Ielts Speaking Sample Questions

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IELTS Speaking Sample Questions: Part 3 Here you will find IELTS speaking sample questions that are taken from part 3 of the test, the final section. This part is a two-way discussion with the examiner, but you will still do most of the talking. The IELTS speaking sample questions below are divided into different topic areas, but there are many different topics and questions that may arise in the test.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 - Questions and Topics Eating habits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Tell me about the types of food that people eat in your country. How are the eating habits now in your country different from eating habits in the past? How healthy is your country‟s food? Why do you think different cultures have different table manners? How may eating habits change in coming decades?

Education 1. 2. 3. 4.

How are education priorities today different from those in the past? What is your opinion on the way languages are taught in schools? How can the type of school you go to affect career success? What changes do you think will happen in the classroom in the near future?

Environment 1. 2. 3. 4.

Is water pollution a problem in your country? What are some of the causes of water pollution? What can individuals do to try and ensure water is kept clean? Do you think problems with the cleanliness of water will improve in the future?

Influence of television 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How popular is watching television in your country? Tell me about the types of programme that are generally on television in your country. Why do people like watching television? Do you think state or private television is better? What effects can watching television have on children?

Influences on the young

1. 2. 3. 4.

What type of people influence the young in your country? Why it is important to have role models? Do you think the education system in your country influences young people‟s behavior? What type of person (parents, teachers, friends etc) are best to influence young people‟s behavior? 5. What do you think young people will be most influenced by it the future? Leisure activities 1. 2. 3. 4.

What types of leisure activities are popular in your country? Why it is important for people to have time for leisure activities? Why are some activities more popular than others? Are the types of leisure activities that are popular today the same as those that were popular when your parents were young? 5. What types of leisure activities may become more popular in the future? Shopping 1. 2. 3. 4.

Is shopping a popular activity in your country How have shopping habits changed over recent years? To what extent do you think advertising affects the way people shop? Do you think shopping habits are likely to change in the future?

Sports 1. 2. 3. 4.

What types of sports are popular in your country? What are the benefits of playing a sport? Do you think the types of sport that are popular will change in the future? how can sports bring people from different countries closer together?

Transport 1. 2. 3. 4.

How do most people travel long distances in your country? Have the types of transport people use changed much over the last few decades? What kinds of improvement have there been in transport in your country in recent years? Do you think transport is likely to continue to improve in the future?

Tips to improve IELTS: Speaking test part 3 sample answer You must be interested in tips to improve IELTS band scores, so why not try our IELTS competition? You can win 2 self-study textbooks from Harper Collins. Hurry because you only have 48 hours left to enter the competition.

Here is a sample of an SGI student at the beginning of her course doing part 3 of the IELTS speaking test. Click here to listen to part 1 and here for part 2. Below are some tips and comments about the student’s answers.

IELTS Speaking PART 3: The Discussion In part 3 you have 4 to 5 minutes to discuss the topic from part 2 in more detail. This part is designed to stretch you as far as possible to see just how good you really are. The examiner has a couple of related sub-topics and question ideas but adapts the questions to you. This means that if you are a low level you will get easier questions but if you are band 8 then you will start with quite difficult ones which get even more difficult. By difficult I mean the ideas, the question and the language you need to use to answer them.

Questions: 1. What effect has the internet had on the way people generally communicate with each other? 2. And what about information on the internet, how reliable to do you think that information from the internet is? 3. What about news on the internet, is that reliable? 4. Why do you think that some people prefer to use the internet for shopping? 5. Why doesn’t everyone use the internet for shopping? 6. Are there any kinds of products that are easier to buy and sell online? 7. Is there anything that’s not suitable to sell or buy online that, any kinds of things that are not appropriate? 8. What about supermarket shopping, do you think that’s a good idea? 9. Do you think shopping on the internet will be more or less popular in the future and why?

General Tips for IELTS Speaking part 3

Try to give longer answers than in part 1 and explain what you mean with examples.

If you don‟t understand a question ask the examiner to repeat it or to explain it in a more simple way. Listen to the type of question you are asked and answer it appropriately, don‟t always say “yes…” because it probably won‟t be a Yes/No question in this part. Avoid giving personal information and examples, this should be an abstract discussion.


Here are some sample questions for part 3 of the speaking test with differences structures to help you answer them. Q1: And what about information on the internet, how reliable to do you think that information from the internet is? Well, in my honest opinion Well, to be honest Well, frankly + I have to say that I‟m of the opinion that it‟s my opinion that + the vast majority of information on the web some of the information found on the web a very small percentage of information taken from the web + is completely reliable is particularly unreliable lacks any reliability + For example, just look at Take X as an example, X is a case in point,

Q2: If we move on to talk about the internet and shopping. Why do you think that some people prefer to use the internet for shopping?

There are many reasons but the main one is that It‟s quite simple, I‟m not really sure but I guess that shopping online saves time and money you can find far more online than in any shops there‟s so much choice and you don‟t need to travel anywhere Not to mention that What‟s more And we shouldn‟t forget that not everyone lives nearby big chain stores. people do everything else online so why not their shopping too? lots of shops actually encourage online shopping as it cuts their costs. Q3: Is there anything that’s not suitable to sell or buy online, any kinds of things that are not appropriate I‟d have to say that I‟m convinced that I tend to think that + X is/are particularly unsuitable for sale and purchase via the internet X should not be sold online we should be able to buy and sell everything online + because first of all…secondly… because we all know that..

Student’s IELTS strengths She is willing and confident enough to tackle each question and really seems to want to speak. She manages to answer every question and gives quite detailed answers. She uses a variety of phrases for giving her opinion. She rarely pauses or has to think of what to say. She uses some good vocabulary and attempts to use varied grammar. Her pronunciation is understandable even though she has noticeable accent.

Some tips to improve IELTS Speaking She should work on her sentence construction and general grammar with a native speaker. She needs to use varied tenses, structures and phrases to give answers. She must learn more vocabulary to help her express herself and talk in-depth about lots of topics. More pronunciation work like learning and practising „th‟, word stress and the rhythm of English. Some idioms and phrasal verbs would help her get a higher band so she could try learning a few about typical IELTS topics.

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Success in the IELTS exam starts here! Sep 30, '08 3:55 Answer Key to Module Exercises for IELTS General Training AM Listening and Reading for everyone General Training Reading Supplementary Material 1 Traveler’s Tip

Carlo 


Personal Message Report Abuse

   

Home Blog Photos Calendar

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

a a f d g b yes yes no no not given not given yes traveler’s insurance Bush fires itinerary your body tight bandage

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 2 London’s Market

c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

c e a f c b f a, d c, d d, e, f community/ multicultural youth culture Village Market electrical goods antiques

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 Distance Learning

ix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

ix vii i viii iv a, d (in any order) a, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) (full-time) employment (in any order) family/ domestic responsibilities (in any order) e f a c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 4

Revision for Exams

iii 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

iii x iv vi xi viii i every evening (your) weekend employment working too hard small index cards boredom (and) stress b b

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 5 Australia Fights Back

b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

b a c c a b b c f b c g b a c c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 6 Canals on Mars

a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

a c d a i h b e yes not given not given no no yes


1 £203

22 B

2 17


3 no


4 under 26/ less than 26


5 locals/ local people


6 satisfied/ ok

27 Early Childhood

7 (British) students


A or E

C or D

the differences/ how they differ

8 (too) many/ big

29 not learned/ innate

9 careful

30 in person

10 the culture/ the food

31 higher

11 International Student Advisor

32 exam performance/ results

12 Learning/ study groups


13 Student IT Department

34 controlled


Housing Officer/ Accommodation Officer

sleep/ sleeping/ sleeplessness

35 thought/ thinking

15 International Department

36 organized

16 personal and/ or financial

37 vary/ change/ be different

17 b

38 marks/ weighting

18 d

39 relaxed

19 e

40 (effective)s tudy skills

20 c

41 -

21 a

42 -

Tags: ielts general 0 comments

Jul 25, '08 Joblane lands 89% pass rate for 12 July IELTS General Training 12:07 AM at the British Council Philippines for everyone It is interesting to note that since the start of the implementation of the IELTS General Training in July of last year, Joblane had 100% pass rate thrice and this month fairs at 89%.

Out of the 27 skilled workers who took the test 24 successfully made it to the 4.5 overall band score visa requirement. Three of them garnered 4.0 overall which is not bad. Looking closely at their individual scores, we can infer that their strengths are listening and writing at 93% while reading and speaking at 74% were their weaknesses.

It is really important that during the speaking test one has to listen attentively to the examiner so he would be able to respond appropriately to the question and secondly, he must be able to extend his answer to every question in a clear way.

One of the factors that could influence their score is attendance to the training which has to be 100% for a 3-week course or depending on the agreed time frame set by the IELTS trainer. Second factor is performance during the training. This includes completing all course work, assignments, quizzes, simulations and oral participation. Above all, positive thinking and self-confidence are great tools in achieving success in the real test. Tags: ielts gt 1 comment

IELTS General Training- Writing Tasks 1 and 2, Sample Topics and Answers

Mar 25, '08 3:47 AM for everyone

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 1

No. 1 You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my comments and suggestions about the College Cafeteria- the one and only student council owned cafeteria in the school. I am thinking that by writing to you your magazine will be able to reach the student populace and keep them informed about this cafeteria.

Firstly, I am a frequent customer of this cafeteria. As a senior student, I am always busy. The cafeteria becomes my home from breakfast to dinner. I particularly like it because it is convenient. I do not need to go out of the campus to eat meals. Aside from that, the cost of meals is affordable. In addition, I like the variety of menu that it offers keeping us with a balanced diet. However, there is one thing that I find quiet unpleasant about the area. During exam week, the area gets clogged with students who would also prefer to dine. As a result, serving of food and payment for such take time. Personally, this becomes annoying especially that everyone wants to be served fast to catch with the examination. I am suggesting that the cafeteria would employ more attendants. They could also hire student to work for them.

I look forward to reading these comments and suggestions in the college magazine soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(214 words)

No. 2 You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my observations about the general shopping habit and trends in my hometown. I think this will be a good subject of an article that you could write about in the newspaper.

Firstly, I would like you to know that shopping in my hometown has become more and more popular lately as compared before. Although shopping for most people poses some threat to security, it is undeniably a hobby for some. On weekends, people crowd over bargains. Interestingly, there are more goods sold now than before such as antiques, imported electronic gadgets, house ornaments and fashionable clothes. However, there are two things that I think the government should do to improve the area. One is that there should be more security officers, uniformed and civilians who should take care of the safety of the patrons. Lately, there have been reports about crimes of various levels. Another is the transportation in the area. Due to the increasing number of people buying goods, there are no more lanes for transports to cruise the area. As a result, people have to walk for more than 45 minutes to reach the main road. The management of this shopping area should think of ways on how they could let the customers feel welcome and not just think of the revenues they will get out of this.

I look forward to reading these comments in the newspaper soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(238 words)

No. 3 You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire if you have an opening for a welding job in your reputable construction firm. I have gained substantial experience and I feel confident that I am fit to undertake the said position.

I am a senior welder in ABC Company for 14 years now and was promoted to supervisory position 2 years ago. My skills in welding are very diverse and these experiences were honed while I worked for a gigantic construction company in the Middle East particularly in Dubai for 10 years. Recently, there is a need for me to come home because of my ailing grandmother and due to the pleading of my wife that I should stick to our own family since my children are still young. I felt that your company can provide me with an opportunity where I can pursue a supervisory position in the same field while I address the needs of my grandmother and own family.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(168 words)

No. 4 You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to apply for a temporary job in the summer camp that you are organizing. I have read this advertisement from the newspaper and I found this interesting because I have the qualities that you are looking for.

Firstly, I have joined several camps before from team building to organizing games for Koreans, young and adults while teaching English to them. I believe from the advertisement that you have the same requirement for applying individuals. As I am a person who loves the outdoors, children, games and English teaching, this is certainly a perfect summer job for me. Aside from that, my experience last year with group of children who went for camping in Laguna, and the team building in Tagaytay for foreign excursionist provided me with skills in leading groups, giving clear instructions and creating innovative games. Anyway, kindly you can reach me through my mobile number at 1234-5678.

I look forward to hearing from you the soonest. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(163 words)

No. 5

An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.

29 March 2008

Dear Jane,

I am writing to let you know that I am so much pleased to know that you are coming over for a visit. I would like you to know also of some good choices to stay and other things that you might need. By now, I could not help my self but be really happy that you will come.

Anyway, I live in Makati City and there are various accommodation arrangements. For hassle-free and convenient living, I am suggesting that you rent an apartment hotel. It looks like a typical studio apartment but with hotel services such as attendants cleaning your room, swimming pool, gym and cafeteria but with an apartment cost. This is particularly suited for you because it is at the heart of the city and going around is very easy. When you arrive here, I will tell you in details the things that you can do. I know very well that you love the outdoors so I have many options to suggest. Well, about clothes, our weather here is very different from yours in France. It is summer now and will last until June. So, just bring light clothes. You can also try buying clothes here. You can email me if you need more help.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Best regards, John

(218 words)

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 2

No. 1 In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?

There are many reasons why neighbors are not close to each other nowadays. For a busy community such as Manila and Makati City, talking to neighbors is often neglected. This is happening due to the structure of accommodation that is popular to city dwellers such as condominiums, hotels and apartments. These havens do not provide inhabitants with time to mingle with each other. Mostly, these are enclosed areas. As a result, people do not have the opportunity to meet and greet with their neighbors.

Another reason why this is happening is the fact that residents do not trust their neighbors nowadays. The media has been very vocal about the harsh realities of having inconsiderate neighbors. Some reports would say that rape of a teenage girl or robbery in the corner house has been committed by a fellow resident. These among others instill

threat against security among neighbors making it hard for them to associate lately.

For particular ways on how this link among neighbors could be improved seem to be crucial but vital in modern times. On a personal level, modernization and its ill-effects must not hinder people from being pleasant and caring to each other. A prominent way on how to win over this phenomenon is to organize groups whose objectives are to bring harmony and to foster camaraderie in the community.

Another significant plan is to evoke the local council to spearhead activities such as sports, social gatherings, regular meetings and parties aimed at raising awareness of the importance of team spirit, trust and sense of community.

On the whole, whether it is the kind of accommodation where you are staying or the distrust that has been developed among neighbors nowadays that caused distant ties among them, it is very essential to know that hope is still within reach. Residents and community leaders must work hand in hand to save and protect the character that is unique to every Filipino.

(322 words)

Writing Assignments

Writing Task 1

Directions: Write a letter about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 20 minutes.


You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.


You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.


You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.


You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.


An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.


An English-speaking friend is coming to study in your town next year and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find a place for him/her to live, give advice about how to find a part-time job and give information on where they can learn your language.


You are going on a short training course at a college in New Zealand. You need somewhere to live while you are there. You realized that a friend whom you met in your country. Write to your friend. In your letter, explain your situation, describe the accommodation you require and say when you will need it.


You are going to take a short holiday in Australia and you want to rent a holiday flat while you are there. Write to the tourist information office. In your letter, explain what you need, say when you need it and ask for information about the prices.


You were recently voted by your neighbors as the organization president of your town. Write a letter to your neighbors. In your letter, express thanks for the opportunity, describe the plans that you would like to do first and express your concerns.

10. You were invited to speak before a crowd to share your experiences in life. However, 2 days before the affair, a serious family problem happened. Write to the organizer of the affair. In your letter, apologize that you can not attend the affair, describe what happened and say how important the event but you can not make it.

Writing Task 2

Directions: Write an essay about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 40 minutes.


In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?


Life nowadays is generally much more stressful than in the past. Give some reasons why people suffer more from stress nowadays, and say what they can do to reduce it.


Computers and modems have made it possible for office workers to do much of their work from home instead of working in offices everyday. Working from home should be encouraged as it is good for workers and employers. Do you agree or disagree?


It is often difficult for young people to find a good job without previous work experience. Governments should encourage employers to choose young people when they need new workers. Do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays, many students have the opportunity to study for part or all of their courses in foreign countries. While studying abroad brings many benefits to individual students, it also has a number of disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree?


In some countries it is common for students leaving school to do a gap year in which they travel, do voluntary work, or do a job before going on to higher education. Although this may benefit students in a number of ways, it also has a number of disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Parents and teachers make many rules for children to encourage good behavior and to protect them from danger. However, children would benefit from fewer rules and greater freedom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Governments make rules to protect people from danger, for example by making people wear seat belts in cars or not allowing smoking in public buildings. However, many people believe there are too many rules nowadays. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In many countries, television shows many foreign-made programs. The dominance of imported entertainment is harmful to the cultures of these countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

10. In most countries, multinational companies and their products are becoming more and more important. This trend is seriously damaging our quality of life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answers Writing Task 1 NOTE: The following are sample answers to writing task 1. Study them carefully before doing the writing assignments above. Sample 1: You have just started a course in a college which has no sports facilities of its own. Write a letter to the manager of the nearest private sports club. In your letter, introduce yourself, say why you are interested in this sports club and ask some questions about the club (e.g.,

facilities, members, costs) Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. 3 February 2007

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire about the facilities of the YMCA sports club. I have heard much about the affordability and customer satisfaction from students like me who have been using your equipment for various sports activities recently.

I am a freshman Education major in English student at the Jose Rizal College. Our campus is just a block away from your compound. Having said this, accessibility is never a problem and the best of all, I will be able to manage other school-related tasks while enjoying at your swimming facility. How much is the membership fee annually? Do I have to pay for entrance every time I go there? As I am a full-time student, are you open after 5pm and on weekends? I hope that you can provide me with these details through text at 0910-1234567 or call me in my home phone at 123-4567.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Santos

(160 words) Sample 2:

You have had a bank account for a few years. Recently you received a letter from the bank stating that your account is $240 overdrawn and that you will be charged $70 which will be taken directly from your account. You know that this information is incorrect. Write a letter to the bank. Explain what has happened and say what you would like them to do about it.

Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (196 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Mr. Aquino,

I am writing in reply to a letter I received from you a few days ago. In your letter, you state that I am $240 overdrawn and that you will be charging me $70.

I would like to point out that the reason I am overdrawn is because of a mistake made by your bank. If you look through your records you will see that I wrote several weeks ago explaining the situation. For the last 12 months, I have been paying $300 a month for a car I bought last summer. The monthly payments were taken directly from my bank account. However, 2 months ago I sold the car and I wrote to you instructing you to stop paying the monthly installments. I received a letter from you acknowledging my request, but, for some reason, nothing was done about it. Another $300 installment has been paid this month and this is the reason why I am overdrawn. I would like you to contact the garage where I bought the car explaining your error. I would also like you to ask them to return the money.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Patt Santos

Sample 3:

You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems. Write a letter to your new employer. In your letter, explain the situation, describe some problems, and tell him/her when you think you can start. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (167 words)

3 February 2008

Dear Ms. Barnes,

I am writing concerning the position of Welder that I am due to begin next Monday. However, a problem has arisen.

As you know, I currently work for my uncle’s welding shop and fabricating business, and you will remember from my interview that I have gained valuable experience there. Unfortunately, he has to go into hospital for eye surgery, leaving my aunt in charge of both the home and the business. She has asked me, as this is a particularly busy time of the year, to stay on and help her with the running of the office. I realize this will be inconvenient to you, but very much hope that, given the circumstances, you would be prepared to allow me to take up the position with you two weeks later than planned. I would like to emphasize that I remain very keen to work with you, and that I will be gaining further useful experience during this time.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Ningning Sample 4: You are unhappy about a plan to make your local airport bigger and increase the number of flights. You live near the airport. Write a letter to the local newspaper. In your letter, explain where you live, describe the problem, and give reasons why you do not want this development. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (249 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to make an appeal to the airport authorities through your newspaper regarding the planned expansion of the local airport and the increase in the number of flights.

Leaving about 500 meters away from the airport, I and my family are currently experiencing inconveniences under this circumstance. The main issue is the noise that is so disturbing every time a plane takes off and lands. Imagine how it feels to have this happening almost every minute of the day. Apart from this is the flow of traffic that we experience. Since we are close to the airport, there will be no point in time that we are free from the traffic in the main road that we pass through in going out of our village. Since we heard that there is a plan of expanding the airport, this would mean a great deal to us who live just across the airstrip. It would mean that we may be asked to leave our place in case it will be hit by the expansion. This would also mean that there may be an increase in the number of flights which will add to our already present dilemma regarding the noise concern. It would mean lesser times of a peaceful and quiet surroundings. I really hope that airport officials would try to reconsider their plans and think also about the welfare of the people who will be affected by their move.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Bernadette Camiling

Writing Task 2 Sample 1 To be successful in education it is important to be a good student than to have good teachers. Do you agree? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Success, nowadays, is and will always be a goal for most individuals regardless of the kind of endeavor one wishes to pursue. As a student, it will forever be a great challenge to finish his education. However, at school, success has to be a concerted effort of both the school represented by its teachers and the students themselves.

Firstly, with the very pressing economic situations of the country, parents are faced with an enormous responsibility of whether to send their children to school or have them do it on a latter time. For this, money is the deciding factor. Given the opportunity to study, students must possess qualities that could make him successful in the future. Characters such diligence, perseverance and studious must go hand in hand for a student to achieve his goals in education.

On the other hand, teachers must do their relentless drive to seriously help their students fulfill their aims. Unfortunately, there are more students than mentors in every classroom in the country. As a result, students are unsuccessful with their aspirations. As this may seem a paramount problem encountered by school owners, teachers must device a way to serve the students and maximize their learning potentials.

As a whole, becoming a successful student, large emphasis has to be put on values shed on every day that he goes to school to learn. In addition, teachers must carefully consider all possible means to help address the needs of the students. After all, what becomes a future of a student is immensely affected by the experience he obtains from his teachers at school. (266 words)

Sample 2: Some people prefer to spend their holidays by going out of town. Others prefer to stay at home. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of going out of town? Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In the past, taking a holiday was viewed with less interest by many. Nowadays, most Filipino families love taking a holiday. In fact, the government is initiating a move to lengthen holidays by moving certain days of the week to offer Filipinos with many days to enjoy. As Filipinos are lavish spenders of holiday, going of town on holiday presents many

great advantages.

Firstly, taking an out of town and simple trip provide every individual a rejuvenating experience. A very classic example is going for a trip to Baguio City, the summer capital of the Philippines. In that place, you can do numerous, relaxing activities such as going for a walk at Burnham park while enjoying its fresh and cool breeze of air. In addition, you can also do boating in the same park. Another less expensive way of activity is making a road trip to Tagaytay City. With this, you will be delighted with a countryside road experience which is very relaxing as well.

Secondly, knowing the culture, the food, the people and the whole area where you intend to go is another benefit offered by an out-of-town holiday. Interestingly, most people find this a welcoming and educational opportunity. It has always been said that traveling can enrich one’s mind and spirit.

As a whole, while this set up gives disadvantages like the hassles of pre-planning stage and the inconveniences of travel, the benefits serve a great purpose, to rejuvenate and to impart knowledge of the area where you plan to go. In this way, you just did not relax your body but enrich your mind as well.

(269 words)

Sample 2: Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles. Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time. Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. (258 words) Sample 3: The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in

population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. (266 words)

Sample 4: We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide. In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be so complex that no individual could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Providing all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. If one small program fails, it will become a disaster.

There is a certain inevitability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world. (292 words)

Sample 5: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt. Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their child to participate on different teams. But what if the child prefers to read? Parents want to pass on their values to their children. However, things change. The children of today are growing up in a world different from their parents' world. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her parents don't understand or value the digital revolution. Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers. Fortunately, we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are valuable.

(296 words)

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Mar 16, '08 9:42 Upcoming Event- IELTS General Training Intensive Review PM and Coaching for everyone

IELTS General Training Intensive Review and Coaching- March 24-28, 2008 will be held in one of the hotels in Manila. The training starts at 7am and ends at 4pm. Powerful techniques and intuitive coaching will be instructed to skilled workers applying for work in Australia. Walk-in applicants are accepted. Please contact 0918-490-5100 for further information. Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Academic Writing Task 2- Sample Tasks and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:30 PM for everyone

Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles.

Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time.

It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it

suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. We have been living in the nuclear age now for over half a century. Since the first atomic bombs were developed, nuclear technology has provided governments with the ability to totally destroy the planet. Yet the technology has been put to positive use as an energy source and in certain areas of medicine. To what extent is nuclear technology a danger to life on Earth? What are the benefits and risks associated with its use?

These days, many people are afraid of nuclear technology because of the dangers associated with its use. In my opinion, although it is true that nuclear weapons pose the greatest threat to life, the use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes also carries some serious risks. Nuclear power stations provide an important source of cheap power for many industrialized nations and some developing countries. However, there is always the danger of radiation leaking from these plants. Even though safety precautions are taken, there have been numerous disasters such as the explosion of a nuclear plant in Russia not long ago. Nuclear technology is even used to help cure some diseases such as cancer. Radiation can be applied to the body to burn away cancerous cells. This is, however, a dangerous procedure, and the application of radiation is almost always painful and not always successful.

The most worrying aspect of nuclear technology, though, is its use for military purposes. Enough atomic bombs have already been built to completely destroy the planet, and the real danger is that one day some country will start a war with these weapons. Too many countries now have the technology required to make such bombs, and there is currently much debate about how to control the situation. In conclusion, nuclear technology certainly has positive uses, but is, nonetheless, dangerous. However, it would have been better if it had never been used to create nuclear weapons.

People in all modern societies use drugs, but today's youth are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an increasingly early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of society often set a bad example. Discuss the causes and some effects of widespread drug use by young people in modern day society. Make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug abuse.

Youth drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many cultures. Not only is illegal drug use on the rise, but children as young as 10 years old are experimenting with alcohol and tobacco. The reasons for this behavior are unclear, but certain sociologists blame the examples set by their elders. Parents who drink and smoke to excess are, in effect, telling their children that it is acceptable to abuse their bodies with drugs. Consequently, children may have a similar view towards illegal drugs, even if their parents are against their use. In addition, drug use shown on television and in films can only confuse children who are also taught at school that drug abuse is wrong. The pressure on young people to perform well at school in order to compete for jobs is a possible cause of the problem. Many believe they cannot live up to their parents' expectations, and feel a sense of hopelessness. Also, the widespread availability of drugs means teenagers are faced with the temptation to experiment. Drugs are used as a means of expressing dissatisfaction with the pressures they face in society. The effects of drug abuse are well known. Many young people's talents are wasted, and addiction to hard drugs can cost a user his or her life. Furthermore, those who drink and drive may be involved in fatal road accidents. The cost to society is great, and enormous amounts of money are spent on convicting drug dealers and on education programs. To conclude, I recommend that the only sensible way to solve this problem is to educate

young people about the dangers of drug use, and to take steps to reduce the pressure of competition placed upon them. The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. Studying the English language in an English-speaking country is the best but not the only way to learn language. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Studying a language in a country where it is widely spoken has many advantages. It is,

therefore, a good idea to study English in a country such as Britain. However, I believe it is not the only way to learn the language. In the first place, most students in non-English-speaking countries learn English at secondary school, and sometimes at university nowadays. Although their spoken English is not usually of a very high standard, their knowledge of grammar is often quite advanced. This is certainly useful when students come to an English-speaking country to perfect the language. Secondly, studying the basics of English at secondary school is less stressful than learning the language while overseas. This is because students living at home do not have to worry about problems such as finding accommodation, paying for their study and living costs, and trying to survive in a foreign country where day to day living causes much stress. However, there are obvious advantages of learning English in Britain. Every day there are opportunities to practice listening to and speaking with British people. Also, students can experience the culture firsthand, which is a great help when trying to understand the language. This is especially true if they choose to live with a British family, as exchange students for example. Furthermore, if students attend a language school full-time, the teachers will be native speakers. In this case, not only will students' speaking and listening skills improve, but attention can be given to developing reading and writing skills as well. In general, even though it is preferable to study English in an English-speaking country, a reasonable level of English can be achieved in one's own country, if a student is gifted and dedicated to study. Although abuse of the system is inevitable, social welfare payments are essential to protect the rights citizens have to a guaranteed minimum income in a democratic society. Discuss.

Social welfare is an essential element of an advanced society. Good systems are always abused, but that does not mean they are faulty. In my opinion, the two main reasons why welfare payments are necessary are as follows: First of all, critics forget that there are many forms of welfare besides payments to the unemployed. Their negative opinions harm those who are not capable of earning a wage, such as single-parent mothers, the disabled, and the sick. Moreover, the unemployed have the right to an income, too. They are not always at fault for not having a job, and in most cases the tax they have paid in the past entitles them to assistance. The second reason is that crime increases when people have no means of support. The desperately poor inevitably turn to crime, which is not only dangerous but costly. Policing

the streets is more expensive than providing welfare. A policeman's wage is four or five times higher than a "dole" payment. Certain members of society believe that people should look after themselves. They point out that welfare increases dependency on others and destroy dignity. This may be true, but in the case of the unemployed, the relief payments are usually temporary. It is surely the fault of the government if there are long-term unemployed. Welfare critics also believe that it is the responsibility of a victim's family to provide financial assistance. However, it is too expensive to provide complete help for a severely disabled person. To conclude, it is vital to understand the need for welfare in a modern democratic society. Without welfare payments the poor are destined to become poorer. The first duty of a government is to provide a financial safety net for all disadvantaged persons, and that includes those without work. Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others. Students who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately. Do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that some students in schools behave badly and their behavior causes difficulty for others either because it has a negative effect on the group or because ordinary students find it difficult to study with them. One solution is to take these students away and teach them on their own. However, if we simply have them removed after one or two warnings, we are limiting their educational opportunities because it seems to me that a school which caters for difficult students is a sort of "prison" whatever name you give it and the people who go there may never recover from the experience. This can then cause problems for the wider society. Perhaps we need to look at why the disruptive students behave badly before we separate them. Disruptive students may be very intelligent and find the classes boring because the work is too easy. Perhaps these students need extra lessons rather than separate lessons. Or perhaps the teachers are uninspiring and this results in behavioral problems so we need better teachers. On the other hand, most students put up with this situation rather than cause trouble, and some people argue that we have to learn to suffer bad teachers and boring situations and that students who can't learn this lesson need to be taught separately. So before we condemn the students to a special school, we should look at factors such as the teaching, because once the children have been separated, it is very unlikely that they will be brought back. Should parents be obliged to immunize their children against childhood diseases?

Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunize their children?

Some people argue that the state does not have the right to make parents immunize their children. However, I feel the question is not whether they should immunize but whether, as members of society, they have the right not to. Preventative medicine has proved to be the most effective way of reducing the incidence of fatal childhood diseases. As a result of the widespread practice of immunizing young children in our society, many lives have been saved and the diseases have been reduced to almost zero. In previous centuries children died from ordinary illnesses such as influenza and tuberculosis and because few people had immunity, the diseases spread easily. Diseases such as dysentery were the result of poor hygiene but these have long been eradicated since the arrival of good sanitation and clean water. Nobody would suggest that we should reverse this good practice now because dysentery has been wiped out. Serious diseases such as polio and smallpox have also been eradicated through national immunization programs. In consequence, children not immunized are far less at risk in this disease-free society than they would otherwise be. Parents choosing not to immunize are relying on the fact that the diseases have already been eradicated. If the number of parents choosing not to immunize increased, there would be a similar increase in the risk of the diseases returning. Immunization is not an issue like seatbelts which affects only the individual. A decision not to immunize will have widespread repercussions for the whole of society and for this reason, I do not believe that individuals have the right to stand aside. In my opinion immunization should be obligatory. We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we he more suspicious of their benefits?

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so dependent on

computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide. In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be so complex that no individual could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Providing all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. If one small program fails, it will become a disaster. There is a certain inevitability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world.

Smokers can cause themselves serious health problems. The choice to smoke is made freely and with knowledge of dangers. Smokers should therefore expect to pay more for medical treatment than non-smokers. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Everyone has the choice of being a smoker or not. The people who choose to smoke do so knowing there is a risk of causing harmful damage to them. However, I do not entirely agree that these people should have to pay more to receive all the medical treatment they need. I think there are many situations in which a medical problem has nothing to do with whether a person smokes or not. In these cases, where an illness has no relation to smoking, then I believe that smokers should not be required to pay more than other people for their medical treatment. Most car accidents, for example, have no connection with smoking, and the people who are injured ought to have the same medical help, regardless of the cost. And what about the common flu - it does not seem justifiable to me that a smoker should have to pay more to see a doctor for an illness we can all contact. On the other hand, I agree that a smoker should pay more than a non-smoker for the necessary treatment of any condition which has been caused by smoking. The principle that people should take responsibility for their own actions is a good one. Consequently, if a person chooses to smoke knowing that this habit can cause

serious health problems, then there is no reason why the community or an insurance company should have to pay for medical treatment for an illness which could have been avoided. In many countries, cigarette packets have a clear warning that smoking can cause health problems and so no smoker can claim not to know the danger. Lung cancer is sometimes a fatal disease and the treatment is both lengthy and expensive, and it is unfair for the smoker to expect the hospital or the community to carry the cost. In fact, it could also be argued that those who smoke in public should be asked to pay extra because of the illness caused to passive smokers. In conclusion, I feel that smokers should pay more in cases related to smoking, but for any other illness they should pay the same as anyone else. International entertainers, including sports personalities, often get paid millions of dollars in one year. In your view, with widespread poverty in the world, are these huge earnings justified? The salaries of many singers, dancers and sports people have increased out of all proportion in recent years, while in places like Sudan people are starving to death. I do not believe that anyone should be able to earn such enormous salaries when so many people in the world are living in poverty. One of the factors which should affect what a person can earn ought to be the benefit of person's work to society. It is unreasonable for a famous singer to be able to earn far more from an evening's entertainment than, for instance, a medical scientist who develops a new drug which produces a treatment for a common disease. The pop star certainly has a value in society, but the value in no way exceeds, or even matches, the value gained from a successful medication. Secondly, work done should be paid according to the amount of effort and skill that goes into it. Nobody would deny that a famous person works hard and is skillful; yet such people do not work any harder than thousand of other workers who have no claim to fame. Yet market force is such that these superstars can obtain millions of dolor while other unknown people sometimes earn less than they need to survive. Finally, it should be possible for governments to work together to ensure that the amount of money in circulation should be more equally and fairly distributed. This seems only fair given that there are so many suffering. To conclude, it is clear that world poverty is a serious problem and yet the problem could be eased if governments and companies gave more thought to paying salaries on a more equitable basis and if they started to contribute more money to those in need. Most writers of fiction do not earn enough money to live from their writing.

Do you think the government should give them financial assistance to help encourage good literature? There are some conditions under which a novelist could reasonably expect some government support. In general terms, if the writer has already proved that he or she can write well, and if the stories produced are stimulating and interesting, then I consider that some financial help might be given. Language quality is difficult to define, but if the writing shows, for example, good grammar, a wide vocabulary, and elegance and imagination, then I can see a valid reason for assisting an author to spend some time free from money problems. Such a writing needs to be encouraged. the entertainment value of a book would be also a factor in deciding whether to provide assistance to an author. Further consideration would include social and educational values expressed in the author's work. However, if the ideas were socially irresponsible, or if the stories contain unnecessary violence or pornography for its own sake, then I would not want to see the author sponsored to write stories which do not benefit society. Other exceptions are the many writers of good books who do not require financial help. Books which proved to be extremely popular, such as the Harry Potter stories, clearly need no subsidy at all because the authors have become rich through their writing. Views on what good quality writing means will vary widely, and so if any author is to be given money for writing, then the decision would have to be made by a committee or panel of judge. An individual opinion would certainly cause disagreement among the reading public.

"Prevention is better than cure." Out of a country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Of course it goes without saying that prevention is better than cure. That is why, in recent years, there has been a growing body of opinion in favour of putting more resources into health education and preventive measures. The argument is that ignorance of, for example, basic hygiene or the dangers of an unhealthy diet or lifestyle needs to be combatted by special nationwide publicity campaigns, as well as longer-term health education. Obviously, there is a strong human argument for catching any medical condition as early as possible. There is also an economic argument for doing so. Statistics demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of treating a condition in the early stages, rather than delaying until more expensive and prolonged treatment is necessary. Then there are social or economic costs, perhaps in terms of loss of earnings for the family concerned or unemployed benefit paid by the state. So far so good, but the difficulties start when we try to define what the 'proportion' of the budget should be, particularly if the funds will be 'diverted from treatment'. Decisions on exactly how much of the total health budget should be spent in this way are not a matter for the non-specialist, but should be made on the basis of an accepted health service model.

This is the point at which real problems occur - the formulation of the model. How do we accurately measure which health education campaigns are effective in both medical and financial terms? How do we agree about the medical efficacy of various screening programmes, for example, when the medical establishment itself does not agree? A very rigorous process of evaluation is called for, so that we can make informed decisions. The position of women in society has changed markedly in the last twenty years. Many of the problems young people now experience, such as juvenile delinquency, arise from the fact that many married women now work and are not at home to care for their children. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? It is certainly true that the position of women in society has undergone a dramatic change in the past twenty years but I do not feel that this is a direct cause of the indisputable increase in juvenile-related problems during this period. It is now accepted that young women should find work on leaving school; indeed to rely totally on their parents' financial support is no longer an option in many families. Likewise, once they get married, the majority of women continue working since the financial pressures of setting up a house and establishing a reasonable standard of living often require two incomes. Twenty years ago it was common for women to give up work once they had children and devote their time to caring for their children. This is no longer the general rule and the provision of professionally-run child care facilities and day nurseries have removed much of the responsibility for child rearing that used to fall to mothers. However, these facilities come at a cost and often require two salaries coming into a family to be afforded. I do not believe that the increase in the number of working mothers has resulted in children being brought up less well than previously. Indeed it could be argued that by giving mothers the opportunity to work and earn extra money children can be better provided for than previously. There is more money for luxuries and holidays and a more secure family life is possible. Of course there are limits as to the amount of time that ideally should be spent away from home and the ideal scenario would be for one of the parents (often the wife) to have a part-time job and thus be available for their children before and after school. It is important to establish the correct balance between family life and working life. People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? People attend college for a lot of different reasons. I believe that the three most

common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge of themselves and of the world around them. Career preparation is probably the primary reason that people attend college. These days, the job market is very competitive. Careers such as information technology will need many new workers in the near future. At college, students can learn new skills for these careers and increase their opportunities for the future. Students also go to college to have new experiences. For many, it is their first time away from home. At college, they can meet new people from many different places. They can see what life is like in a different city. They can learn to live on their own and take care of themselves without having their family always nearby. At college, students have the opportunity to increase their knowledge. As they decide what they want to study, pursue their studies, and interact with their classmates, they learn a lot about themselves. They also, of course, have the opportunity to learn about many subjects in their classes. In addition to the skills and knowledge related to their career, college students also have the chance to take classes in other areas. For many, this will be their last chance to study different subjects. Colleges offer much more than career preparation. They offer the opportunity to have new experiences and to learn many kinds of things. I think all of these are reasons why people attend college. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt. Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their child to participate on different teams. But what if the child prefers to read? Parents want to pass on their values to their children. However, things change. The children of today are growing up in a world different from their parents' world. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or

technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her parents don't understand or value the digital revolution. Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers. Fortunately, we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are valuable. Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Food is a basic part of life, so it follows that improved methods of food preparation have made our lives better. Nowadays we can prepare meals much faster than we could in the past. We can also enjoy a greater variety of food and eat more healthfully, all because of modern methods of food preparation. Microwave ovens have made it possible to prepare delicious food quickly. People these days rarely have time to shop and prepare meals the old-fashioned way. We live very fast lives. We are busy working, caring for our families traveling, playing sports, and many other things. Because of microwave ovens, we have time to enjoy a good meal with our family and then play soccer, go to a movie, study, or do anything else we want to afterwards. Modern methods of preserving food have made it possible to enjoy a wide variety of food. Because of refrigerators, freezers, canning, and freeze-drying, we can eat fruits and vegetables that come from far away places. We can prepare a meal one day and save the leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer to eat at another time. We can keep different kinds of food in the refrigerator or on the shelf. It is easy to always have food available and to be able to eat completely different meals every day. Healthful eating is easier now than it ever was. Because of modern transportation methods, fresh fruits and vegetables are available all year round. Modern kitchen appliances make it easy to prepare fruits and vegetables fro cooking. Bread machines make it possible to enjoy healthful, home-baked bread whenever we like. We can eat fresh and healthful food everyday because modern methods have made preparation easy. Our lifestyle is fast, but people still like good food. New food preparation methods have given us is more choices. Today we can prepare food that is more convenient healthier, and of greater variety than ever before in history. It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?

"Experience is the best teacher" is an old cliché, but I agree with it. We can learn a lot of important things from books, but the most important lessons in life come from our own experiences. Throughout the different stages of life, from primary school to university to adulthood, experience teaches us many skills we need for life. As children in primary school, we learn facts and information from books, but that is not all we learn in school. On the playground we learn how to make friends. In our class work, we learn how it feels to succeed and what we do when we fail. We start to learn about the things we like to do and the things we don't. We don't learn these things from books, but from our experiences with our friends and classmates. In our university classes, we learn a lot of information and skills we will need for our future careers, but we also learn a lot that is not in our textbooks. In our daily lives both in class and out of class, we learn to make decisions for ourselves. We learn to take on responsibilities. We learn to get along with our classmates, our roommates, and our workmates. Our successes and failures help us develop skills we will need in our adult lives. They are skills that no book can teach us. Throughout our adulthood, experience remains a constant teacher. We may continue to read or take classes for professional development. However, our experiences at work, at home, and with our friends teach us more. The triumphs and disasters of our lives teach us how to improve our careers and also how to improve our relationships and how to be the person each one of us wants to be. Books teach us a lot, but there is a limit to what they teach. They can give us information or show us another person's experiences. These are valuable things, but the lessons we learn from our own experiences, from childhood through adulthood, are the most important ones we learn.

Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1- Sample Tasks and

Mar 16, '08 9:28


PM for everyone

WRITING TASK 1: SAMPLE 1 The diagram below shows the typical stages of consumer goods manufacturing, including the process by which information is fed back to earlier stages to enable adjustment. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the process shown. 

You should write at least 150 words.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Most consumer goods go through a series of stages before they emerge as finished products ready for sale. Raw materials and manufactured components comprise the initial physical input in the manufacturing process. Once obtained, these are stored for later assembly. But assembly first depends upon the production planning stage, where it is decided how and in what quantities the stored materials will be processed to create sufficient quantities of finished goods. The production planning stage itself follows the requirements of the goods' design stage that proceeds from extensive research. After assembly, the products are inspected and tested to maintain

quality control l Those units that pass the inspection and testing stages are then packaged, despatched and offered for sale in retail outlets. The level of sales, which is the end point of the manufacturing process, helps determine production planning. A product's design is not only the result of product research, but is also influenced by testing and market research. If the testing stage (after assembly and inspection) reveals unacceptable problems in the finished product, then adjustments will have to be made to the product's design. Similarly, market research, which examines the extent and nature of the demand for products, has the role of guiding product design to suit consumer demands which may change with time. Market research, while influenced by product sales, also serves to foster future sales by devising suitable advertising for the goods. Thus the reality of consumer goods manufacturing goes well beyond a simple linear production process.


The table below shows social and economic indicators for four countries in 1994, according to United Nations statistics. Describe the information shown below in your own words. What implications do the indicators have for the countries? 

You should write at least 150 words.

Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.

Indicators Annual income per person (in $US) Life expectancy at birth Daily calorie supply per person

















Adult literacy rate (%)





A glance at four indicators of economic and social conditions in four countries, Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire, in 1994 reflects the great differences that exist between wealthier and poorer nations. The table shows that Japan and Canada had annual incomes of $15 760 and $11 100 per person, respectively. These figures were overwhelmingly greater than the corresponding figures of $160 in Peru and $130 in Zaire.

Health indicators, too, reflected overall levels of affluence in the four nations. Life expectancy at birth, for example, was higher among the more economically developed countries. Japan reported the highest life expectancy, 78. This was followed by Canada, 76; Peru, 51; and Zaire, 47; This suggests that richer societies are able to put more money into health care than poorer ones. The amount of calories consumed daily per person roughly followed the same ranking. Canadians each consumed some 3 326 calories per day while the Japanese took 2846 calories. The corresponding figures for Peru and Zaire were 1927 and 1749, respectively. Literacy rates among adults, too, were higher in wealthier countries, no doubt a reflection of ability to invest in education. Canada and Japan both reported literacy rates of 99%, while Peru claimed 68%. Zaire, the least economically developed of the four countries, had a literacy rate of 34%. The data appear to confirm the often cited link between national wealth and health and education standards.


The chart below shows the sleep patterns of people in five different occupations according to a Canadian study. Write a report for a university lecturer, describing the information below. Give possible reasons for the differences. 

You should write at least 150 words.

Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.


Occupation 6-7 pm


awake: Truck Driver

Full-time mother

Business Doctor Executive

7-8 pm 8-9 pm 9-10 pm 10-11 pm 11-12 pm 12-1 am 1-2 am 2-3 am 3-4 am 4-5 am 5-6 am 6-7 am 7-8 am 8-9 am 9-10 am 10-11 am 11-12 am 12-1 pm 1-2 pm 2-3 pm 3-4 pm 4-5 pm

5-6 pm

Differences in sleep patterns appear to reflect differences in individuals' occupations. A Canadian study has pointed out, for example, that students typically sleep for a consecutive 8-hour period each night, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. This may be because the central activity in their lives, study, takes place in normal daylight hours. Similarly, business executives sleep consecutive hours, but perhaps because their jobs are especially busy and stressful they sleep for 6 hours on average, getting up around 5 a.m.. By contrast, truck drivers, probably because of their need to keep their trucks on the road over long periods, tend to sleep in two 3-hour blocks: one between 7 and 10 a.m. and another from 4 to 7 p.m. Another occupation associated with broken sleep schedules is that of doctors. They tend to retire to bed around 1 a.m. and start their day at 7 a.m.., but may be woken up to deal with emergencies in the middle of the night. Finally, full-time mothers, especially those with young children, tend to sleep when their babies do. Typically, they will sleep from 10 p.m. and be awoken at 1 a.m. to comfort their babies for a couple of hours. They then go back to bed to wake at 6 a.m., but nap for two hours or so in the early afternoon. Thus the influence on one's sleep pattern is worthy of consideration when choosing an occupation. Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Speaking Sample Questions and Answers SPEAKING MODULE PART 1 Sample Questions and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:26 PM for everyone

TOPIC: Free time 1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Before, I used to play basketball, but now I’m into gardening and going out for a walk. 2. How much time do you have each week for doing these things? I make it a point that I do these on weekends. I think that this is really important. 3. Why do you like doing these activities? Well, these activities make us feel young and healthy. Also, there are good ways on how to avoid illnesses and stress. 4. How did you start doing this activity at first? My friends influenced me to do these things. Eventually, I found these very helpful. 5. Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why? Yes! I’d like to try mountain climbing because this would be relatively new to me and it’s exciting to climb mountains and feel the wonders of nature. 6. How has the way people spend their free time changed over the years? Lately, people find it a must to find an activity to do in their free time despite hectic work schedule. They see it as a need although some view the activities for free time such as badminton as an expensive outlet. TOPIC: Your town 1. Can you describe your town or village to me? My hometown is such a simple place. It’s a community with about 10, 000 people who are mostly into farming but others go to offices. Houses are well-spaced unlike in cities that are crowded. There are small stores and a market and other commercial establishments like hospitals, schools and retail shops. There’s also a small sports complex and a quiet park. 2. What jobs do people in your town do? Some are farmers and the others are working in offices. In addition, there are also some who own business such as stores and other poultry business. 3. What things are there to do in your town in your free time? Well, there are quite a number of you know simple activities that could be done in my hometown. There’s badminton, typical Filipino games, and card games. Most often, people there love to gossip or chat about anything for long hours. 4. What do you like about your town? I think it has to be the peacefulness of the town as there are only a few people there. Also, I would say that there is no traffic in the town. 5. How has your town changed over the last twenty years? It changed significantly. For instance, the market has been improved by constructing a building to enclose the area. There’s also a swimming pool now in the sports complex and the road are well-paved and there are enough public transport in the area. TOPIC: Transport—provide your own answers here 1. 2. 3. 4.

How did you come here today? What is public transport like in your town? How do you think it could be improved? Do you think people should use public transport more? Why (not)?

TOPIC: Your neighborhood- provide your own answers here 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Can you describe to me the house where you live? What is there to do in the area where you live? What do you like about the area where you live? How do you think it could be improved? Do you think it is better to live in the centre of town or outside in the country? Why?

TOPIC: Holidays 1. What do you do when you have a holiday? Typically, I make it sure that I have ample time to spend with my family to make up with the lost time. I also engage in physical activities like brisk walking or jogging. 2. Where do you like to spend your holidays? Why? I prefer to spend them either on the beach, taking a road trip to cool places such as Baguio and Tagaytay. In addition, I prefer going for a picnic in a mountain or cave areas. 3. Can you describe a typical day in your holiday? Well, normally I go to a beach together with my family. We enjoy cooking and of course, swimming. We also don’t forget to take pictures with beautiful sceneries. 4. Why are holidays important to you? Holidays are very important to me because it’s a good time to spend with my family as I always get busy on regular days. Holidays also provide an opportunity for me to relax. 5. If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? I think I’d choose Australia. Since I have plans of working there I might as well try to explore the country first before I decide to work and stay there permanently. TOPIC: Shopping 1. How much time do you spend shopping every week? I think about 5 hours. I and my wife shop every Sunday as this is the only day that we have for ourselves. 2. Do you enjoy going shopping? Why (not)? Provided that I have money, sure I’d love to shop 3. What is your favorite shop and why do you like it? A lot actually! But I prefer SM department store because they have various outfit for men and very trendy underwear. 4. What problems are there with shopping in your area? Oftentimes, having to wait long on lines when paying, impolite attendants and having too many choices are some problems that I encounter. For car owners, getting a parking space could also be a problem.

TOPIC: Places to go in your free time 1. What do people do in your town in their free time? Well, most of them just stay at home, watch TV or read magazines while the others would play a sport such as badminton or basketball.

2. Where can they go out for entertainment, or to enjoy themselves? Most of them go to shopping malls. Filipinos love going to the malls. Well, there are parks where they can spend time talking with someone. 3. Which do you prefer: eating in restaurants or eating at home? I prefer to eat at home because it’s safe, cheaper and you can cook the food that you’d like to eat. In restaurants, it’s a little expensive and sometimes the taste of the food isn’t what you’re looking for. 4. Which are the best places to eat out? In my hometown, there are small restaurants. Well, there are fast foods which are really popular and also restaurants catering Japanese, Chinese and other international menu.

TOPIC: Reading 1. Do you enjoy reading? Why? Yes sometimes because I know that reading is an important skill. You can learn many things from reading. 2. What sort of things do you read? I don’t read books that much. I prefer newspapers and magazines. 3. Tell me something about your favorite book. I’d rather tell you about my favorite newspaper. It’s called the Manila Bulletin. It’s a daily broadsheet but I prefer to read the Sunday issue of this paper. Basically, it contains up to date and comprehensive news coverage of issues affecting the people and issues concerning the country. However, I read most of the time the classified ads section as I normally search for hot jobs in and out of the country. 4. What are the advantages of reading instead of watching television or going to the cinema? First of all, reading is not expensive as compared with going to the cinema. Reading provides detailed information about a subject or topic whereas watching television gives you abbreviated information about a subject or topic. Topic: You 1. Do you work or study? Definitely, your response to this question would be I am working, I’ve worked before in…, or I worked as a welder before in…

Work 1. Can you describe your job to me?- Well, m y job is welding. 2. How long have you been doing it?- I worked in Saudi for 7 years and in the country, about 5 years. 3. Why did you choose to do that job?- I think this job is something that I really love to do. I want to believe that I was born with this skill and have perfected it through years of experience. 4. What things do you enjoy about your work? Why?-For the most part, I think the

various projects that are delegated to us. Periodically, we change projects but of course, the same kind of job. 5. And what things don’t you like? Why not?-To be honest, it’s the salary. We don’t get paid as much as our quality of work is measured. 6. What are your plans for the future?- Well, right now I have pending application as a welder in Australia. If everything goes well, then I will work there and hopefully, provide my family with good life. TOPIC: Sports and games 1. What sports are most popular in your country?- Lately, I guess Filipinos became interested with boxing, swimming and most of all, badminton. 2. What sports and games did you most enjoy playing when you were a child?- As far as I can remember, I think it’s Yo-yo. I think this is a game that most children would play. 3. Do people take as much exercise as in the past?- I think yes! I just don’t know exactly. Lately, the need to exercise increased, but, people find it hard to do because of time constraint, work, and other factors. 4. Why is exercise good for you?- With the increasing demands at work, family and personal life, exercise has become a very essential tool in fighting boredom, stress and depression. So, I think it is good for me as well. SPEAKING MODULE PART 2 Sample Questions Directions: For 1 minute, prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make sure that you don’t write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record your answer in a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a response that is 2-minute long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for use with your responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 2 answers below.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Describe a place you visited recently Describe a friend Describe a child you know Describe an object you like Describe a photograph Describe a historical figure Describe an important event in your culture Describe your favorite newspaper Describe your last holiday Describe the clothes that you like

11. Describe the person whom you’d like to spend time always 12. Describe a person that you like to be with when you grow old 13. Describe a game that you play when you were a child 14. Talk about the difference of growing up in the city and in the countryside 15. Describe a household equipment that you prefer *Look at the NOTE section below. Use the opening phrases to start with your responses for the topics above.

Model Answers NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including: I’d like to talk about a TV program called… I’m going to talk about a TV program called… A TV program that I found really interesting was…

Sample 1: Talk about a happy event in your childhood that you remember well. You should say: -where the event took place -when the event took place -what happened exactly And explain why you remember this event clearly.

Did you ever do this again? Yes, I went to the same place when I graduated from college. The place was totally different. What did your parents think about it? My parents found this very helpful to me. That’s why they allowed me to join. A happy event that I can still remember about my childhood was our educational trip to Manila Zoo when I was in elementary. I believe it took place in 1986 as part of our science subject requirement. Anyway, I studied in Cavite and Manila Zoo was I guess a 2 hour drive

from our school. As a child, going for a trip is always a pleasure especially riding a bus and taking a long road trip. Well, I was with my classmates—40 plus all in all. As it was a field trip and a common practice, we had to bring with us food and drinks- a typical picnic of some sort. Then, we went in the zoo and had a tour guide who explained every details about the various animals. Of course, I didn’t understand everything what the guide told us. But anyway, the trip was very memorable because it was my first time to have a close encounter with the animals of various sizes, shapes and behavior. It is apparently very clear to me up to now because as I said it was my first time to meet and greet with the animals, and it was a form of socialization where we students talk about things outside the class room. That’s it!

Describe a TV program that you have seen and that interested you. You should say: -When and where you saw the program -What the program was about -What you felt about the program And explain why you found the program particularly interesting. I am going to talk about a TV program called Bubble Gang. If I am not mistaken, this is the longest comedy TV show on Philippine television. The program is shown every Fridays on GMA 7. Although the program is shown late at night, it particularly makes viewers roll over with laughter. The program emphasizes on pop culture parody. Skits and sketches are performed on a variety of style that captivates the audiences’ hearts. In addition, it spoofs shows and commercials, and it takes on other celebrities and other political figures. The show also features top-notch actors and actresses armed with unparalleled talents. Personally, I find this show an excellent comic relief from a hard days work. Despite its comic attributes, it also provides awareness to viewers about issues confronting personalities of national prominence as well as typical situations in the Philippine community. These things make the program interesting to me. I think this is all that I can say about the show.

Describe a town or city you would like to visit. You should say: -where it is -how it is similar to your hometown

-how it is different from your hometown And explain why you would like to visit it. A city that I found really interesting and which I would like to go to in the future would be Perth, Australia. This city comes to mind first because this is where I will work as a welder. Most probably, this will also be the destination of the majority of the skilled workers applying for Australia. It is located in Western Australia and is the fastest growing city in the country. Being the fourth largest city, it holds major commercial establishments which are really ideal for skilled workers like me. Well, I come from Pampanga, also a growing town. This is the only similarity that I could cite. Perth is very different from Pampanga, of course. Firstly, Perth has huge population which favors their labor force. As I have read, there is always job for everyone in Australia. Secondly, it has well-established highways for an economy to prosper. In Pampanga, roads are still being improved. Thirdly, there is good provision for the benefits of the residents unlike in my hometown where even health care is not sufficient. I would like to visit this place to enjoy these benefits and, most of all to work and earn for my family here. That’s all! SPEAKING MODULE PART 3 Sample Questions Directions: Prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make sure that you don’t write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record your answer in a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a response that is 3-5 sentences long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for use with your responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 3 answers below.

Topic A: How does tourism affect a country? Does it have some advantages? Can cultures learn from each other?

Topic B: Is friendship important in your culture? How many close friends can you have? Are friends more important than family?

Topic C:

What is the role of parents in raising children? Has the role changed in recent years? Who is responsible for discipline?

Topic D: Do possessions make people happy? Why do people buy things? Are people in your country wise consumers?

Topic E: Are images important in your culture? What is the role of advertising? Do films and television influence our decisions?

Topic F: Who are the most influential people in your society? Are there many heroes or role models today? What are the qualities of a good leader?

Topic G: How do different cultures celebrate events? What is the importance of festivals? How have special occasions such as weddings changed in your culture?

Model Answers NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including: I guess…

I believe…

Most probably…

I think…



Sample 1: How has the countryside changed in recent years in your country? I believe the rural areas changed so much now as compared to 10 years ago. For instance, telephone and power lines have been reinforced providing people in the area the access to news and information. Similarly, the roads have been improved for comfortable travel and business transaction. These changes are absolutely helpful to the town and all the more to

the residents.

Sample 2: How do you think the countryside may change in the future? Well, most probably there will be internet access to these areas and stronger signals for mobile networks so that the residents can benefit from good communication. In addition, I am also looking at positive changes in the education sector. As observed, nowadays, people coming from these areas have poor communication skills.

Sample 3: Where do most people live in your country- in the city or in the countryside? I guess more people are coming to cities lately in the Philippines. Noticeably, teenagers and young adults are searching for jobs in Makati or Ortigas City and eventually live there for work purposes. While this could be positive to the city’s labor force, it would also pose some problems such as overcrowding and traffic.

Here are more topics for you to practice. You may or may not record these and your answers. However, it is still highly recommended that you record them if you don’t have a partner to practice with. NOTE: Practice makes perfect!

1. Describe your own family’s favorite holiday destination. 2. Identify what most people in your country do on their holidays. 3. Discuss the pros and cons of spending holidays overseas or spending them in your own country. 4. Describe the main tourist destinations for overseas tourists coming to your country. 5. Describe how people entertain guests in your country. 6. What are the advantages of entertaining friends at home or of meeting them in public places? 7. What are the forms of entertainment young people and adults prefer in your culture. 8. Describe the main activities that go on in a family room in your culture. 9. Evaluate the importance of spending time with your family at home. 10. Compare the importance of spending time with your family and with your friends.

Transitional Devices (Connecting Words) Transitional devices are like bridges between parts of your essay or letter. They are cues that help the reader to interpret ideas in the way that you, as a writer, want them to understand. Transitional devices help you carry over a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another with words or phrases. And finally, transitional devices link your sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas. There are several types of transitional devices, and each category leads your reader to make certain connections or assumptions about the areas you are connecting. Some lead your reader forward and imply the "building" of an idea or thought, while others make your reader compare ideas or draw conclusions from the preceding thoughts. Here is a list of some common transitional devices that can be used to cue your reader in a given way. To Add: and, again, and then, besides, equally important, finally, further, furthermore, nor, too, next, lastly, what's more, moreover, in addition, first (second, etc.), To Compare: whereas, but, yet, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, on the contrary, by comparison, where, compared to, up against, balanced against, vis a vis, but, although, conversely, meanwhile, after all, in contrast, although this may be true To Prove: because, for, since, for the same reason, obviously, evidently, furthermore, moreover, besides, indeed, in fact, in addition, in any case, that is To Show Exception: yet, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, of course, once in a while, sometimes To Show Time: immediately, thereafter, soon, after a few hours, finally, then, later, previously, formerly, first (second, etc.), next, and then To Repeat: in brief, as I have said, as I have noted, as has been noted, To Emphasize: definitely, extremely, obviously, in fact, indeed, in any case, absolutely, positively, naturally, surprisingly, always, forever, perennially, eternally, never, emphatically, unquestionably, without a doubt, certainly, undeniably, without reservation To Show Sequence: first, second, third, and so forth. A, B, C, and so forth. next, then, following this, at this time, now, at this point, after, afterward, subsequently, finally, consequently, previously, before this, simultaneously, concurrently, thus, therefore, hence, next, and then, soon To Give an Example:

for example, for instance, in this case, in another case, on this occasion, in this situation, take the case of, to demonstrate, to illustrate, as an illustration, to illustrate To Summarize or Conclude: in brief, on the whole, summing up, to conclude, in conclusion, as I have shown, as I have said, hence, therefore, accordingly, thus, as a result, consequently, on the whole

Speaking Activity

Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, write two sentences for each question. Remember to write interesting sentences as these will catch the examiner’s attention and would count towards getting a higher score in the IELTS Speaking Test.

Warm-up 1. Could you show me your identification card please? Sure. Here is my passport/SSS 2. Could you tell me your full name please? My name is John Santos. You can call me Joe as my friends call me this way. 3. What shall I call you? I prefer to be called Joe. Ever since I was young I was called like this. 4. Does your name have any special meaning? I actually don’t know but I’ll to research on that. 5. Why do so many people change their names? Maybe because it’s unpleasant or conflict of interest. 6. Is your name important to you? Definitely. It is for security purpose and personal identification. Hometown or birth place 1. Where do you come from? 2. Where do you live? 3. Can you tell me something about your hometown?

4. Can you tell me some famous landscapes or scenic spots in your hometown? 5. Can you tell me some history of your hometown? Personal background and information

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Are you a student or do you have a job? What do you like most about your study? What kind of job do you prefer after graduation? What is your major? What do you do for living? Could you tell me a typical day of yours? How do you get your job? Are you satisfied with your job? What do you like most about your job? What kind of job do you prefer in the future?

Hobby or inclination

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What do you usually do in your spare time? Do you prefer to stay alone or with your friends? What do you usually do on weekends and weekdays? What do you usually do when you go out? What do you usually do with your friends? Do you like reading? What kind of books do you like best? Do you like English? Why or why not? What do you think of the importance of English? What are good hobbies and bad hobbies? Why?

Future plan

1. 2. 3. 4.

Why do you take the IELTS test? What are you planning to do in the next five years? What are you planning to do in the next ten years? What is the first thing you will do when you arrive at the new place?


1. 2. 3. 4.

Do you like traveling? Do you like travel alone or with your friends? Have you traveled to other places? Where are they? What do you usually do when you first arrive in a new place?

5. What are the benefits of traveling? 6. Why do so many people like traveling nowadays? Friends

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Do you have many friends? Are they casual acquaintances or close friends? Do you prefer to stay with your family or with your friends? Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends? Can you talk about your best friend? How to make friends? What do you usually do with your friends? Is the time you spend with your friends as much as that you spend with your family?


1. 2. 3. 4.

Do you like music? What are the benefits of listening to music? What kind of music do you like best? Why do you like this kind of music?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Can you say something about the transportation in your hometown? What is the common means of transport in your country? Do traffic jams often occur in your hometown or in the city where you live? How to solve the problem? What changes in transportation have taken place in the past several years in your country?

Building 1. Can you tell me an interesting building in your hometown? 2. Can you tell me an interesting building in Manila?

IELTS Speaking

Brushing Up

Useful Language

At the moment, I’m living/ studying/ working… Before that I lived in… Recently, I’ve been to …/ started playing badminton…etc

I’m planning to… After that I’ll probably…

I prefer eating in a restaurant because… I’d rather work in Australia because….

Both my father and mother are… Neither of my brothers… None of my friends…

It depends. Sometimes I like cooking, and sometimes I’m just too tired. Definitely, I love it. It’s… Possibly. It depends on the weather really.

Generally, I think it’s a good idea because… Well, it’s very different because…

Let me think/ see… I’m not really sure, but perhaps… That’s a good question/ point. I suppose… That’s a good question/ point. I suppose… I haven’t really given that much thought before but…

Frequently Asked Questions in Part I

Why are you taking IELTS? Well, I’m taking IELTS as it is a requirement for my working visa to Australia. What are your ambitions? For now, I think it has to be to work in Australia and support my family financially. Tell me about where you are living at the moment. I live in Bulacan and its getting progressive as years pass by. It is also a quiet place to live. How would you describe your hometown? My hometown is typically simple but it boasts of some beautiful places like beaches, old churches and mountains. What do you usually do at the weekend? Usually, I and my family go out and stroll around in a mall. Also, we go to church to hear mass. REMEMBER:  Make sure you answer the question.

 One-word answers are NOT acceptable.  Always add some extra information to your answer.

Frequently Asked Questions in Part II

Describe an occasion when you have been successful. You should say:  Where and when you were successful  How you were successful  What you had to do to make sure you were successful And describe how you felt about your success. ANSWER: I would like to talk about the moment that I worked in the Middle East as a welder. I think it was 3 years ago. It was a very challenging experience since I have to leave my family behind and work there alone in a country where I don’t know anyone. The culture was totally new and I had to deal with it squarely. So, I consider this a great success because I was able to survive and to send money to my family in the country. Aside from constant missing of my family, I also had to bear with the inconveniences of day to day work where I met foreign people and talk to them. Nevertheless, it was fulfilling and rewarding experience because I saw my children grow up properly in terms of education, food and shelter. REMEMBER: It is important to keep talking, but don’t talk about things which are not related to the topic.

Talk about an important day in your life. You should say: When this day was If you were alone or with others

Where you were and what happened And explain why this day was important to you.

Describe a present someone gave you which was/ is important to you. You should say:  What the present was  Who gave it to you  Why they gave it to you (e.g. to celebrate a birthday) And explain why it is so important to you. Describe a friend who has played an important part in your life. You should say:  How you met this person  How long you have known them  The kind of things you do or did with them And explain why they have been important in your life. Useful Language

The best/ worst thing about…is/was…

The thing I really like(d)/ hate(d) about…is/was…

One of the problems with…is/was…

I particularly remember…because…

I’ll never forget…because..

Follow- up Questions After you have spoken for 1-2 minutes, the examiner may ask you one or two follow-up questions about what you have said.

Sample Question: Topic in Part 2: A place you visited that you liked.

How did you feel when you arrived in that place? I was very nervous because I didn’t know anybody.

Did you find it easy to meet people? At first, I resisted but eventually the people around were very friendly so I found it easy to mingle with them.

Other sample questions:

Do you enjoy playing sports?

Yes, definitely. I particularly enjoy outdoor ones.

Would you like to go there again?

Possibly. It would depend on who I went with.

Do you think it will be easy to get a job in IT?

I expect so. It’s a growing industry.

Have you ever been to any other countries in Europe?

Yes, a few. France, Spain and Germany.

Would you consider doing the same sort of job again?

I don’t think so. It wasn’t really for me.

Would you recommend the holiday to other people?

No, not really. It wasn’t very good value for money.

Part III

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it a good idea to exercise regularly? Definitely! Nowadays, life is very stressful. Exercise is the ultimate solution to balance work and family life. Are there more crimes these days? I think so. With the society becoming more materialistic, crimes tend to increase also because people want to have more in life. Do you think everyone should have a mobile phone? Yes, I think it is a good idea that everyone becomes wireless in terms of communication.

Linking Ideas

On the other hand





such as

Useful Language: Comparing and Contrasting

On the other hand Well, it isn’t as…as …is nowhere near as…as… I’d rather… I’d much prefer (to)… It depends (on)…

Useful Language: Making predictions/ talking about the future

There’s a good chance that… I doubt very much if…

I hope that… I expect that… I’m afraid that… It is/ isn’t very likely to…

Useful Language: Giving opinions

As far as I’m concerned… It seems to me that… I tend to think that…

Frequently Asked Questions in Part 3:

Do you think smoking should be banned in all public places? It’s really hard to say but I think if this plan will benefit the majority, then it’s ok to ban it. For sure smokers will greatly go against this proposal as this has become their way of life. Do you prefer to go out or stay at home in the evening? I prefer to stay at home because I have to help my wife take care of my children. Besides, this is the only time that I can spend with my children, helping them do their homework. On the other hand, when I became a father going out became limited to just meeting with very common friends who my wife knows. Do you think that e-mail has made our lives easier? Definitely, yes! Before I used to send letter through post but it needed much time to reach its destination. Now, e-mails greatly help me with sending of letters. It’s fast and convenient. Which is better: living in the countryside or in the city? I’d rather live in the city. City life offers modern living. There are many opportunities in terms of work, entertainment, leisure and dining. However, the countryside gives a very common and limited life style which is I guess preferred by people in their old age. How likely it is that computer will be able to do your job in the future?

With the kind of work that I do, computers are of great help. Back then, we had to do manual work in terms of calibration of machines. Today, calibration is done through computers making our work more efficient and easy to do. Would you rather watch sport or play it? Actually, I like both. If I want to learn how to play a new sport, I watch it first. Similarly, if I want to improve a sport that I know how to play, I watch it on TV so I could learn some techniques. What do you think the consequences of global warming will be? If there’s global warming, our environment will be warmer. People and animals might have trouble coping with the changing temperature. Also, there people from the cold regions of the world might experience flood due to melting of ice. I believe that this is not a good phenomenon and will give bad effects to all of us.

EXTRA Part 2: Describe a happy event in your childhood that you remember well. You should say:  When the event took place  Where the event took place  What happened exactly And explain why you remember this event clearly.

FF: Did you ever do this again? What did your parents think about it?

Part 3: Do you think children’s lives are very different nowadays? Yes, of course! With modern life style, children are similarly affected as with adults. Before, children were confined in their house. They were just limited to some activities such as playing indoor games of simple nature. At present, they are faced with enormous challenges such as meeting deadlines for a school project, waking up early to beat the traffic and do homework using computers. These things are a few examples of the notable changes in the lives of the children. Are children too protected now? For some, yes. This applies to parents who are aware that children are well exposed to temptations coming from peers and technologies. Parents who value their family would keep a close contact with them. However, for working parents, they have less time to oversee their children, thus, providing less care to them. As a result, there are delinquent minors. Do you think children can have too many toys? It depends. There are toys that have good effects to children. Due to commercialization lately, there are also many hazardous toys. So, having few or many toys would be the prerogative of the parents. They should always guide their children in choosing toys to play. Is it important to celebrate birthdays and other festivals? Absolutely, yes! Birthdays come once a year. In the Philippines, celebrations are highly regarded by Filipinos. Celebrations are blessings that need to be commemorated, the same with festivals which are mostly religious in nature.

Speaking Practice:

Directions: Provide a 2-minute response to the following questions. Record your answer on a blank tape.

1. Discuss an interesting place you have been to recently (What is it, where is it, whether you like or dislike the place) 2. Discuss an interesting person you have met (who he is, where he lives, what qualities make him interesting) 3. Discuss what you would like to do when you get older (what is it, how you will do it, why you will do it) 4. Discuss what you would like to learn in the future (what is it, how you can learn it, why you’d like to learn it) 5. Discuss a frightening experience you had when you were young (what is it, where it took place, what makes it frightening) 6. Discuss a person you like to spend time always (who he is, what you enjoy to do, why you like to be together always) 7. Discuss an exciting experience you had (what it is, where it happened, why it became exciting) 8. Discuss a favorite pet (what kind, where you got it from, why it is a favorite) 9. Discuss something you like to do when you have free time (what it is, how you do it, why you like to do it) 10. Discuss a place you would like to visit in the future (what is it, where it is, why you like to go there soon) 11. Discuss a person you would like to meet some day (who he is, where you’d like to meet, why you’d like to meet him) 12. Discuss a person who has influenced your life (who he is, what you like about him and why he was influential to you) 13. Discuss something you have never done but would like to do (what is it, how you can do it, why you’d like to do it) 14. Discuss something you have done but never want to do again (what was it, how you did it, why you don’t like to do it again) 15. Discuss an experience which made you laugh (what it is, where it took place, why it made you laugh) 16. Discuss an experience which made you cry (what it is, where it took place, why it made you cry) 17. Discuss what you would do if you had a million dollars (what it is, where will you spend it, why will you spend it there) 18. Discuss what you would do if you were President of your country (what you’ll do, why you’ll do it)

19. Discuss a gift you could give others (what it is, to whom you’ll give it and why you have chosen it) 20. Discuss a gift you would like someone to give you (what it is, what occasion , why you’ll like it given to you) 21. Discuss a special talent you have (what it is, where you got it, what makes it special)

Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 7 comments

IELTS Comprehensive Review and Coaching

Mar 16, '08 2:27 AM for everyone

I conduct IELTS General Training Comprehensive Review and Coaching for Skilled Workers for Australia, Canada and other countries requiring IELTS General Training certificate. I service Joblane International Manpower Services and 21st Century Manpower Resources Inc., two active agencies recruiting skilled workers to Australia. I also conduct IELTS Academic Review and Coaching for nurses and other allied health practitioners. I frequently conduct training for ISA- International Student Advisors 4 U Inc.- a recruiting firm for the United Kingdom. Success rate for all firms is maintained at above 70%. For the Academic training, 100% pass rate is maintained for ISA while 90% for Joblane on the average and 80% on the average for 21st Century. I am able to handle big class size but with impressive pass rate. For General Training, the average class size on a monthly basis is 30 participants while 20participants for the Academic training. Updated materials, powerful and intuitive techniques are provided to participants during the training leaving them incredibly confident in taking the test. For inquiries, please keep in touch with me at 09184905100 or 381-9941.

Carlo Villalona Tags: ielts review 0 comments

Sep 30, '08 3:55 Answer Key to Module Exercises for IELTS General Training AM Listening and Reading for everyone General Training Reading Supplementary Material 1 Traveler’s Tip

Carlo 


Personal Message Report Abuse

   

Home Blog Photos Calendar

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

a a f d g b yes yes no no not given not given yes traveler’s insurance Bush fires itinerary your body tight bandage

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 2 London’s Market

c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

c e a f c b f a, d c, d d, e, f

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

community/ multicultural youth culture Village Market electrical goods antiques

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 Distance Learning

ix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

ix vii i viii iv a, d (in any order) a, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) (full-time) employment (in any order) family/ domestic responsibilities (in any order) e f a c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 4 Revision for Exams

iii 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

iii x iv vi xi viii i

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

every evening (your) weekend employment working too hard small index cards boredom (and) stress b b

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 5 Australia Fights Back

b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

b a c c a b b c f b c g b a c c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 6 Canals on Mars

a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

a c d a i h

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

b e yes not given not given no no yes


1 £203

22 B

2 17


3 no


4 under 26/ less than 26


5 locals/ local people


6 satisfied/ ok

27 Early Childhood

7 (British) students


8 (too) many/ big

29 not learned/ innate

9 careful

30 in person

A or E

C or D

the differences/ how they differ

10 the culture/ the food

31 higher

11 International Student Advisor

32 exam performance/ results

12 Learning/ study groups


13 Student IT Department

34 controlled

14 Housing Officer/

35 thought/ thinking

sleep/ sleeping/ sleeplessness

Accommodation Officer 15 International Department

36 organized

16 personal and/ or financial

37 vary/ change/ be different

17 b

38 marks/ weighting

18 d

39 relaxed

19 e

40 (effective)s tudy skills

20 c

41 -

21 a

42 -

Tags: ielts general 0 comments

Jul 25, '08 Joblane lands 89% pass rate for 12 July IELTS General Training 12:07 AM at the British Council Philippines for everyone It is interesting to note that since the start of the implementation of the IELTS General Training in July of last year, Joblane had 100% pass rate thrice and this month fairs at 89%.

Out of the 27 skilled workers who took the test 24 successfully made it to the 4.5 overall band score visa requirement. Three of them garnered 4.0 overall which is not bad. Looking closely at their individual scores, we can infer that their strengths are listening and writing at 93% while reading and speaking at 74% were their weaknesses.

It is really important that during the speaking test one has to listen attentively to the examiner so he would be able to respond appropriately to the question and secondly, he must be able to extend his answer to every question in a clear way.

One of the factors that could influence their score is attendance to the training which has to be 100% for a 3-week course or depending on the agreed time frame set by the IELTS trainer. Second factor is performance during the training. This includes completing all course work, assignments, quizzes, simulations and oral participation. Above all, positive thinking and self-confidence are great tools in achieving success in the real test. Tags: ielts gt 1 comment

IELTS General Training- Writing Tasks 1 and 2, Sample Topics and Answers

Mar 25, '08 3:47 AM for everyone

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 1

No. 1 You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my comments and suggestions about the College Cafeteria- the one and only student council owned cafeteria in the school. I am thinking that by writing to you your magazine will be able to reach the student populace and keep them informed

about this cafeteria.

Firstly, I am a frequent customer of this cafeteria. As a senior student, I am always busy. The cafeteria becomes my home from breakfast to dinner. I particularly like it because it is convenient. I do not need to go out of the campus to eat meals. Aside from that, the cost of meals is affordable. In addition, I like the variety of menu that it offers keeping us with a balanced diet. However, there is one thing that I find quiet unpleasant about the area. During exam week, the area gets clogged with students who would also prefer to dine. As a result, serving of food and payment for such take time. Personally, this becomes annoying especially that everyone wants to be served fast to catch with the examination. I am suggesting that the cafeteria would employ more attendants. They could also hire student to work for them.

I look forward to reading these comments and suggestions in the college magazine soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(214 words)

No. 2 You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my observations about the general shopping habit and trends in my hometown. I think this will be a good subject of an article that you could write about in the newspaper.

Firstly, I would like you to know that shopping in my hometown has become more and more popular lately as compared before. Although shopping for most people poses some threat to security, it is undeniably a hobby for some. On weekends, people crowd over bargains. Interestingly, there are more goods sold now than before such as antiques, imported electronic gadgets, house ornaments and fashionable clothes. However, there are two things that I think the government should do to improve the area. One is that there should be more security officers, uniformed and civilians who should take care of the safety of the patrons. Lately, there have been reports about crimes of various levels. Another is the transportation in the area. Due to the increasing number of people buying goods, there are no more lanes for transports to cruise the area. As a result, people have to walk for more than 45 minutes to reach the main road. The management of this shopping area should think of ways on how they could let the customers feel welcome and not just think of the revenues they will get out of this.

I look forward to reading these comments in the newspaper soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(238 words)

No. 3 You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire if you have an opening for a welding job in your reputable construction firm. I have gained substantial experience and I feel confident that I am fit to undertake the said position.

I am a senior welder in ABC Company for 14 years now and was promoted to supervisory position 2 years ago. My skills in welding are very diverse and these experiences were honed while I worked for a gigantic construction company in the Middle East particularly in Dubai for 10 years. Recently, there is a need for me to come home because of my ailing grandmother and due to the pleading of my wife that I should stick to our own family since my children are still young. I felt that your company can provide me with an opportunity where I can pursue a supervisory position in the same field while I address the needs of my grandmother and own family.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(168 words)

No. 4 You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to apply for a temporary job in the summer camp that you are organizing. I have read this advertisement from the newspaper and I found this interesting because I have the qualities that you are looking for.

Firstly, I have joined several camps before from team building to organizing games for Koreans, young and adults while teaching English to them. I believe from the advertisement that you have the same requirement for applying individuals. As I am a

person who loves the outdoors, children, games and English teaching, this is certainly a perfect summer job for me. Aside from that, my experience last year with group of children who went for camping in Laguna, and the team building in Tagaytay for foreign excursionist provided me with skills in leading groups, giving clear instructions and creating innovative games. Anyway, kindly you can reach me through my mobile number at 1234-5678.

I look forward to hearing from you the soonest. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(163 words)

No. 5

An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.

29 March 2008

Dear Jane,

I am writing to let you know that I am so much pleased to know that you are coming over for a visit. I would like you to know also of some good choices to stay and other things that you might need. By now, I could not help my self but be really happy that you will come.

Anyway, I live in Makati City and there are various accommodation arrangements. For hassle-free and convenient living, I am suggesting that you rent an apartment hotel. It looks like a typical studio apartment but with hotel services such as attendants cleaning your room, swimming pool, gym and cafeteria but with an apartment cost. This is particularly suited for you because it is at the heart of the city and going around is very easy. When you arrive here, I will tell you in details the things that you can do. I know very well that you love the outdoors so I have many options to suggest. Well, about clothes, our weather here is very different from yours in France. It is summer now and will last until June. So, just bring light clothes. You can also try buying clothes here. You can email me if you need more help.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Best regards, John

(218 words)

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 2

No. 1 In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?

There are many reasons why neighbors are not close to each other nowadays. For a busy community such as Manila and Makati City, talking to neighbors is often neglected. This is happening due to the structure of accommodation that is popular to city dwellers such as condominiums, hotels and apartments. These havens do not provide inhabitants with time to mingle with each other. Mostly, these are enclosed areas. As a result, people do not have the opportunity to meet and greet with their neighbors.

Another reason why this is happening is the fact that residents do not trust their neighbors nowadays. The media has been very vocal about the harsh realities of having inconsiderate neighbors. Some reports would say that rape of a teenage girl or robbery in the corner house has been committed by a fellow resident. These among others instill threat against security among neighbors making it hard for them to associate lately.

For particular ways on how this link among neighbors could be improved seem to be crucial but vital in modern times. On a personal level, modernization and its ill-effects must not hinder people from being pleasant and caring to each other. A prominent way on how to win over this phenomenon is to organize groups whose objectives are to bring harmony and to foster camaraderie in the community.

Another significant plan is to evoke the local council to spearhead activities such as sports, social gatherings, regular meetings and parties aimed at raising awareness of the importance of team spirit, trust and sense of community.

On the whole, whether it is the kind of accommodation where you are staying or the distrust that has been developed among neighbors nowadays that caused distant ties among them, it is very essential to know that hope is still within reach. Residents and community leaders must work hand in hand to save and protect the character that is unique to every Filipino.

(322 words)

Writing Assignments

Writing Task 1

Directions: Write a letter about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 20 minutes.


You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.


You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.


You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.


You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.


An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.


An English-speaking friend is coming to study in your town next year and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your

letter, offer to find a place for him/her to live, give advice about how to find a part-time job and give information on where they can learn your language. 7.

You are going on a short training course at a college in New Zealand. You need somewhere to live while you are there. You realized that a friend whom you met in your country. Write to your friend. In your letter, explain your situation, describe the accommodation you require and say when you will need it.


You are going to take a short holiday in Australia and you want to rent a holiday flat while you are there. Write to the tourist information office. In your letter, explain what you need, say when you need it and ask for information about the prices.


You were recently voted by your neighbors as the organization president of your town. Write a letter to your neighbors. In your letter, express thanks for the opportunity, describe the plans that you would like to do first and express your concerns.

10. You were invited to speak before a crowd to share your experiences in life. However, 2 days before the affair, a serious family problem happened. Write to the organizer of the affair. In your letter, apologize that you can not attend the affair, describe what happened and say how important the event but you can not make it.

Writing Task 2

Directions: Write an essay about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 40 minutes.


In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?


Life nowadays is generally much more stressful than in the past. Give some reasons why people suffer more from stress nowadays, and say what they can do to reduce it.


Computers and modems have made it possible for office workers to do much of their work from home instead of working in offices everyday. Working from home should be encouraged as it is good for workers and employers. Do you agree or disagree?


It is often difficult for young people to find a good job without previous work experience. Governments should encourage employers to choose young people when they need new workers. Do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays, many students have the opportunity to study for part or all of their courses in foreign countries. While studying abroad brings many benefits to individual students, it also has a number of disadvantages. Do you agree or

disagree? 6.

In some countries it is common for students leaving school to do a gap year in which they travel, do voluntary work, or do a job before going on to higher education. Although this may benefit students in a number of ways, it also has a number of disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Parents and teachers make many rules for children to encourage good behavior and to protect them from danger. However, children would benefit from fewer rules and greater freedom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Governments make rules to protect people from danger, for example by making people wear seat belts in cars or not allowing smoking in public buildings. However, many people believe there are too many rules nowadays. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In many countries, television shows many foreign-made programs. The dominance of imported entertainment is harmful to the cultures of these countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

10. In most countries, multinational companies and their products are becoming more and more important. This trend is seriously damaging our quality of life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answers Writing Task 1 NOTE: The following are sample answers to writing task 1. Study them carefully before doing the writing assignments above. Sample 1: You have just started a course in a college which has no sports facilities of its own. Write a letter to the manager of the nearest private sports club. In your letter, introduce yourself, say why you are interested in this sports club and ask some questions about the club (e.g., facilities, members, costs) Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. 3 February 2007

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire about the facilities of the YMCA sports club. I have heard much about the affordability and customer satisfaction from students like me who have been using your

equipment for various sports activities recently.

I am a freshman Education major in English student at the Jose Rizal College. Our campus is just a block away from your compound. Having said this, accessibility is never a problem and the best of all, I will be able to manage other school-related tasks while enjoying at your swimming facility. How much is the membership fee annually? Do I have to pay for entrance every time I go there? As I am a full-time student, are you open after 5pm and on weekends? I hope that you can provide me with these details through text at 0910-1234567 or call me in my home phone at 123-4567.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Santos

(160 words) Sample 2:

You have had a bank account for a few years. Recently you received a letter from the bank stating that your account is $240 overdrawn and that you will be charged $70 which will be taken directly from your account. You know that this information is incorrect. Write a letter to the bank. Explain what has happened and say what you would like them to do about it. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (196 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Mr. Aquino,

I am writing in reply to a letter I received from you a few days ago. In your letter, you state

that I am $240 overdrawn and that you will be charging me $70.

I would like to point out that the reason I am overdrawn is because of a mistake made by your bank. If you look through your records you will see that I wrote several weeks ago explaining the situation. For the last 12 months, I have been paying $300 a month for a car I bought last summer. The monthly payments were taken directly from my bank account. However, 2 months ago I sold the car and I wrote to you instructing you to stop paying the monthly installments. I received a letter from you acknowledging my request, but, for some reason, nothing was done about it. Another $300 installment has been paid this month and this is the reason why I am overdrawn. I would like you to contact the garage where I bought the car explaining your error. I would also like you to ask them to return the money.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Patt Santos

Sample 3:

You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems. Write a letter to your new employer. In your letter, explain the situation, describe some problems, and tell him/her when you think you can start. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (167 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Ms. Barnes,

I am writing concerning the position of Welder that I am due to begin next Monday. However, a problem has arisen.

As you know, I currently work for my uncle’s welding shop and fabricating business, and you will remember from my interview that I have gained valuable experience there. Unfortunately, he has to go into hospital for eye surgery, leaving my aunt in charge of both the home and the business. She has asked me, as this is a particularly busy time of the year, to stay on and help her with the running of the office. I realize this will be inconvenient to you, but very much hope that, given the circumstances, you would be prepared to allow me to take up the position with you two weeks later than planned. I would like to emphasize that I remain very keen to work with you, and that I will be gaining further useful experience during this time.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Ningning Sample 4: You are unhappy about a plan to make your local airport bigger and increase the number of flights. You live near the airport. Write a letter to the local newspaper. In your letter, explain where you live, describe the problem, and give reasons why you do not want this development. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (249 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to make an appeal to the airport authorities through your newspaper regarding the planned expansion of the local airport and the increase in the number of flights.

Leaving about 500 meters away from the airport, I and my family are currently experiencing inconveniences under this circumstance. The main issue is the noise that is so disturbing every time a plane takes off and lands. Imagine how it feels to have this happening almost

every minute of the day. Apart from this is the flow of traffic that we experience. Since we are close to the airport, there will be no point in time that we are free from the traffic in the main road that we pass through in going out of our village. Since we heard that there is a plan of expanding the airport, this would mean a great deal to us who live just across the airstrip. It would mean that we may be asked to leave our place in case it will be hit by the expansion. This would also mean that there may be an increase in the number of flights which will add to our already present dilemma regarding the noise concern. It would mean lesser times of a peaceful and quiet surroundings. I really hope that airport officials would try to reconsider their plans and think also about the welfare of the people who will be affected by their move.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Bernadette Camiling

Writing Task 2 Sample 1 To be successful in education it is important to be a good student than to have good teachers. Do you agree? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Success, nowadays, is and will always be a goal for most individuals regardless of the kind of endeavor one wishes to pursue. As a student, it will forever be a great challenge to finish his education. However, at school, success has to be a concerted effort of both the school represented by its teachers and the students themselves.

Firstly, with the very pressing economic situations of the country, parents are faced with an enormous responsibility of whether to send their children to school or have them do it on a

latter time. For this, money is the deciding factor. Given the opportunity to study, students must possess qualities that could make him successful in the future. Characters such diligence, perseverance and studious must go hand in hand for a student to achieve his goals in education.

On the other hand, teachers must do their relentless drive to seriously help their students fulfill their aims. Unfortunately, there are more students than mentors in every classroom in the country. As a result, students are unsuccessful with their aspirations. As this may seem a paramount problem encountered by school owners, teachers must device a way to serve the students and maximize their learning potentials.

As a whole, becoming a successful student, large emphasis has to be put on values shed on every day that he goes to school to learn. In addition, teachers must carefully consider all possible means to help address the needs of the students. After all, what becomes a future of a student is immensely affected by the experience he obtains from his teachers at school. (266 words)

Sample 2: Some people prefer to spend their holidays by going out of town. Others prefer to stay at home. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of going out of town? Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In the past, taking a holiday was viewed with less interest by many. Nowadays, most Filipino families love taking a holiday. In fact, the government is initiating a move to lengthen holidays by moving certain days of the week to offer Filipinos with many days to enjoy. As Filipinos are lavish spenders of holiday, going of town on holiday presents many great advantages.

Firstly, taking an out of town and simple trip provide every individual a rejuvenating experience. A very classic example is going for a trip to Baguio City, the summer capital of the Philippines. In that place, you can do numerous, relaxing activities such as going for a walk at Burnham park while enjoying its fresh and cool breeze of air. In addition, you can also do boating in the same park. Another less expensive way of activity is making a road trip to Tagaytay City. With this, you will be delighted with a countryside road experience which is very relaxing as well.

Secondly, knowing the culture, the food, the people and the whole area where you intend to go is another benefit offered by an out-of-town holiday. Interestingly, most people find this a welcoming and educational opportunity. It has always been said that traveling can enrich one’s mind and spirit.

As a whole, while this set up gives disadvantages like the hassles of pre-planning stage and the inconveniences of travel, the benefits serve a great purpose, to rejuvenate and to impart knowledge of the area where you plan to go. In this way, you just did not relax your body but enrich your mind as well.

(269 words)

Sample 2: Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles. Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time. Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes. It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to

stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. (258 words) Sample 3: The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in

poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. (266 words)

Sample 4: We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide. In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be so complex that no individual could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Providing all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. If one small program fails, it will become a disaster. There is a certain inevitability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world. (292 words)

Sample 5: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt. Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their child to participate on different teams. But what if the child prefers to read? Parents want to pass on their values to their children. However, things change. The children of today are growing up in a world different from their parents' world. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her parents don't understand or value the digital revolution. Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers. Fortunately, we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are valuable.

(296 words)

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Mar 16, '08 9:42 Upcoming Event- IELTS General Training Intensive Review PM and Coaching for everyone

IELTS General Training Intensive Review and Coaching- March 24-28, 2008 will be held in one of the hotels in Manila. The training starts at 7am and ends at 4pm. Powerful techniques and intuitive coaching will be instructed to skilled workers applying for work in Australia. Walk-in applicants are accepted. Please contact 0918-490-5100 for further information. Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Academic Writing Task 2- Sample Tasks and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:30 PM for everyone

Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles.

Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time.

It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the

gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. We have been living in the nuclear age now for over half a century. Since the first atomic bombs were developed, nuclear technology has provided governments with the ability to totally destroy the planet. Yet the technology has been put to positive use as an energy source and in certain areas of medicine. To what extent is nuclear technology a danger to life on Earth? What are the benefits and risks associated with its use?

These days, many people are afraid of nuclear technology because of the dangers associated with its use. In my opinion, although it is true that nuclear weapons pose the greatest threat to life, the use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes also carries some serious risks. Nuclear power stations provide an important source of cheap power for many industrialized nations and some developing countries. However, there is always the danger of radiation leaking from these plants. Even though safety precautions are taken, there have been numerous disasters such as the explosion of a nuclear plant in Russia not long ago. Nuclear technology is even used to help cure some diseases such as cancer. Radiation can be applied to the body to burn away cancerous cells. This is, however, a dangerous procedure, and the application of radiation is almost always painful and not always successful. The most worrying aspect of nuclear technology, though, is its use for military purposes. Enough atomic bombs have already been built to completely destroy the planet, and the real danger is that one day some country will start a war with these weapons. Too many countries now have the technology required to make such bombs, and there is currently much debate about how to control the situation. In conclusion, nuclear technology certainly has positive uses, but is, nonetheless, dangerous. However, it would have been better if it had never been used to create nuclear weapons.

People in all modern societies use drugs, but today's youth are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an increasingly early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of society often set a bad example. Discuss the causes and some effects of widespread drug use by young people in modern day society. Make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug abuse.

Youth drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many cultures. Not only is illegal drug use on the rise, but children as young as 10 years old are experimenting with alcohol and tobacco. The reasons for this behavior are unclear, but certain sociologists blame the examples set by their elders. Parents who drink and smoke to excess are, in effect, telling their children that it is acceptable to abuse their bodies with drugs. Consequently, children may have a similar view towards illegal drugs, even if their parents are against their use. In addition, drug use shown on television and in films can only confuse children who are also taught at school that drug abuse is wrong. The pressure on young people to perform well at school in order to compete for jobs is a possible cause of the problem. Many believe they cannot live up to their parents' expectations, and feel a sense of hopelessness. Also, the widespread availability of drugs means teenagers are faced with the temptation to experiment. Drugs are used as a means of expressing dissatisfaction with the pressures they face in society. The effects of drug abuse are well known. Many young people's talents are wasted, and addiction to hard drugs can cost a user his or her life. Furthermore, those who drink and drive may be involved in fatal road accidents. The cost to society is great, and enormous amounts of money are spent on convicting drug dealers and on education programs. To conclude, I recommend that the only sensible way to solve this problem is to educate young people about the dangers of drug use, and to take steps to reduce the pressure of competition placed upon them. The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true

in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. Studying the English language in an English-speaking country is the best but not the only way to learn language. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Studying a language in a country where it is widely spoken has many advantages. It is, therefore, a good idea to study English in a country such as Britain. However, I believe it is not the only way to learn the language. In the first place, most students in non-English-speaking countries learn English at secondary school, and sometimes at university nowadays. Although their spoken English is not usually of a very high standard, their knowledge of grammar is often quite advanced. This is certainly useful when students come to an English-speaking country to perfect the language. Secondly, studying the basics of English at secondary school is less stressful than learning the language while overseas. This is because students living at home do not have to worry

about problems such as finding accommodation, paying for their study and living costs, and trying to survive in a foreign country where day to day living causes much stress. However, there are obvious advantages of learning English in Britain. Every day there are opportunities to practice listening to and speaking with British people. Also, students can experience the culture firsthand, which is a great help when trying to understand the language. This is especially true if they choose to live with a British family, as exchange students for example. Furthermore, if students attend a language school full-time, the teachers will be native speakers. In this case, not only will students' speaking and listening skills improve, but attention can be given to developing reading and writing skills as well. In general, even though it is preferable to study English in an English-speaking country, a reasonable level of English can be achieved in one's own country, if a student is gifted and dedicated to study. Although abuse of the system is inevitable, social welfare payments are essential to protect the rights citizens have to a guaranteed minimum income in a democratic society. Discuss.

Social welfare is an essential element of an advanced society. Good systems are always abused, but that does not mean they are faulty. In my opinion, the two main reasons why welfare payments are necessary are as follows: First of all, critics forget that there are many forms of welfare besides payments to the unemployed. Their negative opinions harm those who are not capable of earning a wage, such as single-parent mothers, the disabled, and the sick. Moreover, the unemployed have the right to an income, too. They are not always at fault for not having a job, and in most cases the tax they have paid in the past entitles them to assistance. The second reason is that crime increases when people have no means of support. The desperately poor inevitably turn to crime, which is not only dangerous but costly. Policing the streets is more expensive than providing welfare. A policeman's wage is four or five times higher than a "dole" payment. Certain members of society believe that people should look after themselves. They point out that welfare increases dependency on others and destroy dignity. This may be true, but in the case of the unemployed, the relief payments are usually temporary. It is surely the fault of the government if there are long-term unemployed. Welfare critics also believe that it is the responsibility of a victim's family to provide financial assistance. However, it is too expensive to provide complete help for a severely disabled person. To conclude, it is vital to understand the need for welfare in a modern democratic society.

Without welfare payments the poor are destined to become poorer. The first duty of a government is to provide a financial safety net for all disadvantaged persons, and that includes those without work. Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others. Students who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately. Do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that some students in schools behave badly and their behavior causes difficulty for others either because it has a negative effect on the group or because ordinary students find it difficult to study with them. One solution is to take these students away and teach them on their own. However, if we simply have them removed after one or two warnings, we are limiting their educational opportunities because it seems to me that a school which caters for difficult students is a sort of "prison" whatever name you give it and the people who go there may never recover from the experience. This can then cause problems for the wider society. Perhaps we need to look at why the disruptive students behave badly before we separate them. Disruptive students may be very intelligent and find the classes boring because the work is too easy. Perhaps these students need extra lessons rather than separate lessons. Or perhaps the teachers are uninspiring and this results in behavioral problems so we need better teachers. On the other hand, most students put up with this situation rather than cause trouble, and some people argue that we have to learn to suffer bad teachers and boring situations and that students who can't learn this lesson need to be taught separately. So before we condemn the students to a special school, we should look at factors such as the teaching, because once the children have been separated, it is very unlikely that they will be brought back. Should parents be obliged to immunize their children against childhood diseases? Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunize their children?

Some people argue that the state does not have the right to make parents immunize their children. However, I feel the question is not whether they should immunize but whether, as members of society, they have the right not to. Preventative medicine has proved to be the most effective way of reducing the incidence of fatal childhood diseases. As a result of the widespread practice of immunizing young

children in our society, many lives have been saved and the diseases have been reduced to almost zero. In previous centuries children died from ordinary illnesses such as influenza and tuberculosis and because few people had immunity, the diseases spread easily. Diseases such as dysentery were the result of poor hygiene but these have long been eradicated since the arrival of good sanitation and clean water. Nobody would suggest that we should reverse this good practice now because dysentery has been wiped out. Serious diseases such as polio and smallpox have also been eradicated through national immunization programs. In consequence, children not immunized are far less at risk in this disease-free society than they would otherwise be. Parents choosing not to immunize are relying on the fact that the diseases have already been eradicated. If the number of parents choosing not to immunize increased, there would be a similar increase in the risk of the diseases returning. Immunization is not an issue like seatbelts which affects only the individual. A decision not to immunize will have widespread repercussions for the whole of society and for this reason, I do not believe that individuals have the right to stand aside. In my opinion immunization should be obligatory. We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we he more suspicious of their benefits?

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide. In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be so complex that no individual could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Providing all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. If one small program fails, it will become a disaster.

There is a certain inevitability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world.

Smokers can cause themselves serious health problems. The choice to smoke is made freely and with knowledge of dangers. Smokers should therefore expect to pay more for medical treatment than non-smokers. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Everyone has the choice of being a smoker or not. The people who choose to smoke do so knowing there is a risk of causing harmful damage to them. However, I do not entirely agree that these people should have to pay more to receive all the medical treatment they need. I think there are many situations in which a medical problem has nothing to do with whether a person smokes or not. In these cases, where an illness has no relation to smoking, then I believe that smokers should not be required to pay more than other people for their medical treatment. Most car accidents, for example, have no connection with smoking, and the people who are injured ought to have the same medical help, regardless of the cost. And what about the common flu - it does not seem justifiable to me that a smoker should have to pay more to see a doctor for an illness we can all contact. On the other hand, I agree that a smoker should pay more than a non-smoker for the necessary treatment of any condition which has been caused by smoking. The principle that people should take responsibility for their own actions is a good one. Consequently, if a person chooses to smoke knowing that this habit can cause serious health problems, then there is no reason why the community or an insurance company should have to pay for medical treatment for an illness which could have been avoided. In many countries, cigarette packets have a clear warning that smoking can cause health problems and so no smoker can claim not to know the danger. Lung cancer is sometimes a fatal disease and the treatment is both lengthy and expensive, and it is unfair for the smoker to expect the hospital or the community to carry the cost. In fact, it could also be argued that those who smoke in public should be asked to pay extra because of the illness caused to passive smokers. In conclusion, I feel that smokers should pay more in cases related to smoking, but for any other illness they should pay the same as anyone else.

International entertainers, including sports personalities, often get paid millions of dollars in one year. In your view, with widespread poverty in the world, are these huge earnings justified? The salaries of many singers, dancers and sports people have increased out of all proportion in recent years, while in places like Sudan people are starving to death. I do not believe that anyone should be able to earn such enormous salaries when so many people in the world are living in poverty. One of the factors which should affect what a person can earn ought to be the benefit of person's work to society. It is unreasonable for a famous singer to be able to earn far more from an evening's entertainment than, for instance, a medical scientist who develops a new drug which produces a treatment for a common disease. The pop star certainly has a value in society, but the value in no way exceeds, or even matches, the value gained from a successful medication. Secondly, work done should be paid according to the amount of effort and skill that goes into it. Nobody would deny that a famous person works hard and is skillful; yet such people do not work any harder than thousand of other workers who have no claim to fame. Yet market force is such that these superstars can obtain millions of dolor while other unknown people sometimes earn less than they need to survive. Finally, it should be possible for governments to work together to ensure that the amount of money in circulation should be more equally and fairly distributed. This seems only fair given that there are so many suffering. To conclude, it is clear that world poverty is a serious problem and yet the problem could be eased if governments and companies gave more thought to paying salaries on a more equitable basis and if they started to contribute more money to those in need. Most writers of fiction do not earn enough money to live from their writing. Do you think the government should give them financial assistance to help encourage good literature? There are some conditions under which a novelist could reasonably expect some government support. In general terms, if the writer has already proved that he or she can write well, and if the stories produced are stimulating and interesting, then I consider that some financial help might be given. Language quality is difficult to define, but if the writing shows, for example, good grammar, a wide vocabulary, and elegance and imagination, then I can see a valid reason for assisting an author to spend some time free from money problems. Such a writing needs to be encouraged. the entertainment value of a book would be also a factor in deciding whether to provide assistance to an author. Further consideration would include social and educational values expressed in the author's work.

However, if the ideas were socially irresponsible, or if the stories contain unnecessary violence or pornography for its own sake, then I would not want to see the author sponsored to write stories which do not benefit society. Other exceptions are the many writers of good books who do not require financial help. Books which proved to be extremely popular, such as the Harry Potter stories, clearly need no subsidy at all because the authors have become rich through their writing. Views on what good quality writing means will vary widely, and so if any author is to be given money for writing, then the decision would have to be made by a committee or panel of judge. An individual opinion would certainly cause disagreement among the reading public.

"Prevention is better than cure." Out of a country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Of course it goes without saying that prevention is better than cure. That is why, in recent years, there has been a growing body of opinion in favour of putting more resources into health education and preventive measures. The argument is that ignorance of, for example, basic hygiene or the dangers of an unhealthy diet or lifestyle needs to be combatted by special nationwide publicity campaigns, as well as longer-term health education. Obviously, there is a strong human argument for catching any medical condition as early as possible. There is also an economic argument for doing so. Statistics demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of treating a condition in the early stages, rather than delaying until more expensive and prolonged treatment is necessary. Then there are social or economic costs, perhaps in terms of loss of earnings for the family concerned or unemployed benefit paid by the state. So far so good, but the difficulties start when we try to define what the 'proportion' of the budget should be, particularly if the funds will be 'diverted from treatment'. Decisions on exactly how much of the total health budget should be spent in this way are not a matter for the non-specialist, but should be made on the basis of an accepted health service model. This is the point at which real problems occur - the formulation of the model. How do we accurately measure which health education campaigns are effective in both medical and financial terms? How do we agree about the medical efficacy of various screening programmes, for example, when the medical establishment itself does not agree? A very rigorous process of evaluation is called for, so that we can make informed decisions. The position of women in society has changed markedly in the last twenty years. Many of the problems young people now experience, such as juvenile delinquency, arise from the fact that many married women now work and are not at home to care for their children. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is certainly true that the position of women in society has undergone a dramatic change in the past twenty years but I do not feel that this is a direct cause of the indisputable increase in juvenile-related problems during this period. It is now accepted that young women should find work on leaving school; indeed to rely totally on their parents' financial support is no longer an option in many families. Likewise, once they get married, the majority of women continue working since the financial pressures of setting up a house and establishing a reasonable standard of living often require two incomes. Twenty years ago it was common for women to give up work once they had children and devote their time to caring for their children. This is no longer the general rule and the provision of professionally-run child care facilities and day nurseries have removed much of the responsibility for child rearing that used to fall to mothers. However, these facilities come at a cost and often require two salaries coming into a family to be afforded. I do not believe that the increase in the number of working mothers has resulted in children being brought up less well than previously. Indeed it could be argued that by giving mothers the opportunity to work and earn extra money children can be better provided for than previously. There is more money for luxuries and holidays and a more secure family life is possible. Of course there are limits as to the amount of time that ideally should be spent away from home and the ideal scenario would be for one of the parents (often the wife) to have a part-time job and thus be available for their children before and after school. It is important to establish the correct balance between family life and working life. People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? People attend college for a lot of different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge of themselves and of the world around them. Career preparation is probably the primary reason that people attend college. These days, the job market is very competitive. Careers such as information technology will need many new workers in the near future. At college, students can learn new skills for these careers and increase their opportunities for the future. Students also go to college to have new experiences. For many, it is their first time away from home. At college, they can meet new people from many different places. They can see what life is like in a different city. They can learn to live on their own and take care of themselves without having their family always nearby. At college, students have the opportunity to increase their knowledge. As they decide what they want to study, pursue their studies, and interact with their

classmates, they learn a lot about themselves. They also, of course, have the opportunity to learn about many subjects in their classes. In addition to the skills and knowledge related to their career, college students also have the chance to take classes in other areas. For many, this will be their last chance to study different subjects. Colleges offer much more than career preparation. They offer the opportunity to have new experiences and to learn many kinds of things. I think all of these are reasons why people attend college. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt. Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their child to participate on different teams. But what if the child prefers to read? Parents want to pass on their values to their children. However, things change. The children of today are growing up in a world different from their parents' world. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her parents don't understand or value the digital revolution. Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers. Fortunately, we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are valuable. Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Food is a basic part of life, so it follows that improved methods of food preparation have made our lives better. Nowadays we can prepare meals much faster than we

could in the past. We can also enjoy a greater variety of food and eat more healthfully, all because of modern methods of food preparation. Microwave ovens have made it possible to prepare delicious food quickly. People these days rarely have time to shop and prepare meals the old-fashioned way. We live very fast lives. We are busy working, caring for our families traveling, playing sports, and many other things. Because of microwave ovens, we have time to enjoy a good meal with our family and then play soccer, go to a movie, study, or do anything else we want to afterwards. Modern methods of preserving food have made it possible to enjoy a wide variety of food. Because of refrigerators, freezers, canning, and freeze-drying, we can eat fruits and vegetables that come from far away places. We can prepare a meal one day and save the leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer to eat at another time. We can keep different kinds of food in the refrigerator or on the shelf. It is easy to always have food available and to be able to eat completely different meals every day. Healthful eating is easier now than it ever was. Because of modern transportation methods, fresh fruits and vegetables are available all year round. Modern kitchen appliances make it easy to prepare fruits and vegetables fro cooking. Bread machines make it possible to enjoy healthful, home-baked bread whenever we like. We can eat fresh and healthful food everyday because modern methods have made preparation easy. Our lifestyle is fast, but people still like good food. New food preparation methods have given us is more choices. Today we can prepare food that is more convenient healthier, and of greater variety than ever before in history. It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why? "Experience is the best teacher" is an old cliché, but I agree with it. We can learn a lot of important things from books, but the most important lessons in life come from our own experiences. Throughout the different stages of life, from primary school to university to adulthood, experience teaches us many skills we need for life. As children in primary school, we learn facts and information from books, but that is not all we learn in school. On the playground we learn how to make friends. In our class work, we learn how it feels to succeed and what we do when we fail. We start to learn about the things we like to do and the things we don't. We don't learn these things from books, but from our experiences with our friends and classmates. In our university classes, we learn a lot of information and skills we will need for our future careers, but we also learn a lot that is not in our textbooks. In our daily lives both in class and out of class, we learn to make decisions for ourselves. We learn to

take on responsibilities. We learn to get along with our classmates, our roommates, and our workmates. Our successes and failures help us develop skills we will need in our adult lives. They are skills that no book can teach us. Throughout our adulthood, experience remains a constant teacher. We may continue to read or take classes for professional development. However, our experiences at work, at home, and with our friends teach us more. The triumphs and disasters of our lives teach us how to improve our careers and also how to improve our relationships and how to be the person each one of us wants to be. Books teach us a lot, but there is a limit to what they teach. They can give us information or show us another person's experiences. These are valuable things, but the lessons we learn from our own experiences, from childhood through adulthood, are the most important ones we learn.

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IELTS Academic Writing Task 1- Sample Tasks and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:28 PM for everyone

WRITING TASK 1: SAMPLE 1 The diagram below shows the typical stages of consumer goods manufacturing, including the process by which information is fed back to earlier stages to enable adjustment. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the process shown. 

You should write at least 150 words.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Most consumer goods go through a series of stages before they emerge as finished products ready for sale. Raw materials and manufactured components comprise the initial physical input in the manufacturing process. Once obtained, these are stored for later assembly. But assembly first depends upon the production planning stage, where it is decided how and in what quantities the stored materials will be processed to create sufficient quantities of finished goods. The production planning stage itself follows the requirements of the goods' design stage that proceeds from extensive research. After assembly, the products are inspected and tested to maintain quality control l Those units that pass the inspection and testing stages are then packaged, despatched and offered for sale in retail outlets. The level of sales, which is the end point of the manufacturing process, helps determine production planning. A product's design is not only the result of product research, but is also influenced by testing and market research. If the testing stage (after assembly and inspection) reveals unacceptable problems in the finished product, then adjustments will have to be made to the product's design. Similarly, market research, which examines the extent and nature of the demand for products, has the role of guiding product design to suit consumer demands which may change with time. Market research, while influenced by product sales, also serves to foster future sales by devising suitable advertising for the goods.

Thus the reality of consumer goods manufacturing goes well beyond a simple linear production process.


The table below shows social and economic indicators for four countries in 1994, according to United Nations statistics. Describe the information shown below in your own words. What implications do the indicators have for the countries? 

You should write at least 150 words.

Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.

Indicators Annual income per person (in $US) Life expectancy at birth Daily calorie supply per person Adult literacy rate (%)





















A glance at four indicators of economic and social conditions in four countries, Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire, in 1994 reflects the great differences that exist between wealthier and poorer nations. The table shows that Japan and Canada had annual incomes of $15 760 and $11 100 per person, respectively. These figures were overwhelmingly greater than the corresponding figures of $160 in Peru and $130 in Zaire. Health indicators, too, reflected overall levels of affluence in the four nations. Life expectancy at birth, for example, was higher among the more economically developed countries. Japan reported the highest life expectancy, 78. This was followed by Canada, 76; Peru, 51; and Zaire, 47; This suggests that richer societies are able to put more money into health care than poorer ones. The amount of calories consumed daily per person roughly followed the same ranking. Canadians each consumed some 3 326 calories per day while the Japanese took 2846 calories. The corresponding figures for Peru and Zaire were 1927 and 1749, respectively. Literacy rates among adults, too, were higher in wealthier countries, no doubt a reflection of ability to invest in education. Canada and Japan both reported

literacy rates of 99%, while Peru claimed 68%. Zaire, the least economically developed of the four countries, had a literacy rate of 34%. The data appear to confirm the often cited link between national wealth and health and education standards.


The chart below shows the sleep patterns of people in five different occupations according to a Canadian study. Write a report for a university lecturer, describing the information below. Give possible reasons for the differences. 

You should write at least 150 words.

Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.


Occupation 6-7 pm 7-8 pm 8-9 pm 9-10 pm 10-11 pm 11-12 pm 12-1 am 1-2 am


awake: Truck Driver

Full-time mother

Business Doctor Executive

2-3 am 3-4 am 4-5 am 5-6 am 6-7 am 7-8 am 8-9 am 9-10 am 10-11 am 11-12 am 12-1 pm 1-2 pm 2-3 pm 3-4 pm 4-5 pm 5-6 pm

Differences in sleep patterns appear to reflect differences in individuals' occupations. A Canadian study has pointed out, for example, that students typically sleep for a consecutive 8-hour period each night, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. This may be because the central activity in their lives, study, takes place in normal daylight hours. Similarly, business executives sleep consecutive hours, but perhaps because their jobs are especially busy and stressful they sleep for 6 hours on average, getting up around 5 a.m..

By contrast, truck drivers, probably because of their need to keep their trucks on the road over long periods, tend to sleep in two 3-hour blocks: one between 7 and 10 a.m. and another from 4 to 7 p.m. Another occupation associated with broken sleep schedules is that of doctors. They tend to retire to bed around 1 a.m. and start their day at 7 a.m.., but may be woken up to deal with emergencies in the middle of the night. Finally, full-time mothers, especially those with young children, tend to sleep when their babies do. Typically, they will sleep from 10 p.m. and be awoken at 1 a.m. to comfort their babies for a couple of hours. They then go back to bed to wake at 6 a.m., but nap for two hours or so in the early afternoon. Thus the influence on one's sleep pattern is worthy of consideration when choosing an occupation. Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Speaking Sample Questions and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:26 PM for everyone

SPEAKING MODULE PART 1 Sample Questions and Answers

TOPIC: Free time 1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Before, I used to play basketball, but now I’m into gardening and going out for a walk. 2. How much time do you have each week for doing these things? I make it a point that I do these on weekends. I think that this is really important. 3. Why do you like doing these activities? Well, these activities make us feel young and healthy. Also, there are good ways on how to avoid illnesses and stress. 4. How did you start doing this activity at first? My friends influenced me to do these things. Eventually, I found these very helpful. 5. Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why? Yes! I’d like to try mountain climbing because this would be relatively new to me and it’s exciting to climb mountains and feel the wonders of nature. 6. How has the way people spend their free time changed over the years? Lately, people find it a must to find an activity to do in their free time despite hectic work schedule. They see it as a need although some view the activities for free time

such as badminton as an expensive outlet. TOPIC: Your town 1. Can you describe your town or village to me? My hometown is such a simple place. It’s a community with about 10, 000 people who are mostly into farming but others go to offices. Houses are well-spaced unlike in cities that are crowded. There are small stores and a market and other commercial establishments like hospitals, schools and retail shops. There’s also a small sports complex and a quiet park. 2. What jobs do people in your town do? Some are farmers and the others are working in offices. In addition, there are also some who own business such as stores and other poultry business. 3. What things are there to do in your town in your free time? Well, there are quite a number of you know simple activities that could be done in my hometown. There’s badminton, typical Filipino games, and card games. Most often, people there love to gossip or chat about anything for long hours. 4. What do you like about your town? I think it has to be the peacefulness of the town as there are only a few people there. Also, I would say that there is no traffic in the town. 5. How has your town changed over the last twenty years? It changed significantly. For instance, the market has been improved by constructing a building to enclose the area. There’s also a swimming pool now in the sports complex and the road are well-paved and there are enough public transport in the area. TOPIC: Transport—provide your own answers here 1. 2. 3. 4.

How did you come here today? What is public transport like in your town? How do you think it could be improved? Do you think people should use public transport more? Why (not)?

TOPIC: Your neighborhood- provide your own answers here 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Can you describe to me the house where you live? What is there to do in the area where you live? What do you like about the area where you live? How do you think it could be improved? Do you think it is better to live in the centre of town or outside in the country? Why?

TOPIC: Holidays 1. What do you do when you have a holiday? Typically, I make it sure that I have ample time to spend with my family to make up with the lost time. I also engage in physical activities like brisk walking or jogging. 2. Where do you like to spend your holidays? Why? I prefer to spend them either on

the beach, taking a road trip to cool places such as Baguio and Tagaytay. In addition, I prefer going for a picnic in a mountain or cave areas. 3. Can you describe a typical day in your holiday? Well, normally I go to a beach together with my family. We enjoy cooking and of course, swimming. We also don’t forget to take pictures with beautiful sceneries. 4. Why are holidays important to you? Holidays are very important to me because it’s a good time to spend with my family as I always get busy on regular days. Holidays also provide an opportunity for me to relax. 5. If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? I think I’d choose Australia. Since I have plans of working there I might as well try to explore the country first before I decide to work and stay there permanently. TOPIC: Shopping 1. How much time do you spend shopping every week? I think about 5 hours. I and my wife shop every Sunday as this is the only day that we have for ourselves. 2. Do you enjoy going shopping? Why (not)? Provided that I have money, sure I’d love to shop 3. What is your favorite shop and why do you like it? A lot actually! But I prefer SM department store because they have various outfit for men and very trendy underwear. 4. What problems are there with shopping in your area? Oftentimes, having to wait long on lines when paying, impolite attendants and having too many choices are some problems that I encounter. For car owners, getting a parking space could also be a problem.

TOPIC: Places to go in your free time 1. What do people do in your town in their free time? Well, most of them just stay at home, watch TV or read magazines while the others would play a sport such as badminton or basketball. 2. Where can they go out for entertainment, or to enjoy themselves? Most of them go to shopping malls. Filipinos love going to the malls. Well, there are parks where they can spend time talking with someone. 3. Which do you prefer: eating in restaurants or eating at home? I prefer to eat at home because it’s safe, cheaper and you can cook the food that you’d like to eat. In restaurants, it’s a little expensive and sometimes the taste of the food isn’t what you’re looking for. 4. Which are the best places to eat out? In my hometown, there are small restaurants. Well, there are fast foods which are really popular and also restaurants catering Japanese, Chinese and other international menu.

TOPIC: Reading 1. Do you enjoy reading? Why? Yes sometimes because I know that reading is an important skill. You can learn many things from reading. 2. What sort of things do you read? I don’t read books that much. I prefer newspapers and magazines. 3. Tell me something about your favorite book. I’d rather tell you about my favorite newspaper. It’s called the Manila Bulletin. It’s a daily broadsheet but I prefer to read the Sunday issue of this paper. Basically, it contains up to date and comprehensive news coverage of issues affecting the people and issues concerning the country. However, I read most of the time the classified ads section as I normally search for hot jobs in and out of the country. 4. What are the advantages of reading instead of watching television or going to the cinema? First of all, reading is not expensive as compared with going to the cinema. Reading provides detailed information about a subject or topic whereas watching television gives you abbreviated information about a subject or topic. Topic: You 1. Do you work or study? Definitely, your response to this question would be I am working, I’ve worked before in…, or I worked as a welder before in…

Work 1. Can you describe your job to me?- Well, m y job is welding. 2. How long have you been doing it?- I worked in Saudi for 7 years and in the country, about 5 years. 3. Why did you choose to do that job?- I think this job is something that I really love to do. I want to believe that I was born with this skill and have perfected it through years of experience. 4. What things do you enjoy about your work? Why?-For the most part, I think the various projects that are delegated to us. Periodically, we change projects but of course, the same kind of job. 5. And what things don’t you like? Why not?-To be honest, it’s the salary. We don’t get paid as much as our quality of work is measured. 6. What are your plans for the future?- Well, right now I have pending application as a welder in Australia. If everything goes well, then I will work there and hopefully, provide my family with good life. TOPIC: Sports and games 1. What sports are most popular in your country?- Lately, I guess Filipinos became interested with boxing, swimming and most of all, badminton. 2. What sports and games did you most enjoy playing when you were a child?- As far as I can remember, I think it’s Yo-yo. I think this is a game that most children would play.

3. Do people take as much exercise as in the past?- I think yes! I just don’t know exactly. Lately, the need to exercise increased, but, people find it hard to do because of time constraint, work, and other factors. 4. Why is exercise good for you?- With the increasing demands at work, family and personal life, exercise has become a very essential tool in fighting boredom, stress and depression. So, I think it is good for me as well. SPEAKING MODULE PART 2 Sample Questions Directions: For 1 minute, prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make sure that you don’t write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record your answer in a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a response that is 2-minute long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for use with your responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 2 answers below.

1. Describe a place you visited recently 2. Describe a friend 3. Describe a child you know 4. Describe an object you like 5. Describe a photograph 6. Describe a historical figure 7. Describe an important event in your culture 8. Describe your favorite newspaper 9. Describe your last holiday 10. Describe the clothes that you like 11. Describe the person whom you’d like to spend time always 12. Describe a person that you like to be with when you grow old 13. Describe a game that you play when you were a child 14. Talk about the difference of growing up in the city and in the countryside 15. Describe a household equipment that you prefer *Look at the NOTE section below. Use the opening phrases to start with your responses for the topics above.

Model Answers

NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including: I’d like to talk about a TV program called… I’m going to talk about a TV program called… A TV program that I found really interesting was…

Sample 1: Talk about a happy event in your childhood that you remember well. You should say: -where the event took place -when the event took place -what happened exactly And explain why you remember this event clearly.

Did you ever do this again? Yes, I went to the same place when I graduated from college. The place was totally different. What did your parents think about it? My parents found this very helpful to me. That’s why they allowed me to join. A happy event that I can still remember about my childhood was our educational trip to Manila Zoo when I was in elementary. I believe it took place in 1986 as part of our science subject requirement. Anyway, I studied in Cavite and Manila Zoo was I guess a 2 hour drive from our school. As a child, going for a trip is always a pleasure especially riding a bus and taking a long road trip. Well, I was with my classmates—40 plus all in all. As it was a field trip and a common practice, we had to bring with us food and drinks- a typical picnic of some sort. Then, we went in the zoo and had a tour guide who explained every details about the various animals. Of course, I didn’t understand everything what the guide told us. But anyway, the trip was very memorable because it was my first time to have a close encounter with the animals of various sizes, shapes and behavior. It is apparently very clear to me up to now because as I said it was my first time to meet and greet with the animals, and it was a form of socialization where we students talk about things outside the class room. That’s it!

Describe a TV program that you have seen and that interested you.

You should say: -When and where you saw the program -What the program was about -What you felt about the program And explain why you found the program particularly interesting. I am going to talk about a TV program called Bubble Gang. If I am not mistaken, this is the longest comedy TV show on Philippine television. The program is shown every Fridays on GMA 7. Although the program is shown late at night, it particularly makes viewers roll over with laughter. The program emphasizes on pop culture parody. Skits and sketches are performed on a variety of style that captivates the audiences’ hearts. In addition, it spoofs shows and commercials, and it takes on other celebrities and other political figures. The show also features top-notch actors and actresses armed with unparalleled talents. Personally, I find this show an excellent comic relief from a hard days work. Despite its comic attributes, it also provides awareness to viewers about issues confronting personalities of national prominence as well as typical situations in the Philippine community. These things make the program interesting to me. I think this is all that I can say about the show.

Describe a town or city you would like to visit. You should say: -where it is -how it is similar to your hometown -how it is different from your hometown And explain why you would like to visit it. A city that I found really interesting and which I would like to go to in the future would be Perth, Australia. This city comes to mind first because this is where I will work as a welder. Most probably, this will also be the destination of the majority of the skilled workers applying for Australia. It is located in Western Australia and is the fastest growing city in the country. Being the fourth largest city, it holds major commercial establishments which are really ideal for skilled workers like me. Well, I come from Pampanga, also a growing town. This is the only similarity that I could cite. Perth is very different from Pampanga, of course. Firstly, Perth has huge population which favors their labor force. As I have read, there is always job for everyone in Australia. Secondly, it has well-established highways for an economy to prosper. In Pampanga, roads are still being improved. Thirdly, there is good provision for the benefits of the residents unlike in my hometown where even health care is not sufficient.

I would like to visit this place to enjoy these benefits and, most of all to work and earn for my family here. That’s all! SPEAKING MODULE PART 3 Sample Questions Directions: Prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make sure that you don’t write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record your answer in a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a response that is 3-5 sentences long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for use with your responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 3 answers below.

Topic A: How does tourism affect a country? Does it have some advantages? Can cultures learn from each other?

Topic B: Is friendship important in your culture? How many close friends can you have? Are friends more important than family?

Topic C: What is the role of parents in raising children? Has the role changed in recent years? Who is responsible for discipline?

Topic D: Do possessions make people happy? Why do people buy things? Are people in your country wise consumers?

Topic E: Are images important in your culture? What is the role of advertising? Do films and television influence our decisions?

Topic F: Who are the most influential people in your society? Are there many heroes or role models today? What are the qualities of a good leader?

Topic G: How do different cultures celebrate events? What is the importance of festivals? How have special occasions such as weddings changed in your culture?

Model Answers NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including: I guess…

I believe…

Most probably…

I think…



Sample 1: How has the countryside changed in recent years in your country? I believe the rural areas changed so much now as compared to 10 years ago. For instance, telephone and power lines have been reinforced providing people in the area the access to news and information. Similarly, the roads have been improved for comfortable travel and business transaction. These changes are absolutely helpful to the town and all the more to the residents.

Sample 2: How do you think the countryside may change in the future? Well, most probably there will be internet access to these areas and stronger signals for mobile networks so that the residents can benefit from good communication. In addition, I am also looking at positive changes in the education sector. As observed, nowadays, people coming from these areas have poor communication skills.

Sample 3:

Where do most people live in your country- in the city or in the countryside? I guess more people are coming to cities lately in the Philippines. Noticeably, teenagers and young adults are searching for jobs in Makati or Ortigas City and eventually live there for work purposes. While this could be positive to the city’s labor force, it would also pose some problems such as overcrowding and traffic.

Here are more topics for you to practice. You may or may not record these and your answers. However, it is still highly recommended that you record them if you don’t have a partner to practice with. NOTE: Practice makes perfect!

1. Describe your own family’s favorite holiday destination. 2. Identify what most people in your country do on their holidays. 3. Discuss the pros and cons of spending holidays overseas or spending them in your own country. 4. Describe the main tourist destinations for overseas tourists coming to your country. 5. Describe how people entertain guests in your country. 6. What are the advantages of entertaining friends at home or of meeting them in public places? 7. What are the forms of entertainment young people and adults prefer in your culture. 8. Describe the main activities that go on in a family room in your culture. 9. Evaluate the importance of spending time with your family at home. 10. Compare the importance of spending time with your family and with your friends.

Transitional Devices (Connecting Words) Transitional devices are like bridges between parts of your essay or letter. They are cues that help the reader to interpret ideas in the way that you, as a writer, want them to understand. Transitional devices help you carry over a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another with words or phrases. And finally, transitional devices link your sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas. There are several types of transitional devices, and each category leads your reader to make certain connections or assumptions about the areas you are connecting. Some lead your reader forward and imply the "building" of an idea or thought, while others make your reader compare ideas or draw conclusions from the preceding thoughts. Here is a list of some common transitional devices that can be used to cue your reader in a given

way. To Add: and, again, and then, besides, equally important, finally, further, furthermore, nor, too, next, lastly, what's more, moreover, in addition, first (second, etc.), To Compare: whereas, but, yet, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, on the contrary, by comparison, where, compared to, up against, balanced against, vis a vis, but, although, conversely, meanwhile, after all, in contrast, although this may be true To Prove: because, for, since, for the same reason, obviously, evidently, furthermore, moreover, besides, indeed, in fact, in addition, in any case, that is To Show Exception: yet, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, of course, once in a while, sometimes To Show Time: immediately, thereafter, soon, after a few hours, finally, then, later, previously, formerly, first (second, etc.), next, and then To Repeat: in brief, as I have said, as I have noted, as has been noted, To Emphasize: definitely, extremely, obviously, in fact, indeed, in any case, absolutely, positively, naturally, surprisingly, always, forever, perennially, eternally, never, emphatically, unquestionably, without a doubt, certainly, undeniably, without reservation To Show Sequence: first, second, third, and so forth. A, B, C, and so forth. next, then, following this, at this time, now, at this point, after, afterward, subsequently, finally, consequently, previously, before this, simultaneously, concurrently, thus, therefore, hence, next, and then, soon To Give an Example: for example, for instance, in this case, in another case, on this occasion, in this situation, take the case of, to demonstrate, to illustrate, as an illustration, to illustrate To Summarize or Conclude: in brief, on the whole, summing up, to conclude, in conclusion, as I have shown, as I have said, hence, therefore, accordingly, thus, as a result, consequently, on the whole

Speaking Activity

Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, write two sentences for each question. Remember to write interesting sentences as these will catch the examiner’s attention and would count towards getting a higher score in the IELTS Speaking Test.

Warm-up 1. Could you show me your identification card please? Sure. Here is my passport/SSS 2. Could you tell me your full name please? My name is John Santos. You can call me Joe as my friends call me this way. 3. What shall I call you? I prefer to be called Joe. Ever since I was young I was called like this. 4. Does your name have any special meaning? I actually don’t know but I’ll to research on that. 5. Why do so many people change their names? Maybe because it’s unpleasant or conflict of interest. 6. Is your name important to you? Definitely. It is for security purpose and personal identification. Hometown or birth place

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Where do you come from? Where do you live? Can you tell me something about your hometown? Can you tell me some famous landscapes or scenic spots in your hometown? Can you tell me some history of your hometown?

Personal background and information

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Are you a student or do you have a job? What do you like most about your study? What kind of job do you prefer after graduation? What is your major? What do you do for living? Could you tell me a typical day of yours? How do you get your job? Are you satisfied with your job? What do you like most about your job? What kind of job do you prefer in the future?

Hobby or inclination

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What do you usually do in your spare time? Do you prefer to stay alone or with your friends? What do you usually do on weekends and weekdays? What do you usually do when you go out? What do you usually do with your friends? Do you like reading? What kind of books do you like best? Do you like English? Why or why not? What do you think of the importance of English? What are good hobbies and bad hobbies? Why?

Future plan

1. 2. 3. 4.

Why do you take the IELTS test? What are you planning to do in the next five years? What are you planning to do in the next ten years? What is the first thing you will do when you arrive at the new place?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Do you like traveling? Do you like travel alone or with your friends? Have you traveled to other places? Where are they? What do you usually do when you first arrive in a new place? What are the benefits of traveling? Why do so many people like traveling nowadays?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Do you have many friends? Are they casual acquaintances or close friends? Do you prefer to stay with your family or with your friends? Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends? Can you talk about your best friend? How to make friends? What do you usually do with your friends? Is the time you spend with your friends as much as that you spend with your family?


1. 2. 3. 4.

Do you like music? What are the benefits of listening to music? What kind of music do you like best? Why do you like this kind of music?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Can you say something about the transportation in your hometown? What is the common means of transport in your country? Do traffic jams often occur in your hometown or in the city where you live? How to solve the problem? What changes in transportation have taken place in the past several years in your country?

Building 1. Can you tell me an interesting building in your hometown? 2. Can you tell me an interesting building in Manila?

IELTS Speaking

Brushing Up

Useful Language

At the moment, I’m living/ studying/ working… Before that I lived in… Recently, I’ve been to …/ started playing badminton…etc

I’m planning to… After that I’ll probably…

I prefer eating in a restaurant because… I’d rather work in Australia because….

Both my father and mother are… Neither of my brothers… None of my friends…

It depends. Sometimes I like cooking, and sometimes I’m just too tired. Definitely, I love it. It’s… Possibly. It depends on the weather really.

Generally, I think it’s a good idea because… Well, it’s very different because…

Let me think/ see… I’m not really sure, but perhaps… That’s a good question/ point. I suppose… That’s a good question/ point. I suppose…

I haven’t really given that much thought before but…

Frequently Asked Questions in Part I

Why are you taking IELTS? Well, I’m taking IELTS as it is a requirement for my working visa to Australia. What are your ambitions? For now, I think it has to be to work in Australia and support my family financially. Tell me about where you are living at the moment. I live in Bulacan and its getting progressive as years pass by. It is also a quiet place to live. How would you describe your hometown? My hometown is typically simple but it boasts of some beautiful places like beaches, old churches and mountains. What do you usually do at the weekend? Usually, I and my family go out and stroll around in a mall. Also, we go to church to hear mass. REMEMBER:  Make sure you answer the question.  One-word answers are NOT acceptable.  Always add some extra information to your answer.

Frequently Asked Questions in Part II

Describe an occasion when you have been successful. You should say:  Where and when you were successful

 How you were successful  What you had to do to make sure you were successful And describe how you felt about your success. ANSWER: I would like to talk about the moment that I worked in the Middle East as a welder. I think it was 3 years ago. It was a very challenging experience since I have to leave my family behind and work there alone in a country where I don’t know anyone. The culture was totally new and I had to deal with it squarely. So, I consider this a great success because I was able to survive and to send money to my family in the country. Aside from constant missing of my family, I also had to bear with the inconveniences of day to day work where I met foreign people and talk to them. Nevertheless, it was fulfilling and rewarding experience because I saw my children grow up properly in terms of education, food and shelter. REMEMBER: It is important to keep talking, but don’t talk about things which are not related to the topic.

Talk about an important day in your life. You should say: When this day was If you were alone or with others Where you were and what happened And explain why this day was important to you.

Describe a present someone gave you which was/ is important to you. You should say:  What the present was

 Who gave it to you  Why they gave it to you (e.g. to celebrate a birthday) And explain why it is so important to you. Describe a friend who has played an important part in your life. You should say:  How you met this person  How long you have known them  The kind of things you do or did with them And explain why they have been important in your life. Useful Language

The best/ worst thing about…is/was…

The thing I really like(d)/ hate(d) about…is/was…

One of the problems with…is/was…

I particularly remember…because…

I’ll never forget…because..

Follow- up Questions After you have spoken for 1-2 minutes, the examiner may ask you one or two follow-up questions about what you have said.

Sample Question: Topic in Part 2: A place you visited that you liked.

How did you feel when you arrived in that place? I was very nervous because I didn’t know anybody.

Did you find it easy to meet people? At first, I resisted but eventually the people around were very friendly so I found it easy to mingle with them.

Other sample questions:

Do you enjoy playing sports?

Yes, definitely. I particularly enjoy outdoor ones.

Would you like to go there again?

Possibly. It would depend on who I went with.

Do you think it will be easy to get a job in IT?

I expect so. It’s a growing industry.

Have you ever been to any other countries in Europe?

Yes, a few. France, Spain and Germany.

Would you consider doing the same sort of job again?

I don’t think so. It wasn’t really for me.

Would you recommend the holiday to other people?

No, not really. It wasn’t very good value for money.

Part III

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it a good idea to exercise regularly? Definitely! Nowadays, life is very stressful. Exercise is the ultimate solution to balance work and family life. Are there more crimes these days? I think so. With the society becoming more materialistic, crimes tend to increase also because people want to have more in life. Do you think everyone should have a mobile phone? Yes, I think it is a good idea that everyone becomes wireless in terms of communication.

Linking Ideas

On the other hand




such as

Useful Language: Comparing and Contrasting

On the other hand Well, it isn’t as…as


…is nowhere near as…as… I’d rather… I’d much prefer (to)… It depends (on)…

Useful Language: Making predictions/ talking about the future

There’s a good chance that… I doubt very much if…

I hope that… I expect that… I’m afraid that… It is/ isn’t very likely to…

Useful Language: Giving opinions

As far as I’m concerned… It seems to me that… I tend to think that…

Frequently Asked Questions in Part 3:

Do you think smoking should be banned in all public places? It’s really hard to say but I think if this plan will benefit the majority, then it’s ok to ban it. For sure smokers will greatly go against this proposal as this has become their way of life. Do you prefer to go out or stay at home in the evening? I prefer to stay at home because I have to help my wife take care of my children. Besides, this is the only time that I can spend with my children, helping them do their homework. On the other hand, when I became a father going out became limited to just meeting with very common friends who my wife knows. Do you think that e-mail has made our lives easier? Definitely, yes! Before I used to send letter through post but it needed much time to reach its destination. Now, e-mails greatly help me with sending of letters. It’s fast and convenient. Which is better: living in the countryside or in the city? I’d rather live in the city. City life offers modern living. There are many opportunities in terms of work, entertainment, leisure and dining. However, the countryside gives a very common and limited life style which is I guess preferred by people in their old age. How likely it is that computer will be able to do your job in the future? With the kind of work that I do, computers are of great help. Back then, we had to do manual work in terms of calibration of machines. Today, calibration is done through computers making our work more efficient and easy to do. Would you rather watch sport or play it? Actually, I like both. If I want to learn how to play a new sport, I watch it first. Similarly, if I want to improve a sport that I know how to play, I watch it on TV so I could learn some techniques. What do you think the consequences of global warming will be? If there’s global warming, our environment will be warmer. People and animals

might have trouble coping with the changing temperature. Also, there people from the cold regions of the world might experience flood due to melting of ice. I believe that this is not a good phenomenon and will give bad effects to all of us.

EXTRA Part 2: Describe a happy event in your childhood that you remember well. You should say:  When the event took place  Where the event took place  What happened exactly And explain why you remember this event clearly.

FF: Did you ever do this again? What did your parents think about it?

Part 3: Do you think children’s lives are very different nowadays? Yes, of course! With modern life style, children are similarly affected as with adults. Before, children were confined in their house. They were just limited to some activities such as playing indoor games of simple nature. At present, they are faced with enormous challenges such as meeting deadlines for a school project, waking up early to beat the traffic and do homework using computers. These things are a few examples of the notable changes in the lives of the children.

Are children too protected now? For some, yes. This applies to parents who are aware that children are well exposed to temptations coming from peers and technologies. Parents who value their family would keep a close contact with them. However, for working parents, they have less time to oversee their children, thus, providing less care to them. As a result, there are delinquent minors. Do you think children can have too many toys? It depends. There are toys that have good effects to children. Due to commercialization lately, there are also many hazardous toys. So, having few or many toys would be the prerogative of the parents. They should always guide their children in choosing toys to play. Is it important to celebrate birthdays and other festivals? Absolutely, yes! Birthdays come once a year. In the Philippines, celebrations are highly regarded by Filipinos. Celebrations are blessings that need to be commemorated, the same with festivals which are mostly religious in nature.

Speaking Practice:

Directions: Provide a 2-minute response to the following questions. Record your answer on a blank tape.

1. Discuss an interesting place you have been to recently (What is it, where is it, whether you like or dislike the place) 2. Discuss an interesting person you have met (who he is, where he lives, what qualities make him interesting) 3. Discuss what you would like to do when you get older (what is it, how you will do it, why you will do it) 4. Discuss what you would like to learn in the future (what is it, how you can learn it, why you’d like to learn it) 5. Discuss a frightening experience you had when you were young (what is it, where it took place, what makes it frightening)

6. Discuss a person you like to spend time always (who he is, what you enjoy to do, why you like to be together always) 7. Discuss an exciting experience you had (what it is, where it happened, why it became exciting) 8. Discuss a favorite pet (what kind, where you got it from, why it is a favorite) 9. Discuss something you like to do when you have free time (what it is, how you do it, why you like to do it) 10. Discuss a place you would like to visit in the future (what is it, where it is, why you like to go there soon) 11. Discuss a person you would like to meet some day (who he is, where you’d like to meet, why you’d like to meet him) 12. Discuss a person who has influenced your life (who he is, what you like about him and why he was influential to you) 13. Discuss something you have never done but would like to do (what is it, how you can do it, why you’d like to do it) 14. Discuss something you have done but never want to do again (what was it, how you did it, why you don’t like to do it again) 15. Discuss an experience which made you laugh (what it is, where it took place, why it made you laugh) 16. Discuss an experience which made you cry (what it is, where it took place, why it made you cry) 17. Discuss what you would do if you had a million dollars (what it is, where will you spend it, why will you spend it there) 18. Discuss what you would do if you were President of your country (what you’ll do, why you’ll do it) 19. Discuss a gift you could give others (what it is, to whom you’ll give it and why you have chosen it) 20. Discuss a gift you would like someone to give you (what it is, what occasion , why you’ll like it given to you) 21. Discuss a special talent you have (what it is, where you got it, what makes it special)

Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review


IELTS Comprehensive Review and Coaching

Mar 16, '08 2:27 AM for everyone

I conduct IELTS General Training Comprehensive Review and Coaching for Skilled Workers for Australia, Canada and other countries requiring IELTS General Training certificate. I service Joblane International Manpower Services and 21st Century Manpower Resources Inc., two active agencies recruiting skilled workers to Australia. I also conduct IELTS Academic Review and Coaching for nurses and other allied health practitioners. I frequently conduct training for ISA- International Student Advisors 4 U Inc.- a recruiting firm for the United Kingdom. Success rate for all firms is maintained at above 70%. For the Academic training, 100% pass rate is maintained for ISA while 90% for Joblane on the average and 80% on the average for 21st Century. I am able to handle big class size but with impressive pass rate. For General Training, the average class size on a monthly basis is 30 participants while 20participants for the Academic training. Updated materials, powerful and intuitive techniques are provided to participants during the training leaving them incredibly confident in taking the test. For inquiries, please keep in touch with me at 09184905100 or 381-9941. Carlo Villalona Tags: ielts review 0 comments

Sep 30, '08 3:55 Answer Key to Module Exercises for IELTS General Training AM Listening and Reading for everyone General Training Reading Supplementary Material 1 Traveler’s Tip

Carlo 


Personal Message Report Abuse

   

Home Blog Photos Calendar

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

a a f d g b yes yes no no not given not given yes traveler’s insurance Bush fires itinerary your body tight bandage

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 2 London’s Market

c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

c e a f c b f a, d c, d d, e, f

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

community/ multicultural youth culture Village Market electrical goods antiques

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 Distance Learning

ix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

ix vii i viii iv a, d (in any order) a, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) (full-time) employment (in any order) family/ domestic responsibilities (in any order) e f a c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 4 Revision for Exams

iii 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

iii x iv vi xi viii i

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

every evening (your) weekend employment working too hard small index cards boredom (and) stress b b

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 5 Australia Fights Back

b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

b a c c a b b c f b c g b a c c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 6 Canals on Mars

a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

a c d a i h

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

b e yes not given not given no no yes


1 £203

22 B

2 17


3 no


4 under 26/ less than 26


5 locals/ local people


6 satisfied/ ok

27 Early Childhood

7 (British) students


8 (too) many/ big

29 not learned/ innate

9 careful

30 in person

A or E

C or D

the differences/ how they differ

10 the culture/ the food

31 higher

11 International Student Advisor

32 exam performance/ results

12 Learning/ study groups


13 Student IT Department

34 controlled

14 Housing Officer/

35 thought/ thinking

sleep/ sleeping/ sleeplessness

Accommodation Officer 15 International Department

36 organized

16 personal and/ or financial

37 vary/ change/ be different

17 b

38 marks/ weighting

18 d

39 relaxed

19 e

40 (effective)s tudy skills

20 c

41 -

21 a

42 -

Tags: ielts general 0 comments

Jul 25, '08 Joblane lands 89% pass rate for 12 July IELTS General Training 12:07 AM at the British Council Philippines for everyone It is interesting to note that since the start of the implementation of the IELTS General Training in July of last year, Joblane had 100% pass rate thrice and this month fairs at 89%.

Out of the 27 skilled workers who took the test 24 successfully made it to the 4.5 overall band score visa requirement. Three of them garnered 4.0 overall which is not bad. Looking closely at their individual scores, we can infer that their strengths are listening and writing at 93% while reading and speaking at 74% were their weaknesses.

It is really important that during the speaking test one has to listen attentively to the examiner so he would be able to respond appropriately to the question and secondly, he must be able to extend his answer to every question in a clear way.

One of the factors that could influence their score is attendance to the training which has to be 100% for a 3-week course or depending on the agreed time frame set by the IELTS trainer. Second factor is performance during the training. This includes completing all course work, assignments, quizzes, simulations and oral participation. Above all, positive thinking and self-confidence are great tools in achieving success in the real test. Tags: ielts gt 1 comment

IELTS General Training- Writing Tasks 1 and 2, Sample Topics and Answers

Mar 25, '08 3:47 AM for everyone

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 1

No. 1 You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my comments and suggestions about the College Cafeteria- the one and only student council owned cafeteria in the school. I am thinking that by writing to you your magazine will be able to reach the student populace and keep them informed

about this cafeteria.

Firstly, I am a frequent customer of this cafeteria. As a senior student, I am always busy. The cafeteria becomes my home from breakfast to dinner. I particularly like it because it is convenient. I do not need to go out of the campus to eat meals. Aside from that, the cost of meals is affordable. In addition, I like the variety of menu that it offers keeping us with a balanced diet. However, there is one thing that I find quiet unpleasant about the area. During exam week, the area gets clogged with students who would also prefer to dine. As a result, serving of food and payment for such take time. Personally, this becomes annoying especially that everyone wants to be served fast to catch with the examination. I am suggesting that the cafeteria would employ more attendants. They could also hire student to work for them.

I look forward to reading these comments and suggestions in the college magazine soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(214 words)

No. 2 You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my observations about the general shopping habit and trends in my hometown. I think this will be a good subject of an article that you could write about in the newspaper.

Firstly, I would like you to know that shopping in my hometown has become more and more popular lately as compared before. Although shopping for most people poses some threat to security, it is undeniably a hobby for some. On weekends, people crowd over bargains. Interestingly, there are more goods sold now than before such as antiques, imported electronic gadgets, house ornaments and fashionable clothes. However, there are two things that I think the government should do to improve the area. One is that there should be more security officers, uniformed and civilians who should take care of the safety of the patrons. Lately, there have been reports about crimes of various levels. Another is the transportation in the area. Due to the increasing number of people buying goods, there are no more lanes for transports to cruise the area. As a result, people have to walk for more than 45 minutes to reach the main road. The management of this shopping area should think of ways on how they could let the customers feel welcome and not just think of the revenues they will get out of this.

I look forward to reading these comments in the newspaper soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(238 words)

No. 3 You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire if you have an opening for a welding job in your reputable construction firm. I have gained substantial experience and I feel confident that I am fit to undertake the said position.

I am a senior welder in ABC Company for 14 years now and was promoted to supervisory position 2 years ago. My skills in welding are very diverse and these experiences were honed while I worked for a gigantic construction company in the Middle East particularly in Dubai for 10 years. Recently, there is a need for me to come home because of my ailing grandmother and due to the pleading of my wife that I should stick to our own family since my children are still young. I felt that your company can provide me with an opportunity where I can pursue a supervisory position in the same field while I address the needs of my grandmother and own family.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(168 words)

No. 4 You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to apply for a temporary job in the summer camp that you are organizing. I have read this advertisement from the newspaper and I found this interesting because I have the qualities that you are looking for.

Firstly, I have joined several camps before from team building to organizing games for Koreans, young and adults while teaching English to them. I believe from the advertisement that you have the same requirement for applying individuals. As I am a

person who loves the outdoors, children, games and English teaching, this is certainly a perfect summer job for me. Aside from that, my experience last year with group of children who went for camping in Laguna, and the team building in Tagaytay for foreign excursionist provided me with skills in leading groups, giving clear instructions and creating innovative games. Anyway, kindly you can reach me through my mobile number at 1234-5678.

I look forward to hearing from you the soonest. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(163 words)

No. 5

An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.

29 March 2008

Dear Jane,

I am writing to let you know that I am so much pleased to know that you are coming over for a visit. I would like you to know also of some good choices to stay and other things that you might need. By now, I could not help my self but be really happy that you will come.

Anyway, I live in Makati City and there are various accommodation arrangements. For hassle-free and convenient living, I am suggesting that you rent an apartment hotel. It looks like a typical studio apartment but with hotel services such as attendants cleaning your room, swimming pool, gym and cafeteria but with an apartment cost. This is particularly suited for you because it is at the heart of the city and going around is very easy. When you arrive here, I will tell you in details the things that you can do. I know very well that you love the outdoors so I have many options to suggest. Well, about clothes, our weather here is very different from yours in France. It is summer now and will last until June. So, just bring light clothes. You can also try buying clothes here. You can email me if you need more help.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Best regards, John

(218 words)

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 2

No. 1 In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?

There are many reasons why neighbors are not close to each other nowadays. For a busy community such as Manila and Makati City, talking to neighbors is often neglected. This is happening due to the structure of accommodation that is popular to city dwellers such as condominiums, hotels and apartments. These havens do not provide inhabitants with time to mingle with each other. Mostly, these are enclosed areas. As a result, people do not have the opportunity to meet and greet with their neighbors.

Another reason why this is happening is the fact that residents do not trust their neighbors nowadays. The media has been very vocal about the harsh realities of having inconsiderate neighbors. Some reports would say that rape of a teenage girl or robbery in the corner house has been committed by a fellow resident. These among others instill threat against security among neighbors making it hard for them to associate lately.

For particular ways on how this link among neighbors could be improved seem to be crucial but vital in modern times. On a personal level, modernization and its ill-effects must not hinder people from being pleasant and caring to each other. A prominent way on how to win over this phenomenon is to organize groups whose objectives are to bring harmony and to foster camaraderie in the community.

Another significant plan is to evoke the local council to spearhead activities such as sports, social gatherings, regular meetings and parties aimed at raising awareness of the importance of team spirit, trust and sense of community.

On the whole, whether it is the kind of accommodation where you are staying or the distrust that has been developed among neighbors nowadays that caused distant ties among them, it is very essential to know that hope is still within reach. Residents and community leaders must work hand in hand to save and protect the character that is unique to every Filipino.

(322 words)

Writing Assignments

Writing Task 1

Directions: Write a letter about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 20 minutes.


You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.


You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.


You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.


You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.


An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.


An English-speaking friend is coming to study in your town next year and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your

letter, offer to find a place for him/her to live, give advice about how to find a part-time job and give information on where they can learn your language. 7.

You are going on a short training course at a college in New Zealand. You need somewhere to live while you are there. You realized that a friend whom you met in your country. Write to your friend. In your letter, explain your situation, describe the accommodation you require and say when you will need it.


You are going to take a short holiday in Australia and you want to rent a holiday flat while you are there. Write to the tourist information office. In your letter, explain what you need, say when you need it and ask for information about the prices.


You were recently voted by your neighbors as the organization president of your town. Write a letter to your neighbors. In your letter, express thanks for the opportunity, describe the plans that you would like to do first and express your concerns.

10. You were invited to speak before a crowd to share your experiences in life. However, 2 days before the affair, a serious family problem happened. Write to the organizer of the affair. In your letter, apologize that you can not attend the affair, describe what happened and say how important the event but you can not make it.

Writing Task 2

Directions: Write an essay about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 40 minutes.


In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?


Life nowadays is generally much more stressful than in the past. Give some reasons why people suffer more from stress nowadays, and say what they can do to reduce it.


Computers and modems have made it possible for office workers to do much of their work from home instead of working in offices everyday. Working from home should be encouraged as it is good for workers and employers. Do you agree or disagree?


It is often difficult for young people to find a good job without previous work experience. Governments should encourage employers to choose young people when they need new workers. Do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays, many students have the opportunity to study for part or all of their courses in foreign countries. While studying abroad brings many benefits to individual students, it also has a number of disadvantages. Do you agree or

disagree? 6.

In some countries it is common for students leaving school to do a gap year in which they travel, do voluntary work, or do a job before going on to higher education. Although this may benefit students in a number of ways, it also has a number of disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Parents and teachers make many rules for children to encourage good behavior and to protect them from danger. However, children would benefit from fewer rules and greater freedom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Governments make rules to protect people from danger, for example by making people wear seat belts in cars or not allowing smoking in public buildings. However, many people believe there are too many rules nowadays. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In many countries, television shows many foreign-made programs. The dominance of imported entertainment is harmful to the cultures of these countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

10. In most countries, multinational companies and their products are becoming more and more important. This trend is seriously damaging our quality of life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answers Writing Task 1 NOTE: The following are sample answers to writing task 1. Study them carefully before doing the writing assignments above. Sample 1: You have just started a course in a college which has no sports facilities of its own. Write a letter to the manager of the nearest private sports club. In your letter, introduce yourself, say why you are interested in this sports club and ask some questions about the club (e.g., facilities, members, costs) Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. 3 February 2007

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire about the facilities of the YMCA sports club. I have heard much about the affordability and customer satisfaction from students like me who have been using your

equipment for various sports activities recently.

I am a freshman Education major in English student at the Jose Rizal College. Our campus is just a block away from your compound. Having said this, accessibility is never a problem and the best of all, I will be able to manage other school-related tasks while enjoying at your swimming facility. How much is the membership fee annually? Do I have to pay for entrance every time I go there? As I am a full-time student, are you open after 5pm and on weekends? I hope that you can provide me with these details through text at 0910-1234567 or call me in my home phone at 123-4567.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Santos

(160 words) Sample 2:

You have had a bank account for a few years. Recently you received a letter from the bank stating that your account is $240 overdrawn and that you will be charged $70 which will be taken directly from your account. You know that this information is incorrect. Write a letter to the bank. Explain what has happened and say what you would like them to do about it. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (196 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Mr. Aquino,

I am writing in reply to a letter I received from you a few days ago. In your letter, you state

that I am $240 overdrawn and that you will be charging me $70.

I would like to point out that the reason I am overdrawn is because of a mistake made by your bank. If you look through your records you will see that I wrote several weeks ago explaining the situation. For the last 12 months, I have been paying $300 a month for a car I bought last summer. The monthly payments were taken directly from my bank account. However, 2 months ago I sold the car and I wrote to you instructing you to stop paying the monthly installments. I received a letter from you acknowledging my request, but, for some reason, nothing was done about it. Another $300 installment has been paid this month and this is the reason why I am overdrawn. I would like you to contact the garage where I bought the car explaining your error. I would also like you to ask them to return the money.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Patt Santos

Sample 3:

You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems. Write a letter to your new employer. In your letter, explain the situation, describe some problems, and tell him/her when you think you can start. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (167 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Ms. Barnes,

I am writing concerning the position of Welder that I am due to begin next Monday. However, a problem has arisen.

As you know, I currently work for my uncle’s welding shop and fabricating business, and you will remember from my interview that I have gained valuable experience there. Unfortunately, he has to go into hospital for eye surgery, leaving my aunt in charge of both the home and the business. She has asked me, as this is a particularly busy time of the year, to stay on and help her with the running of the office. I realize this will be inconvenient to you, but very much hope that, given the circumstances, you would be prepared to allow me to take up the position with you two weeks later than planned. I would like to emphasize that I remain very keen to work with you, and that I will be gaining further useful experience during this time.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Ningning Sample 4: You are unhappy about a plan to make your local airport bigger and increase the number of flights. You live near the airport. Write a letter to the local newspaper. In your letter, explain where you live, describe the problem, and give reasons why you do not want this development. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (249 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to make an appeal to the airport authorities through your newspaper regarding the planned expansion of the local airport and the increase in the number of flights.

Leaving about 500 meters away from the airport, I and my family are currently experiencing inconveniences under this circumstance. The main issue is the noise that is so disturbing every time a plane takes off and lands. Imagine how it feels to have this happening almost

every minute of the day. Apart from this is the flow of traffic that we experience. Since we are close to the airport, there will be no point in time that we are free from the traffic in the main road that we pass through in going out of our village. Since we heard that there is a plan of expanding the airport, this would mean a great deal to us who live just across the airstrip. It would mean that we may be asked to leave our place in case it will be hit by the expansion. This would also mean that there may be an increase in the number of flights which will add to our already present dilemma regarding the noise concern. It would mean lesser times of a peaceful and quiet surroundings. I really hope that airport officials would try to reconsider their plans and think also about the welfare of the people who will be affected by their move.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Bernadette Camiling

Writing Task 2 Sample 1 To be successful in education it is important to be a good student than to have good teachers. Do you agree? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Success, nowadays, is and will always be a goal for most individuals regardless of the kind of endeavor one wishes to pursue. As a student, it will forever be a great challenge to finish his education. However, at school, success has to be a concerted effort of both the school represented by its teachers and the students themselves.

Firstly, with the very pressing economic situations of the country, parents are faced with an enormous responsibility of whether to send their children to school or have them do it on a

latter time. For this, money is the deciding factor. Given the opportunity to study, students must possess qualities that could make him successful in the future. Characters such diligence, perseverance and studious must go hand in hand for a student to achieve his goals in education.

On the other hand, teachers must do their relentless drive to seriously help their students fulfill their aims. Unfortunately, there are more students than mentors in every classroom in the country. As a result, students are unsuccessful with their aspirations. As this may seem a paramount problem encountered by school owners, teachers must device a way to serve the students and maximize their learning potentials.

As a whole, becoming a successful student, large emphasis has to be put on values shed on every day that he goes to school to learn. In addition, teachers must carefully consider all possible means to help address the needs of the students. After all, what becomes a future of a student is immensely affected by the experience he obtains from his teachers at school. (266 words)

Sample 2: Some people prefer to spend their holidays by going out of town. Others prefer to stay at home. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of going out of town? Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In the past, taking a holiday was viewed with less interest by many. Nowadays, most Filipino families love taking a holiday. In fact, the government is initiating a move to lengthen holidays by moving certain days of the week to offer Filipinos with many days to enjoy. As Filipinos are lavish spenders of holiday, going of town on holiday presents many great advantages.

Firstly, taking an out of town and simple trip provide every individual a rejuvenating experience. A very classic example is going for a trip to Baguio City, the summer capital of the Philippines. In that place, you can do numerous, relaxing activities such as going for a walk at Burnham park while enjoying its fresh and cool breeze of air. In addition, you can also do boating in the same park. Another less expensive way of activity is making a road trip to Tagaytay City. With this, you will be delighted with a countryside road experience which is very relaxing as well.

Secondly, knowing the culture, the food, the people and the whole area where you intend to go is another benefit offered by an out-of-town holiday. Interestingly, most people find this a welcoming and educational opportunity. It has always been said that traveling can enrich one’s mind and spirit.

As a whole, while this set up gives disadvantages like the hassles of pre-planning stage and the inconveniences of travel, the benefits serve a great purpose, to rejuvenate and to impart knowledge of the area where you plan to go. In this way, you just did not relax your body but enrich your mind as well.

(269 words)

Sample 2: Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles. Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time. Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes. It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to

stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. (258 words) Sample 3: The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in

poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. (266 words)

Sample 4: We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide. In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be so complex that no individual could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Providing all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. If one small program fails, it will become a disaster. There is a certain inevitability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world. (292 words)

Sample 5: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt. Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their child to participate on different teams. But what if the child prefers to read? Parents want to pass on their values to their children. However, things change. The children of today are growing up in a world different from their parents' world. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her parents don't understand or value the digital revolution. Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers. Fortunately, we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are valuable.

(296 words)

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Mar 16, '08 9:42 Upcoming Event- IELTS General Training Intensive Review PM and Coaching for everyone

IELTS General Training Intensive Review and Coaching- March 24-28, 2008 will be held in one of the hotels in Manila. The training starts at 7am and ends at 4pm. Powerful techniques and intuitive coaching will be instructed to skilled workers applying for work in Australia. Walk-in applicants are accepted. Please contact 0918-490-5100 for further information. Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Academic Writing Task 2- Sample Tasks and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:30 PM for everyone

Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles.

Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time.

It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the

gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. We have been living in the nuclear age now for over half a century. Since the first atomic bombs were developed, nuclear technology has provided governments with the ability to totally destroy the planet. Yet the technology has been put to positive use as an energy source and in certain areas of medicine. To what extent is nuclear technology a danger to life on Earth? What are the benefits and risks associated with its use?

These days, many people are afraid of nuclear technology because of the dangers associated with its use. In my opinion, although it is true that nuclear weapons pose the greatest threat to life, the use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes also carries some serious risks. Nuclear power stations provide an important source of cheap power for many industrialized nations and some developing countries. However, there is always the danger of radiation leaking from these plants. Even though safety precautions are taken, there have been numerous disasters such as the explosion of a nuclear plant in Russia not long ago. Nuclear technology is even used to help cure some diseases such as cancer. Radiation can be applied to the body to burn away cancerous cells. This is, however, a dangerous procedure, and the application of radiation is almost always painful and not always successful. The most worrying aspect of nuclear technology, though, is its use for military purposes. Enough atomic bombs have already been built to completely destroy the planet, and the real danger is that one day some country will start a war with these weapons. Too many countries now have the technology required to make such bombs, and there is currently much debate about how to control the situation. In conclusion, nuclear technology certainly has positive uses, but is, nonetheless, dangerous. However, it would have been better if it had never been used to create nuclear weapons.

People in all modern societies use drugs, but today's youth are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an increasingly early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of society often set a bad example. Discuss the causes and some effects of widespread drug use by young people in modern day society. Make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug abuse.

Youth drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many cultures. Not only is illegal drug use on the rise, but children as young as 10 years old are experimenting with alcohol and tobacco. The reasons for this behavior are unclear, but certain sociologists blame the examples set by their elders. Parents who drink and smoke to excess are, in effect, telling their children that it is acceptable to abuse their bodies with drugs. Consequently, children may have a similar view towards illegal drugs, even if their parents are against their use. In addition, drug use shown on television and in films can only confuse children who are also taught at school that drug abuse is wrong. The pressure on young people to perform well at school in order to compete for jobs is a possible cause of the problem. Many believe they cannot live up to their parents' expectations, and feel a sense of hopelessness. Also, the widespread availability of drugs means teenagers are faced with the temptation to experiment. Drugs are used as a means of expressing dissatisfaction with the pressures they face in society. The effects of drug abuse are well known. Many young people's talents are wasted, and addiction to hard drugs can cost a user his or her life. Furthermore, those who drink and drive may be involved in fatal road accidents. The cost to society is great, and enormous amounts of money are spent on convicting drug dealers and on education programs. To conclude, I recommend that the only sensible way to solve this problem is to educate young people about the dangers of drug use, and to take steps to reduce the pressure of competition placed upon them. The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true

in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. Studying the English language in an English-speaking country is the best but not the only way to learn language. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Studying a language in a country where it is widely spoken has many advantages. It is, therefore, a good idea to study English in a country such as Britain. However, I believe it is not the only way to learn the language. In the first place, most students in non-English-speaking countries learn English at secondary school, and sometimes at university nowadays. Although their spoken English is not usually of a very high standard, their knowledge of grammar is often quite advanced. This is certainly useful when students come to an English-speaking country to perfect the language. Secondly, studying the basics of English at secondary school is less stressful than learning the language while overseas. This is because students living at home do not have to worry

about problems such as finding accommodation, paying for their study and living costs, and trying to survive in a foreign country where day to day living causes much stress. However, there are obvious advantages of learning English in Britain. Every day there are opportunities to practice listening to and speaking with British people. Also, students can experience the culture firsthand, which is a great help when trying to understand the language. This is especially true if they choose to live with a British family, as exchange students for example. Furthermore, if students attend a language school full-time, the teachers will be native speakers. In this case, not only will students' speaking and listening skills improve, but attention can be given to developing reading and writing skills as well. In general, even though it is preferable to study English in an English-speaking country, a reasonable level of English can be achieved in one's own country, if a student is gifted and dedicated to study. Although abuse of the system is inevitable, social welfare payments are essential to protect the rights citizens have to a guaranteed minimum income in a democratic society. Discuss.

Social welfare is an essential element of an advanced society. Good systems are always abused, but that does not mean they are faulty. In my opinion, the two main reasons why welfare payments are necessary are as follows: First of all, critics forget that there are many forms of welfare besides payments to the unemployed. Their negative opinions harm those who are not capable of earning a wage, such as single-parent mothers, the disabled, and the sick. Moreover, the unemployed have the right to an income, too. They are not always at fault for not having a job, and in most cases the tax they have paid in the past entitles them to assistance. The second reason is that crime increases when people have no means of support. The desperately poor inevitably turn to crime, which is not only dangerous but costly. Policing the streets is more expensive than providing welfare. A policeman's wage is four or five times higher than a "dole" payment. Certain members of society believe that people should look after themselves. They point out that welfare increases dependency on others and destroy dignity. This may be true, but in the case of the unemployed, the relief payments are usually temporary. It is surely the fault of the government if there are long-term unemployed. Welfare critics also believe that it is the responsibility of a victim's family to provide financial assistance. However, it is too expensive to provide complete help for a severely disabled person. To conclude, it is vital to understand the need for welfare in a modern democratic society.

Without welfare payments the poor are destined to become poorer. The first duty of a government is to provide a financial safety net for all disadvantaged persons, and that includes those without work. Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others. Students who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately. Do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that some students in schools behave badly and their behavior causes difficulty for others either because it has a negative effect on the group or because ordinary students find it difficult to study with them. One solution is to take these students away and teach them on their own. However, if we simply have them removed after one or two warnings, we are limiting their educational opportunities because it seems to me that a school which caters for difficult students is a sort of "prison" whatever name you give it and the people who go there may never recover from the experience. This can then cause problems for the wider society. Perhaps we need to look at why the disruptive students behave badly before we separate them. Disruptive students may be very intelligent and find the classes boring because the work is too easy. Perhaps these students need extra lessons rather than separate lessons. Or perhaps the teachers are uninspiring and this results in behavioral problems so we need better teachers. On the other hand, most students put up with this situation rather than cause trouble, and some people argue that we have to learn to suffer bad teachers and boring situations and that students who can't learn this lesson need to be taught separately. So before we condemn the students to a special school, we should look at factors such as the teaching, because once the children have been separated, it is very unlikely that they will be brought back. Should parents be obliged to immunize their children against childhood diseases? Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunize their children?

Some people argue that the state does not have the right to make parents immunize their children. However, I feel the question is not whether they should immunize but whether, as members of society, they have the right not to. Preventative medicine has proved to be the most effective way of reducing the incidence of fatal childhood diseases. As a result of the widespread practice of immunizing young

children in our society, many lives have been saved and the diseases have been reduced to almost zero. In previous centuries children died from ordinary illnesses such as influenza and tuberculosis and because few people had immunity, the diseases spread easily. Diseases such as dysentery were the result of poor hygiene but these have long been eradicated since the arrival of good sanitation and clean water. Nobody would suggest that we should reverse this good practice now because dysentery has been wiped out. Serious diseases such as polio and smallpox have also been eradicated through national immunization programs. In consequence, children not immunized are far less at risk in this disease-free society than they would otherwise be. Parents choosing not to immunize are relying on the fact that the diseases have already been eradicated. If the number of parents choosing not to immunize increased, there would be a similar increase in the risk of the diseases returning. Immunization is not an issue like seatbelts which affects only the individual. A decision not to immunize will have widespread repercussions for the whole of society and for this reason, I do not believe that individuals have the right to stand aside. In my opinion immunization should be obligatory. We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we he more suspicious of their benefits?

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide. In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be so complex that no individual could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Providing all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. If one small program fails, it will become a disaster.

There is a certain inevitability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world.

Smokers can cause themselves serious health problems. The choice to smoke is made freely and with knowledge of dangers. Smokers should therefore expect to pay more for medical treatment than non-smokers. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Everyone has the choice of being a smoker or not. The people who choose to smoke do so knowing there is a risk of causing harmful damage to them. However, I do not entirely agree that these people should have to pay more to receive all the medical treatment they need. I think there are many situations in which a medical problem has nothing to do with whether a person smokes or not. In these cases, where an illness has no relation to smoking, then I believe that smokers should not be required to pay more than other people for their medical treatment. Most car accidents, for example, have no connection with smoking, and the people who are injured ought to have the same medical help, regardless of the cost. And what about the common flu - it does not seem justifiable to me that a smoker should have to pay more to see a doctor for an illness we can all contact. On the other hand, I agree that a smoker should pay more than a non-smoker for the necessary treatment of any condition which has been caused by smoking. The principle that people should take responsibility for their own actions is a good one. Consequently, if a person chooses to smoke knowing that this habit can cause serious health problems, then there is no reason why the community or an insurance company should have to pay for medical treatment for an illness which could have been avoided. In many countries, cigarette packets have a clear warning that smoking can cause health problems and so no smoker can claim not to know the danger. Lung cancer is sometimes a fatal disease and the treatment is both lengthy and expensive, and it is unfair for the smoker to expect the hospital or the community to carry the cost. In fact, it could also be argued that those who smoke in public should be asked to pay extra because of the illness caused to passive smokers. In conclusion, I feel that smokers should pay more in cases related to smoking, but for any other illness they should pay the same as anyone else.

International entertainers, including sports personalities, often get paid millions of dollars in one year. In your view, with widespread poverty in the world, are these huge earnings justified? The salaries of many singers, dancers and sports people have increased out of all proportion in recent years, while in places like Sudan people are starving to death. I do not believe that anyone should be able to earn such enormous salaries when so many people in the world are living in poverty. One of the factors which should affect what a person can earn ought to be the benefit of person's work to society. It is unreasonable for a famous singer to be able to earn far more from an evening's entertainment than, for instance, a medical scientist who develops a new drug which produces a treatment for a common disease. The pop star certainly has a value in society, but the value in no way exceeds, or even matches, the value gained from a successful medication. Secondly, work done should be paid according to the amount of effort and skill that goes into it. Nobody would deny that a famous person works hard and is skillful; yet such people do not work any harder than thousand of other workers who have no claim to fame. Yet market force is such that these superstars can obtain millions of dolor while other unknown people sometimes earn less than they need to survive. Finally, it should be possible for governments to work together to ensure that the amount of money in circulation should be more equally and fairly distributed. This seems only fair given that there are so many suffering. To conclude, it is clear that world poverty is a serious problem and yet the problem could be eased if governments and companies gave more thought to paying salaries on a more equitable basis and if they started to contribute more money to those in need. Most writers of fiction do not earn enough money to live from their writing. Do you think the government should give them financial assistance to help encourage good literature? There are some conditions under which a novelist could reasonably expect some government support. In general terms, if the writer has already proved that he or she can write well, and if the stories produced are stimulating and interesting, then I consider that some financial help might be given. Language quality is difficult to define, but if the writing shows, for example, good grammar, a wide vocabulary, and elegance and imagination, then I can see a valid reason for assisting an author to spend some time free from money problems. Such a writing needs to be encouraged. the entertainment value of a book would be also a factor in deciding whether to provide assistance to an author. Further consideration would include social and educational values expressed in the author's work.

However, if the ideas were socially irresponsible, or if the stories contain unnecessary violence or pornography for its own sake, then I would not want to see the author sponsored to write stories which do not benefit society. Other exceptions are the many writers of good books who do not require financial help. Books which proved to be extremely popular, such as the Harry Potter stories, clearly need no subsidy at all because the authors have become rich through their writing. Views on what good quality writing means will vary widely, and so if any author is to be given money for writing, then the decision would have to be made by a committee or panel of judge. An individual opinion would certainly cause disagreement among the reading public.

"Prevention is better than cure." Out of a country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Of course it goes without saying that prevention is better than cure. That is why, in recent years, there has been a growing body of opinion in favour of putting more resources into health education and preventive measures. The argument is that ignorance of, for example, basic hygiene or the dangers of an unhealthy diet or lifestyle needs to be combatted by special nationwide publicity campaigns, as well as longer-term health education. Obviously, there is a strong human argument for catching any medical condition as early as possible. There is also an economic argument for doing so. Statistics demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of treating a condition in the early stages, rather than delaying until more expensive and prolonged treatment is necessary. Then there are social or economic costs, perhaps in terms of loss of earnings for the family concerned or unemployed benefit paid by the state. So far so good, but the difficulties start when we try to define what the 'proportion' of the budget should be, particularly if the funds will be 'diverted from treatment'. Decisions on exactly how much of the total health budget should be spent in this way are not a matter for the non-specialist, but should be made on the basis of an accepted health service model. This is the point at which real problems occur - the formulation of the model. How do we accurately measure which health education campaigns are effective in both medical and financial terms? How do we agree about the medical efficacy of various screening programmes, for example, when the medical establishment itself does not agree? A very rigorous process of evaluation is called for, so that we can make informed decisions. The position of women in society has changed markedly in the last twenty years. Many of the problems young people now experience, such as juvenile delinquency, arise from the fact that many married women now work and are not at home to care for their children. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is certainly true that the position of women in society has undergone a dramatic change in the past twenty years but I do not feel that this is a direct cause of the indisputable increase in juvenile-related problems during this period. It is now accepted that young women should find work on leaving school; indeed to rely totally on their parents' financial support is no longer an option in many families. Likewise, once they get married, the majority of women continue working since the financial pressures of setting up a house and establishing a reasonable standard of living often require two incomes. Twenty years ago it was common for women to give up work once they had children and devote their time to caring for their children. This is no longer the general rule and the provision of professionally-run child care facilities and day nurseries have removed much of the responsibility for child rearing that used to fall to mothers. However, these facilities come at a cost and often require two salaries coming into a family to be afforded. I do not believe that the increase in the number of working mothers has resulted in children being brought up less well than previously. Indeed it could be argued that by giving mothers the opportunity to work and earn extra money children can be better provided for than previously. There is more money for luxuries and holidays and a more secure family life is possible. Of course there are limits as to the amount of time that ideally should be spent away from home and the ideal scenario would be for one of the parents (often the wife) to have a part-time job and thus be available for their children before and after school. It is important to establish the correct balance between family life and working life. People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? People attend college for a lot of different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge of themselves and of the world around them. Career preparation is probably the primary reason that people attend college. These days, the job market is very competitive. Careers such as information technology will need many new workers in the near future. At college, students can learn new skills for these careers and increase their opportunities for the future. Students also go to college to have new experiences. For many, it is their first time away from home. At college, they can meet new people from many different places. They can see what life is like in a different city. They can learn to live on their own and take care of themselves without having their family always nearby. At college, students have the opportunity to increase their knowledge. As they decide what they want to study, pursue their studies, and interact with their

classmates, they learn a lot about themselves. They also, of course, have the opportunity to learn about many subjects in their classes. In addition to the skills and knowledge related to their career, college students also have the chance to take classes in other areas. For many, this will be their last chance to study different subjects. Colleges offer much more than career preparation. They offer the opportunity to have new experiences and to learn many kinds of things. I think all of these are reasons why people attend college. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt. Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their child to participate on different teams. But what if the child prefers to read? Parents want to pass on their values to their children. However, things change. The children of today are growing up in a world different from their parents' world. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her parents don't understand or value the digital revolution. Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers. Fortunately, we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are valuable. Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Food is a basic part of life, so it follows that improved methods of food preparation have made our lives better. Nowadays we can prepare meals much faster than we

could in the past. We can also enjoy a greater variety of food and eat more healthfully, all because of modern methods of food preparation. Microwave ovens have made it possible to prepare delicious food quickly. People these days rarely have time to shop and prepare meals the old-fashioned way. We live very fast lives. We are busy working, caring for our families traveling, playing sports, and many other things. Because of microwave ovens, we have time to enjoy a good meal with our family and then play soccer, go to a movie, study, or do anything else we want to afterwards. Modern methods of preserving food have made it possible to enjoy a wide variety of food. Because of refrigerators, freezers, canning, and freeze-drying, we can eat fruits and vegetables that come from far away places. We can prepare a meal one day and save the leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer to eat at another time. We can keep different kinds of food in the refrigerator or on the shelf. It is easy to always have food available and to be able to eat completely different meals every day. Healthful eating is easier now than it ever was. Because of modern transportation methods, fresh fruits and vegetables are available all year round. Modern kitchen appliances make it easy to prepare fruits and vegetables fro cooking. Bread machines make it possible to enjoy healthful, home-baked bread whenever we like. We can eat fresh and healthful food everyday because modern methods have made preparation easy. Our lifestyle is fast, but people still like good food. New food preparation methods have given us is more choices. Today we can prepare food that is more convenient healthier, and of greater variety than ever before in history. It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why? "Experience is the best teacher" is an old cliché, but I agree with it. We can learn a lot of important things from books, but the most important lessons in life come from our own experiences. Throughout the different stages of life, from primary school to university to adulthood, experience teaches us many skills we need for life. As children in primary school, we learn facts and information from books, but that is not all we learn in school. On the playground we learn how to make friends. In our class work, we learn how it feels to succeed and what we do when we fail. We start to learn about the things we like to do and the things we don't. We don't learn these things from books, but from our experiences with our friends and classmates. In our university classes, we learn a lot of information and skills we will need for our future careers, but we also learn a lot that is not in our textbooks. In our daily lives both in class and out of class, we learn to make decisions for ourselves. We learn to

take on responsibilities. We learn to get along with our classmates, our roommates, and our workmates. Our successes and failures help us develop skills we will need in our adult lives. They are skills that no book can teach us. Throughout our adulthood, experience remains a constant teacher. We may continue to read or take classes for professional development. However, our experiences at work, at home, and with our friends teach us more. The triumphs and disasters of our lives teach us how to improve our careers and also how to improve our relationships and how to be the person each one of us wants to be. Books teach us a lot, but there is a limit to what they teach. They can give us information or show us another person's experiences. These are valuable things, but the lessons we learn from our own experiences, from childhood through adulthood, are the most important ones we learn.

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IELTS Academic Writing Task 1- Sample Tasks and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:28 PM for everyone

WRITING TASK 1: SAMPLE 1 The diagram below shows the typical stages of consumer goods manufacturing, including the process by which information is fed back to earlier stages to enable adjustment. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the process shown. 

You should write at least 150 words.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Most consumer goods go through a series of stages before they emerge as finished products ready for sale. Raw materials and manufactured components comprise the initial physical input in the manufacturing process. Once obtained, these are stored for later assembly. But assembly first depends upon the production planning stage, where it is decided how and in what quantities the stored materials will be processed to create sufficient quantities of finished goods. The production planning stage itself follows the requirements of the goods' design stage that proceeds from extensive research. After assembly, the products are inspected and tested to maintain quality control l Those units that pass the inspection and testing stages are then packaged, despatched and offered for sale in retail outlets. The level of sales, which is the end point of the manufacturing process, helps determine production planning. A product's design is not only the result of product research, but is also influenced by testing and market research. If the testing stage (after assembly and inspection) reveals unacceptable problems in the finished product, then adjustments will have to be made to the product's design. Similarly, market research, which examines the extent and nature of the demand for products, has the role of guiding product design to suit consumer demands which may change with time. Market research, while influenced by product sales, also serves to foster future sales by devising suitable advertising for the goods.

Thus the reality of consumer goods manufacturing goes well beyond a simple linear production process.


The table below shows social and economic indicators for four countries in 1994, according to United Nations statistics. Describe the information shown below in your own words. What implications do the indicators have for the countries? 

You should write at least 150 words.

Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.

Indicators Annual income per person (in $US) Life expectancy at birth Daily calorie supply per person Adult literacy rate (%)





















A glance at four indicators of economic and social conditions in four countries, Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire, in 1994 reflects the great differences that exist between wealthier and poorer nations. The table shows that Japan and Canada had annual incomes of $15 760 and $11 100 per person, respectively. These figures were overwhelmingly greater than the corresponding figures of $160 in Peru and $130 in Zaire. Health indicators, too, reflected overall levels of affluence in the four nations. Life expectancy at birth, for example, was higher among the more economically developed countries. Japan reported the highest life expectancy, 78. This was followed by Canada, 76; Peru, 51; and Zaire, 47; This suggests that richer societies are able to put more money into health care than poorer ones. The amount of calories consumed daily per person roughly followed the same ranking. Canadians each consumed some 3 326 calories per day while the Japanese took 2846 calories. The corresponding figures for Peru and Zaire were 1927 and 1749, respectively. Literacy rates among adults, too, were higher in wealthier countries, no doubt a reflection of ability to invest in education. Canada and Japan both reported

literacy rates of 99%, while Peru claimed 68%. Zaire, the least economically developed of the four countries, had a literacy rate of 34%. The data appear to confirm the often cited link between national wealth and health and education standards.


The chart below shows the sleep patterns of people in five different occupations according to a Canadian study. Write a report for a university lecturer, describing the information below. Give possible reasons for the differences. 

You should write at least 150 words.

Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.


Occupation 6-7 pm 7-8 pm 8-9 pm 9-10 pm 10-11 pm 11-12 pm 12-1 am 1-2 am


awake: Truck Driver

Full-time mother

Business Doctor Executive

2-3 am 3-4 am 4-5 am 5-6 am 6-7 am 7-8 am 8-9 am 9-10 am 10-11 am 11-12 am 12-1 pm 1-2 pm 2-3 pm 3-4 pm 4-5 pm 5-6 pm

Differences in sleep patterns appear to reflect differences in individuals' occupations. A Canadian study has pointed out, for example, that students typically sleep for a consecutive 8-hour period each night, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. This may be because the central activity in their lives, study, takes place in normal daylight hours. Similarly, business executives sleep consecutive hours, but perhaps because their jobs are especially busy and stressful they sleep for 6 hours on average, getting up around 5 a.m..

By contrast, truck drivers, probably because of their need to keep their trucks on the road over long periods, tend to sleep in two 3-hour blocks: one between 7 and 10 a.m. and another from 4 to 7 p.m. Another occupation associated with broken sleep schedules is that of doctors. They tend to retire to bed around 1 a.m. and start their day at 7 a.m.., but may be woken up to deal with emergencies in the middle of the night. Finally, full-time mothers, especially those with young children, tend to sleep when their babies do. Typically, they will sleep from 10 p.m. and be awoken at 1 a.m. to comfort their babies for a couple of hours. They then go back to bed to wake at 6 a.m., but nap for two hours or so in the early afternoon. Thus the influence on one's sleep pattern is worthy of consideration when choosing an occupation. Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Speaking Sample Questions and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:26 PM for everyone

SPEAKING MODULE PART 1 Sample Questions and Answers

TOPIC: Free time 1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Before, I used to play basketball, but now I’m into gardening and going out for a walk. 2. How much time do you have each week for doing these things? I make it a point that I do these on weekends. I think that this is really important. 3. Why do you like doing these activities? Well, these activities make us feel young and healthy. Also, there are good ways on how to avoid illnesses and stress. 4. How did you start doing this activity at first? My friends influenced me to do these things. Eventually, I found these very helpful. 5. Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why? Yes! I’d like to try mountain climbing because this would be relatively new to me and it’s exciting to climb mountains and feel the wonders of nature. 6. How has the way people spend their free time changed over the years? Lately, people find it a must to find an activity to do in their free time despite hectic work schedule. They see it as a need although some view the activities for free time

such as badminton as an expensive outlet. TOPIC: Your town 1. Can you describe your town or village to me? My hometown is such a simple place. It’s a community with about 10, 000 people who are mostly into farming but others go to offices. Houses are well-spaced unlike in cities that are crowded. There are small stores and a market and other commercial establishments like hospitals, schools and retail shops. There’s also a small sports complex and a quiet park. 2. What jobs do people in your town do? Some are farmers and the others are working in offices. In addition, there are also some who own business such as stores and other poultry business. 3. What things are there to do in your town in your free time? Well, there are quite a number of you know simple activities that could be done in my hometown. There’s badminton, typical Filipino games, and card games. Most often, people there love to gossip or chat about anything for long hours. 4. What do you like about your town? I think it has to be the peacefulness of the town as there are only a few people there. Also, I would say that there is no traffic in the town. 5. How has your town changed over the last twenty years? It changed significantly. For instance, the market has been improved by constructing a building to enclose the area. There’s also a swimming pool now in the sports complex and the road are well-paved and there are enough public transport in the area. TOPIC: Transport—provide your own answers here 1. 2. 3. 4.

How did you come here today? What is public transport like in your town? How do you think it could be improved? Do you think people should use public transport more? Why (not)?

TOPIC: Your neighborhood- provide your own answers here 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Can you describe to me the house where you live? What is there to do in the area where you live? What do you like about the area where you live? How do you think it could be improved? Do you think it is better to live in the centre of town or outside in the country? Why?

TOPIC: Holidays 1. What do you do when you have a holiday? Typically, I make it sure that I have ample time to spend with my family to make up with the lost time. I also engage in physical activities like brisk walking or jogging. 2. Where do you like to spend your holidays? Why? I prefer to spend them either on

the beach, taking a road trip to cool places such as Baguio and Tagaytay. In addition, I prefer going for a picnic in a mountain or cave areas. 3. Can you describe a typical day in your holiday? Well, normally I go to a beach together with my family. We enjoy cooking and of course, swimming. We also don’t forget to take pictures with beautiful sceneries. 4. Why are holidays important to you? Holidays are very important to me because it’s a good time to spend with my family as I always get busy on regular days. Holidays also provide an opportunity for me to relax. 5. If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? I think I’d choose Australia. Since I have plans of working there I might as well try to explore the country first before I decide to work and stay there permanently. TOPIC: Shopping 1. How much time do you spend shopping every week? I think about 5 hours. I and my wife shop every Sunday as this is the only day that we have for ourselves. 2. Do you enjoy going shopping? Why (not)? Provided that I have money, sure I’d love to shop 3. What is your favorite shop and why do you like it? A lot actually! But I prefer SM department store because they have various outfit for men and very trendy underwear. 4. What problems are there with shopping in your area? Oftentimes, having to wait long on lines when paying, impolite attendants and having too many choices are some problems that I encounter. For car owners, getting a parking space could also be a problem.

TOPIC: Places to go in your free time 1. What do people do in your town in their free time? Well, most of them just stay at home, watch TV or read magazines while the others would play a sport such as badminton or basketball. 2. Where can they go out for entertainment, or to enjoy themselves? Most of them go to shopping malls. Filipinos love going to the malls. Well, there are parks where they can spend time talking with someone. 3. Which do you prefer: eating in restaurants or eating at home? I prefer to eat at home because it’s safe, cheaper and you can cook the food that you’d like to eat. In restaurants, it’s a little expensive and sometimes the taste of the food isn’t what you’re looking for. 4. Which are the best places to eat out? In my hometown, there are small restaurants. Well, there are fast foods which are really popular and also restaurants catering Japanese, Chinese and other international menu.

TOPIC: Reading 1. Do you enjoy reading? Why? Yes sometimes because I know that reading is an important skill. You can learn many things from reading. 2. What sort of things do you read? I don’t read books that much. I prefer newspapers and magazines. 3. Tell me something about your favorite book. I’d rather tell you about my favorite newspaper. It’s called the Manila Bulletin. It’s a daily broadsheet but I prefer to read the Sunday issue of this paper. Basically, it contains up to date and comprehensive news coverage of issues affecting the people and issues concerning the country. However, I read most of the time the classified ads section as I normally search for hot jobs in and out of the country. 4. What are the advantages of reading instead of watching television or going to the cinema? First of all, reading is not expensive as compared with going to the cinema. Reading provides detailed information about a subject or topic whereas watching television gives you abbreviated information about a subject or topic. Topic: You 1. Do you work or study? Definitely, your response to this question would be I am working, I’ve worked before in…, or I worked as a welder before in…

Work 1. Can you describe your job to me?- Well, m y job is welding. 2. How long have you been doing it?- I worked in Saudi for 7 years and in the country, about 5 years. 3. Why did you choose to do that job?- I think this job is something that I really love to do. I want to believe that I was born with this skill and have perfected it through years of experience. 4. What things do you enjoy about your work? Why?-For the most part, I think the various projects that are delegated to us. Periodically, we change projects but of course, the same kind of job. 5. And what things don’t you like? Why not?-To be honest, it’s the salary. We don’t get paid as much as our quality of work is measured. 6. What are your plans for the future?- Well, right now I have pending application as a welder in Australia. If everything goes well, then I will work there and hopefully, provide my family with good life. TOPIC: Sports and games 1. What sports are most popular in your country?- Lately, I guess Filipinos became interested with boxing, swimming and most of all, badminton. 2. What sports and games did you most enjoy playing when you were a child?- As far as I can remember, I think it’s Yo-yo. I think this is a game that most children would play.

3. Do people take as much exercise as in the past?- I think yes! I just don’t know exactly. Lately, the need to exercise increased, but, people find it hard to do because of time constraint, work, and other factors. 4. Why is exercise good for you?- With the increasing demands at work, family and personal life, exercise has become a very essential tool in fighting boredom, stress and depression. So, I think it is good for me as well. SPEAKING MODULE PART 2 Sample Questions Directions: For 1 minute, prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make sure that you don’t write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record your answer in a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a response that is 2-minute long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for use with your responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 2 answers below.

1. Describe a place you visited recently 2. Describe a friend 3. Describe a child you know 4. Describe an object you like 5. Describe a photograph 6. Describe a historical figure 7. Describe an important event in your culture 8. Describe your favorite newspaper 9. Describe your last holiday 10. Describe the clothes that you like 11. Describe the person whom you’d like to spend time always 12. Describe a person that you like to be with when you grow old 13. Describe a game that you play when you were a child 14. Talk about the difference of growing up in the city and in the countryside 15. Describe a household equipment that you prefer *Look at the NOTE section below. Use the opening phrases to start with your responses for the topics above.

Model Answers

NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including: I’d like to talk about a TV program called… I’m going to talk about a TV program called… A TV program that I found really interesting was…

Sample 1: Talk about a happy event in your childhood that you remember well. You should say: -where the event took place -when the event took place -what happened exactly And explain why you remember this event clearly.

Did you ever do this again? Yes, I went to the same place when I graduated from college. The place was totally different. What did your parents think about it? My parents found this very helpful to me. That’s why they allowed me to join. A happy event that I can still remember about my childhood was our educational trip to Manila Zoo when I was in elementary. I believe it took place in 1986 as part of our science subject requirement. Anyway, I studied in Cavite and Manila Zoo was I guess a 2 hour drive from our school. As a child, going for a trip is always a pleasure especially riding a bus and taking a long road trip. Well, I was with my classmates—40 plus all in all. As it was a field trip and a common practice, we had to bring with us food and drinks- a typical picnic of some sort. Then, we went in the zoo and had a tour guide who explained every details about the various animals. Of course, I didn’t understand everything what the guide told us. But anyway, the trip was very memorable because it was my first time to have a close encounter with the animals of various sizes, shapes and behavior. It is apparently very clear to me up to now because as I said it was my first time to meet and greet with the animals, and it was a form of socialization where we students talk about things outside the class room. That’s it!

Describe a TV program that you have seen and that interested you.

You should say: -When and where you saw the program -What the program was about -What you felt about the program And explain why you found the program particularly interesting. I am going to talk about a TV program called Bubble Gang. If I am not mistaken, this is the longest comedy TV show on Philippine television. The program is shown every Fridays on GMA 7. Although the program is shown late at night, it particularly makes viewers roll over with laughter. The program emphasizes on pop culture parody. Skits and sketches are performed on a variety of style that captivates the audiences’ hearts. In addition, it spoofs shows and commercials, and it takes on other celebrities and other political figures. The show also features top-notch actors and actresses armed with unparalleled talents. Personally, I find this show an excellent comic relief from a hard days work. Despite its comic attributes, it also provides awareness to viewers about issues confronting personalities of national prominence as well as typical situations in the Philippine community. These things make the program interesting to me. I think this is all that I can say about the show.

Describe a town or city you would like to visit. You should say: -where it is -how it is similar to your hometown -how it is different from your hometown And explain why you would like to visit it. A city that I found really interesting and which I would like to go to in the future would be Perth, Australia. This city comes to mind first because this is where I will work as a welder. Most probably, this will also be the destination of the majority of the skilled workers applying for Australia. It is located in Western Australia and is the fastest growing city in the country. Being the fourth largest city, it holds major commercial establishments which are really ideal for skilled workers like me. Well, I come from Pampanga, also a growing town. This is the only similarity that I could cite. Perth is very different from Pampanga, of course. Firstly, Perth has huge population which favors their labor force. As I have read, there is always job for everyone in Australia. Secondly, it has well-established highways for an economy to prosper. In Pampanga, roads are still being improved. Thirdly, there is good provision for the benefits of the residents unlike in my hometown where even health care is not sufficient.

I would like to visit this place to enjoy these benefits and, most of all to work and earn for my family here. That’s all! SPEAKING MODULE PART 3 Sample Questions Directions: Prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make sure that you don’t write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record your answer in a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a response that is 3-5 sentences long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for use with your responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 3 answers below.

Topic A: How does tourism affect a country? Does it have some advantages? Can cultures learn from each other?

Topic B: Is friendship important in your culture? How many close friends can you have? Are friends more important than family?

Topic C: What is the role of parents in raising children? Has the role changed in recent years? Who is responsible for discipline?

Topic D: Do possessions make people happy? Why do people buy things? Are people in your country wise consumers?

Topic E: Are images important in your culture? What is the role of advertising? Do films and television influence our decisions?

Topic F: Who are the most influential people in your society? Are there many heroes or role models today? What are the qualities of a good leader?

Topic G: How do different cultures celebrate events? What is the importance of festivals? How have special occasions such as weddings changed in your culture?

Model Answers NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including: I guess…

I believe…

Most probably…

I think…



Sample 1: How has the countryside changed in recent years in your country? I believe the rural areas changed so much now as compared to 10 years ago. For instance, telephone and power lines have been reinforced providing people in the area the access to news and information. Similarly, the roads have been improved for comfortable travel and business transaction. These changes are absolutely helpful to the town and all the more to the residents.

Sample 2: How do you think the countryside may change in the future? Well, most probably there will be internet access to these areas and stronger signals for mobile networks so that the residents can benefit from good communication. In addition, I am also looking at positive changes in the education sector. As observed, nowadays, people coming from these areas have poor communication skills.

Sample 3:

Where do most people live in your country- in the city or in the countryside? I guess more people are coming to cities lately in the Philippines. Noticeably, teenagers and young adults are searching for jobs in Makati or Ortigas City and eventually live there for work purposes. While this could be positive to the city’s labor force, it would also pose some problems such as overcrowding and traffic.

Here are more topics for you to practice. You may or may not record these and your answers. However, it is still highly recommended that you record them if you don’t have a partner to practice with. NOTE: Practice makes perfect!

1. Describe your own family’s favorite holiday destination. 2. Identify what most people in your country do on their holidays. 3. Discuss the pros and cons of spending holidays overseas or spending them in your own country. 4. Describe the main tourist destinations for overseas tourists coming to your country. 5. Describe how people entertain guests in your country. 6. What are the advantages of entertaining friends at home or of meeting them in public places? 7. What are the forms of entertainment young people and adults prefer in your culture. 8. Describe the main activities that go on in a family room in your culture. 9. Evaluate the importance of spending time with your family at home. 10. Compare the importance of spending time with your family and with your friends.

Transitional Devices (Connecting Words) Transitional devices are like bridges between parts of your essay or letter. They are cues that help the reader to interpret ideas in the way that you, as a writer, want them to understand. Transitional devices help you carry over a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another with words or phrases. And finally, transitional devices link your sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas. There are several types of transitional devices, and each category leads your reader to make certain connections or assumptions about the areas you are connecting. Some lead your reader forward and imply the "building" of an idea or thought, while others make your reader compare ideas or draw conclusions from the preceding thoughts. Here is a list of some common transitional devices that can be used to cue your reader in a given

way. To Add: and, again, and then, besides, equally important, finally, further, furthermore, nor, too, next, lastly, what's more, moreover, in addition, first (second, etc.), To Compare: whereas, but, yet, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, on the contrary, by comparison, where, compared to, up against, balanced against, vis a vis, but, although, conversely, meanwhile, after all, in contrast, although this may be true To Prove: because, for, since, for the same reason, obviously, evidently, furthermore, moreover, besides, indeed, in fact, in addition, in any case, that is To Show Exception: yet, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, of course, once in a while, sometimes To Show Time: immediately, thereafter, soon, after a few hours, finally, then, later, previously, formerly, first (second, etc.), next, and then To Repeat: in brief, as I have said, as I have noted, as has been noted, To Emphasize: definitely, extremely, obviously, in fact, indeed, in any case, absolutely, positively, naturally, surprisingly, always, forever, perennially, eternally, never, emphatically, unquestionably, without a doubt, certainly, undeniably, without reservation To Show Sequence: first, second, third, and so forth. A, B, C, and so forth. next, then, following this, at this time, now, at this point, after, afterward, subsequently, finally, consequently, previously, before this, simultaneously, concurrently, thus, therefore, hence, next, and then, soon To Give an Example: for example, for instance, in this case, in another case, on this occasion, in this situation, take the case of, to demonstrate, to illustrate, as an illustration, to illustrate To Summarize or Conclude: in brief, on the whole, summing up, to conclude, in conclusion, as I have shown, as I have said, hence, therefore, accordingly, thus, as a result, consequently, on the whole

Speaking Activity

Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, write two sentences for each question. Remember to write interesting sentences as these will catch the examiner’s attention and would count towards getting a higher score in the IELTS Speaking Test.

Warm-up 1. Could you show me your identification card please? Sure. Here is my passport/SSS 2. Could you tell me your full name please? My name is John Santos. You can call me Joe as my friends call me this way. 3. What shall I call you? I prefer to be called Joe. Ever since I was young I was called like this. 4. Does your name have any special meaning? I actually don’t know but I’ll to research on that. 5. Why do so many people change their names? Maybe because it’s unpleasant or conflict of interest. 6. Is your name important to you? Definitely. It is for security purpose and personal identification. Hometown or birth place

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Where do you come from? Where do you live? Can you tell me something about your hometown? Can you tell me some famous landscapes or scenic spots in your hometown? Can you tell me some history of your hometown?

Personal background and information

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Are you a student or do you have a job? What do you like most about your study? What kind of job do you prefer after graduation? What is your major? What do you do for living? Could you tell me a typical day of yours? How do you get your job? Are you satisfied with your job? What do you like most about your job? What kind of job do you prefer in the future?

Hobby or inclination

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What do you usually do in your spare time? Do you prefer to stay alone or with your friends? What do you usually do on weekends and weekdays? What do you usually do when you go out? What do you usually do with your friends? Do you like reading? What kind of books do you like best? Do you like English? Why or why not? What do you think of the importance of English? What are good hobbies and bad hobbies? Why?

Future plan

1. 2. 3. 4.

Why do you take the IELTS test? What are you planning to do in the next five years? What are you planning to do in the next ten years? What is the first thing you will do when you arrive at the new place?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Do you like traveling? Do you like travel alone or with your friends? Have you traveled to other places? Where are they? What do you usually do when you first arrive in a new place? What are the benefits of traveling? Why do so many people like traveling nowadays?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Do you have many friends? Are they casual acquaintances or close friends? Do you prefer to stay with your family or with your friends? Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends? Can you talk about your best friend? How to make friends? What do you usually do with your friends? Is the time you spend with your friends as much as that you spend with your family?


1. 2. 3. 4.

Do you like music? What are the benefits of listening to music? What kind of music do you like best? Why do you like this kind of music?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Can you say something about the transportation in your hometown? What is the common means of transport in your country? Do traffic jams often occur in your hometown or in the city where you live? How to solve the problem? What changes in transportation have taken place in the past several years in your country?

Building 1. Can you tell me an interesting building in your hometown? 2. Can you tell me an interesting building in Manila?

IELTS Speaking

Brushing Up

Useful Language

At the moment, I’m living/ studying/ working… Before that I lived in… Recently, I’ve been to …/ started playing badminton…etc

I’m planning to… After that I’ll probably…

I prefer eating in a restaurant because… I’d rather work in Australia because….

Both my father and mother are… Neither of my brothers… None of my friends…

It depends. Sometimes I like cooking, and sometimes I’m just too tired. Definitely, I love it. It’s… Possibly. It depends on the weather really.

Generally, I think it’s a good idea because… Well, it’s very different because…

Let me think/ see… I’m not really sure, but perhaps… That’s a good question/ point. I suppose… That’s a good question/ point. I suppose…

I haven’t really given that much thought before but…

Frequently Asked Questions in Part I

Why are you taking IELTS? Well, I’m taking IELTS as it is a requirement for my working visa to Australia. What are your ambitions? For now, I think it has to be to work in Australia and support my family financially. Tell me about where you are living at the moment. I live in Bulacan and its getting progressive as years pass by. It is also a quiet place to live. How would you describe your hometown? My hometown is typically simple but it boasts of some beautiful places like beaches, old churches and mountains. What do you usually do at the weekend? Usually, I and my family go out and stroll around in a mall. Also, we go to church to hear mass. REMEMBER:  Make sure you answer the question.  One-word answers are NOT acceptable.  Always add some extra information to your answer.

Frequently Asked Questions in Part II

Describe an occasion when you have been successful. You should say:  Where and when you were successful

 How you were successful  What you had to do to make sure you were successful And describe how you felt about your success. ANSWER: I would like to talk about the moment that I worked in the Middle East as a welder. I think it was 3 years ago. It was a very challenging experience since I have to leave my family behind and work there alone in a country where I don’t know anyone. The culture was totally new and I had to deal with it squarely. So, I consider this a great success because I was able to survive and to send money to my family in the country. Aside from constant missing of my family, I also had to bear with the inconveniences of day to day work where I met foreign people and talk to them. Nevertheless, it was fulfilling and rewarding experience because I saw my children grow up properly in terms of education, food and shelter. REMEMBER: It is important to keep talking, but don’t talk about things which are not related to the topic.

Talk about an important day in your life. You should say: When this day was If you were alone or with others Where you were and what happened And explain why this day was important to you.

Describe a present someone gave you which was/ is important to you. You should say:  What the present was

 Who gave it to you  Why they gave it to you (e.g. to celebrate a birthday) And explain why it is so important to you. Describe a friend who has played an important part in your life. You should say:  How you met this person  How long you have known them  The kind of things you do or did with them And explain why they have been important in your life. Useful Language

The best/ worst thing about…is/was…

The thing I really like(d)/ hate(d) about…is/was…

One of the problems with…is/was…

I particularly remember…because…

I’ll never forget…because..

Follow- up Questions After you have spoken for 1-2 minutes, the examiner may ask you one or two follow-up questions about what you have said.

Sample Question: Topic in Part 2: A place you visited that you liked.

How did you feel when you arrived in that place? I was very nervous because I didn’t know anybody.

Did you find it easy to meet people? At first, I resisted but eventually the people around were very friendly so I found it easy to mingle with them.

Other sample questions:

Do you enjoy playing sports?

Yes, definitely. I particularly enjoy outdoor ones.

Would you like to go there again?

Possibly. It would depend on who I went with.

Do you think it will be easy to get a job in IT?

I expect so. It’s a growing industry.

Have you ever been to any other countries in Europe?

Yes, a few. France, Spain and Germany.

Would you consider doing the same sort of job again?

I don’t think so. It wasn’t really for me.

Would you recommend the holiday to other people?

No, not really. It wasn’t very good value for money.

Part III

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it a good idea to exercise regularly? Definitely! Nowadays, life is very stressful. Exercise is the ultimate solution to balance work and family life. Are there more crimes these days? I think so. With the society becoming more materialistic, crimes tend to increase also because people want to have more in life. Do you think everyone should have a mobile phone? Yes, I think it is a good idea that everyone becomes wireless in terms of communication.

Linking Ideas

On the other hand




such as

Useful Language: Comparing and Contrasting

On the other hand Well, it isn’t as…as


…is nowhere near as…as… I’d rather… I’d much prefer (to)… It depends (on)…

Useful Language: Making predictions/ talking about the future

There’s a good chance that… I doubt very much if…

I hope that… I expect that… I’m afraid that… It is/ isn’t very likely to…

Useful Language: Giving opinions

As far as I’m concerned… It seems to me that… I tend to think that…

Frequently Asked Questions in Part 3:

Do you think smoking should be banned in all public places? It’s really hard to say but I think if this plan will benefit the majority, then it’s ok to ban it. For sure smokers will greatly go against this proposal as this has become their way of life. Do you prefer to go out or stay at home in the evening? I prefer to stay at home because I have to help my wife take care of my children. Besides, this is the only time that I can spend with my children, helping them do their homework. On the other hand, when I became a father going out became limited to just meeting with very common friends who my wife knows. Do you think that e-mail has made our lives easier? Definitely, yes! Before I used to send letter through post but it needed much time to reach its destination. Now, e-mails greatly help me with sending of letters. It’s fast and convenient. Which is better: living in the countryside or in the city? I’d rather live in the city. City life offers modern living. There are many opportunities in terms of work, entertainment, leisure and dining. However, the countryside gives a very common and limited life style which is I guess preferred by people in their old age. How likely it is that computer will be able to do your job in the future? With the kind of work that I do, computers are of great help. Back then, we had to do manual work in terms of calibration of machines. Today, calibration is done through computers making our work more efficient and easy to do. Would you rather watch sport or play it? Actually, I like both. If I want to learn how to play a new sport, I watch it first. Similarly, if I want to improve a sport that I know how to play, I watch it on TV so I could learn some techniques. What do you think the consequences of global warming will be? If there’s global warming, our environment will be warmer. People and animals

might have trouble coping with the changing temperature. Also, there people from the cold regions of the world might experience flood due to melting of ice. I believe that this is not a good phenomenon and will give bad effects to all of us.

EXTRA Part 2: Describe a happy event in your childhood that you remember well. You should say:  When the event took place  Where the event took place  What happened exactly And explain why you remember this event clearly.

FF: Did you ever do this again? What did your parents think about it?

Part 3: Do you think children’s lives are very different nowadays? Yes, of course! With modern life style, children are similarly affected as with adults. Before, children were confined in their house. They were just limited to some activities such as playing indoor games of simple nature. At present, they are faced with enormous challenges such as meeting deadlines for a school project, waking up early to beat the traffic and do homework using computers. These things are a few examples of the notable changes in the lives of the children.

Are children too protected now? For some, yes. This applies to parents who are aware that children are well exposed to temptations coming from peers and technologies. Parents who value their family would keep a close contact with them. However, for working parents, they have less time to oversee their children, thus, providing less care to them. As a result, there are delinquent minors. Do you think children can have too many toys? It depends. There are toys that have good effects to children. Due to commercialization lately, there are also many hazardous toys. So, having few or many toys would be the prerogative of the parents. They should always guide their children in choosing toys to play. Is it important to celebrate birthdays and other festivals? Absolutely, yes! Birthdays come once a year. In the Philippines, celebrations are highly regarded by Filipinos. Celebrations are blessings that need to be commemorated, the same with festivals which are mostly religious in nature.

Speaking Practice:

Directions: Provide a 2-minute response to the following questions. Record your answer on a blank tape.

1. Discuss an interesting place you have been to recently (What is it, where is it, whether you like or dislike the place) 2. Discuss an interesting person you have met (who he is, where he lives, what qualities make him interesting) 3. Discuss what you would like to do when you get older (what is it, how you will do it, why you will do it) 4. Discuss what you would like to learn in the future (what is it, how you can learn it, why you’d like to learn it) 5. Discuss a frightening experience you had when you were young (what is it, where it took place, what makes it frightening)

6. Discuss a person you like to spend time always (who he is, what you enjoy to do, why you like to be together always) 7. Discuss an exciting experience you had (what it is, where it happened, why it became exciting) 8. Discuss a favorite pet (what kind, where you got it from, why it is a favorite) 9. Discuss something you like to do when you have free time (what it is, how you do it, why you like to do it) 10. Discuss a place you would like to visit in the future (what is it, where it is, why you like to go there soon) 11. Discuss a person you would like to meet some day (who he is, where you’d like to meet, why you’d like to meet him) 12. Discuss a person who has influenced your life (who he is, what you like about him and why he was influential to you) 13. Discuss something you have never done but would like to do (what is it, how you can do it, why you’d like to do it) 14. Discuss something you have done but never want to do again (what was it, how you did it, why you don’t like to do it again) 15. Discuss an experience which made you laugh (what it is, where it took place, why it made you laugh) 16. Discuss an experience which made you cry (what it is, where it took place, why it made you cry) 17. Discuss what you would do if you had a million dollars (what it is, where will you spend it, why will you spend it there) 18. Discuss what you would do if you were President of your country (what you’ll do, why you’ll do it) 19. Discuss a gift you could give others (what it is, to whom you’ll give it and why you have chosen it) 20. Discuss a gift you would like someone to give you (what it is, what occasion , why you’ll like it given to you) 21. Discuss a special talent you have (what it is, where you got it, what makes it special)

Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review


IELTS Comprehensive Review and Coaching

Mar 16, '08 2:27 AM for everyone

I conduct IELTS General Training Comprehensive Review and Coaching for Skilled Workers for Australia, Canada and other countries requiring IELTS General Training certificate. I service Joblane International Manpower Services and 21st Century Manpower Resources Inc., two active agencies recruiting skilled workers to Australia. I also conduct IELTS Academic Review and Coaching for nurses and other allied health practitioners. I frequently conduct training for ISA- International Student Advisors 4 U Inc.- a recruiting firm for the United Kingdom. Success rate for all firms is maintained at above 70%. For the Academic training, 100% pass rate is maintained for ISA while 90% for Joblane on the average and 80% on the average for 21st Century. I am able to handle big class size but with impressive pass rate. For General Training, the average class size on a monthly basis is 30 participants while 20participants for the Academic training. Updated materials, powerful and intuitive techniques are provided to participants during the training leaving them incredibly confident in taking the test. For inquiries, please keep in touch with me at 09184905100 or 381-9941. Carlo Villalona Tags: ielts review 0 comments

Sep 30, '08 3:55 Answer Key to Module Exercises for IELTS General Training AM Listening and Reading for everyone General Training Reading Supplementary Material 1 Traveler’s Tip

Carlo 


Personal Message Report Abuse

   

Home Blog Photos Calendar

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

a a f d g b yes yes no no not given not given yes traveler’s insurance Bush fires itinerary your body tight bandage

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 2 London’s Market

c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

c e a f c b f a, d c, d d, e, f

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

community/ multicultural youth culture Village Market electrical goods antiques

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 Distance Learning

ix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

ix vii i viii iv a, d (in any order) a, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) (full-time) employment (in any order) family/ domestic responsibilities (in any order) e f a c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 4 Revision for Exams

iii 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

iii x iv vi xi viii i

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

every evening (your) weekend employment working too hard small index cards boredom (and) stress b b

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 5 Australia Fights Back

b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

b a c c a b b c f b c g b a c c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 6 Canals on Mars

a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

a c d a i h

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

b e yes not given not given no no yes


1 £203

22 B

2 17


3 no


4 under 26/ less than 26


5 locals/ local people


6 satisfied/ ok

27 Early Childhood

7 (British) students


8 (too) many/ big

29 not learned/ innate

9 careful

30 in person

A or E

C or D

the differences/ how they differ

10 the culture/ the food

31 higher

11 International Student Advisor

32 exam performance/ results

12 Learning/ study groups


13 Student IT Department

34 controlled

14 Housing Officer/

35 thought/ thinking

sleep/ sleeping/ sleeplessness

Accommodation Officer 15 International Department

36 organized

16 personal and/ or financial

37 vary/ change/ be different

17 b

38 marks/ weighting

18 d

39 relaxed

19 e

40 (effective)s tudy skills

20 c

41 -

21 a

42 -

Tags: ielts general 0 comments

Jul 25, '08 Joblane lands 89% pass rate for 12 July IELTS General Training 12:07 AM at the British Council Philippines for everyone It is interesting to note that since the start of the implementation of the IELTS General Training in July of last year, Joblane had 100% pass rate thrice and this month fairs at 89%.

Out of the 27 skilled workers who took the test 24 successfully made it to the 4.5 overall band score visa requirement. Three of them garnered 4.0 overall which is not bad. Looking closely at their individual scores, we can infer that their strengths are listening and writing at 93% while reading and speaking at 74% were their weaknesses.

It is really important that during the speaking test one has to listen attentively to the examiner so he would be able to respond appropriately to the question and secondly, he must be able to extend his answer to every question in a clear way.

One of the factors that could influence their score is attendance to the training which has to be 100% for a 3-week course or depending on the agreed time frame set by the IELTS trainer. Second factor is performance during the training. This includes completing all course work, assignments, quizzes, simulations and oral participation. Above all, positive thinking and self-confidence are great tools in achieving success in the real test. Tags: ielts gt 1 comment

IELTS General Training- Writing Tasks 1 and 2, Sample Topics and Answers

Mar 25, '08 3:47 AM for everyone

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 1

No. 1 You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my comments and suggestions about the College Cafeteria- the one and only student council owned cafeteria in the school. I am thinking that by writing to you your magazine will be able to reach the student populace and keep them informed

about this cafeteria.

Firstly, I am a frequent customer of this cafeteria. As a senior student, I am always busy. The cafeteria becomes my home from breakfast to dinner. I particularly like it because it is convenient. I do not need to go out of the campus to eat meals. Aside from that, the cost of meals is affordable. In addition, I like the variety of menu that it offers keeping us with a balanced diet. However, there is one thing that I find quiet unpleasant about the area. During exam week, the area gets clogged with students who would also prefer to dine. As a result, serving of food and payment for such take time. Personally, this becomes annoying especially that everyone wants to be served fast to catch with the examination. I am suggesting that the cafeteria would employ more attendants. They could also hire student to work for them.

I look forward to reading these comments and suggestions in the college magazine soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(214 words)

No. 2 You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my observations about the general shopping habit and trends in my hometown. I think this will be a good subject of an article that you could write about in the newspaper.

Firstly, I would like you to know that shopping in my hometown has become more and more popular lately as compared before. Although shopping for most people poses some threat to security, it is undeniably a hobby for some. On weekends, people crowd over bargains. Interestingly, there are more goods sold now than before such as antiques, imported electronic gadgets, house ornaments and fashionable clothes. However, there are two things that I think the government should do to improve the area. One is that there should be more security officers, uniformed and civilians who should take care of the safety of the patrons. Lately, there have been reports about crimes of various levels. Another is the transportation in the area. Due to the increasing number of people buying goods, there are no more lanes for transports to cruise the area. As a result, people have to walk for more than 45 minutes to reach the main road. The management of this shopping area should think of ways on how they could let the customers feel welcome and not just think of the revenues they will get out of this.

I look forward to reading these comments in the newspaper soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(238 words)

No. 3 You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire if you have an opening for a welding job in your reputable construction firm. I have gained substantial experience and I feel confident that I am fit to undertake the said position.

I am a senior welder in ABC Company for 14 years now and was promoted to supervisory position 2 years ago. My skills in welding are very diverse and these experiences were honed while I worked for a gigantic construction company in the Middle East particularly in Dubai for 10 years. Recently, there is a need for me to come home because of my ailing grandmother and due to the pleading of my wife that I should stick to our own family since my children are still young. I felt that your company can provide me with an opportunity where I can pursue a supervisory position in the same field while I address the needs of my grandmother and own family.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(168 words)

No. 4 You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to apply for a temporary job in the summer camp that you are organizing. I have read this advertisement from the newspaper and I found this interesting because I have the qualities that you are looking for.

Firstly, I have joined several camps before from team building to organizing games for Koreans, young and adults while teaching English to them. I believe from the advertisement that you have the same requirement for applying individuals. As I am a

person who loves the outdoors, children, games and English teaching, this is certainly a perfect summer job for me. Aside from that, my experience last year with group of children who went for camping in Laguna, and the team building in Tagaytay for foreign excursionist provided me with skills in leading groups, giving clear instructions and creating innovative games. Anyway, kindly you can reach me through my mobile number at 1234-5678.

I look forward to hearing from you the soonest. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(163 words)

No. 5

An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.

29 March 2008

Dear Jane,

I am writing to let you know that I am so much pleased to know that you are coming over for a visit. I would like you to know also of some good choices to stay and other things that you might need. By now, I could not help my self but be really happy that you will come.

Anyway, I live in Makati City and there are various accommodation arrangements. For hassle-free and convenient living, I am suggesting that you rent an apartment hotel. It looks like a typical studio apartment but with hotel services such as attendants cleaning your room, swimming pool, gym and cafeteria but with an apartment cost. This is particularly suited for you because it is at the heart of the city and going around is very easy. When you arrive here, I will tell you in details the things that you can do. I know very well that you love the outdoors so I have many options to suggest. Well, about clothes, our weather here is very different from yours in France. It is summer now and will last until June. So, just bring light clothes. You can also try buying clothes here. You can email me if you need more help.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Best regards, John

(218 words)

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 2

No. 1 In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?

There are many reasons why neighbors are not close to each other nowadays. For a busy community such as Manila and Makati City, talking to neighbors is often neglected. This is happening due to the structure of accommodation that is popular to city dwellers such as condominiums, hotels and apartments. These havens do not provide inhabitants with time to mingle with each other. Mostly, these are enclosed areas. As a result, people do not have the opportunity to meet and greet with their neighbors.

Another reason why this is happening is the fact that residents do not trust their neighbors nowadays. The media has been very vocal about the harsh realities of having inconsiderate neighbors. Some reports would say that rape of a teenage girl or robbery in the corner house has been committed by a fellow resident. These among others instill threat against security among neighbors making it hard for them to associate lately.

For particular ways on how this link among neighbors could be improved seem to be crucial but vital in modern times. On a personal level, modernization and its ill-effects must not hinder people from being pleasant and caring to each other. A prominent way on how to win over this phenomenon is to organize groups whose objectives are to bring harmony and to foster camaraderie in the community.

Another significant plan is to evoke the local council to spearhead activities such as sports, social gatherings, regular meetings and parties aimed at raising awareness of the importance of team spirit, trust and sense of community.

On the whole, whether it is the kind of accommodation where you are staying or the distrust that has been developed among neighbors nowadays that caused distant ties among them, it is very essential to know that hope is still within reach. Residents and community leaders must work hand in hand to save and protect the character that is unique to every Filipino.

(322 words)

Writing Assignments

Writing Task 1

Directions: Write a letter about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 20 minutes.


You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.


You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.


You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.


You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.


An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.


An English-speaking friend is coming to study in your town next year and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your

letter, offer to find a place for him/her to live, give advice about how to find a part-time job and give information on where they can learn your language. 7.

You are going on a short training course at a college in New Zealand. You need somewhere to live while you are there. You realized that a friend whom you met in your country. Write to your friend. In your letter, explain your situation, describe the accommodation you require and say when you will need it.


You are going to take a short holiday in Australia and you want to rent a holiday flat while you are there. Write to the tourist information office. In your letter, explain what you need, say when you need it and ask for information about the prices.


You were recently voted by your neighbors as the organization president of your town. Write a letter to your neighbors. In your letter, express thanks for the opportunity, describe the plans that you would like to do first and express your concerns.

10. You were invited to speak before a crowd to share your experiences in life. However, 2 days before the affair, a serious family problem happened. Write to the organizer of the affair. In your letter, apologize that you can not attend the affair, describe what happened and say how important the event but you can not make it.

Writing Task 2

Directions: Write an essay about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 40 minutes.


In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?


Life nowadays is generally much more stressful than in the past. Give some reasons why people suffer more from stress nowadays, and say what they can do to reduce it.


Computers and modems have made it possible for office workers to do much of their work from home instead of working in offices everyday. Working from home should be encouraged as it is good for workers and employers. Do you agree or disagree?


It is often difficult for young people to find a good job without previous work experience. Governments should encourage employers to choose young people when they need new workers. Do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays, many students have the opportunity to study for part or all of their courses in foreign countries. While studying abroad brings many benefits to individual students, it also has a number of disadvantages. Do you agree or

disagree? 6.

In some countries it is common for students leaving school to do a gap year in which they travel, do voluntary work, or do a job before going on to higher education. Although this may benefit students in a number of ways, it also has a number of disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Parents and teachers make many rules for children to encourage good behavior and to protect them from danger. However, children would benefit from fewer rules and greater freedom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Governments make rules to protect people from danger, for example by making people wear seat belts in cars or not allowing smoking in public buildings. However, many people believe there are too many rules nowadays. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In many countries, television shows many foreign-made programs. The dominance of imported entertainment is harmful to the cultures of these countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

10. In most countries, multinational companies and their products are becoming more and more important. This trend is seriously damaging our quality of life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answers Writing Task 1 NOTE: The following are sample answers to writing task 1. Study them carefully before doing the writing assignments above. Sample 1: You have just started a course in a college which has no sports facilities of its own. Write a letter to the manager of the nearest private sports club. In your letter, introduce yourself, say why you are interested in this sports club and ask some questions about the club (e.g., facilities, members, costs) Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. 3 February 2007

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire about the facilities of the YMCA sports club. I have heard much about the affordability and customer satisfaction from students like me who have been using your

equipment for various sports activities recently.

I am a freshman Education major in English student at the Jose Rizal College. Our campus is just a block away from your compound. Having said this, accessibility is never a problem and the best of all, I will be able to manage other school-related tasks while enjoying at your swimming facility. How much is the membership fee annually? Do I have to pay for entrance every time I go there? As I am a full-time student, are you open after 5pm and on weekends? I hope that you can provide me with these details through text at 0910-1234567 or call me in my home phone at 123-4567.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Santos

(160 words) Sample 2:

You have had a bank account for a few years. Recently you received a letter from the bank stating that your account is $240 overdrawn and that you will be charged $70 which will be taken directly from your account. You know that this information is incorrect. Write a letter to the bank. Explain what has happened and say what you would like them to do about it. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (196 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Mr. Aquino,

I am writing in reply to a letter I received from you a few days ago. In your letter, you state

that I am $240 overdrawn and that you will be charging me $70.

I would like to point out that the reason I am overdrawn is because of a mistake made by your bank. If you look through your records you will see that I wrote several weeks ago explaining the situation. For the last 12 months, I have been paying $300 a month for a car I bought last summer. The monthly payments were taken directly from my bank account. However, 2 months ago I sold the car and I wrote to you instructing you to stop paying the monthly installments. I received a letter from you acknowledging my request, but, for some reason, nothing was done about it. Another $300 installment has been paid this month and this is the reason why I am overdrawn. I would like you to contact the garage where I bought the car explaining your error. I would also like you to ask them to return the money.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Patt Santos

Sample 3:

You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems. Write a letter to your new employer. In your letter, explain the situation, describe some problems, and tell him/her when you think you can start. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (167 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Ms. Barnes,

I am writing concerning the position of Welder that I am due to begin next Monday. However, a problem has arisen.

As you know, I currently work for my uncle’s welding shop and fabricating business, and you will remember from my interview that I have gained valuable experience there. Unfortunately, he has to go into hospital for eye surgery, leaving my aunt in charge of both the home and the business. She has asked me, as this is a particularly busy time of the year, to stay on and help her with the running of the office. I realize this will be inconvenient to you, but very much hope that, given the circumstances, you would be prepared to allow me to take up the position with you two weeks later than planned. I would like to emphasize that I remain very keen to work with you, and that I will be gaining further useful experience during this time.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Ningning Sample 4: You are unhappy about a plan to make your local airport bigger and increase the number of flights. You live near the airport. Write a letter to the local newspaper. In your letter, explain where you live, describe the problem, and give reasons why you do not want this development. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (249 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to make an appeal to the airport authorities through your newspaper regarding the planned expansion of the local airport and the increase in the number of flights.

Leaving about 500 meters away from the airport, I and my family are currently experiencing inconveniences under this circumstance. The main issue is the noise that is so disturbing every time a plane takes off and lands. Imagine how it feels to have this happening almost

every minute of the day. Apart from this is the flow of traffic that we experience. Since we are close to the airport, there will be no point in time that we are free from the traffic in the main road that we pass through in going out of our village. Since we heard that there is a plan of expanding the airport, this would mean a great deal to us who live just across the airstrip. It would mean that we may be asked to leave our place in case it will be hit by the expansion. This would also mean that there may be an increase in the number of flights which will add to our already present dilemma regarding the noise concern. It would mean lesser times of a peaceful and quiet surroundings. I really hope that airport officials would try to reconsider their plans and think also about the welfare of the people who will be affected by their move.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Bernadette Camiling

Writing Task 2 Sample 1 To be successful in education it is important to be a good student than to have good teachers. Do you agree? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Success, nowadays, is and will always be a goal for most individuals regardless of the kind of endeavor one wishes to pursue. As a student, it will forever be a great challenge to finish his education. However, at school, success has to be a concerted effort of both the school represented by its teachers and the students themselves.

Firstly, with the very pressing economic situations of the country, parents are faced with an enormous responsibility of whether to send their children to school or have them do it on a

latter time. For this, money is the deciding factor. Given the opportunity to study, students must possess qualities that could make him successful in the future. Characters such diligence, perseverance and studious must go hand in hand for a student to achieve his goals in education.

On the other hand, teachers must do their relentless drive to seriously help their students fulfill their aims. Unfortunately, there are more students than mentors in every classroom in the country. As a result, students are unsuccessful with their aspirations. As this may seem a paramount problem encountered by school owners, teachers must device a way to serve the students and maximize their learning potentials.

As a whole, becoming a successful student, large emphasis has to be put on values shed on every day that he goes to school to learn. In addition, teachers must carefully consider all possible means to help address the needs of the students. After all, what becomes a future of a student is immensely affected by the experience he obtains from his teachers at school. (266 words)

Sample 2: Some people prefer to spend their holidays by going out of town. Others prefer to stay at home. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of going out of town? Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In the past, taking a holiday was viewed with less interest by many. Nowadays, most Filipino families love taking a holiday. In fact, the government is initiating a move to lengthen holidays by moving certain days of the week to offer Filipinos with many days to enjoy. As Filipinos are lavish spenders of holiday, going of town on holiday presents many great advantages.

Firstly, taking an out of town and simple trip provide every individual a rejuvenating experience. A very classic example is going for a trip to Baguio City, the summer capital of the Philippines. In that place, you can do numerous, relaxing activities such as going for a walk at Burnham park while enjoying its fresh and cool breeze of air. In addition, you can also do boating in the same park. Another less expensive way of activity is making a road trip to Tagaytay City. With this, you will be delighted with a countryside road experience which is very relaxing as well.

Secondly, knowing the culture, the food, the people and the whole area where you intend to go is another benefit offered by an out-of-town holiday. Interestingly, most people find this a welcoming and educational opportunity. It has always been said that traveling can enrich one’s mind and spirit.

As a whole, while this set up gives disadvantages like the hassles of pre-planning stage and the inconveniences of travel, the benefits serve a great purpose, to rejuvenate and to impart knowledge of the area where you plan to go. In this way, you just did not relax your body but enrich your mind as well.

(269 words)

Sample 2: Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles. Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time. Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes. It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to

stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. (258 words) Sample 3: The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in

poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. (266 words)

Sample 4: We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide. In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be so complex that no individual could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Providing all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. If one small program fails, it will become a disaster. There is a certain inevitability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world. (292 words)

Sample 5: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt. Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their child to participate on different teams. But what if the child prefers to read? Parents want to pass on their values to their children. However, things change. The children of today are growing up in a world different from their parents' world. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her parents don't understand or value the digital revolution. Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers. Fortunately, we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are valuable.

(296 words)

Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

Mar 16, '08 9:42 Upcoming Event- IELTS General Training Intensive Review PM and Coaching for everyone

IELTS General Training Intensive Review and Coaching- March 24-28, 2008 will be held in one of the hotels in Manila. The training starts at 7am and ends at 4pm. Powerful techniques and intuitive coaching will be instructed to skilled workers applying for work in Australia. Walk-in applicants are accepted. Please contact 0918-490-5100 for further information. Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Academic Writing Task 2- Sample Tasks and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:30 PM for everyone

Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles.

Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time.

It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the

gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. We have been living in the nuclear age now for over half a century. Since the first atomic bombs were developed, nuclear technology has provided governments with the ability to totally destroy the planet. Yet the technology has been put to positive use as an energy source and in certain areas of medicine. To what extent is nuclear technology a danger to life on Earth? What are the benefits and risks associated with its use?

These days, many people are afraid of nuclear technology because of the dangers associated with its use. In my opinion, although it is true that nuclear weapons pose the greatest threat to life, the use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes also carries some serious risks. Nuclear power stations provide an important source of cheap power for many industrialized nations and some developing countries. However, there is always the danger of radiation leaking from these plants. Even though safety precautions are taken, there have been numerous disasters such as the explosion of a nuclear plant in Russia not long ago. Nuclear technology is even used to help cure some diseases such as cancer. Radiation can be applied to the body to burn away cancerous cells. This is, however, a dangerous procedure, and the application of radiation is almost always painful and not always successful. The most worrying aspect of nuclear technology, though, is its use for military purposes. Enough atomic bombs have already been built to completely destroy the planet, and the real danger is that one day some country will start a war with these weapons. Too many countries now have the technology required to make such bombs, and there is currently much debate about how to control the situation. In conclusion, nuclear technology certainly has positive uses, but is, nonetheless, dangerous. However, it would have been better if it had never been used to create nuclear weapons.

People in all modern societies use drugs, but today's youth are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an increasingly early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of society often set a bad example. Discuss the causes and some effects of widespread drug use by young people in modern day society. Make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug abuse.

Youth drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many cultures. Not only is illegal drug use on the rise, but children as young as 10 years old are experimenting with alcohol and tobacco. The reasons for this behavior are unclear, but certain sociologists blame the examples set by their elders. Parents who drink and smoke to excess are, in effect, telling their children that it is acceptable to abuse their bodies with drugs. Consequently, children may have a similar view towards illegal drugs, even if their parents are against their use. In addition, drug use shown on television and in films can only confuse children who are also taught at school that drug abuse is wrong. The pressure on young people to perform well at school in order to compete for jobs is a possible cause of the problem. Many believe they cannot live up to their parents' expectations, and feel a sense of hopelessness. Also, the widespread availability of drugs means teenagers are faced with the temptation to experiment. Drugs are used as a means of expressing dissatisfaction with the pressures they face in society. The effects of drug abuse are well known. Many young people's talents are wasted, and addiction to hard drugs can cost a user his or her life. Furthermore, those who drink and drive may be involved in fatal road accidents. The cost to society is great, and enormous amounts of money are spent on convicting drug dealers and on education programs. To conclude, I recommend that the only sensible way to solve this problem is to educate young people about the dangers of drug use, and to take steps to reduce the pressure of competition placed upon them. The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true

in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. Studying the English language in an English-speaking country is the best but not the only way to learn language. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Studying a language in a country where it is widely spoken has many advantages. It is, therefore, a good idea to study English in a country such as Britain. However, I believe it is not the only way to learn the language. In the first place, most students in non-English-speaking countries learn English at secondary school, and sometimes at university nowadays. Although their spoken English is not usually of a very high standard, their knowledge of grammar is often quite advanced. This is certainly useful when students come to an English-speaking country to perfect the language. Secondly, studying the basics of English at secondary school is less stressful than learning the language while overseas. This is because students living at home do not have to worry

about problems such as finding accommodation, paying for their study and living costs, and trying to survive in a foreign country where day to day living causes much stress. However, there are obvious advantages of learning English in Britain. Every day there are opportunities to practice listening to and speaking with British people. Also, students can experience the culture firsthand, which is a great help when trying to understand the language. This is especially true if they choose to live with a British family, as exchange students for example. Furthermore, if students attend a language school full-time, the teachers will be native speakers. In this case, not only will students' speaking and listening skills improve, but attention can be given to developing reading and writing skills as well. In general, even though it is preferable to study English in an English-speaking country, a reasonable level of English can be achieved in one's own country, if a student is gifted and dedicated to study. Although abuse of the system is inevitable, social welfare payments are essential to protect the rights citizens have to a guaranteed minimum income in a democratic society. Discuss.

Social welfare is an essential element of an advanced society. Good systems are always abused, but that does not mean they are faulty. In my opinion, the two main reasons why welfare payments are necessary are as follows: First of all, critics forget that there are many forms of welfare besides payments to the unemployed. Their negative opinions harm those who are not capable of earning a wage, such as single-parent mothers, the disabled, and the sick. Moreover, the unemployed have the right to an income, too. They are not always at fault for not having a job, and in most cases the tax they have paid in the past entitles them to assistance. The second reason is that crime increases when people have no means of support. The desperately poor inevitably turn to crime, which is not only dangerous but costly. Policing the streets is more expensive than providing welfare. A policeman's wage is four or five times higher than a "dole" payment. Certain members of society believe that people should look after themselves. They point out that welfare increases dependency on others and destroy dignity. This may be true, but in the case of the unemployed, the relief payments are usually temporary. It is surely the fault of the government if there are long-term unemployed. Welfare critics also believe that it is the responsibility of a victim's family to provide financial assistance. However, it is too expensive to provide complete help for a severely disabled person. To conclude, it is vital to understand the need for welfare in a modern democratic society.

Without welfare payments the poor are destined to become poorer. The first duty of a government is to provide a financial safety net for all disadvantaged persons, and that includes those without work. Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others. Students who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately. Do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that some students in schools behave badly and their behavior causes difficulty for others either because it has a negative effect on the group or because ordinary students find it difficult to study with them. One solution is to take these students away and teach them on their own. However, if we simply have them removed after one or two warnings, we are limiting their educational opportunities because it seems to me that a school which caters for difficult students is a sort of "prison" whatever name you give it and the people who go there may never recover from the experience. This can then cause problems for the wider society. Perhaps we need to look at why the disruptive students behave badly before we separate them. Disruptive students may be very intelligent and find the classes boring because the work is too easy. Perhaps these students need extra lessons rather than separate lessons. Or perhaps the teachers are uninspiring and this results in behavioral problems so we need better teachers. On the other hand, most students put up with this situation rather than cause trouble, and some people argue that we have to learn to suffer bad teachers and boring situations and that students who can't learn this lesson need to be taught separately. So before we condemn the students to a special school, we should look at factors such as the teaching, because once the children have been separated, it is very unlikely that they will be brought back. Should parents be obliged to immunize their children against childhood diseases? Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunize their children?

Some people argue that the state does not have the right to make parents immunize their children. However, I feel the question is not whether they should immunize but whether, as members of society, they have the right not to. Preventative medicine has proved to be the most effective way of reducing the incidence of fatal childhood diseases. As a result of the widespread practice of immunizing young

children in our society, many lives have been saved and the diseases have been reduced to almost zero. In previous centuries children died from ordinary illnesses such as influenza and tuberculosis and because few people had immunity, the diseases spread easily. Diseases such as dysentery were the result of poor hygiene but these have long been eradicated since the arrival of good sanitation and clean water. Nobody would suggest that we should reverse this good practice now because dysentery has been wiped out. Serious diseases such as polio and smallpox have also been eradicated through national immunization programs. In consequence, children not immunized are far less at risk in this disease-free society than they would otherwise be. Parents choosing not to immunize are relying on the fact that the diseases have already been eradicated. If the number of parents choosing not to immunize increased, there would be a similar increase in the risk of the diseases returning. Immunization is not an issue like seatbelts which affects only the individual. A decision not to immunize will have widespread repercussions for the whole of society and for this reason, I do not believe that individuals have the right to stand aside. In my opinion immunization should be obligatory. We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we he more suspicious of their benefits?

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide. In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be so complex that no individual could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Providing all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. If one small program fails, it will become a disaster.

There is a certain inevitability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world.

Smokers can cause themselves serious health problems. The choice to smoke is made freely and with knowledge of dangers. Smokers should therefore expect to pay more for medical treatment than non-smokers. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Everyone has the choice of being a smoker or not. The people who choose to smoke do so knowing there is a risk of causing harmful damage to them. However, I do not entirely agree that these people should have to pay more to receive all the medical treatment they need. I think there are many situations in which a medical problem has nothing to do with whether a person smokes or not. In these cases, where an illness has no relation to smoking, then I believe that smokers should not be required to pay more than other people for their medical treatment. Most car accidents, for example, have no connection with smoking, and the people who are injured ought to have the same medical help, regardless of the cost. And what about the common flu - it does not seem justifiable to me that a smoker should have to pay more to see a doctor for an illness we can all contact. On the other hand, I agree that a smoker should pay more than a non-smoker for the necessary treatment of any condition which has been caused by smoking. The principle that people should take responsibility for their own actions is a good one. Consequently, if a person chooses to smoke knowing that this habit can cause serious health problems, then there is no reason why the community or an insurance company should have to pay for medical treatment for an illness which could have been avoided. In many countries, cigarette packets have a clear warning that smoking can cause health problems and so no smoker can claim not to know the danger. Lung cancer is sometimes a fatal disease and the treatment is both lengthy and expensive, and it is unfair for the smoker to expect the hospital or the community to carry the cost. In fact, it could also be argued that those who smoke in public should be asked to pay extra because of the illness caused to passive smokers. In conclusion, I feel that smokers should pay more in cases related to smoking, but for any other illness they should pay the same as anyone else.

International entertainers, including sports personalities, often get paid millions of dollars in one year. In your view, with widespread poverty in the world, are these huge earnings justified? The salaries of many singers, dancers and sports people have increased out of all proportion in recent years, while in places like Sudan people are starving to death. I do not believe that anyone should be able to earn such enormous salaries when so many people in the world are living in poverty. One of the factors which should affect what a person can earn ought to be the benefit of person's work to society. It is unreasonable for a famous singer to be able to earn far more from an evening's entertainment than, for instance, a medical scientist who develops a new drug which produces a treatment for a common disease. The pop star certainly has a value in society, but the value in no way exceeds, or even matches, the value gained from a successful medication. Secondly, work done should be paid according to the amount of effort and skill that goes into it. Nobody would deny that a famous person works hard and is skillful; yet such people do not work any harder than thousand of other workers who have no claim to fame. Yet market force is such that these superstars can obtain millions of dolor while other unknown people sometimes earn less than they need to survive. Finally, it should be possible for governments to work together to ensure that the amount of money in circulation should be more equally and fairly distributed. This seems only fair given that there are so many suffering. To conclude, it is clear that world poverty is a serious problem and yet the problem could be eased if governments and companies gave more thought to paying salaries on a more equitable basis and if they started to contribute more money to those in need. Most writers of fiction do not earn enough money to live from their writing. Do you think the government should give them financial assistance to help encourage good literature? There are some conditions under which a novelist could reasonably expect some government support. In general terms, if the writer has already proved that he or she can write well, and if the stories produced are stimulating and interesting, then I consider that some financial help might be given. Language quality is difficult to define, but if the writing shows, for example, good grammar, a wide vocabulary, and elegance and imagination, then I can see a valid reason for assisting an author to spend some time free from money problems. Such a writing needs to be encouraged. the entertainment value of a book would be also a factor in deciding whether to provide assistance to an author. Further consideration would include social and educational values expressed in the author's work.

However, if the ideas were socially irresponsible, or if the stories contain unnecessary violence or pornography for its own sake, then I would not want to see the author sponsored to write stories which do not benefit society. Other exceptions are the many writers of good books who do not require financial help. Books which proved to be extremely popular, such as the Harry Potter stories, clearly need no subsidy at all because the authors have become rich through their writing. Views on what good quality writing means will vary widely, and so if any author is to be given money for writing, then the decision would have to be made by a committee or panel of judge. An individual opinion would certainly cause disagreement among the reading public.

"Prevention is better than cure." Out of a country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Of course it goes without saying that prevention is better than cure. That is why, in recent years, there has been a growing body of opinion in favour of putting more resources into health education and preventive measures. The argument is that ignorance of, for example, basic hygiene or the dangers of an unhealthy diet or lifestyle needs to be combatted by special nationwide publicity campaigns, as well as longer-term health education. Obviously, there is a strong human argument for catching any medical condition as early as possible. There is also an economic argument for doing so. Statistics demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of treating a condition in the early stages, rather than delaying until more expensive and prolonged treatment is necessary. Then there are social or economic costs, perhaps in terms of loss of earnings for the family concerned or unemployed benefit paid by the state. So far so good, but the difficulties start when we try to define what the 'proportion' of the budget should be, particularly if the funds will be 'diverted from treatment'. Decisions on exactly how much of the total health budget should be spent in this way are not a matter for the non-specialist, but should be made on the basis of an accepted health service model. This is the point at which real problems occur - the formulation of the model. How do we accurately measure which health education campaigns are effective in both medical and financial terms? How do we agree about the medical efficacy of various screening programmes, for example, when the medical establishment itself does not agree? A very rigorous process of evaluation is called for, so that we can make informed decisions. The position of women in society has changed markedly in the last twenty years. Many of the problems young people now experience, such as juvenile delinquency, arise from the fact that many married women now work and are not at home to care for their children. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is certainly true that the position of women in society has undergone a dramatic change in the past twenty years but I do not feel that this is a direct cause of the indisputable increase in juvenile-related problems during this period. It is now accepted that young women should find work on leaving school; indeed to rely totally on their parents' financial support is no longer an option in many families. Likewise, once they get married, the majority of women continue working since the financial pressures of setting up a house and establishing a reasonable standard of living often require two incomes. Twenty years ago it was common for women to give up work once they had children and devote their time to caring for their children. This is no longer the general rule and the provision of professionally-run child care facilities and day nurseries have removed much of the responsibility for child rearing that used to fall to mothers. However, these facilities come at a cost and often require two salaries coming into a family to be afforded. I do not believe that the increase in the number of working mothers has resulted in children being brought up less well than previously. Indeed it could be argued that by giving mothers the opportunity to work and earn extra money children can be better provided for than previously. There is more money for luxuries and holidays and a more secure family life is possible. Of course there are limits as to the amount of time that ideally should be spent away from home and the ideal scenario would be for one of the parents (often the wife) to have a part-time job and thus be available for their children before and after school. It is important to establish the correct balance between family life and working life. People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? People attend college for a lot of different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge of themselves and of the world around them. Career preparation is probably the primary reason that people attend college. These days, the job market is very competitive. Careers such as information technology will need many new workers in the near future. At college, students can learn new skills for these careers and increase their opportunities for the future. Students also go to college to have new experiences. For many, it is their first time away from home. At college, they can meet new people from many different places. They can see what life is like in a different city. They can learn to live on their own and take care of themselves without having their family always nearby. At college, students have the opportunity to increase their knowledge. As they decide what they want to study, pursue their studies, and interact with their

classmates, they learn a lot about themselves. They also, of course, have the opportunity to learn about many subjects in their classes. In addition to the skills and knowledge related to their career, college students also have the chance to take classes in other areas. For many, this will be their last chance to study different subjects. Colleges offer much more than career preparation. They offer the opportunity to have new experiences and to learn many kinds of things. I think all of these are reasons why people attend college. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt. Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their child to participate on different teams. But what if the child prefers to read? Parents want to pass on their values to their children. However, things change. The children of today are growing up in a world different from their parents' world. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her parents don't understand or value the digital revolution. Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers. Fortunately, we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are valuable. Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Food is a basic part of life, so it follows that improved methods of food preparation have made our lives better. Nowadays we can prepare meals much faster than we

could in the past. We can also enjoy a greater variety of food and eat more healthfully, all because of modern methods of food preparation. Microwave ovens have made it possible to prepare delicious food quickly. People these days rarely have time to shop and prepare meals the old-fashioned way. We live very fast lives. We are busy working, caring for our families traveling, playing sports, and many other things. Because of microwave ovens, we have time to enjoy a good meal with our family and then play soccer, go to a movie, study, or do anything else we want to afterwards. Modern methods of preserving food have made it possible to enjoy a wide variety of food. Because of refrigerators, freezers, canning, and freeze-drying, we can eat fruits and vegetables that come from far away places. We can prepare a meal one day and save the leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer to eat at another time. We can keep different kinds of food in the refrigerator or on the shelf. It is easy to always have food available and to be able to eat completely different meals every day. Healthful eating is easier now than it ever was. Because of modern transportation methods, fresh fruits and vegetables are available all year round. Modern kitchen appliances make it easy to prepare fruits and vegetables fro cooking. Bread machines make it possible to enjoy healthful, home-baked bread whenever we like. We can eat fresh and healthful food everyday because modern methods have made preparation easy. Our lifestyle is fast, but people still like good food. New food preparation methods have given us is more choices. Today we can prepare food that is more convenient healthier, and of greater variety than ever before in history. It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why? "Experience is the best teacher" is an old cliché, but I agree with it. We can learn a lot of important things from books, but the most important lessons in life come from our own experiences. Throughout the different stages of life, from primary school to university to adulthood, experience teaches us many skills we need for life. As children in primary school, we learn facts and information from books, but that is not all we learn in school. On the playground we learn how to make friends. In our class work, we learn how it feels to succeed and what we do when we fail. We start to learn about the things we like to do and the things we don't. We don't learn these things from books, but from our experiences with our friends and classmates. In our university classes, we learn a lot of information and skills we will need for our future careers, but we also learn a lot that is not in our textbooks. In our daily lives both in class and out of class, we learn to make decisions for ourselves. We learn to

take on responsibilities. We learn to get along with our classmates, our roommates, and our workmates. Our successes and failures help us develop skills we will need in our adult lives. They are skills that no book can teach us. Throughout our adulthood, experience remains a constant teacher. We may continue to read or take classes for professional development. However, our experiences at work, at home, and with our friends teach us more. The triumphs and disasters of our lives teach us how to improve our careers and also how to improve our relationships and how to be the person each one of us wants to be. Books teach us a lot, but there is a limit to what they teach. They can give us information or show us another person's experiences. These are valuable things, but the lessons we learn from our own experiences, from childhood through adulthood, are the most important ones we learn.

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IELTS Academic Writing Task 1- Sample Tasks and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:28 PM for everyone

WRITING TASK 1: SAMPLE 1 The diagram below shows the typical stages of consumer goods manufacturing, including the process by which information is fed back to earlier stages to enable adjustment. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the process shown. 

You should write at least 150 words.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Most consumer goods go through a series of stages before they emerge as finished products ready for sale. Raw materials and manufactured components comprise the initial physical input in the manufacturing process. Once obtained, these are stored for later assembly. But assembly first depends upon the production planning stage, where it is decided how and in what quantities the stored materials will be processed to create sufficient quantities of finished goods. The production planning stage itself follows the requirements of the goods' design stage that proceeds from extensive research. After assembly, the products are inspected and tested to maintain quality control l Those units that pass the inspection and testing stages are then packaged, despatched and offered for sale in retail outlets. The level of sales, which is the end point of the manufacturing process, helps determine production planning. A product's design is not only the result of product research, but is also influenced by testing and market research. If the testing stage (after assembly and inspection) reveals unacceptable problems in the finished product, then adjustments will have to be made to the product's design. Similarly, market research, which examines the extent and nature of the demand for products, has the role of guiding product design to suit consumer demands which may change with time. Market research, while influenced by product sales, also serves to foster future sales by devising suitable advertising for the goods.

Thus the reality of consumer goods manufacturing goes well beyond a simple linear production process.


The table below shows social and economic indicators for four countries in 1994, according to United Nations statistics. Describe the information shown below in your own words. What implications do the indicators have for the countries? 

You should write at least 150 words.

Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.

Indicators Annual income per person (in $US) Life expectancy at birth Daily calorie supply per person Adult literacy rate (%)





















A glance at four indicators of economic and social conditions in four countries, Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire, in 1994 reflects the great differences that exist between wealthier and poorer nations. The table shows that Japan and Canada had annual incomes of $15 760 and $11 100 per person, respectively. These figures were overwhelmingly greater than the corresponding figures of $160 in Peru and $130 in Zaire. Health indicators, too, reflected overall levels of affluence in the four nations. Life expectancy at birth, for example, was higher among the more economically developed countries. Japan reported the highest life expectancy, 78. This was followed by Canada, 76; Peru, 51; and Zaire, 47; This suggests that richer societies are able to put more money into health care than poorer ones. The amount of calories consumed daily per person roughly followed the same ranking. Canadians each consumed some 3 326 calories per day while the Japanese took 2846 calories. The corresponding figures for Peru and Zaire were 1927 and 1749, respectively. Literacy rates among adults, too, were higher in wealthier countries, no doubt a reflection of ability to invest in education. Canada and Japan both reported

literacy rates of 99%, while Peru claimed 68%. Zaire, the least economically developed of the four countries, had a literacy rate of 34%. The data appear to confirm the often cited link between national wealth and health and education standards.


The chart below shows the sleep patterns of people in five different occupations according to a Canadian study. Write a report for a university lecturer, describing the information below. Give possible reasons for the differences. 

You should write at least 150 words.

Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.


Occupation 6-7 pm 7-8 pm 8-9 pm 9-10 pm 10-11 pm 11-12 pm 12-1 am 1-2 am


awake: Truck Driver

Full-time mother

Business Doctor Executive

2-3 am 3-4 am 4-5 am 5-6 am 6-7 am 7-8 am 8-9 am 9-10 am 10-11 am 11-12 am 12-1 pm 1-2 pm 2-3 pm 3-4 pm 4-5 pm 5-6 pm

Differences in sleep patterns appear to reflect differences in individuals' occupations. A Canadian study has pointed out, for example, that students typically sleep for a consecutive 8-hour period each night, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. This may be because the central activity in their lives, study, takes place in normal daylight hours. Similarly, business executives sleep consecutive hours, but perhaps because their jobs are especially busy and stressful they sleep for 6 hours on average, getting up around 5 a.m..

By contrast, truck drivers, probably because of their need to keep their trucks on the road over long periods, tend to sleep in two 3-hour blocks: one between 7 and 10 a.m. and another from 4 to 7 p.m. Another occupation associated with broken sleep schedules is that of doctors. They tend to retire to bed around 1 a.m. and start their day at 7 a.m.., but may be woken up to deal with emergencies in the middle of the night. Finally, full-time mothers, especially those with young children, tend to sleep when their babies do. Typically, they will sleep from 10 p.m. and be awoken at 1 a.m. to comfort their babies for a couple of hours. They then go back to bed to wake at 6 a.m., but nap for two hours or so in the early afternoon. Thus the influence on one's sleep pattern is worthy of consideration when choosing an occupation. Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Speaking Sample Questions and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:26 PM for everyone

SPEAKING MODULE PART 1 Sample Questions and Answers

TOPIC: Free time 1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Before, I used to play basketball, but now I’m into gardening and going out for a walk. 2. How much time do you have each week for doing these things? I make it a point that I do these on weekends. I think that this is really important. 3. Why do you like doing these activities? Well, these activities make us feel young and healthy. Also, there are good ways on how to avoid illnesses and stress. 4. How did you start doing this activity at first? My friends influenced me to do these things. Eventually, I found these very helpful. 5. Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why? Yes! I’d like to try mountain climbing because this would be relatively new to me and it’s exciting to climb mountains and feel the wonders of nature. 6. How has the way people spend their free time changed over the years? Lately, people find it a must to find an activity to do in their free time despite hectic work schedule. They see it as a need although some view the activities for free time

such as badminton as an expensive outlet. TOPIC: Your town 1. Can you describe your town or village to me? My hometown is such a simple place. It’s a community with about 10, 000 people who are mostly into farming but others go to offices. Houses are well-spaced unlike in cities that are crowded. There are small stores and a market and other commercial establishments like hospitals, schools and retail shops. There’s also a small sports complex and a quiet park. 2. What jobs do people in your town do? Some are farmers and the others are working in offices. In addition, there are also some who own business such as stores and other poultry business. 3. What things are there to do in your town in your free time? Well, there are quite a number of you know simple activities that could be done in my hometown. There’s badminton, typical Filipino games, and card games. Most often, people there love to gossip or chat about anything for long hours. 4. What do you like about your town? I think it has to be the peacefulness of the town as there are only a few people there. Also, I would say that there is no traffic in the town. 5. How has your town changed over the last twenty years? It changed significantly. For instance, the market has been improved by constructing a building to enclose the area. There’s also a swimming pool now in the sports complex and the road are well-paved and there are enough public transport in the area. TOPIC: Transport—provide your own answers here 1. 2. 3. 4.

How did you come here today? What is public transport like in your town? How do you think it could be improved? Do you think people should use public transport more? Why (not)?

TOPIC: Your neighborhood- provide your own answers here 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Can you describe to me the house where you live? What is there to do in the area where you live? What do you like about the area where you live? How do you think it could be improved? Do you think it is better to live in the centre of town or outside in the country? Why?

TOPIC: Holidays 1. What do you do when you have a holiday? Typically, I make it sure that I have ample time to spend with my family to make up with the lost time. I also engage in physical activities like brisk walking or jogging. 2. Where do you like to spend your holidays? Why? I prefer to spend them either on

the beach, taking a road trip to cool places such as Baguio and Tagaytay. In addition, I prefer going for a picnic in a mountain or cave areas. 3. Can you describe a typical day in your holiday? Well, normally I go to a beach together with my family. We enjoy cooking and of course, swimming. We also don’t forget to take pictures with beautiful sceneries. 4. Why are holidays important to you? Holidays are very important to me because it’s a good time to spend with my family as I always get busy on regular days. Holidays also provide an opportunity for me to relax. 5. If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? I think I’d choose Australia. Since I have plans of working there I might as well try to explore the country first before I decide to work and stay there permanently. TOPIC: Shopping 1. How much time do you spend shopping every week? I think about 5 hours. I and my wife shop every Sunday as this is the only day that we have for ourselves. 2. Do you enjoy going shopping? Why (not)? Provided that I have money, sure I’d love to shop 3. What is your favorite shop and why do you like it? A lot actually! But I prefer SM department store because they have various outfit for men and very trendy underwear. 4. What problems are there with shopping in your area? Oftentimes, having to wait long on lines when paying, impolite attendants and having too many choices are some problems that I encounter. For car owners, getting a parking space could also be a problem.

TOPIC: Places to go in your free time 1. What do people do in your town in their free time? Well, most of them just stay at home, watch TV or read magazines while the others would play a sport such as badminton or basketball. 2. Where can they go out for entertainment, or to enjoy themselves? Most of them go to shopping malls. Filipinos love going to the malls. Well, there are parks where they can spend time talking with someone. 3. Which do you prefer: eating in restaurants or eating at home? I prefer to eat at home because it’s safe, cheaper and you can cook the food that you’d like to eat. In restaurants, it’s a little expensive and sometimes the taste of the food isn’t what you’re looking for. 4. Which are the best places to eat out? In my hometown, there are small restaurants. Well, there are fast foods which are really popular and also restaurants catering Japanese, Chinese and other international menu.

TOPIC: Reading 1. Do you enjoy reading? Why? Yes sometimes because I know that reading is an important skill. You can learn many things from reading. 2. What sort of things do you read? I don’t read books that much. I prefer newspapers and magazines. 3. Tell me something about your favorite book. I’d rather tell you about my favorite newspaper. It’s called the Manila Bulletin. It’s a daily broadsheet but I prefer to read the Sunday issue of this paper. Basically, it contains up to date and comprehensive news coverage of issues affecting the people and issues concerning the country. However, I read most of the time the classified ads section as I normally search for hot jobs in and out of the country. 4. What are the advantages of reading instead of watching television or going to the cinema? First of all, reading is not expensive as compared with going to the cinema. Reading provides detailed information about a subject or topic whereas watching television gives you abbreviated information about a subject or topic. Topic: You 1. Do you work or study? Definitely, your response to this question would be I am working, I’ve worked before in…, or I worked as a welder before in…

Work 1. Can you describe your job to me?- Well, m y job is welding. 2. How long have you been doing it?- I worked in Saudi for 7 years and in the country, about 5 years. 3. Why did you choose to do that job?- I think this job is something that I really love to do. I want to believe that I was born with this skill and have perfected it through years of experience. 4. What things do you enjoy about your work? Why?-For the most part, I think the various projects that are delegated to us. Periodically, we change projects but of course, the same kind of job. 5. And what things don’t you like? Why not?-To be honest, it’s the salary. We don’t get paid as much as our quality of work is measured. 6. What are your plans for the future?- Well, right now I have pending application as a welder in Australia. If everything goes well, then I will work there and hopefully, provide my family with good life. TOPIC: Sports and games 1. What sports are most popular in your country?- Lately, I guess Filipinos became interested with boxing, swimming and most of all, badminton. 2. What sports and games did you most enjoy playing when you were a child?- As far as I can remember, I think it’s Yo-yo. I think this is a game that most children would play.

3. Do people take as much exercise as in the past?- I think yes! I just don’t know exactly. Lately, the need to exercise increased, but, people find it hard to do because of time constraint, work, and other factors. 4. Why is exercise good for you?- With the increasing demands at work, family and personal life, exercise has become a very essential tool in fighting boredom, stress and depression. So, I think it is good for me as well. SPEAKING MODULE PART 2 Sample Questions Directions: For 1 minute, prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make sure that you don’t write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record your answer in a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a response that is 2-minute long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for use with your responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 2 answers below.

1. Describe a place you visited recently 2. Describe a friend 3. Describe a child you know 4. Describe an object you like 5. Describe a photograph 6. Describe a historical figure 7. Describe an important event in your culture 8. Describe your favorite newspaper 9. Describe your last holiday 10. Describe the clothes that you like 11. Describe the person whom you’d like to spend time always 12. Describe a person that you like to be with when you grow old 13. Describe a game that you play when you were a child 14. Talk about the difference of growing up in the city and in the countryside 15. Describe a household equipment that you prefer *Look at the NOTE section below. Use the opening phrases to start with your responses for the topics above.

Model Answers

NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including: I’d like to talk about a TV program called… I’m going to talk about a TV program called… A TV program that I found really interesting was…

Sample 1: Talk about a happy event in your childhood that you remember well. You should say: -where the event took place -when the event took place -what happened exactly And explain why you remember this event clearly.

Did you ever do this again? Yes, I went to the same place when I graduated from college. The place was totally different. What did your parents think about it? My parents found this very helpful to me. That’s why they allowed me to join. A happy event that I can still remember about my childhood was our educational trip to Manila Zoo when I was in elementary. I believe it took place in 1986 as part of our science subject requirement. Anyway, I studied in Cavite and Manila Zoo was I guess a 2 hour drive from our school. As a child, going for a trip is always a pleasure especially riding a bus and taking a long road trip. Well, I was with my classmates—40 plus all in all. As it was a field trip and a common practice, we had to bring with us food and drinks- a typical picnic of some sort. Then, we went in the zoo and had a tour guide who explained every details about the various animals. Of course, I didn’t understand everything what the guide told us. But anyway, the trip was very memorable because it was my first time to have a close encounter with the animals of various sizes, shapes and behavior. It is apparently very clear to me up to now because as I said it was my first time to meet and greet with the animals, and it was a form of socialization where we students talk about things outside the class room. That’s it!

Describe a TV program that you have seen and that interested you.

You should say: -When and where you saw the program -What the program was about -What you felt about the program And explain why you found the program particularly interesting. I am going to talk about a TV program called Bubble Gang. If I am not mistaken, this is the longest comedy TV show on Philippine television. The program is shown every Fridays on GMA 7. Although the program is shown late at night, it particularly makes viewers roll over with laughter. The program emphasizes on pop culture parody. Skits and sketches are performed on a variety of style that captivates the audiences’ hearts. In addition, it spoofs shows and commercials, and it takes on other celebrities and other political figures. The show also features top-notch actors and actresses armed with unparalleled talents. Personally, I find this show an excellent comic relief from a hard days work. Despite its comic attributes, it also provides awareness to viewers about issues confronting personalities of national prominence as well as typical situations in the Philippine community. These things make the program interesting to me. I think this is all that I can say about the show.

Describe a town or city you would like to visit. You should say: -where it is -how it is similar to your hometown -how it is different from your hometown And explain why you would like to visit it. A city that I found really interesting and which I would like to go to in the future would be Perth, Australia. This city comes to mind first because this is where I will work as a welder. Most probably, this will also be the destination of the majority of the skilled workers applying for Australia. It is located in Western Australia and is the fastest growing city in the country. Being the fourth largest city, it holds major commercial establishments which are really ideal for skilled workers like me. Well, I come from Pampanga, also a growing town. This is the only similarity that I could cite. Perth is very different from Pampanga, of course. Firstly, Perth has huge population which favors their labor force. As I have read, there is always job for everyone in Australia. Secondly, it has well-established highways for an economy to prosper. In Pampanga, roads are still being improved. Thirdly, there is good provision for the benefits of the residents unlike in my hometown where even health care is not sufficient.

I would like to visit this place to enjoy these benefits and, most of all to work and earn for my family here. That’s all! SPEAKING MODULE PART 3 Sample Questions Directions: Prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make sure that you don’t write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record your answer in a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a response that is 3-5 sentences long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for use with your responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 3 answers below.

Topic A: How does tourism affect a country? Does it have some advantages? Can cultures learn from each other?

Topic B: Is friendship important in your culture? How many close friends can you have? Are friends more important than family?

Topic C: What is the role of parents in raising children? Has the role changed in recent years? Who is responsible for discipline?

Topic D: Do possessions make people happy? Why do people buy things? Are people in your country wise consumers?

Topic E: Are images important in your culture? What is the role of advertising? Do films and television influence our decisions?

Topic F: Who are the most influential people in your society? Are there many heroes or role models today? What are the qualities of a good leader?

Topic G: How do different cultures celebrate events? What is the importance of festivals? How have special occasions such as weddings changed in your culture?

Model Answers NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including: I guess…

I believe…

Most probably…

I think…



Sample 1: How has the countryside changed in recent years in your country? I believe the rural areas changed so much now as compared to 10 years ago. For instance, telephone and power lines have been reinforced providing people in the area the access to news and information. Similarly, the roads have been improved for comfortable travel and business transaction. These changes are absolutely helpful to the town and all the more to the residents.

Sample 2: How do you think the countryside may change in the future? Well, most probably there will be internet access to these areas and stronger signals for mobile networks so that the residents can benefit from good communication. In addition, I am also looking at positive changes in the education sector. As observed, nowadays, people coming from these areas have poor communication skills.

Sample 3:

Where do most people live in your country- in the city or in the countryside? I guess more people are coming to cities lately in the Philippines. Noticeably, teenagers and young adults are searching for jobs in Makati or Ortigas City and eventually live there for work purposes. While this could be positive to the city’s labor force, it would also pose some problems such as overcrowding and traffic.

Here are more topics for you to practice. You may or may not record these and your answers. However, it is still highly recommended that you record them if you don’t have a partner to practice with. NOTE: Practice makes perfect!

1. Describe your own family’s favorite holiday destination. 2. Identify what most people in your country do on their holidays. 3. Discuss the pros and cons of spending holidays overseas or spending them in your own country. 4. Describe the main tourist destinations for overseas tourists coming to your country. 5. Describe how people entertain guests in your country. 6. What are the advantages of entertaining friends at home or of meeting them in public places? 7. What are the forms of entertainment young people and adults prefer in your culture. 8. Describe the main activities that go on in a family room in your culture. 9. Evaluate the importance of spending time with your family at home. 10. Compare the importance of spending time with your family and with your friends.

Transitional Devices (Connecting Words) Transitional devices are like bridges between parts of your essay or letter. They are cues that help the reader to interpret ideas in the way that you, as a writer, want them to understand. Transitional devices help you carry over a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another with words or phrases. And finally, transitional devices link your sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas. There are several types of transitional devices, and each category leads your reader to make certain connections or assumptions about the areas you are connecting. Some lead your reader forward and imply the "building" of an idea or thought, while others make your reader compare ideas or draw conclusions from the preceding thoughts. Here is a list of some common transitional devices that can be used to cue your reader in a given

way. To Add: and, again, and then, besides, equally important, finally, further, furthermore, nor, too, next, lastly, what's more, moreover, in addition, first (second, etc.), To Compare: whereas, but, yet, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, on the contrary, by comparison, where, compared to, up against, balanced against, vis a vis, but, although, conversely, meanwhile, after all, in contrast, although this may be true To Prove: because, for, since, for the same reason, obviously, evidently, furthermore, moreover, besides, indeed, in fact, in addition, in any case, that is To Show Exception: yet, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, of course, once in a while, sometimes To Show Time: immediately, thereafter, soon, after a few hours, finally, then, later, previously, formerly, first (second, etc.), next, and then To Repeat: in brief, as I have said, as I have noted, as has been noted, To Emphasize: definitely, extremely, obviously, in fact, indeed, in any case, absolutely, positively, naturally, surprisingly, always, forever, perennially, eternally, never, emphatically, unquestionably, without a doubt, certainly, undeniably, without reservation To Show Sequence: first, second, third, and so forth. A, B, C, and so forth. next, then, following this, at this time, now, at this point, after, afterward, subsequently, finally, consequently, previously, before this, simultaneously, concurrently, thus, therefore, hence, next, and then, soon To Give an Example: for example, for instance, in this case, in another case, on this occasion, in this situation, take the case of, to demonstrate, to illustrate, as an illustration, to illustrate To Summarize or Conclude: in brief, on the whole, summing up, to conclude, in conclusion, as I have shown, as I have said, hence, therefore, accordingly, thus, as a result, consequently, on the whole

Speaking Activity

Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, write two sentences for each question. Remember to write interesting sentences as these will catch the examiner’s attention and would count towards getting a higher score in the IELTS Speaking Test.

Warm-up 1. Could you show me your identification card please? Sure. Here is my passport/SSS 2. Could you tell me your full name please? My name is John Santos. You can call me Joe as my friends call me this way. 3. What shall I call you? I prefer to be called Joe. Ever since I was young I was called like this. 4. Does your name have any special meaning? I actually don’t know but I’ll to research on that. 5. Why do so many people change their names? Maybe because it’s unpleasant or conflict of interest. 6. Is your name important to you? Definitely. It is for security purpose and personal identification. Hometown or birth place

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Where do you come from? Where do you live? Can you tell me something about your hometown? Can you tell me some famous landscapes or scenic spots in your hometown? Can you tell me some history of your hometown?

Personal background and information

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Are you a student or do you have a job? What do you like most about your study? What kind of job do you prefer after graduation? What is your major? What do you do for living? Could you tell me a typical day of yours? How do you get your job? Are you satisfied with your job? What do you like most about your job? What kind of job do you prefer in the future?

Hobby or inclination

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What do you usually do in your spare time? Do you prefer to stay alone or with your friends? What do you usually do on weekends and weekdays? What do you usually do when you go out? What do you usually do with your friends? Do you like reading? What kind of books do you like best? Do you like English? Why or why not? What do you think of the importance of English? What are good hobbies and bad hobbies? Why?

Future plan

1. 2. 3. 4.

Why do you take the IELTS test? What are you planning to do in the next five years? What are you planning to do in the next ten years? What is the first thing you will do when you arrive at the new place?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Do you like traveling? Do you like travel alone or with your friends? Have you traveled to other places? Where are they? What do you usually do when you first arrive in a new place? What are the benefits of traveling? Why do so many people like traveling nowadays?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Do you have many friends? Are they casual acquaintances or close friends? Do you prefer to stay with your family or with your friends? Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends? Can you talk about your best friend? How to make friends? What do you usually do with your friends? Is the time you spend with your friends as much as that you spend with your family?


1. 2. 3. 4.

Do you like music? What are the benefits of listening to music? What kind of music do you like best? Why do you like this kind of music?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Can you say something about the transportation in your hometown? What is the common means of transport in your country? Do traffic jams often occur in your hometown or in the city where you live? How to solve the problem? What changes in transportation have taken place in the past several years in your country?

Building 1. Can you tell me an interesting building in your hometown? 2. Can you tell me an interesting building in Manila?

IELTS Speaking

Brushing Up

Useful Language

At the moment, I’m living/ studying/ working… Before that I lived in… Recently, I’ve been to …/ started playing badminton…etc

I’m planning to… After that I’ll probably…

I prefer eating in a restaurant because… I’d rather work in Australia because….

Both my father and mother are… Neither of my brothers… None of my friends…

It depends. Sometimes I like cooking, and sometimes I’m just too tired. Definitely, I love it. It’s… Possibly. It depends on the weather really.

Generally, I think it’s a good idea because… Well, it’s very different because…

Let me think/ see… I’m not really sure, but perhaps… That’s a good question/ point. I suppose… That’s a good question/ point. I suppose…

I haven’t really given that much thought before but…

Frequently Asked Questions in Part I

Why are you taking IELTS? Well, I’m taking IELTS as it is a requirement for my working visa to Australia. What are your ambitions? For now, I think it has to be to work in Australia and support my family financially. Tell me about where you are living at the moment. I live in Bulacan and its getting progressive as years pass by. It is also a quiet place to live. How would you describe your hometown? My hometown is typically simple but it boasts of some beautiful places like beaches, old churches and mountains. What do you usually do at the weekend? Usually, I and my family go out and stroll around in a mall. Also, we go to church to hear mass. REMEMBER:  Make sure you answer the question.  One-word answers are NOT acceptable.  Always add some extra information to your answer.

Frequently Asked Questions in Part II

Describe an occasion when you have been successful. You should say:  Where and when you were successful

 How you were successful  What you had to do to make sure you were successful And describe how you felt about your success. ANSWER: I would like to talk about the moment that I worked in the Middle East as a welder. I think it was 3 years ago. It was a very challenging experience since I have to leave my family behind and work there alone in a country where I don’t know anyone. The culture was totally new and I had to deal with it squarely. So, I consider this a great success because I was able to survive and to send money to my family in the country. Aside from constant missing of my family, I also had to bear with the inconveniences of day to day work where I met foreign people and talk to them. Nevertheless, it was fulfilling and rewarding experience because I saw my children grow up properly in terms of education, food and shelter. REMEMBER: It is important to keep talking, but don’t talk about things which are not related to the topic.

Talk about an important day in your life. You should say: When this day was If you were alone or with others Where you were and what happened And explain why this day was important to you.

Describe a present someone gave you which was/ is important to you. You should say:  What the present was

 Who gave it to you  Why they gave it to you (e.g. to celebrate a birthday) And explain why it is so important to you. Describe a friend who has played an important part in your life. You should say:  How you met this person  How long you have known them  The kind of things you do or did with them And explain why they have been important in your life. Useful Language

The best/ worst thing about…is/was…

The thing I really like(d)/ hate(d) about…is/was…

One of the problems with…is/was…

I particularly remember…because…

I’ll never forget…because..

Follow- up Questions After you have spoken for 1-2 minutes, the examiner may ask you one or two follow-up questions about what you have said.

Sample Question: Topic in Part 2: A place you visited that you liked.

How did you feel when you arrived in that place? I was very nervous because I didn’t know anybody.

Did you find it easy to meet people? At first, I resisted but eventually the people around were very friendly so I found it easy to mingle with them.

Other sample questions:

Do you enjoy playing sports?

Yes, definitely. I particularly enjoy outdoor ones.

Would you like to go there again?

Possibly. It would depend on who I went with.

Do you think it will be easy to get a job in IT?

I expect so. It’s a growing industry.

Have you ever been to any other countries in Europe?

Yes, a few. France, Spain and Germany.

Would you consider doing the same sort of job again?

I don’t think so. It wasn’t really for me.

Would you recommend the holiday to other people?

No, not really. It wasn’t very good value for money.

Part III

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it a good idea to exercise regularly? Definitely! Nowadays, life is very stressful. Exercise is the ultimate solution to balance work and family life. Are there more crimes these days? I think so. With the society becoming more materialistic, crimes tend to increase also because people want to have more in life. Do you think everyone should have a mobile phone? Yes, I think it is a good idea that everyone becomes wireless in terms of communication.

Linking Ideas

On the other hand




such as

Useful Language: Comparing and Contrasting

On the other hand Well, it isn’t as…as


…is nowhere near as…as… I’d rather… I’d much prefer (to)… It depends (on)…

Useful Language: Making predictions/ talking about the future

There’s a good chance that… I doubt very much if…

I hope that… I expect that… I’m afraid that… It is/ isn’t very likely to…

Useful Language: Giving opinions

As far as I’m concerned… It seems to me that… I tend to think that…

Frequently Asked Questions in Part 3:

Do you think smoking should be banned in all public places? It’s really hard to say but I think if this plan will benefit the majority, then it’s ok to ban it. For sure smokers will greatly go against this proposal as this has become their way of life. Do you prefer to go out or stay at home in the evening? I prefer to stay at home because I have to help my wife take care of my children. Besides, this is the only time that I can spend with my children, helping them do their homework. On the other hand, when I became a father going out became limited to just meeting with very common friends who my wife knows. Do you think that e-mail has made our lives easier? Definitely, yes! Before I used to send letter through post but it needed much time to reach its destination. Now, e-mails greatly help me with sending of letters. It’s fast and convenient. Which is better: living in the countryside or in the city? I’d rather live in the city. City life offers modern living. There are many opportunities in terms of work, entertainment, leisure and dining. However, the countryside gives a very common and limited life style which is I guess preferred by people in their old age. How likely it is that computer will be able to do your job in the future? With the kind of work that I do, computers are of great help. Back then, we had to do manual work in terms of calibration of machines. Today, calibration is done through computers making our work more efficient and easy to do. Would you rather watch sport or play it? Actually, I like both. If I want to learn how to play a new sport, I watch it first. Similarly, if I want to improve a sport that I know how to play, I watch it on TV so I could learn some techniques. What do you think the consequences of global warming will be? If there’s global warming, our environment will be warmer. People and animals

might have trouble coping with the changing temperature. Also, there people from the cold regions of the world might experience flood due to melting of ice. I believe that this is not a good phenomenon and will give bad effects to all of us.

EXTRA Part 2: Describe a happy event in your childhood that you remember well. You should say:  When the event took place  Where the event took place  What happened exactly And explain why you remember this event clearly.

FF: Did you ever do this again? What did your parents think about it?

Part 3: Do you think children’s lives are very different nowadays? Yes, of course! With modern life style, children are similarly affected as with adults. Before, children were confined in their house. They were just limited to some activities such as playing indoor games of simple nature. At present, they are faced with enormous challenges such as meeting deadlines for a school project, waking up early to beat the traffic and do homework using computers. These things are a few examples of the notable changes in the lives of the children.

Are children too protected now? For some, yes. This applies to parents who are aware that children are well exposed to temptations coming from peers and technologies. Parents who value their family would keep a close contact with them. However, for working parents, they have less time to oversee their children, thus, providing less care to them. As a result, there are delinquent minors. Do you think children can have too many toys? It depends. There are toys that have good effects to children. Due to commercialization lately, there are also many hazardous toys. So, having few or many toys would be the prerogative of the parents. They should always guide their children in choosing toys to play. Is it important to celebrate birthdays and other festivals? Absolutely, yes! Birthdays come once a year. In the Philippines, celebrations are highly regarded by Filipinos. Celebrations are blessings that need to be commemorated, the same with festivals which are mostly religious in nature.

Speaking Practice:

Directions: Provide a 2-minute response to the following questions. Record your answer on a blank tape.

1. Discuss an interesting place you have been to recently (What is it, where is it, whether you like or dislike the place) 2. Discuss an interesting person you have met (who he is, where he lives, what qualities make him interesting) 3. Discuss what you would like to do when you get older (what is it, how you will do it, why you will do it) 4. Discuss what you would like to learn in the future (what is it, how you can learn it, why you’d like to learn it) 5. Discuss a frightening experience you had when you were young (what is it, where it took place, what makes it frightening)

6. Discuss a person you like to spend time always (who he is, what you enjoy to do, why you like to be together always) 7. Discuss an exciting experience you had (what it is, where it happened, why it became exciting) 8. Discuss a favorite pet (what kind, where you got it from, why it is a favorite) 9. Discuss something you like to do when you have free time (what it is, how you do it, why you like to do it) 10. Discuss a place you would like to visit in the future (what is it, where it is, why you like to go there soon) 11. Discuss a person you would like to meet some day (who he is, where you’d like to meet, why you’d like to meet him) 12. Discuss a person who has influenced your life (who he is, what you like about him and why he was influential to you) 13. Discuss something you have never done but would like to do (what is it, how you can do it, why you’d like to do it) 14. Discuss something you have done but never want to do again (what was it, how you did it, why you don’t like to do it again) 15. Discuss an experience which made you laugh (what it is, where it took place, why it made you laugh) 16. Discuss an experience which made you cry (what it is, where it took place, why it made you cry) 17. Discuss what you would do if you had a million dollars (what it is, where will you spend it, why will you spend it there) 18. Discuss what you would do if you were President of your country (what you’ll do, why you’ll do it) 19. Discuss a gift you could give others (what it is, to whom you’ll give it and why you have chosen it) 20. Discuss a gift you would like someone to give you (what it is, what occasion , why you’ll like it given to you) 21. Discuss a special talent you have (what it is, where you got it, what makes it special)

Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review


IELTS Comprehensive Review and Coaching

Mar 16, '08 2:27 AM for everyone

I conduct IELTS General Training Comprehensive Review and Coaching for Skilled Workers for Australia, Canada and other countries requiring IELTS General Training certificate. I service Joblane International Manpower Services and 21st Century Manpower Resources Inc., two active agencies recruiting skilled workers to Australia. I also conduct IELTS Academic Review and Coaching for nurses and other allied health practitioners. I frequently conduct training for ISA- International Student Advisors 4 U Inc.- a recruiting firm for the United Kingdom. Success rate for all firms is maintained at above 70%. For the Academic training, 100% pass rate is maintained for ISA while 90% for Joblane on the average and 80% on the average for 21st Century. I am able to handle big class size but with impressive pass rate. For General Training, the average class size on a monthly basis is 30 participants while 20participants for the Academic training. Updated materials, powerful and intuitive techniques are provided to participants during the training leaving them incredibly confident in taking the test. For inquiries, please keep in touch with me at 09184905100 or 381-9941. Carlo Villalona Tags: ielts review 0 comments

Sep 30, '08 3:55 Answer Key to Module Exercises for IELTS General Training AM Listening and Reading for everyone General Training Reading Supplementary Material 1 Traveler’s Tip

Carlo 


Personal Message Report Abuse

   

Home Blog Photos Calendar

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

a a f d g b yes yes no no not given not given yes traveler’s insurance Bush fires itinerary your body tight bandage

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 2 London’s Market

c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

c e a f c b f a, d c, d d, e, f

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

community/ multicultural youth culture Village Market electrical goods antiques

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 Distance Learning

ix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

ix vii i viii iv a, d (in any order) a, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) (full-time) employment (in any order) family/ domestic responsibilities (in any order) e f a c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 4 Revision for Exams

iii 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

iii x iv vi xi viii i

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

every evening (your) weekend employment working too hard small index cards boredom (and) stress b b

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 5 Australia Fights Back

b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

b a c c a b b c f b c g b a c c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 6 Canals on Mars

a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

a c d a i h

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

b e yes not given not given no no yes


1 £203

22 B

2 17


3 no


4 under 26/ less than 26


5 locals/ local people


6 satisfied/ ok

27 Early Childhood

7 (British) students


8 (too) many/ big

29 not learned/ innate

9 careful

30 in person

A or E

C or D

the differences/ how they differ

10 the culture/ the food

31 higher

11 International Student Advisor

32 exam performance/ results

12 Learning/ study groups


13 Student IT Department

34 controlled

14 Housing Officer/

35 thought/ thinking

sleep/ sleeping/ sleeplessness

Accommodation Officer 15 International Department

36 organized

16 personal and/ or financial

37 vary/ change/ be different

17 b

38 marks/ weighting

18 d

39 relaxed

19 e

40 (effective)s tudy skills

20 c

41 -

21 a

42 -

Tags: ielts general 0 comments

Jul 25, '08 Joblane lands 89% pass rate for 12 July IELTS General Training 12:07 AM at the British Council Philippines for everyone It is interesting to note that since the start of the implementation of the IELTS General Training in July of last year, Joblane had 100% pass rate thrice and this month fairs at 89%.

Out of the 27 skilled workers who took the test 24 successfully made it to the 4.5 overall band score visa requirement. Three of them garnered 4.0 overall which is not bad. Looking closely at their individual scores, we can infer that their strengths are listening and writing at 93% while reading and speaking at 74% were their weaknesses.

It is really important that during the speaking test one has to listen attentively to the examiner so he would be able to respond appropriately to the question and secondly, he must be able to extend his answer to every question in a clear way.

One of the factors that could influence their score is attendance to the training which has to be 100% for a 3-week course or depending on the agreed time frame set by the IELTS trainer. Second factor is performance during the training. This includes completing all course work, assignments, quizzes, simulations and oral participation. Above all, positive thinking and self-confidence are great tools in achieving success in the real test. Tags: ielts gt 1 comment

IELTS General Training- Writing Tasks 1 and 2, Sample Topics and Answers

Mar 25, '08 3:47 AM for everyone

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 1

No. 1 You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my comments and suggestions about the College Cafeteria- the one and only student council owned cafeteria in the school. I am thinking that by writing to you your magazine will be able to reach the student populace and keep them informed

about this cafeteria.

Firstly, I am a frequent customer of this cafeteria. As a senior student, I am always busy. The cafeteria becomes my home from breakfast to dinner. I particularly like it because it is convenient. I do not need to go out of the campus to eat meals. Aside from that, the cost of meals is affordable. In addition, I like the variety of menu that it offers keeping us with a balanced diet. However, there is one thing that I find quiet unpleasant about the area. During exam week, the area gets clogged with students who would also prefer to dine. As a result, serving of food and payment for such take time. Personally, this becomes annoying especially that everyone wants to be served fast to catch with the examination. I am suggesting that the cafeteria would employ more attendants. They could also hire student to work for them.

I look forward to reading these comments and suggestions in the college magazine soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(214 words)

No. 2 You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my observations about the general shopping habit and trends in my hometown. I think this will be a good subject of an article that you could write about in the newspaper.

Firstly, I would like you to know that shopping in my hometown has become more and more popular lately as compared before. Although shopping for most people poses some threat to security, it is undeniably a hobby for some. On weekends, people crowd over bargains. Interestingly, there are more goods sold now than before such as antiques, imported electronic gadgets, house ornaments and fashionable clothes. However, there are two things that I think the government should do to improve the area. One is that there should be more security officers, uniformed and civilians who should take care of the safety of the patrons. Lately, there have been reports about crimes of various levels. Another is the transportation in the area. Due to the increasing number of people buying goods, there are no more lanes for transports to cruise the area. As a result, people have to walk for more than 45 minutes to reach the main road. The management of this shopping area should think of ways on how they could let the customers feel welcome and not just think of the revenues they will get out of this.

I look forward to reading these comments in the newspaper soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(238 words)

No. 3 You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire if you have an opening for a welding job in your reputable construction firm. I have gained substantial experience and I feel confident that I am fit to undertake the said position.

I am a senior welder in ABC Company for 14 years now and was promoted to supervisory position 2 years ago. My skills in welding are very diverse and these experiences were honed while I worked for a gigantic construction company in the Middle East particularly in Dubai for 10 years. Recently, there is a need for me to come home because of my ailing grandmother and due to the pleading of my wife that I should stick to our own family since my children are still young. I felt that your company can provide me with an opportunity where I can pursue a supervisory position in the same field while I address the needs of my grandmother and own family.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(168 words)

No. 4 You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to apply for a temporary job in the summer camp that you are organizing. I have read this advertisement from the newspaper and I found this interesting because I have the qualities that you are looking for.

Firstly, I have joined several camps before from team building to organizing games for Koreans, young and adults while teaching English to them. I believe from the advertisement that you have the same requirement for applying individuals. As I am a

person who loves the outdoors, children, games and English teaching, this is certainly a perfect summer job for me. Aside from that, my experience last year with group of children who went for camping in Laguna, and the team building in Tagaytay for foreign excursionist provided me with skills in leading groups, giving clear instructions and creating innovative games. Anyway, kindly you can reach me through my mobile number at 1234-5678.

I look forward to hearing from you the soonest. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(163 words)

No. 5

An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.

29 March 2008

Dear Jane,

I am writing to let you know that I am so much pleased to know that you are coming over for a visit. I would like you to know also of some good choices to stay and other things that you might need. By now, I could not help my self but be really happy that you will come.

Anyway, I live in Makati City and there are various accommodation arrangements. For hassle-free and convenient living, I am suggesting that you rent an apartment hotel. It looks like a typical studio apartment but with hotel services such as attendants cleaning your room, swimming pool, gym and cafeteria but with an apartment cost. This is particularly suited for you because it is at the heart of the city and going around is very easy. When you arrive here, I will tell you in details the things that you can do. I know very well that you love the outdoors so I have many options to suggest. Well, about clothes, our weather here is very different from yours in France. It is summer now and will last until June. So, just bring light clothes. You can also try buying clothes here. You can email me if you need more help.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Best regards, John

(218 words)

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 2

No. 1 In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?

There are many reasons why neighbors are not close to each other nowadays. For a busy community such as Manila and Makati City, talking to neighbors is often neglected. This is happening due to the structure of accommodation that is popular to city dwellers such as condominiums, hotels and apartments. These havens do not provide inhabitants with time to mingle with each other. Mostly, these are enclosed areas. As a result, people do not have the opportunity to meet and greet with their neighbors.

Another reason why this is happening is the fact that residents do not trust their neighbors nowadays. The media has been very vocal about the harsh realities of having inconsiderate neighbors. Some reports would say that rape of a teenage girl or robbery in the corner house has been committed by a fellow resident. These among others instill threat against security among neighbors making it hard for them to associate lately.

For particular ways on how this link among neighbors could be improved seem to be crucial but vital in modern times. On a personal level, modernization and its ill-effects must not hinder people from being pleasant and caring to each other. A prominent way on how to win over this phenomenon is to organize groups whose objectives are to bring harmony and to foster camaraderie in the community.

Another significant plan is to evoke the local council to spearhead activities such as sports, social gatherings, regular meetings and parties aimed at raising awareness of the importance of team spirit, trust and sense of community.

On the whole, whether it is the kind of accommodation where you are staying or the distrust that has been developed among neighbors nowadays that caused distant ties among them, it is very essential to know that hope is still within reach. Residents and community leaders must work hand in hand to save and protect the character that is unique to every Filipino.

(322 words)

Writing Assignments

Writing Task 1

Directions: Write a letter about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 20 minutes.


You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.


You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.


You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.


You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.


An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.


An English-speaking friend is coming to study in your town next year and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your

letter, offer to find a place for him/her to live, give advice about how to find a part-time job and give information on where they can learn your language. 7.

You are going on a short training course at a college in New Zealand. You need somewhere to live while you are there. You realized that a friend whom you met in your country. Write to your friend. In your letter, explain your situation, describe the accommodation you require and say when you will need it.


You are going to take a short holiday in Australia and you want to rent a holiday flat while you are there. Write to the tourist information office. In your letter, explain what you need, say when you need it and ask for information about the prices.


You were recently voted by your neighbors as the organization president of your town. Write a letter to your neighbors. In your letter, express thanks for the opportunity, describe the plans that you would like to do first and express your concerns.

10. You were invited to speak before a crowd to share your experiences in life. However, 2 days before the affair, a serious family problem happened. Write to the organizer of the affair. In your letter, apologize that you can not attend the affair, describe what happened and say how important the event but you can not make it.

Writing Task 2

Directions: Write an essay about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 40 minutes.


In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?


Life nowadays is generally much more stressful than in the past. Give some reasons why people suffer more from stress nowadays, and say what they can do to reduce it.


Computers and modems have made it possible for office workers to do much of their work from home instead of working in offices everyday. Working from home should be encouraged as it is good for workers and employers. Do you agree or disagree?


It is often difficult for young people to find a good job without previous work experience. Governments should encourage employers to choose young people when they need new workers. Do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays, many students have the opportunity to study for part or all of their courses in foreign countries. While studying abroad brings many benefits to individual students, it also has a number of disadvantages. Do you agree or

disagree? 6.

In some countries it is common for students leaving school to do a gap year in which they travel, do voluntary work, or do a job before going on to higher education. Although this may benefit students in a number of ways, it also has a number of disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Parents and teachers make many rules for children to encourage good behavior and to protect them from danger. However, children would benefit from fewer rules and greater freedom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Governments make rules to protect people from danger, for example by making people wear seat belts in cars or not allowing smoking in public buildings. However, many people believe there are too many rules nowadays. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In many countries, television shows many foreign-made programs. The dominance of imported entertainment is harmful to the cultures of these countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

10. In most countries, multinational companies and their products are becoming more and more important. This trend is seriously damaging our quality of life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answers Writing Task 1 NOTE: The following are sample answers to writing task 1. Study them carefully before doing the writing assignments above. Sample 1: You have just started a course in a college which has no sports facilities of its own. Write a letter to the manager of the nearest private sports club. In your letter, introduce yourself, say why you are interested in this sports club and ask some questions about the club (e.g., facilities, members, costs) Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. 3 February 2007

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire about the facilities of the YMCA sports club. I have heard much about the affordability and customer satisfaction from students like me who have been using your

equipment for various sports activities recently.

I am a freshman Education major in English student at the Jose Rizal College. Our campus is just a block away from your compound. Having said this, accessibility is never a problem and the best of all, I will be able to manage other school-related tasks while enjoying at your swimming facility. How much is the membership fee annually? Do I have to pay for entrance every time I go there? As I am a full-time student, are you open after 5pm and on weekends? I hope that you can provide me with these details through text at 0910-1234567 or call me in my home phone at 123-4567.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Santos

(160 words) Sample 2:

You have had a bank account for a few years. Recently you received a letter from the bank stating that your account is $240 overdrawn and that you will be charged $70 which will be taken directly from your account. You know that this information is incorrect. Write a letter to the bank. Explain what has happened and say what you would like them to do about it. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (196 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Mr. Aquino,

I am writing in reply to a letter I received from you a few days ago. In your letter, you state

that I am $240 overdrawn and that you will be charging me $70.

I would like to point out that the reason I am overdrawn is because of a mistake made by your bank. If you look through your records you will see that I wrote several weeks ago explaining the situation. For the last 12 months, I have been paying $300 a month for a car I bought last summer. The monthly payments were taken directly from my bank account. However, 2 months ago I sold the car and I wrote to you instructing you to stop paying the monthly installments. I received a letter from you acknowledging my request, but, for some reason, nothing was done about it. Another $300 installment has been paid this month and this is the reason why I am overdrawn. I would like you to contact the garage where I bought the car explaining your error. I would also like you to ask them to return the money.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Patt Santos

Sample 3:

You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems. Write a letter to your new employer. In your letter, explain the situation, describe some problems, and tell him/her when you think you can start. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (167 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Ms. Barnes,

I am writing concerning the position of Welder that I am due to begin next Monday. However, a problem has arisen.

As you know, I currently work for my uncle’s welding shop and fabricating business, and you will remember from my interview that I have gained valuable experience there. Unfortunately, he has to go into hospital for eye surgery, leaving my aunt in charge of both the home and the business. She has asked me, as this is a particularly busy time of the year, to stay on and help her with the running of the office. I realize this will be inconvenient to you, but very much hope that, given the circumstances, you would be prepared to allow me to take up the position with you two weeks later than planned. I would like to emphasize that I remain very keen to work with you, and that I will be gaining further useful experience during this time.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Ningning Sample 4: You are unhappy about a plan to make your local airport bigger and increase the number of flights. You live near the airport. Write a letter to the local newspaper. In your letter, explain where you live, describe the problem, and give reasons why you do not want this development. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (249 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to make an appeal to the airport authorities through your newspaper regarding the planned expansion of the local airport and the increase in the number of flights.

Leaving about 500 meters away from the airport, I and my family are currently experiencing inconveniences under this circumstance. The main issue is the noise that is so disturbing every time a plane takes off and lands. Imagine how it feels to have this happening almost

every minute of the day. Apart from this is the flow of traffic that we experience. Since we are close to the airport, there will be no point in time that we are free from the traffic in the main road that we pass through in going out of our village. Since we heard that there is a plan of expanding the airport, this would mean a great deal to us who live just across the airstrip. It would mean that we may be asked to leave our place in case it will be hit by the expansion. This would also mean that there may be an increase in the number of flights which will add to our already present dilemma regarding the noise concern. It would mean lesser times of a peaceful and quiet surroundings. I really hope that airport officials would try to reconsider their plans and think also about the welfare of the people who will be affected by their move.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Bernadette Camiling

Writing Task 2 Sample 1 To be successful in education it is important to be a good student than to have good teachers. Do you agree? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Success, nowadays, is and will always be a goal for most individuals regardless of the kind of endeavor one wishes to pursue. As a student, it will forever be a great challenge to finish his education. However, at school, success has to be a concerted effort of both the school represented by its teachers and the students themselves.

Firstly, with the very pressing economic situations of the country, parents are faced with an enormous responsibility of whether to send their children to school or have them do it on a

latter time. For this, money is the deciding factor. Given the opportunity to study, students must possess qualities that could make him successful in the future. Characters such diligence, perseverance and studious must go hand in hand for a student to achieve his goals in education.

On the other hand, teachers must do their relentless drive to seriously help their students fulfill their aims. Unfortunately, there are more students than mentors in every classroom in the country. As a result, students are unsuccessful with their aspirations. As this may seem a paramount problem encountered by school owners, teachers must device a way to serve the students and maximize their learning potentials.

As a whole, becoming a successful student, large emphasis has to be put on values shed on every day that he goes to school to learn. In addition, teachers must carefully consider all possible means to help address the needs of the students. After all, what becomes a future of a student is immensely affected by the experience he obtains from his teachers at school. (266 words)

Sample 2: Some people prefer to spend their holidays by going out of town. Others prefer to stay at home. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of going out of town? Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In the past, taking a holiday was viewed with less interest by many. Nowadays, most Filipino families love taking a holiday. In fact, the government is initiating a move to lengthen holidays by moving certain days of the week to offer Filipinos with many days to enjoy. As Filipinos are lavish spenders of holiday, going of town on holiday presents many great advantages.

Firstly, taking an out of town and simple trip provide every individual a rejuvenating experience. A very classic example is going for a trip to Baguio City, the summer capital of the Philippines. In that place, you can do numerous, relaxing activities such as going for a walk at Burnham park while enjoying its fresh and cool breeze of air. In addition, you can also do boating in the same park. Another less expensive way of activity is making a road trip to Tagaytay City. With this, you will be delighted with a countryside road experience which is very relaxing as well.

Secondly, knowing the culture, the food, the people and the whole area where you intend to go is another benefit offered by an out-of-town holiday. Interestingly, most people find this a welcoming and educational opportunity. It has always been said that traveling can enrich one’s mind and spirit.

As a whole, while this set up gives disadvantages like the hassles of pre-planning stage and the inconveniences of travel, the benefits serve a great purpose, to rejuvenate and to impart knowledge of the area where you plan to go. In this way, you just did not relax your body but enrich your mind as well.

(269 words)

Sample 2: Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles. Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time. Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes. It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to

stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. (258 words) Sample 3: The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in

poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. (266 words)

Sample 4: We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide. In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be so complex that no individual could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Providing all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. If one small program fails, it will become a disaster. There is a certain inevitability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world. (292 words)

Sample 5: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt. Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their child to participate on different teams. But what if the child prefers to read? Parents want to pass on their values to their children. However, things change. The children of today are growing up in a world different from their parents' world. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her parents don't understand or value the digital revolution. Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers. Fortunately, we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are valuable.

(296 words)

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Mar 16, '08 9:42 Upcoming Event- IELTS General Training Intensive Review PM and Coaching for everyone

IELTS General Training Intensive Review and Coaching- March 24-28, 2008 will be held in one of the hotels in Manila. The training starts at 7am and ends at 4pm. Powerful techniques and intuitive coaching will be instructed to skilled workers applying for work in Australia. Walk-in applicants are accepted. Please contact 0918-490-5100 for further information. Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Academic Writing Task 2- Sample Tasks and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:30 PM for everyone

Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles.

Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time.

It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the

gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. We have been living in the nuclear age now for over half a century. Since the first atomic bombs were developed, nuclear technology has provided governments with the ability to totally destroy the planet. Yet the technology has been put to positive use as an energy source and in certain areas of medicine. To what extent is nuclear technology a danger to life on Earth? What are the benefits and risks associated with its use?

These days, many people are afraid of nuclear technology because of the dangers associated with its use. In my opinion, although it is true that nuclear weapons pose the greatest threat to life, the use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes also carries some serious risks. Nuclear power stations provide an important source of cheap power for many industrialized nations and some developing countries. However, there is always the danger of radiation leaking from these plants. Even though safety precautions are taken, there have been numerous disasters such as the explosion of a nuclear plant in Russia not long ago. Nuclear technology is even used to help cure some diseases such as cancer. Radiation can be applied to the body to burn away cancerous cells. This is, however, a dangerous procedure, and the application of radiation is almost always painful and not always successful. The most worrying aspect of nuclear technology, though, is its use for military purposes. Enough atomic bombs have already been built to completely destroy the planet, and the real danger is that one day some country will start a war with these weapons. Too many countries now have the technology required to make such bombs, and there is currently much debate about how to control the situation. In conclusion, nuclear technology certainly has positive uses, but is, nonetheless, dangerous. However, it would have been better if it had never been used to create nuclear weapons.

People in all modern societies use drugs, but today's youth are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an increasingly early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of society often set a bad example. Discuss the causes and some effects of widespread drug use by young people in modern day society. Make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug abuse.

Youth drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many cultures. Not only is illegal drug use on the rise, but children as young as 10 years old are experimenting with alcohol and tobacco. The reasons for this behavior are unclear, but certain sociologists blame the examples set by their elders. Parents who drink and smoke to excess are, in effect, telling their children that it is acceptable to abuse their bodies with drugs. Consequently, children may have a similar view towards illegal drugs, even if their parents are against their use. In addition, drug use shown on television and in films can only confuse children who are also taught at school that drug abuse is wrong. The pressure on young people to perform well at school in order to compete for jobs is a possible cause of the problem. Many believe they cannot live up to their parents' expectations, and feel a sense of hopelessness. Also, the widespread availability of drugs means teenagers are faced with the temptation to experiment. Drugs are used as a means of expressing dissatisfaction with the pressures they face in society. The effects of drug abuse are well known. Many young people's talents are wasted, and addiction to hard drugs can cost a user his or her life. Furthermore, those who drink and drive may be involved in fatal road accidents. The cost to society is great, and enormous amounts of money are spent on convicting drug dealers and on education programs. To conclude, I recommend that the only sensible way to solve this problem is to educate young people about the dangers of drug use, and to take steps to reduce the pressure of competition placed upon them. The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true

in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. Studying the English language in an English-speaking country is the best but not the only way to learn language. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Studying a language in a country where it is widely spoken has many advantages. It is, therefore, a good idea to study English in a country such as Britain. However, I believe it is not the only way to learn the language. In the first place, most students in non-English-speaking countries learn English at secondary school, and sometimes at university nowadays. Although their spoken English is not usually of a very high standard, their knowledge of grammar is often quite advanced. This is certainly useful when students come to an English-speaking country to perfect the language. Secondly, studying the basics of English at secondary school is less stressful than learning the language while overseas. This is because students living at home do not have to worry

about problems such as finding accommodation, paying for their study and living costs, and trying to survive in a foreign country where day to day living causes much stress. However, there are obvious advantages of learning English in Britain. Every day there are opportunities to practice listening to and speaking with British people. Also, students can experience the culture firsthand, which is a great help when trying to understand the language. This is especially true if they choose to live with a British family, as exchange students for example. Furthermore, if students attend a language school full-time, the teachers will be native speakers. In this case, not only will students' speaking and listening skills improve, but attention can be given to developing reading and writing skills as well. In general, even though it is preferable to study English in an English-speaking country, a reasonable level of English can be achieved in one's own country, if a student is gifted and dedicated to study. Although abuse of the system is inevitable, social welfare payments are essential to protect the rights citizens have to a guaranteed minimum income in a democratic society. Discuss.

Social welfare is an essential element of an advanced society. Good systems are always abused, but that does not mean they are faulty. In my opinion, the two main reasons why welfare payments are necessary are as follows: First of all, critics forget that there are many forms of welfare besides payments to the unemployed. Their negative opinions harm those who are not capable of earning a wage, such as single-parent mothers, the disabled, and the sick. Moreover, the unemployed have the right to an income, too. They are not always at fault for not having a job, and in most cases the tax they have paid in the past entitles them to assistance. The second reason is that crime increases when people have no means of support. The desperately poor inevitably turn to crime, which is not only dangerous but costly. Policing the streets is more expensive than providing welfare. A policeman's wage is four or five times higher than a "dole" payment. Certain members of society believe that people should look after themselves. They point out that welfare increases dependency on others and destroy dignity. This may be true, but in the case of the unemployed, the relief payments are usually temporary. It is surely the fault of the government if there are long-term unemployed. Welfare critics also believe that it is the responsibility of a victim's family to provide financial assistance. However, it is too expensive to provide complete help for a severely disabled person. To conclude, it is vital to understand the need for welfare in a modern democratic society.

Without welfare payments the poor are destined to become poorer. The first duty of a government is to provide a financial safety net for all disadvantaged persons, and that includes those without work. Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others. Students who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately. Do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that some students in schools behave badly and their behavior causes difficulty for others either because it has a negative effect on the group or because ordinary students find it difficult to study with them. One solution is to take these students away and teach them on their own. However, if we simply have them removed after one or two warnings, we are limiting their educational opportunities because it seems to me that a school which caters for difficult students is a sort of "prison" whatever name you give it and the people who go there may never recover from the experience. This can then cause problems for the wider society. Perhaps we need to look at why the disruptive students behave badly before we separate them. Disruptive students may be very intelligent and find the classes boring because the work is too easy. Perhaps these students need extra lessons rather than separate lessons. Or perhaps the teachers are uninspiring and this results in behavioral problems so we need better teachers. On the other hand, most students put up with this situation rather than cause trouble, and some people argue that we have to learn to suffer bad teachers and boring situations and that students who can't learn this lesson need to be taught separately. So before we condemn the students to a special school, we should look at factors such as the teaching, because once the children have been separated, it is very unlikely that they will be brought back. Should parents be obliged to immunize their children against childhood diseases? Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunize their children?

Some people argue that the state does not have the right to make parents immunize their children. However, I feel the question is not whether they should immunize but whether, as members of society, they have the right not to. Preventative medicine has proved to be the most effective way of reducing the incidence of fatal childhood diseases. As a result of the widespread practice of immunizing young

children in our society, many lives have been saved and the diseases have been reduced to almost zero. In previous centuries children died from ordinary illnesses such as influenza and tuberculosis and because few people had immunity, the diseases spread easily. Diseases such as dysentery were the result of poor hygiene but these have long been eradicated since the arrival of good sanitation and clean water. Nobody would suggest that we should reverse this good practice now because dysentery has been wiped out. Serious diseases such as polio and smallpox have also been eradicated through national immunization programs. In consequence, children not immunized are far less at risk in this disease-free society than they would otherwise be. Parents choosing not to immunize are relying on the fact that the diseases have already been eradicated. If the number of parents choosing not to immunize increased, there would be a similar increase in the risk of the diseases returning. Immunization is not an issue like seatbelts which affects only the individual. A decision not to immunize will have widespread repercussions for the whole of society and for this reason, I do not believe that individuals have the right to stand aside. In my opinion immunization should be obligatory. We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we he more suspicious of their benefits?

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide. In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be so complex that no individual could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Providing all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. If one small program fails, it will become a disaster.

There is a certain inevitability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world.

Smokers can cause themselves serious health problems. The choice to smoke is made freely and with knowledge of dangers. Smokers should therefore expect to pay more for medical treatment than non-smokers. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Everyone has the choice of being a smoker or not. The people who choose to smoke do so knowing there is a risk of causing harmful damage to them. However, I do not entirely agree that these people should have to pay more to receive all the medical treatment they need. I think there are many situations in which a medical problem has nothing to do with whether a person smokes or not. In these cases, where an illness has no relation to smoking, then I believe that smokers should not be required to pay more than other people for their medical treatment. Most car accidents, for example, have no connection with smoking, and the people who are injured ought to have the same medical help, regardless of the cost. And what about the common flu - it does not seem justifiable to me that a smoker should have to pay more to see a doctor for an illness we can all contact. On the other hand, I agree that a smoker should pay more than a non-smoker for the necessary treatment of any condition which has been caused by smoking. The principle that people should take responsibility for their own actions is a good one. Consequently, if a person chooses to smoke knowing that this habit can cause serious health problems, then there is no reason why the community or an insurance company should have to pay for medical treatment for an illness which could have been avoided. In many countries, cigarette packets have a clear warning that smoking can cause health problems and so no smoker can claim not to know the danger. Lung cancer is sometimes a fatal disease and the treatment is both lengthy and expensive, and it is unfair for the smoker to expect the hospital or the community to carry the cost. In fact, it could also be argued that those who smoke in public should be asked to pay extra because of the illness caused to passive smokers. In conclusion, I feel that smokers should pay more in cases related to smoking, but for any other illness they should pay the same as anyone else.

International entertainers, including sports personalities, often get paid millions of dollars in one year. In your view, with widespread poverty in the world, are these huge earnings justified? The salaries of many singers, dancers and sports people have increased out of all proportion in recent years, while in places like Sudan people are starving to death. I do not believe that anyone should be able to earn such enormous salaries when so many people in the world are living in poverty. One of the factors which should affect what a person can earn ought to be the benefit of person's work to society. It is unreasonable for a famous singer to be able to earn far more from an evening's entertainment than, for instance, a medical scientist who develops a new drug which produces a treatment for a common disease. The pop star certainly has a value in society, but the value in no way exceeds, or even matches, the value gained from a successful medication. Secondly, work done should be paid according to the amount of effort and skill that goes into it. Nobody would deny that a famous person works hard and is skillful; yet such people do not work any harder than thousand of other workers who have no claim to fame. Yet market force is such that these superstars can obtain millions of dolor while other unknown people sometimes earn less than they need to survive. Finally, it should be possible for governments to work together to ensure that the amount of money in circulation should be more equally and fairly distributed. This seems only fair given that there are so many suffering. To conclude, it is clear that world poverty is a serious problem and yet the problem could be eased if governments and companies gave more thought to paying salaries on a more equitable basis and if they started to contribute more money to those in need. Most writers of fiction do not earn enough money to live from their writing. Do you think the government should give them financial assistance to help encourage good literature? There are some conditions under which a novelist could reasonably expect some government support. In general terms, if the writer has already proved that he or she can write well, and if the stories produced are stimulating and interesting, then I consider that some financial help might be given. Language quality is difficult to define, but if the writing shows, for example, good grammar, a wide vocabulary, and elegance and imagination, then I can see a valid reason for assisting an author to spend some time free from money problems. Such a writing needs to be encouraged. the entertainment value of a book would be also a factor in deciding whether to provide assistance to an author. Further consideration would include social and educational values expressed in the author's work.

However, if the ideas were socially irresponsible, or if the stories contain unnecessary violence or pornography for its own sake, then I would not want to see the author sponsored to write stories which do not benefit society. Other exceptions are the many writers of good books who do not require financial help. Books which proved to be extremely popular, such as the Harry Potter stories, clearly need no subsidy at all because the authors have become rich through their writing. Views on what good quality writing means will vary widely, and so if any author is to be given money for writing, then the decision would have to be made by a committee or panel of judge. An individual opinion would certainly cause disagreement among the reading public.

"Prevention is better than cure." Out of a country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Of course it goes without saying that prevention is better than cure. That is why, in recent years, there has been a growing body of opinion in favour of putting more resources into health education and preventive measures. The argument is that ignorance of, for example, basic hygiene or the dangers of an unhealthy diet or lifestyle needs to be combatted by special nationwide publicity campaigns, as well as longer-term health education. Obviously, there is a strong human argument for catching any medical condition as early as possible. There is also an economic argument for doing so. Statistics demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of treating a condition in the early stages, rather than delaying until more expensive and prolonged treatment is necessary. Then there are social or economic costs, perhaps in terms of loss of earnings for the family concerned or unemployed benefit paid by the state. So far so good, but the difficulties start when we try to define what the 'proportion' of the budget should be, particularly if the funds will be 'diverted from treatment'. Decisions on exactly how much of the total health budget should be spent in this way are not a matter for the non-specialist, but should be made on the basis of an accepted health service model. This is the point at which real problems occur - the formulation of the model. How do we accurately measure which health education campaigns are effective in both medical and financial terms? How do we agree about the medical efficacy of various screening programmes, for example, when the medical establishment itself does not agree? A very rigorous process of evaluation is called for, so that we can make informed decisions. The position of women in society has changed markedly in the last twenty years. Many of the problems young people now experience, such as juvenile delinquency, arise from the fact that many married women now work and are not at home to care for their children. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is certainly true that the position of women in society has undergone a dramatic change in the past twenty years but I do not feel that this is a direct cause of the indisputable increase in juvenile-related problems during this period. It is now accepted that young women should find work on leaving school; indeed to rely totally on their parents' financial support is no longer an option in many families. Likewise, once they get married, the majority of women continue working since the financial pressures of setting up a house and establishing a reasonable standard of living often require two incomes. Twenty years ago it was common for women to give up work once they had children and devote their time to caring for their children. This is no longer the general rule and the provision of professionally-run child care facilities and day nurseries have removed much of the responsibility for child rearing that used to fall to mothers. However, these facilities come at a cost and often require two salaries coming into a family to be afforded. I do not believe that the increase in the number of working mothers has resulted in children being brought up less well than previously. Indeed it could be argued that by giving mothers the opportunity to work and earn extra money children can be better provided for than previously. There is more money for luxuries and holidays and a more secure family life is possible. Of course there are limits as to the amount of time that ideally should be spent away from home and the ideal scenario would be for one of the parents (often the wife) to have a part-time job and thus be available for their children before and after school. It is important to establish the correct balance between family life and working life. People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? People attend college for a lot of different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge of themselves and of the world around them. Career preparation is probably the primary reason that people attend college. These days, the job market is very competitive. Careers such as information technology will need many new workers in the near future. At college, students can learn new skills for these careers and increase their opportunities for the future. Students also go to college to have new experiences. For many, it is their first time away from home. At college, they can meet new people from many different places. They can see what life is like in a different city. They can learn to live on their own and take care of themselves without having their family always nearby. At college, students have the opportunity to increase their knowledge. As they decide what they want to study, pursue their studies, and interact with their

classmates, they learn a lot about themselves. They also, of course, have the opportunity to learn about many subjects in their classes. In addition to the skills and knowledge related to their career, college students also have the chance to take classes in other areas. For many, this will be their last chance to study different subjects. Colleges offer much more than career preparation. They offer the opportunity to have new experiences and to learn many kinds of things. I think all of these are reasons why people attend college. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt. Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their child to participate on different teams. But what if the child prefers to read? Parents want to pass on their values to their children. However, things change. The children of today are growing up in a world different from their parents' world. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her parents don't understand or value the digital revolution. Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers. Fortunately, we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are valuable. Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Food is a basic part of life, so it follows that improved methods of food preparation have made our lives better. Nowadays we can prepare meals much faster than we

could in the past. We can also enjoy a greater variety of food and eat more healthfully, all because of modern methods of food preparation. Microwave ovens have made it possible to prepare delicious food quickly. People these days rarely have time to shop and prepare meals the old-fashioned way. We live very fast lives. We are busy working, caring for our families traveling, playing sports, and many other things. Because of microwave ovens, we have time to enjoy a good meal with our family and then play soccer, go to a movie, study, or do anything else we want to afterwards. Modern methods of preserving food have made it possible to enjoy a wide variety of food. Because of refrigerators, freezers, canning, and freeze-drying, we can eat fruits and vegetables that come from far away places. We can prepare a meal one day and save the leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer to eat at another time. We can keep different kinds of food in the refrigerator or on the shelf. It is easy to always have food available and to be able to eat completely different meals every day. Healthful eating is easier now than it ever was. Because of modern transportation methods, fresh fruits and vegetables are available all year round. Modern kitchen appliances make it easy to prepare fruits and vegetables fro cooking. Bread machines make it possible to enjoy healthful, home-baked bread whenever we like. We can eat fresh and healthful food everyday because modern methods have made preparation easy. Our lifestyle is fast, but people still like good food. New food preparation methods have given us is more choices. Today we can prepare food that is more convenient healthier, and of greater variety than ever before in history. It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why? "Experience is the best teacher" is an old cliché, but I agree with it. We can learn a lot of important things from books, but the most important lessons in life come from our own experiences. Throughout the different stages of life, from primary school to university to adulthood, experience teaches us many skills we need for life. As children in primary school, we learn facts and information from books, but that is not all we learn in school. On the playground we learn how to make friends. In our class work, we learn how it feels to succeed and what we do when we fail. We start to learn about the things we like to do and the things we don't. We don't learn these things from books, but from our experiences with our friends and classmates. In our university classes, we learn a lot of information and skills we will need for our future careers, but we also learn a lot that is not in our textbooks. In our daily lives both in class and out of class, we learn to make decisions for ourselves. We learn to

take on responsibilities. We learn to get along with our classmates, our roommates, and our workmates. Our successes and failures help us develop skills we will need in our adult lives. They are skills that no book can teach us. Throughout our adulthood, experience remains a constant teacher. We may continue to read or take classes for professional development. However, our experiences at work, at home, and with our friends teach us more. The triumphs and disasters of our lives teach us how to improve our careers and also how to improve our relationships and how to be the person each one of us wants to be. Books teach us a lot, but there is a limit to what they teach. They can give us information or show us another person's experiences. These are valuable things, but the lessons we learn from our own experiences, from childhood through adulthood, are the most important ones we learn.

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IELTS Academic Writing Task 1- Sample Tasks and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:28 PM for everyone

WRITING TASK 1: SAMPLE 1 The diagram below shows the typical stages of consumer goods manufacturing, including the process by which information is fed back to earlier stages to enable adjustment. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the process shown. 

You should write at least 150 words.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Most consumer goods go through a series of stages before they emerge as finished products ready for sale. Raw materials and manufactured components comprise the initial physical input in the manufacturing process. Once obtained, these are stored for later assembly. But assembly first depends upon the production planning stage, where it is decided how and in what quantities the stored materials will be processed to create sufficient quantities of finished goods. The production planning stage itself follows the requirements of the goods' design stage that proceeds from extensive research. After assembly, the products are inspected and tested to maintain quality control l Those units that pass the inspection and testing stages are then packaged, despatched and offered for sale in retail outlets. The level of sales, which is the end point of the manufacturing process, helps determine production planning. A product's design is not only the result of product research, but is also influenced by testing and market research. If the testing stage (after assembly and inspection) reveals unacceptable problems in the finished product, then adjustments will have to be made to the product's design. Similarly, market research, which examines the extent and nature of the demand for products, has the role of guiding product design to suit consumer demands which may change with time. Market research, while influenced by product sales, also serves to foster future sales by devising suitable advertising for the goods.

Thus the reality of consumer goods manufacturing goes well beyond a simple linear production process.


The table below shows social and economic indicators for four countries in 1994, according to United Nations statistics. Describe the information shown below in your own words. What implications do the indicators have for the countries? 

You should write at least 150 words.

Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.

Indicators Annual income per person (in $US) Life expectancy at birth Daily calorie supply per person Adult literacy rate (%)





















A glance at four indicators of economic and social conditions in four countries, Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire, in 1994 reflects the great differences that exist between wealthier and poorer nations. The table shows that Japan and Canada had annual incomes of $15 760 and $11 100 per person, respectively. These figures were overwhelmingly greater than the corresponding figures of $160 in Peru and $130 in Zaire. Health indicators, too, reflected overall levels of affluence in the four nations. Life expectancy at birth, for example, was higher among the more economically developed countries. Japan reported the highest life expectancy, 78. This was followed by Canada, 76; Peru, 51; and Zaire, 47; This suggests that richer societies are able to put more money into health care than poorer ones. The amount of calories consumed daily per person roughly followed the same ranking. Canadians each consumed some 3 326 calories per day while the Japanese took 2846 calories. The corresponding figures for Peru and Zaire were 1927 and 1749, respectively. Literacy rates among adults, too, were higher in wealthier countries, no doubt a reflection of ability to invest in education. Canada and Japan both reported

literacy rates of 99%, while Peru claimed 68%. Zaire, the least economically developed of the four countries, had a literacy rate of 34%. The data appear to confirm the often cited link between national wealth and health and education standards.


The chart below shows the sleep patterns of people in five different occupations according to a Canadian study. Write a report for a university lecturer, describing the information below. Give possible reasons for the differences. 

You should write at least 150 words.

Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.


Occupation 6-7 pm 7-8 pm 8-9 pm 9-10 pm 10-11 pm 11-12 pm 12-1 am 1-2 am


awake: Truck Driver

Full-time mother

Business Doctor Executive

2-3 am 3-4 am 4-5 am 5-6 am 6-7 am 7-8 am 8-9 am 9-10 am 10-11 am 11-12 am 12-1 pm 1-2 pm 2-3 pm 3-4 pm 4-5 pm 5-6 pm

Differences in sleep patterns appear to reflect differences in individuals' occupations. A Canadian study has pointed out, for example, that students typically sleep for a consecutive 8-hour period each night, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. This may be because the central activity in their lives, study, takes place in normal daylight hours. Similarly, business executives sleep consecutive hours, but perhaps because their jobs are especially busy and stressful they sleep for 6 hours on average, getting up around 5 a.m..

By contrast, truck drivers, probably because of their need to keep their trucks on the road over long periods, tend to sleep in two 3-hour blocks: one between 7 and 10 a.m. and another from 4 to 7 p.m. Another occupation associated with broken sleep schedules is that of doctors. They tend to retire to bed around 1 a.m. and start their day at 7 a.m.., but may be woken up to deal with emergencies in the middle of the night. Finally, full-time mothers, especially those with young children, tend to sleep when their babies do. Typically, they will sleep from 10 p.m. and be awoken at 1 a.m. to comfort their babies for a couple of hours. They then go back to bed to wake at 6 a.m., but nap for two hours or so in the early afternoon. Thus the influence on one's sleep pattern is worthy of consideration when choosing an occupation. Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Speaking Sample Questions and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:26 PM for everyone

SPEAKING MODULE PART 1 Sample Questions and Answers

TOPIC: Free time 1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Before, I used to play basketball, but now I’m into gardening and going out for a walk. 2. How much time do you have each week for doing these things? I make it a point that I do these on weekends. I think that this is really important. 3. Why do you like doing these activities? Well, these activities make us feel young and healthy. Also, there are good ways on how to avoid illnesses and stress. 4. How did you start doing this activity at first? My friends influenced me to do these things. Eventually, I found these very helpful. 5. Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why? Yes! I’d like to try mountain climbing because this would be relatively new to me and it’s exciting to climb mountains and feel the wonders of nature. 6. How has the way people spend their free time changed over the years? Lately, people find it a must to find an activity to do in their free time despite hectic work schedule. They see it as a need although some view the activities for free time

such as badminton as an expensive outlet. TOPIC: Your town 1. Can you describe your town or village to me? My hometown is such a simple place. It’s a community with about 10, 000 people who are mostly into farming but others go to offices. Houses are well-spaced unlike in cities that are crowded. There are small stores and a market and other commercial establishments like hospitals, schools and retail shops. There’s also a small sports complex and a quiet park. 2. What jobs do people in your town do? Some are farmers and the others are working in offices. In addition, there are also some who own business such as stores and other poultry business. 3. What things are there to do in your town in your free time? Well, there are quite a number of you know simple activities that could be done in my hometown. There’s badminton, typical Filipino games, and card games. Most often, people there love to gossip or chat about anything for long hours. 4. What do you like about your town? I think it has to be the peacefulness of the town as there are only a few people there. Also, I would say that there is no traffic in the town. 5. How has your town changed over the last twenty years? It changed significantly. For instance, the market has been improved by constructing a building to enclose the area. There’s also a swimming pool now in the sports complex and the road are well-paved and there are enough public transport in the area. TOPIC: Transport—provide your own answers here 1. 2. 3. 4.

How did you come here today? What is public transport like in your town? How do you think it could be improved? Do you think people should use public transport more? Why (not)?

TOPIC: Your neighborhood- provide your own answers here 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Can you describe to me the house where you live? What is there to do in the area where you live? What do you like about the area where you live? How do you think it could be improved? Do you think it is better to live in the centre of town or outside in the country? Why?

TOPIC: Holidays 1. What do you do when you have a holiday? Typically, I make it sure that I have ample time to spend with my family to make up with the lost time. I also engage in physical activities like brisk walking or jogging. 2. Where do you like to spend your holidays? Why? I prefer to spend them either on

the beach, taking a road trip to cool places such as Baguio and Tagaytay. In addition, I prefer going for a picnic in a mountain or cave areas. 3. Can you describe a typical day in your holiday? Well, normally I go to a beach together with my family. We enjoy cooking and of course, swimming. We also don’t forget to take pictures with beautiful sceneries. 4. Why are holidays important to you? Holidays are very important to me because it’s a good time to spend with my family as I always get busy on regular days. Holidays also provide an opportunity for me to relax. 5. If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? I think I’d choose Australia. Since I have plans of working there I might as well try to explore the country first before I decide to work and stay there permanently. TOPIC: Shopping 1. How much time do you spend shopping every week? I think about 5 hours. I and my wife shop every Sunday as this is the only day that we have for ourselves. 2. Do you enjoy going shopping? Why (not)? Provided that I have money, sure I’d love to shop 3. What is your favorite shop and why do you like it? A lot actually! But I prefer SM department store because they have various outfit for men and very trendy underwear. 4. What problems are there with shopping in your area? Oftentimes, having to wait long on lines when paying, impolite attendants and having too many choices are some problems that I encounter. For car owners, getting a parking space could also be a problem.

TOPIC: Places to go in your free time 1. What do people do in your town in their free time? Well, most of them just stay at home, watch TV or read magazines while the others would play a sport such as badminton or basketball. 2. Where can they go out for entertainment, or to enjoy themselves? Most of them go to shopping malls. Filipinos love going to the malls. Well, there are parks where they can spend time talking with someone. 3. Which do you prefer: eating in restaurants or eating at home? I prefer to eat at home because it’s safe, cheaper and you can cook the food that you’d like to eat. In restaurants, it’s a little expensive and sometimes the taste of the food isn’t what you’re looking for. 4. Which are the best places to eat out? In my hometown, there are small restaurants. Well, there are fast foods which are really popular and also restaurants catering Japanese, Chinese and other international menu.

TOPIC: Reading 1. Do you enjoy reading? Why? Yes sometimes because I know that reading is an important skill. You can learn many things from reading. 2. What sort of things do you read? I don’t read books that much. I prefer newspapers and magazines. 3. Tell me something about your favorite book. I’d rather tell you about my favorite newspaper. It’s called the Manila Bulletin. It’s a daily broadsheet but I prefer to read the Sunday issue of this paper. Basically, it contains up to date and comprehensive news coverage of issues affecting the people and issues concerning the country. However, I read most of the time the classified ads section as I normally search for hot jobs in and out of the country. 4. What are the advantages of reading instead of watching television or going to the cinema? First of all, reading is not expensive as compared with going to the cinema. Reading provides detailed information about a subject or topic whereas watching television gives you abbreviated information about a subject or topic. Topic: You 1. Do you work or study? Definitely, your response to this question would be I am working, I’ve worked before in…, or I worked as a welder before in…

Work 1. Can you describe your job to me?- Well, m y job is welding. 2. How long have you been doing it?- I worked in Saudi for 7 years and in the country, about 5 years. 3. Why did you choose to do that job?- I think this job is something that I really love to do. I want to believe that I was born with this skill and have perfected it through years of experience. 4. What things do you enjoy about your work? Why?-For the most part, I think the various projects that are delegated to us. Periodically, we change projects but of course, the same kind of job. 5. And what things don’t you like? Why not?-To be honest, it’s the salary. We don’t get paid as much as our quality of work is measured. 6. What are your plans for the future?- Well, right now I have pending application as a welder in Australia. If everything goes well, then I will work there and hopefully, provide my family with good life. TOPIC: Sports and games 1. What sports are most popular in your country?- Lately, I guess Filipinos became interested with boxing, swimming and most of all, badminton. 2. What sports and games did you most enjoy playing when you were a child?- As far as I can remember, I think it’s Yo-yo. I think this is a game that most children would play.

3. Do people take as much exercise as in the past?- I think yes! I just don’t know exactly. Lately, the need to exercise increased, but, people find it hard to do because of time constraint, work, and other factors. 4. Why is exercise good for you?- With the increasing demands at work, family and personal life, exercise has become a very essential tool in fighting boredom, stress and depression. So, I think it is good for me as well. SPEAKING MODULE PART 2 Sample Questions Directions: For 1 minute, prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make sure that you don’t write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record your answer in a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a response that is 2-minute long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for use with your responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 2 answers below.

1. Describe a place you visited recently 2. Describe a friend 3. Describe a child you know 4. Describe an object you like 5. Describe a photograph 6. Describe a historical figure 7. Describe an important event in your culture 8. Describe your favorite newspaper 9. Describe your last holiday 10. Describe the clothes that you like 11. Describe the person whom you’d like to spend time always 12. Describe a person that you like to be with when you grow old 13. Describe a game that you play when you were a child 14. Talk about the difference of growing up in the city and in the countryside 15. Describe a household equipment that you prefer *Look at the NOTE section below. Use the opening phrases to start with your responses for the topics above.

Model Answers

NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including: I’d like to talk about a TV program called… I’m going to talk about a TV program called… A TV program that I found really interesting was…

Sample 1: Talk about a happy event in your childhood that you remember well. You should say: -where the event took place -when the event took place -what happened exactly And explain why you remember this event clearly.

Did you ever do this again? Yes, I went to the same place when I graduated from college. The place was totally different. What did your parents think about it? My parents found this very helpful to me. That’s why they allowed me to join. A happy event that I can still remember about my childhood was our educational trip to Manila Zoo when I was in elementary. I believe it took place in 1986 as part of our science subject requirement. Anyway, I studied in Cavite and Manila Zoo was I guess a 2 hour drive from our school. As a child, going for a trip is always a pleasure especially riding a bus and taking a long road trip. Well, I was with my classmates—40 plus all in all. As it was a field trip and a common practice, we had to bring with us food and drinks- a typical picnic of some sort. Then, we went in the zoo and had a tour guide who explained every details about the various animals. Of course, I didn’t understand everything what the guide told us. But anyway, the trip was very memorable because it was my first time to have a close encounter with the animals of various sizes, shapes and behavior. It is apparently very clear to me up to now because as I said it was my first time to meet and greet with the animals, and it was a form of socialization where we students talk about things outside the class room. That’s it!

Describe a TV program that you have seen and that interested you.

You should say: -When and where you saw the program -What the program was about -What you felt about the program And explain why you found the program particularly interesting. I am going to talk about a TV program called Bubble Gang. If I am not mistaken, this is the longest comedy TV show on Philippine television. The program is shown every Fridays on GMA 7. Although the program is shown late at night, it particularly makes viewers roll over with laughter. The program emphasizes on pop culture parody. Skits and sketches are performed on a variety of style that captivates the audiences’ hearts. In addition, it spoofs shows and commercials, and it takes on other celebrities and other political figures. The show also features top-notch actors and actresses armed with unparalleled talents. Personally, I find this show an excellent comic relief from a hard days work. Despite its comic attributes, it also provides awareness to viewers about issues confronting personalities of national prominence as well as typical situations in the Philippine community. These things make the program interesting to me. I think this is all that I can say about the show.

Describe a town or city you would like to visit. You should say: -where it is -how it is similar to your hometown -how it is different from your hometown And explain why you would like to visit it. A city that I found really interesting and which I would like to go to in the future would be Perth, Australia. This city comes to mind first because this is where I will work as a welder. Most probably, this will also be the destination of the majority of the skilled workers applying for Australia. It is located in Western Australia and is the fastest growing city in the country. Being the fourth largest city, it holds major commercial establishments which are really ideal for skilled workers like me. Well, I come from Pampanga, also a growing town. This is the only similarity that I could cite. Perth is very different from Pampanga, of course. Firstly, Perth has huge population which favors their labor force. As I have read, there is always job for everyone in Australia. Secondly, it has well-established highways for an economy to prosper. In Pampanga, roads are still being improved. Thirdly, there is good provision for the benefits of the residents unlike in my hometown where even health care is not sufficient.

I would like to visit this place to enjoy these benefits and, most of all to work and earn for my family here. That’s all! SPEAKING MODULE PART 3 Sample Questions Directions: Prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make sure that you don’t write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record your answer in a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a response that is 3-5 sentences long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for use with your responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 3 answers below.

Topic A: How does tourism affect a country? Does it have some advantages? Can cultures learn from each other?

Topic B: Is friendship important in your culture? How many close friends can you have? Are friends more important than family?

Topic C: What is the role of parents in raising children? Has the role changed in recent years? Who is responsible for discipline?

Topic D: Do possessions make people happy? Why do people buy things? Are people in your country wise consumers?

Topic E: Are images important in your culture? What is the role of advertising? Do films and television influence our decisions?

Topic F: Who are the most influential people in your society? Are there many heroes or role models today? What are the qualities of a good leader?

Topic G: How do different cultures celebrate events? What is the importance of festivals? How have special occasions such as weddings changed in your culture?

Model Answers NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including: I guess…

I believe…

Most probably…

I think…



Sample 1: How has the countryside changed in recent years in your country? I believe the rural areas changed so much now as compared to 10 years ago. For instance, telephone and power lines have been reinforced providing people in the area the access to news and information. Similarly, the roads have been improved for comfortable travel and business transaction. These changes are absolutely helpful to the town and all the more to the residents.

Sample 2: How do you think the countryside may change in the future? Well, most probably there will be internet access to these areas and stronger signals for mobile networks so that the residents can benefit from good communication. In addition, I am also looking at positive changes in the education sector. As observed, nowadays, people coming from these areas have poor communication skills.

Sample 3:

Where do most people live in your country- in the city or in the countryside? I guess more people are coming to cities lately in the Philippines. Noticeably, teenagers and young adults are searching for jobs in Makati or Ortigas City and eventually live there for work purposes. While this could be positive to the city’s labor force, it would also pose some problems such as overcrowding and traffic.

Here are more topics for you to practice. You may or may not record these and your answers. However, it is still highly recommended that you record them if you don’t have a partner to practice with. NOTE: Practice makes perfect!

1. Describe your own family’s favorite holiday destination. 2. Identify what most people in your country do on their holidays. 3. Discuss the pros and cons of spending holidays overseas or spending them in your own country. 4. Describe the main tourist destinations for overseas tourists coming to your country. 5. Describe how people entertain guests in your country. 6. What are the advantages of entertaining friends at home or of meeting them in public places? 7. What are the forms of entertainment young people and adults prefer in your culture. 8. Describe the main activities that go on in a family room in your culture. 9. Evaluate the importance of spending time with your family at home. 10. Compare the importance of spending time with your family and with your friends.

Transitional Devices (Connecting Words) Transitional devices are like bridges between parts of your essay or letter. They are cues that help the reader to interpret ideas in the way that you, as a writer, want them to understand. Transitional devices help you carry over a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another with words or phrases. And finally, transitional devices link your sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas. There are several types of transitional devices, and each category leads your reader to make certain connections or assumptions about the areas you are connecting. Some lead your reader forward and imply the "building" of an idea or thought, while others make your reader compare ideas or draw conclusions from the preceding thoughts. Here is a list of some common transitional devices that can be used to cue your reader in a given

way. To Add: and, again, and then, besides, equally important, finally, further, furthermore, nor, too, next, lastly, what's more, moreover, in addition, first (second, etc.), To Compare: whereas, but, yet, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, on the contrary, by comparison, where, compared to, up against, balanced against, vis a vis, but, although, conversely, meanwhile, after all, in contrast, although this may be true To Prove: because, for, since, for the same reason, obviously, evidently, furthermore, moreover, besides, indeed, in fact, in addition, in any case, that is To Show Exception: yet, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, of course, once in a while, sometimes To Show Time: immediately, thereafter, soon, after a few hours, finally, then, later, previously, formerly, first (second, etc.), next, and then To Repeat: in brief, as I have said, as I have noted, as has been noted, To Emphasize: definitely, extremely, obviously, in fact, indeed, in any case, absolutely, positively, naturally, surprisingly, always, forever, perennially, eternally, never, emphatically, unquestionably, without a doubt, certainly, undeniably, without reservation To Show Sequence: first, second, third, and so forth. A, B, C, and so forth. next, then, following this, at this time, now, at this point, after, afterward, subsequently, finally, consequently, previously, before this, simultaneously, concurrently, thus, therefore, hence, next, and then, soon To Give an Example: for example, for instance, in this case, in another case, on this occasion, in this situation, take the case of, to demonstrate, to illustrate, as an illustration, to illustrate To Summarize or Conclude: in brief, on the whole, summing up, to conclude, in conclusion, as I have shown, as I have said, hence, therefore, accordingly, thus, as a result, consequently, on the whole

Speaking Activity

Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, write two sentences for each question. Remember to write interesting sentences as these will catch the examiner’s attention and would count towards getting a higher score in the IELTS Speaking Test.

Warm-up 1. Could you show me your identification card please? Sure. Here is my passport/SSS 2. Could you tell me your full name please? My name is John Santos. You can call me Joe as my friends call me this way. 3. What shall I call you? I prefer to be called Joe. Ever since I was young I was called like this. 4. Does your name have any special meaning? I actually don’t know but I’ll to research on that. 5. Why do so many people change their names? Maybe because it’s unpleasant or conflict of interest. 6. Is your name important to you? Definitely. It is for security purpose and personal identification. Hometown or birth place

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Where do you come from? Where do you live? Can you tell me something about your hometown? Can you tell me some famous landscapes or scenic spots in your hometown? Can you tell me some history of your hometown?

Personal background and information

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Are you a student or do you have a job? What do you like most about your study? What kind of job do you prefer after graduation? What is your major? What do you do for living? Could you tell me a typical day of yours? How do you get your job? Are you satisfied with your job? What do you like most about your job? What kind of job do you prefer in the future?

Hobby or inclination

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What do you usually do in your spare time? Do you prefer to stay alone or with your friends? What do you usually do on weekends and weekdays? What do you usually do when you go out? What do you usually do with your friends? Do you like reading? What kind of books do you like best? Do you like English? Why or why not? What do you think of the importance of English? What are good hobbies and bad hobbies? Why?

Future plan

1. 2. 3. 4.

Why do you take the IELTS test? What are you planning to do in the next five years? What are you planning to do in the next ten years? What is the first thing you will do when you arrive at the new place?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Do you like traveling? Do you like travel alone or with your friends? Have you traveled to other places? Where are they? What do you usually do when you first arrive in a new place? What are the benefits of traveling? Why do so many people like traveling nowadays?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Do you have many friends? Are they casual acquaintances or close friends? Do you prefer to stay with your family or with your friends? Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends? Can you talk about your best friend? How to make friends? What do you usually do with your friends? Is the time you spend with your friends as much as that you spend with your family?


1. 2. 3. 4.

Do you like music? What are the benefits of listening to music? What kind of music do you like best? Why do you like this kind of music?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Can you say something about the transportation in your hometown? What is the common means of transport in your country? Do traffic jams often occur in your hometown or in the city where you live? How to solve the problem? What changes in transportation have taken place in the past several years in your country?

Building 1. Can you tell me an interesting building in your hometown? 2. Can you tell me an interesting building in Manila?

IELTS Speaking

Brushing Up

Useful Language

At the moment, I’m living/ studying/ working… Before that I lived in… Recently, I’ve been to …/ started playing badminton…etc

I’m planning to… After that I’ll probably…

I prefer eating in a restaurant because… I’d rather work in Australia because….

Both my father and mother are… Neither of my brothers… None of my friends…

It depends. Sometimes I like cooking, and sometimes I’m just too tired. Definitely, I love it. It’s… Possibly. It depends on the weather really.

Generally, I think it’s a good idea because… Well, it’s very different because…

Let me think/ see… I’m not really sure, but perhaps… That’s a good question/ point. I suppose… That’s a good question/ point. I suppose…

I haven’t really given that much thought before but…

Frequently Asked Questions in Part I

Why are you taking IELTS? Well, I’m taking IELTS as it is a requirement for my working visa to Australia. What are your ambitions? For now, I think it has to be to work in Australia and support my family financially. Tell me about where you are living at the moment. I live in Bulacan and its getting progressive as years pass by. It is also a quiet place to live. How would you describe your hometown? My hometown is typically simple but it boasts of some beautiful places like beaches, old churches and mountains. What do you usually do at the weekend? Usually, I and my family go out and stroll around in a mall. Also, we go to church to hear mass. REMEMBER:  Make sure you answer the question.  One-word answers are NOT acceptable.  Always add some extra information to your answer.

Frequently Asked Questions in Part II

Describe an occasion when you have been successful. You should say:  Where and when you were successful

 How you were successful  What you had to do to make sure you were successful And describe how you felt about your success. ANSWER: I would like to talk about the moment that I worked in the Middle East as a welder. I think it was 3 years ago. It was a very challenging experience since I have to leave my family behind and work there alone in a country where I don’t know anyone. The culture was totally new and I had to deal with it squarely. So, I consider this a great success because I was able to survive and to send money to my family in the country. Aside from constant missing of my family, I also had to bear with the inconveniences of day to day work where I met foreign people and talk to them. Nevertheless, it was fulfilling and rewarding experience because I saw my children grow up properly in terms of education, food and shelter. REMEMBER: It is important to keep talking, but don’t talk about things which are not related to the topic.

Talk about an important day in your life. You should say: When this day was If you were alone or with others Where you were and what happened And explain why this day was important to you.

Describe a present someone gave you which was/ is important to you. You should say:  What the present was

 Who gave it to you  Why they gave it to you (e.g. to celebrate a birthday) And explain why it is so important to you. Describe a friend who has played an important part in your life. You should say:  How you met this person  How long you have known them  The kind of things you do or did with them And explain why they have been important in your life. Useful Language

The best/ worst thing about…is/was…

The thing I really like(d)/ hate(d) about…is/was…

One of the problems with…is/was…

I particularly remember…because…

I’ll never forget…because..

Follow- up Questions After you have spoken for 1-2 minutes, the examiner may ask you one or two follow-up questions about what you have said.

Sample Question: Topic in Part 2: A place you visited that you liked.

How did you feel when you arrived in that place? I was very nervous because I didn’t know anybody.

Did you find it easy to meet people? At first, I resisted but eventually the people around were very friendly so I found it easy to mingle with them.

Other sample questions:

Do you enjoy playing sports?

Yes, definitely. I particularly enjoy outdoor ones.

Would you like to go there again?

Possibly. It would depend on who I went with.

Do you think it will be easy to get a job in IT?

I expect so. It’s a growing industry.

Have you ever been to any other countries in Europe?

Yes, a few. France, Spain and Germany.

Would you consider doing the same sort of job again?

I don’t think so. It wasn’t really for me.

Would you recommend the holiday to other people?

No, not really. It wasn’t very good value for money.

Part III

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it a good idea to exercise regularly? Definitely! Nowadays, life is very stressful. Exercise is the ultimate solution to balance work and family life. Are there more crimes these days? I think so. With the society becoming more materialistic, crimes tend to increase also because people want to have more in life. Do you think everyone should have a mobile phone? Yes, I think it is a good idea that everyone becomes wireless in terms of communication.

Linking Ideas

On the other hand




such as

Useful Language: Comparing and Contrasting

On the other hand Well, it isn’t as…as


…is nowhere near as…as… I’d rather… I’d much prefer (to)… It depends (on)…

Useful Language: Making predictions/ talking about the future

There’s a good chance that… I doubt very much if…

I hope that… I expect that… I’m afraid that… It is/ isn’t very likely to…

Useful Language: Giving opinions

As far as I’m concerned… It seems to me that… I tend to think that…

Frequently Asked Questions in Part 3:

Do you think smoking should be banned in all public places? It’s really hard to say but I think if this plan will benefit the majority, then it’s ok to ban it. For sure smokers will greatly go against this proposal as this has become their way of life. Do you prefer to go out or stay at home in the evening? I prefer to stay at home because I have to help my wife take care of my children. Besides, this is the only time that I can spend with my children, helping them do their homework. On the other hand, when I became a father going out became limited to just meeting with very common friends who my wife knows. Do you think that e-mail has made our lives easier? Definitely, yes! Before I used to send letter through post but it needed much time to reach its destination. Now, e-mails greatly help me with sending of letters. It’s fast and convenient. Which is better: living in the countryside or in the city? I’d rather live in the city. City life offers modern living. There are many opportunities in terms of work, entertainment, leisure and dining. However, the countryside gives a very common and limited life style which is I guess preferred by people in their old age. How likely it is that computer will be able to do your job in the future? With the kind of work that I do, computers are of great help. Back then, we had to do manual work in terms of calibration of machines. Today, calibration is done through computers making our work more efficient and easy to do. Would you rather watch sport or play it? Actually, I like both. If I want to learn how to play a new sport, I watch it first. Similarly, if I want to improve a sport that I know how to play, I watch it on TV so I could learn some techniques. What do you think the consequences of global warming will be? If there’s global warming, our environment will be warmer. People and animals

might have trouble coping with the changing temperature. Also, there people from the cold regions of the world might experience flood due to melting of ice. I believe that this is not a good phenomenon and will give bad effects to all of us.

EXTRA Part 2: Describe a happy event in your childhood that you remember well. You should say:  When the event took place  Where the event took place  What happened exactly And explain why you remember this event clearly.

FF: Did you ever do this again? What did your parents think about it?

Part 3: Do you think children’s lives are very different nowadays? Yes, of course! With modern life style, children are similarly affected as with adults. Before, children were confined in their house. They were just limited to some activities such as playing indoor games of simple nature. At present, they are faced with enormous challenges such as meeting deadlines for a school project, waking up early to beat the traffic and do homework using computers. These things are a few examples of the notable changes in the lives of the children.

Are children too protected now? For some, yes. This applies to parents who are aware that children are well exposed to temptations coming from peers and technologies. Parents who value their family would keep a close contact with them. However, for working parents, they have less time to oversee their children, thus, providing less care to them. As a result, there are delinquent minors. Do you think children can have too many toys? It depends. There are toys that have good effects to children. Due to commercialization lately, there are also many hazardous toys. So, having few or many toys would be the prerogative of the parents. They should always guide their children in choosing toys to play. Is it important to celebrate birthdays and other festivals? Absolutely, yes! Birthdays come once a year. In the Philippines, celebrations are highly regarded by Filipinos. Celebrations are blessings that need to be commemorated, the same with festivals which are mostly religious in nature.

Speaking Practice:

Directions: Provide a 2-minute response to the following questions. Record your answer on a blank tape.

1. Discuss an interesting place you have been to recently (What is it, where is it, whether you like or dislike the place) 2. Discuss an interesting person you have met (who he is, where he lives, what qualities make him interesting) 3. Discuss what you would like to do when you get older (what is it, how you will do it, why you will do it) 4. Discuss what you would like to learn in the future (what is it, how you can learn it, why you’d like to learn it) 5. Discuss a frightening experience you had when you were young (what is it, where it took place, what makes it frightening)

6. Discuss a person you like to spend time always (who he is, what you enjoy to do, why you like to be together always) 7. Discuss an exciting experience you had (what it is, where it happened, why it became exciting) 8. Discuss a favorite pet (what kind, where you got it from, why it is a favorite) 9. Discuss something you like to do when you have free time (what it is, how you do it, why you like to do it) 10. Discuss a place you would like to visit in the future (what is it, where it is, why you like to go there soon) 11. Discuss a person you would like to meet some day (who he is, where you’d like to meet, why you’d like to meet him) 12. Discuss a person who has influenced your life (who he is, what you like about him and why he was influential to you) 13. Discuss something you have never done but would like to do (what is it, how you can do it, why you’d like to do it) 14. Discuss something you have done but never want to do again (what was it, how you did it, why you don’t like to do it again) 15. Discuss an experience which made you laugh (what it is, where it took place, why it made you laugh) 16. Discuss an experience which made you cry (what it is, where it took place, why it made you cry) 17. Discuss what you would do if you had a million dollars (what it is, where will you spend it, why will you spend it there) 18. Discuss what you would do if you were President of your country (what you’ll do, why you’ll do it) 19. Discuss a gift you could give others (what it is, to whom you’ll give it and why you have chosen it) 20. Discuss a gift you would like someone to give you (what it is, what occasion , why you’ll like it given to you) 21. Discuss a special talent you have (what it is, where you got it, what makes it special)

Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review


IELTS Comprehensive Review and Coaching

Mar 16, '08 2:27 AM for everyone

I conduct IELTS General Training Comprehensive Review and Coaching for Skilled Workers for Australia, Canada and other countries requiring IELTS General Training certificate. I service Joblane International Manpower Services and 21st Century Manpower Resources Inc., two active agencies recruiting skilled workers to Australia. I also conduct IELTS Academic Review and Coaching for nurses and other allied health practitioners. I frequently conduct training for ISA- International Student Advisors 4 U Inc.- a recruiting firm for the United Kingdom. Success rate for all firms is maintained at above 70%. For the Academic training, 100% pass rate is maintained for ISA while 90% for Joblane on the average and 80% on the average for 21st Century. I am able to handle big class size but with impressive pass rate. For General Training, the average class size on a monthly basis is 30 participants while 20participants for the Academic training. Updated materials, powerful and intuitive techniques are provided to participants during the training leaving them incredibly confident in taking the test. For inquiries, please keep in touch with me at 09184905100 or 381-9941. Carlo Villalona Tags: ielts review 0 comments

Sep 30, '08 3:55 Answer Key to Module Exercises for IELTS General Training AM Listening and Reading for everyone General Training Reading Supplementary Material 1 Traveler’s Tip

Carlo 


Personal Message Report Abuse

   

Home Blog Photos Calendar

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

a a f d g b yes yes no no not given not given yes traveler’s insurance Bush fires itinerary your body tight bandage

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 2 London’s Market

c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

c e a f c b f a, d c, d d, e, f

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

community/ multicultural youth culture Village Market electrical goods antiques

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 Distance Learning

ix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

ix vii i viii iv a, d (in any order) a, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) (full-time) employment (in any order) family/ domestic responsibilities (in any order) e f a c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 4 Revision for Exams

iii 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

iii x iv vi xi viii i

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

every evening (your) weekend employment working too hard small index cards boredom (and) stress b b

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 5 Australia Fights Back

b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

b a c c a b b c f b c g b a c c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 6 Canals on Mars

a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

a c d a i h

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

b e yes not given not given no no yes


1 £203

22 B

2 17


3 no


4 under 26/ less than 26


5 locals/ local people


6 satisfied/ ok

27 Early Childhood

7 (British) students


8 (too) many/ big

29 not learned/ innate

9 careful

30 in person

A or E

C or D

the differences/ how they differ

10 the culture/ the food

31 higher

11 International Student Advisor

32 exam performance/ results

12 Learning/ study groups


13 Student IT Department

34 controlled

14 Housing Officer/

35 thought/ thinking

sleep/ sleeping/ sleeplessness

Accommodation Officer 15 International Department

36 organized

16 personal and/ or financial

37 vary/ change/ be different

17 b

38 marks/ weighting

18 d

39 relaxed

19 e

40 (effective)s tudy skills

20 c

41 -

21 a

42 -

Tags: ielts general 0 comments

Jul 25, '08 Joblane lands 89% pass rate for 12 July IELTS General Training 12:07 AM at the British Council Philippines for everyone It is interesting to note that since the start of the implementation of the IELTS General Training in July of last year, Joblane had 100% pass rate thrice and this month fairs at 89%.

Out of the 27 skilled workers who took the test 24 successfully made it to the 4.5 overall band score visa requirement. Three of them garnered 4.0 overall which is not bad. Looking closely at their individual scores, we can infer that their strengths are listening and writing at 93% while reading and speaking at 74% were their weaknesses.

It is really important that during the speaking test one has to listen attentively to the examiner so he would be able to respond appropriately to the question and secondly, he must be able to extend his answer to every question in a clear way.

One of the factors that could influence their score is attendance to the training which has to be 100% for a 3-week course or depending on the agreed time frame set by the IELTS trainer. Second factor is performance during the training. This includes completing all course work, assignments, quizzes, simulations and oral participation. Above all, positive thinking and self-confidence are great tools in achieving success in the real test. Tags: ielts gt 1 comment

IELTS General Training- Writing Tasks 1 and 2, Sample Topics and Answers

Mar 25, '08 3:47 AM for everyone

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 1

No. 1 You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my comments and suggestions about the College Cafeteria- the one and only student council owned cafeteria in the school. I am thinking that by writing to you your magazine will be able to reach the student populace and keep them informed

about this cafeteria.

Firstly, I am a frequent customer of this cafeteria. As a senior student, I am always busy. The cafeteria becomes my home from breakfast to dinner. I particularly like it because it is convenient. I do not need to go out of the campus to eat meals. Aside from that, the cost of meals is affordable. In addition, I like the variety of menu that it offers keeping us with a balanced diet. However, there is one thing that I find quiet unpleasant about the area. During exam week, the area gets clogged with students who would also prefer to dine. As a result, serving of food and payment for such take time. Personally, this becomes annoying especially that everyone wants to be served fast to catch with the examination. I am suggesting that the cafeteria would employ more attendants. They could also hire student to work for them.

I look forward to reading these comments and suggestions in the college magazine soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(214 words)

No. 2 You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my observations about the general shopping habit and trends in my hometown. I think this will be a good subject of an article that you could write about in the newspaper.

Firstly, I would like you to know that shopping in my hometown has become more and more popular lately as compared before. Although shopping for most people poses some threat to security, it is undeniably a hobby for some. On weekends, people crowd over bargains. Interestingly, there are more goods sold now than before such as antiques, imported electronic gadgets, house ornaments and fashionable clothes. However, there are two things that I think the government should do to improve the area. One is that there should be more security officers, uniformed and civilians who should take care of the safety of the patrons. Lately, there have been reports about crimes of various levels. Another is the transportation in the area. Due to the increasing number of people buying goods, there are no more lanes for transports to cruise the area. As a result, people have to walk for more than 45 minutes to reach the main road. The management of this shopping area should think of ways on how they could let the customers feel welcome and not just think of the revenues they will get out of this.

I look forward to reading these comments in the newspaper soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(238 words)

No. 3 You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire if you have an opening for a welding job in your reputable construction firm. I have gained substantial experience and I feel confident that I am fit to undertake the said position.

I am a senior welder in ABC Company for 14 years now and was promoted to supervisory position 2 years ago. My skills in welding are very diverse and these experiences were honed while I worked for a gigantic construction company in the Middle East particularly in Dubai for 10 years. Recently, there is a need for me to come home because of my ailing grandmother and due to the pleading of my wife that I should stick to our own family since my children are still young. I felt that your company can provide me with an opportunity where I can pursue a supervisory position in the same field while I address the needs of my grandmother and own family.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(168 words)

No. 4 You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to apply for a temporary job in the summer camp that you are organizing. I have read this advertisement from the newspaper and I found this interesting because I have the qualities that you are looking for.

Firstly, I have joined several camps before from team building to organizing games for Koreans, young and adults while teaching English to them. I believe from the advertisement that you have the same requirement for applying individuals. As I am a

person who loves the outdoors, children, games and English teaching, this is certainly a perfect summer job for me. Aside from that, my experience last year with group of children who went for camping in Laguna, and the team building in Tagaytay for foreign excursionist provided me with skills in leading groups, giving clear instructions and creating innovative games. Anyway, kindly you can reach me through my mobile number at 1234-5678.

I look forward to hearing from you the soonest. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(163 words)

No. 5

An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.

29 March 2008

Dear Jane,

I am writing to let you know that I am so much pleased to know that you are coming over for a visit. I would like you to know also of some good choices to stay and other things that you might need. By now, I could not help my self but be really happy that you will come.

Anyway, I live in Makati City and there are various accommodation arrangements. For hassle-free and convenient living, I am suggesting that you rent an apartment hotel. It looks like a typical studio apartment but with hotel services such as attendants cleaning your room, swimming pool, gym and cafeteria but with an apartment cost. This is particularly suited for you because it is at the heart of the city and going around is very easy. When you arrive here, I will tell you in details the things that you can do. I know very well that you love the outdoors so I have many options to suggest. Well, about clothes, our weather here is very different from yours in France. It is summer now and will last until June. So, just bring light clothes. You can also try buying clothes here. You can email me if you need more help.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Best regards, John

(218 words)

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 2

No. 1 In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?

There are many reasons why neighbors are not close to each other nowadays. For a busy community such as Manila and Makati City, talking to neighbors is often neglected. This is happening due to the structure of accommodation that is popular to city dwellers such as condominiums, hotels and apartments. These havens do not provide inhabitants with time to mingle with each other. Mostly, these are enclosed areas. As a result, people do not have the opportunity to meet and greet with their neighbors.

Another reason why this is happening is the fact that residents do not trust their neighbors nowadays. The media has been very vocal about the harsh realities of having inconsiderate neighbors. Some reports would say that rape of a teenage girl or robbery in the corner house has been committed by a fellow resident. These among others instill threat against security among neighbors making it hard for them to associate lately.

For particular ways on how this link among neighbors could be improved seem to be crucial but vital in modern times. On a personal level, modernization and its ill-effects must not hinder people from being pleasant and caring to each other. A prominent way on how to win over this phenomenon is to organize groups whose objectives are to bring harmony and to foster camaraderie in the community.

Another significant plan is to evoke the local council to spearhead activities such as sports, social gatherings, regular meetings and parties aimed at raising awareness of the importance of team spirit, trust and sense of community.

On the whole, whether it is the kind of accommodation where you are staying or the distrust that has been developed among neighbors nowadays that caused distant ties among them, it is very essential to know that hope is still within reach. Residents and community leaders must work hand in hand to save and protect the character that is unique to every Filipino.

(322 words)

Writing Assignments

Writing Task 1

Directions: Write a letter about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 20 minutes.


You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.


You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.


You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.


You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.


An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.


An English-speaking friend is coming to study in your town next year and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your

letter, offer to find a place for him/her to live, give advice about how to find a part-time job and give information on where they can learn your language. 7.

You are going on a short training course at a college in New Zealand. You need somewhere to live while you are there. You realized that a friend whom you met in your country. Write to your friend. In your letter, explain your situation, describe the accommodation you require and say when you will need it.


You are going to take a short holiday in Australia and you want to rent a holiday flat while you are there. Write to the tourist information office. In your letter, explain what you need, say when you need it and ask for information about the prices.


You were recently voted by your neighbors as the organization president of your town. Write a letter to your neighbors. In your letter, express thanks for the opportunity, describe the plans that you would like to do first and express your concerns.

10. You were invited to speak before a crowd to share your experiences in life. However, 2 days before the affair, a serious family problem happened. Write to the organizer of the affair. In your letter, apologize that you can not attend the affair, describe what happened and say how important the event but you can not make it.

Writing Task 2

Directions: Write an essay about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 40 minutes.


In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?


Life nowadays is generally much more stressful than in the past. Give some reasons why people suffer more from stress nowadays, and say what they can do to reduce it.


Computers and modems have made it possible for office workers to do much of their work from home instead of working in offices everyday. Working from home should be encouraged as it is good for workers and employers. Do you agree or disagree?


It is often difficult for young people to find a good job without previous work experience. Governments should encourage employers to choose young people when they need new workers. Do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays, many students have the opportunity to study for part or all of their courses in foreign countries. While studying abroad brings many benefits to individual students, it also has a number of disadvantages. Do you agree or

disagree? 6.

In some countries it is common for students leaving school to do a gap year in which they travel, do voluntary work, or do a job before going on to higher education. Although this may benefit students in a number of ways, it also has a number of disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Parents and teachers make many rules for children to encourage good behavior and to protect them from danger. However, children would benefit from fewer rules and greater freedom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Governments make rules to protect people from danger, for example by making people wear seat belts in cars or not allowing smoking in public buildings. However, many people believe there are too many rules nowadays. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In many countries, television shows many foreign-made programs. The dominance of imported entertainment is harmful to the cultures of these countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

10. In most countries, multinational companies and their products are becoming more and more important. This trend is seriously damaging our quality of life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answers Writing Task 1 NOTE: The following are sample answers to writing task 1. Study them carefully before doing the writing assignments above. Sample 1: You have just started a course in a college which has no sports facilities of its own. Write a letter to the manager of the nearest private sports club. In your letter, introduce yourself, say why you are interested in this sports club and ask some questions about the club (e.g., facilities, members, costs) Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. 3 February 2007

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire about the facilities of the YMCA sports club. I have heard much about the affordability and customer satisfaction from students like me who have been using your

equipment for various sports activities recently.

I am a freshman Education major in English student at the Jose Rizal College. Our campus is just a block away from your compound. Having said this, accessibility is never a problem and the best of all, I will be able to manage other school-related tasks while enjoying at your swimming facility. How much is the membership fee annually? Do I have to pay for entrance every time I go there? As I am a full-time student, are you open after 5pm and on weekends? I hope that you can provide me with these details through text at 0910-1234567 or call me in my home phone at 123-4567.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Santos

(160 words) Sample 2:

You have had a bank account for a few years. Recently you received a letter from the bank stating that your account is $240 overdrawn and that you will be charged $70 which will be taken directly from your account. You know that this information is incorrect. Write a letter to the bank. Explain what has happened and say what you would like them to do about it. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (196 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Mr. Aquino,

I am writing in reply to a letter I received from you a few days ago. In your letter, you state

that I am $240 overdrawn and that you will be charging me $70.

I would like to point out that the reason I am overdrawn is because of a mistake made by your bank. If you look through your records you will see that I wrote several weeks ago explaining the situation. For the last 12 months, I have been paying $300 a month for a car I bought last summer. The monthly payments were taken directly from my bank account. However, 2 months ago I sold the car and I wrote to you instructing you to stop paying the monthly installments. I received a letter from you acknowledging my request, but, for some reason, nothing was done about it. Another $300 installment has been paid this month and this is the reason why I am overdrawn. I would like you to contact the garage where I bought the car explaining your error. I would also like you to ask them to return the money.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Patt Santos

Sample 3:

You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems. Write a letter to your new employer. In your letter, explain the situation, describe some problems, and tell him/her when you think you can start. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (167 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Ms. Barnes,

I am writing concerning the position of Welder that I am due to begin next Monday. However, a problem has arisen.

As you know, I currently work for my uncle’s welding shop and fabricating business, and you will remember from my interview that I have gained valuable experience there. Unfortunately, he has to go into hospital for eye surgery, leaving my aunt in charge of both the home and the business. She has asked me, as this is a particularly busy time of the year, to stay on and help her with the running of the office. I realize this will be inconvenient to you, but very much hope that, given the circumstances, you would be prepared to allow me to take up the position with you two weeks later than planned. I would like to emphasize that I remain very keen to work with you, and that I will be gaining further useful experience during this time.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Ningning Sample 4: You are unhappy about a plan to make your local airport bigger and increase the number of flights. You live near the airport. Write a letter to the local newspaper. In your letter, explain where you live, describe the problem, and give reasons why you do not want this development. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (249 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to make an appeal to the airport authorities through your newspaper regarding the planned expansion of the local airport and the increase in the number of flights.

Leaving about 500 meters away from the airport, I and my family are currently experiencing inconveniences under this circumstance. The main issue is the noise that is so disturbing every time a plane takes off and lands. Imagine how it feels to have this happening almost

every minute of the day. Apart from this is the flow of traffic that we experience. Since we are close to the airport, there will be no point in time that we are free from the traffic in the main road that we pass through in going out of our village. Since we heard that there is a plan of expanding the airport, this would mean a great deal to us who live just across the airstrip. It would mean that we may be asked to leave our place in case it will be hit by the expansion. This would also mean that there may be an increase in the number of flights which will add to our already present dilemma regarding the noise concern. It would mean lesser times of a peaceful and quiet surroundings. I really hope that airport officials would try to reconsider their plans and think also about the welfare of the people who will be affected by their move.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Bernadette Camiling

Writing Task 2 Sample 1 To be successful in education it is important to be a good student than to have good teachers. Do you agree? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Success, nowadays, is and will always be a goal for most individuals regardless of the kind of endeavor one wishes to pursue. As a student, it will forever be a great challenge to finish his education. However, at school, success has to be a concerted effort of both the school represented by its teachers and the students themselves.

Firstly, with the very pressing economic situations of the country, parents are faced with an enormous responsibility of whether to send their children to school or have them do it on a

latter time. For this, money is the deciding factor. Given the opportunity to study, students must possess qualities that could make him successful in the future. Characters such diligence, perseverance and studious must go hand in hand for a student to achieve his goals in education.

On the other hand, teachers must do their relentless drive to seriously help their students fulfill their aims. Unfortunately, there are more students than mentors in every classroom in the country. As a result, students are unsuccessful with their aspirations. As this may seem a paramount problem encountered by school owners, teachers must device a way to serve the students and maximize their learning potentials.

As a whole, becoming a successful student, large emphasis has to be put on values shed on every day that he goes to school to learn. In addition, teachers must carefully consider all possible means to help address the needs of the students. After all, what becomes a future of a student is immensely affected by the experience he obtains from his teachers at school. (266 words)

Sample 2: Some people prefer to spend their holidays by going out of town. Others prefer to stay at home. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of going out of town? Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In the past, taking a holiday was viewed with less interest by many. Nowadays, most Filipino families love taking a holiday. In fact, the government is initiating a move to lengthen holidays by moving certain days of the week to offer Filipinos with many days to enjoy. As Filipinos are lavish spenders of holiday, going of town on holiday presents many great advantages.

Firstly, taking an out of town and simple trip provide every individual a rejuvenating experience. A very classic example is going for a trip to Baguio City, the summer capital of the Philippines. In that place, you can do numerous, relaxing activities such as going for a walk at Burnham park while enjoying its fresh and cool breeze of air. In addition, you can also do boating in the same park. Another less expensive way of activity is making a road trip to Tagaytay City. With this, you will be delighted with a countryside road experience which is very relaxing as well.

Secondly, knowing the culture, the food, the people and the whole area where you intend to go is another benefit offered by an out-of-town holiday. Interestingly, most people find this a welcoming and educational opportunity. It has always been said that traveling can enrich one’s mind and spirit.

As a whole, while this set up gives disadvantages like the hassles of pre-planning stage and the inconveniences of travel, the benefits serve a great purpose, to rejuvenate and to impart knowledge of the area where you plan to go. In this way, you just did not relax your body but enrich your mind as well.

(269 words)

Sample 2: Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles. Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time. Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes. It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to

stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. (258 words) Sample 3: The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in

poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. (266 words)

Sample 4: We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide. In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be so complex that no individual could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Providing all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. If one small program fails, it will become a disaster. There is a certain inevitability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world. (292 words)

Sample 5: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt. Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their child to participate on different teams. But what if the child prefers to read? Parents want to pass on their values to their children. However, things change. The children of today are growing up in a world different from their parents' world. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her parents don't understand or value the digital revolution. Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers. Fortunately, we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are valuable.

(296 words)

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Mar 16, '08 9:42 Upcoming Event- IELTS General Training Intensive Review PM and Coaching for everyone

IELTS General Training Intensive Review and Coaching- March 24-28, 2008 will be held in one of the hotels in Manila. The training starts at 7am and ends at 4pm. Powerful techniques and intuitive coaching will be instructed to skilled workers applying for work in Australia. Walk-in applicants are accepted. Please contact 0918-490-5100 for further information. Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Academic Writing Task 2- Sample Tasks and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:30 PM for everyone

Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles.

Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time.

It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the

gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. We have been living in the nuclear age now for over half a century. Since the first atomic bombs were developed, nuclear technology has provided governments with the ability to totally destroy the planet. Yet the technology has been put to positive use as an energy source and in certain areas of medicine. To what extent is nuclear technology a danger to life on Earth? What are the benefits and risks associated with its use?

These days, many people are afraid of nuclear technology because of the dangers associated with its use. In my opinion, although it is true that nuclear weapons pose the greatest threat to life, the use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes also carries some serious risks. Nuclear power stations provide an important source of cheap power for many industrialized nations and some developing countries. However, there is always the danger of radiation leaking from these plants. Even though safety precautions are taken, there have been numerous disasters such as the explosion of a nuclear plant in Russia not long ago. Nuclear technology is even used to help cure some diseases such as cancer. Radiation can be applied to the body to burn away cancerous cells. This is, however, a dangerous procedure, and the application of radiation is almost always painful and not always successful. The most worrying aspect of nuclear technology, though, is its use for military purposes. Enough atomic bombs have already been built to completely destroy the planet, and the real danger is that one day some country will start a war with these weapons. Too many countries now have the technology required to make such bombs, and there is currently much debate about how to control the situation. In conclusion, nuclear technology certainly has positive uses, but is, nonetheless, dangerous. However, it would have been better if it had never been used to create nuclear weapons.

People in all modern societies use drugs, but today's youth are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an increasingly early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of society often set a bad example. Discuss the causes and some effects of widespread drug use by young people in modern day society. Make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug abuse.

Youth drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many cultures. Not only is illegal drug use on the rise, but children as young as 10 years old are experimenting with alcohol and tobacco. The reasons for this behavior are unclear, but certain sociologists blame the examples set by their elders. Parents who drink and smoke to excess are, in effect, telling their children that it is acceptable to abuse their bodies with drugs. Consequently, children may have a similar view towards illegal drugs, even if their parents are against their use. In addition, drug use shown on television and in films can only confuse children who are also taught at school that drug abuse is wrong. The pressure on young people to perform well at school in order to compete for jobs is a possible cause of the problem. Many believe they cannot live up to their parents' expectations, and feel a sense of hopelessness. Also, the widespread availability of drugs means teenagers are faced with the temptation to experiment. Drugs are used as a means of expressing dissatisfaction with the pressures they face in society. The effects of drug abuse are well known. Many young people's talents are wasted, and addiction to hard drugs can cost a user his or her life. Furthermore, those who drink and drive may be involved in fatal road accidents. The cost to society is great, and enormous amounts of money are spent on convicting drug dealers and on education programs. To conclude, I recommend that the only sensible way to solve this problem is to educate young people about the dangers of drug use, and to take steps to reduce the pressure of competition placed upon them. The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true

in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. Studying the English language in an English-speaking country is the best but not the only way to learn language. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Studying a language in a country where it is widely spoken has many advantages. It is, therefore, a good idea to study English in a country such as Britain. However, I believe it is not the only way to learn the language. In the first place, most students in non-English-speaking countries learn English at secondary school, and sometimes at university nowadays. Although their spoken English is not usually of a very high standard, their knowledge of grammar is often quite advanced. This is certainly useful when students come to an English-speaking country to perfect the language. Secondly, studying the basics of English at secondary school is less stressful than learning the language while overseas. This is because students living at home do not have to worry

about problems such as finding accommodation, paying for their study and living costs, and trying to survive in a foreign country where day to day living causes much stress. However, there are obvious advantages of learning English in Britain. Every day there are opportunities to practice listening to and speaking with British people. Also, students can experience the culture firsthand, which is a great help when trying to understand the language. This is especially true if they choose to live with a British family, as exchange students for example. Furthermore, if students attend a language school full-time, the teachers will be native speakers. In this case, not only will students' speaking and listening skills improve, but attention can be given to developing reading and writing skills as well. In general, even though it is preferable to study English in an English-speaking country, a reasonable level of English can be achieved in one's own country, if a student is gifted and dedicated to study. Although abuse of the system is inevitable, social welfare payments are essential to protect the rights citizens have to a guaranteed minimum income in a democratic society. Discuss.

Social welfare is an essential element of an advanced society. Good systems are always abused, but that does not mean they are faulty. In my opinion, the two main reasons why welfare payments are necessary are as follows: First of all, critics forget that there are many forms of welfare besides payments to the unemployed. Their negative opinions harm those who are not capable of earning a wage, such as single-parent mothers, the disabled, and the sick. Moreover, the unemployed have the right to an income, too. They are not always at fault for not having a job, and in most cases the tax they have paid in the past entitles them to assistance. The second reason is that crime increases when people have no means of support. The desperately poor inevitably turn to crime, which is not only dangerous but costly. Policing the streets is more expensive than providing welfare. A policeman's wage is four or five times higher than a "dole" payment. Certain members of society believe that people should look after themselves. They point out that welfare increases dependency on others and destroy dignity. This may be true, but in the case of the unemployed, the relief payments are usually temporary. It is surely the fault of the government if there are long-term unemployed. Welfare critics also believe that it is the responsibility of a victim's family to provide financial assistance. However, it is too expensive to provide complete help for a severely disabled person. To conclude, it is vital to understand the need for welfare in a modern democratic society.

Without welfare payments the poor are destined to become poorer. The first duty of a government is to provide a financial safety net for all disadvantaged persons, and that includes those without work. Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others. Students who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately. Do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that some students in schools behave badly and their behavior causes difficulty for others either because it has a negative effect on the group or because ordinary students find it difficult to study with them. One solution is to take these students away and teach them on their own. However, if we simply have them removed after one or two warnings, we are limiting their educational opportunities because it seems to me that a school which caters for difficult students is a sort of "prison" whatever name you give it and the people who go there may never recover from the experience. This can then cause problems for the wider society. Perhaps we need to look at why the disruptive students behave badly before we separate them. Disruptive students may be very intelligent and find the classes boring because the work is too easy. Perhaps these students need extra lessons rather than separate lessons. Or perhaps the teachers are uninspiring and this results in behavioral problems so we need better teachers. On the other hand, most students put up with this situation rather than cause trouble, and some people argue that we have to learn to suffer bad teachers and boring situations and that students who can't learn this lesson need to be taught separately. So before we condemn the students to a special school, we should look at factors such as the teaching, because once the children have been separated, it is very unlikely that they will be brought back. Should parents be obliged to immunize their children against childhood diseases? Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunize their children?

Some people argue that the state does not have the right to make parents immunize their children. However, I feel the question is not whether they should immunize but whether, as members of society, they have the right not to. Preventative medicine has proved to be the most effective way of reducing the incidence of fatal childhood diseases. As a result of the widespread practice of immunizing young

children in our society, many lives have been saved and the diseases have been reduced to almost zero. In previous centuries children died from ordinary illnesses such as influenza and tuberculosis and because few people had immunity, the diseases spread easily. Diseases such as dysentery were the result of poor hygiene but these have long been eradicated since the arrival of good sanitation and clean water. Nobody would suggest that we should reverse this good practice now because dysentery has been wiped out. Serious diseases such as polio and smallpox have also been eradicated through national immunization programs. In consequence, children not immunized are far less at risk in this disease-free society than they would otherwise be. Parents choosing not to immunize are relying on the fact that the diseases have already been eradicated. If the number of parents choosing not to immunize increased, there would be a similar increase in the risk of the diseases returning. Immunization is not an issue like seatbelts which affects only the individual. A decision not to immunize will have widespread repercussions for the whole of society and for this reason, I do not believe that individuals have the right to stand aside. In my opinion immunization should be obligatory. We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we he more suspicious of their benefits?

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide. In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be so complex that no individual could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Providing all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. If one small program fails, it will become a disaster.

There is a certain inevitability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world.

Smokers can cause themselves serious health problems. The choice to smoke is made freely and with knowledge of dangers. Smokers should therefore expect to pay more for medical treatment than non-smokers. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Everyone has the choice of being a smoker or not. The people who choose to smoke do so knowing there is a risk of causing harmful damage to them. However, I do not entirely agree that these people should have to pay more to receive all the medical treatment they need. I think there are many situations in which a medical problem has nothing to do with whether a person smokes or not. In these cases, where an illness has no relation to smoking, then I believe that smokers should not be required to pay more than other people for their medical treatment. Most car accidents, for example, have no connection with smoking, and the people who are injured ought to have the same medical help, regardless of the cost. And what about the common flu - it does not seem justifiable to me that a smoker should have to pay more to see a doctor for an illness we can all contact. On the other hand, I agree that a smoker should pay more than a non-smoker for the necessary treatment of any condition which has been caused by smoking. The principle that people should take responsibility for their own actions is a good one. Consequently, if a person chooses to smoke knowing that this habit can cause serious health problems, then there is no reason why the community or an insurance company should have to pay for medical treatment for an illness which could have been avoided. In many countries, cigarette packets have a clear warning that smoking can cause health problems and so no smoker can claim not to know the danger. Lung cancer is sometimes a fatal disease and the treatment is both lengthy and expensive, and it is unfair for the smoker to expect the hospital or the community to carry the cost. In fact, it could also be argued that those who smoke in public should be asked to pay extra because of the illness caused to passive smokers. In conclusion, I feel that smokers should pay more in cases related to smoking, but for any other illness they should pay the same as anyone else.

International entertainers, including sports personalities, often get paid millions of dollars in one year. In your view, with widespread poverty in the world, are these huge earnings justified? The salaries of many singers, dancers and sports people have increased out of all proportion in recent years, while in places like Sudan people are starving to death. I do not believe that anyone should be able to earn such enormous salaries when so many people in the world are living in poverty. One of the factors which should affect what a person can earn ought to be the benefit of person's work to society. It is unreasonable for a famous singer to be able to earn far more from an evening's entertainment than, for instance, a medical scientist who develops a new drug which produces a treatment for a common disease. The pop star certainly has a value in society, but the value in no way exceeds, or even matches, the value gained from a successful medication. Secondly, work done should be paid according to the amount of effort and skill that goes into it. Nobody would deny that a famous person works hard and is skillful; yet such people do not work any harder than thousand of other workers who have no claim to fame. Yet market force is such that these superstars can obtain millions of dolor while other unknown people sometimes earn less than they need to survive. Finally, it should be possible for governments to work together to ensure that the amount of money in circulation should be more equally and fairly distributed. This seems only fair given that there are so many suffering. To conclude, it is clear that world poverty is a serious problem and yet the problem could be eased if governments and companies gave more thought to paying salaries on a more equitable basis and if they started to contribute more money to those in need. Most writers of fiction do not earn enough money to live from their writing. Do you think the government should give them financial assistance to help encourage good literature? There are some conditions under which a novelist could reasonably expect some government support. In general terms, if the writer has already proved that he or she can write well, and if the stories produced are stimulating and interesting, then I consider that some financial help might be given. Language quality is difficult to define, but if the writing shows, for example, good grammar, a wide vocabulary, and elegance and imagination, then I can see a valid reason for assisting an author to spend some time free from money problems. Such a writing needs to be encouraged. the entertainment value of a book would be also a factor in deciding whether to provide assistance to an author. Further consideration would include social and educational values expressed in the author's work.

However, if the ideas were socially irresponsible, or if the stories contain unnecessary violence or pornography for its own sake, then I would not want to see the author sponsored to write stories which do not benefit society. Other exceptions are the many writers of good books who do not require financial help. Books which proved to be extremely popular, such as the Harry Potter stories, clearly need no subsidy at all because the authors have become rich through their writing. Views on what good quality writing means will vary widely, and so if any author is to be given money for writing, then the decision would have to be made by a committee or panel of judge. An individual opinion would certainly cause disagreement among the reading public.

"Prevention is better than cure." Out of a country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Of course it goes without saying that prevention is better than cure. That is why, in recent years, there has been a growing body of opinion in favour of putting more resources into health education and preventive measures. The argument is that ignorance of, for example, basic hygiene or the dangers of an unhealthy diet or lifestyle needs to be combatted by special nationwide publicity campaigns, as well as longer-term health education. Obviously, there is a strong human argument for catching any medical condition as early as possible. There is also an economic argument for doing so. Statistics demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of treating a condition in the early stages, rather than delaying until more expensive and prolonged treatment is necessary. Then there are social or economic costs, perhaps in terms of loss of earnings for the family concerned or unemployed benefit paid by the state. So far so good, but the difficulties start when we try to define what the 'proportion' of the budget should be, particularly if the funds will be 'diverted from treatment'. Decisions on exactly how much of the total health budget should be spent in this way are not a matter for the non-specialist, but should be made on the basis of an accepted health service model. This is the point at which real problems occur - the formulation of the model. How do we accurately measure which health education campaigns are effective in both medical and financial terms? How do we agree about the medical efficacy of various screening programmes, for example, when the medical establishment itself does not agree? A very rigorous process of evaluation is called for, so that we can make informed decisions. The position of women in society has changed markedly in the last twenty years. Many of the problems young people now experience, such as juvenile delinquency, arise from the fact that many married women now work and are not at home to care for their children. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is certainly true that the position of women in society has undergone a dramatic change in the past twenty years but I do not feel that this is a direct cause of the indisputable increase in juvenile-related problems during this period. It is now accepted that young women should find work on leaving school; indeed to rely totally on their parents' financial support is no longer an option in many families. Likewise, once they get married, the majority of women continue working since the financial pressures of setting up a house and establishing a reasonable standard of living often require two incomes. Twenty years ago it was common for women to give up work once they had children and devote their time to caring for their children. This is no longer the general rule and the provision of professionally-run child care facilities and day nurseries have removed much of the responsibility for child rearing that used to fall to mothers. However, these facilities come at a cost and often require two salaries coming into a family to be afforded. I do not believe that the increase in the number of working mothers has resulted in children being brought up less well than previously. Indeed it could be argued that by giving mothers the opportunity to work and earn extra money children can be better provided for than previously. There is more money for luxuries and holidays and a more secure family life is possible. Of course there are limits as to the amount of time that ideally should be spent away from home and the ideal scenario would be for one of the parents (often the wife) to have a part-time job and thus be available for their children before and after school. It is important to establish the correct balance between family life and working life. People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? People attend college for a lot of different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge of themselves and of the world around them. Career preparation is probably the primary reason that people attend college. These days, the job market is very competitive. Careers such as information technology will need many new workers in the near future. At college, students can learn new skills for these careers and increase their opportunities for the future. Students also go to college to have new experiences. For many, it is their first time away from home. At college, they can meet new people from many different places. They can see what life is like in a different city. They can learn to live on their own and take care of themselves without having their family always nearby. At college, students have the opportunity to increase their knowledge. As they decide what they want to study, pursue their studies, and interact with their

classmates, they learn a lot about themselves. They also, of course, have the opportunity to learn about many subjects in their classes. In addition to the skills and knowledge related to their career, college students also have the chance to take classes in other areas. For many, this will be their last chance to study different subjects. Colleges offer much more than career preparation. They offer the opportunity to have new experiences and to learn many kinds of things. I think all of these are reasons why people attend college. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt. Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their child to participate on different teams. But what if the child prefers to read? Parents want to pass on their values to their children. However, things change. The children of today are growing up in a world different from their parents' world. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her parents don't understand or value the digital revolution. Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers. Fortunately, we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are valuable. Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Food is a basic part of life, so it follows that improved methods of food preparation have made our lives better. Nowadays we can prepare meals much faster than we

could in the past. We can also enjoy a greater variety of food and eat more healthfully, all because of modern methods of food preparation. Microwave ovens have made it possible to prepare delicious food quickly. People these days rarely have time to shop and prepare meals the old-fashioned way. We live very fast lives. We are busy working, caring for our families traveling, playing sports, and many other things. Because of microwave ovens, we have time to enjoy a good meal with our family and then play soccer, go to a movie, study, or do anything else we want to afterwards. Modern methods of preserving food have made it possible to enjoy a wide variety of food. Because of refrigerators, freezers, canning, and freeze-drying, we can eat fruits and vegetables that come from far away places. We can prepare a meal one day and save the leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer to eat at another time. We can keep different kinds of food in the refrigerator or on the shelf. It is easy to always have food available and to be able to eat completely different meals every day. Healthful eating is easier now than it ever was. Because of modern transportation methods, fresh fruits and vegetables are available all year round. Modern kitchen appliances make it easy to prepare fruits and vegetables fro cooking. Bread machines make it possible to enjoy healthful, home-baked bread whenever we like. We can eat fresh and healthful food everyday because modern methods have made preparation easy. Our lifestyle is fast, but people still like good food. New food preparation methods have given us is more choices. Today we can prepare food that is more convenient healthier, and of greater variety than ever before in history. It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why? "Experience is the best teacher" is an old cliché, but I agree with it. We can learn a lot of important things from books, but the most important lessons in life come from our own experiences. Throughout the different stages of life, from primary school to university to adulthood, experience teaches us many skills we need for life. As children in primary school, we learn facts and information from books, but that is not all we learn in school. On the playground we learn how to make friends. In our class work, we learn how it feels to succeed and what we do when we fail. We start to learn about the things we like to do and the things we don't. We don't learn these things from books, but from our experiences with our friends and classmates. In our university classes, we learn a lot of information and skills we will need for our future careers, but we also learn a lot that is not in our textbooks. In our daily lives both in class and out of class, we learn to make decisions for ourselves. We learn to

take on responsibilities. We learn to get along with our classmates, our roommates, and our workmates. Our successes and failures help us develop skills we will need in our adult lives. They are skills that no book can teach us. Throughout our adulthood, experience remains a constant teacher. We may continue to read or take classes for professional development. However, our experiences at work, at home, and with our friends teach us more. The triumphs and disasters of our lives teach us how to improve our careers and also how to improve our relationships and how to be the person each one of us wants to be. Books teach us a lot, but there is a limit to what they teach. They can give us information or show us another person's experiences. These are valuable things, but the lessons we learn from our own experiences, from childhood through adulthood, are the most important ones we learn.

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IELTS Academic Writing Task 1- Sample Tasks and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:28 PM for everyone

WRITING TASK 1: SAMPLE 1 The diagram below shows the typical stages of consumer goods manufacturing, including the process by which information is fed back to earlier stages to enable adjustment. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the process shown. 

You should write at least 150 words.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Most consumer goods go through a series of stages before they emerge as finished products ready for sale. Raw materials and manufactured components comprise the initial physical input in the manufacturing process. Once obtained, these are stored for later assembly. But assembly first depends upon the production planning stage, where it is decided how and in what quantities the stored materials will be processed to create sufficient quantities of finished goods. The production planning stage itself follows the requirements of the goods' design stage that proceeds from extensive research. After assembly, the products are inspected and tested to maintain quality control l Those units that pass the inspection and testing stages are then packaged, despatched and offered for sale in retail outlets. The level of sales, which is the end point of the manufacturing process, helps determine production planning. A product's design is not only the result of product research, but is also influenced by testing and market research. If the testing stage (after assembly and inspection) reveals unacceptable problems in the finished product, then adjustments will have to be made to the product's design. Similarly, market research, which examines the extent and nature of the demand for products, has the role of guiding product design to suit consumer demands which may change with time. Market research, while influenced by product sales, also serves to foster future sales by devising suitable advertising for the goods.

Thus the reality of consumer goods manufacturing goes well beyond a simple linear production process.


The table below shows social and economic indicators for four countries in 1994, according to United Nations statistics. Describe the information shown below in your own words. What implications do the indicators have for the countries? 

You should write at least 150 words.

Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.

Indicators Annual income per person (in $US) Life expectancy at birth Daily calorie supply per person Adult literacy rate (%)





















A glance at four indicators of economic and social conditions in four countries, Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire, in 1994 reflects the great differences that exist between wealthier and poorer nations. The table shows that Japan and Canada had annual incomes of $15 760 and $11 100 per person, respectively. These figures were overwhelmingly greater than the corresponding figures of $160 in Peru and $130 in Zaire. Health indicators, too, reflected overall levels of affluence in the four nations. Life expectancy at birth, for example, was higher among the more economically developed countries. Japan reported the highest life expectancy, 78. This was followed by Canada, 76; Peru, 51; and Zaire, 47; This suggests that richer societies are able to put more money into health care than poorer ones. The amount of calories consumed daily per person roughly followed the same ranking. Canadians each consumed some 3 326 calories per day while the Japanese took 2846 calories. The corresponding figures for Peru and Zaire were 1927 and 1749, respectively. Literacy rates among adults, too, were higher in wealthier countries, no doubt a reflection of ability to invest in education. Canada and Japan both reported

literacy rates of 99%, while Peru claimed 68%. Zaire, the least economically developed of the four countries, had a literacy rate of 34%. The data appear to confirm the often cited link between national wealth and health and education standards.


The chart below shows the sleep patterns of people in five different occupations according to a Canadian study. Write a report for a university lecturer, describing the information below. Give possible reasons for the differences. 

You should write at least 150 words.

Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.


Occupation 6-7 pm 7-8 pm 8-9 pm 9-10 pm 10-11 pm 11-12 pm 12-1 am 1-2 am


awake: Truck Driver

Full-time mother

Business Doctor Executive

2-3 am 3-4 am 4-5 am 5-6 am 6-7 am 7-8 am 8-9 am 9-10 am 10-11 am 11-12 am 12-1 pm 1-2 pm 2-3 pm 3-4 pm 4-5 pm 5-6 pm

Differences in sleep patterns appear to reflect differences in individuals' occupations. A Canadian study has pointed out, for example, that students typically sleep for a consecutive 8-hour period each night, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. This may be because the central activity in their lives, study, takes place in normal daylight hours. Similarly, business executives sleep consecutive hours, but perhaps because their jobs are especially busy and stressful they sleep for 6 hours on average, getting up around 5 a.m..

By contrast, truck drivers, probably because of their need to keep their trucks on the road over long periods, tend to sleep in two 3-hour blocks: one between 7 and 10 a.m. and another from 4 to 7 p.m. Another occupation associated with broken sleep schedules is that of doctors. They tend to retire to bed around 1 a.m. and start their day at 7 a.m.., but may be woken up to deal with emergencies in the middle of the night. Finally, full-time mothers, especially those with young children, tend to sleep when their babies do. Typically, they will sleep from 10 p.m. and be awoken at 1 a.m. to comfort their babies for a couple of hours. They then go back to bed to wake at 6 a.m., but nap for two hours or so in the early afternoon. Thus the influence on one's sleep pattern is worthy of consideration when choosing an occupation. Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Speaking Sample Questions and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:26 PM for everyone

SPEAKING MODULE PART 1 Sample Questions and Answers

TOPIC: Free time 1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Before, I used to play basketball, but now I’m into gardening and going out for a walk. 2. How much time do you have each week for doing these things? I make it a point that I do these on weekends. I think that this is really important. 3. Why do you like doing these activities? Well, these activities make us feel young and healthy. Also, there are good ways on how to avoid illnesses and stress. 4. How did you start doing this activity at first? My friends influenced me to do these things. Eventually, I found these very helpful. 5. Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why? Yes! I’d like to try mountain climbing because this would be relatively new to me and it’s exciting to climb mountains and feel the wonders of nature. 6. How has the way people spend their free time changed over the years? Lately, people find it a must to find an activity to do in their free time despite hectic work schedule. They see it as a need although some view the activities for free time

such as badminton as an expensive outlet. TOPIC: Your town 1. Can you describe your town or village to me? My hometown is such a simple place. It’s a community with about 10, 000 people who are mostly into farming but others go to offices. Houses are well-spaced unlike in cities that are crowded. There are small stores and a market and other commercial establishments like hospitals, schools and retail shops. There’s also a small sports complex and a quiet park. 2. What jobs do people in your town do? Some are farmers and the others are working in offices. In addition, there are also some who own business such as stores and other poultry business. 3. What things are there to do in your town in your free time? Well, there are quite a number of you know simple activities that could be done in my hometown. There’s badminton, typical Filipino games, and card games. Most often, people there love to gossip or chat about anything for long hours. 4. What do you like about your town? I think it has to be the peacefulness of the town as there are only a few people there. Also, I would say that there is no traffic in the town. 5. How has your town changed over the last twenty years? It changed significantly. For instance, the market has been improved by constructing a building to enclose the area. There’s also a swimming pool now in the sports complex and the road are well-paved and there are enough public transport in the area. TOPIC: Transport—provide your own answers here 1. 2. 3. 4.

How did you come here today? What is public transport like in your town? How do you think it could be improved? Do you think people should use public transport more? Why (not)?

TOPIC: Your neighborhood- provide your own answers here 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Can you describe to me the house where you live? What is there to do in the area where you live? What do you like about the area where you live? How do you think it could be improved? Do you think it is better to live in the centre of town or outside in the country? Why?

TOPIC: Holidays 1. What do you do when you have a holiday? Typically, I make it sure that I have ample time to spend with my family to make up with the lost time. I also engage in physical activities like brisk walking or jogging. 2. Where do you like to spend your holidays? Why? I prefer to spend them either on

the beach, taking a road trip to cool places such as Baguio and Tagaytay. In addition, I prefer going for a picnic in a mountain or cave areas. 3. Can you describe a typical day in your holiday? Well, normally I go to a beach together with my family. We enjoy cooking and of course, swimming. We also don’t forget to take pictures with beautiful sceneries. 4. Why are holidays important to you? Holidays are very important to me because it’s a good time to spend with my family as I always get busy on regular days. Holidays also provide an opportunity for me to relax. 5. If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? I think I’d choose Australia. Since I have plans of working there I might as well try to explore the country first before I decide to work and stay there permanently. TOPIC: Shopping 1. How much time do you spend shopping every week? I think about 5 hours. I and my wife shop every Sunday as this is the only day that we have for ourselves. 2. Do you enjoy going shopping? Why (not)? Provided that I have money, sure I’d love to shop 3. What is your favorite shop and why do you like it? A lot actually! But I prefer SM department store because they have various outfit for men and very trendy underwear. 4. What problems are there with shopping in your area? Oftentimes, having to wait long on lines when paying, impolite attendants and having too many choices are some problems that I encounter. For car owners, getting a parking space could also be a problem.

TOPIC: Places to go in your free time 1. What do people do in your town in their free time? Well, most of them just stay at home, watch TV or read magazines while the others would play a sport such as badminton or basketball. 2. Where can they go out for entertainment, or to enjoy themselves? Most of them go to shopping malls. Filipinos love going to the malls. Well, there are parks where they can spend time talking with someone. 3. Which do you prefer: eating in restaurants or eating at home? I prefer to eat at home because it’s safe, cheaper and you can cook the food that you’d like to eat. In restaurants, it’s a little expensive and sometimes the taste of the food isn’t what you’re looking for. 4. Which are the best places to eat out? In my hometown, there are small restaurants. Well, there are fast foods which are really popular and also restaurants catering Japanese, Chinese and other international menu.

TOPIC: Reading 1. Do you enjoy reading? Why? Yes sometimes because I know that reading is an important skill. You can learn many things from reading. 2. What sort of things do you read? I don’t read books that much. I prefer newspapers and magazines. 3. Tell me something about your favorite book. I’d rather tell you about my favorite newspaper. It’s called the Manila Bulletin. It’s a daily broadsheet but I prefer to read the Sunday issue of this paper. Basically, it contains up to date and comprehensive news coverage of issues affecting the people and issues concerning the country. However, I read most of the time the classified ads section as I normally search for hot jobs in and out of the country. 4. What are the advantages of reading instead of watching television or going to the cinema? First of all, reading is not expensive as compared with going to the cinema. Reading provides detailed information about a subject or topic whereas watching television gives you abbreviated information about a subject or topic. Topic: You 1. Do you work or study? Definitely, your response to this question would be I am working, I’ve worked before in…, or I worked as a welder before in…

Work 1. Can you describe your job to me?- Well, m y job is welding. 2. How long have you been doing it?- I worked in Saudi for 7 years and in the country, about 5 years. 3. Why did you choose to do that job?- I think this job is something that I really love to do. I want to believe that I was born with this skill and have perfected it through years of experience. 4. What things do you enjoy about your work? Why?-For the most part, I think the various projects that are delegated to us. Periodically, we change projects but of course, the same kind of job. 5. And what things don’t you like? Why not?-To be honest, it’s the salary. We don’t get paid as much as our quality of work is measured. 6. What are your plans for the future?- Well, right now I have pending application as a welder in Australia. If everything goes well, then I will work there and hopefully, provide my family with good life. TOPIC: Sports and games 1. What sports are most popular in your country?- Lately, I guess Filipinos became interested with boxing, swimming and most of all, badminton. 2. What sports and games did you most enjoy playing when you were a child?- As far as I can remember, I think it’s Yo-yo. I think this is a game that most children would play.

3. Do people take as much exercise as in the past?- I think yes! I just don’t know exactly. Lately, the need to exercise increased, but, people find it hard to do because of time constraint, work, and other factors. 4. Why is exercise good for you?- With the increasing demands at work, family and personal life, exercise has become a very essential tool in fighting boredom, stress and depression. So, I think it is good for me as well. SPEAKING MODULE PART 2 Sample Questions Directions: For 1 minute, prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make sure that you don’t write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record your answer in a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a response that is 2-minute long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for use with your responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 2 answers below.

1. Describe a place you visited recently 2. Describe a friend 3. Describe a child you know 4. Describe an object you like 5. Describe a photograph 6. Describe a historical figure 7. Describe an important event in your culture 8. Describe your favorite newspaper 9. Describe your last holiday 10. Describe the clothes that you like 11. Describe the person whom you’d like to spend time always 12. Describe a person that you like to be with when you grow old 13. Describe a game that you play when you were a child 14. Talk about the difference of growing up in the city and in the countryside 15. Describe a household equipment that you prefer *Look at the NOTE section below. Use the opening phrases to start with your responses for the topics above.

Model Answers

NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including: I’d like to talk about a TV program called… I’m going to talk about a TV program called… A TV program that I found really interesting was…

Sample 1: Talk about a happy event in your childhood that you remember well. You should say: -where the event took place -when the event took place -what happened exactly And explain why you remember this event clearly.

Did you ever do this again? Yes, I went to the same place when I graduated from college. The place was totally different. What did your parents think about it? My parents found this very helpful to me. That’s why they allowed me to join. A happy event that I can still remember about my childhood was our educational trip to Manila Zoo when I was in elementary. I believe it took place in 1986 as part of our science subject requirement. Anyway, I studied in Cavite and Manila Zoo was I guess a 2 hour drive from our school. As a child, going for a trip is always a pleasure especially riding a bus and taking a long road trip. Well, I was with my classmates—40 plus all in all. As it was a field trip and a common practice, we had to bring with us food and drinks- a typical picnic of some sort. Then, we went in the zoo and had a tour guide who explained every details about the various animals. Of course, I didn’t understand everything what the guide told us. But anyway, the trip was very memorable because it was my first time to have a close encounter with the animals of various sizes, shapes and behavior. It is apparently very clear to me up to now because as I said it was my first time to meet and greet with the animals, and it was a form of socialization where we students talk about things outside the class room. That’s it!

Describe a TV program that you have seen and that interested you.

You should say: -When and where you saw the program -What the program was about -What you felt about the program And explain why you found the program particularly interesting. I am going to talk about a TV program called Bubble Gang. If I am not mistaken, this is the longest comedy TV show on Philippine television. The program is shown every Fridays on GMA 7. Although the program is shown late at night, it particularly makes viewers roll over with laughter. The program emphasizes on pop culture parody. Skits and sketches are performed on a variety of style that captivates the audiences’ hearts. In addition, it spoofs shows and commercials, and it takes on other celebrities and other political figures. The show also features top-notch actors and actresses armed with unparalleled talents. Personally, I find this show an excellent comic relief from a hard days work. Despite its comic attributes, it also provides awareness to viewers about issues confronting personalities of national prominence as well as typical situations in the Philippine community. These things make the program interesting to me. I think this is all that I can say about the show.

Describe a town or city you would like to visit. You should say: -where it is -how it is similar to your hometown -how it is different from your hometown And explain why you would like to visit it. A city that I found really interesting and which I would like to go to in the future would be Perth, Australia. This city comes to mind first because this is where I will work as a welder. Most probably, this will also be the destination of the majority of the skilled workers applying for Australia. It is located in Western Australia and is the fastest growing city in the country. Being the fourth largest city, it holds major commercial establishments which are really ideal for skilled workers like me. Well, I come from Pampanga, also a growing town. This is the only similarity that I could cite. Perth is very different from Pampanga, of course. Firstly, Perth has huge population which favors their labor force. As I have read, there is always job for everyone in Australia. Secondly, it has well-established highways for an economy to prosper. In Pampanga, roads are still being improved. Thirdly, there is good provision for the benefits of the residents unlike in my hometown where even health care is not sufficient.

I would like to visit this place to enjoy these benefits and, most of all to work and earn for my family here. That’s all! SPEAKING MODULE PART 3 Sample Questions Directions: Prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make sure that you don’t write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record your answer in a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a response that is 3-5 sentences long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for use with your responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 3 answers below.

Topic A: How does tourism affect a country? Does it have some advantages? Can cultures learn from each other?

Topic B: Is friendship important in your culture? How many close friends can you have? Are friends more important than family?

Topic C: What is the role of parents in raising children? Has the role changed in recent years? Who is responsible for discipline?

Topic D: Do possessions make people happy? Why do people buy things? Are people in your country wise consumers?

Topic E: Are images important in your culture? What is the role of advertising? Do films and television influence our decisions?

Topic F: Who are the most influential people in your society? Are there many heroes or role models today? What are the qualities of a good leader?

Topic G: How do different cultures celebrate events? What is the importance of festivals? How have special occasions such as weddings changed in your culture?

Model Answers NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including: I guess…

I believe…

Most probably…

I think…



Sample 1: How has the countryside changed in recent years in your country? I believe the rural areas changed so much now as compared to 10 years ago. For instance, telephone and power lines have been reinforced providing people in the area the access to news and information. Similarly, the roads have been improved for comfortable travel and business transaction. These changes are absolutely helpful to the town and all the more to the residents.

Sample 2: How do you think the countryside may change in the future? Well, most probably there will be internet access to these areas and stronger signals for mobile networks so that the residents can benefit from good communication. In addition, I am also looking at positive changes in the education sector. As observed, nowadays, people coming from these areas have poor communication skills.

Sample 3:

Where do most people live in your country- in the city or in the countryside? I guess more people are coming to cities lately in the Philippines. Noticeably, teenagers and young adults are searching for jobs in Makati or Ortigas City and eventually live there for work purposes. While this could be positive to the city’s labor force, it would also pose some problems such as overcrowding and traffic.

Here are more topics for you to practice. You may or may not record these and your answers. However, it is still highly recommended that you record them if you don’t have a partner to practice with. NOTE: Practice makes perfect!

1. Describe your own family’s favorite holiday destination. 2. Identify what most people in your country do on their holidays. 3. Discuss the pros and cons of spending holidays overseas or spending them in your own country. 4. Describe the main tourist destinations for overseas tourists coming to your country. 5. Describe how people entertain guests in your country. 6. What are the advantages of entertaining friends at home or of meeting them in public places? 7. What are the forms of entertainment young people and adults prefer in your culture. 8. Describe the main activities that go on in a family room in your culture. 9. Evaluate the importance of spending time with your family at home. 10. Compare the importance of spending time with your family and with your friends.

Transitional Devices (Connecting Words) Transitional devices are like bridges between parts of your essay or letter. They are cues that help the reader to interpret ideas in the way that you, as a writer, want them to understand. Transitional devices help you carry over a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another with words or phrases. And finally, transitional devices link your sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas. There are several types of transitional devices, and each category leads your reader to make certain connections or assumptions about the areas you are connecting. Some lead your reader forward and imply the "building" of an idea or thought, while others make your reader compare ideas or draw conclusions from the preceding thoughts. Here is a list of some common transitional devices that can be used to cue your reader in a given

way. To Add: and, again, and then, besides, equally important, finally, further, furthermore, nor, too, next, lastly, what's more, moreover, in addition, first (second, etc.), To Compare: whereas, but, yet, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, on the contrary, by comparison, where, compared to, up against, balanced against, vis a vis, but, although, conversely, meanwhile, after all, in contrast, although this may be true To Prove: because, for, since, for the same reason, obviously, evidently, furthermore, moreover, besides, indeed, in fact, in addition, in any case, that is To Show Exception: yet, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, of course, once in a while, sometimes To Show Time: immediately, thereafter, soon, after a few hours, finally, then, later, previously, formerly, first (second, etc.), next, and then To Repeat: in brief, as I have said, as I have noted, as has been noted, To Emphasize: definitely, extremely, obviously, in fact, indeed, in any case, absolutely, positively, naturally, surprisingly, always, forever, perennially, eternally, never, emphatically, unquestionably, without a doubt, certainly, undeniably, without reservation To Show Sequence: first, second, third, and so forth. A, B, C, and so forth. next, then, following this, at this time, now, at this point, after, afterward, subsequently, finally, consequently, previously, before this, simultaneously, concurrently, thus, therefore, hence, next, and then, soon To Give an Example: for example, for instance, in this case, in another case, on this occasion, in this situation, take the case of, to demonstrate, to illustrate, as an illustration, to illustrate To Summarize or Conclude: in brief, on the whole, summing up, to conclude, in conclusion, as I have shown, as I have said, hence, therefore, accordingly, thus, as a result, consequently, on the whole

Speaking Activity

Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, write two sentences for each question. Remember to write interesting sentences as these will catch the examiner’s attention and would count towards getting a higher score in the IELTS Speaking Test.

Warm-up 1. Could you show me your identification card please? Sure. Here is my passport/SSS 2. Could you tell me your full name please? My name is John Santos. You can call me Joe as my friends call me this way. 3. What shall I call you? I prefer to be called Joe. Ever since I was young I was called like this. 4. Does your name have any special meaning? I actually don’t know but I’ll to research on that. 5. Why do so many people change their names? Maybe because it’s unpleasant or conflict of interest. 6. Is your name important to you? Definitely. It is for security purpose and personal identification. Hometown or birth place

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Where do you come from? Where do you live? Can you tell me something about your hometown? Can you tell me some famous landscapes or scenic spots in your hometown? Can you tell me some history of your hometown?

Personal background and information

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Are you a student or do you have a job? What do you like most about your study? What kind of job do you prefer after graduation? What is your major? What do you do for living? Could you tell me a typical day of yours? How do you get your job? Are you satisfied with your job? What do you like most about your job? What kind of job do you prefer in the future?

Hobby or inclination

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What do you usually do in your spare time? Do you prefer to stay alone or with your friends? What do you usually do on weekends and weekdays? What do you usually do when you go out? What do you usually do with your friends? Do you like reading? What kind of books do you like best? Do you like English? Why or why not? What do you think of the importance of English? What are good hobbies and bad hobbies? Why?

Future plan

1. 2. 3. 4.

Why do you take the IELTS test? What are you planning to do in the next five years? What are you planning to do in the next ten years? What is the first thing you will do when you arrive at the new place?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Do you like traveling? Do you like travel alone or with your friends? Have you traveled to other places? Where are they? What do you usually do when you first arrive in a new place? What are the benefits of traveling? Why do so many people like traveling nowadays?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Do you have many friends? Are they casual acquaintances or close friends? Do you prefer to stay with your family or with your friends? Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends? Can you talk about your best friend? How to make friends? What do you usually do with your friends? Is the time you spend with your friends as much as that you spend with your family?


1. 2. 3. 4.

Do you like music? What are the benefits of listening to music? What kind of music do you like best? Why do you like this kind of music?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Can you say something about the transportation in your hometown? What is the common means of transport in your country? Do traffic jams often occur in your hometown or in the city where you live? How to solve the problem? What changes in transportation have taken place in the past several years in your country?

Building 1. Can you tell me an interesting building in your hometown? 2. Can you tell me an interesting building in Manila?

IELTS Speaking

Brushing Up

Useful Language

At the moment, I’m living/ studying/ working… Before that I lived in… Recently, I’ve been to …/ started playing badminton…etc

I’m planning to… After that I’ll probably…

I prefer eating in a restaurant because… I’d rather work in Australia because….

Both my father and mother are… Neither of my brothers… None of my friends…

It depends. Sometimes I like cooking, and sometimes I’m just too tired. Definitely, I love it. It’s… Possibly. It depends on the weather really.

Generally, I think it’s a good idea because… Well, it’s very different because…

Let me think/ see… I’m not really sure, but perhaps… That’s a good question/ point. I suppose… That’s a good question/ point. I suppose…

I haven’t really given that much thought before but…

Frequently Asked Questions in Part I

Why are you taking IELTS? Well, I’m taking IELTS as it is a requirement for my working visa to Australia. What are your ambitions? For now, I think it has to be to work in Australia and support my family financially. Tell me about where you are living at the moment. I live in Bulacan and its getting progressive as years pass by. It is also a quiet place to live. How would you describe your hometown? My hometown is typically simple but it boasts of some beautiful places like beaches, old churches and mountains. What do you usually do at the weekend? Usually, I and my family go out and stroll around in a mall. Also, we go to church to hear mass. REMEMBER:  Make sure you answer the question.  One-word answers are NOT acceptable.  Always add some extra information to your answer.

Frequently Asked Questions in Part II

Describe an occasion when you have been successful. You should say:  Where and when you were successful

 How you were successful  What you had to do to make sure you were successful And describe how you felt about your success. ANSWER: I would like to talk about the moment that I worked in the Middle East as a welder. I think it was 3 years ago. It was a very challenging experience since I have to leave my family behind and work there alone in a country where I don’t know anyone. The culture was totally new and I had to deal with it squarely. So, I consider this a great success because I was able to survive and to send money to my family in the country. Aside from constant missing of my family, I also had to bear with the inconveniences of day to day work where I met foreign people and talk to them. Nevertheless, it was fulfilling and rewarding experience because I saw my children grow up properly in terms of education, food and shelter. REMEMBER: It is important to keep talking, but don’t talk about things which are not related to the topic.

Talk about an important day in your life. You should say: When this day was If you were alone or with others Where you were and what happened And explain why this day was important to you.

Describe a present someone gave you which was/ is important to you. You should say:  What the present was

 Who gave it to you  Why they gave it to you (e.g. to celebrate a birthday) And explain why it is so important to you. Describe a friend who has played an important part in your life. You should say:  How you met this person  How long you have known them  The kind of things you do or did with them And explain why they have been important in your life. Useful Language

The best/ worst thing about…is/was…

The thing I really like(d)/ hate(d) about…is/was…

One of the problems with…is/was…

I particularly remember…because…

I’ll never forget…because..

Follow- up Questions After you have spoken for 1-2 minutes, the examiner may ask you one or two follow-up questions about what you have said.

Sample Question: Topic in Part 2: A place you visited that you liked.

How did you feel when you arrived in that place? I was very nervous because I didn’t know anybody.

Did you find it easy to meet people? At first, I resisted but eventually the people around were very friendly so I found it easy to mingle with them.

Other sample questions:

Do you enjoy playing sports?

Yes, definitely. I particularly enjoy outdoor ones.

Would you like to go there again?

Possibly. It would depend on who I went with.

Do you think it will be easy to get a job in IT?

I expect so. It’s a growing industry.

Have you ever been to any other countries in Europe?

Yes, a few. France, Spain and Germany.

Would you consider doing the same sort of job again?

I don’t think so. It wasn’t really for me.

Would you recommend the holiday to other people?

No, not really. It wasn’t very good value for money.

Part III

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it a good idea to exercise regularly? Definitely! Nowadays, life is very stressful. Exercise is the ultimate solution to balance work and family life. Are there more crimes these days? I think so. With the society becoming more materialistic, crimes tend to increase also because people want to have more in life. Do you think everyone should have a mobile phone? Yes, I think it is a good idea that everyone becomes wireless in terms of communication.

Linking Ideas

On the other hand




such as

Useful Language: Comparing and Contrasting

On the other hand Well, it isn’t as…as


…is nowhere near as…as… I’d rather… I’d much prefer (to)… It depends (on)…

Useful Language: Making predictions/ talking about the future

There’s a good chance that… I doubt very much if…

I hope that… I expect that… I’m afraid that… It is/ isn’t very likely to…

Useful Language: Giving opinions

As far as I’m concerned… It seems to me that… I tend to think that…

Frequently Asked Questions in Part 3:

Do you think smoking should be banned in all public places? It’s really hard to say but I think if this plan will benefit the majority, then it’s ok to ban it. For sure smokers will greatly go against this proposal as this has become their way of life. Do you prefer to go out or stay at home in the evening? I prefer to stay at home because I have to help my wife take care of my children. Besides, this is the only time that I can spend with my children, helping them do their homework. On the other hand, when I became a father going out became limited to just meeting with very common friends who my wife knows. Do you think that e-mail has made our lives easier? Definitely, yes! Before I used to send letter through post but it needed much time to reach its destination. Now, e-mails greatly help me with sending of letters. It’s fast and convenient. Which is better: living in the countryside or in the city? I’d rather live in the city. City life offers modern living. There are many opportunities in terms of work, entertainment, leisure and dining. However, the countryside gives a very common and limited life style which is I guess preferred by people in their old age. How likely it is that computer will be able to do your job in the future? With the kind of work that I do, computers are of great help. Back then, we had to do manual work in terms of calibration of machines. Today, calibration is done through computers making our work more efficient and easy to do. Would you rather watch sport or play it? Actually, I like both. If I want to learn how to play a new sport, I watch it first. Similarly, if I want to improve a sport that I know how to play, I watch it on TV so I could learn some techniques. What do you think the consequences of global warming will be? If there’s global warming, our environment will be warmer. People and animals

might have trouble coping with the changing temperature. Also, there people from the cold regions of the world might experience flood due to melting of ice. I believe that this is not a good phenomenon and will give bad effects to all of us.

EXTRA Part 2: Describe a happy event in your childhood that you remember well. You should say:  When the event took place  Where the event took place  What happened exactly And explain why you remember this event clearly.

FF: Did you ever do this again? What did your parents think about it?

Part 3: Do you think children’s lives are very different nowadays? Yes, of course! With modern life style, children are similarly affected as with adults. Before, children were confined in their house. They were just limited to some activities such as playing indoor games of simple nature. At present, they are faced with enormous challenges such as meeting deadlines for a school project, waking up early to beat the traffic and do homework using computers. These things are a few examples of the notable changes in the lives of the children.

Are children too protected now? For some, yes. This applies to parents who are aware that children are well exposed to temptations coming from peers and technologies. Parents who value their family would keep a close contact with them. However, for working parents, they have less time to oversee their children, thus, providing less care to them. As a result, there are delinquent minors. Do you think children can have too many toys? It depends. There are toys that have good effects to children. Due to commercialization lately, there are also many hazardous toys. So, having few or many toys would be the prerogative of the parents. They should always guide their children in choosing toys to play. Is it important to celebrate birthdays and other festivals? Absolutely, yes! Birthdays come once a year. In the Philippines, celebrations are highly regarded by Filipinos. Celebrations are blessings that need to be commemorated, the same with festivals which are mostly religious in nature.

Speaking Practice:

Directions: Provide a 2-minute response to the following questions. Record your answer on a blank tape.

1. Discuss an interesting place you have been to recently (What is it, where is it, whether you like or dislike the place) 2. Discuss an interesting person you have met (who he is, where he lives, what qualities make him interesting) 3. Discuss what you would like to do when you get older (what is it, how you will do it, why you will do it) 4. Discuss what you would like to learn in the future (what is it, how you can learn it, why you’d like to learn it) 5. Discuss a frightening experience you had when you were young (what is it, where it took place, what makes it frightening)

6. Discuss a person you like to spend time always (who he is, what you enjoy to do, why you like to be together always) 7. Discuss an exciting experience you had (what it is, where it happened, why it became exciting) 8. Discuss a favorite pet (what kind, where you got it from, why it is a favorite) 9. Discuss something you like to do when you have free time (what it is, how you do it, why you like to do it) 10. Discuss a place you would like to visit in the future (what is it, where it is, why you like to go there soon) 11. Discuss a person you would like to meet some day (who he is, where you’d like to meet, why you’d like to meet him) 12. Discuss a person who has influenced your life (who he is, what you like about him and why he was influential to you) 13. Discuss something you have never done but would like to do (what is it, how you can do it, why you’d like to do it) 14. Discuss something you have done but never want to do again (what was it, how you did it, why you don’t like to do it again) 15. Discuss an experience which made you laugh (what it is, where it took place, why it made you laugh) 16. Discuss an experience which made you cry (what it is, where it took place, why it made you cry) 17. Discuss what you would do if you had a million dollars (what it is, where will you spend it, why will you spend it there) 18. Discuss what you would do if you were President of your country (what you’ll do, why you’ll do it) 19. Discuss a gift you could give others (what it is, to whom you’ll give it and why you have chosen it) 20. Discuss a gift you would like someone to give you (what it is, what occasion , why you’ll like it given to you) 21. Discuss a special talent you have (what it is, where you got it, what makes it special)

Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review


IELTS Comprehensive Review and Coaching

Mar 16, '08 2:27 AM for everyone

I conduct IELTS General Training Comprehensive Review and Coaching for Skilled Workers for Australia, Canada and other countries requiring IELTS General Training certificate. I service Joblane International Manpower Services and 21st Century Manpower Resources Inc., two active agencies recruiting skilled workers to Australia. I also conduct IELTS Academic Review and Coaching for nurses and other allied health practitioners. I frequently conduct training for ISA- International Student Advisors 4 U Inc.- a recruiting firm for the United Kingdom. Success rate for all firms is maintained at above 70%. For the Academic training, 100% pass rate is maintained for ISA while 90% for Joblane on the average and 80% on the average for 21st Century. I am able to handle big class size but with impressive pass rate. For General Training, the average class size on a monthly basis is 30 participants while 20participants for the Academic training. Updated materials, powerful and intuitive techniques are provided to participants during the training leaving them incredibly confident in taking the test. For inquiries, please keep in touch with me at 09184905100 or 381-9941. Carlo Villalona Tags: ielts review 0 comments

Sep 30, '08 3:55 Answer Key to Module Exercises for IELTS General Training AM Listening and Reading for everyone General Training Reading Supplementary Material 1 Traveler’s Tip

Carlo 


Personal Message Report Abuse

   

Home Blog Photos Calendar

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

a a f d g b yes yes no no not given not given yes traveler’s insurance Bush fires itinerary your body tight bandage

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 2 London’s Market

c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

c e a f c b f a, d c, d d, e, f

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

community/ multicultural youth culture Village Market electrical goods antiques

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 Distance Learning

ix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

ix vii i viii iv a, d (in any order) a, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) (full-time) employment (in any order) family/ domestic responsibilities (in any order) e f a c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 4 Revision for Exams

iii 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

iii x iv vi xi viii i

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

every evening (your) weekend employment working too hard small index cards boredom (and) stress b b

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 5 Australia Fights Back

b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

b a c c a b b c f b c g b a c c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 6 Canals on Mars

a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

a c d a i h

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

b e yes not given not given no no yes


1 £203

22 B

2 17


3 no


4 under 26/ less than 26


5 locals/ local people


6 satisfied/ ok

27 Early Childhood

7 (British) students


8 (too) many/ big

29 not learned/ innate

9 careful

30 in person

A or E

C or D

the differences/ how they differ

10 the culture/ the food

31 higher

11 International Student Advisor

32 exam performance/ results

12 Learning/ study groups


13 Student IT Department

34 controlled

14 Housing Officer/

35 thought/ thinking

sleep/ sleeping/ sleeplessness

Accommodation Officer 15 International Department

36 organized

16 personal and/ or financial

37 vary/ change/ be different

17 b

38 marks/ weighting

18 d

39 relaxed

19 e

40 (effective)s tudy skills

20 c

41 -

21 a

42 -

Tags: ielts general 0 comments

Jul 25, '08 Joblane lands 89% pass rate for 12 July IELTS General Training 12:07 AM at the British Council Philippines for everyone It is interesting to note that since the start of the implementation of the IELTS General Training in July of last year, Joblane had 100% pass rate thrice and this month fairs at 89%.

Out of the 27 skilled workers who took the test 24 successfully made it to the 4.5 overall band score visa requirement. Three of them garnered 4.0 overall which is not bad. Looking closely at their individual scores, we can infer that their strengths are listening and writing at 93% while reading and speaking at 74% were their weaknesses.

It is really important that during the speaking test one has to listen attentively to the examiner so he would be able to respond appropriately to the question and secondly, he must be able to extend his answer to every question in a clear way.

One of the factors that could influence their score is attendance to the training which has to be 100% for a 3-week course or depending on the agreed time frame set by the IELTS trainer. Second factor is performance during the training. This includes completing all course work, assignments, quizzes, simulations and oral participation. Above all, positive thinking and self-confidence are great tools in achieving success in the real test. Tags: ielts gt 1 comment

IELTS General Training- Writing Tasks 1 and 2, Sample Topics and Answers

Mar 25, '08 3:47 AM for everyone

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 1

No. 1 You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my comments and suggestions about the College Cafeteria- the one and only student council owned cafeteria in the school. I am thinking that by writing to you your magazine will be able to reach the student populace and keep them informed

about this cafeteria.

Firstly, I am a frequent customer of this cafeteria. As a senior student, I am always busy. The cafeteria becomes my home from breakfast to dinner. I particularly like it because it is convenient. I do not need to go out of the campus to eat meals. Aside from that, the cost of meals is affordable. In addition, I like the variety of menu that it offers keeping us with a balanced diet. However, there is one thing that I find quiet unpleasant about the area. During exam week, the area gets clogged with students who would also prefer to dine. As a result, serving of food and payment for such take time. Personally, this becomes annoying especially that everyone wants to be served fast to catch with the examination. I am suggesting that the cafeteria would employ more attendants. They could also hire student to work for them.

I look forward to reading these comments and suggestions in the college magazine soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(214 words)

No. 2 You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my observations about the general shopping habit and trends in my hometown. I think this will be a good subject of an article that you could write about in the newspaper.

Firstly, I would like you to know that shopping in my hometown has become more and more popular lately as compared before. Although shopping for most people poses some threat to security, it is undeniably a hobby for some. On weekends, people crowd over bargains. Interestingly, there are more goods sold now than before such as antiques, imported electronic gadgets, house ornaments and fashionable clothes. However, there are two things that I think the government should do to improve the area. One is that there should be more security officers, uniformed and civilians who should take care of the safety of the patrons. Lately, there have been reports about crimes of various levels. Another is the transportation in the area. Due to the increasing number of people buying goods, there are no more lanes for transports to cruise the area. As a result, people have to walk for more than 45 minutes to reach the main road. The management of this shopping area should think of ways on how they could let the customers feel welcome and not just think of the revenues they will get out of this.

I look forward to reading these comments in the newspaper soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(238 words)

No. 3 You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire if you have an opening for a welding job in your reputable construction firm. I have gained substantial experience and I feel confident that I am fit to undertake the said position.

I am a senior welder in ABC Company for 14 years now and was promoted to supervisory position 2 years ago. My skills in welding are very diverse and these experiences were honed while I worked for a gigantic construction company in the Middle East particularly in Dubai for 10 years. Recently, there is a need for me to come home because of my ailing grandmother and due to the pleading of my wife that I should stick to our own family since my children are still young. I felt that your company can provide me with an opportunity where I can pursue a supervisory position in the same field while I address the needs of my grandmother and own family.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(168 words)

No. 4 You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to apply for a temporary job in the summer camp that you are organizing. I have read this advertisement from the newspaper and I found this interesting because I have the qualities that you are looking for.

Firstly, I have joined several camps before from team building to organizing games for Koreans, young and adults while teaching English to them. I believe from the advertisement that you have the same requirement for applying individuals. As I am a

person who loves the outdoors, children, games and English teaching, this is certainly a perfect summer job for me. Aside from that, my experience last year with group of children who went for camping in Laguna, and the team building in Tagaytay for foreign excursionist provided me with skills in leading groups, giving clear instructions and creating innovative games. Anyway, kindly you can reach me through my mobile number at 1234-5678.

I look forward to hearing from you the soonest. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(163 words)

No. 5

An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.

29 March 2008

Dear Jane,

I am writing to let you know that I am so much pleased to know that you are coming over for a visit. I would like you to know also of some good choices to stay and other things that you might need. By now, I could not help my self but be really happy that you will come.

Anyway, I live in Makati City and there are various accommodation arrangements. For hassle-free and convenient living, I am suggesting that you rent an apartment hotel. It looks like a typical studio apartment but with hotel services such as attendants cleaning your room, swimming pool, gym and cafeteria but with an apartment cost. This is particularly suited for you because it is at the heart of the city and going around is very easy. When you arrive here, I will tell you in details the things that you can do. I know very well that you love the outdoors so I have many options to suggest. Well, about clothes, our weather here is very different from yours in France. It is summer now and will last until June. So, just bring light clothes. You can also try buying clothes here. You can email me if you need more help.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Best regards, John

(218 words)

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 2

No. 1 In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?

There are many reasons why neighbors are not close to each other nowadays. For a busy community such as Manila and Makati City, talking to neighbors is often neglected. This is happening due to the structure of accommodation that is popular to city dwellers such as condominiums, hotels and apartments. These havens do not provide inhabitants with time to mingle with each other. Mostly, these are enclosed areas. As a result, people do not have the opportunity to meet and greet with their neighbors.

Another reason why this is happening is the fact that residents do not trust their neighbors nowadays. The media has been very vocal about the harsh realities of having inconsiderate neighbors. Some reports would say that rape of a teenage girl or robbery in the corner house has been committed by a fellow resident. These among others instill threat against security among neighbors making it hard for them to associate lately.

For particular ways on how this link among neighbors could be improved seem to be crucial but vital in modern times. On a personal level, modernization and its ill-effects must not hinder people from being pleasant and caring to each other. A prominent way on how to win over this phenomenon is to organize groups whose objectives are to bring harmony and to foster camaraderie in the community.

Another significant plan is to evoke the local council to spearhead activities such as sports, social gatherings, regular meetings and parties aimed at raising awareness of the importance of team spirit, trust and sense of community.

On the whole, whether it is the kind of accommodation where you are staying or the distrust that has been developed among neighbors nowadays that caused distant ties among them, it is very essential to know that hope is still within reach. Residents and community leaders must work hand in hand to save and protect the character that is unique to every Filipino.

(322 words)

Writing Assignments

Writing Task 1

Directions: Write a letter about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 20 minutes.


You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.


You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.


You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.


You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.


An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.


An English-speaking friend is coming to study in your town next year and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your

letter, offer to find a place for him/her to live, give advice about how to find a part-time job and give information on where they can learn your language. 7.

You are going on a short training course at a college in New Zealand. You need somewhere to live while you are there. You realized that a friend whom you met in your country. Write to your friend. In your letter, explain your situation, describe the accommodation you require and say when you will need it.


You are going to take a short holiday in Australia and you want to rent a holiday flat while you are there. Write to the tourist information office. In your letter, explain what you need, say when you need it and ask for information about the prices.


You were recently voted by your neighbors as the organization president of your town. Write a letter to your neighbors. In your letter, express thanks for the opportunity, describe the plans that you would like to do first and express your concerns.

10. You were invited to speak before a crowd to share your experiences in life. However, 2 days before the affair, a serious family problem happened. Write to the organizer of the affair. In your letter, apologize that you can not attend the affair, describe what happened and say how important the event but you can not make it.

Writing Task 2

Directions: Write an essay about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 40 minutes.


In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?


Life nowadays is generally much more stressful than in the past. Give some reasons why people suffer more from stress nowadays, and say what they can do to reduce it.


Computers and modems have made it possible for office workers to do much of their work from home instead of working in offices everyday. Working from home should be encouraged as it is good for workers and employers. Do you agree or disagree?


It is often difficult for young people to find a good job without previous work experience. Governments should encourage employers to choose young people when they need new workers. Do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays, many students have the opportunity to study for part or all of their courses in foreign countries. While studying abroad brings many benefits to individual students, it also has a number of disadvantages. Do you agree or

disagree? 6.

In some countries it is common for students leaving school to do a gap year in which they travel, do voluntary work, or do a job before going on to higher education. Although this may benefit students in a number of ways, it also has a number of disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Parents and teachers make many rules for children to encourage good behavior and to protect them from danger. However, children would benefit from fewer rules and greater freedom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Governments make rules to protect people from danger, for example by making people wear seat belts in cars or not allowing smoking in public buildings. However, many people believe there are too many rules nowadays. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In many countries, television shows many foreign-made programs. The dominance of imported entertainment is harmful to the cultures of these countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

10. In most countries, multinational companies and their products are becoming more and more important. This trend is seriously damaging our quality of life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answers Writing Task 1 NOTE: The following are sample answers to writing task 1. Study them carefully before doing the writing assignments above. Sample 1: You have just started a course in a college which has no sports facilities of its own. Write a letter to the manager of the nearest private sports club. In your letter, introduce yourself, say why you are interested in this sports club and ask some questions about the club (e.g., facilities, members, costs) Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. 3 February 2007

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire about the facilities of the YMCA sports club. I have heard much about the affordability and customer satisfaction from students like me who have been using your

equipment for various sports activities recently.

I am a freshman Education major in English student at the Jose Rizal College. Our campus is just a block away from your compound. Having said this, accessibility is never a problem and the best of all, I will be able to manage other school-related tasks while enjoying at your swimming facility. How much is the membership fee annually? Do I have to pay for entrance every time I go there? As I am a full-time student, are you open after 5pm and on weekends? I hope that you can provide me with these details through text at 0910-1234567 or call me in my home phone at 123-4567.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Santos

(160 words) Sample 2:

You have had a bank account for a few years. Recently you received a letter from the bank stating that your account is $240 overdrawn and that you will be charged $70 which will be taken directly from your account. You know that this information is incorrect. Write a letter to the bank. Explain what has happened and say what you would like them to do about it. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (196 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Mr. Aquino,

I am writing in reply to a letter I received from you a few days ago. In your letter, you state

that I am $240 overdrawn and that you will be charging me $70.

I would like to point out that the reason I am overdrawn is because of a mistake made by your bank. If you look through your records you will see that I wrote several weeks ago explaining the situation. For the last 12 months, I have been paying $300 a month for a car I bought last summer. The monthly payments were taken directly from my bank account. However, 2 months ago I sold the car and I wrote to you instructing you to stop paying the monthly installments. I received a letter from you acknowledging my request, but, for some reason, nothing was done about it. Another $300 installment has been paid this month and this is the reason why I am overdrawn. I would like you to contact the garage where I bought the car explaining your error. I would also like you to ask them to return the money.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Patt Santos

Sample 3:

You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems. Write a letter to your new employer. In your letter, explain the situation, describe some problems, and tell him/her when you think you can start. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (167 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Ms. Barnes,

I am writing concerning the position of Welder that I am due to begin next Monday. However, a problem has arisen.

As you know, I currently work for my uncle’s welding shop and fabricating business, and you will remember from my interview that I have gained valuable experience there. Unfortunately, he has to go into hospital for eye surgery, leaving my aunt in charge of both the home and the business. She has asked me, as this is a particularly busy time of the year, to stay on and help her with the running of the office. I realize this will be inconvenient to you, but very much hope that, given the circumstances, you would be prepared to allow me to take up the position with you two weeks later than planned. I would like to emphasize that I remain very keen to work with you, and that I will be gaining further useful experience during this time.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Ningning Sample 4: You are unhappy about a plan to make your local airport bigger and increase the number of flights. You live near the airport. Write a letter to the local newspaper. In your letter, explain where you live, describe the problem, and give reasons why you do not want this development. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (249 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to make an appeal to the airport authorities through your newspaper regarding the planned expansion of the local airport and the increase in the number of flights.

Leaving about 500 meters away from the airport, I and my family are currently experiencing inconveniences under this circumstance. The main issue is the noise that is so disturbing every time a plane takes off and lands. Imagine how it feels to have this happening almost

every minute of the day. Apart from this is the flow of traffic that we experience. Since we are close to the airport, there will be no point in time that we are free from the traffic in the main road that we pass through in going out of our village. Since we heard that there is a plan of expanding the airport, this would mean a great deal to us who live just across the airstrip. It would mean that we may be asked to leave our place in case it will be hit by the expansion. This would also mean that there may be an increase in the number of flights which will add to our already present dilemma regarding the noise concern. It would mean lesser times of a peaceful and quiet surroundings. I really hope that airport officials would try to reconsider their plans and think also about the welfare of the people who will be affected by their move.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Bernadette Camiling

Writing Task 2 Sample 1 To be successful in education it is important to be a good student than to have good teachers. Do you agree? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Success, nowadays, is and will always be a goal for most individuals regardless of the kind of endeavor one wishes to pursue. As a student, it will forever be a great challenge to finish his education. However, at school, success has to be a concerted effort of both the school represented by its teachers and the students themselves.

Firstly, with the very pressing economic situations of the country, parents are faced with an enormous responsibility of whether to send their children to school or have them do it on a

latter time. For this, money is the deciding factor. Given the opportunity to study, students must possess qualities that could make him successful in the future. Characters such diligence, perseverance and studious must go hand in hand for a student to achieve his goals in education.

On the other hand, teachers must do their relentless drive to seriously help their students fulfill their aims. Unfortunately, there are more students than mentors in every classroom in the country. As a result, students are unsuccessful with their aspirations. As this may seem a paramount problem encountered by school owners, teachers must device a way to serve the students and maximize their learning potentials.

As a whole, becoming a successful student, large emphasis has to be put on values shed on every day that he goes to school to learn. In addition, teachers must carefully consider all possible means to help address the needs of the students. After all, what becomes a future of a student is immensely affected by the experience he obtains from his teachers at school. (266 words)

Sample 2: Some people prefer to spend their holidays by going out of town. Others prefer to stay at home. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of going out of town? Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In the past, taking a holiday was viewed with less interest by many. Nowadays, most Filipino families love taking a holiday. In fact, the government is initiating a move to lengthen holidays by moving certain days of the week to offer Filipinos with many days to enjoy. As Filipinos are lavish spenders of holiday, going of town on holiday presents many great advantages.

Firstly, taking an out of town and simple trip provide every individual a rejuvenating experience. A very classic example is going for a trip to Baguio City, the summer capital of the Philippines. In that place, you can do numerous, relaxing activities such as going for a walk at Burnham park while enjoying its fresh and cool breeze of air. In addition, you can also do boating in the same park. Another less expensive way of activity is making a road trip to Tagaytay City. With this, you will be delighted with a countryside road experience which is very relaxing as well.

Secondly, knowing the culture, the food, the people and the whole area where you intend to go is another benefit offered by an out-of-town holiday. Interestingly, most people find this a welcoming and educational opportunity. It has always been said that traveling can enrich one’s mind and spirit.

As a whole, while this set up gives disadvantages like the hassles of pre-planning stage and the inconveniences of travel, the benefits serve a great purpose, to rejuvenate and to impart knowledge of the area where you plan to go. In this way, you just did not relax your body but enrich your mind as well.

(269 words)

Sample 2: Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles. Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time. Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes. It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to

stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. (258 words) Sample 3: The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in

poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. (266 words)

Sample 4: We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide. In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be so complex that no individual could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Providing all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. If one small program fails, it will become a disaster. There is a certain inevitability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world. (292 words)

Sample 5: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt. Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their child to participate on different teams. But what if the child prefers to read? Parents want to pass on their values to their children. However, things change. The children of today are growing up in a world different from their parents' world. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her parents don't understand or value the digital revolution. Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers. Fortunately, we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are valuable.

(296 words)

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Mar 16, '08 9:42 Upcoming Event- IELTS General Training Intensive Review PM and Coaching for everyone

IELTS General Training Intensive Review and Coaching- March 24-28, 2008 will be held in one of the hotels in Manila. The training starts at 7am and ends at 4pm. Powerful techniques and intuitive coaching will be instructed to skilled workers applying for work in Australia. Walk-in applicants are accepted. Please contact 0918-490-5100 for further information. Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Academic Writing Task 2- Sample Tasks and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:30 PM for everyone

Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles.

Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time.

It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the

gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. We have been living in the nuclear age now for over half a century. Since the first atomic bombs were developed, nuclear technology has provided governments with the ability to totally destroy the planet. Yet the technology has been put to positive use as an energy source and in certain areas of medicine. To what extent is nuclear technology a danger to life on Earth? What are the benefits and risks associated with its use?

These days, many people are afraid of nuclear technology because of the dangers associated with its use. In my opinion, although it is true that nuclear weapons pose the greatest threat to life, the use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes also carries some serious risks. Nuclear power stations provide an important source of cheap power for many industrialized nations and some developing countries. However, there is always the danger of radiation leaking from these plants. Even though safety precautions are taken, there have been numerous disasters such as the explosion of a nuclear plant in Russia not long ago. Nuclear technology is even used to help cure some diseases such as cancer. Radiation can be applied to the body to burn away cancerous cells. This is, however, a dangerous procedure, and the application of radiation is almost always painful and not always successful. The most worrying aspect of nuclear technology, though, is its use for military purposes. Enough atomic bombs have already been built to completely destroy the planet, and the real danger is that one day some country will start a war with these weapons. Too many countries now have the technology required to make such bombs, and there is currently much debate about how to control the situation. In conclusion, nuclear technology certainly has positive uses, but is, nonetheless, dangerous. However, it would have been better if it had never been used to create nuclear weapons.

People in all modern societies use drugs, but today's youth are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an increasingly early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of society often set a bad example. Discuss the causes and some effects of widespread drug use by young people in modern day society. Make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug abuse.

Youth drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many cultures. Not only is illegal drug use on the rise, but children as young as 10 years old are experimenting with alcohol and tobacco. The reasons for this behavior are unclear, but certain sociologists blame the examples set by their elders. Parents who drink and smoke to excess are, in effect, telling their children that it is acceptable to abuse their bodies with drugs. Consequently, children may have a similar view towards illegal drugs, even if their parents are against their use. In addition, drug use shown on television and in films can only confuse children who are also taught at school that drug abuse is wrong. The pressure on young people to perform well at school in order to compete for jobs is a possible cause of the problem. Many believe they cannot live up to their parents' expectations, and feel a sense of hopelessness. Also, the widespread availability of drugs means teenagers are faced with the temptation to experiment. Drugs are used as a means of expressing dissatisfaction with the pressures they face in society. The effects of drug abuse are well known. Many young people's talents are wasted, and addiction to hard drugs can cost a user his or her life. Furthermore, those who drink and drive may be involved in fatal road accidents. The cost to society is great, and enormous amounts of money are spent on convicting drug dealers and on education programs. To conclude, I recommend that the only sensible way to solve this problem is to educate young people about the dangers of drug use, and to take steps to reduce the pressure of competition placed upon them. The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true

in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. Studying the English language in an English-speaking country is the best but not the only way to learn language. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Studying a language in a country where it is widely spoken has many advantages. It is, therefore, a good idea to study English in a country such as Britain. However, I believe it is not the only way to learn the language. In the first place, most students in non-English-speaking countries learn English at secondary school, and sometimes at university nowadays. Although their spoken English is not usually of a very high standard, their knowledge of grammar is often quite advanced. This is certainly useful when students come to an English-speaking country to perfect the language. Secondly, studying the basics of English at secondary school is less stressful than learning the language while overseas. This is because students living at home do not have to worry

about problems such as finding accommodation, paying for their study and living costs, and trying to survive in a foreign country where day to day living causes much stress. However, there are obvious advantages of learning English in Britain. Every day there are opportunities to practice listening to and speaking with British people. Also, students can experience the culture firsthand, which is a great help when trying to understand the language. This is especially true if they choose to live with a British family, as exchange students for example. Furthermore, if students attend a language school full-time, the teachers will be native speakers. In this case, not only will students' speaking and listening skills improve, but attention can be given to developing reading and writing skills as well. In general, even though it is preferable to study English in an English-speaking country, a reasonable level of English can be achieved in one's own country, if a student is gifted and dedicated to study. Although abuse of the system is inevitable, social welfare payments are essential to protect the rights citizens have to a guaranteed minimum income in a democratic society. Discuss.

Social welfare is an essential element of an advanced society. Good systems are always abused, but that does not mean they are faulty. In my opinion, the two main reasons why welfare payments are necessary are as follows: First of all, critics forget that there are many forms of welfare besides payments to the unemployed. Their negative opinions harm those who are not capable of earning a wage, such as single-parent mothers, the disabled, and the sick. Moreover, the unemployed have the right to an income, too. They are not always at fault for not having a job, and in most cases the tax they have paid in the past entitles them to assistance. The second reason is that crime increases when people have no means of support. The desperately poor inevitably turn to crime, which is not only dangerous but costly. Policing the streets is more expensive than providing welfare. A policeman's wage is four or five times higher than a "dole" payment. Certain members of society believe that people should look after themselves. They point out that welfare increases dependency on others and destroy dignity. This may be true, but in the case of the unemployed, the relief payments are usually temporary. It is surely the fault of the government if there are long-term unemployed. Welfare critics also believe that it is the responsibility of a victim's family to provide financial assistance. However, it is too expensive to provide complete help for a severely disabled person. To conclude, it is vital to understand the need for welfare in a modern democratic society.

Without welfare payments the poor are destined to become poorer. The first duty of a government is to provide a financial safety net for all disadvantaged persons, and that includes those without work. Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others. Students who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately. Do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that some students in schools behave badly and their behavior causes difficulty for others either because it has a negative effect on the group or because ordinary students find it difficult to study with them. One solution is to take these students away and teach them on their own. However, if we simply have them removed after one or two warnings, we are limiting their educational opportunities because it seems to me that a school which caters for difficult students is a sort of "prison" whatever name you give it and the people who go there may never recover from the experience. This can then cause problems for the wider society. Perhaps we need to look at why the disruptive students behave badly before we separate them. Disruptive students may be very intelligent and find the classes boring because the work is too easy. Perhaps these students need extra lessons rather than separate lessons. Or perhaps the teachers are uninspiring and this results in behavioral problems so we need better teachers. On the other hand, most students put up with this situation rather than cause trouble, and some people argue that we have to learn to suffer bad teachers and boring situations and that students who can't learn this lesson need to be taught separately. So before we condemn the students to a special school, we should look at factors such as the teaching, because once the children have been separated, it is very unlikely that they will be brought back. Should parents be obliged to immunize their children against childhood diseases? Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunize their children?

Some people argue that the state does not have the right to make parents immunize their children. However, I feel the question is not whether they should immunize but whether, as members of society, they have the right not to. Preventative medicine has proved to be the most effective way of reducing the incidence of fatal childhood diseases. As a result of the widespread practice of immunizing young

children in our society, many lives have been saved and the diseases have been reduced to almost zero. In previous centuries children died from ordinary illnesses such as influenza and tuberculosis and because few people had immunity, the diseases spread easily. Diseases such as dysentery were the result of poor hygiene but these have long been eradicated since the arrival of good sanitation and clean water. Nobody would suggest that we should reverse this good practice now because dysentery has been wiped out. Serious diseases such as polio and smallpox have also been eradicated through national immunization programs. In consequence, children not immunized are far less at risk in this disease-free society than they would otherwise be. Parents choosing not to immunize are relying on the fact that the diseases have already been eradicated. If the number of parents choosing not to immunize increased, there would be a similar increase in the risk of the diseases returning. Immunization is not an issue like seatbelts which affects only the individual. A decision not to immunize will have widespread repercussions for the whole of society and for this reason, I do not believe that individuals have the right to stand aside. In my opinion immunization should be obligatory. We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we he more suspicious of their benefits?

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide. In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be so complex that no individual could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Providing all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. If one small program fails, it will become a disaster.

There is a certain inevitability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world.

Smokers can cause themselves serious health problems. The choice to smoke is made freely and with knowledge of dangers. Smokers should therefore expect to pay more for medical treatment than non-smokers. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Everyone has the choice of being a smoker or not. The people who choose to smoke do so knowing there is a risk of causing harmful damage to them. However, I do not entirely agree that these people should have to pay more to receive all the medical treatment they need. I think there are many situations in which a medical problem has nothing to do with whether a person smokes or not. In these cases, where an illness has no relation to smoking, then I believe that smokers should not be required to pay more than other people for their medical treatment. Most car accidents, for example, have no connection with smoking, and the people who are injured ought to have the same medical help, regardless of the cost. And what about the common flu - it does not seem justifiable to me that a smoker should have to pay more to see a doctor for an illness we can all contact. On the other hand, I agree that a smoker should pay more than a non-smoker for the necessary treatment of any condition which has been caused by smoking. The principle that people should take responsibility for their own actions is a good one. Consequently, if a person chooses to smoke knowing that this habit can cause serious health problems, then there is no reason why the community or an insurance company should have to pay for medical treatment for an illness which could have been avoided. In many countries, cigarette packets have a clear warning that smoking can cause health problems and so no smoker can claim not to know the danger. Lung cancer is sometimes a fatal disease and the treatment is both lengthy and expensive, and it is unfair for the smoker to expect the hospital or the community to carry the cost. In fact, it could also be argued that those who smoke in public should be asked to pay extra because of the illness caused to passive smokers. In conclusion, I feel that smokers should pay more in cases related to smoking, but for any other illness they should pay the same as anyone else.

International entertainers, including sports personalities, often get paid millions of dollars in one year. In your view, with widespread poverty in the world, are these huge earnings justified? The salaries of many singers, dancers and sports people have increased out of all proportion in recent years, while in places like Sudan people are starving to death. I do not believe that anyone should be able to earn such enormous salaries when so many people in the world are living in poverty. One of the factors which should affect what a person can earn ought to be the benefit of person's work to society. It is unreasonable for a famous singer to be able to earn far more from an evening's entertainment than, for instance, a medical scientist who develops a new drug which produces a treatment for a common disease. The pop star certainly has a value in society, but the value in no way exceeds, or even matches, the value gained from a successful medication. Secondly, work done should be paid according to the amount of effort and skill that goes into it. Nobody would deny that a famous person works hard and is skillful; yet such people do not work any harder than thousand of other workers who have no claim to fame. Yet market force is such that these superstars can obtain millions of dolor while other unknown people sometimes earn less than they need to survive. Finally, it should be possible for governments to work together to ensure that the amount of money in circulation should be more equally and fairly distributed. This seems only fair given that there are so many suffering. To conclude, it is clear that world poverty is a serious problem and yet the problem could be eased if governments and companies gave more thought to paying salaries on a more equitable basis and if they started to contribute more money to those in need. Most writers of fiction do not earn enough money to live from their writing. Do you think the government should give them financial assistance to help encourage good literature? There are some conditions under which a novelist could reasonably expect some government support. In general terms, if the writer has already proved that he or she can write well, and if the stories produced are stimulating and interesting, then I consider that some financial help might be given. Language quality is difficult to define, but if the writing shows, for example, good grammar, a wide vocabulary, and elegance and imagination, then I can see a valid reason for assisting an author to spend some time free from money problems. Such a writing needs to be encouraged. the entertainment value of a book would be also a factor in deciding whether to provide assistance to an author. Further consideration would include social and educational values expressed in the author's work.

However, if the ideas were socially irresponsible, or if the stories contain unnecessary violence or pornography for its own sake, then I would not want to see the author sponsored to write stories which do not benefit society. Other exceptions are the many writers of good books who do not require financial help. Books which proved to be extremely popular, such as the Harry Potter stories, clearly need no subsidy at all because the authors have become rich through their writing. Views on what good quality writing means will vary widely, and so if any author is to be given money for writing, then the decision would have to be made by a committee or panel of judge. An individual opinion would certainly cause disagreement among the reading public.

"Prevention is better than cure." Out of a country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Of course it goes without saying that prevention is better than cure. That is why, in recent years, there has been a growing body of opinion in favour of putting more resources into health education and preventive measures. The argument is that ignorance of, for example, basic hygiene or the dangers of an unhealthy diet or lifestyle needs to be combatted by special nationwide publicity campaigns, as well as longer-term health education. Obviously, there is a strong human argument for catching any medical condition as early as possible. There is also an economic argument for doing so. Statistics demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of treating a condition in the early stages, rather than delaying until more expensive and prolonged treatment is necessary. Then there are social or economic costs, perhaps in terms of loss of earnings for the family concerned or unemployed benefit paid by the state. So far so good, but the difficulties start when we try to define what the 'proportion' of the budget should be, particularly if the funds will be 'diverted from treatment'. Decisions on exactly how much of the total health budget should be spent in this way are not a matter for the non-specialist, but should be made on the basis of an accepted health service model. This is the point at which real problems occur - the formulation of the model. How do we accurately measure which health education campaigns are effective in both medical and financial terms? How do we agree about the medical efficacy of various screening programmes, for example, when the medical establishment itself does not agree? A very rigorous process of evaluation is called for, so that we can make informed decisions. The position of women in society has changed markedly in the last twenty years. Many of the problems young people now experience, such as juvenile delinquency, arise from the fact that many married women now work and are not at home to care for their children. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is certainly true that the position of women in society has undergone a dramatic change in the past twenty years but I do not feel that this is a direct cause of the indisputable increase in juvenile-related problems during this period. It is now accepted that young women should find work on leaving school; indeed to rely totally on their parents' financial support is no longer an option in many families. Likewise, once they get married, the majority of women continue working since the financial pressures of setting up a house and establishing a reasonable standard of living often require two incomes. Twenty years ago it was common for women to give up work once they had children and devote their time to caring for their children. This is no longer the general rule and the provision of professionally-run child care facilities and day nurseries have removed much of the responsibility for child rearing that used to fall to mothers. However, these facilities come at a cost and often require two salaries coming into a family to be afforded. I do not believe that the increase in the number of working mothers has resulted in children being brought up less well than previously. Indeed it could be argued that by giving mothers the opportunity to work and earn extra money children can be better provided for than previously. There is more money for luxuries and holidays and a more secure family life is possible. Of course there are limits as to the amount of time that ideally should be spent away from home and the ideal scenario would be for one of the parents (often the wife) to have a part-time job and thus be available for their children before and after school. It is important to establish the correct balance between family life and working life. People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? People attend college for a lot of different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge of themselves and of the world around them. Career preparation is probably the primary reason that people attend college. These days, the job market is very competitive. Careers such as information technology will need many new workers in the near future. At college, students can learn new skills for these careers and increase their opportunities for the future. Students also go to college to have new experiences. For many, it is their first time away from home. At college, they can meet new people from many different places. They can see what life is like in a different city. They can learn to live on their own and take care of themselves without having their family always nearby. At college, students have the opportunity to increase their knowledge. As they decide what they want to study, pursue their studies, and interact with their

classmates, they learn a lot about themselves. They also, of course, have the opportunity to learn about many subjects in their classes. In addition to the skills and knowledge related to their career, college students also have the chance to take classes in other areas. For many, this will be their last chance to study different subjects. Colleges offer much more than career preparation. They offer the opportunity to have new experiences and to learn many kinds of things. I think all of these are reasons why people attend college. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt. Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their child to participate on different teams. But what if the child prefers to read? Parents want to pass on their values to their children. However, things change. The children of today are growing up in a world different from their parents' world. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her parents don't understand or value the digital revolution. Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers. Fortunately, we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are valuable. Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Food is a basic part of life, so it follows that improved methods of food preparation have made our lives better. Nowadays we can prepare meals much faster than we

could in the past. We can also enjoy a greater variety of food and eat more healthfully, all because of modern methods of food preparation. Microwave ovens have made it possible to prepare delicious food quickly. People these days rarely have time to shop and prepare meals the old-fashioned way. We live very fast lives. We are busy working, caring for our families traveling, playing sports, and many other things. Because of microwave ovens, we have time to enjoy a good meal with our family and then play soccer, go to a movie, study, or do anything else we want to afterwards. Modern methods of preserving food have made it possible to enjoy a wide variety of food. Because of refrigerators, freezers, canning, and freeze-drying, we can eat fruits and vegetables that come from far away places. We can prepare a meal one day and save the leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer to eat at another time. We can keep different kinds of food in the refrigerator or on the shelf. It is easy to always have food available and to be able to eat completely different meals every day. Healthful eating is easier now than it ever was. Because of modern transportation methods, fresh fruits and vegetables are available all year round. Modern kitchen appliances make it easy to prepare fruits and vegetables fro cooking. Bread machines make it possible to enjoy healthful, home-baked bread whenever we like. We can eat fresh and healthful food everyday because modern methods have made preparation easy. Our lifestyle is fast, but people still like good food. New food preparation methods have given us is more choices. Today we can prepare food that is more convenient healthier, and of greater variety than ever before in history. It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why? "Experience is the best teacher" is an old cliché, but I agree with it. We can learn a lot of important things from books, but the most important lessons in life come from our own experiences. Throughout the different stages of life, from primary school to university to adulthood, experience teaches us many skills we need for life. As children in primary school, we learn facts and information from books, but that is not all we learn in school. On the playground we learn how to make friends. In our class work, we learn how it feels to succeed and what we do when we fail. We start to learn about the things we like to do and the things we don't. We don't learn these things from books, but from our experiences with our friends and classmates. In our university classes, we learn a lot of information and skills we will need for our future careers, but we also learn a lot that is not in our textbooks. In our daily lives both in class and out of class, we learn to make decisions for ourselves. We learn to

take on responsibilities. We learn to get along with our classmates, our roommates, and our workmates. Our successes and failures help us develop skills we will need in our adult lives. They are skills that no book can teach us. Throughout our adulthood, experience remains a constant teacher. We may continue to read or take classes for professional development. However, our experiences at work, at home, and with our friends teach us more. The triumphs and disasters of our lives teach us how to improve our careers and also how to improve our relationships and how to be the person each one of us wants to be. Books teach us a lot, but there is a limit to what they teach. They can give us information or show us another person's experiences. These are valuable things, but the lessons we learn from our own experiences, from childhood through adulthood, are the most important ones we learn.

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IELTS Academic Writing Task 1- Sample Tasks and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:28 PM for everyone

WRITING TASK 1: SAMPLE 1 The diagram below shows the typical stages of consumer goods manufacturing, including the process by which information is fed back to earlier stages to enable adjustment. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the process shown. 

You should write at least 150 words.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Most consumer goods go through a series of stages before they emerge as finished products ready for sale. Raw materials and manufactured components comprise the initial physical input in the manufacturing process. Once obtained, these are stored for later assembly. But assembly first depends upon the production planning stage, where it is decided how and in what quantities the stored materials will be processed to create sufficient quantities of finished goods. The production planning stage itself follows the requirements of the goods' design stage that proceeds from extensive research. After assembly, the products are inspected and tested to maintain quality control l Those units that pass the inspection and testing stages are then packaged, despatched and offered for sale in retail outlets. The level of sales, which is the end point of the manufacturing process, helps determine production planning. A product's design is not only the result of product research, but is also influenced by testing and market research. If the testing stage (after assembly and inspection) reveals unacceptable problems in the finished product, then adjustments will have to be made to the product's design. Similarly, market research, which examines the extent and nature of the demand for products, has the role of guiding product design to suit consumer demands which may change with time. Market research, while influenced by product sales, also serves to foster future sales by devising suitable advertising for the goods.

Thus the reality of consumer goods manufacturing goes well beyond a simple linear production process.


The table below shows social and economic indicators for four countries in 1994, according to United Nations statistics. Describe the information shown below in your own words. What implications do the indicators have for the countries? 

You should write at least 150 words.

Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.

Indicators Annual income per person (in $US) Life expectancy at birth Daily calorie supply per person Adult literacy rate (%)





















A glance at four indicators of economic and social conditions in four countries, Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire, in 1994 reflects the great differences that exist between wealthier and poorer nations. The table shows that Japan and Canada had annual incomes of $15 760 and $11 100 per person, respectively. These figures were overwhelmingly greater than the corresponding figures of $160 in Peru and $130 in Zaire. Health indicators, too, reflected overall levels of affluence in the four nations. Life expectancy at birth, for example, was higher among the more economically developed countries. Japan reported the highest life expectancy, 78. This was followed by Canada, 76; Peru, 51; and Zaire, 47; This suggests that richer societies are able to put more money into health care than poorer ones. The amount of calories consumed daily per person roughly followed the same ranking. Canadians each consumed some 3 326 calories per day while the Japanese took 2846 calories. The corresponding figures for Peru and Zaire were 1927 and 1749, respectively. Literacy rates among adults, too, were higher in wealthier countries, no doubt a reflection of ability to invest in education. Canada and Japan both reported

literacy rates of 99%, while Peru claimed 68%. Zaire, the least economically developed of the four countries, had a literacy rate of 34%. The data appear to confirm the often cited link between national wealth and health and education standards.


The chart below shows the sleep patterns of people in five different occupations according to a Canadian study. Write a report for a university lecturer, describing the information below. Give possible reasons for the differences. 

You should write at least 150 words.

Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.


Occupation 6-7 pm 7-8 pm 8-9 pm 9-10 pm 10-11 pm 11-12 pm 12-1 am 1-2 am


awake: Truck Driver

Full-time mother

Business Doctor Executive

2-3 am 3-4 am 4-5 am 5-6 am 6-7 am 7-8 am 8-9 am 9-10 am 10-11 am 11-12 am 12-1 pm 1-2 pm 2-3 pm 3-4 pm 4-5 pm 5-6 pm

Differences in sleep patterns appear to reflect differences in individuals' occupations. A Canadian study has pointed out, for example, that students typically sleep for a consecutive 8-hour period each night, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. This may be because the central activity in their lives, study, takes place in normal daylight hours. Similarly, business executives sleep consecutive hours, but perhaps because their jobs are especially busy and stressful they sleep for 6 hours on average, getting up around 5 a.m..

By contrast, truck drivers, probably because of their need to keep their trucks on the road over long periods, tend to sleep in two 3-hour blocks: one between 7 and 10 a.m. and another from 4 to 7 p.m. Another occupation associated with broken sleep schedules is that of doctors. They tend to retire to bed around 1 a.m. and start their day at 7 a.m.., but may be woken up to deal with emergencies in the middle of the night. Finally, full-time mothers, especially those with young children, tend to sleep when their babies do. Typically, they will sleep from 10 p.m. and be awoken at 1 a.m. to comfort their babies for a couple of hours. They then go back to bed to wake at 6 a.m., but nap for two hours or so in the early afternoon. Thus the influence on one's sleep pattern is worthy of consideration when choosing an occupation. Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Speaking Sample Questions and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:26 PM for everyone

SPEAKING MODULE PART 1 Sample Questions and Answers

TOPIC: Free time 1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Before, I used to play basketball, but now I’m into gardening and going out for a walk. 2. How much time do you have each week for doing these things? I make it a point that I do these on weekends. I think that this is really important. 3. Why do you like doing these activities? Well, these activities make us feel young and healthy. Also, there are good ways on how to avoid illnesses and stress. 4. How did you start doing this activity at first? My friends influenced me to do these things. Eventually, I found these very helpful. 5. Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why? Yes! I’d like to try mountain climbing because this would be relatively new to me and it’s exciting to climb mountains and feel the wonders of nature. 6. How has the way people spend their free time changed over the years? Lately, people find it a must to find an activity to do in their free time despite hectic work schedule. They see it as a need although some view the activities for free time

such as badminton as an expensive outlet. TOPIC: Your town 1. Can you describe your town or village to me? My hometown is such a simple place. It’s a community with about 10, 000 people who are mostly into farming but others go to offices. Houses are well-spaced unlike in cities that are crowded. There are small stores and a market and other commercial establishments like hospitals, schools and retail shops. There’s also a small sports complex and a quiet park. 2. What jobs do people in your town do? Some are farmers and the others are working in offices. In addition, there are also some who own business such as stores and other poultry business. 3. What things are there to do in your town in your free time? Well, there are quite a number of you know simple activities that could be done in my hometown. There’s badminton, typical Filipino games, and card games. Most often, people there love to gossip or chat about anything for long hours. 4. What do you like about your town? I think it has to be the peacefulness of the town as there are only a few people there. Also, I would say that there is no traffic in the town. 5. How has your town changed over the last twenty years? It changed significantly. For instance, the market has been improved by constructing a building to enclose the area. There’s also a swimming pool now in the sports complex and the road are well-paved and there are enough public transport in the area. TOPIC: Transport—provide your own answers here 1. 2. 3. 4.

How did you come here today? What is public transport like in your town? How do you think it could be improved? Do you think people should use public transport more? Why (not)?

TOPIC: Your neighborhood- provide your own answers here 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Can you describe to me the house where you live? What is there to do in the area where you live? What do you like about the area where you live? How do you think it could be improved? Do you think it is better to live in the centre of town or outside in the country? Why?

TOPIC: Holidays 1. What do you do when you have a holiday? Typically, I make it sure that I have ample time to spend with my family to make up with the lost time. I also engage in physical activities like brisk walking or jogging. 2. Where do you like to spend your holidays? Why? I prefer to spend them either on

the beach, taking a road trip to cool places such as Baguio and Tagaytay. In addition, I prefer going for a picnic in a mountain or cave areas. 3. Can you describe a typical day in your holiday? Well, normally I go to a beach together with my family. We enjoy cooking and of course, swimming. We also don’t forget to take pictures with beautiful sceneries. 4. Why are holidays important to you? Holidays are very important to me because it’s a good time to spend with my family as I always get busy on regular days. Holidays also provide an opportunity for me to relax. 5. If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? I think I’d choose Australia. Since I have plans of working there I might as well try to explore the country first before I decide to work and stay there permanently. TOPIC: Shopping 1. How much time do you spend shopping every week? I think about 5 hours. I and my wife shop every Sunday as this is the only day that we have for ourselves. 2. Do you enjoy going shopping? Why (not)? Provided that I have money, sure I’d love to shop 3. What is your favorite shop and why do you like it? A lot actually! But I prefer SM department store because they have various outfit for men and very trendy underwear. 4. What problems are there with shopping in your area? Oftentimes, having to wait long on lines when paying, impolite attendants and having too many choices are some problems that I encounter. For car owners, getting a parking space could also be a problem.

TOPIC: Places to go in your free time 1. What do people do in your town in their free time? Well, most of them just stay at home, watch TV or read magazines while the others would play a sport such as badminton or basketball. 2. Where can they go out for entertainment, or to enjoy themselves? Most of them go to shopping malls. Filipinos love going to the malls. Well, there are parks where they can spend time talking with someone. 3. Which do you prefer: eating in restaurants or eating at home? I prefer to eat at home because it’s safe, cheaper and you can cook the food that you’d like to eat. In restaurants, it’s a little expensive and sometimes the taste of the food isn’t what you’re looking for. 4. Which are the best places to eat out? In my hometown, there are small restaurants. Well, there are fast foods which are really popular and also restaurants catering Japanese, Chinese and other international menu.

TOPIC: Reading 1. Do you enjoy reading? Why? Yes sometimes because I know that reading is an important skill. You can learn many things from reading. 2. What sort of things do you read? I don’t read books that much. I prefer newspapers and magazines. 3. Tell me something about your favorite book. I’d rather tell you about my favorite newspaper. It’s called the Manila Bulletin. It’s a daily broadsheet but I prefer to read the Sunday issue of this paper. Basically, it contains up to date and comprehensive news coverage of issues affecting the people and issues concerning the country. However, I read most of the time the classified ads section as I normally search for hot jobs in and out of the country. 4. What are the advantages of reading instead of watching television or going to the cinema? First of all, reading is not expensive as compared with going to the cinema. Reading provides detailed information about a subject or topic whereas watching television gives you abbreviated information about a subject or topic. Topic: You 1. Do you work or study? Definitely, your response to this question would be I am working, I’ve worked before in…, or I worked as a welder before in…

Work 1. Can you describe your job to me?- Well, m y job is welding. 2. How long have you been doing it?- I worked in Saudi for 7 years and in the country, about 5 years. 3. Why did you choose to do that job?- I think this job is something that I really love to do. I want to believe that I was born with this skill and have perfected it through years of experience. 4. What things do you enjoy about your work? Why?-For the most part, I think the various projects that are delegated to us. Periodically, we change projects but of course, the same kind of job. 5. And what things don’t you like? Why not?-To be honest, it’s the salary. We don’t get paid as much as our quality of work is measured. 6. What are your plans for the future?- Well, right now I have pending application as a welder in Australia. If everything goes well, then I will work there and hopefully, provide my family with good life. TOPIC: Sports and games 1. What sports are most popular in your country?- Lately, I guess Filipinos became interested with boxing, swimming and most of all, badminton. 2. What sports and games did you most enjoy playing when you were a child?- As far as I can remember, I think it’s Yo-yo. I think this is a game that most children would play.

3. Do people take as much exercise as in the past?- I think yes! I just don’t know exactly. Lately, the need to exercise increased, but, people find it hard to do because of time constraint, work, and other factors. 4. Why is exercise good for you?- With the increasing demands at work, family and personal life, exercise has become a very essential tool in fighting boredom, stress and depression. So, I think it is good for me as well. SPEAKING MODULE PART 2 Sample Questions Directions: For 1 minute, prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make sure that you don’t write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record your answer in a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a response that is 2-minute long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for use with your responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 2 answers below.

1. Describe a place you visited recently 2. Describe a friend 3. Describe a child you know 4. Describe an object you like 5. Describe a photograph 6. Describe a historical figure 7. Describe an important event in your culture 8. Describe your favorite newspaper 9. Describe your last holiday 10. Describe the clothes that you like 11. Describe the person whom you’d like to spend time always 12. Describe a person that you like to be with when you grow old 13. Describe a game that you play when you were a child 14. Talk about the difference of growing up in the city and in the countryside 15. Describe a household equipment that you prefer *Look at the NOTE section below. Use the opening phrases to start with your responses for the topics above.

Model Answers

NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including: I’d like to talk about a TV program called… I’m going to talk about a TV program called… A TV program that I found really interesting was…

Sample 1: Talk about a happy event in your childhood that you remember well. You should say: -where the event took place -when the event took place -what happened exactly And explain why you remember this event clearly.

Did you ever do this again? Yes, I went to the same place when I graduated from college. The place was totally different. What did your parents think about it? My parents found this very helpful to me. That’s why they allowed me to join. A happy event that I can still remember about my childhood was our educational trip to Manila Zoo when I was in elementary. I believe it took place in 1986 as part of our science subject requirement. Anyway, I studied in Cavite and Manila Zoo was I guess a 2 hour drive from our school. As a child, going for a trip is always a pleasure especially riding a bus and taking a long road trip. Well, I was with my classmates—40 plus all in all. As it was a field trip and a common practice, we had to bring with us food and drinks- a typical picnic of some sort. Then, we went in the zoo and had a tour guide who explained every details about the various animals. Of course, I didn’t understand everything what the guide told us. But anyway, the trip was very memorable because it was my first time to have a close encounter with the animals of various sizes, shapes and behavior. It is apparently very clear to me up to now because as I said it was my first time to meet and greet with the animals, and it was a form of socialization where we students talk about things outside the class room. That’s it!

Describe a TV program that you have seen and that interested you.

You should say: -When and where you saw the program -What the program was about -What you felt about the program And explain why you found the program particularly interesting. I am going to talk about a TV program called Bubble Gang. If I am not mistaken, this is the longest comedy TV show on Philippine television. The program is shown every Fridays on GMA 7. Although the program is shown late at night, it particularly makes viewers roll over with laughter. The program emphasizes on pop culture parody. Skits and sketches are performed on a variety of style that captivates the audiences’ hearts. In addition, it spoofs shows and commercials, and it takes on other celebrities and other political figures. The show also features top-notch actors and actresses armed with unparalleled talents. Personally, I find this show an excellent comic relief from a hard days work. Despite its comic attributes, it also provides awareness to viewers about issues confronting personalities of national prominence as well as typical situations in the Philippine community. These things make the program interesting to me. I think this is all that I can say about the show.

Describe a town or city you would like to visit. You should say: -where it is -how it is similar to your hometown -how it is different from your hometown And explain why you would like to visit it. A city that I found really interesting and which I would like to go to in the future would be Perth, Australia. This city comes to mind first because this is where I will work as a welder. Most probably, this will also be the destination of the majority of the skilled workers applying for Australia. It is located in Western Australia and is the fastest growing city in the country. Being the fourth largest city, it holds major commercial establishments which are really ideal for skilled workers like me. Well, I come from Pampanga, also a growing town. This is the only similarity that I could cite. Perth is very different from Pampanga, of course. Firstly, Perth has huge population which favors their labor force. As I have read, there is always job for everyone in Australia. Secondly, it has well-established highways for an economy to prosper. In Pampanga, roads are still being improved. Thirdly, there is good provision for the benefits of the residents unlike in my hometown where even health care is not sufficient.

I would like to visit this place to enjoy these benefits and, most of all to work and earn for my family here. That’s all! SPEAKING MODULE PART 3 Sample Questions Directions: Prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make sure that you don’t write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record your answer in a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a response that is 3-5 sentences long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for use with your responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 3 answers below.

Topic A: How does tourism affect a country? Does it have some advantages? Can cultures learn from each other?

Topic B: Is friendship important in your culture? How many close friends can you have? Are friends more important than family?

Topic C: What is the role of parents in raising children? Has the role changed in recent years? Who is responsible for discipline?

Topic D: Do possessions make people happy? Why do people buy things? Are people in your country wise consumers?

Topic E: Are images important in your culture? What is the role of advertising? Do films and television influence our decisions?

Topic F: Who are the most influential people in your society? Are there many heroes or role models today? What are the qualities of a good leader?

Topic G: How do different cultures celebrate events? What is the importance of festivals? How have special occasions such as weddings changed in your culture?

Model Answers NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including: I guess…

I believe…

Most probably…

I think…



Sample 1: How has the countryside changed in recent years in your country? I believe the rural areas changed so much now as compared to 10 years ago. For instance, telephone and power lines have been reinforced providing people in the area the access to news and information. Similarly, the roads have been improved for comfortable travel and business transaction. These changes are absolutely helpful to the town and all the more to the residents.

Sample 2: How do you think the countryside may change in the future? Well, most probably there will be internet access to these areas and stronger signals for mobile networks so that the residents can benefit from good communication. In addition, I am also looking at positive changes in the education sector. As observed, nowadays, people coming from these areas have poor communication skills.

Sample 3:

Where do most people live in your country- in the city or in the countryside? I guess more people are coming to cities lately in the Philippines. Noticeably, teenagers and young adults are searching for jobs in Makati or Ortigas City and eventually live there for work purposes. While this could be positive to the city’s labor force, it would also pose some problems such as overcrowding and traffic.

Here are more topics for you to practice. You may or may not record these and your answers. However, it is still highly recommended that you record them if you don’t have a partner to practice with. NOTE: Practice makes perfect!

1. Describe your own family’s favorite holiday destination. 2. Identify what most people in your country do on their holidays. 3. Discuss the pros and cons of spending holidays overseas or spending them in your own country. 4. Describe the main tourist destinations for overseas tourists coming to your country. 5. Describe how people entertain guests in your country. 6. What are the advantages of entertaining friends at home or of meeting them in public places? 7. What are the forms of entertainment young people and adults prefer in your culture. 8. Describe the main activities that go on in a family room in your culture. 9. Evaluate the importance of spending time with your family at home. 10. Compare the importance of spending time with your family and with your friends.

Transitional Devices (Connecting Words) Transitional devices are like bridges between parts of your essay or letter. They are cues that help the reader to interpret ideas in the way that you, as a writer, want them to understand. Transitional devices help you carry over a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another with words or phrases. And finally, transitional devices link your sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas. There are several types of transitional devices, and each category leads your reader to make certain connections or assumptions about the areas you are connecting. Some lead your reader forward and imply the "building" of an idea or thought, while others make your reader compare ideas or draw conclusions from the preceding thoughts. Here is a list of some common transitional devices that can be used to cue your reader in a given

way. To Add: and, again, and then, besides, equally important, finally, further, furthermore, nor, too, next, lastly, what's more, moreover, in addition, first (second, etc.), To Compare: whereas, but, yet, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, on the contrary, by comparison, where, compared to, up against, balanced against, vis a vis, but, although, conversely, meanwhile, after all, in contrast, although this may be true To Prove: because, for, since, for the same reason, obviously, evidently, furthermore, moreover, besides, indeed, in fact, in addition, in any case, that is To Show Exception: yet, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, of course, once in a while, sometimes To Show Time: immediately, thereafter, soon, after a few hours, finally, then, later, previously, formerly, first (second, etc.), next, and then To Repeat: in brief, as I have said, as I have noted, as has been noted, To Emphasize: definitely, extremely, obviously, in fact, indeed, in any case, absolutely, positively, naturally, surprisingly, always, forever, perennially, eternally, never, emphatically, unquestionably, without a doubt, certainly, undeniably, without reservation To Show Sequence: first, second, third, and so forth. A, B, C, and so forth. next, then, following this, at this time, now, at this point, after, afterward, subsequently, finally, consequently, previously, before this, simultaneously, concurrently, thus, therefore, hence, next, and then, soon To Give an Example: for example, for instance, in this case, in another case, on this occasion, in this situation, take the case of, to demonstrate, to illustrate, as an illustration, to illustrate To Summarize or Conclude: in brief, on the whole, summing up, to conclude, in conclusion, as I have shown, as I have said, hence, therefore, accordingly, thus, as a result, consequently, on the whole

Speaking Activity

Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, write two sentences for each question. Remember to write interesting sentences as these will catch the examiner’s attention and would count towards getting a higher score in the IELTS Speaking Test.

Warm-up 1. Could you show me your identification card please? Sure. Here is my passport/SSS 2. Could you tell me your full name please? My name is John Santos. You can call me Joe as my friends call me this way. 3. What shall I call you? I prefer to be called Joe. Ever since I was young I was called like this. 4. Does your name have any special meaning? I actually don’t know but I’ll to research on that. 5. Why do so many people change their names? Maybe because it’s unpleasant or conflict of interest. 6. Is your name important to you? Definitely. It is for security purpose and personal identification. Hometown or birth place

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Where do you come from? Where do you live? Can you tell me something about your hometown? Can you tell me some famous landscapes or scenic spots in your hometown? Can you tell me some history of your hometown?

Personal background and information

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Are you a student or do you have a job? What do you like most about your study? What kind of job do you prefer after graduation? What is your major? What do you do for living? Could you tell me a typical day of yours? How do you get your job? Are you satisfied with your job? What do you like most about your job? What kind of job do you prefer in the future?

Hobby or inclination

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What do you usually do in your spare time? Do you prefer to stay alone or with your friends? What do you usually do on weekends and weekdays? What do you usually do when you go out? What do you usually do with your friends? Do you like reading? What kind of books do you like best? Do you like English? Why or why not? What do you think of the importance of English? What are good hobbies and bad hobbies? Why?

Future plan

1. 2. 3. 4.

Why do you take the IELTS test? What are you planning to do in the next five years? What are you planning to do in the next ten years? What is the first thing you will do when you arrive at the new place?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Do you like traveling? Do you like travel alone or with your friends? Have you traveled to other places? Where are they? What do you usually do when you first arrive in a new place? What are the benefits of traveling? Why do so many people like traveling nowadays?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Do you have many friends? Are they casual acquaintances or close friends? Do you prefer to stay with your family or with your friends? Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends? Can you talk about your best friend? How to make friends? What do you usually do with your friends? Is the time you spend with your friends as much as that you spend with your family?


1. 2. 3. 4.

Do you like music? What are the benefits of listening to music? What kind of music do you like best? Why do you like this kind of music?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Can you say something about the transportation in your hometown? What is the common means of transport in your country? Do traffic jams often occur in your hometown or in the city where you live? How to solve the problem? What changes in transportation have taken place in the past several years in your country?

Building 1. Can you tell me an interesting building in your hometown? 2. Can you tell me an interesting building in Manila?

IELTS Speaking

Brushing Up

Useful Language

At the moment, I’m living/ studying/ working… Before that I lived in… Recently, I’ve been to …/ started playing badminton…etc

I’m planning to… After that I’ll probably…

I prefer eating in a restaurant because… I’d rather work in Australia because….

Both my father and mother are… Neither of my brothers… None of my friends…

It depends. Sometimes I like cooking, and sometimes I’m just too tired. Definitely, I love it. It’s… Possibly. It depends on the weather really.

Generally, I think it’s a good idea because… Well, it’s very different because…

Let me think/ see… I’m not really sure, but perhaps… That’s a good question/ point. I suppose… That’s a good question/ point. I suppose…

I haven’t really given that much thought before but…

Frequently Asked Questions in Part I

Why are you taking IELTS? Well, I’m taking IELTS as it is a requirement for my working visa to Australia. What are your ambitions? For now, I think it has to be to work in Australia and support my family financially. Tell me about where you are living at the moment. I live in Bulacan and its getting progressive as years pass by. It is also a quiet place to live. How would you describe your hometown? My hometown is typically simple but it boasts of some beautiful places like beaches, old churches and mountains. What do you usually do at the weekend? Usually, I and my family go out and stroll around in a mall. Also, we go to church to hear mass. REMEMBER:  Make sure you answer the question.  One-word answers are NOT acceptable.  Always add some extra information to your answer.

Frequently Asked Questions in Part II

Describe an occasion when you have been successful. You should say:  Where and when you were successful

 How you were successful  What you had to do to make sure you were successful And describe how you felt about your success. ANSWER: I would like to talk about the moment that I worked in the Middle East as a welder. I think it was 3 years ago. It was a very challenging experience since I have to leave my family behind and work there alone in a country where I don’t know anyone. The culture was totally new and I had to deal with it squarely. So, I consider this a great success because I was able to survive and to send money to my family in the country. Aside from constant missing of my family, I also had to bear with the inconveniences of day to day work where I met foreign people and talk to them. Nevertheless, it was fulfilling and rewarding experience because I saw my children grow up properly in terms of education, food and shelter. REMEMBER: It is important to keep talking, but don’t talk about things which are not related to the topic.

Talk about an important day in your life. You should say: When this day was If you were alone or with others Where you were and what happened And explain why this day was important to you.

Describe a present someone gave you which was/ is important to you. You should say:  What the present was

 Who gave it to you  Why they gave it to you (e.g. to celebrate a birthday) And explain why it is so important to you. Describe a friend who has played an important part in your life. You should say:  How you met this person  How long you have known them  The kind of things you do or did with them And explain why they have been important in your life. Useful Language

The best/ worst thing about…is/was…

The thing I really like(d)/ hate(d) about…is/was…

One of the problems with…is/was…

I particularly remember…because…

I’ll never forget…because..

Follow- up Questions After you have spoken for 1-2 minutes, the examiner may ask you one or two follow-up questions about what you have said.

Sample Question: Topic in Part 2: A place you visited that you liked.

How did you feel when you arrived in that place? I was very nervous because I didn’t know anybody.

Did you find it easy to meet people? At first, I resisted but eventually the people around were very friendly so I found it easy to mingle with them.

Other sample questions:

Do you enjoy playing sports?

Yes, definitely. I particularly enjoy outdoor ones.

Would you like to go there again?

Possibly. It would depend on who I went with.

Do you think it will be easy to get a job in IT?

I expect so. It’s a growing industry.

Have you ever been to any other countries in Europe?

Yes, a few. France, Spain and Germany.

Would you consider doing the same sort of job again?

I don’t think so. It wasn’t really for me.

Would you recommend the holiday to other people?

No, not really. It wasn’t very good value for money.

Part III

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it a good idea to exercise regularly? Definitely! Nowadays, life is very stressful. Exercise is the ultimate solution to balance work and family life. Are there more crimes these days? I think so. With the society becoming more materialistic, crimes tend to increase also because people want to have more in life. Do you think everyone should have a mobile phone? Yes, I think it is a good idea that everyone becomes wireless in terms of communication.

Linking Ideas

On the other hand




such as

Useful Language: Comparing and Contrasting

On the other hand Well, it isn’t as…as


…is nowhere near as…as… I’d rather… I’d much prefer (to)… It depends (on)…

Useful Language: Making predictions/ talking about the future

There’s a good chance that… I doubt very much if…

I hope that… I expect that… I’m afraid that… It is/ isn’t very likely to…

Useful Language: Giving opinions

As far as I’m concerned… It seems to me that… I tend to think that…

Frequently Asked Questions in Part 3:

Do you think smoking should be banned in all public places? It’s really hard to say but I think if this plan will benefit the majority, then it’s ok to ban it. For sure smokers will greatly go against this proposal as this has become their way of life. Do you prefer to go out or stay at home in the evening? I prefer to stay at home because I have to help my wife take care of my children. Besides, this is the only time that I can spend with my children, helping them do their homework. On the other hand, when I became a father going out became limited to just meeting with very common friends who my wife knows. Do you think that e-mail has made our lives easier? Definitely, yes! Before I used to send letter through post but it needed much time to reach its destination. Now, e-mails greatly help me with sending of letters. It’s fast and convenient. Which is better: living in the countryside or in the city? I’d rather live in the city. City life offers modern living. There are many opportunities in terms of work, entertainment, leisure and dining. However, the countryside gives a very common and limited life style which is I guess preferred by people in their old age. How likely it is that computer will be able to do your job in the future? With the kind of work that I do, computers are of great help. Back then, we had to do manual work in terms of calibration of machines. Today, calibration is done through computers making our work more efficient and easy to do. Would you rather watch sport or play it? Actually, I like both. If I want to learn how to play a new sport, I watch it first. Similarly, if I want to improve a sport that I know how to play, I watch it on TV so I could learn some techniques. What do you think the consequences of global warming will be? If there’s global warming, our environment will be warmer. People and animals

might have trouble coping with the changing temperature. Also, there people from the cold regions of the world might experience flood due to melting of ice. I believe that this is not a good phenomenon and will give bad effects to all of us.

EXTRA Part 2: Describe a happy event in your childhood that you remember well. You should say:  When the event took place  Where the event took place  What happened exactly And explain why you remember this event clearly.

FF: Did you ever do this again? What did your parents think about it?

Part 3: Do you think children’s lives are very different nowadays? Yes, of course! With modern life style, children are similarly affected as with adults. Before, children were confined in their house. They were just limited to some activities such as playing indoor games of simple nature. At present, they are faced with enormous challenges such as meeting deadlines for a school project, waking up early to beat the traffic and do homework using computers. These things are a few examples of the notable changes in the lives of the children.

Are children too protected now? For some, yes. This applies to parents who are aware that children are well exposed to temptations coming from peers and technologies. Parents who value their family would keep a close contact with them. However, for working parents, they have less time to oversee their children, thus, providing less care to them. As a result, there are delinquent minors. Do you think children can have too many toys? It depends. There are toys that have good effects to children. Due to commercialization lately, there are also many hazardous toys. So, having few or many toys would be the prerogative of the parents. They should always guide their children in choosing toys to play. Is it important to celebrate birthdays and other festivals? Absolutely, yes! Birthdays come once a year. In the Philippines, celebrations are highly regarded by Filipinos. Celebrations are blessings that need to be commemorated, the same with festivals which are mostly religious in nature.

Speaking Practice:

Directions: Provide a 2-minute response to the following questions. Record your answer on a blank tape.

1. Discuss an interesting place you have been to recently (What is it, where is it, whether you like or dislike the place) 2. Discuss an interesting person you have met (who he is, where he lives, what qualities make him interesting) 3. Discuss what you would like to do when you get older (what is it, how you will do it, why you will do it) 4. Discuss what you would like to learn in the future (what is it, how you can learn it, why you’d like to learn it) 5. Discuss a frightening experience you had when you were young (what is it, where it took place, what makes it frightening)

6. Discuss a person you like to spend time always (who he is, what you enjoy to do, why you like to be together always) 7. Discuss an exciting experience you had (what it is, where it happened, why it became exciting) 8. Discuss a favorite pet (what kind, where you got it from, why it is a favorite) 9. Discuss something you like to do when you have free time (what it is, how you do it, why you like to do it) 10. Discuss a place you would like to visit in the future (what is it, where it is, why you like to go there soon) 11. Discuss a person you would like to meet some day (who he is, where you’d like to meet, why you’d like to meet him) 12. Discuss a person who has influenced your life (who he is, what you like about him and why he was influential to you) 13. Discuss something you have never done but would like to do (what is it, how you can do it, why you’d like to do it) 14. Discuss something you have done but never want to do again (what was it, how you did it, why you don’t like to do it again) 15. Discuss an experience which made you laugh (what it is, where it took place, why it made you laugh) 16. Discuss an experience which made you cry (what it is, where it took place, why it made you cry) 17. Discuss what you would do if you had a million dollars (what it is, where will you spend it, why will you spend it there) 18. Discuss what you would do if you were President of your country (what you’ll do, why you’ll do it) 19. Discuss a gift you could give others (what it is, to whom you’ll give it and why you have chosen it) 20. Discuss a gift you would like someone to give you (what it is, what occasion , why you’ll like it given to you) 21. Discuss a special talent you have (what it is, where you got it, what makes it special)

Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review


IELTS Comprehensive Review and Coaching

Mar 16, '08 2:27 AM for everyone

I conduct IELTS General Training Comprehensive Review and Coaching for Skilled Workers for Australia, Canada and other countries requiring IELTS General Training certificate. I service Joblane International Manpower Services and 21st Century Manpower Resources Inc., two active agencies recruiting skilled workers to Australia. I also conduct IELTS Academic Review and Coaching for nurses and other allied health practitioners. I frequently conduct training for ISA- International Student Advisors 4 U Inc.- a recruiting firm for the United Kingdom. Success rate for all firms is maintained at above 70%. For the Academic training, 100% pass rate is maintained for ISA while 90% for Joblane on the average and 80% on the average for 21st Century. I am able to handle big class size but with impressive pass rate. For General Training, the average class size on a monthly basis is 30 participants while 20participants for the Academic training. Updated materials, powerful and intuitive techniques are provided to participants during the training leaving them incredibly confident in taking the test. For inquiries, please keep in touch with me at 09184905100 or 381-9941. Carlo Villalona Tags: ielts review 0 comments

Sep 30, '08 3:55 Answer Key to Module Exercises for IELTS General Training AM Listening and Reading for everyone General Training Reading Supplementary Material 1 Traveler’s Tip

Carlo 


Personal Message Report Abuse

   

Home Blog Photos Calendar

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

a a f d g b yes yes no no not given not given yes traveler’s insurance Bush fires itinerary your body tight bandage

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 2 London’s Market

c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

c e a f c b f a, d c, d d, e, f

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

community/ multicultural youth culture Village Market electrical goods antiques

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 Distance Learning

ix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

ix vii i viii iv a, d (in any order) a, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) (full-time) employment (in any order) family/ domestic responsibilities (in any order) e f a c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 4 Revision for Exams

iii 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

iii x iv vi xi viii i

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

every evening (your) weekend employment working too hard small index cards boredom (and) stress b b

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 5 Australia Fights Back

b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

b a c c a b b c f b c g b a c c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 6 Canals on Mars

a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

a c d a i h

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

b e yes not given not given no no yes


1 £203

22 B

2 17


3 no


4 under 26/ less than 26


5 locals/ local people


6 satisfied/ ok

27 Early Childhood

7 (British) students


8 (too) many/ big

29 not learned/ innate

9 careful

30 in person

A or E

C or D

the differences/ how they differ

10 the culture/ the food

31 higher

11 International Student Advisor

32 exam performance/ results

12 Learning/ study groups


13 Student IT Department

34 controlled

14 Housing Officer/

35 thought/ thinking

sleep/ sleeping/ sleeplessness

Accommodation Officer 15 International Department

36 organized

16 personal and/ or financial

37 vary/ change/ be different

17 b

38 marks/ weighting

18 d

39 relaxed

19 e

40 (effective)s tudy skills

20 c

41 -

21 a

42 -

Tags: ielts general 0 comments

Jul 25, '08 Joblane lands 89% pass rate for 12 July IELTS General Training 12:07 AM at the British Council Philippines for everyone It is interesting to note that since the start of the implementation of the IELTS General Training in July of last year, Joblane had 100% pass rate thrice and this month fairs at 89%.

Out of the 27 skilled workers who took the test 24 successfully made it to the 4.5 overall band score visa requirement. Three of them garnered 4.0 overall which is not bad. Looking closely at their individual scores, we can infer that their strengths are listening and writing at 93% while reading and speaking at 74% were their weaknesses.

It is really important that during the speaking test one has to listen attentively to the examiner so he would be able to respond appropriately to the question and secondly, he must be able to extend his answer to every question in a clear way.

One of the factors that could influence their score is attendance to the training which has to be 100% for a 3-week course or depending on the agreed time frame set by the IELTS trainer. Second factor is performance during the training. This includes completing all course work, assignments, quizzes, simulations and oral participation. Above all, positive thinking and self-confidence are great tools in achieving success in the real test. Tags: ielts gt 1 comment

IELTS General Training- Writing Tasks 1 and 2, Sample Topics and Answers

Mar 25, '08 3:47 AM for everyone

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 1

No. 1 You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my comments and suggestions about the College Cafeteria- the one and only student council owned cafeteria in the school. I am thinking that by writing to you your magazine will be able to reach the student populace and keep them informed

about this cafeteria.

Firstly, I am a frequent customer of this cafeteria. As a senior student, I am always busy. The cafeteria becomes my home from breakfast to dinner. I particularly like it because it is convenient. I do not need to go out of the campus to eat meals. Aside from that, the cost of meals is affordable. In addition, I like the variety of menu that it offers keeping us with a balanced diet. However, there is one thing that I find quiet unpleasant about the area. During exam week, the area gets clogged with students who would also prefer to dine. As a result, serving of food and payment for such take time. Personally, this becomes annoying especially that everyone wants to be served fast to catch with the examination. I am suggesting that the cafeteria would employ more attendants. They could also hire student to work for them.

I look forward to reading these comments and suggestions in the college magazine soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(214 words)

No. 2 You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my observations about the general shopping habit and trends in my hometown. I think this will be a good subject of an article that you could write about in the newspaper.

Firstly, I would like you to know that shopping in my hometown has become more and more popular lately as compared before. Although shopping for most people poses some threat to security, it is undeniably a hobby for some. On weekends, people crowd over bargains. Interestingly, there are more goods sold now than before such as antiques, imported electronic gadgets, house ornaments and fashionable clothes. However, there are two things that I think the government should do to improve the area. One is that there should be more security officers, uniformed and civilians who should take care of the safety of the patrons. Lately, there have been reports about crimes of various levels. Another is the transportation in the area. Due to the increasing number of people buying goods, there are no more lanes for transports to cruise the area. As a result, people have to walk for more than 45 minutes to reach the main road. The management of this shopping area should think of ways on how they could let the customers feel welcome and not just think of the revenues they will get out of this.

I look forward to reading these comments in the newspaper soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(238 words)

No. 3 You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire if you have an opening for a welding job in your reputable construction firm. I have gained substantial experience and I feel confident that I am fit to undertake the said position.

I am a senior welder in ABC Company for 14 years now and was promoted to supervisory position 2 years ago. My skills in welding are very diverse and these experiences were honed while I worked for a gigantic construction company in the Middle East particularly in Dubai for 10 years. Recently, there is a need for me to come home because of my ailing grandmother and due to the pleading of my wife that I should stick to our own family since my children are still young. I felt that your company can provide me with an opportunity where I can pursue a supervisory position in the same field while I address the needs of my grandmother and own family.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(168 words)

No. 4 You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to apply for a temporary job in the summer camp that you are organizing. I have read this advertisement from the newspaper and I found this interesting because I have the qualities that you are looking for.

Firstly, I have joined several camps before from team building to organizing games for Koreans, young and adults while teaching English to them. I believe from the advertisement that you have the same requirement for applying individuals. As I am a

person who loves the outdoors, children, games and English teaching, this is certainly a perfect summer job for me. Aside from that, my experience last year with group of children who went for camping in Laguna, and the team building in Tagaytay for foreign excursionist provided me with skills in leading groups, giving clear instructions and creating innovative games. Anyway, kindly you can reach me through my mobile number at 1234-5678.

I look forward to hearing from you the soonest. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(163 words)

No. 5

An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.

29 March 2008

Dear Jane,

I am writing to let you know that I am so much pleased to know that you are coming over for a visit. I would like you to know also of some good choices to stay and other things that you might need. By now, I could not help my self but be really happy that you will come.

Anyway, I live in Makati City and there are various accommodation arrangements. For hassle-free and convenient living, I am suggesting that you rent an apartment hotel. It looks like a typical studio apartment but with hotel services such as attendants cleaning your room, swimming pool, gym and cafeteria but with an apartment cost. This is particularly suited for you because it is at the heart of the city and going around is very easy. When you arrive here, I will tell you in details the things that you can do. I know very well that you love the outdoors so I have many options to suggest. Well, about clothes, our weather here is very different from yours in France. It is summer now and will last until June. So, just bring light clothes. You can also try buying clothes here. You can email me if you need more help.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Best regards, John

(218 words)

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 2

No. 1 In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?

There are many reasons why neighbors are not close to each other nowadays. For a busy community such as Manila and Makati City, talking to neighbors is often neglected. This is happening due to the structure of accommodation that is popular to city dwellers such as condominiums, hotels and apartments. These havens do not provide inhabitants with time to mingle with each other. Mostly, these are enclosed areas. As a result, people do not have the opportunity to meet and greet with their neighbors.

Another reason why this is happening is the fact that residents do not trust their neighbors nowadays. The media has been very vocal about the harsh realities of having inconsiderate neighbors. Some reports would say that rape of a teenage girl or robbery in the corner house has been committed by a fellow resident. These among others instill threat against security among neighbors making it hard for them to associate lately.

For particular ways on how this link among neighbors could be improved seem to be crucial but vital in modern times. On a personal level, modernization and its ill-effects must not hinder people from being pleasant and caring to each other. A prominent way on how to win over this phenomenon is to organize groups whose objectives are to bring harmony and to foster camaraderie in the community.

Another significant plan is to evoke the local council to spearhead activities such as sports, social gatherings, regular meetings and parties aimed at raising awareness of the importance of team spirit, trust and sense of community.

On the whole, whether it is the kind of accommodation where you are staying or the distrust that has been developed among neighbors nowadays that caused distant ties among them, it is very essential to know that hope is still within reach. Residents and community leaders must work hand in hand to save and protect the character that is unique to every Filipino.

(322 words)

Writing Assignments

Writing Task 1

Directions: Write a letter about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 20 minutes.


You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.


You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.


You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.


You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.


An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.


An English-speaking friend is coming to study in your town next year and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your

letter, offer to find a place for him/her to live, give advice about how to find a part-time job and give information on where they can learn your language. 7.

You are going on a short training course at a college in New Zealand. You need somewhere to live while you are there. You realized that a friend whom you met in your country. Write to your friend. In your letter, explain your situation, describe the accommodation you require and say when you will need it.


You are going to take a short holiday in Australia and you want to rent a holiday flat while you are there. Write to the tourist information office. In your letter, explain what you need, say when you need it and ask for information about the prices.


You were recently voted by your neighbors as the organization president of your town. Write a letter to your neighbors. In your letter, express thanks for the opportunity, describe the plans that you would like to do first and express your concerns.

10. You were invited to speak before a crowd to share your experiences in life. However, 2 days before the affair, a serious family problem happened. Write to the organizer of the affair. In your letter, apologize that you can not attend the affair, describe what happened and say how important the event but you can not make it.

Writing Task 2

Directions: Write an essay about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 40 minutes.


In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?


Life nowadays is generally much more stressful than in the past. Give some reasons why people suffer more from stress nowadays, and say what they can do to reduce it.


Computers and modems have made it possible for office workers to do much of their work from home instead of working in offices everyday. Working from home should be encouraged as it is good for workers and employers. Do you agree or disagree?


It is often difficult for young people to find a good job without previous work experience. Governments should encourage employers to choose young people when they need new workers. Do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays, many students have the opportunity to study for part or all of their courses in foreign countries. While studying abroad brings many benefits to individual students, it also has a number of disadvantages. Do you agree or

disagree? 6.

In some countries it is common for students leaving school to do a gap year in which they travel, do voluntary work, or do a job before going on to higher education. Although this may benefit students in a number of ways, it also has a number of disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Parents and teachers make many rules for children to encourage good behavior and to protect them from danger. However, children would benefit from fewer rules and greater freedom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Governments make rules to protect people from danger, for example by making people wear seat belts in cars or not allowing smoking in public buildings. However, many people believe there are too many rules nowadays. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In many countries, television shows many foreign-made programs. The dominance of imported entertainment is harmful to the cultures of these countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

10. In most countries, multinational companies and their products are becoming more and more important. This trend is seriously damaging our quality of life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answers Writing Task 1 NOTE: The following are sample answers to writing task 1. Study them carefully before doing the writing assignments above. Sample 1: You have just started a course in a college which has no sports facilities of its own. Write a letter to the manager of the nearest private sports club. In your letter, introduce yourself, say why you are interested in this sports club and ask some questions about the club (e.g., facilities, members, costs) Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. 3 February 2007

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire about the facilities of the YMCA sports club. I have heard much about the affordability and customer satisfaction from students like me who have been using your

equipment for various sports activities recently.

I am a freshman Education major in English student at the Jose Rizal College. Our campus is just a block away from your compound. Having said this, accessibility is never a problem and the best of all, I will be able to manage other school-related tasks while enjoying at your swimming facility. How much is the membership fee annually? Do I have to pay for entrance every time I go there? As I am a full-time student, are you open after 5pm and on weekends? I hope that you can provide me with these details through text at 0910-1234567 or call me in my home phone at 123-4567.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Santos

(160 words) Sample 2:

You have had a bank account for a few years. Recently you received a letter from the bank stating that your account is $240 overdrawn and that you will be charged $70 which will be taken directly from your account. You know that this information is incorrect. Write a letter to the bank. Explain what has happened and say what you would like them to do about it. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (196 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Mr. Aquino,

I am writing in reply to a letter I received from you a few days ago. In your letter, you state

that I am $240 overdrawn and that you will be charging me $70.

I would like to point out that the reason I am overdrawn is because of a mistake made by your bank. If you look through your records you will see that I wrote several weeks ago explaining the situation. For the last 12 months, I have been paying $300 a month for a car I bought last summer. The monthly payments were taken directly from my bank account. However, 2 months ago I sold the car and I wrote to you instructing you to stop paying the monthly installments. I received a letter from you acknowledging my request, but, for some reason, nothing was done about it. Another $300 installment has been paid this month and this is the reason why I am overdrawn. I would like you to contact the garage where I bought the car explaining your error. I would also like you to ask them to return the money.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Patt Santos

Sample 3:

You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems. Write a letter to your new employer. In your letter, explain the situation, describe some problems, and tell him/her when you think you can start. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (167 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Ms. Barnes,

I am writing concerning the position of Welder that I am due to begin next Monday. However, a problem has arisen.

As you know, I currently work for my uncle’s welding shop and fabricating business, and you will remember from my interview that I have gained valuable experience there. Unfortunately, he has to go into hospital for eye surgery, leaving my aunt in charge of both the home and the business. She has asked me, as this is a particularly busy time of the year, to stay on and help her with the running of the office. I realize this will be inconvenient to you, but very much hope that, given the circumstances, you would be prepared to allow me to take up the position with you two weeks later than planned. I would like to emphasize that I remain very keen to work with you, and that I will be gaining further useful experience during this time.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Ningning Sample 4: You are unhappy about a plan to make your local airport bigger and increase the number of flights. You live near the airport. Write a letter to the local newspaper. In your letter, explain where you live, describe the problem, and give reasons why you do not want this development. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (249 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to make an appeal to the airport authorities through your newspaper regarding the planned expansion of the local airport and the increase in the number of flights.

Leaving about 500 meters away from the airport, I and my family are currently experiencing inconveniences under this circumstance. The main issue is the noise that is so disturbing every time a plane takes off and lands. Imagine how it feels to have this happening almost

every minute of the day. Apart from this is the flow of traffic that we experience. Since we are close to the airport, there will be no point in time that we are free from the traffic in the main road that we pass through in going out of our village. Since we heard that there is a plan of expanding the airport, this would mean a great deal to us who live just across the airstrip. It would mean that we may be asked to leave our place in case it will be hit by the expansion. This would also mean that there may be an increase in the number of flights which will add to our already present dilemma regarding the noise concern. It would mean lesser times of a peaceful and quiet surroundings. I really hope that airport officials would try to reconsider their plans and think also about the welfare of the people who will be affected by their move.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Bernadette Camiling

Writing Task 2 Sample 1 To be successful in education it is important to be a good student than to have good teachers. Do you agree? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Success, nowadays, is and will always be a goal for most individuals regardless of the kind of endeavor one wishes to pursue. As a student, it will forever be a great challenge to finish his education. However, at school, success has to be a concerted effort of both the school represented by its teachers and the students themselves.

Firstly, with the very pressing economic situations of the country, parents are faced with an enormous responsibility of whether to send their children to school or have them do it on a

latter time. For this, money is the deciding factor. Given the opportunity to study, students must possess qualities that could make him successful in the future. Characters such diligence, perseverance and studious must go hand in hand for a student to achieve his goals in education.

On the other hand, teachers must do their relentless drive to seriously help their students fulfill their aims. Unfortunately, there are more students than mentors in every classroom in the country. As a result, students are unsuccessful with their aspirations. As this may seem a paramount problem encountered by school owners, teachers must device a way to serve the students and maximize their learning potentials.

As a whole, becoming a successful student, large emphasis has to be put on values shed on every day that he goes to school to learn. In addition, teachers must carefully consider all possible means to help address the needs of the students. After all, what becomes a future of a student is immensely affected by the experience he obtains from his teachers at school. (266 words)

Sample 2: Some people prefer to spend their holidays by going out of town. Others prefer to stay at home. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of going out of town? Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In the past, taking a holiday was viewed with less interest by many. Nowadays, most Filipino families love taking a holiday. In fact, the government is initiating a move to lengthen holidays by moving certain days of the week to offer Filipinos with many days to enjoy. As Filipinos are lavish spenders of holiday, going of town on holiday presents many great advantages.

Firstly, taking an out of town and simple trip provide every individual a rejuvenating experience. A very classic example is going for a trip to Baguio City, the summer capital of the Philippines. In that place, you can do numerous, relaxing activities such as going for a walk at Burnham park while enjoying its fresh and cool breeze of air. In addition, you can also do boating in the same park. Another less expensive way of activity is making a road trip to Tagaytay City. With this, you will be delighted with a countryside road experience which is very relaxing as well.

Secondly, knowing the culture, the food, the people and the whole area where you intend to go is another benefit offered by an out-of-town holiday. Interestingly, most people find this a welcoming and educational opportunity. It has always been said that traveling can enrich one’s mind and spirit.

As a whole, while this set up gives disadvantages like the hassles of pre-planning stage and the inconveniences of travel, the benefits serve a great purpose, to rejuvenate and to impart knowledge of the area where you plan to go. In this way, you just did not relax your body but enrich your mind as well.

(269 words)

Sample 2: Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles. Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time. Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes. It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to

stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. (258 words) Sample 3: The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in

poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. (266 words)

Sample 4: We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide. In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be so complex that no individual could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Providing all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. If one small program fails, it will become a disaster. There is a certain inevitability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world. (292 words)

Sample 5: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt. Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their child to participate on different teams. But what if the child prefers to read? Parents want to pass on their values to their children. However, things change. The children of today are growing up in a world different from their parents' world. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her parents don't understand or value the digital revolution. Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers. Fortunately, we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are valuable.

(296 words)

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Mar 16, '08 9:42 Upcoming Event- IELTS General Training Intensive Review PM and Coaching for everyone

IELTS General Training Intensive Review and Coaching- March 24-28, 2008 will be held in one of the hotels in Manila. The training starts at 7am and ends at 4pm. Powerful techniques and intuitive coaching will be instructed to skilled workers applying for work in Australia. Walk-in applicants are accepted. Please contact 0918-490-5100 for further information. Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Academic Writing Task 2- Sample Tasks and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:30 PM for everyone

Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles.

Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time.

It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the

gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. We have been living in the nuclear age now for over half a century. Since the first atomic bombs were developed, nuclear technology has provided governments with the ability to totally destroy the planet. Yet the technology has been put to positive use as an energy source and in certain areas of medicine. To what extent is nuclear technology a danger to life on Earth? What are the benefits and risks associated with its use?

These days, many people are afraid of nuclear technology because of the dangers associated with its use. In my opinion, although it is true that nuclear weapons pose the greatest threat to life, the use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes also carries some serious risks. Nuclear power stations provide an important source of cheap power for many industrialized nations and some developing countries. However, there is always the danger of radiation leaking from these plants. Even though safety precautions are taken, there have been numerous disasters such as the explosion of a nuclear plant in Russia not long ago. Nuclear technology is even used to help cure some diseases such as cancer. Radiation can be applied to the body to burn away cancerous cells. This is, however, a dangerous procedure, and the application of radiation is almost always painful and not always successful. The most worrying aspect of nuclear technology, though, is its use for military purposes. Enough atomic bombs have already been built to completely destroy the planet, and the real danger is that one day some country will start a war with these weapons. Too many countries now have the technology required to make such bombs, and there is currently much debate about how to control the situation. In conclusion, nuclear technology certainly has positive uses, but is, nonetheless, dangerous. However, it would have been better if it had never been used to create nuclear weapons.

People in all modern societies use drugs, but today's youth are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an increasingly early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of society often set a bad example. Discuss the causes and some effects of widespread drug use by young people in modern day society. Make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug abuse.

Youth drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many cultures. Not only is illegal drug use on the rise, but children as young as 10 years old are experimenting with alcohol and tobacco. The reasons for this behavior are unclear, but certain sociologists blame the examples set by their elders. Parents who drink and smoke to excess are, in effect, telling their children that it is acceptable to abuse their bodies with drugs. Consequently, children may have a similar view towards illegal drugs, even if their parents are against their use. In addition, drug use shown on television and in films can only confuse children who are also taught at school that drug abuse is wrong. The pressure on young people to perform well at school in order to compete for jobs is a possible cause of the problem. Many believe they cannot live up to their parents' expectations, and feel a sense of hopelessness. Also, the widespread availability of drugs means teenagers are faced with the temptation to experiment. Drugs are used as a means of expressing dissatisfaction with the pressures they face in society. The effects of drug abuse are well known. Many young people's talents are wasted, and addiction to hard drugs can cost a user his or her life. Furthermore, those who drink and drive may be involved in fatal road accidents. The cost to society is great, and enormous amounts of money are spent on convicting drug dealers and on education programs. To conclude, I recommend that the only sensible way to solve this problem is to educate young people about the dangers of drug use, and to take steps to reduce the pressure of competition placed upon them. The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true

in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. Studying the English language in an English-speaking country is the best but not the only way to learn language. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Studying a language in a country where it is widely spoken has many advantages. It is, therefore, a good idea to study English in a country such as Britain. However, I believe it is not the only way to learn the language. In the first place, most students in non-English-speaking countries learn English at secondary school, and sometimes at university nowadays. Although their spoken English is not usually of a very high standard, their knowledge of grammar is often quite advanced. This is certainly useful when students come to an English-speaking country to perfect the language. Secondly, studying the basics of English at secondary school is less stressful than learning the language while overseas. This is because students living at home do not have to worry

about problems such as finding accommodation, paying for their study and living costs, and trying to survive in a foreign country where day to day living causes much stress. However, there are obvious advantages of learning English in Britain. Every day there are opportunities to practice listening to and speaking with British people. Also, students can experience the culture firsthand, which is a great help when trying to understand the language. This is especially true if they choose to live with a British family, as exchange students for example. Furthermore, if students attend a language school full-time, the teachers will be native speakers. In this case, not only will students' speaking and listening skills improve, but attention can be given to developing reading and writing skills as well. In general, even though it is preferable to study English in an English-speaking country, a reasonable level of English can be achieved in one's own country, if a student is gifted and dedicated to study. Although abuse of the system is inevitable, social welfare payments are essential to protect the rights citizens have to a guaranteed minimum income in a democratic society. Discuss.

Social welfare is an essential element of an advanced society. Good systems are always abused, but that does not mean they are faulty. In my opinion, the two main reasons why welfare payments are necessary are as follows: First of all, critics forget that there are many forms of welfare besides payments to the unemployed. Their negative opinions harm those who are not capable of earning a wage, such as single-parent mothers, the disabled, and the sick. Moreover, the unemployed have the right to an income, too. They are not always at fault for not having a job, and in most cases the tax they have paid in the past entitles them to assistance. The second reason is that crime increases when people have no means of support. The desperately poor inevitably turn to crime, which is not only dangerous but costly. Policing the streets is more expensive than providing welfare. A policeman's wage is four or five times higher than a "dole" payment. Certain members of society believe that people should look after themselves. They point out that welfare increases dependency on others and destroy dignity. This may be true, but in the case of the unemployed, the relief payments are usually temporary. It is surely the fault of the government if there are long-term unemployed. Welfare critics also believe that it is the responsibility of a victim's family to provide financial assistance. However, it is too expensive to provide complete help for a severely disabled person. To conclude, it is vital to understand the need for welfare in a modern democratic society.

Without welfare payments the poor are destined to become poorer. The first duty of a government is to provide a financial safety net for all disadvantaged persons, and that includes those without work. Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others. Students who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately. Do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that some students in schools behave badly and their behavior causes difficulty for others either because it has a negative effect on the group or because ordinary students find it difficult to study with them. One solution is to take these students away and teach them on their own. However, if we simply have them removed after one or two warnings, we are limiting their educational opportunities because it seems to me that a school which caters for difficult students is a sort of "prison" whatever name you give it and the people who go there may never recover from the experience. This can then cause problems for the wider society. Perhaps we need to look at why the disruptive students behave badly before we separate them. Disruptive students may be very intelligent and find the classes boring because the work is too easy. Perhaps these students need extra lessons rather than separate lessons. Or perhaps the teachers are uninspiring and this results in behavioral problems so we need better teachers. On the other hand, most students put up with this situation rather than cause trouble, and some people argue that we have to learn to suffer bad teachers and boring situations and that students who can't learn this lesson need to be taught separately. So before we condemn the students to a special school, we should look at factors such as the teaching, because once the children have been separated, it is very unlikely that they will be brought back. Should parents be obliged to immunize their children against childhood diseases? Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunize their children?

Some people argue that the state does not have the right to make parents immunize their children. However, I feel the question is not whether they should immunize but whether, as members of society, they have the right not to. Preventative medicine has proved to be the most effective way of reducing the incidence of fatal childhood diseases. As a result of the widespread practice of immunizing young

children in our society, many lives have been saved and the diseases have been reduced to almost zero. In previous centuries children died from ordinary illnesses such as influenza and tuberculosis and because few people had immunity, the diseases spread easily. Diseases such as dysentery were the result of poor hygiene but these have long been eradicated since the arrival of good sanitation and clean water. Nobody would suggest that we should reverse this good practice now because dysentery has been wiped out. Serious diseases such as polio and smallpox have also been eradicated through national immunization programs. In consequence, children not immunized are far less at risk in this disease-free society than they would otherwise be. Parents choosing not to immunize are relying on the fact that the diseases have already been eradicated. If the number of parents choosing not to immunize increased, there would be a similar increase in the risk of the diseases returning. Immunization is not an issue like seatbelts which affects only the individual. A decision not to immunize will have widespread repercussions for the whole of society and for this reason, I do not believe that individuals have the right to stand aside. In my opinion immunization should be obligatory. We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we he more suspicious of their benefits?

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide. In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be so complex that no individual could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Providing all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. If one small program fails, it will become a disaster.

There is a certain inevitability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world.

Smokers can cause themselves serious health problems. The choice to smoke is made freely and with knowledge of dangers. Smokers should therefore expect to pay more for medical treatment than non-smokers. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Everyone has the choice of being a smoker or not. The people who choose to smoke do so knowing there is a risk of causing harmful damage to them. However, I do not entirely agree that these people should have to pay more to receive all the medical treatment they need. I think there are many situations in which a medical problem has nothing to do with whether a person smokes or not. In these cases, where an illness has no relation to smoking, then I believe that smokers should not be required to pay more than other people for their medical treatment. Most car accidents, for example, have no connection with smoking, and the people who are injured ought to have the same medical help, regardless of the cost. And what about the common flu - it does not seem justifiable to me that a smoker should have to pay more to see a doctor for an illness we can all contact. On the other hand, I agree that a smoker should pay more than a non-smoker for the necessary treatment of any condition which has been caused by smoking. The principle that people should take responsibility for their own actions is a good one. Consequently, if a person chooses to smoke knowing that this habit can cause serious health problems, then there is no reason why the community or an insurance company should have to pay for medical treatment for an illness which could have been avoided. In many countries, cigarette packets have a clear warning that smoking can cause health problems and so no smoker can claim not to know the danger. Lung cancer is sometimes a fatal disease and the treatment is both lengthy and expensive, and it is unfair for the smoker to expect the hospital or the community to carry the cost. In fact, it could also be argued that those who smoke in public should be asked to pay extra because of the illness caused to passive smokers. In conclusion, I feel that smokers should pay more in cases related to smoking, but for any other illness they should pay the same as anyone else.

International entertainers, including sports personalities, often get paid millions of dollars in one year. In your view, with widespread poverty in the world, are these huge earnings justified? The salaries of many singers, dancers and sports people have increased out of all proportion in recent years, while in places like Sudan people are starving to death. I do not believe that anyone should be able to earn such enormous salaries when so many people in the world are living in poverty. One of the factors which should affect what a person can earn ought to be the benefit of person's work to society. It is unreasonable for a famous singer to be able to earn far more from an evening's entertainment than, for instance, a medical scientist who develops a new drug which produces a treatment for a common disease. The pop star certainly has a value in society, but the value in no way exceeds, or even matches, the value gained from a successful medication. Secondly, work done should be paid according to the amount of effort and skill that goes into it. Nobody would deny that a famous person works hard and is skillful; yet such people do not work any harder than thousand of other workers who have no claim to fame. Yet market force is such that these superstars can obtain millions of dolor while other unknown people sometimes earn less than they need to survive. Finally, it should be possible for governments to work together to ensure that the amount of money in circulation should be more equally and fairly distributed. This seems only fair given that there are so many suffering. To conclude, it is clear that world poverty is a serious problem and yet the problem could be eased if governments and companies gave more thought to paying salaries on a more equitable basis and if they started to contribute more money to those in need. Most writers of fiction do not earn enough money to live from their writing. Do you think the government should give them financial assistance to help encourage good literature? There are some conditions under which a novelist could reasonably expect some government support. In general terms, if the writer has already proved that he or she can write well, and if the stories produced are stimulating and interesting, then I consider that some financial help might be given. Language quality is difficult to define, but if the writing shows, for example, good grammar, a wide vocabulary, and elegance and imagination, then I can see a valid reason for assisting an author to spend some time free from money problems. Such a writing needs to be encouraged. the entertainment value of a book would be also a factor in deciding whether to provide assistance to an author. Further consideration would include social and educational values expressed in the author's work.

However, if the ideas were socially irresponsible, or if the stories contain unnecessary violence or pornography for its own sake, then I would not want to see the author sponsored to write stories which do not benefit society. Other exceptions are the many writers of good books who do not require financial help. Books which proved to be extremely popular, such as the Harry Potter stories, clearly need no subsidy at all because the authors have become rich through their writing. Views on what good quality writing means will vary widely, and so if any author is to be given money for writing, then the decision would have to be made by a committee or panel of judge. An individual opinion would certainly cause disagreement among the reading public.

"Prevention is better than cure." Out of a country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Of course it goes without saying that prevention is better than cure. That is why, in recent years, there has been a growing body of opinion in favour of putting more resources into health education and preventive measures. The argument is that ignorance of, for example, basic hygiene or the dangers of an unhealthy diet or lifestyle needs to be combatted by special nationwide publicity campaigns, as well as longer-term health education. Obviously, there is a strong human argument for catching any medical condition as early as possible. There is also an economic argument for doing so. Statistics demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of treating a condition in the early stages, rather than delaying until more expensive and prolonged treatment is necessary. Then there are social or economic costs, perhaps in terms of loss of earnings for the family concerned or unemployed benefit paid by the state. So far so good, but the difficulties start when we try to define what the 'proportion' of the budget should be, particularly if the funds will be 'diverted from treatment'. Decisions on exactly how much of the total health budget should be spent in this way are not a matter for the non-specialist, but should be made on the basis of an accepted health service model. This is the point at which real problems occur - the formulation of the model. How do we accurately measure which health education campaigns are effective in both medical and financial terms? How do we agree about the medical efficacy of various screening programmes, for example, when the medical establishment itself does not agree? A very rigorous process of evaluation is called for, so that we can make informed decisions. The position of women in society has changed markedly in the last twenty years. Many of the problems young people now experience, such as juvenile delinquency, arise from the fact that many married women now work and are not at home to care for their children. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is certainly true that the position of women in society has undergone a dramatic change in the past twenty years but I do not feel that this is a direct cause of the indisputable increase in juvenile-related problems during this period. It is now accepted that young women should find work on leaving school; indeed to rely totally on their parents' financial support is no longer an option in many families. Likewise, once they get married, the majority of women continue working since the financial pressures of setting up a house and establishing a reasonable standard of living often require two incomes. Twenty years ago it was common for women to give up work once they had children and devote their time to caring for their children. This is no longer the general rule and the provision of professionally-run child care facilities and day nurseries have removed much of the responsibility for child rearing that used to fall to mothers. However, these facilities come at a cost and often require two salaries coming into a family to be afforded. I do not believe that the increase in the number of working mothers has resulted in children being brought up less well than previously. Indeed it could be argued that by giving mothers the opportunity to work and earn extra money children can be better provided for than previously. There is more money for luxuries and holidays and a more secure family life is possible. Of course there are limits as to the amount of time that ideally should be spent away from home and the ideal scenario would be for one of the parents (often the wife) to have a part-time job and thus be available for their children before and after school. It is important to establish the correct balance between family life and working life. People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? People attend college for a lot of different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge of themselves and of the world around them. Career preparation is probably the primary reason that people attend college. These days, the job market is very competitive. Careers such as information technology will need many new workers in the near future. At college, students can learn new skills for these careers and increase their opportunities for the future. Students also go to college to have new experiences. For many, it is their first time away from home. At college, they can meet new people from many different places. They can see what life is like in a different city. They can learn to live on their own and take care of themselves without having their family always nearby. At college, students have the opportunity to increase their knowledge. As they decide what they want to study, pursue their studies, and interact with their

classmates, they learn a lot about themselves. They also, of course, have the opportunity to learn about many subjects in their classes. In addition to the skills and knowledge related to their career, college students also have the chance to take classes in other areas. For many, this will be their last chance to study different subjects. Colleges offer much more than career preparation. They offer the opportunity to have new experiences and to learn many kinds of things. I think all of these are reasons why people attend college. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt. Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their child to participate on different teams. But what if the child prefers to read? Parents want to pass on their values to their children. However, things change. The children of today are growing up in a world different from their parents' world. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her parents don't understand or value the digital revolution. Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers. Fortunately, we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are valuable. Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Food is a basic part of life, so it follows that improved methods of food preparation have made our lives better. Nowadays we can prepare meals much faster than we

could in the past. We can also enjoy a greater variety of food and eat more healthfully, all because of modern methods of food preparation. Microwave ovens have made it possible to prepare delicious food quickly. People these days rarely have time to shop and prepare meals the old-fashioned way. We live very fast lives. We are busy working, caring for our families traveling, playing sports, and many other things. Because of microwave ovens, we have time to enjoy a good meal with our family and then play soccer, go to a movie, study, or do anything else we want to afterwards. Modern methods of preserving food have made it possible to enjoy a wide variety of food. Because of refrigerators, freezers, canning, and freeze-drying, we can eat fruits and vegetables that come from far away places. We can prepare a meal one day and save the leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer to eat at another time. We can keep different kinds of food in the refrigerator or on the shelf. It is easy to always have food available and to be able to eat completely different meals every day. Healthful eating is easier now than it ever was. Because of modern transportation methods, fresh fruits and vegetables are available all year round. Modern kitchen appliances make it easy to prepare fruits and vegetables fro cooking. Bread machines make it possible to enjoy healthful, home-baked bread whenever we like. We can eat fresh and healthful food everyday because modern methods have made preparation easy. Our lifestyle is fast, but people still like good food. New food preparation methods have given us is more choices. Today we can prepare food that is more convenient healthier, and of greater variety than ever before in history. It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why? "Experience is the best teacher" is an old cliché, but I agree with it. We can learn a lot of important things from books, but the most important lessons in life come from our own experiences. Throughout the different stages of life, from primary school to university to adulthood, experience teaches us many skills we need for life. As children in primary school, we learn facts and information from books, but that is not all we learn in school. On the playground we learn how to make friends. In our class work, we learn how it feels to succeed and what we do when we fail. We start to learn about the things we like to do and the things we don't. We don't learn these things from books, but from our experiences with our friends and classmates. In our university classes, we learn a lot of information and skills we will need for our future careers, but we also learn a lot that is not in our textbooks. In our daily lives both in class and out of class, we learn to make decisions for ourselves. We learn to

take on responsibilities. We learn to get along with our classmates, our roommates, and our workmates. Our successes and failures help us develop skills we will need in our adult lives. They are skills that no book can teach us. Throughout our adulthood, experience remains a constant teacher. We may continue to read or take classes for professional development. However, our experiences at work, at home, and with our friends teach us more. The triumphs and disasters of our lives teach us how to improve our careers and also how to improve our relationships and how to be the person each one of us wants to be. Books teach us a lot, but there is a limit to what they teach. They can give us information or show us another person's experiences. These are valuable things, but the lessons we learn from our own experiences, from childhood through adulthood, are the most important ones we learn.

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IELTS Academic Writing Task 1- Sample Tasks and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:28 PM for everyone

WRITING TASK 1: SAMPLE 1 The diagram below shows the typical stages of consumer goods manufacturing, including the process by which information is fed back to earlier stages to enable adjustment. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the process shown. 

You should write at least 150 words.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Most consumer goods go through a series of stages before they emerge as finished products ready for sale. Raw materials and manufactured components comprise the initial physical input in the manufacturing process. Once obtained, these are stored for later assembly. But assembly first depends upon the production planning stage, where it is decided how and in what quantities the stored materials will be processed to create sufficient quantities of finished goods. The production planning stage itself follows the requirements of the goods' design stage that proceeds from extensive research. After assembly, the products are inspected and tested to maintain quality control l Those units that pass the inspection and testing stages are then packaged, despatched and offered for sale in retail outlets. The level of sales, which is the end point of the manufacturing process, helps determine production planning. A product's design is not only the result of product research, but is also influenced by testing and market research. If the testing stage (after assembly and inspection) reveals unacceptable problems in the finished product, then adjustments will have to be made to the product's design. Similarly, market research, which examines the extent and nature of the demand for products, has the role of guiding product design to suit consumer demands which may change with time. Market research, while influenced by product sales, also serves to foster future sales by devising suitable advertising for the goods.

Thus the reality of consumer goods manufacturing goes well beyond a simple linear production process.


The table below shows social and economic indicators for four countries in 1994, according to United Nations statistics. Describe the information shown below in your own words. What implications do the indicators have for the countries? 

You should write at least 150 words.

Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.

Indicators Annual income per person (in $US) Life expectancy at birth Daily calorie supply per person Adult literacy rate (%)





















A glance at four indicators of economic and social conditions in four countries, Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire, in 1994 reflects the great differences that exist between wealthier and poorer nations. The table shows that Japan and Canada had annual incomes of $15 760 and $11 100 per person, respectively. These figures were overwhelmingly greater than the corresponding figures of $160 in Peru and $130 in Zaire. Health indicators, too, reflected overall levels of affluence in the four nations. Life expectancy at birth, for example, was higher among the more economically developed countries. Japan reported the highest life expectancy, 78. This was followed by Canada, 76; Peru, 51; and Zaire, 47; This suggests that richer societies are able to put more money into health care than poorer ones. The amount of calories consumed daily per person roughly followed the same ranking. Canadians each consumed some 3 326 calories per day while the Japanese took 2846 calories. The corresponding figures for Peru and Zaire were 1927 and 1749, respectively. Literacy rates among adults, too, were higher in wealthier countries, no doubt a reflection of ability to invest in education. Canada and Japan both reported

literacy rates of 99%, while Peru claimed 68%. Zaire, the least economically developed of the four countries, had a literacy rate of 34%. The data appear to confirm the often cited link between national wealth and health and education standards.


The chart below shows the sleep patterns of people in five different occupations according to a Canadian study. Write a report for a university lecturer, describing the information below. Give possible reasons for the differences. 

You should write at least 150 words.

Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.


Occupation 6-7 pm 7-8 pm 8-9 pm 9-10 pm 10-11 pm 11-12 pm 12-1 am 1-2 am


awake: Truck Driver

Full-time mother

Business Doctor Executive

2-3 am 3-4 am 4-5 am 5-6 am 6-7 am 7-8 am 8-9 am 9-10 am 10-11 am 11-12 am 12-1 pm 1-2 pm 2-3 pm 3-4 pm 4-5 pm 5-6 pm

Differences in sleep patterns appear to reflect differences in individuals' occupations. A Canadian study has pointed out, for example, that students typically sleep for a consecutive 8-hour period each night, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. This may be because the central activity in their lives, study, takes place in normal daylight hours. Similarly, business executives sleep consecutive hours, but perhaps because their jobs are especially busy and stressful they sleep for 6 hours on average, getting up around 5 a.m..

By contrast, truck drivers, probably because of their need to keep their trucks on the road over long periods, tend to sleep in two 3-hour blocks: one between 7 and 10 a.m. and another from 4 to 7 p.m. Another occupation associated with broken sleep schedules is that of doctors. They tend to retire to bed around 1 a.m. and start their day at 7 a.m.., but may be woken up to deal with emergencies in the middle of the night. Finally, full-time mothers, especially those with young children, tend to sleep when their babies do. Typically, they will sleep from 10 p.m. and be awoken at 1 a.m. to comfort their babies for a couple of hours. They then go back to bed to wake at 6 a.m., but nap for two hours or so in the early afternoon. Thus the influence on one's sleep pattern is worthy of consideration when choosing an occupation. Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Speaking Sample Questions and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:26 PM for everyone

SPEAKING MODULE PART 1 Sample Questions and Answers

TOPIC: Free time 1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Before, I used to play basketball, but now I’m into gardening and going out for a walk. 2. How much time do you have each week for doing these things? I make it a point that I do these on weekends. I think that this is really important. 3. Why do you like doing these activities? Well, these activities make us feel young and healthy. Also, there are good ways on how to avoid illnesses and stress. 4. How did you start doing this activity at first? My friends influenced me to do these things. Eventually, I found these very helpful. 5. Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why? Yes! I’d like to try mountain climbing because this would be relatively new to me and it’s exciting to climb mountains and feel the wonders of nature. 6. How has the way people spend their free time changed over the years? Lately, people find it a must to find an activity to do in their free time despite hectic work schedule. They see it as a need although some view the activities for free time

such as badminton as an expensive outlet. TOPIC: Your town 1. Can you describe your town or village to me? My hometown is such a simple place. It’s a community with about 10, 000 people who are mostly into farming but others go to offices. Houses are well-spaced unlike in cities that are crowded. There are small stores and a market and other commercial establishments like hospitals, schools and retail shops. There’s also a small sports complex and a quiet park. 2. What jobs do people in your town do? Some are farmers and the others are working in offices. In addition, there are also some who own business such as stores and other poultry business. 3. What things are there to do in your town in your free time? Well, there are quite a number of you know simple activities that could be done in my hometown. There’s badminton, typical Filipino games, and card games. Most often, people there love to gossip or chat about anything for long hours. 4. What do you like about your town? I think it has to be the peacefulness of the town as there are only a few people there. Also, I would say that there is no traffic in the town. 5. How has your town changed over the last twenty years? It changed significantly. For instance, the market has been improved by constructing a building to enclose the area. There’s also a swimming pool now in the sports complex and the road are well-paved and there are enough public transport in the area. TOPIC: Transport—provide your own answers here 1. 2. 3. 4.

How did you come here today? What is public transport like in your town? How do you think it could be improved? Do you think people should use public transport more? Why (not)?

TOPIC: Your neighborhood- provide your own answers here 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Can you describe to me the house where you live? What is there to do in the area where you live? What do you like about the area where you live? How do you think it could be improved? Do you think it is better to live in the centre of town or outside in the country? Why?

TOPIC: Holidays 1. What do you do when you have a holiday? Typically, I make it sure that I have ample time to spend with my family to make up with the lost time. I also engage in physical activities like brisk walking or jogging. 2. Where do you like to spend your holidays? Why? I prefer to spend them either on

the beach, taking a road trip to cool places such as Baguio and Tagaytay. In addition, I prefer going for a picnic in a mountain or cave areas. 3. Can you describe a typical day in your holiday? Well, normally I go to a beach together with my family. We enjoy cooking and of course, swimming. We also don’t forget to take pictures with beautiful sceneries. 4. Why are holidays important to you? Holidays are very important to me because it’s a good time to spend with my family as I always get busy on regular days. Holidays also provide an opportunity for me to relax. 5. If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? I think I’d choose Australia. Since I have plans of working there I might as well try to explore the country first before I decide to work and stay there permanently. TOPIC: Shopping 1. How much time do you spend shopping every week? I think about 5 hours. I and my wife shop every Sunday as this is the only day that we have for ourselves. 2. Do you enjoy going shopping? Why (not)? Provided that I have money, sure I’d love to shop 3. What is your favorite shop and why do you like it? A lot actually! But I prefer SM department store because they have various outfit for men and very trendy underwear. 4. What problems are there with shopping in your area? Oftentimes, having to wait long on lines when paying, impolite attendants and having too many choices are some problems that I encounter. For car owners, getting a parking space could also be a problem.

TOPIC: Places to go in your free time 1. What do people do in your town in their free time? Well, most of them just stay at home, watch TV or read magazines while the others would play a sport such as badminton or basketball. 2. Where can they go out for entertainment, or to enjoy themselves? Most of them go to shopping malls. Filipinos love going to the malls. Well, there are parks where they can spend time talking with someone. 3. Which do you prefer: eating in restaurants or eating at home? I prefer to eat at home because it’s safe, cheaper and you can cook the food that you’d like to eat. In restaurants, it’s a little expensive and sometimes the taste of the food isn’t what you’re looking for. 4. Which are the best places to eat out? In my hometown, there are small restaurants. Well, there are fast foods which are really popular and also restaurants catering Japanese, Chinese and other international menu.

TOPIC: Reading 1. Do you enjoy reading? Why? Yes sometimes because I know that reading is an important skill. You can learn many things from reading. 2. What sort of things do you read? I don’t read books that much. I prefer newspapers and magazines. 3. Tell me something about your favorite book. I’d rather tell you about my favorite newspaper. It’s called the Manila Bulletin. It’s a daily broadsheet but I prefer to read the Sunday issue of this paper. Basically, it contains up to date and comprehensive news coverage of issues affecting the people and issues concerning the country. However, I read most of the time the classified ads section as I normally search for hot jobs in and out of the country. 4. What are the advantages of reading instead of watching television or going to the cinema? First of all, reading is not expensive as compared with going to the cinema. Reading provides detailed information about a subject or topic whereas watching television gives you abbreviated information about a subject or topic. Topic: You 1. Do you work or study? Definitely, your response to this question would be I am working, I’ve worked before in…, or I worked as a welder before in…

Work 1. Can you describe your job to me?- Well, m y job is welding. 2. How long have you been doing it?- I worked in Saudi for 7 years and in the country, about 5 years. 3. Why did you choose to do that job?- I think this job is something that I really love to do. I want to believe that I was born with this skill and have perfected it through years of experience. 4. What things do you enjoy about your work? Why?-For the most part, I think the various projects that are delegated to us. Periodically, we change projects but of course, the same kind of job. 5. And what things don’t you like? Why not?-To be honest, it’s the salary. We don’t get paid as much as our quality of work is measured. 6. What are your plans for the future?- Well, right now I have pending application as a welder in Australia. If everything goes well, then I will work there and hopefully, provide my family with good life. TOPIC: Sports and games 1. What sports are most popular in your country?- Lately, I guess Filipinos became interested with boxing, swimming and most of all, badminton. 2. What sports and games did you most enjoy playing when you were a child?- As far as I can remember, I think it’s Yo-yo. I think this is a game that most children would play.

3. Do people take as much exercise as in the past?- I think yes! I just don’t know exactly. Lately, the need to exercise increased, but, people find it hard to do because of time constraint, work, and other factors. 4. Why is exercise good for you?- With the increasing demands at work, family and personal life, exercise has become a very essential tool in fighting boredom, stress and depression. So, I think it is good for me as well. SPEAKING MODULE PART 2 Sample Questions Directions: For 1 minute, prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make sure that you don’t write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record your answer in a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a response that is 2-minute long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for use with your responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 2 answers below.

1. Describe a place you visited recently 2. Describe a friend 3. Describe a child you know 4. Describe an object you like 5. Describe a photograph 6. Describe a historical figure 7. Describe an important event in your culture 8. Describe your favorite newspaper 9. Describe your last holiday 10. Describe the clothes that you like 11. Describe the person whom you’d like to spend time always 12. Describe a person that you like to be with when you grow old 13. Describe a game that you play when you were a child 14. Talk about the difference of growing up in the city and in the countryside 15. Describe a household equipment that you prefer *Look at the NOTE section below. Use the opening phrases to start with your responses for the topics above.

Model Answers

NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including: I’d like to talk about a TV program called… I’m going to talk about a TV program called… A TV program that I found really interesting was…

Sample 1: Talk about a happy event in your childhood that you remember well. You should say: -where the event took place -when the event took place -what happened exactly And explain why you remember this event clearly.

Did you ever do this again? Yes, I went to the same place when I graduated from college. The place was totally different. What did your parents think about it? My parents found this very helpful to me. That’s why they allowed me to join. A happy event that I can still remember about my childhood was our educational trip to Manila Zoo when I was in elementary. I believe it took place in 1986 as part of our science subject requirement. Anyway, I studied in Cavite and Manila Zoo was I guess a 2 hour drive from our school. As a child, going for a trip is always a pleasure especially riding a bus and taking a long road trip. Well, I was with my classmates—40 plus all in all. As it was a field trip and a common practice, we had to bring with us food and drinks- a typical picnic of some sort. Then, we went in the zoo and had a tour guide who explained every details about the various animals. Of course, I didn’t understand everything what the guide told us. But anyway, the trip was very memorable because it was my first time to have a close encounter with the animals of various sizes, shapes and behavior. It is apparently very clear to me up to now because as I said it was my first time to meet and greet with the animals, and it was a form of socialization where we students talk about things outside the class room. That’s it!

Describe a TV program that you have seen and that interested you.

You should say: -When and where you saw the program -What the program was about -What you felt about the program And explain why you found the program particularly interesting. I am going to talk about a TV program called Bubble Gang. If I am not mistaken, this is the longest comedy TV show on Philippine television. The program is shown every Fridays on GMA 7. Although the program is shown late at night, it particularly makes viewers roll over with laughter. The program emphasizes on pop culture parody. Skits and sketches are performed on a variety of style that captivates the audiences’ hearts. In addition, it spoofs shows and commercials, and it takes on other celebrities and other political figures. The show also features top-notch actors and actresses armed with unparalleled talents. Personally, I find this show an excellent comic relief from a hard days work. Despite its comic attributes, it also provides awareness to viewers about issues confronting personalities of national prominence as well as typical situations in the Philippine community. These things make the program interesting to me. I think this is all that I can say about the show.

Describe a town or city you would like to visit. You should say: -where it is -how it is similar to your hometown -how it is different from your hometown And explain why you would like to visit it. A city that I found really interesting and which I would like to go to in the future would be Perth, Australia. This city comes to mind first because this is where I will work as a welder. Most probably, this will also be the destination of the majority of the skilled workers applying for Australia. It is located in Western Australia and is the fastest growing city in the country. Being the fourth largest city, it holds major commercial establishments which are really ideal for skilled workers like me. Well, I come from Pampanga, also a growing town. This is the only similarity that I could cite. Perth is very different from Pampanga, of course. Firstly, Perth has huge population which favors their labor force. As I have read, there is always job for everyone in Australia. Secondly, it has well-established highways for an economy to prosper. In Pampanga, roads are still being improved. Thirdly, there is good provision for the benefits of the residents unlike in my hometown where even health care is not sufficient.

I would like to visit this place to enjoy these benefits and, most of all to work and earn for my family here. That’s all! SPEAKING MODULE PART 3 Sample Questions Directions: Prepare your response to the following questions. When you prepare your answer, make sure that you don’t write the whole answer but rather write key words. Once you are ready, in a quiet place, record your answer in a blank tape. Read the topic first before your recording of answer. Your objective is to record a response that is 3-5 sentences long. You are provided a list of transitional markers at the end of this hand out for use with your responses in Part 2 and 3. Before recording, read first the 3 sample part 3 answers below.

Topic A: How does tourism affect a country? Does it have some advantages? Can cultures learn from each other?

Topic B: Is friendship important in your culture? How many close friends can you have? Are friends more important than family?

Topic C: What is the role of parents in raising children? Has the role changed in recent years? Who is responsible for discipline?

Topic D: Do possessions make people happy? Why do people buy things? Are people in your country wise consumers?

Topic E: Are images important in your culture? What is the role of advertising? Do films and television influence our decisions?

Topic F: Who are the most influential people in your society? Are there many heroes or role models today? What are the qualities of a good leader?

Topic G: How do different cultures celebrate events? What is the importance of festivals? How have special occasions such as weddings changed in your culture?

Model Answers NOTE: There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including: I guess…

I believe…

Most probably…

I think…



Sample 1: How has the countryside changed in recent years in your country? I believe the rural areas changed so much now as compared to 10 years ago. For instance, telephone and power lines have been reinforced providing people in the area the access to news and information. Similarly, the roads have been improved for comfortable travel and business transaction. These changes are absolutely helpful to the town and all the more to the residents.

Sample 2: How do you think the countryside may change in the future? Well, most probably there will be internet access to these areas and stronger signals for mobile networks so that the residents can benefit from good communication. In addition, I am also looking at positive changes in the education sector. As observed, nowadays, people coming from these areas have poor communication skills.

Sample 3:

Where do most people live in your country- in the city or in the countryside? I guess more people are coming to cities lately in the Philippines. Noticeably, teenagers and young adults are searching for jobs in Makati or Ortigas City and eventually live there for work purposes. While this could be positive to the city’s labor force, it would also pose some problems such as overcrowding and traffic.

Here are more topics for you to practice. You may or may not record these and your answers. However, it is still highly recommended that you record them if you don’t have a partner to practice with. NOTE: Practice makes perfect!

1. Describe your own family’s favorite holiday destination. 2. Identify what most people in your country do on their holidays. 3. Discuss the pros and cons of spending holidays overseas or spending them in your own country. 4. Describe the main tourist destinations for overseas tourists coming to your country. 5. Describe how people entertain guests in your country. 6. What are the advantages of entertaining friends at home or of meeting them in public places? 7. What are the forms of entertainment young people and adults prefer in your culture. 8. Describe the main activities that go on in a family room in your culture. 9. Evaluate the importance of spending time with your family at home. 10. Compare the importance of spending time with your family and with your friends.

Transitional Devices (Connecting Words) Transitional devices are like bridges between parts of your essay or letter. They are cues that help the reader to interpret ideas in the way that you, as a writer, want them to understand. Transitional devices help you carry over a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another with words or phrases. And finally, transitional devices link your sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas. There are several types of transitional devices, and each category leads your reader to make certain connections or assumptions about the areas you are connecting. Some lead your reader forward and imply the "building" of an idea or thought, while others make your reader compare ideas or draw conclusions from the preceding thoughts. Here is a list of some common transitional devices that can be used to cue your reader in a given

way. To Add: and, again, and then, besides, equally important, finally, further, furthermore, nor, too, next, lastly, what's more, moreover, in addition, first (second, etc.), To Compare: whereas, but, yet, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, on the contrary, by comparison, where, compared to, up against, balanced against, vis a vis, but, although, conversely, meanwhile, after all, in contrast, although this may be true To Prove: because, for, since, for the same reason, obviously, evidently, furthermore, moreover, besides, indeed, in fact, in addition, in any case, that is To Show Exception: yet, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, of course, once in a while, sometimes To Show Time: immediately, thereafter, soon, after a few hours, finally, then, later, previously, formerly, first (second, etc.), next, and then To Repeat: in brief, as I have said, as I have noted, as has been noted, To Emphasize: definitely, extremely, obviously, in fact, indeed, in any case, absolutely, positively, naturally, surprisingly, always, forever, perennially, eternally, never, emphatically, unquestionably, without a doubt, certainly, undeniably, without reservation To Show Sequence: first, second, third, and so forth. A, B, C, and so forth. next, then, following this, at this time, now, at this point, after, afterward, subsequently, finally, consequently, previously, before this, simultaneously, concurrently, thus, therefore, hence, next, and then, soon To Give an Example: for example, for instance, in this case, in another case, on this occasion, in this situation, take the case of, to demonstrate, to illustrate, as an illustration, to illustrate To Summarize or Conclude: in brief, on the whole, summing up, to conclude, in conclusion, as I have shown, as I have said, hence, therefore, accordingly, thus, as a result, consequently, on the whole

Speaking Activity

Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, write two sentences for each question. Remember to write interesting sentences as these will catch the examiner’s attention and would count towards getting a higher score in the IELTS Speaking Test.

Warm-up 1. Could you show me your identification card please? Sure. Here is my passport/SSS 2. Could you tell me your full name please? My name is John Santos. You can call me Joe as my friends call me this way. 3. What shall I call you? I prefer to be called Joe. Ever since I was young I was called like this. 4. Does your name have any special meaning? I actually don’t know but I’ll to research on that. 5. Why do so many people change their names? Maybe because it’s unpleasant or conflict of interest. 6. Is your name important to you? Definitely. It is for security purpose and personal identification. Hometown or birth place

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Where do you come from? Where do you live? Can you tell me something about your hometown? Can you tell me some famous landscapes or scenic spots in your hometown? Can you tell me some history of your hometown?

Personal background and information

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Are you a student or do you have a job? What do you like most about your study? What kind of job do you prefer after graduation? What is your major? What do you do for living? Could you tell me a typical day of yours? How do you get your job? Are you satisfied with your job? What do you like most about your job? What kind of job do you prefer in the future?

Hobby or inclination

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What do you usually do in your spare time? Do you prefer to stay alone or with your friends? What do you usually do on weekends and weekdays? What do you usually do when you go out? What do you usually do with your friends? Do you like reading? What kind of books do you like best? Do you like English? Why or why not? What do you think of the importance of English? What are good hobbies and bad hobbies? Why?

Future plan

1. 2. 3. 4.

Why do you take the IELTS test? What are you planning to do in the next five years? What are you planning to do in the next ten years? What is the first thing you will do when you arrive at the new place?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Do you like traveling? Do you like travel alone or with your friends? Have you traveled to other places? Where are they? What do you usually do when you first arrive in a new place? What are the benefits of traveling? Why do so many people like traveling nowadays?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Do you have many friends? Are they casual acquaintances or close friends? Do you prefer to stay with your family or with your friends? Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends? Can you talk about your best friend? How to make friends? What do you usually do with your friends? Is the time you spend with your friends as much as that you spend with your family?


1. 2. 3. 4.

Do you like music? What are the benefits of listening to music? What kind of music do you like best? Why do you like this kind of music?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Can you say something about the transportation in your hometown? What is the common means of transport in your country? Do traffic jams often occur in your hometown or in the city where you live? How to solve the problem? What changes in transportation have taken place in the past several years in your country?

Building 1. Can you tell me an interesting building in your hometown? 2. Can you tell me an interesting building in Manila?

IELTS Speaking

Brushing Up

Useful Language

At the moment, I’m living/ studying/ working… Before that I lived in… Recently, I’ve been to …/ started playing badminton…etc

I’m planning to… After that I’ll probably…

I prefer eating in a restaurant because… I’d rather work in Australia because….

Both my father and mother are… Neither of my brothers… None of my friends…

It depends. Sometimes I like cooking, and sometimes I’m just too tired. Definitely, I love it. It’s… Possibly. It depends on the weather really.

Generally, I think it’s a good idea because… Well, it’s very different because…

Let me think/ see… I’m not really sure, but perhaps… That’s a good question/ point. I suppose… That’s a good question/ point. I suppose…

I haven’t really given that much thought before but…

Frequently Asked Questions in Part I

Why are you taking IELTS? Well, I’m taking IELTS as it is a requirement for my working visa to Australia. What are your ambitions? For now, I think it has to be to work in Australia and support my family financially. Tell me about where you are living at the moment. I live in Bulacan and its getting progressive as years pass by. It is also a quiet place to live. How would you describe your hometown? My hometown is typically simple but it boasts of some beautiful places like beaches, old churches and mountains. What do you usually do at the weekend? Usually, I and my family go out and stroll around in a mall. Also, we go to church to hear mass. REMEMBER:  Make sure you answer the question.  One-word answers are NOT acceptable.  Always add some extra information to your answer.

Frequently Asked Questions in Part II

Describe an occasion when you have been successful. You should say:  Where and when you were successful

 How you were successful  What you had to do to make sure you were successful And describe how you felt about your success. ANSWER: I would like to talk about the moment that I worked in the Middle East as a welder. I think it was 3 years ago. It was a very challenging experience since I have to leave my family behind and work there alone in a country where I don’t know anyone. The culture was totally new and I had to deal with it squarely. So, I consider this a great success because I was able to survive and to send money to my family in the country. Aside from constant missing of my family, I also had to bear with the inconveniences of day to day work where I met foreign people and talk to them. Nevertheless, it was fulfilling and rewarding experience because I saw my children grow up properly in terms of education, food and shelter. REMEMBER: It is important to keep talking, but don’t talk about things which are not related to the topic.

Talk about an important day in your life. You should say: When this day was If you were alone or with others Where you were and what happened And explain why this day was important to you.

Describe a present someone gave you which was/ is important to you. You should say:  What the present was

 Who gave it to you  Why they gave it to you (e.g. to celebrate a birthday) And explain why it is so important to you. Describe a friend who has played an important part in your life. You should say:  How you met this person  How long you have known them  The kind of things you do or did with them And explain why they have been important in your life. Useful Language

The best/ worst thing about…is/was…

The thing I really like(d)/ hate(d) about…is/was…

One of the problems with…is/was…

I particularly remember…because…

I’ll never forget…because..

Follow- up Questions After you have spoken for 1-2 minutes, the examiner may ask you one or two follow-up questions about what you have said.

Sample Question: Topic in Part 2: A place you visited that you liked.

How did you feel when you arrived in that place? I was very nervous because I didn’t know anybody.

Did you find it easy to meet people? At first, I resisted but eventually the people around were very friendly so I found it easy to mingle with them.

Other sample questions:

Do you enjoy playing sports?

Yes, definitely. I particularly enjoy outdoor ones.

Would you like to go there again?

Possibly. It would depend on who I went with.

Do you think it will be easy to get a job in IT?

I expect so. It’s a growing industry.

Have you ever been to any other countries in Europe?

Yes, a few. France, Spain and Germany.

Would you consider doing the same sort of job again?

I don’t think so. It wasn’t really for me.

Would you recommend the holiday to other people?

No, not really. It wasn’t very good value for money.

Part III

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it a good idea to exercise regularly? Definitely! Nowadays, life is very stressful. Exercise is the ultimate solution to balance work and family life. Are there more crimes these days? I think so. With the society becoming more materialistic, crimes tend to increase also because people want to have more in life. Do you think everyone should have a mobile phone? Yes, I think it is a good idea that everyone becomes wireless in terms of communication.

Linking Ideas

On the other hand




such as

Useful Language: Comparing and Contrasting

On the other hand Well, it isn’t as…as


…is nowhere near as…as… I’d rather… I’d much prefer (to)… It depends (on)…

Useful Language: Making predictions/ talking about the future

There’s a good chance that… I doubt very much if…

I hope that… I expect that… I’m afraid that… It is/ isn’t very likely to…

Useful Language: Giving opinions

As far as I’m concerned… It seems to me that… I tend to think that…

Frequently Asked Questions in Part 3:

Do you think smoking should be banned in all public places? It’s really hard to say but I think if this plan will benefit the majority, then it’s ok to ban it. For sure smokers will greatly go against this proposal as this has become their way of life. Do you prefer to go out or stay at home in the evening? I prefer to stay at home because I have to help my wife take care of my children. Besides, this is the only time that I can spend with my children, helping them do their homework. On the other hand, when I became a father going out became limited to just meeting with very common friends who my wife knows. Do you think that e-mail has made our lives easier? Definitely, yes! Before I used to send letter through post but it needed much time to reach its destination. Now, e-mails greatly help me with sending of letters. It’s fast and convenient. Which is better: living in the countryside or in the city? I’d rather live in the city. City life offers modern living. There are many opportunities in terms of work, entertainment, leisure and dining. However, the countryside gives a very common and limited life style which is I guess preferred by people in their old age. How likely it is that computer will be able to do your job in the future? With the kind of work that I do, computers are of great help. Back then, we had to do manual work in terms of calibration of machines. Today, calibration is done through computers making our work more efficient and easy to do. Would you rather watch sport or play it? Actually, I like both. If I want to learn how to play a new sport, I watch it first. Similarly, if I want to improve a sport that I know how to play, I watch it on TV so I could learn some techniques. What do you think the consequences of global warming will be? If there’s global warming, our environment will be warmer. People and animals

might have trouble coping with the changing temperature. Also, there people from the cold regions of the world might experience flood due to melting of ice. I believe that this is not a good phenomenon and will give bad effects to all of us.

EXTRA Part 2: Describe a happy event in your childhood that you remember well. You should say:  When the event took place  Where the event took place  What happened exactly And explain why you remember this event clearly.

FF: Did you ever do this again? What did your parents think about it?

Part 3: Do you think children’s lives are very different nowadays? Yes, of course! With modern life style, children are similarly affected as with adults. Before, children were confined in their house. They were just limited to some activities such as playing indoor games of simple nature. At present, they are faced with enormous challenges such as meeting deadlines for a school project, waking up early to beat the traffic and do homework using computers. These things are a few examples of the notable changes in the lives of the children.

Are children too protected now? For some, yes. This applies to parents who are aware that children are well exposed to temptations coming from peers and technologies. Parents who value their family would keep a close contact with them. However, for working parents, they have less time to oversee their children, thus, providing less care to them. As a result, there are delinquent minors. Do you think children can have too many toys? It depends. There are toys that have good effects to children. Due to commercialization lately, there are also many hazardous toys. So, having few or many toys would be the prerogative of the parents. They should always guide their children in choosing toys to play. Is it important to celebrate birthdays and other festivals? Absolutely, yes! Birthdays come once a year. In the Philippines, celebrations are highly regarded by Filipinos. Celebrations are blessings that need to be commemorated, the same with festivals which are mostly religious in nature.

Speaking Practice:

Directions: Provide a 2-minute response to the following questions. Record your answer on a blank tape.

1. Discuss an interesting place you have been to recently (What is it, where is it, whether you like or dislike the place) 2. Discuss an interesting person you have met (who he is, where he lives, what qualities make him interesting) 3. Discuss what you would like to do when you get older (what is it, how you will do it, why you will do it) 4. Discuss what you would like to learn in the future (what is it, how you can learn it, why you’d like to learn it) 5. Discuss a frightening experience you had when you were young (what is it, where it took place, what makes it frightening)

6. Discuss a person you like to spend time always (who he is, what you enjoy to do, why you like to be together always) 7. Discuss an exciting experience you had (what it is, where it happened, why it became exciting) 8. Discuss a favorite pet (what kind, where you got it from, why it is a favorite) 9. Discuss something you like to do when you have free time (what it is, how you do it, why you like to do it) 10. Discuss a place you would like to visit in the future (what is it, where it is, why you like to go there soon) 11. Discuss a person you would like to meet some day (who he is, where you’d like to meet, why you’d like to meet him) 12. Discuss a person who has influenced your life (who he is, what you like about him and why he was influential to you) 13. Discuss something you have never done but would like to do (what is it, how you can do it, why you’d like to do it) 14. Discuss something you have done but never want to do again (what was it, how you did it, why you don’t like to do it again) 15. Discuss an experience which made you laugh (what it is, where it took place, why it made you laugh) 16. Discuss an experience which made you cry (what it is, where it took place, why it made you cry) 17. Discuss what you would do if you had a million dollars (what it is, where will you spend it, why will you spend it there) 18. Discuss what you would do if you were President of your country (what you’ll do, why you’ll do it) 19. Discuss a gift you could give others (what it is, to whom you’ll give it and why you have chosen it) 20. Discuss a gift you would like someone to give you (what it is, what occasion , why you’ll like it given to you) 21. Discuss a special talent you have (what it is, where you got it, what makes it special)

Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review


IELTS Comprehensive Review and Coaching

Mar 16, '08 2:27 AM for everyone

I conduct IELTS General Training Comprehensive Review and Coaching for Skilled Workers for Australia, Canada and other countries requiring IELTS General Training certificate. I service Joblane International Manpower Services and 21st Century Manpower Resources Inc., two active agencies recruiting skilled workers to Australia. I also conduct IELTS Academic Review and Coaching for nurses and other allied health practitioners. I frequently conduct training for ISA- International Student Advisors 4 U Inc.- a recruiting firm for the United Kingdom. Success rate for all firms is maintained at above 70%. For the Academic training, 100% pass rate is maintained for ISA while 90% for Joblane on the average and 80% on the average for 21st Century. I am able to handle big class size but with impressive pass rate. For General Training, the average class size on a monthly basis is 30 participants while 20participants for the Academic training. Updated materials, powerful and intuitive techniques are provided to participants during the training leaving them incredibly confident in taking the test. For inquiries, please keep in touch with me at 09184905100 or 381-9941. Carlo Villalona Tags: ielts review 0 comments

Sep 30, '08 3:55 Answer Key to Module Exercises for IELTS General Training AM Listening and Reading for everyone General Training Reading Supplementary Material 1 Traveler’s Tip

Carlo 


Personal Message Report Abuse

   

Home Blog Photos Calendar

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

a a f d g b yes yes no no not given not given yes traveler’s insurance Bush fires itinerary your body tight bandage

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 2 London’s Market

c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

c e a f c b f a, d c, d d, e, f

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

community/ multicultural youth culture Village Market electrical goods antiques

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 General Training Reading Supplementary Material 3 Distance Learning

ix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

ix vii i viii iv a, d (in any order) a, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) c, d (in any order) (full-time) employment (in any order) family/ domestic responsibilities (in any order) e f a c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 4 Revision for Exams

iii 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

iii x iv vi xi viii i

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

every evening (your) weekend employment working too hard small index cards boredom (and) stress b b

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 5 Australia Fights Back

b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

b a c c a b b c f b c g b a c c

General Training Reading Supplementary Material 6 Canals on Mars

a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

a c d a i h

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

b e yes not given not given no no yes


1 £203

22 B

2 17


3 no


4 under 26/ less than 26


5 locals/ local people


6 satisfied/ ok

27 Early Childhood

7 (British) students


8 (too) many/ big

29 not learned/ innate

9 careful

30 in person

A or E

C or D

the differences/ how they differ

10 the culture/ the food

31 higher

11 International Student Advisor

32 exam performance/ results

12 Learning/ study groups


13 Student IT Department

34 controlled

14 Housing Officer/

35 thought/ thinking

sleep/ sleeping/ sleeplessness

Accommodation Officer 15 International Department

36 organized

16 personal and/ or financial

37 vary/ change/ be different

17 b

38 marks/ weighting

18 d

39 relaxed

19 e

40 (effective)s tudy skills

20 c

41 -

21 a

42 -

Tags: ielts general 0 comments

Jul 25, '08 Joblane lands 89% pass rate for 12 July IELTS General Training 12:07 AM at the British Council Philippines for everyone It is interesting to note that since the start of the implementation of the IELTS General Training in July of last year, Joblane had 100% pass rate thrice and this month fairs at 89%.

Out of the 27 skilled workers who took the test 24 successfully made it to the 4.5 overall band score visa requirement. Three of them garnered 4.0 overall which is not bad. Looking closely at their individual scores, we can infer that their strengths are listening and writing at 93% while reading and speaking at 74% were their weaknesses.

It is really important that during the speaking test one has to listen attentively to the examiner so he would be able to respond appropriately to the question and secondly, he must be able to extend his answer to every question in a clear way.

One of the factors that could influence their score is attendance to the training which has to be 100% for a 3-week course or depending on the agreed time frame set by the IELTS trainer. Second factor is performance during the training. This includes completing all course work, assignments, quizzes, simulations and oral participation. Above all, positive thinking and self-confidence are great tools in achieving success in the real test. Tags: ielts gt 1 comment

IELTS General Training- Writing Tasks 1 and 2, Sample Topics and Answers

Mar 25, '08 3:47 AM for everyone

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 1

No. 1 You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my comments and suggestions about the College Cafeteria- the one and only student council owned cafeteria in the school. I am thinking that by writing to you your magazine will be able to reach the student populace and keep them informed

about this cafeteria.

Firstly, I am a frequent customer of this cafeteria. As a senior student, I am always busy. The cafeteria becomes my home from breakfast to dinner. I particularly like it because it is convenient. I do not need to go out of the campus to eat meals. Aside from that, the cost of meals is affordable. In addition, I like the variety of menu that it offers keeping us with a balanced diet. However, there is one thing that I find quiet unpleasant about the area. During exam week, the area gets clogged with students who would also prefer to dine. As a result, serving of food and payment for such take time. Personally, this becomes annoying especially that everyone wants to be served fast to catch with the examination. I am suggesting that the cafeteria would employ more attendants. They could also hire student to work for them.

I look forward to reading these comments and suggestions in the college magazine soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(214 words)

No. 2 You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to share my observations about the general shopping habit and trends in my hometown. I think this will be a good subject of an article that you could write about in the newspaper.

Firstly, I would like you to know that shopping in my hometown has become more and more popular lately as compared before. Although shopping for most people poses some threat to security, it is undeniably a hobby for some. On weekends, people crowd over bargains. Interestingly, there are more goods sold now than before such as antiques, imported electronic gadgets, house ornaments and fashionable clothes. However, there are two things that I think the government should do to improve the area. One is that there should be more security officers, uniformed and civilians who should take care of the safety of the patrons. Lately, there have been reports about crimes of various levels. Another is the transportation in the area. Due to the increasing number of people buying goods, there are no more lanes for transports to cruise the area. As a result, people have to walk for more than 45 minutes to reach the main road. The management of this shopping area should think of ways on how they could let the customers feel welcome and not just think of the revenues they will get out of this.

I look forward to reading these comments in the newspaper soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(238 words)

No. 3 You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire if you have an opening for a welding job in your reputable construction firm. I have gained substantial experience and I feel confident that I am fit to undertake the said position.

I am a senior welder in ABC Company for 14 years now and was promoted to supervisory position 2 years ago. My skills in welding are very diverse and these experiences were honed while I worked for a gigantic construction company in the Middle East particularly in Dubai for 10 years. Recently, there is a need for me to come home because of my ailing grandmother and due to the pleading of my wife that I should stick to our own family since my children are still young. I felt that your company can provide me with an opportunity where I can pursue a supervisory position in the same field while I address the needs of my grandmother and own family.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(168 words)

No. 4 You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.

29 March 2008

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to apply for a temporary job in the summer camp that you are organizing. I have read this advertisement from the newspaper and I found this interesting because I have the qualities that you are looking for.

Firstly, I have joined several camps before from team building to organizing games for Koreans, young and adults while teaching English to them. I believe from the advertisement that you have the same requirement for applying individuals. As I am a

person who loves the outdoors, children, games and English teaching, this is certainly a perfect summer job for me. Aside from that, my experience last year with group of children who went for camping in Laguna, and the team building in Tagaytay for foreign excursionist provided me with skills in leading groups, giving clear instructions and creating innovative games. Anyway, kindly you can reach me through my mobile number at 1234-5678.

I look forward to hearing from you the soonest. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Dela Cruz

(163 words)

No. 5

An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.

29 March 2008

Dear Jane,

I am writing to let you know that I am so much pleased to know that you are coming over for a visit. I would like you to know also of some good choices to stay and other things that you might need. By now, I could not help my self but be really happy that you will come.

Anyway, I live in Makati City and there are various accommodation arrangements. For hassle-free and convenient living, I am suggesting that you rent an apartment hotel. It looks like a typical studio apartment but with hotel services such as attendants cleaning your room, swimming pool, gym and cafeteria but with an apartment cost. This is particularly suited for you because it is at the heart of the city and going around is very easy. When you arrive here, I will tell you in details the things that you can do. I know very well that you love the outdoors so I have many options to suggest. Well, about clothes, our weather here is very different from yours in France. It is summer now and will last until June. So, just bring light clothes. You can also try buying clothes here. You can email me if you need more help.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Best regards, John

(218 words)

Writing Assignments MODEL ANSWERS Writing Task 2

No. 1 In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?

There are many reasons why neighbors are not close to each other nowadays. For a busy community such as Manila and Makati City, talking to neighbors is often neglected. This is happening due to the structure of accommodation that is popular to city dwellers such as condominiums, hotels and apartments. These havens do not provide inhabitants with time to mingle with each other. Mostly, these are enclosed areas. As a result, people do not have the opportunity to meet and greet with their neighbors.

Another reason why this is happening is the fact that residents do not trust their neighbors nowadays. The media has been very vocal about the harsh realities of having inconsiderate neighbors. Some reports would say that rape of a teenage girl or robbery in the corner house has been committed by a fellow resident. These among others instill threat against security among neighbors making it hard for them to associate lately.

For particular ways on how this link among neighbors could be improved seem to be crucial but vital in modern times. On a personal level, modernization and its ill-effects must not hinder people from being pleasant and caring to each other. A prominent way on how to win over this phenomenon is to organize groups whose objectives are to bring harmony and to foster camaraderie in the community.

Another significant plan is to evoke the local council to spearhead activities such as sports, social gatherings, regular meetings and parties aimed at raising awareness of the importance of team spirit, trust and sense of community.

On the whole, whether it is the kind of accommodation where you are staying or the distrust that has been developed among neighbors nowadays that caused distant ties among them, it is very essential to know that hope is still within reach. Residents and community leaders must work hand in hand to save and protect the character that is unique to every Filipino.

(322 words)

Writing Assignments

Writing Task 1

Directions: Write a letter about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 20 minutes.


You eat at your college cafeteria every lunch time. However, you think that it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter, explain what you like about the cafeteria, say what is wrong with it, and suggest how it could be improved.


You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter, say in general what you like about shopping in your area, say what is wrong with the facilities, and suggest how they could be improved.


You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, introduce yourself, explain what sort of job you would like and say what experience and skills you have.


You would like a temporary job working in a summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter, explain what sort of job you would like to do, describe your personality and say what experience and skills you have.


An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay, giving advice about what to do and give information about what clothes to bring.


An English-speaking friend is coming to study in your town next year and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your

letter, offer to find a place for him/her to live, give advice about how to find a part-time job and give information on where they can learn your language. 7.

You are going on a short training course at a college in New Zealand. You need somewhere to live while you are there. You realized that a friend whom you met in your country. Write to your friend. In your letter, explain your situation, describe the accommodation you require and say when you will need it.


You are going to take a short holiday in Australia and you want to rent a holiday flat while you are there. Write to the tourist information office. In your letter, explain what you need, say when you need it and ask for information about the prices.


You were recently voted by your neighbors as the organization president of your town. Write a letter to your neighbors. In your letter, express thanks for the opportunity, describe the plans that you would like to do first and express your concerns.

10. You were invited to speak before a crowd to share your experiences in life. However, 2 days before the affair, a serious family problem happened. Write to the organizer of the affair. In your letter, apologize that you can not attend the affair, describe what happened and say how important the event but you can not make it.

Writing Task 2

Directions: Write an essay about the following tasks and make sure to finish each in about 40 minutes.


In general, people do not have such a close relationship with their neighbors as they did in the past. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contact between neighbors?


Life nowadays is generally much more stressful than in the past. Give some reasons why people suffer more from stress nowadays, and say what they can do to reduce it.


Computers and modems have made it possible for office workers to do much of their work from home instead of working in offices everyday. Working from home should be encouraged as it is good for workers and employers. Do you agree or disagree?


It is often difficult for young people to find a good job without previous work experience. Governments should encourage employers to choose young people when they need new workers. Do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays, many students have the opportunity to study for part or all of their courses in foreign countries. While studying abroad brings many benefits to individual students, it also has a number of disadvantages. Do you agree or

disagree? 6.

In some countries it is common for students leaving school to do a gap year in which they travel, do voluntary work, or do a job before going on to higher education. Although this may benefit students in a number of ways, it also has a number of disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Parents and teachers make many rules for children to encourage good behavior and to protect them from danger. However, children would benefit from fewer rules and greater freedom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Governments make rules to protect people from danger, for example by making people wear seat belts in cars or not allowing smoking in public buildings. However, many people believe there are too many rules nowadays. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In many countries, television shows many foreign-made programs. The dominance of imported entertainment is harmful to the cultures of these countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

10. In most countries, multinational companies and their products are becoming more and more important. This trend is seriously damaging our quality of life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answers Writing Task 1 NOTE: The following are sample answers to writing task 1. Study them carefully before doing the writing assignments above. Sample 1: You have just started a course in a college which has no sports facilities of its own. Write a letter to the manager of the nearest private sports club. In your letter, introduce yourself, say why you are interested in this sports club and ask some questions about the club (e.g., facilities, members, costs) Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. 3 February 2007

Dear Mrs. White,

I am writing to inquire about the facilities of the YMCA sports club. I have heard much about the affordability and customer satisfaction from students like me who have been using your

equipment for various sports activities recently.

I am a freshman Education major in English student at the Jose Rizal College. Our campus is just a block away from your compound. Having said this, accessibility is never a problem and the best of all, I will be able to manage other school-related tasks while enjoying at your swimming facility. How much is the membership fee annually? Do I have to pay for entrance every time I go there? As I am a full-time student, are you open after 5pm and on weekends? I hope that you can provide me with these details through text at 0910-1234567 or call me in my home phone at 123-4567.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Santos

(160 words) Sample 2:

You have had a bank account for a few years. Recently you received a letter from the bank stating that your account is $240 overdrawn and that you will be charged $70 which will be taken directly from your account. You know that this information is incorrect. Write a letter to the bank. Explain what has happened and say what you would like them to do about it. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (196 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Mr. Aquino,

I am writing in reply to a letter I received from you a few days ago. In your letter, you state

that I am $240 overdrawn and that you will be charging me $70.

I would like to point out that the reason I am overdrawn is because of a mistake made by your bank. If you look through your records you will see that I wrote several weeks ago explaining the situation. For the last 12 months, I have been paying $300 a month for a car I bought last summer. The monthly payments were taken directly from my bank account. However, 2 months ago I sold the car and I wrote to you instructing you to stop paying the monthly installments. I received a letter from you acknowledging my request, but, for some reason, nothing was done about it. Another $300 installment has been paid this month and this is the reason why I am overdrawn. I would like you to contact the garage where I bought the car explaining your error. I would also like you to ask them to return the money.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Patt Santos

Sample 3:

You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems. Write a letter to your new employer. In your letter, explain the situation, describe some problems, and tell him/her when you think you can start. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (167 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Ms. Barnes,

I am writing concerning the position of Welder that I am due to begin next Monday. However, a problem has arisen.

As you know, I currently work for my uncle’s welding shop and fabricating business, and you will remember from my interview that I have gained valuable experience there. Unfortunately, he has to go into hospital for eye surgery, leaving my aunt in charge of both the home and the business. She has asked me, as this is a particularly busy time of the year, to stay on and help her with the running of the office. I realize this will be inconvenient to you, but very much hope that, given the circumstances, you would be prepared to allow me to take up the position with you two weeks later than planned. I would like to emphasize that I remain very keen to work with you, and that I will be gaining further useful experience during this time.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, John Ningning Sample 4: You are unhappy about a plan to make your local airport bigger and increase the number of flights. You live near the airport. Write a letter to the local newspaper. In your letter, explain where you live, describe the problem, and give reasons why you do not want this development. Write at least 150 words in 20 minutes. (249 words) 3 February 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to make an appeal to the airport authorities through your newspaper regarding the planned expansion of the local airport and the increase in the number of flights.

Leaving about 500 meters away from the airport, I and my family are currently experiencing inconveniences under this circumstance. The main issue is the noise that is so disturbing every time a plane takes off and lands. Imagine how it feels to have this happening almost

every minute of the day. Apart from this is the flow of traffic that we experience. Since we are close to the airport, there will be no point in time that we are free from the traffic in the main road that we pass through in going out of our village. Since we heard that there is a plan of expanding the airport, this would mean a great deal to us who live just across the airstrip. It would mean that we may be asked to leave our place in case it will be hit by the expansion. This would also mean that there may be an increase in the number of flights which will add to our already present dilemma regarding the noise concern. It would mean lesser times of a peaceful and quiet surroundings. I really hope that airport officials would try to reconsider their plans and think also about the welfare of the people who will be affected by their move.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Bernadette Camiling

Writing Task 2 Sample 1 To be successful in education it is important to be a good student than to have good teachers. Do you agree? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Success, nowadays, is and will always be a goal for most individuals regardless of the kind of endeavor one wishes to pursue. As a student, it will forever be a great challenge to finish his education. However, at school, success has to be a concerted effort of both the school represented by its teachers and the students themselves.

Firstly, with the very pressing economic situations of the country, parents are faced with an enormous responsibility of whether to send their children to school or have them do it on a

latter time. For this, money is the deciding factor. Given the opportunity to study, students must possess qualities that could make him successful in the future. Characters such diligence, perseverance and studious must go hand in hand for a student to achieve his goals in education.

On the other hand, teachers must do their relentless drive to seriously help their students fulfill their aims. Unfortunately, there are more students than mentors in every classroom in the country. As a result, students are unsuccessful with their aspirations. As this may seem a paramount problem encountered by school owners, teachers must device a way to serve the students and maximize their learning potentials.

As a whole, becoming a successful student, large emphasis has to be put on values shed on every day that he goes to school to learn. In addition, teachers must carefully consider all possible means to help address the needs of the students. After all, what becomes a future of a student is immensely affected by the experience he obtains from his teachers at school. (266 words)

Sample 2: Some people prefer to spend their holidays by going out of town. Others prefer to stay at home. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of going out of town? Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In the past, taking a holiday was viewed with less interest by many. Nowadays, most Filipino families love taking a holiday. In fact, the government is initiating a move to lengthen holidays by moving certain days of the week to offer Filipinos with many days to enjoy. As Filipinos are lavish spenders of holiday, going of town on holiday presents many great advantages.

Firstly, taking an out of town and simple trip provide every individual a rejuvenating experience. A very classic example is going for a trip to Baguio City, the summer capital of the Philippines. In that place, you can do numerous, relaxing activities such as going for a walk at Burnham park while enjoying its fresh and cool breeze of air. In addition, you can also do boating in the same park. Another less expensive way of activity is making a road trip to Tagaytay City. With this, you will be delighted with a countryside road experience which is very relaxing as well.

Secondly, knowing the culture, the food, the people and the whole area where you intend to go is another benefit offered by an out-of-town holiday. Interestingly, most people find this a welcoming and educational opportunity. It has always been said that traveling can enrich one’s mind and spirit.

As a whole, while this set up gives disadvantages like the hassles of pre-planning stage and the inconveniences of travel, the benefits serve a great purpose, to rejuvenate and to impart knowledge of the area where you plan to go. In this way, you just did not relax your body but enrich your mind as well.

(269 words)

Sample 2: Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles. Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time. Which of the two do you prefer? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes. It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to

stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. (258 words) Sample 3: The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in

poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. (266 words)

Sample 4: We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide. In the future computers will be used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming. They will be so complex that no individual could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Providing all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. If one small program fails, it will become a disaster. There is a certain inevitability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world. (292 words)

Sample 5: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.

Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt. Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their child to participate on different teams. But what if the child prefers to read? Parents want to pass on their values to their children. However, things change. The children of today are growing up in a world different from their parents' world. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her parents don't understand or value the digital revolution. Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers. Fortunately, we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are valuable.

(296 words)

Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

Mar 16, '08 9:42 Upcoming Event- IELTS General Training Intensive Review PM and Coaching for everyone

IELTS General Training Intensive Review and Coaching- March 24-28, 2008 will be held in one of the hotels in Manila. The training starts at 7am and ends at 4pm. Powerful techniques and intuitive coaching will be instructed to skilled workers applying for work in Australia. Walk-in applicants are accepted. Please contact 0918-490-5100 for further information. Tags: ielts philippines, ielts review 0 comments

IELTS Academic Writing Task 2- Sample Tasks and Answers

Mar 16, '08 9:30 PM for everyone

Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles.

Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time.

It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life. Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think it suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best. Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired. Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the

gym. Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards. In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television. We have been living in the nuclear age now for over half a century. Since the first atomic bombs were developed, nuclear technology has provided governments with the ability to totally destroy the planet. Yet the technology has been put to positive use as an energy source and in certain areas of medicine. To what extent is nuclear technology a danger to life on Earth? What are the benefits and risks associated with its use?

These days, many people are afraid of nuclear technology because of the dangers associated with its use. In my opinion, although it is true that nuclear weapons pose the greatest threat to life, the use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes also carries some serious risks. Nuclear power stations provide an important source of cheap power for many industrialized nations and some developing countries. However, there is always the danger of radiation leaking from these plants. Even though safety precautions are taken, there have been numerous disasters such as the explosion of a nuclear plant in Russia not long ago. Nuclear technology is even used to help cure some diseases such as cancer. Radiation can be applied to the body to burn away cancerous cells. This is, however, a dangerous procedure, and the application of radiation is almost always painful and not always successful. The most worrying aspect of nuclear technology, though, is its use for military purposes. Enough atomic bombs have already been built to completely destroy the planet, and the real danger is that one day some country will start a war with these weapons. Too many countries now have the technology required to make such bombs, and there is currently much debate about how to control the situation. In conclusion, nuclear technology certainly has positive uses, but is, nonetheless, dangerous. However, it would have been better if it had never been used to create nuclear weapons.

People in all modern societies use drugs, but today's youth are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an increasingly early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of society often set a bad example. Discuss the causes and some effects of widespread drug use by young people in modern day society. Make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug abuse.

Youth drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many cultures. Not only is illegal drug use on the rise, but children as young as 10 years old are experimenting with alcohol and tobacco. The reasons for this behavior are unclear, but certain sociologists blame the examples set by their elders. Parents who drink and smoke to excess are, in effect, telling their children that it is acceptable to abuse their bodies with drugs. Consequently, children may have a similar view towards illegal drugs, even if their parents are against their use. In addition, drug use shown on television and in films can only confuse children who are also taught at school that drug abuse is wrong. The pressure on young people to perform well at school in order to compete for jobs is a possible cause of the problem. Many believe they cannot live up to their parents' expectations, and feel a sense of hopelessness. Also, the widespread availability of drugs means teenagers are faced with the temptation to experiment. Drugs are used as a means of expressing dissatisfaction with the pressures they face in society. The effects of drug abuse are well known. Many young people's talents are wasted, and addiction to hard drugs can cost a user his or her life. Furthermore, those who drink and drive may be involved in fatal road accidents. The cost to society is great, and enormous amounts of money are spent on convicting drug dealers and on education programs. To conclude, I recommend that the only sensible way to solve this problem is to educate young people about the dangers of drug use, and to take steps to reduce the pressure of competition placed upon them. The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution.

In most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true

in poor, undeveloped countries. Overpopulation causes a considerable number of problems. In poor countries it is difficult to provide enough food to feed even the present number of people. In addition, education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. Poorer countries usually have a lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The environment also suffers when there are too many people living on the land. In rich, industrialized and developing countries it is very difficult for governments to provide effective public services in overcrowded cities. Moreover, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high rates of unemployment. Further large increases in population only cause more overcrowding, unemployment and crime. There are two main solutions to the overpopulation problem. Firstly, every woman who is pregnant, but who does not want to give birth, should be allowed by law to have an abortion. Secondly, governments must educate people to limit the size of the family. In China, couples are penalized financially if they have more than one child. This may seem cruel, but the "one-child policy" is beginning to have an effect in the world's most populous nation. Eventually, similar policies might also be necessary in other crowded nations such as India, for example. To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of starvation in poor countries, and life in the cities, even in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult. Studying the English language in an English-speaking country is the best but not the only way to learn language. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Studying a language in a country where it is widely spoken has many advantages. It is, therefore, a good idea to study English in a country such as Britain. However, I believe it is not the only way to learn the language. In the first place, most students in non-English-speaking countries learn English at secondary school, and sometimes at university nowadays. Although their spoken English is not usually of a very high standard, their knowledge of grammar is often quite advanced. This is certainly useful when students come to an English-speaking country to perfect the language. Secondly, studying the basics of English at secondary school is less stressful than learning the language while overseas. This is because students living at home do not have to worry

about problems such as finding accommodation, paying for their study and living costs, and trying to survive in a foreign country where day to day living causes much stress. However, there are obvious advantages of learning English in Britain. Every day there are opportunities to practice listening to and speaking with British people. Also, students can experience the culture firsthand, which is a great help when trying to understand the language. This is especially true if they choose to live with a British family, as exchange students for example. Furthermore, if students attend a language school full-time, the teachers will be native speakers. In this case, not only will students' speaking and listening skills improve, but attention can be given to developing reading and writing skills as well. In general, even though it is preferable to study English in an English-speaking country, a reasonable level of English can be achieved in one's own country, if a student is gifted and dedicated to study. Although abuse of the system is inevitable, social welfare payments are essential to protect the rights citizens have to a guaranteed minimum income in a democratic society. Discuss.

Social welfare is an essential element of an advanced society. Good systems are always abused, but that does not mean they are faulty. In my opinion, the two main reasons why welfare payments are necessary are as follows: First of all, critics forget that there are many forms of welfare besides payments to the unemployed. Their negative opinions harm those who are not capable of earning a wage, such as single-parent mothers, the disabled, and the sick. Moreover, the unemployed have the right to an income, too. They are not always at fault for not having a job, and in most cases the tax they have paid in the past entitles them to assistance. The second reason is that crime increases when people have no means of support. The desperately poor inevitably turn to crime, which is not only dangerous but costly. Policing the streets is more expensive than providing welfare. A policeman's wage is four or five times higher than a "dole" payment. Certain members of society believe that people should look after themselves. They point out that welfare increases dependency on others and destroy dignity. This may be true, but in the case of the unemployed, the relief payments are usually temporary. It is surely the fault of the government if there are long-term unemployed. Welfare critics also believe that it is the responsibility of a victim's family to provide financial assistance. However, it is too expensive to provide complete help for a severely disabled person. To conclude, it is vital to understand the need for welfare in a modern democratic society.

Without welfare payments the poor are destined to become poorer. The first duty of a government is to provide a financial safety net for all disadvantaged persons, and that includes those without work. Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others. Students who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately. Do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that some students in schools behave badly and their behavior causes difficulty for others either because it has a negative effect on the group or because ordinary students find it difficult to study with them. One solution is to take these students away and teach them on their own. However, if we simply hav