Multidimensional Design

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Unified Life Sciences A Scientifically Proven Multidimensional Approach to the Health of Body, Mind, and Spirit

Introduction to a Multidimensional Map of Functioning Consciousness: A Scientific Expansion of the Multidimensional Human Design System By Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D. Note: This paper, first published in 2003 by Unified Life Sciences, shows the origins and development of work that evolved into Noble Sciences Sacred Synthesis. It is published in its original form to preserve the integrity of the material and so readers have a sense of the roots and complexity of Noble Sciences Sacred Synthesis. This work is the precursor of what developed in recognition the “axes of awareness” a concept used in Noble Sciences work. Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D. Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 July 25, 2009 Preface: This paper is an edited transcript of an introductory lecture given as a preamble to a class on Cartography to Human Design students. It lays out the development of the Multidimensional map of functioning consciousness. This work evolved over the past several years from both statistical analysis of the Basic Human Design Body Graph as well as the Mammalian and Biological Body Graphs and from analysis of clinical data. It is presented as a work in progress that continues to grow as the data analysis demands. Presented May 23, 2003 7:30-9:00 p.m. Pacific Palisades, California ELEANOR: This evening is an introductory evening prior to the beginning of a Rave Cartography class. Rave Cartography has very specific information that needs to be covered and what I do is Multidimensional rather than just flat, Solar Design analysis. I thought that a good way to introduce the people who are new to the multidimensional material and to the kinds of concepts encompassed in what I do, would be to offer a free introductory evening open to the public. In this forum, I need not be concerned about following any content and can show you in my own design why I feel so committed to the multilayered approach rather than to the flat approach and I can show you how, in my own design, I change Type, how I use that change, and how I work with it. I’ve worked with the multilayered designs as well as the Postnatal Conditioning Field Designs over the last year; I’ve increasingly come to recognize that the multilayered matrices function and show how a person functions in their process. This evening, I’ll take you through how I see that happening in my own process and in my own life. In my early introduction to Design, things that didn’t ring true made perfect sense to me when I ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

looked at my multilayered designs, and I plan to show you how in doing readings this approach adds an essential layer. People who are involved in Design generally are people who have a spiritual sensibility and who are looking for something beyond the surface, otherwise, they would not be exploring themselves in depth. The multi-view gives you four actual auric bodies: the Waking (Mental) Body, the Spiritual Body, the Emotional Body and the Physical Body. And when I say “Physical Body,” because we have a Biological Matrix, I believe that this physical layer shows us the hormonal releasers that trigger in the 24-hour cycle. So it shows us the Rapid Eye Movement (REM), i.e., dream cycle during the night; it confirms for us the astrological hours as well as the Chinese medicine timing of organ activity. So it is, I believe, a hormonal layer that is missing in the other work. Also, the Integrated Field of Consciousness is represented in the Spiritual Design. So what you have in the upper left of the four on a page layout (64 Gate Matrix) is the Waking Design, which is the normal Human Design Body Graph that everybody is familiar with or they wouldn’t be here. It is the design that is being taught worldwide at this point. The 15 Gate Matrix is the Sleep Design, which is the second page of your handouts. The Sleep Design Matrix is what Ra was given as the Mammalian Matrix, the design of a mammal; it contains 15 Gates. It is missing the Head, Ajna, Solar Plexus and the Heart or Ego Center. It is the design that Ra was told happens when we sleep. When we lie down and we are horizontal, we become like mammals, are mammals, and we function in a 15 Gate Matrix. That was the only piece of information Ra was given, i.e., he was told that when we sleep we become mammals and function in form like a mammal. I began working with this material in 1999. Because of our cats, I began to notice that I didn’t have the Dream Design for my cats. If the Lunar 15 Gate Matrix was their sleep, where was their dream design? And any of us who are close to animals know that animals dream. Because we had six kittens who were born within a two-hour period, I wanted something that would differentiate them, especially two who were twins, one who died at age 10 and one who is still quite healthy. I began searching; I wanted a calculation that would actually show the REM cycle in sleep. I hypothesized that it would have to be a calculation that would time about an hour and a half, so it would correspond to the REM cycle, and it would be lunar because the Mammalian Design is lunar. I asked for the lunar minute calculation. Erik Memmert finally, after a great deal of time passed, arrived to visit and brought the calculation for me. In working with it, we came up with the four calculations and put them into not only the 15 Gate Matrix but also into the 64 Gate Matrix; we verified that the calculation of the Lunar Minute Design did indeed show my twin cats. It was then that we knew we really had something that was verifiable and reliable. As I began working with the designs and looking at them, I was able to confirm in my two children that, as I pushed similar calculations ahead in time as back in time, I could actually pick up developmental events in their lives, and as their parent I had that 2 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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longitudinal data. I then began studying many clinical cases in other people for whom I could confirm longitudinal data; it all held up and it holds up in PET (Photon Emission Tomography) and SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) scans of the brain. What we have in the regular Solar 64 Gate Matrix is the Waking Design, which is the 88 solar degree calculation giving us the prenatal, unconscious design and the birth chart. Then we have the Spiritual Design, an 88 lunar degree calculation that gives us about a six-day lag for the unconscious or prenatal activations. Women having children, generally, will recognize that about a week before a baby is born there is a change, and that would correspond with this lunar calculation. In addition to those designs and calculations, we go down the page and we have an Emotional Design that is a solar minute calculation, i.e., 88 solar minutes of arc prior to birth. It gives us something that’s about a two-day lag. Then we have the lunar minute calculation, the Physical/Hormonal Design, which is about an hour and a half prior to birth. In the 64 Gate Matrix Designs we have these four calculations. What I began noticing immediately upon working with these designs was that people change Type (cf. “The Triple Design Matrix: Type Statistically Verified Across the Matrix”, Haspel-Portner, 2000, 2003. Unified Life Sciences). I noticed the changes in Type just through using the Solar Design and the Sleep Design. At the time I ran the statistics on 30,000 cases, I only had the Solar 15 Gate Matrix and the Lunar 15 Gate Matrix. But I noticed that some people who are not Generators in their Solar Designs changed to be Generators in their Lunar Designs, and some people who are Manifestors in their Solar changed into Reflectors or Projectors in the Lunar. I thought that if Type and Strategy hold across our lives, then logically it would have to hold through all layers of our consciousness. But if it changes as we shift consciousness, then the question I began asking was how that affects the Strategy of Type and more importantly the functioning of the individual in their life. You can see in my Basic Waking Human Design (all Illustrations start on page 21) that I am a fairly open Single Definition Manifestor. I go from the Gate 58 to the Gate18, Gate 48 to Gate 16. You’ll also notice that I’m a 3/5 profile from the Sun and Earth. The only Gate that connects to my Definition from my Sun and Earth is the 45th Gate. I have an Undefined G Center, an Undefined Heart, Undefined Sacral Center, and Undefined Emotional Center. When I first heard about Type and I looked at the wheel, it told me a great deal. It told me, because of the Channel 58/18, that I have an alignment with correct energies that I felt was accurate. I have a lot of the Logic Circuit. I have the Logical Format (Gate 52). I have the 5th Gate, the 7th Gate. The 56th Gate is an Abstract Gate, the 33rd Gate is Abstract, the 46th Gate is Abstract, the 22nd Gate is Individual, and the 6th Gate is Defense. So in terms of Circuitry, which we’ll get to over the weekend, I’m a very logical being. I look for patterns, and I can manifest. But there were certain things that did not 3 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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ring true in my design. One is the statement that Ra makes about having an Undefined G Center, not knowing who you are and always looking for love and never feeling like you get it. Also, I do get gut feelings about things; I wait; and I am not an angry Manifestor. When things feel right for me, I generally don’t meet resistance. So while I heard those descriptions, I couldn’t speak them with conviction because they were not my own experience of my design and nature. I took on faith that there is a formula in Design and maybe I just wasn’t aware enough or maybe I was angry and didn’t know it. You know the trips we all do to explain something that does not ring true. Then I looked at the Lunar Design, the operational design during the night when I’m asleep and dreaming, but only when I’m dreaming. The 64 Gate Lunar Design operates only during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, i.e., when all brain waves are communicating with each other. When I’m in deep sleep, I’m in the 15 Gate Matrix of a mammal. In the sleep state, during the dreaming state, we know from studies of the brain in PET scans, that all the brainwaves are present. There is communication in the brain from the deep layers that get activated, the collective archetypal layer that communicates only non-verbally, only symbolically when we sleep, communicates to our cognition, to our cognitive and sensory modalities by neurotransmitters during the REM cycle. That tells me that during REM we are in the Lunar 64 Gate Matrix, which brings in the centers that are not part of the Mammalian Design and there is a feedback loop between this 64 Gate Lunar Matrix, which I believe is the Unifying Field of Consciousness, and the Solar Waking consciousness. So, in fact, all of our designs are like a holographic functional organism within us. SPEAKER: So are you saying that the spiritual one is like the collective unconscious? ELEANOR: The Spiritual Design is the translator from the collective archetypal layer of our consciousness to our waking consciousness. It translates the dream world into the waking world. Look at the Map of Consciousness (cf. Map of Consciousness in the Illustration Section starting on page 21). It shows is that in the solar layer, we have a personality filter. Now, notice that in the lunar layer the black and the red are reversed. Does everybody follow? In the lunar layer, what is predominant and what becomes the active part of our consciousness, is the design calculation, whereas the personality calculation is passive. The conscious calculation is “in the tunnel,” as Ra would say, whereas the unconscious calculation is the active one in the Lunar Design. If you think about that, it gives us a little bit of a lag time between the conscious and the unconscious. In other words, when you wake up in the morning and you have had a dream, that dream is being influenced by material and transits from six days ago. It takes six days for material to generate through the matrices and become predominant. In looking at this 64 Gate Integrative Field, I noticed some very striking things right off the bat. I noticed immediately, of course, the obvious, that I become a Generator. So my 4 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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Type changes. I go from being a Single Definition Manifestor to being a Single Definition Splenic Generator. Also in the Lunar Design, the Profile, instead of being the Sun/Earth, is the Line Profile from the Moon. I go from being a 3/5 Single Definition Manifestor to being a 2/4 Splenic Generator. The people who are here for the class over the weekend are going to understand a lot more about what that means, but just register it into your cells and keep it there. Then, imagine a composite of these designs; I gain the 31st Gate, which connects up to the 7th Gate in my Solar Design, giving me a Defined Self Center. I said, “Oh, that explains it. That explains why the only thing that has always driven me in my own identity is a spiritual purpose.” If something didn’t ring true to me spiritually, I was out of the situation or interaction faster than you could imagine. I lived as a Generator in the spiritual world. About a month ago I had a very interesting experience. A fax appeared on our fax machine. For many months we had been talking about the assistant we had and how Marvin’s office needed someone a little bit more medically oriented who could go through his mail better and do certain things more efficiently because Dyan is leaving. A fax arrived. I usually would ignore a fax for someone who sent a resume. But, in this instance, I picked it up off the fax machine, looked at it, and instead of just shredding it, I went “huh, uh-huh” as I read it. I put it on my desk and I came back to it about a day later and I looked at it again, at which point I went “uh-huh.” I said to Marvin, “You know, this interesting fax arrived. I think we should call this lady.” That was definitely the Generator feeling that some kind of alignment had occurred. The reason I say “alignment” was that for months we had been talking about me looking for somebody, putting an ad in the paper, calling the service we usually use, and every time I would look up the number or approach my telephone, I’d go “un-un, can’t do it, can’t take action.” Now, as a Manifestor I should be able to initiate, and I couldn’t. No way would it have worked, and so I waited. I used the perfect Strategy of a Generator and I waited, and then this resume called to me and I called the person. This person had researched us on the Web, had decided that the practice was exactly what she was looking for, and we essentially hired her on the spot, and then checked out her references and everything else. For those of you who are staying at Tammy’s, that’s who it was. As I went through that process, I went back and looked at my design in preparation for this class, and I thought, “Oh, this explains exactly how I live on the inner plane as a Generator, waiting for the alignment of the energies. And then once they are there, once they are called out of me, I move into the manifesting aspect.” So if you actually were to combine both my Solar and my Lunar Designs, I would end up being a Manifesting Generator. Those of you who know my work know that for the last two-and-a-half, three years, thanks to my daughter, Dyan, I got in touch with the differences in process between a Manifestor, a Manifesting Generator, and a Generator. Dyan is a Manifesting Generator. And even though she would check out her “uh-huh,” “un-un,” it was my saying to her at one point, “Why don’t you just wait and imagine that you are beginning the process of 5 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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living this out and see if that still rings true,” that when she waited and began imaging the action as though it were really going to occur, she experienced her truer, “un-un, this isn’t the right action. This isn’t an accurate response,” and so it changed the whole context of her process. It took, I think, for Dyan a lot of stress off the process. Prior to recognizing that strategy, there was a lot of stress for, “This is a decision and I have to stick to it because it’s my gut.” Whereas, after recognizing the difference between being a Generator and being a Manifesting Generator, there’s a lot more flexibility to continue that response. I think a Manifesting Generator keeps revising responses because each step of the way a Manifesting Generator has to recheck the inner responsiveness. MARVIN: Eleanor, you also had shown that there were five Types prior to that time. ELEANOR: Yes, yes. The scientific studies, based on 30,000 cases sampled appropriately for social science research as well as astrological research, are quite rigorous. What we know about the Solar Waking Design is that Type holds up, but that there are five Types, not four Types and they are statistically independent of each other with Z tests that are of very significant levels. I also found that Profile holds up, but one Profile is not more frequent in occurrence than another Profile. If you look at the structure of the Wheel, Profile is actually a mathematical frequency. In a general population of 30,000 people, it falls exactly the way you would expect it to fall mathematically and each Profile is statistically separate from the other ones. All the research is on the web site ( “Mode,” meaning whether you have a single definition, a split definition, etc., holds up as well. Type across the matrices holds up, which was very significant for me. In other words, Type in the Solar Sleep Design and Type in the Lunar Sleep Design have different frequencies, and within each matrix they hold up and differentiate Type. We are actually dealing with different matrices. Many of the statistics, ones to document validity and reliability of Circuits and Streams and Channels and Gates, do not hold up in the Solar Design alone. They do not hold up statistically. I did factor analyses on all the Centers, on all the Circuits, on all the Streams; you name it, and I did it. Anyone who is here for the weekend who wants to see the books of statistics is welcome to see them. When I approached Ra and asked him about how I could make sense of these factor analyses and the fact that things didn’t hang together the way they were supposed to, he said, “You’ll find it in the bases.” Erik and I coded the Bases, coded the Lines, coded the Codons, we coded everything we could code, and none of them hold up statistically. What I believe is that we’re going to find validity and reliability when we use multilinear statistics in the multidimensional matrices. As I work with the material clinically, what I’m finding, in terms of doing a reading for someone, is that when I look at the way they function within their own being, as in my design, something usually jumps out that explains a very deep layer that would not have been explained otherwise, i.e., without the Multidimensional view. 6 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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To just show you what else is here, if we combine these, the Solar Waking and the Lunar Spiritual Designs, I’m a Generator and I have a Defined Self and I become a Manifesting Generator through the Channel 7/31 from the Throat Center to the Self Center. I remain Undefined Emotionally and in my Ego Center, and, of course, I have nothing in my Head, which is why I’ll probably jump all over the place this weekend and will remember very little in terms of a specific Gate and its Line if you ask me to spit back to you the meaning or exact language of it. If I need exact language, I’ll pull out my book and I’ll read it to you, because I can’t remember that kind of stuff. In my Emotional Design I gain the Gate 57. The Root to the Splenic Center remains the same, I remain a Generator, but I do gain the Gate 57. I’ll talk about that a little more deeply in a little while when I add in the Postnatal Conditioning Designs. In the Lunar Minute Design, calculated from the 88 lunar minute difference from the Moon, notice that I gain the 50th Gate. What I have observed clinically in analyzing probably 10,000 Sleep Designs and Dream Designs is that people who have the 50th Gate somewhere in their sleep pattern wake up in the morning with a sense of angst. The only term I can use for it is “real angst.” It is as though they have been given a task for the survival of the species. They cannot verbalize it, they cannot quite say what it is, but it’s there and they know it. They wake up with something that they didn’t go to sleep with. It’s a Gate in the Mammalian Design very much related to survival of the species. It’s the Sex Gate. It has to do with reproduction and keeping the species alive. But more than that it has to do with being aware of and protective of the survival of the species. As long as I have known Marvin I’ve always said, “there’s only one thing in my life I would die for, and that’s love, a love vibration.” If something is not aligned with a love vibration, I don’t want to be there. So to me, when I saw that Gate 50 in my Lunar Minute Design, I said, “There it is. That explains that feeling to me.” It explained something I had no words to find. It had to do with a value so deep in me that it was cellular. The only thing that you’re going to be able to see on your own sheets to differentiate the Postnatal Design from the one prior to it is a little “@ symbol.” Erik is working on labeling it, “Postnatal Conditioning Field.” But for now, you’re just going to have to look for the “@ symbol” and the dates. The importance of the postnatal design calculation came out of my work as a logical being. I can get to the Channels and the Gates and all the support internal to the matrix in a little while but what I want to give you first is the overall structure, because that’s really what is going to give you the tools over the next few days and in your own work to look at these matrices. The Gates and the Keynotes you are going to get from the books. The approach of looking in a holistic way across the matrices is something that I have to explain to you structurally.

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When I was working logically, I thought, “Well, if prenatally 88 degrees prior to birth gives us the Design side of the chart, then the Personality calculation at the moment of birth becomes our Design three months after birth. Postnatally, three months after birth, our Design calculation is our birth date. I began thinking in terms of developmental psychology and postnatal development, and how in esoteric literature it is always emphasized that energy follows thought. In the work I was doing in my Friday night seminars, I was always looking at the transit for the day of the class, and then doing the calculation ahead three months and saying, “well, it’s going to take three months to have closure on this event.” In other words, what we’re doing here today is not really going to sink in and come to closure for three months, because today is the design, the unconscious, for a time three months in the future. I began thinking about that. One of the things that I found very interesting was that September 11th had as it’s Postnatal Design December 6 and 7, which was the anniversary of Pearl Harbor and which was also the date that the first Afghanistan raids stopped. It was the first closure on the World Trade Center event on the outer plane. On the inner plane, it took about a week for people to begin to come out of shock and begin functioning again. When I was working with Erik and I was looking at the Postnatal Design and I was looking at my own children, I had a “holy smokes” reaction because I could see things developmentally in my children’s Postnatal Designs and I knew the events that had conditioned them exactly at those times. I could not see or make sense of the internal patterns any other way, and it explained developmental things that I could not otherwise easily explain. I then began to think what the Postnatal Design is developmentally. Well, three months of age is when a baby actually reaches and begins interacting with the environment, and not until then. They might swat at things, they are looking at things, they are reacting to things, but they are not really an entity that is an interactive force in the environment until about three months, which is when they try to start to sit and reach and become interactive, being separate from the neonatal phase. That was a very interesting awareness that I had. Also, in that three-month postnatal period is when it’s not just the womb, but it’s now the immediate family or the immediate people in that baby’s environment who are conditioning it, who are part of its postnatal experience; that imprint is something that we can actually see. I was talking to Yoshi yesterday and he was asking me a lot of detailed questions about these designs; generally, I haven’t been ready to really address how the Postnatal Design functions until right about now. It’s not my first memory, but my first interactive memory as an infant was of being held by my father, when I was very young. I was within this postnatal conditioning period. Maybe a month old, maybe a little bit more. Now I’m beginning to think maybe I was three months, based on this design. Nevertheless, my first memory was of being held by my father; my mother was in the room, and I was watching the auras; I was actually watching the energy fields. I saw something shift, literally shift, 8 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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and I reacted to it in my body and emotionally, and I started to cry. My parents didn’t know what was wrong with me. I was responding to a shift in the energy dynamic between the two of them. I started to cry and they didn’t know what to do. They were looking to see if my diaper was wet. I remember the discomfort of them thinking it was something in me while I was responding to something out there. I quickly learned that there was no percentage in responding to people’s auras, so I continued to register them but did not expect people to respond to what I perceived. I told that memory to my Freudian analyst and he didn’t know what to do with it. I told it to my Jungian training analyst and she didn’t know what to do with it. We went around and around, yet, I was not satisfied with the level of their comprehension or interpretation and the memory remained a question mark to decipher. Then, after multiple kundalini experiences along with sitting with some of my own patients and suddenly being flooded with seeing auras again, I said, “oh, well, that is it,” and then I could track back through my whole life and look at all of that data that I had just stored. For years I would say, “I’m just collecting data.” As the ultimate social scientist, I’m a perfect participant observer in a longitudinal study of myself and of my family and of how that all operates. When I look at the natal and postnatal composite of the Solar Waking Designs you can see that I picked up emotional energy and then responded to it spiritually through the other layers. Look at the alignment and how it all fits. Does what I’m saying make sense to all of you? Begin to see a functioning human being, not just a snapshot. You can see what my actual process was even as a baby. And, look at this; I gain the Channel 15/5 postnatally. So whatever patterns established in the first months of my life stuck with me. Or to say it another way, I look for patterns that resonate with me and align me in a way that is correct for me. And when I find them, I do not change them. My kids will tell you that I’ve eaten an English muffin for breakfast every day that they can remember. I do not change my breakfast. If I travel at this point, I take my own breakfast with me. Even my brand of coffee is always the same because I love it. When I find something that works for me, I stay with it. I’m not stubborn. I’m not willful. It doesn’t have to do with power or anything else; it has to do with this design sequence in combination and how I’ve learned to trust my own internal space and how it manifests in the world. Another example of my way of functioning can be visible to some of the people here tonight; they came very frequently to my Friday night classes, which I enjoyed doing and loved doing. One day I said, “I need a break. Let’s take the summer off.” Each time I’ve asked myself if I want to start up again, I’ve gotten “un-un.” And then Julie asked me if I would teach Cartography, and I thought, “Well, I could teach her Cartography, just one student.” And then two days later Susan called, and then a few days later Deborah emailed. Look now at the Lunar and Solar Natal Designs. I have a 2/4 Profile in the Lunar Design in the Gates 28/31; the 7th Gate is out of the Self Center, the 31st Gate is from the Throat Center giving me a Defined Self, leadership and detail, what am I doing here? I’m talking about Multidimensional designs that are innovative in the field, and which are my own work; I had to get called out by a class and feel, “Uh-huh, I can do this.” Do I want to teach Cartography? I hadn’t wanted to before. I didn’t know how it would happen. But when I was asked and I knew that there was a real need on a spiritual level for this 9 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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material, I felt the, “uh-huh.” I did really nothing to get the class together. It happened. The energies aligned themselves and I felt the, “uh-huh,” and then everything mushroomed. There are three people in the class tonight who I didn’t know were coming until today. I don’t understand the term “self and not-self,” I really don’t. I treat everything as the self. I have been very impressed, especially lately, at how many people are really living who they are and doing it well. I have a very respectful view of people. The white areas I see as areas where we can take everything in, where we’re open. We don’t have a preconceived filter, but it’s all part of who we are. I believe we have some choice in how we let in information and energies. I could have said, “un-un” to the class. If I had been living an Undefined Self, would that be the not self? Or because I’m living a combination of designs is either one the not self? When we live in a world with other people and transits and we take all that information in, we are learning about ourselves. It’s all part of awareness. We are one organism. At night when we sleep we are back in the universal cosmic organic whole as one entity. We are all part of the whole. We are all the Self. It’s all the Self. How we filter it and how we respond to it is our own process of learning to be aware. So I take it all as the Self. We are definitely the integration of nature and nurture. If I had been conditioned only in this Solar Design by my childhood experiences, there is absolutely no way I would have become as functional as I am. I started studying astrology in 1971. I had my first astrology reading with Katherine DeJersey in 1973; Katie is a brilliant astrologer. She told me the day and time I met Marvin in India. I thought she was nuts. She told me that I would move from Chicago three years before I moved. The reason I studied astrology was because I wanted to know her secrets. I started studying so I could ask Katie the right questions to learn her secrets. I traveled to England and to New Mexico to study; I studied Thyrza Escobar’s material. I studied Pamela Crane’s methods. I went all over looking at inter-dimensional, Sidereal and Vedic Astrology. The question that no astrologer could answer was, in looking at my chart the day I came down with polio or when my father died or when I had my kids how I could have known that it would be that event or what I would do with that event. When I saw the Human Design Mandala, I had a sense that the knowledge was there. But if you just look at this Solar Design, it’s not there. If you look at the multi-layers, you see it. If I met somebody who had the 31st Gate, I would resonate to that from my own design. It’s there. What I’m going to do tomorrow is lay everybody’s design out, and we can look at them. You will see how many people change Type and how much each person is like a hologram, a whole universe of dimensionality. As they flicker and as the transits come and go, it’s like a crystal constantly turning, and so you see the multi-facets of it. You really get the picture of how this blinks within our own consciousness to make us who we actually are.

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For me, if I were to say to somebody that something is the not self and if I told them that they are living the not self, it would be disempowering. I don’t want to do that to anybody. I have a lot of respect for how many people are actually living their multilayered design and know who they are. When I do a reading from the multilayered, and I look at the Spiritual, I’ve had people break down in tears and say to me, “Nobody ever recognized that in me before.” I think that the way in which the term “conditioning” is being used is not consistent with the way psychological conditioning is used, as I know it from my traditional psychological training. I think it has been completely misused in Design. I have to say that I’m a very basic beginner in Design. I’m a little intimidated by the knowledge all of you have coming to Design. You probably know a lot more facts than I know, and you could quote Lines and Gates to me a lot better than I could quote them to you. But I’ve been living with Design for seven years. If I had followed the Strategy and identified myself as an angry Manifestor, what would that have done to me? I’m a Generator. I’m a 2/4 Generator who knows the alignment of forces. And in combination of designs I become a Manifesting Generator and that is, in fact, how I live and how I experience my own Type and always have. I remember sitting at the kitchen table with Marvin and Ra. Marvin and I were dealing with a rather difficult family situation and Ra was saying, “Well, just let it go.” I stood up and I said, “un-un, no, that’s not the right action. un-un, I can’t do that.” I remember him looking at me, shocked. My response was coming from the Spiritual Generator aspect of myself. Now, you could have said, “She’s an angry Manifestor,” but I wasn’t angry. I was getting a gut level sense that the alignment of forces, had we followed the usual external conditioning strategy, would have been spiritually out of line with what Marvin and I stand for in our lives. We always align to a certain value that we’re always going to follow; it is a love vibration at the highest level of honoring and respecting the integrity of ourselves and of others and expecting the same in return. That’s why I’m teaching the class. When I know there is something clinically that is going to be of service to people, how could I not use it? How could I withhold it? I can't. I'm a clinician first. I’m here to be of service. I came in on the Cross of Service. MARVIN: That episode had to do with me and my family. Because I’ve learned to trust your gut, even though I thought you were a Manifestor I trusted you, and you were right, as usual. ELEANOR: Yes. Marvin’s has the Channel 11/56. He is a Projector (Waking Design) who becomes a Reflector in the other three 64 Gate Matrix Natal Designs, but in his Postnatal Conditioning Design, he is neither a Reflector nor a Projector in the Waking Design. SPEAKER: You’re talking about all of these different views and the expansion on the Waking Basic Human Design Chart. I’m not sure I know how to figure out where the splits are. When you talk about transits and when you talk about the planets, nobody has 11 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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explained to us why these numbers and planets are in this order. I would like to understand what you’re saying, but I would like someone to explain the mechanics to me. ELEANOR: I will explain the mechanics to you tomorrow. We will do whatever people in the class need. My job and the reason I’ve divided the class into three-and-a-half days of class and the rest of the time spent is to master the material individually with me is so that each person’s skill set and each person’s design can be tailored to them. For example, with Susan, we’ve spent four or five weeks, once a week on the phone going over case material, and it’s been wonderful. It really, I think, gave Susan a sense for what this Multidimensional power is in working with it. Yes, the material is hard, but the reason I’m bringing it in and teaching is that when Ra taught the Cartography class and he was talking about a given Circuit, he put up a number of different people’s designs to show the different Circuitry. I can put up a design for one individual and show how their Circuitry changes, and then you can read that accordingly within the functioning of the individual. It changes so much of how you see a person and how you can relate to them as a functional whole complete being. So much of my Circuitry falls within the Logic, and that’s why Ra gave me the task of validating it scientifically, because I see patterns. He didn’t expect that the patterns I would see were not the ones he wanted me to see. SPEAKER: I want to ask a structural question. I notice that over here, the red columns are on the left and on the rest of the page they alternate from side to side. ELEANOR: Yes. In the Lunar Designs the red is reversed. The black on the Lunar is the Design or unconscious and that’s predominant. So when you’re in your dream state, the unconscious is the predominant field of activity. That’s why I say that when we wake up in the morning, the unconscious has a six-day lag. Instead of psychologically interpreting a dream and thinking it’s what happened to you yesterday, we should be looking at what happened to you six days ago. SPEAKER: So unconscious is predominant, which is basically in the old system as well. And so why does it switch sides? ELEANOR: The unconscious (the red numbers or Design calculation) in the Human Design Solar Chart is what Ra talks about as being in the tunnel and not being accessible. The conscious (the black numbers or Personality calculation) is what we know. But in the Lunar, it’s the unconscious that we know and the conscious is under the surface, so the colors indicating the Personality and Design calculations are reversed. Is that clear to everyone? When we are asleep at night and we are dreaming (Lunar Design), what we’re actively interacting with is the unconscious, not the conscious mind. But in the realm of REM sleep, dreaming, all brainwaves are present. We have PET and SPECT scans that show there is neurotransmitter activity between that unconscious field of activity in the brain 12 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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and the cognitive waking material, i.e., what can be consciously accessed in our waking state. The Integrated Field occurs during REM sleep on a neurotransmitter level. Looking at Marvin’s design, notice that he changes Type. He changes from being a 3/5 Mental Projector to being a 3/5 Reflector. The Moon designates the Profile of the Lunar Design. In the Solar Chart, the Sun/Earth provides the Profile. In the Lunar Design, the Moon provides the Profile. Sometimes when the Profile changes it can be profound, as it is in my case. It changes a little bit of the Strategy. SPEAKER: But it doesn’t always change. ELEANOR: It doesn’t always change. I did print out Ra’s design. I thought it would give a lot of you pause. He becomes an Emotional Ego Manifestor in his Lunar Design. Now, look what happens to Marvin in the Postnatal Conditioning Field. I have to admit to all of you that I have not seriously looked at this before. This is really my first serious look at Marvin’s Postnatal Design because I’ve just been so focused on the other layers. But look at what happens. It explains a lot to me that, for one thing, he becomes an Ego Manifestor. MARVIN: Like Ra. ELEANOR: No, not like Ra because you don’t have the Gate 21. But, Marvin has the Channel 51/25, which is the channel of Initiation and of the shaman. Any of you who have seen Marvin as a medical doctor know that he is a very powerful healer. He remains Splenically Undefined. He is a Generator also through the Channel 2/14, so he has direction in his Postnatal Waking Design. I’ll say this for all of you to play with. I’m hypothesizing that the Postnatal Conditioning Field in the various design calculations also represents our last past incarnation and shows us the issues that we are here in this life to master. I’ll repeat that. And this is a preliminary hypothesis that I need all of you to check out and tell me if you think it’s going to hold. I see all of you sitting here in this room for the weekend as collaborators. We are all researchers. This is a new field of science. We need the data. I don’t have many of the answers and I’m completely open to revision. I have an Undefined Head Center. I believe from the work I’ve done in looking at Marvin’s chart, my own chart, my kids’ charts that the Postnatal Conditioning Field shows us the last incarnation we had as well as the issues we are here to complete in the real world in this life, what we have to master. SPEAKER: So how does that compare to the nodes? ELEANOR: It would be related. A lot of times the nodes do not change that quickly to show up in the different design calculations. We have to look at specific designs to see 13 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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how the nodal axis holds. Then we can know how to modify the theory. That’s what I mean by research. I’m saying this is looking suspicious to me. Let’s see where and what sense we can make out of what we really have. I know that developmentally the calculations are very real. You can see actual developmental shifts in a baby at two days (Emotional Design, i.e., Solar Minute), at a few hours (Physical/Hormonal, i.e., Lunar Minute). In babies about an hour and a half after birth they seem to wake up a little bit. Then you have two days postnatal (Emotional Design), six days postnatal (Spiritual Design), and then three months postnatal (Waking Mental Design). Now, isn’t it interesting that in Judaism the bris occurs roughly at seven days? What does that do spiritually? Isn’t that a spiritual initiation in Judaism for the male child? SPEAKER: I was told by one of my teachers that the reason is they don’t believe that the – I don’t know if it’s the soul or the spirit – the chi comes until that point. So you don’t want to do the ritual until after that time. ELEANOR: And that’s what this Postnatal Lunar Design shows. It shows that postnatally, at six days, the spiritual layer of the person is actually in the body, and not until then. In developmental psychology we have critical stages, critical periods. An example always used of a typical critical stage is riding a bicycle. Some of those critical stages are like Guttman scales where you don’t have the skill or the ability or the physiologic structure for those things until a certain point; and then, even if you don’t learn the skill then, you have the potential to learn it. But some things, if you don’t learn them and you skip over them, results in a gap in consciousness. If we could track postnatally what the developmental sequences are in terms of the matrix, think what power that would have for child psychology. In Marvin’s design, we see he is a Split Definition Emotional Manifesting Generator. There is one Definition from the Ajna Center to the Throat Center, i.e., it is a whole line colored in. Then that connects up to the Channel 35/36 without any gap. So it’s all colored. You can follow that color. But then it doesn’t connect to the other things. Then we have to go to the other designs, and we ask what things connect. The Channel 35/36 connects to the Channel 62/17 as one Definition and the Channel 2/14 connects from the Sacral Center to the Heart/Ego Center through the Channel 25/51. Marvin then in his Postnatal Solar Design has two Definitions. In the Postnatal Lunar Design there are no Definitions because nothing is colored in. I haven’t looked at the composite of Marvin’s designs before, so I don’t know what we’re going to see. I have recognized in working with my animals that I can be away from my cats about two hours away before I begin to feel deprived. What I experience is that when I’m with them and they are in my aura, I’m actually merging and I can feel it inside of me as energy, like a double matrix. I imagine this flow inside me where our DNA is merging and I have that non-verbal communication that I get from the spiritual layer, except I am awake not asleep. So when we’re with animals in our waking consciousness, we are relating to something that we have no other way to access in our waking state. But the animal is 14 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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getting the human imprinting and merging with the centers that are not in the Mammalian Matrix. So in the domesticated animals we are becoming more in touch with that lunar layer – non-verbal, collective, archetypal, no words – and learning how to communicate with them. And the animals are becoming more human in their cognition. That’s why domesticated animals have personality and can think. Both species are changing. MARVIN: They function beyond the size of their brain function. SPEAKER: That is so funny because I keep saying that our German Shepherd is talking. The longer he’s been with us, the more he talks. ELEANOR: And it’s true, yes. I can see it in the designs at the multilayered levels, and I know how it functions in the matrix. I know what the interaction is. Actually, I was talking to a friend of mine the other night. She is a veterinarian and she was describing one of her cats and how they communicate with each other. I told her that I was really sorry we didn’t record it because I could explain it exactly in terms of the matrix. MARVIN: You also said the other night that that’s why it’s so painful when we lose our relationship with an animal. It’s beyond what happens with a human. ELEANOR: With a human you only lose the human interaction. But with the animal, you are losing that dimensionality they brought you into which is irreplaceable. SPEAKER: I’ve been thinking about this a lot and really thinking about how I have some of the similar experiences in nature, in the aura of trees around me and so on, and I’m really interested in that. ELEANOR: You can only understand these things when you move away from just looking at the design in a waking conscious third-dimensional reality. Now, we can take this further when we get to the other layers. For example, in the 15 Gate Matrix you have three realms: the Demon Realm, the Earth Plane and the Light Field, and they correspond to the three alchemical worlds, and then you have the four. There are lots of parallels in all of the dimensionality and all of the alchemy and how the process works. MARVIN: Also, for people who know the Tarot Cards, what we are talking about is the integration between the 5th card, the Hierophant, and the 8th card, the Strength card, which is a picture of a feminine figure controlling a lion or the subconscious analytic aspects. So it’s the human relating to a cat or to a duck, and I’ve had the same experience with my duck in that it’s kind of an amazing awakening that happens. I never had a relationship with any kind of a bird before. This bird is like my cat Holly who died. When Holly died, I had a terrible pain in my chest and I said that I felt my heart was breaking. The next year doctors found a heart murmur, which had an unknown cause. For the first time with Gracie, our pet duck I actually feel a different kind of depth of feeling in my heart that had not been active except with Holly.

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ELEANOR: Marvin, in looking at the Integrated Field here, we know that Holly had the 19th Gate, and so she hooked up to the Sacral Center, helped give you pattern and direction through the shamanic Heart Center. So when you lost her, you did lose a connection. You lost a bridge. MARVIN: The Channel 19/49 to the Root was gone without her, right? ELEANOR: Yes. And I’d have to go back and look at her actual design, but I think she had the Channel 15/5. MARVIN: Right, she did. ELEANOR: And many of our cats have the Channel 15/5. In the Postnatal Solar Waking and Spiritual Design composite Marvin gains the Channel 21/45 to the Throat and it runs all the way to the Root through the Channels 35/36 and 49/19 when hooked up with Holly. It explains some of Marvin’s sensitivity in wanting to control the environment when he meditates. In composite Marvin becomes a Single Definition because he hooks up all the way through. The composite is not on the computer it doesn’t color in the Root. He would go from the Heart Center down the middle. He has the Channel 52/9, which goes up the Channel 39/55, up the Channel 36/35 and up into the Ajna Center. So Marvin becomes a Single Definition Emotional Manifesting Generator. Very, very different when you combine the views than the open person who you see just from the Solar Natal or in the Natal multi-calculation charts. Only in adding in the Postnatal Conditioning Field do you see in Marvin the real layers through which he functions. It's been an interesting question for me, because Marvin is so open. In using traditional Design we’ve always only looked at the Natal Solar Design and Marvin is very open. In traditional Design, the explanation for how he lives or how he manifests in the world would be that he’s living the not self. But in fact, when you look at the combination of forces, you see someone who in the real world can be extremely powerful, yet internally is extremely vulnerable and very open. That’s much more my own experience of this person and of the forces within him. You know, really, if we’re looking at Design from the standpoint of self-awareness and of helping people to be fully in touch with who they are, we really have to look at that composite over time to see what factors they had to integrate into themselves in order to be complete and whole. We need to look at what they were responding to in those early months and years of their lives in order to be who they are. In looking at it this way tonight, I have an even better understanding of the forces that Marvin is grappling with every day and how somebody this open can also have the emotional power and the ego power that he has. The tricky part, then, if you were a parent looking at a child’s design like this, would be how to help that child integrate those energies and those forces in a way that would not be misperceived. 16 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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How many of us have felt misperceived or misunderstood, and yet there is nothing wrong with us; it’s simply a question of really being able to understand how we actually are designed as a multifaceted crystal. If you look at the Sri Yantra, you see that it’s multifaceted, and if you existed inside of it, it’s the celestial city, and we are all part of that. SPEAKER: Given the importance of being able to do the design for your cats, how do you justify all the cats that need to be rescued for which you’d never know their birth times? I feel real disappointment because I can’t know my cat’s birth time. ELEANOR: Trust your own feelings and allow them to be what connects you with them. They are responding purely and if you respond, you can choose an animal that is perfect for you. On another note, I have always reacted, for example, on the Human Design American website, when it says under my name, “3/5 Single Definition Manifestor” or “3/5 Manifestor,” I go “ouch.” In all of my practice of psychology, I never wanted to put a diagnostic label on anybody. Design should not be putting a label on somebody. We’re not at that point in Design yet as a science where the nuances are seen or understood. Even with our cats, and we had our cat’s birth times to the minute with a stop watch but not to the second, the charts are not sufficient to get the deep nuances Birth time is when the being actually separates. But we didn’t have the second recorded for the cats. And even with the second calculation added in, on the current program we’re not going to get to the layer. We can do it astrologically by dwad and super dwad. A dwad takes it to each 30 degrees, and back down to two-and-a-half degrees of meaning, and then the super dwad takes each two-and-a-half down through the zodiac again. So you’re going to 144 divisions within the 360. When I was doing inter-dimensional astrology with Pamela Crane, I was calculating the dwads and the super dwads to get the nuance of the inner unconscious for a person. Well, before the computer program was available, I had to calculate the ayanamsa in order to figure the super dwads. When we’re talking about the animals, we really need that level of discernment in order to get down to the nuance of their physiology. Remember, they function primarily in the mammalian design layer. Look at my Sleep Design. You notice that despite the fact that in my 64 Gate Matrices I have Definitions, in my Sleep Designs I’m completely a Reflector. Most of my activation is in the lower part. It’s only in the Solar Minute Design that I gain the 57th Gate and in the Lunar Minute I gain the Gate 50. Now, in the cats the only two that are going to be functional are the Lunar Designs. We still are at a level with the animals where we’re missing major calculations, I believe. I think that with knowing a little bit of your design, without having it in front of me and refreshing my memory, trust your instinct. I got my first cat, Noble, in 1966, and he was 17 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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the greatest teacher I ever had, without knowing his birth time, without knowing anything. And with Holly we knew her birth date, but, Marvin fell in love with her and we got her. That’s why I say so many people are living their design. The world has functioned without Design for billions of years. So if we look at human beings and we say what are they doing right instead of looking at them and saying how messed up everybody is and that they’re living the not-self, let’s look at how they are living themselves and let’s look into Design and see where we can see that. Instead of pointing to someone, like me, and saying “You must be an angry Manifestor,” let’s look and say “Well, how do you actually function and what do we have to look at to find that in your design?” Let’s just take it the other way around and then we’re doing real science. We’re not throwing out everything because it doesn’t fit what we think should be imposed upon it, but we’re going both ways. In this room most of us are scientists. When considering the sleep layer I know that the Lunar Minute 64 Gate Design is the hormonal releasing layer, and I know from some of the sleep physiology that hormones are released in the night that are not always released during the day. It was a clue to me that the lunar level has a lot to do with the timing mechanism of the hormonal layer of the body and the physiology, and that will need to be integrated with the Biological Matrix. Before we run out of time, I want to just mention in this forum one other piece that I’m working with, and I want to throw it out for all of you to play with. There is another Matrix that we’re missing, and I call it the Angelic Matrix. It is the Matrix that has Gates that are present in the 64 Gate Matrix, but not present in either the 15 Gate Matrix or the Biological Matrix (which is the third sheet in your packet).) The 15 Gate Matrix is missing certain Centers. It’s missing the Heart Center and the Solar Plexus and the Head Centers. We have the Channel 19/49, which is a Portal. The 19th Gate is in the Mammalian Design, and the 49th Gate is in the 64 Gate Matrix. It’s also present in the Biological Design. We have the 12th Gate, which is a Portal, and we have the 62nd Gate, which is a Portal from the 15 Gate Matrix. Animals are missing Centers and we are missing Centers when we sleep, i.e., cognition turns off, will turns off, and emotions turn off when we’re in a sleep state. People need to sleep on things to get clear emotionally. That’s the reason. When we sleep on things, yes, we clean out the day’s events, but don’t forget, we might become Emotionally Defined in the 64 Gate Lunar Designs, but that would not be a personal emotion because it’s lunar. Listen to the little bit of differentiation there that will come into play in the reading of things. This Angelic Matrix has to do with all of these Head Gates. It has to do with the Channel 16/48, the Channel 18/58; it has to do with the Channel 52/9 and the Channel 63; it has to do with Channel 2/14; and then it has to do with the Channel 33/13 and maybe the Channel 7/31. It has to do with those Channels that are not present in the Biological Matrix and are not present primarily in the Mammalian Matrix,) but are there for a 18 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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cognitive understanding and alignment to higher energy forces. The people who are highly psychic and gifted in channeling and getting information from other dimensions probably are functioning in this Angelic Matrix. I came up with the Angelic Matrix because logically I know one of the big issues for human beings is to make sense out of spiritual dimensions. There are people who get guidance from the other side. Where is that coming from? And what about those Gates that are not accounted for in the Biology or the Mammalian? We have them in the 64 Gate matrixes. If earth is the Tao and the Integrated Field in which we live, what about the other dimensions? I know in the Mammalian we have three realms. We have the Demon Realm, which is down near the Root Center; we have the Earth Plane, which is basically the middle gates; and then we have the Light Field, which goes up near the Head and has the Gate 62. So we have a field that is interested in understanding and making sense out of collective archetypal information and symbology. As human beings, we have a unique gift. I know from the structure of the body graph that the Personality Crystal is in the Crown, the Design Crystal is in the Ajna Center, and the Magnetic Monopole is in the G Center. And in the Mammalian Matrix the Personality Crystal is in the Root, the Design Crystal is in the Sacral Center. So when we sleep we have the memory trace of that. But we have Portals. The Gates 12 to the 22 is a portal. We have the Gate 22 and the Gate 12 and the Gates 35 and 36 in the Biological Matrix. So they happen prenatally in getting energy laid down. But there is nothing that speaks to where the Portal Gate 62 goes, and that’s for our cognitive understanding out of which we make spiritual sense. In the PET and SPECT scans of the brain there is evidence that spirituality has a structure in the brain chemistry. If that’s the case, we’re missing a Matrix. We are missing a dimension. If Ra had had an angelic being standing next to him and he had said, “Well, what’s the design of the angelic being standing next to me,” he would have been given an Angelic Matrix, for want of a better term. Maybe it’s a super human; maybe it’s an Indigo child; maybe it’s the next generation of awareness. There are Gates that are missing from the Sleep and Biological Matrices that I believe, when I do a reading, explains something about people that I don’t get any other way. I don’t yet know all the detail of it. I’m throwing it out as a hypothesis for exploration and because I want you to know that I think there’s another layer here. In other words, we have four layers but we have three body graphs. If we had a fourth body graph there would be four layers. The geometry would be perfect. Overseeing it would be the whole even more integrative field that would be the fifth. Any questions before I wind up? SPEAKER: Yes, Eleanor. You had mentioned something about symbols. ELEANOR: I’ll go a lot more into it over the weekend. Let me just say that apropos of that, and having been trained as a Jungian analyst, there is a nice parallel in the designs to Jung’s view of the animus, anima. So I think men are more in the Solar and women are 19 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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more in the Lunar realm. And then in a relationship you reverse them. So when I do a relationship reading, I look at the man and the woman, but I cross the woman’s Lunar to the man’s Solar and the man’s Solar to the woman’s Lunar, like Jung would do. There’s a crossover in Jungian theory. This model fits that theory of how the archetypes play off each other. I’ll give you all the dream layers. I didn’t bring the sheets down, but I’ll bring them down tomorrow. There are three realms with five Gates, including a Portal Gate, in each realm. You have the Light Field, which is the Gate 62, the Channel 20/57 and the Channel 1/8. The Light Field has to do with making sense out of something. The Earth Plane has to do with the Integrated Field and it has to do with the Gate 12, which is the main Gate, it is the mutation field and it is language. The Earth Plane has the Channel 15/5, and the Channel 50/27. And then you have the Demon Realm, which has the Channel 28/38, the Channel 53/42 and the 19th Gate, which is its portal. So each of the three realms has a portal pointing somewhere. The Earth Plane points to the Solar Plexus, as does the Demon Realm. The Demon Realm primarily is concerned with environments, survival, reproduction and preserving the species along with the Earth Plane. The Earth Plane is like the Integrated Field. So I see parallels between that archetypal realm and the actual Human Body Graph. When I began working with those three areas, they fit into the alchemy of salt, sulfur and mercury, for those of you who know alchemy. I was also playing with the Tarot Cards and how they fit, and they do. But then you can take it and move it up to its next layer, which is the Integrated Body Graph. I was at first thinking, well, the Solar is like which realm. Maybe it’s the Light Field because it’s the Interactive Mental Field. I tried to layer it with Erik, because he was saying to me, “Which are the layers, how do they operate, what would you call them and what are they showing?” And, you know, I don’t have any Gates of naming, so I tend not to name things. But I realized that when we’re in the Lunar layer, we have no words. So the Earth Plane with the 12th Gate gives us the translation of the symbol into language. And people who have that 12th Gate, especially if they have it in the Lunar layer, and depending on whether it’s there or not there as it crosses over, are very much translators from one dimension to the other. For those of you who are well versed in Design, what I’m doing with these layers is taking all of the Keynotes and all of the gut level, intuitive instinct I have about what they mean structurally and I’m trying to combine them with what I know about how consciousness functions. So it’s not just a photograph of one moment in time for a person, but rather a map of how the mechanics of consciousness move in a human being. I think that is really the brilliance of Design. On that note, right at 9 o’clock, I want to mention David Allen Hulse. David wrote a little book called New Dimensions in the Cube of Space. One of my students introduced me to it, and I ordered his Eastern Mysteries and Western Mysteries. He is perhaps the most brilliant thinker I have ever had the great fortune to know. David is the most amazing person. I especially like the section starting on page 425 in the Eastern Mysteries, where 20 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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he actually breaks down the hexagrams by their nuclear, reverse and internal structure, and he actually has traced the evolution of development of the different generations of the I Ching. The Eastern Mysteries covers the I Ching and it’s alphabets, and Arabic Sanskrit; David does it all. He uses many diagrams. And then the Western Mysteries covers Tarot and Gematria and Astrology. Dyan and I have become very close friends with David, and we meditate with him at 9 o’clock every Friday evening. If you all would indulge us, and maybe we could all just join hands. He’s using the meditation at 9 o’clock on Friday evenings for the healing of the planet and of humanity and of all living things. I would like to sound my Tibetan bowl and have us all join in that meditation. Acknowledgments: I would like to thank my students for their open spirit of collaboration and for their trust in my work. I would like to thank Charlene Hopey for her careful thoughtful editing of the document and for Jillian O’Hara for her help with the illustrations. Of course, very special thanks go to Erik Memmert whose computer program makes this Multidimensional work possible. My family of humans and cats feed my spirit and surround me with the love and support that allows me to continue this important work; they have my deep love.

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ILLUSTRATIONS Map of Consciousness Layers in Multidimensional Design Charts Environmentally Interactive

NonVerbally Communicated

Non Verbal

Nurture Animus Mind

Nature Anima Body

Nature Animate Body

Sun (Solar)

Moon (Lunar)

Moon (Lunar)



64, Solar Design Active

64 Lunar Design (Dream REM)

Mental Wakeful awareness Solar Minute Design (Passive)

Spiritual Awareness Awareness of Self Lunar Minute Design

15, Mammalian Lunar Design The World of Earth (Interactive conscious Reality) (Unifying Field) The Earth Plane

Animal Spirit Mammalian Lunar Minute Design

Emotional Underlay (Personal)



25, Solar Biology Design

6, Lunar Biology Design

Mammalian Lunar Biology Design

Mind/Body (Active)

Species (Autonomic)


Solar Minute Biology Design Sympathetic (Passive)

Lunar Minute Biology Design

Mammalian Lunar Minute Biology Design



15, Lunar Sleep Design (Restorative)

Mammalian Lunar Design

The World of Biological Form Existence

15, Solar Sleep Design (Active Receptiveinterpretive)

Physical Realm

The World of Archetypes (Collective Unconscious)

Archetypal Images

Archetypal Symbols


Solar Minute Sleep Design

Lunar Minute Sleep Design

Mammalian Lunar Minute Sleep Design

Experiential Context

Hormonal Triggering

Archetypal Patterns

33 Solar Angelic Design

33 Lunar Angelic Design

Conscious Activator (Morality/Conscience)

Spiritual Activator (Soul)

Solar Minute Angelic Design

Lunar Minute Angelic Design

Emotional Activator

Physical Activator

The Subconscious Demon Realm

The World of Mystical Inspiration The Superconscious The Light Field

22 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Eleanor: Solar Design

Eleanor: Lunar Design

Eleanor: Solar Minute Design

Eleanor: Lunar Minute Design

©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Eleanor: Solar Sleep Design

Eleanor: Lunar Sleep Design

Eleanor: Solar Minute Sleep Design

Eleanor: Lunar Minute Sleep Design

24 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Eleanor: Solar Biology Design

Eleanor: Lunar Biology Design

Eleanor: Solar Minute Biology Design

Eleanor: Lunar Minute Biology Design

25 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Eleanor: Postnatal Solar Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Lunar Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Solar Minute Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Lunar Minute Design

26 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Eleanor: Postnatal Solar Sleep Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Lunar Sleep Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Solar Minute Sleep Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Lunar Minute Sleep Design

27 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Eleanor: Postnatal Solar Biology Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Lunar Biology Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Solar Minute Biology Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Lunar Minute Biology Design

28 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Marvin: Solar Design

Marvin: Lunar Design

Marvin: Solar Minute Design

Marvin: Lunar Minute Design

29 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Marvin: Solar Sleep Design

Marvin: Lunar Sleep Design

Marvin: Solar Minute Sleep Design

Marvin: Lunar Minute Sleep Design

30 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Marvin: Solar Biology Design

Marvin: Lunar Biology Design

Marvin: Solar Minute Biology Design

Marvin: Lunar Minute Biology Design

31 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Marvin: Postnatal Solar Design

Marvin: Postnatal Lunar Design

Marvin: Postnatal Solar Minute Design

Marvin: Postnatal Lunar Minute Design

32 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Marvin: Postnatal Solar Sleep Design

Marvin: Postnatal Lunar Sleep Design

Marvin: Postnatal Solar Minute Sleep Design

Marvin: Postnatal Lunar Minute Sleep Design

33 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Marvin: Postnatal Solar Biology Design

Marvin: Postnatal Lunar Biology Design

Marvin: Postnatal Solar Minute Biology Design

Marvin: Postnatal Lunar Minute Biology Design

34 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved.

About the Author Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D. passionately synthesizes esoteric wisdom and scientific discovery. With her Ph.D. from The University of Chicago, Department of Comparative Human Development, Eleanor is uniquely qualified to integrate Social Sciences (psychology, biology, anthropology, sociology) Research with a wide array of esoteric studies. Through the principles and tools she developed and validated at, Eleanor helps people transform their lives. Throughout thirty-five years of private practice work as a coach and clinical psychologist, Eleanor worked with thousands of individuals, couples, and groups to synthesize life experiences in practical ways for living healthy, successful, and creatively fulfilling lives. Contact Eleanor at: [email protected] (310) 230-7787 About Noble Sciences Noble Sciences mission is to verify and scientifically document the Multidimensional Human Design knowledge created, developed, and researched by Eleanor HaspelPortner, Ph.D. Noble Sciences evolved from work begun at Rave Life Sciences in 1999 by Eleanor, Marvin Portner, M.D., and Ra Uru Hu who partnered with Eleanor and Marvin to verify the Human Design System. Based on the statistical research completed on over 45,000 cases, Eleanor expanded the Human Design System correcting some of its erroneous hypotheses, expanding its calculations, and verifying additional layers of consciousness, and their ways of operating in developing human personality. Multidimensional Human Design, Unified Life Sciences, and Noble Sciences are Eleanor’s proprietary system. She has not authorized any teachers or licensed the use of her system to date.

35 ©Unified Life Sciences 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved.

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