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HSE Manual (Health, Safety and Environment) TABLE OF REVISION CONTROL.
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Table of Revision Control. Rev. Date
Rev. No.
10. April. 2000
Description of Revision.
First Issue.
Prepared by Park, Sang-Kyu Reviewed by Kim, Jae-Soo
Approved by
Safety & Environment Department Manager.
10. April. 2000
Senior Executive Vice President.
10. April. 2000
President & C. E. O. Kim, Yoon-Kyu
(Date) 10. April. 2000 (Date)
HSE Manual (Health, Safety and Environment) CONTENTS.
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Contents. Chapter.
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HSE Policy Statement and Policy Documents.
Drug and Alcohol Statement.
HSE Objectives.
Organisation Structure.
HSE Management Organisation.
Typical Site HSE Management Organisation.
Head Office Responsibilities.
Branch Office Responsibilities.
Functional Responsibilities of HSE Management.
Project HSE Responsibilities.
Pre-Qualification Process for Sub-contractors and Vendors.
HSE 'Kick-Off' Contract Meetings.
Assessment of Sub-contractors and Vendors.
HSE Manual (Health, Safety and Environment) CONTENTS.
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Contents. Chapter.
Management & Administration of the HSE System.
Legal and Other Requirements.
HSE Management Impact Assessment Plan.
HSE Document Control and Safeguarding.
Inspections and Audits.
Management Review.
Rev. No.
HDEC Corporate HSE Policy Statement.
HDEC Corporate HSE Policy Document.
HSE Procedure Index.
HSE Documentation System.
HSE Manual (Health, Safety and Environment) SUMMARY. 1.0 1.1
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SUMMARY. The purpose of this Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. (HDEC) Corporate Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Manual is to define the HSE Management System for planning, execution, evaluation and improvement for effective HSE Management and the safe execution of the work.
This Manual also contains the HSE Procedures necessary to assist Project Management in controlling HSE aspects during the Engineering, Construction and Commissioning activities.
Extracts from this manual will also provide assistance in the HSE Training programme to be developed on site by members of the Project Management Team.
Although the Manual is intended to comprehensively define HSE aspects relating to the majority of the Engineering, Construction and Commissioning operations within the scope of HDEC, this does not relieve persons in charge from their responsibility of identifying hazards and reducing risks by enforcing the necessary HSE Procedures.
Copies of this Corporate Manual will be issued to all Divisional Heads, Project Managers and HSE Managers.
HDEC acknowledges the importance of establishing effective communication procedures on HSE throughout its organisational structure. Furthermore, it is Company Policy to encourage proposals from its employees on how to maintain and improve standards of HSE within the Companies work activities.
Recommendations and comments to improve this Corporate Manual are welcome from all parties concerned, especially those directly involved with Engineering, Construction and
HSE Manual (Health, Safety and Environment) SUMMARY.
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Commissioning activities on Site i.e. members of the HSE Project Team and other Project Management Team members. 1.8
The Manual will be reviewed at regular intervals with the inclusion of all necessary amendments.
The HDEC Head Office Safety & Environment Department will make revisions to this document and circulate them to all concerned.
HSE Manual (Health, Safety and Environment) SCOPE.
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2.0 SCOPE. 2.1
This Corporate HSE Manual provides the nucleus for the development of the Project Specific HSE Manual and combined with the HDEC Corporate HSE Policy, Project HSE Plan, the HDEC Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) and HDEC Occupational Health and Safety Management System form the complete HSE programme for the evaluation, control and Management of all industrial and Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental risks during HDEC’s Engineering, Construction and Commissioning activities.
HSE Manual (Health, Safety and Environment) TERMS AND DEFINITIONS.
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Safety. Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm.[ISO/IEC Guide 2]
Environment. Surroundings in which an organisation operates, including air, water, land natural resources, flora, fauna, humans, and their interrelation. Note: Surrounding in this context extend from within an organisation to the global system.
HSE Management System. The part of the overall management system that includes organisational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the HSE Policy.
HSE Management System Audit. A systematic and documented verification process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence to determine whether an organisation's HSE Management System conforms to the HSE Management System Audit criteria set by the organisation, and for communication of the results of this process to management.
HSE Inspection. A routine evaluation of the HSE conditions.
Continual Improvement. Process of enhancing the HSE Management System, to achieve improvements in overall Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental performances, in line with the organisation's HSE Policy.
HSE Manual (Health, Safety and Environment) TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. 3.7
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Environmental Aspect. Element of an organisation's activities, products or services that can interact with the environment. Note: A significant environmental aspect is an environmental aspect that has or can have a significant environmental impact.
Environmental Impact. Any change to the environment, whether adverse or any beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organisation's activities, products or services.
Accident. Undesired event giving rise to death, ill health, injury, damage or other loss.
3.10 Incident. Event that gave rise to an accident or had the potential to lead to an accident. Note: An incident where no ill heath, injury, damage, or other loss occurs is also referred to as a "near-miss". The term "incident" includes "near-miss". 3.11 Dangerous Occurrences. Dangerous Occurrences are generally defined as major incidents where systems of work have failed but have not resulted in major injury. These major incidents include;1) Failure of Breathing Apparatus. 2) Uncontrolled release of any dangerous substances is transported by road. 3) Contact of plant with uninsulated overhead cables over 2000 volts. 4) Accidental ignition or explosion of explosives. 5) Collapse or overturning of a lifting appliance. 6) Collapse or partial collapse of any scaffold more than 5.0 metres in height. Unintended collapse of any structure under construction involving the fall of 5 tonnes of material or more.
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7) A full list of Dangerous Occurrences appears in the Corporate Procedure ‘Reporting and Investigation of Accidents, Incidents and Dangerous Occurrences’ (HMS-AJ-108). 3.12 Interested Parties. Individual or group concerned with or affected by the HSE performance of an organisation. 3.13 Non-Conformance. Any deviation from work standards, practices, procedure, regulations, management system performance etc. that could either directly or indirectly lead to injury or illness, property damage, damage to the workplace environment, or a combination of these. 3.14 HSE Objectives. Overall HSE Goal, from the HSE Policy, that an organisation sets itself to achieve, and which is quantified where practicable. 3.15 Occupational Health and Safety. Conditions and factors that affect the well-being of employees, temporary workers, contractor personnel, visitors and any other person in the workplace. 3.16 Organisation. Company, operation, firm, enterprise, institution or association, or part thereof, whether incorporated or not, public or private, that has its own functions and administration. Note: For organisations with more than one operating unit, a single operating unit may be defined as an organisation. 3.17 HSE Performance. Measurable results of the HSE management system, related to the organisation's control of its environmental aspects, health and safety risks, based on its HSE policy and objectives.
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3.18 HSE Policy. Statement by the organisation of its intentions and principles in relation to its overall HSE performance which provides a framework for action and for the setting of its HSE objectives and targets. 3.19 HSE Target. Detailed performance requirement, quantified where practicable, applicable to the organisation or parts thereof, that arises from the HSE Objectives and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve those objectives. 3.20 Hazard. Source of situation with a potential for harm in terms of injury or ill health, damage to property, damage to the workplace environment, or a combination of these. 3.21 Hazard Identification. Process of recognising that a hazard (see 3.20) exists and defining its characteristics. 3.22 Risk. Combination of the likelihood and consequence(s) of a specified hazardous event occurring. 3.23 Tolerable Risk. Risk that has been reduced to a level that can be endured by the organisation having regard to its legal obligations and its own HSE Policy. 3.24 Risk Assessment. Overall process of estimating the magnitude of risk and deciding whether or not the risk is tolerable. 3.25 Impact Assessment Tool.
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A questionnaire-based procedure that researches the impact that the HSE Programme is having on the workforce and to give some measure of ownership to the workforce. 3.26 Zero Accident Philosophy. The philosophy based on the principle that zero is the only acceptable target to be established for any organisation or project, and that accidents are unacceptable events, for which every reasonably practicable effort towards prevention shall be made. This philosophy emphasises that it is unacceptable for even one person to be injured or suffer occupational health problems whilst working on a HDEC Project. 3.27 Prevention of Pollution. Use of processes, practices, materials or products that avoid, reduce or control pollution, which may include recycling, treatment, process changes, control mechanism, efficient use of resources and material substitution. Note: The potential benefits of prevention of pollution include the reduction of adverse environmental impacts, improved efficiency and reduced costs.
HSE Manual (Health, Safety and Environment) ORGANISATION STRUCTURE.
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HSE Policy Statement and Policy Documents.
The HDEC Corporate HSE Policy Statement specifies the Companies intent towards HSE control throughout its organisation. (See Annex 1)
4.1.2 A project specific HSE Policy Statement will feature in the Project HSE Plan and developed into the Project HSE Manual, specifying the Engineering and Construction Divisions intent towards HSE control on their site. 4.1.3 The HDEC Corporate HSE Policy Document specifies HSE responsibilities for various departments and all personnel (Head Office and Project based), to assist them in constantly achieving the highest levels of HSE control that they and HDEC are striving for. (See Annex 2) 4.1.4 In order to meet the aims stated in the HSE Policy and to seek continual improvement in HSE Performance, specific objectives will be developed.(See section 4.3) 4.2
Drug and Alcohol Statement.
The following HDEC statement relating to substance abuse will be approved by Project Management, included in the Project HSE Plan and implemented on all work sites controlled by HDEC.
The transportation, use, possession, promotion or sale of Prohibited Substances, such as alcohol, drugs and other intoxicating substances, at all work-sites, which are under the direct control of HDEC, IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. Any person(s) found in possession, or under the influence of any alcohol, drug or other intoxicating substances whilst on duty, other than
HSE Manual (Health, Safety and Environment) ORGANISATION STRUCTURE.
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approved bona fide medical reasons, shall be subject to Disciplinary Procedures. 4.3
HSE Objectives.
The HSE objectives are overall goals for HSE performance identified in the HSE Policy.
The objectives for achieving the intent of the Corporate and Project HSE Policy Statements are summarised as follows: 1) Strive to decrease levels of pollution arising from the Company’s operations and products to achieve continuous reduction in the impact on the environment. 2) To establish a well motivated and informed workforce who are committed to achieving the zero accident philosophy. 3) To ensure that risks are identified in advance and that control measures are introduced into the Programming of work. 4) To establish and maintain a training programme that ensures personnel are educated and competent in the work processes to which they are assigned. 5) To provide adequate facilities for the health of personnel working on HDEC Projects. 6) To dedicate adequate resources for achieving the HSE programme objectives.
Steps in setting HSE objectives are listed below: 1) A list of objectives will be drawn up by HSE Committee based on outcome of reviews, etc. 2) The list of objectives will be prioritised. 3) For each objective, targets will be set in order to achieve these objectives within a specified timeframe. 4) Targets should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely.
Objectives shall be reviewed annually to see if they have been achieved. HSE Performance will be measured during the year to see if the targets have been met. Failure to meet specific performance measures will result in corrective actions being taken.
HSE Manual (Health, Safety and Environment) ORGANISATION STRUCTURE.
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Organisation Structure. Chairman & Chief Executive Officer.
President & Chief Executive Officer.
Domestic Operation.
Overseas Operation.
Division of Civil Works.
Division of Architectural Design & Engineering.
Division of Civil Works.
Division of Architectural (Building) Works.
Division of Material Procurement.
Division of Architectural (Building) Works.
Division of Plant Engineering & Construction.
Division of Engineering.
Division of Plant Engineering & Construction.
Division of Electrical Works.
Division of General Administration.
Division of Electrical Works.
Division of Business Development.
Division of Technical Management.
Division of Business Development.
Division of Local Housing Projects.
Safety & Environment Department.
Division of Steel Fabrication.
Planning Office.
Contract Management Office.
Quality Assurance Office.
Internal Auditing Office.
Construction Management Department.
Public Relations Department.
Hyundai Institute of Construction Technology.
Technical Training Institute.
Construction Supervision Office.
Corporate HSE Management Organisation.
HSE Manual (Health, Safety and Environment) ORGANISATION STRUCTURE.
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Chairman & Chief Executive Officer.
President & Chief Executive Officer.
Domestic Operation.
Overseas Operation.
HSE Management Representative. Senior Executive Vice President.
General Manager Safety & Environment Department.
Domestic Projects.
Typical Site HSE Management Organisation.
Overseas Projects.
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Project Manager.
HSE Committee.
HSE Manager.
Planning Manager.
Planning. Scheduling. Budgeting. Engineering. Training. Quantity Surveying. Contracts.
Construction Manager.
Civil Works. Architectural Works. Mechanical Works. Electrical Works. Survey.
Administration Manager.
Accounting. Manpower. Purchasing. Material Control. Workshop.
HSE Manual (Health, Safety and Environment) HSE RESPONSIBILITY.
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HDEC Head Office HSE Responsibility. All HDEC Head Office personnel have responsibilities in HSE Matters, their detailed HSE responsibilities are defined in the HDEC Corporate HSE Policy Document.(See Annex 1.)
6.1.1 All Employees. 1) Have a duty to take reasonable care to safeguard their own Health and Safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. 2) Have a duty to cooperate with the Company in the discharge of its obligations as an employer. 6.1.2 President & Chief Executive Officer. 1) Promote interest and enthusiasm to achieve high levels of HSE performance throughout the Company. 2) Initiate and sign the company’s HSE policy statement and document. 3) Ensure that details of the Company’s plan of work for HSE is included in the annual business plan. 6.1.3 HSE Management Representative (Senior Executive Vice President). 1) Is assigned the authority and responsibility for implementation and maintenance of the total HSE Management System covered in this HSE Manual. 2) Administrate and monitor the HSE Documents and records. 3) Oversee effective coverage and operation of the following: 1
The HSE functions and Controls of the various organisations as detailed in HSE Policy Document. (See the Annex 2.)
Ensuring that Corporate and Project HSE Management Systems are established, implemented and maintained.
Liasing with external parties on matters relating to the HSE Management Systems.
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6.1.4 Safety & Environment Department Manager. 1) Reports directly to the Senior Executive Vice President and relates functionally to the heads of the various divisions in the group. 2) Develop and up date the Company’s HSE policy and associated HSE Management Systems. 3) Report on the Company’s overall HSE performance to Top Management, providing the necessary data to enable the overall HSE performance of the Company to be monitored and reviewed as necessary. 4) Provide an effective HSE service to all divisions in the Company. 6.2
Branch Office HSE Responsibility.
6.2.1 Establish from prospective client's information on their HSE procedures. 6.2.2 Make enquiries with governmental bodies on the necessary HSE procedures enforceable in their countries. 6.2.3 Provide Head Office management and Project based management with any HSE bulletins and other relevant HSE information from government, or other HSE authorities. 6.2.4 Obtain HSE performance records of local sub-contractors. 6.3
Functional Responsibilities of HSE Management.
6.3.1 The prime responsibilities and authorities of Management are consolidated in the HSE Policy Document attached in Annex 2. The respective functional Managers are responsible for the execution of those HSE Functions and Control and the means as detailed in the HSE procedures.
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6.3.2 Each Department Manager shall be responsible for reacting to findings of Internal Audit and initiating corrective action. 6.4
Project HSE Responsibilities. All personnel at Site, from HDEC, its Sub-contractors and Vendors at all levels, are responsible for complying with and enforcing the Project HSE requirements. The main responsibilities of key personnel and departments are detailed in the HDEC Corporate HSE Policy and the Project HSE Plan. The site HSE responsibilities are identified as follows: -
6.4.1 Project Manager. 1) Ensure that HSE requirements are incorporated into the scope of the design works. 2) Satisfy himself that the Site HSE manual is kept updated and reflects the needs of the Project. 3) Liaise with the Site HSE Team in ensuring that the hazard identification programme covers all aspects of the work for pre-task planning and Risk Assessments, prior to work commencing. 4) Ensure that supervision are aware of the contents of the Site HSE Plan and Manual and that they are conforming to the requirements placed on them. 5) Regularly review the Site HSE Plan and Manual with members of the Site HSE Team and communicate any modifications, points of concern or other HSE related issues to all concerned. 6) Maintain HSE relations with the Client, Sub-contractors, Vendors and Local Authorities for all items regarding HSE during the Engineering, Construction and Commissioning activities. 6.4.2 Project HSE Manager. The Project HSE Manager is the custodian of the Site HSE Plan and Manual and is specifically charged with the overall responsibility for its ongoing development and review, in particular the HSE manager and supporting team will: -
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1) Coordinate with Members of the Project Management Team, Sub-contractors Management, Vendors and any specialist services provided. To ensure that Risk Assessments for all potentially hazardous operations are developed and made known to the appropriate parties and are included in the Site HSE Plan and Manual as part of the hazard identification programme. 2) Coordinate with the Client regarding any new HSE Policies, Procedures or new initiatives that may be introduced and where applicable include them in the Site HSE Plan and Manual. 3) Provide adequate training for Site Management, Supervisors and as necessary Subcontractors appropriate to the scope of the HSE Plan and Manual. 4) Manage the implementation of the Site HSE Plan and Manual throughout all phases of the Project. 6.4.3 Supervisor. 1) Responsible for ensuring that the requirements of the HSE Plan and manual are being effectively communicated and followed during the execution of all activities under their control. 6.4.4 Sub-contractors Management. 1) Are responsible for bringing to the attention of the Project HSE Manager and other members of the Project Management Team any changes, new procedures or other aspects of the work, which may impact on the Site HSE Plan and Manual. 2) Fully integrate all their working activities to the requirements as set forth in the Site HSE Plan and Manual and carry out detailed hazard identification to cover all aspects of the work with pre-task planning and Risk Assessments. 6.4.5 All Persons working on HDEC Projects. 1) Have a duty to take reasonable care to safeguard their own Health and Safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
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2) Have a duty to cooperate with the Company in the discharge of its obligations as an employer.
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7.1.1 The HSE Performance of Sub-contractors and vendors reflect strongly on the professional HSE image of the Principal Contractor. HDEC recognise the important role that Sub-contractors and Vendors can perform by contributing to the overall efforts in reducing Occupational Accidents and Illness at work and assist in achieving high standards of Environmental Management. 7.1.2 To achieve such high levels of HSE Management, HDEC will only select Sub-contractors and Vendors that are able to verify their competence to execute the work in a Safe and Environment friendly manner. It is essential that they form an active part of the overall Project Team by demonstrating commitment and willingness prior to award of contracts to accomplish the stated objectives of the Project HSE Plan and Manual. 7.2
Pre-Qualification Process for Sub-Contractors and Vendors.
7.2.1 This will be achieved by a pre-qualification process, which will examine the Sub-contractors Internal HSE Management Systems, Policies and Safe Working Procedures, Accident Statistics and their familiarity with the type of activities to be undertaken throughout the project. 7.3
HSE 'Kick-Off' Contract Meetings. A Sub-contractors 'Kick-Off' meeting will be held on award of Contract where the following topics will be addressed:1) Company Rules and Regulations. 2) HSE Training requirements. 3) Site specific HSE Procedures.
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4) Nominated HSE Personnel. 5) HSE Steering Committee. 6) Hazard Identification Programme and Risk Assessment. 7) Plant and Equipment (Standards and Requirements). 8) HSE Auditing Programme. 9) Reporting of accidents, dangerous occurrences and near miss incidents. 10) Permit to work systems. 11) Medical Facilities and Arrangements. 12) Environmental Control. 13) Traffic Management. 14) Emergency Procedures. 15) Any Other Business. 7.4
Assessment of Sub-contractors and Vendors.
7.4.1 In addition to the pre-qualification process, Sub-contractors and Vendors shall be subject to a regime of HSE Inspections and Audits that examine their Internal HSE Management Systems to ensure these systems are being applied in the field. 7.4.2 A schedule of HSE Inspections and Audits will be established in a matrix format identifying the scope, personnel involved including Sub-contractors Management complete with dates and times. The schedule of HSE Inspections and Audits will be developed during the mobilisation phase of the Project.
HSE Manual (Health, Safety and Environment) MANAGEMENT & ADMINISTRATION OF THE HSE SYSTEM.
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Legal and Other requirements.
8.1.1 In order to manage Health, Safety and Environment effectively, HDEC will implement procedures to keep itself fully updated on current and proposed HSE legislation. 8.1.2 HDEC will ensure that it identifies and assesses legal and other requirements that are applicable to its operations. These requirements shall be kept up-dated as necessary. 8.1.3 A register of the legal and other requirements on HSE will be completed so as to promote awareness and understanding of these responsibilities. Copies of requirements (actual text, summary or analysis, hard copies, electrical files, where appropriate) relating to Health, Safety and Environment, applicable to operations shall be kept. 1) Legal requirements / Government regulations. 2) Project Specification. 3) Best Practices (e.g. codes, industry association guidelines). 8.2
HSE Management Impact Assessment Plan.
8.2.1 The purpose of this Plan is to define the arrangements to be implemented on the Project, reflecting the requirements to assess the impact that the HSE programme is having on the workforce, highlighting the need for effective communications and the tools for effectively steering the HSE programme on a continuous improvement basis. 8.2.2 To be implemented at the early stages of the Project, to cover all activities and supported by regular ongoing assessments throughout the duration of the Project.
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8.2.3 The procedure for the Impact Assessment Tool is featured in The Corporate Procedure, HSE Impact Assessment Tool (HMS-AJ-104-ANJU-01) and the associated questionnaire can be found in this procedure. 8.3
HSE Document Control and Safeguarding. This section sets out the basic framework for the appropriate control and safe storage of HSE generated documents in the field during the course of Engineering, Construction and Commissioning.
8.3.1 Document Processing. 1) Documents on any HSE related matters shall have an inscription inserted in the top righthand corner of the page. 2) Types of HSE Documents. 1
Accident, dangerous occurrence and near miss investigation documents.
Agendas for HSE Meetings, HSE Training sessions, Inspection and Audit Teams.
Attendance Registers for HSE Meetings, HSE Training sessions, Inspection and Audit Teams.
Records of HSE Meetings, HSE Trainings, Inspection and Audit.
Hazard analysis and control programmes
Risk assessments.
Hazard communication documents.
Assessments for control of substances hazardous to health.
Permits to work.
Letters and memorandums prepared and issued by the Project HSE Department.
Forms used in the routine duties of the Project HSE Department.
3) The project HSE Manager will customise the category of documents and keep it up-dated in line with the specific documents generated by the Project HSE Department.
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8.3.2 Document Control. 1) Document control allows the tracking and maintenance of a historical record for Site documents. 2) Under a document control system, each document maintained in the Project files is assigned and inscribed with a unique identification code. The codes and a description of the document is then entered in a register. 8.3.3 Document Storage. 1) HSE records must be kept secure at all times. They form an integral part of the Companies historical record and may be required to be used in support of any disputes or for other purposes. 2) The Project HSE Manager shall:1
Keep all sensitive and confidential HSE Documents in a locked cabinet at all times unless specifically working on them.
Prior to filing, ensure that a document has been entered into the document control system.
3 8.4
Keep all HSE Documents in a secure storage area.
Inspections and Audits.
8.4.1 The purpose of this section is to define the auditing arrangements to be applied during the Engineering, Construction and Commissioning phase of the work. 8.4.2 Auditing arrangement to be applied to all areas/disciplines and sub-contractors organisation engaged on HDEC Projects. 8.4.3 HSE Inspection. 1) A schedule of inspections shall be established using the HSE Inspection report form.
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2) These inspections will be administrated and coordinated by the Project HSE Manager on site utilising Personnel from the Project Management Team and Sub-contractors. Client representatives shall be invited to participate. 3) Consideration should also be given to inviting management representatives from other sub-contracting organisations on site, thus contributing towards establishing close working relationships between all parties concerned during the construction phase. 8.4.4 HSE Audit. 1) The audit format contained in section 10.0 HSE Management Standard Documents, sub heading 10.4 is a corporate audit tool that will be used to evaluate the Projects overall HSE performance. 2) This audit may also be included in the programme of Inspection, to evaluate and benchmark Sub-contractors overall HSE performance. 3) Project Audits to be carried out on a monthly basis. 4) In addition to the monthly HSE audits conducted by the Project HSE Team, HDEC Head Office Safety and Environment Department will plan and organise HSE audits to monitor correct implementation of the Project HSE Plan, HSE Manual, HSE Management Systems and compliance with statutory regulations and contractual HSE requirements. 5) Head office HSE Audits should be scheduled at four monthly intervals. The schedule of these proposed audits may fluctuate depending upon Project requirements and conditions. 8.4.5 Administration. 1) All HSE Inspections and Audits will be maintained as hard copies and also electronic retention. [ANNEX 3. HSE Procedure Index] 8.5
Management Review.
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8.5.1 HDEC’s Top Management will review its HSE Management System on a regular basis. The purpose of the review are to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness to achieve continual improvement in HSE Performance throughout the organisation. 8.5.2 The HSE Management Review will closely examine HDEC’s Corporate HSE Objectives and targets for the preceding 12month period as defined in the HSE Management Systems, to establish if they have been satisfactorily achieved. 8.5.3 The agenda for review meetings will include as a minimum the following;1) HSE Policy Statement. 2) HSE Policy Document detailing HSE Responsibility of all persons and departments. 3) Non conformances detected. 4) HSE Training and HSE Awareness achievements. 5) HSE Audits and Inspections undertaken. 6) Accident/Incident and Dangerous Occurrences Frequency Rates. 7) Conformance with HSE Legislation. 8) Conformance with Clients specific HSE Legislation. 9) HSE Relationships with Clients. 8.5.4 Depending upon the levels of achievement, the objectives and targets will be reviewed if they require amendment. 8.5.5 Future HSE Management Reviews will be carried out annually, however, an extraordinary HSE Management Review Meeting will be held should any of the following occur which may necessitate substantial revisions to the existing HSE Management Systems. 1) Introduction of new or major alterations to existing HSE Legislation likely to effect the company. 2) Identification of repetitive major non-conformances identified during HSE Audits. 3) Increase in the Companies Accident Frequency Rate against projected targets.
HSE Manual (Health, Safety and Environment) HDEC CORPORATE HSE POLICY STATEMENT.
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[ANNEX 1. HDEC Corporate HSE Policy Statement]
Health, Safety and Environment Policy Statement Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. (HDEC), a major organisation in the world of Engineering and Construction activities who respect knowledge and creativeness, are leading the way into the new millennium with management objectives of high value, openness and honesty. HDEC are committed to achieving high levels of Health, Safety and Environmental control and have established Health, Safety and Environmental(HSE) Management Systems to reduce and control HSE risks under the principle of respect to human life. The HDEC's HSE Management Systems are designed and implemented to protect HDEC employees and sub-contractors from unacceptable HSE risks and also to safeguard the Health, Safety and Environment of persons not employed by HDEC but who could be affected by the Company’s activities. HDEC fully appreciate their global responsibilities for Environmental Pollution Prevention and will conduct its undertakings in accordance with its approved Environmental Management System ISO 14001 by striving to decrease levels of pollution arising from the Company’s operations and products to achieve continuous reductions in the impact on the environment. To comply with these commitments, HDEC will:
Work in a safe and environment friendly manner, in accordance with all current applicable HSE legislation and other relevant HSE requirements of our interested parties.
View compliance with HSE legislation as a minimum objective and endeavour to establish HSE control of higher standards than those stipulated in domestic and local laws.
Regularly monitor and audit its activities for compliance with the HSE Management Systems, Domestic and International Regulations and in accordance with ISO 14001.
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Only select sub-contractors and suppliers who are able to demonstrate a continual commitment to prevention of pollution and are capable of accomplishing high levels of HSE control whilst carrying out their duties.
Conduct regular inspections and audits on sub-contractors and suppliers to monitor their HSE activities.
Make stringent efforts to reduce Health and Safety risks in order to achieve our ultimate safety goal of zero-accident.
Review periodically and upgrade as necessary the HSE Policy document and their HSE Management Systems.
Upon request, provide all interested parties with details on performance data regarding the implementation of the HSE Management Systems.
HDEC recognise the important role that all employees can achieve in contributing to the overall efforts in reducing occupational accidents and illnesses at work and assist in achieving high standards of environmental management. Their efforts are an integral part of the Company’s HSE objectives and to assist employees HDEC will:
Provide them with the necessary information from the HSE policy document, outlining their obligations for Health, Safety and Environment Protection.
Thoroughly train personnel in HSE techniques appropriate to the requirements of their duties and location.
Include HSE performance in the appraisal of all employees.
We all have a great deal of responsibility towards HSE Management. It is imperative that we do all that is humanly possible to achieve high levels of Health and Safety Control and Environmental Pollution Prevention. Kim, Yoon Kyu. President & Chief Executive Officer. Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd
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[ANNEX 2. HDEC Corporate HSE Policy Document]
General Policy.
Operation of the Policy.
Organisation and Arrangements.
Annual Plan.
HSE Communication and Information.
HSE Training.
HSE Inspections.
Plant and Equipment.
Project Supervision.
Individuals Responsibilities for HSE Control Head Office).
All Employees.
President & Chief Executive Officer.
HSE Management Representative (Senior Executive Vice President).
Division Head (Senior Executive Vice President, Executive Vice Presidents & Directors)
Safety & Environment Department Manager.
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Section 4.
Departmental Responsibilities for HSE Control.
Safety & Environment Department.
Personnel Department (in Planning Office)
Construction Divisions (Civil, Architectural, Plant Construction & Engineering and Electrical Works)
Engineering Divisions. / Design Departments.
Division of Business Development.
Procurement Division.
Quality Assurance Office.
Individuals Responsibilities for HSE Control (Project based)
All Employees.
Project Managers.
Project HSE Managers.
Project HSE Officers.
Construction Managers. / Section Managers.
HSE Supervisors. / Foremen.
Operatives. / Labours.
Departmental Responsibilities for HSE Control (Project based)
HSE Department.
Administration Department.
Quality Assurance / Quality Control Department.
Planning Department.
Engineering / Design Department.
Branch Offices (Domestic / Overseas) Responsibilities for HSE Control.
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General Policy.
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It is the policy of Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. (HDEC) to: 1.1.1 Safeguard the Health, Safety and Welfare of all of its employees, and so far as is reasonably practicable provide them with working environments, which are safe, and without risk to their health. 1.1.2 Conduct its undertakings in such a manner to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons not employed by HDEC, but who could be affected by its activities are not exposed to unacceptable risks to their Health, Safety or Environment. 1.1.3 Recognise its obligations to comply with all current applicable Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Legislation and other relevant HSE related requirements as defined by its clients. 1.1.4 Organise and arrange its activities ensuring compliance with the HSE policy. 1.2
Operation of the Policy. To implement the general policy HDEC will: -
1.2.1 Specify in writing managerial responsibility and accountability for the HSE, of its employees and others who may be affected by its undertakings. 1.2.2 Ensure that suitable HSE training and instructions are provided on the introduction of new and unfamiliar methods and equipment and that accident prevention techniques are included in all necessary training programmes. 1.2.3 Arrange regular campaigns and other presentations reminding employees to continue with the awareness of their requirements to prevent accidents, avoid risks to health and take appropriate action to minimise pollution of the environment. 1.2.4 Whilst planning its activities take into account any aspects which will assist in eliminating industrial disease, pollution and waste.
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1.2.5 Carry out appropriate arrangements for accident prevention at the work place and liaise on a regular basis with other employers who have employees working in the same area. 1.2.6 Encourage discussions in HSE matters between the company and its employees.
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Organisation and Arrangements.
2.1 Organisation. 2.1.1
The company recognises the important role that all employees can make in contributing to the total efforts in reducing accidents at work, avoiding risks to health and assist in achieving high standards of environmental control, their efforts are an integral part of the company’s construction activities.
HDEC therefore states that, “HSE management is a function of line management and that managers at all levels have responsibilities for the HSE of persons under their control and to others whom the company has a duty of care”. Specific responsibilities for a number of key management rolls are detailed in sections 3, 5 and 7 (Individuals responsibilities for HSE – Head Office, Project based and Branch Office).
Line management, although subject to periodic change, will at all times be defined by specific chains of command from the President and Chief Executive Officer, Senior Executive Vice Presidents, Senior Vice Presidents, Directors through to Project Managers and then as defined by the Project Manager, to those working on site.
2.2 Arrangements. 2.2.1
To assist management in the discharge of their responsibilities for HSE a variety of services are available for them. 1) Head Office Construction Divisions. (Civil, Architectural, Plant Engineering & Construction, Electrical Works) 2) Head Office Safety and Environment Department. 3) Project Safety and Environment Team. 4) Engineering and Temporary Works. ( Design Department) – (Head Office and Project based). 5) Production Control.
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6) Business Development Department. 7) Planning Department. (Head Office and Project based) 8) Procurement. 9) Personnel. (Head office and Project based). 10) Plant (Equipment Department) 11) Project Administration. 12) Quality Assurance Office (Head Office and Project based). 13) Branch Offices – Domestic and Overseas. 2.2.2
Formal Reporting Structure. To ensure a continuous programme of action on HSE matters, the company will formalise its HSE reporting structure, establishing that such matters are included as an integral part of the management process. The flow of information through this structure must be in both directions. Typical Information required to be included on the management agenda will include: 1) Review of recent accidents and actions taken to prevent recurrence. 2) Client’s comments and recommendations on HSE matters. 3) New HSE Legislation or guidance information and proposed actions to comply. 4) Review environmental objectives and targets in accordance with the company’s accredited Environmental Management System (ISO 14001:1996). 5) Review of progress against targeted action in annual plans. 6) The effectiveness of the HSE policy and HSE management system.
2.3 Annual Plan. 2.3.1
As part of the company's overall annual management plan, details of its planning of work for HSE will be included and the annual plan will consider the following: 1) Review of the company’s HSE performance. 2) Allocation of resources.
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3) HSE training. 4) Up date of the HSE policy. 5) Additions or alterations to the HSE Management System. 6) Compliance with approved Environmental Management System (ISO 14001:1996). 2.4 HSE Communication and Information. 2.4.1
The Company HSE policy and details of good HSE practices will be drawn to the attention of all employees and Sub-contractors.
Project Managers will ensure that all employees and sub-contractors are thoroughly instructed of their day to day activities via safety induction training, safety awareness training, environmental requirements and distribution of site rules and HSE safety checklists.
2.5 HSE Training. 2.5.1
The Project HSE Manager and members of the team will ensure that all employees and subcontractors receive HSE training appropriate to the requirements of their duties and location.
2.6 HSE Inspections. 2.6.1
The Project HSE Manager and members of the team will visit all places of work on a regular basis, to ensure that all relevant HSE legislation, Company HSE practices and relevant Clients HSE requirements are being implemented and provide Site Management with the necessary advice, assistance and encouragement to fulfill their obligations for HSE control.
2.7 Plant & Equipment. 2.7.1
The Company's Equipment Department will ensure that all items of equipment made available through their control is safe when properly used. They will arrange for all necessary
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information concerning the safe use of the plant provided to the Projects. 2.7.2
The equipment Department will also arrange the necessary statutory thorough Examination and testing of lifting appliances by competent engineers.
The service provided by the Equipment Department will establish standards which the Company will apply to plant and other associated services whether supplied directly, or obtained from external sources.
Such standards will relate particularly to temporary electrical installations and erection of tower cranes.
2.8 Sub-Contractors. 2.8.1
HDEC management will liaise with sub-contractors to establish the HSE requirements of their work and make arrangements for them to work in a safe manner, with due regard for all other activities in the vicinity and by causing minimum pollution.
The relationship between HDEC and its sub-contractors will be no different from the relationship between the client and HDEC.
Sub-contractors will be required under the terms of their contracts to comply with all relevant HSE practices, the requirements of the Main Contract, the Company’s HSE practices and any other HSE related instructions imposed by the Client.
Project Managers will clearly inform sub-contractors of the HSE requirements stipulated by the Client in the main contract document.
Sub-contractors will be asked to supply a written statement of their HSE policy, also when requested, a Safety Plan with written method statements on how they intend to safely carry out their work.
Responsibilities of sub-contractors in addition to the above include but are not limited to:1) Ensure all employees and agents conform to all HSE regulations. 2) Supply their employees with all necessary Personal Protective Equipment. 3) Rectify any unsafe acts or conditions immediately when requested by members of the Project Management Team.
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4) Report all accidents, incidents and near misses to HDEC Project Management Safety & Environment Department. 5) Ensure their employees or sub-contractors receive first aid treatment for any accident. 2.9 Project Supervision. 2.9.1
In addition to their general duties as outlined in section 2.1.2. of this policy, it is the responsibility of appropriate Project Staff to ensure the arrangements made by the Project Manager are carried out in a safe and environment friendly manner on the section of work which they are engaged.
This not only applies to work carried out by HDEC's employees but also strongly applies to the activities of HDEC's sub-contractors.
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Individuals Responsibilities for HSE Control.(Head Office) As per Section 2.1.2. of the Company’s HSE policy, the following provides guidance on Head Office individuals responsibilities for HSE items.
All Employees.
3.1.1 Have a duty to take reasonable care to safeguard their own Health and Safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. 3.1.2 Have a duty to cooperate with the Company in the discharge of its obligations as an employer. 3.1.3 Have a duty not to intentionally interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of Health, Safety or Welfare. 3.1.4 Have a duty to comply with all HSE regulations, which affect their work and report to the appropriate department or persons any defective plant, equipment or any unsafe situations. 3.1.5 Have a responsibility to be aware of and comply with any additional HSE guidance issued by other relevant departments. 3.1.6 Have a responsibility to take all possible actions to reduce levels of pollution and assist in reducing its impact on the environment. 3.2
President & Chief Executive Officer.
3.2.1 Promote interest and enthusiasm to achieve high levels of HSE performance throughout the Company. 3.2.2 Initiate and sign the company’s HSE policy statement. 3.2.3 Ensure that details of the Company’s plan of work for HSE is included in the annual business plan. 3.3
HSE Management Representative (Senior Executive Vice President).
3.3.1 Is assigned the authority and responsibility for implementation and maintenance of the total
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HSE Management System covered in this HSE Manual. 3.3.2 Administrate and monitor the HSE Documents and Records. 3.3.3 Oversee effective coverage and Operation of the following: 1) The HSE functions and controls of the various organisations. 2) Ensuring that Corporate and Project HSE Management Systems are established. 3) Liasing with external parties on matters relating to the HSE Systems. 3.4
Division Head (Senior Executive Vice President, Executive Vice President and Directors.)
3.4.1 Promote interest and enthusiasm to achieve high levels of HSE performance throughout their divisions. 3.4.2 Ensure that HSE items are included on the agenda of board meetings. 3.4.3 Ensure that in tendering, planning and construction, sufficient allowances are made for adequate welfare facilities, safety equipment, safe systems of work and environmental control. 3.4.4 Ensure that chains of command within line management are always clearly defined. 3.4.5 Ensure that Project Management Teams are adequately staffed by suitably trained and experienced personnel. 3.4.6 Advise management of their specific responsibilities and duties for HSE control. 3.4.7 Constantly liaise with the Company’s Safety and Environment Department. 3.5
Safety & Environment Department Manager.
3.5.1 Reports directly to the Management Representative and relates functionally to the heads of the various divisions in the group. 3.5.2 Promote interest and enthusiasm to achieve high levels of HSE performance throughout the Company. 3.5.3 Develop and up date the Company’s HSE policy and associated HSE Management Systems.
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3.5.4 In conjunction with Top Management, ensure the Company’s Environmental Management System is established, implemented and maintained in accordance with the ISO 14001: 1996 accreditation. 3.5.5 Report on the performance of the Environmental Management System to Top Management for review and as a basis for improvement of the Environmental Management System. 3.5.6 Report on the Company’s overall HSE performance to Top Management, providing the necessary data to enable the overall HSE performance of the Company to be monitored and reviewed as necessary. 3.5.7 Provide an effective HSE service to all divisions in the Company. 3.5.8 Ensure the Safety & Environment Department is suitably staffed with experienced HSE personnel. 3.5.9 Advise the various divisions in the Company on the competence of candidates for appointment as Site Safety Staff.
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Departmental Responsibilities for HSE Control. (Head Office)
Safety & Environment Department.
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4.1.1 Purpose. It is the policy of HDEC that, the Safety & Environment Department advise and assist all appropriate departments and managers in the discharge of their responsibilities for the HSE of employees and other persons to whom they have a duty of care. 4.1.2 Responsibilities. The main responsibilities of the Safety & Environment Department are to: 1) Ensure that managers are aware of their HSE responsibilities and to assist and advise them in the execution of such responsibilities. 2) Investigate accidents and dangerous occurrences, analyse accident data, report and make recommendations to avoid recurrences. 3) Promote HSE training at all levels. 4) Establish and update as necessary the Company’s HSE Management System. 5) Maintain compliance of ISO 14001:1996, approved Environmental Management System. 6) Prepare and update a Company HSE manual, procedures and guidebooks to provide Head Office and Project Management with information on good HSE practices. 7) Assist the various divisions in the Company with the preparation of tender documentation for domestic and overseas projects. 8) Carry out HSE audits on domestic and overseas projects. 4.2
Personnel Department (in Planning Office).
4.2.1 Purpose.
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It is the policy of HDEC that, the Personnel Department assist and advise line management in providing Safe and Healthy working conditions. The HSE responsibilities of the department are identified as follows: 4.2.2 Staff Requirements. 1) Ensure that candidates are aware of the Company’s attitude towards HSE control. 2) Probe the attitude and knowledge of candidates on HSE matters and use the facts established as one of the criteria for acceptance. 4.2.3 Job Descriptions. 1) Ensure that responsibilities for HSE are included in all relevant job descriptions. 4.2.4 Welfare. 1) Provide assistance in accordance with the Company’s practice for employees and their dependents who may suffer as a result of an accident at work. 4.3
Construction Divisions (Civil, Architectural, Plant Engineering & Construction, Electrical Works)
4.3.1 Purpose. It is the policy of HDEC that, Construcion Divisions assist and advise line management in providing Safe and Healthy working conditions. 4.3.2 Responsibilities. 1) It is not possible to forecast all the circumstances under which the divisions can contribute to this; however, the following items list their main responsibilities. 2) Study contractual documents to identify and resolve any ambiguities on responsibility between parties that could lead to unsafe working practices and unacceptable effects on the environment.
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3) Provide advice to line management to ensure they are aware of any special or unusual requirements in any contract or sub-contract documents that could affect the HSE of any person to whom HDEC have a duty of care. 4) In the preparation of any programme, either at tender or contract stage, due consideration must be given to all aspects of Health, Safety and Environment. In assessing duration, resources and sequencing, due allowances must be made for Safety procedures, Safe working practices and Pollution control. 5) In order to maintain Safe and Environment friendly working conditions, the division must liaise with and advise line management at all levels in the resources required, so that sufficient experienced and trained operatives with suitable plant and equipment are available when needed. 6) Job descriptions should specify that all Company and contractual HSE requirements must be met and targets allowed for such requirements. 7) Project based staff must be made aware of their duty to take reasonable care for the HSE of themselves and other persons who may be affected by their actions. 8) The level of expertise amongst departmental staff must be maintained, thus enabling the above maters to be effectively implemented. 4.4
Engineering Division / Design Departments.
4.4.1 Purpose. It is the policy of HDEC that, the Engineering Division and Design Departments assist line management in all matters where their engineering expertise, knowledge and experience could make a positive contribution towards HSE techniques. 4.4.2 Responsibilities. The Engineering Division and Design Departments will carry out design and constructability reviews, considering design in such a way as to eliminate or reduce HSE Risks, adequate accessibility for Construction work, and provide information on operation and maintenance,
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location of system isolation controls and fire protection measures. The Engineering Division and Design Departments will also provide advice and guidance to appropriate personnel when potentially hazardous operations are to be undertaken, such operations include: 1) Temporary works, including major access scaffolding, form work systems and excavation. 2) Demolition. 3) Steel Erection. 4) Roofwork. 5) Raking and Flying shores. 6) Heavy craneage duties. 7) Tunneling. 8) Pre-stressing and Post tensioning. 9) Tower crane bases. 10) De-watering. 4.5
Division of Business Development.
4.5.1 Purpose. It is the policy of HDEC that, the Division of Business Development assist and advise management to enable them to provide Safe and Healthy working conditions. 4.5.2 Responsibilities. The following items highlight their main HSE responsibilities, advising how the Division can contribute 1) Ensure, as far as is possible that tenders are based on high standards of HSE control. 2) Assess any particular hazardous elements of the work, seeking advice as necessary and make due allowances for HSE requirements. 3) Ensure that sufficient allowances are made for Health and Welfare facilities, Safety equipment, Safe systems of work and pollution control techniques.
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4) Where possible, any ambiguities in the contract documents, which could lead to unsafe working, should be resolved at tender stage and if not, the tender should be qualified by a statement of the Company’s understanding of intent. 5) Ensure that enquiries to potential sub-contractors include the relevant contract requirements with regards to HSE. 6) Upon contract award, ensure that all relevant tender information is communicated to The Project Management Team. 7) Seek feedback from Project Management on how any specific HSE problems were overcome, to build upon existing Safety knowledge. 4.6
Procurement Division.
4.6.1 Purpose. It is the policy of HDEC that, the Procurement Division put into effect methods and procedures in order to assist and advise line management in providing Safe and Healthy working conditions. 4.6.2 Responsibilities. 1) Ensure that a suitable catalogue of commonly used construction equipment and personal protective equipment is maintained and that stocks of these items are held in stores, or readily available from suppliers who respond quickly to purchase orders for such equipment. 2) Liaise with Head Office Safety and Environment Department and Site Safety Management Teams for recommendations as to which items of personal protective equipment should appear on the above list. 3) Encourage, whenever practical, the purchase of the least hazardous HSE material for any given purpose. 4) If alternative materials are proposed, ensure that they meet the required specifications prior to ordering.
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5) When ordering materials/substances, which could be considered to be hazardous to Health, Safety and the Environment, request the supplier to provide relevant information as to the materials/substances safe use, storage and disposal ( Safety Data Information Sheet ). 6) Liaise with Site Management regarding actual delivery dates and responsibilities for offloading, to enable materials handling to be minimised and Safe Systems adopted. 7) If purchasing or hiring any form of lifting appliances/gear e.g. winches, pulleys, chains, slings, eyebolts etc. ensure they are accompanied with the relevant certificates of test. 8) When negotiating sub-contracts, ensure that: 1
There are no ambiguities over responsibilities between parties that could lead to unsafe working.
The relevant requirements of the main contract are passed onto the sub-contractor especially those that affect HSE control.
The Company’s standard conditions of sub-contract are used whenever possible and if not, ensure that the conditions used deal adequately with matters of Pollution control, Health, Safety and Welfare facilities.
Quality Assurance Office.
4.7.1 Purpose. It is the policy of HDEC that, the Quality Assurance Office assist and advise line management in providing Safe and Healthy working conditions. The following items highlight the department's main HSE responsibilities. 4.7.2 Responsibilities. 1) Provide advice to line management to ensure they are aware of any special or unusual requirements in QA documentation that could affect the HSE of any person to whom HDEC have a duty of care.
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2) Assist and advise line management when clients or clients representatives conduct audits on HSE accredited systems. 3) Project based staff must be made aware of their duty to take reasonable care for the HSE of themselves and other persons who may be affected by their actions.
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Individual Responsibilities for HSE Control. (Project based) As per section 2.2 of the HDEC's HSE Policy the following provides guidance on project based individuals responsibilities for HSE items.
All Employees. 1) Have a duty to take reasonable care to safeguard their own Health and Safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. 2) Have a duty to cooperate with the Company in the discharge of its obligations as an employer. 3) Have a duty not to interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of Health, Safety or Welfare. 4) Have a duty to comply with all HSE regulations, which affect their work and report to the appropriate department or persons any defective plant, equipment or any unsafe situations. 5) Have a responsibility to be aware of and comply with any additional HSE guidance issued by other relevant departments. 6) Have a responsibility to take all possible actions to reduce levels of pollution and assist the Company to improve its environmental performance.
Project Managers. Promote interest and enthusiasm for HSE throughout the project. 1) Identify the HSE hazards, which exist or may exist on site. 2) Ensure that safe planned courses of action are effectively communicated to all relevant personnel and suitably implemented. 3) Be aware of the Company’s requirements for HSE control, other procedures and Clients HSE practices. 4) Enforce and monitor implementation of all relevant HSE requirements. 5) Ensure that only approved Safe Systems of work are adhered to on site for Company employees and all Sub-contractors. The HSE related items under the terms of the main
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contract to be communicated to all Sub-contractors. 6) Ensure the Project Management Team is adequately staffed by suitably qualified, trained and experienced personnel and that chains of command for responsibilities are clearly defined and that close and effective supervision of all operations on site are implemented. 7) Ensure that all employees under their control are suitably trained, instructed and informed in the HSE aspects of their day to day duties. To be achieved via Safety Induction’s, Safety Awareness Training, Specific Job Site Training, Toolbox Talks and other instruction sessions. 8) Release personnel from their normal duties to attend the required HSE training sessions. 9) Create, communicate and enforce any necessary HSE rules and HSE checklists. 10) Make arrangements for the provision of adequate welfare, first aid facilities and supplies of approved protective equipment. 11) Ensure that all accidents, incidents, dangerous occurrences and near misses are adequately investigated and that appropriate remedial measures are taken to prevent recurrences. 12) Commend persons who maintain high standards of accident prevention and discipline those who consistently fail to achieve the required standards. 13) Constantly liaise with the Project HSE Team for advice on HSE practices. 14) Stop any activity on site if in their opinion there is an immediate risk of injury to any site personnel, or the possibility of a dangerous occurrence happening. 15) Set a personal example. 5.3
Project HSE Managers. 1) Ensure the Company complies with the HSE policy. 2) Recommend to the Head Office Safety & Environment Department any updates that may be required to the existing HSE policy, Site Safety Plans/Procedures and other HSE information issued to site. 3) Ensure that Project Management at all levels are aware of their responsibilities for Health, Safety and the Environment. Advise, assist and encourage them to fulfill their obligations.
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4) Inform Project Management, other employers and sub-contractors of existing and potential Health, Safety and Environmental hazards and all Sub-contractors of the HSE requirements of the main contract. 5) Ensure that suitably experienced personnel staff the Project HSE Department and maintain a professional level of contact with Clients, Sub-contractors and other relevant representatives on site. 6) Interpret and advise on all HSE requirements pertaining to the project. 7) Ensure that adequate inspections and reporting on working places and practices are carried out. 8) Ensure that effective investigations are carried out in the event of accidents, incidents, dangerous occurrences and near misses. Analyse accident data, report and make recommendations to Project Management to avoid recurrences. 9) Ensure that all necessary records are maintained and assist Project Management in the preparation of Safety Planning, Method Statements and Risk Assessments etc to identify hazards and recommend appropriate action. 10) Promote Safety Awareness and Safety Training at all levels. Assist in the identification of Safety and Environmental training needs and carry out HSE training to members of the Site Management Team and Sub-contractors as necessary. 11) Supervise Project Safety Personnel and provide to them advice, guidance and other information as required to assist them in their duties and constantly assess Project Safety Personnel and provide training appropriate to their needs. 12) Attend and if designated chair all applicable HSE Site Safety Meetings. 13) Constantly liaise with the Project Manager to enable high standards of Accident Prevention and Pollution Control to be maintained. 14) Stop any activity on site if in their opinion there is an immediate risk of injury to any site personnel, or the possibility of a dangerous occurrence happening. 15) Set a personal example.
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Project HSE Officers. 1) Report directly to the Project HSE Manager and provide full assistance to the HSE Manager and Project Manager to ensure the Company complies with the HSE Policy. 2) Inform Project Management, other employees and Sub-contractors of existing and potential hazards to Health and Safety. 3) Maintain a professional level of contact with Clients, Sub-contractors and other relevant representatives on site. 4) Assist Project Management in the preparation of Safety Planning, Method Statements and Risk Assessments etc to identify hazards and recommend appropriate action. 5) Assist in promoting HSE awareness and conduct HSE training to members of the Project Management Team and Sub-contractors as required. 6) Attend all applicable HSE meetings as requested by the HSE Manager or Project Manager. 7) Inspect and report on places of work and working practices to ensure that safe systems are being employed in compliance with the Company and other relevant HSE requirements. 8) Ensure that adequate fire fighting equipment is provided and maintained. 9) Ensure that suitable first aid facilities and trained persons are available at all places of work. 10) Investigate all accidents, incidents, dangerous occurrences and near miss situations. 11) Carry out any other relevant HSE related requests as instructed via the HSE Manager or Project Manager. 12) Stop any activity on site if in their opinion there is a risk of injury to any site personnel, or the possibility of a dangerous occurrence happening. 13) Set a personal example.
Construction Managers. / Section Managers. Generally assist the Project Manager in the execution of their duties and in particular: 1) Plan and maintain a tidy site and organise it to enable all work to be carried out without
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risks to Health, Safety and the Environment. 2) Ensure that method statements and planned courses of action are practical and effective before work commences. 3) Ensure that work is carried out as per the HSE Planning. 4) Provide all supervisors/ foremen with precise instructions on their responsibilities for safe working methods and make sure that they do not allow operatives/labour to take unnecessary risks. 5) In the absence of a dedicated Equipment Manager on site, ensure that all plant and equipment is safe to use and that copies of all relevant test certificates are available. 6) Take out of use any defective item of plant. It is also the responsibility of the Construction Manager/Section Manager to make sure that all Plant Operators, Banksmen etc have been adequately trained and certificated. 7) Regularly conduct inspections of all work areas under their control, to ensure that only approved Safe Systems of work are in use and identify any hazards that may exist or arise and take appropriate immediate action. 8) Cooperate with the Project HSE Manager and other Company HDEC personnel. 9) Liaise and cooperate with the Clients HSE personnel and Sub-contractors HSE representatives. 10) Stop any activity on site if in their opinion there is an immediate risk of injury to any site personnel, or the possibility of a dangerous occurrence happening. 11) Set a personal example. 5.6
HSE Supervisors / Foremen. Generally assist the Project Manager / HSE Manager, Construction Manager / Section Manager in the execution of their duties and in particular: 1) Be familiar with the requirements and recommendations for Safe Working Practices, Method Statements and Risk Assessments etc. applicable to their work place and ensure that they are enforced.
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2) Incorporate HSE instructions into the routine day to day orders and make sure they are understood and obeyed. 3) Prevent site persons from taking unnecessary risks. 4) Ensure that all operatives/labour are suitably trained for the work in which they will be engaged in. 5) Ensure that all-new employees, sub-contractors personnel adopt correct HSE precautions. 6) Check that all plant and equipment, including power and hand tools are maintained in a good condition and remove from use any defective items. 7) Maintain organised, tidy and Safe working areas. 8) Maintain all welfare facilities in a clean and safe condition. 9) Ensure that all operatives/labour are provided with and use approved personal protective equipment. 10) Ensure that instructions are given in the use of any potentially hazardous materials. 11) Ensure that other persons including, Clients representatives, other contractors and members of the public are protected from the work activities of HDEC and its subcontractors. 12) Discourage horseplay and take action against those who consistently fail to take care of their own Health and Safety and of other persons working with them or in the vicinity. 13) Stop any activity on site if in their opinion there is an immediate risk of injury to any site personnel, or the possibility of a dangerous occurrence happening. 14) Set a personal example. 5.7
Operatives. / Labour. 1) Use correct tools and equipment for the job in hand. 2) Keep tools and other equipment in a good safe condition. 3) Correctly use items of personal protective equipment as supplied. 4) Immediately report to their supervisors any defective plant or equipment and any unsafe situations.
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5) Develop a personal concern for the Health and Safety of themselves and other persons. 6) Avoid improvisation, which entails unnecessary risk to Health and Safety. 7) Assist new persons introduced to site by warning them of any known hazards.
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Departmental Responsibilities for HSE Control (Project based).
HSE Department.
6.1.1 Purpose. It is the policy of HDEC that the Project HSE Department advise and assist all the Project Management Team in the discharge of their responsibilities for the Health and Safety of employees and others to whom they have a duty of care. 6.1.2 Responsibilities. 1) The project HSE Team are responsible for advising Project Management to ensure that the Project operates within the Company HSE Policy, HSE Plan and all other associated HSE requirements. 2) The project HSE Manager reports directly to the Project Manager. 3) The main departmental Individual Responsibilities of the Project HSE Team are outlined in section 5.3 and 5.4 of this policy. 6.1.3 Duties. 1) General. 1
Receive, study and action as appropriate the Company HSE procedures and the Project HSE Plan received from their divisions and other relevant information from the Head Office Safety and Environment department.
Continuously study new methods, plant and equipment to assess their hazard potentials.
2) Safety Planning and Procedures. To carry out their duties Project HSE Personnel will:1
Attend appropriate meetings at site level to advise on correct HSE practices.
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Liaise with the Project Engineering Department and others during the planning of temporary works to ensure the safety of such work at all times.
Liaise with Project Managers and representatives of the Equipment Department to ensure that safe plant and equipment is installed and used in a safe manner.
Liaise with Project Managers to ensure that sub-contractors and other persons using any premises for which the Company is responsible will employ safe practices.
Ensure that adequate fire fighting equipment is provided, installed and suitably maintained.
Ensure that first-aid facilities and trained persons are available at all places of work, in accordance with the Company procedures and any additional requirements as specified by the Client in the contract.
Ensure that steps are taken to notify members of the public and any other persons of any hazards, which may arise from the Company’s activities.
3) Safety Inspections. To carry out their duties, members of the HSE Team will regularly inspect relevant places of work and submit written reports to the Project Manager or other persons as appropriate. The items to be inspected and reported on include: 1
Relevant Safety Inspection documents.
Working places.
Lifting appliances and associated lifting equipment.
Welfare arrangements.
Plant and equipment (condition and maintenance).
Temporary works.
Matters relating to HDEC clients or sub-contractors as they affect the safety of persons on the premises.
4) Investigation of Accidents, Incidents, Dangerous Occurrences and Near Misses. In order to execute their responsibilities, Project HSE Team Members will:1
Investigate ⓐ
All serious accidents resulting in major injury.
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All dangerous occurrences which could have resulted in major injuries.
Minor accidents/injuries in order to establish any common causes or trends.
Near miss incidents.
Report their findings to the Project Manager and inform Head office of any fatality or major injuries sustained on the Project. ⓐ
Details of injured person or damaged property.
Full details of accident/dangerous occurrence or near miss.
Supporting evidence i.e. statements, photographs etc.
Recommendations to prevent recurrences.
Ensure where necessary that appropriate reports are sent to other interested parties.
Maintain all necessary records relating to accidents.
5) Administration. In order to carry out their responsibilities, Project HSE Team Members will:1
Maintain documents in accordance with the Company's practice.
Maintain records of all HSE Training carried out on site.
Maintain records of Site HSE inspections.
6) Training. Also in order to carry out their responsibilities, HSE Team Members will:1
Ensure they are competent to instruct other persons in the training subject they are proposing to deliver.
Initiate and arrange, in conjunction with the Project Manager, all relevant types of HSE Training.
Conduct HSE Training on the project as agreed with Project Management and in accordance with the Site HSE Plan, Company HSE Policy and HSE Management System etc.
Administration Department.
6.2.1 Purpose.
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It is the policy of HDEC that, the Project Administration Department assist and advise Project Management in providing Safe and Healthy working conditions. The HSE responsibilities of the department are identified as follows: 6.2.2 Personnel Function. 1) Ensure that persons employed directly are aware of the Company’s attitude towards HSE control. 2) Probe the attitude and knowledge of candidates on HSE matters and use the facts established as one of the main criteria for acceptance. 3) Ensure that responsibilities for HSE are included in all relevant job descriptions. 4) Provide assistance in accordance with the Company’s practice for employees and their dependents who may suffer as a result of an accident at work. 5) Assist in accident investigation and arrange for written reports to be sent to Head Office Divisions and Head Office Safety and Environment Department. 6.2.3 Procurement Function. 1) Ensure that approved personal protective equipment is supplied and that suitable stocks are held in stores and readily available from suppliers who respond quickly to purchase orders for such equipment. 2) Liaise with the Project HSE Team for recommendations as to which items of personal protective equipment must be made available. 3) Whenever practical, purchase the least hazardous material for any given purpose. 4) If alternative materials and equipment are proposed, ensure they meet the required specifications prior to ordering. 5) When ordering materials/substances, which could be considered to be Hazardous to Health, Safety and the Environment, request the supplier to provide relevant information as to the materials/substances Safe Use, Storage and Disposal (Safety Data Information Sheet).
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6) Liaise with Project Management regarding actual delivery dates and responsibilities for off-loading, to enable materials handling to be minimised and Safe systems adopted. 7) If purchasing or hiring any form of lifting appliances/gear e.g. Winches, pulleys, chains, slings, eyebolts etc. ensure they are accompanied with the relevant certificates of test. 8) When negotiating sub-contracts, ensure that: 1
There are no ambiguities over responsibilities between parties that could lead to unsafe working.
The relevant requirements of the main contract are passed onto the sub-contractor, especially those that affect HSE control.
The Company’s standard conditions of sub –contract are used whenever possible and if not, ensure that the conditions used deal adequately with matters of Pollution control, Health, Safety and Welfare facilities.
Quality Assurance. / Quality Control Department.
6.3.1 Purpose. It is the policy of HDEC that, the QA/QC Department assist and advise Project Management in providing Safe and Healthy working conditions. The following items highlights the department's main responsibilities. 6.3.2 Responsibilities. 1) Provide advice and guidance to Project Management to ensure they are aware of any special or unusual requirements in the QA Documentation that could affect the HSE of any person to whom we have a duty of care. 2) Assist and advise Project Management when clients or clients representatives conduct audits on HSE accredited systems. 3) As project based QA/QC staff take an active role on site, all project based staff must be made aware of their duty to take reasonable care for the HSE of themselves and other persons who may be affected by their actions.
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4) QA/QC project staff must be suitably trained in the use of potentially hazardous equipment they may use during the course of their normal duties e.g. Nuclear Density Meters, Safety in Laboratories. 5) All QA/QC staff to be trained in the safe use, storage and emergency procedure for radioactive sources. 6.4
Planning Department.
6.4.1 Purpose. It is the policy of HDEC that, the Planning Department assist and advise Project Management in providing Safe and Healthy working conditions. 6.4.2 Responsibilities. 1) Study contractual documents to identify and resolve any ambiguities on responsibility between parties that could lead to unsafe working practices and unacceptable effects on the environment. 2) Provide advice to Project Management to ensure they are aware of any special or unusual requirements in any contract or sub-contract documents that could affect the HSE of any person to whom HDEC have a duty of care. 3) If the department is asked to assume a direct management role, e.g. for small items of outstanding remedial work at the end of a contract, then those involved must be suitably trained, experienced and made aware of their duties and responsibilities for HSE control e.g. Quantity Surveyors. 6.5
Engineering / Design Department.
6.5.1 Purpose.
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It is the policy of HDEC that, the Engineering / Design Department assist Project Management in all matters where their engineering expertise, knowledge and experience could make a positive contribution towards HSE techniques. 6.5.2 Responsibilities. 1) The project Engineering / Design Department will carry out design and constructability reviews, considering design in such a way as to eliminate or reduce HSE Risks, adequate access for construction work and equipment layout with regard to safe distances. Provide information on operation and maintenance, location of system isolation controls and fire protection measures. 2) The project Engineering / Design Department will also provide advice and guidance to appropriate personnel when potentially hazardous operations are to be undertaken. Such operations include but not limited to:1
Temporary works, including major access scaffolding, form work systems and excavations.
Steel erection.
Raking and flying shores.
Heavy craneage duties.
Pre-stressing and post tensioning.
Tower crane bases.
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HDEC Branch Offices (Domestic and Overseas) Responsibilities for HSE Control.
Purpose. It is the policy of HDEC that Management at Branch Offices with their local knowledge of HSE requirements assist Project Management to enable them to provide Healthy and Safe working conditions.
Responsibilities. The following items highlight their main HSE responsibilities, advising how management from these offices can contribute. 1) Ensure, as far as is possible that tenders are based on high standards of HSE control. 2) Establish from prospective client’s information on their HSE procedures. 3) Make enquiries with government bodies (overseas offices) on the necessary HSE procedures enforceable in their countries. 4) Provide Head Office management and Project based management with any HSE bulletins and other relevant HSE information from government, or other HSE authorities (overseas offices). 5) Where possible, any ambiguities in the contract documents, which could lead to unsafe working, should be resolved at tender stage and if not, the tender should be qualified by a statement of the Company’s understanding of intent. 6) Obtain HSE performance records of local sub-contractors. 7) Ensure that enquiries to potential sub-contractors include the relevant contract requirements with regards to HSE. 8) Upon contract award, ensure that all relevant tender information is communicated to the Project Management Team. 9) Seek feedback from Project Management on how any specific HSE problems were overcome, to build upon existing HSE knowledge.
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[ANNEX 3. HSE Procedure Index] 1.
Project HSE Plan.
Personal Protective Equipment.
Lifting Operations.
Avoidance of Overhead and Underground Services.
Confined Spaces.
Hydrogen Sulphide(H2S).
Working at Height.
Mobile Working Platforms.
Welding Operations.
Working over Water.
Diving Operations.
Control and Use of Plant and Equipment.
Woodworking Machines.
Abrasive Wheels.
Portable Tools.
Site Radiography.
Underground Construction (Tunnels, Shafts and Caissons).
Manual Handling.
Heat / Cold Stress.
Night Working.
Temporary Electricity.
Office Safety.
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Laboratory Safety.
Medical and First Aid Facilities.
Site Security.
Road and Traffic Safety.
Design for Health, Safety and Environment.
Pre Task Planning / Risk Assessment.
HSE Impact Assessment Tool.
Control of Substances hazardous to Health.
HSE Training.
HSE Coordination and HSE Meeting Procedure.
Permit to Work System.(Permit to work procedure)
HSE Management of Subcontractors and Vendors.
HSE Signs, Signals, Barricades and Information Board.
Emergency and Response Procedure.
Fire Prevention.
Reporting and Investigation of Accidents, Incidents and Dangerous Occurrences.
HSE Audit.
HSE Performance Measurement and Monitoring.
Waste Management.
Sanitation and Food Hygiene.
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(Health, Safety and Environment) HSE Documentation System.
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[ANNEX 4. HSE Documentation System] HDEC CORPORATE HSE POLICY STATEMENT. General HSE Statement of the Companies intent toward HSE Control.
HDEC CORPORATE HSE POLICY DOCUMENT. Details the organisation and arrangements to implement HSE control. Specifics HSE responsibilities for various departments and all personnel, head office and project based and branch offices.
HDEC CORPORATE HSE MANUAL. This manual provides the nucleus for the development of the Project Specific HSE Manual and combined with the project HSE Plan, forms the complete HSE programme. Defined in this manual are the necessary HSE Procedures for all types of construction activities.
PROJECT HSE PLAN. Provide the necessary guidelines to enable the project to effectively manage HSE activities on site and conduct its under takings in such a manner as to minimise any potential HSE effect. This plan is 'Tailor -made' to suit the Project requirements.
PROJECT HSE MANUAL. Defines in detail the HSE Management System for planning, execution, evaluation and improvement for effective HSE Management and the safe execution of the work. This manual also contains specific HSE Procedures necessary to assist Project Management in controlling the HSE aspect during Engineering, Construction and Commissioning activities.