Pakistan;s Foreign Policy

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Pakistan;s Foreign Policy


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1 . General Knowledge News Agencies of some countries

Current More then 1 50

2. General Knowledge


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3. Punjab Public Serv ice Commission PPSC Lahore

PPSC Past Solv ed Papers

PMS General Knowledge Paper 201 4

PPSC & all Apptitude Test Prepration Notes

4. All About Pakistan Information 5. PMS General Knowledge Of Holy Quran

Pakistan;s Foreign Policy

6. General Knowledge About All Districts of Pakistan Prov inces 7 . PMS General Knowledge Solv ed Practice Test 8. General Knowledge For PMS Who Ruled Pakistan & How Long 9. General Knowledge For PMS Important Cities and Riv ers of the World

Who is Who and What is What 1 . MOUNTAINS

Pakistan was born under inauspicious circumstances. As with all


other countries, Pakistan’s Foreign Policy is determined by the


inescapable facts of history and of geography and by special


influences which may be of transitory nature. In the words of P.A


Rey nolds, the Foreign Policy is defined as under:The range of actions taken by v ary ing sections of the gov ernment of a state in its relations with other bodies similarly acting on the international stage, in order to adv ance the national interests.


Foreign Policy consists of the ex ternal actions taken by decision


PMS Geographical

makers with the intention of achiev ing long-range goals and short-



term objectiv es. Action is constrained by the perceiv ed

1 0. General Knowledge For

1 1 . General Knowledge For

circumstances of the state, which includes its geography , its

PMS Popular names and

economy , its demography its political structure, culture and

Titles and Official Books

tradition, its military -strategy situation. But action is taken with

1 2. General Knowledge For

reference to other bodies (states) similarly acting on the


international stage, and is likewise constrained by their action. This


may be called the international env ironment of decision-makers.


PMS Country Name of





PMS Facts about Earth 1 3. General Knowledge For

1 4. East India Company

1 . Security , 2. Ideology 3. National Interests 4. Diplomacy 5. Public

1 5. PMS General Knowledge


Mcqs 1 6. PMS General Knowledge Compulsory Paper 1 7 . General Knowledge Mcqs Preparation Test

6. Decision making PRINCIPLES OF PAKSITAN’S FOREIGN POLICY 1 . Security 2. Ideology 3.National interests 4. Détente and peaceful relations . 5. Non alignment 6. Close relations with Muslim


countries 7 . Support f independence mov ements



Pakistan;s Foreign Policy

1 8. Islamic General

As a matter of fact, a la any other country , the logically primary

Knowledge , Information

influence on foreign policy of Pakistan lies in the goals that policy

About Quran

About Islam

seeks to achiev e. These are normally security , welfare, and

23. Hazrat Muhammad PBUH

1 9. Pakistan’s Foreign Policy

preserv ation or promotion of v alues. The search for security is

24. General Knowledge About Hazrat

20. Pakistan and China

perennial. All foreign policies of all states are basically influenced

Relationship 21 . General Knowledge of Pakistan MCQs for PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, BPSC and KPPSC 22. Sports General knowledge Cricket World Cup winners 23. Current Affairs MCQS 201 4- Name of Presidents 24. World General Knowledge

by it. For three centuries, for ex ample, French decision –makers sought to establish France’s eastern and north-eastern frontier on

26. Important Islamic History Ev ents

Christian West is containment of Chinese Communism, the main

27 . Important points of The Holy

concern of Muslim Pakistan, is the containment of militarist and militant Hinduism. The fact remains that Pakistan jointed the


interests against the future aggression of India.

30. Namaz

No state is autarkic, or self- sufficient, at least in the only sense that is politically relev ant. Ev ery state can be economically selfsufficient in the sense that the territory in question could support


whether of materials, or food, or markets, or capital, or technical

26. Important General Knowledge of The World Mcqs 27 . General Knowledge about

skills, do ex ist and the foreign policy of a state must endeav or to arrange their supply . Pakistan’s earnest inv olv ement in the international political arena has been mainly due to the fact that it wanted to make up its deficiencies in certain fields.

41 . Famous Islamic Battles


Our Foreign Policy is one of the friendliness and

Current Affair Mcqs

goodwill towards all the nations of the world We do not cherish aggressiv e designs against any

201 4 Names of Presidents

country or nation. We believ e in the principle of

of Countries

honesty and fairplay in national and international dealings. Pakistan will nev er be found lacking in upholding priciples of the United Nations’ Charter. (Quaid-e-Azam, Feb: 1 948)

Districts of Punjab 35. Information About Federally Administered Tribal Areas 36. Information About All Districts of Sindh 37 . Information About Azad Kashmir 38. Information About GilgitBaltistan

45. PPSC PAST Papers General Knowledge Questions

About World 46. World Records

Howev er the study of Ex ternal Policy of Pakistan ov er the last 50

48. 7 Wonders of the World

y ears of independence manifests that Pakistan’s geo-political

49. Inv entions and Inv entors

location on the world map and her strategic v ulnerability v iz-a-v iz

50. Important Facts of Worlds

India could not permit her to pursue that independent policy .

51 . Important Places Of World

Resultantly the foreign Policy of Pakistan has passed through the

52. Important Awards Of World

following sev eral phases of dev elopment, responding to the

53. Top 1 0 Languages of World

changing pattern of relationship with the big powers.

54. Highest Military Awards of World

2. Era of Allainces

Ex am

3. Era of Bilateralism 4. Era of Non-alignment

Practice Paper for

A critical analy sis of the foreign policy pursued in the last half of a

increase Knowledge

century transpires that Pakistan’s Foreign Policy has largely

Important Mountain


47 . World Records (Guniees Book)

Commission one Paper

About World Records

Islamic Studies

norms of International Law in the arena of international politics.

1 . Era of Neutrality

42. General Knowledge

44. Important Questions about

Pakistan to play a honourable role based on the principles and

for Public Serv ice

41 . General Knowledge Mcqs

Titles in Islam 43. Famous Muslim Scientists

The perusal of the abov e passage entails that the Quaid wanted

39. General Knowledge Mcqs

40. New Current Affairs Mcqs

Rashideen) 40. Famous Islamic Generals 42. Important Personalities and Their

A Critical V iew of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy and our Future Strategy :

34. Information About All

Books 37 . Important Angles

cause of Palestinians speak v olumes about our efforts in this

31 . General Knowledge and

Districts of Balochistan

36. General Knowledge-Heav enly

Pakistan’s membership of OIC and unswerv ing support for the just

30. General Knowledge Mcqs

33. Information About All

Places 35. Islamic Months of Y ears

39. Reign Of 4 Caliphates(Khulafa

28. General Knowledge about

32. Current Affairs MCQS

Fundamental of ISLAM 34. Important Islamic terms and

38. Ashra-e-Mubrashra

states has formed the cardinal principle of Pakistan’s foreign policy .

Asian Dev elopment Bank

33. Imortant Article of Faith and

v alues. Since Pakistan had come into ex istence in the name of Islam hence promotion of cordial and close relationships with the Muslim

29. General Knowledge about

31 . Zakat 32. Fasting (Roza)

Third among basic goals is the desire to preserv e or promote

Amnesty International Arab League

Quran 28. Al-Quran MCQs

CENTO, SEATO, etc in the mid of 1 950s largely to protect her

some number of people at some standard of liv ing. Deficiencies

Knowledge Mcqs


the Rhine. In the case of Pakistan If the main concern of the

information about All 25. Important Islamic

Muhammad PBUH Life 25. Wifies of Hazrat Muhammad

rev olv ed around a triangle of India , China and the U.S with the objectiv es to counter India, befriend China (an enemy of India), and serv ing the U.S interests 4. Era of Non-alignment

55. Important Geographical Lines of World 56. World Imortant National Day s 57 . Importnat Religions of World 58. Important Political terms and concepts 59. Important News Agency of the World 60. About UNO 61 . Organs of UNO 62. Important Specialized agency of the UNO



Pakistan;s Foreign Policy Passes of The World

43. General Knowledge Mcqs

A critical analy sis of the foreign policy pursued in the last half of a century transpires that Pakistan’s Foreign Policy has largely

Old & New Names Of

rev olv ed around a triangle of India , China and the U.S with the


objectiv es to counter India, befriend China (an enemy of India), and

44. Muslim Ruling History Mcqs Test 45. Sub-continent History Mcqs Test 46. General Knowledge , History of Pakistan Mcqs 47 . General Knowledge Important Sports Mcqs 48. Current Affairs Mcqs

serv ing the U.S interests as in the 1 960, 1 97 1 , 1 980s and in the aftermath of Sept: 1 1 , or seeking its inv olv ement through scare

63. World Country with Capitals & Currency 64. Famous Name of Places(Country )

About Pakistan 65. Basic Information About Pakistan

scenarios like the Bomb, Drugs and fundamentalism.

66. Districts of Pakistan

The future strategy of Pakistan in its foreing policy must be a shift


from traditional diplamcy to economic diplomacy as well as

68. The Largest in Pakistan

cultural diplomacy

69. The Longest and Tallest in

Relations with distant Godfathers are no substitute for bonds in the


region of a country ’s location. Pakistan can hav e the best relations

7 0. Mountain Passes in Pakistan

with the US, but if it loses out in its neighborhood , with hostility

7 1 . Chairman Senate and seats

form Iran and Afghanistan , distancing from Central Asia and a

Distibutions of Pakistan

Information About

cooling off with China , then it would end up undermining its core

7 2. Chief Justices of Pakistan

Countries of the World

interests. It is all the more essential for the success of the foreign

7 3. Pakistan Affairs

and their Presidents.

policy of Pakistan that it has to be rooted in domestic base which

7 4. Who is First in PAKISTAN

includes political stability , national consensus, sound economy ,


49. General knowledge and Information About

effectiv e deterrence and abov e all, quality of leadership.


Pakistan’s priority should be a Foreign Policy that has no

7 6. PAKISTAN Presidents


disconnect either with domestic politics or with regional realities.

7 7 . PAKISTAN Prime Ministers

Knowledge List of the

An effectiv e policy requires domestic stability and a national

7 8. Attorney Generals of Pakistan

Names of Ashra

consensus on issues.

7 9. State Bank Gov ernors of pakista


The upshot of the abov e account is that, the Gov ernment and

80. Army Chiefs of PAKISTAN

50. Islamiat General

51 . General Knowledge About Important Day s and Their Date of Celebration 52. Military Awards of The World 53. Names of Ummahat-ulMumnin-Mothers of the

people of Pakistan should remain on their guards, for in

81 . Federal Cabinet of PAKISTAN

International relations there are neither eternal friends nor eternal

82. Location of important Metalic

enemies, the only thing eternal is the National Interest. Thus it requires that through deft diplomacy , using innov ativ e and nov el means we must striv e to promote our interests and at the same time keep a triangular balance among the world giants i.e The U.S, The China ,and the E.U.


Believ ers. Urdu Mcqs for Science and Arts Educator Entry Test 201 4

55. General Knowledge Mcqs

Science and Arts Educator Entry Test 201 4 Urdu Mcqs

for Public Serv ice

The Punjab Employ ees Efficiency , Discipline and

Commission Ex am

Accountability PEEDA ACT

Mcqs for SI Written Test 57 . General Knowledge About Top 1 0 Languages of World 58. Pakistan Information Mcqs

1 97 3 84. Army ,PAF and Nav y Officer Ranks

About Science 85. Basic Geometry Math Defination 86. Important Units of Measurments

54. National Signs of Pakistan

56. World General Knowledge

and Non Metalic Minerals 83. Constitutional Amedments Since

87 . Basic Scientific Questions

Introduction to SOLO Tax onomy and its Psy chological basis Ev ery day Science Information About All V itamin;s Information About All Famous Riv ers of the World Information About Ghazwat of Islam Pakistan General Knowledge General Knowledge About Mountain Peaks , Mountain Passes, Glaciers, Deserts , Riv ers and Dams Mcqs Test Paper of Ev ery day Science

59. General Knowledge Top Ten Countries with The Highest Population 60. General Knowledge About Human Body 61 . General Knowledge Mcqs information About Capital and Currncy of Countries 62. Pakistan General Knowledge All Information About Paksistan 63. Federal Public Serv ice Commission FPSC CSS 201 4 Ex am Preparation Indo-Pak History Mcqs



Pakistan;s Foreign Policy

64. Federal Public Serv ice Commission FPSC CSS 201 4 Ex am Preparation General Knowledge Mcqs 65. Federal Public Serv ice Commission FPSC CSS 201 4 Ex am Preparation General Knowledge Mcqs 66. Federal Public Serv ice Commission FPSC CSS 201 4 Ex am Preparation General Knowledge Mcqs 67 . Federal Public Serv ice Commission FPSC CSS 201 4 Ex am Preparation World Organizations General Knowledge Mcqs 68. General Knowledge Mcqs Practice Test 201 3 69. General Knowledge: List Of District In Balochistan Pakistan 7 0. General Knowledge: List Of District In Khy ber Pakhtunkhwa 7 1 . General Knowledge Solv ed Mcqs Practice Test 7 2. Current Affairs Mcqs from CSS Past Paper 7 3. General Knowledge Solv ed MCQs Practice Test 7 4. Pakistan General Knowledge MCQs Solv ed Practice Test 7 5. General Knowledge Solv ed Questions for Science , Arts Educator Entry Test 201 3 Recommend by School Education Department 7 6. General Knowledge Solv ed Practice Test from PCS Past Paper 7 7 . The Worlds Top Airlines 7 8. General Knowledge Mcqs About World Important Day s 7 9. General Knowledge Mcqs Practice Test for PSC Ex am 80. General Knowledge Practice Test Mcqs 81 . Distinctiv e Name of The Countries(0) October 22, 201 3 82. General Knowledge MCQs 83. Current Affairs MCQs 201 3



Pakistan;s Foreign Policy

84. General Knowledge Sample Practice Test for PCS Ex am 85. Nobel Peace winner History 86. Useful General Knowledge Mcqs for all Ty pes of PSC Tests 87 . General Knowledge MCQS Practice Test for Public Serv ice Commission Ex ams 88. General Knowledge MCQs Practice Test 89. World Famous Battles History 90. Information About Mountains Ranges 91 . World Political Parties information 92. General Knowledge Questions 93. Currents affairs and New Gov t. Formation 94. MILITARY AWARDS 95. UNITS OF MEASUREMENT 96. News Agencies of some countries 97 . World Famous Parliaments 98. Country Capital Currency 99. National Game of World Countries 1 00. National Highway and Motorway in Pakistan 1 01 . Information About Quaid-e-Azam 1 02. PPSC Assistant Registrar Co-Operativ e Societies General Knowledge / PakStudies / Islamic Studies Paper 201 3 1 03. Information About World Countries 1 04. All About Pakistan Information Mcqs 1 05. Mcqs for Publice Serv ice Ex ams 1 06. Islamiat-General Knowledge Mcqs 1 07 . Important Mcqs Sample Paper for Public Serv ice Commission one paper Mcqs Ty pe Ex am 1 08. General Knowledge Paper Questions Of ASI Test 201 3 1 09. Information About



Pakistan;s Foreign Policy V itamins

1 1 0. Important Riv ers in the World 1 1 1 . Important Natural lakes 1 1 2. Important minerals & principal producing countries 1 1 3. All About Pakistan Information Mcqs 1 1 4. Important International And National Lev el Ev ents and Topics 1 1 5. SPORTS GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONS 1 1 6. General Knowledge Past Paper of PMS,CSS & PCS Ex am 1 1 7 . Short Questions of Gen.Knowledge,Ev erday Science,Computer Science, Obriv ations for PCS,PMS, & CSS Ex ams 1 1 8. Short Questions of Pakistan Studies and PakAffairs for PCS,CSS & PMS Ex ams 1 1 9. Mcqs of General Knowledge, English,urdu,Pakistan Studies & Islamiat From Past Papers of CSS,PMS & PSC 1 20. Important Topic of Pakistan Affairs , General Knowledge and Islamiat for PSC, PMS, & CSS Ex ams 1 21 . PMS , CSS, PSC General Knowledge Questions 1 22. General Knowledge MCQs For PSC & CSS Ex ams 1 23. Information About World Secret Agencies 1 24. Pakistan Riv ers Mcqs for PCS Ex ams 1 25. Mcqs About World Waterfalls 1 26. General Knowledge for Public Serv ice Ex ams 1 27 . News Agencies of the world 1 28. Information About Religions of the World 1 29. Facts about The Earth and Continents 1 30. World General Knowledge For Public Serv ice Ex ams 1 31 . World Solv ed General Knowledge For PSC Ex ams



Pakistan;s Foreign Policy

1 32. Sports General Knowledge For PSC Ex ams 1 33. World General Knowledge For PSC Ex ams 1 34. General Knowledge Mcqs for PSC Ex ams 1 35. Pakistan Quiz Questions with Answers(2) 1 36. World Smallest Largest Highest Records(0) 1 37 . General Knowledge Important Questions For The Prepartion PSC Ex ams 1 38. IMPORTANT ORGANISATIONS & PACTS 1 39. Information About Countries with Capital and Currency of South America 1 40. PPSC General Knowledge MCQS 1 41 . PPSC General Knowledge From Past Papers 1 42. Islamiat Mcqs Test 1 43. Pakistan Studies Mcqs Test 1 44. Islamic General Knowledge Information About Islam-Caliph 1 45. Six points of Shiekh Mujeeb-ur-Rehman 1 46. Major Ev ents in Islamic History 1 47 . MCQs for Pakistan Studies 1 48. Islamiat-General Knowledge Mcqs Preparation Test 1 49. Islamic Studies Mcqs Test 1 50. Important Info about Pakistan 1 51 . Islamiat basic knowledge MCQs 1 52. Pakistan Studies General Knowledge :: Important MCQs 1 53. Interesting Information About Quran 1 54. Pakistan General Knowledge :: Important Day s 1 55. Islamic Education KHULFA E RASHIDEEN Mcqs 1 56. Islamiat-General Knowledge Important Mcqs



Pakistan;s Foreign Policy

1 57 . Mcqs of History of Indo Pakistan 1 58. List of Sate Ministers of Pakistan 1 59. List of federal Ministers of Pakistan 1 60. Islamiat MCQs (Beginning Period of Islam in Arabian Peninsula) 1 61 . Pakistan History Important Political Ev ents from 1 940 to 1 947 1 62. Information About All Districts of Balochistan 1 63. Information About All Districts of Punjab 1 64. Information About Federally Administered Tribal Areas 1 65. Information About All Districts of Sindh 1 66. Information About Azad Kashmir 1 67 . Information About GilgitBaltistan 1 68. Pakistan History Mcqs Questions 1 69. Pakistan Studies Important Books and Writer,s Name Practice Test 1 7 0. Islamic Studies Mcqs for Lecturer Ex am preparation 1 7 1 . Pakistan Studies Mcqs Paper 1 7 2. Information About Pakistan Current Minister,s 1 7 3. Islamiat Some Important Mcqs 1 7 4. MCQs About Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH) 1 7 5. Information About Current Balochistan Prov ince Ministers 1 7 6. Information About Current AJK Ministers 1 7 7 . Information About Current KPK Prov ince Ministers 1 7 8. Information About Current Sindh Ministers 1 7 9. Information About Current Pakistan Federal Ministers 1 80. LIST OF PAKISTAN GOV ERNOR GENERALS



Pakistan;s Foreign Policy

1 81 . List of Chief Justice of Pakistan 1 82. All Information About Quran , Al-Quran MCQs 1 83. Islamiat MCQs for Public Serv ice Commission Lecturers’ Test 1 84. Pakistan Studies Mcqs for PCS, PMS , CSS Ex am Preparation 1 85. Federal Public Serv ice Commission FPSC Lecturer Pak Study Mcqs Paper for Written Test Preparation(1 ) January 22, 201 4 1 86. Federal Public Serv ice Commission FPSC Lecturer Pak Study Mcqs information About Pakistan 1 87 . Federal Public Serv ice Commission FPSC Lecturer Islamiat basic knowledge Mcqs for Written Test Preparation 1 88. Federal Public Serv ice Commission FPSC Lecturer Islamiat Mcqs for Written Test Preparation 1 89. Federal Public Serv ice Commission FPSC CSS 201 4 Ex am Preparation Islamiat Mcqs 1 90. Federal Public Serv ice Commission FPSC CSS 201 4 Ex am Preparation Islamiat important Mcqs 1 91 . Federal Public Serv ice Commission FPSC CSS 201 4 Ex am Preparation Islamiat Mcqs 1 92. Federal Public Serv ice Commission FPSC CSS 201 4 Ex am Preparation Islamiat Mcqs 1 93. Islamiat Mcqs Practice Test 1 94. Islamiat Solv ed MCQs 1 95. Pakistan Studies Mcqs , Basic Information About Pakistan 1 96. Pakistan Studies Mcqs , Basic Information About Pakistan 1 97 . Pakistan Studies MCQs Questions from Past Papers 1 98. Pakistan Studies MCQs Questions



Pakistan;s Foreign Policy

1 99. Islamiat Complete and Comprehensiv e Solv ed Questions For Science , Arts Educator Entry Test 201 3 Punjab School Education Department 200. Educators Science And Arts Entry Test 201 3 Islamiat Mcqs Questions 201 . Pakistan Studies MCQs for PSC Ex am 202. Information About Seats of Prov incial Assemblies of Pakistan 203. Islamiat Solv ed Practice Test from PCS Past Paper 204. Pakistan Studies Mcqs for PCS Ex am 205. Current Affairs Mcqs 206. Pakistan Studies Mcqs for Public Serv ice Ex ams 207 . Islamiat Mcqs for PSC,PMS, and CSS Ex am 208. Islamiat Sample MCQs Paper For Subject Specialist & Lecturer Public Serv ice Ex am 209. Islamic History Mcqs 21 0. Pakistan Studies and History MCQs 21 1 . Islamic Studies Important terms for PSC,PMS & CSS Ex am 21 2. Islamait Mcqs for Public Serv ice Commission Ex ams 21 3. Pak Study Mcqs for PCS Ex ams 21 4. Complete List of Names of Ummahat-ul-MumninMothers of the Believ ers. 21 5. Pakistan Affairs Mcqs for PCS Ex ams 21 6. INDO PAK HISTORY MCQS 21 7 . Interesting Facts about Pakistan 21 8. Important Books on Islamic History 21 9. Islamiat Important MCQs for CSS & PCS Ex ams 220. Islamiat Mcqs For PCS Ex ams 221 . Islamic History Mcqs For PCS & CSS Ex ams(1 ) May 5, 201 3 222. MCQs of Islamic History 223. First In Pakistan Questions Related Pak



Pakistan;s Foreign Policy History For Psc Ex ams

224. Pak Study MCQs for Psc Ex ams 225. Important Ev ents in the History of sub continent 226. Presidents of Pakistan Since 1 947 227 . Information About Muhammad Bin Qasim 228. ISLAMIC MCQS ABOUT PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) 229. PPSC Lecturer Paper of History 201 1 230. History Ev ents Pakistan Affairs for Public Serv ice Ex ams 231 . INFORMATIONS ABOUT PAKISTAN DAMS AND BARRAGES 232. Iformations About War of Independence 1 857 233. Information About Pakistan For PSC Ex ams 234. MCQS ABOUT QURAN 235. Pakistan Affairs Mcqs Test Preparation 236. Geo Strategic Importance of Pakistan 237 . Pakistan Affairs Objectiv es for All NTS and Public Serv ice Commission Jobs Test 238. Pakistan Affairs Mcqs Practice Test 239. Pakistan Affairs Solv ed MCQs of Past Papers 240. Pakistan Affairs Mcqs from Past Papers 241 . Pakistan Affairs Mcqs 201 4 242. Mcqs Of General Knowledge 243. General Knowledge Some Important Portals & their Founders 244. Science And Arts Educator Recruitment Entry Test 201 3 Islamiat General knowledge important MCQs 245. Educator Entry Test 201 3 General Knowledge Mcqs Questions 246. Current Affair important Mcqs 201 3 247 . International Day s by UN 248. Noble Prize List and Information Mcqs



Pakistan;s Foreign Policy

249. General Knowledge Mcqs

FOR PEDAGOGY/B.ed/M.ED QUESTIONS: 1 . B-ed Teaching Mcqs 2. Education MCQs 3. Main problems of Educational sector of Pakistan 4. Ed Computer MCQs Preparation Test 5. Lecturer Education Mcqs past Paper for Public Serv ice Commission Lecturer Ex ams 6. Ed Computer MCQs 7 . Education Mcqs Paper for Public Serv ice Commission Ex am 8. ed and B.ed Mcqs Paper For Teaching Jobs Test 9. PPSC Deputy Headmistress Mcqs Paper 201 4 1 0. Practice Test : Educators Entry Test, Pedagogy , Teaching Mcqs for the Preparation of Educator Recruitment 201 3 1 1 . Science And Arts Educators Entry Test, Pedagogy , Teaching Mcqs for the Preparation of Educator ESE, SESE, SSE 1 2. Science And Arts Educators Entry Test, Pedagogy , Teaching Mcqs for the Preparation of Educator ESE, SESE, SSE All Post 1 3. Science And Arts Educators Entry Test, Pedagogy , Teaching Mcqs for the Preparation of Educator ESE, SESE, SSE All Post 1 4. Science And Arts Educators Entry Test, Pedagogy , Teaching Mcqs for the Preparation of Educator ESE, SESE, SSE All Post 1 5. SOLV ED MCQS FOR HEADMASTERHEADMISTRESS EXAM, LECTURER EDUCATION, SS EDUCATION PAGE 6 1 6. SOLV ED MCQS FOR




1 7 . SOLV ED MCQS FOR HEADMASTERHEADMISTRESS EXAM, LECTURER EDUCATION, SS EDUCATION PAGE 4 1 8. SOLV ED MCQS FOR HEADMASTERHEADMISTRESS EXAM, LECTURER EDUCATION, SS EDUCATION PAGE 3 1 9. SOLV ED MCQS FOR HEADMASTERHEADMISTRESS EXAM, LECTURER EDUCATION, SS EDUCATION PAGE 2 20. SOLV ED MCQS FOR HEADMASTERHEADMISTRESS EXAM, LECTURER EDUCATION, SS EDUCATION PAGE 1 21 . Teaching Aptitude Practice Mcqs Test for Headmaster/Deputy Headmaster Ex am 22. PPSC Solv ed Mcqs Sample Paper of Headmaster Ex am 23. Cognition and Dev elopment for Headmaster/Deputy Headmaster Ex ams 24. PPSC Sample Mcqs Paper for Headmaster / Deputy Headmaster Ex am 25. Educational Assessment Mcqs for PSC Headmaster & Teaching Ex ams 26. Educational Curriculum Mcqs for Headmaster Ex ams 27 . School and Class Room Management MCQs For Headmaster Ex am 28. Educational Planning and Management Short Notes for Headmaster Ex ams 29. Short Notes for Headmaster Ex am in PPSC

FOR PHYSICS SUBJECT MATERIAL: 1 . Phy sics Mcqs Practice Test 2. Phy sics Mcqs Practice Test



Pakistan;s Foreign Policy

3. Some Important MCQs of Phy sics for NTS and PSC Ex am 4. MCQS of Phy sics for NTS , PSC Test 5. Modern Phy sics , Entry Test Mcqs 6. Phy sics Mcqs Paper for Public Serv ice Commission Ex am 7 . Muslim Scientists and their work , Al- Beruni 8. Muslim Scientists and their work , Ibn Rushd 9. Muslim Scientists and their work , Al-Baitar 1 0. Muslim Scientists and their work , Al-Idrisi 1 1 . Muslim Scientists and their work, Al Kindi 1 2. Muslim Scientists and their work Al Haitham 1 3. Muslim Scientists and their work ,Al-Razi 1 4. Muslim Scientists and their work Abu Ali alHussain Ibn Sina 1 5. Muslim Scientists and their work , Jabir Bin Hay an 1 6. CONTRIBUTIONS OF MUSLIM SCIENTISTS 1 7 . Phy sics Mcqs Practice Test 1 8. Phy sics Mcqs for PSC Ex am 1 9. Phy sics MCQs for Public Serv ice Commission Lecturers’ Test 20. Scientific studies of v arious fields 21 . Sample and Past Paper of Phy sics for Lecturer PCS Ex am 22. UNITS OF MEASUREMENT 23. Phy sics Mcqs Practice Test 24. Phy sics Mcqs Practice Test 25. Ev ery day Science Mcqs Scientific Instruments 26. Ev ery day Science Mcqs Units of Measurment 27 . Phy sics Mcqs for Lecturer & Subject Specialist Ex ams 28. Phy sics Mcqs Paper For BPS 1 7 Ex ams



Pakistan;s Foreign Policy

29. Phy sics Mcqs For Lecturer & Subject Specialist Ex ams 30. Phy sics Mcqs for Subject Specialist & Lecturer

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