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DON’T GET AMBUSHED ON THE ROAD When you’re getting out of dodge or escaping a crisis, you need to be aware of one of the biggest risks when you’re in transit. And that’s the ambush…
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DIRTY FIGHTING TECHNIQUES TO STAY ALIVE Want to know why people call them “dirty” fighting moves? Because they’re so effective they’re almost unfair. In boxing competitions to the UFC, athletes who have trained their entire lives…
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FEEDING YOUR FAMILY IN A REAL CRISIS When the grid goes down the biggest challenge your family is going to face, will be food. Even if you’ve got plenty of supplies stockpiled, even 12 months of canned food, beans and rice…
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IGNITE THE SURVIVAL BUG IN YOUR FAMILY The biggest challenge you will face as a survivalist isn’t external, it’s actually living right in your home. It’s your family. Your partner, and your kids. Because far too often, they just don’t see…
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TURN SKILLS INTO CASH AFTER THE SHTF No matter what’s happening in the world, there’s an economy behind it. In a short-term crisis, cash is still going to hold real value. People will want it. But in the aftermath of a major…
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HOW TO PURIFY ANY WATER SUPPLY Without water, you’ve got around three days to live. In a crisis, having access to a clean water supply is fundamental to survival, because not just for drinking, you need to keep yourself and…
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SAFETY TIPS FOR YOUR SURVIVAL STOCKPILE When it comes to being prepared, there’s one potential pitfall you need to be very careful to avoid. That’s all the other people in the world, who didn’t have the foresight to plan ahead…
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STAY UNDER THE RADAR DURING MARTIAL LAW As Hong Kong descends into further chaos, we’re reminded of a harsh reality. The wants of the people and those running the country don’t always align, and that’s a scary situation to be in…
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KEEPING YOUR ATV RUNNING SMOOTH I’m notorious for being a hard on the machinery on our homestead, and I’ve lost count of the small little mishaps, minor and major accidents I’ve had over the years. But as I got a little…
DON’T GET AMBUSHED ON THE ROAD When you’re getting out of dodge or escaping a crisis, you need to be aware of one of the biggest risks when you’re in transit. And that’s the ambush. Criminals who are now preying on unsuspecting travelers to sustain themselves, who will happily leave you dead or dying on the side of the road while they escape with all your gear. The difficulty is in surviving, because ambushes by their very nature are a surprise attack, one that catches you off-guard. Of course, being heavily armed and in a defensible vehicle is a good first step, but in my opinion avoiding an ambush altogether is a better place to start. WHAT IS AN AMBUSH ATTACK? Designed to take the victim by surprise, the trouble with an ambush is they can take place almost anywhere. To counter such an attack, you need to understand how the different elements work together, so you can avoid getting caught out. The first step is getting you to stop. By whatever means necessary there will be an obstacle in your path.
Perhaps it’s a few parked cars crossing the road, a felled tree, or even just a person on the roadside waving you down. The goal of this initial action is to get you to stop. But not to stop just anywhere. You’re in an exposed position where your ambushers can open fire from their own defensive locations. It could be heavy wooded areas on the side of the road, large cliffs that gives them a superior position, or another tactical advantage.
Here’s how to counter it. DON’T GO HEADFIRST INTO A TRAP Have you ever done something against the feeling of your gut that something’s not quite right? That’s your intuition, and in a survival situation, you should be listening to it. If you’re approaching an area that feels a little off, or looks like the perfect place for an ambush, it may be best to simply stop, and consider your options.
Finally, is the trap. This is where you’re locked into position, so you cannot escape. Maybe another tree is dropped to cut off your retreat, or other cars are driven right up behind you to lock your party in place. When you’re trapped in the fire zone, you’re in a perilous spot. Of course, surprise is the key here. It gives the attackers an edge as they can start firing before you’ve even brought your weapons up to bear. You’ll be shocked, surprised and may even freeze as it’s all going down. Exactly what the bad guys want.
“avoiding an ambush altogether is a better place to start…”
VIP SURVIVAL ACADEMY - DECEMBER 2019 cont. Perhaps it’s smarter to find another route, or if not, pay attention and look for the signs of an ambush. • Is there a road block or another obstruction in your path? • Is there anyone acting suspiciously or erratic in your path? • Is there someone trying to wave you down to stop? • Is there any cover (man-made or natural) on the sides of the road? • Are there any unnatural sounds, like gunfire or shouting? DON’T GO UNARMED ON THE ROAD Anytime you are travelling in a crisis, you and your party should be armed. Rifles and shotguns are hard to maneuver inside a vehicle, so my advice would be to have pistols and handguns at the ready. Safety’s on of course, unless you’re approaching a danger area. The downside here is that shooting from a moving vehicle is incredibly inaccurate, and you’re unlikely to make a clean shot, especially at those attacking you from behind wellthought-out cover. But returning fire can give your opponents a little pause.
In that you’re not the unsuspecting victim them believed you to be, and that can help you escape.
No matter what happens, even if you’ve been surprised by an ambush, you need to act, and fast.
Your attackers are counting on you to freeze up in shock, that’s part of their advantage.
Another important aspect of travelling on the road, especially if you’ve more than one car in your party, is to stay in communication with each vehicle. They may spot something you didn’t notice, or you can at least alert the trailing cars of the situation you’re approaching and they can hang back until you’re clear and through. Each member of our survival group has a simple CB radio in their car, so we are always able to communicate on the road.
You can counter this by being vigilant. If you’re still in your car, perhaps you can speed up to break through the roadblock that’s been setup. If you’re not yet too deep, perhaps you can reverse out before the trap is sprung. The hardest targets to hit are the ones that are moving, so whatever you do, don’t freeze and do nothing. You need to move and get out of there. If your car is immobilized, you need to exit and dive for the best cover you can find.
Don’t worry about returning fire at this stage, your primary goal is to get out of the firing zone and get behind cover. Then you can start looking for targets to shoot at. The best way to avoid an ambush is to keep your eyes open, and stay vigilant when you’re driving after the SHTF, especially if the landscape or situation seems like an ideal ambush location. Use a little caution, and even if it takes a little longer to reach your final destination. It’ll take far longer if you’re ambushed on the road and you lose all of your gear along with your vehicle. Be smart when you’re bugging out people, and stay safe.
DIRTY FIGHTING TECHNIQUES TO STAY ALIVE Want to know why people call them “dirty” fighting moves? Because they’re so effective they’re almost unfair. In boxing competitions to the UFC, athletes who have trained their entire lives know the dangers these techniques represent, many of which can be lethal or do permanent damage to your opponent. But my stance on this is a little different. If the life of a loved one, or even their health or wellbeing is on the line, you can bet all rules are off. There’s no “good sportsmanship” when it comes to fighting for your life, your job is simple. Do whatever it takes to win. Do whatever it takes to take the bad guy down. Because a street fight isn’t fair. You may be outclassed by a superior fighter, you may be outweighed by a larger opponent, but if you know these dir ty fighting techniques, your chances of survival improve astronomically. Use them well, but be warned. They can do serious damage and you should only ever use these in a real life or death situation. Oh, and remember to “always kill the zombie.” One of these techniques may take your opponent by surprise, but if you don’t knock them out they still present a risk. Keep fighting until the threat is over, you’re safe, and you can escape. TARGET THE THROAT One area prime for an unsuspecting attack is the throat. Land a punch or a strike targeting their Adam’s apple (or the spot where it would be) and you’re going to do severe damage to their windpipe. It’ll knock the wind out of them, they’ll struggle to catch a breath, and you can use this brief respite to follow through and put your opponent out of the fight. Ideal if you’re facing a taller opponent, you’ll be at the perfect angle for this technique to work.
TARGET THE EYES Blinded, your opponent isn’t going to be able to fight effectively. An eye gouge is a common fighting technique, grabbing your opponent’s head as you push your thumbs deep into their eye sockets. It works well in close quarters, and may even result in long-term blindness, so only use this if the situation calls for it. It’s a rather extreme measure, because it works. Personally, I’d even try throwing a handful of dirt or dust into their eyes as well, if you can blind them, even for just a second, it can be enough to land your follow through strike. TARGET THE TEMPLE A strike to the temple can be deadly if done with enough force, and if you’ve got a strikepen or anything else held in your fist this is one of the most effective moves you can make. Swing your fist like a hammer, driving whatever you’ve got in your hand, whether it’s a cigarette lighter or even a rock, straight into their temple. This is one of the fastest ways to knock someone out, giving you ample time to escape. They will drop like a rock, and in some cases a strike here can even be fatal. Use it only if you’ve no other choice. TARGET THE GROIN Because most fighters expect you to throw a punch, a kick or a knee to the groin is a dirty fighting technique that can often catch your opponent by surprise. Do it hard enough and they’ll go down hard, and stay down long enough for you to finish the fight and escape. This technique works very well against a male attacker (for obvious reasons), but you need to hit the sweet spot for it to be effective. If your aim is off or you don’t get a clean shot, don’t expect it to be as effective against your opponent. TARGET THE KNEES As someone who has experienced a busted knee, I can tell you from personal experience this is one particular area that’s a weak spot if hit from the right angle. Stomp or sweep the knees of your attacker, ensuring you come at it from a 90-degree angle.
Knees are very strong as a piston, moving straight up and down, but as soon as you hit them with any sideways force, they will crumple, and your opponent will struggle to get up again, if at all. You may even do permanent damage, but it will get you out of there, without being followed. USE YOUR TEETH TO BITE This works great if you’re being held or grappled with, as most attackers are not going to expect that you will bite them. Don’t be shy, target soft and particularly delicate areas like the nose or ears, the soft flesh in their arms, or whatever you can get a hold of. Your teeth are one weapon you’ve got as a last resort, that will do significant damage to your opponent. No one wants to fight a biter. GRAB A WEAPON Ar ming yourself with anything, whether it’s a knife, a broken glass, or even specific tool for self-defense like a set of brass knuckles is one of the best ways to get an edge in a fight. Every strike you make is now incredibly deadlier, and that’s going to help keep your opponent at bay. But be careful, because if you drop the knife, or it’s taken from you, you’ve now given your opponent the weapon. If you’re introducing weapons to the fight, strike with all your power and force, to end the fight then and there. In a street fight, you have one goal. End the fight as soon as possible so that you can escape with minimal injuries. But that doesn’t mean you need to fight fair, and I can tell you this right now. Your opponent won’t be fighting fair. If you want to win, and live to see another day, you need to use these dirty fighting techniques to stay alive.
VIP SURVIVAL ACADEMY - DECEMBER 2019 We’re not quite at this stage, but it’s getting closer every day. Oh, and make sure you get some advice from your local gardening store, they’ll be able to point you in the right direction with the crops for each season, as well as what grows best in your local area. LEARN HOW TO RAISE ANIMALS If you’ve got the space, raising your own animals is a smart way to keep your family fed. Rabbits breed quickly and can provide an ample source of meat, though be careful if you’re eating just this alone, they’re not fatty enough and can cause malnutrition. You need other nutrients and fats. Chickens are also pretty easy, we’ve got a flock in a coop out the back and get 3-4 eggs most days of the year. You just need to make sure you have enough grains and feed to keep them happily fed. LEARN HOW TO FORAGE
FEEDING YOUR FAMILY IN A REAL CRISIS When the grid goes down the biggest challenge your family is going to face, will be food. Even if you’ve got plenty of supplies stockpiled, even 12 months of canned food, beans and rice, I can tell you this with absolute certainty. It will run out eventually, and without any planning on how you’ll feed your family in a crisis, you will all go hungry. LEARN HOW TO FISH When I’m in the wild one of my go-to pieces of gear is my fishing kit. Yes, I do understand this isn’t always reliable, especially in a population-dense area, but if you’ve got a boat (or even a canoe) you can get a little away from the shore and your chances of catching a meal increase astronomically. Plus, you can throw a line in, tie it off, and often come back in an hour or so to find a fish on the line. LEARN HOW TO TRAP Trapping crabs is another favorite of mine, because you can “set and forget” your pots overnight, and if you’re in luck you’ll have a fresh feed of crabs in the morning. We load ours up with bone scraps and cut-offs, and toss them out while we’re fishing. In a crisis, you may want to skip the bright white floats (so other people aren’t raiding your traps), and tie them off to a branch that’s sitting under the water line.
LEARN HOW TO SNARE Similar to trapping, setting snares on game trails can be a great way to catch yourself a feed. It won’t work well in an urban environment for obvious reasons, though if you’ve got some good hunting grounds it’d be worth learning how to snare. Again, traps you can set and forget are critical in a SHTF situation, because you can then spend the rest of the day on other tasks, hopefully returning to your site to discover a fresh kill that can be your dinner that night. LEARN HOW TO SHOOT Even if you’re not a “gun person,” get yourself a small rifle and plenty of ammunition. You can use a .22 to take down most small game, from rabbits to squirrels and even pigeons, all of which will become staple sources of meat in the aftermath of a disaster. Just make sure you get a decent scope, and you’ve got enough practice in beforehand. You usually only get one shot at small game, so make sure it counts. LEARN HOW TO GROW Becoming a gardener overnight is a lofty goal, my advice would be to start slow, and slowly expand your crops until you’re producing enough to feed your family straight from the garden.
One of the most commonly overlooked sources of food in a crisis is everything that’s growing naturally in the local area. Trouble is, most people don’t know what to look for. I took a course a couple of years back now with a local guide, and he showed us all the different things we could eat, in our ow n b a ck y a r d . I t ’s h e l p e d m e immensely, because seeing the pictures in a book is one thing, but actually knowing what to look for, where, and what it tastes like when you do find it is very important, you don’t want to make a mistake with what you’re eating. LEARN HOW TO STORE Finally, it’s important to learn how to dry, can and preserve all the food you are harvesting. There’s no point taking down an animal like a deer if the majority will go to waste, and the extras you are replenishing your stores with will help you to make it through the tough times like winter. Take the time now to learn how to sun-dry the fruits you have, can and pickle the rest, and smoke and preserve any excess meat you can. Keeping your family fed in a crisis is all about being prepared, and learning the skills now that will best help to put food on the table once the SHTF. Most of these you won’t be able to pick up on the fly, so get out there and catch some fish, or go foraging. You might be surprised at just how much bounty is waiting for you once you know where to look, and how to find it.
IGNITE THE SURVIVAL BUG IN YOUR FAMILY The biggest challenge you will face as a survivalist isn’t external, it’s actually living right in your home. It’s your family. Your partner, and your kids. Because far too often, they just don’t see the world the same way you do. You want to prepare for the worst, while they’re simply enjoying the ride, almost blinded to the risks we’re all facing in modern-day America. Getting your family excited about survival is critical for successful survival planning, because they are your core team. You don’t want your kids ruining your OPSEC by bragging about things at school, and you don’t want your preps and investments to be the sparking point for another fight.
Right? It probably started much smaller, and with time, and as you learnt more, did you get so concerned. Your family is going to need to go through this process too. They can’t just jump in the deep end, you need to ease them into it. My advice? Turn on the news and start a conversation around something real, something that’s happened and that could potentially happen to you. Was there a minor earthquake? Perhaps that’s a scary thing, what would we have done if that hit our town?
To survive, your family needs to be on the same page.
Or if it damaged the house, if we had to run outside right now, would we have everything we needed to spend the night in a motel?
Here’s how you can ignite the survival bug in your family.
Why don’t we throw a simple overnight bag together?
Just a change of clothes and some toiletries, and perhaps a couple of other things.
Be honest with me here, but I’m willing to bet your journey to survival didn’t start off an a hundred-miles an hour furiously preparing for a global crisis like a solar flare or EMP attack.
Could you think of anything that would be good to include?Be gentle, and take baby steps.
Getting them to think about real situations, ones seated in the reality we see on the news every day, and you may be able to start getting through. INSPIRE A LOVE FOR THE OUTDOORS Family camping trips are one of my favorite things in my family, but there’s a method to my madness. Not only does it help to get my family moving as we go on hikes, kayaking and exploring the world around us, my whole family has grown to love the outdoors.
“they just don’t see the world the same way you do...”
VIP SURVIVAL ACADEMY - DECEMBER 2019 cont. My kids now will pack their own kits, know what to take (and what not to), and are far more comfortable at the thought of spending a couple of nights under the stars than they were when we first started these. Plus, they’ve picked up key survival skills along the way, from starting fires to building shelter, foraging wild edibles to hunting and fishing. They may not be 100% ready to take on a crisis on their own, but there a damn sight more prepared than most other kids their age. SIGN UP FOR A CLASS OR TRAINING Yes, there’s survival schools all over the country, and if your kids are keen signing them up to classes is a good way to bring their skill levels up. From bush craft to urban survival skills, you can find training on almost everything, so long as they’re interested. But what if they’re not? Well, that’s where you need to think outside of the box. Perhaps a first-aid class would look great on their resume as they try to land their first job, and you can get them a little training this way. Or take them to the range and sign up for extra shooting classes. My wife loves gardening, and saving money, and that was the angle I used to start becoming more reliant on what we grow, instead of store brought produce. There’s more to survival than building shelters and living off the land, you just need to find an angle that gets your family members excited, so they can see the benefits from their own perspective. START A NEW HOBBY On this same line of thinking comes finding the right hobbies. Consider what your kids and family may enjoy, and start looking into the different sports and activities that tap into that. My kids have been doing martial arts for a couple of years now, and my wife loves it too. Which is great for me because I try to get to the boxing gym at least once a week, and it’s a whole lot more fun when my family is with me. Plus, it’s confidence building, and also helps out with keeping us all fit (and able to throw a decent punch).
Another we used to do was geocaching. My kids loved the thrill of tracking down a particular site and searching for the clues and it gave us an excuse to get them out of the house, learning to read maps and use GPS, as well as spotting potential hiding places for caches and other supplies. I’d highly recommend, especially if your kids are a little younger. Around the home I also get the kids involved in whatever scheme I’ve cooked up for the day, they’ve helped everything from general household maintenance like changing taps and setting up our rainwater tanks, to making soap and their own candles.
Just the knowledge and experience to do this is often enough to get them interested, and that’s a start. When it comes to igniting the survival bug in your family, you need to remember to take it slow. It can’t be something you force on them, much like trying to light a fire on wet wood. You need to let it rest, let the wood dry out, and it’ll be much easier to start when it’s good and ready. Same goes for your family. Plant the seeds, and get them interested by tapping into hobbies and skill building activities they care about, not by forcing it on them.
TURN SKILLS INTO CASH AFTER THE SHTF No matter what’s happening in the world, there’s an economy behind it. In a short-term crisis, cash is still going to hold real value. People will want it. But in the aftermath of a major disaster, with weeks turning to months, and even years, cash will become useless. Bartering is going to sit at the center of the new economy, and your new job isn’t going to be sitting in an office. You’re going to have to develop a set of skills you can start working on today, that will serve as your “job” in the aftermath of a disaster. But if you’re not sure, or want some direction in what skills to learn, here’s what I suggest to learn. HOW TO FISH AND HUNT Putting food on the table is vitally important, as eating regularly will quickly become a major problem once the supermarkets shut down. Invest in the gear now and start learning where the fish and animals are hiding, so you’re always able to bring home food for a trade.
With the world in crisis alcohol is going to be in high demand, and could be a lucrative trade for anyone experienced in everything from beer to liquor. As a disinfectant to a way to unwind after a long day, a steady supply of alcohol would be an in-demand product.
Inspired by the artisanal soaps available at almost every farmer’s market these days, soap making is a critical skill. Post-disaster it will be more important than ever to stay clean and keep diseases and bacteria at bay, because of the lack of good medical support.
When I think about my dad I’m in awe of the handyman skills he had, developed over a lifetime of do-ityourself jobs. Use platforms like YouTube to learn everything from plumbing to building, so you become the go-to guy when things need to be fixed.
Another skill my kids like to help out with is candle making. We use the waxy honeycomb from our hives to create candles, and in a land without power available at the flick of a switch these are going to be an important (and consumable) asset people will want.
HOW TO REPAIR ENGINES It’s inevitable that cars, motorbikes, and almost everything with an engine in it will break down at some point. Knowing your way around an engine, and how to get it back to working order will be critical, if only to keep your machines running.
Along a similar line of thinking is your garden. If you’ve got enough space to create a surplus of fresh produce, you’ll can barter and trade the excess. Just make sure you’re growing in-demand crops, so you’re not competing with a saturated market when it’s in season.
Next on the list of priorities is construction. It’s a specialized skill that not many people have the knowledge to do safely. From keeping your home in shape to building new pens and sheds for your animals and survival gear, good construction workers will be in demand.
HOW TO CARE FOR ANIMALS What most homesteaders and farmers have learnt about animals will serve them well post-collapse, as they’ll be able to continue producing items like milk, eggs and meat as in-demand trade items for the masses. Get animals on your property and learn to care for them.
HOW TO MAKE CLOTHES People are always going to need new clothes, as they wear out, children grow, and the seasons change. Especially if you’re a little less active than you used to be, skills like knitting and using a sewing machine will come in handy in any household.
HOW TO MAKE AMMUNITION My grandfather taught me how to make my own ammunition, and while it’s not quite as reliable as store-bought ammo, when you’re supplies running short I’d take whatever is available. People will need ammo for home defense, hunting and self-protection. HOW TO MAKE HERBAL REMEDIES Knowing what medicinal properties are available in the herbs and flowers in your native area will be critical, because you can use these for homemade naturopathic remedies in a world where there’s no longer any hospitals or medical centers. In a world without money, there will still be a thriving economy, but it’ll center around the goods and services you’re able to trade and barter for what you need. Start planning now, and learning the skills and trades that will serve you well post-collapse. The best time to get started is today.
VIP SURVIVAL ACADEMY - DECEMBER 2019 I use this technique in all of my rain water storage tanks to keep the pests out and bacteria at bay, I’ve found water purified in this way stores far better, without the headaches of having to boil pot after pot after pot. FILTER THE WATER Finally, comes the water filter. And it remains one of the most effective forms of water sanitation because it removes bacteria, parasitesas and any particle matter found in the water. In a pinch, making a highly effective sand filter at home isn’t all that difficult.
HOW TO PURIFY ANY WATER SUPPLY Without water, you’ve got around three days to live. In a crisis, having access to a clean water supply is fundamental to survival, because not just for drinking, you need to keep yourself and your environment clean. Smart survivalists make water planning a core part of their strategy, and knowing how to purify your water supply is a smart idea. BOIL THE WATER Bring a pot full of water to a rolling boil for several minutes and you will effectively kill 99.99% of the bacteria, parasites and any other pathogens. The trouble is, boiling will not remove pollutants or heavy minerals from the water, and depending on the source of your water supply this may be an issue. For me, one of the key items in my bug out kit is a metal canteen. Not only is it convenient and highly durable, the bottom has a pot attachment perfect for boiling water when I’m in the wild. BLEACH THE WATER Depending on your particular situation, boiling may not be an option. That’s where bleach comes in, because it’s one of the easiest to use disinfectants that most people will already have in their homes. Just make sure you’re using unscented chlorine bleach, and that the label makes it clear it’s able to be used for disinfection and sanitization.
If the water is particularly dirty, I would recommend running it through a filter first, to remove all of the large particles and debris from the water (a couple of coffee filters are an easy and lightweight addition to your bug out kit for this exact purpose), or if you’ve not got any try digging a small hole for water collection a foot or so from the river bank. The sand and dirt will act as a natural filter in a pinch, it won’t get all the debris, but it will get a lot. Right, then comes the bleach. I like to use 8-10 drops of 6% bleach per gallon of water. You’ll need a clean dropper (you can buy these easily at the drug store). If the water is particularly dirty, you may need up to 12 or 14 drops, but I’d be careful using more. Give the water a good stir so the bleach mixes in, and you should get a nice whiff of chlorine, like what swimming pools smell like. Then step back and let it sit for at least 15 to 30 minutes. After the water settles, taste it. It should be drinkable without much of a taste, if it’s too strong you’ve used too much chlorine. You can dilute it by adding more water, so all is not lost. If you’re happy with the taste, let it sit overnight before you start using it, or at least 6 to 8 hours. This lets any remaining chlorine to activate, and ensure your water is completely purified.
Take a large soda bottle, and cut the bottom off completely, effective turning the bottle into a large plastic funnel. Inside, you’re going to stack a wide variety of different materials as the filter to purify your water. You will need sand, charcoal, small gravel and a bit of cloth or a coffee filter, and something to prop the funnel up with. Inside the funnel place the cloth or coffee filter first, and then add about an inch of gravel to hold it in place. Next add an inch of powdered charcoal (or wood ash), two inches of sand, and another inch of gravel. The funnel should be about half full of filter material at this point, and then all you need to do is fill it with water, and let gravity do the filtering work. I’d recommend not using the water that results from first 3 or 4 run throughs of your filter with this setup (there will be very fine particulates the filter wasn’t able to catch), but once it’s good and wet, and the system is running, you’ll be good to go. Out of the bottom of the filter will run clear and filtered water. Again, to totally ensure the total effectiveness of this technique, adding a little bleach or even boiling the resulting water will ensure it’s as clean as possible before you drink it. In a crisis, clean water is crucial to staying alive, as contaminants present can lead to serious diseases, especially if the pipes to your home or the water supply has been compromised. Remember these simple ways to purify your water supply, and keep your family safe by giving them a safe source of water when the SHTF.
SAFETY TIPS FOR YOUR SURVIVAL STOCKPILE When it comes to being prepared, there’s one potential pitfall you need to be very careful to avoid. That’s all the other people in the world, who didn’t have the foresight to plan ahead. You’ve scrimped, saved and worked hard to ensure your survival stockpile will get you through even an extended crisis, with enough food, water and medicine, as well as all the equipment and sustainable setups you installed. The risk comes, when people start to notice, resenting you for all that you have. Because once their needs, their desire for a warm place to sleep, food in their bellies and everything else they’ve lost along the way, once their needs become overwhelming, the masses will turn into animals. No morals, no virtues, simply the survival of the fittest. If you’re the one standing in the way, they’re going to do all that they can to take what’s yours. Your job, is to protect yourself and your family. SECURE YOUR HOME AND SUPPLIES The best place to start is security. Put your supplies under lock and key, so you increase the difficulty and time required to get at them. In your home, this is simple things like adding security windows, reinforcing your external doors, using motion-triggered lights and fencing, and even a guard dog to increase the difficulty an intruder will face sneaking into your home.
“Being prepared is all about thinking ahead…”
Remember, most criminals will look for easy targets (unless of course there’s no other option), so make yours the hardest home to break into. This same logic also applies to your supplies, barricade and fortify your storage rooms, so it’s not a simple task to get in there. Eventually, any room can be breached, but if you’ve made it as hard as possible, it gives you a little more time to either escape, or fight back. STOP TALKING ABOUT YOUR PREPS One aspect of survival that too many people fail to realize is how far a little gossip can travel. You shouldn’t be telling anyone about how prepared you are, it’s like painting a target on the side of your home. Because you can bet, people will remember, they will talk, and if the situation ever calls for it, your home is going to be the first place the bad guys come knocking. You don’t want to be flagged as a target, and this goes for everything from the type of car you drive, your bumper stickers, and the clothes you wear. Blend in with everyone else, and please, stop talking about your preps. HIDE AND CONCEAL YOUR SUPPLIES Imagine someone breaks into your home looking for food, the first place they will head to is the kitchen, the pantry, and perhaps even check out what’s stored in your basement if they’ve got enough time. You need to make an effort to conceal your preps, hiding them from anyone who may come looking. We’ve built a false wall in our basement for this exact purpose, unless you know it’s there, you’re not going to find what’s behind it. There are also false backs in our closets for smaller items, and a variety of other “hidey-holes” and caches of gear hidden around our property. If one is breached, it’s highly unlikely anyone will ever find them all, unless they know precisely where to look. And that could be our saving grace in a real crisis. CREATE A DIVERSION OR MISDIRECTION Building on the concealment trick, you need to use diversions to trick any would-be raiders that everything is already taken. We’ve taken care to keep our pantry stocked, as well as some additional shelves and food storage in plain view in the basement.
If we do happen to get raided, it’s highly likely they will take what’s in plain sight, without ever even looking further. This little bit of misdirection may just be enough to convince them there is nothing else hiding, because they’ve already “found” and taken your entire stash. BE WILLING TO FIGHT BACK Ultimately, it may reach a time where you do need to fight back. Despite keeping your supplies hidden, and flying under the radar as a grey man, you may find the raiders are still coming, and you need to be willing to do whatever it takes to protect your own. Of course, this means being armed, being ready, and being trained to pull the trigger to respond with lethal force once your life is threatened. Different states have different laws regarding this, and I’m no lawyer, but if someone was forcefully making their way into my home in the lawless aftermath of a disaster, you can bet I will respond as if my life is on the line. Non-lethal options like pepper spray do give you an alternative, important if those breaking in are un-armed, but I’d highly recommend being able to fight back with whatever force is needed to ensure you make it out alive. Keeping your survival stockpile safe requires foresight, a lot of security and a little planning if you want to ensure it’s never taken from you. Installing and hardening your home security measures now could be one of the smartest decisions you make before a crisis hits, especially if you’ve found ways to hide and create misdirection around your supplies. Being prepared is all about thinking ahead, and staying one step in front of the bad guys. That’s how you’ll stay alive, and stay safe.
STAY UNDER THE RADAR DURING MARTIAL LAW As Hong Kong descends into further chaos, we’re reminded of a harsh reality. The wants of the people and those running the country don’t always align, and that’s a scary situation to be in. Should a terrorist attack or even just a disaster strike on our home soil, we may find ourselves in a similar situation, and the declaration of martial law. It’s a scary situation, especially as the times get tougher and the military pushes even harder to retain their grip on control. But there’s a few things you can do to stay under the radar during martial law. Here’s what I’d recommend. KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN The initial reaction of the masses to a declaration of martial law is going to be anger, resentment and bitterness. That it’s all just unfair.
The “man” stripping away your constitutional rights, and there will likely be protests, demonstrations and rioting. Don’t get caught up in this, and don’t do anything that may draw attention to your family. Keep your cool, don’t threaten the heavily armed people in control, and toe-the-line of all the requests that are demanded of you. You don’t want to be made an example of, or judged in a military court where you most definitely will not get a fair trial. KEEP THINGS TO YOURSELF My family is big on self-sufficiency, and we’ve taken steps to ensure we’re as off-grid as possible, in the event of a large disaster. But we’ve also tried to keep it as lowkey as possible, not advertising all of the things that we’re doing, the supplies and setups that we have, and from the outside looking in…
You could probably not even tell we’ve got systems in place that would keep us warm, fed and comfortable for at least 12 months, without any outside help. During martial law, we could simply hunker down and ride it out, without ever needing to leave our property.
“We could simply hunker down and ride it out…”
VIP SURVIVAL ACADEMY - DECEMBER 2019 WHAT MARTIAL LAW WILL LOOK LIKE… If it’s ever deemed to be “in our best interests” the U.S. government has full authority to retain their grip on power, by declaring martial law. Now, there’s plenty of movies that paint a picture of what it “could” look like, but with the military in charge, there’s a few changes you can expect. • Curfews to keep you inside once night falls. • Forced employment and returns to work. • Rations to make the most of food and supplies. • Military tribunals replace the current legal system. • Security checkpoints and severe travel restrictions. • Detention camps for large populations of people.
cont. KEEP YOUR LIGHTS OFF During any crisis there will be a massive divide between the “haves” and the “have nots,” the people who failed to prepare and are now willing to take what you have by force. Don’t give them any reason to do so, silly things like keeping the lights on at night when all other homes in your street are dark is a dead giveaway. The last thing you want is to shine a light on everything you have for the military to turn up and simply take it all away, for the “greater good.” You want to stay under the radar, and if you must use power, keep the windows blacked out so it’s not immediately visible. KEEP YOUR SUPPLIES HIDDEN It’s important to keep your supplies hidden, at least out of sight from a cursory search. That way, if your home is ever breached, or you’ve got the army knocking on your door, they won’t be able to take everything (unless of course they’ve got a reason to search thoroughly and they find your hidden stockpile).
Split it up, and keep your food stores hidden. We’ve got a false wall in our basement that hides a large portion of our supplies, as well as hidden caches at other locations. KEEP YOUR COMMUNICATION OPEN Signal jammers that block both radio waves and your mobile phone signal are going to be used to limit the flow of information, and disrupt any rioting or demonstration attempts. Most jammers are highly localized, and you can bypass them by getting as far away from the jamming device as possible, but it’s important to have alternative communication methods. Short-wave radios, setup Wi-Fi calling, and we’ve even got an old-school drop included in our survival planning. Keeping your lines of communication open, especially to the others in your survival group, is vital. KEEP YOUR BUG-OUT-PLAN READY Finally, be ready to make what would potentially be one of the hardest decisions of your life.
Escaping the city or the area you are in to evacuate somewhere more remote, where you’ll be left to your own devices. I’m not the one to decide here when is the right time to make that call, but if you’re facing hardships under martial law, and your family’s safety is at genuine risk, getting out of dodge may be the smartest choice. Just make sure you’ve got an escape route to get out unnoticed. During a crisis it’s important to not lose sight of what’s most important. Your role is to be the protector of your family, and you can’t do that if you’ve been arrested for causing a scene, breaking the rules, and are thrown in one of the detention camps for an unknown amount of time. Who will be there for your family when you’re gone? Remember your priorities, and don’t let yourself get caught up in the emotions and the anger of the people, and find yourself on the wrong side of an angry military rule. It’s important to stay under the radar during martial law.
KEEPING YOUR ATV RUNNING SMOOTH I’m notorious for being a hard on the machinery on our homestead, and I’ve lost count of the small little mishaps, minor and major accidents I’ve had over the years. But as I got a little older, I started taking better care of key pieces of gear, especially my ATV, because I was tired of always taking it to the shop. Tired of something always going wrong.
CLEAN OUT THE AIR FILTER One of the easiest maintenance tasks you can do is to clean out the air filter. For the engine to work it needs fuel, but it also needs oxygen, and a dirty air filter is going to give your ATV all sorts of problems in running effectively.
Plus, in an actual crisis, you want to be able to rely on the gear you do have.
Dirt and other debris will be sucked into the inner workings, and you’ll lose power and potentially even do major damage to the engine.
Our ATVs form part of our survival planning, as they’re the best means of transport to our bug-out-location tucked away deep in the back of our property.
You don’t need to change it every time it’s a little dirty, but removing it takes all of about a minute and a quick blast with an air compressor gets a whole heap of dust and dirt out.
Without these, the hike is indeed possible, but it’s several miles and I’d much prefer not doing it on foot.
And it goes without saying that in an actual crisis, you’re only going to have yourself to rely on for all of your equipment repairs, and from personal experience I can tell you with complete confidence, it’s far better to do a little preventative maintenance than a major set of repairs. Here’s what I do now to keep my ATV running smooth.
If it’s been a while since you’ve ridden your ATV it’ll pay you to check the oil and perhaps even switch it out for a fresh batch to ensure all is working as it should. Your oil does get dirty, and depending on the conditions you’re riding in you should be changing the oil at least once a year. Maybe even more if you’re doing long trips or hitting some particular dirty and nasty tracks. It takes 10 minutes to drain the old oil, and fill it up with new. That’s it.
CHECK AND TIGHTEN THE BOLTS The more you ride your ATV, eventually things are going to loosen. Bolts will unwind, things will come loose, and neglecting this task until something falls off is just silly. When you’re changing the oil, grab a socket wrench and spend 2 minutes tightening all of the bolts on your ATV.
“It takes 10 minutes to drain the old oil, and fill it up with new. That’s it…”
VIP SURVIVAL ACADEMY - DECEMBER 2019 cont. The lug nuts in the tires need to be tight, and check the bolts in the frame, the axles, the wheel hubs, and the sprocket. All of these need to be checked and tightened. CLEAN AND WASH YOUR ATV You know all of the mud and gunk that’s building up underneath your ATV? That stuff is pure nasty, and if you leave it on for long periods of time it will do a world of damage. Trapping moisture and causing rust, pushing dirt and dust into your axles and bearings, it’s important to clean and wash your ATV every now and then. For me, I roll it halfway up onto the trailer so I can get in underneath, and scrub and clean out all the undercarriage. CHECK AND GREASE YOUR ATV Once it’s all cleaned, you need to grease up a few key parts of your ATV. All of the bearings and pivots need grease to keep them in good working order, so be generous.
I let things dry out, then I get up in under my ATV to grease up all of the bearings, the steering stem bushing and the carrier and arm bearings. Grease repels water too, (which is why it’s important it’s dry before you do this otherwise the water will get trapped inside), and it forms a protective coating that will extend the life of your ATV. CHECK AND CHANGE YOUR FUEL When you’re riding regularly this isn’t a big problem, but if you’ve left your ATV sitting in storage for several months, I’d highly recommend changing the fuel before you start using it. Gas does go bad, and can clog up the inner mechanics of the engine. If you are putting your ATV down for storage, I’d recommend draining the tank and then letting the engine run till it’s dry. That way you won’t have any old fuel gumming up the fuel lines when you do get back onto it once summer comes around again.
CHECK AND CLEAN THE RADIATOR The primary goal of the radiator on your ATV is to cool the engine as it’s running, and it will clog up, especially if you’re driving through muddy, dusty, or any particularly dirty terrain. I know you can’t help this during a ride, but it’s important to clean it out as soon as possible. When I get back from a nasty ride, I crank out the pressure washer and give the radiator a good flushing out. Once the water is flowing through again and it’s clear, it’s clean. Keeping your ATVs running smooth isn’t a time-consuming job, you just need to ensure you’re spending a little time on preventative maintenance whenever you’re riding heavily, or putting them into (or getting them out of) long-term storage. Simple checks and cleans will extend the life of your vehicles astronomically, and ensure you’re ready, no matter what.