Edgar Cayce Epilepsia V1

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Circulating File

EPILEPSY: CURED VOL. 1 A compilation of Extracts from the Edgar Cayce Readings

Edgar Cayce Readings Copyrighted by Edgar Cayce Foundation 1971, 1993-2008 All Rights Reserved These readings or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the Edgar Cayce Foundation 215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Printed in U.S.A.

EPILEPSY: CURED, VOL. 1 CIRCULATING FILE Circulating Files are collections of verbatim quotes of what Edgar Cayce said during his readings on a given subject or, in some cases everything. We have medical circulating files which focus on the over 9, 000 health-related readings with subjects from Acidity-Alkalinity to Weight Loss. We also have non-medical circulating files on a broad range of topics, for example Egypt: Sphinx, Pyramids, and Hall of Records, Fear and Its Far-Reaching Effects, Advice to Parents, Serving in Accord with Ideals, and Business Advice. Each circulating file is simply a collection of reading quotes or full readings given for different individuals on a similar subject or disease. The A.R.E. cannot and does not suggest treatments for physical ailments nor make claims about the effectiveness of the therapies. We encourage anyone working with the health readings to do so under a doctor's care and advice. The circulating files support the research aspect of the Cayce work. We appreciate any feedback informing us of progress made in improving one’s life or achieving good health by applying suggestions given in the readings. Please send any feedback (testimonies, experiences, results, etc.) to: Library: Circulating File Desk A.R.E. 215 67th St Virginia Beach VA 23451 Or e-mail: [email protected] Please note: The complete Edgar Cayce Readings are available through the members only section of our web site, EdgarCayce.org or on CD-ROM. Some circulating files contain commentaries or summaries written by physicians. These reports are to be used as a basis for further research in the form of controlled studies, and should not be misinterpreted to be either a refutation or an endorsement by the doctor. Referral doctors wanting to borrow a file for an extended period may do so by writing to the Library: Circulating File Desk. Our hope is that through the Cayce readings you will find the wholeness and oneness which is God's plan for us. Blessings, A.R.E. Member Services Team

There are in truth no incurable conditions…. 3744-2

This Circulating File consists of an overview and the Edgar Cayce psychic readings on epilepsy – specifically those who were cured. The information is not intended for self-diagnosis nor selftreatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional before following any advice contained within this file. Articles are included in this volume and volume 6 because the information supports the remedies and therapies described in the Edgar Cayce readings or are of a helpful nature. Their inclusion does not imply endorsement or recommendation. Before following any advice contained in the articles, please seek the counsel of your doctor.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Epilepsy: Cured Vol. 1 Contents: Pages: A. Introduction to the Edgar Cayce Readings on Health & Healing 5 B. Epilepsy Overview by William McGarey, M.D.


C. “Healing with the Edgar Cayce Remedies – A True Story”


D. “Self-Manipulation for Back Pain and Seizures”


E. “Infant Recovers from Seizure . . . CranioSacral Therapy”


F. Case Studies from the Readings – all were cured: 1. Reading # 561-1, 16-year-old boy, 5/28/34


2. Reading # 561-2, same boy, 7/9/34


3. Reading # 561-3, same boy, 9/26/34


4. Reading # 571-1, 12-year-old girl, 6/4/34


5. Reading # 571-2, same girl, 9/26/34


6. Reading # 571-3, same girl (15 years), 1/8/38


7. Reading # 571-4, same girl (17 years), 12/21/39


8. Reading # 814-1, 32-year-old man, 11/23/26


9. Reading # 814-2, same man (33 years), 11/22/27


10. Reading # 814-3, same man (41 years), 2/5/35


11. Reading # 1625-1, 7-year-old boy, 7/1/38


12. Reading # 1625-2, same boy (8 years), 5/20/39


13. Reading # 1625-3, same boy (9 years), 11/13/39


14. Reading # 1653-1, 46-year-old man


15. Reading # 1916-1, 17-year-old girl, 7/23/27


16. Reading # 1916-2, same girl, 11/9/27


17. Reading # 1916-3, same girl (19 years), 7/5/29


18. Reading # 1916-4, same girl, 8/9/29


19. Reading # 1916-5, same girl (Life Reading) 1/19/31


20. Reading # 2019-1, 52-year-old man (Catholic priest) 114 (continued on the next page) Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



F. Case Studies from the Readings – all were cured: continued 21. Reading # 2473-1, 5-year-old girl


22. Reading # 2991-1, 15-year-old boy, 5/8/43


23. Reading # 2991-2, same boy, 10/14/43


24. Reading # 5232-1, 25-year-old woman


25. Reading # 251-1, a young boy


G. “New Views on Epilepsy”


H. “The Abdominal Brain”


I. “Epilepsy: ‘I Have a New Son’”


J. “Pediatric Seizure Disorder”


K. “Case Profile on: Seizures, Infantile”


L. “A Loss for Words” – Patient Report


M. Related Circulating Files and Research Bulletins * : 1. Acidity – Alkalinity 2. Appliances (Radio-Active; Wet Cell Battery; Violet Ray) 3. Atomidine (iodine) 4. Castor Oil Pack/Palma Christi 5. Consistency in Healing 6. Epilepsy, Volumes 2 – 5, 6 & 7 (Children: Abnormal) 7. Epilepsy, Research Bulletins, Vol. 1 & 2 8. "First Things First" 9. Magnetic Healing (Laying On of Hands) 10. Osteopathy 11. Practitioners, Mechanical Aids 12. Principles of Healing 13. Spiritual Healing: General 14. Suggestive Therapeutics, Vol. 1 & 2 15. "Use That at Hand" 16. Workings of the Law N. Related Books: 1. Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy 2. Edgar Cayce’s Guide to Colon Care 3. Edgar Cayce’s Massage Hydrotherapy & Healing Oils 4. Epilepsy – Jody’s Journey 5. Nourishing the Body Temple *

Circulating Files & Research Bulletins are available from A.R.E. membership services at (800) 333-4499 or: http://www.edgarcayce.org/circulating_files.asp Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Introduction to the Cayce Readings on Health and Healing No matter what illness or ailment concerns us, certain basic principles about health and healing are relevant. These are the premises upon which all of the Cayce health information rests. For those who would like to make a more careful study of these basic principles, the recommended Circulating File is entitled Principles of Healing. Here, in essence, are the ideas found in that file. They may prove to be very useful to your study of the specific ailment that requires healing for you. The first fundamental idea about healing requires that we maintain a creative balance between two principles: 1. All healing comes from the infinite - that is, from attunement and harmony with our spiritual source. The infinite is just as accessible and available in the visible, physical world as it is in the invisible realm. 2. At the same time, each person must take responsibility for his or her own healing process. No one can simply sit back and wait passively for healing to occur. This second principle - the need for self-responsibility - can take many forms. For example, healing requires attunement, and no one knows better than ourselves exactly what has gotten us out of attunement. Often, if we look closely at our lives, we can see (without needing a gifted medical clairvoyant such as Edgar Cayce) what's causing our illness. To illustrate self-responsibility further, the human body has a marvelous, innate drive to heal itself, but we've got to do our part to help. A broken bone will naturally try to mend; however, the fracture needs to be set properly for the healing to be complete and effective. Cayce stresses the healing ability of the body: Remember, the body does gradually renew itself constantly. Do not look upon the conditions which have existed as not being able to be eradicated from the system. . . Hold to that KNOWLEDGE - and don't think of it as just theory that the body CAN, the body DOES renew itself! 1548-3 Another important principle relates to energy medicine, a new field for which Edgar Cayce was a pioneer. His readings consistently speak of the roles played by vibrations or vibratory forces - right down to the level of individual atoms. According to Cayce, there is a type of consciousness that exists in each atom. Although most of the passages about the atomic physics of healing seem rather esoteric, it might be easier to follow the analogy of the attunement of a stringed musical instrument. A violin or piano that is out of tune makes sour, discordant music - symbolic of disease or illness. Just as a skilled musician can bring the instrument back into attunement, we experience healing when our vibrations - right down to the atomic level - are adjusted in a correct manner. In essence, all healing is bringing the vibrations into harmony from within.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Balance among body, mind, and spirit is another key to Cayce's philosophy of healing. For healing to be complete and lasting, we must recognize and meet the needs of each of these three levels. Virtually no illness or disease can be treated successfully at only one of these three levels. What's more, Cayce affirms that the human body will naturally stay healthy - and even rejuvenate itself - if a kind of internal balance can be maintained. “Dis-ease” starts when one part of the body draws energy from another part. One portion of an organism may become overcharged with the creative life force, while another portion becomes undernourished. The result is a gradual disintegration of the body and the onset of illness. The opposite of this sort of disintegration is rejuvenation. The readings assert that we are continuously rebuilding our bodies. Within any seven-year period, each cell is replaced. If we'll allow it, our bodies will transform any problem and resuscitate any condition. But our ingrained habits usually block this healing potential - the habits of action and, even more potent, the habits of mind. What role do drugs and medicine play in the healing process? Cayce's philosophy clearly sees a place for them, but warns of misunderstanding how they work and of expecting more of them than is possible. Any healing method attempts to create an experience of oneness, in hopes of then stimulating a similar response in the body. For some people in some situations, a drug may be the best way to accomplish this just as in other cases surgery may be the best way to stimulate healing. Medicines can be a practical application of the one life force. Occasionally they must be very potent in their reactions in order to get the patient through an acute illness. But Cayce from time to time encouraged people to consider the herbal formulas he recommended to be tonics and stimulants, rather than medicines. The dangerous side of medicines is their potential to diminish the body's own healing work. This is what Cayce alluded to when he warned about “palliatives” that deceive the soul with half-truths and temporary relief. It's also what he meant when he warned that we shouldn't come to rely on any condition outside of ourselves that could be assimilated by the body inwardly. All of this is to say, take the medications prescribed by the physician you trust. Keep in mind this thought: what those chemicals can do is temporarily - and somewhat artificially - give your body an experience of greater oneness. Healing that really takes hold and lasts must come from changing one's inner consciousness and vibration. That happens most effectively from consistent and persistent human effort (that is, engaging one's desires, purposes, and will) something that pills all too easily allow us to skip. These have been long-standing. Do not take the treatments just a few days, or even a few weeks, and expect to be well - and then revert to old conditions. But be consistent and persistent! Have periods when these will be taken (that is, ALL of those things indicated) for two, three to four weeks. Then rest by leaving them off a week. And then be just as patient and just as persistent as though you were beginning all over again. 976-1 Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Cayce's healing philosophy includes other insights that can help us avoid misunderstanding. For example, one principle states that the best treatment procedures sometimes cause a temporary worsening of conditions. If we didn't recognize this possibility, we might give up just before the benefits begin to appear. A closely related principle states that when a body is re-establishing its attunement, it tends to be more sensitive. Again, if we misunderstand that heightened sensitivity, we might not see the good that is slowly being effected. The mind is a focus of other healing principles. The unconscious mind plays a role in many illnesses and diseases. One example of this is the karmic factor in health problems. Memories from previous incarnations, stored in the soul mind, can trigger problems in the body. Of course, we shouldn't go so far as to suppose that every health challenge has past-life roots; nevertheless, the perspective of reincarnation can help us understand what we could possibly be dealing with as we seek healing. The familiar Cayce axiom, “Mind is the builder, ” leads us to wonder exactly which attitudes and emotions best foster healing. The readings emphasize several: Self-acceptance. As we rid ourselves of self-condemnation, we make room for healing forces to enter. Optimism and hope. We're encouraged to expect healing. Patience. It's much easier and quicker to destroy health than it is to rebuild it. We need to be willing to patiently invest whatever time is required. Alongside these specific attitudes and emotions, we're invited to use the creative potential of visualization to stimulate our own healing. The mind's image-making capacity can be directed in such a way that we “see” the healing transformation taking place. This is not something that's accomplished in a single visualization session. Like all the Cayce health-promoting approaches, it requires persistence and works best in conjunction with other healing methods. Perhaps the most important principle of the mind's relationship to healing concerns purposefulness. A person can experience temporarily an outer healing - that is, in the physical body only - yet still be spiritually sick. What cures the soul? A commitment to a purposeful life. Not just any purpose, but instead one that reflects care for other people. On occasion a reading from Cayce would pose this question to the person who was ill: What would you do with your life if you were healed? What would the body be healed for? That it might gratify its own physical appetites? That it might add to its own selfishness? Then (if so) it had better remain as it is. . . But first the change of heart, the change of mind, the change of purpose, the change of intent. 3124-2 The position of Cayce's psychic source was simply this: Why correct the physical condition unless there's also going to be an inner correction? People who are looking for both inner and outer healing are the best candidates for restored health and vitality. In Cayce's philosophy, healing should equip us to be more useful to others.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



With this ideal of service in mind, we might also wonder just how we can be channels of healing to others. What principles govern our efforts to be healers to those for whom we have concern? One principle is based on the spiritual connections that exist between all people. It states that as we bring the experience of oneness into our own consciousness, it can profoundly help someone else experience oneness, attunement, and healing. Cayce's way of putting it was, “...raising the Christ Consciousness in self to such an extent as it may flow out of self to him thou would direct it to.” (281-7) For this to be most effective, the recipient must desire such help and have requested healing prayer. Of course, we can always pray for someone, even if that individual hasn't asked us. But it's important that we not assume we know what's needed in any person's life. For one who hasn't specifically asked for prayer, we can simply offer prayers of protection and blessing, rather than try to direct healing energies to that person or for a specific condition. It is also important to remember that each reading was given for an individual. It must be emphasized that no suggested treatments for any particular ailments should be "lifted" from any individual reading and tried by another individual except under the supervision of and with the cooperation of a physician or licensed health care professional. However, there were many suggestions that were given over and over, and these can be studied to find how they apply to ourselves. These healing principles can be grouped in four categories that referred to as CARE. Circulation – moving the blood around the body through therapies such as massage or spinal manipulation Assimilation – encouraging the body to pull the proper nutrients from the food by eating the proper foods and in the proper combinations Relaxation – taking time to rest and let the body recuperate and counterbalance the daily activities Elimination – removing the waste products from the body through therapies such as sweats, colonics, and fume baths For more information about CARE and recommendations on the lifestyle described in the readings, please see Dr. Harold J. Reilly’s Handbook for Health. There are also many verbatim collections of the readings in other Circulating Files, Research Bulletins, and Treatment Plans for individual diseases which may be purchased through Customer Service at 800-333-4499. The A.R.E. is interested in having all the material in the health readings reviewed by physicians and health care professionals who also provide summaries of their findings in the hope that the information may prove beneficial to others. When time and finances permit it is planned to have all the information in the health readings read by one or more physicians and the subject matter summarized. Please send any feedback to Library: Circulating File Desk A.R.E. 215 67th St Virginia Beach VA 23451 Or e-mail: [email protected] Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



To obtain health items mentioned in the readings, contact our official worldwide distributor, Baar Products at 800-269-2502 or Baar.com. We do not advocate a do-it-yourself process. Please seek out the advice of a health professional before implementing any recommendation. In summary, the Cayce readings remind us that our natural state is wholeness and health. An innate wisdom within ourselves knows what's needed for healing. We should expect to get well, and we should be willing to do our part to make it possible. “Those that expect little of the Lord receive little; those that expect much receive much - if they live it!” 1424-1 Blessings, A.R.E. Member Services Team

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Overview on Epilepsy By Walter N. Pahnke, M.D., August 1960 The following is an edited chapter taken from Physician’s Reference Notebook, compiled and written by William A. McGarey, M.D. and associated physicians of the A.R.E. Clinic in cooperation with the Edgar Cayce Foundation, copyright 1983. This book addresses more than 50 health issues from acne to varicose veins. The chapter on epilepsy can serve as the first step in beginning your own research and deepening your understanding of Cayce’s approach to this condition.

~ In the Edgar Cayce readings a total of 95 cases have been indexed to date as some form of epilepsy. For the purposes of this study these 95 cases were divided into three groups. Classification was complicated in most cases by inadequate medical history and lack of description of the symptoms of the disease. Questions asked in the readings as well as the correspondence for each case were found useful for this purpose. In some readings, epilepsy was mentioned by name as the basis of the condition, but in most cases a description of the causes and treatments was the chief consideration. Group I contains the 46 cases in which the diagnosis was most certain. These readings named the condition as epilepsy, a medical history was supplied in the correspondence, or some ideas relating to a description of the convulsions or seizures could be ascertained. Group II contains 33 cases in which the diagnosis was less certain because no description was given other than that the patient had some type of convulsions, seizures, fainting spells, black-outs, or falling-out spells. Group III contains 16 cases in which the diagnosis did not seem to be epilepsy as ascertained from the correspondence or readings or both. . . . Therefore, for the purposes of this study, the 79 cases in Groups I and II formed the basic data which were analyzed. Because of the incompleteness of the follow-up information and the inexactness with which the treatments were followed in the cases where such information was available, the adequacy of the treatments can only be ascertained by . . . well-controlled clinical trials of the treatments suggested. I. Physiological Considerations In the 79 cases of Groups I and II (see “Case Breakdown by Groups” at end), two interrelated types of lesions predominated as the basic cause of the conditions: lacteal duct lesions and spinal lesions. Lacteal duct pathology was described in about half (39) of the cases…. Mechanical, circulatory, or neurological lesions located by reference to a spinal segment are specifically mentioned in 31 cases. The incidence of these two classes of lesions would have been higher if a lesion were assumed to be present because of the type of treatment recommended. For example, specific manipulation was indicated in 51 cases, and castor oil packs were suggested in cases where lacteal duct lesions had not been specifically described. A relationship seemed to be indicated by means of nerve reflex action via the autonomic nervous system between the lacteal duct area and certain spinal segments. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



An initial lesion was described in the lacteal duct area in 23 cases; and an original injury was located by reference to a spinal segment in 23 other cases. That the readings assumed there was a definite relationship between the two types of lesions was shown from the fact that in 37 of the 39 cases in which lacteal duct pathology was mentioned, the presence of a lesion in a spinal segment or segments was either directly described or indirectly indicated because of specific treatments consisting of manipulations and massage on and around the spinal column. Therefore, it can be assumed that in almost half the cases these two types of lesions were considered as occurring together. The most common cause given for the lacteal duct lesion (when a specific cause was described) was reflex action from an initial injury to a spinal segment, particularly in the sacral coccygeal region. Direct trauma to the right upper quadrant of the abdomen or in the region of the umbilicus during or after birth was also repeatedly described (e.g., cases [3801] and [5732]). Post-natal infection in the umbilical area was also given as a cause for [2441]. In case [2019], prolonged fasting in the past produced some sort of injury to the umbilical and lacteal autonomic plexuses so that a tautness was produced in the lacteal ducts periodically. A sudden drop in a fever without sufficient water in or activity of the alimentary canal was described as the cause in [2153]. The basic lesion in the lacteal duct area was an interference in the flow of chyle. This seemed to be in some cases caused by an actual constriction or narrowing of the lacteal vessels by adhesions or thickening, and in other cases by some type of spasm. . . . According to the readings, this basic lacteal duct lesion had far-reaching effects in the body by reflex action via the autonomic nervous system…. (and) described a malfunctioning of the digestive system. Also by autonomic reflex, lesions in spinal segments were set up - most commonly in the sacro-coccygeal region, ninth and tenth dorsals, and first, second and third cervicals. The lesions in the spinal segments and the lacteal duct lesion produced what was described as an incoordination between the cerebrospinal nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. From the data above, it can be implied that there was a type of reciprocal action between lesions in the spinal segments and the lacteal duct lesion. Where the lacteal lesion was produced first, these lesions in the spinal segments developed by reflex action and vice versa. The endocrine glands were involved in 21 cases – also by reflex action via the autonomic nervous system – with the adrenals and gonads affected and triggering a response in the pineal and pituitary glands. The mechanism of this reaction was not given in detail. No specific hormonal relationships were described. It was indicated, however, that one way to influence the pineal and pituitary glands was via nerve reflex in the autonomic nervous system which would affect centers in the medulla oblongata. The readings suggested that these glands have reciprocal relationships with the brain, particularly the autonomic centers. Thus the basic incoordination between the cerebrospinal and the autonomic nervous systems was caused by reflex action from the lacteal duct and spinal segment lesions via the nervous system and the glands. The end result of these disturbances was an overflow of Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



neuronal discharge via the central nervous system in the case of grand mal seizure or the temporary loss of consciousness in a petit mal seizure. Such an explanation is a somewhat general and rather incomplete description with many statements which have not been verified by present medical knowledge. The readings were more concerned with treatment than cause and usually gave only as much theory as was necessary to understand and carry out the treatments. The theory presented above was pieced together from various readings. As indicated, the lesions - or adhesions AND lesions - in the lacteal ducts are the basic cause for the disturbance in the nervous system. And these arise from the inability of the assimilating system to function with the sympathetic nervous system in its reaction to the nerve reflexes or impulses. For these conditions, as we find, exist: When there is an expression or activity from the sympathetic nervous system, or the sensory system that responds through the sympathetic nerve system, we find there is the movement or impulse to and from the brain centers themselves. Then with a lesion or adhesion, the impulse is cut off - or deflected. For, as indicated, we have lesion in the lacteal duct area, from an injury there in times back; this the right side, just below the liver area. Hence we have first an intestinal disturbance through the activity of the assimilating system, producing at times disturbances to the liver; at others producing to the pancrean secretions, at others to the activities through the peristaltic movement; not only in the lower intestinal tract but to those activities through the jejunum itself. Then this coordinating or connection with the solar plexus nerve centers, making for an incoordination with the cerebrospinal nerve system, produces at the base of the brain - or through the medulla oblongata - and incoordinant reaction. (Q) Do you find any condition existing in the brain, or is it reflex? (A) As we find, and as indicated, the accumulations that have been there are rather reflex - and are PRODUCED by the condition in the lacteal duct area. (Q) Of what nature was the injury that caused or brought about this condition in the lacteal area? (A) This was a pressure, or a lick [a blow]. 1025-2 These as we find are hidden, in a nature, and the causes arise from an injury received some years ago, in the coccyx area, and then a contributory cause later in the area above the lumbar axis. These caused a slowing of the circulation through the areas of the lacteal ducts, thus producing a COLD area there, that has produced a partial adherence of tissue. With the activity of the lymph through the area, we find that periodically, when there is the lack of proper eliminations through the alimentary canal, there occurs a reflex to the coordination between sympathetic and cerebrospinal system area; that takes the governing of the impulse, as it were, to the brain reactions; OR a form of spasmodic reaction that might be called epileptic in its nature. If this is allowed to remain, or if there are the attempts to allay by or through the applications ordinarily in such cases, we will not only continue this reaction but cause greater destructive forces in the areas along the impulses to the sympathetic and cerebrospinal centers in lumbar and coccyx area; thus increasing and making

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


EPILEPSY: CURED, VOL. 1 CIRCULATING FILE more severe the attacks that occur from this deflection of impulse. . . . (Q) What was the nature of the original accident? (A) Striking the end of the spine - on banister.


As has been indicated - and should be noted by the masseur or osteopath - the lesions that cause attacks are in the lacteal duct and those areas about the assimilating system and the upper portion of jejunum and caecum. There are NO brain lesions, but there is that which at times hinders the coordination between the impulses of the body and the normal physical reactions - or that break between the cerebrospinal and the sympathetic or vegetative nerve system, that coordinates from the lacteal duct through the adrenals and their reaction to the pineal; causing the spasmodic reaction in the medulla oblongata, or that balance at the base of the brain…. There are, to be sure, lacteal ducts. There are the strings or ducts all through the upper portion of the alimentary canal, or jejunum; but the larger patch or area is that lying just below the lower end of the duodenum, and where same EMPTIES into the jejunum, see? THIS patch is not only an INTERNAL activity but an EXTERNAL, that makes for the production of assimilation. The adhesions in these ducts here were produced by an excess temperature, which the body suffered at some period when there was too SUDDEN dropping of the temperature (which they may check and find to be correct), and NOT sufficient water, or manipulations, or activity, through the alimentary canal. This has gradually caused the disturbances to the general breaking of coordination in the nerve systems, and brings about - for this body - the SOURCE of the attacks. 2153-4

As was indicated above, in only about half the cases was lacteal duct pathology described. Of the remaining cases brain damage was described as the cause in seven cases. In others, the pathological description was complicated by the existence of another disease present along with the epilepsy. For example, case [3521] had both epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. Other cases combined epilepsy with mental retardation. It might be assumed that lacteal duct pathology (although not specifically described) and related mechanisms led to the production of convulsions in some of the remaining cases because of the similarity in the treatments suggested. Although the Edgar Cayce readings gave as the etiologic factors a lacteal duct lesion in association with a spinal segment lesion in slightly less than half of the cases (37), these were the largest group of cases with a consistent mechanism and type of treatment. For example, in 29 of these cases castor oil packs were recommended and in 22 of these same cases incoordination between the autonomic and cerebrospinal nervous systems was specifically mentioned as a definite factor. If it is taken as a presupposition that this type of pathology and the mechanism of pathologic physiology described above is the etiology in some types of epileptic conditions, an explanation could be suggested for a portion of the 50% of all cases of epilepsy which are now termed idiopathic. It is interesting to note the diagnostic sign which was given in six of the cases where lacteal duct lesion was described – a cold spot on the skin of the right upper quadrant. This sign was usually only present at the time of the seizure. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Another possible diagnostic sign noted in the correspondence of case [561], which resulted in a complete cure of the condition, was an occasional feeling of pressure or a "stitch" in the right side. Trouble with eliminations also seemed to be present fairly consistently. II. Discussion of Treatment Treatments aim at the elimination of the basic causes and restoration of the normal functioning of the body. All the treatments were somewhat interrelated in their actions and effects. In order to break up the lesions and adhesions in the lacteal duct area, a combination of hot castor oil packs, massage, olive oil taken internally, and spinal manipulations was employed. In addition, proper elimination and diet also were supposed to have their effect upon the lacteal area. Hot castor oil packs were usually given in a three-day series and were kept on for from one to three hours over the entire right abdomen, both anterior and posterior from the right costal margin to the crest of the ileum and covering the area of the caecum and umbilicus. These hot packs were said to start the breakup of the lacteal lesions and adhesions. The heat alone would certainly tend to increase the circulation of the area. It was also implied that the castor oil itself would have a beneficial effect by absorption through the skin. In many cases a period of abdominal massage and kneading of the right side of the abdomen was instructed immediately after the removal of the packs, to help in the break-up of the lesions and adhesions. This massage was recommended with either peanut oil or a mixture of olive oil and myrrh, and sometimes with a combination of all three. The olive oil, given internally (usually two tablespoonfuls), was to be taken at bedtime on the last day of the series of packs. As a fat it would be absorbed through the lacteal ducts and might help to increase the flow through them. Osteopathic massage and manipulation on and around the spine followed the series of castor oil packs. The relationship mentioned above between spinal and lacteal lesions is significant here. The manipulative treatment was supposed not only to correct any mechanical abnormalities in spinal segments, but also to stimulate the autonomic nervous system to help overcome the imbalance between it and the cerebrospinal nervous system. The effect upon the lacteal duct area was to aid in the elimination of the lesions and/or adhesions by an increase in circulation and a relief of nervous tension or spasm induced via the autonomic nerve plexuses in the abdomen. The hot packs seem to be an essential preliminary step, so that the manipulations would have their maximum effect on the lesions and adhesions in the lacteal duct regions. Elimination of the lesions would in turn have a reciprocal effect upon the spinal segment lesion and vice versa. It is necessary that there be sufficient of the Castor Oil Packs taken to relax the lacteal duct area, the caecum and the central portion about the umbilicus center. Also in giving the adjustments necessary from the 9th dorsal to the lumbar axis, or 4th lumbar, there must be the massage - or the kneading, gently, of the whole right portion of the abdomen, specifically. And then there must be the relaxing of those centers also in the coccyx area. 1025-2 Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


EPILEPSY: CURED, VOL. 1 CIRCULATING FILE Have sufficient periods of the Castor Oil Packs. To be sure, they are disagreeable, but they will break up lesions as no other administrations will. The best time to take these is the evening, to be sure. These should be given in series; applied for an hour each evening for two or three evenings BEFORE each osteopathic adjustment is to be made, see? . . . Keep these up until this coldness AND the lesion in the right side is removed, which is just a hand's breadth below the point of the rib, or over that area of the ducts. . . . The idea of the treatments, of course, is to correct those subluxations, or tendencies, which exist; deep in some areas, superficial in others, along that area given; but mostly to eradicate causing the system to assimilate - the tautness, coldness and the lesions in the right side of body, in the areas indicated. 2153-4

Stimulation of the autonomic nervous system by manipulation would also affect the functioning of the glands which in turn would have an effect upon the brain by the mechanism that the readings suggested. The problem of inadequate elimination was addressed from a number of different angles. The olive oil, a natural laxative, also acts as lubrication in the intestines. Other laxatives were sometimes suggested, such as Fletcher's Castoria, or Innerclean. Colonics were recommended for those who seemed to have a particularly difficult problem with elimination. Manipulations would presumably also help here. Proper functioning of the alimentary canal was aided by a diet designed to include food as easily digestible as possible. This in turn would aid eliminations. The diet was low fat in nature, definitely prohibiting fried foods, pork, fat meats, and sweet milk. Alkaline-forming foods and vegetables were recommended, but most tuberous vegetables were excluded. Acid-producing foods such as meats, sugars, starches, and condiments were discouraged. A boiled concentrate which was prepared in a definitely prescribed manner from the passion flower was recommended to replace the use of sedatives. Although the readings occasionally approved the temporary continuance of sedatives such as dilantin or phenobarbital, the ultimate goal of successful treatment was the elimination of the need for such drugs which act as poisons in the system. The passion flower fusion was described as a non-habit-forming herbal compound and not a sedative itself. It was supposed to have a calming action on the nervous system and to aid the eliminations, as well as to help retard muscular contractions. Exercise in the open was recommended both for a means of helpful outlet of physical energy and as a means of securing physical relaxation of the body during rest. To be sure, the body should take as much physical exercise - and in the open as is practical each day, not to be over strenuous. Calisthenics, or ANYTHING that has to do with the general movements of the body in the open is well. Walking is one of the BEST of exercises; walking, swimming, ANYTHING that has the calisthenics; tennis, handball, Badminton; ANY of those activities for the body. 2153-4

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



The readings stressed the importance of a balanced program of treatment, with equal stress on all phases. The importance of completeness, continuity, and consistency was emphasized. In most cases, treatment had to be continued for a considerable period of time, at least six months. III. Recommendations [Specific recommendations were given by Dr. Pahnke for medical research] With the presupposition that there is an intestinal type of epilepsy with a lacteal duct etiological factor, the treatment could be expected to be effective only in such cases where such pathology is present. Obviously, the most satisfactory trial would be on a group of epileptics of this type. At present, the only guides which can be used to separate this type of case are the cold spot described above, discomfort in the right abdominal region, or disturbances in eliminations from the digestive tract. If such a selected group could not be found and the treatments were tried on a general group of epileptics with no apparent brain damage, it should be remembered that in no more than 50 percent of the cases (Group I and II) were lacteal duct lesions described as an important etiological factor. With the possibility of such a clinical trial in mind, the following treatment outline has been prepared. The suggestions given below occurred repeatedly and fairly consistently in the readings. . . . In general, treatment involves the application of castor oil packs for three-day periods in conjunction with daily massages of the right abdominal and spinal area. The osteopathic manipulations are to follow the three-day series of packs on the fourth day. During the first six weeks of treatment, osteopathic manipulations are to be given twice weekly, each following a three-day series of packs. The packs, massages, and manipulations follow a cyclical schedule with three weeks of treatment followed by one week of rest, etc. Starting with the third three-week treatment period (i.e., the eighth week), only one osteopathic treatment is to be given each week, following one three-day series of packs. In addition to these treatments, the passion flower fusion is given, but only after the packs and manipulations have been started. The above mentioned basic treatment should be supported and given in conjunction with strict attention to diet, exercise, daily regularity and full eliminations from the digestive tract. The complete treatment should be carried through. . . . Six months is suggested as the minimum period of treatment. IV. Treatment Outline 1. Hot castor oil packs: One to one-and-a-half hours daily for each three-day series. The pack should be applied preferable in the evening, so that the patient can go to sleep immediately after the pack and associated massages have been finished. 2. Massage of the abdomen and spine: After the packs have been removed and the area sponged off with soda solution, the right abdominal area should have a thorough massage with deep kneading movements. This massage should last for at least 15 minutes and be given with the fingers dipped into a solution Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



made of equal portions of olive oil and tincture of myrrh. (This oil solution should be prepared by heating the olive oil and then adding the tincture of myrrh.) After the abdominal massage, a 15-minute massage of the spine and the back muscles along the side of the spine should be given from the base of the brain to the tip of the spine with the same oil solution. 3. Olive oil: Two tablespoonfuls by mouth at bedtime after each three-day series of packs (i.e., on the evening of the third day). 4. Osteopathic manipulation: Twice weekly for the first six weeks of treatment and once weekly thereafter (except during the one-week "rest" periods every fourth week). This osteopathic treatment should be both general and specific. In addition to general massage and manipulation of the spine, special attention should be paid to the sacro-coccygeal area and the first three cervicals, as well as the ninth to the eleventh dorsal segments. The coccyx and the sacro-coccygeal junction should receive special attention. An osteopathic massage should be given to the abdominal areas from the liver to the caecum and include the umbilical area. Each manipulative treatment should be preceded by the three-day series of castor oil packs [and two tablespoonfuls of olive oil should be taken at bedtime on the evening prior to the manipulation]. 5. Passion Flower Fusion: One teaspoonful four times daily, one-half hour before meals and one-half hour before retiring. This treatment should be started during the fourth week of therapy - i.e., at the start of the first one-week rest period. This compound is intended to reduce the amount of sedative needed to control the epilepsy. Sedatives which the patient is already taking should be decreased gradually in accordance with the following schedule: At the time of the second one-week rest period, decrease total dosage by one-third. At the time of the third one-week rest period, decrease another one-third; and by the time of the fourth one-week rest period, discontinue sedatives entirely so that the patient is taking only the passion flower fusion in the above dose. *Note: Reduction of sedatives must be undertaken in accord with the individual patient's response and only upon the recommendation of the supervising physician. The goal should be complete freedom from sedatives by the end of the six-month treatment period. 6. Diet: The diet should generally contain foods of a non-constipating and easily digestible nature. Overeating should be avoided. a. Sugars and starches: Use honey for sweetening. Cut down on starches. Avoid sugars and condiments. b. Fruits: All in abundance except raw apples, bananas, large prunes, plums and cranberries. c. Vegetables: Especially stress raw, green vegetable salads. Leafy vegetables in abundance rather than tuberous vegetables (except carrots, beets and oyster plant). Avoid potatoes, turnips, legumes, and rhubarb. Eat Jerusalem artichokes one or two times per week, and okra frequently. d. Cereal products: Whole wheat, cracked wheat, or pumpernickel bread. Dry cereals, whole wheat or steel-cut oats (not rolled oats) as cooked cereals, but not at the same meal with citrus fruits. No nuts, except

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



filberts and almonds in moderation. Ovaltine as a beverage, rather than coffee or tea. e. Meats: Seafoods in abundance but never fried. Fish, fowl, lamb, calves’ liver (broiled, never fried), no rare meat, no beef except beef juice regularly, no fat meats, no pork except crisp breakfast bacon occasionally. Use gelatin frequently – e.g., in fruit and vegetable salads. f. Dairy products: Eggs, but only the yolk. Cheese only in moderation. Avoid sweet milk (use Bulgarian buttermilk, dry skimmed milk, or soybean milk). g. Miscellaneous: No carbonated beverages. No alcoholic drinks. No smoking unless already an addict, then decrease to a minimum. 7. Eliminations: The natural functioning of the digestive tract should be kept regular. The two tablespoonfuls of olive oil after each three-day series of castor oil packs will aid in this, but other laxatives may be required. Petrolagar, Fletcher's Castoria, or Innerclean are other possibilities. If the eliminations do not seem to be adequate, even with the use of the laxatives suggested, a colonic irrigation should be given one to two times per month. In cases with a special problem, eat nothing but raw apples (in spite of prohibition of apples in the usual diet above) for three days followed by a half cup of olive oil as a cleansing for the entire digestive tract. In summary the treatment follows a cyclical pattern with a rest period every fourth week. A schedule based on the plan of treatment given above is as follows: First three weeks: Castor oil packs plus massages each evening – Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Olive oil at bedtime following the treatment on Tuesday. Manipulative treatment on Wednesday. Repeat series of packs plus massages each evening on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Olive oil following the treatment at bedtime Friday. Manipulative treatment on Saturday. This same schedule is followed each week. Fourth week: None of the above treatments but start passion flower fusion by mouth and continue four times daily throughout the remaining periods of treatment. Fifth, sixth and seventh weeks: Same as first three weeks. Eighth week: Rest from all treatment except passion flower fusion, diet, and control of eliminations. Ninth, tenth and eleventh weeks: Each week one three-day series of castor oil packs and massages, plus the olive oil as before, followed by a manipulative treatment on the fourth day. Twelfth week: Rest as during the eighth week. Repeat patterns of weeks nine through twelve for the remainder of the six-month treatment period. V. Conclusion This report has been a preliminary step in the study of the treatment given for epilepsy in the Edgar Cayce readings. No conclusions can be drawn as to the worth of the treatments without further research. . . .

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Case Breakdown by Groups Group I (46 cases): 34, 80, 161, 251, 543, 561, 567, 571, 663, 693, 814, 885, IOO1, 1025, 1527, 1625, 1683, 1699, 1784, 1836, 1916, 1980, 1994, 2019, 2149, 2153, 2292, 3057, 3082, 3156, 3210, 3302, 3426, 3438, 3569, 3606, 3688, 3790, 4678, 5232, 5234, 5379, 5386, 5562, 5642, 5736. Group II (33 cases): 22, 54, 179, 395, 521, 769, 1495, 1653, 2155, 2286, 2441, 2991, 3133, 3217, 3362, 3428, 3465, 3521, 3565, 3568, 3603, 3690, 3788, 3801, 3891, 4091, 4677, 4798, 5033, 5094, 5128, 5333, 5732. Group III (16 cases): 146, 241, 436, 758, 1198, 1289, 1465, 3071, 3905, 3918, 3995, 4080, 4503, 4844, 5204, 5391. The Most Common Types of Etiology and Treatment Classified According to Frequency of Occurrence in the 79 Cases of Groups I and II Items Specifically Mentioned in Readings Group I Group II Etiology: 1. Lacteal duct pathology 2. Cold spot present 3. Spinal segment lesions (a) All types (b) Coccyx 4. Incoordination between cerebrospinal and autonomic nervous systems 5. Glands 6. Brain scar Treatment: 1. Castor oil packs 2. Osteopathic manipulations 3. Massage 4. Abdominal massage 5. Passion flower fusion 6. Diet 7. Eliminations (a) Laxatives (b) Colonics 8. Exercise


23 6

16 2

39 8

19 14

12 9

31 23

22 13 5

13 8 2

35 21 7

23 34 24 14 17 27

14 17 19 9 11 13

37 51 43 23 28 40

14 6 9

13 6 2

27 12 11

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Healing with the Edgar Cayce Remedies – A True Story

by Linda Caputi, R.N. In 1986, when Jo was eight years old, we moved to Virginia Beach. Regretfully, it became a traumatic event as she missed her friends and the New York energy in which she thrived. Over time, her unhappiness developed into emotional overeating, and by age fourteen, my petite daughter was more than seventy-five pounds overweight. One thing, however, consoled her. She would be driving before her sixteenth birthday, much earlier than New York laws allowed. As 1993 drew near, that’s just what she did – in addition to losing the extra weight she had gained. Yet within six months Jo began having infrequent but strange episodes. They would begin with feelings of nausea and “zoning out.” At first the incidents were easily ignored. No external problems were evident and visits to the doctor were fruitless. But more noticeable symptoms, and a referral in 1995 to a neurologist finally led to a diagnosis of complex partial seizures. Though this type of seizure appears milder than the grand mal type, it’s more difficult to control with medication. The episodes were actually mild seizures called “auras.” The usual electroencephalogram (EEG) and magnetic resonance imaging tests (MRI) were performed but showed nothing abnormal. We traveled to the University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville and another medical center in New Jersey that specialized in the treatment of epilepsy. More tests, same results: idiopathic (of unknown origin) epilepsy. The medical establishment looks upon idiopathic epilepsy as a problem originating in the brain. Attempts are made to subdue the seizures with medication, brain surgery (to remove the “problem” area) or the insertion of the Vagus Nerve Stimulator. However, none of these treatments deal with any identifiable underlying cause. At the New Jersey epilepsy center, I spoke with a nurse who worked closely with the surgeons. She said they were finding that some patients would be seizure-free following surgery, but within a few years the epilepsy had returned, and was now originating in another part of the brain. Although Jody and John, her dad, felt surgery might be an option, the information the nurse shared suggested to me that surgery would be only a temporary solution. Edgar Cayce’s perspective of idiopathic epilepsy was unique. Commonly cited reasons for seizures were directed to two areas below the brain: incoordination of Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



the nervous systems due to lesions along the spine or adhesions of the lacteal ducts within the abdomen. The remedies most frequently suggested were osteopathic adjustments and abdominal castor oil packs. In September 1995, Jo turned 18. Like many others dealing with epilepsy, she hoped to find the right medication to prevent the seizures from occurring. This offers the possibility of an easy solution, though it wasn’t the case for Jody. Through her first year at Norfolk’s Old Dominion University (ODU) and the years following, Jo tried a number of different medications. Side effects were numerous but none diminished the seizures after an initial “honeymoon” phase when the medications were most sedating. Then I found something that seemed promising. I started to explore Cayce’s epilepsy remedies and found a simple suggestion that proved to be of immediate help. It was regarding the use of ice for seizures and always worked well for Jody: (Q) What can be done to allay attack once it has started? (A) Place a piece of ice at base of brain and it will stop immediately. 1001-5 September 1996. Despite the uncontrolled seizures and side effects of the medications, Jody did well enough at ODU to transfer to the University of Virginia (UVA) in Charlottesville. She was now only minutes away from the group of neurologists she had been seeing. During the intervening summer months I researched Cayce’s epilepsy readings more intensely and attempted to share their holistic approach with my daughter. But Jo’s interest was minimal since dietary changes and time for castor oil packs, among other things, would be necessary. In addition to Jody’s health challenges, I was facing my own. Within that last year, I had been diagnosed with muscular dystrophy (MD) and was very weak. But after discovering the epilepsy remedies for Jody, I became curious to see if anything was available in the readings for MD. There was, but as with the remedies for epilepsy, the ones for MD would take some time and effort on my part. In a way I was relieved that Jody wasn’t going to pursue the remedies, right then, so I could focus on the ones for MD first. [Thank God they helped: “Remedies Found to Fight Muscular Dystrophy,” Venture Inward, January/February 2000, http://cayce.com/caputi.htm] In the fall of 1998, Jody called from the hospital in Charlottesville. She had started school again and attended a party that weekend at a friend’s apartment. It was warm so Jo and her friends danced outside on an elevated deck (equal to a 2-story drop). Unexpectedly, she started having a seizure and fell off the deck backwards. The angels must have been at work because incredibly she landed in a padded chair in the yard below. Her friends took her to the emergency room to make sure she was all right. Other than some bruises and a sprained hand, she was. Soon after this occurrence, Jo realized the pupil of her right eye was dilated – light didn’t affect it at all. But when the neurologist examined her, he could find nothing wrong. However, he made an appointment for her with a neuroEdgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



ophthalmologist whose first question surprised her. “Are you using Afrin nasal spray?” Actually, she was. She used it frequently during fall and spring because of allergies. The doctor explained he had seen this condition before and it generally cleared up within six months of discontinuing the spray. It was such a relief when Jody told me this, I didn’t really hear (or want to hear) that the neurologist had also suggested having another MRI. I was looking at the expense ($1400) and thought it was unnecessary. Besides, it had been only three years since the last MRI and it seemed as if the neuro-ophthalmologist had diagnosed the problem correctly. However, Jody had the final say and decided to skip the test and wean herself off the spray. With her usual resolve, that’s just what she did. March of 1999 Jo unexpectedly called to say she’d be home the next day. She had decided to take a medical leave of absence because the seizures were worse. She also said she was going to give the Cayce remedies a serious try. Jody received the treatment plan on epilepsy from the Health Research Center at A.R.E. and looked it over. Though its one-size-fits-all approach didn’t incorporate all possible treatments nor individualize them, it was convenient to have an organized package outlining Cayce’s general treatments. Attempting to be of help, John and I also focused on Jo’s well-being. This is not to say that John and I were in agreement about how to approach Jody’s condition; we weren’t. But each of us still knew that the other wanted the best for our daughter. Devotion and detachment were both needed on our part, just as the best of both allopathic and complementary/alternative approaches would eventually be needed for Jody’s complete healing - though we didn’t know that then. April 19, 1999 Jody officially started using the remedies and set up a schedule: three consecutive days a week for abdominal castor oil packs, followed by an abdominal and spinal massage (my job), daily doses of Passion Flower fusion, weekly spinal adjustments, and the Cayce diet. On my own, I continued researching the epilepsy readings. Though they seemed to follow a certain pattern from one reading to another, there were many variations in what caused the problem, the effect on the body, and the treatment for it. Old-fashioned osteopathic adjustments were consistently recommended for epilepsy but finding that type of an osteopath in our area was nearly impossible. That left chiropractors: the best alternative, I thought, and so many to choose from. Jody agreed to these treatments, but they seemed ineffectual and gave her no relief from the chronic tightness in her neck. However there was a young man, Francois, who had trained in France and did bodywork similar to spinal adjustments. His treatments integrated visceral (abdominal) manipulation and massage to help relax the muscles that holds the spine in alignment. After his treatments, Jody could feel the difference in her abdomen and neck. Unfortunately, he was moving and only planned on visiting occasionally.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



But Jody was determined. Gradually she made the necessary dietary changes and, after a while, even found it agreeable. More importantly, the uncomfortable sensations in her stomach diminished, as did the frequency of the seizures. By late May 1999 Jody started going three, four or five days without a seizure, and by July she went eleven days straight seizure- and aura free! This was cause to celebrate; yet when she did have a seizure, she could still have several in a day. Early September 1999, Jody had a routine appointment with her local neurologist. He asked how she was doing, and without mentioning the Cayce remedies, she replied that she had changed her diet and was feeling better. He said that was encouraging and to keep it up. They then discussed lowering her medication since it didn’t seem to make a difference one way or the other. However, he wanted her to have another MRI because her right pupil was still dilated. This time Jody didn’t resist the suggestion and neither did I. The seizures this last year had been more severe and frequent except when Jody carefully followed the Cayce remedies. (It was now four years since her last MRI.) Jody went for the MRI the week after Labor Day. A few days later the phone rang. It was the nurse from the neurologist’s office asking us all to come in the next day to see the doctor. Alarmed, I said, “We’ll be there tomorrow but please have the doctor call us today.” The neurologist called back while Jody was out with friends. John and I listened in on different extensions as the physician explained a tumor had been found – though this might prove to be good news. It was very possible, he thought, that the tumor was the cause of the seizures. In any case, he said he would talk with us in greater detail tomorrow. John was optimistic, if not ecstatic. The tumor was the culprit all along and could simply be removed. Yet to me, the tumor was like a death sentence since my mother had died from one fifteen years before. September 22, 1999. The three of us sat down with the neurologist. He said the tumor was located in the right temporal lobe of Jody’s brain. Benign or malignant, aggressive or not, these answers wouldn’t be known until a biopsy was performed. Did this mean she first needed a biopsy before it could be removed? No, not necessarily. This wasn’t his specialty but he could refer us to a neurosurgeon at UVA. Where was the best place to go? Would radiation or chemotherapy be recommended for this type of tumor? Why hadn’t it shown up in the earlier MRIs? Questions were many; answers were few I realized as we left the office. By the time we arrived back home, I had been nominated to make the necessary decisions and medical arrangements. Fine. Where to start? First things first: heavy-duty praying. Then I started looking for the right neurosurgeon. [To condense: Jody had surgery at UCLA. The tumor was completely removed but due to complications, Jo suffered a stroke that paralyzed her left side. Thankfully, she improved rapidly and was sent home within a few weeks from their well-known rehabilitation center to resume treatments in Virginia Beach.] Originally, I thought Jody would be returning home in a wheelchair and wondered how she would get around her room without major renovations. But Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



because of Jody’s progress and her ability to ambulate with a cane, John only needed to make minor changes for reasons of safety. Determined as ever, Jo set up a schedule for exercising inside and began taking short walks with us outside. Once more Jody was aiming high. Besides regaining use of the left side of her body, she was hoping to restart college by the fall of 2000. In order to accomplish this, she would need to build up enough strength and coordination to carry herself and a heavy backpack the required distances between classes and an apartment on campus. This would be no small feat, but I had no doubt that she would achieve her goals if only to get away from us! November 1999. This Thanksgiving, more than ever, was a time for gratitude. An added bonus was that Jo had been seizure-free for two months – the longest time ever. We were all delighted by this and by her healing in general. To many it seemed inevitable that it would be just a matter of time before she could resume a normal life. However, despite how it appeared, I still had doubts about what the future might bring concerning the seizures. There were still too many unanswered questions. What if the tumor wasn’t the cause of the seizures but the result? Maybe the tumor wasn’t seen on the first MRI because there was nothing to see. But the most perplexing question to me was if the tumor had triggered the seizures, as the doctors implied, why had the Cayce remedies helped the way they did? It was my greatest hope that the seizures were over, but I kept thinking about what the nurse at the New Jersey epilepsy center had said about the reoccurrence of seizures after surgery. If this was true, the seizures could return at any time because the original cause, which existed below the head not in it, had not been alleviated. Mid December 1999, nearly three months since Jody’s last seizure. It was morning. Jo was in her room preparing to shower. John and I were nearby in the kitchen when we heard a loud yell and a thud. Thinking that Jody might have slipped and fallen, we ran in to find the bathroom door slightly ajar with Jo lying on the floor behind it. It took only a moment to realize she hadn’t fallen accidentally. She was having a seizure. After speaking with her neurologist, Jo considered her choices and shortly before Christmas resumed the Cayce remedies. It was easy for her to pick up where she left off once she set her mind to it. She was already eating well, which was half the battle the first time around. Castor oil packs, abdominal and spinal massages, and chiropractic adjustments were started again as well. All this was in addition to an exercise program Jo’s therapists had outlined for her and could be followed independently. January 1, 2000 came and went. Days passed, and then a few weeks without another seizure. We all kept our fingers crossed, hoping for the best. But disappointingly, they returned again with her next menstrual cycle. Once more John talked about exploring hormonal therapy. I talked Cayce. Jody was in the middle. The only positive thing we all noticed was that having one seizure a month was quite different than having ten or more. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



May 2000. Over the years in my quest to help my daughter, as well as myself, I looked into a number of psychics trying to find someone as good as Edgar Cayce. It had been a futile search until I found Jim Branch. 1 With Jody’s permission, I requested a “physical” reading for her. However, I was cautious and deliberately gave no indication of Jody’s condition in my conversation with Jim’s conductors, Anita and Charlie Weiss or in the questions I submitted for the reading. All they knew about Jody was the date, time and place of her birth. The first question asked was the same one that Cayce used when he went into a trance for this type of reading: “You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the conditions you find at the present time, giving the cause of the existing conditions, also the treatment for the cure and relief of this body.” The time and day was prearranged. All that Jim needed was her location – just like Cayce. When the time came, Jo and I waited quietly together. I looked forward to Jody’s reading with anticipation – hoping with all my heart that Jody would find some help. As it turned out, I wasn’t disappointed. Thanks to Anita, within a week we received an audiotape and a transcript of the reading. The answers were nothing short of astounding. While in trance, Jim described Jody’s condition: the symptoms, cause, and remedies to be followed with an uncanny awareness of what was already being done on Jody’s behalf. I read the transcript and was humbled. What a gift! Jim’s reading was no different from what Cayce might have suggested. 2 He did what I had hoped someone could do; he had individualized the remedies to Jody’s particular needs. Here were the missing elements for a complete healing: continue with the Cayce diet and abdominal castor oil packs but add alternating packs of castor oil and Glyco-Thymoline (a mouthwash Cayce recommended) to the spine. Minute amounts, taken orally, of Glyco-Thymoline and atomidine, a form of iodine, were also suggested. Then Jo was to have cranial-sacral/osteopathic adjustments to help the “incoordination in the nervous system” and the “rearrangement . . . of cranial forces” in between these series of packs. The chiropractic adjustments she had been receiving just weren’t doing the trick. Adding the spinal packs to Jo’s regimen wouldn’t be difficult, but finding the right person for the cranial-sacral adjustments was a different matter. I learned there were two different types of cranial-sacral adjustments, both conceived by osteopaths. 3 One type, cranial osteopathy, is only taught to – and administered by – an osteopath who has studied Dr. William G. Sutherland’s methods. The other type, Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST), can be given by anyone trained in Dr. John Upledger’s method (which refined Dr. Sutherland’s technique). 1

Jim Branch died in 2002. Actually, when I looked closely, I saw what Jim suggested could be found in at least one of Cayce’s readings on epilepsy. The suggestions just weren’t mentioned frequently and hadn’t been included in the epilepsy treatment plan. 3 Dr. John Upledger, founder of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) discusses the differences between the two techniques: http://www.upledger.com/news/9509b.htm. 2

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Jo tried both types of treatments which cost anywhere from $45 to $75, depending who was doing it. But the effects were so subtle she found it hard to tell if the treatments were helping. Since I had no experience with this type of bodywork, I requested a follow-up reading with Jim. The second reading emphasized that the therapist’s intention and attitude were as important as their technique. This, too, went along with what Cayce had repeatedly reminded caretakers when administering to the person in need. From Jody’s second reading: “So much here then is determined by the interaction of the body with those influences laid upon the body, and in such the acts of intention and those who do practice same are probably the best through this period.” It was just this “interaction” that caused a problem for Jo. Besides the treatment’s subtleness and cost, there was the element of time. A session usually lasted an hour and Jo needed to lie relatively still for it. This wasn’t an easy thing to ask of her since Jody even looked upon sleep as a regrettable intrusion in her life. But through the ensuing summer months Jody worked with the updated remedies. This included the recommended adjustments approximately every two weeks from an osteopath we had just located whose specialty was cranial osteopathy. But despite our best efforts, Jody continued to experience monthly seizures. September 2000 Jo started back at ODU on her own two feet. It was a struggle but she knew it was worth it. In the meantime, Jo came home on weekends and kept up with her studies, exercises, and all of the Cayce/Branch remedies. Through the fall months, the seizures persisted, even with Jo’s biweekly visits to the osteopath. Maybe it was time for a change? I made inquiries and found a woman’s name mentioned several times as someone who was good with CST. She was a massage therapist who had traveled to the Upledger Institute for intensive training. Jody agreed to try someone new but between everyone’s schedules, trips and studies, it took quite a while to arrange a convenient appointment. Early December 2000. The CST therapist worked on Jody for more than an hour. As Jo dressed, the therapist mentioned that during the session she felt a major shift take place. She hoped it would be beneficial but said that a few more treatments would probably be needed. However, in the car ride back to ODU, Jody informed me she wouldn’t be returning because she wasn’t comfortable there. I understood, but when Jo went through a menstrual cycle in a few days without a seizure, I asked her to reconsider. Not having a seizure at this time of the month was the ultimate test – and the first time this had occurred in seven long years. But feeling the way she did, Jo rightfully wouldn’t return and I resumed the search for another CST therapist. During Jody’s recovery, I began volunteering in the A.R.E. library, which eventually turned into a full-time position. I loved being there despite my reservations about being able to work in a metaphysical library. Having dyslexia Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



and dealing with all those unfamiliar words was a challenge. (What in the world was an “ephemeris” and how could I look it up if I couldn’t even spell it?) But my supervisor, Claudeen Cowell, was generous with her encouragement and appreciated my enthusiasm for the Cayce health remedies. It also seemed that the right people came into the library just when you needed them. That was the case when I began looking for another CST therapist. Beau Johnson walked in. He was somewhat of a modern day Johnny Appleseed, who traveled around the country talking to people about Biodynamic agriculture and healing ways of living. Beau, as it turned out, was also a good friend of Jim’s, and went on to tell me about Mark Shean, a friend to both of them who did CST when he wasn’t working on his organic farm. I took Mark’s number and called him. It sounded as if he didn’t have as much training as the previous therapist, but he had enough. I hoped Jody would find Mark’s treatment “tolerable” . . . and she did. She actually found them very relaxing. Jody saw Mark three or four times in the next couple of months. After not having a seizure in December, she had one in January and another in February. Once again doubts clouded my mind. However, looking back, it worked out just the way it was. Jo had her last CST session and last seizure in February – February 18, 2001 to be exact. Of course, she didn’t know at the time that that was the last one. As each month passed without incident, I casually asked if she had had a seizure, and she just as casually answered “no.” She didn’t share her feelings with me, but I had to control my own growing excitement that this might be “it”, yet walk a fine line in case the next month proved me wrong. The summer passed uneventfully. Jody circled August 18th on her calendar – the date that would signify six months had passed without a seizure, and scheduled an appointment with her neurologist. But when the time arrived, she was disappointed to learn the doctor wanted her to wait an extra month because of her medical history. Though she had no choice in the matter, she understood. And so she waited, seizure-free, and started driving again September 18th, her 24th birthday – a long awaited gift for all of us. To this day Jody continues to be seizure- and medication free.

This article is adapted from the book, Epilepsy – Jody’s Journey: An Inspiring True Story of Healing with the Edgar Cayce Remedies. The author, a retired registered nurse, is on staff at the A.R.E. Library, and has been involved with the Cayce material for the last 20 years. E-mail: [email protected].

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Self-Manipulation for Back Pain and Seizures Pain syndromes create some problems for the average patient; sometimes the pain becomes intolerable. One such patient went through all the traditional methods to relieve a pain that had settled in her neck and shoulder. Manipulations did no good, so she went to a neurologist but found no real relief. After a number of unsuccessful attempts at diagnosis and therapy, she was referred to us for acupuncture. Little relief was obtained even after a number of treatments. The patient later developed a severe pneumonia. Being treated at home, she recounted that she was coughing a great deal, which apparently accentuated the pain in her neck. She lay there, massaging her neck on the right side where most of her pain was concentrated. Suddenly, while massaging the area, she heard a loud crack. Since that time, she has experienced no more pain in her neck or shoulder. She was able to go back to work typing and has remained pain-free since then. When one reflects on how often manipulative procedures were suggested in the Cayce readings, it does not seem strange that a "lesion" might be corrected by the patient herself during a time when the body muscles would be relaxed, allowing for correction of the subluxation if that is what it really is. Another patient of ours had been afflicted with a seizure problem. She was caring for her sixweek-old baby one day, bending over the crib and lifting him out, when she suddenly felt a "crack" in her spine. It wasn't painful, and she felt somewhat better when she straightened up. After that occurrence, there were no more seizures. This fits in, of course, with the epilepsy causation theory found in the Cayce readings. He attributed many cases to an osteopathic type of lesion.

[Note: The preceding case reports were written by William McGarey, M. D. and are excerpted from The A.R.E. Journal, March, 1976, Volume 11, No. 2, page 94, Copyright © 1976 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Infant Recovers from Seizure Through Help of CranioSacral Therapy http://www.upledger.com/newsletters/UIUpDateFall2000.pdf Provided by Ellen Adler, OTR/L, CST-D Personal Lisa*, female, 5-12 months of age during treatment. History Lisa’s mother experienced a pleasant, uneventful full-term pregnancy, and a reportedly routine labor and delivery. On the second day of life, Lisa had a focal seizure that involved her entire right side from head to foot. An MRI revealed a minor bleed in the left cortical area of her brain. Lisa was not put on any anticonvulsive medication and did not have any more seizures until several months later when she experienced one related to a high fever. During the first three months, Lisa's mother noticed Lisa's right leg turned out more than her left leg, and her right eyelid appeared to be a little closed when she was awake. Because of her birth history, the pediatrician referred Lisa for a motor evaluation as an "at risk" baby. The evaluating therapist recommended motor therapy since there were soft signs of possible future developmental spasticity. Evaluation I began treating Lisa when she was 5 months old. She had been evaluated using the H.E.L.P. (Hawaii Early Learning Profile), and was functioning on a 3- to 4-month level. She was just beginning to roll from supine to prone using her left leg to push a little while her left arm and shoulder would reach toward the light. She fussed at being placed in prone, and had never been placed in a sitting position without support since her parents were afraid she would fall over. Lisa was a very alert, happy baby who would follow people and objects visually. She reached for objects with her left hand, but demonstrated a rightsided neglect and limited active range of motion of her right arm and hand. However, when her right arm was stroked and her hand brought into her visual range, she would reach for and grasp objects, although her reach was wider and showed less control than the left, and her grasp was weaker. The right side of her torso was also weaker than the left, and the right side of her face drooped along with the ptosis of the eyelid. Mother had not realized the involvement of Lisa's upper right extremity or noticed the asymmetry of her cheek and mouth. She did report that Lisa would spit up much of her meal after being fed, which prompted the pediatrician to change her formula several times with minimal positive results. A craniosacral evaluation revealed a moderately jammed occiput and restrictions in the left side of her cranial vault. Her suck was good and strong. Lisa cried and twisted through the release process, which took about 5 minutes to complete. There was about a 60% improvement in her cranial movement following treatment. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Treatment Following the initial craniosacral evaluation and treatment, Mother was given a home program to be incorporated into Lisa's diaper-changing time, bath time, and general play and cuddling times. This included: (1) one extra tactile stimulation of Lisa's right upper and lower extremities and her torso; (2) assisted rolling practice supine to prone, prone to supine, and both to the left and right; and (3) while in a supported sitting position, Lisa was offered toys on the right side of her body and given assistance to begin reaching for them. Lisa was then seen once a week for an hour for OT, which continued until her first birthday. Actual hands-on time during each treatment session varied from 30 to 45 minutes. It was obvious that Mother carried out the home program, as Lisa made measurable progress from week to week. By the second week, she was reaching for objects held to her right without looking at her hand first. She was also making more of an effort to roll in either direction. The asymmetry of her face had decreased by more than 50%, with some active smiling beginning on the right. Mother also reported that the amount Lisa spit up after each meal was greatly reduced. Cranial reevaluation revealed about 80% symmetry between left and right sides of the cranial vault, and minimal restriction of her cranial base. With Mother's great home-program carryover and CranioSacral Therapy updates, Lisa was coming to the sitting position by 7 months, crawling on hands and knees before 9 months, walking at 11 months, and stooping to pick up toys by 12 months. There is also no asymmetry of her face, her spitting up stopped by the time she was 7 months, and she began saying single words at 11 months. Her hand use improved slightly slower. She went through about a month of athetotic-like movement, and then a reluctance to use her right hand for other than gross support and assistance spontaneously. This eventually changed, and even through she is definitely left dominant, she uses her right hand spontaneously for any necessary task, demonstrating full and active range of motion. Lisa is followed now at six-month intervals and has not developed any signs of spasticity. She turned 2 years old in April and is doing great. *Name has been changed to protect patient confidentiality.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Par. 24-A

Diet: Epilepsy

Par. 22-A

Doctors: Kimbrough, Raymond: M.D. : Ober, Vincent H.: D.O.

Par. R3 Par. R1, R3

Doctors Suggested: Ober, Vincent H.: D.O.

Par. 21-A

Electrotherapy: Vibrator: Epilepsy

Par. 11--15, 18-A


Par. 20-A

Osteopathy: Epilepsy

Par. 8--15, 18-A--21-A

Physiology & Anatomy: Epilepsy

Par. 4--6

Physiotherapy: Packs: Castor Oil: Epilepsy

Par. 9--15, 18-A, 19-A

Prescriptions: Olive Oil: Epilepsy

Par. 10--15, 18-A

Rest: Epilepsy

Par. 8, 18-A, 23-A, 24-A

Temperature: Fever: After Effects

Par. 4

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 561-1 M 16 B1. See 561-3, Par. R11, report by Dr. Pahnke. TEXT OF READING 561-1 M 16 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 28th day of May, 1934, in accordance with request made by the mother - Mrs. [...], new Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., recommended by Mrs. [267]. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [561] and his mother, Mrs. [267] and Mildred Davis. READING Time of Reading 3: 30 to 3: 55 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Va. (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [561]. 2. Now, as we find, there are many conditions in the present that may be said to be almost perfectly normal; yet there are those conditions that, as we find, unless there are corrections made, will make for constitutional disorders of such natures as to make some complications in the body. 3. Then, in giving that which may be helpful - and in making for the corrective measures for this body, it would be necessary that we give something of the basic causes of this condition. 4. We find that in times back, or when the body was at that stage or age when as it may be said - the first solid foods were given, or the more astringent foods; and there was during that period an illness that affected the body through the temperature and - through the properties given - the lacteal ducts; which has caused a stricture there that affects primarily the caecum and the area as in the ascending colon. And when there is the spasm to the head, or when the circulation between the liver and the heart is affected, if the hand is placed upon the caecum and the area about the lacteal ducts it will be found that there is a COLDNESS there - though the body may not be aware of same. [See 561-1, Par. R5, N.Y. Times article in re abdominal epilepsy.] 5. Unless the flow of lymph and the muco-membrane circulation is increased to the extent as to re-enliven this activity, the spasmodic condition must gradually grow - and rather than being of shorter duration it must necessarily become longer; for more and more is the tendency for the condition to grow. It is more in the form of that which may be called an adhesion, or like a stricture, in the area. 6. The general circulation is very good, save right after or just before such a reaction. And the reactions do not come by cycles of functioning, but from PRESSURES created there. 7. In the general activity of the organs and the rest of the body we find near normalcy, save as to the nominal eliminations through the alimentary canal, the liver and kidney activity that is disturbed by the condition spasmodically. 8. Then, in making the proper corrections for these conditions, we find that there should not be too great an activity of the body-physical until there is the feeling in the body itself that this condition is broken - and by the manipulations that may Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



be had during such periods. For, there is a tautness there of which the body is scarcely aware, save in the right side at times - just below the ribs to a point just above the head of the bone of the leg, or the hip bone, there is the feeling as if it needs stretching; no hurt, but just taut. 9. We would begin with the applications of heavy Castor Oil packs; three to four thicknesses of flannel dipped in the oil and applied just as hot as the body can stand, over the area from the upper portion of the liver to the portion of the caecum and the ascending colon area. Keep these for at least three to four hours each day, one after the other, until there has been at least six to eight different applications. 10. Begin with small doses of Olive Oil taken internally, quarter to half a teaspoonful every two hours. Keep this up also for the six to eight days. 11. Each evening after the packs are given, we would have a thorough massage with the electrically driven vibrator - using the sponge applicator over the abdomen or stomach. Empty the stomach with this treatment; that is, begin with the circular motion just below the sternum over the stomach proper, over the area of the liver, continuing back and forth across the whole of the abdomen; not heavy, but so as to assist in breaking up the tautness there. Apply from five to fifteen minutes. 12. At the end of the six to eight day period, rest two or three days; that is, leaving off the oils and the vibrator, and during the rest period have a thorough osteopathic adjustment and massage - just one. 13. That would be one series of treatments. 14. Then we would begin another series, going through the whole procedure as outlined. 15. And we would have three such series. 16. Do these, and we will get rid of these troubles for [561] for we find they have been caused by the condition described. 17. Ready for questions. 18. (Q) Can the mother apply the packs and the vibrator treatment? (A) They can be given BETTER by the mother, if she will follow the directions outlined. Apply the packs as hot as may be stood on the hands, covering the area from the edge of the rib on the right side clear to the hip joint. Then, after the period of treatment with the packs each day give the general massage with the electrically driven vibrator, you see. Keep such treatments for six or eight days; then rest, and during the rest period have the manipulation or correction along the spine. 19. (Q) Will you suggest an osteopath to give the correction? (A) Anyone that knows his business as an osteopath, who will give a good general treatment and not undo what you are doing! It is not necessary that such adjustments be given at first, you see; in fact, they would be injurious to the body DURING the periods the packs are being applied for the packs are to produce within the area sufficient activity to cause the mucomembrane and lymph circulation to increase so as to remove the troublesome conditions.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



20. (Q) Would it be necessary for the osteopath to know the treatments being followed at home? (A) If you desire to tell him! 21. (Q) Would Dr. Ober be alright? (A) He's a very good doctor! 22. (Q) Any advice regarding diet? (A) To be sure, the diet should not be heavy; or of such nature as to make for clogging, or for constipation. Rather citrus fruit and the juices of vegetables during the whole periods that the treatments are given. Not that solid foods may not be taken in moderation, but do not OVEREAT - you see. A diet principally of citrus fruit and vegetable JUICES. 23. (Q) Would a few weeks of camp life be too much for him this summer? (A) This had best be judged by whether or not the body has been rid of these conditions first! It would not be well with the conditions as they are; nor would it be well for this to be had should any irritations be produced - for it would be too strenuous for the body. However, if the corrections are made and there are the readjustments in the system to the conditions, or the spasmodic reactions to the sensory system, the camp life would be well for the body. 24. (Q) Should any of his physical activities be curtailed? (A) As given, during the first portion of the treatment there should not be a great deal of physical activity, else we would strain or irritate the very lesions we are attempting to break up! For strictures, we remember, are as places in the portion of the internal system that adhere or stick, so as to prevent normalcy. Curtail activities, then, that would make too much irritation in such directions, see? Consequently, not too great an activity until at least two or three series of the treatments have been given. Do this, and we will correct these conditions in this body, [561]. 25. We are through for the present. [See GD's ltr. to Dr. Ober under 561-1, Par. R1.] REPORTS OF READING 561-1 M 16 R1. 5/28/1934 GD's letter to Dr. Ober: Dr. Vincent H. Ober, Bankers Trust Bldg., Norfolk, Virginia Dear Dr. Ober: We have suggested treatments as follows for [561] (16 yr. old son of Mrs. [...]) ... Avenue, Norfolk, Virginia: "There is a stricture that affects primarily the caecum and the area as in the ascending colon. And when there is the spasm to the head, or when the circulation between the liver and the heart is affected, if the hand is placed upon the caecum and the area about the lacteal ducts it will be found that there is a COLDNESS there - though the body may not be aware of same. "The general circulation is very good, save right after or just before such a reaction. And the reactions do not come by cycles of functioning, but from PRESSURES created there. "At the end of each six to eight day period, rest two or three days; that is, leaving off the oils and the vibrator, and during the rest period have a thorough Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



osteopathic adjustment and massage - just one; general manipulation or correction along the spine. Give three in all, one at the end of each six to eight day period of the other treatments. It is not necessary that such adjustments be given at first, you see; in fact, they would be injurious to the body DURING the periods the packs are being applied - for the packs are to produce within the area sufficient activity to cause the muco-membrane and lymph circulation to increase so as to remove the troublesome conditions. "Q. Would it be necessary for the osteopath to know the treatments being followed at home? A. If you desire to tell him! "Q. Will you suggest an osteopath to give the correction? A. Anyone that knows his business as an osteopath, who will give a good general treatment and not undo what you are doing! "Q. Would Dr. Ober be alright? A. He's a very good doctor!" Sincerely, Gladys Davis Secretary to Edgar Cayce of the ASS'N FOR RESEARCH & ENLIGHTENMENT R2. 6/4/34 See 571-1 for his 13 yr. old sister who recently has been having epileptic attacks in her sleep. R3. 7/7/34 Mother phoned to make an appointment for a check reading. The first series of treatments were completed today and as a consequence the spells have completely disappeared. She was highly elated and enthused. The osteopath pronounces the case 100% improved, after giving the last adjustment today. Medical physician, Dr. Raymond Kimbrough, in the Medical Arts Building, Norfolk, told "my husband he did not blame him one bit for trying Mr. Cayce, since he had given the medical profession every chance." Dr. Ober cooperated in every way, the mother said. R4. 7/9/34 See 561-2. R5. 10/8/72 The New York Times article: "DOCTORS WARNED OF RARE EPILEPSY" – Physicians Fear Condition May be Misdiagnosed – by Lawrence K. Altman Two California physicians have called their colleague's attention to abdominal epilepsy, a rare condition in which few children experience recurrent episodes of abdominal pain without the seizures or convulsions that usually characterize epilepsy. The physicians - Dr. Richard R. Babb, a gastroenterologist, and Dr. Paul B. Eckman, a neurologist, at the Palo Alto Medical Clinic - described the condition in the current issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association because they said, "in our experience physicians know little about this rare entity." The doctors said they hoped the article would minimize the prospects of misdiagnosis, in which a surgeon, for example, might do an unnecessary operation or a physician might call the patient neurotic when the true condition was not recognized. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



NOT JUST A BELLYACHE The doctors emphasized that abdominal epilepsy could be effectively treated with the same drug that is used to prevent seizures from the more common form of epilepsy. However, they pointed out that abdominal epilepsy was not the usual bellyache that just about every child suffers on occasion. Although abdominal epilepsy is not common, pediatricians must remember it along with scores of other rare and more common disorders when they examine a child with abdominal pain. The reason is that without adequate examination and without considering the remote possibility, the physician can never be certain that this is "the one patient in a hundred" whose bellyache is due to such a rare condition. So complex are the causes of abdominal pain that surgeons like Dr. Zachary Cope have earned fame within the medical profession for writing classic textbooks on the methods of distinguishing among the wide variety of causes of acute abdominal pain. PAIN COMES ON FAST Epilepsy has been known since ancient times. Doctors have long known that about one epileptic patient in five often experiences an aura - a brief period preceding a seizure - characterized by abdominal symptoms like pain, nausea and vomiting. But just since 1868 have doctors reported that abdominal epilepsy can occur without a seizure. Only in recent years have pediatric textbooks included brief descriptions of the conditions. Abdominal epilepsy is characterized by an abrupt onset of pain in the mid or upper abdomen that usually lasts just a few minutes. Then the pain disappears until days or weeks later when another episode recurs. Dr. Babb and Dr. Eckman pointed out in the journal article that in each attack the child generally loses his appetite, has nausea or vomiting and may become confused or disoriented. But the child does not become unconscious. "Classically, after the attack is over, the patient will generally fall asleep, feeling well upon awaking, " the Pala Alto doctors wrote. CONFIRMATION STRESSED Others in the past, like Dr. Eustace F. Douglas and Dr. Philip T. White of Milwaukee, have emphasized that the diagnosis of abdominal epilepsy is not made just by examining the patient. Also, they emphasized the need to confirm the diagnosis by electroencephalograms, or brain wave tests. Despite the absence of a seizure with abdominal epilepsy, neurologists have found that the brain wave tracings have abnormal patterns when the patient experiences an attack of abdominal epilepsy. Favorable response to treatment with a drug like Dilantin also is helpful in making the diagnosis of abdominal epilepsy. Rigid criteria are needed to make the diagnosis, the doctors said, because otherwise many Americans would needlessly be taking medication every day for a rare condition that they did not truly have.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 561-2 M 16 ADHESIONS: LESIONS Air: Exercise: Epilepsy

Par. 6, 11-A

Diet: Epilepsy

Par. 5

Doctors: Ober, Vincent H.: D.O.

Par. R3, R4

EPILEPSY Osteopathy: Epilepsy

Par. 8-A, 9-A

Physiology & Anatomy: Adhesions: Lesions

Par. 9-A

Physiotherapy: Packs: Castor Oil: Epilepsy

Par. 4, 8-A, 9-A

Prescriptions: Olive Oil: Epilepsy

Par. 4, 10-A

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 561-2 M 16 B1. See 561-1 for epilepsy. TEXT OF READING 561-2 M 16 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Virginia, this 9th day of July, 1934, in accordance with request made by the mother - Mrs. [...], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [561] and mother, Mildred Davis and L. B. Cayce. READING Time of Reading 10: 50 to 11: 05 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Virginia. (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [561]; this we have had before. 2. As we find, conditions are greatly improved from that as we have had here before. 3. In those areas where there has been the indication of the lesions and adhesions, these have been broken up; while there are still in the lacteal area and in the caecum indications of what may be called stringy nature, or the tendons and tendencies still show that they EXISTED. 4. Hence we will find that while the condition is eliminated that caused the distresses, it would be well to keep the food values for the intestinal system in the form of the olive oil, and occasionally - once a month or once in six weeks - have a thorough massage following an oil pack, that this condition may be ENTIRELY removed from the system, making for the proper connections and associations of the nerve ends through the portions of the body that have been indicated. 5. Be mindful that there are not too much of the acid forces taken in system until the body is thoroughly adjusted to the new conditions in the body [that is, in the diet not eating quantities of meats, sugars and starches or condiments. GD]. 6. Normal activities, much outdoor activity as possible under the circumstances, all will make for a NORMALCY and a development in the body, [561], of a normal condition in every way and manner. 7. Ready for questions. 8. (Q) The massage is to come after just one oil pack, and should it be osteopathic or just by a masseur? (A) It would be better of the general osteopathic manipulation. The packs would be from one month to six weeks apart, you see, and the treatments or massage would be following same; that is, if the oil pack is taken today or tonight, then tomorrow would be the massage. 9. (Q) Just one oil pack instead of six, about three hours? (A) Just one oil pack, about three hours; but be sufficient that it is absorbed into the system. Then the next day the general thorough massage. For, THIS is the activity: Nerve ENDS in the ganglia in the emunctory and lymph circulation are "feeling out", as it were, their ends through the tissue that HAS been IN-active, you see. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Hence the softening of tissue, the breaking up of tendencies for adherence and for the stricture that occurs - or the adhering of portions, and the massage that the circulation and nerve impulse throughout the system is carried through such portions, PREVENTS such conditions reoccurring and helps the body to adjust itself to normalcy. Do that, and we will find we will not have a reoccurrence of the condition, unless something else arises other than pointed out in the system at present. 10. (Q) The olive oil is to be kept up daily? (A) Be kept up daily. Just what the body assimilates, you see. 11. (Q) Will it be alright, then, for the body to go over to the Boys Camp? (A) Be alright to go over at the Boys Camp. 12. (Q) Will it be necessary to have a check reading later on? (A) Only as precautionary measures, unless something else arises, would be very well. Follow these, as we find, and we will bring for this body normalcy; normal developments, normal activities throughout the body. 13. We are through with this reading. REPORTS OF READING 561-2 M 16 R1. 7/9/34 EC's letter to Miss [605]: "Today a lady came in and reported on her 16 year old boy who had a reading about two months ago; she has followed the reading for him to the letter, and he hasn't had a single one of the spells. This is a case that the doctors had given up entirely; called it epilepsy. The medical profession here in Norfolk (and we have as good doctors as you have in all of Ky.) simply marvel at it and say, 'Well, I don't know why we didn't think of it before.'" R2. 7/9/34 GD's note: The boy, [561], was delighted that the reading said he could go to camp. He was feeling and looking fine. He said the tightening in his side has completely disappeared. R3. 7/20/34 Dr. Vincent Hilles Ober's ltr.: Mr. Edgar Cayce Association for Research & Enlightenment Virginia Beach, Virginia Dear Sir: I am writing to thank you for your kind words of compliment and for referring to me for treatment [561] son of Mr. & Mrs. [...] of this city. I shall do my best to effect the necessary improvement and hope that we shall be rewarded with the desired results. Sincerely, VHO: SE R4. 7/30/34 EC's ltr.: Dr. Vincent H. Ober, Bankers Trust Bldg., Norfolk, Va. My dear Dr. Ober: Yours of the 20th has been received. I appreciate very much your letter and your cooperation in the [561] case. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



I assure you it will be a pleasure to refer individuals to you whom the readings indicate require your special method of treatment. As the treatments progress, I would appreciate your letting us have a report on the [561] case. We have quite a number of physicians in the osteopathic school, as well as in the homeopathic and alopathic, that favor us with such reports. These, of course, are for our files and not for publication. Appreciating your cooperation, and trusting that we may - together - be of a service to our fellow man, I am Sincerely, EC: GD ASS'N FOR RESEARCH & ENLIGHTENMENT, INC. R5. 9/15/34 Mother phoned to say [561] was getting on fine, had had no more attacks; he had attended the summer camp without incident. R6. GD's note: Mother had obtained a reading for her daughter in the meantime, [571], who had started having attacks at night similar to [561]'s. She made an appointment for check-ups on both children. R7. 9/26/34 See 561-3.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 561-3 M 16 Clairvoyance Of E.C.: Action & Places

Par. 1

Doctors: George, Henry, III: D.O. : Ober, Vincent H.: D.O. : Pahnke, Walter N.: M.D.

Par. R6 Par. R3, R6 Par. R11

EPILEPSY: CURED Glands: Pineal: Epilepsy

Par. 3

Names: People Mentioned: Cayce, Hugh Lynn : Holmes, Herbert J. : Simmons, Emily

Reports Par. R8 Par. R8

Nervous Systems: Incoordination

Par. 3

Osteopathy: Epilepsy

Par. 7-A

Physiotherapy: Packs: Castor Oil: Epilepsy

Par. 2, 6-A

Prescriptions: Glycerine: Epilepsy : Honey: : Nitre, Sweet Spirits Of: : Olive Oil: : Pepsin, Lactated:

Par. 3 Par. 3 Par. 3 Par. 5-A Par. 3

Work: E.C.: E.C.F.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 561-3 M 16 B1. See 561-1 and 561-2. TEXT OF READING 561-3 M 16 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 26th day of September, 1934, in accordance with request made by the mother - Mrs. [...], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mildred Davis and L. B. Cayce. READING Time of Reading 3: 45 to 3: 50 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Virginia. (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes. Same address [Both [561] and his sister [571] were at the same address for their appointments. The sister's reading was taken first - See 5712.]. Very much improvement do we find in the general physical forces of this body. 2. Do not become ANXIOUS about the self owing to other conditions surrounding the body, but be mindful that we keep the eliminations - and especially with any undue activity, or any undue excitement, we must relax these conditions in the caecum and in the lacteal duct area with the packs as indicated. 3. It would be well at times that there be taken internally a few drops of this combination - this we would take ONLY about once or twice a week, to keep the coordination between the activities of the system as related to the nerve forces that coordinate with the pineal, the genitive system, the circulatory system, and especially the nerve plexus. To 2 ounces of Lactated Pepsin, add: Sweet Spirits of Nitre............15 minims, Glycerine..........................5 minims, Honey (Strained honey)...........1/2 ounce. Shake this solution together. The dose would be, say Tuesdays and Fridays, half a teaspoonful should be sufficient. 4. Do that. Ready for questions. 5. (Q) Should all present treatments be continued, including olive oil? (A) Keep the olive oil and the rest of those as we have indicated. 6. (Q) Should the oil packs still be applied every six weeks? (A) As indicated, when there is a stress or a strain - or when the body is very tired - this would be the better time for the application. 7. (Q) About the osteopathic treatments? (A) Once or twice a month should be sufficient, until those periods of adjustment with the body to the changes in the developing of the body. 8. (Q) Any other advice? (A) Do this in the present. 9. We are through for the present.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



REPORTS OF READING 561-3 M 16 R1. 1/8/35 Letter from Mildred Mary Davis to [561]'s mother: "It seems we have heard nothing definite from you since you obtained the checkups on your children, [571] and [561] in September. We are wondering just how they are getting along. "As you probably know, we try to keep a check on every case, as to the results of the applications suggested. The most outstanding ones we use in our Bulletin from time to time, omitting names, of course. "Therefore, Mrs. [...] will you be so kind as to cooperate to the extent of writing us a letter on each of these, your children, outlining the condition prior to obtaining a reading, what you had tried, how many doctors (all interesting facts connected with the cases) and send them to this office at your earliest convenience? We shall appreciate your kindness and courtesy in doing this very, very much. Write a separate letter on both children, please. "We shall also appreciate your telling others about our work, which I am sure you do at every opportunity. On Thursday, 8: 00 P.M., January 17th, at the Southland Hotel, we are having an open meeting of the Norfolk Study Groups. Perhaps you would like to come and bring some friends. Mr. Cayce is to lecture. "With best wishes, and hoping to hear from you soon in regard to the above, I am..." R2. 12/7/35 Mother's report: Date of the 1st reading? July 9, 1934 [and 5/28/34 and 9/26/34]. In your opinion did this analysis cover the condition? "Yes." Give symptoms of condition described correctly. "A sudden collapse similar to fainting - lasting only a minute or so. Followed by a feeling of nausea - and tightness in right side near appendix. Sometimes a headache." Have the suggestions for treatment been followed exactly as given? "Yes." For how long? "For exact period recommended in readings." Have improvements resulted? "Yes." To what extent? "At first the fainting spells were farther apart - then ceased. He went for about eight months, then had one fainting spell. The tightness in the right side left and never returned. He has been in splendid shape ever since." Comment: "We had tried all kinds of treatments - and gone to several doctors but got no results until we followed the instructions given in the readings." GD's note: See December 1935 A.R.E. Bulletin entitled EPILEPSY, summarizing Case [561]. R3. 12/16/35 Letter to Dr. Vincent H. Ober, D.O. from Hugh Lynn Cayce: "We are in receipt of a report from Mrs. [...] regarding the physical condition of her son [561]. "From Mrs. [...] reports we understand that [561] has continued to improve since receiving his first physical reading in July, 1934. One of the principal portions of his treatment was a series of osteopathic treatments. We are anxious to complete our records on this case and will appreciate it if you will let us have a report on your observations of the case including answers to the following: Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



1. Was the analysis contained in the reading in your opinion an accurate analysis of the boy's condition? 2. What results did you observe as the treatments were carried out? 3. What was the boy's condition upon your last observation? 4. Any technical analysis you care to include will be appreciated. "As you know Dr. Ober we are interested, as an organization, in three primary phases of the study of psychic information, namely, 1. Its value in the individual case, 2. An understanding of the phenomena itself through the individual case, 3. The value of group case studies for general scientific study and application. "We will consider your cooperation in connection with this case from a purely scientific standpoint and appreciate the personal interest and spirit of helpfulness you have shown in the past." Yours very truly, Hugh Lynn Cayce, Manager "P.S. An early reply will be extremely helpful." R4. 4/22/38 EC in ltr. under 1527-2 mentions [561] as example of osteopathic treatment having been given correctly. R5. GD's note: In Feb. 1939 HLC prepared a paper entitled A SERIES OF CASE STUDIES OF PSYCHIC INFORMATION ON EPILEPSY, including a brief of Case [561]. In 1942 young [561] received his appointment as aviation cadet and served in the U.S. Army for the duration of the war. Oct. 1944, a hero home from the wars, he got married. R6. 3/7/47 Letter to Dr. Vincent H. Ober from Gladys Davis: "On March 1st we sent to you our Abstract #3 on 34 cases of Epilepsy according to the readings of Edgar Cayce, which survey was made by Dr. Henry George III, Wilmington, Del. "It is necessary that we complete our reports from the physicians who attended those 34 patients. I am writing you in regard to one you treated in 1934 - a 16 year old boy named [561-3], who was brought to you by his mother, Mrs. [...]. We have your letter thanking us for sending this patient to you; we have a complete report from the mother on the case, but we do not have your final report as to your observation and the results from your treatment. Will you please fill out the enclosed progress card on this case and return it to us? "In the case you are not familiar with the details, I'd like to call your attention to the fact that; according to the mother's report: Dr. Kimbrough told Mr. [...], he didn't blame him one bit for getting the reading from Mr. Cayce, that he had certainly given the medical profession every opportunity to help [561-3]; that he would have done the same thing with his own child. "That: At first when following the treatment the fainting spells were farther apart, then ceased. He went for about eight months, then had one fainting spell. The tightness in the right side left, and never returned. He has been in splendid shape ever since.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



"That: All the Navy doctors and others who examined the boy had pronounced it a type of epilepsy; could suggest nothing to do. "That: At the time of the first reading from Mr. Cayce the boy could not go swimming or enter into any of the other sports because he might have one of the spells at any moment. "That: ..., 1942 ... carried an article under this boy's picture, saying that he had received his appointment as aviation cadet at ... Field, ..., Tex. "That: In Oct. 1944, a hero home from the wars, he got married. "Your return of the enclosed progress card will be one of many to help us help the osteopaths to do something about epilepsy." Sincerely, GD …. R10. HLC's notation 1959: Case [561] has remained cured. He is today completely well and normal in every respect. R11. Notes on EPILEPSY cases from the Edgar Cayce records made by Walter N, Pahnke, M.D. July, 1960 at A.R.E., Virginia Beach, Virginia: The following notes were taken on cases as read and are merely the opinion of the abstractor at the time he read the case plus the correspondence. The main value of these notes is that they give some indication of what the exact diagnosis in each case may or may not be. Case #[561], Given in 1934. 16 year old male. This case was classified in group I. The attacks were described by the mother as a sudden collapse similar to fainting and lasting only a minute. The patient had had such attacks for two years prior to the reading. Manipulative therapy was carried out by Dr. Ober, and the description of the case, petit mal epilepsy seemed like a fairly certain diagnosis. After carrying out the suggestions given in the two readings, there was no further recurrence of the attacks. This case should be considered a cure. The last follow-up report was in 1948.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 571-1 F 12 Diet: Epilepsy: Tendencies

Par. 16, 19-A

Doctors: Kimbrough, Raymond: M.D.

Par. R1


Par. 14, 22-A

Prescriptions: Passion Flower: Epilepsy: Tendencies

Par. 10--13, 21-A

Prophecy: Prognosis: Epilepsy: Tendencies

Par. 21-A

Temperature: Fever: After Effects

Par. 4

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 571-1 F 12 B1. 5/28/34 Rdg. 561-1 had been obtained for her older brother who had suffered for two years with epilepsy. Now the mother was noticing similar attacks in [571], except that [571]'s attacks would always come at night. TEXT OF READING 571-1 F 12 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Virginia, this 4th day of June, 1934, in accordance with request made by the mother, Mrs. [...], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Miss [571] and mother. READING Time of Reading 3: 45 to 4: 00 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Va. (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [571]. 2. Now, as we find, there are some disorders in the better physical functioning of the body, or disorders that disturb the better physical functioning of the body. 3. These have to do with the coordinations in the eliminating systems, and produce in the nerve forces of the body a rush of blood to portions of the body, cutting off the reflexes to the head; thus producing the contraction and spasmodic conditions at periods in the system. 4. As we shall see, these are of a specific nature, and had their inception in a type of fever that was contracted by the body at some times past - which affects the glands and the secretions from same, causing this disorder. 5. In the BLOOD SUPPLY we find there are the indications of the character of the suppression, for this deals with the eliminations as related to the developments of the sex organs of the body - or the genitive system. For, with these reactions those glands in the pelvic organs MUST produce their coordinations with the nervous system, the activity throughout the functioning of elimination coordinated with the respiratory system, the activity of the liver and kidneys with the glands in all portions of the system. For, each must furnish its portion of activity to the body. 6. Hence the blood shows a heaviness in its circulation through the hepatics. 7. In the NERVOUS SYSTEM this coordination is more specific, as we see from the glands in the genitive system that produce the activities of the organs in their functioning. 8. As to the pressure caused by the contraction, we find this in the head, the neck - that is, the axis - and in the lumbar area. 9. As to the ORGANS of the body, these we find are very good in their functioning for near normalcy in all other portions of the system. 10. Then, in meeting the needs of these conditions, or supplying that which will create for the system the activities that will overcome these conditions, we would add that found in the use of a compound prepared in this way and manner:

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



11. To a 1 gallon measure of Maypop or Mayblossom, or Passion Flower vine and blossom, add 2 gallons of distilled water. Reduce by slow boiling to 1 quart. Then strain and add Tincture of Stillingia 1/2 ounce, and sufficient pure grain alcohol to preserve same - or a solution so that it is 1 part of the alcohol to 20 parts of the solution, see? 12. The dose would be a teaspoonful four times each day, before each meal and upon retiring. 13. When the quantity has been used, then RENEW the quantity. We would continue to take this for three to four months. 14. And at least every week have a general thorough hand massage; not osteopathic manipulations, but rather that of the neuropathic nature - or the activity that follows the nerves from the central portion of the body to the extremities, see? 15. And we will find we will overcome these conditions. 16. As to the matter of diet, be mindful that there are not highly seasoned foods taken, nor sweets or pastries; but a WHOLESOME well-balanced diet, tending toward the alkalin. 17. Do this, and we will bring for this body, [571], NORMAL conditions. 18. Ready for questions. 19. (Q) Is it meant that there are to be no pastries or sweets taken, or just in a fair normal manner? (A) Not a large quantity, just very SMALL quantity, you see. Let rather the sugars or sweets taken be rather from the NATURAL fruits, the natural vegetable sweets and sugars, you see. Of course, small quantities may be taken, but NEVER large quantities of candies or pastries of any kind. 20. (Q) What about the physical activity during the time? (A) This should be as near normal - and in the open as much as is possible. 21. (Q) The prescription is to be filled the second time and no more? (A) Continue with this as long as it would be necessary, but - as we find - in the four months we would find near normal conditions developing. After the second month we would give further information through these sources as to how the conditions are developing, or what - if any - changes are necessary for creating a normal balance in the activity of the glands and this correlating of the eliminations and coordinations in the body. See? 22. (Q) Neuropathic treatment is suggested. Can you tell me who (A) (Interrupting) Any good masseuse, you see. Do this and, as we find, we will overcome and we will creative a normal balance. Without this, to be sure, there may be produced such strains in organs or the nerve forces as to become a constitutional condition. 23. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 571-1 F 12 R1. 7/9/34 Mother's comment when coming for 561-2 for 100% improved son's condition: "[571] is off Luminal altogether, only using the Maypop prescription. The attacks are farther apart and less severe. Dr. Raymond Kimbrough (M.D.) was interested in her rdg., said Maypop was an old time remedy." Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



R2. 9/1/34 Mother reported that [571] was getting on fine; she had not had any more attacks and her general condition was greatly improved. R3. 9/26/34 Mother phoned in A.M. to say that [571] had several attacks last night, the first in two months. She was worried and thought it was time for a Ck. Rdg. She also requested 561-3 for son, just to make sure he was getting on alright. R4. 9/26/34 P.M. See 571-2.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 571-2 F 12 Clairvoyance of E.C.: Conditions Confirmed

Par. R1

EPILEPSY: TENDENCIES Osteopathy: Epilepsy: Tendencies

Par. 3, 7-A

Physiotherapy: Packs: Ice: Epilepsy

Par. 8-A

Prescriptions: Passion Flower: Epilepsy: Tendencies

Par. 4, 7-A

Sedation: Not Recommended

Par. 8-A

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 571-2 F 12 B1. See 571-1 on 6/4/34 and subsequent Reports. TEXT OF READING 571-2 F 12 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 26th day of September, 1934, in accordance with request made by the mother - Mrs. [...], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mildred Davis and L. B. Cayce. READING Time of Reading 3: 40 to 3: 45 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Virginia. (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes, we have the body, [571]; this we have had before. Improvements do we find in the general physical conditions of the body. While there have been adverse conditions, these are the natural consequences of some indiscretions in the diet and in the activities of the body as related to those changes coming about in the physical forces. 2. We would continue with the compounds as given. 3. Too, under the stress, we find that there will be required a thorough relaxing of the body through the coccyx, sacral and the lumbar area, and a coordination of same in the upper cervical area. Three to six such osteopathic adjustments to relax this tautness should be sufficient. These we would have at least two or three days apart; the coccyx, the sacral, the lumbar, the upper cervical. 4. So, continue with the Bitters compound; being mindful of the diets and of keeping the eliminations in and through the alimentary canal, and especially until after the periods of eliminations as begun from the menstrual periods. 5. Ready for questions. 6. (Q) Just what caused the three attacks last night? (A) Read just what has been given! Indiscretion, poor elimination, changes coming about; and a reaction. 7. (Q) Should all the treatment as given be continued in the same method? (A) We would continue the Bitters, and now relax the body in the areas given; being discrete regarding the eliminations and the diets. 8. (Q) Can anything be done at the time to relieve the convulsions? (A) Ice at the back of the neck will relieve. But she mustn't have any more, or very slight - if any. These may come about those periods. DO NOT resort to sedatives! 9. (Q) Any other advice regarding the body? (A) Do this, for the physical. 10. We are through with this reading. REPORTS OF READING 571-2 F 12 R1. 12/7/35 Report, reply to Questionnaire, by [571]'s mother: Date of First Reading "Sept. 26, 1934" Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



In your opinion did this analysis cover the condition? "Yes" Give symptoms of condition described correctly. "A seizure - similar to epilepsy but always during the night - or early morning before arising. Followed usually by headache." Have the suggestions for treatment been followed exactly as given? "Not exactly - but due to finances - I did the best I could." For how long? "Over a year." Have improvements resulted? "Yes" To what extent? "Only recently have noticed a really marked improvement. She has matured now - and I notice it is only around the time of her period - that she has many attacks - and they are slight." Comment: "Before going to Mr. Cayce she has been using Luminal every day. After the readings I did not give any more sedatives and the attacks were no worse." Signed [[571]'s mother] R2. 1/8/38 See 571-3.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 571-3 F 15 Diet: Epilepsy

Par. 13


Par. 12

Physiology & Anatomy: Epilepsy

Par. 18-A

Physiotherapy: Packs: Castor Oil: Epilepsy

Par. 7--9

Prescriptions: Passion Flower: Epilepsy

Par. 7, 9--11, 17-A

Psychosomatics: Healing

Par. 19-A

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 571-3 F 15 B1. See 571-2 on 9/26/34. B2. 1/8/38 Mother reported that [571] was greatly helped so long as the suggestions in 9/26/34 rdg. were followed, for the epilepsy spells which always came in her sleep. Recently, however, the spells have returned and seem to be a worse form. "She has done well at school but is getting a complex about these spells." B3. GD's note: [571] came with her mother for the rdg; she is a beautiful girl. TEXT OF READING 571-3 F 15 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 8th day of January, 1938, in accordance with request made by the mother - Mrs. [...], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Miss [571] and mother. READING Time of Reading 3: 10 to 3: 28 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Va. (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [571]; this we have had before. 2. There are changes in the physical forces of the body, as indicated by the natural changes as well as the growth and the activities through the system. 3. However, there is still that incoordination at times between the impulses in the cerebrospinal and in the sympathetic or vegetative system. 4. As we find, the lesion nor the coordinating centers have been eliminated; neither has the coordination been set up as thoroughly as it should be. 5. However, there have been periods when there was a great deal better coordination, owing to the connections as made in the lumbar and the coccyx plexus with the 9th dorsal or the solar plexus as related to those lesions in the areas about the emptying of the duodenum to the jejunum. 6. As we find, then, in the present: 7. There should be those applications that will make for the relaxing of the system sufficiently to break up those inclinations for the short-circuiting as it were between the nervous systems in the lacteal duct area; by the use of the Oil Packs as combined with the taking internally of the Passion Flower as an addition to the activities of the system to overcome these tendencies indicated in the system through the lack of coordination - or the breaking up of coordination in the nerve forces of the body; thus producing the contractions in the muscular activity, the loss of balance or consciousness in the reactions in the nervous system. 8. The Castor Oil Packs as we find should be used rather in periods. About two hours each day for a period of three days, left off for a period of five days, and then again a period of three days, and then left off for five days. And this procedure continued until two periods or cycles of twenty-seven or twenty-eight days have passed, see? Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



9. We find that the Passion Flower would be taken ONLY on the days the Packs are NOT taken. Prepare same in this manner: 10. To 2 gallons of Distilled Water add 12 ounces of the Passion Flower. Reduce by slow simmering (not in aluminum, but rather in other types of container - as brass or enamelware; and not with tin as a cover), to 2 quarts. Strain and add sufficient grain alcohol to preserve same, or to make it about a 15% alcohol. 11. The dosage would be a teaspoonful three times a day; morning, noon and evening; preferably BEFORE the meals - and on the days the Packs are NOT taken. 12. After there has been the series of the Packs taken as indicated, then make the osteopathic ADJUSTMENTS in the coccyx, the lumbar and 9th dorsal areas. These would not require more than two treatments a week for three weeks, then leave off for a month, and then give again. 13. And be mindful of the diets! Not too much sweets, ever. Not raw apples. No bananas, ever. No fried foods at any time. 14. Do these and be CONSISTENT with these. 15. It may be necessary to repeat a full cycle. But this should eliminate the causes and the disturbances. 16. Ready for questions. 17. (Q) To the 2 quarts of Passion Flower, just how much alcohol should be added? (A) Sufficient to preserve same. This should be done by the chemist that would make such, as has been indicated - a solution about fifteen percent. 18. (Q) Usually when I have a "shake" I wet my bed. Why is that? (A) The natural reaction of that very condition as has been indicated of incoordination between the sympathetic and the cerebrospinal system. And with the removal of the pressures and the removal of the incoordination between the nervous systems, then the controlling of the organs or the activities of same may be CONSCIOUSLY a reaction, see? 19. (Q) Any other advice for the body at this time? (A) Keep optimistic. Know that these are not taken just to be gotten through with, but see them consciously DOING and ACCOMPLISHING that as will eliminate the causes of the disturbances. 20. We are through with this Reading. REPORTS OF READING 571-3 F 15 R1. 12/21/39 See 571-4. R2. 9/40 Dr. F. C. Hudgins Jr.'s reply to Questionnaire: Comment: "I have had no reading of a Miss [571]." Date: Sept. 1940 Signed: F. C. Hudgins, Jr. [GD's note: I suppose the mother took her back to Dr. Vincen H. Ober instead of to Dr. Hudgins.] R3. See mothers report under 571-4, in the fall of 1940, indicating that [571] has not had an attack in a long time. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 571-4 F 17 ADHESIONS: LESIONS Doctors: Pahnke, Walter N.: M.D.

Par. R2

EPILEPSY Osteopathy: Epilepsy

Par. 6

Physiotherapy: Packs: Castor Oil: Epilepsy

Par. 4, 5

Prescriptions: Olive Oil: Epilepsy : Serutan: Eliminations

Par. 5 Par. 12-A

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 571-4 F 17 B1. See 571-3 on 1/8/38. TEXT OF READING 571-4 F 17 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 21st day of December, 1939, in accordance with request made by the mother - Mrs. [...], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. READING Time of Reading 10: 35 to 10: 45 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Va. 1. GC: You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time ([571], in the Basement Sewing Class at ... School, Norfolk, Va.), with suggestions for further corrective measures; answering the questions, as I ask them: 2. EC: Yes. 3. As we find, conditions in many respects are much better than when we had this body here before; yet there are other disturbances which threaten, the reactions of which might bring acute conditions as related to especially the caecum areas. 4. These as we find need not necessarily become a disturbing influence, if there are the precautions taken to cleanse the colon, - not by too great a purgative but by the use of heavy Castor Oil Packs over the area of the caecum and the gall duct also; as well as the use of that which has been indicated for the removal of those tendencies for adhesions in the lacteal ducts, but more heavily over the appendicial area. 5. After about two of the Packs being taken, one one day, one the next, for an hour, - then in the evening of that same day - after the Pack has been used, you see - take internally a tablespoonful of Olive Oil; and do the same the next day. 6. Then have an osteopathic adjustment for the stimulating of the ganglia center from which the appendix obtains its impulse, see? - in the lower portion of the 8th dorsal, 6th, 7th and 8th dorsal. 7. And then be very mindful there is a full evacuation of the alimentary canal each day. 8. And these disturbances will disappear. 9. This will also aid in the correction of other conditions that have disturbed the body, towards the irregularity in the functionings of the system. Also the condition of the general nervous system will be aided. 10. Ready for questions. 11. (Q) What should be done about the slight return occasionally of same spasmodic condition? (A) As just indicated, this is a part of those same conditions, but is more acute in the caecum area in the present. 12. (Q) What should be used as a laxative, after the Olive Oil has been taken, to keep regular eliminations?

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



(A) SERUTAN would be very well, but this should be taken for regular periods. Take a heaping teaspoonful EACH day for a month at a time, then leave off a few weeks, and then take again for another month, see? to regulate these activities and stimulate better peristaltic movements. 13. We are through with this Reading.

REPORTS OF READING 571-4 F 17 R1. 9/40 Oral report to GD by mother fall of 1940: Discontinued Luminal from the first rdg. and gave Mayblossom Bitters instead. Attacks gradually diminished and finally ceased altogether. Hasn't had one in a long time now. R2. 7/60 In Dr. W. N. Pahnke's survey of 96 cases of epilepsy from the Edgar Cayce records, he classified Case [571] in group 1. "The seizures were described as 'similar to epilepsy.' The seizures always occurred during the night or early morning, followed by headache. During the attack the patient wet her bed. There were no follow-up reports."

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 814-1 M 32 Chiropractic: Epilepsy

Par. 4

Doctors: Kapple, W.Lee: N.D. : Ketchum, Wesley H.: M.D.

Par. R6, R7 Par. R6


Par. R5



Osteopathy: Epilepsy

Par. 4

Prescriptions: Alcohol, Grain: Assimilations: Eliminations: Incoordination : Black Root: : Buchu Leaves: : Burdock Root: : Mandrake Root: : Poke Root: : Sarsaparilla Root: : Snake Root: : Tolu, Balsam of: : Yellow Dock Root: : Water, Rain: : Wild Cherry Bark:

Par. 5--7 Par. 5--7 Par. 5--7 Par. 5--7 Par. 5--7 Par. 5--7 Par. 5--7 Par. 5--7 Par. 5--7 Par. 5--7 Par. 5--7 Par. 5--7

Prophecy: Prognosis: Assimilations: Eliminations: Incoordination

Par. 7


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 814-1 M 32 B1. 10/13/26 Letter: "I am writing to ask you if you can diagnose my case or can you tell me what should be done. I have had a peculiar ailment for the past year and a half which seems to baffle the two doctors I have had." TEXT OF READING 814-1 M 32 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 23rd day of November, 1926, in accordance with request made by self - Mr. [814]. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Mrs. Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. READING Time of Reading 11: 40 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. 1. GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the conditions you find at the present time. You will diagnose the case thoroughly, giving the cause of the existing conditions, also the treatment for the cure and relief of this body. 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here. 3. Now, we find in the abnormal conditions as may be corrected, there are specific disturbances produced in the body by misdirected, as it were, nerve energies, and the combination of an over balanced system in the direction of eliminations in the body. Hence when the conditions are approached from the functional condition, the results become those that produce other disturbances, rather than correcting the abnormality. 4. The correction, then, should be made in the cerebro-spinal system, making the full alignment in the cerebro-spine, see? for we will find there are disturbances in the cervical, the upper dorsal, and the lumbar. All of these have their effect on the nerve supply to the various functioning organs, as seen in face, head, in the throat, bronchials, and in the locomotion of the body. This correction should be chiropractically or osteopathically given, until the corrections are complete, which should take from thirteen to twenty-six (13 to 26) such adjustments, see? 5. After these adjustments have been made - not before, nor not during the time AFTER these adjustments have been made, take these properties as medicinal properties to correct the eliminations, see? and to bring about the normal assimilation in the body: 6. To 1 gallon of rain water, add: Wild Cherry Bark................4 ounces, Sarsaparilla Root...............2 ounces, Yellow Dock Root................1 ounce, Burdock Root....................1 ounce, Black Root, or Snake Root.....1/2 ounce, Mandrake Root..................20 grains, Poke Root......................20 grains, Buchu Leaves...................30 grains. Reduce this by simmering (not boiling) to 1 quart. Strain while warm, and add 4 ounces pure grain alcohol, with 3 drams Balsam of Tolu cut in it. Shake solution Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



together before the dose is taken. The dose should be taken 4 times each day, half teaspoonful at each dose, before each meal and before retiring, see? 7. By the time these properties have been taken, we will find the conditions as exist at present removed, that may be corrected. 8. In the general physical forces of this body, we find the combination of those conditions as have to do with the action of suggestion over the system, and that as of the environmental conditions, which war one with another. Hence the combination of those conditions as are given for the adjustments, for the correction in the application of conditions within the physical forces of the body, and that as is necessary to take from the exterior force, or through the mind's action over material conditions, taken into the system to make the full corrections, as it were, genuine or stamped within the system - but follow out these conditions as have been given, and we will bring the normal forces for this body, [814]. 9. We are through for the present.

REPORTS OF READING 814-1 M 32 R1. 12/4/26 Wife's Letter: "I am answering for my husband. We think the reading is excellent and do believe it to be the thing that is wrong with him. He has been taking treatments from a Naprapath doctor before your letter came and when you said to take 13 to 26 treatments from a Chiropractor or Osteopath he went to this Naprapath because they also treat the spine. Today he had another quite bad spell and we wonder if it is alright to get the spinal treatments from a Naprapath or go to an Osteopath. We intend to follow out your instructions to the letter, they are wonderful and we are convinced they (the spells) are caused through his nerves. I want you to know we think your reading is worth many times what we can afford to pay for it." R2. 12/8/26 EC wrote he thought the D.O. would be preferable. R3. 11/8/27 Wife's letter: "We followed out your advice but as yet he has not improved. Do you think you could arrange another reading?" R4. 11/22/27 See 814-2. R5. 2/22/34 Dr. W. Lee Kapple's letter: "On November 26, 1926, a Mr. [814] of this city called at my office for spinal treatment as suggested by you. He was told to take thirteen treatments for his ailment, the results of which - when given in accordance with directions - were astounding to me, as I had given up all hopes of ever being helpful to an epileptic victim. However, he was cured and has remained so to date..." R6. 2/26/34 EC's letter to Dr. W. Lee Kapple: "I am just in receipt of yours of the 22nd. I appreciate very much your report on Mr. [814] of your city. I had not heard anything from Mr. [814] since the information was given him some years Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



ago. I am glad to know that he got the desired results from following the directions as were given in the information. "To me, throughout the years, it has not ceased to be worth while to know that individuals get results when they follow the suggestions made. We become accustomed to information of unusual nature and things of that kind, and to unusual types of treatment; for, you may well imagine through thirty-five years of experience there have been at some time or another, almost every sort of suggestion that might be thought of, in all fields of practice, and some very delicate operations. One of the most marvelous operations, I believe, was performed by Dr. Murphy some years ago in your city, through suggestion in a reading. "I am glad to know, too, that you are handling the case of Mrs. [515] I believe that she will get results. I do not know that I am well informed as to 'naprapathic spinal work'. I know there have been suggestions for osteopathic, chiropractic, naturopathic, neuropathic systems of treatment, as well as the etheronic, magnetic, electro-therapy, and many various kinds of mechanical appliances, as well as the three schools of medicine and, apparently, the information has suggested that which will meet the needs of the individual at the time. "I am sending you, under separate cover, a couple of booklets, inclosing the regular literature that is sent to those who request same. Should you find these of interest and be desirous of having any other literature, know that we shall be glad to send it to you at any time. "We do not want a doctor at any time to forego his own experience, but know that we are glad to cooperate with anyone who is giving of his better self in service to humanity, and we shall be glad to send individuals who may request information to you. You may rest assured, Doctor, that when individuals have check readings, as we have had at times, and the physician has not carried out the instructions, it will say so. "We had a good demonstration of this last fall. A doctor [W. H. Ketchum, M.D.] in Palo Alto, California, who has known the work for some years, in fact, was the physician who presented same to the Clinic Research Society in Boston in 1910. He suggested to one of his patients [Mrs. 757] that she get information through these channels. Naturally she went back to him for treatment. The subsequent reading told her he did not follow instructions and, of course, the case was taken away from him. "I am sending you with this data a Bulletin, in which you will see a case report. Would you be willing to write a report on Mr. [814]'s case that we might publish same in the Bulletin? Of course, as you will see, the names are not used. They only give the dates of the reports from the individuals or the physicians treating same. We shall appreciate it if you will do this. "Thanking you for your letter, and with kindest personal regards, I am..." R7. 3/7/34 Dr. W. Lee Kapple's letter, reporting on his patient Mrs. [515] whom he had previously referred to Edgar Cayce: "I feel it my duty to send you information relative to the case of Mr. [814] of this city who came to my office with your letter of suggestions that he might regain his Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



lost health. I had formerly treated this patient, and had informed him there was nothing I could do for him, however he so urged me to try again, and following your outline of treatment to the letter he received a permanent cure of the worlds most dreaded ailment - epilepsy. "NAPRAPATHY - A system of scientific spinal work, with the theory that the majority of human ailments are traceable to diseased or shrunken ligaments found especially in the spinal column, or where ever connective tissue will shrink causing nerve irritation. "It was in 1905, that Dr. Oakley Smith dean of the Chicago College of Naprapathy, began to plan manipulative directos for the purpose of bringing stretch upon the connective tissue fibers of the ligamentous and areolar tissues of the body, more especially of the spinal column. The students of this science are taught the charted system of diagnosis, a very thorough subject on directo planning, searching out the direction of shrinkage, soreness, tension, the result of this diagnosis determines the manner of treatment as to direction of force, the amount of poundage or weight administered in different parts of the body. "By repeating the application of the directol force many times at the same treatment (which is given in a light manner) the tightened condition is stretched far more than in the case where only one or two forces are given against the spine. "In studying the results which follow the application of planned physical force to the spinal column, it will be observed that a force passed into a spinal segment at a certain angle will produce good results, the same amount of force passed into the same segment but at a different angle, will produce detrimental results, the force which passes in a line so as to shorten fibers that are already too short is also a detriment, while the force that lies in a line that has no influence in either shortening or lengthening the shrunken ligament will have only negative results. Therefore it seems only reasonable and has been proved thousands of times in my office, that giving a directol force that passes at an angle so as to stretch ligamentos fibers that need to be stretched, gives beneficial results. "In connection with naprapathic treatment, we use the battle creek method of massage and body manipulations, as taught by Dr. H. Kellogg of the battle creek sanitarium, we have many patients who need this service, but when indicated we do not hesitate to apply naprapathic work in order to bring about the desired results. The pine needle vapor bath cabinet installed in this office is doing splendid work and finds its place in the general way of treatment. "This short explanation of Naprapathy may serve its purpose in a small way to acquaint you with its workings. Its many virtues as a medium of help to humanity however, comes through the sincere application of those who profess to use it." (GD's note: In BEALLE'S Drugless Red Book for 1946 there are three pages of Naprapaths listed - all in Western States.)

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 814-2 M 33 Chiropractic: Epilepsy

Par. 4

EPILEPSY Osteopathy: Epilepsy

Par. 4


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 814-2 M 33 None. TEXT OF READING 814-2 M 33 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 22nd day of November, 1927, in accordance with request made by self - Mr. [814]. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Mrs. Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mr. L. B. Cayce. READING Time of Reading 5: 00 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. Chicago, Ill. 1. GC: You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time, with suggestions for the improvement of same. 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here - we have had this before, you see. 3. Now, we find there is vast improvement in the general physical forces of the body, yet - as is seen, and as has been given - for the full and complete correction of the physical forces of the body (those subluxations and those centers from which radiate those impulses that have to do with the digestion and the assimilation and those connecting forces from same that have to do with the equilibrium kept in the brain centers from same, so that the metabolism of the system is kept in both the conscious and unconscious forces in the system), necessary that the subluxations be in that corrected way, that there is perfect alignment and the full coordination from those centers where subluxations have hindered the body, else we find - with the overtaxing of digestion or the unbalancing of those conditions that bring about the filling up of centers in the trace or tracing of the digestion - that there is recurrence of those conditions bringing distraughtness to the body. 4. Then, we would have those subluxations corrected fully, that the body may function the more normally. These done chiropractically or osteopathically, as has been given - but done chiropractically must bring perfect alignment - done osteopathically the manipulation added WITH corrections will assist in HOLDING the muscular reactions in such a way and manner as to build for better conditions in the body. 5. Then, when the correction is made, only half the quantity of the properties (medicinal), as has been given, would be necessary to be taken. 6. Do that. We will find that these will bring the normal forces of the body to this body here, [814]. 7. We are through for the present.

REPORTS OF READING 814-2 M 33 R1. 2/22/34 See Dr. W. Lee Kapple's report under 814-1 Reports. R2. 3/27/34 HLC's letter to Mr. [814]'s wife, who had done most of the correspondence: [Dr. Kapple's report of 2/22/34 was not then a part of [814]'s folder] Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



"I am writing you relative to your husbands condition. You will remember that he received two readings through our Association from my father, Mr. Edgar Cayce. "We would appreciate very much a report from you regarding this case, answering briefly the following questions: 1. Has your husband received relief from his trouble? 2. Did he take the osteopathic treatments as suggested or continue with some similar treatments? 3. Did he take the prescription as given in his reading? 4. If he was relieved how long did it take? "Any other information you may give us regarding his condition which you feel will be of interest to us in keeping our records will be appreciated." R3. 4/16/34 Letter from [814]'s wife to HLC: "Thank you for your kind letter with reference to my husband. "We tried very hard to get the prescription filled your father recommended, but no drug store seemed to know what some of the ingredients were, and we had it filled as closely as we could. Also, an uncle of ours was a Naprapath, and I believe I wrote and asked your father if these treatments were alright, instead of Chiropractic, and he said it was. "I believe he has been benefited to some extent, but not entirely. Could you make further suggestions? "I should appreciate hearing from you again." R4. 1/35 She sent membership application in new Ass'n asking that EC give further advice, which he had offered to do. R5. 2/5/35 See 814-3.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Par. 10

Doctors: Pahnke, Walter N.: M.D. : Stone, Edna: N.D.

Par. R3, R4 Par. R2

EPILEPSY Halitosis: Assimilations: Eliminations: Incoordination

Par. 1

Neuropathy: Epilepsy

Par. 9

Physiotherapy: Packs: Castor Oil: Epilepsy

Par. 5

Prescriptions: Alcaroid: Assimilations: Eliminations: Incoordination : Atomidine: Epilepsy : Caroid Bile Salts: Assimilations: Eliminations: Incoordination

Par. 6 Par. 8 Par. 7

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 814-3 M 41 None. TEXT OF READING 814-3 M 41 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at 1867 Kalorama Road, Washington, D.C. this 5th day of February, 1935, in accordance with request made by the self - Mr. [814], new Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. A Mrs. Small. READING Time of Reading 5: 25 to 5: 40 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Ill. (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [814]; this we have had before. There are many changes in the physical forces of the body since last we had same here. While there have been great improvements in some directions, there have been the tendencies more recently for the reversion of some of those conditions that formerly disturbed the physical functioning. This tendency for the poor digestion and poor assimilation, with the resultant effect of bad breath, should be the indication to the body that there have been and are those reversions in the lacteal duct area as well as in the gall duct for a stoppage, which - reverting to former disturbances at times - prevents the normal reaction, or there is caused a discordant reaction in the cerebrospinal and the sympathetic nerve system; reverting at times to the spasmodic conditions or contraction in the nerve and muscular forces. Thus there is caused or produced a lapse of coordination through the nerve energies in the medulla oblongata, where these coordinate with the sensory forces of the body itself. 2. While there has been a great deal of growth or development in the mental forces in the activities and the abilities to meet the active forces in the body, these - as we find - are the disturbing factors in the physical functioning in the present. 3. Then, in making for correction at this time - which, as we find, may bring about almost a normal condition for the body, we would: 4. Begin with those applications that will make for an entire cleansing of the alimentary canal, in THIS manner: 5. First we would apply over the lacteal duct and gall duct area the Castor Oil Packs. These should be as warm or hot as the body can stand, and applied directly to the area from the lower portion of the liver to the caecum and the beginning of the transverse colon; of course, over the ascending colon and a portion of the transverse colon - for there again are those congestions indicated. Apply these for an hour each day for three days in succession. 6. During the three days we would after the morning and evening meals take half a teaspoonful of Al-Caroid, in a glass and a half of water - or a pint and a half of water, first dissolving same in a small quantity. 7. After the third day, and the third application of the pack, we would take internally for three periods two Caroid and Bile Salts tablets at a dose - which Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



would make six in all, you see. Take these after the meals. This will cleanse the whole of the system. 8. Then, after the next day, we would begin with two minims of Atomidine in a glass of water morning and evening; before the morning meal and before retiring of evening. Keep this up for a period of ten days to two weeks. Then rest or leave off for a period of three to five days. Then begin again, and have at least three rounds of this. 9. We would also begin with the adjustments in the caecum area, or the 4th dorsal, the 4th lumbar, the 4th cervical. These would be made as in the neuropathic manner, or of the nature that makes for the massage as well as the adjustments in the segments themselves. For those tendencies for the contraction in the lumbar area affect the caecum directly; those in the 4th dorsal the plexus that governs the emptying of the stomach or pylorus end; those in the cervical the coordinating center between the sympathetic and cerebro-spinal. To be sure, at such treatments and adjustments we would coordinate from the 1st cervical to the coccyx or end of the spine. These we would have in periods of two to three weeks, treatments given every other day; then a rest period, and then begin again. 10. The diet will be much better not to consist of too much of the meats, but rather of the whole wheat, whole corn, wheat and barley, and fresh green vegetables. The evening meal may be made a combination of well-cooked vegetables, but the others should be rather of the green raw vegetables or the crushed or rolled whole wheat. The meats, if taken at all, should rather be fish, fowl or lamb - but no fried foods. 11. Do these, and we will bring the better conditions for this body, [814]. 12. Ready for questions. 13. We are through for the present.

REPORTS OF READING 814-3 M 41 R1. 9/13/44 GD's note: So far as we know, this case was entirely cured. R2. 4/23/50 Dr. Edna Stone, N.D., worker on E.C.F. campaign for funds, reported that Mr. [814]'s wife expressed interest and desire to help. R3. 7/27/60 Dr. Walter N. Pahnke's letter to Mr. [814]: Association for Research & Enlightenment [Letterhead] Incorporated Virginia Beach, Virginia ... Chicago, Illinois Dear Mr. [814]: I need your help in carrying out a research project in which I am engaged. I am examining the Edgar Cayce records in an attempt to determine common patterns in the forms of treatments recorded in certain diseases. I am trying to discover the practical value of these treatments in the cases for which the readings were given.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



One of the diseases I am studying is epilepsy. I would appreciate a brief followup report from you on the results you got from your own personal reading. I would like to know 1) if you thought the description in your reading fitted your case, 2) for how long and 3) to what extent you followed the treatment and 4) what results were obtained. Please be frank. If you thought the reading was inaccurate or if after an honest and careful trial you noted no improvement I would like to know this just as much as if you had a complete cure. Most important of all, are you still suffering from convulsions in any form? Also, what has been the exact medical diagnosis and treatment of your condition by doctors? You may be certain that your answer and your original reading and correspondence will be kept strictly confidential in my analysis of the material. Sincerely yours, Walter N. Pahnke, M.D. [GD's note: Above letter was ret'd marked UNCLAIMED.] R4. 7/60 In Dr. Pahnke's survey of 96 cases of epilepsy from the Edgar Cayce readings, he included Case [814] in group 1, saying: "Doctors gave a diagnosis of epilepsy. One doctor thought the patient was permanently cured in 1934 but another reading was requested in 1935. There has been no follow-up since then."

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 1625-1 M 7 ADHESIONS Appliances: Radio-Active: Nervous Systems: Incoordination

Par. 17--24


Par. 27--29

ELIMINATIONS: POOR EPILEPSY Home & Marriage: Parenthood: Children: Abnormal Par. 24 Intestines: Enemas: Eliminations

Par. 30

Meditation: Appliances

Par. 24

NERVOUS SYSTEMS: INCOORDINATION Physiology & Anatomy: Epilepsy

Par. 8--13

Physiotherapy: Massage: Castor Oil: Adhesions : Nervous Systems: Incoordination : Packs: Castor Oil: Adhesions

Par. 16, 17, 25 Par. 25 Par. 15--17

Sedation: Not Recommended

Par. 13

Suggestive Therapeutics: Epilepsy

Par. 24, 25

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 1625-1 M 7 B1. Pronounced Epilepsy by doctors. TEXT OF READING 1625-1 M 7 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 1st day of July, 1938, in accordance with request made by the parents [...], new Associate Membership in the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., recommended by Mr. [1226]. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [1625] and parents, Mr. [1226] and Dr. Henry W. Hardwicke. READING Time of Reading 10: 30 to 11: 55 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Virginia. (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [1625]. 2. Now as we find, there are definite adhesions which prevent the normal reaction between impulse and the activity of the cerebrospinal system - or the voluntary and involuntary nerve center, or the ungoverning by the adhesion and its effect upon the cerebrospinal and nervous system and the sympathetic of that governor of the impulse through the medulla oblongata. 3. These then are the conditions as we find them with this body, [1625] we are speaking of: 4. The blood supply is somewhat impoverished, owing to the lack of proper assimilation, and the inability of the system through proper impulse - or through hindrances in the assimilating forces - to distribute that even that is assimilated. 5. In the activity of the nervous system we find the source or the causes of the disturbance. 6. First, as we find, there was a disturbance during those periods when there was the healing of the umbilical cord; cold, contraction, and some infectious forces that caused or produced great heat or temperature. 7. The lymph and the emunctory activities through the areas about the lacteal ducts as related to the gall duct and its activity upon the system produce an adhesion in the right portion and side. 8. Hence we have had constant disturbance in the lack of proper eliminations. The body easily at times becomes upset, and the recurrent conditions are from an upset stomach - or the lack of eliminations. 9. These are produced by the lack of the ability for the system to properly take care of this assimilation through the lower portion of the stomach, or through those ducts from which the absorption comes. 10. And this produces these reactions upon the chyle through the system, and this in reaction between the cerebrospinal and sympathetic system causes a contraction through the areas from the 4th lumbar, 12th dorsal. 11. These reflex to the brush portion of the cerebrospinal system, and when this impulse rises to the brain center, or through the lack of coordinating to the brain center through the sympathetic and the cerebrospinal, the contraction is at the 1st cervical. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



12. Hence this character of condition, unless removed, will gradually grow very much worse. For it will tend to draw the head and body backward, and these of such sudden natures would tend to make injuries the more common by the fall or the like. 13. The applications here of internal medicines, as we find, or applications, would only be effective in use of sedatives, which would only hinder; though they might allay the condition if applied. 14. Hence as we find: 15. Use the Castor Oil Packs over the lower portion of the liver, the abdomen, and especially - of course - the lower portion of the caecum also. This would be done about three times each day, for a period of five days; rest a period of five days, and then this done again. Continue in this manner. The application of the three periods each day would be at least for an hour at each time. Have the packs as hot as the body can bear, but not with sufficient heat to make same so uncomfortable as to become a torment. It'll be bad enough through the hot weather to use same - but these are needed! 16. After each of the applications, GENTLY massage the abdomen - almost as of a kneading motion, though gently; especially in the right portion and across to the liver, the gall ducts and portions of the umbilicus plexus - extending, of course, to the caecum. HERE (at the caecum) these areas shall be pulled, as it were, gently, but sufficiently deep to move the organs internally to pull them upward; while the areas in the jejunum and the upper colon portion and transverse colon portion would be moved right and left, see? 17. When these Packs and the massage have been followed for at least four or five periods or rounds, then we would begin with the use of the Radio-Active Appliance. 18. The applications would be made somewhat differently from those ordinarily indicated in the use of the Radio-Active Appliance. The plate for the last attachment would be a little larger than the ordinary, or than the plate for the first attachment. And we would make the attachments as follows: 19. The first day: Make the first attachment of the small plate to the right wrist, the last attachment - or the larger plate - to the umbilicus and lacteal duct plexus, or three fingers from the navel center toward the right, see? 20. Next day: First attachment would be to the left wrist, the last to the 9th dorsal plexus. 21. Third day: First attach to the left ankle, then to the umbilicus and lacteal duct area. 22. Fourth day: Attach first to the right ankle, last to the 9th dorsal. 23. Continue rotating the applications in this manner. We would give these vibrations every evening, just before retiring - but have a definite period for applying same - for a period of a full thirty minutes; thirty-five would not be too much, but not longer than that. 24. We would use such periods as the periods of meditation; talking to and making suggestions to the body for its physical, mental and spiritual welfare. Here the mother, the father, each may find not only the abilities to direct the mental and physical DEVELOPMENT of the body but they will find help Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



themselves in DIRECTING same! Hence during the application we would give the gentle suggestions. 25. And following such applications, we would continue to give the gentle suggestions; but also a massage - when the Appliance is disconnected. This would be better given along the cerebro-spinal system than over the abdomen. This would be with two fingers on either side of the cerebrospinal system; gently pull downward - that is, beginning at the neck - about half an inch; then press gently; slide just a little more and then press along the whole of the cerebrospinal system. 26. These kept, we will remove the causes AND the effects of these disturbances. 27. In the matter of the diet for the body, we would give rather the warning as to those things NOT to give! Never any white bread. Never any white potatoes, except they be roasted or boiled and more of the jacket eaten than the pulp. Never fried foods. 28. Use fish, fowl or lamb as meats. Never any hog meat at any time - for when these are given we would find a reaction that would be very bad. 29. Have vegetable juices, fruits and fruit juices. All of these should be a portion of the diet. 30. Rather than giving a cathartic or laxative in the beginning, well to use enemas. This would cleanse the system from the conditions as will be loosened by the absorption as well as the massage. 31. Do these for this body, [1625]. 32. Ready for questions. 33. After these have been given for sixty to ninety days, we would give further instructions. 34. We are through for the present.

REPORTS OF READING 1625-1 M 7 R1. 10/31/38 Mother's letter to EC: "I have given the Castor Oil pack ninety days and would like to be further instructed to what to do. "[1625] hasn't had a spell since the 19th of June - that was before I began the packs. I started the treatment the 21st of July. He has been doing fine. I just can't express how much we appreciate what you have done for us." R2. 11/10/38 Letter from EC to Mr. [1151]: "...Only last evening a Mother and Father were here to tell us about their only son [1625] who has for several years been a hopeless epileptic, and now has not had an attack for over six months and is not taking nostrums of any kind. A truly remarkable case. Think what it would mean were we able to establish one fact about this dreaded trouble - and that as favorable as the many cases we have had..." R3. 1/6/39 Parents referred [1784] for a Physical Reading.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



R4. 2/19/39 Mother's letter in reply to EC's request when they visited him the previous evening: "I am writing you to give a report on [1625]'s conditions. "I think a short history before we come to you is in order. "I first noticed signs of spells when [1625] was between 3 and 4 years of age. He would look wild, laugh and draw to the right side. Finally, through the years these spells grew worse until he would become unconscious and fall out - he would have them all times of the day and during the night. "He has had as high as 24 spells in a period of 12 hours. "When he became the age to begin school, they would not take him in public school, and had to put him in private school. After taking him to a nerve specialist and several other doctors, the spells continued and seem to grow worse and more frequent. "The medical doctors diagnosed his trouble as epilepsy and there was no improvement in his condition from their treatments. My family physician told me there was no known cure for epilepsy. "While [1625] was at his worst condition having so many spells that I could not keep account of them, Mr. [...] called on Mr. [1226] to see if he could get some help from you. "On June 19, 1938 we came to see you and an appointment was made for the morning of July 1st, 1938. "When I received the reading, I went to work with treatments and he got along fine. And haven't had a spell since we made the appointment. I thank the Lord for all that has been done for us and hope this good work will continue on and on." With best regards, Mrs. [...] R5. 2/20/39 Letter to [1625]'s parents from EC: "Thank you for your report on [1625] - all Praise to the Giver of all good and perfect gifts. May His blessings be with you and yours." Sincerely, EC R6. 5/20/39 See 1625-2.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 1625-2 M 8 ADHESIONS: LESIONS Diet: Epilepsy : Glands Dilantin: Okra : Oyster Plant : Salsify

Par. 6, 7 Par. 6 Par. 7 Par. 7 Par. 7

EPILEPSY Glands: Pituitary: Epilepsy

Par. 4, 5

NERVOUS SYSTEMS: INCOORDINATION Physiotherapy: Massage: Oils, Olive: Nervous Systems: Incoordination : Peanut Oil: : Packs: Castor Oil: Adhesions

Par. 8 Par. 8 Par. 5, 8, 12-A

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 1625-2 M 8 B1. See 1625-1. TEXT OF READING 1625-2 M 8 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 20th day of May, 1939, in accordance with request made by the parents, Mr. and Mrs. [...], through Associate Membership in the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [1625]'s parents and two children, and Mr. [1226]. READING Time of Reading 3: 40 to 3: 50 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Va. 1. GC: You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time, with suggestions for further corrective measures; answering the questions which may be submitted, as I ask them: 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [1625]. 3. As we find, conditions are a great deal better than those we have had here before. 4. There are still some of those disturbances in the lacteal and umbilical area, that hinder the glandular forces in creating better development of the coordination between the mental and the reflex activities from same. 5. Hence, as we find, it would be well that there be kept the Oil Packs occasionally, - even when there are not those periods of the disturbing between the impulse and the activities or the balance through the activity of the pituitary glandular forces; that the lesions may be entirely removed. These have been broken, but the effects and their reaction upon the system are still apparent. 6. Also we would be mindful of the diet. Not that these are to be the only foods, but there should be an abundance especially of steel cut oats, that are well cooked, but cooked in such a manner as to maintain all the vital forces of vitamins, and especially those activities from same that are to create betterment in the glandular reactions. 7. Then we would also have an abundance of okra in the diet, and - as soon as these may be had - the tubers of oyster plant [salsify]. These carry especially that vital force necessary to add to the system the properties necessary to create a normal balance. They carry, or add, Dilantin - which is that activity which MAKES for or produces the balance between the coordinating forces of impulses and activity in the nerve forces of the body. 8. We would have the massages occasionally along the spine with the equal combination of Olive Oil and Peanut Oil, especially across the shoulders, back of the neck and across the lumbar AND sacral areas. These should be given especially after taking the Oil Packs, or if the body becomes overheated, or when there are the inclinations for cold or congestion. 9. Do these and as we find we may bring, and we may keep, a better normal development for this body, [1625]. 10. Ready for questions. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



11. (Q) What makes him so irritable at times? (A) As just indicated, the tendency for those congested areas - or where the lesions have been - to produce in the nerve forces of the body that inability of coordination. 12. (Q) How often would you suggest that the Oil Packs be given? (A) At least give these for a couple of days every twenty-seventh day. 13. (Q) Any further advice for the body? (A) If we will do these, we will keep the better mental and physical development for this body. 14. We are through with this Reading.

REPORTS OF READING 1625-2 M 8 R1. 7/39 In Eighth Annual Congress booklet HLC reported: "The Physical Readings were discussed by two individuals who had experienced help in following personal readings, and next by two doctors. "Miss [951] described her experiences - Mrs. [...] reported her experiences in following a reading on her son [1625] who was afflicted with epilepsy. Both of these cases had been examined and treated by numerous physicians before help through the readings was sought. In both of these cases the analyses of the conditions and the suggested treatments were accurate and effective. "Dr. Curtis Hudgins of Norfolk, Va. - Dr. Frank Dobbins from New York." R2. 11/13/39 See 1625-3.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 1625-3 M 9 ADHESIONS: LESIONS Diet: Artichoke: Jerusalem: Glands: Adrenal : Epilepsy

Par. 8 Par. 8, 9

Doctors: Pahnke, Walter N.: M.D.

Par. R2

Epilepsy Glands: Pineal: Epilepsy

Par. 4, 13-A

NERVOUS SYSTEMS: INCOORDINATION Osteopathy: Nervous Systems: Incoordination

Par. 5

Physiotherapy: Packs: Castor Oil: Adhesions

Par. 5

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 1625-3 M 9 B1. See 1625-2. B2. About three attacks a week lately; these are different from the ones he used to have; more of a drawing toward the back than toward the stomach as formerly. - Plays very rough with boys much bigger than he is. TEXT OF READING 1625-3 M 9 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 13th day of November, 1939, in accordance with request made by the mother - Mrs. [...], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Hugh Lynn Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [1625], his mother, and brother. READING Time of Reading 3: 10 to 3: 25 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Virginia. 1. HLC: You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time, with suggestions for further corrective measures; answering the questions which will be submitted, as I ask them: 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [1625]; this we have had before. 3. Now as we find, owing to those activities in which there was a strain to some lesions which exist in the area ABOVE the kidneys, as well as in the lumbar and sacral area, there has been a reverting to the effects from the pressures in the lacteal ducts upon the activity of the glands in the areas above the kidneys. 4. Thus the reactions that have been caused are to the nerve forces along the pineal nerve axis or gland; producing a spasmodic reaction. 5. These as we find will respond to the applications first of the Castor Oil Packs over the lacteal duct and caecum area, and then the removal of the pressures osteopathically - in the 9th dorsal, the 11th and 12th dorsal, and the coccyx and lumbar area. In the beginning the osteopathic adjustments should be given about twice a week, until five or six are taken, and then these may be farther apart; but give sufficient that there may be the perfect alignment throughout the lower portion of the cerebrospinal system. The greater portion of the adjustments would be in the areas indicated, but coordinate - of course - the plexus in the upper portion of the dorsal and through the cervical areas, AFTER these adjustments are made in the lumbar, sacral, and especially the 9th dorsal, as indicated. The Castor Oil Packs should be given especially on the two days just before the osteopathic treatments are taken, see? 6. We find that these, as combined with the foods that will be retroactive with the glandular forces in the secondary cardiac area as well as the activities of the whole intestinal system, will bring the near to normal forces for this body. 7. These will relieve the tensions upon the lower hepatic circulation, as related to the activities of the kidneys and bladder, as well as the conditions that show reflexes in the face, the neck, and especially the right limb. 8. In the diet, include the Jerusalem artichoke about twice a week in the diet as an active force for the better activity through the pancreas, as well as the adrenal Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



glands. The addition of these influences will aid in releasing those tendencies for pressures in the area, as well as the removal of the subluxation will remove the tension to the areas in the cerebrospinal system as associate with the activity of the glandular system, as well as the organs of the body. 9. Refrain from too much of white breads or too much grease or fats. Not too much sugar, to be sure. Then, little or no candy; but cakes that are prepared with popcorn meal or popcorn flour, or those that carry the arrowroot, will be well for the body. 10. Do these, and as we find we may bring the better forces and influences for this body. 11. Ready for questions. 12. (Q) What caused the relapse? (A) As just indicated, a strain upon the subluxations existing in the areas outlined. 13. (Q) What causes circles around the eyes? (A) The pressures upon the pineals, as affect the glandular forces, especially those indicated. 14. (Q) What is the condition of the kidneys? (A) Under the strain as indicated from the overactivity or pressures upon the glands just above or about same. Do these, and as we find we will bring better forces for this body, [1625]. 15. We are through for the present.

REPORTS OF READING 1625-3 M 9 R1. GD's note: A couple of years later, after being free from the attacks for that period, the boy fell from a height (tree or house?) and broke his back; nothing to do but lie helpless. This report came to us through Mr. [1226]. I wrote him asking for an up to date report on the case, 3/7/47. I think he told us later that the boy had died. R2. 7/60 In Dr. W. N. Pahnke's breakdown of 96 cases of epilepsy from the Edgar Cayce records, Case [1625] was classified in group one.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 1653-1 M 46 Clairvoyance Of E.C.: Conditions Confirmed


Doctors: Pahnke, Walter N.: M.D.

Par. R4

Doctors Suggested: Dobbins, Frank P.: D.O.

Par. 16, Reports

EPILEPSY: TENDENCIES Glands: Gonads: Hernias

Par. 5

HERNIAS: CURED Names: People Mentioned: Cayce, H. L.

Par. R1, R5

NERVOUS SYSTEMS: INCOORDINATION: CURED Osteopathy: Nervous Systems: Incoordination

Par. 12, 16--20

Physiotherapy: Baths: Sponge: Soda : Packs: Castor Oil: Epilepsy

Par. 15, 16, 19, 20 Par. 15, 16, 19, 20

Sedation: Not Recommended

Par. 11

Supports: Trusses: Hernias

Par. 13

Surgery: Hernias : Preventive: Hernias

Par. 21, 22 Par. 21, 22

Work: E.C.: Publications: "A Study Of Clairvoyance"

Par. R1

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 1653-1 M 46 B1. 8/1/38 "Several physicians have disagreed as to diagnosis of my physical condition. Have I any form of epilepsy attacks which might cause my condition? I have a vesicle [hernia?] [3/2/39 See Dr. Dobbins' report [1653-1, Par. R3] indicating it was a stone in kidney.] but no pain. Have been wearing a support for this condition for years. Would it be essential to be operated on for this condition or not?" TEXT OF READING 1653-1 M 46 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 6th day of August, 1938, in accordance with request made by the self - Mr. [1653], new Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., recommended by Mr. [1539]'s son. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. READING Time of Reading 3: 50 to 4: 05 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. New York City. (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes, we have the body, [1653]. 2. Now as we find, there are disturbing conditions that prevent the normal reaction. These as we find have been of long standing, and were minor or insignificant appearing in their beginnings. 3. However, with the disturbances that have arisen by irritation and improper reactions through the system, these have gradually brought - and without their correction will continue to bring about disturbances that may within themselves appear to be causes, when they are in reality or in nature the effects from the causes - as we shall indicate. 4. We find that these have to do with coordinations between the nerves of impulse, or the sympathetic AND the cerebrospinal systems. 5. These in their inception as we find began with the early teen age, when there was an injury by attempting some feat, or with a fall. Then WITH the condition of spraining or straining and breaking tissue through a straddle or a split - which caused the strain upon the scrotum, testes and the natures of these - there was caused a strain or drawing upon the activities or the exercising of the genital system. 6. As such activities have drawn or do draw upon the sympathetic system, through portions of the glandular forces as are related to the assimilating force of the body, we have gradually increased the pressures upon the ileum plexus - and a strain upon the glandular forces about the assimilating portions - until we have made a drawing. 7. Hence we have periods of lapses, when there are the effects of incoordination between sympathetic and cerebrospinal systems by the pressure produced in the area about the lacteal ducts in the right portion of the body. 8. The reflexes to the centers or glandular forces and the plexus from the radial activity of the lumbar axis cause the reaction to the cerebrospinal.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



9. Following such a condition there is an upsetting of both the digestive and the eliminating systems. 10. These have not reached proportions as yet other than to become momentary, but gradually - with the increase in the pressures (unless these are removed) will make for greater and greater disturbance in the nervous and muscular forces, and muscular contractions through the system, and bring greater and greater distress. 11. The natural reactions through other portions of the system - through properties that have been given or indicated for nerves, through character of sedatives or bromides - are to make and do make for greater strains. 12. As we find, while this strain may not be ENTIRELY removed or freed by manipulative or corrective forces, if the lesions are removed and then corrections made in the impulses through the cerebrospinal reaction - in a mechanical or osteopathic manner, removing the pressures - we will find then greater and greater relief. 13. The necessity for wearing the truss or the support for the testicle and for the area about same has relieved much of the disturbance, or made it less active in the reaction. 14. In making the corrections, then, as we find: 15. At least once each day, for half to three quarters of an hour, preferably just before retiring, apply heavy Castor Oil Packs - as hot as the body can stand same - to the area from the rib on the right side to the caecum or to the groin. Use at least three thicknesses of flannel, sufficient to cover the area of the entire right side, and from the umbilicus plexus (near the navel) to almost the cerebrospinal system on the back, see? Following same, when the Packs are taken off, massage the area gently - and then cleanse with soda water. 16. After using the heavy Castor Oil Packs as indicated, for thirty minutes to an hour each day for FIVE DAYS, THEN begin with the Osteopathic or manipulative measures - which as we find would be best in the manner in which Dobbins might indicate, see? 17. These would be more specific for the areas from the 9th dorsal to the end of the spine, but coordinating the rest of the cerebrospinal system with same. 18. More of these would be given in or below the area from the 9th dorsal to the end of the spine than that above; though coordinate the upper dorsal and cervical with that as carried forward by the corrections in the lumbar and sacral and the coccyx areas. 19. We will find that it will be necessary then, about once a week after beginning with the manipulations, to use the heavy Castor Oil Packs again. These will as we find make for an alleviation, and then the corrections will keep same in place. 20. First use the Packs for five days, you see, as indicated; then begin with the manipulative forces. Then, after the osteopathic manipulations are begun, we find it would be necessary to use the Packs at least once a week - until there is full reaction from the corrections made in the structural portions and the muscular forces of the lumbar, sacral and coccyx areas.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



21. Then if there is still the stress upon the areas where the tissue is affected from the lower portion of the abdomen or the peritoneum and the testicle in sac, or the scrotum area, then it would be necessary for operative measures. 22. But if the truss is worn, or a support, we will find that an operation would NOT NECESSARILY be needed; though, to be sure, it would be more pleasant AFTER the areas have healed properly. 23. The general system is very good, considering all the rest of these things. 24. Do these and as we find we would bring the better conditions for this body, [1653]. 25. Ready for questions. 26. (Q) Have I any form of Epilepsy attacks which might cause my condition? (A) As we find, these are the incoordinations from those pressures as we have indicated that arise. The condition might eventually come to be considered such, but not in the present - it would be rather the reflexes from pressures upon the nervous system. Do these as we find, for the better conditions. 27. We are through for the present.

REPORTS OF READING 1653-1 M 46 R1. 8/12/38 [1653]'s letter to EC, used in Hugh Lynn Cayce's April, 1940 "A Study of Clairvoyance": ... St. New York City Dear Mr. Cayce, Your reading and then your letter has arrived, and I am so pleased with the reading I can not find words to express my feelings. I am going to take the liberty of using a little slang to express my point by saying - "You hit the nail directly on the head." I recall something that happened when I was about fourteen years old. I was away at a summer camp in New Hampshire and there, was pushed off a little wooden foot bridge, and fell about six feet hitting my back on a large stone in the bed of a dried up brook. I was carried back to camp and was in bed for over a week with a terrible pain in my back. This pain gradually left and, childlike, I neglected to have anything done. So that was the beginning of my trouble. I phoned Dr. Dobbins yesterday morning and have made an appointment for next Monday at 12: 45. This is the nearest time we could get together for an examination. I feel confident with your wonderful help and with Dr. Dobbins' treatments I will come through in good shape. May God grant you many more years to continue your miraculous work in aiding so many unfortunate humans. I hope sometime to have the great pleasure of meeting you, and thanking you in person. Will let you know from time to time how things are progressing. Thanking you so much for your personal interest in this case. I am Your devoted admirer [1653] Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



R2. 11/20/38 Letter: "It has been some time since I have made a report (so to speak) of my improvement. If you had met me before your reading and again now, I do not think you would have thought me the same person. I have gained weight and really have a good color, which I can never remember having before. After this it is not necessary to say I feel one hundred percent better. Dr. Dobbins admits I am doing nicely but he did not feel the way I did when I first went to him. Speaking of Dr. Dobbins, he happened to mention while I was having my last treatment that the Association planned to build a vault... Enclosed please find my check for $10.00, which I feel is a very small amount compared with what I would like so much to be able to do." R3. 3/2/39 Reply to Questionnaire: (1) (A) Did the Reading presented to you describe the condition of the patient? (b) Explain any variation (c) Give technical diagnosis (A) Yes. (b) None. (c) Stone in Kidney. (2) Were the suggestions for treatment in your opinion proper for this condition? Yes. (3) For what period of time has the patient followed directions given in the Reading under your care? 6 months. (4) What results have you observed? Entire remission of symptoms. (5) Comment. Very fine results were obtained in this case. There has not been an attack for some months. (We will appreciate it if you will include a technical analysis of your findings.) Date March 2, 1938 Signed: Frank P. Dobbins, D.O. R4. 7/60 In Dr. W. N. Pahnke's breakdown of 96 cases of epilepsy from the Edgar Cayce records, Case [1653] was classified in group 2. "The reading said that the condition was not epilepsy at the present but might become such. The patient thought he had some form of epilepsy but there were no descriptions of any form of convulsions [See GD's note, Par. R5, below]. In the follow-up report the patient claimed that he had no more attacks. There were no follow-up reports after 1939." R5. 1/17/64 GD's note: HLC who met Mr. [1653] subsequent to the reading was told that the attacks were simply brief lapses of consciousness which occurred infrequently. He had no more of them after the treatment was followed.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 1916-1 F 17 Clairvoyance of E.C.: Conditions Confirmed

Par. 29-A

Diet: Eliminations: Incoordination

Par. 25

Doctors: Semones, Harry: D.O.

Par. R1

Electrotherapy: Ultra-Violet Light: Spine: Subluxations

Par. 24

EPILEPSY Glands: Adrenals: Epilepsy : Pineal: : Lyden: : Thyroid:

Par. 11, 23 Par. 11, 23 Par. 23 Par. 18

Healing: Consistency & Persistency

Par. 26

Hospitalization: Johns Hopkins

Par. 29-A

Injuries: Accidents: After Effects

Par. 28-A

Osteopathy: Spine: Subluxations

Par. 24

Prophecy: Prognosis: Epilepsy

Par. 26


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 1916-1 F 17 B1. 6/25/27 Father [4193]'s letter: "Through the recommendations of Mr. [257] and Mr. [900], I am writing to secure a physical reading for my daughter [1916]. Her address is ... Street, ..., Virginia." TEXT OF READING 1916-1 F 17 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 23rd day of July, 1927, in accordance with request made by her father, and self - Miss [1916]. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Mrs. Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mr. & Mrs. [...] and three daughters - [1916], [...] and [...], Mr. [257] and wife, and Mr. L. B. Cayce. READING Time of Reading 4: 45 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Virginia. 1. GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the conditions you find at the present time; giving the cause of the existing conditions, also the treatment for the cure and relief of this body. You will answer the questions which I will ask you regarding same. 2. EC: We have the body here. 3. Now, we find the body very good in many respects. There are those physical conditions existent with the body that cause distresses at times, and these conditions are brought about by specific conditions as are existent, and these cause at such periods deflection in the normal functioning of organs. Hence the disturbance. 4. These, then, are conditions - irrespective of those that are given for correction of conditions; yet these given produce their effect in the physical condition in the body - for the body is bettered than it HAS been in times back as respecting these deflections; yet these may be brought to the full correction, were the condition - rather than results or effects - treated. 5. IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, we find as these: 6. The supply sufficient. 7. The elements and constituents show the effect of those conditions as are applied in the blood stream. Not as deficiencies. Rather as excesses. 8. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, these we find the greater deflections, in and about the centers - these are those conditions needing corrections, and through which those physical conditions that are as deflections to the action of the nerve system, and to the whole physical organism at times, may be corrected. 9. These deflections and these pressures as are produced in centers in the body are seen in the first of the lumbar plexus and in the last dorsal plexus. 10. This began in the early period of the life here, and has grown with the body, and in the changes as have been brought about, these are - in the physical changes of the body - normal for the body; yet with such deflection there comes the pressure that produces to the body in the nerve reaction - especially in the sympathetics - that which gives distress, and gives the excess of the nerve action in the body.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



11. These affect, and are affected in the present conditions through those of the glands as are affected by this pressure, that have to do with the endren [adrenal] glands and with that of the gland [pineal?] that operates direct to the base of brain. This in an enlarged condition in the 2nd lumbar and in the 12th dorsal, giving then a spasmodic reaction to the system. 12. To correct these conditions will be to bring about the normal development and to bring about the normal action in the whole system. 13. IN THE FUNCTIONING OF THE ORGANS OF THE BODY: 14. Brain forces good. Brain reaction, at such pressure, not coordinating though not defective. 15. The action of the sensory system only depressed through such pressure, or such state of pressure. 16. The condition in throat, lungs, bronchials, very good. 17. The conditions in the upper portion of nasal cavities have much to do with the nerve condition, yet a result rather than a cause of the deflection. 18. Teeth need correction, as does also those of the glands in the throat - or about the thyroids, which will come with the changes as will be wrought through the application of those properties and those conditions to correct the normal structure of the body. 19. In the heart's action ABOVE normal at present, though not an abnormal condition for the body - as is the pulsation, through the same causes. 20. The digestive system very good, THOUGH there is often seen, felt - and sometimes the cause of the peculiar contraction as occurs with the digestive system. This a reflex condition. Not a cause, nor is it the direct result of other conditions, than the reflex to the cerebro-spinal plexus as is governed through the plexus in the last dorsal plexus and its connection with the solar plexus, which gives contraction to the hypogastric and pneumogastric plexus. Hence the deflections, or the causes of contraction, and the nausea as occurs at periods. 21. The reaction through pancreas, spleen, liver, and the ducts that give the distribution to that assimilated by the body, very good - though over-active. Hence that condition in pulsation and heart's action. 22. In the action of kidneys, these are shown as an effect, and would in TIME prove detrimental to the body. Hence the change as would be given for the full correction of those conditions in this body, [1916] we are speaking of. 23. In the glands and in the organs of pelvis we find the seat or the cause of those conditions as have been disturbant to the physical organism of the body. The pressure caused here to the glands, by the pressure in the 1st lumbar and in the lower dorsal, has produced enlargements that bring about - with the contraction of the organs of the pelvis - this reaction, or this regurgitation to the gland in the system lying at base of brain [pineal], extending entirely through the system and connecting with the lyden [Leydig] gland of the pelvis. 24. To bring correction, then, to the body - first through the application of heat at the time that there is to be made the corrections, osteopathically, of those pressures and subluxations as are existent in the last dorsal and first lumbar; and after thirteen to sixteen such adjustments have been made, apply that of the

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Ultra Violet Rays to the body in the region direct of this in the lower portion of lumbar and of the lower portion of the dorsal region. 25. With the diet, be careful of those conditions that would produce too much activity to the kidneys, thus causing retraction through the system of those properties that should be eliminated through these channels. Not disturbing any of the eliminating centers from their NORMAL channel - for, as seen, the body with the tendency of contraction at periods is lax in capillary elimination through periods that cause an over-abundance of elimination through the hepatic circulation. In the diet, then: Be rid of meats, save fish or fowl. All of the vegetable forces, let them grow UNDER the ground, and little above ground until the full correction is made for this body. 26. Do as given - persistent, consistent - and we will bring about the normal forces for this body in at least sixty to a hundred and twenty days. 27. Ready for questions. 28. (Q) What was the cause of this condition, and when? (A) As a child, or baby - pressure produced by fall here, striking at the 12th dorsal, see? Thirteen to sixteen months. [1/25/72 See husband's ltr. under 1916-5 Reports saying she had skull fracture which required the operation at Johns Hopkins.] 29. (Q) Why did they have an operation at Johns-Hopkins? (A) Of exploration, rather than of intent as to the cause of same. Follow these directions, as have been given for the correction of this body, [1916] we are speaking of, and we will bring to the body the best physical, mental, reactions - for much may be expected in the particular lines of endeavor to which THIS body will give itself in this physical plane. 30. We are through for the present. [GD's note: It seems that the parents' main concern was epileptic attacks which had been occurring since the child was four and one-half years old.] REPORTS OF READING 1916-1 F 17 R1. 9/26/27 Father [4193]'s ltr.: "[1916] is going to ... this week to begin the treatment under the osteopath and I believe that she will begin to get better soon after the use of the treatments. We have put her in the hands of Dr. Semones [Harry Semones, D.O.] of Roanoke, the nearest physician of this kind to us in our State." R2. See also 7/1/29 application for entrance to Cayce Hospital in order to completely carry out the treatment (under 1916-2 Reports), saying she is to be treated also for "chlorosis and anemia - more or less disturbance at menstrual period"; that the nature of the malady is a contraction of nerves in arm; previous treatment at Johns Hopkins, chiropractic and osteopathic. R3. 10/4/27 Letter from [1916] to EC: "I can write formal business like letters but I don't like to so you'll pardon the little informal note. As you know I have begun my treatment. I don't mind it so much Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



but I don't love it, but I'm gonna grit my teeth, grin, and bear whatever comes my way. I am waiting to hear more of the hospital on the Beach because I am deeply interested in it. In fact I wanted to wait and come there but my family thought it best to begin my treatment at once so here I am. I hope to come to the Beach next summer & see the hospital up and running fine. I love your work. I love to tell people of it and they all think it so interesting. "Mr. Cayce where is Hugh Lynn now? and Gray Salter? What are they doing now? Who came thru ... this summer of your relatives, they didn't call me up? Don't you think they should have? "Mr. Cayce I could lie here and write all night but I know you have other things to do besides read this. "Give my best regards to your father, Gladys & Mrs. Cayce." Sincerely, [1916] R4. 10/4/27 Reply to Questionnaire: You will please state in the space below how near, in your opinion, reading fits your condition, as you know it yourself, and if you expect to carry out the suggestions made for the improvement of your health. "The reading I think is very near my condition. I am under care of an osteopath now. I intend to carry out as far as I can the suggestions for the improvement of my health." R5. 10/14/27 EC's Letter to [1916]: "I had been looking for a long time for that note of yours of October 4th. Finally it came. I am in hopes that you are finding your treatment better as you go along, and that you are feeling you are getting real results from same. It won't be a great while before you should have a check-up on the treatments, and - as it were see if what should be happening is happening. If not, why. And see 'What causes that?… "Well, the next time you want to write, you just keep on writing - don't try to make any formal letter or note out of it. Write just like you'd like to, for we are always mighty glad to hear from you. "Remember us to the folks at home whenever you see them or write them. All here send their kindest personal regards." Sincerely, Edgar Cayce R6. 11/9/27 See 1916-2.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 1916-2 F 17 Anemia




Doctors: Semones, Harry: D.O.

Par. 5

EPILEPSY Osteopathy: Spine: Subluxations

Par. 4, 5

Prescriptions: Luminal: Epilepsy

Par. 8-A

Prophecy: Economics : Prognosis: Epilepsy

Par. 10-A Par. 5

SPINE: SUBLUXATIONS Vocational Guidance: Education

Par. 9-A

Work: E.C.: Cayce Hospital


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 1916-2 F 17 B1. See 1916-1. B2. 10/27/27 She referred Mrs. [5496] for a Physical Reading. B3. 10/28/27 She submitted questions for her own second Physical Reading. TEXT OF READING 1916-2 F 17 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 9th day of November, 1927, in accordance with request made by self - Miss [1916]. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Mrs. Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mr. L. B. Cayce. READING Time of Reading 11: 45 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Va. 1. GC: You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time, with suggestions for the improvement of same, and you will answer the questions regarding same that I will ask you. 2. EC: We have the body here. This we have had before. 3. Now, we find much improvement in the general physical forces of the body, and we find that the general eliminations are being set in the correct way and manner. 4. There is still some signs in the nerve reflexes from those distraughtnesses caused in the improper metabolism of system. This needs only that the general condition be carried out in the way and manner as has been given for the full correction of the body. 5. The body responds to those vibrations as have been set up by the manipulations. The work by the osteopath has been well. Needs only that the treatments given every SECOND treatment be made little deeper towards the central nerve system especially. With this, and with only three to four more weeks of treatment, should find the system set near in order, and the gradual diminishing of properties as have been taken will allow the organism of the body to function from its own creative energies set in motion by those vibrations set up by manipulation. 6. Keep, then, in that way and manner given for that period, and we should find no more return - UNLESS some outside reactions set in of those conditions as has caused distraughtness and fear in central motor system. 7. Ready for questions. 8. (Q) Should I discontinue the use of Luminal at present, or how long should I continue its use? (A) Gradually diminish and before the last week be rid of the use of same. 9. (Q) If my father's finances will permit, should I take up a college education and what course should I pursue? (A) The body specially gifted toward that of the literary writer, or of teacher, or expression, or those things pertaining to same. That line would be the more beneficial to this body, for the body, as given, is efficient mentally, and physically fit - will mean much, with the proper application of self, to many.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



10. (Q) My father is very much worried over his financial condition, his indebtedness and business conditions. Can you suggest anything I could do to help him? (A) The body may only give that of the exercise of BOOSTING, as it were, for the conditions as surround business in general, and particularly in these lines, are on the improve, and the body may then be that of the optimistic nature towards the outcome of conditions as relating to the association of the body with the father. 11. That is all the questions. 12. We are through for the present.

REPORTS OF READING 1916-2 F 17 R1. 3/28 Letter from [1916] to EC: "I have heard very little of the work lately and I am so interested. Hugh Lynn probably told you I was in Lexington the day after you and Mrs. Cayce were there. I do wish I had gotten there a day early. I would have enjoyed seeing you both so much. I wonder when they are planning to get in the hospital. I think Hugh Lynn said in June. "I talked to Mrs. [5496] quite a lot and I hope she will do as her reading says. I know it would help her so much. "Mr. Cayce I didn't get the benefit out of my treatments as I should have. I am some better, I realize. But still the whole correction has not been made and I can never be happy until it has. Therefore, I would like very much to enter the hospital down there, where I know the case would be understood, the reading believed, and the manipulations carried on as they should be. I am not sure that conditions will permit for me to enter the hospital but I thought I might ask what you think about it. "My family spent quite a sum on me while in ... And while I know they are willing to spend more I feel like it must be as little as possible. I wonder if I could help do anything in the hospital to cut down my expense? I could answer phones, work at the desk. I would be more than glad to help in any way. I am so tired of loafing and being sick, when I know I can be well. I would like to hear your advice on this matter." With regards to all, I remain, [1916] R2. 3/15/28 Letter to [1916] from EC: "Yours of recent date received….You are one of those that realize how very necessary it is to have a place where the work can be carried on under the direction of someone wholly in sympathy with the phenomena and had the individual and their welfare at heart - not merely an automatic routine, either for the individual or for the outcome or results from application of information given. Our doctor is on the ground. It would be possible for one to make arrangements to stay at some of the hotels or cottages and get treatments carried out in accordance with the suggestions made. This, of course, will not be as

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



satisfactory as having the regular equipped institution, but is quite a step toward the consummation of our ideas and ideals. "With the institution operating I see no reason why you could not work in somewhere, so that it would be not so expensive as the regular patient would be - but just what it will be I can't say until we are ready to open the institution, and the doctor - or those in charge see just what the needs will be - though, as I said, if you feel you would like to come here, there are many places you know that will be open at the various cottages, hotels, and like, as the season opens, and you could no doubt make arrangements with some of them for helping out the situation as you desire. I am anxious indeed to see you get the full benefits of the work, and as we all know, it is only in application that we will get them, and following out the information given. We are hoping we will have the institution open by the middle of June. Just whether we will be able to do this we can't say just yet. We're working mighty hard though towards that end. "We'll be mighty glad to hear from you - and from what I understand from Hugh Lynn, you would be able to bring Mrs. [5496] with you. Each might be a help to the other. Let us hear from you whenever you have the opportunity. Please remember me very kindly to the rest of the family, and with kindest personal regards, " I am Sincerely, Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 1916-3 F 19 Attitudes & Emotions: Moderation

Par. 12-A

Diet: Eliminations: Incoordination

Par. 3, 7-A


Par. 2, 12-A

Osteopathy: Spine: Subluxations

Par. 1

Pathology: Epilepsy

Par. 1

Physiology & Anatomy: Eliminations: Incoordination

Par. 3

Psychosomatics: Healing

Par. 2, 12-A

Skin: Complexion: Eliminations: Incoordination

Par. 9-A

SPINE: SUBLUXATIONS Work: E.C.: Cayce Hospital: Records : Staff

Reports Par. 10-A--12-A

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 1916-3 F 19 B1. See 1916-1 and 1916-2. TEXT OF READING 1916-3 F 19 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 5th day of July, 1929, in accordance with request made by self - Miss [1916]. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Mrs. Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mrs. C. E. Bundick, Miss [1916], Mr. David E. Kahn, and Mr. L. B. Cayce. Also Dr. T. B. House. READING Time of Reading 12: 00 Noon - Eastern Standard Time. (Check Physical - questions regarding all phases, etc.) 1. EC: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [1916]. This we have had before. Now, in many respects we find the physical conditions of the body show much improvements. While there are others that show that there has not been proper consideration given to the EFFECT of conditions as apply to the administrations of those things for the body, with the condition existent, see? that is, we have conditions pathological that, with the administration of those things to correct, these have not been kept in accord with that attempting to be created. Hence cross-currents have occurred in the system. While the forces are improved to a great extent, yet there needs be that for the physical existent forces as has been first outlined. THESE corrections PHYSICALLY should be made. These, as has been given, have to do with structural conditions. Then, with the correction of these, let that administration both in manipulation, in diet, in activities of the system, be in KEEPING with that ATTEMPTING to be accomplished BY the corrections of the structural conditions; for with the release of pressure in system, and not the proper precautions taken that the eliminations, as affect those portions from which pressure is taken, there necessarily is the resultant effect of other portions of the eliminating system becoming clogged, and the condition becomes then a result of proper CORRECTIONS, possibly, but improper eliminations, and the last stages may be worse than the first, with the first conditions eliminated. 2. In making the corrections, then, let the body physically, mentally, be in accord, in a consistent and persistent manner, and we may find the body responding in the way as to bring about NORMAL conditions for the system. 3. These are indicated, as are outlined in that wherein corrections in the eliminations are being effective in portions, other portions of the eliminations are suffering under the result of the system not eliminating those things through their proper channels, and the other portions of the system suffering as a result of same. Create, then, for the body, with the corrections in diet and in administrations of medicinal properties at present, such as more iron, more of the OPPOSITE of potashes, or created for the effect of the blood supply and for the eliminations. Not overtaxing the alimentary canal, for better had the condition be in the capillaries than in the colon or the stomach proper, under such conditions, but when potash is applied for a nerve result, and then potash in an assimilated Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



state given in the system, the result is a disturbance in the sympathetic forces, and the attempt of the body to throw off through the capillary and through the system such as should be carried off through the alimentary canal, or kidneys and liver functioning. Stimulate, then, with the corrections - as has been given the liver and the kidneys in their function, and we will find better results coming from the body and with the physical functionings of same. Ready for questions. 4. (Q) How long should the treatments be kept up? (A) Until the corrections are made! 5. (Q) Should anything be added? (A) Those as have been outlined! 6. (Q) What medicinal properties? (A) As has been given! 7. (Q) Any special diet? (A) Those that carry iron, in certain natures. Those that carry nerve energy. Then, such as this: All of sea foods of every nature, in moderation. Spinach, celery, carrots, lentils. No potatoes of either nature. Little of that that grows in a pod. No meats, especially none of hog meats. Those of mutton or chicken may be taken occasionally, but little of those. Of fruits, beware - for the acids of same, with the attempt to create the alkalin reaction in system with that of the iodine and iron reaction, will not operate properly, for they will bring too much stimulation to capillary when the hepatic circulation and elimination from same are being set up. 8. (Q) Why is no hog meat good? (A) From that produced in the system through the effect of same for this body. 9. (Q) How can the body clear up the complexion? (A) Correcting eliminations, as given. 10. (Q) Will working in the capacity of assistant to the statistician of the Cayce Hospital be of any harm to the physical condition of the body? (A) No! 11. (Q) Would the entity be successful as assistant to statistician at hospital? (A) That would require going into different effect or different causes. Apply self in this as at present, and these may be given from other sources. 12. (Q) What special work in connection with the Cayce Hospital would body best be suited for? (A) That which it is best fitted for! which is in the effect as asked, that of statistician or assistant to, if the body desires that. Try it! Do it! but persistence and consistence must be with the mental as well as the physical forces of the body! Will the body tie self to same? Will the body act in the capacity as to bring about that necessary mental activity and follow that necessary to create that proper atmosphere in relation to same? Do that. We can only do things by DOING them! Thinking them will not accomplish, unless put in action! Activity brings strength. Over activity may weaken the very thing attempted to be strengthened. Moderation in ALL things - let THAT be for self and for others. Keep the mind in that atmosphere and channel as holds ever before same the image of that desired. THAT is Truth!

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



13. (Q) The body desires (A) Then act like that! 14. We are through.

REPORTS OF READING 1916-3 F 19 R1. See Source File Key #1916 for Cayce Hospital Records re 1916-3.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 1916-4 F 19 Doctors: Berger, Grace C.: D.O.

Par. R3

EPILEPSY Glands: Pineal: Nervous Systems: Incoordination Par. 1 Names: People Mentioned: Shroyer, Linden

Par. R6

NERVOUS SYSTEMS: INCOORDINATION Osteopathy: Nervous Systems: Incoordination

Par. 1, 3

Prescriptions: Passion Flower: Nervous Systems: Incoordination

Par. 1--3

Work: E.C.: Cayce Hospital: Records

Par. R1

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 1916-4 F 19 B1. See 1916-3. TEXT OF READING 1916-4 F 19 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 9th day of August, 1929, in accordance with request made by self - Miss [1916]. Also by Dr. T. B. House. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Mrs. Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Dr. T. B. House, Mrs. Wood Gray, Hugh Lynn Cayce, L. B. Cayce, and Mr. C. A. Robinson. READING Time of Reading Cayce Hospital, 11: 45 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. Virginia Beach, Va. (Check Physical Suggestions) 1. EC: We have the body here, [1916]. This we have had before. Now, changes are taking place in the physical forces of the body. Here we will find an opportunity for the application of those properties as have been given for such conditions, where there is improper coordination of the nerve forces and system through injury, or through that wherein the pineal gland, with its correlation of the cerebro-spinal and sympathetic system, do not coordinate. These medicinal properties as has been given in these bitters - May Blossom Bitters - will aid in creating that vibration, with the proper ADJUSTMENTS made - these that have been made have not wholly contacted in the lumbar, sacral, and watch closely there in the coccyx - this hasn't been looked after fully yet. 2. As for the May Blossom Bitters, the dosage for this PARTICULAR body, [1916] - we would begin with half a teaspoonful three times each day, half an hour after meals. Keep this up for three days. Rest a day. Then three more days. Rest two days. Then six days, and rest two days. Then begin over again, in the same way. 3. CORRECT those conditions in sacral and look after the end of the coccyx! That isn't being raised properly, and a pressure is created. To give these properties and not relieve the pressure will be to bring on another spasm. Don't do that! Relieve these pressures, and - as it is RELIEVED, these properties will assist nature in BUILDING that necessary to HOLD this in place - see? 4. (Q) Would this same May Blossom Bitters be applicable to [758] at the Cayce Hospital? (A) In different proportions it would be applicable - for here we have a condition to relieve, also osteopathically, in the lower dorsal and the sacral and lumbar regions, see? Now, with the vibrations as are added from the battery forces, we will create a different energy in the system. These properties, then, would only be in very MINUTE quantities - a DROP to THREE DROPS, given three times each day. Do that. 5. We are through for the present.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



REPORTS OF READING 1916-4 F 19 R1. 8/10/29 See Source File Key #1916 for Cayce Hospital Records of [1916] for 8/10/29 through 8/13/29, re 1916-4. R2. 9/29 Letter to EC from [1916]: "Just where is that letter you were gonna write me? Well now I'm gonna make you write whether you want to or not 'cause I'm gonna ask some questions that need answering. First, is the May Blossom Bitters ready? Second, is the lady osteopath coming? if so, when? if not when will Dr. House be able to treat me? Third, how is everyone and especially your dad? I have been meaning to answer his letter every mail and I just don't ever seem to get anything done. "I want to come back down when ever you think it advisable. That is when I can get all my treatments. Can you tell me when that will be? "When will Dr. House return? He told me he would let me know when he returned. "Give my regards to everyone." Sincerely, [1916] R3. 9/11/29 Letter to [1916] from EC: "Replying to yours of recent date - if you could have seen how busy I have been, you would have wondered whether I knew who I was or not. That's no excuse, however, for not writing you - but inasmuch as I knew you had written, or had been told that you had written the rest, and this was the first I had heard from you, I thought you were getting all the information you wanted from them. "Now, in answer to your questions: The May Blossom Bitters has not been made as yet. Dr. House just came back last week, but has been very, very ill and hasn't had the opportunity to do it - in fact hasn't been able to, and no one else could do it just as it should be done - but we hope to have it in the next week or so. The lady osteopath, or a lady osteopath, [Grace C. Berger, D.O.] is at the hospital now giving the treatments. I'm sure you would find her quite capable of taking care of the trouble; at least every person has expressed satisfaction with the treatments and her ability to carry them out just as the information is given in the readings. Everyone at the hospital is getting along very nicely. I hear them all speak of you quite often, when I am around, and all have been wondering when you were coming back. "I think [1916] personally, that if you were here at the present time you could be getting wonderful benefits from the treatments. How are you feeling? "Nothing specially new. Everything is working along just fairly well. Let us hear from you. With kindest personal regards from all, " Sincerely, Edgar Cayce R4. 9/15/29 Letter to EC from [1916]: "I am so sorry to know that Dr. House is sick. I certainly hope he is improving. I haven't heard a word from anyone down there for weeks and didn't know that he was back. I hope it won't be long until he is able to get around again.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



"I am thrilled to death over the lady osteopath. But Mr. Cayce I guess you haven't read my last reading which says not to take the treatments without taking the medicine so I guess from that I might as well wait until the medicine can be made. I am crazy to get back down there and I am afraid staying away from treatments all this long isn't doing me a speck of good. I wish when you have time you would glance over that reading and tell me if you think I interpreted it right." R5. 9/17/29 Letter to [1916] from EC: "Replying to yours of recent date - yes, Dr. House has been ill and has gone away for the time being. Certainly am hoping he gets along alright. The lady osteopath, as I said before, is here, and if you come down - or are coming down in the near future - I'll see to it that these Bitters are gotten in shape for your use while you are here, in conjunction with your other treatments. Let me know about this." Sincerely, EC R6. 11/19/29 Letter to [1916] from Linden Shroyer: "As you know, we are going through all of the readings compiling the data contained therein for the use of the Association. We are not, however, using the names of the individuals, and we have just come to your case. The purpose of this letter is to ask you to send us, in your own words, a resume of your experiences, both as to the correctness of the diagnoses and the results obtained by following the treatment suggested, merely something that we can use as a matter of record. "I am very sorry, as all of your friends are, (Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Atkinson, Judge, Gladys, Mrs. Cayce, etc.) that you are unable to return to the hospital as soon as you would like to. I know you are anxious to continue your treatment, for I am sure you realize the benefits to be obtained. We will all be glad to welcome you when you do return. "Let us hear from you as to the matter first mentioned, and then write a second letter at your convenience telling something of yourself, prospective tea-room, election and any other matters of interest. "Have heard a couple of times from Mrs. Hopkins, who is now at Pinehurst in her old position. Have lots of interesting things to tell you, but will have to save them until some future time when I will be able to write more in detail. "With best wishes and kindest regards, " Sincerely yours, [GD's note: Mildred Davis, his assistant, had the same job about which Miss [1916] asked in 1916-3, Par. 12-A.] R7. 12/4/29 Letter to EC: "I am getting along fine and still carrying out my diet." R8. 1/19/31 See 1916-5, a Life Reading.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 1916-5 F 20 Astrology: Jupiter : Mercury : Saturn Attitudes & Emotions: Sensitivity Bible: Books Of: Acts 9: 5 : Acts 26: 14 : John 10: 1 : Characters: Zerubbabel Doctors: Pahnke, Walter N.: M.D.

Par. 5 Par. 4 Par. 2, 5 Par. 12 Par. 19 Par. 19 Par. 19 Par. 15 Par. R14--R18

Epilepsy: Cured

Par. R15--R18

Human Relations Incarnations: Atlantis : Bible: Old Testament : Egypt: Ra Ta : France : Peru: Atlantis : Aymaras : Inca Jesus: Grace: Law Of Karma: Physical: Epilepsy Names: People Mentioned: Cayce, Hugh Lynn : Davis, Gladys : Davis, Mildred : Shroyer, Linden Soul Development: Creativity : Service : Spirituality Soul Retrogression: Neglect : Self-Gratification Vocational Guidance: Datastician

Par. 9 Par. 17 Par. 15 Par. 16 Par. 14 Par. 17 Par. 17 Par. 17 Par. 19 Par. 14, 19, R15 Reports Par. R5 Par. R3 Par. R2, R3 Par. 16 Par. 14 Par. 15 Par. 15 Par. 14 Par. 6, 11

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 1916-5 F 20 B1. She obtained previously four Physical Readings, mainly for an epileptic condition since early childhood. See especially 1916-2, Par. 9-A and 1916-3, Par. 12-A regarding her life work. TEXT OF READING 1916-5 F 20 (Protestant) This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 19th day of January, 1931, in accordance with request made by self - Miss [1916]. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. L. B. Cayce and Hugh Lynn Cayce. READING Born February 7, 1910, in Marion, Virginia. Time of Reading 11: 50 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Virginia. (Life Reading Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes, we have the entity, [1916], as now known, and those relations with the universe and universal forces, that are latent and exhibited in the present entity. 2. The entity entered during that period when the earth and its forces was under Saturn's influence, bringing an accentuation in the experiences of those entering during this period, whereby an effort for the application of will's influences through environmental conditions and those as related to same in the present experience - will be a task for each entity. 3. In that, then, innate - and from the astrological experiences that are manifestedly in the entity in the present, exhibited in innate influences and personalities manifested in the body-being, we find: 4. One that is under the Mercurian influence of exceptional mental abilities, in cunning, in wit, in cynicism, and these may be made a portion of, for the development of, or for the building of that which may make for hardships or developments in the entity's present experience. 5. Under the influences that will be seen in Saturn, making for that regeneration of self in the present experience, this dealing much with the physical forces of the body - both as pertaining to the physical body and to those influences in the views that are taken by the body or entity as respecting the varied associations with individuals, with things, conditions and surroundings; yet one wavered through Jupiter's influence, that making for benevolence in the experience of the entity that may be as the saving grace, when considered from astrological or innate influences, giving those forces wherein - with the application of will, tempered with that built within the soul force itself - there may be brought those influences that may make for a development through this present experience. 6. One naturally, then, inclined towards those conditions as of detail - especially adapted in that of being one who might build self in the capacity of a trusted secretarial position, provided these were kept within that influence that makes for the development of the mental and soul forces of an individual.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



7. In the various spheres of experiences, these we find as innate OR manifested - dependent upon the application the entity may make of self through will's influence as to these conditions in the experience of the entity. 8. One that finds self in that position of making friendships easily. 9. One that enables others to see themselves - as may be expressed in word or action by the entity - in a manner as not yet seen. Hence the entity may be a very helpful or a very dangerous individual to people who are in close friendship to the entity, yet the entity in self is one that may be trusted in many ways and manners as respecting those intents and purposes of the entity - but the entity needs that ever guiding factor of an ideal, in which the entity may itself entrust its intent and purpose to a whole extent; for when doubts and dissensions arise, the entity easily becomes panicky in its mental forces, as well as from those influences that have been experienced by the entity through the urges received in its various experiences in the earth's plane, or throughout the forces of the inter-between. 10. In those conditions that make for the PERSONALITY of the entity, these are PLEASING in many ways. Others are easily influenced by the entity, when they are under the entity's innate or directed thought. 11. In the abilities of the entity, these - as we find - run more to that of a CAREER (as may be termed in the earth's experience) than to that of the home building. Rather as the leader, or as one who will be the force behind leaders, may the entity excel or exceed most in the present experience - both as for self's own development and for the service or aid that may be rendered to others in the various fields of endeavor in which the entity may lend self in this experience. 12. In those conditions that are as likes and dislikes in the entity, the attempt to ever be helpful to those whom the entity contacts stands forth as the INDIVIDUALITY, as well as personality, in the entity's experience. Also the entity finds that super-sensitiveness in self often brings the most troublesome conditions, or the discontents that arise in the affairs or experiences of the entity. 13. In the appearances, and the effects these have had upon the present experience - or do have, or will have: 14. In the one before this we find during that period of the history in the land now known as the French. The entity was then among the household of Louis the 15th, when those were as mad periods in the entity's sojourn, as well as in the development of the continuity of energies rendered in service for others, or for the aggrandizing of selfish interests in the entity and in the affairs of the period in that land. In the name Elois, and as a companion - or as a companion for those companions (for there were both) to the king, the entity lost and gained, and lost, through the experience; for the entity was given much to the gratifying of the desires of the flesh, and of the position of ease irrespective of how it was accomplished, which has brought that harmful condition that is apparent in the entity's present experience. There was the love of the positions that wrought rather the easier way, or ease for self and self's surroundings, rather than being able to meet the vicissitudes and the troubles. In the service rendered under stress and strain, the entity gained; losing most in this experience - and the conditions are manifested in the entity in the present. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



15. In the one before this we find in that land now known as the promised Land. The entity was among those during the return of the peoples to the Promised Land, in that period when Zerubbabel's force led the peoples back to the Holy City. The entity was then among those who came of the MIXED peoples from the land, yet claiming its heritage and living up to it the entity gained through the early portion of that experience; losing only in the latter days when there were the attempts of many to make for a joining of forces with the peoples roundabout. When those peoples sought to make an association and connection, the entity was among those who carried such back and forth. In this the entity lost, being something of what might be called an emissary, or a diplomat, failing in its keeping of the trust, or tryst, with the various presentations of its OWN peoples. In the developing period there was much of that as pertains to the conditions felt innately, of service in places where there are prayers, or music, or the wanton conditions of man as presenting a portion of self in a service to an unseen force, as manifests itself in life, rather than seeking for the source of that force and that to which the individual or man may apply self in its close relations. In the present these are seen in that as may be termed the RELIGIOUS, or the tendency towards the love of those conditions that pertain to religious life. 16. In the one before this we find in that period and in the land now known as the Egyptian. The entity was then during the period when there was the entering in of the peoples who later became the rulers, or those that set up a different kingdom. The entity was among those who entered from the hill land, being beautiful of body, of mind, and of a rule over many of those who led in this entering in, or in the invasion - as it may have been called. Being of the household and a relative of the priest that came into command, the entity occupied a position then that might have been - and was - envied by many of the natives and the people with whom the entity made more close associations, that brought some of the discussions and dissensions later in that period; yet the entity gained most through this experience, for in the latter portion of the experience the entity found that in compliance with those relationships as established by peoples with individuals, or relationships of individuals to the creative energies, these brought (to those using that information) that satisfying from within that makes for the BEAUTY in life, and its worth whileness. In the name then, As-Aiel. 17. In the one before this we find in that land known now as the Peruvian, during the period of the Ohums [Ohms - Ohums?? Aymaras] - before the Incals and the peoples of the Poseidian land entered. The entity was then a priestess in this land, and a ruler - or a co-ruler with those who made insurrections, and those who later brought much persecution on the peoples through the furnishing of that for the gratifying of selfish interests; yet the entity high in mind, high in development - not losing, not gaining in soul's development through the period. In the present we find those innate desires of travel, of exchange of ideas, ideals. The abilities to make an ensample in life, to make for associations through communications, are builded in the entity. 18. In the abilities of the entity in the present, and that to which it may attain:

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



19. As is seen, much is to be overcome - much has been required of the entity; much IS suffered by the entity from many spheres, many phases, in the present. In seeking first the counsel of that from within, that may be gained most by relying upon the soul's cry for an opportunity to manifest itself, listening and harkening to that which may be builded through the spiritual forces of self that will lift up, will enable the entity to make that close association with that promise in Him; for he, or she, that will put their trust in Him - laying the burdens of the bodymind, the burdens of the soul upon Him, will find they are not climbing up some other way. Kick not against the pricks that would make of life a burden in many ways, but rather know that wholly trusting, wholly faith, wholly understanding may come in Him. Ready for questions. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 1916-5 F 20 R1. 5/13/32 Letter to EC from [1916]: "I have written to Hugh Lynn and to you neither of you have been kind enough to even answer with a note. I appeal to you again in regard to my readings, I would very much like to have them, only as keepsakes. I often read over the one I have, here. I still believe in the work and would love to see it continue. My readings as I wrote you before were left in the desk at the Hospital in Linden's care until my return which I thought would be very soon, but since my family and I rarely ever agree, they won that I was to cut down the budget and live at home. Therefore, I am still here but still have courage to believe that someday I will be well and can leave - my own boss. But that has little to do with my request to you. I beg you please if those readings have been destroyed have Gladys make me a copy of them (the ones on file). I learn something new every time I read one of them and I think now I can appreciate them much more than I used to. After all they were paid for and I think it my right to have them if I want them, don't you? I will expect them soon. "Linden has a picture of me painted by Mr. [239]. I am sure Linden doesn't want it, have you any idea where he is? I would like to write him for it. I love to keep things. My main occupation is keeping up my scrapbook. I have all the printed matter you used to send me and love to read it over. "Is your father still with you? I have heard so little of any of you since I left, I feel almost lost from you. But I hope all of you will always remember [1916]." R2. 5/17/32 EC's letter to [1916]: "We have just received yours of the 13th. If you wrote to me before, I don't know how you failed to get an answer, for I have always prided myself on answering every letter that comes to my desk.… R3. 8/25/32 Letter to [1916] from Mildred Davis: "You wrote some time ago enquiring about your readings which were misplaced or apparently lost. Since that time they have been found in our files, and we are returning them to you herewith. We are very sorry for the delay and trust these were all you lost. If they are not all here, you may arrange to get the rest of them copied at a nominal fee. These are all the original copies we had, and the carbon copies sent with them were duplicates….

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



"Trusting your physical condition has much improved, and with best wishes, I am" Sincerely, Mildred Davis R4. 2/4/33 EC's letter to [1916]: "I suppose you have a copy of the Life Reading that was made for you some time ago. There has been so much interest shown in this type of information in the last year that it has seemed very necessary that we prepare some data [1/33 paper on Life Readings by HLC - See under 2265-1 Reports.] that would aid individuals in interpreting and analyzing the readings as they are given. Naturally, we want to pass this on to any to whom it would be of interest. We are inclosing a copy of this and I am in hopes that you will find it not only interesting, but instructive, and we want to assure you that if we are able to assist you in getting a better interpretation even with this we will be very glad to do so…. "Hoping that this finds you and yours well and trusting we may hear from you, I am, with all good wishes, " Sincerely, Edgar Cayce R5. 9/13/33 Letter to [1916] from Gladys Davis: "On their arrival here Mrs. House and Thomas, who spent night before last in ..., told us about your father's passing. My heart goes out to you the more because I have experienced the material separation from my father. I know how fond of him you were, and how very much you - as well as the rest of the family - will miss him…. R11. 5/3/43 Letter to [1916] from EC: "Very nice to hear from you again. Have wondered where you were and how you were. Had heard Hugh Lynn say you were married, he or Miss Gladys one. Hugh Lynn is in the Army now - in fact both boys are. Hugh Lynn just went in about a month or six weeks ago. The other boy is over seas. Tom just about landed in Fla. this afternoon going back there for few months more before going to work again. "[1916], we are so far ahead with appointments, don't know whether you will wish to wait that long or not. Will give you the period and then you let me know. Am sure you will have to let me know even if you accept the date a week before hand just where you will be at the hour set for the first period is the morning of the 23rd of July - 10: 30 to 11: 30 EWT. If not satisfactory will be glad to return your check - $15.00 to you, so let me know. The book is selling fine. Trouble is they can't print them fast enough it seems. "Glad to hear from you and hope we may be the means of being of a real help." Sincerely, Edgar Cayce R13. 8/20/43 See 1916-6. R14. 7/27/60 Letter to [1916] from Walter N. Pahnke, M.D.: "I need your help in carrying out a research project in which I am engaged. I am examining the Edgar Cayce records in an attempt to determine common patterns in the forms of Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



treatments recorded in certain diseases. I am trying to discover the practical value of these treatments in the cases for which the readings were given. "One of the diseases I am studying is epilepsy. I would appreciate a brief followup report from you on the results you got from your own personal reading. I would like to know (1) if you thought the description in your reading fitted your case, (2) for how long and (3) to what extent you followed the treatment and (4) what results were obtained. Please be frank. If you thought the reading was inaccurate or if after an honest and careful trial you noted no improvement I would like to know this just as much as if you had a complete cure. Most important of all, are you still suffering from convulsions in any form? Also, what has been the exact medical diagnosis of your condition by doctors? "You may be certain that your answer and your original reading and correspondence will be kept strictly confidential in my analysis of the material." Sincerely yours, Walter N. Pahnke, M.D. R15. 7/31/60 Letter to Dr. Pahnke from [1916]: "I was delighted to know of your research on epilepsy. "To try and answer your questions. At 17 yrs. of age when my first reading was taken, I was so very immature in my thinking along such lines that I did not give to them the significance I would give them now. I had studied nothing along the lines, and though a high school graduate, I found myself in very deep water with the discussions going on around me with Hugh Lynn a phy. major from W & L and Tom Sugrue, a recent graduate. So - I must say in defense of the treatment that I did not apply my mind to same as much as should have been. The months I stayed at Va. Beach (at hospital) did wonders for me. Though my seizures were not stopped entirely, they were indeed lessened. I was well enough to go to Europe by 1930. As to the reading fitting my case, you must know that in those days a Dr. would seldom 'go out on a limb' by saying the treatments should help. So I cannot say as to their accurate description of my case. The osteopath, [Harry Semones, D.O.] to whom I went, (after being at the Cayce Hospital, Va. Beach & being treated by Dr. House) did follow instructions, I feel. I was under treatment there for 6 months or so at his clinic for 3 mo. and then back and forth from ... (my home) to ... (110 miles). The seizures were lessened by these treatments but were not completely cured. My physical condition must have been wonderful as I led a very active life through that period. I drove my car. I went everywhere a normal teenager wants to go. I was not permitted to do heavy sports or tire myself out in any heavy work. I did not drive at night - most of my seizures were at night when the body was quiescent. "When I was 26 [23? - GD's note: If she was 26, it was Nov. 1936, 3 years after her father's death.] - I was on a porch in Florida - talking to my mother one night [Nov. 1933 or Nov. 1936? See 9/28/33 letter] - and had a seizure - a very long one, according to my mother, when I came to, sufficiently, I was in bed. We didn't discuss it next day. She asked if I remembered the seizure and I had not it was my last. "I am now 50 - none since that time.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



"The most interesting note I can make on the suddenness of a disease which had lasted from age 4 to 26 is, my father, [4193], whom I adored and admired more than anyone - had died suddenly in October before this cessation in Nov. According to my Life reading taken in 1931 I was a companion to the King (Louis 15) & was given to gratifying the desires of the flesh & according to research by Gina Cerminara, epilepsy is the karma for adultery. Was my father [4193] who suffered, as much or more than I, through my illness - in some way a part of my illness and at his death, the karma finished? "I am very thankful to report that I WAS cured - by prayer, faith - or the Cayce readings. I can only say, all played a part and I shall always be grateful for being a part for a time of the Association for Research & Enlightenment. "My best to Hugh Lynn & others that I might know there and very best wishes in your extremely exciting work. "I gave a lecture on Mr. Cayce at my Book Club a few months ago & it was most enthusiastically received." Sincerely, [1916] R16. 8/4/60 Letter to [1916] from Dr. Pahnke: "We were very happy to receive your prompt and gracious answer to our letter of inquiry, and glad to know that you are rid of the disease completely. There is one important point, however, that you forgot to mention, and without which the results in your case lack usefulness for the research project going on. That is, what type of medication and treatment were you undergoing after the Cayce treatment had been given? In other words, were you under treatment for epilepsy by a regular physician during and after you had been using Cayce's treatment? If you were not, the case might be attributed to be cured by the reading, but if you did have other treatment as well, we can draw no conclusions. I would be very grateful for this additional bit of information. "Your greetings have been forwarded to Hugh Lynn and to the Association in general. Again thank you for your very nice letter." Sincerely, Walter N. Pahnke, M.D. R17. 8/6/60 Letter to Dr. Pahnke from [1916]: "I did not answer your question as to whether the reading helped cure or not, for medically, I do not know. I do know that I had a brain operation at 4 1/2 yrs. of age - treatment by all sorts of famous M.D.'s later in life - lived for a long while on Luminal or Miles Nervine. "After taking the osteopathic treatments as outlined in the reading, I will say the convulsions were less frequent - but not cured. I took no further treatment, however, for the next 5 years, when the convulsions ceased. I leave the answer to your medical mind. "I have had no further treatment of any sort since 1933, when convulsions ceased. I have been in WONDERFUL health. The arm that the convulsions drew is beginning to act as tho' it is not being coordinated to the brain impulses. Duke Clinic has taken electroenceplographs and found no brain damage. No treatment for it, except more rest than most people as healthy as I, would need.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



"I would be glad to give you more direct answers if I could, but medicos generally draw their own conclusions ANYWAY - For many years I PAID them to give me answers, but got no direct ones. Hope you as a youthful doctor (my guess, of course) will believe that MOST people CAN accept the truth. Uncertainty and fear of the uncharted, and unknown, are filling our mental wards, as well as our hospitals. Very truly yours, [1916] R18. 8/60 Dr. Pahnke's notes on this case, in his breakdown of 96 cases of epilepsy from the Edgar Cayce records: "The case was classified in group 1 with a probable diagnosis of grand mal epilepsy. The patient received treatment at the Cayce Hospital and while there several convulsions were noted on the record. Follow-up report in 1960 from the patient indicated that she had no more convulsions after 1934. Treatment was apparently followed. This case could be considered an apparent cure." R19. 1/25/72 Husband's reply to General Questionnaire and Personal Questionnaire sent to Mrs. [1916] by Rosi Hood for Dr. Chas. Thos. Cayce: "Mrs. [1916] has been in poor health for several years and has been in a nursing home for nearly two years. I (her husband) have heard her speak many times of her contacts with Mr. Cayce and I have read the readings. I can answer fairly well the questions in Part Two, based on living with her for over thirty years. "According to what she told me, her contacts with Mr. Cayce were more for physical help than anything else. As a child she had a skull fracture which was operated on at Johns Hopkins Hospital, but, as she grew older, she had attacks of what were probably 'grand mal' epilepsy. It was for this condition that, hopefully, Mr. Cayce could advise about. "As far as I know, the attacks of epilepsy tapered off in her late twenties and in the more than thirty years of our marriage, she had none. However, the childhood head injury was a growing influence on her health and, even though I took her to Duke University Hospital several times, there was apparently nothing that could be done to arrest the gradual physical (and some mental) deterioration. She is now about eighty percent paralyzed, unable to write and has very great difficulty in talking. "I'm sorry that we can not be of any great assistance. I have checked a few items which I am fairly sure about, but she is in no condition to reply to the various ones, which only she could answer." PART ONE: "She held several rather minor jobs, the last being in U. S. Censorship office in Miami, Fla., for a few months in 1942. "Yes, she did speak with Edgar Cayce and did have confidence in his counseling. If he were alive she would refer people to him for help." NUMBER [1916] PART TWO [1/21/72 Personal Questionnaire sent; 1/25/72 Personal Questionnaire returned by husband]: 1. "Exceptional mental ability, in cunning [crossed out], in wit, in cynicism." Does this depict you accurately? Yes. 2. Did secretarial work ever become part of your experience? No. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



3. Did you make friends easily? Yes. 4. Cayce says that you "easily become panicky." (Circle one): Agree, Strongly Agree, Uncertain, Disagree [circled], Strongly Disagree. 5. When you were in your youth, did you agree with Cayce that you should first have a career rather than building a home? No 6. I have innate desires of travel, exchange of ideas, ideals. (Circle one): Agree [circled], Strongly Agree, Uncertain, Disagree, Strongly Disagree. R20. 5/30/73 GD's note: Mrs. [1916]'s cousin today told me that [1916] died about a year ago. "She had a lot of things to cope with during this lifetime."

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 2019-1 M 52 Doctors: Pahnke, Walter N.: M.D.

Par. R6


Par. 14, 15

Physiotherapy: Packs: Castor Oil: Epilepsy

Par. 13, 14, 16

Prescriptions: Inner Clean: Eliminations : Senna:

Par. 18 Par. 18

Psychosomatics: Healing

Par. 20

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 2019-1 M 52 B1. 9/26/39 [2019]'s letter: "Some time ago I read an article in the Health Culture magazine of the wonderful work you have been doing for the past 25 years, diagnosing diseases through the subconscious mind. The article was from the pen of Dr. Thomas Garrett, New York. The article was like a ray of hope for me. Briefly my case is this. For the past 25 years since my ordination to the priesthood in the Catholic Church, I have been engaged in the work of young missions. About 15 years ago, while at the altar, I suffered an attack that had all the appearances of Epilepsy. There is no Epilepsy to my knowledge in our family. About every 3 to 4 years since that time I have had (at the altar in all cases but one) a similar attack. You can understand life under these circumstances is very trying. The uncertainty of never knowing when an attack will come on makes life very trying. I feel like one caught in a trap. The attack is always preceded by a trembling of the hands and body, which I cannot control. Then follows a period of unconsciousness. Knowing of the amazing gift which is yours, I am asking you to diagnose and cure my case. Will you let me know what offering I can give you. I have very little money but will give what I can. The article by Dr. Garrett has given me such hope. Will you kindly answer this letter at your earliest convenience? An early answer would be greatly appreciated by one, who has been a constant sufferer from fear these past few years. B2. 9/27/39 EC's reply: "...I would not have you pay me anything. I ask that you fill out the enclosed blank or give the information asked for on same. If you wish to contribute anything - say a mass - for my friend, a young Catholic who is in my home trying to regain his health - Thomas Sugrue - who was for a time Associate Editor of the American Magazine; he was a school mate of my son in Washington & Lee University... The time we have set for your reading is ... We ask that if practical you keep the hour in prayerful meditation...asking that you remember me in your prayers..." B3. 9/30/39 Letter: "Your most welcome and cordial letter, together with the literature...reached me this morning. God has endowed you with an amazing power. I am seeking that power sincerely in the hope that by a permanent cure, I may be able to give my whole life to the work of helping humanity to a better knowledge of God. This has been my work through 25 years in the priesthood giving Catholic Missions - trying to lead people to God. Let me thank you sincerely for your kindness in making me an Associate Member free of charge... Rest assured I will say mass for your good friend, Mr. Sugrue... Rest assured also, Mr. Cayce, I will say mass for you... On the morning of October 6th... I will spend the hour... in prayerful meditation... You have my sincere prayer and belief in your great work..." B4. 10/9/39 EC's reply: "I do hope you find the information interesting and the suggestions beneficial as so many hundreds have through the years... You have brought joy to the young man here, Mr. Sugrue, as well as to myself. We can only hope your experience with the information will be as helpful as our own has been..." Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



TEXT OF READING 2019-1 M 52 (Catholic Priest) This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 6th day of October, 1939, in accordance with request made by the self - Rev. [2019], new Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., recommended through Dr. Thomas Garrett's article in Health Culture. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. READING Time of Reading 10: 55 to 11: 15 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Canada. 1. GC: You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time, with special reference to the attacks the body has at times; you will go over the body carefully, telling me the conditions you find; giving the cause of the existing conditions, also suggestions for help and relief of this body. You will answer the questions which may be submitted, as I ask them: 2. EC: [After repeating suggestion in an undertone] Yes, we have the body here, Father [2019] - Father [2019]. 3. As we find the general physical forces are very good in many respects; yet there are disturbances at times which prevent the normal reactions in the body. 4. These, as will be seen, arise under conditions where strain is brought on the physical forces of the body, - through the very necessity of the period of consecration. 5. This is a physical condition that, as we find, may be removed or eliminated; and thus removing from the system the causes of those disturbances, also removing the necessity or cause for fear of ANY nature in relationship to same. 6. In times back, there were periods when there was a depletion of the physical forces through the lack of supplying full nutriment to the system. This caused, in those areas about the lacteal and umbilical plexus, a form of lesion, - a tautness. 7. Not that it affects, as yet, the liver or the spleen, or even the gall duct's activity; though eventually, without its removal, it may cause disturbances through that area. 8. But with the periods of activity in which there is the refraining from foods, this becomes a retro-active condition in the physical force of the body; thus producing a spasmodic reaction in the nerve forces about the area, - causing a reaction through the sympathetic and cerebrospinal center, from the lower portion of the solar plexus center. 9. Thus there is an inclination for the losing of control of the sensory forces; for it produces, from the reaction, a condition at the 1st cervical, or through the medulla oblongata, - an unbalancing, as it were, of the reflexes to the sensory centers. 10. This as we find also produces in the general eliminating system the inclinations at times for the lack of proper or full eliminations. 11. When there has been, and is, the better or perfect accord in this direction, there is not such a great stress upon this disturbance in the right portion of the upper abdomen, - as has been indicated, - about the umbilical and lacteal duct center. Here we would find, upon examination, a COLD spot. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



12. In making applications for eradicating the causes, then: 13. We would apply each evening, for two evenings, the heavy Castor Oil Packs; at least three thicknesses of heavy flannel, wrung out in Castor Oil, as hot as the body can stand same, and placed over the lower portion of the liver, gall duct and caecum area, - this extending, of course, to the umbilical center. Let these remain for one hour at each application, keeping the Packs hot by wringing out of the hot Castor Oil two or three times during the application. 14. After the two days of applying the Packs, we would begin then with the osteopathic adjustments, - with particular reference to a subluxation as will be found indicated in the lower portion of the 9th dorsal center, or 9th, 10th and 11th. Coordinate such correction with the lumbar axis and the upper dorsal and cervical centers. 15. There should not be required more than six adjustments to correct the condition. 16. Two of the Castor Oil Packs should be sufficient, but if in the administration of the adjustments it is found that this has NOT relaxed nor removed the cold spot, then apply the Packs again. 17. Then, be mindful that there are good eliminations, or a perfect or full evacuation of the alimentary canal each day. 18. When necessary, use a vegetable compound as a laxative, - such as Inner Clean or that having a senna base. 19. These done, in the manners indicated, will eradicate the causes of the disturbance, and produce throughout the physical forces of the body a better and a nearer normal reaction. 20. Keep that attitude of consistent help, aid for others. This is in keeping with the purposes, the desires, the heart of the entity. 21. Ready for questions. 22. We are through for the present.

REPORTS OF READING 2019-1 M 52 R1. 10/11/39 Letter: "Your reading and the suggestions for cure, also your personal letter, came to me today. Thank God, and you through whom God is working, after all these years I have got through your aid, at the root of the trouble and have had the remedies pointed out to me. The osteopathic treatments can be secured here in ... [Canada]. I am first at a loss to know how to go about the application of the Castor Oil Packs. They should be applied by one who has a scientific knowledge of the areas mentioned in your reading. To go to a doctor here, who does not understand or who has no knowledge of your truly amazing power, would mean a refusal. The medical Association here is pretty much like the Medical Association in the U.S.A. - a closed corporation. If you could suggest someone who could apply those packs scientifically, without the necessity of my going to a medical doctor, it would indeed solve my problems. I am so anxious to start the treatments at once. I said mass this morning for your good friend, Mr. Sugrue? I am saying mass for you tomorrow... May I thank you again..." Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



R2. 10/14/39 EC's reply: "...Now don't think you have need to be more disturbed about the Castor Oil Packs. You can apply them possibly more scientifically than anyone else. This is what you do. First get a large piece of flannel...part of a blanket... Have it sufficiently large so that when folded 3 times it will cover the area from the lower portion of your right rib to the point of the hip - same side and to the center of the abdomen and half around the right side. Then heat sufficient oil that you can wring the folded cloth out in same... Then apply directly to the body... I will be anxious to hear how you come along with the osteopath..." R3. 12/18/39 Letter: "I am so happy to report to you that I have taken the treatments indicated in your reading for my case. Today I finished my 6th osteopathic treatment. The osteopath thinks several more adjustments are necessary to fully restore my body to complete normalcy. My Christmas greetings to you are these... I am deeply grateful to you for your kindness. I am sure as I read my reading (and I do often) that now the attacks that have made each day an uncertain problem, that now I can go on in the full hope that there will be no reoccurrence of the attacks..." R4. 4/25/41 HLC's letter: "As we have not heard from you since December, 1939, we are anxious to check on your case and secure for our files, a complete record of it..." R5. 4/28/41 Letter: "I am just in receipt of your letter. Let me state that I am sure my cure is permanent. To say I am grateful to you is only half stating my feelings. I pray for you daily that God may extend your life into many years to be of service to mankind. I did not write chiefly for 2 reasons. First, - I wished the element of time to prove my cure was permanent. Second, - I was engaged in war work that precluded many times the possibility of correspondence. ...Let me tell you I will never forget your kindness to me. May God bless you always. In my opinion the analysis of the reading covered the condition. Attacks over a period of 9 years which seemed or looked like Epilepsy. They occurred about twice a year for the period stated in my letters, and had all the appearance of Epilepsy. I followed the suggestions in my reading just as outlined, for the period stated in the reading. I have been completely cured, as far as I can judge, after the lapse of almost 2 years. I wish to state my deep gratitude to Mr. Cayce." R6. 7/60 In Dr. N. W. Pahnke's breakdown of 96 cases of epilepsy from the Edgar Cayce records, Case [2019] was classified in Group 1.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 2473-1 F 5 CHILDREN: ABNORMAL: CURED CLAIRVOYANCE OF E.C.: CONDITIONS CONFIRMED Doctors: Askenstedt, F.C.: M.D. : Harrower, Henry E.: M.D. : Hoppe: M.D. : Ketchum, Wesley H.: M.D. : Krauss, James: M.D. : Layne, A.C.: D.O. : Linthicum: M.D. : Oldham: D.O. : Walker: M.D. : Yates, T.G.: M.D.

Par. R7 Par. R2 Par. R1 Par. R2 Par. R7 Par. R1, R8 Par. R1 Par. R1 Par. R1 Par. R1

EPILEPSY: CURED NAMES: PEOPLE MENTIONED: DIETRICH, AIMEE L. : DIETRICH, C.H. : Freeman, Lois D. Par. R9 : Glass, Jennie Par. R7 : Meacham, Charles M. Par. R6 : Raidt, Gerrit J. Par. R1 Osteopathy

Par. R1


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 2473-1 F 5 None. TEXT OF READING 2473-1 F 5 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 12th day of December, 1902. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; (?), Conductor; (?), Steno. READING Time of Reading Unknown. No copy of reading on file. See various newspaper accounts and reports, referring to Case [2473] as well as others, under 294-1 Reports and 2473-1 Reports. REPORTS OF READING 2473-1 F 5 R1. 10/8/10 Father's affidavit: Edgar Cayce Jr. [Letterhead] Psychic Diagnostician Hopkinsville, Ky. Cincinnati, Ohio State of Ohio Hamilton County S.S. Personally appeared before, Gerrit J. Raidt, a notary public in and for said county, C. H. Dietrich, and after being duly sworn, deposes and says that: Aime L. Dietrich, born January, 7th, 1897, at Hopkinsville, Ky., was perfectly strong and healthy until Feb. 1899, when she had an attack of La Grippe, followed by two violent convulsions, each of twenty minutes duration. Dr. T. G. Yates, now of Pensacola, Florida, was the attending physician. Convulsions returned, at irregular intervals, with increasing severity. She would fall just like she was shot, her body would become perfectly rigid, the spells lasting from one to two minutes. This went on for two years, or until she was four years old. At this time, she was taken to Dr. Linthicum in Evansville, Indiana, and Dr. Walker, also of Evansville, was consultant physician. They said a very peculiar type of nervousness was all that ailed her and proceeded to treat her accordingly, but after several months treatment, with no results, the treatment was stopped. In a few months, Dr. Oldham [D.O.] of Hopkinsville, Ky. was consulted and he treated her three months, without results. Later he took her for four months more treatment, making seven months in all, but without results. She was now six years old and getting worse, had as many as twenty convulsions in one day, her mind was a blank, all reasoning power was entirely gone. March 1st, 1902, she was taken to Dr. Hoppe of Cincinnati, O., who made a most thorough examination. He pronounced her a perfect specimen physically, except for the brain affection, concerning which he state that only nine cases of this peculiar type were reported in Medical Records, and every one of these had proved fatal. He told us that nothing could be done, except to give her good care, as her case was hopeless and she would die soon in one of these attacks. At this period our attention was called to Mr. Edgar Cayce, who was asked to diagnose the case. By auto-suggestion, he went into a sleep or trance and diagnosed her case as one of congestion at base of the brain, stating also minor Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



details. He outlined to Dr. A. C. Layne [Al C. Layne, D.O.], now of Griffin, Ga., how to proceed to cure her. Dr. Layne treated her accordingly, every day for three weeks, using Mr. Cayce occasionally to follow up the treatment, as results developed. Her mind began to clear up about the eighth day and within three months she was in perfect health, and is so to this day. This case can be verified by many of the best citizens of Hopkinsville, Ky. And further deponent, saith not. Signed- C. H. Dietrich. Sworn to and subscribed before me, on this eighth day of October, A.D. 1910 Gerrit J. Raidt, Notary Public, Hamilton Co., O. R2. 10/9/10 See N.Y. Times article, 294-1, Par. R1. R3. 10/17/10 Mrs. Dietrich's letter: AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY (Incorporated in New York) 300 Pike Street Cincinnati, [crossed out] Winchester Ky. Dear Madam: Your note to Mr. Dietrich just received, and he requested me to reply. I would say to you, that every word in the clipping you enclosed is true, except that our little girl was SIX instead of EIGHT years of age when the cure was effected. Mr. Thalheimer knows absolutely nothing about it, except, that he knows my husband - they are business friends in the American Book Co. office in Cin. Any communication addressed to Dr. W. H. Ketchum, Hopkinsville, Ky, will tell you all you care to know, as Mr. Cayce is with him at this time. Mr. Cayce is NO fake. Hoping you will get relief - I am sincerely yours [signed] Mrs. C. H. Dietrich R4. See Source File Key #2473 for an information pamphlet for EDGAR CAYCE, PSYCHIC DIAGNOSTICIAN (Anniston, Alabama), which includes a reprint of Mrs. Dietrich's letter (in previous Report, above), re 2473-1. R5. 2/9/11 See the Chicago Examiner, Sunday edition, re EC's work. R6. 1/6/12 Mayor Meacham's letter: CITY OF HOPKINSVILLE, KENTUCKY 1707 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT CHAS. M. MEACHAM, Mayor Hopkinsville, Ky. To Whom it May Concern: I have known Edgar Cayce Jr. since his boyhood. He is considered an honest, upright young man, quiet and unassuming. He possesses a power that is out of the ordinary, being what is known as a Psychic Diagnostician. He is not a Clairvoyant, a palmist, hypnotist or a fortune teller in any sense of the word. I have known of his work several years from current talk and newspaper reports, but more especially through some of my personal friends and acquaintances who have had Mr. Cayce to diagnose and prescribe for them or some member of their families, proving in each case to be highly satisfactory and effecting a cure. I Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



witnessed some of his work a short while ago and while it was an out of town case and made at long distance, I am told the patient was highly pleased and pronounced his work correct, as far as he could tell. He uses even the most difficult technical terms and seems to be very accurate. I do not understand Mr. Cayce's work or how it is accomplished, but as far as I can hear, where the treatment is followed that he prescribes, the patient gets the desired results. He is a wonder to all who have seen his work. [signed] Chas. M. Meacham Mayor R7. 8/13/12 F. C. Askenstedt's letter to EC: AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CLINICAL RESEARCH F. C. ASKENSTEDT, M.D. OF EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE. Louisville, Ky. Dear Mr. Cayce: Your letter of July 28th came duly to to hand, and I was glad to hear from you. I have written to Dr. Ketchum for the verbal reports obtained during your seances, describing your patients conditions, and the clinical reports furnished these patients by various hospitals, which he has once shown me, but so far I have not had any reply from him. If you have any of these in your possession and you expect to go to New York in November, please send them to Dr. James Krauss, 419 Boylston St., Boston, Mass, who will return them to you later. They are the most convincing argument in your favor that I know of, and will greatly aid in interesting some specialist to investigate your case. Miss Jennie Glass, of Hopkinsville, is here visiting us, and she has every confidence in your diagnostic ability. However glad we should be to have your case presented at the meeting, I see no way of defraying the expenses for your trip. I was under the impression that you were consulted by a large number of well-to-do people from others states, through the reports stated at our meeting in Boston, and that you were given proper compensation for your time and efforts. It is not likely that I shall attend the meeting this year, as I have already been East this summer, but if you decide to go, you will find a most cordial reception by Dr. Krauss, the secretary, and I am sure he will make it quite pleasant for you, and he will see to it that your case will be properly managed. With the best wishes, I am Yours very truly, [signed] F. C. Askenstedt R8. 1/22/21 Dr. Al C. Layne's letter re his work with EC between 1901-1905: Griffin, Ga. To whom it may concern. This is to certify that I think one, Edgar Cayce, is one of the greatest Phychics [psychics] of the 20th Century. About 1901 he lost his voice and could not talk for quite awhile, specialists claimed vocal chords were paralyzed. I decided to use Psychology and found him to be an exceptionally good Phychic [psychic]. He being able to diagnose his own case, giving cause, and treatment Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



to remove. After this experience with him I had him to diagnose cases for me up to 1905, diagnosing over one hundred cases. I found his diagnosis correct in every case, giving cause and treatment to remove same. I think if he would devote his entire time to diagnosing with some one who knew how to handle him properly, he would become the wonder of the 20th Century. Yours very truly [signed] Dr. A. C. Layne. R9. 1/20/59 Lois D. Freeman's letter to HLC: 880 Maywick Dr. Lexington, Ky. Dr. Hugh Lynn Cayce Virginia Beach, Va. Dear Dr. Cayce: Your letter of Jan. 15 has been received, and I shall be happy to comply with your request for information on the life of Aimee Dietrich. I read "There Is a River, " several years ago and found Mr. Sugrue's statements concerning my sister's case correct, as far as I can remember. I myself was only a child at the time. There was one mistake that he made, tho not of major importance. He represents my mother, Mrs. C. H. Dietrich, as having a conversation with a famous psychologist from Harvard who visited Hopkinsville investigating Edgar Cayce's work. To my certain knowledge that did not occur, as our family moved from Hopkinsville to Winchester, Ky., in the fall of 1909. Aimee L. Dietrich, 6 years old, pronounced a hopeless case of epilepsy, improved rapidly after a reading by Edgar Cayce and treatment by Dr. A. C. Layne. In three weeks time she was able to sit up in a chair and cut out pictures. She entered school the following year, attending schools in Hopkinsville and Winchester, Ky. She graduated second in her class from Winchester High School, and entered the University of Kentucky in 1916. A year or two later the convulsions recurred and medical treatment was ineffective. She became interested in Christian Science and had a healing experience. She reentered the U. of Kentucky and graduated with honors in 1930 or 1931. In 1933 she suffered a severe case of influenza from which she never recovered. Glandular tuberculosis developed and she passed away on March 20, 1934, at the age of 37. Signed: Lois D. Freeman, sister (Mrs. J. F. Freeman) R10. 8/31/71 Mr. Walter J. Roth of Carmel, California, as told at Asilomar: MR. ADRIANCE: About the Dietrichs. What did you start to tell me? MR. ROTH: Well, as I came into the picture with Delight Ramble in 1918 I was a service man at Cornell, Ithaca, New York, and she was in charge of the music department of the American Book Company in Cincinnati. She had gone to Cornell to confer with Hollis Dan who had written the music book and then, that was in 1918, but it took three years for me to win her and in 1921 we were married. I had some work at the Department of Agriculture at Lexington, Kentucky, and that is where I met Lois Dietrich, the father and Amy, the girl who had had this successful experience with Cayce. I can't give you too many details about the healing except that they were very much pleased with Cayce's diagnosis of her Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



problem. At first, this man who attempted to make the adjustments which were necessary for her recovery didn't do them properly and Cayce had to repeat his instructions and finally it was successful. I knew Amy at the lab from about 1929 - it must have been up to 1936 - I went to Lexington frequently - but I think Amy died later of Parkinson's Disease [see previous Report above, sister's letter 1/20/59 saying that Aimee L. Dietrich died 3/20/34, at the age of 37, from glandular tuberculosis, following a severe case of influenza in 1933]. Her sister, Lois, her older sister, had married a man by the name of Joe Freeman, who was in the Experiment Station at Lexington. I think that's about it. Recorded by: [signed] Robert A. Adriance

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 2991-1 M 15 Brain: Lesions

Par. 4

Clairvoyance Of E.C.: Conditions Confirmed


Diet: Epilepsy

Par. 17--21

Doctors: Rathbun, Douglas J.: D.O.


EPILEPSY Kidneys: Urine: Incontinence


LESIONS Osteopathy: Lesions

Par. 6, 11, 12, 14, 16

Physiotherapy: Packs: Castor Oil: Epilepsy

Par. 12, 13

Prescriptions: Alcohol, Grain: Epilepsy : Passion Flower: : Water, Distilled:

Par. 9 Par. 6, 8--10, 15 Par. 9

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 2991-1 M 15 B1. 5/8/43 Questions submitted by Mrs. [2454] who was present: (1) What causes the convulsions, and what may be done to correct the condition? (2) Why does the skin condition of face continue to be pimply? (3) What is the condition of kidneys? 3 yrs. ago had convulsions for the first time, then last fall - day before Thanksgiving had 8-10 convulsions; again the other day had one while riding his bicycle - went a block and a half without memory before falling. Except for this apparently normal and healthy, with exception of trouble with kidneys all his life [bedwetting], and a continual pimply face. Doctors say he might outgrow the condition. TEXT OF READING 2991-1 M 15 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 8th day of May, 1943, in accordance with request made by the mother, Mrs. [...], new Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., recommended by her brother's wife, Mrs. [2602] and her neighbor, Mrs. [2454]. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mrs. [2454] and Mrs. [1223]. READING Time of Reading 3: 55 to 4: 05 P. M. Eastern War Time. ..., Conn. 1. GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the conditions you find at the present time; giving the cause of the existing conditions, also suggestions for help and relief of this body; answering the questions, as I ask them: 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [2991]. 3. Conditions are not good. 4. As we find, there has been in some time back a lesion in the area about the upper or larger lacteal duct center. This, with the contractions it has produced between the sympathetic and cerebrospinal systems, has formed a break, or an adherence through a break, in the medulla oblongata - or the base of the brain. 5. This adherence there, with the spasmodic condition produced in the lacteal duct, has caused - does cause these contractions, - a form of hemorrhage that produces this GROWING of the disturbance in the area in the 1st and 2nd cervical center; but more in the connecting at that area of the spinal center, brain center, AND the sympathetic system there. 6. We find that diet will be among the principal conditions to be reckoned with, but taking a fusion of the Passion Flower, with the adjustments and a gentle massage to cause the body to ABSORB the lesion in the 1st and 2nd cervical, as well as to break up that one in the lacteal duct center and absorb it, MAY prevent the recurrent conditions of this nature. 7. It will require time and patience. There may be some recurrence. These conditions may alter, or come when there are the alterations; but have this

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



correction made before puberty is complete, else we may have a continuation of these conditions. 8. Prepare a fusion of the Passion Flower in this manner: 9. Take at least a gallon of the flower, the fruit, the leaves - preferably, to be sure, the dried. Add this to two gallons of distilled water and boil. After putting it in the cold water, let it come to a boil - and boil for twenty minutes. Then strain off, adding to this six ounces of grain alcohol. 10. The dose of this would be a teaspoonful three times each day. 11. Have the osteopathic adjustments at least three times in the first four weeks, see; three times during the first four weeks. 12. Just the day before these adjustments are made, apply a Castor Oil Pack over the lacteal duct area. This, of course, will cover the gall duct and the liver area also. Let it remain for at least one hour - the day before the adjustments are made, before EACH osteopathic treatment, see? 13. At the same time also apply a Castor Oil Pack to the back of the neck; this, of course, a very small pack, but sufficient to cover the area from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cervical. 14. When the adjustments are made, there should not be a great deal of pressure; but massage here, gently, in the neck, downward, all the way. And make the corrections in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cervical, 1st, 2nd and 3rd dorsal, and throughout the lumbar area. Knead the abdominal areas, especially in that center. For it will be found that there will be a cold area over that lacteal duct center. 15. Do these, and then keep up the giving of the fusion of the Passion Flower. 16. Then at least once a week have the adjustments made, after that - for five to six weeks; then leave off a period of four to five weeks, and then another period of five to six weeks have one of the adjustments made each week, and so on. 17. KEEP AWAY FROM SWEETS OF ANY KIND! or from fats; that is, the fat of fowl or of beef, or of mutton. 18. NO HOG MEAT AT ALL! 19. Little of the vegetables that are of the leafy nature, though plenty of carrots, beets, radishes, turnips and the like. 20. Do include in these, or with these, the various forms or manners of cooking, so as not to become obnoxious to the body. Change these about, you see. 21. Better conditions may be expected, if the body responds and keeps away from the things warned of in the diet. 22. Ready for questions. 23. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 2991-1 M 15 R1. 5/12/43 Aunt [2602]'s letter: "The reading for [2991] has not yet arrived - guess the postal service is suffering from war conditions. Of course Mrs. [2454] gave us the general idea of what came through, and I guess [2991]'s mother has a very serious problem. I wanted her to have a reading when [2991] had convulsions last fall, as I felt then that there was something serious, but I guess they weren't quite convinced then that Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



there was some deep-seated cause, and hoped that it was, as the doctor told them, probably just due to the stage of life he was passing through. It certainly is a good thing that they didn't delay any longer." R2. 5/23/43 Aunt, [2602]'s letter: "It might interest you to know that Dr. Rathbun [Rathbun, Douglas J., D.O.] found the lesion in [2991]'s back that the reading mentioned. He's going to be convinced some day, I think, in spite of himself. He is cooperative, though, which is a great help, and religiously follows the treatments prescribed." R3. 6/7/43 Mother's letter: "[2991] has shown such an improvement from the change of diet and few treatments he has had so far that I would like to have him have the medicine [passion flower fusion which she had difficulty in obtaining] as directed. I certainly thank you for giving him the time for a reading. It means such a lot when a person is sure they are treating an illness in the right way. Hoping you can give me some information on the medicine and again thanking you... P.S. Will you be able to reserve a check reading for [2991] about the middle of Oct. 1943?" R4. 6/9/43 EC wrote her to have her druggist order the herb by the pound from S. B. Penick & Co. He made the ck. reading appointment. R5. 8/11/43 Aunt, [2602]'s letter: "My nephew, [2991], is coming along fine - he almost had another convulsion a few weeks ago - all indications pointed toward one for a couple days - but he managed to pull through without it, so we're all in hopes he won't have any more. Dr. Rathbun says the lesion in his back has softened up so much that he doesn't believe [2991] will have any more, that the pressure has been relieved sufficiently to prevent any more convulsions." R6. 10/7/43 Letter from mother: "He has benefitted so much from his last Reading, and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your help. I only hope this work is not too wearing on you." Questions for Check Reading for [2991]: Would active participation in sports be advisable? Is there any suggestion as to treatment for the eyes, either as to changing glasses or any other treatment? Is his condition such as to bar him in the future from military service, etc., where physical examinations are required? Is the condition improved to such an extent that the danger of further convulsions is entirely eliminated? Is it necessary to continue the strict diet given in the first reading, or may it be modified and to what extent? Is there any medicine that could be used in place of the Passion Flower fusion, as this seems to sour quickly? If the Passion Flower fusion must be used, how can it be prepared so that it will not turn sour? How long and how often should the osteopathic treatments be continued? Are there any special instructions for the osteopath? R7. 10/14/43 See 2991-2. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 2991-2 M 15 Diet: Epilepsy

Par. 8-A, 9-A

Doctors: George, Henry III: D.O. : Pahnke, Walter N.: M.D.

Par. R2 Par. R5

EPILEPSY: CURED Exercise: Epilepsy : Head & Neck: Eyes

Par. 6-A Par. 7-A

Eyes: Glasses

Par. 7-A

LESIONS: CURED Osteopathy: Lesions

Par. 5-A, 7-A

Physiotherapy: Packs: Castor Oil: Epilepsy

Par. 3, 5-A

Prescriptions: Passion Flower: Epilepsy

Par. 3

Prophecy: Confirmed : Personal : Prognosis: Epilepsy

Par. 10-A, Reports Par. 10-A Par. 10-A, 11-A

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 2991-2 M 15 B1. See 2991-1. TEXT OF READING 2991-2 M 15 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 14th day of October, 1943, in accordance with request made by the mother - Mrs. [...], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. (Notes read to and transcribed by Jeanette Fitch.) READING Time of Reading 4: 00 to 4: 10 P. M. Eastern War Time. ..., Conn. 1. GC: You will answer the questions regarding this body as I ask them: 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here; this we have had before. 3. There are great improvements in the general physical forces of the body. As we find, though, there should be kept occasionally those corrections that have been indicated; the Packs as well as the tonic. Yet the tonic should be prepared with sufficient alcohol in same as to preserve it. This will not only be better for the body, but it may be kept almost indefinitely. When the green herb is used, this will require nearly forty per cent. But if this is prepared by a regular druggist, that quantity may be used. 4. Ready for questions. 5. (Q) Are there any special instructions for the osteopath? (A) Do keep the area about the lacteal duct loosened more. The adhesions there have not been entirely broken up. As indicated, use more of the Oil Packs and then, not too deep, massage sufficiently - as well as keeping the corrections in the upper cervicals - to break up those lesions there; and we will not have further trouble with these spasmodic reactions. 6. (Q) Would active participation in sports be advisable? (A) If not taken too seriously or too strenuously in the beginning. 7. (Q) Is there any suggestion as to treatment for the eyes, either as to changing glasses or any other treatment? (A) The head and neck exercises will be sufficient, in combination with the osteopathic corrections through upper dorsal and throughout the cervical. But do not change glasses until these exercises have been taken consistently and regularly for at least three to six weeks. 8. (Q) Is it necessary to continue the strict diet given in the first reading, or may it be modified and to what extent? (A) Not altogether, but keep rather closely to the diet indicated. 9. (Q) To what extent may the diet be modified? (A) Just what the body will absorb, and not too much sweets. Never any preparations, as salads, carrying vinegar - unless wine vinegar is used. 10. (Q) Is his condition such as to bar him in the future from military service, etc., where physical examinations are required?

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



(A) It would be for some little time. Possibly for from sixteen to eighteen months it would bar the body. If there are the improvements continuing during the next sixteen to eighteen months, then it will not bar. 11. (Q) Is the condition improved to such an extent that the danger of further convulsions is entirely eliminated? (A) No; not entirely eliminated. For, if there is a clogging in the upper portion of the jejunum, so as to cause a pressure there, we would find a convulsion would result. If there is such an activity under strain or stress as to cause the same character of contraction in the diaphragm area of the body, as to produce the same results from excitement or over tiredness and activity, it would bring on a convulsion. But when the lesions are entirely eliminated; as indicated, these reactions may be eradicated entirely from the body. Keep up those things suggested. 12. We are through with this reading.

REPORTS OF READING 2991-2 M 15 R1. 3/30/46 Copy of report sent by mother to Dr. Henry George, III, covering [2991], at the request of Mrs. [2454]: "This reading was given May 8, 1943, at the time the boy was fifteen years old. "When he was twelve years old, he had a severe convulsion; another in November, 1942, and another in May, 1943. Physicians attributed the condition possibly to his age, with the possibility of his outgrowing it after he passed through puberty, and prescribed luminal to control the convulsions. "The readings called for a Passion Flower fusion, osteopathic treatments, with castor oil packs, and a very strict diet. The instructions were followed, with noticeable improvement in the boy's general condition, and no recurrence of the convulsions. "In October, 1943, a check reading was obtained, as the series of osteopathic treatments mentioned had been completed, and it was desired that further instructions be given. This recommended continued osteopathic treatments, and a slight modification of the diet. "Before the time mentioned of an additional eighteen months had expired, the osteopath had assured the boy that he felt sure there would be no danger of any recurrence of the convulsions. His general health was good, no further convulsions had occurred, and the osteopath could find no lesions in the back nor difficulty in the lacteal duct area. "It might be interesting to note the question in the check reading as to the possible rejection of the boy from military service as the result of his condition. This boy, now eighteen years old, has just joined the navy and passed their physical examination. "I think this case could be considered a complete cure." R2. 11/46 A.R.E. BULLETIN, Vol. XV No. 3 PSYCHIC FINDINGS IN EPILEPSY, By Henry George, III

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



On May 8, 1943, a fifteen year old boy lay quietly on a couch in his home. In appearance he was like any other lad of his age, but behind his brooding eyes was a problem that worried him and his family. Since the age of twelve he had been subject to the severe convulsions of epilepsy, that dread blighter of lives. Now as he lay quietly at ease his thoughts were in a hopeful, prayerful mood, for he was about to undergo a new experience, an experience enjoyed by only a few thousand people throughout the entire world. He was about to have a psychic examination by Edgar Cayce, the Virginia Beach mystic and clairvoyant and he hoped that out of these psychic findings a cure to his ill, a solution to his problem, might be found. His parents had been told that he had a form of epilepsy of unknown origin, that the disease might clear up when he passed through puberty or attained manhood, but at best there was no guarantee or promise for the future, and the best that medicine had to offer was luminal, a palliative, that might lessen the severity and frequency of the seizures, and delay the development of the epileptic personality, the problem of which is often more trying and difficult to cope with than the convulsions themselves. Quietly the boy gave himself up to a feeling of peace while his dear ones near by prayed that he would be helped. In their communications with Mr. Cayce they had been informed to be quiet and to pray at the time of the reading, that prayer not for self but that the boy might better "do the Master's service" would help the psychic examination. At this same time in the office of the Association for Research and Enlightenment at Virginia Beach, Va., several hundred miles distant from the young epileptic was a small group of earnest people, consisting of Edgar Cayce, the reader who was to ask questions that the family had wanted answered, a secretary who was to take down the findings, and two witnesses. Edgar Cayce looked at his watch, it was 3: 50 p.m., the boy in New England would be hoping and praying. He strolled into his study, undoing and removing his collar, loosening his cuff links and belt, while the others filed in after him and took chairs where they could watch him. He glanced around to see that all was in order, then with a wistfully sad look he lay down on a couch flat on his back, closed his eyes and for a few moments was lost in silent prayer, a prayer that he would be able to help the young supplicant. And then he seemed to be in a profound sleep, his extraordinary personality having projected itself into the unknown. The findings in this case of epilepsy are recorded in the files of the Association for Research and Enlightenment. Edgar Cayce found a congestion in the lacteals, the intestinal lymphatics that carry chyle, a milk white fluid picked up during intestinal digestion from the jejunum and ileum and emptied into the mesenteric glands, the efferents of which end in the preaortic glands. He found that this lacteal duct involvement had upset the boy's neuro osseous system resulting in vegetative nerve imbalance with vertebral segmental lesions, or imbalances in the upper cervical, the lumbar and the coccygeal areas, which in turn resulted in cerebrospinal storm. After giving his findings so specifically and in such detail Edgar Cayce gave his suggestions just as specifically. The boy was to have a special diet that would not irritate the lacteals, he was to receive physical medicine consisting of Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



osteopathic manipulations in the vertebral segmental levels indicated, and the use of castor oil packs over the lacteal region of the abdomen according to specific directions, and was to take an infusion made from the Passion Flower and the directions as to how this was to be made were very meticulous. This boy followed the directions given him by a man who had never laid eyes on him. He followed the directions, and was subsequently discharged by his physician as being free of Epilepsy and later was inducted into the armed services of his country, a healthy man. [2991] Were this all, this case would be of interest to all those interested in psychic phenomena, and to the healing arts, as a medical oddity. But this case, while of paramount importance to the erstwhile epileptic, may be of yet greater significance to those who never heard of Edgar Cayce and may never know that such a man existed, but who afflicted as was this boy, dare not drive a car, or swim, cannot sleep in a room by themselves, dread the mortification of a seizure in public, hesitate to marry or have children, and fear that this unexpected but ever present menace may cost them their jobs. These people by the thousands may yet try out for themselves the findings Edgar Cayce established. Physicians from all schools of the healing arts have carried out the suggestions given by Edgar Cayce in the treatment of disease, and have been mystified by the findings and results. Accordingly those who have attended cases and have been interested in following it up, not just as an isolated case but in the effort to establish etiological factors as to the case of epilepsy, and many other diseases, have undertaken the task of abstracting and synthesizing the Cayce findings, or briefing this treatments and in so far as possible checking on the later results of the cases that received the readings and treatments. In a series of 34 cases of epilepsy so studied and abstracted in which there were 17 cases of each sex represented, with an age range from five years to sixty-four years, four were of petite mal, two of each sex, one was petite mal resulting from a brain scar and 29 cases were grand mal or Jacksonian epilepsy. It is of great significance that the findings of all these cases had certain conditions in common. For example, Edgar Cayce found involvement in the lacteals in all the cases except where a brain scar or tumor was the etiological factor. Likewise he found lesions in the cervical or neck segments in all these cases, and in the coccyx, adjacent to the chorda-equinus (the great sympathetic nerve plexus at the tip of the tail bone). Then he found lesions in the dorsal (thoracic) segments and lumbars next in frequency, while involvement of the cecum, pineal glands, ovaries and gall bladder were infrequent. As in the findings so in the treatment, specific measures were repeated again and again. Manipulation and mobilization to free up lesions in the cervical and coccygeal areas were given. The use of the infusions of passion flower were given in approximately fifty per cent of the cases, while castor oil packs over the lacteals was almost a hundred per cent routine, while the use of Insulin shock, brain surgery, hysterectomies, the use of bromides and luminal or dilantin were most infrequently indicated. The therapeutic significance of Edgar Cayce's readings must now be taken in a general manner for many cases, whereas during his life time they were intended Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



for specific cases. It is the hope of the Association and its affiliated group of physicians that these findings and indications may be utilized to help many suffers of this disease syndrome. They hope to give the public the psychic findings in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy, and it is presumed by those who have treated cases under this method that the same help and relief that attended many of the psychic acquaintances of Edgar Cayce may heal a much vaster number in the years to come. Edgar Cayce always contended that of himself he could do nothing, that the findings and directions as given through his readings came from a higher source, requiring the whole-hearted cooperation of the patient and his physician. The unique demands made by Mr. Cayce still hold for those who would be helped by his methods. All must seek with an open mind and a prayerful spirit. R3. 12/23/51 Mrs. [2454]'s letter: "I saw [2991], remember? Such a wonderful experience - now married, cashier in...perfect health, mental and physical." R4. 2/19/54 Mrs. [2454]'s verbal report: "[2991] wet the bed from the time he was born, and was still wetting the bed when I first knew him at the age of 14. He seemed very flighty to me, and he had lots of skin eruptions, more than the average adolescent. The family doctor (cousin of the father) said he had epilepsy, and said nothing could be done for him but to give him belladonna, and in all probability the attacks would increase as he became older and would become true epilepsy. The parents, being Catholic, didn't think much of getting or using a reading, but one afternoon he fell from his bike in front of the house and was taken to the hospital before the mother knew it, and they didn't know whether the boy had been hit by a car or what. The hospital determined that it was a seizure, and in desperation the mother decided to ask me to ask Mr. Cayce for a reading. I believe the reading was followed as closely as it was humanly possible for it to be done correctly. He never had another attack. He then in due course went into the Navy. When he came out he married and has a daughter. He has now taken a position with the ... Company. It's my opinion that the suggestions given in the reading were followed over a period of about a year. He's a different person now. All of his troubles cleared up, and he is now a happy, well adjusted young man." R5. 7/60 In Dr. W. N. Pahnke's breakdown of 96 cases of epilepsy from the Edgar Cayce records, Case [2991] was classified in Group II.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 5232-1 F 25 Adhesions: Lacteal: Epilepsy

Par. 3

Cycles: Epilepsy

Par. 5

Doctors: George, Henry III: D.O.

Background, Reports

EPILEPSY: CURED Glands: Lymph: Epilepsy

Par. 3

Healing: Spiritual: Epilepsy

Par. 3

Karma: Physical: Epilepsy

Par. 2, 3

Lesions: Coccyx: Epilepsy

Par. 2, 3, 6, 8-A

Osteopathy: Epilepsy

Par. 3

Pelvic Disorders: Menstruation: Epilepsy

Par. 5

Prescriptions: Alcohol, Grain: Epilepsy : Passion Flower:

Par. 4, 5 Par. 4, 5

Prophecy: Prognosis: Epilepsy

Par. 3, 4

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 5232-1 F 25 B1. Born April 2, 1919 in Pa.; married; 1 child. B2. 5/23/44 Letter: "I have read your booklet entitled 'Edgar Cayce, His Life and Work', and I am very much interested. Dr. George has told you about my case of Grand Mal. I would be so grateful if you will give me a Physical reading within the next 2 weeks... After reading of your work, I feel that there may be hope of a permanent recovery for me." B3. 5/23/44 Dr. George's letter: "This is Mrs. [5232] the young mother of whom I spoke to you by phone last week. It is she who is afflicted with Grand Mal and it is for her that I hope you will be able to give us a suggestion as to how we may help her to a permanent recovery." B4. 6/2/44 Letter: "...I will be at my home... I am reading TIR. It is very interesting. I am enclosing 50 cents for a copy of 'Physical Readings'. I want to be well prepared for my reading. I have all of the faith in the world that I will be cured. Here are a few questions Dr. George would like to know: (1) If there is not a primary lesion, what foci may we look for? (2) What is the prognosis? (3) Please outline treatment." TEXT OF READING 5232-1 F 25 (Methodist) This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 8th day of June, 1944, in accordance with request made by the self - Mrs. [5232], new Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., recommended by Dr. Henry George, III. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Jeanette Fitch, Stenos. READING Time of Reading Set bet. 10: 30 to 11: 30 A. M. Eastern War Time. ..., Del. 1. GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the conditions you find at the present time; giving the cause of the existing conditions, also suggestions for help and relief of this body; answering the questions, as I ask them: 2. EC: Yes, as we find, there has long been a lesion in the coccyx area of the cerebrospinal system. There are the after-effects of shocks to the system. There are the results of indiscretions of parents of the entity. 3. These are, then, partially karmic conditions. But if there are the spiritual attitudes and aptitudes, the breaking up of the lesion in the coccyx area and those tendencies for adhesions in the lacteal duct area, the relaxing in the upper cervical areas, these gradually worked together, osteopathically, these as we find can change the periods of these convulsions, lapses of memory, lapse of coordinations. 4. There will come 1 or 2 very severe periods with some of these changes. When these occur we would administer a heavy fusion of Passion-Flower. That would be the fruit, the leaves, the vine, a gallon by measure. Put this in a 2gallon container and fill with water. Reduce by slow boiling to a quart and a pint. Add sufficient grain alcohol to make a preserving of the solution; then this would be strained off, of course, or filtered off. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



5. When there are those close periods, and these will come just before the menstrual periods, for two or three days give a teaspoonful, night and morning, see? 6. And keep the breaking up of lesions until we establish the better coordination. This will produce better conditions for this body. 7. Ready for questions. 8. (Q) Is there a primary lesion? (A) As indicated. 9. We are through with this reading.

REPORTS OF READING 5232-1 F 25 R1. 7/2/44 Dr. George's letter: "Mrs. [5232] has been free of epileptic attacks thus far, but from the way you spoke we may expect 1 in the next 10 days. She will have someone with her at all times." R2. 9/26/49 Dr. George's reply to questionnaire: "Duration of treatment, 8 months. Result of treatment, cured. When last heard from, 1 year ago, she had been free of seizures for nearly 4 years, and had had another child in that time. I consider this a helpful sign."

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



INDEX OF READING 251-1 M CHILD Adhesions: Epilepsy

Par. 4, 6

Clairvoyance of E.C.: Conditions Confirmed


Diet: Beef Juice: Epilepsy : Epilepsy

Par. 14-A Par. 13-A, 14-A

Doctors: Martin, W.B.: M.D. : Pahnke, Walter N.: M.D.

Par. R5 Par. R7

Doctors Suggested: Richardson, Martyn L.: D.O. Par. 20-A, 21-A Eliminations: Incoordination: Epilepsy Par. 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12-A--14-A EPILEPSY Home & Marriage: Parenthood: Children: Abnormal: Epilepsy Par. 19-A, 22-A Injuries: Birth: After Effects : Spine:

Par. 4 Par. 3, 18-A

Intestines: Enemas: Epilepsy

Par. 13-A

Names: People Mentioned: Davis, Mildred : Wynne, Esther

Par. R4 Par. R5

Nervous Systems: Incoordination: Epilepsy

Par. 4, 6

Osteopathy: Epilepsy

Par. 6--8, 12-A, 15-A, 16-A, 18-A, 20-A, 21-A

Physiology & Anatomy: Epilepsy

Par. 3--6

Prescriptions: Bismuth, Milk of: Epilepsy

Par. 9, 12-A, 13-A

Prophecy: Prognosis: Epilepsy

Par. 9, 10, 21-A

Psychosomatics: Healing

Par. 19-A

Sedation: After Effects

Par. 8, 15-A, 17-A

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



BACKGROUND OF READING 251-1 M CHILD B1. 1/27/33 Father came for the rdg., saying that his next door neighbor had told him of Edgar Cayce. "The medical men have been unable to find the cause of his attacks, or convulsions, and have been giving sedatives in an attempt to relieve the attacks, without results. My wife and I are frantic, and we come to you grasping at a last straw that might offer hope." TEXT OF READING 251-1 M CHILD This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 27th day of January, 1933, in accordance with the request made by father, Mr. [...], new Active Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., recommended by Miss Esther Wynne. PRESENT Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Father of [251], L. B. Cayce, Mildred Davis, Esther and Verlie Wynne. READING Time of Reading 11: 30 to 11: 55 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Va. (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes, we have the body, [251] and those conditions physically that disturb the body. 2. While there are many disturbing conditions, the body is eased in the reactions at the present time. 3. As we find, there are specific conditions that disturb the body. These are aided by, or in the present a result of, a combination of disorders; for in times back - or fourteen months back - there was an injury to the spine, in those centers that are affecting - and do affect - the activity of the eliminations from the system, especially that related to the caecum and to the colon area. 4. Then, with a tendency already existent of a strangulation in the area - from pressure produced in the LUMBAR area at presentation or birth of the body, there has been made an adhesion in the area; so that - when there is a filling up or a dilation in the caecum and ascending colon - there is a COLDNESS that exists, which interferes with the coordination between the sympathetic and cerebro-spinal nerve reactions in the lower portion of the cerebrospinal system. 5. This brings about those spasmodic conditions that produce to the whole system an improper reaction, as to make for the disorder that is existent. See? 6. As to the activities of this (that is, the incoordination): The pressure exists specifically in the 8th and 9th dorsal area, and acts upon the draining or relieving of the pressure in the lower portion of jejunum and in the first portion or caecum area of the colon. This may be found by holding the hand (when warm, of course) over the caecum area, and SEE the difference in the temperature of that particular area from the lack of circulation. 7. The condition in the dorsal area may be found by FINDING the alignment in the cerebro-spinal area, and the effects are seen in the nervous system of the body. 8. With the conditions allowed to become near normal from the present attack, and the system's eliminations increased as to rid the system of the poisons or Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



congestions from the sedatives that reduce the flow of secretions from the organs of the system (and these established to a near normal activity), we would then RELIEVE those pressures in the cerebro-spinal system; the dorsal and the lumbar area, COORDINATING the same with the cervical and the activities to the brain forces. 9. We would give small doses of Bismuth, or Milk of Bismuth, to cleanse the system and STIMULATE the activities of the nerve forces from the dorsal area disturbed to the congested area; and we will bring a normal condition for the body. 10. There will be at first some recurrent conditions, or attacks, unless the body is kept in an excess of eliminations through the alimentary canal; but these will be found to be less severe - and in six to ten weeks the body should be rid entirely of that which causes or produces the disturbances. 11. Ready for questions. 12. (Q) How is best way to make these corrections? Osteopathically? (A) Necessarily, ADJUSTMENTS must be made - but these must COORDINATE with the properties taken in the system to PRODUCE the proper functioning of the membranes in the digestive and eliminating system. To be sure, they should be done osteopathically. 13. (Q) What doses of Bismuth should be given, or Milk of Bismuth? (A) This should be given certainly not until after there is some recuperation from the PRESENT condition, see - but the dosage would be a teaspoonful three times each day. If necessary, use enemas to relieve the pressure in the colon. The diet, to be sure, must be that EASILY assimilated - but must be wellbalanced, that the strength, vitality and virility of the system is kept in normal development; for the body, to be sure, is in the DEVELOPING stages. 14. (Q) Please outline a diet as it should be. (A) In the present there should be given strained oatmeal, with beef tea or juice, dry milk, and that which will act with the kidneys in THEIR proper eliminations - or those properties that will be carried in the JUICES of vegetables rather than too much of the BULK, at first. 15. (Q) Should the osteopathic treatments begin right away? (A) In the next twenty-four hours anyway, as soon as there begins those reactions from the sedatives that are apparent at present. 16. (Q) How can he be relieved at the present? (A) He's RELIEVED at the present. With the CONGESTIONS that come back, from the recurrent conditions - which will be in the next twelve to twentyfour hours, then we would begin with the REMOVING of the pressure in the sacrum, in the dorsal, and ESPECIALLY in the lumbar area as indicated. But, the CONGESTIONS that come - or contractions - are seen in the cervical, and caecum, and lower portion of the dorsal and lumbar area. 17. (Q) Have the doctors' treatments been of any benefit to the child? (A) They have been of benefit for the immediate condition, but not for permanent relief. They have rather hindered than aided.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



18. (Q) How did the accident referred to occur? (A) From the child leaning far back when someone was holding it in the arms! and if the body is held in about that position it will be seen as to where the condition occurs - 8th and 9th dorsal area! 19. (Q) Any spiritual advice to the parents? (A) Keep in that attitude that there is and may be done that which will bring coordination in the physical, the mental and spiritual being of this body; and there IS being that aid given through the application of that outlined to bring the best conditions for the body. 20. (Q) Which osteopath in Norfolk would be the best to treat this body? (A) Richardson! [Martyn L. Richardson, D.O.] 21. (Q) How long should these treatments be given, and how often? (A) As will be seen, it will be necessary to follow this rather by how EASILY the adjustments are made - and as to how well the system cleanses itself from those STRAINS it HAS undergone, and that it must for a time still undergo until those strangulations are removed - that are produced by the congestion in those centers, of pulling up on the sides, see? for they are as strangulations. As to the number of treatments, this will depend upon how READILY the body responds - and how the BUILDING is required. This may be followed best by the one giving the treatments. If necessary, treatments should be given EVERY day - until the body is relieved - which would require a lesser period; than they may be made farther and farther apart - which would cover a period of some thirty to sixty days. See? 22. (Q) Any further advice regarding this body, or to the parents? (A) Be mindful that these are followed in the manner that has been outlined, for the better conditions for this body, [251]. 23. We are through for the present.

REPORTS OF READING 251-1 M CHILD R1. GD's note: When Mr. Cayce woke up from the rdg., the father of [251] said to him: "I think you've hit his case alright. We'll follow the suggestions." R2. 3/25/33 Father's letter: "I am taking up the treatments directed by Mr. Cayce. Dr. Richardson has been treating him since February, and I must say that I know he has done him good. Of course he has been sick once while in Dr. Richardson's care, but nothing like he has been, and I hope that at the given time, around six to eight weeks of the treatments, we will see all the difference in the world in him. "Of course I know you all need money to carry on the good work which Mr. Cayce is doing. But right now I am in bad condition myself, having had so many doctors tending him and hospital bills have kept me broke. I haven't been able yet to pay Dr. Richardson any on his account, but in about three more weeks I will be able to pay you all for the rdg. and also help along on the good work you all are doing. Although I haven't been down to Va. Beach since that day, my heart and soul are entirely on Mr. Cayce." Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



"P.S. My son is sitting right at the table while I am writing now. He says he wants to write Mr. Cayce a few words, too." R3. 3/26/33 Father's P.S: "After sealing up this letter last night, my son was taken sick at ten o'clock. He has had eleven attacks up until nine-thirty this morning." R4. 5/28/37 Esther Wynne reported: "The boy [251] was having convulsions one right after the other. Dr. W. B. Martin [M.D.] saw the rdg., said 'Well, I wouldn't throw it away.' The mother went to visit her parents and didn't follow the rdg. right away. The child continued to have convulsions, even with following everything the doctors suggested. Finally they went to Dr. M. L. Richardson [D.O.] and had treatments. The child is perfectly normal today….” R5. 9/16/60 GD's note: Death notice of [251]'s mother appeared today, saying she died 9/15/60, a widow, leaving one son, [251]. R6. 7/60 In Dr. Walter N. Pahnke's breakdown of 96 cases of epilepsy from the Edgar Cayce records, Case [251] was classified in Group I. He noted: "The description sounded like petit mal type epilepy."

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



New Views on Epilepsy by David McMillin True Health, March 2003 When most people think of an epileptic seizure, they envision a person falling to the floor, twitching and jerking uncontrollably. However, this dramatic form of a seizure (generalized tonic-clonic) is only one type of epilepsy. There are many other forms that can manifest so subtly so as to go unnoticed. Epilepsy affects approximately 2.5 million Americans making it the most common neurological disorder. Epilepsy was first described in ancient Babylon over 3,000 years ago. The word epilepsy has its derivation from a Greek word meaning “attack.” Historically, persons with epilepsy were often regarded as possessed – either by gods or demons. Causes and Treatment of Epilepsy At a physiological level, epileptic seizures result from temporary changes in the electrical function of the brain that affect awareness, movement, or sensation. There are many causes of epilepsy ranging from heredity to illness or injury of the brain. When the cause has been clearly identified (such as brain injury resulting from an automobile accident), the epilepsy is called “symptomatic.” About two-thirds of epilepsy cases are call idiopathic” meaning the cause is unknown. During Edgar Cayce’s era, idiopathic epilepsy was called “pure” or “true” epilepsy. This is a very significant point because Edgar Cayce referred to “true” epilepsy in several readings wherein he identified the causes of idiopathic epilepsy that have eluded modern medical science. From a mainstream medical perspective, epilepsy is an incurable condition. Although about 80 percent of epilepsy patients respond favorably to medicines or surgery with a decrease or elimination in seizures, the remaining 20 percent continue to suffer from seizures even with the best medical treatment. Fortunately, for some people (especially children), epilepsy does eventually go away. In recent years, some fascinating alternative treatment options have become more accepted. Although the ketogenic diet has been around for decades, a movie that aired on national television a few years ago prompted renewed interest in this novel treatment. The ketogenic diet is low in calories and high in fat. It is used most commonly in children who do not respond to medications and are not good candidates for brain surgery. This very restrictive diet requires careful supervision. Surgical implantation of a vagus nerve stimulator is another novel approach to decreasing or eliminating seizures. This procedure consists of implanting in the chest a pacemaker-type device that stimulates the vagus nerve running between the head and the abdomen. This is particularly fascinating because Edgar Cayce repeatedly stated that the cause of seizures in most cases of epilepsy can be traced to the abdomen. Cayce on Epilepsy Edgar Cayce gave many readings for individuals suffering from various forms of epilepsy. While recognizing the wide variability of epilepsy, he also stated that in most cases the cause of the illness was not in the brain. The organs of the digestive system (abdomen) were most often cited as the source of the problem.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Specifically, Cayce insisted that most cases of epilepsy are caused by abdominal adhesions. Adhesions can be formed when inflammation or injury results in scar tissue that holds together two structures that are normally separate. Edgar Cayce mentioned many causes of abdominal adhesions in epilepsy, including: injury or trauma, childhood fevers producing inflammation in the abdomen, spinal injuries (particularly to the lower spine), pregnancy complications, and birth trauma resulting from difficult or abnormal deliveries. More specifically, Cayce noted that the abdominal adhesions in most cases of epilepsy are in the lacteal ducts. Lacteal ducts are part of the lymphatic system. They absorb nutrients from the small intestine as digested food passes through the intestine. Abdominal Cold Spot This peculiar pathology in the abdomen was linked to a unique pattern of thermal variation on the surface of the skin. Cayce stated that, “From every condition that is of true [i.e., idiopathic] epileptic nature there will be found a cold spot or area between the lacteal duct and the caecum.” (567-4) The lacteal duct and caecum are on the right side of the abdomen just below the last rib and extending down to the hip. Cayce said that the coolness resulted from decreased circulation through the area of the lacteal adhesions. Cayce’s statement represents a very straightforward hypothesis that can be tested using modern thermographic equipment. At Meridian Institute we have been measuring abdominal temperatures in epilepsy patients and other individuals to explore this hypothesis. Our preliminary studies suggest that Cayce was correct about the abdominal cold spot. We intend to increase our research efforts in this area in the coming year. We have also discovered articles in the medical literature that discuss “abdominal epilepsy” and “visceral reflex epilepsy” which are consistent with the Cayce hypothesis. (See the following “Abdominal Brain” article) for more on the visceral nervous system.) Cayce’s Treatment Model The treatment rationale that underlies Edgar Cayce’s therapeutic approach flows naturally from his premise as to the most frequent cause of epilepsy. Since Cayce insisted that most cases of epilepsy were caused by adhesions in the lacteal ducts of the abdomen, treatment is generally directed at breaking up adhesions in the lacteal duct area located along the right side of the abdomen. The most frequent therapy recommended by Cayce for breaking up these adhesions was castor oil packs. Edgar Cayce stated that when a piece of flannel cloth is saturated with hot castor oil and placed on the abdomen, the combination of the heat and oil will break up the adhesions that can trigger seizures. I have known several individuals who have successfully worked with Cayce’s approach to epilepsy. Based on their feedback and my own research, I believe that the Cayce information on this condition offers a wonderful opportunity to give much to those afflicted with this illness. One of Edgar Cayce’s readings also emphasizes this point with the admonition: “… study on that called epilepsy – for three years! and you will be undefeatable!” (254-82)

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



The Abdominal Brain Pay Attention to Gut Feelings Each of us has a brain in our gut. It is the seat of a visceral intelligence that thrusts itself into our awareness when we are afraid or angry. It is the deep knowing that signals our true intentions, whether or not we are conscious of our own motivations. When the abdominal brain becomes diseased, we may experience a variety of conditions and syndromes, often with significant visceral symptoms. Edgar Cayce referred to the brain in our abdomen in several readings. In a wonderful reading in which he discussed the vibratory principles underlying some of the energy medicine appliances, he described it as the “… solar plexus brain … those centers about the umbilicus, which are the electronic and atomic vibratory radiations of a human body.” (1800-15) The Abdominal Brain Cayce was not alone in emphasizing the central brain in the abdomen. In researching this topic, I was fortunate in finding a massive text written in 1907 by Byron Robinson, M.D. Titled The Abdominal and Pelvic Brain, this important book was cited by the early osteopathic physicians as the basis for some of their theories of how nerve reflexes work. The premise of Robinson’s book is that the abdomen contains a vast and complex nervous system that influences, and to a great degree regulates, the processes of the visceral organs. Enteric Nervous System Dr. Robinson was not alone in his fascination with the nervous system of the abdomen. At about the same time that Robinson was discovering the abdominal brain, British physiologist Johannis Langley of Cambridge University recognized that the nervous system of the gut was capable of functioning independent of the cerebral brain and central nervous system. Langley labeled the brain in the gut the “enteric nervous system” (ENS), which is the term now used for this immense group of nerves comprising about one-third of our entire nervous system. Although for several decades Robinson and Langley’s work has been ignored, modern medical research has finally rediscovered the abdominal brain with its enteric nervous system. In fact, research on the nerve connections in the abdomen is one of the “hot” areas of medical research with over 600 citations in Medline (the primary medical database). To a large extent, the new interest in exploring the abdominal brain has come from the realization that both the gut brain and cerebral brain use many of the same neurotransmitters (chemical messengers). For instance, the neurotransmitter serotonin (which is the main target of drugs like Prozac) was first discovered in the gut. About 90 percent of the body’s serotonin is found in the abdominal organs. In addition to the biochemical similarities between the cerebral brain and the abdominal brain, contemporary researchers are drawing computer analogies to describe the relationship between the brains of the body. The link between the smaller brain in the gut to the brain in the head has been likened to a computer network, which has implications for certain neurological conditions.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Neurologic Disease As stated above, Edgar Cayce was a strong advocate for the abdominal nervous system. Cayce believed that certain neurological syndromes (such as epilepsy and migraine) are often caused by problems in the abdomen. Naturally, a wide variety of non-intrusive therapies were recommended by Cayce for the treatment of these syndromes. Cayce’s ideas about the causation of epilepsy and migraine have some support in mainstream science. The modern medical literature recognizes that the abdomen plays a role in epilepsy and migraine. When abdominal symptoms are predominant, the patient may be diagnosed with “abdominal epilepsy” or “abdominal migraine.” To extend the computer analogy mentioned above to neurological illnesses such as epilepsy, one might say that the nervous system network “crashes” during a seizure. The linkage between the abdominal brain and cerebral brain is disrupted. Depending upon the severity of the disruption (which Cayce referred to as “incoordination”), much of the functioning of the entire nervous system may temporarily go “off-line.” The therapeutic implications of Cayce’s model of the abdominal brain in neurological disorders is that treatment directed at the abdomen (and especially the digestive system) can often address the underlying causes of the condition. Diet, abdominal castor oil packs, colonic irrigation, energy medicine, and osteopathic manipulation were typical modalities recommended by Cayce for healing the abdominal brain. Gut Reactions Some of the most fascinating and practical aspects of this discussion of the abdominal brain are the ways in which visceral processes affect our mental, emotional, and spiritual functioning. Common expressions about gut feelings, intestinal fortitude, and our inability to stomach something or someone point to the primacy of our visceral intelligence. Sometimes we honor a courageous act by saying that it “took a lot of guts.” The visceral nervous system is closely associated with our thoughts and feelings. When we are mentally or emotionally upset, our gut brain feels the impact of our distress and adversely affects the functioning of our visceral organs. This is one of the premises of psychosomatic medicine. Achieving and maintaining mental and emotional calmness and relaxation is good for health. For example, meditation has been shown to help persons with bowel disease. There is also a spiritual aspect to the abdominal brain concept. The Cayce readings associate the abdominal brain with the sympathetic nervous system that is referred to as “the seat of all of the soul and spirit forces.” (4595-1) Cayce even called this system “the brain manifestation of soul forces in the body.” (4566-1) Perhaps this helps explain why we often have innate visceral feelings and sensations when we meet someone who we have known in a past life. Sorting out gut feelings can go well beyond psychology as it is currently defined. Now that you know a little more about the abdominal brain and the scientific and metaphysical basis for its functioning, you can feel more confident about trusting your instincts and paying more attention to your gut feelings.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Epilepsy: 'I Have a New Son' William A. McGarey, M.D. * Venture Inward, March/April 1992 A dramatic story evolved late last year here at the Clinic, when a 37-yearold man – afflicted with epilepsy – saw his life changing for the better in only four weeks. It not only involved a degree of physical healing, but he and out of a 20year drug-induced fog and regained much of the clarity of thinking and awareness that characterized him as a teenager. When Tommy (not his real name), arrived, he was under the influence of some 26 medications daily, some listed as having dangerous side effects. His brain function was so low, it would take him 10 to 15 seconds to answer a simple question, and his mother said he acted more like a "zombie" than the brilliant young man he had been. He was not only taking 300 mg. of Dilantin each day, and 2 mg. of perphenazine three times daily, but he also been placed on 14 Depakote tablets a day, each 250 mg. Perphenazine is used to treat anxiety and depression, the others to control seizures. His doctors apparently were most interested in controlling seizures, but even at that level of medication, the young man still had seizures periodically. In the Physician's Desk Reference, there is a warning (emphasized by being boxed in) dealing with Depakote that says in part: "Hepatic [liver] failure resulting in fatalities has occurred in patients receiving valproic acid and its derivatives ... experience has indicated that the incidence of fatal hepatotoxicity decreases considerably in progressively older patient groups. These incidents usually have occurred during the first six months of treatment." In fact, Tommy already had abnormal liver function tests even though he had been on Depakote only a short time. Tommy was gradually taken off all three of these medications over a fourweek period, and came alive more and more as the days went on. During his time at the Clinic, his liver function tests went from elevated to nearly normal. Edgar Cayce gave numerous readings on epilepsy. A suggested treatment regimen of therapy included a special diet, keeping up good eliminations, osteopathic manipulations, hot castor oil packs, olive oil (following the packs), massages, and Passion Flower, an herbal formula derived from the Passion Flower intended to quiet down the body's nervous system in a gentle but effective manner. A detailed commentary by Dr. Walter Pahnke is included in the Circulating File on epilepsy, available from the A.R.E. Over the four-week period, Tommy was given the course of treatment, plus herbal and homeopathic remedies, and was treated in our Energy Medicine and Neurological Improvement departments, which help those with nervous disorders to gradually improve in nervous system functioning. *

Dr. McGarey, chairman of the board of the A.R.E. Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona, is the author of Healing Miracles: Using Your Body Energies. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



As his medications were systematically eliminated, and replaced with Passion Flower Fusion, he rapidly came out of the drug-induced fog and took major steps back toward normal. He had fewer seizures when off the medicines than when he was taking them. His mother aided him the whole time, and was thrilled at his response. Added to the therapies listed above, however, were the mental and spiritual suggestions that Cayce always recommended as essential to true healing. Each therapist who worked with Tommy saw in him the results of memory patterns harvested from a multitude of past lives, where eternal lessons were frequently learned but sometimes lost. Each of the therapists, part of a team, urged him to recognize himself as One with the Creative Forces of the Universe, to become aware of God's presence abiding within. And to begin acting as though that were indeed a fact. For it is fact. What are the rules, then that let one become aware of His Presence? These are the rules: When ye manifest love, patience, hope, charity, tolerance, faith; these be the manners. Not in thine own SELF! These as words, these as expressions, these as visualized OBJECTS may be within thine self. But when ye as a soul, as an entity, as an individual, make such manifest to those ye meet casually, to those that ye contact day by day - in conversation, in example, in precept; these the attributes of the Spirit - ye become aware of that Consciousness, of that Christ Spirit, of that Christ Consciousness as He gave, "Ye abiding in me and I in the Father, WE - the Father, I will COME and abide with thee." When the Spirit of the Father, when the activities that the Christ - the man - gave to the sons of men - are made manifest in thine own life day by day, then ye become aware of His presence abiding in thee. 272-9 True healing is not, then, a simple thing. We can heal a disturbed nervous system, or any part of our bodies, really. But, unless we reach deeper, into the very nature of the patterns, the consciousness, that activates the physiology of the body into creating the problem, then start to reverse the process, and then manifest those fruits of the spirit that the readings talk about so much, we have not begun the healing of the whole person. It has certainly started with Tommy, and we are hoping it continues to become manifest in his life, and in the lives of others he may touch as the years go by. He will need some counseling, certainly, as he gradually re-enters what we call normal life. But that is on its way. Tommy and his family came here apprehensively, having been warned by their surgeon and neurologist that he should not be taken off medications. They ignored warnings against coming to the Clinic, all the way from the East Coast, because we were the only medical clinic they could find that would take Tommy off his anti-seizure medications, but his parents were fearful. They got over it in quick order, however, as his healing progressed. Tommy left here a different person, and his stepfather, who had never seen him as a "normal" person, said "I have a new son!"

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Pediatric Seizure Disorder Meridian Institute News, September 2002 The term epilepsy refers not to a single disease, but to a group of symptoms with numerous causes. The common factor in all forms of epilepsy is an excessive electrical excitability of the brain called seizures. In most cases of epilepsy the cause of the brain seizures is unknown. The traditional osteopathic model of epilepsy is that brain seizures are often produced by nerve reflex patterns from the peripheral nervous system, especially the spinal nerve plexus. The digestive tract and its enteric nervous system is another potential source of aberrant nerve reflexes that can trigger epileptic seizures. The concept of peripheral nervous system reflexes as primary causative factors in epilepsy was endorsed by Edgar Cayce. In many cases involving epileptic seizures, Cayce made referrals to osteopathic physicians for spinal manipulation. Abdominal castor oil packs, massage, diet, and a mild herbal sedative (passion flower fusion) were also typical treatment recommendations made by Cayce. One of the presentations at our recent Cayce Health Professionals Symposium featured David Redding, D.O., a family practice osteopathic physician who reported on a case of pediatric seizure disorder. Here is a brief summary of his case report: "This is the story of an eleven-year-old male named Johnny. He developed seizures approximately five months ago. The parents are not sure of the initiating event but felt that it might be related to a camp counselor giving him a "good bye bear hug." Seizures started shortly after that. Significant history includes a fall at the age of ten months with head trauma and also a minor car accident last November. "He was seen by a pediatrician and a neurologist. Medications were recommended but the parents were concerned about the side effects and decided to look into alternative approaches. A variety of alternative treatments which included acupuncture and cranio-sacral therapy were tried with no or minimal benefits. "At about the same time I was treating the father for his whiplash injuries and he asked me about his son. I was very clear with him that I wasn't an expert in pediatrics or the treatment of seizures. However, I had just been reading about treatments for seizures from the Cayce material and offered a trial of three sessions to see if this approach might be helpful. "A month later, I saw his son and started using manipulation as described in the Cayce material (treating both the visceral component and the many spinal and rib lesions present), modified his diet to encourage daily bowel movements, started castor oil packs and spinal massage by his parents, and although I neglected to prescribe passion flower fusion herbal sedative, the mother ( upon looking into the Cayce material) added it. After two treatments the seizures had diminished from a maximum of 30 daily down to approximately 0-5. Also, the intensity and duration of the remaining seizures decreased. The child is still undergoing treatments. The results have been remarkable so far and the hope is for complete remission as we continue the Cayce approach."

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Case Profile On: Seizures: Infantile A.R.E. Clinic – January 1984 Summary A 4-year-old boy with severe infantile seizures achieved significant gradual reduction of symptoms during two years of therapy derived from the Cayce readings and related sources, including complete withdrawal from large doses of anticonvulsant medication. Background Sean was 10 months old when his mother brought him to the A.R.E. Clinic. She and her husband were committed to a "natural" lifestyle, but when their son contracted spinal meningitis at 3 months and subsequently developed severe infantile seizures, they sought help from some of the best orthodox centers in their home state of Hawaii. However, after 7 months of tests and conventional medical treatment, Sean was still having 30-40 severe seizures a day, with pain-related behaviors, such as screaming and chewing on his fists. The large doses of anticonvulsants made him drowsy, but did not stop the seizures. The mother was told that institutionalizing Sean would be wise, as his prognosis was bleak. Unwilling to accept that path, she went to several medical centers in California, including the Center for Child Study at U.C.L.A. After studying Sean, these centers echoed the same gloomy advice. On the suggestion of her parents-in-law, she brought her son to the A.R.E. Clinic. After beneficial results obtained in one week of therapy, the mother and Sean returned to Hawaii with hope of improvement. About a year later, both parents brought Sean back to the Clinic. After two weeks of therapy, they decided to move to Phoenix, which they accomplished in August, 1982. Medical History Sean's health records were unremarkable for any significant illnesses until the third month of life, when he became very sick with spinal meningitis. His brain was severely affected due to the infection, and special X-rays showed areas of inflammation and swelling. The result was severe seizures and marked retardation of Sean's growth and development. Large doses of anticonvulsant medication (Dilantin and Phenobarbital) were prescribed, but no significant improvement was apparent. In fact, Sean's seizures were just as frequent as before, but now he was constantly "drowsy" between episodes of seizure. During seizures, he screamed, chewed on his fists (which were constantly clenched shut), and would not be touched – especially on the head. Between seizures, Sean seemed completely unaware of the outside world or the people in it. Only occasionally would he seem to notice the wind rustling the leaves of a nearby tree. As described above, Sean's mother was told to institutionalize her son because no significant progress could be expected in his condition. This was the situation when mother and child arrived at the A.R.E. Clinic.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



The Clinic's evaluation showed very limited sensory processing. Sean took notice of visual, auditory or tactile stimuli only occasionally and then very briefly – 1-5 seconds attention span. His eyes demonstrated a light reflex, but he had no central eyesight, relying entirely upon sporadic peripheral vision. Coordination and mobility were poorly developed, but he was of normal size for his age and a handsome boy. Treatment Sean's mother stated, "Dr. Gladys McGarey was the first doctor we saw who actually held Sean, rather than stand at a distance from him. She was also the first doctor to ask my opinion of what I thought might be contributing to Sean's condition." The parents easily accepted the concepts of therapy offered at the Clinic, involving the use of natural means whenever possible to restore normal function. The treatment program included: • E.T.A. therapy: electrotherapy for half-hour sessions was initially conducted every day, then evolved gradually to 1-2 sessions per week. • Castor oil pack: used initially every day over the abdomen, then gradually these were applied on an "as needed" basis. • Cranial and spinal manipulation: started in Hawaii and continued in Phoenix, with frequency of treatments at the direction of the practitioner. • Massage: Sean was fortunate to have a father who was an accomplished masseur, specializing in the Hawaiian Lomi-Lomi massage. Both full body and spinal massage were administered daily. • Music therapy: to promote sensory integration and, when used during massage, to relax. • Passion flower fusion: an herbal tea preparation recommended often by the Edgar Cayce readings for reducing seizures. • D.M.S.O.: administered topically over the entire body at the direction of Dr. Jordan at the University of Oregon. • Patterning: administered through the Center for Neural Development Studies at Arizona State University and the National Academy for Child Development, as a process of stimulating neurological organization through repetitive physical and sensory exercises. • Masking: breathing exercises to develop increased oxygen supply to the brain by using a plastic mask, a therapy devised by the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential. • Counseling: an ongoing process of discussion and supportive caring with Sean's parents.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Results Sean made consistent progress evident to both parents and clinicians. Very soon he was taken off Phenobarbital, and his Dilantin dosage was gradually decreased. With each change in replacing drugs with "natural" therapies, the pattern of his seizures changed. After the initial two weeks of therapy, Sean was sleeping better, having more seizure-free periods, and his father reported that his son made sustained eye contact for the first time since the seizures began. The therapy program accelerated when the family moved to Phoenix. Sean was given full and complete evaluations at 26 months from the Arizona Child Development Center. They were impressed with his physical progress and stated that now the mental lag in his development was the greatest obstacle. Improvements continued to be seen, although slow at times. The Dilantin dosage had been reduced from three and a half teaspoons to one teaspoon, six months into therapy. Consulting physicians outside the Clinic suggested a new anticonvulsant, Depakene, which promised quicker reduction of seizures. Unfortunately, the addition of the new medication seemed to cause a resurgence of convulsions and a halt in progress. Eventually, with continued adherence to the therapy program, Sean was weaned off all anti-convulsions (including Dilantin) and is presently enjoying his best health since the onset of the infantile seizures. Now, approaching the age of four years, his parents and friends report how affectionate and loving Sean has become – he interacts with others much more now. No longer are his fists clenched, and the bouts of screaming have all but disappeared. The seizures are now much less frequent and severe. Sean often initiates his own therapies and has also become an accomplished swimmer. His physical, emotional, and mental development continues to delight his parents.

Report by: Paul Keiser, D.O. and Harvey Grady, Director of Research The A.R.E. Clinic 4018 N. 40th Street Phoenix, AZ 85018 Telephone (602) 955-0551

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



A Loss for Words - Patient Report by Celia Cantone Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients, June 1998 When I woke up one night I found my family standing around me, asking if everything was all right, that is how I found out that I had had a seizure. At the age of nine I began having seizures during my sleep. I was told by my physician at that time that my seizures were the consequence of an accidental fall I had while playing during that same year. They were classified as “generalized tonicclonic” which meant that I lost consciousness and had post-seizure confusion. My parents contacted family members who are doctors and found out all they could about this supposedly terrible problem called epilepsy. I was then referred to a neurologist, at the age of nine and went through diagnostic tests that over time became more sophisticated. I learned a little about my case - that the discharging lesion lay on the left side of the frontal lobe of my cerebrum. That is all I have known for the last fifteen years. According to the publication Patient with Epilepsy, by no E. Leppik, MD the word seizure is defined as “a time-limited event that results from an abnormal neuronal activity in the brain.” To be more precise, a seizure takes place when the normal working of the brain is suddenly interrupted. The neurons, or nerve cells, of the brain, send and receive messages. A neuron transmits an electric charge to the neuron closest to it, which then transmits the charge to the next neuron in the group. This series of impulses carries messages to various parts of the body. In the brain of someone who has epilepsy there is sometimes a misfiring, so that all neurons within a group may discharge electric impulses at the same time. This can be compared to the occurrence of a short circuit in a wire throwing off sparks. If the sparks move along the wire far enough, a fuse blows and the power goes out. I later came to realize that the left hemisphere happens to include the speech area of the brain. Now that I’m an adult I have grown into a different classification called “simple partial” which has no loss of consciousness and no post-seizure confusion. I just have staring spells and momentarily speech loss. They can also be known as “petite mal” seizures (“little sickness” seizure), which is more commonly called an absence seizure. An absence seizure strikes without warning. The person appears to be staring blankly as if deep in thought or daydreaming. If talking, a person may stop suddenly in the middle of a sentence and return later on to finish. In my few years of extensive research I have found information that was done in Paris, as far back as 1836, by Paul Broca stating that we speak using the left hemisphere of the brain. In his report Broca stated that damage to a portion of the left hemisphere resulted in loss of speech, whereas damage to the right side did not - hence lateralization. Lateralization is a process whereby each of the hemispheres of the brain becomes increasingly specialized. Research on the two cerebral hemispheres indicates that each hemisphere may be responsible for a particular mode of thinking. In almost all right-handed individuals, and about Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



two thirds of the left-handed individuals, the left hemisphere specializes in logical, analytic thought which is processed linearly. The left hemisphere is also responsible for abstraction from a field. The right hemisphere is specialized for similar word relations and for tasks which involve matching some part of schema to a whole. Patients who suffer damage to the left hemisphere are said to have Broca's aphasia which is the neurological term used to refer to any acquired (as opposed to developmental) language disorder that follows a localized brain lesion caused by such things as trauma to the brain, a stroke, a tumor, a gunshot wound or an infection. Damage to areas adjacent to Broca's area may cause problems in producing the complex sound sequences of words without producing paralysis, and may also disrupt grammar and syntax. Individuals with damage to Broca's area are often unable to use grammatical information, but can still understand the meanings of content words, such as nouns and verbs. Their speech is halting, labored and telegraphic in style, and often lacks verb tenses or case markings. I took my medication compliantly, for almost twenty years, and had complete control over my epilepsy. Then, when I married and became interested in raising a family. I did extensive research on the topic and contacted the Epilepsy Foundation of America. They sent medical articles and journals about the medication I took, called Tegretol. It turned out that this powerful drug was recognized as potentially damaging to the fetus, especially during the first trimester. I’ve asked neurologists about this information and all they had to say was that they have had patients who have had a successful pregnancy. Why would anyone take the chance of producing an unhealthy child? Most medical doctors are mainly taught about drugs and surgery. Most of these physicians mean well, but they are not educated about alternative medicine, and they are often persuaded by pharmaceutical companies and peer pressure to promote drugs - even if many pharmaceuticals are of questionable value. Doctors, for the most part, do not have the time to promote “well-being” in their patients because it is time consuming, and so if they did they would have a smaller clientele and earn less income. Conventional medicine has known about alternative medicinal plants, foods and herbs for centuries - but such therapies have never become part of official American Medical Association policy. The government spends millions of tax dollars on research, yet word of alternative therapies only reaches the average person through health food stores, maverick medical doctors and publications such as this one. Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical companies exploit medical botany to create new “wonder drugs” which earn them billions. Healthcare money would be saved, and could be put to other uses, if more Americans simply took better care of themselves and were more educated, instead of running to doctors as often as they do. People surrender their lives and are willing to let medical doctors play a major role rather than take care of themselves and their own well-being. Also, most medications prescribed by doctors are found to have serious health risks and side effects.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



In June 1989, Dr. Kenneth Lyons Jones and his colleagues published a study demonstrating that Tegretol is likely to cause birth defects as do other similar medications. I wonder about all the women on medication whose babies were damaged by drugs. I am not willing to take the chance - I have an adult sister named Lisa, who is mentally disabled and has autistic tendencies. By using amino acids and nutritional supplements, she now has improved on her speech and behavior. My family and I have different types of challenges everyday and I do not want birth defects to be part of my child's life. What astonished me most was the difficulty in finding someone to wean me off the medication. I even went to nutritionists. To date I have not found the type of doctor I am looking for. Unfortunately, they patted me on the back and said, I was very knowledgeable in this area and wished me good luck. So, I gradually weaned myself off the medication. At the same time my diet and lifestyle had changed for the better. I learned about yoga primarily to strengthen my bad back and neck, which were fatigued from my computer job. But in the process I discovered the great benefits in relaxation and deep breathing not only for epilepsy but also for the great demands that everyday life placed upon me. Yoga is something that has been solving many ailments for centuries. Soon afterwards, I bought a health food reference book entitled Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James F. Bach, MD. I started researching this area and I decided to follow the author's advice and take the nutritional and herb supplements recommended for epilepsy. This was an avenue that I had never encountered before and knew little about. I did not tell anyone what I was doing. I was afraid my family would think I couldn't take care of myself. I also began keeping a journal which was very helpful. I could not find a particular diet to follow. I called several hospitals and medical companies searching endlessly with no answer. Everywhere I tried was a dead end, but I guess this was a blessing in disguise. My main concern was trying to figure out what it was that I could do to make me seizure-free without medication. I was given an article from the New York Times about a television movie on epilepsy. The movie, “First Do No Harm,” was directed and produced by James Abrahams and starred Meryl Streep. The film re-created Abrahams' experiences with his own son, who has epilepsy. Abrahams says, “The movie is really about more than just an obscure treatment for epilepsy that almost disappeared. It's about how the medical destiny of each of us and our children is largely up to us.” Forced to utilize fat for fuel instead of sugar, the body produces byproducts called ketones. In the process, these ketones are produced and enter the blood. Fasting and ketosis has been recognized since Biblical times as beneficial for seizure control. Developed in the 1920's, by Dr. Wilder, the treatment uses fats as the main source of nourishment instead of carbohydrates or protein. After they are absorbed into the brain, ketones act as a sedative, lessening the severity of seizures or completely stopping them. The diet was soon buried after only 20 years of being used. In the 1940's and 1950's drug companies created several new “wonder drugs.” These drugs made millions in

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



profits, so doctors stopped using the diet, because to them it seemed easier to give medications than to control a child's diet carefully. I soon contacted the Johns Hopkins Hospital in search of the diet. I was told that the diet was very high in fat content and was not recommended for people above the age of 18 years of age because they have not used it on adults. Why had I never heard of such a diet or even been offered any type of information about this diet when I was younger? Could this diet have changed my life? I highly agree with Mr. Abrahams who asks “why are we still making thousands of children suffer by having their minds altered by drugs, or sliced open in surgery, rather than simply altering their food intake?” It is well known that after a few years of being on this high fat diet, most people walk away from ever having epilepsy again. I had come so far and now I was not giving up on a non-medication treatment for myself. I did not give up - I knew that there was gold at the end of this rainbow. Once my initial doubts were put aside, I grew more confident that the methods of self-care that I had stumbled upon could indeed be the solution. The more I talked with people about nutrition, the more I heard about a few gurus in the health nutrition field. The one located in New York City was Robert C. Atkins, MD, who had written a few books on the subject. I came across one book entitled How Complementary Medicine Can Extend Your Life. Of course the first thing that I looked up was epilepsy, and this is where I found information about using an amino acid called taurine. Amino acids are the so-called “building blocks” of a protein. There it was in black and white, and not one doctor had ever mentioned such an alternative. High concentrations of taurine are found in heart muscle, white blood cells, skeletal muscle, and the central nervous system. Epilepsy and poor brain function are related to a taurine deficiency. The clinical use for taurine in the treatment of epilepsy was done by Dr. J. Mantovani and reported in a journal article “Effects of Taurine on Seizures and Growth Hormone Release in Epileptic Patients” located in Archives of Neurology 35-1979. I take 3,000 mg daily, 1,000 mg at each of my main meals. I replaced the medication with the taurine with trial and error. I have been able to test the effects of taurine on myself. Recently I forgot to take my nutritional supplement as I soon realized. The taurine had worn off and I had what I call a “staring spell.” I was frozen for about thirty seconds and could not speak. What I have come to call my “experimental education through epilepsy” led me to this one amino acid that has changed my life forever. The taurine seems to have the effect of wearing off if not replaced in the bloodstream within a certain time period. I am now so interested in this field I am working on a PhD in alternative medicine. I hope people will take to heart the importance of alternative methods and well-being to live a healthier and longer life. Correspondence: Celia Cantone 36 Bay Bridge Parkway Brooklyn, New York 11209 USA 718-680-8831 Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


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