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Download & View Html 5 Tutorial: Creating A Hangman Game as PDF for free.
Creating a mobile-friendly hangman game using HTML5 a tutorial from
Tutorial: Creating a Hangman Game Using HTML5 What you will learn:
how to build a simple hangman game as a web page basic techniques and technologies used in HTML5
basic knowledge or experience with HTML or Javascript will be helpful
Required time: 2+ hours Notes This will be a great project for anyone starting out in HTML5 who wants a simple and fun project to build. It’s a hangman game that we can put on a website! We can make it easy to extend and add questions to and we can even make sure it will work on a mobile phone. And if you just want to grab the source code without following the tutorial, then that’s fine, too. View DEMO at: Download SOURCE FILES at:
HTML Step 1 - Setting up the HTML document Although you could use Dreamweaver or similar software, to create an HTML document, you don’t need any special software, you can simply use any text editor such as Textpad or Wordpad. Open your text editor and type:
This is the way that we begin all of our HTML5 documents. Now let’s fill out the document structure:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Hangman Game <script src="jquery.js"> <script src="controller.js">