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Post Space • The length of the canal was determined with a radiograph
• Sized reamers determined the Twin Luscent size to be used
• Post space (length) was created by removing the gutta percha with a Pathfinder then a Luscent Reamer
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Anchor Placement • Twin Luscent Anchor was tried into the canal and length verified
• Canal was etched for 15 seconds
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Rinsing and drying the canal • Canal was rinsed using an endodontic irrigation syringe with water
• Canal was dried with a large paper point
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Adhesive application • A 4th-generation adhesive was used with a separate primer and adhesive resin in the root canal
• The adhesive must be either a dual cure or self-cure adhesive compatible with a dual-cure or light-cure composite resin cement
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Cementation of Twin Luscent • Twin Luscent Anchor painted with adhesive
• Dual-cure composite resin cement syringe into the canal with a Needle Tube
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Anchor placement • Twin Luscent Anchor seated into the root canal and cemented Note, twirling motion used in seating the anchor
• Light cure for 60 seconds
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Preparation for all-ceramic crown • The Twin Luscent Anchor was cut
down to the level of the access with a diamond on a high speed handpiece Restoration of the access and Class 3’s with composite resin. Note, no discoloration of gingiva with Twin Luscent Anchor
• Preparation for an all-ceramic crown
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All ceramic crown cementation • Preparation etched for 15 seconds, rinsed and dried
• Dentin primer painted on preparation
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All ceramic crown cementation • Dual cure adhesive painted on preparation
• All-ceramic crown cemented with dual-cure composite resin cement
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Final all-ceramic crown • Excess cement removed; crown light cured for 30 seconds on facial surface, 30 seconds on lingual surface
• The final restoration, highly esthetic and translucent
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