 [ 8.c4 b4 9.0-0 0-0 10.a3 xc3 5...Ne4 cannot really be a permanent idea but 11.xc3 ( 11.bxc3 b6! is really nothing for it is by no means easy to play against as

12...h5 13.he1 White decides to centralise his pieces. [ 13.g5 g6 14.xe7 xe7 15.b1 f8 16.hg1 h4 17.e5 xe5 18.dxe5 g8 A strange-looking position, but Black does have counterplay here. ] 13...g6 14.f4 c8 15.d5 This looks premature. [ 15.b1 b5 ( 15...h4 16.d3 xd3 17.xd3 f5 18.h2 ) 16.d3 xd3 17.xd3 h4 18.d5 cxd5 19.xd5 h5! With a defendable position. For instance: 20.xd7 xd7 21.e5+ xe5 22.xe5 a6 23.g4 hxg3 24.fxg3 e8 25.g4= ] 15...cxd5 16.xd5 b6 17.d4 xc4 18.xc4 xc4 19.xc4 0-0 White didn't manage to get anything in the opening and instead has a slightly inferior position. 20.d4 g5 21.c7 xf4+ 22.xf4 xg2! 23.xf5 exf5 24.xf5 g6 25.c5 xh3 26.xa7 f5 27.xb7 a5 28.e3 d8 29.a3 d2+ 30.b1 d1+ 31.a2 xc2 The black king is safer and this helps Black to conduct the initiative. 32.f3 c4+ 33.b3 c7 34.c3 d7 35.c4 f5 36.f3 f6 37.b3 g7 38.e4 h4 This is a lost position for White, with a perfectly safe king the black h-pawn starts rolling without any n e g a t i v e c o n s e q u e n c e s . 39.g4 d4 40.h3 f4 41.e3 c6 42.c3 d5+ 43.b1 g5 44.c1 d4 45.h2 e5 46.h1 d4 47.b1 f5+ 48.a1 h3 49.g1 h4 50.h2 f4 51.xf4 xf4 0-1


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 we've seen. Used occasionally, it could be a v e r y u s e f u l a d d i t i o n t o yo u r r e p e r t o i r e . Summarising Black's intentions: 1) 5...Ne4 is a disturbing move and also a gamble. 2 ) Black hopes to double W hite's pawns and settle in for a nice technical game. W hite must find a precise way to take advantage of his lead in development. He has not done so yet. 0-1

239 Hungaski,Robert Andrew Diego,O XXXVIII Open (2) [John Watson]

B01 2382 2059 01.04.2007

As often happens, a lower-rated player finds a natural plan that calls into question the previous assessment of a theoretical position. The game itself is another matter! 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.f3 f5 6.d2 c6 7.c4 e6 8.d5 d8 9.xf6+ gxf6 10.c3 d6!? Black plays a simple move that retains the active character of Black's position. [ In ChessPub, Martin, who had previously promoted 9...gxf6 in a video, said that it was u n d e r a c l o u d d u e t o t h e l i n e 10...c7 11.h4 g6 12.f3 d7 13.h3! 'with uncomfortable pressure'. ] [ 10...d7 may also improve upon that line, especially because Black retains the idea of ...Be7 at some point. ] 11.e2 [ Now 11.h4 g6 12.f3 d7 13.h3 is n't cle ar a f t e r e4! (which would have been answered by Bxe6 in the last note) 14.0-0-0! ( 14.f3 d5 ) 14...b6 15.b3 d5 ( or 15...d5!? ) 16.xd5 cxd5 17.he1 d7!? , keeping White's knight from f5. ] 11...d7 12.0-0 Slow. Thematic is [ 12.0-0-0 , b u t a f t e r c7 , White has nothing special, e.g., 13.h4 g6 14.xg6 hxg6 15.g3 0-0-0 and the theoretical advantage of the bishop pair doesn't mean much. ] 12...b6!? [ Or 12...c7! , with no problems. ]

13.b3 c7 14.h4 g6 [ 14...xh2+? 15.h1 g6 16.xe6! 0-0! 17.b3 looks nice for White. ] 15.g3 0-0-0 16.a4 c5?! Loosening, and therefore dangerous. [ 16...d7= ] 17.a5 d5 18.dxc5!? [ 18.xd5 exd5 19.dxc5 xc5 20.g4+ b8 21.f4 d6 22.xd6 xd6 23.fe1 gives White an optical advantage which is probably real as well. Such a position would be hard to win. ] 18...xc5 19.c4 e7? Cutting off his bishop's retreat. Better simply [ 19...b8 ] 20.b4 d6 21.b5! c5?! 22.b6!? [ 22.f4! e5 23.h6 threatens b6, when Black is in some trouble. ] 22...axb6 23.axb6 e5?? [ 23...xb6 has to be tried, when 24.e3 ( or 24.h6 ) 24...xe3 25.fxe3 retains serious queenside attacking chances. ] 24.b5! An intermezzo. Now Black can't capture White's queen due to mate, but Ra8+ and Bf4 are threats, among others. c6 [ 24...xb6 25.f4 ] 25.xc6 1-0

240 Huschenbeth,Niclas Dranov,Aleksandar 82nd ch-GER Bonn GER (5) [Gawain Jones]

B01 2502 2465 30.05.2011

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 6.e5 bd7 7.c4 c7 8.f3 b6 9.f4 d8 According to Sergey Kasparov in New in Chess "This leads to a more complicated struggle (than 9...Qd7). The queens remain on the board in any case. Black attacks on the kingside with ...h7-h5-h4 and ...g7-g5." Perhaps but I found the whole article absurdly pro-Black these positions look easier for White to play for me as Black must play accurately to survive the opening. [ I looked at 9...d7 10.h3!? in Bologan, V (2690)-Tiviakov, S (2637) Sibenik 2010. ] 10.e5 232

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ 10.e5 is White's alternative when the author of the New in Chess article declined the pawn e6 ( 10...xd4 is critical but W hite of course has good compensation with his large lead in development.) 11.0-0-0 g6 12.h4!? g7 13.e2 fd5 14.d2 xc3 15.xc3 d5 16.a3 0-0 17.f4 f6 18.f3 c4 19.c3 b5 with a complex struggle. Petrosian, T (2634)-Kasparov, S (2493) Bhubaneswar 2011. ] 10...g4 11.g3 h5 12.h3 h4 13.e3! This looks like an improvement. [ I looked at 13.f4 in the notes to BologanTiviakov. ] 13...e6 Unfortunately Black is still forced to stick his bishop here and therefore it's not so easy for Black to develop his kingside. [ 13...f5 14.d6+ exd6 15.xf6+ e7 16.xg7 g8 17.f6 gives Black very little for the pawn. ] [ 13...xc4 14.xc4 f5 15.0-0-0 e6 16.d5! is very dangerous. ] 14.xb6 xb6 [ 14...axb6 is also possible but Black remains very passive after 15.d3 g6 16.0-0 ( 16.xg6!? wins a pawn or two but h6 17.e2 g8 18.e4 xe4 19.xe4 d7 20.xh4 g6 at least gives Black some counterplay.) 16...h6 ( 16...g7 17.xg6! now leaves Black with zero play.) 17.f4 and Black still struggles to breathe. ] 15.0-0-0 g6?! This doesn't solve Black's problems and so we have to look at Black's alternatives. [ 15...0-0-0 16.a3 A) 16...a5 is better but following 17.d3 g6 18.b1 h6 19.f4 White is still on top. ( 19.e1!? ); B) 16...g6 17.a4! a5 18.c5 h6 19.f4 d5 20.f3 f6 21.xe6 ( 21.b4!? traps the queen but xc5 22.dxc5 fxe5 23.c4 xf4+ 24.b2 doesn't feel so c l e a r t o m e .) 21...fxe5 22.dxe5 is very good for White. ] [ 15...d7 16.f4 g6 ( 16...f5 17.d3 xd3 18.xd3 e6 19.b1 ) 17.e2 0-0-0 18.he1 g7 19.f3 and Black still can't coordinate perfectly. ] 16.xf6! exf6 17.c4 h6 [ 17...c7!? would be an interesting move order when it's important to throw in 18.b1

and White is still clearly better: ( 18.xe6? h6 ) 18...h6 19.e2 ] 18.f4 f8?! Attempting to keep material equality but there's a flaw. [ Perhaps 18...c7 was the best chance. 19.hf1 e7 temporarily keeps material leve l bu t W hite now ha s 20.de1 0-0 21.xe6 fxe6 22.xe6+ xe6 23.xe6 which looks like an extra pawn to me. ] [ 18...0-0-0 19.xe6+ fxe6 20.xe6+ b8 21.xf6 hf8 22.xh4 xf4+ 23.b1 xd4 24.xd4 xd4 25.e7 and White has a clear extra pawn. ] 19.xe6 e8 Consistent but still not good! 20.a4! Black's pin on the e file looked like he was winning back the piece but this throws a spanner in the works. b4 This simply leaves Black a piece down. [ 20...a5 was the best try but 21.a3+ g7 22.b3 xf4+ 23.b1 b5 24.c5+- ] [ 20...b5 21.a3++- ] 21.b3! Sidestepping the pin and suddenly Black's a piece down. He grovelled on for a while but the result was never in doubt. xf4+ 22.b1 xb3 23.xb3 e2 24.hf1 g5 25.d5 xg2 26.d6 [ 26.c5 b6 27.d3+- bringing the knight back into play looks the easiest. ] 26...b6 27.d7 e7 28.xf7 g3 29.h1 c7 30.g6 g4 31.f5 gxh3 32.xh3 f8 33.c3 f5 34.he1+ d8 35.xf5 h3 36.e4 13.Qe3! looks like a good improvement and I don't see an easy equalising plan for Black. 1-0

241 Ibragimov,Ildar Fierro Baquero,Martha Lorena North American Open (1) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2565 2310 2003

NATURAL MOVES?! This game gives us a reminder that the Scandinavian cannot be defeated purely by 'natural moves'. White has no advantage as of right - he must demonstrate a good plan. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d8 The BANKER - still viable. 4.d4 c6 5.g5 [ 5.c4 is critical. ] 233

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 5...f6 6.c4 f5 7.f3!? [ It's a little surprising that Ibragimov doesn't t a k e t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o p l a y 7.ge2 After all, that is the main point of delaying Nf3 so long. ] 7...e6 8.e2 b4 9.0-0 0-0 10.ad1 You see what I mean about normal moves because W hite ahs simply chosen a bogstandard plan of development, hoping to outplay Black in the middlegame. there is no reason to suppose that W hite is in any way bett er h ere . bd7= Black's active plan is ... Qa5 etc 11.e5 xc3! 12.bxc3 a5 13.b3 [ 13.xd7 xd7 14.e7 fe8 15.b4 c7 delivers nothing for White. ] 13...xe5 14.xe5 xe5 15.dxe5 e4 16.e7 fe8 17.d7 a5! Still equal although unbalanced. W hite's pawn structure we a k n e s s e s a n d t h e p o o r B is h o p o n b 3 cancel out the active Rook on d7. Black can d i s s o l v e h i s p r o b l e m s wh e r e a s W h i t e ' s defects are permanent. 18.g4 g6 19.f4 [ 19.a4 b5! ] 19...a4 20.c4 b5 21.d3 xc3! The only thing one can say is that Black is playing forced moves which are very easy to see and understand. 22.f5 Or White is just lost. exf5 23.gxf5 h5 24.e1 d5 [ Here, I think Black could have been bold: 24...xa2! White's initiative soon runs out of steam: 25.e4 ( 25.e6 fxe6 26.fxe6 g4! ) 25...c3 26.xc6 ac8 27.b7 c4 28.e6 fxe6 29.fxe6 g6-+ ] 25.c5 f4 26.f1 ad8 [ 26...g4! would have called a complete halt to White's ambition. ] 27.xd8 xd8 28.d6 f6 29.c4 fxe5 30.c5 I suppose in an Open tournament with the clock ticking, White is still (just) in the game. B u t B l a c k p l a y s v e r y w e l l i n d e e d . e8 31.xe5 f7 32.a3 c4! 33.f2 xf1 34.xf4 xe1 35.xe1 d3 There is no solace in opposite-coloured Bishops. Black can establish pawn majorities on both sides of the boa rd and st ret ch W hit e's re sou rce s beyond the limit. 36.d2 f7 37.f2 xf5-+ 38.e3 g5 39.d4 g6 A simple, effective game by Black. That's why the Scandinavian is popular! 0-1

242 Iordachescu,V Tiviakov,S Nakhchivan Open A 2013 (8.5) [Tom Rendle]

B01 2599 2650 30.04.2013

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 g4 Tiviakov is obviously very experie nced in these 3...Qd 6 lines but it surprises me that he went for this line as W hite appears to have a number of good options. 6.h3 h5 [ 6...xf3 7.xf3 c6 8.e3 is very comfortable for White who has a lead in development and the two bishops. ] 7.g4 g6 8.e5 bd7 A critical position has now been reached but the strange thing is that all the sensible moves seem to give White the advantage here so I'm not really sure why strong players still play this way as Black. 9.c4 Another dangerous idea for White which further calls into question this line for Black. [ 9.xg6 hxg6 10.g2! is probably White's main alternative and should lead to some advantage. It's analysed in detail in GellerKovalenko ] [ 9.b5!? b6 10.c4 is also dangerous. Black has to try e6+ but White is better after 11.e2 see Najer-Kovalenko ( 11.e3!? is tricky and is examined in the notes to the above game. )] 9...e6+ [ 9...a6 10.f4 and the threat of Qe6+ forces the queen to e6 in any case. ] 10.e3 h5 11.g5?! This gives Black good chances to equalise here although Tiviakov still has to find some accurate moves. e4 12.g2 b6 [ 12...c6 has been seen before in Kostitsina, L (2000) -Rakhmangulova, A (2196) Moscow 2011 and here W hite should've played 13.0-0 0-0-0 14.d5! ( 14.a4 is also strong, intending to play d5! in the n e a r f u t u r e) 14...cxd5 15.exd5 b6 16.xb6+ xb6 17.e2 xc3 18.bxc3 and White has a very dangerous attack on the queenside, once a rook lands on b1 Black is going to be in serious trouble. ] [ 12...xc3 13.bxc3 a6! seems to equalise, for example 234

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 A) 14.b1 c6 ( 14...b6 15.c4! ) 15.f1 is probably White's best try for an edge, he k e e p s t h e b e t t e r c h a n c e s a f t e r b5 ( 15...a5 16.xb7 xc3+ 17.d2 xd2+ 18.xd2 and White's activity gives him a pleasant advantage.) 16.a4! xa4 17.g2 c8 18.0-0 and White has a dangerous initiative combined with a clear plan of f4-f5.; B) 14.e2 xe2+ 15.xe2 0-0-0 16.b1 c6 and although White is more active he has some weaknesses in his structure whereas Black is very solid. ] 13.f3 d6?! [ 13...xc3 was definitely Black's best option h e r e . A f t e r 14.bxc3 c6 15.0-0 d7 Black prepared to play ...e6 with a solid positio n. I s till pref e r W hit e a f te r 16.a4! but the advantage is only small. ] 14.a4! Now Black is in serious difficulties a6 [ 14...a5 i s n o b e t t e r : 15.b5! xb5 16.axb5 b8 ( 16...a7 17.0-0 is miserable for Black, that rook on a7 is horribly placed!) 17.xa5 xc2 18.a7 and White wins a pawn ] 15.0-0 [ 15.a5 was even stronger straight away, e. g. bc8 16.f4! xc2 17.0-0 d3 18.d1 g6 19.ed5 d8 and Black is so poorly developed and coordinated that it's pretty much hopeless. ] 15...d7 16.a5 bc8 17.e1 [ 17.a4 bringing the knight to c5 is also very good for White. ] 17...e6 18.d5! Iordachescu thematically opens up the centre with Black's pieces still un co ordina te d an d Tiviakov is un ab le t o defend. e7 [ 18...e7 was possibly more stubborn but W hite's init iative still gives him a clea r a d v a n t a g e a f t e r 19.b3 ( 19.a4!? is also dangerous, either the rook is swinging over to d4 or it supports Nc4.) 19...0-0-0 20.c4! ] 19.dxe6 fxe6 20.h4 f8 21.e2 c6 22.h3 White targets the weak pawn on e6 and Black is in no position to defend. f5 23.xf5 exf5 [ 23...xf5 24.xf5 xf5 25.xh5+ is also easily winning for White ] 24.f4! A simple developing move that u n d e rl i n e s e v e ryt h i n g t h a t ' s wr o n g wi t h

Black's position. d4 25.a4 c5 26.d2 [ 26.c7! was more clinical, threatening to trap the queen with Rc4. Black can try f7 but after 27.d3 threatening mate on d8 Black's position is completely hopeless. ] 26...f7 27.e5 d8 28.e2 a7 29.xf5 A crushing victory f rom Iordachescu and although the game wasn't perfect from either side it's another good example of what can happen to Black in this line. I wouldn't recommend 5.. .Bg4 to anyone right now!! 1-0

243 Jaulin,Philippe Prie,Eric 2nd Open Nantes (1) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2105 2425 2003

A BRACE OF PRIE 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 6.c4 f5 7.d2 e6 8.d5 d8 9.xf6+ xf6!? I recommended 9...gxf6 in a recent video although that move is slightly under a cloud due to [ 9...gxf6 10.c3! c7 ( 10...d7!? ) 11.h4 g6 12.f3 d7 13.h3! with uncomfortable pressure. So to 9...Qxf6, undoubtedly a tricky and provocative move, well suited to playing for the win. ] 10.e2! d7 [ 10...g4 11.d5 xf3 12.gxf3 cxd5 13.xd5 d7 14.0-0-0 a3 15.c3 0-0 16.e4 Shirov-Salov Madrid 1997 is a possible way to go for Black although White has the makings of a good Kingside attack. ] [ Meanwhile taking on c2 is very risky : 10...xc2 11.c1 f5 12.d5 I prefer W hite's initiative to the long haul needed to exploit the extra pawn. So to Prie's 10... Nd7, just sensible development. As long as Black isn't falling victim to either d4-d5! or Bg5 then he should have a playable position. ] 11.0-0-0 b6 12.e5?! I don't think allowing Black to take on c4 is very testing and two of Prie's recent opponents seem to agree. [ 12.b3 g4 W e l l - t i m e d ! 13.d5 If this tactical stroke doesn't work, White will simply be left with a bad pawn structure. 235

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 xf3 14.gxf3 cxd5 A) 15.xd5! The best move in the position. A1) 15...xd5 16.b5+ e7 ( 16...d8 17.xb7 c8 18.a5+ c7 19.xc7+ e8 20.c8+ e7 21.d8# ) 17.xb7+; A2) 15...0-0-0! 16.e4 d6 17.e3 f4 18.b5 e5 19.xe5 xe5 20.f4 f6 21.xb6 All steam ahead for the draw. axb6 22.c3 g6 23.xd8+ xd8 24.d2 c7 25.e3 d8 26.f3 d6 27.b4 c7 28.e2 a8 29.c4 b5 30.b3 a6 31.d1 f8 32.d3 h6 33.e4 g7 34.h3 h5 35.d3 f8 36.f5 exf5 37.xf7 e7 38.e3 d6 39.e6 g5 40.f6 xh2 41.xa6 1/2-1/2 Delorme, A-Prie, E/2nd Open, Nantes FRA 2003; B) 15.b5+ Looks more uncomfortable than it actually is! d8 16.a5 ( 16.hg1 d6! 17.b1 xf3 ) 16...d6 B1) 17.xb6+ axb6 18.xb6+ c7 19.xb7 b8 20.c6 ( 20.a6 possibly the best try. xf3 21.c4 ) 20...e5 21.d3 xb2+ 22.b1 e5 23.c4 g6 24.c2 c8 25.b6+ e7 Prie is pushing his lower-rated opponent into making difficult decisions at the board and of course, that is the way to win Open tournaments.; B2) 17.b1? Rank bad. Whether he liked it or not White had to take on b6: e7 18.xd5 exd5 19.he1+ f8 20.a4 c4 21.xd5 xa5 22.f5 d8 23.b4 c6 0-1 Mullon, J-Prie, E/2nd Open, Nantes FRA 2003 Naturally these results and positions reached are very satisfactory for Black. ] 12...xc4 13.xc4 d6 I slightly prefer B l a c k n o w . 14.b4 Jaulin to exchange the pieces, aiming for a balanced position that he cannot lose. Prie now takes a risk. [ 14.h4 h6 15.de1 0-0-0 16.e3 was also possible, with White taking up a more aggressive stance. ] 14...xb4 15.xb4 g5+!? [ I prefer 15...0-0-0! 16.he1 h5 which is rather equal. ] 16.b1 xg2 White has a decision to make. He gets it wrong. 17.xf7?

[ 17.dg1! would have given White a very st ro n g a t t a ck . P rie se e m t o b e a b l e t o mesmerise his opponents into playing weak moves. After 17 Rdg1, the variations are brief and uncomplicated: xf2 18.xg7 xc2+ ( 18...xc2+ 19.a1 e4 20.hg1 0-0-0 21.xf7!+- ) 19.a1 f8 20.xb7 d8 21.xc6+ ] 17...xc2+! By contrast, the Black Queen now returns to the defence. 18.xc2 xf2+ 19.c1 xf7 20.hf1 e7 21.a4 f8 22.fe1 f7 23.b3 ae8 24.e5 g8 Castling by hand. Two pawns up is too much so the game ends rapidly. 25.de1 f6 26.e3 d8 27.xe6 xe6 28.xe6+ xe6 29.xe6 xd4 30.e7 b4 At this time of writing I don't see why 9...Qxf6 cannot be played. Prie's results are very good although he pushed the boat out a long way in our featured game. Nevertheless, 15...0-0-0 would have been OK. 0-1

244 Kaidanov,Gregory S Zatonskih,Anna USA-ch GpB San Diego (6) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2603 2433 08.03.2006

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.f3 A move which has caused considerable discomfort to Scandinavian fans over the past few years. White gains by delaying Nc3 and is able in many cases to push the Black Queen around with the help of a well-timed c2-c4. However, Black does not need to give up hope just yet. 3... Bg4, as played here, is perfectly good and 3 . . . g 6 i s we l l p l a ya b l e a s t h e g a m e s o f Epishin and Kurajica have shown. g4 [ 3...f6 4.e2 g4 5.d4 e6 6.0-0 e7 7.c4 d8 8.c3 0-0 is similar to the game and a system for Black which I recommended in 'The Essential CentreCounter' Black can play ... c7-c5 in one move if need be. ] 4.e2 c6!? Tiviakov's idea which is solid of course. 5.d4 f6 6.c4 d8 7.c3 e6 8.h3 h5 9.0-0 The recent match between Korneev and Tiviakov in Khanty-Mansiysk featured this position more than once, 236

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 although Tiviakov did not opt for the coming 9...Bd6 sticking to more solid 9...Be7. d6?!N Active and slightly more risky than 9...Be7. [ The evidence about 9...e7 will show what we intuitively know already that White must keep a small edge: 10.f4 ( RR 10.e3 0-0 11.g4 g6 12.e5 fd7 13.f4 xe5 14.dxe5 f6 15.exf6 xf6 16.c5 a6 17.c4 c7 18.f5 f7 19.fxe6 xe6 20.xe6+ xe6 21.b3 h8 22.e4 d4 23.c4 e7 24.f4 e6 Paragua, M-Laketic, G/Milan 2001 Black has negated any W hite pressure and stands slightly better.) 10...0-0 11.a3 bd7 ( 11...a5 12.e1 e8 13.e5 xe2 14.xe2 a6 15.d2 d7 16.e4 c8 17.c2 Korneev, O-Tiviakov, S/Khanty Mansiysk 2005) 12.e5 xe2 13.xe2 e8 14.ad1 b6 15.fe1 a6 16.g4 f8 17.g5 6d7 18.xd7 xd7 19.d5 Korneev, O-Tiviakov, S/Khanty Mansiysk 2005 ] 10.g5 Trying to take advantage of the pin. h6 [ 10...bd7 11.d5 cxd5 12.cxd5 exd5 ( 12...e5?! 13.e4 e7 14.h4! ) 13.xd5 0-0 ] 11.xf6 gxf6? Poor, almost inexplicable, making it appear as though she is making it up on the spot. [ Black HAS to play 11...xf6 12.e4 f4 13.xd6+ xd6 14.b3 b6 15.c5 c7 16.e3 ] 12.d5! e7 [ 12...e5? 13.h4! ] 13.e1 Increasing the pressure on e6. [ Or 13.d4!? xe2 14.xe2 e5 15.ad1 Finkel ] 13...a6 14.h4 [ Finkel gives 14.d4!? xe2 15.xe2 e5 16.dxc6 and I think he is right. ] 14...xe2 15.xe2 e5 16.dxc6 bxc6 17.f3 Black has no place for her King. c8 18.ad1 0-0 19.h5 [ 19.e3 h7 20.f3 is equally uncomfortable: ] 19...h7 20.e4 fd8 [ 20...xb2? 21.f5 exf5 22.g5+ ] 21.f3?! [ Preferable is 21.d6 xd6 ( 21...c7 22.df5+- ) 22.xd6 xd6 23.f5 f8

24.xd6 b8 ( 24...d8 25.e4 ) 25.e3! and White wins. The text is OK, but Black gets the chance to grovel on. ] 21...b8 [ 21...xb2 22.b1 b8 23.h4 c5 24.xb2! is devastating: xb2 25.xf6+ g7 26.h5+ f8 27.f4-+ ] 22.a5 c7? Losing on the spot. [ 22...f5 is the reason that 21 Nd6 was better. Maybe Black survives after 23.ed2 c5 24.b4 ( 24.c3 d3 25.c2 f6 ) 24...d3 25.xf5+ exf5 26.xe7 xb4 27.xf7+ g6 Of course this will not be pleasant. ] 23.d4+- d5 [ 23...e8 24.xc6 xc6 25.xd8+- ] 24.cxd5 cxd5 25.c3 d6 26.f3 g8 27.e4 f4 28.g3 c2 29.d4 xf3 [ 29...c7 ] 30.gxf3 xg3 31.g4 xf2+ 32.h1 xe1 33.xe1 xg4 34.hxg4 xb2 35.c3 xa2 36.xf6 g8 37.xh6 f2 38.f6 a5 39.g1 c2 40.g5 c6 41.g6 4...c6 is clearly possible, although I feel Black should continue in the same restrained manner a little later by playing his King's Bishop to e7. 1-0

245 Kalegin,Evgenij Galkin,Sergey Perm [Alexander Volzhin]

B01 2485 1997

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.f3 xd5 4.c3 a5 5.d4 c6 6.b5 [ 6.d2!? which leads to quieter play is also worth considering we'll take a closer look at this move in the next game. ] 6...d7 7.d5!? b4 8.xd7+ xd7 9.a3 f6 10.axb4 The point of White's previous play. This exchange sacrifice is dangerous for Black as his Queen is forced to go to a very bad square, while his other pieces remain undeveloped. xa1 11.0-0 a6 [ After 11...d8 12.d4!? c6 ( 12...xd5? 13.db5 winning; 12...e6 13.db5 ) 13.dxc6 bxc6 14.e2! xd4 15.e3 Black is in trouble ] 12.d4 237

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ Usually white tries to maintain the initiative by 12.d4 d8 13.db5 d7 14.f4 and after A) 14...xd5 also comes into c o n s i d e r a t i o n : 15.xd5 ( 15.xd5!? is int e re st in g: xd5 16.xc7+ d8 17.xa6 f5 18.e3 bxa6 19.a1 f6 20.f1 trying to breakthrough on the queenside.) 15...xb5 16.xc7+ xc7 17.xc7 d7 18.b8 xd1 19.xd1 e6 Black was able to hold the balance in Siklosi - Laszlo, Hungary (tt) 1993.; B) 14...d8 15.e2 An unclear position has arisen. White has sufficient compensation for his material losses. ] 12...g6 [ 12...d8!? deserves attention. ] 13.f4 b6 [ Black has two good alternatives: 13...c8!? 14.b5 b6 15.c4 a6! is unclear ] [ 13...g7!? 14.xc7 h5 15.c5 ( 15.b5 d6 16.xd6 xd4 17.e1 0-0-0 18.xd4 exd6 with a small edge) 15...0-0 in both cases with unclear play. ] 14.c4 a5? This is a big mistake. [ 14...c6?! was dubious because of 15.e3 c7 ( 15...d8?! 16.dxc6 c8 17.e5 e6 18.d1 c7 19.f4 puts Black in trouble) 16.b5 c8 17.dxc6 bxc6 18.xa7 b7 19.xc6+!? ( 19.xc6 ) 19...xc6 20.xc6 and Black has real problems neutralising the White pawns on the queenside. ] [ Probably Black had underestimated his defensive possibilities, but he was not doing a s b a d l y a s h e b e li e ve d a f t e r t h e c o o l 14...a6! Now taking on c7 is good for Black. 15.e1 with excellent compensation for the exchange. ] 15.b5?! This looks good but White has a much better move. [ After 15.b5! Black was hopelessly lost: c8 ( 15...xd5 16.xd5 c6 17.e5 winning ) 16.bxa5 xa5 17.b4 b6 18.xc7+ d8 19.e5 winning a lot of material. ] 15...g7 16.a4! [ 16.xc7 was much weaker: c8 17.xb6 ( 17.d6? xd6 ) 17...xc4 18.xa5 e4 19.xe4 xe4 20.b3 was unclear. ] 16...a7 17.xc7 0-0 18.b6 a6 19.xa6 xa6 20.c4 Black's life is difficult as he has

problems halting White's queenside advance. The pawn on b6 plus the Bishop on c7 keep t h e B la c k Ro o ks p a ssive . d7 21.c5! xb2!? Trying to do something active, rather t h a n j u s t w a i t f o r t h e e n d . 22.b1! winning The text move is stronger. [ Of course not 22.xb2?! xc5 23.c1 b3 24.c3 a4 and Black is okay ] [ 22.c6 was possible but after bxc6 23.dxc6 xb6 24.xb6 c8 25.c7 xb6 26.xb6 xc7 White should eventually win. ] 22...a3 23.c6 bxc6 [ 23...b8 does not help as after 24.cxb7 the Knight is going to c6. ] 24.dxc6 xb6 25.xb6 c8 26.d4 d6 27.c1 f4 28.c2 c7 There was nothing better. 29.xc7 xc7 30.f4! The ending looks winning for W hite. His plan is simple: his King is going to the queenside to help the c-pawn promote. f6 31.c5 Securing the Knight on d4 against e7-e5. f7 32.f2 e6 33.e3 g5 34.g3 gxf4+ 35.gxf4 e5 36.fxe5 fxe5 37.f3 [ 37.xe5 axc6 38.xc6 xc6 was also winning for White but the text move is stronger. ] 37...e8 38.xe5 d8 39.d4 g7 40.d5+ c7 41.c5 e7 42.c3 a4 43.b5+ c8 44.c4 White's pieces look v e r y s p e c t a c u l a r ! h6 45.b6+ Black resigned. 1-0

246 Kaminski,Marcin Gipslis,Aivars Cappelle la Grande [Alexander Volzhin]

B01 2535 2450 1998

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.b5+ d7 4.e2 xd5 5.d4 f5 The most popular move. 6.f3 e6 7.a3 e7 8.c4 b6 9.c3 0-0 10.h3 c6 11.e3 f6 12.0-0 The "tabiya" of this line. White has a certain advantage in space while Black has counterchances due to his pressure on the d4-pawn. By the way the position looks like one from the Alekhine Four Pawns Attack, (without the f2 and f7 pawns it's just a position from Yudasin - Kengis!) and the ideas of both sides are very similar. h6 238

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 Black prepares 13...Qe7 (he couldn't play it im m e d ia t e l y in vi e w o f 1 3 . g4 B g 6 1 4 . g 5 winning a piece). But his move wastes an important tempo and now Black has no time to create pressure on the d4-pawn. [ 12...d7! is much more to the point. After this move White can't hold the centre, and has to sacrifice his d4-pawn and hope to gain sufficient initiative as compensation. 13.b4 ad8 14.b3 ( 14.a2!? xd4 15.xd4 xd4 16.d2 xc3! 17.xd7 xd7 18.b3 f6 19.d1 xd1+ 20.xd1 d8 21.c2 xc2 22.xc2 c6 and Black's chances are by no means worse, as shown by the game Hait - Romcovici, Eforie Nord, 1996. ) 14...xd4 15.xd4 xd4 16.ad1 e5 17.b5 e7 18.fe1 f6 19.xc7 e4 20.b5 A) The natural 20...a6! is much stronger and Black has equal chances here: 21.c3 ( 21.bxd4 exd4 22.c5 d5 23.xd4 This attempt to win a pawn is strongly met by xg2! 24.xg2 f4+ ) 21...c6 22.c5 d5=; B) 20...c6?! A m i s t a k e . 21.c5 xb5 22.xb5 d5 23.c4! f4 24.xd4 xd4 25.xd4 exd4 26.f3 with a clear edge as in Hait - Rasskazov, Moscow 1997. ] 13.b4! A multipurpose move. White starts a pawn attack on the Q-side. The other idea is to chase away Black's Knight in order to free the d4-pawn from attack. [ 13.c1 A somewhat sophisticated move. e7?! ( B l a c k s h o u l d p l a y 13...d7! intending Rd8 and again White has to think about how to protect the d4-pawn.) 14.c5! d5 15.xd5 exd5 16.b3 e6 17.xb7 ab8 18.xc7 xb2 19.d1 e4 20.a4? ( 20.e1 was much better and Black has little to show for the pawn.) 20...c8? M i s s i n g a d r a w : ( 20...xf3! 21.xc6 xe3! 22.fxe3 xg2+ 23.h1 f2+ 24.g1 g2+ with a perpetual.) 21.d6 a2?! 22.d2 xd4 23.xe6 fxe6 24.xe4 xe3 25.fxe3 dxe4 26.b3 and Black resigned in Pokorna - Aleksieva, Batumi 1999. ] 13...e7 14.b5 a5 15.c5 d5 16.d2! xc3 This move loses material by force. [ 16...fe8!? was relatively best although

White's advantage is big already: 17.xd5 exd5 18.e1! b6 19.xa5 ( 19.d3 e4 ) 19...bxa5 20.a4 Now White wins a pawn for nothing: e4 21.xa5 d7 22.c3 xf3 23.c6 d6 24.xf3 f4 25.xe8+ xe8 26.d1 and with accurate play White should win the game. ] 17.xc3 b6 18.cxb6 axb6 [ 18...b7 19.bxa7 xa7 20.a4 is also hopeless for Black. ] 19.b4 d8 20.xf8 xf8 21.d3 White is the exchange up for nothing. The rest is a matter of technique. xd3 22.xd3 c5 23.bxc6 xc6 24.e4 e7 25.e5 a4 26.fd1 f5 27.b7 e7 28.d5 So after considering these games we can conclude that the 4.Be2 line is rather promising for White. In my opinion the line considered in this game is the most solid for Black. 1-0

247 Karjakin,Sergey Iotov,V 41st Olympiad Open 2014 (5.2) [Neil McDonald]

B01 2786 2553 06.08.2014

1.e4 d5 The Scandinavian Defence is a rare bird at elite level. 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d8 Sergey Karjakin is one of the best prepared players in the world, so it makes sense to play this 'anti-theory' system against him. 4.d4 f6 5.f3 g4 6.h3 xf3 7.xf3 c6 8.d3 e6 9.e2!? A couple of rounds before this game at the Tromso 2014 Olympiad, Carlsen had essayed [ 9.g3 against Djukic. ] 9...bd7 10.0-0 d6 [ Another way to arrange the black pieces was 10...e7 11.f4 f8 then 12...Ng6 and 13...0-0. The point of going 11...Nf8 is tha t af te r 11 .. .0 -0 Black wo uld ha ve t o prepare the knight manoeuvre with Rfe8, so it might save a tempo to play it straightaway. ] 11.g5 c7 12.e4 h2+?! Playing with fire. [ He should prefer 12...xe4 13.xe4 h6 Instead A) 14.d2 0-0 ( White has some edge 239

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 after 14...f6 15.f3 d5 16.c4 f4 17.d1 retaining the bishop pair and threatening 18.c5 winning a piece.) 15.d3 f6 16.f3 threatening 17.Bxh6. e7 Black has less space but he can put his rooks on d8 and e8 when his position would be very hard to crack. The exchange of two sets of minor pieces has eased his game. Nonetheless White has kept his opening advantage which indicates that 9. Be2! was a good move.; B) 14.e3 f6 15.d3 d5 seems OK for Black. ] 13.h1 f4? He had to bail out with [ 13...xe4 14.xe4 h6 15.d2 f6 16.f3 d6 then 17...Qe7 and 18...0-0. He is a tempo down on the line given in the notes to 12...Bh2+ above, but he still seems OK. ] 14.xf6+? Symptomatic of the poor form of some of the Russian players at the Tromso Olympiad. White misses the shot [ 14.a3! when Black is suddenly busted. For example xg5?! ( Not only is the black king displaced, the f 7 pawn drops after 14...d8 15.h5!; The best chance is to g i ve u p a p a wn f o r n o t h i n g wi t h 14...c5 which is resignable against a 2786 player.) 15.d6+ d8 ( Even worse is 15...f8 16.b5+ ) 16.xf7+ e8 17.xg5 and Black is ruined. ] 14...xf6 15.xf6! Good judgement. As we shall see, Black can do nothing down the gf i l e wh i l e t h e r e s p e c t i ve p o s i t i o n o f t h e opposite coloured bishops favours W hite's attack. [ Instead after 15.xf4 xf4 Black looks very comfortable. ] 15...gxf6 16.c4 0-0-0 17.f3 For attacking purposes, the black queen and bishop are the wrong way around. If the queen were on f4, and the bishop on c7, W hite would be compelled to play g2-g3 to stop mate on h2. Then the g3 point would become an object of attack with the pawn ram h5-h4 or f5-f4, or even a sacrifice with involving Bxg3 or Rxg3. With the actual situation in the game, Black has no way to provoke g2-g3. The white pawn therefore remains beyond the reach of Black's o wn k i n g s i d e p a wn s , a n d a n y i d e a o f a sa crif ic e on g2 is f a r f et ch e d. Th ere f o re

Iotov's only hope of counterplay is against the d4 pawn. As we shall see, he enjoys a spectacular success af ter Karjakin loses control. b8 18.ad1 h5 Black makes an aggressive looking pawn move, but what can it attack? In contrast, White's b-pawn has a ready target on c6. 19.b4 d7 20.b5? Kramnik discussed this position during the live commentary at the Tromso 2014 Olympiad. He was highly critical of his team mate's decision to allow Black to gain counterplay with his next move. He couldn't understand why Karjakin didn't play [ 20.c5! to squash any c6-c5 move, and then follow up with b4-b5. He felt W hite would then at least have a strong attack, whether or not it is winning. Here are some sample variations. My computer program thinks Black is doing OK, but it wouldn't be at all fun to defend like this: hd8 Black can also fight to scrape a draw in an endgame after A) White could instead let Black give up his rooks for the queen: 21.b5 xd4 22.xd4 xd4 23.xd4 e5 24.b4 a5 25.fb1 b6 Somehow Black stays alive by blocking the b-file. 26.cxb6 c5 27.bxa7+ xa7 28.b6 xa2 29.d1 d4 ( 29...cxb4 30.d8# ) 30.b5 a6 31.xc5 xc5 32.d8+ c8 33.xc8+ xc8 34.b7+ ( Or likewise 34.xh5 xb6 35.xf7 d7 ) 34...b8 and Black just holds the draw thanks to the opposite coloured bishops.; B) 21.c4 a6 22.a4 e5 23.d5 cxd5 24.xd5 xd5 25.xd5 d7 26.f3 d3 27.xd3 xd3 28.xh5 d4 and Black's pressure on b4 probably gives him enough to hold the game. ] 20...c5 21.d5 e5 22.de1 h4 23.a4 [ White is losing the thread of the game. He might have played 23.c2 to break the pin on the d-file. ] 23...a5! The queen manually blocks the advance of W hite's a pawn and cement s Black's control of the dark squares. 24.a3 d2 25.e3 After [ 25.a5? f4 Black would have achieved the rearrangement of bishop and queen we talked about earlier. With the lady leading from the front they are suddenly a deadly duo, threatening mate on the move. ] 240

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 25...b4 26.a2 exd5 27.d3? Losing a couple of pawns. It's equal after [ 27.xd5 xd5 28.cxd5 f4 29.xe5 ( but not 29.g3 hxg3 30.xg3 e4+! 31.f3 h4! when Black wins. ) 29...xe5 ] 27...hd8 28.c1 Here [ 28.xd5 xd5! 29.xd5 xd5 30.cxd5 f4 is suddenly winning for Black as compared to the variation after 27.Rd3? above White no longer has a defence with Rxe5 giving up the exchange. For example 31.g3 f3+ 32.g1 hxg3 33.d6 g2 34.b1 xh3 and the mate threats are decisive. ] 28...dxc4 29.xd7 xd7 30.c2 [ Instead 30.xc4 loses to the spectacular move d1+!! winning the queen as 31.xd1 e1+ mates. ] 30...c3 31.d1 b2 32.e4 d2 33.xd2 cxd2 34.d1 d4 [ White resigned as it's all over after 34...d4 35.f3 f2 and a check on e1. ] 0-1

248 Karpatchev,Aleksandr Prie,Eric 4eme Open International de (5.2) [Eric Prié]

B01 2461 2439 17.02.2005

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.f3 e4?! A breath of fresh air in the Scandinavian, where, walking in Shirov's footsteps, (See game 10) White often plays the same line , whatever his level of play may be, which may not be particularly dangerous as we will see, but annoyingly enough to play for a win... At least was that my state of mind before tackling this game with the assurance that ignorance brings. 6.c4 Scottish Master Geoff Chandler's suggestion as I later learned. See the next game for the refutation of the opening. xc3 7.d2 b6!? Instead of [ 7...e6 which had previously been briefly analysed by Andrew. ] 8.bxc3 a6 9.e5 [ 9.xa6 xa6 10.e5 d7 11.xd7 xd7 12.f4 c4 ] 9...xc4 [ 9...e6!? 10.xa6 ( 10.0-0 d6; 10.f4

xc3+ 11.d1 xc4 12.xf7+ d8 13.g5+ c8 14.e8+ b7 ) 10...xa6 11.f4 f6! ( 11...xc3+? 12.d2 xa1+ 13.e2 xh1 14.xf7+ d8 15.d7# ) 12.f3 d5 I missed this move which permits Black to equalize on the spot. ] 10.xc4 d5 11.e3 d7 12.0-0 g6 The move that stands at the heart of the Black idea: If he manages to castle without getting mated, then he will enjoy a superior pawn structure. 13.e2 [ 13.e1 g7 14.c4 0-0 15.a3 ( 15.e5 d6 ) 15...e8 Just in time. ] 13...g7 14.f3 [ 14.e1 0-0 15.g4!? ] 14...c6 15.d5 e5 16.e2 f5! White's fine strategy falls through with this forgotten move. 17.e1 0-0-0! [ 17...0-0!? 18.c4 f7! 19.xe7 xd5 20.xc7? fc8 ] 18.a4? [ 18.b2 f4 19.d1 e6! ( 19...f3 20.a6+ b8 21.c4 g4 22.e3; 19...xd5? 20.c4 ) 20.dxe6 xe6 21.c4? he8 ] 18...f4! 19.a5? [ 19.c4 f3! 20.gxf3 ( 20.xe5 fxe2 21.xd7 xd7 22.xe2 xc3 23.a3 xd5 24.f3 f6 ) 20...xc4 21.xc4 xd5 22.a6+ b7 ] [ 19.d1 w a s t h e m o s t s t u b b o r n f3 20.a6+ b8 21.f4 xd5 22.a5 c4 23.xc4 ] 19...b5! Without the check on a6, White's position is now collapsing for having only relied, in this 'morning game', on [ 19...fxe3? 20.xe3 A) 20...xd5 21.d4 ( 21.axb6 axb6 ); B) 20...f7 21.axb6 cxb6 22.xb6! axb6 23.a8+ b7 24.a6+ c7 25.a7+ d6 26.xb6+ ] 20.a6 fxe3 There is no compensation for the 'sacrificed' piece. 21.xe3 [ 21.xe3 c4 22.xa7 xc3 ] 21...b8 22.d1 c4 23.c5 a8 24.f4 e5 25.g5 b8 26.d6 c6 27.e7 he8 28.ab1 b6 29.a1 f8 30.h3 xe7 31.dxe7 xe7 Partly from my notes in ChessBase MEGA 2006. 0-1


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 249 Karpov,Anatoly Rogers,Ian Bath [Alexander Volzhin]



In this game we'll see similarities to the game Anand - Lautier when White pushed the Black bishop back by g4 and h4 etc. The key difference in my opinion, is that Black preferred e7-e6 rather then c7-c6 and found himself in trouble because his Queen had few po ss ib le re trea t s. L at er he p la yed c7-c6 anyway but this lost time so that's probably wh y th is line h a s no t be e n so p o pu la r in recent practice. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.f3 g4 6.h3 h5 7.g4 g6 8.e5 e6 9.h4 b4 [ 9...bd7 has been tried a couple of times but Black has failed to equalise: 10.c4 a6 11.h5 e4 and here White has a number of possibilities: A) 12.xe4 xe4 13.f3 with a small edge; B) 12.d2!? a5 13.cxe4 xe4 14.f3 B1) 14...xd2 15.xd2 d5 16.g2 ( 16.xd5!? ) 16...c6 17.c3 h6 18.g3 d6 19.xd5 xg3 20.f3 with a small edge in Kotliar - Garma, New York 1993; B2) 14...f5 15.d3 df6 16.g5 d5 17.xe4 fxe4 18.xe4 with a large edge in A. Sokolovs - Sh ch eka ch ev, Moscow 1992; B3) 14...d6 15.c4 c5 16.dxc5 xc5 17.a3 d8 18.e2 ce4 19.e3 with a slight edge in Nataf Abdulghafour, Bratislava 1993; C) 12.h3!? b4 13.d2 xc3 14.xc3 This pos ition which wa s te ste d in th e game Westerinen - Zeidler, Pula 1997 is in White's favour in my opinion because of the bishop pair, the possibility of attacking on the kingside, and the opportunity to utilise the awkward position of the Black queen on a6, but of course Black's better development should not be ignored. ] 10.h3 c6 [ 10...h5 does not look good as it weakens

the kingside too much: 11.xg6 fxg6 12.g5 d5 13.d2 with a clear advantage. ] 11.d2 b6 12.h5 e4 [ 12...xd4 13.f3 ] 13.e3 [ Unfortunately 13.c4? xd4 14.xe4? is impossible because of xe4 15.xb4 xf2# mate! ] 13...xc3 [ 13...xd4? was bad for Black because of 14.g5! ] 14.xc3 d5 [ The pawn advance g4-g5 could not be stopped by 14...h6 because of 15.c4 c7 16.b4 with Nd6 to follow ] 15.g5 e4 16.g4 d6 [ 16...xc3 17.bxc3 b2 18.d1 c5 w a s n o t b e t t e r a s a f t e r ( of course not 18...xa2? 19.c4 winning xc4 20.xc4 b5 21.d6+ ) 19.c4 xc4 20.xc4 Black is in trouble (Rb1 and g5-g6 are the threats). ] 17.0-0-0 d7 Finally Black has developed his Queen's Knight but was faced with another p r o b l e m a f t e r t h e v e r y s t r o n g 18.e1! (c2-c4 is threatened) xe5 19.dxe5 f5 20.h3! White's idea is still c2-c4 and it cannot be parried! 0-0-0 [ 20...c5 is not a defence due to 21.xd5 exd5 22.xf5 with a large advantage ] 21.c4 c5 22.b4 That's why the Rook did not retreat to a3 - it would be hanging after Qb4. f3 23.xd8+ xd8 24.xf3 xe5 25.c3 The rest is n ot imp ort ant . d6 26.d3 d4 27.xf7 f5 28.xf5 f4+ 29.e3 Black resigned. 1-0

250 Kasparov,Garry Rogers,Ian EUR-ASIA Rapid Match rapid (2) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2835 2535 2001

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 Well, there it is, the ultimate endorsement. Rogers normally plays 3...Qa5 and is one of the world's leading experts in that line. It is very interesting to see him venture 3..Qd6. 4.d4 f6 5.d3 g4!? 6.f3 h5 7.ge2 242

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 a6 [ 7...c6 is definitely worth a thought too: 8.f4 d8 A) 9.d2 e6 10.0-0-0 g6 11.e4 d5 12.g5 e7 13.xe7 xe7 14.h4 h5 15.f4 xe4 16.fxe4 xf4 17.xf4 e5! 18.g3 ( 18.xe5 xe5 19.dxe5 d7; 18.dxe5 d7 ) 18...d7 19.xg7 0-0-0; B) 9.0-0 e6 10.e4 e7 11.c4 0-0 12.h1 a6= ( 12...bd7= )] 8.f4 d7 9.d5! Apparently Kasparov screwed this one in as if to demonstrate his total control of the game. Certainly things look difficult for Black. There is a distinct danger that the Knight on b8 may never emerge! g6 10.d2 xd3 11.xd3 g6 12.0-0-0 g7 13.c4 c6! Black is clinging on as best he can. 14.d6 The only realistic way to play for the initiative. It's not clear whether White has even a technical advantage after [ 14.xb8 xb8 The only realistic way to p l a y f o r t h e i n it ia t ive . 15.dxc6 xc6 16.xc6+ bxc6 17.he1 d5!= ] 14...0-0 15.b1 [ 15.dxe7 xe7 16.d6 e3+ 17.b1 e8 18.he1 bd7= ] 15...e8 16.g3 exd6 17.xd6?! [ Ro ge rs give s 17.xd6 e7 18.hd1 as much stronger and it is certainly puzzling that Kasparov rejected this natural continuation. White seems to mobilize his whole army with no problems. A) 18...b5 Probably this is the best response. Intuitively, it feels dubious. 19.d3 ( 19.b3 a5 20.ge4 xe4 21.xe4 a4 22.a3 a6 23.g5 c7 ) 19...b4 20.ce4 d5 21.g5 e5 22.b3 a5; B) 18...bd7 19.g5! ] 17...e6 18.xe6 xe6 19.ge4 bd7= By contrast, here White has nothing. Due to the fact that this was a 25 minute game and that Kasparov was ahead on the clock, the game continued.... . 20.g3 b5 21.a3 xe4 22.xe4 b6 23.f2 d5 24.d4 a5 25.g4! White finds a way to prevent the game from f izzling out. W ith time ticking down, Rogers resolved to keep the position solid. h6 26.h4 xd4 27.xd4 g7 28.h5 b4 29.a4 f6 30.d6 e3 31.f4 g5

[ 31...e6!= Rogers ] 32.f5+ h7 33.xe3 gxf4 34.c4 d5 35.e1?! [ 35.e5 ] 35...g7 36.e5 f6 37.f5+ e6 With the idea of ...f7-f6, trapping the White Rook. 38.e5+ f6 39.e4 g5! 40.e5 h4! 41.xc6 g3! The game has been coloured by time shortage. Of course with any normal time control, Black's active King would guarantee him at least an equal game. 42.d4 d8 43.c1?! with one minute left! [ 43.e1 e3 44.c3 bxc3 45.bxc3 xd4 ( 45...d5! 46.b2 f2 47.e2+ g3 48.b3 ) 46.cxd4 xf3 47.g5+- ] [ 43.e5 e3 44.c3 bxc3 45.bxc3 xd4 46.cxd4 xf3 47.g5 hxg5 48.h6+- ] 43...e3?! forty seconds left, not enough time to find the deadly [ 43...f6! when Black is better in all lines: 44.e2+ ( 44.f5+ xf3 45.e5 xg4 46.xa5 e3 47.b1 d1+ 48.a2 e4; 44.c6 xe4 45.xd8 xf3 46.xf7 e2 47.e5 f3-+ ) 44...xf3 45.xf4+ xe2 46.xf6 d1# ] 44.c3 bxc3 45.bxc3 c8 46.d2 b8 47.e2+ xf3 48.xf4+ Kasparov's play in the opening was powerful enough for me to move away from 7...a6 in favour of either 7... c6 , 7 .. . Nc6, o r 7. . . e 6 . A f t e r 9 d 5 , B la c k should have been toiling. 1-0


B01 Keserovic,Milan 2225 Lajthajm,Borko 2464 ch-Serbia Vrnjacka Banja SCG (1) 30.01.2006 [Andrew Martin] SHORT AND NOT SO SWEET Here's what can happen when W hite does not pay the Black system full respect. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 There is nothing wrong with this move. Attempts to bury 3...Qd6, such as the over-optimistic recent article in New In C h e s s Y e a r b o o k h a ve n o t b e e n p r o v e d conclusive. 4.d4 f6 5.c4 [ 5.f3 a6 6.g3 is satisfactorily answered with g4! ] 5...a6 Now Black may answer 6 Nge2 with the 243

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 risky 6....Qc6!? or stick to the program with 6....b5 (which I prefer). 6.f3 b5 7.b3 b7 8.0-0 e6 9.e1 [ 9.g5 c5 10.dxc5 xd1 11.axd1 bd7 12.c6 xc6 13.d4 b7 14.fe1 0-0-0 15.a4 b4 16.a2 c5 17.c3 xb3 18.xb3 xd1 19.xd1 d5 20.bc1 e4 21.e3 bxc3 22.xc3 xc3 23.bxc3 e7 Vass, V-Werner, D/Budapest 2005/ ] 9...c5! All part of the grand plan. In general Black can delay this move preferring .. . Nbd7, ...Be7 and ...0-0 beforehand, but I guess if he can play it immediately he should! [ However 9...e7 10.g5! initiates a dangerous attack, with a sacrifice on e6 not far away. In my opinion Black is unwise to allow this sequence: A) 10...0-0? 11.xe6! fxe6 12.xe6+-; B) 10...c5 11.xf7! xf7 12.xe6 xe6 13.xe6+ xe6 14.g5! ( 14.dxc5 f7 15.g5 bd7 ) 14...f7 15.xf6 xf6 16.h5+ g6 17.xc5 d8 18.b6 d7 19.d1 c6 This last variation is unclear, but Black is walking a fine line. It seems more sensible not to allow the complications.; C) 10...h6 11.xf7! ( 11.ge4 is good, but not as good: xe4 12.xe4 c6 13.c4 0-0 14.d5 exd5 15.cxd5 d7 16.f4 Djalal, B-Bordi, K/Cannes 2000 ) 11...xf7 12.xe6 xe6 13.xe6+ xe6 14.f4 c5 15.e2+ f7 16.d5 e8 17.e6+ g6 18.b6 c8 19.xb8 d7 20.d6 d8 21.xc5 c8 22.d4 c4 23.d2 b6 24.d3+ f5 25.f3+Delivre, R-Le Ruyet, L/Clichy 2003; D) 10...d5 U n c o m f o r t a b l e . 11.xd5 xd5 12.e4 d8 13.g4! g6 14.g5 h5 15.f3! xg5 16.xd5 xc1 17.xa8 xb2 18.ad1+- Matikozian, A-Mitkov, N/ Santa Monica 2005 ] 10.xe6!? Tempting. However the alternatives do not achieve much: [ 10.dxc5 xd1 11.xd1 xc5= ] [ 10.a4 c4 11.a2 b6= ] 10...fxe6 11.g5 e7 [ 11...xd4 also appears possible: 12.xe6 ( 12.e2 e5 13.d1 g4 14.xe5+ e7 15.f3 c8 It would take a certain type of player to go for this.....) 12...xd1 13.xd1

e7 14.c7+ f7 15.xa8 xa8 ] 12.xe6 f7 13.dxc5? This is a real howler. W hite should take on c5 with the Knight of course: [ 13.xc5 c6 ( 13...a7 14.xb7 xb7 15.e4 d5! 16.f3 d7 ) 14.d3 c8 ( 14...d8 15.e2 c7 16.f4 d6 17.d5 ) 15.f4 d8 16.e5+ g8 ] 13...c6 Disgusted, White throws in the towel. He should have least have tried 14 Ng5+ Kg8 15 Nf3, but there can be no doubting that Black is better. An odd conclusion. 0-1

252 Koepke,Christian Kislinsky,Alexey VIII Rector Cup (2) [Eric Prié]

B01 2274 2384 29.03.2006

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.d2 [ 5.c4 g4 Often transposes or at least leads to very similar positions to our subject. A crucial difference may be that 6.f3 f5 7.g4 g6 8.f4 ( 8.h4 h6 9.ge2 bd7 10.f4 e5! 11.xg6 fxg6 12.d2 0-0-0 13.d5 b6! A capital improvement on the 13...Bb4 of Kavalek-Larsen Bewerjik 1967 which has rehabilitated this way of treating . . . B g 4 f o r B l a c k , a s we s a w l a s t y e a r . 14.e2 xc4 15.xc4 xd5 1/2-1/2 Cornette, M-Prie, E FRA-Cup 2004) 8...e6 ( 8...e4 9.f3 b4 10.xf7+ xf7 11.g5+ g8 12.a3 ) A) 9.d2 b4 10.e2 c6 11.f3 0-0-0 12.d5 ( 12.0-0-0 xd4 13.xd4 xd4 14.b3 d6 ) 12...exd5 13.xd5 xb2 14.c3 b4; B) 9.h4 e4; C) 9.e2 c6 10.f3 0-0-0; D) 9.f5 exf5 10.e2+ Is less to be feared because of the possibility e7 Instead of having to move the king as in this game. 11.d2 b6 12.g5 h5! This is the key move in these positions. 13.f3 e4 14.0-0-0 xd2 15.d5 d6 16.xd2 D1) 16...xf3!? 17.xf3 xg5 18.e1+ f8 19.e3 c6 ( 19...g6 20.xb7 ); D2) 16...c6 17.e1 0-0 18.xe7+ 244

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 xe7 19.f2 xf3 20.xf3 c6 21.h4 Yet to pass the test of practice. ] 5...g4! 6.f3 [ 6.e2 Cannot be critical. Still, Black has to watch out for the surprising recapture xe2 7.cxe2 b6 8.f3 bd7 9.0-0 e6 10.c4! Karpov, An ] 6...h5 7.g4 g6 8.f4! The critical line, and this is where the two branches 5.Bd2 and 5. Bc4 diverge because here the bishop is not exposed, the knight on c3 is not pinned and White is ready to castle long after a queen move. [ 8.h4 h6 9.c4 b6 ( 9...c6? 10.h3 e6 11.f4 h7 12.e2 b4 13.0-0-0 With a winning attack. bd7 14.g5 d5 15.xd5 cxd5 16.g6+- Nijboer, F-Massink, H Vlissingen op 2005) 10.ge2 bd7 11.f4 A) 11...xd4 Is too risky. 12.xg6 fxg6 13.e2 e5 14.e3 g3+ 15.f2 e5 16.e6; B) 11...e5!? 12.dxe5 xe5 13.e2 0-0-0 14.xe5 xd2 15.xd2 ( 15.xg6 f2# ) 15...d6; C) 11...0-0-0! 12.h5 ( 12.xg6 fxg6 13.e2 e5 14.dxe5 xe5 15.0-0-0 xc4 16.xc4 b4= ) 12...h7! ( 12...xd4!? 13.e2 e5! 14.xg6 xd2+ 15.xd2 xf3+ 16.e2 xd2+ 17.xf3 fxg6 18.e6+ d8 19.ad1 d6 20.b5 gxh5 21.gxh5 c6 22.xd6 exd6 ) 13.e2 ( 13.xf7 e5 W ith a strong counter attack suddenly) 13...e6 14.0-0-0 c6 Black is OK. 15.g5 hxg5 16.g6 g8 17.xf8 xf8 18.xg5 xd4 ] 8...e6 9.f5 Consistent. [ 9.g2 a6! 10.g5 ( 10.f5 exf5 11.gxf5 h5! And not 11...Bxf5 12.Qf3.) 10...fd7 11.d5 d6 ( 11...c5! Intending 12.e3 bd7 ) 12.e2 xe2+ 13.gxe2 exd5 14.xd5 c6 15.0-0-0 0-0-0 16.c3 Lanka, Z (2575) - Bacrot, E (2500) Linz 1997 ] 9...exf5 10.g5 fd7 Only move. [ 10...g4 11.e2+ e7 12.g2 a6 13.h3 ] [ 10...h5 11.b5+! c6 ( 11...d7 12.d5 ) 12.e2 ] 11.e2+ d8!

[ 11...e7 12.g2! a6 ( 12...c6 13.d5 That is one of the interesting features of 5. Bd2 compared to 5.Bc4. By developing himself on the long diagonal in a more active way, White's king bishop also controls the d5 square, enabling this recurrent theme.; 12...c6 13.h4 ) 13.h4! ( 13.xa6 xa6 14.xb7 b4 15.xa8 xc2+ ) 13...f4 14.0-0-0 xe2 15.gxe2 c6 16.h5 f5 17.xf4 0-0-0 18.b5+- ] 12.0-0-0 f4! 13.g2 c6 14.xf4 b4! 15.b5 [ 15.a3 xc2 16.b5 c8! 17.xb7 b4! A) 18.axb4 xb4 19.e4 e8 20.e5 xe4 21.xe4 xb5 22.g2 ( 22.f3 f6 ) 22...xe5 23.dxe5+ e7 24.f3 f8-+; B) 18.c4 a2+ 19.xa2 xb5 20.xc8 a4! 21.d2 ( 21.d2 c6+ 22.d1 xh1; 21.b3 xa3+ 22.d2 b4+ ) 21...b4+ 22.e3 xd1 ] 15...d6 16.xd6 cxd6 17.e1 [ 17.xd6 e8! Parrying the mating threat of Qe7 first. A) 18.d2 c8 19.c5 xc5 20.dxc5+ d3+!! 21.cxd3 xc5+ 22.c2 ( 22.b1 xd2 23.xd2 e1+ 24.d1 xd1# ) 22...e1 23.f3 xc2+ 24.xc2 a4+ 25.b3 ( 25.c3 xd1; 25.d2 xd1+ ) 25...xa2+ 26.c3 xd1 27.xd1 xg2; B) 18.xb4 xb4 19.d2 c8 20.xb4 ( 20.c3 c4 21.f1 d5! 22.g2 xa2 ) 20...xc2+ 21.b1 c4+ 22.a1 xb4 ] 17...c7 18.c4+ [ 18.e7 b6 19.e3 xa2+ 20.b1 he8 21.xd6+ xd6 22.xd6+ xd6 23.xe8 xe8 24.xa2 xc2 25.f3 e4-+ ] 18...b6!-+ Suddenly, the white queen finds herself on the most embarrassing place of the chessboard, powerless to prevent the hoovering of a black rook along the second rank. 19.d2 ac8 20.xb4+ xb4 21.xb4 xc2+ 22.d1 xg2 23.h3 xb2 24.c3 xa2 25.f4 c8 26.d5+ b5 0-1


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 b4 21.ad1 d5 22.f4 White eventually B01 won this superior endgame. Khalifman, Korneev,Oleg 2543 A -Polgar, Z INT 2005 ] Galego,Luis 2498 Tch-POR 1st Div Final (3.1) 26.07.2010 10.a4 b4 11.a5 a7 12.xc7! bd7 [ 12...xf3 13.xf3 xc7 14.b5! axb5 [Milos Pavlovic] 15.xa8 fd7 16.a6 b6 17.b7 d7 18.xb6 xb6 19.a7 d6 20.a8 c8 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 21.a7+ e8 22.e4 d8 23.b7 xb7 f6 5.f3 a6 6.g3 One of many choices for 24.xb7 a6 25.c6+ f8 26.a1 W hite, but to me the most logical one. b5 1-0 Mazi, L (2401)-Djurkovic, M (2150) Alternatives will be seen in the next game. Aschach AUT 2004 ] 7.g2 b7 8.0-0 e6 [ 8...bd7 9.f4 b6 10.a4 b4 11.a5 13.a4 d5 14.b6 7xb6 15.axb6 xb6 a7 12.a4 c8 13.c4! bxc3 14.bxc3 e6 16.xb6 xb6 17.c4! e7 [ 17...bxc3 18.bxc3 c7 19.b1 e4 15.c4 White is much better, with d5 coming. 20.e5 xg2 21.xg2 d6 22.f3 a7 Black will face a difficult task defending. d6 23.c6 a8 24.b3 0-0 25.fb1 16.b6!? d8 17.xd7 xd7 18.g5 b8 With a big, almost winning advantage. ] 19.a4 a8 20.d5! h6 21.d2 e7 22.fe1 c5 23.c2 f8 24.e5 e8 18.e5 c7 19.a4+ f8 20.d7! xd7 25.ab1 c8 26.b4 a8 27.xc5 xc5 21.xd7+ e8 22.xb7 xd7 23.xa8 28.dxe6 xe6 29.g6+ xg6 30.xe8+ xa8 24.a4 Winning the exchange simply xe8 31.xg6 fxg6 32.b8+ f7 33.xh8 puts an end to this game. f6 25.d1 a5 xg2 34.xg2 f8 35.f3 g5 36.e4 26.b3 c6 27.f1 d8 28.da1 b7 1-0 (36) Gerzhoy, L (2497)-Kudischewitsch, 29.e2 c7 30.d3 g5 31.c5 g4 32.c4 h5 33.b5 d8 34.xa5 xa5 35.xa5 D (2348) Petach Tikva ISR 2011 ] xd4 36.c6+ b8 37.b6 9.f4 b6 1-0 [ 9...d8 10.e5 A) 10...xg2 11.xg2 d6 12.f3 a7 13.ad1 0-0 14.d5!? B01 A1) 14...b4 15.dxe6 bxc3 16.exf7+ 254 h8 17.e3 e7 18.xa7 xe5 Kosintseva,Nadezhda 2468 A1a) 19.fe1 b5 ( 19...g5 Mohota,Nisha 2311 20.xb8!+- ) 20.d4 bd7 21.xc3 38th Olympiad w (3) 15.11.2008 c4 22.b3 xf7 23.f5; [John Watson] A1b) 19.d4 g5 20.xc3 bd7 21.fe1 g6 22.a3; 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.b5+ This is a good A2) 14...exd5 15.xd5 xd5 16.xd5 w a y t o g o i f y o u a r e n ' t h a p p y w i t h t h e c8 17.fd1 b7 18.e3 a8 19.c5 Portuguese Gambit xc5 20.xc5 b6 21.b4 Sulskis, S [ 3.d4 g4 ] (2564)-Ramon, D (2169) Cappelle la 3...d7 4.e2 xd5 5.d4 f5 Grande FRA 2005. White has a winning [ In last month's column, we saw 5...b5!? ] position.; 6.f3 e6 7.0-0 e7 B) 10...c8 11.d5 b4 12.dxe6 fxe6 [ A too-aggressive option is 7...d6 8.c4 B1) 13.e4!N 0-0 ( 13...xe4 f6 ( 8...b4 9.c3 c2 10.b1 b4 14.h5+ g6 15.xg6 f6 16.e5 11.g5!? f6 12.e3 xb1 13.xb1 xg2 17.xf6 g8 18.e5 f8 gives White terrific compensation. Compare 19.h4 f5 20.xg2+- ) 14.xf6+ this with the note to 8 a3 below.) 9.b3! xf6 15.xb7 xb7 16.e2 f8 c8 10.c3 bd7 11.b5!? ( 11.h4 ) 17.ad1; 11...0-0 12.xd6 cxd6 13.f4 with two B2) 13.xb7 xb7 14.g5 0-0 bishops and threats: c6 14.d5 c5 15.xf6 xf6 16.d4 e7 17.e4 15.e3 c8 16.dxe6 xe6 17.fd1 c5 xe4 18.xe4 f8 19.fe1 d8 20.a4 18.a3 ce4 19.d4 and Black won't be 253


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 able to hold on to his d-pawn, MovsesianAl Subaihi, Dresden 2008. ] 8.a3 A little slow White wants to play c4 without allowing . ..Nb4. [ It's remarkable that Rybka 3, in contrast to the materialistic reputation of some playing engines, says that 8.c4 b4 9.c3 c2 10.b1 b4 11.e3!? xb1 12.xb1 actually f avours W hite!! W hether or not that's true, he has a lot of space and development, whereas Black will have a hard time getting his pieces out at all. A sample line might be 0-0 13.a3 4a6 ( 13...4c6 14.d5 ) 14.d1 d7 15.b4 f6 16.e5 with attacking chances, for example, xe5 17.dxe5 e7 18.e4 c6 19.d3 g6 20.h6 fd8 21.f4 ( 21.h4 is another good move ) 21...f6 22.exf6 xf6 23.c1! with ideas of Bg5 and Ne4. ] 8...0-0 9.c4 b6 10.c3 g4 At least this indicates that 3 Bb5+ and 4 Be2 was a type of gain of time, because Black has now played three moves (...Bd7-f5-g4) to get this bishop to its best post. On the other hand, a3 isn't exactly a powerhouse move. 11.h3 xf3 12.xf3 c6 13.c5 d5 14.xd5 exd5 15.e3 f6 16.d3 g6 17.fe1 [ 17.ad1 (wit h t h e i d e a o f Q b 3 ) e7 18.fe1 c6 19.h6 e8 20.g4 looks a little irritating for Black. ] 17...e8 18.b4 e7! 19.g4!? To stop ...Nf5. g5!? Black would like to sink a knight on f4 or h4. White sacrifices a pawn to prevent this, which is hardly necessary, but interesting. 20.h4!? gxh4 [ Not 20...g6?! 21.xg5 xe1+ 22.xe1 xg5 23.hxg5 c6 24.e3 ] 21.g5 g7 22.g4 g6 23.f5 c6 24.d1!? To take up an active post on g4. It's about equal here. [ A lt e rn a t i ve l y 24.h1 would prepare b5 without allowing ] [ 24.b5 cxb5 25.xb5? xe3! ] 24...c7 25.g4 e7 26.e2 ae8 27.ae1 d8 [ 27...b6 has the idea 28.cxb6 axb6 29.c1 b5 30.ec2 xe3! ( or 30...a7 31.c3 xe3 32.fxe3 xe3 ) 31.fxe3 xe3 32.xc6 g3+ 33.xg3 xg3+ 34.h1 xd4 with a kind of dynamic equality. ] 28.f1

[ 28.a4 ] 28...a6 29.d2?! xe2 30.xe2 xe2 31.xe2 c7 [ 31...h3!? 32.f3! h2 33.g2 ] 32.xg6 hxg6 33.xh4 . This is about equal, in spite of Black's better bishop. I'll let you see the consequent ups and downs for yourself. e7+ 34.e3 f6 35.gxf6 xf6 36.g3 f7 37.a4 f8 38.b8 e7 39.d2 f7 40.c3 h7 41.b5 axb5 42.axb5 g7 43.b4 d7 44.d6 c8 45.e7 g8 46.a5 cxb5 47.xb5 c6+ 48.b4 f8 49.d8 f7 50.a8 b6+ 51.c3 b5 52.a2 e6 53.d2 b4+ 54.d1 b5 55.c2 f6 56.e1 f7 57.f3 e7 58.f2 h4+ 59.g2 f6 60.f2 g7 61.d2 c6 62.f4+ f6 63.e3 e7 64.c1 e6 65.b1 a6 66.b3 c6 67.a2 f6 68.a8 d7 69.b8 c6 70.f4 g7 71.e3 e8 72.f2 f7 73.h2 g7 74.h6+ g8 75.f4 g7 76.g4 e7 77.e2 e8 78.f4 b5+ 79.f2 e8 80.d2 f7 81.a5 e7 82.d2 e8 83.e3 f7 84.e2 e8 85.d2 f7 86.h2 g7 87.d6 c6 88.b8 d7 89.h2 e8 90.h3 g8 91.g4 f7 92.g5 g7 93.f4+ g8 94.h6 xh6 95.xh6 e6 96.f4 c6 97.e5 f7 98.c3 g8 99.b4 f7 100.f4 g8 101.e7 h8 102.d6 c8 103.xd5 a8 104.d7 a6 105.d6 a8 106.xg6 d8 107.h6+ g8 108.g5+ 1-0

255 Kosintseva,Nadezhda Zhukova,Natalia FIDE WCh Women KO (2.5) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2425 2471 25.05.2004

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 c6! The most accurate way, sidestepping various W hite tries with an early Bd2 followed by discovered attacks from the Knight on c3. Black delays ...Nf6 until he or she is ready. 5.f3 f5 6.c4 e6 7.0-0 f6 It's fine now that White has castled short, taking outright attack out of the equation. 8.e2 [ T h e r e i s n o t h i n g t o f e a r f r o m 8.d2 247

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 for instance: bd7 9.d5 d8 10.xf6+ ( 10.e3 g6 11.e1 d6= ) 10...xf6= ( 10...xf6!? 11.g5 g6 12.c3 g4 )] 8...b4 Again quite regular. Black is happy to surrender the dark-squared Bishop in order to gain control of the central light squares and to facilitate a queenside pawn advance. [ 8...bd7 9.h4 g6 10.xg6 hxg6 11.e4 xe4 12.xe4 0-0-0 also seems good. ] 9.b3 0-0 10.d2 bd7 [ 10...c7 11.b5! ] 11.a3 xc3 12.xc3 c7= Lots of strong players would be looking at the two Bishops, expecting an advantage as of right. But it's really tough for White to get the dark-squared Bishop going and often, if Black plays ...Nf6d5, White will just have to surrender the other Bishop, forfeiting any hope of attack. 13.d2 [ The following fragment is a good example of what I meant: 13.fe1 fd8 14.ad1 a5 15.c1 b6 16.e5 xe5 17.xe5 d5! 18.xd5 cxd5= Kerbrat,J-Kovarcik,G/ France 2003 Perhaps Black is even f or choice. ] 13...c5! An unusual counter but in this instance, with the Bishop on b3, completely c o rre c t . B l a c k a ct iva t e s a t ju s t t h e righ t moment, before White is allowed to sit on his trumps. 14.ac1 [ 14.c3? b6 ] 14...ac8 15.c4 g4 [ 15...b6! was an active deployment: 16.c2 ( 16.e3 e4! 17.dxc5 xc5 18.c2 xb2 19.c3 a2 20.xf6 xc2 21.xg7 xg7 22.c3+ f6 23.xc2 b3 24.xb3 xb3 ) 16...cxd4 17.xf5 exf5 18.b4 fe8 19.d3 e5 20.xe5 xe5 21.c5 d8 22.g5 d5 ] 16.dxc5 xc5 17.c2 c6 18.b4 The only danger to Black comes from the queen side pawn ma jority b ut Zhuko va is active enough to at least keep a balance. ce4 [ 18...xf3 19.xf3 ( 19.gxf3 cd7 20.fd1 b6 ) 19...xf3 20.gxf3 fd8! 21.c3 d3 ] 19.xe4 This is a lazy move. White tires of even the thought of complications and heads for quieter waters. [ 19.f4 keeping some tension, was the way

to play for a win, but of course White risks more this way. xf3 ( 19...fd8 ) 20.xf3 xc4 21.fe1 c3 22.d3 d5 ] 19...xe4 20.f4 d6 21.xd6 xd6 22.e4 xf3 23.xf3 b6 24.fd1 e5= Black must keep the Queens on for as long as it takes to adjust Rook endings in his favour. W ith the Rook on c1 ready to support the advance of the c pawn it might look as though White is better but practically, in view of the weakness of W hite's a pawn, chances are equal. 25.h3 All roads seem to lead to equality: [ 25.d7?? xc4 ] [ 25.d3 c7 26.h3 h6 27.d6 xd6 28.xd6 fc8= ] [ 25.g3 f6 26.c5 bxc5 27.bxc5 c6 28.h3 fc8 29.d7 a6= ] 25...c7 26.c3 h6 27.dc1 fc8 28.d3 g5 29.d6 c6 30.d7 6c7 31.d3 e5 32.c2 g5 33.c5 Without this advance, White cannot win. bxc5 34.bxc5 c6 35.c4 e5 36.a4 g5 37.c3 d5 38.b4 e5 39.a5 White has to attack or cre a t e a se co n d we a kn e s s - t h e c p a wn cannot win alone. In this case there is no weakness to be found. a6 40.b4 d5 41.c3 e5 42.e3 f5! Just reminding White about her own majority. 43.4c3 g6 44.f3 gc6 45.1c2 d8 46.h2 d4! Progress has been made, the c pawn might be weak so off come the Queens. 47.xd4 exd4 [ I would surely have preferred 47...xd4! 48.c4 f7 49.xd4 exd4 50.d2 xc5 51.xd4 e6 With the White King so remote, Black is slightly better. ] 48.d3 d5 49.c4 cxc5 50.xc5 xc5 51.xd4 a5 52.f4 f7 53.d7+ f6 54.a7 c4 55.a6+ f7 56.xa5 xf4 57.a8 f1 58.a5 Black's opening play is very good. By delaying ...Nf6 a lot of aggressive and dangerous W hite tries are avoid ed . I b e lieve it was GM W a hls wh o suggested this approach. As...c7-c6 and ... Bc8-f5 have to be played anyway, why not play them first? Recommended. ½-½


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 256 Kosmo,Santul Smerdon,David 41st WJun, Goa (1) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2145 2380 2002

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.c4 e6 4.dxe6 xe6 The Icelandic Gambit, usually the scene of a brief, violent struggle which ends in a victory for Black. W hy W hite would allow this co n t in u a t io n I d o n o t kn o w-t h e p ra ct ica l chances all lie with Black. The popularity of 3 c4 has suffered as a result of 3...e6 5.f3 [ 5.d4 b4+ 6.d2 e7 ( 6...xd2+ 7.xd2 e7 is also strong.) 7.e2 c6 8.f3 0-0-0 9.d5 xd2+ 10.bxd2 b4 11.0-0-0 f5 12.e1 xa2+ 13.d1 b4 14.e5 g6 15.g3 he8 16.h3+ b8 17.d4 c5 18.f4+ a8 19.f5 xb2 20.e3 xe3 21.fxe3 c1+ 22.e2 xh1 23.xg6 hxg6 24.c7 e8 25.d6 c1+ 0-1 Hernandez,J-Lopez,M/Merida 2002 (25) ] 5...e7 Perhaps this is the trickiest move. 6.e2 [ Giving back the extra pawn doesn't hinder Black in any way : 6.e2 xc4 7.d3 a6 8.0-0 c6 9.c3 0-0-0 Quite a good way of handling Black's position. 10.a3 e5 11.xe5 xe5 12.e3 c5 13.xc5 xc5 14.d2 d4 15.b4 f5 16.b5 xb5 17.xb5 xb5 18.ab1 e5 19.f3 b6 20.b2 e8 21.b3 e7 22.h3 a5 23.fc1 h5 24.c2 d6 25.a4 a6 26.c4 g5 27.g3 b8 28.g2 g4 29.hxg4 hxg4 30.c6 f5 31.h1 c8 32.a5 ee6 33.a4 b7+ 34.g1 d8 35.h6 b5 36.c2 de8 37.d2 f3 38.b4 e4 39.h2 c5 40.b2 g5 41.c3 e4 42.a1 xg3 43.b3 e2+ 44.f1 e5 45.h8 a7 46.h7 c4 47.xc4 bxc4 48.b2 g3+ 49.g1 e1+ 50.h2 f1+ 51.g1 e3+ 0-1 Sandipan,C-Smerdon,D/ 41st WJun, Goa IND 2002 (51) ] 6...c6 7.d4 [ 7.a3 0-0-0 8.h3 is a cagier way of treating the position. White keeps the Black minor pieces out as far as he can. d7 9.d4 xd4 10.xd4 xd4 11.e3 e5 12.c3 f5 13.g4 d3 14.f3 xf1 15.xf1 c5 Of course this position is excellent for Black.

16.g2 xe3 17.he1 A) 17...h5! 18.xe3 ( 18.xe3 xe3 19.xe3 hxg4 ) 18...hxg4; B) 17...d2 18.xe3 c5 19.b3 h5 20.f5+ xf5 21.gxf5 e8 22.ae1 xe3 23.xe3 d7 24.g3 c2 25.xg7 e7 26.g3 c6 27.e3+ d7 28.e4 xe4 29.xe4 a2 30.a4 d2 31.f6 d6 32.e7+ d8 33.xf7 e8 34.xb7 xf6 35.xa7 d6 36.b7 h4 37.a5 c5 38.b6 d7 39.c6 b7 40.b6 a7 41.b5 1-0 Litwak,P-Bennett, H/Christchurch 2002 ] 7...g4 [ 7...0-0-0 8.e3 f5 9.c3 b4 10.0-0-0 e4 11.f4 g5 12.e5 xc3 13.bxc3 g4 14.xh8 d6 15.c5 h6+ 16.b2 d5 17.cxb4 gxf3 18.xf3 xf3 19.gxf3 xh8 20.c4 f6 21.de1 d7 22.c3 c6 23.d5 1-0 Krupko,A-Kobzar,A/ Evpatoria 2002 ] 8.e3 0-0-0 9.d5 e5 10.c3 fd7 11.h3 So now comes the question :Is this all bluff? Smerdon seems unconcerned to be a pawn down. He lames White's structure and plays for positional pressure. [ 11.0-0-0 f6 12.h3 h5 13.g4 xf3 14.gxh5 e8 15.c2 c5 16.g2 xe3+ 17.fxe3 g5 18.b1 h4 19.hg1 xh5 20.e4 e5 21.f2 b6 22.f1 f5 23.xg7 h6 24.g1 fxe4 25.g4 f5 26.xe4 e3 27.e1 xf1 28.xf1 f8 29.h1 xe4 30.xe4 c5 31.e7 g6+ 32.a1 f7 33.e8+ b7 34.b5 d3 35.b1 b4 36.b3 g7+ 0-1 De Silva,N-Eid,F/Bled 2002 ] 11...xf3+ 12.gxf3 h5 13.0-0-0 e5?! [ 13...f6 14.g2 b4 15.b5 a6 16.d4 he8 must also have appeared attractive. Black organises his game and stands well. ] 14.g2 b4 That was the reason he kept his Queen on e7 but there is a flaw. 15.d4 [ Fritz suggests 15.xa7 xc4 16.d4 but then Fritz would. Frankly, I don't see wh a t B la c k d o e s a g a in st t h i s. K o s m o s reaction is timid-he has been well and truly intimidated. ] 15...c5 16.h4 xe3+ 17.xe3 he8! 18.xh5 xc4 19.d4 c5! Open up those lines please! 20.g4+ d7 21.d1 e2 22.f4 a3 23.f5 d2# In its own little way a typical Icelandic game. I have some 249

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 advice for White : play 3 d4 or 3 Nf3-they are both good moves...... 0-1

257 Kosten,Anthony C Govciyan,Pavel 83rd ch-FRA National B (4) [John Watson]

B01 2507 2411 14.08.2008

I think that this is the first time I've shown our webmaster and Fearless Leader lose a game! Probably Black can keep his opening disadvantage to a minimum, based upon some unusual tricks. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 g4 6.h3 h5 7.g4 g6 8.e5 The most challenging move, and I think best. [ 8.c4 is an aggressive option, to be followed by Qe2 and Be3/ g5 with 0-0-0 in some lines. ] 8...bd7 9.f4!? After this natural move White's advantage isn't clear. [ 9.f3 is an obvious option, if nothing else to discourage castling: 0-0-0 10.xg6 hxg6 11.g5 and White will soon capture on f7. ] 9...d5!? Black works with tactics. [ Another surprising possibility is 9...xe5 10.xe5 ( 10.dxe5 b4! hits f4 ) 10...b6 11.g2! c6 , which may not be so bad for Black, although W hite's control of space m u s t c o u n t f o r s o m e t h i n g . ( 11...xb2? 12.d2! threatens Rb1 with a large advantage. )] 10.xg6 [ 10.f3 xf4 11.xf4 0-0-0 12.0-0-0 cedes the bishops for some attacking chances. ] 10...xg6 11.xd5 [ Another sharp line is 11.f3 xf4 12.xf4 e5! 13.dxe5 xc2 14.c4 0-0-0 15.0-0 , although Black has counterplay my engine suggests g5 , w i t h t h e i d e a 16.xg5 ( 16.xf7 xb2 17.e6 xc3 18.exd7+ b8 ) 16...xb2 17.ac1 h5! with an unclear position. One feels that White should maintain an edge after 11 Qf3, but again, not much. ] 11...e4+ 12.e3 [ Or 12.e3 xf4 ]

12...xd5 13.g1 0-0-0 [TK: Accompanied by a draw offer, which I immediately refused. At this point I was in the lead, a half point ahead of my opponent, but although I had used a lot of time in the opening I like having more space and the pair of bishops!] 14.g2 [ 14.c3 e6 15.g2 b5 16.b3 leaves White with his bishops, although this time the second player has well-placed pieces and a good bishop. ] 14...a5+!? [ 14...b5! is more solid. ] 15.c3 c6 16.f3!? [ [TK: 16.b3 e6 17.0-0-0 was my first choice, f o llowed by c4 with a small bu t obvious plus.] ] 16...f6 17.g5 d5 18.d2 [TK: Aiming for more than the pawn grab.] [ Or 18.xf7!? xe3 ( [TK: After the game my opponent revealed that he had intended 18...e5? but this loses to 19.xd5 xd5 20.e8+ c7 21.dxe5 xe5 22.f7+ e7 23.f4+ with a solid pawn more.]) 19.e6+ b8 20.fxe3 xg5 21.0-0-0 d6 22.e4 yielding a limited advantage (opposite-coloured bishops help Black in this case). ] 18...e5!? 19.dxe5 b6 [ 19...c5 w o u l d h a v e t h e i d e a 20.b4 ( 20.f1 he8 ) 20...xb4! 21.cxb4 xb4 22.g4+ c7 23.xb4 xe5+ ] 20.f5+ b8 21.f4 a8 22.e4!? Perhaps dreaming of e6 and Qxc6. [TK: And also a4 followed by b4.] f6! 23.gxf6 [ 23.e6 d6 ] 23...gxf6 24.e6 d6 Apparently Black stands all right now. White's next is risky: 25.0-0-0?! [TK: I still think this is best!] [ 25.xd6 xd6 26.e7!? e8 27.f3 h a s i d e a s o f R g 8 a n d B h 5 , b u t c8 seems to hold. ] 25...f5! Driving the queen from defence from b1 or c2. [ White was probably counting upon 25...xf4+ 26.xf4 wit h t h e id e a xa2 27.e7 ] [ C o n t r a s t t h e g a m e w i t h 25...xa2?? 26.xd6 c4 27.b1! ] 26.f3 xa2! 27.xd6 [TK: I was very short of time, and still wanted to win the game, but this is just a blunder.] 250

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ 27.e7 a4! 28.exd8+ xd8 29.xd6 B) 9.0-0 xd4! 10.xd4 xe2 xb2+ 30.d1 xd6+ 31.xd6 xc3+ 11.cxe2 ( 11.xe2 xd4 12.e3 e5 32.xc3 xc3 is extremely difficult for 13.b5 d1! ) 11...e5 12.e3 c5 W h it e b e ca u se h e ca n't coo rdin at e h is 13.c3 exd4 14.xd4= This Is the normal pieces and Black's a-pawn will advance. ] theory I know where Black has obviously [ 27.xd6! [TK: This is forced and leads to easily equalized. That said, with little risk an immediate draw, c4 28.a3 xa3 he can certainly push for more... ] 29.bxa3 xa3+ 30.b1 b3+ [ Of course not 7...xf3? 8.xf3 xd4 with perpetual.] ] 9.xb7 d8 10.0-0 ] 27...c4!? 8.g4 g6 9.d2 0-0-0 10.g5! [ Similar but slightly more promising would be [ 10.d5? a4 The "mouse hole trick" as in 27...xd6 28.xd6 c4! ] the previous game! This only works when c7 [ 27...a4! [TK: Is very strong.] ] is defended, when the square a3 is not 28.d7! xb2+ 29.d1 b1+ Heading for a occupied by a white pawn and preferably draw. when White does not have a queen on e2 to [ 29...xd7+ 30.exd7 d8 31.xc6!! b1+ avoid a horrible doubling of the a-pawns (or 32.e2 c2+ 33.e1 xc3+ 34.e2 the draw by repetition...) after the exchange c2+ 35.e1 will also draw. ] of queens. ] 30.c1?? Trying for too much. [TK: I had just 10...xd4! seconds left and still wanted to win!] [ 10...h5? 11.d5 b4 12.b3 e6 13.a3 ] [ W hite had to settle for 30.e2 c2+ [ 10...d7!? However is interesting, and ( again, 30...xg1 31.xc6! is too strong.) leading to a maze of complications: 11.b5 31.e1 he8 32.xd8+ xd8 33.e7 b1+ ( 11.d5? b4 12.b3 c5 ) 11...b6 , etc. ] 12.a4 a5 ( 12...a5 13.e2 Intending b230...xd7+ 31.exd7 d8 32.f4 b4 ) 13.d5 b4 ( 13...ce5 14.e3+- ) [ 32.e1 xd7+ 33.e2 e7+ 34.f1 14.xb4 axb4 15.a5 c5 16.e2 ] xe1+ 35.xe1 xc1+ only delays the 11.xd4! worst. ] [ 11.gxf6? xc2-+ 12.d5 a4 13.b3 32...b2+ 33.e1 ( 13.fxe7 xd1 14.exd8+ xd8 15.xd4 [ 33.e2 d3+ 34.e1 d1# ] xc4 ) 13...xd1 14.bxa4 xf3 15.fxe7 33...d3+ 34.d2 xf4 35.f1 c2+ 16.f1 xe7 17.xe7+ b8 0-1 Everything hangs in the white camp! ] 11...xd4 12.b5? [ 12.d5? e4+ 13.f1 ( 13.e3 xg5 ) 258 B01 13...c5 ] [ 12.e2!? is the critical continuation. Kotlyar,Dimitri 2313 A) 12...e4?! 13.xe4 xe4 14.f3! Prie,Eric 2439 ( 14.xa5? xd1+ 15.xd1 xh1 ) Rheinland Pfalz ChT1 (1.1) 12.10.2004 14...e5 15.fxe4 e6 ( 15...xe4 16.f1 ) [Eric Prié] 16.d3 g3+ 17.f1 c5 18.e1 xg5 19.f3; 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 B) 12...e5?! 13.gxf6 gxf6 14.c1 g8 f6 5.c4 g4! 6.f3?! c6 7.h3 h5!? 15.e3; More tricky, with 10...Nxd4! in mind, and the C) 12...d5!? 13.b5 b6 ( 13...xd2 idea of playing for a win, than the levelling 14.xd2 xd2+ 15.xd2 This position [ 7...h5 8.e2 0-0-0 looks superior for White to the one of the A) 9.e3 e5 10.0-0 ( 10.g1? xd4 game be cau se of the possib ility Bd3 , 11.xd4 exd4 12.hxg4 a5 13.xd4 exchanging one of Black's strong bishops. a3! The legendary one!) 10...exd4 Anyway Fritz gives 15...a6 15.Nc3 Nf4 17. ( 10...xd4 11.xd4 exd4 12.hxg4 xg4 h4 e6 as 0.00 where on general grounds, 13.e4 ) 11.xd4 xe2 12.cxe2 c5 as in the game I would not mind being 13.c3 he8; 251

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 Black (exposed enemy king, weaknesses on g5, c2 and f2, excellent pieces and a strong pair of bishops) as I know I cannot lose this position! a6 16.c3 f4 ) 14.xd4 xd4 White's position looks quite uncomfortable. Indeed where to castle now? If Black wins a second pawn on g5 or b2 he will even have a material advantage! Fortunately for him, compared to the main line, he now benefits from a tactical trick because of the seemingly more aggressively placed knight on d5 which will allow him to force the exchange of queens. 15.c3 e4 16.0-0 e6 17.f3 h4 18.xd5 exd5 19.g4+ xg4+ 20.hxg4; D) 12...d7! 13.b5 b6 14.xd4 xd4 With the queens still on the board, and such white weaknesses and exposed king, the exchange sacrifice for one pawn is almost trite and will always be in te res t in g. 15.c3 e4 16.g1 e6 17.d2 xc2 18.xc2 xc2 I prefer Black. ] 12...xd2? I misjudged this position. The moment of simplifying (i.e. looking for the material of two pawns for the exchange) had not come yet. [ 12...e4+! 13.f1 b6 A) 14.d3 e5 15.e3 ( 15.gxf6 xd3+-+ ) 15...xd3+ 16.xd3 xb5 17.xb5 xb5 18.gxf6 exf6-+; B) 14.e2 d7! ( 14...d5?! 15.c4 f4 16.c5 ) 15.e3 xe3 16.fxe3 c6 17.d4 e5 18.f3 c5-+; C) 14.e3 xe3! 15.fxe3 e4 16.g4+ e6 17.d3 c5 18.xg6 xb5+ 19.d3 xd3 20.cxd3 xd3+ 21.f2 c5 22.he1 d8-+ ] 13.xd2 xd2+ 14.xd2 e4+ 15.e1 [ 15.e2!? was possibly better. White must have been af raid of some check on h5. Anyway, in this line or in the game, Black cannot take g5 under favourable circumstances because of tactical counter points. e5! ( 15...a6 16.d4 xg5 17.h4 e5 18.hxg5 exd4 19.d3 ) 16.xa7+ b8 17.b5 h5+ 18.e1 ( 18.e3 xg5 ) 18...b4+! To take the c3 retreat square off the white knight. 19.c3 c5 20.e2 xf2+ 21.f1 g6 22.h4 b6 White is still under

pressure. ] 15...e6! [ 15...a6!? 16.d4 xg5 17.h4 e5 18.hxg5 exd4 19.d3 xd3 20.cxd3 e7 21.f4 I do not think Black can lose this, but this is definitely not a good pawn structure to exploit his 2 pawns against the exchange. I understood that a bit late. ] 16.h4! h6! [ 16...c6 17.h5 cxb5 18.hxg6 bxc4? 19.xh7 b4+ 20.c3+- ] [ 16...b4+ 17.c3 c5 18.f3 g3 19.h3 ] 17.gxh6 xh6 18.xa7+ b8 19.b5 c6 20.d4 [ 20.c3! xc3 ( 20...b4 21.a3 ) 21.bxc3 xc2 22.e2 Against such a weak opposing structure, with already one pawn for the exchange, Black has little chance of losing the ending but he may not win. ] 20...c5 21.c3 e5 22.f3 xf2+ 23.f1 b6?! Giving the opponent a unique chance to escape. [ 23...f6!? Maintaining the pressure. ] 24.h2? [ 24.xe5! g3+ 25.g2 xh1 26.xg6 xg6+ 27.xh1 g4 ( 27...f6 28.h5 g5 29.f7 ) 28.xf7= ] 24...h5! 25.xe5 [ 25.g5 f6+ 26.g2 ( 26.e1 f2+ 27.xf2 xf2 ) 26...f2! 27.e1 ( 27.f1 f4 ) 27...g4 28.hh1 ( 28.h3 f2+ 29.h1 xb2 ) 28...e3+ ] [ 25.e2 g3+ 26.e1 xe2 27.xe2 e4 ] 25...f6+ [ 25...c7 26.d7+ c8 Is even stronger. ] 26.g2 A bit more resistant, then, was [ 26.e1 f2+ 27.xf2 xf2 28.d3 f4-+ ] 26...f2+ 27.h3 xh2+! 28.xh2 c7 29.e1 xe5+ 30.h3 f5 31.g1 f3! Installing an uncommon mating network . 32.f1 [ 32.h5 xh5 ] 32...g4+ 33.g2 d2 34.e1 xc4 35.b3 xc3 36.e8+ c7 37.bxc4 d6 38.b8 c7 39.f8 b6 40.a4 d6 0-1


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 B01 12...c8?! [ 12...xc3+! 13.bxc3 a5 This is it! With Kotronias,Vasilios 2570 the help of a surprising resource a f e w Candela Perez,Jose 2430 moves down the line, Black obtains X Anibal Open (2) 2003 sufficient and in some cases very strong [Andrew Martin] counterplay. A) 14.d2 a4 15.h2 f6; 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d8 B) 14.b2 c6! 15.xc6 bxc6 16.h5 Believe me,this move is better than it looks. In xh5!! A shock! 17.xh5 ( 17.gxh5 England, we have christened it the BANKER b8 ) 17...b8; variation. 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 6.c4 f5 C) 14.d2 xc2 ] [ 6...d5? is just nonsense. 7.e5 e6 c6 14.b5 e7 15.f4 8.f3 f6 9.g3 h6 10.e4 d8 11.0-0 13.d2 d7 12.b3 7f6 13.f3 xe4 14.xf7# Mat te rs a re d if f e re nt h ere. B la ck h as n o 1-0 Rizouk,A-Ortega Garcia,F/6th Open, structural weakness to aim at and he has to worry continually about the threat of h4-h5. I Malaga ESP 2003 (14) ] think White's chances are better: xe5 7.e5 e6 8.g4 g6 [ 15...0-0 16.h5 xc2 17.xc2 xe5 [ 8...e4!? is interesting and rarely played. 18.xc8 xf3+ 19.f2 fxc8 20.xf3 Black is arguing that the loss of the Two c2 21.ab1 ] Bishops means little, set against W hite's f6 17.c7+ f7 18.f4! weakening pawn advance g2-g4. 9.xe4 16.xe5 Very calm. It was important to see that ...e6xe4 10.f3 d6 11.d3 19.dxe5 fxe5 A) T h e r e ' s a l s o 11...d7 leading to e5 leads to nothing. e5 12.d2 b6 ( 12...e7 13.0-0-0 b6 ) 20.xe5 d8 21.0-0-0 f6 22.e2 d7 23.h5 When it came, Black's goose was 13.0-0-0 ( 13.xd7 xb2 ) 13...d8; B) 11...a5+ 12.d2 d5 13.c4 xf3 cooked. xc2 24.xc2 ac8 25.b1 14.xf3 d7 15.b4 f6 16.g5 d7 This game was very critical from moves 10-14. 17.0-0 g6 Structurally, Black is fine. Black must be exact or he will be swept from 18.ae1 0-0-0 19.a4 g7 20.c1 f5 the board. I think Kotronias won this game 21.e3 h6! 22.gxh6 xh6 23.xh6 t h r o u g h s h e e r p s y c h o l o g i c a l p r e s s u r e xh6 Velcheva,M-Jovkova Draganova,P/ somehow he convinced Black to lose faith in 52nd ch-BUL w, Sofia BUL 2003 If the his position. But as we've seen, 12...Bxc3+ main line fails to hold up, 8. ..Be4 should and 13...Qa5 is good enough and therefore 12 Qe2 cannot be considered a refutation. be examined more closely. ] 1-0 9.h4 b4 Better than [ 9...bd7?! 10.e2 ( 10.f3! xe5 11.dxe5 xd1+ 12.xd1 0-0-0+ 13.d2 d7 B01 14.h5 xe5 15.e2 ) 10...b4 11.d2 260 xe5 12.dxe5 d7 13.h5 xc2 14.c1 Kotronias,Vasilios xc3 15.xc3 a4 16.b3 b5 17.xb5 Thorhallsson,Throstur cxb5 18.d1 c7 19.h3 c5 20.h6 Reykjavik (Iceland) 1988 gxh6 21.d4 b4+ 22.c3 c5 23.d4 [Nigel Davies] b4+= Soltanici,R-Ardelean,G/Bucharest 2003 ] 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.d4 10.f3! The acid test, leading to extremely [ 3.e2! xd5 4.d4 would cut out the sharp play. d5 11.xd5 possibility of Black's gambit line with 3... [ 11.h5 f6 ] Bg4 and is, in my opinion, more precise. But 11...cxd5 12.e2 This works well for this was not how Thorhallsson wanted to Kotronias but Black misses a good chance. play it. ] [ 12.h5 f6 13.hxg6 fxe5 14.gxh7 c6 3...xd5 4.e2! g6 5.f3 g7 6.0-0 0-0 15.dxe5 d4 16.a3 a5 17.b4 dxc3 7.e1! 18.bxa5 xa5 19.f4 d8 20.e2 d5 ] [ Once again this restricts Black's options. 259


Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 A f t e r t h e i m m e d i a t e 7.c4 Black gets counterplay with b6 8.c3 c6 ] 7...c5 [ Black has a major alternative in 7...c6 after which White should once again avoid pla yin g c 2-c 4 p re m at u re ly. In Lo b ro n Veinger, Munich 1987 White kept insidious pressure with 8.h3 ( 8.c3 e8 9.a3 b6 10.f4 a6 11.c4 d5 12.g3 was also nice for White in Galkin - Genba, Russia Cup, Ekaterinburg 1997) 8...b6 9.c3 e5 10.dxe5 xe5 11.xd8 xd8 12.f4 xf3+ 13.xf3 c6 14.c7 f8 15.a4 when Black's queenside was under serious pressure. ] [ 7...f5 develops a piece but ignores the crucial battle for the centre. Romanishin Comas, Moscow (ol)1994continued 8.c3 c6 9.a3 a6 10.c4 c8 11.a4 h6 12.a5 b8 13.h3 c8 14.f1 with a very passive game for Black. ] 8.c4 [ Alternatively White can play 8.dxc5 a6 9.c4 ( hanging on to the pawn gives Black g o o d p l a y , 9.xa6 bxa6 10.c3 b7 11.d4 c7 12.c6 c8 13.f3 d8 14.d2 e5 15.c2 xc6 seeing Black recover his pawn with the better position in, one example being Lobron - Stefansson, Moscow (World Cup) 1989) 9...e6 10.g5 a5 11.c3 h6 12.h4 g5 13.g3 d8 14.bd2 xc5 15.e5 with the better game for W hite in Godena - Comas, Mondariz 200 0 due to the weakn ess o f Black's kingside. ] 8...b6 9.d5 e5 10.c3 f5 The battle lines are drawn. White has a passed d-pawn, Black a kings id e p awn ma jorit y. 11.g5 f6 12.xf6 xf6 13.c1 [ Another possibility is 13.f1 e4 14.d2 , a im in g to re st ra in B la ck's p a wn s a n d p o s s ib ly g e t in a la t e r f 2 -f 3 . K o t ro n ia s chooses a much more forcing line. ] 13...a6 14.h6 d7 15.g5 g7 16.xg7+ xg7 17.a3 c8 18.ed1 e8 19.b5 h6 20.e6+ xe6 21.dxe6 b6 22.d6 e7 23.ad1 f6 24.xa7 White is managing to maintain the initiative by the skin of his teeth. But the position remains OK for Black for a long time to come. xa7 25.xb6 xe6 26.xe6+ xe6 27.d8 b6

28.h8 d7 29.xh6 f6 30.h3 d2 31.b3 xe2 32.xb6+ f7 [ This and the following moves look as if they were influenced by time-trouble. 32...g5 33.xa6 xb2 looks better, with Black's king more active than in the game. ] 33.f1 c2 34.xa6 xb2 35.d6 c2 36.d5 c1+ 37.e2 c2+ 38.e1 xc4 39.xe5 c2 40.a4 f6 41.e2 c1+ 42.d2 g1 [ This must have been a time-scramble. 42...a1 just wins the a-pawn and draws and in fact Black could have taken the apawn at almost any point. ] 43.g3 f4 [ 43...a1 ] 44.gxf4 a1 45.e3 a2+ 46.e1 f5 47.f1 xf4 48.g3 f5 49.g2 c2? Missing the last chance to capture on a2. Now W hite is better. 50.h4 a2 51.g5+ f6 52.g4 c2 53.g3 c3+ 54.f3 b3 55.f4+ g7 56.f2 b8 57.e3 d8 58.c4 e8+ 59.f4 f8+ 60.e4 f5 61.a5 1-0

261 Kotronias,Vasilios Tiviakov,Sergei 1st Isthmia Open (5.1) [Milos Pavlovic]

B01 2588 2623 22.08.2011

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 6.e5 bd7 7.c4 c7 8.f3 b6 9.f4 We come to an important crossroads in this line, in the next game we will focus on 9...Qd8 d7 10.xb6 axb6 11.0-0-0 e6 12.e5 d5 [ 12...e7 13.g3 0-0 14.h4 e8 ( 14...b5 15.h5 b4 16.e4 d8 17.h6 g6 18.xf6+ xf6 19.c4 b5 20.b3 White is much better.) 15.c4 b5 16.b3 f6 17.f4 d6 18.xd6! ( 18.b1 c4 I s n o t t h a t cle a r.) 18...xd6 19.e3 White has easy play and the better pieces. ] 13.c4 f6 14.f4 e7 15.he1 [ 15.de1!?N b5 16.xd5 exd5 17.d3! Now in such a structure it is obvious that the bishop belongs on the b1-h7 diagonal. xa2 18.b1 a4 254

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 A) 19.e3 f7 20.e2 b6 21.he1 e8 ( 21...d8 22.c3 ) 22.b8! Black is paralysed, W hite's advantage is undisputed.; B) 19.e3 0-0 20.he1 f7 21.h5 f5 22.g5 xg5 23.xg5 d6 24.e8+ f8 25.1e7 g6 26.xf8+ xf8 27.e3 White is winning. ] 15...b5 16.b3 Even here it was possible to play in the same manner: [ 16.xd5 exd5 17.d3 0-0 18.e3 f7 19.de1 d8 20.b1 d7 21.g3 ( 21.h4 f8 22.h5 a5 This gives counterplay to Black. ) 21...f8 22.c7 c8 23.h4 White has the initiative. ] 16...b4 17.xd5 exd5 18.h5+ g6 19.h6 f7 Although White has pressure here, in my opinion he simply doesn't have enough for a big advantage due to the blocked bishop on b3. 20.f3 b6 21.g4 a7! 22.d3 d8 23.de3 f8 24.h4 e7 Exchanging one rook Black will get easier play. 25.g3 xe3 26.xe3 d7 27.h4 c5 28.dxc5 bxc5 29.d3 b7 30.g5 e6 31.e3 d7 32.e5 fxe5 33.xe5 c4 34.a4 xa4 35.e6+ g7 36.e5+ g8 37.e6+ g7 38.h5 gxh5 39.f6+ g8 40.e6+ g7 ½-½

B) 7...d5 ] 5.f3 g6 6.c3 g7 7.c5 One of several moves, but after Black's next, the position becomes extremely important, because it is a direct way for White to deviate from the 2... Nf6 Scandinavian that begins with 4...Nb6, as given in the previous note. d5 Transposing to the main 4...Nb6 line of the previous note. The main options are [ 7...0-0 8.c4 g4 and ] [ 7...b6 ] 8.c4 xc3 This is the normal move. [ We saw 8...c6 in Vuckovic-Vukanovic, Sozina 2005 it has been used a lot, but W hite seems to get the advantage in all lines. The game continue d 9.0-0 0-0 10.e1! h6 ( 10...g4 11.g5 f6 12.h3 xf3 13.xf3 bd7 14.b4 h6 Smirnov-Prokopchuk, Nefteyugansk 2002 and instead of 15 Bh6, when Black missed 15...Nc5, White keeps the upper hand with simply 15.f4; After 10...e6 , Martin suggests 11.b3 with a considerable advantage; 10...b6 11.g5 e6 12.xd5! cxd5 13.xe7! xe7 14.xd5 Zakurdyaeva-Muzychuk, Dresden 2004) 11.b3 ( or 11.e2 ) 11...e6 12.e4 with the idea Nd6 and White must have the better of it. The game went d7 13.d2 b6 14.a3 c7 15.ac1 a5 16.b4 bxc5?! 262 B01 17.bxc5 e5 18.d6! , with a winning game. ] Kovalev,Andrei 2533 Pluemer,Detlef 2172 9.bxc3 0-0 10.0-0 [ Jo hn Em m s calls 10.h4 g4 11.h5 ZMD Open Dresden GER (4) 28.07.2009 "a very dangerous continuation". He gives [John Watson] xh5 12.xh5 ( 12.d3 xf3 13.xf3 ) 12...gxh5 , when "White's attack after 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.d4 xd5 4.c4 f6 13.g5 looks menacing." To carry this This is an independent alternative to the main further, Black is forced to play h6 14.xf7 line 4...Nb6. It is less popular and reduces ( 14.e4 is also interesting, and probably Black's counterplay, but still playable. In this the best winning try) 14...xf7 15.xf7+! game it transposes to ( 15.xh5 e6 16.xe6 f6 ) 15...xf7 [ 4...b6 5.f3 g6 6.c3 g7 7.c5 16.xh5+ ( 16.f3+ g8 17.xb7 d7 A) 7...6d7 8.c4 0-0 9.0-0 18.d5+ h8 19.xh5 f6 ) 16...g8 has a terrific score for W hite. One ugly 17.xh6 xh6 18.xh6 d7 19.0-0-0 f6 example for Black was b6 10.e1 b7 20.g6+ ( 20.d3 f7 21.g3 h8 ( 10...bxc5 11.g5! ) 11.g5 f6 22.g6+ f8 ) 20...f8 21.h1 d5 12.e5! c6 ( 12...c6 runs into 13.a6! ) 22.h8+ g8 23.h6+!? f7 24.f4+ 13.xf7+!? ( 13.b3 ) 13...xf7 14.b3 e8 25.g4 f7 26.f4+= ] f8 15.xf7 xf7 16.xe7 xb3 17.axb3 fd7 18.e4! and it's hopeless, 10...c6 [ Another of this month's games tested the Yakovich-Zagema, Leeuwarden 1993.; 255

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 logical 10...b6 : 11.e1 e6 ( Emms gives 11...bxc5 12.g5 f6 13.h6 g7 14.xg7 xg7 15.e2; The incredible continuation of Nataf-Galego, Andorra 1999 was 11...b7 12.g5 f6 13.xf6! exf6 14.d5! bxc5 15.b1 c8 16.d6! c6 17.d5 xd6 18.xd6 cxd6 19.d5 d7 20.b7 ad8 21.xd7 xd7 22.xc6 ) 12.g5 f6 13.h6!? ( or 13.xf6! xf6 14.e5 bxc5 15.g4 with attacking ideas including Qf3 and d5 White is clearly better) 13...e8 14.e5 b7 15.b5 ( 15.e2! ) 15...d5? 16.g4! e7 17.c4 d8 18.xf7 xf7 19.xe6 d5 20.xf6+ xf6 21.f4+ e6 22.e5+ f7 23.xd5+ e8 24.h8+ d7 25.xd8+ xd8 26.xa8 1-0 Kaaber-Berkemer, Helsingor 2009. ] 11.e1 g4 12.g5 [ 12.h3? xf3 13.xf3 xd4! ] 12...h6 13.h4 g5 [ 13...xf3 14.xf3 xd4? 15.cxd4 xd4 16.xe7 xc4 17.ac1! xa2 18.xf8 xf8 19.xb7 d4 20.f1 a5 21.xc7 Tiviakov-Maliutin, USSR 1987. ] 14.g3 e5!? [ 14...b6 15.h3 h5 was played in De Firmian-Thorhallsson, Akureyri 1994 but it doesn't seen to work out any better: 16.a4 ( 16.e2 e6 17.a4 e7 was the game, a n d n o w W h i t e h a s 18.a3! -Emms ) 16...xf3 17.gxf3 a5 18.d3 e8 19.ad1 c6 20.b1!? ( or 20.f4 ) 20...d5 21.c2 c4 22.h7+ f8 23.e4 d7 24.d5! ] 15.d5 [ 15.h3!? h5 16.dxe5 gives White the edge in view of xd1?! 17.axd1 xf3 18.gxf3 with the idea e6 (and f4). ] 15...a5 16.f1 [ 16.e2?! e4 17.e5 xe2 18.xe2 e8 ] 16...f6?! Passive. Better looks [ 16...e4! 17.xe4 xf3 18.xf3 xd5 19.d1 xc5 20.d7 , and White's activity is a plus, but Black is still in the game, e.g., xc3 21.e3 f6 22.d5! b6 23.xc7 c6 24.f5 ] 17.h3 h5 18.d3 c6 19.c4?! [ 19.d6! ] 19...f7 20.ad1 e8?!

[ 20...cxd5! 21.cxd5 c8 ] 21.c3 c7?! [ 21...b6 is the last chance not to be tied down. ] 22.d6 d8 23.d3! f8 24.d2 b6 25.f5 bxc5 26.b1 White is winning. Compare the effect of each side's pieces. e6 27.xe6 xe6 28.e4 g8 29.ed1 e8 30.xc5 f5 31.d7 e7 32.c2 f4 33.h2 e4 34.d6 c7 35.bd1 d8 36.e6 xe6 37.xe6 xd7 38.e8+ f7 39.xe4 b7 40.ee1 xd1 41.f5+ g8 42.xd1 e7 43.c8+ h7 44.f5+ g8 45.c8+ h7 46.d7 e2 47.b1 I'm not sure why Black continues to play this line, except that it's hard to avoid! 1-0

263 Kristensen,Bjarke Bern,Ivar Gausdal [Alexander Volzhin]

B01 2470 2370 1993

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 6.d2 g4 7.d5!?N [ 7.b5!? b6 8.c4!? deserves attention. St ra ight f rom t he op en in g we re ac h a n ending where Black's life is not so easy. xf3 9.xf3 xd4 10.xd4 xd4 11.xb7 e4+ 12.xe4 xe4 13.e3 White's position is clearly better thanks to his pair of bishops and better pawn structure. In my opinion it's not much fun for Black but surprisingly a lot of games have been p l a ye d wi t h t h i s p o s i t i o n . A ve r y g o o d example of utilisation of W hite's winning chances was the game Macieja - Myc, Sopot 1997. ] 7...xd5?! [ 7...e5 8.b5+ ed7 looks more reliable but of course White is better here. ] 8.b5 xf3 [ 8...b6? is weaker because after 9.c4 the threat of c4-c5 wins material. ] 9.gxf3 [ 9.xf3?! i s d u b i o u s a s a f t e r db4 Black gains valuable time. ] 9...b6 The only move. 10.c4 0-0-0 [ Black is forced to give up a piece as 10...db4 was losing due to 11.c5! a5 256

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 ( 11...xc5? 12.xc7+ d8 13.xb4+ ) left vacant for the white queen! This is why 12.a3 ] Black has to play the preventive 5...c6. See 11.cxd5 xd5 12.c3 further. [ 12.b3 was also not bad: e5+ 13.e3 [ 5...c6? is another blunder in this position. ( but not 13.e2? xe2+! 14.xe2 6.b5! Much stronger than the transposition xb5+! 15.xb5 d4+ with a clear into the previous chapter after ( 6.f3 g4 advantage ) 13...a5+ 14.c3 ] 7.b5 b6 8.c4 E t ce t e ra .) 6...b4? 12...e5+ 13.e2 e6 ( 6...d8 In fact is the only move in this [ After 13...xb2 White would maintain the position to protect c7, but who would not initiative on the queenside by 14.b1 a3 snort in front of such a plight.) 7.d5! a6 15.0-0 with f4 and Bf3 to follow. ] 8.a4 b5 9.xb5! ( 9.xb5? axb5 14.f4 f5 15.0-0 White has almost 10.dxc6 c5 Mauko, L-Pokorna, R EUcompleted his development and his extra lightYouth Ch Szombathely 1993 ) squared bishop is quite enough to win this A) 9...e4+ 10.e2 axb5 ( 10...xg2 position without many problems. b4 11.xc7+ d8 12.xa8 xh1 [ 15...d6 16.g4 winning ] 13.0-0-0 ) 11.xe4 xe4 12.xb5; 16.a3 xc3 17.bxc3 d8 18.c2 e7 B) 9...xa4 10.xc7+ d8 11.xa8 19.e3 a5 20.c4 g6 21.e4 c6 xd5 ( 11...d4 12.b3 a3 13.e3 ) 22.fd1 xd1+ 23.xd1 c7 24.g4 f6 12.e2 b7 13.c3 d4 14.xd5 25.f5 Black resigned. xd5 15.b6+- xg2 16.f4+ e8 1-0 17.d7# ] 6.f3! c8 [ 6...c6 7.b5 ( 7.b5? e4 ) 7...b6 264 B01 8.xf5 a6 9.d5 e6 10.dxe6 axb5 11.xb5+- ] Kvisla,Johannes Luangtep 2123 [ 6...c6 7.b4 ] Jakobsen,Terje Vidar Open A Prague (2) 14.01.2006 7.c4 c6 8.h3 bd7 9.0-0-0 e6 10.ge2 c7 11.f4 Normally, White has made [Eric Prié] positional concessions, as in the first four 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 games, or sacrificed a pawn, as in the next game, to obtain such a steam-roller against f6 12.b3 d7 [ 4...f5? 5.f3! c6 ( 5...c6 6.b5 d7 the Centre Counter... b6 7.d2 a6? 8.d5 ) 6.b4 xb4 7.b1 13.d3 d6 14.g4! After having completed a5 ( 7...xd4 8.xf5 xc3+ 9.d2 e6 mobilization, it is now time for concrete action. 10.xf7+! xf7 11.xb7+ e7 12.xc3 ) f8 [ 14...0-0 15.g5 fd5 16.e4 a5 17.a3 8.xb7 e4 9.g3 d7 10.d2 g6 a4 18.a2 e7 19.c4 Wins a piece but 11.d5! c8 12.dxc6 e5+ 13.e2 W hite may also ignore it and play on the 1-0 Prie, E-Rodriguez, D La Reunion IBM kingside with Rhg1 and the idea Nf6+ ] open 1997 ] 5.d2 By comparison with the Caro-Kann, 15.g5 fd5 16.e4 0-0-0 17.xd6+ xd6 Of course anything wins but this which brings about the same pawn structure 18.h5 after 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3(d2) dxe4 4. Nxe4, o v e r c a u t i o u s e va c u a t i o n o f t h e f - f i l e i s practice suggests that it is rather problematic nonetheless difficult to understand. [ 18.c4 f6 ( 18...xc4 19.xc4 f6 ) 19.cxd5 for White to hope for an advantage against fxg5 20.e3 exd5 21.b4 g6 22.xf8 t h e C e n t r e C o u n t e r wi t h o u t s o l v i n g t h e xf8 Black again obtains a 'normal' position problem of setting his beast on c3 free. Thus, but if you look at it more closely, something this most direct attempt, keeping the king's is missing ...! ] knight back for the moment, is the move order And Black resigns seeing that 19. chosen by at least the last 3 (classical) World 18...e7? c h a m p i o n s t o r e a c h t h i s p o s i t i o n . f5? Bb4 eventually wins a rook after the capture A mistake precisely because the f3 square is 257

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 on e7. 1-0


B01 Lacasa Diaz,Jose Antonio 2420 Sanchez Guirado,Francisco Javier 2408 49th TCh-ESP Honor 1 (3) 26.08.2005 [Andrew Martin] 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 f6 5.f3 e4!? A move that caused a flurry of attention after I wrote a TWIC Theory article on this very subject. To my knowledge Reprintsev's 5 ...Ne4 remains unrefuted and interesting. Doubtless White has several ways to step around Black's move order for instance with 5 Bc4. but that might commit him to moves he otherwise would not like to have played. 6.d3 [ 6.c4!? has been suggested and played by S c o t t is h Ma s t e r G e o f f Ch a n d le r. I t 's a natural move alright and White's first idea is that xc3 will be met by ( I propose 6...f5 7.0-0 xc3 8.e1 e6 with a reasonable game for Black.) 7.d2 However, after e6! 8.bxc3 d6 9.0-0 0-0 Black plans ...Nd7, ... b6 etc and there's no reason why he should be worse e.g.. 10.b1 d7 11.b5 a4 12.d3 a6 13.h5!? ( 13.b2 b5 14.b3 a5 ) 13...f6 ] 6...xc3 7.bxc3 [ 7.d2 was played in one of the earlier examples of the system: g6 ( 7...e6 8.bxc3 d6 9.0-0 d7 may be better still.) 8.xc3 xc3+ 9.bxc3 g7 10.0-0 0-0 11.e1 e6 12.f4 c6 13.ab1 d7 14.a4 e8 15.a5 f6 16.d2 e5 Melamed, T-Reprintsev, A/ Alushta 1999 ] 7...g6 [ Naturally enough 7...xc3+ is suggested by my trusty silicon friend but I cannot like Black's position after 8.d2 c6 9.b1 d6 10.c4 although Deep Fritz insists that Black is OK. ] 8.0-0 g7 9.e1 The most natural move in the world. [ 9.b1 0-0 10.e1 c6 11.h3 ( 11.f4 or; 11.b5 xa2 12.f4 are more testing.) 11...xa2 12.g5 e6 13.d2 d5 14.b5 d7 15.h6 xh6 ( 15...a5! ) 16.xh6

Strukov, R-Reprintsev, A/Moscow 1999 ] 9...0-0! Inviting White to go on a small spree with his Rook, when Black will use the time either take on c3 or to develop his pieces: 10.d2 [ One would assume that Black is OK after 10.xe7 xc3 11.d2 a3 12.xc7 c6 The position has Grünfeld-like contours. ] 10...c6 11.e4 g4 [ 11...e8 ] 12.h3 [ 12.xc6 bxc6 13.xe7 ( 13.e4 xf3 14.xf3 e6= ) 13...c5 14.e3 fd8 gives Black welcome counterplay ] 12...xf3 13.xf3 e5! I think this is also a correct move. Black comes out of his corner aggressively and tries to pin White down, even if it means giving up a pawn. 14.d5 [ 14.xc6 bxc6 15.c4 a4 16.dxe5 ad8! ] 14...e7 15.c4 a4!= Again, Black has developed sufficient counterplay to at least hold the balance. White has two Bishops, but his pawn structure is poor and Black's queen is very active. 16.c3 [ 16.c5 fd8 is no solution for White. ] 16...xc4 17.xe5 f5 18.xg7 [ 18.e4 c5 19.b1 xe5 20.xe5 d6 21.d3 fe8!= ] 18...xg7 19.e2 xe2 20.xe2 d6= As lon g a s B lack keep s W hit e o ut of th e seventh rank his excellent Knight will ensure equality. 21.d3 [ 21.ab1 b6 22.g3 fe8= ] 21...fe8 22.f4 White opens up a route for his King to come to the centre. Both parties now seem to understand that the game is going to end in a draw and play develops accordingly. [ 22.c4 b6 23.a4 f6 might even be better for Black! ] 22...xe1+ 23.xe1 e8 24.xe8 xe8 25.f2 f6 26.e3 e7 27.d4 d6 28.g4 f6 29.c4 b6 30.e2 White has the wrong colour bishop to make progress. h6 31.h4 d7 32.d3 f6 33.e2 [ 33.g5 is the last chance to play on: hxg5 34.fxg5 g4! ( 34...h5 35.e2 g3 36.g4 ) 35.e2 e5 It is now unclear what White can achieve further. ] 33...d7 34.d3 f6 A reasonably correct game by both players and evidence that 5... 258

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 Ne4 is still very much in business. ½-½

266 Landa,Konstantin Chatalbashev,Boris Bayern-chI Bank Hofmann 16th (9) [Danny Gormally]

B01 2641 2535 04.11.12

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 g6 6.b5! b6 7.c4 [ 7.a4!? is examined in Smirin, I (2638)Kurajica, B (2558)/Eilat 2012. ] [ White could also throw in 7.f4 a6 8.a4 first, somewhat misplacing the knight on a6. ] 7...c6 8.c3 g7 9.c5! I can see this method of play becoming quite popular, as there seems no obvious way f or Black to equalise after this. Landa plays as aggressively as possible. He wants to put the bishop on c4. [ Normal would be 9.e2 g4 ] [ 9.h3 with the idea of preventing Black's normal idea of playing ...Bg4, has also been played. ] 9...c7 [ Landa has played this position himself from th e B la c k p oin t o f vie w, (p e rh a ps wh a t inspired him to try this opening in the first place) and preferred 9...d8 which led to a draw after 10.c4 0-0 11.0-0 g4 12.e3 bd7 13.h3 xf3 14.xf3 e6 15.fd1 d5 16.e4 1/2-1/2 Djukic, N (2509) Landa, K (2635)/Rijeka 2010 (32) ] 10.c4 0-0 11.0-0 b5 12.b3! a5 13.a3 g4?! Now I think this exchange just gives White too easy a life. The problem is that with this pawn on c5 cramping the queenside, White is threatening to create a complete bind on the Black position, therefore he needs to try and breakout as quickly as possible. [ However, there is no easy way for Black to breakout and create any meaningful play, for example 13...bd7 14.e1 e6 15.g5 with the idea of Qd2, followed perhaps by Bh6 or Bf4, where White has a bind. ] 14.h3 xf3 15.xf3 bd7 16.f4 b7 A pretty unpleasant position to have to play, although I will hesitate to say that Black's

position will not take on any supporters, as it's amazing what people are willing to defend these days. [ Black can hardly play 16...e5 as after 17.h2 the pin on the e5 pawn is most annoying for him. ( 17.xe5? by contrast does not work out in White's favour: xe5 18.dxe5 d7! 19.e6 fxe6 20.xe6+ h8 21.e3? ae8 and the pin on the bishop is nasty. )] 17.fe1 e6 18.a4! White has won the opening battle. Black is very passive and can only look forward to a difficult defence. bxa4 19.xa4 d5 20.ad1 fc8 21.e4 [ the simple continuation 21.xd5 exd5 22.e3 e8 23.dd3 was certainly worthy of consideration. ] 21...b4 [ 21...xb2? 22.d6 c7 23.xf7! xf4 24.xf4 loses quickly for Black. ] 22.b3 xd4 23.d2 b8 24.d6 Black is now left with a difficult choice. f8? The c6 pawn proves too important to give up so easily. [ it was time to give up the exchange: 24...f6! 25.xc8 xc8 and White will have a tough job indeed breaking down the tough carapace of Black's position. ] 25.xc6 e5 26.xe5 xe5 27.xa8 xa8 28.h6 g7 29.xg7 xg7 30.a1 a7? Walking into a tactical shot. 31.b4! a4 [ 31...xb4 32.c3+ f6 33.xb4 ends matters immediately. ] 32.a3 With two strong connectors White is winning easily. e7 33.b5 f6 34.b6 c3 35.e1 d4 36.b7 e5 37.c8 d2 38.a1 1-0

267 Lanka,Zigurds Hauchard,Arnaud Torcy [Alexander Volzhin]

B01 2510 2420 1991

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.d4 g4 4.f3 f5 5.b5+! In my opinion only by playing this move can W hite hope for an opening a d v a n t a g e . bd7 6.c4 The position is somewhat similar to Movsesian - Damaso. But compared to that game White has gained 259

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 some tempi here, so it's not so easy for Black to prove he has something for a pawn. a6 [ B l a c k c a n t r y 6...e6 immediately. We'll consider that move in the next game. ] 7.xd7+ [ 7.a4?! is strongly met by the thematic b5! 8.cxb5 b6 with ample compensation. ] 7...xd7 8.e2 e6! 9.dxe6 xe6 10.b3! [ 10.d5 is inferior as it seriously weakens the d a r k s q u a r e s . A f t e r b6 White has difficulties evacuating his King from the centre. ] 10...0-0-0 11.0-0 So White has managed to complete his development. Often he can only dream about castling! c5!? Now Black has t o f i n d s o m e t h i n g , o t h e r wi s e W h i t e wi l l complete his development with a clear extra pawn and an undisputed advantage. The prospects of a kingside attack are far from clear, so Black decides to win the pawn back. 12.h1! [ The inaccurate 12.bc3?! allows e5! with equality. ] 12...xd4! 13.xd4 d7 Absolutely the only move, as [ 13...e5? fails to 14.b2 c5 15.e2! a n d W h i t e k e e p s a n e xt r a p i e c e : xe2 16.xe2 d3 17.bc3 xe2 18.xe2 d2 19.xf6 ] 14.b2 c5 15.b4! Excellent! Now it's White who is attacking! cxd4 16.b5! axb5 17.a3! bxc4 [ Of course not 17...b4? 18.b5 and Black has no defence against Qa4 with a decisive attack. ] 18.xc4 For only one pawn White has a very strong attack, as he has opened files on the queenside and Black's King is not protected by his pa wn s. Th e pre sen ce o f o p p osit e coloured Bishops favours the attacker as usual. All these factors make Black's defence extremely difficult. b8 19.a3! [ The position after Black's 18th move also oc c u rre d in t h e ga m e Ma rcin ke viciu s Azevedo, 1997. W hite preferred 19.c1!? and obtained a huge advantage after e6 20.d2 b5 21.a4 a6 22.a3 c8 23.xd4 a8 24.b5 hd8 25.g5! ] 19...d5 20.c1 he8 21.d2! e6 22.a5! White continues his attack with very simple and natural moves. Each move

contains a threat. Now Black should parry Rc5. b5 [ Relatively best 22...d3 Doesn't help Black t o o m u c h i n v i e w o f 23.xb7! xf1 24.xd8 and Black's King is in trouble. ] 23.c5! Now all White's pieces participate in t h e a t t a c k . a8 24.Qf4 was threatened. 24.a4! a6 25.b3! d3 [ 25...d3 didn't help Black either in view of 26.d4 ] 26.g1 e2 27.b4 h5 28.b6! de8 29.c5 8e5 T h e l a s t t r i c k . 30.gd1 It's necessary to keep your concentration even in completely won positions. Taking the queen led to sudden mate: [ 30.xa6?? g3+ 31.hxg3 h5# After the text Black has nothing to hope for, so he resigned. A very good performance from Latvian GM Zigurds Lanka. ] 1-0

268 Lee,Graham D Ledger,Stephen ch Scarborough ENG (8) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2316 2203 10.08.2004

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.f3 A dangerous move. f6 4.d4 g4 5.e2 c6!? I have played 5...e6 here several times and believe that move to be well playable. 5...Nc6 is much sharper, immediately unbalancing the game. Black puts pressure on d4 and will get castled quickly. The downside is he'll have to give up the two bishops. Which will be more important? I prefer White. [ 5...e6 6.0-0 e7 7.c4 d8 8.c3 0-0 9.e3 bd7 10.b3 c8! has feature d in two of my games against GM Rowson and IM Ferguson. Black plans ... a6 and . ..c5, working with a manageable disadvantage. Black scored 1.5 from 2 in those games. ] 6.h3 xf3 7.xf3 e6+ Awkward. 8.e3 0-0-0 9.0-0 d5 Speed is of the essence, lest White just sit on his advantages. 10.e2 xe3N An unimpressive novelty, but then the whole variation seems unpromising. [ Instead 10...d7 was roughly treated in a recent Olympiad game: 11.xd5 xd5 12.c3 260

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 A) 12...xd4 13.xd4 ( 13.g4+ f5 ) 13...xd4 14.ad1 b6 15.xd8+ xd8 16.d1+ c8 17.d3 d6 18.c4!; B) 12...f5 13.d5 b4 14.b5 xd5 15.xa7+ b8 16.c4 d3 17.f3 xc4 18.xf7 c5 19.ac1 e4 20.b5 f5 21.f4+ 1-0 Rohl Montes,J-Bryson,D/ Elista 1998 ] 11.fxe3 d7 12.xc6 xc6 13.xf7 Black must find a better way to play against 3 Nf3 because this is just hopeless. e5 14.dxe5 d5 15.g4+ b8 16.e6 c5 17.c3! Lee is very happy to jettison the weakling on e3 in order to fully develop. It's not an exaggeration to say that Black is lost. xe3+ 18.h1 c6 19.e7 de8 20.xg7+- hg8 21.xg8! xg8 22.f8+ e8 23.xg8 What a hero! xg8 24.e1 c6 [ 24...e6 25.d5! ] 25.xe3 e8 26.e2 c7 27.g3 3 Nf3 is a definite threat to the Scandinavian but Black must not panic. He can choose to defend stoutly with 3...Nf6 (but NOT with a subsequent ...Nc6) or punt the sharper 3...Bg4 . In either case, he must study the resulting positions very carefully indeed. 1-0

269 Leko,Peter Caruana,Fabiano FIDE GP Tashkent (11.1) [Tom Rendle]

B01 2732 2786 04.12.2012

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 g6 6.b5 A critical test of 5...g6. In Dominguez Perez-Caruana we see the m a i n a l t e r n a t i v e 6 . B c 4 b6 7.a3!? Previously 7.Bf4, 7.c4 and 7.a4 have all been analysed on ChessPub c6 [ 7...g7 8.c4 c6 9.e2 0-0 10.0-0 bd7 11.e1 d5 was a little better for White in an "advanced rapid" game: Karpov, A (2686)-Fernandez Garcia, J (2452) Santurtzi 2003 ] 8.c4 d8 [ 8...c7 9.ce5 ( 9.g3 as in the game is probably a better option) 9...g7 10.c4 d5 11.0-0 d7 12.d3 0-0 13.b3 b5 14.e1 7b6 15.c3 a5 16.a3 f5

and Black had equalised comfortably in Solak, D (2567)-Milanovic, D (2499) Vrnjacka Banja 2010 ] 9.g3 [ 9.ce5 again this move doesn't really co n vi n c e m e g7 10.c4 0-0 11.0-0 bd7 12.c3 xe5 13.xe5 d5 14.e1 e6 and Black had largely equalised in Soltanici, R (2367) -Grigore, G (2505) Baia Sprie 2011 ] 9...e6 10.e2 The knight on c4 has to be defended before White can fianchetto on the kingside. g7 11.g2 0-0 12.0-0 c8!? A slightly odd move as Black can't play Bh3 with the pawn on e7 undefended - probably the idea is to support a possible c5 break. [ 12...bd7 would be my preferred choice and White has a typical slight edge for this line after 13.a4 a5 14.e1 ] 13.g5! [ 13.a4 c5! 14.dxc5 xc5 15.ce5 bd7 and Black has no real problems here. ] 13...d5 14.h3 xc4 [ 14...bd7 15.e5 is uncomfortable for Black who has to play the weakening move b5 in order to prevent c4 and White must be doing well after 16.a4! ] 15.xc4 Leko must be very happy with how the opening has turned out, two bishops and a space advantage - he should be able to play f o r a wi n f r o m h e r e wi t h l it t l e ri s k . bd7 16.e2 [ 16.e1 feels more natural to me with a very c o m f o r t a b l e g a m e f o r W h i t e a f t e r e6 17.b3 ] 16...d8 17.c4 h6 18.f3 [ 18.e4?! would not be so good as Black is helped by the swapping of pieces and also after xe4 19.xe4 b6! White cannot defend both central pawns and is actually a li t t l e wo r s e I t h i n k a f t e r 20.c5 d5 as the p awn on d 4 h as th e p ote nt ial t o become vulnerable in the long run. ] 18...e8 19.d1 e6 20.d2 a5 21.c3 c7 22.ac1 a4 23.g2 ad8 Both sides have placed their pieces on sensible squares and now the question is "can W hite do a n yt h i n g ? " 24.d3 g4! A nice idea from Caruana who realises the knight can be more useful than on f6. 25.e1 h5 26.h3 h6 This is the point, the knight isn't heading back 261

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 to f6 but instead to f5 via h6 (although it takes a while to actually get there)! 27.d2 c5 [ 27...f5 seems more natural to me but perhaps Fabiano was worried about 28.g4 hxg4 29.hxg4 d6 30.f4 although Black should be OK after c5 ] [ 27...e5! may be the best move in the position as it's not clear White is better at all after 28.dxe5 ( or 28.g5 f6 29.xh6 xh6 30.dxe5 xe5 31.xd8 xd8 32.e4 xf3+ 33.xf3 f7 which will almost certainly end in a draw) 28...xe5 29.xd8 xd8 30.f1 e6 ] 28.g5 c8 29.f4 [ 29.d5 was worth considering when play m i g h t c o n t i n u e f5 30.d1! exd5 31.xe8+ xe8 32.xd5 d4 33.xa4 and Black must fight hard for compensation for the pawn with b5! but I still prefer White after 34.a6 bxc4 35.a4 xf3+ 36.xf3 e1+ 37.g2 as the two bishops should be worth something in this ending. ] 29...a5 30.dxc5 xc5 31.d2?! [ 31.dd1 keeps a slight edge ] 31...xd2 32.xd2 ed8 It's hard to believe Black is worse any longer. 33.ed1 xd2 34.xd2 e4 35.c2 c5 36.d2 e4 [ 36...f5 surely it was time to bring the knight into the game? W hite can try 37.g4 but h6! 38.g5 f8 is just equal ] 37.d7 c5 38.d1 f6 39.e3 f5 40.xc5 xc5 41.d8+ h7 42.f1 Black's last f ew moves have been a little sloppy and suddenly Leko is a little better again - it's not quite enough to create serious winning chances though. c7 43.a8 e5 44.xa4 e4 Counterplay arrives just in time 45.d2 d6 46.a5 f5 47.d5?! [ 47.c5 f7 48.c4 was more promising ] 47...c8 48.b4 c3 49.a3 e7 50.d6 b2 51.b1 c6 52.c5 e7 53.g2 h4! 54.b5 d4 55.d2 hxg3 56.xg3 c3 57.b1 b2 Black's pieces are active enough to dissuade W hite from going for the win. 58.d2 c3 59.b1 b2 60.d2 ½-½

270 Lemos,Damian Flores,Diego zt 2.5 m San Luis ARG (3) [John Watson]

B01 2439 2541 20.03.2007

A fairly typical example of the Scandinavian ... c6/...e6 structure in one of the standard lines. 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.f3 f6 5.d4 c6 6.c4 f5 7.d2 [ The 'old' main line is 7.e5 e6 8.g4 g6 9.h4 bd7 10.xd7 when Black seems to be doing well enough after either recapture on d7. This has been analyzed in earlier ChessPublishing games. ] 7...e6 8.e2 [ (a) 8.e4 c7!? ( 8...d8 9.xf6+ is the main line that usually stems from 8 Nd5) ) 9.xf6+ gxf6 has held up reasonably well for Black. A recent game West-Katz, P a r s i p p a n y 2 0 0 7 w e n t 10.e2 e7 11.0-0-0 d7 12.h4 g6 13.f4?! f5 14.xg6 hxg6 15.g3 0-0-0 16.h4 f6 and Black had the more comfortable game. ] [ (b) 8.d5 d8 9.xf6+ xf6 (often arrived at by 8 Nd5 Qd8, etc.) 10.e2 is Shirov's favourite, which has been played and analysed by some very strong players. In Jonathan Rowson's recent overview, White was coming out on top, but that could change at any moment. ] 8...b4 9.0-0-0 bd7 10.a3 xc3 11.xc3 The whole idea here, brought to attention by Larsen, is that White's bishop on c3 is bad and all of Black's pieces are active, in spite of his slightly cramped pawn structure. Variations like this helped in the explosion of popularity of the .. .e6/...c6 restraint structure. c7 12.e5 xe5 Logical, but it does give White a permanent space advantage. [ A more dynamic approach was 12...b5!? 13.d3 xd3 14.xd3 xe5 ( 14...a5!? ) 15.dxe5 d5 Pavlogianni-Makropoulou, Aghia Pe la gia 20 04 , give n as e qu al b y Davies. ] 13.dxe5 d5 14.d2 0-0-0 Traditionally, White has been held to stand better in such positions, aided by space and the two bishops. That may be objectively true, but it's going to be very hard to break through on either wing. White tries the most likely side to attack on, 262

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 gaining important space there: 15.g4 g6 16.f4 h5! A tough decision, because if Black doesn't gain activity, he can regret opening lines for White on the kingside. 17.h3 b6 18.hf1 hxg4 19.hxg4 c5! 20.b3 h3! The point. Black gets activity (and threatens ... Rxb3) before f5 can come. 21.f2 xf2 22.xf2 e4 23.e1 f3 24.g5?! Weakening, although it needn't be as bad as it turns out. e7 25.b4 d5 26.d2 g4 [ 26...e7 27.c4!? ] 27.c4 f5 28.b3 [ 28.f1 h1 29.c4 e7 30.g2 xe1+ 31.xe1 d4! 32.b3 c5 33.c3 d3 34.b2 c7 is roughly equal. The bishops are frustrated on the kingside. White begins to play aimlessly. ] 28...e7 29.a4!? g6 30.a5 b6 31.f1 g3 32.e3 g1 33.c3?! c7 34.e3 h8! 35.b2 hh1 36.d3? b1+ 37.c3 e7 38.c4 c5! 39.b5 b7 40.a6+? [ 40.g3 ] 40...c7 41.e4 hd1! A kind of zugzwang. 42.f3 [ 42.h2 b2! 43.c3 a2 ] 42...xc2! Taking over the light squares, although. [ 42...g1! is more sadistic. ] 43.xd1 xd1 44.e1 f5?! [ 44...xb3+ 45.c4 b1 ] 45.c3? [ White could have mixed it up with the riskylooking 45.b4! b3 46.bxc5 d4+ 47.b4 c2+ 48.c3 xe1 49.cxb6+ xb6 50.xe1 xe1 51.xb3 g6 ] 45...xb3+ 46.c4 a3 [ Or 46...b5+ 47.d3 b4 48.xd1 xc3+ 49.d2 d4 ] 47.d2 f3 48.a1? d5+ 49.d3 c4+ 0-1

Cuba, was a Scandinavian Defence with the following moves: 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 a5 4.d4 [ Reader's Challenge W12P1 Consider also 4.f3 f6 5.c4 c6 6.e2 f5 7.d3 e6 8.d2 b4 9.a3 bd7? as happened in one of my games from a 1992 simultaneous exhibition in Troon, Scotland. a) What is White's strongest possibility now at move 10? b) Going back to move six, why would 6...Bg4? be a serious mistake? A solution appears after the game W12. ] 4...c6 Black gives his queen an extra retreat path along the a5-d8 diagonal in case trouble arises withBc1-d2 5.c4 f5 6.d2 e6?! [ A common line is 6...f6 7.d5 d8 ] 7.g4 the action really starts with this case of g f o r " g o f o r i t ! " g6 8.h4 h5 9.d5! White quickly blasts open the position to take full advantage of Black's lack of development c5 [ 9...cxd5 10.xd5 d8 ( 10...c5 11.e2 would transpose to the actual game) 11.f4 is also fabulous for White ] 10.e2 cxd5 11.xd5 hxg4? Black cannot af f ord t he time to make this unimportan t capture when he is already critically behind in development 12.f4! c6 [ White was threatening 13 Nc7+ and intending 12...d6 13.b4! d4 ( or 13...c6 14.b5 a fatal pin ) 14.d1 ] 13.c7+ e7 14.xe6 [ B la ck wa s h o p in g f o r 14.xa8 d4 but W hite had other plans. IM Carlos Matamoros (rated 2492) resigned in view of 14...fxe6 15 Qxe6+ Kd8 16 0-0-0+ Nd4 17 Ne2, with a totally crushing attack against Black's bare king. Solution to W12P1 a) 10 Nd4! not only pu ts Black's f 5-b ishop in trouble, but also threatens to win his other b i s h o p v i a 1 1 N b 3 wh i c h p r o t e c t s t h e a1-rook and thereby unpins the a3-pawn. 271 B01 Black could struggle on after 10...Be7 11 Nd5 Qd8, but in the 'simul' game he lost Leyva,Ricardo quickly with 10...Bxc3? 11 Bxc3 Qe5 12 Matamoros,C Qxe5 Nxe5 13 Nxf5 Nxc4 14 Nxg7+ 1-0: Mem Premier II, Var 2000 re sign a t io n in vie w o f t h e f a ct t h a t t h e [Paul Motwani] black knights were both 'en prise' simultaneously---a real (k)nightmare! b) 2) W 12: The game R.Leyva-C.Matamoros White wins with 7 Bxf7+!, intending 7...Kxf7 played on 7 May 2000 in the Capablanca 8 Ne5+ putting Black in double trouble at f7 Memorial Premier II tournament at Varadero, 263

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 27.h2 hxg4 28.hxg4 h8+ 29.g3 f4+ 30.exf4 gxf4+ 31.xf4 bf8+ 32.e3 f3+ 0-1

and g4. ] 1-0

272 Lopez,Manuel Huerta,Ramon XIV Torre Merida MEX (4) [Jon Tisdall]

B01 273 2288 17.12.2001

Luther,T Hera,I TCh-AUT 2012-13 (5.1) [Tom Rendle]

B01 2535 2573 18.01.2013

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 xd5 4.e3 e5 5.c3 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 [ 5.c4!? ] f6 5.e3 c6 5...b4 6.a3 xc3+ 7.bxc3 d6!? [ 5...a6 is Black's other option, keeping the [ 7...f6 8.c4 e4 9.dxe5 xe5 10.d4 c6 square free for the knight. e6 11.xe4 xe4 12.d3 f6 13.f4 A) 6.d3 as in the game would be a more fd7 14.f3 xf3+ 15.gxf3 0-0-0 16.g1 testing approach c5 17.0-0-0 xd3+ 18.cxd3 hg8 A1) 6...g6 7.d2 g7 8.f3 0-0 9.f4 19.c2 c5 20.c3 b6 21.a4 d7 22.a5 d8 10.0-0 is more comfortable for f5 23.axb6 axb6 24.d4 cxd4+ 25.xd4 White.; xd4 26.xd4 d8+ 27.c3 d3+ A2) 6...c6 is possibly Black's best 28.b4 g6 29.e3 b7 30.c5 bxc5+ response and now 7.f3 ( 7.d2 b4! 31.xc5 e6 32.b1+ c7 33.f4+ d7 must be fine for Black ) 34.b7+ c8 35.b8+ d7 36.b7+ c8 A2a) 7...g4 is a lso p laya b le 8.h3 1/2-1/2 Maria,L-Stefanova,A Moscow 1994. ] h5 9.g4 g6 8.f3 f6 9.b5?! A2a1) 10.xg6!? hxg6 11.e2 [ 9.dxe5 xe5 10.xd6 cxd6 ( 10...xf3+ is an interesting pawn sacrifice, for 11.gxf3 cxd6 12.0-0-0 ) 11.0-0-0 example xg4 12.0-0-0 ( 12.d5!? ) and white's active pieces compensate for 12...xe3 13.xe3 and Black is a his fractured pawns. ] long way behind in development; [ 9.e2 ] A2a2) 10.e2 and I slightly prefer 9...e4 10.e5 0-0 11.xc6 bxc6 12.0-0 W hite although both sides can be a6 black has a very comfortable position fairly happy.; t h e wh it e p l a n o f u si n g so m u c h t im e t o A2b) 7...g6 8.d2 g7 fracture black's queenside has not been worth A2b1) 9.0-0-0 is probably too the loss of light-squared control. 13.e1 d5 a m b i t io u s h e r e . B la c k h a s go o d Mobilizes the kingside pawns and begins chances after b4 10.c4 bd5 pressure on white's wobbly centre. 14.c4? ( or 10...b5!? 11.f4 b6 12.b3 White may have thought that he could achieve b7 ); c5 and save the front c-pawn, but this proves A2b2) 9.0-0 0-0 10.h3 and White to be problematic. ha s a slight a d va n t a ge a lth o u gh [ 14.d2 f6 15.g4 ad8 ] Black is very solid as is typical for 14...xe3 15.fxe3 this line.; [ 15.xe3 f6 16.c5 d5 17.c4 ( 17.g4 A3) 6...g4 gives White the better h5 ) 17...e6 18.f3 xc4 ] c h a n c e s h e r e a f t e r 7.f3 ( 7.d2 15...c5 White's centre pawns now collapse. is also sensible) 7...d7 8.ge2 c6 16.c3 f6 17.g4 xc4 18.f2 f5-+ 9.d2; A pawn up with the better position, the rest is B) 6.d2!?; already technique. 19.a4 d5 20.a5 C) 6.g3 wasn't a particularly successful cxd4 21.xd5+ xd5 22.cxd4 g5 23.ac1 approach by White in Zhang Zhong-Dreev, c6 24.g4 h5 25.h3 ab8 26.b1 g7 a n n o t a t e d in t h e a rch ive s b y A n d re w 264

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 Martin ] 6.d3 [ 6.d2 with the idea of castling queenside as soon as possible has also been tried, including by Luther himself. f5 7.0-0-0 ( 7.f3 was Luther's choice and it maybe critical e6 8.h4 g6?! 9.xg6 hxg6 10.h4 and White had the two Bishops and some advantage in Luther, T (2541)Boricsev, O (2396) Marrakesh 2010 bd7 11.0-0-0 b4 12.b1 d5 13.e4 xe3 14.xe3 e7 15.f4 a5 16.d3 e5 17.dxe5 xe5 18.f3 e6 19.he1 e5 20.g3 xh4 21.h3 0-0-0 22.c5 ) 7...e6 8.f3 bd7 9.ge2 b6 10.g3 g6 11.ge4 xe4 12.fxe4 and White was a little better in Alekseev, E (2688)Zolotukhin, V (2338) Olginka 2011 although B la c k s u c c e ss f u lly h e ld a d r a w in t h a t game. ] 6...g4 7.d2 c7?! This doesn't work out well and gives White exactly what he's after with this Be3 setup. [ 7...e6 has been played before here and brought Black a quick win in the following game although there are plenty of points for im p ro ve m e n t . . . 8.ge2 bd7 9.0-0-0 ( 9.f3! h5 10.f4 b4 11.0-0-0 gives W hite some edge) 9...h5 10.f4?! This doesn't really fit with the position 0-0-0 ( 10...b5!? ) 11.f5 e5 12.dxe5 xe5 13.de1 xe2 14.xe2 a5 15.h3 e5 W hite is already in some trouble 16.g4? b4 17.a3 xa3 18.bxa3 xa3+ 19.b1 f3 0-1 Eisen, L (2242)-Gonzalez, R (2419) Las Vegas 2004 ] [ 7...bd7 is more combative as Black may be able to play ...e5 in one more to gain counterplay in the centre, e.g. 8.ge2 e5 but I still like White's position after 9.0-0-0 0-0-0 10.h3 e6 11.b1 and White is better placed for when the centre opens up. ] 8.h3 h5 9.f4! [ 9.f4 i s a l s o p r o m i s i n g a f t e r b6 10.ge2! as xb2? 11.b1 a3 12.xb7 bd7 13.d5! is simply winning for White ] 9...e6 Otherwise the bishop is simply getting trapped 10.g4 g6 11.f5 exf5 12.gxf5 h5 13.ge2 It's clear that the opening has gone in White's favour and so Hera has to be very

c a r e f u l o v e r t h e n e x t f e w m o v e s . bd7 14.f4 [ 14.g1 was worth considering - Black now to solve the problem of how to develop the bishop on f8. ] 14...d6 15.e3+ f8 [ 15...d8 might've been a safer option although it's clear White is still doing well after 16.g3 xf4 17.xf4 g6 18.d2 ] 16.g3 xf4 17.xf4 e8+?! Things quickly turn more unpleasant after this move although the position was already tricky. [ 17...c8 to defend the queen from discovered checks was better although White keeps the initiative with 18.d2 g6 19.ae1 ] 18.d2 d8 19.ae1! Luther swaps off Black's only active rook xe1 20.xe1 g6 21.xh5 xh5 22.d6+ g7 23.e7? An unfortunate mistake just as W hite was building a winning attack [ 23.fxg6! hxg6 24.e7 was the way to do it and now W hite has excellent winning chances after hf6 ( of course 24...e8?? c a n n o w b e m e t b y 25.xg6+ h8 26.h7# ) 25.c4 f8 26.e6! g8 27.xd7 e8! a remarkable move to keep Black in the game 28.xf7 xf7 29.xe8+ xe8 30.c7+ e7 31.xe7+ xe7 and the extra pawn should be enough to win although there's still quite a bit of work to do. ] 23...e8! 24.xe8 [ the point is that 24.xd7?? loses to g5+ 25.d1 g1+ 26.f1 xf1+ 27.d2 e1+ 28.d3 b5! and White will get mated or lose huge amounts of material ] 24...xe8 25.e4 [ 25.c7 puts Black in an awkward pin but he can escape with e7 26.d1 g5! and now he has a perpetual after 27.xd7 g1+ 28.d2 g5+ 29.d1 g1+ 30.e2 g2+ 31.e1 g3+ 32.f1 f3+ ] 25...df6 26.xf6 xf6 Black has escaped and the position is just equal. 27.h4 c8 28.e5 d8 29.c3 g8 30.fxg6 A missed opportunity for W hite but 5.Be3 looks to be an interesting (and nontheoretical) way to play against 3...Qd6 ½-½ 265

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 274 Macieja,Bartlomiej Tiviakov,Sergei Remco Heite Wolvega NED (3) [John Watson]

B01 2600 2686 29.11.2008

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 4.d4 f6 5.f3 c6 [ In an earlier update, Fabiano Caruana annotated a lovely game versus Strikovic which began with 5...a6 6.g3 g4 7.h3 h5 8.g2 c6 9.0-0 0-0-0 ] 6.g3 One of White's favourite setups. His f1 bishop gets a safe post on g2, and he places his dark-squared bishop on its best square f4 while gaining a tempo. g4 7.g2 e6 [ The more active 7...bd7 keeps both ...e5 and ...0-0-0 as options, for example, 8.0-0 ( 8.f4 b4 9.0-0 0-0-0 ) 8...0-0-0 9.e3 ( 9.f4 xf3!? 10.xf3 e5 11.dxe5 xe5 12.g2 e6 13.e2 d6 is only slightly better for White) 9...e5!? 10.dxe5 xe5 11.xd6 xd6 12.xe5 xe5 13.xa7 d2 gives some compensation, e.g., 14.ac1 xc3 15.bxc3 e8 ] 8.0-0 e7 [ IF he intends to play ...Bxf3 (see below) then, given the course of the game, Black may wish to consider another order: 8...c7 9.h3 xf3 10.xf3 bd7 ( and not 10...d6? , as in Rahal-Bravo Barranco, Valles Tancat 1999, because of 11.b5! , which White neglected to play. )] [ The typical chase that Black experiences is illustrated in Azarov, S (2571)-Zablotsky, S (2500), Voronezh 2007: 8...bd7 9.f4 b4 10.b1 a5 11.h3 xf3 12.xf3 e7 13.a3 0-0 14.b4 f5 15.e2 d5 16.xd5 cxd5 17.c4 dxc4?! (all reasonable play thus far, but this allows the bishops to become strong better was ( 17...b6 ) 18.xb7 ad8 19.c7 de8 20.xc4 xh3 , and here simply 21.g2 f5 22.c6 would have won material. ] 9.f4 d8 [ In the 3...Qd6 lines we usually see 9...b4 , and that indeed keeps the queen a bit more active, e. g., 10.a3! b6 ( 10...xb2 11.d2 f5 12.a2 b6 13.b1 ) 11.d2 0-0 , though White still has a normal, small, advantage. ]

10.h3 h5 11.g4 g6 12.e5 fd7?! Simply [ 12...bd7 13.xg6 ( 13.e2 xe5 14.dxe5 d7 15.fd1 h5!? ) 13...hxg6 with ...Qb6 next would keep Black's disadvantage minimal. ] 13.xg6 hxg6 This must favour White's bishop and space. 14.e4 Not a bad move, but there's no need for this before completing development, since Black isn't going anywhere. [ A simple way to expand would be 14.d3 f6 15.fe1 0-0 16.e2! bd7 17.c4 , etc., with a healthy advantage. ] 14...f6 15.c5 b6! [ 15...xc5 almost equalises following 16.dxc5 xd1 17.axd1 a6 18.d6 ( 18.e3 d7 ) 18...0-0-0 with the idea ... Ne8. ] 16.xb8!? Interesting [ 16.b3 keeps an edge. ] 16...xb8 17.xc6+ f8 18.a6 [ 18.d3 is safer: xh3 19.e5 h4 20.f3 d6 21.g2 ] 18...c8!? [ Black plays for compensation by placing a powerful knight on f4. He decides to bypass a pretty good opportunity with 18...xh3! , which has the idea 19.xb8 xb8 20.f4 h4 ] 19.g2 d5 20.c3 f4 21.f3 d6 22.fe1 g5 [ 22...f6 23.e3 ] 23.e3 g6 24.b7!? Greedy, but apparently harmless. White's knight on a6 is a problem piece, so maybe he should bring it back into play by [ 24.a3! g7 25.b4 ] 24...g7 25.xa7? [ 25.ae1 e8 26.a3! e7 27.e4 ] 25...e8! Black threatens ...Re7. 26.b7 e7 27.e4 a7 28.b4 [ 28.f1 ca8 ] 28...xb4 29.cxb4 c4 30.a3!? [ 30.d1 xa2 ] 30...ac7!? [ 30...xa3! 31.bxa3 xd4 is a very clear way of demonstrating the strength of Black's knight on f4 Black follows with ...Rd3 and stands much better. ] 31.c3 h7 32.xc4 xc4 33.d1 xb4 266

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 34.b3 Black still has compensation for the pawn, but only that. c7? [ 34...xd4 35.xd4 xd4 36.xd4 e2+ 37.f1 xd4 38.e1 would be depressing for Black, since a potential outside passed pawn is supported by a powerful W hite bishop. ] [ 34...b5 is also possible, with a point that immediately becomes clear: ] 35.f1! Black's rook on b4 is trapped, and this h a u n t s h i m f o r m u c h o f t h e g a m e . d5? 36.e1 [ 36.f3 threatens a3 and therefore forces f4 37.xf4 gxf4 , but then White is simply a pawn up ( 37...xf4? 38.c4 b5 39.a3 )] 36...b5? 37.d2!? Time trouble has obviously taken over. Here W hite can win outright with [ 37.g2 , which threatens to win the rook by Bxd5, and c3 38.d2 doesn't save Black because Rc2 follows. d5 39.xd5 exd5 40.d3 c2 ( 40...d6 41.a3 ) 41.d2! xd2 42.xd2 followed by Rd3 and a3. ] 37...e7 38.e1?! [ 38.b2 with the idea 39 a3 will wins, for example, after e5 39.dxe5 f4 40.d2 e4 41.d7 ] 38...a7 39.d1 e7 40.g2 [ Again, 40.b2! ] 40...f4 41.f1 e5 One last bad decision. 42.e3?? [ 42.e1! is extremely strong. ] 42...a7! 43.dxe5 xa2 44.d5 c2 [ 44...xd5! 45.xd5 xb3 ] 45.d2? [ 45.c1! ] 45...xd2 46.xd2 g7 47.f3 f8 Black stan ds be tter now. The rest o f th e ga m e c o n t a i n s m i s t a k e s , b u t i s e a s y t o understand: 48.f2 xh3+ 49.e3 f4 50.f2 e7 51.d1 xd5 52.xd5 xb3 53.d6 b4 54.b6 b1 55.e3 b3 56.f2 b2 57.g2 d7 58.h2 c7 59.b3 c6 60.g2 d5 61.b5+ e6 62.h2 f1 63.xb2 xf3 64.g2 f4 65.g3 xe5 66.b5+ f6 67.b6+ g7 68.b7 d4 69.a7 d3+ 70.g2 c3 71.f2 c4 72.f3 f4+ 73.g3 h6 74.a8 f5 75.gxf5 gxf5 0-1

275 Makropoulou,Marina Papadopoulou,Vera ch-GRE w Athens GRE (6) [Andrew Martin]

B01 2270 2227 09.12.2004

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 xd5 3.c3 d6 There are many grey areas after 3...Qd6 that the adventurer may wish to explore. I find 3... Qd6 much less reliable than 3... Qa5. 4.d4 f6 5.c4 g4!? Is it worth a tempo to provoke f2-f3? I doubt it, as in many Scandinavian lines W hite plays that move anyway as a prelude to swamping the lightsquared Bishop with g2-g4,h2-h4 etc. However, with the Black queen on d6 the g3 square becomes exposed, and therefore this procedure is not at all easy to carry out. [ We know 5...a6 to be playable, and in this case, better I think. For instance: 6.ge2 b5 7.b3 b7 8.0-0 e6 9.f4 d8 10.e1 e7 11.g3 0-0 12.d2 c5 This would be a good representation of a successful Black pla n . He ge t s h is K in g t o sa f e t y ( n o t e castling SHORT) and as in many of the Semi Open games, follows with ... c7-c5. 13.dxc5 xd2 14.xd2 bd7 15.ce4 xe4 16.xe4 xe4 17.xe4 xc5 18.e2 fd8 1/2-1/2 Pavlov,M-Hasangatin, R/Alushta UKR 2004 With such a reliable plan available, 5...Bg4 becomes something of a luxury. ] 6.f3 f5 7.ge2 bd7 [ 7...c6 8.f4 d8 9.g4 g6 A) 10.h4! h5 11.g5 d5 12.xd5 cxd5 13.xb8!! xb8 ( 13...xb8 14.xd5 ) 14.f4 f5 15.fxd5 A pawn or the bishops. Take your pick!; B) 10.g3 e6 must be at least a little better for W hite, but as we've seen in many Scandinavian variations, Black's position is very solid when he uses lightsquared counterplay as his focus: 11.ce4 d5! 12.d2 xf4 13.xf4 e7 ( The computer ( I won't say which one but they all will) states that Black should take on d4. If he can ,why not? 13...xd4! 14.c3 d8 15.d1 d7 16.d6+ xd6 17.xd6 e7 White is not breaking through and is thus a pawn d o wn f o r n o t h i n g .) 14.0-0-0 xe4 267

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 15.xe4 a5 16.e5 0-0 17.g5 b5 18.d3 d5 19.f6+ xf6 20.gxf6 d7 21.xd5 exd5 22.fxg7 Stoumbou,EPapadopoulou,V/Athens GRE 2004 ] 8.f4 This would be a very usual objection to placing the Queen on d6. b4 9.b3 0-0-0 10.a3 b6 11.a4 Tempo after tempo, but are they moves that W hite wants to make? Perhaps the main use of Na4 is to free up the c pawn for action. [ Alternatives do not give Black any especial trouble: 11.xf7 e5! ( 11...xb2 12.b3 ) 12.g3 exd4 13.xd4 b8 ] [ 11.g3 g6 12.e2 e6 ( 12...xd4 13.xc7! ) 13.0-0-0 d6= ] 11...a6 12.c1 [ We wouldn't get the same excitement after 12.g3 g6 13.e2 xe2+ 14.xe2 e6 although this was maybe the objectively best course of action. Of course, in order to play this way, White must admit that he (or she) has no advantage. ] 12...h6?! It's around here that Papadopoulou begins to play erratically. Just [ 12...e6! was indicated to be followed by ... B d 6 , a d t h e re is n o t h i n g wro n g . A l l t h e tempo-gaining moves turn out to be tempos W h it e d o e s n 't e sp e cia lly wa n t t o ga in ! Quantity versus quality. ] 13.c4?! A double blip. [ W hite misses 13.xc7! xc7 14.f4+ c8 15.xf5 ] 13...g5 14.e3 d3 15.g3 e5 16.d5 e4 W h it e n e e d s t o ge t ca st le d a n d q u ickly. 17.fxe4! [ 17.c3 d6 18.xe4 xe4 19.fxe4 xe4 leads only to advantage for Black. ] 17...xe4 18.xe4 xe4 19.0-0 With a sigh of relief no doubt. Now she can start to think about attack. f5 Nothing better. 20.c3 g8 [ S h e p r o b a b l y d i d n ' t p l a y 20...d6! b e c a u s e o f 21.d4 he8 22.c5 but I think Black is more than OK, with nice centralization and some aggressive possibilities: e5! 23.ae1 ( 23.ad1 e2! 24.f2 h5 ) 23...xd4+ 24.xd4 e5 25.c3 d3 26.xe5 xf1 27.xe8 xe8 28.d6 ] 21.ad1 f4 22.d4 Whereas now it looks like W hite who has the more meaningful centralization. Both sides have pieces on the

edge and in this type of situation it makes sense to stick to basics. Black loses because she never attends to her queen. b8 23.fe1 f5 24.c5 b5? [ 24...g6 offers protection, but it is only of the most temporary kind: 25.c2! xc2 26.xc2 g7 27.c6! Cutting communication! xd4+ 28.xd4 f8 29.c5 ] 25.c6 Too obvious to applaud loudly. bxa4 26.c4 And resigns rather than face 26...Qc8 27 Qa5! Nb6 28 d6! Bxd6 29 Ba6. There are enough exclamation marks for me to have asked Black to play that out. These Greek women see everything. 5...Bg4 seems quite OK. 1-0

276 Martin,Andrew D Lalic,Susan Corres Ward Higgs Surrey [Andrew Martin]



A recent correspondence team tournament game gave me the chance to play against the sharp Portuguese Gambit. I must say I am su sp icio u s a bo u t B lack' s pa wn o f f e r, a n observation made more than once at 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 f6 3.d4 g4 I was pretty surprised that a very strong player like Susan would try this line in correspondence . Let's face it, everyone uses playing engines these days to help them and Fritz 9 or f riends will just take you to the cleaners if you make an unsound sacrifice. That's not to say I use Fritz 9 of course, just a slip of the keyboard. 4.f3 f5 5.b5+ Definitely the critical test. White tries to keep his extra pawn. bd7 6.c4 e6 [ 6...a6 is the other variation, with White doing very well recently after the greedy 7.a4 b5 8.cxb5 With ample time to reflect on the position, I was not af raid of this continuation. Over the board, it may well be another matter. ] 7.dxe6 xe6 8.d5 f5 9.c3 b4 [ 9...c5 10.e2+! e7 11.f4 ] 10.ge2 0-0 11.xd7! So that the Bishop does not get stranded on b5. 268

Scorpionchess Prinout, 06/10/2014 [ 11.0-0 e5! ] 11...xd7 12.0-0 e8!?N An innovation of Graeme Buckley I believe. Black relies on the two B is h o ps a n d t h e we a kn e ss if t h e e 3 s qu a re t o p r o vi d e co m p e n sa t io n a n d s o makes a natural developing move. It's surprising that 12...Re8 hasn't been tried before, but perhaps it has just been thought too slow. Certainly Black needs an improvement here: [ 12...e5 is unpromising: 13.g3 A) 13...d7 14.d4! e7 15.e3 xc4 16.f2 b6 17.fe1 xc3 ( 17...d6 18.ce4 e7 19.h5+- ) 18.xc3 d8 19.ad1; B) 13...d3 14.e1 c5+ 15.e3 d6 16.h1 xe3 17.xe3 xc4 18.d4 ae8 19.xe5 xe5 20.xc4 f5 21.d1 h8 22.g1 a6 23.d4 b5 24.a3 g8 25.f2 fe8 26.f4 e4 27.cxe4 xf4+ 28.g1 fxe4 29.xg7+ xg7 30.h5+ 1-0 Kaugars, A-Pitre, H/San Francisco 1999 ] [ Maybe 12...c5 is the best chance, after which I was intending 13.e3 e8 14.d4! ( 14.xc5 xc5+ 15.h1 h4 16.b3 e3 17.g3 f6 18.a4 d3 19.f2 xe2 0-1 Dworakowski, L-Krivoshey, S/ Koszalin 1998 ) 14...e7 15.g3! g6 16.f2 d3 17.ce4 xf2 18.xf2 f5 19.a3 wit h a dvant age t o W hit e. Su ch ta ctica l jousting is easy to handle in correspondence. ] 13.g3 g6 [ 13...f6 is a move of the same kind as 12... Re8, getting the pieces out, but Black is a pawn down! So it's not surprising that White can keep an edge, although as the game goes, it may well have been Black's best shot. 14.ce4 b6+ 15.h1 g6 16.b3 ] 14.ce4 f5 [ Two alternatives fail to convince: 14...e7 15.g5 f6 16.d2 f5 17.b3! xd2 18.xd2 c5+ 19.h1 b6 20.a4 ] [ 14...c5 15.d4 xe4 16.fxe4 e7 17.f2! f8 18.a3 d6 19.f4 xe4 20.xd6 cxd6 21.d4 g6 22.ae1 ] 15.g5 b8!? I hadn't seen this move at all, and when I spoke to Susan at a recent 4NCL weekend she told me that she had missed 16

Qa4! Perhaps we should both hand in our titles! [ But if 15...e7 W