Freedom Through Creative Thinking - Part2

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personal mental attitude is continually influenc

ing our environment. The life of

each individual is

determined on the outer by his inner thinking. If you are dissatisfied with conditions as they are in your living, and surely there is room for improvement in all our lives, be willing to search for underlying causes. And as a truth presents itself for solving the problem, be willing to practice that truth, be willing to use it.

Think— I want to be all that I can become. I have within me the possibilities of be. So






all that I may things,


attained certain goals.



must look ahead, always look forward. can become all that I am able to think.

want to become all


can become.

can become as much as

I want — /


can think.

desire —7 think. I

want to be all that I can be, not what someone else can be, not what some one else wants me to be, but what I can be.

I want it so much that I am willing to think. I stop now and go into my chamber of mind and think, create through my thinking.


I now set myself to take the day as it comes. do all that comes with it the best that 1 can do it with the best feeling I can summon, all the while thinking




Through Creative Thinking

quietly about my goal, what

trust in the goal




should like to



thinking and trust in myself to

accomplish that which I desire. I am moving steadily must move that way. forward toward that goal. Nothing can stop me. Everything works with me.



can become as much as


can think.




thinking to grow, to expand. I want to become all that I can be. I want it hard enough to think. And as think I am willing to do what the day brings forth the best that I can. While doing it I am always thinking toward that which I desire to be.


Persist in creative thinking and you will have an increasing faith in the presence of a mighty Godforce which acts according to your thinking. You will have faith in the idea you are thinking, faith in your power to create by thinking, faith in the re sponse to your thinking, faith founded upon works. At first this faith may not be strong, never having been tested to any extent. But as you go along, watch ing the effects of the thinking, faith grows. And as faith grows, the effects from the thinking increase in number and grow in strength. Be determined to be all that you can be. A luke warm attitude gets you nowhere. Be determined and be persistent. Think and do. Think the best you can and do the best you can with what you have today. Take the image of supply, substance, plenty, riches; to think this image you must think of all that it im plies, all that is involved in the image. Picture your self in this way: Unfolding in talent and in culture. Able to buy things, to possess things. Able to pay for new things, able to pay old debts. Rich, with much, with plenty.

Mental Attitude


Contributing to the richness of life about you. Living fully with good food, good clothing, good surroundings.

With plenty of With beautiful

rest and recreation.

books, time to travel,

study and



time for companionship. With love in your living. With plenty of money, able to give to those you love.







is a

Force upon which

I depend."


you desire to become as much as you can become, then you must realize this truth: You can only be come as much as you can think. If you truly desire to become as much as you can, you must play the game fair and square and follow the rules. Here are the rules — 1.

it can 2.

Do what the day brings forth, and do it the best be done.

While doing what needs to be done, think the

thing you want.

Have faith in the presence of the mighty Godforce; have faith in the thinking; have faith in yourself. 3.


The image you are to think in this section of lessons plenty.

Belief in a thing makes that thing so for you; there fore, the more you can believe in your thinking, in your power to create by thinking, the more your thinking will do for you. And the more you believe there is a great, living presence of Force everywhere, on the inside and on

the outside of things and of people, the more that Presence will respond to your thinking. 4<



The more you believe you can do, the more you


be able to do.

Remember that the creative power in you is un limited. You can create as high as you can think. Expect the outer to come as a result of creative think ing because as you think the image, plenty, there is a Force, a God-force, within the image which is push ing and pressing forward. It is an inner moving power .which is building and rebuilding, creating, preserving, destroying as you think. If you will you can picture in your mind this process going on. As you get into the practice of it all you attain a certain knack of thinking. Learn how to think and how to do; study the facts; see your problems in their real proportion. Begin (that is such a big item) and all will change and move toward your goal.


have within me all

If I If


of power.


be added to me.

image myself moving into the place I want, find myself moving into that place.



I let



within me and think, the things

seek the Force

related to my thinking



go of the idea of limitation while I am thinking my image and, as I let go of the idea of limitation,

limitation dissolves, disappears.



"So shall my word be that goeth forth out my shall not return unto me void, but shall mouth: shall prosper in accomplish that which please, and the thing whereto sent it." (ha. 55:11.)












Use your idea to bring about conditions. You are creating with your thinking and your thinking is freeing you from your difficulties. It gives you what J you desire.

lesson m

INNER THINKING There are laws which will better our conditions if we conform to them, live with them, practice them. They will bring to us financial freedom and success. Our outer living is determined by our inner thinking. Think that you may create new conditions. Want to become much; desire it; think it; make the effort. Want, desire to think, desire to become much. Do all that you can do today; do it so well that you will feel you are doing it well; feel that you are doing it the best it can be done today. Persist in this effort of doing and thinking no matter how difficult it may be. Keep the image of plenty, plenty of all you need, plenty of all you desire, as given in Lesson I constantly before you, constantly in your mind. Have faith in the mighty God-force, in its presence everywhere — within you, within your mind. Have faith in your thinking. Have faith in yourself. You must believe. Study facts and begin. The movement will start toward your goal of plenty. In an orderly way the parts will be assembled, the conditions brought about. The Force within you and within your idea is thinking and loving its way through to completeness. Quicken this movement with the idea by applying attention to the Force-activity there within the idea and within yourself. The more you get into the prac41

Inner Thinking


tice of putting your attention upon the idea and upon the Force within the idea, the more intriguing you will find the practice. As you practice this more and more doubt, worry and fear, all counter-ideas, jeal ousies and enmities will slip into the background. The big effort must be to hold the good thought, the idea, in mind with Force active in it. Thought is the power which propels for the Force moves accord ing to the thought or idea.


must make the most of yourself. Do this deliberately. It is a good selfishness, a divine selfishness, for as you lift yourself you are able to lift others, thus your selfishness becomes generosity. Develop this idea of plenty in such a way, with such an attitude, with such good will, with such desire, that while you are progressing others may move up also, may even be benefited by your steps as you take them. Possibly the idea for your goal may include the many or the happiness of the many. They will be benefited then as you are benefited. Let us open up our viewpoint and give others about us a chance, too, to grow. They have the same right to all this plenty.



ACTIVE THINKING with thinking. You must continually think and have faith in the Force. It is also necessary to connect action with it. The better you live today, the better you do all you have to do today the further you are propelled toward your

It is

necessary to connect activity


Live today. Do each thing the best it can be done. Think high goals with all the faith at your command. Accompany this by a feeling of determination and persistence. Perpetually come back again and again to the goal. Back of your activity of thinking, doing and feel ing is the great universal mighty Force which is in all and through all ever pushing forward to visible forms according to the thinking.


begin now looking forward toward plenty. begin now looking to the Force moving surely,

knowingly, powerfully.

I look to the Force that I may unfold talent and culture. I look to the Force that I may be able to bvy all I » need for my becoming. < I look to the Force that I may contribute to the * richness and beauty of life. look to the Force that I may live fully with g tod food, clothing, environment. I look to the Force that I may have plenty of re. and recreation.




Active Thinking

I look

to the Force that I may have time for love in my living, love with my family, friends and companions. look to the force that I may be able to give to those love.




am willing to be directed by the Force. wisdom.


seek its


The moment you are willing to be directed by the Force you are being directed by the Force. It responds immediately.

Love is a necessary influence and power in life, in your life, in my life. Love the Force. Love people. Love all things. Love involves forgiveness. We must forgive people and experiences. We must forgive ourselves.











Love and forgiveness open doors for us through which we pass as we unfold. If you are not capable of forgiveness, then you are not capable of becoming that you might otherwise become. We stunt our growth when we do not forgive. We stunt our growth through criticism and condemna tion. Thought the power that produces. Thought filled or colored with love and forgiveness of different nature than thought colored with lack of Think this forgiveness, criticism, or condemnation. over. Look at people as they think. It easy to watch your neighbor think. Look at the ones who are hating. Then turn your attention toward one who gener ous, loving, forgiving. Look at the one who con tinually criticising or condemning. Which one do you evade? Which one do you enjoy being near? Think about in connection with this lesson. All that produced comes first from thought seed. The Force within the seed moves according to

Freedom Through Creative



the pattern or idea. We are creators because we can produce these thought seeds. Having produced the seed, we feed and stimulate growth through thinking. If you are lazy in your thinking you can stimulate thinking through attention upon the image or through reading and studying. Reading is a capital way to stimulate thinking when one feels he just

cannot think.


the activity of the Force by by praise of attention upon it, by recognition of



can stimulate

by loving it.


You must make the effort of directing your atten tion. You must make greater effort when appear ances are against you.





mighty universal Force living in all There forms, living in you. This Force consciously living, has the natural desire for increase of itself, for en largement of its life. Every living thing just




living becomes more. Your idea has this living Force living in it. The Force consciously living in your filled with desire to live more and more. idea. It







is a

make your idea more alive, you help the growth by attention and by the warmth of your love. principle. The more you can add to Livingness the livingness of others the more you tune in with the nature of the Force for the Force seems to desire liv universal and co-operates ingness for all. The Force with you as you become universal. The Force will not take from another to give to you. The Force has the same desire for livingness in each one. You can have without taking from anyone. When way that you receive you must receive in such others can live more.






order to become all you can be it is necessary to have plenty to do with, so take the idea of opulent plenty. The Universal Divine Force within you takes the opulent plenty idea and moves in and through pushes itself out into the forms which mean plenty about you. Money will surely come, probably first along estab there are no established chan lished channels, but nels open new doors will open. Everything you need for your unfoldment, advancement, becoming will come to you in an orderly, natural way you keep holding to your image with all the faith you can muster, all the love you can feel, all the efficiency you can put into your day. "Ask, and



shall be given you; seek, and ye shall shall be opened unto you: find; knock, and and to him that knocketh (Matt. 7: 7-8.)



"For everyone that asketh receieveth; and seeketh findeth;



shall be


The first principle to deal fairly with all men. This means to give service, give to those about you that which they need, give of yourself, put yourself into the thing you are doing, give freely and deliber ately more than that for which you are given credit. Give to those who come to you what will benefit them


Freedom Through Creative Thinking

and they will give to you what you need. If you get the idea of giving the best of yourself to the Force, to the Universal, then the Universal gives the best to you. Consider this and test it out. It will bear testing. As you give so you receive. Others receive what you give and are boosted up, giving to you increase for your advancement.


and prove me now herewith, saitb the Lord of if will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." (Mai. 3:10.)



This image living in you moves you toward your goal. As you move toward your goal you will need many people and many things. The more you can give to those who come to you with things and money, the more of all these things shall you attract to your self. And the more you can attract, the more you can give. The more you can give, the more the Force can give to you all that you need for the fulfillment of your idea.




There is a way to reach this goal of plenty, of opu lence. There is a way of contacting this Force which is scientific. It is a way of worshiping, thinking and doing all at once. There is this universal God-force. We must wor praise it. ship it, love "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Prov. 3: 5-6.)

This means to continually have the reverent atti tude. As we worship, love, praise and thank the Force




something happens to us. Consciously or uncon sciously we generate it. We need to generate we would have flow in and through us to accom

plish for us.

of two worlds — spiritual and physical. We bring the two worlds together with our We

are creatures

thinking, and by bringing them together the Force flows and creates what we are thinking.

Let us take time for this. We can




transforming, transfiguring Force enough to lift our selves up into opulence, riches, plenty but we must be still to do it. It necessary to go apart from the noises, go apart from the many outer images, go apart from the prob-



Freedom Through Creative Thinking

lem itself pressing about you. It is necessary to go apart and think of the Force until you can get a con sciousness of the Force. Go apart and get a broader view of things, a more inclusive view of the whole situation. But most important of all, you must be in tune with this Force, and to be in harmony with it you must go quietly apart and meditate upon it.

This relationship that you may have with the Force is a natural relationship; is is like going to the Father.


should be a natural turning to the One in whom there is complete confidence. Go apart and quietly throw off all the depressing ideas, shut out things and people, become quiet, think of the Force, think of what and who you are, think of opulence as you wish it to be. This going apart is like going into a closet. It is retiring to a secret place, a hidden place, a private place, "The secret place of the most high." Here you get a perspective. Here it is easier to think of great things, of good things, of completed things; it is easier to get to the center of things. Then there is a meeting as it were, a meeting of the Force and you, and lo! you are generating it. Do not ask just for plenty. Give yourself to the Force; give your mind; give your attention; give your love; give your image; give your co-operation. The Force then gives to you, fills you and your thinking and doing. Get the habit of thinking of the Force, of talking to the Force silently and alone, deeply, gratefully, persistently, calmly impelling. You have within you all the power you need, so quietly think your way through to plenty, health and happiness. Move from the shadow to the sunshine; move to

The Silence


ward the light; move mentally toward the place you want to be, letting go of the ideas of limitation, nonsupport, no money, hard times. The ideas will then slip away into nothingness and the conditions slip away too with the ideas, for you are holding the ideas of opulence, riches, plenty and you bring them into being and the conditions come too. Mentally write the picture. The picture has Spirit, Force, Happiness, Peace and Life. It impregnates mind stuff. Make this mental picture and the process begins. *




UNIVERSAL LAWS There is a Force everywhere present, all-powerful and intelligent, which is working out a universal program according to law. The more we can conform our behavior as individuals to this universal program, the more we better our conditions. There are universal laws which must be recognized: The outer living is determined by the inner thinking. 1.

We are free to choose what the thinking is to be. Having chosen, we must take the consequences of the thinking. We want to become all we can become. We 2.

can become




we can think.

3. Thought and action are related while thinking toward the Force, the Father, with our idea of per fection. Washing dishes, cleaning a car or writing a letter may have nothing to do with the idea being created, but if these acts represent the activity of the moment each one must be performed as perfectly as is possible. Every activity in which we indulge, no matter how apparently trivial or unconnected, is in reality a part of the drive toward the goal of perfection.

Faith, determination, persistence, confidence and courage play their parts in attaining the goal. Faith in the Force, faith in our ability to think, faith in the idea we are thinking, faith in the result of our thinking, determination to think and to become, persistence in the thinking and the becoming are all steps toward our 4.

ultimate aim.


Universal Laws J.

Where there is intelligence there Attention upon an idea brings response through and for that idea.

59 is


from and

The cultivation of certain attitudes of mind help in bringing forth into actual form the idea or ideas held in the mind such as forgiveness, generosity, love, good will toward conditions and people. Being harmonious in your environment and showing reverence for the Supreme also aid in bringing forth the desired results. 6.



aspire to the finest, highest and best

in posi

tion, honor and goal, you must give your mind high patterns on which to work. As you aspire, look for ward, so you become. It is most important to live the day quietly, thinking to create the goal while per forming tasks the best they can be done. Be harmoni ous with the laws, the conditions, and the activity governing the place in which you find yourself. *





LOOKING FORWARD There is a Force everywhere about and within you. This Force is infinite, universal, all-loving and wise, all-powerful, alive, full of life, life itself. Think to yourself —

I am. I



live and am quite definitely myself.

can create.


do my creating through my thinking.

am a thinker.

This Force moves according to my thinking, pushes my idea forth into form. The more faith, determination, persistence, harmony, good will, reverence, and gratitude I feel, the better this Force is able to push my hopes and aspirations toward fulfillment. I would be all I can be.


can be





can think.

must deliberately make the effort to think the best, highest, finest, biggest that I can. 1

My thinking

If you would

frees me

from my difficulties.

get the forward look, you must think forward. It is important to think to a purpose. There is a vast difference in ways of thinking. Many do not realize the distinction between idle daydreaming and thinking to a purpose. Take a definite idea and deter mine to create that condition in your living. Then deliberately set yourself, get your mood ready, get into the frame of mind to think to create. Then each

Looking Forward


time you think that thought there will be purpose in your thinking, there will be a reason for the thinking. In thinking to create there must be more than just intellectually thinking an idea and then sitting down and waiting for that idea to materialize. It takes real work to be a creator. Your attitude must be watched closely. Is it high? Is it constructive? Does it include gratitude, forgiveness, good will, faith, hope? The way one feels about things, people, life, God is im portant. Are you generous, kind, broadminded, rever ent? The actions must be watched too. Have you done the best you could possibly do today where you are? Do you keep busy doing what has to be done? And, is your thinking definite? Each individual is capable of becoming much, but it is up to the individual how much. He must think for as much as he can think that much can he become.


want to be all


am capable of becoming.







Mr. X had been accustomed to a responsible position with a good income. Having been let out owing to general business depression, he had been idle for two years. During this time he made frantic efforts to contact men in his line of work who might be able to help him to obtain a position again. He finally became thoroughly discouraged and completely lost his for ward look. He also lost confidence in himself. Many of our men are heartbroken today just as this man was. His questions were honest, from the heart — "What can I do? Where can I start? What do you

have to do to create through this thinking? I have so little faith that I am afraid there is little help for me." Method for working out the problem: He must think differently. He had been thinking failure, no job, thrown out, depression, salary stopped, no job. He must think success, good job waiting for me, active, money coming in, plenty of money, right place, contacts, successful contacts, contacts for money, contacts for a good job, right contacts. He must recognize the presence of the force of God and give that Force something to do in him and for him. He must look up and not down. 65


Freedom Through Creative Thinking

He took the

of contacts. He gave much time to going apart into the chamber of his mind and idea

thinking, and the thinking was directed to the Force. The thinking was contacts, contacts, right contacts. He then took the next idea good job, good income, right place. To stimulate his thinking he read lessons on thinking to create. Within a month after he started to think he got his first position. This meant an income; he could breathe again. He kept on work ing with the mind. In four months he received a better salary. He is sure to rise higher and higher for he has learned how to think to create.

in this time to change from heaviness to optimism, from despair to hope. He had to get back and keep his forward look. He had to open new channels for the old ones were closed. He did it. Now he is thinking increase, increase. Remember,

he had



Problem This problem deals children of school completely that it new structure. A



with the mother of a family of age. Her house burned down so

was necessary to build an entire new site on the farm land was chosen. Through a bank complication she was unable to use any money she had. She sensed the presence of a Force and directed her prayers to It. She asked for her house. Someone came forward and built the house and the furniture for it. The house was nearly com pleted and her prayer for rain to fill the cistern was still unanswered. All the cisterns in the community were dry. Her cistern was not very good and she prayed for money to dig a well. The house was so



nearly finished she grew desperate and to the presence of the God-force she spoke, going out into the silence of the night, going apart from the work and people. Leaving the way in which is was to be done to the Force, she centered her heartfelt thinking until it was like a cry in her — "Water in my house, God, water in my house." Before this her image had been wobbly, obscure, in that she tried to think how the thing might be done through money to dig a well rather than thinking the thing itself which she really needed. Two days before moving into the new home the floor of the cellar which was of a thick cement bulged and cracked in many directions and in the middle of the cracked area came a spring bubbling forth. A pump was put over it and she has had pure spring water ever since. Surveyors made the statement that it had come from a distance of many miles. *


Problem A woman with



sick colon, inflammation and raw ness, intense pain and severe nervous reaction of many months' standing was getting steadily worse. Her thinking had been an attitude of hurry. She had been under a severe strain trying to serve home a

and business at the same time. She had a great sense of burden sharing for those who seemed to lean so heavily upon her. Always in a hurry, she kept herself tense. It was difficult to let go at any time. The treatment in this case was as follows: She and her practitioner deliberately, frequently and silently spoke to the colon, imaging the Infinite Force moving


Freedom Through Creative Thinking

in and through them both and particularly through out the colon. Their thought projected with the Force was perfect colon, perfect colon, perfect nerves, per fect functioning. And for the home situation their thought was peace, adjustment, order, co-operation. Always they imaged the Infinite Force silently, surely moving along the nerves in and throughout the colon, and throughout the home situation. Giving this image of perfection constantly to the Force in the colon, the response soon came. Today she is radiant with health. She has changed her thinking. Instead of carrying the burdens of those she loves, she helps them to do the carrying by seeing the problems in their true proportions and in their right place. Then she asks the Force to give the needed help. She gets her response. *


Problem Question:



What do you do when you have two or

more problems presenting themselves at once to be solved? Can you hold in mind more than one problem at the same time?


Take each problem separately, studying the facts. Get each one as straight and clear and true as you can in your mind. Then take the group of two, three, four or more and arrange them in your mind as one image to be worked out by the force of the Infinite; i.e., think of yourself enjoying perfect health, happiness, supply. You can create at one time as many ideas as you are capable of holding in mind. The interesting thing about this method of grouping

Results the problems is that you


will find all your problems

very closely related. Write on paper words suggesting the perfect solu tion. Carry the paper with you, look at it often, im press the solution of the problem upon the mind, knowing all the time that the Force is working silently, quietly, perfectly. *



Problem V A man

married fifteen years has two children, a boy and a girl. He was divorced seven years ago and re married. The second wife brought her two boys into the home. After a few years this marriage proved a failure. He is seeking a divorce. His daughter is a problem; she is hard to control and guide. This man's problem is one of relationship. Relation ship involves the law of attraction. In studying mind it is evident that the trend of thinking, the beliefs which live deep in you, determine what you are and what you attract to yourself. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." The way in which a man feels about things while he is thinking causes him to move in certain directions. In studying a problem one must first of all be will ing to be honest, to take the facts as they are and to go with the facts to solve them. The problem exists because of the personality of the one who has the problem. It has been attracted to him; he can solve it by changing. In order to change he must change The trend of thinking is the trend of thinking. changed by putting in new ideas. Here are two

Freedom Through Creative Thinking


women who are running away. It is the law of at traction in reverse — the law of repulsion. This man must study himself to find out why those he loves do not understand him and co-operate with him. If he will take pencil and paper and honestly study himself, jot down all his points, good, bad, in different, he is bound to feel rather humble. He will find that he has some points that are weak and prob ably many that are good. He wants to attain hap piness.


he is willing to take the principle of happiness and think toward himself, toward his family, toward each one of the group with a real feeling of good will, with a generous feeling, with a warm feeling, with a forgiving feeling, the force of God will "move in mysterious ways His wonders to perform." Happi ness will be brought about.


the principle of happiness there must not be a marring element. The wrong feeling will bring in the marring element. The feeling must, therefore, be of the right quality.


get the right feeling quickly he must immedi

ately forgive, forgive in a wholesale way, forgive everybody and everything, forgive every situation and episode. He must not argue about it even with himself; he must just forgive. Right or wrong, he must forgive. That is the big point. Forgive on the spot. He must warm up with love, love more, be warmer in his attitude, be more generous in his judg ments, put good will into the experience he is going through at the time, love the experience. And while he is loving and forgiving he must do his thinking — think happiness.



Happiness thinking toward the daughter does not mean that she must have every little whim satisfied. It mean that he desires for her good fortune now and in the future, a deep-down joyfulness, a feeling of security, a freedom from fear and danger. It means right, high, good relations with her God, herself, and her fellows, that she live in harmony, that she find a deep happy satisfaction in living. He must desire this for his present wife and also for the wife from whom he is divorced. He must desire it for the boys and for himself. A principle is a big thing. It involves you and your environment. It involves you and others. As you wish happiness you must not only receive it but have others receive it. If this man is sincere and honest in the application of this principle, if he gives his attention to it often, he will find he is becoming more and more interested in seeing it work, in seeing the others as well as him self become happy. He will like the idea more and more; he will love the idea; he will want them all to be happy. Then as he speaks his word happiness to the Force in himself and out to them, he will find the law of attraction bringing to him and to them real happiness. Happiness is a thing they all want. He should not seek a divorce unless compelled to do so, unless it is a part of the law of attraction for working out the happiness of all concerned. »






woman had high blood pressure, bad heart, kidney trouble. (Study over the section including the case of the woman with the colon condition. Problem 3.)


Freedom Through Creative Thinking

The heart pumps the blood stream; the blood car ries the life stream. Picture the pure life force, infinite in its character and nature, involving in itself power, love, wisdom moving through the body, healing, puri fying and strengthening each part as it goes. As this picture is held in mind gratitude fills the heart that healing is possible. Gratitude brings more of the God-force into play. There is poison in this woman's system so there must be poison somewhere her mental life, in her mind, in her general trend

in of


Forgiveness and love is the dose for her to take daily, hourly, constantly. Love is the great adjuster and purifier. Love is the great healer. Love and wis dom are involved in the Force moving through the body in the blood stream. She should breathe deeply, think much, forgive and love; think perfect body and have faith; let go and give the Force a chance to work. There is a way and the Force will find it. *






man and woman had to give up their home and go to live with relatives. Many are having this prob lem. If you have to live with your relatives, live with them. It is hard for them, too. While living with them, it is imperative that you go often apart and think. Think right place, good job, money com ing in, independence, freedom. Be willing to give to those about you what you

want for yourself. Think each thought as a principle, remembering that a principle is an impersonal thing which, dropped into a situation or home, gives to all



alike. There is no partiality in principle. Think right place as a principle and the Force will give to them, as well as to you, the right place. Love much, love those with whom you are living for helping you, love just for the sake of loving. Love while thinking, and think home, perfect home, home for the relative and home for yourself. Forgive every body and everything. Forgive and love. If there is discord, fear, discontent, or other nega tive principles ruling the house, there is great need for constructive thinking on the part of the visitors, not only for themselves but for all in the home. Think steady income. (Study Problem I.) *





Here is a case as stated by the woman herself: "My whole living has been altered. I have had to go away from friends, church and so much that I value. My husband has been out of work for a year (the first time in his life). He gets very despondent. I want so much to help him. How can I do so through crea

tive thinking?" Such a problem is often brought to a practitioner. There is a way out. First, contact the Infinite Force and then think plenty, God, plenty. (Both husband and wife received splendid positions.) It is often well to study a case which has been worked out successfully, so let us study such a case. A woman with a family of healthy, active children had a husband with no income, out of work for sev eral months, with no prospect of anything as long as the depression should last. He seemed to ridicule the

74 idea

Freedom Through Creative Thinking she went along quietly with realizing that he was deeply religious

of spiritual help, but









her thinking, but very shy in confessing it. As she went about her daily tasks, doing them as efficiently as she could under the circumstances, she would take time to wor ship silently, approaching silently the everywhere present Infinite God-force. She spoke to it, called upon it so much that it became to her a living pres ence. Persistently she kept at calling for money for her husband, cash for him, position for him, God. She found herself so constantly and deeply engaged in thinking that time seemed to melt away and with her worries and fears melted away. She became quite calm, quiet and expectant. In less than week the position came bringing cash, plenty of and she was not surprised. That which made her happiest of all was the fact that her husband had in some way taken different attitude. He seemed to know what had caused the closer bond was between them good fortune and after that, deeper understanding. Going apart to talk with your God always causes you to over-shoot the mark, to go further than you have planned. "When you go into the closet of mind where you meet with the presence of the mighty God-force you find there all the power you need for solving any problem. * *



IX it

wrong for lovely young woman has asked us, "Is me to want my own home? My parents seem to de pend upon me more and more, and yet my husband



frets so at having to live with them. He makes so little money that we almost have to take the financial help mother and dad can give." Many of our young people are having to face the problem today of not having enough of their own and having to take help from their parents which usually means going to live with them. If these young people will think home, think our own home, our perfect home, home, if they will think it to the Force, to the universal sacred Spirit, every where present, they will get results. They must think it confidently, knowing that there will be a response. Is it selfish, you ask. Perhaps so, but it is being divinely selfish. If the young woman will think perfect happiness, perfect home for all (for the father and mother must be happy, too, or the home will not be perfect), conditions will change and the parents will find their happiness in some other way. Every man should have the privilege of being the head of his own home. Parents must release the young people and give them a chance to be independent, an opportunity to make their own homes. If the young people will go within themselves and seek the Force, the universal, Infinite Presence within, thinking our own home, our perfect income, enough and more, happiness, perfect marriage, they will create as they think, and they will probably find that mother and father are only too glad to be together, to do the many things they have long wanted to do. It is pitiful to watch people who truly love each other interfering with one another's happiness because of some sense of duty which in reality does not exist.


Freedom Through Creative Thinking

Think home, home for them and home for yourself. Think it to God. In our very wonderful book, The Bible, it is written "God is a Present Help in time of trouble." In the same book we find, "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and he will direct thy paths." Think about that. *


Problem X


splendid young woman would like to remarry and have her own home, including a real companionship. The principle involved in this problem of loneliness is mateship. Look up that word mateship. It involves being a mate as well as getting a mate. To be a mate means to give love, help, companionship and to re ceive the same. As the principle is held in mind and given to the universal Force, remember that the Force fills the universe. Your heart calling the principle of mateship sends it everywhere. Somewhere the one who needs what you are and is willing to give will hear the call and be attracted to you. It is interesting to watch people crossing a continent or a sea brought together by the law of attraction. You will never fail if you are willing to be a mate and desire mateship. It is a beautiful principle, the mateship prin ciple. Go apart and talk it out with your God.

You can become



much *



you can think.

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