Cos Screen User Guide

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TEMENOS T24 Composite Screen  

User Guide

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of TEMENOS Holdings NV. Copyright 2005 TEMENOS Holdings NV. All rights reserved.

Application Name

  TABLE OF CONTENTS    OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................................... 3  EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN ...................................................................................................................................... 3  SETUP ........................................................................................................................................................... 4  T24 INTERNAL BROWSER .......................................................................................................................................... 4  Record Creation ............................................................................................................................................... 4  Composite Screen Field Definitions ................................................................................................................. 6  ARCHITECTURE/DESIGN ............................................................................................................................... 15  HOW FRAMES WORK IN COMPOSITE SCREENS ............................................................................................................ 15  STRUCTURE OF THE FRAME SET FOR A 4*4 COS SCREEN .............................................................................................. 15  ITEMS .................................................................................................................................................................. 32  Specific Request ............................................................................................................................................. 32  Enq ................................................................................................................................................................ 33  No Enq ........................................................................................................................................................... 33  All .................................................................................................................................................................. 33  Blank ............................................................................................................................................................. 33  Sub Value Expansion ..................................................................................................................................... 34  Viewing The Created Composite Screen ........................................................................................................ 41  Launching The Created Composite Screen .................................................................................................... 43  SCREEN DESIGN ........................................................................................................................................... 44  COMPOSITE SCREEN CREATION USING TOOL BOX ........................................................................................................ 44  CREATING A SIMPLE 3 *3  COMPOSITE SCREEN USING TOOL BOX ................................................................................... 44  Content .......................................................................................................................................................... 49  General .......................................................................................................................................................... 50  Allow Scrolling ............................................................................................................................................... 50  Frame name .................................................................................................................................................. 51  Defined Below Is The Field Equivalent In EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN ................................................................ 54  Viewing The Created Cos Screen In T24 Internal Browser Using (EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN) .......................... 55  Launching The Created Cos Screen ................................................................................................................ 57  Modifying The Created Cos Screen In T24 Internal Browser Using (EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN) ...................... 57  Structure Of The Frame Set For A 3*3  Cos Screen ........................................................................................ 60  Launching The Created Cos Screen ................................................................................................................ 61  ENQUIRY ..................................................................................................................................................... 62  !EXT.VARIABLES .................................................................................................................................................... 62  Creation of a !EXT.CUSTOMER ...................................................................................................................... 63  COMPOSITE SCREEN COMMAND LINE ........................................................................................................................ 64  TABBED SCREENS – ENQUIRY COMMAND LINE INVOCATION ........................................................................................... 64  TABBED SCREENS ‐ TRANSACTION COMMAND LINE VERSION INVOCATION ........................................................................ 65  USER VARIABLES .................................................................................................................................................... 66  COLUMN WIDTH IN A ENQUIRY SCREEN ..................................................................................................................... 67  REFERENCE .................................................................................................................................................. 67 

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Overview The purpose of this document is to define and guide how to create composite screen from Tool Box and T24 internal browser. A Composite screen is a collection of screens in T24 placed in one browser window, but in different frames. The individual frames can be set to accept requests for certain enquiries or transactions enabling multiple contract screens and enquiry screens to be utilized without obscuring one another. Individual screens within a composite screen can also be set to contain T24 menus, Tabbed Screens URLs or other content created through utility routines as well as creating a whole new set of composite screens. Composite screens are defined in the T24 application EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN and can be invoked using the command COS which can be run through menus, toolbars and on the T24 command line. Composite screen can also be build using Tool Box. We accomplish this by making use of the composite screen builder. The composite screen builder allows the user to create composite screen for use with the T24 Browser. Composite split the screen into sections which can have the content customised e.g. contracts, enquiries ,Menu’s , Tab screens etc.

EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN The Composite screen application EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN is used to define composite screens. This application comprises of a title for the composite screen and a large linked multi value set for defining the contents of each frame and makeup of the frames of the composite screen.

We can define different Content Types as listed below with in each of the frames. Each of these are defined in detail in the corresponding section on CONTENT.TYPE

OPEN.FRAME: Create a frame set. Tells you are splitting this frame into further frames. CLOSE.FRAME: Closes the frameset. ENQ: This item is an Enquiry. (For more information check heading on Reference) TXN: This item is a contract screen. UTILITY: This allows you to call a browser routine. (For more information check section utility under Field Definitions)

TAB :This item is a tabbed screen. (For more information check heading on Reference) COS : This item is a composite screen. MENU : This item is a menu.

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URL : This item is a URL. BLANK: This item starts blank.

Refer to the section on CONTENT.TYPE under Composite Screen Field Definitions for detail explanation


T24 Internal Browser Composite Screen Creation From T24 Internal Browser Record Creation

On the command line Type the application name EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN followed by the name of the composite screen like (EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN, QTPDEMO170) or the name can be entered on the application screen as shown below.

The composite screen name can be a alphanumeric character. On clicking enter, an empty record gets launched

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Showing a empty COS screen record

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Composite Screen Field Definitions

Now let us start with the field definitions

GB TITLE : Enter any name of your choice under GB Title Content Type : Should define the type of displays required within the frame selected. The different options available under content type are listed below.

Shown above are the different content types

Now let us see what each one of this means and how it has been defined. OPEN.FRAME : Creates a frame set. Selecting this option tells that we are splitting this frame in to further frames

Open. Frame frameset

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CLOSE.FRAME : Every time a frame set is opened ,it needs to be closed. For this purpose we use Close Frame

Close. Frame frameset

COS : We select this item if we want a composite screen to appear with in the frames . The required composite screen needs to be defined under field CONTENT as COS

Cos Frameset

ENQ : This item is used to display an Enquiry. A parameter can be passed along with an Enquiry. (For more details on Parameter passing refer to the heading ENQUIRY

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Enquiry Frameset

MENU : This item displays a Menu .

Menu Frameset

BLANK : This items leaves a blank frame

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Blank Frameset

PW : If we select PW it means that we want the PW.PROCESS record to appear with in the frame

PW process definition

TAB : This item is a tabbed screen. A tabbed screen enables the Browser to display a series of Enquiries, Versions ,URL’s etc to appear together, on the same screen. Tabbed screens are defined in the table EB.TABBED.SCREEN. (For more detail Refer to Document PB-BrowserScreenVersion)

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TAB frameset

TOOL : A Valid Tool Item should be created under BROWSER.TOOLS which in turn is defined in composite screen definition

The Tool Definition

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The Composite Screen Frame Definition

The Composite Screen after using the Tool

TOOL BAR : A Valid Tool Bar ID should be created in BROWSER.TOOLBAR which in turn is defined in composite screen definition

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The Toolbar Definition

The Composite Screen Frame Definition

TXN : This item is a contract screen where the transaction is defined

TXN frameset

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URL : This item is a URL. Hyperlinks are added to a screen version by defining the path of the document or file in the HYPERLINK field on VERSION. All information regarding hyperlinks must be input into the hyperlink field with forward slashes “/” as below: - Internet files must be input as: http://, or https://, or www. followed by the address. - Files must be input as file:/// followed by the path.

URL frameset UTILILTY: This item calls a browser routine OS.NEW.USER

Frame Definition for Utility

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Launching the COS screen - Utility

MENU : This item defines the menu

Frame Definition for Menu

BORDER.SIZE: This field defines what the border of the frame set will be. Only used for Open Frame COLS: This defines the number and width of the columns. It is done in the same format as the frameset tag in html. For a given OPEN.FRAME item you must have either the ROWS or the COLS field set. You cannot however have both. ROWS : This defines the number and width of the Row. It is done in the same format as the frameset tag in html. NAME: Gives a name for the Frame. All content defining items (i.e. telling you what is in a frame) must have a name.

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SCROLLING: This defines whether the frame is going to allow scrolling. Can only be entered with content defining items. CONTENT: This is a multipurpose field that defines the content of the frame. Either a URL, the name of an Application and version, an enquiry etc. Also used to define the name of the utility to be called. CONTENT.ARGS: If a UTILITY type is set then this will define the args for the called utility

ITEMS: This sub-valued field is used to define what requests should be sent to this frame. It can be specific requests of application and version or enquiry, or it can be set to take all unassigned enquiries by setting it to ENQ or all unassigned requests by setting it as ALL. Furthermore it can be set to take everything except enquiries by setting it to NOENQ. The request is assigned to a window by running through each item until a valid match is found for the request. If none are found a new window is launched. For detail explanation refer to the section on ITEMS


How Frames Work In Composite Screens The trick to building a composite screen is to break it down into constituent large blocks, and build from them. In this document, we will see how to build the below structured composite screen ( 4* 4 composite screen) .

Structure Of The Frame Set For A 4*4 Cos Screen

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Open. Frame / Close .Frame


Open. Frame / Close .Frame

C2 50% 50%

Open. Frame

Open. Frame

Frame - 1 [ 100%]

Frame - 2 [100%]

R1 Top Left


Top Right

Close .Frame

Close .Frame

Open. Frame

Open. Frame

Frame - 3 [100%]

Frame – 4 [100%]

Bottom Left

Bottom Right


Close .Frame Close .Frame

Open. Frame / Close .Frame

Structure of the composite screen

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We always start with the Frame definition .We do this in the first ‘Open.Frame’. In our example we will divide the page in to four equal squares .

Multivalue 1 – Open .Frame This means that we are going to put 50%,* into the Rows column. We use ROWS because we are specifying a horizontal space from the top. And we have only 2 rows in our example of equal size. We use 50%,* because the first ‘bloc’ takes up 50% of the row (horizontal) space (that’s what the * signifies) and the second half by default takes the rest of the space.

Note: The frameset column size value can also be set in pixels (cols="200,500"), and one of the columns can be set to use the remaining space (cols="25%,*").

Therefore, the first multivalue will look something like this :





Row Division Open.Frame 50%

Open. Frame


Open. Frame

Top Left

Top Right

Close .Frame

Close .Frame

Open. Frame


Open. Frame

Bottom Left

Bottom Right

Close .Frame

Close .Frame

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Application Name

Row Division

First multivalue expansion – Row Division

Now we have to specify the COLUMN division

Multivalue 2- Open. Frame

We are extending CONTENT.TYPE.1 multivalue to expand to CONTENT.TYPE.2 to define the next ‘Open Frame’ item. We have to specify the split ‘Columns’ field (COLS.2).

We are going to put 50%,* into the Column. We use COLUMN because we are specifying a vertical space from the top. And we have only 2 columns in our example of equal size. We use 50%,* because the first ‘bloc’ takes up 50% of the columns (vertical) space (that’s what the * signifies) and the second half by default takes the rest of the space.

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Column Division Open.Frame 50%

Open. Frame

Open. Frame


Top Left

Top Right

Close .Frame

Close .Frame

Open. Frame

Open. Frame


Bottom Left

Bottom Right

Close .Frame

Close .Frame

Column Division

Therefore, the Second multivalue looks like this :





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Application Name

Second multivalue expansion – Column Division

Multivalue 3 - Frame 1 Now we are going to Open another frame with in which we are going to define a transaction ( a version) called FUNDS.TRANSFER,FTTEST1 I F3


Frame - 1

Frame 1 – Open .Frame

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Therefore, the Third multivalue looks like this :





Third multivalue expansion – Frame 1 (OPEN.FRAME)

By defining Cols.3 as 100%,* , we tell the system that the instruction which follows will take the whole of the box(Frame) we are currently working in. Now we will expand the multivalue again to specify the First Frame definition

Multivalue 4 - Transaction Frame 1 Definition

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Frame 1 Definition

Therefore, the Fourth multivalue looks like this :







Frame 1 Field Definition (TXN)

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Now we need to close the TXN block we’ve just defined as we don’t want to define any more within the same frame, so we need to close frame

Multivalue 5 –Close. Frame Closing the frame

Frame – 1 Close.Frame

Frame 1 – Close. Frame


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Frame 1 Field Definition (CLOSE.FRAME)

Multivalue 6 - Frame 2 Now we are going to Open another frame with in which we are going to define a transaction ( a version) called CUSTOMER,CUSTTEST2 I F3 Open.Frame

Frame - 2

Frame 2 - Open. Frame

Therefore, the Sixth multivalue looks like this :



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Sixth multivalue expansion – Frame 2 (OPEN.FRAME)

By defining Cols.3 as 100%,* , we tell the system that the instruction which follows will take the whole of the box(Frame) we are currently working in. Now we will expand the multivalue again to specify the First Frame definition

Multivalue 7-Transaction Frame 2 Definition



Frame 2 Definition

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The seventh multivalue definition:







Frame 1 Field Definition (TXN)

Now we need to close the TXN block we’ve just defined as we don’t want to define any more with in the same frame, so we need to close frame

Multivalue 8-Close.Frame Closing the frame

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Frame -2


Frame 2 – Close. Frame


Frame 2 Field Definition (CLOSE.FRAME)

Now we are going to close the frame relevant to the open frame CONTENT.TYPE 2 (Multivalue 2) since we have finished with the first row.

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Multivalue 9 – Closing Frame

Close. Frame

Open. Frame


Open. Frame

Top Left

Top Right

Close .Frame

Close .Frame

Open. Frame


Open. Frame

Bottom Left

Bottom Right

Close .Frame

Close .Frame



Column Division

Field Definition (CLOSE.FRAME)

We are now going to open a outer frame for the second row where we will be defining individual columns column where we will be defining Frame 3 and Frame 4 in separate frames within the large frame. TEMENOS T24 User Guide Page 28 of 68

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Multivalue 10 - Outer Frame for COLUMN 2

Open. Frame


Open. Frame

Top Left

Top Right

Close .Frame

Close .Frame


Open.Frame Open. Frame


Open. Frame

Bottom Left

Bottom Right

Close .Frame

Close .Frame

Frame Division

Field Definition (OPEN.FRAME)

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Therefore, the tenth multivalue looks like this :





Multivalue 11 - Frame 3 Now we are going to Open another frame with in which we are going to define Enquiry %ACCOUNT

Open.Frame Frame - 3

Frame 3 – Open.Frame

Therefore, the eleventh multivalue looks like this :



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Eleventh multivalue expansion – Frame 3 (OPEN.FRAME)

By defining Cols.3 as 100%,* , we tell the system that the instruction which follows will take the whole of the box(Frame) we are currently working in. Now we will expand the multivalue again to specify the Frame definition

Multivalue 12 -Enquiry Frame 3 Definition



Frame 3 Definition

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Therefore, the twelfth multivalue looks like this :







Frame 3 Field Definition (ENQ)

Now we need to close the ENQ block we’ve just defined as we don’t want to define any more with in the same frame, so we need to close frame

Items This sub-valued field ITEMS is used to define what requests should be sent to this frame. The request is assigned to a window by running through each item until a valid match is found for the request. It can be define in many ways

Specific Request It can be specific requests of application and version or enquiry

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Specific Request

Enq All unassigned enquiries by setting it to ENQ

Items Definitionis Enquiry

No Enq It can be set to take everything except enquiries by setting it to NOENQ.

Items Definition is No Enq

All All unassigned requests by setting it as ALL

Items Definition in ALL

Blank If nothing is specified, it means that a new window will be launched

Items Definition is BLANK

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Sub Value Expansion We can have multiple requests or return types for a frame

Items Definition Here we want all further drill down enquiries to get launched in the same frame hence we are specifying it as ENQ

Items Definition

Multivalue 13-Closing.Frame Closing the frame

Frame - 3


Frame 3 Definition CONTENT.TYPE... CLOSE.FRAME

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Frame 3 Field (CLOSE.FRAME)

Multivalue 14 - Frame 4 Now we are going to Open another frame with in which we are going to define a transaction ( a version) called ACCOUNT,ACCTEST1 I F3

Frame – 4 Open.Frame

Frame 4 definition

Therefore, the fourteenth multivalue looks like this : CONTENT.TYPE.14 COLS.14


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Fourteenth multivalue expansion – Frame 2 (OPEN.FRAME)

By defining Cols.3 as 100%,* , we tell the system that the instruction which follows will take the whole of the box(Frame) we are currently working in. Now we will expand the multivalue again to specify the Fourth Frame definition

Multivalue 15-Transaction Frame 4 Definition





Frame 4 Definition

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Therefore, the fifteenth multivalue looks like this :







Frame 4 Field Definition (TXN)

Now we need to close the TXN block we’ve just defined as we don’t want to define any more with in the same frame, so we need to close frame Since we have specifies ITEMS.15.1 as ALL , any further transaction done in this frame will get launch within the same frame.

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Multivalue 8 – Close Frame Closing the frame

Frame – 4 Close.Frame

Frame 4 – Close.Frame


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Frame 4 Field Definition (CLOSE.FRAME)

Now we are going to close the frame relevant to the open frame CONTENT.TYPE 10 (Multivalue 10) since we have finished with the second row.

Multivalue 17 – Closing the Frame

Open. Frame


Open. Frame

Top Left

Top Right

Close .Frame

Close .Frame


Close.Frame Open. Frame


Open. Frame

Bottom Left

Bottom Right

Close .Frame

Close .Frame

Frame definition – Close . Frame

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Field Definition (CLOSE.FRAME)

Having closed the frame ,we also have to close the outer most frame

Multivalue 18 – Closing the Outer most Frame We are going to close the frame relevant to the open frame CONTENT.TYPE 1 (Multivalue 1) which was the outermost frame.

Open. Frame


Open. Frame

Top Left

Top Right

Close .Frame

Close .Frame

Open. Frame


Open. Frame

Bottom Left

Bottom Right

Close .Frame

Close .Frame

Close.Frame TEMENOS T24 User Guide Page 40 of 68



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Outer most frame definition

Field Definition (CLOSE.FRAME)

Viewing The Created Composite Screen

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Viewing the created composite screen

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Launching The Created Composite Screen

Cos screen launching

Cos screen launching

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Transaction processing

Screen Design Composite Screen Creation Using Tool Box Composite screens can also be created using Tool Box. There already exist a user guide which explains “How to create Composite screen from Tool box” .For more information ,kindly refer to the document Composite Screen Builder . Now let us see how to create a simple 3 *3 composite screen using Tool Box. To Start off ,Launch Toolbox and Sign in using a valid used id and password. Click on to Composite Screen Builder under Designers and Wizards option to launch the screen builder wizard.

Creating A Simple 3 *3 Composite Screen Using Tool Box Step 1 – Screen Id Enter a name for the Composite Screen and click next to continue

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Screen ID

Step 2 – Description

Enter 1 under description for the language English and click next


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Step 3 – Select Layout

Select a 3 pane screen .Click next to continue

Screen Layout

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Step 4 – Change Size

Now we have to define the Frame Size. Depending on the screen layout we have to select the Width or Height or both for each of these frames.

To sizes can either be in pixels or percentages. To use pixels simply type the number in the “Other” field. For other percentages simply type the percentage in the other field and suffix it with “%”. An understanding of how HTML frames work would be ideal. However, to summarise: • In a two column/row layout the right frame or bottom frame respectively can not have a specific size. • In a tree pane layout the right and bottom most frame can not have a specific size. checkbox will be enabled. Turning off this property will update the ‘NO.FRAMES’ attribute in the composite screen definition. If ‘Use Frames’ is not set, compatible versions of Browser will render the composite screen without using frames. For example, this feature should be UNCHECKED for screens designed for Internet banking applications. If the Browser version does not support the ‘no frames’ option, then this checkbox will be disabled.

In our case, we are selecting 50 % height for all the frames.

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Frame Size

Each of the above frames are divided in to 50% each and in out example we are having 3 frames. This means that ,the complete page size needs to be beyond 100% in order to get all the 3 frames to appear but this is not possible in reality , so only the first 2 frames will be appear when we launch the composite screen. There will be no space for the third frame to appear since our page size is 100% in total.

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Step 5 – Frame Properties Frame properties defines Initial Content, Dynamic Content, Frame name and Scrolling property

Content Initial Content The initial content can be one of the following.

Initial Content



Composite Screen

Enquiry - we have to specific the enquiry we want to launch in this frame


Tabbed screen

Tool Bar

Tool Item


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URL ( It has to be specified with http://)

Refer to the heading CONTENT.TYPES for detail explanation

Dynamic Content Dynamic content defines the return type within each frame .It defines what will appear in the frames when the user starts navigating e.g. committing transactions, viewing enquiries ,drill down enquiries etc. This can be one of the following

Dynamic Content Dynamic Content defines what requests should be sent back to this frame. It can be specific requests of application and version or enquiry SPECIFIC ENQUIRY, or it can be set to take all unassigned enquiries by setting it to ALL ENQUIRY or all unassigned requests by setting it as ALL CONTENT. Furthermore it can be set to take everything except enquiries by setting it to NO ENQUIRY. The request is assigned to a window by running through each item until a valid match is found for the request. If none are found a new window is launched. • All Content - all transaction and enquiry screens will appear in the specified frame • All Enquiries - all enquiries will appear in the specified frame • No Enquiries - all content, except for enquiries will appear in the specified frame • Specific Enquiry - this frame will only return the specified request (Refer to section ITEMS for more detail explanation)

General Allow Scrolling

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Allow Scrolling : If we need to have scrolling button with in the frame ,we can choose a Yes or a No , if we do not want scrolling

Frame name Frame Name : Each frame must have a name and initial content. There should not be any spaces included within the names

We are setting the behaviour of each frame by clicking on to the corresponding pane on the left and defining the behaviour of that pane in the property panel on the right Frame -1 Enquiry (ACCT.BAL.TODAY)

Frame 1 Definition

Frame – 2 Enquiry (STMT.ENT.TODAY)

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Frame 1 Definition

Frame -3 Enquiry (ACCT.STMT.HIST)

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Frame 1 Definition

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Defined Below Is The Field Equivalent In EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN

Field Definition in Tool Box

Field Definition in Browser

Dynamic content

The initial content



Allow Scrolling


Frame Name



Defines return type on to the frame Defines the different content the frame can contain Defines scrolling properties

Defines the composite screen frame name.

Field Equivalent in EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN

some simple Enquiries which we will be modifying later by using Composite Screen Definition

Step 6 – Sending Request Confirmation Below is the confirmation of a successfully created composite screen. If any errors occurred these will appear in a table format

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Txn Complete Confirmation

Viewing The Created Cos (EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN)







Using the application EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN ,the created composite screen can be viewed.

Note : Modification can be made to the created composite screen at any time if needed .It acts the same way as the Composite screen created using Browser.

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Viewing the created composite screen

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Launching The Created Cos Screen As explained before we see that only the first two frames have got launched. The third frame could not launch due to the lack of Row space.

Launching the COS screen

Modifying The Created Cos (EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN)




Modifying the created COS screen row definition to fit in Frame 3 .

Application Screen

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This is the Old Frame definition

Frame definition

Changing the ROW from 50%,50%,* , to 25%,50%,25%,* ,meaning that the First frame occupies 25 % height, the second frame occupies 50% and the third frame occupies 25%.

New Frame Definition

New Frame Definition

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New Frame Definition in View mode

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Structure Of The Frame Set For A 3*3 Cos Screen

Open.Frame /Close.Frame


Open.Frame Open.Frame

xxasdsdsd Close.Frame

50% Open.Frame






3*3 COS screen structure

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Launching The Created Cos Screen Launching the modified Composite Screen.

Modified COS screen

We see that changing the row spacing has changed the appearance of the Composite Screen . All the three frames appear with in the same page as defined .

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!EXT.Variables An enquiry can be run to display information for the !EXT customer, account or any selection criteria you define. To define a !EXT selection you must first run an ENQUIRY called !EXT.XXX where XXX is the name you will give to the !EXT selection item. The data you enter in the first selection will then become the !EXT selection criteria. You can then reference this value in another enquiry selection by entering !EXT.XXX in the selection criteria column. Browser will support setting these !EXT.XXX variables either with values from another field or with a literal value (such as “123”). So not only can the variables be set in one Enquiry and used in others but the content can be set from a field value or a literal as well as from selection data. The variables can also then be used in context based workflows such as pre-filling fields on a Version from the Enquiry output and populated variables.. These variables can be used in a version in the AUTOM.NEW.CONTENT field. Literal values can also be set too. It can be a single literal eg “ACCOUNT” or a string literal with spaces eg “NEW !EXT ACCOUNT” or , “100069”, “My Customer”, as long as the literal is in speech marks. A list of values can also be displayed as long as the values are surrounded by [ ] e.g. [A] [B] [C] The ENQUIRY called USER.VARIABLES allows the user to list the !EXT content of any !!EXT variables

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Creation of a !EXT.CUSTOMER

Enquiry for external customer to read their messages from the bank.

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Composite Screen Command Line When launching a Composite Screen (using the COS command) we should be able to accept data on the command line. E.g. "COS CUSTOMER.DISPLAY 100069" where 100069 is the customer Id that would then be used as a parameter to the composite screen frames. The user should be able to specify parameter place holders within their composite screen definition (e.g. similar to EB.ERROR records that use ‘&’ characters). For example, in the Content Type the user can have “ENQ” and the Content set to “CUSTOMER-LIST @ID EQ &”. When running this composite screen using “COS CUSTOMER,SCREEN 100069” this would replace any ‘&’ characters with 100069. Similar, for Content Types of TXN the user could enter “CUSTOMER I &” to get a frame with the customer record in input mode. If the user does not supply any arguments then the base enquiry/application should be displayed so that the user can enter the relevant data.

Tabbed Screens – Enquiry Command Line Invocation • Running an enquiry with parameters via the command line. The user can specify the actual tab number of the enquiry to run, along with the selection criteria.

Tab version from command line

Running a tabbed enquiry from the command line, with specified selection criteria • The above example will open the tabbed screen ‘CUSTOMER.DETAILS. • It will run the enquiry on the first screen with the selection criteria: CUSTOMER EQ 300102 • See below, for the resultant ENQUIRY screen.

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Tab version from command line

Tabbed Screens - Transaction Command Line Version Invocation The key to a specific tabbed version can be supplied via the command line.

Running a specific tabbed version from the command line with specified key

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Version invoked from command line

In the above example, the third tab is invoked using the key “DBL”.

User Variables To view the content of any !EXT.xxxx variables there is an ENQUIRY called USER.VARIABLES which displays the current content. Note: The values of user set variables are empty at initial login and cleared on exit so this Enquiry will only display values set during the current login session.

Showing variables set after running variety of enquiries

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Column Width In A Enquiry Screen

The ENQUIRY screen above is utilised in the following Composites showing the word wrapping effect when the COL.WIDTH field is used

The ENQUIRY field COL.WIDTH will only have an effect in Enquiries in Browser and enables a user to specify the number of pixels wide that an ENQUIRY column can be. The width is not absolutely fixed, but is a minimum width (if there is enough space) with the following restrictions: Column widths will grow to accommodate the widest word or image in the column; a word being any sequence of characters not containing a space. Columns with left over space created by larger than required values in the COL.WIDTH field will shrink if there is not enough space in the window, frame or fragment to display all columns. Fields defined as being in the same column will be restricted to having the same COL.WIDTH. For more information kindly refer to document PB-BrowserEnquiries

Reference Kindly refer to the following documents for further references on the topics


Reference Document


PB Browser Enquiries

Browser Parameter




Tabbed Screen, Composite Screen, !CURRENT.XXXX


Browser Tool,Browser Toolbar


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Composite Screen


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