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OVERVIEW OF THE MAS PRACTICE BY CPAS MANAGEMENT ADVISORY SERVICES – refers to that area of accounting work concerned with providing advice and technical assistance to help clients improve the use of their resources to achieve their goals. MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT – a person who is qualified by education, experience, technical ability, and temperament to advise or assist businessmen on a professional basis in identifying, defining, and solving specific management problems involving the organization, planning, direction, control, and operation of the firm. FACTORS FOR THE EMERGENCE AND GROWTH OF MS CONSULTANCY 1. Growth in size and complexity of business firms. 2. Complexities in managing and conducting a business. 3. Lack of competent staff. 4. Trend towards industrialization. 5. Need for adequate and timely information in management decision-making. 6. Development of techniques for the solution of management problems, and businessman’s awareness of their usefulness. REASONS FOR HIRING MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS a. Help define specific problems and develop solutions. b. Provide specialized skills and experience. c. Provide confidential service in which the identity of the client is concealed. d. Train client personnel. e. Help improve intra-company communications. f. Render an independent opinion. g. Help get results. MAS BY CPAs --- CPAs performing management consulting and other advisory services are considered in the practice of professional accounting and are bound by the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. CHARACTERISTICS OF MAS 1. Services are rendered for the management rather than for third parties. 2. Involves problem solving. 3. Relates to the future. 4. Broad in scope. 5. Involves varied assignments. 6. Engagements are usually non-recurring. 7. Engagements require highly qualified staff. 8. Human relations play a vital role in each engagement. SCOPE OF MAS MAS are usually related to the services rendered by CPAs in the areas of auditing, tax, and accounting, and may involve activities such as: Counseling management in its analysis, planning, organizing, operating, and controlling functions; Reviewing and suggesting improvement in policies, procedures, systems, methods, and organizational relationships; Introducing new ideas, concepts, and methods to management; and Conducting special studies, proposing plans and programs, and providing guidance and technical assistance in their implementation.
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AREAS NORMALLY RELATED TO THE ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE FUNCTIONS: Financial Accounting Systems Design and Development Management Accounting Systems Design and Development Development and Establishment of Budgetary Control
The field covers the following: 1. Cost Accounting 2. Financial Management B. AREAS NOT NORMALLY RELATED FUNCTIONS: 1. General Management Consultation 2. Project Feasibility Studies 3. Organization and Personnel 4. Industrial Engineering 5. Marketing 6. Operations Research
ADVANTAGES OF CPA’S OVER OTHER PROFESSIONALS IN MAS PRACTICE They are already familiar with the client and his business, and enjoy the client’s confidence. They are members of a profession with recognized standing and are equipped with technical know-how in accounting and taxation. 3 BROAD STAGES 1. Analysis Stage 2. Design Stage 3. Implementation Stage MAS PRACTICE STANDARDS
All CPAs engaged in MAS practice should observe a set of MAS Practice Standards, which are classified into general and technical standards. These are as follows:
GENERAL STANDARDS 1. PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE 2. DUE PROFESSIONAL CARE 3. PLANNING AND SUPERVISION 4. SUFFICIENT RELEVANT DATA 5. FORECASTS TECHNICAL STANDARDS 1. ROLE OF MAS PRACTITIONER – the practitioner should not assume the role of management or take any position which may impair the practitioner’s objectivity in performing an engagement. 2. UNDERSTANDING WITH THE CLIENT – a written or oral understanding should be reached with the client concerning the nature, scope, and limitations of the engagements to be performed. 3. CLIENT BENEFIT – the MAS practitioner should obtain an understanding of the possible benefits the client wishes to achieve from the engagement before beginning the work. 4. COMMUNICATION OF RESULTS – the MAS practitioner should communicate to the client his principal findings, conclusions, recommendations, or other results of the engagements, including major facts and assumptions used, limitations, reservations, or other qualifications.
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Negotiating the engagement. Preparing for and starting the engagement. Conducting the engagement. Preparing and presenting the reports and recommendations. Implementing the recommendations. Evaluating the engagements. Post engagement follow-up. MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING VS. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING
MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING Internal users: officers and managers To provide internal users with information that may be used by managers in carrying out the functions of planning, controlling, decision-making, and performance evaluation. Different types of reports, such as budgets, financial projections, cost analysis, etc., depending on the specific needs of management. In preparing reports, the management of a company can set rules to produce information most relevant to its specific needs. Focus on reports is on the company’s value chain, such as business segment, product-line, supplier, or customer. Reports may cover any time periodyear, quarter, month, week, day, etc. Reports may be required as frequently as needed.
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING External users: stockholders, creditors, concerned government agencies To provide external users with information about the organization’s financial position and results of operations.
Primarily financial statements and the accompanying notes to such statements. Reports are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and other pronouncements of authoritative accounting bodies. Financial reports relate to the business as a whole.
Reports usually cover a year, quarter or month.
“Lack of loyalty is one of the major causes of failure in every walk of life.” -END-