Leading Effective Meetings Checklist Necessary? Customer Issue New Work Process Solving Systemic Problems Gather and Leverage Ideas Make Group Decisions Delegate Responsibility Build a Sense of Accountability Build a Sense of Community Develop a Plan for a Group
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Not Necessary? Routine Discuss Share Information 1-way Communicate Basic Information No Time to Prepare Confidential Information Discipline People Unclear Objectives Key Attendees not Available
Alternatives to Meetings 1-1 Discussion: Ask/Tell Hall Talk Iterative Documents Asynchronous Meetings Wiki Electronic Bulletin Board e-mail: Broadcast, Routed Telephone Automated Reporting Text Messaging Voice Mail (one or many) Copy of Info with Note Hallway Bulletin Board Notice Newsletter
Designing Effective Sessions Use Enough Time to Plan Magic Number 7 +/- 2 Plan to Involve the Right People Have the Right Number of People Write a Good Agenda Use subject/verb construction 3-5 topics per meeting max. Allocate Appropriate Timing Plan for Breaks, Snacks Check with Sponsor: Clear, Complete? Distribute Agenda in Advance of Meeting Notify Using Meeting PAL Purpose of Meeting Agenda Length Specify Location, Starting Time
Logistics Reserve Meeting Room, A/V, Etc. Order Refreshments Arrive Early to Setup Room Start and End on Time Eliminate Distractions (cell phones…) Reporting Results Summarize List Action Items with Responsibilities List Detail from Meeting
Execute Effective Meetings Stick to the Agenda Control the Meeting Assign a Recorder, Timekeeper Summarize at the End Decisions Reached Actions Requiring Follow-up Who/When Unresolved Issues
Prepared by Bob Michel
[email protected]
Evaluating Success Facilitator Effectiveness - Role Clear - Focused Group: - Keep agenda moving? - Allow All to Participate? - Remained Neutral?
Impromptu Meeting Agenda Define Purpose: 1.Define Problem(s) or Objective(s) 2.Identify All Likely Causes 3.Agree to Solutions and Assign Tasks 4.Document Agreements 5.Inform All Parties Afterwards: Evaluate Success Length: how long will this meeting take:
Meeting Type Appropriate? Group Composition - Right People? - Heterogeneous? - Right Number of Participants? Meeting Space - Size, Shape, Layout? Agenda - Sent Ahead? - With Background? - Objective/Purpose Clear? - Subject/Verb Construction? - 3-5 Agenda Items? - Length of Time Set? Problem Solving Meetings - Problem Clearly Defined? - Background Information Available? - Was there a Rush to Decide? Presentations - Presenter Well Prepared? - Purpose Clear? - Organized and Delivered Well?
Prepared by Bob Michel
[email protected]