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Chinese Astrology Ba Zi
Ba Zi (Eight Characters) Ba Zi – also known as the Four Pillars of Destiny – is a form of a traditional Chinese astrology. This method involves the evaluation of Destiny and Luck as part of a consultation. The consultation helps a person to not only find out who they are, but also how to reach their full potential - and when.
Ba Zi chart The Ba Zi or Eight Characters chart (also known as the Four Pillars Chart) – is a traditional Chinese astrology chart. The Eight Characters are derived from your DOB and distributed evenly into Four Pillars, which stand for a person’s year, month, day and hour of birth. Customarily, and according to tradition, pillars are usually written from right to left.
Bullying Punishment Bullying Punishment is a relationship that exists between Storage Stars. In this kind of relationship there is always a victim and a perpetrator.
Cardinals The Four Cardinals – or Peach Blossom Stars – occupy the four cardinal directions. Rat occupies the North, Horse is settled in the South, Rabbit is in the East, while Rooster governs the West. When the Four Cardinals dominate the Four Pillars, they make people charming, attractive and social.
Graveyards Graveyard or Storage Stars refers to the four Earth Branches – Dragon, Goat, Dog and Ox – which represent the end of things. These Branches are complex and each Graveyard Branch stores Qi from both the current and previous season. When Graveyards dominate in the Four Pillars, they make people cautious, practical, hardworking and obstinate.
Day Master The Day Master – or Self – is a Heavenly Stem of the day of birth. It defines a person, describing their basic traits, inclinations, talents and faults. In a Ba Zi evaluation it serves as a reference point in analyzing different life aspects. It can be weak or strong, moderate or dominating.
Day Pillar The Day Pillar is a person’s day of birth, converted into the 60 Jia Zi (Pillars). The Day Pillar is the most basic pillar, as it directly refers to the person; revealing who they are, the psychophysical status of their health and their chances in love and marriage.
Destiny An individual’s Destiny (Ming) is established at the time of their birth and involves not only their basic personality, intellectual capacities and bodily constitution, but also inherent talents and other capabilities (or shortcomings). Destiny comes hand in hand with Luck (Yun).
Destructions Destruction refers to the specific relationship between two Branches that create a change by destructing something that already exists. Destructions can cause external obstacles or destructive personal habits. Although in certain cases they may also help in breaking down something that needs restructuring and modification.
Eight Characters (Ba Zi) The Eight Characters – also known as the Four Pillars of Destiny – is a form of a traditional Chinese astrology.
Fan Yin The concept of Fan Yin refers to the existence of the Clashing Pillar in the Four Pillars chart. For example, Rabbit and Rooster are in a Clashing relationship, and whoever possesses these two, is already experiencing a partial Fan Yin. Meeting Fan Yin in certain Luck Cycles and years may also introduce challenges and hardships.
Favorable God This expression usually refers to the most favorable Element, regardless of its presence in the chart.
Fire Element Branches When they meet each other, Fire Element Branches produce Fire. Fire gives people more passion and ambition and these people tend to be pro-active in achieving their goals. The Fire Element Branches are: Tiger, Horse and Dog.
Five Elements The concept of the Five Elements, or Wu Xing, describes the five stages of every change in life. The Five Elements are: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Each Element appears in a state of Yin and Yang, resulting in Yang Wood and Yin Wood, Yang Fire and Yin Fire, Yang Earth and Yin Earth, Yang Metal and Yin Metal, Yang Water and Yin Water
Five Types of Luck Also known as the Five Gods, the five basic Types of Luck are: Friend, Expression, Wealth, Power and Resource.
Four Growths The Four Growths – or Four Traveling Stars – refer to the four Earth Branches that ‘grow’ the seasonal Qi. Tiger grows Fire, Snake grows Metal, Monkey grows Water and Pig grows Wood. These Branches are complex and dynamic, and people who have them in their Four Pillars are good starters, full of energy, activity and creativity, who take pleasure in their growth.
Fu Yin Fu Yin refers to a repetition of the same pillar, meaning that someone has two, or more, identical pillars. Fu Yin can signify many different things about a person – from their inclination toward health issues, accidents and loss, while also being a sign of twins in a family.
Hidden Stems Hidden Stems are contained within each Earth Branch. Depending on the Branch, it will contain from one to three Hidden Stems. No matter how many Hidden Stems the Branch contains, one of them will always represent the Main Qi, while other two are referred to as Sub Qi.
Hour Pillar The Hour Pillar is the hour of your birth, converted into 60 Jia Zi (Pillars). The Hour Pillars concern your dreams and hopes – it is the most internal and intimate Pillar.
Intelligence Star Intelligence or Academic Star appears in the Four Pillars of individuals who enjoy reading and learning, and who may also be interested in education and knowledge. People with a prominent Intelligence Star think and learn quickly and are usually able to grasp a subject on the fly.
Luck Luck or Yun complements the concept of Destiny - Ming. Knowing more about our Luck is the basis of great accomplishments as it reveals the best choices, timing and other such important information. Luck always follows certain cycles and, in addition to the 10-year Luck Cycles (Da Yun, or big luck) there are also annual luck cycles (Xiao Yun, or small luck).
Luck Cycles Luck Cycles - simply known as Big Luck Cycles or Luck Pillars - are 10-year cycles. Luck Cycles are about external events and things that come to a person, from the external world. Each Luck Cycle affects every Stem and Branch in an individual’s Four Pillars, in a positive or negative manner.
Metal Element Branches
When they meet each other, Metal Element Branches produce Metal Element. Metal makes people strong, firm and righteous. The Metal Element Branches are: Snake, Rooster and Ox.
Month Pillar The Month Pillar is the solar month of your birth, converted into the 60 Jia Zi (Pillars). This Pillar refers to your parents, siblings and career.
Nobleman Star
The Nobleman Star is concerned with those responsive and kind people who care for us and who help us in different ways (teachers, mentors, etc.). It is always a good sign when one has a Nobleman in their Four Pillars chart.
Peach Blossom The Peach Blossom Star provides support to one’s charm, physical appearance and attractiveness. As a result, it can positively influence one’s love life and popularity. The Peach Blossom Stars – also known as the Four Cardinals – occupy the four cardinal directions. Rat occupies the North, Horse is settled in the South, Rabbit is in the East, while Rooster governs the West.
Qi (Ch’i) Qi or Ch’i is the energy. It is most usually referred to as the “breath of nature” and “the life force that exists in everything, animated or unanimated”. The earliest form of the written character for Qi shows the words steam ( ) and rice ( ), associating it with the vapor that appears during the process of cooking rice.
Seasonal Combinations Every Branch relates to a specific solar month, and each solar month belongs to a specific season. When Branches from the same season meet, they tend to accentuate the Element of that season.
Self The Self – or Day Master – is a Heavenly Stem of the day of birth. It defines a person, describing their basic traits, inclinations, talents and faults. In a Ba Zi evaluation it serves as a reference point in analyzing different life aspects. It can be weak or strong, moderate or dominating. The Ten Selves are: Yang Wood – Jia (The Initiator), Yin Wood – Yi (The Artist), Yang Fire – Bing (The Motivator), Yin Fire – Ding (The Giver), Yang Earth – Wu (The Guardian), Yin Earth – Ji (The Nurturer), Yang Metal – Geng (The Protector), Yin Metal – Xin (The Thinker), Yang Water – Ren (The Executive) and Yin Water – Gui (The Visionary).
Self-Punishment Self-Punishment occurs when a person has two Pigs, two Horses, two Roosters or two Dragons in their Four Pillars. In this kind of situation, an individual may tend towards doing things that will harm them.
Shen Sha Shen Sha are symbolic Stars which affect our lives in different ways. The most important Shen Sha are: Nobleman, Peach Blossom, Sky Horse and Intelligence Star
Six Clashes A Clash exists when certain two Branches, which always occur at the opposite sides of the Chinese Zodiac wheel, both appear in one’s Ba Zi chart. A Clash always denotes opposition, conflict, hardship and - changes.
Six Combinations Whenever they occur in one’s Ba Zi chart, certain pair of Branches (Ox and Rat; Tiger and Pig; Rabbit and Dog; Dragon and Rooster; Snake and Monkey, Horse and Goat) - tend to combine. The Six Combinations affects positively one’s social skills, and those who have them can more easily communicate and make connections.
Six Harms A Harm is a relationship between certain Branches which harm each other, creating difficulties and damaging relationships. Sometimes, Harms can be the cause of quarrels and break-ups.
Sixty Jia Zi (60 Pillars) There are 60 unique combinations of Heavenly Stems and Earth Branches, and these are usually referred as 60 Jia Zi, because they start with Yang Wood Rat Pillar (Jia Zi).
Sky Horse (Traveling Star) Sky Horse is a Star that makes people active and busy.
Small Luck Cycles Small Cycles refer to the influence of the Annual Pillar, that is, the specific year.
Storage Stars (Graveyards) Storage Stars or Graveyards refer to the four Earth Branches: Dragon, Goat, Dog and Ox, representing the end of things. These Branches are complex and each Graveyard Branch stores Qi from both the current and previous season. These people are cautious, practical, hardworking and stubborn.
Ten Gods The Ten Gods are basically the Five Types of Luck in their Yang and Yin version. This categorization is more precise, and it can help access the specific qualities and subtleties of the Five Types of Luck – or Five Gods.
Ten Personality Types of Chinese Astrology The Ten Personality Types of Chinese Astrology are derived from the Ten Stems or Ten Selves. The Ten Personality Types of Chinese Astrology are: 1. The Initiator (Jia or Yang Wood) 2. The Artist (Yi or Yin Wood) 3. The Motivator (Bing or Yang Fire) 4. The Giver (Ding or Yin Fire) 5. The Guardian (Wu or Yang Earth) 6. The Nurturer (Ji or Yin Earth) 7. The Protector (Geng or Yang Metal) 8. The Thinker (Xin or Yin Metal) 9. The Executive (Ren or Yang Water) and 10. The Visionary (Gui or Yin Water).
The Four Pillars (Ba Zi) Four Pillars or Ba Zi (Eight Characters) is a traditional Chinese Astrology method, which shows an individual’s date of birth in the form of Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, which are distributed evenly into four pillars (there are year, month, day and hour pillars). Customarily, and according to tradition, pillars are usually written from right to left.
Three Combinations The Three Combinations are also known as the Three Stages. When certain Earth Branches from the same Elemental Frame (Water Element Frame, Wood Element Frame, Metal Element Frame, Fire Element Frame) meet each other, they produce a new Element, related to the Frame they belong to.
Three Treasures
The concept of the Three Treasures is most usually referred to as Human, Earth and Man Luck or the Tien-Di-Ren principle. It concerns the placement of humans between heaven and earth and the influence of all three Treasures on an individual’s destiny and luck. This principle can also be applied internally and therefore in Chinese medicine we will also come across the concept of the Internal Three Treasures, of Shen, Qi and Jing.
Traveling Stars
The Four Growths or Travelling Stars refer to the four Earth Branches that grow the seasonal Qi. Tiger grows Fire, Snake grows Metal, Monkey grows Water and Pig grows Wood. These Branches are complex and dynamic and people who have them in their Four Pillars are good starters, full of energy, activity and creativity, who take pleasure in their own growth.
Twelve Branches (Twelve Chinese Zodiac signs) The Twelve Earthly Branches are known as the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac, although they are more than animals and cannot be compared with the zodiac signs in Western culture. The Twelve Earthly Branches are Zi (Rat), Chou (Ox), Yin (Tiger), Mao (Rabbit), Chen (Dragon), Si (Snake), Wu (Horse), Wei (Goat), Shen (Monkey), You (Rooster), Xu (Dog) and Hai (Pig). Each Branch has its own unique characteristics, corresponding season, solar month, bi-hour, direction, and hidden stems…
Ungrateful Punishments When appearing next to each other, certain Growth Stars may create situations that relate to a lack of acknowledgment for one’s own efforts and contributions.
Uncivilized Punishments This relationship occurs between Rat and Rabbit and it usually indicates an issue of unfaithfulness and/or other sexually-related matters (like rape, incest, etc).
Usefu Useful God Useful God is the most important Element (Stem, Branch) in one’s life and can sometimes be the difference between success and failure.
Useful Void God The concept of ‘Void’ is also known as Kong Wang. It indicates a general lack of fulfillment and happiness in certain areas of one’s life. Kong Wang can be present in one’s Ba Zi chart, but it can also arrive in specific Luck Cycles and years.
Water Element Branches When they meet each other, Water Element Branches tend to produce the Water Element, which makes people more emotional, deep, wise and reflective. The Water Element Branches are: Dragon, Rat and Monkey.
WoodUseful Element God Branches When they meet each other, Wood Element Branches produce the Wood Element. Wood makes people youthful, gullible, imaginative and spontaneous. The Wood Element Branches are: Pig, Rabbit and Goat.
Year Pillar The Year Pillar is the year a person was born, converted into the 60 Jia Zi (sixty Pillars). The Year Pillar is the most external Pillar in a person’s Four Pillars chart, and it refers to early childhood, ancestors and the wider social environment.
Yin-Yang The principles of Yin and Yang complement and balance each other; they depend on one another while constantly fluctuating toward a state of dynamic balance. Yin is basically a nourishing female principle, complex and very deep, while Yang is a male principle, simple, quick and rather superficial. Yang is open, while Yin is more hidden. Yang is spiritual, while Yin is more material. The nature of every Yin is soft, hidden, dark and mysterious, whereas Yang is strong, more obvious and brighter.
BOOKS Broaden your knowledge on Chinese Astrology with the gripping series by Althea S.T.!
Check out other Kindles from our Chinese Astrology series (available on Amazon): Chinese Astrology for beginners Chinese Astrology for Health and Wellbeing Chinese Astrology for Love and Relationships Chinese Astrology for Wealth and Prosperity
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Award-winning paperbacks: Feng Shui and Chinese astrology handbook: A Course in Real Feng Shui (Softcover – Amazon) A Course in Real Feng Shui (Hardcover – Website) A Course in Chinese Astrology (Softcover – Amazon) A Course in Chinese Astrology (Hardcover – Website)
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