Lyd - Strategy - Manifestor

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Strategy: Ask Permission (youth)

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Inform (adult) Not-Self Theme: Anger


Mechanics: Non-Sacral, Throat defined to motor






Closed and Repelling

Questions: How do I impact? WilI I be answered? Signature/Goal: Peace

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TechnicalDescription A Manifestor designwill have one or more of three motors (Heart, Solar plexus and,/or Root) connectedto the Throat and have an Undefined Sacral Center. Approximately 8% of the population are Manifestors, so they are somewhatrare.

Rolein History Historically, the role of the Manifestor has beenthe king or the high priest. They ruled throrrghout history becausethey are the only pure doers, and so they gained all the power

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and authority. They establishedthe laws, and all spiritual and material hierarchies are a result of their attempt to maintain control and to avoid being challenged. They are the instruments of the Yang/Yang principle. Historically, the traditional role of Manifestors endedaround 1781 when human beingstransitionedfrom being seven-Centerbeingsto nine-Centerbeings.

Overview The Manifestor's special gift is to initiate action and to have an impact on others. Becausethey have a motor connectedto the Throat Center, they can simply manifest and be independent.However, this ability to initiate and act independentlymakes others very uncomfortable around them, and thus Manifestors, unless they follow their strategy, will meet a lot of resistance.Becauseother people don't understandManifestors, they will try to control them and this makes Manifestors angry. They just don't understandwhy anyone would resist and control them. The Not-Self theme for a Manifestor is Anger. How can they avoid the resistance?Through informing others of what tiey intend to do. Infonning puts people at ease.Then the Manifestors can do their own thing and spare themselvesall that resistanceand anger. Depending upon the type of conditioning that the Manifestor experiencesin their life, the Not-Self Manifestor is either going to be very angry and rebellious, or very passive and accommodating.In either case,this is due to a history of others controlling them. Manifestors are not much interested in themselves. They are not like Generators who needto interact with others.Nor do they possessthe Generator'sneedto leam about what brings them satisfaction. The Manifestor simply doesnot need the other in the sameway, in fact, they see others as rather alien, and so in a sensethey are the lone wolf and are comfortable with solitude, to be left alone to do what they please.

Strategy:Inform Manifestors are unpredictable, and they have a reputation of being a threat to order and stability. The Manifestor's aura literally pushes energy outward and repels the auras of other types. Becauseof the repelling nature of the Manifestor's aura and the fact that they don't really need someoneelse to initiate them, people tend to fear Manifestors.They fear that Manifestors axeout of control, so they will try to control them. This begins very early in the Manifestor's life. The Manifestor grows up being conditioned by the fear of being controlled. Becauseof this imposed control, they rebel and leam to do just the opposite of what is healthy for them. They don't inform becauseby not informing, by keeping what they are going to do a secret, they think they can avoid being controlled. However, it is only by infomring that they remove resistance and put others at ease

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without being passive.In their youth they needto leam to ask permission and to be polite. People can feel ignored, or run over by Manifestors, but if we teach them at a young age to be polite, we are setting them up for an easiertime later in life. Everything about Strategy and Authority is related to one thing, and that is decision making. For Manifestors, they need to inform after they have made a decision but before they act on that decision. Additionally, when they have decided not to do something anymore, they also needto inform before putting their decision into effect. The most important thing for a Manifestor is to understand tleir impact on others. BecauseManifestors do not needthe other in the sameway as the other types do, they are not really concemed about what others see in them. They do not really understandtheir impact on others simply becausethey are not aware of them. They are surprisedto learn that they have an impact at all. When Manifestors are operating correctly, and informing others, they will recognize tleir impact and begin to feel that they are getting a certain amount of support from other people. Manifestors need to becomeaware of their impact. To put this in perspective,think about the emotional Manifestor who gets upset at work, blows up, quits and walks out. This is typical of what a Manifestor can do. Not for one instant did that Manifestor think about the consequencesand impact of his action. And yet there are a zillion things that get impacted when he quits. If Manifestors can recognize their impact, the knowledge of it will bansform them. Most Manifestors think they are alone in the world. Therefore, a very good process for Manifestors is to write down all the names of the people that their decision is going to impact. They will then begin to seethat they do have impact that they are not alone, and they will also seethe logic of informing. They will begin to recogni2s that they have to do somethingabout tle impact, and this is done through informing. Itos all about showing respect for the other types, and informing shows respect. When they don't inform, the other feels disrespected and ignored. And when a Manifestor shows respectthrough informing, it tells the other person that this Manifestor is not dangerousand that he can be trusted. The other person will realize that the Manifestor is not to be feared and controlled.

Relationships It's not easy being a Manifestor. Just think about the rejection that the Manifestor has to deal with and potentially face. They have to "do" everything, initiate everything and they have to deal with rejection. For Manifestors to be correct, they have to do the initiating. For example, if Manifestors like somebody,it is correct for them to make the first move,

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instead of hoping they'll be noticed. They need to take the initiative, go after the person and let him/trer know whaf they feel. It's a risky business,and nobody likes rejection. But being a Manifestor is about breaking free from the safe routines of the past. The Manifestor may be afraid but he or shemust do it anyway. In order for Manifestors to have peaceful relationships, they must inform. They cannot just walk out of the house and not tell their partner where they are going becausethis will only create resistanceupon their retum. The partner will want to know "where did you go?", "what did you do?", '\vhy didn't you tell me?". The other becomesvery suspicious when they are not informed by a Manifestor. Simply say, "I'm going to the store and I'll be right back". It will save a lot of resistanceand anger later and the parher will feel respected.

Children Manifestor Children are very misunderstood.The moment they come into the world their aura is felt and immediately the parents are on alert. Becausethe Manifestor is so rare it can feel quite different to have a Manifestor child. They needto be treated as Manifestors and be given a certain amount of freedom of movement. It's important to explain to them their Strategyto ask permission as soon as possible and it's very ifirportant to explain to a Manifestor child why they cannot do something, so they can understandthe logic behind it. They need to learn that when they ask permission that "most" of the time they get to do what they want, with perhapssomemodifications for safety. To put excessivecontrols on a Manifestor child will onlv result in eventualrebellion.

The Manifestorwith EmotionalAuthority When Manifestors have a Defined Solar Plexus they are typically very impulsive. Having a Defined Solar Plexus (if honoredproperly), however, can be a big benefit once they learn how to work with it and wait through their emotional wave. It's during the waiting processthat they can becomeaware of all of those they will impact with their decision. There is a big difference between the Mind directing Manifestors to act, and their Authority directing th€m to act. Typically, the Emotionally Defined Manifestor does things impulsively and under pressure,but when they wait through their wave, things can happennatwally. This part is very important. If they feel an urgency to act or implement their idea, that impulse usually comes from the conditioned mind (Undefined sacral or root or heart, etc., expressingthrough the mind) and not the Authority.

Their actionsneedto comefrom their Authority, not from their mind. While waiting throughtheir wavethey will noticethat eitherthe feeling of wantingto act hassubsided,


meairing it was not meant to be, or that they still feel that they want to make that decision or take that action, but when the time feels right, not out ofurgency or pressure. Being impulsive can be a huge problem for Emotionally Defined Manifestors; it gets them into trouble over and over again. Leaming to wait out the wave before making a decision, and then informing, is perhapsthe only way an Emotionally Defined Manifestor will becomea true successin life. If a Manifestor is operating correctly, lsing Emotionally Defined can be a real advantage. As they wait for clarity, Manifestors can make a list of those who will be impacted by their decision. By the time they get to the end of their wave, and have reviewed the list, they may decide not to take action. Patience is the requirement for an Emotionally Defined Manifestor. If they wait, they get clarity. The emotional processtakes place over time. A Manifestor needsto inform; but before he infomrs he must think about the consequencesof his decision and whom it is going to impact. Manifestors cannot transform their Solar Plexus overnight. Sometimes waiting can be excruciating and feel like a punishment. But waiting for the emotional depth that is available to them can be a real advantage. If they act too quickly, there may be deep, lasting and unwelcome consequencesthat could have been avoided.

The Manifestorwith SplenicAuthority As a counter-perspectiveto the emotional process,if Manifestors have splenic authority then their actions will just flow out of them instinctively and naturally, from their being, not from their mind. However, they still need to wait before they act on their decisions becausethey still need to inform. It can be a dilemma for non-emotionally Defined Manifestors becausethey may have an inkling of what the impact will be, but they have not had enough time to fully know the level of that impact. Being spontaneouscan get in the way of informing properly.

Not-SelfManifestors The Not-Self Manifestors seethemselvesas threatenedby control and punishment. They seethemselvesnot as powerfirl but as restricted and powerless.That powerlessnessis the deepsourceof most Manifestors' anger.What they do not recoqnize is that they are still a Manifestor.They are designedto always have an impact but they just don't know it. Manifestors need to leam how to apply their strategy, which is that they inforrn all those who will be impacted by their decisions.

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I I Manifestors have grown up pretending that they are not powerful to avoid control. They behave like Generators,waiting rather than initiating and by responding to what others want from them. They have developedthe strategy of a Generatorbecausethey are afraid to initiate due to all the control, resistance and rejection they have experienced in their life. Obviously, this does not work becausefor anything of value to happen in a Manifestor's life, it is the Manifestor who has to initiate it. When Manifestors behavelike Generatorsthey are very busy but nothing seemsto get accomplished. The questionfor a Manifestor is "Will I be answered"?They are afraid of rejection and being told "No" so they have developedNot-Self strategiesto avoid informing, to avoid being told 'T.{o," They never like to hear the word "No". This Not-Self conditioning is detrimental to Manifestors as it leavesthem powerless. Manifestors who behave like Manifesting Generatorsare impulsive workaholics driven by the Manifesting Generatorconditioning. Their timing is really offas they aggressively initiate, don't inform, and generally just crash through things, creating all sorts of resistancein their life. TheseManifestors are most likely very exhaustedand ineffective. When Manifestors enter into the experiment of following Strategy and Authority they will have to deal with their fears, such as: . . . . .

Fear of upsetting someone. Fear of informing becauseit might causeconfrontation. Fear of informing becausesomeonewill try to control them. Fear of informing becausethey might meet resistanceor rejection. Fearof their own anger.

Peace Signature/Goal: As we said earlier the Not-Self Theme for a Manifestor is Anger. What the Manifestor wants more than anything else is Peace.Peaceis a stateof being for the Manifestor when there is no resistance.Breaking away from their mind running their life gives them Peace. It's a senseof calmnessand stillness within them and a senseof quiet and peacewithin their spirit, to be left alone to do their own thing. When they find themselvesin a state of Peace,then they know they are operating conectly with their Strategyand Authority.




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During this discussion of types, we will use the metaphor of a soccertearn and seewhat kind of role each type has. The Manifestors would be the forwards. They are the ones who get things done; they shoot the goals and are the top score6. They are often wild and unpredictable characters,but they are very talented. They are always in the limelight and attract everybody's attention. They have a lot of fens, the crowd loves them and the press constantly talks about them. The price they pay for their popularity is that they are often very lonely, becauseothers resist their true nature.

SomeFamousManifestors Adolf Hitler, JohannesKepler, Helmut Kohl, ElisabethKubler Ross,Krishnamurti, HermannHesse,JackNicholson,Bruce Springsteen,Mao Zedong,JesseJackson,Maya Angelou, Art Garfunkel, Tracey Ullman, Martha Stewart,Tommy Smothers,George Carlin,RobertdeNiro, Bob Newhad,JenniferAniston,SusanSarandon,Tim Robbins.

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LivingYour DesignExample:Manifestor

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In this example we have a Manifestor with 3 motors defined - this makes for a high energyManifestor.The SolarPlexusis her Authority. The energyand fuel from the Root Center moves through the Solar Plexus Center so you have the power of two motors connectedto the Tbroat Centerfor action and expression.She also has the Heart Center defined to her G Center and this piece of definition is split off so we have a Split Definition Emotional Manifestor. She is designed to initiate but to use her energy corectly she needsto wait for emotional clarity before making a decision and taking action.And since she is a Manifestor, sheneedsto inform thosewhom her decisionwill impactbeforeshetakesaction on her decision. The Undefined Centers are the Spleen, Sacral, Ajna and Head. With an Undefined Sheneedsto leam to know Spleen,it is detrimentalto her well-being to be spontaneous.


when enough is enough with the undefined Sacrar.And with the undefined Ajna, she will be conditioned to be mentally certain about things, to be a know-it-alt, and witl tne undefined Head center she is under pressureto answer and resolve questi,ons. with the tremendous energy moving through her Root and Solar plexus she is under enonnous p-ressureto be impulsive. she also has a closed and repelling aura which makes it difficult for others to become close to her and get past this barrier. I{er split createsan aaatoo"t level of impatience. The gatesthat bridge her split have ..driveni, her to become a leader \cate 7), a witness (gate 13) and to demonstratecreativify (gate 1) with an emphasison family (gate37). She has spent her life upsetting people becauseshe does not inform before she takes action on her decisions. She is so impulsive and spontaneousthat she is surprised anyone is upset with her and would try to resist something she is doing. witnout waitinj tt o"gh her-emotional wave she impacts people with the volatility of hJr emotions *rricrispit" up and then crash down when her expectationsare not met. Her mind has been conditioned to make decisionsto relieve the pressureby answering all the questions so that she appearscertain and smart. She is spontaneouslygoing about her businessunaware of others and the impact her behavior has on them. Sheis a ivorkanolic because she does not know when enough is enough and has no idea to* io ,"t boundaries.Sheoften puts herself in jeopardy through being spontaneous. The solution is: She needs to slow down and leam patience and realizethat she has impact on others. As she moves through her emotional-wave, it will be helpful for her to consider whom she will impact with her decision. once she begins to inform others before she takes action, she will experiencelessresisrance,lessaiger and have a much more peacefullife while doing as shepleases. Her de-conditioning processwill start once she begins the experiment s1'y6iring through her emotional wave and informing before taking iction on hir decisions. wnitJ waiting, shewill becomeaware of many conditioned habits. Shewill notice how the energy of her Root and Solar Plexus want to be impulsive and take premature action. she this energy rather than acting it out in her life and being a victim of it. She "uo-obr"*" can also observe the habit of being spontaneouswith her undefinei Spleen and tegln to ,rnprug from this habit while waiting. She can also begin to notice all the unhealthylelationships shehas been holding onto, out of fear of survival and begin to let go of them. By being patient, shewill notice when she is feeling the mental anxiety to be certain with the undefined Ajna, and through noticing this she can simply take her attention offof this urge and realize that she doesnot need to "do" anything atout it. she will also notice that she not have to try and show how certain and smart she is, becauseher natural _does intelligence will come forth at the appropriate time. And by slowing down she wiii atso

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see that there af,emany questions that don't need answering (Head) becausewhile waiting, if the answeris important for her, shewill get it at the appropriatetime. While waiting she can become choosy as to where she puts her energy or not. As she learns to wait tlrough her emotional wave and as she becomesthe patient observerof her own intemal habitual dynamics, her cells begin to transform and she begins to realize what a wonderful processit is for her to wait through her emotional wave and to seehow her Authority actually protects her and supportsher in her life.


Manifestor by RaUru Hu The Manifestorand the Generatorvery much representthe energydynamicof the planet.Theyare the two energytypes, and together they representnearly 8O% of humanity. This meansthat we live in a deeplyenergizedplane.We are hereon this planeto be busyand do our stuff. Manifestorshavea real dilemmaand the dilemmafor the Manifestoris that they are so different. They are different to begin with becauseof the natureof the Manifestofsaura.The Manifestorhasa repelling aura and this repellingaura iust blockseverythingoff. lt just does,and it can makeit extremelydifficult for a Manifestorto have an intimate and nurturing environmentwhen they are children. lt's very difficult for Manifestorchildren as they do not havethe samekind of connectionto their mother or their father, particularlythe relationshipto the mother. lt is often very difficult for Generatormothersto havea Manifestorchild becauseyou havethe Generatormother with her enveloping aura,and constantlythe Manifestorchild is pushingher away. It's somethingto understandabout Manifestoraurasthat though they are repelling, it does not mean they are impervious,they are not at all. lf you can get past the repelling,and this is a mafter of one'sfractalconnectionwith that particularManifestor,you can stayin their aura.Generally speaking,the way in which Manifestorsinfluencethe other is that due to the repellingaura when they meet someone,the

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aura of the personthey meet retracts;it backsup. And out of that comesa type of psychologicalapproachtowards the Manifestoritself. Everythingwe know about the Manifestoris that the Manifestoris here to initiate - the deep oppositeof the Generator.Manifestorsare the archetypicaldoers. Of coursethere is a great joke in all of this. Everybodyelseon the planet (the other 9O%)hasto wait and hasto cooperate,and that immediatelymakesthe Manifestorsomethingthat is suspicious, different and potentiallyuncontrollable. No child is punishedmore than the Manifestorchild and I don't necessarily mean physicalabuse.I just mean general punishmentas in control mechanisms that are placedon the Manifestor.The classiccaseof the Manifestorchild is one that simply opensthe door and goer out, becauseit can, and gets losf and then is punishedand restrictedbecausehe didn,t ask. He wasn't dependanton the cooperativeinvited response mechanisms. He'sjust beinga Manifestor. Thereis a dilemmawith a Manifestor,and an odd thing to say about them, is that their Strategy & Authority is just a techniqueto makelife easierfor them. Now is not their time. Manifestorshad their time long ago and with the adventof the nine-centeredbeing in 1781, the Manifestorwent from being at the top of the ladder to being retired. They are basically retired,and they are angry in their retirement.Manifestorsare an angry lot. Anger is alwaysthere for the Manifestor,just as frustration is alwaysthere for the Generator. Pleaseunderstandthat anger and frustrationare enormously powerfulbecausethey are the frequencybyproductof energy's alwaysin their energy;it's alwaysin their aura and it can alwaysbe pulled out. So you havea Manifestorcoming into the world and, of course, what it meets is restraint, constantrestraint,and this only increases the levelof its anger. The Manifestoris the only type that actuallyhastwo strategies - the strategyfor the Manifestorchild that lives in their parent'shomeand the strategyfor the Manifestorasan adult. The child hasto learnto askpermission,which meansit hasto be taught to ask permission.Thereis no other way to provide I Ir r inr r ri) ..r:Jr1l ri l .i rrr,1r(Jrrrtl I ri l i l i u,: \i ,: LL,1i \ 1 r .,i ' : i1 | .\jj ilr .il: i -l i ..i r'fi j ,1)i i '] ,.o|1rl :l rrl r,.j l r,\r!h|.-'((i j i ]?

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the Manifestor child with an opportunity to feel its power, yet at the same time, to learn the rule that all Manifestorsmust learn, that they have to pay attention to the other and they have to find a way to relax the other and put the other at ease so that they can be free to live out their nature. The Manifestor child that learns to ask permission, if permission is not unrealisticallyor unfairly denied, will realizethat askingfrees it from the potential of retribution and punishment, and then it can go and do what it likes. So the Manifestor child after bei ng puni s hed fo r g o in g o u t t h e d o o r , le a r n s t o a s k permission,"Can I go out now?" "Yes, and don't go far, or whatever," is the answer. And so the Manifestor goes out the door, and it does what Manifestorsdo, but it can't be punished becauseit asked.This is the training of a young Manifestor c hi l d. I was blessedas a Manifestorchild becausemy mother was one people, and learningto of these teach-your-children-manners permission a rule. was simply And I did ask permission, ask though I do remember doing preciselywhat I wanted once I was out the door, but nonetheless,I played the game as a Manifestor. As a Manifestor adult, you can't go around asking permission anymore, it does not work. The secret for a Manifestor adult is to inform. Let them know what you are going to do. There is the story of the Manifestor that is sitting on the couch with his lover, and he realizes he is out of cigarettes and he jumps up and runs out the door, says nothing, just goes out the door. He comes back five minutes later and all hell breaksloose,"What did you do? Where did you go? Why didn't you tell me?" and on and on and on. Manifestors have a deep impact on the other. You can look at the repelling aura and think negative,but you can also think positive. When my aura swings through a room, attention gets pai d. l t i s an i mp a c t in g a u r a b e c a u s e o t h e r a u r a s a r e retracting. "What was that?" There is a positive to all of that and once the Manifestor understandsthat they are here to have impact on the other, then they need to pay attention to the other and they need to let the other know what's going on. The Manifestorthat informs relaxesthe other and puts them at


ease."Good Manifestor- isn't that nice.Theytold us what they were going to do before they did it." lt's my joke about the Manifestordriving his truck down the middle of the road and there is somebodycrossingthe road. An unawareManifestor iust drivesover him. A Manifestorthat's following his Strategy & Authority honksthe horn. lt doesnot slow down necessarily. But it doeshonk the horn. They haveto learnhow to honk the horn. The real dilemma for Manifestorsis that, unlike Generators, they are not gifted with the potentialto know themselves or to want to know themselves.And they often do not understand how negativelythey can be perceivedwhen they are incorrect. It is something that can prove to be very difficult for them becauseit brings out a kind of isolationand in that isolation this burning angerinside.The realtragedyis that unlikethe other types,like whereyou can meeta Generatorin the middle of their life and still transformtheir life, it's not so easywith a Manifestor.Most Manifestorchildren run away from being at home, run away from the constraints,swear that they will never be controlledor punishedagain.They are not likely to be readyfor this kind of transformation. l'm alwayssurprisedwhen a Manifestorshowsup to look at HumanDesignbecauseit's a sign that they are very lucky.For most Manifestorchildrenby the time they reachadulthoodthe line in the story has been drawn for them - so teach them young. lf they learnto Informthey will find peacein their life. ***


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