Effortless Success - Course 1 Workbook

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This guidebook is for your personal use only and is to be used with Effortless Success: Living the Law


Attraction, Course One. Al1 worldwide rights are reserved and owned by Learning Strategies Corporation. No part may be reproduced or

distributed in part or in whole in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without


ritten permission.


Copyright MMVIII by Jack Canfield

Audio Recordings Copyright MMVIII by Learning Strategies Corporation A11

music composed and produced by Paul Hoffman. Copyright MMVIII, Pablo Bo Tunes/ASCAP,

www. SuccessSongs.com.

"Diamond Feng Shui" and the "Diamond Feng Shui Diamond" are trademarks of Marie Vyneke-Diamond.

"Paraliminal," "PhotoReading," "Genius Code," and "Natural Brilliance" are registered trademarks of Learning Strategies Corporation. "Spring Forest Qigong" is a registered trademark of Chunyi Lin. "Holosync" is a registered trademark of, and is licensed by, Centerpointe Research Institute.

Used With Permission:

"The Sedona Method" Haie Dwoskin; "Minimum, Target, and Outrageous (MTO) Approach" Raymond Aaron; "The Solutions Focus" - Mark McKergow; "Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs)" Daniel G. Amen. M.D.; "Stomping the ISBN-




: 91 8-0-925480-5


Doug Bench; "The Passion Test"


Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood


First Edition April 2008 Printed in the United States ofAmerica For coaching and insights visit our Discussion Forum at www.LearningStrategies.com/Forum. To receive periodic updates, (from us, only) email: [email protected].


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Contents Gourse One:

Acfivofing fhe Lqw of Affrociion............................ Session

l: Receive Inspirofion...






Meditation........... Life Purpose Meditation............. Share Your Written Life Purpose Inner Wisdom

Guidance from Jack




Session 2: Form

.........9 ....... 10 .......

...............12 ................. 13




.......... 1s

.................... 16


List 101 Goals and Dreams................ Clear Vision....... The Come-As-You'11-Be-Party Dreams andAffirmations The Mir:ror Exercise The Initations

Guidance from Jack




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...........I7 .......19 ...............25 ..........28 ...................29 ......... 31

...............32 .................34

Ef{orfless $uccess * Course One

- Ysble o* Contenfs - 3

&,c?xvxt!*g **r* l,ll* *f Tqble sf eontents


Session 3: Toke






Creating Your



Plan.......... Vision Board/Dream Board.... The Sedona Method Mind Mapping anAction

Guidance from Jack


...................42 ............43






Session 4: Experience






Review Solutions Focus

The Daily

............ 51


Adopt the MTO Approach for Your Dreams.......................... 55 20 Things

I Love to Do

Guidance from Jack



&ffortless $uceess



Tools for lifelong



- Course Ome - Tsble of Confents



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Acfivqfing the !.trw of Attrqction



In Course One of the Effortless Success program, you will learn core principles and practices for activating the Law ofAttraction in your life. Success happens from the inside out, so becoming familiar with your own inner guidance is essential. Throughout this course you will often be directed inward-to recognize your life purpose, to find symbols that inspire you and give you direction,

to discover your dreams and passions, to shape and evaluate each day's actions, and much more. By connecting with this inner guidance, you

will feel confident

and excited about where you are

headed and clear about how to get there. Wherever you direct your

intentions and your attention, you willfind the universe eagerly supporting you there.

Listening and responding to what the universe offers is another essential part of achieving success. Noticing and trusting what emerges around you, focusing on solutions rather than problems, and seeking feedback about your plans all keep you aligned


the Law ofAttraction and the Law of Least Effort.

Your emotions, too, play a key role. Powerful positive emotions propel you into action and generate a supportive response from those around you and from the whole universe. Using the tools

in this course, you will be able to release difficult emotions and generate positive ones to help propel you toward effortless success. To gain the greatest benefit from your Effortless Success progmm, be sure to listen to the supporting audio recordings that come with Course One. Listen to the ParaliminalAskirzg several times during the

first week of study, then once a week thereafter. For extra inspiration and guidance on living the Law ofAttraction, listen to the Effortless Success Basics question and answer CD. Use the Fast Finish recording

for a quick review of everything you learn in Course One.

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- Course &ne - 5


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Activoflng the Session


sf ,r&ttrse*iam:

I: Receive Inspirotion


Conlenls Focus



Meditation............ Life Purpose Meditation............. Share Your Written Life Purpose Inner Wisdom

........9 ....... 10



Guidance from Jack Canfield On Receiving




.......12 ................. 13

Transition Session 2: Form



"And I would say the secret to my success is that I've always listened. I pay attention to my mentors, my coaches, the people who come into my

life. I leamed to question whatever showed up in my life-to ask myself what is this opportunity, what is trying to emerge here? And instead of resisting change

I've always been seeking it and willing to cooperate with it." and growth,

Jack Canfieldx

*Al1 subsequent text within quotation marks not attributed to anyone comes from Jack Canfield or Paul Scheele.

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Efforlless Suceess - Course One


&*flvx9l*g {h* l*txy *f .&?3'r**tr*r:: Session l: Receive lnsniretion


On Receiving Inspirafion We invite you to begin a joumey with

us-to activate the Law of

Attraction by receiving inspiration. This means going inward. You can gently access inner guidance in several ways. One is to find personal symbols of success that inspire you. Another is to discover your life purpose. These lay a foundation

for the remaining stages in activating the Law ofAttractionforming intention, taking action, and experiencing growth. Going inward gives you clarity about where you're going and how to get there. You "tune in" to a source of guidance that goes by many names-God, spirit, higher power, inner guide, intuition,

inspiration The name doesn't matter. What does matter is to access the guidance that's available to you at any time.


- Etforfless $uccess - Course one

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&**ivmfing ?he &mw of &$trse?is*: Session I: Receive lnspirofion

lnner Wisdom Medifqtion Use the space below to describe the symbol you received during the meditation. You can describe the symbol in words or by

drawing a picture-or, if your learning style is auditory you might even include musical notation. The messages you receive are inscribed to you personally and come in the most appropriate

medium for your style of perception.


Exercise CD I, Trqck 3, 00:00:00

The image you received symbolizes an answer that can help you more

fully engage the Law ofAttraction and enjoy more effortless success

in your life. Contemplate its meaning, engage it in a dialogue,

carry it with

you as an object, and incorporate it into your life.

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,&*?!v**1*:g ih* l*'w {}9 .iltir**?!**: $esslom T: Receive lnspirction

Exercise CD l, Trock 6, 00:00:00

Life Purpose Meditqtion What I experienced:

Consider finding an object that represents the purpose

gift you received in the meditation. When you look atthat symbol, you can be inspired by your pu{pose, feel connected to it, and manifest your purpose more

fullv in vour life.



* gttortless Success - Course One

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a*?iv*!iing fhe Lxw qr{,&ttr***i**: $ession l: Receive lnspirotion


Shqre Your Written Life Purpose

Exercise CD |, Trock 7, 00:00:15

When you are clear about your life purpose:


Write it down, so you capture it and do not lose it.

My life purpose is


Share your life purpose statement with somebody you feel connected to and



will sive vou encourasement.

share my purpose


By this date


Listen to yourself articulate your life purpose aloud.


Experience your purpose gaining clarity and becoming more real to you.

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Xffortless $uccess

- &surse One * I





3"qxw e*f


I: Receive Inspirolion

Guidqnce from .fqck Cqnfield

On Receiving lnspirqtion Develop doily disciplines Get into the habit of engaging in short daily sessions devoted to your

life purpose and goals. You might spend three minutes reviewing your goals in the morning or 10 to 15 minutes completing one page of


novel you always dreamed of writing. While almost effortless,

the daily disciplines you choose to complete in the corilse of your day can over time bring huge results.

Trqvel to higher levels daily or on a regular basis to access your inner wisdom. Tuning into a higher level of consciousness will more effectively guide you toward achieving and fulfilling Set aside time for meditation

your highest purpose.

Benefil from processionol effecls Follow your intuitive impulses and beneflt from what Buckminster Fuller called processional effects. By following your intemal guidance and taking committed action that aligns with your highest good and the good ofothers, you experience results above and beyond your original intent or desire.

Pqy qftenfion lo whot you qre feeling Your internal guidance system provides feedback to let you know whether or not you are on course to fulfilling your purpose. Feeling a deep sense

ofjoy or contentment, for

instance, tells you that your

actions are aligned with what you are here to do, experience, or express in the world. Feelings of discomfort or even physical pain, on

the other hand, can be sending a message that your life is offcourse.

Keep lhe essence of your life purpose As you live your purpose you may sense its form changing over

time. Its core, however, is not likely to change but rather to unfold as you gain a deeper awareness of your purpose over time. The essence of your purpose remains while the qualities you bring

forward into the world expand.

12 - gffortless $uccess * Gourse One

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&c?ivafing ?he Lsw of AttrsetXeprx: Session l: Receive Inspirofion


Nolqble Quofes o'Faith is believing the universe is on our side." Marianne Williamson ooThe secret

of my success is I bit off more than

and chewed as fast as

I could chew

I could."

Paul Hogan (Crocodile Dundee) o'I am only a pencil

in the hand of God."

Mother Teresa

"The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation.t' Mark Twain ooA

belief is a thought we think over and over." Jack Canfield



good idea gives me goose bumps."

Jack Canfield

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Et{ortless $uccess * Course One



&*tlv**ing ?he ilqx:rg c*f &?frry*?*$r:: Session ?: Receive InsplrEtion

Session 2= Forrn Intention


The next stage in activating the Law of Attraction is to form

intention. Flesh out your dreams by adding details about when, how, and where you will take action on your inspiration. This means translating your inner guidance into goals, which are usually expressed in words. Words form a bridge between the invisible world of thought and the visible world of people, things, and events. When you form an intention to meet your goals, the universe starts to comply. Circumstances fall into place. Resources become available. Your inspired intention makes it all happen. You can also express your intention in images-through literally creating a vision of what you want to become. Exercises in the next session of this course help you to richly imagine what you hear, feel, and do when

I4' - e*ortless

$uccess - Gourse One



living in alignment with your inspiration.

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lom Inlention

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Ae*lvcfing th*

&excr{r *f &?tn*cfisn: Session 2: Form lnfenlion


Contents Focus

.................... 16


List 101 Goals and Dreams................ Clear Vision....... The Come-As-You'11-Be Party Dreams andAffirmations The Mirror Exercise . The Irritations



...........I7 ....... 19

...............25 ..........28 ...................29 ..... 3 1

"In this session we're Guidance from Jack Canfield On Forming




going to focus on asking


getting specific so that we ............,....34

have a very defined list


the things that we want

Transition Session 3: Take

and really getting clear and


to bring forward into our .................35

life-what we want to do, what we want to be, and what we want to have."

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Effortless Success - Course One

- I5

3.t:..9il.l*1i*S ?h*,

$ession 2:







On Forming Intention To activate the Law ofAttraction in your favor, a critical step is

to form clear, specific intentions that support your purpose. Then the universe can respond accordingly. To help you form your intentions and stay motivated, this session will guide you to:

. . . . .

Clear away "initations" that bog you down. Dream a long list of big, positive, detailed dreams. Create a vision for four major dimensions in your life.

Write effective affirmations to keep you focused and attract your vision to you. Have a "Come-As-You'll-Be" party to act out your reahzed vision.


Build your self-esteem nightly by appreciating and loving yourself.

These activities allow you to be a deliberate creator of your life. As

you do them, you will find pursuing your dreams to be exciting and easier than you think.


- gffortless Suecess * Course One

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rof eg ies.


&c?iv**!:rg t**e L*rny of &$fns*f**ra: Session 2: Form Infenfion

The lrrilqfions Lisi


Begin the initations list by making a"T-chart." To the left of the stem of the "T," you will list irritations. To the right, you will write your goals. Now...


Go through your house, your office, your garage, your car, your attic, your basement-any place where you have

control-and make a list of all the things that

are not

exactly the way you want them to be.

I tr

List the irritations on the left of your T:chart. To the right of the irritations, list conditions you want to have in their place.


Schedule time for

a"blitz day" to fix


CD 2, Trock

|, 00:05:43

"While these are not the big save-the-world, bringworld peace, make-amillion-dollars kind of goals, it's getting me out of this place of resignation, of settling for not having what I want."

as much as possible,

preferably with the help of friends.


Schedule fixing big messes at least once a quarter.

My lrrilofions list

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New Condilions

Efforfless Sr.lceess

- Course One -


&*.flvx?;ng $'h* |*e.v *f ;l'ftr**?**n: $ession 2: Form lnfenfion

Exercise (continued) CD 2, Trock



- fgortless



Suceess * Course One

The lrritctions List My lrrifclions List

New Conditions


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g i es.

co rn

&*9*vw9rng f$'rc Lcxr** *f &?fx'<x*t$cw: Session 2: Form Intention

I0I Goqls qnd Dreqms list 101 goals and dreams. Do not be afraid to dream big. And do not woffy if you stop short of 101 dreams (or if you have more than 101). As you review the list

Use the following space to

periodically, you can always add more dreams. The most important criteria for stating a dream are:

. . .

Feel your passion about achieving this dream.


Exercise CD 2, Trqck I, 00:12:38

"Everyone wants their dreams to come true but

obviously you can't have a dream come true unless

Be very specific and detailed.

you have a dream. And

Be positive-state what you want to have, not what you

so we have to really take

want to eliminate or avoid.

some time to sit down and

acknowledge our dreams."


2) 3)

4) s) 6)

/) 8) e) 10) 11)

r2) 13)

r4) 1s)

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- Course One -


&.*9*vexf*ng *lh* L*ci"r *:f &*frqx*9i{}m;

$ession 2: Fornr lnfention

Exercise (coniinued) CD 2, Trock

I, 00:l2:38


Goqls ond Dreams

Keep dreaming in detail (and technicolor)... 16)

r7) 18) 1e)


2r) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 2e) 30)

31) J/) 33)

34) 35) 36)

37) 38) 3e)

20 - fffortless

Suceess - Oourse One

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,&*?*v**d*g *h* F-exw *$ &$'*rx*?itl*: Session 2: Form Intention

I0t Goqls qnd Dreqms Dream BIG dreams...


Exercise (eontinued) CD 2, Trock

l, 00:l2:38


4r) 42) 43) 44)

4s) 46) 47) 48) 4e) 50)

s1) s2)

s3) 54)

ss) 56)

s7) 58) 5e) 60) 61)

62) 63) www" l"eqrnin g$trcteg ies,com

Effortless Suceess - Oeiurse One * 2X

&*tiverfi*96 fh* *"sxrv ep9 &?frx*ti*r*: Session 2: Form lntention

Exere ise {eontinued} CD 2, Trqck

10t Goqls ond Dreqms

|, 00:l2:38 64)

"It's very impofiant that when you have these

65) 66)

goals that you enroll your


family members, your team at work. etc.. to all be holding the same vision and




intention simultaneously.


7r) 72) 73) 74)

7s) 76)

1t) 7s) 7e) 80) 81)

82) 83) 84) 85) 86) 87)

22 -

xnorxess sueeess - sourse One

www, Leo rn i m g$f

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&c*{v*t*ang 9!rs L*w *$ S"ttrqx*f!<*r:l Session 2: Form lntention

l0l Goqls qnd Dreqms Never stop dreaming...


Exercise (continued) CD 2, Trock

I, 00:l2:38

88) 8e)

"Once we set the goals, one

of the things that's really


valuable to do is to go back e1)

and to review them over


and over."


e4) e5)


e7) e8)

ee) 100) 101)

Congrafulations on completing your list of dreams. When you are directed to do so, go back to this Guidebook,read and follow the

instructions on the next page to help you review and, if necessary rephrase your dreams.




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- Course One * 23

*h* Lexnr *? &*9r**9i*x: Session 2: Form lnlenlion &*fivex?img


Exerc!se (eontinued) CD 2,Trqck 2,00:0I:14

Gools and Dreqms

Frequently review your dreoms As you review your list of dreams, use the following spaces to rephrase any that are stated in the negative. A negative dream

"The universe doesn't hear

generates negative emotions, and these emotions

will attract more


negativity into your life rather than bringing you what you really

only hears the specificity

dream of having. For example, a negative dream such as "I want

the word don't or not.

of the order, and it feels the feelings you feel when you

think about those kinds of qualities-what you want to have and not what you don't want to have."

isn't so cramped" could be rephrased as "I see myself and my spouse and two children living in a 2500-square-foot, beautifully landscaped, two-story colonial house in a residential a house that

part of Philadelphia." Positive rephrasing of # _.

Positive rephrasing of # _.

Positive rephrasing of # _.

Positive rephrasing of # _.

Positive rephrasing of # _.

Positive rephrasing of # _.

24 - rnorness sueeess - course


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&***vmtirxg f9te fucxw *f &*tre*t;axm; Session 2: Form Inlention


Cleqr Vision You significantly increase your ability to remember your

Exercise CD z,Trock 4,00:00:00

experiences during the meditation by recording them as soon as

possible after the exercise. Use the spaces that follow to describe what you experienced in each area. Use any technique that seems appropriate to your experience-descriptive writing, poetry drawings, or even musical notation.

My experiences in the success dimension:

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- 25

eD 2, Trock 4,00:00:00

"One of the reasons most people don't manifest their vision, one of the blocks, one of the places they

stumble up is that they

don't share it."

X& * X*t*rtl*ss Sai€,**s* * *eq:rsep *n*:

www" Lecrninc$trcrieg ie$.ce:m

&*tiv*t$ng fhe

$"cxl# sf &ffrcet**al: Session 2: Form lntention

CIeqr Vision My experiences in fhe personol growfh dimension:


Exercise (confinued) CD 2, Trock 4,00:00:00

"When you share your vison, it becomes more real to you. People that are

listening to it nine times out of ten say, 'Yeah, right

on-good. And me, too; I want the same thing.' Then you feel joined and supported."

Congratulations on recording your experiences to make them more real and more memorable. For even more powerful results, share

your experiences with someone you trust.

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- Course One * 27

&*'fiv*ir*g f*t*


{}f &f?rs*?**m:

$ession 2: Forrn lntention

Hxere ise

The Gome-As-You'll-Be Pqrty

CD 2, Trock 5,00:02:04

"When I had my first Come-As-You'll Be


Give a Come-As-You'11-Be Party to energize your dreams. Plan your party as follows:


my desire was to write

I had not yet started writing. So I made book covers for

some books, but


Invite a group of your friends or colleagues. You can do this as a personal gathering or as a business get-together.


On the invitation write something like, o'Come as the person you

done. It's an amazingly

high experience."

28 -

sttortless Success

- Course One

be five years from now when you have

achieved your goals."

the books and walked

around sharing what I had


tr tr

Date the invitation five years from the time of the pafiy. Encourage people to bring props and to dress as their vision of themselves in five years.

www. Leqrning$trctegies.com

&*9*vwtixrg ?hs &qxw *f &'$frm*?$per: Session 2: Forrn lnfenlion


Dreoms qnd Affirmctions Identify flve of your most important dreams and write an affirmation for each one. Remember the rules for writins

Exercise CD 2, Trock 5,00:07:50


. . . . . .

Start with

"I am" to bring it into the present


Make a positive statement. LJse an action verb.

Keep the statement brief and concise.

Include a feeling word. Make affirmations for yourself only, not others.

Dream #1:

Affirmation: I am

Dream #2:

Affirmation: I am


!.esrn ingSf rotegies.oom

ttfeidless Success - Course One

- 29

&ctivex?!mg **xs


*f &t*rss*!*n:

Session 2: Form Intention

Exercise (continued) CD 2,Trqck 5,00:07:50

Dreoms qnd Affirmofions Dream #3:

Affirmation: I am

Dream #4:

Affirmation: I am

Dream #5:

Affirmation: I am

Congratulations on writing affirmations for five dreams. Writing

your affirmations makes them more real and clarifies them. Say these affirmations aloud, with feeling, at least once a day for at least the next thirty days.

30 -

gwortless $uceess

- Ceurse Qne

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&ctivexfing **re L*xw sf A?$rm*fi**x; Session 2: Form lnfention


The Mirror Exercise

Exercise CD 2, Trqck 6,00:06:52

Do the mirror exercise every night before going to bed to appreciate yourself for all the things you did that day. This builds up your self-esteem.

It also focuses you on something very important for the Law ofAttraction, which is to focus on that which is working and not on that which is not working. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Stand in front of the mirror. Step


Say to yourself,

"I want to appreciate you for doing

this, doing that, doing this, doing that...." Step 3: At the end, look right into your eyes and say,


love you."

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Effortless Success

- Course One -


l,i,*9!v*?lx# fh* i"*w *{ ;lt?r**fican: Session 2: Forn'l Inientisn

Suidsnce from .jsek Ssntield

On Forming lntention Envision in four dimensions As you seek to activate the Law ofAttraction in your life you


focus primarily on four areas: success, relationships, health, and personal growth. Examples within these include financial, jobcareer-profession, relationship s, health and physical well-being, recreation, personal growth, and contribution or legacy.

Follow fhe offirmEfion guidelines

. . . . . .

Start with



"I am" to get into present


positive statement.

ljse an action verb. Keep it brief and concise.

Include a feeling word. Make affirmations for vourself onlv. not others.

Motivqte with an imoge Motivation arises out of a want or desire you have. When you reinforce your new want or desire through images, pictures, and statements, you strengthen and empower it, so it becomes greater than what currently exists in your life, drawing you even closer to it. The stronger the image, the greater the vibration it sends to the universe so the Law ofAttraction can work to fulfill it.

Repeot sffirrnqfions every dqy Recite your affirmations twice daily, in the morning and in the evening before you sleep. Record them on three-by-five cards, on a laminated sheet of paper, or on your computer screen saver

for easy access. To strengthen your desires, write each affirmation on one side of a large five-by-seven card and on the opposite side add pictures or photos of what you desire, such as a new home, car, or dream vacation resort.

32 * gftortless

Success - Course One

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&*t*vc**r"lg fhe Lcxier *f A*frmcf{*n: Session 2: Form Inlention


On Forming Inlenfion

Guidance (continued)

Follow lhe thirty-dqy rule Repeat your affirmations every day for thirty days to optimize their


Affirrn yourself Acknowledge yourself for who you are. Do the mirror exercise often to affirm all of your wonderful attributes.

Hove one qffirmqtion per goql Create one powerful affirmation for every goal or dream on your list.

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- Course One - 33

&.:,; =fr!


Sessicn 2: Form lntentlon

Notshle &ustes : *lt doesn't take any more energy to create a big dream than it i does to create a little one." l General Wesley Clark I ; ,

"You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however.oo

I r r


you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember, this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse." Walt Disney

: I


Richard Bach

can achieve a goal; you never really achieve your purpose

because your purpose is ongoing.

It never stops."


: :


effsnfless Suceess * Course


"One hour of mental work, like doing affirmations, visualizing, focusing on your vision, doing your purpose statement, and so forth is worth seven hours of activity in the world.'o Jack Canfield

www. Lesrn ingSNroteg ies.e0m

&*fivex?ing ?h* Lsw *9 S"ftrm*f*eyrx: Session 2: Form Infention

Session 3: Tqke Action The first two sessions of this course are all about thinking


Tronsiiion big-

opening to inspiration, dreaming big dreams, writing big goals. Paradoxically, daily life unfolds in small ways. In this moment, your life purpose might manifest as a phone call to make, an email

to send, or someone to meet. When your moment-to-moment choices align with your inspirations and intentions, you activate the Law ofAttraction at an even deeper level. Exercises in the next session guide you to visualize each day's activities. You


also learn a method for releasing negative

emotions and ways to "chunk" large goals into small steps. These are ways to clear a path for inspired action.

To gain full benefit from Course One, remember to listen to your

Paraliminal, question and answer, and Fast Finish CDs.

www, Lesrn ingSf roteg ies,corn

Gtfortless Success

- Csurso One - 35


S& * X**crrless Su*eess * €*r,:rse Sne

w*nrs" !-*s rn ing$?rc?eg ies.e&r?3

*f &ttrqx*ii*r*: Session 2: Form Infention

&*?iv*xf&cng ?$'rs Lsw*

Session 3: Tqke Action The first two sessions of this course are all about thinking


Trqnsifion big-

opening to inspiration, dreaming big dreams, writing big goals. Paradoxically, daily life unfolds in small ways. In this moment,

your life purpose might manifest as a phone call to make, an email to send, or someone to meet. When your moment-to-moment choices align with your inspirations and intentions, you activate the

Law ofAttraction at an even deeoer level. Exercises in the next session guide you to visualize each day's

activities. You will also learn a method for releasing negative emotions and ways to "chunk" large goals into small steps. These are ways to clear apath

for inspired action.

To gain fulIbenefit from Course One, remember to listen to your

Paraliminal, question and answer, and Fast Finish CDs.

www. Leo rn i n gStroleg ies.


Gfforlless $uecess

- Course One - 35



*t rrrl rl'r.\ " I -l :) U '-' l-,*l!;L:-) ,







&**iv*f6etg ?!:s X"sq*a pf &.*frwcti*n: Session 3: Tcke Action

Contenls Focus


Exercises Creating Your



Mind Mapping an Action Plan .. .. .. .. .. Vision Board/Dream Board........ The Sedona


.... .. .. .. .... .... . 42



Guidance from Jack Canfield On Taking






Transition Session 4: Experience



"Every goal that we have has steps to it, and it's important to begin to create what we might call an action plan or a master plan for how we're going to achieve that."

wwvv, Lec rn






Efforftess $uccess

- Oourse One - 37

. ss*i*s1 3; Yq*k* &*t$*st


ffirru YwkHmg &e#F#ffi To realize your dreams requires making day-by-day choices about

actions to take. As you have learned in the previous sessions, inner guidance is the starting place for determining your life purpose and your vision for the various dimensions of your life. The same

it comes to deciding what actions to take. Your own inner wisdom will show you what to do next. In is true on a daily basis when

this session, you will leam Creating Your Day, an action-planning process for starting each day.



also find two bonus activities, not covered in the recorded

session of Take Action, to support your envisioning process and

action planning. They include:


Mind mapping your action plan to chunk your goals into manageable segments


Creating a vision board or dream book to provide an ongoing visual reminder of your intentions

joy, peace, and enthusiasm support us in achieving success. You can use affirmations, your vision board or dream book, and other methods described in this course to help you generate these emotions. Sometimes difficult Powerful positive emotions such


emotional states can arise, but you do not have to be a victim of your feelings. This session will give you the steps to release unpleasant emotional states with The Sedona Method

With the ability to create your day and support your intentions with visual symbols and powerful emotions, you will discover how effortless living your life purpose can be on a daily basis.

3& * e*or*less Sueeess - &ourse &ne

vvww. l"es rn

lng$*rcieg ies.e6R't


Creqting Your Dqy After visualizing your ideal day, record below what you experienced and what you plan to create today.

Significqnf imqges I experienced:

*hc furyw *$ &tfresetle*m: Session 3: Toke Acflon

,6fu W-

Exercise CD 3, Trock 5,00:00:00




blueprint increases greatly the likelihood that you


create the day you


Quqlities I choose fo monifest:

www" leorningStrotegies.com

Effortless $uecess

- Course One - 39

€ft* *exeer *f &f*r***l*r:: Session 3: Tqke Aclion "&*9rvaxt*r*g

Exercise (continued) CD 3, Trock 5, 00:00:00

Greqting Your Dqy My inspired infenfions:

"Are you ready to live the day you created in your visualrzation?"

Actions I will lqke in eqch dimension: Finqnciql Suecess:

Heqlth ond Filness:

40 - fgortless

$uccess - Course One

www, lesrn lng$trateg ies,e6m

Lsws *f &t*r*stierrx: Session 3: Toke Action

&ctiv**iitg f?re

Creqling Your Dqy Relqtionships:


Exercise (continued) CD 3, Trock 5,00:00:00

"Are you ready to live the day you created in your visualization?"

Personql Growth:

www. Lecrnin gStrofegles.eom

Effortless Euceess - Coulrse One - 41

**ilvtxfiri* lhc L*rs *t &?3rcx{:f****l Sesslon 3: Tcke Action

Exercise Guidebook Only

Mind Mqpping sn Actisn Plsn To further your goals and create an action plan for your day, you can use the right-brain technique of mind mapping.

For each goal you want to consideq follow these instructions to "chunk it down" into manageable steps within your action plan: Step 1: Put the goal in the middle of the page. Step 2: Draw affows from the goal to "chunks" of the goal (e.g., chapters of a book, divisions of a business). Step 3: Draw lines out from each chunk to actions that suppotl

it (e.g., content of the book's chapters) Step 4: Draft a list that puts the chunks, steps, and action items

in sequential order. IDelrl. rF Y Ar./DlENa€ NE6oTrA"E/St6N coNrRAc f

DErERrn lNe /NAR







HouJ-ao ON




{rRlre Boor< IDENTTFY


AhLD Ll-PeR't s





De\ret-r?aohrEpt- futHJ WPIfE



43 - rr*ortless

$ueeess * Gourse One

TNdTH, 4 7H2o!6H 7 ,

gtgutqER: mal'f H b

www. Leorni n gS?rcteg ies"com

af &ttrscfispr: Session 3: Tqke Acfion

&c*iwex$.!ng ?he &sxv

Vision Boqr'dlDreqm Book


Creole o vision boqrd

Guidebook Only

A vision board is a collage of experiences you want to have, things you want to own and buy, places you want to go, and successes you want to experience. Once you create your vision board, you can take a photograph ofyour vision board and cany it around with you. Create yours as follows:

tr tr tr

Get a big piece of poster board.

it describing qualities you want to experience such as love,joy, and passion. Place words on

Add pictures of things that you want to be experiencing and achievinq.

Creqfe q dreqm book When you are traveling and cannot carry a big vision board with you, take a dream book instead. Leaf through it every day to stay


"When we're visualizing internally, there are all kinds of things that come into our consciousness. It's very valuable to capture these extemally so when

we're not inside, which is the majority of the time, we're being reminded of what it is we were focusing on inside. One of the most

powerful tools for that is called a vision board."

focused on your dreams. Create your dream book as follows:

tr tr


Use a notebook or three-ring binder. On each page put an image of somethingthaLyou want. Add inspiring words.

[esrnin gStrategie$"co,rl

tffnrftess $uceess - Course One -


S,*9*v*t!ng fh* Lm'*c *f &ggr**9i*n: Sessioll 3: Toke Action

Exercise CD 3, Trqck 5,00:08:08

"If we trust that the universe is always bringing the experiences we need to have and the experiences

The Sedonq Method for Releqsing Emotions When you are not feeling good about an emotion you are experiencing, you can use Hale Dwoskin's The Sedona Method to release it: Step


are feeling.

that will help us grow, then we have to trust that as the




3: After experiencing the feeling deeply for a time, ask

feeling moves through, the next thing that comes




as useful,

valuable, wonderful for our

Close your eyes, go inside, and ask yourself what you

Welcome the feeling that you have identified. Ask yourself, "Can I welcome this feeling as best I can?',

yourself, "Could I let this feeling go?" Step



Then ask yourself, "Would I let this feeling go?" Give yourself some time to determine that you are truly

willing to let the feeling go. Step

5: Finally,



ask yourself, "When?"

Repeat the process as many times as necessary to feel

completely emptied of the feeling.

44 - gftortless


- Course One

www. LesrningStroteg ie$"e0m


On Tqking Action

99xe &*w sf &?9r**?*em: Session 3: Toke Action

GuidEnce fron'r

Jack eqnfield

Add visuqlizqlions lo offirmqfions Make it a daily discipline to add visualizations when creating and reciting your affirmations. They serve as a command to your unconscious mind to find ways to make your vision come true.

Acf on your inspirotions After you create your intention and begin moving toward your vision, heighten your level of awareness. When you are in flow and in alignment with your life purpose, you are likely to receive inspirations more often and from more sources. It's important that

you act on your intuition and these inspirations.

Chunk if down Break every goal into smaller steps. Create an action plan or master plan for how you are going to achieve the goal.

Be qccountqble to q pqrtner Find an "accountability parhrer" to whom you can safely share your goals and dreams. Knowing you have to report to another person can

give you added motivation to complete your tasks and objectives.

Creqie q Mqslermind Group Create a group

with six or eight people (including your

accountability partner) that can serve as a support network and sounding board. Gather together in person or by conference call to discuss your goals and your progress. Share new ideas, resources,

or anything you have come across that could help other members. Encourage members to ask questions of each other.

www. l"eeirR inoStrstesies,eom

€ffsrtless $uccess - Course One - r{l5

&*f*v*?ing fhe $"*w *f &?trm*f**m: Session 3: Tqke Aclion

Guidqnce (continued)

On Tcking Action Yield to fhe process Avoid viewing the obstacles in your life as stop signs. They are more like yield signs. As you take action and begin moving energy into the world, the energy of the world may begin pushing back against you. Join with the process-yield to it. It's a lot easier to float downstream than to paddle upstream against the current. As the universe unfolds. let

it easilv take vou down the river.

Be I00 percent responsible for your life Taking greater responsibility for your life gives you greater control. When something does not work out the way you want it to, stop and ask why:

"How did I create that? How did I allow that to happen?"

Move up the sc

bring you into alignment with producing the result you want.

Overeome fesr by toking qcfion Be willing to take action. Most people take the "Ready, aim, fire" approach to life. Adopt the "Ready, fire, now aim" approach instead.

46 - Ettortless Success - eourse One

www, l-es rni n gSircf eg ies.eorn

&etXwcting the &sv,r mf &?frs*fip*r: Session 3: Toke Acfion


Notqble Quotes 'oThe secret of getting ahead is getting


Mark Twain

"It's not important to get it right; but it it started."

is important to get

T. Harv Eker ooSuccess leaves clues.tt

Tony Robbins ooThe

main way to get past fear is simply to act. The greatest growth is where the greatest fear is." Jack Canfield

oolmagination is everything.It is the preview of life's


coming attractions."

Albert Einstein

www. Leornin gSf roteg ies,com

Eflortless $uccess

- Qourse One - 47

&*iivex?i*g t?r* i"c;lv'd clf A??r**fi*n: $ession 3: TEke Aclion


Session 4:

Experience Growth Previous sessions in this course guided you to receive inspiration,

form intention, and take action. You might find that your circumstances are already starting to change and that people are treating you differently. In addition, you are changing as well. You're experiencing personal growth. Over the coming days and weeks, you

willfind yourself thinking

new thoughts, feeling new feelings, and taking new actions. These attract new results into your life. The next session supports this process with a variety of exercises.

When you trust that life is always bringing you the experiences you need in order to grow, then you can see everything differently. People that you used to resent are now chances to practice non-

judgment. Things that you used to call problems are now chances to find solutions. The next thing that happens to you todaypleasant or unpleasant-could usher in the next stage of your

personal growth.

4& - gfrortless $uccess - Course One

www. [eErningSf retegies.corn

&ctivex*lr:g fhe &sw sf Atfrsc?ion: Session 4: Experience Growfh

Contenfs Focus



Review Solutions Focus........

The Daily

............51 ........53

Adopt the MTO Approach for Your Dreams.......................... 55 20 Things I Love to Do ......................56 Guidance from Jack Canfield On Experiencing





any given time is to say: .................61

Transition Course Two: Integrating the Law of Attraction ............... ......62

www. !.eornin gSiroteEies.com

"All there is to do at 'Where am I? Where do I want to go?'Then do whatever it takes to move

you there."

Effortless $uccess - Course One -


fh* Lqxvu *f &ffrff*?**rr: $ession 4: Experience Growth &*$$vw?ier6

On Experiencing Growth


The universe is designed to support your success. Stay alert to the clues and resources the universe is continually providing to make

things easy for you. Trust what emerges. Two exercises in this session

will help you discover how to align yourself with the Law

of Least Effort and to keep making improvements as you move toward your vision:

. .

Daily Review: Your evening check-in to celebrate successes and listen in for suidance about what could work better. The

20 Things I Love to Do: An exercise to explore how to generate income doing what you enjoy.

What you focus on is what you attract, so this session will show you how to focus on solutions rather than problems. Keep your eye on what's working by using Mark McKergow's rating technique,

celebrating how far you have come while reaching higher. Set

your goals at three different levels by using the MTO approach minimum, target, and outrageous-to generate needed momentum, especially when you only feel like starting small. Seeking feedback along the way is also important to stay in harmony with those around you.



r*tontless $uceess

- Oourse One

www, Leqrning$trotegies,com

&*fivm*6n:g ?he *-ww *f &*trssti*n; Session 4: Experience Growth


The Dqily Review Use the lines below to record your successes during the day,

including actions, thoughts, and qualities of being. (Feel free to make copies of these blank Daily Review pages for future use.)

Exercise CD 4, Trqck 2,00:00:00

"So at the end of the day we want to harvest the

wisdom and the insights

I was successful when I

from a higher source about how we can do it betteq how we can keep

I was successful when I

improving so we're moving toward this sense


evolution and growth that we want."

I was successful when I


I was successful when I

I was successful when I

I was successful when I

I was successful when I

I was successful when I


I was successful when I

www Lesrn ing$f rcteg ies"corn

tffortless Success - Course OnE - 51

fi* ll': * !, *';.,;,:;: ii': t {: i:: tli i:t a'i l Session 4: frxperienc* Grsrrdif? :;i,i.: :'i r.ii1 :



The Daily Review

Exercise (continued) cD 4, Trock


,.you could say to

your ,

Record times when you were out of alignment with your pulpose, intentions, or preferred way of being.

I was out of alignment when I

unconscious, please show

been more effective today' or ,

me where

I could have


I was out of alisnment when I

you could say, please show me where

I could

have been

more conscious or more

loving or more asseftive or patient or whatever quality you're working on bringing more into your life'"

I was out of alignment when I

Record ways in which you could have been more effective in being


who you are or creating what you want:

I could

have been more effective

if I had

I could have been more effective if I had

I could

have been more effective

if I had

Looking back on the day's experience, I perceive the following uplifting thought or insight (in words or images):

52 - f*fertless





www. Leornin g$trotegies.e&rn

&mnrs *f &f*rw*?!*n: Session 4: Experience Growfh

&*?Xvwt$ng fhe

Solutions Focus Adopt Mark McKergow's rating technique:

Exercise CD 4, Trqck 4,00:03:32

Step L: Rate your current situation (or your company's) on a scale

of 1 to 10 (1 is low, 10 is high).

Solulions Focus Scole

Step 2: List below all the things you are doing well to make

your rating as high as it is.

www N"esrningStrcfeg ies,conr

Ffforfless $uccess - Oourse One

- 53

,&etivating thc Lsw of Attrsstion: Session 4: Experience Growfh

Exercise (continued) CD 4, Trock 4,00:03:32

Solutions Focus Step



4: Identify the next step you could

Focus and expand on those positive thoughts.

take to bring your

rating up one point higher:

54 -

Ettortless Success - Oourse One

www, LeorninEStrc*egies,com

&c?&vct!ng the &uvw *f &ffrwct!*m: Session 4: Experience Growth

Adopt the MTO Approqch


for Your Dreqms

CD 4, Trock 4,00:05:45

Raymond Aaron suggests setting goals at three different levels:

Minimum, Target, and Outrageous (MTO).

"Have you ever decided:

I don't really feel like Select one of your 101 dreams and write it below:

washing all the dishes

tonight and cleaning up the kitchen but I'11just do the silverware or I'11just do the glasses? And the next thing

you know you've not only


done the glasses, you've

Identify the minimum level of goal achievement:

done the dishes, the pots, and pans; you've wiped

down the counter and

you're reaching for the broom?"


Identify atarget level of goal achievement:


Identify an outrageous level of goal achievement:

www. LesrningStrafeg ies.corn

Effortless Success - Ceiurse One

- 55


-&ctivniin'g th* {-*qv *f &?*r**t***; _gffi ;€F { Session 4: Experience Growfh I

Exercise CD 4, Trqck 6, 00:04:41

20 Thlngs | love To Do Use the numbered lines below to record twenty things you love to do. Then brainstorm five ways to make money doing each of the

twenty things, and record the best idea for each one in the space indicated below.

1) I love to Make money by

2) I love to Make money by

3) I love to Make monev bv

4) I love to Make monev bv

5) I love to Make monev bv

6) I love to Make monev bv

56 - cmonless

$uccess - Course One

wwr*. Leorni m g$trcfeg ies,com


?fre !-sw of &tt*.setion: Session 4: Experience Growm



20 Things I love To Do 7) I love to

Exercise (confinued) CD 4, Trqck 6,00:04:41

Make money by

8) I love to Make money by

9) I love to Make money by


10) I love to Make money by

11) I love to Make money by

12) I love to Make money by

13) I love to Make money by

www. Les rn in gSf


eg les. corn

Effortless $uccess - Oourse One

- 57

&ativating the Lsw ef Atfrseficpn: Session 4: Experience Growfh

Exercise (confinued) CD 4, Trock 6,00:04:41

20 Things | love To Do 14) I love to Make monev bv

15) I love to Make money by

16) I love to Make money by

17) I love to Make money by

18) I love to Make monev bv

19) I love to Make monev bv

20) I love to Make monev bv

58 -

sfforttess Success - Course One

www. Leornin gSlrolegie$.eom

Ac?ivuting fhe l,sw of ,&ttp'qetiom: Session 4: Experlence Growth



On Experiencing Growth

Guidqnce from Jqck Contield

Follow the joy Follow your passions and you will more easily create the life of your dreams. According to the Law of Least Effofi, what you want to do most in life, the thing that will bring you the greatest joy and

fulfillment-and the greatest payoff-will not feel like work

at all.

Pqy ottenfion qnd fqke lhe nexf step Pursuing your vision is like climbing mountains. When you are at the bottom of the first mountain, you do not see the one that

follows. When you arrive at the first peak, you are more prepared and excited to tackle the next mountain until eventually you want

to climb Mount Everest. As you pay attention and respond to the challenges before you, you minimize your resistance. You naturally take actions that produce the next step of growth, both in terms


your inner awareness and outer balance.

Follow lhe inner cooch, nol lhe crilic Imagine what you could do if you could transform your inner

critic to an inner coach. The critic is living in the past, pointing to your faults and judging you for actions you took in the past. The coach is living in the present and recognizes that you cannot change the past. You can only change what you are doing in the present moment to produce a more effective and

fulfilling future.

Your inner coach is on your side. Instead of beating you up about the past, the coach says, "Look, I noticed this." Then the coach encourages you and says, "Go out there and do it!"

www leorning$f rof egieE.conn

Efforlless Success - Ceiurse One

- 59

.&af*vxting the L*w *$ &?fr**t!**: $ession 4: Experience Growth

Guidqnce (confinued)

On Experiencing Growth Focus on solutions, nol problems The Law ofAttraction says you get more of what you focus on. You get more of what you talk about, think about, feel strongly about, attend to, or put your energy toward. Focusing on a problem is like driving down a road and encountering a big rock right in the middle. You get out of your car and try pushing the rock aside,

getting upset that it's there and screaming to God, "Why did you put this rock in my road?!" Sometimes it's as easy as saying, "Wait a second. Three feet to the rieht there is no


Never give up The author Michael Crichton has been known to rewrite a book up

to 22 times before having it published. While Ihatmay not seem effoftless, writing is what he loves to do. He loves the craft so much that rewritins is not work to him.

60 - ettortless


- Qourse One


LeqrR lngStroteg


L*w *$ &tfrms{{msx: Session 4: Experience Growth

,&c?ivctXxrg ?$re


Notqble Quofes "Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step." Martin Luther Kins

"Try things you've never tried and


if they work."

Jack Canfield

'6Everything you want is just outside your comfort zone." Robert Allen

"If you're going to achieve

a high goal, youore going to have to

take some chances." Alberto Salazar


"We have an innate desire to endlessly learn, grow, and develop." Chuck Gallozzi "You don't have to get it perfect, you just have to get started.tt


Jack Canfield

www. leorningStrotegies"com

Effodless Success * Course One - 61



ilaxw **f


$esslon 4: Experience Growth


Gourse Tvuo: Integrating the Lqw of Attrsction In this first course, you have opened four doorways to living the Law of Attraction: receiving inspiration, forming intention,

taking action, and experiencing growth. Each of these is linked by something that Jack and Paul call a pathway. The next courseElfortless Success: Integrating the Law of Attraction-invites you to explore four pathways: expanding the self, integrating guidance, empowering intention, and accessing will. These

will drive your

practice of the Law ofAttraction to a whole new level. The first pathway-expanding the

self-takes place naturally and

effortlessly once you release self-limiting doubts, beliefs, and fears. As you do, you will discover that there's no limit to the joy or love that can enter your life. You do not have to seek out positive events and people. They can simply show up at your doorstep.

The master key to expanding yourself is clarifying your life purpose. You were put on this planet for a reason.



If you want to

fully engaged and passionate life, then live in alignment with

this purpose. The next session includes exercises for bringing your pulpose into focus. To gain

full benefit from Course One, remember to listen to your

Paraliminal, meditation, and Fast Finish CDs.

62 * gftortless


- €ourse 8ne

www. [esrning$trctegies,cem

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