Erotic Hypno Training

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Lying Down Inductions for Eroticatrance and More On fetlife, there was a question in one of the erotic hypnosis groups regarding what is the best hypnosis induction to use with someone who is lying down . . . specifically, for eroticatrance. A variation of the hand drop was mentioned that uses a few words which is a powerful and worthwhile induction. I've done the same bit as five, three, one, and no word variations just to show folks that number of words is not the magick formula but the engagement of the imagination. However, it is a very solid induction and works really really well. I would more likely use an armpull induction in those contexts (particularly my own variation, the Phillips Armpull Induction which can be found at as it has a bit of confusion thrown in for good measure) but for an erotic session I'd very likely just start with some eye fixation and eye catalepsy to start and then do an erotic variation of a progressive relaxation deepener (the magickal erotic touch version works really well, especially if you tie in actual touch to the suggestions). Do keep in mind that for erotic sessions, it's less about speed and more about building erotic response. If I've worked with someone before, then I'd likely just start with the trigger and work from there . . . if no trigger has been installed then I'd simply drop tonality and let automatic response do its thing (yes, even when folks have no formal trigger they automatically trigger respones to you when you use tonality, touch, or even eye contact). Don't believe me, take my courses and learn for yourself. Erotic hypnosis is more about the sensuality of the beast than the raw power . . . even if you're moving into edge materials . . . certainly catalepsy is a lot of fun (some folks have seen my demo where I stick someone to a wall via suggestion and then use imaginary feathers to do some interesting bits).

I love speed hypnosis . . . seriously, love the beasties and have taught specialty courses on the subject all over the planet . . . but it ain't the speed that matters as much as the sensations that are created. IMNSHO. Since the discussion has been taking place on fetlife, where fetish lifestyles are freely expressed, a very good point was made about how some folks are less interested in a slow relaxing experience as something shocking that implies power exchange. These are very very good points. Note that I suggested an eye catalepsy as part of the getgo as a means of gaining immediate trance and then the longer bit is a sensual deepener (some folks mistakenly think progressive relaxation, sensual or otherwise, is an induction only or useless but it's actually a very worthwhile deepener after you've established experiential hypnosis - let's not throw out the gold with the chaff and dross). If it's mostly about power then with a lying subject I would still likely do a variation of an arm pull. Hand drop would be okay as well, but honestly it would all depend upon context. Here's something you can do which is both about power and control and I've done it a few times. Take the classic stick-stuck-to-hand suggestibility effect or another catalepsy based effect (arm LOCK or leg catalepsy or the impossible to sit or stand bits or come to mind or any of the others) and use it as a waking hypnosisinduction. I tend to use it as part of a waking hypnosis suggestibility sequence thatmoves from physical catalepsy to kinesthetic and emotional effects such as Now, with that in mind, the idea of suggesting a person's muscles or limbs are locked tight and cataleptic, imagine how you can use it in a power exchange erotic capacity . . . I mentioned pinning someone to a wall but you can pin them to a bed as well . . . with eyes open and even use tonality so that it implies you are in control of their limbs (and once

their imaginative involvement is intensified then that control is actually transferred to you). So, if I have you lay down on the bed or stand against the wall with your limbs akimbo (an X-cross, but without cross or ropes - hypnotists don't need ropes to restrain folks), I then start the patter of you feeling your limbs becoming tighter and tighter so that you begin to feel them stretching tight as if invisible chains are pulling them tighter and tighter so that you are completely immobile and cannot move. In fact the more you try to move the tighter they become so that you are stuck tight within my power. As catalepsy is quickly established, I then move on to my invisible tickle feathers as above or get out myvoodoo doll so that anything I do to the doll you feel of course, I hold the doll in special ways and use my finger to tickle "interesting" areas and even do some licking and kissing bits, perhaps taking out a vibrator or doing other things of interest. That's a quick pattern, completely with eyes-open (my own variation of what I call HypNo-Sleep in my courses on the subject to play with the idea of eyes open, no sleep or eye closure, waking trance hypnosis . . . by the way, it is still possible to register for my upcoming course on this very subject. See for details but register NOW or you may miss your chance.). This can also play into both straightup regular vanilla erotictrance or the more alternative power exchange play very very easily. Honestly, be creative, once you've got your core skills down, you can adapt them to just about any context you like. Please note that many of the links above are to episodes of the free online core hypnosis skills video course at the Community at - a complete video course in core skills of hypnosis with explanations and demonstrations of all of the basic skills required for basic memberHypnotist Certification with the Society of Experiential Trance( Membership in the Community is free. I hope this has been helpful.

All the best, Brian ----------------------================================================= (This topic was originally posted in the forum of the private group Eroticatrance, and is being cross-posted here to encourage responses from the collective resources of the larger membership) Come on everyone, let’s heat things up in this Edgy Topics forum! Here’s the idea… let’s all share at least one favorite hypnotic suggestion that we take pleasure in using during an erotic trance session. You could share from the point of view of the hypnotist making the suggestion, or from that of the hypnotee enjoying receiving the suggestion. Make it as simple or elaborate as you’d like. And it doesn’t need to be original or even creative – it’s just one of your favorites… that’s all. So just jump in and go for it! To get this party started, I’ll go first. One of my absolutely all-time favorite erotic suggestions to give is what I call the “Erotic Blindfold.” Although you could use this as an induction in itself, I prefer to do this as a suggestion after the induction and even after some deepening. The concept itself starts off very simply; you suggest that you’re tying on an erotic blindfold 被蒙住眼睛的魯莽的; 輕率, and that all the time it’s on, the hypnotee will not be able to see anything that’s going on around or to her (this works equally well on both sexes, by the way). Now here’s where it gets way interesting. The variations on this theme are endless! First of all, you can choose the material the blindfold is made of, a few examples being silk, rope, or a pair of stockings. Use your imagination (or your direct experience) for more ideas. Next, you can create a trigger for quickly removing the blindfold AND for quickly putting it back on. (Lots of great uses for this… again, use your imagination) I’ve found that auditory triggers (a word or a sound) or kinesthetic ones, like some sort of touch, work best for this, especially because the person can’t “see” – lol! If you’re into magick, you can build in sensual/sexual spell-making abilities to the erotic blindfold, and then play those out as you choose.

To end this post, I’ll give you one more, and it is awesome. In the set-up, add “virtual reality” capabilities into the erotic blindfold, so that you have the ability to create whatever “reality” for the hypnotee that you choose. Similar to how real-life virtual reality headsets work, now you, as the hypnotist, are the one creating the sensual/sexual “reality” (the fantasy, of course) that the person begins to “see,” experiences as real, and then starts to act out in trance. Mmmm, mouth-watering, isn’t it? As I said before, the variations on the “Erotic Blindfold” theme really are endless! Perhaps you can think of a few more and post them here. But hey, that’s enough from me. Now it’s your turn. Feel free to keep it simple, if you choose, or get more descriptive and elaborate about it. What’s one of your favorite erotic hypnotic suggestions that you like giving or receiving? Come on, Edgy Topics people, let’s heat up this forum... inquiring minds want to know! - Master Dagaz \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\=========================== To repeat what we've already stated elsewhere . . . Obviously, there is a whole slew of things I enjoy . . . but some would be more towards the top of my list than others. Honestly, just accellerating pleasure and sexual response is probably enough . . . I could happily be overloading someone's sexual response all night along with a whole lot of orgasming. However, while that's pretty much what most folks who approach me for information and training are after, it's pretty straightforward stuff. If I'm in a creative mood, and I usually am, I might slip in some shapeshifter stuff where I suggest that the trance partner is shifting into a lycanthrope form . . . a werecreature . . . often feline (those of you familiar with my Feline Fantasy script or mp3 know whereof I speak and that script process was based upon live sessions). In appropriate circumstances with an appropriate partner, I would suggest that the trance partner experience my presence also as a lycanthrope (wolfen, of course). Yes, the furry folks would enjoy that. I have

done a lot of work with animal spirit guides and shapeshifting for introspective meditation so the erotic approach is an adaptation of that albeit with bells and whistles and fang and fur so to speak. - Brian I have a good time simply taking a response and feeding it into a loop. Someone who normally is very quiet during sex might enjoy a suggestion along the lines of "Imagine what it would feel like if the sounds you make, increase the pleasure you feel. The more sounds you make, the more pleasure you feel. The more pleasure you feel, the louder the sounds become..." In my experience, formal hypnosis isn't required. Just whispering it in their ear is often eno That's a most excellent combination of creative and primal erotic hypnosis, the lycanthrope form. And yes, with an appropriate partner, that could morph into some very enticing and pleasurable experiences. Also, I totally agree that sexual response IS an erotic trance experience, and then it can be insanely heightened by one's awareness of that. @KRJackson Great comment about informally creating a feedback loop, especially starting it with the hypnotic language pattern, "Imagine On particularly fun bit is to do the "cat woman" transformation with an appropriate partner and as they notice the physical sensations of the change in jaw shape, the elongation of certain teeth, the feel of the fur, and changes in the face, and the feeling of a tail . . . then slip in the . . . "you're in heat" suggestion and play with that. Growls, howls, and mews can all be used to reinforce the sensation. Agreed, self-reinforcing feedback loops are golden. - Brian

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