How To Tell Fortunes By Cards2

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PREFACE From the earliest times cards have been used for the purpose of divination; those invented, or probably adapted, for Charles VI of France were by no means the first. Many of them date back many years B. C., and were known to the Chinese, Chaldeans, and various other nations of the East. In Europe they came into vogue about the time of Charles VI, but were introduced much earlier in the century by the Moors, though there is no authentic date to go by. The Tarot are the most ancient, but as these are very complicated, and everyone may not care to take the trouble to study them, I have left them out, giving the simpler methods instead. My little manual has been written to give amusement, and to describe the methods that are commonly used by gipsies and others when they profess to "read your fortune." We have witnessed a great number of most wonderful and useful conclusions which have been produced by this science, and many future events have been foretold; but much depends herein on the ingenuity and skill of the reader, who, after having duly obtained the true and full meaning that each card in a pack bears separately, and in its independent state, must be also fully enabled to form, judge, and vary all their several mixtures, company, and combinations, which are easily deducted and calculated by any person of an ordinary common capacity, for the cards are often somewhat altered and changed from their natural meaning by the mixture of the company in which they are found. MME. Zancig

CONTENTS PART I. 1. Meanings Ascribed to the Cards 2. Curious Games with Cards Supposed to Foretell the Future PART II. 1. Dealing the Cards by Thirty-two 2. Mode No. I-Dealing the Cards by Threes 3. Mode No. 2-Dealing the Cards by Sevens 4. Mode No. 3-Dealing the Cards by Sixteens 5. Mode No. 4- The Twenty-one Cards 6. Mode No. 5-The Italian Method PART III. 1. Past, Present and Future 2. Another Method of Consulting the Cards 3.The Florence Mode PART IV. 1. Modes of Using the Whole Pack of Fiftytwo Cards 2. Method No.1 Method No.2 Method No.3 Method No.4 The Star Another Method of Doing the Star 3. Method No.6 Method No.7 Method No.8 Method No.9 Method No.10 Method No.11 PART V.-WISHES 1. Wish No.1 Wish No.2 Wish No.3 Wish No.4 2. Wish No.6 Wish No. 7

PART VI Telling fortunes with tea or coffee grounds Significance of the emblems Days in the week children born How tell fortunes by dominos Dice Physiognomy Signs and superstition

PART I MEANINGS ASCRIBED TO THE CARDS In telling fortunes, or in divination by cards the ace ranks highest in value; then comes king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight and seven; these in many methods being the only cards used, though in the others the whole pack is necessary. Each mode will be described, and the various meanings of each card; though no matter how apparently diverse are the meanings, and even combinations, the result is practically the same. The order and comparative value of the different suits are as follows:-First on the list stands clubs. These are supposed to show happiness and good business arrangements, and no matter how numerous or how accompanied, they are seldom “read” as bearers of bad augury. Next comes hearts, which are usually taken to signify love making, invitations, and good friends; diamonds, money; and spades, annoyances, sickness or worry, sometimes loss of money. The different meanings ascribed to the various cards, belonging often to the different countries or times to which they belong, are now given. The first method is from a very ancient book published early in the 17th century, and has curious meanings; the other modes of reading the cards are of much later-date. CLUBS Ace-Great wealth, much prosperity, and tranquillity of mind. King-A man who is humane, upright and affectionate; faithful in all his undertakings. He will be happy himself, and make everyone around him so. Queen-A tender, mild and rather susceptible woman, who will be very attractive to the opposite sex. Jack-An open, sincere and good friend, who will exert himself warmly in your welfare. Ten-Speedy wealth. Nine-Obstinacy and disagreeables connected therewith. Eight-A Covetous person, extremely fond of money; that he will obtain it but not make a proper use of it. Seven- The most brilliant fortune and the most exquisite bliss this world can afford, but beware of the opposite sex, from these alone can misfortune be experienced. Six-A lucrative partnership. Five-Marriage to a person who will improve your circumstances. Four-Inconstancy and change. Tray-Three wealthy marriages. Deuce- Opposition or disappointment. DIAMONDS Ace-A letter. King-A man of fiery temper, continued anger, seeking revenge, and obstinate in his resolutions. Queen-A coquette, and fond of company.

Jack-However nearly related, will look more to his own interest than yours, will be tenacious in his own opinions, and fly off if contradicted. Ten-A country husband (or wife), with wealth, and many children; also a purse of gold. Nine-A surprise about money. Eight-Unhappy marriage late in 1ife. Seven- Waste of goods, and losses. Six-An early marriage and widowhood, but a second marriage would probably be worse. Five-Success in enterprises; if married, good children. Four-Vexation and annoyance. Tray-Quarrels, lawsuits, and domestic disagreements, your partner for 1ife will be a vixen, bad tempered, and make you unhappy. Deuce- Your heart will be engaged in love at an early period, but you will meet with great opposition. HEARTS Ace-Feasting and pleasure, and is also the house. If attended with spades it is quarreling; if by hearts, friendship and affection; if by diamonds, you will hear of an absent friend; if by clubs, merry-making and rejoicing. King-A man of good natured disposition, hot and hasty, rash in his undertakings, and very amorous. Queen-A woman of fair complexion, faithful and affectionate. Jack-A person of no particular sex, but always the dearest friend or nearest relation of the consulting party. It is said that you must pay great attention to the cards that stand next to the jack, as from them alone, you are supposed to judge whether the person it represents will be favorable to your inclinations or not. Ten-A good heart, it’s supposed to correct the bad tidings of the cards that stand next it; if its neighboring cards are of good report, it is supposed to ascertain and confirm their value. Nine-Wealth, grandeur, and high esteem; if cards that are unfavorable stand near it, disappointments and the reverse. If favorable cards follow these last at a small distance, you will retrieve your losses, whether of peace or goods. Eight-Drinking and feasting. Seven-A fickle and unfaithful person. Six-A generous, open and credulous disposition, easily imposed on, but the friend of the distressed. Five-A wavering and unsettled disposition. Four-The person will not be married till quite late in life, which will proceed from too great a delicacy in making a choice. Tray (or three)-Your own imprudence will greatly contribute to your experiencing much ill will from others. Deuce (or two)-Extraordinary good future and success; though if unfavorable cards attend this will be a long time delayed. SPADES

Ace-Has to do with love affairs generally. Death when the card is upside down. King-A man ambitious and successful at court, or with a great man who will befriend, him, but let him beware of a reverse. Queen-A woman who will be corrupted by the rich of both sexes. Also a widow. Jack-A person, who, although he has your interest at heart, will be too indolent to pursue it. Ten-Is supposed to be a card of bad import, and in a great measure, to counteract the good effects of the cards near it. Nine-Is professed to be the worst card of the pack; dangerous sickness, total loss of fortune and calamities; also endless discussion in your family. Eight-Opposition from your friends. If this card comes close to you, leave your plan and follow another. Seven-Loss of a valuable friend, whose death will plunge you in very great distress. Six-Very little interpretation of your success. Five-Good luck in the choice of your companion for life, who will be fond of you. Bad temper and interference. Four-Sickness. Tray (or three)-Good fortune in marriage, an inconstant partner, and that you will be made unhappy thereby. Deuce (or two)-A death or disagreeable removal. In the first place, take a pack of fifty-two cards and shuffle them three times well over, and making the significator which queen you please (if a lady performs the operation for herself, or king if a gentleman), then proceed to lay them on a table, nine of a row, and wherever the operator finds himself placed, count nine cards every way, not forgetting the said significator, then it will be seen what card the significator comes in company with, and read from that. When several diamonds come together, the interpretation is that some money will soon be received; several hearts, love; several clubs, drink and noisy troublesome company; several spades, trouble and vexation. If two red tens come next to the significator marriage or prosperity, the ace of hearts is the house, the ace of clubs a letter, the ace of spades death, spite, or quarreling (for this is supposed to be the worst card in the pack), the ten of diamonds a journey, the three of hearts a salute, the three of spades. tears, the ten of spades sickness, the rune of spades sad disappomtment or trouble, to the nine of clubs is ascribed a jovial entertainment or reveling, the nine of hearts feasting, the ten of clubs traveling by water, the ten of hearts some place of amusement, the five of hearts a present, the five of clubs a bundle, the six of spades a child, the seven of spades a removal, the three of clubs fighting, the eight of clubs confusion, the eight of spades a roadway, the four of clubs a strange bed, the nine of diamonds business, the five of spades a surprise, the two red eights new clothes, the three of diamonds speaking with a friend, the four of spades a sick bed, the seven of clubs a prison, the two of spades a false friend, the four of hearts the marriage bed. If a married lady doth lay the cards, she must then make her husband the king of the same suit she is queen of, but if a single lady doth make use of this professed science, she must make her lover what king she may think proper. The jacks of the same suits are supposed to be men's thoughts, so that they may know what they are thinking of, counting nine cards from where they are placed, and it is said if any lady should wish to know whether she shall obtain her desires in

any particular subject, matter, or thing whatsoever, let her shuffle the cards well, most seriously and earnestly wishing all the time for one thing, she must then cut them once, particularly observing at the same time what card that is which she cuts, then shuffle them and deal them out in three parcels, and if that said particular card which she has cut doth come next herself, or next the ace of hearts, it is taken that she will have her wish, but I£ the nine of spades is next to her she judges the contrary, as that is supposed to be a disappointment; however, she may try it three times, taking the major number of testimonies as a ground whereon to place her judgment. This method of using the cards is both innocent and will afford amusement. II CURIOUS GAMES WITH CARDS By which fortunes are told in a most singular and diverting manner. LOVER’S HEARTS Four young persons, but not more, may play at this game, or three by making a dumb hand or sleeping partner as at whist. This game is played exactly the same in every game, making the queen, which is called Venus, above the ace; the ace in this game only stands for one, and hearts must be led off by the person next the dealer. He or she who gets most tricks this way (each taking up their own and no partnership) is supposed to have most lovers, and the king and queen of hearts in one hand is said to denote matrimony at hand; but Woe to the unlucky one who gets no tricks at the deal, or does not hold a heart in his or her hand, to them are ascribed misfortune in love and long tarry before they marry. HYMEN'S LOTTERY Let each one present deposit any sum agreed on, or a certain number of counters; put a complete pack of cards well shuffled in a bag, let the parties stand in a circle and the bag being handed round, each draw three; pairs of any kind are supposed to be favorable omens of some good fortune about to occur to the party and get back from the pool the sum that each agreed to pay. The king of hearts is here made the god of love, and claims double, and professes to give a faithful swain to the fair one who has the good fortune to draw him; if Venus, the queen of hearts, is with him, it is the conquering prize, and clears the pool; fives and nines are reckoned crosses and misfortunes, and pay a forfeit of the sum agreed on to the pool, besides the usual stipend at each new game, three nines at one draw is supposed to portend the lady will be an old maid, three fives, a bad husband. MATRIMONY Let three, five, or seven young women stand in a circle, and draw a card out of a bag. It is taken that she who gets the highest card will be the first married of the company, whether she be at the present time, maid, wife, or widow, and she who has the lowest has the longest time to stay ere the sun shines on her wedding day; she who draws the ace of spades will never hear the name of wife; and she who has the nine of hearts in this trial will have one: lover too many to her sorrow.

CUPID’S PASTIME Amusement may be caused by this game to all those playing, and at the same time it is supposed that some curious particulars may be learned concerning the future fates of the consultants. Several may play at the game, it requiring no number, only leaving out nine cards on the table not exposed to view; each person puts a half-penny in the pool, and the dealer double. The ace of diamonds is made principal, and takes all the other aces, etc. (like Pam at Loo) ; twos and threes in hand are said to show luck; four, a continuance in the present state; fives, trouble; sixes, profit; sevens, worries; eights, disappointment; nines, surprises; tens, settlements; jacks, sweethearts; kings and queens, friends and acquaintances; ace of spades, death; ace of clubs, a letter; and the ace of diamonds with ten of hearts, marriage. The ace of diamonds being played first, or should it be amongst the nine, the dealer calls for the queen of hearts, which takes next. If the ace be not out and the queen conquers, it is supposed that the person that played her will be married that year without a doubt, though it may perhaps seem unlikely at that time; but if she loses her queen, she must wait longer. The ace and queen being called, the rest go in rotation as at whist; king taking queens, queens jacks, and so on, and the more tricks taken, the more money the winner gets off the board on the division, those who hold the nine of spades are to pay a penny to the board, and it is said they will have some trouble; but the fortunate fair one who holds the queen and jack of hearts in the same hand is supposed soon to be married, or if she is already within the pale of matrimony, a great rise in life by means of her husband; those who hold the ace of diamonds and queen of hearts clear the money off the board and end that game; it also professes to betoken great prosperity. PART II I DEALING THE CARDS BY THIRTY-TWO Another method to which is ascribed different meanings. CLUBS Ace-Joy, money, or good news; if reversed, joy of brief duration. King-A frank, liberal man, fond of serving his friends; if reversed, a disappointment. Queen-An affectionate woman, but quick tempered and touchy; if reversed, jealous and malicious. Jack-A clever and enterprising young man; if reversed, a harmless flirt and flatterer . Ten-Fortune, success and grandeur; if reversed, want of success in some small matter. Nine-Unexpected gain or a legacy; if reversed, some trifling present. Eight-A dark person's affections, if returned, the cause of great prosperity; if reversed, those of a fool, and attendant unhappiness if reciprocated. Seven-A small sum of money or unexpectedly recovered debt; if reversed, a yet smaller amount. HEARTS

Ace-A love letter or some pleasant news; if reversed, a friend's visit. King-A fair, liberal man; if reversed, will meet with disappointment. Queen-A mild, amiable woman; if reversed, has been crossed in love. Jack-A gay young bachelor, who dreams only of pleasure; if reversed, a discontented military man. Ten-Happiness and triumph; if reversed, some slight anxiety. Nine-Joy, satisfaction and success; if reversed, a passing chagrin. Eight-A fair person's affections; if reversed, indifference on their part. Seven-Pleasant thoughts, tranquillity; if reversed, ennui and weariness. DIAMONDS Ace-A letter soon to be received; and if reversed, containing bad news. King-A fair man, generally in the army, but both cunning and dangerous; if reversed, a threatened danger caused by machinations on his part. Queen-An ill bred, scandal loving woman; if reversed, she is to be generally feared. Jack-A tale-bearing servant or unfaithful friend; if reversed, the cause of mischief. Ten-Journey or change of residence; if reversed, it will prove fortunate. Nine-Annoyance, delay; if reversed, either a family or love quarrel; sharp words. Eight-Love making; if reversed, successful. Seven-Satire, mockery; if reversed, foolish scandal. N. B.-In order to know whether the ace, ten, nine, eight and seven are reversed, it is better to make a small pencil mark on each to show which is the top of the card. SPADES Ace-Pleasure; if reversed, grief, bad news. King-An envious man, an enemy, or a dishonest lawyer, who is to be feared; if reversed, impotent malice. Queen-A widow; if reversed, a dangerous, malicious woman. Jack-A dark, ill bred young man; if reversed, he is plotting some mischief. Ten- Tears, a prison; if reversed, brief affliction. Nine-Tidings of a death; if reversed, some near relative. Eight-Approaching illness; if reversed, a marriage broken off, or offer refused. Seven-Slight annoyance; if reversed, a foolish intrigue. The court cards of hearts and diamonds are usually supposed to represent persons of fair complexion; clubs and spades the opposite. Four Aces coming together or following each other are said to announce danger, failure in business, and sometimes even imprisonment. If one or more of them be reversed, the danger is lessened, that is all. Three Aces coming in the same manner-Good tidings; if reversed, folly. Two Aces-A plot; if reversed, unsuccessful. Four Kings-Rewards, dignities, honors; if reversed, they will be less, but sooner received.

Three Kings-A consultation on important business, the result of which will be highly satisfactory; if reversed, success will be doubtful. Two Kings-A partnership in business, a dissolution of the same. Sometimes only friendly projects. Four Queens-Company, society; one or more reversed, the entertainment will not go off well. Three Queens-Morning calls; if reversed, chattering, scandal and deceit. Two Queens-A meeting between friends; if reversed, poverty troubles in which one will involve the other . Four Jacks-A noisy party, mostly young people; if reversed, a drinking bout. Three Jacks-False friends; if reversed, a quarrel with a low person. Four Tens-Great success in projecting enterprises; if reversed, the success will not be so brilliant, but it will be sure. Three Tens-Improper conduct; if reversed, failure. Two Tens-Change of trade or profession; if reversed, the prospect is a distant one. Four Nines-A great surprise; if reversed, a public dinner. Three Nines-Joy, fortune, health; if reversed, wealth lost by imprudence. Two Nines-A little gain; if reversed, trifling losses. Four Eights-A short journey; if reversed, the return of a friend or relative. Three Eights- Thoughts of marriage; if reversed, folly and flirtation. Two Eights-A brie£ love dream; if reversed, small pleasures and trifling pains. Four Sevens-Intrigues amongst servants, or low people's threats, snares and disputes; if reversed, their malice will be impotent to harm, and the punishment will fall on themselves. Three Sevens-Sickness, premature old age; if reversed, slight and brief indisposition. Two Sevens-Levity; if reversed, regret. II. MODE NO. 1 DEALING THE CARDS BY THREES There are several ways of so called reading the cards, and each one is given at length, so as to afford an ample choice in any method it is proposed to adopt. The pack of thirty-two selected cards is taken, viz. :-Ace, king, queen, ten, nine, eight and seven of each suit, having before fixed upon the one intended to represent the dealer, supposing he is making the essay on his own behalf; if not, it must represent the person for whom he is acting. In doing this, it is necessary to remember that the card chosen should be according to the complexion of the chooser. King or queen of diamonds for a very fair person; king or queen of hearts for one rather dark; clubs for one darker still; and spades only for one very dark indeed. The card chosen also loses its signification, and simply becomes the representative of a dark or fair man or woman as the case may be. This point having been settled, the cards are shuffled, and either cut by the dealer or for him (according to whether he is acting for himself or another person) , the left hand being used. That done, they are turned up by threes, and every time two of the same suit is found in these triplets, such as two hearts, two clubs, etc., the highest card is withdrawn and placed on the table in front. If the triplet chance to be all the same suit, the highest card is still to be the only one withdrawn, but should it consist of three of the same value, such as

three kings, etc., they are all to be appropriated. If after having turned up the cards, three by three, six have been able to be withdrawn, leaving twenty-six, which are shuffled and cut, and again they are turned up by threes, acting precisely as before until thirteen, fifteen or seventeen cards have been obtained. The number must always be uneven, and the card representing the person consulting must be amongst the number; if not, it must be drawn out and put at the end. If the person whose fortune is being read is a lady, represented by the queen of hearts, fifteen cards are obtained and laid out in the form of a circle in the order they were drawn. The seven of clubs, the ten of diamonds, the seven of hearts, the jack of clubs, the king of diamonds, the nine of diamonds, the ten of hearts, the queen of spades, the eight of hearts, the jack of diamonds, the queen of hearts, the nine of clubs, the seven of spades, the ace of clubs, the eight of spades.

Dealing the cards by threes-Mode no. 2 FIG. 1 The diagram (Fig. I) Shows the cards laid out straight instead of curved, but this is merely to save space. The cards having been considered, there are found among them two queens, two jacks, two tens, three sevens, two eights and two nines. It is therefore possible to announce :-"The two queens are supposed to signify the re-union of friends; the two jacks, that there is mischief being made between them. These two tens, a change, which, from one of them being two sevens, will not be effected without some difficulty; the cause of which, according to these three sevens, will be illness. However, these two nines can promise some small gain; resulting, So say these two eights, from a love affair." Seven cards are now counted from right to left, beginning with the queen of hearts, Who represents the lady consulting the cards. The seventh being the king of diamonds, the following may be said-"You often think of a fair man in uniform." The next seven cards (counting the king of diamonds as one) proves to be the ace of clubs"You will receive from him some very joyful tidings; he, besides, intends making you a present." Count the ace of clubs as one, and proceeding to the next seventh card, the queen of spades- "A widow is endeavoring to injure you on this very account; and (the seventh card counting the queen as one being the ten of diamonds) the annoyance she gives you will oblige you to either take a journey or change your residence; but (this ten of diamonds being imprisoned between two sevens) your journey or removal will meet with some obstacle." On proceeding to count as before, calling the ten of diamonds one, the seventh card will be found to be the queen of hearts herself, the person consulting; therefore, the conclusion may be stated as :-"But this you will overcome of yourself, without needing anyone's aid or assistance. "The two cards at either extremity of the half circle are now taken, which are respectively the eight of spades and seven of clubs, and may be read :-" A sickness which will result in your receiving a small sum of money." The next cards united being the seven of spades and seven of hearts:-"Tranquillity and peace of mind, followed by slight anxiety, quickly followed by love and happiness.

"Then comes the nine of clubs and the jack of clubs :-'.you will certainly receive money through the exertions of a clever dark young man." Queen of hearts and king of diamonds, which comes from a fair man in uniform:- “This recontre announces great happiness in store for you, and the complete fulfilment of your wishes." Jack of diamonds and nine of diamonds:- Although this happy result will be delayed some time through a fair young man, not famed for his delicacy. “ Eight of hearts and ten of hearts:- “Love, joy, and triumph. “The queen of spades, who remains alone, is the widow endeavoring to injure you, and finds herself deserted by all her friends." The cards that have been in use are now gathered up and shuffled and cut with the left hand. They are then made into three packs by dealing one to the left, one to the middle, and one to the right; a fourth is laid aside to form "a surprise." Then the cards are continued to be dealt to each of the three packs in turn until their number is exhausted, when it will be found that the left hand and middle packs contain each five cards, while the one on the right hand consists of only four. The person consulting is now asked to select one of the three packs. Supposing this to be the middle one, and that the cards comprising it are the jack of diamonds, the king of diamonds, the seven of spades, the queen of spades, the seven of clubs; recollecting the previous instructions regarding the individual and the supposed relative signification of the cards, they may be easily interpreted as follows :-"The jack of diamonds-a fair young man possessed of no delicacy of feeling, seeks to injure-the king of diamonds-a fair man in uniform-seven of spades-and will succeed in causing him some annoyance-the queen of spades-at the instigation of a spiteful woman-seven of clubs-but by means of a small sum of money matters will be easily arranged." The left hand pack is next taken up, which is "for the house" the former one having been for the lady herself. Supposing it to consist of the queen of hearts, the jack of clubs, the eight of hearts, the nine of diamonds and the ace of clubs, they would be read thus :-"Queen of hearts -the lady whose fortune is being told is or soon will be in a house -jack of clubs- where she will meet with a dark young man, who-eight of hearts- will entreat her assistance to forward his interests with a fair girl-nine of diamonds-he having met with delay and disappointment-ace of clubs-but a letter will arrive announcing the possession of money, which will remove all difficulties.

For the House

For the Consultor First Deal

For those who did not expect it


"The third pack is "for those who did not expect it," and will be composed of four cards : the

ten of hearts, the nine of clubs, eight of spades, and ten of diamonds :-"The ten of hearts -an unexpected piece of good fortune and great happiness-nine of clubs-caused by an unlooked for legacy eight of spades-which joy may be followed by a short sickness-ten of spades-the result of a fatiguing journey." There now remains on the table only the card intended for "the surprise." This, however, must be left untouched, the other cards gathered up, shuffled, cut, and again laid out in three packs, not forgetting the first to deal to "the surprise." After the different packs have been duly examined and explained as before described, they must again be gathered up, shuffled, etc., indeed the whole operation repeated, after which, the three cards forming "the surprise" are examined, and supposing them to be they are to be thus interpreted:-"Seven of hearts, pleasant thoughts and friendly intentions -jack of clubs-of a dark young man-queen of spades-relative to a malicious dark woman, who will cause him much unhappiness." The surprise- After Three Deals

FIG. 3

I II. MODE NO.2 DEALING THE CARDS BY SEVENS After the pack of thirty-two selected cards has been shuffled -the pack, as be£ore stated, consists of the ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight and seven of each suit-the cards are then cut by the dealer, or, if he is acting for another person, let that person cut them, care being taken to use the left hand. Then seven cards are counted, beginning with the one lying on the top of the pack. The first six are useless, so are put aside, and only the seventh retained, which is to be placed face uppermost on the table in front of the dealer. This is repeated three times more; then the cards thrown on one side, together with those remaining in your hand, are shuffled and cut and dealt out in sevens as before, until twelve cards have thus been obtained. It is, however, indispensable that the one representing the person whose fortune is being told is among the number, if not, it must be drawn out and put at the end. The twelve cards being now spread out in the order in which they have come to hand, they may be explained as described in the manner of dealing the cards in threes, the individual and relative signification ascribed to them always being borne in mind. Thus the cards are first counted by sevens, beginning with the one representing the person for whom the dealer is acting, going from right to left. Then two cards having been taken from either extremity of the line or half circle, they are united, and the three heaps or packs and "the surprise" are formed precisely as before described. Indeed, the only difference between the two methods is the manner in which the cards are obtained.

MODE NO.3 DEALING THE CARDS BY SIXTEENS After the cards have been well shuffled and cut, they are dealt out in two packs containing sixteen cards in each. The person consulting is desired to choose one of them; the first card is laid aside to form "the surprise," the other fifteen are turned up and ranged in a half circle before the dealer, going from left to right, being placed in the order in which they come to hand. If the card representing the person consulting be not among them the cards must be all gathered up, shuffled, cut, and dealt as before, and this must be repeated till the missing card makes its appearance in the pack chosen by the person it represents. They are explained :- First, by interpreting the meaning of any pairs, triplets, or quartettes among them; then by counting them in sevens, going from right to left; and beginning with the card representing the person consulting, and lastly, by taking the cards at either extremity of the line, and pairing them. This being done, the fifteen cards are gathered up, shuffled, cut, and dealt so as to form three packs of five cards each. From each of these the topmost card is withdrawn and placed on the one laid aside for "the surprise,"" thus forming four packs of four cards each. The person consulting is desired to choose one of these packs for herself or for himself as the case may be. This is turned up, and the four cards it contains are spread out from left to right, the individual and relative signification ascribed to them being duly explained. In like manner the pack on the left, which will be "for the house," is used; then the third one, "for those who did not expect it"; and lastly, "the surprise." In order to make the meaning perfectly clear, another example is given. It is supposed that the pack for the person consulting is The Pack for the Consultor By the aid of the list of meanings that have been given, it will be easy to interpret them as follows :-"The jack of hearts.-a gay young bachelor-the ace of diamonds-who has written, or who will very soon write a letter-the queen of clubs -to a dark woman -eight of spades reversed -to make proposals to her, which will not be accepted."

The Pack For The Consultor FIG. 4 On looking back to the list of significations, it will be found to run thus:Jack of Hearts-A gay young bachelor who thinks only of pleasure. Ace of Diamonds-A letter, soon to be received. Queen of Clubs-An affectionate woman, but quick tempered and touchy. Eight of Spades-If reversed, a marriage broken off, or offer refused. It will thus be seen that each card forms, as it were, a phrase, from an assemblage of which

nothing but a little practice is required to form complete sentences. Of this, a further example will be given, by interpreting the signification of the three other packs. "For the house" is supposed to consist of the queen of hearts, the jack of spades reversed, the ace of clubs and the nine of diamonds, which are supposed to read thus :-

For the House

For those who do expect it

The Surprise FIG. 5 "The queen of hearts, a fair woman, mild and amiable in disposition, who-jack of spades reversed-will be deceived by a dark, ill bred young man- the ace of clubs-but she will receive some good news, which will console her-nine of diamonds-although it is probable that this news may be delayed." The pack "for those who do not expect it," consists of the queen of diamonds, the king of spades, the ace of hearts reversed, and the seven of spades :-"The queen of diamonds, a mischief-making woman-the king of spades-in league with a dishonest lawyer-ace of hearts reversed- they will hold a consultation together-seven of spades-but the harm they will do will soon be repaired." Last comes "the surprise," formed by, it is supposed, the jack of clubs, the ten of diamonds, the queen of spades and the nine of spades, of which the supposed interpretation is :-"The jack of clubs, a clever, enterprising young man-ten of diamonds - about to undertake a journey-queen of spades -for the purpose of visiting a widow-nine of spades-but one or both their lives will be endangered;" V. MODE NO. 4 THE TWENTY -ONE CARDS

After the thirty-two cards have been shuffled and cut with the left hand, the first eleven are withdrawn from the pack and laid on one side. The remainder -twenty-one in all -are to be again shuffled and cut, that being done the topmost card is laid on one side to form "the surprise," and the remaining twenty are arranged before the dealer in the order in which they come to hand. If the card representing the person consulting be not among them, one must be withdrawn from the eleven useless ones placed at the right extremity of the row, where it represents the missing card, no matter what it may really be. It is supposed, however, that the person wishing to make the essay is an officer in the army, and consequently represented by the king of diamonds, and that the twenty cards ranged in front are

Laying Out The Cards

The Surprise FIG. 6 The cards are now examined as they lay, and are supposed to be able to predict that great rewards await the person consulting, and that he will gain great dignity and honor. The two queens, one of them reversed, the re-union of two sorrowful friends; the three aces, good news ; the three jacks, one of them reversed, quarrels with some low person; the three tens, improper conduct. The cards are now explained, commencing with the first on the left hand, viz. :-Queen of diamonds. "The queen of diamonds, a mischief-making, under-bred woman -the king of clubs -endeavoring to win the affection of a worthy and estimable man -ten of hearts -over whose scruples she will triumph -ace of spades - the affair will make some noise -queen of hearts reversed -and greatly distress a charming fair Woman Who loves him-seven of spades -but her grief will not be of long duration. Jack of diamonds, an unfaithful servant -ten of clubs -will make away with a considerable sum of money- king of spades -and will be brought to trial-eight of diamonds-but saved from punishment through a woman's agency- king of hearts-a fair man of liberal disposition-nine of clubs-will receive a large sum of money-jack of spades reversed-which will expose him to the malice of a dark youth of coarse manners -seven of hearts -pleasant thoughts, followed by-ten of spades, great chagrin-king of diamonds-await a man in uniform, who is the person consulting- ace of diamonds-but a letter he will speedily receiveseven of clubs -containing a small sum of money- nine of hearts -will restore his good spirits -ace of clubs -which will be further augmented by some good news." Now turn up "the surprise" which it is supposed will prove the ace of hearts, "a card that is taken to predict great happiness,

caused by a love letter, but which, making up the four aces, is said to show that this sudden joy will be followed by great misfortunes." The cards are now gathered up, shuffled, cut, and formed into three packs, at the first deal one being laid aside to form "the surprise." By the time they are all dealt out, it will be found that the two first packets are each composed of seven cards, whilst the third contains only six. The person consulting is desired to select one of these, which is taken up and spread out from left to right, being explained as before described. The cards are again gathered up, shuffled, cut, formed into three packs, one card being dealt to "the surprise, " and then proceeding as before. The whole operation is once more repeated, then the three cards forming "the surprise" are taken up and their alleged interpretation given. No matter how the cards are dealt, whether by threes, sevens, fifteens or twenty-one, when those lower than the jack have predominated, it is considered to foretell success. If clubs are the most numerous, they are supposed to predict gain, considerable fortune, etc. If picture cards, dignity and honor; hearts, gladness, good news; spades, death or sickness.

VI. MODE NO.5 THE ITALIAN METHOD A pack composed of thirty-two selected cards is taken, viz.- The ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight, and seven, of each suit, shuffled and cut by the person consulting them, the cards turned up by threes, and when the triplet is composed of cards of the same suit it is laid aside; when of three different suits it is passed by without withdrawing any of the three; but when composed of two of one suit and one of another, the highest card of the two should be withdrawn. When the end of the pack is come to, all the cards are gathered up except those withdrawn, shuffled, cut, and again turned up by threes. This operation is repeated until fifteen cards have been obtained, which must then be spread out in front of the dealer from left to right in the order in which they come to hand. Care must, however, be taken that the card representing the person making the essay is amongst them, if not, it must be withdrawn and put at the end. Supposing it to be some dark lady-represented by the queen of clubs-who is anxious to make the attempt for herself, and that the cards are laid out in the following order, left to right:-

FIG. 7

On examining them, it will be found there are three aces amongst them, which are supposed to announce good news; but as they are some distance from each other, the tidings may be some time before they arrive. The three tens are taken to denote that the conduct of the person consulting the cards has not always been strictly correct; the two jacks, enemies; and three sevens an illness, caused by them. Five cards are now counted, beginning with the queen of clubs, who represents the person consulting. The fifth card being the seven of clubs is considered to announce that the lady will soon receive a small sum of money. The next fifth card proving to be the ace of clubs, that this money will be accompanied by some very joyful tidings; the ace of spades, complete success to any project undertaken by the person consulting the cards; the ace of clubs, followed at a proper interval by the king of spades, this good news will excite the malice of a dishonest lawyer ; the seven of spades, the annoyance he will cause will be of short duration, and that a gay, fair young man, the jack of hearts, will soon console her for what she has suffered; the ace of diamonds, she will soon receive a letter from this fair young man; the nine of hearts, a great success; ten of spades, but this will be followed by some slight chagrin; ten of diamonds, caused by a journey; ten of hearts, but it will soon pass, although, jack of spades, a bad, dark young man will endeavor to turn her into ridicule. The queen of clubs, being representative of herself, is said to show it is towards herself that the dark young man's malice is directed. The cards are now taken at either extremity and paired together. The two first being the jack of hearts and the ten of diamonds :-A gay young bachelor is preparing to take a journey; ace of spades and queen of clubs, which will bring you to the presence of the lady consulting the cards, and will cause her great joy. Seven of diamonds and eight of hearts, scandal talked about a fair young girl; seven of spades and ten of hearts, great joy, mingled with slight sorrow; seven of clubs and ace of clubs, a letter promising money; jack of spades and king of spades, the winning of a lawsuit; the nine of hearts, being the one card left, complete consolation and success.

For the Lady herself

For the House

For those who do not expect it

For those who do expect it

The Surprise

Consolation Card

FIG. 8 The cards are now gathered up, shuffled, cut, and dealt out in five packs- one for "the lady herself," one for "the house," one for "those who do not expect it," and one for "the surprise" in the first deal, laying one card aside for "consolation." The rest are then equally distributed among the other five packs, four of which will contain three cards, whilst the last only will consist of two. Supposing the first packet for the lady herself to be composed of the ace of diamonds, seven of clubs, the ten of hearts. The interpretation ascribed to the first packet would run thus :-" Ace of diamonds, a letter will be shortly received; seven of clubs, announcing the arrival of a small sum of money; ten of hearts, containing some very joyful tidings." The second pack for "the house" :-"The person consulting the cards will receive a visit-king of spades-from a lawyer-nine of hearts-which will greatly delight-jack of spades-a dark ill disposed young man." The third pack, "for those Who do not expect it":-"Ace of spades-pleasure in store for- jack of hearts-a gay young bachelor-ace of clubs-by means of money-but as the jack of hearts is placed between two aces -he runs a great risk of being imprisoned-and from the two cards supposed to mean respectively pleasure and money, that it will be for having run into debt." The fourth pack, "for those who do expect it" :- "The eight of hearts-the love affairs of a fair person will oblige-the queen of clubs-the person consulting the cards-ten of diamonds-to take a journey." The fifth pack, "for the surprise":-"Seven of spades-slight trouble-ten of spades-caused by some person's imprisonment-the card of 'consolation,' seven of diamonds-which will turn out to be mere report." PART III. l. PAST , PRESENT, AND FUTURE The person wishing to try her fortune in this manner (we will suppose her to be a young, fair person, represented by the eight of hearts) must well shuffle and cut with the left hand the pack of thirty-two cards; after which she must lay aside the topmost and undermost cards to form "the surprise." There will now remain thirty cards, which must be dealt out in three parcels, one to the left, one in the middle, and one to the right. The left hand pack is taken to represent the past; the middle, the present; the one on the right hand, the future. She must commence with the "past" :-She would remark that picture cards predominating was considered to be a favorable sign, also that the presence of three kings is said to prove that powerful persons were interesting themselves in her affairs; the three jacks, however, are supposed to warn her to beware of false friends; the nine of diamonds, some great annoyance overcome by some good and amiable person, represented by the queen of hearts;

The Present

The Past

The Future

The Surprise FIG. 9 the two aces, notice of a plot. Taking the cards in the order they lay:-"The king of clubs-a frank, open hearted man-ace of spades-fond of gaiety and pleasure-is disliked by-jack of diamonds-a young man in uniform -nine of diamonds -who seeks to injure him. The ace of hearts-a love letter- jack of hearts-from a gay young bachelor to a fair amiable woman-queen of hearts-causes -king of spades -a lawyer to endeavor to injure the clever-jack of clubs-enterprising young man, who is saved from him by-the king of hearts-a good and powerful man. Nevertheless, as the jack of clubs is placed between two similar cards, he has run great risk of being imprisoned through the machinations of his enemy." The second parcel, "the present," may be read: -"The ten of diamonds-a voyage or journey at

that moment taking place -nine of spades - caused by the death or dangerous illness of someone-.,-eight of spades-whose state will occasion great grief-queen of diamonds-to a fair woman. The queen of clubs-an affectionate woman seeks to console-eight of hearts-a fair young girl, who is the person making the essay,-seven of spades- who has secret griefs-ten of spades-which will cause her many tears-queen of spades-these are occasioned by the conduct of either a dark woman or widow, who-eight of diamonds-is her rival." The third pack of cards, "the future," we will suppose to contain the eight of clubs, the seven of diamonds, the ten of hearts, the seven of clubs, the nine of hearts, the ace of diamonds, the jack of spades, the seven of hearts, the nine of clubs :-"In the first place, the large number of small cards is supposed to foretell success in enterprises, although the presence of three sevens are said to predict an illness. The eight of clubs -a dark young girl -ten of clubs -is about to inherit a large fortune, seven of diamonds -but her satirical disposition will destroy -ten of hearts -all her happiness -seven of clubs -a little money and - nine of hearts-much joy-ace of diamonds- will be announced to the person making the essay by a letter, and-jack of spades-a wild young man-seven of hearts-will be overjoyed at receiving-nine of clubs-some unexpected tidings. The cards of surprise, viz., the king of diamonds and the ace of clubs are considered to predict that a letter will be received from some military man and that it will contain money." II. ANOTHER METHOD OF CONSULTING THE CARDS We will suppose the person making the essay to be a widow, and consequently represented by the queen of spades. This card is therefore taken from the pack, and laid face uppermost upon the table. The remaining thirty-one cards are then to be well shuffled and cut, the topmost card withdrawn and placed lengthwise and face uppermost above the head of the queen of spades. The cards are to be shuffled, cut, and the topmost card withdrawn twelve more times, the manner of their arrangement being this:-The queen of spades in the center, the first card length-wise above her head, the second, ditto at her feet, the third on her right side, the fourth on her left, the fifth placed upright above the first, the sixth ditto below the second, the seventh to the right of the third, the eighth to the left of the fourth, the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth at the four corners, and the thirteenth across the center card-the queen of spades-thus forming a star.

FIG. 10

As stated before, the fourteenth card (the center) represents the person consulting the cards. Then 1, the ace of hearts; 2, the king of clubs; 3, the ten of clubs; 4, nine of diamonds; 5, the queen of clubs; 6, the eight of hearts; 7 , the ten of spades; 8, the jack of clubs; 9, the seven of clubs; 10, the ten of hearts; 11, the jack of diamonds; 12, the eight of diamonds; 13, the nine of clubs. These being placed at right angles, the person consulting them takes up two by two, beginning by those last laid down. First 12, the eight of diamonds, and then the one in the opposite corner, viz.: 11, the jack of diamonds, read, "overtures will be made"; jack of diamonds, "by a fair young man." Next two cards, 10 and 9-ten of hearts, "which will prove successful," seven of clubs, "on account of something connected with money." Next two cards, 8 and 7-the jack of clubs, a clever dark young man, ten of spades, "will be greatly grieved by." Next two, eight of hearts, "a fair girl to whom he is attached," the queen of clubs -"a dark ~ oman." Next two, nine of diamonds, "will be annoyed at not receiving," ten of clubs, "a sum of money." Next two cards, 2 and 1-the king of clubs, "which was to have been sent her by a generous dark man, who is fond of obliging his friends"; ace of hearts, "it will at last arrive, accompanied by a love letter ." The 13th card placed across the queen of spades -nine of clubs -"and be the cause of unexpected gain to the person consulting the cards." There is a shorter and simpler method of doing this, by surrounding the card representing the person trying his or her

fortune, with a less number of cards. The cards are shuffled and cut as before described, and the topmost one withdrawn. We will suppose the center card .to be the jack of clubs, representing a dark young man. The first topmost one is placed above the head of the Jack; the second is placed at his left; the: third at his right side the fourth on his left.

FIG. 11 These are said to read:-Ace of clubs- "You will soon receive a letter which will give You great pleasure"–eight of hearts-"from a fair girl" -jack of diamonds-"a man in uniform"-queen of spades-"and a malicious widow will seek to injure you on that very account." III. THE FLORENCE MODE A pack is taken of thirty-two selected cards, viz. :-ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight and seven of each suit, shuffled well and cut in three, then laid out in four rows of eight cards each. Significator is made any king or queen that may be preferred; then seven are counted from that significator from left to right, and from right to left, also crossways, always starting from the king or queen that represents the person consulting. The thoughts, which are supposed to be indicated by the jacks, may then be counted from, or the house, or a letter; in fact, any thing about which information is desired; when this is explained, the cards are paired from each extremity, each pair being explained as arrived at till the pack is finished. They are now gathered up, shuffled and cut in three; then turned up by threes, the highest of each suit being taken out. When three of equal value come together, such as three aces, three kings, etc., they must be taken all out; the same is to be done should three of a suit come together; this is to be repeated three times, shuffling and cutting between each, and when the pack has been gone through, any that are remaining over must be put on one side and not used. Seven cards are counted again from significator, and paired as before. The meanings ascribed to some of the cards are somewhat different to those already given, so their several alleged significations are given:Ten of Clubs -A journey or big building.

Eight of Clubs -Drink or vexation.. Ten of Spades -At night-time. Nine of Spades -Disappointment or sickness. Ten of Diamonds -Money. Seven of Diamonds -Check or paper money; sometimes an article of jewelry. Three Sevens -A loss. Four Tens -A great social rise through powerful friends. Two Jacks -Treachery. Ten of Hearts -An entertainment. Seven of Hearts -Delay or slight anxiety. Seven of Spades -Speedily. Seven of Diamonds and Ace of Spades -News read in the newspaper . Ace of Spades and any Court Card -Photograph. Two Red Tens with Ace of Diamonds -A wedding. Two Black Tens with Ace of Spades -A funeral. Eight and Nine of Clubs -Dinner or supper party. Seven of Clubs -A present. Three Eights -Good business transactions. Three Nines -A removal. Three Tens -A rise either of money or a social one.

PART IV. I. MODES OF USING THE WHOLE PACK OF FIFTY-TWO CARDS Hitherto only the thirty-two selected cards have been used; but now various methods will be given by which the whole pack is to be employed. These are naturally a little more complicated, as the cards are much more numerous and the combinations are so diverse; still, with a little practice and care, the inquirer will, no doubt, shortly be able to read them satisfactorily to the amusement of himself, or those who wish to consult him. As the meanings ascribed to them are in almost every case; totally different to those before given, another compete list with various combinations is added. In this case diamonds take precedence, as they are mostly taken to mean money, riches and success. Hearts next, love affairs. friendship, amusement and pleasure. Clubs, business matters, whether investments, appointments or settlements. Spades, losses of grief, trouble and anxiety, sometimes sickness 'and death. The various combinations are supposed to either accelerate or mitigate the several meanings. For instance -the ace of diamonds coming with the ace of spades, a railway journey-the nine of spades usually taken to be a bad card, but coming with diamonds speedy good luck, etc. DIAMONDS

Ace -An offer or a ring. King -A fair man, a military man, or a diplomatist. Queen -A fair woman, fond of pleasure and amusement. Jack - The thoughts of either king or queen. Ten -A legacy or property. Nine -A good surprise about money. Eight -Meetings about money matters. Seven -A check or paper money; sometimes scandal. Six -An offer of some kind, generally to do with money matters. Five (supposed to be the best card in the pack) -Health, wealth and happiness. Four -A short journey. Three - Time, within three to four weeks. Two -A secret or something unexpected. HEARTS Ace - The house. King -A rather fair man in society; sometimes a sailor . Queen -A fair woman in society, but kind and good natured. Jack - Thoughts of either king or queen. Ten -An entertainment or festivity. Nine -Great happiness and the wish card. Eight -Love making or friendship. Seven -A puzzle or indecision, doubt. Six -Love affairs, sometimes an offer. Five -Marriage, sometimes a new admirer . Four -A small invitation, such as a dinner or evening party. Three - Time, within a week. Two -Kisses or trifling present. CLUBS Ace-A letter. King-A clever dark man, often a professional man, or in business. Queen-A clever, amusing woman, sometimes a little satirical. Jack- Thoughts of king or queen. Ten-A new appointment, investment or settlement. Nine-Relates to documents, papers, often a will. Eight-A journey by road or vehicle. Seven-A warning or unprofitable business. Six-A very poor business offer or else money borrowed. Five-News, either from the country or someone coming therefrom. Four-A journey by land on business. Three- Time, three to four months. Two-A good friend, in some cases a slight disappointment.

SPADES Ace-Spite, death, or worry; sometimes a large town. King-A lawyer, widower or old man; a very dark man. Queen-A very dark woman, a widow; a spiteful, malicious woman. Jack-Thoughts of king or queen. Ten-At night-time, imprisonment. Nine (supposed to be a very bad card)-Grief. suffering, malice, and, with other black cards, death. Eight-Across water, sometimes treachery. Seven-Poverty, anxiety and annoyance. Six-Delay, or a bad character. Five- Temper, anger and quarrels. Four-Sickness, sometimes a journey caused through sickness. Three-By the water; or a' very short " journey across water. Two-Tears and vexation, sometimes a removal. The following is a resume of most of the cards and some curious combinations. Four Aces-Honors, dignities, rise in society, or money, friendship with the great; but if all four are reversed, the contrary- debt, bankruptcy, ruin and even disgrace, therefore it is to be noticed particularly how they lie before reading the cards. Four Kings-Great good luck, unexpected advancement, good and unlooked-for fortune. Four Queens-Society, pleasure, amusements. Four .Jacks- Thoughts of either king or queen of each suit, friendly gathering. Four Tens-Great gain, legacies, happiness. Four Nines-Unexpected and sudden news; if two blacks together, not pleasant; if two reds, excellent. Four Eights -New appointments, sometimes new associations; two black eights together, mourning; two reds, wedding garments. Four Sevens -Intrigues, scandal, opposition and variance. Four Sixes -A great surprise or change; two black ones together, vexations; two red ones, good. Four Fives -A long and beneficial voyage, money, happiness and health; if two blacks are near, vexation first. Four Fours -A birth; two blacks together, a male; two reds, a female. Four Threes-Period of time from six to twelve months; sometimes gain or money returned. Four Twos-Visitors; two blacks together, disagreeable; two reds, pleasant, and some times love-making. Three Aces-Great good luck. Three Kings-A new friend or acquaintance who will advance you in life. Three Queens-Quarrels, disputes, backbiting. Three Jacks-A lawsuit or treachery. Three Tens-A rise in social life, but not necessarily happiness with it. Three Nines-A good removal, unless accompanied by very bad cards. Three Eights-Love dreams, and longing for the unattainable, but often wishes or desires postponed; in some cases fresh engagements, but a little worry in obtaining them.

Three Sevens-Losses of friendship or property; reversed, you will never recover your goods. Three Sixes-A very large and brilliant entertainment; if the two black ones come together, disgrace or scandal. Three Fives-A delightful and happy meeting with absent friends. Three Fours-Strangers or visitors coming to the house from a journey. Three Threes-Slight annoyances or vexation caused by malicious tongues. Three Twos-A good and staunch friend, but one who will grieve you by a queer temper. Two Aces -Strange news quick and speedy, often good luck; two blacks, a telegram; two reds, a pleasant invitation. Two Kings-A partnership or friendship. Two Queens-A good female friend. Two Jacks -Unpleasantness, sometimes only thoughts of people. Two Tens-Change of residence or profession. Two Nines-A good removal, sometimes business projects or documents, in many cases relating to a will. Two Eights-An extraordinary occurrence. Two Sevens-Sometimes sudden and unexpected; two blacks, great treachery, especially if reversed. Two Sixes-A good friend; two blacks, a nasty, deceitful person, or a great danger, possibly an accident. Two Black Fives-Danger from falls, or possibly by water. Two Red Fives-Joyful and unexpected news. Two Black Fours-Separation or unfriendly meetings. Two Red Fours-Good appointments, or good luck. Two Red Threes-Pleasant and profitable visitors and friends. Two Black Threes-Disappointment and tears. Two Black Twos-A departure. Two Red Twos-An arrival. The Ace, Nine, Ten and Seven of Spades-Divorce. Seven and Nine of Spades-Separation. Eight of Spades and Seven of Clubs-Prison, or confinement. Six and Four of Spades-Sickness and danger. Eight and Five of Spades-Malignity, caused by jealousy. Six and Seven of Spades- Treachery, scandal, vexation. Seven and Two of Spades-Tears caused by unfounded reports-often a false friend. Nine and Six of Spades-A bitter and implacable enemy; if good cards follow, you will overcome, but if bad ones, he or she will triumph. Three and Two of Spades-A short and not agreeable journey. Seven of Hearts and Three of Spades-A journey and a strange adventure thereon. Seven, Six and Five of Spades- Thieves, or danger of robbery. Queen and Jack of Spades-Widowhood. Nine and Ten of Spades-Danger by fire. Six and Seven of Spades reversed-A fall or injury. Eight and Ten of Spades-News at night, but not very pleasant. Ten, Eight and Five of Spades-Broken engagement, or unfulfilled promise.

Six and Eight of Spades-Delay, postponement. Nine, Seven, Six and Five of Spades-Bankruptcy. Ace of Diamonds and Ten of Hearts-A marriage engagement. Ace of Diamonds and Nine of Hearts-Hopes fulfilled. Ten of Hearts and Four of Hearts-Marriage. Three Tens and Five of Hearts-Happy love returned. Eight of Hearts and Seven o£ Hearts-Doubt and indecision, about an offer. Seven of Hearts reversed -A nice and good present. Three of Diamonds and Three of Hearts-In nine days. Nine of Hearts and Nine of Diamonds-A delightful surprise about money. Nine of Hearts and Nine of Clubs-Something to do about a will, in which the consultor is generally successful. Eight of Hearts and Nine of Hearts-Great good luck through love. Ace, Nine, Seven and Four of Spades-Death. METHOD NO. I. A pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled, and cut in three; the first ten are taken out, then three are missed; another nine are taken out, then two are missed; another seven out, five missed; seven out, three missed; three out, one missed; and the last of the pack is taken. They are now laid out in rows of eight each, eight having been counted every way, beginning from the significator. When all are finished, the two extremities are taken, paired and read; they are then gathered together, shuffled, and cut in foul parcels; the first one of each parcel is taken off and put on one side. The packet that comes first is the one that should be read. METHOD NO. II. WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN WITHIN A MONTH TO TWO MONTHS A pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled, and cut in three, each meaning being read as it turns up. The cards are then turned up one by one till a spade is found, which is not withdrawn, but the following card, which lay face uppermost on the table. If three spades are found in succession the first is missed, but the two next are taken out, as well as the following card, whether diamonds, clubs or hearts; this is continued to the end of the pack, then recommenced without shuffling or cutting. Should the final card have been a spade, on beginning the pack afresh the first card should be taken out. The same operation is gone through twice more, in all three times. This having been done, they are laid in the form of a horseshoe in front of the dealer in the order in which they came, being careful to note that the significator is amongst them. Should it not appear. naturally, it must be taken out and placed at the end. Seven are now counted from the one that represents the person consulting the oracle. When they have been read, and the relative meanings ascribed to them explained, one is taken from each end and paired, their various significations being interpreted as they turn up. These prognostications are supposed to Come to pass within two months. A shorter way can be done by taking out thirty-two selected cards, viz.:'--ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight and seven of each suit; they are read in precisely the same way. This is taken to allow a shorter period to elapse, from ten days to a fortnight, but

the former is supposed to be the better method. METHOD NO. III A pack of fifty-two cards is taken, and after being well shuffled they are turned up one by one, counting one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king (here the ace counts as one) ..If any card should fall on the number-thus, supposing a five comes when five is counted, or a king when that card turns up, it must be taken out and placed on the table, face uppermost, before the dealer. After counting to a king the counting is recommenced. at one (it is very similar to the clock at vingt et un). Should two cards follow, such as three and four, eight and nine, etc., these must be abstracted, also three of a kind, such as three tens, three kings, etc., they must also be taken out; but if three of the same suit they may be passed by. When the pack has been carefully gone through, shuffled and cut, the process is gone through twice more, in all three times. They are now laid out in rows of four and read. When this done they are gathered together and laid two by two, thus :North. South. East. West. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, and so on till the pack is exhausted. Those at the top are the North, those at the bottom are the South, those at the right hand the East. those at the left hand the West. The North is to be read first, as that is supposed to happen first; the South next, the East next, and the West last. METHOD NO. IV The pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled, and cut in three, the meanings of the cut being read first. Then the significator taken out. The cards are spread on the table, face downwards before the dealer, and seven arc drawn out at random. The topmost card of the seven is taken off and put on one side. The cards are again shuffled and cut in three, the cut again read as before; they are laid on the table, seven cards being taken off, the topmost being withdrawn. This is to be repeated the third time, still taking off the topmost card. The cards are again shuffled and cut, this time nine each time being drawn out and the topmost two removed. This maneuver has to be repeated three times, each time taking two of the topmost cards. In the first deal, where the first seven cards were removed, there will be eighteen cards; the second time there will be twentyone remaining after having removed the two of each cut, thus :- The thirty-nine cards are spread out in five rows of seven, and four remaining underneath. The significator is now put in the center, and counting every way from it, these cards are taken to signify the past and present. The nine cards that have been taken from each sevens and nines are to be shuffled and looked at. These are supposed to refer entirely to the future. The three cards that are left out are useless. THE STAR The pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled, and cut in three, the cut being explained as it is shown. The card representing the significator should be taken out and put in the middle. Three cards are now placed above the head, three at the feet, three to the left, and three to the right,

three at the four corners, and three across the significator. They are interpreted as follows :-First, above the head, then at the feet, then to the right hand, and next to the left; each corner to be taken top and bottom opposite. When these are all explained (those across the significator last), they are then paired, beginning with the topmost cards and the bottom cards, from end to end. ANOTHER METHOD OF DOING THE STAR This is a much shorter way, and instead of placing the cards as they come, they must be first well shuffled by the person consulting, then laid face downwards on the table and nine cards withdrawn (the significator must be in the center). In this method the cards are placed round the card representing the consultor in the order in which they come, the first card being put at the head of the significator, and the others in rotation. The nine cards are first explained as they lie, eight round and one over the significator. Then the consultor is desired to again draw nine, and these are put over the first nine; this is to be repeated a third time, combining all the cards as they lay one over the other, three deep every way. METHOD NO. VI The whole pack is taken, shuffled well, but not cut, every fi£th card is picked out and laid by, the pack is gone through and every seventh card picked out, every third card must be taken, each fifth, seventh and third cards to be laid aside in separate packets; then each packet is carefully examined, whether the significator is amongst those withdrawn. If not, he or she must be abstracted and placed at the extreme end. Now the third pack is laid out in a row, the second next, and the first last, and all that is hidden is said to be shown you, counting three, seven and five from each row, beginning with the significator. Now two are taken from end to end and read till twelve are obtained; they are put on one side; then the rest are gone on with from end to end till all are exhausted. Then they are all taken up, including the twelve that were put aside, shuttled, the two first and last are taken off. These three form .'the surprise"; then parcels of four are dealt, beginning with the first; they are all read in rotation and the small "surprise" last. METHOD NO. VII. The pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuttled, cut in three, and the meanings ascribed to the cut are explained. Then they are laid in rows of five till the whole pack is exhausted, except the two last, which are useless. The first row is to represent "the person for whom you are acting"; the second, "the house"; the third, "your wish"; the fourth, "the surprise," and the fifth, "what is supposed to come true." The first ten are now read lengthwise, the others in the same manner till the fifth row has been explained; then they are taken from end to end, each pair being interpreted as arrived at. In this case there is no significator, as the first row is supposed to stand for what will happen immediately to the consultant. They are all gathered together, shuffled and cut, and laid in packets of three. The consultor is desired to choose one of the three parcels, and that is laid out first and .explained; then follow each of the other two, which must be also read in the same manner..

METHOD NO. VIII The pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled and cut by the person consulting. They are cut in three and the meanings interpreted. Then they are laid out in rows of sevens, leaving the three last, which are not to be used. Then nine are counted every way, from the significator backwards and forwards, £rom left to right, and from right to left, up and down, always returning to the significator, then crossways from end to end. Then they are paired from corner to corner, each card being explained as it is arrived at, noticing if there should be any pairs, triplets, etc., amongst them. Then they are gathered up and shuffled well, then they are dealt in two packets, the consultant being desired to choose one. The one taken is supposed to represent the past and present, the other the future. They are laid out and read pretty much as before. METHOD NO. IX A pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled and cut, and divided thus :- Every seven, nine and five are to be removed and put on one side. The six of clubs, the eight and ten of diamonds are to be withdrawn and put in a place by themselves. Then the rest are shuffled and five cards laid out face upwards till the pack is exhausted. It will now be found there are seven rows of five cards each, and two remaining; these two are placed with the nines, sevens and, fives, to be used later. These cards are read, counting seven every way from the significator, then gathered together, shuffled and cut, the first group (seven in number) being first of all withdrawn. There will now be four groups of seven cards each. The first must be read, the second put aside, the third explained, and the fourth laid by. The second and fourth are left out entirely and not used. The nines, sevens and fives and the first group you have withdrawn are shuffled, cut in two packets, and laid out on the table before the dealer. If two red nines appear close together, it is taken to show honor, dignity and joy; if two red sevens and two red fives side by side, great and unexpected good luck, a legacy or money that you don't anticipate; if two red fives and nine of hearts near each other, a marriage of affection, if with seven of diamonds, a moneyed marriage, but of love; if two red fives and two black sevens, a marriage for money which will turn out unhappily; if two red sevens and two red fives, and the nine of hearts appear, it is supposed to be the greatest and happiest prognostic you can have, whether married or single-luck, pleasure, money; if two black sevens and two black fives appear, it is considered very evil, and if accompanied by the nine of spades, unhappiness in marriage, divorce, scandal and sometimes violence caused through drink; if the eight of spades should be amongst those withdrawn and turn up with the aforesaid cards, violent death by murder or accident. It is taken to be the worst combination in the pack. These cards (viz.: the nines, sevens and fives, and those which have been withdrawn from the group of fives) are laid in rows of sevens, counting seven every way from the significator; then the extreme ends are taken and paired, being read as they turn up. Next the whole is shuffled, including the six of clubs and the eight and ten of diamonds. These three cards are the index. Wherever they appear they are supposed to show good luck, happiness and prosperity; if they should happen between exceptionally bad cards, the luck is over, or marred through malignity; but as a rule they are taken to import great joy. The evil combination is thus: If the six of clubs is surrounded with spades, or the eight or ten of diamonds are between two black fives and the two black sevens are near, then the best laid scheme will come

to nought; but if they are surrounded by the nine of hearts and nine of diamonds, then it is a very good omen; The eight and ten of diamonds are supposed to be extremely good if there are three or four nines to follow them, for then the nine of spades loses its evil significance, and should the seven of diamonds follow, a good marriage and happiness; or, if the person is married, new prosperity or riches for the husband or sometimes the birth of an heir. METHOD NO. X The pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled and cut, and divided into two equal heaps. One of these is chosen by the consultant. Having decided this, the other heap is left alone; it is not to be used. The person consulting is now desired to shuffle the twenty-six cards remaining, cutting in three, the meanings being read as they turn up. They are now dealt in three packs, which are laid out in rows of eight, the last card to be left out, as that forms "the surprise." Four cards are now counted from the significator, which, should it not be in the pack chosen, must be abstracted and put at the end. When these have been fully explained, the same maneuver is repeated twice, in all three times, one card being always taken out for "the surprise." "The surprise" is turned up when those cards before the dealer have been examined and explained. Then they are all gathered together, and, after being shuffled and cut, they are turned up by fours. If a sequence should come up, such as six and seven, or six, seven and eight of any suit, they are taken out. If four of a suit, the lowest is taken out. This is only to be done once. These are now laid out in a row before the dealer and read from left to right, always taking note that the significator is amongst them, and counting four as above described. Then the two cards are taken from each extremity and each couple explained till all are exhausted. METHOD NO. XI A pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled well and cut. Then it is divided into three equal parcels of seventeen cards each, and one over for "the surprise," which is to be laid aside. The first three cards of each packet is taken, and each three is put apart. That will leave fourteen in each group. The first and third packets of fourteen are taken up, the middle one being put aside. These are now laid out in four rows of seven, being sure that the significator is amongst them; or else the card which is supposed to represent the thoughts of the person consulting you, viz.: the jack, may be counted from. Six are now counted, beginning from the next card to the significator; and after every sixth card, that card is not counted as one, but the following one. When these have been explained, which must be done till the significator is returned to, they are paired from end to end, and read as arrived at; then they are gathered together, shuffled and cut, and divided again into two groups of fourteen. These are not laid out again, but two being merely extracted from each of these, not forgetting the middle one, and adding them to the three packets of three placed on one side. The middle one is now taken up, shuffled well, and four cards taken £rom it, two £rom the top and two from the bottom, and added to the one put aside to form "the surprise." There are now. four packs of five cards each:-One for the "consultant" and one for the "house," one for "what is sure to come true," and one for "the surprise." These are laid out in front of the dealer and read from left to right in rotation.

PART V I WISHES Having finished all the different methods of laying the cards, various indications will now be given which are supposed to show whether the one who is consulting will obtain his or her wish. These are done in various method, and each is given in order.

WISH NO. I Thirty-two selected cards having been well shuffled and cut in three, viz. :-ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight and seven of each suit, proceed by turning them up by threes; if an ace appears amongst the three, those three cards must be taken out; and if the nine of hearts and the significator appear, they must also be taken out with the cards that accompany them. This operation has to be repeated three times, and if in the three times the four aces, the significator and the nine of hearts come out in eleven or nine cards, then the wish is taken to be certain; if they do not appear under twelve or fifteen, it is said the wish will not come to , pass.

Not to be used

First deal FIG.12

Not to be used

To make the meaning perfectly clear, we will suppose that a dark man, represented by the king of clubs, is making the essay. Having well shuffled and cut the cards, they must be turned up in threes. In the first come the king of diamonds, ace of spades, and king of clubs-the person who is making the essay; the next three are king and queen of spades and ten of diamonds-these are useless; the next three, the ten of hearts, six of diamonds, and king of hearts-these are laid on one side; then the seven and eight of spades and ace of diamonds-these are withdrawn and are put over the other three, with the ace and significator; the next three-nine of diamonds, eight of clubs and ace of clubs, these come out likewise, the jack of clubs, ten of spades, and ace of hearts, and the two left are the jack of spades and nine of hearts-the other cards are useless. Fourteen cards are now left, they are shuffled and cut, and again dealt in threes.

Not to be used

Second Deal FIG. 13 The ace of spades, nine of hearts, king of spades remain; the next three, ten of spades, ace of hearts and nine of diamonds also remain. The following triplet: king of diamonds, king of clubs and jack of clubs all come out. The seven of spades, ace of diamonds and eight of clubs remain, as also the two last-eight of spades and ace of clubs. This makes eleven cards, so that the wish is considered to be gained; but if it is tried the third time, and more cards come out, then it is supposed that it will be very speedily accomplished. WISH NO. II. The pack of thirty-two selected cards is taken, viz.:-ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight and seven of each suit, , shuffled and cut in three, the meaning of each card being read as it turns up. Put them together, and turn up in threes. Supposing there should be two of one suit, and one of another, the highest is taken out. Should there be three of one suit, all are to be withdrawn and laid on the table in front of the dealer, in the shape of a semi-circle or horse shoe. If three of equal value, such as three kings, or three tens, they are likewise to come out. The pack is gone through, then shuffled and cut again, the cards being explained as before. When the end of the pack is arrived at, this is repeated a third time, acting in the same manner. Now

count from the significator, or if that should not appear naturally, use the jack (which is taken to represent the thoughts of the person consulting) ; seven are counted each way till it is come back to, then the cards are paired from end to end, being read as arrived at; then all the cards are shuffled together, cut in three, and dealt out in packets of four, face downward. Each packet is taken up and looked through, the cards being turned up one by one till an ace is come to. Should there be no ace in the parcel it is put on one ,side-it is useless. The cards are shuffled and. cut again, being turned up as before, and the cut read, being dealt in three packets, and stopping each time at the ace, as before. The third time they are shuffled but not cut, and dealt in packets of two, and proceeded with as before. Should the four aces (in the last deal) turn up without another card, the wish is supposed to be sure, and to come at once. If they come out with hearts, or diamonds, there will be some delay, but if the nine or seven of spades makes its appearance with the aces, then it is said to be a sign of disappointment. WISH NO. III. A pack is taken of thirty-two selected cards, viz. :-king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight and seven of each suit, and cut with the left hand; thirteen cards are then dealt out. If amongst those is to be found one or more aces, lay them aside. The remaining ones are shuffled and cut and thirteen again dealt; the aces are withdrawn as before, and again shuffled, cut and dealt. If in these three deals all four aces make their appearance, it is supposed that the wish will be granted. If all the aces come at the first deal, the answer is taken to be in the highest degree favorable. If in the three times only one or two appear, it is considered that the wish will not be granted. WISH NO. IV A pack is taken of thirty-two selected cards, viz. :-king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight and seven of each suit, shuffled and cut, the consultant wishing an the time. They are laid out in two rows of four each, face downwards. When two pairs come up, they must be covered by the cards held in the dealer's hand. Should it be possible to cover each pair-such as two kings, two queens, etc., it is supposed that the wish will be granted. If the cards do not pair easily. it is said the wish will not come to pass, or, at any rate, not for some long period. The following is taken to show whether the wish will be granted. The cards are well shuffled the consultant keeping his thoughts all the time fixed upon whatever wish he may have formed; the cards are cut once, and the card cut is noted; they are shuffled again and dealt out into three parcels-each of these being examined in turn, and if it is found that the card turned up next, either the one representing the dealer or the person who is consulting him-the ace of hearts or the nine of hearts, it is said that the wish will be granted. If it be in the same parcel with any of these, without being next to them, it is supposed there is a chance of the wish coming to pass at some more distant period; but if the nine of spades makes its appearance, it is taken that a disappointment is possible. II. WISH NO. VI. The pack of thirty-two selected cards, as in the foregoing method, is taken, shuffled and cut;

then the four aces are taken out, the significator, or the person for whom the dealer is acting, and anything he wants to know about -such as money, then the ten of diamonds would be selected; if about a man, any king; if about a woman, any queen; if about business, the ten of clubs. These are shuffled after having been withdrawn, without cutting, and the nine of spades, which is the disappointment card, is also added to the aces, etc., in all seven cards, laying them face downwards on the table. Then the remainder are taken, shuffled well, and turned up in threes twice, the one following being the seventh. The pack is gone through like this, and when the nine of hearts appears whatever number that falls on in the twenty-five cards remaining. When one, two, three, four, five, six or seven, it must fall on the card drawn out by the seven cards abstracted thus; if it should fall on No.1 and that happens on an ace, it is favorable, and if he should chance on an ace, or his wish, or anything but the disappointment card (nine of spades), the wish will be realized. First of all, the four aces are taken out, and the nine of spades (the disappointment card) then, supposing the dealer is acting for a fair man, or a soldier, who is anxious to know whether he will get his wish. We will imagine he has invested a sum of money, and he wishes to know whether it is a good one; or that he hopes for a legacy and is anxious to know if he will get it; The king of diamonds (representing the fair man) , and the ten of diamonds, the money card, should therefore be taken out; These are added to the four aces and the nine of spades. These are well shuffled, but not cut, and laid face downwards on the table, like the following :-

Ace C

Ace D

Ace H


10 D FIG. 14

For the inquirer

Ace S

These represent the four aces, the disappointment card and the inquirer and his wish. The remaining cards are now taken and turned up three at a time. We will suppose the first three are the nine, seven and eight of clubs; the next three and ten and jack of hearts, and eight of diamonds; and the seventh card, the queen of clubs-these are passed by. Begin again, counting one.

FIG. 15

We will suppose the next three are the eight of spades, the seven of clubs and the nine of hearts. Three are then counted from those laid face down wards on the table, and that card is turned up-we will suppose that to be the king of diamonds; the cards turned up by threes are gathered together and shuffled, and turned up by sevens as before. Should the nine of hearts fall on the fourth card the second time, that is to be turned up-we will suppose that to be the ace of diamonds. Proceed again as before, and this time we will imagine the nine of hearts to fall on the seventh-:-this may be the ten of diamonds-so that it could be said to the person consulting that it is said he will get his wish; but supposing the nine of hearts to fall on the fifth card, and that turns out to be the nine of spades, he will be disappointed; and should it happen that in the first reading the nine of hearts should come on, we will say, the first card, which might prove the nine of spades, then it is no use continuing the three times, as it is supposed there is no chance whatever of the wish being realized. WISH NO. VII The whole pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled and cut in two packets, and read as they turn up. They are now laid out face Uppermost, in three rows of four cards each, in all twelve cards. If in the first twelve cards any court cards appear, they are taken out, filling up the spaces with fresh cards; should these again be court cards, they are abstracted as before, filling in the spaces as described; if not, they are thus counted :-Eleven must be made up of any two cards, such as an ace and ten (ace counting as one), and covered, or two and nine, each card being covered as counted, three and eight, four and seven, five and six, etc. If a Court card appears, it is a stop and Counts as nothing. If as the cards are covered, eleven can be made out of any of the two cards, and continued to the end, exhausting all the cards, it is taken that the wish will be gained; in that case all the Court cards ought to be on the top, as those cast aside at first are used at the last, to cover each two cards as they count eleven. If the Court cards cannot be got to come out at the end, the wish is supposed to be delayed, and if eleven cannot be made from nearly the beginning, it is said, the wish will not be realized at all. To explain the meaning more clearly, the following diagram is given. We will suppose they are as follows :-

First Deal FIG. 16

There are now removed the three court cards, viz.:-the jack of clubs in the first row, the jack of diamonds in the second, and the king of diamonds in the third. These are replaced by the nine of clubs in the first row, five of spades in the second, and six of hearts in the third. The cards are now covered. In the first row, four and seven of spades, making respectively eleven covered by ten of clubs and ten of spades. Eleven is now made; where possible, from all three rows. In the second row will be found the six and five of spades; these are covered by two and one of clubs. In the third row, one of clubs and ten of hearts, covered by seven of diamonds and three of spades. In the same row, five of diamonds and six of hearts, covered by the two of diamonds and king of hearts. In the first and second rows, nine of clubs and two of spades, covered by the four and eight of diamonds. In the second row, three and eight of diamonds, covered by the jack of hearts and queen of clubs. In the first and second row, the one and ten of spades, covered by the three of hearts and three of spades. In the first and third rows, four of clubs and seven of diamonds, covered by the ten of diamonds and nine of hearts. In the third row, nine of hearts and two of diamonds, covered by the five of clubs and ace of diamonds. In the first and third rows, ten of clubs and ace of diamonds, covered by the seven of hearts and queen of diamonds. In the first row, four of diamonds and seven of hearts, covered by the eight and five of hearts. In the first and third rows, eight of hearts and three of clubs, covered by the seven of clubs and jack of spades. In the first and second rows, seven of clubs and four of hearts, covered by the two of clubs and eight of spades. In the first and second rows, the three of hearts and eight of spades, covered by the king and nine of spades.

At the End of the Deals FIG. 17

In the first row, two of clubs and nine of spades, covered by the ace of hearts and six of diamonds. In the first row, again, the ace of hearts and ten of diamonds, covered by the two of hearts and six of clubs. In the first and third rows, five and six of clubs, covered by the nine of diamonds and queen of hearts. In the first row, five of hearts and six of diamonds, covered by the king and eight of clubs. Then in the first and second rows, the eight of clubs and three of spades, as there is only one card remaining, viz.:-the queen of spades, the three other cards to be covered, those put aside at first are taken up, the last two to be covered being the nine of diamonds and two of hearts, covered by the jack of diamonds and jack of clubs. In this case. the wish is supposed to be realized; but in some cases it will be found that it has not made up the number eleven in the two cards, and then it is taken that the wish may be either delayed or not fulfilled. TELLING FORTUNES WITH TEA OR COFFEE GROUNDS Pour the grounds of coffee or tea into a white cup, shake them well about in it, so that their particles may cover the surface of the whole cup; then insert it in" the saucer, that all the superfluous parts may be drained off, and the figures required for fortune-telling so formed. The person who acts the fortune-teller must always bend his thoughts upon the person who wishes to have his fortune told, and upon his rank and profession, in order to give plausibility to their predictions. It is not to be expected upon taking up the cup that the figures will be accurately represented as they are in the cards, but it is quite sufficient if they bear some resemblance to any of the thirty-two emblems; and the more fertile the fancy of the person who inspects the cup, the more he will discover in it. The emblems sometimes relate to the past, especially If they are in the bottom of the cup but they more frequently foretell the future, their remoteness in point of time depending upon their distance from the bottom. Thus, if they appear near the bottom, they are near at hand; if near the top, they will be deferred. Situated at or near to the bottom, they always relate to the person whose fortune is told, but near the top they may relate to a friend, or a member of his family, which may generally be determined by the emblems near it. The position of the emblems not only determines the time of the events which they signify, but also many other things, as the

following will sufficiently Show. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE EMBLEMS The Anchor, the emblem of hope and commerce, implies successful business carried on by water and by land, if on the bottom of the cup; at the top, and in the clear part, it shows constant love and unshaken fidelity. In thick and cloudy parts it also denotes love, but tinctured with the inconstancy of the butterfly. The Bush shows the benevolence and favors of all the consultor's patrons; it gives hope of attaining the honor the consultor wishes for; without foliage, it is a token of the caprice of fortune; in the clear, it announces an unexpected remittance of money. The Bird-In the clear, it signifies that the troubles with which the person shall have to combat will soon be over; in the thick, it is a sign of good living, and of a successful journey or voyage, which, if there are dashes, will be directed to a great distance. Child-In the clear part, it bespeaks innocent intercourse between the consultor and another person; in the thick part, excess in love affairs, attended with great expenses; at the bottom of the cup, it denotes the consequence of libidinous amours. The Leaf of Clover may be generally considered a lucky sign. Its different disposition in the cup alone makes the difference; when it is on the top, it shows that the good fortune is not far distant, but it is subject to delay if it is in the middle or at the bottom. Should clouds surround it, it shows that many disagreeable circumstances attend the good fortune; in the clear, it prognosticates serene and undisturbed happiness as the party wishes. The Clouds-If they be more light than dark, the person will have a good result from wishing; but if black, it must be given up. Surrounded with dots, they bring success in trade and in all undertakings; but the brighter they are the greater will be the happiness. The Coffin, the emblem of death, prognosticates the same thing here, or at least a long and tedious illness; if it be in the thick at the top of the cup, it signifies a considerable estate left by some rich relation; in the same manner at the bottom, shows that the deceased is not so nearly related to the consulting party. The Cross, be it one or more, generally predicts adversities; its position varies, and so do the circumstances. If it be at the top, and in the clear, it shows that the misfortunes of the party will soon be at an end, or that he will easily get over them; but if it appears in the middle or at the bottom of the thick, the party must expect some severe trials. If it appears with dots, either in the clear or thick, it promises a speedy change in one's sorrow. The Dog, being at all times the emblem of faithfulness or envy, has a two-fold meaning here. At the top, in the clear, it signifies true and faithful friends; but if his Image be surrounded with clouds and dashes, it shows that those whom you take for your friends are not to be depended on; but if the dog be at the bottom of the cup, you have to dread the effects of extreme envy or jealousy. The Fish, denotes successful events by water, if in the clear, which will either happen to the consultor, or improve the state of affairs beyond the water. If they are in the thick, the consultor will fish in troubled water, and place his confidence upon that which others have lost before him. Surrounded with dots, denotes that his fate calls him to some distant place. The Garden or Wood, signifies a concourse of people; in the clear, it indicates good friends, of which it will consist; in the thick, or encompassed with streaks, it warns the consulting

person to be cautious, and not to take for his friends those who profess themselves as such. The Heart, if it be in the clear, signifies future pleasure. It promises joy at receiving some money, if surrounded with dots. If a ring, or two hearts be together, it signifies that the party is about to be married or betrothed; if a letter be perceptible near it, it shows the initial of a person's name; if the letter be in the clear, the party is a virgin ; if in the thick, a widow. The House, indicates at the top of the cup, blessings and success in the consultor's enterprise; if the present situation be not the most favorable, trust that it will soon change for the better. In the middle or below, it cautions the consultor to be vigilant over servants, as vigilance alone will prevent injury. The Letter-By letter we communicate to our friends either pleasant or unpleasant news, and such is the case here; i£ this emblem is in the clear part, it denotes the speedy arrival of welcome news; surrounded with dots, it announces arrival of a considerable remittance of money; but hemmed in by clouds, it is quite the contrary, and forebodes some melancholy or bad tidings, a loss, or some other sinister accident. If it be in the clear, and accompanied with a heart, lovers may expect a letter, which secures to the party the possession of the beloved object; but in the thick, it denotes a refusal. The Lily-If this emblem be at the top or in the middle of the cup, it signifies that the consulting party either has, or will have, a virtuous spouse; if it be at the bottom, it denotes quite the reverse. In the clear, the lily further betokens long and happy life; if clouded, or in the thick, it portends trouble and vexation, especially on the part of relatives. The Lion, or any other ferocious beast-At the top, in the clear, it signifies all kinds of good luck with people of high rank; at the bottom, it warns the consultor to shun all such intercourse; as he will, at all events, find persons who will be envious of his fortune, and not see it with indifference. The Moon, if it appears in the clear, denotes high honors; in the dark or thick part, it implies sadness, which will, however, pass without great prejudice; but if it be at the bottom of the cup, the consulting person will be fortunate on water and land. Mountain-If it represents only one mountain, it indicates the favor of people of high rank; but several of them, especially in the thick, are signs of powerful enemies; if in the clear, denotes the contrary, or friends in high life, who are endeavoring to promote the consulting party. The Mouse-As this animal lives by stealth, it is also an emblem here of theft or robbery; if it is in the clear, it shows you will get again what you lost, in a wonderful manner; but if it appears in the thick, you must renounce this hope. The Pedestrian denotes in general a merchant, good business, pleasant news, and recovery of lost things. It also signifies that the consulting party will soon enlist, or get some engagement. The Rider denotes good news from abroad; in money matters, a good situation in a foreign country, or good prospects. He that doubts his fortune, is promised a lasting one by this emblem. The Ring signifies marriage; if a letter is near it, it denotes to the person having his fortune told, the initial of the name of the party to be married. If the ring is in the clear, it portends happy and lucrative friendship. Surrounded by clouds, denotes that the party is to use precaution in the friendship he is about to contract, lest he should be insidiously deceived; but it is most inauspicious if the ring appears at the bottom of the cup, as it forebodes an entire separation from the beloved object.

The Roads, or serpentine lines, indicate ways; if they are covered with clouds, and consequently in the thick, they are said to be infallible marks of many past or future reverses. But if they appear in the clear and serene, are the surest tokens of some fortunate change near at hand; encompassed with many points or dots, they signify an accidental gain of money, likewise long life. The Rose denotes the greatest success in the arts and sciences; if the consulting party be married, he will have good children, and all the fruits expected from their good education in his old age. The Scythe, if combined with an hour-glass, denotes imminent dangers of all kinds; below, it signifies a long and prosperous life. The Serpent, always the emblem of falsehood and enmity, is likewise the general sign of an enemy. On the top or in the middle of the cup, it promises to the consulting party the triumph which he deserves over his enemy; but he will not obtain it so easily if the serpent be in the thick and cloudy part. By the letter which appears near the emblem the enemy may easily be guessed, as it makes the initials of his name. The Star denotes happiness if in the clear and at the top of the cup; clouded, or in the thick, it signifies long life, though exposed to various troubles. If dots are about it, it fortells great fortune, wealth, high respectability, honors, etc. Several stars denote some good and happy children, but surrounded with dashes, shows that a person's children will cause him or her grief and vexation in old age, and that you ought to prevent it by giving them a good education in time. The Sun, an emblem of the greatest luck and happiness if in the clear; but in the thick, it denotes a great deal of sadness; surrounded by dots and dashes, denotes an alteration will speedily take place. The Tree-One only, if it be in the clear, or thick part, points out lasting good health; several trees denote that your wish will be accomplished. If any are encompassed by dashes, it is a token that your fortune is in its blossom, and will require some time to bring it to maturity. If it is accompanied with dots, it is a sign that you will make a fortune at a distance off, where you will reside. The Woman, signifies much joy in general. If in the clear, this emblem has a more favorable signification than in the thick; there it shows a very great happiness, here a great deal of jealousy. If dots surround the image, it explains the lady's fertility, or wealth. The different positions in the cup show, at the top and in the middle, that you will be in love with a virgin, but at the bottom it marks that she is a widow. The Worm-At the top, or in the middle of the top, it denotes good luck at gambling, and in marriage; below, it warns the consultor against rivals in courtship, and against enemies in trade. DAYS IN THE WEEK CHILDREN BORN Sunday- The child born on Sunday will obtain great riches, be long-lived, and enjoy much happiness. Monday-Children born on this day will not be very successful in most enterprises they may engage in, being irresolute, subject to be imposed upon through their good-natured disposition; they are generally willing and ready to oblige everyone who asks a favor from them. Tuesday-The person born on this day will be subject to violent starts of passion, and not

easily-reconciled; if a man, given to illicit connection, from which conduct many serious consequences and misfortunes will arise, and he will never be safe, being in danger of suffering death by violence, if he does not put a restraint upon his vicious inclinations. Wednesday- The child ushered into the world on this day will be of a studious and sedate turn of mind; and if circumstances will allow, fond of perusing the literary work of the most talented, ancient and modern authors. Should facilities be afforded to such one, there is every probability of his being a highly gifted author. Thursday-Those who first see the light on this day may in general have applied to them the appellation of being "born with a silver spoon in their mouths"; for, unless they resolutely spurn from them the Plutonic deity, riches , will be poured into their lap with no niggard hand. Friday- The little stranger who first inhales the vital air on this day will be blessed with a strong constitution, and will be lucky in every enterprise through life, happy in his or her domestic relations, and finally die rich and lamented. Saturday- This is an unlucky day for the advent of a young immortal into this world of sin and Sorrow; but those born on this last day of the week may become good members of society, honored and respected by their fellow-creatures and blessed by the Almighty. HOW TO TELL FORTUNES BY DOMINOES Lay them with their faces on the table, and shuffle them, then draw one, and see the number, which has its meaning as follows : Double-six-Receiving a handsome sum of money. Six-five-Going to a place of public amusement. Six-four-Law suits and trouble, which can only be avoided by great care. Six-three-A ride in a carriage. Six-two-A present of clothing. Six-one- You will soon perform a friendly action. Six-blank-Guard against scandal, or you will suffer by your inattention. Double-five-A new abode to your advantage. Five-four-A fortunate speculation in business. Five-three-A visit from a superior. Five-two-A pleasant excursion on the water. Five-one-A love intrigue. Five-blank-A fortune, but not of a relation. Double-four-Drinking liquor at a distance. Four-three-A false alarm at your house. Four-two-Beware of thieves and swindlers. Ladies, take notice of this; it means more than it says. Four-one-Expect trouble from creditors. Four-blank-You will receive a letter from an angry friend. Double-three-A sudden wedding, at which you will be vexed, and by which you will lose a friend. Three-two-Buy no lottery tickets, nor enter into any game of chance, or you will assuredly lose. Three-one-A great discovery is at hand. Three-blank-An illegitimate child.

Double-two-You will have a jealous partner. Two-one-You will soon find something to your advantage in the street or road. Two-blank-You will lose money or some article of value. Double-one- The loss of a friend, whom you will very much miss. One-blank- You are being closely watched by one whom you little expect. Double-blank- The worst presage in all the set; you will meet trouble from a quarter for which you are quite unprepared. It is useless for persons to draw more than three dominoes at one time of trial, or in one and the same week, as they will only deceive themselves. Shuffle the dominoes each time of choosing. DICE Take three dice, shake them well in the box with your left hand, and then cast them out on a board or table, on which you have previously drawn a circle with chalk. Three-A pleasing surprise. Four-A disagreeable one. Five-A stranger who will prove a friend. Six-Loss 0f property. Seven-Undeserved scandal. Eight-Merited reproach. Nine-A wedding. Ten-A christening. Eleven-A death that concerns you. Twelve-A letter speedily. Thirteen-Tears and sighs. Fourteen-Beware that you are not drawn into some trouble or plot by a secret enemy. Fifteen-Immediate prosperity and happiness. Sixteen-A pleasant journey. Seventeen-You will either be on the water, or have dealings with those belonging to it, to your advantage. Eighteen-A great profit, rise in life, or some most desirable good will happen almost immediately. To show the same number twice at one trial, portends news from abroad, be the number what it may. If the dice rollover the circle, the number thrown goes for nothing, but the occurrence shows sharp words; and if they fall to the floor, it is blows. In throwing out the dice, if one remains on the top of the other, it is a present of which I would have them take care. PHYSIOGNOMY A knowledge of this science furnishes us the infallible means of discovering the temper and character of the mind by the countenance or face. Like its kindred science, Phrenology and Chiromancy, it must be carefully studied, and considerable practice is necessary to enable us to use it with absolute correctness. In determining character we should never depend upon a single feature to the exclusion of the rest, for an evil tendency of the mind, as indicated by a portion

of the countenance, may be entirely overbalanced and counteracted by characteristics as indicated by some better favored feature. THE FACE I.- The person whose features are strong, coarse, and unpleasant to the eye, is of a selfish, brutal, rough, and unsociable disposition; greedy of money, harsh in expressions, but will sometimes fawn with a bad grace to gain his ends. II.-The face that is plump, round, and ruddy, denotes the person to be of an agreeable temper, a safe companion, hearty and jovial, fond of company, of sound principles and a clear understanding and faithful in love. III.- The face that is thin, smooth and even, with well-proportioned features, shows the person to be of a good disposition, but penetrating and active; somewhat inclined to suspicion, yet of an agreeable conversation; assiduous in the pursuits of love, and strongly addicted to the delights of love. IV.-A face whose cheek bones jut out with thin jaws, is of a restless and thinking disposition, and apt to be fretful. V.-A face that is pale by nature, denotes a timorous disposition, but greatly desirous of carnal pleasures. VI.-A face that is unequally red, whether streaked, or appearing in spots, shows the person to be weak both in mind and body, yielding easy to affliction and sickness. VII.- The head that is large and round, shows that the person has a tolerable understanding, but not near so good as he imagines; however, upon the whole, he is rather harmless, and not so much given to vice. VIII.- The head that is small and round, or if the face comes tapering, shows the person of an acute, penetrating disposition, much given to bantering and humor, but of very great sensibility. IX.- The head that is flat on either side, and deep from the face to the back, shows the person to be of a good understanding, deep penetration, great memory, and of an even and agreeable temper, but of slow belief, and not easily imposed upon. THE FOREHEAD I.- The forehead that is large, round and smooth, announces the lady or gentleman to be frank, open, generous, free and good-natured, and a safe companion; of a good understanding, scorning to be guilty of any mean action; faithful to his promise, just in his dealings, steadfast in his engagements, and sincere in his affections; he will enjoy a moderate state of health. II.-If the forehead is flat in the middle, the gentleman or lady will be found to be vainglorious, and but little disposed to generosity; very tenacious of his honor, but brave; he will be fond of prying into the secrets of others, though not with the intention of betraying them; he will be fond of reading newspapers, history, novels and plays; ardent, and very cautious of his own reputation. III.-If there be a hollow across the forehead, in the middle, with a ridge as of flesh above, and another below, the gentleman will be a good scholar, and the lady a great manufacturer, or attentive to whatever occupation she may be engaged in. They will be warm in argument or debate-they will be firm and steady in any point they fix their minds upon, and by

their perseverance will generally carry their object, yet they will meet with many crosses, but will bear them with patience. IV.-If the forehead juts out immediately at and over the eyebrows, running flat up to the hair, the gentleman or lady will be sullen, proud, insolent, imperious and treacherous; they will be impatient when contradicted, apt to give great abuse, and to strike if they think they can do it with advantage. They will also impose upon any person, never forgiving any injury, and by their misconduct make themselves many enemies. V.-If their temples are hollow, with the bones advancing towards the forehead on either side, so that the space between must be necessarily flat, with a small channel or indenture rising from the upper part of the nose to the hair, the gentleman or lady will be of a daring and intrepid temper, introducing themselves into matters where they have no business, desirous of passing for wits, and of a subtle and enterprising nature; greedy of praise, quick in quarrel, and of a wandering disposition; very lewd, and full of resentment when they feel their pride hurt. In short, they delight in mischief-making and quarrels. THE EYEBROWS I.-If the eyebrows are very hairy, and that hair long and curled, with several of the hairs starting out, the gentleman or lady is of a gloomy disposition, litigous and quarrelsome, although a coward; greedy after the affairs of this world, perpetually brooding over some melancholy subject, and not an agreeable companion. He will be diffident, penurious, and weak in his understanding; never addicted to any kind of learning. He will pretend much friendship, but will make his affected passion subservient to his pecuniary designs, and also given to drinking. II.-If a gentleman or lady bas long eyebrows, with some long hairs, they will be of a fickle disposition, weak-minded, credulous and vain, always seeking after novelties, and neglecting their own business; they will be talkative, pert and disagreeable in company; very fond of contradiction, but will not bear disappointment patiently; and also will be much addicted to drinking. III.-If the eyebrows are thick and even, that is, without any or with few starting hairs, the gentleman or lady will be of an agreeable temper, sound understanding, and tolerable wit; moderately addicted to pleasure, fearful of giving offense, but intrepid and persevering in support of right; charitable and generous, sincere in their professions of love and friendship, and enjoy a good constitution. IV.-If the eyebrow is small, thin of hair, and even, the gentleman or lady will be weak minded, timorous, superficial, and not to be depended on; they will be desirous of knowledge, but will not have the patience and assiduity enough to give it the necessary attention; they will be desirous of praise for worthy actions, but will not have the spirit of perseverance to perform them, in that degree of excellence that is requisite to attract the notice of wise men. They will be of a delicate constitution. V.-If the eyebrow is thick of hair towards the nose, and goes off suddenly very thin, ending in a point, the gentleman or lady will be surly, capricious, jealous, fretful, and easily provoked to rage; in their love they will be intemperate.

THE EYES I.- The eye that is large, full, prominent and clear, denotes a gentleman or lady to be of an ingenious and candid disposition, void of deceit, and of an even, agreeable, and affable disposition; modest and bashful in love, though by no means an enemy to its gratification; firm, though not obstinate; of a good understanding, and just in argument, inclined to extravagance, and easily imposed upon. II.- The eye that is small but advanced in the head shows the gentleman or lady to be of quick wit, sound constitution, lively genius, agreeable company and conversation, good morals, but rather inclined to jealousy; attentive to business, fond of frequently changing his place, punctual in fulfilling his engagements, warm in love, prosperous in his undertakings, and generally fortunate in most things. III.-The gentleman or lady whose eyes are sunk in the head is of a jealous, distrustful, malicious, and envious nature; deceitful in the words and actions, never to be depended upon; cunning in over-reaching others, vain-glorious, and associates with lewd or bad company. IV.- The gentleman or lady who squints, or have their eyes turned awry, will be of a penurious disposition, but punctual in their dealings. V.-A black eye is lively, brisk, and penetrating, and proves the person who possesses it to be of a sprightly wit, lively conversation, not easily imposed upon, of a sound understanding, but if taken on the weak side, may be led astray for a while. VI.-A hazel eye shows the person to be of a subtle, piercing and frolicsome turn, rather inclined to be arch, and sometimes mischievous, but good natured at the bottom. He will be strongly inclined to love, and not over delicate in the means of gratifying that propensity. VII.-A blue eye shows the person to be of a meek and gentle temper, affable and good-natured, credulous, and incapable of violent attachments; ever modest, cool, and undisturbed by turbulent passions, of strong memory, in constitution neither robust nor delicate, subject to no violent impressions from the vicissitudes of life, whether good or bad. VIII.-A gray eye denotes the person to be of weak intellect, devoid of wit, but a plain, plodding, downright drudge, that will act as he is spirited up by others. He will be slow in learning anything that requires attention; he, however, will be just to the best of his understanding. IX.-A wall eye denotes the person to be of a hasty, passionate, and ungovernable temper, subject to sudden and violent anger; haughty to his equals and superiors, but mild and affable to his inferiors. X.-A red, or as it is vulgarly called, a saucer eye denotes the person to be selfish, deceitful, and proud, and furious in anger, fertile in the invention of plots, and indefatigable in his resolutions to bring them to bear. THE NOSE I.-A nose that comes even on the ridge, flat on the sides, with little or no hollow between the eyes, declares the man to be sulky, indolent, disdainful, treacherous, and self-sufficient; if it has a point descending over the nostrils, he is avaricious and unfeeling, vainglorious and ignorant; peevish, jealous, quick in resentment, yet a coward at the bottom. II.-A nose that rises with a sudden bulge a little below the eyes, and then falls again into a

kind of hollow below, is petulant and noisy, void of science, and of a very light understanding. III.- The nose that is small, slender and peaked, shows the person to be of a fearful disposition, jealous, fretful and insidious, ever suspicious of those about him, catching at every word that he can interpret to his own advantage to ground his dispute upon, and also very curious to know what is said and done. IV .-The nose that is small, tapering, round in the nostrils, and cocked up, shows the person to be ingenious, smart, of a quick apprehension, giddy, and seldom looking into consequences; but generous, agreeable, so as to carefully avoid giving offense; but resolute in doing himself justice when he receives an injury. THE LIPS I.- The lips that are thick, soft and long, announce the person to be of weak intellect, credulous, and slightly peevish; but by a little soothing easily brought back to a good humor. He is much addicted to the pleasures of love, and scarcely moderate in his enjoyment of them; yet he is upright in his conduct, and of timorous temper. II.-If the under lip is much thicker than the upper, and more prominent, the person is of weak understanding, but artful, knavish, and given to chicanery to the full extent of his ability. III.- The lips that are moderately plump and even, declare the person to be good-humored, humane, sensible, judicious and just, neither giddy nor torpid, but pursuing in every particular a just medium. IV.-The lips that are thin, show the person to be of a quick and lively imagination, ardent in the pursuit of knowledge, indefatigable in labor, not too much attached to money, eager in the pursuit of love, more brave than otherwise, and tolerably happy in life. V.-The lips that are thin and sunk inwards, denotes the person to be of a subtle and persevering disposition, everlasting in hatred, and never sparing any pains to compass his revenge; in love or friendship much more moderate and uncertain. THE CHIN I.- The chin that is round, with a hollow between it and the lip, shows the person to be of a good-humored disposition, kind and honest; he is sincere in his friendship, and ardent in his love; his understanding is good, and his genius capacious. If he has a dimple, it makes him better. II.- The chin that comes down flat from the edge of the lip, and ends in a kind of chisel form, shows the person to be silly, credulous, ill-tempered, and greedy of unmerited honors; captious, wavering, and unsteady; he will affect great modesty in the presence of others, though he will not scruple to do the vilest actions when he thinks himself secure from discovery. III.- The chin that is pointed upwards, shows the person to be much given to contrivances. However fair he may speak to you, you can never depend on his friendship, as his purpose is only to make you subservient to his own designs. In love his generosity will be of the same stamp.

THE HAIR I.- The gentleman whose hair is very black and smooth, hanging far over his shoulders, and in large quantity, is mild but resolute; cool, until greatly provoked; not much inclined to excess of any kind, but he may be persuaded to it. He is constant in his attachments, and not liable to many misfortunes. II.-A lady of the same kind of hair is moderate in her desires of every kind, addicted to reflection, and though not subject to violence in love, is steady in her attachments, and no enemy to its pleasures; of a constitution neither vigorous nor feeble. III.-If the hair is very black, short and curling, the gentleman will be much given to liquor, somewhat quarrelsome, and of an unsettled temper; more amorous, and less steady in his undertakings, but ardent at the beginning of an enterprise. He will be desirous of riches, but will often be disappointed in his wishes therein. IV.-The same may be said of a lady. V.-A gentleman with dark brown, long, and smooth hair, is generally of a robust constitution; obstinate in his temper, eager in his pursuits, a lover of the fair sex, fond of variety, in his ordinary pursuits exceedingly curious, and of a flexible disposition. He will live long, unless guilty of early intemperance. VI.-A lady of the same kind of hair will be nearly the same as the gentleman, but more steady in her conduct and attachments, especially in love. She will be of a good constitution, have many children, enjoy good health, and a reasonable share of happiness. VII.-If the hair is short and bushy, it will make very little alteration in the gentleman or lady, but that the gentleman will be more forward to strike when provoked, and the lady will be more of a scold. VIII.-A gentleman with light brown, long, smooth hair, is of a peaceable, even, and rather generous temper; will prevent mischief if in his power, but when very much provoked will strike furiously; but is afterwards sorry for his passion, and soon appeased; strongly attached to the company of ladies, and will protect them from insult. Upon the whole, he is in general an amicable character, affable and kind. IX.-A lady with the same kind of hair is tender hearted, but hasty in temper; neither obstinate nor ,haughty; her inclinations to love never unreasonable; her constitution will be good, but she will be seldom very fortunate. X.-A gentleman with fair hair will be of a weak constitution; his mind given much to reflection, especially in religious matters. He will be assiduous in his occupation, but not given to rambling; very moderate in his amorous wishes, but not live to an old age. XI.-A lady. of this colored hair is of a good constitution; never to be diverted from her purposes; passionate in love affairs, never easy unless in company, and delights in hearing herself praised, especially for beauty; delights in dancing and strong exercises, and commonly lives to a great age. XII.-A gentleman with long red hair is cunning, artful, and deceitful; he is much addicted to traffic of some kind, restless in his disposition, constantly roving, and desirous of enjoying the pleasures of love. He is covetous of getting money, and spends it foolishly; he is indefatigable, and no obstacle will induce him to forsake his enterprise until he has seen the issue of it. He is

inclined to timidity, but by reflection may correct it, and pass for a man of courage. XIII.-A lady of the same kind of hair is glib of tongue, talkative and vain; her temper is impatient and fiery, and will not submit to contradiction, she has a constant flow of spirits, and much given to the pleasures of love. However delicate her person may seem, her constitution is generally vigorous; but she seldom lives to see old age, for obvious reasons; her promises are seldom to be depended upon, because the next object that engrosses her attention makes her forgetful of everything that preceded it, and will always resent any disappointment she may meet with. XIV.-If the hair falls off at the fore part of the head, the person will be easily led, though otherwise rational, and will often be duped when he thinks he is acting right; he will likewise frequently meet with disappointments in money matters, which will either hurt his credit, or force him to shorten his expenses. XV.-If the hair falls off behind, he will be obstinate, peevish, passionate, and fond of commanding others, though he has no right, and will grow angry if his advice is not followed. However preposterous, he will be fond of bearing and telling old stories, and tales of ghosts and fairies, but will be a good domestic man, and provide for his family to the utmost of his power . XVI.-If the hair forms an arch round the forehead, without being much indented at the temples, both the gentleman and the lady will be innocent, credulous, moderate in all their desires, and though not ardent in their pursuits, will still be persevering. They will be modest, good-natured, prosperous and happy. XVII.-If the hair is indented at the temples, the person will be affable, steady, good-natured, prudent, and attentive to business, of a solid constitution, and long lived. XVIII.-If the hair descends low upon the forehead, the person will be selfish and designing; of a surly disposition, unsociable, and given to drinking. He will also be addicted to avarice, and his mind will be always intent upon the means of carrying on his schemes. Strength of body is known by stiff hair, large bones, firm and robust limbs, short muscular neck, firm and erect, the head broad and high, the forehead short, hard and peaked, with bristly hair, large feet, rather thick and broad, a harsh, unequal voice, and chocolate complexion. Weakness of Body is distinguished by a small, ill-proportioned head, narrow shoulders, soft skin, and melancholy complexion. The Signs of Long Life are strong teeth, a sanguine temperament, middle size, large, deep and ruddy lines in the hand; large muscles, stooping shoulders, full chest, firm flesh, clear complexion, slow growth, wide ears and large eyelids. Short Life may be inferred £rom a thick tongue, the appearance of grinders before the age of puberty, thin, straggling and uneven teeth, confused lines in the hand, of a quick but small growth. A good Genius may be expected from a thin skin, middle stature, blue bright eyes, fair complexion, straight and pretty strong hair, an affable aspect, the eyebrows joined, moderation in mirth, an open, cheerful countenance, and the temples a little concave. A Dunce may be known by a swollen neck, plump arms, sides, and loins, a round head, concave behind, a large, fleshy forehead pale eyes, a heavy, dull look, small joints, snuffling nostrils, and a proneness to laughter, little hands, and ill-proportioned head, either too big or too little, blubber lips, short fingers, and thick legs. Fortitude is promised from a wide mouth, a sonorous voice, grave, slow, and always equal, upright posture, large eyes, pretty open and steadfast, the hair high above the forehead, the head

much compressed or flattened, the forehead square and high, the extremities large and robust, the neck firm though not fleshy, a large, corpulent chest, and brown complexion. Boldness is characterized by a prominent mouth, rugged appearance, rough forehead, arched eye. brows, large nostrils and teeth, short neck, great arms, ample chest, square shoulders, and a forward countenance. Prudence is generally distinguished by a head which is flat on the sides, a broad square forehead a little concave in the middle, a soft voice, a large chest, thin hair, light eyes, either blue, brown or black, large ears, and an aquiline nose. A good Memory is commonly attached to those who are smaller, yet better formed in the Upper than the lower parts, not fat but fleshy, of a fair, delicate skin, with the poll of the head uncovered, crooked nose, teeth thick set, large ears, with plenty of cartilage. A bad Memory is observable in persons who are larger in their superior than inferior parts, fleshy though dry and bald. A good imagination and thoughtful Disposition is distinguished by a large, prominent forehead, a fixed and attentive look, slow respiration, and an inclination of the head. , A good Sight is enjoyed by those persons who have generally black, thick, straight eye-lashes, large, bushy eyeballs, concave eyes, contracted as it were inwards. Short-Sighted People have a stern, earnest look, small, short eyebrows, large pupils and prominent eyes. Sense of Hearing, those who possess the same in perfection, have ears well furnished with gristle, well channeled and hairy. The Sense of Smelling is most "perfect in those who have large noses, descending very near the mouth, neither too moist nor too dry. A nice Faculty of Tasting is peculiar to such as have a spongy, porous, soft tongue, well moistened with saliva, yet not moist. Delicacy in the Touch belongs to those who have a soft skin, sensible nerves, and nervous sinews, moderately warm and dry. Irascibility is accompanied by an erect posture, a clear skin, a solemn voice, open nostrils, moist temples, displaying superficial veins, thick neck, equal use of both hands, quick pace, bloodshot eyes, large, unequal, ill-ranged teeth, and choleric disposition. Timorousness resides where we find a concave neck, pale color, weak, winking eyes, soft eyes, soft hair, smooth, plump breast, shrill, tremulous voice, small mouth, thin lips, broad, thin hands, and small, shambling feet. Melancholy is denoted by a wrinkled countenance, dejected eyes, meeting eyebrows, slow pace, fixed look; and deliberate respiration. An amorous Disposition may be known by a fair, slender face, a redundancy of hair, rough temples, broad forehead, moist, shining eyes, wide nostrils, narrow shoulders, hairy hands and arms, well shaped legs. Gaiety attends serene, open forehead, rosy, agreeable countenance, a sweet musical tone of voice, an agile body, and soft flesh. Envy appears with a wrinkled forehead, frowning, dejected, and squinting look, a pale, melancholy countenance, and a dry, rough skin.

Intrepidity often resides in a small body, with red, curled hair, ruddy countenance, frowning eyebrows, arched and meeting, eyes blue or yellowish, large mouth, and red lines in the hand. Gentleness or complacency may be distinguished by a so£t and moist palm, frequency of shutting the eyes, soft movement, slow speech, soft, straight and lightish colored hair. Bashfulness may be discovered by moist eyes, never wide open, eyebrows frequently lowered, blushing cheeks, moderate pace, slow and submissive speech, bent body, and glowing ears of a purple hue. Temperance or Sobriety is accompanied with equal respiration, a moderate sized mouth, smooth temples, eyes of an ordinary size, either fair or azure, and a short, flat body. Strength of Mind is signified by light, curled hair, a small body, shining eyes, but little depressed, a grave, intense voice, bushy beard, large, broad back and shoulders. Pride stands confessed with large eyebrows, a large prominent mouth, a broad chest, slow pace, erected head, shrugging shoulders, and staring eyes. Luxury dwells with a ruddy or pale complexion, downy temples, bald pate, little eyes, thick neck, corpulent body, large nose, thin eyebrows, and hands covered with a kind of down. Loquacity may be expected from a bushy beard, broad fingers, pointed tongue, eyes of a ruddy hue, a large, prominent upper lip, and a sharp, pointed nose. Perverseness may be dreaded when we perceive a high forehead firm, short, thick, immovable neck, quick speech, immoderate laughter, fiery eyes, and short, fleshy hands and fingers. SIGNS AND SUPERSTITION However skeptical some persons may profess to be on the subject of signs, auguries, and fore warnings, still few will venture to deny that in innumerable instances those admonitions and fore warnings have been speedily followed by events of a pleasant or a painful nature to those who have received them. The belief in signs and auguries has been cherished by mankind ever since the creation; and this faculty is not confined to the human family alone, but the lower animals possess it, some of them in an extraordinary degree. The following are a. few of the multifarious signs and auguries which admonish and forewarn mankind at one time or another: Should you be the subject of a deep depression of spirits, contrary to your usual constitutional buoyancy and liveliness, it is a sign that you are about to receive some agreeable intelligence. If the crown of your head itches more than ordinary, you may expect to be advanced to a more honorable position in life. Should the hair on your head come off when combing in greater quantities than usual, it is, ordinarily, you may expect to be advanced to a severe attack of illness. If your right eyebrow should immoderately itch, be assured you are going to look upon a pleasant sight-a long-absent friend, or a long-estranged but now reconciled lover. Should your left eyebrow be visited with a tantalizing itching, it is a sign that you will look upon a painful sight-the corpse of a valued friend, or your lover walking with a favored rival. A ringing in your right ear is an augury that you will shortly hear some pleasant news. A ringing in your left ear is a sign that you will in a short time receive intelligence of a very

unpleasant nature. When your left ear tingles, some one is back-biting you. A violent itching of the nose foretells trouble and sorrow to those who experience it. An itching of the lips is a sign that some one is speaking disrespectfully of you. When you are affected by an itching of the back of your neck, be assured that either yourself or some one nearly related to you is about to suffer a violent death. An itching on the right shoulder signifies that you will shortly receive a gift. When you feel an itching sensation on your left shoulder, be sure that you are about to bear a heavy burden of sorrow and trouble. If your right elbow joint itches, you may expect shortly to hear some intelligence that will give you extreme pleasure. Should you be annoyed with a violent itching on your left elbow joint, you may be sure that some vexatious disappointment will be experienced by you. If you feel an itching on the palm of your right hand, you may expect soon to receive some money which you have been long expecting. When the palm of your left hand itches, you may expect to be called upon to pay some money for a debt which you have not personally incurred. An itching on the spine of your back is a sign that you shall be called upon to bear a heavy burden of sorrow and trouble. An itching on your loins is an indication that you will soon receive an addition to your family, if married; if single, that you are on the eve of marriage. When you are affected with an itching on the belly, expect to be invited to feast upon a choice collection of. savory meats. When either or both of your thighs itch, be assured that you are about to change your sleeping apartment. If you have an itching sensation in your right knee, depend upon it that you will shortly undergo a remarkable and beneficial change in your previous course of life, and become religiously inclined. If a similar sensation prevails in your left knee, you may expect to undergo a change in your department of an unfavorable nature. An itching sensation on the shins, foretells that you will be visited with a painful and longcontinued affliction. When your ankle-joints itch, be sure that you are about to be united to one. whom you love, if single; if married, that your domestic comforts will be largely increased. When the sole of your right foot itches, you may be assured that you are about to undertake a journey from which you will derive much pleasure and enjoyment. Should you experience a similar sensation on the sole of your left foot, you may expect to be called upon to take a journey of an unpleasant and melancholy nature.

In the evening, when the horizon in the west is tinged with a ruddy glow, it is a sign that bright and dry weather will speedily follow. When the sky appears ruddy in the east in the evening, changeable weather may be confidently anticipated.

Should the horizon in the north wear a ruddy appearance in the evening, stormy and boisterous weather may be expected. If the clouds in the south are ruddy in the evening, sunshiny and rainy weather will prevail for some time afterward. When the face of the moon is partially obscured by a light, thin vapor, rain will shortly follow. When the rays from the sun at mid-day are more than ordinarily dazzling, rainy weather will shortly succeed. In summer-time, when the swallows By near to the ground, rainy weather will assuredly soon follow. The shrill crowing of the cock during rainy weather, is a sign that drought will speedily prevail. When the smoke from the chimney falls down toward the ground, instead of rising upward, it is a sign that rainy weather will soon follow. If on a foggy morning in summer the fog rises upward, it will be a fine day; if the fog falls to the ground, it will be wet. When, in summer-time, you see the cattle grazing in a field gathering together in groups, be assured that a thunder-storm is approaching. When you see the fowls in the farm-yard flocking together under some covert, be assured that ungenial weather is about to succeed. When the crows on flying over your head, make an extraordinary and discordant cawing, rain will come on shortly. When you see your dog or cat more than ordinarily restless, frisking about the house in all dictions, be assured that some boisterous weather will shortly follow. In rainy weather, when you hear the chirping of the sparrows on the house-top more shrill than usual, it is a sign that the clear and dry weather will quickly succeed. When you see a vapory fluid resting upon a stagnant pond on the fore-part of the day, you may conclude that rainy weather will shortly come on. Should the vapor ascend and clear away, a continued drought may be anticipated. In summer, when the atmosphere is dense and heavy and there is scarcely a breath of air, be assured that a thunder storm is coming on. When the firmament is lighted up with meteoric phenomena, such as falling stars, globes of fire, etc., changeable and boisterous weather may be expected to prevail. When the rising sun appears like a solid mass of fervent-heated metal, and no rays appear to emanate therefrom, fine and dry weather may be confidently anticipated. When the sun sets in a halo of ruddy brightness, genial and bright weather may be fully relied on for the coming day. When the moon appears of a ruddy hue, stormy and boisterous weather may be expected to follow. When the stars appear of a sparkling brightness, fine and gentle weather may be expected to prevail for some time. Should the stars appear obscure and dim, changeable and rainy weather may be anticipated. The luminous appearance of the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights in the firmament,

foretells the approach of stormy and boisterous weather. When the setting sun in the autumn or winter seasons appears ruddy, it is a sign that high and boisterous winds may be expected to blow from the north and north-west. When the sun at its rising in the autumn or winter seasons appears ruddy, it foretells that high and boisterous winds may be anticipated to blow from the south and south-east. When the sea birds are observed flocking toward the shore, storms and tempests may be confidently expected. When in the early autumn season the migratory birds are seen flocking together, and taking their departure, it is a certain sign that rough and boisterous weather is approaching, and that a severe winter may be anticipated. When the doves around a dove-cote make a more than ordinary cooing, and frequently pass in and out of their cote, it is a sign that a change of weather is near. When the robin approaches your habitation, it is a sign that winter weather will shortly prevail. When there is a thick, vapory mist resting on the tops of high hills in the morning, and remains there during the day, it is a sign that wet and ungenial weather may be anticipated. Should the mist eventually rise upward, and be evaporated by the sun's rays, a return to fine, dry weather may be looked for; if, however, the mist falls down into the valley, a continuation of wet weather will prevail. THE MOST FORTUNATE DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS AND YEARS The day of the week in which you were born, is the best for any person. It is lucky to receive a letter on the third, fifth, oi ninth of the month, or on any Tuesday or Saturday. The first week in May is very fortunate for any undertaking to men; the second, to women. June is a good month, in which to make any contract, or receive a promise of marriage, as it generally turns out sincere and prosperous. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are the best for men; Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for women. To travel by land, choose the increase of the moon, the decreased for a voyage; and about the full to write letters in which you ask a favor; to beg wafers is not lucky on this occasion. It is not good to marry on your own birthday for a woman, but it is fortunate for a man. It is good to christen a child on the day of the week in which it was born. It is reckoned fortunate to be born on Sunday for either sex.

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