Children's Literature

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Children's Literature

Characteristics of Children's Literature 1. Simple and straight forward. This does not necessarily mean that the vocabulary needs to be overly simplistic or that style should be choppy or flat.

2. Focuses on action to maintain interest. Thoughts, other character's actions and external events are included in the narration.

3. Has characters that are children. Includes childhood events, actions and happenings. The story could not happen if there weren't children.

4. Expresses a child's point of view. 5. Is optimistic. There is always hope, foreshadowing and other elements to pick up spirits periodically.

6. Tends toward fantasy and accepts fanciful ideas without major concern for reality. Wishful thinking is common.

7. There is a tone of joy and innocence associated with children, agricultural life, closeness to nature and unquestionably reliable friends. The pastoral idyll.

8. Views an un-idyllic world from the viewpoint of innocence. Can have it both ways. Your cake and eat it too. Dangerous world yet naive innocent children can roam through it. Dangers of the world out there and the comforts of home. Grow up and remain young. Complex yet simple.

9. Is didactic (designed or intended to teach). Traditionally, children's literature has been seen as attempting to educate children. A common universal theme is that home is boring, but it is a better place to be than the dangerous world outside.

10. Tends to be repetitious. Often emphasizes what is important, repetition is a common elements of folk tales and the oral tradition, as well as literary purposes by repeating words, phrases, situations and patterns.

11. Contrasts extremes. the ideal and the practical the ideal family and the orphan home vs. away / wilderness communal concern vs. self-concern good vs. evil


Adapted from: Perry Nodelman. The Pleasures of Children's Literature. 1st ed. Longman, 1992

5 Common Themes in Children's Literature     

Snugness Smallness Scariness Lightness Aliveness "five themes recur in classic and popular works of Children's Literature… [and] looked at in a different way, [they] can be seen as feelings or sensations prevalent in childhood"


Adapted from: Jerry Griswold. Feeling Like a Kid. 2006



Do you agree with Nodelman that these characteristics of children's literature are common?


Do you think Griswold's common themes are accurate? Explain by making reference to your favorite book as a child.


Do the characteristics help distinguish children's literature from adult literature? Explain.

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