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How To Find YOUR Bond In A Criminal Conviction Mar 15, 2:50 pm FrFrom: Social D Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 16:50:42 -0700 (PDT) SuSubject: Re: How To Find YOUR Bond In A Criminal Conviction THIS IS FOR ANY COURT CASE whether criminal or civil because the courts turn all court cases into mutual funds to trade on Wall St. On Mar 15, 8:30 am, Social wrote: ================= Type in the case number of a criminal case [two # year, no dashes or spaces]. http://activequote.fidelity.com/mmnet/SymLookup.phtml/SymLookup.phtml... select mutual fund and fund number. Click the symbol number, tells how the fund is doing. if something comes up, copy the CUSIP, then type it in here to find the bond http://fixedincome.fidelity.com/fi/FIFrameset.do?page=FISearchIndivid... Search is on right side of page at the following. Can find out how the courts, etc. are trading. http://smallbusines s.dnb.com/ creditreports/ business information reportdetail. asp?bhcd2= 1196529048 http://smallbusines s.dnb.com/ creditreports/ business information reportdetail. asp?bhcd2= 1200012008