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Which of the following steps would you take if you found an accumulation of oil on the furnace floor? A. B. C. D.

Put in smaller burner tips Open all air registers Close all air registers Close the fuel-oil discharge valve

Another name for the fuel-oil discharge strainer is the: A. B. C. D.

Cold strainer Hot strainer Magnetic strainer Coarse strainer

The retarders in a Scotch boiler are found in the:

A. B. C. D.

Firetubes Watertubes Furnace Combustion chamber

The studs on waterwall tubes are to: A. B. C. D.

Help keep them clean Give added surface area to tubes Strengthen the tubes Help support the tubes in place

A “manometer” measure: A. Air pressure B. Steam pressure C. Oil pressure D. Water pressure

The process applied to iron pipe which retards corrosion is called: A. B. C. D.

Galvanizing Annealing Soldering Tinning

According to furnace arrangement, a “D” type boiler is a : A. B. C. D.

Multiple-furnace boiler low-pressure boiler Divided-furnace boiler Single-furnace boiler

The fuel-oil service pump takes suction from the: A. Contaminated suction pump B. Feed-and filter-tank C. Double-bottom tanks D. Settling tanks

In order to reduce the possibility of flarebacks, one should always: A. B. C. D.

Use a torch to light off burner Prevent oil from accumulating on furnace floor Use large amounts of excess air Keep all air registers open at all times

The size of a reciprocating pump is stamped on the builder’s plate 3” x 4” x 6”. The diameter of the steam cylinder is: A. B. C. D.

4” 3” 6” 8”

The valve that prevents water from backing out of the boiler into the feedline is the: A. B. C. D.

On the discharge side of the service pump On the suction side of the service pump On the discharge side of the transfer pump Between the settling tank and the service pump

In an automatically controlled feedwater system, the proper water level is maintained by: A. B. C. D.

Operating the auxiliary feed-check valve Opening the feedwater heater bypass The fluctuations in water level in the boiler Bypass the deaerator

Which of the following methods can be used to clean the firesides of a boiler? A. B. C. D.

Steam lance Water hose Soot blowers All of the above

The condensate from the coils in the fuel-oil service pumps and the fuel-oil heaters would be a: A. B. C. D.

Feedwater heater Auxiliary exhaust system Observation tank bilges

A bourdon steam pressure gage is always fitted with a: A. Loop in the pipe to prevent live steam from getting to the tube B. Double shutoff valve C. Plain pipe with no shutoff valve D. Non-return shutoff valve

A fireroom that is completely isolated (closed) operates on: A. B. C. D.

Induced draft Forced draft Natural draft None of the above

The purpose of the salinometer cock is to: A. B. C. D.

Test for oil in the water Blow down the gage glass Obtain a sample of boiler water for testing Blow down the boiler to reduce the solids in the boiler water

The function of the water-screen tubes between the superheater and the furnace in the “D” type boiler is’o to: A. Protect the superheater from the radiant heat of the furnace B. Carry away some of the heat from the furnace refractory C. Preheat the water going to the economizer D. None of the above

The stroke of the pump in question 135 is: A. B. C. D.

3” 4” 8” 6”

A bucket air-type pump has: A. B. C. D.

Two sets of valve Three sets of valve One set of valve No valve

A pump that has one steam cylinder and two liquid cylinder is called a: A. B. C. D.

Double pump Triplex pump Tandem pump One-to-two pump

All fuel-oil tanks are fitted with: A. B. C. D.

Heating coils Air vents Suction valves All of the above

The exhaust steam that condensates in the feedwater heater: A. B. C. D.

Is fed back to the boiler Discharges to the auxiliary condenser Discharges to the feed-and filter-tank Discharges to the hotwell through a trap

A duplex strainer is better than a simplex strainer because it: A. B. C. D.

Removes more foreign matter from the fuel oil Can be cleaned while it is in use Causes a smaller pressure drop through the unit Can handle oil with a lower viscosity

All fuel-oil tanks are vented through a :

A. B. C. D.

Check vent to the settling tanks Gooseneck vent located on the main deck Check valve to the transfer pump Gooseneck vent which discharges to the settlers

To change the firing rate of a boiler: A. B. C. D.

Open the recirculating valve Start the second fuel-oil service pump Change the size of the burner tips Close the recirculating valve

The complete unit housing the burner, air scoop, bladed cone, etc. Is called the: A. B. C. D.

Burner assembly Register Boiler assembly Air-duct assembly

The superheater is used to: A. B. C. D.

Help the fuel oil Increase temperature of feedwater Raise the steam pressure Remove moisture from steam

The air pressure supplied to the boiler is measured in: A. B. C. D.

Psi Inches of water Psig Psia

You would give a boiler a surface blowdown when: A. The salinity increases B. Oil appears on the surface of the water in the gage glass C. Scum appears on the surface of the water in the gage glass D. All of the above

All fuel-oil service pump steam valves are fitted with: A. Safety locks B. Reach rods leading to a location outside the fireroom C. Automatic controls D. Reach rods leading to the engine room

The low-suction strainers are located between the: A. B. C. D.

Service pumps and fuel-oil pumps Transfer pump and settling tanks Fuel-oil heaters and discharge strainers Settling tanks and service pumps

The sides of a combustion chamber in a Scotch boiler are called : A. B. C. D.

Wrapper sheets Bottom sheets Crown sheets Support sheets

The purpose of the steam baffle in a condenser is to: A. Separate the steam from the fresh water B. Prevent hot steam from hitting directly on the cooler tubes C. Separate the steam from the salt water D. Prevent steam from mixing with the cooling water

Firetube boilers have been replaced by watertube boilers because: A. Firetube boilers are not able to meet the demand for rapid changes in load that a watertube boiler can meet B. Firetube boilers have more complicated construction C. Firetube boilers are more difficult to repair D. Firetube boilers are more difficult to examine and inspect

The brick wall at the back of the furnace in a Scotch boiler is called a: A. B. C. D.

Side wall Plate wall Bridge wall Crown wall

The double-bottom tanks in a ship are used for: A. B. C. D.

Storing fuel oil Storing fresh water Ballasting when ship is light All of the above

The F.O. Service pump must have: A. Only one operating valve B. A means of shutting from the outside the machinery space C. Two sets of operating valves in the fireroom D. A discharge to the bilge

How much time should be taken to raise steam on a water tube boiler? A. B. C. D.

4 hours 2 hours 1 hour 5 hours

The amount of steam generated by a boiler is dependent upon: A. B. C. D.

The size of the sprayer plate The air pressure The oil pressure All of the above

The boiler gage glasses should be blown down :

A. B. C. D.

Once a day Every 12 hours At the beginning of every watch Every 8 hours

When installing a new gage glass in a water gauge you should secure the bolts from : A. B. C. D.

Top to bottom Center, alternately, toward each end Bottom to top Top to bottom or bottom to top

What pump takes fuel oil from the double bottoms and discharges it to the settling tanks? A. B. C. D.

Service pump Transfer pump General service pump Sump pump

Boiler “pulsations” are caused by:

A. B. C. D.

Too high fuel pressure Forcing the boiler beyond capacity Insufficient air All of the above

In a turbine lube-oil cooler which of the following is kept at the highest pressure? A. B. C. D.

The water The oil The air The steam

The main purpose of the superheater vent valve in a boiler is to: A. Remove air from the superheaters B. Insure a flow of steam through the superheaters when steam is being raised on the boiler C. Lower the steam pressure on a boiler that has just been secured D. Remove water from the superheater

When you light a fire in a boiler, you must always: A. B. C. D.

Use a torch Close the air register before lighting off Open the burner valve halfway Open the burner valve before you open the root valve

It is possible for water to get into the fuel by: A. B. C. D.

Leaks in the hull Condensation in the tanks Being pumped aboard with the oil All of the above

An economizer is used to: A. B. C. D.

Heat the fuel oil Heat air before it enters the furnace Desuperheat the steam Heat the feedwater before it enters the boiler

What precaution must be taken before using steam soot blowers: A. B. C. D.

Wear gloves when operating Decrease steam boiler pressure Blow tubes only during the day Drain thoroughly

A “scoop” condenser must be: A. B. C. D.

A single-pass condenser A counter-flow condenser A double-pass condenser an inverted condenser

Another name for the fuel-oil suction strained is the: A. B. C. D.

Cold strainer Hot strainer Fine strainer Magnetic strainer

The Bailey feedwater regulator works on the principle of: A. B. C. D.

Hydroelectric Thermohydraulic Thermoelectric Pressure-temperature

The division plate in a two-pass condenser: A. B. C. D.

Supports the tubes Separates the water from the steam Separate the air from the steam Prevents the circulating water from passing directly to overboard discharge

The hydrokineter in a Scotch boiler is used to: A. B. C. D.

Take a sample of a boiler water Retard the hot gas circulation Force water into the boiler Warm up and circulate the water when bringing up steam

The coils in the feedwater heater are secured by:

A. B. C. D.

Welding Nipples Union fitting Bonnets

When operating with automatic combustion control always use: A. B. C. D.

At least two different sized tips in the burners Only one sized tip throughout the system Larger tips on the boiler with lower pressure Smaller tips on the boiler with higher pressure

If it is difficult to maintain the proper steam pressure, it will be necessary to change all the tips and: A. Readjust the setting of the oil-air ratio controller B. Change from automatic to manual control C. Make no changes D. Speed up the fan (blower)

How many feedwater lines are connected to the boiler: A. B. C. D.

One Two Three Four

One purpose of the bottom blow valve is to: A. B. C. D.

Remove scale and sediment from the boiler Clean soot from the tubes Drain the economizer Regulate amount of water going to the boiler

A “pneumercator” measures: A. B. C. D.

Oil pressure Air level Liquid level Air pressure

Soot blowers should be used in proper sequence so That: A. B. C. D.

Excess stresses will not be set up in the boiler The decks will not be covered with soot The soot will not be swept toward the uptake There will not be a loss of steam pressure

When the temperature of the feedwater leaving the feedwater heater is too low, it is an indication that the: A. B. C. D.

Reducing valve is not functioning properly Retard the hot gas circulation Force water into the boiler Warm up and circulate the water when bringing up steam

If a large section of the roof tile in a three-pass boiler fell out, an immediate indication would be: A. B. C. D.

A decrease in stack temperature An increase in stack temperature An increase in stack pressure An increase in boiler pressure

The oil burners on conventional vessels should be cleaned at least: A. B. C. D.

Once a week Once a watch Every hour Once a day

If a boiler is giving off black smoke, a possible cause could be: A. B. C. D.

Insufficient air Fuel-oil temperature too low Dirty burners Any of the above

The internal feedline is located: A. B. C. D.

In the bottom of steam-and water-drum Between the feed pump and the boiler In the superheater In the upper part of the furnace

The condensate from the FO heaters is led to the: A. B. C. D.

Feed and filter-tank Observation tank Double-bottom Condenser

If the main circulator breaks down, it is possible to obtain cooling water from: A. B. C. D.

General service pump Evaporator feed pump Fire pump A and C

The safety device located in the crown sheet of a Scotch boiler is called a: A. B. C. D.

Bubble plug Safety plug Crown plug Fusible plug

Which of the following is a common type of oil burner? A. B. C. D.

Bethlehem Todd B&W All of the above

The main engine of a steam-turbine plant uses: A. B. C. D.

Superheated steam Saturated steam Desuperheated steam Back-pressure steam

When the fuel-oil temperature is too high it causes: A. B. C. D.

Flarebacks High fuel-oil pressure White smoke to come from the stack Carbon deposits on the fuel-oil heater coils

The point of highest pressure in the steam and water cycle is found between the: A. B. C. D.

Boiler and the feed pump Boiler and main engine Feed pump and the boiler Steam-and water-drum and superheater

The greatest pressure in a steam and water cycle is found between the: A. B. C. D.

Condensate pump and the feedwater heater Feed pump and boiler Boiler and the feed pump Boiler and the main engine

The boiler gage glasses should be blown down: A. B. C. D.

Once a day Every 12 hours At the beginning of every watch Every 8 hours

On automatic combustion control: A. Reduce the number of burners when the oil pressure approaches the minimum specified B. Keep the same number of burners going at all times C. Change the size of the burner tips in all burners when the pressure drops D. A or C

“Cyclone separators” are located in the: A. B. C. D.

Furnace Steam-and water-drum Feed system Fuel-oil line

The valve between the fuel-oil headers and the burner valve is called the: A. B. C. D.

Root valve Base valve Safety valve Leakoff valve

The condenser vacuum feed valve is open and the water in the reserve tank runs dry. The result will be: A. B. C. D.

A loss of water in the boiler A loss of vacuum A loss of condensate water An increase in back-pressure

In a fuel-oil service system the quick closing fuel-oil Shutoff valves is located between the: A. B. C. D.

Fuel-oil heaters and the discharge strainers Service pumps and the fuel-oil heaters Master fuel-oil shutoff valve and the boiler Suction strainers and the service pump

The inlet sides of condenser tubes are rolled and flared to: A. Strengthen the tube sheets B. Allow for expansion and contraction C. Allow for a smoother entrance flow of circulating water D. Make the tubes stronger

“skin” valves are located on the :

A. B. C. D.

Ship’s hull Boiler drum Watertight bulkhead Tank tops

When you are cleaning fuel-oil burner tips, use a:

A. B. C. D.

Steel scraper Wire brush Brass knife Pocket knife

The air entering the surface is given a swirling motion by the: A. B. C. D.

Diffuser Impeller Cone All of the above

In the closed fireroom system: A. B. C. D.

Each boiler has its own fan The fan is located in the uptake Each furnace has its own fan The fireroom is supplied with air from the fan

When draining a Scotch boiler the: A. B. C. D.

Manhole must be removed Horsecollar must be removed Belly plug must be removed Crown sheet must be removed

A flame scanner is used to: A. Check the color of the oil flame B. Shutoff the oil flow to the burner if the flame goes out C. Control the amount of air to the boiler D. None of the above

A faulty steam trap on a fuel-oil heater can cause: A. B. C. D.

A lowering of the heating capacity of the heater A fuel-oil leak An increase oil temperature An increase in the heating capacity of the heater

The holes in Kinghorn-valve discs: A. Prevent water from leaking from the condenser B. Let water seep between discs to form a water seal C. Make them lighter in weight D. Prevent water from leaking to air pump

If the water in the gage has not been blown down for a period of time, the level of the water in the glass will be: A. B. C. D.

The same as that in the steam and water drum Less than that in the steam and water drum More than that in the steam and water drum None of the above

In order for oil to burn properly it must: A. B. C. D.

Be at the proper temperature Be atomized properly Have sufficient air to support combustion All of the above

Watertube boilers have: A. B. C. D.

One fusible plug No fusible plug Two fusible plugs None of the above

The boiler feedwater in the feedwater heater is heated by: A. B. C. D.

Superheated steam Auxiliary exhaust steam Desuperheated steam Steam from the boiler

The Edwards-type air pump has: A. B. C. D.

Three sets of valve Two sets of valve One set of valve None of the above

What is the average fuel-oil temperature range of the oil in the discharge line to the burners A. B. C. D.

180° - 200° 160° - 180° 200° - 220° 150° - 200°

The air register on an extinguished fire should be: A. B. C. D.

Kept open Kept closed Kept half-open Removed and placed in rack

If a boiler is smoking “white smoke” a possible cause could be: A. B. C. D.

Fuel-oil temperature too low Fuel-oil pressure too low Too much air Too little air

The auxiliary exhaust steam is used to: A. B. C. D.

Heat the feedwater Drive the bilge pump Heat the fuel oil Drive small auxiliaries

Before blowing down a boiler, always: A. B. C. D.

Reduce steam pressure Open air vent Open the skin valves Increase steam pressure

In order to increase back pressure, one must: A. B. C. D.

Increase the boiler pressure Open up the back-pressure valve Close in on the back-pressure valve Close in on the atmospheric line

The feedwater check valves are located on the: A. B. C. D.

Feed-pump suction line Hotwell Shell of the feedwater heater Feedlines to the boiler

The two main purposes of the main condenser are to: A. B. C. D.

Convert exhaust steam to the water Remove air from exhaust steam Raise the back-pressure on condenser Reduce back-pressure on main engine

An “attemporator” is another name for a: A. B. C. D.

Desuperheater Dry pipe Superheater Hydrokineter

In the forced draft system:

A. B. C. D.

Each furnace has its own fan The fan is located in the uptake One fan supplies air to all the furnaces None of the above

The normal fuel-oil temperature usually vary from: A. B. C. D.

180 to 200 F 160 to 180 F 200 to 220 F Any of the above

Another name for an air preheater is: A. B. C. D.

An economizer An aerator A deaerator None of the above

The air cock on a boiler is located at the:

A. B. C. D.

End of the superheater Superheater inlet Highest point of the system and water drum Top of the return headers

What would be the first indication of a broken coil in the feedwater heater? A. B. C. D.

The boiler water level would go up The relief valve on the shell would open The boiler water level would go down The feed pump would slow down

The recirculating line on the burner valve returns the oil to the : A. B. C. D.

Settling tanks Suction side of the service pump Double bottoms Transfer pump

Which of the following valves are arranged in a “Y” branch fitting? A. B. C. D.

Superheater safety valves Main-feed stop and check valves Boiler-drum safety valves Back-pressure valve and atmospheric valve

A scoop condenser is a: A. B. C. D.

Double-pass condenser Vertical condenser Single-pass condenser Counterflow condenser

How can extra feedwater be obtained for the boilers when the ship is at sea: A. By opening the extra feed valve on the main condenser B. By using the steam injector C. By taking suction from the potable water tanks D. By putting both feed pumps into operation

The deaerating (D.C.) heater is used in: A. B. C. D.

The open-type feedwater system All steam plants The low-pressure-type steam plant The closed-type feedwater system

The “steam” injector is used to pump water: A. Into the boilers in case the main feed pumps stop B. Out of the main condenser C. Out of the auxiliary condenser D. To the boilers when tested by the USCG

Which of the following could cause a “flareback”? A. B. C. D.

Oil pressure too high Trying to relight burner from hot brickwork Oil temperature too high Opening air registers too quickly

The damper in the air duct between the fan and the boiler is usually a: A. B. C. D.

Butterfly-type valve Double-heat valve Gate valve Spring-load valve

The purpose of a dry pipe is to: A. B. C. D.

Remove air from the steam Supply dry air to the boiler Cut down oxygen content of the boiler water Restrict priming and reduce moisture in the steam

Another name for the fuel-oil discharge strainer is the: A. B. C. D.

Cold strainer Hot strainer Magnetic strainer Coarse strainer

What would you do before giving a boiler a “bottom blow”: A. B. C. D.

Let the water level drop slightly below normal Decrease the steam pressure Raise the water level about 2” above normal Decrease the oil pressure

Which of the following would you do before blowing tubes steam soot blowers? A. B. C. D.

Notify bridge Drain soot-blower lines thoroughly Increase steam pressure slightly All of the above

In a manually controlled feedwater system the proper water level is maintained by: A. B. C. D.

Operating the recirculating valve Operating the feed-stop valve Opening the feed-pump steam valve Operating the feed-check valve

Salt in the boiler usually comes from: A. B. C. D.

Zinc plates being corroded away Leaky condenser tubes Leaks in drain valves Leaky heating coils

A fuel-oil meter placed between the fuel-oil service pumps and the fuel-oil heaters would be a: A. B. C. D.

Cold-type meter Hot-type meter Vertical meter Supermeter

One of the main purpose of refractories in a boiler Furnace is to: A. B. C. D.

Help preheat the aire for the furnace Protect economizer from excessive heat Help preheat the feedwater Prevent excessive furnace heat losses

The presence of oil or scale on boiler tubes causes: A. B. C. D.

Overheating Oxidation Electrolysis Galvanic action

The function of the water-screen tubes in a boiler is to: A. Allow the superheater tubes to absorb more radiant heat from the furnace B. Prevent the direct heat of the furnace from reaching the superheater tubes C. Heat the feedwater on its way to the steamand water-drum D. Desuperheat the steam for auxiliaries

A pyrometer is a: A. B. C. D.

High-temperature thermometer Thermometer marked in Centigrade Pneumercator Manometer

When entering a “closed fireroom system:” A. B. C. D.

One enters directly into the fireroom One must pass through an air lock One enters directly from the engine room One must wear protective glasses

Before a burner is lit off: A. B. C. D.

Close air register Open air register Change air register Lower fuel-oil

The purpose of inspection plates on the main condenser is to: A. Give access to clean water boxes B. Check the steam side of the condenser C. Check tubes without removing condenser heads D. Check the steam baffle

The accumulated water in question 138 is disposed of by: A. B. C. D.

Using the centrifugal purifier Boiling out Pumping to settling tank and draining off Not pumping out all the oil in the tank

What prevents the exhaust steam from passing through the feedwater heater too rapidly? A. B. C. D.

An atmospheric valve A relief valve on the heater shell A trap installed on the condensate outlet A check valve installed on the condensate outlet

The studs on the waterwall tubes are to:

A. B. C. D.

Help keep them clean Give added surface area to tubes Strengthen the tubes Help support the tubes in place

An Edwards –type air pump has: A. B. C. D.

No valves Two sets of valve Three sets of valve One set of valves

Air chambers are attached to the: A. B. C. D.

Discharge side of all pumps Air pumps Discharge side of the reciprocating pumps Feed pumps only

The F.O. Service pump must have:

A. Only one operating valve B. A means of shutting down from outside the machinery space C. Two sets of operating valves in the fireroom D. A discharge to the bilge

The steam that is discharged from the safety valves goes through the: A. B. C. D.

Main condenser Auxiliary condenser Atmospheric line Bilges

Most gages in the fireroom are: A. B. C. D.

Bourdon-tube type Manometers Thermocouples Dual-purpose

The appliance used in the Scotch boiler to help circulate the water when getting up steam is called: A. B. C. D.

Pyrometer Hydrokineter Manometer Hydrofoil

In addition to generating tubes in a boiler, which of the following also functions as generating tubes? A. B. C. D.

Water-wall tubes Water-screen tubes Superheater tubes A and B

“Sputtering” oil burners might indicate: A. B. C. D.

Water in the fuel oil Fuel oil too cold Fuel oil too hot Oil pressure too high

If the water goes out of sight in the gage glass, the first thing to do is: A. B. C. D.

Close the feed-stop valve Speed up the feed pump Secure all the burners Add extra feedwater

Too high FO temperature will cause: A. B. C. D.

A decrease in boiler pressure Fires to go out Burners to smoke Carbon-scale deposits in the FO heater coils

The dry pipe is located: A. B. C. D.

In the top of the steam-and water-drum In the superheater In the bottom of the steam-and water-drum In the bottom of the superheater

A “solenoid trip valve” on fuel line: A. B. C. D.

Shuts off the fuel-oil in event of air loss Shuts off the air supply in event of fire loss Shuts off the fuel-oil supply if the fire goes out A and C

The relief valve on the F.O. Transfer pump discharges: A. B. C. D.

To the setting tanks To the F.O. Service suction line Back the transfer pump suction line To the double-bottom tanks

A sudden increase in lube-oil pressure in a turbine installation could be cause by: A. B. C. D.

Slowing down of main turbine Too much cooling water Clogging somewhere in the system A leak in the cooling water

In a reciprocating engine steam and water cycle , the level of the water in the feed-and filter-tank is controlled by the: A. B. C. D.

Feed-pump bypass valve Chronometer valve Pneumercator valve Manometer valve

The valve closest to the boiler in the feedline is the: A. B. C. D.

Feed-pump discharge valve Feed-check valve Feed-stop valve Feedwater heater bypass valve

Oil meters register the amount used in: A. B. C. D.

Pounds Gallons Barrels Quarts

Which of the following types of packing would be used on steam joints? A. B. C. D.

Asbestos Neoprene Metallic A or C

A “pyrometer” measure: A. B. C. D.

Steam pressure Stack temperature Steam temperature Oil temperature

A stay tube in a Scotch boiler helps to support the: A. B. C. D.

Crown sheet Furnace Tube sheets Boiler shell

The excess steam pressure in the back pressure system exhausts to the: A. B. C. D.

Feedwater heater Atmoshpere Main condenser Atmosphere through a relief valve

The bottom blow valve on a watertube boiler is located on the: A. B. C. D.

Front headers Mud drum Steam-and water-drum Superheater

The feed-stop valve is located: A. On the feed pump B. On the main steam line C. Nearest the steam-and water-drum on the feedline D. Regulate amount of water going to the boiler

Watertube boiler tubes are: A. B. C. D.

Welded in place Increase temperature of feedwater Rolled in Threaded and held with nuts

What is the first thing you would check on taking over a watch? A. B. C. D.

The bilges The periscope The water level The oil pressure

A boiler with its fan (blower) located in the uptake is operating on: A. B. C. D.

Induced shaft Forced shaft Natural draft None of the above

How would you vent the superheater when getting up steam or securing a boiler? A. B. C. D.

Open the throttle drain Open the vacuum breaker Open superheater vent drain Open air cock

Listed in sequence, iron pipe sizes are: A. B. C. D.

¼ , ½ , ¾ ,7/8, 1 ¼ ,3/8 ,1/2 ,7/8, 1 ¼, 3/8, ½ ,3/4 ,1 ¼, 3/8, ½, 5/8, ¾, 1

On taking over a watch, the fireman should check: A. B. C. D.

The water level in the boilers The bilges The periscope All of the above

Too low F.O. Temperature will cause: A. B. C. D.

Excessive steam temperature The F.O. Pump to vibrate Poor combustion and smoky fires Increase in the superheater temperature

The purpose of water-drum baffles is to: A. Give added strength to the drum B. Prevent steam from mixing with the water C. Direct the path of the feedwater through the drum D. Prevent the water in the drum from sloshing around when the ship is rolling

The purpose of the salinometer cock is to: A. B. C. D.

Test for oil in the water Blow down the gage glass See how much water is in the boiler Obtain a sample of boiler water for testing

Tube retarders in Scotch boilers are used to: A. B. C. D.

Slow down the water circulation around the tubes Prevent the tubes from sagging Slow down the combustion gases Speed up water circulation around the tubes

How much time should be taken to raise steam on a firetube boiler: A. B. C. D.

6-8 hours 8-10 hours 4-6 hours 1-3 hours

Which of the following extinguishers would not be found in the fireroom? A. B. C. D.

Foam type Sand CO2 SO2

In a variable capacity oil burner the amount of oil going to the atomizer is controlled by the: A. B. C. D.

Root valve Oil-return line valve Burner valve All of the above

One pound of fuel oil contains approximately: A. B. C. D.

50,000 BTU 5,000 BTU 18,000 BTU 25,000 BTU

Waterwalls are used to: A. B. C. D.

Drain water from the headers Carry off excess heat from the furnace walls Strengthen the furnace brickwork Heat the air before it enters the furnace

The purpose of the surface blow valve is to: A. Clean the tubes B. Removes sludge and scale from the boiler C. Removes oil and scum from surface of the water D. Drain boiler

Special types of periscopes are fitted to boilers to observe: A. B. C. D.

Oil atomization in the furnace Combustion gases entering the uptake Smoke going out the stack Water levels in the boilers

Which of the following lines are connected to the atmospheric line? A. B. C. D.

Deck-exhaust lines Safety-valve discharge lines Auxiliary-exhaust line All of the above

The recirculating valve is used to: A. B. C. D.

Recirculate the feedwater in the economizer Drain water from the oil line Drain the service pump Recirculate and heat the fuel oil prior to lighting off

The valve which shuts off a liquid line with the least amount of resistance of flow is the: A. B. C. D.

Globe valve Check valve Gate valve Relief valve

The fusible plug in a Scotch boiler is screwed into the: A. B. C. D.

Furnace air register Rear tube sheet Crown sheet Wrapper sheet

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