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  • February 2021
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Write a reflection paper about the news article, “Propaganda War: Weaponizing the Internet” by Maria Ressa. People nowadays, use internet as a weapon to threaten and spread false accusations to the people that brings negative outcome to everyone. There are also reasons why Weaponizing the Internet such as creating fake accounts, auto likes, and bots are making multiple of comments. In our generation today, bashing, side comments and sharing are rampant, some people tend to believe themselves that they are more superior in other people and making judgments and bashing and hurt them spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. In short, To weaponizing means to make it possible to use something to attack a person or group. According to an article “Weaponizing the Internet” by Maria Ressa “It’s a strategy of “death by a thousand cuts” – a chipping away at facts, using half-truths that fabricate an alternative reality by merging the power of bots and fake accounts on social media to manipulate real people.” A huge pile of rotting garbage was exposed to the public, and how people are still buying it.   One of these is the sharing of a Rappler story entitled “Man with bomb nabbed at Davao Checkpoint”. It was said that the man was the reason behind the Davao bombing last September 2016 where in fact, said Rappler story was actually posted by the month of March on the same year. The propaganda driven perusers to think the man with the bomb was caught that day, September 3, when President Duterte pronounced a condition of wilderness in the fallout of the shelling. Perusers were tricked into sharing a falsehood in light of the fact that the setting changed the old feature. A person who is not responsible enough in using social media or not an information literate can be manipulate easily. Progressively harmful individuals started to emerge, since the people they looked up to are already toxic to the country in the first place. New stories are surrounding us in every direction and we can’t say which one of it is true. Today, there are a lot of dangers in propaganda. First, it removes the fair society that we hope to have. On the off chance that we let those individuals who are continually spreading bogus news and informations just to earth the name of others, the decency and equity won't keep up in the state Maybe it is true that we are already living in the post-truth era—proofs are everywhere. We are now living in the digital world. We utilize person to person communication locales that are the reason we ought to know about these things. We are the purported "netizens", ought to comprehend what's going on first, and together how about we separate realities from fictions.

While reading articles, watching the news, or reading a political argument on the Internet, it is important to keep in mind WHO is writing it. We need to be conscious of the fact that our thoughts are vulnerable and that the news can be dangerous if we only see one side of it.

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