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Prof. Dr. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely


Prof. Dr. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely



Simple, natural nutrition in moderation is a saving of time. money and strength. It increases bodily and psychic energy and strengthens resistance to disease.— Cornaro. Air is the moat important nutriment—Hippocrates. Sunshine is the best remedy—Pliniua. Water cures every illness—Epicurus. Vitality and beauty are gift* of nature for those who live according to its laws—Leonardo Da Vinci. Health and Happiness are the Measure of all things—Epicures. Happiness is not easily found. It is difficult enough to find it in ourselves and impossible to find it elsewhere—Chamfort. Everyone must begin with himself in order to create his own happiness.

Undoubtedly in this manner the happiness of mankind will finally be realised—Goethe. Evil exists not: Only the past. The past is past. The present is a moment. The future is all! —Zoroaster

Books by Professor Dr. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely Published by the ESSENE SCHOOL OF LIFE P.O. Box 293 Tecate, California 1943 Copyright 1943 by Prof. Dr. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely Printed in United States of America-All Rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted without his written permission.

THE ESSENE SCHOOL OF LIFE A Universal, Liberal, Humanitarian, Educational Center for the omnilateral study and optimal application of all the values of Human Culture Purpose: The Omnilaterial Realization of the Optimal Forma of Life. Method: The Dialectical Method of Thinking. Textbooks and Manuals: The Totality of the Masterworka of All Ages. Languages: Sanscrit, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Chinese; French, German, English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Esperanto, etc. Teachers of All Branches of Human Knowledge Professors of Philosophy: Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristoteies, Descartes, Spinoza,' Leibnix, Hume, Kant, Comte, Spencer, etc. Professors of Religion: Zoroaster, Moses, Confucius, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, etc. Professors of Natural Science: Euclides, Copernicus, Galilei, Newton, Darwin, etc Professors of Literature: Homer, Dante, Goethe, Shakespeare, Voltaire, Tolstoy, Dostoiewsky, etc. Professors of Music: Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, Debussy, Tschaikowsky, etc; ;. Professors of Arts: Praxiteles, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michael Angelo, Rembrandt, Rodin, etc. Professors of Health and Hygiene: Hippocrates, Kneipp, Kuhne, Bircher Banner, etc. Professors of Dialectics: Heraclitus, Fuerbach, Marx, Engels, etc Librarian: Prof. Dr. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. Students: Belong to all the countries, races and religions of the world. Requirements for Admission: To be a Sincere Seeker of Truth without any prejudices. Examination Committee: Your own Conscience. Obtainable Degrees: Health, Happiness, Wisdom, Love, Power, etc Tuition Fee: Perseverance and Time. Student's Workbooks: The Publications of the Essene School of Life. Student's College: Your Own Home. Information may be obtained from the Secretary of the Essene School of Life. P.O. Box 293, Tecate, Calif., U. S A.

BOOKS BY PROF. DR. EDMOND BORDEAUX 8ZEKELY Translated Into English Cosmos, Man and Society, London, 1936 and 1939. Cosmotherapy, Encyclopedia of Health, Happiness and Long Life, Los Angeles, 1938. Coamotherapy, a Guide to Treatment, London, 1937. Medicine Tomorrow, London, 1939. Sexual Harmony and the New Eugenics, London, 1939, Calif., 1941. The Gospel of Peace, London, 1938. Medicine and Dialectics, London, 1937. Cosmotberapy, Los Angeles, 1936 and 1938. Good Health, Miami, 1939. The Essene Gospel of John, California, 1938 and 1942. Therapeutics of Hasting, London, 1939, California, 1942. Dialectics as an Art of Discussion, London, 1939. The Future of Humanity, London, 1939, California, 1942. The Meaning of Christmas and Toga in the 10th Oratory, London, 1938, California, 1942. The Teaching of Buddha, London, 1938, California, 1942. The Living Jesus, London, 1938, California, 1939 and 1942. Diet Chart of Coemotherapy, London, 1939, California, 1941. Sleep and Education of the Will, London, 1939, California, 1942. Theory of Cosmotherapy—15 lessons—California, 1941. The Dialectical Method of Thinking, California, 1942. Essenes, by Josephns and His Contemporaries, Calif., 1942. Essene Science of Life (Food and Health), California, 1940-41. Beethoven, Prometheus of the Modern World, California, 1942. Mineral Therapy of Basic Biological Functions, California, 1942. Vitamin Therapy of Basic Biological Functions, California, 1942. The Biochemical Diet Book, California, 1942. Care of Constipation and Intestinal Toxemia, Calif, 1942. One Health Day a Week, California, 1942. Modern Man's Philosophy, California, 1943. The Origin of Christianity, California, 1943. The Natural and Cosmic Laws (Foundation of All Seiences). California, 1943. The Sevenfold Peace (Foundation of the Essene Teaching), California, 1943. Communion with the Natural Forces (Perfecting our Physical Senses), California, 1943. Communion with the Cosmic Forces (Perfecting our Spiritual Senses), California, 1942. The Teaching of Quetzalcoatl (Precortesian Synthesis of the Wisdom of the Americas), California, 1942. Natural Herb Therapeutics, California, 1943. Health, Youth and Longevity, California, 1943. Esperanto at a Glance, California, 1943. The author also has over twenty books not yet translated into English, published in French, Esperanto, Spanish, German. Rumanian, Hungarian, etc Copyright 1943 by Prof. Dr. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. Printed in United States of America—All Rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted without his written permission.

PREFACE TO THE MINERAL AND VITAMIN THERAPIES OF THE BASIC BIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS The two greatest discoveries in 20th century medicine are the importance and the multiple role of minerals and vitamins in the human body, as well as their pronounced influence on the basic biological functions of the human organism in health and disease. I am very often asked the question, "How is it that we didn't know about this vital role of vitamins and minerals before the 20th century?" There are two reasons. First, only in the 20th century did the science of biochemistry reach its full development and become the most important branch of medical science. Second, 90 per cent of the discoveries concerning vitamins and minerals were made during the last forty years. And it is not accidental that these vital biochemical discoveries were not made before. "Necessity is the mother of invention" and wherever the urgency for solution of a problem appears, the discovery of the means for the solution will always follow. "In the good old days" there was no need for knowledge concerning the minerals and vitamins simply because we didn't have mineral or vitamin deficiencies. The mineral and vitamin deficiency diseases are natural, direct consequences of the appearance and development of our present economical and technical system of production, transportation and distribution. Before the 19th and 20th centuries the means of transportation were primitive and difficult; mass production and distribution of foods were out of the question. In that age there was only a limited production for use. Every family and every little community produced as much as they were able to consume. Only people living around the larger cities were able to sell any surplus they accidentally produced. The enormous mineral richness of the virgin soil, combined with simple primitive agricultural methods, produced grains, vegetables, and fruits rich in mineral and vitamin content. The primitive methods of agriculture conserved the original richness of the soil, replenishing periodically the mineral supply by the application of manures and other simple fertilizers then in common use. The staple foods used in that age were not as numerous as now. They were often limited to a few cereals, milk, milk products, and some fruits and vegetables. But whatever they ate they had the fullest mineral and vitamin value. This is the reason why in that age man did not have the mineral and vitamin deficiency diseases which in our present age constitute the principal cause of the majority of ailments. Then appeared the numerous technical discoveries which heralded the beginning of our present economic system. It made possible the mass production and mass conservation of practically all the staple foods of humanity, as well as their transportation and world-wide distribution Production for use disappeared and production for profit became the predominant factor in modern food industries. The essence of home production of foods was quality; in mass production for profit the aim is quantity. The extensive exploitation of the soil through years and years has progressively exhausted the mineral richness

of the soil. Profit is in direct proportion with the quantity of the produced foods not with their mineral or vitamin values. The longer it is possible to preserve and conserve certain food substances, the more profitable is production, as consumption does not depend exclusively on seasonal needs. Little by little appeared a long series of chemical preservatives all of which serve the same purpose—to extend the longevity of the processed foods and to make possible their transportation and distribution to the farthest markets where the need for the various foods is the greatest and where competition in selling them is weakest. The international competition in the production and distribution of foods created the necessity to improve the taste of the different food products, even to the detriment of their nutritional value. As a direct consequence of the aforementioned economical and commercial factors, human nutrition has passed through a radical and all-sized change. All the simple, natural foods, rich in minerals and vitamins, characteristic of the previous centuries, progressively disappeared. New devitalized, processed and artificial food products, poor in minerals and vitamins, appeared and conquered Western civilization. The anarchy of the production of foods for profit became a collective menace to our greatest wealth—human health and vitality and all its biological values. Let us mention only a few examples to illustrate the classical proverb, "Difficile est satyram non scribere" (It is difficult not to write satirically). The bran of the cereals which represent the staple food of humanity contains approximately three-fifths of their mineral and vitamin values. However, more than 90 per cent of Western humanity eats nothing but cereal products of refined, white flours from which all the bran is removed. This three-fifths of the mineral value of the staple foods of humanity is used to produce all kinds of animal foods, in eloquent defiance to Protagoras' "Man is the measure of all things." It seems that we protect the health of. our animals better than our own. The majority of the mineral and vitamin values of sugar cane is in the molasses. Pursuant with the foregoing incongruity, nothing is more natural than to use it for the production of animal foods. While we are so intensely preoccupied in avoiding vital deficiencies in our animals, we are ourselves suffering from an endless number of mineral- and vitamin-deficiency diseases. The most disastrous condition in our basic biological functions is a deficiency of the most important minerals and vitamins. In the ultimate analysis, they determine and direct the assimilation and distribution of all food substances ingested by the organism. Minerals and vitamins represent the general staff of the army of the organism while the other food substances— starches, sugar, etc. —represent only the mass of soldiers. Our organism, lacking the important minerals and vitamins, is nothing but a defeated, disorganized army deserted by its general staff. During the past few decades, the various deficiency diseases have deteriorated the public health to such an enormous scale in the Western world (with the exception of a few Balkan and eastern countries where old primitive ways of production still survive), that the study of mineral. and vitamin deficiencies,

their influence on the basic biological functions of the organism and the practical application of the conclusions of these studies became imperative. The war has had a decisive influence in accelerating the tide. The statistics of the medical department of the Selective Service Board revealed such an. unbelievably disastrous picture of the biological condition of American youth (in early 1942 approximately one-half of the draft-age generation were found unfit for military service) that the government had to take immediate remedial measures. As a consequence of this radical intervention, the white bread became enriched with Vitamin B1; the canned milk became irradiated with Vitamin D; the production of demineralized foods decreased; and the production of mineral- and vitamin-rich foods not yet known or only occasionally used, such as soy beans, peanuts, whole-grain cereals, etc., appeared together with all kinds of mineral and vitamin supplements. They are now extensively used in the Army and by civilians. In many ways the reaction has been an extreme one. Minerals and vitamins have become the mode. Little by little the scientific requirements have taken on the purely commercial aspects of mass food production. As a consequence of an exaggerated advertising and publicity campaign of the various manufacturers, the public expects miracles through the use of mineral and vitamin supplements, and even neglects the use of mineral and vitamin-rich foods, expecting that these supplements may take care of everything and supply the entire requirements of all the minerals and vitamins. This is succinctly expressed in the following quotation (Pacific Rural Press, April 4, 1942): "People moan in their coffee cups about the 'good old days.' "Were they the 'good old days?' "There is the vivid memory of Mother, raiding the cow's bran for hot muffins, if the graham flour sack was empty. We thought they were grand doused with butter and dark, unrefined syrups. "But in town we admired the lightness and whiteness of the baker's bread, and Grandmother told breathlessly of the parties where the hostess served 'bread cut thin as lace.' "We have traveled a long distance. The white bread is whiter, and cut thinner. If we ask for whole wheat bread it is usually a synthetic brunette. The syrup is often a bleached huzzy. Oleo, refined out of soap fat materials, uses the rouge of printers' ink. "Along came the war. We found we had been too 'refined.' One-half of the supposed flower of our manhood, at the draft examination, is shown to have weaknesses and diseases connected with unbalanced diets. "Food scientists, summoned by the President, suggest a basic diet for civilians, and it is officially adopted for the Army and Navy. "Millers, with their refining and bleaching equipment, do not want to take the whole wheat road. So they fortify their white flour with synthetic vitamins. But it is not, the equal of whole wheat flour, and the campaign for it bogs down.

"Dr. McCollum, at Johns Hopkins University, summarizes the matter. There are at least 40 food principles in a grain of wheat. The miller takes out 30 of them, puts in synthetic substitutes for 3, leaving a deficiency of 27. "But Tfe still struggle to maintain our refined and synthetic adorned foods. "People eat polished rice, instead of brown rice, and buy bottles of Vitamin B made out of rice polish. Both gentlemen and ladies prefer blondes in sugar and syrups, despite the fact that they have had their vitamins and minerals largely refined out. "Fish liver oils have been added to oleo, but like flour, the doctored oleo does not contain some of the things found in butter. "People pay doctor bills to get inorganic iron. Organic iron is Nature's gift to you if you include dried fruits and other sources of iron in your balanced diet. "We pay vast sums for the beauty of medication and ministration and pass up the free bonus of the beauty of health to be found in balanced eating. "Some of us seek to recapture some of the 'good old days.' We get some wheat and an old coffee mill, for a bit of home milling, but the enthusiasm of the younger generation is something less than zero. "It would appear that the 'good old days' need a bit of glamorizing, advertising, publicizing. "Thoughtful people know that we are losing a war because of too much refinement; are losing health and real beauty; will be much safer in the future if we return to some of the simpler, more self-sufficient ways. "But most people want miracles. "Were they the 'good old days'?" "Will we have the 'good new days'?" While it is clear from the foreging conclusions that I do not want to underestimate the importance and value of the minerals and vitamins on the human metabolism, at the same time I must emphasize that the various mineral and vitamin products are supplements to and not substitutes for the mineral- and vitaminrich natural foods. As in everything else, we shall also in this respect follow the middle way of moderation and scientific judgment In my books published before the latest biochemical discoveries of minerals and vitamins, I always emphasized their importance and value, in spite of the general indifference predominating at that time. In the same way, I protest at present against all the exaggerations of the opposite extreme—against the claim that mineral and vitamin supplements are a substitute for natural, mineral-and vitamin-rich foods. Considering the present controversies about the role of minerals and vitamins in the basic biological functions, I give a summary of biochemical, economical, and practical correlations concerning their therapeutic and nutritional use. In the light of the latest discoveries in biochemistry, it is evident that the basic sources of disease are: (1) an inner deficiency in the organism or (2) an infection coming from the outside, or (3) a combination of both of these. If we consider that

the outcome of a disease depends on the changing, dynamic correlation of the two opposite fighting forces, the resistance of the organism and the intensity of infection, and if, in addition, we consider the determining role of mineral adequacy or deficiency in the strengthening or weakening of the basic biological functions of the organism, then it will be evident that the cure of a disease, as well as the maintenance of normal health, will depend more on the role of minerals and vitamins on the human metabolism than on anything else. The first and most important task in combating any disease is the strengthening of the basic biological functions of the organism. This is the best guarantee of successful resistance of the body against any disease. Consequently a methodical course of mineral and vitamin therapy, based on a well-balanced natural dietary and general bodily hygiene, is the best and simplest way of recovering lost health and of maintaining it once it is regained. An illustrations of the extremely important part played by minerals in the basic biological functions, we may mention the role of calcium and iron. But it must be understood that the other minerals are equally vital. Calcium determines the following important functions: the building of bones and teeth, the coagulation of the blood, the heart, nerve and muscle functions, etc. Iron. governs blood cell development, the formation of haemoglobin, oxygen transport, tissue respiration and normal complexion, etc. Other important minerals are: sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulphur, manganese, copper, chlorine and iodine. They play similarly important parts in the basic biological functions of the organism. . For city people unable to grow their own vegetables or buy properly grown vegetables and fruits, the solution is to supplement their daily foods with a quantity of pure, organic minerals in powder or tablet form, obtained by careful scientific methods of dehydration from selected vegetables and fruits of the first quality which have been grown on soil enriched by natural methods of fertilization. In this way, the mineral deficiencies in the daily foods are corrected, thereby complying with the basic mineral requirements of the organism. It is important to exercise care in the choice of the mineral supplement. It will be realized from what has already been said that the dehydrated vegetables or fruits will not be satisfactory unless they are grown on soil made rich in minerals by special methods. The plants must have been carefully selected; they must have been scientifically dehydrated and properly handled; or the compound may be useless or of almost no value due to mineral deficiencies in the plants used in its preparation. Too high or too low a temperature in the dehydration process can lead to undesirable chemical changes in the plant, while humidity or exposure to light can have harmful results. Thus not all the compounds in general use have the desired quality, either through lack of skill and knowledge of the producer, or because commercial practices have triumphed over science and common honesty. It is, therefore, important to verify the source of supply when such compounds are employed.

Organic mineral compounds and tablets taken to supplement mineral deficiencies in the diet must be carefully administered. They contain vitamins, some of which are soluble in fat, while others are soluble in water. Improper use may lead to a loss of as much as 50 to 80 per cent of their potential value. As the general public cannot be expected to know how to employ them to best effect, it is important that the supplements should be accompanied by precise and detailed instructions for their use. The substances with which they are compatible and incompatible should be indicated. The vague and merely quantitative instructions, which are all that is usually sent with such compounds at present, are insufficient. Attention to these small details may make all the difference between failure and success in the use of the valuable mineral supplement. Commercial exploitation of the soil reduces the period of growth of vegetables and fruits, uses one-sided, artificial methods of maintaining soil fertility, and seeks to produce vegetables and fruits of exaggerated size for motives of profit. In the United States these harmful practices, and many other manipulations inseparable from the commercial mass production of foods, result in deficiencies in the vast majority of fruits, vegetables, cereals, etc., in the most important minerals which govern the body's basic biological functions. As a direct consequence, an overwhelming majority of the people of the United States—the first country in the world to adopt mass production of commercial foods—are suffering from one or another of the diseases caused by mineral deficiencies. The best way to remedy this catastrophic situation is for the family to produce vegetables and fruits in a small garden, using natural methods of cultivation in a properly enriched soil. In all the agricultural countries of Europe each house is surrounded by a garden of no great size in which all the most necessary fruits and vegetables are produced for the family's own use. Of course, this is not possible in modern cities with high-speed working conditions and lack of space for soil cultivation. It is only possible in the country or suburban areas. As Director of the "Hygiene-Nutritional Service" of the First Christians' (Essene) Church, I receive hundreds of letters each month from our members asking me to help in the solution of their different problems concerning mineral and vitamin deficiencies. According to my experience, the great majority of their troubles are related to mineral and vitamin deficiencies or protein deficiencies. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the average man, without the knowledge of biochemical science, and fighting these problems, with a precise and practical solution. It is evident that the general solution can only be achieved by a radical transformation of the whole system of food production and distribution. This could be realized only in a collective way, through government leadership. It will come about in the future, little by little. As an immediate individual solution for people living in the country, there is the home production of mineral- and vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits on richly remineralized soil, based on the following principles: (1) Using only organic fertilizers in gardens and farms; (2) Erecting satisfactory compost heaps on every' farm and in every

garden; (3) Utilizing all refuse, garbage, leaves, grass clippings, etc., for making organic fertilizers; (4) Discontinuing the burning of farm and garden waste materials such as weeds, straw, etc.; (5) Eliminating insects and pests by preventing them from building their protective coverings, and finally, (6) Forbidding the use of all types of poison sprays and washes. These practices we shall consider as the best immediate practicable solution for those living in the country. Finally, as the best immediate individual solution for those working and living in the city, we suggest the use of mineral and vitamin supplements daily, as an addition to and safety factor in their foods to prevent and remedy mineral and vitamin deficiencies until the future remineralization of their home gardens and the home production of a minimum of the most valuable vegetables rich in minerals and vitamins will be realized. Hence the purpose of this book—to make it possible for the student, the medical practitioner and the layman to know the role, importance and value of all the minerals and vitamins in health and disease from every practical viewpoint. The author will be pleased to give, complimentarily, all the information required by those who may not find in this book the concrete answer to their specific problems. The material for this book has been selected from my numerous lectures on these subjects and should be considered as in notebook form. EDMOND BORDEAUX SZEKBLY. Tecate, Baja California May 1, 1943

BIOCHEMISTRY SERIES Mineral Therapy—Vitamin Therapy—Herb Therapy The purpose of the above books is, firstly: to make known to the medical practitioner, the dietician and the student the role, importance and value of all Minerals, Vitamins and Herbs in health and disease, from every practical viewpoint, and secondly: to explain to the layman the basic correlations of Anatomy, Physiology and the Biological Functions and to afford him a simple and methodical course of mineral, vitamin and herb therapy as the best way of recovering lost health and maintaining it, once regained. MINERAL THERAPY OF THE BASIC BIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS $3.00 VITAMIN THERAPY OF THE BASIC BIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS $2.00 NATURAL HERB THERAPEUTICS


MINERAL THERAPY OF THE BASIC BIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS CONTENTS Preface 7 PART I—The Anatomical Foundation of ike Basic Biological Functions 18 General Introduction 18 The basic anatomical correlations of the skin 18 The bade anatomical correlations of the skeleton 19 The anatomical correlations of the muscular system 26 The anatomical correlations of the heart and blood vessels 80 The anatomical correlations of the respiratory system 35 The anatomical correlations of the digestive system 37 The anatomical correlations of the urinary apparatus 40 The anatomical correlations of the female reproductive organs 41 The anatomical correlations of the male reproductive organs 44 The anatomical correlations of the nervous system 46 The anatomical correlations of the organs of the senses 49 PART II—The Role of Minerals in the Basic Biological Functions of the Human Organism 53 Calcium 53 Role of calcium Positive biological function Calcium deficiency symptoms Best sources of calcium Phosphorus 57 Role of phosphorus Positive biological functions Phosphorus deficiency symptoms Best sources of phosphorus

Iron 60 Role of iron Positive biological functions Iron deficiency symptoms Best sources of iron Copper 63 Role of copper Positive biological functions Copper deficiency symptoms Best sources of copper Iodine 64 Role of iodine Positive biological functions Iodine deficiency symptoms Best sources of iodine Potassium 66 Role of potassium Positive biological function* Potassium deficiency symptom* Best sources of potassium Sodium 68 Role of sodium Positive biological functions Sodium deficiency symptoms Best sources of sodium Magnesium 69 Role of manganese Positive biological functions Manganese deficiency symptoms Best sources of magnesium Sulphur 70 Role of sulphur Positive biological functions Sulphur deficiency symptoms Best sources of sulphur Manganese 72 Role of mangenese Positive biological functions Mangenese deficiency symptoms Best sources of manganese Chlorine 73 Role of chlorine Positive biological functions Chlorine deficiency symptoms Best sources of chlorine Silicon74 Best sources of silicon Bets sources of silicon Cobalt 75 Bole of cobalt Positive biological functions Cobalt deficiency symptoms

Zinc 75 Role of zinc Positive biological functions Zinc deficiency symptoms Trace Minerals 76 Aluminum Tin Arsenic Bromide Nickel Lithium and Rubidium Silver Mercury PART III—The Organic Minerals Recommended for the Basic Biological Functions 78 Alphabetical order of functions and minerals. PART IV—The Organic Minerals Recommended for the Basic Deficiency Symptoms 81 Alphabetical order of functions and minerals. PART V—Inorganic Mineral Therapy of the Basic Biological Functions 84 The chemistry of the human body The biochemistry of the human body PART VI—Correlations between the Inorganic MineralSalts and the Basic Biological Functions 91 Ferrum Phosphoricum 91 Magnesia Phosphorica 92 Kali Phosphoricnm 92 Calearea Phosphorica 93 Natrium Muriaticum 93 Kali Muriaticum 94 Calcarea Fluorica 94 Natrium Phosphoricum 94 Natrium Sulphuricum 95 Kali Sulphuricum 95 Silicea 96 PART VII—Materia Medica Inorganica with Alphabetical Index of Diseases 97 Calcium Phosphate 97 Calcium Sulphate 98 Calcium Fluoride 99 Ferric Phosphate 100 Potassium Chloride 101 Potassium Phosphate 103 Potassium Sulphate 105 Magnesium Phosphate 106 Sodium Chloride 108 Sodium Phosphate 109 Sodium Sulphate 110 Silica 111 PART VIII—General Instructions 113 The dose Time Alternation External application Materia Medica Inorganica

PART IX—Best Sources of Chemical Compounds 114 VITAMIN THERAPY OF THE BASIC BIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS CONTENTS Preface PART I—The Basic Biological Functions of the Human Organism Correlations of the Different Systems of the Human Body and of the Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms Method of study Plan of this chapter Experimental proof of the correlative vital activity of the human organism Correlation of the expenditures and receipts of the body Vitamin deficiency symptoms of the gastrointestinal system Balance of the correlative receipts and losses Vitamin deficiency symptoms and body weight. Correlations between work and wear Correlative structure of the body, head, trunk and limbs Vitamin deficiency symptoms of the head, face and extremities Correlations of the vertebrae and the spinal cord Vitamin deficiency symptoms of the urinary and reproductive systems Double correlation of the human body . Correlation of the tissues and envelopes (skin) Vitamin deficiency symptoms of the skin Correlative tissues Vitamin deficiency symptoms of growth and resistance Correlation of the muscles Vitamin deficiency symptoms and strength Correlation of the skeleton Vitamin deficiency symptoms of the bones and joints The upright position is the result of several correlative actions Correlation of the will with muscular action Correlative transformation of impressions into movement Vitamin deficiency symptoms of the neuromuscular system Correlations of the special senses Vitamin deficiency symptoms of the eyes, earn and nose Correlative renewal of the tissues Correlation of the alimentary apparatus Vitamin deficiency symptoms of the throat, mouth, gums, teeth, tongue and lips Correlations of the organs of circulation Vitamin deficiency symptoms of the cardiovascular system Distribution of nutrition Vitamin deficiency symptoms and the biochemistry of the blood Double correlative functions of the lungs Correlations of the Exeretory Organs Vitamin deficiency symptoms of the respiratory system Correlations of the nervous system

Vitamin deficiency symptoms and the functions of the nervous system Correlations of life and death Correlations of permanent elimination and building Correlations of General Death Correlations of types of death Correlations of decomposition and diffusion PART II—The Correlations of the Anatomical and Physiologtcal Elements of the Body Average weight Correlation of digestion Correlations of circulation Correlations of respiration Correlations of cutaneous excretion Correlations of renal excretion Correlations of nervous action Histological correlations Conditions contributing to vitamin deficiencies PART III—The Role of Vitamins in the Basic Biological Functions of the Human Organism Vitamin A (Anti-Xerophthalmic) Role of Vitamin A Positive biological functions Vitamin A deficiency symptoms—mild Vitamin A deficiency symptoms—extreme Best source of Vitamin A Vitamin B1 (Anti-Neuritic) Thiamin Role of Vitamin B1 Positive biological functions Vitamin B1 deficiency symptoms—mild Vitamin B1 deficiency symptoms—extreme Best sources of Vitamin B1 Vitamin C (Anti-Scorbutic) Role of Vitamin C Positive biological functions Vitamin C deficiency symptoms—mild Vitamin C deficiency symptoms—extreme Best sources of Vitamin C Vitamin D (Anti-Rachitic) Role of Vitamin D Positive biological functions Vitamin D deficiency symptoms—mild Vitamin D deficiency symptoms—extreme Vitamin B2 (G) Riboflavin Role of Vitamin B2 Positive biological functions Vitamin B2 deficiency symptoms—mild Vitamin B2 deficiency symptoms—extreme Vitamin E (Anti-Sterility) Role of Vitamin E Positive biological functions Vitamin E deficiency symptoms—mild Vitamin E deficiency symptoms—extreme

Anti Pellagra Vitamin—Nicotinic Acid Role of Nicotinie Acid Positive biological functions Nicotinic acid deficiency symptoms—mild Niootiaic acid deficiency symptoms—extreme PART IV—The Vitamins Recommended for the Basic Biological Functions Alphabetical order of basic biological functions and vitamins PART 'V—The Vitamins Recommended for the Basic Deficiency Symptoms Alphabetical order of deficiency symptoms and vitamins PART VI—Glossary of' the Biochemical Terms used in this Volume Alphabetical order of terms


Introduction PART I—Symptoms and Diseases with Self-diagnostic Charts Front view of male body and its symptomatologic areas Back view of male body and its symptomatologic areas Front view of female body and its symptomatologic areas Back view of female body and its symptomatologic areas PART II—Diseases and Remedies Diseases of the heart and arteries Diseases of the stomach Diseases of the intestine Diseases of the liver and pancreas Diseases of the kidney Diseases of the lungs, pleura and bronchial tubes Rheumatic and arthritic diseases Metabolic diseases Nervous diseases Contagious and Infectious diseases Diseases of the skin Diseases of the mouth Diseases of the ear Diseases of the eye Diseases of the rectum Diseases of women Urogenitary diseases Miscellaneous diseases PART III—How to Preserve Herbs Roots Barks Berries and fruits Seeds and flowers Medicinal herbs PART IV—How to Prepare Herbs for Use Affusions Tinctures Essences Infusions or teas Decoction PART V—Materia Medica Botanica Alphabetical order of natural medicinal plants with indication of their medicinal properties, predominant reagents—minimal and maximal individual doses. Agrimony, Aloes, Angelica, Asarabacca, Ash, Asparagus; Balm Mint, Beaberry, Betony, Bilberry, Bitter-Sweet, Blackberry, Boybean, Borage, Buckthorn; Burdock, Burnet; Cardamon, Casearilla, Celandine, Centaury, Chamomille, Cherry, Chicory, Chinese Cinnamon, Cloves, Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Condurango, Coriander, Couch-Grass; Dandelion, Dog-Rose, Dyers Greenweed; Elder, Dwarf Elder, Elecampane, Eucalyptus, Eyebright; Fennel, Fenugreek, Flax; Gentian, Ginger, Goldenrod, Ground Ivy; Hedge-Hyssop, Helebore, Black - Hemlock, Water - Hemlock, Hemp-Nettle, Hoarhound, Hops, Horsetail, Hyssop; Iceland Moss;

Juniper; Kamila, Knotgrass; Laurel, Lavender, Lignum Vitae, Lime Tree, Licorice, Liverworst, Lobelia, Lovage, Lungwart; Mallow, Marigold, Marshmallow, May-Apple, Melilot, Mezereum, Milfoil, Mistletoe, Mountain Tobacco, MouseEar Hawkweed, Mugwort, Mullein, Mush-Root, Myrrh Gum; Nettle, Nutmeg Flower; Oak Bark, Orris; Pansy, Parsley, Pellitory, Peony, Peppermint, Pimpernel, Pomegranate, Poplar Black Buds, Poppy, Primrose; Quassia; Ratany, Rest-Harrow, Rhubarb, Ribwort, Rose, Rosemary, Rue; Sage, St. John's Wort, Salep Root, Sanicle, Sarsaparilla, Sassafras, Savory, Saxifrage, Scurvy Grass, Senega Boot, Senna, Shepherd's Purse, Silverweed, Simaruba, Soapwort, Speedwell, Star Anise, Strawberry Leaves, Sundew, Sweet Flag; Tamarind, Tansy, Thyme, Tormentil, Turmeric, Turpeth; Valerian, Verbena, Violet; Walnut, Watercress, Watermint, Willow, Woodruff, Wormwood; Zedoary. PART VI—The Principal Minerals and the Medicinal Plants Containing Them Calcium Phosphorus Iron Copper Potassium Sodium Magnesium Sulphur Silicon Chlorine Iodine PART VII—How to Equip a Basic Pharmacy of Natural Herbs Tinctures or extracts Teas Powders Oils PART VIII—Contents of a Small Household Medicine Chest Tinctures Teas

Powders Oils PART IX—Readily available kitchen remedies for first aid Bread Flour or Starch Honey Lemon '■ Milk Mustard Potato Salad Oil

Thyme Vinegar Water (Cold) Water (Hot) Water (Warm) Wine PART X—Glossary of the Botanical and Pharmaceutical Terms Used in this Volume APPENDIX Basic Hydrotherapy and its Principal Applications to Improve the Basic Biological Functions of the Organism Cold Pack Hot Pack Wet Girdle Cold-Compress Hot Compress Head Bath Cold Foot-Bath Hot Foot-Bath Salt Foot-Bath Sitting Bath. Rubbing Sheet Shower Bath Plunge Bath

THE 12 RULES OF THE HYGIENE OF THE BODY AND MIND (Air, Water, Sun, Exercises, Respiration, Altruism, Culture Harmony) 1. Spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. 2. Always take a cold or lukewarm shower in the morning when you wake and in the evening: before you go to bed. 3. Devote one half-day a week to alternate sunbaths and waterbaths (swimming? where possible.) 4. Go for 30-50 minutes walk in the fresh air after lunch and supper every day breathing deeply and rhythmically. 5. Do some simple physical culture exercises for 10-15 minutes every morning on rising. 6. Always sleep in a cool, airy and quiet place. 7. Follow the middle path of, moderation and naturalness in all things, particularly in food, rest, work, recreation and sleep. 8. Beware of psychic toxins (inharmonious thoughts and feelings) even more than of chemical poisons. Be an optimist and have confidence in yourself, in human progress and in the forces of nature. 9. Be a sincere altruist, love and help others. Appreciate people's good qualities and forgive their bad ones. 10. Enjoy the beauties of nature and the masterpieces of literature, the arts and philosophy. 11. Study and observe the natural and cosmic laws and live in complete harmony with the natural and cosmic forces. 12. Do everything possible to propagate cosmotherapy, and spread the knowledge of. the contents of this booklet in order to lessen the suffering and chaos around you.

COSMOTHERAPY, THE ESSENE SCIENCE OF LIFE Cosmotherapy is a system of medicine based on the best application of all the cosmic and natural forces to the human organism in health and sickness. It forms, part of a wider system of therapeutics—paneutherapy—which is the application of all the forces of nature and all the true cultural values of society in such a way as to harmonise all these healing factors with the whole structure and function of the individual. It aims at creating the best possible environment for the patient during the period of cure from every viewpoint. It achieves this by controlling everything that enters the organism or consciousness of the individual undergoing treatment. And it keeps a careful watch on all the various manifestations, both physical and psychic, leaving the same organism during that period. The purpose of this technique is to enable the patient to take advantage of every source of knowledge, energy and harmony available, and avoid all inharmonious and harmful influences. He is thus enabled to acquire individual harmony and retain it after the period of cure during the rest of his life. These sources of harmony consist of every manifestation of the natural forces (air, sun, water, food, etc.) and all the higher cultural values (masterpieces of universal literature, philosophy, music, etc.), based on the understanding and practice of the natural and cosmic laws as manifested in the individual and in society.

These various therapeutic agencies therefore lead the patient to a general reform of his life and enable him to achieve the best forms of individual and social life in harmony with his natural and cosmic environment. Medicine thus becomes a new science, "'paneubiotics," the science of "all-good-life." The principle is seeking the optimum in every field. The practitioner of the new medicine will have to possess simultaneous knowledge of the natural and social sciences, of literature, philosophy and the arts, so as to be able to put every source of harmony at the disposal of his patients in the course of their treatment. THE BASIS OF COSMOTHERAPY. THE DYNAMIC UNITY OF MAN, COSMOS AND THERAPIES. Man Cosmos Therapies 1. Bones. Earth. Geotherapy (mineral therapy, clay and mud applications). 2. Blood. Water. Hydrotherapy (external: water baths; internal: juice drinking). 3. Skin and lungs. Air. Aerotherapy (air baths, rhythmic breathing). 4. Nerves. Sun. Heliotherapy (sun baths). 5. Muscles. Vegetation. Nutrotherapy (diet). 6. Movement. Movement. Dynamotherapy (physical culture, exercises). 7. Cell. Atom. Cellulotherapy (fasting). The bones in the human organism represent the solid element in the same way that the lithosphere (earth) represents it in nature; besides, our bones are constructed with the inorganic minerals of the earth which enter our organism in organic combinations through the assimilation of fruits and vegetables. The circulation of the blood in the human organism has the same role and function as the circulation of water in nature; it cleanses, dissolves, eliminates. Respiration by the skin and lungs has the same role and function in the organism as the circulation of air in nature. It refreshes and everywhere distributes the oxygen necessary for life. The nerves have the same role and function in the organism as the solar rays in nature; without the sun's rays terrestrial nature, and, without the nerve vibrations the human organism would be dead. The muscles in the organism unite the bones, blood, skin, lungs, and nerves just as the vegetation in nature unites the earth, water, air, and sunshine. Movement has the same role in the human organism as in nature. It creates changes and connects every part is dynamic unity. The cell is the last unity in the human organism just as the atom is in nature; they both have the same function— they sustain the reciprocal transformation of the various energies. There is a single disease—inharmony, whose symptoms are variously manifested, depending on the extent and mode in which natural law has been violated. This is the law of disease.

There is a single health-harmony, which is manifested in permanent evolution towards perfection, in proportion as we are able to create and utilize the preconditions of existence in harmony with the laws of nature. Illnesses are produced by struggle between the natural vitality of the human organism and inferior, degenerating processes. The symptoms of disease are without exception the result of this battle going on in our organism. Man is a microcosm in the macrocosm. He lives in a field of permanently varying forces; his health is harmony with the surrounding cosmic and natural forces—his disease, physical or mental, is disharmony with them. Cosmotherapy is the science of re-establishing the disturbed harmony between man and the natural and cosmic forces. It is at once the most ancient and most modern system of healing, practised by the greatest Masters of all ages: Sumerians—Zoroaster—Buddha—Yoga Systems— Kung-Fu-Tse—-Lao-Tse—The Egyptian and Greek Therapeutae—The Pythagoreans—Hippocrates—The Essenes— Medieval and Modern Natural Therapeutics—etc., constantly verified by modern natural research and discovery. It is with the purpose of spreading the knowledge of the Essene Teaching in general, and Cosmotherapy in particular that, the Essene School of Life presents this list of its publications, as a contribution to the Essene ideal of omnilateral realization of the optimal forms of Life. Edmond Bordeaux Szckely, President, Essene School of Life.

THE ESSENE SCHOOL OF LIFE The satisfactory progress of this venture has now reached the stage where the ever-growing numbers of its friends, adherents and correspondents have established the pre-conditions for the greater dissemination of the Essene teachings and principles. Hitherto, the School has deemed it ethically imperative to operate entirely upon its own resources; a decision that has necessarily limited the scope of its services. Now that the spadework has been completed by its founders and it can offer concrete advantages to members, such membership is invited, so that well-wishers and beneficiaries may take active part in its educational work. By extending its services to their acquaintances and creating an ever-widening mutually beneficient cycle, members will increase the scope of services available to themselves. Because the School will no longer expend all its own funds on purely administrational expenses, many more people needy of its advice and assistance will be able to receive them. Thus will be erected a stable foundation for its future operations, on the basis of Natural and Cosmic Law—ever perfecting and being perfected. The School is not desirous of setting up a rigid institution governed by dogmatic regulations, but rather an untrammelled, non-restrictive association whereby full opportunity can be given for the free interchange of knowledge and ideas, leading to the steady evolution of an expanding body of intelligent, wellinformed and altruistic people, periodically appointing and amending its own rules of conduct and progressively more fitted by practice and study to afford free instruction and assistance in the art of living to their fellow-men. Should the number of members reach a figure where such action becomes practical, the School intends to inaugurate a University Section, affiliated with its collaborators overseas, wherein students may obtain instruction in all Essene teachings, agricultural, therapeutical and cultural, and take degrees of graduation. The membership fee has been computed from experience, based upon the net administrative cost per correspondent (stenography, stationery, postage, etc.). In accordance with Essene principles no other charge is made. In furtherance of these principles it is dearly affirmed that no person requiring and requesting the School's aid shall be deprived of same because of financial stringency and that wherever necessary the School shall provide its services free of charge. As always, creative altruism will remain the keynote of all its activities. EDMOND BORDEAUX SZEKELY.

MEMBERSHIP RULES 1 Membership shall be open to all persons, of any race, creed or nation, who uphold the Essene ideals of the Fatherhood of God, the Motherhood of Nature and the Brotherhood of Man, based on creative altruism and scientific knowledge of the Natural and Cosmic Forces. II Members shall have free access to the School's educational service (lectures, correspondence courses, etc.) and Professor Szekely's personal guidance in their chosen studies. Members shall receive information periodically from the School's Secretary regarding its activities and functions. III Members shall receive a reduction of ten per cent (10%) on the prices of all current issues of the School's publications and a pre-publication discount of twenty-five per cent (25%) on all advance purchases of items listed for future publication, provided that, in the latter case, a complete series is ordered. IV Besides all other benefits members shall, for one year, be entitled to a special discount of 75% on the listed price of Professor Szekely's bi-monthly personal letter courses on Essene Life and Traditions. V Non-members may buy the School's current publications at list figures and receive a pre-publication discount of fifteen per cent (15%) on all advance purchases of complete series. VI The membership fee shall be one dollar ($1.00) per month, payable: in advance, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. VII The School shall always be free to maintain Essene principles by giving its services without charge to any person, member or non-member, whenever it considers such action necessary. NOTICE TO MEMBERS All correspondence in connection with publication and educational matters must be addressed to the Secretary, Essene School of Life, P. O. Box 293, Tecate California, U. S. A.


I. PUBLICATIONS PREVIOUS TO SUMMER, 1943 COSMOTHERAPY, COSMO VITALISM, ESSENE SCIENCE OF LIFE SERIES. Guide to Health, Life and Wisdom Health, Youth and Longevity Cosmotherapy, the Medicine of the Future The Therapeutics of Fasting The Diet Chart of Cosmotherapy

10c 50c $5.00 75c 50c

MODERN MAN'S PHILOSOPHY SERIES. Modern Man's Philosophy—Volumes I and II Origin of Christianity—Volumes I and II Sexual Harmony and the New Eugenics The Dialectical Method of Thinking Esperanto World Language at a Glance. Wall Chart. Single Copy, 10c; Dozen

$3.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 $1.00

GREAT TEACHINGS OF HUMANITY. The Living Jesus The Teaching of Buddha Zoroaster, the Master of Life The Essenes, by Josephus and His Contemporaries The Future of Humanity The Meaning of Christmas. Yoga in the Twentieth Century Will-Power, the Creator of Happiness. Sleep, a Source of Harmony Beethoven, Prometheus of the Modern World The Essene Gospel of John

50c 50c 50c 50c 50c 50c 50c 50c $1.00

BIOCHEMISTRY SERIES. Introduction to the Mineral, Vitamin and Herb Therapies Mineral Therapy of the Basic Biological Functions Vitamin Therapy of the Basic Biological Functions Natural Herb Therapeutics

25c $3.00 $2.00 $2.00

CORRESPONDENCE COURSE OF THE. ESSENE SCHOOL OF LIFE. The Theory of Cosmotherapy. Fifteen Booklets.. The Diet of Cosmotherapy. Fifteen Booklets Introduction to the Essene Teachings. Ten Booklets Creative Simplicity

$3.75 $3.75 $2.50 25c

II. SUMMER PUBLICATIONS—1943. ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ANCIENT ESOTERIC CULTURES. The Essene Sanctuary at the Dead Sea The Sanctuary of Quetzalcoatl at Teotihuacan.

$5.00 $5.00

III. PUBLICATIONS—1943-1944. FOOD, HEALTH, HYGIENE AND GARDENING. The Biochemical Health Garden The Biochemical Diet Book The Cure of Constipation and Intestinal Toxaemia One Health Day a Week

$2.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.00

ESSENE LIFE AND TEACHING. The Natural and Cosmic Laws The Sevenfold Peace Communions With the Angels of the Earthly Mother Communions With the Angels of the Heavenly Father The Soul of Mexico.

$2.50 2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $3.00

CORRESPONDENCE COURSE IN DIETETICS. Textbook and Professional Course in General and Applied Dietetics $15.00 (50 lessons and complete correspondence course.) ALL PREVIOUS PUBLICATION LISTS ARE HEREBY CANCELLED.



Introduction to Cosmotherapy, the Essene Science of Life. Food—Water—Air—Sunshine—Dietetics—Bathing— Breathing—Exercise—Perfection of our Physical and Spiritual Senses. An original compendium of what is at once the most ancient and most modern health system of Humanity. Concise in style; up-to-date with the latest discoveries in biochemistry.

COSMOTHERAPY, THE MEDICINE OF THE FUTURE. .$5.00 Encyclopaedia of Health, Happiness and Long Life. Bound in Linen, over 600 pages and 100 charts. A series of Lectures by Prof. Dr. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely to the Student Body of the International University of Cosmic and Vital Sciences, during its sessions, 1935-6. Origin of the Earth—Constitution of Matter—Origin of Life — Origin of Man — Evolution of Human Thought—Dialectics — Paneubiotics—Cosmic Spheres in Space—Rhythmic Cycles of the Cosmos—Man, Nature and Cosmos— Dietetics—Hydrotherapy—Heliotherapy—Physical Culture—Technique of Psychovital-ity—Terrestrial and Cosmic Life—Harmony with the Natural and Cosmic Forces—Society, Culture, Ethics and Religion based on

Cosmovitality—Sexual Education—Sexual Hygiene— Sexual Harmony.

SOME PRESS OPINIONS FROM ENGLAND "Cosmotherapy, The Medicine of the Future" is the achievement of a man who has the double advantage of extensive learning in every field—experience of all conditions of life on his scientific and healing expeditions; besides these qualifications of the author, his intellectual greatness, sincerity, and inspiring enthusiasm can be felt everywhere in the book. His book considers every field of human knowledge and presents the first complete synthesis that closely relates each part of life into a harmonious and intelligent whole, extending from the early history of man to modern cosmic science and including in its scope all human culture. Its aim is to teach and and make known the science of "PANEUBIOTICS", which shows the way to realise the best forms of all human activities, the whole of human happiness." "It is the most complete treatise on natural healing ever written and makes use of every known treatment." —Health and Life. London. "His book would tower like a giant above all other 'health literature'." "No more massive, profound or far reaching work on health and life has ever been published."— Dion Byng-ham. London



A practical guide for all those who want to profit by this most ancient therapy of Humanity, and avoid the common errors in its application. When and how to Fast—The use of Colonic Irrigation — When and how to end a Fast—What to eat before and after a Fast—Drinking water—Long fasts—Fasting and longevity.



Wall Chart—12"x22"—printed on both sides. Natural Food Encyclopaedia at a glance. The Optimal Dietetic Utilization of all Biochemical Properties. Protein—Fat—Carbohydrates—Water; Vitamins A. B. C, D, G and Minerals; Calcium — Phosphorus—Iron—Potassium — Sodium — Manganese—Sulphur—Silicon—Chlorines—Fluorine. Two hundred health-giving foods, in relation to the proportions of elements of the Human Organism, with their qualitative and quantitative degrees of alkalinity and acidity.

PROFESSOR SZEKELY'S BI-MONTHLY PERSONAL LETTER COURSES. Initiation into the Essene Life and Traditions is given in three four-monthly courses of eight letters each. Because of the inter-dependence of their correlative material the three courses should be taken in their entirety as study of one without the other will result in incomplete and therefore faulty knowledge. Course 1. THE SEVENFOLD PEACE $4.00 The greatest synthesis of human knowledge on Life and Wisdom. Course 2. COMMUNIONS WITH THE ANGELS OF THE EARTHLY MOTHER $4.00 Course 3. COMMUNIONS WITH THE ANGELS OF THE HEAVENLY FATHER $4.00 The Holy Communions with the Angels held by the Patriarchs, Prophets and Essene Masters, with hitherto unpublished material on the Essene Science of Angelology.

SUMMER PUBLICATIONS—1943 ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ANCIENT ESOTERIC CULTURES During his researches into the ancient cultures and religions of humanity, commonly based upon the original fount of heliolithic culture, the author has applied consistently the principle of omnilateral dialectics to his quest for and discovery of the pure, uncorrupted forms of the original records, manuscripts and relics, in order that students may, in their turn, study the evidence in its pristine, unbiased freshness and gain the full measure of its scientific and esoteric meaning. To this end many years have been devoted to the compilation not only of the accurate geographical, ethnological, philological, historical and exegetical data and proofs pertaining to each . era and culture, but also to their correct archaeological reconstruction. Therefore it has been decided to make available to students, in miniature form, archaeologically exact reproductions of the sacred altars, rituals and symbols of two great esoteric cultures, the Essene and the Nahoa. With each set will be provided complete descriptions and instructions regarding the rituals and initiation into the respective traditions and communions.

THE ESSENE SANCTUARY AT THE DEAD SEA. The archaeological reconstruction of the Essene Sanctuary of the Brotherhood at the Dead Sea; of the Altar used and Ritual performed in the Essene Communities during the first and second centuries, B. C. and A. D. SET ONE: Descriptive and instructional booklet: Essene Traditions, Communions and Ritual. Altar and its sacred objects, including: The Essene Tree of Life. (18"x 12"). Seven sacred tablets of Communions With the Angels of the Earthly Mother. (each 9"x 6"). Seven sacred tablets of- Communions with the Angels of the Heavenly Father, (each 9"x 6"). Sacred Scroll of the Sevenfold Peace (18"x 4"). Etc $5.00 THE SANCTUARY OF QUETZALCOATL AT TEOTIHUACAN. The archaeological reconstruction of the Pre-Aztec Nahoa Sanctuary at the Temple of Quetzalcoatl; of the Altar used and Ritual performed by the Sacerdotes of the Order of Quetzalcoatl, both at the Temple and on the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon, in the Holy City of Teotihuacan, during the Olmec-Toltec period. SET TWO: Descriptive and instructional booklet: Nahoa Cosmology; Cycles of Creation; Esoteric Traditions; Symbolism of the Nahoa Olympus. The Temple of Quetzalcoatl. (12" x 12"x 6"). The Pyramid of the Sun. (27" x 7"x 4"). The Pyramid of the Moon. (27" x 7" x 4"). Altar and its sacred objects, including: Fifteen sacred tablets of the Creation, (each 12"x9"). Album of Archaeological Documents. (12"x9"). Ritual Drum of Invocations. (4"x3"x3"). etc. $5.00 THE, PREPUBLICATION PRICE FOR BOTH SETS IS SEVEN DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS.

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