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National law institute university, Bhopal
Project on
India and the idea of secularism
Political science i
Amit dubey
DR raka arya
2013 B.A.ALL.B.45
assistence PROFESSOR( pol. Sc.)
3rd Trimester
Table of content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Acknowledgment…………………………………………………03 Introduction……………………………………………………… 04 Meaning of secularism…………………………………………….05 Indian idea of secularism………………………………………….06 Western idea of secularism………………………………………..07 India as a secular state……………………………………………07 Secular principles of the Indian Constitution…………………….08 Conclusion………………………………………………………..12 Bibliography………………………………………………………13
Acknowledgment I am very glad that I got an opportunity to learn and imbibe so many things while making this project. It helped to a great extent in developing researching skills which are very important for a student of law. First and foremost, I would like to Dr.Raka Arya for giving us this opportunity and always being such a great support. Secondly, I would like to thank my friends and family who are always there for me and without whom I won’t be successful in achieving anything in life.
Thank you
Introduction India has been declared a secular state by its written constitution and it is every Indians duty to stand by and believe in this declaration. And yet recent political and social events have questioned this declaration. Is India a secular country only on paper or does secularism actually exist in India; or is in the form of pseudo- secularism, a term the BJP and its allies seem to repeatedly harp on. Now days, it has been a debatable point whether India is a secular state in its true sense or not. In light of the recent happenings and the state’s interference with the religious affairs of the country has made it more complex. Before every elections, be it general election or any state election, it has become trend to appease a “particular” community in name of their development and thus all parties trying to mobilize that community. In name of the secularism, the politics of appeasement is being played and none can question it because India is a secular state. But the here question arise is that whether in India the secularism is practiced in its true sense or is only a tool of the exploitation of a particular community. The prime minister of our country says that the Muslims have the first right over the country’s resources, or the other leader says that all Muslims are progeny of Hindus and thus should consider themselves as Hindu. And at the same time grass violation of fundamental rights is being done in name of the secularism and state is unable to prevent them. The demand of Uniform Civil Code1 by a section of political arena has also been ignored by the secularists and thus the very fundamental constitutional principle of equality 2 has been ignored. The emergence of extremist group has also questioned India’s secular principles. Today, the biggest challenge to the Indian nation is coming from forces claiming to represent the mainstream majority. There is an emergence of extremist voices that claim to speak for Hindus and they are laying down demands that threaten the very idea of a secular India. The biggest area of concern is that the state has emerged to be complicit, as an actor and player in mounting this challenge to Indian pluralism, which goes under the name of Hindutva3.
. A uniform civil code administers the same set of secular civil laws to govern all people irrespective of their religion, caste and tribe. 2 A legal principle as a result of the great French revolution, which means all are equal and should be treated equally before the law irrespective of their caste, creed, class and religion 3 A word coined by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, is the set of movements advocating Hindu Nationalism. According to a 1995 Supreme Court of India judgement (in Manohar Joshi v. Damodar Tatyaba @ Dadasaheb Rupwate [(1991) 2 SCC 342] ) the word Hindutva could be used to mean "the way of life of the Indian people and the Indian culture or ethos
Meaning of secularism A term used for the first time about 1846 by George Jacob Holyoake to denote "a form of opinion which concerns itself only with questions, the issues of which can be tested by the experience of this life4". More explicitly, "Secularism is that which seeks the development of the physical, moral, and intellectual nature of man to the highest possible point, as the immediate duty of life — which inculcates the practical sufficiency of natural morality apart from Atheism, Theism or the Bible — which selects as its methods of procedure the promotion of human improvement by material means, and proposes these positive agreements as the common bond of union, to all who would regulate life by reason and ennoble it by service5". And again, "Secularism is a code of duty pertaining to this life founded on considerations purely human, and intended mainly for those who find theology indefinite or inadequate, unreliable or unbelievable6. Oxford dictionary defines it as “not connected with religious or spiritual matters” while Marriam-Webster dictionary defines it as “indifference to or rejection of exclusion of religion and religious considerations”. The term Secular derives from the Latin word saecularis meaning of a generation, belonging to an age. The Christian doctrine that God exists outside time led medieval Western culture to use secular to indicate separation from specifically religious affairs and involvement in temporal ones. This does not necessarily imply hostility to God or religion, though some use the term this way. Martin Luther used to speak of "secular work" as a vocation from God for most Christians Secularity is best understood, not as being "anti-religious", but as being "religiously neutral" since many activities in religious bodies are secular themselves and most versions of secularity do not lead to religiosity. Secularism is an assertion or belief that religious issues should not be the basis of politics, and it is a movement that promotes those ideas (or an ideology) which hold that religion has no place in public life. According to Pt Jawahar Lal Neharu7, secularism does not mean absence of religion, but putting religion on a different plane from that of normal political and social life. Secularism is a principle that involves two basic propositions. The first is the strict separation of the state from religious institutions. The second is that people of different religions and beliefs are equal before the law. In political terms, secularism is a movement towards the separation of religion and government (often termed the separation of church and state). This can refer to reducing ties between a government and a state religion, replacing laws based on scripture (such as the Torah and Sharia law) with civil laws, and eliminating discrimination on the basis of religion. This is said to add to democracy by protecting the rights of religious minorities.
English Secularism, 60 Holyoake; Principles of Secularism, 17 6 English Secularism,35 5
Jawaharlal Nehru 1983: 330-331
Indian idea of Secularism Indian idea of secularism can be traced as early as in writing of Vedas and thus is as old as the Human civilization. The Vedic idea of Advait or non-dualism is the basis of Indian secularism which says that “the truth is one; sages call it by various names8”. This is what has made Hinduism as the most tolerant religion in the world. India has been practicing secularism in its sacred form since time immemorial. The Indian idea of secularism is based on the principle of “sarva dharma sambhav” that all religions are equally true and the goal of all religions is same i.e. moksh or salvation. None are bad; all are good so respect all’s. But in India, the state has never been free from religion, it has always been considered as a part of state and politics. The king has always been bound by his Rajdharma 9and has always been considered as a novel authority. The promotion of dharma (law, duty, morality, and religion) was regarded as the foremost aim of the state. The king was expected to encourage piety and virtue and to aid religious institutions. Government was not based on dogma, and considerable impartiality was evidenced in the treatment accorded the various sects. Nevertheless, the religious orientation was very pronounced. The conception of dharma in relation to the state indicated that the latter was ultimately tied up with the final goal of existence. The broad mind-set of Indian people with regard to religion has made India great. The idea of “vasudhaiv kutumbkam10” and “sarve bhavantu sukhinah11” reflects the deep rooted Indian idea of secularism. This basic trait of Sanatan dharma is what keeps India together despite the fact that India has not been a mono-religious country for over two millennium. A Hindu Nationalist school of thought also proclaims that with Sanatan Dharma being the spirit of India, the very concept of western secularism is redundant and badly imposed. By giving refuge to Israeli Jews when they were being persecuted by their native race in Israel, India set an example of religious tolerance in as early as 2nd century BC12. Besides Jews, India has given shelter to many other sects, be it Tibetan Buddhists or Bahais.
Moreover, in ancient India the state has been free from all types of pure religious activities. Though, he (king) was bound by his rajdharma and was guided by Amatya or Purohit, the state, unlike England, has never been an instrument in hands of priest and has always been free from religion. In fact, in India, dharma has been understood as “sacred duty prescribed 8 9
Ekam satvipra bahudha vadanti, rigveda 1:164:46 Duty of a king or ruler prescribed by law.
ayam bandhurayam neti ganana laghuchetasam I udaracharitanam tu vasudhaiva kutumbakam || V.3.37 of Panchatantra (3rd c. BCE), 11
Sarve bhavantu sukhinah, Sarve santu niramayah, Sarve bhadrani pashyantu, Ma kaschit dukha bhag-bhavet.
Let all be happy. Let all be free from disease. Let all see the Truth. May no one experience suffering. Brihadaranyaka Upanishat 1.4.14 12
Ralphy Jhirad , “The Heritage of Bene Israel of India”;
by God”-“dharyati yasya dharmah” which can be adopted. A conception of the two Powers the temporal and the spiritual existed from earliest times, and was supported by a divinely ordained social order. The Kshatriya alone was responsible for the governance of state and Brahmin was supposed to be priest13. Though the Brahmin was spiritually superior to Kshatriyas, his superior position gave him no direct authority in matters of government. This tradition supports one aspect of secularism.
Western idea of secularism The secular state had its origin in the West. The rise of Christianity led to the problem of Church and the State. From the beginning Christianity recognised the basic duality: the temporal and the spiritual. However, the Christians' loyalty to the state came into conflict with the loyalty to the church. The first great step towards the freedom of religion was taken with the issue of the Edict of Milan (312 AD) which said: “Liberty of worship shall not be denied to any, but that the mind and will of every individual shall be free to manage divine affairs according to his own choice.” The history of secularism in the western world is very old. In the Medieval period, when the divine theory of state came the state was considered as inseparable from religion and thus, the administration of state came under the authority of church. At that time, king was considered as the messenger of god where it was said that “obey the king means obey the god”. But after the renaissance of west, authority of church over the administration of state was challenged. And after the industrial revolution and rise of capitalism, the notion of secularism came into being. Thus the Western concept of secularism developed in the last two centuries. This was the period of Capitalism and was started with the goal of removing any obstacle in the way of the growth of Capitalism. Religion and spirituality were considered impediments towards the unbridled growth of Capitalism because they promoted the values of moderation, austerity, humility, and restraint. These qualities prevent people from becoming good consumers. Capitalism needs the exact opposite values to be successful: extravagance, arrogance, selfishness, and greed in order to make people better consumers. Therefore from its inception, Capitalism has tried to attack religion and spirituality under the pretext of promoting secularism. Capitalism used hypocrisy and double standards towards religion. In the Capitalist countries, Capitalism cut the power of the Church by insisting on the separation between the state and the church. However in the colonial countries it lined up with Christianity to colonize other countries. The colonialists conquered other countries with a sword in one hand and a bible in the other.
India as a secular state With the recent socio-political development in country, the question has been raised, and becomes inevitable, about the secular nature of our country. On 26th January 1950, India i.e.
Rigveda (Purushsukta) X:90
Bharat became a sovereign, democratic republic 14and since then it has ensured the fundamental rights of its citizen. In 1976, by the 42nd constitutional amendment, the word “secularism” was introduced in our constitution and India became a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic15 and thus the very fundamental right of “religion16” was made clearer than ever. But every now and then, the question with regard to secular nature of Indian state has been raised by certain section of society and many attempts were made to address the issue, but it never could be addressed in its pure sense. Be it the demolition of Babri Mosque or 1984 Sikh riots or Godhara and its post happening of 2000 in Gujrat. The political game is being played by various interest groups and things are being manipulated in their favour. The politics of appeasement is in its zenith, and the communal forces are playing with the emotions of people. The secular model of Indian state has been questioned, and the demand for declaration of India as a “Hindu state” is being raised. But, in spite of all this, India remains united at every time, and is still being cherished. The Judiciary has been very clear in this matter and every time, it has come forward to protect the fundamental rights of its citizen with keeping mind the constitutional principle. Finally, the conclusion can be drawn about the secular nature of Indian state that so far the result has not been very good but the hope is still there. Sometimes it has been able to protect the rights of minorities and sometimes it has ignored the interest of majority. But still, it has been able to keep its unity in diversity.
Secular principles of the Indian Constitution On 15th of August 1947, India got independence, and on 26th January 1950, as its preamble declares, it became SOVEREIGN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. And also ensured number of Fundamental rights to its citizen irrespective of their caste, creed, gender and place of birth with a strong enforcement agency i.e. Supreme Court and High Courts and enforcement of the same itself was made a fundamental right17. Besides it, it provides a long list of directive principles 18and number of democratic principles, like liberty, equality and justice and thus ensured rights of every individual. The concept of secularism as embodied in the Constitution of India cannot be viewed in the sense in which it is viewed in the West, but in the context of the following provisions of the Constitution: the Constitution guarantees freedom of conscience, freedom to profess, practice and propagate religion and also freedom to establish religious institutions and manage or
Preamble, constitution of India 42nd constitutional amendment, Preamble of the constitution of India. 16 Article 25, Constitution of India. 17 Article 32 of Indian constitution-right to constitutional remadies. 18 Part IV of Indian constitution 15
administer their affairs19. It prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion 20and guarantees equality to all by providing for equality before law and equal protection of laws 21, prohibiting discrimination with regard to places of public importance and providing for equal opportunity in matters of public employment22. The Constitution also guarantees religious minorities the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice and to conserve their script, language and culture23. The provisions would naturally indicate that the Constitution of India endeavours to build up in India the philosophy of secularism on freedom, equality and tolerance in the field of religion. And viewed in this context it is clear that tie Constitution does not build a wall of separation between the state and religion. The essence of secularism is that the state is nonpart ion in its relations to citizens, no matter to whatever religion bier belong Thus, the distinguishing features of a secular democracy as contemplated by the constitution are: (i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)
that the state will not identify itself with or be controlled by any religion; That while the state guarantees to everyone the right to profess whatever religion one chooses to follow (which includes also the right to be an agnostic or an atheist), it will not accord any preferential treatment to any of them; that no discrimination will be shown by the state against any person on account of his religion and faith; That the right of every citizen, subject to any general condition to enter any office under the state will be equal to that of his fellow citizens. Political equality which entitles any Indian citizen to seek the highest office under the state as opposed to what is found of secularism as envisaged by the Constitution.
Although the term secularism was not in the original text of the Constitution, secularism was a subject of animated discussion when the Constituent Assembly look up for consideration the provisions dealing with the freedom of religion. Explaining the secular character of die Indian Constitution the Supreme Court observed: "There is no mysticism in the secular character of the state. Secularism is neither anti-God nor pro-God; it treats alike the devout, the agnostic and the atheist. It eliminates God from the matter of the state and ensures no one shall be discriminated against on the ground of religion. The basic outlines of the secularism are enshrined in the following Articles of the Constitution: 1. Preamble: It is true that the word 'secular' did not first occur either in Article 25 or 26 or in any other Article or Preamble of the Constitution. By the Constitution (42nd Amendment) 19
Article 25-30, constitution of India Article 15, constitution of India 21 Article 14, constitution of India 22 Article 16, constitution of India 23 Article 30, constitution of India 20
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Act, 1976, the Preamble was amended and for the words 'Sovereign Democratic Republic' the words 'Sovereign, socialist, secular, Democratic Republic' were substituted. 2. No State Religion: There shall be no 'state religion' in India. The state will neither establish a religion of its own nor confer any special patronage upon any particular religion24. It follows from that: 1. The state will not compel any citizen to pay any tax for the promotion or maintenance of any particular religion or religious institution25. 2. No religious instruction shall be provided in any educational institution wholly run by state funds. 3. Even though religious instruction be imparted in educational institutions recognised by state or receiving aid from the state, no person at lending such institution shall be compelled to receive that religious instruction without the consent of himself or of his guardian. In short, while religious instruction is totally banned in state-owned educational institutions, in other denominational institutions it is not totally prohibited but it must not be imposed upon people of other religions without their consent26. 3. Freedom of Conscience: Every person is guaranteed the freedom of conscience and the freedom to profess, practise and propagate his own religion, subject only: 1. To restrictions imposed by the state on the interest of public order, morality and health (so that the freedom of religion may not be abused to commit crimes or antisocial acts, e.g., to commit the practice of infanticide, and the like); 2. to regulations or restrictions made by state relating, to any economic, financial, political or outer secular activity which may be associated with religious practice, bill do not really related to the freedom of conscience; 3. to measures of social reform and for throwing open of Hindu religious institutions of a public character to all classes and sections of Hindus. Subject to above limitations, a person in India shall have the right not only to entertain any religious belief but also to practise the obligations dictated by such belief, and to preach his belief to others27. 4. Freedom to Manage Religious Affairs: Individual will not have only right to pro fess, practise and propagate his religion, there is also the right guaranteed to every religious groups or denominations: 1. to establish and maintain institutions (or religious and charitable purposes. 2. to manage its own affairs in matters of religion; 3. to own and acquire movable and immovable property; and 4. to administer such property in accordance with law 28. In Ayodhya Case the Supreme Court has summarised the true concept of secularism under the Constitution as follows:
Dr Durga Das Basu, constitution of India Article 27, constitution of India 26 Article 28, constitution of India 27 Article 25, constitution of India 28 Article 26, constitution of India 25
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"It is clear from the constitutional scheme that it guarantees equality in the matter of ail individuals and groups irrespective of their faith emphasizing that there is no religion of slate itself. The Preamble of the Constitution read in particular with Article 25 to 28 emphasizes this aspect and indicates that it is in this manner the concept of secularism is embodied in the constitutional scheme as a creed adopted by the Indian people has to he understood while examining the constitutional validity of any legislation. The concept of secularism is one facet of the right to equality woven as the central golden thread in the fabric depicting the pattern of the scheme in our constitution". It is amazing that some Christian leaders assert that the word 'propagates' in Article 25(1) gives them a fundamental right to convert people of other faiths into Christianity, by any means. The Supreme Court while examining the MP and Orissa Acts in 1977 held that "if any such right to convert be conceded, such right would belong to every religion, so that there would inevitably be a breach of public peace if every religious community carried on a campaign to convert people belonging to other faiths, by the use of force, fraud, inducement or allurement , therefore, constitutionally authorized to maintain public order by prohibiting and penalizing conversion (including attempt to convert) if force, inducement or allurement was used by the person-on- persons advocating conversion in any particular case". Moreover, in its preamble, which has been declared as a part of the constitution 29, the principle of secularism has been endorsed. “Liberty, of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship30” And thus constitution has given liberty to every citizen to profess any religion.
29 30
Keshavnand Bharti v UoI AIR 1973 SC 1461 Preamble, constitution of India
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Conclusion This strength of the Hindu religion is now viewed as a weakness. Secularism in the Indian context should imply respect for pluralism and a non-coercive and a voluntary recourse to change. Respect for diversity not only embodies the democratic spirit, it is the real guarantee of unity. We should value democratic, not fascistic, unity. No democratic society can downgrade diversity and pluralism in the name of unity. Secular ethics can be strengthened only when the acts of vandalism are sternly dealt with and the guilty are made to pay for it. With secularism that insists on the inalienable rights of the citizens and a due process of law, it will be easier to mount public pressure against sectarian killers and those who promote hatred. The battle of secularism and democracy has also to be fought at the grass root levels where a set ideals generating strong idealism is required to mobilize and prepare the masses for struggle. Secularism has to play a decisive role at present stage of Indian democracy. It is so because today when the Indian democracy seems to face the challenge of narrow divisive trends and tendencies, a rational and scientific approach which is the basis of secularism has become a matter of utmost importance. Communal disturbances which have distinguished the public life in the recent past, as well the birth and growth of narrow and divisive trends and obscurantist theories are mainly the result of ignorance can be fought not by legislation alone, nor by a negative fiat alone, but by education, and in the process of educating the traditional Indian mind, secularism and all that it stands for the political leaders have to play an important role.
In the end, secularism begins in the heart of every individual. There should be no feeling of "otherness" as we all have is a shared history. India being a traditional society that contains not one, but many traditions owing their origin in part to the different religions that exist here, has so far managed to retain the secular character of its polity. Ours is a society where Sufis and Bhakti saints have brought in a cultural acceptance for each other. Are we going to let it all go to waste and listen to people who have concern for their careers as politicians or leaders rather than our welfare at heart? Let us instead concentrate our efforts at making India a powerful and progressive nation.
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Bibliography V.N.Shukla, constitution of India Durga Das Basu, constitution of India Radhkrishnan, Indian philosophy vol.I and II Holyoak, principle of secularism Secularism in India-a brief study by Kamaluddin Khan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secularism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secularism_in_India