Detectives Guide To Malleus

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Table of Contents Races Returning Races Extinct Races Awakened Undead Clockwork Automatons Dhampir

Equipment 2 3 5 9 11

Classes Existing Classes Cleric: City Domain: Warlock: Ghost in the Machine Wizard: School of Invention Card Master Gunslinger

13 16 18 19 22 30

Magical Abilities New Spells by Class New Spells by Level New-Age Spells Old-Age Spells Invocations

39 41 43 55 56

Armour Weapons New Items

58 59 67

Vehicles Land Vehicles Air Vehicles Tankers

69 70 71

Extras Backgrounds Feats The City Banks and Loans Apartments

75 84 89 91 92

Alternate Rules Skills & Proficiencies Bleeding Healing Other

95 96 97 98

Racial Adjustments Welcome to the fantasy-steampunk/clockpunk world of Malleus city! Many adventures await you here. Stories of peril, betrayal, love and even death… Mostly death. It has been thousands of years since the lands of swords and sorcery you know and love began to change. Technology quickly ran rampant, clocks, trains, lightbulbs, even cameras! Magic has become old news. Still used but not nearly as frequently as “once upon a time.” But before you can get into this amazing world. We need to get you a character. But, due to such a large amount of time passing since what in your world is called the “medieval era” we need to go over a few small changes!

RETURNING RACES: In Malleus city, there’s a few races that have unfortunately disappeared, however there’s also some new ones! So that makes up for it right? Oh well, firstly, let’s go over the races that are still around.

Humans The most common race in all of Malleus city, same as always, their… perfect? Selves.

Elves Due to changes in technology, all elves have lost their darkvision, with the exception of Dark Elves and moon elves. However they get a few advantages as well!

High Elves High elves have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks involving eyesight in direct sunlight. Moon Elves Moon elves have darkvision up to 60 feet in direct moonlight, as long as there are no other light sources within 60 feet. They also have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks in these conditions. Drow All drow were born in the underdark. They retain their 60 feet of darkvision. The banishment of the drow to the underdark is still in effect, even now. They are a rare sight on the surface world, and are - at the very least - regarded in a suspicious manner. Drow have disadvantage on all Charisma checks if they are recognized as drow. The few drow that have a reason to leave the underdark know to hide their true identity. A character who plays a surface dwelling drow will have proficiency with the disguise kit. If a class or background would normally grant proficiency with the disguise kit, they gain proficiency with another toolkit of their choice instead (at the DM's discretion).

Dwarves Dwarves are just as common as ever, however “mountain dwarves” rather than residing in mountains, just stay in there rooms all day (and they usually smell) Hill Dwarves Many of those that used to be referred to as “hill dwarves” moved on to fill in as intermediaries between the deep-dwelling mountain dwarves and the growing “civilized” world. Hill dwarves have become surface dwellers that gain advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks among common folk, but have lessened darkvision, up to 30 feet.

Mountain Dwarves Many of the mountain dwarves remained in seclusion within their apartments, shops and homes. As a result, they have trouble congregating into civilized areas and prefer more secluded locations, Their heritage retains the dwarves' 60 foot darkvision.

Gnomes Gnomes are often known as the head honchos of today. They are usually stereotyped as greedy little businessmen and like other races are just as common as ever. Rock gnomes “Rock gnomes” are now more commonly known as “Tinker gnomes” as their tinkering typically places them in technological roles. They have advantage on any checks that involve manipulating a mechanical or electric item. Forest gnomes Forest gnomes are fairly uncommon. And… How to word this… In your world’s terms they’d be called “hippies.” Often one of the few subcraces still largely intertwined with nature.

Half-Elves Life spent among modern technology and readily accessible lighting has left half-elves without darkvision. Any racism towards Half-elves has almost completely disappeared, as they’re often accepted as a normal part of society nowadays. Despite their half-breed nature, technology has begun to develop that allows Half-Elves to breed!

Half-Orcs Half-orcs can still be found in the modern world as a sentient species, but are more often than not in highly vegetated areas far from civilization, usually farmers or secluded societies. Half-Orcs are usually feared and are at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to how rich races are on average (well besides automatons but we’ll get to them) They are often feared due to their Orc blood. Which have gone completely extinct due to being bred out by humans and other races.

They gain advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks against common folk, but have disadvantage on other Charisma checks against them. Having distanced themselves from Malleus city. Half-orcs are unlikely to have a major understanding of technology and will have disadvantage on checks involving technology unless they have received training. Half-orcs tend to be particularly adept at “sizing up” opponents. They may analyze an opponent by rolling a Wisdom (Perception) check contested by the target's Charisma (Deception) to determine its threat level (CR).

EXTINCT RACES: Unfortunately, it’s not all fun and games. Many races have gone extinct since many many years ago. Sometimes for completely unknown reasons, whereas others are speculated but no one is completely sure.

Dragonborn Dragonborn disappeared after a theorized large-scale conflict with dragons. The other theory is that the two slowly dwindled each others numbers over time until they became so rare that they were bread out or moved away from the area near Malleus City. The only remains of these creatures are rare bones and skulls. Which have been theorized to belong to this race of humanoids.

Orcs Orcs disappeared after centuries of in-fighting and war between many Orc tribes and cities. This lead to a giant population dip until they were completely bread out, leaving only Half-Orcs. Unlike many other races these ones still have a large amount of evidence of their existence. With their culture being passed down through their Half-Orc children.

Tieflings These devil-human spawn are thought to have disappeared after rituals turning humans into Tieflings were lost to time and slowly the population dwindled due to hunting and genocide. It is unknown if Tieflings have been completely wiped out or were returned to the Nine Hells.

Aasimars Similar to Tieflings, Aasimars are rumored to have just been a myth or legend or were returned to other realms by their supposed heritage. However the most popular theory is that they never existed and were instead simple tales of heroes that were transformed into Gods with their legends.

Goblins Similarly to Orcs, Goblins and hobgoblins were often feared and as such they were hunted. Goblins often strayed away from civilization anyways and as such, their numbers slowly dwindled until they either completely left or became extinct. There is some evidence of Goblins and Hobgoblins still being alive but any evidence is hundreds of miles away.

New Races But Nomatter! We may have lost some races along the way here but we’ve gained some new ones! (And they’re pretty cool if I do say so myself) And first out of these races we have:

AWAKENED UNDEAD The mists cling to the tall charred pines of the valeheart woods like clawed spectral fingers, as the billowing breeze breathing through the trees give this miasma a sinister semblance of life. At once menacing and warding against outside visitors to this deathly realm, the locals know well of the evil nature of this forest, and how willing the very air of this place is to choke the live out of those foolish mortals that venture inside. Nevertheless, a gnarled dwarf by the name Blidwenn gazes into the opaque vapor streaming from the trees, his eyes more accustomed to the dim light of this place than the pure sunshine found in more wholesome lands. Braiding a few errant strands of beard, Blidwenn continues his vigil for well on an hour, tracing the elusive forms in the mist for any sign of living movement. Clasping his braid in a ruddy, calloused hand, the dwarf lets loose a sigh and slowly rises to his feet. His sharp dwarven eyes snap open and he pauses instantly mid-motion. Movement in the mists, shadows, a shape emerging from the woods. His vision traces the outline of a lean, solitary figure, set bone white against the grey fog. With slow, creaking footsteps, the creature emerges from the fog and advances on the steadfast dwarf. "That you, Clacks?" Blidwenn rumbles, his hammer suddenly finding itself in his large hands, "You see anything in there?" "Indeed, friend," the approaching skeleton replies dryly, holding aloft a faint, purple gem, "The master's old phylactery wasn't nearly as well defended as he would have us think.”

Death comes for all things in a near-infinite variety of ways. So, too, are there many reasons that the dead might return from the grave. Directly applied necromancy, cursed lands, and unfinished business are but a few, and all leave the newly-undead soul with a mere semblance of the life it had before. All undead carry the physical or emotional scars of what ended their mortal lives, though some may be far more subtle than others.

Dead and Reborn Typically having no lands to call their own, undead with an awakened sense of self are typically perpetual foreigners, wanderers in a land and often a time not their own. Compounding matters, most mortal cultures carry within them an instinctual fear of death and the dead, and many associate necromancy specifically with dark tidings. This forms a wall of (often well earned) prejudice and hatred that sentient undead find themselves up against, and many undead choose to hide their necrotic natures behind clothes, masks, and pungent perfumes when journeying into civilization. Depending on composition, humanoid undead typically range a wide gamut from 20 to 300 pounds, and may possess empty eyes, a colored flame-like magical aimuss in their sockets, or harrowed, surprisingly mortal eyes burning with an inner fire. Hair (if they have it at all) is usually lank, dark, and wrought with grime and grave dirt that no amount of cleansing will fully remove. Awakened undead are almost universally feared and cannot reproduce.

Service and Freedom

Awakened Undead Traits

Undeath is effectively immortality, a strong reason why many mortal spellcasters of a certain moral bent consider it a viable alternative to actually dying. Still, it is not immortality without price - senses and emotions dull, food and drink no longer have taste, and often an undead state comes alongside a subservience of will and unthinking service to a master who likely does not have the world's best intentions at heart.

Awakened undead have the following traits in common:

Some undead are born into freedom, while others earn it or have it thrust upon them. Regardless, all undead that have freedom greatly cherish it, as the reminders of what could easily happen were they not fortunate enough to possess free will abound throughout history. Many consider it their sacred duty to free other mindless undead, or simply dispatch them wherever they may be found. The reason is straightforward enough: a final rest awarded to all mortals is greatly preferential to eternal slavery to the likes of a short-sighted, megalomaniacal wizard.

Fallen Home, Forgotten Past For many awakened undead, the past is a distant homeland to which they may never return, holding names and faces now partially-forgotten, and loves and lives as dead as they are. The anguish of this loss is enough to drive many mad, but others use this rage and pain as a source of power and drive, carrying them further on the road to whatever dark destiny awaits. Frequently, entire countries, customs, and cultures the undead may be familiar with no longer exist, and the sentient dead behaves or speaks in a antiquated fashion because of this. It may be even more difficult than usual for such undead to relate to more modern mortals, and typically these undead leverage what companions they may have to bridge this epoch-long communication gap.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1. Dead Immortality. You do not age. Given time, the necromantic energies that sustain you will heal most wounds you take at approximately the same rate as a mortal, and your hit dice function as normal. Past Life. Choose another living race besides this one. Before your death, you were a member of this race and appear as an undead version of it. Your size, height, and movement speed are the same as a typical member of that race. You do not retain special movement speeds from this race (such as swimming or flying), and, though you may choose to have formerly been a member of a subrace of a particular race, you derive no benefits from doing so. Undead. Raised from the dead as a beaing of undeath, you count as an undead creature for all spells and abilities that affect the undead. You are immune to disease and treat exhaustion as if it was one level less. You do not need to eat or breathe, but you can ingest food and drink if you wish. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal. Darkvision. Through the necromantic energy animating you, you are able to perceive with greater clarity that which lurks in the darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one language available to the race you chose for your Past Life. Subrace. Three types of awakened undead are available to you. Choose Skeleton, Revenant, or Ghost, listed in the following sections.

Skeletons An animated figure made of dry bones devoid of flesh and muscle, you were likely raised by a necromantic caster or dark, supernatural curse as a simple minion, completely without will and self knowledge. Something changed, however; perhaps your master was slain, the land cleansed, or you merely awoke one day to fragmented memories of your previous life. Whatever the case, possessed of a fragmented sense of self and newfound purpose, you struck out into the wider world to find a new destiny. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity or Intelligence score increases by 2. Bloodless. You are immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition. Bone Pile. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. If you do, you reduce yourself to a pile of bones, render yourself prone, and are considered under a similar effect to the feign death spell. While subject to this condition, you are unable to move or take action other than using your action to end this effect. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest. Bone To Pick. Whenever both of your hands are free (not including equipped shields), you may use a free hand and a bonus action to remove one of your hands or arms. If you remove an arm, it counts as a weapon with the finesse property that deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage, and you have proficiency with your arm while you wield it. If you remove a hand, it counts as thieves' tools or a similar set of simple tools while you hold it. In either case, removed hands and arms may be re-attached by using another bonus action.

Revenant When a brutal murder or an atrocious crime slays an innocent soul endowed with suffcient willpower, there is a rare occasion where the victim refuses to stand by and stay dead. You were created not at the whim of a mortal spellcaster, but when you were slain and either a god of death, veneance, or justice, or you yourself, took enough umbrage at the death to raise you from the grave, typically at least a full day (though sometimes up to centuries, if the revenge is still relevant) after your death occured.

Born again out of an undying thirst for vengeance, you will not rest until the wrongs surrounding your death have been righted. Though you superficially appear similar to a zombie, complete with tattered flesh and sporadic decay, your eye gleam with an intelligent intent, a burning passionate fury that will lay low all in your way. Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma or Strength score increases by 2. Eternal Vengeance. You know at all times the general direction of and relative distance to a creature of the DM's choosing against whom you seek revenge for your death, even if the creature and you are on different planes of existence. Should this creature die by your hand or that of another, you instantly know, and your DM chooses another creature also responsible for your death for their feature to apply to, should such a creature exist. Poison Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage. Unnatural Vitality. When you drop to 0 hit points, you may choose to stay conscious instead of falling unconscious. If you do, you gain temporary hit points equal to your total character level. In this state, you may take an action or bonus action on your turn, but not both, and you make death saving throws at the end of your turn as usual. You can remain in this state until you fail your first death saving throw (at which point you fall unconscious and continue making death saving throws until you stabilize or regain additional hit points) or die outright to massive damage. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

Ghost Lingering souls of the dead and departed, ghost are raised as servants by potent necromancers or hold onto the world themselves where there is unfinished business they yet to accomplish. Adventurous ghosts such as yourself typically either escape the masters that raised them or have something unresolved from their days amongst the living that requires they journey far and wide. If a ghost is charged with unfinished business it can take many forms, from protecting a loved one to keeping a particular item safe to simple revenge. Ghosts are spectral and luminous, but solid to the touch, and can interact with objects as mortals do. All ghosts carry obvious and sometimes twisted marks of what caused their death, which are often quite disturbing to all but the most jaded mortals. Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma or Wisdom score increases by 2. Bloodless. You are immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition. Flight. You gain a fly speed equal to half your land speed, rounded up to the nearest 5 feet. Withering Touch. Your unarmed strike deals necrotic damage, as well as additional damage equal to your Constitution modifier. Incorporeal Stride. You can move through other creature and objects other than physical barriers (such as walls or ceilings) as if they were difficult terrain. Once per short rest, you may pass through up to 10 feet of physical barriers (treating them as difficult terrain) as a part of movement. You take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside an object or barrier, and are immediately ejected to the closest available space if within a barrier.

A Matter of Life and Death

Death doesn't have to be the end for a player character - an interested DM may allow a dead character to rise from their grave as one of the awakened undead, replacing the character's race and subrace features with those listed here. Conversely, an awakened undead character can wish to regain thir mortal life. This may only be achieved through the use of the true resurrection spell, and, again, DM permission. A character returning to their mortal life replaces their awakened undead race and subrace with what they chose for their Past Life feature, loses all features and abilities associated with being an awakened undead, and instead gains abilities typical for a member of their new race.



There was once an ambitious master engineer who wanted to create life. The engineer gave their all to birth such a creation, until finally, using clockwork prosthetics, the scientist created fully sentient automatons. At first they were mindless machines, blindly following orders, but eventually they grew consciousness, thoughts, and emotions. They'd ask questions and wonder if they too were living beings. No such answer was found, and the scientist died in the wake of their creations - or so it is thought.

Clockwork Automatons have unique personalities and experience anger, pain, fear, and hatred, just like their human creators. But Automatons naturally seem reserved, stoic, and pensive, hiding an array of emotions behind their minorly inexpressive metallic faces. Their faces were not designed to display facial expressions, merely to replicate talking, so at times they appear to be distant to the conversation. Despite their lack of physical facial expressions, they're not completely without them, as their eyes tend to brighten when experiencing strong or specific emotions. Some Automatons have their faces modified to be more expressive for their companion's comfort, but these expressions are learned rather than natural and often appear stilted and awkward.

The future of this race of machines is a mystery; only a few automatons were made to the complexity of the scientist's original design, and all of their schematics, blueprints, plans, and notes vanished with their death, save for a single note, telling of a secret apprentice that would continue their work where no one could find them. Few automatons exist claiming to have a "soul", but it's likely more will appear when the apprentice comes out of hiding.

Physical Description Made of gears, metal, and cogs held together by magic, Clockwork Automatons are beings unlike any other. They are constructed out of combinations of thick ceramic and metal filaments built around a metallic skeletal frame, with a mysterious fibrous material acting as a muscular system. A network of tubes runs through the Automaton's body, filled with a blood-like fluid designed to lubricate and nourish their gears. Automatons are completely sexless and genderless. Though their bodies may have been designed with masculine or feminine features, these are considered by the Automatons to be little more than aesthetics. Automatons are able to be repaired and modified by those with the right training, which makes for an endless array of possible changes to their appearances in the hands of capable engineers. A Clockwork Automaton on average stands little taller than their creator's race's height and weighs in at 100 - 300 lbs. These numbers will vary among specific Automatons.

Some Automatons can be incredibly naive and lack a sense of introspection. However, many others are the opposite and question their existence, they wonder if, as constructs, they have souls, and ask what becomes of them in the afterlife. More intelligent automatons create complex philosophies about what they perceive and learn. Though they can show loyalty to religions and organizations, typically they become loyal to a small group of comrades. Automatons built for war understand duty, the chain of command, and conflict. But aside from this, many Automatons often have little life experience as they have spent most of their time working towards one specific duty. If there is one interest all Clockwork Automatons share it is their love of working and the satisfaction of a job well done. Many create endless lists of goals and chores to feed that feeling. They take pride in their work and can work incredibly hard, both traits that make them dislike idleness and failure. Automatons can excel at most tasks, having a single-minded efficiency, especially in combat related roles. But this same single-mindedness can often translate to a lack of creativity and they can be easily surprised or "outflanked."

Clockwork Automatons dislike being called "it" and usually accept the gendered pronoun that they most closely resemble. Some Automatons adopt names from the culture they were created in, though most of their names were assigned at construction and are straightforward and related to their job, abilities or rank. Many Automatons simply accept the nicknames given to them by their comrades while others seek more meaningful names that best describe them.

Automaton Traits You share a number of traits with other Automatons: Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2. Age. Automatons are created as adults; they have no childhood or adolescence. It is theorized that Automatons may show signs of physical deterioration after about 150-200 years, but have no further aging effects after that point and no maximum age. Alignment. Automatons tend toward lawful alignments, as they were constructed to be built for one purpose, usually to help their creator or other sentient beings. Size. Automatons who are gendered as "male" tend to have broader and heavier builds while "female" gendered automatons are thinner, looking more like the race they were modeled after, with more elegant facial features. Your size is Medium. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Living Construct. Even though you were constructed, you are a living creature. You are immune to disease and the bleeding condition. You do not need to eat or breathe, but you can ingest food and drink if you wish. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal. Composite Plating. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 11 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and your creator's native language (select one language at random if your creator is human).

Overclocking. Whenever you take lightning damage, the power surges through your mechanical parts and magical circuitry. You gain the benefits of the haste spell until the end of your next turn - that is, your speed is doubled, you get a +2 bonus to AC, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and you get an additional action, which you can use to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action. However, at the end of your turn, as the energy dissipates, the damage becomes apparent. Make a Constitution saving throw. The DC of this save is equal to 15 or half the lightning damage dealt to you earlier, whichever is higher. On a failed save, you are completely immobilized until the end of your next turn; on a success, you are still negatively affected and can't take any actions or bonus actions, though you can still move your speed as normal. Healing. Rather than healing potions, automatons use “gears”, which they place on their body, this gear is imbued with magical energy and heals the automaton. Subraces. Only three configurations for Automatons were known to have been created or altered, each quite unique in their own respect, built for different jobs.

Robust Frame Clockwork automatons with robust frames were built to protect and serve others. They fight off foes and can physically carry the helpless out of harm's way. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1. Evacuation Subroutine. Your frame is built for carrying people and items to safety. Your speed cannot be reduced due to being over encumbered or when lifting, carrying, or dragging another creature. Hulking Build. You gain proficiency in your choice of either Athletics, Intimidation, or Survival.

Finesse Frame Automatons with this frame type are agile, small, and quick on their feet. These types were primarily built for entertaining crowds with their daredevil stunts, though their speed can easily be put to other uses. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1. Bounce Back. Your are designed to take a tumble. It only takes you 5 feet to stand up from being knocked prone, instead of half your movement. Nimble and Lightweight. You gain proficiency in your choice of either Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth.

Mystical Frame Using the magic inside them to their full potential, these Automatons were built to assist those that were more magically inclined, with a greater capacity for learning as well as the ability to store and use magic themselves. Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1. Keen Intellect. You gain proficiency in a single skill chosen from the following: Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, or Religion. Magical Processing. Your exposure to magical power has manifested itself in the ability to replicate parts of it with your own abilities. You learn a wizard cantrip of your choice. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

DHAMPIR Tall and slender and with well-defined musculature, dhampirs look like statuesque humans of unearthly beauty. Their hair, eye, and skin colors resemble unnerving versions of their mothers’; many possess a ghastly pallor, particularly in the sunlight, while those with dark complexions often possess skin the color of a bruise. While many dhampirs can pass as humans in ideal conditions, their features are inevitably more pronounced and they move with an unnaturally fluid grace. All dhampirs have elongated incisors.

Society Dhampirs have no culture of their own, nor do they have any known lands or even communities. Often born in secret and abandoned at orphanages or left to die on the outskirts of town, they tend to live solitary lives as exiles and outcasts. Individuals acquire the cultural beliefs and teachings of the regions in which they grew up, and adopt additional philosophies over the course of their complex lives. This ability to adapt to a variety of circumstances provides dhampirs with a social camouflage that hides them from both predators and prey. In rare instances, dhampirs might gather to form small groups or cabals dedicated to resolving their joint issues. Even so, the philosophies of such groups reflect the interests of the individuals involved, not any common dhampir culture.

Relations As dhampirs are scions of evil, few races view them favorably. They share an affinity for those half-breeds whose sinister ancestry also sets them apart from human society, particularly tieflings and half-orcs. Humans view them with a combination of fear and pity, though such feelings often devolve into hatred and violence. Other humanoid races, such as dwarves, elves, and halflings, simply shun them. Similarly, dhampirs bear a deep-seeded loathing for living creatures, their hatred planted by jealousy and fed by frustration.

Alignment & Religions Most dhampirs succumb to the evil within their blood. They are unnatural creatures, and the foul influence of their undead heritage makes an evil outlook difficult to overcome. Those who struggle against their wicked natures rarely progress beyond a neutral outlook.

Dhampir Traits Dhampirs share certain abilities with Vampires thanks to the curse they share. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increases by 2 and Charisma by 1. Age. Dhampirs are long lived thanks to their vampire heritage. They reach adulthood at the same rate as a human, but can live for several hundred years. Size. Dhampir have the same range of height and weight as humans. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Darkvision. Cursed by your vampire heritage, you can easily see through darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Vampiric Resistance. You have resistance to Necrotic damage. Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.

Vampiric Magic. You know the minor illusion cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the charm person spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the misty step spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Bite. Your fangs are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike Blood Thirst. In the heat of battle, you can throw yourself into a bloodlust. As a bonus action, you can make a special attack with your bite. If the attack hits, it deals its normal damage, and you gain temporary hit points (minimum of 1) equal to your Constitution modifier, and you can’t use this trait again until you finish a short or long rest. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one additional language.

Class Adjustments Barbarian In Malleus city, where firearms are extremely common, even Barbarians known how to wield them. Additionally, barbarians have proficiency with long arms. A barbarian may start with the following items, plus anything provided by your background. ● ● ●

(a) a greataxe, (b) any martial melee weapon, or (c) any long arm (a) two handaxes, (b) any side arm or (c) any simple weapon An explorer's pack, and (a) four javelins or (b) 20 rounds of ammunition

Bard Bards are the same as ever, however the ability to make spells and magic through music and poetry has become far rarer than before, Bards are very rare and typically shunned from society within Malleus City as creating music through song and poetry is seen as work of demons and devils. In Order to achieve this it also takes many many years of study and hard work. Bards add sidearms, muskets, rifles, carbines, estoc, and boot knife to their weapons proficiencies. A bard may start with the following items, plus anything provided by your background.

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A cleric may also take the city domain and prepare technomagic spells.

Fighter Fighters have grown their battle prowess with the changing times and in addition to their proficiency with simple and martial weapons they also have proficiency with sidearms and long arms, and may select from the following starting items (if proficient): ● ●

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(a) a rapier, (b) a longsword, (c) any simple weapon, or (d)any primitive sidearm and 20 rounds (a) a diplomat's pack or (b) an entertainer's pack (a) a lute or (b) any other musical instrument A dagger, and (a) leather armor or (b) light undercover shirt

Cleric Rather than receiving their power from a divine being, Clerics & Paladins are gifted their divine abilities from their devotion to a particular ideal or philosophy. Clerics start with proficiency in all sidearms and with longarms that have the scatter property. A cleric may start with the following items, plus anything provided by your background.

(a) a mace, (b) or (b) a warhammer (if proficient) (a) scale mail, (b) leather armor, (c) heavy coat, or (d) chain mail (if proficient) (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts, (b) any simple weapon, or (c) any primitive sidearm and 20 rounds (a) a priest's pack or (b) an explorer's pack a shield

(a) chain mail, (b) multi-layer vest, or (c) leather armor, longbow, and 20 arrows (a) a martial weapon and a shield, (b) two martial weapons, or (c) a primitive long arm and 20 rounds (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts, (b) a primitive sidearm and 20 rounds, or (c) two handaxes (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack

Additionally, fighters can choose from any Gun Tactic in place of a Fighting Style when choosing Fighting Styles. Finally, the Archery Fighting Style applies to sidearms and long arms.

Monk Monks may take proficiency with primitive firearms, but they do not count as monk weapons, and their starting items do not change accordingly.

The Deflect Missiles feature gained at 3rd level cannot be used against ranged attacks from firearms, unless the monk is wielding a simple melee weapon with which to deflect the attack. Additionally, or as an alternative to the Deflect Missiles feature entirely, a monk can gain this feature: Bullet Time. Starting at 3rd level, when you are hit with a ranged weapon attack from a firearm, you can use your reaction to expertly weave out of the bullet's path. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your monk level. If you reduce the damage to 0, you can spend 1 ki point to move up to 10 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Paladin Much like Clerics, Paladins no longer praise a certain God or Gods, rather they are devoted to Oaths or Philosophies.Paladins have used their training in battle to gain additional proficiencies beyond simple and martial weapons and now have proficiency with sidearms and long arms, and may select from the following starting items (if proficient): ●

● ● ●

(a) a martial weapon and a shield, (b) two martial weapons, or (c) a primitive long arm and 20 rounds (a) five javelins, (b) any simple melee weapon, or (c) a primitive sidearm and 20 rounds (a) a priest's pack or (b) an explorer's pack A holy symbol and (a) chain mail, (b) sheet metal vest, or (c) multi-layer vest

Paladins can use firearms for Divine Smite, Improved Divine Smite, and any spells that would require them to take an attack with a melee weapon before taking effect, but you must be within at least 10 feet of the target to do so. Additionally, paladins can choose the Akimbo Shooting, Breacher, Gun Duelist, or Shield Shooting Gun Tactic in place of a Fighting Style when choosing Fighting Styles.

Rogue Rogues are proficient with sidearms, muskets, wheellock guns, carbines, and rifles. Additionally, a rogue can substitute proficiency with longswords, rapiers, and shortswords for proficiency with long arms. ● (a) a rapier, (b) a shortsword, or (c) a primitive long arm and 20 rounds ● (a) a shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows, (b) a primitive sidearm and 20 rounds, or (c) a shortsword ● (a) a burglar's pack, (b) a dungeoneer's pack, or (c) an explorer's pack ● Leather armor, two daggers, and thieves' tools

Sorcerers Sorcerers are the same as usual, however the amount of time required to hone your abilities as a sorcerer has increased. Sorcerers are incredibly rare as magic through blood has become extraordinarily uncommon to the point of near extinction. Sorcerers often find themselves trying to preserve their magic ability in any way they can. Often to detrimental effect. Sorcerers are proficient with sidearms, and may start with a primitive sidearm and 20 rounds instead of a light crossbow and 20 bolts.

Warlock Warlocks are proficient with sidearms, and may start with a primitive sidearm and 20 rounds instead of a light crossbow and 20 bolts. A warlock may take the Ghost in the Machine as their patron if it is appropriate for the campaign setting and can learn technomagic spells. Due to the inhabitants of the material plane separating themselves from Gods and the natural world, becoming more independent. Patrons are few and far between. It is rare to find someone who can cast spells, let alone grant their powers to another. Because of this, only a few Warlock Patrons are available. The only Warlock patrons that are not listed but still playable are the hexblade and the Ghost in the machine.

The Undying Often in the form of Awakened Undead. An Undying Patron usually lurks deep underneath Malleus City or on the outskirts in the slums, disguised as a poor commoner, begging for gold, giving only their powers to those they deem as worthy.

Gun Tactics

The Fiend Despite Devils’ involvement with the Material plane and its inhabitants lessening overtime it is still prevalent. A particularly powerful Devil or even an archdevil may find their way to the material plane and give their powers to someone they deem as worthy. Usually disguised as wealthy members of Malleus city who are involved in secret cults revolved around themselves.

Akimbo Shooting

The Great Old One Rather than A Great Old one referring to a deity that is millions of years old and lost to time. A Great Old one is usually an Elf, Dwarf, Gnome or Dhampir. These magically adept humanoids often give their powers to pupils or those they see as worthy.

Wizard Much like Bards. Wizards have not been changed very much, however the study and time necessary to become a wizard has grown instrumentally. Any player that wishes to become a wizard must be at least 25 years old. The books and resources necessary to become a wizard have become extremely rare, so much so that wizards are near impossible to find, making them near-celebrities. Wizards are proficient with sidearms, and may start with a primitive sidearm and 20 rounds instead of a quarterstaff or dagger at the DM's discretion. A wizard may take the Technomancy arcane tradition and can learn technomagic spells.

Unplayable Classes The Druid and Ranger are the only two classes that cannot be played in this setting, all of the people that would be taking these classes have all but disappeared almost like an extinct race.

Gun Tactics are gun shooting specializations. They serve as alternatives to Fighting Styles. You can't take the same Gun Tactic more than once, even if you get to choose again.

When wielding two light firearms, you can add your ability score modifier to the damage of the second attack. You can reload both light firearms at once using a bonus action. Breacher When you make an attack with a firearm at a creature within 15 feet of you and you roll a 1 or 2 on the damage die, you can reroll the damage die and must take the new roll, even if the number is a 1 or a 2. The firearm must have the scatter property for you to gain this benefit. Gun Duelist When wielding a sidearm in one hand and no other weapons, you get a +2 bonus to your damage rolls with these weapons. Riflery When wielding a two handed firearm without the bulky or scatter property, you get a +2 bonus to attack rolls with these weapons. Sniper If you make an attack with a two-handed firearm beyond 30 feet, you get a +2 bonus to your damage rolls with these weapons. The firearm cannot have the scatter property and gain this benefit. Shield Shooting You can now wield a two-handed firearm with a shield, but must brace it against the shield as a bonus action to fire it.

Cleric: City Domain The City domain is concerned with the citizenry, commerce, traffic, and even architecture of modern civilization. In the eyes of a cleric of the city, the center of modern life is a sense and spirit of community, and the gravest enemies of the city are those who seek to harm the common weal of its citizens. At each indicated cleric level, add the listed spells to your spells prepared. They do not count towards your limit. City Domain Spells Cleric Level



Comprehend Languages, Remote Access


Find Vehicle, Heat Metal


Lightning Bolt, Protection from Ballistics


Locate Creature, Synchronicity


Commune with City, Shutdown

Bonus Cantrip When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain the On/Off cantrip in addition to your chosen cantrips.

Bonus Proficiencies Also starting at 1st level, you gain proficiency with sidearms and proficiency with vehicles (land).

Heart of the City From 1st level, you are able to tap into the spirit of community found in the city. While you are within any city, you can gain advantage on a single Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check, and you are considered proficient in the appropriate skill. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Spirits of the City Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to call on the city for aid. As an action, you present your holy symbol, and up to your cleric level halved, rounded down city utilities within 30 feet of you either works perfectly or shuts down entirely for 1 minute (your choice). Additionally, each hostile creature within 30 feet of you must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d8 fire damage from nearby boiling steam shooting out. (If there is nothing nearby, the steam shoots from your spell focus) This effect is entirely local and affects only utilities within 30 feet of you. Determination of what utilities are available within range and how the physical effects of those utilities manifest are left to the DM.

Block Watch Starting at 6th level, your awareness while in the city extends preternaturally. While in an urban environment, you are considered proficient in the Insight and Perception skills, and you add double your proficiency bonus to Wisdom (Insight) and Wisdom (Perception) checks, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

Divine Strike At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with psychic energy borrowed from the citizens of your city. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 psychic damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra psychic damage increases to 2d8.

Express Transit At 17th level, you can use mass transit routes to transport instantaneously to other points in the city. Starting from a bus stop, train station, subway stop, or other suitable mass transit site within the city, you can teleport to any other similar transit stop within the city, as if you had cast a Teleport spell whose destination is a permanent Teleportation Circle you know. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before using it again.

Warlock: Ghost in the machine A modern warlock channels the unseen randomness of urban life, tapping into the energy of modern technology in unimagined ways.

Otherworldly Patron: Ghost in the Machine You have made a bargain for power granted by an entity that you believe to be completely digital. Whether it is a rogue AI or an abandoned Automaton that lives off of an unseen substance. You have been granted powers beyond that of nature.

Expanded Spell List The Ghost in the Machine lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. You gain the on/off cantrip, and the following new spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. See “New Spells” at the end of this article. Ghost in the Machine expanded Spells Spell level



Infallible ray, remote access


Arcane hacking, digital phantom


Haywire, invisibility to cameras


Conjure knowbot, system backdoor


Shutdown, Commune with city

Bonus Proficiency At 1st level, you gain proficiency with tinkers tools or smith's tools.

Steam Surge At 1st level, you gain the ability to temporarily shut down any steam-powered device within 30 feet of you. This includes sidearms and longarms. If the object you are targeting is being worn or carried the wielder must make an intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC.

On a fail the device ceases working until the end of your next turn. If the object is not being worn or carried it ceases working. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Pipe Travel Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to travel short distances through pipes that carry steam within them. As a bonus action you can touch a pipe that carries steam through it and travel along the pipe up to double your movement speed. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you’ve finished a short or long rest.

Automaton Connection At 10th level, you have become adept at the way of life many automatons experience due to your close connection with steam, robotics and other technology. You can now be healed by gears of healing similar to automatons, when healed this way, rather than rolling you treat each dice as if it were the maximum roll.

Technovirus At 14th level, you gain the ability to infect a humanoid or constructs body with living circuitry. You can use an action to make a melee attack against a humanoid or construct using your spell attack modifier. The target must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC as a techno organic virus quickly spreads through its body. On a failed save, the target takes 8d10 psychic damage, or half as much damage on a successful one. Additionally, if the target fails the saving throw, you can use an action to issue it a single command, as if you were casting the command' spell. The target makes its saving throw against your command with disadvantage. You can issue this command at any time while the target remains infected. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest, at which point the target is cured of the technovirus. The infection can also be removed with a lesser restoration spell.

Wizard: School of Invention The School of Invention claims credit for inventing the other schools of magic - a claim other wizards find absurd. Wizards of this school push magic to its limits. They stretch the known laws of arcane power and strive to reveal important truths about the nature of the multiverse. Adherents of this school believe that innovation is best served through experimentation. They have a reputation for acting first, thinking second. Most wizards are scholars who have mastered their craft through careful study, rigorous practice, and endless hours of repetition. These wizards would rather throw spells together and see what happens. Many wizards of this tradition are gnomes, alchemists, or both, and they take pride in the magic-infused armor they don. The armor not only provides protection, but it is also designed to help the wizard channel magic in unpredictable ways. Wizards of this tradition are regarded as savants to their faces, but wizards of other traditions often think of them as lunatics.

Reckless Casting Starting at 2nd level, you can attempt to cast a spell you don’t have prepared. When you use this ability, you use your action and choose one of the following options: ● Roll on the Reckless Casting table for cantrips and cast the resulting spell as part of this action. ● Expend a spell slot and roll twice on the Reckless Casting table for its level, or the 5th level table if the slot is 6th level or higher. Pick which of the two results you want to use and cast the resulting spell as part of this action.

Reckless Casting d10 Cantrip 1

acid splash


chill touch


card throw


fire bolt

Tools of the Inventor



At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with two tools of your choice.


mindrending bullet


poison spray


thorn whip


wall of denial


Roll twice and cast each cantrip, but if you roll another 10 on either die, you cast nothing, wasting your action.

Arcanomechanical Armor Innovation is a dangerous practice, at least as far as members of this school practice it. As a shield against this risk, you have developed a suit of arcane armor. Starting at 2nd level, you gain proficiency with light armor and gain a suit of arcanomechanical armor - a magic item that only you can attune to. While you are attuned to it and wearing it, it grants you resistance to force damage. The armor is light armor and provides an AC of 12 + your Dexterity modifier. It also has ballistics resistance (BR 1). It weighs 8 pounds. You can create a new suit of it at the end of a long rest by touching a nonmagical suit of studded leather armor, which magically transforms it. Doing so removes the magic from your previous arcanomechanical armor, turning it into nonmagical studded leather.

Reckless Casting d10 1st-Level Spell 1

Burning hands


Chromatic orb


Colour spray


False life


Ice bayonet



Reckless Casting d10 1st-Level Spell

Reckless Casting d10 4th-Level Spell


Magic missile

1 blight


Poison gas

2 confusion



3 Drop shield

Roll twice and cast each spell, but if you roll 10 another 10 on either die, you cast nothing, wasting your action.

Reckless Casting d10 2nd-Level Spell

4 Fire shield 5 Ice storm 6 Phantasmal killer 7 stoneskin 8 vortex 9 Wall of fire











Reckless Casting


Scorching ray

d10 5th-Level Spell



1 cloudkill


Shackles of pain

2 Cone of cold


Soften the sword

3 Conjure firing squad

Roll twice and cast each spell, but if you roll 10 another 10 on either die, you cast nothing, wasting your action.

Reckless Casting d10 3rd-Level Spell 1 fear 2 Feign death 3 fireball 4 Hydraulic beam 5 Gaseous form 6 Lightning bolt 7 Rotting shot 8 Searing smoke 9 Sleet storm Roll twice and cast each spell, but if you roll 10 another 10 on either die, you cast nothing, wasting your action.

Roll twice and cast each spell, but if you roll 10 another 10 on either die, you cast nothing, wasting your action.

4 Destructive wave 5 Hold monster 6 Insect plague 7 Mass cure wounds 8 Wall of force 9 Wall of stone Roll twice and cast each spell, but if you roll 10 another 10 on either die, you cast nothing, wasting your action.

Alchemical Casting At 6th level, you learn to channel magic through your arcanomechanical armor to augment spells in a variety of ways. When you cast a spell while wearing that armor and attuned to it, you can expend one additional spell slot of 1st or 2nd level to alter the spell. The effect depends on the spell slot you expend. A 1st-level slot allows you to manipulate the spell’s energy. When you cast a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you can substitute that damage type for another one from that list. A 2nd-level slot increases the spell’s raw force. If you roll damage for the spell when you cast it, increase that damage by 2d10 force damage against one of the spell’s targets (your choice) this turn.

Arcanomechanical Shielding At 10th level, you improve your arcanomechanical armor to stand up to effects both mundane and magical in nature. As a reaction while wearing your armor, you can expend a 1st-level spell slot to gain resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage for 1 minute. Additionally, while you are wearing and attuned to your arcanomechanical armor, you can expend a 1st or 2nd level spell slot to cast absorb elements. When cast this way, you add the extra damage to the damage roll of your next melee attack, ranged attack, or damaging spell not requiring an attack roll.

Controlled Chaos At 14th level, your ability to improvise magic grows stronger. Whenever you roll on a Reckless Casting table for a spell other than a cantrip, you can roll on the table that is one level higher than the expended spell slot.

Card Master An elven woman sits opposite a stuffed-shirt noble, waving her hands over a crystal ball as she plucks cards from the deck in front of her. She whispers tales of woe and misfortune, a terrible fate that will surely occur unless the noble pays the penalty. Sobbing, the noble tears off his gold and jewels, casting them to the ground. The elf smiles, knowing that no matter what cards she had drawn, the result would be to her benefit. A human, cloaked in brown and black, is cornered in an alleyway. He holds out a hand, revealing that he is unarmed, save for his trusty deck of cards. There is a flash of light and an explosion of color, and in the dust left behind, the man picks up his discarded cards, leaving one behind — the Ace of Spades, his favorite calling card. Two men dressed in ornate clothing stand on opposite sides of an arena, amid the sounds of cheering spectators. They channel their magics into their decks, ready to pit them against each other in a ritualistic battle for glory, fame... and perhaps blood.

A Different Kind of Magic A card master is a practitioner of a mystical art that relies on cards as a magical implement. Instead of flimsy wands, clumsy staves, or messy spell components, card masters focus their magical power into their collection of arcane cards, releasing the stored energy in the form of fiery explosions, flashing illusions, and crackling lightning, among other spectacles. Their magic is seen as unorthodox and childish by their peers, who do not understand the intricacies of card magic. Because of this stigma, or perhaps in spite of it, a card master's talents for manipulating magic as well as the people around them is always in demand. Some card masters use their gifts in nomadic solitude, stealing from the unsuspecting or drifting from tavern to tavern to gamble or offering their services as a mercenary. Others flaunt their power in public, seeking out others of their ilk to either collaborate and trade with or to battle for superiority.

In combat, a card master's talents are suited to supporting their allies and weakening their enemies through strategic use of their cards. However, in a pinch, a good card master always has an ace up their sleeve, able to unleash a powerful spell to keep an enemy at bay, giving their allies time to regroup... or, perhaps, for the card master themselves to make a clean getaway.

Not for the faint of Hearted. Card Masters are one of, if not the most complex class to play in this setting. Tricky to learn and even more so to master, it is suggested you have a basic understanding of the mechanics of magic, the setting and this class before choosing this class.

Creating a Card Master Every card master begins with a small starter set of cards. How did your character obtain this set of cards? Did you have a master you learned from? Did you find them in a ancient ruin, and then experiment with them until you figured out how to use them? Did you have natural talent, or did it come slowly to you after years of practice? What causes you to start adventuring? Are you on a quest to add to your collection? Have you taken on an apprentice to whom you are teaching your art? Or perhaps you simply wish to put your newfound power to the test.

Class Features A card master gains the following class features: Hit Points ● Hit Dice: 1d8 per card master level ● Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier ● Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per card master level after 1st Proficiencies ● Armor: Light armor ● Weapons: Simple weapons, sidearms and firearms with the scatter property ● Tools: Gaming set (playing cards) ● Saving Throws: Intelligence, Charisma ● Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, and Sleight of Hand

Quick Build You can make a card master quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity or Constitution. Second, choose the Charlatan background. Third, choose card throw, minor illusion, and light as your cantrips, and add the following spell cards to your collection: burning hands, color spray, disguise self, and shield.

Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: ● (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon or (c) a primitive firearm and 20 rounds ● (a) a scholar's pack or (b) a dungeoneer's pack ● leather armor, a playing card set, and two daggers

The Card master Level Proficiency Bonus Features

Cantrips Known

Deck Points

Maximum Spell Level



Card Magic, Full House






Following Suit












Ability Score Improvement











Suit Feature






Awe Strike






Ability Score Improvement











Suit Feature






Legendary Card (6th level)






Ability Score Improvement






Legendary Card (7th level)






Suit Feature






Legendary Card (8th level)






Ability Score Improvement






Legendary Card (9th level)











Ability Score Improvement






Deck of Legends




Card Magic Your magic comes from your cards, specially scribed pieces of stiff wood sheets, vellum, or another laminated material, bearing the arcane glyphs required to focus and unleash magical energy.

Cantrips At 1st level, you know the cantrip card throw as well as two other cantrips from the card master spell list. You learn additional card master cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Card Master table.

Your Growing Card Collection

Preparing your Deck To prepare your deck, you choose a number of spell cards from your collection to add to your deck. Your deck, once complete, will have a total of twenty cards in it. Each card represents a single casting of a spell at its base spell level. If you wish to be able to cast the same spell multiple times, or increase your likelihood of drawing it, you will need to add the card to your deck multiple times. A card master is assumed to have enough copies of the spell cards in their collection to accommodates for this requirement. You may have up to three copies of a single spell card in your deck. Each spell card you add to your deck has a point value based on its spell level, as indicated by the Point Cost table:

At 1st level, you have a collection of four 1st-level card master spell cards of your choice. Additionally, each time you gain a card master level, you can add two Point Cost additional card master spell cards of your choice to Spell Level First Copy Each Additional Copy your collection. Each of these spell cards must be a spell from the card master spell list whose level is no 1st 2 points 0 points higher than your Maximum Spell Level, as shown in 2nd 3 points 1 point the column in the Card Master table. 3rd 5 points 2 points You may also come across other spell cards over the course of your travels, either by themselves as one 4th 6 points 3 points would find a spell scroll, or perhaps by finding another 5th 7 points 4 points card master who is willing to share their gains with you. It is assumed that card masters have multiple copies of their spell cards that they are willing to The total point value of the cards in your deck must trade, so no spells are lost as a result of these trades. not exceed the value stated in the Deck Points column Finally, if you find a spell written in a scroll or spell of the Card Master table. book, if the spell is on the card master spell list, you There will likely come a point where you cannot can create a new spell card for that spell and add it to create a complete twenty-card deck using the cards in your collection, using the same rules as that of a your collection. In that case, any remaining spots in wizard's spellbook. the deck are filled with blank cards worth 0 points.

Your Deck

Your Hand

The card master, unfortunately, does not have his entire collection of spell cards available to him at all times. He must instead take cards from his collection and create a deck of cards from which to draw his power from in the heat of battle. The cards in your deck determine the spells you will be able to cast that day; therefore, it must be prepared at the completion of a long rest, in much the same way a cleric, druid, or ranger would prepare their daily list of spells. However, your method of preparation is different.

As an action, you may draw a hand of five cards from your deck. This is a representation of the powers from your deck brought to the fore, ready to be unleashed. Cards drawn into your hand are not truly in your actual, physical hand; instead, they float intangibly about your person, circling your body but providing no real cover.

When you have used all the cards in your hand, either by casting them or discarding them, you may draw a new hand of five cards as a bonus action. Alternatively, if you do not like the hand dealt to you, you may use your action to "mulligan", shuffling your hand into your deck and drawing a new hand consisting of one fewer card than what was shuffled in.

Casting Spells You cast spells from your hand by taking the floating card and channeling energy into it. The card itself drops to your feet, its magic spent, before transporting itself into your discard pile. When you use a spell card to cast a spell, it is done at the lowest possible spell level. However, as part of the same action used to cast the spell, you can discard additional cards from your hand to increase the effective spell level of that spell for this casting. Each card discarded increases the spell level by one, up to your Maximum Spell Level. You may use any card, even a blank card as described above, to cast a card master cantrip you know. When you do so, the card is shuffled into your deck, ready to be drawn again.

Your Discard Pile Whether as a result of of casting a spell card or discarding it from your hand, expended spell cards are transported to an extradimensional space known as the discard pile. Cards in this pile are returned to your collection at the end of a long rest.

Spellcasting Ability Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your card master spells, as card magic is fueled by sheer force of will. You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a card master spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

● ●

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Spellcasting Focus Your cards themselves serve as an arcane focus, replacing any material components that do not have a gold value. Your card magic is intrinsically tied to having these cards in your possession; a card master's collection must be kept complete and in good condition at all times.

A Deck with Dice? The easiest way to play as a card master is... well... with cards. Using a deck of standard playing cards as a prop is the simplest way to track what is in your deck, hand, and discard pile. Simply make a note of which card represents which spell. If such a prop is unavailable to you, it is possible to represent the randomness of a deck of cards with a single d20. Keep a list of what spells correspond to what numbers on the dice, 1-20. Whenever you would draw a card, instead roll the d20 once, and mark down which number was rolled. When you roll the dice again, if you get a result that has already been used, simply take the next highest number.

Full House At 1st level, as you practice your card magic, you become adept at drawing out every bit of magic you can from the cards you use. Once per day, when you finish a short rest, you can choose five cards in your discard pile and shuffle them back into your deck.

Following Suit When you reach 2nd level, you choose a suit from the list of known suits: the Duelist, the Fortune Teller, the Gambler, and the Prestige. Your choice grants you features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.

Cycling At 3rd level, you have become more efficient with the way you manipulate your deck to bring forth the cards you wish to use. As a bonus action, you can discard a blank card from your hand and draw a new card to replace it.

Ability Score Improvement When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Awe Strike When you reach 7th level, your powerful will makes itself known in the way you cast your spells. Whenever you cast a spell of 4th level or higher that targets one or more enemies, you can force one of them to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature is stunned until the end of its next turn. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Legendary Card At 11th level, your card magic manifests a special, powerful spell card known as your Legendary Card. Each Legendary Card is reminiscent of its owner to some degree, and depicts how its master's magic has been influenced and shaped by their travels. This card distinguishes itself from the cards in your collection, and is not considered a part of it. Your Legendary Card vanishes from existence if you die, though it returns if you are brought back to life. The magic held within your Legendary Card is incredibly potent. Adding it to your deck requires 25 points. However, when you draw it, its benefits are immense. As long as it is in your hand, your spell attack bonus and spell save DC get a +1 bonus, and if you attempt to discard it for any reason, it is instead shuffled into your deck.

Finally, when you first acquire your Legendary Card, choose a 6th-level spell from the card master spell list. The spell is added to your Legendary Card. Additionally, at higher levels, your Legendary Card gains more spells: one 7th-level spell at 13th level, one 8th-level spell at 15th level and one 9th-level spell at 17th level. Each of these spells may be cast from your Legendary Card once. When you cast a spell from your Legendary Card, it returns to your deck. If you have already cast all the spells stored on your Legendary Card, it becomes the equivalent of a blank card until its magic returns at the end of your next long rest.

Deck of Legends Starting at 20th level, when preparing your deck, you can choose to have two copies of your Legendary Card in your deck, allowing you to cast each of your 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th-level spells twice — once from each copy. Adding the second copy of your Legendary Card to your deck costs an additional 25 points.

Following Suit Not all card masters are created equal. Even the cards that they use themselves differ to some degree. But different specialized groups have emerged, each following a different card-based tradition. These specializations are known (in a tongue-in-cheek way) as "suits", and a card master who has chosen their path is known as "following suit" or "suited".

The Duelist Card masters following this suit show off their magical abilities, seeking to become stronger and smarter all for the purpose of taking on other card masters. Duels between followers of this suit tend to be flashy, dramatic affairs with chains of reactive plays and sudden turns. A mild cult following has grown around Duelists, and public duels and magical tournaments are not uncommon.

One with the Cards When you follow this suit at 2nd level, you develop a bond with your cards that extends beyond mere ownership. As an action, you may discard a card to cause it to animate, moving up to your movement speed, where it hovers in place for 1 minute before returning to your discard pile. As long as it is in the space, you can choose to perceive through it (no action required), seeing and hearing things as if you were in the space. Additionally, as a bonus action, you may choose to teleport to the card's location, ending the effect immediately.

Trump Card At 6th level, your intuition for dueling helps you sense weakness in your opponent. As a reaction when you see an opponent make an attack or cast a spell within 20 feet of you, you may cast a spell from your hand that takes 1 action or less to cast. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Spell Resonance When you reach 10th level, your spells can be made more powerful with the right cards in hand. Whenever you cast a spell, if you have another copy of that spell card in your hand, you may increase the spell level for this casting by one, up to your Maximum Spell Level.

Duelist's Heart At 14th level, your connection to your cards and your deck borders on complete union as you defy chance to draw exactly the card you need at the exact moment you need it. If your hand is empty, instead of drawing a new hand, you can use your bonus action to take a card of your choice from your deck and put it into your hand. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

The Fortune Teller A far cry from the duelist or gambler, this type of card master prefers to keep their magic shrouded an air of mysticism. With the power of their cards, they claim to see visions of the future and influence fate. Often times, they find employ as oracles or soothsayers, operating out of tents filled with incense and smoke, waving their hands over crystal balls. Nevertheless, their powerful divination magic is not to be underestimated.

Scrying Sense When you follow this suit at 2nd level, your powers of divination allow you to influence your deck. Whenever you draw your hand, you may instead draw six cards, returning one of your choice to your deck.

Portentous Reading At 6th level, you may attempt to peer through the veil, catching glimpses of the future. You can take 10 minutes to perform a ritual, targeting a single willing creature, to attempt to influence fate in their favor by reading their fortune in your cards. Roll a d4. Based on the result, the DM alters fate for the targeted creature, typically by applying a bonus or penalty to random attack rolls or ability checks the target makes within the next 24 hours, using the table below: Portent d4 Result


Maximum Bonus/Penalty








Small Blessing





Other possible results of this reading include finding gold, stumbling into a trap, or getting a lucky bounce from a missed spell. Ultimately the effect is at the DM's discretion. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until the next dawn.

Forging Fate At 10th level, your deck's magic shifts in focus, granting you power when you guide fate along. Whenever you cast a spell that targets one or more allies, both you and each of those allies gain temporary hit points equal to the point value of the spell card used.

Whispers from Beyond At 14th level, your connection to your deck reaches outside of space and time. As long as you have more than ten cards in your discard pile, your ability checks are made at advantage.

The Gambler Followers of this suit are charismatic daredevils that revel in chaos and risk, pushing the limits of their magic and themselves, calculating chance and making large sacrifices to reap large rewards. These are the card masters likely to take their places in casinos and gambling dens, either gainfully employed as entertainers, or scamming people of their hard-earned coin.

Up the Sleeve When you follow this suit at 2nd level, after drawing a hand, you may choose one of the cards in it and make a Sleight of Hand check. The DC of this check is equal to 12 + the point value of the card you choose. If you succeed, the card disappears, and you draw a new one to replace it. At any time before you draw a new hand, you may cast this spell card. If you do, you may ignore its verbal and somatic components for this casting only. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Know When to Fold At 6th level, when you are the target of an attack that you can see, or if you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you may discard a card from your hand as a reaction to try to escape.

If you use this feature against an attack, you only take half damage from the triggering attack. If you use it against a damaging effect, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Tip the Scales Starting at 10th level, you have a knack for introducing additional risk to a tense situation. Whenever you make an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can choose to roll an additional 1d10 any time after making the roll but before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. If the number rolled on the d10 is even, then you add the value to your result. If the number if odd, you instead subtract the value from your result.

All In When you reach 14th level, you gain the ability to manipulate your own luck at the cost of your own life. You may use this feature when you make an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. When you do, choose any number between 1 and 20 and use that number in place of the die roll. After the result of the roll is resolved, you then take psychic damage equal to the result (including any modifiers). This psychic damage cannot be reduced. If you choose to roll a 20 using this feature, it does not count as a critical success. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

The Prestige Following this suit means adopting a different sort of mentality with your card magic. Rather than leading the high life, your stick to the shadows and back alleys, using your card magic to give you an edge over others. Through illusion and misdirection, you present yourself as a run of the mill rogue, only tipping your hand when absolutely necessary.

Hidden Hand When you follow this suit at 2nd level, you can suppress the most ostentatious part of your ability the floating, spectral cards that make up your hand. When you draw your hand, or as a bonus action on your turn when your hand is already drawn, you can make your cards visible to the naked eye or invisible.

Boomerang Card Additionally at 2nd level when you follow this suit, you have improved your finesse when handling your cards. When you cast the card throw cantrip, if you miss a creature with one of your cards, you can cause it to curve, targeting a different creature within 10 feet of the original target. Make an additional attack roll for the new target. You can use this ability once each time you cast card throw.

No Flash... When you reach 6th level, you are able to subtly cast your spells, allowing you to go even further undetected. On your turn, when you cast a spell card, you may discard one or two cards from your hand. For each card discarded, choose one of the following options: ● You may ignore somatic components of the spell. ● You may ignore verbal components of the spell. Additionally, when a card master spell you cast would deal damage to a target, you can use your reaction to discard spell cards from your hand. If you do, the spell deals an additional 1d6 force damage for each card discarded this way.

Trick Card At 10th level, your knack for subterfuge improves, giving you new ways to cast your spells. As an action, you can cause one of the cards in your hand to lay flat against the floor or a solid surface. When placed this way, the card is slightly obscured, requiring an Investigation check against your spell save DC to see.

When a creature other than you moves within 5 feet of the space the card was placed in, the spell card releases a burst of magic. If the spell card you placed was an Illusion spell, it triggers the spell as if you cast it centered on that point before returning to your hand, ready to be cast again. If the spell card you placed is not an Illusion spell, it detonates with a burst of light and sound before being discarded from your hand. Choose an effect below; the triggering creature must make a saving throw against your spell save DC based on the choice made. On a failed save, the creature suffers the resulting condition until the end of its next turn. Trick Card Effects Effect












...All Substance When you reach 14th level, your control over your own power defies what is physically possible. On your turn, when discarding spell cards as part of your No Flash... feature, you may discard up to four cards from your hand, and you have two more options to choose from: ● The spell effect makes no noise. ● The spell effect is invisible. Additionally, the damage dealt by discarding additional cards as part of the No Flash... feature improves to 1d8 per card discarded.

The Card Master's Conundrum

It may be overwhelming for a card master to have to build their deck after each long rest. Selecting the exact number of each spell you want to have ready for the day is not a simple task, especially with others at the table waiting. With this in mind, it would be a good idea to have one or more deck lists prepared beforehand, adjusting them as your collection of spell cards grows larger. Making adjustments to a deck list as needed is far simpler than constructing one from whole cloth.

Gunslinger A human checks the weaponry in her hands and strapped to her back, her mind focused. The myriad guards standing in her way are insignificant compared to the revenge she seeks. She strides forward purposefully, taking shot after shot as she easily dispatches her enemies in a graceful display of bullets and bloodshed. Atop a nearby tree, a half-elf sits quietly, eyes trained through a high-powered scope. His target has made no effort to conceal themselves - a fire giant, roaring and shouting commands to his incoming army. He steadies his aim, takes a quiet breath in... and pulls the trigger. A band of orcs surround a tiefling and her friends, their weapons drawn. They jeer at the group, claiming their superiority in numbers and in firepower. Undeterred, the tiefling unholsters her weapons, imbuing them with crackling arcane energy, as the orc horde around them gives pause. Anyone with some basic training and the right aptitude can wield a gun. Some of them can even do so effectively. A gunslinger, on the other hand, takes it to another level. Their understanding of their weapon borders on the preternatural, and their skill and precision when using it is the hallmark of their combat style.

Creating a Gunslinger When creating a gunslinger, consider the following: Did your character stumble across their weapon and train with it on their own, or did they have a mentor who showed them the nuances of their weapon? Alternatively, did they develop the firearm themselves, and adventure in the hopes of showing what it can do?

The Gunslinger Level

Proficiency Bonus



Gunman's Creed, Talking Shop



Firearm Maintenance, Gun Tactics






Ability Score Improvement



Loadout Feature



Ability Score Improvement



Slinger's Sense



Ability Score Improvement



Clean and Ready



Loadout Feature

'There are many like it, but this one is Mine."



Feeling Lucky, Punk?

The gunslinger lives and dies on the presence of firearms in your world's setting. In a world where primitive firearms are rare, the gunslinger is equally so. However, in a world where guns are more mainstream, where advanced firearms are available, the gunslinger is a specialist, focusing on a specific type of firearm, though demonstrating proficiency with all types to some degree. The gunslinger is an innovator, a soldier, and a showman all at once, wielding their favored weaponry as if it were a part of them, capable of feats that defy expectation even in a world full of fantasy and magic.



Ability Score Improvement



Loadout Feature



Ability Score Improvement



Weakness Sense



Ability Score Improvement



Loadout Feature



Nowhere to Run



Ability Score Improvement



Over My Dead Body


Quick Build To quickly build a gunslinger, make Dexterity your highest ability score, followed by Wisdom. Second, choose the Perception and Acrobatics skills. Lastly, choose the Folk Hero, Guild Artisan, or Soldier background.

Class Features As a Gunslinger, you get the following class features. Hit Points ● Hit Dice: 1d8 per Gunslinger level ● Hit Points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifier ● Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Gunslinger level after 1st

Proficiencies ● ●

● ● ●

Armor: Light armor and medium armor or shields Weapons: Longarms, sidearms, clubs, crossbows, daggers, scimitars, shortswords, rapiers, and whips Tools: Tinker’s tools or smith's tools Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Acrobatics, Animal Handling, History, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, or Survival.

Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: ● (a) Leather armor, or (b) scale mail (if proficient). ● (a) A primitive or advanced sidearm (depending on availability) and 20 rounds, or (b) a primitive or advanced longarm and 20 rounds. ● (a) A shortsword, dagger, rapier, whip, or scimitar, or (b) a shield (if proficient), or (c) a primitive or advanced sidearm and 10 rounds. ● (a) A dungeoneer’s pack or (b) a scholar’s pack.

Alternatively, you may start with 5d4 × 10 gp to buy your own equipment. If you do, you may also start with one primitive firearm.

Gunman's Creed Some people, foolish people, do not understand you or your choice of weapon, seeing it as cowardly or unrefined. However, to you, your gun is more than a weapon. It represents years of rigorous training and dedication. It represents a bond. Your gun is a part of you, and to insult and denigrate your weapon would be to insult and disparage you. At 1st level when you choose this class, decide on a creed, a phrase a few words long that represents this connection, and add it to the Bonds section of your character sheet. If you are ever subjected to the frightened condition while your firearm is drawn, you can spend your action to brandish it with a flourish and speak your creed. If you do, you become filled with supernatural courage, immediately ending the frightened condition on yourself and gaining temporary hit points equal to 1d10 + your gunslinger level.

Talking Shop Gunslingers have an odd tendency to be able to find each other, bonding over their weapons of choice and discussing technical terms that go over everyone else's head. Beginning at 1st level, you may add your proficiency bonus to any Wisdom (Insight), Charisma (Deception), and Charisma (Persuasion) checks made against a creature who has proficiency with firearms.

Firearm Maintenance A gunslinger's firearm is as much a part of them as their own arms and legs. Failure to clean and maintain your weapon is tactically disadvantageous - akin to being caught unwashed or unclothed. At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with tinker's tools. You may use them during a long rest to perform routine maintenance on a single firearm you possess. If you do so, you may apply a +1 bonus to each attack roll you make with that weapon, until it needs to be reloaded. If you do not use that firearm before your next short or long rest, the benefit is wasted.

Gun Tactics

Ability Score Improvement

At 2nd level, choose a gun tactic as detailed below. You can’t take a gun tactic more than once, even if you get the option to choose again.

When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Akimbo Shooting When wielding two light firearms, you can add your ability score modifier to the damage of the second attack. You can reload both light firearms at once using a bonus action. Breacher When you make an attack with a firearm at a creature within 15 feet of you and you roll a 1 or 2 on the damage die, you can reroll the damage die and must take the new roll, even if the number is a 1 or a 2. The firearm must have the scatterproperty for you to gain this benefit. Gun Duelist When wielding a sidearm in one hand and no other weapons, you get a +2 bonus to your damage rolls with these weapons. Longshot If you make an attack with a two-handed firearm beyond 30 feet, you get a +2 bonus to damage rolls. The firearm cannot have the scatter property in order to gain this benefit. Riflery When wielding a two-handed firearm without the bulky or scatter property, you get a +2 to attack rolls.

Slinger's Sense Beginning at 7th level, your senses and reflexes have become more acute. You can take a bonus action on each of your turns in combat. This action can be used only to take the Dodge, Hide, or Search action.

Clean and Ready At 9th level, you have become so intimately familiar with your weapon that taking it apart and putting it back together is second nature. You can perform maintenance on a single firearm as described in the Firearm Maintenance feature over the course of a short rest, or perform the maintenance on multiple firearms you own over the course of a long rest. You can work on a number of firearms equal to your Dexterity or Wisdom modifier (minimum 2).

Feeling Lucky, Punk? At 11th level, your attachment to your weapons of choice borders on unsettling. When you gain this feature, choose either Insight, Intimidation, or Persuasion. Whenever you make a check with the chosen skill, you may add your proficiency bonus to the check if you are not doing so already, provided you are holding your firearm at the time you make the check.

Shield Shooting You can now wield a two-handed firearm with a shield, but must brace it against the shield as a bonus action to fire it. Loadout At 3rd level, you choose a loadout - a name representing the firearms and techniques you are the most proficient with. You can choose from the Enforcer, Marksman, and Spellshot loadouts. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 5th, 10th, 13th, and 17th level.

Weakness Sense At 15th level, you can use your bonus action to make a Wisdom (Perception) check against a creature you can see within the normal range of your firearm. This check is contested by the target's Armor Class. On a successful check, you discover a flaw in the target's defenses, small enough to go unnoticed to all but your sharp senses. Until the end of your turn, attacks you make against that target ignore resistance to bludgeoning and piercing damage.

Nowhere to Run When you reach 18th level, hitting stationary targets is as easy as breathing. When you target a creature with a ranged weapon attack, if that creature did not move more than 5 feet during its previous turn, you have advantage on the attack roll.

Over My Dead Body At 20th level, you are so blindingly fast that no one can outdraw or outshoot you. When combat starts, as long as you are not surprised, you can draw a firearm and make a single weapon attack with it before anyone else even rolls initiative. If you are a marksman, you can instead use this action to enter overwatch; if you are a spellshot, you may make a spell bullet attack with a cantrip you know instead. After this action has been taken, initiative is rolled and combat continues.

Loadout A gunslinger is typically a good shot with just about any firearm. However, every gunslinger has their own preferred specialization that lends itself to what they are best at. Some gunslingers are best in the middle of the fray, applying their combat expertise with their weapons to neutralize a group of defenders. Others prefer to stay out of the action - far, far away, where they can calmly calculate their shot before taking it. Still others combine their gunslinging with specially crafted firearms and rounds, dramatically boosting their own potency. Each "loadout" represents one of these specializations, from their preferred type of firearm, to the skills and abilities that set them apart from other gunslingers.

Watching an enforcer do his work is like watching an elegant dance of death, and some of the best have elevated themselves to legend on their skill alone. Keep Your Enemies Close At 3rd level when you choose this loadout, you are just as potent with your firearms at close range as you are at a distance. You no longer have disadvantage when making an attack with a firearm against a hostile creature within 5 feet of you.

Extra Attack Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. If before making the second attack you need to reload your weapon, you may reload your weapon as part of that second attack.

Gun Fu At 10th level, your movements are direct and precise, letting you easily adapt to the flow of battle. Whenever you make a successful ranged attack with a firearm, choose one of the following: ● You may move up to 10 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity, as long as you start and end the movement in a space where there are still enemies within the normal range of the firearm you are using, or if you end the movement in a space where you have at least half cover. ● You get a +1 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. ● The next attack you make this turn is made with advantage, as long as the target of your attack is a different hostile creature within 5 feet of you.


Extra Attack (2)

This particular specialization is the type to face down a cadre of incoming attackers and come out on top, specializing in the use of pistols, shotguns, and other weapons that work best at short-to-medium range. Despite its moniker, the enforcer does not utilize excessive force, instead relying on precise positioning and tactical takedowns to defeat foes as they come.

Beginning at 13th level, you can attack three times when you take the Attack action on your turn. You may reload your weapon as part of the second attack or the third attack if you need to do so.

Decisive Strike

Tools of the Trade

At 17th level, you have mastered the art of subduing your opponents with your overwhelming speed and precise shots to vital areas. After making three attacks with the Attack action, you may use your bonus action to make a fourth attack, as long as the following criteria are met: ● All three of the attacks you made with the Attack action were against the same target. ● The target is within 10 feet of you. ● All three of the attacks hit their target, or at least one of them was a critical hit. ● At least one of the attacks you made with the Attack action was made with a firearm.

When you reach 10th level, at the end of any short or long rest, you can create one of these three temporary items to assist you. The item breaks down at the end of your next short or long rest. ● Ghillie Suit. You create a suit, made up of materials from the surrounding environment, that obscures your presence. While wearing the suit and moving no more than half your speed, creatures have disadvantage on their Wisdom (Perception) checks to see you, and you have advantage on your Dexterity (Stealth) checks to remain hidden. ● Bullet With Your Name. You can prepare a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier, imbuing them with the power required to dispatch a specific target. Choose a specific creature or group of creatures — i.e. "Thomas Greensleeves", "the bulette that we are hunting", "the ghouls in the graveyard". If one of these special bullets is used in a successful attack against the named target, the damage is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. Additionally, on a successful hit, you may roll the damage for the attack twice, taking either result.

This fourth attack must be made against the same target, using a firearm you wield. It is made with advantage.

Marksman This loadout represents a gunslinger who excels with high-powered rifles at long distances, striking their target undetected. The marksman is patient and careful, lying in wait for the perfect moment to take the shot. From a support standpoint, they can provide covering fire, holding enemies at bay for enforcers or other combatants to take care of the dirty work. The marksman's patient philosophy also shows itself in their equipment. Given time, they are able to create devices to improve their effectiveness, often times completely from scratch.

I Can See You At 3rd level, your have honed the technique required to improve your efficacy when operating firearms at long distances. Whenever you wield a longarm, you may add 50 feet to its normal and maximum range.

Lesser Overwatch At 5th level, your reflexes have improved significantly. You may make an opportunity attack against a creature that you can see within your firearm's normal range, using your reaction as normal. This attack may be made against any creature that moves into or out of your firearm's range, or makes an attack while within that range.

Eagle Eyes By the time you reach 13th level, your skills at picking off targets at long range have improved to a supernatural level. Whenever you wield a longarm, you may add 50 feet to its normal and maximum range. This is in addition to the 50 feet of range granted by the I Can See You class feature.

Greater Overwatch At 17th level, you showcase your abilities best when picking off targets at long range. You may use your action to lie in wait, entering the Overwatch state. While in this state, you have a number of reactions equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), instead of the usual one.

While in Overwatch, you can use a reaction to make an opportunity attack against a creature who moves more than 10 feet, makes an attack roll, or casts a spell within your firearm's maximum range. While in Overwatch, your reactions cannot be used for anything except making one of these special opportunity attacks. Additionally, if an enemy is hit by an overwatch attack, it suffers the following penalties in addition to the ones normally suffered: ● If a creature is moving, its speed drops to 0 and it can't take reactions until the end of your next turn. ● If a creature is making an attack roll as a result of a weapon attack, the attack is made at disadvantage. ● If a creature is casting a spell, it must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, as if concentrating on a spell. If it fails the save, the spell fails and has no effect.

Spellshot This specialization represents the gunslinger who does not wish to stick to lead and steel. This is a magical world, right? Why not make use of it? The spellshot reinforces her weapon or weapons of choice with magic, allowing her to utilize specially crafted rounds known as spell bullets. Created as a result of a special magical ritual, these bullets concentrate arcane energy that is released on impact. Usually, spell bullets are fired from revolvers or other smaller, handheld firearms; however, a spellshot who fires rounds from a distance with a rifle can be just as effective, if not more so. Spellshots can take on a support role in a party, especially as the number of spells they can forge into bullets increases, but most find themselves blasting away enemies with powerful evocation magic.

Spellcasting When you reach 3rd level and choose this loadout, you learn how to augment your gunslinging with magical bullets. In doing so, you learn spells from the wizard spell list. However, your method of casting these spells is far from conventional, requiring special materials and a ritual.

Cantrips. You learn two cantrips from the wizard spell list. You learn an additional wizard cantrip of your choice at 9th level, and another at 17th level. When casting a wizard cantrip you know, you can either cast it normally or utilize your gun, as explained in the Arcane Armament feature. Preparing Spell Bullets. Instead of casting spells normally, you instead know a ritual that takes spells you know and infuses them into special metal casings known as spell bullets. This ritual requires two hours out of a long rest. If you have any expended spell slots or unused spell bullets before you begin the ritual, you regain those spell slots, and your unused spell bullets lose their magic and become mundane rounds. The Spellshot Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you can expend during the ritual to infuse spells into spell bullets.

Spellshot Spellcasting Gunslinger Level

Cantrips Known

Spells Known

1st 2nd 3rd 4th




2 — — —




3 — — —




3 — — —




3 — — —






— —






— —






— —






— —






— —






2 —






2 —






2 —






2 —






3 —






3 —






3 —















While undergoing this ritual, you can cast a wizard spell you know of 1st level or higher into a spell bullet by expending a spell slot of the spell's level or higher and providing the verbal, somatic, and material components of the spell. When cast this way, the spell has no effect except to be stored in the spell bullet. Later, you can fire these bullets out of your firearm, releasing the stored spell on impact, as explained in the Arcane Armament feature. Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You know three 1st-level wizard spells of your choice, two of which you must choose from the evocation or transmutation spells on the wizard spell list. The Spells Known column of the Spellshot Spellcasting table shows when you learn more wizard spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be a transmutation or evocation spell of your choice, and must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 10th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level. The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can come from any school of magic. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the wizard spells you know with another spell of your choice from the wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots, and it must be an evocation or transmutation spell, unless you're replacing the spell you gained at 3rd, 8th, 14th, or 20th level from any school of magic. Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for spells, since they come from a place of scientific experimenation and arcane theory. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a wizard spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one. ● ●

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Arcane Armament At 3rd level when you choose this loadout, you also select a nonmagical firearm that requires manual reloading of its ammunition, such as a revolver, rifle, or any firearm with the loading, long load, or shell loading property. This firearm becomes your arcane armament, and the spell bullets you prepare must be used in that weapon alone. You can select another nonmagical firearm to become your arcane armament at the end of any long rest, during the same ritual in which you prepare your spell bullets. Spell bullets must be loaded into your arcane armament, requiring you to choose one or more of them when you reload the weapon. When you take the Attack action with your arcane armament, you can replace one of your attacks with a spell bullet attack, a special ranged spell attack using one of your loaded spell bullets, releasing the spell effect on impact with a creature or hard surface. A spell bullet attack has the following properties: ● The effect of the spell in the spell bullet is based on the level at which it was initially cast. ● The verbal, somatic, and material components for the spell were already fulfilled when casting the spell into the bullet, thus you do not need to provide them again when the spell is released. ● A spell that requires concentration needs only be concentrated on once it is released from the spell bullet. ● If the spell has a range of self, the bullet releases its magic as soon as it is fired, allowing the spell's effect to affect you normally. ● If the spell has a range of touch or greater, the range of the spell becomes equal to the maximum range of your arcane armament. ● If the spell requires one or more melee or ranged spell attack rolls, you determine if the first attack roll is a success based on whether or not your spell bullet attack hits. On a hit, the first of the spell's attack rolls is an automatic success. Any subsequent attack rolls, be they against other targets or the same target, must be rolled normally. On a miss, the spell fails and has no effect.

If the spell targets one or more creatures without requiring an attack roll, you must still successfully make a spell bullet attack against one of the creatures you choose. On a hit, your spell affects that creature, and additional targets can be chosen normally, starting from that creature. On a miss, the spell fails and has no effect. If the spell creates an area of effect, you can choose a point on the ground, wall, or other solid surface within the range of your arcane armament to make the spell bullet attack against. In this case, the spell bullet attack automatically succeeds, and the spell effect originates from that point.

As an alternative to casting a wizard cantrip you know normally, you may cast it as if it were a spell bullet attack, without expending any ammunition. If you choose to do so, it follows the same rules as detailed above.

Explosive Transmutations At 5th level, you can alter the properties of normally harmless spells cast into your spell bullets. If you create a spell bullet for a transmutation spell that subjects one or more creatures to an effect that does not deal damage (such as the flash of a pyrotechnics spell, the reduction effect of enlarge/reduce, or the binding energy of earthbind), you can choose to have that spell bullet deal damage to one of those creatures. In addition to its normal effects, the spell now deals 2d6 force damage, plus an additional 1d6 damage for each level of the spell beyond 1st level. If the spell already requires a saving throw, this damage is halved on a successful save. Otherwise, the creature can make a Constitution saving throw to attempt to reduce this damage, taking half damage on a success.

Flexible Preparation By the time you reach 10th level, your familiarity with the ritual used to create your arcane ammunition has given you the confidence to experiment with it. When you prepare a spell bullet with a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or thunder damage, you can substitute that damage with another damage type from this list, altering the spell's properties before you infuse it into the bullet.

Additionally, when you prepare a spell bullet with a spell that would require a Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom saving throw, you may choose to change that saving throw to another one from this list, altering the spell before infusing it into the bullet. This change requires expending a spell slot one level higher than usual, but does not increase the spell level of the infused spell.

Broadened Horizons At 13th level, you begin to see how you can adapt the spellwork of other classes to infuse them into your spell bullets. When you learn new spells as a spellshot, you may now choose the spell from the cleric, paladin, ranger, or wizard spell list. The spell must still be an evocation or transmutation spell. Once learned, it counts as a wizard spell for you, even if it is not on the wizard spell list. You also have a new option for using your spell bullets. If a spell infused in a spell bullet would create a persistent effect, such as that of spiritual weapon or continual flame, you may activate the spell within it either by loading and firing it or by pressing it against the ground or an appropriate object. In either case, the spell bullet is expended like a regular round.

The Big Kaboom At 17th level, you can use your action to overload your arcane armament, preparing to unleash a powerful blast of force. When you do this, your action on your next turn must be used to fire the charged energy, making a spell bullet attack against against a point on a solid surface within your arcane armament's maximum range. This special attack expends a spell bullet as normal. At the chosen point, a gigantic burst of energy surges forth, filling a 20-foot radius sphere. Simultaneously, a shockwave of thundrous power erupts from the same point, out to 40 feet. The energy blast spreads around corners to fill the area, as with the fireball spell. Each creature and object caught in the 20-foot radius of the energy blast must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC, taking 8d6 fire and 6d6 force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.

Each creature in the 40-foot radius of the shockwave is rocked by the powerful force, requiring them to make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, a creature takes 4d6 thunder and 2d6 force damage; on a success, it takes half as much damage. The surface struck also is affected by the cataclysmic force of the attack, instantly vaporizing the material and leaving behind a spherical crater or hole up to 20 feet deep and 20 feet wide. If you start to use this feature and overload your arcane armament, but then fail to use your next action to fire the charged energy, your arcane armament explodes at the end of your turn, destroying it utterly. This causes the energy burst effect described above to occur, but with you as its center. If you use this feature more than once before the next time you take a long rest, you must spend at least four hours of that rest to repair your arcane armament or apply modifications to a new firearm. This forces you to forego the benefits of a long rest, gaining the benefits of a short rest instead. Altering Spell Examples While the Flexible Preparation feature offers increased versatility, at the table its effects can be difficult to spot by the other players. If you're playing a spellshooter, take a moment to describe how you alter your spells. For example, if you altered the burning hands spell to deal thunder damage instead of fire, perhaps it creates a wide, pulsating shockwave. As another example, a blight spell set for cold damage may cause sharp shards of ice to crystallize in the target. By that same token, feel free to explain why your modified spells require a different save than usual. Perhaps a fireball that requires a Wisdom save is all in the mind, affecting the creatures without truly existing.

New Class Spells On Top of their existing spells, many classes gain new spells from technomagic options as well as other new steampunk-oriented spells!

Artificer Cantrips (0 Level) Instant Cover

3rd Level Efficaciousness Spontaneous Combustion Warp Metal

1st Level Ice Bayonet

4th Level Bubble Shield Ghost Bullets Over Shield

2nd Level Fortify Magnetize Steam Burst

Bard Cantrips (0 Level) Mindrending Bullet 1st Level Daring Ditty Jinx Ice Bayonet 2nd Level Shackles of Pain 3rd Level Searing Smoke

Card Master Cantrips (0 Level) Acid Splash Blade Ward Card Throw Fire Bolt Frostbite Light Mage Hand Message Minor Illusion Poison Spray Prestidigitation Ray of Frost Thunderclap

4th Level Ghost Bullets Over Shield 5th Level Quick Load Sight Line 7th Level Averer's Awakening Power Word Blind

Bold + Italicized spells are new. 1st Level Burning Hands Chaos Bolt Charm Person Chromatic Orb Color Spray Comprehend Languages Detect Magic Disguise Self Earth Tremor Expeditious Retreat False Life Feather Fall Fog Cloud Ice Knife

Identify Poison Gas Ray of Sickness Shield Silent Image Thunderwave Witch Bolt 2nd Level Aganazzar's Scorcher Blindness/Deafness Blur Cloud of Daggers Crown of Madness Cryostasis Darkness Darkvision Detect Thoughts Earthbind Enhance Ability Gust of Wind Hold Person Invisibility Levitate Magnetize Mirror Image Misty Step Phantasmal Force Scorching Ray See Invisibility Shatter Shackles of Pain Spider Climb Suggestion Warding Wind 3rd Level Animate Dead Blink Clairvoyance Conjure Animals Counterspell Dispel Magic Erupting Earth Fear Fireball Fly Gaseous Form Hydraulic Beam Hypnotic Pattern Life Transference Lightning Bolt

Major Image Melf's Minute Meteors Protection from Energy Searing Smoke Spontaneous Combustion Sleet Storm Stinking Cloud Water Breathing Water Walk 4th Level Banishment Blight Charm Monster Confusion Conjure Woodland Beings Dimension Door Dominate Beast Greater Invisibility Ice Storm Phantasmal Killer Polymorph Stoneskin Vitriolic Sphere Watery Sphere 5th Level Cloudkill Cone of Cold Conjure Elemental Control Winds Creation Dominate Person Hold Monster Immolation Seeming Telekinesis Teleportation Circle Wall of Stone 6th Level Arcane Gate Chain Lightning Chromatic Wave Circle of Death Conjure Fey Disintegrate Globe of Invulnerability Investiture of Flame Investiture of Ice Investiture of Stone

Investiture of Wind Mass Suggestion Otto's Irresistible Dance Sunbeam True Seeing 7th Level Conjure Celestial Delayed Blast Fireball Etherealness Finger of Death Fire Storm Power Word Pain Prismatic Spray Symbol Teleport

8th Level Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting Cryobomb Dominate Monster Earthquake Incendiary Cloud Power Word Stun Sunburst 9th Level Gate Meteor Swarm Power Word Kill Time Stop Wish

Cleric Cantrips (0 Level) Black Bullet Instant Cover 1st Level Conjure Flak Jacket Find the Trajectory Poison Gas

3rd Level Create Fuel Searing Smoke Warp Metal 4th Level Over Shield

2nd Level Fortify Spiritual Firearm Wall of Denial


2nd Level Fortify Spiritual Firearm Find Vehicle


1st Level Echolocate

3rd Level Create Fuel 4th Level Bubble Shield 5th Level Quick Load

Bold + Italicized spells are technomagic.

Cantrips (0 Level) Blood-Lightning Bullet Mindrending Bullet Instant Cover On/Off

3rd Level Efficaciousness Hydraulic Beam Invisibility to Cameras Rotting Shot Protection from Ballistics Searing Smoke Warp Metal 4th Level Baleful Eversion Conjure Knowbot Swift Bolt

Poison Gas Infallible Ray Remote Access 2nd Level Cryostasis Obfuscate Arcane hacking

Synchronicity System Backdoor Vortex 5th Level Commune with City Haywire Shutdown 6th Level Chromatic Wave 7th Level Power Word Blind 8th Level Cryobomb 9th Level Glassing Beam

Warlock Cantrips (0 Level) Black Bullet Blood-Lightning Bullet Mindrending Bullet 1st Level Barlow's Warning Shot Jinx Poison Gas

Bold + Italicized spells are technomagic.

1st Level Ice Bayonet Find the Trajectory

Rust Shut Digital Phantom Dead Man’s Volley Find Vehicle Shackles of Pain Steam Burst Wall of Denial

2nd Level Shackles of Pain


3rd Level Rotting Shot Dark Transport 4th Level Ghost Bullets Vortex 7th Level Power Word Blind 8th Level Cryobomb

Bold + Italicized spells are technomagic.

Cantrips (0 Level) Blood-Lightning Bullet Forceful Bullet Instant Cover Mindrending Bullet On/Off 1st Level Barlow's Warning Shot Conjure Flak Jacket Echolocate Ice Bayonet Poison Gas Infallible Ray Remote Access

2nd Level Arcane Hacking Cryostasis Dead Man’s Volley Digital Phantom Find Vehicle Obfuscate Rust Shut Shackles of Pain Steam Burst Wall of Denial 3rd Level Efficaciousness Dark Transport

Hydraulic Beam Quick Load Invisibility to Cameras Rotting Shot Searing Smoke Protection from Ballistics Spontaneous Combustion Warp Metal 4th Level Baleful Eversion Bubble Shield Conjure Knowbot Ghost Bullets Swift Bolt Synchronicity System Backdoor Vortex

5th Level Commune with City Haywire Sight Line Shutdown 6th Level Chromatic Wave 7th Level Power Word Blind 8th Level Cryobomb 9th Level Glassing Beam

New Spells By Level Bold + Italicized spells are technomagic Cantrips (0 Level) Black Bullet (Necro) Blood-Lightning Bullet (Trans) Card Throw (Conj) Forceful Bullet (Trans) Instant Cover (Abj) Mindrending Bullet (Ench) On/Off (Trans) 1st Level Barlow's Warning Shot (Illu) Conjure Flak Jacket (Conj) Daring Ditty (Ench) Echolocate (Div) Find the Trajectory (Div) Ice Bayonet (Conj) Infallible Relay (Div) Jinx (Ench) Poison Gas (Necro) Remote Access (Trans) 2nd Level Arcane Hacking (Trans) Cryostasis (Evoc) Digital Phantom (Abj) Dead Man’s Volley (Evoc) Find Vehicle (Conj) Fortify (Abj) Ironwood Aegis (Conj)

Magnetize (Trans) Obfuscate (Illu) Rust Shut (Trans) Shackles of Pain (Necro) Spiritual Firearm (Evoc) Steam Burst (Evoc) Wall of Denial (Abj) 3rd Level Create Fuel (Conj) Efficaciousness (Trans) Dark Transport (Necro) Hydraulic Beam (Evoc) Invisibility to Cameras (Illu) Protection from Ballistics (Abj) Quick Load (Conj) Rime Fang (Conj) Rotting Shot (Necro) Searing Smoke (Trans) Spontaneous Combustion (Trans) Tailwind (Conj) Warp Metal (Trans) 4th Level Baleful Eversion (Trans) Bubble Shield (Evoc) Conjure Knowbot (Conj) Ghost Bullets (Trans) Over Shield (Abj) Swift Bolt (Evoc) Synchronicity (Ench) System Backdoor (Trans) Vortex (Conj) 5th Level Commune With City (Div) Conjure Firing Squad (Conj) Haywire (Ench) Shutdown (Trans) Sight Line (Evoc) 6th Level Chromatic Wave (Evoc) 7th Level Averer's Awakening (Trans) Power Word Blind (Ench) 8th Level Cryobomb (Evoc) 9th Level Glassing Beam (Evoc)

Hydraulic Beam Quick Load Invisibility to Cameras Rotting Shot Searing Smoke Protection from Ballistics Spontaneous Combustion Warp Metal 4th Level Baleful Eversion Bubble Shield Conjure Knowbot Ghost Bullets Swift Bolt Synchronicity System Backdoor Vortex

5th Level Commune with City Haywire Sight Line Shutdown 6th Level Chromatic Wave 7th Level Power Word Blind 8th Level Cryobomb 9th Level Glassing Beam

New Spells By Level Bold + Italicized spells are technomagic Cantrips (0 Level) Black Bullet (Necro) Blood-Lightning Bullet (Trans) Card Throw (Conj) Forceful Bullet (Trans) Instant Cover (Abj) Mindrending Bullet (Ench) On/Off (Trans) 1st Level Barlow's Warning Shot (Illu) Conjure Flak Jacket (Conj) Daring Ditty (Ench) Echolocate (Div) Find the Trajectory (Div) Ice Bayonet (Conj) Infallible Relay (Div) Jinx (Ench) Poison Gas (Necro) Remote Access (Trans) 2nd Level Arcane Hacking (Trans) Cryostasis (Evoc) Digital Phantom (Abj) Dead Man’s Volley (Evoc) Find Vehicle (Conj) Fortify (Abj) Ironwood Aegis (Conj)

Magnetize (Trans) Obfuscate (Illu) Rust Shut (Trans) Shackles of Pain (Necro) Spiritual Firearm (Evoc) Steam Burst (Evoc) Wall of Denial (Abj) 3rd Level Create Fuel (Conj) Efficaciousness (Trans) Dark Transport (Necro) Hydraulic Beam (Evoc) Invisibility to Cameras (Illu) Protection from Ballistics (Abj) Quick Load (Conj) Rime Fang (Conj) Rotting Shot (Necro) Searing Smoke (Trans) Spontaneous Combustion (Trans) Tailwind (Conj) Warp Metal (Trans) 4th Level Baleful Eversion (Trans) Bubble Shield (Evoc) Conjure Knowbot (Conj) Ghost Bullets (Trans) Over Shield (Abj) Swift Bolt (Evoc) Synchronicity (Ench) System Backdoor (Trans) Vortex (Conj) 5th Level Commune With City (Div) Conjure Firing Squad (Conj) Haywire (Ench) Shutdown (Trans) Sight Line (Evoc) 6th Level Chromatic Wave (Evoc) 7th Level Averer's Awakening (Trans) Power Word Blind (Ench) 8th Level Cryobomb (Evoc) 9th Level Glassing Beam (Evoc)

New-Age Spells This world brings with it many new spells, technomagic and other spells better suited for the modern times! Spells are listed by alphabetical Order.

Averer's Awakening 7th-level transmutation ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 8 hours Range: Touch Components: V, S, M (a precious gem worth 5000 gp, that the spell consumes) Duration: Instantaneous

After spending the casting time tracing magical pathways within a precious gemstone, you touch a construct or plant that is Huge or smaller. The target must have either no Intelligence score or an Intelligence of 4 or less. The target gains an Intelligence of 10. The target also gains the ability to speak one language you know of your choosing. If the target is a plant, it gains the ability to move its limbs, roots, vines, creepers, and so forth, and it gains senses similar to a human's. Your GM chooses statistics appropriate for the awakened plant, such as the statistics for the awakened shrub, the awakened tree or grove guardian. The awakened construct or plant retains the loyalties it held before awakening, but is now more capable of following orders or making its own decisions. If the construct or plant is already under the influence of an enemy, awakening it does not change its predilection towards you or your allies, and it may act in a hostile manner.

Arcane Hacking 2nd level transmutation (technomagic) ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Components: V, S, M (hacking tools) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You gain advantage on all checks using tinker’s tools, thieve’s tools and smith’s tools to operate an electrical or steam-powered device. This spell also allows you to break 2nd level and lower protective spells such as Arcane Lock or Glyph of Warding by making an Intelligence check using hacking tools against the spell save DC of the spell’s caster. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can attempt to counteract a spell set to secure the foreign system if the spell’s level is equal to or less than the level of the spell slot you used.

Baleful Eversion

4th-level transmutation ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: S, M (a wishbone) Duration: Instantaneous

With a burst of transforming energy and a squelch of blood, you turn a creature you can see within range inside out, then immediately back to its previous form. The sudden inversion of their body is painful and disorienting, but causes no lasting damage. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 6d8 necrotic damage and becomes stunned until the start of its next turn. On a success, it takes half as much damage on a success and isn't stunned.

Barlow's Warning Shot 1st-level illusion ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: M (a spent shell casing) Duration: Instantaneous

A creature within range suddenly hears a gunshot whiz just overhead, compelling it to get out of the way for its own safety. The creature must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or immediately use its reaction to fall prone. A creature that has already used its reaction or cannot take its reaction is unaffected by this spell.

Black Bullet

Necromancy cantrip ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous

You conjure and fire a tiny, black orb that clings to its target like a leech, draining some of its vital force. As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a ranged attack with a firearm within the spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 necrotic damage, and the bullet clings to the target's body until it can be removed. If a bullet is attached to a creature, it takes 1d4 necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns. Any creature can remove a bullet attached to a creature by spending its action to do so; alternatively, a target affected by a bullet can cause it to wither away by succeeding a Constitution saving throw at the end of its turn. This spell's damage on subsequent turns increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).

On a roll of 1-5, the amount of damage the target takes is equal to 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier. On a roll of 6, the target takes 1d6 damage, then must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become blinded until the end of its next turn. The spell creates more than one card when you reach higher level: two cards at 5th level, three cards at 11th level, and four at 17th level. You can direct the cards at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll and d6 roll for each card.

Blood-Lightning Bullet Transmutation cantrip

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: S, M (a firearm) Duration: Instantaneous

● ● ● ●

As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a ranged attack with a firearm against one creature within the spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the attack's normal effects, and blood-red lightning leaps from the target to a different creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of it. The second creature takes lightning damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell's damage increases when you reach higher levels. At 5th level, the ammunition deals an extra 1d8 lightning damage to the target, and the lightning damage to the second creature increases to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level and 17th level.

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self (30-foot radius)

Components: V

Duration: Instantaneous

Choose two damage types from either acid, cold, fire, lightning,

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self (5-foot radius) Components: M (an iron bowl, a leather strap from a shield) Duration: 1 minute

You create a static, impenetrable shield in a 5-foot radius around yourself for the duration of the spell. Any creatures can enter and exit the shield freely. Attacks, spells, and damaging effects originating from outside of the shield cannot affect anything inside the shield, as they either bounce off of it or are harmlessly deflected away. By the same token, creatures outside of the shield cannot target anything inside the shield with an attack, spell, or ability. The same is true for attacks, spells, abilities, and effects within the shield attempting to target or affect anything outside of it.

poison or thunder. Each creature you choose within 30 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 5d6 damage of the first chosen type, 5d6 damage of the second chosen type, and is stunned until the beginning of your next turn. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and isn't stunned.

Commune with City

5th-level divination (ritual) ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Self Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous

You briefly become one with the city and gain knowledge of the surrounding area. Aboveground, this spell gives you knowledge of the area within 1 mile of you. In sewers and other underground settings, you gain knowledge of the area within 600 feet of you.

Card Throw

Conjuration cantrip Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous

● ● ● ●

elemental power.

4th-level evocation

6th-level evocation

You charge up and release a wave of magical energy charged with

Bubble Shield ● ● ●

Chromatic Wave

You instantly gain knowledge of up to three facts of your choice about any of the following subjects as they relate to the area:

You conjure and then throw a magical card that is filled with energy. Roll a d6 to determine the color of the card, then make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes damage based on the color of the card: d6 Result


Damage Type



















• Terrain and bodies of water • Prevalent buildings, plants, animals, or intelligent creatures • Powerful (CR 1 or higher) celestials, fey, fiends, elementals, or undead • Influences from other planes of existence • Electrical currents, wireless signals, and active transit lines and tracks For example, you could determine the location of powerful undead in the area, the location of major sources of electrical power or interference, and the location of any nearby parks.

Conjure Firing Squad 5th-level conjuration ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 90 feet Components: S, M (any piece of nonmagical ammunition) Duration: Instantaneous

You place a piece of ammunition on the ground, pointing it towards an enemy. As you do, a number of vaguely humanoid shapes carrying spectral rifles appear, taking aim and firing on your wordless command. Choose a creature within range. As you do, ten spirits appear and form a line facing the opponent, spreading out to your left and right, leaving you in the center. The line of spirits spreads out to fill a space as wide as 20 feet (10 feet on each side of you); however, the spirits are unaffected if there is not enough room for them all. The spirits are intangible and cannot be interacted with. The spirits all fire their rifles a single time before disappearing, forcing the target to make a Dexterity saving throw. The target takes 10d6 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Conjure Flak Jacket 1st-level conjuration ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Touch Components: V, S, M (a chip of ceramic) Duration: 8 hours

You touch a willing creature who isn't wearing armor. Wisps of shadow material pulled from the Shadowfell form and knit themselves into a tough, yet light and flexible vest, fitted perfectly to the creature. The vest is considered light armor with ballistics resistance (BR 3), though proficiency with it is not required to use it. While wearing the armor, a creature's base AC becomes 12 + its Dexterity modifier. The spell ends if the creature doffs the armor or if you dismiss the spell as an action.

Conjure Knowbot

4th-level conjuration (technomagic) ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 10 minutes

You touch a single computerized device or computer system to conjure a knowbot—a partially sentient piece of software imprinted with vestiges of your own skills and computer abilities. For the duration of the spell, you can use a bonus action to have the knowbot execute a computer related task that would normally require an action. The knowbot makes Intelligence ability checks using your ability score and proficiency bonuses including your proficiency with hacking tools, if applicable.

You have a limited telepathic bond with the knowbot, out to a range of 500 feet from the device or system where the knowbot was conjured. If you move beyond this range, the knowbot disappears in 2d4 rounds, as if the duration of the spell had expired. Moving within range again immediately reestablishes the bond. The knowbot is bound to the system in which it was created, and it stays there until it is dismissed or the spell’s duration expires. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the spell’s duration increases to 1 hour. Additionally, your telepathic bond with the knowbot is effective out to a range of 1,000 feet, and if you leave the range of the bond, the knowbot continues performing its last directed task until the spell expires.

Create Fuel

3rd-level conjuration ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 10 feet Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous

You target a single vehicle within range, magically conjuring enough fuel to bring it to its maximum fuel capacity. If the fuel source is organic material, such as the coal, wood, and oil used to stoke the fire of a steam engine, the required amount appears in clean, organized stacks. If the vehicle's fuel source is nonmaterial or magical in nature, such as a battery, this spell simply recharges that fuel source.

Cryobomb 8th-level evocation ●

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 120 feet

Components: V, S, M (a piece of dry ice and silver powder worth 25 sp)

Duration: Concentration, 1 minute

A glowing bead of ice forms from your finger and shoots out to a point within range, where it remains and grows colder for the duration. When the spell ends, either because your concentration is broken or because you decide to end it on your turn, the bead breaks apart and lets out an ice storm that flash freezes anything near it and spreads around corners. Each creature within a 20-foot radius sphere centered on the point must succeed a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes cold damage equal to the accumulated damage and is paralyzed for a number of rounds equal to the accumulated number on a failed save. If a creature succeeds the save, it takes half as much damage and is not paralyzed. A creature can remake the Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its subsequent turns in order to end the paralysis. This spell's base damage is 8d6 and its base paralysis time is 1 round. If at the end of your turn the bead has not yet detonated, the damage increases by 1d6 and the paralysis increases by 1 round.

If the glowing bead is touched before the interval has expired, the creature touching it must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the spell ends immediately, causing the bead to explode in a freezing storm of ice. On a successful save, the creature can throw the bead up to 40 feet. When it strikes a creature or a solid object, the spell ends, and the bead explodes. The cold freezes objects in the area and puts out nonmagical flames.


2nd-level evocation ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: S, M (a drop of water and fine dust) Duration: Instantaneous

You choose one creature within range. You close your fist and flash freeze the air around them in an attempt to lock their joints up and freeze them in place. The creature must succeed a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 2d6 cold damage and has its movement speed reduced to 0 for 1 minute. At the end of each of its subsequent turns, the creature can remake the saving throw in order to end the spell's effects on itself. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd.

Daring Ditty

1st-level enchantment ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when an ally makes a saving throw Range: 60 feet Components: V, M (a musical instrument or speaking cone) Duration: Instantaneous

You play or sing a quick little ditty for a single ally you can see within range. This spell appears to be nothing more than a song unless a creature that can hear it makes a Wisdom (Perception) check against your spell save DC to recognize otherwise. When your ally hears the song, they are uplifted by the magical music. You can roll a Charisma saving throw, using your bonus to the save, and use the result in place of an ally's saving throw to escape the effect of a spell. If an enemy recognized the song as magical with a successful Perception check, you have disadvantage on this roll. Your ally must be able to hear you to receive the benefit of this spell. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell affects one additional ally for each slot level above 1st. When you do, you make one Charisma saving throw and use it for all creatures affected by this spell.

Digital Phantom

2nd-level abjuration (technomagic) ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Components: V, S, M (a small piece of copper wire) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

This spell works to actively hide your presence within a computer system. For the spell’s duration, you and any other users you choose on your local network gain a +10 bonus to Intelligence checks to avoid detection by administrators, knowbots, tracking software, and the like. Whenever you and your chosen users leave any computer system you are working in while this spell is in effect, all trace of your previous presence in that system is erased.


1st-level divination ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self (10-foot-radius sphere) Components: S, M (the preserved vocal cords of a bat) Duration: Instantaneous

A harmless wave of energy pulses outwards from your location out to 10 feet. The wave traces across the floor and stops when it hits a solid obstacle or a creature, bouncing back to you and revealing the precise location of the obstacle. Since the wave bounces off of solid objects and doesn't go around corners, creatures behind cover remain undetected by this spell. Invisible objects and creatures, however, are detected. Though they still remain invisible, your knowledge of their position provides enough help that the next melee attack made by you or one of your allies against that creature does not need to be made at disadvantage. This benefit is lost at the start of the invisible creature's next turn. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the radius of the sphere increases by 5 feet per slot level above 1st. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the wave goes around corners and thus can detect creatures behind cover.


3rd-level transmutation ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Touch Components: M (a few drops of machine oil) Duration: 4 hours

For the duration of the spell, a machine or construct you touch runs as if it is in perfect working order, ignoring such trifles as broken parts, worn gears, or the laws of physics and magic. Additionally, physical flaws such as dents and scratches fade, making the device look like it is brand new. If you target a living construct with this spell, it gains temporary hit points equal to its current hit points for the duration of the spell.

The spell even allows machines that were improperly constructed in the first place to work, though the duration of the spell in such cases is reduced to 1 hour. Additionally, such a machine may catastrophically fail once the spell's duration wears off. If you attempt to cast this spell on a machine or construct already under the effects of efficaciousness, the target immediately breaks down and ceases functioning. A construct targeted this way takes damage equal to the amount of temporary hit points it gained from the first casting.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can conjure a nonmilitary water vehicle large enough to carry six Medium creatures. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can conjure a non military air vehicle large enough to carry ten Medium creatures. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, you can conjure any type of vehicle, subject to the DM's approval.

Find the Trajectory

Transmutation cantrip

1st-level divination (ritual) ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Self Components: V, S, M (a handful of white dust or powder) Duration: Concentration, 10 minutes

You mystically sharpen your eye and your mind, able to analyze the aftermath of firefights with ease. For the duration, you can touch a bullet hole in a structure or a bullet wound on a person and discover where the round was fired from. If you spend an additional minute concentrating on one particular impact site, you can determine the type of firearm used to fire the bullet. If you concentrate on the same impact site for the spell's full duration, you can obtain a vague sense of the shooter's race, gender, and height, as well as gaining enough familiarity with the shooter's weapon to be able to use locate object or similar spells to find it.

Find Vehicle

2nd-level conjuration ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: 30 feet Components: V, S Duration: 8 hours

You summon a spirit that assumes the form of a non military land vehicle of your choice, appearing in an unoccupied space within range. The vehicle has the statistics of a normal vehicle of its sort, though it is celestial, fey, or fiendish (your choice in origin). The physical characteristics of the vehicle reflect its origin to some degree. For example, a fiendish Motorcycle might be gold and brass with red and black highlights You have a supernatural bond with the conjured vehicle that allows you to drive beyond your normal ability. While driving the conjured vehicle, you are considered proficient with vehicles of its type, and you add double your proficiency bonus to ability checks related to driving the vehicle. While driving the vehicle, you can make any spell you cast that targets only you also target the vehicle. If the vehicle drops to 0 hit points, it disappears, leaving behind no physical form. You can also dismiss the vehicle at any time as an action, causing it to disappear. You can't have more than one vehicle bonded by this spell at a time. As an action, you can release the vehicle from its bond at any time, causing it to disappear.

Forceful Bullet ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: M (a firearm and a piece of its ammunition) Duration: 1 round

The bullet you touch is loaded into a firearm, where it is fired with excessive force. The next time a ranged weapon attack is made with that firearm, if the attack hits, add a d6 to the damage roll. If the firearm has the reload property, this attack counts as two attacks towards its reload count. The spell's magic fades if the firearm is not used to attack before your next turn. The damage die improves to a d8 at 5th level, a d10 at 11th level, and a d12 at 17th level.


2nd-level abjuration ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: S, M (a pot of red clay and a handful of earth) Duration: Concentration, 1 minute

You draw runes onto the skin and clothing of a willing creature. The runes glow with protective magic that wards them from debilitating effects. The first time the target would be subjected to the paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, or stunned condition due to an attack, spell, or effect, if it is not at 0 hit points, it ignores that condition instead, and the spell ends.

Ghost Bullets

4th-level transmutation ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Components: V, S, M (pieces of nonmagical ammunition) Duration: 1 hour

By speaking an eerie incantation, you transform up to four nonmagical bullets in your inventory into ethereal projections that pass through inorganic material.

When making a ranged attack using one of these bullets, the target's AC is equal to 10 + its Dexterity modifier, regardless of any cover it has or any armor it is wearing. If it isn't wearing armor and has a racial or class feature that provides a different formula for calculating AC such as Unarmored Defense, it can use that AC calculation instead. Because of the ethereal nature of these bullets, they are particularly good at striking creatures that do not have a physical form. An attack made with one of these bullets deals double damage to ghosts, spirits, and other creatures without a physical body, such as those that have the Incorporeal Movement feature. However, since they pass through inorganic material, constructs are not affected by these bullets, and attacks made against them with these bullets automatically miss. The spell's magic ends on a bullet after it is fired, or fades from it once the spell's duration is complete.

At the start of each of your turns, roll a d6 for each affected device to determine its behavior. Except where otherwise indicated, that behavior lasts until the start of your next turn while this spell is in effect. d6



The device shuts down and must be restarted. Do not roll again for this device until it is restarted.


The device does not function.


he device experiences a power surge, causing an electric shock to the wielder (if any and one random creature within 5 feet of the device. Each affected creature must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC, taking 6d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


The device is usable as normal.

Glassing Beam 9th-level evocation ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 300 feet Components: S, M (a focusing lens, glow worm powder, an emerald worth 5,000 gp that is consumed when the spell is cast) Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You call upon a mighty, destructive beam of magical force to destroy your enemies and burn the earth around them until its surface is but glass. Choose a point within range. You summon forth a large, white-orange pulsating beam in a 30-foot-radius, 50,000-foot-high column centered on that point. Creatures that start their turn within that area or enter it for the first time take 5d10 fire damage, 5d10 force damage, 5d10 necrotic damage, and 5d10 radiant damage. After two rounds, the beam turns the surface struck by it into cracked and jagged glass, destroying plants and objects that aren't being worn or carried. This turns the area into difficult terrain that is extraordinarily painful to cross. Any creature that moves more than half its speed on this terrain takes 2d10 piercing damage. Structures hit by this beam take double the damage from this spell. You must use your action to maintain the beam; if you fail to do so, your concentration on the spell immediately ends. While you are doing so, your movement speed is 0 and you have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws. You can use your bonus action to move the beam up to 20 feet in any direction.


3rd-level enchantment (technomagic) ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 90 feet Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

This spell plays havoc with electronic devices, making the use of such devices all but impossible. Each electronic device in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range is subject to random behavior while it remains within the area. A device not held by a creature is automatically affected. If an electronic device is held by a creature, that creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or have the device affected by the spell.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the radius of the sphere affected by the spell increases by 5 feet for each slot level above 3rd.

Hydraulic Beam 3rd-level evocation ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self (30-foot long, 15-foot wide line) Components: V, S, M (a drop of water) Duration: Instantaneous

You project a large jet of water from your hand or an object you are holding or carrying. The beam shoots forth from you in a 30-foot long, 15-foot wide line in a direction of your choosing. Creatures within the line must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 6d6 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and isn't knocked prone. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.

Ice Bayonet

1st-level conjuration ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: S, M (a piece of ice and a two-handed firearm) Duration: 1 minute

You create a shard of ice at the end of the barrel of a rifle, musket, blunderbuss, or shotgun you touch. For 1 minute, you can use this firearm as a finesse melee weapon that deals 1d6 piercing damage and 2d6 cold damage on a hit. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the cold damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.

Infallible Relay

1st-level divination (technomagic) ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Self Components: V, S, M (a mobile phone) Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

With this spell, you can target any creature with whom you have spoken previously, as long as the two of you are on the same plane of existence. When you cast the spell, the nearest functioning telephone or similar communications device within 100 feet of the target begins to ring. If there is no suitable device close enough to the target, the spell fails. The target must make a successful Charisma saving throw or be compelled to answer your call. Once the connection is established, the call is crystal clear and cannot be dropped until the conversation has ended or the spell’s duration ends. You can end the conversation at any time, but a target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw to end the conversation.

Instant Cover

Abjuration cantrip ●

● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when either you or a creature you can see within range is targeted by a non-magical attack Range: 10 feet Components: V, S, M (a pinch of brick or mortar dust) Duration: Instantaneous

You cause a shimmering wall of force — 3 feet tall, 5 feet wide, and 1 inch thick — to spring up in an instant, interposed between the source of the triggering attack and either yourself or a creature you can see. The wall provides half cover against the triggering attack before immediately dissipating. When you reach 11th level, the wall's protection improves, providing three-quarters cover before dissipating.

Invisibility to Cameras

3rd-level illusion (technomagic) ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 10 feet Components: V, S, M (a scrap of black paper) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Four creatures of your choice within range become undetectable to electronic sensors and cameras for the duration of the spell. Anything a target is wearing or carrying is likewise undetectable as long as it is on the target’s person. The targets remain visible to vision.

Ironwood Aegis

2nd-level conjuration ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: Self Components: V, S Duration: 1 hour

Your body becomes suffused with nature's power, granting a fighting chance against improving technology. You gain ballistics resistance (BR 1) for the duration of the spell. This applies even if you are not wearing armor. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the ballistics resistance increases to BR 2. When you use a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the ballistics resistance increases to BR 3.


1st-level enchantment ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when a creature hits you with an attack Range: 90 feet Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You place a vengeful curse on a creature as it attacks you. This curse wracks their minds whenever they attempt to strike you. When this spell is cast, and for the duration of the spell, whenever the cursed creature targets you with an attack, it takes 1d4 psychic damage. As a bonus action during your turn or if the cursed creature is killed, you can move this curse to a new target.

Magnetize 2nd-level transmutation ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: S, M (a small bar magnet) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Choose a creature you can see within range. A unwilling creature may make a Constitution saving throw to resist this spell. You affect the magnetic field surrounding that creature in one of two ways: ● Attraction. Melee and ranged weapon attacks made against the creature deal an additional 1d4 force damage, provided the weapon used is made of metal. ● Repulsion. When a melee or ranged weapon attack from a weapon made of metal hits the creature, roll 1d4 and reduce the damage dealt by the result. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage dealt by attacks is increased or reduced by an additional 1d4 for every two slot levels above 2nd.

Mindrending Bullet Enchantment cantrip ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V Duration: Instantaneous

Your words blend with the gun's loud retort, creating a noise that pierces through the target's psyche. As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a ranged attack with a firearm within the spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the damage dealt by the attack is psychic instead of the normal damage type.

This spell's damage increases when you reach higher levels. At 5th level, the attack deals an extra 1d4 psychic damage to the target. This increases by 1d4 at 11th level (2d4), and 17th level (3d4).


2nd-level illusion ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, S, M (tiny gears, pieces of copper wire, and a chip of glass) Duration: 24 hours

Poison Gas

1st-level necromancy ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 90 feet Components: V, S, M (a pinch of nightshade) Duration: Concentration, 1 minute

You place an illusion on an inanimate object you touch that isn't being carried or worn by another creature, causing it to appear far more complex that it should be, plated with brass and covered with buttons, levers, and meaningless indicators. The illusory controls can be interacted with, but serve no function. Any physical controls on the item are disguised to look like the illusory controls. As a result, the item is incredibly difficult and unwieldy to use. Any ability checks or attack rolls made to use the item, or even to discern its function, are made at disadvantage. If you cast this spell on the same object every day for 30 days, the illusion lasts until it is dispelled.

You toss a small green orb at a point you choose within range that explodes into a toxic cloud. This cloud starts as a 10-foot square centered on the point and expands 5 feet in each direction every round to a maximum of a 30-foot square. Any creature that starts its turn within the cloud or enters its area for the first time must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. A creature poisoned by this spell takes 1d6 poison damage at the start of each of their turns until the effect ends. At the end of its turn, the creature can make another Constitution saving throw in order to end the poison effect on itself. This spell does not affect creatures that are immune to poison damage or the poisoned condition, nor does it affect creatures have already been poisoned. A strong wind disperses this cloud after 4 rounds. Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage dealt by the poison increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.


Power Word Blind

Transmutation cantrip (technomagic) ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous

This cantrip allows you to activate or deactivate any electronic device within range, as long as the device has a clearly defined on or off function that can be easily accessed from the outside of the device. Any device that requires a software-based shutdown sequence to activate or deactivate cannot be affected by On/Off.

Over Shield

4th-level abjuration ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: M (A vial of iron powder in an oil suspension) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You channel your protective magics to improve the defensive capabilities of a creature within range, creating a tightly-knitted barrier over their entire body. A creature you choose within range gains 2d4 temporary hit points. Additionally, choose either acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage. The creature gains resistance to the chosen damage type. Both the temporary hit points and the resistance are lost when you lose concentration on the spell. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, increase the temporary hit points granted by the spell by 1d4 per slot level above 4th.

7th-level enchantment ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V Duration: Instantaneous

You speak a word of power, causing an inky black miasma to fill the vision of a single target you can see within range. If the target has 150 hit points or fewer, it is blinded. Otherwise, the spell has no effect. The blinded target must make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, this effect ends.

Protection from Ballistics

3rd-level abjuration (technomagic) ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, S, M (a shell casing) Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

This spell enchants the flesh of the target against the impact of bullets. Until the spell ends, the target has resistance to nonmagical ballistic damage.

Quick Load

3rd-level conjuration ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, S, M (a firearm and at least one piece of nonmagical ammunition) Duration: Instantaneous

You touch a firearm belonging to a willing creature and a number of pieces of nonmagical ammunition equal to the firearm's reload count. The ammunition disappears into time and space in order to appear later. The next time the gun must be reloaded, the affected bullets appear inside the firearm, automatically reloading it.

Rime Fang

3rd-level conjuration ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: S, M (a piece of ice, ingested as the spell is cast) Duration: Instantaneous

Sharp shards of ice fill your mouth, giving the appearance of vampire teeth as you lash out at your enemy. Make a melee spell attack against the target. If the attack hits, the target takes 3d8 cold damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature gains one level of exhaustion. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the cold damage increases by 1d8 per slot level above 3rd.

Remote Access

1st-level transmutation (technomagic) ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 120 feet Components: V, S Duration: 10 minutes

You can use any electronic device within range as if it were in your hands. This is not a telekinesis effect. Rather, this spell allows you to simulate a device's mechanical functions electronically. You are able to access only functions that a person using the device manually would be able to access. You can use remote access with only one device at a time.

Rotting Shot

3rd-level necromancy ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: Self Components: V, S, M (a piece of mundane ammunition) Duration: Instantaneous

You infuse your next shot with a foul, strength sapping energy. If the next ranged weapon attack you make hits, the target takes 1d8 necrotic damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they take an additional 1d8 necrotic damage and have disadvantage on Strength ability checks and saving throws for the next minute. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the initial necrotic damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.

Rust Shut

2nd-level transmutation ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: S, M (a metal bolt and a drop of water) Duration: Until dispelled, see below

You cause a metal joint to build up with corrosion, rendering it difficult to move. When you cast this spell, choose a metal object or construct within range. Object. You target a moving metal joint, such as the hinge of a door or a metal lock. The spell causes the metal to rust, requiring significant effort to break loose. The rusted joint can be forced open using a Strength check against your spell save DC or a grease spell targeting the area where the joint is located. Once the joint is broken, the spell ends. Construct. The construct you target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is restrained. While restrained this way, it can make a Strength (Athletics) check against your spell save DC at the start of each of its turns, ending the spell on a success.

Searing Smoke

3rd-level transmutation ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a container of sulfur) Duration: 1 minute

You throw sulfur into the air and convert it to a gaseous cloud that surrounds a point you choose within range. The cloud occupies a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on the chosen point. A creature that starts its turn within the cloud or enters its area for the first time must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 2d8 fire damage and 2d8 acid damage on a failed save, or half that much damage on a successful one. A strong wind disperses this cloud after 4 rounds. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the fire and acid damage each increase by 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd.

Shackles of Pain

2nd-level necromancy ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 40 feet Components: V, S, M (a small silver chain worth at least 5 gp and a fresh drop of your own blood) Duration: Concentration, 1 minute

As you speak this incantation, a glowing red chain emerges from your chest, lashing out like a snake at your target to bind your essences together. Choose a creature you can see within range. An unwilling creature can make a Constitution saving throw to avoid this spell's effects. On a successful save, the chain misses and the spell ends. On a failed save, the chain attaches to the creature's body. It is ethereal and does not restrict movement, but while it is attached, whenever you take damage, the creature takes the same amount of damage. At the end of each of the attached creature's turns for the duration, it can try to remove the chain by retrying the Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, the chain is removed and the spell ends.


5th-level transmutation (technomagic) ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 120 feet Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

This spell shuts down all electronic devices within range that are not wielded by or under the direct control of a creature. If an electronic device within range is used by a creature, that creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw to prevent the device from being shut down. While the spell remains active, no electronic device within range can be started or restarted.

Sight Line

5th-level evocation ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: 500 feet Components: S, M (a ruby worth 100 gp) Duration: Concentration, 1 minute

A bright red pinpoint of light appears on the body a creature you can see within range, targeting one of its vital areas. For the duration of the spell, ranged weapon attacks made against that creature have advantage, as long as the attack is made within the maximum range of the weapon used to make the attack. At the start of the creature's turn, it can make a Perception check against your spell save DC to notice the dot. Once it does, it can use its action to make a Dexterity saving throw to move out of the way of the light, ending the spell on a successful save.

Spiritual Firearm 2nd-level evocation ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: 1 minute

You create a floating, spectral firearm within range that lasts for the duration or until you cast this spell again. When you cast this spell, choose between a pistol, a rifle, and a shotgun. The chosen weapon appears in a space within range and makes a single attack, as detailed below: ● Pistol. The pistol fires once at a single target. Make a ranged spell attack against a creature within 40 feet of it the pistol; on a hit, the creature takes 1d8 piercing damage. ● Rifle. The rifle fires a round that shoots through a 90-foot line in front of it, pointed in a direction you choose. Each creature within that line must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 piercing damage on a failed save or half as much on a success. ● Shotgun. The shotgun's blast hits each creature within a 30-foot cone in front of it, pointed in a direction you choose. Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save or half as much on a success. As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the weapon up to 20 feet and make another attack with it. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by one damage die (1d8 or 1d6) for every two slot levels above 2nd.

Spontaneous Combustion 3rd-level transmutation ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self (20-foot-radius sphere) Components: V, S, M (a match coated with rendered animal fat) Duration: 1 minute

You release a burst of energy that rapidly increases the temperature of clothes and skin, causing it to instantly catch fire. Choose up to five creatures you can see within 20 feet of you. Each of them must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 3d6 fire damage and catches fire. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and does not catch fire. While on fire, a creature takes 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. This fire cannot be extinguished normally, but the creature can retry the Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns, putting itself out on a successful save. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the initial damage and subsequent fire damage each increase by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.

Steam Burst

2nd-level evocation ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self (10-foot cube) Components: M (a vial of water) Duration: Instantaneous

You cause a blast of superheated steam to form in an area filling a 10-foot cube in front of you. The steam scalds and burns each creature within the area, forcing them to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 4d6 fire damage and must succeed an additional Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion, as the steam burn causes damage to internal organs. This level of exhaustion is removed once the creature has any amount of hit points restored. On a successful Dexterity saving throw, a creature takes half as much fire damage and doesn't have to make the Constitution save.


4th-level enchantment (technomagic) ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

The creature you touch feels reality subtly shifted to its favor while this spell is in effect. The target isn't inconvenienced by mundane delays of any sort. Traffic lights are always green, there's always a waiting elevator, and trains are on time. The target can run at full speed through dense crowds, and attacks of opportunity provoked by the target's movement are made with disadvantage. Synchronicity grants advantage to Dexterity (Stealth) checks, since the target always finds a handy piece of cover available. Additionally, the target has advantage on all ability checks made to drive a vehicle. In the event that two or more creatures under the effect of synchronicity are attempting to avoid being inconvenienced by each other, the creatures engage in a contest of Charisma each time the effects of the spells would oppose each other.

System Backdoor

4th-level transmutation (technomagic) ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Self Components: V, S, M (hacking tools) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

This spell allows you to bypass system security in order to create a secure login on a foreign system. The login you create allows you administrator-level privileges in any computer system not enhanced through technomagic. The login defeats any technomagic spells of 3rd level or lower. Once the duration of the spell expires, the login and all privileges are wiped from the system. System logs still show the activity of the user, but the user identification cannot be found or traced.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you are able to bypass technomagic spells if the spell’s level is equal to or less than the level of the spell slot you used.


3rd-level conjuration ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: Self (60-foot long, 20-foot wide line) Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, 1 minute

The air whips about you, causing a strong air current to form. A gust of wind fills the air in a 60-foot line that is 20 feet wide, originating from you. Ranged attacks from weapons other than firearms within this area are made with a +2 bonus to attack rolls and damage, as long as they are made in the same direction as the blowing wind. While concentrating on this spell, you can use your bonus action to change the direction of the line of wind.


4th-level conjuration ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 90 feet Components: S, M (an amethyst worth 200 gp, a ball of cast iron, a magnet and a dash of glow worm powder) Duration: Concentration, up to four rounds

You snap your fingers and create an arcane vortex in the shape of a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you can see within range. Any creature that starts its turn within the vortex or enters its area for the first time takes 2d10 force damage. The vortex is considered difficult terrain; additionally, creatures within the vortex cannot take the Dash action. Any creature attempting to leave the vortex's area must succeed a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, they are unable to use their movement to leave the vortex's area for the rest of their turn. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the vortex must succeed a Strength saving throw or be pulled into an unoccupied space within its boundaries. If there is no unoccupied space in the vortex, the creature is not pulled in. The vortex dissipates harmlessly if you do not maintain concentration on this spell for the full duration. However, at the start of your turn on the fourth round, the spell ends as the vortex implodes, releasing a massive amount of arcane energy. Anyone within the vortex's area when this happens must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 4d10 force damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and is not knocked prone.

Wall of Denial

2nd-level abjuration ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 10 feet Components: V, S, M (a small pane of glass and a smear of red paint) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You summon a 10-foot-wide, 10-foot-tall, and 1-inch-thick wall of magical force that extends from a point you choose within range. Before you cast the spell, choose any number of creatures you can see. The chosen creatures may walk through the wall unimpeded. Anyone else must make a Strength saving throw, passing through on a successful save. On a failed save, a creature is forced to stop and cannot use its movement to attempt to move past the wall for the rest of its turn. The wall can be attacked and destroyed to allow movement through it. Each 5-foot-square section of the wall has AC 10 and 15 hit points. Reducing a section of the wall to 0 hit points causes that section to dissipate, though the rest of the wall remains standing for the duration. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the width of the wall increases by 10 feet for each slot level above 2nd. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can also choose to form the wall into a hemisphere with a radius of 10 feet.

Warp Metal

3rd-level transmutation ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You grasp a piece of nonmagical metal such as a sword or a piece of armor and alter its rigid structure, shifting it in your fingers as if it were clay. If the object you touch is an inanimate object that isn't being worn or carried, you can create a dent or hole in the object up to six inches across in any dimension. This distortion reduces the effectiveness of metal weapons and armor, weakening their physical structure. If you target a melee weapon with this spell, it deals half its normal damage. If you target a piece of armor, roll 1d4 and apply the result as a penalty to the AC granted by the item. If you target a shield, it only provides a +1 bonus to AC, instead of any other bonus it would provide. Any item with ballistics resistance loses it for the duration of the spell. If the object you touch is being held or carried by a creature, it can make a Dexterity saving throw to shift the object out of your grasp. If the creature is wearing the object, such as a piece of armor, the creature has disadvantage on this saving throw.

Old-Age Spells This world has been different for a long time, strange spells which you may not have even heard of before have appeared, that aren’t as modern but still available to those who are willing to learn them. These spells are listed in alphabetical order

Dark Transport

3rd-level necromancy ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: instantaneous

You briefly turn into a flurry of ravens, a dark mist, or similar foreboding phenomena before reappearing somewhere else in range. You teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see, forming a 10 foot wide line behind you. Creatures that you designate in the line must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 3d10 necrotic damage. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 3rd.

Dead Man’s Volley 2nd-level evocation ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: until a creature takes damage, up to 1 minute

You manifest and hurl a ball of electric energy at a creature or object you can see within range. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d12 lightning damage on a failure. If you can communicate with the target, you may grant it advantage on this saving throw. If the target succeeds on its save, the spell is deflected by the target rather than dealing damage. The target may use an action to redirect the projectile at a new target of its choice out to a range of 60 feet. If the target chooses not to use this projectile on its turn, it defuses and the spell ends. The DC to hit the ball is now increased by 1, as is the The spell can be redirected until the duration ends, to a max DC of 25 and max damage of 10d12 At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, its damage increases by 1d12 for every slot level above 2nd.

Swift Bolt

4th-level evocation ● ● ● ●

Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: instantaneous

A bolt of focused and accelerated magical lightning springs from your pointing finger, hitting a creature of your choice you can see within range without chance of failure. It deals 5d6 lightning damage to its target. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 4th.

Invocations Warlock Pact Boon: Pact of the Firearm You can use your action to create a pact weapon in your empty hand. You can choose the form that this firearm takes each time you create it . You are proficient with it while you wield it. This firearm counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. This firearm uses a magical reserve of ammunition supplied by your patron that does not run out. You still have to reload it, however. You can only summon a primitive firearm or regular firearm as your pact weapon until you reach 13th level, when you can now summon advanced firearms. Your pact firearm disappears if it is more than 5 feet away from you for 1 minute or more. It also disappears if you use this feature again, if you dismiss the weapon (no action required), or if you die. You can transform one magic firearm into your pact weapon by performing a special ritual while you hold the firearm. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. You can then dismiss the weapon, shunting it into an extradimensional space, and it appears whenever you create your pact weapon thereafter. You can’t affect an artifact or a sentient weapon in this way. The weapon ceases being your pact weapon if you die, if you perform the 1-hour ritual on a different weapon, or if you use a 1-hour ritual to break your bond to it. The weapon appears at your feet if it is in the extradimensional space when the bond breaks.

Pact Boon

If you have the Fiend patron, your gun might be a charcoal black shotgun adorned with flames, with an evil dark steel barrel. If you draw your magic from The Great Old one as a patron, your gun might resemble a pepperbox made from ancient stonework, engraved everywhere with glowing, yellow-orange eyes.

First Impressions You have a knack for making an impression in combat. Add your Charisma modifier to your initiative rolls. Blast & Shoot Prerequisite: Pact of the Firearm feature, eldritch blast cantrip, 5th level When you cast eldritch blast, you can attack with your pact weapon as a bonus action. Gunstorm Prerequisite: Pact of the Firearm feature, 5th level You can attack twice when you take the attack action on your turn using your pact weapon. Improved Pact Weapon Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade or Pact of the Firearm feature, 5th level Any weapon you create using your pact feature is a +1 weapon. This invocation doesn't affect a magic weapon you transformed into your pact weapon. Show of Force Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of the Firearm or Pact of the Blade feature You can use your Charisma modifier, instead of your Dexterity modifier, for your attack and damage rolls for your pact weapon. Draining Shot Prerequisite: 11th level, Pact of the Firearm feature. When you make a successful shot against a creature with your pact firearm, you can choose to drain that creature of life and transfer it to you. a dark crimson line leads back to the barrel of your gun, give you temporary HP equal to half the amount of damage dealt.

Superior Pact Weapon Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade or Pact of the Firearm feature, 9th level Any weapon you create using your pact feature is a +2 weapon. This invocation doesn't affect a magic weapon you transformed into your pact weapon. Greater Pact Firearm Prerequisite: Pact of the Firearm feature, 13th level. You can summon a special firearm when you invoke your pact weapon as part of your Pact of the Firearm feature. You can change your current weapon to become one of these special firearms when you take this invocation. Customized Pact Weapon Prerequisite: Pact of the Firearm feature, 13th level Any firearm you create using your Pact of the Firearm feature can start with one Attachment or Custom Part of your choice that can be used with it. This invocation doesn't affect a magic weapon you transformed into your pact weapon. When you reach 17th level, your pact weapon can start with any number of two Attachements or Custom Parts. Eldritch Strike Prerequisite: 9th level, Eldritch Blast cantrip When you cast eldritch blast, you can use a bonus action to make a weapon attack. Ultimate Pact Weapon Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade or Pact of the Firearm feature, 15th level Any weapon you create using your pact feature is a +3 weapon. This invocation doesn't affect a magic weapon you transformed into your pact weapon. Eldritch Storm Prerequisite: Pact of the Firearm feature, eldritch blast cantrip 18th level You can concentrate the eldritch blast cantrip through the barrel of your pact weapon, focusing the crackling beams into one large ray of magical force. Make a ranged spell attack roll. If the attack hits, roll four eldritch blast damage rolls. Add your Dexterity modifier to the damage of this attack.

Sly Sniper Prerequisite: Archfey patron, Pact of the Firearm feature You can create an arquebus (or a heavy rifle if firearms are prominent, or when you reach 13th level) forged from a spindly wood, who's barrel is a bright brass adorned with ornate carvings. Vines are wrapped around the gun's length. When you hit a creature with its ammunition, you can expend a spell slot to deal an additional 2d8 poison damage to the target per spell level, and makes the creature charmed by you until the end of your next turn. Grasp of The Ancient One Prerequisite: Great Old One patron, Pact of the Firearm feature You can create a blunderbuss (or shotgun if firearms are prominent, or when you reach 13th level.) made from a black, inky marble and a sickly, green colored steel that seems to glow. Spectral tentacles writhe around the barrel of the shotgun, slurping sounds following every shot you make with it. When you hit a creature with its ammunition, you can expend a spell slot to deal an additional 2d8 psychic damage to the target per spell level, and you can make the creature frightened of you until the end of your next turn. Wrath of The Inferno Prerequisite: Fiend Patron, Pact of the Firearm feature You can create a musket (or a rifle if firearms are prominent, or when you reach 13th level.) forged in the fires of Pandemonium. Its wood is a black, unbreakable charcoal, and its barrel is blood red. Flames seem to surround the trigger that don't hurt you when you put your finger inside it. When you hit a creature with its ammunition, you can expend a spell slot to deal an additional 2d8 fire damage to the target per spell level that ignores resistance and immunity.

Armour Ballistics Resistance (BR) and Damage Reduction (DR) With the increase in the effectiveness of ranged weaponry, armorers needed to follow suit. Improvements in metallurgy and engineering have created better, stronger materials designed to withstand the force of a bullet. Armor developers have devised many different ways to minimize the damage from firearms. Some use thicker metal plating; others use multiple layers of thick cloth and tightly woven metal; still others use magical means. Regardless of the method, these improvements are all represented by a new property: ballistics resistance.

Armor with ballistics resistance have the designation BR followed by a number. When an enemy makes an attack with a firearm against you, your get a bonus to your AC equal to this BR number. For example, if you are wearing a Light Undercover Shirt, your base armor class is 11 + your Dexterity modifier. With a modifier of 3, you have an armor class of 14. When you are attacked with a firearm, the shirt's ballistics resistance gives you a +2 bonus, so now your armor class is 16 against that attack. Of course, ballistics resistance doesn't do much against a sword! Heavy armor does not benefit from ballistics resistance; instead they have a propety called damage reduction, or DR. When hit by a round from a firearm that does not ignore armor, the damage is reduced by an amount equal to the DR number + the wearer's Constitution modifier.

Modern Armour Armor Type/Cost

Armor Name

Armor Class (AC)




11 + Dex modifier (BR 1)


6 lbs

11 + Dex modifier

4 lbs

Light Armor 10-15 gp

Heavy Coat

15-30 gp

Leather Jacket

50-70 gp

Light Undercover Shirt

11 + Dex modifier (BR 3)

2 lbs

40-60 gp

Sheet Metal Vest

12 + Dex modifier (BR 2)

8 lbs

55-85 gp

Steel-Plated Coat

13 + Dex modifier (BR 2)

3 lbs

Medium Armor 25-40 gp

Multi-layer vest

13 + Dex modifier (max 2) (BR 3)

4 lbs

80-120 gp

Light Duty Armor

14 + Dex modifier (max 2) (BR 3)

8 lbs

350-500 gp

Tactical Armor

15 + Dex modifier (max 2) (BR 4)

Str 10

Disadvantage 10 lbs

Str 10

Disadvantage 15 lbs

Heavy Armor 800 gp*

Special Response Armor 16 (DR 5)

1,500 gp*

Land Warrior Armor

17 (DR 5)

Str 13

Disadvantage 10 lbs

4,000 gp*

Forced Entry Unit

18 (DR 6)

Str 13

Disadvantage 20 lbs

Shields 25-40 gp


+2 AC (BR 2)

80-120 gp

Tower Shield

+3 AC (DR 3)

Str 15

* means this type of armour is not permitted for commercial sale

8 lbs.

Disadvantage 12 lbs.

Firearms General Rules These are universal rules for every gun found in this book. Akimbo. If you are proficient with firearms or ranged weapons and are wielding two light firearms or ranged weapons, after you fire one, you can use a bonus action to attack with another light firearm you are holding. You don't add your ability modifier to the damage of the bonus attack, unless that modifier is negative. Misfire. If you make an attack roll and the roll matches or is lower than a firearm's misfire number (excluding bonuses), your gun jams. You cannot make an attack with it again until you spend an action to clear the chamber. Your firearm's misfire number then goes up by 1, to a maximum of 10. You can spend 1 minute and make a Dexterity (Tinker's tools) or Intelligence (Tinker's tools) check equal to DC 10 + your gun's misfire number to reduce your gun's misfire number back to the original misfire number. Reload & Long Load. The reload and long load properties specify the number of attacks that can be made with the weapon before it runs out of ammunition. After making the number of attacks specified by the gun's reload/long load number, you must reload the weapon using ammunition on hand before it can be used again. Ranged weapons with the reload property must be reloaded using an action or bonus action. Ranged weapons with the long load property take an action to reload its ammunition. If you wield two light ranged weapons with the reload property, you can reload them both at once as an action during your turn. If you are wielding a light ranged weapon with the reload property in one hand and have your hand occupied by something other than another light ranged weapon with the reload property, the ranged weapon takes an action to reload.

Shell Loading. Firearms with the shell loading property must be reloaded after a certain number of attacks, just like weapons with the reload property. However, reloading must be done by inserting each piece of ammunition in at a time. Fully reloading your gun this way takes an action during your turn. Alternatively, as a bonus action, you can reload up to two pieces of ammunition into the weapon.

Firearm Properties The following properties will not be featured universally on every firearm and will vary from gun to gun. Automatic. Automatic firearms can make a separate attack that releases a salvo of bullets per pull of the trigger. As an action, you can force any creatures of your choice in a 25-foot square centered on a point within your gun's maximum range to make a Dexterity saving throw, taking the gun's automatic damage (listed in parentheses) on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success. This action subtracts rounds from your gun equal to the number of creatures affected. Additionally, guns with the automatic property always expend six rounds per attack. ● ●

Automatic Save DC (Not Proficient) = 12 Automatic Save DC (Proficient) = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier

Bayonet. These firearms are built with a blade that can be used for a melee attack. The damage and any other properties of the weapon when used in melee are listed in parentheses. You are not considered proficient in melee attacks made with a bayonet unless you are proficient with improvised weapons. Bolt-Action. When using a bolt-action firearm, you can fire only one piece of ammunition from it when you make an attack with it, regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make. After making an attack with this weapon, you must use an action or bonus action to clear the spent cartridge from the weapon before you can fire it again.

Burst Fire. Burst fire firearms are able to make a special attack that releases a stream of multiple bullets. As an action, you can force up to 6 creatures of your choice in a 15-foot square centered on a point within your gun's maximum range to make a Dexterity saving throw, taking your gun's burst fire damage (listed in parentheses) on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success. This action subtracts rounds from your gun equal to the number of creatures affected, to a maximum of 6. Additionally, guns with the burst fire property always expend 3 rounds per attack. ● ●

Burst Fire Save DC (Not Proficient) = 12 Burst Fire Save DC (Proficient) = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier

Bulky. Firearms and ranged weapons with the bulky property have to be made stable via going prone or taking a bonus action to stabilize it in order to be fired effectively due to their weight. You cannot attack more than once during your turn while wielding a bulky firearm.

Firearm Proficiency Firearms are not typical weapons. The nature of their construction and the complexity of their use and care require a special kind of training required to become proficient with them. Firearms count as a separate proficiency from martial and simple weapons. There are two types of proficiencies associated with firearms: longarms, which include Two-handed firearms, and sidearms, which include every other kind of firearm. Sidearms can be wielded in one hand. The general rule of a firearm using Dexterity vs. Strength depends on its weight. If the fire arm weighs 9 lbs. and under it is considered a dexterity Weapon. If the firearm weighs 10 lbs. and over it is considered a Strength weapon. Advanced Weapons. These weapons border on those of mass destruction and are not for sale to the common folk. Usually preserved only for military Officials. However they can rarely been seen on black Markets, but they fetch a very high Price due to their rarity.

Scatter. Firearms with the scatter property have two types of damage, a regular damage roll and a scatter damage roll. When you make an attack roll with one of these guns against a creature, compare your attack roll to the AC of all creatures within 5 feet of the target. If your attack would hit them, deal the firearm's scatter damage roll to the creatures. You do not add your ability score modifier to the damage of this attack, unless that modifier is negative.

Mundane Ammunition Types Name


Usable with

Bullets (10)

15 gp

Colt Revolver, Magnum, Lever-Action Rifle, Single-Shot Rifles,

Fuel (10)

20 gp


Gunpowder & Lead Ball (20)

10 gp

Arquebuses, Dragoon, Flintlock, Muskets, Pepperbox Wheellock Guns

Pellets Shots (20)

10 gp

Blunderbusses, Shotguns

Slugs (10)

20 gp

Shotgun, Sawn-Off Shotgun

Weight Properties 1 lb


6 lbs 1 lb


2 lbs Bludgeoning 3 lbs

Bludgeoning (Removes the scatter property)

Primitive Firearms Name



Weight Properties

Sidearms Derringer

1d6 piercing

250 gp

2 lbs

Ammunition (range 20/40), Reload 2, Light, Misfire 2, Hidden


1d8 bludgeoning

300 gp

4 lbs

Ammunition (range 30/90), Reload 6, Misfire 3

Flintlock Pistol

1d8 piercing

200 gp

3 lbs

Ammunition (range 30/60), Light, Reload 1, Misfire 3


2d4 piercing

450 gp

4 lbs

Ammunition (range 30/60), Long Load 8, Misfire 4


2d4 piercing

200 gp

13 lbs

Ammunition (range 50/150), Two-Handed, Long Load 1, Bulky, Heavy, Misfire 3


1d10 bludgeoning

900 gp

7 lbs

Ammunition (range 20/50), Long Load 1, Misfire 2, Scatter (1d8)


2d6 piercing

500 gp

10 lbs

Ammunition (range 70/200), Two-Handed, Long Load 1, Misfire 3

1d10 piercing

400 gp

5 lbs


Wheellock Gun

Ammunition range (40/160), Two-Handed, Long Load 1, Misfire 1

Moderate Firearms Name



Weight Properties

Sidearms Colt Revolver

1d10 piercing

1,000 gp

2 lbs

Ammunition (range 40/100), Reload 6, Light, Misfire 1


2d6 piercing

1,150 gp

3 lbs

Ammunition (range 60/120), Reload 8, Misfire 1

Sawn-Off Shotgun

3d4 bludgeoning

1,200 gp

4 lbs

Ammunition (range 20/40), Reload 4, Scatter (1d6), Misfire 1

Lever-Action Rifle

2d10 piercing

1,500 gp

10 lbs

Ammunition (range 100/200), Two-Handed, Long Load 6, Misfire 1

Single-Shot Rifle

3d6 piercing

1,350 gp

6 lbs

Ammunition (range 150/300), Two-Handed, Reload 1, Misfire 1


2d8 bludgeoning

2,000 gp

7 lbs

Ammunition (range 30/60), Two-Handed, Scatter (1d8), Shell Loading 6, Misfire 1


Advanced Firearms Name



Weight Properties

Sidearms Automatic Pistol

2d6 piercing

2,100 gp

3 lbs

Ammunition (range 40/120), Light, Reload 18, Automatic (6d4)

Burst Pistol

1d10 piercing

2,100 gp

3 lbs

Ammunition (range 30/90), Light, Reload 15, Burst Fire (3d8)


2d8 piercing

2,200 gp

3 lbs

Ammunition (range 50/180), Light, Shell Loading 6

Hand Cannon

2d6 piercing

2,700 gp

4 lbs

Ammunition (range 60/200), Heavy, Shell Loading 6

8 lbs

Ammunition (range 90/300), Two-Handed, Reload 24, Automatic (6d6)

Longarms Automatic Rifle

2d8 piercing

3,500 gp

Burst Rifle

1d12 piercing

3,500 gp

8 lbs

Ammunition (range 90/300), Two-Handed, Reload 18, Burst Fire (3d12)

Double Barrel Shotgun

2d6 bludgeoning

2,400 gp

11 lbs

Ammunition (range 90/300), Two-Handed, Scatter (1d8), Shell Loading 2 , Special

Handheld Cannon

2d12 bludgeoning

6,500 gp

30 lbs

Ammunition (range 60/200), Two-Handed, Loading 1, Bulky, Special

Tesla Rifle

2d8 lightning

3,500 gp

8 lb.

Ammunition (range 40/120), Burst Fire (4d6), Long Load 10, Two-Handed

Tesla Cannon

3d12 piercing

5,500 gp

18 lbs

Ammunition (range 300/1,800), Two-Handed, Long Load 4, Bolt-Action, Heavy, Bulky


1d12 piercing

5,000 gp

10 lbs

Ammunition (range 90/300), Two-Handed, Reload 6, shortsword (1d6 piercing), special


2d6 piercing

6,000 gp

16 lbs

Ammunition (range 70/230), Two-Handed, Long Load 3, lance (1d12 piercing), Special

Nock Gun

1d10 piercing

5,500 gp

20 lbs

Ammunition (range 70/210), Two-Handed, Shell Loading 7, Bulky, Special

Double Barrel Shotgun Special Rules Double barrel shotguns can be fired twice per attack. When you make an attack roll with a double barrel shotgun, you can make two attack rolls at the same creature. The second attack roll is made with disadvantage, and on a hit, you do not add your ability score modifier to the damage of that attack, unless your modifier is negative. Gunlance and Rilfeblade Special Rules The gunlance and rilfeblade are equipped with firearms built into the weapon itself giving each the ability to be fired similarly to a firearm. If either is fired within melee range you the weapon deals the melee weapon damage along with the base damage as fire damage. After either is fired the weapon must be reloaded before it can be fired again. Handheld Cannon Special Rules Rather than make a regular attack with this weapon, you can use an action to fire the cannon with extreme force. The round shoots forward in a line, which is 5 feet wide and has a length equal to half the cannon's maximum range. Each creature in that line must make a Dexterity saving throw. The DC of this saving throw is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d12 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save, a target takes half as much damage and isn't knocked prone. Additionally, handheld cannons are considered siege weapon that has advantage on attacks against structurs and always crits on a hit. Nock Gun Special Rules You can use your action to fire all 7 barrels of this gun at once. Make an attack roll with disadvantage. If you succeed, roll 7d10 piercing damage. However, the recoil from making this attack deals 7d4 bludgeoning damage to you and forces you to make a DC 10 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Attachments can be added to guns using tinkers tools. If you are proficient in tinkers tools you can add your proficiency bonus when rolling to attach the additional assets to you firearm.

Attachments ( DC = 8 + Cost/100 Rounded Down) Name





Attachment Rails

1 lbs


100 gp

Firearms can now have attachments placed on the rail.

Telescopic Sight

1 lbs


500 gp

Increases the normal range of a firearm by 20 feet and maximum range by 50 feet.

Longshot Sight

2 lbs


700 gp

Increases the normal range of a firearm by 30 feet and maximum range of the firearm by 70 feet. This attachment can only be equipped to

Glowing Dot Sight

.5 lbs


400 gp

+1 to attack rolls at creatures within 30 feet.

300 gp

Advantage on ability checks to resist being disarmed/impose disadvantage on disarming strikes. This part can only be added to longarms.

200 gp

+1 to attack rolls when prone or behind half-cover. This part can only be added to weapons with the bulky property.

100 gp

Adds a melee weapon to the barrel of the gun that have the light property, giving it the bayonet property. The part's weight is equal to half the weight of the original weapon.


1 lbs


2 lbs




Bottom + Barrel

Bottom + Barrel

Beam sight


Sides, Bottom

700 gp

You can use a bonus action to mark a creature with the beam that when activated allows you to reroll 1s and 2s on attack rolls.


1 lb

Sides, Bottom

500 gp

Adds a magical torch that can be turned on and off as a bonus action. It sheds bright light in a 30 foot cone and dim light in a 30 foot cone.

.5 lbs


1,000 gp

Grants the benefits of a Telescopic Sight and a Glowing Dot Sight but only one can be active at a time. You can use a bonus action switch between each effect.

700 gp

When you make an attack roll with this firearm while hidden, each creature in a 30 foot radius must make a Wisdom (Perception) hearing check. The DC of this check is 10 + half your attack roll. On a failed check you reamain hidden to any creature that fails the check.

1,300 gp

Functions as the Suppressor attachment, except the radius for the Wisdom (Perception) hearing check becomes a DC 12 + half your attack roll. Additionally 10 feet.

Canted Sights


Advanced Suppressor

.25 lbs


.25 lbs

Gun Primitive Firearms Advanced and Special Firearms


Placement Top, Bottom, Barrel Top, Bottom, Sides (2), Barrel


Top, Bottom

Rifleblades, Gunlances

Top, Sides (2)

Removing And Placing Attachments You can remove any attachment from its rail as an action during your turn, and you can place one as a bonus action.

Unique Weapons Name



Weight Properties

Garrote Wire

1 sp

1d4 slashing


Riding Crop

15 sp

1d4 slashing

1 lb


1 gp

1d4 bludgeoning

2 lbs Finesse, Light, Hidden, Non-lethal


5 gp

1d4 bludgeoning

1 lb

Finesse, Light, Special

Brass Knuckles

10 gp

1d4 bludgeoning

2 lb

Light, Hidden


20 gp

1d4 bludgeoning

2 lb

Light, Special

Stiletto Knife

20 gp

1d4 piercing

1 lb

Finesse, Light, Hidden, Thrown (20/60)

Switch Blade

30 gp

1d6 piercing

1 lb

Light, Hidden

War Scythe

20 gp

1d10 slashing

6 lbs Finesse, Heavy, Two-handed

Walking Cane

100 gp

1d8 bludgeoning

4 lbs Hidden, Versatile (1d10), Special

1 gp

1d4 bludgeoning

2 lbs Light, Thrown (50/100), Special

Simple Melee Weapons Finesse, Light, Two-handed, Special Light

Simple Ranged Weapons Bola Grenade/Mine Slingshot

200-1000 gp Varies 5 sp

1 lb

Thrown (range 5 × Strength modifier), Special

1d4 bludgeoning

1 lbs

Ammunition (30/90), two-handed

Martial Melee Weapons Buzzsaw

200 gp

2d6 slashing

15 lbs Heavy, Two-handed, Special

Claw Glove

20 gp

1d6 slashing

2 lbs Light


15 gp

1d8 slashing

3 lbs

Finesse, Light

Boot Knife

25 gp

1d4 piercing

1 lb

Hidden, Special

Ball & Chain

55 gp

1d8 bludgeoning

12 lb. Heavy, Two-Handed, Reach, Special


35 gp

1d8 slashing

3 lbs


35 gp

1d8 piercing

2 lbs Finesse, Versatile (1d10)

Sawtooth Sword

50 gp

2d4 slashing

4 lbs Light, Special

Chain Whip

100 gp

1d6 slashing

4 lbs Light, Reach

Gauntlet Blade

150 gp

1d4 piercing

1 lb

Finesse, Light, Hidden, Special

Lightning Baton

300 gp

2d6 lightning

3 lbs

Non-lethal, Special


50 gp

1d8 slashimg

3 lb

Finesse, versatile (1d10)


200 gp

1d8 slashing

4 lbs Thrown (20/60), Special


2 gp

1d6 piercing

1/4 lb Finesse, Lght, Thrown (40/100)


Martial Ranged Weapons

Unique Weapons Modern technology is not limited to firearms. Overall improvements in metalworking and engineering have created unique items even for those who shy away from guns.

Weapon Properties Properties not found in official material are detailed below. Hidden. A weapon with the hidden property is designed to be easily concealed by the holder. If you have proficiency with a hidden weapon, you also gain advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checksto hide the weapon. Non-lethal. Weapons with this property are designed for subdual, and always deal non-lethal damage.

Special Weapons Weapons with the special property, as well as items requiring explanation, are detailed below. Bola. Consisting of a length of cord with weights on each end, this weapon can entangle a target. A Large or smaller creature hit by a bola must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or become grappled until it is freed. A bola has no effect on creatures that are formless, or creatures that are Huge or larger. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the bola (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, ending the effect and destroying the bola. Ball & Chain. This heavy metal chain is attached to a solid iron ball. It is swung through the air like a flail to deal massive damage. For an additional 10 gp, the ball can be switched out for a blade (slashing) or spike (piercing) . Boot Knife. This spring-loaded blade is hidden on the sole of a heavy boot or shoe. Once you hit its hidden switch to deploy it (as a bonus action), it can be used as an off-hand weapon, even if you are carrying two weapons or a two-handed weapon. While it is deployed, walking is slightly difficult, and you treat normal terrain as difficult and difficult terrain as impassable. You can re-arm the blade as an action, pushing it back into your boot where it remains hidden.

Buzzsaw. Consisting of a circular sawblade attached to a handheld motor, this device is typically used to cut wooden planks or metal locks, but is is just as effective on flesh. However, using this weapon causes a great deal of noise; the spinning blade and roaring motor can be heard out to a distance of 60 feet if used outside. This distance reduces to 30 feet if you use this weapon indoors. Cestus. This is a heavy, padded glove that covers the wielder from mid-finger to mid-forearm. It is made of leather or thick cloth and reinforced with metal plates over the fingers. A monk wielding a cestus can add its damage to their unarmed strikes, and it counts as a monk weapon for them. Chakram. This circular, sharp bladed disc is unique, even as far as uncommon weapons go. It can be used for melee attacks or thrown. When it is thrown, it returns to its thrower, and must be caught using a bonus action. Garrote Wire. This length of thin, sharp wire can only be used on a Medium or Small creature while the user has advantage on the attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 slashing damage and is grappled. Until the grapple ends, the target cannot breathe, and allies has advantage on attack rolls against the target. Gauntlet Blade. This weapon, invented by a secret organization, appears to be simple ornate leather bracer. However, when the wielder presses a secret switch, deploying a blade. The same switch retracts the blade, hiding it from view as a bonus action. While the blade is deployed, you cannot hold anything in your hand. Gauntlet. Gauntlets can be made of almost any metal material, brass, bronze, iron and more expensive ones can be made of steel, silver and even gold. A creature wearing gauntlets has advantage on rolls to avoid being disarmed. A monk wielding a Gauntlet can add the damage to their unarmed strikes, and it counts as a monk weapon. Sawtooth Sword. This serrated blade causes grievous wounds when used correctly, as its jagged edge shreds and deepens cuts. When you make an attack with this weapon, if you roll a 19 or 20 and hit, the target begins bleeding out, taking 1d4 slashing damage at the beginning of each of its turns until it takes an action to stop the bleeding.

Grenades and Mines. These small handheld explosives are used by throwing them as an action. Choose a point anywhere within a maximum distance of 5 times your Strength modifier. When the grenade reaches that point, it detonates, forcing everyone in an area centered on that point to make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes damage based on the type of grenade used; on a successful save, it takes half as much damage. Alternatively, a mine can be planted in the ground, hidden from sight and triggered when a creature steps on it. Planting a mine takes 1 minute. A creature moving more than half its speed that moves into the mine's space must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take damage as above. If a creature is moving at a slow pace, the DC of this saving throw is reduced by their Dexterity modifier. A creature looking for traps can make an Intelligence (Investigation) check contested by your Dexterity (Sleight of Hand), Charisma (Deception), or Intelligence (Deception), whichever is higher. On a success, your mine is discovered. A creature aware of the mine after it is discovered takes only half damage on a failed save, or no damage on a successful one. Lightning Baton. This metal rod has two sharp prongs at its tip and is designed to subdue enemies without killing them. With the push of a button, electricity sparks across the tip of the rod. If the rod is dropped into water at least ankle-high, each creature in the water must succeed a DC 13 Constituion saving throw or take damage as if critically hit by this weapon. This effect applies automatically if the target is wet. Stiletto Knife and Switch Blade. These are knives with spring-loaded blades. Small, easy to conceal... and illegal in many cities. Walking Cane. This seemingly normal cane is actually a clever and elegant hidden sheath for a blade. The blade can be unsheathed as part of the action used to attack with this weapon. This blade functions as a mundane rapier or dagger (depending on the construction of the cane).

Grenade Variations

Blight Grenade/Mine : (600 gp, Craft DC 16) 2d6 necrotic, 20-ft. Cube Concussion Grenade: (400 gp, Craft DC 14) 4d6 thunder, 20-ft. sphere, non-lethal Corrosive Grenade/Mine: (400 gp, Craft DC 14) 2d6 acid, 10-ft. Cylinder Drake Grenade/Mine: (700 gp, Craft DC 17) 3d6 fire, 10-ft. Cube Flash Grenade: (300 gp, Craft DC 13) 4d6 radiant, 30-ft. sphere, non-lethal Frag Grenade/Mine: (200 gp, Craft DC 12) 3d6 piercing, 20-ft. Cube Frost Grenade/Mine: (500 gp, Craft DC 15) 3d6 cold, 20-ft. Cube Gas Grenade: (600 gp, Craft DC 16) 2d8 poison, 20-ft. Sphere Pressure Grenade/Mine: (800 gp, Craft DC 18) 2d8 force, 10-ft. Cube Shock Grenade/Mine: (1000 gp, Craft DC 20) 3d6 lightning, 20-ft. sphere

Creating/Using Crafted Grenades Grenades are a rare armament specifically used by military units and armed forces though artisans have figured out how to create such a dangerous weapon. They are extremely difficult and dangerous to manufacture so not many know the ins and outs of these items. Crafting a grenade is a dangerous thing to do to in your free time. Wit the chance of explosion or a malfunction going off after it is finished grenades are a useful but volatile item to add to ones arsenal. With each grenade is a DC. This DC determines the difficulty of creating a grenade based on the cost of it and the damage type associated with it. To craft a grenade one must be proficient in either Tinker’s Tools or Smith Tools though it is variably more difficult with smith's tools over tinkers tools (with smith's tool's add a +2 to the crafting DC to create a grenade). After the completion of crafted grenage, all crafted grenades, when activated, must pass a flat DC check equal to the crafting DC - 10. If the DC fails roll a D100. If the number is 1-50 the grade does not detonate, if the number is 51-100 the grenade is set off upon activation and acts normally. On successful save, the grenade works as intended.

New Items Steampunk Tools The following is a list of new tools that a steampunk adventurer could choose to be proficient in. You can add these tools to the great tools already in the Player’s Handbook like Smith’s Tools and Tinker’s Tools. Proficiency with any of these artisan’s tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks made using the tools of your craft. Each type of artisan’s tools requires a separate proficiency. Each of these kits provide the tools needed to pursue a craft or trade. Artisans Tools Cost Weight Chemists Supplies

50 gp

8 lbs

Doctor’s Tools

50 gp

8 lbs

Investigator’s supplies

50 gp

8 lbs

Pharmacist’s supplies

50 gp

8 lbs


Avg Cost


Roll of Bandages

5 gp

1/2 lb

6 lbs


5 gp

1/2 lb

1 gp

1/2 lb.

Stitches Kit

35 gp

2 lbs

1 sp to 5 gp

1 lb.

Steam Keytar

35 gp

4 lbs

Ink Pen

1 gp

1/8 lb.

Hurdy Gurdy

35 gp

3 lbs

Ink Cartridge

5 sp

1/16 lb.


40 gp

5 lbs


8 gp

1/2 lb.


40 gp

6 lbs


4 gp

1 lb.


40 gp

2 lbs

Parasol (Silk)

5 gp

4 lbs.


25 gp

5 lbs

Pocket Watch

5 gp to 20 gp

2 lbs.


40 gp

4 lbs

50 gp

4 lb.


20 gp

2 lbs

Photo Plate (1 sheet)

1 gp

2 lbs

Lock (DC 15)

2 gp

1 lb


14 gp

1/2 lb.

Lock (DC 18)

5 gp

1 lb

Steamer Trunk (Large)

5 gp

20 lb.

Lock (DC 21)

12 gp

2 lbs

Tool/Utility Belt

2 gp

2 lb.

Lock (DC 24)

26 gp

3 lbs

Sector Map

20 gp

1 lb

Malleus City Map

50 gp

2 lbs

Compass Vehicle Fuel Goggles Fancy Hat

Photographic Camera

Avg Cost


100 gp

1/4 lb.

20 gp per gallon

Chemist’s supplies. This kit includes the tools and components necessary for mixing and analyzing acids, bases, explosives, toxic gases, and other chemical compounds. This portable chemistry lab includes an assortment of glass flasks and beakers, a lighter, a miniaturized blowtorch, and a few vials of pure water, control compounds, and solvents. Doctor's tools. These tools come in a flat-bottomed black or brown leather bag with a metal-frame closing mouth. This bag includes a needle and fine wire or thread, a hinged splint or brace, a small steel cone (that serves as a low-tech stethoscope) , a small mirror, tools for clamping and binding open wounds to prevent blood loss, and two additional small tools relevant to the practitioner's specialty. Investigator’s Supplies. This slim case holds the tools and components necessary to collect and analyze evidence in the field. Its contents include materials such as clean containers, labels, gloves, tweezers and swabs. Pharmacist’s Supplies. This kit contains items used in the preparation and dispense of medicinal compounds, such as a small scale, a pill cutter, and labeled containers of chemicals. Item

Compass. This is a tiny metal and glass compass with a magnetic pointer that always points north. All Wisdom (Survival) checks made to determine location and direction are made with advantage when using a compass. Goggles. A pair of goggles can block out the soot and wind while traveling or protect the vision of the wearer from smoke, sparks and other hazards. They also help your character look the part. Ink Pen. This pen does not require constant dipping of ink, as the ink is stored in lightweight cartridges in the body of the pen itself. Lighter. A lighter holds a small amount of a flammable substance ignited by a flint striking metal. Its flame lights a 5-foot area as a candle does but it burns for 3 hours. A single flask of oil can refill two lighters. Match. An alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a match is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder, although not as fast as with a lighter. Photographic Camera. A handheld device with a protruding lens on the front. It is used to capture a static image of what is in the view of the lens onto a plate. Photo Plate. A metal plate that holds a special paper used to capture what is exposed by the photographic camera lens. The captured image provides an accurate depiction of what opening the lens revealed, but without color. To develop a photo plate you must be proficient with alchemist's supplies. Pocket Watch. A circular device stored in a metal case used to provide the exact time of day, linked to a chain that is stored in a waist pocket of a jacket or vest. Smokestick. A wooden stick that is chemically treated to instantly create thick, opaque smoke when ignited. It emits a cloud of smoke in a 10-foot radius. The stick burns and releases smoke for a full round, and the smoke disperses after another round. Tool/Utility Belt. A sturdy belt made from leather with numerous covered pockets to hold small tools and supplies, making it easy to keep about 10 pounds of items on hand. Wristwatch. A device worn on the wrist used to provide the exact time of day.

Roll of Bandages. A thick roll containing 50 feet of white linen bandages. For one action, you can use 5 feet of bandages to bind an open wound, immediately healing as much slashing or piercing damage (up to 2d4) as the wounded creature has taken in 1 instance (e.g. 1 attack, stepping in a hunting trap, etc) since the last long rest. Has no effect on constructs, elementals, or oozes. Stitches Kit. This small kit of stitching materials can be used to close any wounds that have blood pouring out of them with a successful DC 15 medicine check. They can also be used to grant a creature making death saving throws advantage, if applied correctly. Keytar. An instrument that is a cross between a guitar and a keyboard, hence; the keytar. Often made of a mix of wood, brass, copper and a hint of magic. Hurdy Gurdy. An instrument that is used by pressing keys as well as rotating a small gear. Made of mostly wood with small bits of metal inside of it. Trombone. A long (usually gold colored) brass instrument, makes similar noises to a trumpet. Must be operated with two hands. Saxophone. Brass instruments that curve at the end, they can make very high and very low noises. Violin. A small wooden instrument that is played using a small wooden stick called a bow. If not played properly, it can be painful to listen to. Accordion. A large aerophone instrument that uses magical pulses and keys to create harmonious tunes. Guitar. A common instrument in Malleus city with many variations, such as electronically imbued versions. Standard guitars have 6 strings and are made of wood. Trumpet. A brass instrument similar to that of a Trombone but with keys like a saxophone. Locks. These locks can be placed anywhere you wish, the DC determines the required dexterity check required to open them. The more machinery inside, the heavier and more expensive they become.

Vehicles Over the past centuries of technological improvements, advancements have been made to mounted and vehicular travel. Vehicles such as the bicycle and hot air balloon are joined by cars, motorcycles, and airships - though some still prefer the traditional horse and buggy, either out of stubbornness or fear. Even with these new options available, one thing remains unchanged in travel: you still have to treat your "mount" right.

Travel Speed and Pace Speeds of vehicles below are provided in feet per round, similar to movement speed on foot. Multiplying this speed by ten will give an equivalent speed in feet per minute. And, for the sake of convenience, dividing this speed by 10 will give a rough estimate of speed in miles per hour (mph) which can then be used to determine how many miles the vehicle travels in a day. Speed can be doubled to begin traveling at a fast pace, or halved to travel at a slow pace. Traveling at a fast pace incurs a -5 penalty on passive Wisdom (Perception) scores, causes active Wisdom (Perception) checks to be made at disadvantage, and has the potential to cause damage to your vehicle beyond normal wear and tear. Traveling at a slow pace, by contrast, allows the possibility of stealth, though significantly impacts your resource consumption, as getting to your destination takes twice as long.

Wind Speed Some vehicles move through the air as easily as others do on land or water. These vehicles rely partially on the speed of the wind to determine their rate of travel. The DM can roll 2d10 to determine the current wind speed (in feet per round), and then roll a d8 to determine the direction: d8 Direction d8 Direction 1 North



2 Northeast



3 East



4 Southeast



An air vehicle is moving with the wind as long as its direction of travel is either the same or one step away from the wind's direction (i.e. a vehicle traveling north is moving with the wind if the wind is moving north, northeast, or northwest). It is moving against the wind if it is more than two steps away from the wind's direction. An air vehicle moving against the wind has its travel speed reduced by the wind speed, to a minimum of half of its normal speed. Similarly, an air vehicle moving with the wind will have its speed increased, to a maximum of 1.5 times its normal speed. Item





200 gp

30 ft.

500 lbs., including passengers


200 gp

30 ft

4 passengers


50 gp

40 ft

300 lbs.


2,000 gp 60 ft

Small Car

1,500 gp

100 ft

4 passengers, or 2 with cargo

Large Car

4,000 gp 200 ft

8 passengers, or 6 with cargo

Clockwork Tank*

100,000 gp

50 ft

1 passenger

6 crewmen

* These items cannot be bought.

Cars and Tanks. These modern vehicles are fitted with engines consisting of heavy boilers and condensers. The power of the vehicle is intrinsically tied to the size of the boiler. A larger boiler is heavier, but produces more power. The machinery of a steam-powered car is intricate and prone to damage at higher speeds, and the wheels and axles are not tuned for 'off-roading'. Cars travel at half speed when not traveling on an appropriate surface (i.e. pavement or tight-packed earth). Tanks do not suffer this penalty, as they run either on treads or on spider like clockwork legs and are better able to overcome difficult terrain.

Caravans, Carriages, and Carts. These simple vehicles are pulled by draft horses (or similar animals). A caravan is designed largely for holding a large amount of cargo, while a carriage is designed to comfortably house a number of passengers. Item

Monowheel. This is a one-wheeled single-track vehicle similar to a unicycle. However, instead of sitting above the wheel as in a unicycle, the rider sits within it. Steering is accomplished by leaning within the moving vehicle, though this is difficult to do at speed or on difficult terrain.





Cargo Ship

30,000 gp

20 ft (flying)

50 ft x 260 ft

5,000 Tons

Carrier Ship

23,000 gp

20 ft (flying)

35 ft x 250 ft

1,700 Tons

Explorer's Ship

20,000 gp

40 ft (flying)

60 ft x 30 ft

500 Tons

Feathered Galley

63,000 gp

40 ft (flying)

35 ft x 80 ft

100 Tons


16,000 gp

40 ft (flying)

35 ft x 150 ft

1,200 lbs

Personal Vessel

5,000 gp

30 ft (flying)

30 ft x 15 ft

300 lbs

Merchant Ship

12,000 gp

20 ft (flying)

25 ft x 50 ft

1,250 lbs


2,000 gp

20 ft (flying)

5 ft x 5 ft

1 passenger


30,000 gp

50 ft (flying)

25 ft x 80 ft

300 Tons

Sky Yacht

40,000 gp

30 ft (flying)

35 ft x 80 ft

1,500 lbs


45,000 gp

40 ft (flying)

20 ft x 150 ft

1,000 Tons

Zeppelin, War

70,000 gp

40 ft (flying)

20 ft x 150 ft

800 Tons

Aerial Screw

500 gp

15 ft (flying)

5 ft x 10 ft

300 lbs

Alchemical Dragon

100,000 gp

60 ft (flying)

20 x 75 ft

100-800 lbs


150 gp

40 ft (glide only)

10 x 10 ft

300 lbs


500 gp

15 ft (flying)

5 ft x 5 ft

1 passenger


50,000 gp

40 ft (flying)

10 x 70 ft

500 lbs

Standard Air Vehicles

Unique Air Vehicles

Cargo Ship. These bulky vessels are designed for the

This design provides a long runway for the launching

transit of large amount of heavy cargo, typically for

of the many flying mounts that are stored in the

commercial purposes. They have a large rear hatch

shelters, as well as a mobile supply station for

that folds down into a broad ramp, and typically carry

airborne troops.

enough equipment - rope, pulleys, carts and dollies -

Explorer’s Ship. These light, maneuverable ships are

to ease the loading and unloading of the ship. Though

designed to accommodate a small crew for both short

they are slow moving, they are designed to protect the

scouting ventures and long away missions exploring

cargo they are transporting.

uncharted areas. Their cabins are designed to

Carrier Ship. Essentially "longer longboats", carrier ships are designed with a long flat area and covered shelters positioned above deck.

accommodate multiple possible uses.


Tanker Skeletons

Tankers are giant automaton mechs, usually between 14 and 30 feet tall, these mechs are controlled remotely and are used in ‘Tanker Fights.’ The most popular sport in malleus City. These giant mecha fights are destructive and expensive. Your average tanker costs around 4,000 gp, without including fuel.

Every tanker has a different skeleton, this skeleton determines their base ability, AC, speed, height and weight.

Much of the city is extremely devoted towards these Taker Fights, with giant city-wide tournaments being held all around the city, with massive stadiums the size of football fields twice over. These fights are called ‘Tanker’ fights due to an average tournament of these fights using an entire Tanker boats worth of oil. Party members will more than likely not be able to enter a Tanker Fight or Tanker tournament until they are higher level as they cost thousands of gold pieces to make, Tankers can be customized with different skeletons, weapons and machinery. Like players making their own stat blocks! In Tanker fights, a creature controls the Tanker remotely, near the arena, the first tanker to destroy the other enough that it can no longer function properly wins the round, no rules, just good ol’ fashion battles! Tanker battles work slightly different compared to normal fights. Rather than bonus actions, movement, action and a reaction. Tankers simply have 3 actions which they can use however they wish during their turn. It takes one action to move their movement speed as well as dodge and one action to ready a reaction, as well as one action to make an attack. All Tankers can attack three times per turn, however unless specified otherwise, their second attack has a -5 penalty to hit and their third attack has a -10 penalty to hit. When creating a tanker, you divide ability score points among Strength, Dexterity and Con, with a total of 50 points, each score has a max of 30.

Mobility Skeleton Focussed on Speed, Mobility skeletons are great at getting in and getting out. But their hit points and punching power leaves something to be desired. Hit Points: 50d20 + Con Mod x 10 AC: 26 Speed: 120 ft walking speed Height: 16 - 24 feet Weight: 1,800 - 2,200 lbs Cost: 2,000 gp Mobility: Tankers can take the dodge and movement actions as one action.

Sturdy Skeleton Sturdy Skeletons can take an absolute beating, however they aren’t very mobile and a clever tanker pilot can easily outsmart one. Hit Points: 100d20 + Con Mod x 10 AC: 22 Speed: 40 ft walking speed Height: 20 - 30 feet Weight: 2,400 - 3,000 lbs Cost: 2,200 gp Brace. Sturdy Skeleton Tankers can use an action to brace for an attack, increasing their AC by +2 and reducing damage taken by one quarter rounded down.

Dump Truck Skeleton Dump Truck Skeletons are so called because of their immense destructive power. Hit Points: 80d20 + Con Mod x 10 AC: 21 Speed: 60 ft walking speed Height: 18 - 26 feet Weight: 2,100 - 2,600 lbs Cost: 2,100 gp Brute. Dump Truck Skeletons deal an additional damage die of damage whenever they make the attack action.

Beast Skeleton Beast Skeletons are all rounded, situated on four legs rather than the usual two, they create an unconventional playstyle that makes it hard for other tankers to work around. Beast Skeletons have 4 feet and no hands. Hit Points: 70d20 AC: 24 Speed: 80 ft walking speed Height: 14 - 22 feet Weight: 1,800 - 2,200 lbs Cost: 2,400 gp Bite. Beasts can use their action to bite: STR / DEX, 2d12 piercing

Arm-Ends Unless your tanker has a Beast Skeleton. Your tanker will have Arm-Ends, these can be customized to either be hands to hold other weapons or something else entirely, such as sawblades or firearms. Arm-End Hand

Cost Weight Modifier Damage 300 gp 60 lbs STR / DEX 2d10 bludgeoning

Hand. Hands can be used to hold any other weapon that has a handle or another way to hold it. They can also be used to grab opposition Tankers as well. A Tanker that has hands gains proficiency in athletics and acrobatics. Saw-Blade. A metal blade that can spin up to 50,000 rpm. Drill. A metal drill that can dig into opponents armor, has a 10 foot reach. Spear. A giant spear that can be thrown if wielded in a hand (40/120) Shotgun. A giant Shotgun, cane be held by a hand or built into the tanker. Tesla Cannon. A cannon that shoots out lightning, can be held by a hand or built into the tanker. Machine Gun. A large machine gun that shoots 30 bullets as 1 action, can be held by a hand or built into the tanker. Axe. A giant metal axe, can be held by a hand or built into the tanker. Hammer. A giant solid metal hammer, can be held by a hand or built into the tanker. Ball & Chain. A solid metal ball attached to a chain. Can be either built into the tanker or held by a hand. Flamethrower. A flamethrower that shoots out fire hot enough to melt metal, can be either built into the tanker or held by a hand.

Saw-Blade 350 gp 40 lbs


2d12 slashing


400 gp 100 lbs


3d12 piercing


250 gp 40 lbs STR / DEX 1d12 piercing


500 gp 60 lbs


(40/120) 2d12 bludgeoning

Tesla Cannon

600 gp 80 lbs


(20/60) 5d8 lightning


Machine Gun

250 gp 80 lbs

550 gp 70 lbs


(60/180) 3d10 piercing

Foot Wheel

350 gp 60 lbs +10 to movement speed.


350 gp 60 lbs


2d20 slashing


500 gp 100 lbs


400 gp 100 lbs


3d20 bludgeoning

Ball & Chain

400 gp 70 lbs STR / DEX, 2d12 slashing

600 gp 120 lbs


(20/60) 2d20 bludgeoning


Flamethrow 600 gp 60 lbs er


(20/60) 3d20 fire

Leg-Ends Depending on what leg ends you choose will determine how mobile your tanker is and how it moves around. Beasts have four Leg-Ends. Cost Weight Effect

Fly speed equal to movement speed.

Foot. A standard foot, a basic and cheap option for Leg-ends. Wheel. A giant rubber wheel on the end of a Tankers leg, can be placed on a foot and swapped out as an action. Jet. Large steam and magic powered jets that allow you to lift off the ground, can be placed on a foot and swapped out as an action. Claws. Mainly for use with Beast builds but can also be used with other builds.

Shoulder Attachments (optional) Attachments that go on Tankers shoulders. Ranged weapons that can be fired as an action. Quite versatile in their use. All shoulder attachments are treated as dex weapons. Attachment Cost


Range Damage

Missile launcher

300 gp 80 lbs


Tesla Cannon

400 gp 100 lbs

(30/90) 5d8 lightning

Flamethrow 400 gp 80 lbs er Smoke Launcher

350 gp

Grenade launcher

500 gp 80 lbs

70 lbs

2d8 force, auto-hit

(30/90) 3d20 fire (120)

special 7d8 thunder, special

Missile Launcher. A collection of small missiles that can be shot from pockets on your shoulder, these missiles use the same energy as the magic missile spell. Tesla Cannon. Much like the Tesla cannon Arm-End, but located on your shoulder with a slightly longer range. Flamethrower. Similar to the regular hand-held flamethrower that tankers use but with a longer range. Smoke Launcher. This special machine creates smoke in a 100 x 100 foot cube, any creatures within the cube have their vision reduced to 10 feet, and have the blinded condition. The smoke wears off after 1d4 rounds and can only be used three times. Grenade Launcher. This launcher shoots out grenades that explode, any creatures within 20 feet of the explosion must make a DC 14 dexterity saving throw, taking half as much damage on a success.


Tankers require A LOT of fuel to be able to run, the amount of fuel a Tanker requires is dependant on its weight. For every 200 lbs a Tanker weighs it requires one gallons of vehicle fuel to run it for one minute. Eg: If you want a tanker that weighs 3,200 lbs, it will require 16 Gallons of Vehicle Fuel every minute you wish for it to run. Most Tanker fights go for around 4 minutes, 6 minutes at most. So for your Tanker to be able to run for 5 minutes, you will require 80 gallons of Vehicle Fuel.

Feathered Galley: This sleek galley features sails made of feathers. The figurehead depicts a beautiful harpy flying above the jaws of a snapping sea drake. Longboat. Ships designed exclusively for carrying men quickly. Often little more than just platforms and sails, these ships may not even use a balloon and may use sails angled to provide lift. These ships are only lightly armed, but are fast and maneuverable. Merchant Ship. Designed for transit of moderate, easily accessible loads, these ships often double as a traveling storefront. Ships such as these can act as traveling restaurants if equipped with a well stocked galley. They have a collapsible ladder and boarding plank to be used to conduct business while in the air. These ships are not especially fast or maneuverable, but offer a smooth, comfortable ride, and are armed for self-defense. Personal Vessel. A smaller ship, designed to be easily controlled and sailed by a small number of operators. These ships are simple and unarmed, and do not hold much personnel or cargo. This category of ships includes fishing boats and small caravels. Skyboard. This is a flat longboard with a sail attached. It hovers in the air using special enchantments and is pushed either using wind power or boosters, depending on the model. The skyboard comes in many different styles, and is target towards younger audiences seeking aerial stunts and acrobatics. Warship. These airships are designed to be the pinnacle of aerial combat. They are fast, maneuverable, and well armed. Large fleets of warships are typically owned by governments, but lone ships can typically be found sailed by pirates, merchants and adventurers. Sky Yacht. Luxury vessels designed for the rich. These ships are for comfortable, luxurious travel and not much else. These ships prioritize comfort over any kind of defensive capability, but are typically fast enough to make a getaway at the sign of trouble. Zeppelin. These airships are blimps built for cruising and luxury. They are crewed by around 15 aeronauts and boast comfortable seating and scenic views. Zeppelin, War. This massive rigid skinned blimp is built for combat up to 3000 feet in the air. The gas bags are divided into multiple compartments so that a single puncture will not deflate an entire balloon.

The war zeppelin is commonly crewed by 18 aeronauts (captain, commissar, chief engineer, cook, signals officer, navigator, and 12 non-commissioned crew). In addition to its weapon armament, it often is crewed with an additional 16 armed soldiers equipped with gliders or jetpacks. Aerial Screw. Built of soarwood and canvas, this flying marvel has a rapidly turning rotor that keeps it airborne. There are no blades but rather a large, fairly flat apparatus of spiraling sail that thrusts air downward to generate lift. Alchemical Dragon. This ship is made of wood and is usually crafted in the shape of a dragon. It is held aloft purely by its alchemical engine, a complicated and dangerous device that has a tendency to explode when the vehicle becomes wrecked. If an alchemical dragon crashes, the DM can choose make a DC 24 Constitution check using the Constitution modifier of the pilot. If the check fails, the alchemical engine explodes, dealing 10d10 points of fire damage to all objects and creatures within a 60-foot radius of the alchemical engine. A creature can make a DC 17 Dexterity save to try to halve this damage. Glider. A glider is basically a large piece of sail stretched out with a frame and connected to a handhold and straps. The only way to get a glider flying is to jump off a steep incline, allowing the glider to pick up the air current. Gliders have no power of their own, and must rely on these currents to remain aloft. When moving with the wind, a glider loses 5 feet of altitude for every 40 feet of movement. Against the wind, the glider loses 5 feet of altitude for every 10 feet of movement. In either case, gliders cannot ascend on their own. Ornithopter. These devices are typically powered by intricate clockwork mechanisms that simulate the flapping of a bird's wings. Powered by one man (with some rudimentary enchantments, of course), these devices compete with skyboards for domination of the recreational flight market. Zephyr. A massive balloon containing a bound air elemental is connected by chains to the ship below. This ship is similar to a sailing ship, complete with an open top, and is propelled by commanding or persuading the elemental to move.

Backgrounds When included, backgrounds help you create a more believable character. Work with your DM to determine an appropriate background for your character.

Background: Doctor Whether you were a tribal witch-doctor, a medicine-man, a holy healer, a military field medic, or a genuine medical professional from an unusually enlightened society, you specialize in the treatment of suffering. You have seen injury, disease, poison, and death, and still you have defied it all, fighting to save every last soul. As a medical professional, you have sworn the Hippocratic oath and do your best to adhere to its tenets. In so swearing, you have pledged your life to protect life, that all who suffer are your patient, to support other doctors as family, to train any who swear the oath, to practice to the best of your ability, to always improve upon the art, to practice only your specialization, to practice not for your own gain, to practice within the law, and to keep all of your patients' secrets. Why did you turn away from the medical profession? Or if you haven't, what was it that drew you into the life of the adventurer? What do you think of the oath, or other doctors?

Specialist Each doctor must choose a field of specialization to practice within the broader art of medicine. d6









Bone Setting





● ● ● ●

Skill Proficiencies: Medicine, Investigation Tool Proficiencies: Medicine Kit Languages: One of your choice Equipment: Doctor's Tools, 2-man tent, bedroll, blanket, Book (About anatomy, disease, apothecary, or surgery), common clothes, five bars of soap, a belt pouch containing 5 gp.

Feature: Burden of Life Due to your vow, you are expected to cure the ill, regardless of morals or prejudice, even if they are your enemy. Likewise, it is considered a horrid evil to intentionally kill a doctor for no reason. As such, intelligent enemies are less likely to target you, provided they are not overwhelmingly evil or lack a code of honor. Your patients who are enemies will even stay their hand, not attacking you directly while they are under your care. Though... who's to say what happens after they leave your care? Restored individuals may be grateful, or feel some form of life-debt to you. Enemies may repay you by specifically choosing not to kill you, or they may give free information; a scout you once saved may turn a blind eye to your presence. Provided you stay true to your vow as best as you can, you can make use of any hospital or medical facility - typically located in churches, noble estates, universities, and other places of higher learning - as temporary residence for yourself, your patient or patients, and your companions if there is room for them. Doctors will put you up at a lifestyle one step below their own if you can maintain a good relationship with them. However, if ever you are proven to have broken your vow, you will be fully and publicly discredited as a doctor, and other doctors who pay attention to medical society will recognize you as such. You and all who are with you will be turned away from mundane medicine and the places it is provided.

Because you swore on your life, breaking your vow is akin to a personal death sentence, though no doctor true to his vows is free to exact it upon you. Even so, more enlightened nations are likely to have laws regarding the treatment of doctors and their vows... and enlightened does not necessarily mean "kind" or "gentle".

Suggested Characteristics Doctors may come from many walks of life, but all became enrolled in some place of higher learning, or at least were tutored by a renowned doctor, eventually swearing the Hippocratic oath - and that oath is not a light load to bear. Doctors often show their true colors under extreme stress, whether it makes them more studious, intense, and passionate, or clinical, intellectual, and unusually calm. Many are troubled by harrowing events they bore witness to. Some are shockingly pragmatic, with an "it may not be pretty, but you'll live" approach to problems. Many are seemingly tireless, hard-working individuals. Some can be inspiring souls, with a deep appreciation not only for life itself, but for the people they keep alive as well. There is much debate among doctors as to just what the oath means, and what tenets have priority in any given situation.

d6 Ideal 1

Life. I was put in this world to protect and save life. (Good)


Oath. I swore my oath, and now I must live by its tenets. (Lawful)


Vigilantism. No man can dictate who shall die, when, or how! (Chaotic)

Profit. Is it really too much to ask that all who come 4 to me suffering also come bearing compensation? (Evil) Survival. We are all in this together, for better or for worse. (Neutral)


6 Right. Everyone deserves to live. (Neutral) d6 Bond 1

I owe everything to my home village/clan, for pooling their resources to have me educated.


I was pushed, or encouraged, into the field by my parents, one of whom may have been a doctor.


My professor is the most important person in the world to me.


My patients are my everything- losing one of them is like dying, but it never ends.


I took up the profession because someone close to me died of something treatable.


I started my training alone from texts I obtained by my own means.

d8 Personality Trait All I think about is saving lives, or I dwell on lives 1 that have been lost that I could have saved. 2

I practice in the name of my religion, nation, or clan.


I am cold and calculating in my every word and action, even when furious or frightened.

When the bodies hit the floor, my hands go into 4 autopilot. I consider magical healers and healing either to be 5 cheating and unaccountable, or an integral future counterpart of a greater medical art. 6 I am waging a personal war on death itself. 7

I am entranced and inspired by the brilliance and glory of the living body.


I am actively involved in the medical society and engage in theoretical discourse and debate.

d6 Flaw 1

I took the vow not realizing its full implications.


No one can know that I have broken my vow.


I feel contempt for many of my patients.


I think I am better than other doctors, and other people in general.


Sometimes I go too far in my search for knowledge.


I am frightened/sickened by human suffering.

Background: Law Enforcement

d8 Personality Trait 1

As a child, you dreamed of serving your city with pride and protecting it from evil and injustice. When you were old enough, you headed to your recruiting station to begin the training to become a member of law enforcement. This background is suitable for uniformed police, military or federal police, government agents, and special forces. ● ● ● ●

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Insight Additional Proficiency: Sidearms Languages: One additional language of your choice Equiptment: Light pistol, two full magazines, and a police uniform

Feature: Civil Ranking Being a officer of the law, you gain privileges suitable to your station. If you are within the city that you served in, patrol officers are likely to follow your orders, within logical reason. Outside of your jurisdiction, you have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks and Charisma saving throws (again, within reason) against law enforcement of equal or lesser rank. You must show your badge, thus identifying yourself as a member of law enforcement, to use this feature. When choosing this background, roll a d4, or choose a rank from 1-4 from the options below. Players cannot begin at a rank of 7 or higher. Rankings are as follows: ● ● ● ● ● ●

● ● ● ●

Rank 10: Chief of Police, Superintendent, Director, or Commissioner Rank 9: Deputy/Assistant Chief, Superintendent, Director or Commissioner Rank 8: Major Rank 7: Captain or Commander Rank 6: Lieutenant Rank 5: Staff Sergeant, Sergeant First Class, First Sergeant, Master Sergeant, or Sergeant Major Rank 4: Sergeant Rank 3: Corporal or Senior/Master Rank 2: Trooper or Patrolman Rank 1: Cadet, Recruit, Trainee, or Probationary

I always wear my uniform outside to show that I am here to keep people safe.

2 I am the law. I get to say who walks free. 3 I look for clues and try my best to get the crook. 4

I love making people happy, as long as I am also keeping them safe.

5 I never trust a criminal. Ever. 6

I enjoy a good chase. My heart beating, my legs pumping... It's what I live for.


If I'm paid, I'm happy. It doesn't matter who paid me.


I will give everything I have to save my people, including my life.

d6 Ideal 1

Truth. The duty of law enforcement is to seek and lay bare the truth. (Any)


Justice. I won't sleep until I catch every dirty criminal I see. (Lawful)


Law. What good is the law if it isn't followed? (Good)

Glory. I want money and fame more than 4 anything, even if I have to get my hands dirty. (Evil) Merciless. I don't care about the means; as long 5 as the criminal is behind bars it's okay with me. (Chaotic) Aspiration. I want to follow in the footsteps of 6 the officer who saved my life. I'll do anything to be like them. (Any) d6 Bond 1

I work to put food on the table and I will work extra just to make sure I do.

2 I truly enjoy being a part of the justice system. 3

These people are my purpose. I can't save them I've failed them.


This is just one way that I show my deep devotion to the god I worship.

5 I owe my life to a rookie or officer. 6 I am always on the hunt for a promotion.

d6 Flaw

Sometimes, the jobs you find tend to be of the seedier sort, giving you the choice and the problem of figuring a way to compromise between your ethics and your job.


I get so caught up in work I don't pay attention to the real world.


I will beat the answers out of anyone who don't give me what I want.


I get drunk on the job but it keeps me going.

Suggested Characteristics


I have trouble following orders from my superiors.


I put too much trust in my fellow officers even dirty ones.


I don't make mistakes, I just do things differently.

You are a mercenary who hunted down your employers' enemies for coin. Were you happy in this life? What made you leave it behind to become an adventurer? Did you leave it at all, or is adventuring just another way of putting food on the table? d8 Personality Trait

Background: Mercenary As a mercenary your services were for hire to anyone who could afford you. What drove you to be a soldier of fortune? Was it to escape poverty? Was it the thrill of battle? Or was it simply that fighting was all you knew growing up? Who was your battle company, or did you work alone? What made you give it up... or are you still for hire? Did you make any allies or enemies along the way? What wars or battles were you involved in? What were the consequences? Lost allies? War crime charges? ● ● ●

Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Perception Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set, Vehicles (land) Equipment: Proof of the first contract you completed, a set of common clothes, one gaming set of choice, a belt pouch containing 10 gp

Feature: Hired Blade You are a soldier of fortune, a fighter who sells his services to the highest bidder. You roam towns and cities in search of a place where your unique set of talents are useful; whether for a lord hunting a group of bandits, or a local barkeep tired of the goblin infestation in his cellar, you can always find some work if you look hard enough. The job itself doesn't matter, so long as you get paid - at least, that's what people tend to think.


I like to show off, particularly if there's a chance at another job.


I am always gregarious and cheerful, no matter the situation, as long as my pockets are full.


To me, the whisper of steel and the clash of weapons is just as pleasing as any amount of gold.


I always train because training leaves the body ready, even in a moment of respite or weakness.


I hold myself to a strict code of ideals.


I keep my personal possessions in secret places which known only to me.


I take special care to protect my weapons and armor, for I know they will protect me in return.


I refuse to lift a finger until I hear the jingling sound of coins.

d6 Ideal 1

Golden Pockets. I fight for money, and nothing else. (Neutral)


Great Publicity. I will be known for my deeds, sooner rather than later. (Any)


Power or Death. In my line of profession, the strong live and the weak starve. (Evil)


Honorbound. I never break my promises. Ever. (Lawful)


War and Crime. Whenever chaos flourishes, so too does my work. (Chaotic)


Vigilante. I am a sellsword who swings his weapon only against those who deserve it. (Good)

d6 Bond 1

I became a mercenary to support my family, who would have probably starved in a slum somewhere if not for me.


I fight for a lover that knows little if not nothing of me.


I was inspired by a great hero to become a mercenary.


I treat my valued comrades like brothers, and I will let no insult or injury fall upon them.


I am protecting something of great importance to me by keeping it a secret... so you'd better forget what you just heard.


I never disrespect an employer, as long as they never disrespect me or stop giving me money.

d6 Flaw 1

I'll do anything for coin, damn the consequences.


As much as I pretend to love fighting, I secretly hate hurting others.


I have crippling debts that my work barely pays off.


I never fail at my tasks, even if I have to resort to less honourable means to complete them.


I would send an innocent to face his death if it means I will win the fight.


Someone powerful will do anything to have my head, so I seek to take his or her head first.

Background: Merchant Whether you spent a few years as an apprentice or you were self-taught, you know your way around a marketplace. It's like a second home to you, where you can talk for hours on end and you know exactly what you can and can't do. ● ● ● ●

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Insight Tool Proficiencies: One gaming set of your choice, cartographer's tools Languages: Two of your choice Equipment: An item you were unable to sell, a few minor souvenirs from places you've been to, a backpack, a set of traveler's clothes, and a belt pouch containing 50 gp.

Feature: Soft Skills Your know exactly what to say and do to close a sale. Once per day, you can use this feature to gain advantage on a single Charisma check that involves negotiating a deal with others.

Suggested Characteristics Travelling around and interacting with people shaped how you act around people, consider the following traits. d8 Personality Trait 1

I am very protective of my merchandise.


I'm very talkative, and I like to interact with people.


I like to take notes about my customer's appearance, disposition, and items they have on hand.


I talk very quickly, and always cut to the chase.


I like to joke around and tell stories.


I speak in an unusual dialect.


I give my two cents on everything.


I like to dabble in many different cultures. It's all so interesting!

d6 Ideal 1

Charity. I'm doing what I do so others can benefit from my goods. (Good)


Greed. I'm doing this for money. Nothing else matters. (Evil)


People. I love to interact with people. That's the most important thing. (Neutral)


Change. Change makes the world go round. It's everywhere and needs to be embraced. (Chaotic)


Fairness. Everyone deserves equal opportunity. (Lawful)


Aspiration. I hope my life and my wares propel me to greatness. (Any)

d6 Bond 1

My business is my life. I must always make a sale.


I am being pursued by a crime boss I can never repay.


All I am trying to do is provide for my family.


I will do anything for the right amount of gold.


Seeing the world is as valuable as gold, I must see it all.


My culture and my past keep me on the road, always looking for the next sale.

d6 Flaw 1

The only thing I trust is gold.


No amount of gold is worth my life, I will run when in danger.


Making a profit is more important than honesty or integrity.


People's feelings mean little to me, they are worth only as much as the gold in their pockets.


The mere mention of gold throws all my judgement out the window.


If there's a bet, then I'm in. All in. Double or nothing. Don't tell me the odds, just roll the dice!

Background: Philosopher You have dedicated yourself to the pursuit of answers to life's most difficult questions, ones of existence, morality and meaning, and you have made a name for yourself doing so. Perhaps you were privileged and classically trained, inheriting your theories from the world's greatest minds and making them your own. Or maybe you started the quest for truth from nothing, forming your philosophy by debating with any friend or stranger who would entertain you, and your conclusions have only recently received wide attention and acclaim. After spending a lifetime in the realm of thought, it may be surprising to see you pursue the active and practical life of an adventurer. ● ● ●

Skill Proficiencies: History, Insight Languages: Two of your choice Equipment: A book of your thoughts, a quill, a jar of black ink, an small trinket that once gave you a philosophical revelation, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp.

Feature: Debate Ethics Among those who study philosophy, including cultured nobles, academics and other philosophers, there is a chance that at least some of them have heard of your work. Those who respect philosophy will assume you to be a reasonably wise and intelligent person, and they will be more likely to listen to your advice. Using your reputation and experience in debate, you may be able to convince these people that an act which seems evil, wrong, or morally questionable at first glance is, in fact, perfectly fine. While they are not guaranteed to agree with you, they are more likely to give your arguments serious consideration. d20 Philosophy Solipsism. Knowledge of anything outside one’s own specific mind is unjustified. The external world 1 and other minds cannot be known and might not exist. Determinism. Every event, including thoughts and 2 behavior, decision and action, is determined by an unbroken chain of prior occurrences. Utilitarianism. The moral worth of an action is 3 solely determined by its contribution to overall utility, that is, what creates the most net happiness. Hedonism. Pleasure is the only intrinsic good. 4 Actions can be evaluated in terms of how much pleasure they produce. 5

Positivism. Knowledge can only come from positive affirmation through a strict scientific method.

Absurdism. Any effort to find meaning in the 6 universe will ultimately fail (and, hence, is absurd) because no such meaning exists. 7

Objectivism. Certain acts are objectively right or wrong.

Relativism. No belief can have absolute truth, 8 having value only within a certain context or frame of reference. 9

Nihilism. Life is without objective meaning, purpose, value or truth.

Existentialism. All philosophical thought must begin with the experiences of the individual, and it 10 is up to them to give meaning to their own existence. 11

Rationalism. The criterion of the truth is not sensory, but intellectual and deductive.

Stoicism. Emotional and physical self-control leads 12 to inner peace and strength, allowing one to live a happier life. 13

Aestheticism. Our main efforts in life should be on creating and enjoying beauty, in all of its forms.


Collectivism. The greater good is more important than any individual.


Egalitarianism. All individuals should be treated as equals.

Constructivism. Reality, and the methods we use to 16 understand it, are subjective constructions rather than an objective reading of events. Naturalism. The supernatural and the natural are 17 indistinguishable and can be studied with the same methods. Finalism. Any event is defined by a pre-set final 18 outcome, and all events leading up to the outcome are shaped by it.

d8 Personality Trait 1 I never stop asking questions. Ever. 2 I am absent minded and easily distracted. 3

I spend several hours each day in quiet introspection.


I love seeing how other respond to paradoxes and strange thought experiments.

The philosophical conclusions of common people 5 are just as valuable as those from established academics. I enjoy the challenge of explaining complex 6 philosophical concepts in terms that a layman can understand. 7

I am unflappable in the face of tragedy, analyzing the situation in a calm, academic manner.


Everything can be seen as a metaphor for the deeper meaning of life.

Cynicism. Selfless qualities like altruism, honest 19 and virtue do not exist. People are only driven by self-interest.

d6 Ideal

20 I haven't settled on a philosophy.


Truth. There are answers out there and I intend to find them. (Any)


Indoctrination. I won't be happy until everyone believes exactly what I believe. (Lawful)


Virtue. What good is a moral system if you don't put it into practice? (Good)


Justification. I use philosophy to excuse my cruel impulses. (Evil)


Rebellion. I like thinking and believing differently than everyone else. (Chaotic)


Aspiration. I want to be like the great philosophers that I look up to. (Any)

Personal Philosophy After spending a lifetime asking and pondering, you have developed a personal philosophical stance. Choose one from the Philosophies table or roll on it to determine what your character is mainly focused on.

Suggested Characteristics Philosophers are highly concerned with thoughts, theories, and abstract concepts, and tend to view the world in a way that is tinted by this fixation. They may embrace the world around them as a fascinating manifestation of the universe's inner workings, or they may shun it in favor of their internal experience.

d6 Bond 1

I have written a book, paper or manifesto on my philosophy and I want to promote it.

2 I need to find meaning in my life. 3

There is a living philosopher that I look up to more than anyone, and I dream of meeting them.


My philosophy is just one way that I show my deep devotion to the god I worship.


I owe my theories and success to the school of philosophy that trained me.


I am always on the hunt for evidence that my philosophy is the correct one.

d6 Flaw 1

I get so caught up in thought experiments that I don't pay attention to the real world.


My philosophy comes with implications that trouble me deeply, and I fear accepting them.


I get personally offended when my views are challenged.


d8 Job 1



Field Worker







I'm a hypocrite who can't follow my own beliefs.




Practical problems always stump me.




I'm not wrong, I just think on such a high abstract level that no one else gets it.



Background: Slave You are some kind of slave or indentured servant, or you are or were controlled entirely by another person or group of people. You don’t have to be a slave in the traditional sense; an abused and isolated child, a tortured prisoner, or an underpaid servant or worker, any or all of these people could take this background. Were you a field worker, sweating to bring in harvests? Or were you a house slave who took care of the master and his/her household? Maybe you worked in something similar to a sugar plantation, where the work was highly dangerous and often lethal. You can choose whether you bought your freedom, were freed by someone else or even your master/mistress, escaped and are on the run, or if you still actually serve them but are travelling on your own for one reason or another. ● ● ●

Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Intimidation Languages: One of your choice, which you are illiterate in. Equipment: A pair of manacles you at one point wore, A simple memento from your family or a fellow slave, something you used to do your job as a slave, 5 gp.

Specialty As a slave, you had a job to do - whether you liked it or not. Roll a d8 on the table to determine that job.

Feature: Grovel You are used to bowing, scraping and apologizing for even slight offenses. While more prideful slaves are loathe to do it, you can earn enough through begging to live a Poor lifestyle in most cities, and you can usually find someone who is willing to take you in though there may be a price, and it may not be gold.

Suggested Characteristics Slaves will have been shaped by the way they were treated, and what kind of work they did. Their treatment and their relationships to both other slaves as well as their masters/mistresses affect their mannerisms and ideals. Their flaws might be a side effect of the trauma of their slavery. d8

Personality Trait


I am shy, rarely speak, and avoid eye contact.


My manners are spot on; I’m always polite and respectful.


I'm sick of biting my tongue, and am purposefully rude to those I dislike.


I am rather uncouth, with little understanding of social etiquette.


Sometimes I misinterpret requests as orders.


I don’t take commands from anyone.


I am subservient and servile.


I prefer to be in charge.

d6 Ideal 1

Subservient. Just follow the rules and do what you’re told, and everything will be alright. (Lawful)


Release. No one should suffer slavery as I have. (Good)


Freedom. Everyone should be allowed to do as they please. (Chaotic)


Autonomy. I just want to live my life undisturbed. (Neutral)


Power. It would be nice to be the one holding the whip for once. (Evil)


Wander. I wish to see the world that I’ve never been able to see. (Any)

d6 Bond 1

My master treated me well, and I consider them to be my family.


I ran away from my old master; they’re still looking for me.


I am still in service to my master.


Slavery separated me from my family; perhaps I’ll find them again.


Someone I love is still a slave; I want to free them.


I owe my life, and my freedom, to the one who freed me.

d6 Flaw 1

I am terrified of authority figures.


I often will just do what others tell me to.


I refuse to listen to anyone else, or take any advice.


My scars, both mental and physical, still cause me great pain.


I have little pity for slaves that have accepted their fate.


I have an extreme fear of confinement and punishment.

New Feats Akimbo Master

Close Quarters Shooter

You master the art of wielding two firearms at once. You gain the following benefits: ● You can wield two sidearms at once, even if they do not have the light property. ● You can draw or holster two sidearms when you would normally be able to draw or holster only one. ● Before you make an attack roll, you can choose to fire both guns as part of a single attack, taking a -5 penalty. If the attack hits, roll damage for each of your firearms and add +5 to each damage roll. If you use this feature for any of your attacks, you cannot use your bonus action to make an attack with your offhand firearm in the same turn.

You have trained yourself in the delicate art of using ranged weapons in close quarters combat. You get the following benefits: ● Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls. ● If you would have disadvantage on a ranged attack roll you make against a creature within 10 feet of you, instead you do not. However, you cannot gain advantage on that attack roll. ● You can use your reaction to make an opportunity attack with a ranged weapon. Your reach when trying to determine if a creature's movement can trigger this reaction is 5 feet.


Dirty Fighting

Prerequisite: 16th level, Strength 15 or higher You have the strength and control required to use large and unwieldy firearms more effectively. If you are wielding a weapon with the bulky property, you do not need to use your bonus action to stabilize the weapon. Additionally, if you are able to make more than one attack wih the Attack action, you may ignore the limitation to one attack per Attack action normally imposed by the bulky property.

A side effect of a less than honorable upbringing, you are willing to do anything to win a fight. Anything is fair game, from a clever distraction to a well placed kick to the unmentionables. After all, all's fair in love and war. You gain the following benefits: ● Increase your Strength or Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20. ● You gain proficiency with improvised weapons. ● When a creature fails to hit you with a melee weapon attack, if the attack missed by 5 or more, you can use your reaction to make one unarmed strike or improvised weapon attack against the creature that missed you. The attack deals no damage, but can cause the target to fall prone or suffer some other ill effect agreed upon by both you and the DM.

Bayoneteer Prerequisite: Proficiency with firearms You have mastered the art of fighting with weapons attached to the barrel of your gun. You gain proficiency with improvised weapons if you don't have it already, and if you make an attack with a weapon attached to the barrel of your gun, you may add a +2 bonus to the damage roll. Additionally, if you would be hit with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to assume a parrying stance with the bayonet, adding your proficiency bonus to your AC against a single melee attack that would hit you, potentially causing the attack to miss.

Draconic Fervor Prerequisite: Kobold, 4th level The blood of the mightiest of dragons fills your veins. Choose one of the following benefits: ● Breath Weapon. You gain the ability to cast the spell dragon's breath, targeting yourself. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest.

Dragon Claws. Your fingers end with sharp claws that can be used in your unarmed strikes. Your claw attack deals slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. Firemind. When you use your Gear-smith racial feature to create items, you can create a number of them up to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 2). Additional items beyond these require a DC 20 artisan's tools check.

You may take this feat multiple times, choosing a different benefit each time.

Dueling Expert Prerequisite: Duelist fighting style or Gun Duelist gun tactic You have mastered the art of dueling with gun and sword, and gain the following benefits: ● If you have a one-handed melee weapon in one hand and a light firearm in the other, when you make an attack with either of those weapons, you can use your bonus action to attack with the other. ● Wielding a light firearm or finesse melee weapon in your offhand does not count against the Dueling fighting style or Gun Duelist gun tactic. ● You can ignore the loading time and reload action for a light firearm in one hand if you are holding nothing in the other hand.

Firearms Enthusiast You have trained in the proper stance and technique to effectively wield a variety of firearms. You gain the following benefits: ● Increase your Strength or Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20. ● You gain proficiency in four firearms. At least one of these firearms must be a sidearm, and at least one of these must be a longarm.

Fossilized Prerequisite: Awakened undead (skeleton) You have researched the necromantic magics holding you together, and have altered them to reinforce your body against certain types of attacks. You gain resistance to piercing and slashing damage. However, you gain a vulnerability to bludgeoning damage.

Ghostly Magic Prerequisite: Awakened undead (ghost) Your soul is especially powerful, and you may channel its power into a semblance of mortal magic. When you take this feat, choose either Charisma or Wisdom. You may use this feature up to three times to cast a spell from the following list: blink, catapult, charm person, fear, and invisiblity (self only). Use the chosen ability as your spellcasting ability for these spells. You regain unspent uses of this feature at the end of a long rest.

Gremlin You're particularly good at seeking out and finding the weakness in gears, drive mechanisms, and the like, and can confidently disable a mechanical device with a single fell swoop, if you so desire. As a bonus action, you may make an Intelligence (Investigation) check to attempt to identify the weakness of a mechanical device or construct. If you can find such a weakness, you may make a Sleight of Hand check, attack roll, or other similar means to attempt to take advantage of this weakness, at the DM's discretion.

Handled with Care You understand the delicate machinery and overall limitations of primitive firearms and know how to handle them to avoid excessive wear, even in the heat of combat. When you make more than two attacks with primitive firearms during your turn, the firearm's misfire count does not increase by 1.

Hooligan With the skills you have obtained with concealed weaponry, you can turn an ordinary encounter into an assassination. Once per encounter, if you have not taken an action or bonus action to attack, and if you are carrying a weapon with the hidden property that you are proficient with, you can use your bonus action to deploy it and make an attack with it. If you do not already have the Sneak Attack class feature, then the attack deals an extra 2d6 damage.

Lucky Card Prerequisite: Charisma 13 or higher You have stumbled across a card that seems to have a magical connection to you. This card is a spell card, meant for a card master, though you show some aptitude for card magic. If you have no levels in the card master class, you learn the cantrip card throw, using Charisma as your spellcasting ability for it. Additionally, when you take this feat, choose a 1st level spell from the card master spell list. You can use your lucky card to cast this spell. Once it is used, you can't use it again until after you complete a long rest. If you have this feat, then gain a level in the card master class, or if you are already a card master when you take this feat, you do not gain the benefits listed above. Instead, when constructing your deck, add 5 points to your Deck Points total.

Mechanical Advantage Prerequisite: one or more limbs replaced with a prosthetic You have turned your unfortunate circumstance into a mark of pride. You gain the following benefits: ● When grappling another creature of your size or smaller, you may use your action to lock your prosthetic limb in place, forcing their Athletics or Acrobatics check to escape your grapple to be made at disadvantage. ● When grappled by another creature, you may use your action to disengage your prosthetic limb from your body and automatically succeed the attempt to escape grapple. (You will, of course, need to retrieve your prosthetic afterwards...)

If your prosthetic is concealed, you may choose to reveal it to a creature and gain advantage on a single Persuasion or Intimidation check against that creature. Whether the check succeeds or fails, you cannot use this benefit against that creature again.

Meticulous You keep yourself neatly groomed, your manners are perfect, and your affairs are always in order. If you spend at least one hour after a long rest to prepare yourself for the rest of the day, you may choose one skill from either Investigation, Persuasion, or Survival. You get advantage on checks using the chosen skill until your next long rest, provided you stay within the limits of a city or other sort of civilization.

Modern Medic Prerequisite: proficiency with doctor's tools or pharmacist's supplies You have studied medical journals and kept an ear out regarding the latest advancements in health care, and are quick to apply your studies to your adventuring career. Your incredible skill with the tools of your trade grant you the following benefits: ● At the end of any short or long rest, you can make a DC 15 Wisdom (doctor's tools) or Wisdom (pharmacist's supplies) check. On a success, you create a healer's kit good for one use. ● As an action, you can stabilize a dying creature. When you do so, make a DC 15 Wisdom (doctor's tools) or Wisdom (pharmacist's supplies) check; on a success, the creature also regains 1d4 hit points.

Morbid Curiosity You grew up hearing tales of Victorian horrors, and instead of recoiling in fear, you developed an interesting fascination with them. You get the following benefits: ● You gain proficiency in the History skill. ● You get advantage on any Intelligence (Investigation) check used to determine the presence of an aberration, monstrosity, or undead creature.

You have advantage on saving throws against any effect that would cause you to become charmed or frightened, so long as that effect is coming from an aberration, monstrosity, or undead.

Mounted Shooting While you are riding a mount or driving a vehicle and aren't incapacitated, you gain the following benefits: ● You get a +1 bonus to attack rolls with firearms. ● Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature when making an attack roll with a firearm does not impose disadvantage on the attack roll as long as the creature's size is smaller than your mount. ● You have advantage on attack rolls against any unmounted creature smaller than your mount within your firearm's normal range.

Musketeer You have trained yourself to specialize in the use of weapons that require time to reload after each shot. You gain the following benefits: ● Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20. ● You gain proficiency in firearms with the loading property, and may ignore the loading property of those firearms when using them. ● After making an attack with a firearm with the loadingproperty using the Attack action, you may use your bonus action to make a second attack with that weapon.

Pistol Whipper You are skilled in using guns as melee weapons, on the off-chance that using them for their intended function is ill-advised. Increase your Strength or Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20. Additionally, you are now considered proficient with firearms you use as melee weapons. Light firearms deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage and are considered finesse weapons, two-handed firearms deal 1d8 bludgeoning damage, and heavy firearms deal 1d10 bludgeoning damage.

Riot Breaker Prerequisite: Proficiency with shields You have become quite adept at crowd control using your shield. As long as you are wielding your shield, whenever you make an attack against a creature, you are considered to have half cover if that creature attacks you. Additionally, you gain resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage dealt by that creature. The benefits of this feature last until the start of your next turn.

Scattershot Master You have mastered getting the most effect out of firearms with the scatter property. You get the following benefits: ● When you make a scatter attack, if three or more enemies are in the affected area, add +1 to the attack roll. ● When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for a scatter attack, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. ● You can load all of the ammunition for shell loadingfirearms with the scatter property using a bonus action.

Shar's Favor Prerequisite: Shadar-kai The tenebrous magics of the Shadowfell surge within your body. You gain the ability to cast darkness, without using any material components. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1). You regain any spent uses whenever you complete a long rest.

Superior Marksman You have perfected the art of the patient, precise kill. When you wield a heavy firearm that has either a telescopic sight or longshot sight equipped on it, you get the following benefits: ● If you use a bonus action to steady your aim with your firearm, you can choose to make an attack roll that can neither have advantage or disadvantage. On a hit, if you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die, you can reroll that die and must use the new roll.

If you make a ranged attack roll with advantage, you can reroll one of the attack rolls once.

Tinkerer You are inquisitive and insightful when it comes to looking at and modifying a device's inner workings. You gain the following benefits: ● Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20. ● You become proficient with tinker's tools. If you were already proficient, you can apply double your proficiency bonus to tinker's tools checks to work with a mechanical object. ● If working on an item or performing a crafting task during a long rest, you can choose to treat the results of a given tinker's tools check as if you had rolled a 20. If you use this feature, you do not gain the benefits of along rest, gaining the benefits of a short rest instead.

Vengeful Blade Prerequisite: Awakened undead (revenant) Fate has seen fit to further equip you for your quest to right the wrong that felled you. You may use this feature as a reaction to get advantage on an attack roll you make against the target of your revenge, or to cause an attack roll made by that creature against you to be made at disadvantage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You regain any expended uses after completing a long rest.

Vicious Augmentation Prerequisite: one or more limbs replaced with a prosthetic, proficiency with tinker's tools (or access to a qualified craftsman) You've modified your prosthetic limb, making it into a viable item in melee. When you take this feat, choose one of the following benefits: ● Mental Link. Choose Charisma or Wisdom. Your unarmed strikes and melee weapon attacks may use the chosen ability in place of Strength or Dexterity when determining bonuses to attack and damage rolls.

Power Fist (Arm/hand prosthetic only). The damage of your unarmed strike increases to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. Additionally, before you take the Attack action on your turn, you may take a bonus action to charge power in your fist. If you do so, the damage of your unarmed strike improves again to 1d12 + your Strength modifier until the end of your turn. Spring-Recoiled Sprint (Leg/foot prosthetic only).When a creature misses an attack against you, you may use your reaction to move up to 10 feet without provoking an attack of opportunity.

You may take this feat up to twice, choosing a different benefit each time.

Wheelman Prerequisite: proficiency with land vehicles You can tame a powerful car or a roaring steam train with the same ease that a druid can calm an animal. You get advantage on any skill checks required to maneuver a land vehicle out of danger or cause it to stop entirely, so long as the vehicle itself has mechanical controls that have not been completely disabled.

Will of Iron Prerequisite: suffered and recovered from long-term madness or insanity You have seen things beyond mortal understanding and lived to tell the tale. You now remain resolute when facing these dangers again. You have advantage on Charisma and Wisdom saving throws to resist madness-inducing effects. Additionally, if you are afflicted with a long-term madness effect, you can make a Wisdom saving throw to cure yourself of the effect every 24 hours. The DC of this saving throw starts at either 15 or the DC of the effect that inflicted madness upon you, whichever is higher, and reduces by 1 for every subsequent failed save.

The City Malleus City. A gigantic city, the size of countries. This acropolis is large in scale and population. With over 1 billion and 240 million residents residing in the city. The city has several layers, both vertically and horizontally. With the outer layers being far less prestigious and where those less fortunate than others reside. At the center of the city is where only the most wealthy can afford to be. However they got their riches. At the highest points of the city are the multiple governments that run the several sectors of the city. These sectors are largely run by their own government however the Malleus province acts as a leading government. Being in control of not only their sector but the rest of the city as well.

Governmental System The governments of Malleus are voted upon by the people. However this has shown to be a somewhat corrupt system time and time again. Especially in the Malleus Province. The Mayor of the Malleus Province becomes mayor of the whole city. However inorder to make any large-scale actions, the mayor must consult the rest of the parliament and they more than likely vote. There are many parties across Malleus, roughly two from each sector, which are detailed in the appropriate sector pages. In the main parliament of Malleus province there are 50 parliament members, plus the mayor and their vice mayor. The parliament is made up of 5 politicians from each sector and 10 from Malleus Province. However mayors of other sectors cannot be apart of the main parliament, instead leading their own smaller parliaments which have 20 members each. A new mayor of each sector is chosen every 5 years. With the entire city having a year long election cycle. During the first half of the year the mayors of the outer sectors run and are elected and in the second half the Mayor of the Malleus Province runs and is elected.

Despite the Mayor of the Malleus province having a role similar to that of a king in the city, only the population of Malleus Province are able to vote upon the mayor. This is because they believe they are the highest class, being the most wealthy of the sectors as they are in the center of the city. This is but a small part of the corruption in Malleus City.

Social Classes. Perhaps even more important than the governmental system in Malleus city are the several social classes. These classes are divided in many ways but are primarily determined by Wealth and race. Humans, elves and gnomes sit at the top of the social hierarchy. They are followed by Dwarves, Half-elves and Halflings. After them are Dhampir’s, Drow, Awakened undead and Half-Orcs. With the lowest being the clockwork Automatons. Social Class

Common Races

Daily Earnings

The Aurum’s Extremely Wealthy Politicians, CEO’s, Doctors

Humans Elves Gnomes

1000 - 10000 gp

The Aes Very Wealthy Scientists, Inventors, Politicians

Halflings Gnomes Half-Elves Humans Elves

500-1000 gp

Stagni Comfortable Officers Guards Airship Captain

Humans Dwarves Halflings Half-Elves Dhampir

50-150 gp

The Argenti Modest Investigators Architects Engineers

Dwarves Dhampir Drow Awakened Undead

20-50 gp

The Aeris Poor Farmers Food workers

Half-Orcs Awakened Undead Drow Clockworks

10-20 gp

Abandoned Extremely Poor Slaves

Clockworks Half-Orcs

1-10 gp

Malleus City is made up of 9 Sectors and is surrounded by a variety of different terrains on all sides. Multiple rivers go through the city, making it a prime spot for getting water, which is why the city was founded in the first place as due to the enormous concentration of large rivers in the area, drinkable water was very easy to come by. To the north west of the city is the Gloria Sea. A large sea that was named after the Gloria dynasty. To the north and to the east is giant grasslands full of farms. These farms are generally run by Half-Orcs with a few humans and elves also living in these areas. Conditions in these farms are very poor however it is much less crowded than the city. To the south is a mostly dead area, however the name of which “The Badlands” is a misnomer as the area isn’t actually a badlands. Simply where too much unstable farming was done which has lead to the area to becoming a near-wasteland that is uninhabited.

Banks, Loans & Interest In Malleus city there are four major banks. These banks dominate the industry. However banking itself works in a certain way. Banks that can give higher amount of loans often have higher interest rates, meaning that loaning from them is expensive but placing money into them will offer more interest. Rather than working in years, Interest rates in Malleus city are done in months. Someone will have to travel to a bank in order to place or withdraw their money. How much they can place, withdraw and get a loan varies from bank to bank. If a player takes out a loan they must pay back a percentage of their loan each month, this is calculated by dividing the loan cost (gp) by the mount of time they have to pay it off. Bank of Malleus City - The largest and first bank that appeared in Malleus city. This company, despite their scale are only present inside of the Province and a few areas around it.

Loan Chance A character that is apart of a lower social class will have a harder time getting a loan than someone of a higher social class. When a player is trying to get a loan, they may add their charisma, intelligence or wisdom score to the percentile to increase their chances. Bank

Interest Rate (Ann)

Maximum Loan

Malleus City


500,000 gp



200,000 gp



100,000 gp



50,000 gp

Washington Bank - The second largest bank in Malleus City. This bank has the most locations, with at least 1 in each sector of the city. Whiting Bank - The Third largest bank in Malleus city. This bank has a location in most of the sectors of the city except for Northern Malleus. Forge Bank - The fourth largest bank in Malleus city. This bank has many locations on the north end of Malleus city and in the province.

50,001 - 200,000 gp 200,001 - 500,000 gp

Social Class

100 - 2,000 gp

2,001 - 10,000 gp

10,001 - 50,000 gp

The Aurum’s






The Aes












The Argenti






The Aeris












Apartments Due to the large population of Malleus city. Most live in very small apartments, with only the most wealthy living in high penthouses. Even players will have apartments that they return to every day where they can rest. These apartments are of different costs and can have a variety of appliances inside of them. Depending on what social class a character is in will depend on how much money they have to spend. Tiny, Small and Medium apartments have one bedroom, Large has two, Huge has three and a Giant apartment has 5 bedrooms.

Social Class

Starting Money

Recommended Apartment

The Aurum’s

10,000,000 gp

Giant, Inner Province

The Aes

1,000,000 gp

Huge, Inner Province


150,000 gp

Huge, Outer Province

The Argenti

50,000 gp

Medium, Inner Outer Sectors

The Aeris

20,000 gp

Small, Outer Sectors


10,000 gp

Small, walls

Apartment Size Tiny 250 Feet ² Small 500 Feet ² Medium 750 Feet ² Large 1000 Feet ² Huge 1500 Feet ² Giant 2000 Feet ²


Outer Sectors

Inner Outer Sector

Outer province

Inner Province

2,000 gp

10,000 gp

20,000 gp



4,000 gp

16,000 gp

25,000 gp

40,000 gp


12,000 gp

20,000 gp

35,000 gp

80,000 gp

120,000 gp

17,000 gp

28,000 gp

45,000 gp

100,000 gp

200,000 gp


40,000 gp

75,000 gp

200,000 gp

500,000 gp



100,000 gp

300,000 gp

1,000,000 gp



A Bed is required for any household, players can choose what beds they wish to start with.

A player can have a pet if they wish. However they’re very expensive and require constant maintenance.

Bed Quality



4 x 7 ft

-1 Hp from Short & Long rest

5 gp


4 x 7 ft

-1 Hp from Short Rest

20 gp


5 x 7 ft


50 gp


8 x 7 ft


100 gp


8 x 7 ft

+1 Temp Hp from Long Rest

500 gp

+1 Temp Hp from Short & Long Rest

1,000 gp


10 x 9 ft





Maintenance (Weekly)

Dog (small)

500 gp

20 gp

Dog (Medium)

300 gp

40 gp

Dog (Clockwork)

250 gp

30 gp *70


600 gp

30 gp

Cat (Clockwork)

300 gp

20 gp *100


700 gp

50 gp


2,000 gp

80 gp


400 gp

10 gp

* If a Clockwork pet breaks they require this amount of gp to be fixed.

You can have many items and objects inside of your apartment, as well as the usuals, there are several items listed below that are specifically for your apartment. A few even give special bonuses!



Effect / Use



1 x 3 ft

Can hold up to 20 items.

50 gp


1 x 3 ft

Can Hold up to 40 books.

50 gp

Bonsai Tree

1 x 1 ft

+2 bonus on skill checks involving Bonsai Trees

15 gp

Flower Bouquet

1 x 1 ft

+2 bonus on skill checks involving a specific flower.

5 gp


3 x 6 ft


20 gp

Large Table

10 x 10 ft


30 gp


2 x 2 ft


5 gp


3 x 6 ft

Carrying weight of 200 lb’s

50 gp


3 x 3 ft

Carrying weight of 250 lb’s

40 gp


3 x 8 ft


50 gp

Cushioned Chair

2 x 3 ft


20 gp

Desk Lamp

1 x 1 ft


5 gp


2 x 5 ft


40 gp

Floor Lamp

2 x 2 ft


20 gp

Wool Carpet

4 x 6 ft


10 gp

Wolf Hide

2 x 5 ft


30 gp

Bear Hide

5 x 7 ft


100 gp

Animal Head (Wall)

2 x 2 ft

+2 Bonus on intimidation checks against anyone in your apartment who can see the animal head.

300 gp

Steam oven

5 x 5 ft

+2 Bonus on skill checks to cook food with ovens.

500 gp


2 x 2 ft


20 gp




1 gp

Mirror (Wall)

2 x 3 ft


40 gp

Clockwork Servant


You have a -2 Penalty on any Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma checks made on clockworks that come into your home and see the clockwork servant.

5,000 gp


2 x 2 ft


20 gp

Working Desk

4 x 6 ft

Contains two sets of Tools of your choice.

10 gp



Effect / Use


Pinboard (Wall)

5 x 10 ft

Pins can be placed into this to keep paper attached.

4 gp

Analog Clock (Wall)

2 x 2 ft


4 gp

Digital Clock

1 x 1 ft


10 gp

Grandfather Clock

2 x 2 x 5 ft


15 gp

Small Painting (Wall)

2 x 1 ft


20 gp

Medium Painting (Wall)

3 x 2 ft


40 gp

Large Painting (Wall)

5 x 4 ft


60 gp

Portrait Painting (Wall)

2 x 4 ft


50 gp

Antique Painting (Wall)



100 gp

Record Player

1 x 1 ft


20 gp


1 x 1 ft


30 gp

Cupboard (Shelf)

1 x 4 ft

Can hold up to 24 items.

50 gp

Cupboard (Clothes)

1 x 4 ft

Can hold up to 12 coat hangers, 4 pairs of shoes and 6 pairs of pants.

50 gp

Hat stand

1 x 1 ft

Can hold up to 6 hats or caps.

10 gp

Punching Bag

2 x 2 ft

Gain a +1 bonus to damage with unarmed strikes.

30 gp

Dumbbell 1-40 lb


Requires a Strength score of at least 10 to use effectively.

30 gp

Dumbbell 41-80 lb


Requires a Strength score of at least 14 to use effectively.

60 gp

Weights (1-20 lb) (2)


Requires a Strength score of at least 12 to use effectively

40 gp

Weights (21-40 lb) (2)


Requires a Strength score of at least 16 to use effectively.

80 gp

Gym Bench (Flat)

1 x 4 ft

Can hold an iron bar on it, for use with weights.

50 gp

Gym Bench Adjustable

1 x 4 ft

Can hold an iron bar on it, for use with weights.

80 gp

Iron Bar


For use with weights, can hold up to 6 weights.

10 gp

Skills & Proficiencies There are a few changes to the way Proficiencies work here in Malleus City, with a more in-depth proficiency system.

4. Being practised in a language means you can speak it but must succeed on a DC 10 intelligence check (plus your practised bonus) to say what you are trying to say.

But more importantly than that. We have two new skills in the form of Old History and New History.

5. When levelling up to an even number, you can also choose to use one of your practised options to become practised in one weapon or armor type of your choice. (Eg: shortswords or plate armour) but not a category (Eg: Martial weapons or heavy armor)

This is similar to how in your world, you have a Common Era and Before Common Era. Old History is focussed on ancient times, before machines, whereas New History is more so focussed on newer historical feats and info such as info about trains, steam engines and airships! If you choose to take proficiency in history due to your class, race or background. You must choose between either old history or new history.

Proficiency Changes There are a few small and a few big changes to how proficiency will work in this world of Malleus City. 1. Rather than just proficiency there are now 4 levels of proficiency: ● ● ● ●

Practised (½ proficiency rounded down) Proficient Adept (1.5 x proficiency rounded down) Expert (2 x proficiency)

2. Whenever you gain an even numbered-level up, you become practised in one skill, vehicle, instrument or toolkit of your choice. If you have an intelligence score of 15 or higher you can become practised in up to two skills, vehicles, etc, or you can become practised in a language. 3. When you gain an even numbered-level you can also become proficient in a skill you are practised in, adept in a skill you are proficient in or become an expert at something you are adept in, however if your intelligence score is above 15, you cannot use both of your increases on one skill, toolkit, instrument or vehicle in one level.

Bard’s Jack of All Trades. This feature stacks with the Bard’s jack of all trades feature, treat ‘Jack of All Trades’ as if you are practised with all skills except for those which you are already proficient.

Bleeding This new world brings with it more dangerous foes, more gruesome encounters and more life threatening situations. One of these is bleeding, a condition that unless treated properly, will result in death.

Bleeding When a weapon causes Piercing, Bludgeoning or Slashing damage, removes a limb, or otherwise exposes flesh, the affected creature must roll a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, bleeding comes into effect. The DC of this saving throw is unique to each severity level, as listed below. If the attack deals damage equal to half of the creature’s maximum hit die roll or less, they have advantage on the saving throw. Bleeding also comes into effect if a failed saving throw causes a creature to take Piercing or Slashing damage. If the damage is equal to half of the creature’s maximum hit die roll or less, they have advantage on the saving throw.


Level One Severity: If the saving throw is 1-2 lower than the DC, then the wound is minor, you have 3 rounds before the Bleeding stages come into effect. DC 10. Level Two Severity: If the saving throw is 3-5 lower than the DC then the wound is alarming, you have 2 rounds before the bleeding stages come into effect. DC 13. Level Three Severity: If the saving throw is 6+ lower than the DC then the wound is serious, you have 1 round until the bleeding stages come into effect. DC 15. Level Four Severity: If the saving throw is a natural 1, then the wound is crippling, The first stage of bleeding comes into effect instantly. DC 18.

Stage of Bleeding Every other round (12 seconds) that a creature is bleeding, they must succeed a DC 14 + Stage Constitution saving throw or

There are five stages to bleeding and 4 levels of severity. Automatons are immune to the bleeding condition.

Stage One: Blood starts coming out of the wound, causing you blood loss and dizziness. Your movement speed is reduced by 5.

Severity Levels

Stage Two: Blood continues pouring out of the wound, causing you a high amount of pain. You cannot cast spells that require concentration. Any ranged attacks you make have disadvantage.

Level One Severity: If a creature scores an attack roll that is 1-2 higher than your AC, then the wound is minor, you have 3 rounds before the Bleeding stages come into effect. DC 10. Level Two Severity: If a creature scores an attack roll that is 3-5 higher than your AC then the wound is alarming, you have 2 rounds before the bleeding stages come into effect. DC 13. Level Three Severity: If a creature scores an attack roll that is 6+ higher than your AC then the wound is serious, you have 1 round until the bleeding stages come into effect. DC 15. Level Four Severity: If a creature scores a critical on their attack roll, then the wound is crippling, The first stage of bleeding comes into effect instantly. DC 18.

Stage Three: Blood loss blurs your vision, clouding your sight. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Passive Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on sight. Stage Four: Enough blood is lost to make you fall unconscious. Stage Five: The amount of blood loss causes you to have to make death saving throws.

Treatment Bleeding can be treated with Bandages, stitches or other medical tools as well as magical means such as lesser restoration.

Healing In the standard rules of D&D, a creature will regain all of its hit points after a long rest as long as no external effect is preventing such a thing. This will occur even after said creature was on the brink of death. Even a creature that received near-lethal damage and did not receive any magical healing afterwards will make a full recovery within eight hours if it so chooses (twelve if the creature was at 0 hit points). Needless to say, this is not how the biology of any nonmagical living being works.

The Healing Process With this new variant rule, a creature does not regain all of its lost hit points in a single long rest and cannot regain hit points and spent hit dice within the same long rest. Instead, the creature must choose to either regain hit dice, or be healed. If it chooses hit dice, the creature regains half of its maximum hit dice rounded up as usual. If it chooses hit points, the creature rolls any number of hit dice they have available. Hit points represent not only how good of condition a creature is in, but also how well any existing wounds are patched up and how well a creature recovers from the initial shock of the injury, and these are precisely what hit dice are for. However, there is only so far treating one’s wounds can go, which is why hit dice are limited in the manner that they are.

Magical Effects Supernatural abilities can greatly accelerate the healing process. If any magical or psionic healing is used on a creature, it regains additional hit points during its next long rest equal to the number of Hit dice used, plus its constitution modifier, plus the spell’s level or the number of psi points spent.

Returning from the Brink Recovering from large amounts of damage can still be relatively quick compared to coming back all the way from death’s edge, which can take a bit more to recover from, although the adrenaline rush from being so close to death can delay the effects. When a creature is reduced to 0 hit points and is not stabilized or given magical healing by the end of its next turn, it suffers a level of exhaustion one minute later.

Other Diseases Despite the city of Malleus city being quite prosperous, disease runs rampant, especially in the poorer parts of the city. Slums filled with the sick laying on their deathbeds suffering for days, weeks, sometimes even years before they finally succumb to their illness. Many diseases exist in Malleus city, below are some of the most prevalent diseases and how one would contract them.

Tetanus Non-Contagious Severity: Critical A disease that is caused by rust coming into contact with a creatures blood, if rust comes into contact with a creatures blood then roll a d4, on a 1 that creature becomes infected with Tetanus. Roll 2d8 + the creatures constitution modifier, the result is how many days it will take for symptoms to show. Symptoms include: ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Sweating (No Effect) Fever (-3 penalty to maximum hit points) High Blood Pressure (-2 Penalty to attack rolls) Shortness of Breath (No Effect) Lockjaw (Once per hour, roll a d6, on a 1 the creature cannot speak for 1 hour) Stiff Neck (Disadvantage on perception checks that rely on sight) If not treated for 1d6 + 2 days after symptoms show, the creature drops to 0 hit points.

Tetanus can be treated with a greater restoration spell, or if taken to a hospital, it can be treated for 300 gp in 1d6 days.

Measles Contagious Severity: High A disease that is spread by droplets in the air from creatures sneezing and coughing. Humans most easily get this disease. If a creature spends more than 20 seconds within 10 feet of someone with measles roll a d10 (d8 for humans) if the dice lands on a 1, the creature becomes infected.

Roll 2d6 + the creatures constitution modifier, the result is how many days it will take for symptoms to show. Symptoms include: ● ● ● ● ●

Runny nose & Sneezing (No effect) Fever (-3 penalty to maximum hit points) Fatigue (1 level of exhaustion gained every 3 days, up to stage 4) Headache (-2 penalty to intelligence and wisdom checks and saving throws) Muscle pains (cannot cast spells that require concentration)

A creature cannot die from Measles unless they are under 14 years old. If so they must roll a DC 16 constitution saving throw every day the disease goes untreated, falling to 0 hit points on a fail. The disease can be cured with a greater restoration spell, or if taken to the a hospital it can be treated for 250 gp in 1d6 days.

Common Cold Contagious Severity: Low A mild disease that can spread extremely quickly, it typically causes only small temporary harm. If a creature spends more than 20 seconds within 15 feet of someone with the Common cold roll a d6, on a 1 the creature becomes infected. Roll 1d4 + the creatures constitution modifier, the result is how many days it takes for symptoms to show. Symptoms include: ● ● ●

Mild Fever (-2 penalty to maximum hit points) Fatigue (1 level of exhaustion gained every 3 days, up to stage 2) Loss of smell (disadvantage on perception checks that rely on smell)

Common cold can be cured with a lesser restoration spell and can be naturally recovered from in 2d6 days after initially being infected. Someone may potentially be healed of the Common Cold before they even know they have it.


Contagious Severity: Critical A disease that is transmitted through saliva and bites. It causes inflammation of the brain in mammals and is most severe to halflings, dwarves and Gnomes. If a creature is bitten by a creature with rabies, roll a d4, on a 1 the creature becomes infected with rabies. Roll 2d20 + the creatures constitution modifier, the result is how many days it will take for symptoms to show. Symptoms include: ● ●

● ● ● ● ●

Muscle pains (cannot cast spells that require concentration) Fatigue (1 level of exhaustion gained every 2 days, up to stage 4. Stage 5 for gnomes, dwarves and halflings) Fever (-5 penalty to maximum hit points) Hallucinations (-5 penalty to all wisdom checks and saving throws Headache (-3 penalty to intelligence checks and saving throws) Anxiety (-8 penalty to saving throws against being frightened) If not treated in 1d4 + 1 days after symptoms show, the creature drops to 0 hit points.

Rabies can be treated with a 7th level or above greater restoration spell, or if taken to a hospital, can be treated in 2d12 days for 500 gp.

Pneumonia Contagious Severity: Mild A disease that can be caused by either breathing in harmful bacteria or from poisonous chemical fumes. (If Pneumonia is caused by the latter, it is not contagious.) If a creature spends more than 15 seconds within 15 feet of a creature with Pneumonia roll a d8, on a 1 the creature becomes infected with Pneumonia. Alternatively, if a creature spends more than 10 seconds breathing within 10 feet of toxic fumes, roll a d4, on a 1 the creature becomes infected with Pneumonia. Roll 2d6 + the creatures constitution modifier, the result is how many days it will take for symptoms to show. Symptoms include: ● ●

Chest pains (cannot cast spells that require concentration) Fatigue (1 level of exhaustion gained every 3 days, up to stage 4)

● ● ● ●

Fever (-4 penalty to maximum hit points) Shortness of Breath (No Effect) Sweating (No Effect) If Creature smokes: If not treated in 2d4 days after symptoms show, the creature drops to 9 hit points.

Pneumonia can be cured with a lesser restoration spell and can be naturally recovered from in 3d8 days after initially being infected. Someone may potentially be healed of Pneumonia before they know they have it. If taken to a hospital it can be treated in 2d4 days for 400 gp.

Gnomes Pox / Chicken Pox Contagious Severity: Mild A highly contagious disease that causes itchy red rashes to appear on a creatures skin, the disease is especially harmful for Gnomes. If a creature comes into contact with a creature with Gnomes pox roll a d4, on a 1 or 2 the creature becomes infected with Gnomes Pox. Roll 1d4 + the creatures constitution modifier. The result is how many days it will take for symptoms to show. Symptoms include: ● ● ● ● ●

Red Rashes (cannot cast spells that require concentration) Fatigue (1 level of exhaustion gained every 2 days, up to stage 3) Fever (-2 penalty to maximum hit points) Headache (-2 penalty to intelligence and wisdom checks and saving throws) Gnomes: After every longrest make a DC 15 constitution saving throw, on a fail the creature falls into a coma that lasts until they were cured of the disease)

Gnomes Pox can be cured with a lesser restoration spell, or if taken to a hospital, can be treated in 2d6 days for 300 gp.

Pink Eye Contagious Severity: Low Pink eye runs rampant in the slums of Malleus City. A seemingly preventable disease caused by a lack of good hygiene, the disease spreads by contact. If a creature comes into contact with a creature with Pink eye roll a d4, on a 1 the creature contracts pink eye. Roll 3d20 + the creatures constitution modifier, the result is how many hours it will take for symptoms to show. Symptoms include:

● ● ● ●

Eye Pains (Disadvantage on perception checks that rely on sight) Redness of eyes (No Effect) Runny Nose (No Effect) Blindness (If untreated for 2d4 days after symptoms appear, a creature must make a DC12 constitution saving throw, on a fail the creature becomes blind until cured.)

Pink eye can be healed with a lesser restoration spell, and can be naturally recovered from in 3d8 days after initially being infected. If taken to a hospital Pink eye can be treated in 2d4 days for 150 gp.

On a 1, that creature becomes infected with Elven flu, roll 2d4, the result is how many days it takes for symptoms to show. Symptoms include: ● ● ● ● ● ●

Bubonic Plague Contagious Severity: Critical A disease that is spread through contact as well as through small droplets in the air. The Bubonic plague spreads fast and kills quickly. It is very common throughout the slums of Malleus city. If a creature spends more than 10 seconds within 10 feet of a creature, roll a d6, on a 1 the creature becomes infected. If a creature comes into contact with a creature that has a bubonic plague roll a d4, ona 1 the creature becomes infected. Roll 1d6 + the creatures constitution modifier, the result is how many days it will take for symptoms to show. Symptoms include: ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Muscle pains (cannot cast spells that require concentration) Coughing Blood + Fever (-6 penalty to maximum hit points) Fatigue (1 level of exhaustion gained every day, up to stage 5) Chills (-2 penalty to AC) Swollen Black spots over body (No Effect) Bleeding (stage 1 permanent bleeding) If not treated for 1d6 days after symptoms show, a creature falls to 0 hit points.

Bubonic Plague can be treated with a 6th level or above greater restoration spell, or if taken to a hospital, can be treated in 2d8 days for 450 gp

Elven Flu / Avian Flu Contagious Severity: High A disease that is primarily spread through birds but can also affect humanoids. This disease is most harmful to elves. If a creature comes into contact with a creature that has Elven Flu, roll a d4,

Muscle pains (cannot cast spells that require concentration) Fever (-2 penalty to maximum hit points) Headache (-2 penalty to intelligence and wisdom checks and saving throws) Shortness of breath (No Effect) Elves: Light blue rashes appear on skin, 5 foot penalty to movement speed. Elves: Fatigue (1 level of exhaustion gained every 2 days up to stage 4)

Elven Flu can be healed with a lesser restoration spell (greater restoration for elves) and can be naturally recovered from in 2d8 days after initially being infected. If taken to a hospital, Elven fly can be treated in 2d4 days for 100 gp, or 2d6 days for 250 gp for elves.

Polio Contagious Severity: Critical Polio spreads through infected water, food and people. A disease that can cause permanent paralysis and death. If a creature comes into contact with infected food or water or an infected creature roll a d6, on a 1 the creature becomes infected with Polio. If a creature consumes infected water or food they automatically become infected. Roll 1d4 + the creatures constitution modifier, the result is how many days it will take for symptoms to show. Symptoms include: ● ● ● ● ● ●

Fever (-2 penalty to maximum hit points) Fatigue (1 level of exhaustion gained every 3 days, up to stage 4) Muscle Weakness (-2 penalty to all strength and dexterity checks and saving throws) Headache (-2 penalty to intelligence and wisdom checks and saving throws) Nausea (-2 penalty to constitution checks and saving throws) Paralysis (if not treated for 2d6 days after symptoms show, a creature becomes permanently paralysized from the neck down. This can only be undone with a 9th level greater restoration spell or a wish spell.

Polio can be treated with an 8th level or above greater restoration spell, or if taken to a hospital, can be treated in 3d8 days for 800 gp.

Critical Hits If a creature makes an attack roll against a target that exceeds the targets AC by 10 or more, the attack is treated as a critical hit. When you score a critical hit, the original dice are treated as if they rolled the highest number possible and you roll the second set of dice normally.

Initiative A creature can choose to add their wisdom modifier or their dexterity modifier when rolling Initiative. When rolling initiative, if a creature gets a natural 20 they have advantage on any attack rolls they make during their first turn. If a player rolls a natural 1 they have disadvantage on any attack rolls they make during their fist turn.

coup de grâce If someone receives a blow while being helpless (meaning, while you're sleeping, incapable of defending yourself or being mind controlled to not defend yourself) the attack is an automatic crit and if you survive the damage you have to roll a con safe with a DC equal to 10+the damage dealt, if you fail this save, you die.

Quick Drinking Drinking a potion or another liquid can be done as a bonus action or an action.

Levelling up When you roll for hit points when you level up, if you get lower than the average you can choose to roll again, but must use the new roll.

Starting Feat At first level, when creating a character you gain one feat either from the normal list or from the list in this guidebook.

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