Manifest Women - George Hutton

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Manifest Women George Hutton ©MindPersuasion

Contents Prelude ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 The Problem State .............................................................................................................................. 7 Problem Examples ............................................................................................................................ 11 The Solution ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Course Preview .................................................................................................................................. 19 Solution State ..................................................................................................................................... 24 Your Right To Women ..................................................................................................................... 28 Your Reason For Existing ............................................................................................................. 32 Why It's Not Automatic .................................................................................................................. 36 Male History Overview ................................................................................................................... 41 Modern Society................................................................................................................................... 46 Mange Your Instincts ...................................................................................................................... 50 Fake Alphas .......................................................................................................................................... 54 Leverage Her Instincts - Overview .......................................................................................... 59 Control Your Instincts - Review ................................................................................................ 64 The Most Important Quality ......................................................................................................... 68 Part Two - Brass Tacks .................................................................................................................. 72 Signs of Authority and Power ..................................................................................................... 77 Authority Practice Drills ................................................................................................................ 82 The Powerful Law of Scarcity .................................................................................................... 86 More Scarcity ...................................................................................................................................... 91 Social Proof .......................................................................................................................................... 96 Advanced Techniques .................................................................................................................. 102 Commitment and Consistency - Advanced Applications ........................................... 106 Comparison and Contrast ........................................................................................................... 111 Part Three - Manifesting .............................................................................................................. 116 Simple Manifesting ......................................................................................................................... 120 Two Way Manifesting .................................................................................................................... 124 Increase Manifesting Skills ....................................................................................................... 129

Manifesting Women ........................................................................................................................ 133 Dating and Relationships ............................................................................................................ 137 Final Thoughts .................................................................................................................................. 141 Summary of Exercises .................................................................................................................. 146 Using Linguistic Presuppositions To Imply Social Proof ........................................... 152 Mind Killers......................................................................................................................................... 156 Contact ................................................................................................................................................. 159 Mind Persuasion Kindle Books ................................................................................................ 160

Prelude This is a guide on how to do better with women. If you are a man, there is a very strong chance that you are not doing as well with women as you would like. If you follow the steps and exercises in this guide, you will get better with women. Whether you dream of one ideal woman to spend the rest of your life with, or if you fully intend to live life a serial monogamist with successively better woman, this guide will help you. This is not, however, a "pick up" guide. This is not a series of techniques and models and language patterns to use. This is a guide to make you much more attractive to a much wider variety of women on a fundamental level. This will transform you from the inside out. This will change you on a deep level so that all you need to do is "be yourself" and women will be naturally attracted to you. This is not magic, these are not tricks of NLP or the Law of Attraction. This based on science, psychology and simple laws of persuasion an influence that have been used by marketers time and time again. This will remove all questions of what to do and what to say. In fact, very little of this guide is dedicated to "in the moment" specifics like how to approach her, or how to ask for her number or when and how to bring her home with you. All of those will be a natural outcome, even her idea. The more you dedicate to learning the underlying psychological aspects of attraction, and more importantly applying them to your daily life, the less you'll need to worry about the small stuff. You will simply walk into a room, and know on a deep level that nearly every single woman would be glad if you approached her. You will be

able to walk into a room and feel their attraction for you. This will remove all hesitation about whether you should approach. This will make it clear beyond any shadow of a doubt that women want you to approach them. There will be no need for interpreting small and nearly indecipherable tells to know when to approach and when to wait. You will find that women will make themselves available to you, as much their self-confidence and self-esteem will allow. You must, however, go through the required exercises in this guide to feel that impact on your life. On a fundamental level, as much as men are attracted to women primarily on their physical appearance and secondarily on their behavior, with women it is the opposite. Looks aren't nearly as important. Women are much more attracted to behavior. Behavior that telegraphs your social status, selfconfidence, and your ambitions. To be effective, this behavior has to be natural. It cannot be faked, at least for a long time. This is precisely why many men crash and burn after only a few weeks or even days. The behavior and communication required to create attraction can be faked (with certain women) but not for long. What you will be developing is natural behavior that radiates from the inner belief system which you will be developing from this course. Because it will be natural, you won't need to think about it. Going through this guide will require that you think in different ways, and you slowly behave in different ways. However, this guide will not require you to do anything that creates any anxiety. This is not a method to force yourself through your fears. This is not a guide which tells you to "fake it until you make it." This works in the opposite direction. This will create a deep attraction in women, for you, before you utter a single word to them.

Before you read any further, get clear on the benefits you will receive once you internalize all the principles in this book. What will life be like for you, once you can get any woman you like? What will it be like when you walk into a social situation, and have a deep feeling of certainty that all the women have their eyes on you, and would like to meet you? To be sure, some of these exercises will be strange, and not what you expect. Some of them will require you leave a situation just as it is getting interesting. While it won't require that you charge through your fears or do any kind of "fear killing" exercises, it will require you to DELAY your gratification. This will require you to look at your life, and your relationship to women, in a fundamentally different way. This will require that you create a life that women will want to be a part of. A life that you value primarily, and any women that come along for the ride (as many will long to do) as secondary. This guide will transform you into Driven Man who is irresistibly attractive to women. That will allow you to choose who you allow to enter into your life. Following the principles and exercises in this guide will put you squarely in the driver's seat. No longer will you hope and wait and pray and wish for women to be with you. You will choose between many women who are hoping and praying and wishing to be with you. That will be a natural outcome of going through these exercises and transforming your life. You will chase life, and women will chase you. If you are ready, let us begin your journey.

The Problem State Thank you and congratulations on purchasing this course. Everybody wants more of the good things in life, but precious few are willing to take measures to get them. Simply because you are reading this now, you have demonstrated an understanding that with more knowledge, with more skill, with more understanding of the world around you, the people in it, and how they operate, you can more easily get what you want. If the good things in life were easy, everybody would be getting them. But since few take the time to understand the structure of reality, the structure of communication and how relationships are formed and maintained, few do more than wish. Please see these words, the accompanying hypnosis sessions and the coming shifts to your mindset as a barrier that will separate the future you from the previous you. A future you that can look out into the sea of humanity, and easily create relationships with nearly any woman you choose, just as simply as you can bake a cake from raw ingredients. Before we get started on building the future you and your future skills, let's take a look at the predicament of the modern male, an unfortunate situation from which few escape. The Problem Evolution moves very slowly. Society moves very quickly. Our instincts, those emotional driving forces that make us hungry, horny and always looking for more, have been inside our genetics for a long, long time. They were created in an environment when males had little choices to mate.

For most of human history, males lived in small bands of hunter-gatherers, and interacted with the same people their entire lives. What did this mean for dating? It mean the girl you ended up with, the mother of your children was likely a girl you've known for most of your life. From the same tribe. Not a stranger, not somebody you just met. However, in our modern age, we are surrounded by beauty. We are bombarded with images of beautiful woman on a daily basis. In fact, most men see more gorgeous women on a daily basis (either online, in advertisements or on TV) than men only a hundred years ago saw in their entire lives. What does this do to our psychology? It can be potentially horrible. Men are programmed to be horny all the time. This was because in our ancient lives of hunter gatherers, the females were only fertile, and in a stable enough point in their lives to have and bring up children, precious few times. Imagine if men were only horny some of the time. The chances of both the ancient male and the ancient female being ready to go at the same time would have been significantly less than what it really was. For example, let's say males were only horny one day out of four. Females were only ready to go in the week leading up to their monthly period. If she was ready, but the man wasn't, then they wouldn't have a child. Any tribe filled with males that were only horny part of the time were quickly eliminated. Which tribe had the most kids? The ones that were filled with men that were horny all the time. So when an ancient caveman's wife was ready to go, so was he. They had caveman sex, a baby popped out nine months later, and everybody was happy. But here we are, thousands of years later. Only we're not

surrounded by the same few females our entire lives like we used to be. We are bombarded on daily basis with female beauty that has been augmented by plastic surgery and Photoshop. If a male today does not have constant access to sexual relief, it can make one incredibly frustrated. Undersexed Males We might even go so far as to say that most of the problems that pop up during the early stages of male-female relationships are due to poor choices made by undersexed males. Men commit when they shouldn't, because they think it will grant them access to constant sex. Men do things that they would never do, only because there is a slight chance that there might be sex at the end of the long and confusing maze. Operating from this standpoint, the modern male is at a supreme disadvantage. From a marketing perspective, you may say it's a "seller's market" where the sellers are the females of today's society which have the most sought after commodity of all time. This course is much more than how to get access to that commodity. Today's males, if they have even the slightest level of social skills, can find access. To be sure, this access isn't ideal, but it is access. In this course you will be developing several new skills and mindsets. Several different communication techniques, mental frameworks and a deep feeling of abundance, rather than the scarcity that most men operate from as they attempt to navigate the dating and mating environment.

The Goal The goal, of course, is to come out the other end of this experience operating from a much better framework. Of looking out into the sea of femininity and feeling a deep sense of choice and power, rather than the commonly felt desperation and frustration of most modern males. Manifesting What does this mean? This means to make something that wasn't there before. Because of the huge mismatch between what is out there, and what is perceived, it will seem like magic. But it will not be. This course is based on science, physiology and your ever present capability to learn and improve upon new skill sets. Two men look out across a room. One sees nothing but anxiety, rejection, and loneliness. Another looks out over the crowd of people and sees choice, abundance, and several women that he knows will feel lucky for having been chosen. If you are the first man, do not fret. Through this course you will become the second man. If you feel frustration, you will soon feel positive expectation. If you feel anxiety, you will soon feel comfort. If you feel limitation, you will soon feel deep abundance.

Problem Examples Let's look at a few ways these emotions of frustration, scarcity and limitation manifest themselves in the life of a typically undersexed male. When you are scared, everything looks like a potential threat. When you are hungry, every piece of food you notice seems delicious and inviting. If you've ever read a novel, for example, while hungry, you may have paid a lot more attention to any scenes or descriptions of food. If you've just seen a very scary and well done horror film, every shadow may have given you pause, while the same shadows wouldn't have even registered in your mind after seeing a comedy. Ever Presence of Sexual Opportunities After food and safety, the next most important thing to human life is sex. And since today's world is fairly safe and filled with opportunities for food, that leaves sex. Even if you have a normal sexual drive, the overabundance of overtly gorgeous and perfectly proportioned females will turn your normal sex drive into hyperactive overdrive. What does this do to the common man? Just like seeing danger in the shadows when it isn't there, you will see potential sexual opportunities when they aren't really there. For example, if you go into a coffee shop and the girl behind the counter is cute, you will become nervous. Even if you don't consciously plan on asking her out or asking her for her phone number, you will be nervous. Because you ancient sex drive, your caveman brain is treating this like a once in a lifetime opportunity to

propagate the species. And if you actually have a chance? Forget about it. Let's say you get on the bus. A pretty girl sits next to you. You glance down, and she's not wearing a ring. You look at her and smile, and she smiles back. You start to think that maybe you actually have a chance. You start thinking of all the things you could say to her. You start to practice several openers in your mind. Finally you choose one and look over, but you just can't get it out. You turn back, and try to talk yourself into speaking to her. Eventually though, her stop comes up, and she gets off. Now you are angry at yourself. All you had to do was open your mouth and speak, but you sat there like an idiot. At least you tell yourself that. What happened? Here's another common scenario. You go to a bar or party with your friends. You have a few warm up drinks to build up your courage. After an hour of talking yourself up, you finally decide to do some approaches. You approach a group of girls that look friendly. They look like they won't kill you if you happen to stutter or make a joke that's not funny. So you walk up. "Hey, " you start off, smiling. They all stop talking and look at you. What does their expressions on their faces tell you? Are they excited that you've decided to come and talk to them? Are they anxious, hoping they respond to your joke correctly? Are they worried that you might talk to them and then leave without asking their number? Not likely. They are probably looking at you with a passive interest, wondering what you might say. After all, they're safely seated with friends, looking at you who is now on the spot. You'd better say something incredibly interesting or else!

"How's it going?" you manage to spit out. "OK," the gorgeous alpha girl says, smiling at her friends. Already you feel like running away, but you continue. Perhaps you talk about the weather, or the local sports teams, or the band that is coming to play later on. Maybe even you ask if you can buy them a round of drinks, they accept. After an hour of small talk, you finally work up the courage to ask for her number. She gives it to you, but you have a sinking suspicion it wasn't genuine. You try calling a few times over the next several days, but you never see her again. The Main Problem Most men are in that position. Most men have less sex than they want to have. This is accompanied by a not so helpful realizing that getting sex is far from guaranteed. Any sex most men get takes quite a bit of effort. What about women? While they may not get nearly the amount of sex they'd like, they certainly get looked at quite a bit. And most women have a deep sense of knowing that if they WANTED sex, really badly, they could get it without much issue. They wouldn't need to approach several dozen men, and ask for several dozen phone numbers, and then spend the next week calling them to see if they could meet another one of those men later on. Be sure to understand that this is not the same as women having sex with who they want to have sex with. This is just a completely different attitude toward sex in general. Men are always horny, and they feel that getting sex is a long and frustrating process that is rarely a sure thing. Women, on the other hand, have a deep sense of comfort knowing that if they wanted sex, and only sex, they could get it relatively easily.

So whenever men approach women in a social situation, the men generally FEEL at a disadvantage. Now, is this disadvantage REAL? For most men it is. But for those small few who understand how things really work, it is not real at all. For them, their knowledge plus their skills allows them to feel a huge advantage over all women, all the time. This will soon be you.

The Solution You will be operating in the same environments. You will be going to the same places, doing the same things, and most likely wearing the same clothes. What will be different? Your mindset. Your beliefs about what is possible. Your deep, experiential understanding of what women REALLY want and how you are the ideal man to give it to them. You will be in the driver’s seat. You will be the one doing the choosing. But be warned, the experience will not be like you imagine. The Cake Fairy Imagine you wanted a cake. So you wished and prayed and said some magic words. Then a knock came to your door. You opened it, and there was a gorgeous nymph who handed you a cake. You ate the cake and it was delicious. A fantastic experience. Now compare that to the experience of baking a cake, assuming you know how. You decided you wanted to eat a cake. So you imagined the kind of cake you wanted. You took action, mixed the ingredients, and an hour later, you had a delicious cake. The same cake that the metaphorical cake fairy delivered. Same cake, different experiences. Different Experiences Getting something for free is a wonderful feeling. Especially if you wished for magic and magic was granted. Getting birthday presents is fun. You don't need to do anything, just sit and receive. Baking a cake, on the other hand, is not as magical. It might even be boring. But the outcome is

something that must happen. If you pray to the cake fairy, you might get a cake, you might not. But if you set out to bake a cake, you will get one. No questions, no surprises. You would never mix cake batter, put it in the over, and then open the over an hour later to find an aquarium or a tennis racket. This is the difference between your experience now with women, and what it will be. Perhaps you have fantasies of girls coming to your house unannounced, and sexually pleasing you. But remember the cake metaphor. When you bake a cake, you know you will get a cake. Once you understand the underlying concepts and build the required skills (which will be easy when you combine the exercises and the accompanying hypnosis exercises) the experience of meeting and having sex with gorgeous women will be just like baking a cake. No, you aren't going to put these poor ladies in your oven! But just like baking requires certain steps in certain order, so do talking to and seducing gorgeous women. Even if you get to the point where women do most of the approaching and most of the talking, you will still need to behave a certain way to make it happen. And because it will seem normal and mechanical, it might not have that "magical" feeling. But just like eating a cake is delicious, even if you have to bake it yourself, the women you meet and experience after internalizing this course will be just as wonderful. But they will not be magical. How You Will Achieve This

You will understand that deep triggers that make women attracted to men. You will learn how to exhibit these triggers. You will learn how to talk to them so you naturally radiate these triggers. You will also build in a deep belief in what you have to offer. That any woman will be lucky to be with you. You will slowly shift from operating from a position of scarcity to a position of abundance. You will soon be one of the few males who feels on a deep level that they are getting plenty of sex, not just with anybody, but with the women they choose. And then you will discover something few men ever do. And that is once you've forever left behind the undersexed driven, never ending feelings of sexual frustration, that the world is filled with far more abundance that simple sexual relationships. You will begin to see women, and all they have to offer, as not the main point in life, but only a side benefit. Whether you want to have millions of one night stands, become a serial monogamist, or find one lucky lady to take with you as you conquer the world, you will find that sex is like food. If you are starving, all you can think about is eating. But once you finally realizing that food is abundant, everywhere, and offers a multitude of choices, there are far more important things to focus your intentions on. Your Promise to Yourself Make no mistake, women can be deadly. Not that they'll stab you in the eye with an ice pick while you sleep, but chasing the wonderful feelings sexual intimacy can provide can be like a drug. It is a trap many fall into and never escape. A dog can only chase one rabbit. If he tries chasing two, he catches neither. What does this mean? There are

two extremely diverse paths when it comes to women, your life, and your ultimate purpose. Monk Method This is to shun women altogether. It is an effective solution. Sir Isaac Newton, discoverer of gravity and creator of calculus, died a virgin. For him, focusing on science and math as good enough. Abundance Method Only start down this path of gaining abundance with women unless you are committed to stick with it until you feel women, and the sex they offer, is as abundant as the food that fills your belly. Because if you get stuck in the middle, you will be a dog chasing the wrong rabbit his entire life. Make the decision to master the art of meeting and creating intimacy with women. Because with absolute mastery, you will have absolute choice.

Course Preview You will be developing two different skills that when combined together, will give you more choice and a deep feeling of abundance when it comes to meeting, dating and creating relationships with women. Different courses and techniques focus on either one of these methods, but few, if any, have combined them together in a usable way you will find within these words you are reading now. Alpha Male Triggers The first part will be a basic understanding of what makes a woman attracted to you. There is a lot mythology about what women want, and whether or not it is even something you can define. It's actually very simple. The triggers that women respond to are out of her control. She may have a conscious idea of what she wants, and she may consciously be able to sort through the men she meets until she finds what she thinks is consciously appropriate for her, but this is the exception rather than the rule. All humans are driven by instincts. Few humans can control or are even aware of their instincts on a conscious level. Hunger The easiest instinct to refer to is hunger, since it is ever present. You cannot decide to be hungry, you cannot decide to not be hungry. If anybody devised a simple way so people could consciously decide to not be hungry, there would be no obesity problem. Despite the popular arguments to the contrary, people that are obese are desperate to not be obese. If there was a magic pill that would make people's unwanted fat deposits disappear

overnight, never to return again, it's inventor would be a multi-billionaire. More importantly, if being slim and healthy were EASY, easy as swallowing a pill, few, if any would CHOOSE to be overweight. The point is that hunger is almost impossible to ignore. Sure, movie stars tend to easily gain and lose weight, but they are being paid millions of dollars to do so. The average person you'll meet in your life will have a very hard time not eating when they are hungry. This is fantastic news. Why? Because attraction works the same way. When a woman's "attraction triggers" are fired, she will have a hard time resisting them. This is precisely why so many women are in relationships with the OPPOSITE kind of guy they "say" they want. Think of this from a hunger perspective. It's certainly easy to understand why eating certain foods is important. That eating below a certain number of calories a day is important. But do we do that? No, most of us do not. Few people consistently and rationally control what they eat. What do we eat instead? Food that is prepared. Processed. Filled with chemicals and additives. The food we KNOW we should eat is like the kind of guy she THINKS she wants to be with. The type of guy she ends up with, despite knowing he's not "good for her" is like how we eat food we KNOW is not good for us, but it's nearly impossible to resist at the same time. Throughout this course, YOU will learn how to fire those deep attraction triggers that will make her irresistibly attracted to you. You will also understand why "jerks" tend to have plenty of these "alpha" characteristics. But they also have plenty of "bad" characters that cause problems.

Think of it this way. Imagine your favorite food that is delicious but NOT healthy. A huge plate of carne asada nachos, for example. Sure they are delicious, but if you ate them, and ONLY them, you'd die sooner than you otherwise would. The carne asada nachos are like the guys she keeps dating, even though she knows she shouldn't. But what YOU will be turning yourself into is something that is not only DELICIOUS, but absolutely nutritious as well. You will not only fire those deep and irresistible ancient triggers of attraction, but because you will doing so CONSCIOUSLY, (not like the jerks who do whatever they please) you will also be somebody that she KNOWS is good for her. Manifesting The other skill we will be learning is manifesting. Not only will you be able to create attraction in nearly any woman you interact with, but you will train your mind to automatically sort for them. One of the biggest problems in today's society is "where to find quality women." But here's the paradox. They are everywhere. Here's a very simple example. In future chapters, we will get into a lot more detail, and see how this applies to finding quality women, and building up the ability to generate insatiable desire in them for you. You've no doubt heard of the "red car" theory. You drive around and you don't really notice the red cars. So one day you buy a red car. Because a red car is now very important

to you, you suddenly see them everywhere. The same happens with women and babies, or being pregnant. When they are in the process of trying to get pregnant, they notice everything that has anything to do with babies. The brain evolved this capability to sort out what is important to us from the MASSIVE amount of data hitting our senses on a daily basis. Certain studies have shown that up to one million bits of information is hitting all five of our senses every second. However, our conscious brains can only perceive a small fraction of that. The rest just slip right by us without us knowing. Adjusting Your Filters The "Manifesting" portion of this course will teach you now to "fine tune" your filters so you see the high quality women that are all around you. However, this is complicated, and you'll soon see that YOUR BEHAVIOR, even if you are in a large room filled with many people, CAN CHANGE the behavior of all the people in the room. Quick Example A shy guy, the opposite of an alpha male, walks into a room. He looks around, and doesn't notice any girls giving him any signals. He also doesn't "see" any high quality women. So he goes home and complains on his favorite message board that "there are no high quality women anywhere." Now consider an Natural Alpha Male who walks into the room. EVERYBODY will notice him, and they will change their behavior on a subconscious level. The women will

start to send out strong signals. The women will even subconsciously compete with one another. They will change their behavior specifically to be more attractive to the Alpha Male. They will INCREASE their own "quality" as much as they can, IN RESPONSE to the Alpha Male who just entered the room. The Manifesting Alpha Male will CREATE the presence of "high quality women" where none existed before. His presence will encourage women to increase their quality in hopes of attracting him. Let's look at some specific examples in the next chapter.

Solution State We'll use a model of economic exchange to see how this works. When it comes to exchange on a personal level, there are a LOT more variables, so we'll have to be careful to know is happening. It's also important to understand that when we're using metaphors, they are metaphors, not the thing the metaphors are describing. In NLP this is idea is referred to as, "The Map Is Not The Territory." In reality, life is filled with thousands of variables, far too many to understand and manage consciously. We will often use metaphors to simply things, but please keep in mind that metaphors are just that, an oversimplification to help our understanding. They are NOT intended as an accurate description of reality. Exchange Example Let's say you have a lot of money in your pocket. You're wandering around a shopping mall, looking for things to buy. You see a pair of shoes. You try them on, and they feel pretty good. They're a high quality brand, so you know they will last. The price is $100. You think that's a good deal, so you buy the shoes. A few minutes later, you come across a hat. It's a cheap hat, made from cheap material, but it looks pretty funny. You might like to hang it on your wall or something. The price is $5 and you think that's reasonable, so you buy it. Let's take a Meta look at these two incidents. You saw something that you wanted. The asking price was close enough to YOUR subjective value of the item. So you traded your money for the item. You GAVE a certain amount of

money to GET something you perceived to be as valuable (as your money) if not more. Humans do this with each other on a subconscious basis. if you see somebody that you perceive as LOW VALUE, you will act a certain way toward them. If you see somebody that you perceive as HIGH VALUE, you will act a certain way toward them. You do not behave towards the homeless guy masturbating in broad daylight as you do toward your boss. Two different people, they both have two completely different values (according to your subjective viewpoint) so you behave toward them in completely different ways. If your boss says, "come into my office," you would stop whatever you were doing and comply. If the homeless masturbating guy said, "come into my office," you would run the opposite direction. As a human, your behavior and your appearance are the only things people can use to determine your value. (Assuming you're not famous). They will respond based on their subjective assessment of your value as related to them. Paying for the cheap hat is like how you behave toward the homeless guy. You don't "pay him" with valuable behavior. Your boss, on the other hand, is like the pair of shoes. You "pay him" with very valuable behavior. What defines a high quality women? Her behavior and her appearance. How she behaves is dependent on how you behave. If you behave like a low quality male (in her eyes) she will not pay you with "high quality behavior." If you behave like a high quality male (in her eyes) she will pay you with high quality behavior.

One person sees a room filled with low quality women. YOU will soon see the WORLD filled with HIGH QUALITY WOMEN. Take a few moments now to imagine how that will work. Every women you see, will be responding to your high quality behavior with their behavior as high as it can be. Every female that you interact with will treat you with more respect, more kindness and more politeness. Everywhere you go, you will feel women looking at you differently. Instead of seeing the world filled with gorgeous looking women that exhibit low quality, you will see the world filled with gorgeous looking women that exhibit high quality. Instead of seeing a world filled with gorgeous women that are out of your reach, which will cause unending frustration and misery, you will see the world filled with gorgeous women that are all behaving toward you in receptive way. They will look at you and hope you approach them. They will look at you and make it clear they want you to approach them. And many of them, (in their own way) will start approaching you. That is the goal. To not only improve your belief systems about yourself, to consequently change the resulting behavior, but to notice the massive signs around you that will make it feel like YOU are living in a completely different world than everybody else. Your friends will complain, "there are no high quality women," but you will be seeing them EVERYWHERE.

Because they will be purposely seeing you. Beckoning you. Coming up to you and starting conversations. What will your world look like then? How many sales clerks will go out of their way to help you once you start to exhibit this behavior? How many opportunities will you get that others don't even know exist? How will this enhance your career? How this will enhance your existing relationships? This is your future. Keep this ideal future in the forefront of your mind as you go through the rest of this course.

Your Right To Women OK, that title is a little strong. It can lead to thinking that you have a "right" to any particular "woman." Which in and of itself is dangerous for a lot of reasons. For one, supposed there was some parallel universe where men had a "right" to certain women. That would mean the particular woman's behavior is not self-directed (since she's fulfilling her "obligation" to provide your "right"), which means it would be a lot less genuine. The biggest thrill is being with a woman is that she chooses to be with you. Her actions are voluntary, and enthusiastic, because she hopes to elicit reciprocal and equally enthusiastic behaviors and actions from you. It can also create a lot of anger, if the woman you imagine you have a "right" to is not behaving the way you "think" she should be behaving. And as we'll learn later on, one of the most unattractive things in humans (both men and women) is a sense of entitlement. But as a man, you have a right to A WOMAN, somewhere, somehow. And you can view this as one woman for the rest of your life, or one woman at a time for a certain amount of time. Remember our idea last chapter about metaphors? Well, the idea of having a "right" to a woman is a metaphor. In reality, you could live your whole life, just like Sir Isaac Newton, and never get any. So why do we want to explore the metaphor of having a "right" to A (not any in particular) woman? Because if you are a male, an alpha male who is operating on all cylinders, achieving the most you can achieve, a woman (special or temporary) will be part of that equation. Now, we could say you have an obligation to a woman, or a social responsibility, but those sound oppressive. Nobody

likes having an obligation or responsibility hanging over their heads. We may change this from "right" to a woman to "destiny" to have a woman. But some people don't like to think in terms of "destiny" as that brings up the idea of predetermination, which removes the idea of human freedom, which kind of makes it seem like we just need to sit around and wait for our "destiny" to show up. So let's stick with the word "right" to a woman, but think of it as something that you must EARN. Kind of like the "right to access healthcare" that politicians like to blather on about. They don't mean that healthcare is free, they intend for it to be paid for somehow. It's just that if you have an illness, and you've been paying for your insurance, you should have the right to bring your health insurance card to the doctor and have them fix you up. Unless you are living to your full potential, where women and relationships are concerned, you are not doing your job as a human. If everybody decided to follow in the footsteps of Sir Isaac Newton and shun women in favor of mathematics and science, humanity wouldn't last very long. Part of your purpose is to find and create relationships with women. Women are horribly lonely without men. Men are horribly lonely without women. Men and women are meant to be together. Every time a group of women go out to a bar or a club, they are not hoping to NOT be approached by any guys. They are all secretly hoping that they will meet Mr. Right who will sweep them off their feet. Your duty as a man is to BE Mr. Right to as many women as possible.

Your right, your duty, your obligation, your destiny, your purpose in life involves women. Women (or a woman) aren't the end, but they are a major part. The saying "behind every great man is a woman" isn't far from the truth. Sure, there are exceptions to the rule, but if you want to create greatness in this life, being able to easily and effortlessly interact in the world of dating and romance will make things SO much easier. Life on Earth is a terribly competitive game. There are scarce resources and lots of animals (including us humans) who want to control those resources. Many species didn't make it, and are with us no longer. Humans have risen to the top of the food chain. We have the biggest brains, the most effective use of tools and cannot only just imagine a better future, but we can create it as well. And in the long line of humans, you are standing squarely on the shoulders of all the successful humans leading back into our ancient history. Taking control of your life with respect to dating and romance with gorgeous and high quality woman should be thought of as one of your main purposes for living. Accept the challenge of being human. Claim your right on the mantle of history. Earn your right to create relationships with the most stunningly gorgeous women you meet. See it as a measure of your communication skills, your social skills, your human skills. One of the most wonderful side effects of getting this part of your life "handled" is that every other aspect will be easy. Once you can learn how to walk into a room filled with strangers and easily sweep the most gorgeous woman off

her feet, everything else will be easy by comparison. Job interviews will be a snap. Defending a thesis will be a piece of cake. Selling a billion dollar service to a terrifying corporate executive will be a walk in the park. Your ticket to greatness on this earth goes straight through your ability to become the dominant Alpha Male everywhere you go, and transform the woman around through your sheer presence into high quality women that long for your companionship. Let's look at this noble obligation in more detail in the next chapter.

Your Reason For Existing A long time ago a guy named Darwin found an island with a bunch of goofy looking animals. He wondered why they looked so different than the animals on the mainland, which wasn't so far away. After scratching his chin and doing some deep thinking, he came up with his world changing Theory of Evolution. Of course, it didn't go down just as simple as that. A lot of people before him had the same idea, and it took a while to flesh it all out, but that's more or less what went down. However, when most people talk about evolution, they're missing a very important part. Most people know the "competitive survival" part. Some caveman is born with slightly better eyesight than everybody else. Because of this, he can see a little bit better, and can hunt a little bit more efficiently. So his kids are more likely to get fed, and survive, and therefore carry on those "good eyesight" genes. His neighbor, who's blind as a bat, throws rocks and doesn't hit anything, and his kid starve. So after a thousand or so generations, the eyesight of humans keeps getting better and better. So far so good, right? Well, there's another half of Darwin's original theory that doesn't get nearly as much respect as it should. Because there is survival selection, and then there is sexual selection. Survival selection is when nature naturally prefers cavemen and women who can better survive. Their kids have a better chance, since mom and dad can hunt better or defend their caves better. But what about sexual selection?

Imagine two cavemen. They are identical in every way, except for one. The first caveman, let's call him Steve, has really horrible game. He can only get laid when his cave wife is good to go. Which isn't very often, because after having a few screaming cave kids, most cave ladies figure that's enough. But let's consider the second caveman, let's call him Casanova. And what does Casanova do really well? He can talk his cave lady into sex anytime he wants. Because he speaks with lilting prose that makes his cave lady wet in her cave panties. While Steve is struggling with his cave wife saying things like, "Ug, ug, you me, sex, please," our hero Casanova is spitting out long winded poetry that makes her heart melt. Steve's kids have those "ug ug please have sex with me" genes, while Casanova's kids are mad players that are getting more action than anybody else in the tribe. And because Casanova AND his kids get laid like rock stars, they leave way more kids behind. And all of these kids have the Casanova player gene. As you can guess, a guy who has a genetic advantage that helps him get laid will outproduce his competition FAR FASTER than some guy who can see a little bit getter. This is why those animals on that island (The Galapagos if you're paying attention) are so different. Because once a trait that allows a male OR a female of the species to get laid more often than its competitors, it can QUICKLY spin out of control. Just look at the numbers. Let's say there are a hundred families in a tribe. And half of them have a "better eyesight" gene. And let's say, on average, they have 3.0 kids who

grow and to be old enough to have kids on their own. And the families that have normal eyesight have 2.8 kids, on average, that grow up. You can see that it will take a LOT of generations for the "good eyesight" genes to completely replace the "average eyesight" genes. Now let's look at the "get laid like a rockstar" gene. For guys that have the rockstar gene, it's not out of the question for them to have six kids, while everybody else only has three. And let's say two of those kids die for whatever reason, so the rockstar families have four kids, while the normal families have three. The rockstar genes will replace the normal genes a LOT FASTER. This is when you take an animal like a bird or a turtle, and stick them on an island like the Galapagos, they'll become totally different that the similar animals NOT on the island. The crux of this theory is the man has one thing no other animal has. And that is a humongous brain, and advanced language (which is part of the big brain). This is not required for survival, because there are some pretty dumb animals that do pretty good on Earth. Like sharks, who just swim around and eat stuff, and they've survived for millions of years. They don't need brains, they don't use tools, they don't even need fingers. This theory postulates that the human brain has a specific purpose. And that purpose is to help us humans get laid. Remember, all Caveman Steve could do was grunt. And Caveman Casanova could spit eloquent game that made the women swoon. And guess what? A few generations later, Casanova's great-great-great grandkids were STILL competing with one another to see who could get laid the

most. Granted, this theory isn't accepted by ALL scientists, but it's accepted by a lot. It explains why our human brain got so big so quickly. It is a tool. And the purpose of this wonderful tool is to help you get laid. Help you meet and seduce the women of your dreams. Everything else is just details. Even you NEVER want to have kids, you can still use your brain to get as much sex from high quality women as you can. Or as much sex from the SAME high quality woman throughout your life as you can. While we may never know whether this theory is actually true, (it's pretty hard to prove or disprove evolutionary theory and tends to end up in a shouting match either way), if you ASSUME it's true, it will help give meaning to your life. Your job is to build an awesome life that will attract awesome women. The same women that will help you to continue to build your awesome life. That is why you were put on this Earth. That is why you are capable of reading these words, and imagining how YOU will improve your skills in the future.

Why It's Not Automatic OK, so here we are. Thousands of generations after the first caveman seduced the first cave girl. If the purpose of our brain is to help us get laid with high quality women, why can it be so frustrating? The answer lies in how our instincts were cooked. Nearly all of our problems as humans living in modern society can be traced to having instincts that were developed for the world of the tribal hunter gatherer, but trying to operate in the huge technically advanced society we currently live in. The easiest way to understand this difference is by looking at hunger. Hunger is an instinct. An instinct is a strong and unconscious compulsion to behave in a specific way to get a specific result. We have instincts to make us do things without having to think about doing things. If you never got hungry, you would have to consciously remember to eat. Maybe some of our ancestors didn't have the ever present desire to eat, but they didn't last long, and they didn't pass on a lot of their genes. But in the past, there was never enough food. So the correct instinct for that environment was to always be hungry. Now, take a look at our modern society. There is way too much food. And you combine that with the instinct that makes us hungry, even we're not, that results in a society filled with obese people. Attraction Instincts What are some common attraction instincts?

(Please note: The following descriptions are very brief and will be covered in much more detail in a later section). Social proof. A guy who walks into a club with cute girls on his arm is way more attractive than a guy who walks in solo or with a bunch of guys. Authority. The leader of the tribe is way more attractive than one of the foot soldiers. This is why movie stars and CEO's get easy sex. This is not the same as having relationship success. This just means it's very easy for them to get laid with average women. But when you compare rock star guys and rock star girls, (or movie stars) then their authority cancels each other out, and they become clueless goofs like normal people. Scarcity. The guy who isn't always around is more attractive than the guy who is, all else being equal. Now, being scarce by itself isn't going to do much. If you walk up to a cute girl in the supermarket and say "Hi," and then run away, you being scarce won't make her fall in love with you. Scarcity is best when it's combined with social proof and authority. For now, let's just focus on these three, and how they are different today than they were back in the old days, when we were tribal hunter gatherers. Social proof. Most people had a certain level of social proof that was more or less consistent. Once people became adults in the caveman days, their level of social status, and the social proof that went with that, was fairly stable. So your level of social proof back in those days was pretty consistent, like your height or something. It didn't change

much over time. But today, you can have huge social proof at work, but zero social proof on your weekend softball team. You could have massive social proof (all the guys know you're the bomb) when you MMORPG games, but when you go down to the cooking class, you're the low man on the totem pole (or whatever poles they use in cooking class). Even at work, you might have high social status and tons of social proof when it comes to sales, but when it comes to fixing the system computer, you're just as clueless as the next guy. So not only do women see men of varying levels of social proof in different areas, men feel that their own level of social proof is not nearly as stable as it could be. Imagine if height were the same way. It's well known that girls like tall guys. But what if sometimes you were six foot six, and made all the ladies swoon, but whenever somebody started singing, you suddenly became five foot two! This would make you feel very "uneasy" about your height. Because men experience different levels of social proof based on different situations, we are naturally uneasy about our social proof, even when it's high. Authority is more or less the same. In both the caveman world and the modern world, social proof and authority are closely linked together. Usually social proof comes AFTER having authority. But then once you establish social proof, it can build on its own. Imagine some guy who is the king at work. All the people like him and respect him. He's the founder of the company, he signs everybody's paychecks. He's just negotiated a killer business deal that will allow him to increase everybody's pay by twenty percent. In the office he has both authority and social proof. The more people talk about him when he's not around, the more

social proof he'll generate at the office. But let's assume he takes his staff out to dinner. They leave on Friday after work. Friday is casual day, so everybody is dressed in jeans and Hawaiian shirts, both the guys and the girls. He strolls into the restaurant with his crew around him, all happy because of their raise, and that he's buying them dinner. and they have deep respect for him because he is a business genius. All the people see him walk into the place. They see how his crew is respecting and admiring him. But he's not famous, so to all the people in the bar, he has zero authority. But he has massive social proof. A lot of the folks in the restaurant, both guys and girls, will be thinking about him. Wondering why people are so into him. But suppose that same guy, the superhero genius boss, is taking a cooking class. The woman who is teaching is a genius chef. Several of the other people in class are genius chefs as well. But the super hero boss can't even boil water. He's clueless. In the cooking class, he has zero social proof and zero authority. This situation simply didn't exist in the caveman world. If you had authority, you always had authority. If you had social proof, you always had social proof. Today, they are as dependable as the wind. And when a male walks the earth knowing that his social proof and authority is always in question, this can be a very weak frame to operate from. Now, consider the average woman today. She can put on some makeup, take a few pictures of herself and further enhance her looks with tons of photographic filters. Even an average looking woman can look beautiful online. So

these women have a high feeling of social proof. They have the feeling that tons of guys "like" them, even if it's only followers on social media. Compared to the caveman world, where her social proof and "popularity" was pretty much set in stone, she's got way more social proof than her instincts are used to. So when a man (who hasn't gone through this course and figured out how to game the system) interacts with a women, he has a massive disadvantage. His own social proof and authority is questionable. Especially if he's talking to her in an environment, like a club or a bar or a party where he doesn't know a lot of people, where he's got very little social proof. She, on the other hand has her phone with her (and probably can't keep her eyes off it) and can refer to it any time to verify her "social proof." Who do you think will feel more comfortable in this situation? The woman, of course. As we'll soon see, this idea of her having social proof is really imaginary. And any idea that you have about your social proof and authority is imaginary as well. But before we learn how to jack your imagination in the right way, let's learn more about our ancestors, just to see how the dating-mating-seducing game has evolved over the eons.

Male History Overview There are several reasons it will help to understand our roots as men. One is that it will give you an idea of why our instincts the way they are, and why they don't necessarily serve us best in the modern world. But another reason is it's common to wish it were like "back in the old days." This is a common complaint. But the truth is that no matter where you go in history (if you could actually pop around and measure the general feeling of the times) people are always complaining about the "good old days." A hundred or so years from now, people will imagine that these were the good old days. With that in mind, let's take a look at what it was really like back then. Hunter Gatherers Most evolutionary psychologists tell us that humans are monogamous, but tend to be polygamous when possible. This means that any time in history where one guy, or one small group of guys could successfully handle a large harem of women, they did. But when wasn't possible, most guys could find at least one girl to get together with. Pay attention to that last sentence. Most guys could find one girl to get together with. Many guys complain that "girls aren't loyal." But this means that girls have options besides you. And then these guys complain that "girls aren't loyal, like they were back in the old days." Well in the old days, most guys only hooked up with one girl their entire life. It's like the grass is always greener metaphor. Current males have tons of opportunities. But so do women. So in order to keep a girl "loyal," you have to convince her that being loyal to you is better than all her other options. And

you must make sure this is true throughout the entire relationship. Sure, girls were "loyal" back in the "old days." But "loyal" isn't really the right word. Loyal implies choosing to stay with somebody regardless of what happens. But back in those days, women didn't really have a choice. Neither did men, for that matter. If you hooked up (and as scientists discover more evidence and fossil records it's looking like this was less common than most guys realize) it was with one girl. And it was a girl that had the same level of social status as you within the tribe, or even within the small community that you would have lived in. So you didn't really get much of a "choice," and once you were together, that was that. Neither of you could decide to "call it quits" and find somebody else. Invention of Religion One of the biggest problems when agriculture was invented was the existence of large cities. In hunter gatherer days it was pretty common for the higher up "alpha males" to monopolize the women. But when big societies formed, the solidity of any male's "alpha male status" wasn't so stable. It started to drift toward more like today, where you can be an alpha in one situation, but an absolute bottom feeding beta in the next. The net result was the alpha's tended to fight with one another. And the "alpha women" loved it. Imagine the ancient cave ladies. They didn't have much choice, other than accept or reject who was trying to get with them. But as soon as modern societies started popping up, exceptionally attractive women were highly sought after by

the various alpha males. And this caused problems. This is one reason, according to a lot of historians and evolutionary psychologists , why religion was "invented." It created one META "Alpha Male" in the sky that was watching over everybody all the time. This is when society more or less came up with the "one woman - one man" rule. It kept alpha males from fighting with each other over women, and it kept society relatively peaceful. You can think of society leading up to our modern society in three main stages. Primitive Man This is the longest period, and when our instincts were finalized. We lived in tribes and high status males, which had high levels of social status, social proof, and authority, got their pick of the women. Lower status males had to get whatever they got ,and be grateful for it. It's possible that many men who lived during this time period never got any, they just had to accept that as part of life. Early History Man This was in the early days of the agricultural revolution, but before widespread religion was invented. This was the golden time for Alpha Males. This was when one Alpha Male could have hundreds of wives, or at least mothers of his children. Genghis Khan is a great example of this (even though he lived much further along in history). Today, one in two hundred people are descended from the Great Khan. In this tumultuous period, social status, authority and social proof were always up for grabs, whoever had the

most, left the most kids behind. Recent History This was when things settled down a bit. This was when religions became more widespread, more societies relied on the "one man-one woman" model to keep a society stable. Now, if you could choose any one of these periods to live in, which would you choose? Sure, if you knew you could be the dominant alpha, being somebody like Genghis Khan would certainly have its benefits. But in order to get to that level, you would have to pretty much conquer everybody in your society, at the very least. However, consider the benefits of living in today's society can bring. You have massive amounts of choice with the women you can date. As we'll learn in later chapters, you can learn how to radiate powerfully dominant alpha characteristics, wherever you are, without having to kill your enemies first. You can learn some basic conversational skills and strategies that will help you dominate the competition. As mentioned before, most men are at a strong disadvantage today. Most people are undersexed. Most men have, at best, questionable social proof and authority. Women, on the other hand, can "get some" any time they want, if they put out a basic effort. Most women, if they know a bit about makeup and photographic filters, can appear gorgeous on social media and attract thousands of followers, giving them the illusion of social proof. They know that they have an advantage over most men.

But you are not most men. You are learning how to game the system, so you can exhibit far more authority and social proof than any of those other knuckleheads out there. To learn how to do that, let's look at modern society in more detail in the following chapter.

Modern Society What is likely the easiest way to describe the differences between ancient society, where our instincts were formed and modern society, where our instincts can run amuck is limits. We had instincts that made us want more than there was available. Unfortunately, with the industrial revolution (and all of the other revolutions that have happened since then) there are really not any limits to what we can do. Unfortunately, our instincts are still very far behind in catching up. Let's look at several different categories. Food Back then, it was good to be hungry all the time, because finding food was a pain. Sometimes it took days to track down an animal big enough that would feed the tribe. And even then, the animal certainly didn't want to get killed. Sometimes it would even fight back. The only way to keep us motivated enough to keep chasing it until we eventually killed was to have that ever present hunger. Today, when we can find a fast food place every twenty feet, it's easy to let our hunger dictate our actions. But if you do that, you know what happens. Just take a look at a large group of people next time you're out and about and see how many people can easily control their hunger. Choice Back then, there was little choice. No choice in food. You either had food, or you didn't. Back then, there was little choice in what mate you got. Today, you can go to a

different night club every weekend for the rest of your life, talk to ten girls in each, and never see the same girl twice. Our instincts have no idea how to handle that kind of situation! Restrictions In our ancient lifestyles, there were an abundance of restrictions. You were at a certain social status level, a certain girl and a certain way of getting food. And that was that. Today you have zero restrictions. If you don't like your cheeseburger, you can send it back. If you don't like your girl, you can break up with her and get a new one. If you don't like your job, you can quit and find a new one. If you don't like your friends, you can ditch them and find new ones. As we'll later discover, many of the common problems that pop up in relationships is that there are no restrictions. Even a hundred years ago, it was a social taboo to get divorced. Now it's not only acceptable, it's often thought to be a preferable choice in certain situations. Unfortunately, men are kind of behind the curve on this one. It's not uncommon for a man to be married to woman for several years, thinking everything is humming right along, only to find out she's leaving him. One of the biggest advantages women have in this regard is that they are no longer financially dependent on men. Women can have full careers on their own, and when push comes to shove, they have the option of depending on the government to provide their income, should they choose to. While it is far beyond the scope of this manual to delve into social and political commentary, in order to successfully

navigate the world of getting quality women, you must acknowledge that being the breadwinner isn't going to get you very far. In a sense, as far as being financially dependent goes, the state has replaced the man in many ways. For the purposes of this guide, that is neither right nor wrong, moral or immoral, but we need to see the playing field as accurately as possible if we are going to win the game. And how do we do that? By fully acknowledging that women must choose to stay with you. They will never need to stay with you, unless that need is an emotional need, not a financial or a legal need. Forget the idea of "loyalty" as it is not really appropriate. Many men bemoan the fact that women are no longer "loyal," but that is not only missing the point but it is also not really accurate. It's missing the point because in expecting a woman to be "loyal" without giving her a reason to is ridiculous. Nobody is loyal to anybody unless they have good reason to be so. And if you expect the cohesion in any relationship you create to come from a women's sense of "loyalty" you are in essence putting the onus on her to maintain the integrity of the relationship. It's also inaccurate. Women of yesteryear weren't exactly "loyal," they just had little choice. Social pressure, religious pressure, financial constraints, all of these were external forces keeping any woman in a relationship with any man. What you will be doing is creating massive attraction. From her to you. That is absolutely required in today's dating landscape, simply because there are very little external

sources of pressure to keep a woman "loyal." She must want to stay with you. She has to look at you, and all her other options, and come to the natural conclusion, both consciously and unconsciously, that you are the absolute best choice in the world. Luckily, giving the state of most men today, that will be very, very easy. Because we are going to reverse engineer the ancient signals of attraction, and learn how to reproduce them at will. We are going to learn exactly what triggers will create an insatiable desire in her for you, and learn how to repeatedly push them, over and over, until she can't get you out of her mind. But before we learn how to push her ancient buttons, you'll need to learn how to disengage your ancient buttons. We'll cover that, next.

Mange Your Instincts This will be the most difficult part. Managing your most ancient instincts. But the good news is that once you learn how to do that, the rest will be relatively easy. However, managing your instincts will require some work on your part. The good news is once you have these under control, that in and of itself will make you a lot more attractive to women on a deep level. There are five main areas where we'll be focused. Hunger This is the most obvious one. This, however, is not because of your physical appearance. There's no shortage of examples of heavy guys that are popular with the ladies. But being able to control your hunger is something that will affect you on a deep level. This doesn't mean you need to walk around with huge guns or a six pack, nor does it even mean you need to become a gym rat. This simply means you cannot be a slave to your hunger. Remember, a true Alpha Male is somebody that holds his frame wherever he is and whatever he is doing. If you are out-framed by your hunger, that will unfortunately have an impact on how attractive you'll be. This doesn't mean you'll need to be hungry all the time. But you will need to rationally plan and stick to an appropriate diet. While losing weight and getting in shape is beyond the scope of this guide, it is important to demonstrate that you can set and achieve goals. Being driven to bigger and better things is insanely attractive to women. Being able to control your hunger, instead of shoving anything in your mouth that looks good will go a long ways.

Money Managing your money is also something you'll need to handle. This does not mean you need to become a multimillionaire. This also doesn't mean you save every penny you possible can. Only that you see money as a tool that you use, rather than something that is outside of your control. Even if you make minimum wage, demonstrating that you can budget your finances, and stick to your budget will not only make more desirable to quality women, but it will significantly boost your self-confidence and selfesteem as well. Beyond just budgeting your money, you'll also need to get over any money issues you may have. Many people falsely believe that money is evil or other nonsense. See money as merely a tool that measures how well you are performing in your life. Be driven to achieve huge goals, rather than money, but recognize that money is the best way to measure your progress. If you are doing great things that will ultimately benefit society, demand that you are paid for your efforts. This in no way means that women are only attracted to men with money. This is very common, and very false belief. Women are attracted to men who are driven. And money is also attracted to men who are driven. Become a driven man and let both women and money find their way to you. Do you need to wait until you achieve financial success before you can start attracting quality women? Absolutely not. But you do need to be driven. You need to believe that you will someday achieve financially success as a byproduct of achieving that which you are driven to do. In reality, women are much more attracted to poor, driven men than they are to rich men without ambition. Sure they like the money, but it's the drive to conquer the world that

will make them insatiably attracted to you. Social Proof Social proof is incredibly attractive to women, and it is a very effective marketing tool for both men and women. However, if you are driven yourself by social proof, it will put a dent in your ability to attract the best women out there. Why? Because women are attracted to leaders, not followers. You don't need to lead huge armies or command respect of large swaths of the public, but you must lead your own life. Your decisions must be your own, and for your own reasons. You must not simply follow the crowd. Everybody follows the crowd, it's easy, it's safe. Women are not attracted to men who play it safe and easy. You must choose and lead your own life. She won't follow you if you are following everybody else. Scarcity This is another trigger that you can use to increase her desire in you, but you must not fall to its power. The Law of Scarcity is used in sales, marketing, advertising, and even women use it to some extent to get men to become more attracted to them. Whenever you are in doubt, step back and think rationally. Are your actions motivated because of scarcity, because you fear you will lose out if you don't act? Or would your actions be the same whether or not that which you desire was scarce or plentiful? When in doubt, always pause and contemplate. Take some time to think. You'll never go wrong by passing on an opportunity. Remember, you are man who is building his life purposely, not relying on chance events to move you forward.

Instant Gratification This is most likely the biggest secret of success whether you are seducing the highest quality women you've ever met, or are building a six pack, or rebuilding a 1971 Pontiac GTO. Lower men seek instant gratification. Most Americans buy food that is already prepared. They don't want to cook, they want to eat, and they want to eat now. You must cultivate the ability to delay gratification. Being able to do this on a regular basis will help you more easily see the big picture. It will help you to plan your life, rather than react, as most people do, and live day by day. Your ability to delay gratification when it comes to sex and intimacy will make you much more attractive than every other knucklehead out there who is doing anything and everything to get into her pants. She will wonder why you aren't so anxious. She will wonder why she isn't having the near magical effect on you that she has on every other drooling undersexed man out there. And this will make you insanely attractive to her. If you can control your impulses, your instincts, your ancient drives, you will be more attractive than the most successful people in the world. Why? Let's find out in the next chapter.

Fake Alphas What's that? That kajillion dollar hedge fund guy is not really an alpha? Nope. He's got sometimes social proof, he's got the authority over a certain group of people, but what's he like behind closed doors? Our society is fast moving. People can be successful, and get into the national or even global limelight for many reasons. And those external factors, the social proof, the authority, the social status, those ideas are attractive to women, but the man who has them really isn't. Remember our instincts were made for a far different society than the one where we live. So the natural triggers that drive a woman crazy are not usually the same thing that will make a guy get rich or famous today. And the triggers that exist inside of a woman, they are pushed not by modern alpha males but by ancient alpha males. Ancient alpha males were natural leaders. They had to motivate men to follow them for days when finding food wasn't always guaranteed. They had to rally the men to fight with other tribes. That exhibited natural authority. They exhibited natural social proof. They had natural scarcity (from the eyes of women) because they were always leading the men. Today, you can "get lucky" and get rich or famous for any number of reasons. Let's look at common people that are heralded as today's "alpha males." Rock Stars

These guys are great musicians. They are musical geniuses. They make millions of dollars. But their talents are very, very limited. They can play instruments, write music, or sing very well. But that's about it. And when it comes to rock stars, we're only seeing the finished product. Behind the scenes is a whole army of marketers, image consultants and business managers. More often than not, successful bands and musicians are built much more like businesses than most people would like to believe. Movie Stars These guys are attractive, to be sure. They also can act like alphas, but that is by speaking words that somebody else has written. That is by saying those words over and over per the specific instructions of a world class director. That is with hundreds of thousands of dollars of equipment surrounding them to make them look their best. Just look at any actor in an off-the-cuff interview and see how off balance they really are. Athletes They are rich, they are famous, they are handsome. But their skills are very limited. Off the field, their lives are often a wreck. Since an early age they have been rewarded with attention and money by doing what they like to do and what they do best. While a few athletes cross over from sports into business, it's not uncommon for athletes to have both money issues and relationship issues. Wall Street Traders and Bankers These guys are super rich, and super powerful. But would

these same guys have been just as rich, or just as powerful if they'd been born five hundred years ago? Probably not. They have skills manipulating our current financial system, which is far from standard, and far from historical norms. Tech Billionaires If you've seen the movie "The Social Network" which is all about the founder or Facebook, it's interesting to note that it was based on a book that was appropriately titled, "The Accidental Billionaires." The guys who invented one of the biggest companies in the world today were, more than anything else, in the right place, at the right time, with the right set of skills. True Alphas, the ones that trigger those deep feelings of subconscious and irresistible attraction in women, were guys that led guys for years, decades, over unknown land and territory as they conquered everything before them. There are a few things to consider when looking at today's so-called "Alphas." One is that they have a lot of wealth, and a lot of social status. So when most women think of those men, they simultaneously think of having that wealth and social status. This is before they ever interact with those men. Many guys know what it's like to have "one-itis." When there's that one girl you can't get your mind off. If you've done any amount of reading about this, you know that oneitis is largely a hallucination. When you think of that one girl, the image you have of her in your mind is largely an illusion. You don't know anything about her, and you are assuming many things about her. And these assumptions are really fantasies. So what you are doing is taking maybe

ten or twenty percent that you know about her, and combing in that with the eighty or ninety percent that you fantasize about her, and coming up with this hallucination of a near perfect women. This is the same thing that is happening with these socalled modern Alpha Males. We know very little about them. Those girls that swoon over them are doing the same thing men do with their one-itis fantasy. The girls imagine the wealth, they imagine the social status, and that makes them go crazy. Also coming into play here is the Law of Scarcity. So they've got this fantasy image of him (which is based on her idea of wealth and fame, combined with what little he reveals about himself to the general public) and this is combined with the Law of Scarcity (one guy and all the girl swooning over him). What this means is that for each and every so called Alpha Male of modern society, their Alpha-Status is largely imaginary. This is why men at such a high level have a high level of divorce. Once the women have the wealth (no longer scarce) and they have the social status (no longer scarce) all that is left is the man himself. And more often than not, she finds that his true personality is not alpha in the least! What this means to you, dear reader, is you will be cultivating something few men possess, not even those at the top of society that most people think are alpha. And you will be the opposite of those men. The further away we are from them, the more alpha they seem. But the closer we get, the more we interact with them and see their real

personality, the less alpha they seem. You are going to be the opposite. The more ladies interact with you, the more alpha and naturally attractive you will seem. So much that after just a short conversation, they will never be able to get you out of their mind. How will we do that? Once you can get a handle on your instincts, and keep them under control, the next part is to find out how to leverage her instincts to jack up her attraction for you to panty dropping levels of lust!

Leverage Her Instincts - Overview The bulk of this training will cover just how to do this. To maintain control and management of your own instincts, while pushing all of her magic buttons. Consider when two people get together. You feel that wonderful "click." That magic feeling of "being in love." That magical feeling that young lovers are so desperate to hold on to but never seem capable of doing so. That feeling that they promise to "always be like this" only to have it fade with time. Why does this happen? Most of our behaviors are subconscious. We don't know what we're doing. If you've ever been on a first date, and you found you were trying too hard, this is what it feels like to consciously manage your emotions and behaviors. It's difficult. Human behavior is meant to be natural, spontaneous. So when two people are trying too hard, they are elevating all of the naturally unconscious feelings and behaviors up into the conscious level. If you've ever played and instrument, and almost, but not quite, learned as song by heart, it's the same feeling. Part of you wants to let go and play naturally, but you keep forgetting and freezing up. Relax and Vibe When people talk about "vibing" they mean to relax and carefully "match" unconscious behaviors. Most people "vibe" without knowing what they are doing. When you feel a natural connection with somebody, your behavior is naturally pushing her attraction buttons. When her attraction buttons are pushed, she behaves in a way that makes her naturally push your attraction buttons. This makes you naturally and unconsciously push more of her

attraction buttons, and so on. This is what happens to those magic first dates when people talk for hours and wonder where the time went. Because it's spontaneous and unexpected, it feels absolutely wonderful. You're not trying to do anything, but you are doing something. And that something is pushing all of her attraction buttons, which in turn pushes all yours. In this guide, we will expand and unpack of her attraction buttons and understand what they are, and more importantly how you can push them and push them often. You will learn to do this from across the room, just by looking at her. The more you interact with her, the more you'll be pushing her buttons. Unconscious Competence There are four levels of learning. Unconscious incompetence, when you have no clue that you suck at something. The next level is conscious incompetence, when you know that you suck. Then you have conscious competence, when you don't suck, but you have to constantly think about what you're doing. The last level is unconscious competence, when you can do something, do it well, and you don't have to think about it while you do it. Most people are unconsciously competent at things like riding a bike, typing, walking, and any musical instrument that you've been practicing for a few years, or perhaps sports or a martial arts. You are going to become unconscious competent to pushing her attraction buttons. But you can also pull back

and be consciously competent, if you want to really push the same button over and over again and send her brain into pleasure overdrive. Basic Buttons Authority Women are hard wired to fall madly in love with anybody that can demonstrate authority. Remember, all of these triggers were programmed into our DNA a long, long time ago, when one or two guys had to lead a bunch of guys on daily hunts and battle. The more you can demonstrate authority, the more she'll be naturally attracted to you. What will you be demonstrating authority over? Your life. Everywhere you go, you will learn to feel in complete control. Not necessarily of the situation or the people, but how you interact with it and more importantly, your response. Compare this to most men and women today who wander around waiting for somebody to tell them what to do. Very unattractive! Social Proof Even if you walk into a place alone, you will learn how to radiate massive social proof. You'll learn some powerful language patterns that will imply that you have a huge harem of beauties back and home just waiting for you. When you use these language patterns when speaking to any girl, she will start to wonder what it is about you that makes all the ladies so crazy for you. And when her mind starts wondering why, she'll start coming up with answers. Scarcity

You'll learn some powerful and rarely seen tricks that will not only build in a sense of scarcity everywhere you go, but this will literally jack up your self-confidence and selfesteem to powerfully attractive levels that most guys only dream of. Leadership Women are hard wired to follow men. They might not like to hear it, and it's certainly not politically correct in today's society, but you can't argue with Mother Nature. Ever since humans split off from chimps, men were the hunters, and women were the gatherers. This meant that men were constantly following the never ending movement of animals, early man's main source of food, while women and children followed the men. On a deep level, when it comes to sexual attraction and unconscious desire, women crave to follow a strong man. You will become that strong man. Social Skills Contrary to Hollywood, the most attractive guy isn't the wounded warrior who never talks and kills all the bad guys. Remember, the ancient alpha males of society were the guys who could use their language and persuasion skills to get the tribe of guys to follow him and hunt the woolly mammoth. The most attractive man when it comes to social skills is the guy who can talk to anybody, anywhere, anytime and put them in a good mood. You will be that guy. Comparison and Contrast

This is a little known law of persuasion. For example, one restaurant sold a bottle of wine for fifty bucks. Nobody bought it, as it was the most expensive bottle on the list. A consultant suggesting putting another bottle on the list, only pricing it at two hundred bucks. The purpose wasn't to sell the two hundred dollar bottle of wine, rather to make the fifty dollar bottle of wine look cheap by comparison. And it worked. Those fifty dollar bottles of wine flew off the shelves. How will you be using this? Every time you interact with a female in a way that is even remotely considered a social setting, she will be subconsciously comparing you to all the previous guys she's interacted with in the last few days. Since most guys are drooling knuckleheads who couldn't seduce their way out of a paper bag, you are going to look like a champ in comparison!

Control Your Instincts - Review Let's put in a nutshell what you will be doing to your own instincts. The better you can manage your instincts, the easier it will be leverage hers. Remember, she wants a strong leader, and the best way to do that is take care of any internal issues you have. Managing your instincts will make that much easier. Conscious Thinking This is not easy, and it's not common. Most people go through life and react. Then they look at their reactions, and come up with a logical sounding reason why they did whatever they just did. Unless you have specific goals planned for your life, and you are routinely going through your days with specific actions chosen to meet those goals, you are reacting rather than acting. The best way to stay ahead of your reactive mind is to plan your life. Plan each day. If you don't have a few goals in different areas (health, wealth, income, relationships, etc.) consider taking the time to write them down. At the very least, get into the habit of journaling at the end and beginning of each day. Something simple. At the end of the day, write down the things you did to move closer to your objectives. At the beginning of the day, write out a short "to do" list of things you'd like to accomplish. Keep track of your activities, this will help you measure your behavior and slowly transform it into that of a driven man. Delayed Gratification It's easy to live in the moment. It's easy to spend your money as soon as you get it. It's easy to eat until there is

no food left. It's easy to lay in bed for hours and not get up until noon. It's easy to let your body go soft. Girls are not attracted to guys who take the easy way out. Girls are attracted to guys who plan and conquer their lives. The most important underlying skill you can develop is to delay gratification. There are several ways to do this. Separate Accounts Even if you can barely pay your rent, it's a good idea to save some money at the end of every month. If you can, take a regular envelope and put a dollar in it at the end of every month. This may sound foolish or nonsensical, but seeing the dollars pile up month after month in that envelope will give you a strong sense of satisfaction. And when you force yourself to consume less than you spend, you will begin to look for more ways to do that. You will wake up your financial intelligence that will never go back to sleep. This is the engine of the driven man. Always looking for business opportunities. Always looking for different and unique income streams. This is that deep inner drive that will drive the women crazy. Health and Fitness Having some kind of fitness goal will go a long way. You don't need to get a six pack or decide to become a Men's Health model, but doing anything health related, especially something you can measure, will significantly increase your self-confidence, your self-esteem and your selfrespect. Three things that women love. No matter what you do, take down data and continue to move forward. Either weight loss, or body fat loss, or any kind of strength test or time measurement.

Social Skills These are crucial, and luckily, you can practice them anywhere, anytime. Don't see this as trying to meet people. See this as you would any other exercise meant for selfimprovement. When most people start an exercise program, they don't do so because they think it will be fun. They do so because they want to get a certain result. So, they force themselves out of bed and exercise every day. Think of social skills exercises the same way. Try to start a conversation with one stranger every day. This is not to meet people, or to exchange names, or to fill up your phone with pictures of people you've met. This is to simply build up your social skills muscle. The more people you talk to, then more you'll realize that most people are the same. Most people have the same desires, and the same fears. Most people want more money, and less debt. Most people wish they had more free time. Most people aren't best friends with their boss. Social Energy Once you get into the habit of talking to people on a regular basis, something interesting will happen. Imagine somebody that walks into a social situation, but is fearful. Anxious. He or she immediately looks around for familiar people. Women are experts at instantly and subconsciously reading body language, even if they aren't looking in that person’s direction. So, if somebody walks into a room and is immediately fearful and anxious, every single woman in the place will feel it on a subconscious level. And men who are fearful and socially anxious are NOT attractive. Right off the bat, before this person even talks to anybody, they

have already been discounted by all the woman. You, on the other hand, once you start talking to people everywhere you go, will soon build up your "social comfort" muscle. Soon when you walk into a room filled with strangers, and you look around, you won't be anxious at all. You'll be wondering who's interesting and who's not. You'll likely be reading everybody's body language and coming up with your own ideas about people. This is very attractive to women. Get Started Today This is something you can begin right now. Or at least today. Remember, this is to build up your social muscle. This is not to meet people or get names or anything like that. Think of this just like you would an exercise program. At first, it sucks. It's cumbersome, it's boring, you'd rather be doing other things. But you push through, not because you’re trying to enjoy it, but because you KNOW if you keep doing it, you'll soon get a good result.

The Most Important Quality One thing that you cannot do is make her the most important part of your life. This sounds terrible, cold and a bit counterintuitive. However, if she is all you are chasing, then her desire for you will wane. If you are looking for a serious relationship that will last you the rest of your life, then think of her as joining you on your life's mission. Or at the very least, you and she are joining together to pursue something greater together. But since you are reading a guide on how to manifest women, you are likely not thinking that far ahead. At this point in your life, the most important thing is to have a dream, a big huge goal you are chasing after. Remember, for the longest time, women were followers and men were leaders. Only in that last hundred years or so have women been able to earn as much income as men. The thousands of years prior, women followed men. And for the longest time, up until first the agricultural revolution and then later the industrial revolution, men were hunters. Modern Humans with Ancient Lifestyles Scientists were studying a small primitive group of hunter gatherers in Africa. After they noticed their patterns and started to become closer and closer to their daily lives, they noticed something strange. Every day the men would go out hunting, but they weren't behaving logically. From a purely logical standpoint, they should have always hunted small animals. They were easier to catch, and they were less dangerous. The men who hunted the smaller animals came back with more meat per trip on average.

And they were less likely to get injured. This would seem to make them higher up on the social status ladder, but it didn't. Because most of the men didn't hunt small game. They hunted giraffes. Giraffes were hard to catch, and trying to catch them was dangerous. So why did they hunt giraffes, when they stood a large chance of coming back with nothing, or worse, coming back with an injury? Because on the rare occasion when a hunter did come back with a giraffe, he was treated like a rock star. Because meat doesn't keep well in a hunter gatherer environment, they need to consume it relatively quickly. And who decides who gets to eat it, and how much? The guy who killed it, of course. Therefore they go after the big game, rather than the small game. The social status the males get when they come back with the big kill gets them a lot of additional favors and attention. By giving out slabs of meet to all his buddies, he becomes like an ancient Don Corleone, giving out favors to the neighbors that he can later call in when he needs them. There's something else that happens. Even though most of the relationships in that primitive society are monogamous, the guy who brings back the big giraffe gets a little on the side, and on the sly. Meaning the ladies whose families he's given slabs of giraffe meat to come and give him a quickie on the down low. These are all instinctive patterns. These guys are the true alphas. The guys that kill the big game, and then turn around and share with everybody. They are liked by the

men, and they are secretly lusted after by the women. Modern Applications How does this translate to your life? The most popular guys in that giraffe killing society, both to the men and to the women, were the guys that were out looking for the big kill each day. The guys that had a big goal in mind, and they went out after it, day after day. Not the guys who hung around the safety of the camp (with all the women and children) and tried to sweet talk the ladies. Choose a big goal for your life. Something huge. Something that will define your life hundreds of years after you're gone. This is the singular most important thing you can do to manifest all the women you want. Women are programmed on a deep genetic level to be irresistibly attracted to a guy who is chasing the big kill. Not the guy who plays it safe. Not the guy who goes for the small game, day after day. This also means that your huge goals in life are more important than her. More important than any woman. Sure, she can help you. She can support you. She can encourage you. But she can never be a replacement for that goal. This is your first task, your first exercise (in addition to talking to strangers daily to build your social energy). Take some time to create a huge goal for your life. It doesn't have to be perfect, it doesn't have to be specific. For now, it can be general. But you should have some idea of what you want create with your life.

Imagine it's a hundred years after you've gone. What do you want to be your lasting impression besides giving women an insane amount of pleasure? An invention? A philosophy? A work of art? A discovery? Spend a few minutes at the end of each day and work on your life's mission. What one thing were you put here to create? If you could imagine your Creator (according to your own religious or philosophical beliefs) answering the question, what would the answer be? I am here to: What would He or She say? What is your specific purpose in life? What is your great dream, your vision, the one thing you want to leave as your legacy? From now on until you are dead, spend a few minutes each day pondering this question. Write down a few sentences about whatever you did that particular day to move you closer to that ideal. Then the next morning, write one or two small things you can that day that will get you closer. This will build up the energy of being a driven man. A man that knows his purpose for being here, and is busy fulfilling his purpose. A man that is insanely attractive to women.

Part Two - Brass Tacks Now that we've got all the background theory and underpinnings out of the way, now it's time to talk strategy. Techniques. The things you can do on a daily basis that will transform you into an irresistibly attractive man who subconsciously motivates women to be their best, to transform (as best they can) into a High-Quality Woman whenever you are around. These techniques are not "once and done" techniques. If it really were that easy, any guy could skim this book without needing to put in much thought and suddenly be pulling ladies like a champ. Luckily, it's not that easy. Because if it were that easy, if it were that simple, then every knucklehead out there would be competing for the top ten percent of women. Because let's be honest, you don't want just any woman, you want high quality women. Women that are educated, that are articulate, that take care of their minds and bodies. These days, getting laid is easy. It's socially acceptable for women today to have several dozen sexual partners. But this course isn't about getting laid. Any goof can do that. Any goof can walk into any bar, spit out a couple of memorized lines, maybe spend twenty bucks on alcohol and wake up next to a horror show the next morning. Hopefully, that is not good enough for you. Hopefully you want to attract high quality women that will help you fulfill your life. Not drag you down or otherwise cause problems. So please see the necessary time and effort that this will require as a buffer zone. As a semi-permeable boundary between the everyday, average guy who can get laid with average girls, and guys like you will be attracting the top

quality women on Earth. The wonderful ladies with smoking hot bodies and razor sharp minds. The women that can think big enough to be an asset to you, rather than a liability. The Rest of This Course The rest of this course will be light on theory, only enough to give you enough understanding behind the exercises that follow. And just like all exercises, physical, mental and spiritual, they only will work if you do them. But if you do make the commitment to doing them, you will slowly transform into a man among men. Walking up to, starting conversations with and seducing gorgeous women is a skill few men have. Once you master this skill, everything else you desire in life will become easy. Simple. Nearly automatic. These exercises will fall into two major categories. Inner Game and Outer Game. Inner Game exercises are dedicated to help you control your ancient emotions and triggers that get in your way. To train your mind to be like a stone-cold assassin, to be able to put on different behaviors like different pairs of clothing. Remember the different areas of learning. The goal here is to reach unconscious competence, when you are skilled at these behaviors without having to think about them. That is the objective. But to get there, we must go through the necessary clumsiness and awkwardness. If you ever pause and find yourself wishing common thoughts like, "Why isn't this easier?" or, "Why should I have to do this? Gorgeous girls should just automatically appear without me having to do anything!" Keep in mind that these are the very thoughts that are keeping your competitors from achieving

the level of skill you are striving for. They will be stuck in the land of "wishing" and complaining, while you will be far ahead in the land of doing and achieving. Eyes on The Prize Take some time to create a mental picture of your perfect life. When you can control and manage your own emotions and instincts with ease, and you can control hers with equal ease. When you know the conversational buttons to push with advanced linguistic techniques, and you have the emotional fortitude and inner control to say them to her as easily as you would dial her phone number. Imagine having ten, twenty, or more girls you can call on at any time who would answer immediately and agree to any suggestion. This is what common men wish for, but it is what you will achieve through the rest of this guide. As mentioned, the exercises will be in two broad categories. Doing things daily to build up your inner strength. And doing exercises daily to build up you "button pushing skills." Remember, these are just a metaphor. You won't be actually walking up and sticking your finger in her button. Sometimes these behaviors will require looking at her. Other times these will only involve how you look at her, and how you look away from her. Other times it will nothing more than how you carry yourself when you walk into a room. Subconscious Behavior Most of our behaviors are unconsciously generated. Meaning the thoughts we habitually think drive our behavior. This includes our body language, facial

expressions and how we speak. Remember that 93% of our communication is non-verbal. Changing the 7% that is verbal is easy. That is all that most common men focus on, changing the easy 7%. But changing the other 93% will take time and effort. In Psycho Cybernetics, Maxwell Maltz has an exercise when you tie your shoes the opposite way. Instead of starting with the right lace over the left lace, for example, you switch. I encourage you to try this. Not just to experience it once or twice. But to experience how long it takes to change a habitual, unconsciously driven behavior. It will take a while. This your first exercise, and your ongoing homework assignment. Starting the very next time you tie your shoes, tie them opposite to how you normally do. When you do so, keep three thoughts in mind. 1) Changing Behavior Takes Time This is just to experience the reality that altering your behavior to become unconsciously and automatically attractive to high quality women will take time. 2) Most Guys Don't Have What It Takes This is to remind yourself that this necessary time to change behavior will not be feasible for most men, who only can live in the moment. Most men simply do not have what it takes to make it through this necessary period of change. 3) On the Other Side, I Will Have All the Women To Myself

This is to train your mind that while you are doing these exercises most other men aren't. Which means when you get to the other side, when you HAVE transformed yourself, you will have little, if any, competition from other men.

Signs of Authority and Power Don't worry, this won't be about going out to earn a billion dollars. Quite the contrary. However, you may need to read this section a few times before it sinks in, because this topic is one of the least misunderstood among dating and seduction forums. Since the dawn of time, two (or perhaps two rolled into one) of the primary triggers of attraction are signs of authority, or later, signs of wealth. Firstly, remember that these triggers of attraction were finalized long before money was ever invented. Money, wealth, bling, fancy clothes, these are all outward signs of an internal quality. And one thing that humans are is flexible. Take what is attractive to us guys. We are attracted to signs of youth. Everything we find "hot" in a woman is an outward signal that "means" she is "young." The guys in the past who were naturally attracted (due to genetic errors in copying) to anything that went along with her being young had more kids than those who weren't. Here's a quick example. Firm breasts vs. saggy breasts. The guys who were naturally attracted to the firm breasted girls didn't care if she was young or not. All they knew was her firm boobs gave them a caveman boner. Because girls with firm boobs were younger, they had more kids, since they had more life ahead of them. This works for all other signs of youth. Clear skin. Thin waist. And yes, blond hair. Even natural blonds tend to

turn brown later in life. Women are attracted not to the power itself, but the outward signs of power. And guess what? Girls get fake boobs, fake tans, liposuction, wear hi heels to make their butts firmer and more "youthful." Why do they do that? Because it works! Don't worry, we aren't going to be fake. We aren't going to fake your behavior. We are going to create natural behavior that is purposely built to create massive attraction in ladies. These all stem from ancient men who were more powerful, and therefore more able to get food to feed her kids. Men who weren't powerful didn't get as much food, so they couldn't feed her kids as effectively. After a few thousand generations, girls that were naturally attracted to powerful men had more kids, and that attraction to powerful men was passed on a lot more than an attraction for weak men. Rubber to The Road What behavior indicates being powerful? Always being in control. Control of the situation, control of the conversation, and most importantly, control of your own life. Even if you aren't "technically" in control, you can control how you interpret the situation. Exercise One Always act, never react. Whenever you are in a situation, just sitting around and waiting for something to happen, it puts the power in somebody else's hands. You must begin

to live your life according to your terms, even if you work for somebody else, still live with your parents, and must take the bus everywhere. So long as you have a solid plan, and you honestly see every single thing you do every single day as part of that plan, you will have power. But if you see the world as out of your control, and you are sitting around waiting to "get a break" you will not be powerful. So, what is your plan for your life? How do you see the things you need to or have to do on a daily basis as necessary steps to your chosen outcome? For example, you work a McDonalds. You live at home. You take the bus to work. How in the heck can you demonstrate power and authority? Come up with a plan. A five-year plan. Come up with an amount of money you need to save, for a specific purpose, that will help you get there. Journal Exercise At the end of every day, write down everything you did, in terms of your life plans. Even if your job is to clean the toilets at McDonalds, write down how doing that will help you achieve your life plans. Just doing this exercise alone will give new meaning to your life. High quality women aren't attracted to men who just bounce from day to day. They are attracted to a Man with a Plan. The plan itself isn't what attracts them. That you have one, and one that is big, according to you, is what is attractive. Use this daily exercise to transform yourself into a Man with a Plan. Exercise Two Whenever you're in a conversation, you should have a

specific reason for that conversation. Having an outcome will make things much easier. Even if you start up a random conversation with a stranger, you should have a clear intention. Most people don't even think this way. Most people get into a conversation, start talking until they run out of words, and then excuse themselves. You are going to do things differently. One Per Day Starting now, you are going to choose one conversation per day, that you will choose an intention for before the conversation starts. The intention can be anything. But having an intention is what leaders do. It's what people with authority do. It's what driven men do. They have a reason for doing everything. Few driven men that are highly successful wander through their day just waiting for something interesting to happen. By practicing having conversations with a clear intention, you will be slowly changing how you communicate to the way a powerful, driven man communicates. To start with, it can be something incredibly easy. Like asking for the time. Find somebody that is somewhat solitary. Politely interrupt them, and ask for the time. Thank them and then leave. Don't hang around. Powerful men get what they want and then leave. You do the same. Once asking for the time becomes easy, start longer conversations with harder to achieve outcomes, like their name. Always leave as soon as you get what you were after. These are skill building exercises, not friend making exercises. Keep a record, and record your daily conversation that you started with the specific intention of getting a specific piece of information from the

conversation. Exercise Three Reframing is a powerful exercise that can give you an exceptional "aura" of power. Most people, men and women, go through life feeling like helpless victims. They are effect and the world is cause. This is a terrible position to operate from. Being in control is much better. But how do you remain in control when you really are at the mercy of the world? Reframe. This is simply changing the meaning of events. Building up a strong "reframing" muscle in your brain will make you very attractive. Journal Exercise At the end of every day, write down any event (conversation, traffic incident, unexpected meteor shower) that seemingly came out of nowhere. Now in hindsight, put a positive meaning on that event, so it helps you with whatever life goals you've got. At the very least, reframe it as giving you practice in responding to unexpected events. These are three broad authority exercises that you should start doing today on a daily basis. They will take the events that are already happening in your life, that may now seem out of your control, and slowly transform them so they give you a sense of ownership, which will give you more authority over your life. In the next chapter, we'll look at several smaller exercises that should be done as often as possible to build up your "authority muscle."

Authority Practice Drills There have been a lot of studies done on chimps which suggest social status is very important to them. It's also been theorized that social status is one of the main driving factors of all human behavior. No matter what we appear to be doing on the surface, what we’re really after is to somehow increase our social status, or at the very least how to interpret our own social status. Paradoxically, doing anything that makes it seem you are overtly attempting to increase your social status will have the opposite effect. For our purposes, that is perfectly fine. You will be doing exercises that elicit the deep subconscious feeling in others that you have high social status, without anybody ever needing to think such a thing. Conversation Battles One way people tend to do this is by trying to "win" the conversational battle. Most people don't think of conversations in terms of battles, but from a deep psychological standpoint, that is precisely what they are. Exercise At least once day, play an observational role in any conversation you find yourself in. Try to decide what each person is trying to do to "demonstrate authority" in the conversation. For example, if somebody tells a joke, one person might try to "laugh the loudest" to demonstrate authority. Another person might roll their head and take some time coming up with a response, in an attempt to capture the attention of the other people in the conversation. Generally, it's usually pretty easy to see who

the dominant person in the conversation is. Sometimes it's the loudest person. Sometimes it's the guy or girl who continues to control the flow of the conversation. But doing this exercise will help you see that even in seemingly benign daily conversations between friends, there is always somebody jostling for the top spot on the social status, even among friends. How Can This Help Me? It's easy to fall into complacency in a conversation, especially if one of the people is particularly dominant. Whenever you can, always ask yourself, "How can this help me?" As mentioned before, most people don't have any particular or well thought out reason for having conversations, other than simply passing the time. By forcing yourself to think in terms of, "How does this help me," you will slowly start to filter the conversation through your own goals. This will help you to ask leading questions of the "conversational champ" if he or she gets close to anything potentially useful. This may sound strange, but please do this at least once day. If you keep it up, it will soon appear that you are really in charge, and the loudest person in the conversation is serving your higher intentions. Because this is definitely a strange way to think about normal daily conversations, staring by journaling can help. Simply recall the conversations, and write down some questions you could have asked that may have helped lead to a more productive conversation with respect to your own life goals.

It's also important to keep the question, "How can this help me," to yourself and as deeply within your own mind as possible. This type of authority is very subtle and very powerful. Any kind of authority that has to be verbalized is usually inauthentic and not very attractive. Doing this regularly will help you look at conversations from a different mindset, which will change your body language, and your energy level. Slow Movements One of the key hallmarks of a confident man with authority is their movements. When in doubt, always imagine this in an ancient caveman setting. The leader of the tribe is somebody who is always relaxed, and has built up a great deal of trust among his subordinates. Fast eye movements, head movements, and quick gestures will destroy your confidence. Exercise Go somewhere where there are a lot of attractive women. Most guys walk through an environment like this with rapid moving eyes and heads. This is a clear sign of undersexed men with little or no authority over their own lives. How do sexually satisfied men with high authority behave? Very slow and purposely movements. So, practice moving like this. Spend ten or twenty minutes walking around a crowd of people, and keep your movements as slow as possible. Find a point off in the distance, keep your eyes fixed on it, and walk toward it slowly. Open up your peripheral vision as much as you can. Avoid the desire to turn your head whenever you see an attractive women.

Practice noticing and appreciating women out of the corner of your eyes, rather than turning to stare. Walk a little bit more slowly than your normally do. Keep an erect posture. Eye Contact Eye contact is a quick and definite signal about your selfconfidence. This exercise to simply build up your confidence of holding eye contact with anybody, but most especially attractive women. Ideally, you will do this exercise daily until you can hold any woman's eye contact until she breaks it off first. Ideally, she'll break it off, and then quickly look back. Often this won’t happen, but when it does, smile slightly until she breaks it off again. Then quickly and forever purge her from your memory. Remember, these are practice exercises which are designed only to build up the authority that you radiate. You are acting like a driven man with plenty of sexual choice. A driven man has always first and foremost his life's mission on his mind. Women are always secondary. In the beginning, this will be very difficult. Continuing on your way after a beautiful woman has smiled in your direction is difficult. But turning away will build up a strong feeling of authority and confidence. Do these eye contact exercises as often as you can, for as long as you can, until getting second looks and smiles from attractive women happens on a daily basis. But even then, it's always a good idea to continue on your way. We'll learn why in the next chapter.

The Powerful Law of Scarcity One of the easiest ways to think of being insanely attractive to a woman is a line from the movie, "The Tao of Steve," in which the main character's mantra was, "Be Excellent, Be Gone." This, in a nutshell is how to walk into a room and have every woman wanting you. But don't be deceived by the simple sounding sentence. Be Excellent This is based on how you carry yourself, how you walk into the room, how slowly you gaze around the room. The ideas and beliefs in your mind which have you slowly looking across the room and wondering which people would be interesting to talk to, giving you the fantastically attractive behaviors and "energy" that elicits pure desire from women. This is the "Be Excellent" part. How you cultivate the mindset of a driven man, somebody who has authority over life. Somebody who looks out into the world and asks himself how they can best use what lies before them to continue to build a powerful life for themselves. Be Gone But just as powerful is the idea of scarcity. As soon as a woman thinks she can have you, she will lose interest. The same goes for men. This is one of the prime reasons why married couples gain weight and stop having as much sex. Before the marriage, or even the commitment, the relationship is in question. Neither party "has" the other party. They are still on their best behavior, from a subconscious standpoint. As soon as each party thinks

they "have" the other party, the law of scarcity loses its effect. Law of Scarcity This is one of those ideas that everybody has heard of, and therefore everybody "thinks" they understand. When they read about it, they think, "Oh that. I already know about that," and then their brain fogs over and they don't apply it in their daily lives. Examples One of the most insane examples of just how powerful the law of scarcity was during the old days when they would show commercials on TV, show a phone number and people would call in. In the first trial, they showed the product, showed all the features and benefits, and then said, "Call now, operators are standing by." But nobody called. Then the company selling the product hired a consultant. They didn't change anything about the ad or the product or the features or the benefits. All they did was change the sentence, "operators are standing by" to "please call again if the lines are busy." What did that do? It gave viewers the idea that tons of people were already calling, since the lines might be busy. And if tons of people were calling, they might run out of products before the viewer in question got through. Changing that simple sentence, which evoked the law of scarcity, send sales through the roof. One Two Punch

Once you have started doing the daily journaling and mental reframing exercises to build up your feeling and subconscious demonstration of authority, you will shoot yourself in the foot if you do not apply the law of scarcity. Even if you are intending to create a dream relationship with a dream woman, the Law of Scarcity will always be your best friend. No matter how much she loves you in the beginning, no matter how desperate for you she is, that will wane if you do not continually apply the Law of Scarcity. The moment she feels she "has you," that is when her attraction will begin to wane. That is simple human nature. We want what we cannot have. As soon as we have something, it becomes less valuable to us. How to Apply When in doubt, leave. Remember, the idea is to keep doing these exercises until you elicit such a massive level of desire in women they approach you, they engage with you, and they do not let you leave. If they are merely looking at you and smiling, you can still generate significantly more attraction. The Hardest Skill Don't be fooled. This idea is simple, powerful, but extremely hard to put into practice. You walk into a room, feeling full of confidence and authority. You look around, seeking a conversation partner. You see an attractive woman, she looks at you and smiles. Your ancient caveman brain will be screaming at you to walk over and talk to her. Not only to talk to her, but to talk to her for as long as you possibly can. But as soon as you walk toward her, without her

having to do anything but smile, you are leaving the Law of Scarcity behind. Counter Intuitive This seems to go against all logic. You bought this course to see how to become instantly attractive to the ladies. Now you're at party and a girl is looking at you and sending you clear and positive signals, and now you're supposed to leave? Unless that girl is your dream girl, yes, you should leave. If she's just standing there looking you, and not making any effort to start a conversation, yes, you should leave. The first reason is because if you walk over and talk to her, you are doing the same thing that every other guy in the world does. She validates her view of male-female relationships. Her job is to stand there, look pretty, and smile at interesting men. Your job is to walk over and talk to her. However, if you do this, you will put yourself in the same category as every other man. And you will strengthen her belief that females do the attracting, men do the approaching, and then women can sit back and enjoy the show, picking the best one. If you allow her to choose you, it destroys all the authority you have worked on. The moment you see her, and walk over and start a conversation, she relaxes back, and slips into "judging" mode. She is the judge, you are the talent. This is very counterintuitive. When you are just starting out, this will be the hardest thing to do. To walk away when you know you have an obvious and clear opening. But walking away will significantly boost your selfconfidence and your deep feeling of authority.

However, if you absolutely must approach, there is a way to do so and keep your sense of power and authority. We'll go over that in the next chapter.

More Scarcity This is an important point, so we'll spend as much time as we need to. Building up the feeling and energy (externally expressed in your body language and movements) of authority is relatively easy. You can do so without needing to actually interact with your environment, as it is fundamentally about the meaning you give to your environment. But adding scarcity is difficult and difficult in a way that's hard to anticipate. Anybody can be scarce. All you have to do to be scarce is hide in your closet and never come out. Obviously, that alone won't make the girls go crazy over you. You need to first demonstrate your excellence in their presence, and then apply the law of scarcity. Scarcity without sufficient authority is useless. But authority without scarcity, when it comes to attraction, is very short lived. So, you will need to practice both of them together. And as mentioned in the last chapter, walking away from a pretty girl who is obviously attracted to you is difficult. Most guys imagine that the toughest part about learning to succeed with women is the approach. Let them continue to think that. You now know the secret is the hardest part of being insanely successful with women is not approaching when know that she wants you to. But why is it so necessary? Think how most guys go about this. They go out and approach a hundred girls. What happens? Most of them reject them. So, the guy who approaches a hundred girls gets ninety rejections, and ten happy endings. That builds a clear memory that women have a ninety percent chance of rejecting him.

The more he continues, the more he realizes that the majority of women will reject him. Most guys never approach women. And they believe that most women will reject him. The next "level" guy approaches women all the time. And he proves that most women will reject him. Now let’s take a look at your "enlightened" approach. You start to build your confidence. You do daily exercises to build your authority. To look at life from the perspective of a driven man who sees things as useful to him and his goals, or not. You are not looking out into the world as most men do, which is to hope to be accepted. You look out at the world and decide whether or not to accept parts of the world, as useful to you, or to reject part of the world, as not useful to you. Now let's assume you're starting to see all the obvious signs that women are desperate for a guy like you. But you don't approach. You leave before anything happens. What memories does this build in your mind? If you continue to create attraction in women without approaching, this will build a hugely powerful idea that women want you. Consider doing this level of the exercises for one month. Let's say, just for the sake of argument that you go to two places a day for a month. Mall, coffee shop, department store, anywhere. And your only goal is to walk in, demonstrate authority, get positive signs (eye contact and a smile) from a woman and then leave. What deep, experiential memory will you be building? That everywhere you go, women want you.

Compare that to what happens to the guys who go out and approach everything with a pulse. They build up a series of events that prove that everywhere they go, most women will reject them. This is why taking the time to build up your scarcity will do wonders for your energy. Every time you prove to yourself that women want you, this will build up an insane amount of attraction into your energy. Few men on Earth have that deep feeling that women want them. The longer you stay at this level in the exercises, the stronger you will build up that wonderful knowing that woman want you. I know, I know. You didn't buy this course so you could walk around give women sexual fantasies about you. You got this so you could get results with women. I hear you. The next step is to start interacting with women. But to do so in a way that will maintain your scarcity. Hit and Run You walk into a place, you radiate your positive energy of desire, and you see a woman who looks at you in a way that nearly begs for you to approach. So, you approach. And start a conversation. And then you leave. If you thought just smiling at women and leaving would build up a positive experience that women want you, this will put that feeling on genetically engineered steroids. Many guys have the attitude sometimes referred to as, "make the ho say no," which means talk to any girl that's not moving and talk to her until she flat out rejects you. This is a horrible strategy. This will almost guarantee that you'll build up a deep belief that "women = rejection."

You are going to do the opposite. You are going to go up, talk to her, get her feeling good, happy, excited, as soon as possible and then you are going to leave. This will make her brain explode. Well, not really, but this is what will happen. You walk into the room. You pause and slowly look around. You see her, she smiles. You walk over, go over some small talk, build up some social proof (more on that later) until you know that she is dying for you to ask for her number. But you don't ask for her number. You simply smile and walk away. As you do so, she will give you a look that says, "Please! Come back! I want more of you!" What will this build up for you? A deep feeling that says, "Women can't get enough of me." And when you have that feeling, then you'll be one of the most attractive men on Earth. This is a very difficult point to get to, make no mistake. It is hard to smile at girls and not talk to them. It is even harder to talk to them and not ask for their number. But remember, you are working on building up such insane levels of attraction and desire in women that they are doing most of the work when it comes to seduction. They will be the ones doing the number closing. They will be the ones doing the escalating. Getting to this point takes time. It's something many guys simply cannot do. But do it you must, if you want to be in a class all by yourself. Any goof can go out and talk to a hundred girls, and get rejected by most of them. Any guy can talk to plenty of girls, get plenty of numbers, only to find that most of them

are flakes. This is what women expect you to do. This is what women expect all men to do. But in doing these carefully crafted exercises, you will be turning the tables on them. When they see you, they will see you as different from every other guy they've ever seen. So please, take your time. Spend as much time as you can on the eye contact phase. Build up as much authority as you can. Spend some time creating huge dreams and goals for your life. There's plenty of time, and plenty of women out there. When you are ready to talk to them, and build social proof, you'll learn a powerful technique in the next chapter.

Social Proof The Holy Trinity of attractions is authority, scarcity and social proof. These three combined will have a powerful combinatorial effect on her emotions. When you correctly apply the three of these together, she will be unable to resist you. This is why it is absolutely vital to make sure you have your own internal "triggers" under control. The blatant desire of an attractive women is, by far, the most powerful and potentially lethal drug. It had led to the downfall of nations, is responsible for starting wars and can absolutely destroy you in you aren't prepared for it. Many people fall victim to the idea that anything related to human behavior is "set and forget." Meaning you learn a few tricks, apply a few techniques and then you're done. If you apply that thinking to these powerful methods, you will be in for a horrible surprise. However, if you treat these techniques with respect, and manage them as you should you will receive a lifetime of sexual and emotional bliss from the lucky lady of your choice. What Is Social Proof? Social proof is the idea of safety in numbers. Many people like things simply because other people like things. Take the iPhone, for example. Every time they release a new one, people are lined up days in advance. Fashions, trends, musical tastes, many of these live and die by social proof. Advertisers use social proof all the time to sell products. Over nine billion cheeseburgers sold, the famous sign says. All to convince you that huge crowds of people have already purchased the product and are insanely happy. But how do you apply it with a lady you are speaking to? Luckily, you don't need to walk the earth with a harem with you at all

times. Inferred Social Proof What you will be doing is leveraging the power of something called "Linguistic Presuppositions." These are simply sentences that presuppose certain things exist. For example, take a look at this sentence: I own a kangaroo. This is easy to disagree with. You can simply say, "No, you don't." If I say I own a kangaroo, and you say I don't there's not much else I can do. But what if I say this: My kangaroo can jump really high. It's a little bit more difficult to say, "You don't have a kangaroo" to this sentence that it is to the first sentence. But what if I say this: My kangaroo just won the jumping contest in his division. This takes a lot of thinking to digest. It presupposes that I have a kangaroo. It presupposes that there was a jumping contest. It presupposes that my kangaroo won the jumping contest. If you heard this sentence, one of two things would be true. One is that I'm absolutely insane. The other is that there is something that you aren't quite understanding. Maybe I sponsored a kangaroo over the Internet in some

crazy fund raising contest. Maybe I was watching a cartoon with my friend’s kid and we each chose a kangaroo pretended it was ours. But you would be very unlikely (after hearing that long and weird sentence) to question whether I had a kangaroo. Seriously? Kangaroos? Yes. You are going to walk up to women and start talking about kangaroos. Just kidding. That was just an example. What are you going to presuppose? That you have plenty of females in your life. But when you are using these linguistic presuppositions, you don't have to walk up to her and say, "Hey, I have plenty of ladies in my life." Collecting Evidence Hopefully you've been doing your social skills exercises. Meaning you are talking to people just to get experience in talking to people. And if you are lucky, half of those people will be women. It doesn't matter if they are women you aren't attracted to. It doesn't matter if they are eighty years old. It doesn't matter if they are little kids riding in their mom's shopping cart at the supermarket. All you need to know is their name. It works like this. Let's say you're at the phase of your awakening when you are walking up to women, creating massive desire, and then leaving. Let's say a particular conversation goes like this: You: Hey, I like your sweater. Her: Oh, thanks! (excited) You: My friend Stacey has one just like it.

Her: Oh. (Who the hell is Stacey?) You: You from around here? Her: Yes, I am! (excited again). You: Cool. Anyway, I like that sweater. I gotta get going. Her: Bye (sad and wanting more). Now, who really is Stacey? It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that you've actually met a girl named Stacey in the recent past, and she has a sweater "like" that one. It could be you talked to a ninety-year-old women at the post office named Stacey that was wearing a purple sweater. It could be your next door neighbor has a daughter named Stacey that is four years old and has a cute purple sweater with Donald Duck on it. It doesn't matter. It only matters that three powerful things have happened in that short conversation. Authority You walked in the room, a driven man, and looked around wondering what you would accept from the environment and wondering what you would reject from the environment. You projected an image of authority. Authority over your life. Authority over your environment (you choose what to accept or reject). This radiates enough positive energy to create desire in that woman you spoke to. Social Proof You mentioned you had a friend named Stacey. Now you said that lady's sweater reminded you of Stacey's sweater. But the subtext is that girl is now thinking she reminded you of Stacey. Either way, from her perspective, you are an

authority figure who has social proof. Because the first thing you thought of (at least from that woman's perspective) is how she reminded you of another woman. Scarcity You talked to her, and created attraction. Then you took it away. Then you brought it back. Then you left, without even asking for her name. This short (less than a minute) interaction is one more piece of data in your memory that says, "Women can't get enough of me." Required Steps To get to this point, you must be doing all of the previous exercises, including talking to people any time you have a chance. So long as the conversation is not with an attractive woman, think of it as mining for evidence of social proof. This means that any environment you walk into, you can stop and look slowly across all the people, and wonder what kind of helpful information you can extract, as a resource, to help you in the future become more attractive. This is a very powerful way to look at the world. Most guys are always looking for attractive women, and when they don't find them, they are dejected. But when they find them, they force themselves to approach, only to prove that most women will reject them. You, on the other hand, now have a very powerful paradigm to look at the world through. Every single social situation is an opportunity. An opportunity to gain social experience, so you radiate the energy of somebody who is

comfortable around people. It's an opportunity to gain valuable social proof data. Every single female you talk to is a now a resource. All you need is their name, and something about them. Even if it's a piece of observational data, like their clothes. The more resources you gather, the more social proof you can conversationally demonstrate. The more you gather social proof data, the more socially confident and conversationally fluent you'll get. Always keep the Holy Trinity in mind. Authority, Social Proof, and Scarcity. Used together, you will be able to create massive attraction and desire in the females you interact with.

Advanced Techniques The following techniques in the following chapters should only be used once you are absolutely comfortable applying the three previous laws, or techniques of Authority, Social Proof, and Scarcity. The truth is those first three are all you need to create massive desire in the females you interact with. The following will work with anybody; however, they are best used once you've already established a base level of attraction. Commitment and Consistency Because our brains are always looking for ways to save energy, we tend to want to do things that have already worked out in our favor. Whenever we have a choice to try something new, which will have an unknown result, or doing something familiar that will give us a known result, we will always default to do the comfortable and familiar. This tends to increase as we get older. This is precisely why people stick with brands they are comfortable with, or go to the same restaurants and even order the same types of meals. This is a little bit more complicated to use than the previous three laws, which are simple. For example, to leverage authority, you simply take more and more ownership of your own life and your surroundings. The more authority you have and feel, the more attraction you will generate. Scarcity is fairly simple as well. Create attraction, interact with her, and the leave. Demonstrating social proof is a bit more complicated, as you'll have to demonstrate it conversationally but it is still rather simple. All three of these laws, Authority, Scarcity and Social Proof

can all be demonstrated without any input on her part. But in order to use the Law of Commitment and Consistency, you'll need to interact with her. This is precisely why this law should be left until you are very comfortable creating attraction, AND are very comfortable leaving at any given time. The previous three laws must always be operating to be effective. And in order for Scarcity to be effective, she has to feel that your presence is not guaranteed. So, when you start to apply these next laws, which will necessitate her involvement, be sure to always keep Scarcity in the forefront of your mind. Always be ready to leave without warning. That being said, here's the basic structure. This law requires you set things up so whatever you want her to do is seen by her as something she's already done. For example, if you want her to leave a particular bar and go to a nearby restaurant that is much quieter, it will be a much easier decision for her if she's already followed you to a few places in the bar or club or party before you ask her to follow her outside. Because this can be applied with a lot of flexibility, there are not a lot of hard and fast rules on how to apply this. It's also hard to do this spontaneously, without knowing very much about her. For example, let's say you see a girl who is clearly attracted to you. You walk over and demonstrate social proof conversationally. You are certain everything is going well, and you'd like to ask her to follow you to a table or a quiet area of the bar, but you would like to do so that would leverage the law of Commitment and Consistency. At this point, that's not likely since you don't know much about her. So, it is a good idea to get into the

mood of finding things that she's done already, that you can leverage according to the Law of Commitment and Consistency. What Kinds of Things? This is where you'll need to do some thinking. General things like getting her number or following you should be relatively easy if you've been practicing building up the previous three laws as much as you can. One way to build in some mental flexibility is learn about how to out-frame. For example, many girls, even though they might be attracted to you within a few minutes, might not be comfortable leaving with you, because they've come to the bar with their friends. You can't really start talking to her about times before where she decided to leave her friends behind because she's met some guy she finds strangely attractive. That would just seem weird. Not only that but it would also kill any attraction you've generated. Talk About Yourself If you have created enough attraction you can talk about yourself doing what you are about to ask her to do. This can be complicated so the best way to build up your comfort level is to start with some journaling. For example, let's work on the idea of getting her to leave her friends behind to go with you. A way to do this would be for you to talk about how you've done this before. You'll need to tell a story that paces what you are hoping she'll do. Which is what? Leave her friends, and not feel guilty. Go with you, and feel happy, because something exciting is about to happen.

So, take some time brainstorming about any time you have gone somewhere with your friends, and you decided to leave your friends behind. And that your friends were OK with it. The more stories you can come up with, the better. The idea is that after you start talking to her, you start thinking and taking her somewhere else. But you anticipate that she's with her friends, and that she'll resist leaving with them, even though she's attracted to you. Anticipating this, you start to a story about you were at a party, and you met an interesting person (Not a woman!) and you left. Make sure that in the story, you ended up with a happy ending (not THAT kind of happy ending!) and your friends ended up with a happy ending. This way, even though she might not come up with her own story, by listening carefully to your story, she'll feel a little bit more comfortable doing that, since hopefully she's followed along in your story, so the idea won't feel so foreign to her. The idea is to warm her up with your story. As mentioned before, there is really no way to anticipate what kinds of "objections" she might have, so this is the kind of thing you'll have to get better with experience. We'll go over some basic and common objections, and some potential stories that you can come up with to "pre-frame" them in the next chapter.

Commitment and Consistency - Advanced Applications Let's break down the basic structure of this. People don't like, or are at the very least hesitant, about doing things they've never done before. And even though you will be creating a lot of attraction in females, they will still be hesitant for many reasons. Females are much more socially conscious than males, so if they're with their friends in a public place, they'll be a bit of resistance. Even if they are alone, they'll be the nagging thought (placed there by years of social conditioning) of "What will my friends say if they find out I went home with a strange man?" Remember, the purpose of this is to attract high quality women. Even if she is trying her best to be a high-quality woman (because of you) she will automatically take on the thoughts of a high-quality women, which is to not make herself so available to you, even though she is insanely attracted to you. You anticipate her objections, and tell her stories that pace and overcome her objections. So even if she doesn't come up with stories on her own, she'll be "loosened up" a bit by going through with your stories. One of the benefits of creating strong attraction is she will naturally follow you, even if it's through your stories. No Hookup Rule The idea of these stories is to get her to follow along in your story and to see that whatever you want her to do is fun and normal. But why no stories of hookups? Because if your story is about random people hooking up with other random people, she might wonder if you think she is like that, somebody who may hook up with random people. If

she values you, she will not want you to think of her in terms of the "random hookup" girl. She will want you to think of her as a high-quality girl. So, in all your stories, whatever the characters are doing, make sure they are only friends, not lovers. Many people make the mistake of injecting purely sexual themes into their stories. This is a big mistake. Why? Every girl doesn't like the thought of being "seduced." So, when you start out with any kind of sexual themes in your stories, she is going to wonder if you are only thinking about sex. Girls love the idea of things just "happening." It's much more romantic. So even though you know you are creating attracting in her, let the idea of any kind of physical intimacy between the two of you be her idea, or let her think it was her idea. The Number You usually won't have a hard time getting a phone number. But if you are worried, you might tell her a story about collecting phone numbers. Remember, in any of the stories you tell, never have you with another woman, or any woman that would appear to be too easy. The point is to create stories where people are giving away their numbers fairly easily. A sales situation is ideal for this. For example, you might say you and some coworkers set up a booth at a carnival, and had people drop in their cards in a fishbowl for a raffle. You can mention that every weekend you had a contest to see who could collect the most numbers. The idea being that collecting (or exchanging) numbers is fun, easy, and normal. Any story that involves normal people exchanging numbers in a normal and fun situation is good.

Going to A Different Location This will be a bit more difficult than getting the number. Again, make sure that the story doesn't involve anybody hooking up. Perhaps a story of you and your friends going on a pub crawl, where you went to every bar on one particular street. Coming to Your Place This is a bit tricky. Let's say you call her with the express intention of asking her over for dinner and a movie. It's not a good idea to launch into a long story when you call her. You'll need to set this up beforehand. What will you be setting up? The idea that your apartment or house is where you usually invite friends over for dinner. Mention that you and your friends hang out every Thursday night to watch Netflix or something. Going to Her Place Again, this is something you can set up beforehand. This can also be pretty tricky, because if you start talking to her overtly about her place, she might wonder why you are so interested. Remember, any kind of physical intimacy that happens has to be her idea, and it has to happen spontaneously. Be very careful to avoid any overt talk of you going to her place. So, how do you introduce it? You can start by talking about a specific aspect of your place, and then ask her questions about those aspects of her place. For example, you might mention that your dishwasher is broken, and you want to know what kind she has. Or you might mention that your neighbors are

loud, and ask her if she's got problems with her neighbors. Too Convoluted? These may seem extremely roundabout ways to get her thinking of you in that way. And they are. But they are carefully designed to let her be the one to think of the both of you in that way. Any guy can talk to her about sex and then ask her a few times, overcoming several objections, about going back to your place. She knows he's picking her up for sex, and so does he. So why not use this tried and true method? Because once you start overtly talking about sex, or anything involving physical intimacy, she will put you in that category of her mind. The one she reserves for one night stands. Remember that you are a driven man. You've got much more in your life than just trying to get laid. This whole process is to get her to chase you. To always be in that special place in her mind that she reserves for those rare men that are almost unobtainable. You must behave and speak like an unobtainable man. A man who is driven, and has a lot of options. A man who doesn't need to overtly talk about sex. Who overtly talks about sex? Guys that are undersexed, that's who. And girls do not place a lot of value in guys who are eagerly seeking sex. Any guy can chase girls, and get laid. But few men have the self-control, the self-value and the confidence to set up their lives so that women will chase them. You are going to be that rare man that she thinks about, above and beyond all the other men she's ever met. Future Preparation

Any time you get any kind of objection, write it down. Then take some time to come up with a story that paces and overcomes that objection. The basic structure is simple. Whatever it is that she is resistant to do, come up with a story that has a lot of people doing that thing. Keep notebook filled with objections that you hear, either from girls you meet, or any objection you are worried about. That, in fact, is your next assignment. Think of the top five objections you are terrified to hear from any woman. Then write out a story for each, where the characters (friends, not lovers) in the story are doing that and having fun, and it is seen as normal and natural.

Comparison and Contrast This is another powerful law that should only be applied once you are fully confident in your own Trinity of Authority, Scarcity and Social Proof. This is also a great one to use whenever you are thinking of asking her something, but are a little worried about how she might respond. Things look different to us, feel different, seem different when they are compared to something else. This is one that is used in sales quite a bit. For example, many real estate companies will have a good idea of all the houses that are for sale in their territory. Let's say a couple comes in and says they are shopping for a three-bedroom house in the $400,000 range. The savvy real estate agent finds a terrible looking house in a bad neighborhood, with a price of $375,000. The couple looks at it, and doesn't even want to go in. They are horrified. Then the real estate agent takes them to a much nicer house, in a much nicer neighborhood, that is selling for $425,000. The couple, comparing how much better it is to the previous house, are ecstatic. After all, for only $50,000 more, they are getting a much better house. Now, imagine if the real estate agent would have taken them to the $425,000 house first. They would have been angry. Simply by showing them the broken-down house first, they were much more likely to buy the second house. How can you do this with the girls you are interested in? Always give them two choices. And always make the easier choice (for them) the choice you'd like them to accept. For example, let's say you're talking to a girl in bar, and you'd

like to take her down the street for some waffles. If you just ask her to go have some waffles with you, she might say no. So instead, you warm her up by talking about food. Use your stories to get her thinking about going out and getting something to eat. Then mention a restaurant that is pretty far away. Don't straight out ask her to go there, but talk about it for a few minutes. Let's say the name is Luigi's and it's ten miles away. You talk about all their food, talk about how good it sounds, and then say you are really hungry. Then say something like this: "I don't know about you, but I need to eat. What do you think? Luigi's, or there's a waffle shop just down the street, which is better?" If you were to just ask about going to the waffle shop, she would still have two choices. Stay there at the bar, or go with you to the waffle shop. But when you phrase it like the above, the waffle shop is a much better choice by comparison. Setting Up Dates The term "dating" is hardly used any more. People hook up on online dating, and going to dinner is something few people do anymore. However, if you want her to chase you as a high-quality man, you will have to do things that most men don't do. Most men try and hookup, or just have her come over and chill and watch Netflix. But you are different. You are a driven man. You are busy. You have to schedule things. You're not somebody who drifts through life and hopes to get lucky every now and then. So, don't be shy about setting up dates. But when you do, always apply the Law of Comparison and Contrast. Think of what you

really would like, and then choose something that would be a little bit more difficult. But always be ready in case she chooses the more difficult option! Here are some examples. Meeting for lunch or going hiking Meeting for a cup of coffee or going to an amusement park Coming to your place or driving to another city and going to a concert Be creative. But also, remember, that most of the time, you won't need to use these "second three" laws. The first three, the Trinity of Authority, Scarcity and Social Proof will be enough. But having a little bit of skill and practice with these second laws will help you quite a bit later on down the line. One of the things that you'll find is that once you select a woman to stay with, if that's what you intend on doing, is you will always need to maintain the Trinity if you want to keep her attracted to you. However, women are hard wired on a genetic level to try and claim "ownership" of you. Back in the old days of hunters and gatherers, women were entirely dependent on men for their survival. Which meant they have deeply embedded communication strategies that are designed to get you to "commit." This is to be expected if you are intending to attract a high-quality woman. She will want to define your relationship, which may make it difficult to maintain the feeling of "scarcity." In truth it is one of the many paradoxes of our existence. The stronger you create a feeling of Scarcity (combined with Authority and Social Proof) the more it will generate attraction in her for you. But the more she is attracted to you, the more she

will try anything and everything to "own" you. To define the relationship. This, of course, will work against Scarcity. Her attraction for you will compel her to act in a way that will actually decrease her attraction for you. Why is this? Part of the reason that in our past, we were always moving. Men were out chasing animals which were always migrating. And women were always chasing men. So even though the women did their best to "cement" any relationships they had with men, the men were always scarce, because they were always physically gone. And the women felt on a deep level (as they saw the men go out to hunt every day) that were dependent on men. Also, remember that back then, everybody knew everybody. So, ditching one guy for another (or ditching one girl for another) was out of the question. Today, it's very different. Even in marriages, if interests begin to wane, eyes begin to wander, since there is so much choice. The bottom line is that even if you are in a committed relationship, you must always keep up the sense of "Scarcity" at all times. Using these additional laws of influence (Commitment and Consistency and Comparison and Contrast) can help do that. However, since this is NOT a relationship maintenance guide but a guide on Manifesting High Quality Women, we'll leave it at that. Let's take a look at where we are. You have done your homework and have turned yourself into a driven man. A Man with a Plan. A Man who is busy creating something

magnificent with your life. You have created as much authority as you can. You are going places and getting attractive looks from women. You are applying the Law of Scarcity and building up your self-confidence and plenty of deep memories that say, "Women Want Me." You are talking to women and using linguistic presuppositions to create feelings of social proof. Now, if you're reading through this for the first time, it may be a bit overwhelming. You may be thinking, "Wait a minute, I go all over the place and I never see high quality women anywhere!" That's OK. That is a common problem for many men. That's why we will be covering the strategy of Manifesting in the following chapters.

Part Three - Manifesting Let's review what we've covered so far. We know that humans are driven primarily by instincts, and these instincts can be triggered by external events. For example, if you don't feel very hungry, you will suddenly get hungry if you see or smell something delicious. Attraction is an instinctive response to external triggers, or certain behaviors by men. In order to consciously exhibit those behaviors, as a male you first must control your own instincts. That means you need to plan and implement your life. You need to feel at cause, with the world as effect. You do this not with magic or by a huge exertion of force, but by how you frame events around you. While the events themselves are out of your control, how you interpret and respond to them is in your control. The most important behavioral trait to consistently demonstrate, as a male, is one of authority. This means you need to have clear and concise plans for your life, and you see everything that happens around as potential resources to help you achieve those goals. Once this authority is firmly established in your mind, on a deep level, it will affect your behavior, most specifically the small micro-behaviors that make up your non-verbal communication. That which women pick up on, subconsciously, to determine your attractiveness. Further you are capable of leveraging the Law of Scarcity, by not making yourself readily available to any woman. Additionally, you can conversationally demonstrate social proof by alluding to all the other women in your life. Note that this is opposite of what most "pick up guides" teach. They teach to approach every girl you see, and continue to increase your ability to get a number, the a date, then a kiss, then sex, etc. We are doing the opposite.

We are creating a situation where you work on these internal controls and the externally demonstrated triggers to create an insatiable level of attraction in the women you interact with. But what about where to go to find these women? The truth of the matter is that the more you work on yourself, so you can control your own instincts, and purposely create the triggers that will automatically generate attraction in women, you will need to worry about "where" less and less. The reality is that these women are everywhere. You may not see them now, and most guys who try to meet girls the traditional way will never see them. But as you continue to increase your attraction generating behavior, you will see them more and more. Not Magic But this is not magic. This isn't the Matrix, where some goofy little bald kid is telling you that there is no spoon. This is real life which is based on the laws of chemistry and physics and biology. But how is it that these women are out there, but you can't see them? That's what we will be going over in the next several chapters. The topic of Manifesting. How it works, how it doesn't work, and why it works the way it does. That it seems (or can seem) "magical" is simply a combination of our brains, and how they were created to exist in a primitive environment, and the vastness of our current environment. Manifesting as Metaphor

Most things we humans talk about are metaphors. In fact, metaphors are embedded in our everyday language. For example, let's say you're in a meeting. The meeting room is real. The chairs in the meeting room are real, as is the table and the walls and the people. But what "is" a meeting? It's an imaginary idea that we use to describe several people talking in a room. Once the people disband, and go their separate ways, what happened to the meeting? We say the meeting is "over," but we could equally say the meeting "vanished" because it doesn't exist anymore. Pay attention to the word "in" which we use in the phrase, "in a meeting." Why do we day "in a meeting?" Why not "on a meeting" or "under a meeting?" Because when our brains think of intangible nouns (nouns that are not physically real) we have to think of them as if they were real. So in this case, we think of a meeting as some kind of container, since we use the preposition "in" to describe how we interact with it. Our language is filled with these metaphorical treatment of these everyday "nouns." Think of the term "fall in love." We use "in," so we can presume that we think of "love" as a container as well. But why do we "fall" in love, yet we "go" to a meeting? Because a meeting can be planned, while somehow "getting" into love cannot. We "fall" in love, meaning it happens when we don't expect it. The more complicated the "thing" we are describing, the more dangerous it is to use metaphors to describe them. Because if we use an metaphor that doesn't accurately describe the underlying phenomenon, we will misunderstand the underlying phenomenon. This is the danger with using words like "manifesting" to describe what we'll be talking about over the next few chapters. In

truth, it is not magical or mysterious at all, it is merely how our brains and thoughts interact with the world around us. Map is Not the Territory This is one of the more famous statements from NLP. It means that no matter how accurate a map is, it is only an approximation of the territory. Back in early days when humans started exploring the world, they made some pretty crude maps. We look back on them today and laugh, because we have GPS systems that allow us to pinpoint our location down to a few centimeters. But back then, that's the best they had. They would look at those maps, and try to navigate the actual territory. Some of the early maps had the end of the world as a huge cliff, beyond which was nothing. Keep this in mind when going through the step by step process of "manifesting." Always remember that "manifesting" is a metaphor for a much, much deeper and complicated process. One that few men intending to attract women will ever understand. Because you are reading this now, you will soon have a deep insight that will be forever unknown to most.

Simple Manifesting So, how does it work? It's based on the idea that the amount of data hitting our senses is many times more data than we can perceive. Most of the stuff that hits our senses is just simply not important. Back during our long history of evolution, we had to always be as efficient as possible. So we only evolved to pay attention to the minimum amount of data necessary and still be able to survive. In our modern world, however, we have tons more stuff happening around is. Some estimates put the differences between the TOTAL stuff going on around us to that which we can comprehend as about 25,000 to 1. That means for every "bit" if data that we perceive in some way (smell, hear, taste, see, feel) there are 25,000 bits that we don't perceive. So our monkey brains need to categorize what's important and what's not. What is important? Anything that represents food, sex, or danger. Bugs, snakes, rats these are were very dangerous to primitive man so we developed a super acute sense for when these things show up. So, the first lesson of manifesting is there is plenty of stuff out there, there are filters, and then there is what we perceive. These filters (sometimes collectively called the pre-conscious processor) have to decide what we perceive and what we ignore. The simplest examples are certain color cars if you've just purchased that color car. Or if you are in the market for a pair of shoes, you might see shoes everywhere. These are simple, physical things that are there, but we don't recognize them because they aren't important. Then for some reason or another they become important, and we start to see them everywhere. It's not that they weren't there before, rather we just didn't notice them before. This

can be interesting to play with, especially if you have a partner and you're sitting outside where there are a lot of things going on. For example, one of you can close your eyes, and the other can choose things to sort for. You close your eyes, and your friend says sort for "green things," then you open your eyes and see all the green things. Then you close your eyes and you friend says sort for "clinky noises" and you tune your ears to all the sounds of forks hitting plates and so on. This is a useful exercise for really "feeling" just how much "stuff" is out there going on that is simply bypassing our conscious awareness. Complicated Manifesting This is when it gets a bit confusing. It's easy to think about a red car, and then see red cars everywhere. But we are after is more advanced manifesting, where we don't exactly see gorgeous girls standing around that we didn't notice before, but opportunities where girls might exist. Let's say for example, you were interested in finding something to eat while driving around in a strange town. Unless you were actually in a neighborhood with plenty of restaurants that you didn't notice, simply deciding to find some restaurants wouldn't make them poof into existence. But you would be able to tune your senses to high probability things that might indicate the presence of restaurants. As you're driving past several small streets, you might not see a huge sign that says, "Food!" but you would likely notice the tell-tale signs of restaurants. Outside patios with people sitting, large and colorful signs, other shops that are typical around restaurants. But it gets a lot more complicated. Because you would consciously "know" that outside patios are a clear sign of a

restaurant. But it won't always be so easy. Sometimes you'll get a "feeling." What some people call an "intuition." These are merely very subtle signals from our subconscious. For example, let's say you're at a nice restaurant. Then you see a cockroach scurry across the table. This would give you a very clear, and very strong feeling of revulsion. You see the cockroach, and there is a hundred percent probability of danger, at least to your caveman instincts. On the other hand, when your subconscious sees a lower probability of danger, you will still "feel" a sense of "discomfort" but not nearly as strong. This is your subconscious saying, "hmm, I don't have a good feeling here, you might want to be careful." Where the cockroach got a response from your subconscious that said, "Run!" It is these subtle signs that you will need to tune your brain to look for and respond to. Because opportunities are never a hundred percent. If you see an absolutely gorgeous woman who is smiling at you, you'll get a clear signal. But what we are after are those subtle feelings your subconscious is sending you that says, "over here, there might be some ladies." How Does It Know? Remember the difference between what we see consciously and what we don't see? It's huge. But all of that data still goes into your brain. Which means when you suddenly decide to start looking for something, your subconscious can dig into your deep memory banks to come up with probabilities that you may or may not find what you are looking for in your current situation.

Most guys are absolutely clueless to when women are giving them strong signals. So when you start to build up your authority and scarcity and social proof, you will also start to notice these signs from women more and more. And this will cause your subconscious to look into your memory, where it will find all previous instances where women were giving you signals, and notice that there are places that have higher probabilities of women, and places that don't. And when you start to move toward those areas, your subconscious will be sending you signals that say, "Hey, this might be a high probability location, take a look!" Of course, you won't actually hear these words, but you will get a "hunch." A feeling to go down a certain street, or go into a certain shop. To the extent you can train yourself to follow these feelings, you'll find more and more women all over the place that are attracted to you. Luckily, it gets better. Much better. We'll see why in the next chapter.

Two Way Manifesting It's one thing to tune your filters so you can see red cars everywhere. That's pretty cool and it's also about as far as most people go when it comes to manifesting. When you learn to pay attention to the subtle signals that your subconscious is sending you, and start to see success, this is when you really can convince your friends that you've got some kind of "sixth sense." In fact, this not really a "sixth" sense, only a much finer understanding of your internal kinesthetic feelings. This is how your subconscious communicates with you, and those vague and barely perceptible "feelings" are different enough that regular feeling, so it can be considered a "sixth sense." However, it gets better. Much better. Because so far, we have only been fine tuning our perception. But we alluded earlier to how women will change their behavior, and their thinking, to the presence of a high-status male (authority, scarcity and social proof). This means not only will you be sensing where women are, your presence will actually change them. Operating on Reality It's wholly possible for somebody to practice this without increasing their authority, scarcity and social proof. But they will only see women. Women that don't recognize them as high status males, so the women don't behave like high status females as a natural response. Sure, they might see attractive females, but since these females don't feel any attraction to them, they may be perceived by the low status males as "rude" or "standoffish." But you, as the high status male, will see completely different women. And your

friends won't understand, and chances are they won't believe you. Harsh Example Just to drive this point home, imagine two people. One is a famous movie star. The other is a smelly homeless guy. The homeless guy walks through a department store. Every time he starts to walk up to a woman, they look at him and quickly turn away. Some might even blatantly say rude things to him. From his perspective, all the women in that department store are rude, stuck up, and whatever other horrible word you can think of to describe women. Now consider the movie star. He walks through the store, and all the women are secretly watching him, fantasizing about him, and secretly wondering what would happen if he actually decided to speak with them. From his standpoint, the women were friendly and on their best behavior. Or high quality. So, you can see that "high quality" is very dependent on how the woman perceives you. In fact, you might say that "high quality women" are really women with a very high interest level. Men often complain that there are no high quality women. They use as examples that women flake, they don't return their calls, they are late, they are always staring at their phones during dates, etc. The truth is that these women are just not that interested in those guys. Those same women would behave much differently (much better) around a man in whom they had very high interest. High Quality Is High Interest

The reality that is a women who is highly interested in you will behave with as much "quality" as she can. Because she values you. She values you more than any other man she's ever met. Most men she meets are somewhat interesting, and somewhat attractive, but not enough to make them change their behavior. And because you will be increasing your authority, scarcity and social proof, you will be automatically eliciting high quality behavior from the women you interact with. This goes beyond the first meeting as well. If you continue to maintain the Trinity (Authority, Scarcity, Social Proof) the women will even change her long-term behaviors (diet, financial behaviors, etc.) to “keep” you so long as you maintain the Trinity. Social Proof Squared Previously we talked about how to allude to social proof conversationally. By obliquely referring to other females in your life (even if they are eighty years old and you only talked to them for five minutes). But something else will be giving you a high amount of social proof. While you are out and about, and following your intuitive signals to high probability locations of high quality women, all of the women you interact with will be behaving a certain way around you. And chances are that the woman that you choose will see that behavior (from the other women) before she sees you, at least on a subconscious level. Women are much more dependent on social signals than men are. A man and a woman walk into a party, and the

woman will know instantly who is with whom, who is happy together, and who is fighting. The man will generally be oblivious. Imagine this simple mind experiment. Let's say a potential high quality woman is standing in a certain section of the store. She can see the cashier, but she can't see the entrance. Then you walk in, slowly and confidently, and smile at the cashier. She's not quite your type, but you smile at her anyway, because you know being friendly with all women will significantly increase your social proof. The woman sees the cashier as she reacts to you. The woman notices her behavior. She notices that the cashier is looking at a high status male. Then she prepares herself, hoping to see you, before she actually does. It's important to note that this happens very quickly, and almost always subconsciously. She won't consciously think anything like "Hmm, I wonder who that is," or anything like that. All she'll know is that now has a strong feeling that a highstatus male is very close, which automatically makes her adjust her behavior. Reality Changes Before You In a very real sense, when you start to carry yourself as a high-status male (Authority, Scarcity and Social Proof) you will not only change reality as you interact with it (women change their behavior in response to you) but reality will change before you get there! Reality (the vast collection of people) will begin to anticipate your arrival. This may seem like a fantastic thing that only happens in movies, but the more you start now to build up your authority, social proof and scarcity, the sooner this will happen.

Pay Attention to Intuition Intuition, in this case, are those subtle feelings you get. You will need to practice this. The best way is to set aside ten minutes or longer, each day, and find someplace with plenty of people and simply walk around. Don't worry about making eye contact, or getting names or anything. Just practice paying attention to your intuition. If you need to stop and think consciously, you're taking too long. Think of this like a walking meditation. Walk without consciously thinking anything. Merely come to decision points (where you need to turn right or left) and let your intuition guide you. The more you practice while letting your intuition guide you, the quicker you'll build up a strong sense of intuition which will rarely, if ever, steer you wrong.

Increase Manifesting Skills Manifesting is a skill, and like any other skill, you can increase it with practice. This is hard to do, because it is a wholly mental-perception skill. It's easy to pretend you are practicing, when you really aren't. Compare this to something like weight lifting, when you know for certain whether or not you are making progress. The best way to practice is to start small. In the beginning it's best to practice simple manifesting. Start with searching for simple objects. It's best if you are walking, as you'll want to relax your mind and your vision as much as possible. A good place to practice is a large area with a lot of objects that are obstructing your view. For example, if you find a park bench, where you can see everything, it would work, but it would also create the illusion that "manifesting" is nothing more than "noticing." Let's say you sit on the park bench, and close your eyes. You tell yourself to look for everything that is red. So you open your eyes and find the red things. Then you repeat this with yellow things, green things, tall people, short people, etc. This is a good beginning exercise, but the longer you do this, the more you might start to think that manifesting is a passive process. It can be, but if you treat manifesting as a passive process (as most everybody else does) you will be severely limited in your results. The ideal place to practice is a large shopping mall, or even a supermarket. For the purposes of illustration, let's consider practicing this at supermarket. Supermarket Manifesting To start with, choose a shape and a color. Simple shape, simple color. Do not choose a specific product, that will defeat the purpose. The idea is to relax your conscious

mind, and let your subconscious guide you. Let's say you pick a green can. That's it. Then start walking around the supermarket with your eyes as unfocused as possible. Don't bump into anybody, but try not to focus on any particular individual. Walk slowly up and down the aisles, and pay attention to any "signals" from your subconscious regarding the presence of any green cans. Avoid consciously choosing where you think green cans (in this example) might be. Simply walk, until you have a strong urge to look in a particular direction. Calibration You'll need to do this simple exercise for a while until you understand the various impulses from your subconscious. Most of us have spent our entire lives ignoring our subconscious, so it's going to be difficult to accurately interpret the feelings or intuitions you begin receiving. Do this as long as it takes, preferably several minutes per day, until you can repeatedly allow your subconscious to find what you're looking for. Be Specific It's important to be very specific what you are looking for, in terms of shape and color before you start. We all have the experience of walking into the supermarket with a vague idea of "finding something to eat," and we do eventually find something to eat. This is, in a broad sense, the same process. You have a conscious choice (something to eat) and you decide to "wander around" until you find something that looks good. However the purpose of this particular exercise is to strengthen and sharpen your ability. When you are starting out this exercise, avoid food

or anything with any emotional significance. What Constitutes Success This can be difficult. The point is not to find the object. The point is to strengthen the connection between your subconscious and conscious mind. When you routinely know that the object you are searching for is down a certain aisle, and you turn and find that object, then you can start to move on to more difficult things. The time it takes to actually find the object is not important. It's important to move from "thinking" or "guessing" to knowing. You are looking for a specific feeling of "I don't know how I knew that, but I knew that, and I knew I knew that." Once you start to get this feeling, you can move on to more complicated objects. From Objects to People How long you spend practicing on "manifesting" objects to "manifesting" people is up to you. But remember, you can never go too slow. You can always strengthen the connection between your subconscious and conscious mind. Once you are having success with non-normal objects in the supermarket, you can look for a wider variety of objects. You could wander your neighborhood manifesting yellow flowers. You could wander the gym and manifest purple gym bags. You could wander around the mall and manifest girls with red shoes. Avoid Peripheral Vision One thing to understand is the difference between knowing something that is near that you cannot see compared to

knowing something is near that is in your peripheral vision. For example, let's say you are at the mall looking for girls with red shoes. The ideal situation is when you are walking along, eyes defocused, and then you get a strong sensation to go into a certain shop before you see anybody. Then after walking slowly through the shop you see the girl with the red shoes. This is a different experience than walking through the mall, turning your head, and seeing a girl with red shoes. The first case is one of manifesting, where you follow your instinct, take action, and find what you were looking for. The second case is one of noticing, where it was there, within your realm of vision, only you didn't consciously notice it. Advanced Manifesting Practice Once you have success with more and more complicated objects, you can move on to people. Go to as many places as you can, and practice manifesting different types of people. Tall people, short people, bald people, etc. When you start to find success with this, you can move on to manifesting high quality women.

Manifesting Women The step from manifesting objects, or even people, to high quality women is a big one. Mainly because in order for a woman to be "high quality" you must have several conversations with her. You simply cannot tell by looking at her. Once you create significant authority, social proof and scarcity, you will elicit from women their best possible behavior. But that might not be sufficient. How will you know? You must develop criteria and you must develop one of the most important skills, yet strangely enough, one of the most least practiced. The skill of sorting and disqualifying. For most men, women only need to have two criteria. One is that she is attractive enough. Two is she is attracted enough. After that, most men are willing to do anything to keep her. But remember, most men are operating from a frame of sexual scarcity. They are more or less desperate, and will take anything they can get. But with sufficient Authority, Scarcity and Social Proof, you must not fall into this trap. Remember, the women must pass your criteria, not the other way around. So your first step is to develop criteria, beyond simple physical characteristics. You must take time to define your ideal woman. Start with looks. What is the ideal range of height? What color hair is acceptable? What body style, weight, physique is acceptable and what is not acceptable. Criteria based on physical characteristics are relatively easy to define. Certainly, as you notice you are creating more and more attraction in more and more women, you can update your criteria. Two Criteria Once you've got a more or less defined list of physical

characteristics, you'll need to define her personality. This can be difficult. Things like "kind" or "generous" or "good natured" are very hard to define, and also will change based on her mood. They also change according to her level of attraction to you. Meaning if you do a good job with maintaining your levels of Authority, Scarcity and Social Proof, she will usually be well behaved according to most general definitions. But if you start to lose your effect on her, due to laziness, she will become less well behaved. So try and create behavior or personality characteristics that won't change with her levels of attraction. The reason for this is that any women that is highly attracted to you will behave as best as she can. So, measuring these traits (kindness, sense of humor, good natured, etc.) is not ideal. What is a better choice is measuring personality traits that don't tend to change with her level of attraction. These are things that don't have much to do with how attracted she is to you, but how she chooses to live her life. Judgment Is Necessary Of course, this will require you judge her. Otherwise you may end up with somebody that causes you a significant amount of emotional and financial pain. Please avoid the tendency to give her the benefit of the doubt. Create hard and fast rules to accept or reject her. If you have decided not to date anybody with a credit score of less than 650, then make sure that is a hard and fast rule. Judgment is Personal However, it is also a good idea to keep these criteria to yourself. It's never a good idea to tell a woman why you've decided not to date her. The standard reason, if it's needed

at all is, "I just don't think we're compatible." That should be sufficient in all cases. To be sure, have as many defined criteria as you can, but always keep them to yourself. It's never a good idea to share them with anybody, even your closest friends. That being said, what are some criteria to think about? Ever Expanding List To be sure, happy couples have a lot in common. While they are exceptions, they are few and generally require a lot of work on both parties. To make things easy, choose somebody who is like you in religious beliefs, political beliefs, financial strategies, economic outlook etc. It's up to you how similar you'd like your ideal woman to be, but leave a little room for differences, like taste in food, music, or movies. Ultimately it's up to you. Running Total Ideally, you would journal brief information about every single encounter. For example, you walk into a shop, and you notice a woman is very attracted to you. You walk over and start a short conversation, intending only to elicit a few pieces of information. To maintain your level of Scarcity you cut the conversation short, and excuse yourself. Whenever possible, and preferably as soon as possible, write down some information about her. Time and date. Length of the conversation. Topics of the conversation. Then write down potential benefits of hypothetically dating this women, and potential drawbacks. Write down anything that comes to mind. This will do two things. One is it will increase your intuition about women that you speak with. The second, and very powerful effect will be to spur you to

ask better questions the next time around. Sorting Is Essential You are a busy man. You don't have unlimited time. There are countless and tragic stories of men who have been with the wrong woman for years, only to find out they were incompatible. In this situation, the man is devastated, usually both financially and emotionally, and may never recover. The sooner you disqualify a candidate, the better. The more accurately you disqualify a candidate the better. Every single time you speak to a woman, and then later journal about the event, specifically about positive and negative aspects, you will increase your ability to disqualify. How Long to Disqualify Preferably, you will never stop disqualifying a woman. For one, this will keep the idea of Scarcity in the forefront of her mind. You don't need to overtly qualify, but always be thinking of things that may disqualify her from being exclusive with you. Your life is valuable, precious, and you only have one. The seconds and minutes and hours and days will tick by regardless if you are living on purpose or waiting for something to happen. Don't waste precious time with a woman that is wrong for you. Enjoy her presence, yes, but don't be in any hurry to accept her unconditionally. Make her earn your unconditional acceptance. How do you do this? We'll talk about that in the next chapter.

Dating and Relationships If you're like normal guys you'll progress through a series of "aha" moments and realizations. You'll start by doing some basic journaling and observations. Applying the Law of Scarcity may be difficult but once you are capable of applying it repeatedly, you'll feel a dramatic effect. After that you'll start talking to women, again seeing how insanely difficult it is to apply the Law of Scarcity. Finally you'll get to the point where you (or hopefully her) are initiating the exchange of contact information. Then you'll start seeing these women again. Once again, you will likely fall into the trap of forgetting to apply the Law of Scarcity. One way to avoid that is to stick to a hard and fast rule. Never agree to anything other than meeting her at a specific time and place. Never agree to "hang out" on a certain day. If she calls you to initiate a meeting, only agree to it if it fits your schedule. Do not rearrange your schedule to meet her. You are driven man, in charge of and creating your own life. The idea is to have women chasing you. To have women calling you and changing their schedules to accommodate you. But if you are serious about going through the steps and exercises in this guide, something will eventually happen. A woman you are seeing will ask you to be exclusive. Women's Genetic Programming Remember, women, as are men (who aren't following this guide) are driven by instincts. The strongest instinct for men, after safety, is sex. The strongest instinct for women, after safety, is creating a relationship. This may be difficult to accept given how freely women have sex currently, but on a deep level, unless there is strong social conditioning

against it (which is present currently) women are programmed to seek relationships. Men have an instinct to have sex, and then leave. Women have an instinct to have sex, but keep the man from leaving. You might even say that on a deep genetic level, women are Venus Flytraps, and men are the fly. Now, she's not going to kill you and eat you, but you will find out sooner or later that if she is emotionally stable and mentally competent (which she should be to pass your filtering criteria) she will want to hang on to you. After all, few men are driven and in charge of their lives, like you. Few men can combine the irresistibly attractive traits of Authority, Scarcity and Social Proof. So when she spends any amount of time with you, she is going to want to be exclusive. Men Are No Match for Women Think in terms of our instincts, especially when it comes to communication. Men hunted, and women gathered. Women have always been physically weaker than men. When a woman is driven instinctively to secure the current and future resources that a man can provide, she will use her communication to do so. She will use her sexuality to do so. She will use her emotional intimacy and affection to do so. Most men have absolutely zero chance when a woman decides she wants to "keep him." Unexpected Side Effects In economics, there is what is seen, and then what is not seen. What is not seen are usually the secondary and tertiary effects of any kind of economic policy or political decision. For example, the government might decide to set a floor on the price of wheat. They intention is to keep

wheat farmers from going bankrupt. But in doing so, they also encourage other farmers to stop growing other crops, and start growing wheat, since it now has a guaranteed minimum price. The price level is the primary intention. The disappearance of other crops is the secondary effect, or that which is not seen initially. What is a common an unexpected side effect of gaining incredibly powerful skills of attraction? Women will want you, and you will say no. This will cause the woman a great deal of emotional distress. She sees you as better than any other man she's ever been with before. To her, you could "The One." So she pushes for exclusivity. And you say no. This will feel terrible to her, and to you. Most men have no idea the potential pain they can cause a woman simply by saying, "no" to their request for a committed relationship. Some men avoid this by never getting close. Some men avoid this by saying, "yes," simply because they don't want to hurt her, but the relationship, and often times the resulting children, suffer because of it. So you must be prepared for this eventuality. It is up to you to decide whether or not you will "be" with women that you do not intend to have a relationship with. If you do, then it is your duty as a man to let her know. Be clear up front that you are not looking for a relationship. When It's Relationship Time There will be women that will ask you to be exclusive, and you will have a hard time saying "no." That is your choice. But just understand that it is your job to keep up with the Law of Scarcity. You must not unconditionally accept her requests for a relationship. You must discuss it openly and

deeply. She must know that being exclusive with you does not guarantee her anything other than you will not date any other woman than her. Be careful of agreeing to anything that will decrease your sense of Scarcity. Beware of assuming any duties that she implies that you have simply because all her friends' boyfriends' do that. Ultimately, how you handle exclusivity is up to you. But if you can maintain the Trinity of Authority, Scarcity and Social Proof, you may find yourself in an ideal relationship with an ideal woman. A woman that will assist you in creating your life, the way you want. A woman that will enhance your life, rather than complicate it. You now have the tools in your hands to make that happen.

Final Thoughts You now have the ideas and tools to transform yourself into the highest quality male that most women will ever encounter in their lives. However, in order to get to this point, you will need to take some time. Going through these mental exercises and training yourself to see the world through these paradigms will transform your life, they will only work if you actually do them. Nobody doubts that eating a diet of a certain balance of calories and doing the requisite exercises will get you a six pack. Nobody expects that if you start doing pushups every morning, you won't improve your strength over time. These exercises and their underlying theories are not magic, but are based on biology and simple human psychology. However, just as plenty of men go to the gym and intend to eventually get a six pack, few ever make it. Why is that? You Can't Escape Economics Economics is called the "Dismal Science" for a reason. It forces to examine the costs behind our actions. Unfortunately, in this late stage of our societal collapse, we have been convinced by politicians and advertisers that we can get things without paying the cost. This will likely be the hardest thing to accept if you truly want to become a High-Status Male capable of attracting high quality women merely by your presence. If you want a six pack, you will need to change your life. Not just once, but every day, and consistently. It takes a lot of work to get a six pack, and it takes a lot of work to maintain a six pack. Those that value having a six pack are willing to do what it takes to get it. Those that don't, don't. Perhaps they value relaxing on the couch more than having a six pack. Perhaps they enjoy

drinking six to twelve beers a night rather than having a six pack. Plenty of people would love to lose weight, but they don't ever do so. Why? Perhaps they like the idea of losing weight, but only if it's easy. The truth is that while all men would love to be a High-Status Male, few are willing to do the work required. Misery Loves Company One thing that is true about humans is while everybody wants a better life, few people are ever capable of putting in the effort to get a better life. It's safer and more comfortable doing what everybody else is doing. It's safer and more comfortable getting the same results that everybody is getting. It's safer voicing the same complaints that everybody else is voicing. Anybody can go to a bar, not approach anybody, or approach women and get shot down and then go home and complain about it. This is easy. This is natural. This is normal. The tools in this guide will put you obviously ahead of what is normal and safe and comfortable. Four Quadrants Everybody wants a better life, but few people make it happen. Why? Some blame self-sabotage. What is this mythical destroyer of happiness? It's wanting something on one level, but resisting it on another. In order to achieve any goal, whether it's losing five pounds or becoming the dominant Alpha Male on Planet Earth, you need to understand the four quadrants. Reviewing these four quadrants on at least a weekly basis, with respect to becoming insanely attractive to gorgeous high quality women, will help keep you on track.

Present Positives These are the things in your life now that you like and want to keep. Present Negatives These are the things in your life now that you don't like, and want to change. Future Positives These are the things you imagine in the future that you want. This is quadrant is where most people put their goals. The things they want, but don't have, out in the future. Future Negatives These are the things in the future (once you attain your goal) that might not be so great. This is almost never considered by most people Why Goals Fail Most people choose a goal. Something they'd like in their future. They get started and have some initial success. But then they lose motivation. Or worse, they do things that destroy their progress. They call these "self-sabotage." What happens? What is happening is that as they move from the Present State toward their Future State, they are slowly coming to realize two things. There are things in their present state they like (present positives) that they are

afraid of losing. And there are some things in their future state that they didn't anticipate and that they don’t like (future negatives). This is what always trips them up. To ensure you don't fall into the same trap, make sure you understand all of elements of your present state, both positive and negative. And make sure you fully understand all of the elements in your desired future state, both positive and negative. Potential Present Positives Always journal on the things in your present state that you'd like to keep, and figure out how you can maintain them in your future state. For example, you might enjoy spending all day on Saturday binge watching Netflix. Just understand this and maintain this moving forward. Perhaps you can make yourself off limits to the world on Saturdays, regardless of how many gorgeous ladies are blowing up your phone. Potential Future Negatives Always examine things that you didn't anticipate. Right now, it may seem like a great idea to have gorgeous women hungrily looking at you everywhere you go. But in the future, if you are with your friends, and you're getting looks and they're not, it might cause problems in your relationships with your buddies. Consider doing something ahead of time to prevent this from happening. Always Focus on Future Positives A good method to keep your forward momentum going, be

sure to spend some time journaling, at least once a week, on the future benefits that you expect. All the positive things you will experience once you are walking the Earth powered by the Trinity of Authority, Scarcity and Social Proof. The increased attention you'll get from gorgeous ladies. The increase in income that will naturally come. The life you will be able to create once you define your passions and your reason for existing. All the benefits that come from being a Driven Man in a world filled with mediocre men waiting to be told what to do. Focus on your empire, with women or one special woman there to help you build it. This is your life, this is your world. You now have the tools in your hands to build it exactly as you like.

Summary of Exercises Authority You will need to develop authority over your own life. The first step in doing this is to come with a rock solid plan for your life. Come up with a ten year, five year, and one year plan. Make sure this is independent of your life with women. Come with a goal in each of the following areas: Health, Finance, Career, Home. Make sure your goals are Well Formed. Requirements of Well Formed Goals Specific and Measurable They must be specific. Imagine you were to go before a judge and show proof that you've achieved your goals. What proof would you have? What incontrovertible evidence could you show to a hypothetical judge that would absolutely prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have achieved your goals? Time Dependent You must have a time associated with your goal. When will you achieve your goal? As stated before, have a ten year goal, a five year goal, and a one year goal. You must become a Man with a Plan if you are to attract high quality women. Under Your Control Your goal has to be achievable by you, and you only. For

example, your goal cannot require that you win the lottery. You must be able to achieve your goal without any assistance from any specific person. People in general are OK (customers, clients etc.) but requiring that any specific person is not. Even if that person is not identified, you cannot rely on them. (E.g. I'll meet a stranger that will give me a sack of money). Your Goal This may be self-evident, but to be a true Man with a Plan, your goal has to be YOUR choice, not somebody else's choice. Reality Filter Once you've got your goals solidified, you can now filter reality into two vague categories. Things that HELP you achieve your goals, and things that DON'T help you achieve your goals. Do not confuse this with being selfish. You can see things, people, relationships as helping you in long term ways. For example, the support of a loyal network of friends, going both ways, each helping each other, is essential for achieving goals. Consider only keeping people in your life whom you respect and will want to rely on and provide support to. Daily Journaling Despite how strong your goals are, things happen on a daily basis that are simply out of your control. At the end of the day, write down how you could have interpreted these events in your favor. What skills could you have learned by dealing with them in a different way? The goal is to build

up your mental muscle to see all things, even unexpected events, through your carefully created Reality Filter: Does this help me? Can this help me? How? Is there anything I can learn from this that may help me? Scarcity Exercises These are likely the most difficult. This will require leaving a situation just as it is getting good. But in order to build up the powerful feeling and effect of Scarcity, you have to leave just when you want to stay. This will be different depending on where you are along your path. It's also necessary to notice the difference between Scarcity Exercises and Social Proof Collection Exercises (below) as well as general social skills training (more below). The idea is simple. Interact with a person or people. Once you create a positive impression, and you get feedback verifying that positive impression, leave. This positive feedback can be a smile, extended eye contact, physical touching, laughing, etc. As soon as it's clear they enjoy your presence, excuse yourself and get out. Even if you will never see those people again. The purpose of this is to build up the feeling and experience that woman want you wherever you go. Social Skills The more you interact with regular, normal people, the more of a "people person" presence you'll radiate. Get into the habit of starting regular conversations wherever you happen to be standing around when other people are also standing around. In line at the supermarket, on the bus or train, or anywhere else. Talk to people without any intention, just to get practice. The idea is to both increase your "people person" energy and to develop an experience

that "people are similar." Social Proof This is when you collect any information you can from any females you meet. Either observational information or conversationally elicited information. The idea is to covertly drop hints of your vast army of female admirers whenever you interact with a High Quality Woman (more on that next chapter). Commitment and Consistency Create a journal, with both your fears and your experience, of what you would like a woman to do, but fear (or know from experience) that she might object to. Then come up with stories, either from your own experience, or that of your friends or even from movies, that include characters behaving in a non-sexual way doing those things. For example, if you meet a girl in a bar, and you'd like to take her to a small restaurant down the street, but fear an objection, you can tell her a story of when you and your male friends went bar hopping and went to every bar and restaurant on one street. The idea is that when you tell the story, she'll follow along, and will get a feeling of going from restaurant to restaurant, which will make the actual act seem more familiar. Comparison and Contrast Whenever you phrase a suggestion and you fear a potential objection, make it sound as the easier of two choices. For example, if you want to take her from the bar to a restaurant next door, you give her two options: The

restaurant next door, or the super expensive one an hour away. Delay Gratification This is the underlying skill that will make everything easier. The more you can plan ahead, the more you can put off a pleasure you'd like to have now for a bigger one in the future, the easier the rest of these exercises will be. Applied Delayed Gratification Always keeping this in mind will be helpful in going from woman to woman, increasing your value, and then leaving. Because walking away from a woman when you know the conversation is going well is exceptionally difficult. However, if you always keep your mind on the next woman, this will be easier and more effective. Have a goal to create so much desire in the women you speak to on a regular basis that they overtly try to keep you from leaving. Do Not Make Excuses Avoid making any excuses at all costs. Also, avoid complaining at all costs. Anybody can make an excuse, and anybody can complain. Whenever something happens that isn't what you'd wanted or hoped, ask yourself: What did I learn? How could I have done differently? What did I not understand that I can understand better next time? Journal Everything Daily journaling, both for the exercises above and as a general rule, is essential. At the very least you should write

down the following in your journal every night: What I Did Toward My Goals What I Can Do Tomorrow It may take time, but the time you spend planning your life will pay off with great rewards in your future.

Using Linguistic Presuppositions To Imply Social Proof The basic structure of this is that you are speaking to an attractive woman of quality, and you want to imply that you have a lot of females in your life. The way to do this is to significantly downplay the woman, and focus on the actual item (content) that you are using for the connection. She will be focusing the vague reference to other women, at least subconsciously. Examples Situation You are talking to a woman, and you notice she has a green sweater. Statements One of my friends has a sweater like that. She bought it from Amazon. Where did you buy that one? (This implies you have many women friends). My friend Sharon has a sweater like that. (Sharon could be a ninety year old lady you met in the supermarket, but the woman you are speaking to, if she's the least bit attracted to you, will assume she's a super model). That's a pretty popular color. A few of my friends have that same sweater. (Implies you are comparing her to some of your other female friends).

Situation You are talking to a woman, and she mentions her hobby (we'll use skydiving as an example). My friend went skydiving and she made it sound so easy. My friend told me I should go. My friend did the tandem skydiving technique. She said it was really fun. What kind did you use? General Usage Techniques The idea is to drop a hint of your female friend and then quickly move on to another topic. Don't use more than two or three friend references per conversation, otherwise it may sound too obvious. Collecting Pieces of Evidence Everywhere you go is an opportunity to collect some evidence. It's also a good excuse to force yourself to talk to people, if you are just starting out. For example, if you see a girl wearing a particular popular pair of shoes, you can use her to collect evidence. Just walk up to her, excuse yourself, and say you wanted to buy those pair of shoes for a friend. All you need to do is ask where she got them. Let's say she bought them at Macy's. Now you've got a piece of evidence to use. Next time you see a girl wearing those same shoes, you can say: "I like your shoes. My friend has a pair she bought at Macy's, where did you get those?"

Note, this is just an example of how to collect data, and how to use data. Ideally you will be far along your Authority and Scarcity path before you start using example of Social Proof. But you can certainly collect examples of social proof anywhere, any time. Always get a name whenever possible. Just notice an item, find out where she got it and any other information. Exchange names and leave. This will also help you build Scarcity. When you're in line or otherwise standing around, always use the women around you as potential resources to ask about experiences (skydiving, hobbies, cooking etc.) Cooking or anything to do with recipes can be particularly helpful. For example, if you see an elderly woman in line at the supermarket buying a weird spice, ask her what she's going to cook. For the sake of argument, let's say she's cooking Chicken Parmesan. Ask her if it's good, and of course she'll say yes. Then later, you can mention your "friend" who cooks a "delicious" Chicken Parmesan. The person you relate this to will assume you and her are intimate, since cooking and sharing meals often implies intimacy. Combining Scarcity and Social Proof Using social proof conversationally is a good way to remember to always apply scarcity. You can make it a point to relay social proof, see evidence that it has increased your value, and then leave. This is a great "hit and run" technique you can use that will significantly increase your feeling of "women want me everywhere I go."

Mind Killers The human mind is incredibly fast, yet not terribly accurate. On top of that, one of our greatest skills as humans is self-deception. We are loathe to take responsibility for our own mistakes and failures. Few humans ever become full adults and take responsibility for their own lives. The vast majority of humans alive today would rather be poor, undersexed and living not nearly to their capacity in exchange for the simple yet comforting belief that "it's not my fault." We humans are quick to point the finger outside of ourselves when things don't go our way. However, even if things are not technically our fault, blaming others does us no good. While we may not be entirely responsible for our situation, we are entirely responsible for how we respond to our situation. Politicians since the dawn of time have leveraged this unfortunate aspect of human nature by utilizing the following campaign slogan since the dawn of time: "Your problems are not your fault. Vote for me and I'll fix it, or punish those who are at fault." Let the common and undersexed men believe such nonsense. Blaming others is not attractive to women. Not claiming responsibility for your life is not attractive to women. Consider this mind experiment to drive this point home. Imagine two different ancient women. One was insanely attracted to men who were very clever and eloquent in describing reasons why they couldn't catch any food. Why it wasn't their fault. Why the zebras were just too fast. Why it was the fault of the gods why they came home empty handed each day. Imagine that women having children with such a man. How do you think those children would have fared? Not very well. Since their father's best

skill was in coming up with reasons why he couldn't catch any food for them. Consequently, here we are thousands of years later and very few women find it attractive when a particular man doesn't accept responsibility. Now consider another woman. She was naturally attracted to guys who owned up to their failures. Maybe one in particular came home empty handed half the time. But when he did, he accepted responsibility. Maybe he said something like this, "That guy down the street that sold me this weirdly shaped spear lied to me. This spear bounced right off that zebra's skin. I'd better make another one so I can have a better chance of getting something to eat tomorrow," and he made a better spear. Sure, he could have blamed the guy down the street, but that wouldn't have gotten him any food. So he forgot about the guy who sold him the "fake spear" and built a better one. This guy was capable of providing enough food for his kids, and subsequently, he passed on those, "Life is tough but I got this," genes to his kids. The moral of the story? Blaming others won't get you laid. Blaming the state of affairs between men and women won't help you attract high quality women. Pointing out the divorce rate won't make you any more attractive to high quality women. Noting how the world is filled with gold diggers won't make you more attractive to high quality women. Complaining about how long it takes to transform yourself into a Driven Man, a Man With a Plan, won't help you attract the ladies you want. Worrying about whether or not a woman night sue the crap out of you should you get divorced won't make you more attractive. (Incidentally, if you are worried about something like that, it belongs in the sorting and disqualifying phase).

What will make you insanely attractive to a large majority of women will be acknowledging that yes, the world is messed up. Yes, the economic system is rife with corruption. Yes, people aren't nearly as loyal as they used to be. But so what? You are a Driven Man. You are a Man With a Plan. You want to get some. You are going to get some. Let all the other men do all the complaining. Let all the other men go their own way. Your life belongs to you. You are going to conquer it and make it as fantastic as you possibly can. And because of that, every high-quality woman you meet will beg you to be a part of it. Choose wisely, and never look back.

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