Otherworldly Patron - The Fateful _ Gm Binder

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Otherworldly Patron

At 1st level, a warlock gains the Otherworldly Patron feature. Here is a new option for that feature: the Fateful.

The Fateful

Many pacts are based on an exchange of services between a warlock and their patron, power in return for a favor. These dealings are often means to an end, for all parties involved. Your patron is a being of fate itself, said to be nigh omniscient and all-powerful. The tasks it poses to you may change the course of history, or merely serve as a form of entertainment for your patron. Are the gifts it bestows upon you a reward for your service and essential for the completion of future quests? Or a lure for more power, tools meant for amusement? Know this, the greater the risks you take, the more you shall gain. Fateful Features Warlock Level Feature

Starting 1st level, you can twist the past to unforeseen results. Once per turn when you roll damage for a weapon attack or a cantrip, you can reroll one of the damage dice and use the new roll. The number rolled on that die determines the damage type of the attack or cantrip, as shown below. Die Roll

Damage Type


















Expanded Spell List, Past Revisions




Pact of the Cards




Future Bargain




Present Warp




Streak of Fate

Expanded Spell List

The Fateful lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. Fateful Expanded Spells Spell Level


Past Revisions



bless, chaos bolt XGE


blur, enhance ability


blink, baleful conflux


chaos ward, fateful vision


lethargy, reincarnate

Pact Boon: Pact of the Cards

At 3rd level, a character bound to the Fateful can select this option instead on one of the warlock’s existing Pact Boon options. The Fateful grants you a simple box made of wood or iron, engraved with your name at the bottom. Upon inspection, the box appears empty. While the box is on your person, you are proficient with all gaming sets. Additionally, you can use your action to draw a card from the box which magically appears in your hand as you reach into it. If you do so, you roll on the Fate Cards table to determine the card’s effect. Spells cast as part of this action don't require components. Once you have drawn a card and its magic has taken effect, it crumbles to dust. You can only draw one card at a time. Once you have drawn a number of cards equal to your Charisma modifier, you must finish a long rest before you can draw additional cards. If you lose the box, you can perform a 1-hour ritual to receive a replacement from the Fateful. The ritual can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous box. Future Bargain

At 6th level, your patron allows you to borrow luck from the future. When you make an attack roll or an ability check, you can roll an additional d20. You can choose to use this feature after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined. You choose which of the d20s is used for the attack roll or ability check and record the number of the roll. The next time you make an attack roll or an ability check and one of the die rolled equals the recorded number, you roll an additional d20 and use the lower result. Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest. Otherworldly Patron | The Fateful

Present Warp

Starting at 10th level, you can attempt to change the present. Whenever you make a saving throw, you can roll a d6. If the roll is odd, you gain a bonus to the saving throw equal to the roll. If the roll is even, you instead take a penalty to the saving throw equal to the roll. You must choose to do so before you make the saving throw. Streak of Fate

Starting at 14th level, you can push fate to its limits. When you deal damage to a creature with an attack or a spell, you can choose to roll a d20. On a roll of 10 or lower, you take psychic damage equal to the roll. This damage ignores resistance and immunity. On a roll of 11 or higher, you deal force damage to the creature equal to double the roll and you can choose to regain the use of this feature which you then must use immediately. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Guided by Fate

Many warlocks bound to the Fateful let fate guide every aspect of their lives. Decisions are made on a coin flip and chance is the only constant they know. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can choose to roll on the table below to determine your character trait for the day. Fateful Traits d12 Feature 1 You are optimistic and full of joy. 2 You joke at every occasion. 3

You are determined to finish two day’s work before you lay to rest.


You devote your time to improve the well-being of those around you.

You spend much time contemplating your every 5 move. 6

You are inquisitive about the secrets of others and always look for new places to explore.

7 You act impulsively and without thinking. 8

You are insecure and ask for a second option on whatever you do.


You speak with authority and expect others to follow your every demand.

10 You lie compulsively. 11 You are touchy and quick to anger. 12

You are indifferent about almost anything that happens.

Credits Created by u/sandwichbear. Thanks to everyone on the Discord of Many Things who helped in the process of creating this subclass Made using GM Binder Artwork by R.Black

Otherworldly Patron | The Fateful

Eldritch Invocations

At 2nd level, a warlock gains the Eldritch Invocations feature. Here are five new options for that feature. Bestial Harbingers

Prerequisite: 7th level You can cast animal messenger at will, without expending a spell slot or material components. Card Dealer

Prerequisite: Pact of the Cards feature Other willing creatures can use their action to draw a card from your box as if they used the Pact of the Cards feature. Cards drawn by other creatures count against the number of cards you can draw between long rests. Door to Destiny

Prerequisite: 12th level, Pact of the Cards feature You always know the location of the box granted to you by the Pact of the Cards feature while both of you are on the same plane of existence. While the box is within 500 feet of you, you can cast dimension door without expending a spell slot, targeting a space within 10 feet of the box. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Rest for the Wicked

Prerequisite: 5th level Whenever you finish a long rest, you can choose one of the warlock spells you know and replace it with another spell from the warlock spell list, which must be of a level for which you have spell slots. You can also cast Leomund's tiny hut once without expending a sell slot. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Struck by Chance

Prerequisite: Pact of the Cards feature Whenever you make an attack roll with advantage, you can choose to take a gamble with fate. If you do so and the lower of the d20 rolls would also hit the target, you use the highest number possible for each damage die. If the lower of the d20 rolls would miss the target, you instead use the lowest number possible for each damage die. You can’t reroll any of the damage dice if you use this invocation.

Fate Cards d100

Card Name


The Fool


The Magician

Effect You roll twice on this table, and use both effects in the order you rolled them. You automatically succeed on the next saving throw you make.

05-06 The High Priestess All creatures within 30 feet of you are deafened for 1 minute. 07-08

The Empress

You regain 1d20 hit points.


The Emperor

All creatures within 30 feet of you become frightened of you until the start of your next turn.


The Hierophant


The Lovers

You cast telepathy, targeting a friendly creature you can see within 30 feet of you.


The Chariot

You concentration can’t be broken on the next spell you cast.




The Hermit

The properties of all magic items within 60 feet of you are suppressed for 1 minute.

Your Strength score is reduced to 1 for 1 hour. You are proficient in all saving throws until you move 5 feet or more.

21-22 The Wheel of Fortune Your box of cards is teleported to a random unoccupied space within 30 feet of you. 23-24


The next time you hit a creature with an attack, you and the target take 4d4 radiant damage.


The Hanged Man






The Devil

You are surrounded by a halo of flies until you take the Help action.


The Tower

A random creature within 60 feet of you is struck by lightning, taking 6d6 lightning damage.


The Star


The Moon


The Sun



You take 1d4 psychic damage whenever you knowingly lie within the next 24 hours.


The World

All of your ability scores equal to your number of Hit Dice for 1 minute.


Ace of Clubs

You have advantage on all ability checks for 1 minute.


Two of Clubs

You learn the guidance cantrip. It doesn’t count against your number of cantrips known.


Three of Clubs

You can take the Use an Object action as a bonus action until you take the Cast a Spell action.


Four of Clubs

You learn the rope trick spell. The spell doesn’t count against your number of spells know.


Five of Clubs

You can't take the Attack or Cast a Spell action until you finish a short or long rest.


Six of Clubs

You cast nondetection on yourself.


Seven of Clubs

You are immune to fire damage for 1 minute.


Eight of Clubs

You don’t provoke opportunity attacks until the end of your next turn.


Nine of Clubs

You cast death ward on yourself.


Ten of Clubs

You spend your action on your next turn crying.


Jack of Clubs

You ignore difficult terrain until you finish a short or long rest.


Knight of Clubs

You have advantage on initiative rolls for 10 minutes.


Queen of Clubs

You are immune to being frightened until you finish a short or long rest.


King of Clubs


Ace of Diamonds

No effect.


Two of Diamonds

You gain immunity to piercing damage until you take slashing damage.


Three of Diamonds You can take the help action as a bonus action until you take the Attack action.

All creatures within 10 feet of you take fire damage equal to half your current hit points. You cast feign death on yourself. You can’t have advantage or disadvantage on any attack rolls for 1 minute.

You regain one expended spell slot of your choice. All creatures within 120 feet of you fall unconscious until the start of your next turn. All creatures within 1 mile of you regain 1 hit point.

All creatures within 30 feet of you have advantage on the next ability check they make.

Otherworldly Patron | The Fateful

Fate Cards d100

Card Name



Four of Diamonds You don’t require food or water for 40 days.


Five of Diamonds You regain all of your spent Hit Die.


Six of Diamonds

You cast life transference, targeting a random creature within 30 feet of you.


Seven of Diamonds The next time you make an attack roll with advantage, you treat both d20 rolls as a 1.


Eight of Diamonds If you have inspiration, you lose it.


Nine of Diamonds You cast goodberry, creating ten times the normal amount of berries.


Ten of Diamonds


Jack of Diamonds You gain a flying speed of 300 feet until the end of your turn.


You are proficient with medium armor and martial weapons for 24 hours.

Knight of Diamonds You cast invulnerability.

71 Queen of Diamonds You gain proficiency in all skills for 1 hour. 72

King of Diamonds You gain resistance to bludgeoning damage and vulnerability to piercing damage for 24 hours.


Ace of Hearts

You gain proficiency in the Religion skill if you don't already have it.


Two of Hearts

You cast warding bond. The spell’s range is increased to 300 feet.


Three of Hearts

You cast tongues on yourself.


Four of Hearts

You become invisible until the end of your next turn.


Five of Hearts

You take necrotic damage equal to 1d8 × your number of Hit Dice.


Six of Hearts

You gain temporary hit points equal to your hit point maximum that last for 1 minute.


Seven of Hearts

You cast daylight, targeting your box of cards.


Eight of Hearts

Your eyes turn black for 7 days.


Nine of Hearts

You are under the effect of a gentle response spell for 1 year.


Ten of Hearts

Your hair turns golden for 24 hours.


Jack of Hearts

You are immune to falling damage until you finish a long rest.


Knight of Hearts

You are charmed by every creature you can see until you take damage.


Queen of Hearts

You can breathe underwater for 7 days.


King of Hearts

Whenever you make an attack roll within the next minute, you treat the d20 roll as a 10.


Ace of Spades

You are blinded until you are reduced to 0 hit points.


Two of Spades

You can speak celestial and abyssal for 1 year.


Three of Spades

Whenever you speak within the next minute, any glass surface within 30 feet of you shatters.


Four of Spades

You cast greater restoration on yourself.


Five of Spades

The next time you make an ability check with disadvantage, you treat both d20 rolls as a 20.


Six of Spades

You are immune to being charmed until you have moved 500 feet.


Seven of Spades

You have advantage on all Charisma (Deception) checks until you deal damage to a creature.


Eight of Spades

You cast sequester on yourself. The spell lasts until a creature says your name out loud.


Nine of Spades

The sound of an explosion, audible from as far away as 1 mile, emanates from your mouth.


Ten of Spades

You have disadvantage on all saving throws for 1 minute.


Jack of Spades

For 1 minute, you can cast passwall without expending a spell slot or material components.


Knight of Spades

You suffer one level of exhaustion.


Queen of Spades

You have truesight until the end of your turn.


King of Spades

Your Intelligence score is increased by 1d10 for 24 hours.

Otherworldly Patron | The Fateful


The following spells are available to warlocks with the Fateful patron at certain levels. They are presented in aplabetical order. Baleful Conflux

3rd-level conjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V Duration: 1 minute You imbue a creature within range with unstable arcane energy. An unwilling target can make a Wisdom saving throw, and if it succeeds, it is unaffected by this spell. When it is first affected by this spell and at the start of each of its turns for the duration, the target is teleported 30 feet in a random direction. Roll a d4 for the direction: 1, north; 2, south; 3, east; or 4, west. If the target arrives in a place already occupied by another object or creature, it is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space that it can occupy and takes force damage equal to twice the number of feet it is moved. Chaos Ward

4th-level evocation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You surround yourself with a ward of volatile energy. Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action on your turn, or a reaction whenever you get hit by an attack, to unleash a bolt of energy. Choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or it takes damage equal to 2d8 + your spellcasting modifier. Choose one of the d8s. The number rolled on that die determines the bolt's damage type, as shown to the right.  


Damage Type

















If you roll the same number on both d8s, energy erupts at the target's location and all creatures with 5 feet of the target take damage equal to your spellcasting modifier. The damage type is the same as that of the bolt. Fateful Vision

4th-level divination Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: 60 feet Components: V, M (gold dust worth at least 100 gp) Duration: 1 round You can predict the actions of a creature within range until the end of your next turn. This has the following effects: You have advantage on attack rolls against the creature and on saving throws against spells cast by it. The creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against you. For every 5 feet the creature moves, you can move 5 feet (up to your normal movement) on the creature's turn when it has completed its movement. For every 5 feet you move this way, your speed is reduced by 5 feet until the end of your next turn. Lethargy

5th-level transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 90 feet Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You choose a point within range and cause a wave of lethargy to emanate from there. Each creature in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a target's speed is halved for the spell's duration and it has disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks and saving throws using Strength or Dexterity during that time. A creature affected by this spell makes another Constitution saving throw at the end of it's turn. On a successful save, the effect ends for it.

Otherworldly Patron | The Fateful

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