Judicial Notice & Affidavit[1]

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John Henry: Doe c/o PO Box 777 Anycity, Anystate 77777-0777 STATE OF ANYSTATE COURT





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PURSUANT TO: 48 CFR Ch. 1.53.228 For DEPOSIT Opt. Forms 90,91 ) & SF 24,25,25A,28

Defendant(s). ) _________________________________________________________________________________


Comes now, John-Henry: Doe, in proper person, and hereby seeks to place upon the record in this Court his Judicial Notice in the above called/styled/titled civil action for reasons set out herein below, and shows the Court as follows; ALL PARTIES ARE HEREBY NOTICED: Alleged Defendants in the above called/styled/titled civil action File # 09-C-7777, bring this Judicial Notice to cause the court to take Judicial Notice of the following: 1. File the ORIGINAL copy of this “Judicial Notice”, in the evidence file and present to Judge Sneaky E Skunk for execution.

FOR DEPOSIT1 PURSUANT TO 48 Civil Federal Rules2 ________________________________


Black’s law dictionary 8th edition page 471 “Deposit” 3.5 under civil law [Cases: Bailment 2. C.J.S. Bailments §§ 5, 14, 16-18]. also [1. C.J.S. Bailment §§ 1. C.J.S. Bailment §§ 2-13, 15, 19, 22-24, 31. ] 2 Reference: http://www.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/cfrassemble.cgi?title=200348 1

2. Judge Sneaky E Skunk find attached herein forms for JOHN H DOE: 1. Optional form 90 (Release of Lien on Real Property), 2. Optional form 91 (Release of Personal Property), 3. Standard form 28 (Affidavit of Individual Surety), 4. Standard form 24 (Bid Bond), 5. Standard form 25 (Performance Bond), 6. Standard form 25A (Payment Bond) 7. State of Anystate Bond #777-77-777777 for “Deposit” and the closure, for the record and, for the release of all personal and real property and, all bonds of performance nunc pro tunc to 2005 related to the aforementioned surety Dated this 3rd day of April 2009 By: _____________________________________________

John-Henry: Doe, Authorized

Representative _____________________________________________________________________________________

48 CFR Ch. 1 53.228 Bonds and insurance The following standard forms are prescribed for use for bond and insurance requirements, as specified in part 28:(a) SF 24 (Rev. 10/98) Bid Bond. (See 28.106–1.) SF 24 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the loose leaf edition of the FAR. (b) SF 25 (Rev. 5/96) Performance Bond. (See 28.106–1(b).) SF 25 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the loose leaf edition of the FAR. (c) SF 25–A (Rev. 10/98) Payment Bond. (See 28.106–1(c).) SF 25–A is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in Part 53 of the loose leaf edition of the FAR. (d) SF 25–B (Rev. 10/83), Continuation Sheet (For Standard Forms 24, 25, and 25–A). (See 28.106–1(d).) (e) SF 28 (Rev. 6/03) Affidavit of Individual Surety. (See 28.106–1(e) and Part 53 of the loose leaf edition of the FAR.(o) OF 90 (Rev. 1/90), Release of Lien on Real Property. (See 28.106–1(o) and28.203–5(a).) OF 90 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in part 53 of the 2 JUDICIAL NOTICE & AFFIDAVIT

loose leaf edition of the FAR.(p) OF 91 (Rev. 1/90), Release of Personal Property from Escrow. (See 28.106–1(p) and 28.203–5(a).) OF 91 is authorized for local reproduction and a copy is furnished for this purpose in part 53 of the loose leaf edition of the FAR. [48 FR 42637, Sept. 19, 1983, as amended at 53 FR 43395, Oct. 26, 1988; 54 FR 48998, Nov. 28,1989; 55 FR 25534, June 21, 1990; 55 FR 52801,Dec. 21, 1990; 59 FR 67061, Dec. 28, 1994; 61 FR 39214, July 26, 1996; 63 FR 58603, Oct. 30, 1998;63 FR 70293, Dec. 18, 1998; 64 FR 10549, Mar. 4, 1999; 68 FR 28088, May 22, 2003] CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Documents served: * Judicial Notice, Opt. Forms 90, 91 & SF 24,25,25A, 28 - Case # 09-C-7777 NOTICE TO THE AGENT IS NOTICE TO THE PRINCIPAL - NOTICE TO THE PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO THE AGENT On 04/03/09, I served the above mentioned documents with attachments as noted by placing a true and correct copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid for delivery by the U.S. Postal Service, addressed to the following recipients as follows: SLIMEY BOTTOM FEEDER LAW FIRM Attention: Attorney’s name 6666 East Central Avenue; PO Box 6666 AnyCity, Anystate 66666-6666 Executed this 3rd day of the 4th month, in the Year Of Our Lord Two Thousand and Nine and placed in the United States mail at Anycity, Anystate. By: ___________________________________________ John-Henry: Doe, Authorized Representative Acknowledgment

State of Anystate ) County of


) Sworn and Subscribed: For verification purposes only

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me by John-Henry: Doe, known to me or proven to me to be the real man signing this document this 3rd day of April 2009 WITNESS my hand and official seal.


______________________________________ ________________ NOTARY PUBLIC DATE



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