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Lawful Money - Affidavit and Notice 1) I always make demand for lawful money when I cash my paychecks and other checks in banks, either by redeeming them in lawful money pursuant to 12USC411, or by direct demand for $1 coins. And when the bank says that they don’t have enough $1 U.S. coins to negotiate my paycheck, I take the amount of $1 U.S. coins that they offer to me, and accept any Federal Reserve Notes for the rest, but only in lieu of lawful money $1 U.S. coins. 2) Therefore, I only use lawful money U.S. coins for all of my purchases, and never voluntarily use Federal Reserve credit or Notes, to purchase anything. 3) Therefore, my use of any Federal Reserve Notes is only in lieu of lawful money, due to the Federal Reserve Banks’ failure to fully satisfy my demand for lawful money U.S. coins. 4) Therefore, my inalienable right to property is intact, and neither the Federal Reserve bankers nor their debtor, the United States, have any security interest in, or liens or claims against, my property. 5) Therefore, I do not operate in commerce and remain under Common Law of the Republic, subject only to laws of the United States of America. 6) Therefore, I am not subject to statutes of the State of California, since those only apply to commerce. 7) Therefore, I am protected by the organic 1820 United States Constitution, and the organic 1849 California Constitution. 8) Therefore, neither I, nor my private property are subject to statutory definitions of State of California and of the United States. 9) Therefore, neither I nor my property is subject to the Uniform Commercial Code or its State-adopted variations. 10) Therefore, I demand recognition of my inalienable right to property, since ownership of property is created by the application of labor, where the State was not involved. 11) Therefore, any gold and silver coins that I may possess, are owned exclusively by me, under common law, without any liens or encumbrances against them by anyone. 12) Furthermore, any paper currency payments that I receive, I accept only in lieu of lawful money US coins. And I redeem those in lawful money pursuant to title 12 USC 411, by making a demand for lawful money. 13) Therefore, I owe nothing to the State because I receive nothing from it, beyond the protection of my life and property, as per Hale v Henkel: “Individual ….is entitled to carry on his private business in his own way. His power to contract is unlimited. He owes no such duty to the State, since he receives nothing therefrom, beyond the protection of his life and property. His rights are such as existed by the law of the land long antecedent to the organization of the State, and can only be taken from him by due process of law, and in accordance with the constitution.” Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 at 47 (1905). Executed on this ______ day of _____________, 2019. Signed _________________________, sui juris. On land of state of the Union: _____________________________,
_______________________ county
NOTARY PUBLIC Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, by the above-signed John Henry Smith, This ______________ day of _____________________, 2018 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:_______________
______________________________ Notary Public
FRNs are OBLIGATIONS of United States, which means PROMISSORY NOTES, and 12 USC 411 is the remedy for people to redeem those notes in REAL money upon demand. But since US is bankrupt, it no longer has any real money to give you when you demand redemption. And that means that they're in DISHONOR, since you demand LM and they only give you their worthless debt notes instead, and because they DIDN'T pay their debts, that makes you a CREDITOR of US. Which means that you should have the power to SET OFF any fines that US and its agencies allege you owe them, merely by your signature. But if you DON'T demand redemption (as most people don't), then you're a DEBTOR of US, since you VOLUNTARILY use US's promissory notes (FRNs) instead of real money to buy things. So you're a DEBTOR of US, because you use THEIR 'money' to pay for stuff. In other words, if you voluntarily use FRNs, you DON'T have a right of ownership, only right of possession, while the US retains the title to whatever you 'own'. But that changes when you demand redemption in lawful money. Then the US or any of its agencies including the STATE OF... have no authority to regulate your stuff, since they DON'T have the title to it. How could they, when the US is your DEBTOR and you are its CREDITOR? So most of their adhesion contracts don't apply to you, since it's just as if you were buying things with real money. I.e. you're basically back under common law, where the defacto gov't has no authority, since you no longer engage in COMMERCE. In other words, that's like being back in 1932 when people still had real money and consequently a right to property. Back under common law, under the laws of the Republic, and out from under the PUBLIC POLICY of the bankrupt United States. But in order to claim this creditor/freeman/sovereign status, you may have to be Domiciled on the land of the state of the Union, rather than be a corporate US person/ State resident. ******************************************************************* So here's how one could use this info in practice: 1) Endorse all paychecks with the Lawful Money demand language 2) Execute the LM Affidavit and the Declaration of Domicile 3) Send these two docs to the Secretary of State 4) Start exercising your unalienable rights without any permits and licenses 5) If charged with a STATUTE violation, file a counterclaim for FRIVOLOUS PROSECUTION, since you've already noticed them about your status as the state INHABITANT and CREDITOR of the US. I.e. the corporate STATE has neither personal nor subject matter jurisdiction, since you're no longer in commerce, but under common law.