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The four keys of transformation_part one

THE FOUR KEYS OF TRANSFORMATION – PART ONE Color Group Splenic: Rigid Ajna: Energetic Solar Plexus: Sensitive


1. Appetite 2. Taste 3. Thirst 4. Touch Internal Theme: Active Circumstance 5. Sound 6. Light

Semplicity Hunter Repetition Gatherer Temperature Transformer Atmosphere Determiner Volume Listener Frequency Watcher


Need for safety and control Your real life is in the workplace Mutation related to changing temperature Being above things; less oxygen Connecting to what's going on in the world Shore as transition for others to come to you

Design Sun/Earth

Design Nodes

External Theme: Observed


1. Caves 2. Markets 3. Kitchens 4. Mountains Upper / 5. Valleys Landscape 6. Shores Lower / Hardscape


External Theme: Focused Motivation Person. Sun/Earth

Internal Theme: Strategic

Manipulative Selective

Selective Internal Wet Active Narrow Natural

Only selected people enter your cave, one person at a time Working from home (for ex. internet) or in an internal place Right level of humidity indoors and outdoors High activity; only who “climbs the mountain” is good for you Focused sound; direct acoustic connection with the other Natural boundaries; different perspectives about nature

1. Survival 2. Possibility 3. Power 4. Wanting 5. Probability 6. Personal

How people survive? What might happen? Who has the power? What people want? What can happen? What means that for me?

4. Wanting 5. Probability 6. Personal 1. Survival 2. Possibility 3. Power

Left Fixed Tones – The Senses Splenic (Focused) Ajna (Periodic) 1. Security 2. Uncertainty 3. Action Communalist Trajectory from Separatist to Communalist Theist Trajectory from Anti-theist to Theist Leader Trajectory from Follower to Leader Master Trajectory from Novice to Master Conditioner Trajectory from Conditioned to Conditioner Observer Trajectory from Observed to Observer

1. Fear 2. Hope 3. Desire 4. Need 5. Guilt 6. Innocence

Go to the bottom of things Know what to wait for Be locked into things Know what is needed See what it is there to fix Allow things come to you

4. Need 5. Guilt 6. Innocence 1. Fear 2. Hope 3. Desire

Communalist Theist Leader Master Conditioner Observer

Distraction / Transference


Personality Nodes


Left Fixed Tones – The Cognition Splenic (Focused) Ajna (Periodic) 1. Smell 2. Taste 3. Outer Vision Consecutive Eat one thing at a time, finish it and go on to the next one Open Try something once to know if you want to taste it again or not Hot Every day warm liquids and warm breakfast Calm Stay away from mental stimulation and tension while you eat High Listen to the music and/or to people speaking while you eat Direct Expose your body to the light of the sun not only while eating

Page 1

Trajectory from Separatist to Communalist Trajectory from Anti-theist to Theist Trajectory from Follower to Leader Trajectory from Novice to Master Trajectory from Conditioned to Conditioner Trajectory from Observed to Observer

The four keys of transformation_part two

THE FOUR KEYS OF TRANSFORMATION – PART TWO Color Group Splenic: Rigid Ajna: Energetic Solar Plexus: Sensitive

PHS Design Sun/Earth

1. Appetite Conditions 2. Taste

3. Thirst 4. Touch Internal Theme: Passive Circumstance 5. Sound 6. Light Environment Design Nodes

External Theme: Observer

1. Caves 2. Markets 3. Kitchens 4. Mountains Upper / 5. Valleys Landscape 6. Shores Lower / Hardscape

Semplicity Hunter Repetition Gatherer Temperature Transformer Atmosphere Determiner Volume Listener Frequency Watcher

Need for safety and control Your real life is in the workplace Mutation related to changing temperature Being above things; less oxygen Connecting to what's going on in the world Shore as transition for others to come to you

Personality Nodes

External Theme: Peripheral Motivation Person. Sun/Earth

Internal Theme: Receptive

Blending External Dry Passive Wide Artificial

Distraction / Transference

Colors View

Ajna (Periodic) 4. Inner Vision Alternating Primitive Closed Cold Manipulative Nervous Low Selective Indirect

1. Survival 2. Possibility 3. Power 4. Wanting 5. Probability 6. Personal

How people survive? What might happen? Who has the power? What people want? What can happen? What means that for me?

Ajna (Periodic) 4. Meditation Separatist 4. Wanting 5. Probability Anti-theist Follower 6. Personal 1. Survival Novice 2. Possibility Conditioned Observed 3. Power

1. Fear 2. Hope 3. Desire 4. Need 5. Guilt 6. Innocence

Go to the bottom of things Know what to wait for Be locked into things Know what is needed See what it is there to fix Allow things come to you

4. Need 5. Guilt 6. Innocence 1. Fear 2. Hope 3. Desire

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Separatist Anti-theist Follower Novice Conditioned Observed

Right Fixed Tones – The Cognition Solar Plexus (Cyclical) 5. Feeling 6. Touch Going from one thing to the other alternating between the two Focus on the things that taste good and eliminate the others Foods and drinks cold and/or below the body temperature Need for movement and stimulation while you eat Need to eat in silence and/or with the volume turned down Eat when the sun is down; take your body away from light Being in a crowded place, blending with other people Working in different places and going around the world Get the humidity out of the environment; central heating Wandering around the world; little contact with others Loving wide and open spaces where the sound is diffused Artificial light and/or artificial boundary between things

Right Fixed Tones – The Senses Solar Plexus (Cyclical) 5. Judgement 6. Acceptance Trajectory from Communalist to Separatist Trajectory from Theist to Anti-theist Trajectory from Leader to Follower Trajectory from Master to Novice Trajectory from Conditioner to Conditioned Trajectory from Observer to Observed Trajectory from Communalist to Separatist Trajectory from Theist to Anti-theist Trajectory from Leader to Follower Trajectory from Master to Novice Trajectory from Conditioner to Conditioned Trajectory from Observer to Observed

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